back to school - Prospect Church
back to school - Prospect Church
THE PROSPECT Pastor Lee E. Cooper, Jr. September 2011 MISSION: The Prospect Church is a loving and caring fellowship. We seek to develop and enhance the spiritual, mental, physical, and economic well-being of our community through the sharing of God’s Word. One Church, Two Locations Prospect Church Main Campus 2809 Missouri Avenue Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111 Phone: (405) 424-1795 Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Worship Services: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Children’s Church: 10:30 a.m. (2nd & 4th Sundays) Prospect Church NW Location Quail Springs Mall 2501 W. Memorial (AMC Theatre 13 – S.W. Entry) Worship Services: 9:30 a.m. Monday School: 6:30 p.m. La Quinta Inn 3003 W. Memorial Rd. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Family Fun Fest, pg 5 Bible Trivia, pg 6 Honoring Clara Luper, pg 8-9 Scholarships, pg 11 Health & Wellness, pg 11 Volume 2, Issue 3 BACK TO SCHOOL Written by Sister Rita Loudermilk Back to school, words that some students may or may not dread to hear. However, for Oklahoma City Public Schools that went back to school on August 1 this year was a drastic change to both students and parents. The question that other districts might ask is will others adapt to a year-round school calendar? According to the National Association for Year-Round Education, the trend is growing. Over 3,000 schools had year-round education programs last year. That’s less than four percent of all schools, but it’s four times the number of students in year-round schools 10 years ago. The traditional school-year calendar with early morning start times and two or three month summer breaks was designed when many Americans lived on a farm. At the time, school calendars revolved around the harvesting and planting of crops so that children could be home to help during the busiest summer months. Believe it or not schools stuck to the schedule after farming declined, in part because it was difficult to hold classes during the hot summer months without air conditioning. In the early 1900’s, American schools began experimenting with a switch to year-round schedules. But the idea didn’t really become popular until the past two decades, as studies showed American students are not scoring well on national and international tests. Year-round schooling is a misleading term; it makes many students imagine that they would have to say goodbye forever to summer traditions, such as summer camp or beach vacations. In reality, students in most American year-round school districts spend the same amount of days in class as students in traditional calendar schools - the days are just arranged differently, with smaller, more frequent breaks throughout the year. The summer break is perhaps only a month, instead of two or three. One might ask, why adapt to year round school? If yearround school does not mean that students are in class more days, why do some education officials believe that students will perform better by simply changing the scheduling? (Continued on Next Page) Back to School Continued... ...One idea is that students and teachers, refreshed by more frequent breaks, will not get burntout as easily. Also, some teachers complained that on traditional schedules, too much time is spent reviewing in the fall, after many students have forgotten what they learned the previous year. Many children fall behind because they are not exposed to English during the long summer breaks. The Communications Ministry would like to hear from you regarding your thoughts about this recent change. Your comments will be published in the next addition of the Prospect Newsletter. Also, whether traditional or year round school the students at Prospect Church were equip with uniforms and school supplies that were provided at Back to School Night. Thank you for your contributions! Information provided by Public Broadcasting J.A.M. 2 THE PROSPECT Prospect Men’s Ministry The Prospect Men’s Ministry is always getting together and studying God’s word. Iron sharpening Iron is what we call it; and we do it every first Saturday of each month at 8:00am. We invite ALL MEN, young and older to come out and indulge in he food and fellowship. Moreover, there is a golf tournament coming up on Saturday, September 17, 2011 in which we again ask that all men come sign up and participate. Then, we will host our Annual Men’s Retreat at the Roman Nose State Park in Watonga, OK the weekend of September 30, 2011. We will be discussing and meditating on the importances of the text found in Isaiah 54:17--”No weapon formed aggainst me will prosper.” Please contact Reverend Taylor Lee or Deacon Larry Sharp for more information. Then, the Annual Men’s Day will finalized the extravagant weekend of brethren dwelling together in unity! So, please come out and fellowship, help, learn, and participate with the greatest group of men this side of heaven! Register Now For The Men’s Retreat!!! Open Play for to Men & Women! Prospect Men’s Annual Golf Tournament Silver Horn Golf Course - 11411 N. Kelley Ave Oklahoma City, OK $300.00 = Saturday, October 15, 2011 4 Players Shot Gun Starts at 8:00 am Cost = $75.00 per player A BBQ and an Awards Ceremony will be condcuted after round is complete! For additional information contact Bro. Calvin Edwards at (405) 628-4050. THE PROSPECT 3 2011 Calendar W EM Sept-3…………......……………………………………………………..Meeting Sept-16 & 17………………......……………………..Biennial Retreat Oct-1…….……....……………………………………....Scholarship Fundraiser Oct-8……….........………………………………....Annual Breast Cancer Walk Oct-15…….......….…….Bible Study Lesson…......................Breakfast Meeting Oct-27……….....…………………………………...Women’s Chorus Rehearsal Oct-29………….....………………………………...Women’s Chorus Rehearsal Oct-29 …….………………………………...………WEM Community Project Oct-30………………………....………………………...5th Sunday Observance Nov-5……………...Bible Study Review.........….…..Meeting/Chorus Rehearsal Nov-19……………….…………………….....……….…..….Breakfast Meeting Evangelist William (Bill) LADIES REGISTER NOW FOR WEM RETREAT!!! Sisterhood – A sister is one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. When we retreat together, this bond becomes so clear and its richness so healing. We come as friends and leave as sisters. All ladies of Prospect are invited, reminded and encourged to join the Women’s Enrichment Ministry (WEM) for our Women’s Retreat on September 16-17, 2011 at the Sullivant Memorial Christian Retreat Center in Norman Oklahoma. This year we will have the entire facility for our retreat. That means a bed all to yourself ladies. The registration fee is only $40 and includes lodging, meals and all retreat materials. Registration is currently underway and must be received in full by August 21. There are a limited amount of sponsorships available, so please don’t allow financial constraints to prevent you from inquiring about registration. You also may be a sister’s blessing by signing up to sponsor someone when you complete your registration form. The retreat theme is “On the Wings of Prayer”, taken from Phillipians 4:6. The WEM will be accepting registration before and after each of our three Sunday services, so please stop by the table and register. Please see Sis Velma Jones, this year’s retreat chair or any of the officers of the WEM with inquiries. The WEM president is Sis Linda Drew. 4 THE PROSPECT PROSPECT CHURCH PICNIC June 2011 & Beyond Family Fun Fest (Annual Church Picnic) happens every 2nd Saturday in June to be a “week concluder” for Vacation Bible School. This year Prospect Church provided games and plenty of rides including: horseback, moon bounce inflatables, and even a train! There was also clowns and face painting. In addition, under the large tent that we had for shade, there was plenty of soda, hotdogs, hamburgers, cotton candy, popcorn, and even snowcones to help cool off. There was a bingo tournament and the community walked away with $10,000 in give aways and prizes from local retailers. This event is one of the only times of the year that we are able to get all three of our church services congregations together. Special thanks goes out to the Pastor’s Aid and the Men’s Minitry for carrying out leadership for this major ALL church event! Prospect Church will work hard every year to provide this family fun. Thanks to Pastor Cooper for his vision in attemptng to bridge the gap between community and the church. So now you can go ahead and mark your calendars for the Family Fun Fest 2012! Do you know someone that is deployed? Contact any member of the Communications Ministry to keep those currently serving visible and viable. Please provide their name and address and it will be listed in the newsletter so that members of our congregation can send church family greetings and other resources and expressionsof care to deployed soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. Also, please continue to pray for deployed soldiers as well as their families. THE PROSPECT 5 Sunday School BIBLE TRIVIA Who Am I? 1. My father loved me more than my other sibling and gave me a beautiful coat of many colors. 2. This is the first commandment that comes with a promise attached. 3. This prophet was told to write the vision and make it plain. 4. This husband and wife died, after lying about the amount of money they gave as an offering. 5. Who did the Israelites tell we want a king over us?, And who was that first king of Israel? 6. Who died because his hair got caught in a tree while his mule continued to ride on without him? 7. What did Jesus tell his disciples to do to people who cursed them? 8. According to Proverbs what does a person who gets wisdom love? 9. What 5 - word question did Cain use to dismiss God’s question about the whereabouts of his brother? 10. Who did Adam blame when God confronted him about eating the forbidden fruit? Bonus Question: Who was Adam really blaming with his answer “the woman you gave me” ? Answers: 1. JOSEPH - GENESIS 37 2. HONOR THY MOTHER AND FATHER THAT YOUR DAYS MAY BE LONG - EXODUS 20 3. HABAKKUK - HABAKKUK 2 4. ANANIAS & SAPPHIRA - ACTS 5 5. SAMUEL, SAUL - I SAMUEL 8-9 6. ABSALOM - II SAMUEL 18 7. BLESS THEM- LUKE 6 8. HIS SOUL - PROVERBS 19 9. AM I MY BROTHERS KEEPER? - GENESIS 4 10. WOMAN GENESIS 3 BONSUS: GOD - GENESIS 3 JOIN US AS WE STUDY GOD’S WORD ON WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 7:30 PM AND SUNDAY MORNING 9:30 AM @ MAIN CAMPUS NE AND MONDAY EVENINGS 6:30 PM @ LAQUINTA INN NW MAY AND MEMORIAL I’M SURE THERES ONE RIGHT FOR YOU!!! 1. AGES 3-KINDERGARTEN 2. ELEMENTARY 3 . MIDDLE SCHOOL 4. HIGH SCHOOL 5. YOUNG ADULTS 6. MEN’S CLASS 7. WOMEN’S CLASS 8. COMBINED CLASS 9. COMBINED CLASS MONDAY EVENING 10. COMBINED CLASS WEDNESDAY EVENING Top: Tevin Miles, Karlin Williamson (Teacher), Jordan Williams, Curtis Warren, TJ Miles Bottom: Tavanyia Williamson, Courtney Warren, Karice King, Autumn Breckenridge, Jessica Caldwell Absent: Tiffanie Stinson (Teacher) OUR FEATURED SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS THIS QUARTER IS: HIGH SCHOOL (LED BY KARLIN WILLIAMS AND TIFFANY STINSON) SEPTEMBER: (BLESSINGS) DON’T BE SO QUICK TO SELL YOURS, BLESSING COME & BLESSINGS GO, EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT COMES FROM GOD, TRUE HAPPINESS OCTOBER: THE TRIUNE GOD - GOD AS FATHER, GOD AS SON, GOD AS THE HOLY SPIRIT NOVEMBER: CHALLENGE TO CHANGE - PUTTING GOD IN A BOX, MAN’S TRADITIONS, FORGIVE WHO (ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?) WHEN GOD MOVES YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. 6 THE PROSPECT Demetra Bailey, Leader James Moore, Advisor Kevin Shelton, President Errin Willis, Vice President Kimberly Burdine, Secretary & Treasurer LinC truly appreciates the outpouring of support we have received from Prospect Church, and strives to be of service within the church community. We were happy to lend a hand during Vacation Bible School. From teaching Bible study to guiding arts and crafts and participating in outdoor fun, LinC had a great time with the youth. We hoped to demonstrate to the kids the joy of learning in Christ. It was an awesome week of fun and fellowship! The LinC Ministry reaches out to young people making the transition to adulthood and college life. We presented “LinCs Freshman Orientation: The College Major” in order to let new and returning students know that spiritual growth can coincide with academic and social growth. Reverend Michael Walker delivered an inspiring message tailored to the students, and ministry leaders from within the church shared how young adults can remain active throughout their college years. LinC would like to wish the best of luck to all college students returning this Fall. Stay safe, and be blessed! LinC encourages all young adults to attend Sunday school on August 28 at 9:15 in the Multipurpose Building. The culinary ministry will provide breakfast, and Sister Muffy Charles will be leading us as we delve deeper into The Word. Heartfelt thanks to the culinary ministry for their hard work! THE PROSPECT 7 OKC 1958 Sit-ins Katz Drug Store & Honoring Mrs. Clara Luper by Sis. Pat Smith Clara Luper (born May 3, 1923) is a civic leader, retired schoolteacher, and a pioneering leader in the American Civil Rights Movement. She is best known for her leadership role in the1958 Oklahoma City Sit-in Movement, as she, her young son and daughter, and numerous young members of the NAACP Youth Council successfully conducted nonviolent sit-in protests of downtown drugstore lunch-counters which overturned their policies of segregation.The Clara Luper Corridor is a streetscape and civic beautification project from the Oklahoma Capitol area east to northeast Oklahoma City and was announced by Governor Brad Henry. Luper continued desegregating hundreds of establishments in Oklahoma, and was active on the national level during the 1960s movements. Early Years Clara Shepard Luper was born in 1923 in rural Okfuskee County, Oklahoma. Her father, Ezell Shepard, was a World War I veteran and laborer. Her mother, Isabell Shepard, worked as a laundress. Young Clara was raised in Hoffman, Oklahoma. She went to high school in the all-black town of Grayson, Oklahoma, and attended college at Langston University where, in 1944, she received a B.A. in mathematics with a minor in history. In 1950, Luper was one of the group of black students who integrated the University of Oklahoma. She received an History Education from the university in 1951. NAACP Youth Council and the start of the 1958 Oklahoma City Movement In 1957, as Luper worked as a history teacher at Dunjee High School east of Oklahoma City, she became the advisor for the Oklahoma City NAACP Youth Council. At this time she was deeply influenced by the success of Martin Luther King, Jr and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. With the Youth Council, she wrote and staged a play entitled Brother President about King’s philosophy of nonviolence. In 1958, she was invited to bring the Oklahoma City Youth Council to perform Brother President for the NAACP in New York City. The trip to and from New York was a formative experience for Youth Council members. On their return to Oklahoma the Youth Council voted to initiate a campaign of non-violent civil disobedience to end segregation in Oklahoma City. From 1958 to 1964 Luper mentored the members of the NAACP Youth Council during its campaign to end the segregation of public accommodations through sit-ins, protests, and boycotts. Oklahoma City Sit-ins and Related Activism On Tuesday afternoon, August 19, 1958, Luper and a group of Youth Council members entered the segregated Katz drugstore in downtown Oklahoma City. They took seats, and asked to be served. Two days later, Katz corporate management in Kansas City desegregated its lunch counters in three states. This successful August, 1958 sit-in led by Luper, her eight-year old daughter who suggested the action, and the rest of the children in the NAACP Youth Council, at the Katz Drug Store occurred a year and a half before the February 1, 1960 Greensboro, North Carolina sit-ins. From 1958 to 1964 Clara Luper was a major leader of the fight to end segregation in Oklahoma. She led the campaigns to gain equal banking rights, employment opportunities, open housing, and voting rights. Along with the NAACP Youth Council, she personally integrated hundreds of restaurants, cafes, theaters, hotels, and churches, including such notable Oklahoma City establishments as the Split-T drive-in and the Skirvin Hotel. She served on Governor J. Howard Edmondson’s Committee on Human Relations. National Civil Rights Activism Luper was a prominent figure in the national civil rights movement. She was active in the NAACP, and attended the association’s annual conference every year with the Oklahoma City Youth Council. She took part in the 1963 March on Washington where Dr. King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. She also took part in the 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches where she received a deep cut in her leg on “Bloody Sunday” when 600 civil rights marchers were attacked by state and local police with tear gas and billy clubs. After 1964 Luper remained an important community figure as an activist, educator, and stalwart NAACP supporter. In these years, she expanded the range of her concerns to include advocacy for educational, economic, and political equality. In 1968, she was one of a handful of African American teachers hired to teach at Oklahoma City’s Northwest Classen High School as part of the highly controversial court ordered school desegregation plan implemented that year. She was later reassigned to John Marshall High School (Oklahoma) where she continued to teach history and media studies. 8 THE PROSPECT Honoring Mrs. Clara Luper Continued... Oklahoma City Sanitation Workers Strike In August 1969, Luper was the spokesperson for striking sanitation workers in Oklahoma City. The sanitation workers sought a shorter work week, pay raises, and new grievance procedures. The Oklahoma City sanitation strike began on August 19 and ended on November 7, 1969. Later Years In 1972 Clara Luper ran unsuccessfully for election to the United States Senate. When asked by the press if she, a black woman, could represent white people, she responded: “Of course, I can represent white people, black people, red people, yellow people, brown people, and polka dot people. You see, I have lived long enough to know that people are people.” The Clara Luper Corridor, a multi-million dollar two mile streetscape project connecting the Oklahoma State Capitol complex with the historically African-American area of Northeast Oklahoma City, began construction in 2005. It was named to commemorate her civil rights legacy. Luper has received hundreds of awards, and is an inductee in the Oklahoma Hall of Fame, the Oklahoma Women’s Hall of Fame, and the Oklahoma Afro-American Hall of Fame, among others.The Clara Luper Scholarship, a full scholarship given by Oklahoma City University, has been awarded to over 60 students. Writings Clara Luper’s book Behold The Walls (1979) is an acclaimed first-hand account of the campaign for civil rights in Oklahoma City during the 1960s. The Prospect Church Family , under the direction of Pastor Cooper were present and served during the Homegoing Celebration Wake Services for Mrs. Clara Luper during the month of June. Prospect’s Choirs also sung along with the City-wide Choirs. In addition, Prospect Ushers showed up and served in uniform. Funeral services for Clara Luper were held in her hometown of Oklahoma City, OK on Friday, June 17, 2011 at the Cox Convention Center at 11:00 a.m. Luper’s mortal remains were be buried at Hillcrest Memory Gardens. She was laid in repose at the State Capitol Building. Honoring a great lady that paved the way for all of us!!! Thank you & We love you Mrs. Luper!!! THE PROSPECT 9 Freedom & Faith Festival G O S S I P 10 THE PROSPECT G O S S I P Scholarships Anyone? The Prospect Scholarship Committee has begun meeting on a monthly basis after being on hiatus for a few years. The scholarship process was re-vamped approximately three years ago incorporating the vision of Pastor Cooper. Candidates must be: 1. A full-time undergraduate student at an accredited institute 2. Student must be under the age of 23 or under. 3. A member of Prospect Church. 4. Active in Prospect ministries throughout high school or college 1. Exceptions reviewed on case by case basis. The scholarship is designed to help students who attend Prospect alleviate some of their financial burden during their college years. To help with this goal, the committee has established a number of fundraisers through out upcoming months. September 10th - Pancake/Waffle Breakfast, 8:00 am to 11:00 am in the Multi-Purpose Building. All you can eat pancakes or waffles including eggs, bacon, juice and coffee. Tickets are $5. November 20th - Bake Auction. Attention all bakers and dessert experts. Just in time for Thanksgiving, come and bid on your favorite dessert. Carrot cake, strawberry-banana, peach cobbler, chocolate cake and pineapple upside down just to name a few. The auction will be held Sunday, November 20, 2011 after the 10:30 am service in the Multi-Purpose Building. Anyone who would like to donate a dessert for the auction, please contact Yolonda (Trice) Wright. January 6, 2012 - Prospect Scholarship Banquet. The committee will be hosting a banquet honoring all qualified scholarship applicants. Monies will go towards the fund. More information will be announced at a later date. The scholarship committee meets once a month. Anyone who would like to serve on the committee may contact Fachaitte Kinslow at 405.990.4850 or [email protected]. Health & Wellness Balancing Calories Enjoy your food, but eat less. Avoid oversized portions. Foods to Increase Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Make at least half your grains whole grains. Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk. Foods to Reduce Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals --- and choose the foods with lower numbers. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. THE PROSPECT 11 Classifieds Calendar of Events Are you willing to Serve? The Prospect Communications Ministry is designated to help you promote your ministry and keep members informed. Resources available to church minitry members are as follows: graphics, flyer design, Prospect Church website advertising (, newsletter advertising, announcements, bulletins, radio broadcasting, and newspaper advertising. The Communications Ministry is looking for interested writers, reporters, proofers, photographers, and media/sound ministry workers. If that is you, please contact the communications ministry. You don’t have to be an expert, you only have to be willing to work. If God calls you, he will always equip you. Sept. 5th - Labor Day Transportation Ministry needs your HELP!!! Sept. 16th-17th - Bi-Annual Women’s Retreat The Transportation Ministry provides transportation to and from worship service on Sunday mornings. This ministry also provides transportation for field trips and outings scheduled by other ministries within the church. Members and others are seeking transportation and we desire to minister to them as a church. If you would like to become a part of the Transportation Ministry see Deacon Larry Sharp for more details! Volunteers must have a valid driver’s license and a good driving record. Youth Ministry needs YOU!!! Rev. Dewayne Walker (Prospect Church’s newly appointed Youth Pastor) is asking for help with the youth at our church. Anyone who finds it in their heart and can offer time to do something for and with the youth is greatly needed and will be appreciated. You must be at least 20 years of age to sign up. Visit Rev. Walker in his new office at the multi-purpose building or send him an email to [email protected] Job Openings Sept. 10th - Scholarship Committee Pancake Breakfast New Teacher Training Sept. 11th – Sunday School Promotion Day/Casual Sunday Sept. 13th - “Yes I Can” Financial Workshop by Rev. Keith Carter Sept. 22nd & 29th - “Praise & Worship” (2 Part Bible Study Seminar) by Rev. Willis & Rev. Ware Sept. 30th-Oct. 1st - Annual Men’s Retreat Oct. 2nd - Prospect Men’s Annual Day October 8th – Sunday/Monday School Outreach October 15th - “Gossip” (The Play); Men’s Gold Tournament Oct. 31st - Holyween! (Halloween) Nov. 13th - Prospect Church Homecoming Please check out the Prospect Church Website for updates on new work opportunites. OH NO! Guess Who? The kids are back in school! There is Submit your baby photo to any nobody to call to member of the Communications Ministry and see if the congregation can Guess Who! get the remote that is right next to you! Are you able to guess who this is in this photo? (Answer: Deacon Marcellus Jones) Coming Soon to...The Prospect Share Your Favorite Recipe! It is of paramount importance to the Communications Ministry that you, your loved one, and your ministry are featured in the church newsletter. “The Prospect” newsletter August 2011 Issue will be released to the church congregation on Sunday, November 13, 2011 (Homecoming Edition). Submissions for the August 2011 newsletter are due by Sunday, October 23, 2011. Please email articles, pictures, or anything that you would like to be printed in the newsletter ANYTIME to DJ Hillard ([email protected]). Thank you, Prospect Communications Editors, Prospect Communication Ministry Graphic Designer, DJ Hillard