LegaL notiCe - Allen Advocate
LegaL notiCe - Allen Advocate ALLEN ADVOCATE VOLUME 66 NUMBER 23 ALLEN, PONTOTOC COUNTY , OKLAHOMA 1 SECTION (USPS 543600) 50¢ THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2013 Allen Does Well at County Show Sixteen Allen FFA and 4-H students had animals that made the Premium Sale at this past weekend’s County Livestock Show. Making the Sale were (front, left to right) Alyssa Maloy, James Barlow, Caden Howard, Kathryn Brown, Sam Brown, Colten Howard, Taylor Tollett and Kinlee Cundiff; (middle) Shelby Merriman, Britten Wallace, Meagan Beavert, Miranda Raney and FFA Advisor Tyler Spencer; and (front) Jessi Merriman, Tyler Jarrett, Jesse Rinehart and Tanner Jarrett. Allen FFA and 4 -H students participated this past weekend in the 2013 Pontotoc County Junior Livestock Show, held Thursday thru Saturday, February 28th thru March 2nd, at the Agri -Plex in Ada. A total of seventeen Allen animals were selected for the Premium Sale (up from fifteen last year), giving Allen the third most premium sale animals in the county. FFA placings were: David Barlow - 2 nd Place Class 4 Duroc Barrows Jessi Merriman - 1st place Class 5 Crossbred Barrows Shelby Merriman - 2nd place Class 7 Does Jesse Rinehart -2 nd place Class 9 Does, 2 nd Class 5 Does Rush Black - 1st place Class 4 Hampshire Barrows Tanner Jarrett -6th place Class 1 Steers Tyler Jarrett - 8th place Class 1 Steers Miranda Raney - 1st place Class 2 Yorkshire, Breed Cam- pion Yorkshire Barrow Britten Wallace - 2nd place Class 6 Wether Goats Meagan Beavert – 1st place Class 1 Hampshire Sheep, 1st place Class 1 Natural Sheep, Reserve Breed Champion Natural Brittnie Johnson - 3rd place Class 5 Hampshire Barrows Erin Warren - 4th place Class 2 Suffolk Sheep, 4th place Class 3 Hampshire Sheep 4 -H placings were: Jensen Peay - 1st place Class 1 Poland Barrows, Breed Champion Poland Barrow Colton Howard - 1st place Duroc Barrow Class 1, 3 rd place Hamp Barrow Class 4, Breed Champion Duroc, Jr. Swine Showmanship Winner Caden Howard - 1st place Class 1 Berkshire Barrows, Breed Champion Berkshire Barrow Coleten Griffith -2nd place Duroc Barrow Class 2, 7 th Place Hamp Barrow Class 4 Brayden Griffith - 1st place Duroc Barrow Class 2 Trent Fronterhouse - 7th place Cross Barrow Class 1, 9th place Cross Barrow Class 4 Meysa Dohlman - 4th place Hamp Barrow Class 3, 6th place Hamp Barrow Class 5 Madison Dohlman - 3rd place Duroc Barrow Class 1, 6 th place Cross Barrow Class 4 James Barlow - 1 st place Class 4 Duroc Barrows Taylor Tollett - 3rd place Market Goat Class 4 Alyssa Maloy - 2 nd place Market Goat Class 4 Taylor Johnson - 3rd place Class 6 Wether Goats Rylan Black - 4th place Class 3 Does Madalen Clifford - 1st place Class 1 Doe Goats Emma Peay - 4th place Duroc Barrow Class 2, 4th Place York Barrow Class 2, 7th place Doe Goat Class 5 Sam Brown - 1st place Class 2 Wether Goats Kathryn Brown - 5th place Market Goat Class 5 Kinlee Cundiff - 1st place Class 4 Doe Goats Area youngsters need to get their baskets ready for the annual Easter Egg Hunt.This year’s event, sponsored by the Allen Chamber of Commerce, will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday, March 23rd, in the Allen City Park. Rain date for the Buck Gilmore Memorial Egg Hunt will be Saturday, March 30th. All children in grade 3 and younger are invited to participate. Students in Kindergarten thru 3rd grade will hunt in the south half of the park; Pre-K students and pre-schoolers will be hunting in the northern half of the park and each child in this division will be allowed to have one adult assist them. Steak raffle to benefit baseball team Pictured above are Allen Student, Matthew Frazier, and Magic Valentino Willis, of Harlem Swish Basketball.Story page 11. The Allen Baseball Boosters are raffling $200 of steak from the Allen Food Center.Tickets are available at the Food Center or from Booster member Todd Conley (580-320-0763).Cost is $2 each or 3 for $5 The drawing will be held at the Allen/New Lima game on Tuesday, March 12th.You do not need to be present to win. The AHS Baseball Team and Booster Club would like to thank the Allen Food Center for their generous donation. C ountry Comments THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013- PAGE 2 by Bill Robinson, Publisher I always enjoy finding news stories from days gone by. Recently I found an article from 1951. Some of the names will be very familiar to many of our readers . . . . NOTICES The baccalaureate sermon will be held Sunday, April 29. We are hoping for a big crowd. The seniors’ commencement will be Thursday night, May 3. The seventh and eighth grades will sing at the graduation. The boys will sing “Mr. Shaddy” and the girls will sing “An Irish Lullaby.” We are all very happy Rev. Gilbert Pixley will give the sermon at the baccalaureate. GOSSIP Whose ’40 Ford goes up to Jo-Ella’s all the time—tell us, Jo . . . Whose horse does Kathryn Lawson anxiously await to pass her house? Could it be C.E.’s . . . Delores Fields and Lonnie Raney are still lovers—but who is trying to break them up? . . . WHAT HAPPENS IN STUDY HALL? Earlene Glass and Sid Veazey sit together, but Mrs. Priest disturbs that . . . Louise Battershell eating candy and trying to give Eugene Johnson a bite—but he won’t take it. ON THE BALL FIELD! Loretta Tallett wanting to go down and play baseball—was it because of J.B. McBryde? . . . Buddy Lawson coming up to the girls’ diamond—could it be because of Ruby Ingram . . . Buddy Groves trying to slip out of study hall to the girls’ diamond—was it because of Edwinna Hendrix? GRADUATION The eighth grade girls will wear formals and ballerina shoes and the boys will wear white shirts, dress slacks and neckties. The seniors will graduate in caps and gowns. The seniors’ valedictorian was Margaret Baucom and Doris Summers was salutatorian. Eighth grade valedictorians are Wanda Harris and Louise Battershell. Freddie Don Poe is salutatorian. —CC— For several years I had some rental property. It proved to be more of a “challenge” than I wanted to deal with so I left the rental business . . . forever. I learned that many tenants do not enjoy paying their rent. Here are a few of my favorite reasons tenants gave landlords for avoiding it . . . • “With my daughter’s graduation, our new boat, and our trip to Europe this year, we’re a little strapped.” • “I’m getting real tried of paying this rent every month! You’ll have to wait a few more days.” • “We’re a little short right now. But don’t worry – we’re getting a refund on my wife’s tattoo. The artist messed it up and we’re getting back most of the bucks!” • “I didn’t pay the rent because I’m saving up to move.” • “It’s your fault the check bounced. Why didn’t you tell me you were going to run to the bank the very same day!” —CC— Remember how our teachers would not let us chew gum, during class? Recent tests show that if they had allowed us to chew gum we would have done better on our tests. I might even have been valedictorian . . . probably not, now that I think about it. Here is the recent report . . “ University students who chewed gum before taking a series of tests performed significantly better during the first half hour of testing than a control group who didn’t chew gum, a study published in the journal Appetite found. Numerous studies have examined the cognitive benefits of chewing gum but results varied, possibly due to methodological difference, researchers said. This study focused on the optimum time to chew gum. Two groups of students in Canton, New York, one with 80 people and one with 79, completed five cognitively demanding tasks, each in the opposite order. Approximately half the subjects in each group chewed either sugar-fre or sugar-added gum for five minutes in time to a metronome set at 60 beats per minute. The other half served as the controls. Gum chewers in both groups significantly outperformed controls on five out of six tests administered in the first 20 minutes of testing, but there was no difference in performance after 30 minutes. Sugar content had no effect. A separate experiment involving 65 new students found there was no benefit to chewing gum throughout the entire testing LEPA Custom Car Audio “We can make it Rock” Call Seth Parker (580)298-7500 or (580)857-2284 27996 State Hwy 1E • Allen • 2.5 miles W of Allen on Hwy 1 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013- PAGE 3 Country Comments session. Chewing gum may enhance performance by increasing cerebral blood flow, but performing difficult tasks and chewing gum simultaneously can be cognitively demanding and may explain the time-limited benefits, researchers said.” So, if you want to improve your performance . . . chew more gum! —CC— How many of you have heard of “Bronies?” They originated in Berkeley, California . . . which is no surprise to anyone . . . Fifteen young men in this hotbed of activism gathered at an Indian restaurant on a recent Sunday and made an appeal: Could the waiter please switch the TV from the news to “My Little Pony”? Then the men heaped their plates with curry and clustered around tables to absorb the Pony cartoon, share trivia about the characters and play show-and-tell with the various plastic Pony toys they had brought along. Meet the self-described “bronies.” The object of the bronies’ fascination is “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,” a remake of a 1980s animated TV show for preadolescent girls featuring plucky, candy-colored equines. After the show launched in October 2010, video clips began appearing on 4chan, a website that largely draws geeky, techsavvy guys. Before long, the bronies were born. They started holding local get-togethers, from Seattle to Brooklyn, where they recognized each other by the paper Pony cut-outs tucked in their shirt pockets. They’d discuss the latest shenanigans of Ponies with names like Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. Some bronies say they got hooked on the high-quality animation. Others felt they identified with the four-legged stars that flaunt luxurious, pony-tail like manes. “The characters aren’t one-dimensional,” said 15-year-old Christian Leisner, a brony in the Berkeley group. “They have flaws, they have backgrounds they’re ashamed of.” Bronies—a mash-up of “bro” and “ponies”—established a quarterly New York convention, called BroNYCon, this year. They’ve spawned at least two Pony-themed websites and enjoy a thriving subculture of artists whose creations include Ponyinspired music and their own writings about Twilight Sparkle and the gang. Jessica Blank, a 32-year-old computer programmer who is BroNYCon’s organizer, says people inevitably ask her whether the bronies—three-quarters of whom are male—are gay. “Actually, the overwhelming majority are straight,” she says. Bronies say their hobby has nothing to do with their sexuality or gender. “I don’t care about showing to the world that I am masculine,” says Jason Subhani, a 19-year-old college student in Astoria, N.Y. A Pony poster on his bedroom wall mingles with images of heavy-metal icons. At the recent informal Berkeley gathering, Quinn Johnson, an 18-year-old freshman at the city’s University of California campus, showed a Rubik’s cube he had customized with homemade “My Little Pony” stickers. Michael Boveda, a 16-year-old high-school junior, proffered a plastic Pony carefully transported in a plastic food container. “I didn’t want to ruin the hair,” he explained. The group included four “Pegasisters,” as the small minority of female bronies sometimes call themselves in this male-dominated world. Voices escalated, and Ohad Kanne, a 27-year-old studying videogame design, crossed to the TV and turned up the volume on “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” It wasn’t supposed to be this way. When Hasbro Inc. and Discovery Communications Inc. revived the “My Little Pony” franchise on a new television network called The Hub, an executive told investors the remake was for “the three- to six-year-old girl and her mom, who has fond memories of ‘My Little Pony’ from her childhood.” The Ponies confront knotty challenges—such as an invasion of adorable but hungry insects called Parasprites—and report to a ruler named Princess Celestia about the life lessons they learn. This is the sort of thing discussed at Equestria Daily, a brony website with links to such enthusiast-pleasers as free Pony coloring books. Shaun Scotellaro, its 23-year-old founder, says he cut back on his community-college classes to run the site out of his parents’ house in Glendale, Ariz., and has since become a cult hero. “Growing up, ‘My Little Pony’ was basically on my list, being a boy, of things I’d probably hate,” says Mr. Subhani, the college student from Queens. Then he found the remake, he says, and “before I knew it, I was going on Equestria Daily more than any other news website.” Mr. Subhani tried to get his rock-band mates to play some Pony-inspired covers. They declined, so he formed a new band of bronies called Neighslayer, in which he plays guitar-heavy renditions of such “My Little Pony” songs as “Art of the Dress.” The show’s producers have caught on to the phenomenon. This September, “My Little Pony” supervising director Jayson Thiessen was a special guest at BroNYCon, which drew The Allen Advocate PO Box 465 - Allen OK 74825-0465 (580)857-2687 • e-mail [email protected] Dayna Robinson - Owner The Allen Advocate (USPS 543600) is published weekly each Thursday at 101 S Easton, Allen, OK 74825 POSTMASTER Send address changes to The Allen Advocate, PO Box 465, Allen, OK 74825 tia is a heavenly white, but the toy is cotton-candy pink. So the bronies frequently buy unofficial merchandise from each other, including treasures such as pipe-cleaner Ponies. Leaving the Berkeley gathering, bronies discussed loved ones’ reactions. “My sisters say, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ “ said Mr. Kanne, who wore a Pony T-shirt. “Luckily, we have this community that understands.” — Vauhini Vara & Ann Zimmerman Wall Street Journal —CC— And finally, my “Favorite story of the week” from Aimee Kent . . . My 12-year-old daughter asked me, “Mom do you have a baby picture of yourself? I need it for a school project.” I gave her one without thinking to ask what the project was. A few days later I was in her classroom for a parent-teacher meeting when I noticed my face pinned to a mural the students had created. The title of their project was “The oldest thing in my house.” 300 bronies to a studio in Chinatown. Mr. Thiessen, 33, addressed a raucous crowd of men, Neighslayer performed and the guy in the best Pony costume won an award. Later, Mr. Thiessen wrote on Twitter that the enthusiasm “completely floored me!” In an email, a Hasbro spokeswoman said of the bronies: “From what we’ve seen, they are a small group of ‘My Little Pony’ fans who don’t necessarily fit what one might expect to be the brand’s target audience.” Sales of “My Little Pony” merchandise are growing, says Hasbro, which declined to provide figures or comment on who, exactly, is buying the stuff. The Hub Chief Executive Margaret Loesch said she is aware of the show’s strong following among young males, but says the majority of adult viewers are still overwhelmingly female. “I think part of why it resonates is the funky, flying mystical creatures,” she says. “The combination of plenty of action and heart gives it broad appeal.” Some bronies disdain Hasbro’s Pony figurines, which they find too commercial and not “show-accurate.” A pet peeve: On TV, Princess Celes- Gary’s SEPTIC TANK PUMPING • Holdenville, OK • (405)379-3798 • (405)221-6650 ONE DAY ONLY! IN STORE: MONDAY, MARCH 11TH, ALL DAY LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED FAMILY&FRIENDS % % PREVIEW EVENT ALL DAY- SUNDAY, MARCH 10TH 15 10 EVERYONE GETS AN EXTRA OFF EVERYONE GETS AN EXTRA ‡‡ Buy online. Pick up in store. Online Code: SAVENOW OR OR IN POINTS MEMBERS CAN CHOOSE 20% IN POINTS * * Buy online. Pick up in store. Online Code: MEMBERS Buy online. Pick up in store. 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Online offers may vary. ‡‡ 1101 LONNIE ABBOTT BLVD ADA, OK 74820 PHONE: 580.332.8763 HOURS: M-F: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sat: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sun: 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM HTS MARCH WK2 0311 FF BW ISH THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013- PAGE 4 Threads of Life by Cleo Emerson LeVally Lent begins on March 13 and ends with Holy Week just before Easter. Lent is observed each year by many churches. The Spiritual Worship and Spiritual Growth Commission of one of the Oklahoma Churches asked me to write a devotional to be used on one of the days of the Lenten Lent season. The devotion I wrote for this series is entitled, A Symbol of God’s Devotion and reads as follows: New Career Opportunity: Customer Service Agent iQor is one of the largest and most respected providers of business process outsourcing services in the world. Our team of 17,000 employees is headquartered in New York, and supported by 39 Centers of Excellence worldwide located in the United States, Canada, China, India, Mexico, Panama, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom. As we continue to grow, so does our need for exceptionally talented personnel. When you become part of our iQor family, you’re not just accepting a job but an invitation to further advance your career and build leadership skills for the future. Beyond financial stability, competitive benefits, and best-in-class training with cutting-edge technology, we offer excellent compensation. As a true pay-forperformance organization, your career path and compensation are clearly defined by your work productivity and drive to succeed. OVERVIEW OF POSITION We are currently looking for Customer Service Agents for our Ada Center of Excellence. This position is with IRT, a proud member of the iQor team of Companies. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES The key responsibilities for these positions are as follows: • Answering product questions and servicing accounts while handling a high volume of incoming calls in a fast-paced environment • Tactful and customer service oriented and have the ability to handle challenging situations professionally and calmly QUALIFICATIONS • Type 20 WPM • Ability to navigate the web • Must have HS Diploma or GED • Must have proven and consistent work history • Sales experience a plus Apply now at Take our online survey and get hired TODAY! If you have questions regarding this posting please contact 580-272-9200. 3700 IRT Dr, Ada OK (take Kerr Lab Rd to IRT Dr) iQor is an EEO/AA employer. M/F/D/V God’s light shines upon us each moment of every day and we are never more aware of it than when we look at nature and contemplate all that He had created. I have a tree in my back yard that to me represents the true nature of God. When this tree began to sprout in my yard, it was in an unwanted location. I cut it off; mowed over it time and time again and tried in every way to destroy it. It would sprout up year after year. One year it got past my efforts and began to grow. And grow tall it did. It became a great tree. I look at it now and realize my tree represents our life and what we are. That tree never did give up. It grew straight and tall. The trunk is large, straight and strong. In the lifetime of a person, we don’t give up. We survive cuts and bruises, knocks of every kind and we survive all these things that come our way. Mostly we keep growing straight and tall like that tree. I look at it and realize what a perfect thing God did when He created man. Yes. God created a perfect creature in human form. We abuse our body and mind in every way while on this earth, yet someday we will meet him in perfect form. Prayer: Dear God, please help me to be aware of your Spirit every moment of my life and I pray that you will never withhold the light of Your presence from me and mine. Service Thursday for Bert Barnes Bert Leroy Barnes Jr. passed away on March 2, 2013 in his home in Gerty, Oklahoma. Bert was born on July 22, 1957 to Bert Leroy Barnes Sr. and Peggy Lorine (Pardue) Barnes in Belleflower, California. Bert is preceded in death by his father Bert Barnes Sr. and a daughter Brandy Koontz. He is survived by his wife Diane Barnes of the home; three sisters Amanda Goodman of Allen, Neita Spears of Coalgate, and Brenda Breger; his mother Peggy Breger of Coalgate; two daughters Bridget Lindsey of Allen, and Mallory Barnes of Byng; one son Buddy Lee Barnes of Allen; two stepsons John Clement and Jake Gibson; one nephew Matthew Goodman of Allen; one grandson Sedrick Lindsey; one grand daughter Jaiden Lindsey; two step grandchildren, Alexz and Adler Gibson; one great niece Maelyn Goodman; and one great nephew Dyllan Goodman. Funeral services for Bert will be at 2:00 PM Thursday, March 7th, at the Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home Chapel in Holdenville with Rev. Ed Rutherford officiating. Interment will follow at the Allen Cemetery in Allen. Pallbearers will be Buddy Lee Barnes, Mike Allison, Matt P. Goodman, Matt Wilson, Tiny Blaylock, George Cramer, Willie Sanford and Terry Johnson. Services are under the direction of Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home of Holdenville, Oklahoma. Service held for Nancy O’Neill Memorial services for Nancy Annice Ballard O’Neill, 65, of Allen, were 12:00 noon Wednesday, March 6th, at the Criswell Funeral Home Chapel, Rev. Tony Folger officiated and Wayne McQuaid assisted. Mrs. O’Neill died Saturday, March 2, 2013 at her home. She was born June 23, 1947 in Ada, Oklahoma to Bowie C. Ballard, Jr. and Nancy Jane Petitti Ballard. She attended Ada City schools and graduated from Ada High School in 1965. She married Timothy John O’Neill on June 28, 1994. Tim and Nancy lived on their ranch in Allen where they raised and showed cutting horses. She was also a homemaker and previously had been a flight attendant for Delta Airlines. Mrs. O’Neill was a member of the First Baptist Church in Ada. Survivors include her husband, Timothy O’Neill, of the home; two daughters, Amber Annice McCurdy and her husband Byron of Ada, and Katy Book and her husband Jobie, of Prairie Grove, Arkansas; three sons, Jason Lee Smith, Savannah, Georgia, Patrick O’Neill and his wife Jill, Ada, and James O’Neill and his wife Jennifer of Edmond; two brothers, Wayne McQuaid and his wife Peggy, Houston, Texas, and Chad Ballard and his wife Sherri of Bethany; two sisters, Loretta Feiler and her husband Chris of Ada, and Mary Jon Ballard of Ada; her grandchildren, Jordan and Morgan McCurdy, and Taylor and Mikayla Smith; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents. The family says those who wish may make memorials to the Cowboy Crisis Fund, P. O. Box 243, Fittstown, OK 74842. Arrangements were under the direction of Criswell Funeral Home, Ada. THREE SISTERS Spring Celebration MARCH 18-23 NEW! VILLAGE GARDEN Plant and learn the secret of the Three Sisters (the ancient practice of planting corn, beans and /-1/$ŏ0+#!0$!.ĩŏđŏŏ%2%*#ŏ%/0+.5ŏ!."+.)*!/ŏ+"ŏ ėŏĘŏđŏ. !*%*#ŏ%,/ŏđŏ%((#!ŏ+1./ŏđŏ0%'((Čŏ.$!.5ŏ Ēŏ0$!.ŏ)!/ŏđŏ."0ŏ!)+*/0.0%+*/ŏđŏ$%'/3ŏ*#1#!ŏ đŏ$%'/3ŏ.!//ŏ++'ŏ%#*%*#ŏđŏ+2%!/ŏđŏ!3ŏ"hŏ0!)/ŏ* ŏ+.! Service held for Bruce Johnston čŏċġċŏāĀŏ ġ Ć ŏ ŏ đ ŏ ċ ŏ ā Ă ġ Ć ŏ ā Āŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ ġăĆ ŏ ŏ ŏ đŏ Ć ĉ Ā ġ ć Ă Ă ġĈ āă Ā $%'/31(01.(!*0!.ċ+)ŏđŏ$%'/3ċĥ1(01.(!*0!. UNI_CNC_N13_OPA_QPBW_March.indd 4 2/26/13 2:41 PM BUYING MINERAL INTERESTS TOP DOLLAR • BUYING MINERAL INTERESTS TOP DOLLAR • StoneLand, LLC $$ Tiffany Cooper, Landman [email protected] Phone (405)203-8055 • Fax (405)562-3503 $ $ We Buy Mineral Interests - E-mail us or give us a call! BUYING MINERAL INTERESTS TOP DOLLAR • BUYING MINERAL INTERESTS TOP DOLLAR • Services for “Bruce” Jacky Dale Johnston, 69, of Stratford, were held Wednesday, March 6th, 2:00 p.m., at the First Baptist Church in Stonewall; Revs. Larry Hawkins and David Fortner officiated. Burial followed at Dolberg Cemetery. Mr. Johnston died Sunday, March 3, 2013 at a Shawnee hospital. He was born May 29, 1943 in Lula, Oklahoma to William Edward and Alice Davis Johnston. He graduated from Stonewall High School. He married Phyllis Ann Potter on April 24, 1986 at Gainesville, Texas. Mr. Johnston was a tool fisherman for Weatherford Petco Entera and had served in the U. S. Air Force as a Military Police and dog-handler. Survivors include his wife, Phyllis Johnston, of the home; three daughters, Linda Wade and her husband Lee, Sulphur, Vonita Scott of Stratford, and Tammy Eldred, Tennessee; a son, Moe Eldred and his wife Tonya, Tecumseh; two brothers, Tanner Johnston and wife Lorice, Ada, and Tommy Johnston and wife Vicki, Stonewall; a sister, Judie Dull and husband Richard, Panama City, Florida; his grandchildren, Heather Pettit, Tennessee, April Kestner and husband Kevin, Tennessee, Chelsea Pettit, Konawa, Tiner Day, Stratford, Shelby Eldred and her fiancé, Montana Carson, Tecumseh, Hannah Spencer, Sulphur, Colby Eldred, Tecumseh and Lillie Spencer, Sulphur; and his motherin-law, Juanita Tiner, Gaar Corner. Bearers were the Stonewall High School Class of 1961. Arrangements were under the direction of Criswell Funeral Home, Ada. One Pharmacist’s View THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013- PAGE 5 BoBBy Dale Newport SaveS the hutchiNS Chickens Blending In I pushed the button on the poolside elevator and as I went in, this chicken went with me.We both turned and faced the door, waiting for it to close.When we got to my floor, the chicken got off with me and disappeared down the outside hallway.She seemed to know where she was and I asked no questions.I decided then and there I was going to be keeping a close eye on the chickens in Key West.Perhaps they were reincarnated humans getting another chance for life down in Florida.I was at the Doubletree Hotel at the time about 9 years ago.I remember it well because it had a rather large pool out back, elevators that opened to the outside, and that chicken. I told myself I didn’t drive all the way to Key West to look at chickens and tried to put their odd behavior out of my mind. After that I tried not to notice the chickens that seemed to be all over Key West.The next day, try as I might, I couldn’t help but notice them. At an outdoor restaurant two joined us for lunch. Before I could shoo her away a curious hen had hopped up into the adjoining chair, straining her neck to see what I was eating.Signs around the place advised us “Please don’t feed the chickens”I didn’t.I asked the scowling waiter what the deal was on the chickens. He replied, “I hate them but down here the idiots have passed a law protecting them.We can do nothing.” The waiter was right. The people of Key West are idiots. It seems that several years ago someone brought chickens to Key West and then just turned them loose.Pretty soon chickens were just wandering all over the place and Key West residents ignored them — for a while.Finally the city council passed an ordinance to deal with the problem and hired a chicken catcher.For one thing, the city fathers failed to realize that chickens not only have rights but they have feelings too. Liberal thinkers started harboring the fugitive chickens and said “Chickens don’t like being denied the right to walk the streets and to exist.They didn’t like having their feelings hurt and or to be killed and eaten.”Besides, after a month at work the “catcher” had only caught two chickens and had them in his back yard—not knowing what to do with them. on an elevator.I guess it lived there. Have a good week and be The city fired him and some- ate this outrageous violation sure and do a good deed for of chicken rights but I underone let the two chickens out. a chicken this week. By all In two years the chickens stand a meeting of “Save the means be sure and attend your had, again, doubled in popula- Chickens” will convene next church this Sunday. tion and the city decided “No Wednesday in the dining area Wayne Bullard, DPh more Mr. Nice Guy.”A new of the local KFC.Meanwhile, waynebullard@sbcglobal. and faster chicken catcher was I saw the “hotel” chicken once net put to work.But what do you more before checking out and do if with them if you can’t heading north.She was getting kill ‘em or eat ‘em.A prison camp was provided, goals set and a plan was underway.The plan?A census was taken and 1/4 Mile East of Allen Quick Pic - Hwy 1 a population cap placed on the (580)857-2991 Cell (580)421-5936 chickens by the “Nazi-like” poOpen 8 to 5 Monday - Thursday • 9 to 1 Friday & Saturday lice of Key West.A minimum of 200 roosters and 500 hens February Special would be rounded up by GeCall for stapo chicken police annually Appointment and the hapless chickens would be loaded up and hauled away. But to where?Labor camps? Murdered?No.The chicken police haul them to a secret place on the mainland where they are supposedly going to live out their lives in luxury and freedom.It remains to be Tim Costner, D.V.M seen if the liberals will toler- Allen Vet Clinic Dog Spay & Neutering Discount Prices!!!! 2 WEEK LONG SPECIAL Thursday through Thursday $5.50 Cheeseburgers Light from God’s Word Mark Legg, Allen church of Christ If you turned on the TV last week, you surely saw news about a man called “the Pope” who resigned. Pictures were shown of himblessingpeople,people bowing to him and others, kissing his hand (or his ring).Commentatorsspoke ofhimbeingthesuccessor of the Apostle Peter. Didanyonestoptoquestion that if he was Peter’s successor,whydidhenotdo asPeterdidwhensomeone bowedtohim?Peterlifted himup,saying,“Stand up; I myself am also a man.” (Acts 10:26) Of interest is thefactthatevenanangel forbid the Apostle John frombowingandworshippinghim.HetoldJohn,“I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.”(Rev22:9) If“thepope”isasuccessor totheApostlePeter,whyis herequiredtobecelebrant when Peter was married? (Matt8:14)Hassomething changed since the days of theinspiredApostles?And, if so, who had the authoritytooverruletheinspired Apostles who were guided into all truth by the Holy Spirit?(John16:13) Also,therewasreporting aboutthePope’sredshoes. DidtheApostlePeterwear redshoes–justwondering! Have you ever read anythingintheScripturesabout theApostle Peter having a successor?Haveyouever wondered where the idea camefrom?Maybeitcame frommenratherthanJesus or His inspired Apostles! When we hear of such religious activities, let’s do astheScripturescommand and “Test all things; hold fast what is good.” (1 Thess 5:21) Make your financial future a priority. Taylor P Howard Financial Advisor . 1500 Hoppe Blvd Suite 11 Ada, OK 74820 580-436-1632 Hamburger Meat .................................$2.84 BBQ Ribs side ........................................$15.50 BBQ Bologna lb........................................$6.65 Smoked Black Oak Sausage lb .........$4.62 Smoked Brisket lb.................................$3.60 Smoked Pork Loin lb ............................. $4.13 Homemade Chili ......................................$3.59 Don’t forget our famous Jerky mild - hot - spicy black pepper - BBQ Store Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon - Fri Closed Saturday & Sunday Don’s Lazy S Jerky Allen Industrial Park • Highway 1 • Allen, Oklahoma (580)857-1133 Visit our web page www. Ask About Refilling Prescriptions online at License Plates $9.99 All Mustang Jewelry $5.99 Allen 200 N Easton • Allen (580) 857-2492 Dave Campbell, Pharm. D. COMMUNITY PHARMACY Allen Rural Family HEALTH CLINIC 200 N. Easton • Allen • (580)857-1300 Walk-ins Always Welcome!!! Monday 8 to 4 • Tuesday 9 to 4 • Wednesday 9 to 4 • Thursday 8 to 4 • Friday 8 to 12 New Office Hours beginning July 18: Member SIPC $5 Hamburgers THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013- PAGE 6 Lady Mustagns launch Softball season Is Your Broker Giving You the Cold Shoulder? Coach Jeremy Strong welcomes 20 Allen girls to 2013 Allen High School roster By HERMAN BROWN Allen correspondent After a couple of early delays, the Allen High School slow-pitch softball season in now underway. Coach Jeremy Strong returns to lead the Lady Mustangs for the 2013 spring campaign. The ‘new’ softball coach is happy to be back with the softball program. “I coached softball for three years when I first came here,” he said. “Kelly Hudson was coaching it until this year. She did a really good job but decided to stay home to take care of a newborn baby. That’s why it came open again. I thought since I was coaching girls’ basketball, I might as well make it all-girls coaching At Edward Jones, the level of service you receive depends on your personal needs and preferences, not on the size of your investment portfolio. If you’d like to experience exceptional personal service, consider Edward Jones. We offer solutions for all your financial needs. Get to know us. Call today to schedule a free portfolio review. Peggy L Allen Financial Advisor . 112 North Broadway Holdenville, OK 74848 405-379-7024 Member SIPC for me. We’ve had fast-pitch all along, but Allen has only been playing slow-pitch for the past two or three years.” Coach Strong led the fall campaign of fast-pitch a few months ago. His current journey into slow-pitch will be a major change in the style of play. “It is completely different,” he said. “But it is also the same in a lot of way. We’ll just build on what we learned in fast-pitch … and the carry that on into the next fast-pitch season. We will work on defense because we’ll have to make a lot more plays in slow-pitch. That is the biggest thing we will see in the spring Robinson Family AUTO ur o y or f e r cles a c t We vehi & ou e d i s in SALES ASE Certified Technician on Duty See us for: • Oil Changes • Tires • Flats Fixed • Detailing COUPON $20off All Transmission Flushes WITH THIS COUPON We know you will be happy with our Sales & Service Come by and see us!! Let our helpful sales staff show you around our large selection of late model, pre-owned cars and trucks ROBINSON FAMILY AUTO SALES 400 E. Highway • Holdenville, OK 74848 OPEN Mon - Fri 8 to 6 & Sat 8 to 12 noon 405-379-3169 (next to McDonald’s in Holdenville) We sell with pride & service with integrity season.” Offensively, Coach Strong will look to a pair of proven softball players to spark the hitting attack. “Erin Warren and Sandra Howshar have the most experience,” he said. “I would expect those two girls to lead our offense.” Warren and Howshar are among the half-dozen returning starters for the Lady Mustangs. Other returning starters include: Shelby Merriman, Jessi Merriman, Meagan Beavert and Savanna Brown. There are at least four nonstarters returning for the spring season. That group includes Brittney Johnson, Tessa Black, Rio Jones and Britten Wallace. More depth will be provided by the freshmen members of the squad, including Heather Erickson, Hannah Johnson, Casey Deatherage and JoDee Miller. “I believe we will have close to 20 girls on the roster,” Coach Strong said. “We should be able to play varsity and junior varsity games and get everyone into the games to get experience.” Despite having quite a few returning starters and reserves, Coach Strong still has quite a few decisions to make on starting positions. “We were schedule to start playing already,” he said. “We had some girls going to the county livestock show and then we got the bad weather. So I am still looking at things and trying to figure out our lineup.” Monday provided the first on-the-field practice this spring. “We had not been outside until Monday,” the coach said. “We played catch inside but were not able to practice until Monday. It’s so early but I really liked what I saw from them. We have good chemistry and they joke around with each other and have fun. But, at the same time, they are competitive and want to out-do each other. I like that about them. They push each other and that will make us a much better team.” The softball season was set to begin on Tuesday. The Lady Mustangs were hosting the Stratford Lady Bulldogs in the AHS softball field on SH 48 a halfmile outside of town. Game 2 arrives Thursday when Coach Strong and Assistant Coach Leslie Costner take the Allen squad to Roff to battle the Lady Tigers. --2013 LADY MUSTANG SOFTBALL Tosha Deatheridge Sandra Howshar Ashley Cross Jessi Merriman Meagan Beavert Taryn Wofford Erin Warren Shelby Merriman Savanna Brown Brittney Johnson Tessa Black Rio Jones Britten Wallace Heather Erickson Hannah Johnson Casey Deatherage Jodee Miller 2013 Allen Lady Mustangs Slowpitch Softball March 1 Wanette (Maud) 4 Maysville 5 Stratford 7 Roff 11 Calvin (Indianola) 12 Asher 14-16 RWB Conf Tourney 26 Vanoss 28-30 Tourney April2 Stratford (Davis) 5 Stuart 5-6 Wanette JH Tourney 8 Vanoss 9 Stratford 11-13 Moss Tourney 15 Wanette 16 Stonewall 18-20 Districts 25-27 Regionals May2-4 State There There Home There There Home Vanoss There Stonewall There There Here There Home Home 4:00 2HS 4:30 1JH/1HS 4:30 1JH/1HS 4:00 1JH/2HS 4:00 2HS 4:30 1JH/2HS TBA 4:00 1JH/2HS TBA 6:30 2HS 4:00 2HS TBA 4:00 1JH/2HS 4:30 1JH/1HS TBA 4:30 1JH/1HS 4:00 1JH/2HS TBA TBA TBA 2013 Allen High School Baseball March 1-2 Atoka Tourney Atoka 4:00 7,5 4 Konawa There 4:00 7,5 7 Weleetka There 4:00 7,5 8 Tupelo There 4:00 7,5 12 New Lima Home 4:00 7,5 14 Stuart There 4:00 7,5 15 Stonewall There 4:00 7,5 18 Vanoss, Colbert Home 12:00 7,7 19 Weleetka Home 1:00 7,5 21 Asher There 4:00 7,5 22 Coleman Bricktown Ballpark 4:00 25 Konawa Home 4:00 7,5 26 Holdenville/Little Axe Holdenville 3:00 7,7 28 Vanoss There 4:00 7,5 April1 Tupelo Home 4:00 7,5 2 Stratford Home 4:00 7,5 4-6 Stuart Tourney Stuart TBA 8 Roff Home 4:00 7,5 9 New Lima There 4:00 7,5 11 Moss Tourney Moss TBA 15 Moss Home 4:00 7,5 18-20 Districts TBA TBA 22 Asher Home 4:00 7,5 25-27 Regionals TBA TBA May2-4 State Tourney Mustangs look for improved defensive play Coach Stephen Caldwell can correct.” Holdenville took advantage takes helm of Allen baseball of the half-dozen miscues and program eight walks to come away By HERMAN BROWN with a 13-5 run-rule victory. Allen correspondent The contest was ended in the Allen High School coach fifth inning with the Mustangs StephenCaldwellwillbelook- on the short side of an 8-run ing for improvement on de- deficit. fense when the Mustangs hit Allen took a 1-0 lead in the field Thursday afternoon the top of the first inning. However, the edge evaporated inWeleetka. when the Wolverines exploded “We’vegotto doabetterjob inthefield,”thefirst-yearAHS for 3 runs in the bottom of the head coach said. “I’m happy first inning and 7 more in the withouroffense.Iknowitwill second inning. The blue-andget better and better with the gold outburst put HHS on top morebatsweget.Ourpitching 10-1. The Mustangs plated a willcomearoundtoo.Butwe havetogetbetterondefense. second run in the third inning Thatisgoingtobeourfocus to trail briefly 10-2. The as we move along with our Wolverines answered with a tally in the bottom of the third schedule.” Allen will test all phases of frame to push ahead 11-2. the game against the Outlaws. Two more Holdenville runs The Mustangs will then visit followed in the fourth inning T Tupelo Saturday for 12 noon to expand the advantage to 13-2. game. Allen bats then went to work “We have played just one game so far,” Coach Caldwell in the top of the fifth inning. said. “We have a lot of The Mustangs generated baseball ahead of us. We need three runs to close the gap to work hard to improve in all to 13-5. However, AHS was phases of the game. But, after retired while still trailing by what we did at Holdenville, I eight runs. The spread was believe our focus should be on enough to secure Holdenville the 8-run-rule victory in five playing better defense.” innings. In the opener Monday, Allen Allen finished the contest suffered six errors against the hosting Holdenville with 5 runs on 6 hits and made 6 errors. Holdenville Wolverines. “That’s too many errors,” countered with 13 runs on 7 the AHS skipper said. “But hits and made 3 errors. LaneMillsledtheMustangs’ we know it is something we Allen School Menu Week of March 11th Monday Breakfast—ChoiceofCerealorPancakes,Syrup,AssortedJuice, ChoiceofMilk Lunch — Submarine Sandwich, Lettuce & Pickle, Hamburger, BakedBeans,FreshFruit,RomaineSalad,MilkVariety,Catsup,YellowMustard,Mayonnaise Tuesday Breakfast—ChoiceofCerealorBiscuits,PepperedGravy,Assorted Juice,ChoiceofMilk,Jelly Lunch—ChiliCheeseConey,ChickenPattySandwich,TaterTots, ChilledFruitCup,RomaineSalad,MilkVariety,Catsup Wednesday Breakfast—CerealVarietyorOatmeal,CinnamonToast,Assorted Juice,ChoiceofMilk Lunch—LasagnawithGroundBeef,ChickenStrips,GarlicBread, GreenBeans,RomaineSalad,ChilledFruitCup,MilkVariety Thursday Breakfast—ChoiceofCerealorCinnamonRolls,AssortedJuice, ChoiceofMilk Lunch — Burritos, Baked Potato withToppings, Refried Beans, FreshFruit,RomaineSalad,Milk Friday Breakfast—ButteredToast,CerealVarietyorBiscuits&Gravy, AssortedJuice,ChoiceofMilk,Jelly Lunch — Pizza, Chef Salad with crackers, Baked Potato Soup, Carrot-Raisin Salad, Ranch Dressing, Fresh Fruit, Romaine Salad, MilkVariety NOTE: Secondary students will be offered choice of menu, pop tarts or yogurt for breakfast; choice of lunch menu or Baked Potato entrée daily. 6-hitattack.Millswas2for3at theplatewithapairofsingles and drove in 2 runs. Tommy Peaywas1-for-2with2singles andscoredtwice.ConnerJohnsonwas1-for-3andalsoscored twice.TreyStickwas1-for-3 withasingleand1runscored. ThirkielWedlowroundedout theoffensewithasingleona 1-for-2showing. Coach Caldwell used two Mustangs in mound duty at Holdenville. Tommy Peay was the opening day pitcher. The freshman right-hander was saddled with the loss followingastintof1and2/3 innings.Peaywastouchedfor 7runson2hitsand5walks. Herecordedapairofstrikeouts duringhisouting. TreyStickwaspressedinto relief duty in the second inning.Theseniorright-hander worked the mound over the final2and 1/3innings.Stick surrendered6runs,5hitsand 3 walks while striking out 1 batter. “Our pitching will come,” Coach Caldwell said. “I feel OK about that part of our game.And,asIsaid,ourhittingwasnottoobadforitbeingthefirstgame.The6errors didnothelpandthat’swhywe want to see improvement in thatarea.” CoachCaldwellwastheassistant baseball coach under JeremyStrong.WhenCoach Strong moved over to the softball program, an openingappearedatthetopofthe program. “I am happy to do this,” Coach Caldwell said. “I will be working with Greg Sanders, our assistant coach. We willhavetheteamworkingto improveinallareas.Butitis realearlyandIthinkwe’llbe justfine.” --ATAGLANCE March 4 @ Holdenville Holdenville 13, Allen 5 Allen-10103–(5-6-6) Hold-3712x–(13-7-3) --Allen Pitching: TommyPeay(loser) TreyStick(nodecision) --Allen Hitting: Conner Johnson, 1-3, 2 runs scored ThirkielWedlow,1-2 LaneMills,2-3,2RBI TommyPeay,1-2,with2runs scored Trey Stick, 1-3 with 1 run scored THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013- PAGE 7 • 2007 Dodge 3500 Quad Cab 4x4, 6.7 Cummins Diesel, auto, loaded! • 2003 Chevy Impala, 75,000 miles, power windows, power locks • 2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser, only 55,000 miles, • 2003 Chevy Tahoe, 4x4, loaded, leather, DVD • 2005 Ford Taurus, power windows, power locks only 3,000 miles 2009 Dodge Challenger SRT8 6-speed, leather, navigation • 2002 Chrysler Town & Country van, power sliding doors • 2004 Chevy Trailblazer, power windows, power locks • 2003 Ford F250 4x4 extended-cab Easy Financing & Approval* Down Payments as low as $500 Monthly payment as low as $150 *WAC, not all customers will qualify, no warrant expressed or applied, see sales consultant for exact details of your specific transaction. Prices do not include or reflect state tax, tag or license fees. Need a Perfect Christmas Gift? Dynamic AUTO DETAILING (405)379-5263 • 103 E Main • Holdenville Local pick up and delivery available You will be amazed how great your vehicle will look! for your spouse, your teenage driver or yourself. Call for an appointment (405)379-5263 Its a great gift The only place Santa will trust with his ride! We understand he has scheduled an appointmet to have his sleigh detailed before his big trip on Christmas Eve. Now Accepting New Patients! Office Hours Mon - Fri 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Close at noon on Thursday on cati ars o L e Ye Sam er 15 ov for AllenMichelle Health Clinic Barlow, D.O. Board Certified in Family Practice 202 W. Broadway • Allen, OK • (580)857-2424 • (866)966-0664 Most insurance accepted THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013- PAGE 8 PONTOTOC COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS February 4, 2013 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted 9:00 AM on February 1, 2013 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: David Sherbert, JR Grissom, Art Lawler, Brandon Tilley, Tracy Dial, Cinnamon Cox, Ray Ingram, Bobby Fennell, Ed Carpenter, Judith Cowden, Taylor East, Jenny Don, Foster Green, Pat Mitchell, Sue Caldwell, Misty Stephens, Aaron Dial, Jennifer Bevers, Brian Bevers, Jack Cadenhead, Ronnie Gwen, Brandi Cadenhead, John Long, Bo Ellis, Robert Waddell, Debbie Waddell, Brad Williams, Chad Letellier, John Christian, and Glenda Gonderman. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve January 28, 2013 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve proclamation submitted by Farm Bureau Women’s Committee designating February 18-26 as Farm Bureau Week. All aye. Misty Stephens with Communication Federal Credit Union discussed becoming a vendor for Pontotoc County Employees. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to table. All aye. Jack Cadenhead, attorney for Nathan Dial discussed that Dial owns 20 acres south of town. Dial wishes to construct a home and car repair shop for hire. Property is currently zoned as A-2, and asks to rezone to C-2. Tract of 2.45 acres is requested to rezone to C-2 so that shop for hire can be constructed. Proposed findings of fact and design of structure were submitted to Board by Cadenhead. Starns asked Chris Ross, District Attorney, what would happen if Dial sold property; Ross stated that property would remain C-2 for new owner. Starns also asked if approving this rezone change would result in lawsuits from other requests that have been rejected. Ross stated that it would depend on the length of time since it had been rejected; the proposal could be re-submitted. Ross stated that the Board should adopt a set of standards that would apply to every request for zoning changes. A use variance request is what actually should be requested in this case since only a portion of the property is being requested. Cadenhead responded that this area is not developed; there are similar businesses within 1½ miles of this property. Starns stated that if the property is approved and the Board disregards the District Attorney’s recommendation, the District Attorney could no longer represent the Board. John Long with Legal Shield stated that there has been a great deal of development in the area since 2003, such as OBI, Chickasaw Nation Medical Center, and the church that is about to be constructed. Ross stated that the Dial case would not keep the District Attorney from representing the Board in a different re-zoning case. Mike Williams, a neighbor to Dial’s property, stated that he supported Dial’s application for re-zoning. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve Dial’s rezoning proposal. Roberts aye, Floyd aye, Starns opposed. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #13-52, disposal of equipment for District #3. The following is to be sold at the Mike Graham Auction in Elk City: 2006 mower lift serial #W00MX5X011785 inventory #62-3-441-07, 1987 Clement Trailer serial #1C9CB29B2HM110327 inventory #62-3-348-17, John Deere Tractor serial #PY5203U008393 inventory #62-3-304-16, CM Trailer serial #49TFB2521M1003018 inventory #62-3-348-20, Lerol Dressor Air Compressor serial #2176X54 inventory #623-324-08, jack hammer serial #1818 inventory #62-3-416-05, air drill serial #150J50A inventory #62-3-402-03. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #13-53, Circuit Engineering District Auction Policies. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to accept resignation letters submitted by Cody Frye and Gene Overturf from the Floodplain Management Board. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve Resolution #13-54, appointment of Bill Clark and Joseph Morrow to the Floodplain Management Board. All aye. Discussion that ODOT stated that said intersection of Main, Latta Road and Asa Road was given to the County, but there is no documentation that the County ever accepted the intersection. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to accept City of Ada’s request for annexation of property located west of Latta Road approximately ¼ mile to overpass; intersection of Main, Latta Road and Asa Road. All aye. Starns stated that the state has now put zoning in place for wineries; this is done as a use variance, which reverts to original zoning if property is sold. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #13-51, Robert and Debbie Waddell’s request for a Use Permitted on Review for a winery. All aye. The following quotes were submitted for purchase of utility vehicles for Agri-Plex: Great Plains $9,638.00 John Deere $9,200.00 John Deere $8,819.16 Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to table until third vehicle can be seen and a hard copy quote obtained. All aye. Grissom submitted quotes for forty panels and five gates plus freight: 4C Livestock $167.30 per panel $450.10 overhead gate $300.00 trip freight WW Manufacturing panel overhead gate freight Ackerman panel overhead gate $173.28 per $466.18 $350.00 trip $243.00 per $616.00 Beaver Valley $239.00 per panel $551.00 overhead gate Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve purchase of forty panels and five gates from 4C Livestock for $9,242.50. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve ZLODGE purchase of forty panels, five gates , and freight from 4C Livestock for $9,242.50. All aye. Approved claims. Approved transfer: T2C to T3 $20,000.00 Approved monthly reports. Approved monthly appropriations: HWY $481,626.54, County Clerk’s Mechanic Lien $983.00, County Clerk’s Preservation Fees $3,645.00, Sheriff Fees $245,329.86, Flood Plain $395.00, Treasurers Mortgage Tax $605.00, Treasurers Resale Property $3,966.12, Health Department $2,326.07, Court Clerk Revolving Fund $5,052.46. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve January 2013 monthly minutes for publication. All aye. Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 3749-3756 General 3757-3759 SCT 3760 Agri-Plex 3761 Sheriff 3762 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZCOMMISSARY: 22, URGENT CARE, 85.00, SERVICE; GENERAL: 869, ADA VETERINARY CLINIC, 32.50, SPLY; 870, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 78.60, SPLY; 871, A T & T, 70.83, PHONE; 872, A T & T, 130.43, PHONE; 873, FOREHAND S GARAGE, 430.00, SPLY; 874, A T & T, 65.18, SPLY; 875, CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 198.00, SERVICE; 876, A T & T, 51.88, PHONE; 877, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, SERVICE; 878, A T & T, 134.80, PHONE; 879, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 283.82, SPLY;HIGHWAY: 1560, A C C O, 95.00, REGISTRATION; 1561, A C C O, 35.00, REGISTRATION; 1562, ADAY, CAROLYN, 517.20, SPLY; 1563, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 90.99, SPLY; 1564, DOLESE BROS, 693.13, SPLY; 1565, DUB ROSS COMPANY, 4331.33, SPLY; 1566, DUB ROSS COMPANY, 4508.86, SPLY; 1567, FENTRESS OIL CO., 4930.24, SPLY; 1568, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 1066.50, SPLY; 1569, NAPA OF ADA, 1224.01, PARTS; 1570, RADIO SHACK THE TAPE DECK, 22.99, SPLY; 1571, SUPER LUBE, 41.41, SPLY; 1572, TIME STRIPING, 1400.00, MAINT; 1573, WARREN CAT, 937.10, SPLY; 1574, O D O T -COMPTROLLER DIVISION, 16500.00, SPLY; 1575, A C C O, 95.00, REGISTRATION; 1576, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 3499.78, LEASE; 1577, VISION BANK, 2675.18, LEASE; 1578, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, SERVICE; 1579, CIRCUIT ENGINEERING DIST #4, 508.90, SPLY; 1580, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 178.64, SPLY; 1581, FASTENAL, 35.39, SPLY; 1582, FENTRESS OIL CO., 5390.02, SPLY; 1583, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 2300.84, SPLY; 1584, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 759.00, SPLY; 1585, JOHNS SMALL ENGINE, 120.00, SPLY; 1586, LOCKE SUPPLY, 908.29, SPLY; 1587, LOCKE SUPPLY, 13.42, SPLY; 1588, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 54.73, SPLY; 1589, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 90.32, SPLY; 1590, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 394.83, MAINT; 1591, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 102.53, MAINT; 1592, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 313.17, SPLY; 1593, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 378.62, SPLY; 1594, PONTOTOC COUNTY EMERGENCY, 618.43, SPLY; 1595, PREMIER LOCATIONS, 129.98, SPLY; 1596, RED ROCK PIT, 343.73, SPLY; 1597, RED ROCK PIT, 312.13, RD MAT; 1598, RED ROCK PIT, 346.03, RD MAT; 1599, RED ROCK PIT, 364.70, SPLY; 1600, RED ROCK PIT, 352.45, SPLY; 1601, RHYNES SURPLUS, 246.90, SPLY; 1602, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1689.60, SPLY; 1603, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 232.68, SPLY; 1604, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 109.22, SPLY; 1605, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 393.18, PARTS; 1606, A C C O, 95.00, REGISTRATION; 1607, ROBERTS, JUSTIN, 236.18, TRAVEL; 1608, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 1609, VISION BANK, 6525.57, LEASE; 1610, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, SPLY; 1611, BARRETT S AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS, 110.35, MAINT; 1612, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 17.16, SPLY; 1613, HALL S AUTO, 155.87, SPLY; 1614, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 370.46, MAINT; 1615, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 87.48, SPLY; 1616, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 52.25, SPLY; 1617, JONES EQUIPMENT CO, 21.36, SPLY; 1618, JONES EQUIPMENT CO, 147.28, SPLY; 1619, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 316.25, SPLY; 1620, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 7.18, SPLY; 1621, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 17.99, SPLY; 1622, RED ROCK PIT, 939.87, SPLY; 1623, RED ROCK PIT, 239.33, SPLY; 1624, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, SERVICE; 1625, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 260.40, SPLY; 1626, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 172.50, SPLY; 1627, T D S TELECOM, 182.91, SERVICE; 1628, PREMIER LOCATIONS, 129.98, SERVICE; 1629, VISION BANK, 2972.39, LEASE; SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 255, A T & T, 180.79, SERVICE; 256, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 289.02, MAINT; 257, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 107.53, SERVICE; 258, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 12.41, SERVICE; 259, FENTRESS OIL CO., 2853.40, SPLY; 260, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 117.80, SPLY; 261, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 150.00, SERVICE;HEALTH: 198, AVAYA COMMUNICATIONS, 620.22, SERVICE; 199, CABLE ONE, 53.00, SPLY; 200, GLAXOSMITHKLINE, 1803.00, SPLY; 201, J B LUMBER, 56.62, SPL; 202, SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE, 89.98, SPLY; 203, SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE, 111.31, SPLY;SHERIFF FEES: 404, ARNOLD SCOTT, 459.00, TRAVEL; 405, OK SHERIFF ASSOCIATION, 400.00, REGISTRATION; 406, CABLE ONE, 105.95, SERVICE; 407, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 73.47, SPLY; 408, DON HUME LEATHERGOODS, 68.26, SPLY; 409, LANGLEYS BODY SHOP, 2326.40, SPLY; 410, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 475.06, SPLY; 411, ADA SALES & RENTAL, 176.00, SPLY; 412, CABLE ONE, 152.95, SERVICE; 413, CACTUS PLUMBING, 260.00, SPLY; 414, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 120.00, SPLY; 415, GUDERIANS, 8460.39, SPLY; 416, GUDERIANS, 28.30, SPLY; 417, HOME DEPOT 3918, 329.27, SPLY; 418, I C S, 177.20, SPLY; 419, I C S, 2086.49, SPL; 420, NICKERSON PLUMBING, 270.00, SPLY; 421, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 1019.42, SPLY; 422, SWEEPER, 802.25, SPLY; 423, T & D TRIM, 210.00, SPLY; 424, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 200.69, SPLY;COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 55, RESIDENCE INN, 77.00, HOTEL; 56, SNIDER, SHELLEY LUEREAN, 35.03, TRAVEL; 57, CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 263.00, SPLY; 58, MIDWEST PRINTING CO, 3376.36, SPLY; AGRI PLEX: 276, ADA FIRE PROTECTION, 446.50, SPLY; 277, FENTRESS OIL CO., 91.63, SPLY; 278, PRUITT COMPANY, 29.90, MAINT; 279, PRUITT COMPANY, 158.50, SPLY; 280, PRUITT COMPANY, 64.65, SPLY; 281, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 118.00, SPLY; 282, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 105.75, SPLY; 283, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 44.98, SPLY; 284, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, REMITTANCE; 285, O G & E, 3232.29, SERVICE; ZSALE: 43, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 27.58, SPLY; 44, O G & E, 25.67, SERVICE; 45, ADA TROPHY, 30.00, SPLY; 46, CABLE ONE, 99.95, SERVICE; 47, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 1087.52, SERVICE; 48, MCNUTT, BOB, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 49, O G & E, 245.34, REMITTANCE; 50, O G & E, 91.86, SERVICE;” Glenda Gonderman, Treasurer, asked if Dial would be refunded application fees for re-zoning. Cadenhead, attorney for Dial stated that the funds are non-refundable. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to adjourn. All aye. February 11, 2013 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted 9:00 AM on February 8, 2013 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: John Christian, Art Lawler, JR Grissom, Kevin Luper, Chad Letellier, Glenda Gonderman, Misty Stephens, and Janna Kelly. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve February 4, 2013 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #13-55, deposit, and distribution of funds to the County General Fund for the distribution to various personal Service, Travel, Maintenance & Operation, and Capital Outlay accounts. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Pontotoc County joining Communications Federal Credit Union. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve Resolution #13-56, Chickasaw Nation and Pontotoc county Cooperative Agreement for chip and seal, fog seal and striping on 6.0 miles of Byng Main Road (Rt. 24B1); also called Old HYW 99 from Pruitt Company north to the end of the old highway. All aye. Quotes were submitted as follows: Grissom John Deere $9,500.00 Great Plains Kubota $9,638.00 Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve purchase of utility vehicle for the Agri-Plex from Grissom’s John Deere for $9,500.00. All aye. Grissom stated that gas bill at the Agri-Plex was exceptionally high this time. Wants to check heaters and lines to make sure there is not a leak. The bill went from $380.00 average a month to $3,800.00. Will call CenterPoint Energy to check line. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to pay utility vehicle for Agri-Plex out of ZLODGE for $9,500.00 All aye. Approved claims. Approved monthly reports. Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 3831-3842 MD 3843-3851 General 3852-3853, 3860, 3866 Sheriff 3854-3859, 38613865, 3867-3869 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZTAX: 22, CORELOGIC REFUND DEPT, 652.00, TAX REF; 23, FICHT, ELRETA, 188.00, TAX REF; 24, WALKER, PATTIE J, 15.00, TAX REF; 25, HOLDER, DAN & FRETA, 98.00, TAX REF; 26, VIDEO GAMING TECHNOLOGIES, 436.00, TAX REF; ZCOURT: 89, SOUTHWESTERN STATIONARY & BANK SUPPLY, 653.50, SPLY; 90, TREAT S SOLUTIONS, 153.50, SPLY;GENERAL: 880, XEROX CORPORATION, 838.07, SPLY; 881, PAGE PLUS, 167.30, SERVICE; 882, OK SHERIFF ASSOCIATION, 1200.00, SERVICE; 883, KELLEY, JANNA L EDWARDS, 1208.95, TRAVEL; 884, WALKER, BECKY, 647.45, TRAVEL; 885, QUILL CORP., 149.58, SPLY; 886, CABLE ONE, 100.95, SERVICE; 887, CABLE ONE, 100.95, SERVICE; 888, THYSSENKRUP, 791.50, REMITTANCE; 889, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 446.62, SPLY; 890, O G & E, 199.41, SERVICE; 891, O G & E, 254.13, SERVICE; 892, O G & E, 390.85, SERVICE; 893, O G & E, 1963.02, SERVICE; 894, LAMBERT MECHANICAL INC, 1595.00, SERVICE; 895, DEPENDABLE HEAT & AIR INC, 335.00, SERVICE; 896, OWENS, JAMES M, 245.21, TRAVEL; 897, WRIGHT, JAMES EDWIN, 216.40, TRAVEL; 898, ADA FIRE PROTECTION, 68.75, SERVICE;HIGHWAY: 1630, STARNS, GARY, 206.80, TRAVEL; 1631, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT INC, 220.00, DRUG TEST; 1632, P E C, 825.16, SPLY; 1633, RURAL WATER DIST #7, 23.00, SERVICE; 1634, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, SERVICE; 1635, DOLESE BROS, 693.88, SPLY; 1636, DOLESE BROS, 986.92, SPLY; 1637, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 230.00, SPLY; 1638, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 230.00, SPLY; 1639, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 230.00, SPLY; 1640, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 75.70, PARTS; 1641, OK DISPOSAL & SANITATION, 61.61, SPLY; 1642, NAPA OF ADA, 380.69, SPLY; 1643, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 37.86, SPLY; 1644, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 16.73, SPLY; 1645, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 742.44, SPLY; 1646, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 93.24, SPLY; 1647, ABC FIRST AID, 170.90, SPLY; 1648, NAPA OF ADA, 65.60, SPLY; 1649, SERVICE AUTO MALL, 16.16, SPLY; 1650, FITTSTONE INC, 176.34, SPLY; 1651, DOLESE BROS, 966.28, SPLY; 1652, DOLESE BROS, 685.04, SPLY; 1653, FITTSTONE INC, 356.47, SPLY; 1654, DOLESE BROS, 1105.86, SPLY; 1655, SERVICE AUTO MALL, 214.99, SPLY; 1656, THOMPSON, MARCY, 233.24, REFUND; 1657, PRUITT COMPANY, 34.95, SPLY; 1658, RICE SMALL ENGINES, 215.00, SPLY; 1659, SERVICE AUTO MALL, 163.89, SPLY; 1660, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 375.84, SPLY; 1661, FITTSTONE INC, 1706.70, SPLY; 1662, DC IGNITION, 145.00, SPLY; 1663, RED ROCK PIT, 362.78, SPLY; 1664, RED ROCK PIT, 364.47, SPLY; 1665, T & W TIRE, 120.00, SPLY; 1666, FITTSTONE INC, 292.73, SPLY; 1667, FITTSTONE INC, 379.13, SPLY; 1668, FITTSTONE INC, 455.69, SPLY; 1669, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 803.39, SPLY; 1670, ABC FIRST AID, 97.55, SPLY; 1671, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 1672, RURAL WATER DIST #8, 32.01, SERVICE; 1673, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT INC, 235.00, DRUG TEST; 1674, RED ROCK PIT, 117.00, SPLY; 1675, RED ROCK PIT, 358.63, SPLY; 1676, RED ROCK PIT, 358.30, SPLY; 1677, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 53.95, SPLY; 1678, P E C, 589.33, SPLY; 1679, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 70.49, SPLY; 1680, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 38.50, SPLY; 1681, FENTRESS OIL CO., 59.16, SPLY; 1682, COPELINS OFFICE CENTER, 280.00, SPLY; 1683, HOOTEN OIL CO., 66.18, SPLY; 1684, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 57.60, SPLY; 1685, HOOTEN OIL CO., 507.22, SPLY; 1686, HOOTEN OIL CO., 5720.51, SPLY; 1687, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 4.38, SPLY; 1688, WARREN CAT, 136.36, MAINT; 1689, ABC FIRST AID, 132.90, SPLY; 1690, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 260.00, SPLY; 1691, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 27.20, PARTS; 1692, FITTSTONE INC, 1843.01, SPLY; 1693, FITTSTONE INC, 1505.57, SPLY; 1694, FITTSTONE INC, 1034.95, SPLY; 1695, O G & E, 99.69, SERVICE;SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 262, O G & E, 214.83, SERVICE; 263, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 10.00, SPLY; 264, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 64.19, SERVICE; 265, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 340.29, SPLY; 266, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, SERVICE; 267, U S POSTMASTER, 46.00, SPLY;HEALTH: 204, CARIKER, ANITA, 29.95, TRAVEL; 205, GRIFFIN, ELLEN, 242.95, TRAVEL; 206, F F F ENTERPRISES, 437.50, SPLY; 207, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 426.95, SPLY; 208, GLAXOSMITHKLINE, 1624.40, SPLY; 209, AM SAN, 420.16, SPLY; 210, O C I, 553.50, SPL;SHERIFF FEES: 425, TYLER MACKEY, 48.00, TRANSP JUV; 426, MICHAEL SINNETT, 42.00, TRANSP JUV; 427, JOE WILLIAMS, 323.39, TRAVEL; 428, WOOD, KEVIN, 36.00, TRANSP JUV; 429, TRAVIS WILSON, 36.00, TRANSP JUV; 430, COM DATA CORPORATION, 400.72, SERVICE; 431, ADA FORD LINCOLN MERCURY, 29897.00, SPLY; 432, NICKERSON PLUMBING, 791.31, SPLY; 433, VERSATILE NETWORKS, 9775.00, SPLY;COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 59, WALKER, PAMELA A, 94.92, TRAVEL; 60, WALKER, PAMELA A, 205.62, TRAVEL;AGRI PLEX: 286, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 19.08, MAINT; 287, FENTRESS OIL CO., 57.75, FUEL; 288, WEST REFRIGERATION, 660.00, SPLY; 289, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 410.39, SPLY; 290, CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CO, 57.87, SPLY; 291, W P S INC, 85.00, SERVICE; 292, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 435.62, SPLY; 293, CABLE ONE, 99.95, REMITTANCE;ZSALE: 51, MIDWEST PRINTING CO, 667.70, SPLY; 52, TREAT S SOLUTIONS, 60.33, SPLY; 53, SAC & FOX NATION JUV DET CTR, 654.41, JUV DET; 54, ADA NEWS, 28.00, PUBLICATION; 55, ADA NEWS, 28.00, PUBLICATION; 56, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 59.96, SPLY; 57, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 65.49, SPLY; 58, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 57.34, SPLY; 59, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 266.37, SPLY; 60, COPELINS OFFICE CENTER, 131.90, SPLY; 61, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 255.26, SERVICE; 62, LAMBERT MECHANICAL INC, 450.00, SPLY; 63, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 140.00, SERVICE; 64, LAMBERT MECHANICAL INC, 397.50, REMITTANCE; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 36, TESSCO TECHNOLOGOIES, 315.41, SPLY;” CDBG/REAP 2013 grant was denied. Commissioners discussed the roads that were placed on the denied grant application, and if they wanted to use the same roads on the next CDBG grant application. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve reimbursement to T4, $80,000.00; Resale Property, $100,000.00; Preservation Fees, $100,000 to reimburse loan for County General non-payable warrants as outlined in Title 68, Section 3021. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve $1,000.00 payment to Oklahoma Water Resource Board for Pontotoc County portion of RISK Map preparation for Oklahoma. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to adjourn. All aye. February 19, 2013 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted 9:00 AM on February 15, 2013 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: Art Lawler, JR Grissom, Steve Chamberlain, Chad Letellier, Rick Marchant, and Glenda Gonderman. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve February 11, 2013 meeting minutes. All aye. Rick Marchant with Liberty Mutual Insurance presented information about auto and home discounts for employees. He stated this can be done voluntarily as an individual and does not have to go through payroll. Mr. Marchant left a disk to be watched to explain the benefits, so a decision can be made. Opened bid #13, purchasing bleachers for the Agri-Plex. Bids were as follows: KayPark Recreations 5 e $2,724.75 total $13,623.75 Highland Products 5 e $2,649.00 + $1,057.00 shipping $14,302.00 Park N Pool 5 e $9,424.80 + $1,500.00 shipping $10,924.80 DGJD, Inc. 5 e $2,105.00 total $10,525.00 a c h a c h total a c h total a c h Play and Park Structures and First Service’s bids were unacceptable, due to receiving past closing date. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve purchasing five sets of bleachers from the lowest bid, DGJD Inc., for $10,525.00 for Bid #13, purchasing bleachers for the AgriPlex. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to table the decision on bid #14, District #3 purchasing a 2010 or newer backhoe with trade in option. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve District #3’s Empire Financial Capital Equipment Financing contract #1301301 for a 2011 Freightliner M2-106V VIN #1FVAC2BSBHBA2672 with a Centennial Etnyre 2,000 gallon Centennial Oil Distributor for the sum of $103,800.00, and $1,882.41 per month. All aye. Approved purchase of bleachers for the Agri-Plex out of ZLODGE for $10,525.00. Approved claims. Approved transfer: ZLODGE2 to ZLODGE3 $25,000.00 Approved blanket purchase orders: R2 3950 SQ2 3951 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZCOURT: 91, GRIFFIN & HANEY INC, 145.00, SPLY; 92, COPELINS OFFICE CENTER, 447.42, SPLY; 93, LEXISNEXIS ACCURINT, 75.00, SPLY;ZCOMMISSARY: 23, TIGER COMMISSARY SERVICES, 9087.82, SPLY;GENERAL: 900, A T & T MOBILITY, 524.96, SERVICE; 901, C M I INC, 3840.00, SPLY; 902, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 82.50, SPLY; 903, LIVERNOIS MOTORSPORTS & ENGINEERING LLC, 1524.97, SPLY; 904, SHIRT NOOK, 276.50, SPLY; 905, STEPPIN OUT, 169.99, SPLY; 906, SUPER LUBE, 123.87, SERVICE; 907, VERSATILE NETWORKS, 2722.00, SPLY; 908, O S U COOP EXTENSION SERV, 5607.00, REMITTANCE; 909, QUILL CORP., 299.99, SPLY; 910, MCDANIEL, JUSTIN T, 401.15, TRAVEL; 911, ALLEN ADVOCATE, 923.36, PUBLICATION; 912, RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES, 46.52, SPLY; 913, ULTIMATE CAR WASH, 10.00, SERVICE; 914, PONTOTOC COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY, 421997.53, REMITTANCE;HIGHWAY: 1696, DOLESE BROS, 416.46, RD MAT; 1697, DOLESE BROS, 842.77, SPLY; 1698, ADAY, CAROLYN, 999.00, SPL; 1699, ADAY, CAROLYN, 162.00, SPLY; 1700, FENTRESS OIL CO., 4963.65, SPLY; 1701, GRISSOM JOHN DEERE, 100.00, SPLY; 1702, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 1736.85, SPLY; 1703, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 4.95, SPLY; 1704, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 199.18, SPLY; 1705, O G & E, 214.09, SPLY; 1706, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 140.39, SPLY; 1707, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 1039.25, SPLY; 1708, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1619.20, SPLY; 1709, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 18.00, SPLY; 1710, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 125.20, SPLY; 1711, STONEWALL PUBLIC WORKS AUTH., 27.05, SERVICE; 1712, ULTIMATE CAR WASH, 14.00, SPLY; 1713, WARREN CAT, 236.04, MAINT;SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 268, MILLER OFFICE, 89.00, SERVICE; 269, OK TRANSIT ASSOCIATION, 1197.00, SPLY; 270, ULTIMATE CAR WASH, 28.75, SPLY; 271, UNDERGROUND SERVICE CO INC, 225.00, SPLY; HEALTH: 211, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 143.17, SERVICE; 212, MELTON CO INC, 226.94, SPL; 213, TODD CHIROPRACTOR CENTER, 250.00, SERVICE; 214, UMB BANK CORP TRUST & ESCROW SER, 26875.31, REMITTANCE;RESALE PROPERTY: 70, GONDERMAN, GLENDA, 165.45, TRAVEL;SHERIFF FEES: 434, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 77.04, SPLY; 435, CULLIGAN, 382.65, SPLY; 436, FUELMAN OF SOUTHERN OK, 5447.80, SPLY; 437, GEORGE SMITH SALVAGE, 236.00, SPLY; 438, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 89.74, SPLY; 439, SUPERIOR SIGN SHOP, 250.00, SPLY; 440, COUNTRY FORD MERCURY INC, 33872.00, SPLY; 441, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 2240.50, REMITTANCE; 442, BABB ELECTRIC, 1430.00, SERVICE; 443, CROSS MATCH TECHNOLOGIES INC, 173.00, SPLY; 444, GUDERIANS, 8274.62, SPLY; 445, HOME DEPOT 3918, 49.77, SPLY; 446, RHYNES SURPLUS, 74.99, SPLY; 447, RHYNES SURPLUS, 89.99, SPLY; 448, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT INC, 35.00, SERVICE; 449, TIGER COMMISSARY SERVICES, 2571.48, SPLY;COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 61, CABLE ONE, 105.95, REMITTANCE; 62, U S POSTMASTER, 25.00, STAMPS;AGRI PLEX: 294, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 180.83, SPLY; 295, CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA, 5029.62, REMITTANCE; 296, FENTRESS OIL CO., 1263.32, SPLY; 297, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 977.50, SPLY; 298, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 115.00, SPLY; 299, HISLE BROS. INC., 22.98, SPLY; 300, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 19.12, SPLY; 301, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 37.32, MAINT; 302, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 54.98, SPLY; 303, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 60.00, SPLY;ZSALE: 65, ADA, CITY OF, 175.00, REMITTANCE; 66, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 245.40, REMITTANCE; 67, CARTER HALL, 720.00, JUV DET; 68, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 293.34, REMITTANCE; 69, P E C, 19.94, SERVICE; ZSALESTAX: 159, PONTOTOC COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY, 275881.68, REMITTANCE; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 37, PAGE PLUS, 13.85, SPLY; ZHPG: 8, SPRINT, 42.99, SERVICE; USE TAX: 28, PONTOTOC COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY, 109372.37, REMITTANCE”; Discussion to see if there is a possibility for the courthouse security officer to work 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and make it available for Seth Johnson, maintenance and janitorial, to work 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Sheriff John Christian and the County Commissioners will address this decision. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to adjourn. All aye. February 25, 2013 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted 9:00 AM on February 22, 2013 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Frank Stout, Houston Wells, Dottie DeMeulenaere, Art Lawler, and Chad Letellier. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve February 19, 2013 meeting minutes. All aye. Frank Stout with the City of Ada stated that the proposed pieces of property out to Cloverleaf were transferred by Oklahoma Department of Transportation, but never accepted by the County. This petition is in preparation to prepare deeds that will transfer their proportions to the City of Ada. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve the City of Ada’s petition to Pontotoc County for annexation of certain property: Tract 1- NW/4 Section 32, Tract 2 – NE/4 Section 32, Tract 3 – SE/4 Section 32, Tract 4 – SW/4 Section 32 attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and Pontotoc THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013-PAGE 9 Sissy to Share Message Sissy Kiser, sister of Lisa Peay, will be speaking at Richmond Avenue Free Will Baptist Church on Sunday morning, March 10th. She is an inspiration of faith, hope, and believing…. After battling stage 4 colon cancer with her best friend/ husband for 4 years, she lost her husband, Tooter Kiser, on April 5, 2011. Sixty days after that day, on June 5, 2011, her oldest son Ty, who was 15 years old A Note from Dr. Arthur: “I have received my Medicare numbers and patents should be reimbursed for previous care within thirty days. I will have my BCBS provider number within three weeks and those patients can expect reimbursements within forty-five days. Thank you for your patience, referrals and continued trust.” family has experienced a true miracle!! Come hear about Sissy’s faith and the life of her sons, Ty and Trey, on Sunday. at the time, was accidently shot in the chest. He lost a lung, and spent many days and months in the hospital. Through all of this, their Gerty Bingo Arthur Chiropractic Acupuncture & Herb Clinic Specializing in NUCCA, Grostic & Acupuncture The Gerty Community will be hosting their monthly Bingo Night on Saturday, March 9th, weather permitting. Door open at 6:00 pm and the concession stand will be serving beans, cornbread, drinks and desserts. Bingo begins at 7:00 and there will be two Black-Outs this month. Everyone is welcome to attend. Dr. L. Kay Arthur, D.C. Office Location - 3320 Hwy 75 - Horntown -(405)379-3888 Sale runs March 7 through March 13 Allen Food Center • Movie Rental • We accept ACCESS Oklahoma Cards • Fidelity Express bill pay • WIC Approved Open Sundays 12 to 5 • VISA • MasterCard • Amex • Discover Accepted • Money Orders • Senior Citizen Discount Wednesdays Downtown Allen • 857-2627 4 Milk 25 ¢ 99 24 Tomato 2 6¢ Sauce 99 24 Blue Bell Ice Cream $ Swanson’s Hungry Man 99 Dinners Fish Fillets Shurfine Wheat $ 24 oz loaf Chunky Soup assorted varieties Lay’s 15 oz can Hunt’s 8 oz can $ Ritz Snack Crackers Pudding 3.4 oz box Capri Sun Drinks 15.1 oz box Mountain Dew or Pepsi $ 10 Pk Box for $ asst $4.29 var. Jello Instant 99 ¢ Pork and Beans $ Potato Chips with FREE Dreamworks DVD! Van Camps 18 oz jar Gal 19.2 to 20 oz crunchy or battered Select Cereals $ Shurfine 99 $ General Mills Sandwich Bread 2 3 $ 25 79 52 2 5 27 - Whole - 2%- 1%- Skim Shurfine for assorted varieties Plain’s Grade ‘A’ Vitamin D 1/2 Gal $ Office hours M&W 9 to 7 T&Th 9 to 1 $ 12 pack cans More Frozen & Dairy Specials Tampico Sister Shubert Parkerhouse Dinner Rolls Citrus Punch 3 10 2 3 $ $ 3 49 1 ¢ Lb 2 1 99 $ Our Own Homemade All Beef 2 1 99 Lb Pork Steak 19 Lb Cook’sCenter Cut Smoked Ham Steaks Oscar Mayer Sliced Bacon Our Own Homemade Pure Pork Sausage $ ¢ for 1 $ 49 3 $ 99 3 $ Fresh Sliced Lean Meaty Boston Butt Chili $ 1 Lb Pkg Tender Fresh Meat Pork Roast Tomatoes Carrots Avocados $ $ 29 Cabbage 49 Lb Lb 1 Bar-S Meat Lb Franks Lb Family Pack Fryer Thighs or Drumsticks 99 ¢ 1 Lb Pkg 99 10 cnt box Fancy Large Roma California Premium Fancy Baby $ 32 oz Fresh Produce California Fancy Green 25 assorted varieties 49 $ gal 11 oz Eggo Waffles Coffee Mate - French Vanilla or Hazelnut 99 ¢ 12 oz Pkg Armour Lunch Makers 4 Varieties Lb 99 ¢ each Classified Advertising THE ALLEN ADVOCATEMARCH 7, 2013 - PAGE 10 Positions Osborn Tree Service IT’S ALL GOOD STORE & CAFÉ is taking application for an experienced cook and waitress. (405) 519-6076 Trimming or Full Removal With Stump Grinding Licensed – Bonded – Insured For Sale FREE ESTIMATES FOR SALE — Riding Mower, 42” cut, Briggs 17.5 hp motor, Good Mower, $300; and like new Sofa, $250. 400 North Baltimore, 857-2155. Now selling seasoned firewood $65 per rick (580) 399-4499 (23) JimLock Storage FOR SALE — Upright, large Computer Cabinet, wood composition, with lots of storage, cubbyholes, drawers, and large door that closes. Excellent Condition, asking $60. Ahna Reece, (580) 332-7001. Mini Storage UnitS 3 sizes to choose from (405) 645-2457 The Gun Store 100 N. Hinckley Holdenville (405) 379-3331 (23) NEW PROGRAM. $0 down with your land or family land. EZ approval by phone. Free 50” flat screen. Trade-ins welcome. Call today 866-764-3200 WAC Cash for Gold & Silver Coins Buy - Sell – Trade For the best night sleep you ever had, try our Tempur-Ergo Fully adjustable massage system Come in and try it out today st Loweces Pri able! l Avai MEGA STORE Mon-Sat 10-7 • Sun 12-5 4903 N. Union • East of Walmart Shawnee • 273-0655 No Interest 12 Months WAC JACK SHERRY REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENTS 101 N. Hinckley Holdenville 405-379-3977 Jack Sherry cell:405-221-1325 Heather Smith cell:405-380-2917 Jack Sherry Heather Smith Michelle Miller Nancy Sherry Broker Associate Garage Sale GARAGE SALE — Friday, March 8th, 8 am to 6 pm, yellow house on West B Street. Coffee table, printer, shampooer, kitchen items, décor, high chairs and lots more LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2012-102 In the Matter of the Estate of LEROY GRANT KEY, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors having claims against Leroy Grant Key, Deceased, are required to present the same with a description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to Joshua A. Edwards, attorney for Barbara Jobe Flowers, Personal Representative, P.O. Box 1628, Ada, Oklahoma 74820, on or before the following presentment date: The 25th day of April 2013, or the same will be forever barred. DATED this 20 th day of February, 2013. s) Joshua A. Edwards, OBA#30069 Attorney for Personal Representative P.O. Box 1628 -Ada, OK 74820 Phone: (580) 332-5579 (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 28 and March 7, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE 12 MONTHS SAME AS CASH On approved credit. See Store for details. FREE DELIVERY SET UP & REMOVAL With a purchase of a Tempur-Pedic Sleep Systems. Owner/Broker DOUBLE YOUR TAX REFUND UP TO $5,000!!! Use refund and receive a VISA gift card with new home purchase. No refund, use your land/family land for ZERO down. Don’t prejudge credit. EZ qualify by phone. WAC. (405) 631-7600 or (405) 635-4338. Sales Associate T&W Broker Associate State, National & Global Exposure Michelle Miller cell:405-221-1070 Nancy Sherry Cell: 405-380-6517 For complete list of all listings, go to • MLS - member of the Shawnee Board Multilist “Members of OKMAR - Oklahoma City Metro Area Realtors” • Alignment • Brake Repair • Shocks / Struts • 4-Wheel Alignment Tire • Front End Repair • AC - Heater Repair • Farm Service • Emergency Road Service 500 East Main - Ada (580)332-5145 308 West Broadway – Allen 1350 sq ft. well maintained 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, nice size bonus room, central h/a, large fenced-in back yard, detached double covered carport, storage biulding $89,9000 RINEHART REALTY.NET For All Your Real Estate Needs 816 ARLINGTON - ADA, OKLAHOMA - (580)436-4662 Eric Pierce, Associate Cell (580)399-7106 • Day (580)857-2627 • Night (580)857-2824 RICK’S TANK TRUCK SERVICE Is looking to hire qualified drivers in the Calvin area to drive at night. Yard is located south of Calvin on Highway 75. You must have a Class A CDL, be 21-years-old, and have at least one year tank truck driving experience. $16.25 per hour Average 60 hours Benefits Available Please call Matt at (580) 399-5608 IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA FD-2013-20 In the Matter of the Dissolution of the Marriage of Euel Martin Potter, Petitioner and Jennifer Marie Potter, Respondent. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Jennifer Marie Potter Take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court by the said Petitioner, Euel Martin Potter, for a divorce on the grounds of incompatibility. You must answer said Petition on or before (45 days), or said Petition will be taken as true and a judgment will be rendered for Petitioner granting him a decree of divorce. Witness my hand and the seal of this Court this February 14, 2013. Ernestine Eubank, Court Clerk By: __Pat Weaver _ Deputy Euel Martin Potter, Pro Se 927 Orchard Ada, Oklahoma 74820 580-279-2737 (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 21, 28 and March 7, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. P-2013-13 In the Matter of the Estate of CLYDE DOUGLAS COATS, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the estate of Clyde Douglas Coats, deceased, that on the 5 day of February, 2013, Terry Bray, as uncle to decedent, filed in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, his Petition praying that Letters of Administration be issued to him; that he be appointed as the Personal Representative of said estate; and that the heirs of decedent should be judicially determined. Pursuant to an Order of this Court, notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of March, 2013, at 1:30 o’clock p.m., the Petition will be heard at the District Courtroom, of the Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the same. WITNESS my hand this 25 day February, 2013. s) Thomas S. Landrith Judge of the District Court s) Kurt B. Sweeney, OBA#17455 Sweeney, Smith, Draper & Christopher, PLLC P.O. Box 70 Ada, OK 74821-0070 (580) 332-7200 Attorney for Petitioner (Published in the Allen Advocate on February 28 and March 7, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA No. PB-2012-90 In the Matter of the Estate of EMMA JEAN FULLINGIM, Deceased. ALIAS NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, PETITION FOR ORDER ALLOWING FINAL ACCOUNT, DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that Rebecca “Becky” McHenry, Personal Representative of the Estate of Emma Jean Fullingim, Deceased, having filed in this Court her Final Account of the administration of said Estate, and her Petition for Order Allowing Final Account, Distribution and Discharge of said Personal Representative, the hearing of the same, has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for the 29th day of March, 2013, at 11:00 o’clock a.m. in the District Courtroom, Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in said Estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said Account should not be settled and allowed, distribution of the Estate and the Personal Representative discharged. DATED this 5 day of March, 2013. Thomas S. Landrith Judge of the District Court Dale Rex, OBA#31199 Kurt B Sweeney, OBA#17455 Attorney for Personal Representative PO Box 70 Ada, Oklahoma 74821 580-332-7200, FAX 580-332-7201 (Published in The Allen Advocate on March 7, 2013) If it’s Real Estate We Can Sell It! - Acreages - Farms - Residential - Commercial Welch Real Estate and Auction Service (405)379-3331 100 N Hinckley - Holdenville James Welch, Broker- -(405)380-7988 (405 )379-7988 James Welch, Broker JoDawna Smith, Sales Associate (405)379-6413 Brenda Welch, Sales Associate 379-8044 - Cell (405)380-8188 - WANTED - Sellers of Rural Property All Types Needed. LegaL notiCe NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES All interested persons are hereby given notice that the Pontotoc County Public Transit dba Call a Ride Public Transit is seeking financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the purpose of operating a Section 5311 rural public transportation program during FY-2014. The Pontotoc County Public Transit dba Call a Ride Public Transit has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26. The AGENCY is giving public notice that it wishes to abide by the policy established by the U.S. Department of Transportation. DBEs interested in the opportunity to compete for and perform contracts with the transit program for the services listed below may contact Tami Baker, Director of Call a Ride Public Transit, 15425 CR 3540, Ada, OK, 74820 or call 580332-7056 ANTICIPATED CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: · Audit · Vehicle/Building Insurance · Fuel/Oil (Published in The Allen Advocate on March 7 and 14, 2013) We now offer home warranties to our buyers and sellers. Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report 1 HEIFERS Steers 372-398 .......................... $177.50-$181.00 403-440 .......................... $169.00-$177.00 463-493 .......................... $160.00-$169.00 500-545 .......................... $148.00-$165.00 550-574 .......................... $143.00-$153.00 610-625 .......................... $137.00-$138.00 Medium & Large 1 270-285 .............................$198.00-$213.00 500-525 .............................$164.00-$177.00 661...................................................$142.50 Medium & Large 1-2 418-445 .............................$171.00-$180.00 464-484 .............................$173.00-$175.00 553...................................................$150.00 Sale Every Wednesday y r r e T y r a M “Simply The Best” & Associates Mary Terry - Owner/Broker ................................ 320-3165 Sherry Hickman- Bro/Asc .................................. 421-4881 Boogie Evans ...................................................... 399-4357 4.17 ACRES — With a great building spot overlooking the Lake Hills lake. Adjoining 8 acres can be purchased for a total of $70,000. $35,000 MLS#50137 ***** 8 ACRES — With building spot overlooking Lake Hills lake. Adjoining 4.17 acres can be purchased for a total of $70,000. $35,000 MLS#50138 ***** HOUSE & 5 ACRES — 3 Bed, 1 bath in Latta School District. One of a kind property with lots of possibilities. $129,900 MLS#50039 ***** BEAUTIFUL 79 ACRES — 40x30 building that is split, 1/2 shop, 1/2 living quarters. Has pond, half mineral rights to be conveyed with property at closing. $225,000. MLS#49415 ***** 5.5 ACRES — North on Highway 99/377. Right on busy Highway. Great place to build. MLS#49359 ***** CLOSE TO STONEWALL — 1.6 Acres, road frontage on 2 sides of property. Creek runs through back of property. MLS#49718 ***** 409 NW J.A. Richardson Loop Ada, OK (580) 332-8933 Scott Ward - Bro/Asc .......................................... 272-3343 Shelby Heck - Assoc. ......................................... 320-3780 Rebecca Terry - Assoc. ...................................... 399-9418 Theresa Stewart - Bro/Asc ................................. 320-2136 3 BED 2 BATH — Nice brick home on corner lot in Stonewall. $78,000 REDUCED TO $69,900 MLS#49907 ***** 3 BED 1 BATH — 2 Houses for the price of one, Plus nice shop! $45,000 MLS#49498 ***** CLOSE TO ALLEN! Beautiful 3 bed 2 bath, 2306 sq ft home on 19 acres. 1 barn, 1 workshop, 1 storage building and 1 arena. Great land with a pond. 25605 CR 1515. $330,000 REDUCED TO $289,000 MLS#49437 ***** GREAT BUILDING LOTS at Lake Hills, lake lots and other lots avaiable. Will Build to Suit ***** 180 ACRES — Nice creeks running through. Lots of potential. $255,000 MLS#48088 ***** CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT Call our Office for More Great Listings Allen Hosts visit from Magic Valentino Willis THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013 - PAGE 11 Pictured above are Allen Student, Matthew Frazier, and Magic Valentino Willis, of Harlem Swish Basketball. Valentino, a veteran player, was at Allen Elementary School February 19, to talk with students about making maining drug-free for a good choices. personal reason. He lost a M agic Valentino Willis good friend, a professional travels to schools inform- ball player, to drug abuse. ing students of the dangers Valentino advised students of drugs. He shares the to not make the same tragic important message of re- mistake. Captain “Magic” Valentino also discussed other serious topics through comDinner and a movie, a traditional evening out, were enjoyed edy and games with the last Thursday, February 28th, by several members of the Allen students and faculty. He talked about staying away Sorority. Dinner & a Movie The ladies gathered for dinner at Papa Giorgio’s in Ada, then traveled on down to the historic, and beautifully remodeled, McSwain Theater to watch the classic movie musical “Funny Face”, staring Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn, from 1957. Enjoying the movie were Melonie Johnson, Becky Boyd, Janice Deaton, Jennifer Smith, Cindi Sanders and Cindy Davis. Blake Shelton to perform at Murray State benefit Murray State College is pleased to announce a benefit concert by Blake Shelton on campus. The concert will be held on Thursday, March 14th, at 8:00 pm inside Fletcher Auditorium. Proceeds from the concert Is Your Broker Giving You the Cold Shoulder? At Edward Jones, the level of service you receive depends on your personal needs and preferences, not on the size of your investment portfolio. If you’d like to experience exceptional personal service, consider Edward Jones. We offer solutions for all your financial needs. Get to know us. Call today to schedule a free portfolio review. Peggy L Allen Financial Advisor . 112 North Broadway Holdenville, OK 74848 405-379-7024 Member SIPC LEGAL NOTICE Anyone having interest in a 1985 HD FXW VIN#1HD1BEL19FYO12804, Contact Harold Coffee, 580-550-9796. Sale Date: March 15, 2013. (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 28, March 7 and 14, 2013) benefit the Tishomingo, Ravia and Milburn fire departments and Murray State College. Tickets are $30 each and will go on sale beginning at noon on March 8 th in the MSC Campus Box Office located in the Campus Center. Tickets can also be purchased by calling (580)371-2337. Sales will continue from noon until 6:00 pm daily until the tickets are gone. “This may be the smallest venue that Blake plays all year, but he couldn’t be appreciated more,” says Murray State College President Joy McDaniel. “Where else in the world other than Tishomingo, Oklahoma can you find country music superstars who are doing so much for the communities they live in - I would bet nowhere! What an amazing opportunity for the college and our community.” from cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. He emphasized that academic and athletic achievements are difficult to achieve when drugs and alcohol are involved. He was resolute with students about respecting one another, student and adult alike, and spoke about ways to help stop bullying, which is prevalent in schools today. Willis stressed to students how they need to listen to their parents, grandparents, and teachers. He told students that “these adults care about you and want to see you succeed.” Willis also stated to our students, “There are future doctors, teachers, our state or national leaders, or the next President of the United States sitting here today!” !"#$%&'#()*%+#,"-.% !"#$%&'#()*%+#,"-.% /-)'-$%01234% /-)'-$%01234% !"#$%#$%)5%678'5#,"-%8785-%% 965-):-%/-878%0%;4<=1>>=?@4>%A6'%B6'8%(8-)#C$%% % % !"#$%#$%)5%678'5#,"-%8785-%% !"#$%&'() 965-):-%/-878%0%;4<=1>>=?@4>%A6'%B6'8%(8-)#C$%% !"#$%&'() LEGAL NOTICE Anyone having interest in a 1976 Innsbrock Travel Trlr, VIN#5157130FKD24716. Contact Nancy Arlita George, 866-3363654. Sale date: March 8, 2013. (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 21, 28 and March 7, 2013) ATM Machine • Lottery Station 24 Hour Gas Pumps Drive-thru window Hot Deli Counter Allen Quick Pic Hwy 1 • Allen • (580)857-2459 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013 - PAGE 12 Hughes County Court Records speeding 16-20 mph over Taren Elizabeth Bourne— David Alan Wyrick—maDIVORCE limit driving under the influence licious injury to property; Adre Anne Gayle John Christopher Harpby a person under 21 protective order violation Figueroa vs Robert Salva- er—failure to stop at a stop Jerred Wayne Stafford— dor Figueroa sign driving a motor vehicle MARRIAGE Nelson Dewayne Grisson Felisha Gabriela Harris— while under the influence Alejandro Perez Jr. & speeding 16-20 mph over of alcohol Priscila Villarreal, both of vs Sharla Odette Grisson Laura Lillian Ledbetter vs limit Holdenville Joseph Kyle Ledbetter Harley W. Lewis—operating a motor vehicle with CIVIL defective equipment Portfolio Recovery AssoJason E. Lovato—operatciates vs Jimmy Mitchell— ing a motor vehicle without indebtedness valid driver’s license Ramiro O. Masso—speedTRAFFIC ing 16-20 mph over limit Derrick R. Belcher—no Kelsie Marie McMahan— seat belt speeding 1-10 mph over Loytonja Sue Brewer—no limit seat belt Angi Michelle MerriMavis Brooks—no seat man—no seat belt belt Dianna K. Middleton— Travis Landon Cleek—no passenger not searing seat seat belt belt Whitney Clifton—no seat Davis Lee Miller—inatbelt tentive driving Kendall W.ATTENTION Coachman— OCAN Larry Mills—no seat belt COORDINATORS no seat belt Tisha Morris—speeding from the OPA We Mary Ann Collard—no 1-10 mph over limit seat belt Nicole Traylor— Look Ashley for your insertion order w Paul Anthony Daniel— no seat belt (You will receive an insertion ord speeding 1-10 mph over Jerry D. Tucker—driving limit underads suspension 2x2 may be placed any Robby Elliott—no seat Jamie Vicars—no seat belt belt Saranne Chloe Frwel— Jeffrey Walton—speeding speeding 1-10 mph over 1-10 mph over limit limit Justin Fultz—no seat belt Stephanie Gonzales— ALL ZONES FELONIES Michaele Ranee Alverez—bogus check Robert Batt—driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs THIS COPY ONLY FOR THE OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED STEEL BUILDINGS TOP PAY For Limited Experience! 34 CPM for 1 Mos OTR Exp. Plus Benefits, New Equip & 401k Class A CDL Required 877-258-8782. www. STEEL BUILDINGS Cancelled Orders MUST GO. Make Low monthly payments on 4 remaining. 20x24, 25x30, 30x40, 42x60 SAVE Thousands Call Now! 757-301-8885 DRIVER - Daily or Weekly Pay. $0.01 increase per mile after 6 months and 12 months. $0.03 Enhanced Quarterly Bonus. Requires 3 months OTR experience. 800-414-9569 EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800-277-0212 or County’s roads and right-of-ways described in Pontotoc County Board of Commissioner’s Resolution #12-56, attached hereto as Exhibit “C”. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to table awarding bid #14, District #3 purchasing a 2010 or newer backhoe with trade in option. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve qualifying Houston Jack Wells to occupy the home built with OHFA Home Grant 10-346 monies. All aye. There were no gas leaks found in the AgriPlex, however, bills were high in February 2013. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve February 2013 payroll. All aye. Approved claims. Approved monthly reports. Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 4015-4023 Sheriff 4026-4041 ZHPG2 4043 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZREAP: 1, SODA, 2688.41, REIMBURSEMENT;ZTAX: 27, FICHT, ELRETA, 187.00, REFUND;GENERAL: 915, THOMSON WEST, 418.70, SPLY; 916, LAKE DESIGN, 130.00, SERVICE; 917, NAPA OF ADA, 22.25, SPLY; 918, A T & T, 65.96, PHONE; 919, WALKER, PAMELA A, 188.45, TRAVEL; 920, STAMP FULFILLMENT SERVICES, 1052.20, SPLY; 921, BYRD, DEBBIE L., 328.04, TRAVEL; 922, TODD, SHARI LYNN, 149.50, TRAVEL; 923, A T & T, 54.92, PHONE; 924, LAMBERT MECHANICAL INC, 884.39, SERVICE; 925, SOUTHWESTERN STATIONARY & BANK SUPPLY, 157.59, SPLY; 926, THYSSENKRUP, 408.00, SERVICE; 927, MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT, 24.00, SERVICE; 928, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 40.00, SPLY; 929, ZACHARY S TINT SHOP, 60.00, SERVICE;HIGHWAY: 1714, STARNS, GARY, 138.00, TRAVEL; 1715, A T & T, 161.82, PHONE; 1716, ADAY, CAROLYN, 304.20, RD MAT; 1717, DOLESE BROS, 422.31, SPLY; 1718, DOLESE BROS, 964.59, SPLY; 1719, DOLESE BROS, 954.83, SPLY; 1720, DOLESE BROS, 1112.74, SPLY; 1721, DOLESE BROS, 1125.21, SPLY; 1722, DOLESE BROS, 563.86, SPLY; 1723, FENTRESS OIL CO., 6168.78, SPLY; 1724, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 127.92, SPLY; 1725, JO CO EQUIPMENT, 737.41, SPLY; 1726, MHC KENWORTH, 610.16, MAINT; 1727, SERVICE AUTO MALL, 56.06, SPLY; 1728, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 212.25, SPLY; 1729, TRACTOR SUPPLY, 67.96, SPLY; 1730, U S CELLULAR, 106.67, PHONE; 1731, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 8.60, SPLY; 1732, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 1447.96, MAINT; 1733, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 65.09, MAINT; 1734, U S CELLULAR, 133.70, PHONE; 1735, WARREN CAT, 435.91, SPLY; 1736, ROBERTS, JUSTIN, 223.68, TRAVEL; 1737, FITTSTONE INC, 1221.14, SPLY; 1738, HALL S AUTO, 176.80, SPLY; 1739, RED ROCK PIT, 197.23, SPLY; 1740, SEAL MASTERS INC, 3245.00, SPLY; 1741, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1688.50, SPLY; 1742, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 147.00, SPLY; 1743, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 56.00, SPLY; 1744, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 835.64, SPLY; 1745, U S CELLULAR, 102.21, SPLY; 1746, HASKELL LEMON CONSTRUCTION CO, 27206.08, RD MAT; 1747, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, SPLY; 1748, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, SERVICE; 1749, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 199.95, TRAVEL;SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 272, CABLE ONE, 75.95, SERVICE; 273, FENTRESS OIL CO., 3114.90, SPLY;HEALTH: 215, A T & T, 638.94, SERVICE; 216, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 277.92, SPL; 217, CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 292.00, SPLY; 218, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 585.44, SERVICE; 219, KELLOGG ELECTRIC LLC, 125.33, SPLY; 220, MILLER OFFICE, 65.00, SPLY; 221, O G & E, 809.09, SPLY; 222, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 409.44, SPL; 223, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 801.90, SPLY; 224, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 44.00, SPLY; 225, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 125.14, SPLY;RESALE PROPERTY: 71, COUNTY TREASURERS ASSOCIATION OF OKLA, %CHRISTY K, 150.00, REGISTRATION;SHERIFF FEES: 450, CODA, % KAREN MUEGGENBORG, 75.00, REGISTRATION; 451, TIP TOP CLEANERS, 5.00, SPLY; 452, NICHOLS DOLLAR SAVER, 639.70, SPLY; 453, O G & E, 2073.82, SPLY; 454, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 500.55, SPLY; 455, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 65.00, SERVICE; 456, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 1252.51, SPLY; 457, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 1 3 0 0 . 0 0 , S E RV I C E ; 4 5 8 , VA N C E CHEVROLET, 6456.11, SPLY;COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 63, A T & T, 215.46, SPLY; 64, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 146.05, SPLY;AGRI PLEX: 304, A T & T, 125.75, SPLY; 305, CULLIGAN, 49.48, SERVICE; 306, FENTRESS OIL CO., 156.41, SPLY; 307, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 21.97, SPL; 308, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 23.94, SPLY; 309, O G & E, 62.30, SERVICE; 310, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 81.75, SPLY; 311, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 47.70, SPLY; 312, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 29.76, SPLY;ZSALE: 70, A T & T, 1116.70, REMITTANCE; 71, THYSSENKRUP, 3 0 0 . 0 0 , S P LY; E M E R G E N C Y MANAGEMENT: 38, A T & T, 49.98, PHONE; 39, FENTRESS OIL CO., 210.55, SPLY; 40, HAM RADIO OUTLET INC, 139.90, SPLY; 41, TECH WORLD, 220.00, SPLY; 42, TOP HAND TOWER, 10400.00, EQUIP;” Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to adjourn. All aye. The foregoing are the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners for the month of February 2013 of the County Commissioners Journal No. 14. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PONTOTOC COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Gary Starns, Chairman Justin Roberts, Member Randy Floyd, Member ATTEST: Pam Walker County Clerk (Published in The Allen Advocate on March 7, 2013) CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - Haul Railroad Crews. 21+, Valid DL, Clean MVR, Pass Drug Test/Background. Locations and application at: www. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 866-579-2843. www. EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance Agents Needed; Leads, No Cold Calls; Commissions Paid Daily; Complete Training; Health & Dental Insurance; Guidance in Obtaining License Call 1-888-713-6020. ZONE: M,1, 2,3,4 ADVERTISE STATEWIDE for week of March 3, 2013 ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more 2x2 ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind yo ZONE: M,1, 2,3,4 information or to place an ad, call LEGAL SERVICES download the line ads for this week at Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free for week of March 3, 2013 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COL in OK at 1-888-815-2672. CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders 2x2 ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind yo Attorneys at Law. No Recovery – No download the line ads for this week at OCAN030313 Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COL FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 Go Painlessly® with THERA-GESIC. G Maximum strength analgesic Go Painlessly G with THERA-GESIC. creme® for temporary relief from: THG-12902 from Page 8 RENT-TO-OWN Portable OUTDOOR Buildings. Sheds, Storage Barns and MORE. No Credit Check. Low monthly payments. Free Delivery in 7 business days. 877-595-1875. OWNER OPERATORS. Class A CDL$2,500 Sign-On Bonus! Regional, Dedicated, Recession-proof freight with major grocery retailer. Lease purchase program with down payment assistance. 1 yr driving experience. Call Cornelius: 866-915-3910. G-12902 Pontotoc County Commissioners FOR SALE • Joint and Muscle soreness • Arthritis Maximum • Backstrength aches analgesic creme for temporary relief from: • Joint and Muscle soreness • Arthritis • Back aches Out and About Jessi Merriman - 1st place Class 5 Crossbred Barrows THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MARCH 7, 2013 - PAGE 13 M argaret Johnson and Glenda Ferguson traveled to Seminole last Saturday. There they met Denny Johnson of Chandler for lunch at the Catfish Roundup restaurant. —O&A— J ill Kaminski and Julie Deaton have been making frequent trips to Oklahoma City to visit their mother, Jan Moore, a patient at the Oklahoma Heart Hospital. —O&A— Out & about this past Saturday to visit with JoeAnn Hogue have been her granddaughter, Michele Anderson and Andrew of Ada, and granddaughter Lori Carruthers and Keith of Tuttle. A lso visiting recently with Mrs. Hogue has been her son, Terry Hogue of Longview, Texas. —O&A— Noel and Ashley Arnold and Jax of Edmond were out & about during the past weekend visiting with family. Gary’s HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING See me for all your Heating and Air Conditioning needs! • Commercial Ice Machines • (580)467-3136 or (580)857-2239 we accept VISA, MasterCard and Discover! 100 E Main - Ada - 580/332-0457 - continued Page 14 $ 100 every hour Hot Seats CASH Holdenville 4p-10p Players must play with their Players Club Card to be eligible Daily Promtions Seniors Day Monday Colton Howard - 1st place Duroc Barrow Class 1, 3rd place Hamp Barrow Class 4, Breed Champion Duroc, Jr. Swine Showmanship Winner Pre-K Student of the Week Pre-K Student of the Week is Cherish Woodward.Cherish was born August 3rd in Ada.Her family is Dad and Mom, and brother Breken. C harity’s favorite book is “Ruff”; her favorite food is Mac & Cheese. Her pets are named Scooter and Sunny; her friends are Taylor and Sophia. Cherish likes to play with farm animals.Someday she wants to be a cheerleader.She is excited about snow. birthdays and anniversaries March 7 — Mr. & Mrs. Pete Stamps*, Jaysun Edwards March 8 — Emily Wade, Leona Eubank**, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Files*, Walter Jones March 9 — Casey Taylor, Melissa Cooksey March 10— Jordyn Mills, Cody Lively, Megan Lively, Mr. & Mrs. Monte Taylor* March 11 — Hunter Harden, Hazen Adsit, Anjelica Griffin, Jack Deaton* March 12 — Kala Stephens, Kim Mowdy, Kazz Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Charley Henthorn*, Rev. Paul Jones March 13 — Mr. & Mrs. Jack Deaton*, Carly Sanders, Cole Goodson March 14 — Sandra Rowsey, Shelby Lewis**, Jerry Taylor, Jennie Evett, Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lawler*, Jonathan & Amanda Rhoads* March 15 — Lyn Anderson, Ken Akins March 16 — Joe Taylor, Elijah Jon Cooksey March 17 — Bill Robinson, J.T. Knighten $10 Free Play for earning 20 points plus Hot Seat drawings every 30 minutes from 11a-2p. Winners will receive a $50 free play and the final drawing at 2pm will be for $100 cash. (Seniors only) Must earn 20 points to be eligible for free play. Men’s Day Tuesday $10 Free Play for earning 20 points plus receive 1 entry for every 20 points earned from 6pm thru 11pm for your chance at $300 cash at 11pm. (Men only) Must earn 20 points to be eligible for free play. Special Promtions MARCH BIRTHDAYS Come in and celebrate your birthday with us. You’ll receive a $10 Free Play courtesy of Creek Nation Casino – Holdenville on any day during the month. Ladies Day Wednesday $10 Free Play for earning 20 points plus receive 1 entry for every 20 points earned from 6pm thru 11pm for your chance at $300 cash at 11pm. (Ladies only) Must earn 20 points to be eligible for free play. TGI Thursday $10 Free Play for earning 20 points plus receive 1 entry for every 20 points earned from 6pm thru 11pm for your chance at $300 cash at 11pm. (All Player Club Members) Must earn 20 points to be eligible for free play. Cash Fever March 31st Join us on Sunday March 31st for our Easter “Egg-travaganza”. You could be one of our hourly Hot Seat Winners with a chance to win up to 300.00 cash. Drawings every hour starting at 5p until 9pm. OKC Thunder Up Giveaway Friday Come in and feel the fever, “Cash Fever”. Hot Seat Drawings start at 7pm, hourly winners will receive $100 in Free Play and the final drawing at Midnight for $500 cash. Double Your Luck Saturday Come in from 10am-2pm and receive your $10 Match Play Plinko is back!!! From 7pm-12am all hourly Hot Seat winners will receive 1 Plinko chip for your chance to Winner will receive (1) 3 ticket pack for the April entries starting March 1st thru 31st. Drawing will be on April 1, 2013 at 8pm. Earn 1 entry for chines. Win Up To $500 cash!!! J]_mdYl]\Zql`]Emk[g_]] ;j]]c!FYlagfG^Ú[]g^HmZda[?Yeaf_ Out & About Allen They visited in the home of his grandmother, Jane Cassell, and at the home of his parents, James and Donna Arnold, where they were joined by his paternal grandmother, Beulah Arnold. —O&A— Jarid Knighten celebrated his 19th birthday on Wednesday, February 27th, and was honored with a birthday party at his home, hosted by his parents Brian and Jeree Knighten. Guests included his grandmother Loretta Craig, Bubba Springtime Spruce Up SAVINGS Sale Dates Good March 6-11, 2013 24 99 4 cu. ft. Wheelbarrow Flexogen 5/8”x50” Garden Hose Heavy-duty, crush resistant 8-ply construction. Full flow brass couplings Max kink resistant. 32 99 5M maximum hopper capacity. New edgeguard technology protects landscapes and the environment. Fully assembled. Ortho “Groundclear” Complete Vegetation Killer Concentrate Prevents new weed growth for up to 1 year. 9 19 Qt Grounds, Bella and Bentley of Oklahoma City, and Chris and Lindy Taylor and Coen of El Reno. —O&A— C arl and June Vinson traveled to Cushing this past weekend to visit with Phillip, Charlotte, Quentin, Tammy, Ireland and Quinn Vinson, and Natalie and Baylie Sommers. While there they attended church services at the Cushing United Pentecostal Church where Phillip and Charlotte are pastors. 16” 2-ply tires. Hardwood handles. Scott’s Edgeguard Mini Broadcast Spreader 99 36 99 Winget and friend Caden, all of Byng, and grandparents Jearl and Linda Knighten, and aunt Tammy Lawler, Kayla and Lauren, all of Allen. —O&A— Tom and Agnes Taylor traveled to Cogar, Oklahoma Sunday to visit their son and daughter-in-law, Jerry and Gina Taylor. Others there for the day were Gary and Michaela Wright, Thomas and Aiden of Tribune, Kansas, Shawn Taylor and Jennifer 99 gal YOUR CHOICE 4 in 1 or Garden Claw Cultivator 19 99 YOUR CHOICE Long Fiberglass Handle Garden Tools Heavy Duty fiberglass handle. Round Point Shovel, Squar point shovel, Bow Rake or Garden Hoe 9 99 Each J.B.’s Lumber & Ace Home Center 1407 North Country Club Road • Ada, Oklahoma (580)436-3992 Store Hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Sat 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Sunday 12 noon to 6 p.m. Brayden Griffith won first place with his Duroc barrow. THANKS The Allen FFA and 4-H would like to say a special thanks to Allen Masonic Lodge and Farmers State Bank for their generous donation of time and resources. The students had a very successful showing season because of in large part to the help of many parents, community and other individuals. We couldn’t do it without you! Thanks Tyler Spencer Allen FFA & April Whitehead Allen 4-H
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