PRESIDENT`S LETTER - Beaverdale Neighborhood Association
Fall Issue Vol. 9, Issue 4 BNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: SEAN BAGNIEWSKI, 556-9111, [email protected] Beaverdale Neighborhood Association PRESIDENT’S LETTER VICE PRESIDENT: STEVE HAVEMANN, 205-7143, [email protected] Hi Neighbors, SECRETARY: ERIK RENO, 201-5661, [email protected] I think it’s safe to say that the 2014 Beaverdale Fall Festival was one of the best yet. Even though rain has delayed some of the construction on our Beaver Avenue Streetscape project, we carried on without missing a beat. Traffic patterns were changed, new concrete was blocked off, our neighbors walked around the construction equipment. Where some neighborhoods would have switched locations or changed dates, we embraced the construction zone and had fun with it. If that isn’t the can-do attitude of Beaverdale, I don’t know what is. As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, the Streetscape project will continue into 2015. Trees and flowers will be planted this fall and more will be planted next spring. We’ll also have some additional construction to look forward to in the business district beginning in early spring. The fundraising requirement from the neighborhood is $300,000 and the Streetscape committee is pretty close to hitting that number. That’s been no small undertaking. Along with Beaverdale, our city is making bold steps and gaining national attention. The National Journal recently declared that “ambitious minds are in the process of building a new Des Moines, a tech hub in Silicon Prairie, an artistic center in the Heartland, a destination for people who want to create something meaningful outside of the limits imposed by an oversaturated city like Chicago or New York.” Much of that work will be done with our new city manager, Scott Sanders. Scott is the former finance director for the city and has talked repeatedly TREASURER: SHEILA NAVIS, 468-0067, [email protected] EUGENE BUCKMILLER, 255-7185, [email protected] CECE IBSON, 577-4589, [email protected] MARLYN FREESE, 274-0707, [email protected] MIKE MCCARTHY, 277-6776, [email protected] WILL MORRIS, 321-5424, [email protected] MIKE TIEDENS, 554-0392, [email protected] KARINA WARD, 414-803-2394, [email protected] BNA BOARD MEETINGS BNA BOARD MEETINGS ARE NORMALLY HELD THE FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7 P.M. UPCOMING MEETINGS WILL BE HELD ON NOV. 6, DEC. 4, JAN. 8, AND FEB. 5 AT CALVIN COMMUNITY. PLEASE REFER TO WWW.BEAVERDALE.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION. BOARD MINUTES ARE PUBLISHED ON THE WEBSITE UPON BOARD APPROVAL. BNA MISSION THE BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION IS NEIGHBORS WORKING TOGETHER TO PROMOTE THE SOCIAL WELFARE OF THE BEAVERDALE AREA BY BRINGING ABOUT CIVIC BETTERMENT AND SOCIAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE COMMON GOOD AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. THE BNA IS A 501(C)(3) TAX-EXEMPT, NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION. YOUR MEMBERSHIP MAY BE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND COULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR A MATCHING GIFT FROM YOUR EMPLOYER. 2014 about his commitment to the neighborhoods in his new role. I’ve seen that firsthand at neighborhood meetings throughout the city, many where he’s staying until the last person leaves the room. He’s looking forward to meeting with Beaverdale residents and he’s happily agreed to present and answer questions at our February general meeting. I’ll be excited to be working with those “ambitious minds” as well in my new role as president of Des Moines Neighbors, the umbrella organization for the 56 neighborhood associations in the city. My election there in July has allowed me to talk with other neighborhoods throughout the city, coordinate on common issues, and sing the praises of the amazing things Beaverdale is doing. From policies on ride-sharing to the concentration of affordable housing, there are plenty of ongoing issues Des Moines Neighbors is tackling. It’s a privilege to be able to work on them from our Beaverdale perspective and now with a citywide perspective as well. Finally, I can’t wait to see you at the Holiday Boutique, the Beaverdale Shop Hop, and during our annual Holiday Lights Contest. The holidays always have a glow, but it always seems to be a little brighter in our neighborhood. If there’s ever anything your Beaverdale Neighborhood Association can do for you, don’t hesitate to let me know at president@ or 515-556-9111. Sean Bagniewski BNA President BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION THE SIDEWALK IS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY, FOUR TIMES A YEAR, BY BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 30175, DES MOINES, IOWA 50310 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: WWW.BEAVERDALE.ORG FIND US ON: Page 2 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Fall Issue Vol. 9, Issue 4 STREETSCAPE DAHL TRUST AWARDS $5000 STREETSCAPE GRANT! The BNA, BBC, and Streetscape Fundraising Committee would like to thank the W.T. and Edna M. Dahl Trust for its recent $5,000 grant award to the Beaver Avenue Streetscape project. Beaverdale has a long-standing history with the Dahl family. In 1948, Dahl’s Foods opened the first grocery store with an in-store bakery on Beaver Avenue, and that store still stands at Beaverdale’s southern border yet today. This donation from the Dahl Trust serves as an additional vote of confidence in Beaverdale, and their Board’s belief that our Streetscape project is worthwhile. Thanks to the W.T. and Edna M. Dahl Trust’s award, we have now secured over $295,000 of the neighborhood’s $300,000 fundraising obligation. Thank you so much! CONSTRUCTION UPDATE NEAR 50% COMPLETE! With the end of the Fall 2014 construction season in sight, many are curious about progress and next steps with the Beaver Avenue Streetscape project. While core goals were met for clean up and minimizing impact to the Fall Festival, the streetscape project is behind schedule. Primary impacts to schedule include unexpected underground utility issues in phase one and an abundance of rain during phases two and three. As of midOctober, the project is approaching the 50% completion mark with approximately one week of work remaining on phase three (east leg of Urbandale Avenue). Depending on Mother Nature, we have another four-six weeks of construction in 2014. To close out the season, work will focus on completing phase three, planting trees and perennials within phases 1-3, and utilities in phase four. The current plan for work in the business district (phase four) includes storm sewer crossings under Beaver Avenue and overhead utility line work by MidAmerican Energy. Business owners and residents can be assured that the street and sidewalk environment will be left in contiguous and safe conditions for the holiday shopping season and throughout winter months. Sidewalk pavement and amenities in the business district will be the focus of spring 2015, with a June completion goal. GRANT FAMILY PLEDGES ANOTHER $2500 IN MATCHING DONATION CHALLENGE! The Dahl Trust award is not our only exciting fundraising news. Beaverdale residents, Carl and Marcene Grant, have offered to match any Streetscape donations, dollar-for-dollar, up to $2,500. This donation is in addition to the generous $10,000 cash donation that the Grants gave to Streetscape last year. Assuming we raise $2,500 in new cash donations and/or site furnishing sponsorships yet this year, when coupled with the Grant’s matching donation, we will hit our $300,000 fundraising goal. Thank you, Carl and Marcene, for your continued support of Beaverdale. Those wishing to participate in the Grants’ challenge can complete and return the donation/site furnishing form on page 3. Let’s cross the fundraising finish line before the snow flies! SAVE UP TO 3,550 $ 0% INTEREST FOR 3 YEARS* With even bigger rebates, now’s the time to replace your old, inefficient unit with a new Carrier ® high-efficiency system. Ring the Bell 515-422-9860 *Offer ends November 15, 2014. Based on qualifying equipment. Available to single-family homeowners only. Subject to change or cancellation without notice. 2014 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page 3 Page 4 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Fall Issue Vol. 9, Issue 4 THERE'S STILL TIME TO APPLY FOR NEIGHBORHOOD FINANCE CORP. FORGIVABLE LOANS Beaverdale residents are eligible to utilize the NFC forgivable loans as long as the application is provided to NFC on or before December 31, 2014, and the applicant(s) are approved by NFC. NFC offices will be closed from 12:00 noon on December 24 through December 31, 2014, though applications will be accepted by mail during this period as long as they are postmarked no later than December 31, 2014. NFC is a non-profit mortgage lender that allows forgivable funds to be provided with each loan. NFC offers purchase, refinance and/or home improvement loans in our lending areas. The forgivable funds (up to $10,000 per property every 10 years) are used to improve or repair the homes. With NFC, you have to borrow money to get the free money. Once the NFC loan has closed, the home improvement projects may begin. The repairs/improvements are to be completed within 6 months. NFC will hold the funds for the rehab and pay the contractors directly. Payments to contractors are made twice a week, Tuesday and Friday after 4:00 pm. For additional information, please visit our website at or call 515-246-0010. NFC FORGIVABLE LOANS 10 KEY POINTS 1) There are no income limitations for the NFC program. 2) There are no home assessment value limitations for the NFC program. 3) There are loan limits of $175,000 on a first mortgage and $50,000 on a second mortgage behind the NFC first. 4) For Home Improvement loans, the portion of the rehab cost that is forgivable will range from 25% - 50%, depending on household income, up to a maximum of $10,000. 5) Beaverdale will only be eligible for NFC loan application until December 31, 2014. 6) In the Beaverdale Neighborhood only, NFC will consider applications from homeowners that have lived in their home for less than 1 year before December 31, 2014 if there are needed repairs. 7) The list of eligible home improvement projects is fairly extensive. 8) NFC does not finance sweat equity. 9) Work on your project cannot begin until the NFC loan has closed and disbursed. 10)The homeowner/borrower is responsible for selecting the contractor. Partial list of NFC-eligible projects: 2014 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association LAST CHANCE BEFORE PRICES INCREASE! Page BEAVERDALE SIGN ORDER FORM ORDER YOUR SIGNS NOW! If you've been thinking about purchasing one of these fabulous garden signs, the time to buy is NOW! Beginning Jan. 1st, 2015, each sign price will increase by $5.00. Don’t forget that Beaverdale Yard Signs also make great holiday gifts! Red and green “Beaverdale Christmas" signs are available this year. Make sure to order yours early before the holiday rush! You can purchase in-stock signs and/or place a special order by completing the order form (below) and dropping it off at Beaverdale Books. All special order signs must be pre-paid (check payable to BNA). *ALL SIGN PROCEEDS GO TO THE BNA* Thanks to Alice Meyer and staff at Beaverdale Books for their assistance in selling signs on behalf the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association! BEAVERDALE SIGNS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT BEAVERDALE BOOKS 2629 BEAVER AVE., STE 1 • 515-279-5400 HOURS: M-F 10AM - 8PM; SAT 10AM-5PM; SUN NOON-4PM *ALL SIGN PROCEEDS GO TO THE BNA* DATE: ___________________________________ NAME: _ _________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________ PHONE: _ ________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________ 2014 2015 Welcome to Beaverdale, 12" x 18" sign.......... $50....... still $50 SIGN OPTIONS Standard Yard Signs, 12" x 6" sign 37" pole.................................................. $25..............$30 54" pole.................................................. $30..............$35 Wording varies: Beaverdale, Beaverdale Neighbor, Beaverdale Brick, Beaverdale Garden, Beaverdale Home, and Beaverdale Native. LARGE SIGN 12" x 18" Special Order Yard Signs, 12" x 6" sign 37"pole................................................... $30..............$35 54" pole.................................................. $35..............$40 Wording and style varies, such as: Beaverdale Cyclones (red letters with yellow background), Beaverdale Lane, Beaverdale Beanery, etc. SIZE Welcome to Beaverdale ($50 ea.) --- STANDARD SIGN 12" x 6" SIZE 2014 PRICES ~ ($25) ($30) QTYTOTAL _____ _____ QTYTOTAL FOR 2015, ADD $5 EACH Beaverdale 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Garden 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Native 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Brick 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Home 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Neighbor 37" 54" _____ _____ SPECIAL ORDERS 12" x 6" (PRE-PAID ONLY) SIZE ($30) Beaverdale Christmas QTYTOTAL ($35) 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale _________________ 37" 54" _____ _____ _____ _____ Other Wording: _____________ __________________________ 37" 54” PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO ‘BNA’ SUBMIT YOUR ORDER AT BEAVERDALE BOOKS. [ ] Check [ ] Cash TOTAL AMOUNT$___________ Date Paid: _______________ Thank you for supporting the BNA! 5 Page 6 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Fall Issue Vol. 9, Issue 4 BARKS IN BEAVERDALE BY JEN HAVEMANN As the holidays approach, don’t forget your beloved pooch during the hustle and bustle of the season. There are many ways you can make the holiday season special for you and your canine companion! Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate everything you are grateful for. Show your pup your appreciation for his companionship by making him a little Fido Feast. Just remember, don’t go crazy if your dog has a very stable diet and is not used to table food. If you often give into temptation and your pooch is comfortable with some table scraps, offer them something special. My pups love a bit of cooked sweet potatoes, a small portion of cooked turkey and the pumpkin portion of pumpkin pie. Then you and your pooch can walk off dinner at the dog park! The Christmas season in Beaverdale is magical, and fun for the whole family. Visitors travel from around the metro to see the Neighborhood’s festive lights. One of my favorite holiday activities is to walk up to Grounds for Celebration, get a cup of joe, and walk the streets looking at Holiday Lights. The Ashby corridor is pretty from the car, but it is magnificent on foot. Be cautious of going at very busy times with your dog since traffic is so heavy. While on the Ashby Corridor, take advantage of the small forest behind Ashby park. Winter is a great time to let your pooch explore the woods’ trails as there aren’t many people brave enough to enjoy the snow! The Holiday Shop Hop (Saturday, Dec. 6th from 4:00-8:00), an annual Beaverdale tradition, is a great event to bring your furry friends to since dogs frequent many shops in Beaverdale. Bring your camera and stop at Farrell's Fitness at 6:50 p.m. for a photo of your pet with Santa! As you are shopping during the ‘Hop’, the shops may be too busy to bring your pup into, but dogs can easily be curbed outside. Backcountry, and a few other shops, will offer dog treats for the dogs! If your holiday season traditions include a trip away from Beaverdale to Jolly Holiday Lights, bring your pooch! Get them a pup-latte from a local coffee shop, and let them enjoy the ride. Jolly Holiday Lights always offers dog treats. End the season with a hound holiday stocking and your pup will truly appreciate it! Homemade dog toys from Pinterest always please! Don’t forget to capture the holiday season with your pup by getting a holiday photo taken during one of ARL’s Santa Paws Events or at Bass Pro shop. Both are dog friendly! Want to learn more about Beaverdale Dogs or see upcoming events? Join our Facebook Group, Beaverdale Dogs. 2014 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page A GROWING COMMUNITY MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN SCHOOL AND CHURCH SPECIAL CONTENT CONTRIBUTION BY SAMANTHA FETT, MARKETING DIRECTOR MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN SCHOOL AND CHURCH Mount Olive Lutheran School and Church has been an important part of the Beaverdale community since the late 1950’s. When the first school construction was done in 1961, it included a three classroom wing. In 2009, because of community support in Beaverdale and surrounding areas, the Mount Olive Congregation voted to build an estimated two million dollar school addition containing classrooms, a family life center, and new playground. Phase 1, the education wing of the school, was completed in 2011. The school now has 13 classrooms serving pre-school through eighth grade, including space for music and art. Within a five-year period, phase 2 will be completed and will bring a school gym and other facilities to meet the needs of the ever-growing school. Mount Olive is accredited by the state of Iowa and the National Lutheran School Association. The school prides its success on four important factors, including: a biblical world view, individual attention, academics and success after graduation. Along with the Christ-centered education, the school also offers a low student-to-teacher ratio, which allows innovative instruction; meeting needs of every student. Mount Olive students continue to test above the curve in standardized testing, making them better prepared for high school and college upon graduation,, and making their options more abundant in the future. With so many choices in education, Mount Olive understands that academics, sports, art and music are all important factors in a child’s education experience. Part of this successful formula includes children receiving forty five minutes, twice weekly, of music, band, art and physical education, and sport team opportunities including soccer, basketball and volleyball. Spanish is offered to all grade levels, and 7th and 8thh graders all receive a laptop computer to assist in their lessons. Current students, parents and alumni alike continue to support the school that continues to transform so many families and continues to spread God’s faithfulness. “Mount Olive Lutheran School has played an important role in my life. During my years at Mount Olive, all of the teachers, principals, pastors and staff were instrumental in providing me with a strong Christ-based background to help strengthen my faith and navigate me through life’s travels. Mount Olive prepared me academically and socially for the transition from grade school to high school, college, and ultimately the workforce. I developed life-long friendships that I still treasure to this day. Because of my experiences and the benefits from Mount Olive, my husband and I decided to give our children this same great education” – Carol Brown, Alumna/parent For more information visit, GroW WiTH US! Accredited by the state of Iowa & the National Lutheran School Association • Preschool through 8th Grade • A Christ Centered Education • Low Student/Teacher Ratio • Before/After School Care Programs • Band, Hand bells & Choir • Volleyball, Soccer & Basketball • Affordable tuition Cory Emily/Principal • [email protected] 5625 Franklin Avenue • Des Moines, IA 515-277-0247 • 7 Page 8 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Fall Issue Vol. 9, Issue 4 BNA QUARTERLY MEETING TUESDAY, NOV. 11TH Please join us for the next BNA quarterly members' meeting, where the new Neighborhood Finance Corp. Director, Stephanie Preusch, will talk about how to obtain an NFC loan. If you've procrastinated on submitting your application, now is your chance to join 310 other Beaverdale households who've obtained over $15.4 million in NFC loans (including $1.7mm in forgivable loans) to improve their homes. Come learn about this great program, before Beaverdale's NFC eligibility period expires on December 31, 2014. Riana LeJeune-Copeland from Repinned will also speak briefly about her business. Free Jersey Guys pizza will be provided to all in attendance. As always, regular Board reports and Committee updates will be shared. What: BNA Quarterly Meeting / Refreshments provided! Headline Speaker: Stephanie Preusch, Neighborhood Finance Corp. When: 7pm on Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 Where: Northwest Community Center, 5110 Franklin Ave., Des Moines BEAVERDALE HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE FRIDAY, NOV. 14TH 50th anniversary est. 1964 Are you looking for an alternative to traditional holiday shopping? Join us at the 37th Annual Beaverdale Holiday Boutique on November 14th and 15th. For the past 37 years, the PTO of Holy Trinity Catholic School has been hosting the Beaverdale Holiday Boutique. What started out as a craft show and bake sale to raise funds for the school, has now turned into one of the most anticipated holiday events in the area. More than 110 artisans from all over Iowa will be at this year’s boutique selling one-of-a kind artwork, jewelry, textiles, glassware and much more. Shoppers will enjoy a festive atmosphere filled with holiday music and décor, and the opportunity to buy unique and special gifts direct from the artists and makers themselves. In addition, a large assortment of sweet and savory treats, including butter braids, pies, candies, breads and cookies, will be available for purchase at Mrs. Kringle’s Bakery. Be sure to get there early as many of these items sell out quickly! On Friday evening, wine and appetizers will be available while you shop. On Saturday only, the Christmas Café will be open for hungry shoppers to relax and eat delicious soups, sandwiches and desserts. For more information, visit or follow Beaverdale Holiday Boutique on Facebook! What: 37th Annual Beaverdale Holiday Boutique Where: Holy Trinity Catholic School, 2926 Beaver Ave, Des Moines When: Friday, November 14, 6 – 8:30 p.m. Saturday, November 15, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Cost: $4 (includes a chance drawing for door prizes) 2014 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association WE’D LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES FOR THEIR MEMBERSHIP AND FOR SUPPORTING THE BNA! Page SHOP LOCAL AT BEAVERDALE BUSINESSES & PATRONIZE THE SIDEWALK ADVERTISERS Acanthus Lodge #632 Embrace Self Wellness Adam's Aquatics, Inc. Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping AIM Construction Co., Inc. First Church of the Open Bible Beaver Avenue Chiropractic Center Foot & Ankle Institute of Iowa Beaver Avenue Cleaners Generation Green Builders Lil' Brothers Construction Peterson Painting Beaverdale Confection Co. Green Family Flooring Lisa Acheson Yoga RE/MAX Real Estate Concepts Beaverdale Living Magazine Guys & Dolls Hair Care Medicap Pharmacy Sag Consulting LLC Beaverdale VFW Post #9127 Holtorf Photography Mercy Beaverdale Family Practice Snavely Family Dentistry Bell Brothers Heating & Air Conditioning Home Base DM LLC Snookie's Malt Shop Home Pest Care Meylor Chiropractic & Acupuncture, PC Blink Events Hy-Vee Food Store #1136 Midwest Financial State Farm Insurance Tim Ford Agency Calvin Community Iowa Realty - Rollie Bredeson Oakwood Builders Group The Music of Scott Davis Cooney's Tavern Iowa Realty - Jan Stehl Ocean Breeze Massage Trine Marketing Services Davis Insurance Koester Construction Co., Inc. O'Donnell Ace Hardware Westminster Presbyterian Church Edward Jones ~ Jim Talley Le Jardin PAT Brokerage Westside Appliance Parts and Service BEAVERDALE SHOP HOP SATURDAY, DEC. 6TH ’Tis the season to shop and dine LOCALLY!!! Join us at Beaverdale’s central business district for an evening of festive merriment as the Beaverdale Betterment Coalition (BBC) and the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association (BNA) present “Beaverdale’s Holiday Shop Hop.” Santa will arrive at Grounds for Celebration at 5:00 p.m., so be there to greet him! He and his elf will greet the children and will hand out gift bags until 6:15 p.m. and then will head over to Beaverdale Books to read a Christmas story to the children. Afterward, Santa will stroll over to Farrell's Fitness to hand out treats to our furry friends, so bring your camera for a memorable photo of your pet! Music will fill the air as carolers stroll the business corridor. BNA members can stop by Grounds for Celebration from 4 - 7 p.m. for a special gift. Anyone who signs up for a BNA membership that day can also receive a gift. Many Beaverdale businesses will have specials and will offer treats and beverages to all who stop by. Be sure to check the BNA web site for information on business promotions and other scheduled activities. ‘Tis the Season - Shop Local! mon - fri 10-8 saturday 10-5 sunday noon-4 convenience, community, customer service 2629 beaver avenue, suite one ~ 515.279.5400 9 Page 10 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association CALENDAR STORYBOOK TIME Every Thursday, 11:00 a.m. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | WRITER'S GROUP First Tuesday Every Month, 7:00 p.m. Join this group of writers to discuss writing, publishing, promoting and all the ins and outs of the book world. The group is led by local mystery author Jerry Hooten. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | BOOK BROWSERS CLUB Second Thursday Every Month, 7:00 p.m. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | SECOND SATURDAY BOOK CLUB Second Saturday Every Month, 11:00 a.m. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | MYSTERY BOOK CLUB Fourth Tuesday Every Month Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER SNEAK PREVIEW Saturday, Nov. 15, 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Enjoy the Des Moines Community Playhouse's performance and sign up to win free tickets to the play! Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | MEET THE AUTHOR: SINGER/AUTHOR CHAD ELLIOTT, “WILDERMAN’S TREETOP TALES” Saturday, Nov. 15, 2:00 p.m. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | CRAFTY READERS SPECIAL EVENT-FRECKLEFACE STRAWBERRY Tuesday, Nov. 18 4:00 p.m. Join us for a craft and a special preview by the Grandview Theatre Arts Department of Freckleface Strawberry, A children's musical based on the book by Julianne Moore. Good for the whole family! Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | FREE ADVICE FOR YOUR DEVICE CLASS Saturday, Nov. 22, 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 20, 12:30 p.m. Get the lowdown on your library's downloadables! Contact the library for details. Registration required. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | WESTMINSTER SENIOR HIGH TREE LOT Opens Friday, Nov. 28, 9-6 p.m. After that: Mon.-Fri. 5-8 p.m.; Sat. 9-6 p.m.; Sun. Noon-6 p.m. Westminster Presbyterian Church 274-1534 | MEET THE AUTHOR: MIYOKO HIKIJI, “ALL I COULD BE: MY STORY AS A WOMAN WARRIOR IN IRAQ” Saturday, Nov. 29, 10:00 a.m. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | GINGERBREAD HOUSE DECORATING Monday, Dec. 1, 6:30 p.m. Each family that registers will receive one house to decorate together. All materials are provided. Registration required. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | MARY POPPINS SNEAK PREVIEW Saturday, Dec. 6, 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Enjoy the Des Moines Community Playhouse's performance and sign up to win free tickets to the play! Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | MEET THE AUTHOR: DEBRA LANDWEHR ENGLE “THE ONLY LITTLE PRAYER YOU NEED,” Saturday, Dec. 6, 4:00 p.m. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | SONGS OF THE SEASON Tuesday, Dec. 9, 6:30 p.m. A holiday-themed concert presented by the Meredith Middle School Chorus. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | MEET THE AUTHOR: GERAL BLANCHARD, “ANCIENT ETHICS” Saturday, Dec. 13, 2:00 p.m. Beaverdale Books, 2629 Beaver Ave. 279-5400 | VIVALDI’S GLORIAS Sunday, Dec. 14, 10:00 a.m. Baroque master Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria RV 589 has achieved a type of super star status amongst western music. It has been heard in TV, film, commercials, and hundreds of performances around the globe. This year, we will present this legendary work with a twist. Not many know that this is Vivaldi’s second setting of the Gloria text. His first attempt, RV 588, known as Introduction and Gloria in D major, is just as fun, frenetic and fantastic as its better known sibling. Join us for a lecture on the history of both Fall Issue Vol. 9, Issue 4 works and the great artist who created them. Free admission and childcare available. Westminster Hall Westminster Presbyterian Church 274-1534 | FROZEN PROGRAM Tuesday, Dec. 23, 4:00 p.m. Activities and crafts based on the Disney movie Frozen. Costumes optional! Ages 3-10. Registration required. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES Wednesday, Dec. 24, 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Create a Christmas to remember with your family as we celebrate the meaning of Christmas with carols and candlelight! First Federated Church, 4801 Franklin Ave. 255-2122 | CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP Wednesday, Dec. 24, 9:00 p.m. Come early for a 15 minute carol sing with instruments, choir, bells and organ. As we settle in to mark this holy night, the Westminster Chorale will present a charming cantata Behold, a Branch is Growing. Based off of the hymn tune Es ist ein Ros entsprungen, which we know as Lo How a Rose e’er Blooming. Free admission and childcare available. Westminster Presbyterian Church 274-1534 | ANIMALS IN WINTER Monday, Dec. 29, 1:30 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. Polk County Conservation will be here to talk about the ways animals' bodies adapt to help them survive the winter. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | 2014 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association FIT FOR LIFE Tuesday, Jan. 13, 6:30 p.m. Kathy Strottmann, Program Director of the YMCA, will talk about the benefits of regular exercise for your overall health. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | INSPIRE 2015 HEALTH CONFERENCE, FAIR, AND CHALLENGE Friday, Jan. 16 and Saturday, Jan. 17 INSPIRE 2015 is a weekend of events designed to help you in your pursuit of a healthy, balanced life. Designed for 15 year olds through seniors. Speakers at the conference include Lolo Jones (summer and winter Olympian and Roosevelt HS Grad), Dr. Angela Franklin (President of Des Moines University) and Jimmy Pena (NY Times best-selling author and former celebrity trainer). First Federated Church, 4801 Franklin Ave. 255-2122 | THE MIRACLE WORKER SNEAK PREVIEW Saturday, Jan. 17, 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 p.m. Enjoy the Des Moines Community Playhouse's performance and sign up to win free tickets to the play! Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | Your Health! At Medicap Pharmacy all we do is health care. We invite you to come experience the winning personal service you & the whole family deserve! We Our Community! Medicap Pharmacy recently donated $525 to Holy Trinity School from flu shot clinics. Now Available: FLU SHOTS Walk-ins Welcome Covered by most Insurance Plans! 2804 Beaver Ave. • Des Moines • Call Us! 277-3702 Stop in today to experience the Medicap difference! Immunizations • No Long Waits • Diabetic Supplies & Shoes • And More! Welcoming New patients! 1750 48th St., Ste. 1 • (515) 271-6333 HoUrs oF oPerATioN: Monday – Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to Noon Providers Robert Callahan, M.D. Jeanne M. Giddings, D.O. Sudeep K. Gupta, D.O. Thomas Peacock, M.D. We Page Betsy Dettman, ARNP Mary Klemesrud, PA-C Margaret Vitiritto, D.O. Krista Webb, PA-C 11 Page 12 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 2014 ANOTHER GREAT EVENT! On August 8th, 250 or more Beaverdale residents participated in National Night Out (NNO). NNO is a countrywide event that grew out of the National Neighborhood Watch initiative. Studies show that neighborhoods can reduce local crime rates by regularly hosting public gatherings. Beaverdale hosts several events throughout the year to try and make the neighborhood visible and safe. Thanks to all who helped make our NNO event successful this year--whether by sponsoring entertainment, volunteering to work the event, or simply attending and enjoying the fun with your neighbors! If you have additional entertainment ideas or would like to help plan National Night Out in 2015, contact Sasha Kamper at: [email protected]. THE BNA WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL OF OUR NATIONAL NIGHT OUT SPONSORS & VOLUNTEERS! BNA MEMBERSHIP: FAIRY PRINCESS, CITY PERMIT, BARRICADES AND LOGISTICS CHEF'S KITCHEN: ISISERETTES DES MOINES FIRE DEPARTMENT: FIRE TRUCK AND FIRE-SAFETY/EMT CREWS DES MOINES POLICE DEPARTMENT: K-9/CHOPPER UNITS AND POLICE OFFICERS FARRELL'S U.S. MARTIAL ARTS & FITNESS (BEAVERDALE LOCATION): MARTIAL ARTS DEMONSTRATION AMANDA NAGLE, REALTOR FOR CENTURY 21: BOUNCE HOUSE JOHN NELSON, KORN PATCH KLOWNS: CLOWN SNOOKIE'S MALT SHOP: PONY RIDES & 50-CENT ICE CREAM CONES WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: POPCORN, WATER, AND BATHROOM FACILITIES VOLUNTEERS/EVENT HOSTS: SEAN BAGNIEWSKI & VIDHYA REDDY, FRANCIS BOGGUS, EUGENE BUCKMILLER, MARLYN FREESE & ROBERTA CONRADFREESE, BILL GRAY, MIKE & SASHA KAMPER, MIKE MCCARTHY, WILL MORRIS & TRACY FRENCH, AMANDA & DAVE NAGLE, PLAYER'S SPORTS BAR & GRILL, LORYSSA RIPPEY. Fall Issue Vol. 9, Issue 4 2014 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page FALL FESTIVAL 2014 A WONDERFUL WEEKEND! Friday evening when the Festival began, the streets filled up with parents and children, and soon it became the start of a wonderful weekend. We had fireworks for the last time, and they were spectacular! The carnival rides had lines waiting to ride them. When Saturday morning arrived, and the sky looked like it might rain on our parade, everyone was surprised when 10 o'clock came, and the clouds parted to show a brilliant sun. The community stage had great performers, the teen dance was fun, and the open mic was a huge success for its first year. The bands that played up and down the streets provided some of the best music ever! Mark your calendars for Sept. 18-19, 2015, when we do it all again! WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL OF OUR FALL FESTIVAL SPONSORS! BRONZE SPONSORS Le Jardin Cooney's Tavern Pat Brokerage Company Anonymous Medicap Pharmacy Dale's Wright Tire & Auto Service Saints and Beaver Tap Back Country Mote CPA Peterson Painting Des Moines West Side Chamber of Commerce West Bank Beal Development Corp. Beaver Avenue Cleaners Riordan Pet Hospital Beaverdale Books Snavely Family Dentistry Brien Family Snookie's Malt Shop Chicago Speakeasy Restaurant Tally's Restaurant Chuck's Restaurant The Back Room Collins Roofing The UPS Store Davis Insurance UpTempo Music Des Moines Pediatric and Adolescent Clinic VFW Post #9127 Donut Hut ViVi Nails & Spa Dr. David H. Hammans, Chiropractor Elaine Miller, Real Estate Agent Vision Clinic Vlassis, Tom & Sophie Edward Jones/Talley & Timmons First American Bank. First Church of the Open Bible First Federated Church Gabus Auto Group Good Sons Restaurant Green Family Flooring Hummel's Nissan Ibson Law Firm Iles Funeral Homes Iowa Dental Arts Iowa Realty Beaverdale Farrell's Martial Arts SILVER SPONSORSHIPS Koester Construction Co., Inc. Git-N-Go Store AIM Kitchen and Bath Metro Appliance Holy Trinity Catholic Church & School Beaverdale Confections Meylor Chiropractic & Acupuncture Hott off the Press Brittain & Sons Construction Midwest Financial Consultants, Inc. Jersey Guys Pizza Calvin Community O'Brien Auto Repair Jester Insurance Chef's Kitchen Oakwood Builders Group Westminster Presbyterian GOLD SPONSORSHIPS Adam's Aquatics Boesen The Florist Friends at O'Halloran Int'l HyVee on ML King Michael's Pizza O'Donnell Ace Hardware, Inc Vintage Park Cooperative PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP Angela Connolly for Supervisor GRANTS Benson Family Foundation Metro Waste Authority Polk County Community Betterment Grant 13 Page 14 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Fall Issue Vol. 9, Issue 4 FARMER'S MARKET WHAT A BOUNTIFUL SEASON! The Beaverdale Farmers Market wrapped up its third season on a mild fall evening in mid-September. The market board members look back with appreciation for the support and assistance received from numerous individuals and groups. We especially thank Boesen the Florist for the market site, our vendors, musicians and Le Jardin and Chef’s Kitchen staff for food demos. The Des Moines Police Department and Sayles Design again provided local services. Most of all, we thank the customers and Beaverdale neighbors who made it a successful season. Setting up an open air market each week requires hours of work from market staff and vendors. The market board and staff made more than $4,500 worth of improvements to the market site, including a new concrete driveway and retaining fence. A grant from the Polk County Foundation supported the physical improvements. We worked to improve parking, accessibility and security, and to provide activities for our young patrons. Visit us through the year on Facebook ( BeaverdaleFarmFest), where we keep up with neighborhood and food news. Visit our website,, for a link to photos on our Flickr site, including those from Kerri Photography, who visits the market every year. Neighbors and friends are welcome to contact us via email at [email protected]. Thank you again for another season to Plant the Seed! What our members have to say about the cooperative lifestyle As a resident in the Beaverdale neighborhood for 48 years we have served on the neighborhood association and many committees. When the opportunity arose, it was natural to become a member of Vintage Park Cooperative and remain in the neighborhood to continue to be a part of the Beaverdale Community. Vintage Park offers the most lifestyle opportunities at a reasonable cost and is a very good return on investment. ––Cork and Barbara Smalley Now is the best time to reserve your home - Over 70% Reserved Information Center: 3615 Beaver Avenue, Des Moines, IA. Contact Julie at: 515.279.1000. COOPERATIVE of Beaverdale 2014 Beaverdale Neighborhood Association BNA COMMITTEES Beautification – The Beautification Committee is responsible for coordinating annual flower plantings and assisting in the planting of memorial trees throughout the neighborhood. The Committee also directs neighborhood clean-up efforts with the city and helps ensure that neighborhood parks are regularly maintained. Contact Nancy Dunbar at 255-2671 or [email protected] for more information. Public Affairs – The Public Affairs Committee is responsible for hosting quarterly and annual neighborhood meetings. The Committee leads neighborhood improvement efforts and hosts forums for candidates for public office. The Committee also helps with Neighborhood Watch activities and researches funding opportunities for the neighborhood. For more information, contact Will Morris at 321-5424 or [email protected] or Sasha Kamper at [email protected] or 279-0410. Special Events – The Special Events Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating all events for the neighborhood association. This includes the Easter Egg Hunt, the Holiday Shop Hop, and the Holiday Lights Contest. The Committee also helps with Jazz in July and National Night Out. For more information, e-mail Sean Bagniewski at [email protected] or call 556-9111. IS YOUR MEMBERSHIP CURRENT? To save on costs, membership due notices are mailed out only when necessary; instead, reminder email notices are sent periodically. We rely on our members to renew their memberships when due. Please check the expiration date located BY YOUR NAME on the mailing address above. Example: EXPIRED with a date means you need to renew your dues. If “NOT A BNA MEMBER” shows on your label, please join to support the Association. Thank you to members who have recently renewed their memberships. Page BNA MEMBERSHIP Please review the address mailing label for your membership status. If current membership has expired or if you are not a member, please complete and mail in this form with payment. We also offer an on-line registration with payment via PayPal for all memberships. To access, PayPal go to For membership questions, please contact Cindy Smith at 279-4600 or [email protected]. New Member R enewal NAME STREET CITY, STATE, ZIP HOME PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS Personal information is maintained as confidential for Beaverdale neighborhood organizations. Information will NOT be shared with any outside third parties. All mass email communications are sent utilizing ‘undisclosed recipients’. Membership levels (per household): $ 15.00 INDIVIDUAL $ 25.00 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $ 50.00PATRON: Member wishing to donate extra for BNA $ 50.00 BUSINESS: Vital partners for the community. $ _______PREMIER: Donate contribution in other amount. Note: The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). Your membership may be tax deductible and could be eligible for a matching gift from your employer. Please indicate areas of interest: BNA COMMITTEES: Beautification Public Affairs Special Events BBC (BEAVERDALE BETTERMENT COALITION): Revitalization Beaverdale LIVE! Event FALL FESTIVAL: WANT TO BE PART OF THE SIDEWALK ? This newsletter mails quarterly to more than 4,200 homes and businesses in Beaverdale. If you’re interested in advertising your business or are willing to volunteer your time/talent to provide articles or photos, please contact Kate McGovern at 515-577-2084 or [email protected]. Annual September Fall Festival GENERAL: Interested in serving on BNA Board O ther Skills/Interests: __________________________________ Please send your check payable to: Beaverdale Neighborhood Association PO Box 30175 Des Moines, IA 50310 15 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID DES MOINES, IA PERMIT NO. 5671 P.O. Box 30175 Des Moines, Iowa 50310 Please notify Cindy Smith at 279-4600 or [email protected] if your address is incorrect or you’d like to be removed from our mailing list. Please include your name and address in your message. BEAVERDALE'S SHOP HOP DECEMBER 6TH, 4-8 P.M. Holiday 'Tis the season to shop and dine LOCALLY!!! Join us at Beaverdale’s central business district for an evening of festive merriment as the Beaverdale Betterment Coalition (BBC) and the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association (BNA) present “Beaverdale’s Holiday Shop Hop.” See more details on page 9! 5:00 p.m. – Children's photos with Santa at Grounds for Celebration 6:20 p.m. – Storytime with Santa at Beaverdale Books 6:50 p.m. – Pet photos & treats with Santa at Farrell's Fitness HOLIDAY LIGHTS CONTEST STARTS NOV. 28TH! Brighten the holidays within the BNA boundaries by decorating the outside of your home. Beginning immediately after Thanksgiving, judging will begin. Decorations can include lawn ornaments, a lighting scheme, moving figures, luminaries, etc. Prizes will be awarded before Christmas for The Most Creative, Coordination of Display and Best of the Best! So, deck the halls — the lawn and shrubs, the roof and trees to brighten the season! Contact Sean Bagniewski at [email protected] if you are interested in helping judge lights. This is a fun way to get involved in the neighborhood and requires a minimal time commitment.
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