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:'.;:. ~ ,#f2"O9- 05 ~ CQLIMri¥"" 06 I BU ILDI NG BRIDGES W I T H OUR S ISTER CITY COLI MA A PRESENTATION FOR REDWOOD C ITY IN T E RN AT I ON A L C OLI M A BOMBEROS TRIP PAGE 1 Bomberos Sin Fronteras This Van Pelt was the first of;) fire engines to be donated by Redwood City to Colima...It is definitely one ofthe prides of their also happens to be the first fire engine that Ernesto Marin operated at the RCFD. Look at them become reaquainted!!! • Marc Bemal!watches o n as Nacho Peralta pours so me "cafe de va9uero" at his ho me - , and coffee plantation which he §3clousl~ ,Invi'ted, at a indioenous village nearthe t» Colima vole-1no -~i,i --------'----:l =--- ,----' -I ' Paulsherwr- _" uua oult orid ' ge5 rn the worid , pa/"dmed _' rune and roved Ian>?J-Ia"e I . , P that even where c, 0 Darners ' bo5t, We can rk providegreat 5eC\ ' J wo ' together and '-e5ponded or 1ce.Heand ~ c.rnesto on a sta< ed' bornk d ' rn leal call with th ros an Were able to I, -e advanced ' estao Is h an a'C\va 'j . rrne pa bent llill emI~racin h' "'" Here l~ R I g 'S newBroth au wh ' er, Javierth o IS wea rin" M ' d e paramedic .. '" arc s 0naf:<..d 5 PauI:s turnout COat •f:ethescepe a nd to " COLIMA BO MBEROS TRIP Bomberos Sin Fronteras ,- - -. , - ,, ! Firefighter.Paramedic Chris Cottle Chris has been one of RCFD's most valued bilinguals on the domestic front for a long he's putting it to play with our family in Colima. Firefighter Paramedic Ernesto Marin and "El Jefe" Here is Ernesto delivering a plaque to the Chief of Colima after our "conferencia de prensa" !j I, I ., ..... . ~--- ~ . -- ,I I ! Firefighter Justin Velasquez Embraces some of his new Brothers. One of the Bombero's children who is sporting some mini turnout bunkers also joins in for the shot. COLIMA BOMBEROS TRIP Nuestra Guia, Vaquero... We couldn't have asked for a better friend to guide and introduce us to the City of Colima. PAGE 3 Bomberos Sin Fronteras Vaquero's Rescue Our group listens on to Vaquero as he humbly tells his courageous story of rescuing a victim from the rubble of Colima's earthquake in 1995 that devestated the port city of Manzanillo and killed 49 people. Vaquero extricated three people from a collapsed Hotel that was pancaked and unstable. Although only one of the victims survived, he performed this brave rescue while his colleagues and others pleaded for him to come out due to the building's instability. He is well deserving of the respect he recieves from his comrades....and now all of us. COLIMA BO MBEROS TRIP ManzanilJo Beach After our visit to the very depressed Manzanillo Fire Station, we stopped by the non-touristy beach to enjoy a few cervezas and share stories. Enrique Marc and Enrique exchange gifts shortly before getting on the plane in Guadalajara to return home to California. PAG E 4 Bomberos Sin Fronteras Luis and Paul The man that makes the moves in Colima. Luis has proved to be a great liason between the Colima and Redwood City Governments. He is dedicated to making this program a success and has been integral in turning these humanitarian visions into realities. Conferencia de Prensa Our meeting with the Mayor and other political delegates from Colima was a great experience for all of us. This critical communication wouldn't have been possible without the accurate translation skills of Chris Cottle and Ernesto Marin. COLIMA BOMBEROS TRIP PAGE 5 Our Visit To The Orphanage.... COLIMA BOMBEROS TRIP PAGE 6 COLIMA BOMBEROS TRIP PAGE 7 Memorable Moments The Orphanage Olympic Games Paul, Chris and a couple of the Colima Bomberos referee races amongst the orphans. Even with the headstart, the three closest children were no match for the unassuming girl in the background. She won multiple matches, even while sporting the sandals that were five sizes too big. The trip to Colima had many reflecting moments but none as memorable as being able to deliver toys and play games in the yard of the orphanage. The toys traveled with us from California and were donated by the people from our community, here in Redwood City. COLIM A BO M B E R O S TRIP P A GE 8 Gracias Por Todos, ReI Thank you Redwood City International Without all of your visions in starting and maintaining this great program, we would not have been able to experience this wonderful trip or make these life long relationships with our Brother firefighters in Colima. We appreciate your support with our future endeavors of equipment donations and training with our Sister City that we all intend on working towards. COLIMA BOMBEROS TRIP PAGE 9