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Senior Edition Next Week 09 The Countdown is on until Allen Graduation Saturday, May 23 Allen Advocate Allen Graduation! VOLUME 68 NUMBER 33 ALLEN, PONTOTOC COUNTY , OKLAHOMA 1 SECTION (USPS 543600) 50¢ THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2015 Allen Mustangs of the Month for March 2015 are Garrett Wallis and Meagan Beavert. This month’s plaques are sponsored by Allen Chamber member Prairie Notions Fabric Shop. Allen End of School Schedule The end of school is always a busy time for students and parents. All the organizations are holding their end-of-year banquets and award ceremonies, as well as the senior’s commencement. Allen has 28 seniors this year, all looking to the future with great anticipation. Tuesday night, the 12th, was the FCCLA dinner, awards assembly and dessert auction. The Allen chapter received the Gold Chapter Award, earned by having 75% or more of FACS class students being members of FCCLA, and also received a grant-a-wish award. The local chapter has 111 members. The Allen FFA banquet will be this Thursday evening, the 14th, at 7:00 p.m. Thursday will also be the senior luncheon at noon, followed by the senior faculty basketball game at 1:30. Then the seniors will head to Dallas on Friday for their senior trip, spending the night at the Great Wolf Lodge. Sunday evening at 6:00 the seniors will be honored at a Baccalaureate Service, hosted and sponsored by the Allen Ministerial Alliance, in the school auditorium. Middle school band concert will be held on Monday begining at 12 noon in the auditorium. This will feature the fourth, fifth and sixth grade musicians. Tuesday the 19th will be the Athletic Banquet, followed by the Academic Banquet and Awards Ceremony on Thursday, the 21st. Thursday will also be a day of awards and performances by the Allen Elementary Students. The Early Childhood tion sponsors are Seminole classes (Head Start, Pre-K and Kindergarten) will hold their State College and ECU. st rd Commencement exercises ceremony at 9:00 a.m., followed by the 1 thru 3 graders th th th for the Calvin graduating at 10:30, and the 4 , 5 and 6 grades at 12:00 noon. nd Friday evening, May 22 , will be the Spring Band & class of 2015 will be held Friday, May 15 th, at 7:00 Choir Concert. Graduation commencement exercises will be held Saturp.m. in the High School day morning, May 23rd, at 10:00 a.m. in the AHS gymnaAuditorium. sium. Calvin Valedictorians Honored at ECU Ceremony Calvin High School’s outstanding seniors wear medallions and display the certificates they received at the Recognition of Excellence Honors Ceremony held recently at East Central University. Honored from Calvin were: (left to right) Brooke Schumacher and Patricia Spray. The corporate sponsor for the annual even that recognizes high school seniors is First United Bank and Trust Company. Educa- ountry THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 -PAGE 2 C Comments by Bill Robinson, Publisher Graduation Day 2015 . . . Degrees are important but what you have in your heart is much more important than what you have in your head. I hope every senior passed their finals but I also want to share a story about one student that didn’t. THE FINAL I FAILED “Finals week had arrived with all its stress. I had been up late cramming for an exam. Now, as I slumped in my seat, I felt like a spring that had been wound too tight. I had two tests back-to-back, and I was anxious to get through with them. At the same time I expected to be able to maintain my Straight-A grade point average. As I waited impatiently for the prof to arrive, a stranger walked up to the blackboard and began to write. “Due to a conflict, your professor is unable to give Masons & FCCLA team up for Gun Raffle The Allen Masonic Lodge #81 is teaming up with Allen FCCLA to raffle a Remington 870 Express 12-gauge pump shotgun. All proceeds will benefit the Allen FCCLA State STAR event winners as they compete at the 2015 National Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. Tickets are $10.00 each or 6 tickets for $50.00. Tickets may be purchased from Masonic Lodge members or Allen FCCLA State STAR Event Winners. We would like to thank the community for supporting our young ladies as they continue on to Nationals. Stay…and Play • 2 WHITE WATER Tickets or 2 FRONTIER CITY Tickets • GUEST ACCOMMODATIONS with Breakfast for 2 • EXTRA BREAKFAST & PARK ADMISSION TICKET $25 per person ONLY $125 plus tax ASK US ABOUT "STAY LONGER, SAVE MORE" • • • • Indoor Pool Fitness Center Pool Table Full Service Restaurant • Lounge 2101 S. Meridian, OKC, OK 73108 Only minutes from all Oklahoma City attractions! LOCATED 2 MILES SOUTH OF I-40 (405) 685-4000 “STAY AND PLAY” MUST BE MENTIONED AT TIME OF BOOKING RESERVATION. 3.792x5 Riverside Autoplex 3224 Hwy 48 In Holdenville [405] 379-5424 2008 Chevrolet Silverado 2008 Buick Lucerne *$279 a month* *$219 a month* 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 2007 Buick Rendevous *$329 a month* *$199 a month* 2014 Chevrolet Sonic 2014 Buick Verano *$279 a month* *$319 a month* - All payments with approved credit - INTRODUCING NEW SERVICE OPTIONS Now open Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm for Quick Lubes FREE Check engine code readings! FREE multi-point inspection with any service $19.99 for Standard Oil Changes $39.95 for Dexos (Synthetic) up to 5 Quarts Excludes Disels $99.00 Window Tint 4 Door Cars $49.99 2 Roll Ups (Reg. Cab Trucks) you your test in this classroom. He is waiting for you in the gymnasium.” Oh, great, I thought. Now I have to walk clear across campus just to take this stupid exam. One of the reasons I had decided to attend this church-affiliated college was the chance to take courses in religion as electives. Growing up in the church, faithfully reading my Bible every day, and having parents who talked Bible all of the time had made everything I had heard in this class on the parables of Jesus just old stuff. The entire class was scurrying out the door and rushing to the gym. No one wanted to be late for the final, and we weren’t wasting time talking. The route to the gym took us past the hospital. There was a man stumbling around in front of it. I recognized him as the young blind man whose wife had just given birth to a baby in that hospital. He had been there before, but he must have become confused. Oh well, I thought to myself. Someone will come along soon and help him. I just don’t have time to stop now. So I hurried along with the rest of my class on our way to take that final exam. As we continued down the sidewalk, a woman came rushing out of a nearby bookstore. She had a baby on one arm, a stack of books on the other, and a worried look on her face. The books fell onto the sidewalk, and the baby began to cry as she stooped to pick them up. She should have left that kid at home, I thought. I dodged her as the class and I rushed along. Just around the next corner someone had left a dog on a leash tied to the tree. He was a big, friendly mutt, and we had all seen him there before, but today he couldn’t quite reach the pan of water left for him. He was training at his leash and whining. I thought, what a cruel pet owner would tie up a dog and not leave his water where he could reach it? But I hurried on. As we neared the gym, a car passed us and parked close to the door. I recognized the man who got out as one of the maintenance crew. I also noticed he left the lights on. “He’s going to have a problem when he tries to start that car to go home tonight,” the fellow next to me said. By that time we were going I the doors of the gym. The maintenance man waved a greeting to us and disappeared down one of the halls. We found seats close to where our professor waited. The professor stood with his arms folded, looking at us. We looked back. The silence became uncomfortable. We all knew his tests were also teaching tools, and we wondered what he was up to. He motioned toward the door and in walked the blind man, the young mother with her baby, a girl holding the big dog on a leash, and the maintenance man. These people had been planted along the way in an effort to test whether or not the class has grasped the meaning behind the story of the man who fell among thieves. We all failed. All of us should do our best not to fail the important “finals” of life. —CC— AN OLD MAN AND A BOY “Life has a cheerful meaning, Tho’ your time’s a-wearin’ thin, ‘cause you’re lookin’ back with pleasure, Tho’ you’re just about done in. You heels are leanin’ over To the other side a bit, But you’re full of satisfaction Tho’ it’s almost time to quit. You’ve got a lot of young ‘uns, And they’ve got young ‘uns, too. You’re nary very lonesome Tho’ it’s almost time you’re through, Your face is lean and wrinkled And your hair has long been gray, And you’ve never been the same old man, Since Grandmaw passed away. But I hope I’ll learn your lesson, To grin and bear it, too, And have the same outlook on life, That seems a part of you. “I guess you think us youngsters Are a pretty fickle lot— That we raise the curtain on the stage Before we have a plot’ That our brains are drained and drying, Like picked grapes out in the sun; That we sneak off to go fishin’ Before the chores are done; That we aren’t the sturdy people That you folks used to be, For instead of felling might oaks, We spend weekends at the sea. We don’t ride in horse-pulled buggies, Or enjoy a plate of beans, And we’ll raise our voice in protest O’er a dish of turnip greens. You think we live in idleness, Of love and sweet caress, And that we’re very asinine, Or I think you do . . . I guess?” “No, son,” the old man uttered Through his weather-beaten lips, “You’re pillars of this land, And as strong as ironclad ships. You’re the same as generations Of the sturdy men and true, Who made this lave a haven, And your weak are mighty few. We’re happy, son, us tired old men, To make you boys our heirs, And we’ll find divine contentment As we climb those golden stairs, And then look down upon you, And you so-called fickle lot, And see the wonders you have done, And the good that you have brought.” He paused and wet his lips and said: “Son, I once was fickle, too, And had the same outlook on life, That seems a part of you.” Now Accepting New Patients! Office Hours Mon - Fri 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Close at noon on Thursday on cati ars o L e Ye Sam er 15 v o for AllenMichelle Health Clinic Barlow, D.O. Board Certified in Family Practice 202 W. Broadway • Allen, OK • (580)857-2424 • (866)966-0664 Most insurance accepted Atwood Church of the Nazarene THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 -PAGE 3 Sunday was an unusual Sunday. Because of the storms we had Friday night, we had no electricity. We had some damage in the area but thank God no one was hurt. It happened so quickly but will take a while to clean up. We want to thank the county workers and the electric people for working on Saturday to get the roads cleared. Since Truby can play by ear our music was as good as ever. We sang the old songs that everyone knew the words to. Sara ,Matt, and Gary sang “ It is Well with my Soul.” for our special. We honored our mothers with flowers and books. Our oldest mom was Ruth, our youngest was Jessica, and Murphy had the most children. We know how much our mothers and grandmothers contribute to a child’s spiritual growth. Sorority meet at Rocky Top Winery Allen sorority members Cindi Sanders, Sue Boyd, Jill Kaminski, Joy Anderson, Cindy Davis, Jennifer Smith, Carla Kramer and Danielle O’Daniel met our hostess for the evening, Wilma Harden, at Rocky Top Winery for our meeting May 8th. The crazy weather may have moved the festivities inside but with freshly grilled hamburgers, chips, pineapple cream angel food cake, strawberry cake and one amazing view we really didn’t mind. Thank you, Wilma, for the wonderful food and great time. We will be providing desserts on May 25th for the Memorial Day Veterans’ Luncheon at the Masonic Lodge. Our next and final meeting for the year is May 28th and will be a Mexican potluck dinner. Don’t forget it is also secret sister reveal... Can’t wait to see everyone there. Lilly Matthews waits for a hand off at the Allen track meet. Local ECU Graduates Several from the Allen area were among the East Central University graduates honored at Saturday, May 9th, at the commencement ceremony at the Kerr Activity Center. Ceremonies were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Distinguished ECU grads speaking at the ceremonies were Deborah Cornelison in the morning and Todd Graham in the afternoon. Cornelison was a National Teachers Hall of Fame inductee last June, and Graham is the head football coach at Arizona State University. Receiving bachelor’s degrees from Allen were Melinda Ball, Sociology; Leah Chermack, Accounting; Felicia Gilliam, Nursing; Darilynn Jalufka, Cartography (Geotechnique); Jerry Poter, Organizational Leadership; Tiffany Postoak, Legal Studies; Caitlin Spencer, Social Work; Atty Todd, Elementary Education; and from Atwood was Oneta Tate, Accounting. Earning master’s degrees were Keri Long of Allen and Chasity Burke of Calvin. Golf Camp at Eccentric Duffer The Eccentric Duffer golf course, 13205 CR 1550 (Reeves Road), Ada, will be holding a Golf Camp on May 25th thru 29th. Cost of the five day session is $65 per person. For more information call (580) 332-4950 or (580) 3102121. Bro. Larry’s message was taken from Psalm 51:113 and was entitled “Have Mercy on Me, O God.” All sin is ultimately sin against a holy God. People may be involved or offended in the process. Innocent people may suffer as a result of my evil choices. I may be tempted to justify my actions. Until I take that difficult look within and own my responsibility, I will not be healed. I can count on God’s unfailing mercy. He really is for us. Receiving the mercy of God may not exempt us from the judgment of people. We have all failed at some point, but we can easily judge those who have failed at a different one. Only God can change us. He can create in us a new heart. He can restore us. Our Memorial Day service will be held May 24 at 2:00. Donations will be taken. Our Bible School is scheduled for June 1-5 from 9-11:30 am. We want all the kids in the area to come. We will have games, Bible study, snacks, singing and a good time. Skelton’s Dive-N 401 E Hwy 1 • (580)857-1234 Drive thru - walk up - outhouse Try our Charbroiled Burgers & Nathans Beef Hot Dogs Hours 10-10 Sun - Thurs 10 - midnight Fri & Sat - Banana Splits - Shakes - Sundaes - Floats - Dipped Cones 2 to 4 or use our convenient Golf Cart Entrance AUCTION Saturday, May 16 • 10 a.m. 7452 E 142 Rd. Atwood, OK From: Hwy 48 & Hwy 1 go West on Hwy 1, for 1/4 of a mile then North into property. Kenneth and Marjorie (Jo) Vandeveer, after many years in the trucking business, have retired and sold their home. Need to liquidate surplus items. TOOLS - TRUCK PARTS SHOP EQUIPMENT Hand Tools • Pallet Jack • 50 Gal Propane Tanks • Extension Ladder • 60 Lb. Torque Wrench (3/4 Drive) • Bench Grinder • Rivet Gun • Saws All • Nailer • Grinder • Router • Jig Saw • Sander • Air Stapler • Electric Screw Driver • Air Compressor • Air Hoses • Air Hose Reel • Dewalt Cutoff Saws • CClamps • Grease Guns • Tandem 18 Wheeler Remover • Oil Drum & Pump • Delta Drill Press • Battery Charger • Solvent Tank (Parts Washer) • Dismount Truck Tire Tools • Hydraulic Jacks • Air Impact 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, & 1 Inch • Porta-Powers (2 Ton & 10 Ton) • 3/4 In. Socket Sets • Paint Gun • Drill Bit Sharpener • Drill Bits • 5 Gal. Gear Oil Pump • Mud & Snow Chains (11-22.5) • Assortment Of Aluminum Truck Wheels • Fog Lights • Super Singles • Bulk Head Divider • Chain & Boomers • Lincoln 225 Amp Electric Welder • Metal Work Tables • Drop Lights • Fan Belts • Filter Wrenches • Dollies • Load Locks • A/C Vacuum Pump • Chrome Stacks • A-Frame • A-Frame Hoist • Chisels • Metal Shelves • Jumper Cables • Wheel Pullers • Marker & Tail Lights • Freon Gauges & Hoses • Air Hose (Truck & Trailer) • Misc. Detroit Motor Parts • Misc. Peterbilt Parts • Misc. Thermo King Parts • Pickup Aluminum Toolbox GUNS Interarms 22cal M-22ATD • Remington 22cal M-522 • New Haven 12ga M-195 • Daisy “Red Rider” BB FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - ETC. End Tables • Sofa Table • Wine Cabinet • Clock • Quilt Stand • Room Divider Screen • Pictures • Electric Heater • Small Appliances • Microwave • Maytag Front Loader Washer • Maytag Dryer • Corner Shelf • Loveseat • Card Table & Chairs • Refrigerator • Lamps • Yard Ornaments • Fish Aquarium • Christmas Decorations OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT Copy Machines • Fax Machine • Computers • Several Desks (Some L Shape) • Printers • Office Chairs MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 52” Cub Cadet 27 Hp Kawasaki ZTR Riding Mower • 48’ Box Trailer (For Storage Only) • Tack • 18’ Car Hauler Trailer W/ Brakes & Ramps • Water Cooler For Auto (Pre A/C) • Hay Hooks • RV Tow Bar • Propane Fireplace • 16th Home Run Babe Ruth Picture • Window A/C’s • Golf Clubs • Charcoal Grill • Push Mower • Handmade Scale Replica of Eufaula Queen Boat TERMS: Cash or check with proper ID. Full settlement day of auction. Dealers bring copy of Resale Tax Number or tax will be collected. All information on above items believed to be accurate. However, this information is for reference only, and all buyers should inspect and make their own determination as to age and condition before bidding. All items selling as is, where is, without warranty or condition. 10% buyers premium added to all sales. We accept credit cards. Welch Real Estate & Auction Service 100 N. Hinckley St., Holdenville, OK 74848 405-379-3331 ATM Machine • Lottery Station 24 Hour Gas Pumps Drive-thru window Hot Deli Counter Allen Quick Pic Hwy 1 • Allen • (580)857-2459 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 --PAGE 4 Threads of Life By Cleo LeValley At 7:06 on the evening before Mother’s Day, 1993, a tornadic supercell storm hit the Healdton area. Officials concluded that more than one tornado ripped through the town, tearing off roof tops, severely damaging downtown buildings, completely destroying at least six homes and causing severe damage to almost every residence within a one and onehalf mile radius. Electric light poles were snapped, power lines were down Evening before Mother’s Day and there was flooding in many areas of the community. Unique among the events that happened during the storm is the story of the Bible in the Window. Kathy Needham, owner of a boutique shop featuring women’s clothing and unique gifts, had filled the window of her store with some of the best items in the shop. She always tried to make the windows attractive and this was a special week for buying a mother some special gift 140 x 170 ft lot - Black's Addition, Allen - $11,00 1350 sq ft. well maintained 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, central h/a, large fenced-in back yard, detached double covered carport, storage bldg reduced to $79,900 and she had tried to make them unusually attractive this week. Since the shop opened, one special spot in the window display was reserved for an old Bible. The Bible itself had a special significance. One day, a friend and neighbor who had lost his wife, called Kathy to see if she would like to have some of the wife’s things. When Kathy arrived she noticed the Bible among them. She asked if he was getting rid of it also, and he replied that he did not believe anyone would want it, as it had the wife’s name written inside the cover, and he gave the Bible to her. When Kathy opened For the graduate 308 West Broadway – Allen RINEHART REALTY.NET Atwood Memorial Day Memorial Day services will be held Sunday, May 24th, at 2:00 at the Atwood Cemetery. The Nazarene Church will be in charge. Donations will be taken through out the week for the upkeep and mowing. For All Your Real Estate Needs 816 ARLINGTON - ADA, OKLAHOMA - (580)436-4662 Eric Pierce, Associate Cell (580)399-7106 • Day (580)857-2627 • Night (580)857-2824 Memorial Service Planned at Non Cemetery Funds needed for upkeep the Diamond Shop 100 E Main - Ada (580)332-0457 Open Monday - Friday 10 to 5:30 Saturday 10 to 5 Brett, Danielle, Ryan, Ty & Eli O’Daniel her shop she put the Bible in the window and always built her display around it. The evening of the storm she was at home with her family northwest of Healdton. They noticed the bad clouds and soon they received a call that Healdton had been hit by the storm. She and her husband drove into town to check on her shop. They drove through a ton of debris and water to reach town and found the entire front window of her shop had blown out. Glass was all over the sidewalk and all inside the shop. Every item of clothing, purses and gift items, had blown from the window. With flashlights to light the way, they walked through the water and broken glass on the sidewalk, to survey the damage. They saw the Bible still on its stand. They were amazed to see it open to the same pages as it had been before. There was not a single piece of glass or any watermarks on any of the pages. It was completely dry. There were some injuries in the area due to the storm but not one life was lost due to the supercell storm that raged over Healdton on the evening of May 8, 1993. The Bible continued to be displayed in the restored window of Kathy’s store among beautiful clothing and gifts as long as her store was open. The Non Cemetery Fund is accepting donations for the upkeep and mowing of the cemetery. Checks may be mailed to Twilla Thornton at 1311 Willowbrook, Ada, OK 74820, or deposited directly into the account at Security State Bank (formerly The Bank NA), 1701 East Hwy, Holdenville. A Memorial Day service will be held Monday, May 25th, at the cemetery. Everyone is invited to gather at 11:30 a.m. for the flag salute, acknowledgement and prayer. The service will be followed by a potluck lunch. For more information call Twilla at (580) 332-6668. SHOWCASE FEATURING CONNECT WITH US 24/7 EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT HOMETOWN CARE, ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Complete Diagnostic Center MRI CT featuring Low Dose Radiation X-ray & Ultrasound Swing Bed/ Respite Care General Acute Care 3 Family Practice Clinics Physical Therapy Laboratory Services Outpatient Specialty Services Cardiology Ophthalmology Urology Pain Management Wound Care General Surgery 405-379-4200 100 McDOUGAL DRIVE, HOLDENVILLE OK 74848 Blake Campbell gets the baton for his first grade relay team. Out & About Joy Nickell and son Brian Nickell enjoyed Mother’s Day in Maud with her son Jerry and Kim Nickell and Charity. She was very thrilled with her beautiful bouquet of roses. —O&A— Coy West and Sally Stafford left Friday, May 1st, for Branson, Missouri. On Sunday, the 3rd, they were joined by Jearl and Linda Knighten. The Knightens stayed until Wednesday; Coy and Sally returned home on Thursday. During their time together the two couples saw an Elvis performance, attended the Grand Country Jubilee, and Billy Clay Show. Coy and Sally also attended the Ozark Jubilee and enjoyed shopping and antiquing. THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 -PAGE 5 One Pharmacist’s View A s most of my readers know, I get my medical care up at the Oklahoma City VA. I guess they do a pretty good job, I am after all still alive and 80. It’s a pretty big facility giving care in all sorts of disciplines and they even do open heart surgeries up there. Even more impressive to me and my wife is their Canteen on the main floor. This little federally operated store offers for sale everything from clothing to flat screen TVs. Men’s suits and women’s jewelry. All at PX-like prices. It’s a very busy little place with two checkout lines that are always busy with eager veterans lined up waiting to pay out. I wondered what they do with all that money. And I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of it. G len Bates must have Just a little VA Canteen wondered the same thing. He became the manager of a VA Canteen up in Detroit in May, 2008. Glen kept that job until March of 2013 when a problem arose. Nearly $400,000 went missing. Federal auditors discovered that Glen Bates had sticky fingers and expensive tastes. Over a span of time he had developed a taste for lap dances for which he often spent $500 a whack. In fact, one lap dancer (Ashley) really caught his eye and he often engaged her to spend a night with him. I guess he must have been scared of the dark. But overnights from Ashley were costly. Mister Bates said he didn’t steal that much and that he had only taken about Light from God’s Word $150,000 over the stealing span of his management. As far as crimes go this one wasn’t too bad (after all this is Detroit) so Glen was released on a $10,000 unsecured bond and so far has stayed out of jail. How did he steal it? Well, Bates took money he took in off the sale of commemorative military hats, vending machines and a few other retail sales. I wonder if he will plead for clemency on account of being a veteran? Now that I know what they do with the money collected at the canteen in Detroit, I still wonder who gets all that cash up at Oklahoma City and I wonder if they need a manager. Just wondering. I read this week that the investigation into the heart care portion of the VA Hospital in OKC is complete now. Since I’m a graduate of this particular service up there I read the story with interest and was glad to see it was open again. I can hardly wait. Or perhaps I can. Best I could tell they were doing real good work but the death rate was pretty high for these patients. I still don’t know just how high it was but the thought did cross my mind that most of those old guys up there are just that — old. Plus, veterans aren’t the most sought-after bunch of guys if you are looking for examples of good health. I have a good look at these guys pretty often and it seems a large percentage of them love their cigarettes more than good health hab- the praise of men more than the praise of God.” (John 12:42-43) Surely, it is a mistake to blindly follow along with the majority of people! The majority will be lost (Matthew 7:13-14) Jesus said “narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are “Oh, to have the wisdom few who find it.” (Matt of Solomon!” How many 7:14) It is so sad (and heartof us have exclaimed this breaking) that the majority when faced with a difficult won’t even try to find the decision? King Solomon truth, but will simply follow was given wisdom from along on the broad way that God and he excelled in lead to destruction. (Matt wisdom above all men. (1 7:13) Kings 4:29-34) Along with wisdom, God also gave him long life, riches and honor. However, his wisdom did not keep him from being influenced by unbelievers nor did it keep him from PO Box 465 - Allen OK 74825-0465 disobeying God. (580)857-2687 • He married several une-mail [email protected] believing pagan wives and Dayna Robinson - Owner “his wives turned his heart The Allen Advocate (USPS 543600) is published weekly each Thursday after other gods, and his at 101 S Easton, Allen, OK 74825 heart was not fully devoted POSTMASTER Send address changes to to the Lord his God.” (1 Kings 11:4) God instructed The Allen Advocate, PO Box 465, Allen, OK 74825 Israel to not intermarry with the idol worshipers because “they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” (1 Kings 11:2) But Solomon not only broke this commandment, he also tried to please his wives instead of obeying God. (1 Kings 11:2) S houldn’t a wise person obey Him rather than disobeying God in order to please his wife or husband? How many people will be lost because they failed to read and study for themselves, but simply followed some family member or some religious leader? Some of us seem to think it is more important to please certain people than Count on People to please God. Even when Jesus was here in the flesh, there were many who “believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they Dave Campbell, should be put out of the PHARMACIST synagogue; for they loved Mark Legg The Allen Advocate its. Junk food and a lot of alcohol may be part of their daily diet in many cases. Most of their exercise may well come from shopping in the local canteen (oops, there’s that canteen again) probably buying yet another commemorative military hat and a large cola. Maybe The Daily Oklahoman should run an investigative series on the VA Canteen in Oklahoma City and lay off the heart surgical ward. After all, those boys have to hone their skills someplace and we veterans need to remember that we can’t live forever. With that in mind allow me to remind you to attend church Sunday. You never know. Wayne Bullard, DPh [email protected] Allen Vet Clinic 1/4 Mile East of Allen Quick Pic - Hwy 1 (580)857-2991 Cell (580)421-5936 Open 8 to 5 Monday - Friday Time to guard your pets against fleas and ticks We have a variety of products to keep your animals safe! LARGE & SMALL ANIMALS Tim Costner, D.V.M HOLDENVILLE E Y E CE NT E R 720 N. Hinckley • Holdenville, Oklahoma Call today for an appointment (405)379-3700 • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Children’s Eye Exams • Diabetic Eye Exams • Contact Lens Fittings • Treatment of Eye Infections and Injuries • Managment and Treatment of Eye Diseases Dr. Sarah Mulliniks & Dr. Jay LaValley * Most major medical and vision insurance plans accepted Buy One, Get One 50% Off of Second Pair of Eyewear of equal or lesser value within 30 days of original purchase. 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt Keep a level head in an up-and-down market. Taylor P Howard Financial Advisor . 1500 Hoppe Blvd Suite 11 Ada, OK 74820 580-436-1632 Member SIPC Allen Rural Medicine (580)857-1300 Office Hours Mon-Tues - Thurs-Fri 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Wednesdays 8-12 Let us get you on the road to good health We now have Mother’s Day & Graduation Cards Call for an appointment who care! ALLEN Community PHARMACY & Clinic • 200 E Lexington • Allen, OK 74825 (580) 857-2492 after hours number (580) 857-9928 Store hours M-F 8:00 - 5:30 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 - PAGE 6 Congratulations Calvin Seniors Anthony Harris son of Samantha & Robert Harris Elizabeth Wise daughter of Regina Wise Michael Iker son of Brian & Shannon Iker Saleena Wilson daughter of Joe & Florence Wilson Bradley Harrison Ashley Nicole Gillean son of Thelma McGinty & Tommie Goodner daughter of Janice Linker Ian Fulton son of Travis & Melody Bonnell Jonathan Flowers son of Kerri Flowers, Devin Flowers, Julia Flowers Patricia Spray daughter of Rhonda Spray & William Spray Jr. Rebecca Nadine Kiogima daughter of Sandra Lawson-Kiogima & James Kiogima Sarah LaRae Jennings daughter of Melissa Jennings, Bill & Faye Brown, Matt & Ginny Knighten Brooke Schumacher daughter of LaDonna Wilbanks & Ken Schumacher Joseph Adams son of Mary Adams, Bobby Karigan, Matt & Paula Adams Ryan Taylor Candy son of Clyde Waller & Donna Waller Calvin Eugene Clayton son of Della Clayton & Ronald Clayton Kyler Alan Turpin son of Morgan Turpin Ryan Gutierrez son of Tamra Gutierrez Shelbey Lynne Gillean daughter of Janice Linker Tribute Jam for Bill Holt is Sunday in Calvin A Memorial Jam and trib- ute to “Wild” Bill Holt and Darryl Anderson will be held at the Calvin Ag Barn this Sunday, May 17th, from 1:30 p.m. to ?? Any and all friends are welcome to come play, sing, dance or just listen. This is hosted by the Cal- vin Jam of which both were members. There will be potluck and refreshments, bring a dish if you can. Hope Patricia Spray and Sindi Spray to see you there! Wesley Bain & Abigail Harris THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 -PAGE 7 2015 Calvin Prom Rebecca Kiogima & Justin Holman Kylee Turpin & Kristen Stringfellow HCCD presents Critter’s Crossroads at Calvin The Hughes County Conservation District gave a presentation to the Calvin 4H After School Program over one of their new educational resource trunks titled “Critters Crossroads”. The 54 students and 7 adults learned about the different types of animals, how to tell the difference between similar tracks and how to read the signs that animals leave behind. The students broke into groups to compete against each other for the top “Extreme Tracker” 1st place team. Each group read the track cards and guessed which and how many animals were at the site and what types of interactions they had. The students then tried to identify which animal was represented by three different signs: tracks, scat and skulls. The District received a grant from the Ouachita Mountains Resources, Conservation & Development (RC&D) Council which helped purchase the items for this new educational resource trunk which will be used at area schools. Ouachita Mountains RC&D covers all of southeast Oklahoma. The District would like to express their thanks for the funding on this important program. For further information on this educational program or on any other program, please contact the Hughes County Conservation District at 405-379-2570 or by email at [email protected]. Please visit us on Facebook to view the photos from this event at and if you enjoy what you see, be sure to select the “like” button to keep receiving updates on local news, weather, events and programs. Calvin Wittman & Brooke Schumacher Michael Iker, Sarah Adams, Angella Flowers & Joseph Adams THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 -PAGE 8 Congratulations to the All American Babes T-Ball Team for their 2nd place win at the recent tournament. The girls won their trophies May 2nd at Matthews Park in Ada. Pictured, left to right, are Grasyn Whitehead, Lainey Ford, Lauren Baber, Khloe Goodson, Mikaela Raney, Remington Clifford, Jessi Mann, Kryslyn Stephens, Kierra Frederick, Tinsley Wofford, Lily Laden, Brooke Harper and Sophia Smith. The START EARNING ENTRIES MAY 1st - JULY 25th DETAILS COMING SOON! May Weekly Promotions SUN MON TUE Customer Appreciation Night MON THU Senior Day Drawings every 30 min.* $100 Cash Prize $300 Cash Final Drawing Earn 20 pts receive* $10 Free Play + Every 30 min. receive (2) $25 Free Plays Earn 50 points to qualify 50 years and older 8p - 10p 11a - 2p WED Hump Day Wednesday Earn 40 pts receive* $10 Free Play Drawings every hour $50 Cash 7p - 10p Earn 40 points to qualify FRI SAT Friday Night Delight Get Your Swag On Drawings every hour* $100 Cash Prize Final Drawing at 11pm $500 Cash Prize Drawings* 7p - 11p Earn 200 points to qualify 2p | 4p | 6p | 8p | 10p | 12a $100 Cash Prize Drawings* SUN May 10th Mother’s Day All Mothers Recieve $10 Match Play 10am-7pm See promo desk for details 1p | 3p | 5p | 7p | 9p | 11p $50 Free Play 1p - 12a Earn 100 points to qualify MON May 25th Memorial Day Cash Giveaway Drawings every 30 min.* $100 Cash Prize $300 Cash Final Drawing 8p - 10p Winners must be actively playing at time of drawings. 211 E Willow St • Holdenville, OK 74848 Ryleigh Tate celebrated her birthday this past week with a Sheriff Callie’s Wild West theme party. Her guests included her mother, Chelsea Tate, Bobby, Melina and Jake Linker, Dicky, Andre’, Makena and Saree Pegg, Carolyn Henderson, Stefan Roppel and Karlie Warmuth, Britney Gibson and Keaton Lovin, Ed and Jan Rutherford, Amanda, Aiven and Ian Anderson and their cousin Leah, Colton Frederick, Kerrie & Kylie Carter. Allen School Menu Week of May 18th Monday Breakfast – Breakfast Pizza, Milk, Juice, Cereal Lunch – Corn Dog, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk, Water Tuesday Breakfast – Waffles, Fruit, Milk, Juice, Cereal Lunch – Homemade Burritos, Beans, Chips & Salsa, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk, Water Wednesday Breakfast – Sausage Patty, Long Johns, Toast, Fruit, Milk, Juice, Cereal Lunch – Cheeseburgers, French Fries, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk, Water Thursday Breakfast – Biscuit & Gravy, Sausage Patty, Fruit, Milk, Juice, Cereal Lunch – Ham & Cheese Sub, Carrot Sticks, Chips, Salad Bar, Fruit, Milk, Water Friday Have A Great Summer! THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 - PAGE 9 Beavert & Wallis are Mustangs of the Month from Page 1 P rairie Notions Fabric Shop is proud to sponsor the March Mustangs of the Month. As an Allen Chamber of Commerce, they provided the plaques and Allen Bucks presented to Meagan Beavert and Garett Wallis. Meagan is the daughter of Winston and Kelly Beavert. A senior at AHS, Meagan is an honor student, Class Valedictorian, an FFA State Degree Recipient with recognition for academic excellence, and earned AllConference in both fast and slow-pitch softball. Meagan’s favorite subject is Trig. She says, “Math is my favorite subject because every problem has a set answer. Her hobbies are spending time with family and friends. M eagan’s future plans are to graduate from Oklahoma State University with a doctorate in veterinary medicine, specializing in equine. Her teachers recommend her saying, “Meagan is in- He is an excellent student. high standards for himself. students and teachers. He volved in FFA, softball and He is self-motivated, has He is respectful, responsible goes above and beyond the STUCO, and is a member a positive attitude and sets and relates well with both requirements of an assignof the Citizen’s Bank Board. ment.” She goes above and beyond what is required of our students.” G arrett, a freshman at AHS, is the son of Chris Wallis and Amanda Wallis. Garrett played football and ran track for the Mustangs as well as being a member of the State Champion Power-Lifting Team; he has in McAlester is always been on the Superintendent’s Honor Roll and overstocked with a large number of new demos, is a class officer. Algebra program vehicles, as well as OFF lease returns! All is his favorite subject because, he says, “We have a demos qualify for factory rebates as well as 0% good teacher and get a lot financing on select vehicles. 18 to choose from. done. I enjoy working with numbers.” Garrett’s hobbies Program cars are reduced as much as $3,000 per are hunting, fishing, riding car for this special offer to the public, with over 50 four wheelers and playing sports. His future plans are to choose from. Select from over 500 vehicles total. to become an electrical or The largest selection in SE Oklahoma. mechanical engineer. G arrett’s teachers were happy to recommend him for this honor. “Garrett is hard working, dedicated, and committed to all he does. Colby McGee hired as new Ag teacher by Carolyn Summers Allen Board of Education met May 11, 2015. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Robert Hammonds. Members present were Jeff Maloy, Chad Goodson, Frayne Black, Cindy Davis and encumbrance clerk Brenda Robertson. Superintendent Robert Gragg, Dean of Students Greg Mills and High School Principal Michael James were also in attendance. Visitors were Colby McGee, Cheyanne McGee, Lesli Costner and Carolyn Summers. Minutes of April 13, 2015 meeting read and approved. All members voting yes. Building Fund, General Fund and Treasurer’s reports given and approved. All members voting yes. Administrative reports given by Superintendent Robert Gragg, High School Principal Michael James and Greg Mills for elementary. Discussion of end-of-year activities were approved. At 7:30 p.m. the board voted to go into executive session to discuss resignations, new hires and personnel assignments. At 8:40 p.m. the board returned from executive session. All members voted yes. Colby McGee has been hired as the new Ag teacher and Cheyanne McGee for elementary. At 8:50 motion made to adjourn with all members voting yes. Next meeting June 8, 2015. Not only is Cash Wainscott a cowboy, he is also a pretty fast runner. PUBLIC NOTICE NIX AUTO CENTER HURRY THESE VEHICLES SELL FAST! SALE DATES Wednesday May 13, 2015 End Date May 16, 2015 THIS HUGE USED CAR EVENT IS AT: 700 S. George Nigh Expressway ● McAlester, OK 918-423-6200 ● 1-800-400-6201 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 -PAGE 10 Proud Sponsor of Allen Mustang Athletics Jeep Patriots in stock!! up to 1109 N Broadway Ave., Ada, OK 74820 t $5,000 Off Area Birthdays Roberts finishes in 15th Place at State May 14 — Jo Byrd, Chad Kisinger, Kason Smith May 16 — Lauren Lawler May 17 — Mr. & Mrs. Travis Goddard* May 20 — Stephen Tahah, Kelsey Hood May 22 — Jane Erickson, Cindi Sanders May 23 — Will Kaminski May 24 — Mr. & Mrs. Chad Kaminski* May 26 — Mr. & Mrs. Brian Knighten* May 27 — Jennifer Sanchez, Kinsey Smith May 30 — Britten Wallace, Cory Johnson, Jagger Caldwell Roberts also finished in 15th place during the 1600 meter run. Her time in the mileBy HERMAN BROWN long event was recorded at Allen correspondent 6:49.27. Oke-tw’sha Roberts competed Last weekend, the AHS star earlier this week in the Class A won a gold medal in the 1600 state track and field meet. The meter run at the regional track event was staged at Carl Albert and field meet in Stroud. High School in Midwest City. Roberts covered the mile in The Lady Mustangs’ 6:44.39 to claim first place in sophomore distance runner a very competitive field. was Allen High School’s only Roberts also earned a trip to representative in the girls state in the 800 meter race with a time of 2:48.85. She won the division at Midwest City. th Roberts finished in 15 place bronze medal for third place at at state in the 800 meter run. the regional site. She covered the distance in a Here is a brief look at Roberts’ two events at state – the 800 time of 2:49.93. meter run and the 1600 meter run: Brayden Tatum crosses the finish line first in the Relay race. STATE TRACK MEET @ Carl Albert Class 1A 800 Meter Run 1 - Brooke Rayner, 9, Pond Creek-Hunt, 2:26.96 2 - Harlie Schmeling, 10, Sharon-Mutual, 2:28.46 3 - Alyssa Masoner, 10, Waurika, 2:29.27 4 - Sarah Garvie, 11, Burlington, 2:32.43 5 - Kylie Ezell, 12, S W Covenant, 2:32.48 6 - Olivia Westfahl, 11, Okeene, 2:34.62 7 - Makenzie Janz, 10, Erick, 2:34.96 8 - Victoria Vandiver, 9, Covington-Doug, 2:36.72 9 - Taylor Viola, 9, Erick, 2:39.22 10 - Dia Fischer, 12, Okla Christ, 2:39.71 11 - Brooklan Light, 10, Garber, 2:41.19 12 - Tia Creed, 9, Laverne, 2:42.21 13 - Cadie Harelson, 9, Davenport, 2:42.33 14 - Bless Roberts, 10, Kiowa, 2:43.53 15 - Oke-tw’sha Roberts, 10, Allen, 2:49.93 1600 Meter Run 1 - Jeanna Baker, 11, Laverne, 5:26.84 2 - Cailin Wright, 11, Velma-Alma, 5:27.93 3 - Harlie Schmeling, 10, Sharon-Mutual, 5:36.04 4 - Andi Pierce, 11, Garber, 5:39.85 5 - Tiarra Davis, 11, Pond Creek-Hunt, 5:42.24 6 - Melanie Soto, 9, Boise City, 5:48.16 7 - Autumn Mizer, 11, Boise City, 5:53.19 ZONES: 4 8 - Madie Myers, 10, Waukomis, 5:53.53 9 - Indy Curl, 9, Forgan, 5:55.24 for week of May 10, 2015 10 Cathy Del Real, 11, Texhoma, 5:55.51 2x2 ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind your classified department to 11 - Dia Fischer, 12, Okla Christ, 6:07.33 download the line ads for this week at 12 - Kylee Fargo, 10, Timberlake, 6:09.48 CHOOSE 13 - Ashlee Wright,12, Cherokee, 6:14.95 THE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COLUMN WIDTH 14 - Angel Stephens, 11, Stuart, 6:46.95 15 - Oke-tw’sha Roberts, 10, Allen, 6:49.27 16 - Erin Giles,11, Welch, 7:33. Sophomore wraps up spring campaign at Carl Albert 051015 Vytautas Ringus, MD Orthopaedic Surgeon 180± ACRES • PITTSBURG COUNTY OK • QUINTON OK AREA • OFFERED IN 2 TRACTS WEDNESDAY JUNE 10th 3PM Auction location: onsite- Bascum Rd (N 4290 Rd) & HWY 31 Quinton OK 74561- From Quinton Ok go 1 mile West on ST Hwy 31 to Bascum Rd., go South ¾ mile to sale site. TRACT 1: E/2 of lot 4 and W/2 W/2 of lot 3 and SW/4 NW/4 and the W/2 SE/4 NW/4 of sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg County Ok. TRACT 2: E/2 of lot 3 and E/2 W/2 of lot 3 and E/2 SE/4 NW/4 and SW/4 NE/4 of sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg County OK. More info call or look online. 580-237-7174 Welcoming new in theAREA Holdenville area. 180± patients ACRES • QUINTON PITTSBURG COUNTY OK OFFERED INDr. 2 TRACTS Ringus is a foot and ankle WEDNESDAY JUNE 10th 3PM specialist whoRdalso practices Auction location: onsiteBascum (N 4290 Rd) &general HWY 31 Quinton O 74561- From Quinton Ok go 1 mile West on ST Hwy 31 to Bascum Rd., g orthopaedic medicine. He treats a South ¾ mile to sale site. TRACT 1: E/2 of lot 4 and W/2 W/2 of lot 3 and SW/4 NW/4 and wide range of orthopaedic problems the W/2 SE NW/4 of sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg County Ok. including: TRACT 2: E/2 of lot 3 and E/2 W/2 of lot 3 and E/2 SE/4 NW/4 a SW/4 NE/4 of sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg County OK. More infoSports call or look online. 580-237-7174 Spine Extremities Joints Foot/Ankle Trauma Accepts most major insurances including Medicare and Medicaid. Call to schedule your appointment at HOLDENVILLE GENERAL HOSPITAL 405.364.7900 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 - PAGE 11 WE HAVE MOVED JimLock Storage Mini Storage Units 3 sizes to choose from (405) 645-2457 The Gun Store 100 N. Hinckley, Holdenville (405) 379-3331 Cash for Gold & Silver Coins Buy – Sell – Trade Carolyn’s Hair Shop 580-320-7494 Call for an Appointment Positions **LPN Nurses Needed Now** Join a team that supports you – professionally and personally Correctional Healthcare Companies is currently seeking top-notch Healthcare professionals to join our team at our Lawton Correctional Facility in Lawton, OK Healthcare Opportunities Include: LPN’s – Full Time, Part Time & PRN We invite you to take a look at our career opportunities and the benefits of working at CHC. COMMERCE FINANCE ...If it’s Real Estate We Can Sell It!! 119 E. Main Street Ada, OK 74820 (580)436-4123 f C C • Acreages • Farms Same Great People Same Great Service! REAL ESTATE Welch Real Estate Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 379-3331 JAMES WELCH, BROKER (405)380-7988 Brenda Welch, Sales assoc. (405)379-8044 Cell 380-8188 Office is located at 100 N Hinckley • Holdenville, OK Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 5/6/2015 Total Head: 758 Due to heavy rains in the area, receipts were reduced and not enough were received in any one class to accurately test the market. Heating & Air Condition Ice Machine Sales & Service Gary Vinson (580)857-2239 (580)467-3136 Sale Every Wednesday starting at 9:00 am Quality Vinyl Siding, Guttering & Windows Please apply online at Or Email [email protected] CHC is an EEO Employer (33) **Nurse Practitioner Needed Now** Join a team that supports you – professionally and personally Correctional Healthcare Companies is currently seeking top-notch Healthcare professionals to join our team at our • Residential • Commercial Want A Career Change? Steers Heifers FINISH YOUR DEGREE 227.....................................$406.00 243-245State .............. $327.50-$345.00 Earn your Associate degree from Murray College through 260-277 220.................................... Reach...............$385.00-$390.00 Higher, Oklahoma’s Degree Completion Program$400.00 320-340 ...............$345.00-$370.00 265-285 .............. $321.00-$367.00 If you left college without graduating, Reach Higher can change 355-395 ...............$315.00-$352.50 355-389 .............. $288.00-$315.00 your life 450-488 ................$27700-$307.00 400-445 .............. $271.00-$285.00 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: 505-520 ...............$268.00-$289.00 500-530 .............. $244.50-$250.00 < Have at least 18 hours of college credit 550-565 ...............$254.00-$259.00 515-547 .............. $220.00-$241.00 < Have a minimum 2.0 GPA from previous college credits 610-644 ...............$227.00-$240.00 550...................... $226.00-$243.00 < Have completed any remedial courses 585-591 .............. $214.00-$215.00 GET STARTED NOW! Contact Amanda Baldridge MSC Reach Higher Coordinator 580-387-7201 [email protected] Lawton Correctional Facility in Anderson Home Improvement Wetumka / Calvin, Oklahoma 405-380-4151 Russell Anderson JACK SHERRY REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENTS 101 N. Hinckley Holdenville 405-379-3977 Lawton, Ok Nurse Practitioner – Full time We invite you to take a look at our career opportunities and the benefits of working at CHC. Jack Sherry Owner/Broker Please apply online at 405-221-1325 Nancy Sherry Faith Fullerton Paige Sheffield 405-380-6517 405-221-6132 405-380-6715 Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate State, National & Global Exposure For complete list of all listings, go to • Or MLS - member of the Shawnee Board Multilist “Members of OKMAR - Oklahoma City Metro Area Realtors” Email [email protected] Tank Truck Drivers Needed FREE FOUR FREE KITTENS — You Catch, You Take. (580) 857-2185 For Sale FOR SALE — Bermuda Grass Sprigs loaded on your truck or trailer. $1.50 per bushel, 100 bushel minimum. Call (405) 379-3109, (405) 380-3862 or (405) 379-3445. A&A Tank Truck Co. – Calvin, OK 508 E. Lexington, Allen, Oklahoma Well maintained 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1280 sq. ft. Mobile home on 3 city lots. Fenced yard, 2 decks, storage building, all appliances, CH/A, new carpet, paint and flooring. Move in ready..........$47,900 Call (580)857-2610 HAY OR GRASS — Feed your cows or you bale – We Share! (580) 857-2185 A&A Tank Truck Co is currently hiring Night Drivers for our Calvin, OK yard. This position will work 4 On 2 Off schedule with the possibility to go to Days in the future. Our drivers are Home every day! Competitive Wages, Medical, Dental, Life Insurance, Paid Time Off, 401K and other benefits available. REQUIREMENTS: · Must possess a valid Commercial’s Drivers License with Tank Endorsement · Must provide 3 years verifiable Work History · Oilfield Experience preferred Please contact Frank Williams @ 405-431-8188 or Dispatch @ 580-399-6357 visit us online (33) ESTATE AUCTION One of these could be your new home in Allen ESTATE AUCTION CLEABURN THORNTON EST. CLEABURN THORNTON EST. SAT. MAY 16 at 10 A.M. SAT. MAY 16 at 10 A.M. Auction site at Brick Home & Shop in Gerty Gerty, OK S. of Holdenville 47 A & 80 A. Farms - Vacant Lots in Gerty - 5400 JD Tractor, 2- JD. 210C Backhoes, Ford 3000 Tractor, Several Pickups, Jaguar Auto, Travel Trailer, Golf Cart, 4 Wheelers, All types of Shop Tools, Butcher Shop Equipment, All Types of Trailers, Large Collection of Saddles & Tack, Collectible Items Farm Equipment: Welders, Riding Mowers, 100+ Boxes of Ammo. 20+ Rifles Tom Johnson, Auction Manger 405-712-3211 SPITLER-SULLIVAN AUCTION & REALTY 1-888-667-3523 Auction site at Brick Home & Shop in Gerty Gerty, OK S. of Holdenville 47 A & 80 A. Farms - Vacant Lots in Gerty - 5400 JD#49592 Tractor, 2-308 JD. 210C Backhoes, Ford 3000 W Broadway - 3 bedroom Tractor, Several Pickups, Jaguar Auto, Travel Trailer, Golf Cart, 4 Wheelers, All types of Shop Tools, Butcher Shop Equipment, All Types of Trailers, Large Collection of Saddles & Tack, Collectible Items Farm Equipment: Welders, Riding Mowers, 100+ Boxes of Ammo. 20+ Rifles 1 1/2 bath $79,000 #51835 801 E. Lee - 3 bedroom 2 baths $115,000 Tom Johnson, Auction Manger 405-712-3211 SPITLER-SULLIVAN AUCTION & REALTY 1-888-667-3523 #50821 104 S Boston - 3 bedroom 2 baths $97,000 #51904 - 102 S Early - 3 bedroom 2 baths $120,000 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 - PAGE 12 Allen Honors their Accelerated Readers C ongratulations to Raney Congratulations to Kaylyn C ongratulations to Riley Clay for reaching her Acceler- Koonce for reaching her Ac- Rowsey for reaching her AcCongratulations to Seeley ated Reader goal at the Allen celerated Reader goal at the celerated Reader goal at the Clay for reaching her AccelerElementary School. ated Reader goal at the Allen Allen Elementary School. Allen Elementary School. th Raney is a 4 grade student Kaylyn is a 7th grade student Elementary School. Riley is a 7th grade student in in Ms. Sierra Barnhart’s class. Mrs. Melonie Johnson’s class. in Mrs. Melonie Johnson’s Seeley is a 2nd grade student Her favorite book is “The Her favorite book is “House of class. Her favorite books are in Ms. Debbie Pitts’ class. Her Black Stallion”, and her favor- Night?” and her favorite au- the Avergent book series and favorite book is “I’m a Little ite author is Walter Farley. Dog.” thorsCOPY are P.C. Cast and her favorite authorOF is Veronica THIS ONL YKristin FOR THE WEEK MAY 10, 2015. Raney is the daughter of Ja- Cast. S eeley is the daughter of Roth. mie J. Turpin-Clay and Tommy R iley is the daughter of Kaylyn is the daughter of Jamie and Tommy Clay. D. Clay. Jimmy and Carrie Koonce. Roger and Cheryl Rowsey. ALL ZONES Congratulations to Malloree Howard for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Malloree is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Lisa Peay’s class. Her favorite books are the Judy Blume books and her favorite author is Judy Blume. Malloree is the daughter of Chris and Kierra Howard. OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED A D V E RT I S I N G N E T W O R K HELP WANTED LEGAL SERVICES HELP WANTED LEGAL SERVICES 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New Drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133 drive4stevens. com SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIMS Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery - No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New Drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133 SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIMS Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery - No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS SENTINEL TRANSPORTATION MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Train at home to process Medical Billing & Insurance Claims! No Experience Needed! Online training at Bryan University! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/Internet needed! 1-877259-3880 is currently seeking CLASS A CDL DRIVERS Visit us online at Requirements: • Must have hazmat and Tanker endorsements • Drivers will need at least 3 Years of driving experience Congratulations to Lindsey Grant for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Lindsey is a 6th grade student in Ms’ Sierra Barnhart’s class. Her favorite book is “Girls Don’t Lie”, and her favorite author is Shannon Messenger. Lindsey is the daughter of Susan and Daren Grant. OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED A D V E RT I S I N G N E T W O R K Pro Protect otect o tect ct Yo o r Family C ongratulations toYour Stoney EDUCATION CAREER TRAINING AIRLINE CAREERS begin here –Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. AUCTION Be Prepared with C ongratulations REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS May to Krista Tornado orrnado o ornado ad a do St S Stor Storm tor orm Sh orm S Shel Shelters hel helters elte e lte ters rs rs 26-28th. Properties in Owasso, Cully for reaching her AccelerSteel Safe Rooms & Vian, Miami, GrantOkmulgee, for reaching herMcAlester, AccelerA Gro ound Shelters o Blanco, Ada, Springer, Geronimo, ated Reader goalAbove/Below at theGround Allen Mangum, Crescent and Yukon! Call 870-997-1053ated open Reader goal at the Many Allen for inspection starting May 17th. Elementary School. 6 Person (4x6x6) – $3,499 800-982-0425. School. Person (8x6x6) – $4,199Elementary A Buyer’s Premium may apply. OK grade student Stoney is a 16 212ndPerson (10x6x6) – $4,699 Broker: Bradford Peter White RE student Krista is a 6th grade Lic:149972 Accredited with theHer BBB in Mrs. DebbieRegistered Pitts’ class. with Angie’s List | FHA in Ms’ Sierra Barnhart’s class. WANT TO BUY accepting Visa and Master Card favorite book Now is “Dolphin Her favorite is “Hatchet”, HANK HAS book CASH, WILL DASH! For cue”, and her favorite author is old guitars, amps, mandolins, ukuleles. CAN YOU DIG IT? Heavy Equipment Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch, etc. and her favorite author is Gary Career! Receive Hands On Top dollar cash paid. 40 years in Tulsa. Dr. Seuss. Operator Training and National Certifications 1-800-525-7273 Operating Bulldozers, BackhoesPaulsen. & Stoney is the daughter MeExcavators. Lifetimeof Job Placement. STATEWIDEof Suis the daughter VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497. KristaADVERTISE lissa Walker and Jerry Cully. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more san and Bobby Howshar. BREEDERS/GROWERS NEEDED information or to place an ad contact Exotic Tilapia plus aquaponics, selfsustainable living progressing to possible six-figure inclome, training May 14, email to [email protected] or call 918-327-2385 Bud at (405) 499-0025 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN051015 SENTINEL TRANSPORTATION is currently seeking CLASS A CDL DRIVERS Visit us online at EDUCATION MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Train at home to process Medical Billing & Insurance Claims! No Experience Needed! Online training at Bryan University! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/ Internet needed! 1-877-259-3880 Requirements: • Must have hazmat and Tanker endorsements • Drivers will need at least 3 Years of driving experience CAREER TRAINING AIRLINE CAREERS begin here –Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. Pro Protect otect o tect ct Your Yo o r Family AUCTION Tornado or o ornado rnado ad a do St S Stor Storm tor orm Sh orm S Shel Shelters hel helters elte e lte ters rs rs REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS May 26-28th. Properties in Owasso, Okmulgee, Vian, Miami, McAlester, Blanco, Ada, Springer, Geronimo, Mangum, Crescent and Yukon! Many open for inspection starting May 17th. 800-982-0425. A Buyer’s Premium may apply. OK Broker: Bradford Peter White RE Lic:149972 Be Prepared with Steel Safe Rooms & Above/Below Ground A Gro ound Shelters o Call 870-997-1053 6 Person (4x6x6) – $3,499 12 Person (8x6x6) – $4,199 16 Person (10x6x6) – $4,699 Accredited with the BBB Registered with Angie’s List | FHA Now accepting Visa and Master Card CAN YOU DIG IT? Heavy Equipment Operator Career! Receive Hands On Training and National Certifications Operating Bulldozers, Backhoes & Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497. BREEDERS/GROWERS NEEDED Exotic Tilapia plus aquaponics, self-sustainable living progressing to possible six-figure inclome, training May 14, email to [email protected] or call 918327-2385 WANT TO BUY HANK HAS CASH, WILL DASH! For old guitars, amps, mandolins, ukuleles. Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar cash paid. 40 years in Tulsa. 1-800-525-7273 ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad contact Bud at (405) 499-0025 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN051015 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 achievement Our spirits are lifted when we hear about achievement. This newspaper runs stories about achievement for all generations and occasions. Sometimes it’s doting grandparents bragging about kids making the honor roll, or winning a sporting event. We honor people who advance in rank in our civic clubs and in military service. We celebrate wedding anniversaries, work promotions and many more accomplishments. Thank you for letting us celebrate your achievements with our community. ACHIEVEMENT MATTERS IN THE PAPER THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 - PAGE 13 Allen Honors their Accelerated Readers Congratulations to Kadence Johnson for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Kadence is a 1st grade student in Mrs. Stacy Laden’s class. Her favorite book is “What If You Had Animal Feet?” and her favorite author is Dr. Seuss. Kadence is the daughter of Brandon and Natalie Johnson. Congratulations to Colt Carlton for reaching his Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Colt is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Julie Mills’ class. His favorite book is “Shark Attack”, and his favorite author is Dr. Seuss. Colt is the son of Krystal and Brandon Carlton. C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o Ty O’Daniel for reaching his Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Ty is a 2nd grade student in Ms. Debbie Pitts’ class. His favorite book is “Secret Pocket Missions”, and his favorite author is Dr. Seuss. Ty is the son of Brett and Danielle O’Daniel. Congratulations to Sam Wallace for reaching his Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Sam is a 5th grade student in Mrs. McAfee’s class. His favorite book is “The Blood of Olympus” and his favorite author is Rick Riordan. Sam is the son of Jennifer Wallace. Congratulations to Kamlyn Cundiff for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Kamlyn is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Lisa Peay’s class. Her favorite book is “Little House on the Prairie” and her favorite authors are Jan and Stan Berenstain. Kamlyn is the daughter of John and Lisa Cundiff. Congratulations to Cheyene McCarn for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Cheyene is a 5th grade student in Ms. Sierra Barnhart’s class. Her favorite book is “Ever After High”, and her favorite author is Shannon Hale. Cheyene is the daughter of Michael and Teri McCarn. C ongratulations to Alexis Friday for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Alexis is a 1st grade student in Mrs. Stacy Laden’s class. Her favorite book is “Pete the Cat”, and her favorite author is Dr. Seuss. A lexis is the daughter of Lindsay Friday and Jason Dean. Congratulations to Jaciarra Goodenkauf for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Jaciarra is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Julie Mills’ class. Her favorite books are “Black Beauty” and “I Love to Draw Horses”, and her favorite author is Ann Swell. Jaciarra is the daughter of Eugene Paul Vivier. Congratulations to Colton Cross for reaching his Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Colton is a 3rd grade student. He is the son of Craig and Lacie Cross. C ongratulations to Kee Walker for reaching his Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Kee is a 4th grade student in Ms. Sierra Barnhart’s class. His favorite book is “Divergent”, and his favorite author is Veronica Roth. Kee is the son of Davelynn and Ronald Walker. Congratulations to Michael Love for reaching his Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Michael is a 2nd grade student in Ms. Debbie Pitts’ class. His favorite book is “Race Through Action.” Michael is the son of Melony Love and Mason Russell. C ongratulations to Abbey Strong for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Abby is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Lisa Peay’s class. Abbey’s favorite book is “A Fabumouse School Adventure” and her favorite author is Geronimo Stilton. She is the daughter of Jeremy and Mika Strong. Congratulations to Addison Prentice for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Addison is a 1st grade student in Mrs. Stacy Laden’s class. Her favorite book is “Sleepy Dog”, and her favorite author is Norman Bridwell. Addison is the daughter of Derek and Heather Prentice. Congratulations to Ava Laden for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Ava is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Lisa Peay’s class. Ava’s favorite book is “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck” and her favorite author is Jeff Kinney. Ava is the daughter of Richard and Stacy Laden. Congratulations to Caidence Cross for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Caidence is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Julie Mills’ class. Her favorite book is “The Three Little Pigs”, and her favorite author is Kimberly and James Dean. Caidence is the daughter of Craig and Lacie Cross. Congratulations to Lexani Edwards for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Lexani is a 1st grade student in Mrs. Johnson’s class. Her favorite book is Junie B. Jones books, and her favorite author is Mercer Mayer. L exani is the daughter of Jeremy Edwards. Congratulations to Ellyanna Janda for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Ellyanna is a 6th grade student in Mrs. McAfee’s class. Her favorite book is “The Thorn Trilogy” and her favorite author is Kimberly Loth. Ellyanna is the daughter of Crystal and Jeremy Janda. Congratulations to Kelsey Hurt for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Kelsey is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Terra Wainscott’s class. Her favorite book is “Pirates Don’t Wear Pink Sunglasses”, and her favorite authors are Debbie Dadley and Marcia Thornton Jones. K elsey is the daughter of Kelly and Christina Hurt. Congratulations to Madison Prentice for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Madison is a 2nd grade student in Mrs. Julie Mills’ class. Her favorite book is “You Will Be My Friend”, and her favorite author is Dr. Seuss. Madison is the daughter of Paul and Shannon Prentice. Congratulations to Maddox Wofford for reaching her Accelerated Reader goal at the Allen Elementary School. Maddox is a 5th grade student in Ms. Sierra Barnhart’s class. Her favorite book is “The Babysitter’s Club”, and her favorite author is Anna Martin. Maddox is the daughter of Brad and Angela Wofford. THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 - PAGE 14 Pontotoc County Commissioners Proceedings April 2015 April 6, 2015 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on April 2, 2015 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Glenda Gonderman, Chad Letellier, Brian Carter, and Connie Burcham. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve March 23, 2015 and March 30, 2015 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve OPEH&W Health Plan Annual Renewal Period Options, Benefit Changes, and Premiums for the 2015-2016 Plan Year. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to let bid #12, Pontotoc County District #2 road project in the Silver Leaf Addition. Project will consist of a two-inch overly applied to roads in Silver Leaf Addition in District #2, with a total of 1.8 miles and twenty-two (22) feet wide. All aye. Opened bid #10, purchasing light fixtures for the Agri-Plex. Bids were as follows: Broken Arrow Electric Supply Inc. $23,858.95 Locke Supply Company $29,925.00 Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to table bid #10, purchasing light fixtures for the AgriPlex. All aye. JR Grissom, Agri-Plex manager, discussed payment issues with the Southeast Beef Expo and their failure to pay the utilities used during the Southeast Beef Expo event. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to table bid #9, purchasing one or more, 2015 truck bed/ skid unit (re-bid of #7). All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve Emergency Management Fire Tax Purchase request: Midland Radio 250 radios/$24.90 each $6,225.00 ZFEM2 All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve Byng VFD Fire Tax Purchase request: Chief Fire & Safetybunker gear $2,487.00 ZTVByng2 All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Call-A-Ride Fire Tax Purchase requests: Smity’s Towing Repair $200.00 Ada Fire Center $300.00 Smity’s Towing & Recovery Service $100.00 All aye. Approved claims. Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 4859-4860 ZAP 4861 ZSF 4862-4863 ZFIRE 4868, 4879 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZFIRETAX: 182, P E C, 33.99, SPLY; 183, WELCH STATE BANK, 2041.07, LEASE; 184, P E C, 107.45, REMITTANCE; 185, P E C, 50.31, REMITTANCE;GENERAL: 1294, THOMSON WEST, 244.86, SPLY; 1295, ADA FORD LINCOLN MERCURY, 186.66, SPLY; 1296, FOREHAND S GARAGE, 415.00, SPLY; 1297, FOREHAND S GARAGE, 592.00, SPLY; 1298, SECRETARY OF STATE/NOTARY, 20.00, SPLY; 1299, KELLEY, JANNA L EDWARDS, 278.30, TRAVEL; 1300, NASCO, 156.97, SPLY; 1301, THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP, 309.00, REMITTANCE; 1302, U S POSTMASTER, 25.00, POSTAGE; 1303, SOUTHEAST DIST ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION, 150.00, REGISTRATION; 1304, SOUTHWESTERN STATIONARY & BANK SUPPLY, 352.50, SPLY; 1305, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 211.96, SPLY; 1306, ADA NEWS, 28.00, PUBLICATION; 1307, ADA NEWS, 28.00, PUBLICATION; 1308, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 397.53, SPLY; 1309, ADA TREE SERVICE & LANDSCAPING, 250.00, SPLY; 1310, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 181.48, SPLY; 1311, O G & E, 106.39, REMITTANCE; 1312, THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP, 309.00, SPLY; 1313, OWENS, JAMES M, 145.48, TRAVEL; 1314, RHODES, FREDDIE E, 233.45, TRAVEL;HIGHWAY: 2101, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 784.91, SPLY; 2102, P E C, 814.84, REMITTANCE; 2103, RURAL WATER DIST #7, 44.19, REMITTANCE; 2104, TRACTOR SUPPLY, 140.78, SPLY; 2105, U S CELLULAR, 94.03, REMITTANCE; 2106, VISION BANK, 6013.49, LEASE; 2107, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 105.23, TRAVEL; 2108, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 104.65, TRAVEL; 2109, C L BOYD, 2418.00, SPLY; 2110, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 47.63, SPLY; 2111, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 708.72, SPLY; 2112, CIRCUIT ENGINEERING DIST #4, 125.82, SPLY; 2113, FITTSTONE INC, 1481.13, SPLY; 2114, JONES EQUIPMENT CO, 5256.90, SPLY; 2115, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 20.05, SPLY; 2116, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 31.53, SPLY; 2117, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 77.99, SPLY; 2118, RHYNES SURPLUS, 47.97, SPLY; 2119, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1502.01, SPLY; 2120, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 2121, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 2122, FIRST UNITED BANK, 1791.12, LEASE; 2123, VISION BANK, 2675.18, LEASE; 2124, ROBERTS, JUSTIN, 706.10, TRAVEL; 2125, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 162.58, SPLY; 2126, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 162.58, SPLY; 2127, GRAND TRUCK EQUIPMENT, 141.14, SPLY; 2128, HALL S AUTO, 680.81, SPLY; 2129, HALL S AUTO, 690.86, SPLY; 2130, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 204.98, SPLY; 2131, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 77.49, TRAVEL; 2132, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 33.55, SPLY; 2133, WYCHE QUARRY, 150.00, SPLY; 2134, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 2135, EMPIRE FINANCIAL SERVICES, 1882.41, LEASE; 2136, VISION BANK, 8693.79, LEASE; 2137, WELCH STATE BANK, 1033.03, LEASE;HEALTH: 273, BROWN, LISA, 70.15, TRAVEL; 274, BATTERY CENTER, 24.00, SPLY; 275, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 110.00, MAINT; 276, DELTA TRAK, 266.66, SPLY; 277, GUEST COMMUNICATIONS CORP, 188.52, SPLY; 278, O G & E, 928.47, REMITTANCE; 279, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 321.35, SPLY; 280, U S CELLULAR, 218.89, REMITTANCE; 281, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 64.54, SPLY; 282, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 40.67, SPLY;RESALE PROPERTY: 118, MONROE CALCULATOR CO, 94.61, SPLY;SHERIFF FEES: 533, FIVE STAR OFFICE SUPPLY 02, 749.03, SPLY;AGRI PLEX: 341, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 429.90, SPLY; 342, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 644.91, SPLY; 343, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 133.88, SPLY; 344, GRISSOMS, 193.80, SPLY; 345, HISLE BROS. INC., 147.77, SPLY; 346, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 54.83, SPLY; 347, O G & E, 61.57, REMITTANCE; 348, O G & E, 3998.16, REMITTANCE; 349, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, REMITTANCE;ZLODGE: 79, RAILROAD YARD, INC., 13429.75, SPLY; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 75, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 171.00, SPLY; 76, SHAW MACHINE, 250.00, SPLY; 77, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 59.24, SPLY;” Approved monthly reports. Approved April 2015 Appropriations: Highway$294,828.43 CAR $26,380.66 Resale Property$27,950.94 Law Library$1,917.75 Visual Inspection.......................................$Mortgage Tax Cert........................... $615.00 Mechanic’s Liens............................ $770.00 Agri-Plex.................................... $12,102.50 Victim Rights`............................................... Preventive Child Abuse............................ $Court Clerk Trust...................................... $Drug Court Sentencing............................. $911.................................................... $91.14 Preservation Fees....................... $2,850.00 REAP........................................................ $Court Clerk Revolving............................... $Juvenile Drug Court..................... $2,966.66 Flood Plain Management.......................... $Assessor’s Revolving..................... $229.00 Homeland Security................................... $Lodging Tax............................... $28,680.20 Sales Tax Proceeds................. $313,925.59 Emergency Management............ $5,000.00 Dept. of Environmental Quality................. $Hazmat Planning Grant............................ $County Reward Fund................................ $Pontotoc Co. Educational Fac. Authority.. $Courthouse Security.................... $5,608.43 DARE........................................................ $Commissary............................... $18,360.31 Sheriff’s Fees............................. $83,817.39 CDBG....................................................... $Health Department......................... $570.00 Excess Resale.......................................... $County Use Tax......................... $18,612.16 Fire Tax...................................... $71,979.71 County Fire Use Tax.................... $5,076.05 Permit Fees............................. $_________ TOTAL.................................. $922,331.92 Approved March 2015 monthly meeting minutes for publication. Chad Letellier, Emergency Management Director, confirmed the inventory review for Volunteer Fire Departments is complete. Glenda Gonderman, Treasurer, stated the County owned property that was bid on in last week’s meeting by Chester Smith was withdrawn due to it having two liens, one for mowing and one for tearing house down. Brian Carter, Locke Supply, said the fixtures by vendors for the Agri-Plex bid #10 are not the same. Commissioners stated they will review. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to adjourn. All aye. April 13, 2015 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on April 9, 2015 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Gary Cooper, Brian Carter, Amy Iverson, A.J. Scroggins, Glenda Gonderman, and Chad Letellier. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve April 6, 2015 meeting minutes. All aye. Discussion by Gary Cooper, Amsoil, on saving the County money by using Amsoil products with oil charges in County vehicles. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve using Kerry John Patten, C.P.A. services for Pontotoc County 2015-2016 fiscal year. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve letting bid #13, drug and alcohol testing for Pontotoc County employees. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve letting bid #14, six month bid. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve juvenile detention services with Sac & Fox Nation for $21.11 a day for Pontotoc County. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to award bid #10, purchasing light fixtures for the Agri-Plex to Locke Supply in the amount of $29,925.00 based on need to adhere to specifications. All aye. Opened bid #11, installation of equipment and light fixtures for the Agri-Plex. Bids were as follows: Sliger Electric................................$1,950.00 Ramsey Ward Electric..................$7,800.00 Double I Electric.........................$11,075.00 McGeehee Electric.......................$7,948.00 Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to table bid #11, installation and equipment of light fixtures for the Agri-Plex. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve purchase from ZLODGE2 to Locke Supply for Agri-Plex light fixtures in the amount of $29,925.00. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve Chad Letellier, Emergency Management, to attend the National Severe Storms Lab research project in Norman, OK June 1-5, 2015. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to table awarding bid #9, purchasing one or more, 2015 truck bed/skid unit (re-bid of #7). All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to amend purchase from ZTCAR2 to CenterPoint Energy for gas services in the amount of $116.65, which was over the original amount of $100.00. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Happyland VFD Fire Tax purchase request: Cab-Chassis truck on State Contract #SW035 FVC doarnycoeurnt $37,108.00 All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve transfer: ZTVHAPP2 to ZTVHAPP3 $37,108.00 All aye. Approved blanket purchase orders: General 4967-4969 ZSF 4970-4975 ZCOMM 4976 HWY 4978 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZCOMMISSARY: 12, GUDERIANS, 10120.32, SPLY; 13, HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES, 491.89, SPLY; 14, TIGER COMMISSARY SERVICES, 4095.11, SPLY; ZFIRETAX: 186, A T & T, 92.65, SPLY; 187, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 65.45, SPLY; 188, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 263.06, SPLY; 189, B & S SANITATION, 46.00, SPLY; 190, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 15.71, SPLY; 191, DOUBLE D AUTOMOTIVE, 361.90, SPLY; 192, FOREHAND S GARAGE, 667.69, SPLY; 193, O G & E, 210.65, SPLY; 194, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 150.00, SPLY; 195, HOOTEN OIL CO., 551.93, SPLY; GENERAL: 1315, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 15.00, SPLY; 1316, VERSATILE NETWORKS, 5764.86, SERVICE; 1317, MCDANIEL, JUSTIN T, 286.35, TRAVEL; 1318, WALKER, BECKY, 436.43, TRAVEL; 1319, JORDAN, BILL, 75.00, SPLY; 1320, OAKFIELD APPARATUS, 23.80, SPLY; 1321, SUMMIT BUSINESS SYSTEM, 376.66, SPLY; 1322, ABC FIRST AID, 261.65, SPLY; 1323, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 277.31, REMITTANCE; 1324, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 36.95, REMITTANCE; 1325, CABLE ONE, 94.95, REMITTANCE; 1326, CABLE ONE, 76.45, REMITTANCE; 1327, CANADIAN CO JUV DET CENTER, 523.60, JUV DET; 1328, CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 139.78, REMITTANCE; 1329, CARPET WAREHOUSE, 147.00, SPLY; 1330, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 789.95, REMITTANCE; 1331, NICKERSON PLUMBING, 69.84, PLUMBING; 1332, O G & E, 2619.31, REMITTANCE; 1333, O G & E, 272.59, REMITTANCE; 1334, P E C, 23.00, REMITTANCE; 1335, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT, 176.00, SPLY; 1336, SAC & FOX NATION JUV DET CTR, 802.18, JUV DET; 1337, SOUTHESTERN ALARM, 90.00, REMITTANCE; 1338, TOTAL ASSESSMENT SOLUTIONS CORP, 15000.00, SERVICE; HIGHWAY: 2138, STARNS, GARY, 272.40, TRAVEL; 2139, ADA FEEDCENTER, 108.00, SPLY; 2140, ADVANCED WARNINGS, 450.00, SPLY; 2141, ADVANCED WARNINGS, 240.00, SPLY; 2142, BATTERY CENTER, 99.95, SPLY; 2143, B & S SANITATION, 46.00, REMITTANCE; 2144, BERT S HYDRAULICS, 600.00, SPLY; 2145, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 40.56, SPLY; 2146, FITTSTONE INC, 389.82, SPLY; 2147, FITTSTONE INC, 358.88, SPLY; 2148, FITTSTONE INC, 90.13, SPLY; 2149, FITTSTONE INC, 189.44, SPLY; 2150, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 805.00, SPLY; 2151, GRISSOMS, 15.64, SPLY; 2152, HISLE BROS. INC., 69.00, SPLY; 2153, HISLE BROS. INC., 14.51, SPLY; 2154, HISLE BROS. INC., 128.80, SPLY; 2155, HOOTEN OIL CO., 1550.40, SPLY; 2156, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 2157, NAPA OF ADA, 380.68, SPLY; 2158, TIME STRIPING, 800.00, SPLY; 2159, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 78.62, SPLY; 2160, PRUITT COMPANY, 31.05, SPLY; 2161, YELLOW HOUSE MACHINERY, 145.80, SPLY; 2162, PONTOTOC COUNTY EMERGENCY, 2000.00, SPLY; 2163, EMBASSY SUITES, 174.00, HOTEL; 2164, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, REMITTANCE; 2165, CULLIGAN, 554.40, SPLY; 2166, DC IGNITION, 245.00, SPLY; 2167, FASTENAL, 490.00, SPLY; 2168, FITTSTONE INC, 293.60, SPLY; 2169, FITTSTONE INC, 350.50, SPLY; 2170, FITTSTONE INC, 356.95, SPLY; 2171, FITTSTONE INC, 346.38, SPLY; 2172, FITTSTONE INC, 914.01, SPLY; 2173, FITTSTONE INC, 415.00, SPLY; 2174, FITTSTONE INC, 517.88, SPLY; 2175, HOOTEN OIL CO., 5602.50, SPLY; 2176, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 22.46, SPLY; 2177, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 176.55, SPLY; 2178, P E C, 310.46, REMITTANCE; 2179, RED RIVER SPECIALTIES, 387.50, PLUMBING; 2180, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 2181, RURAL WATER DIST #8, 35.32, REMITTANCE; 2182, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT, 101.00, SPLY; 2183, LANCASTER, KYRA C, 79.35, TRAVEL; 2184, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, REMITTANCE; 2185, CIRCUIT ENGINEERING DIST #4, 277.52, SPLY; 2186, DIRECT DISCOUNT TIRE, 97.98, SPLY; 2187, FITTSTONE INC, 1537.54, SPLY; 2188, FITTSTONE INC, 1898.64, SPLY; 2189, FITTSTONE INC, 914.20, SPLY; 2190, FITTSTONE INC, 508.50, SPLY; 2191, HOOTEN OIL CO., 1207.71, HOTEL; 2192, HOOTEN OIL CO., 3361.50, FUEL; 2193, O G & E, 112.50, REMITTANCE; 2194, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 25.45, SPLY; 2195, RHYNES SURPLUS, 19.94, SPLY; 2196, ROFF PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, 30.00, SPLY; 2197, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 2198, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1658.49, SPLY; 2199, STONEWALL PUBLIC WORKS AUTH., 54.32, REMITTANCE;SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 218, UNDERGROUND SERVICE CO INC, 250.00, SPLY;HEALTH: 283, HARJO, ANGELA, 178.83, TRAVEL; 284, WILLIAMS, JILL, 102.35, TRAVEL; 285, WILLIAMS, JILL, 140.30, TRAVEL; 286, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 302.20, SPLY; 287, CABLE ONE, 75.02, SERVICE; 288, M & M OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE, 260.00, SPLY; 289, SANOFI PASTEUR INC, 182.40, SPLY; 290, UMB BANK CORP TRUST & ESCROW SER, 23167.96, REMITTANCE; SHERIFF FEES: 534, SHANDY BYNUM, 60.00, TRANSP JUV; 535, HOLCOMB, ERIC TRAVIS, 102.00, JUV DET; 536, RHOADS, BRENT, 90.00, TRANSP JUV; 537, VIETZKE II, ROLAND WAYNE, 36.00, TRANSP JUV; 538, WILLIAMS, JOE A, 66.00, TRANSP JUV; 539, ADA MINI STORAGE, 100.00, SPLY; 540, CABLE ONE, 123.50, REMITTANCE; 541, FUELMAN OF SOUTHERN OK, 4717.95, SPLY; 542, SUPER LUBE, 315.33, SPLY; 543, BROWN S PHARMACY & GIFTS, 386.78, SPLY; 544, CABLE ONE, 205.02, REMITTANCE; 545, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 80.14, SPLY; 546, CULLIGAN, 151.00, SPLY; 547, FIVE STAR OFFICE SUPPLY 02, 144.76, SPLY; 548, LOCKE SUPPLY, 118.67, SPLY; 549, NICHOLS DOLLAR SAVER, 511.55, SPLY; 550, RHYNES SURPLUS, 79.99, SPLY; 551, T & D TRIM, 270.00, SPLY; 552, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 127.30, SPLY; 553, XEROX CORPORATION, 1016.14, SPLY; COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 66, COUNTY CLERKS & DEPUTIES ASSOC, 150.00, REGISTRATION; 67, WALKER, PAMELA A, 97.75, TRAVEL; 68, WALKER, PAMELA A, 73.60, MILEAGE; 69, WALKER, PAMELA A, 73.60, MILEAGE; 70, COUNTY CLERKS & DEPUTIES ASSOC, 55.00, SPLY;AGRI PLEX: 350, KIMBERLYN D TEACHEY, 200.00, REMITTANCE; 351, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 197.08, REMITTANCE; 352, CABLE ONE, 66.50, REMITTANCE; 353, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 3360.62, REMITTANCE; 354, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 442.38, SPLY; 355, CULLIGAN, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 356, DEPENDABLE HEAT & AIR INC, 75.00, SPLY; 357, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 345.00, SPLY; 358, HISLE BROS. INC., 164.69, SPLY; 359, J B LUMBER, 329.99, SPLY; 360, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 116.00, SPLY; 361, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 28.07, SPLY; 362, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 22.27, SPLY; 363, OK DISPOSAL & SANITATION, 1178.18, REMITTANCE; 364, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 60.00, REMITTANCE;COUNTY ASSESSOR FEE REVOLVING FUND: 4, COUNTY RECORDS, 278.00, SPLY;EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 78, PAGE PLUS, 11.90, REMITTANCE; 79, SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LP, 37.99, REMITTANCE;” Informed the Commissioners the Health Department approved their services with Kerry John Patten, C.P.A. for 2015-2016 fiscal year and mailed back agreement before Commissioners’ meeting. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to adjourn. All aye. April 20, 2015 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on April16, 2015 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Connie Burcham, Kim Johnson, Glenda Gonderman, John Christian, and Chad Letellier. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve April 13, 2015 meeting minutes. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve Proclamation declaring April 22, 2015 as Earth Day. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to let bid #15, purchasing one or more, 2006 or newer double steel asphalt roller. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to let bid #16, purchasing one or more 2005 or newer dump truck. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Claim for Reimbursement for Additional Homestead Exemption for Tax Year 2014. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to table Contract Part I between Pontotoc County and Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) for 16278 CDBG 14. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve Sliger Electric bid of $1,950.00 for bid #11, installation and equipment of light fixtures for the Agri-Plex. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to table awarding bid #9, purchasing one or more, 2015 truck bed/skid unit (re-bid of #7). Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to accept insurance verification for Oil Center VFD. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to amend the following Fire Tax Purchase requests: Happyland VFD po#4535 from $250.00 to $262.00 to pay freight Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve the following Fire Tax Purchase request: Lula VFD $1,136.00 Holt Trailer 77 x 10 trailer Lula VFD $11,787.80 Great Plains Kubota RTV Lula VFD $7,125.00 Casco skid unit Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve the following Fire Tax Purchase request: Allen VFD $338.00 Home Depot chain saw Approved Call-A-Ride Fire Tax blankets as follows: Ada Utilities $100.00 OG&E $400.00 Birch $200.00 CenterPoint Energy $100.00 Approved claims. Approved transfer: ZTVLULA2 to ZTVLULA3 $20,048.80 for purchase of trailer, RTV and skid unit. Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 5064-5069 ZEM 5070 ZSF 5071-5076 ZCOMM 5077 ZFIRE 5080-5083 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZCOMMISSARY: 15, URGENT CARE, 938.00, SPLY;ZFIRETAX: 196, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 116.65, REMITTANCE; 197, ADA SALES & RENTAL, 1901.30, SPLY; 198, A T & T, 57.05, REMITTANCE; 199, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 16.39, SPLY; 200, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 16.39, REMITTANCE; 201, NAPA OF ADA, 327.96, SPLY; 202, NATES PIT STOP, 150.00, REMITTANCE; 203, SHIPMAN COMMUNICATIONS, 1763.40, SPLY; 204, STOLZ TELECOM, 578.20, SPLY;ZCHSEC: 14, OESC, 53.50, UNEMP PREM; GENERAL: 1339, A T & T SERVICES INC, 242.41, REMITTANCE; 1340, ABC FIRST AID, 405.00, SPLY; 1341, BATTERY CENTER, 192.50, SPLY; 1342, A T & T SERVICES INC, 71.51, REMITTANCE; 1343, O S U COOP EXTENSION SERV, 6268.00, REMITTANCE; 1344, WALKER, PAMELA A., 70.15, TRAVEL; 1345, A T & T SERVICES INC, 113.74, REMITTANCE; 1346, CABLE ONE, 205.02, REMITTANCE; 1347, J P COOKE CO, 119.85, SPLY; 1348, RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES, 5.80, SPLY; 1349, J P COOKE CO, 16.35, SPLY; 1350, DUNNIGAN, KAREN L, 93.73, TRAVEL; 1351, ADA, CITY OF, 175.00, REMITTANCE; 1352, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 266.65, REMITTANCE; 1353, ADA NEWS, 54.00, PUBLICATION; 1354, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 453.86, SPLY; 1355, BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC, 156.32, SPLY; 1356, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 113.13, SPLY; 1357, CULLIGAN, 386.62, SPLY; 1358, FIVE STAR OFFICE SUPPLY 02, 220.79, SPLY; 1359, J B LUMBER, 89.67, SPLY; 1360, LOCKE SUPPLY, 88.06, SPLY; 1361, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 25.00, SERVICE; 1362, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 90.00, REMITTANCE; 1363, THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP, 895.25, SPLY; 1364, TREAT S SOLUTIONS, 20.91, SPLY; 1365, TREAT S SOLUTIONS, 44.93, SPLY; 1366, U S POSTMASTER, 140.00, POSTAGE; 1367, A T & T SERVICES INC, 127.42, REMITTANCE; 1368, MILLER OFFICE, 31.80, SPLY;HIGHWAY: 2200, DOLESE BROS, 1087.91, SPLY; 2201, DUB ROSS COMPANY, 1437.82, SPLY; 2202, ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSIONS, 3921.56, SPLY; 2203, LOCKE SUPPLY, 114.16, SPLY; 2204, LOCKE SUPPLY, 186.21, SPLY; 2205, NAPA OF ADA, 192.15, SPLY; 2206, NAPA OF ADA, 20.81, PARTS; 2207, NAPA OF ADA, 44.18, SPLY; 2208, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 379.57, SPLY; 2209, O T A PIKEPASS CTR-GOVT ACCT, 7.60, SPLY; 2210, BLESSING SAND PIT, JOYCE STOWERS, 303.19, SPLY; 2211, BLESSING SAND PIT, JOYCE STOWERS, 284.28, SPLY; 2212, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 136.42, SPLY; 2213, FRED S TIRE & BATTERY, 594.14, SPLY; 2214, GEORGE SMITH SALVAGE, 225.00, SPLY; 2215, GRISSOM JOHN DEERE, 262.00, SPLY; 2216, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 545.78, SPLY; 2217, HOOTEN OIL CO., 3643.00, SPLY; 2218, GEORGE SMITH SALVAGE, 1110.00, SERVICE; 2219, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 368.36, SPLY; 2220, DOLESE BROS, 1588.56, SPLY; 2221, DOLESE BROS, 1588.80, SPLY; 2222, EMBASSY SUITES, 261.00, HOTEL; 2223, DOLESE BROS, 748.94, SPLY; 2224, FITTSTONE INC, 3347.79, SPLY; 2225, FITTSTONE INC, 1084.31, SPLY; 2226, FITTSTONE INC, 3440.15, SPLY; 2227, O G & E, 231.07, REMITTANCE; 2228, O T A PIKEPASS CTR-GOVT ACCT, 15.85, SPLY; 2229, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1634.86, SPLY; 2230, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1692.19, SPLY; 2231, WARREN CAT, 105.82, SPLY;HEALTH: 291, UNDERWOOD, TIMBER, 219.65, TRAVEL; 292, MERCK, 1703.26, SPLY; 293, MILLER OFFICE, 79.00, SPLY; 294, SUPPLY WORKS, 442.95, SPLY;RESALE PROPERTY: 119, OESC, 138.00, UNEMP PREM; 120, CIMARRON HOTEL, 172.64, HOTEL; 121, OSU CTP, 105.00, REGISTRATION; 122, OSU CTP, 70.00, REGISTRATION; 123, SADLER, MELISSA ANN, 69.00, TRAVEL; 124, SMITH, DOLLY DELAYNE, 190.90, TRAVEL; 125, HOME TITLE, 2850.00, SPLY; 126, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 401.68, SPLY;SHERIFF FEES: 554, OESC, 540.40, UNEMP PREM; 555, VIETZKE II, ROLAND WAYNE, 132.25, JUV DET; 556, YEAGER, DYLAN RICHARD, 60.00, TRANSP JUV; 557, A T & T MOBILITY, 653.55, REMITTANCE; 558, COM DATA CORPORATION, 125.42, SPLY; 559, FIVE STAR OFFICE SUPPLY 02, 419.74, SPLY; 560, SPECIAL OPS UNIFORMS, 49.99, SPLY; 561, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 1909.82, REMITTANCE; 562, BABB ELECTRIC, 1113.28, SPLY; 563, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 80.14, SPLY; 564, SHRED IT, 255.61, SPLY; 565, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 65.00, SERVICE;MTG TAX CERT: 24, OESC, 29.14, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; ZPRESERVE: 49, OESC, 69.00, UNEMP PREM; ZSALESTAX: 202, PONTOTOC COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY, 263925.59, REMITTANCE;EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 80, ULTIMATE CAR WASH, 21.25, SPLY;ZCOURT: 90, OESC, 76.88, UNEMP PREM;” Sheriff John Christian discussed the fingerprint machine; needed software update. OSBI stated that the equipment was not in compliance and to be replaced. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to adjourn. Starns and Roberts aye. April 27, 2015 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on April 23, 2015 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Chad Letellier, Connie Burcham, and Glenda Gonderman. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve April 20, 2015 meeting minutes. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Contract Part I between Pontotoc County and Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) for 16278 CDBG 14. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve FY 2015-2016 Lease Agreement between Pontotoc County and Linda Houston d.b.a. Frontier Fireworks. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #15-54, Cooperative Agreement between Pontotoc County and Chickasaw Nation for Homer Francis Road. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #15-55, Cooperative Agreement between Pontotoc County and Chickasaw Nation for Country Club Road. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve SA&I proposed corrections for FY 2011-2012 Financial Statement. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve SA&I proposed corrections for FY 2012-2013 Financial Statement. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve SA&I proposed corrections for FY 2013-2014 Financial Statement. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve amendment to Happyland VFD Fire Tax purchase request, purchase order #4992 to Bob Hurley Ford and increase amount to $37,236.00 due to first vendor being dropped from state contract before purchase. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve the following Fire Tax purchase requests from Allen VFD: Chief Fire and Safety.............. $9,893.50 Rubber hose.............................$4,592.00 Valve . ................................$1,395.00 Adapter . ...................................$165.00 1 ½ nozzle...............................$1,060.00 Spanner wrench set....................$400.00 Marker lights...............................$625.00 Mount winch............................$1,369.00 Winch set . .................................$287.50 Tractor Supply..........................$779.98 Air compressor...........................$699.99 Hose reel .....................................$79.99 Approved claims. Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY.... 5064-5069, 5143-5152 ZEM..................................5070 ZSF...... 5072-5076, 5154-5155 ZCOMM..................5077, 5156 ZFIRE.. 5080-5083, 5157-5166 GENERAL.........................5153 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZCOMMISSARY: 16, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 2494.39, SPLY;ZFIRETAX: 205, MIDLAND RADIO CORPORATION, 6225.00, SPLY; 206, EMERGENCY VEHICLE PARTS & PRODUCTS INC, 1720.00, SPLY; 207, CASCO INDUSTRIES INC, 262.00, SPLY; 208, T D S TELECOM, 93.68, REMITTANCE;GENERAL: 1369, WAITES DISCOUNT GUN, 1571.81, SPLY; 1370, A T & T, 176.84, REMITTANCE; 1371, PITNEY BOWES, 122.38, SPLY; 1372, CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 298.06, REMITTANCE; 1373, A T & T SERVICES INC, 59.83, REMITTANCE; 1374, A T & T SERVICES INC, 1410.83, REMITTANCE; 1375, ADA NEWS, 28.00, PUBLICATION; 1376, ADA NEWS, 29.40, PUBLICATION; 1377, ALLEN ADVOCATE, 1083.04, PUBLICATION; 1378, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 768.00, SPLY; 1379, J B LUMBER, 15.26, SPLY; 1380, MILLER OFFICE, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 1381, MILLER OFFICE, 20.86, SPLY; 1382, OESC, 2794.04, UNEMP PREM; 1383, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 25.00, REMITTANCE; 1384, TREAT S SOLUTIONS, 1711.95, SPLY; 1385, WAV11, 75.00, SPLY; 1386, A T & T SERVICES INC, 75.37, REMITTANCE;HIGHWAY: 2232, STARNS, GARY, 125.93, TRAVEL; 2233, A T & T SERVICES INC, 277.83, REMITTANCE; 2234, HOOTEN OIL CO., 4220.00, SPLY; 2235, OESC, 1150.06, UNEMP PREM; 2236, U S CELLULAR, 99.08, REMITTANCE; 2237, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 100.05, TRAVEL; 2238, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 185.15, TRAVEL; 2239, BELSHE IND INC, 46.50, SPLY; 2240, DUB ROSS COMPANY, 2024.00, SPLY; 2241, OESC, 938.63, UNEMP PREM; 2242, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., .64, SPLY; 2243, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 393.61, SPLY; 2244, U S CELLULAR, 101.91, REMITTANCE; 2245, POTTAWATOMIE DISTRICT #1, 55000.00, SPLY; 2246, A T & T, 71.25, REMITTANCE; 2247, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 288.13, REMITTANCE; 2248, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 206.80, SPLY; 2249, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 280.94, SPLY; 2250, DAVIS FLEET PARTS, 338.00, SPLY; 2251, DAVIS FLEET PARTS, 106.12, SPLY; 2252, DAVIS FLEET PARTS, 60.00, SPLY; 2253, DOLESE BROS, 1342.23, SPLY; 2254, JENNINGS STONE, 349.00, SPLY; 2255, MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC, 181.50, SPLY; 2256, OESC, 1011.24, UNEMP PREM; 2257, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 80.00, PARTS; 2258, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 41.85, MAINT; 2259, SOUTHWEST TRAILERS & EQUIP, 210.00, SPLY; 2260, T D S TELECOM, 132.27, REMITTANCE; 2261, U S CELLULAR, 123.07, REMITTANCE; 2262, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 155.08, SPLY; 2263, WILSON CULVERTS INC, 2893.80, SPLY; 2264, WYCHE QUARRY, 300.00, SPLY;SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 219, WALKER RAY, TARA MELISSA, 482.39, TRAVEL; 220, OESC, 402.37, UNEMP PREM;HEALTH: 295, HARJO, ANGELA, 162.15, TRAVEL; 296, SOUTHEASTERN OK STATE UNIV, 35.00, REMITTANCE; 297, A T & T, 890.91, REMITTANCE; 298, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 146.24, REMITTANCE; 299, AVAYA COMMUNICATIONS, 620.22, SPLY; 300, CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 292.00, SPLY; 301, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 318.02, REMITTANCE; 302, M & M OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE, 1120.00, 180± ACRES • PITTSBURG COUNTY OK • QUINTON OK AREA • OFFERED IN 2 TRACTS WEDNESDAY JUNE 10th 3PM Auction location: onsite- Bascum Rd (N 4290 Rd) & HWY 31 Quinton OK 74561- From Quinton Ok go 1 mile West on ST Hwy 31 to Bascum Rd., go South ¾ mile to sale site. TRACT 1: E/2 of lot 4 and W/2 W/2 of lot 3 and SW/4 NW/4 and the W/2 SE/4 NW/4 of sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg County Ok. TRACT 2: E/2 of lot 3 and E/2 W/2 of lot 3 and E/2 SE/4 NW/4 and SW/4 NE/4 of sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg County OK. More info call or look online. 580-237-7174 Pontotoc County Commissioners Proceedings from Page 14 SPLY; 303, SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS GROUP, 166.23, SPLY; 304, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 623.94, SPLY; 305, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 44.00, REMITTANCE;RESALE PROPERTY: 127, GONDERMAN, GLENDA, 74.75, TRAVEL; 128, PIERCE, TERRI KAYE, 166.75, TRAVEL; 129, RHYNES, JAMES TRAVIS, 125.35, TRAVEL;SHERIFF FEES: 566, DG TECHNOLOGIES, 320.00, REGISTRATION; 567, KHAN, ZUBAIR A, 103.50, TRAVEL; 568, WILLIAMS, JOE A, 103.50, TRAVEL; 569, SHIPMAN COMMUNICATIONS, 474.90, SPLY; 570, U S CELLULAR, 98.93, REMITTANCE; 571, JOHN VANCE AUTO GROUP, 6939.32, SPLY; 572, HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES, 488.14, SPLY; 573, KIA, K LLC, 450.00, SPLY; 574, O G & E, 2774.66, REMITTANCE; 575, SHIPMAN COMMUNICATIONS, 145.80, SPLY; 576, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 39.98, SPLY; 577, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 363.12, SPLY;AGRI PLEX: 365, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 529.61, SPLY; 366, BLUE LINE RENTAL, 314.13, SPLY; 367, DOUBLE I ELECTRIC, 883.45, SPLY; 368, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 99.00, SPLY; 369, GRISSOMS, 74.04, SPLY; 370, HISLE BROS. INC., 76.76, SPLY; 371, J B LUMBER, 30.33, SPLY; 372, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 51.28, FUEL; 373, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 53.64, SPLY; 374, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 8.49, SPLY; 375, PRUITT COMPANY, 127.80, MAINT; 376, PRUITT COMPANY, 86.50, SPLY; 377, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 335.00, SPLY;EXCESS RESALE PROPERTY: 7, FAULKNER, DELBERT WAYNE, 450.40, REMITTANCE;ZLODGE: 80, OESC, 233.30, UNEMP PREM;ZSALESTAX: 203, OESC, 1001.00, UNEMP PREM;EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 81, A T & T SERVICES INC, 57.04, REMITTANCE; 82, HAM RADIO OUTLET INC, 199.95, SPLY; 83, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 186.32, SPLY;” Approved April 2015 payroll. Approved monthly reports. Roberts submitted a proposal for the location of a Dollar General Store in Stonewall, OK. Stonewall Highway 3640 between County Road 1650 and 1660, running south to Jesse will be closed for six to eight months for bridge construction. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Ada Firefighter ZLODGE request for 2014. Starns and Roberts aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to adjourn. Starns and Roberts aye. The foregoing are the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners for the month of April 2015 of the County Commissioners Journal No. 14. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PONTOTOC COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Gary Starns, Chairman Justin Roberts, Member Randy Floyd, Member ATTEST Pam Walker, County Clerk (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 14, 2015) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2015-1 In the Matter of the Estate of ANNA L. McKENZIE, Deceased NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT, PETITION FOR ORDER ALLOWING FINAL ACCOUNT, DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP, FINAL SETTLEMENT, DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Frank Huffstutlar, Ruben Huffstutlar and Donald Huffstutlar, Personal Representatives of the Estate of Anna L. McKenzie, Deceased, having filed in this Court their Final Account of the administration of said Estate, their Petition for Order Allowing Final Account, Determination of Heirship, Distribution and Discharge of said Personal Representatives, the hearing of the same has been set by the Judge of this Court for Wednesday, the 27th day of May, 2015, at 9:30 o’clock a.m. at the Pontotoc County District Courtroom, Pontotoc County Courthouse, located in Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in said Estate are notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why said Account should not be settled and allowed, the heirs of said deceased determined, said Estate distributed and the Personal Representative discharged. DATED this the 29th day of April, 2015. S. Kessinger Judge of the District Court Kenneth R. Johnson 130 East 14th Street, Drawer 1690 Ada, OK 74820 580/332-2558 Attorney for Personal Representative (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 7 and 14, 2015) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA FD-2010-193 In RE the Marriage of CARALYNNE DIANNE COPELAND, Petitioner, and TERRY LYNN COPELAND, Respondent. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: CARALYNNE DIANNE COPELAND Take notice that Respondent, Terry Lynn Copeland, has filed herein his Motion to Modify regarding child custody and child support. You must answer said Motion on or before June 22, 2015, or said Motion will be taken as true and an Order will be entered on behalf of Respondent. Witness my hand and the seal of this Court this May 4, 2015. Karen Dunigan, Court Clerk By: s) B. Myers Deputy Terry Lynn Copeland 602 S. Jarrett Wynnewood, Oklahoma 73098 580-599-3011 (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 7, 14 and 21, 2015) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-2015-67 ANDREW D. COCHRAN, Plaintiff, vs. TRUSTEES OF CHURCH OF CHRIST, 8th & OAK ST., ADA, OKLAHOMA and TRUSTEES CHURCH OF CHRIST, ADA, OKLAHOMA, if living or in existence, and if deceased or dissolved, their unknown members, officers and successors; The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees, and Assigns, and the Unknown Successors of ED MENASCO and MARIE MENASCO, both Deceased; OZIE C. HENSLEY and DOROTHY M. HENSLEY, if living, and if deceased, their unknown successors; and The State of Oklahoma, ex rel. The Oklahoma Tax Commission; Defendants. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: TRUSTEES OF CHURCH OF CHRIST, 8th & OAK ST., ADA, OKLAHOMA and TRUSTEES CHURCH OF CHRIST, ADA, OKLAHOMA, if living or in existence, and if deceased or dissolved, their unknown members, officers and successors; The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees, and Assigns, and the Unknown Successors of ED MENASCO and MARIE MENASCO, both Deceased; OZIE C. HENSLEY and DOROTHY M. HENSLEY, if living, and if deceased, their unknown successors. TAKE NOTICE that you and each of you, have been sued by the above named Plaintiff in the above entitled action in the District Court of Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, and that you must answer the Petition filed by Plaintiff in said cause on or before the 26th day of June, 2015, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants above named in said action, quieting title to the following described real property located in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma: All of Lot 8 in Block 1 of West Side Addition to the City of Ada, Oklahoma AND All of Lot 7 in Block 4 of West Side Addition to the City of Ada, Oklahoma, and judicially determining the heirship of ED MENASCO and MARIE MENASCO, both deceased. WITNESS my hand and seal this 5th day of May, 2015. Karen Dunnigan, Court Clerk Pontotoc County, Oklahoma By: s) B. Myer Deputy (SEAL) Barry G. Burkhart, OBA#14092 120 South Broadway Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 332-2800 (580) 332-2811 (fax) Attorney for Plaintiff (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 7, 14 and 21, 2015) THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 14, 2015 - PAGE 15 180± ACRES • QUINTON AREA LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK PITTSBURG COUNTY WITHIN AND FOR WITHIN AND FOR LEGAL NOTICE OFFERED IN 2 TRACTS PONTOTOC COUNTY PONTOTOC COUNTY IN THE DISTRICT COURT STATE OF OKLAHOMA JUNE 10th 3PM STATEWEDNESDAY OF OKLAHOMA WITHIN AND FOR No. P-2014-45 Case No. JD-2015-11 Auction location: onsiteBascum Rd (N 4290PONTOTOC Rd) & HWY 31 Quinton O COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of RICHthe Matter of ALLEN STATE 74561- In From Quinton Ok goMORGAN, 1 mile West on ST HwyOF 31OKLAHOMA to Bascum Rd., ARD LAWRENCE HUBBLE, DeDOB: 05/01/2001, Alleged Deprived Case No. JD-2015-10 South ¾ mile to sale site. ceased. Children as Defined by the Laws of the In the Matter of BRITTANY HANTRACT 1:ofE/2 of lot 4 and W/2 W/2 of lot 3 and SW/4 NW/4 and the W/2 S NOTICE OF HEARING RETURN State Oklahoma SON, DOB: 01/17/1999, WILLIAM NW/4AND of sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg Ok. OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY SUMMONS NOTICE HANSON, County DOB: 05/31/2000, Alleged Notice is hereby given that Richard Mother: Catherine Allen TRACT 2: E/2 of lot 3 and E/2Deprived W/2 of Children lot 3 andasE/2 SE/4 by NW/4 Defined the Lee Hubble, the duly appointed and You are hereby notified thatof a PetiSW/4 NE/4 sec. 2-7N-18E, Pittsburg County OK. Laws of the State of Oklahoma qualified Personal Representative tion has been filed in the above styled AND NOTICE More info call orSUMMONS look online. of the estate of Richard Lawrence and numbered case, alleging that the Mother: Michelle Hanson – Location 580-237-7174 Hubble, deceased, has returned and above named child is deprived, as deUnknown presented for confirmation, and filed scribed more fully in the attached PetiYou are hereby notified that a Petiin said Court his Return of the sale of tion. The attached Petition is hereby tion has been filed in the above styled the following described real property of made a part of this Summons and and numbered case, alleging that the said estate, to-wit: Notice and incorporated by reference. above named child is deprived, as deSurface and Surface Rights Only The Petitioner prays that the above scribed more fully in the attached PetiLots 9, 10 and 11, Block 33, Original named child be adjudicated deprived tion. The attached Petition is hereby Townsite of the City of Konawa, Semiand dealt with according to law, and for made a part of this Summons and nole County, Oklahoma all proper orders and relief. Notice and incorporated by reference. to George A. Reams for the sum of That this matter will be heard at a The Petitioner prays that the above $37,000.00 and that June 4, 2015, at hearing upon the Petition on the 16th named child be adjudicated deprived 11:00 o’clock a. m. of said day, at the day of June, 2015 at 10:30 a.m., in and dealt with according to law, and for courtroom of the District Court in the the District Court, Pontotoc County all proper orders and relief. Courthouse in the City of Ada, PontoCourthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, before That this matter will be heard at a toc County, Oklahoma, aforesaid, has Judge at which time and place you hearing upon the Petition on the 16th been duly appointed by said Court for may appear and show cause, if any day of June, 2015 at 10:30 a.m., in hearing said Return, at which time any you have, why order and judgment in the District Court, Pontotoc County person interested in said estate may the proceedings should not be entered Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, before appear and file his exceptions in writing as in the Petition prayed, and you are Judge at which time and place you to said Return and contest the same, hereby summoned and notified to be may appear and show cause, if any and are hereby referred to said Return present at said time and place and to you have, why order and judgment in for further particulars. bring and have with you the above the proceedings should not be entered th DATED this 12 day of May, 2015. named child, if child be in your custody as in the Petition prayed, and you are s/ S. Kessinger or control, and you and each of you will hereby summoned and notified to be JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT in no wise omit, under penalty of law. present at said time and place and to COURT Failure to appear without reasonable bring and have with you the above Kurt B. Sweeney, OBA #17455 cause may result in you being held in named child, if child be in your custody Sweeney, Draper & Christopher, PLLC contempt of court and a warrant being or control, and you and each of you will P. O. Box 190 issued for your arrest pursuant to Title in no wise omit, under penalty of law. Ada, OK 74821-0190 10A O.S. §2-2-107(G). Failure to appear without reasonable Phone 580-332-7200 You are advised that the respondent cause may result in you being held in Attorney for Personal Representative parents, guardian or custodian, and (Published in The Allen Advocate on May contempt of court and a warrant being respondent child is entitled to be rep14, 2015) issued for your arrest pursuant to Title resented by an attorney at each and 10A O.S. §2-2-107(G). every stage of the proceedings and if You are advised that the respondent the parties are unable because of lack IN THE DISTRICT COURT parents, guardian or custodian, and of present financial resources to obtain OF PONTOTOC COUNTY respondent child is entitled to be repan attorney, they are entitled, upon STATE OF OKLAHOMA resented by an attorney at each and demonstrating this fact to the Court’s Case No. PB-2015-31 every stage of the proceedings and if In the Matter of the Estate of JO ANN satisfaction, to a Court-appointed atthe parties are unable because of lack torney at no expense to such parties. STORY now PICKENS, Deceased. of present financial resources to obtain Petitioner prays that the child be COMBINED NOTICE TO CREDIan attorney, they are entitled, upon brought before the Court and dealt with TORS AND NOTICE OF HEARING demonstrating this fact to the Court’s in accordance with the Oklahoma ChilUPON THE FINAL ACCOUNTING satisfaction, to a Court-appointed atdren’s Code, Title 10A O.S. §1-1-101 et AND PETITION FOR DETERMINAtorney at no expense to such parties. seq., and that the State of Oklahoma TION OF HEIRS, DEVISEES, AND Petitioner prays that the child be reserves the right to seek a termination LEGATEES, APPROVAL OF ATTORbrought before the Court and dealt with of parental rights and the parents may NEY’S FEES, DISTRIBUTION AND in accordance with the Oklahoma Chilbe ordered to pay child support if the DISCHARGE dren’s Code, Title 10A O.S. §1-1-101 et Notice is hereby given to all inter- juvenile is placed outside the home. seq., and that the State of Oklahoma Failure to respond to this summons ested parties and creditors of JO ANN reserves the right to seek a termination or to appear at this Hearing constitutes STORY now PICKENS, deceased, of parental rights and the parents may consent to the adjudication of the chilthat: be ordered to pay child support if the dren as deprived and may ultimately JO ANN STORY now PICKENS, juvenile is placed outside the home. deceased, 1419 Nadine Dr., Ada, OK, result in the loss of custody of the Failure to respond to this summons th children or the termination of parental died intestate on the 4 day of January, or to appear at this Hearing constitutes rights to the children. 2012. consent to the adjudication of the chilIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have The total value of the estate of the dren as deprived and may ultimately decedent is less than two-hundred hereunto set my hand this 7 day of result in the loss of custody of the May, 2015. thousand dollars ($200,000.00), conchildren or the termination of parental Karen Dunnigan sisting of real estate in Seminole rights to the children. Court Clerk County, Oklahoma, as set forth in the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have By: s) G. Pingleton Petition, that will be distributed to the hereunto set my hand this 7 day of Deputy following individuals in equal shares: May, 2015. (SEAL) Michael Story, 7913B Hwy 270, HoldKaren Dunnigan (Published in The Allen Advocate on enville, OK; Billy Jo McCracken, 35984 Court Clerk May 14, 2015) Hwy 70, Seminole, OK; and Judy By: s) G. Pingleton Cloud, address unknown. Deputy The hearing on the final accounting (SEAL) and Petition shall take place on the (Published in The Allen Advocate on 23rd day of June, 2015, at 11:00 o’clock May 14, 2015) a.m. in the courtroom of the Honorable IN THE DISTRICT COURT Steve Kessinger, Judge of the District WITHIN AND FOR IN THE DISTRICT COURT Court, at the Pontotoc County CourtPONTOTOC COUNTY WITHIN AND FOR house, Ada, Oklahoma. STATE OF OKLAHOMA PONTOTOC COUNTY All persons receiving this combined Case No. JD-2015-10 STATE OF OKLAHOMA notice may file objections to the final In the Matter of BRITTANY HANCase No. JD-2015-12 accounting and Petition any time prior SON, DOB: 01/17/1999, WILLIAM In the Matter of CHRISTOPHER to the hearing and send a copy of such HANSON, DOB: 05/31/2000, Alleged LYDA, DOB: 06/19/99, Alleged Deobjection to the Special Administrator, Deprived Children as Defined by the prived Children as Defined by the Laws or that person will be deemed to have Laws of the State of Oklahoma of the State of Oklahoma waived any objection to the final acSUMMONS AND NOTICE SUMMONS AND NOTICE counting and Petition. Father: Anthony Hanson – Location Father: Jackie Lyda If an objection is timely filed, the Unknown You are hereby notified that a PetiCourt will determine at the hearing You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in the above styled whether summary proceedings are tion has been filed in the above styled and numbered case, alleging that the appropriate and, if so, whether the and numbered case, alleging that the above named child is deprived, as deestate will be distributed and to whom above named child is deprived, as described more fully in the attached Petithe estate will be distributed. scribed more fully in the attached Petition. The attached Petition is hereby All creditors having claims against tion. The attached Petition is hereby the estate of Jo Ann Story now Pickens, made a part of this Summons and made a part of this Summons and Notice and incorporated by reference. deceased, are required to present the Notice and incorporated by reference. The Petitioner prays that the above same with a description of all security The Petitioner prays that the above named child be adjudicated deprived interest and other collateral (if any) held named child be adjudicated deprived and dealt with according to law, and for by each creditor with respect to such and dealt with according to law, and for all proper orders and relief. claim, to Michael Story, c/o Peary L. all proper orders and relief. That this matter will be heard at a Robertson, P.O. Box 2336, Seminole, That this matter will be heard at a hearing upon the Petition on the 16th OK 74818, on or before the following hearing upon the Petition on the 16th day of June, 2015 at 10:30 a.m., in presentment date of 10th day of June, day of June, 2015 at 10:30 a.m., in the District Court, Pontotoc County 2015, or the same will be forever the District Court, Pontotoc County barred. Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, before Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, before Dated this 4th day of May, 2015. Judge at which time and place you Judge at which time and place you s) Gregory Pollard may appear and show cause, if any may appear and show cause, if any you have, why order and judgment in Judge of the District Court you have, why order and judgment in the proceedings should not be entered Peary L. Robertson, OBA#22895 the proceedings should not be entered as in the Petition prayed, and you are Robertson Law Office, PLLC as in the Petition prayed, and you are hereby summoned and notified to be P.O. Box 2336Seminole, OK 74818 hereby summoned and notified to be present at said time and place and to Tel: (405) 382-7300 Fax: (405) 382-2887 present at said time and place and to bring and have with you the above Attorney for Special Administrator bring and have with you the above named child, if child be in your custody (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 7 named child, if child be in your custody and 14, 2015) or control, and you and each of you will or control, and you and each of you will in no wise omit, under penalty of law. in no wise omit, under penalty of law. Failure to appear without reasonable Failure to appear without reasonable cause may result in you being held in IN THE DISTRICT COURT cause may result in you being held in contempt of court and a warrant being IN AND FOR contempt of court and a warrant being issued for your arrest pursuant to Title PONTOTOC COUNTY issued for your arrest pursuant to Title 10A O.S. §2-2-107(G). STATE OF OKLAHOMA 10A O.S. §2-2-107(G). You are advised that the respondent Case No. PB-2015-29 You are advised that the respondent In the Matter of the Estate of parents, guardian or custodian, and parents, guardian or custodian, and respondent child is entitled to be repA. J. Vinson and GENEVA E. VINrespondent child is entitled to be represented by an attorney at each and SON, also known as Geneva Elzina resented by an attorney at each and Vinson, Both Deceased. every stage of the proceedings and if every stage of the proceedings and if the parties are unable because of lack NOTICE TO CREDITORS the parties are unable because of lack of present financial resources to obtain To the Creditors and All Persons of present financial resources to obtain an attorney, they are entitled, upon Interested in the Estate of A. J. Vinan attorney, they are entitled, upon demonstrating this fact to the Court’s son and Geneva E. Vinson, Both demonstrating this fact to the Court’s satisfaction, to a Court-appointed atDeceased satisfaction, to a Court-appointed attorney at no expense to such parties. All creditors and persons having torney at no expense to such parties. Petitioner prays that the child be claims against A. J. Vinson and GePetitioner prays that the child be neva E. Vinson, Both Deceased, are brought before the Court and dealt with brought before the Court and dealt with required to present the same, with the in accordance with the Oklahoma Chil- in accordance with the Oklahoma Children’s Code, Title 10A O.S. §1-1-101 et description of all security interests and dren’s Code, Title 10A O.S. §1-1-101 et seq., and that the State of Oklahoma other collateral (if any) held by each seq., and that the State of Oklahoma reserves the right to seek a termination creditor or person with respect to such reserves the right to seek a termination of parental rights and the parents may claim, to the undersigned Personal of parental rights and the parents may be ordered to pay child support if the Representative, being Wallace Dean be ordered to pay child support if the juvenile is placed outside the home. Vinson, in care of Susie Bolin Sum- juvenile is placed outside the home. Failure to respond to this summons mers, Attorney at Law, Post Office Failure to respond to this summons or to appear at this Hearing constitutes Box 1488, 114 South Broadway, Ada, or to appear at this Hearing constitutes consent to the adjudication of the chilOklahoma 74821, on or before the consent to the adjudication of the children as deprived and may ultimately presentment date of July 15, 2015, or dren as deprived and may ultimately the same will be forever barred. result in the loss of custody of the result in the loss of custody of the children or the termination of parental DATED this 13th day of May, 2015. children or the termination of parental rights to the children. Wallace Dean Vinson rights to the children. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Personal Representative IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 6 day of Susie Bolin Summers, OBA #22069 hereunto set my hand this 7 day of Alvin D. Files, OBA #2902 May, 2015. May, 2015. Charles D. Mayhue, OBA #5822 Karen Dunnigan Karen Dunnigan MAYHUE, SUMMERS & FILES, PLLC Court Clerk Court Clerk Post Office Box 1488Ada, OK 74821Phone: By: s) G. Pingleton By: s) G. Pingleton (580) 436-6500 Deputy Deputy Fax: (580) 332-7202 (SEAL) (SEAL) Attorneys for Personal Representative (Published in The Allen Advocate on (Published in The Allen Advocate on May (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 14, 2015) 14 and 21, 2015) May 14, 2015) LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE d o C o F e n n e t l e l r A Prices Valid Thursday, May 14 thru Wednesday, May 20 • Movie Rental • Accept SNAP • WIC Approved • VISA • MasterCard • American Express • Discover Downtown Allen • 857-2627 •Store Hours 8 to 7 Monday - Saturday : Sundays 12 to 6 • Money Orders U.S.#1 Russet Potatoes $ Milk Shurfine Vitamin D 1 99 10 Lb Bag 99 assorted 2 Liter Corn Shurfine White 26 gal Choice Fresh Family Pack ¢ 2 $ 73% Fat Free Shurfine Squeeze ¢ Green Beans 1 $ 99 - cut - French - no salt 56 oz carton Shurfine Squeeze Mustard ¢ 21 $ 10 oz Can Shurfine Shurfine Premium Lb Ketchup 21 $ 14.5 oz Can Shurfine All Purpose Flour 79 79 1 Syrup Peanut $ Distilled Vinegar Butter 1 1 2 23 24 Raisins 2 23 24 2 20-24 oz bottle $ $ Shurfine Instant Light Charcoal $ gal Liquid 69 Bleach $ $ 96 oz jug 15 oz cannister Shurfine Liquid 1 Shurfine Lettuce 1 $ 49 Lb Shurfine 1 Oranges 99 4.5 oz jar 1 29 10 oz ¢ Family Steaks 10 cnt box 16 oz 4 $ Lb Smoked Sausage County Post Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 39 $ Lb Shurfine 2 $ 12 oz Pkg $ Choice Fresh Meat Shurfine 99 Change for the Toaster Butter Spread Waffles $ $ 39 Shurfine Stack Pack Lb Shurfine Shurfine USDA Choice Boneless Beef Pork Chops ¢ 2 4 99 2 3 2 $ 24 oz Carton Chunk Cheese - cheddar - colby - colby jack ¢ Fancy Extra Large $ 69 head Shurfine Shurfine Family Pack Bone-in Sirloin 4 Garlic 99 25 o Dairy & Frozen 19 $ 3 128 oz jug Western Family Minced or Chopped Premium Iceberg Orange Cottage Juice Cheese 3 1 4 Lb Bag Produce $ 49 Bacon Shurfine Shurfine Seedless 14 oz Box 11.6 Lb Tomatoes 5 Lb Bag 24 oz Jar Laundry Dish Sugar $ 79 Detergent$ 49 Liquid 99 5 79 $ $ 18 oz Jar 69 Shurfine Granulated Fancy Cello Pack $ 99 Graham Crackers $ 9.2-13 oz $ Shurfine Maple or Butter Shurfine Creamy or Chunky Shurfine Honey or Cinnamon Chocolate Cookies ¢ 20 oz bottle 14.515.25 oz Can 24 oz Pkg 99 49 Shurfine White Gallon 24 oz Loaf Diced Tomatoes & Green Chlilies Ground Beef Ice Cream - Whole Kernal - Cream Style - Sweet Shurfine Shurfine Sandwich Bread $ • Whole • 2% • 1% • Skim Mountain Dew or Pepsi Shurfine Senior Citizen Discount Day is Wednesdays • Hunt Bro. Pizza Pimento Spread 99 2 $ 12 oz Pkg Shurfine 1 99 Lb Corn Dogs 6 $ 99 3 Lb Box 99
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