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FallIssueVol.10,Issue4 TheOfficialMagazineoftheBeaverdaleNeighborhoodAssociation BNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: SEAN BAGNIEWSKI [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT: KIRSTEN BOSCH [email protected] TREASURER: CECE IBSON [email protected] SECRETARY: ERIK RENO [email protected] EUGENE BUCKMILLER [email protected] MIKE MCCARTHY [email protected] WILL MORRIS [email protected] MARLYN FREESE [email protected] SAM RENO [email protected] PHIL JAMES [email protected] DEBRA PRENTICE [email protected] BNA BOARD MEETINGS BNA BOARD MEETINGS ARE NORMALLY HELD THE FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7 P.M. UPCOMING MEETINGS WILL BE HELD ON NOV. 5, DEC. 3, JAN. 7, AND FEB. 4, AT CALVIN COMMUNITY. PLEASE REFER TO WWW.BEAVERDALE.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION. BOARD MINUTES ARE PUBLISHED ON THE WEBSITE UPON BOARD APPROVAL. BNA MISSION THE BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION IS NEIGHBORS WORKING TOGETHER TO PROMOTE THE SOCIAL WELFARE OF THE BEAVERDALE AREA BY BRINGING ABOUT CIVIC BETTERMENT AND SOCIAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE COMMON GOOD AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. THE BNA IS A 501(C)(3) TAX-EXEMPT, NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION. YOUR MEMBERSHIP MAY BE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND COULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR A MATCHING GIFT FROM YOUR EMPLOYER. 2015 PRESIDENT’S LETTER Hi Neighbors, It’s safe to say that Beaverdale’s 2015 Jazz in July concert was one of the biggest events in the city this summer. We counted more than 400 people and we had three terrific musical acts that performed well into the night. Never a neighborhood to rest on our laurels, the planning process has already started for the 2016 summer concert and we have every reason to be excited. We’ve begun talks with our partners in the Beaverdale Betterment Coalition to have an even bigger event next summer. Planners and volunteers will certainly be needed, so please let us know if you’d like to be a part of this project. We’ll also be working with our surrounding neighborhoods to make this a major event for all of Northwest Des Moines. Just two days after Jazz in July, we had a record turnout for Beaverdale’s National Night Out. Our friends at Price Chopper generously agreed to provide hot dogs, cookies, and refreshments for those who could attend. Our board told them we thought they’d need to prepare enough for 150 people. By the end of the night, well more than 400 hot dogs had been served. Special thanks to Price Chopper for being a good sport about it. We’ll be a little more generous in our expectations for next year. The Beaverdale Fall Festival Board had a similarly successful year. The pouring rain on Friday just meant that all the people and energy were saved up for the following day. A few folks I talked to from out of town said they’d never seen a parade so long filled with so many people. The rumors were out there that one or two presidential candidates were planning to walk in the parade. As a part of the city known for our politics of all stripes, we’re always ready to provide an official Beaverdale Neighborhood Association t-shirt (paid for with private funds, of course) to any candidate visiting our little neighborhood. I had the pleasure of hosting one candidate in my backyard and was pleased to know that the Beaverdale shirt has made its way around the country. Speaking of merchandise, the three Beaverdale T-shirts sold like hot cakes this year and we’re already on our second order for one design. Since July, we’ve sold more than $2,000 in merchandise, which is far more than we ever expected. They make great holiday gifts and we hope to sell them at several events this winter. Order forms are available in this issue for the red and green “Beaverdale Christmas” yard signs as well. It’s hard to believe that the Beaverdale Holiday Boutique on November 13th and 14th and the Beaverdale Shop Hop on Dec. 5th is just around the corner. We can’t wait to see you at both events. If there's ever anything your Beaverdale Neighborhood Association can do for you, don’t hesitate to let me know at [email protected] or 515-556-9111. Sean Bagniewski, BNA President BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION THE SIDEWALK IS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE BEAVERDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 30175, DES MOINES, IOWA 50310 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: WWW.BEAVERDALE.ORG FIND US ON: 2 Page FallIssueVol.10,Issue4 FALL FESTIVAL WEEKEND 2015 COME RAIN OR SHINE! PHOTOS COURTESY OF JOHN HOLTORF It cannot be said that Beaverdalians don't go out in the rain! Even though the Friday night of Beaverdale's annual Fall Festival was a very rainy one early on, by late evening the streets had people walking up and down checking out the vendors who stayed through the rain and offered fine food, arts and crafts. Our restaurants brought their entertainment inside for the evening, and every one of them had shoulder-to-shoulder standing room only. We even had two cars for the Car Rally. That is still called a successful evening in our book. Then there was Saturday, and we could not have asked for better weather! With 124 Parade entries, and the Fall Festival's official Beaver mascot, the morning was terrific for all those that marched, danced, walked and entertained us all along Franklin and Beaver Avenues! All of the vendors had people at their booths all day and night. New this year was a Flash Mob from the singers at Roosevelt High School. Everyone was surprised and gave them a big round of applause! The horse rides were back, and there were smiles all along their "trail." The Open Mic was a huge success, but the best surprise and the most fun was where the childrens' games were. The laughter! The smiles! The happy children made this Festival the greatest yet. Of course, we couldn't have done it without the help of our sponsors, volunteers, and grants from the Benson Family Foundation, Polk County Community Betterment, and Metro Waste Authority. So save the date, September 16-17, 2016, and we'll party again. GOLD SPONSORS Acura of Johnston Audi Des Moines Boesen The Florist Christopher's Inc. First Federated Church Friends at O'Halloran Int'l/Quality ... HyVee on ML King Puppy Jake Foundation Volkswagen of Des Moines SILVER SPONSORS Adam's Aquatics AIM Construction Beaverdale Confections Better Business Bureau Brittain & Son Concrete. Burnett Realty Calvin Community Chef's Kitchen Connolly for Supervisor Cooney's Tavern Dale's Wright Tire and Auto Services Des Moines West Side Chamber Edward Jones/Talley & Timmons First American Bank. First Church of the Open Bible Foot and Ankle Institute Gabus Auto Group GoodSons Food & Spirits GoodSons Pizzeria Green Family Flooring Holy Trinity Catholic Church & School Hummel's Nissan Ibson Law Firm Iles Funeral Homes Iowa Dental Arts Iowa Realty Beaverdale Koester Construction Co., Inc. Metro Appliance Meylor Chiropractic & Acupuncture Midwest Financial Consultants, Inc. O'Donnell Ace Hardware, Inc Oakwood Builderrs Group Saints and Beaver Tap Terry Rieck, DDS The Back Room VFW Post #9127 Vintage Park Cooperative West Bank Westminster Presbyterian. Westside Appliance Repair BRONZE SPONSORS Back Country Outfitters Beal Development Corp. Beaver Avenue Cleaners Beaverdale Books Beaverdale Tees Brien Family Busy Bee Tailor Chuck's Restaurant CrossRoads Shooting Sports Custom Upholstery Davis Insurance Des Moines Pediatric & Adolescent Clinic Donut Hut Barbara's Champagne Cake Dr. David H. Hammans, Chiropractor Eight Ways, LLC Eric Biase, Independent Insurance Agent Git-N-Go Store Go Big Promotions & Apparel Grounds for Celebration Hott off the Press. Jester Insurance Le Jardin Medicap Pharmacy Molly Schott Mote CPA Pat Brokerage Company Players Playground Riordan Pet Hospital Snavely Family Dentistry Snookie's Malt Shop The UPS Store. Tim Ford State Farm UpTempo Music Vision Clinic ViVi Nails & Spa Vlassis, Tom & Sophie Friends of the Festival Acanthus Lodge Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Benzoni's Law Office Christopher's City of Des Moines Dart First American Bank First Federated Church Holtorf Photography Hy-Vee on ML King Iowa Realty Jethro's BBQ Medicap Pharmacy Mrs. Melvin Wood Shelia Navis T-Shirt Graphix US Bank VFW Headquarters Vista Realty Westminster Presbyterian Church 2015 TheOfficialMagazineoftheBeaverdaleNeighborhoodAssociation NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 2015 BETTER THAN EVER! Our 2015 National Night Out event in August was one of the biggest yet. Some of the highlights include Price Chopper providing over 400 free hot dogs and cookies, the Century 21 bounce house provided by Amanda Nagle, free pony rides brought to you by Snookies, a Fairytale Princess appearance, and a performance by the Isiserettes. We would like to thank all of those who made this event possible and we hope to see everyone again in 2016 for another fun filled evening! Page NATIONAL NIGHT OUT SPONSORS LIST Price Chopper ..........................................(free hot dogs and cookies) Amanda Nagle, Century 21 Signature Real Estate...........(bounce house) Snookies ..................................................(50 cent cones & free pony rides) Player's ....................................................(donated space for the bounce house) Chef's Kitchen ..........................................(Isiserettes performance) Westminster Presbyterian Church ...........(free popcorn and water) Farrell's ....................................................(martial arts & fitness demonstrations) Paws & Effect ...........................................(therapy dogs) Des Moines Police & Fire Departments ...(visits from personnel, McGruff the crime ....................................................................... dog & their respective equipment) Des Moines Shriners ................................(performing clowns) Beaverdale Neighborhood Association ....(fairytale princess & everything else) EXPIRES DEC. 31ST, 2015 3 4 Page FallIssueVol.10,Issue4 FARMERS MARKET 2015 THANKS FOR A GREAT SEASON! We love farmers markets! The Beaverdale Farmers Market staff appreciates all the customers, children, pets, friends and neighbors who shopped, played and strolled around the market in the summer of 2015. The market hosted excellent vendors, non-profit organizations and musicians this season and we also appreciate all their efforts to create a high-quality market. We work to make improvements each season, and this year enjoyed a new music stage, a storage shed and lots of recipes. A special thanks to Boesen’s for hosting the market at 3422 Beaver Avenue for the past three years. We welcome your comments and ideas for the market. Check us out on Facebook at as we post about local food, good nutrition and the Beaverdale neighborhood. Or, email us at [email protected] We hope to see you at our future site in 2016. Thanks again for your support as we continue to ‘Plant the Seed!’ JAZZ IN JULY 2015 TH ORLD! A BIG S T custome SEE THE NEW MENU ON FACEBOOK eW BE t he RS! YEA to you for your s up p ! ort AN ave JAZZ IN JULY 2015 ATING 1 R B E 0 EL KS We h Beaverdale’s 2015 Jazz in July took place on Friday, July 31st at Beaverdale Park with an audience of more than 400 attendees. The Scott Davis Quartet kicked the night off with some traditional jazz music. Upcoming local artist Lily DeTaeye wowed the audience with her vocal powers during an acoustic set. The night concluded with Christopher the Conquered, a musician quickly garnering national acclaim. In August, Ryan Adams Tweeted about him and Vice Magazine ran a story about him, so Beaverdale’s Jazz in July certainly had something to do with it. Along with the musical acts, performers from the Iowa Aerial Expo were on hand providing demonstrations. Craft booths from local artists and food trucks from popular businesses like Moar Tacos were also part of the festivities. Special thanks to Kevin Geiken, Kimberley Boggus, and Tracy French for organizing such a great event this year. Stay tuned for an even bigger concert with the Beaverdale Betterment Coalition and our surrounding neighborhoods next year. 2016 is sure to be another record-breaker. C WHAT A TURNOUT, 400+ PEOPLE! n rs i th DINNER HOURS Tuesday-Saturday 5:00 to 10:00pm BREAKFAST HOURS Saturday 7:30am to 12:00pm Sunday 7:30am to 1:00pm 1903 Beaver Avenue | Des Moines, Iowa 50310 | (515) 255-4411 2015 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page BNA QUARTERLY MEETING NOVEMBER 10TH, 2015, 7PM We will have Elizabeth Sloan, from Moore Elementary School, speak at our next quarterly meeting on November 10th, 7:00pm at the Northwest Community Center. We will also have a representative from Lutheran Services of Iowa present to provide a brief overview of their community efforts and answer any questions. Light snacks will be provided by the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association. BEAVERDALE TOUR OF HOMES SATURDAY, JUNE 11TH, 2016 BEAVERDALE HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE NOVEMBER 13TH & 14TH, 2015 For the past 38 years, the Parent Teacher Organization at Holy Trinity Catholic School has been hosting the Beaverdale Holiday Boutique. What started out as a craft show and bake sale to raise money for the school, has now turned into one of the most anticipated holiday events in the area. This family-friendly experience will have four floors of gifts and food for sale. Over 110 artisans from all over Iowa will be selling traditional and contemporary designs. Shoppers will be able to purchase gifts for family and friends, including one of a kind art, jewelry, handmade mittens and hats, candles, baby items, door hangers and handbags. Mrs. Kringle’s Bakery will be open for you to buy your Thanksgiving and Christmas cookies. Mrs. Kringle’s elves will be selling her famous butter braids, pies, candies, breads and cookies. Get there early because they sell fast. On Friday evening, wine will be available while you shop. On Saturday only, the Christmas Café will be open for hungry shoppers to relax and eat delicious soups and sandwiches. Come and start (or continue) a family holiday tradition at the Beaverdale Holiday Boutique. For more information, visit or follow Beaverdale Holiday Boutique on Facebook at! When: Friday, Nov. 13 from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Where: Holy Trinity Catholic School, 2926 Beaver Ave, Des Moines Cost: $4 per person (includes a chance drawing for door prizes) The BNA Public Affairs Committee has established a biennial tour of homes that will kick off on Saturday, June 11th, 2016. We will use this as an opportunity to showcase 5-7 Beaverdale homes with unique architecture, character, interior design, and most importantly, that Beaverdale charm. Tickets will be sold at various neighborhood businesses for $10, or $15 on the day of the event. We are always searching for potential new homes to showcase at this event. Contact the BNA to be considered or to suggest a neighbor. Volunteers will also be needed to help organize the event and collect tickets at each of the homes. More details to come in Spring 2016 as we finalize the event. Please contact Will Morris at [email protected] if you have questions or would like to volunteer. 5 6 Page FallIssueVol.10,Issue4 STREETSCAPE UPDATE PHASE 1 NEARLY COMPLETE! PHOTOS COURTESY OF JOHN HOLTORF By the time this issue goes to print, Phase 1 of the Beaverdale Streetscape Project should be substantially complete. Benches will have been installed and some last minute concrete and landscaping touchups will have capped-off the construction efforts. We are grateful to all of the businesses and residents who've supported the Streetscape project and patiently persevered while construction chaos ensued. Hopefully, the finished product has made the wait worthwhile! The neighborhood celebrated Streetscape's Phase 1 completion with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Fall Festival. Pictures from that event are shown in this issue. Before we pat ourselves on the back for a job well done, however, please know that the project is not yet finished. The Beaver Avenue Streetscape Fundraising Committee is already working on Phase 2 of the project that we hope will be finished in time for the holiday shopping season in 2016. Phase 2 involves installing plaques to recognize large donors and site furnishing sponsors. It also involves additional electrical upgrades, so that the row of trees along the business corridor can be lit up at night with Christmas lights. Just imagine how festive it will look to drive down Beaver Avenue and see holiday lights on either side of the street! Not only would this help create visual interest amid the winter darkness, but it would also tie in nicely with Wallace & Ashby's famous holiday lights display. These improvements will cost approximately $35,000. The Fundraising Committee hopes to secure grants for a large portion of the costs, but we will still need to supplement with neighborhood funds. So, please spread the word to all of your friends and neighbors. It's not too late to donate to Streetscape, buy an engraved brick for placement in the Streetscape sidewalks, or sponsor a specific site furnishing for the project. Brick and donation forms are available in this issue of the Sidewalk and also in Beaverdale businesses (Back Country and First American Bank). Bricks ordered by March 2016 will be installed sometime during the 2016 construction season. For more questions, please contact Mike or Sasha Kamper at (515) 279-0410 or [email protected]. 2015 The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association Page 7 8 Page FallIssueVol.10,Issue4 BEAVERDALE SIGNS MAKE GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS BEAVERDALE SIGN ORDER FORM ORDER YOUR SIGNS NOW! If you've been thinking about purchasing one of these fabulous garden signs, the time to buy is NOW! Don’t forget that Beaverdale Yard Signs also make great holiday gifts! Red and green “Beaverdale Christmas" signs are available this year. Make sure to order yours early before the holiday rush! You can purchase in-stock signs and/or place a special order by completing the order form (below) and dropping it off at Beaverdale Books. All special order signs must be pre-paid (check payable to BNA). *ALL SIGN PROCEEDS GO TO THE BNA* Thanks to Alice Meyer and staff at Beaverdale Books for their assistance in selling signs on behalf the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association! BEAVERDALE SIGNS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT BEAVERDALE BOOKS 2629 BEAVER AVE., STE 1 • 515-279-5400 HOURS: M-F 10AM - 8PM; SAT 10AM-5PM; SUN NOON-4PM *ALL SIGN PROCEEDS GO TO THE BNA* DATE: __________________________________ NAME: _________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________ PHONE: ________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________ Welcome to Beaverdale, 12" x 18" sign ............................ $50 Standard Yard Signs, 12" x 6" sign 37" pole......................................................................$30 54" pole......................................................................$35 Wording varies: Beaverdale, Beaverdale Neighbor, Beaverdale Brick, Beaverdale Garden, Beaverdale Home, and Beaverdale Native. Special Order Yard Signs, 12" x 6" sign 37"pole.......................................................................$35 54" pole......................................................................$40 Wording and style varies, such as: Beaverdale Cyclones (red letters with yellow background), Beaverdale Lane, Beaverdale Beanery, etc. SIGN OPTIONS LARGE SIGN 12" x 18" Welcome to Beaverdale ($50 ea.) STANDARD SIGN 12" x 6" SIZE QTY TOTAL --- _____ _____ SIZE QTY TOTAL Beaverdale 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Garden 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Native 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Brick 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Home 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale Neighbor 37" 54" _____ _____ TOTAL SPECIAL ORDERS 12" x 6" SIZE QTY Beaverdale Christmas 37" 54" _____ _____ Beaverdale _________________ 37" 54" _____ _____ 37" 54” _____ _____ Other Wording: ____________ __________________________ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO ‘BNA’ SUBMIT YOUR ORDER AT BEAVERDALE BOOKS. [ ] Check [ ] Cash TOTAL AMOUNT $___________ Date Paid: _______________ Thank you for supporting the BNA! The Official Magazine of the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association BEAVERDALE MERCHANDISE NEW! TO FILL YOUR STOCKINGS! Don we now our Beaverdale apparel fa la la la la la la la la! The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is excited to announce that we have new Beaverdale apparel and merchandise available for purchase! Show your Beaverdale pride and support the BNA by donning one of these cool new designs. Contact Kirsten Bosch at [email protected] if you would like to make a purchase. Cash and checks are accepted. Our plans are to have the merchandise also available for sale on our new website, which we hope will be completed before the holidays. Check it out at! ADULT SHIRTS (BLUE, OLIVE, GREEN) - $15 KIDS SHIRTS (RED) - $10 KOOZIES - $3 OR 2 FOR $5 STICKERS - $1 RED BLACK & WHITE OLIVE ROYAL BLUE KELLY GREEN RED PRIMARY CARE CLINIC Providing comprehensive individual and family health care to meet your needs. We focus on developing long-term relationships between patients and providers. Our team of board-certified family medicine physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners work together to offer acute, chronic, and preventive care services to build a healthy community. Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Location: 1801 Hickman Rd., Des Moines, IA Bringing comfort home since 1955. 60 – Convenient, on-time scheduling L B R OT H E L 515.282.2273 | RS BE REEN KELLY G Page 2015 1955 A N NI Y 2015 VER SA R – Trusted experts offering quality, fair pricing – Superior service with 97% customer satisfaction Ring the Bell 515-422-9860 9 Page 10 Fall Issue Vol. 10, Issue 4 NON-PROFIT SPOTLIGHT BEAVERDALE VFW POST #9127 VETERANS HELPING VETERANS There was a time in our history where everyone had family members who served in the armed forces. Fathers, husbands, brothers and sons were on active duty. Mothers, wives, sisters and daughters supported the troops abroad as nurses or became members of the USO back home. These were the days of Rosie the Riveter, war bonds and ration stamps, all for a common belief and cause–to defend our nation's freedom. Today, when only a small portion of U.S. citizens have experienced active duty, and social media has given rise to a far broader, more fragmented set of political issues, it's hard to imagine that almost universal sense of commitment that ensued from the 1930s-1960s. Yet, it is an important part of our country's shared history, and our forefathers remind us that the liberties we enjoy today did not come without sacrifice. The local Veterans of Foreign Wars ("VFW") post is a living piece of this patriotic legacy, and there are many ways that Beaverdale residents can help honor its mission. Beaverdale's VFW post (#9127) was founded near Cooney's in 1948 and moved to its current location in downtown Beaverdale in 1959. The Post consists of approximately 700 members, plus a Ladies' Auxiliary with 170 members, and a Men's Auxiliary with 60 members. The post exists to bring together vets who served "in theater" on foreign soil and their family members, but it also makes every effort to support current military personnel and vets in need. VFW member, Michael Baier, describes the post's mission as "veterans helping veterans." Some examples of this aid include food baskets for veterans at Christmastime, small ticket donations for active military personnel (such as money for them to call home), and donations to the local Veteran's Hospital. A more sizable initiative that the local post has been working on is the Paul R. Knudsen Scholarship for Wounded Vets. This scholarship has been a multiyear initiative to raise $10,000 so that the post can endow a $1,500 annual scholarship, which it plans to begin awarding in the spring of 2016. In order to be eligible for an award, scholarship applicants must be physically handicapped, either a veteran or a veteran's dependent, and enrolled in college or a trade school. To raise money for this scholarship, the post has organized a variety of events, such as bake sales and a pig roast, and they have garnered cash donations. The post will also sponsor a Charity Poker Tournament at the local VFW building, on November 14th (10:30am check-in and 11am game time). The tourney will have a $50 buy-in, with half of the money going toward the winner's pot and the other half donated to the post's scholarship fund. All Beaverdale residents are invited to play. While VFW meetings are intended for active and auxiliary members, there are several VFW activities that are open to the public. First, the VFW serves dinner each Friday night, from 5-7:30pm. Dinner offerings vary, but usually consist of "comfort food" such as roast beef and mashed potatoes or lasagna. Lunches are served on Saturdays, from 11am-1pm. Standard grill items are always available, and there is a rotating "Chef's Choice" option which sometimes includes Michael Baier's award-winning pork tenderloin sandwich. (Those of you who remember Michael's Restaurant, which once graced the site now occupied by Saint's, know exactly what we're talking about-your mouths are probably watering!) Full breakfast fare is served every third Sunday. Finally, the VFW bar is open from 3-9pm, TuesdaysThursdays, 1-10pm on Fridays, and 11am-3pm on Saturdays. There, you can enjoy a nice array of beers, wine and mixed drinks, as well as some post-War "sass" from the VFW's long-time bartender, Betty. The bar is also open for parties during Iowa and Iowa State games, as well as for holiday parties such as St. Patty's Day and Halloween. For those looking for an event venue, the VFW has a room that seats up to 175 people. This room can be reserved by residents, in exchange for a suggested donation, and the VFW can provide food and bar service, if desired. The post has seen people reserve their room for events ranging from wedding receptions to yoga classes. Despite the extensive membership list at our local post, as is so often the case with non-profits, the active members consist of a much smaller handful of people. The post is actively seeking more members and volunteers. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in joining the VFW, feel free to contact Michael Baier at 515-249-5959. The cost to join is nominal, ranging from $18-$38/yr., depending on whether you want to be an auxiliary or an active member. That said, the sense of reward you will receive for supporting our veterans is great. For information about the Paul R. Knudsen Scholarship Fund for Wounded Veterans, contact Michelle Dennison at 515-664-6768. And please do stop in at the local post for a meal, drink or friendly game of cards. You'll meet some great men and women, whose sense of service and pride in this country has continued, long after their tour of duty has ended. 2015 TheOfficialMagazineoftheBeaverdaleNeighborhoodAssociation Page 11 NEAL SMITH NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE PEOPLE FOR POLLINATORS PROGRAM HELP SAVE THE MONARCHS The Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge People for Pollinators program is partnering with schools and businesses in the community to help pollinators, like the Monarch butterfly, survive. Through education, site planning assistance, maintenance experts, and seeds or plants to get your garden up and running, they hope to improve conditions for all pollinators by getting the community involved in conservation efforts. Over the past 150 years, Iowa's landscape has become the most transformed out of the entire United States. We now have less than 1/10 of 1% of our original habitat left, which is devastating to the Monarch butterfly since they cannot survive without milkweed. Milkweed is the only plant that the female monarch butterflies will lay their eggs on and the only plant that Monarch caterpillars can eat. Due to the loss of habitat from land conversion for real estate and agricultural practices, the Monarch population has been declining, and is now at its lowest since 1994, the year we began doing Monarch population surveys. Pollinators are responsible for the pollination of over 75% of flowering plants and crops. One out of every 3 bites of food you eat is there because of pollinators. Pollinators are a truly valuable FIGHT THE resource and add 217 billion dollars to the global economy. Monarch butterflies are just one of the many pollinators we rely on for this free service. Without this service we would have very little food to eat, coffee to drink, or cotton to make clothing. People for Pollinators is asking schools, businesses, and places with common spaces around our community to partner with them and plant a pollinator garden depending on what space you have available. All you need is the willingness to volunteer, some garden space, and the ability to maintain your pollinator garden. Create a Monarch butterfly habitat in your own yard or existing garden. Plant milkweed so the Monarch butterflies are able to lay their eggs and the caterpillars will have a food source. Plant native nectar plants that will bloom throughout the year so the adult butterflies will have a food source too. This is something easy that anyone can participate in. A butterfly garden can be planted anywhere, and this small effort on your part will make a huge impact on saving the Monarch butterfly along with several other pollinators. Through this effort we can make a difference together. For further information on how to get involved with the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge People for Pollinators program, please contact Natasha Bures at 515-994-3400 or [email protected]. The following is a list of plant species that will be available in the spring as plant plugs through the People for Pollinators program: FLU At Medicap Pharmacy, we are in your corner. The best way to protect yourself is by getting vaccinated — Stop in today! Walk-Ins Welcome! Flu Shots available for Kids Ages 6+ 2804 Beaver Ave. • Des Moines • Call: 277-3702 • M-F 9-6, Sat. 9-1:30 Wild Columbine Swamp Milkweed Butterfly Milkweed Smooth Blue Aster White Wild Indigo Fox Sedge Pale Purple Coneflower Rattlesnake Master Wild Geranium Rough Blazing Star Prairie Plazing Star Bee Balm Evening Primrose Foxglove Penstemon Black Eyed Susan Brown Eyed Susan Wild Petunia Little Bluestem Prairie Dropseed Ohio Spiderwort Hoary Vervain Ironweed The following is a list of seed mix that is available through the People for Pollinators program: Little Bluestem Sideoats Grama Rough Dropseed Wild Garlic Nodding Onion Common Milkweed Butterfly Milkweed New England Aster Frost Aster Canada Milk Vetch Blue Wild Indigo White Wild Indigo False Aster Partridge Pea Maryland Senna Echinacea Pallida Rattlesnake Master Prairie Alumroot St. John's Wort Prairie Blazingstar Wild Bergamot Wild Quinine Purple Prairie Clover Virginia Mountain Mint Black Eyed Susan Rosinweek Compass Plant Showy Goldenrod Ohio Spiderwort Hoary Vervain Bolden Alexander Page 12 CALENDAR zzBNA QUARTERLY MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Tuesday, Nov. 10, 7:00 p.m. Join us for the BNA's quarterly meeting. We will have Elizabeth Sloan from Moore Elementary School speak, as well as a representative from Lutheran Services of Iowa present to provide a brief overview of their community efforts and answer any questions. We will also review our regular board agenda topics such as the treasurer's report and recent events. Light snacks will be provided. Northwest Community Center 5110 Franklin Ave. 279-2767 | BEAVERDALE'S ANNUAL HOLIDAY SHOP HOP Saturday, Dec. 5, 4:00-8:00 p.m. Join us at Beaverdale’s central business district for an evening of festive merriment and photo opps with Santa! Many Beaverdale businesses will be open extended hours and will have specials and offer treats and beverages to all who stop by. Be sure to check the BNA web site at for information on business promotions and other scheduled activities. Beaverdale's Central Business District Beaver Ave. north of Hickman Rd. Find out more at BEAVERDALE'S ANNUAL HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE Friday, Nov. 13, 6:00–9:00 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. One of the most anticipated holiday events in the area– four floors of gifts and food for sale. Over 110 artisans from all over Iowa will be selling traditional and contemporary designs. Shoppers will be able to purchase one of a kind art, jewelry, handmade mittens and hats, candles, baby items, door hangers and handbags, cookies, butter braids, pies, candies, breads, cookies and more. Entry fee is $4 per person (includes a chance drawing for door prizes). FallIssueVol.10,Issue4 must be turned in and approved before attending this program. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | Holy Trinity Church & School 2926 Beaver Ave. 255-3162 | CHARITY POKER TOURNAMENT TO SUPPORT SCHOLARSHIP FOR WOUNDED VETERANS Saturday, Nov. 14, 10:30 a.m. The post will be sponsoring a Charity Poker Tournament at the local VFW building to raise money for the Paul R. Knudsen Scholarship Fund for Wounded Veterans. The tourney will have a $50 buy-in, with half of the money going toward the winner's pot and the other half donated to the post's scholarship fund. All Beaverdale residents are invited to play. For more information, please contact Michelle Dennison at 664-6768. Beaverdale VFW Post #9127 4114 Allison Ave. 255-9804 | VOLUNTEENS Monday, Nov. 16, 4:00 p.m. Are you looking for a great place to volunteer? Become a volunteen and help out with library projects and programs. Teens ages twelve through eighteen can pick up a teen volunteer application at the Franklin Library. Applications FRANKLIN CRAFTY READERS SPECIAL Tuesday, Nov. 17, 4:00 p.m. Learn to be an "animal detective" with Polk County Conservation. Join us in the meeting room to enjoy a story and make a related craft. For ages three through eight. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | ARTSY KIDS: DECOUPAGE LIGHT SWITCH COVERS Wednesday, Nov. 18, 4:00 p.m. This month we will be decorating light switch covers with candy wrappers. This program is for kids in grades three to eight and requires pre-registration. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG SNEAK PREVIEW Saturday, Nov. 28, 10:30 a.m. See a sneak preview of the Des Moines Community Playhouse production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Take a fantastic musical journey with Mr. Potts and his children as they discover a car with magical properties. Come and enjoy the performance and register to win free tickets to the play! Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | FRANKLIN AFTERNOON BOOK DISCUSSION Monday, Dec. 7, 1:00 p.m. We will discuss Under the Wide and Starry Sky by Nancy Horan. Copies of the book are available at the Information Desk. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 283-4152 | INSPIRE 2016 HEALTH CONFERENCE, FAIR, AND CHALLENGE Saturday, Jan. 16, 8:30 a.m. First Federated Church will be hosting it's second INSPIRE health, fitness and nutrition conference and health fair at the church FURRY TALES campus Saturday, January 16, 2016. Saturday, Nov. 21, 11:00 a.m. Conference runs from 8:30AM Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2:00 p.m. 5:00PM, and the health fair lasts Saturday, Dec. 5, 11:00 a.m. from 9AM - 3PM. INSPIRE 2016 Stop by the library to sign up is an event designed for 15 year olds for a ten-minute slot to read a through seniors to help you in your favorite story to therapy dog pursuit of a healthy, balanced life. Scout. Sharing stories with Scout Find more information at is a fantastic way to practice reading skills and make a furry First Federated Church, friend at the same time. 4801 Franklin Ave. Franklin Library, 5000 Franklin Ave. 255-2122 | firstfederated. 283-4152 | 2015 TheOfficialMagazineoftheBeaverdaleNeighborhoodAssociation Edward Jones - Jim Talley Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping First Church of the Open Bible Foot & Ankle Institute of Iowa Generation Green Builders Grace Lutheran Church Green Family Flooring Guys & Dolls Hair Care Holtorf Photography Home Base DM LLC Home Pest Care Hy-Vee Food Store #1136 Iowa Realty - Mike Knapp Iowa Realty - Jan Stehl Koester Construction Co, Inc. Kholes & Back, Inc. Le Jardin Lisa Acheson Yoga Medicap Pharmacy Contact Kate McGovern, Sidewalk Editor, for details [email protected] Mercy Beaverdale Family Practice Meylor Chiropractic & Acupuncture, PC Midwest Financial Mote CPA Mount Olive Lutheran Church & School Next Step Adventure O'Donnell Ace Hardware Oakwood Builders Group Ocean Breeze Massage PAT Brokerage Peterson Painting Polk County Board of Supervisors Price Chopper RE/MAX Real Estate Concepts - Amanda Knight Retirement Funding Solutions Sag Consulting LLC Snavely Family Dentistry Snookies Malt Shop State Farm Insurance - Tim Ford Agency Trine Marketing Services United Community Services Westminster Presbyterian Church own your share. share your story. An exciting new opportunity in senior living—the cooperative lifestyle. DON’T DELAY – ONLY 11 BEAUTIFUL NEW HOMES REMAIN! Construction at Vintage Park Cooperative of Beaverdale is well underway and you can watch the progress of this exceptional and affordable senior community. There are still 11 highly desirable one level homes available and now is the BEST TIME TO PURCHASE YOUR NEW HOME and make this the LAST YEAR FOR HOME MAINTENANCE! Stop by our information center or contact Julie for an appointment! INFORMATION CENTER • 3615 Beaver Avenue • Des Moines • 515.279.1000 Visit our website to hear current member stories and see our new virtual tour! 13 Would you like to have your business featured in one of our upcoming "Business Spotlights?" WE’D LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES FOR THEIR MEMBERSHIP AND FOR SUPPORTING THE BNA! Adam's Aquatics, Inc. AIM Construction Co., Inc. Back Country Outfitters Beaver Avenue Chiropractic Center Beaver Avenue Cleaners Beaverdale Confection Co. Beaverdale Living Magazine Beaverdale VFW Post #9127 Bell Brothers Heating & Air Conditioning Blink Events Boesen the Florist Bone-A-Patreat Burnett Team at Keller Williams Calvin Community Century 21 Signature Real Estate - Amanda Nagle Chef's Kitchen Davis Insurance Page Page 14 Books Make the Best Gifts Convenience, community, customer service Mon - Fri 10-8 Saturday 10-5 Sunday noon-4 2629 Beaver Avenue, Suite One ~ 515.279.5400 Fall Issue Vol. 10, Issue 4 MAKE YOUR MARK IN THE SIDEWALK The Sidewalk is the quarterly magazine published by the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association. Each issue is direct mailed to over 4200 homes and businesses in Beaverdale and is the only publication that reaches the entire neighborhood. If you’re interested in advertising your business or are willing to volunteer your time/talent to provide articles or photos, please contact Kate McGovern at 515-577-2084 or [email protected]. BNA Member Benefits •Free Ad Design ($35 ea. for Non-members) •Free Copy Changes ($10 ea. for Non-members) •Up to 10% Discount on Advertising •FREE Business Spotlight (As space permits) •Not a Member Yet? Sign up today! 2016 Ad Submission Deadlines • Feb. 8, 2016 Issue | Ads due Jan 4, 2016 • May 6, 2016 Issue | Ads due April 4, 2016 • Aug 5, 2016 Issue | Ads due July 1, 2016 • Nov 4, 2016 Issue | Ads due Oct 7, 2016 Ad Submission Requirements • Accepted file formats are: PSD, Ai, EPS, JPG, TIFF, PDF. • Artwork must be Black & White, with or without spot color • Ads including the spot color for that issue must be labeled • Any modifications made to the ad after it is received will incur a $10 alteration fee (non-members only). FAMILY MEDICINE BEAVERDALE 1750 48th St., Ste. 1 • (515) 271-6333 HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday – Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to Noon PROVIDERS Robert Callahan, M.D. Jeanne M. Giddings, D.O. Sudeep K. Gupta, D.O. Betsy Dettman, ARNP Mary Klemesrud, PA-C Krista Webb, PA-C Welcoming New patients! NEW 2015 Advertising Rates & Sizes Premium Ads Price Dimensions Inside Front Cover, Full Page Inside Back Cover, Full Page Center Spread, Full Pages $1000 $900 $1400 7.500w x 10.00h 7.500w x 10.00h 16.00w x 10.00h Full Page Content Sponsor* $600 See standard sizes Contributed content must follow BNA Board specified guidelines. Content of article, ad and any photos not to exceed a full page. Standard Ads PriceDimensions 1/1 Full Page 1/2 Page Horizontal 1/2 Page Vertical 1/4 Page Horizontal 1/4 Page Vertical 1/8 Page Horizontal $800 $450 $450 $225 $225 $115 7.500w x 9.500h 7.500w x 4.687h 3.687w x 9.500h 7.500w x 2.281h 3.687w x 4.687h 3.687w x 2.281h 2015 TheOfficialMagazineoftheBeaverdaleNeighborhoodAssociation GIVE BACK TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD JOIN A BNA COMMITTEE! If you are looking for a chance to volunteer or get involved, look no further! The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is responsible for many of the things that make Beaverdale one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Des Moines. BNA volunteers organize neighborhood events, including: the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Jazz in July, and the Holiday Lights, just to name a few! We also serve as the collective voice of the neighborhood on issues of community concern, and organize forums for neighbors to learn and discuss those concerns. The BNA also leads initiatives to keep Beaverdale's environment beautiful, and we work with the city to help provide our neighbors with resources for environmental stewardship. Beautification – The Beautification Committee is responsible for coordinating annual flower plantings and assisting in the planting of memorial trees throughout the neighborhood. The Committee also directs neighborhood clean-up efforts with the city and helps ensure that neighborhood parks are regularly maintained. Contact Nancy Dunbar at 255-2671 or [email protected] for more information. Public Affairs – The Public Affairs Committee is responsible for hosting quarterly and annual neighborhood meetings. The Committee leads neighborhood improvement efforts and hosts forums for candidates for public office. The Committee also helps with Neighborhood Watch activities and researches funding opportunities for the neighborhood. For more information, contact Will Morris at 321-5424 or [email protected] or Sasha Kamper at [email protected] or 279-0410. Special Events – The Special Events Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating all events for the neighborhood association. This includes the Easter Egg Hunt, the Holiday Shop Hop, and the Holiday Lights Contest. The Committee also helps with Jazz in July and National Night Out. For more information, e-mail Tracy French at [email protected]. Page BNA MEMBERSHIP Please review the address mailing label for your membership status. If current membership has expired or if you are not a member, please complete and mail in this form with payment. We also offer an on-line registration with payment via PayPal for all memberships. To access, PayPal go to For membership questions, please contact Cindy Smith at [email protected]. New Member Renewal NAME STREET CITY, STATE, ZIP HOME PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS Personal information is maintained as confidential for Beaverdale neighborhood organizations. Information will NOT be shared with any outside third parties. All mass email communications are sent utilizing ‘undisclosed recipients’. Membership levels (per household): $20.00 INDIVIDUAL $40.00 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $60.00 BUSINESS: Vital partners for the community. $_______PREMIER: Donate contribution in other amount. Note: The Beaverdale Neighborhood Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). Your membership may be tax deductible and could be eligible for a matching gift from your employer. Please indicate areas of interest: BNA COMMITTEES: Beautification Public Affairs Special Events BBC (BEAVERDALE BETTERMENT COALITION): Revitalization Beaverdale LIVE! Event FALL FESTIVAL: Annual September Fall Festival GENERAL: Interested in serving on BNA Board Other Skills/Interests: __________________________________ Please send your check payable to: Beaverdale Neighborhood Association PO Box 30175 Des Moines, IA 50310 15 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID DES MOINES, IA PERMIT NO. 5671 P.O. Box 30175 Des Moines, Iowa 50310 Please notify Cindy Smith at [email protected] if your address is incorrect or you’d like to be removed from our mailing list. Please include your name and address in your message. BEAVERDALE'S SHOP HOP SATURDAY, DEC. 5TH, 4-8 P.M. 'Tis the season to shop and dine LOCALLY!!! Join us at Beaverdale’s central business district for an evening of festive merriment as the Beaverdale Betterment Coalition (BBC) and the Beaverdale Neighborhood Association (BNA) present “Beaverdale’s Holiday Shop Hop.” Santa will arrive at Grounds for Celebration at 5:00 p.m. so be there to greet him! He and his elf will greet the children and will hand out gift bags until 6:15 p.m. and then they will head over to Beaverdale Books to read a Christmas story to the children. Music will fill the air as carolers stroll the business corridor. BNA members can stop by Grounds for Celebration from 4 - 7 p.m. for a special gift. Anyone who signs up for a BNA membership that day can also receive a gift. Many Beaverale businesses will have specials and will offer treats and beverages to all who stop by. Be sure to check the BNA web site at for information on business promotions and other scheduled activities. 5:00 p.m. – Children's photos with Santa at Grounds for Celebration 6:20 p.m. – Storytime with Santa at Beaverdale Books 6:50 p.m. – Pet photos & treats with Santa at Farrell's Fitness HOLIDAY LIGHTS CONTEST STARTS NOVEMBER 25TH! Brighten the holidays within the BNA boundary by decorating the outside of your home! Each year, the BNA sets out to recognize and award Beaverdale homeowners for their hard work and creativity of decorating their properties. Decorations can include lawn ornaments, a lighting scheme, moving figures, luminaries, etc. For those who love to decorate their homes for the holidays, we welcome you to participate in this annual Beaverdale tradition. Judging will begin immediately after Thanksgiving. Prizes will be awarded before Christmas for The Most Creative, Coordination of Display and Best of the Best! So, deck the halls, the lawn and shrubs, the roof and trees, to brighten the holiday season! If you are interested in helping to judge lights, please contact Sean Bagniewski at [email protected]. This is a fun way to get involved and requires a minimal time commitment.
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