Hawaii Business News
Hawaii Business News
w e unders ta nd how h awa ii works Honolulu, Hawaii $2.00 May 16, 2008 Vol. 46, no. 11 Carpenters see work dry up as projects stall Flying in style Concierge Allison Pettersson makes sure that passengers aboard Resort Air are pampered. A limousine ride isn’t included, but private jets and Rolls-Royces just seem to go together. tina yuen PBn By Janis L. Magin Pacific Business news Hawaii’s unionized carpenters have gone from being fully employed to seeing nearly 20 percent of their ranks put out of work in just the past 90 days. Some 1,500 of the 7,800 members of the Hawaii Carpenters Union are now jobless, said Ron Taketa, the union’s financial secretary and business representative. The numbers include about 900 members on Oahu, which has 75 percent of the membership, 200 on the Big Island and 250 on Maui. While Hawaii’s construction industry was anticipating the volume of work would slow this year, the abruptness of the down- With pleasure Private jet fills a short flight By cHaD BLair Pacific Business news ou are the schedule. Though not trademarked, that’s the credo of Hawaii’s new luxury airline. As Resort Air’s two-crew, eight-passenger Cessna Citation II corporate jet prepared for takeoff from Honolulu to Princeville, Kauai, earlier this week, executive concierge Allison Pettersson gave lei to two passengers. “Would you like some Starbucks coffee or a malasada from Leonard’s?” she asked. Pettersson’s smile is infectious, y her service efficient and 24-7. “We’re in no hurry,” she added. “You are the schedule.” Here’s what Pettersson means: Fly when you want. Check in when you want. Depart when you want. No overbooked flights. No getting bumped. No ID required. No metal detector or removing shoes. No “Could you step over here, please?” And no intrusive luggage search, extra charge for bags, lost suitcases. There are even separate, private — and clean — bathrooms, a lounge and a business center. Thank you for flying Resort Air. That will be $12,000, please. On May 8, Jeff Stone, president of The Resort Group, owner and operator of Kauai’s Princeville Resort and Oahu’s Ko Olina Resort & Marina, launched Hawaii’s only private interisland jet service. Resort Air invited a PBN reporter and photographer to experience the “jet limo” service, which began with the arrival of a Cloud 9 limousine at their office. Chauffeur Peter Nenezsee Jet, PaGe 45 turn is taking many by surprise. As with the sudden shutdowns of Aloha and ATA airlines and several smaller employers, March marked a turning point that saw activity in a number of industries come to a standstill. The carpenters were fully employed at this time last year and as recently as February, only 100 or so were out of work, Taketa said. The upheavals in the nation’s financial markets have led big lenders to cut off financing for construction projects already under way, which recently happened at the luxury Hokulia golf course development on the Big Island. see carpenters, PaGe 42 Buyer of Hilo Hattie sees many challenges ahead By Janis L. Magin Pacific Business news The investors buying Hilo Hattie acknowledge they are purchasing a financially troubled company and are looking for help to turn the business around. The Hawaii-themed retailer’s financial troubles were known to some in the Honolulu business community before the sale to a group of California investors was announced last week. “I don’t think it’s a secret that the company has had some financial challenges,” said Ted Nelson, a principal of TOC Inc., the group that is buying the privately owned 45-year-old company from founder Jim Romig. The sale, for a price that has sCooPs: Look who’s coming to Kahala. P5 tourisM: Outrigger looks at next 60 years. P6 FoCus: school construction bonds go unused. P19 3 P.M. daily business news uPdate @ pacificbusinessnews.com not been publicly disclosed, is to close in early July. “So we’ve got some work to do to position the company to move forward and we need support from local vendors and we need support from the community and we need support from the bank community,” Nelson said. Nelson, who owns the Hawaii franchise of Fantastic Sams hair salons, became CEO of Hilo Hattie on May 9 after Romig and other company officers, including Presisee HiLO Hattie, PaGe 44 PortFolio For sale: $90M a Journey to Fitness Local land owner gets out of the business. P3 entrepreneur makes a life-changing decision. P13 2 quick read pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com Focus: education Where to find it | BUSINESS LEADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28-41 CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-36 COMMENTARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 EDITORIAL OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 PACESETTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18 ROAD TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SCOOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 AROUND HAWAII n BIG ISLAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,5 n KAUAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 n LANAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 n MAUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,15 that’s what she said | ‘ It’s different when you created the business and it wasn’t just handed to you by parents. ’ Li si Yang Owner, Journey To fitness see full story Page 13 a ProGraM tHat aLLoWs private schools to use special-purpose bonds has seen little use in its first six years. PaGe 19 a neW GradinG sYsteM for Hawaii’s public intermediate and high schools has been delayed. PaGe 20 a BiosaFetY LaBoratorY has survived funding problems at the University of Hawaii. PaGe 21 tHe keYs to seLectinG a private school for your child are to start early and be thorough. PaGe 26 nonProFits tourisM top hits on the PBn Web site | coMMentarY The Pacific Business News Web site reports breaking business news every business day. Here are 12 WaYs in which bullies can ruin your workplace. PaGe 47 tHe Lists HaWaii MBa ProGraMs, ranked by 2007 enrollment. PaGe 22 HaWaii coLLeGes and uniVersities, ranked by fall 2007 enrollment. PaGe 24 a Bitter LeGaL FiGHt involving family members who own Star Markets Ltd. has been settled out of court. PaGe 3 tHe neXt Generation of Apple products is capturing investors’ attention. PaGe 10 Here and tHere a GLorious HistorY ended in | Wang, Jaw-Kai . . . . . . . . . . .5 Wissmann, Karl . . . . . . . . . . .3 Pico, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Yamano, John . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Pirl, Jacqui . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Yang, Li Si . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Podlewski, Verna . . . . . . . . .15 Yonehara, Jo Ann . . . . . . . . . .3 Romig, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Rose, Neil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Schmidt, J .P . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 B u s i n e s s e s Scott, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Alexander & Baldwin . . . . . . .1 Solomon, Rob . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Aloha Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Storfer, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Assaggio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Takabayashi, Roger . . . . . . .20 Barnwell Industries . . . . . . .48 Taketa, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Booz Allen Hamilton . . . . . . . .4 Toner, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Cadinha & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Toy, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Castle & Cooke . . . . . . . . . . . .1 road test suZuki’s sX4 sedan stands tall but it faces tough competition in its market niche. PaGe 9 n Joshua Wingstrom was appointed by Gov. Linda Lingle to a vacant student seat on the University of Hawaii’s Board of Regents, but he withdrew his nomination. A page 1 story May 9 said Lingle had not appointed a student regent. CB Richard Ellis . . . . . . . . . . .3 Chaminade University . . . . .19 Chaney, Brooks & Co . . . . . . .3 Choi International . . . . . . . . . .1 Cloud 9 Limousine . . . . . . . . .1 D .R . Horton-Schuler Div . . . . .1 Fantastic Sams . . . . . . . . . . .1 Gentry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Halekulani Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Hawaii Association of Independent Schools . . . . . . .26 Hawaii Carpenters Union . . . .1 Hawaii Coalition for Health . . .5 HI Dept . of Budget and Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Hawaii DCCA . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Hawaii Dept . of Education . . 20 Hawaii Insurance Division . . .5 HMSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 HSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Hawaii Venture Group . . . . .10 Hawaiian Asset Management Co . . . . . . . . . . .3 Hilo Hattie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Honolulu Symphony . . . . . . . .6 Hospitality Advisors . . . . . 6,48 Hyatt Regency Waikiki . . . . .3 Iolani School . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 This index highlights businesses, organizations and government agencies featured prominently in this issue . Page numbers listed refer to the pages where the articles begin . The index does not include people listed in Hawaii Pacesetters or companies listed in Business Leads, Top 25 lists or advertisements . Power Pacific Business News } Here are the top-viewed stories from the past week. To receive PBN’s daily e-mail update at 3 p.m., please visit pacificbusinessnews.com. 1. Mesa delays second quarter earnings 2. Hilo Hattie sold 3. Hoku amends supply contract 4. Hoku, Solarfun amend supply agreement 5. Four Hawaii spots make Priceline list 6. Mesa grounds Air Midwest, cites fuel cost 7. Maui sports bar up for sale 8. Hawaii firm buys surfboard distributor 9. Gas prices in five states surpass Hawaii 10. Hoku loses financing, reports $4.3M loss Published weekly except an extra issue in December by Pacific Business News, Pacific Business News Building, 1833 Kalakaua Ave ., 7th Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 . Pacific Business News ISSN 0030-8552 . Pacific Business News, P .O . Box 75130, Honolulu, Hawaii 96836 correction Finance a YounG entrePreneur talks about the challenges of starting one’s own business and breaking away from the family business. PaGe 13 Brooks, Wendell III . . . . . . . . .3 Carr, Stanford . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Ching, Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Chock, Kyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Clapoff, Janis . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 del Castillo, Rafael . . . . . . . . .5 Erdman, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Ferrara, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Fujieki, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Fujieki, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Gilmore, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Gulick, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Hamada, Daniel . . . . . . . . . .20 Havre, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . .10 retaiL Here’s a Look at Hawaii’s housing prices in April, county by county. PaGe 7 outriGGer enterPrises GrouP looks ahead to the next 60 years. PaGe 6 Hiatt, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Hirstein, Stuart . . . . . . . . . . .19 Howard, Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Jones, Charlie R . . . . . . . . . . .4 Jones, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Kami, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Karp, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Kinzler, Morton . . . . . . . . . . .48 Ky, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 LaPinta, Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Mattson, Keith . . . . . . . . . . .21 McDermott, John . . . . . . . . .11 Nelson, Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Nenezich, Peter . . . . . . . . . . .1 O’Brien, Celeste . . . . . . . . . .19 Pettersson, Allison . . . . . . . . .1 a cHanGe oF coMMand in Booz Allen Hamilton’s Honolulu office will occur this summer. PaGe 4 a HaWaii reaL estate PortFoLio estimated at $90 million is being liquidated as its owner retires. PaGe 3 strateGies PeoPLe ManaGeMent Hawaii when Aloha Airlines flew away. PaGe 11 reaL estate tHe HonoLuLu sYMPHonY is launching two companies in an effort to create new revenue streams. PaGe 6 Hawaii people and businesses in this issue Great inVestMent BarGains are still out there, despite all the talk of gloom and doom. PaGe 14 May 16, 2008 SUBSCRIPTIONS: Hawaii and 2nd class mainland rates are $84 .9 5 for one year (53 issues), $169 .9 5 for three years (159 issues) . Foreign and 1st class Mainland rates on request . Single copy $2 for weekly issues; special annual issue is $24 .9 5 . POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pacific Business News, P .O . Box 75130, Honolulu, Hawaii 96836, or call 808-955-8100 . Periodicals postage paid at Honolulu and additional mailing offices . MEMBER: Audit Bureau of Circulations and Hawaii Publishers Association Island Pacific Academy . . . .19 Journey To Fitness . . . . . . .13 Kai BioEnergy Corp . . . . . . . . .5 Kamehameha Schools . . . . . .3 Kaneohe Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .3 Ko Olina Resort . . . . . . . . . . .1 Longs Drug Stores . . . . . . . . .5 Maui Land & Pineapple . . . .15 McCorriston Miller et al . . . . .3 Mesa Air Group . . . . . . . . . .48 Outrigger Enterprises Group . .6 Pacific Resource Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 PacRim Marketing . . . . . . . . .6 Pinky’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 PR Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Princeville Resort . . . . . . . . . .1 Resort Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Resort Group, The . . . . . . . . .1 Royal Hawaiian Ctr . . . . . . . . .1 Sacred Heart Academy . . . .19 Stanford Carr Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Star Markets Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .3 Ulupono Town Center . . . . . . .5 University of Hawaii . . . . . . .21 4VCTDSJCFUP1BDºD#VTJOFTT/FXT)BXBJJ±TNPTUQPXFSGVM CVTJOFTTUPPMBOETBWFPGGUIFDPWFSQSJDFGPSJTTVFT BOEHFUUIF#PPLPG-JTUT<H;;XJUIZPVSQBJETVCTDSJQUJPO $BMM PSFNBJMQBDJºD!CJ[KPVSOBMTDPN We Understand How Hawaii Works www.pacificbusinessnews.com pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news HMAA08-030_Ukulele_PBN 4/25/08 May 16, 2008 Property owner sells off Hawaii portfolio Real estate Properties owned by art Howard and family, being marketed by CB Richard ellis By Janis L. magin pacific business news The owner of local property management company Hawaiian Asset Management Co. is closing the firm this summer after 23 years in business and liquidating a portfolio of Hawaii properties estimated at $90 million. Art Howard, who started Hawaiian Asset Management Co. in 1985, said he will close the business July 1 and turn the property management of his portfolio over to CB Richard Ellis. Two of his eight employees plan to retire, while the other six have been given assistance in finding other jobs, he said. CB Richard Ellis is marketing the portfolio of seven office, retail, industrial and multifamily properties owned by Howard and his family. The properties for sale include the Pali Palms Plaza office complex and Windward City Shopping Center in Windward Oahu, Dillingham Shopping Plaza and Waiakamilo properties in Kalihi, the Waipahu Office Plaza, the Ewa Kai Apartments in Ewa Beach and two commercial condominiums in Harbor Square in downtown Honolulu. Four of the properties are leasehold — the Pali Palms Plaza and Windward City Shopping Center are on ground leases held by Kaneohe Ranch, while the Dillingham Shopping Center and the Waiakamilo properties are on land owned by Kamehameha Schools. Howard, who lives in California’s San Francisco Bay area but comes back to Hawaii once a month, said he chose CBRE and its senior vice president and retail specialist, Wendell Brooks III, because Brooks’ father, Wendell Brooks Jr., one of the founders of Chaney, Brooks & Co, is an old friend. Hamico also manages a dozen or so other Pali Palms Plaza & Pinky’s Restaurant, Kailua n Office/Restaurant – Built in 1981 n Gross leasable square footage: 58,772 square feet n Total land: 3 acres ground leased from Kaneohe Ranch/ Castle Family LP Windward City Shopping Center, Kaneohe n Retail – Built in 1959 n Anchored by Foodland, Longs Drug Stores, Ross n Gross leasable square footage: 210,188 square feet n Total land: 15 acres ground leased from Kaneohe Ranch/ Castle Family LP Dillingham Shopping Plaza, Kalihi n Retail – Built in 1966 n Anchored by Foodland, Office Depot, Price Busters n Gross leasable square footage: 181,875 square feet n Total land: 5.7 acres, ground leased from Kamehameha Schools office and retail properties, but it is unknown at this time whether CBRE will take over those clients as well, Brooks said. The asking prices for the properties vary. For example, the 58,772-square-foot Pali Palms complex, which includes Pinky’s restaurant, is priced at $17.5 million, while the asking price for the 210,188-square-foot Windward City Shopping Center is $50 million, Brooks said. Howard had a deal to sell the properties last year, but the prospective buyers pulled out. In June 2007 he sold another property, a 20-acre site of the future Laulani Village shopping center in Ewa Beach, to Westwood Development Group for $47.2 million. Howard’s Laulani Village LLC had bought the property in November 2004 for $12 million. Brooks also is handling the leasing for Waipahu Office Plaza, Waipahu n Office – Built in 1962 n Anchored by Central Pacific Bank n Gross leasable square footage: 12,127 square feet n Total land: 0.45 acres, fee simple Waiakamilo Properties, Kalihi-Kapalama n Industrial – Gross leasable square footage: 51,855 square feet n Total land: 1.2 acres, ground leased from Kamehameha Schools Ewa Kai Apartments, Ewa Beach n Multifamily – Built in 1967 n Eight units, leased to Friendship Bible Church n Total land: 0.5 acres, fee simple By Linda Chiem pacific business news A bitter fight among the family members who own Star Markets Ltd. has been settled out of court but the future of the local grocery store chain remains uncertain. A plan to sell the company set off the dispute, which ultimately led to a lawsuit pitting former Star Markets President and CEO John Fujieki against his cousins, Patrick Fujieki and Jo Ann Yonehara, over control of the business. John Fujieki sued his cousins and the company last May, claiming he was wrongfully fired for speaking up against the sale. The two sides had been in mediation since last September and reached a settlement earlier this month. “Star Markets and its shareholders are pleased to announce that they have reached an amicable and reasonable settlement of all claims in the various litigation matters between them,” John Fujieki’s attorney, Jerry Hiatt, said in a prepared statement. “No party has admitted any fault under the settlement. All the shareholders and family members have agreed to work together diligently for the benefit of Star Markets, its employees, all shareholders and family members.” Hiatt said he could not discuss the details of the settlement. Star Markets’ attorney, John Yamano of the McCorriston Miller Mukai MacKinnon law firm, referred PBN to Star Markets’ corporate secretary, Phyllis Masuda, who did not return calls. In his lawsuit, John Fujieki detailed a bitter battle for control of the company and claimed his cousins, along with current President and CEO Karl Wissmann, wanted to cash out on Star Markets by attempting to sell it for less than what it was worth. According to the lawsuit, John Fujieki controlled 23,408 shares of Star Markets stock, which was enough to block a take- AM Call today for a second opinion and a free quote! Harbor Court, Honolulu n Commercial condominiums n Square footage: 2,580 and 3,185 square feet source: Hawaiian asset ManageMent co., city and county of Honolulu tax records Laulani Village, which will be anchored by Safeway. Howard bought a partner out eight years ago, leaving him and his family the sole owners of Hamico. The properties are owned by Howard and family members. None of Howard’s five children is interested in commercial real estate, which is one of the reasons he decided to sell and retire, he said. “They’ve got their own businesses and I’m not one to push them,” he said. Although he doesn’t own a home in Hawaii — he’s a frequent guest at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & Spa — Howard plans to continue to visit the islands, especially Maui where he has bought two condominiums under construction. [email protected] | 955-8041 Family fight over Star Markets settled out of court Retail 311:45 over or buyout. Since Star Markets is a private corporation, it is not known who the majority shareholder is and whether there still are plans to sell the company. Star Markets in recent years has struggled to remain profitable in the face of increased competition. Some competitors, like Whole Foods Market, are entering the Hawaii market for the first time. Others, like Safeway, have been opening new stores and remodeling existing ones. For some 80 years, Star Markets has remained the quaint neighborhood grocer in Hawaii but has taken steps to modernize its facilities by renovating and expanding its higher-performing stores in Moiliili and Kihei to remain competitive. However, it has closed three stores in the past 15 months — in Kahala, Kaneohe and, most recently at the Maui Mall in Kahului. It has seven remaining stores on Oahu, Kauai and Maui. [email protected] | 955-8042 With competitive rates on quality health plans, HMAA has been servicing Hawaii businesses for almost 20 years – keeping you covered in Hawaii and while traveling on the mainland. – Low-Cost Coverage – Efficient, High-Quality Customer Service – Customized Rates – Traditional & Alternative Care – Life Insurance – Health Education and Intervention Programs – Online Services 24/7 Your Health Is Our Business Phone: 808-591-0088 Toll-Free: 800-621-6998 www.hmaa.com MKT Ext-26 A-10 04 0804 111507 CP Adve HMAA08 HMAA PBN Runs: 16 27-Jun, 1 29-Aug, 1 10-Oct, 3 21-Nov, 1 2-Jan 20 1/4-Pg (2 04.25.08 4 Pacific Business news | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 Charlie R. “Chuck” Jones Jr. will remain past retirement as a consultant, as Booz Allen Hamilton expands its work with the military in the Pacific Rim. tina yuen PBn Booz Allen’s Hawaii leadership changes, ‘Chuck’ Jones to retire ManageMent charlie r. Jones Jr. By Cathy Cruz-george Pacific Business news Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.’s Honolulu office will undergo a change of command this summer when Vice President Charlie R. “Chuck” Jones Jr. retires. Jones, who turned 65 on April 30, will become a senior executive adviser, or consultant, for the management-consulting firm for at least one year while David J. Karp, a vice president in the San Diego office, temporarily fills the top position. Karp, who will remain in San Diego, is a weapons expert with 30 years’ experience with the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy. “Our long-term plan is to physically relocate him [David] or another partner here,” Jones said. “We will ask people if they are interested in being responsible for Honolulu.” Meantime, three principals will run dayto-day operations — Rear Adm. Kenneth L. Fisher, Robert Lietzke and Steve Park. Age: 65 Family: Wife, Skipper Akey Jones, and four children ages 33 to 40 Career: 24 years as an officer in the U.S. Navy Boards: Board director of the Naval Intelligence Professionals and the Pacific Forum; Joint Military Intelligence College Foundation; Military Advisory Committee of The Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii Advice: “Take risks and assignments that are a little beyond you. Be cooperative and collaborative. And ask for help. Many people believe asking for help is a sign of weakness; I believe it’s a sign of intellectual strength.” Moving to part-tiMe The only change for Jones, a former Navy officer who joined the firm’s Virginia headquarters in 1989 and the Honolulu office in 2005, is that he will work part time. The management changes come as Booz Allen’s Honolulu team works with the U.S. military to reposition thousands of soldiers and their families in the Pacific Rim over the next decade. The team is involved in planning, financial management, technology consulting and training in the Pacific, among other duties. To keep up with growth, Booz Allen plans to double its number of employees to 500 in its Alaska, Guam, South Korea and Japan offices through 2010 and invest $3 million over three years. “This broad defense repositioning is focused primarily on Guam and Korea,” Jones said. In Korea, U.S. bases are moving south of the Han River —- away from the demilitarized zone — while the U.S. military makes plans to turn over most of its operations to Korean forces. The change marks the end of the U.S.South Korean Combined Forces Command, established 30 years ago. To help seal the Korea transformation by 2012, Booz Allen plans to employ up to 150 consultants on the Korean peninsula. Booz Allen also is helping the U.S. and Japanese governments transfer 8,000 U.S. Marines and their 10,000 dependents from Okinawa to Guam over the next decade. Part of the challenge on Guam is to build new roads, schools and infrastructure for the U.S. island territory. Closer to home, Hawaii may be seeing more activity. Hawaii relocations possible Jones said there is potential for soldier relocations to Hawaii as the Pentagon puts more resources into the Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, the Pacific Warfighting Center on Ford Island and other operations. In addition to beefing up its Pacific Rim presence, Booz Allen’s 200 employees in Honolulu will continue their community involvement, acting as liaisons between the firm and nonprofit groups such as the Hawaii Foodbank and Special Olympics. Community service is encouraged worldwide among the Virginia-based firm’s 19,000 employees. The local office was a finalist for PBN’s Business Leadership Hawaii community spirit award in 2007. [email protected] | 955-8039 SCooPS MAy 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | PAcific BuSiNeSS NewS 5 Assaggio owner will build sixth restaurant on Kahala lot Pflueger Honda goes condo on the ground floor Pflueger Honda has opened its new auto showroom on the ground floor of Capitol Place, a downtown Honolulu luxury condominium that began accepting residents last month. Pflueger, which occupies the first three floors of the Beretania Street high-rise, will transfer all of its new and used cars from its 777 Ala Moana Blvd. location by Sunday. K il au The former site of the Kahala Chevron is about to be transformed into an Italian restaurant. Assaggio owner Thomas Ky has apscoops plied for a building who’S MoviNg, BuyiNg, oPeNiNg, permit to construct chANgiNg, wiNNiNg a new restaurant on the 27,000-square-foot site at the corner of Waialae and Kilauea avenues. A black dust fence now surrounds the vacant lot owned by Kamehameha Schools that has been used for parking and Christmas tree and fireworks sales since the service station closed in late Assaggio Kahala 2003. According to the permit application received March 27, Ky map area plans to spend H-1 ● some $2 million Waialae Ave. to build a singleKAHALA story restaurant MALL Restaurant and another $100,000 on site location work. RuBen DuLDuLao PBN Ky has five Assaggio restaurants — in Hawaii Kai, Ala Moana Center, Mililani, Kailua, and his newest in Kapolei. e a Av e Hunakai St. . New Hawaii company plans to make biodiesel from microalgae Two former college classmates have co-founded Kai BioEnergy Corp. with plans make biodiesel from microalgae in Hawaii. Frank Infelise and Mario Larach, who attended the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, recently registered the business with the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. “We’re still in the process of seeking funding, and our intent once we get that, which is looking increasingly likely, is to launch our development on the Big Island,” Infelise told PBN. Infelise, who is living in San Diego, tina yuen PBN said the company is considering space at the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority in Kona. Jaw-Kai Wang, a former professor of aquaculture and bioengineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, also is involved with the new company. Biodiesel, a cleaner-burning alternative to diesel fuel, can be made from vegetable oils or animal fats. Microalgae is an attractive source for making biofuel because of its rapid growth rate and high oil production. State calls lower HMSA payments to rural pharmacies ‘reasonable’ A year-long fight between 18 rural Neighbor Island pharmacies and Hawaii’s largest health insurer over prescription reimbursements may be nearing an end as the state’s Insurance Division leans in favor of the Hawaii Medical Service Association. The rural pharmacies, led by the nonprofit Hawaii Coalition for Health, took their complaint to the state, asking for administrative hearings to determine whether HMSA unfairly squeezed them by offering contracts with better reimbursements to larger drug store chains. HMSA officials insisted they make the same offers to all pharmacies. Hearings officer Tom Pico of the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs’ Insurance Division recommended that the complaint be dropped saying HMSA made a “reasonable business decision” to reduce the reimbursements to the rural pharmacies. Hawaii Coalition for Health attorney Rafael del Castillo told PBN he was disappointed with the decision and fully intends to write an official opposition to it, which he has 15 days to do. After that, state Insurance Commissioner J.P. Schmidt will consider it and make a final decision that could either force HMSA to re-evaluate its policies on pharmacy agreements or validate its policies as fair. Halekulani’s Janis Clapoff resigns, search for new GM under way Halekulani General Manager Janis Clapoff is leaving at the end of the month. Clapoff, GM since August 2005, is returning to California for family reasons, according to hotel Clapoff executives. One of the few female GMs of a major hotel, she is expected to continue her career in the hospitality industry. A search for a new Halekulani general manager is under way. Big Island’s Puna District will get its own Longs store The Big Island’s growing Puna District is about to hit the big time by getting its own Longs. Longs Drug Stores recently bought a 2.4-acre lot for a new store at the Ulupono Town Center, a 28-acre fee-simple commercial project at the intersection of the Keaau Pahoa Bypass Road and Milo Street in Keaau. The center is being developed by a partnership between California-based Foster Enterprises and Zendo Kern. Currently, the closest Longs store is at the Prince Kuhio Plaza in Hilo, about six miles away. Joel LaPinta, the Hilo-based broker handling sales for Ulupono Town Center, said he’s talking to potential buyers who are interested in using the fee-simple lots for retail and office space, and possibly a restaurant. Pacific Business News Staff A health plan that benefits the bottom line... UHA 3000 is Hawaii’s first health plan with complete coverage for wellness programs and preventive care. And companies large and small are discovering wellness and prevention helps keep their health care costs under control. Keep your employees and your profits healthier. Inquire about UHA 3000 today! 808-532-4000 | www.uhahealth.com Chuck&Howard_Ad.indd 1 3/5/2008 10:41:48 AM 6 PACIFIC BUSINESS NEWS | pacificbusinessnews.com MAy 16, 2008 Outrigger chain looks ahead to the next 60 years Tourism BY CHAD BLAIR PACIFIC BUSINESS NEWS Call it Outrigger 2.0. Founded in 1947, Outrigger Enterprises Group is beefing up its online presence to make sure it stays in business another 60 years. Last week, the Hawaii hotel chain brought together industry executives, marketing minds and Web experts from Bangkok to Washington, D.C., to share ideas and hammer out strategies at the Keauhou Beach Resort on the Big Island. “It’s a big, competitive world out there, and in the scheme of things we are a relatively small company compared to giants like InterContinental and Marriott and Hyatt,” said Rob Solomon, chief marketing officer Solomon for Outrigger. “We have to work harder. But we do have a few things going for us.” The main thing Outrigger has going for it, said Solomon, is brand credibility. Its consumer-tested slogan is “Outrigger hospitality, always a warm island welcome.” But Outrigger today is a multibrand line of hotels, condos and vacation resort properties that operates or has under development or renovation 47 properties with nearly 12,000 rooms in Hawaii, Guam, Fiji, Indonesia, Thailand and Australia. Across thousands of miles, the message can get muddled. Outrigger’s challenge is to promote a unified theme for all properties, selling the company as a reliable island getaway. To do that, the company believes it needs to have its partners reading from the same script and to be intimately familiar with the product. A recent example: Outrigger brought representatives of the brand, design and communications company Opus Creative Group of Portland, Ore., to Hawaii for 12 days to shoot high-quality, candid video to post on Outriggerhawaii.com. “They talked to real customers, real guests, people traveling around the island, cultural practitioners, people who deliver hospitality,” Solomon said. “The idea was to get visitors to our Web site eyeball-toeyeball with Outrigger to give them a outrigger’s Growing ohana Brand portfolio n Outrigger Hotels & Resorts (7 upscale properties) n Ohana Hotels & Resorts (7 midpriced prop- erties) n Outrigger Condominium Collection (14 time shares) independent and franchised hotels n Embassy Suites-Waikiki Beach Walk n Wyndham Vacation Ownership n Ala Moana Hotel n The Wyland Waikiki n Islander Boutique asia properties n Outrigger O-CE-N Bali (opening 2008) n Outrigger Serenity Terraces Resort, Phuket tInA Yuen PBN The Outrigger Reef Hotel, one of only seven oceanfront hotels in Waikiki, is undergoing a $110 million redevelopment, expected to be completed early next year. first-person sense of excitement. You can’t do that with an art director or copy writer who never leave the office.” Outrigger’s integrated marketing has other components as well. TIG Global, a Washington, D.C.-based provider of interactive hospitality sales and marketing services for the travel industry, has been under contract with Outrigger the past three years to go after potential guests. If a consumer puts the words “Hawaii” and “hotels” into the search engine Google, links to Outrigger will appear. A key component of online marketing is through what’s called Web 2.0, described as “the second coming of the Internet.” “It’s the shift to usergenerated content, where people are sharing travel information, experiences and Malek memories,” said Frederic Malek, CEO and cofounder of TIG Global. “From a marketing standpoint, this is a viral marketing opportunity.” Examples include posti n g s o n Yo u T u b e a n d M y Space and comments on sites such as Trip Advisor.com. Dave Erdman, CEO and founder of PacRim Marketing, has assisted Outrigger with media events and promotion in Japan. “As we move into Web 2.0, which is how we can communicate better with bloggers — or digital influencers, as we call them — we are truly integrating our e-marketing efforts into our overall efforts in Japan and Asia.” Erdman also represents PacRim Tokyo Co. and PR Tech, a sister company in Honolulu. Its initiatives for Outrigger include a multilingual reservation system. “You can literally be sitting in Chiba, Japan, looking for information about Hawaii hotels, and the language will be in Japanese,” Erdman said. “Breaking down the language barrier is critical to controlling the message. We are not losing something in translation through people who don’t work for us.” Outrigger’s emphasis on online marketing does not come at the expense of traditional approaches. Peter Yesawich, CEO of YPartnership, the largest independent advertising agency in Florida, represents Outrigger in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and Europe. Yesawich played a central role in helping to differentiate the Outrigger brand into two distinct segments: the upscale Outrigger Hotels & Resorts and the midpriced Ohana Hotels & Resorts. (opening December 2008) n Outrigger Panorama Bali Resort & Spa (opening 2010) n West Sands Outrigger Resort, Phuket (opening 2010) SoUrCE: oUtrIggEr ENtErPrISES groUP “That strategic decision has proved right on,” he said. “Outrigger was now liberated and positioned to grow.” Yesawich calls the strategy “brand clarity,” meaning what the brand stands for in Yesawich the eyes of consumers. “When you think of Hilton or Marriott, you think of Hilton HHonors and Marriott Rewards,” he said. “Outrigger does not have such a program, so how can a small brand with a limited portfolio stuck in the middle of the Pacific compete with these big gorillas? The answer depends on brand clarity.” Joseph Toy, president of Hospitality Advisors, said Outrigger has “perhaps the most strategic thinkers in the hotel industry in Hawaii. Given that they are also a Hawaii-based, family-owned business with deep roots, they are exceptional stewards of their properties. I have dealt with hotel owners and investors worldwide, and I would match [Outrigger’s] talents with any of those in Asia.” [email protected] | 955-8036 Symphony forms two businesses to create new revenue streams NoNprofiTs BY CHAD BLAIR PACIFIC BUSINESS NEWS Almost $2 million in debt, the Honolulu Symphony is going into business. Executive Director Tom Gulick filed papers with the state on April 24 to launch two limited liability companies: n Honolulu Symphony Investors is to provide a new source of revenue for the 83-member symphony. n Honolulu Symphony Productions will allow the symphony to make and sell CD recordings, DVDs and other licensed materials. It includes a documentary, currently in production, of symphony musicians working with Neighbor Island students and teachers. Gulick cautioned that the LLCs were in a very early stage of development and still require state approval for Act 221 tax credits. The new companies won’t solve all of the symphony’s problems, either. But Gulick said action was needed. “It’s a way for investors to come on board and support us, and to create jobs and boost revenues and visibility — nationally and internationally,” he said. He also said an announcement would be made as early as next week about “a major donor stepping forward — very significant.” The 108-year-old Honolulu Symphony, described as the oldest American orchestra west of the Rocky Mountains, has struggled to meet payroll in recent months. It lost revenue after getting bumped by a production of “The Lion King” at the Blaisdell Concert Hall last fall. Gulick said the symphony has firm dates for the 2008-2009 season “but nothing beyond that.” Symphony officials also unsuccessfully lobbied the state Legislature for more than $800,000 this past session. “There was no grants-in-aid money this year,” Gulick said. “Nada.” [email protected] | 955-8036 May 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news Number of April home, condo sales reflects Hawaii’s slowing economy real estate pbn staff Condominium prices soared on the Big Island in April, thanks to some high-end sales in South Kohala, where the median price jumped to $915,900. Maui also saw a big bump in condo prices, bolstered by 20 sales in Wailea, where the median price in April was $2.66 million. Single-family home prices were down in all four counties, especially on Maui and Kauai. And the number of sales was down in every category and in every county, further evidence of the state’s slowing economy. The smaller number of sales on the Neighbor Islands tends to create more dramatic percentage changes than on Oahu. $1M $1M $0$0 $500K $0$0 $500K Single-family $1M $1M $500K $0$0Single-family $500K $500K $1M $500K $1M Median $0$0 $665,000 $500K $500K Down 3.9 $1M $1M sale $0$0 percent $639,000 prices Number of sales $1M $1M $1M $1M 600 600 $0$0 $00$00 $500K $500K $500K $500K 300 300 00 300 300 600 600 00 342 00 0 0 256 300300 300 300 Down 25 600600 percent600 600 600 600 Number 0 0 of sales 0 0 00 00 300300 300 300 600600 600 600 00 00 $400K $400K $800K $800K $0$0 condo $0$0 Median $325,000 $400K Up 0.6 $800K $800K $400K sale $0$0 percent $327,000 prices $0$0 $400K $800K $400K $800K $0$0 $0$0 Number $0 0 0 $0 of sales 00 $400K $400K 527 384 400 400 400400 400 400 HAwAII 00 400400 0 0Single-family 400 400 Number of sales Median sale prices percent 800 800 800800 800 800 800800 800 800 $0$0 $500K $500K $0$0 $500K $500K Down 7 $1M $1M percent $0$0 $0$0 $500K $500K $500K $500K $1M $1M $1M $1M $0$0 $0 0 140 0 $0 $500K $500K $1M $1M $500K $1M $500K $1M Down 19 150 150 300300 $412,000 $385,000 $1M $1M percent 0 0 113 150 150 00 00 150150 150 150 300300 300 300 150150 $385,000 150150 300300 300 300 00 00 condo $609,900 $400K $0$0 $400K $0$0 Number of sales $800K $800K $400K $400K $800K $800K $400K $800K $400K $800K Down 27 400400 800800 00 00 Median sale prices Median $0$0 sale $0$0 prices $0$0 $0$0 $0$0 $0 0 0 $0 $400K $400K 53 41 $400K $400K $400K $400K $400K $400K $400K $400K 4040 300 300 Up 58 percent $800K $800K $800K $800K $800K $800K $800K $800K Down 23 percent $800K $800K $800K $800K 8080 $0$0 $0 0 0 $0 Median sale $0$0 prices $0$0 MAUI $500K $500K $500K $500K $500K $500K $671,000 $500K $500K $566,000 $500K $500K $500K $500K 100 100 96 73 $0$0 200200 200 200 92 00 00 $800K $800K $400K $400K Up$800K 23 $800K percent 100 100 100100 100 100 KAUAI 00 100100 0 0 Single-family 100100 $0 Median $0 sale $0$0 prices $0$0 $0$0 $500K $500K $730,000 $0$0 00 00 $800K $800K $800K $800K $800K $800K $800K Down$800K 21 200 200 percent200 200 200200 200 200 200200 200 200 Down 15 $1M $1M percent $500K $500K $500K $500K $1M $1M $1M $1M $500K $500K $500K $500K 4040 4040 4040 4040 condo 00 4040 Median 0 0 $682,000 4040 sale prices $0$0 $416,000$500K $500K ‹‹ Beware the Tax Bomb ›› $1M $1M $1M Down$1M 56 80 80 percent 8080 8080 8080 8080 8080 Down 39 percent $1M $1M $0$0 $500K $500K $0$0 $500K $500K $500K $500K $0$0 $0 0 0 $0 $500K $500K $500K $500K 4040 $1M $1M $1M $1M 8080 Number $0$0 30 of sales 14 What’s next after the Subprime Mortgage crisis? $1M $1M $500K $500K $620,000 Number $0 0 43 0 $0 of sales 0 0 19 200200 $400K $400K $400K $400K 00 $1M $1M $1M $1M 200 200 100100 100100 116 $400K $400K 100 100 Number $0 0 0 $0 of sales Page 1 $1M $1M 200 200 $400K $400K $400K $400K $0$0 if they don’t know who you are. Down$1M 16 $1M percent Down20024 200 percent 200 200 $600,000 No one will call you … $1M $1M 100100 100 100 $487,500 Take your passion, get into action, and skyrocket your business to the next level of success! www.gotogrow.net $1M $1M 100 100 condo Common Sense · Affordable Training From Inspirational Entrepreneurs in the Game tel: (808) 955-8052 | fax: (808) 955-8051 08-CAD-0319A TaxBomb 5/13/08 1:18 PM n April 2007 n April 2008 OAHU $500K $500K Marketing Secrets by Hawaii’s Best and Brightest Invest in your business, advertise in PBN single-family and condo median prices, april 2007 vs. april 2008 by county $0$0 Manini Marketing Presents The First Annual Every day, the world changes; sometimes imperceptibly, sometimes in seismic shifts. At Cadinha & Co., we take a long-term, macro-economic view of investment opportunities and hazards. That’s how we saw the Subprime Mortgage meltdown coming. And that’s why our pro-active asset allocation strategy is key in uncertain times like these. We believe that safeguarding wealth is the most important part of growing it. If you have assets that need protecting, call us for our free advisory, “The Cadinha Report – Beware the Tax Bomb,” at (808) 523-9488 or visit cadinha.com/taxbomb. $1M $1M $1M $1M Down$1M 53 $1M percent 00 4040 8080 00 4040 8080 00 00 4040 4040 8080 8080 00 00 4040 4040 8080 8080 00 4040 8080 00 4040 8080 sources: Honolulu board of realtors, realtors association of Hawaii, Hawaii inforMation service www.cadinha.com Pioneer Plaza, Suite 1240 • 900 Fort Street Mall, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 • (808) 523-9488 7 8 pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 PBN Salutes our Sponsors and Partners Hawaii Pacific Health Become an Event Sponsor We Understand How Hawaii Works For more information, please contact Michelle Stofle at [email protected] or 955-8053. JP 8;GIFF= May 16, 2008 Kf1 KF;8PJ;8K<1 112706 =ifd 9 11:09 AM Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% =Xo1 pacificbusinessnews.com | Pacific Business neWs 08-CAD-0395A Next1/16 5/13/08 120106 Suzuki SX4 sedan stands tall in its field — literally 1/16h 1C Suzuki introduced its SX4 hatchback/ wagon for the 2007 model year, notable for its tall stance and standard all-wheel drive. The 2008 model year brings a sedan to the lineup, still tall in stature, but minus the all-wheel drive — optional or otherwise. As such, it faces some tough competition. Many compact sedans are available for $15,000 or less. The SX4 sedan starts at $15,395, including destination charge, but you should find some significant incentives. That gives you power windows and mirrors, keyless entry, audio system with CD player Cathy and MP3 compatibility, plus air conditioning. Luebke An iPod synchronizaroad TesT tion system can be purchased from dealers. Powering the little sedan is a 143-horsepower 4-cylinder engine that has some spunk when you tromp on the gas initially, but disappointed us trying to scoot ahead of cars on the freeway. Standard fare is a five-speed manual transmission that shifts easily. Moving to the four-speed automatic adds $1,100 to the tab. Gas mileage tops out at 22 city, 31 highway with the automatic — pretty mediocre. Toyota Yaris, for example, boasts up to 36 mpg, though it is smaller than the Suzuki SX4 Sport Sedan Base price: $15,395 Fuel efficiency: manual — 22 mpg city, 30 mpg highway; automatic — 22 mpg city, 31 mpg highway National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: 4 of 5 stars for front impact; 5 for side impact on the driver’s side, 4 on the passenger side; 4 for rollover resistance; www. safercar.gov Competitors: Chevrolet Cobalt, Ford Focus, Honda Fit, Kia Spectra, Mazda3, Nissan Versa, Toyota Yaris, Hyundai Elantra, Mitsubishi Lancer, Mazda3, Scion xD SX4. Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla also are rated into the mid-30s, but are a little more expensive. On the safety front, the SX4 comes with side air bags and curtains, tirepressure monitor, and anti-lock brakes. Stability and traction control are standard on the top-line Touring model. @JJL<;8K<1 FBKFILE What’s next after the Subprime Mortgage crisis? 8;J@Q<1 FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXi Standard on all models is what Suzuki calls an Aero body kit. That includes big DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] 2nd GIFF=1 17-inch wheels, wide track, arched fenders and wedge-shaped design. A rear $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[l spoiler is among options. $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% The sedan also features a sport-tuned HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' suspension, performance shocks and stabilizer bars to enhance handling For a free copy of our latest advisory, dynamics. Indeed, the SX4 handles well “The Cadinha Report – Beware the Tax Bomb,” for such a tall sedan, but I didn’t find it call (808) 523-9488 or visit cadinha.com/taxbomb. sporty either in looks or demeanor. The little Suzuki is just too tall to seem sporty. On the plus side, that makes the SX4 sedan a good choice for six-foot drivers. The driver and passenger have lots REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISERS of room to stretch out. Kids should do fine in back, but taller adults and teens probably will be asking those up front to scoot their seats up. The trunk is deep and tall, but back seats do not fold down to open a slot for storage. The bucket seats were comfortable and controls handy. The tall windshield and winglike windows on the side of the dash give the cabin an open feel, but look a bit Alihi Lani Island of Kauai odd. Materials fit the budget-car image. Suzuki offers one of the best powerQuality property management for train warranties in the business. You get over 500 associations state-wide seven years or 100,000 miles on the big stuff, but only 36,000 miles on the general warranty. The latter includes roadside assistance and loaner car. Cathy Luebke, Web editor of The Business Journal in Phoenix, can be reached at [email protected]. 593-6896 | www.hmcmgt.com They’re also different when it comes to their Internet needs. Get two months free and free installation. At Oceanic Time Warner, we recognize that no two businesses are exactly alike. Each one has different communication needs and different working styles. That’s why we take a more personalized approach, with dedicated specialists who find the solutions that work for you. And when your business grows, we adjust your services accordingly, so your business is always running smoothly and productively as possible. Call 625-8510 or visit http://businessclass.oceanic.com today. A minimum one year High Speed Data service contract required to receive two months free service. If High Speed Data service is terminated prior to the end of the commitment term, a pro-rated early termination fee will be assessed. Free professional installation offer based on standard installation and available with three year term contract. Free installation offer does not include construction costs. Offer not transferable and may not be combined with any other offer. Excludes applicable taxes and fees. Service may not be available in all areas and some restrictions apply. CONTRACT MUST BE SIGNED BY JUNE 29, 2008 TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OFFER. 10 paCifiC businEss nEws | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 Apple rides roller coaster as talk of new iPhone grows Introducing ntroducing FirstLease SM Innovative Auto Financing 4.99 % APR* 100% Financing Available • TAX DEDUCTIBLE PAYMENTS (CONSULT YOUR TAX ADVISOR) • LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Time for a new vehicle? If you use your vehicle fifty • NO ANNUAL MILEAGE RESTRICTIONS percent or more for business purposes, FirstLease could • LOAN AMOUNTS UP TO $75,000 may be tax-deductible (consult your tax advisor). For • GET $20 WHEN YOU SIGN UP FOR AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS more information, call 943-4905. cut your payments by up to one third. Plus, your payments a subsidiary of First Hawaiian Bank *Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 4.99% is effective 4/21/08 and applies to FirstLeases used to acquire new vehicles with lease terms up to 48 months. APR is 5.24% for FirstLeases used to acquire new vehicles with lease terms up to 60 months. Rate is subject to change without notice and is for certain vehicle lease financing amounts and terms. FirstLeases are not available for vehicles that are primarily used for personal, family or household purposes. Subject to credit approval and other restrictions apply. FirstLease is a product of First Hawaiian Leasing, Inc., a subsidiary of First Hawaiian Bank. FHIB-15833_7-6x11_v2.indd 1 Ad Number: FHIB-15833 Ad Subject: FirstLease Newspaper Ad 5/9/08 12:32:57 PM Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL, 12-month range $103.42–$202.96) designs, manufactures and markets personal computers, portable digital music players and mobile communication devices and sells a variety of related software, services, peripherals and networking solutions. Apple’s shares have been on a roller coaster ride since Christmas when the share price hit a new Randy all-time high HavRe of just over stOCk watCH $200. Right after Christmas investors started to take profits and that, along with economic concerns, sent the shares down to about $120 in mid-February. Then the climb back up began with shares now up over 50 percent since the February lows. Anticipation of next-generation iPhone models and a 3G-model coming soon has captured investors’ attention. The indication is strong that it will be announced at the June 9 World Wide Developers conference since it has been confirmed that Steve Jobs will be making the keynote address. “The launch of the new model is imminent,” wrote Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster in a report to clients. He noted that Apple’s online stores for the United States and United Kingdom were out of iPhones and that most retail outlets were either out of stock or very low on inventory — a clear sign that it is clearing inventory to get ready for the new models. Apple spokeswoman Natalie Kerris confirmed that the Web store was “currently out of stock,” but would not comment as to why. Another related indication is that AT&T, the sole provider for iPhones in the U.S., has canceled all staff vacations between June 15 and July 12. Randy HavRe, CEO of Hawaii Venture Group LLC and a securities analyst, can be reached at [email protected]. pacificbusinessnews.com | Pacific BuSiNeSS NewS 11 08-CAD-0396A Cometh1/16 5/13/08 May 16, 2008 11:10 Aloha flew high before the stranger came to town The movie starts like this: A stranger duck shot on his proprides into town and shoots down Aloha, erty. He was a bold guy my pretty bird. with a career cut short Fawcett McDermott was Aloha’s adby a polo accident that vertising agency for over 20 years and the left him paralyzed. Dacollapse of the locally owned airline was vid Benz from the printa bitter blow. How many pilots and flight ing company was left attendants, office and counter personnel running the airline. had I grown to recognize over the years In 1958, Hung Wo John and now many of them are without mediChing, a respected McDerMott businessman and a cal insurance, money for mortgage payheRe ments, school funding. It is so cruel. trustee of Kamehameha aNd theRe There was never enough room on the Schools, became head trail for more than two airlines to make of Aloha. He brought in a living flying interisland. The stranger Dick King, an ebullient travel marketing knew this. Counted on it. “I’ve got more executive, to head Aloha sales. bullets in my gun than you, Aloha, so get In those days the stewardesses, led by out of town.” Lei Collins, were expected to point out imAnd that was what happened. I could portant sights out the windows, to strum =ifd1 have cried. =Xo1 an ukulele, sing Hawaiian songs and I started working on the Aloha Airmaybe throw in a little hula. Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% 208 lines account =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% when the airline was The following years were a turbulent, flying DC3s picked up from World War dramatic roller coaster of changing 8 FBKFILE II salvage fields for peanuts. And there personnel@e`k`Xc1 and equipment and financial FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip were hundreds of war pilots to fly them. crises. At one time our ad agency was ;Xk\1 The temptationDXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] was too much for Ruddy owed $50,000. Tongg, the Chinese printing company Ken Char became the CEO for a time. giff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% owner who, legend says, felt he had been He often referred out loud to “my” airline. FEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% racially insulted when his hunting dogs A used Viscount was bought and re[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' were refused airline passage. In an I’llfurbished in England to add prestige to show-them gesture, Tongg bought his first the Aloha fleet and then a giant step was DC3s and started Trans-Pacific Airlines in taken with the purchase of pure jet BAC 1946. (Trans-Pacific! Getting to Hilo was a 111s, but the short runs on the airline’s stretch.) The name soon changed to Aloha. schedule made the British planes too exI remember going out to Ruddy pensive to operate so Aloha committed Tongg’s ranch on Oahu for a lunch of to a new fleet of Boeing 737s. Our agency was called on to come up with a new top-to-bottom program. What fun! We threw everything into the project and when we were finished we hired the ballroom in the Royal Hawaiian for the presentation before the airline’s executive committee and a representative of The Boeing Co. Paul Turley, the agency’s art director, had come up with a visual flower theme that included a new paint job for the oncoming 737 fleet. The first aircraft already was in production and our design meant putting a stop on the fuselage painting and starting all over. When the committee enthusiastically accepted the new visual theme the agency battle was won. Jack DeMello, agency vice president, presented a new theme song with lyrics by Dennis Gillespie, our copy chief — the “Wonderful World of Aloha.” The agency produced TV storyboards, recorded radio commercials and even trotted out agency members in new uniforms. Everything was approved but the uniforms. Hung Wo thought they would be too expensive to keep clean. It was a high point for the agency — and the airline. Then the stranger rode into town. Now out by the Not OK Corral is a sign that reads: “go! to hell, Aloha Airlines, Your friends at Mesa Airlines.” John McDerMott, an author and travel writer, still writes an occasional column for PBN. Reach him at [email protected]. Campaign Spending Commission Blue Ribbon Recodification Committee James Case, Esq. Calvert G. Chipchase IV, Esq. Leroy Colombe, Esq. Brian DeLima, Esq. J. George Hetherington, Esq. Sandra Hoshida, Esq. William Kaneko, Esq. Brian Kang, Esq. Jared Kawashima, Esq. Bert Kobayashi, Jr, Esq. James Koshiba, Esq. Judge Randal Lee Matt Matsunaga, Esq. Owen Matsunaga, Esq. Marilyn Niwao, Esq. Terry Thomason, Esq. Renee Yuen, Esq. For a free copy of our latest advisory, “The Cadinha Report – Beware the Tax Bomb,” call (808) 523-9488 or visit cadinha.com/taxbomb. REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISERS ;djg°;G:: <Zi[djg;G::^hhjZhd[ EVX^ÄX7jh^cZhhCZlh!VcYlViX] ndjgWjh^cZhh`cdlaZY\ZhdVg 8Vaa-%-.**"-%%'idYVn# Pacific Business News We Understand pacificbusinessnews.com How Hawaii Works FourFree_1.16v.indd 1 MAHALO! The State of Hawaii Campaign Spending Commission thanks the 17 attorneys listed below for volunteering their time as Blue Ribbon Recodification Committee members. The committee worked many hours from September, 2007 through May, 2008 with the Commission’s staff to simplify and clarify the laws for campaign contributions and expenditures. The Committee’s draft amendments will be included in a bill submitted by the Commission to the 2009 legislature. The Tax Bomb Cometh? MEET MIKE BOURKE Your Alaka‘i Plumbing Guy A dripping faucet can cause sleepless nights, but a burst water pipe can be a huge cost. For water or sewer pipe repairs and maintenance, call Mike or anyone else on the Alaka‘i Team! Movers & shakers of air & water HVAC • Commercial Kitchens Plumbing • Sheet Metal Fabrication MEMB ER H AWA I I Call us today: O‘ahu (808) 834-1085 • Maui (800) 600-1085 Hilo (808) 961-1085 • Kona (808) 329-2520 Or visit us online: www.alakaimechanical.com CO NT R AC TO R ’ S L I C E N S E # A B C 7 3 3 8 1/10/08 10:51:14 AM 12 pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 More choices for high-quality care Help your employees stay healthy and on the job. With a wide range of health plans, you’re certain to make a good choice that will keep your employees productive. After all, every one of our plans includes a wealth of preventive services, online tools to encourage your employees to develop healthy habits, and access to a wide range of personal physicians and specialists. No matter what you choose, you’ll find an affordable solution for your workforce and your bottom line, including: UÊ "Ê«>ÃÊvviÀÊÜ]Ê«Ài`VÌ>LiÊV«>ÞÃÊ>`Ê«ÀiÛiÌÛiÊV>Ài° UÊ ``i` Vi®* is a flexible solution with the widest choice of doctors in Hawaii. UÊ `Û`Õ>Ê«>ÃÊ}ÛiÊ«>ÀÌÌiÊi«ÞiiÃÊ>vvÀ`>LiÊ i>Ì Ê«>Ê«Ìð ÃiÊLiÌÌiÀÊ i>Ì pvÀÊÞÕÀÊÜÀvÀViÊ>`ÊÞÕÀÊLÕÃiÃÃ°Ê >ÊÕÃÊ>ÌÊ432-5919Ê"> Õ®ÊÀÊÌÊvÀiiÊ at 1-866-381-3044Ê i} LÀÊÃ>`îÊvÀÊ}ÀÕ«>`ÃÌiÀi`Ê«>ÊvÀ>Ì°Ê"ÀÊ>ÌÊ1-800-914-8307 vÀÊ i«ÊÜÌ Ê`Û`Õ>Ê«>ð *For groups with 10 or more eligible employees. kp.org 39340_HI_AddChoice_FNL_CR.indd 1 5/6/08 2:41:46 PM small business strategIes May 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | Pacific Business news 13 Journey to Fitness takes unexpected turns By Cathy Cruz-george Pacific Business news n 2000, Li Si Yang sat her father down and told him she didn’t want to inherit Cheung Fhot Grocery, the Asian food store he opened in Kaneohe in 1996, a decade after moving his wife and two daughters to Hawaii from Canton, China. “He snapped,” said Yang, 31. “He told me, ‘This store is for you. It’s a back-up for your future.’ ” Her parents barely spoke English 20 years ago. The store was their American dream. Feeling obligated, she promised to help run the family business for two more years, while working other part-time jobs and attending Windward Community College. That conversation with her father eight years ago motivated Yang to defy family expectations and change her life. She hired personal trainer and Mr. Universe Chris Faildo, who put her on a stringent diet and urged her to enter bodybuilding competitions. Fitness was foreign to Yang, but she trained intensely for months, eating high-protein, low-fat foods such as broccoli and boiled chicken breast to build strength and decrease body fat. “I was real disciplined eating, even though I was gagging,” she said. To make meals tastier, Yang added new flavors that met the approval of her trainer and industry colleagues. She placed in the Hawaii Student Body and Designer Body competitions at the end of 2001. I ‘I’m good at thIs’ “It was the first time I said, ‘I like this. I’m good at this,’ ” she said. 24 Fitness hired her the following year to train and coach clients on exercise and healthy cooking. Then, in 2002, she left the franchise to go solo, naming her new company Journey To Fitness. “It’s different when you created the business and it wasn’t just handed to you by parents,” she said. Yang, who had always worked two jobs at a time since age 10, had squirreled away $80,000 by the time she was 23. “My parents taught me how to save money; I don’t buy Gucci bags and brand-name clothing,” she said, adding that she rarely ate out and cooked her own meals. Using her savings, Yang leased a 700-square-foot space in Kalihi for $1,400 a month and added $20,000 small-business issue Leaving your family’s business and opening your own company. strategies n Join networking organizations to identify clients with similar work ethic, goals and values. n Save your earnings and spend wisely. Be frugal and disciplined with finances by cutting out luxuries. n Dare to go solo, despite your family’s disappointment. balanced lives. She eliminated the oatcakes part of the business but still provides healthy recipes to clients. The majority of Yang’s clients are men and women between 30 and 50 who pay $60 per one-hour session. Many of them are in the so-called “sandwich generation,” taking care of teenage children and elderly parents. Invaluable lessons PHOtOs By tina yuen PBn, cOMPetitiOn PHOtO cOuRtesy: JOuRney tO fitness Li Si Yang works her triceps at her Journey To Fitness studio in Kilohana Square and runs on the beach at Ala Moana Beach Park. Yang, far left, shows the body-building form that won her first place in the Miss Aloha Muscle competition in 2003. Yang advises her clients to exercise, eat right and live balanced lives. in kitchen and exercise equipment, $3,000 in shower fixtures and a $5,000 air conditioner. Personal and corporate clients, including Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation executives, soon hired her to train and cook healthy meals for them several times a week. At night, Yang prepared pre-ordered meals for clients and baked and packaged protein oatcakes under the label “Health Matters,” which she sold for about $3 each from ice-cooler boxes at local farmers markets. Customers also bought her oatcakes at Volcano Joe’s, a coffee shop near the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and at Planet Smoothie locations. The demand for cakes kept her in the kitchen every evening past midnight, and she began crashing in her Kalihi office and living there on a futon. Yang soon bought a $2,000 wall bed from Closet Systems and moved in with goals to turn the space into a “one-stop-shop” fitness studio, bakery, kitchen and living quarters. It didn’t pan out that way. For the next three years, balancing her clients’ physical and nutritional needs with oatcake production became challenging. The moist cakes had a shelf life of two weeks and required refrigeration. “They were too high-maintenance,” she said. Yang also worried about her safety. “I was female and working alone until 2 in the morning in Kalihi,” she said. A crack seed distributor agreed to take over the Kalihi location in the summer of 2007, and Yang found on Craigslist a 650-squarefoot, second-floor space in Kapahulu for $1,600 a month. It was a former Pilates studio with mirrored walls and a shower. Yang sold $30,000 in equipment from the Kalihi location that month and bought $11,000 in brand-new cardio and freeweights machines from Heavy Metal Barbell Co. Meantime, Yang’s parents retired and sold their Asian grocery store in Kaneohe. Today, nine months later, Yang is back to her original business plan from 2002, which is to inspire people to exercise, eat right and live Although Yang diverted from her original business plan by expanding too fast in Kalihi, the lessons she learned along the way are invaluable to her company’s mission. “People in America are struggling with two things, weight loss and debt,” she said. “They don’t look at their credit-card statements and keep charging. Food is the same way. People don’t keep track of what they eat and put in their mouth.” She recently let go some clients who never followed her instructions to eat right and do cardio exercises at home. “That was the biggest fight I had with myself,” she said. “They’re a reflection of my business. My clients speak for my work.” The loss meant less income. To identify like-minded clients, Yang enrolled in a 12-week course that teaches entrepreneurs how to network and partner with people who share similar work ethic and values. As she expands her customer base over the next few years, Yang plans to invest her earnings to develop a line of healthy meals to be sold through grocery stores. But this time, she will focus on small areas at a time and vows not to stretch herself so thin. [email protected] | 955-8039 14 pACiFiC business news | pacificbusinessnews.com CPB08-125_BizPkg_4C PBN 5/9/08 12:31 PM strategies Page 1 The Business Package for you! SAVE up to $600 All this plus direct access to a banker at your convenience. And much more! Visit your nearest branch or call 544-0500. Neighbor Islands call toll-free 1-800-342-8422. centralpacificbank.com Member FDIC Central Pacific Bank Simplified Business Checking account required. *Online payroll service requires direct deposit to any Central Pacific Bank checking account. ©2008 CENTRAL PACIFIC BANK MAy 16, 2008 Great investment bargains shine through all that doom and gloom Wait — don’t run! No doom and gloom in this column, I promise. No crying, “risk!” No descriptions of half-empty investment glasses. Nothing about anything rearing its ugly head. While the free cautionary advice over the past year has been good, I know it has been hard reading. Nobody likes to hear that their hard-earned savings have the potential to shrink. But, you see, when you run money and see the investment equivalent of a freight train coming — the credit crisis and its fallout — you can’t help but want to tell people about it. So you tend to hammer the point, again and again, hoping maybe people actually take a look at exactly what is in their portfolios. Instead of writing about what areas to avoid or reduce exposure, I want to tell you about the world’s best investment bargains — great businesses. There are roughly 10,000 companies listed on U.S. exchanges and many thousands more on foreign exchanges. Unfortunately, most stocks offer lousy investments in companies that face tough competition, offer fleeting products and services and have shaky finances. (You wouldn’t know this reading their annual reports and press releases; all sell promising stories.) Virtually all stocks require of its owners a great deal of speculation. Of the thousands of companies in which we can choose to invest, there are realistically only a handful of truly great companies. For lack of imagination, I call them the great businesses, the companies that represent the furthest thing from blind speculation that one can get in the uncertain world of investments. CP Advertising What makes a great business? First, a CPB08-125 great business offers a product or service Central Pacific and durable competitive with long-term Bank advantages. These come in several forms, PBN including being the low-cost producer Runs: 5/16,having 23, a superior brand name and seller, 30, 13, 2008and/or benefiting from and6/6, reputation, 3/8-Pg regulatory barriers to entry. These du(4.672x8.17”) BW advantages provide a rable competitive protective 05.09.08 jr moat around a company that '%44(%2%&)234 )FYOUWANTTOTAKETHELEADSPEEDISESSENTIAL helps fend off competitors and sustain profits into the future. Secondly, a great business has great financials. Much of this is due to having a great product or service and benefiting Neil from a protective moat. Rose Companies with great investMent financials are generstrAtegies ally self-financing; they make so much money they don’t have to borrow to operate or grow their businesses. This results in pristine balance sheets with little or no debt and income statements that look better almost every year. Lastly, great businesses have strong and honest management. Too many companies, including those that would otherwise be great, are tarnished by poor corporate governance and perverse financial incentives for managements that reward regardless of the effect on shareholder value. The criteria for greatness are simple enough, but if you think hard about it, the list of companies fitting this description is relatively small. It’s also not necessarily a “buy” list for your portfolio — you have to consider price. What should be on your buy list are great businesses that sell at sensible, preferably cheap, prices. They almost never do — and why should they with such great qualities? However, after years of being overlooked by investors favoring other investment types such as real estate, commodities and cyclical and deep-value companies, many great businesses now sell at bargains. With the world still enamored in yesteryear’s winners, it’s time to start building positions in perhaps the world’s best, and most overlooked, investment deals. Neil Rose, CFA, is chief investment officer of Cadinha & Co., which has been managing investment portfolios since 1979. Contact the company at 808-523-9488 or visit www.cadinha.com. #!,,4/$!9 777"53).%33*/52.!,,%!$3#/- .%7"53).%33%3!.$!&&,5%.4.%7(/-%/7.%23'%.%2!4%'2%!43%,,).'/00/245.)4)%3 '%44(%2%&)2347)4(-!2+%4).',%!$3&2/-9/52,/#!,"53).%33*/52.!, .%7"53).%33%3 .%7(/-%/7.%23 .%7-/6%23 "53).%33,)343 #/.35-%2,)343 -/24'!'%35"02)-% -%.4)/.4()3!$&/2!$)3#/5.4/.9/52&)234/2$%2 strategies people w ho m a k e h awa ii work will view our company operations beyond pineapple and golf. Our employees have many talents and skills that enhance our community. Verna podlewski Verna Nalani Podlewski has been promoted to community relations manager at Maui Land & Pineapple Co. Inc. Podlewski, 41, who joined the company in 2002, will oversee its community relations efforts and its new community investment program, in addition to her previous duties as community liaison and coordinator. She also serves as a Hawaiian language and cultural adviser to the company. Podlewski, who was born in Honolulu and graduated from Kamehameha Schools, recently enrolled in Maui Community College with a focus on Hawaiian studies. She noted that with the availability of online courses, working full-time, raising a family and returning to college are now achievable. why i took this job: This job allows me to be who I am. I can participate in our Maui community programs and events and see first hand how ML&P can make a difference, both big and small. like most about the job: I enjoy every minute that I am blessed in the presence of our kupuna. They continue to share a great wealth of knowledge that is priceless. But it’s their gentleness and beautiful smiles that I treasure most. like least about the job: People who openly complain about an issue without Biggest challenges in my industry: photo courtesy: Maui Land & pineappLe co. inc. any background knowledge. It is so common these days. There was a time when our population was small enough that our residents knew each other, so we were careful with the delivery and tone of our opinions. immediate priority: One of my priorities is to reshape the local perception of ML&P. I’m hopeful that our residents Hokua, Capitol Place and One Archer Lane. He has hyatt regency been with the company waikiki resort & spa since 1999 and has 17 years of experience in the real Vincent Brunetti has been estate industry and propnamed executive assistant erty management field. manager — food and beverage, overseeing all food and ed robinson has been proRobinson beverage operations at the moted to vice president, resort’s four restaurants. new development, from Brunetti He previously was food director of the developand beverage12/19/07 director at 11:16 AM Page 1ment group. He joined the FI08-002_Diecut_PBN the Hyatt Regency Long Beach in Calicompany as management fornia. He has 21 years of experience in executive in 1999 and has the hospitality industry and has been more than 12 years of with Hyatt Hotels & Reexperience in managing sorts for 13 years. developments such as Ewa Ramsey by Gentry. ML&P has expanded and diversified, and our operations now include agriculture, tourism, development, recreation, conservation and education. I think our biggest challenge is that we need to be successful and competitive in more than one industry. Biggest risk taken in my career: Five years ago, accepting a job at Maui Land & Pine was a big hurdle. I struggled for weeks, recalling the company’s turbulent history in the late ’80s with the construction of The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua and controversy sparked with the unearthing of burials at Honokahua. Now I’ve come to know that I have kuleana, or responsibility, to help ML&P continue to educate our employees and guests about Honokahua. It is imperative that next generations know the story of our iwi kupuna so that they will not be disturbed again. most overlooked secret to success: In my mind, there are no secrets. Success is a measurement or standard that an individual sets for his own career or life. i’m inspired by: Voices rattling in Hawaiian. To hear Hawaiians and nonHawaiians speaking, singing, chanting in our mother tongue tickles my soul. the company in 1987 for two years and then rejoined in 1995. He has more than 25 years of experience in the property management field. pacesetters hawaiiana management co. ltd. Jeff Dickinson has been Dickinson named vice president, responsible for managing properties that include pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news Brash grand wailea resort hotel & spa As a Hawaiian, it is comforting to know that our language is alive and thrives in our homeland. one rule i live by: Breathe. It’s a simple rule. Ha, or breath of life, sets the rhythm of each day. most important mentor: My Hawaiian language teacher at Kamehameha Schools, Kumu Sara Keahi. Her graceful style of teaching instilled in me a love for the Hawaiian language. Through her gentle voice, I understood how much more beautiful words and thoughts could be expressed when spoken in Hawaiian. Favorite way to spend free time: Any free time is freely given and quickly absorbed in halau life. For the past five years, I’ve been a student of Kumu Kaponoai Molitau and Kumu Sissy LakeFarm studying hula and oli (chant). Book by my bedside: Both the Hawaiian print of “Ka Moolelo o Hiiakaikapoliopele” as told by Hoomahiehie, and the English translation titled “The Epic Tale of Hiiakaikapoliopele” by Puakea Nogelmeier and Awaiaulu. It will probably take me months to read the Hawaiian print but I’m determined to reach my own interpretation of Hoomahiehie’s version of Hiiaka and am thankful for Nogelmeier’s translation that helps unwind our complex and poetic Hawaiian language. Meredith prock United States for all groups of 50 rooms/ night or less and groups of all sizes in the Hawaii market. She previously was general manager of restaurant operations and an event manager for the Hilton Resort, Olympic Village in Lake Placid, N.Y. smith Barney lionel alika Brash and Nicole Fiacco have been Fiacco John ram- sey has been named director, property management. He first joined named small groups sales managers. Brash will handle the western half of the United States for all groups of 50 rooms/night or less and groups of all sizes in the international market. He previously was a senior sales manager at ResortQuest Hawaii. Fiacco will handle the eastern half of the Ray richard ray has been named senior portfolio manager in the portfolio management group. He has more than 22 years of experience as a financial adviser. see pacesetters, paGe 16 www.ficoh.com First Insurance is First in Service The oldest and largest Hawaii-based property and casualty insurance company • An array of products and innovative risk control services to suit all of your insurance needs • • Professional claims adjusters who will settle your claim quickly and efficiently For more than 95 years, Hawaii’s families and businesses have been covered under our tree. 15 For more information, contact your local insurance agent or call us at (808) 527-7777 ©FIRST INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAWAII LTD. 2008 May 16, 2008 CP Adve FI08-002 First Insu PBN DieRuns: Jan 9.5” x 3.7 12.17.07 16 strategies pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com EVENTS THAT ARE A PART OF THE PBN NE T WORK PaCesetters from PAGE 15 Bank of Hawaii MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 26 HAWAII CONVENTION CENTER JUNE Hamilton Higa For individuals under age 40 who are recognized leaders in their businesses as well as in the community. EVE NT REG ISTRATION AVAI LABLE ON LI N E AT WWW.PACI FICBUSI N ESSN EWS.COM 14 HALEKULANI AUGUST Honoring Hawaii’s 50 fastest-growing companies with revenues up to $15 million a year. NOM I NATION DEADLI N E: TH U RSDAY, J U N E 19 FORMS AVAI LABLE ON LI N E AT WWW.PACI FICBUSI N ESSN EWS.COM 13 HILTON HAWAIIAN VILLAGE NOV Business Leadership Hawaii Salutes leadership, innovation and good practices among companies, individuals and nonprofits. NOM I NATION DEADLI N E: TH U RSDAY, AUG. 2 1 For sponsorship opportunities contact Michelle Stofle at [email protected] or call 955-8053 For nomination information call 955-8074 HONORING ACHIEVERS & BUSINESS EXCELLENCE Kekoolani Paula J. Hamilton has been promoted to senior vice president of retail credit from vice president. She will continue her duties as retail credit analytics and reporting manager and assume responsibility for asset quality summaries and analyses and developing data management, process improvement and credit policy strategies. Diane Y. Higa has been promoted to senior vice president and information technology services director of the information management and systems group from vice president. She will manage the core banking system applications and service delivery functions. Darlene-inez “Kaleo” Kekoolani has been promoted to senior vice president of human resources from vice president. She will continue her responsibilities as compensation and benefits manager and also oversee human resources information systems. Coleen F. shoji has been promoted to senior vice Shoji president of cash management services and account analysis operations from vice president. She will oversee the sales and marketing, servicing and development of cash management services and products and also manage the account analysis operations department. Castle resorts & Hotels Jane Kingston has been named regional director of sales and marketing — Oceania. She previously worked at the Rendezvous Hotel Auckland in New Zealand and the Carlton Crest Hotel in Brisbane and at Hilton Hotels in Sydney. She has more than 15 years of management and supervisory experience in the hotel and hospitality industry. Mimi Chan has been named business intelligence manager, responsible for compiling forecasts, monthly sales utilization and financial reports. She joined Castle in August 2007 as sales analyst. Joycelyn Wan has been named corporate revenue optimization manager, responsible for monitoring the property availability, responding to inventory requests and reviewing weekly forecasts. She previously was reservation manager at Turtle Bay Resort, hotel operator at the Aston at the Waikiki Banyan and guest history coordinator at the Halekulani hotel. Pananda Phansiri has been named as- AkanaBaltero May 16, 2008 sistant director of sales for Castle’s newest property, Baan Taling Nam Resort & Spa in Koh Samui, Thailand. She will be based in Bangkok, Thailand, and handle all wholesale, retail and corporate accounts. She previously was senior sales manager representing Ramada Hotels & Resorts in Phuket and Khao Lak, both in Thailand. Big island Federal Credit Union Cannoles Shimaoka Lisa akana-Baltero has been promoted to executive vice president from director of marketing and communications. Debra Cannoles has been named director of asset control. She has been with the credit union for 13 years. ronette shimaoka has been named director of marketing and communications. She also has been with the credit union for 13 years. previously was vice president and assistant general counsel for Bank of Hawaii. Mikami has 26 years of experience in Hawaii’s banking industry. Harris allan Payne has been named creative director. He previously was creative director for Gilbert & Associates on Maui. rob Deveraturda has been named public relaPayne tions director. He previously was an account supervisor with Communication Partners & Associates in New York. Lisa Burgin has been named director of client services. She previously was vice president at Deveraturda Bank of America in Los Angeles. M&e Pacific inc. Burgin Central Pacific Bank andrew ishii has been named vice president and manager of the credit and risk group, responsible Ishii for managing the bank’s loan review department and monitoring its credit quality and credit management. He previously was a senior risk analyst at GE Commercial Finance Business Property Corp. and also worked at Bank of Hawaii, Metlife Capital Corp. and the Industrial Bank of Yee Japan. robert Yee has been named vice president and commercial branch hub manager, overseeing the Kaimuki, Kapahulu and Moiliili hub branches in the East Oahu region of the community banking division. He previously Lee worked at Bank of Hawaii for nearly 20 years, primarily in branch banking. ashumi Lee has been named assistant vice president and manager II of the Ward branch. She previously was community office manager, assistant vice president of Sandy Spring Bank in Silver Spring, Md., and earlier branch manager at SunTrust Bank Inc. in Maryland. american savings Bank gregg Mikami has been named strategic sourcing manager of the contracts and procurement department, overseeing the bank’s contracting policies. He Higa Dennis Higa has been named storm water program manager, overseeing the implementation of all facets of storm water projects. He previously was engineering program manager with the state Department of Transportation’s airports division. Barry Muranaka has been named senior project manager, overseeing all facets of various large-scale and small-scale projects, including planning and coordination. He previously was executive vice president at Akinaka & Associates Ltd. sopogy inc. tal Ziv has been appointed director of energy economics. He previously was manager of corporate development and planning Muranaka at Alexander & Baldwin Inc. and earlier business development manager, global business development for GE Energy. Charles schwab tim Davis and Mark imada have joined the company’s Honolulu branch as financial consultants. Four seasons resort Hualalai Christophe Chabaud has been promoted to director of food and beverage from assistant director of food and beverage. He has more than 15 years of experience in the food and beverage industry. How to submit To be listed in PBN Hawaii Pacesetters, submit the following information, with or without a photo: name of person appointed to a position; position held before the appointment; and a short description of job duties. Send information by fax to 955-8031, e-mail to [email protected] or mail to 1833 Kalakaua Ave., 7th Floor, Honolulu, HI 96815. May 16, 2008 STRATEgiES pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news CALENDAR OF EVENTS CORpORATE pLANNERS May 22: Hawaii Society of Corporate Planners and Hawaii Association of Realtors luncheon meeting entitled “Global, national and local economic realities: A clear perspective and forecast.” Speaker: Paul H. Brewbaker, senior vice president and chief economist with Bank of Hawaii. Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki, Mauna Kea Ballroom. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $34 members; $40 nonmembers. For more information, call Roberta Cullen at 537-2356. To register, visit www.hscp.org. SmALL BuSiNESS May 22: Hawaii Small Business Development Center Network workshop on how to start a business on Kauai. Learn about entrepreneurship, forms of business organization, key ingredients for business success and sources of capital and services. SBDC Kauai Center, 3-1901 Kaumualii Highway, Lihue, Kauai. 3-5 p.m. No charge. For more information, call 808-241-3148. To register, visit www.hawaii-sbdc.org. TRAVEL May 29: Pacific Asia Travel Association, Hawaii Chapter, luncheon entitled “Are tough(er) times ahead?” Speaker: Paul H. Brewbaker, senior vice president and chief economist with Bank of Hawaii. Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki, Mauna Kea Ballroom. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $35 members; $40 nonmembers. For more information or reservations, call 621-2482 ext. 3 or e-mail [email protected]. WOmEN May 17: Hawaii Women’s Business Center seminar entitled “The top 10 secrets for recruiting and retaining great employees.” Topics include how to increase your applicant flow by more than 100 percent with little or no cost, how to know which person you interview is truly the best for the job, and techniques to keep the stars that you hire. HWBC, 1041 Nuuanu Ave., Suite A. 10 a.m.-noon. $25 members; $30 nonmembers. For more information or to register, call 526-1001 or e-mail [email protected]. May 21: Hawaii Women’s Business Center workshop on state and federal tax procedures. Topics include tax filing requirements, Hawaii’s general excise and use taxes, and documenting business expense deductions. Small Business Resource Center, 1041 Nuuanu Ave., Suite A. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $54 members; $60 nonmembers paid in advance (materials included). For more information or to register, call 526-1001, fax 550-0724 or visit www.hwbc.org. May 22: Professional Women’s Network luncheon meeting entitled “Safety strategies and tools you can use to improve your everyday safety.” Keynote speaker: Marilyn Rodgers of the Women’s Safety Education Group. The Pacific Club, Card Room. 11:30 a.m. $33 members; $43 nonmembers. For more information or reservations, call 533-4800, e-mail reservations@ pwnhawaii.org or visit www.pwnhawaii.org. Staying plugged in just got easier. The e-dition of PBN is available FREE to print subscribers. Go to pacificbusinessnews.com and click on “Download FREE electronic edition.” Staying plugged in just got easier. The e-dition of PBN is available FREE to print subscribers. Go to pacificbusinessnews.com and click on “Download FREE electronic edition.” 17 18 strategies pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com elections & accolades Building industry association of Hawaii of Hawaii Inc., Ken sekimoto of Territorial Savings Bank, and steve taomae of American Savings Bank. Judging chairman: Jay Kadowaki of Jay Kadowaki Inc. Gala co-chairwomen: roseann Bronston and tiare cowan, both of Archipelago Hawaii. Silent auction chairwoman: Brooke Kaneshiro of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Past chairman: rusty rasmussen of Castle & Cooke Mortgage. 2008 BIA-Hawaii president: Mary K. Flood of D.R. Horton, Schuler Division. The association has announced its leadership team for the 52nd Annual Parade of Homes on the weekends of Oct. 11-12 and Oct. 18-19, 2008. The theme of the statewide showcase of new homes will be “Discover the home of your dreams.” Committee chairman: gerald K. tanaka, vice president, Hawaii region, the Queen’s Medical center and residential lending manager with HomeStreet Bank. Sales chairwoman: The center has named Morris Mitsunaalison Vasconcellos of Expert Percepga and Whitney limm the 2008 Ke Kauka tion. Marketing chairman: richard dunn Pookela Outstanding Physicians of the Year. They were honored exemplifyofWOW73-05-08.BusinessAd.PBN(5/16):Layout Haseko Construction Inc.. Golf co1 5/13/08 11:48forAM Page 1 ing high-quality care, professional conchairmen: Brad ono of Title Guaranty May 16, 2008 duct and contributions to the medical field. Mitsunaga is the chief of orthopedics. Limm is a general and transplantation surgeon and the medical director of operating room and same-day surgery. Both physicians donated their $500 prizes — Mitsunaga to the center’s orthopedic research and educational fund, Limm to the National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii. office: Margy grosswendt, top listor; Kai Mcdurmin, top salesperson; tracy P. allen, top producer. Leeward office: Melinda a. Pinter, top listor, top salesperson and top producer. Waikiki office: Jackie chiaki Hasegawa, top listor; Billie Jo K. Melanson, top salesperson and top producer. Windward office: Joan graham, top listor; Hollace turl, top salesperson and coldwell Banker Pacific Properties century 21 of Hawaii February award winners. Overall company: Jackie chiaki Hasegawa, top listor; Kai Mcdurmin, top salesperson; Jean c. Hutchinson, top producer. Kahala office: anne Hogan Perry, top listor; luu thi Mccarty, top salesperson; Jean c. Hutchinson, top producer. King Street Oahu Offices top associates for March. Century 21 Liberty Homes: Ward soto, top sales associate; randy Prothero, top listing associate. Century 21 Realty Specialists: charmaine Quilit Poki, top sales associate; Paris chai, top listing associate. top producer. BAILEYS® BELGIAN CHOCOLATE BUTTER PECAN CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHIP CINNAMON DULCE DE LECHE COFFEE COOKIE DOUGH COOKIES AND CREAM DEEP CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER DULCE DE LECHE MINT CHIP PINEAPPLE COCONUT COFFEE MOCHA CHIP PRALINES AND CREAM ROCKY ROAD RUM RAISIN STRAWBERRY VANILLA CHOCOLATE CHIP STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE VANILLA SWISS ALMOND MANGO SORBET RASPBERRY SORBET STRAWBERRY SORBET BAILEYS® BELGIAN CHOCOLATE BUTTER PECAN CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHIP CINNAMON DULCE DE LECHE COFFEE COOKIE DOUGH COOKIES AND CREAM DEEP CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER DULCE DE LECHE MINT CHIP PINEAPPLE COCONUT COFFEE MOCHA CHIP PRALINES AND CREAM ROCKY ROAD RUM RAISIN STRAWBERRY VANILLA CHOCOLATE CHIP STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE VANILLA SWISS ALMOND MANGO SORBET RASPBERRY SORBET STRAWBERRY SORBET BAILEYS® BELGIAN CHOCOLATE BUTTER PECAN CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHIP CINNAMON DULCE DE LECHE COFFEE COOKIE DOUGH COOKIES AND CREAM DEEP CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER DULCE DE LECHE MINT CHIP PINEAPPLE COCONUT COFFEE MOCHA CHIP PRALINES AND CREAM ROCKY ROAD RUM RAISIN STRAWBERRY VANILLA CHOCOLATE CHIP STRAWBERRY ® CHEESECAKE VANILLA SWISS ALMOND MANGO SORBET RASPBERRY SORBET STRAWBERRY SORBET BAILEYS® BELGIAN CHOCOLATE BUTTER PECAN CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHIP CINNAMON DULCE DE LECHE COFFEE COOKIE DOUGH COOKIES AND CREAM DEEP CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER DULCE DE LECHE MINT CHIP PINEAPPLE COCONUT COFFEE MOCHA CHIP PRALINES AND CREAM ROCKY ROAD RUM RAISIN STRAWBERRY VANILLA CHOCOLATE CHIP STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE VANILLA SWISS ALMOND MANGO SORBET RASPBERRY SORBET STRAWBERRY Traditional Häagen-Dazs Shop SORBET Why settle for a scoop when you can own an entire Shop? Owning a Häagen-Dazs Shop is easier than ever. and Häagen-Dazs Select™ Shop opportunities available. We ’ l l m a k e y o u r m e e t i n g t h e m o s t important one in the hotel. Enjoy warm island hospitality, on-site dining and convenient valet parking. Meeting rooms can accommodate up to 50 people with easy hotel access via Kapahulu Avenue. For meeting space or guest room rates, call 800-949-3932. RQWaikikiBeachHotel.com Häagen-Dazs Select™ Shops offer the opportunity to invest in a franchise system without the up-front franchise fees. Smaller buildout and a modified menu offer additional flexibility for Select™ locations. A Häagen-Dazs Shops representative will be in the Waikiki area on Wednesday May 14th. Please contact [email protected] for additional information. Waikiki Beach Hotel ©2008 The Häagen-Dazs Shoppe Company, Inc. Focus Education May 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news 19 Few private schools use revenue-bond Financing loans at about 25 percent below commercial rates. Chaminade University used $9.8 million issued in 2006 to pay off construction loans and was able to save $350,000 a year in interest charges. “That financing method saved us,” said Dan Gilmore, Chaminade’s vice president of finance and facilities. “With the interest fixed over 30 years, we’re paying the lower rates and will continue to through the life of the loan.” Chaminade had used the funds to renovate its science laboratories and student dorms and for part of its new $14.8 million library, which opened last month. By NaNea KalaNi pacific business news state program intended to help fund construction projects at Hawaii’s private schools is going largely unused, with only a fifth of the approved schools tapping the financing in the past six years. Only four of 20 private schools authorized by the state to issue special-purpose revenue bonds have actually used the money for their campuses. The program, which has been available to private schools since 2002, allows them to tap into lowinterest loans through tax-exempt bonds sold by the state. Unlike general obligation bonds, which are supported by taxpayers, the borrowers of special-purpose bonds are responsible for repaying the debt. Several schools that have yet to use the financing say the bonds are acting somewhat like insurance — they’re happy they are there in case they need them. A FivE-yEar timE limit Once a school gets legislative approval it has five years to pursue the financing. Iolani School in Honolulu will allow its bond approval for up to $30 million to expire next year, said Finance Director Glenn Ching. “We got it approved through the Legislature, but we didn’t go through the entire process,” Ching said. “By the time the bonds became available, we were pretty much done with our project.” Iolani completed renovations, a new classroom building and a parking structure in summer 2003. Once the Legislature authorizes the bonds, the schools must apply to the state Department of Budget and Finance, which determines whether they can repay the bond debt. The Budget Department then selects an underwriter and the state Attorney General’s Office appoints a bond counsel. The schools need a letter of credit or bond rating from a bond insurance company in order to float the bonds. The 16 schools with unissued bonds, totaling almost $250 million, have not applied to the Budget Department, said Scott Kami, an administrator in the financial administration division. “Until they apply with us, the paying oFF commErcial loans tiNa yueN pbn Sacred Hearts Academy in Kaimuki has approval to use up to $10 million in special-purpose revenue bonds for its new performing arts center, but it has not yet decided whether to use them. bonds can’t be issued,” Kami said. “Sometimes they decide they don’t need it anymore, and there’s no penalty if they don’t use it.” Sacred Hearts Academy in Kaimuki, for example, which was approved for a bond of up to $10 million last year, hasn’t decided if it will use the funding. It had planned to use money from the sale of the bond to help pay for a new performing arts center, but was able to raise the money through fundraising. Sacred Hearts started building the 19,000-square-foot facility last summer and expects it to be completed this fall. Bonds as a Backup “We’re trying to hold off on the bonds as much as we can unless we have to go into it,” said Celeste O’Brien, the school’s development officer. “We pursued it so that we wouldn’t be left in a bind, and at that time we weren’t sure how much our capital campaign would raise. We’re grateful that we have it as a backup.” O’Brien said the school may turn to the bond for its planned $6.5 million student center, which will replace the campus’s almost50-year-old cafeteria and include open-air meeting spaces. Meanwhile, the four schools special-purpose revenue bonds for private schools School, amount and year authorized Authorized this legislAtive session Maui Prepatory Academy – up to $25 million, 2008 Island Pacific Academy – up to $30 million, 2008 issued Chaminade University – up to $9.8 million, 2003 Mid Pacific Institute – up to $14.9 million, 2003 Montessori School of Maui – up to $5.7 million, 2004 Island Pacific Academy – up to $20 million, 2004 Authorized but unissued Hanahauoli School – up to $5 million, 2003 Hoala School – up to $5 million, 2003 St. Patrick School – up to $7 million, 2003 Damien Memorial High School – up to $10 million, 2004 Haleakala Waldorf School – up to $9.5 million, 2004 Iolani School – up to $30 million, 2004 Montessori School of Maui – up to $4.3 million, 2004 Hualalai Academy – up to $30 million, 2005 Waimea Country School – up to $10 million, 2005 Kawaiahao School – up to $6 million, 2006 St. Louis School – up to $15 million, 2006 Hanalani School – up to $10 million, 2007 Hawaii Preparatory Academy – up to $50 million, 2007 Le Jardin Windward Oahu Academy – up to $25 million, 2007 Sacred Hearts Academy – up to $10 million, 2007 source: state DepartMent of buDget anD finance that have used the bond financing say they have benefited from the cheaper alternative to commercial loans. Because the interest on the bonds is tax-free, investors are willing to lend money at lower rates. Schools typically can get Island Pacific Academy in Kapolei used bond financing to pay off commercial loans it took out to build its 3-acre campus, which opened in 2004. The school was approved for up to $20 million in 2004, which it closed on in October 2007. “It did a lot for us because our bank loans were only fixed for five years, so we were approaching the point where it would have been adjusted, and given the current financial market, it would have gone up,” said Stuart Hirstein, the school’s chief operating officer and associate headmaster. “It’s added to the financial stability of the school.” Island Pacific Academy was again approved this legislative session for up to $30 million. Hirstein said the school will use the financing to repay about $7 million left on its commercial loan. The rest will help pay for a parking structure, athletic facility and performing arts center. The school also has launched a capital campaign and applied for grants to help cover the cost. Maui Preparatory Academy also was approved this year for up to $25 million. The state also makes specialpurpose revenue bonds available to private entities that have a public purpose, including healthcare facilities run by nonprofits, preschools and low-income government housing projects. The bond program was launched after voters amended the state Constitution in 2002 to allow private schools to use the bonds. [email protected] | 955-8001 20 education pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 <C<:KIFE@:N8JK<¿ N<ËCCK8B<:8I<F=@K '%.'&cY% This is one of the five pages of the standards-based report card now being used in Hawaii’s public elementary schools. Expansion into the intermediate and high schools has been delayed. To advertise contact Jehan Ugay at [email protected] or call 955-8050. /'/ /*0$.))) @E=F7>FKF<K:%:FD NNN%>FKF<K:%:FD IS_8535 Atlas08.qxp:Layout 1 1/29/08 www.pacificbusinessnews.com 9:02 AM Page 1 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT CONSULTING Are Your Employee Benefit Costs Under Control? Atlas Benefit Consulting Services carefully evaluates each employee benefit program to ensure it complements a company‘s business strategy. We work closely with key decision makers to design a customized employee benefit program that will attract and retain top tier employees. Bonnie-Lee S.L. Pang Benefit Consulting Manager Melanie Nordgran Benefit Analyst With access to top carriers in the Medical, Dental, Life/AD&D, Disability and Long Term Care markets, Atlas has the resources and industry experience to provide clients with an employee benefit solution that is cost effective and comprehensive. Our strategic alliance with Gallagher Benefit Services, the fourth largest broker in the U.S., further enhances our service capabilities by bringing the best in class expertise to clients who need assistance with managing retirement plans or fine-tuning total compensation and reward programs. Bonnie-Lee Pang, Benefit Consulting Manager, and Melanie Nordgran, Benefit Analyst, have helped some of Hawaii’s Top 250 companies develop industry leading employee benefit practices. Their specialized knowledge with innovative health and welfare strategies may be the resource your company needs. With Atlas Insurance, you partner with professional people who are committed to the success of your business and to Hawaii’s economy. Hawaii is not just a place where we do business, Hawaii is our home. Local Expertise. Global Resources. 1132 Bishop Street, Suite 1600 Phone 533-3222 C O M M E R C I A L • P E R S O N A L • R I S K M A N A G E M E N T C O N S U LT I N G S E R V I C E S iMage courtesy: Hawaii departMent of education Public schools move cautiously to replace letter-grade report cards By NaNea KalaNi pacific business news A plan to replace traditional letter-grade report cards in Hawaii’s intermediate and high schools has been pushed back a few years as public education officials work to perfect a new system. That grading system — which has been in place in Hawaii’s public elementary schools for the past two years — focuses on a student’s ability to meet the state Department of Education’s learning standards rather than a passing or failing letter grade. The D.O.E. had planned to roll out the new report cards in all public secondary schools last year. But the target has been pushed back, first to 2009, then to 2012. The current plan is to implement the cards first in the state’s 45 middle schools within a year. No schedule has been set for the state’s 48 high schools. no more letter grades The delay centers mostly around complications with replacing A-B-C-D-F grades with such terms as “meets with excellence”, “approaches proficiency” and “well below proficiency.” Some elementary school teachers also complain that the new process consumes more of their time. Changing over to the grading system in use at the elementary schools essentially would mean the loss of a grade point average for high-school students. Those averages are commonly used as an admissions criteria by universities and colleges. They also are used in determining valedictorians. “Where we’re at with this system now, yes, the loss of high schoolers’ GPAs poses a problem,” said Daniel Hamada, assistant superintendent for curriculum, instruction and student support. “That’s one of the reasons we really want to solidify this in the middle schools first.” Hamada said the D.O.E. will begin meeting with intermediate-school teachers, principals, parents and students this year to create a new report card template. “No matter what grade you’re in, there are clear skills or benchmarks you should know,” he said. “Standards-based grading is more tightly aligned to reflect that. Instead of averaging the child’s work, standards-based reporting acknowledges where a student is at any given point.” For example, under the traditional letter grade system, a student may earn a B grade in science for a combination of class work, homework assignments and projects. Under standards-based grading, the student may receive an MP grade (“meets with proficiency”) in science for his ability to meet such standards as understanding the scientific process and environmental sciences. The D.O.E. says the new system is transparent in that report cards won’t be a “mystery” to students and parents. “The new report card has to be a communication tool between a teacher and student that makes sense,” Hamada said. “It’s not supposed to be a guessing game where the child wonders why they got a B or C.” more time consuming Meanwhile, elementary school teachers want the Hawaii State Teachers Association to ask the D.O.E. for additional time to complete the report cards. The cards in use at Hawaii’s public elementary schools are five pages long and given out four times a year. “Teachers are saying the report cards consume a lot of time, but at the same time, parents and students are getting a better picture of how the student is progressing,” said Roger Takabayashi, president of the Hawaii State Teachers Association. Takabayashi said the union will ask the D.O.E. for a 10-day window. Currently, teachers have a maximum of seven days to submit the reports. [email protected] | 955-8001 education May 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news Biosafety lab survives legislative cuts, on track for 2011 opening By NaNea KalaNi pacific business news A biosafety laboratory has survived the recent legislative session that saw funding for capital projects at the University of Hawaii at Manoa fall far short of what UH requested. That puts the Pacific Regional Biosafety Laboratory on track to open in 2011 at the John A. Burns School of Medicine in Kakaako, a year later than originally planned. The cost to build it, initially set at $37.5 million in 2005, shot up to $47.5 million, requiring the school to ask for an additional $2.5 million from the state this year. That money was matched by the National Institutes of Health, which is funding a series of biosafety labs across the country. The lab, which will house researchers who will study infectious diseases threatening Hawaii and the Pacific, will be owned and operated by the medical school. The money for the project was based on locating the facility on Waimano Ridge, above Pearl City. In summer 2006, NIH approved relocating it to the Kakaako campus at the university’s request. “Since the site change, we lost a lot of time without additional money,” said Keith Mattson, the lab’s project manager. “With construction costs increasing over those years in Hawaii, our purchasing power was really reduced.” As a result, UH said it has had to scale back the size of the building. The lab originally was planned to be a three-story, 38,400-square-foot facility. “We’re now looking at a two-level structure with a little bit of existing space in our medical school being repurposed for administration for the lab,” Mattson said, estimating a downsized 28,000 square feet. He said an environmental impact assessment is in progress and that the school plans to start construction in fall 2009, with operations beginning in 2011. An architectural firm and construction companies have yet to be selected. “We’re back to the hard work of designing the facility,” Mattson said. He said the laboratory will operate largely on research grants for work done in the lab. “We’re also hoping to enable privatesector research at the lab,” he said. “For example, local firms like Hawaii Biotech could contract us to perform research in our facility.” Local health officials say the biosafety lab will be a key part of the state’s public health network. It also will benefit the university through biotech jobs, creating about 40 positions for researchers and staff. University of challenge me Our MBA program combines book smart with business savvy. You learn from faculty members with advanced degrees and real-world experience. You also choose from numerous concentrations, such as accounting, marketing, global management and others. Best of all, you attend class at times that fit your schedule―either online or at a nearby location.* So while your degree program is challenging, finding a way to go to school isn’t. 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LE1211 [email protected] | 955-8001 Survive The Economic Storm How To Stay Hot In A Cooling Market TH E FI R ST OF FOU R PACI FIC B US I N E SS N EWS S E M I NAR S ACTIONABLE ADVICE FOR NONPROFITS This special PBN-AFP Hawaii seminar will offer practical advice for nonprofit executives on: s7HATTODOWHENYOURCLIENTBASECHANGES s7HENTOJOINFORCESWITHOTHERNONPROlTS s7HERETOCONTROLCOSTS s(OWTOEXPANDYOURDONOROUTREACH s7HYDOINGLESSISANOPTION s7HOCANCAPTUREANDIDENTIFYTHEGOODINTHEBAD Learn from our panel of nonprofit experts in a talk-story format JOIN US Thursday, June 5th ’Iolani School | Seto Hall 563 Kamoku Street | Honolulu Register online at afphawaii.org or pacificbusinessnews.com by clicking on Events. The fee is $25 for AFP members and $40 all other non-members and general public. Pacific Business News opt-in subscription available with event registration. Elizabeth Giesting Chief Executive Officer Hawaii Primary Care Association Laura Robertson President & CEO Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc. Kelvin Taketa President & CEO Hawaii Community Foundation Alan Tang President & CEO Olomana Marketing Presented by Pacific Business News and the Association of Fundraising Professionals Registration & Continental breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Program: 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Park in ’Iolani School structure on Kamoku St. Questions? Contact AFP at 626-6755. 21 22 education pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 THE LIST MASTER’S OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMS Ranked by 2007 enrollment Rank School name (Prior Address rank) Web site 2007 enrollment Year MBA program established in Hawaii Phone Fax Programs offered Avg. completion time Avg. student age Tuition 545 1 (1) Hawaii Pacific University 1164 Bishop St., Suite 911, Honolulu, HI 96813 www.hpu.edu/mba (808) 544-1135 (808) 544-0280 2 (2) $615/credit hour 29 1986 University of Hawaii Shidler College of Business 2404 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822 www.shidler.hawaii.edu 24 months 316 (808) 956-8266 (808) 956-9890 21 - 36 mo. 28 1949 (3) University of Phoenix, Hawaii Campus 827 Fort Street Mall, Honolulu, HI 96813 www.phoenix.edu (808) 536-2686 (808) 536-3848 1993 4 (4) Chaminade University of Honolulu 3140 Waialae Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816 www.chaminade.edu (808) 739-4612 (808) 735-4734 20 months $538 - $826/ credit hour $35,032/Japanfocused program $35,850/Chinafocused program (5) Wayland Baptist University 99-080 Kauhale St., Suite D14, Aiea, HI 96701 www.wbu.edu/hawaii (808) 488-8570 (808) 488-8576 2002 6 (6) Argosy University/Hawaii 1001 Bishop St., Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96813 www.argosy.edu 2004 (808) 536-5555 (808) 536-5505 Gene Shofner Senior Director/Director of Academic Affairs 37 ACBSP, Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 102 Evening, on-campus, off-campus, online and military programs 15 months 18 months WASC $220 - $300/ credit hour Full-time, part-time, evening and online programs Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 10 Evening, weekend, online and blended (online/on-site) courses 31 Scott Schroeder Dean $490/credit hour 32 24 months V. Vance Roley Dean AACSB International, WASC Online and classroom instruction 30 5 Charles Steilen Dean, College of Business Part-time evening, full-time day, executive, Vietnam, joint JD/MBA and MSN/MBA, Neighbor Island, Japan- and China-focused MBA programs $528 - $612/ credit hour 26 1974 Full-time, part-time, executive,12-month, flexible and military MBA programs; day, evening and weekend classes WASC 149 3 MBA director Title Accreditation $615/credit hour Joy Bodzioch Graduate Programs Coordinator Bob Vega Interim Program Chairman, Graduate Business Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Notes: AACSB: Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business; ACBSP: Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs; WASC: Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Information supplied by individual schools through surveys and telephone interviews. Researched by Cynthia Gibson [email protected] | 955-8037 STAYING PLUGGED IN JUST GOT EASIER! The e-dition of Pacific Business News is available FREE to print subscribers as a viewable pdf file. Just go to our home page at pacificbusinessnews.com, and click on the button that says: “Print edition” then click “electronic edition.” EXCLUSIVE FOR PRINT SUBSCRIBERS Designed for high-speed users, Pacific Business News’ e-dition is a duplicate of PBN’s news and advertising pages. Scan page-by-page or search by company or individual name. Pacific Business News’ e-dition will be ready for downloading at 9 a.m. every Friday. It’ll be hot off the press — and an incredible bonus for subscribers. If you’d like to subscribe, call (808) 955-8100 or sign up online at pacificbusinessnews.com *Be sure to have your subscriber ID number from the address label on your mailed copy education May 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news THE NEW FACE OF BUSINESS Life is about achieving goals and aspirations. Let us help you achieve yours. The MBA program at Hawai‘i Pacific University – delivering practical, relevant management education in a format that fits your lifestyle. • MBA • Flex MBA • Executive MBA Call 544-1135 www.hpu.edu/mba Sheri-Lyn B. Angala, MBA ‘06 Matson Navigation Company Hawai‘i Pacific University 23 24 education pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 THE LIST UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES Ranked by fall 2007 enrollment School name Address Rank Web site Year est. Phone Fax 1 University of Hawaii at Manoa 2500 Campus Rd., Hawaii Hall 202, Honolulu, HI 96822 manoa.hawaii.edu 1907 (808) 956-8111 2 Hawaii Pacific University 1164 Bishop St., Honolulu, HI 96813 www.hpu.edu (808) 544-0200 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1965 Kapiolani Community College 4303 Diamond Head Road, Honolulu, HI 96816 kapiolani.hawaii.edu Leeward Community College 96-045 Ala Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782 www.leeward.hawaii.edu (808) 956-7115 (808) 544-0280 (808) 734-9000 1965 (808) 734-9896 (808) 455-0011 1968 Honolulu Community College 874 Dillingham Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96817 honolulu.hawaii.edu (808) 455-0471 (808) 845-9211 1966 University of Hawaii at Hilo 200 W. Kawili St., Hilo, 96720 www.hilo.hawaii.edu (808) 845-9173 (808) 974-7414 1970 Maui Community College 310 W. Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 maui.hawaii.edu Chaminade University of Honolulu 3140 Waialae Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816 www.chaminade.edu (808) 933-0861 (808) 984-3500 1966 (808) 242-9618 (808) 735-4711 1955 Hawaii Community College 200 W. Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720 hawaii.hawaii.edu (808) 739-4647 (808) 974-7611 1970 Brigham Young University–Hawaii 55-220 Kulanui St., Laie, HI 96762 www.byuh.edu (808) 974-7692 (808) 675-3211 1955 Windward Community College 45-720 Keaahala Road, Kaneohe, HI 96744 windward.hawaii.edu University of Phoenix, Hawaii Campus 827 Fort Street Mall, Honolulu, HI 96813 www.phoenix.edu (808) 675-3741 (808) 235-7400 1972 (808) 247-5362 (808) 536-2686 1993 Kauai Community College 3-1901 Kaumualii Highway, Lihue, HI 96766 kauai.hawaii.edu Heald College 1500 Kapiolani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96814 www.heald.edu (808) 536-3848 (808) 245-8311 1964 (808) 245-8297 (808) 955-1500 1993 University of Hawaii–West Oahu 96-129 Ala Ike, Pearl City, HI 96782 westoahu.hawaii.edu (808) 955-6964 (808) 454-4700 1976 Remington College–Honolulu Campus 1111 Bishop St., Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96813 www.remingtoncollege.edu Argosy University/Hawaii 1001 Bishop St., Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96813 www.argosy.edu Wayland Baptist University–Hawaii Campus 99-080 Kauhale St., Suite D-14, Aiea, HI 96701 www.wbu.edu/hawaii 1 (808) 453-6075 (808) 942-1000 1999 (808) 533-3064 (808) 536-5555 1994 (808) 536-5505 (808) 488-8570 1979 (808) 488-8576 ___Enrollment:___ Undergrad. Total Graduate 20,051 8,400 7,517 5,887 4,027 3,573 2,981 2,701 2,603 2,400 1,824 1,272 1,051 1,000 940 511 480 460 Tuition per credit Resident/Non-res.: Undergrad. Graduate Type of institution Degrees offered Top administrator Title Virginia Hinshaw Chancellor 13,827 $248 / $692 Four-year public 6,224 $329 / $789 Bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate 7,000 $579 / Same Four-year private 1,400 $600 / Same Associate, bachelor’s, master’s 7,517 $71 / $264 Two-year public NA NA / NA Associate 5,887 $71 / $264 Two-year public NA NA / NA Associate 4,027 $71 / $264 Two-year public NA NA / NA Associate 3,265 $169 / $524 Four-year public 308 $264 / $608 Bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate 2,981 $71 / $360 Two-year public NA NA / NA Associate 2,020 $533 / Same Four-year private, Catholic 681 $520 / Same Associate, bachelor’s, master’s 2,603 $71 / $264 Two-year public NA NA / NA Associate 2,400 $120 - $240 / Same NA NA / NA Four-year private, affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Bachelor’s 1,824 $71 / $264 Two-year public NA NA / NA Associate 987 $397 - $494 / Same Four-year private 285 $480 - $612 / Same Associate, bachelor’s, master’s 1,051 $71 / $264 Two-year public NA NA / NA Associate 1,000 DND / DND Two-year private NA NA / NA Associate 940 $154 / $482 Four-year public NA NA / NA Bachelor’s 511 $14,100 / Same Four-year private NA NA / NA Associate, bachelor’s 49 $500 / Same Four-year private 431 $615 / Same Bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate 380 $185 - $270 / Same Four-year private, Christian $220 - $300 / Same Associate, bachelor's, master's 80 1 Notes: NA: not applicable; DND: did not disclose. All inclusive rate per academic year; includes tuition, books and supplies. Information supplied by individual schools through surveys and telephone interviews. Chatt Wright President Leon Richards Chancellor Manuel Cabral Interim Chancellor Ramsey Pedersen Chancellor Rose Tseng Chancellor Clyde Sakamoto Chancellor Sue Wesselkamper President Rockne Freitas Chancellor Steven Wheelwright President Angela Meixell Chancellor Gene Shofner Senior Director/Director of Academic Affairs Peggy Cha Chancellor Evelyn Schemmel Regional VP, Campus Operations–Hawaii Gene Awakuni Chancellor Kenneth Heinemann Campus President Ceclia Burrill Campus President Steven Reid Hawaii Campus Dean Researched by Cynthia Gibson [email protected] | 955-8037 education May 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news Better Educators, Better Students, A BRIGHTER FUTURE Want to embark on a career in education? Chaminade’s Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Education will help prepare you for the journey. Master of EDUCATION EMPHASES* LICENSURE TRACKS* F E AT U R E S • Child Development • Elementary • Curriculum & Instruction • Secondary • Access to professors with diverse experiences in the education field • Educational Leadership • Special Education • Teaching the Gifted & Talented • Montessori (Emphasis or Credential) • Education theory combined with classroom teaching experience • Convenient quarterly admission • Evening, weekend, and online courses • Small class sizes * Licensure area can also become an M.Ed. emphasis area • Financial aid available And now, it’s easier than ever to get your B.S. (Early Childhood Education) or B.S. (Secondary Education) with classes at 13 convenient locations including Island Pacific Academy in Kapolei, St. Joseph School in Waipahu and even online. Call us at (808) 735-4755 or visit us online at www.chaminade.edu [email protected] 25 26 education pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com /PPOFDBOIFMQZPV Grow Faster UIBOBDMJFOUUIBU±T HSPXJOHGBTUFS 3FBDITVDDFTTGVM TNBMMCVTJOFTTFTJO1#/ To advertise call (808) 955-8050 SG08-025_PBN_05.16.08.qxp 5/9/08 Pacific Business News 2:26 PM PageHow 1 Hawaii Works We Understand www.pacificbusinessnews.com Clifford Center Honolulu’s Premier Boutique Office Building May 16, 2008 Start early and be thorough in choosing the best private school By NaNea KalaNi pacific business news With more than half of Hawaii’s schools being private, options may seem limitless when deciding on a nonpublic education provider. But experts say selecting a private school can be a rewarding experience only if the process starts early. Honolulu author Jacqui Pirl advises parents to first identify their child’s needs and then match them with an appropriate school. Pirl’s book, “The Parents’ Guide to Private Schools in Hawaii — Oahu”, is a schoolby-school guide to 71 of Oahu’s private schools. Its mission is to help parents find the right private school for their child. Parents of the nearly 40,000 students who attend the 137 private schools across the state have gone through the same process, considering a wide range of options. Begin on the WeB The Hawaii Association of Independent Schools’ Web site, www.hais.org, is a good place to start the selection process, Pirl said. The site includes a comprehensive search feature that allows users to find private schools by location, religious affiliation, specialized sports programs and other specialty programs such as foreign • 11 new office suites • Designed for small office users • From 360 to 790 rsf 345 340 350 315 310 tips for selecting a private school n Start the search early, allowing enough time to thoroughly research all options. n Begin with a broad search, then narrow it down to a handful of schools. n Visit potential schools to get a feel for each campus. n Talk to current parents and students to get an objective opinion of a school. languages and study-abroad programs. A close look at a school’s statements of its mission and philosophy — easily found on its Web site — can reveal a lot about a school. While virtually all private schools will list academic excellence as a priority, some may mention features that specifically interest your child, such as a culturally diverse student body or upholding religious principles. Finding out if a school is accredited is another important factor, Pirl said. Accreditation is a measure of quality see PRiVaTe, paGe 27 335 • Completely renovated floor including: – new elevator lobby – new ceiling – new direct/indirect lighting – new full height solid core doors – new carpet/paint %XCEPTIONAL3CHOOLs%XCEPTIONAL3TUDENTS 330 320 305 300 325 our Is y d chil t t bu h g i br g in n i l gg stru ol? o h c s • Building conference room • High speed Internet available • Occupancy July 1st --/-Ê-V Ê -iÀÛiÃÊ vÌi`]ÊÞÃiÝV]Ê>`Ê vÌi`ÞÃiÝVÊ `Ài • Call today for a tour and to reserve the office of your choice 8 1 0 R I C H A R DS S TREET • C ALL KATHRYN M. RE HG (B ) AT 944-8100 Ê /ÕÌÊ`ÊÛ>>Li !33%433CHOOL CHILDREN ARE OUR GREATEST ASSETS "iÊ" >>Ê ÕÊ7>Þ]ÊÕÕ]ÊÊÈn£n >Ê{ÓΣÎxÈÊvÀÊÀiÊvÀ>ÌÊ ÀÊÛÃÌÊÕÃÊiÊ>ÌÊ ÜÜÜ°>ÃÃiÌÃÃV °iÌ° VÕ`}Ê-V >Àà «ÃÊvÀ 841 BISHOP ST., SUITE 1700 • HONOLULU, HI 96813 • 808-521-7444 WWW.PACIFICOFFICEPROPERTIES.COM (AMEX: PCE) HAWAII’S LARGEST OFFICE BUILDING OWNER CP Advertising SG08-025 / iÊ>VÊiÌÊ i The Shidler Group Õ`>ÌÊvÀÊ iÜÞÊÀi` PBN, runs 05.16.08 3/8 Page,vÌi`ÞÃiÝVÊ-ÌÕ`iÌà V 4.672” x 8.17”, BW 05.09.08 hj VVÀi`Ìi`Ê£ÓÊ Ê >Ê1Ìi`Ê7>ÞÊ}iVÞ May 16, 2008 priVate: Don’t rule out a school based only on cost from PAGE 26 because it involves a rigorous review process to determine if a school is fulfilling its mission. If a school is not accredited, parents should inquire if an accreditation plan is under way. While the cost of tuition should play a part in the decision, parents should not be too quick to rule out schools that may seem to be too expensive. Most schools offer scholarships and loans to help with tuition. Other important information to consider: size of a school’s student body and faculty, whether it is single-sex or coeducational, whether it’s a day or boarding school, faculty credentials and campus amenities. Experts recommend that parents involve their children in the entire selection process. Once a list of potential schools has been narrowed down, parents should make it a point to visit each of the campuses. A school may seem a certain way in writing, but a visit to the campus can help parents get a first-hand glimpse of the way a school is run. Private schools generally host open houses in the fall. Visit a class Parents should sit in on a class with their child, if possible, and observe how instruction is delivered. Features to look for include whether the instructor has open discussions with students, if hands-on activities are provided, and what a typical homework load might involve. Also, during campus visits, parents should take the time to talk with administrators. Parents also should ask for data that reflect a school’s academic success, such as SAT and ACT scores. Schools also should have available their graduation and college acceptance rates. Parents are encouraged to talk to other parents who have selected private education for their children. This can help parents get an objective opinion of a school. In addition, school administrators can provide prospective parents and students with contact names. [email protected] | 955-8001 education pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news A Higher Education is Closer than You Think. UH Centers offer two and four year degrees. • Further your education • Expand career and job options • Increase your earning potential www.hawaii.edu/edcenters CALL OUR CENTERS STATEWIDE BIG ISLAND Kona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 322-4856 Honoka‘a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 775-8890 K Ā UA ‘ I ¯ Lihu‘e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 245-8330 L Ā N A ‘ I Lāna‘i City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 565-7266 M AU I Hāna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 248-7380 Kahului . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 984-3525 ¯ Kihei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 875-5979 Lahaina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 662-3911 MOLOKA‘I Kaunakakai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 553-4490 O ‘A H U Wai‘anae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(808) 696-6378 Kelly Watanabe, Graduate via UH Center, Maui: ’96, BA (Mānoa) ’02, MBA (Mānoa) ’04, MA Accounting (Mānoa) Need copies? Call 1-800-767-3263 or go to www.scoopreprintsource.com Article Reprints | FameFrame™ (wall plaque) | E-Prints | Formatted E-mail | HTML link | Web Print 27 28 pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com busiNesses iN tHe makiNg Information on incorporations, new partnerships, limited liability companies and limited liability partnerships listed is collected at the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Business Registration Division, Records Viewing Section located at 335 Merchant St. New Domestic corporatioNs n ABC Accounting Plus Inc., Barrie Hanaoka, 911726 Pepper Row St., Ewa Beach 96706. n Aloha State Construction Inc., 46-188 Lilipuna Road, Kaneohe 96744. n Avaava Inc., Michael Gallagher, 5691 Kalanianaole Highway, Honolulu 96821. n Blue Dolphin Hawaii Inc., Carlene Sigouin, 1227 Akamai St., Kailua 96734. n Color Blinds Inc., P.O. Box 1974, Kamuela 96743. n Custom Island Rocks Inc., Waynerichard Ho, 64-108 Kipuupuu Way, Kamuela 96743. n DKK Inc., Daniel Lawson, 2065 S. King St. Suite 205, Honolulu 96826. n Executive USA Corp., KuoYuan Ling, 2140 Kuhio Ave. Suite 1308, Honolulu 96815. n Feedom Design Ltd., 1522 Makaloa St. Suite 204, Honolulu 96814. n Fintronx Inc., Ronald Finney, 4805 Iiwi Road, Kapaa 96746. n Fire Mountain Farm Inc., 1027 Pontiac St., Denver, Colo. 80220. n GES Inc., Mamoru Kobayashi, 1232 Waimanu St. Suite A-2, Honolulu 96814. n Gill Newton Inc., 385 Hukilike St. Suite 210, Kahului 96732. n GKS Ohana Inc., Rajesh Narayan, 546 Laukapu St., Hilo 96720. n Gua E Inc., Yu Chen, 1143 Hassinger St. Apt. 106, Honolulu 96822. n Hawaii Rocks Pohaku Boys Inc., 75-401 Nani Kailua Drive, Kailua-Kona 96740. n Horeca Consulting Group Inc., 2345 Ala Wai Blvd. Suite 2217, Honolulu 96815. n IBE Consulting Inc., Naoko Isagai, 3731 Kanaina Ave. Unit 329, Honolulu 96815. n It’s Life Inc., P.O. Box 384955, Waikoloa 96738. n J Network Inc., 1522 Makaloa St. Suite 204, Honolulu 96814. n Job Finders Inc., Janel Sanchez, 3110 Paliuli St. Apt. 1, Honolulu 96815. n Kamuela Trucking Inc., Violetta Wright, 91-1191 Kauiki St., Ewa Beach 96706. n Kauai Tree Inc., P.O. Box 222, Draper, Utah 84020. n Makalii Designs Hawaii Inc., 1600 Kapiolani Blvd. Suite 628-031, Honolulu 96814. n MTD Co. Inc., 1188 Bishop St. Suite 2410, Honolulu 96813. n New Diners Inc., c/o 505 Ward Ave. Suite 204, Honolulu 96814. n Nu Start Renovation Inc., Rajesh Narayan, 2185 Round Top Drive, Honolulu 96822. n Organic Skin Care Inc., Roi Gal, 55 S. Kukui St. Unit 1314, Honolulu 96813. n Play (Pre-School Learning Activities For The Youth) Inc., Sylvia Cole, 4569 Kukui St. Suite 201, Kapaa 96746. n Rick’s Rentals Inc., Erich Kraemer, 236 Kaalawai Place, Honolulu 96816. n Scoop Of Aloha Inc., David Tatera, P.O. Box 384052, Waikoloa 96738. n SEA 403 Inc., 3690 W. 34th Ave., Vancouver, Canada V6N 2. n Shodahl Holdings Inc., 91-1472 Pukanala St., Ewa Beach 96706. n Sun Global Holdings Inc., Edward Sun, 3383 Loulu St., Honolulu 96822. n Synergy Services Inc., Janet Lessin, 2138 Vineyard St., Wailuku 96793. n The Green Bed Co. Inc., 401 Mokauea St., Honolulu 96819. n Tiffany Business Solutions Inc., 425 South St. Suite 2702, Honolulu 96813. n Tracy Hara Inc., 3518 Ala Akulikuli St., Honolulu 96818. Domestic LimiteD LiabiLity compaNies n 3 Palms Bookkeeping Services LLC, Donna Vaughn, 150 Puukolii Road No. 46, Lahaina 96761. n 3109 Waialae Avenue LLC, James Kim, 98-500 Koauka Loop Unit 7-H, Aiea 96701. n ABC Save Your Home LLC, Steven Ito, 3638 Leahi Ave., Honolulu 96815. n Aina Haina Quality Living LLC, Marc Goto, 106 N. King St., Honolulu 96817. n Akamai Consulting Group LLC, P.O. Box 91, Kailua 96734. n Aloha Health Joint Venture 8A LLC, P.O. Box 235132, Honolulu 96823. n Aloha TK Home Inspectors LLC, Kurt Tolzmann, 95-229 Puakai Place, Mililani 96789. n Angelegacy LLC, Angelina Rasmussen, 6231 Hauiki Road, Kapaa 96746. n Anikinestuff LLC, Conrad Pascual, 542 Akolea Place, Wailuku 96793. n BDT Technical Solutions LLC, 92-921 Welo St. No. 111, Kapolei 96707. n Bohica Enterprises LLC, 73-1398 Kakau Place, KailuaKona 96740. n Building Futures LLC, 563 Kamoku St., Honolulu 96826. n C.M.G. Publishing LLC, Celeste Gonsalves, 3138 Waialae Ave. Apt. 501, Honolulu 96816. n Carbon Fiber Freaks LLC, Kevin Sia, 555 University Ave. BUSINESS LEADS How to use the leads in this section | The business Leads section is another way pbn keeps you informed about what’s happening with Hawaii’s businesses. This guide will help you understand how to use the information in this section. businesses in the making: These are new business entities filed with the Department of commerce and consumer affairs. These companies are good sources for new business-to-business contacts. court report: suits and cases filed in first circuit, u.s. District and supreme court. mechanic’s liens: Lawsuits filed by con- tractors or other businesses against those owing them for services. companies concerned about customer credit keep an eye on these sections: bankruptcies: businesses and individuals filing for bankruptcy protection. chapter 7 (liquidation of assets), chapter 11 (protection from creditors while a business reorganizes, and 13 (covers small organizations). tax liens: federal and state filings of business and personal taxes in arrears. Foreclosures: actions taken by lenders against businesses and individuals in their debt. index | Bankruptcies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-40 Building permits – Hawaii and Maui Counties . . . . . . . 30-34 Businesses in the making . . . . . . . 28-30 Court report –Oahu, Kona . . . . . . . 40-41 Foreclosures –Oahu, Hilo . . . . . . . . . . .41 Mechanic’s liens – Oahu . . . . . . . . . . .41 Tax Liens – federal & state . . . . . . 34-39 Unit 100, Honolulu 96826. n Carefree Properties LLC, K. Miller, 87-205 Helelua St. No. 1, Waianae 96792. n CB Management LLC, Robert Chapman, 700 Bishop St. Suite 2100, Honolulu 96813. n Chaquelle LLC, HCR 1 Box 4621, Keaau 96749. n Christopher Green Design LLC, 1035 Mokulua Drive, Kailua 96734. n Coffee Treats LLC, Richard Kimura, 1581 Onipaa Place, Honolulu 96819. n Creative Business Solutions International LLC, Michael Provler, 87-1938 Farrington Highway, Waianae 96792. n Creative Confections LLC, Heather Moore, P.O. Box 223456, Princeville 96722. n Current Sea LLC, Nion Sheppard, 270 Auhana Road, Kihei 96753. n Daryl H.K. Hu CPA LLC, 1405 N. King St. Suite 201, Honolulu 96817. n Design Investments LLC, Deborah Coleman, 1030 Eha St. Unit 203, Wailuku 96793. n Dolphin Diaper Service LLC, Anthony Ing, 2302 Coyne St., Honolulu 96826. n Dynamic Health Care Alliance LLC, P.O. Box 235132, Honolulu 96823. n Easy Access Technology LLC, Abreu Correia, 84-1126 Kaulaili Road, Waianae 96792. n Effective Education Foundation LLC, Christopher Rosado, 1218 Makaloa St. Unit 4, Honolulu 96814. n Electrical Contracting Services LLC, James Almarez, 94-1043 Poe Place, Waipahu 96797. n Escape Day Spa LLC, Chantel Kualapai, 91-195 Wailohia Place, Ewa Beach 96706. n ETS Management LLC, Ernestine Spence, 5248 Papai St., Honolulu 96821. n Excellent Landscape Maintenance LLC, Jeffry Umayam, 1057 Matzie Lane, Honolulu 96817. n Family Business LLC, P.O. Box 142, Honomu 96728. n Fiberduct Licensing LLC, Edward Sun, 3383 Loulu St., Honolulu 96822. n Fine Goods Distributors LLC, P.O. Box 38111, Honolulu 96837. n First Title Holding 80008 LLC, Naomi Mathre, 700 Bishop St. No. 1031, Honolulu 96813. n Fowler Architects LLC, 7860 Makaaoa Place, Honolulu 96825. n Fundamental Particle LLC, 235 Kaiulani St., Hilo 96720. n Fung’s Fast Food LLC, 182 Pauahi St., Honolulu 96817. n Gallerie 505 LLC, 505 Front St. 136, Lahaina 96761. n Genesis Real Estate Investment Group LLC, Yesenia Vazquez-Rosa, 4888 Kilauea Ave. No. 3, Honolulu 96816. n Green Capital LLC, Scott Settle, 700 Bishop St. Suite 200, Honolulu 96813. n Green Energy Research Hawaii LLC, Larry Sherrer, 30 Loloa St., Kapaa 96746. n Grow With The Flow LLC, Monica Arnett, 35-208 Ahoa Road, Papaaloa 96780. n Hands Of Light Therapeutic Body Work LLC, P.O. Box 1408, Honokaa 96727. n Hardware Kauai LLC, David Lundquist, 30 Kihapai St., Kailua 96734. n Hawaii HR LLC, Michelle Alarcon, 1251 Heulu St. Unit 103, Honolulu 96822. n Hawaii Land Surfer LLC, Michael Provler, 87-1938 Farrington Highway, Waianae 96792. n Hawaii Natural Falls Water LLC, Daylan Sunada, 98-2053 Kipikua St., Aiea 96701. n Hawaii Organic Feed And Fertilizer LLC, Bruce Johnson, 312 Alamaha St. Unit G, Kahului 96732. n Hawaii Sales Co. LLC, P.O. Box 790387, Paia 96779. n Hawaii Silver Surfer LLC, May 16, 2008 Michael Provler, 87-1938 Farrington Highway, Waianae 96792. n Hawaii Spa Tech LLC, Alan Pescaia, 59-338 Wilinau Road, Haleiwa 96712. n Hawaii’s Premier Prepaid Legal Services LLC, P.O. Box 4317, Honolulu 96812. n Hitmixx Music Group LLC, 160-A Molokai Akau St., Kahului 96732. n Honolulu Symphony Investors 2008 LLC, Tom Gulick, 650 Iwilei Road Suite 202, Honolulu 96817. n Honolulu Symphony Productions LLC, Tom Gulick, 650 Iwilei Road Suite 202, Honolulu 96817. n Idlewilde Farm LLC, Edward Baldwin, 2877 Olinda Road, Makawao 96768. n Insight Resources LLC, 94-1020 Halepuna St., Waipahu 96797. n Integrated Oceanics LLC, P.O. Box 11551, Honolulu 96828. n Ironwood Remote Observatories LLC, Reid Archer, 59-495 Hoalike Road, Haleiwa 96712. n Island Fractional Homes Villa 20 LLC, Steven Lee, 4334 Rice St. Suite 204-C, Lihue 96746. n Jay Miyaki CPA LLC, 915 Hunakai St., Honolulu 96816. n Jeannie Kuan Yee Chan LLC, P.O. Box 612, Pearl City 96782. n Jenness Consulting Services LLC, P.O. Box 2027, Kamuela 96743. n Jl266 LLC, 688 Kinoole St. Suite 120, Hilo 96720. n Joke Productions LLC, John-David Higa, 575 Cooke St. Suite A PMB 2607, Honolulu 96813. n Just Green Solutions LLC, Gary Seals, P.O. Box 728, Kilauea 96754. n JV Investments LLC, Robert Nakamura, 98-021 Kamehameha Highway No. 207, Aiea 96701. n JYD Towing LLC, James Nutter, 91-140 Kaomi Loop, Kapolei 96707. n Kaikunane Holdings LLC, Steven Lee, 111 Hekili St. Unit A-333, Kailua 96734. n Kalamaula Plants & Produce LLC, Scott Puaa, 955 Haena St., Kaunakakai 96748. n Kamekona Enterprises LLC, Samson Gomes-Hoohuli, 89-220 Kawao Ave., Waianae 96792. n KDJ Enterprises LLC, Kimberly Jacobs, 2957 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu 96815. n Kimberley Gluck LLC, Hyon Gluck, 1357 Makaloa St. Suite 200, Honolulu 96814. n Kini Marketing LLC, Kristy Kinimaka, 708 Olokele Ave. No. B-1, Honolulu 96816. n KMS Remodeling/Repairs LLC, 1862-B Kapiolani Blvd., Honolulu 96826. n Komodo Concession LLC, Ross Kneeream, 901 River St. No. 619, Honolulu 96817. n Konale LLC, Sophie TwiggSmith, 71 S. Kalaheo Ave., Kailua 96734. n KRC Partners Investment LLC, 615 Piikoi St. Suite 808, Honolulu 96814. n La Aloa LLC, Melitta Hodson, 77-359-B Nohealani St., Kailua-Kona 96740. n Lon Whelchel Architect LLC, 1382 Hiahia St., Wailuku 96793. n Lornia LLC, P.O. Box 190593, Hawi 96719. n Lotus Capital Ventures LLC, Franz Juan, Harbor Center 98-029 Hekaha St. Suite 15, Aiea 96701. n Luxury808 Kar Sales LLC, Gloria Sharsh, PMB 240 590 Farrington Highway No. 210, Kapolei 96707. n M.M.R. Services LLC, Matthew Lind, 219 Momi Place, Wailuku 96793. n Makeithappen LLC, Lena Sergatcheva, P.O. Box 390464, Keauhou 96739. n Manval LLC, P.O. Box 970574, Waipahu 96797. n Maui Residential Concierge Services LLC, Donald Miller, P.O. Box 552, Kihei 96753. n Maui Weddings By Dawn LLC, 21 Ulana St., Makawao 96768. n Me Ke Akua Health Centre L.L.C., Rene` Wharram, 75-170 Hualalai Road No. A-200, Kailua-Kona 96740. n Medical Sales & Services Of Hawaii LLC, Benjamin Alfelor, 1805 Poki St. Apt. 1101, Honolulu 96822. n Melvin H.W. Ing LLC, 7431 Mokuhano Place, Honolulu 96825. n Mendohouse LLC, P.O. Box 731, Kalaheo 96741. n Meridian Sports Centers Hawaii LLC, 1001 Fourth St., San Rafael, Calif. 94901. n Mon Tigre LLC, Rush Partnership, 737 Bishop St. Suite 2400, Honolulu 96813. n Moringa Molokai LLC, Alvin Kawaa, P.O. Box 496, Hoolehua 96729. n Motu LLC, Kawika Kiili, 655 Maalahi St., Wailuku 96793. n MPA Angels LLC, 5095 Napilihau St. Unit 202, Lahaina 96761. n My Top Secret LLC, Cynthia Dymally, 733 University Ave., Honolulu 96826. n Nationwide Financial Services LLC, Gary Muneno, 212 Merchant St. Suite 11, Honolulu 96813. n Nature’s Goodness LLC, Arlin Arellano, 1318 Lunalilo St. Unit A, Honolulu 96822. n Oblivion Road Entertainment LLC, Blane Suizu, 98-1711 Kupukupu St., Aiea 96701. n Odor Science Of Hawaii LLC, Dave Masaki, 2278 Aupaka St., Pearl City 96782. n Options & Solutions LLC, Jack Laws, 92-1120 Liolio Place, Kapolei 96707. see Domestic limiteD liability companies, paGe 29 MAy 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | pAcific business news domestic limited liability companies from PAGE 28 Q P&C Auto Repair & Allied Services LLC, Patrick Supnet, 94-1174 Heahea St., Waipahu 96797. Q Paauau Place LLC, 68-3883 Lua Kula St. No. 301, Waikoloa 96738. Q Pacific Advantage Unlimited LLC, 46-208 Kahuhipa St. No. 104, Kaneohe 96744. Q Pacific Judgment Recovery Team LLC, Nancy Henry, 930 S. Kihei Unit 604, Kihei 96753. Q Pacific Training Center LLC, 999 Bishop St. Suite 2600, Honolulu 96813. Q Panorama Construction Management LLC, Tonya Dale, 409 Kawainui St., Kailua 96734. Q Pine Tree Hokukano Holdings LLC, c/o T.G. Super Exchange Corp. 235 Queen St., Honolulu 96813. Q POI Pools LLC, Donald Alfiche, P.O. Box 344, Hakalau 96710. Q Pookela Designs LLC, Stephen Boyd, 2440 Date St. Apt. 204, Honolulu 96826. Q Qualitrans Services LLC, A. Bringas, 94-366 Pupupani St. No. 209, Waipahu 96797. Q R&R Drywall LLC, 2416 Aha Aina Place, Honolulu 96821. Q Realty Maintenance Construction LLC, P.O. Box 390041, Keauhou 96739. Q REK Associates LLC, Lawrence Kiley, 4725 Bougainville Drive 3206, Honolulu 96818. Q Reliable System Support LLC, Reynold Lee, 796 Isenberg St. Apt. 7-H, Honolulu 96826. Q Renaissance Asset Management LLC, 92-128 Kohi Place, Makakilo 96707. Q Richard Dods Services LLC, 91-552 Maohaka Place, Ewa Beach 96706. Q Riders Club Group LLC, Michael Provler, 87-1938 Farrington Highway, Waianae 96792. Q Rise! Enterprise LLC, 275 Maika St., Wailuku 96793. Q Royal Hawaiian Jewelry LLC, Patrick Breeden, 2749 Poelua St., Honolulu 96822. Q RSR Gifts LLC, P.O. Box 26318, Honolulu 96825. Q S2G LLC, P.O. Box 17220, Honolulu 96817. Q Scooters LLC, 3950 Kalai Waa St., Wailea 96753. Q Shigekawa Farm LLC, Sharon Shigekawa, 434 Copp Road, Kula 96790. Q SHK Realty LLC, Shelly Kusunoki, 245 W. Papa Ave., Kahului 96732. Q Simply Organized LLC, Steven Ai, 660 N. Nimitz Highway, Honolulu 96817. Q Sistine Systems LLC, Michelangelo Smith, 1650 Ala Moana Blvd. Unit 2401, Honolulu 96815. Q Sol Systems, P.O. Box 728, Kilauea 96754. Q South Kona Hideaway LLC, 83-5399 Middle Keei Road, Captain Cook 96704. Q Store To Door LLC, Kahala see DomEstic limitED liAbility comPAniEs, pAGe 30 business crossing flow freely At last you’ve the freedom to deliver your goods and services to new markets and opportunities. And now our same day service includes two trips between Maui and O‘ahu, giving you additional convenience and flexibility to service your customers. now 2-a-day! Every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday X Commercial vehicles to 55-ft. X Power outlets for reefer units X O‘ahu – Maui For bookings and information call Commercial Sales at: 808.853.4115 29 busiNess Leads pAcific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com Titcomb, 45-315 Lilipuna Road No. B-303, Kaneohe 96744. n Sylvan Learning Centers Of The Big Island LLC, Cheryl Merk, 200 Kanoelehua Ave., Hilo 96720. n Takanoha 5 LLC, Beverly Hiramatsu, 841 Bishop St. Suite 1800, Honolulu 96813. n Teacher Getaways LLC, Dewayne Berg, 3685 Crater Road No. A, Honolulu 96816. n The Ghetto LLC, Akinlabi Bayette, 500 University Ave. No. 517, Honolulu 96826. n The Green Retriever LLC, Carolyn Oki-Idouchi, 95-1025 Maalewa St., Mililani 96789. n The Renaissance USA LLC, Kenneth Nakagawa, 1061 Hunakai St., Honolulu 96816. n Tom Enterprises LLC, Cheryl Parker, 1286 Maleko St., Kailua 96734. n Touch Of Kauai LLC, P.O. Box 273, Hanalei 96714. n Trinity Deep Ocean Investments LLC, One Aloha Tower Drive Suite 3100, Honolulu 96813. n True Ohana Coffee LLC, Kem Mylar, 75-143 Hualalai Road No. 205, Kailua-Kona 96740. n UA Records LLC, William Meyer, 900 Fort St. Mall Suite 1800, Honolulu 96813. n Ufirst Hawaii LLC, Michael Stiber, 909 Kahuna Lane Unit 305, Honolulu 96826. n Ultra Balm Hawaii LLC, Teresa Lai, 280 Huali St. No. 201, Honolulu 96813. n ULU Designs LLC, John Kanaulu, 94-688 Kahue Place, Waipahu 96797. n Usoldier Enterprise LLC, Albert Mika, 94-1078 Kuhaulua St., Waipahu 96797. S. Syracuse Way Suite 200, School Road, Elk Grove, Calif. 3-6-005-054-0000. Permit 75093. Greenwood Village, Colo. 95624. No. B2008-0433H, 03/03/08 n JLT Facilities Inc., 22 80111. n Solution USA LLC, 7469 n $400,000—69-425 Century Hill Drive Suite 103, n ACTV-MW LLC, 5400 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Suite Waikoloa Beach Drive, Latham, N.Y. 12110. Yahi St. Suite D, Naples, Fla. 200, Las Vegas, Nev. 89128. alteration, Contractor: n Mayan Plantation Ltd., 34109. Swinerton Builders, Tax Key: Gerhart Walch, Seven n Advanced Manual Medicine 6-9-007-014-0000. Permit Waterfront Plaza 500 Ala buiLdiNg LLC, P.O. Box 11325, No. B2008-0332K, 03/03/08 Moana Blvd. Suite 400, p e r m i t s Honolulu 96828. n $324,353—19-4558 Honolulu 96813. The following are for projn Alta Holdings LLC, 3080 Ama’uma’u Road, addin Midwest Soil Remediation ects valued at $50,000 Bristol St. Suite 630, Costa tion, Contractor: Barton Inc., 23872 N. Kelsey Road, or more. Information on Mesa, Calif. 92626. Construction & Ranch Lake Barrington, Ill. 60010. Honolulu County permits is New ForeigN n BBD & Associates LLC, Services, Tax Key: n Mocon Corp., 49950 collected at the Honolulu CorporatioNs 738 E. 18th Ave., Denver, 1-9-001-035-0000. Permit Jefferson St. Suite 200, Indio, Municipal Building, 650 S. n Action Personnel Agency Colo. 80203. No. B2008-0443H, 03/04/08 Calif. 92201. King St., Honolulu 96813. Inc., 3480 Buskirk Ave. Suite n Bond Logistix LLC, 777 S. n $319,602—Kealakekua, n N.E.W. Insurance Agency Hawaii County permits 100, Pleasant Hill, Calif. Figueroa St. Suite 3200, Los alteration, Contractor: Inc., 22894 Pacific Blvd., are collected at www. 94523. Angeles, Calif. 90017. Caffey Inc., Tax Key: Sterling, Va. 20166. co.hawaii.hi.us/permits/ n Alliance Collection n Cross Country Installations 7-9-010-081-0000. Permit n Premier Exhibitions No. 8 permits.htm. Maui County Agencies Inc., 3916 & Service LLC, 38 Governor No. B2008-0328K, 03/03/08 Inc., 3340 Peachtree Road permits are collected S. Business Park Ave., St., Paterson, N.J. 07501. n $250,000—Dale and N.E. Suite 2250, Atlanta, Ga. from the County of Maui Marshfield, Wis. 54449. n Hawaii King Investments Shelly Schutt, Hawaiian 30326. Development Services n America One Financial LLC, 72-3960 Mamalahoa Ocean View Estates, new n RCG Financial & Insurance Administration at 250 S. Inc., 1035 S.E. Tacoma St., Highway, Kailua-Kona 96740. dwelling, Contractor: Dale Services Inc., 12340 El High St. Wailuku, HI 96793. Portland, Ore. 97202. n Island Girl Holdings LLC, and Shelly Schutt, Tax Key: Camino Real Suite 400, San Permit numbers and filing n BHIA Inc., Robert dates at end of each case. 2124 Skyview Drive, Lithia 9-2-032-046-0000. Permit Diego, Calif. 92130. Schumacher, 780 E. Kuiaha Springs, Ga. 30122. No. B2008-0350K, 03/05/08 n Reznick Group PC, 7700 buiLdiNg permitsRoad, Haiku 96708. n McKean Defense Group n $225,000—Stacy L. Old Georgetown Road Suite Hawaii CouNty n BRS Architects A.I.A. P.A., LLC, 4609 S. Broad St., Kracher, Princess Kaiulani 400, Bethesda, Md. 20814. n $5,000,000—62-100 1010 S. Allante Place Suite Philadelphia, Pa. 19112. Blvd., new dwelling, n Security Konsultants Inc. Of Mauna Kea Beach Drive, 100, Boise, Idaho 83709. n Mellish Family Properties Contractor: Stacy L. Kracher, Nevada, Robert Dombrowski, repair hotel, Contractor: n Bruker AXS Inc., 5465 E. LLC, 14096 Kenai Spur Tax Key: 9-2-104-006-0000. 804 Lawelawe St., Honolulu Hawaiian Dredging Cherly Parkway, Madison, Highway, Kenai, Alaska Permit No. B2008-0357K, 96821. Construction Inc., Tax Key: Wis. 53711. 99611. 03/06/08 n Televox Software Inc., GB 6-2-002-004-0000. Permit n Bursar-Cambist Inc., 6776 n Meridian Sports Clubs n $200,000—75-5342 11808 Miracle Hills Drive, No. B2008-0360K, 03/07/08 Southwest Freeway Suite California LLC, 16663 Laaulu Road, building, Omaha, Neb. 68154. n $4,800,000—72-3076 530, Houston, Roscoe Blvd., North Hills, Contractor: Hamakua Framing n The CHP Group, 6600 =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1 Texas 77074. Pili’a Place, new dwelling, n Codman & Shurtleff Calif. 91343. & Structure Inc., Tax Key: S.W. 105th Ave. Suite 115, Contractor: Aina Ola Inc., Inc., 325 Paramount Drive,040808 n Meridian’s Honolulu Club, 7-5-001-076-0000. Permit Beaverton, Ore. 97008. Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% KF;8PJ;8K<1 Tax Key: 7-2-0260-13-0000. Raynham, Mass. 02767. 16663 Roscoe Blvd., North No. B2008-0358K, 03/06/08 n The Staffing Solutions=XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% Permit No. B2008-0330K, 041108 Group, 3480 Buskirk Ave. FBKFILE @JJL<;8K<1 n Complementary Healthcare Hills, Calif. 91343. n $200,000—Arthur J. Lee, 03/03/08 Plans Inc., 6600 S.W. 105th n N.E.W. Wireless & 75-5270 A Mamalahoa Suite 100, Pleasant Hill, Calif. @e`k`Xc1 BCD 8;J@Q<1 FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip n $1,000,000—75-5905 Ave. Suite 115, Beaverton, Insurance Services LLC, Highway, addition barn, 94523. Walua Road No. A, alteraOre. 97008. 22894 Pacific Blvd., Sterling, Contractor: Arthur J. Lee, n Velocity Financial Group DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] ;Xk\1 GIFF=1 FINAL tion, Contractor: Kona Home n Financial Mortgage Va. 20166. Tax Key: 7-5-002-042-0001. Inc., 8501 W. Higgins Road (#n Naniq Systems LLC, 2121 & Land Construction LLC, Consultants $K_i\\* Inc., 111 Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% Permit No. B2008-0337K, Suite 420, Chicago, Ill. Tax Key: 7-5-018-094-0000. $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% Deerwood Road Suite 110, Abbott Road, Anchorage, 03/04/08 60631. Permit No. B2008-0363K, San Ramon,HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Calif. 94583. Alaska 99507. n $200,000—James R. and n Wunderlich Securities Inc., =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1 03/07/08 n Gilltrading.Com Inc., 6107 n National Default Servicing Charl Traughber, 13-3622 6000 Poplar Ave. Suite 150, n $450,000—Adrian N.Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\Y S.W. Murray Blvd. Suite 321, LLC, 9635 Granite Ridge Alapai St., new dwelling, Memphis, Tenn. 38119. KF;8PJ;8K<1 Rosenberg, Waipunalei Beaverton, Ore. 97008. Drive Suite 350, San Diego, Contractor: James R. and =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% Homesteads, new dwellForeigN Limited n Goodman Networks Inc., Calif. 92123. @JJL<;8K<1 ing, Contractor: Adrian FBKFILE LiabiLity CompaNies 6400 International Parkway n RCS National Equity Fund see Building permits@e`k N. Rosenberg, Tax Key: n Access 2 Care LLC, 6200 Suite 1000, Plano, Texas LLC., 10080 Hawaii county, pAGe 31 8;J@Q<1Pleasant FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip CDE Grove n WAI8 LLC, Iyseas Lea, 99-065 Ohiaku St., Aiea 96701. n Waikiki Lux LLC, George Wright, 3151 Monsarrat Ave. No. 503, Honolulu 96816. n WCFC Holdings LLC, Wilbert Chee, 1018 Palm Drive, Honolulu 96814. n Xl Ventures LLC, P.O. Box 391145, Keauhou 96739. BUSINESS TO BUSINESS DIRECTORY 8;GIFF= from page 29 MAy 16, 2008 8;GIFF= domestiC Limited LiabiLity CompaNies GIFF=1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] TU ;X $K_i\\* Call Greg Byrne to place a Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*' classified ad. 808 955-8060 $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% CASE MANAGEMENT HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' VOC. REHAB* - ALCOHOL - DRUGS Today’s Date: 04/21/08 BruceNews Berger, LMHC, CRC, CSAC To: Pacific Business Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMH#56) Greg Byrne - 955-8050& Substance Abuse Counselor Certified Rehabilitation Qualified Addiction ExpertLLC: in Assessment & Treatment From: HawaiiCourt Commercial Real Estate, Steph Higa - 441-9757 Ad Size: Biz card size(808) Business277-9919 to Business Section Insertion Berger Dates: 04/25/08 Pacific Guardian Center & Associates · 1750 Kalakaua · Honolulu, HI 96826 · [email protected] B ON D I N G CONSTRUCTI ON C AS E MANAGEMENT ACC OU N T I N G 744 30 % ' &( $ !% ! !!# $ & #% " #" ## building solutions build Hawaii Cover-All Hawaii *REGISTERED & CERTIFIED WITH DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIAL REGULATIONS. 808-334-1460 or 877-615-8776 25+ YEARS OF PROVIDING VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION SERVICES. COVER-ALL IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF COVER-ALL BUILDING SYSTEMS INC/ STEEL TUBING SUPPLIED BY ALLIED 808-3 COVER-ALL IS C OMMER C IAL R EAL ES TATE building solutions ASBESTOS Ready to Occupy Spaces with a Bishop Street Address )') $) %$) "*(,'! $ %$))+ %##' ""()) -&+ '%# - LEAD ABATEMENT Lic. # C-20571 2968 UALENA ST. Honolulu - Cellular - STATE-WIDE SERVICE Hawaii Cover-All 808-334-1460 HAZARDOUS WASTE or 877-615-8776 MOLD REMEDIATION BONDED & INSURED HOME MAINTENANCE CLEAN UP & DISPOSAL COVER-ALL IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF COVER-ALL BUILDING SYSTEMS INC/ STEEL TUBING SUPPLIED BY ALLIED BUILDING HAZARD ASSESSMENT building solutions LEAD REMOVAL & DISPOSAL build Hawaii 808-3 COVER-ALL IS business leads MAy 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | pAcific business news 31 Puehale Place, new dwellConstruction Corp., Tax Key: Melody Clarke, Tax Key: No. B2008-0343K, 03/05/08 03/13/08 ing, Contractor: Vertical 6-7-008-025-0000. Permit 1-1-039-032-0000. Permit n $2,000,000–75-907 n $200,000–93-1704 S. Construction Corp., Tax Key: No. B2008-0432H, 03/03/08 No. B2008-0456H, 03/07/08 Keaolani Drive, new dwellPoint Road, satellite dish, from page 30 n $157,150—Kent C. and Kim n $72,000—Virgil R. ing, Contractor: MK Custom Contractor: Pacificomm 6-7-008-024-0000. Permit M. Olsen, 16-1417 Uhini Ana Lyons, 92-8647 Lauhala Builders Inc., Tax Key: Systems LLC, Tax Key: No. B2008-0431H, 03/03/08 Charl Traughber, Tax Key: Road, addition, Contractor: Drive, addition, Contractor: 7-5-011-034-0000. Permit 9-3-003-063-0000. Permit n $120,000—18-4152 1-3-016-025-0000. Permit Kent C. and Kim M. Olsen, Virgil R. Lyons, Tax Key: No. B2008-0379K, 03/13/08 No. B2008-0472H, 03/11/08 Hinuhinu St., new dwellNo. B2008-0442H, 03/04/08 Tax Key: 1-6-015-041-0000. 9-2-197-043-0000. Permit n $200,000–280-B ing, Contractor: King n $1,200,000–Holualoa, new n $200,000—Richard J. and Permit No. B2008-0461H, No. B2008-0351K, 03/05/08 Alaloa Road, new dwellContracting Service, Tax Key: dwelling, Contractor: Hamman Denise L. Wagner, 76-5876 03/07/08 n $68,000—Mark and ing, Contractor: TNS 1-8-082-066-0000. Permit Construction Co. Inc., Tax Hookahi Road, addition, n $156,431—67-1237 Anita Derkovich, 92-1969 Construction Co., Tax Key: No. B2008-0455H, 03/06/08 Key: 7-6-012-057-0000. Contractor: Richard J. and Puehale Place, new dwellKona Drive, new dwell2-4-005-143-0000. Permit n $115,000—Peter J. Permit No. B2008-0370K, Denise L. Wagner, Tax Key: ing, Contractor: Vertical ing, Contractor: Mark and No. B2008-0484H, 03/13/08 Altomare, 14-573 Seaview 03/11/08 7-6-003-003-0001. Permit Construction Corp., Tax Key: Anita Derkovich, Tax Key: n $168,500–72-230 Road, new dwelling, n $450,000–15-2793 Opae No. B2008-0338K, 03/04/08 6-7-008-018-0000. Permit 9-2-117-009-0000. Permit Kahikole St., addition swimContractor: Peter J. Altomare, St., alteration, Contractor: n $194,000—28-250 No. B2008-0428H, 03/03/08 No. B2008-0460H, 03/07/08 ming pool, Contractor: Kai Tax Key: 1-4-088-013-0000. Kenneth E. Groff, Tax Key: Kauina Road, new dwelln $156,431—67-1238 n $65,845—15-2660 Pahoa Pono Builders Inc., Tax Key: Permit No. B2008-0450H, 1-5-110-095-0000. Permit ing, Contractor: C&S Puehale Place, new dwellVillage Road, structure 7-2-030-003-0000. Permit 03/05/08 No. B2008-0468H, 03/10/08 Construction Inc., Tax Key: ing, Contractor: Vertical antenna, Contractor: Brett Hill No. B2008-0466H, 03/10/08 n $100,000—68-3755 Lolena n $400,000–556 Alenaio 2-8-008-060-0000. Permit Construction Corp., Tax Key: Construction Inc., Tax Key: n $152,430–Nicholas P. and Place, alteration, Contractor: Lane, apartment, Contractor: No. B2008-0454H, 03/05/08 6-7-008-024-0000. Permit 1-5-007-080-0000. Permit Jane M. Van Brunt, Kaawaloa Lawrence R. Johnson Aina Kuai Builders Inc., Tax n $186,000—Kahua & Waika, No. B2008-0430H, 03/03/08 No. B2008-0451H, 03/05/08 Makai, addition gazebo, Construction Inc., Tax Key: Key: 2-3-018-029-0000. new dwelling, Contractor: n $150,000—69-425 n $64,812—Edward T. Contractor: Nicholas P. and 6-8-014-055-0000. Permit Permit No. B2008-0483H, Bobby Inc., Tax Key: Waikoloa Beach Drive, Callahan, 13-138 Opihikao Jane M. Van Brunt, Tax Key: No. B2008-0334K, 03/04/08 03/12/08 5-9-015-087-0000. Permit alteration retail, Contractor: Beach Road, Puna, addi8-1-009-046-0000. Permit n $100,000—78-7032 n $350,000–Margaret W. No. B2008-0355K, 03/06/08 Builders, Tax Key: tion garage, Contractor: No. B2008-0378K, 03/13/08 Ola Mau St., alteration, Stearns Trust, 19-4580 n $179,721—67-1231 GBSwinerton 6-9-007-014-0000. Permit Edward T. Callahan, Tax Key: n $150,000–16-186 Wiliama Contractor: Bennett Builders, Ama’uma’u Road, new dwellPuehale Place, new dwellNo. B2008-0333K, 03/03/08 1-3-004-060-0000. Permit St., building, Contractor: Tax Key: 7-8-011-020-0000. ing, Contractor: Margaret ing, Contractor: Vertical n $135,500—Kaauhuhu No. B2008-0446H, 03/05/08 Kahele Construction, Tax Key: Permit No. B2008-0361K, W. Stearns Trust, Tax Key: Construction Corp., Tax Key: =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1 Homesteads, new dwelln $61,350—Johnson-Lamb 1-6-146-031-0000. Permit 03/07/08 1-9-001-034-0000. Permit 6-7-008-015-0000. Permit Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% ing, Contractor: Hodgson Family Trust, 15-1877 27th No. B2008-0496H, 03/14/08 n $100,000—Peter No. B2008-0495H, 03/14/08 No. B2008-0426H, 03/03/08 KF;8PJ;8K<1 120606 Construction, Tax Key: Ave., alteration, Contractor: n $135,000–Daryl L. S. Berezney, 65-1369 n $300,000–Domingo Family =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% n $175,000—Geronimo 5-5-002-103-0000. Permit Johnson-Lamb Family Trust, Smith, 11-3869 Ruby Ave., Konokohau Road,gb alteration, Trust, 74-1451 Hao Kuni St., @JJL<;8K<1 120806 J. Jr. and Conchita Ranan, FBKFILE No. B2008-0341K, 03/04/08 addition, =ifd1 Contractor: Peter S. Berezney, Tax Key: 1-5-019-036-0000. 16-2154 Uilani Drive, =Xo1 @e`k`Xc1 Contractor: Domingo new dwelling, Contractor: 8;J@Q<1 bcdE. n $133,050—111 Permit No. B2008-0438H, Daryl L. Smith, Tax Key: Tax Key: 6-5-010-014-0000. Family Trust, Tax Key: FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip new dwelling, Contractor: Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% Puainako St., altera03/04/08 1-1-008-001-0000. Permit Permit No. B2008-0464H, 7-4-007-037-0000. Permit No. 112007 Geronimo J. Jr. and ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% tion, GIFF=1 Contractor: Projects n $50,000—27-2472 Hawaii No. B2008-0487H, 03/13/08 03/07/08 B2008-0377K, 03/13/08 3rd Conchita Ranan, Tax Key: 12307 1-6-084-116-0000. Permit FBKFILE Enterprises Inc., Tax Key: Belt Road, addition swimming n $96,600–Mac Hambrosio, n $90,000—Alexandr N. n $285,000–73-4609 $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% GB Contractor: 4/12/05 2-2-047-006-0000. Permit pool, Captain 16-2017 Sandalwood Court, Ogorodnikov, Kukuki St., new dwelling, @e`k`Xc1 14-3517 No. B2008-0434H, 03/03/08 $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% Card No. B2008-0465H, 03/07/08 Cook Pool & Spa Inc., Tax new dwelling, Contractor: Shell Road, new dwellContractor: ONS Inc., Tax n $175,000—16-2039 FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' n $130,400—Edward T. Key: 2-7-009-028-0000. Mac Hambrosio, Tax Key: ing, Contractor: Alexandr Key: 7-3-024-072-0002. Treefern Drive, new dwell- DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] 4/15/05 ;Xk\1 =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1B2008-0440H, Callahan, 13-138 Opihikao Permit No. 1-6-102-028-0000. Permit N. Ogorodnikov, Tax Key: Permit No. B2008-0372K, ing, Contractor: Hilo Bay Beach Road, Puna, new 03/04/08 No. B2008-0471H, 03/10/08 1-4-050-075-0000. Permit 03/11/08 Construction LLC, Tax Key: Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\ d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% BCDKF;8PJ;8K<1 3.056 x 1.6 081607 n $267,700–87-433 Kaohe dwelling, Contractor: n $50,000—73-5618 Maiau n $92,000–64-880 Kahilu No. B2008-0425H, 03/03/08 1-6-077-039-0000. Permit [YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% Edward T. Callahan, Tax Key: St., alteration, Contractor: Road, building, Contractor: n $90,000—11-2733 Pikake Mauka Road, new dwellNo. B2008-0462H, 03/07/08 @JJL<;8K<1 cpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' 082407 1st 1-3-004-060-0000. Permit Keven H. Rinkenbach, Tax Hodgson Construction, Tax St., new dwelling, Contractor: ing, Contractor: Clark and FBKFILE n $168,965—92-2318 @e No. B2008-0447H, 03/05/08 Key: 7-3-051-096-0000. Key: 6-4-024-036-0000. Mendiola Construction, Tax Karen Walker, Tax Key: Palm Parkway, altera8;J@Q<1 bcd FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip n $128,362—67-1235 Permit No. B2008-0342K, Permit No. B2008-0486H, Key: 1-1-035-116-0000. 8-7-008-052-0000. Permit tion, Contractor: Brett Hill ; DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] Puehale Place, new dwell03/05/08GIFF=1 1st 03/13/08 Permit No. B2008-0435H, No. B2008-0467H, 03/10/08 Construction Inc., Tax Key: ing,GB Contractor: Vertical n $50,000—Nann Hylton, n $89,000–133 Nohea St., 03/03/08 n $225,000–78-6824 9-2-062-054-0000. Permit =Xo1 Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\* Construction Corp., Tax=ifd1 Key: 69-1644 $K_i\\* Puako Beach Drive, new dwelling, Contractor: n $75,000—Randall and Makenawai St., new dwelling, No. B2008-0452H, 03/05/08 $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% 6-7-008-017-0000. Permit No. addition garage, Contractor: Sass Painting & Construction, Melody Clarke, 11-3504 Contractor: Isaac M. Tanaka, n $157,972—67-1233 Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% 111006 Puehale Place, new dwell=ifd1 Kf1 03/03/08 B2008-0429H, Nann Hylton, Tax Key: Plumeria St., alteration, =Xo1 Tax Key: 7-6-004-022-0000. HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% see Building permitsn $128,362—67-1236 6-9-003-016-0001. Permit Contractor: Randall andGc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% Permit No. B2008-0380K, Hawaii county, pAGe 32 KF;8PJ;8K<1 042508 11706 ing, Contractor: Vertical FBKFILE =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% @e`k`Xc1 @JJL<;8K<1 050208 FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip 44 FBKFILE 8;GIFF= 8;GIFF= 8;GIFF= building permitsHawaii county BUSINESS DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] TO BUSINESS DIRECTORY ;Xk\1 8;J@Q<1 BCD @e`k`Xc1 Call Greg Byrne to place a classified ad. 808 955-8060 FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% GIFF=1 FINAL [YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% T RI N UC ONS $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% ECXOTN ERSM ATT IOR C PA ccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' MICHAEL CHOI, CPA, LLC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS $PNNFSDJBM3FTJEFOUJBM 3FEVDF&OFSHZ$PTUT ZFBSTJO#VTJOFTT '3&&&TUJNBUFT 0BIV0G¾DF .BVJ0G¾DF #JH*TMBOE -JDFOTF#$ Professional accounting and tax services, including income, business, estate and trust tax returns. Reasonable fees. p: (808) 949-0452 | c: (808) 232-5859 %PO(FEHF 1SFTJEFOU 1585 Kapiolani Blvd., Ste. 905, Honolulu, HI 96814 [email protected] EV ENT PLANNING Western Pacific Building Materials, Inc. Serving Hawaii Since 1986 STOP TERMITES Your Property is Their Target FREE ESTIMATES “Integrity & Excellence of Service” Diversified Exterminators 841-5855 1940 Democrat St. #PC-651 LUXURY RENTA LS Pacific Rim Concepts, LLC Professionals in Meetings and Event Design with a Commitment to Excellence Doors, Windows, Stair Parts, Molding Lee-Ann Choy tel: (808) 864-9812 email: [email protected] CHRIS MCLAREN VICE PRESIDENT T: 988-5971 F: 988-9615 www.wpbm.net EXTERMI NATORS Since 1986 Let us plan your next conference or event! Property Management www.relohi.com Real Estate Property Management and Second Home Care Here to serve your various real estate needs 979-2804 [email protected] from page 31 Tax Key: 2-4-009-096-0000. Permit No. B2008-0481H, 03/12/08 n $70,000–Heidi L. Aste, 16-2007 Uhini Ana Road, new dwelling, Contractor: Heidi L. Aste, Tax Key: 1-6-021-052-0000. Permit No. B2008-0470H, 03/10/08 n $70,000–Daniel Brunet, 84-5209 Painted Church Road, new dwelling, Contractor: Daniel Brunet, Tax Key: 8-4-008-030-0000. Permit No. B2008-0371K, 03/11/08 n $69,800–Por Nienie Hamakua, new dwelling, Contractor: Hawaiian Home Commission, Tax Key: 4-6-012-021-0000. Permit No. B2008-0479H, 03/11/08 n $62,400–Kolo Opihihale, South Kona, building, Contractor: Nolls Family Trust, Tax Key: 8-7-013-034-0000. Permit No. B2008-0374K, 03/12/08 n $58,080–61-4113 Honouli St., new dwelling, Contractor: Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Tax Key: 6-1-009-043-0000. Permit No. B2008-0368K, 03/11/08 n $58,000–74-5055 041108 CD st No. B, Lahaina, alteraPermit No. B2008-0515, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0569, tion, Contractor: Oakstone 03/27/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Construction Inc., Tax Key: n $155,000–231 Uhaloa Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-011. n $141,000–192 Iniiniki 4-5-011-008. Permit No. St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0562, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, B2008-0510, 03/25/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes n $166,100–Honor Dizon, Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-042. n $150,000–15 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-052. Building Permits890 Lekeona Loop, Wailuku, Permit No. B2008-0516, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0570, mAui County addition, Contractor: Honor 03/27/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 n $700,000–325 Keawe Dizon, Tax Key: 3-3-009-088. n $155,000–47 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-004. n $141,000–203 Iniiniki St., Lahaina, alteraPermit No. B2008-0585, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0563, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, tion, Contractor: Cove 03/31/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes Development Inc., Tax Key: n $158,000–204 Iniiniki Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-012. n $150,000–196 Iniiniki Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-079. 4-5-011-008. Permit No. St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0557, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0571, B2008-0582, 03/31/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 n $320,000–Joseph Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-049. n $150,000–159 Kaikai Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-051. n $141,000–81 Nokekula Nolasco, 628 Wainee St., Permit No. B2008-0566, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0564, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Lahaina, addition, Contractor: 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes Joseph Nolasco, Tax Key: n $158,000–11 Uhaloha Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-046. n $141,000–54 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-020. 4-6-011-018. Permit No. St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0565, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0553, GB GB B2008-0529, 03/27/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 n $320,000–2897 Lauie Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-054. n $150,000–62 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-031. n $141,000–63 Nokekula Drive, Kula, Permit No. B2008-0514, Loop, Wailuku, Permit No. B2008-0545, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1 new dwelling, =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1 new dwelling, Contractor: John C. Grover, 03/27/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\ Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% Tax Key:KF;8PJ;8K<1 2-2-027-137. Permit KF;8PJ;8K<1 032508n $141,000–23 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-033. Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-016. 102207 n $155,000–74 Nokekula =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% No. B2008-0532, 03/28/08 Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0546, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0554, n $250,000–5 Puaniu 03/29/08@JJL<;8K<1 032808 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 @JJL<;8K<1 102607 Contractor: Spencer Homes FBKFILE FBKFILE Way, Lahaina, new dwelling, Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-036. n $150,000–73 Nokekula Inc., @e`k`Xc1 Tax Key: 3-5-029-006. n $141,000–51 Nokekula @e` 8;J@Q<1newBCD 8;J@Q<1 Contractor: Spencer Homes GB Permit No. B2008-0547, FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip Loop, Wailuku, dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0567, FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, BCD Inc., Tax Key: 4-7-001-031. 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes ;X DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] GIFF=1 2nd GIFF=1 Permit No. B2008-0521, n $155,000–74 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-018. n $141,000–39 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-013. 2nd =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1 03/27/08 Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0556, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0555, $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*' $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% n $250,000–Alejandro Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08$8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\ $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% KF;8PJ;8K<1 112007 Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-010. and Nefigin Sijalbo, 662 Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-036. n $150,000–195 Iniiniki n $134,850–Sandra and HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Huali Way, Kahului, addiPermit No. B2008-0547, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0568, Ronald Pasion/Kevin and @JJL<;8K<1 tion, Contractor: Alejandro 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer 112307 Homes 03/29/08 Kerry Salas, 198 Hoomaha FBKFILE @e` and Nefigin Sijalbo, Tax Key: n $155,000–32 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-081. n $141,000–151 Kaikai Road, Makawao, new dwell8;J@Q<1 bcd FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip 3-8-069-004. Permit No. Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0561, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, ing, Contractor: Sandra B2008-0535, 03/28/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes ; DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] see Building permitsGIFF=1 2nd n $169,331–335 Keawe Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-037. n $150,000–43 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-048. maui county, pAGe 33 =ifd1 Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% BUSINESS TO BUSINESS DIRECTORY FBKFILE FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip M ATC H M A KI N G DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] Call Greg Byrne to place a classified ad. 808 955-8060 @e`k`Xc1 TES FREE ESTIMATES 21407 Card eZci]djhZh -JDFOTF/P#$ $"$$ Painting & Waterproofing, Inc. ]dcdajajrealty#Xdb Zg^Xc#]^aa!gZVaidg Specializing in: *TMBOE8JEF4FSWJDFT Member of: GB 0BIV $PODSFUF3FTUPSBUJPO ,POB 3PPG$PBUJOH Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1 ]dcdajajgZVain^cX .BVJ 8BUFSQSPP¾OH =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% Kf1 Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% XXXLBXJLBTQBJOUJOHDPN &MBTUPNFSJD$PBUJOHT KF;8PJ;8K<1 092007 FBKFILE =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% PBIV!LBXJLBTQBJOUJOHDPN $BSQFOUSZ3FQBJST =Xo1 =ifd1 8;GIFF= 121207 REA L ESTATE PAINTING ;Xk\1 IMA gc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% EST E E fm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% FR :Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' GB $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*' $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' @JJL<;8K<1 092807 FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip M EME NN S’' SS AT ATTIRE TIRE 8;J@Q<1 BusCard DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] @e`k`Xc1 ;Xk\1 FBKFILE R EAL ES TATE FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip Update your summer wardrobe 8;GIFF= 337 040308 =Xo1 MAy 16, 2008 Tomi Tomi Drive, building, Contractor: Florek Boehmer Trust, Tax Key: 7-4-004-028-0000. Permit No. B2008-0367K, 03/10/08 8;GIFF= 8;GIFF= Building PermitsHAwAii County <1 Business leAds pAcific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com 8;GIFF= 32 *((#'&%% KF;8PJ;8K<1 050808 @e`k`Xc1 @JJL<;8K<1 ??? 8;J@Q<1 ;Xk\1 =Xo1 Gc\Xj\Xggifm\Xjjf =XoYXZbkf0,,$/', FBKFILE BCD FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fe DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] GIFF=1 2nd d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej# [YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% GIFF=1 2nd $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% Top Producer (2004-2006) Visit Andy Mohan Inc. cpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% R E A Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zk L E S TAT E Waikoloa, South Kohala, Big Island $K_i\\* for in store specials HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefd DAN ALDRIDGE PB, GRI 3FBM&TUBUF%FWFMPQNFOU %FTJHO.BOBHFNFOU Aloha Shirts, Blazers, HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0 Aldridge Associates – Realtors 1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOU 3FTJEFOUJBM$PNNFSDJBM Sport Coats, Suits phone: (808)883-8300 1SPGPSNB'JOBODJOH 1SPKFDU"DDPVOUJOH cell: (808) 989-4128 'FBTJCJMJUZ"OBMZTJT $%6"1FSNJUT toll-free: 1-800-66-ALOHA 4JUF&WBMVBUJPO&OUJUMFNFOUT %FBM4USVDUVSF www.andymohan.com | 808-521-1222 #"/,*/( DAN’S THE MAN lV^`dadV#cZiqYVc@lV^`dadV#cZiq6ad]V=VlV^^KVXi^dcVh#Xdb Cooper & Cooper T 587.8020 C 398.4782 [email protected] MO RT G A GE L OA N S Hawaii’s Oldest & Largest Life Insurance Company REFINANCE YOUR APARTMENT BUILDING LOW FIXED INTEREST RATES H. Brian Moore 942-1350 $ David Soong 942-1353 4FSWJOH)POPMVMVXJUIUIF"MPIB4QJSJU TJODF'PSHFUUIFIBTTMFXF QSPWJEFGVMMTFSWJDFGPSPOF¿BUQSJDF /PTUBSUVQGFFT 2VBMJUZ1SPQFSUZ.BOBHFNFOU “Making your real estate Dreams a Reality Trusted by Oahu Homeowners since 1978!” Margaret Murchie Realtor, Vice President 6aYg^Y\Z6hhdX^ViZh &BDIPG¾DF*OEFQFOEFOUMZPXOFEBOEPQFSBUFE Power of Market Knowledge Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties, Kahala Office Email: [email protected] 808-226-6600 5JOB:FF-BV3"(3* www.margaretm.com 1 GB 8;GIFF= MAy 16, 2008 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY PREVIEW =ifd1 =Xo1 Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% GB KAILUA-KONA, HI FBKFILE Class A Office Space FOR SALE (FS) FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip Kf1 8;GIFF= =ifd1 pacificbusinessnews.com | PAcific buSinESS nEwS @e`k`Xc1 ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] KF;8PJ;8K<1 040808 8;GIFF= GB 2317 Fern Street Honolulu, HI 96826 8;GIFF= 840 to 5,700 sf 2BL GIFF=1 1st KF;8PJ;8K<1 @JJL<;8K<1 050808 Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\Yf =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% 051608 HALAWA 8;J@Q<1 4BL INHALE! WAREHOUSE =ifd1 GIFF=1 1st FBKFILE [email protected] $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' 808-937-3965 KF;8PJ;8K<1 @JJL<;8K<1 031708 032108 =Xo1 8;GIFF= Kf1 .( *" *"+), *3 *! 0 '&*& 13 /# &(0 +* $$&!# 2 GB "" ,+4 !+) 111 1 &&+)#.*" *"!+) Kf1 Skylights and Offices Exclusive MLS #yard 207334 MLS # 207334 with808-964-5994 parking 808-964-5994 Easy access from [email protected] [email protected] H1 and H3 freeways 1400 Kapiolani Boulevard For Info callEXHALE! 478-3737 or Menehune Water Company (808) 531-5200 at 487-7777 Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% =ifd1 =Xo1 Great Location & Free Customer Parking CPP1x1PGCForLease.ai 4/11/2008 3:17:46 PM =Xo1 =ifd1 EXHALE! Build your own Build business! bus Zoned and approved Zoned an plans for anything plans fo CV-10! CV Gas Station, Condos Gas Stat Retail, Bar/Rest. etc Retail, B up to 26,000 sf! up to 2 MLS# 207394 & 207395MLS# 207 808-443-6373 [email protected] FBKFILE Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% KF;8PJ;8K<1=ifd1 040208 WARD AVE OFFICE @e`k`Xc1 =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% FOR LEASE VACANT LAND - 87 1818 Farrington Hwy. FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip 2BL Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% Waikoloa Village Free Customer Parking @JJL<;8K<1 040408 =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% FBKFILE DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] 8BJQIV5PXO$FOUFS GIFF=1 1st @e`k`Xc1 & Prestigious Building Association FBKFILE 8;J@Q<1 1BL 3FEVDFE1SJDF FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip MODERN LOFT 'BSSJOHUPO)XZ @e`k`Xc1 $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% 1500-to-2448 sq feet -BOETRGU FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% GIFF=1 3rd Today’s Date: 04/11/08 850 Richards Street Looking for tenant for TGBQQSPY ;POJOH# ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] $1/sf Call 979-2100 HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Office Space 717-1,386 RSF To: Pacific Business News 1SJNF3FUBJM4QBDF $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% Bar/Restaurant )JHI7JTJCJMJUZDPSOFSMPU Modern Loft 1,780 RSF $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% \gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% Greg Byrne - 955-8050 µGSPOUBHF facility next to golf dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Full kitchen & bath FEE SIMPLE VACANT LOT FORSteph SALE Higa - 441-9757 From: Hawaii Commercial Real Estate, LLC: .BOZQPTTJCMFVTFT ekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' course on Big Island. Open floor plan 1812 Kalakaua Ave | B-2 Zoning Ad Size: 1x1 CPP Section Large Windows 28,761 sf (0.66 ac) | $6.1 M %FOOJT8JFOT# $$*. Insertion Dates: 04/18/08 Pacific Guardian Center Michael Okamoto—593.8987 Interested parties call 1IPOF MERIDIAN PACIFIC [email protected] 808 883 8742 EFOOJTXJFOT!DCJIBXBJJDPN (808) 677-6770 8;J@Q<1 C T 808.521.1200 | WWW.CBRE.COM/HAWAII M Y FOR LEASE CM 4,000 sq ft to 45,000 sq ft Prime Office Space Airport/Lagoon Drive Castle & Cooke Aviation Bldg (808) 548-3735 MY CY CMY K Waipio Business Center PBNsimple Ad-Fern Street A fee Condominium page 1 Warehouse Development 99 Fee Simple Units 1,443-5,826 Square Feet Waipio Uka & Moaniani Sts OPEN HOUSE Broker on Site Sunday 11am - 1pm Ambard & Company (808)521-2223 A THM Partners Development www.WaipioBusinessCenter.com @e`k`X NOW LEASING! NOW L INHALE! DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] ;Xk\ =Xo1 Lot Size: 7,200 SF Big Island Big Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% Building Size: 4,557 SF $K_i\\* 32,321 sq.Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d fteasier Number of Apartment Units: 7 Breathe Breathe easier =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% Commercial Comm Spacious interiors and individual water at $1.09 perHamakua sq. ft. HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' on the on the Hamakua heaters, electric meters, and washers FBKFILE =ifd1 100% Occupancy Land! La @e`k`Xc1 Coast! Coast! Refrigarated Room, FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip 8 acre Ocean 8 acre Ocean @e`k`Xc1 View Gentlemen’s View Gentlemen’s $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip 3 roll up doors Mark Storfer CCIM HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Estate Farm Estate Farm ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] (808) 375-0449 "1 -" ,+4 =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1 ifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% @JJL<;8K<1 041108 pilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% =Xo1 Kf1 8;J@Q<1 1BL fiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% KF;8PJ;8K<1 042508 $1,879,000 ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] HD Storage Racks, =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% #10&("&*%5+/.+$ -'&*%GIFF=1 2nd @JJL<;8K<1 050208 FBKFILE Electric Lifts & Chargers $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% 8;J@Q<1 33 Call Greg Byrne to place a classified ad. 808 955-8060 8;GIFF= and Ronald Pasion/Kevin and Kerry Salas, Tax Key: 2-4-032-052. Permit No. B2008-0538, 03/28/08 n $131,670–Joseph and Elizabeth Caro, 1004 Honokala Road, Haiku, new dwelling, Contractor: Joseph and Elizabeth Caro, Tax Key: 2-9-002-026. Permit No. B2008-0536, 03/28/08 8;GIFF= from page 32 B GB Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-019. Inc., Tax Key: n $128,000–164 Kaikai KF;8PJ;8K<1 Kaikai Kf1 n $128,000–156 Kaikai 050508 =ifd =Xo13-5-029-08-. =Xo1=ifd1 Kf1n $128,000–155 =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% Permit No. B2008-0550, Permit No. B2008-0574, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\Zb 050908 @JJL<;8K<1 03/29/08 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes Contractor:FBKFILE Spencer Homes Contractor: Spencer Homes 050908 050908 KF;8PJ;8K<1 KF;8PJ;8K<1 =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% n $128,000–27 Nokekula n $128,000–183 Iniiniki Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-039. Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-047. Inc., =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% Tax Key: 3-5-029-041. @e`k`Xc1 3BL @JJL<;8K<1 FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip Wailuku, new dwelling, St., 051608? Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0548, 8;J@Q<1 St., Permit No.051608? B2008-0573, @JJL<;8K<1 Permit No. B2008-0540, FBKFILE FBKFILE Contractor: Spencer Homes Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 03/29/08 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] 03/29/08 @e`k`Xc1 ;Xk\1 2-2BL Nokekula8;J@Q<1 Inc., 2-2BL 8;J@Q<1 2nd FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip Tax Key: 3-5-029-007. Tax Key:FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip 3-5-029-084. n $128,000–70 NokekulaGIFF=1Inc., n $128,000–55 n $128,000–66 Nokekula No. B2008-0572, Permit No. B2008-0575, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] $K_i\\* Permit Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% GIFF=1 1st Revised GIFF=1 1st Revised 03/29/08 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes Contractor: Spencer Homes Contractor: Spencer Homes $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% n $128,000–67 Nokekula n $128,000–59 Nokekula Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-035. Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-014.$K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-034. $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Permit No. B2008-0549, Permit No. B2008-0552, $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% Permit No. B2008-0541, Contractor: Spencer Homes Contractor: Spencer Homes 03/29/08 03/29/08 03/29/08 HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-017. Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-015. n $128,000–77 Nokekula n $128,000–199 Iniiniki Permit No. B2008-0551, Permit No. B2008-0558, Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, St., Wailuku, new dwelling, SEE Building permits03/29/08 03/29/08 Contractor: Spencer Homes Contractor: Spencer Homes maui county, PAGE 34 building permitsmaui county 1141 GB business leads =Xo1 Kf1 FOR LEASE OFFICE/RETAIL Downtown Honolulu Wednesday, AprilGuardian 16, 2008 Center 20:00 Pacific Composite 254 sf - 11,134 sf LVciidgZVX]]^\]Zg\gdjcY4 6YkZgi^hZ^cE7C¼h8dbbZg^XVaEgdeZginEgZk^Zl Menehune Water 8dciVXi<gZ\7ngcZ -%-.**"-%+% INSTANT OFFICES 1888 Kalakaua Ave. Fully Furnished Office Suites Dedicated Phone/Fax Conference Rooms/Hi-Speed Internet Receptionist answered calls Ph: 808-447-5801 www.resourcesuites.com Meridian Pacific - Waipahu Twn. Ctr FOR SALE: INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE KALIHI KAI - Fully leased, demised into 3 condo units, 24,935 SF GLA. Hi-cube, mezz, office space, parking Great Location! AVALON CALL NOW! COMMERCIAL (808) 587-7770 LLL#E68>;>87JH>C:HHC:LH#8DB 808-4 tropicalp business leads PAcific buSinESS nEwS | pacificbusinessnews.com MAy 16, 2008 Honolulu, Oahu 96813. Pharr Jr., 2324 Lime St. Suite Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Kihei, addition swimming pool, 154 Ohaa St., Kahului, $37,076 (1040: 2002), A, Honolulu, Oahu 96826. Contractor: Spencer Homes Contractor: Kuwe Residence, addition, Contractor: Document No. 2008-009884, $15,712 (1040: 1999, 2000, Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-008. Tax Key: 3-9-060-008. Permit Craylan Ahsam, Tax Key: from PaGe 33 01/23/08 2003-2006), Document No. Permit No. B2008-0560, No. B2008-0528, 03/27/08 3-8-030-049. Permit No. n Enzamin USA Inc., 2008-009889, 01/23/08 03/29/08 n $68,000–3750 Wailea B2008-0533, 03/28/08 n $128,000–58 Nokekula 73-4490 Queen Kaahumanu n Ruth C. Kajiwara, 1518 n $125,000–160 Kaikai Alanui, Kihei, alteration, n $14,100–168 Kaikai Loop, Wailuku, new dwelling, Highway, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii Kokea St., Honolulu, Oahu St., Wailuku, Contractor: Custom St., Wailuku, new dwelling, =ifd1 MauiGB =Xo1 new dwelling, Kf1 Contractor: Spencer Homes 96740. $34,535 (941: 2006 96817. $20,895 (1040: Contractor: Spencer Homes Woodworks Inc., Tax Key: Contractor: Spencer Homes Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-032. Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% 051408 KF;8PJ;8K<1 Dec., 2007 June), Document 2004, 2005), Document No. Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-040. 2-1-008-075. Permit No. Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-038. Permit No. B2008-0542, =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% =ifd1 01/23/08 =Xo1 No. 2008-009885, 01/23/08 2008-009890, Permit No. B2008-0543, B2008-0511, 03/27/08 Kf1 Permit No. B2008-0545, 03/29/08 @JJL<;8K<1 051608 n Terrill S. Chock, 425 South n Daniel K. and Danna 03/29/08FBKFILE n $62,000–Rich Etrata, 1572 03/29/08 n $125,000–22 Pokoa Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k 121007 St. Suite 1001, Honolulu, F. Kula, 92-698 Paakai n $95,000–313 Paani Place, S. Hoalauna Place,@e`k`Xc1 LanaiKF;8PJ;8K<1 City, P2 Haiku, new dwelling, 8;J@Q<1Place, =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip Oahu 96813. $22,755 (6672: St., Kapolei, Oahu 96707. Paia, addition swimming pool, addition, Contractor: Rick F e d eral and Contractor: David H. Lerman, @JJL<;8K<1 ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] FBKFILE 2005 March, $1,367 (1040: 2005, 2006), Contractor: David Spee, Tax Etrata, Tax Key: 4-9-016-058. Tax 1st Key: 2-7-019-011. Permit GIFF=1 s T121407 a T e T a x l i e n s 2004 March, @e`k`Xc1 June, Sept., 2006 March, Document No. 2008-009891, Key: 3-8-002-064. Permit No. Permit No. B2008-0576, 8;J@Q<1 No. B2008-0497, 03/24/08 FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip P2 Federal and state tax liens $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% June, Sept., Dec.), Document 01/23/08 B2008-0581, 03/31/08 03/31/08 n $125,000–18 Nolekula were filed at the Bureau $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] No. 2008-009886, 01/23/08 n Andre P. Chatman, 1164 n $81,240–John Lloyd, 275 n $62,000–Chuco and Judy St., Wailuku, new dwelling, GIFF=1 of Conveyances, 1151 1st HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' n Joseph K. Travis III, P.O. Bishop St. Suite 124, Mohalu St., Kahului, addition, Giron, 106 Kuualoha St., Contractor: Spencer Homes Punchbowl St., against the $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% Box 701252, Kapolei, Oahu Honolulu, Oahu 96813. Contractor: John Lloyd, Tax Kahului, addition, Contractor: Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-043. following individuals and $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% 96709. $8,607 (1040: 1999, $7,305 (1040: 2003, 2004), Key: 3-8-072-046. Permit No. Chuco and Judy Giron, Tax Permit No. B2008-0513, businesses. Type of taxes 2001-2003), Document No. Document No. 2008-009892, B2008-0580, 03/31/08 Key: 3-8-081-031. PermitHL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' No. 03/27/08 claimed delinquent is shown 2008-009887, 01/23/08 01/23/08 n $80,000–500 Bay B2008-0577, 03/31/08 n $125,000–187 Iniiniki in parentheses. Document n Daniel K. Kula, 92-698 n Maui Gallery Inc., 672 Front Drive, Lahaina, alteration, n $50,000–21 Laukahi St., numbers and filing dates at St., Wailuku, new dwelling, Paakai St., Kapolei, Oahu St. Suite 123, Lahaina, Maui Contractor: Thad Henry Kihei, addition, Contractor: end of each listing. Contractor: Spencer Homes 96707. $6,280 (1040: 96761. $9,061 (940: 2006; Design Group Hawaii Inc., Tax Thomas M. Burke, Tax Key: Inc., Tax Key: 3-5-029-083. 2000, 2004), Document No. 941: 2006), Document No. Key: 4-2-001-024. Permit No. 3-9-060-008. Permit No. Federal Tax liens Permit No. B2008-0559, 2008-009888, 01/23/08 B2008-0578, 03/31/08 B2008-0526, 03/27/08 n Norman and Tupou Harris, 03/29/08 n Patrick A. and Melody A. n $70,000–21 Laukahi St., n $50,000–Craylan Ahsam, SEE federal tax liens, PAGE 35 1885 Puowaina Drive, n $125,000–31 Nokekula building permiTsmaui counTy 8;GIFF= 8;GIFF= B 34 7.4967 PROPERTIESINPARADISE Kailua Beachside $2,195,000 B 8;GIFF= Call Greg Byrne to place a classified ad. 808 955-8060 3FNPEFMFEFYFD JODPWFUFE,BJMVBOB =ifd1 =Xo1 -PPQ4QBDJPVTºPPS Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% QMBOXOFXHPVSNFU =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% LJUDIFOEFO¹SFQMBDF FBKFILE @e`k`Xc1 TBMUXBUFSQPPMTQB FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip DVTUPNBQQPJOUNFOUT ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] Kf1 KF;8PJ;8K<1 @JJL<;8K<1 050608 050908 P2 8;J@Q<1 GIFF=1 2nd $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' For Record Results, call Patricia Case, Esq. (R) President, Principal Broker, Attorney Top 5 Luxury Brokers Member, Who’s Who in Luxury Real Estate (808) 526-CASE U www.CaseProperties.com Isoshima Building Offers... TIRED OF PAYING RENT FOR YOUR OFFICE SPACE!! KAHALA AVENUE ELEGANCE Elegant home of superior quality in excellent condition on large level lot. Four Bedrooms four and one half baths, formal dining room, spacious living room with soaring ceiling. Guest quarters w/separate entrance, private offices, walk-in closets, laundry room and storage rooms. Three car garage. 75ft heated lap pool and spa. Offered at $3,695,000 William Bondanza, Realtor | Bondanza Inc. Real Estate | www.Bondanza.biz O: 808.528.4471 | Cel: 808.220.2816 | E: [email protected] 180° of endless ocean views... 1144 10th Avenue, Kaimuki Isoshima Building offers your company the ability to own your FEE SIMPLE office Space. FOUR (4) units ranging in size from 5,331 s.f. to 6.549 s.f. or the whole building containing 23,000 s.f. One (1) parking stall per 480 s.f. of net rentable area of each unit is included in purchase price. Excellent freeway access. Kaimuki Central Business District. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO OWN!!! WHEELES & ASSOCIATES LLC Doyle Wheeles (PB) 808-592-0700 [email protected] Maryann Trout (S) 808-592-0707 [email protected] This Anini Vista Home, North Shore, Kaua‘i is a one of a kind property that Pattycan Caserightfully claim to be one of the finest homes anywhere in the State of Hawai‘i. Please call Neal Norman (R) 808.651.1777 for info. www.koakauai.com Federal tax liens from PaGe 34 2008-009893, 01/23/08 n Melvin C. Oskins, 764 lalani Circle, Kahului, Maui 96732. $8,475 (941: 2007 June), Document No. 2008-009894, 01/23/08 n Eva Yuen, 225 Auoli Drive, Makawao, Maui 96768. $4,913 (940: 2003, 2004; 941: 2003 March, June, Sept., Dec., 2004 March, June, Sept.), Document No. 2008-009895, 01/23/08 n Handi-Express LLC, P.O. Box 37488, Honolulu, Oahu 96837. $15,639 (941: 2006 Dec., 2007 June, Sept.), Document No. 2008-009896, 01/23/08 n Jonathan Cross DDS Inc., 3660 Waialae Ave. Suite 201, Honolulu, Oahu 96816. $7,442 (941: 2007 Sept.), Document No. 2008-009897, 01/23/08 4967 n Pro-Rooter, 1080 Wanaka St., Honolulu, Oahu 96818. $33,392 (941: 2006 Dec., 2007 March, June), Document No. 2008-009898, 01/23/08 n Tae Hwa Joy Machine Inc., 1095 Dillingham Blvd. Suite F-4, Honolulu, Oahu 96817. $7,955 (941: 2006; 941: 2006 Dec.), Document No. 2008-009899, 01/23/08 n Heather Macgregor, 2625 Ferdinand Ave., Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $31,214 (6672: 2006 Sept., Dec.), Document No. 2008-009900, 01/23/08 n Gregory and Jacqueline L. Stubbs, 91-1034 Kaimalie St. Suite 4E1, Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706. $15,316 (1040: 2006), Document No. 2008-009901, 01/23/08 n Kim Condran, 251-A Kaiulani Ave., Honolulu, Oahu 96815. $27,414 (1040: 2002), Document No. 2008-012284, 01/28/08 PROPERTIESINPARADISE B 8;GIFF= business leads MAy 16, 2008 KF;8PJ;8K<1 @JJL<;8K<1 051408 051608 Document No. 2008-012289, 01/28/08 n Lawrence Wright, P.O. Box 686, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778. $7,499 (1040: 1999, 2001, 2003), Document No. 2008-012290, 01/28/08 n Jerol Hanson, 4970 Kilauea Ave. Suite 402, Honolulu, Oahu 96816. $48,927 (1040: 2003-2005), Document No. 2008-012291, 01/28/08 n Elwin deceased and Eleonora Keliipuleole, 2203-A Ahe Place, Honolulu, Oahu 96816. $2,649 (1040: 1998), Document No. 2008-012292, 01/28/08 n Jason S. Levy, 117 Ahui St., Honolulu, Oahu 96813. $12,231 (1040: 2000, 2001), Document No. 2008-012293, 01/28/08 n Daryl T. Tokoro, P.O. Box 4391, Kaneohe, Oahu 96744. $23,233 (1040: 2002, 2003), Document No. 2008-012294, 01/28/08 n Leonard Y. Letoto, 5335 Edgewater Drive, Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706. $28,726 (1040: 2002, 2003), Document No. 2008-012295, 01/28/08 n Nicholas Jr. and Amanda J. Lorenzo, P.O. Box 72, Kapaau, Hawaii 96755. $7,006 (1040: 2002-2005), Document No. 2008-012296, 01/28/08 n Thelma Santos, 611 University Ave. Suite 306, Honolulu, Oahu 96826. $17,039 (1040: 2004-2006), Document No. 2008-012297, 01/28/08 n Gerald Nishioka, 850 Kawaiahao St. Suite 452, Honolulu, Oahu 96813. $10,028 (1040: 2000, 2003), Document No. 2008-012298, 01/28/08 n Jeffrey Ano, P.O. Box 40, Lawai, Hawaii 96765. $8,065 (1040: 2005, 2006), Document No. 2008-012299, 01/28/08 35 n Liane P.Y. Ching and Kris Mehrmann, 3176 E. Manoa Road, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $10,067 (1040: 2003, 2004), Document No. 2008-012300, 01/28/08 n Jonathan P. Fernandez, P.O. Box 2056, Kapaa, Kauai 96746. $93,138 (1040: 2000-2005), Document No. 2008-012301, 01/28/08 n David Avei, 91-961 Ololani St., Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706. $6,214 (1040: 2005), Document No. 2008-012302, 01/28/08 n John C. Carignan, 436 Dune Circle, Kailua, Oahu 96734. $59,732 (1040: 2002, 2003), Document No. 2008-012303, 01/28/08 n Anthony Cerni, 68-3890 Lua Kula St. Suite 2506, Waikoloa, Hawaii 96738. $29,142 (1040: 2001-2003), Document No. 2008-012304, see federal tax liens, pAGe 36 Call Greg Byrne to place a classified ad. 808 955-8060 Luxury Living =Xo1 Kf1 n Calvin C. and Annette L. Gracioza, 45-618 Suite G, Kaneohe, Oahu 96744. $16,968 (1040: 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-012285, 01/28/08 n Alena LLC, 2345 Kuhio Ave. Suite 5, Honolulu, Oahu 96815. $120,074 (941: 2006 Sept., Dec., 2007 March, June, Sept.), Document No. 2008-012286, 01/28/08 n TS Entertainment Inc., P.O. Box 384749, Waikoloa, Hawaii 96738. $2,972 (941: 2007 June, Sept.), Document No. 2008-012287, 01/28/08 n William and Cynthia Repp, 76-398 Kanaka St., Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740. $17,214 (1040: 2003-2005), Document No. 2008-012288, 01/28/08 n Wilbert S. and Corinne L. Rodrigues, P.O. Box 603, Puunene, Maui 96784. $11,003 (1040: 200-2004), pacificbusinessnews.com | pAcific business news =ifd1 I N H AWA I I Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% FBKFILE @e`k`Xc1 When only exquisite will do! This luxurious FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip and fully furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] features spectacular sunsets and an amazing, GIFF=1 2nd unobstructed ocean view. Own this coveted $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% “03” with a lanai on the 43rd floor in this $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% magnificent complex. Koolani, your private HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' home in paradise with world class amenities. $1,140,000 FS MLS #2804034 8;J@Q<1 P2 To view all of our Fine Homes and Estate Properties please visit us at W W W. H AWA I I M O V E S . CO M N a t i o n w i d e To l l - Fr e e 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 3 5 - 2 1 0 0 1215 Hunakai St., Suite 200, Honolulu, HI 96816 ! www.ChoiRealty.com ! TEL 808.734.7711 ! FAX 808.735.8879 ! [email protected] !" 58-102 Mamao St – North Shore 6SHFOUOFFEUPTFMM#FBVUJGVMMZJNQSPWFEIPNFXJUIQSJWBDZHBUFBOEDIBSNJOHFOUSZEFDLTVSSPVOEFE CZMBOETDBQFEHBSEFOTUSBORVJMXBUFSGFBUVSFCESNTCBUITTRGUMBOEBSFB7JOZM XJOEPXTDFSBNJDUJMFMBVOESZBSFBHBSBHF*EFBMMPDBUJPOBDSPTT7FM[ZMBOEBOE#BDLZBSETTVS¾OH CFBDIBOEXBMLUPTBOEZ4VOTFU#FBDI/PXPGGFSFEBU'4 .-4 Myra Brandt, R, CIPS, CRS, GRI, Principal Broker Victor Brandt, R, CCIM, CRS, GRI, President www.Brandts.com | www.KahalaAssociates.com 808.224.3413 | [email protected] Real Estate professionals Market your real estate business to Hawaii’s elite business community, advertise in PBN. ! To advertise, contact Greg Byrne at 955-8060 business leads pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 Olohena Road, Kapaa, Kauai Suite 1030, Honolulu, Oahu Jade Personal Representative, Honolulu, Oahu 96813. Guillermo, 47-546 Hui Kelu 96746. $8,724 (Income: 96826. $19,270 (941: 2003), 3138 Duval St., Honolulu, $4,255 (1040: 2003), St., Kaneohe, Oahu 96744. 2000, 2002, 2003), Document No. 2008-013078, Oahu 96815. $18,929 Document No. 2008-013093, $51,764 (1040: 2002, Document No. 2007-223853, 01/29/08 (1041: 1999, 2000), 01/29/08 2003, 2005), Document No. 12/31/07 n John Domingo, 105 Kaniau Document No. 2008-013086, n Glidewell Construction Inc., 2008-013880, 01/30/08 n Charles R. Newton, Road, Lahaina, Maui 96761. 01/29/08 P.O. Box 5548, Kailua-Kona, n Anthony K. Gomes, 94-250 PMB 225 P.O. Box $8,032 (1040: 2006), n Scott C. and Debra J. Hawaii 96745. $15,489 (941: Pulelo Place, Waipahu, Oahu 223300, Princeville, Kauai Document No. 2008-013079, Viguie, 2600 Kaumualii 2006 Dec., 2007 March), 96797. $14,729 (1040: 96722. $15,968 (Income: 01/29/08 Highway Suite B 18 PMB Document No. 2008-013094, 2001), Document No. 2001-2006), Document No. n Matthew R. Archbold, 418, Lihue, Kauai 96766. 01/29/08 2008-013881, 01/30/08 2007-223854, 12/31/07 59-076 Kahae Road, Haleiwa, $10,323 (1040: 2004, n Kevin Asahara, 2772-A n William G. Talley III, n Apelu F. Apelu and Oahu 96712. $11,245 2006), Document No. Laniloa Road, Honolulu, Oahu 73-1204 Ahikawa St., Elisabeth L. Lombard, 55-706 (1040: 2005, 2006), 2008-013087, 01/29/08 96813. $9,051 (1040: 2001, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740. Wahinepee St., Laie, Oahu Document No. 2008-013080, n Maui Auto Wrecking Inc., 2004-2006), Document No. $161,336 (1040: 2000, 96762. $511 (Income: 2004), 01/29/08 P.O. Box 856, Kihei, Maui 2008-013095, 01/29/08 2004), Document No. Document No. 2007-224263, n Rachels Enterprises Inc., 96753. $7,756 (940: 2004, n William Talley III, 73-1204 2008-013882, 01/30/08 12/31/07 3026 Koapaka St., Honolulu, 2005; 941: 2004 March, Ahikawa St., Kailua-Kona, n Clinton R. Belt, 42 Anohou n Sheldon Azuma, 94-1070 Oahu 96819. $6,299 (941: June, Sept., Dec., 2005 Hawaii 96740. $161,336 St., Paia, Maui 96779. $9,188 Lumiauau St., Waipahu, Oahu 2007 Sept.), Document No. March, 2006 June, Sept.), (1040: 2000, 2002), (1040: 2006), Document No. 96797. $317 (Income: 2002), 2008-013081, 01/29/08 Document No. 2008-013088, Document No. 2008-013096, 2008-013883, 01/30/08 Document No. 2007-224264, n All Nations Fellowship, 01/29/08 01/29/08 n David G. and Elena A. 12/31/07 2889 Mokumua St., Honolulu, n Lane Macpherson, 2090 n Shankar P. Bhat, 94-1067 Ferrara, 91-1013 Ahuua St., n Evelyn Carino, 556th PSB Oahu 96819. $14,404 Hanalima St. Suite AA-104, Halehau St., Waipahu, Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706. 456 Repl Col., Apo, AE. (941: 2006 June, Dec., 2007 Lihue, Kauai 96766. $210 Oahu 96797. $134,655 $32,605 (1040: 2006), 09815. $1,063 (Income: June, Sept.), Document No. (1040: 2005), Document No. (1040: 2001, 2003, 2004), Document No. 2008-013884, 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-013082, 01/29/08 2008-013089, 01/29/08 Document No. 2008-013097, 01/30/08 2007-224265, 12/31/07 n Lauifis Enterprises Inc., n Peter J. Lenhart, 1005 01/29/08 GBMakaloa St. Suite state tax liens n Country Yard Maintenance 1580 Kailua Road Suite J, Kailua, n Palm Court Beauty Salon, n Linda Sweet, PMB & Carpet Installation Inc., 1220, Honolulu, Oahu 96814. Oahu 96734. $48,628 P.O. Box 44702, Kamuela, 2007-223840 P.O. Box 8748, P.O. Box 193, Haleiwa, Oahu $10,613 (941: (1040: 2005, 2006), =Xo1 Hawaii 96743. $5,978=ifd1 Kf1 2006 June, Honolulu, Oahu 96830. $588 96712. $494 (Gen. Excise: Sept., Dec., 2007 March), Document No. 2008-013090, (940: 2003; 941: 2003 Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% GBJune), Document No. 05090801/29/08 KF;8PJ;8K<1 (Income: 1995), Document 2006 Jan.-March, May, June, Document No. 2008-013083, March, =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% No. 2007-223850, 12/31/07 August, Oct., Nov., 2007 Jan.01/29/08 n Gregory Duguran, P.O. 2008-013098, 01/29/08 051608 Box 751, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii @JJL<;8K<1 Contact GregInc., Byrne n David S.K. and Joannie=Xo1 March, May, June), Document n Browns Trucking n BBDK Inc., FBKFILE =ifd1 Kf194-200 @e`k`Xc1 Tam, 512 Iolani Ave. Suite No. 2007-224266, 12/31/07 P.O. Box 464, Hanamaulu, 96745. $9,438 (1040: Pupuole St. Suite 4, Waipahu, for more information. 4BL 8;J@Q<1 FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\Y 306, Honolulu, Oahu 96813. n Craig M. and Lorraine W. Kauai 96715. $10,585 (941: 1997, 2000), Document No. Oahu 96797.KF;8PJ;8K<1 $6,107 (6721: 051208 $21,129 ;Xk\1 (Income: 2006),=XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% Kimura, 94-1358 Kulewa 2007 June),GIFF=1 Document No. 2008-013091, 01/29/08 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] 2004 Dec; 941: 2007 March, 1st 051608Document No. 2007-223851, Loop Suite T, Waipahu, Oahu 2008-013084, 01/29/08 n Gregg M. Fujioka, 1026 June, Sept.),@JJL<;8K<1 Document No. FBKFILE $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% 12/31/07 96797. $3,261 (Income: n Thomas D. and Karyn S. Kalo Place Suite 305, 2008-013099, 01/29/08 @e`k` 8BL 8;J@Q<177-305 $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% n Tradesman Inc., 2511 E. FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip 2004), Document No. Lininger, 2253 Poipu Road Honolulu, Oahu 96826. n Regina Horton, Federal tax liens from PaGe 35 01/28/08 n Fred R. and Theresa K. Bigbie, 55-105 Kamehameha Highway, Laie, Oahu 96762. $46,206 (1040: 2002-2004, 2006), Document No. 2008-012305, 01/28/08 n Stewart D. Waterhouse, P.O. Box 700325, Kapolei, Oahu 96709. $8,374 (1040: 1998-2000, 2003-2005), Document No. 2008-012306, 01/28/08 n Kelly Duane Ottmar, 4107 Time Piece Circle, Stockton, Calif. 95219. $48,824 (941: 2005), Document No. 2008-012307, 01/28/08 n Michael E. Dunnicliffe, 3214 S. Kihei Road, Kihei, Maui 96753. $21,012 (1040: 2006), Document No. 2008-012308, 01/28/08 n Maxine G. Hokoana, P.O. Box 33, Hawaii National Park, Hawaii 96718. $10,219 (1040: 1997, 1999, 2000), Document No. 2008-012313, 01/28/08 n Sini F. and Nafetalai L. Oto, 465 S. Puunene Ave., Kahului, Maui 96732. $9,753 (1040: 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-013076, 01/29/08 n Belinda Jackson, 605 Kaiola St., Kihei, Maui 96753. GB Manoa Road, Honolulu, Oahu 2007-224267, 12/31/07 Building 40 HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Suite 404, Koloa, $9,029 (1040: 2004), Kalani Way Suite 1, Kailua$5,566 (1040: 2002-2004), ;Xk DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] GIFF=1 1st Rev GB 96822. $616 (Gen. Excise: n James K. Livingston and Kauai 96756. $51,334 Document No. 2008-013092, Kona, Hawaii 96740. $35,092 Document No. 2008-013077, 1999 Annual), Document No. 01/29/08 (1040: 2002), Document No. $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d 01/29/08 =ifd1 =Xo1 Kf1 (1040: 2006), Document No. 2007-223852, 12/31/07 $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% 2008-013085, 01/29/08 n Robert D. Krier, 1088 2008-013879, 01/30/08 n Stuart L. Rusnak M.D. see state tax liens, paGe 37 =ifd1 Kf1 n David Koerte, 5992 n Edward Ing Estate/Sen Bishop Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% St. Suite 409, n Earl=Xo1 S. andHL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Cynthia M. 040308 KF;8PJ;8K<1 Inc., 1319 Punahou St. =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% @JJL<;8K<1 041108 KF;8PJ;8K<1 030608 FBKFILE Still looking for the right place to advertise? 8;GIFF= MARKETPLACE 8;J@Q<1 8;GIFF= 8;GIFF= Reach businesspeople directly with PBN’s Classified Advertisements. 8;GIFF= =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% @e`k`Xc1 FBKFILE ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip to place a classifiedFBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip 1BLCall Greg Byrne @JJL<;8K<1 031408ad. 808 955-8060 GIFF=1 1st 8;J@Q<1 1BL @e`k`Xc1 $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% H AWA I I C A R E E R S DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] NOTI CE ;Xk\1 GIFF=1 1 $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% GB HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' RESEARCH ADMINISTRATOR, EPIDEMIOLOGY PROGRAM $K_i\\* Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% NOTICE TO DEVELOPERS Still looking for the right place to advertise? Position #78776T, Cancer Research Center, University of Hawaii $8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% =ifd1 =Xo1 (Chapter 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes) Kf1 HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Duties: Assists faculty with research grant preparation, submission, Gc\Xj\Xggifm\XjjffeXjgfjj`Yc\%:_\ZbXggifgi`Xk\YfoY\cfnXe[`e`k`Xc% The HAWAII HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (HHFDC) KF;8PJ;8K<1 042408 =XoYXZbkf0,,$/',(% is requesting for proposals from interested persons for the development of and implementation; works with fiscal staff to prepare proposal budone parcel located: 050208 @JJL<;8K<1 gets and forms. Responsible for monitoring budget expenditures and FBKFILE 8;GIFF= 3 36 Reach businesspeople directly with PBN’s Classified Advertisements. Contact Greg Byrne for more information. Review Boards 1BL allocations. Responsible for Institutional 8;J@Q<1personnel FBn`k_Zfii\Zk`fej#efgiff]e\Z\jjXip @e`k`Xc1 827 WAIAKA ROAD (IRB) applications. Assists with job recruitments. Min: BA and 3 HONOLULU, OAHU, HAWAII ;Xk\1 DXb\Zfii\Zk`fej#j\e[i\m`j\[giff] 2nd GIFF=1years of progressively responsible professional experience. Desirable: TMK: (1) 2-7-027: 014, 12,055 s.f. and 5 years mid-to-high level administrative experience. Pay $K_i\\*Masters Zfdgc`d\ekXipgiff]jXi\gifm`[\[%8[[`k`feXcgiff]Z_Xe^\jXi\jlYa\Zkkf-'g\i_fligif[lZk`feZ_Xi^\*'d`e% The objective of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to develop an afford$8[jefkXggifm\[YpEFFEN\[%dXpilen`k_flkZc`\ekjXggifmXc%K_\i\`jefdXb\^ff[fgk`fe% range: salary commensurate with experience. HL<JK@FEJ6¿:Xccpfli8[:fejlckXekfiZfekXZkG9Ej8[m\ik`j`e^;\gXikd\ekXk0,,$/',' Closing date: May 31, 2008. For complete job description and qualifications, go to http://workatuh.hawaii.edu. G H O ST W R I T I N G SVC S OPPORTUNITY GHOST WRITER Have you thought of boosting your business by writing a book? (808) 545-3463 earn more money in the next year than the past 5 years combined. www.solutiontowealth.com 800-687-2735 REALISTICALLY VA C AT I ON H OM E ADVERTISE HERE FOR AS LOW AS $53 CALL GREG @ 955-8060 ALASKA Vacation Home www.akvacationhomes.com 1-800-707-0807 Kamaaina Owned able, multi-family mid-rise project in this apartment-zoned neighborhood while utilizing the least amount of State of Hawaii resources. Copies of the RFP may be examined at HHFDC and parties may obtain a copy for a non-refundable amount of $100.00 which must be paid by cashier’s or certified check only. HHFDC office is located at: HAWAII HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 677 Queen Street, Suite 300 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 An informational meeting on this RFP will be held in the HHFDC Boardroom on June 25, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Completed proposals must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on August 14, 2008. Further information is available by calling Beth Malvestiti, Project Coordinator, at 587-0546 or Leo Domingo, Project Coordinator, at 587-3170. _____________________________________ Orlando “Dan” Davidson, Executive Director Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation business leads MAy 16, 2008 state tax liens from PaGe 36 Naneakoamaka Lopez, 45-265 William Henry Road Suite B-13, Kaneohe, Oahu 96744. $360 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2007-224268, 12/31/07 n Lionel W. and Margaret Luis, 408 N. Vineyard Blvd. Suite A-14, Honolulu, Oahu 96817. $786 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2007-224269, 12/31/07 n Rain S. Magyar, 2027 Lanihuli Drive, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $1,708 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2007-224270, 12/31/07 n Faaliliu P. and Koroseta Maiava, 91-103 Kaakina Place, Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706. $1,013 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2007-224271, 12/31/07 n Mark C. Michaelfree, 1107 E. Fremont Drive, Tempe, Ariz. 85282. $2,168 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2007-224272, 12/31/07 n Albert G. and Victoria V. Morales, 1020 Ihiihi Ave., Wahiawa, Oahu 96786. $762 (Income: 2004, 2006), Document No. 2007-224273, 12/31/07 n Faatalalelei and Samalaulau Pefua, 94-289 Leonui St. Suite 42, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $1,010 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2007-224274, 12/31/07 n Taniela Pepa dba Pepa Services, P.O. Box 159182, Honolulu, Oahu 96830. $313 (Gen. Excise: 206 Annual), Document No. 2007-224275, 12/31/07 n Elena Vierra, 1643 Clark St. Suite 402, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $596 (Income: 2001), Document No. 2007-224276, 12/31/07 n Elroy and Dale Wong, 89-280 Farrington Highway, Waianae, Oahu 96792. $7,989 (Income: 2003-2005), Document No. 2007-224277, 12/31/07 n Dennis R. Scheppers, P.O. Box 1025, Kalaheo, Kauai 96741. $72,275 (Income: 2002-2004), Document No. 2007-224313, 12/31/07 n Tracy M. Valente/South Shore Cleaning, P.O. Box 1130, Lawai, Kauai 96765. $9,853 (Gen. Excise: 2003-2006 Annual), Document No. 2007-224314, 12/31/07 n All HI Sportfishing Inc., 351 Halemaumau St., Honolulu, Oahu 96821. $1,151 (Gen. Excise: 2006 Dec., 2007 Jan.-March), Document No. 2008-000788, 01/03/08 n Ryan R. Chun, 94-434 Kiilani St., Mililani, Oahu 96789. $527 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-000789, 01/03/08 n Dayna Dennis, 99-119 Kohomua St. Suite 19-A, Aiea, Oahu 96701. $4,643 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-000790, 01/03/08 n Ernesto V. and Hildelita R. Florendo, 92-1287 Hauone St., Kapolei, Oahu 96707. $4,843 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-000791, 01/03/08 n Lauren M. Hiram, P.O. Box 133, Hauula, Oahu 96717. $4,164 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-000792, 01/03/08 n Sina Holi, 94-212 Aniani Place Suite G, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $281 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-000793, 01/03/08 n Debra R. Hopkins/ld School Soul Food, P.O. Box 1646, Kailua, Oahu 96734. $2,254 (Withholding: 2000 Annual, 2001 Jan.-March), Document No. 2008-000794, 01/03/08 n Island Restaurant Ventures Inc./Zui Hao Chinese Cuisine, 1280 Bison Ave. Suite B-9-400, Newport Beach, Calif. 92660. $38,156 (Gen. Excise: 2006 June-Dec., 2007 Jan.), Document No. 2008-000795, 01/03/08 n Randy and Brenda A. Olaivar, 99-1063 Lalawai Drive, Aiea, Oahu 96701. $373 (Income: 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-000796, 01/03/08 n Russell E. Walker, 47-039 Lihikai Drive, Kaneohe, Oahu 96744. $1,183 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-000797, 01/03/08 n Wynn R. and Karlyeen S. Warner, 89-207 Pua Ave., Waianae, Oahu 96792. $1,664 (Income: 2002), Document No. 2008-000798, 01/03/08 n Alpha Executive Security & Investigations Inc., P.O. Box 709, Haiku, Maui 96708. $33,693 (Gen. Excise: 2003-2005), Document No. 2008-001456, 01/04/08 n McCaw Cellular of California Inc., P.O. Box 97060, Kirkland, Wash. 98083. $14,824 (Gen. Excise: 1994-1998 Annual; Withholding: 1994 Annual), Document No. 2008-001457, 01/04/08 n Walter and Althea Nakoa, P.O. Box 330606, Kahului, Maui 96733. $1,318 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-001458, 01/04/08 n Michael Zerkle, 71 Waimahaihai St., Kihei, Maui 96753. $16,334 (Gen. Excise: 1998-1999 June, Dec., 2000-2004 Annual, 2005 June, Dec., 2006 Annual, 2007 March, June, Sept.), Document No. 2008-001459, 01/04/08 n Shannon Mi M. Aquinde, P.O. Box 200, Kahului, Maui 96733. $190 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001460, 01/04/08 n Thomas and Elaine M. Bridge, 11 Uakoko Place, Haiku, Maui 96708. $1,125 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-001461, 01/04/08 n Onuffre Eleccion, 480 Kenolio Road Suite 9-101, Kihei, Maui 96753. $178 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001462, 01/04/08 n Matthew J. Erickson, P.O. Box 417, Lahaina, Maui 96767. $525 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-001463, 01/04/08 n Howard E. Fields, 3355 N. Academy Blvd. Suite 612-N, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80917. $5,502 (Income: 1995), Document No. 2008-001464, 01/04/08 n Ed J. Lambrich, P.O. Box 506, Puunene, Maui 96784. $213 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001465, 01/04/08 n Chris D. Llanes, 11 Puakea Place, Kula, Maui 96790. $465 (Income: 1991, 1993), Document No. 2008-001466, 01/04/08 n Richard Miles and Tammy Fetalvero-Miles, 1102 S. Kihei Road, Kihei, Maui 96753. $302 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001467, 01/04/08 n Lori J. Ramona, P.O. Box 2396, Wailuku, Maui 96793. $368 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001468, 01/04/08 n Gordon and Espie S. Tavares, 203 Ohaa St., Kahului, Maui 96732. $249 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001469, 01/04/08 n Gilbert M. De Best, 625 N.W. Eighth Ave., Camas, Wash. 98607. $1,068 (Income: 1987), Document No. 2008-001470, 01/04/08 n Gilbert M. and Charlene U. De Best, 625 N.W. Eighth Ave., Camas, Wash. 98607. $777 (Income: 1988), Document No. 2008-001471, 01/04/08 n GK Intl. Security Inc., 2119 Main St., Wailuku, Maui 96793. $2,861 (Corp./ Partnership: 1994), Document No. 2008-001472, 01/04/08 n Katokula and Kapiolani Hafoka, 11 Wilikona Place, Wailuku, Maui 96793. $209 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-001473, 01/04/08 n Cesar C. and Tambra L. Carinio, P.O. Box 10013, Lahaina, Maui 96761. $1,090 (Income: 2004-2006), Document No. 2008-001474, 01/04/08 n Nicanor E. Jr. and Nenita C. Casumpang, 653 Maalo St., Kahului, Maui 96732. $5,524 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001475, 01/04/08 n Roger W. and Margarette A. Cooper, 60 Mission St. Suite D, Wailuku, Maui 96793. $222 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-001476, 01/04/08 n Larry J. Delizo, P.O. Box 686, Wailuku, Maui 96793. $1,148 (Income: 1997), Document No. 2008-001477, 01/04/08 n David Nakamura, 38 S. Market St., Wailuku, Maui 96793. $17,387 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001478, 01/04/08 n Randolph M. Antonio, 218 Kauhaa St., Kihei, Maui 96753. $24,366 (Gen. Excise: 2001, 2003-2005), Document No. 2008-001479, 01/04/08 n Osnei Kinasz and Danielle Atlan-Kinasz/Pacific Island Proscapes, 61 Auhana Road Suite A, Kihei, Maui 96753. $45,438 (Gen. Excise: 2004-2005 Annual, 2006 June, Dec., 2007 June-Sept.), Document No. 2008-001480, 01/04/08 n GP Enterprises LLC/ L’Amour Wedding, P.O. Box 881018, Pukalani, Maui 96788. $12,222 (Gen. Excise: 2006 March, June, Sept., Dec., 2007 March, June, Sept.), Document No. 2008-001481, 01/04/08 n Dana D. Flores, 397 Puolo Place, Kahului, Maui 96732. $822 (Income: 1991, 1994,1995), Document No. 2008-001482, 01/04/08 n Rebecca A. Fronda, 41777 Grimmer Blvd. Suite F-3, Fremont, Calif. 94538. $306 (Income: 1999), Document No. 2008-001483, 01/04/08 n Raymond M. Ramirez, 615 Honoapiilani Highway Suite A-202, Lahaina, Maui 96761. $12,415 (Gen. Excise: 2001-2005), Document No. 2008-001484, 01/04/08 n Sandra J. Abran, 64-5270 Hoohoa St., Kamuela, Hawaii 96743. $180 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-001931, 01/07/08 n Edward J. Heemink, 279-A W. Puainako St., Hilo, Hawaii 96720. $411 (Income: 2005, 2006), Document No. 2008-001932, 01/07/08 n Edwain N. Taniguchi, P.O. Box 10395, Hilo, Hawaii 96721. $3,448 (Income: 2001, 2002), Document No. 2008-001933, 01/07/08 n Alo Valoaga, P.O. Box 7388, Hilo, Hawaii 96720. $5,716 (Income: 2001-2003), Document No. 2008-001934, 01/07/08 n Camilo A. Austria, 1724 Day Place, Honolulu, Oahu 96819. $685 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001962, 01/07/08 n Gaudencio C. and Amelita G. Bolibol, 84-522 Manuku St., Waianae, Oahu 96792. $1,807 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001963, 01/07/08 n Allen J. Campbell, 1105 Avalon Drive Suite B, El Paso, Texas 79925. $602 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001964, 01/07/08 n Kevin J. and Cha Sun Crane, 98-099 Uao Place Suite 1401, Aiea, Oahu 96701. $4,534 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001965, 01/07/08 n Christina K. Dela Cruz, 952 Kailiu Place, Honolulu, Oahu 96825. $999 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001966, 01/07/08 n Maikai J. Deruiter, 423 Kanekapolei St. Suite 12, pacificbusinessnews.com | pAcific business news Honolulu, Oahu 96815. $990 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001967, 01/07/08 n James L. Sr. and Shirley E. Fludd, 901 River St. Suite 811, Honolulu, Oahu 96817. $1,282 (Income: 2005, 2006), Document No. 2008-001968, 01/07/08 n Gregory Fuller, P.O. Box 971848, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $1,326 (Income: 2001, 2005-2006), Document No. 2008-001969, 01/07/08 n Robert G. Getty, 8005 Twain Harte St., Las Vegas, Nev. 89139. $298 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001970, 01/07/08 n Marvin Gibson, 3207 Village Road, Norwood, Mass. 02062. $363 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001971, 01/07/08 n Ryoko Ishii/Ethel’s Grill, 99-1135 Aiea Heights Drive, Aiea, Oahu 96701. $840 (Gen. Excise: 2007 Jan.March, May-Sept.), Document No. 2008-001972, 01/07/08 n JBC Construction Co. Inc., P.O. Box 30407, Honolulu, Oahu 96820. $6,976 (Gen. Excise: 2004-2005 Annual, 2006 Oct.), Document No. 2008-001973, 01/07/08 n Karla Ann K. Kauhane, 89-235 Pililaau Ave., Waianae, Oahu 96792. $626 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001974, 01/07/08 n Duke King, 1288 Kapiolani Blvd. Suite 1909, Honolulu, Oahu 96814. $966 (Income: 2002), Document No. 2008-001975, 01/07/08 n Ella Lani, 296 N. Vineyard Blvd., Honolulu, Oahu 96817. $220 (Income: 1998), Document No. 2008-001976, 01/07/08 n Brian L. Loesche, 3542 E. Sharon Drive, Phoenix, Ariz. 85032. $587 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-001977, 01/07/08 n Antonio R. and Donna A. Madriaga, 720 Waiakamilo Road Suite 219, Honolulu, Oahu 96817. $334 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001978, 01/07/08 n Ernest Maligi, 41-1260 Kalanianaole Highway Suite 102, Waimanalo, Oahu 96795. $1,875 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001979, 01/07/08 n Faaolataga and Cindy Mauai, 87-166 Kaukamana Lot, Waianae, Oahu 96792. $513 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-001980, 01/07/08 n Setsuko N. McKenna, 5669 N. Fresno St. Suite 107, Fresno, Calif. 93710. $1,415 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001981, 01/07/08 n Steve E. and Marcella L. Miller, 2238 Aumakua St., Pearl City, Oahu 96782. $642 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001982, 01/07/08 n Alex Z. Mitchell, P.O. Box 5307, Kaneohe, Oahu 37 96744. $799 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-001983, 01/07/08 n Felagai D. Moananu, 9468 Forbes Court, Las Vegas, Nev. 89148. $367 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001984, 01/07/08 n Valoaga V. and Marie A. Moananu, P.O. Box 292, Hauula, Oahu 96717. $713 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001985, 01/07/08 n Leslie M. Moeai, 55-158 Poohaili St., Laie, Oahu 96762. $1,729 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001986, 01/07/08 n Matthew C. Olson, 2939 Kaamilo Drive, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $2,242 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001987, 01/07/08 n Robin N. and Mona J. Pacheco, 92-622 Newa St., Kapolei, Oahu 96707. $1,432 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001988, 01/07/08 n Edward K. Palama Sr., 46-229 Kahuhipa St. Suite 13402, Kaneohe, Oahu 96744. $1,813 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-001989, 01/07/08 n Andrew Park, 340 Kawaihae St. Suite F, Honolulu, Oahu 96825. $2,338 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-001990, 01/07/08 n Peni P. and Leitu T. Pele aka Pene P. Pele, 2508 California Ave., Wahiawa, Oahu 96786. $1,521 (Income: 1995, 1996), Document No. 2008-001991, 01/07/08 n Rey K. Rodrigues, 451 Nahua St. Suite 603, Honolulu, Oahu 96815. $513 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-001992, 01/07/08 n William M. Saddler, 1995 Pauoa Road Suite H, Honolulu, Oahu 96813. $328 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-001993, 01/07/08 n Jo-Ann A. Sato, 94-1364 Hiaai Place, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $1,859 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-001994, 01/07/08 n Selle’s Kitchen LLC, 720 Waiakamilo Road Suite 121, Honolulu, Oahu 96817. $1,191 (Gen. Excise: 2005 Sept.-Dec.), Document No. 2008-001995, 01/07/08 n Tae R Inc., 500 University Ave. Suite 904, Honolulu, Oahu 96826. $295 (Gen. Excise: 2006 Dec.), Document No. 2008-001996, 01/07/08 n Artemio C. Jr. and Maria L. Valenzuela, P.O. Box 31227, Honolulu, Oahu 96820. $17,800 (Gen. Excise: 1999-2004), Document No. 2008-001997, 01/07/08 n Wireless Paradise LLC, 320 Ward Ave. Suite 111, Honolulu, Oahu 96814. $15,341 (Withholding: 2001 Annual), Document No. 2008-001998, 01/07/08 see state tax liens, pAGe 38 38 PAcific buSinESS nEwS | pacificbusinessnews.com state tax liens from PaGe 37 n Louisa W. Wise Ginlack, P.O. Box 4855, Kaneohe, Oahu 96744. $353 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-001999, 01/07/08 n Stewart J. Martinez/Silver Lighting, P.O. Box 606, Honokaa, Hawaii 96727. $12,639 (Gen. Excise: 2000-2005), Document No. 2008-002808, 01/08/08 n Stewart J. and Kristel K. Martinez, 44-3256 Kalopa Mauka Road, Honokaa, Hawaii 96727. $8,075 (Income: 2004-2006), Document No. 2008-002809, 01/08/08 n James K. Apolo, 111 Kahului Beach Road Suite C-415, Kahului, Maui 96732. $420 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-002810, 01/08/08 n Brannan S. and Kimberly A. Asagara, 694 Upper Kimo Drive, Kula, Maui 96790. $373 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-002811, 01/08/08 n Michael Asuncion, 296 Ani St., Kahului, Maui 96732. $414 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-002812, 01/08/08 n Raymond Benarao/Certified Truck & Hi-Lift Repair, P.O. Box 3118, Kahului, Maui 96732. $633 (Gen. Excise: 2007 Jan.-May), Document No. 2008-002813, 01/08/08 n Dennis Blain, 1280 S. Kihei Road Suite 220, Kihei, Maui 96753. $173,874 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-002814, 01/08/08 n Jack L. Boughner/JB’s Flooring Installation, 1060 Eha St., Wailuku, Maui 96793. $5,268 (Gen. Excise: 2003-2005), Document No. 2008-002815, 01/08/08 n Alvaro and Neda Cabanting, P.O. Box 631661, Lanai City, Lanai 96763. $381 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-002816, 01/08/08 n Chopsticks Inc./Hanafuda Saimin Stand, 1094 Kuhio Place, Wailuku, Maui 96793. $55,287 (Gen. Excise: 2006), Document No. 2008-002817, 01/08/08 n Michael D. Doran, 46-139 Empela Way, Kaneohe, Oahu 96744. $208 (Income: 1985), Document No. 2008-002818, 01/08/08 n Clark V. Duncan, 7081 Santa Cruz Drive Building S-3, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121. $1,374 (Income: 1987), Document No. 2008-002819, 01/08/08 n Kammy Furtado, 405 Mauna Place, Kula, Maui 96790. $425 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-002820, 01/08/08 n Eric W. Guerin, 642 Wainee St., Lahaina, Maui 96761. $1,347 (Income: 1996), Document No. 2008-002821, 01/08/08 n Lionel N. Hopoii, 2044 W. Vineyard St. Suite 14, Wailuku, Maui 96793. $419 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-002822, 01/08/08 n Chad A. Jensen and Kristen Rodriguez, 143 Lahainaluna Road, Lahaina, Maui 96761. $420 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-002823, 01/08/08 n Pamela M. Kepani, 764 Makalii St., Kahului, Maui 96732. $84,477 (Gen. Excise: 2002-2006, 2007 Feb.-Sept.), Document No. 2008-002824, 01/08/08 n Tomas G. Leanos, P.O. Box 241, Kihei, Maui 96753. $485 (Income: 2005, 2006), Document No. 2008-002825, 01/08/08 n Giardello T. Magno, P.O. Box 11304, Lahaina, Maui 96761. $567 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-002826, 01/08/08 n Semisi and Amelia Malafu, P.O. Box 1842, Kihei, Maui 96753. $10,402 (Income: 2002-2006), Document No. 2008-002827, 01/08/08 n Gary Matlock, P.O. Box 943, Hana, Maui 96713. $495 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-002828, 01/08/08 n Richard A. Moll, P.O. Box 631150, Lanai City, Lanai 96763. $453 (Income: 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-002829, 01/08/08 n Althea Nakoa, P.O. Box 330606, Kahului, Maui 96733. $784 (Income: 2003), Document No. 2008-002830, 01/08/08 n Paul S. Sr. and Minette K. Ngalu, 1648 Alaniu Place, Kihei, Maui 96753. $7,419 (Income: 2002, 2003), Document No. 2008-002831, 01/08/08 n Walter H. Pacheco, P.O. Box 2822, Wailuku, Maui 96793. $10,031 (Income: 2001, 2003), Document No. 2008-002832, 01/08/08 n Lana Pelekane, P.O. Box 5119, Kahului, Maui 96733. $367 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-002833, 01/08/08 n Mabel K. Poepoe, 3157-B Kilani Place, Makawao, Maui 96768. $2,877 (Income: 1993), Document No. 2008-002834, 01/08/08 n Polynesian Shores Rental Assn. Inc., 3975 L. Honoapiilani Road, Lahaina, Maui 96761. $28,783 (Gen. Excise: 2003-2005), Document No. 2008-002835, 01/08/08 n Lusiana M. Tuisavura, 3075 Shoreline Drive, West Valley, Utah 84120. $232 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-002836, 01/08/08 n Eeron Uriostegui, 3726 Lower Honoapiilani Road, Lahaina, Maui 96761. $407 (Income: 1992-1994), Document No. 2008-002837, 01/08/08 n Jillian Vickers/Piiholo business leads Stables, 135 Makana Road, Makawao, Maui 96768. $28,877 (Gen. Excise: 2000-2002 Annual), Document No. 2008-002838, 01/08/08 n Roland M. Sagum III, P.O. Box 958, Lawai, Kauai 96765. $12,090 (Income: 1999-2006), Document No. 2008-002839, 01/08/08 n Roland D. Sagum III, P.O. Box 958, Lawai, Kauai 96765. $48,982 (Gen. Excise: 2000-2006 annual), Document No. 2008-002840, 01/08/08 n John V. and Cheriann Cardoza, 1519 Amelia St., Honolulu, Oahu 96819. $300 (Income: 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-003459, 01/09/08 n Joanne H. Faumuina, 85-126 Alawa Place, Waianae, Oahu 96792. $480 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-003460, 01/09/08 n Herby A. and Jean Felix, P.O. Box 403, Waimanalo, Oahu 96795. $473 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-003461, 01/09/08 n Rico I. Tapu, P.O. Box 523, Hauula, Oahu 96717. $486 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-003462, 01/09/08 n Evelyn T. Acorda/Shelen Cleaning Service, 2008 Ahuula St., Honolulu, Oahu 96819. $12,161 (Gen. Excise: 2001-2005), Document No. 2008-004079, 01/10/08 n AK Appliance Inc., 94-1151 Mopua Loop, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $386 (Gen. Excise: 2007 March; Withholding: 2007 Jan., Feb.), Document No. 2008-004080, 01/10/08 n Alliance American Fire Protection Inc., P.O. Box 27361, Honolulu, Oahu 96827. $771,749 (Gen. Excise: 1996 July-Dec., 1997 Jan.-Oct., Annual, 1998 March; Withholding: 1997 April), Document No. 2008-004081, 01/10/08 n Cesar Baguio/Elijah’s Towing & Recovery, 1571 Machado St., Honolulu, Oahu 96819. $4,723 (Gen. Excise: 2005 Dec., 2006 June), Document No. 2008-004082, 01/10/08 n Brian S. Chamberlin, 95-126 Waimoku Place, Mililani, Oahu 96789. $1,557 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-004083, 01/10/08 n Lyle M. Charlesworth, 3031 Kalihi St. Suite B, Honolulu, Oahu 96819. $765 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004084, 01/10/08 n Simeon Crawford, 1463 Aheahe Ave. Suite A, Wahiawa, Oahu 96786. $574 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-004085, 01/10/08 n Kendal J. and Katrice A. Dowis, 66-336 Pikai St., Haleiwa, Oahu 96712. $1,752 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004086, 01/10/08 n Josal M. and Mila E. Ebayan, 931 Self Lane, Honolulu, Oahu 96819. $2,306 (Income: 2003, 2005), Document No. 2008-004087, 01/10/08 n Est. Planners of America Inc., 711 Kapiolani Blvd. Suite 1400, Honolulu, Oahu 96813. $2,803 (Gen. Excise: 2006 Feb.-Dec.), Document No. 2008-004088, 01/10/08 n Taumaoe S. Failauga, 98-156 Hekaha St., Aiea, Oahu 96701. $298 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-004089, 01/10/08 n Jaime K. Fitchett, 3333 N. Michael Way Suite 2047, Las Vegas, Nev. 89108. $1,821 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-004090, 01/10/08 n Patricia B. Furtado, 215 N. KIing St. Suite 2201, Honolulu, Oahu 96817. $8,638 (Income: 1996-1998, 2000, 2005, 2006), Document No. 2008-004091, 01/10/08 n Epitacio F. Garcia, 94-319 Pupuole St. Suite 201, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $613 (Income: 2001), Document No. 2008-004092, 01/10/08 n Jerry W. and Pearl P. Giordano, 95-550 Naholoholo St., Mililani, Oahu 96789. $8,762 (Income: 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-004093, 01/10/08 n Habar Enterprises Inc., 805 18th Ave., Honolulu, Oahu 96816. $569 (Gen. Excise: 2006 Dec., 2007 Annual; County Surcharge: 2007 Annual), Document No. 2008-004094, 01/10/08 n Alison S. Higa, 7265 Hawaii Kai Drive Suite B, Honolulu, Oahu 96825. $20,090 (Gen. Excise: 2002-2005), Document No. 2008-004095, 01/10/08 n Alison S. Higa, 7236 Hawaii Kai Drive Suite B, Honolulu, Oahu 96825. $6,663 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-004096, 01/10/08 n Shawn S. Hong, 1420 Victoria St. Suite 703, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $18,242 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-004097, 01/10/08 n Steven R. Hunter, 460 Kaimake Loop, Kailua, Oahu 96734. $3,420 (Income: 1996, 1997, 2003), Document No. 2008-004098, 01/10/08 n Valentin Ivanof, 6544 127th Ave. S.E., Bellvue, Wash. 98006. $990 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004099, 01/10/08 n Clinton E. Jones, 1412 Kewalo St. Suite 206, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $474 (Income: 2004-2006), Document No. 2008-004100, 01/10/08 n Rodney K. Kaleikini, P.O. Box 235396, Honolulu, Oahu 96823. $872 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004101, 01/10/08 n Alan K. Kawamura, 2530 Jasmine St., Honolulu, MAy 16, 2008 Oahu 96816. $584 (Gen. Excise: 2001-2003 Annual, 2004 June), Document No. 2008-004102, 01/10/08 n Daniel K. and Linda N. Kekahuna, 84-871 Hanalei St. Suite B, Waianae, Oahu 96792. $362 (Income: 2004, 2006), Document No. 2008-004103, 01/10/08 n Landscapes Concepts Inc., P.O. Box 787, Pearl City, Oahu 96782. $30,488 (Gen. Excise: 2005 Oct., 2006 April, May, Oct.-Dec., 2007 Jan.-March), Document No. 2008-004104, 01/10/08 n Darnell M. Lane, 91-707 Kilipoe St., Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706. $733 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-004105, 01/10/08 n Malamaleaf S. Masaniai, 1151 Alohi Way Suite 201, Honolulu, Oahu 96814. $839 (Income: 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-004106, 01/10/08 n Raymond and Leilani P. Mason, 1645 Canady Pond Road, Hope Mills, N.C. 28348. $653 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-004107, 01/10/08 n Robert R. Mercado, 98-402 Koauka Loop Suite 1105, Aiea, Oahu 96701. $577 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004108, 01/10/08 n Ana Moce, 3710 Mahina Ave. Suite A, Honolulu, Oahu 96816. $311 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-004109, 01/10/08 n Jennifer L. Patterson, 68-254 Olao Place, Waialua, Oahu 96791. $440 (Gen. Excise: 2003), Document No. 2008-004110, 01/10/08 n PSC Industrial Outsourcing Inc., 5151 San Felipe Suite 1600, Houston, Texas 77056. $2,818 (Gen. Excise: 2007 may, June), Document No. 2008-004111, 01/10/08 n Jose A. Rivera Jr. and Dawn J. Decoite-Rivera, 94-250 Kupuohi St. Suite 101, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $609 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004112, 01/10/08 n Skyline Bitches LLC, 1425 Punahou St. Suite 301, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $1,129 (Gen. Excise: 2006 Dec.), Document No. 2008-004113, 01/10/08 n Faye Lynn L. Smith, 85-1269 Kaneilo St., Waianae, Oahu 96792. $1,009 (Income: 2003, 2004), Document No. 2008-004114, 01/10/08 n Edwin S. Tomihama, P.O. Box 61163, Honolulu, Oahu 96839. $2,362 (Withholding: 1995-1996 Annual), Document No. 2008-004115, 01/10/08 n Edwin S. and Rae Dean K. Tomihama, P.O. Box 61163, Honolulu, Oahu 96839. $965 (Income: 2000, 2002), Document No. 2008-004116, 01/10/08 n Rae Dean K. Tomihama, P.O. Box 61163, Honolulu, Oahu 96839. $2,362 (Withholding: 1995-1996 Annual), Document No. 2008-004117, 01/10/08 n George J. Washington, 606 Meaher Ave., Mobile, Ala. 36610. $8,600 (Income: 1992, 1993), Document No. 2008-004118, 01/10/08 n Lalania L. Bidwell, 25427 Via Pacifica, Valencia, Calif. 91355. $455 (Gen. Excise: 2004 Annual, 2007 March), Document No. 2008-004119, 01/10/08 n Earnest Dudley, 95-349 Makulu Place, Mililani, Oahu 96789. $1,105 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004120, 01/10/08 n Lorene Imamura, P.O. Box 62135, Honolulu, Oahu 96839. $1,723 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004121, 01/10/08 n Michael K. and Malia K. Kaahumanu, 6193 Sundown Crest St., Las Vegas, Nev. 89113. $410 (Income: 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-004122, 01/10/08 n Stephen G. Nobler, 1050 Lunalilo St. Suite 705, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $614 (Gen. Excise: 2006 June, Dec.), Document No. 2008-004123, 01/10/08 n Rochelle Blake, 78-6797 Walua Road, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740. $20,770 (Income: 2002-2005), Document No. 2008-004124, 01/10/08 n Hapuna Beach Designs Inc./A Touch of Aloha, P.O. Box 7740, Hilo, Hawaii 96720. $4,854 (Gen. Excise: 2004 Annual), Document No. 2008-004125, 01/10/08 n Jolly Roger LLC/Durty Jake’s, 75-5819 Alii Drive, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740. $71,770 (Gen. Excise: 2006 May-Dec., 2007 Jan.-May), Document No. 2008-004126, 01/10/08 n Karratti Kids Inc., P.O. Box 835, Naalehu, Hawaii 96772. $12,609 (Gen. Excise: 2007 Jan.-March; Withholding: 2006 Oct.-Dec., 2007 Jan.-March), Document No. 2008-004127, 01/10/08 n Charrise K. Quon, 85-1062 Hoomaluhia St., Waianae, Oahu 96792. $2,118 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-004128, 01/10/08 n Jaong H. Woo, 75 E. Palomino Drive, Gilbert, Ariz. 85296. $19,453 (Gen. Excise: 2002-2005), Document No. 2008-004129, 01/10/08 n Lawrence and Debra K. Yonting, 95-748 Kauanomeha Place, Mililani, Oahu 96789. $5,828 (Income: 2004, 2005), Document No. 2008-004130, 01/10/08 n Carlota H. Ader dba Cha Services, 94-1010 Kuakolu Palce, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $2,870 (Gen. Excise: 2004-2006 Annual), Document No. 2008-004277, 01/10/08 SEE state tax liens, PAGE 39 Business leads MAy 16, 2008 state tax liens from paGe 38 n Ali Services Inc., 1209-W 1140 N., Provo, Utah 84604. $898 (Gen. Excise: 2007 March; Withholding: 2007 March, June), Document No. 2008-004862, 01/11/08 n Dustin L. Bame, 820 E. 10th St., Port Angeles, Wash. 98362. $248 (Gen. Excise: 2004), Document No. 2008-004863, 01/11/08 n Basilisa B. Batallia, P.O. Box 971366, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $4,630 (Income: 2003, 2006), Document No. 2008-004864, 01/11/08 n Basilisa B. Batallia/Aries Tours & Travel, P.O. Box 971366, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $2,400 (Gen. Excise: 2001, 2003), Document No. 2008-004865, 01/11/08 n James W. Carney, 15255 Cedar Place, Houston, Texas 77041. $691 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-004866, 01/11/08 n Kenson E. Christon, 3204 Ahinahina Place, Honolulu, Oahu 96816. $251 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004867, 01/11/08 n Jeremy L. Gentry, 2333 Palolo Ave. Suite 2, Honolulu, Oahu 96816. $301 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-004868, 01/11/08 n Travis L. Lau, 85-132 Ala Walua St. Suite F, Waianae, Oahu 96792. $279 (Income: 2005), Document No. 2008-004869, 01/11/08 n Adrian L. Jr. and Jean W. Ledoux, 98-1910 Kaahumanu St. Suite U, Pearl City, Oahu 96782. $1,290 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004870, 01/11/08 n Sunita Nepo, 1060 Kamehameha Highway Suite 102-B, Pearl City, Oahu 96782. $5,499 (Gen. Excise: 2002, 2003), Document No. 2008-004871, 01/11/08 n William K. Peters Jr., 64 Ohai St. Suite 305, Wahiawa, Oahu 96786. $216 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004872, 01/11/08 n QPay Inc., 16853 N.E. Second Ave. Suite 302, North Miami Beach, Fla. 33162. $861 (Withholding: 2007 March, June, Sept.), Document No. 2008-004873, 01/11/08 n Resource Recovery Ltd., P.O. Box 240937, Honolulu, Oahu 96824. $149,752 (Gen. Excise: 1999 Oct.Dec., 2000 Jan.-Dec., 2001 Jan., 2003 Sept.-Dec., 2004; Withholding: 2003 March, April, June, Oct.-Dec., 2004 Feb.-July), Document No. 2008-004874, 01/11/08 n Samuel and Elaine Utu, 94-944 Meheula Parkway Suite 155, Mililani, Oahu 96789. $300 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-004875, 01/11/08 n Anthony S. Zee, 2385 E. Windmill Lane Suite 198, Las Vegas, Nev. 89123. $3,556 (Income: 1997, 2002), Document No. 2008-004876, 01/11/08 n Keith Harris/Joe’s Towing Service, P.O. Box 4345, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745. $37,539 (Gen. Excise: 2003, 2004), Document No. 2008-004877, 01/11/08 n Seung H. Yi and Seung E. Choi, 3029 Lowrey Ave. Suite -Q2124, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $1,571 (Income: 2001), Document No. 2008-004878, 01/11/08 n Rudy R. Bantolina/808 Raingutter, 94-1390 Welina Loop Suite W, Waipahu, Oahu 96797. $726 (Gen. Excise: 2006 June, Dec.), Document No. 2008-005405, 01/14/08 n Wendy R. Borja, 917-A Alder St., Honolulu, Oahu 96814. $32,141 (Income: 2006), Document No. 2008-005406, 01/14/08 n William and Tetyana Brice, P.O. Box 241673, Little Rock, Ark. 72223. $1,438 (Income: 2004), Document No. 2008-005407, 01/14/08 n Prucencio Campos III, 92-1125 Kupanaha Place, Kapolei, Oahu 96707. $2,634 (Income: 2003, 2004), Document No. 2008-005408, 01/14/08 n James S. Fallau, 1644 Liholiho St. Suite L, Honolulu, Oahu 96822. $3,066 (Income: 2004-2006), Document No. 2008-005409, 01/14/08 n Harris M. Fuller Jr., 85-298 Mcarthur St., Waianae, Oahu 96792. $1,912 (Income: 2001-2004), Document No. 2008-005410, 01/14/08 Bankruptcies The following debtors' petitions were filed. Bankruptcy Court is located at 1132 Bishop St., Suite 250L, 96813. The attorney for petitioner(s) and filing date are shown at the end of each item. Bankruptcies-chapter 7 n 08-00520–Felisa O. De la Cruz, 701 Hauoli St. Suite 2, Honolulu, Oahu 96826, Debts: $38,205. Assets: $25,349. (Eduardo O. Zabanal), 04/21/08 n 08-00522–Anabel B. Miguel, 94-1459 Welina Loop Suite Y, Waipahu, Oahu 96797, Debts: $54,817. Assets: $1,857. (Stuart T. Ing), 04/22/08 n 08-00523–Mialani C. Corum aka Michael W. Corum, 75-5919 Alii Drive Suite E2, Kailua-Kona Hawaii 96740, Debts: $618,246. Assets: $449,664. (Stuart T. Oda), 04/22/08 n 08-00526–Anelia S. Vermudez, 2021 Wilcox Lane, Honolulu, Oahu 96819, Debts: $13,183. Assets: $4,915. (Eduardo O. Zabanal), 04/22/08 n 08-00527–Dereck K. Lacaden, 6605 Waiakea Road, Kapaa, Kauai 96746, Debts: $58,600. Assets: $19,110. (Lawrence D. McCreery), 04/22/08 n 08-00528–Dawn M. Throop aka Dawn M. Davis, 1415 Pensacola St. Suite 6, Honolulu, Oahu 96822, Debts: (not listed). Assets: (not listed). (pro se), 04/22/08 n 08-00530–Tillis D. Sionesini, 94-292 Kahu St., Waipahu, Oahu 96797, Debts: $48,542. Assets: $6,140. (Greg Dunn), 04/22/08 n 08-00532–Ryan M. Seshiki, 960 Lunahooko Place, Kailua, Oahu 96734, Debts: $8,457. Assets: $3,318. (Stuart T. Ing), 04/23/08 n 08-00533–John J. Steger, 98-1285 E. Hoohiki Place, Pearl City, Oahu 96782, Debts: $33,234. Assets: $12,272. (Blake Goodman), 04/23/08 n 08-00534–Rodolfo V. Palilio aka Palilio Rodolfo, 35 Ahona Place, Hilo, Hawaii 96720, Debts: $47,394. Assets: $13,563. (Sturt H. Oda), 04/24/08 n 08-00535–Slane K. Jones-Silva, 246 Ehilani St., Makawao, Maui 96768, Debts: $44,138. Assets: $4,646. (David W. Cain), 04/24/08 n 08-00536–Iveta Slusser, 1402 Kenui Place, Lahaina, Maui 96761, Debts: $60,840. Assets: $18,433. (David W. Cain), 04/24/08 n 08-00539–Iakopo and Sesilia Maileoi, 2290-D Kalena Drive Suite 35D, Honolulu, Oahu 96819, Debts: $41,670. Assets: $2,905. (Greg Dunn), 04/24/08 n 08-00540–Cyndi S. Adversalo, 715 Umi St. Suite 3C, Honolulu, Oahu 96819, Debts: not listed. Assets: not listed. (Van-Alan H. Shima), 04/24/08 n 08-00542–Joel T. Ibia, P. O. Box 223094, Princeville, Kauai 96722, Debts: $18,962. Assets: $2,520. (Lawrence D. McCreery), 04/25/08 n 08-00543—Chad K. and Sonja K.E. Hundley fka Sonja K. Enos, 661780 Kawaihae Road, Kamuela, Hawaii 96743, Debts: $267,282. Assets: $237,658. (Barbara L. Franklin), 04/25/08 n 08-00544—Kimberly F. DeJesus, 58-041 Kapuai Place, Haleiwa, Oahu 96712, Debts: $78,757. Assets: $25,903. (Blake Goodman), 04/25/08 n 08-00545—Jericho C. and Debbie L.D. Martin aka Debbie L. Devera, 98-228 Kaluamoi Place Suite 1, Pearl City, Oahu 96782, Debts: (not listed). Assets: (not listed). (Van-Alan H. Shima), 04/25/08 n 08-00546—Romeo Q. Bimbo, 650 Oneawa St., Kailua, Oahu 96734, Debts: $694,005. Assets: $664,875. (Greg Dunn), 04/25/08 n 08-00548—Anson B. Ponce, 391 Kamehameiki Road, Kula, Maui 96790, Debts: $35,719. Assets: $17,083. (David W. Cain), 04/25/08 n 08-00549—Benjamin Rivera, 54320 Union Mill Road, Kapaau, Hawaii 96755, Debts: $26,878. Assets: $5,650. (Sally A. Kimura), 04/26/08 n 08-00550—Teodora V. Andrade, 114 Kanaiahe Place, Wahiawa, Oahu 96786, Debts: $29,517. Assets: $2,408. (Blake Goodman), 04/28/08 n 08-00551—Elmer P. and Daisy A. Magaoay, 1116 Whitmore Ave., Wahiawa, Oahu 96786, Debts: $94,373. Assets: $21,021. (Edward D. Magauran), 04/28/08 n 08-00552—Julian J. Iglesias, 835 Puuhale Road Suite 201, Honolulu, Oahu 96819, Debts: $57,506. Assets: $16,220. (Raymond C. Cho), 04/28/08 n 08-00553—Rodney F. Mori, 1177 Queen St. Suite 2305, Honolulu, Oahu 96814, Debts: $986,520. Assets: $847,660. (Edward D. Magauran), 04/28/08 n 08-00554—Shelleen R. Lindberg, 222 Liliuokalani Ave. Suite 1104, Honolulu, Oahu 96815, Debts: $19,465. Assets: $36,135. (Greg Dunn), 04/28/08 n 08-00556—Robert B. Centeno, 94-710 Honowai St., Waipahu, Oahu 96797, Debts: $29,293. Assets: $6,416. (Mark D. Pettinato), 04/29/08 n 08-00557—Ganga D. Fraker, 17 Kapaka St., Hilo, Hawaii 96720, Debts: $17,716. Assets: $3,641. (Stuart H. Oda), 04/29/08 n 08-00559—Man-Min Li Tsai, 5600 Honua Road Suite B, Kapaa, Kauai 96746, Debts: $421,500. Assets: $342,850. (Lawrence D. McCreery), 04/29/08 n 08-00560—Chauncey S.G. Choi, 91-021-F Pe’eone Place, Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706, Debts: $37,850. Assets: $8,262. (Greg Dunn), 04/29/08 n 08-00561—Paula L. Sajulga-Akiona, 382 N. Nineyard Blvd. Suite B-12, Honolulu, Oahu 96817, Debts: $53,690. Assets: $24,090. (Greg Dunn), 04/29/08 n 08-00562—Eric B. Shoemaker, 98-834 Noelani St. Suite 11, Pearl City, Oahu 96782, Debts: $495,291. Assets: $398,600. (Stuart T. Ing), 04/30/08 n 08-00564—Gilbert A. Sagawa, 5460 Kawaihao Road, Kapaa, Kauai 96746, Debts: $119,669. Assets: $25,375. (Joe P. Moss), pacificbusinessnews.com | PAcific buSinESS nEwS 04/30/08 n 08-00565—Eloise N. Bal, 305-A Makua St., Wailuku, Maui 96793, Debts: $41,116. Assets: $16,980. (Ryther L. Barbin), 04/30/08 n 08-00566—Eliza O. Sales, 1244 Halona Place, Honolulu, Oahu 96817, Debts: $25,153. Assets: $1,900. (Edward D. Magauran), 04/30/08 n 08-00567—Delores M. Bush, 268 Huehu, Eleele, Kauai 96705, Debts: $170,601. Assets: $105,672. (Joe P. Moss), 04/30/08 n 08-00568—Bernard Baniaga Jr., 542 Ukali St., Wailuku, Maui 96793, Debts: $81,345. Assets: $481,804. (David W. Cain), 04/30/08 n 08-00569—Howard H. Sakai, c/o 300 W. Wakea Ave. Suite 13, Kahului, Maui 96732, Debts: $31,356. Assets: $2,091. (David W. Cain), 04/30/08 n 08-00570—Roger D. Wolfe, 999 Hogback Road, Haiku, Maui 96708, Debts: $84,080. Assets: $7,090. (David W. Cain), 04/30/08 n 08-00573—Young C. and Bong S. Yoo, 91-1071 Anaunau St., Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706, Debts: $480,791. Assets: $481,421. (Donald L. Spafford), 04/30/08 n 08-00575—John A. and Christine R. Gibson, 1278 Kahili St., Kailua, Oahu 96734, Debts: $56,025. Assets: $8,738. (Blake Goodman), 05/01/08 n 08-00576—Rasquel L. Featheran, 64-5145 Kalake St., Kamuela, Hawaii 96743, Debts: $552,155. Assets: $457,829. (Sally A. Kimura), 05/01/08 n 08-00577—Richard P. Menez, 91-1015 Kahuhihewa St., Kapolei, Oahu 96707, Debts: $77,575. Assets: $7,295. (Victor Agmata), 05/01/08 n 08-00578—Hernan S. and Maylani A. Paglinawan, 805 Apole Place, Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706, Debts: $272,931. Assets: $91,383. (Victor Agmata), 05/01/08 n 08-00580—Jeffrey N. Cocker, 23 N. Piki Place, Lahaina, Maui 96761, Debts: $48,520. Assets: $4,116. (David W. Cain), 05/01/08 n 08-00581—Ester T. Hidalgo, 179 L. Waiehu Beach Road, Wailuku, Maui 96793, Debts: $749,865. Assets: $636,537. (David W. Cain), 05/01/08 n 08-00583—Melanie L. Rapozo aka Melanie L. Lee, 2658 Hoonani Road, Koloa, Kauai 96756, Debts: $42,635. Assets: $7,705. (Joe P. Moss), 05/02/08 n 08-00584—Albert K. and Ofelia S. Murabayashi, 45-441 Puahuula Place, Kaneohe, Oahu 96744, Debts: (not listed). Assets: (not listed). (Raymond C. Cho), 05/02/08 39 Bankruptcies-chapter 13 n 08-00491–Faith S. Nagata, 252-A Pico Tract, Haiku, Maui 96708, Debts: $304,234. Assets: $133,876. (David W. Cain), 04/16/08 n 08-00498–Warner S. Chang, 91-184 Kikiao St., Kapolei, Oahu 96707, Debts: (not listed). Assets: (not listed). (Raymond C. Cho), 04/17/08 n 08-00502–David K. Ortiz, 89-550 Mokiawe St., Waianae, Oahu 96792, Debts: $68,975. Assets: $13,335. (Greg Dunn), 04/17/08 n 08-00505–Patrick K. and Marylynn N. Pedrus, 87-110 Kulahanai Place, Waianae, Oahu 96792, Debts: (not listed). Assets: (not listed). (pro se), 04/18/08 n 08-00506–Caridad Padigos, 1557 Molehu Drive, Honolulu, Oahu 96819, Debts: (not listed). Assets: (not listed). (pro se), 04/18/08 n 08-00507–Tammy Maalea-Fevella, 55 Pilipaa Place, Makawao, Maui 96768, Debts: (not listed). Assets: (not listed). (pro se), 04/18/08 n 08-00513–Anthony I. Rosales, 4431 Halupa St., Honolulu, Oahu 96818, Debts: $760,200. Assets: $792,500. (Ramon J. Ferrer), 04/21/08 n 08-00521–Kelly M. Duff-De Poyo aka Kelly Duff, 73-4337 Papaana Place, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740, Debts: not listed. Assets: not listed. (Raymond C. Cho), 04/22/08 n 08-00524–Kevin P. Poepoe Sr., 84-770 Farrington Highway, Waianae, Oahu 96792, Debts: not listed. Assets: not listed. (Raymond C. Cho), 04/22/08 n 08-00525–Rafael R. Cruz, 4322 Olaloa St., Honolulu, Oahu 96818, Debts: $62,542. Assets: $28,603. (Blake Goodman), 04/22/08 n 08-00529–Raedrina A. Kealoha, 85-149 B Ala Akau St., Waianae, Oahu 96792, Debts: $168,306. Assets: $155,185. (Blake Goodman), 04/22/08 n 08-00537–Janice Y. White dba Cross Island Medical dba Star Light of Maui, 2130 Kauhokoa Road, Haiku, Maui 96708, Debts: $875,450. Assets: $1,144,522. (David W. Cain), 04/24/08 n 08-00538–Thomas J. and Tammy I. Borges, 299 Liholiho St., Wailuku, Maui 96793, Debts: $150,882. Assets: $129,575. (David W. Cain), 04/24/08 n 08-00541–Bronson P. Brown, 94-385 Kaholo St. Suite 70, Mililani, Oahu 96789, Debts: $21,794. Assets: $10,625. (Blake Goodman), 04/25/08 n 08-00547—Matthew S. and Charlotte L. Bugland, SEE bankruptcieschapter 13, PAGE 40 40 PAcific buSinESS nEwS | pacificbusinessnews.com bANKRUpTCIes-CHApTeR 13 from PAGE 39 223 Gold Place Suite 101, Honolulu, Oahu 96818, Debts: $168,190. Assets: $47,315. (Greg Dunn), 04/25/08 n 08-00555—John K. Fornes, 1217 Kamaile St. Suite 204, Honolulu, Oahu 96814, Debts: $32,685. Assets: $12,785. (Greg Dunn), 04/28/08 n 08-00563—Lesley L. Berger aka Lesley L. Rogers, 481 Kuliouou Road, Honolulu, Oahu 96821, Debts: $224,721. Assets: $14,580. (Blake Goodman), 04/30/08 CAses fIled IN CIRCUIT COURT Civil complaints, mechanic's liens and judgments & orders are filed at the First Circuit Court at Kaahumanu Hale, 777 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, in Second Circuit Court, 2145 Main St., Wailuku, and in Third Circuit Court, 75 Aupuni St., Hilo. Filing date at end of each case. CIRCUIT COURT-OAHU n C-08-1-0697–Tommy W.H. and Sindy S.Y. Ma vs. Fireman’s Fund Insurance Companies et al., Declaratory: Suit for court to declare rights, obligations and responsibilities of subject parties. Atty. for plaintiff: Stephen M. Shaw, 04/04/08. n C-08-1-0698–Hawaii Schools Federal Credit Union vs. Sandra C. and Guy Ceno, Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract and unjust enrichment. Atty. for plaintiff: Kathryn E. Young, 04/07/08. n C-08-1-0699–Kalavi Naniseni vs. Medhat S. Ayad, Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract and unjust enrichment. Atty. for plaintiff: Robert D. Kawamura, 04/07/08. n C-08-1-0700–AOAO Gardenia Manor vs. Harold and Betty T. Fujimoto et al., Injunction: Suit for court to issue order commanding defendants to cease violating project documents and remove materials from lanai. Atty. for plaintiff: John A. Morris, 04/07/08. n C-08-1-0701–Staub Metals Corp. vs. Innovative Housing Solutions LLC et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: Louise K.Y. Ing, 04/07/08. n C-08-1-0703–Sara R. Harvey vs. Safeway Inc. et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: pro se, 04/07/08. n C-08-1-0704–First Hawaiian Bank vs. Raymond C. Cranage III, Contract: Suit for $23,096 allegedly owed under credit account. Atty. for plaintiff: Leslie C. Togioka, 04/07/08. n C-08-1-0707–Trinidad M. Sanga vs. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc./ Central Pacific Bank et al., Foreclosure: Suit for court to stay defendants Central Pacific Banks non-judicial foreclosure and compell them to proceed through a judicial foreclosure. Atty. for plaintiff: Marshall D. Chinen, 04/07/08. n C-08-1-0708–Sachie Ohia/Keala and Milinia Ohia vs. Wilma J. Lape et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: pro se, 04/08/08. n C-08-1-0711–Makakilo Ventures LLC/Samuel S. Aguirre Sr. vs. Robert Lee and Cathy Lynn Goldinger, Contract: Suit for $20,901 allegedly owed under promissory note. Atty. for plaintiff: Wilfred K. Iwai, 04/08/08. n C-08-1-0713–HandiWheelchair Transportation LLC vs. Handi-Cabs of the Pacific Inc., Contract: Suit for $60,259 allegedly owed for unpaid loan amount. Atty. for plaintiff: Lunsford Dole Phillips, 04/08/08. n C-08-1-0715–Heidi Uilani Pearl Higa individually and on behalf of minor Ian Pookela Pakele vs. Glenn and Ramona Silva/Arden and Shyla Lopes et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: Walter J. Rodby, 04/08/08. n C-08-1-0718–Lloyd R. Anastasi vs. Fidelity National Title Insurance Co., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: Philip J. Leas, 04/08/08. n C-08-1-0720–Helen D. and Clayton Young vs. Sears Roebuck & Co. et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: Roy J. Bell, 04/09/08. n C-08-1-0722–Hawaii National Bank vs. Hawaii Pro Sound & Video Rentals Inc./ Christopher J. Waidzunas, Contract: Suit for $185,219 allegedly owed under promissory notes. Atty. for plaintiff: Bruce T. Yoshida, 04/09/08. n C-08-1-0725–Hawaii Health Systems Corp. dba Leahi Hospital vs. Grace Ching et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for bUsINess leAds alleged breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: Stanley M. Chow, 04/09/08. n C-08-1-0727–Ko Olina Community Association/ Colleen Hanabusa vs. Land Use Commission State of Hawaii/Dept. of Environmental Services City and County of Honolulu, Appeal: Notice of Appeal for court to reconsider and reverse subject decision and order that allegedly prejudices the rights of plaintiff. Atty. for plaintiff: Colleen Hanabusa, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0728–Nicolas Keeler vs. Pacific Lightnet Inc./Toyota Tsusho Corp. et al., Whistleblowers Protection Act: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of Whistleblowers Protection Act and wrongful termination. Atty. for plaintiff: John F. Perkin, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0729–State of Hawaii Dept. of Education by its Attorney General Mark J. Bennett vs. Mark V. Caberto/ Jeffrey and Alma T. Caberto/ George A. and Rubirosa T. Bugarin, Negligence: Suit for $253,745 allegedly owed for alleged property damage due to negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: Michael S. Vincent, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0730–Abha Dubey vs. A Furniture World Outlet LLC et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract and unfair and deceptive trade practices. Atty. for plaintiff: Robert E. Chapman, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0731–Robert M. Gouveia Jr. vs. Halawa Correctional Facility Dept. of Public Safety State of Hawaii, Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: John Rapp, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0732–Orben Inc. vs. Enzamin USA Inc./Takao and Mutsumi Zojo et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: Alan M. Goda, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0733–Central Pacific Bank vs. Hawaii Intergenerational Community Development Association et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract and unjust enrichment. Atty. for plaintiff: Mitzi A Lee, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0734–Government Employees Insurance Co./ Ruel E. Rollon vs. Patricia S.K. Kaleiwohi et al., Subrogation Claim: Suit for $36,720 allegedly owed under insurance subrogation claim. Atty. for plaintiff: Stephen K. Roy, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0736–Arsenia and Gaudencio Villamil vs. Oahu Transit Services Inc. et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: Richard Turbin, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0738–Avis Ing vs. Diana Lindsey et al., Negligence: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged property damage resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: Calvin E. Young, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0737–Bank of Hawaii vs. Academic Funding Inc./Joseph N. Siemann, Contract: Suit for $27,922 allegedly owed under credit line account. Atty. for plaintiff: Bruce T. Yoshida, 04/10/08. n C-08-1-0744–Construction Management & Development Inc. vs. TKB Terraces LLC/ Laurence H. Smith/Mitchell T. Heller et al., Contract: Suit for $461,854 allegedly owed under promissory note. Atty. for plaintiff: Gary B.K.T. Lee, 04/11/08. n C-08-1-0745–Construction Management & Development Inc. vs. KKO Development LLC/KKO Oasis LLC/ Laurence H. Smith/Mitchell T. Heller et al., Contract: Suit for $143,037 allegedly owed under promissory note. Atty. for plaintiff: Gary B.K.T. Lee, 04/11/08. n C-08-1-0746–Menehune Green LLC dba Hawaiian Earth Products vs. Kalaka Nui Inc., Contract: Suit for $43,356 allegedly owed for amounts due under invoice. Atty. for plaintiff: Vernon F.L. Char, 04/11/08. n C-08-1-0747–Jo Ann and Gene Gould vs. Hawaii Pacific Health et al., Medical Malpractice: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged injuries resulting from alleged medical malpractice and breach of duty. Atty. for plaintiff: James S. Bostwick, 04/11/08. n C-08-1-0748–Charles D. Lopez/Joon Hon Lee vs. Jessie and Adam Nohoikaiu et al., Assault: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged assault and battery. Atty. for plaintiff: Jacob M. Merrill, 04/11/08. n C-08-1-0750–Mililani Agricultural Park LLC vs. Zeune Baccam, Contract: Suit for $34,577 allegedly owed for share of maintenance fees. Atty. for plaintiff: Vernon Y.T. Woo, 04/11/08. n C-08-1-0751–Ferguson Enterprises Inc. vs. JMR Construction Corp./Maurice Parrish/National City Bank et al., Contract: Suit for court to determine amounts due under subject contract to plaintiff and to issue order of foreclosure of subject Mechanics Lien. Atty. for plaintiff: Denis MAy 16, 2008 Lee, 04/14/08. n C-08-1-0752–Government Employees Insurance Co./ Choonhgil Kim vs. Terence Tashima et al., Subrogation Claim: Suit for $28,312 allegedly owed under insurance subrogation claim. Atty. for plaintiff: Stephen K. Roy, 04/11/08. n C-08-1-0755–Anna Kelly individually and as Next Friend for Keanna Kelly a minor and Michael Kelly vs. Borders Inc. et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: pro se, 04/14/08. n C-08-1-0756–HPSC Inc. vs. Douglas Graham Inc./ Douglas E. and Christine K. Graham, Contract: Suit for $173,199 allegedly owed for leased equipment. Atty. for plaintiff: Elizabeth A. Kane, 04/14/08. n C-08-1-0757–Nikko Corp. vs. Freyja Hawaii Inc. fka Aska International Inc./Akihito Nakase et al., Contract: Suit for $79,024 allegedly owed under lease rent. Atty. for plaintiff: Jay T. Suemori, 04/14/08. n C-08-1-0759–Avelo Mortgage LLC vs. David Maui Lee et al., ForeclosureEjectment: Suit for ejectment against defendant for allegedly remaining on property as trespasser. Atty. for plaintiff: Lester K.M. Leu, 04/14/08. n C-08-1-0762–Golden Coin Food Industries vs. NTW Associates Inc./Jeffrey Y.C. Wong et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract and misrepresentation. Atty. for plaintiff: Wendell H. Fuji, 04/15/08. n C-08-1-0763–Cynthia C. Shintaku vs. Castle Medical Center et al., Whistleblowers Protection Act: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of Whistleblowers Protection Act. Atty. for plaintiff: Venetia K. Carpenter-Asui, 04/15/08. n C-08-1-0764–American Savings Bank vs. Nilasoni Landscape Inc./Leona and Hemaloto Alatini et al., Contract: Suit for $49,017 allegedly owed under Business Powerline Loan Account. Atty. for plaintiff: Robert E. Chapman, 04/15/08. CIRCUIT COURT-KONA n C-07-1-0291–Roderick and Leilani Hamel vs. Sound Advice Pacific Inc. et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: David B. Kaapu, 12/28/07. n C-07-1-0292–Frank R. Boyd vs. Craig L. Sides et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: Victor M. Cox, 12/31/07. n C-07-1-0293–Edwin T. Suzuki vs. Gerald Kremkow, Contract: Suit for $576,572 allegedly owed under subject partnership agreement. Atty. for plaintiff: Leigh-Wai Doo, 12/31/07. n C-07-1-0294–Bernet Carvalho individually and as Personal Representative of the Estate of Rayden Kalavi deceased vs. AIG Hawaii Insurance Co. Inc. et al., Declaratory: Suit for court to declare that subject insurance policy provided stacked UM and UIM coverages. Atty. for plaintiff: Arthur Y. Park, 12/31/07. n C-08-1-0003–Jean-Marc Offergeld vs. Ira Leitel et al., Legal Malpractice: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged legal malpractice and breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: Jan K. Apo, 01/08/08. n C-08-1-0005–Pacific Waste Inc. vs. Kona Brewery LLC et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: Francis L. Jung, 01/10/08. n C-08-1-0006–Clenet K. Jr. and Diane M. Kanuha vs. Heirs and/or Devisees of Kahelepo Peahi aka Joseph W. Peahi/Rose Akina/William Peahi et al., Partition: Suit for court to order partition by sale and to determine distribution of proceeds. Atty. for plaintiff: Robert D. Triantos, 01/10/08. n C-08-1-0007–HSBC Bank USA vs. Nemecio Silva and Dayvalene Avendano Silva et al., ForeclosureEjectment: Suit for ejectment against defendant for allegedly remaining on property as trespasser. Atty. for plaintiff: Lester K.M. Leu, 01/10/08. n C-08-1-0011–Citibank South Dakota NA vs. Joreen Knox, Contract: Suit for $37,405 allegedly owed under credit account. Atty. for plaintiff: Marvin S.C. Dang, 01/18/08. n C-08-1-0012–David McCollough vs. Tom F. and Linda S. Corra et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract and misrepresentation. Atty. for plaintiff: Roy A. Vitousek, 01/18/08. n C-08-1-0014–Artistic Builders Corp. vs. TKB Terraces LLC/General Retirement System of the City of Detroit et al., Contract: Suit for court to determine amounts due under subject contract to plaintiff and to SEE circuit court-konA, PAGE 41 bUSInESS LEAdS May 16, 2008 CIRCUIt COURt-kOnA from PAGE 40 issue order of foreclosure of subject Mechanics Lien. Atty. for plaintiff: Dennis A. Krueger, 01/22/08. n C-08-1-0015–Mauna Kea Homes Inc./Ronald W. Roberts vs. Paul W. and Diana L. Gillespie et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract, misrepresentation and unjust enrichment. Atty. for plaintiff: Kris A. LaGuire, 01/22/08. n C-08-1-0016–Bank of Hawaii vs. A Hui Hou Tribute Center Inc. et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: Susan Tius, 01/24/08. n C-08-1-0018–Hawaii Employers Mutual Insurance Co. vs. Big Island Air Inc., Contract: Suit for $22,044 allegedly owed for workers compensation premiums. Atty. for plaintiff: Robert S. Holland, 01/24/08. n C-08-1-0020–Herbert J. Milley vs. AOAO The Royal Seacliff Club et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: Ian L. Mattoch, 01/25/08. n C-08-1-0026–CU Hawaii Federal Credit Union vs. Justin K. Kanakaole, Contract: Suit for $40,819 allegedly owed for loan and credit account. Atty. for plaintiff: Jon R. Ono, 01/28/08. n C-08-1-0032–Alfred Grace vs. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: Dexter K. Kaiama, 02/06/08. n C-08-1-0033–HFS Federal Credit Union vs. Bernadette and Ferdinand B. Martin, Contract: Suit for $31,412 allegedly owed under loanliner security agreement. Atty. for plaintiff: Kirk W. Caldwell, 02/06/08. n C-08-1-0034–Kimberly A. Granger vs. Talia Ranch LLC et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: Roy K.S. Chang, 02/07/08. n C-08-1-0035–AOAO Waikoloa Hills Condominium Inc. vs. Steven E. Hamm/ Gale D. Defuentes et al., Declaratory: Suit for court to declare that plaintiff has power and duty to enforce compliance with governing documents. Atty. for plaintiff: Christian P. Porter, 02/07/08. n C-08-1-0036–Francine R. and Jack Alexander vs. Scott and Christine Sveiven et al., Negligence: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged physical injuries resulting from alleged negligence. Atty. for plaintiff: Ian L. Mattoch, 02/08/08. n C-08-1-0038–State of Hawaii by its Director of the Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs vs. Christopher K. Mehrtens individually and dba Awnings in Paradise LCC, Injunction: Suit for court to issue order enjoining defendant and anyone in active participation with defendant from offering or doing any work for which a license is required and for civil penalties. Atty. for plaintiff: Patrick K. Kelly, 02/11/08. n C-08-1-0040–William N. and Shu-Tin Stirlen vs. Tom Sills/Michael J. Krochina dba Krochina Engineering et al., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract and misrepresentation. Atty. for plaintiff: Keith Y. Yamada, 02/12/08. n C-08-1-0047–William Phelps vs. Kona Community Hospital et al., Medical Malpractice: Suit for special and general damages to be shown for alleged injuries resulting from alleged medical malpractice and breach of duty. Atty. for plaintiff: Charles J. Ferrera, 02/15/08. n C-08-1-0048–Alakai Mechanical Corp. vs. FTM Construction Inc., Contract: Suit for special, general and punitive damages to be shown for alleged breach of contract. Atty. for plaintiff: Matthew G. Jewell, 02/15/08. n C-08-1-0049–State of Hawaii by its Director of the Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs vs. Michael J. Gryde individually and dba Island Style Service, Injunction: Suit for court to issue order enjoining defendant and anyone in active participation with defendant from offering or doing any work for which a license is required and for civil penalties. Atty. for plaintiff: Patrick K. Kelly, 02/19/08. n C-08-1-0050–State of Hawaii by its Director of the Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs vs. Jimmy Carrion, Injunction: Suit for court to issue order enjoining defendant and anyone in active participation with defendant from offering or doing any work for which a license is required and for civil penalties. Atty. for plaintiff: Patrick K. Kelly, 02/19/08. FORECLOSURES-OAHU n C-08-1-0858—AOAO The Twenty One Hundred vs. Steven S.W. Look et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 2100 Date St. Suite 1007, Honolulu, Oahu 96826, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Christopher S. Goodwin, 04/29/08. n C-08-1-0860—Citimortgage Inc. vs. Gilbert P. and Mariko Y. Abergas et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 915 McCully St. Suite B, Honolulu, Oahu 96826, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $452,000 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Steven T. Iwamura, 04/30/08. n C-08-1-0861—AOAO Viewpointe at Waikele vs. Ruben and Adelina G. Ramos et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 94-510 Lumiaina St. Suite A-203, Waipahu, Oahu 96797, for alleged nonpayment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Philip L. Lahne, 04/30/08. n C-08-1-0863—Countrywide Home Loans Inc. vs. Daniel J. and Salome A. Anderson et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 91-2019 Kai’oli St. Suite 4002, Ewa Beach, Oahu 96706, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $383,571 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Steven T. Iwamura, 04/30/08. n C-08-1-0864—U.S. Bank NA vs. He L. B. and Nadene F. Antolin et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 95-1033 Ainamakua Drive Suite 147, Mililani, Oahu 96789, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $261,000 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Steven T. Iwamura, 04/30/08. n C-08-1-0869—AOAO Queen Emma Gardens vs. Stephen R. Hon et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 1511 Nuuanu Ave. Suite 1139, Honolulu, Oahu 96817, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Atlette S. Harada, 05/01/08. n C-08-1-0872—Citimortgage Inc. vs. Richard B.K. and Tammy T. Kamoe et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 98-1431 Kaahumanu St. Suite 235-F, Aiea, Oahu 96701, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $478,825 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Lester K.M. Leu, 05/01/08. n C-08-1-0873—Lasalle Bank N.A. vs. Mike F. Peko et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 86-116 Kulapa Place, Waianae, Oahu 96792, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $307,912 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Lester K.M. Leu, 05/01/08. n C-08-1-0874—American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc. vs. Michele M. Acedo et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 606 Puu’ikena Drive, Honolulu, Oahu 96821, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $1,499,840 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Lester K.M. Leu, 05/01/08. FORECLOSURES-HILO n C-07-1-356–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Ryozo Yoko and Megumi Kobayashi. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 2295 Sixth Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-357–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Jonghong Ko. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 180 23rd Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-358–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Shinichi S. and Atsushi Kanno. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 1638 10th Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-359–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Mieko Kanamaru. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 2503 Fourth Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-360–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Kabushiki Oe Planning. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 1550 11th Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-361–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Miyoshi I. and Hisako Izutsu. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 15-1664 Fourth Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged nonpayment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-362–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Yoshito Ikegami. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 264 16th Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-363–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Kiyoo and Toshiko Horino. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 1506 First Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged nonpayment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-364–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Kiyonori and Miyoko Hirai. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 158 32nd Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-365–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Masu Hanawa. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 246 17th Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-366–Hawaiian Paradise Park-Owners Association vs. Yukio and Hideo Ando. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 2066 Seventh Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged nonpayment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ted H.S. Hong, 11/09/07. n C-07-1-370–Indymac Bank vs. Steven R. Thompson et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 44-3068 Hookahua Road, Honokaa, Hawaii 96727, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $448,269 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Walter Beh II, 11/14/07. n C-07-1-373–NRLL LLC vs. Leticia Benevidas et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 888 Nanawale Estates Subdivision Unit 2, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $16,551 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Lester K.M. Leu, 11/15/07. n C-07-1-374–National City Mortgage vs. Dan M. Burke et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 12-7050 Moaniala St., Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $308,000 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: David B. Rosen, 11/15/07. n C-07-1-380–The Bank of New York vs. Vernol L. Jr. and Caroline B. Leanro et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 15-1957 10th Ave., Keaau, Hawaii 96749, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $340,000 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Karyn A. Doi, 11/20/07. n C-07-1-382–HFS Federal Credit Union vs. Jerry K. and Pamela S. Bell et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 17-312 Volcano Road, Kurtistown, Hawaii 96760, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $44,486 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Kirk W. Caldwell, 11/21/07. n C-07-1-383–U.S. Bank NA vs. Dominic M. and Gaylene C. McCormick et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 13-3540 Kumakahi St., Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $216,900 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Karyn A. Doi, 11/30/07. n C-07-1-403–Leilani Community Association vs. Sampe and Leilani P. Kobayashi et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 13-3528 Onelea St., Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, for alleged non-pay- 41 ment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ivan L. Van Leer, 12/10/07. n C-07-1-404–Leilani Community Association vs. Joseph and Julia Gerardi/ James J. Girardi et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 5 Moku St., Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of common expenses plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Ivan L. Van Leer, 12/10/07. n C-07-1-407–U.S. Bank NA vs. Janet L. Yamamoto et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 16-2122 Coconut St., Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $212,000 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Steven T. Iwamura, 11/13/07. n C-07-1-409–Wells Fargo Bank vs. Danny K. Sr. and Julie Ann Yamamoto. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 16-2068 Lehua St., Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $80,750 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Steven T. Iwamura, 12/14/07. n C-07-1-415–Countrywide Home Loans vs. Maxine S. Nakamura et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on 2740 Kaumana Drive, Hilo, Hawaii 96720, for alleged nonpayment of principal sum of $186,000 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Steven T. Iwamura, 12/19/07. n C-08-1-0007–Richard E. Anderson vs. Walter L. Wagner et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage on Lot 1 Kamaee Maualoa Settlement, Hilo, Hawaii 96720, for alleged non-payment of principal sum of $117,763 plus interest. Atty. for plaintiff: Sondra P. Song, 01/18/08. MECHAnICS LIEnS-OAHU n ML-08-1-0019–Claimant: Island Ready-Mix Concrete Inc., Contractor: JMR Construction Corp., Owner: Maurice Parrish et al., $3,816, on property at Tax Map Key: 9-4-135-01, 94-1009 Hohola St., Waipahu, Oahu 96797, Atty. for Claimant: Patricia K. Wall, 04/23/08. n ML-08-1-0020—Claimant: Commercial Plumbing Inc., Contractor: Caribou Industries, Owner: The Pinnacle Honolulu LLC/ Caribou Industries et al., $119,550, on property at Tax Map Key: 2-1-10-26, 1199 Bishop St., Honolulu, Oahu 96813, Atty. for Claimant: Mervyn W. Lee, 04/25/08. n ML-08-1-0021—Claimant: MST Constructors Inc., Contractor: MST Constructors Inc., Owner: Aloha/King LLC/ Central Pacific Bank et al., $1,788,797, on property at Tax Map Key: 2-6-05-01,02, 1414/1420 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu, Oahu 96826, Atty. for Claimant: Michael D. Tom, 04/25/08. 42 pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com from page one Carpenters: ‘There isn’t a demand’ “I’d trust Fred with my grandmother’s keepsakes.” from PAGE onE - Rebecca Parker, President “We hire people who care, then teach them the moving business.” Our employees average more than 16 years on the job with us. They love what they do, and that means they care about making your move as smooth, friendly and professional as possible. For great moving tips and a helpful calendar to plan your move, call us or log onto our site. 456-4200 www.mdyerandsons.com May 16, 2008 PUC 137C • ICC MC133909 Or developers can’t find the financing to get started. “There was a dramatic rise in unemployment just caused by the financial institutions,” Taketa said. “Within a three-month period the unemployment just skyrocketed because of the subprime problem.” Although a number of government and military projects on Oahu are helping to keep the construction business fairly healthy in the current economic downturn, a slowing in the residential home-building business has cost many carpenters jobs. Sales have slowed and some projects have been delayed or scaled back. And one large residential project, Castle & Cooke’s Mililani Mauka, will be completed this summer, with no other new developments ready to be built. “It’s just kind of across the board cooling or leveling off, which is not entirely unexpected coming off the boom years,” said Kyle Chock, executive director of the Pacific Resource Partnership, a joint program of the Hawaii Carpenters Union and some 200 unionized contractors across the state. The Carpenters Union membership hit a high of 10,000 before the Japanese bubble of the early 1990s. By 2000, membership had fallen to about 4,000. Union membership has increased to 7,800 today, Taketa noted. But only a little more than 6,000 are working. “We’re the first to be laid off and the last to be brought on to a project,” Taketa said. “That’s the unfairness of it all … we get laid off first and recalled last.” The economy isn’t entirely to blame for the slowdown. Building permit delays and county ordinances for affordable housing requirements and water usage have slowed some projects down. Stanford Carr recently received the building permits for his company to begin a Neighbor Island project, but he said he’s holding off on construction. “There isn’t a demand,” said Carr, president of Honolulu-based Stanford Carr Development. “Everyone is very hesitant and uncertain about the future. I think everyone is kind of wait-and-see.” Several large residential projects are planned for Central and West Oahu — including D.R. Horton-Schuler Division’s Hooipili and Waiawa, a joint venture between Alexander & Baldwin and Gentry — but those won’t get off the ground for several more years. D.R. Horton’s Schuler Division hasn’t seen much of a change in demand in the past four or five months, said division President Mike Jones. The developer has two projects on Oahu under construction — Sea CountryNohokai in Waianae and Kahiwelo at Makakilo — and one, Nanala at Mehana in Kapolei, where work hasn’t yet begun. “We’re patiently waiting for permits so that we can get started down there,” Jones said. [email protected] | 955-8041 By signing up for PBN’s free daily business news update! Weekly 3 p.m. Daily To get our daily business news updates e-mailed to you, go to pacificbusinessnews.com and got to “subscribe” then click on “email alerts.” WE U N D ERSTAN D H OW HAWAI I WO RKS May 16, 2008 pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news Chad Harris’ Small Business Moment On January 12th, 2008, Chad Harris boldly seized his moment with AT&T Small Business Solutions. From a wind-whipped jobsite on the outskirts of civilization, he heard about a landscaping gig in need of a crew. Using his smartphone he checked inventory at the nursery, got pricing from the office and submitted his bid before the competition could. He won the job that day. Pay dirt. Seize your moment with AT&T Exclusively Business. Get 24/7/365 enhanced small business support plus exclusive discounts on voice and data services. Learn more from a dedicated small business specialist. ® More bars in more places™ CALL 1-866-372-2806 CLICK ATT.COM/YOURMOMENT VISIT YOUR NEAREST AT&T STORE Service provided by AT&T Mobility. ©2008 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 43 44 from page one pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 Obtain the Property Report required by Federal law and read it before signing anything. No Federal agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. Owned by FRC Waikīkī, LLC. Prices, specifications and locations are subject to change without notice. These materials shall not constitute an offer to sell in any state where prior registration is required. Prudential Locations LLC. Project broker, cooperating with Hawaii licensed real estate brokers. Rendering is artistʼs conception. NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION Open House This Weekend pbn file photo Hilo Hattie’s flagship store on Nimitz Highway is a favorite with tourists. The new owners still plan to open a new flagship store at the Royal Hawaiian Center in Waikiki, which will replace the Nimitz store. Your Own Piece of Paradise Hilo HaTTie: Buyers are relying on local management expertise Upscale High-Rise Residences from the $600,000s from PAGE onE 3% Courtesy to Cooperating Brokers 1.808.739.4140 | 1.866.647.2060 www.AllureWaikiki.com Sales Pavilion open daily 10am - 5pm 1837 Kalākaua Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 Find your happy place. 2WaQ]dS`bVSRWabW\QbWdSaSbbW\U]T6OeOWW>`W\QS6]bSZEOWYWYWT]`g]c`\SfbUObVS`W\U]`a^SQWOZ SdS\b3f^S`WS\QSSWUVbTc\QbW]\O`SOaQcab][WhSR[S\caO\RSfQS^bW]\OZaS`dWQSW\OQ]\dS\WS\b EOWYWYWZ]QObW]\eWbVO[^ZS^O`YW\U/aYOP]cb]c`>`W\QS3fSQcbWdS1ZcP eee>`W\QS@Sa]`ba6OeOWWQ][;SSbW\Uaj'#$ ;Oc\O9SO0SOQV6]bSZj6O^c\O0SOQV>`W\QS6]bSZj;OcW>`W\QS6]bSZj6OeOWW>`W\QS6]bSZEOWYWYW HPWR-19227.PBN 1 3/19/08 12:28:20 PM dent John Reed, stepped down. John Scott, a former Hilo Hattie executive, is now president of the company. Mark Storfer, the former chief operating officer of Liberty House and a commercial real estate broker, is serving as interim secretary and treasurer until after the sale closes and Nelson is able to appoint a chief financial officer. Scott will run the merchandising side of the business, Nelson said, adding that a group of local vendors is interested in helping the company with its direction. “Ted has very clear plans for where he wants to take Hilo Hattie,” said Storfer, who also is director of commercial real estate at Choi International, a position he will keep during the Hilo Hattie transition. Although he is optimistic about Hawaii for the long haul, Nelson said the recent changes in the local economy will make the challenges faced by him and his partners, whom he declined to name, more difficult. “We will need support from local banks,” he said. “Their view of the changes in the economy may affect their willingness to be supportive of what we want to accomplish.” Annual sales of the privately held company were estimated by PBN at about $30 million in 2006 and at the time the company employed about 400 people. A spokesman would not give a current employment figure but said it was between 200 and 300. There are no immediate plans to change store operations, product mix or number of employees. “But of course we have to manage the business in a commercially viable way, so we’ve got to keep track of what type of tourist traffic is coming through our stores, and sales, and run our business accordingly,” Nelson said. “We’re hoping as the tourist traffic drops off, if it drops off as predicted, we’re hoping we can encourage more locals to shop at our stores.” Nelson does plan to refresh the Hilo Hattie brand and said he will move ahead with plans for a new flagship store in the Royal Hawaiian Center, which the company had originally planned to open last year. “That’s probably the biggest and most exciting opportunity that we could have and we want to position ourselves to be able to execute that opportunity,” he said of the new store. Hilo Hattie has seven stores, including five in Hawaii and two in Southern California. The company closed its store in Orlando, Fla., last year, while a store in Las Vegas closed early this year. Storfer said he agreed to work with the buyers after getting a call from Nelson, a longtime friend. Storfer, who also has a management consulting business, came to Hawaii in 1994 to work for Liberty House and stayed until Federated Department Stores bought it in 2001 and converted the stores to Macy’s. Romig said that while he had been looking to sell the company, the offer from Nelson and his partners came as a surprise. “I think they’re wonderful buyers and they’re going to do a great job,” he said. Nelson said he became interested after being contacted by an associate. “I’m a deal-transaction-oriented businessperson and when I see an opportunity to put the right elements together in a deal, I’m challenged and invigorated and excited and that’s what I saw here,” he said. Nelson said there are several local businesspeople — whom he declined to name — who have ideas for the company and who “can lend their expertise and services and work in strategic ways to help the company succeed. It appears we’re going to have some very good relationships.” [email protected] | 955-8041 May 16, 2008 from page one pacificbusinessnews.com | pacific business news 45 Jet: For $3,000 an hour, just relax and enjoy the ride The Cessna Citation II jet carries eight passengers and makes the run to Kauai in less than 30 minutes. And there’s no security or baggage hassles on the ground. from PAGE onE ich, wearing a suit, hat and leather gloves, opened the door to the waiting car. “Business is booming,” said Nenezich. “Private jets are the wave of the future because there’s no hassle. I picked up one guy who came to Honolulu for just six hours to attend a meeting. I told my wife Rosie, ‘Amazing! You’d think they’d make time to go to the beach!’ But that’s their business.” Stone formed Resort Air in September 2005 and since then the airline has carried mostly resort executives, developers, investors and their guests for business meetings. Now the airline is promoting the service more widely, to local and Mainland business travelers and especially leisure travelers who want to travel discretely and comfortably to Hawaii’s large commercial airports as well as to smaller airstrips. Those smaller airports include Hana on Maui, the Big Island’s Waimea-Kohala Airport, and on Lanai, each located near world-class resorts. Resort Air isn’t for the economy-minded traveler. Charging $3,000 an hour for a minimum two hours per 24-hour period (the price does not include limo service but does cover most fees), it’s the anti-go! But as air travel continues to rise in cost and decline in service, private jets offering on-demand service are growing in appeal. “Once word gets out, this is going to take off,” said John Toner, The Resort Group’s executive vice president. “Hawaii is so small. Everyone’s going to know.” Toner said this as the Citation II gained altitude after leaving Honolulu International Airport. It is a very fast jet — it took less than 30 minutes to reach Princeville — with steep takeoffs and landings. “It’s very maneuverable, almost like a fighter,” said Chris Ferrara, a pilot and director of Resort Air’s operations. Cruising at 340 knots (390 miles per hour), Toner knocked on the jet’s faux wood paneling for good luck. The action was quickly repeated by Ferrara, suggesting like-minded thinking and camaraderie. The two men and Pettersson all wore Maui Jim sunglasses, polarized, polycarbonate lenses that average several hundred dollars in price. Sitting comfortably in the Citation’s stuffed leather seats, they resembled the corporate magnates, rock stars and marquee athletes who prefer private jets. Resort Air operates out of a private hangar off Lagoon Drive, an expansive stretch of concrete and asphalt where FedEx, UPS, AirMed Hawaii and other small carriers are housed opposite the big terminals of the Honolulu airport. Toner said he did not know how much The Resort Group has invested in Resort Air, and he noted there are no outside investors. “We’ve never calculated it,” he said, frequently glancing at his ever-present BlackBerry. “But there is such a pent-up demand for this service in Hawaii. I hear that from tinA yuEn pbn guys on the Mainland all the time.” (Here’s another private jet perk: You can operate electronic devices at any time on the Citation II.) The idea to start a private airline was Stone’s. He met Ferrara in 2005 when he bought the Princeville Resort. Ferrara said the Citation II, which has been retrofitted for Hawaii service, costs $3 million. They have a business plan and a marketing strategy, too, although they declined to share it. But Resort Air does receive referrals from Air Service Hawaii and Bradley Pacific Aviation, the state’s top airline charter service operators. Referrals also come from Massachusetts-based Air Charter Guide, a leading online information source for the charter industry. Resort Air currently flies two to three flights a week between Honolulu and Princeville. It could not operate a commercial service until August 2007, when it met the Federal Aviation Administration’s Part 135 aviation regulations. The airline also is a member of the National Business Aviation Association, which promotes operation excellence and security. Resort Air hopes to achieve profitability within a year or two and company executives believe the big draw may be its island-hopping capability. Unlike many charter operations, Resort Air passengers have a lot of say in where they go. It could range from an excursion along Kauai’s Na Pali Coast to circling the entire state in a day. For now, Kauai is Resort Air’s target destination, primarily because the Princeville Airport is privately owned by The Resort Group. It’s only minutes away from the Princeville Resort (soon to receive a $60 million renovation and rebranding as Hawaii’s only St. Regis hotel and resort), the Westin Princeville Ocean Resort Villas and a Robert Trent Jones Jr. golf course. Sipping Arnold Palmers — lemonade and iced tea — at the Princeville Resort’s Cafe Hanalei that afternoon, Toner told stories how Japanese tourists used to fly over just for the day to play golf. Resort Air is looking to add a second plane by Christmas. Chauffeur Nenezich was waiting for Resort Air as it returned to Honolulu. This time he was driving a 1964 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud III, a $100,000 vehicle. Employees with public relations firm Sheila Donnelly & Associates rolled out a red carpet — an actual red carpet — and PBN’s reporter and photographer entered the Rolls. Nenezich handed them each a chilled bottle of Perrier. “We’re the only [limousine] company with a Rolls-Royce,” explained Nenezich as he drove back to Waikiki. “Oh, people love this car!” [email protected] | 955-8036 ATTENTION ADVERTISING AND MARKETING PROFESSIONALS: PBN IS HIRING Is your current career leaving you room for growth? Are you an experienced professional with a proven track record of success? The grass is greener on our side with a career at PBN, Hawaii’s primary source of business news. Previous advertising sales experience a plus, but most important is talent, positive attitude, a strong work ethic and customer focus. We are looking for the best. Full time with excellent income potential and benefits. Please send your resume along with cover letter to: Mimi Beams, Director of Advertising Pacific Business News 1833 Kalakaua Ave., 7th Floor Honolulu, HI 96815 Or e-mail: [email protected] WE UNDERSTAND HOW HAWAII WORKS 46 pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com B May 16, 2008 Sustainability plan needs sustenance ack in January, political leaders in Hawaii were bowing at the altar of sustainability. Just about every speech on opening day referred to sustainability. The president of the Senate noted an earlier promise to make it that body’s “overarching theme.” The speaker of the House, who referred to sustainability five times, said the efforts “will truly help Hawaii take charge of its destiny.” New session, same results: Sustainability, at least in terms of officially adopting the “Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan,” is not a legislative priority. Since 2005, there have been assorted attempts to prepare and adopt a sustainability plan that would replace the state plan written in 1978 during the Ariyoshi administration. It makes sense to us that a new document should guide us toward a viable future, especially now that living “green” is a hot concept. But like a lot of things in Hawaii, there are many roadblocks and detours along the highway of good intentions. In the last three years, Gov. Linda Lingle and legislators have sparred over the need M OpiniOn for a sustainability plan, who should administer it and how much it should cost. Since 2005, the Senate has been shepherding the planning, which would be administered through the state auditor. The auditor reports directly to the Legislature. After 2010, according to the original bill, responsibility would shift to the state Office of Planning, part of the administration. Coincidentally, that just happens to be the year that Lingle is out the door. Then there is the conflict with the gung-ho Senate, led by Sen. Russell Kokubun, chairman of a 24-member task force that developed the plan submitted in February. The task force says it has prepared “the People’s Plan” because it has received more than 10,000 responses through its public meetings and other sources. All of that didn’t excite the House Finance Committee led by Rep. Marcus Oshiro. In April, the committee decided that the sustainability plan lacked necessary data, sources and benchmarks to back up its major goals. It was a direct shot at the Hawaii Institute for Public Affairs, which prepared much of the plan. So, with agreement of a reluctant Senate, the sustainability plan has been referred to the College of Social Sciences Public Policy Center at the University of Hawaii. They now have two more years to come up with something acceptable. Lingle has been dismissive of the sustainability plan and twice vetoed bills that set a course for the plan. The vetoes were subsequently overridden, underscoring the divide between the governor and the Legislature on the topic. Lingle believes having the auditor responsible for the plan is a direct attempt to bypass the state planning office and thus the executive branch. She’s also indicated that the sustainability plan takes too long to implement and that there are many issues that need to be addressed right now. At this rate, it’s going to be 2050 before we adopt a plan figuring out how to get there. The Hawaii Institute for Public Affairs has been paid about $1.2 million over the last two years to gather information, coordinate input and write much of the sustainability plan. It’s worth checking out at www.hawaii2050. org, especially the section on “priority actions and intermediate steps.” It’s basically a solid document but heavy on background and parts of the plan do tend to mirror the format and recommendations of HIPA’s own periodic “new economy” reports. Still, if Oshiro and his House colleagues want something with more specifics, they ought to do it faster than banishing the project to the university for two years. We’re seeing a pattern: Politicians love to talk about sustainability but they are coming up with a lot of excuses to avoid dealing with it. We like the idea of a state plan, but there hasn’t been a lot of meaningful response either to the new one or the one adopted 30 years ago. A portion of the latest sustainability plan ponders that issue: “Without a mechanism for accountability, Hawaii 2050 might answer to no one.” A poll conducted in January found people in Hawaii remarkably pessimistic about the future. If our political leaders can’t even agree on how to plan for the future, there isn’t much hope for a brighter tomorrow. ‘It’s what they do’ just doesn’t do the trick y neighbor thought he owed me an Bosses harass employees explanation as his three small dogs — sometimes it’s the other yapped at the large golden retriever, way around — creating disturbing the quiet of a recent morning. hostile workplaces. “It’s what they do,” he said. “It’s what they do,” we His explanation struck me as a reflecsay, reminding ourselves tion of how we respond to a lot that goes that nobody’s perfect and on around us. putting up with jerks, even Legislators end yet another session more when they break the law, is Jim notable for partisan politics than for improvjust part of life. george ing public policy. The Honolulu City Council Merchants give us bad Managing editor’s products and shoddy serfails time and again to even vote on the notebook critical issue of mass transit. Politicians cut vice. deals to get their friends named to important “It’s what they do,” we boards and commissions and to keep their complain to one another, while we conenemies’ friends off of them. And, as today’s tinue to shop with them. editorial notes, important issues such as susThe public schools continue to struggle tainability languish. to meet testing standards while teachers, “It’s what they do,” we say, resigned to administrators and staff remain mired in the premise that we can’t really expect bureaucracy. more from the people we elect to serve us. “It’s what they do,” we say, as we try to Government bureaucracy moves so slowplace our keiki in private schools and igly that private businesses lose time and nore that fact that we as parents and commoney as they wait for permits. Companies munity leaders have a stake in making wanting to do business in Hawaii see the our public schools work. rules change in the middle of the game. “It’s what they do” is a convenient ex“It’s what they do,” we say, as we joke cuse to accept mediocrity and do nothing about “government efficiency” being an to change it. oxymoron. My neighbor at least has options for his Big corporations shut down local busiyappy little dogs. He could train them to nesses, tossing faithful, long-time workbe quiet, or even muzzle them on their ers onto the street without so much as a early morning walks. mahalo. Getting an entire community to raise “It’s what they do,” we say, shaking our its expectations is quite another story. Afheads at the fact that some big businesses, ter all, “It’s not what we do.” and the men and women who run them, lack souls. [email protected] | 955-8033 Letter to the Editor | friend to business vehicles. Rail is no friend to business I have been following the mayor’s transit program for two years. Unfortunately, rail will be very expensive in Hawaii with no reduction in traffic congestion. I’ve noticed that your paper has stayed out of the conversation concerning rail. So, here’s a business angle that has not been in the papers or discussed at the City Council. Business vehicles (vans, trucks, business cars, etc.) are wasting thousands of hours in our current overloaded traffic situation. The mayor’s alternatives analysis tells us that the hours lost (wasted) in traffic will grow much higher with rail. Businesses will suffer. Rail is no John Brizdle Honolulu How to submit a letter Pacific Business News welcomes letters from readers. We reserve the right to edit for space and/or clarity. All letters must be typewritten or e-mailed and include writer’s name, address and phone number. Mail to PBN, 1833 Kalakaua Ave., 7th Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815. Fax to (808) 955-8031. Or send via the Pacific Business News Web site at pacificbusinessnews.com. All submissions become the property of Pacific Business News and may not be published or otherwise used in any medium. commentary MAy 16, 2008 Bullies can destroy your company’s culture W orkplace bullies can ruin a culture, destroy productivity and make your life — and those of everyone else they target — miserable. And it’s not just bullying bosses who are the problem. Co-workers and employees also use bullying behavior that creates a hostile workplace. Excluding lethal weapons, here are the top dozen techniques bullies use to ruin a workplace. n Yelling, physical threats (overt or veiled) and throwing things. This in-your-face method makes targets think actual physical attacks will follow. n Verbal abuse, emotional intimidation and personal insults in private and in public. This includes put-downs and humiliating, demeaning, rude, cruel, insulting, mocking and embarrassing comments. n Harassment based on race, religion, gender and physical attributes. Sexual contact, lewd suggestions, name-calling, teasing and overtly nasty personal jokes. Stealthy bullies often follow their put-downs or threats by laughing and saying “I was just kidding” to make it hard for their targets to fight back. n Backstabbing, spreading rumors and gossip, manipulating, lying, distorting, hypocrisy and exposing your personal problems and performance mistakes. Making false accusations, especially outrageous ones. Repeated character assassination is another favorite technique. n Taking the credit for the work of others. Never accepting blame, but instead spreading the blame to blameless employees. Withholding information and then cutting targets down for not knowing or for failing in a task because they didn’t know the crucial information. n Anonymous attacks and cyber-bullying — flaming emails, personal innuendos and threats, and porn. Invading the personal space and privacy of targets by rummaging through their Ben desks, listening to phone LeichtLing calls, asking extremely perin My sonal questions and eating other people’s food. OpiniOn n Hypersensitive overreactions, throwing tantrums and acting like drama queens or petulant princes. Bullies want to train others to walk on eggshells, back off in order to avoid a scene or beg forgiveness as if they really did something wrong. These bullies try to exert control through the reluctance many of us have to hurt other people’s feelings or to get them upset. n Dishonest evaluations — praising and promoting favorites, giving slackers good evaluations and destroying the careers of targets. n Demeaning meetings — yelling, pointing fingers, interrupting, ignoring, derisive laughter or snorts, and nonverbal comments behind targets’ backs, such as rude noises, denigrating body language, facial gestures, answering a phone or text messaging, or working on a computer. n Forming cliques and ganging up to harass and demean. Perpetuating turf wars about budgets, hiring, copiers and coffee machines. n Micro-managing everything. Bullies make it clear they believe other people are so stupid and incompetent that the bully has to do everything to make sure it’s done right. Perfectionism and nit-picking criticism. n Managing in a panic. Waiting until the last minute so everyone moves from crisis to crisis. Making every task a matter of life or death so people are continually pressured and terrified. The panic becomes an excuse for further bullying. Most bullies use combinations of these methods. The relentless application of these techniques reinforces humiliation, pain and fear. It can make the targets feel helpless and situations seem hopeless. Your operational system may look wonderful on paper, but the wrong people in the wrong culture can always find ways to thwart it. Your pipeline leaks money and profits plummet. It’s possible to turn these terrible situations around. But it takes time, perseverance and processes tailored for each specific situation. You also need a leader dedicated to wiping out these behaviors and a small cadre of determined helpers is necessary. A common mistake in dealing with bullies is trying to educate, explain, understand, accept, forgive, beg, bribe, ignore, reason with or appease them. These approaches won’t convert dedicated bullies into reasonable, civil and professional people. These approaches only stop people who aren’t really bullies, but have behaved badly one time. The best way to stop bullies is to stand up to them. Expose and isolate them. Or catch them doing something outrageous or illegal in front of witnesses. Ben LeichtLing is a Denver-based consultant, leadership adviser and speaker. Reach him at [email protected]. Baggage charges don’t fly well with consumers P aying to check more than one bag on most airlines has suddenly become standard practice on most airlines, including Hawaiian Airlines, which recently announced it was adopting the same policy as its larger competitors. Of the 967 people who participated in PBN’s recent online Business Pulse survey, just over half said it was a bad idea. Forty-one percent said they were OK with the change, though judging by their comments it would be fair to say most people didn’t exactly embrace it. Some of the people who left comments said they saw the $25 charge, as well as other add-ons, as so much game-playing by the airlines. “If the fares are inadequate then they should have the integrity and courage to raise fares to an adequate level,” one person wrote. “Their approach is to mislead the consumer into the belief that the fares are lower when they are not.” Others said they understood that airlines were getting hammered by fuel prices and hoped that the extra fees would discourage passengers from packing too much. Here’s a sampling of the comments, Pbn business Pulse survey What do you think about airlines charging $25 to check a second piece of baggage? which also are available online at pacificbusiness news.com: n “I don’t like it but if it’s necessary due to the rising fuel cost I would rather pay I don’t know: 3% than have them out of business.” n “I’d rather pay It’s a more for luggage terrible I’m OK idea: than an acrosswith it: 55% the-board fare 41% increase.” n “Airlines gotta *Doesn’t add to 100 make their nickel. percent due to rounding The market will desOuRce: pAcificBusinessnews.cOM cide whether they keep it or not.” n “Geez, I was hoping Hawaiian Air wouldn’t cave to the peer pressure. I think it’s terrible how passengers are being charged for every single item. All this will do is encourage passengers to check a large suitcase and then take a carry-on suitcase on the plane, taking up valuable overhead space.” n “I’m OK with it but since I weigh less than 125 pounds with my baggage, maybe I should get a discount.” n “We are a resort destination — it sends a bad message. If you want to have visitors stay longer this does not send a very good message.” n “If airlines follow this reasoning, they should be charging on the total weight of everything, including the passenger and any carry-on baggage. Why should I be charged extra for a second piece when the traveler sitting next to me weighs more by themselves than I do with all my luggage?” n “Our airlines are in big trouble, and people just need to realize that we are going to have to pay to try and keep a halfway decent airway system operating.” n “I am OK with it as long as they offer a credit to people with no luggage.” n “This is pure and simply another way of generating more revenue per passenger seat. Disguising it as a fuel savings measure is insulting to the intelligence of the traveler.” n “If I am not going somewhere to play golf, I only take one bag. But if I am playing golf I will have to pay $25. It doesn’t make sense.” n “What’s next, pay toilets on flights?” pacificbusinessnews.com | pAcific Business news 47 Pacific Business news telephone: (808) 955-8100 toll free: (888) 254-5576 PBn Web site: pacificbusinessnews.com individual e-mails are “first initial last name” followed by “@ bizjournals.com” as in [email protected] President & Publisher Larry fuller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955-8070 neWs news Fax: (808) 955-8031 editor: Jim Kelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955-8030 Managing editor: James R. 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Or, you may visit our web site at pacificbusinessnews.com and click on “Reprints.” pacific Business news is a publication of American city Business Journals inc., 120 west Morehead-st., suite 400, charlotte, n.c. 28202. RAy ShAW, chAiRMAn copyright © 2008 pacific Business news. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content without permission is prohibited. Member Audit Bureau of circulations. 48 pacific business news | pacificbusinessnews.com May 16, 2008 Week on the Web | W W W . I N S P I R A T I O N I N T E R I O R S . C O M The following stories appeared this week on PBN’s Web site — pacificbusiness news.com: n State revises its visitor forecast. Expect 3 percent fewer visitor arrivals this year, compared with last year, followed by no growth next year and moderate increases after that, state officials said. Earlier projections called for a 1.4 percent decline. Visitor days are forecast to drop 2.4 percent this year, remain flat in 2009, then begin to grow in 2010. Visitor expenditures will remain flat this year, the state said, then show growth next year. The shutdowns of Aloha Airlines and ATA get much of the blame for the less-optimistic forecasts. n Hotels set a record. Despite the sober forecast for tourism, Hawaii’s hotels reported record-high first-quarter revenues of $859.5 million, 7.5 percent more than last year. The Hawaii Hotel Flash Report said the statewide average room rate hit $217.66, up 6.6 percent year over year, while average occupancy dropped 0.8 of a percentage point. The flash report is produced by Smith Travel Research and Hospitality Advisors. n Barnwell earnings rise. Honolulu-based Barnwell Industries posted a 34 percent increase in earnings, to $1.6 million, for its second fiscal quarter, due to higher oil and natural gas revenues. Chairman and CEO Morton Kinzler said revenues were driven by higher prices of oil and natural gas liquids, up 78 percent and 62 percent, respectively, year over year. n Mesa delays filing. Mesa Air Group, the parent of Hawaii’s interisland airline go!, told the Securities and Exchange Commission that it was delaying the release of its secondquarter earnings report. It said it couldn’t make its due date without “unreasonable effort or expense.“ The Phoenix-based carrier has delayed filings for the past two quarters. 50%Off Selected Natuzzi Floor Models Leather & Fabric Sofa Groups 15%Off Be g Sa thi ins tu s rd ay Entire Natuzzi Gallery All new 2008 seating groups, wall units, occasional tables, accessories and area rugs H A W A I I ’ S S M A R T E S T & F A S T E S T G R O W I N G F U R N I T U R E C O M P A N Y n Hawaii’s foreclosure ranking slips. The state’s 210 fore- closure filings in April were up 75 percent over March and 218 percent over April 2007. Although Hawaii still ranks low compared to most states — where low is good — it moved up to 36th place from 45th last month, according to RealtyTrac, a real estate research firm. 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