- Inland Fisheries Ireland
- Inland Fisheries Ireland
GUIDELINES ON PROTECTION OF FISHERIES DURING CONSTRUCTION WORKS IN AND ADJACENT TO WATERS INLAND FISHERIES IRELAND 2016 GUIDELINES ON PROTECTION OF FISHERIES DURING CONSTRUCTION WORKS IN AND ADJACENT TO WATERS. CONTENTS 1 Introduction 03 2 Obligations on Developers Designers and Contractors to Consult IFI 03 3 The Issues of Concern 03 4 Timing of Instream Works 05 5 Temporary Crossing Structures on Waters 05 6 River and Stream Permanent Crossing Structures 07 7 Construction Impacts 12 8 Dust Suppression and Water Abstraction 14 9 Planning, Design and Construction Issues 15 10 Repairs to Existing Bridges, Culverts and Scour Slabs 18 11 Pipeline Installation 20 12 Angling and Commercial Fishing Access 21 13 Provision of Documents 22 14 Contact Between Designers, Developers, Contractors and IFI 22 Appendix 1 Contact Details and Locations of IFI Regional Offices 24 Appendix 2 Relevant Legislation 26 Glossary 27 References 28 2 GUIDELINES ON PR ROTECTIO ON OF FIS SHERIES DURING CONSTR RUCTION WORKS IN I AND A ADJA ACENT TO O WATERS 1. INTROD DUCTION. 1.1 Inland Fisheries 1.3 Ireland (IFI) is respo onsible for the protec ction, mana agement an nd conservation off the inlan nd fisheries s resource in es Ireland, which includes over o 70,000 kilometre of riv vers and s streams an nd 144,000 0 hectares of lakes s. The ag gency is also respons sible for se ea angliing. These e guideline s identify the main iss sues off concern in n terms of constructio on impacts and th heir prevention. T They set out o inter alia re equirementts in relatio on to bridge es and culv verts and the nee ed for such h structure es to allow w for unhindered upstrea m and downstre eam aquatic life movement m of o fish and a e. The w waters con ncerned contain a wid de range of fish species, which are particularrly sensitive in terms of threats to th heir physiccal 2 OBLI IGATIONS S ON DEVELOPERS habittat and to w water quality such as arise durin ng DESI IGNERS A AND CONT TRACTORS TO construction wo orks in and adjacent to waters. CONSULT IFI. 1.2 IFI poliicy is aim med at maintaining a act should be made with w IFI at the Conta 2.1 throug gh ea arliest pos ssible stag ge in the planning and prese erving the productive capacity of fish habittat e works such as road design proc cess where r by avoiding habitat loss, and harmfful alteratio on co onstruction, to ha abitat. Con nstruction works w particularly thosse bridges, the e crossing of rivers s/streams with entailing the installation of o new riverr and strea am pipelines and works o n and in the environ ns of cross sing structu ures and th he realignm ment of riv ver waters w are planned. chan nnels to significanttly enable thos se concern ned to com mply with the impa act both in n the sho ort and long term o on provisions of o the Fish heries Acts s and Habiitats fishe eries resourrces if they y are not carried c out in Regulations. R susta ainable have e fisheries resource e the pottential an environmenttally sensitive mannerr. 2.2 installa tion of and culverts Such co onsultation will In ad ddition to tthe generall guidance and re equirementts detailed d herein, there will be design and construcction issue es specific c to in ndividual prrojects and locations. In such ca ases IF FI will issue i dettailed ope erational and co onstruction requireme ents. A bro own trout at the alevin sttage shortly after hatchin ing. This life stage iss very sensitiive to pollutio ion and physic ical disturrbance. 3. THE ISSUES O OF CONCER RN. 3.1 Damage to the Aquatic A and Asso ociated Rip parian Hab bitat, e.g. • Remova al and losss of instre eam spawning gravels and a larger sstones. 3 • Loss L of submerged and a emerg gent aquattic 3.3 Intro oduction o of Non Nattive Specie es. vegetation. v • Invasive Constr ruction Loss L or dam mage to ba ankside cov ver includin ng Spec cies Sou urce removal of trees, shrrubs and bankside ro oot Plants, algae, fish Earthm moving and she ellfish. equipmen nt, pumps, masses. m • Undesirable U e change es in boats, ro opes etc, watercour se previously used morphology m y and hydro ology. perh haps unknow wingly in waters containing invasive species. Plants an nd algae. Imported materials such as top soil. Fu urther info ormation o on invasive e species their t im mpact and control, and on bio-security b y is av vailable at www.inland dfisheriesirreland.ie Drip tray t is unders rsized, dangerrously positio oned and leaki king oil. Unacceptable U ppractice. 3.2 Pollutio on of Wate ers. Polluta ant Examples of Construction Sourc ce Silts and s solids. Earthwork ks, new drainage networks It is a serious s offence too discharge deleterious de maatter su uch as oil cont ntaminated res esidues to watters. a and instream m works. Cementittious B Bridge, culv vert and residue es. drainage headwall 3.4 Constructio on plant Anti free eze. and equip pment. Wood d Treatment of new preservattive. timber fencing. with Up pstream and Downstream Movemen nt of Aquatic Life. constructio on, etc. Oils O and gre eases. Interference • Improperly designe ed or installed tempo orary and/or permanentt structure es. watercourse cros ssing For ex xample, ins sufficient water w depth in n culverts,, culverts with perc ched excessive slope. inlets, ou utfalls and e s 4 • Insufficient water depth over o bridg ge 5. STRU UCTURES O ON WATER RS. aprons/scou a ur slabs. • Physical P TEMP PORARY C CROSSING G a alteration of stream m channe els 5.1 All watercours w es which have be to trraversed during consstruction projects p should resulting in:: be effectively bridged prior to commencem ment Altered h hydraulic characteristics. Changes s in stream m profile, particularly in off works. width, depth, gradiient and cu urrent speed d. There iss sometim mes a serrious misconceptio m on that in installin ng tempo orary crrossing structures, th he only iss sue is keeping water w flowin ng from abo ove a temp porary cros ssing to o below it. Design a and choice e of tempo orary crrossing stru uctures mu ust provide for passag ge of fish and ma acroinverte ebrates, the requirem ment to o protect im mportant fissh habitats s e.g. spawning and over wintering are eas, as welll as preven nting erosion an nd ciircumstances, co ommercial sedime entation. acce ess fishing for p purposes In cerrtain or angling may also be re equired. Temporary T cro rossing impasssable to fish life. l 4. TIMING G OF INSTREAM WO ORKS. 4.1 There a are signific cant variattions in th he timin ng and duration of salmonid s (Salmon ( an nd Trout) spawning activity throughout t the Repub lic of Ireland. To minimise adverse a impacts on th he fishe eries resou urce works s in riverrs, stream ms, wate ercourses, shou uld lakes, normally re eservoirs (exc cept in and ds pond exception nal circu umstances a and with th he agreeme ent of IFI) b be carried out duriing the period July-Se eptember. 4.2 Temporary Te cro ossing structture. Impasssable for aqquatic liffe and emittiing silt to watters as consttruction equip pment trraverses the crossing. Una nacceptable prractice. The app ‘ for f instrea am propriate ‘window’ work ks can vary y depending on the nature n of th he 5.2 fishe ery resource concerne ed and the existence of watercourse w shall other approval off IFI as rregards siz zing, locattion, factors such as s catchme ent or su ub catch hment spec cific Bye Laws and Reg gulations. No temporary y be e crossin ng on any installed without the duration and d timing. 5 The same s temporrary crossing g location ass shown on tthe previo ious page, buut with a lad aden dumper dislodging aand causin ng loss of covver material to t waters. The inevitable re esult from the t crossing g shown abov ove. Contin inuous silt disscharges. Unaacceptable prractice. 5.3 A clear span temporary crossing cap pable of carrrying heavy he axle load dings and longg wheel base vehicles. 5.6 The crossing of watercourse w es at naturral fords s is not perrmitted bec cause of th he amount of unco ontrolled sedimentation thatt can b be gene erated. 5.5 free The the this The pre eferred opttion is forr clear spa an ‘bridge type’ strructures on n fisheries waters. w 5.4 Temporary Te cllear span ‘bbailey bridge e’ ensuring up pstream and downstream d m movement of f aquatic life. sttreamside fencing fe shoul uld be 5 metres m from watercourse, wa not immedi diately alongsside as in ph hotograph. prohibited. ac ccess diffic culties precclude use of clear span s sttructures, temporary y crossings structures sh hall: 5.6.1 Comp prise one o or more me etal or conc crete eation of fords f on streams s an nd The cre riverrs through h the intrroduction of stone Wherre circumsttances suc ch as space e or is pipes s, prefabri cated culv verts or such s otherr material as IFI may m permitt of minim mum diame eter 900 mm. m Pipes s or culve erts may be e vertically stacked. 5.6.2 Be la aid in such h manner as a to main ntain the existing e stre eam profile. 6 5.6.3 3 Ensure n no significa ant alteratio on in curre ent speed or hydrau ulic particula ar not result depositio on or e erosion downstrream in n scourin ng, or up pstream temporary the in charac cteristics, crossin ng location.. 5.6.4 4 Have capacity to convey c the full range of flows in ncluding flo ood flows likely to b be encountered witho out the cro ossing bein ng overtopp ped. 5.6.5 5 Be covered with clean inert material m succh as to alllow for th he safe cro ossing of th he A crossing str ructure overr a designated d salmonid water. w Note: N terram m covered ffencing, rein nforced conccrete trraffic barrier rs and fall bac ack from the watercourse. w widest items of plant and d equipme ent without cover ma aterial bein ng dislodge ed and ente ering waterrs. 5.7 crrossing sttructures It is ex xceptional The app proach and d departurre routes to temp porary 5.11 should b be not p permissible, circumsttances, except to t in reposition te emporary crossing c strructures where these are e. not of a clea ar span type all desig gned and installed so o that drain nage will fa away y from the e watercourse being crossed. In the event e that the fall of ground g doe es not perm mit suffic cient con ntrol on drainage, 6. addition nal RIVE ER AND ST TREAM PER RMANENT CROS SSING STR RUCTURES S. earth hworks setttlement are eas shall be e provided. 5.8 Tempora ary crossing structure es should b be fence ed with terram or sim milar material to preve ent wind blow carrrying dusts s and othe er potentia lly pollu uting matter to waters s. 5.9 g. reinforc ced concre ete Side armour (e.g traffiic barriers) should be provided on o tempora ry cross sing structu ures to ensure machinery cann not drive e over its edge, or force the discharge of mate erial from the bridge deck d to watters. 5.10 Is the culvert adequately si sized? h to empha asise that site s selectio on IFI wish for temporary t crossings should hav ve regard to all access and constructio on needs ranging r fro om those e of fencing contra actors vehicles to th he longe est wheelba ase of multti-axle cran nes. 6.1 habitat Struc ctures or sho ould create not b blockages damage fish to and fish macroinvert m ebrate pas sage. Des sign and ch hoice off structure should be e based on its techn nical 7 and economic c feasibility y to pas ss fish an nd macrroinvertebrrates, the requiremen nt to prote ect impo ortant fish habitats e..g. spawnin ng and ove erwinte ering areas, provisio on in certa ain areas of angliing and commercial fishing f acce ess includin ng boat access a and prevention of erosion an nd sedim mentation. 6.2 Culverts s are the most freq quently use ed riverr/stream crossing structures and a are associated with h some of the most common c fissh passage problems. strettches of Excessively Ex lo ong culvert rresulting in habitat losss and re educed produ uctivity due to inadequate light penetraation. Th he culvertiing of lon ng fisheries water is s extreme ely 6.4 Gene erally, briidges and d bottom mless unde esirable and d can resu ult in signifficant loss of cu ulverts are e the bestt option fo or maintaining In the case of crossin ng natural strea am channe l characteristics and have h struc ctures ove er fishery waters, th he preferre ed th he least impact on ha abitat. How wever, beca ause posittion is for c clear span structures s (bridges), sso off design and load as not to interrfere in any y way with h the bed or bottomless culverts c ma ay not alwa ays be suitable bank k of the wattercourses in question n. fo or installattion particcularly on narrow river r valua able habittat. ons, bearing considerati c ch hannels, as s foundatio ons may en ncroach on the ch hannel itse elf and p ossibly result in future sc couring or erosion. e 6.5 Takin ng account of recent advances and in nvestigation ns in the arrea of clima ate change and flood studie es, designss should be b such as s to ve erifiably ha ave carrying g capacity for a 1 in 100 ye ear fluvial flood flo ow whilst maintaining a minimum m fre eeboard of 300 mm. Excesssively wide culverts cann result in re educed curreent speed d, ponding, and nd siltation off instream gra avels. 6.6 The Office O of Pu ublic Works s (OPW) is the le ead agency y for flood risk management in the Republic R of Ireland. Design an nd capacity y of sttructures must m also be e in accordance with their t 6.3 Bridge foundations should be designe ed re equirementts. IFI strrongly reco ommends that and positioned at least 2.5 5 metres frrom the riv ver co ontact be made m with O OPW at the e earliest sttage bank k so as not to impact on o the riparian habitatt. in n the planning p and des sign proc cess. (w www.opw.ie e) 8 6.9 Culve erts should be positioned where the watercourse w is straigh test and aligned with h its bed. An em mbedded box x culvert size ed to match existing e strea eam profil ile. 6.7 Clear s span desig gns maintain chann nel Off-line O culve ert at constrruction stage e back filled with grravel. The siize range andd depth of fiill required will w be siite specific. profile, do no ot alter gradients, readily r pa ss sedim ment and debris and provide unrestricte ed passage for all size class ses of fish by retainin ng 6.10 the natural strream bed and gradient. cu ulverts, structures sshould be designed and veloc city is no ot changed and th hey Watter can b be desig gned to ma aintain the e normal sttream widtth. Foun ndations sh hould be positioned p at least 2 2.5 metrres from wa aters. 6.8 Embedded box and d pipe culv verts are le ess prefe erable to b bridges and bottomle ess culvertts. Embedded culv verts mustt maintain the naturral chan nnel grad dient, confiiguration. width and substra ate in nstalled so as to: 6.10.1 Allow w for the maintenance of channel profile and existting gradient. 6.10.2 Be capable of passing such s debris s as might arise duriing flood flo ow conditio ons. 6.10.3 Ensure adequa ate light penetration p n to minim mise loss in n primary productivity p y. They sh hould be buried to a minim mum of 50 00 mm. be elow the stream bed at the natural grradient. B Box and pipe p culverrts mustt be sized to mainta ain the natural strea am chan nnel width. The gradient should d not excee ed 3%. In th he case of bridges and bottom mless The availability of suitably sized mater ial (depending on hydraulic conditions s) to initia ate "simulation" off the stre eam bed is i the mo ost 6.10.4 Not result in damage to o the ripa arian habittat or n necessitate construc ction within 2.5 metre es of waterrs. 6.10.5 Provide at loca ations spe ecified by IFI, angling accesss and/or for access comm mercial fish hing purposes. prefe erable apprroach to es stablish fish and faun nal passage throug gh culverts. 9 Box culvert c positi tioned at incoorrect level. Upstream fi fish passag age is made d difficult. Cuulvert invert should be 50 500 mm. below b existinng bed level and back fiilled with cleean grave el to match th he existing sttream profile. The T smooth co oncrete finish sh is totally unsuitable u forr fish paassage. 6.12 Pipe co onsidered culverts are not n generally acceptable e on fish heries watters. ffor They are no ormally onl y appropriate for use e on botto omless culv verts, IFI is prepare ed in certa ain minor m waterrcourses an nd drainage e ditches wh here circu umstances to consid der propos sals for th he th hese insta allation of box or pip pe culverts on fisheri es siignificant in n terms of ffisheries ha abitat. 6.11 While wate ers. the prefe erred option is can be demo onstrated as not being Thes se may be e installed d subject to struc ctures being sized so as to o meet th he requirements at 6.10 in te erms of cha annel profille, gradient, flood debris capa acity, light,, access an d: 6.11.1 Be pos sitioned s such that both th he upstream m and dow wnstream in nvert shall b be 500 mm. below w downstrream river the bed ups stream in nvert an nd leve els respectiv vely. 6.11.2 Never e exceed a slope s of 5% %, in whicch circumsttances ba affles generally a re Unacceptable U culverting c pra ractice. These se pipes are tootally im mpassable to fish. f required d, and pre eferably no ot exceed a slope off 3%. hydraulic As baffles can n reduce th he efficie ency of culvertts, appropriiate capacity provision must b be included d in the ove erall design. 6.11.3 In the case of bo ox culverts s on anglin ng waters, be 3 meterrs in heightt. 6.13 Bank k protectio on works s are o often re equired up pstream an nd downsttream of new sttructures, to ensurre no un ndercutting or destabilisatio on of eitherr the structture or ripa arian bank areas occurs. In carry ying out bank b protection works, w it is essential that la arge enough boulders are sselected an nd strategic cally positioned, to t ensure tthey canno ot be underrcut. Normally this entails p part buryin ng boulders s up to o one third d of their d depth belo ow stream bed 10 level and securring them into i their final positio on. In areas a of high wate er energy, to ensu re stabiility, boulde ers size sh hould be a minimum of 0.5 ton. t Revegetation Re of o rock armouur facilitated d by the placin ing of lo ocally sourced d topsoil (to ensure no im mportation off non lo ocal grasses and a shrubs) be between each layer or cours rse of boulders bo at ins stallation time me. 6.15 b in th hese bank prootection work ks are not larrge The boulders enoug gh, not sunken en below streaam bed level and a likely to be underrcut and disloodged in a stoorm event. The height h to w which rock armour is built b must m take account not only of the e riparian zone z re equiring protection, p but also in cerrtain ciircumstances of the e need to o protect e.g. kingfisher and sand m martin habiitat. In many m in nstances, one o or two layers of armour willl be su ufficient to o protect a and stabilise the toe e of embankmen nts while alllowing nestting. w level att a Suitaably sized rocck armour buuilt to high water locatiion influenced d by tidal bacck-up. 6.14 To facilittate revege etation, each course of Visually Vi unsigh htly stone fille led gabion basskets. bould ders laid sh hould be ba ack filled with a layer of top soil. s Selecttion of boulders in terrms of shap pe to fa acilitate their placem ment and stability s is a majo or consideration. Irregularly shape ed bould ders are ve ery difficultt to work with w in term ms of bu uilding multtiple stable courses. 6.16 Gabio ons are nott a preferre ed option when w it comes to bank protecction. They can easily y be va andalised and a once th he mesh is cut or broken, baskets can collapse. Gabion baskets b can n be unsightly and it is difficult to successfully 11 estab blish and m maintain ve egetation on side wallls. at Gabion baskets s are norm mally only acceptable a locattions where e due to access a constraints it is not possible p to install rock k armour. 7. CONSTR RUCTION IMPACTS. 7.1 Uncured d concrete can kill fis sh, plant liife and macroinverrtebrates by altering the t pH of th he wate er. Pre-c cast concrrete shoulld be use ed all when never poss sible, to eliminate the risk to a form ms of aquatic life. 7.2 Silt S discharge e minimisationn by providing ng retention areas a to o reduce disc charge velocit ity and allow settlement s d during raainfall events s. es ge of silt-la aden waters s to fisherie Discharg strea ams is of p particular concern. c Silt S can clo og 7.3 Disch harges of fuels and d oils can be fish spawning b beds and ju uvenile fish h species a re directly toxic to aquattic life and d at sub le ethal particularly le evels lead to t tainting of fish tiss sues, rende ering sensitive. Plant P an nd macrroinvertebrrate communities can n literally b be fish inedible e. blank keted overr, and this s can lead d to loss or in nterfere witth the diffu usion of ox xygen from the degrradation of valuable habitat. h It is importa nt attmosphere into wate rs and in extreme ca ases to in ncorporate best prac ctices into constructio on re esult in oxy ygen deplettion. meth hods to minimise discharges Oil filmss on waterr can serio ously of silt/s suspended solids to waters. Consttruction sitess require carreful manage ement. Is th this the optimal op haul rooute in termss of impact miinimisation? The T practical impact i of pooor silt controll. 7.4 IFI re equire that : n cast-in-pllace concre ete is requiired, 7.4.1 When all work w must be done in the dry and ated from effecttively isola m any flow wing water (or waterr that may enter streams 12 and rivers) for a period sufficient to alter the pH off any rece eiving fishe eries ensure n no leachate e from the concrete. c waters by more e than +/- 0.5 0 pH units. Silt control c pond. d. The blue hose conveyiing pumped ssilt laden n waters has its outlet se ecurely ancho ored within tthe stone e aggregate thereby diss ssipating ener ergy, minimisi sing disturrbance, and ppreventing poond contents being b disturb bed and re-suspended. re Silt S control po ond. Note hos ose conveying pumped silt laden l waters wa with its ts outlet posittioned within n the gravel mound m th hus ensuring no n disturbancce of pond con ontents. 7.4.5 Silt traps/settle ement ponds or other forms s of conttainment and a treatm ment shall be constru ucted at loc cations thatt will interc cept run-offf to stream ms. Traps shall s not be b construccted immediately adjacent to na atural wate ercourses. A buffer zone z should remain b between th he silt trap and the watercourse w e with natu ural vegeta ation left intact. Alternatively, impo orted mate erials such as terram m, straw ba ales, coars se to fine gravel sh hould be used u either separate ely or in combination c n as The drip tray is undersizeed, Poor work practtice. oo light a matterial, and acc cordingly over erly consttructed of too flexib ble, easily dam maged, and unnlikely to reta ain oil residuees. appro opriate to o remove suspen nded matte er from disscharges. 7.4.6 The level of ssuspended solids in any discharges 2 7.4.2 fisheries waters to as a No direc ct discharg ges be mad de to wate ers conse equence off construction works shall s where tthere is po otential forr cement or not exceed e 25 mg/l, norr result in the residues s in discharrges. deposition of ssilts on gravels or any 7.4.3 3 Designated imperm meable cem ment washo out areas must be prov vided. 7.4.4 4 The pH of any an nd all disch harges mad de all from and during construction n works sha be in th he range 6.0 6 - 9.0 units and n not element of the a aquatic florra or fauna. o and fu uels shall be stored d in 7.4.7 All oils securre bunded d areas and a care and atten ntion taken n during refuelling and maintenance o operations.. Partic cular 13 attention n shall be paid to gradient g an nd perso ons and prroperty, tha at dust con ntrol ground conditions which could increasse meas sures some etimes may y be requiired. the risk of discharg ge to waterrs. This is normally y achieved by abstrac ction from watercourrses adjace ent to the site all 7.4.8 8 Tempora ary oil inte erceptor fa acilities sha of earthworks. In such circumstance es it be insta alled and maintained d where siite is essential tha t the aqua atic resourc ce is works in nvolve the discharge of drainag ge prote ected water to o receiving rivers and streams. and that ov ver-abstrac ction does not take place esp pecially in low flow summer 7.4.9 9 There shall be no visible oil film in an ny conditions s at locattions supporting impo ortant fish populations s. discharg ges from constructio on works to waters. 7.4.1 10 That all facilities s containment are and d reg gularly treatme ent ins spected an nd maintain ned. 7.4.1 11 Waterprroofing and other chemiccal treatment to structtures in clo ose proximiity to waterrs shall be applied a by hand. 7.4.1 12 Hydrose eeding shall not be ca arried out in close prroximity to o water. Contin nuous abstrac action using submersible s p pump. No scr reening in plaace to prevent nt the entry of e.g. juveniile fish specie ies to the pum mp. Unaccept ptable practiice. as These area shall be seeded by hand. 8.2 IFI re equire that : 8.2.1 Wate er abstractiion for dust suppres ssion shall not take p lace from any a water body b conta aining or suspected d to con ntain aquatic invasive e species. 8.2.2 Abstrraction is confined to only th hose Terram lin ined (to preve ent erosion) silt s control poond outlet ch hannel showin ing gravel ac cting as filtter medium fo for silt removaal. larger waters iidentified and a agreed d as being g of sufficie ent size and d volume so as to allow abstrraction witthout adverse impact. 8. DUST SUPPRESSION AN ND WATE ER ABSTRA ACTION. 8.1 It is accepted 8.2.3 Abstrraction poin nts shall be b screened d so as to ensure tha at fish and aquatic pla ants in the interests of protectio on of terre estrial ecos systems an nd are not remov ved from waters in the abstrraction proccess. so as to avoid a wiide range of o impacts o on 14 9.4 Temp porary long g term by--pass channels sh hall be excavated and sized d such as s to re eplicate ex xisting upsstream and d downstre eam ch hannel con nditions ass regards width, de epth, gradient and instre eam mate erials. Wh here necessary, rock r armou uring will be b provided d. In te erms of ca apacity, by y-pass channels shall be siized so as to accomm modate such flood ev vent as s might reasonably be expec cted based on A scrreened abstrraction point using terram m fitted overr a fabric icated support rt frame. ex xamination 9.1 hy ydrometric data and ca atchment characterist c tics. 9.5 9. of In ne ewly consttructed by--pass channels PLANNI ING, DESI IGN AND th he process of divertin ng waters and a associa ated CONSTR RUCTION ISSUES. movement m of o fish stoccks may only take place p The preferred posiition from the fisherie es perspective is for clear span s river and strea am cross sing structures th hereby allowing ffor insta allation/construction without th he need under the direction and d supervision of IFI or o its ag gents. Ad dequate ad dvance notiice of all such s proposed wo orks shall b be given to IFI. to alterr or move e existing wattercourses. In the ca se of bridges b and d bottomle ess culverts, designe ers shou uld ensure e propos sals are such th hat foundations and abutmen nts including wing wa lls can be constructed witthout ente ering on or dama aging the rriparian zone, or exis sting chann nel profile. 9.2 on-line cons struction is proposed or Where o takin ng place, it may be b necessa ary for IF FI, follow wing an assessmen nt of on the groun nd cond ditions with h the con ntractors involved, temp porarily remove using to ellectro-fishin ng equip pment, fish h from the reaches r inv volved. 9.3 Where on line box or pipe p Extreme Ex mean nders installeed during exc cavation of a new ch hannel to ov vercome exce cessive gradie ient betweenn the orriginal course e of the strea eam (in the ba ackground att tree lin ne) and the point p of entryy of the newly ly created cha hannel to o a culvert (in n foregroundd under the tim imber fencing g). In th his instance there was inadequate provision att the pllanning and de esign stage fo for the necesssary land take e. culve ert construction is proposed, it will be necessary to insta all a tempo orary by-p pass chann nel so as to allow w for stre eam contin nuity and the norm mal upstream and downstrea am movem ment of fissh and aquatic life depend ding on location an nd seasonality. 9.6 Wherre tempora ary short term by-p pass ch hannels are required d for a number of days, th hese shall be excavatted and siz zed such as to ac ccommodate such flood eve ent as m might re easonably be expectted over the period d in question. 15 9.7 where Where a structure installed on line is completed within the period during (July-September), flow may be re-established and the excavated and sized such as to replicate and by-pass decommissioned immediately on completion of the fish removal with the area levelled and landscaped as appropriate. completed within the period during may not except in channels designed and installed to link into the original stream channel 9.10 IFI require box and/or pipe culverts are installed off-line on fisheries waters that: 9.10.1 Particular attention shall be given by designers and contractors to survey preexisting stream locations, upstream bed levels taking and downstream at account appropriate of the requirement to ensure newly installed box or pipe culverts are lain with their invert level 500 mm. below bed level, so that in overall terms the newly created depth, material in the newly formed channel is unsuitable in terms of fish habitat. 9.11 Where as an exceptional measure consequent on limited land availability or other space constraints a culvert having a gradient greater than 5% is permitted, IFI require as follows: 9.11.1 Water where width, required where IFI determine that the for such instream works. can be altered and new approach/departure regards clean round gravel in such size range as new structure until the next approved ‘window’ IFI approval), the course of the existing stream as channel filled to a depth of up to 500 mm with exceptional and a structure is constructed off-line (subject to conditions downstream for newly installed culverts are back which Where on-line construction is not feasible and existing 9.10.3 The approach and departure channels circumstances be re-established through the 9.9 upstream with the new channel. instream works normally may be undertaken, flow compatible and meanders shall be incorporated into notice to IFI and under its supervision. Where a structure installed on line is not be gradient and instream materials. Bends Such works may only take place following the giving of advance 9.8 that for newly installed culverts shall be the temporary by-pass channel back to the channel, on 9.10.2 The approach and departure channels through the new structure, fish transferred from original improve which it replaces. which instream works normally may be undertaken appropriate, velocity through the culvert should not exceed 1.2m/sec. in the case of salmonid habitat and 0.8 m/sec. in the case of cyprinid habitat. 9.11.2 Baffles should be provided within the culvert structure to locally reduce flow velocity thus aiding fish swimming upstream without undue stress. 9.11.3 The entry and exit points of the structure must be drowned out to a minimum depth of 150 mm. in the case of salmon waters and 100 mm. for trout waters. section of stream shall replicate and 16 9.11.4 Where c culvert gra adient is too t steep to achieve backwatering, the downstrea am water le evel should be raised by providin ng one or more pon nding weirs s below th he culvert outfall. Ponding weirs w shou uld have fis sh notches to facilitate upstrea am moveme ent and the e pools form med by the em should provide resting and take-o off condition ns for fish. 9.12 The fittin ng of mesh h or screens s to culvertts, albeiit with the intention of o interceptting instrea am debrris is prohib bited. 9.13 Newly ed constructe river and a strea am chan nnels shall have banks s battered to a finishe ed angle e of not greater than n 45◦ on on ne bank an nd Looking Lo from upstream tow owards a culvvert arrangem ment. Moderate M and flood flows aare conveyed d in the right hand cu ulvert. Entry y to that culv lvert is dictat ated by the invert in an nd contour of o the rightt hand portiion of the newly n crreated river channel. T The left han nd bank finiished batter ba angle is s approx. 45◦.. The first po ortion of the right hand ha bank to convey the m moderate flo ow is battere ed to ap pprox. 30◦. The T extreme rright bank arrea is battere ed to ap pprox. 45◦ to o convey floodd flows. not greater tha an 30◦ on the opposite bank, ((to allow w for mainttenance of a low flow w channel, a an all overflow and a flood flow channel). Banks sha 9.14 be top soiled a and seeded d so as to o ensure th he IF FI, be plantted along n newly created channels so grow wth and de evelopmentt of a broad range of as s to provid de a mixtu ure of dapple and sh hade local grasses and shrub bs thereby y facilitatin ng co onditions. deve elopment off stable ban nk root stru uctures. meters m from m the waterccourse channel. 9.15 Broad dleaves sh all, where prescribed d by Planting sshall be a minimum of 5 In the case of cculverts, low w flows can n be ac ccommodated sttructure, in a an thereby approp priately ssustaining the s sized fishe eries re esource. Moderate M a nd flood flows should d be directed th hrough a culvert that t becomes operable on nly at a p pre-determiined discha arge le evel. Mode erate and fflood flow culverts c should be installed such that the culvertt empties in n its entirety whe en the flood d has passe ed. Well vegetated newly estab blished river channel, wi with broad dleaves plante ted to withinn 5 meters of o the overfllow chann nel. The roott structures aid a bankside stability. s 9.16 To aid in the colo onisation and development of newly created riv ver channells, it is s desirable e to transsfer established ripa arian plants, shru ubs and trrees togeth her with liv ving ro oot structures as welll as boulde ers, stones and gravels from m decommiissioned to new channels where w they can be p positioned, inserted and re eplanted as s appropriatte. 17 epair re work ks. methods m fo or The such most w works commonly include u used press sure grouting, guniting and pointing off joints Newly y created cha hannel. The riparian r grassses on the rigght bank have been tr transferred from f the prev evious course of the now n redundannt original cha hannel. The root r structurres stabil ilise the bankk area while the th grasses prrovide a degrree of cov over and shade de and provide e habitat for aquatic inseccts which h form part off the food foor fish. 9.17 In the c case of new wly created d stream an nd Grout Gr loss to waters is noormally stoppe ped by placing g dry ce ement over the t leak, withh sand bags on o top to resstrict grrout flow unttil the leak soolidifies. (Th his photograph h was taaken after water w flow was re-esta ablished folloowing so olidification of o the grout.)) riverr channels IIFI require that: 9.17.1 Such tra ansfer of rip parian plants, trees an nd instream m materiall(s) as ne ecessary, is carried o out under IFI's I direct supervision n. s are remov ved from th he 9.17.2 Gravels and stones dried out river channels c and a secure ely stored ffor re-use in the ne ewly create ed 10.2 The concerns a as regards s sensitivity y of aq quatic life to po ollutants and phys sical disturbance set out ea arlier in this s documen nt all apply, partic cularly as rregards los ss of grout and gunite rebo ound, both h of whic ch are highly alkaline. river cha annels. 9.18 Stock p proof and mammal m proof p fencin ng shall not cause an obstruc ction to fish h passage or angliing. 9.19 bursed the cost of fissh IFI shall be reimb remo oval and re eplacementt operation ns associate ed with river and stream div versions and associate ed work ks. Repairs Re to a single archh bridge and d scour slab with sttream flow piped from m upstream to downsttream (fforeground) during d both grrouting and slab sl repair. 0 10.0 REPAIR RS TO E EXISTING BRIDGE S, CULVER RTS AND SCOUR S SLA ABS. 10.3 10.1 There are within Ireland very many o old stone e bridges in need of strengtthening an nd Grouting is a h high risk prrocess, as it is not always possible p to pre-determ mine the ro oute th hat grout will w follow. It may travel thro ough 18 fissures and ap ppear upstrream or do ownstream of the structures under repair, sometimes metr es from m the ation loca of vigila ance is req quired. Particul ar injection. Du uring groutt injection at leastt one mem mber of a repair crew w should b be close ely monitoring for grout losses l bo oth upstream and downstre eam of the structurre. Porta ys able pH m monitoring facilities f sh hould alway be av vailable and staff train ned in its use. 10.4 Where the struc cture to be ed groute comp prises a number of arches, water flow shou uld be diverted d aw way from th he arch be eing repaire ed so as to allow working in n the dry. Diversion of Gunite Gu reboun nd on a streaam bed wherre no precauutions were we taken to o prevent its ts entry to waters. w Reb bound having ha a pH ›11 11.5 would havve entered th he actively floowing sttream with diire environmeental conseque ences. wate er by mean ns of temp porary dam mming shou uld be undertaken. u . Sand ba ags in conjjunction wi th e.g. plastic she eeting, marrine plywoo od and oth her suita able materiials may be b used. A number of manufacturers provide he eavy duty rubber typ pe aqua a dams which can read dily be deployed, linke ed together and fiilled on site e with river water th us form ming a very y effective seal s to a bunded b are ea. While e such dam mming and diversion of o water as is required will no ormally be only for a short perio od, the dam or b berm mustt nonethele ess be hig gh 10.6 works w In all instancess of gunitiing and re epair including rep pointing and a maso onry clleaning, the e entirety o of the area a of water over o which w work ks are ta aking plac ce should be protected from gunite e rebound d, mortar and ve egetation loss by insstallation off a sealed and se ecure deck king which h shall exttend upstre eam and downstrream the sstructure co oncerned so o as to o ensure no o losses to water. enou ugh not to be over to opped in the event off a rainffall event and increase ed water lev vels. 10.5 Where a single arch structu ure is und der repair, to achie eve grouting g in the dry y, water ma ay be diverted d fro om upstrea am to dow wnstream b by means of a secure flu ume arran ngement, or throu ugh piping,, or in very y limited cirrcumstance es, by means m of over pum mping. to Screening S preclude entry of aquatic life to pum mps must b be carried out. Apron/scour Ap slab s inaccessiible on its do ownstream ennd to fiish life bec cause of thhe extent of o perching and im mpassable du ue to a com mbination of excessive water w ve elocity and lac ack of water ddepth across its surface. 10.7 Appro oved form ms of sc caffolding are re equired to support s deccking. It is s essential that 19 the decking d com mpletely ca aptures all falling debrris back-flooding the aprron thereby y rendering it and rebound. All materials capturred must b be passable. remo oved for safe disposal. 10.8 Repairs to bridge 10.12 The installation n of baffles can as ssist aprons//scour sla bs where w excessive wa ater veloc city over an mustt be underrtaken so as a to ensure upstrea am apron/scour slab proh hibits free upstream fish all and downstream m passage of fish is possible p in a movement. m Baffles sh hould be po ositioned so o as flow b be rest to o reduce velocity and d provide temporary t exercised to e ensure perrching does not resu ult areas for weaker fissh attemp pting to swim wherre new conc crete slabs are poured d. upstream. condition ns. Partiicular care e must Low level stone weirs install lled on a sa almonid nurseery streaam to back water the bridge apro on /scour sl slab origin nally installed d at too high a level. 10.9 Large La stone baffles b held in position on o concrete apron a with w stainless steel s dowel ro rods drilled in nto both the apron a an nd stones. (Poor (P placemeent of the livvestock fencin ing as sh hown in the photographh has the po otential to cause c blockage bl by ca atching debriss.) Existing stream bed b materrials (ston es and boulders de epending on o condition ns) should b be set into new concrete aprons/sla abs thereb by 11.0 PIPE ELINE INST STALLATIO ON. providing for no on uniform baffled flo ow of varyin ng 11.1 In th he case of pipeline crrossings un nder depth across the structure which will w allow ffor fisheries wa aters, the preferred method is s by the weakest ffish specie es to swim m upstrea am way w of tren nchless cro ossings usiing techniq ques throu ugh the dee eper water area. su uch as ho orizontal d irectional drilling, au uger 10.10 Scour s slabs should be dishe ed so as to provide a deep per zone an nd consequently deep per wate er to facilita ate fish pas ssage. boring or micro-tunne m elling. ad dvantages from use of such methods. fisheries res source, wo orks do no ot have to o be co onfined render period. poo orly installed apron n/scour sla ab passable, espec cially wherre it has be een installe ed at to oo high a level. A Apart frrom the ob bvious avoi dance of impacts on the 10.11 It is diffficult and costly c to retrospective ely a There are many m In some in nstances th he one or mo insta allation of o ore low lev vel weir typ pe 11.2 to o the Ju uly-Septem mber ‘wind dow’ ch as site size Wherre circumsttances suc and contou ur or the existence e of buildings struc ctures in th he river dow wnstream may m assist in 2 20 preclude trenchless methodologies, open cut or 11.4.1 Water shall be diverted from upstream to downstream the pipeline crossing trench type crossings may be undertaken. 11.3 location by means of a secure open In the case of trenchless crossing of flume arrangement, or through piping, waters IFI require as follows: or in limited circumstances, by means of over pumping. 11.3.1 Locations for drill rig positioning and pipeline pull areas shall be chosen or engineered such that the fall is away 11.4.2 Screening to preclude entry to pumps of aquatic life must be carried out. from the waters in question, thereby facilitating installation of pollution 11.4.3 The being crossed shall be effectively dammed both upstream and containment and control facilities. downstream of the trench location so as 11.3.2 Where drilling fluids are being returned to ensure that works are undertaken in for cleaning and re-use or recirculation the dry. through a temporary fluid return line, pneumatic leak testing shall be carried 11.4.4 Where concrete ballast is used to out to confirm the integrity of the return prevent pipelines rising as a result of line. buoyancy, it should be precast. the 11.4.5 Following completion of backfilling, river running of a return fluid line across the bed and banks shall be reformed to bed of the waters being under bored, the match their original profile. 11.3.3 Where circumstances necessitate pipeline shall be sunken and weighted down by means of prefabricated concrete collars or by sand bags attached using web construction straps, or such other means as anchored. appropriate and 11.5 will temporarily normally remove, be necessary using to electrofishing equipment, fish from the reaches involved. Marker buoys and on-land 12. not interfere with or constitute a fouling risk to licensed and legally used fishing equipment. AND COMMERCIAL 12.1 In circumstances where crossings of important angling waters are concerned, it will often be necessary to provide for angling 11.3.4 Spent drilling fluids including separated materials ANGLING FISHING ACCESS. fluid return pipelines and markers shall drill It securely marker posts will be required and all such shall be contained in secure bunded areas for off-site disposal at a licensed disposal facility. 11.4 waters In the case of open cut or trench type crossing of waters IFI require as follows: access to and from stretches of water during the construction phase of projects. important to note that fishing rights It is are property rights and that it is a legal right for anglers to access fisheries. Additionally, certain commercial fishing activities may have entry and access requirements. In such site specific circumstances, IFI will issue project and location specific requirements. 21 13.1.2 Easting and no orthing coo ordinates (IIrish Grid Ref). 13.1.3 Dime ensions length in ncluding and height, width, w of gradient propo osed structures and tthe estimatted discharg ge. 13.1.4 A description o of the proposed struc cture includ ding its sha ape. 13.2 A tida dal water with h access for vehicles v and on o the opposi site side, access a for annglers. Contrractors/dev velopers sh hall provide e or have provide ed to IFI: 13.2.1 In the case of rroad constrruction, a copy c of 12.2 IFI require: 12.2.1 In the case Discov very 1:50 0,000 map(s) show wing the pro oposed road d scheme. of permane ent crossin ng 13.2.2 In structure es on watters recognised as of angling the t importanc ce, that a the t case of road constructtion, engin neering dra awings and d OS maps in minimu um A3 siize showing g mainline and side road r walkway y through or under the t structu re plans s, 1.5 metters in wid dth and 2.5 meters in locations where e watercou urse cross sings height b be provided. The walk kway shall b be and drainage d isssues arise. chainag ge and prrofiles for all self draining and have a non slip s finish. 13.2.3 Engin neering dra awings and d OS maps in 12.2.2 In the case of a bridge spanning a and A3 size s of all crossing structures s specific salmon angling a site, up to 7 pipelines in fi nal proposal stage for meters clearance above watter level an nd consttruction. in the case of trrout anglin ng, up to 4 dimensions, metres c clearance to allow cas sting. where necessarry gradientt expressed d as shall These se etting outt include and points, a perrcentage. 13.2.4 Such 13.0 0 PROVIS SION OF DOCUMENT D TS. 13.1 es In the case of sttructures and a pipeline other statements details ass and may metthod be reasonably required. cross sing waters s, IFI shall be provid ded in Exccel all sprea adsheet fo ormat with precise details d of a wate ercourse strea ams. crossings including g season nal The spreadshe eet shall in n respect of 14.0 identifica ation of the e location. BE ETWEEN DEVE ELOPERS, each h watercourrse contain: 13.1.1 The num mber, code or othe er means of CONT TACT DESIGNE ERS, CONTRA ACTORS A AND IFI. 14.1 to o IFI is s committe ed in the na ational inte erest working in manner m witth a all po ositive rel evant and coopera ative parrties includ ding 2 22 representatives of State and public authorities undertaking works in order to ensure that impacts on the fisheries resource are minimised. IFI is obliged to ensure that all structures are designed, installed and maintained so as to ensure the free upstream and downstream movement of aquatic life and the sustainable maintenance of the aquatic and associated riparian zone. 14.2 IFI require that contact be established and maintained between senior representatives of the developer, designer and contractor with responsibility for earthworks, structures and environmental management issues and relevant river basin district personnel in advance of commencement and for the duration of the specified construction project. 14.3 IFI has offices located within each of the River Basin Districts situated wholly or partly in the Republic of Ireland. Contact details and a map showing the locations of IFI’s regional offices and areas covered are given in Appendix 1. 14.4 of Responsibility for waters in the Republic Ireland which form parts of the North Western, Neagh Bann and Shannon International River Basin Districts lies with IFI Ballyshannon, IFI Blackrock and IFI Limerick respectively. 23 APPENDIX 1 CONTACT DETAILS AND LOCATIONS OF IFI REGIONAL OFFICES Director, Inland Fisheries Ireland – Dublin, Eastern River Basin District, 3044 Lake Drive, Citywest Business Campus, Co. Dublin. Email: [email protected] Tel: +353 1 2787022 Fax: +353 1 2787025 Email: [email protected] Director, Teach Breac, Inland Fisheries Ireland – Clonmel, Earl's Island, South Eastern River Basin District, Galway, Anglesea Street, Ireland. Clonmel, Email: [email protected] Co. Tipperary, Tel: +353 91 563118 Ireland. Fax: +353 91 566335 Email: [email protected] Tel: +00 353 52 6180055 Fax: +00 353 52 6123971 Tel: +353 61 300238 Fax: + 353 61 300308 Director, Inland Fisheries Ireland – Galway, Western River Basin District, Director, Inland Fisheries Ireland – Ballina, Western River Basin District, Director, Ardnaree House, Inland Fisheries Ireland – Macroom, Abbey Street, South Western River Basin District, Ballina, Co Mayo, Sunnyside House, Ireland. Macroom, Email: [email protected] County Cork, Tel: +353 96 22788 Ireland. Fax: +353 96 70543 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +353 26 41221 Fax: +353 26 41223 Director, Inland Fisheries Ireland - Ballyshannon, North Western International Director, River Basin District, Inland Fisheries Ireland – Limerick, Station Road, Shannon International River Ballyshannon, Basin District, Co. Donegal, Ashbourne Business Park, Ireland. Dock Road, Email: [email protected] Limerick, Tel: +353 71 9851435 Ireland. Fax: +353 71 9851816 24 25 APPENDIX 2 RELEVANT LEGISLATION The Arterial Drainage Act 1945. The Fisheries Consolidation Act 1959 (as amended). The Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1997. The Inland Fisheries Act 2010. Council Directive 78/659/EEC on the Quality of Freshwaters Needing Protection or Improvement in Order to Support Fish Life. The European Communities (Quality of Salmonid Waters) Regulations 1988 (S.I. 293 of 1988). European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters) Regulations 2006 (S.I. 268 of 2006). European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (S.I. No. 55 of 2009). The Wildlife Act 1976. The Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000. The Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977. The Local Government (Water Pollution) Amendment) Act 1990. The Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). The European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (S.I. 477 of 2011). The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). The European Communities (Water Policy Regulations 2003 (S.I. 722 of 2003). The European Communities Environmental Objectives (Surface Waters) Regulations 2009 (S.I. 272 of 2009). The European Communities Environmental Objectives (Freshwater Pearl Mussel) Regulations 2009 (S.I. 296 of 2009). 26 GLOSSARY Alevin Newly hatched salmon, trout or related fish usually with a yolk sac attached which acts as a primary nutrient source, before it emerges from the spawning gravel to begin swimming freely. Armouring Apron Lining of watercourse banks with rock or other material to protect from scour. Erosion protection placed below watercourse bed level in an area of high velocity such as downstream of a bridge or culvert. Cyprinid Belonging to the largest European freshwater fish family. Common examples in Irish waters include roach, rudd, dace, minnow, gudgeon bream and carp. Ecosystem Any combination of living and non living components that with a supply of matter and energy is self sustaining over a defined period of time Electrofishing Fishing with electrical devices based on electro-taxis and electro-narcosis (state of immobility resulting from muscular slackening of fish due to electric current). Gabions Baskets normally made of woven wire and filled with stone/rock or other hard material generally used to form erosion resistant structures. Habitat The natural abode of a plant or animal, especially the particular location where it normally grows or lives. Invasive species Species that have been introduced, generally by human intervention, outside their natural range and whose establishment and spread can threaten native ecosystems Perched Set at an elevated level, or in a higher position, and in the context of culverts – and scour slabs, the tendency to develop a water fall or cascade due to erosion of a watercourse downstream of a structure. Riparian The terrestrial aquatic interphase or area immediately alongside the bank of a watercourse. Salmonids The only two indigenous fishes in the genus Salmo in Ireland - Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). Terram A geotextile cloth type permeable material normally made from polypropylene or polyester used in construction as a separation layer. Toe The point at which the bottom of a bank and the bed of the alongside watercourse intersect. 27 REFERENCES Anon. 1998. Fisheries Guidelines for Local Authority Works. Department of the Marine and Natural Resources, Dublin. Anon. 2007. Maintenance and Protection of the Inland Fisheries Resource During Road Construction and Improvement Works. Requirements of the Southern Regional Fisheries Board. Southern Regional Fisheries Board, Clonmel. Anon. 2009. Protection and Conservation of Fisheries Habitat with Particular Reference to Road Construction. Shannon Regional Fisheries Board, Limerick. Anon. Construction, Replacement or Alteration of Bridges and Culverts. A Guide to Applying for Consent Under Section 50 of the Arterial Drainage Act, 1945. Office of Public Works, Dublin. Baker, C. O. and Votapka, F. E., 1990. Fish Passage Through Culverts. U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590. FAO, 2008. Rehabilitation of Inland Fisheries Waters for Fisheries. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. No. 6. FAO, Rome. O’Grady, M. F., 2006. Channels & Challenges. Enhancing Salmonid Rivers. Irish Freshwater Fishes Ecology & Management Series: Number 4, Inland Fisheries Ireland, Dublin. Murphy, D. F. 2004. Requirements for the Protection of Fisheries Habitat During Construction and Development Works at River Sites. Eastern Regional Fisheries Board, Dublin. National Roads Authority, 2004. Guidelines for the Assessment of Ecological Impacts of National Road Schemes. National Roads Authority, Dublin. National Roads Authority, 2008. Guidelines for the Crossing of Watercourses During the Construction of National Road Schemes. National Roads Authority, Dublin. 28