SUMMER 2013 English - Dolomiti Paganella
SUMMER 2013 English - Dolomiti Paganella
Info SUMMER 2013 English ANDALO MOLVENO FAI DELLA PAGANELLA CAVEDAGO SPORMAGGIORE ingrosso gelati ingrosso alimentari BATTOCCHI S.p.A. 38079 Tione di Trento TN Via Circonvallazione, 71 Tel. 0465 321280 [email protected] SONN LEONARDO c.le Fenice 1b 38016 Mezzocorona (TN) Tel. 0461605413 [email protected] LAVAGGIO E NOLEGGIO BIANCHERIA pitture DALPIAZ PITTURE s.n.c. Via Trento, 19/B 38017 Mezzolombardo (TN) Tel. 0461.602698 [email protected] ACQUATEC Zona Ind. Ceole 38062 ARCO (TN) Tel. 0464 516234 [email protected] SERVIZI PAGHE E LAVORO DISTRIBUZIONE BEVANDE ERREBI s.r.l. Via Degasperi, 150 38123 Trento (TN) Tel. 0461.915888 [email protected] Punto Vendita: Andalo (Via Priori, 1) Tel. +39 0461.585030 [email protected] VENDITA E NOLEGGIO SCI ERREBI s.r.l. Via Priori, 1 38010 Andalo (TN) Tel. 0461.585030 [email protected] PARTESA TRENTINO s.r.l. Via G. di Vittorio, 69/1 38015 Lavis (TN) Tel. 0461.240040 [email protected] INFO SUMMER 2013 ENGLISH List of the activities of the companies associated with the Apt Dolomiti Paganella and services 1 EMERGENCY SERVICES CAR RESCUE SERVICE EMERGENCY ACI C5 - tel. 809 116 CAVEDAGO Carrozzeria Ai Piani - Maso Canton, 72 - tel. 0461 654375 mob. 335 5736259 Carrozzeria Tanel Giuliano e Simone - Maso Daldoss, 1/C - tel. 0461 654415 mob. 338 2729606 SPORMAGGIORE Carrozzeria Tanel Giuliano e Simone - Via Castel Belfort, 3 - tel. 0461 653413 mob. 339 2964790 FIRE BRIGADE EMERGENCIES - tel. 115 ANDALO Via Paganella, 42 - tel. 0461 585959 MOLVENO Vigili del Fuoco - Via Nazionale, 6 - tel. 0461 586150 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Via Trento, 2 - tel. 0461 583150 CAVEDAGO Loc. Soda, 1 - tel. 0461 654377 SPORMAGGIORE Piazza Fiera, 1 - tel. 0461 653397 MOUNTAIN RESCUE (SOCCORSO ALPINO) EMERGENCIES - tel. 118 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Clementel Marino - tel. 0461 583261 0461 583485 MOLVENO C.N.S.A.S. - Servizio provinciale trentino - tel. 118 Stazione di Molveno - Zona Adamello Brenta - mob. 348 8063037 MEDICAL EMERGENCY SERVICE EMERGENCIES - tel. 118 NIGHT-TIME DOCTOR There is a night-time doctor on call from 8.00 p.m. to 8.00 a.m. ANDALO Piazza Paganella - tel. 0461 585637 fax 0461 589158 Hours: Monday to Friday: 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. / Saturday - Sunday 8 p.m. (Saturday) to 8 a.m. (Monday) HOSPITALS MEZZOLOMBARDO (18 Km): Ospedale “San Giovanni” - Via degli Alpini, 7 - tel. 0461 611264 Open daily 7.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. TRENTO (38 Km): Ospedale “S.Chiara” - Largo Medaglie d’Oro, 9 - tel. 0461 903111 POLICE (Carabinieri) POLICE (CARABINIERI) EMERGENCY - tel. 112 or 113 ANDALO Via Ponte Lambin - tel./fax 0461 585933 SPORMAGGIORE Via Fausior - tel. 0461 653114 2 INDEX A AcquaIn------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 Airport---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Alpine Guides Dolomiti di Brenta Paganella-------------------------------------------------------------------7 Alpine Skiing--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Ambulance Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Apartments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Arcades - Videogames – Billiards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Archery ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 B Bakers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39 Banks & automated banking-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Bars - Confectioners - Cafes - Pubs - Ice Cream - Parlours - Sandwich Shops----------------------------8 Basketball-Volleyball -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 Beach Volley------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51 Beauty & Care Centres ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Beauty Shops - Massages - Solariums ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39 Bed And Breakfast Accommodation -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Blood analysis---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Boat rental ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 Bowls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 Breakdown Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Bus Hire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Bus Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Butchers----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 C Camp Sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Canyoning-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 Canoe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 52 Caravan Equipped Parking Area------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Car Hire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Car Rescue Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Car Wash -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Carpentry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 Ceramics – China------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44 Chartered accounting firm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 Chemists/Pharmacies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Children’s Playgrounds ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Christmas Crib Permanent Exhibition ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Cinema ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Climbing Walls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 Clothing – Sports Articles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 Computer Servicing And Electronic Repairs------------------------------------------------------------------ 44 Contract cleaners ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 Construction companies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 Craftsmen--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 D Dentist------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Didactic farms --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Driving distances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 3 Dry Cleaners - Launderettes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 E Electrical Appliances - TVs - Household Items--------------------------------------------------------------- 45 Electric Race cars for children --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Electrician--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 Engineering and design offices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 Estate Agents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 F Farmers------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71 Fax – Copy Centers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 Fire Brigades -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Fishing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53 Fitness center ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 Fitness Trails ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53 Five - A - Side - Football --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 Florists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45 Football Pitches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 Forest Park -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Fright transport --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 Furnishing/shutters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 G General behavioural rules for mountaineers----------------------------------------------------------------- 17 GHS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Golf --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 Groceries---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 Guided Tours of Trento------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 Gymnasiums------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 55 H Hairdressers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 Herbalists --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 Horse-Riding: Horse-Drawn Carriage, Riding School ------------------------------------------------------ 56 Hospitals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Hotels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 I Ice racing kart --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Ice Skating -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Insurance offices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 Internet Points Internet Access -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Ironmongers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 K Kidland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 L Lake tour by “Mini-Train---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Landlords--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Libraries And Study Rooms -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Local Authority Doctors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lost Property ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 21 21 21 25 21 M Markets----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Mechanics - Car Repairer’s ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Medical Service-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Minigolf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Motorway--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Mountain Bike: excursions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 Mountain bike hire---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Mountain Huts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Mountain Rescue (Soccorso Alpino) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Mushrooms------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28 Must-see location on the plateau and in neighbouring villages ------------------------------------------ 29 N Night-Time Doctor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nordik Walking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nurse -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nursing Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 57 25 25 O Orienteering ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 P Paganella Bike Park---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Pediatrician ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 Parascending - Hang-gliding --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 Petrol Stations (Natural gas and LPG stations---------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Photographers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 Prepared Foods (For Take-Away) - Fresh Pasta - Gastronomy -------------------------------------------- 47 Police (Carabinieri) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Post Offices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36 Public Swimming Pools ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 R Rafting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Railway Stations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Restaurants - Pizzerias ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S Sauna - Turkish Bath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Services, Miscellaneous --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shoeshops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shopping -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ski-lifts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Solarium---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Souvenirs - Gift Items------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sports Complex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stationery -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stroller and baby carrier hire---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surgeries --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summer events 2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summer sports facilities ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 36 38 39 39 47 39 49 39 47 60 48 62 26 51 51 T Takeaway -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 Taxis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 5 Tennis -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Theatre ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tobacconists - Newspapers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toys --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tourist “Cards” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tourist Doctor - Health Care For Tourists ------------------------------------------------------------------Tourist organizations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Town Halls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traffic Police ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V Veterinary Surgeon --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vicarages (Priests’ residences) & Catholic Mass Schedule -----------------------------------------------W Weather forecasts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wine - Grappa Shops ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Winter Skiing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 62 63 48 48 63 26 67 68 68 26 69 70 48 70 ACQUAIN See Beauty & Care Centres - see pag. 11 AIRPORT - email: [email protected] Verona-Villafranca (125 km) “Aeroporto Catullo” - tel. 045 8095666 - fax 045 8619074 A shuttle connects the Verona railway station with the airport (service every 20 minutes). ALPINE GUIDES ACTIVITY GRUPPO GUIDE ALPINE ACTIVITY Andalo - Via Paganella, 3/a Tel. 0461 585353 – cell. 335 6959252 [email protected] GUIDE ALPINE ADAMELLO/DOLOMITI DI BRENTA Guida Alpina/Guida Parco Maestro di alpinismo e scialpinismo Danilo Cavosi Tel. 337 208512 [email protected] Guida Alpina/Guida Parco Maestro di alpinismo e scialpinismo Roberto Pedrotti Tel. 348 5835185 [email protected] Programme and information c/o Ufficio Guide Alpine, Piazza Marconi, Molveno. Opening times: July and August daily from 21.00 to 22.30. ALPINE SKIING Paganella offers 50 km of ski trails of different difficulty levels. The trails are always well covered in snow thanks to artificial snow production. There are 14 technologically advanced ski-lifts, which have the carrying capacity of 27,000 passengers an hour. There are also trails for cross-country skiing, accessible to everyone because they are easy - moderate difficulty. To plan your winter holiday on the Paganella plateau ask for the “Hospitality Guide” (Winter Holiday) brochure at one of the Tourist Information Offices (A.p.T.). Here you will find ski-lift prices and trail names and lengths, as well as a map of the ski trails and lifts. AMBULANCE SERVICE “FIRST AID - HEALTH EMERGENCIES” - Ambulance Service - tel. 118 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Public Assistance Association - Onlus - Croce Bianca Paganella Via Belvedere, 10 - tel. 0461 583070 [email protected] For private and scheduled transport by ambulance. APARTMENTS Ask the Tourist Office for the accommodation guide with the apartments list, prices and maps. 7 ARCADES - VIDEOGAMES - BILLIARDS ANDALO Play Time by the swimming pool - Via del Parco, 1 - tel. 0461 585498 50 videogames; 6 billiards; 2 table tennis; numerous attractions for children BANKS CASSA RURALE GIUDICARIE VALSABBIA PAGANELLA Opening time from Monday to Friday: 8.45 – 13.15 and 14.30 – 15.30. Thursday: 8.45 – 13.00 ANDALO Piazza Dolomiti, 4 - tel. 0461 585868 - fax 0461 585493 MOLVENO Piazza Scuole, 2/b - tel. 0461 586050 - fax 0461 587267 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Piazza Italia Unita, 8/b - tel. 0461 583333 - fax 0461 581235 CAVEDAGO Via della Croce, 12 - tel. 0461 654333 - fax 0461 654107 BARS - CONFECTIONERS - CAFES - PUBS - ICE CREAM PARLOURS SANDWICH SHOPS ANDALO Bar Campeggio------------------------------------------- c/o campeggio---------------- tel. 0461 585753 Bar Piscina---------------------------------------------- c/o piscina AcquaIN Caffè Centrale Gelateria--------------------------------- Piazza Centrale---------------- tel. 0461 585810 Dolci note bar pasticceria gelateria------------------ Viale Trento, 13/b-------------- tel. 0461 585383 Pub Il Penny------------------------------------------------Viale Trento, 23--------------- tel. 0461 585251 Video Pub Niki Paninoteca------------------------------ Via Tenaglia, 22---------------cell. 339 6380017 MOLVENO Bar Bucaneve---------------------------------------------Via Garibaldi, 50-------------- tel. 0461 586464 Bar Ciao-------------------------------------------------- Via Nazionale, 22-------------- tel. 0461 586336 Bar Pizzeria Pizzico-------------------------------------- Via Lungolago, 19-------------- tel. 0461 587120 La Botte Pizzeria E Birreria-------------------------------- via C.Tosa, 4----------------- tel. 0461 586948 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Bar Al Plaz------------------------------------------------- Strada delle Palù--------------- tel. 0461 583295 Bar Agostini-------------------------------------------- Piazza Italia Unita, 16------------ tel. 0461 583301 Bar Palazzetto-------- Via Belvedere, 26 - c/o Centro Polifunzionale---------------mob. 347 3180887 Bar Tre Tre------------ Passo Santel--------------------------------------------------------cell. 340 8545699 ---------------------------------------------------------- c/o Impianti di risalita-----------------339 1239868 Bar Tamoil-------------------------------------------------Via Trento, 14/16-------------- tel. 0461 583141 c/o gas station Locanda Osteria Centrale--------------------------- Piazza Italia Unita, 10------------ tel. 0461 583116 CAVEDAGO Bar Planet c/o distributore------------------------------ Fraz. Canton, 72--------------- tel. 0461 654375 SPORMAGGIORE Bar Alt Spaur-------------------------------------------------- Via Trento------------------- tel. 0461 641008 Bar Belfort-----------------------------------------------------loc. Belfort------------------ tel. 0461 653118 Bar Posta----------------------------------------------------- Piazza Fiera------------------ cell 327 8144092 Note: Most hotels offer bar service! 8 BEAUTY & CARE CENTRES ANDALO ACQUAIN Parco Sportivo di Andalo - tel. 0461 589850 - fax 0461 585342 AcquaIn a weel-being paradies where time stops; enjoy our saunas (Finnish, biosauna, helbal, tiepidarium, Turkish bath, hamman and whirpool) Timetable Summer 2013: 07.06 - 14.06 and 16.09 - 30.09: Monday to Friday from 15.00 to 22.00; Saturday and Sunday 10.00 - 20.00 15.06 - 28.06 and 02.09 - 15.09: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 22.00 and from 15.00 to 22.00; Saturday and Sunday 10.00 - 20.00 29.06 - 01.09: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 22.00; Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 20.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Full price -------------------Andalo Card Adults-------------------------------------------------------Euro 17,70------------------Euro 16,00 Children (up to 18 years)-----------------------------Euro 15,00------------------Euro 13,50 10-admission cards - adults------------------------Euro 143,00--------------- Euro 121,00 10-admission cards - children--------------------Euro 125,00-----------------Euro 121,00 3-monts admission card----------------------------Euro 230,00----------------Euro 193,00 Towel--------------------------------------------------------Euro 3,00----------------------------/ Children entrance allowed only if accompained by a parent. ESTETICA BUTTERFLY Piazza Dolomiti, 5 - tel. 0461 585573 Types of treatment: beauty treatments, massages. Types of facilities: U.V.A. face/body solarium U.V.A. MOLVENO BELLAVITA BEAUTY CENTER c/o HOTEL BELVEDERE**** Via Nazionale, 9 - tel. 0461 586933 - free number 800 949918 - [email protected] Full body solarium. Massages, beauty treatments. On booking. Open daily from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.30 to 19.30. FAI DELLA PAGANELLA PARADISE CLUB CENTER c/o Hotel Belvedere*** Viale Risorgimento, 2 - tel. 0461 581206 / 583185 - [email protected] Indoor Swimming pool with games, Grotta with waterfall, Geyser, Swimming against the jet stream, Whirlpool, Gym, Finnish and Roman Sauna, Herbal Sauna, Turkish bath, Kneipp baths, Water lily baths, Paradise Island, Relaxation area, Solarium UVA high/low pressure (shower/bed), Ladies and Gentlemen’s Hair Salon “Gianna”, Snack Bar. Beauty farm with “Nuvola and Rasul” (body and face treatments, depilation, manicure, pedicure, beauty and relaxed massages). Swimm, acquagym and water trekking courses. Open everyday. WELLNESS CENTRE AL SOLE HOTEL BEAUTY & VITAL **** Via Cesare Battisti, 15 - tel. 0461 581446 [email protected] - Infrared-Sauna, turkisch bath, finnish sauna, sanarium, indoor swimmingpool, whirpool with external connection, relax area, beauty centre, massages, nails reconstruction, extensions, solarium. Open everyday. 11 BED AND BREAKFAST ACCOMMODATION Ask the Tourist Office for the accommodation guide with the B&B list, prices and maps. BUS HIRE ANDALO Autoservizi Bottamedi Fabio Via Tenaglia, 4 - tel. 0461 585810 - cell. 335 7596436/7 bus hire and taxi TrentinoBus srl Via Cadin, 25 - tel. 0461 585019 - fax 0461 589459 - [email protected] Activities: Bus hire, mini-train hire, transfer to and from the main airports, transfer to the main towns and to the Dolomites, daily excursions, international tours. BUS SERVICE TRENTINO TRASPORTI S.P.A. - tel. 0461 821000 - fax 0461 824373 BUS STATION Ticket office - Trento Via Pozzo - tel. 0461 983627 - fax 0461 982435 TRENTO MALè TRAIN STATIONS FTM Trento - Via Dogana, 2 - tel. 0461 238350 - fax 0461 820256 FTM Mezzocorona Piazza S. Gottardo, 15 - tel. 0461 605238 FTM Mezzolombardo Via S. F. d’Assisi, 3 - tel. 0461 601361 - fax 0461 691361 CONNECTIONS BETWEEN OUR VILLAGES AND TO/FROM MEZZOLOMBARDO/MEZZOCORONA/TRENTO: Tiket prices tratto Andalo - Molveno -----------------------------------------tratto Andalo - Fai ------------------------------------------------tratto Molveno - Fai ----------------------------------------------tratto Andalo - Cavedago ---------------------------------------tratto Molveno - Cavedago -------------------------------------tratto Andalo - Spormaggiore ----------------------------------tratto Molveno - Spormaggiore --------------------------------tratto Cavedago - Spormaggiore ------------------------------tratto Andalo - Mezzocorona -----------------------------------tratto Molveno - Mezzocorona ---------------------------------tratto Fai - Mezzocorona ----------------------------------------tratto Cavedago - Mezzocorona -------------------------------tratto Spormaggiore - Mezzocorona ---------------------------tratto Andalo - Trento --------------------------------------------tratto Molveno - Trento ------------------------------------------tratto Fai - Trento -------------------------------------------------tratto Cavedago - Trento ----------------------------------------tratto Spormaggiore - Trento ------------------------------------ 12 Euro 1,30 Euro 1,30 Euro 2,20 Euro 1,30 Euro 1,80 Euro 1,80 Euro 2,20 Euro 1,30 Euro 2,90 Euro 3,10 Euro 2,20 Euro 2,50 Euro 2,20 Euro 3,50 Euro 3,70 Euro 3,30 Euro 3,30 Euro 3,10 Ticket are available on bus . CONNECTIONS TO/FROM S. LORENZO IN BANALE/ PONTE ARCHE/RIVA DEL GARDA, MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO: Ticket prices tratto Molveno - Ponte Arche ------------------------------------ Euro 2,90 tratto Molveno - M. Campiglio (via Trento - Tione) ----------- Euro 6,40 tratto Molveno - Riva del Garda (via Sarche) ----------------- Euro 5,50 SHUTTLE” SERVICE CONNECTING OUR VILLAGES: Andalo - Molveno - Fai della Paganella - Cavedago - Spormaggiore Timetable is at your disposal at the Tourist Board Offices. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Full price -------------- - Discounted fares Day pass ------------------------------------------------------ Euro 2,50----------------------- - Euro 2,00 at associated hotels and residences “AMICOBUS” - ANDALO BUS SERVICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Full price -------------- - Discounted fares ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Andalo Card holders) Day pass ----------------------------------------------------- - Euro 2,50 --------------------- - Euro 2,00 Weekly ticket ------------------------------------------------ - Euro 9,00 --------------------- - Euro 7,00 Timetable: from 8.40 to 12.15 (last run) - 15.45 to 19.05 (last run) - from 20.40 to 23.10 (last run) - from 21.05 to 23.35 (last run) every 25 min. Timetable is displayed at every bus see also page 74. MOLVENO TOWN BUS Bus Service: free Timetable is displayed at pag. 75 and 76 CAMP SITES Ask the Tourist Office for the accommodation guide with the campsites’ list, prices and maps. CARAVAN EQUIPPED PARKING AREA ANDALO In loc. Rindole, 300 metres from the village centre. Water loading and unloading available. Elecrtric “hookup” points for motor caravans. Asphalted and lighted parking. Total no. of pitches: 70 camper vans. Day rate with water loading and unloading---------------- Euro 15,00 + Euro 5,00 for electric hook-up extra from 08.08 to 18.08 2013: Day rate with water loading and unloading-------------------- Euro 18,00 + Euro 7,00 for electric hook-up extra Only water loading and unloading ----------------------------- Euro 5,00 MOLVENO Info: Ufficio Campeggio - tel. 0461 586978 - fax 0461 586330 [email protected] In Localita Ischia across from the football field. Open all year, with water loading and unloading, electricity, lighting, garbage can, security system, garden, barbecue area and equipped children playground. Total no of pitches: 54 caravans. Daily rates Summer 2013 28.03 – 21.06------------------------- € 18,00 22.06 – 01.09------------------------- € 28,00 02.09 – 29.09------------------------- € 18,00 30.09 – 30.11------------------------- € 12,00 13 CAR HIRE CAVEDAGO Carrozzeria Tanel Giuliano e Simone Maso Daldos, 1/c - Tel. 0461 654415 - mob. 339 2964790 - mob. 338 2729606 Car and 9 seats minivan hire. CAR WASH ANDALO Petrol station AGIP Viale Trento, 11 - tel. 0461 585990 - [email protected] FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Petrol station TAMOIL Viale Trento, 14/16 - tel. 0461 583141 - Self service. CAVEDAGO Petrol station Q8 Maso Canton, 72 - tel. 0461 654375 - fax 0461 654163 CHEMISTS/PHARMACIES ANDALO FARMACIA DELLE DOLOMITI – dott.ssa Sandra Bossini – [email protected] Via Ponte Lambin, 27/a – tel. 0461 585201 – fax 0461 589473 Monday to Saturday: 9.00 – 12.30 and 15.30 – 19.30 Dr. Margonari Ada Chemist Situated in the centre of the village, mezzanine floor Summer hours: Monday to Saturday: 8.30 - 12.30 and 15.30 - 19.30 Sunday: 10.00 - 12.00 15.07 - 31.08 Sunday also 17.00 - 19.00 Services: medecines, cosmetics, natural health, beauty and veterinary products 38018 MOLVENO - Piazza Marconi, 24/b • Tel. 0461 586972 • Mobile 334 8257059 14 Sundays and public holidays: 10.00 – 12.30 and 16.30 – 19.30 MOLVENO Farmacia dott.ssa Ada Margonari Piazza Marconi, 24/b - tel. 0461 586972 - cell. 334 8257059 Monday to Saturday: 8.30 - 12.30 and 15.30 - 19.30; Sunday: 10.00 - 12.00 15.07 - 31.08 Sunday also 17.00 - 19.00 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Farmacia dott.ssa Maria Grazia Catanzaro Via Villa, 21 - tel./fax 0461 583342 July and August: from Monday to Saturday 8.30 - 12.00 and 15.00 - 19.30 Sunday: 10.00 - 12.00/17.00 - 19.00 SPORMAGGIORE FARMACIA DOTT.SSA DANIELA AVENOSO Piazza Chiesa, 1 – tel. 0461 643020 Opening time: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30 – 12.00 and 15.00 – 19.00 Thursday and Saturday 8.30 – 12.00 CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUNDS ANDALO by the Sports Centre MOLVENO by the lido and in via Belvedere FAI DELLA PAGANELLA in Via Risorgimento, at the “Capannina”, in via Pineta by the woods CAVEDAGO near the Church San Tommaso, Maso Mattè, Piazza San Lorenzo, Maso Canton SPORMAGGIORE in the village centre CHRISTMAS CRIB PERMANENT EXHIBITION ANDALO c/o Palacongressi - Viale del Parco - Tel. 0461 585824 Mondat to Saturday from 10.00 to 12.00. Sunday closed. CINEMA For titles and timetables see the posters in town. ANDALO Cinema “Andalo” Piazza Centrale at the Town Hall Tel. 0461 585776 - Prices: Adults - Euro 7,50 Children up to 14 years - Euro 5,50 15 Over 65 - Euro 6,50 Trentino’s residents - Euro 6,50 DIDACTIC FARM FAI DELLA PAGANELLA AGRITUR IL FILO D’ERBA Via alle Late – tel. 335 7788048 – 340 2285316 – [email protected] Guided tour to the farm and tasting of its products. During the visit it will be possible to feed the cows as a true farmer! Booking required. AGRITUR FLORANDONOLE Via ai Dossi, 22 – tel. 0461 581039 – mob. 348 6107719 – fax 0461 581431 – [email protected] Guided tours to discover the beekeeping world. Booking required. SPORMAGGIORE Azienda Agricola Biologica Giuseppe Rampanelli Via S.Vigilio, 22 - tel./fax 0461 653630 [email protected] Our farm extends for 15 hectares; we cultivate biological apples, pears and wine since 1988. Direct sell of our products and indoor rooms for didactic activities. Booking required. Driving distances Distances from the Paganella Plateau (in km): MEZZOLOMBARDO 11 BOLZANO 57 TRENTO 38 VENEZIA 172 ROMA 657 INNSBRUCK 180 ROVERETO VERONA RIVA DEL GARDA BOLOGNA BARI 60 130 58 258 945 M. DI CAMPIGLIO MILANO MERANO FIRENZE PALERMO 77 246 86 365 1610 ELECTRIC RACE CARS FOR CHILDREN ANDALO Grand prix, electric race car track for children - at the Sports Centre near the playground Hours: 10.00 - 12.30; 15.30 - 19.00 Prices: ------------------------------------------------------ Full Price ------------ Andalo Card holders 1 counter ----------------------------------------------------- Euro 1,50 ----------------------- Euro 1,50 4 counters ---------------------------------------------------- Euro 5,00 ----------------------- Euro 5,00 10 counters ------------------------------------------------- Euro 10,00 --------------------- Euro 10,00 ESTATE AGENTS ANDALO Immobiliare “Erresse” di Romina Sonn Via Crosare, 22/a - tel. 0461 589111 - fax 0461 653651 - cell. 349 1394139 16 - [email protected] Contract of sale. Immobiliare “Il Rododendro” Via Paganella, 34/a - tel. 0461 585949 - fax 0461 585213 Contract of sale. FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Agenzia Immobiliare Fai Via Garibaldi, 15 – tel. 0461 583125 – fax 0461 583493 – [email protected] Contract of sale, season rentals. FOREST PARK Loc. Pradel - Tel. 0461 586981 - [email protected] Bridges made of suspended trunks with ropes, Nepalese bridge made of an interlacement of ropes, vertical cherquered nets for the whole family. 08.06 - 15.09 daily 25.05 - 07.06 open only on Saturday and Sunday Opening times: 10.00 - 17.30. PRICE LIST-------------------------------------------------- 25.05 - 28.06 -------------------------------------------------------------- 02.09 - 15.09------------------ 29.06 - 01.09 ALL CIRCUITS (120 MINUTES) ADULT---------------------- 19.50---------------------------- 22.50 ALL CIRCUITS (120 MINUTES) CONCESSIONAL -------- 16,00---------------------------- 19,00 MEDIUM-ADVANCED-EXPERT CIRCUIT-------------------- 16,00---------------------------- 19,00 MEDIUM-ADVANCED CIRCUIT------------------------------ 13,00---------------------------- 16,00 MEDIUM CIRCUIT--------------------------------------------- 11,00---------------------------- 14,00 BASIS CIRCUIT (60minutes)----------------------------------- 9,00----------------------------- 11,00 TREE CLIMBING------------------------------------------------- 3,50------------------------------ 4,50 Discount for Guests with the local special tourist card (Molveno, Andalo, Fai della Paganella, Cavedago, Spormaggiore)--------------------------15% Trentino’s residents-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15% Rate per person for organized groups (minimum 15 people): -from 25.05 to 28.06 and from 02.09 to 15.09---------------------------------------Euro 10,00 -from 29.06 to 01.09-----------------------------------------------------------------------Euro 12,00 FAMILY PACKAGES (daily) from 01.06 to 31.07 and from 26.08 to 08.09 - on purchasing a “All circuits 120 minutes adult ticket”: free daily entrance to the swimming pools of the Centro Piscine Lido di Molveno - on purchasing a “All circuits 120 minutes concessional ticket”: free daily concessional entrance to the swimming pools of the Centro Piscine Lido di Molveno - on purchasing two “All circuits 120 minutes adult tickets”: a free concessional “All circuits 120 minutes ticket” GENERAL BEHAVIOURAL RULES FOR MOUNTAINEERS Live and respect the mountains: our advice will help you avoid possible accidents and dangers during your excursions. 1. Never go in the mountains alone, and always tell someone where you are going. 2. If you are unfamiliar with the area, go with a guide. 17 3. Equip yourself well even for short excursions, and above all, wear hiking boots with good traction. 4. Pay attention to the weather forecasts: the weather changes very quickly in the mountains. 5. If you are caught in bad weather, try to save your energy and find shelter right away. 6. In difficult situations always stay together: don’t be ashamed to turn around or ask for help; these things demonstrate wisdom, not inability. 7. Don’t leave the marked trails; use extra caution when walking on steep, vegetated slopes, especially when the ground is wet. 8. Don’t move rocks that could hurt other mountaineers. 9. The mountains exist for everyone. Conserving them and keeping them clean are the duties of every mountaineer or hiker. All rubbish should be taken with you and disposed of in the proper rubbish bins. Please respect all animals, plants and flowers: they are all part of the beauty of the mountains. 10. Don’t disturb the peace and quiet of nature with useless noise; respect the natural environment of the animals. 11. If you need help, send out a signal, which can be heard or seen by others, 6 times in one minute. Repeat the signal after one minute. To respond, send out a signal 3 times in one minute. Anyone who hears or sees a distress signal must immediately inform the Mountain Rescue (Soccorso Alpino - Alpine first aid team), refuge personnel or a guide. GHS COOPERATIVA SOCIALE ONLUS Via Lorenzoni, 21 C.P. 15 - 38023 Cles - Tel. 0463 424634 - Fax 0463 424643 - [email protected] GHS provides help, assistance and support to disabled during their holidays. 18 GUIDED TOURS OF TRENTO Info: Ufficio Turismo Trentino tel. 0461 216000 summer 2013: Prices - Ticket- Euro 4,00 - kids up to 18 years old - free - Ticket for Buonconsiglio Castle - Euro 5,00 (special for groups organized by APT Trento). - Trento Card owners and children up to 12 years old - free admission Timetable: every Saturday. July and August also on Thursday. 10.00 meeting at the Turismo Trentino Office in Via Manci, 2 and visit to Buonconsiglio Castle 15.00 meeting at the Turismo Trentino Office in Via Manci, 2 and visit to the historic centre of Trento, frescoed houses and Piazza Duomo. At the end of the excursion there is a tasting at Rocca Bruna Palast. For organised groups of more than 10 people booking is compulsory. Tel. 0461 216000 HAIRDRESSERS ANDALO Salone Grazia Via Crosare, 16 - tel. 0461 585530 SALONE DONNA – UOMO 19 Ladies and Gentlemen’s Hairdresser Salone Natascia Piazzale Paganella, 1 - tel. 0461 585865 Ladies Hairdresser Ladies and Gentlemen’s Hairdresser MOLVENO Salone Rosanna Via Garibaldi, 62/a - tel. 0461 586246 Ladies and Gentlemen’s Hairdresser FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Salone Gianna Via Al Dos Alt, 12 - mob. 345 4700607 - tel. 0461 583056 - Ladies and Gentlemen’s Hairdresser Opening time: 8.30 - 12.00 and 14.00 - 19.00 on appointment HORSE-RIDING See “Horse riding” - page 56 HOSPITALS The closest hospitals are: MEZZOLOMBARDO (11 KM): Ospedale “San Giovanni” Via degli Alpini, 7 - tel. 0461 611264 Open daily 7.00 - 21.00. TRENTO (38 KM): Ospedale “S.Chiara” Largo Medaglie d’Oro, 9 - tel. 0461 903111 HOTELS Ask the Tourist Office for the accommodation guide with the list of the hotels, prices and maps. INTERNET POINTS INTERNET ACCESS ANDALO / MOLVENO / FAI DELLA PAGANELLA / CAVEDAGO / SPORMAGGIORE At the libraries KIDLAND ANDALO At the Sports Centre. The large “blow-up” attractions are back for the enjoyment of all children. Hours: 10.00 – 12.30 ; 15.30 – 19.00 full price --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 4,70 DISCOUNTED FARES (ANDALO CARD HOLDERS)---------------------------------------- Euro 3,50 20 LAKE TOUR BY “MINI-TRAIN” ANDALO Course across the Sports Centre and around the lake in Andalo. Stop and ticket office at the mini golf at the Sports Centre in Andalo. Hours: 10.00 – 12.00; 16.00 – 19.00 FULL PRice-----------------------------ANDALO CARD 1 tour adults-------------------------------------------- Euro 4,00----------------------------- Euro 3,00 1 tour children----------------------------------------- euro 2,70----------------------------- Euro 2,00 LANDLORDS Ask the Tourist Office for the accommodation guide with the landlords’ list, prices and maps. LIBRARIES AND STUDY ROOMS Free public services: loan; interlibrary loan; book search and bibliography consultation; internet; magazines; audio and video rooms; cultural activities and events. Borrowing and Internet services for members (membership given free at the libraries). ANDALO Town Library Piazzale Paganella tel. 0461 585275 - fax 0461 589627 - [email protected] MOLVENO Study room Piazza Scuole, 9/A - tel. 0461 586413 - [email protected] FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Study room Via Villa, 29 at the Town Hall - tel. 0461 583558 - [email protected] CAVEDAGO Study room Via Tomas, 2 - tel. 0461 654312 - [email protected] SPORMAGGIORE Study room Ex Casa Pizzon - tel. 0461 653305 - [email protected] LOST PROPERTY ANDALO Tourist Information Office (Azienda per il Turismo), Traffic Police (Vigili Urbani), Police (Carabinieri) MOLVENO Tourist Information Office (Azienda per il Turismo), Traffic Police (Vigili Urbani) FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Tourist Information Office (Azienda per il Turismo), Town Hall, Vicarage CAVEDAGO 21 Tourist Information Office (pro loco), Town Hall, Vicarage SPORMAGGIORE Tourist Information Office (pro loco), Town Hall, Vicarage MARKETS (8.00 - 13.00 IN JULY AND AUGUST) ANDALO 2nd and 4th Mondays of July and August (98 stands) c/o sports center MOLVENO 1st and 3rd Mondays of July and August and the 1st Monday in September (68 stands) - Località Ischia 24.06 – 23.07 – 20.08 – 09.09 : Second-hand market in the town center from 10.00 to 18.00. 05.07 – 21.07 – 29.08 – 30.08: Handicraft market in the town center from 10.00 to 18.00. FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Tuesdays from mid-June to mid-September (29 stands) - in the village centre SPORMAGGIORE Mondays (4 stands) - in the village centre (Piazza della Chiesa) MEZZOLOMBARDO Every Saturday (15 stands) - village centre (Corso del Popolo) RIVA DEL GARDA June to September, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month (150 stands) TRENTO Weekly Market: Thursdays year-round (145 stands) Piazza Duomo, Via Verdi and surrounding area “Gaudenti” Street Market: 2nd Saturday of July in the afternoon (not in August) in Piazza Garzetti (secondhand items) BOLZANO Weekly Market: every Saturday (except for public holidays) in Piazza Vittoria MECHANICS - CAR REPAIRER’S ANDALO Bottamedi Severino Viale Trento, 15 - tel. 0461 585220 mechanic, car electrician, tyre specialist, breakdown service Ghezzi Lorenzo Viale Trento, 11 - tel. 0461 585990 tyre specialist - [email protected] FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Mottes Renzo Via Trento, 14/16 - tel. 0461 583141 mechanic, car electrician, tyre specialist CAVEDAGO Ai Piani Maso Canton, 72 - tel. 0461 654375 - mobile 335 5736259 mechanic, car repairer’s tyre specialist 22 Tanel Giuliano e Simone Maso Daldos, 1/c - tel. 0461 654415 - mobile 339 2964790 - mobile 338 2729606 car repairer’s, breakdown service MEDICAL SERVICE BLOOD ANALYSIS ANDALO Piazzale Paganella Opening Times: Tuesday and Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m DENTIST ANDALO Dott. Stefano Fronza Via Rindole – tel. 0461 584232 – cell. 348 3953218. Monday and Thursday. Advanced booking required. 24 LOCAL AUTHORITY DOCTORS (pay service) Dr. Hanife Mohammad home tel. 0461 583284 - mobile 339 1507285 Surgery hours Andalo - Piazzale Paganella,3 - tel. 0461 585637: Monday: 10.30 - 12.00 Wednesday: 9.30 - 10.30 (only season time, otherwise only on booking) Thursday: 10.30 - 11.30 Surgery hours Molveno - Piazza Marconi - tel. 0461 586045: Monday: 8.30 - 10.00 Tuesday: 17.00 - 19.00 Thursday: 9.00 - 10.00 Surgery hours Fai della Paganella - Via Villa - tel. 0461 583146: Monday and Wednesday: 15.00 - 17.00 Tuesday and Thursday: 15.00 - 16.30 Friday: 16.00 – 19.00 Dr. Panahi Abbas Ali Mob. 0461 585637 Surgery hours Cavedago - Piazza S. Lorenzo, 1 - tel. 0461 654241: Monday: 16.00 - 18.00 Wednesday: 10.00 - 12.00 Thursday: 9.00 – 11.00 Surgery hours Spormaggiore - Piazza Fiera, 1 - tel. 0461 653340: Monday: 8.30 - 11.30 Tuesday: 11.30 - 12.30 Wednesday : 15.30 - 19.00 Thursday: 9.30 - 11.30 Friday: 11.30 - 12.30 (on booking) Dr. Pizzi Angelo Mob. 338 9117100 Surgery hours Spormaggiore - Piazza Fiera, 1 - tel. 0461 653340: Monday: 17.00 - 19.00 (on booking) Wednesday: 8.30 - 10.30 (on booking) Friday: 17.00 - 19.00 (on booking) Dr. Sciortino Salvatore Mob. 340.5666286 Surgery hours Andalo - Piazzale Paganella, 3 - tel. 0461 585637: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 15.00 - 17.00. Thursday: 17.00 - 19.00. Surgery hours Molveno - Piazza Marconi - tel.0461.586045 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10.00 - 12.00. Surgery hours Fai della Paganella - Via Villa - tel. 0461.583146 Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8.30 - 9.30. NIGHT-TIME DOCTOR Night-time doctor - Andalo, Piazzale Paganella - tel. 0461 585637 - fax 0461 589158 On call from 8.00 to 20.00 Hours: Monday to Friday: 20.00 to 8.00 Saturday - Sunday 20.00 (Saturday) to 8.00 (Monday)+ NURSE (PAY SERVICE) Leonardelli Elio Via Belfort, 19 - Tel. 0461.653559 - Mob. 338.9087314 Pay service - house calls. Taking of blood, injections, wound medications, enema, bood pressure checking etc. Home visits and collection service are available. NURSING SERVICE Blood “pressure” checking, injections and dressings (free service upon medical prescription) 25 ANDALO tel. 0461 585410 - Monday 11.45 - 12.15 MOLVENO tel. 0461 586045 - Thursday 11.00 - 11.30 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA tel. 0461 583146 - Monday and Friday 10.30 - 11.00 CAVEDAGO tel. 0461 654241 - Wednesday 9.30 - 10.00 SPORMAGGIORE tel. 0461 653340 - Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 8.45 - 9.15 PAEDIATRICIAN (pay service) dott .ssa Lorena Filippi Tel. 0461 431705 - 338 1971781 from 8.00 to 16.30 from Monday to Friday Surgery hours Andalo - Piazzale Paganella,3 Wednesday from 9.30 to 12.30 on appointment dott .ssa Gabriella Ciancaglioni mob. 338 5402269 - tel. 0461.431705 Surgery hours Fai della Paganella - Via Villa Thursday from 8.30 to 10.00 on appointment dott .ssa Maria Grazia Delucca mob. 335 293872 - tel. 0461.431705 Surgery hours Spormaggiore - Piazza Fiera, 1 Tuesday from 9.30 to 11.30 on appointment SURGERIES ANDALO: Piazzale Paganella,3 - tel. 0461 585582 MOLVENO Piazza Marconi (behind the Town Hall) - tel. 0461 586045 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA: Via Villa (entrance behind the Town Hall) - tel. 0461 583146 CAVEDAGO: Piazza S. Lorenzo, 1 - tel. 0461 654241 SPORMAGGIORE: Piazza Fiera, 1 - tel. 0461 653340 TOURIST DOCTOR - HEALTH CARE FOR TOURISTS from mid June to mid September Surgery visits, house calls and checking blood pressure are pay services. Service provided by Local Authority Doctors VETERINARY SURGEON ANDALO: dott .ssa Cheula Lidia Viale del Parco, 1 - Mob. 338 4296427 Surgery hours on appointment or house calls on appointment MOTORWAY Motorway A22 Modena - Brennero Exit: San Michele all’Adige (15 km) Information office: tel. 0461 980085 traffic and road conditions Free number 800 279940 26 MOUNTAIN BIKE HIRE ANDALO ACTIVITY NOLEGGIO DOLOMITI DI BRENTA C/O SCUOLA ITALIANA SCI DOLOMITI DI BRENTA Via Paganella 3/A - tel. 0461 585353 The Hire-Shop Activity is opposite the ski lift Paganella 2001 Opening time: 9.00 - 12.00 and 15.00 -18.30 MTB with shock absorber, MTB with double shock absorber, down hill bike, city bike, bike for children. You can also find child seat up to 15 kg. 1 hour MTB FRONT MTB FREERIDE DOUBLE SHOCK ABSORBER MTB DOWN - HILL DISCOUNTS WITH PLATEAU CARDS Euro 12,00 Euro 15,00 / / 2 hours Euro 15,00 Euro 20,00 / 10% ½ day Euro 20,00 Euro 25,00 / 10% 1 day Euro 25,00 Euro 30,00 Euro 50,00 10% 2 days Euro 45,00 Euro 55,00 / 10% 3 days Euro 65,00 Euro 80,00 / 10% 4 days Euro 80,00 Euro 100,00 / 10% 5 days Euro 100,00 Euro 125,00 / 10% 6 days Euro 120,00 Euro 150,00 / 10% FAI DELLA PAGANELLA ACTIVITY NOLEGGIO DOLOMITI DI BRENTA c/o ACTIVITY PEOPLE - MOUNTAIN SPORT STYLE Via C. Battisti, 13 - tel. 0461 583573 Opening time: 10 June - 10 September daily tutti i giorni 9.30 - 12.00 and 16.00 - 19.30 MTB hire. Prices: see Andalo. NOLEGGIO c/o PAGANELLA BIKE PARK - [email protected] Loc. Santel tel. 342 708 2095 ½ day MTB Front MTB All Mountain MTB Freeride (bike park) MTB Downhill (bike park) Protective clothing kit Euro 15,00 Euro 30,00 Euro 35,00 Euro 40,00 Euro 10,00 27 Euro 25,00 Euro 40,00 1 day 2 days MOLVENO ACTIVITY Euro 40,00 Euro 70,00 Euro 50,00 Euro 95,00 Euro 60,00 Euro 110,00 Euro 10,00 Euro 20,00 NOLEGGIO MTB DOLOMITI DI BRENTA C/O SCUOLA ITALIANA SCI DOLOMITI DI BRENTA Activity point near the tennis courts - tel. 0461 585353 Opening time: 8.30 - 12.30 and 14.30 - 18.30 MTB with shock absorber, MTB with double shock absorber, down hill bike, city bike, bike for children. You can also find child seat up to 15 kg. Prices: for prices see Andalo MOUNTAIN REFUGES - HUTS - MOUNTAIN RESTAURANTS Open from 20th June to 20th September Rif. La Montanara 1560m -G. Brenta - tel. 0461 585603 - 0461 586335 - cell. 348 7289560-------- bar/rest./32 beds [email protected] - Rif. Croz Altissimo 1430m -G. Brenta - cell. 339 7982922 - 347 1184459--------------------------------- bar/rest./20 beds [email protected] Malga Spora 1851m -G. Brenta - cell. 347 4407493---------------------------------------------------------- hut - bivouac alla Tana dell’Ermellino 1040m -G.Brenta -cell. 348 2105689 - 349 7702997---------------------------------------------- bar/rest. Bait del Germano 1800m - Monte Gazza - cell. 336 912325 - 330 282952------------------------------------------ bar/rest. Chalet Forst Gaggia 1336m - Paganella - tel. 0461 585998 - cell. 335 8146388--------------------------------------- bar/rest. Malga Zambana 1792m - Paganella - cell. 333 5375321 - 338 9835892-------------------------------- bar/rest./bivouac Rif. La Roda 2125m - Paganella - cell. 348 8939544---------------------------------------------------- bar/rest./25 beds - [email protected] Rif. Dosso Larici 1838m - Paganella - cell. 349 3288457---------------------------------------------------- bar/rest./22 beds MUSHROOMS Mushrooming licences can be purchased at: A.P.T. offices in Andalo, Molveno and Fai della Paganella; Town Halls in Andalo, Molveno, Fai della Paganella, Cavedago, Spormaggiore. A.G.V. office - at the Indoor swimming pool in Andalo. It’s also possible to obtain licences by postal payment made out to the respective Town Halls (Comune). The validity period of the licence must be specified in the ‘reason’ (“causale”) area of the form: 28 Comune di ANDALO c/c postale 10742385 Servizio di Tesoreria; Comune di MOLVENO c/c postale 12580387 Servizio di Tesoreria; Comune di FAI DELLA PAGANELLA c/c postale 11556388 Servizio di Tesoreria. Comune di CAVEDAGO c/c postale 12695383 Servizio di Tesoreria. Comune di SPORMAGGIORE c/c postale 13912381 Servizio di Tesoreria. The provisions for mushrooming and relative costs are regulated by the Autonomous Province of Trento. Prices: TERM ---------------------------------------------------------------- PRICE 1 day ---------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 5,00 3 days --------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 10,00 7 days --------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 20,00 14 days ------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 30,00 30 days ------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 40,00 Basic rules to follow: You must have a mushrooming licence. Mushrooming is allowed only from 7.00 to 19.00. Maximum of 2 kg per day per person (older than 10) Clean the mushrooms where you pick them. Use only baskets or rigid containers with holes. Damaging the mushrooms on the ground is forbidden. Use of rakes or any other tools that could damage the mushrooms is forbidden. MUST-SEE LOCATIONS ON THE PLATEAU AND IN NEIGHBOURING VILLAGES IN CAVEDAGO St. Tommaso Church, Cavedago (XIII century) Guided excursions: Alessia Zeni - tel. 349 7241159 The church of St. Tommaso in Cavedago, thanks to its Romanesque steeple, is dated back to the XIII century. Later - between 1546 and 1547 - it was widened and changed following the Gothic style. The main façade, covered by a roofing, displays a linteled door and some important frescoes, characterized by Giotto’s influence and displaying : Archangl Michele with a scale for the souls, St. Vigilio with the pastoral book and St. Cristoforo. Inside the groin voult and the polygonal shape apse elegant Gothic style are the background of the thirteenth century frescoes. They display - on the south wall - St. Nicola da Bari and St. Vigilio; in the north wall a crucifixtion between Maria and St. Giovanni evangelist and other two immages not identifiable figures. Between 1999 and 2001 the church was restored and enriched with a wooden altar piece representing St. Tommaso by the sculptor Egidio Petri from Segonzano. The church is open in Sumemr; during Winter only on request. For guided tours call: 349 7241159 IN MOLVENO Church of St. Vigilio, Molveno (13th Century), in the cemetery Information: Town Hall 0461 586936: Tourist Office Molveno tel. 0461 586924 This church, dating back to the 13th century, is dedicated to St. Vigilio, bishop of Trento who died in 400 AD. Because of its valuable artistic and cultural heritage, it is one of the monuments protected by theautonomous Province of Trento. Restoration of the mansonry work and frescoes was recently completed (1991- 1995). Exterior: The facade is of considerable interest because of a series of frescoes that cover the upper part. A praiseworthy Roman door incorportates a lunette frescoed with representations of Jesus, Mary and St. John. The interior is characterized by the presence of 2 churches: one 13th century Romanesque, and the other Gothic (1536). Worth noting in the Romanesque church are the richly frescoed apse, the perfectly conserved perimeter walls and a spectacular fresco of the “Last Supper”. The Gothic addition dates back to 1536. The stripping of the plaster brought to light a fragment of the “Crucifixion” and part of the ornament that decorated the vault. The altar shows geometric frescoes; the sacristy was added in 1875. A detailed 29 30 31 publication on the restoration of the Church of St. Vigilio is available at the Molveno Town Hall and at the Tourist Information Office (Azienda per il Turismo) in Molveno. The inside of the church is open to visitors in the summer only; winter - by request only. Arctic char center - Loc. S. Antonio Information: Nature Park Adamello Brenta - Via Nazionale, 24 - Strembo Tel. 0465 806666 - fax 0465 806699 - [email protected] The arctic char center is situated in Molveno near the lake shores and at the foot of the Valle delle Seghe. In the center it is possible to discover water and its inhabitants throught a didactic itinerary in the valley. Open on reservation only Antique Sawmill “Taialacqua” - Via Lungolago, in front of the camp site Information: TOWN HALL - tel. 0461 586936 The sawmill was built in about 1500 by the village inhabitants with the help of the parish priest, “Don” Taialacqua, who wanted to improve the economic conditions of the population. Later, other sawmills were constructed on the Molini brook in the valley that extends from the Ischia plain to the heart of the Brenta Dolomites. In fact, this valley is still called Valley of the “Seghe”(Saws) even though the sawmills, with the exception of Sawmill Taialacqua, have disappeared. The sawmill was, and still is, water-operated. Water from the “Molini” brook turns a wheel, which in turn sets a cutting rod into motion. The rotating motion is changed to vertical motion, which allows the blade to cut the trunks. The result of the work was 6-10 mm thick boards (shingles), “Molvene”, that were sold in the “Riva del Garda” area. At the time, the owners of the sawmill divided the work day on the basis of their shares that they owned. Outside the sawmill there is a Visitor Information Centre, which explains how the sawmill worked and outlines the history of the wood-based economy in Trentino. The inside is open to visitors in the summer only; winter - by request only. IN FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Archaeological site - Loc. Doss Castel “Doss Castel” is a rocky spur that rises over the Adige Valley in a strategic lookout position on the eastern edge of the Paganella plateau. In 1979 a settlement was discovered here and the Autonomous Province of Trento began research that continues today. Until now, the oldest find has been a small stone hatchet which dates back to the late Stone Age, while the first traces of settlement are from the Bronze Age. However, most materials and structures show signs of a village from the “Retico” period, including the foundations of some small one-family houses made of rock. You can reach the site on foot in 20 minutes from the centre square of Fai della Paganella. (For more information see the publication “Il Doss Castell di Fai della Paganella” available at the Tourist Information Office (Azienda per il Turismo Dolomiti di Brenta Paganella) in Fai. SPORMAGGIORE PARCO FAUNISTICO LOCALITA’ ALBARE’, vicino Castel Belfort More info: Casa del Parco “Orso” – tel. 0461 653622 o +39 340 6575780 – [email protected] Spormaggiore hosts a wildlife observatory where it is possible to observe the Alpine fauna. Some brown bears live in the park which covers 7000 m2 and offers them healthy living conditions. The park hosts also in a wooded area of 3500 some wolves. The visitor can admire these great native carnivorous animals from two observatories placed in strategic points. The silver fir and beech tree forest along with some areas covered with bushes and a small stream which forms natural waterfalls complete the natural environment. Lately the park has been enhanced with four eagle owls that live in a 30 m2 aviary and with a wild cat. Starting from Spring/Summer 2013 the park will also host some lynxes, foxes and otters. The park offers also: farm with domestic animals, snack bar, pond, children playground, a meeting room with video equipment and twenty seats where it is possible to watch the Nature Park Adamello Brenta documentary films. Summer opening hours: 10.06 – 07.07.2013 from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30 08.07 – 08.09.2013 from 9.30 to 18.30 32 09.09 – 30.09.2013 from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30 01.10 – 31.10.2013 from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30 only in the weekends 01.11 – 03.11.2013 from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30 Ticket (Casa del Parco “Orso” and Castel Belfort inclusive ticket): full price ticket – Euro 8,00 reduced price ticket – Euro 7,00 (groups of at least 10 people, children from 4 to 14 years) Family rate - Euro 18,00 ( 2 adultis + 2 children) Free: children up to 3 years, disabled persons, Parco Card holders. Brown Bear Visitors’ Centre - Casa del Parco “Orso” Via Alt Spaur, 82 - by the “Corte Franca” building (30 m from the church square) - tel. 0461 653622 - [email protected] - [email protected] For guided visits call the Park Office: in Strembo Via Nazionale, 24 tel. 0465 806666 - fax 0465 806699 On the second floor there is an exhibit dedicated to brown bears. It is divided into six thematic sections: “On the Tracks of a Bear”, “A Bear’s Life”, “In a Bear’s Den”, “From Myth to the Stars”, “History of Man and Bear” and “The Reintroduction Project”. In the first part of the exhibit the behavioural ecology and biology of bears are illustrated. Then, the history of bears through man’s imagination is displayed in various ways, from constellations to comics. The third part of the exhibit is dedicated to the historical events that led to the dramatic decline of the species up until the reintroduction project, begun in 1999. Opening time: open every day 15.06 – 07.07 from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30 08.07 – 08.09 from 9.30 to 18.30 09.09 – 15.09 from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30 Prices (through ticket including Parco Faunistico and Castel Belfort): full price ticket--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 8,00 reduced ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 7,00 Holders of the cards of the altopiano------------------------------------------------------------------ Euro 7,40 Family rate----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 18,00 Ruins of Castle Belfort The ruins of Castle Belfort are on the main road between Cavedago and Spormaggiore. The first record of the castle dates back to 1311, when Count Enrico of Tyrol had a watch-tower built (Tower of the “Tirsoni”) to guard the road that was to connect the Sacra Valley to Trento. Castle Belfort was later built around this tower, and about ten families have owned it. There are some mysterious legends connected to its history. Since 1700 the Saracini family has owned the castle and has restored it. Starting from Summer 2013 the castle will be open to the public. Opening times: 15 April - 30 September daily from 9.30 to 19.30. Ticket (through ticket including Parco Faunistico and Casa del Parco “Orso”) Euro 8,00 Saint Vigilio Churches - village square The oldest and smallest church was built in Renaissence and Gotic style. The new one is in Lombard style, with Byzantine elements, high and bright, wide windows and stones were used. The Chapel of Madonna delle Grazie connects the two churches. The altar and the statue of Maria SS. with the infant Jesus. July and August free guided tours from 3.00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. Info: tel. 0461 653622 mob. 340 5759535 - [email protected] 33 PAGANELLA BIKE PARK Loc. Santel - Fai della Paganella - tel. 342 7082095 - [email protected] Opening times: open in the week end from 04.05.2013 to 13.07.2013 and from 31.08.2013 to 15.09.2013: 9.00 12.30 and 13.30 - 17.00 from 20.07.2013 to 25.08.2013 daily: 9.00 - 12.30 and 13.30 - 17.30 Bike Pass 2013 prices: single ride 1 day afternoon (after 13.30) 2 days 3 days 4 days 5/6 days Season pass Full price ticket Euro 8,00 Euro 22,00 Euro 18,00 Euro 30,00 Euro 50,00 Euro 60,00 Euro 70,00 Euro 220,00 Reduced ticket* Euro 6,00 Euro 18,00 Euro 15,00 Euro 25,00 Euro 40,00 Euro 50,00 Euro 60,00 Euro 180,00 *Reduced ticket for: - groups (> 10 people) - season ski pass Winter 2012 – 2013 - children born after 01/01/1997 PETROL STATIONS ANDALO Petrol station AGIP Viale Trento, 11 - tel. 0461 585990 - [email protected] diesel, unleaded, self service, car wash, Bancomat (ATM), payment available for self service FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Petrol station TAMOIL Viale Trento, 14/16 - tel. 0461 583141 diesel, unleaded, self service, Bancomat (ATM) payment available for self service, self service car-wash CAVEDAGO Petrol station Q8 Maso Canton, 72 - tel. 0461 654375 - fax 0461 654163 diesel, unleaded, self service, Bancomat (ATM), payment available for self service, car-wash NATURAL GAS (METHANE) TRENTO AGIP Strada dell’Interporto, 8 34 35 LPG STATIONS SAN MICHELE ALL’ADIGE OMV Via Tonale, 121 (Loc. Grumo) - Tel. 0461 606205 AGIP DENNO Q8 Via Case Sparse - Tel. 0461 645078 TAIO ESSO Via IV Novembre - Tel. 0463 468367 TRENTO Q8 tangenziale est Q8 tangenziale ovest A 22 Brennero/Modena (km. 185, carreggiata nord) - area di servizio Paganella est A 22 Brennero/Modena (km. 129, carreggiata sud) - area di servizio Paganella ovest POST OFFICES ANDALO Via F. Tenaglia, 7 tel. 0461 585832 - fax 0461 585227 Open: Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 13.30; Saturday: 8.00 - 12.30 MOLVENO Piazza Marconi, 1 - tel. 0461 586914 - fax 0461 586260 Open: Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 13.30; Saturday: 8.00 - 12.30 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Via Villa, 27 - tel. 0461 583119 - fax 0461 583534 Open: Monday - Friday: 8.30 - 13.30; Saturday: 8.30 - 12.30 CAVEDAGO Piazza S. Lorenzo, 3 - tel. 0461 654220 - fax 0461 654402 Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.00 - 13.30 SPORMAGGIORE Piazza Fiera, 1 - tel. 0461 653124 - fax 0461 653124 Open: Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 12.20; Saturday: closed RAILWAY STATIONS Mezzocorona: 20 km Trento: 38 km - tel. 0461 231189 Bolzano:57 km - tel. 0471 972072 Information: tel. 892021 every day from 00.00 to 24.00 (accessible also from mobile phones). 36 take away pizza also at lunchtime grilled meat and salads Taverna la Botte in the centre of Molveno Via Cima Tosa 4 – Tel. 0461 586948 - Cell. 348 3033396 - Fax 0461 587340 - [email protected] RESTAURANTS - PIZZERIAS Andalo AL FAGGIO Via Fovo, 11 - tel. 0461 585308 - cell. 339 4323187------------------------------------ seats 45/50/rest. [email protected] IL PENNY Via Trento, 23 - tel. 0461 585251--------------------------------------------------------- seats 200/pizz./rest. [email protected] LA LANTERNA Via Bortolon, 9 - tel. 0461 585761----------------------------------------------------------seats 85/pizz./rest. [email protected] Pier Via Le Val, 4 – tel. 0461 585784---------------------------------------------------------------------- restaurant Regent’s Via Paganella, 37 – tel. 0461 585922---------------------------------------------------------------- restaurant Molveno ANTICA BOSNIA Via Paganella, 7 - tel. 0461 586123----------------------------------------------------- seats 60/restaurant BUCANEVE Via Garibaldi, 50 - tel. 0461 586464------------------------------------------------------------- seats 55/rest. [email protected] CIAO Via Nazionale, 22 - tel. 0461 586336---------------------------------------------------- seats 120/pizz./rest. EL FILO’ Piazza Scuole, 5 - tel. 0461 586151-------------------------------------------------------------- seats 50/rest. [email protected] LA BOTTE Via Cima Tosa, 4 - 0461 586948---------------------------------------------------------------- seats 150/pizz. [email protected] LA DISPENSA Via Nazionale, 4 - Tel. 0461 586965 ---------------------------------------------------------- seats 30/ rest. PIZZICO Via Lungolago, 19- 0461 587120-----------------------------------------------------------------seats 60/pizz. Fai della Paganella AL PLAZ Strada delle Palù, 11 - Tel. 0461 583295 - [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------- seats 40/rest. AGOSTINI Via Piazza I. Unita, 16 - 0461 583301----------------------------------------seats 100/pizz./rest./spaghett. [email protected] AL SOLE Via Cesare Battisti, 15 - 0461 581065 - [email protected] -------------------------------------------------- seats 130/rest. 38 ARCOBALENO Via Cesare Battisti, 45 - 0461 583306 - [email protected] --------------------------------------- -seats 150/rest. IL FILO D’ERBA AGRITURISMO Via Alle Late, 18 - mob. 335 7788048 – seats 54/restaurant KELLER Via Trento, 13 - 0461 583217---------------------------------------------------------------seats 95/pizz./rest. CAVEDAGO AGRITUR ALPINO Via Alla Croce, 9 - 0461 654298------------------------------------------------------------------ seats 20/rest. Farm house ALLA TANA DELL’ERMELLINO Loc. Priori – cell. 348 2105689 – 349 7708997--------------------------------------------------- restaurant. Lunch, dinner and snacks with Trentino’s dishes. Spormaggiore Alt Spaur Via Trento, 3-tel. 0461 641008--------------------------------------------------------- seats 100/pizz./rest. BELFORT Loc. Belfort – tel. 0461 653110----------------------------------------------------------- seats 100/restaurant ALLA ROSA - Trattoria Via Fontanele – tel. 0461 653121--------------------------------------- seats 70/restaurant /torta di patate Note: Most hotels in the area offer restaurant service! SAUNA - TURKISH BATH Many hotels and residences are equipped with these services. Check the hotel price-list for information or see “Beauty & Care Centres” pag. 11 SHOPPING Consult local tourist offices for opening times! BAKERS (SALES) ANDALO Panificio Doper ------------------------------------ Via Bortolon, 12/a ------------- tel. 0461 585921 bread, pastries BEAUTY SHOPS - MASSAGES - SOLARIUMS ANDALO AcquaIN Beauty--------------------------------------- Viale del Parco---------------- tel. 0461 589850 Beauty treatments and massages. Opening time: see “AcquaIN” pag. 11 AcquaIN Solarium----------------------------------- Viale del Parco---------------- tel. 0461 589850 solatium UVA body and face high pressure. Opening times: see “AcquaIN” pag. 11 Estetica Butterfly ---------------------------------- Piazza Dolomiti, 5-------------- tel. 0461 585573 beauty shop, massages, U.V.A. MOLVENO 39 Bellavita Beauty Center c/o Hotel Belvedere****---- Via Nazionale, 9--------------- tel. 0461 586933 massagges, beauty treatments, solarium body FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Centro Benessere Paradise Club Center c/o Hotel Belvedere***------------------------- Viale Risorgimento, 1------------ tel. 0461 581206 tel. 0461 583185 [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------- fax 0461 583002 solarium U.V.A. high/low pressure, beauty farm with “Nuvola and Rasul”, body and facial treatments (hay, mud, chocolate, honey and apples, wildberries, sea water, …), depilation, manicure, pedicure, beauty and relaxed massages. WELLNESS CENTRE AL SOLE HOTEL BEAUTY & VITAL ****------------- Via Cesare Battisti, 11-----------Tel. 0461 581446 [email protected] - www. Spa center with over 1500 mq with infrared saunas, turkish bath, Finnish sauna, sanarium, indoor pool, whirlpool with external connection, relaxation area and beauty salon for beauty treatments and massages BUTCHERS SPORMAGGIORE Famiglia Cooperativa -------------------------------Piazza Fiera, 2---------------- tel. 0461 653122 butcher’s Supermercato Conad ----------------------------- Via San Vigilio, 6-------------- tel. 0461 653118 butcher’s, prepared foods CERAMICS - CHINA andalo Regalo Più---------------------------------------------- Via P. Lambin, 13-------------- tel. 0461 585925 ceramics, authorised THUN SPORMAGGIORE Elettro Casalinghi Zeni------------------------------Via Trento, 8----------------- tel. 0461 653095 pottery articles, clay dolls, amphforas CLOTHING - SPORTS ARTICLES Andalo Bottamedi Sport---------------------------------------Viale Trento, 7---------------- tel. 0461 589003 [email protected] sports equipment and clothes, footwear Danilo Sport ---------------------------------------- Piazza Centrale, 7-------------- tel. 0461 585036 sports items and clothing COMPUTER SERVICING AND ELECTRONIC REPAIRS FAI DELLA PAGANELLA s.n.c.------------------ Piazza Italia Unita, 1------------ tel. 0461 581045 fax 0461 581382 software, web solutions, internet DRY CLEANERS - LAUNDERETTES ANDALO Al Brenz --------------------------------------------------Via Perli, 26/b----------------cell. 340 9657433 self service laundrette Lavasecco Osti ----------------------------------------Via Strigole, 2---------------- tel. 0461 585721 dry cleaning, launderette 44 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES - TVS - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ANDALO Elettrodomestici Osti Antonio------------------ Via Perli, 13------------------ tel. 0461 585789 electrical materials, TVs, household items, TV and washing machine rental, appliances, watches Malferrari Elettrodomestici---------------------- Via Clamer, 3 ---------------- tel. 0461 585730 appliances, TVs, household items, TV and washing machine rentals MOLVENO Punto Casa-------------------------------------------------- Via Roma, 19----------------- tel. 0461 586021 household items, appliances, electrical materials, TV rental, gift items, tablecloths SPORMAGGIORE Elettro Casalinghi Zeni------------------------------Via Trento, 8----------------- tel. 0461 653095 household items, electrical materials, radio and TV, chandeliers FAX - COPY CENTRES ANDALO Foto Studio 3--------------------------------------Piazzale Paganella, 7------------ tel. 0461 585691 copy service Post Office ------------------------------------------- Via F. Tenaglia, 7--------------- tel. 0461 585831 fax service (office hours) MOLVENO Post Office ------------------------------------------ Piazza Marconi, 1-------------- tel. 0461 586914 fax service (office hours) Town Hall -------------------------------------------- Piazza Marconi, 1-------------- tel. 0461 586936 copy service FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Post Office ---------------------------------------------- Via Villa, 27----------------- tel. 0461 583119 fax service (office hours) CAVEDAGO Post Office----------------------------------------- Piazza San Lorenzo, 3------------ tel. 0461 654220 fax service (office hours) SPORMAGGIORE Post Office ---------------------------------------------Piazza Fiera, 1---------------- tel. 0461 653124 fax service (office hours) Town Hall -----------------------------------------------Piazza Fiera, 1---------------- tel. 0461 653555 fax service (office hours) FLORISTS SPORMAGGIORE Supermercato Conad ----------------------------- Via San Vigilio, 6-------------- tel. 0461 653118 retail plants and flowers GROCERIES ANDALO Apicoltura Castel Belfort un dolce segreto----------------------------------- Via Crosare, 3---------------- tel. 0461 585807 honey pots 45 Bottega delle Bontà--------------------------------- Via Fovo, 1/a ---------------- tel. 0461 585437 mobile 335 5372123 cured meats, cheeses, Trentino’s specialties El Volt -------------------------------------------------- Piazza Centrale, 3-------------- tel. 0461 585841 Trentino’s specialities - [email protected] IL MASO DELLO SPECK TITO SPECK --------------- Piazza Centrale, 6 ------------- tel. 0461 585756 Speck, typical Trentino products. La Bottega del Formaggio -------------------------- Via Perli ------------------- tel. 0461 585420 – [email protected] - cheeses, Trentino’s specialties MOLVENO Central Market Conad---------------------------- Via Paganella, 1--------------- tel. 0461 586917 groceries La Bottega delle Specialità------------------------ Via Roma, 15----------------- tel. 0461 586999 bread, wine shop, specialty foods ORTOFRUTTA LE TRE SORELLE---------------------------Loc. Novic ----------------- tel. 0461 585640 fruit and vegetables FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Conad ------------------------------------------------ Piazza Trentina, 88 -------tel. 0461 581425/581060 groceries Endrizzi Mirko --------------------------------------Via Carmelo, 12/A ------------ tel. 340 2285316 milk slot machine Enrifior Minimarket------------------------------- Piazza S. Rocco, 3-------------- tel. 0461 583115 wine shop, confectioner’s Perlot Paolo -----------------------------------------Via Garibaldi, 13 ------------- tel. 340 0765104 [email protected] – vegetables Piccola Bottega del Miele -----------------------Via ai Dossi, 22 -------------- tel. 348 4975501 [email protected] SPORMAGGIORE Apicoltura Castel Belfort---------------------Loc. Castel Belfort, 1------------ tel. 0461 653168 honey pots, propolis, royal gelly, sweets, candles, honey vinegar, fruit tea infusion, honey liqueurs Famiglia Cooperativa--------------------------------Piazza Fiera, 2---------------- tel. 0461 653122 groceries and butcher’s Supermercato Conad----------------------------- Via San Vigilio, 6-------------- tel. 0461 653118 groceries and butcher’s HERBALISTS ANDALO ERBORISTERIA L’ERBAMICA by Andreatti Paola since 1988Viale Trento, 15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------tel.335.5286360 Herb and fruit tea infusion, herbalist products, food integrator, essential oils, nature cosmetics for body, face hair care FARMACIA DELLE DOLOMITI, dott.ssa Sandra Bossini -Via P. Lambin, 27/a------- tel. 0461 585201 natural health and beauty products---------------------------------------------------------- tel./fax 0461 589473 MOLVENO Farmacia - Omeopatia Dott.ssa Margonari ---------------------------- Piazza Marconi, 27/b------------ tel. 0461 586971 natural health and beauty products 46 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Farmacia Dott.ssa Catanzaro----------------------------------- Via Villa, 27--------------- tel./fax 0461 583341 natural health and beauty products IRONMONGERS ANDALO Ferramenta e Colori di Zeni Gian Piero & C. s.n.c.---------------------------Via Pradel, 7--------------- tel./fax 0461 585525 [email protected] hardware, electrical materials, key duplications molveno Punto Casa --------------------------------------------- Via Roma, 21----------------- tel. 0461 586021 household items, appliances, electrical materials, TV rental SPORMAGGIORE Supermercato Conad ----------------------------- Via San Vigilio, 6-------------- tel. 0461 653118 hardware PHOTOGRAPHERS ANDALO Foto Hollywood ---------------------------------- Via Paganella, 2--------------- tel. 0461 589050 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mobile 338 3278040 photographer items, photographic developing & printing in 45 minutes (Photo express service), sunglasses, digital photos) FOTO STUDIO 3-------------------------------------- Piazzale Paganella 7------------- tel. 0461 585691 photografer items, developing & printing PREPARED FOODS (FOR TAKE-AWAY) - FRESH PASTA - GASTRONOMY SPORMAGGIORE Supermercato Conad ----------------------------- Via San Vigilio, 6-------------- tel. 0461 653118 prepared dishes SERVICES, MISCELLANEOUS ANDALO Global Clean di Schepis Francesco---------- Via Pegorar, 29-------------- tel./fax 0461 589137 cleaning services----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mobile 348 0456751 SHOESHOPS ANDALO Bottamedi Calzature---------------------------------Viale Trento, 3---------------- tel. 0461 585716 [email protected] footwear, leather goods MOLVENO Zeni Calzature ------------------------------------------Via Roma, 4----------------- tel. 0461 586133 footwear, leather goods SOUVENIRS - GIFT ITEMS - TOYS ANDALO Apicoltura Castel Belfort un dolce segreto------------------------------------ Via Crosare 3---------------- tel. 0461 585807 honey pots 47 CartoLERIA Papiro--------------------------------- Via Ponte Lambin, 11------------ tel. 0461 585354 gift items, toys Foto Hollywood ---------------------------------- Via Paganella, 1--------------- tel. 0461 589050 mobile 338 3278040 candles, wooden gift items El Volt -------------------------------------------------- Piazza Centrale, 3-------------- tel. 0461 585842 - [email protected] souvenirs LA BOTTEGA DEL FORMAGGIO - EL CIASEL ----------Via Perli, 4 ------------------ Tel. 0461 585420 - [email protected] Dairy products, Trentino’s products. Malferrari Elettrodomestici --------------------- Via Clamer, 3 ---------------- tel. 0461 585730 gift items, soaps, home items MOLVENO Luci sul Lago--------------------------------------------Via Roma, 2---------------tel./fax 0461 587103 candles, household items. FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Enrifior Minimarket ------------------------------- Piazza S. Rocco, 3-------------- tel. 0461 583115 souvenirs SPORMAGGIORE Apicoltura Castel Belfort --------------------Loc. Castel Belfort, 2------------ tel. 0461 653168 souvenirs, candles, grappa, gifts & honey pots Elettro Casalinghi Zeni -----------------------------Via Trento, 8----------------- tel. 0461 653095 souvenirs, wedding gift list, clay dolls, amphforas Supermercato Conad ----------------------------- Via San Vigilio, 6-------------- tel. 0461 653118 souvenirs, toys STATIONERY ANDALO CartoLERIA Papiro--------------------------------- Via Ponte Lambin, 11------------ tel. 0461 585354 stationer’s, gift items TOBACCONISTS -NEWSPAPERS FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Enrifior Minimarket ------------------------------- Piazza S. Rocco, 3-------------- tel. 0461 583115 newsstand, tobacco SPORMAGGIORE Supermercato Conad ----------------------------- Via San Vigilio, 6-------------- tel. 0461 653118 newsstand, tobacco TOYS Andalo CartoLERIA Papiro ---------------------------------Via Ponte Lambin,11------------ tel. 0461 585354 toys SPORMAGGIORE Supermercato Conad----------------------------- Via San Viglio, 6--------------- tel. 0461 653118 toys WINE - GRAPPA SHOPS 48 ANDALO El Volt -------------------------------------------------- Piazza Centrale, 3-------------- tel. 0461 585842 - [email protected] grappa, Trentino specialty products, wine FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Enrifior Minimarket------------------------------- Piazza S. Rocco, 3-------------- tel. 0461 583115 wine SPORMAGGIORE Apicoltura Castel Belfort --------------------Loc. Castel Belfort, 2------------ tel. 0461 653168 grappa SKI LIFTS There are 14 modern lifts which can take you up the Paganella. This is a great opportunity to admire the mountains from a different point of view. The panorama is wonderful, spanning from Lake Molveno to the plain, where you can see Trento, to the majestic Brenta peaks and even to Lake Garda (on the clearest days). There are many restaurants - snack bars, where you can savour typical Trentino dishes, stretch out in the sun and enjoy relaxing or having fun with friends. (see “Mountain Refuges”). The above lifts include two 8-person cablecar, 4 4-person chair lifts and 5 covered 4-person chair lifts, the other are 2 -person chair lifts. In all, the lifts have the carrying capacity of 27,000 people per hour. During the summer season there are lifts open in all 3 villages. You can reach the peak of the Paganella from Fai della Paganella and Andalo, and Refuge “Montanara” (in the Brenta Dolomite Group) from Molveno. Following is a list of the operating lifts with dates, times and costs for the summer of 2013. ASCENT FROM ANDALO ANDALO - SOCIETÀ 2001 S.p.A. Via Rindole, 3 - tel./fax 0461 585538 Prices -------------------------------------------------------Full ticket ------------------------Card two ways ANDALO - CIMA PAGANELLA----------------- Euro 14,00 --------------------- Euro 11,50 one way CIMA PAGANELLA - ANDALO ----------------- Euro 11,00 --------------------- Euro 9,00 two ways ANDALO - DOSS PELA’ ------------------------ Euro 12,00 ---------------------- Euro 9,50 one way ANDALO - DOSS PELA’ ------------------------- Euro 7,00 ---------------------- Euro 6,00 two ways ALBI - CIMA PAGANELLA ---------------------- Euro 7,00 ---------------------- Euro 6,00 one way ALBI - CIMA PAGANELLA ----------------------- Euro 4,00 ---------------------- Euro 3,00 Open: 15 June - 15 September 2013 Hours: 9.00 - 12.30 and 14.00 - 17.30 SPECIAL OFFER SUMMER 2013 Children up to 14 years old free Andalo - Doss Pela by MTB is free. ANDALO - Societa Valle Bianca S.p.A. Loc. Laghet, 3 - tel. 0461 585891 - fax 0461 589008 Prices -------------------------------------------------------Full ticket ------------------------Card two ways ANDALO - PRATI DI GAGGIA ---------------- Euro 6,00 ----------------------- Euro 5,00 one way ANDALO - PRATI DI GAGGIA ----------------- Euro 3,50 ---------------------- Euro 3,00 Mountain bike on the way ANDALO-PRATI DI GAGGIA----------------------------------- free-------------------------------- free 49 Open: 14 July - 01 September 2013 Hours: 8.30 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 17.30 SPECIAL OFFER SUMMER 2013 Children up to 14 years old free ASCENT FROM FAI DELLA PAGANELLA FAI DELLA PAGANELLA - Societa 2001 S.p.A Loc. Santel, 28 - tel. 0461 583292 Prices -------------------------------------------------------Full ticket ------------------------Card two ways SANTEL - CIMA PAGANELLA ----------------- Euro 14,00 ------------------- Euro 11,50 one way SANTEL - CIMA PAGANELLA ------------------ Euro 11,00 -------------------- Euro 9,00 two ways SANTEL - SELLETTA ---------------------------- Euro 12,00 --------------------- Euro 9,50 one way SANTEL - SELLETTA ------------------------------ Euro 7,00 ----------------------- Euro 6,00 two ways SANTEL - MERIZ --------------------------------- Euro 7,00 ---------------------- Euro 6,00 one way SANTEL - MERIZ --------------------------------- Euro 4,00 ---------------------- Euro 3,00 two ways SELLETTA - CIMA PAGANELLA ----------------- Euro 5,00 ----------------------- Euro 4,00 one way SELLETTA - CIMA PAGANELLA ------------------ Euro 3,00 ----------------------- Euro 2,50 Open: 20 July - 25 August 2013 Santel – Meritz:only in the week end from 04 May to 14 July and from 31 August to 15 September 2013 Hours: 9.00 - 12.30 and 14.00 - 17.30 SPECIAL OFFER SUMMER 2013 Children up to 14 years old free Opening and closing dates are subject to change. ASCENT FROM MOLVENO TO BRENTA GROUP MOLVENO - Funivie Molveno Pradel S.p.A. Via Lungolago, 27 - tel./fax 0461 586981 - [email protected] Prices -------------------------------------------------------- One Way---------------------- Two Ways MOLVENO - PRADEL --------------------------------------- Euro 6,20 ----------------------- Euro 9,50 PRADEL - CROZ DELL’ALTISSIMO ------------------------ Euro 4,20 ---------------------- Euro 6,00 MOLVENO - CROZ DELL’ALTISSIMO -------------------- Euro 9,20 ---------------------- Euro 13,00 Mountain Bike on the way Molveno - Pradel free Juniores up to 12 years old - 40% Seniores (born before 01.01.1953) - 10% Weekly ticken ---------------------------------------------- Euro 50,00 Season ticket ----------------------------------------------- Euro 100,00 opening time: 25.05 - 15.09.2013 from 25.05 to 28.06 and from 02.09 to 15.09 Molveno - Pradel : 8.30 - 12.45 and 14.00 - 17.45 Pradel - Croz: 8.45 – 12.30 and 14.00 - 17.30 from 29.06 to 01.09 Molveno - Pradel: 8.00 - 18.45 Pradel - Croz: 8.15 - 18.30 Discounts: Tourists having holiday on Pradel Plateau - 50% CARD holders - 20% Organized groups 1 free every 25 purchased tickets Kids under 1,00 mt. heigth free if accompained by an adult purchasing a ticket 50 SUMMER EVENTS 2013 A list of Summer events is available at the Tourist Information Office (Azienda per il Turismo Dolomiti di Brenta Paganella) in Andalo, Molveno, Fai della Paganella, Cavedago and Spormaggiore SUMMER SPORT FACILITIES ARCHERY SPORMAGGIORE 1 field with some targets - located at different distances, max. 50m - near castle Belfort Information and booking: Compagnia Arcieri Valli di Non e Sole - tel. 0461 653391 - 348 7748434 [email protected] BASKETBALL - VOLLEYBALL MOLVENO 1 cement volleyball and basketball court - “Lido” area. Free use. S.I.T.M. - Tel. 0461 586015 - Hours: 9.00-19.00; 20.30-23.30. Booking required for exclusive use. ADMISSION PRICES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ F U L L P R I C E MOLVENO CARD 1 hour-------------------------------------------------------- Euro 25,00 --------------------- Euro 12,50 1 parquet volleyball - basketball court at the Sports Complex. For bookings and prices please call the S.I.T.M. Administrative Office by the Molveno campsite. tel. 0461 586978 - fax 0461 586330 - BEACH VOLLEYBALL ANDALO 1 court at the sport centre - tel. 0461 585776 - MOLVENO 1 court on the beach. No lighting - tel. 0461 586015 - Booking required for exclusive use. ADMISSION PRICES---------------------------------------- FULL PRICE------------------ MOLVENO CARD 1 hour-------------------------------------------------------- Euro 25,00 --------------------- Euro 12,50 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA 1 court at Loc. Capannina Info: Consorzio F.A.I. Vacanze - tel. 0461 583561 - mob. 331 4173245 - Free of charge BOAT RENTAL LAKE MOLVENO Motor-boat at the harbour - Tel. 0461 586015 - Low Season (01.05 - 30.06 and 1.09 - 31.10) 1/2 hour - Euro 13,00-------------------------------- 1 hour - Euro 21,00 High Season 1/2 hour - Euro 17,00----------------- 1 hour - Euro 26,00 Row boat and pedal boat rental by the harbour Low Season (01.05 - 30.06 and 1.09 - 31.10) --------------------------------------------- Full price ----------Molveno Card -------OHTER CardS 1 h ------------------------------------------Euro 8,00 ----------------Euro 4,00 --------------- Euro 6,00 additional time up to 30 minutes ------Euro 4,00 ----------------Euro 2,00 -------------------- / High Season 51 1 h ----------------------------------------- Euro 10,00 ----------------Euro 5,00 --------------- Euro 8,00 additional time up to 30 minutes------ Euro 5,00----------------Euro 2,50 -------------------- / Boat berth: --------------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ----------MOLVENO CARD day pass---------------------------------- Euro 5,00 ---------------Euro 3,50 monthly ---------------------------------- Euro 90,00 ----------------------/ season charge--------------------------- Euro 180,00 ----------------------/ BOWLS ANDALO Info: Mob. 320 0792543 - fax 0461 585342 - Open every day 8.00 – 19.00 Summer 2013: two new indoor courts. ADMISSION PRICES: -------------------------------------- FULL PRICE -------------------ANDALO CARD 4 synthetic courts 1 hour (day)---------------------------- Euro 12,00 --------------------- Euro 8,00 MOLVENO 2 indoor red clay courts Booking at the swimming-pool or at boat rental at the harbour - Tel. 0461 586015 - Opening time: 9.00 - 19.00 and 20.30 - 23.30 ADMISSION PRICES: ---------------------------------------FULL PRICE--------------------- MOLVENO CARD 1 hour --------------------------------------------------------- Euro 8,00 ----------------------- Euro 4,00 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA 2 indoor courts by the Sports Complex, Via Belvedere For booking: Consorzio F.A.I. Vacanze - tel. 0461 583561 - mobile 331 4173245 - ---------------------------------------------------------------- FULL PRICE -------------------- happy CARD ----------------------------------------------------------------- Euro 8,00 ----------------------- Euro 4,00 CAVEDAGO 1 red clay court in Piazza San Lorenzo Info: Tourist information office (Pro Loco/Associazione Tempo Libero Vacanze) - tel. 0461 654277 CANYONING On Lake Garda - for organized outings and information call: 0461 585655 or 338 6164063 (Tina) CANOE MOLVENO canoe hire c/o by the harbour - Tel. 0461 586015 - Opening time: 9.00 - 18.00 ADMISSION PRICES ---------------------------------------FULL PRICE --------------------- MOLVENO CARD single canoe - 1 hour -------------------------------------- Euro 8,00 ---------------------- Euro 6,00 double canoe - 1 hour ------------------------------------ Euro 10,00 ---------------------- Euro 7,00 CLIMBING WALLS ANDALO at the Sport Centre. Climbing Info: Dedicated climbing wall in an outdoor education centre, 13 meters high feature wall with 10 routes from grade 5-7. The climbing wall can be used only with the assistance of an alpine guide. Courses organised by the Alpine Guides. Opening times: 01.07 - 10.09.2013 Monday to Saturday from 16.00 to 19.00. Ful ticket: Euro 7,00; discounted ticket: Euro 5,00. More info: Alpine Guides. MOLVENO 52 Location: Loc. Ischia - a few minutes from the village centre. Climbing Info: this natural climbing wall has been recently refurbished and equipped with 50 routes from grade 3-8. For further details, please contact the Alpine Guide. Location: Lake Nembia (a few minutes from the parking lake Nembia). Climbing Info: small natural climbing wall 20 m high, 10 routes from grade 6b-7c.; a bouldering area. For further details, please contact the Alpine Guide. Location: Piazzetta Roma. Climbing Info: Dedicated climbing wall for young climbers (6metre). Summer opening times: open on Monday from 17.06 to 09.09.2013 on 21.00 o’clock. FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Location: into the Sports Complex Climbing Info: Indoor rock climbing wall, 6m height, 10 routes from grade 4-7. Climbers are advised to bring their own specialist equipment or with an Alpine Guide. For information and bookings: Consorzio F.A.I. Vacanze tel./fax 0461 583561 - mob. 331 4173245 - FULL TICKET HAPPY CARD HOLDERS Euro 20,00 Euro 15,00 CAVEDAGO Location: on the Santel Pass road. Climbing Info: natural climbing wall. It is equipped with 25 routes from grade 6a-8a and offers a wide range of graded climbs. A bouldering area. For further details, please contact the Alpine Guide. SPORMAGGIORE Location: a few metres from the ruins of Castle Belfort. Climbing Info: the 15m climbing wall called “i Sasedei” - is equipped with 10 routes from grade 5-6c. For further details, please contact the Alpine Guides. FISHING fishing areas: Lake Molveno, Lake Bior and the Massò Stream kinds of fish: trout, char, perch, carp, pike fishing licences (upon presentation of government licence): Fishing Office (Ufficio Pesca) Via Roma 6/a, Bar Cristallo, Bar Spiaggia, Tabacchi Tanel, Tabacchi Sartori, Bazar Dolomiti. Fishing supplies: Bazar Dolomiti Sport via Roma, 1 Info: Associazione Dilettanti Pesca Sportiva Molveno Office - Via Roma 6/a - tel. 0461 586166 or 339 3445750 Prices (Lake Molveno, stream Torrente Massò, Lake Bior) ADMISSION PROCES ------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ----------------- MOLVENO CARD Day pass------------------------------------------------------ Euro 10,00 ---------------------- Euro 8,50 Weekly ------------------------------------------------------- Euro 30,00 --------------------- Euro 26,00 Daily with boat ---------------------------------------------- Euro 13,00 --------------------- Euro 11,00 Weekly with boat ------------------------------------------- Euro 38,00 --------------------- Euro 32,00 Other prices and detailed regulations are available at the Fishing Office or where licenses are sold. FITNESS TRAILS ANDALO 1 course near the Sport Centre, equipped with 15 exercise stations - free use. FAI DELLA PAGANELLA 1 course in the woods. 3 km long with 21 exercise stations. By the “Capannina” - free use. SPORMAGGIORE 1 course in the woods - località “Fontanele”. 2 km long, equipped with 10 exercise stations - free use. 53 FIVE A SIDE FOOTBALL ANDALO Sports Centre - tel. 0461 585776 - fax 0461 585342 - 1 football pitch 28m x 15m in artificial turf . Lighted open every day. ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE------------------- ANDALO CARD 1 hour (day) ------------------------------------------------- Euro 31,00 -------------------- Euro 16,00 1 hour (night) ----------------------------------------------- Euro 42,00 --------------------- Euro 21,00 MOLVENO For bookings: S.I.T.M. Administrative Office by the Molveno campsite tel. 0461 586978 - fax 0461 586330 - 1 green-set field 57m x 30m at the football pitch. ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ----------------- MOLVENO CARD 1 hour (day) ------------------------------------------------- Euro 30,00 --------------------- Euro 15,00 1 hour (night) ----------------------------------------------- Euro 40,00 --------------------- Euro 20,00 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Sports Centre - Tel. 0461 583561 - mob. 331 4173245 - 1 football pitch ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE -------------------- HAPPY CARD With 1 dressing-room - 2 hours -------------------------- Euro 48,00 --------------------- Euro 40,00 1 five-a-side lighted football pitch at loc. Capannina - Tel. 0461 583561 - mob. 331 4173245 - Admission prices: free CAVEDAGO 1 cement football pitch in Piazza San Lorenzo Info: Tourist information office (Pro Loco/Associazione Tempo Libero Vacanze) - tel./fax 0461 654277 SPORMAGGIORE 1 green-set field Info and bookings: Town Hall - Spormaggiore - Piazza Fiera, 1 - tel. 0461 653555 - fax 0461 653566 FOOTBALL PITCHES ANDALO 1 lighted public football pitch - 95m x 60m in Viale del Parco. Facilities available: stands, athletics track, dressing room accommodation. Open every day. Bookings: A.G. - tel. 0461 585776 - fax 0461 585342 - ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE -------------------ANDALO CARD 2 hours (day) ----------------------------------------------- Euro 105,00 -------------------- Euro 63,00 2 hours (night) --------------------------------------------- Euro 135,00 -------------------- Euro 81,00 1/2 day for teams -----------------------------------------Euro 100,00 ------------------- Euro 60,00 MOLVENO 1 lighted public football pitch - 104m x 64m in Loc. Ischia Facilities available: stands, dressing room accommodation and a multi-purpose room. Bookings: S.I.T.M. administrative offi ce by the Molveno Campsite from 9.00 to 18.00 tel. 0461 586978 - fax 0461 586330 - ADMISSION PRICES FOR TEAMS ----------------------- FULL PRICE ----------------- MOLVENO CARD 2 hours - only for groups staying in Molveno ---------- Euro 80,00 --------------------- Euro 56,00 2 hours at night- only for groups staying in Molveno -Euro 110,00 -------------------- Euro 77,00 Additional hour --------------------------------------------- Euro 30,00 --------------------- Euro 21,00 CAVEDAGO 54 1 lighted public football pitch - 97m x 60m in Località Priori Facilities available: dressing room accommodation. Info and bookings: Town Hall - tel. 0461 654213 SPORMAGGIORE 1 lighted public football pitch - 100m x 50m Facilities available: stands, dressing room accommodation. Info and bookings: Town Hall - Spormaggiore - Piazza Fiera, 1 - tel. 0461 653555 - fax 0461 653566 GOLF The nearest golf courses are in: SARNONICO (alta Valle di Non) tel. 0463 832698 - fax 0463 839308 MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO: GOLF CLUB CAMPIGLIO Via Cima Tosa,15 - tel. 0465 441003 - fax 0465 440298 BOCENAGO: GOLF CLUB RENDENA Loc. Ischia 1 - tel. 0465 806049 - fax 0465 806368 FITNESS CENTER andalo BODY FIT FITNESS CENTER Tel. 346 3126270 Gabriele – Monday and Wednesday: 13.00 - 21.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10.00 - 12.00 and 15.00 - 21.00 Saturday: 14.30 - 18.30 full Prices-------------------- andalo card Adults-------------------------------------------------------- Euro 10,00-------------------- Euro 7,00 for every monthly entrance 1 free ticket for “Swimmingpools and wellness center” permitted access to more than 16 years FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Paradise Club Center Hotel Belvedere *** Viale Risorgimento, 2 - tel. 0461 581206/583185 - fax 0461 583002 - [email protected] 1 gym (130 sqm. size) at the cardio and isotonic fitness equipments. Open everyday (also on holidays) GYMNASIUMS andalo Palestra scuole - 1 lighted gym 25m x 16m, x 11m high at the school Facilities available: basketball and volleyball courts, dressing room accommodation. Open every day. Bookings: A.G. - tel. 0461 585776 - fax 0461 585342 - ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE -------------------ANDALO CARD half-day ------------------------------------------------------ Euro 62,00 --------------------- Euro 37,00 all day ------------------------------------------------------- Euro 100,00 -------------------- Euro 60,00 MOLVENO 1 gym at the Sports Complex Bookings: S.I.T.M. Administrative Office - Molveno Campsite from 9.00 to 18.00 tel. 0461 586978 - fax 0461 586330 - FAI DELLA PAGANELLA 1 gym at the Sports Complex Bookings and prices: Consorzio F.A.I. Vacanze - tel./fax 0461 583561 - mobile 331 4173245 ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE -------------------- HAPPY CARD with 1 dressing-room -------------------------------------- Euro 48,00 --------------------- Euro 40,00 - 2 hours 55 HORSE-RIDING: HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGE, RIDING SCHOOL RIDING CENTER ANDALO Via Priori, 16 - c/o Sports Centre - tel. 0461 585900 - mobile 347 0334004 or 335 6876792 [email protected] Open every day from 9.30 to 12.00 and from 15.30 to 19.00. Horse care. Children’s excursions with pony horse and carriage tours. Organized trips, Tour of the “Masi”, visit to the “Tana dell’Ermellino”. Andalo Card accepted. ADMISSION ---------------------------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ---------ANDALO CARD Horse-drawn carriage tour - 1 hour ------------------------------- Euro 15,00 ----------- Euro 12,00 Giro dei Masi with horse-drawn carriage - 20 minutes---------- Euro 9,00 ----------- Euro 7,00 Horse-back riding excursion or lesson - 50 minutes ------------ Euro 27,00 ----------- Euro 24,00 horse-back riding excursion or lesson - 25 minutes-------------- Euro 15,00------------ Euro 13,00 Pony tour for kids ----------------------------------------------------- Euro 9,00 ----------- Euro 7,00 ICE RACING KART Loc. Laghet - Andalo Tel. 392 7745159 ICE SKATING ANDALO Ice stadium 60m x 28m at the Sports Centre - tel. 0461 585776 - fax 0461 585342 - www.andalovacanze. com Facilities available: 2 changing rooms; skate hire Open every day: 16.30 - 19.00; 21.00 - 23.30; open daily. ADMISSION PRICES ------------------------------------------------- FULL PRICE --------- ANDALO CARD Admission with skate rental -----------------------------------------Euro 7,80 ---------- Euro 7,00 Admission only --------------------------------------------------------Euro 5,70 ---------- Euro 5,10 Admission kids with skate rental (up to 14 years)-----------------Euro 7,00 ---------- Euro 6,20 Admission kids --------------------------------------------------------Euro 5,10 ---------- Euro 4,60 10 admissions pass with skate rental -------adults --------------- Euro 57,00------------- Euro 51,00 ---------------------------------------------------children ------------ Euro 51,00 ---------- Euro 45,00 10 admissions pass without skate rental ---adults ---------------Euro 42,00 ---------- Euro 38,00 ---------------------------------------------------children -------------Euro 38,00 ---------- Euro 33,00 seasonal pass with skate rental --------------adults ---------------Euro 104,00 ---------- Euro 93,00 ---------------------------------------------------children -------------Euro 93,00 ---------- Euro 83,00 seasonal pass without skate rental ----------adults ---------------Euro 68,00 ---------- Euro 61,00 ---------------------------------------------------children -------------Euro 61,00 ---------- Euro 54,00 Rink rental for sport groups-1 hour -------------------------------- Euro 50,00 --------- Euro 45,00 Discounts: group of at least 20 people. Discounts not cumulative MINIGOLF ANDALO 1 minigolf 18 holes by the Sports Centre tel. 0461 585776 - fax 0461 585342 - Open every day 10.00 – 12.30 / 15.00 - 19.00 / 21.00 - 23.00 ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE -------------------ANDALO CARD 1 entry -------------------------------------------------------- Euro 6,00 ---------------------- Euro 3,60 MOLVENO 1 minigolf 18 holes - LIDO area - tel. 0461 586015 - Open 9.00 – 18.00; 20.30 – 23.30. 56 from 15th June to 15th September: open until 23.30 ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ----------------- MOLVENO CARD 1 entry -------------------------------------------------------- Euro 6,00 ----------------------- Euro 3,60 MOUNTAIN BIKE EXCURSIONS The mountain bike schools of the Paganella Plateau offer a rich program of excursions and mountain bike tours with qualified instructors. Program and information are at your disposal at the Dolomiti Paganella Tourist Board Offices. MOUNTAIN BIKE SCHOOL BRENTA PAGANELLA affiliate to SCUOLA ITALIANA MOUNTAIN BIKE Info: Tourist Information Offices Molveno - Piazza Marconi - Tel. 0461 586924 Andalo - Piazza Dolomiti - Tel. 0461 585836 Nicola - mob. 328 8294502 SCUOLA ITALIANA SCI DOLOMITI DI BRENTA Andalo - Via Paganella, 3/a - tel./fax 0461 585353 - [email protected] The school offers mountain bike excursions with qualified teachers along the most beautiful Paganella Plateau and Trentino itineraries. For the more difficult excursions we will use a taxi transfer. The school offers also three bike hires in Andalo, Molveno and Fai della Paganella. See pag. 26 MOUNTAIN BIKE HIRE See pag. 27 NORDIC WALKING ANDALO ACTIVITY Scuola Italiana Sci Dolomiti Di Brenta Via Paganella, 3/a - tel./fax 0461 585353 - - [email protected] The school organizes excursions and nordic walking courses (during three days) at a price of Euro 45,00. For information and timetable get in touch with the school. In cooperation with the Alpine Guides. ORIENTEERING ANDALO At the climbing wall at Sport Center starting point of three itineraries (short, middle and long). Info, activities and courses: Cristina Casatta - tel./fax 0461 658598 - - [email protected] FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Orienteering maps of the village and Mt. Fausior are available at the Tourist Information Office (Azienda per il Turismo Dolomiti di Brenta Paganella). PARASCENDING - HANG-GLIDING MOLVENO Vola Bass Club - - [email protected] Info: Diego, mob. 347 4769919 - Paolo mob. 347 4762196 There are 2 possible take offs for parascending: from 1080 m (DEFT) and 1400 m (TOVRE). The latter is accessible by chair lift. The hang-gliding take off area is located near Refuge Montanara. Thanks to weather conditions of this area, it’s the perfect place to practice flying. You can soar over the lake and village or reach heights over 2000 m. For those who want to experience the thrill of flying you can also try 2-seater parascending. For information and booking, please contact Stefano mob. 339 1669777. 57 PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS ANDALO at the sports centre tel. 0461 589850 - fax 0461 585342 - 25 m indoor swimming pool - 8 lanes - fun swimming pool with slides Timetable Summer 2013: 07.06 - 14.06 and 16.09 - 30.09: Monday to Friday from 15.00 to 22.00; Saturday and Sunday 10.00 - 20.00 15.06 - 28.06 and 02.09 - 15.09: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 22.00 and from 15.00 to 22.00; Saturday and Sunday 10.00 - 20.00 29.06 - 01.09: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 22.00; Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 20.00 ADMISSION ----------------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ------------------ANDALO CARD Adults ------------------------------------------------------- Euro 8,60 ------------------ Euro 4,30 Children (from 2 to 14 years)- --------------------------- Euro 5,00 ------------------- Euro 4,30 Groups (min. 20 people) ------adults -------------------- Euro 6,50 --------------------------/ ------------------------------------children------------------ Euro 4,50 --------------------------/ 10 admissions pass ------------adults -------------------- Euro 65,00 ---------------------------/ ------------------------------------children------------------ Euro 33,00 --------------------------/ 3 months pass-------------------adults-------------------- Euro 117,00----------------------------/ ------------------------------------children------------------ Euro 58,00----------------------------/ Lane rentals for swim teams: One lane for 2 hours -------------------------------------- Euro 33,00 -------------------- Euro 24,00 One lane for 1 hour --------------------------------------- Euro 20,00 -------------------- Euro 15,00 Season Charge available. Special terms for Trentino residents. Discounts not cumulative. Swimming lessons. AcquaIN wellness Center: see page 11 MOLVENO 1 outdoor heated Olympic swimming pool in the “LIDO” area (50 m x 25 m - depth from 1,20 to 1,80 m; water temperature: about 24°) 1 kids pool (20m x 15m - depth from 0 to 80 cm): 2 aero massage couches, 8 seats in hydro massage; 2 children’s slides and water plays for children: water umbrella, “clown” fountain, geyser. Info: tel. 0461 586015 - Facilities available: dressing room accommodation - shower facilities included, deck chairs and sun beds hire, table tennis, five-a-side football, video-games, fi rst aid service. Two life-guards constantly watch the pools. Opening: from 01.06 to 08.09.2013 - 9.00 - 18.00. ADMISSION PRICES ------------------------------------FULL PRICE --------- MOLVENO CARD ---------------- OTHER CARDS Adults-----------------------------Euro 8,00----------------- Euro 4,00------------------------ Euro 5,00 Children up to 14 --------------Euro 5,00----------------- Euro 2,50 ----------------------- Euro 3,00 Afternoon admission (after 14.00) adults-----------------------------Euro 5,00 ---------------- Euro 4,00-----------------------------children---------------------------Euro 2,50----------------- Euro 2,50-----------------------------10-admissions pass adults-----Euro 65,00 ---------------------/-----------------------------------/ 10-admissions pass children --Euro 40,00 ---------------------/ ----------------------------------/ Minic club weekly-admissions pass children (up to 14)--------------Euro 25,00--------------- Euro 18,00-----------------------------/ Season pass ---------------------Euro 100,00 -------------------/-----------------------------------/ Lane rentals for swim teams One lane for 2 hours ----------Euro 60,00--------------- Euro 42,00-----------------------------/ One lane for 4 hours ----------Euro 100,00 ------------ Euro 70,00 ----------------------------/ Deck chair rental ---------------Euro 2,00 ----------------------/-----------------------------------/ Sun bed rental ------------------Euro 3,00-----------------------/ ----------------------------------/ FAI DELLA PAGANELLA 58 59 Paradise Club Center - Hotel Belvedere*** Viale Risorgimento, 2 - tel. 0461 581206/583185 - fax 0461 583002 - [email protected] 1 indoor swimming-pool with games, grotta with waterfall, geyser, swimming against the jet stream, whirlpool. Pool depth: 1,40 m - swimming pool temperature: 30/31° - whirlpool temperature 33/34° ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE Adults --------------------------------------------------------- Euro 7,00 Children (2-12 years old) and over 60 ------------------- Euro 6,00 SEASON CHARGE AVAILABLE. Chair rental or sun bed and table tennis. Free of charge. We organize swimming lessons and aqua gym. Wellness Centre Al Sole Hotel Beauty & Vital**** Via Cesare Battisti, 15 - tel. 0461 581446 - [email protected] Indoor and outdoor swimming pool, 2 whirpools, children pool. Garden. Open daily 10.00 - 22.00 RAFTING On the Noce river - for organized outings and information call: 0461 585655 or 338 6164063 (Tina) CALDES RAFTING-IDROSPEED AVVENTURA E NATURA tel. 800541001 - DIMARO CENTRO SPORT FLUVIALI A.S. tel. 0463 973278/974332 - CUSIANO DI OSSANA CENTRO EURORAFTING-RAFTING E EMOTIONS tel. 0463 751201/333 6109810 - COMMEZZADURA EXTREME WAVES VAL DI SOLE tel. 0463 970808/335 7080539 - SPORTS COMPLEX MOLVENO - LOCALITÀ ISCHIA Available for training and matches, as well as for conventions and meetings (57m x 30m) Facilities available: volleyball, tennis court, five-a-side court and gymnastic equipment. Toilets, dressing rooms, bar. 200 seats available. Bookings and prices: S.I.T.M. Administrative Offi ce by the Molveno campsite from 9.00 to 18.00 tel. 0461 586978 - fax 0461 586330 - ADMISSION ------------------------------------------------ FULL PRICE ----------------- MOLVENO CARD 2 hours ----------------------------------------------------- Euro 120,00 -------------------- Euro 84,00 Daily rate for sport groups ------------------------------- Euro 360,00 ------------------- Euro 252,00 Daily rate not for sports groups ------------------------- Euro 480,00 ------------------- Euro 336,00 Use for more than 3 days -------------------------------------- 10% --------------------------- - 10 % FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Available for training and matches, as well as for conventions and meetings. Facilities available: 2 bowl courts, a gym, an indoor climbing wall, a congress room with 360 seats and a bar. Toilets/showers, dressing-rooms. Bookings and prices: Consorzio F.A.I. Vacanze - Tel. 0461 583561 - mobile 331 4173245 60 servizio sanitario TENNIS ANDALO 3 red clay courts, 2 courts in green-set, 1 artificial grass court at the Sports Centre - Mob. 320 0792543 - Open every day until 23.00. ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE -------------------ANDALO CARD 1 hour (day) artificial grass court ------------------------- Euro 10,00 ---------------------- Euro 6,00 1 hour (day) red clay court -------------------------------- Euro 12,00 ---------------------- Euro 8,00 1 hour (night)------------------------------------------ supplement Euro 4,00--------- supplement Euro 4,00 MOLVENO 3 red clay courts and 1 tartan court - lido area Bookings: at the swimming-pool from 9.00 to 18.00 tel. 0461 586015 - Opening times: 9.00 - 19.00 and 20.30 - 23.30 . off season (1.05 - 30.06, 1.09 - 31.10): ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ----------------- MOLVENO CARD open air - 1 hour ------------------------------------------- Euro 10,00 ---------------------- Euro 5,00 high season and public holidays (1.07 - 31.08): ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ----------------- MOLVENO CARD open air - 1 hour ------------------------------------------- Euro 12,00 ---------------------- Euro 6,00 Night: ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ----------------- MOLVENO CARD Open air - 1 hour ------------------------------------------ Euro 14,00 ---------------------- Euro 7,00 1 indoor tennis court c/o sport complex Info and bookings: S.I.T.M. office c/o campsite Molveno - Tel. 0461 586978 fax 0461 586330 - www. ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE ----------------- MOLVENO CARD indoor - 1 hour --------------------------------------------- Euro 20,00 --------------------- Euro 14,00 Possibility of tennis lessons for children and adults. FAI DELLA PAGANELLA 1 red clay court Info and prices: Consorzio F.A.I. Vacanze - tel. 0461 583561 - mob.331 4173245 - ADMISSION PRICES --------------------------------------- FULL PRICE--------------------- HAPPY CARD 1 hour (day) ------------------------------------------------- Euro 10,00 ---------------------- Euro 7,00 CAVEDAGO n. 1 cement court in Piazza San Lorenzo Info and bookings: Tourist Information Office (Pro Loco/Associazione Tempo Libero Vacanze) tel./fax 0461 654277 SPORMAGGIORE 1 artificial grass court Infoand bookings: Town Hall - Spormaggiore - Piazza Fiera, 1 tel. 0461 653555 - fax 0461 653566 STROLLER AND BABY CARRIER HIRE ANDALO Bottamedi Sport - Viale Trento, 7 - tel. 0461 589003 - [email protected] baby carrier hire 62 DANILO SPORT Piazza Centrale, 7 - Tel. 0461 585036 Baby carrier hire. SCUOLA ITALIANA SCI DOLOMITI DI BRENTA Via Paganella 3/a – tel. 0461 585353 the Hire-Shop Activity is opposite the ski lift Paganella 2001 MOLVENO SCUOLA ITALIANA SCI DOLOMITI DI BRENTA Casetta Activity near the tennis courts at the Molveno lake – tel 0461 585353 TAKEAWAY ANDALO “La Marenda” - Pizza al taglio - Via Perli, 26/a - cell. 340 9657433 MOLVENO Bar Pizzeria “Pizzico” - Via Lungolago, 19 - tel. 0461 587120 TAXI ANDALO Bottamedi Fabio (at the Bar Centrale) Piazza Centrale - tel. 0461 585810 - mobile 335 7596436 Ghezzi Lorenzo (by AGIP petrol station) Viale Trento,11 - tel. 0461 585990 - mobile 348 7014401 - [email protected] THEATRE SPORMAGGIORE Theatre at the Priest’ residence TOURIST “CARDS” In Andalo, Molveno, Fai della Paganella and Cavedago you can take advantage of free offers and discounts on specific services thanks to the “CARD” - a document created by the Tourist Boards and hotel and business owners of the area. Here are the details on what the visitors cards offer. ANDALO “ANDALO VACANZE” CARD - ANDALO VACANZE (A.V.) tel. 0461 585370 - [email protected] The “Andalo Vacanze” Card is a gift from associated hotels and residences to their guests. It offers discounts, entertainment, sports and shows, for a true holiday... just like you want! The Andalo Card is non-transferable and can only be used by the holder. AcquaIn Swimming pools centre --------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 4,30 Wellness Centre AcquaIN (sauna and swimming pool) ---------------------------------------------- less 10% AcquaIN Beauty Centre ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% AcquaIN Solarium ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Body Fit AcquaIN Gym ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 30% Tennis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 35% 63 Bowls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 30% Ice skating --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Minigolf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 40% Lake Tour by “mini-train” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 25% 5-a-side football (5 cards) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 50% Kidland ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 25% Tennis lessons----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Swimming lessons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Climbing wall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ reduced to Euro 5,00 Free-climbing lessons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Group hikes with Alpine Guides ------------------------------------------------------------------------ less 10% Admission to night entertainment ---------------------------------------------------------- discounted Ski - lifts Andalo – Cima Paganella (two way)-----------------------------------------------------reduced to Euro 11,50 Andalo – Cima Paganella (one way)----------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 9,00 Andalo – Doss Pelà (two way)------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 9,50 Andalo – Doss Pelà (one way)------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 6,00 Santel – Cima Paganella (two way)------------------------------------------------------reduced to Euro 11,50 Andalo – Prati di Gaggia (one way) ------------------------------------------------------ reduced to Euro 5,00 Molveno - Pradel - Croz dell’Altissimo --------------------------------------------------------------- less 20% Boat rental - Lake Molveno -------------------------------------------------------------- discount of Euro 2,00 Outdoor swimming-pool - Molveno ---- Adults --------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 5,00 Children ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ reduced to Euro 3,00 Forest Park - Pradel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 15% Equestrian Centre Andalo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Horse-drawn carriage tour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 20% Pony tours (10 minutes) -------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro7,00 Coach organized tours by Brenta Viaggi --------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Ice racing kart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 10,00 Castello del Buonconsiglio Admission -------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 5,00 Castle Beseno Admission ----------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 3,00 Castle Stenico Admission ----------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 3,00 Castle Thun Admission--------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 4,00 Single ticket for 4 sites---------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 8,00 Archeological site SAS-Trento ------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 1,50 Museo Retico of Sanzeno----------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 2,50 Pile-dwellings museum in Fiavè----------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 2,50 Brown Bear Area and Visitor Center-Spormaggiore - adults------------------------- reduced to Euro 7,00 --------------------------------------------------------- children ----------------------- reduced to Euro 6,00 Adamello Brenta ParcoCard-------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% Jeep taxi service to the refuge “Al Cacciatore” -------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Parascending with instructor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Shuttle-bus (Andalo-Molveno-Fai-Cavedago and Spormaggiore) day pass ----- reduced to Euro 2,00 Andalo Town Bus day pass ---------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 2,00 7-days - pass-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 7,00 Reserved Andalo Card Holders : Miniclub ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- free Water aerobics ---------------------------------------------------- free (swimming pool admission Euro 4,30) Muscular “wake up” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- free Children’s activities ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- free HOLDERS OF THE ANDALO CARD can take part in all of the activities organized by the team of entertainers during the day, and have special terms for organized competitions. WE CAN’T GUARANTEE THAT ALL FACILITIES WILL WORK. All guests who book in NON-ASSOCIATED accommodation can buy the Andalo Card at the entertainment office. Prices: 64 7 days -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Euro 32,00 15 days ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Euro 45,00 monthly ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Euro 70,00 season charge------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Euro 106,00 MOLVENO “MOLVENO CARD” - S.I.T.M. S.P.A. Molveno via Lungolago, 27 tel. 0461 586978 - fax 0461 586330 - | [email protected] In Molveno guests who book in one of the associated hotels, residences, apartments and campsite receive the “Club Fedeltà CARD” free of charge. The visitors card entitles you to numerous reductions, special offers, services and events promoted by the S.I.TM.S.p.A. All guests who book in NON-ASSOCIATED accommodation can buy the Card at the S.I.T.M. office. Prices: 7 days Euro 18,00 MOLVENO CARD DISCOUNTS: olympic swimming pool Molveno & swimming pool for kids------------------------------------------less 50% 7-days miniclub card (up to 14 years------------------------------------------------------------- less Euro 7,00 outdoor tennis (day and night-----------------------------------------------------------------------------less 50% indoor tennis c/o sport complex --------------------------------------------------------------------------less 30% minigolf-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 50% bowls----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 50% boats rental (except motor-boat---------------------------------------------------------------------------less 50% five - a -side - football pitch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 50% outdoor basket ball court reservation--------------------------------------------------------------------less 50% beach volley court reservation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------less 50% daily boat berth----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 30% single and double canoe hire-----------------------------------------------------------------------------less 30% football pitch for sport groups-----------------------------------------------------------------------------less 30% sports complex-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 30% admission to Forest Park - Pradel-------------------------------------------------------------------------less 15% Pradel chair lifts---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 20% fishing licences (daily and weekly licences---------------------------------------------------------------less 15% parascending Flyzone------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% tennis lessons------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% Taxi Jeep Signori Si Parte---------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket MTB Hire and MTB excursions with the Scuola Sci Dolomiti di Brenta------------------------------less 10% excursion on foot, mtb and canoe with Scuola Dolomiti di Brenta-----------------------------------less 10% Nordic Walking School-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% Racing Kart-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket ANDALO AcquaIN Swimming pool Centre (adults and children-----------------------------------------adults less 25% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- children less 10% AcquaIN Sauna, Beauty and Solarium-----------------------------------------------------------adults less 10% AcquaIN Sauna, Beauty and Solarium-------------------------------------------------------- children less 10% tennis courts (day and night-------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 35% minigolf-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 20% ice stadium---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% kidland--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 20% mini-train lake tour -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 20% Ski lifts soc. Paganella 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 20% Coach organised tours by Brenta Viaggi----------------------------------------------------------------less 10% Mini train excursion Molveno/Andalo------------------------------------------------------------------- less 10% Equestrian Centre Andalo----------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% Horse-back-riding excursion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% Horse-drawn carriage tour---------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% Pony tours (10 minutes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% 65 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Tours to the Fai della Paganella’s farms with taste ---------------------------------------------- reduced ticket Paganella Bike Park (hire, tours-------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket Tennis, bowls, 5-a-side football, climbing wall--------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket SPORMAGGIORE Brown bear area------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket Archery courses--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket COMANO SPA “Salus per Aquam” products------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced Massages and beuty treatments-------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket VALLE DI NON E VAL DI SOLE Canyon Rio Sass (Fondo---------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket Sporting Center Val di Sole Rafting, Hydrospeed Kayak, Canyoning, tarzaning, downhill--------less 10% X – Raft Caldes: Hydrospeed, Kayak See Ausflug, Canyoning, MTB Excursions-------------- discount 10% Extreme Waves--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket MUSEUMS & CASTLES Castello del Buonconsiglio------------------------------------------------------------------------Castle Beseno---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Castle Stenico---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Castle Thun------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MUSE - Museum of Natural Science (Trento----------------------------------------------------Botanic Garden (Viote------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pile Dwelling Museum (Ledro----------------------------------------------------------------------“G. Caproni” aircraft museum (Trento-----------------------------------------------------------MART Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto: Martrovereto-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Museum Casa Depero-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Museum of the Uses and Customs of the people of Trentino---------------------------------(San Michele all’Adige) Astronomic Observatory Rovereto ---------------------------------------------------------------Botanic Garden Brentonico------------------------------------------------------------------------Civic Museum Rovereto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Guided tour to Villa Romana in Isera, to the dinosaurus area and to Palazzo Pretorio (on booking----------------------------------- reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket reduced ticket FAI DELLA PAGANELLA “HAPPY CARD” - CONSORZIO F.A.I. VACANZE Tel. 0461 583561 - mob.331 4173245 - This summer promises a rich programme of entertainment and shows that will involve and amuse children, teenagers, and adults of all ages. Proposed activities and events are reserved exclusively for holders of the Happy Card. Getting one is very simple; all you have to do is ask the owners of the hotel or residence you are staying in. Use is absolutely free. Excursion Vivi la natura di Fai e il gusto dei sapori di montagna--------------------- reduced to Euro 3,50 Bowls (1 hour-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 4,00 Tennis or five - a - side football pitch c/o Loc. Capannina Open air - (1 hour-------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 7,00 PALASPORT (2 hours) Gym with dressing room------------------------------------------------------------------reduced to Euro 40,00 66 Indoor climbing wall + dressing room--------------------------------------------------reduced to Euro 15,00 Five - a – side indoor football pitch with dressing room------------------------------reduced to Euro 40,00 party hall------------------------------------------------------------------------------------reduced to Euro 15,00 SKI LIFTS – SANTEL Paganella 2001 – Santel – Cima Paganella (two ways ------------------------------reduced to Euro 11,50 Paganella 2001 – Santel – Cima Paganella (one way ------------------------------- reduced to Euro 9,00 Paganella 2001 – Santel – Selletta (two ways ----------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 9,50 Paganella 2001 – Santel – Selletta (one way ------------------------------------------ reduced to Euro 6,00 Paganella 2001 – Santel – Meritz (two ways ------------------------------------------ reduced to Euro 6,00 Paganella 2001 – Santel – Meritz (one way ------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 3,00 Paganella 2001 – Selletta – Cima Paganella (two ways ----------------------------- reduced to Euro 4,00 Paganella 2001 – Selletta – Cima Paganella (one way ------------------------------ reduced to Euro 2,50 MUSEUMS AND CASTLE Castello del Buonconsiglio--------------------------------------------------------------Castel Beseno-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Castel Stenico-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Castel Thun--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced to Euro 5,00 reduced to Euro 3,00 reduced to Euro 3,00 reduced to Euro 4,00 WELNESS CENTER Al Sole Hotel Beauty and Vital: Wellness center and swimmingpools--------------------------------less 10% Hotel Belvedere – Paradise Club Center wellness center----------------------------------------------less 10% Mieli d’autore ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 5% Supermarket Conad - hotels------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less 5% ---------------------------flats --------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% MOLVENO olympic swimming pool Molveno & swimming pool for kids------------------ adults reduced to Euro 5,00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- children reduced to Euro 3,00 indoor tennis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 30% boats rental (except motor-boat) 01.05 – 30.06 and 01.09 – 31.10 ---------------------------- Euro 6,00 boats rental (except motor-boat) 01.07 – 31.08 ------------------------ --------------------------- Euro 8,00 Pradel chair lifts---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 20% MTB Hire and MTB excursions with the Scuola Sci Dolomiti di Brenta------------------------------less 10% Nordic Walking School-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% fishing licences (daily and weekly licences---------------------------------------------------------------less 15% parascending Flyzone------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket tennis lessons------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------less 10% Taxi Jeep Signori Si Parte---------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket Racing Kart-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket SPORMAGGIORE Brown bear area------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket Archery courses--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduced ticket TOURIST ORGANIZATIONS The tourist organizations welcome the tourist of the Paganella Plateau. They put together hotels, residences, camping sites, apartments, b&b and farmhouse accommodations as well as shops, restaurants, bars, mountain refuges, ski schools, ski hires and ski lifts societies. CONSORZIO ANDALO VACANZE Piazzale Paganella, 4 – Tel. 0461 585370 – [email protected] 67 MOLVENO HOLIDAY S.C.A.R.L. Piazza Marconi, 3 – Tel. 0461 586086 – [email protected] CONSORZIO FAI VACANZE Via Villa, 21 – Tel. 0461 583561 – [email protected] ASSOCIAZIONE CAVEDAGO VACANZE Via del Tomas, 2 – Tel. 0461 654277 – [email protected] PARCO FAUNISTICO DI SPORMAGGIORE S.R.L. Piazza Fiera, 1 – Tel. 0461 653622 – [email protected] TOWN HALLS ANDALO Piazza Centrale, 1 - tel. 0461 585824 - fax 0461 585310 - Open to the public Monday to Wednesday: 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.; Thursday 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 a.m.; Friday 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.- 5.30 p.m. MOLVENO Piazza Marconi, 1 - tel. 0461 586936 - fax 0461 586968 - Open to the public Monday to Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Via Villa, 21 - tel. 0461 583122 - fax 0461 583407 - Open to the public Monday to Thursday: 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 a.m.; Friday 8.30 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. CAVEDAGO Piazza S. Lorenzo, 1 - tel. 0461 654213 - fax 0461 654373 - Open to the public Monday to Friday: 8.30 a.m. - 12.00 a.m; Thursday 8.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. SPORMAGGIORE Piazza Fiera, 1 - tel. 0461 653555 - fax 0461 653566 - Open to the public Monday to Thursday: 8.00 a.m. - 12.30 a.m. ; Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. TRAFFIC POLICE ANDALO at Town Hall - Piazza Centrale - tel. 0461 585824 MOLVENO at Town Hall - Piazza Marconi, 1 - tel. 0461 586936 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA at Town Hall - Via Villa - tel. 0461 583122 CAVEDAGO at Town Hall - Piazza S. Lorenzo, 1 - tel. 0461 654213 68 VICARAGES (PRIESTS’ RESIDENCES) & CATHOLIC MASS SCHEDULE ANDALO Parrocchia SS. Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia: don Giovanni Battista Zeni Piazza San Vito, 1 - tel. 0461 585816 MOLVENO Parrocchia San Carlo Borromeo: don Franco Zanon Via Paganella, 25 - tel. 0461 586904 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Parrocchia San Nicolò: don Augusto Angeli Via Garibaldi, 4 - tel. 0461 583162 CAVEDAGO Parrocchia S. Lorenzo: don Augusto Angeli (res. Spormaggiore) Piazza San Lorenzo - tel. 0461 653133 SPORMAGGIORE Parrocchia Natività di Maria: don Augusto Angeli Piazza della Chiesa, 9 - tel. 0461 653133 CATHOLIC MASS SCHEDULE ANDALO from 15.06 to 15.09 Weekdays----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.30, 18.30 Saturday---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.30, 18.30, 20.00 Sundays and holidays------------------------------------------------------------- 10.00, 11.00, 17.00, 18.30 MOLVENO from 22.03 and from 03.09 Weekdays-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.30 Saturday --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18.30 Sundays and holidays ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.30, 10.00, 18.30 from 23.06 to 02.09 Weekdays-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18.30 Saturday------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17.00, 18.30 Sundays and holidays--------------------------------------------------------------- 7.30, 10.00, 17.00, 18.30 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Weekdays -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18.30 Saturday---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18.30 Sundays and holidays--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.00, 18.00 CAVEDAGO Weekdays-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18.00 Saturday-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Sundays and holidays-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.00 SPORMAGGIORE Weekdays-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.00 Saturday---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20.00 Sundays and holidays-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.30 69 WEATHER FORECASTS The Tourist Information Offices (Azienda per il Turismo Dolomiti di Brenta Paganella) can provide daily weather information or there are various phone lines/web sites: Meteo Trentino (recorded message) tel. 0461 238939 Centro Meteorologico di Arabba tel. 0436 780007 - WINTER SKIING The Paganella massif offers 50 km of well-maintained ski trails for skiers of every level. There is always plenty of snow thanks to artificial snow production. The area is served by 14 ski lifts, which have a carrying capacity of 27,000 passengers per hour. There are also some easy-moderate cross-country ski trails. To organize a winter holiday on the Paganella plateau, ask for the “Winter holiday” brochure at the Tourist Information Offices (Azienda per Il Turismo Dolomiti di Brenta Paganella). Here you can find lift prices and descriptions, trail-names and lengths, and a map of the ski trails and lifts. Ski Area: Open every winter from the beginning of December until April. Lift opening times: 8.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. 50 km of slopes and 15 modern lifts. One ski-pass for all. 100% Snow guarantee 5 ski schools in Andalo, one in Fai della Paganella. They offer skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing lessons for groups or individuals, adults and children. skiing and snowboarding, cross-country skiing, snow-shoe adventures, winter hiking, skating, sledge rides winter facilities, transport, rental equipment, sport & leisure: swimming-pool, entertainment for kids and adults, après-ski, coach excursions, etc. For more information about ski-pass contact. CONSORZIO SKIPASS PAGANELLA DOLOMITI - [email protected] Info and Skipass: Piazzale Paganella, 4 tel. 0461 585588 - fax 0461 585324 OTHER SERVICES CARPENTRY FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Falegnameria Romeri Marcellino Via dell’Artigianato, 9 - tel./fax 0461 583036 CHARTERED ACCOUNTING FIRM ANDALO Darvin Bottamedi Via Cadin, 2/b – tel. 0461 585951 MOLVENO Studio Commerciale Gavazza Via Belvedere, 30 – Tel. 0461 586206 CONTRACT CLEANERS ANDALO Francesco Schepis Via Pegorar, 29 - tel. 0461 589137 70 CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES ANDALO BTZ snc Via Maso Toscana, 8 FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Endrizzi Paolo Via Molini, 3/2 – tel. 0461 583267 CAVEDAGO Viola Fabio Enzo Maso Canton, 54 CRAFTSMEN CAVEDAGO Zeni Luciano Via della Viola, 14 – Tel. 0461 654267 MOLVENO Carpenteria Spellini Mauro Via Rio Massò, 28 – tel. 338 1322841 ELECTRICIAN MOLVENO D.B. Impianti elettrici Via Lungolago, 50 – tel. 0461 586600 – fax 0461 586600 S.E. Bonetti Claudio Via Belvedere, 14 – tel. 0461 587417 FARMERS FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Endrizzi Mirco Via alle Late – cell. 340 2285316 FURNISHING/SHUTTERS MOLVENO Adiemme di Donini Antonio Via Belvedere, 28 – Tel. 0461 586608 Fax 0461 587558 cell. 335 8248663 ENGENEERING AND DESIGN OFFICES ANDALO Arch. Sandro Toscana Via Bortolon – tel. 0461 585387 MOLVENO Adriano Bonetti Piazza Scuole, 3 71 Ing. Luigi Nicolussi Via Nazionale, 10 – tel. 0461 587019 Adriano Sartori Via Bettega, 4 CAVEDAGO Studio Carli – Roncador Via Zeni, 9/a – tel. 0461 602531 Geom. Adriano Viola Via de la Viola, 10 – tel. 0461 654366 FREIGHT TRANSPORT ANDALO Danzio Pittigher Via Pegorar, 10 – tel. 0461 585630 INSURANCE OFFICES ANDALO Gruppo Itas Assicurazioni Via Crosare, 6 - Tel. 0461 585393 72 73 74 TUTTI I GIORNI DAL 29 GIUGNO AL 31 AGOSTO 2013 75 TUTTI I GIORNI DAL 8 AL 28 GIUGNO E DAL 1 AL 15 SETTEMBRE 2013 76 77 78 79 The Tourist Information Office Dolomiti di Brenta - Altopiano della Paganella would like to thank everyone who has cooperated. The Tourist Information Office in not responsible for variation in dates, events or prices, etc. as changes may have occurred after pubblication. 38010 Andalo (sede) - TN - I Piazza Dolomiti, 1 tel. +39 0461 585 836 - fax +39 0461 585 570 [email protected] Azienda per il Turismo Dolomiti di Brenta Paganella Andalo Lago di Molveno Fai della Paganella Cavedago Spormaggiore S.c.p.A [email protected] 38018 Molveno - TN - I Piazza Marconi, 5 tel. +39 0461 586 924 - fax +39 0461 586 221 [email protected] 38010 Fai della Paganella - TN - I Via Villa, 27 tel. +39 0461 583 130 - fax +39 0461 583 410 [email protected] 38010 Cavedago - TN - I Via Tomas, 2 tel./fax +39 0461 654 277 [email protected] 38010 Spormaggiore - TN - I Via Alt Spaur, 32 (Casa del Parco - Corte Franca) tel. +39 0461 653622 [email protected]
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