2014 - Rogers` Rescues


2014 - Rogers` Rescues
The Rogers' Rescues
Volume 7
The Official
“Top 10 Reasons we volunteer for
Rogers’ Rescues”
2014 Transport Kick-Off party
Mutty Paws Ranch
Readington, New Jersey
January 25th, 2014
Reason 10:
“We do it for the Inspiration”
Tonight I got a call from Robb who adopted our old boy Brutus last year. Dee Fletcher still laughs about
how he got out of the office and ran towards the van with his ears & jowls flapping like "get me out of
here" - she didn't think he had much of a chance there as a 9 y.o. owner surrender with wobbly hips.
Robb called to tell us that Brutus is doing great, still running around like a puppy, he's "adopted" a kitten
with no eyes that they recently took in as his own, they adore him and they're all happy to be
celebrating his 2nd Thanksgiving with them. One of those phone calls that reminded me why I love this
gig! (Beth)
Twinkie’s story
I've been wanting to do a pregnant small dog for a long time. I finally came across one. A little
Chihuahua mix taken from a horrific hoarder-neglect home. So bad that her owners are in jail. Even
though the shelter said she was sweet I was concerned about what was going to come off that transport
with what she has been though. But all fears faded when she came bounding out of her crate happy to
see everyone. She is an incredibly sweet, happy little dog. Loves every one, no problems with my dogs
or cats. Surprisingly she looks good, nice coat and nice weight. She has a bulging belly and huge nips but
I can't feel the pups yet. I figure due date is around Dec 15th. This will give me time get some good
nutrition in her. Appears to be house trained. (Claire)
Twinkies belly continues to grow and grow. I honestly don't know how this poor little dog could possibly
get any bigger without bursting. She seems to be getting uncomfortable although is still able to jump up
on my bed. She continues to be a very friendly and easy going. There is constant movement when you
lay your hands on her belly. When they were smaller I thought I felt 3 different bodies, now they
are so big it's just a mass of moving legs, arms, heads and butts. I'm still predicting the 15th but who
knows, it could be any time between now and then. She still has zero interest in the maternity crate,
she just likes my bed. The only way she is having them on my bed is if I walk in the door after being out
and I find them there. Oh, please don't let that happen. . (Claire)
She continues to do really well. She is well behaved, calm and never barks. I don't even crate her when
I'm not home, there is no need to. Sleeps on a dog bed in my room. I added some photos of her on
yahoo including one of her very fat baby belly. I have a crate with nice bedding all set up in my dining
room for her to have her puppies in but I think I'm in dream word believing she is going to go in there to
have her puppies. I put her in there her first night here and now she hates it. Her first picture is on my
pillow, a favorite spot of hers, she'll probably have them there. Ugg! (Claire)
So we come home from a night out and my bed covers are a mess and there is diarrhea on the living
room rug. I just happened to be checking my web cam from the bar and watched Twinkie go on the rug
so that was no surprise. But I am in no condition to be birthing no babies. She is asleep right now so not
sure what is happening. More to come.... . (Claire)
And there are four of them. The first one arrived at 1:43am, second a half hour later, the third came
shooting out right after that one. The fourth took a long time, so long that I fell asleep and when I woke
at 3:30 am it was there. She did great, took care of everything herself with the exception of one
umbilical cord that I had to cut and tie off. There are two lighter ones that are going to be her color and
two black. I'm trying to get Twinkie to go outside but she refuses to leave them. She is growling away
every one of my animals that get too close. For those that guessed my bed you were correct. I had to
remove her from under my covers to her dog bed where she gave birth right next to my bed. Now the
entire clan has been moved to the maternity crate in the dining room. . (Claire)
Last Sunday the puppies turned 4 weeks old, that day they hopped up on their feet and have not
stopped moving since. (Claire)
They are so beautiful! (Claire’s puppies)We just had to say good-bye to our beloved 16+ year old rescued
beagle Duce yesterday, and these pictures bring tears to my eyes as I think about the circle of life and
how precious it is. Merry Christmas to all! (Janice Burness)
A few months back, a past adopter of ours reached out to RR asking if we would be available to visit
their school and talk with the kids about dog rescue and what we do. So, I did all my preparation to
entertain the kids with some stories and fun facts, as well as a a-z connect the dot doggie that could be
colored in and I hot glue gunned 288 Popsicle sticks to paper plates to leave the kids with a craft so they
could make a doggie face! So, I want to say a huge thank you to Scott Mikaelian! He was my partner in
crime! We had 7 classes that we talked with. Polite and well-spoken children and the staff was so
welcoming. They collected food and monetary donations for us and in total collected 400 items and
$115 in cash donations. It was such a uplifting and emotional experience and I can't wait to go back next
yearI am very humbled by the whole experience. I was very proud to be a part of this group, especially
to see the light in the little ones eyes! All said and done, Scott and I visited close to 300 kids! Go RR and
go dogs!! (Adrienne)
It’s OK to be mad and vent, but I challenge everyone to then take the energy from the anger, and do
something to honor Rose. Make a donation to Powell, foster a dog from any one of our shelters, send
Powell a note saying you are rooting for them all the time, take your own dog for a special walk. Doesn't
matter how big or small the honor is. Just do it so Rose is assured her life was not in vain. (Nancy)
Really good for the soul to see all that we do in action. Love, (RobynS)
Congratulations, Teri & Marc. You fostered my Betsy who I got the day your first child was born. You
were giving birth and still managed to make sure I got my Betsy that day. Just wanted to say thank you
again. (Lucia)
Lesley is my aunt and this is her 3rd RR doggie! My uncle recently passed and my Aunt Les moved back
up to NJ (from Florida) to be closer to family. She is learning to be on her own for the first time in years
and really wanted another doggie companion that was a little more velcro then her current RR dog JoJo
(who she adopted from me). Sally Jane is already blasted all over my aunt's facebook page. My aunt is
really happy and I'm super happy for her. Sally Jane will have the best second half of her life!! Thanks
Teri for driving out to meet my Aunt as my aunt is not big on car rides. Really appreciate that. (Nancy)
And this is why we do what we do ... rescue does more than just save animals...
A quote from my Aunt's FB page a few minutes ago:
"She is already bringing joy to JoJo and myself which has been pretty scarce in the last 5 months" (Nancy)
The woman who was fostering Miley couldn't even go a day without pulling another. She pulled a
pregnant Jack Russell Mix, and now has momma and 6 puppies. Sometimes pulling one makes room for
another. This time it made room for 7! (Caelynn)
What a great day!!!! Thank you so much to Pam and everyone involved in making this transport happen
today!! All the new dogs are just beautiful, JB, thanks for those suuuper yummy Oreo brownies! if there
was anyone who didn’t get any cause there was no more left- it was my fault! sorry! i will be slipping
into my sugar coma any minute now. Beth and Bob- Love you guys and so glad that we could do this
together today! it was great seeing everyone and nice to meet you Marianne! i am now going to stick
my finger down my throat! (Sheri)
I want to thank all of you!!! I'd be a lost ball in high weeds, if I wasn't volunteering for such a GREAT
group of people!!! Really it's saved my life and my marriage!!! ;) I live for this shit! (Felicia)
We single handily made a huge difference in one shelter: “Jane Doe Shelter”. See Emily's email below.
Nice job everyone! Claire
I wanted to give you and everyone at Rogers a special thank you. You were not the only group who came
to our aid during the New Year crisis, but you certainly did in the biggest way. I visited the pound on
Tuesday in bitter cold temperatures scared to death of what I would see. I was pleasantly surprised,
given the circumstances. The outside pens were empty, and the stray building was empty, except for one
kennel. It had a feral mom with her litter of tiny pups that the “pound manager” was scared to handle
(Teresa got them out today, and they go on transport tomorrow! Yay! Shockingly, the pups looked roly
poly and healthy). Inside was much warmer than I expected and not very crowded. “The pound
manager” has told us if the numbers stay like this, he won't have to euth. The awesome thing is that the
numbers got that way without euthing, thanks to your compassion and action.
Thank you for being our friends.....you are truly friends of the “Jane Doe Shelter” pets.-Emily
2013 is going to be good for us... I can feel it in my old rescue bones!
Hugs to all! (Jacky)
Reason 9:
“Because occasionally, we like to stand on a soap box”
As much as we want to bitch slap someone the only ones that will get hurt in the end is the dogs.......so
know we all are there on the “ I want to choke the shit out of someone train”..and all share in every
ounce of the heartbreak. It is a third world country in the South for companion animals. (Jeanie)
I hate that f'ing we are having a baby excuse, somehow I managed to raise three kids
And four dogs All at the same time. Idiots! (Claire)
There are things that can be done to prevent the kid problem. I've often thought we should include
condoms in our adoption packets. (Amanda)
Ditto! Dogs are your family, the added benefit of raising children with dogs is a thousand fold, taught my
children to unabashedly love on something that gives them unconditional love back, provides an outlet
for empathy, teaches sensitivity, gentleness and how to care for something. My children are adults who
are better people because of the dogs they were raised with, oh well, their loss. (Laura Jeffers)
Some of you are aware that I have a return in the house but I neglected to post to the group so here it
Her name WAS Bella...we call her AraBella. adopted to a couple when she was 2.5 MONTHs in 2008.
Now almost 5, they claimed she needs more attention, having twins, she peed in the house when left
from 8-6...what EVER dude. He even warned the other dog in the house when I was doing the return he
was next? I picked her up on Tuesday night and WOW man oh man was she freaked out. Nothing like
the “calm happy social dog " they professed her to be. I am not going to go thru all the details but it was
clear little Bellsy was not treated nicely. Prob alot of SHOO get outta here dog when life got busy. Never
crate trained, never leash walked her? She is morphing before our eyes to what she is meant to be..So
proud to be part of RR...we do right by our dogs! (Jeanie and AraBella - a fairy name)
kudos to you for keeping your mouth shut; not at all sure I would've been able to do so." What a jackass
jackass jackass-sorry for the language. (Aviva)
oh man Jeanie! I bet it took every ounce of all you got to not haul off and crack the guy one when he
made the "your next " comment to the other dog! asshole!(sheri)
after reading this I realize it's probably best that I did not do the return myself. I probably would have
been arrested. (Claire)
I was the better choice as I was kinda sorta quasi arrested once @ 17 (lied said I was 18) in WESTVILLE
..told not to come back EVER ..so I had to be on good behavior. (Jeanie ...I mean JB lol)
Michael Vick still has Nike endorsement deal? Anyone see this yet? I didn't realize Nike still endorsed
him. (Amy)
but Lance Armstrong is striped of everything and Nike dropped him like a hot potato. Drug allegations
vs. BLATANT admitted to dog fighting and horrific abuse. Good call corporate America.... good call!
Hopefully when they (person poisoning dogs) are caught, we can nail their feet to the railroad tracks.
Count me in with those of you who are going to nail the bastards who did this to the RR tracks ... I'm
bringing extra-long nails & an extra-large hammer. (Aviva)
Oh yeah, if someone brought their 14 year old dog in to surrender because they were "moving", I would
beat the shit out of them. Don't get me started. (Karen)
I don't know how these women down there, with hearts of gold, deal with this daily. I'd seriously be
depressed or in jail. (Nancy)
If I was a gambler, I'd put my money on: jail. (JB)
You know how it is, when they are looking to get a new dog treat you like you have the plague because
they don't want your stupid rescue and want to do their own thing and then as soon as they have a
problem they are on you like a fly on sh--t..(Debs)
WTF? Seriously. 13 and an owner surrender. I hate people.(Nancy)
She said that they will most likely wait until the Spring or Summer to get another dog. Awesome! Maybe
something you could have shared with me before I drove almost 2 hours to get to your house. I'm
exhausted. I stand by my original statement that I'm not doing shiz on Sundays.
Thanks, (Mare)
Debra and I have been talking about the sheltie, she is going to do some networking and try and save it.
We got to talking about the idiots, or ass wipes as JB called them, who turned the dog in. She told me
about some of the other excuses that she has heard over the years. Here are some of the unbelievable
reasons. (Claire)
Many years ago a well-dressed lady brought in a yorkie because she was having guests over for dinner
and the dog "didn't match" her furniture. WHAT?!!! Seriously... The dog was safe but good Lord....
Worst one was some lady bringing in a very old basset hound. She said "he's lived tied out to a dog
box....and he smells...and we want a puppy...". Dana told her "we don't have any puppies for you" and
sent her packing. I think people forget that all these "life" criteria apply to them as well. If we'd tied this
lady outside to a "dog box" for several years, she'd smell too. And that once we gave this old boy a bath he smelled great and had a better attitude.
Whereas in her situation, as in the sheltie's situation, all these people have done is to teach their children
that when they become old, slow, smell bad, not so much fun...that they too should be discarded. I'm
absolutely positive that these people's kids are watching and learning -- that when the time comes,
they'll dump their parents. Because it's what they've been taught.
I don't have any kids -- I plan on my liver giving out right about the time my 401K does. 8-)
Reason 8:
“Sometimes you need a forum for conversations that make ordinary
people gag”
Moon shat a fairly normal shit..outside...then when I crated him to run to the store.. found a DRY turd in
the crate ? Just crated him again for a few and another dry turd. I mean it looks like day old...it crumbles.
Any input? (Jeanie)
Jeanie, super dry poop like that can be from dehydration, did he drink at all that you saw? also a food
low in fat content could cause dry crumbly poo too. (sure better than liquid diarrhea all over the crate, i
bet! lol) id put some chix broth, or mix a little bit of canned food in some warm water to entice him to
drink .i use just about everything to entice Benny to drink since he doesn’t drink enough and his poos
are super dry and hard as a rock. he grunts and groans when he poops like someone is pulling a rope out
of his ass or something! (Sheri)
Welcome to the joy of foster ailments! Wait til you get one that shoots green snot all over your walls!
LOL (Steph)
I'll take green snot over hershey squirts with worm chasers ! (Jeanie)
anyone would be lying if they've never took a look at a dump they took and thought "holy crap! look at
that! its all in one piece!! " or "OMG, it looks like the DQ swirl!" or the ever popular "how in the hell is
that going to fit down that little hole??!!" Well, there is an audience for everything, now isnt there??
There is actually a calender called Monthly Doo's !! each month features a picture of a pile of poo in
some kind of really pretty setting!! its hysterical!!!! dont know if the person who made that is making
millions, but who ever thought the pet rock would hit it big either, right? (Sheri)
there is just no way around it!! one week, i said to myself that i was going to try and make a conscious
effort to not include any word that pertains to poop in any of my conversations! i blew it after 5 hours.
what in the world is wrong with me???? dont answer that! (Sheri)
Felicia, you see? Sheri wasn't joking when she said she talks about poop! (Liz)
I'm tempted to call him TiggerRooPoo because he looks like tigger hops around like roo & his farts REEK
like poop. Hopefully that clears once his diarrhea clears out. (Keith)
can't believe it! I just got home and smelled poo. I'm lookin all around , don't see anything and then I
spot it!! Someone shit on the damn stove!!!! Aghhh...! Really cats!!? (Sheri)
Would you hate me if I thought this was hysterical !?!?! Jacky
I’m thinking they were on their way to the litter box and one of the dogs jumped up and barked at her
and the turds were turtle heading anyway and they just came out! maybe one of the dogs literally
"scared the shit" out of the cat?? (sheri)
ok, just got home after a really long day. reading along this thread of posts, kind of laughing and kind of
sympathizing..then I see it: “turtle heading"? OMG- someone please define. (JB)
turtle heading- ya know when you gotta poo real bad and its touching cloth....(Sheri)
turtle heading ? We have our own 'terms ' when the dogs are pending.....'plumped' 'primed' 'third eye
is winking' ...I see turtles ever day in the lake.....now I want them to all go away ! (Jeanie)
I just took Slim Jim outside and he went to poop. It's dark outside but I could see him pooping out a
HUGE tapeworm. It must have been about a foot and I am not exaggerating!!! The poor think kept
pooping but the tapeworm just wouldn't come out all the way so he started scooting across the grass.
Some of it came off in the grass but there was still a huge piece of worm hanging on. He then started
scooting across the brick patio and finally it came off. The good news is that the worm was dead but it
was so utterly gross. I have never seem that large of a tapeworm! He has to feel so much better now.
(Kim LP)
Eewwww, did you take a picture? (Claire)
Now, I'm not easily grossed out but this had me gagging up my morning coffee. warning: not for the
feint at heart. JB (who is apparently feint at heart)
Sorry that I grossed you out JB!! It was definitely one of my most disgusting moments ever which says
alot! (Kim LP)
Spaghetti for dinner anyone????? (Sheri)
why cant i know things like "how to win the lottery", or "how to effortlessly get poo out of the treads of
your shoe, so your closet doesn’t stink" (Sheri)
My friends Lee and Mary, who have a pack of four, went out leaving the Roomba to do its thing in the
finished basement. All good except one of the dogs took a poop after they left. Yuppers the Roomba ran
right thru it. So instead of coming home to a clean carpet they were renting a steamer ! (Jeanie)
Except the odd times that Winston gets really into a new one (deer antler) , eats the entire thing, and
then throws up the chunks in the middle of the night. (Beth)
Thursday morning she helped herself to something living outside. She coughed up a little piece of bloody
meat looking something and her belly was all round. I didn't find any remains outside other than some
blood on the concrete patio so whatever it was, she ate the whole thing. That afternoon she threw up
what can only be described as a massive hairball (Robyn M)
add this one to the books......ass worms, puke worms, now “crawl out the nose” worms! All we need is
out the ear worms and I think we have it all covered? No? (Jeanie)
When Raz came he had a bunch of different kinds of worms. I was very fortunate to not have physically
seen the worms. Panacur is inexpensive enough that it's worth just doing the treatment for peace of
mind...and for avoiding your husband calling you while you're out of state to yell at you b/c the dog
exploded all over the house. (Steph)
Jeanie, when you're talking about vomit-what color is discolored? Just wondering...lol. At my house
there's yellow, brown, green, and to me they're all discolored... (Liz)
Has anyone ever been to a concert at Susquehanna Bank Center? I'm trying to find out if any of the seats
are covered by a roof. I can only convince Keith to go if the seats are covered. Any and all info about this
venue is appreciated. (Steph)
All it lawn seats are covered. Depends on the concert but the parking lots are nasty gross.......would
never tail gate there, the peeing puking wasted goes to a nasty level. Was seated one row back from a
drunk ass parking lot dirty at OAR..when she finished gyrating on her boyfriend’s lap she leaned forward
and puked everywhere....the whole section cleared. (Jeanie)
yes definitely get a seat. they PACK the lawn and the puking disgusting people Jeanie refers to in the
parking lot are now puking on your blanket. people in the parking lot were pissing in jars. (Nancy)
I admit it – I pee’d in the car!!!!! There were like 10 porta potties for a billion people!!!!! (?)
Poor Steph, she had a simple question, got all kinds of advice about puking women, peeing in cars,
peeing in cups, but never an actual answer to her questions, it seems. (JB)
I know right, good luck getting Keith to go now. (Claire)
Keith will want to be wrapped in plastic from head to toe. (Lin)
Put it this way, Keith would ask you to take him to Petco for a bath after those parking lots. (Adrienne)
not condoning or disputing the content of this article.
Just sharing because the title made me giggle: Subject: Managing the Flatulent Dog (JB)
Gus gets the described belly squeaks some mornings..poor baby must hold it in out of love for mom and
dad as he usually sleeps the covers..I love my Bubba ganoosh (Jeanie)
find anything on managing the flatulent husband?? (Sheri)
if you can't handle the poop, then step away from RR!
( Steph)
Reason’s 7 and 6:
“We cry together in sad times”
It is with a very heavy heart that I post this. It is taken from Jamie’s Facebook page. Charlie Char was our
foster and also I think still holds the title of most returned dog ever. I believe he was adopted out three
times and returned three times before he and Jamie fell in love!!! Jaime is a huge supporter of Rogers’
Rescues, always has been, she has turned many adopters to us. This is from her post of yesterday so I
am presuming he has passed by now. Please take a moment to stop by her page on Facebook to say a
little something from the volunteers of Rogers’ Rescues. Great dog, great person – she deserves our
support at this very difficult time. Thanks,( Jacky)
Charlie update - It is with a broken heart that I let everyone know that Charlie has been keeping a secret
from us all. Tests this morning revealed that he has cancer throughout his body. How he hid this from us
all is a testament to his great heart. We brought him home so we could spoil him a bit, but I think we will
have to let him go tomorrow because I don't think we can keep him comfortable, even with a pain patch
and pain pills. There are simply no words for our sorrow. We could never have asked for a better, more
loving dog. The price of love is grief, so this grief is as overwhelming as our love. I thank everyone from
the bottom of my heart for all the support and efforts to help in so many ways. I will never forget what it
means to have friends like you. Love to all from our family.
For those of you not on face-book, this was the "Friends of Jane Doe Shelter" post earlier today.
If someone you know wants to surrender an animal to the pound, make sure they have the following
1) It is ridden with disease. Pups who make it out without parvo are lucky. It's inhumane to make them
2) Animals don't get fed every day, and often they have to compete for the food they are given.
3) Cats nearly always get sick. The stress is too much for them. Most cats in the pound get put down.
4) Big dogs develop foot problems quickly. The pound stays wet b/c it's cleaned by hosing everything
down. The wetness leads to discomfort and disease.
5) An animal can survive all this and still be put down simply to make space.
Please spay, neuter, and adopt to reduce the unwanted population
When we pull these old beagles we always promise them that they will live as part of our family for as
long as they need and if this means that they will live and die with us, so be it. Selfishly, I always hope
that that they live with us, but one thing I know about old beagles is that they do what they want, when
they want, on their terms. This is just what the old lady did. I don't know what her life was like before
we met her, but I know she lived the high life for the last weeks of it. I know she struggled during her
spay. I know I was terrified that she wouldn't survive the transport. Bowling Green put her in a huge
crate to make her as comfortable as possible. When Teresa and I got her out of her crate, I picked her
up and carried her right to my car. I never let her feet even touch the ground. I knew she was much
older than her papers indicated. She liked us, but she loved Hunter, to the point where we called her
Girlfriend. She spent the last weeks doing whatever she wanted to do, the way she wanted to do it. So
as sad as it is, I am not surprised that she left this world on her own terms as well. This morning I found
her sleeping in one of her favorite spots, except -- she wasn't sleeping.................. She had already
crossed Rainbow Bridge. She has been buried under a big tree with the rest of our pack.
Rest in Peace, Girlfriend. May your spirit fly free. It has been our privilege to know you. You will always
be a beloved member of our family. (Teri and Marc)
Thanks for your kind words about Honey everyone, they helped a lot. I did okay all day yesterday but
last night when I was alone in the house I looked at a stuffed toy that was on the living room rug that
she had drug out of the toy basket. That triggered something inside me and I just lost it. I was on the
floor clutching that toy sobbing 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry'. Today I realized that was not a bad thing. Her
previous owners dumped Honey in a high kill shelter and could have cared less if she lived or died. To
have someone crying, make that sobbing, over her death was a tribute to her. She deserved that much.
Those that have been with the rescue for a long time will remember this story. Nine years ago the
Jeffers fostered two puppies, they were golden retriever-great pyr, (or something large) mix. One of
them, Tia, was adopted to a family that obviously didn't have a clue what it was like to have a puppy.
They immediately started to complain about all the things the puppy was doing. The straw that broke
the camel’s back was when they went to work they placed a blanket over the cage. Tia, being a puppy,
pulled the blanket in to the cage and chewed it up. They declared she was 'spiteful' and returned her
immediately. It was a big joke around her for months that the puppy was spiteful. We kept using that
word where ever we could in conversation. The Jeffers then re-adopted Tia to my next door neighbor
where she grew in to a beautiful dog and had a wonderful life including a lot of camping trips in the
family camper. Over the summer Tia developed heart problems, she was under the care of a
cardiologist at Redbank. Last night at the age of nine Tia passed away surrounded by her family. We
will miss seeing Tia at the fence line between our yards. Every once in a while I would reach across the
fence, give Tia a neck scratch and tell her she was spiteful. (Claire)
I do remember those two gorgeous puppies, particularly one event where they both had such horrible
explosive diarrhea, that I was cleaning it off the walls of my kitchen, like pretty high up on the walls :)
Thanks Claire for keeping an eye on her all of these years, and tell your neighbors how sorry I am (Laura)
“And support each in tough times”
Storm hasn't even begun and we lost the tops of two trees. We will be holed up in the basement until
this thing is over. Stay safe all. (RobynM)
Holy crap.. ALREADY? It’s eeeerie out by us - talk about the calm before the storm!
Hunker down all! (Jacky!)
tip from my aunt who lives in FL- turn your fridge and freezers up to the coldest settings now, so that
stuff gets real cold and real frozen and will stay good for a while longer. fill your tubs with water, in case
of water main breaks or outages at the water treatment plants. at least you can flush the toilet after you
poop! (sheri)
I hope everyone has their outdoor things inside and is safe. New Brunswick has a mandatory evacuation
by of 9am tomorrow for the downtown area. I, of course,am still expected at work, but we will see
about that. Stay safe! (Caelynn)
Who dare say that hounds are not SMART?
Me: Gussy you are a WIND NINNY! ( he hates wind?)
Gussy: Nope not going out no way no how
Me: you have no CHOICE
half way down the driveway.....
ME: if you poop you get to go in NOW
takes a poo on the spot...turns to go in
The lakes are already brimming...despite the lowering the dock is almost under water. BE SAFE !!!!!!!
(Jeanie, Tom, Ava, Cody, and the Fox and the Hound)
Layne's boss has not called it a day. I can't believe it. I want him to come home! (MA)
I don’t understand – isn’t it a “state of emergency” – I thought we weren’t ALLOWED to be on the roads
in a state of emergency???(?)
That's what I thought! If his boss hadn't adopted 2 dogs from RR, I'd kick him in the shins. (MA)
How'd everyone manage? (RobynM)
They declared martial law in Seaside because of the looting and brought in the National Guard.(Karen)
They are sending our people in on a volunteer 12 hour shifts. (Lin)
Thank GOD you’re out of work right now, that’s all the situation needs an angry ALF at the beach with a
gun! (???)
Yeah it would be so cool. I can go armed. Rambo would have nothing on me. (ALF)
In case anyone is wondering what's happening outside your 4 walls, I'm up in Lebanon and we have
been making the rounds! There is no gas to be found from exit 18 off 78 to Branchburg on Route 22!
Bishops and shop rite are open. But other than that there is not much else. We made our way up 31,
the Valero has gas but the line is surely over an hour long. Mike and I managed to find 2 bar stools along
the wall in Riley and Jake's and we are going to have lunch. We needed to get out but if you do go out,
bring your patience! I have not seen anything like this in my lifetime, that's for sure. Be safe everyone!
Yeah it's a mess over there. I had moose in a glow in the dark Halloween sweatshirt so I could see him!
It's been nice spending time with my friends next door, but I'm ready to have power again. (Caelynn)
We still have no power. We are at my brothers for the afternoon watching football and getting on the
internet. My mom lives a few miles from us and she has power so we have been going there for
showers. I reached my breaking point on Friday when two of my dogs came in from the yard having
rolled in cat crap. Shay was covered from head to tail with it. I have no water. I always wondered what it
would be like to live the simple life like the Amish. Screw that! (Claire)
Still no power, but no shock there! We have a wood stove so heat thankfully hasn’t been an issue for us.
The goats are drinking pond water at this point and are looking for phone number for the goat version of
DYFUS – they are disgusted by the whole situation. Dumb dumb Daisy head thinks the whole thing is
fabulous, lots of people around to play with, lots of attention – loving life! Bentley has taken to his bed
and will be back when his civilized standard of life returns. Ink wants to know what all the fuss is about!
Getting gas is our biggest challenge (as I’m sure with everyone else). We did get a generator last night
from a friend who no longer needs theirs. Other friends have power back on so we had our first showers
and life smell so much more sweetly now! And lots of very generous offers of hot meals! So hope
everyone else is starting to see the brighter side of Sandy! Over and out from Oxford!
(Jacky and the pissed off goats)
We are doing alright in Highland Park. No power since about 8:30. last night, don't know when it will be
back on. We've been cooking on the grill. It's so dark that I can't see the dogs in the yard, so I've been
leashing Miley. We have a house in seaside that we had just put up for sale. According the the HA, the
house is "still there, but may be damaged or flooded." we can't go out till the weekend. (Caelynn)
Hey Caelynn. Don't worry about not getting to Seaside til the weekend. You couldn't get there sooner if
you wanted. My stupid sister lives there and didn't evacuate. She had to be rescued by National Guard
and taken to Stewarts on Rt 37, where my parents were supposed to pick her up. They had a really
tough time getting there b/c apparently Rt 37 is closed in multiple places. Stay home and safe for now!
And get yourself a headlamp to take the dogs out in the dark! (Steph)
My patience has run out with the in-laws in the house, I can't deal with gas lines and such too at this
point. Me and 5 dogs would be going to Lin's right now if I could get hold of her and didn't have my car
full of stuff to go up to storage and 1/4 tank of gas. Yup, I'm stuck here - shoot me now! (Beth)
Ooohhh...so sorry for you! I hope you aren't out of beer at least. (Amy)
Nope the beer supply is good at least for now. But dwindling steadily! (Beth)
Power is on in our part of Clinton! It's been an uncertain few days for us, but now things are fine. We
lost 2 trees, and have to replace some of the flashing on our roof, but are so glad there wasn't flooding.
We were getting perilously close to the end of the liquor supply, though. A friend and I were out today
passed a couple of gas stations that were open, and had lines several miles long in each direction-glad
we didn't have to worry about keeping generators going, and needing more gas. We'd certainly be the
ones to blow our house up. Thanks for all the good thoughts people have been sending our way, we
really appreciate it. And now, I hope everyone who has been hit worse than us has better news coming.
Unbelievable but Chicagami is one of the few trails in Medford Lakes with power back on. ! For now at
least...branches are still dropping. One casualty our vintage blow mold Frosty the. Snowman was lifted
and slammed against the house ..he was beheaded. Not complaining. Tons of trees down...transformers
blown....my mom and sis are w/o power. LBI is devastated. (Jeanie and the Fox and the Hound)
Power finally came on Saturday night, whew. What an ordeal our state (and surrounding states) is going
through. My heart breaks for all of the folks who lost their homes and businesses. Just tragic. In the
midst of all the devastation and sadness I saw our local salons offering free shampoos, the seafood place
was giving out free ice and coffee, and many people reached out to me and offered meals, showers and
heat. A heartfelt thanks to all the RR folks who offered help. The kindness actually brought tears to my
eyes. I love you guys :) and I would like to extend the same to anyone who is still w/o power.
Come take a hot shower, have a warm meal, or just soak in some heat. (JB)
Glad you got your power back finally! thats so nice to hear that businesses are offering help and
donating time and services. Again, restores your faith in mankind! then you hear about all these looters.
aghh Rappers sister works for the police dept in Manasquan, she said people are coming up to the
waterfront and bays and stuff on boats and kayaks and looting the houses. as far as i am concerned they
should just be shot! if someone is that big of a scumbag to take advantage of someone in one of their
hardest hit times, what else are they capable of? They obviously have no conscience or morals. (Sheri)
oh! and when i got home from work today, we had power!! and Heat!! i can finally take a crap without
my coat on! ah, the simple pleasures in life! :) (Sheri)
Cody's frat bro called last night to tell him he was coming to Burlco for gas ??? We fed him a good hot
meal...and sent him home with more. His parent's house in Union Beach is gone..gone ,,gone.
I hugged him so hard...he must have thought ..FREAK..but watching a 23 year old tear up telling me
about what is going on up North brought me to tears. So just to let you all know ...we have
GAS...FOOD...GENERATORS....here in Burlington County. and I have a house with power that is open to
any of you and your families that are in need. (Jeanie)
i spent today walking around some of the hardest hit areas of my home town, Sayreville, where the
water from the Raritan river breached and destroyed soooo many homes. these people have nothing .
yes, still a roof , but not a thing usable left in their homes. we were walking around handing out flyers
and putting them on everyone's mailboxes, with the updates of all the UTD info about Sayreville’s post
storm info , important phone numbers, shelter locations, etc. and also letting people know that there is
a donation area at one of the local churches, where they could go to get clothes, food, pet supplies ,
paper goods, cleaning supplies, bedding, etc. it was such an emotional day, as just about everyone i
spoke to was in tears or close to tears, thanking us and telling us how they lost everything. ughhhh....
the piles of everyone’s household contents on the curbs was so overwhelming and sad to see. Back at
the church, the amount of donations being dropped off was unbelievable!!! There was literally
mountains of clothes, that all had to be sorted and organized, and it just kept pouring in. It finally got to
a point where we had to stop bringing clothes into the building and start bringing them to other
donation spots. My cargo van was literally stuffed to the gills where we couldn’t fit one more teeny tiny
kid sock in it! Some guy jumped in the passenger seat, just thought he was going for a ride to the other
side of Sayreville to unload all the stuff and would be right back. Poor Sucker! He had no idea he just
entered the non-stop jabber jaw zone! lol Well, we spent the next 5 hours together, driving south
looking for a donation drop off spot that could actually take more clothes!! Everyone was beyond full
and couldn’t take a drop more. each one sent us to another one further south. We got quite the tour of
the central jersey shore area and the devastation Sandy left in its wake. we passed three marinas all
with boats strewn everywhere. it was just crazy! i was seeing for my own eyes some of the stuff we saw
in the news. so sad.we figured the further south down the shore we got, we were bound to find a spot
who could take it! Finally, we found a church in Port Monmouth, who said, "oh yes, we could take some
clothes"! We unloaded that stuff so fast before they even realized what hit them! Lol there was no way
they too could fit another article of clothing into that place either after we left. It really choked me up
seeing how much and how quickly people were on the spot donating stuff. there was also tons of bags
of brand new , tags still on them, clothes! My faith in mankind has been restored!!! i then went home
and ate the asshole out of a skunk. i was starving. (Sheri)
Reason 5:
“Where else will you read sentences like these?”
He is totally Rider with a weenie. (RobynM)
So glad you drank the kool aid and decided to join us. (Liz)
My face is so fat I look like I was storing snacks for later. (Sheri)
She's (Liz’s Molly) a cutie and her chicken impressions were totally hysterical. (Jen P)
nothing like being 14 stories up in the air on 5 inches wide of steel and feeling your knee giving out!
Yikes! that would leave a mark for sure!! (Sheri)
what do you mean HUMANS will be in the pool ? UGH ! (Gussy)
omg that was hysterical .. the dude with the beer and the needle in his neck had my eyes watering!
Sorry, but I have no idea about tongue surgeries .Cheers, (Ang)
We'll be lucky if we can remember our own name by then! (Liz)
You are better women/ a man than me....I would have eaten a bottle of Ativan by now and tomorrow be
in an ER red flagged as "drug seeking" in every KY hospital! (Jeanie)
19 year old bad ass Brownie....I rocked the dirty girl look ! (Jeanie)
I am taking it that your lack of the use of the adjective phycho monkey is a good thing ? (Jeanie)
Zo is my sisters's uncle's cousin's baby's daddy. (JB)
awesome ...so a little possum hunting and a home visit ?(Jeanie)
could you just imagine if i was doing the website? omg, what a mess that would be! and there would be
lots of pictures of poop. (Sheri)
I put in for him even though we are up to our eyeballs in dogs-(Laura)
The trick to getting new volunteers is to ply them with alcohol. (Beth)
This one is titled "tree huger tries to save the world" And no, the guy in the picture is not doing coke.
look like i was in drag!(Sheri)
He and Misty continue to be friends, which is good. She humps him, he lets her, all is well. (Nancy)
I took my husband up on his offer of a ride home – my strongest decision of the evening!(Jacky)
You obviously missed the lesbian pint glasses. Good times.(RobynM)
I'm sitting here with tears running down my face - I'm up to the stealth farting and the text picture of
the cat pooping again....(Beth)
Big and hairy to small and scary, she's the best one for the job. (Adrienne)
Think Lin can keep the sushi size dog away from the big guys??Cheers,(Ang)
I will definitely miss your Kooter cookies. (Lin)
we may be a little rowdy at times but don't bite. :) (Beth)
There are trolls with cooties in their pies under that bridge...Honey boo boo (Jeanie)
welcome to the wonder wacky world of Rogers' Rescues! (Jacky)
Reason 4:
“We all need a secure place to talk smack about our
George is always talking about how much the fosters add to our lives, doesn't care how big or small,
male or female, if they'll sit on his lap he's happy. Ok, that came out weird. (Liz)
Are you sure you can't serve rapper one of your smiles and secure a foster? We promise to bring you
back a good one? ( Adrienne)
not quite sure "smiles" is what she serves Rapper to secure a foster, just sayin.....(JB)
Well, whatever it is she serves, I hope she makes a double batch! We should see if she could write a
small handbook and tell us how is is done! We could call it “50 shades of stray"!! (Adrienne)
My husband said last night – let’s go get a generator – I looked at him and just said are you on crack.....
they’ve been advertising this storm for three days now on WHAT planet do you think they have
generators left on! TWIT! Love him but TWIT!!!! (Jacky)
Ok, so JB will be taking the small black doggy. We'll cut her hair and tell Tom that Bessie was returned.
(Robyn M)
I feel myself getting weaker and weaker......
No Tom I SWEAR he was her BRFORE you went to Ireland ? too much Guinness, huh ? (Jeanie)
But he (George) doesn’t get naming rights...can you imagine what he'd come up with?! (Liz)
Gertrude Hawk Smidgens (be still my beating heart) ...the perfect ratio of chocolate and creamy filling. I
have a box of coconut cream smidgens hiding in my pantry as I type. Tom made me rid the house of all
Christmas goodies. I took mountains of cookies and candies to the vultures at work. But I hid the
smidgens; no way was I parting with them. shhhh. (JB)
My name is Steph and I have 2 foster failures. Keith would like to change that back to 1 sometimes, but
he'll get returned before Raz does! (Steph)
So, at this point I told him (Chris) that we are getting another foster dog this weekend ... as long as I say
"it's my gig", but he ends up being around the dogs taking care of them for most of the day anyway.
ummm.... let me just say 50 shades of Grey, book 2, chapter 9! Bob, you'll be thanking me! and Beth ,
Sebastian will be on his way to Flemington! (Sheri)
I gave Larry a choice, another baby or a dog. He chose dog. (Jen TK)
If you could find someway to make him a her, it would be a done deal. Scott is super good about pulling
a pooch at anytime-his only provision is doggy must be female. Bummer. He's gorgeous. (RobynM)
I was thinking the same thing... if he had a vajaja it would be a no brainer!!!! WAHHHHH! (Jacky)
then my dear, THAT is what Barry should be fostering!!!! Work it girlfriend!!!!(Jacky)
I'm workin' it, I'm workin' it!! You know, he really shouldn't even HAVE a say in it because we all KNOW
who's gonna end up taking care of the pup, don't we?? (Aviva)
JB has two dogs ? OK...sorry, in the throes of making 5 dozen balls of meat for the Halloween parade.
Yeah, Jeanie, you missed the panicked look on JB's face when she was walking around trying to figure
out to tell Tom they were taking home two dogs. There was some story being thrown around that the
original foster gave birth on transport, (Karen)
Not sure JB's 'splainin went too well ? She sold some old lady with a Corgi walking some trail on the idea
that Lady Carrie of High Bridge would be the peeerrrrfect dog for her !
HMM or maybe it was Tom out on the trail? (Jeanie)
I really wanted to tell him we were getting 2 dogs, I just wasn't sure how. I waited and waited for the
right moment to break the news. At the transport, with dog #2 on his lap wasn't my first choice.
but speaking of things that need 'splainin: 5 dozen balls of meat ??? wth??? (JB)
I think that right now people - JEANNIE H2O in particular - need to be a little more sensitive their use of
“balls of meat” given the current audience!!!! I think I’ve regressed days in my Lamb Fries healing!!!!!
NOT NICE! (Jacky)
“Woofstock teas are packed” Ok so I got thru that without killing Tom. OCDC borrowed a shirt folder
flipper from a friend...like the kind at Old Navy or the Gap and obsessively flip folded all the shirts,
counted them and is now out to get a "good box" for transport to Woofstock.(Jeanie)
Ok, so this is the plan.... i'll poke Rapper in the eyes tonite while he's sleeping and blind him and
someone bring home Issac (from Anderson) for me. He'll never even know he's here! Plan?? (Sheri)
Hoping some Barefoot Contessa lemon roasted shrimp cappellini will turn into a foster from Powell
(Jeanie) Note: strictly off limits for compendium
this ain't Vegas. What happens in the yahoo group doesn't always stay in the yahoo group.
just sayin ;) (JB)
“The Claire-isms”
So I named her Twinkie after the now defunct treat of my childhood lunchbox. (Claire)
Want her to get on PA and learn all about us, then I plan on roping her in as a foster home (Claire)
That conversation got nasty and the two of us got in to a bitch slapping conversation over the phone.
I use songs on my dog videos all the time, you tube tells me that is okay but they will not be allowed to
be viewed in some countries such as Tanzania and Zanzibar. That was a sacrifice I was willing to make.
As long as it's not 4:30 am like the foster I picked up for Claire that time I'm fine (Jen P)
*gulp* still terribly sorry about that. But it still makes me laugh.(Claire)
It's not cheap to have a tree taken down. We always intended to take a huge 100 foot pine tree down in
our front yard but never had the money to do it. So hurricane Sandy sent it down on our garage and
insurance paid for it. (Claire)
You can't throw that Brownie pic in there to make us think you were a good girl. Is that a beer in your
hand in the photo where you look about 15? (Claire)
Glad to know that she realizes what happened during our teens STAYS to what happened during our
teens (Claire)
Claire is like a drug pusher, except she pushes dogs. (JB)
Heehee, get them hooked and then keep them coming back for more. (Claire)
Again, we don't pick dogs ahead of time for the shelter trip. We send back photos and info from the
road and sell them to the highest bidder. Kidding (Claire)
Shave him down first and it will be 6 months before they realize he's not a lab. (Claire)
I'm with you, I had no idea who Carrie was either and thought the elderly woman was getting her
rescues mixed up. Now I remember, turns out it is me with the elderly brain. (Claire)
The following link is to a video of the old and new shelter buildings.(VB)
Bob, it's not showing up for me. Am I the only one (MA)
It comes up for me. (Beth)
That's what she said. (Claire)
Yes, yahoo keeps telling me rogers is an invalid group, just got it again when I went to reply to this. I
mean, we might drink a lot and get a bit loud at times but I wouldn't exactly call us invalid. Humph!
Just like out of that movie with Rodney Dangerfield the cop stopped by to tell us
He would stop after his shift to have a beer with us. (Claire)
Aw, look at this beautiful, older Jackson boy.
(Insert petfinder link) (Claire)
How dare you??? (Adrienne)
Heehee! Thought you might like that dog.(Claire)
You are playing dirty pool young lady! (Adrienne)
Whatever it takes to get them out my dear, whatever it takes. (Claire)
Reason 2:
“Because we get to laugh - A LOT”
Goes without saying not a one of us is anywhere near normal ! (Jeanie)
A sweater....really Claire ? As if chiweenie isn't enough to bring out the loons. (Jeanie)
He was also a hound, and I'm only going to say his name once, for fear that if we say it 3 times, he'll
magically appear. I'm also going to put it in parentheses for extra protection. OK, here goes. (Trigger).
(Toi, toi, toi!) (Amanda)
Ah the good old days of pulling hounds. What ever happened to that? Oh I smartened up and now pull
dogs with a brain. Sorry Snooty I love you and you are smart. Not like the other dopes. (Lin)
Here's a list of 122 things to do with coconut oil .Great stuff! ( MA)
Stop now! Or rate this NC 17....cause when Sherri gets done with dogs and couches she will get to #123
which will involve Rapper and a way to get a foster dog. (Jeanie)
OKP is aware and contacting to set up meet and HV......now if she actually finds it is another story! I
already had to clarify with her that North and North Pole are two different places! (Jeanie)
can’t we put a tracker system on her???? (Jacky)
I was thinking flashing red nose? (Jeanie)
“FU Adrienne” has found a home - HOWEVER Scott is still not speaking to the "other" Adrienne!!!
(Jacky and Ellie)
Come on Jacky and Scott! Make me feel better and tell me Kate's first name was “screw you Nancy”??
Sure, we could have named Kate "screw you Nancy" if we had named Tigger "What were you thinking
Jacky". (Nancy)
yup, that's our Labrador Retriever who hates water & doesn't know how to retrieve ... we love him
anyway . (Aviva)
I am looking to get a puppy foster for Xmas :)
She/He will likely come up on Dec 21st, Saturday. Would anyone out there be able to pick up a puppy
for me and hold until Sunday late morn? Thanks. Ho Ho Ho (Nancy)
Nanc, stop calling yourself a Ho !(Sheri)
At my age, ho is a compliment. (Nancy)
Nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like piles of Dog Puke!!!! (Lynne)
My partner and I have a rottie/shep/lab mix named Oso (you'll hear him used as a bad example around
here sometimes), a coonhound (Queen of All Things) named Lola (you'll occasionally hear about people
encountering the wrath of Lola when she's displeased), and an Australian shepherd named Sydney. We
also currently have a foster from a local rescue out here- I fostered her and her 9 pups. Oh, and we also
own the bird from hell, Kiwi, also known as the Tiny Dinosaur. And some fish. And holy cow, we really
need to stop adopting things... (Amanda A)
My boyfriend, Rory, and I have a 16 yr old African Grey Parrot named Peejay who is also from Hell! She's
pretty mean up close but if you keep your distant she's incredibly entertaining. Her favorite things to do
includes mimicking the smoke detector and making fart noises. (Amanda)
Thankfully he leaves to go home to Tampa on Monday as he left Scott a “present” in front of the
bathroom door last night which Scott obliged him by stepping in (bare foot) – yeah it was ugly at Camp
Fernandes last night but I am happy to report that Little Guy has used yet another one of nine lives and
is still with us!!!! (Jacky)
Nice lady,big heart,a couple of ph.d's AND she has a current rabies shot !! (Jeanie)
I love being part of a world where having a rabies shot is right up there with having a ph.d as something
to brag about. (JB)
Let’s make this a GREAT welcome home and RR shed christening event! (Jacky)
So do we all piss on the shed and christen it like the dogs do? (Sheri)
Depends on how good your aim is. (Adrienne)
My dogs adore rabbits. They say they taste like chicken. Mine prefer the headless variety and prefer to
bring me the body while the rest of the pack tosses the new "ball" w ears in the yard. Do not get a
rabbit. They have 4 teeth and tiny claws. No match for the descendent of the wolf. (Nancy)
I bought two snails for my fish tank for algae control. They multiplied like crazy. I thought I was going to
get in trouble with my parents so I flushed them all down the toilet. (I was 8 years old). It's a wonder
they didn't survive and start coming back up the toilet. Then I really would have been in trouble.
Interesting....I knew An you a say oh, (hello) Cum sum me da (means thank you). And now “go choo”
(penis) .So I can officially say, Hello...thank you for your penis? Not that kind of trip! (Lynn)
And by the way, maybe someday you will fill us all in on how you got applicants to come pick you up and
bring you to their houses and bring you back! Even if you didn't adopt the dog to them! You rock!!
It's my ALF charm. (Lin)
Seriously! That trick should be in the Volunteer manual! Though, step one- break leg, might put some
people off. (LisaO)
Ang- kudos to you for doing a 5 am pick up.I wouldn't even agree to a 5 am pick up if Brad Pitt was my
foster. (JB)
you would so.( VB)
i am PMS-ing and i gave up chocolate , cookies, cake and candy for lent. i am out of my mind as we
speak!!! im ready to chew my damn arm off (Sheri)
And we wonder why we can't get many male volunteers in this group...or maybe we don't.(VB)
Actually isn't a bad calendar idea! Try to promote how cool it is for men to adopt etc. We charge men to
show up with their rescued dog and they pay a fee for a professional photographer to take their pic. And
then we pick the 12 best ones and make a calendar!! Give it a catchy friends ... "having the balls to
adopt" ....(Nancy)
Nothing quite so sexy as man and his dog. ohh la la!! (Jacky)
Except maybe that man and his dog cleaning your house. (Jen P)
Oh yeah!!!!! Game on People. Hands off any pathetic 3 legged one eyed half eared quirkly merle
herding dogs. Just saying ... (Nancy)
If it has short legs I will wrestle you and beat your ass, skinny girl :) (RobynM)
oh boy, i could only imagine the names that this group would come up with for me, if i had to be called
something other than Sheri! Lol (Sheri)
Poop Meister comes to mind!!........(Adrienne)
Once is was dusk out and one of my cats was outside at the far end of my yard. My dogs did not realize
it was one of our own cats and bolted towards him in full chase mode. Knowing it was our own dogs my
cat just stood there. When the dogs reached him and realized it was Tom they slinked away hoping no
one saw that. I swear I heard Tom cat say 'Idiots!' (Claire)
Can someone remind me again which area I need to click to put my name in to claim the HV? I know
that a Border Collie could figure it out, but I was unable to. (Iggy)
I thought everyone I knew would adopt all of my fosters and life would be grand. Turns out that only
happens to Sheri. (Steph)
AraBella and Boone have me looking for hidden cameras. I swear they are shooting video for a soft core
. Bella gets him in the mood (will spare the details) then gives Boone a come hither look and position
that would land her in jail in most places. They got Gussy all excited this morning...poor Gussy thought
the 3 some was going to happen only to be disappointed yet again. (Jeanie)
Subject: [RogersRescues] Re: I'm pregnant - due March 22nd
I'm preggo with a .....
puppy!! HAHA! Well, that's what it feels like. Haven't done a puppy in a looooooong time! The stork
(aka crazy Steve from Mercer) will be delivering her hopefully on March 22nd.Her name is Sienna and
she is from Anderson. (Nancy)
Actually your due date is March 23rd, Steve is pulling out on the 22nd. (Claire)
Thank god Steve pulled out. OK, I couldn't resist. (Nancy)
Obviously not soon enough if you are due. (Claire
I was hoping to see pics of Scott on the floor like a dog tho! lol
Awww, I'm a princess! Can I pick which Disney princess I want to be? (Beth)
Ariel has a nice rack and doesn't have to wear heels-what with the tail and all. (RobynM)
OK, boobs for the first time in my life, not having to wear heels? I'm sold. (Beth)
Our resident boy dog is Oso. He's a 14 year old lab/shep/rott mix who has had severe separation
anxiety, been to the vet 4x for injuries that required stitches, and had his spleen removed last year.
When he was 3, his SA was so bad that I had to consider either rehoming or euthanizing him. I made him
promise then that if I let him live past 3, he'd make it up to me by living to age 35.
I posted this last night on Facebook. Please feel free to laugh at or with me. Enjoy! (Amanda)
Narrowly avoided a vet ER visit tonight with Oso. Upon hearing this news, one might think, "Oh no, Oso
is 14, maybe he's having some medical problem." And this would be a reasonable conclusion to draw.
Not our boy, though. He was apparently a little too excited about having mama dog in the house, and he
got his weenie stuck out. I've dealt with this with him before, and it usually goes in again with just a little
umm... persuasion. This time, though, it was out for over 1/2 hour and he'd licked it till it bled, and he
was humping uncontrollably. And none of the usual fixes were working. It did finally go in. But not till
after I'd called the ER to ask "When my dog's penis is stuck out, how long should I wait before I bring him
into the clinic?" Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure Oso was over in the corner, saying to himself, "heh. I just
made mom say penis. heh."
Oy. He's a dirty old man and a horndog, but fortunately he's keeping his promise to live to age 35.
The saga of the 3 crashes
Lin’s crash
So here's the poop. My nephew and my friend Diane were riding. I was very happy just drinking my beer,
but I figured I would take a lap or two and then just sit and drink. Well I got a whole 20 ft and BAM! big
old blind spot. So I had my leg pinned at the hospital that night and now for the swelling to go down so
they can plate it. Oh yeah and Pam you are right I'm right where I belong: in rehab, but it's the wrong
one. And Scott your bikes are fine so the trade still stands. Whew!!! Jeanie I need cooter cookies as
there is a lot of cuties down here at rehab and I need to hand my card out. I have my escape plan in
place just in case I need to break out of this place. (Crash Lin)
Yep, I talked to Lin today and she's still looking for those cooter cookies. Lin is her usual crazy self;
bending rules and trying to do wheelies in her wheelchair.
The board went above and beyond when they found a chocolate heineken to send with the flowers. You
guys are too funny. I have it sitting by my bed on my stand as it is a definite chick magnet and so are all
the wonderful flowers that I got. You guys are all the best and I'm so lucky to be able to call you all my
friends. I'm so thankful to have all of you in what could have turned out to be a very bad time in my life,
but with all your help and my friends outside of rescue it is nothing more than a little speed bump. Love
you guys! Someone please hug my beermiester for me! I know all my pups are being well cared for and
are getting lots of hugs. (Lin)
Wow, Lin. Either the perks or all those women hanging around are making you mushy! Rest assured
your beermeister is feeling the love! (Pam)
A chocolate Heinekin! I want one. Two of my favorite things: beer and chocolate. (Claire)
They keep telling me how sore I will get. I keep telling them you don't know me very well. I'm fine. They
just laugh and ignore me. Feels like I'm hanging out with Jacky. (Lin)
Lin is actually up and coherent) and sounds pretty good. I asked her how she was feeling and she said so
far, so good but was hard to tell since they gave her nerve blockers and still can't feel her ankle. (VB)
love her dearly but coherent and Lin are not usually used in the same post!?!?!? (Jacky)
Well, i was going to be missing the picnic because we were supposed to be in Wildwood celebrating our
anniversary this weekend, but instead, I’ll be home nursing Rapper. Apparently he forgot that he just
turned 50 and was doing wheelies on his bike and when he came down, his knee went out the wrong
way and he crashed and burned and completely blew out his knee, torn ACL, torn meniscus and a bunch
of other torn up stuff in there! aghh!! OH! and by the way, it was his BICYCLE, he crashed on , not
motorcycle! so yeah- duh! he's gotta make up some other cool story. (Sheri)
It is a really cool bike! I'm glad he didn't ruin it!! (that was such a guy thing to say wasn't it??- Hey sorry
your knee is stuck on the left side of your face- but Omg! You scratched the fender. (Sheri)
Wheelies on his bike, some boys never grow up. (Claire)
sheri is “nursing” rapper.......... no comment!!!!! (Jacky)
When I was in 5th grade I took my 3rd grade sister on a bike ride with two friends down the BIG HILLS.
Wow was mom surprised when they called her to come to the hospital because Susan fell and broke her
jaw and her arm in three places ...Glad to hear the bike style is still making memories !last time I let her
tag along. (Jeanie)
3 is a charm
So i was out back with the dogs trying to get some pix of Alex. i was backing up , didn't see our concrete
planter and fell backward over it. yep, like a ton of bricks onto my right wrist. broke it ,splintered it as
the dr so delicately told me. had surgery on wed. (btw-no alcohol was involved)( Pam)
Oh Pam! So sorry to hear this. Drink more and move that planter! (Liz)
Ouch! That'll teach you - alcohol=good, no alcohol=bad. Hope you feel better soon! (Beth)
That's the problem. No alcohol is always bad. Any time I fell or almost took a header with my leg I was
sober. When I was trashed I never missed a hop. Sober I would go down. I think my balance was off
when not drinking. Well I hope boo boo arm gets better soon and if I can help you out let me know. God
knows you carted my ass enough. (Hugs Lin and the kid)
OH NO!! Holy cow Pam!! you did it good, huh?? i just hope its your opposite hand cause it is really hard
to wipe your ass with your other hand! and feed yourself too! i wish i lived closer and could come and
help you out!! WITH THE ANIMALS AND HOUSEWORK!!! -not wiping your ass! (Sheri)
yep, the whole wiping the ass part is a pita! Per many of your wise suggestions,
my diet is primarily liquid......as long as Ramiro will open the wine bottle. (Pam)
And Finally, the number one reason we are Rogers Rescues
Volunteers (drum roll)……..”FOR THE LOVE OF DOGS” !
Incoming fosters antics
Pam’s Remy
This morning I have plucked from her mouth: a wine cork, soft old bunny, an empty
yogurt cup (counter surfing) and a fly swatter that was outside. She's apparently bored with the dozens
of toys in the toy box.
Jeanie’s Kierra
She loves to play and settles easy but she snores like my mother!
Ang’s Barry and Sassy
Barry and Sassy are both very affectionate to the point where both are in competition with each other.
Mental note: Must not start small dog complex! They both are trying to out-cute each other
Anyway, both are house-trained, so we had five dogs sleeping with us.
Jacky’s Nelly (aka “Bentlyanna”, aka “FU Adrienne”)
I can officially say six dogs is too many for me!!!! Scott has literally named our new little girl “F U
ADRIENNE”. I haven't decided what the rest if us will be calling her yet!!!! Bentley says the stupid new
dog looks nothing like him and we are all stupid thinking such stupidity!!!!
Scott and Robyn’s Neva
Scott left in laws dog crate open this morning so Neva helped herself to crap food too.
Robyn-0, food allergy -2.
you keep you in laws in a dog crate? ...wow..that's harsh. (JB)
I wish I could. (RobynM)
Beth and VB’s Cleo
(Cleo )Has plucked every floating plant out of my pond and shred it in the lawn, digs constantly in
random places for no apparent reason, eats random items like flip flops, fireplace lighters, outdoor
lighting, and the extension cord connected to the driveway alarm (and cord attached to same) behind
her crate if she can reach and drag it in. Also drools and barks incessantly. Thankfully she seems to know
better than to mess with Venus or Winston as they'd eat her for lunch. But very sweet and she'll be a
wonderful dog in about 15 months when she (finally) grows up, if she lives that long.
JB’s Oliver
Only big dog incident so far: took the dogs in the back yard this morning to get a bit of sun before the
day got started. Hooked Ollie up to the run and he decided run full speed ahead and ripped the bolt
from the garage. As he ran (heading out of the yard) I hurled myself in what felt like slow
motion.."nooooo...stop.......Ollllleeeeee......" toward the end of the wire lead as it was fastly following
behind him. I was like football player after a ball, seriously! I landed on the last 2 inches of the lead,
grabbed it and probably would have gotten my fingers ripped off if he kept running but I called to him
and he turned right around and ran to me (good boy) and got grass stains on my pants to prove it! (JB)
Scott and Robyn’s Acadia
Additionally: she has a fondness for Birkenstock sandals :/
Caelynn’s Jack
Jack ate a giant hole in my bedroom screen while I was at work. I don't know where he thought he was
Beth and VB’s Kassel
The only issue is he's a marker. Has marked everything here (inside and out) and he's sneaky about it as
I've only caught him a few times!!! He was just sleeping on the dog bed, got up and I looked and he had
marked the bed! But beside that which should correct itself soon enough, he's an issue-less no brainer
foster. I was thinking that maybe we should name him Magic. As in Magic Marker. (Nancy)
Teri’s Stella
Stella is a return who has been here for almost a week. She is all we remember her to be and then
some. Back in the day she had the nickname of Bat Dog. She makes these noises one of which is this
high pitched, ear shattering bark and she barks at everything. She doesn't like the kids, but keeps her
distance. She doesn't like the cat and chases her all over the place, barking and carrying on. She can't
hurt the cat, but the drama she causes is just too much for any cat. I think she tolerates the other dogs.
Tracker and Granny are old curmudgeons and Stella would be stupid to even try to mess with them.
Max is an alpha dog wanna be so she leaves him alone too. That leaves poor submissive, anxious,
fearful Hunter - who she torments constantly. Stella hates the squirt bottle, so needless to say I have
dug out every squirt bottle I can find and placed them around the house.
One of my kids has always wanted a chihuahua - well let's just say that the old beagles aren't looking so
bad anymore.
Jeff’s Winston
Winston has some separation anxiety and can have a little too much fun even when you are out for even
a short time. Obviously having 3 other dogs in my house to join the party does not help. He ate a 6x6
hole in our ottoman cushion (good thing we were getting rid of that).
Lin’s Zeus
Tonight we went out for a few hours and came home to pee and poop all over the family room because
apparently Zeus was upset that we were gone too long and he couldn't be up our butts for the evening.
This was the second time we've come home to his unique form of decorating the house when we've
been out in the evening. (Beth)
Beth and VB’s Noodle
Noodle's still very sweet, follows us everywhere, but sets up a high-pitch yapping tune in the crate
(possible touch of SA) and pisses on everything possible inside and out. Which in turn means Winston
has to "one up" him and piss there too - we were awakened to the sound of pyr-pee waterfall this
morning, yay.
Lin’s Zeus, Scrappy and Mommy
Zeus is now wearing the cone of shame and running into everyone and everything. He is doing good and
is a big old love bug. Scrappy has managed to jump off my deck twice onto the driveway only to start
barking and crying for me and mama. Mama just looks at him like, dumb ass why did you do that. I'm
not coming down there. So all in all, everyone is doing great. Oh and nobody has eaten anyone yet
although Snooty wishes they would all go away and die somewhere. He would like to know if he can
room with Bob and Scott till the rats leave.
Nancy’s Jakey-Man
Jakey-Mans is another loving goofy affectionate go-anywhere, do-anything pup. He put up a shriek fest
in the crate last night for about 20 minutes. One would have thought someone was pulling out his toe
nails with a hot glue gun while stabbing him in the eye with a pitchfork.
Nancy’s Jakey-Man (part 2)
OK seriously people. Do I have to strap a Go-Pro Camera to my head?
Perhaps I should take the picture of Jakey-man eating my Vera Wang pumps. Not so cute anymore.
Shoes 0, Jakey Man 1
K & S’s Maverick
He's a happy go lucky goofball whose tail hasn't stopped wagging! However, his balls need to go! He is
enticing our three and pretending he wants to play, but really he just wants to hop on! Our dogs are on
to his little game and now are trying to avoid him as much as they can. Poop is soft but not too bad.
Keith investigated....nothing moving in it!
Teri’s Beaumont
He is definitely our kind of dog. Old man Beagle. Missing half of one ear. Missing most of his teeth.
Spends most of his time laying on the couch. Appears to be housebroken. And oh so sweet. No issues
with other dogs. Has no interest in our old cat. Really a great dog. He will make a great family dog, first
time owner dog, or fit into really any family composition. Pictures are up on Sharepoint - and yes, he is
wearing a tiara. Thanks for bringing him back.
Nancy’s Tiggy
What a snuggle bug this boy is. Moments here and there of freak-daddy but only moments now. He still
gets a little looney if strangers come but he recovers way faster than when he first arrived. He loves
other dogs. Sleeps on them. Plays with them. Follows them. Misty May and him are in total love. She
beats the piss out of him in the yard and he loves it, then she licks his wee-wee and then they nap
together. They are like an old married couple.
I just want to know if that's what old married couples do? If so, I know why we've stayed single!
And THIS my friends, is how i get Rapper to let me foster every now and then!!!.......kidding!!!! i
Liz’s Gracie
The bright shining spot in an otherwise miserable morning has been the arrival of Gracie, a gorgeous
little golden retriever/sheltie mix. Donna (at Anderson) said she was sweet, sweet, sweet and she wasn't
exaggerating. When I went to get her settled in my car, she jumped in the front seat and wouldn't move,
and I swear I heard her smiling as we headed home on Route 78.
Liz’a Addie
Addie is a case and a half. Sweet and wonderful in the crate, thank goodness, and a peeing monster,
who trashed my house good when we came home last night and then again first thing this morning.
She's been tethered to me since then, and that's going well. I've never had to do this before, but it's
worth it-no accidents since I started. Just one thing to add to the ongoing list of Addie's Adventures.
This morning she backed out of the harness she was wearing (while tethered to me) while we were
standing in my front yard. I grabbed her as it was happening, but she will now be known as Madame
AND did a full roll – I was there to witness it!! Liz at her most elegant! (Jacky)
Teri’s Sunny
Sunny came from BG on Saturday. When they said he was nothing but skin and bones they weren't
kidding. He is skinny. I can see/count every bone in his body. He is very sweet. No issues with food. He's
got scars all over his face. Everything is well healed, but he has little fur on his cheeks due to all the
scars. Seems to want to be with us and follows us everywhere, but is obviously a little hestitant about
what we may/may not do to him. He spent most of the weekend eating and sleeping. He's a cute little
Claire’s Sugar
Sugar has settled in beautifully. She is one easy going, calm, laid back dog. She is usually curled up on
some furniture or the nearest dog bed. She enjoys shaking and de-stuffing soft toys. I don't crate her,
she is non-chewing and housetrained. She is a diamond in the rough. I have spent the week fixing her
up, stitches removed, a bath, brushing and brushing all that hair out, shaving mats, removing scabs from
all the ticks, trimming her bloomers and working on the cut under her eye. Gentle Sugar just stands
there and takes it. She looks a million times better then when she first arrived. Every once in a while she
will whimper, I think she missis her sorry excuse for a family even though they horribly neglected and
abandoned her. Such is the loyalty of a dog. They will soon fade from her memory and she will realize
how good life can be.
Jacky’s Enve
As you all know I would NEVER have signed up for Ennnnnnnvvveeeee (my best French accent) as she is
just not my kind of dog but we are having so much fun with her. Whenever I pull in the future, there will
always be a question to Emily (through Liz and Claire of course!!!!) of does she have her eye on anyone
in particular that would fit my home. And I will do my level best to pull that dog. Until she screws me
over and then I will throw lamb fries at her!!!!
To be noted – NO I will NOT sleep in a crate – are you completely insane!?!?!?
However you may secure me in the mud room – that will be acceptable.
I will not pee and poop in the house – I am fully aware that that is an outdoor function! HOWEVER when
I am farting up a storm and pacing, please realize that I am about to have and explosive diarrhea
episode, I will have said episode on the tile floor.... you’re welcome!
We will need to talk about the resident dogs however. They are being “old” – why won’t they play with
me? I require play partners, the one is a damn herding dog for Christmas sake, please explain this fact to
him and to get with the program.
Otherwise – this situation is acceptable – I quite like you and your extremely comfy couch. I understand
we are watching football and napping today – this also is on the highly acceptable side of life.
JB’s Laurel
She arrived yesterday and boy oh boy is she a good girl. she is short and long enough to be RobynM dog.
She is housebroken, walks nicely on a leash, doesn't jump, and doesn't beg for attentionShe is fascinated
with BB (which he is not thrilled with) I can't seem keep her from his manly bits.
Nancy’s Glacier
Glacier is literally one of the most beautiful dogs ever. He was found tied to a dog box. His family gone.
He's a an all white Shep maybe malamute mix. He was one of my fav fosters! Primarily because he's the
only one who tried to kill my bird Paco which didn't bother me in the least as for those that don't know,
that damn bird tried to kill me several times. Luckily Paco lives happily with my ex (where he also tried
to kill my ex's fiancee! ).
Nancy’s Pitttie Puppy
I have NEVER EVER EVER seen a tiny little dog like that pee and poop as much as that little thing did!!!
We walked it outside, it pee’d and poop’d, we brought it inside and it pee’d and poop’d EVERYWHERE.
We went through TWO rolls of paper towels! It was crazy!She played and played and played and played,
Ink (the horn dog that he is) spent most of the evening humping her. Bentley was sent to bed for being a
snit. I’m pretty sure Nancy will remember EVERY soon why pulling puppies is not always the best idea!!!
Well apparently when 4 drunk adults try to housebreak a puppy, you get what we got Sat night (peeing
nightmare) since today she has not peed ONCE in my house nor the number 2 item either!! We went to
my sisters for Easter and she did all business outside there as well!! LOVE HER!!
She is the cutest snuggly happy well adjusted puppy ever. She is just so adorable and wiggly. Rides
great in the car. Slept all last night quietly in a crate in my room. Despite having hooks, rounds and
coccidia according to her paperwork, her poops are solid and nice! (That was for you Sheri!!).
I woke up with a migraine this morning and after feeding the dogs and letting them out, I let her in my
bed with me and she snuggled right up to my neck and fell asleep and was quiet as a mouse while I
snoozed off the headache. She will be an easy sell!!(Nancy)
Oh blah blah blah she is perfect! (Jacky)
Scott and Robyn’s ??
And she is as awesome as she is beautiful. Just a total lover and all around family dog. Great with the
kids, submissive to my dogs, uninterested in the cats and bunny, loves toys, loves cuddling, corrects
easily...she is a dream. Of course, it has only been 24 hours and Satan could emerge any minute.
Liz’s Rosie
Rosie is the most expensive foster I've ever had, and I'm not talking about medical bills. First she chewed
through a zillion harnesses and collars (including one being worn by Lacey at the time.) I replaced those
with 3 that have a chew-proof guarantee: $62 down the drain. Today she ate my reading glasses, and I
don't even want to think what they'll cost to replace. They were in the middle of the kitchen table-which
she jumped up on to get to She's a huge chewer , she eats the little shreds of nylabone and then pukes
them up every couple of days.
Nancy’s Maddie
She's the best antidepressant ever
JB’s Wilson
He may be a little challenged in the looks dept. He is kind of ugly-cute.
He has a human face (which is a bit creepy) a tremendous under bite and his stocky little body looks like
one of those animated “lord of the rings-ish” minions of the devil. (but in a cute way).
Nancy’s Buster
Buster is an adorable 16 week old white pit puppy with 2 brindle spots. He definitely has more of the
blocky head and stocky build of a pit than Miss Maddie did. And of course, being a boy, he's definitely
not as smart :) I've been trying different names. Buster seems to fit this morning but could change!
Any names for a bruiser of a pit are welcome. I was thinking at one point of Brad. Get it .. Brad Pitt!!
Kim LP’s Chuck
Just a quick update on Chuck...he is so fabulous! We absolutely love him here. Couldn't have asked for a
better foster! He loves the kids, loves everyone. He is housebroken which is awesome and we've had no
marking in the house. He is great with the dogs and has been having fun playing with the neighbor's dog.
He is very food motivated and will try to steal food whenever he can (he stole croutons off my salad
yesterday). Chuck is really easy and would be a great family dog.
Jeanie’s Boomer
So good news is Boomer is likely to be Beckman. Me, on the other hand, needs a HV 101 refresher.
Check every single inch of the fence ! The back of the property borders a ravine with a stream. Not a
crystal clear babbling brook...oh no..swamp muck and drainage. They have a wire fence on stakes that is
meant to be temporary. Boom found the chink in the armor went right under, slid down the ravine, into
the stream flopped and splashed across it. Stood on the other side, muck to his chest, looking at me like:
now what? Of course being a hardy Laker girl who lives where mucking is a rite of passage and a sport,
slid right down the hill after him. Surveyed the stream, found the low spot, walked across, picked up my
mucky beagle and walked back across even losing a shoe in the muck. The family was so apologetic. No
big deal to me.....wiped my feet off, cleaned the beagle, carried on with the HV . Which included a
promise to get a proper fence across the back! Win win.....they saw what could happen! What better
way to make a point! Drove home barefoot, knowing Boo found his people !
I'm not so sure I would have handled that as well as you.(Claire)
The look on their faces when I went under the fence was priceless! Holly tried to give me her
Sketchers...she said she told the girls at work and they all googled Rogers to check us out....
Ninja dog rescuers! That's us! (Jeanie)
Whole new meaning to swamp ass this morning at the Hodge Podge Hound Lodge.
My jeans are going thru the wash for the second time this time with shout on the mud stains, my
beloved black slip on Sketchers may have met their maker and Boomer is getting a bath...or two (Jeanie)
Jacky’s Kate
Kate's with us while Jacky and family are away and we are thoroughly enjoying having her here! SUCH a
sweet old girl. If I wasn't worried about our Sadie getting older and Jacky breaking my arms, I'd be
tempted to try to keep her indefinitely. (Beth)
Liz’s Lanie
Lanie has arrived here, and what a fraggle rock dog she is! No tail, huge ears, scruffy as can be. 13 lbs of
total lap dog and super, super sweet.
Claire’s Leah
Leah is here And she is wonderful! She is tiny and delicate and has the nicest personality. She is friendly
and not afraid of anyone. I took her to my brothers for football today and she spent the day going from
lap to lap soaking up all the attention. She had to be someone’s house pet because she is excellent in
the house, very well-mannered and appears to be housetrained. She knows the word 'outside' and 'give
me a kiss'. I'm still learning what else she knows. She is fine with my dogs and cats. I just love her.
Robyn and Scott’s Milo
He will however howl like a baying Beagle when you are trying to get him to do something he doesn't
want to. It attracts quite an audience in the middle of Duke Island Park on a beautiful weekend day :) He
does also shed the equivalent of another dog every 2 hours. He also seems to prefer men-I am not
offended because he gives me kisses too. He just gets all puppy wiggly- like with Scott.
He is such a scardy boy. I hate to insinuate of people whose circumstances I really don't know but he
acts as though he's been beat. If you pull on his collar, he pulls back and yelps. He flinches when you
touch his paws and you can't touch his ears unexpectedly-he has to see you coming. If you stand over
him to pet him, he trembles.
Nancy’s Kate
I dragged poor Katie up the stairs to the spare bathroom only to realize that apparently in the divorce
George got the special shower nozzle with the hose. So it was a makeshift bath with just a Tupperware
jug to get the water on her. Holy cow. Red, red water starts streaming off of her. I thought I killed her!
But soon realized it was just reddish clay dirt she had embedded in her fur and skin, thick as anything. I
got her clean best I could but she'll need a professional. In 9 years, she's probably never had a bath nor
been this clean. Flea dirt, dead fleas, dirt pieces etc. just kept coming off. She is actually a golden color.
HAHAHA, just kidding. Oh, and I figured out why her tongue pokes out of her mouth often ... no bottom
front row of teeth. Completely missing!! Too cute!
Nancy’s Kate Part 2
What an easy peasy gal! Kate is doing wonderfully. She's housebroken (more than I say about a few of
my own dogs here!.. ah hem... Sawyer "i love to mark" Brown). She's really getting a neat personality
now. She comes trotting when called. Her fur looks fantastic now. She does this funny growl talk (not a
growl) when you walk in the door or when I come down in the morning. A low "whooo whooo" to
express her excitement. Its very cute. The other day she picked up a bone and threw it around for
about 30 seconds. She has no idea what toys are for. Today she did a full body roll upside down feet in
the air back scratching happy roll. She just likes to hang out quietly wherever you are. Follows me
around in the yard. She has no desire yet to get on any furniture. She LOVES to be brushed and doted
on now. She loves the big ass dog orthopedic dog bed I got from Lin's garage. She's gets Dasuquin now
so I'll see if it helps make her a little less stiff. All in all, she is no problem at all and seems to really be
enjoying being a house dog now.
Adrienne’s Savanah
The car is not her favorite place as she drools enough to fill a Koi pond each time
Jacky’s Daisy
dum dum daisy, is a total spazzzzz!!!! Sweet sweet sweet but dumb as two short planks!!! And I think I
just insulted planks unnecessarily!!!
Kim LP’s Sophie
Sophie is doing great...she knows sit and paw. She's a sweetheart and she and Brownie have really hit it
off. Sophie is great with the kids and really everyone. She is panting a bit in the house and seems to be
unsettled and constantly paces but I'm sure this will subside in time.. Overall, a fantastic dog!
Teri’s Scout
Scout is such a typical young beagle. Silly and a little (ok a lot) stupid. He has been put in his place by all
of our old dogs and seems to be fine with that. He sprinted away from our 18 year old cat, when she
hissed at him. The dog that he seems to have the most issues with, growling, bark, carrying on is the one
that keeps looking back at him when he looks out the window. Every window he looks out, there's that
mean, scary dog again. Its so funny. As long as he doesn't launch himself through the window at his own
reflection, we should fine. He's a cool dog
Beth and VB’s Arthur
Definitely a golden mix as we're pulling him out of the pond daily . He's immediately contrite and
doesn't go near the pond for the rest of the day once we call him off of it but the next day (or 12 hours
later) he's walking in and on it yet again, dopey boy. He has a taste for wood and I've caught him
chewing on the kitchen chairs as well as the step up into the kitchen but again he's easily redirected, he
just doesn't remember the rules for more than 30 minutes. :) Very sweet though and especially for an
unneutered male, he's been a total joy. he's just an easy going, silly, sweet boy who's trying to find his
way in this new world he's been tossed into.
Laura’s Sebastian
This guy is special. Lovey, dovey, won't stop going between Jim and I giving kisses and love. No problems
with the dogs, although he definitely prefers people. He ate like a champ and biggest surprise, he seems
to be house broken, no marking in the house so far. However, I was raising my voice to Bertie just
telling him to get off the counter (yes, 13 months later, he still counter surfs) and Sebastian came
crawling over and was shaking and rolled over on his back, hmmmm, so kind of think that someone has
not been nice to him before which made me very sad. This guy is special, he needs to go to an incredible
home. Love, love, love him....Only day 1, but he's special.
JB’s Summer
insists on laying on my lap even though she is a huge 28 lb dog (yes 28 lbs is huge in my house)
My dogs take 28 lb DUMPS!(Sheri)
Deb S’s Minnie
Minnie, (Pink from Taylor) is the cutest, sweetest and easiest little baby ever. Hoping for a quick
adoption otherwise I'll be having a huge fight with my family about keeping her.
Caelynn’s Gilbert
Gilbert is here. He is an absolute cuddle bug. He whines to go out and already knows what door to go to.
His feet are HUGE and kind of an odd shape, which I didn't notice until I got home. He drools when he
Scott and RobynM’s Fiona
Fi is here and doing great. Sweet, sweet girl that is going to make a spectacular family dog. Loves the
kids, doesn't give a crap about the cats, loves the bunny a little too much, tries to play with Rider all the
time (play bow, play bow, play bow Loves her toys. Follows me room to room-won't even let me pee
alone. Not much in the way of training but she is just a pile of love.
Liz’s Rosie
She's a teenie little black and tan miniature doxie, with some chi thrown in. Loves to sit in my lap, which
was very sweet till she peed in it
Foster failures
Sophie is doing excellent! She's such an unbelievable dog. She is awesome with the kids, other dogs,
cats. She loves to sleep on the couch. I think she is younger than the 4 years because her teeth are
pretty white and she's very playful. Matt is completely smitten with her and he tells me that we need to
get her adopted fast. A small part of me thinks she may never go to Preapproved but we'll see...not sure
if we're ready to go back up to 3 dogs again. (KLP) ??ff??
Back in January, when Hunter belly crawled off the Bowling Green truck with every bone in his
body visible, it was love at first sight. Knowing that we wanted to continue to foster, we had to
make sure he could handle dogs in and out of the house. Now that we are confident that he can
handle that, we are thrilled to be able to officially make him a member of our family. Thank you to
the Rescue for allowing us to foster these old dogs and Thank You to the Board for allowing us the
privilege of becoming Hunter's family. (Teri and Marc)
She was a tough one to let go of, but on Dec 25th we adopted Carrie out to a really nice, extremely
wealthy, incredibly attractive, super young couple who live in an immaculately clean house with a
beautifully manicured, 5 acre, fenced in lawn. Nahhhhh, just kidding! It was us!!! We are keeping
her (surprise surprise) For Tom, it was pretty much love at first sight, I fretted over the shedding.
Go ahead and put this in the “and you call yourself a dog person?” file, but I have always had dogs
with hair (non-shedding). Was I ready for a lifetime of watching black dust bunnies form under the
furniture? Apologizing to guests when they found hair in their food? In the end, I couldn’t imagine
adopting her out to anyone else in a million years. She is sweet and wiggly and happy and we LOVE
her. She is smart and funny and everyone who meets her loves her. When we snuggle on the couch
and she rests her head on my chest, I’m filled with that sweet contented feeling that you can only
get from a dog that you love. Welcome to our home Carrie-you lovely lovely girl. ( JB)
Super duper Congratulations! and welcome to the HAIR EVERYWHERE club!
it really is just a condiment! :)) (i crack up when i see one of my long blonde hairs in the dogs
Congratulations JB! Welcome to the FF club! (Adrienne)
Not me ! Oh crap forgot about the official ruling a few years ago...went to RR court and they ruled
against me...Watters v Nannynaysayers with JF representing the plaintiffs. Judge Claire ruled
against me with room for appeal as it was determined "the second Jacky handed Gus to me, they
knew he was mine" (Jeanie)
I am a club member.
My name is Nancy, and I am a foster failure. 3 times. (clapping ensues here). I am currently
undergoing the 12 step program of foster failing. I am still on step one which is "stop reading
petfinder and the email pleas for help". May god give me the strength to get thru this addiction.
And find me a blue merle border collie puppy in the process. (Nancy)
What an awesome boy! he's gonna be a hard one to let go! Thank God he's not my foster, cause his
last name would be Rapp already and he hasnt even stepped foot onto the transport van yet! (Sheri)
Diamond (Misty) is doing very good. Her skin issues are clearing up and she has become more
active and mobile. Now I just need to convince my wife that she needs to find her forever home as
she is a super sweet dog. (Jeff)
Exactly one year ago today, I travelled to Westville NJ to pick up a return. Belle was Claire's foster that
was adopted almost 5.5 years prior as a 3 month old pup. Plan was to keep her till end of October 2012
until Claire could take her. Long story short.......she came to us a shivering, cowering mess and although
still anxious has blossomed into a loving loyal family member, daddy’s little girl and bossy big sister to
Gus. Tom, Cody Gussy and I could not fathom letting her down again after she gave us her trust. With
Claire's blessing we decided to make her a permanent member of our crazy extended pack. She will
hang her leash at the Hodge Podge Hound Lodge for the rest of her days. Smelly Belly, StinkerBelle,
Bellzer, AraBella Ruby......you are home ! (Jeanie)
Angel (at this point) came on yesterday’s trans from Mon. She is a beautiful bi-color GSD girl that my
family is head over heels in love with. She is super smart, sits, shakes, high fives, downs and rolls over!!
She may be a keeper, I think. She is house trained and slept thru the night in a crate without a peep. She
is a great dog, my kind of dog. Love her. (Deb)
Amber (Rustie)is still unsure about a lot of things, but she loooooves love! sometimes she'll come
running to you with a huge smile on her face and jump into your arms smothering you in kisses,
melting in your lap and laying on top of you and other times she looks at you like "who the hell are
you??!!" and runs away and wont come to you.but she's gotten soo much better. have i mentioned
that i absolutely LOVE this little girl? (Sheri)
i have THE sweetest foster pup ever that i am sooo in love with! that kind of sugar surely makes
things better! :))) another scaredy girl, but she is coming around, and really loving me (Sheri)
Well ... I got my Anniversary present a day early!! She was just meant to be! Amber wormed her way
into our hearts! I fell in love with her on day 1 but wanted so badly to find the perfect home for her
so i could continue fostering. She is a bit of a "project" pup, and is still scared around new people
and will run away and not come near when people come over.and still has her moments with us. i
knew it had to be either someone special, someone i knew, or ME! to adopt her. My dogs just love
her, she fits in perfect at my house and she just seems sooo happy here. Benny especially loves her
and the two of them can be found sleeping together or in the crate together. after seeing them two
spooning last night , and then last night she slept in the crook of my arm with her head on my chest
the ENTIRE night, i knew this was it! i wasnt giving her up. i have been thinking long and hard about
this , and didn’t want to make any hasty decision, but she has that special something makes me feel
she is worth not being able to foster anymore. This morning i said to Rapper "whether you like it or
not, Amber is staying" he says "i know! Happy Anniversary!!" he loves her too and is happy she is
staying! i knew something was up when he agreed that the two PA's that were interested in her
were not a match. Everything happens for a reason! She's bringing a very bright spot to a sucky
time for us right now. NOw , to start my day as The Happiest Dog Mommy ever!!! (Sheri)
Take a look at Sheri in the adoption photo with Amber/Rustie. She's grinning like a 5 year old girl
on Christmas morning. Think she's happy? .(JB)
But 5 year olds don’t have crow’s feet that make them look like the Marlboro man! i wish i could
edit those suckers out, cause i love that picture! (Sheri)
You can Sheri. Botox. Just sayin. (Nancy)
Adoption stories
Gilbert went to his forever home with Debra today. Did you ever watch the videos of dogs greeting
"their" soldiers when they come home from overseas? Well that is what this was like!! He was SO happy
to see her, and she him. He bounced all over, gave lots of kisses, and peed on her for good measure. I
have no doubt in my mind that this is the right home for Gilbert (Caelynn)
So Cool! Love it when they pee on people.(Lin)
The best part, though, was when she jumped up on their couch with Ginny and then Greg, next to her.
She sank down and relaxed in a way that she hadn't before and the wrinkles on her forehead just
disappeared. I love them for her, and am thrilled to pieces about this.. Ginny and Greg were excited as
can be, and Molly was wearing the fanciest pink harness I've ever seen. Enjoy the snuggles, girl. You've
been waiting a long time for this kind of life. (Liz)
Charlie drove 3 hours from West of Binghamton NY to meet Tigger today Tigger was as expected: a
freak daddy. He just kinda hung in his crate and then spazzed on the leash when I made him come out.
He did let Charlie pet him and then we did let Tig and Mooch in the yard and he and Mooch played so
cute! They have the same bouncy silly play style and Charlie and I just laughed our butts off! I think
Charlie was a little surprised at how scared Tigger really can be. He called Lisa while he was here and
explained that it could be months before he's a normal dog and they decided to give Tigger a try. Charlie
is a really patient, gentle total sweetheart of a guy. I really do think Tigger will be a different dog (not a
totally normal dog, but different than what he saw here) with the Rawcliffes in a few days’ time and
then they can start to seriously work with him. Good luck Tiggy on your journey. I left him with that
scared look in his eyes which broke my heart, but I know he needs to move to the next chapter. Thanks
Jacky for pulling him and for Kim and Matt for taking him on initially. Charlie promised many updates
and I told him to get the "Help for your Shy Dog" book.(Nancy)
How fantastic is this?! What a heartwarming story. Congratulations to everyone involved for saving this
guy who probably didn't stand a chance of getting out of Powell otherwise. (Liz)
Good things come to those who wait!!! After a long time of seasonal church events, old injuries and the
flu-like symptoms, our family friend Helen has decided to adopt the dog she already committed to in
December. We were trying to find her the right dog since May last year, and she kept mentioning that
it's easier to adopt George Clooney. We finally completed the adoption under the condition that I will
take Pippa back when something happens to her. Regardless, I will be visiting Helen to make sure Pippa
is washed and groomed on a regular basis and is getting her monthly preventatives, since she lives 5
min. from my office. That gives me the chance to jump in for help if Helen's health starts fading. But so
far her 83 years of maturity is keeping her kicking. (Ang)
Well I have some WONDERFUL news concerning LBJ (One Eyed Laid Back Jack).
On Sunday he will be becoming a Fernandes tried and true! My mother-in-law and father-in-law will be
adopting him! As some of you know my mother-in-law suffers from Alzheimers and when Cal died, she
took it very badly. As the timing happened, it was right when Jack was coming back in and while I didn’t
want to “force” another dog on my in-laws, I was hopeful that when they were ready that Jack would be
a PERFECT match for them. Then quite out of the blue I got a gut wrenching email from my father-in-law
asking if there was a dog at Rogers’ that would fit the bill for them as my mother-in-law REALLY needed
a new dog to concentrate on, she was just crying about Cal, sleeping and totally depressed.
They came and met Jack and it has just been a total love fest since!Just received an email from my
father-in-law and I quote (!) “Jack’s a keeper! Draw up the papers. ”
Good things DO happen to good dogs! (Jacky)
Wonderful news! I feel kind of teary.
I guess it took him so long to find his forever family cuz he was only looking with one eye.(JB)
There’s one in every crowd........................(Jacky)
My first (adoption) was heart wrenching...stopped and downed three Cuervo- ritas and passed out on
the way home from Easton (Tom was driving lol). But when that first update comes and then your next
foster is confirmed. The planets align and say: YOU DID GOOD ! (Jeanie)
Terri – when we go down for the shelter trip are you ordering a half or one dozen beagles to go!!!! You
beagle recycler you!!!! I stand in awe! (Jacky)
Carrie and her Mom adopted Sugar today. Really nice home and family. Sugar was in her glory with all
the baskets of toys and dog beds all over the place. Carrie lost her dog a few months ago to old age, she
thanked me and said 'I really needed a new baby'. Sugar can rest assured that she will never have to live
outside again, she will lack for nothing, and she will never be abandoned again (Claire)
When I pulled Coal, I made a promise to myself to make sure he was the best "Coal" someone could get
for Christmas, and I did it! I hadn't even put him out to preapproved and through walking him around
the neighborhood and another neighbor giving high praise to RR, Mike and Mary Ann wanted to meet
Coal and they fell for him the moment they met! We spent several hours with them acclimating Coal to
the small critters and he did fine. He actually got his head in the bunny hutch and bypassed the bunny
and went right for the poop! Their response, thats great, doesn't surprise usBe a good boy Coal, make
me and Mama Deb proud! You started your rescue journey on the floor of a horse stable, you are home
with a family that loves you to pieces and I am so glad I gave you a place to rest your head until you
found your home.(Adrienne)
Frecks went to her new home to live with Karen Hertzog. It was a hard decision for me as I had 5
interests in her and narrowed it down to 3. Everyone was really nice and I would have been happy with
any one of the 3 homes. Karen just had such a gentle and kind spirit about her and I know she will take
really good care of Frecks. She'll live with 2 other dogs and Karen’s dogs are her life. So live well my
Freck, you went from urgent and unwanted to being really wanted and loved and got the family you so
truly wanted and deserve. (DebS)
Wow, from a throw a way dog that no one in the south would have given a second look at to 5 families
fighting over her. Nice one Deb. I met her at the transport, loved her! (Claire)
Scott's pig went to her forever home yesterday
And Adopter Updates
Lin’s Sasha
I just wanted to say hello and let you know that Sasha is doing great and we are having so much fun with
her. As I am typing this, she is laying at my feet sleeping, just stretched, and let out a sigh of
contentment. We have taken some great pictures of her, one with her and Wolfie "spooning" on the rug
with their new toys. They have been getting along so well, as though she has been here forever. She is
just a beautiful dog inside and out Just wanted you to know she is doing super and we just love having
her here.
JB and Tom’s Carly (now Charlie)
First the back story: Maggie (my super sweet 20 something adopter) lost her mother while she was in
college. So a month after the adoption, I find out that Carly has her own story. Apparently a neighbor of
one of the Powell employees had Carly tied to a tree in the back yard the ENTIRE 1.5 years of her life!!!
no proper shelter, only a wire crate. No toys, no attention, no love. She convinced the neighbor to turn
Carly over to the shelter. Seems to me these 2 hurting souls were destined to be
together..anyway....here is the update:
When I look back at my gratitude journal for the past few months, I see this: "Today I am grateful for
Jeanie. She brought me Charlie!" "Today I am grateful for Roger's Rescues for helping me get the best
dog on planet Earth!" "Today I am grateful for Charlie. She makes me laugh and cuddles with me. She
makes me feel less lonely." Although Charlie hasn't been a perfect doggy (sometimes she has accidents
inside if I give her too much water), she has been such a joy! She's my little companion and has been
dubbed "Baby Doggy" because she's so sweet and gentle (excluding when she gets the zoomies). I'm
working hard to ensure she has enough exercise and exposure. There is a little seed growing in my mind
that maybe, MAYBE she could be a therapy dog due to her warm and soft personality with strangers. She
makes many friends!
Claire’s Twinkie
Beth and VB’s Brutus
Watched the video from Rogers Rescues the other night and there is BRUTUS starting it off! AS I was
watching the big boy lumbered in and plunked his big old head on my lap...how's that for timing? Just
had to tell ya! The big boy is doing well. We are going to the restaurant for lunch to support your
place...for Brutus and the other Brutus's that are out there! Thanks again and keep up the good work!
JB and Tom’s Peanut (now Lua)
With Thanksgiving coming up tomorrow I have to thank you once again for choosing our family to adopt
Lua . I can't tell you what a joy she brings to our family and the difference she has made in our lives. We
absolutely love and adore her and are extremely thankful you allowed us to open up our home to her!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart especially as well as my family's.
Beth and VB’s Anna (the under socialized, skinny, hairless Pyr from Powell )
Anna is doing great, and is such a 'love'. She is really coming along. We had a problem with her digging
under the fence and getting out, but I think this relatively under control. We do need to keep an eye on
her though when in the yard. I don't leave her out there for more than 15 minutes at a time when not
out there with her.Anna's coat is coming in nicely. I expect at least another couple of months before it is
fully back. When I get a minute i will send you some pictures of her with Rosita, they have become good
Liz’s Molly
First night went well....of course she found her way to our bed and she was just fine. Loves just being
outside checking out everything in the yard. Tried barking a little, but still sounds like a squeeky toy.
Our daughter and bf with his 4 yr old came, and she was wonderful with meeting them. she did fine
and he absolutely loved her . She is such a good girl. She is adorable little dog and we love her. Can
actually say that the past 2 days I didn't cry for being lonely. She will keep me busy and happy.
Beth and VB’s Bear
We are so grateful to have two beautiful, sweet, loving dogs! Thank you so much for giving us the
opportunity to adopt Bear! He is an amazing dog!!
MA’s Preston (hoarder situation)
he is a wonderful dog....... and we will love him and take care of him and make him the happiest he can
be. He is exactly what you said... not a lot of work.... just needs a lot of patience.
Beth and VB’s Whitney:
Whitney is doing excellent so far. She came in to the house and laid down like she has been here
forever. The other dogs accepted her right away and she laid down on the floor and breathed in a big
sigh. She ate all her dinner, has been doing her business on the leash, and even knows where I keep the
dog cookies already. We visited a few friends before heading home (all of which had dogs) and she
behaved calmly and appropriately. She was snuggling with my youngest daughter Madi on the couch
and seems quite at home already. She has not bothered the cats and is now checking out all of the
bedrooms looking for her best place to spend the night. She is such a sweetheart. We are in love with
her already. Thank you so much for bringing her in to our lives. Our family feels complete again!
Beth and VB’s Noodle
Noodle now sits on command. Honestly, he's brilliant. Last night i did "sit" training with him for maybe 5
or 6 times and just with praise, no treats. Today, he sits on command. We moved the baby gate to the
pass through right at the kitchen. It's a step up which makes the gate that much taller and harder to
climb. It also gives them the little hallway and powder room as additional space. It worked this morning
when we went out for a short bike ride. We'll see how it works tonight or if I hear more snorting at my
bedroom door in the wee hours of the morning. It's such a wonderful thing you are doing. I've told so
many people about Roger's Rescue in the last couple of days. Ruffles has not cried/screamed at all since
Noodle arrived. Since a few neighbors have told me how bad it was whenever we left the house, I am
just thrilled for my little old man. He is still adjusting and making sure he's still #1 with me but he is no
longer depressed and crying. So, all in all, all 4 of us are over the moon.
Scott and Robyn’s Fiona
Fi is doing great! She's adapted really well and has even claimed a couch as hers. =) She's actually laying
right next to me now. She's pretty wiped out now. We've been getting a lot of exercise each day which is
great for all of us. People know us more now in the neighborhood by Fiona then when we lived here for
the 6 years before! Ha Ha! Josh went out today and a woman that a met Fiona and I the day before went
"good morning Fiona"! Josh got a big kick out of that! I know I keep saying this but thank you again!
She's just awesome and we're so happy to have her!
Nancy’s Glacier
Glacier was similarly left, tied to an abandoned house down south, and was close to death, emaciated
when found. Nancy took him as her foster at that time and he is just the best! initially we had to use
an anti- bloat bowl to prevent him from eating too fast, now he passes up food at certain times. As he
matured he developed multiple skin issues but thankfully is seen by our regular vet, a holistic vet at Vet
at the Barn, a dermatologist vet, has his own chiropractor and acupuncturist also and is fed a diet of
cooked fish and Chinese herbs. He was in the RR calendar a few years ago. He is the epitome of a gentle
giant and is the good will ambassador at my husband's store in Harrison, working hard at laying around
waiting for treats from customers every day! He has the life!
JB’s Bessie
I just want to let you know that I am completely in love with this special little girl and all of my nursing
staff thinks she is as cute as a button and very sweet. She has attached herself to me and follows me
around like my shadow. Thank you so much for trusting me with her. She is an amazing dog! Once again
I have been blessed with a great dog! She settled in perfectly. Runs around and plays with Max. She
comes to work with me every day and sleeps on her fluffy bed under my desk. She is my little buddy and
I love her sooo much!Thanks again and please keep in touch! I will be sending you pictures via text!
I'm so glad this worked out. I knew this was the home for her as soon as that app came in. And really
glad she stuck it out even if Bessie did go ape shit on her dogs. Congratulations.(Claire)
JB’s Dasha
I have been meaning to write you with an update for a while now. Sorry it's been so long! Dasha is doing
great! She is my absolute love and best buddy. She wakes me every morning with kisses and cuddles.
She has been doing great with Ray as well. She actually goes to lay with him on her own. Of course every
now and then she gets iffy and barky with him, but for the most part all is good. The crate has been gone
for a while now and not needed. Jake and Thumper have adjusted to her, but she can still exhaust their
patience every now and then. She is never at a loss of energy! We are actually on our 5th week of agility
training. It's been really great for her and she just loves it! She is soooo smart. She does great on the
jumps, balance beams, A frames etc..her big scare has been the tunnel runs and the titter-totter, but she
is getting the hang of those too. It's so great to see her learn. The trainer and the other "mommies" are
so excited by her progress! Once she really grasps it all I would love to actually eventually do
tournaments with her. I think she could be really good once she gets more confident with it. Anyway, I
can't tell you how much we just love her and how thankful we are to have found her!
Hope your gang is doing well too!
Pam Tripper (tri-pod)
Trip is doing really well. He loves the snow! He's so funny to watch, leaping around! Then he comes in
and snuggles next to Walter on the couch to warm up. He's visiting a nursing home on Thursday, and
we're working on getting him in to visit a Hospice. Lots of paperwork for that. People are just drawn to
him, and he has such a good sense about who needs him most. When I think about the path his life has
taken, I wonder if he was meant to be part of our family all along. I don't really believe in coincidence,
but fate. I think Trip has a job to do, helping people, and it's our job to care for him. I'm so glad he chose
us! Have a wonderful New Year Pam. Thanks for all you do.
Liz’s Addie (now lulu),
Lulu has grown (in size and as a dog :-) ) since you last saw her. She graduated from the Beginner course
in April and then from the Intermediate course in July from PetSmart. In the last class, she was
definitely the best student: the trainer asked if she could use her at an upcoming open house! James
practices with her every day and she is very enthusiastic with the training. In addition, Lulu goes to the
dog park every day even on days when James comes home late from work. She has made so many
friends, both canine and human. She is well socialized with other people, children and dogs. Everyone
loves her and knows Lulu even if they don't remember us! Lulu is such a wonderful dog. As you can tell,
James and I adore her. She has two people who dote on her but who also make sure she has good
manners and is well behaved. She goes to dog-friendly restaurants with us and she sits at James' feet
and eats the food we take for her and minds her own business. She is very good at communicating with
us, especially James, and he knows when she needs something. Thank you, again, for bringing us Lulu.
Nancy’s Tiggy
He is a pretty cool dog---good choice you made in Kentucky. He is really strong, fast, and athletic. He still
has a general shyness around people, including me. He still needs a 15 foot strap attached to him when
going on adventures so that he can be reeled in. He is a real lover in the morning and pretty rascally and
fun at times. You can tell by the body language of the rock pic that he still doesn't trust me all the way.
He has pretty much given over fully to Lisa-- he is her dog. Mooch is mine Walking at Uncle George
acreage is funny. We put the stap on him with no knots on end so that it will glide through branches,
etc., then he and mooch just run and play as we walk along. He is becoming more vocal these days. Last
night he randomly ate a hole in the lower leg area of my pants on the floor. What the heck Tiggy
Dee’s Bob
We adopted Dobby (Bob) from you in August of 2010. Since then he has become the love of mine and
my boyfriend's life. His goofy smile and human-like eyes can melt us and, therefore, he rules the house
most of the time! He adjusted to domesticated life well and has truly become part of the family. I think
my mom enjoys seeing her "grandpup" more than me! He has gone on vacations with us, too. Although
he still hates car rides. He is still crated during the day, unfortunately. He had a brief couple of months of
freedom but an incident involving several home decor items and a bag of tea light candles changed that
pretty fast! Haha Anyway, I hope you and your family, as well as all your fosters, are doing well! Here are
some pictures in case you need help remembering the lovable oaf.
Beth and VB’s Mooney
Mooney, who's doing great and still a sweet goofy boy and his repaired hip hasn't slowed him down at
all! He's actually kind of a PITA - up in the wee hours of the morning wanting to go out and bark and
howl at the moon and sometimes destructive - but they love him anyway. :) And Sue very kindly bought
20 new collars from Cherrybrook when she was there one day and they were having a sale and donated
all but a few of them (she kept out for when Moo destroys his or his sister's) to RR so I guess she's not
holding Mooney's antics against us, lol. (Beth)
JB’sBessie Mae
We have tried her off the leash a little. When we walk up the driveway, we take the leash off and she
RUNS up the stairs onto the deck, ears flapping, tail wagging! I keep her on the leash more so I can force
her to walk through the wet grass to do her business. She doesn't like rain and would be more than
happy to hold it until the next day! She is an absolute love and we have a great time with her. She is
doing very well with the cats and although she gets excited to see them she listens when we say "no."
She's a very special little lady and so lucky that the stars aligned to get her to us!!
In Loving Memory of Brandon Walters