JULY 30, 2014 - Rotary Club of Waikiki
JULY 30, 2014 - Rotary Club of Waikiki
JULY 30, 2014 ROTARY CLUB OF WAIKIKI HAWAII CLUB 30 CHARTERED JUNE 20, 1939 DISTRICT 5000 RI PRESIDENT GARY C.K. HUANG DISTRICT GOVERNOR LAURA STEELQUIST S P E AK E R O F T HE WE E K MUFI HANNEMANN 11am International Food Fest (IFF) meeting U P C O MI N G E V E NT S August 2, 2014 School Supply Drive @ Wal-Mart Keeaumoku 9am-3pm August 6, 2014 11am IFF Meeting w/Dave Program Speaker: Richard “Dick” Matti August 13, 2014 11am IFF Meeting w/Dave Program Speaker: Tweet Coleman Rotary International Convention June 6-9, 2015 | Sao Paolo, Brazil Register early! W W W. W AI K I K I R O T AR Y . O R G Waikikisurf ME E T I N G H I G H L I G HT S President Chad presented our special guests Music Director Paul Luongo with a Rotary 4 Way Test plaque. And he was also asked to sign a children’s book that will be donated to Waikiki Elementary School PDG Phil Sammer and Ikko Tomita welcomed our guests from Japan PDG Michio Ajito & Dr Levy from Canada It all started in 1998; Building bridges between Rotarians in Hawaii and British Columbia Canada. Enhancing lives through Rotary and Music has brought these gentlemen together PDG Roy King and PP Peter Luongo of the Langley Ukulele Ensemble. 1 Waikikisurf W E E KLY R E P ORT: W E D N E S D AY - J U LY 2 3 , 2 0 1 4 President Chad Adams called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. President Chad was asked by the Pacific Beach Hotel to make an announcement: They asked for the owner of the old rusted lime green Toyota parked on the third floor to please remove your vehicle immediately, adding that it’s not parked illegally or blocking anyone, they just want it removed from their parking garage. PP Janet Scheffer won the investment portfolio drawing, but she pulled a red marble! We ended the meeting by saying the Four Way Test, under the leadership of PP Janet as her consolation prize. Bob McDermott inspired us with a prayer of Thanks. Past President Roy Tanji invited Club members to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. Enjoy the photos below from Today’s meeting... Past President Dave Hamill introduced all guests at Rotarians today. He asked all Past District Governors to stand, our own PDG Roy King and PDG Phil Sammer stood and were recognized. Next he asked Past Presidents to stand up and be recognized. Rotary Visitors from D5000 were introduced Bub Wo & a guest from Honolulu Sunset. PDG Phil Sammer greeted our out of state Rotarians and led us in song as we all sang our Welcome To Rotary/Welcome to Waikiki song. Welcome to our visitors from Japan PDG Michio Ajito from the Rotary Club of Sukagawa and frequent visitor Dr. Levy from Canada. PP Mick Minicola walked around the room with the Aloha Bucket. Thank you everyone for your generous support of today’s Aloha bucket. Announcements: Stephen Morgan reminded us of the Back to School Drive scheduled for August 2nd from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at WalMart Keeaumoku. We still need more volunteers in the afternoon. Please volunteer with Stephen. Our Meeting today was full of beautiful energetic music by the Awesome Langley Ukulele Ensemble from Langley, British Columbia in Canada. The group is composed of 20 talented musicians, aged 12–21, and performs 50-80 concerts a year. The music director is Paul Luongo, the youngest son of Peter Luongo the previous music director from 1980 who just retired last year. "The Langley Ukulele Association is a team of young musicians, ambassadors and volunteers, who have established a reputation for providing opportunities to demonstrate excellence, inspire, build hope, model leadership and enrich all through entertaining musical presentations which touch lives." 2 W W W. W AI K I K I R O T AR Y . O R G Waikikisurf W E E KLY R E P ORT: W E D N E S D AY - J U LY 2 3 , 2 0 1 4 School Supply Drive August 2, 2014, Saturday 9AM-3PM Wal-Mart Keeaumoku POC: Stephen Morgan Email: [email protected] W W W. W AI K I K I R O T AR Y . O R G 3 Waikikisurf C L U B O F F IC E R S & D I R E C T O R S 2013-2014 Mufi Hannemann, former Officers President Chad Adams 352-0352 [email protected] VP / President-Elect Rhodora Pagay 543-6034 [email protected] Vice President Roy King 737-1991 [email protected] Secretary Bill Amigone 735-2872 [email protected] Treasurer PP David Hamil 239-9014 [email protected] Sgt-at-Arms PP Bob Tellander 946-9974 [email protected] Immediate Past President PP Janet Scheffer 521-1160 [email protected] Directors Peter Ehrhorn Vocational Service [email protected] Joe Gedeon At Large [email protected] Brian Bender Youth Service [email protected] Carol Riley Rotary Foundation Co-Chair Nina Johansson Fellowship & Social [email protected] [email protected] Flora Lu International Co-Chair [email protected] David Livingston Program Chair [email protected] Jonas Vibell At Large [email protected] Ikko Tomita International Co-Chair/Service [email protected] S e r v i c e Chairs Greeter/Registration Membership Chair Community Service Chair O u r N e x t M e e t i n g -J u l y 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 Kathy Higa PE Rhodora Pagay Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu. Mufi Hannemann is thrilled to accept the invitation to join the Hawaii Independent Party and run as the people’s candidate for the office of Governor of Hawaii. By not following the dictates of any party or their partisan ideology, he is free to do what’s best for all the people of Hawaii — and that is to restore open and honest government, and get Hawaii . “People are frustrated and disappointed with our government and definitely feel we deserve better,” Hannemann said in his first campaign news release. He said people felt the current state administration of Gov. Neil Abercrombie vowed a "New Day,” but people are still waiting for that promise to be fulfilled. Hannemann, a former Honolulu Mayor and former City Council member, lost big to then-lesser-known candidate Tulsi Gabbard for the U.S. House. That came on the heels of his previous defeat two years before, when he lost the 2010 Democratic primary to longtime political rival Abercrombie. Hannemann said he is offering himself as “someone who will put people first by listening and collaborating, rather than ruling by decree.” And he pointed to a record of achievement “who as mayor of Honolulu assembled a very capable, nonpartisan team that left the city a better place than we found it.” Rotary Club of Waikiki PO Box 8622 Honolulu, HI 96830 Stephen Morgan Literacy Chair PP Gloria King Executive Administrator International Service Chair Adrienne King Linda Collard PP Janet Scheffer 395-2290 [email protected] Rotary Foundation Chair PP Gale Warshawsky Bulletin Editor/ Publisher & Web Coordinator Sister Club Liaison, Asia Ikko Tomita, Flora Lu, Nora Chen 396 3268 | [email protected] Public Relations 4 PP Dick Matti W W W. W AI K I K I R O T AR Y . O R G
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