Summer 2013
Summer 2013
SERVING VICTIMS OF • DOMESTIC VIOLENCE • SEXUAL VIOLENCE • CHILD ABUSE • STALKING Rays of Hope FREE SERVICES PROVIDED BY SARC: • 24 - Hour Helpline 410-836-8430 • 28 - Bed Safehouse • Clinical Services • Crisis Intervention • Legal Services • Outreach • Hospital Companion R A Y S O F H O P E A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 SARC’s 35th Anniversary k Community Members from Past and Present Come Together to Recognize 35 Years of SARC Serving the Community SARC Contact Information: 24 Hour Helpline 410-836-8430 Main Office: 410-836-8431 THEN SARC’s first helpline volunteers SARCharfordcounty INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Wheels for Work 2 United Way 2 Back to School 2 Walk–A-Mile in Her Shoes 2 Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 3 SARC’s Legal Director becomes a Bar Fellow 3 Shop for a Cause 3 Thank You to our Individual Donors 4 SARC’s 4th Annual Rising Above It Hot Air Balloon Festival Weekend 5 SARC is a non-profit in Harford County providing hope and resources to victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, and stalking. The agency is recognizing a major milestone this year, it’s 35th anniversary of serving the community. In 1978 when a woman was sexually assaulted in Harford County, community members quickly realized that there were no local resources available to assist her. Awareness campaigns by People Against Rape, Maryland State Police, Harford County Commission for Women, and League of Women Voters sought to address this issue. The agency that would later become the Sexual Assault/Spouse Abuse Resource Center, Inc. (SARC) opened its doors on July 10, 1978. Although the original focus was serving victims of sexual violence in the community, volunteers answering the Center’s 24-hour Helpline quickly learned that many victims of sexual violence where also domestic violence victims. In order to best serve the community, one month after opening services expanded to include victims of domestic violence. Joan Hodous, Hazel Hopkins, Judith Walkley, Marlene Lieb, JoAnn Macdonald, Kathy Casey and Kelsey Luchey have come together to revisit SARC’s past and uncover the helping hands that have brought SARC to where it is today. Joan Hodous was one of those key community members in the grassroots beginnings of SARC, setting up the first helpline in her kitchen back in 1978. Eventually, the headquarters moved to the Community Service Building in Aberdeen, funded by a meager federal and state grant. The organizers of SARC trained community volunteers to provide guidance to victims, helping 240 battered women, 29 sexual assault victims and fielding hundreds of calls in their first year. From answering the helpline in Joan’s kitchen to now receiving over 1,800 calls per year, much has changed over the years but the caring hearts of the community remain the same. SARC incorporated in 1981. By 1996, services included clinical counseling, legal support, a 28bed Safehouse and community outreach. Crisis intervention services were added in 2004. A few of the many grants that made this possible include the U.S. Department of Human Resources, Victims of Crime Act, Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention, Maryland Victims of Crime Fund, Maryland Legal Services Corporation, Harford County Government, U.S. Department of Justice Violence Against Women Office, and United Way of Central Maryland, and you, the individuals who donated so much of your time, talent and treasure. SARC still relies on volunteers to help support the community. Volunteers help the staff by answering helpline calls in their homes and going on companion visits to the hospital when victims are admitted. Continued on page 3…... NOW Standing: Hazel Hopkins, Kathy Casey, JoAnn Macdonald Seated: Joan Hodous, Marlene Lieb, Judith Walkley, Kelsey Luchey PAGE 2 Wheels for Work SARC’s Emerald Ring Raffle Harford County’s Wheels for Work Program and Vehicles for Change have partnered to raise funds and donate cars to homeless families served by SARC, Anna’s House, Harford Family House, and The Homecoming Project. Wheels for Work helps provide low-wage families in Harford County with employment transportation by donating a car to them. You can help by spreading the word, making a cash donation, or donating a car. When donating a car, you can receive a tax deduction equal to the Fair Market Value, even if the vehicle is sold to a low-income family far below market value.** For more information visit or call (410) 242-9674. **Seek professional tax advice for your situation. Thank you for partnering with SARC! Retail Value is $5,795 2.26 carat Oval Emerald center gem with 6 Diamonds totaling .53 carats set in 14kt white gold. Tickets are $20 each or 5 for $50 Drawing to take place on September 20, 2013 Winner need not be present to win. To purchase tickets: Support SARC by partnering with your workplace giving campaign. United Way 500 Combined Federal Campaign 22909 Maryland Charity Campaign 3422 Back to School In less than a month, Harford County schools will be ready to start a new year. Help SARC clients get their families equipped to learn by donating a book bag filled with school supplies. Please contact Beth League by calling 410-836-8431 or send an email to [email protected] for more information. SARC’s Walk a Mile In Her Shoes® Heroes Thank you to all who participated in SARC’s 5th Annual Walk-a-Mile in Her Shoes ® event this past spring! SARC raised $40,000 this year thanks to all of the walkers, donors, and sponsors! This money allows SARC to continue providing services, free of charge, to clients who are on their journey from victim to survivor. A big CONGRATULATIONS to Steve Linkous, our top fundraiser. He raised over $12,000. Thanks to everyone who participated! Congratulations to Team Strut for winning the Best Team Award! Steven Linkous Russell Moy Kona Penguin Rebbert’s Ramblers Team Shapiro Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Xi Delta Omega Chapter Harford Community College Health Department Healers Jesse Bane Stepping Stones Team Aubrey Team Strut Rod Bourn takes Babes George Velez Lou Ann Bane Billy Boniface Country Hearts David Craig Darin D’Onofrio Wayne Dougherty Fairview Walkers Fierce on Main Barry Glassman Hart to Heart Heroes Justin Hayes Rick Howe Christina Krause Greg LaCour Walk the Rite Way Russell Baker A SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO Team Afghanistan (participated virtually from their deployment!!) Thank you to our sponsors Harford Mutual, Aaron’s, Bel Air Downtown Alliance, Harford Style Magazine, Jen Snyder Family Photographer, MaGerk’s Pub and a special thanks to the Town of Bel Air, Lydia Haskells, The Fitness Rave, C. Milton Wright Dance Team, Tri-State Trophies, Bel Air Police Department and Chris Monaghn. C O M I N G T O G E T H E R T O E N D A B U S E 1 9 7 8 - 2 0 1 3 Steve Linkous (L) receives Top Fundraiser award from event chair and Board Member Tamera Rush RAYS OF HOPE PAGE 3 Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Amanda Darda, Emily Sanders, and Stephanie Powers, SARC counselors, are newly licensed and will concentrate on Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This style of treatment is one of the many ‘best practices’ SARC employs when working with clients. Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or TF-CBT, is a therapeutic treatment model designed to help children and adolescents recover from trauma, and it is one of the few treatment approaches for children that has consistently been proven effective in a number of clinical studies. Not only have studies shown that TF-CBT creates lasting healing, but evidence also suggests that recovery happens must faster when compared to other types of treatment. Significant healing can happen in as few as 12 sessions (3 months) of weekly hour and a half appointments. The model involves individual sessions for both the child and a caregiver, as well as joint parent-child sessions. During treatment, a number of important components are incorporated, some of which include: providing education about trauma and its symptoms; teaching a variety of coping skills; parent skills training; creating a narrative of the abuse that was survived; and facilitating a healthier parent-child relationship. One of the unique aspects of TF-CBT, and perhaps one of the factors that allows it to be so successful, is that although the model includes specific components and phases, it is also incredibly flexible and can be tailored to fit the needs of each family. It allows the therapist to be creative and focus the strengths of each child, and can include the use of writing, art, music, or play during session time. Thank you Community Foundation Of Harford County for awarding SARC a mini grant to purchase play therapy equipment! If you or someone you know could use SARC’s services, please call SARC’s 24-hour Helpline (410) 836-8430. SARC’s 35th Anniversary violence, sexual violence, and stalking, to aid its victims and to create a society free from abuse and fear.” Continued from front page….. The 35th Anniversary Committee has been working over the past few months to uncover milestones from SARC’s history Volunteers and community members also help SARC staff in and develop a memory book to highlight the contribution SARC preparing for and running fundraising events throughout the has had to the community. year. These are just a few crucial ways the many volunteers have made SARC work throughout the years. On September 21, 2013 at SARC’s 4th Annual Rising Above It Hot Air Balloon Family Fun Day, there will be a gathering of SARC also offers robust support services by highly trained community members young and old to take a look at this legal, counseling, and safehouse staff. SARC continues to be memory book, reconnect with the past, and work towards committed to providing quality services and has been a leader strengthening SARC’s future. SARC invites everyone who has in the implementation of best practices like Trauma Informed been part of SARC’s past to join us on September 21st at Care. The agency has a long history of being a life line for Harford Equestrian Center for this event. The event runs from tens of thousands of victims struggling to survive the trauma 11am to 6pm and tickets are $5, children under 5 are free. Visit created by violence in our community. SARC’s mission has for more information or like us on guided it through the past 35 years; “we work to end domestic facebook, Congratulations to SARC’s Director of Legal Services, Gwendolyn Tate, on being inducted as a Maryland Bar Foundation Bar Fellow. Membership in the fellows is a recognition of “outstanding dedication and contribution to maintaining the honor and integrity of the legal profession, the improvement and facilitation of the administration of justice, the work of the organized Bar of Maryland and civic leadership.” Membership as a Fellow is limited to not more than 2.5% of the Maryland State Bar Association Membership. Join SARC for Macy’s Shop for a Cause event on Saturday, August 24. Purchase a $5 all day shopping pass for 25% off on regular, sale & clearance items. Order certificates online at: All coupon sales benefit SARC! PAGE 4 Heather Bain, James & Kathryn Baker, Russell Baker, Robert Ballard, Minnie Bamford, Jesse & LouAnn Bane, Michael Barnes, Tom & Melissa Barnickel, Michelle Bartlett, David Battle, Jack Bauer, Kelly Bauer, Susan & John Baumgart, Tracie Bays, Raymond Beichler, Mary Beigel, William & Constance Beims, Angela Belt, Norma Bennington, Anna Berglowe-Lynch, Toby Warren & Cathy Bernard, Tonya Berry, Andrew M. Bertram, Carol K. Bertram, Ashley Bethea, Natalie Bethea, Deborah Betkey, Carletta Betz, Juli Black, Kathleen Blackburn, Mary Blanchard, Gail C. Blevins, Neil & Cara Blevins, Mary Ann Bogarty, Mary Bonkowski, Carolyn Borden, Christina Borns, Bob & Cathy Boscia, Barb Boucher, Drew Bourn, James Brady, Anjelene Branch, Teresa Branscome, Anne Bredlow, Myles Brendish, Gabriella Brewington, Betsy Brightman, Annie Brock, Cecelia Wright Brown, Jane Brown, Susan Brown, Beverly Browning, Stanyell Bruce, Sylvia Bryant, Dave Bubb, Marcia Buckley, Thomas Burke, Todd Burnley, Annmaxine & Larry Burstein, David & Regina Burstein, Suzanne C. Burton, Charles & Saundra Butler, Billie Buxbaun, Kate Cabahug, Clayton Cage, Angelo & Maria , Caiazzo, Diane Calkins, Chris Callis, Frank Cann, Gregory & Deborah Carlevaro, Leana Carnero, Guy Carpenter, Samuel Carroll, Kathleen Carter, Katrina Carter, Milton Carter, Alan & Kathy Casey, Gail Cassidy, Sandra Castagna, Paul Catrambone, Chuck Chamness, Kristy Chaney, Karen Charron, Melinda Chase, Dana Chatman, Connie Chendorani, AD & AF Christman, Sonny Church, Debi Clark, William & Deborah Clark, Colleen Clews, Mandi Clich, Jennifer Coakley, Roger & Donna Cochran, Rob Collins, Jean Confusione, Becky Conley, Melanie Conley, James Conroy Jr. Jack Coogan, Drew & Steve Cook, Carl Cooper, Darwin Copeman, Jaimie K Corcoran, Colleen Cornacchione, Ame Corrado, Doug & Amy Corselius, Lew Courtney, H. Claire Cowart, Britney Craig, Charles & Mary Creswell, Lise Criswell, Howard S. Crotin, Linda E. Sundquist & Laurie S Crull, Darin D'Onofrio, Glen Wills & Denee Daly, Kerrin Dame, Ronnie Davidson, Trish Davies, Amber Davis, Mark & Jodi Davis, Mary Davis, Wayne & Ronnie Davis, Kevin Day, JoAnn DeBorja, Cheryl DeFelice, Craig Deitchler, Joe & Ellen Delfino, Jill Dellarciprete, Joanne DeLoache, Sandra Demczak, George Demski, Victor Denard, Jatin Desai, Gary DeVoe, Hetal & Vivek Dhruva, Matthew Dickinson, Karen DiDonato, John F. Diehl & Sharon I. Diehl, Colleen Dixon, John Dober III, April Doherty, Thelma Dorman, Derek Dorsey, Jay Dougherty, Wayne & Mary Dougherty, Dan & Julie Driban, Chantel Dugars, Carlos Dunmoodie, Gary Dunn, Marilyn & Terry Eben, Jacki Edens, Sally Edler, Marguerite M. Edons, Dana Alexis Edwards, Francis & Lee Ann Edwards, Betty Ege, Matthew Ehrman, Gary L. Eikenberg, Dawn Eisemann, Bill Ekey, Lynn & Stacie Elliott, Sean Elliott, William Elliott, Leslie Ellis, Meghann Elrhoul, Dean Ertwine, Paris Estep, Steve & Karen Fabian, Merry Falkenhan, Minacapelli Family, Dennis T & Adelgunde M Feehley, Pam Felder, Chris & Jessica Fendryk, Donna Ferrer, Barbara Fey, Gus & Susan M Fintrilis, Susan Fisher, Rick & Mary Kay Fishpaugh, Lynn Flaherty, John & Cora Fleming, Glenda Flickinger, Linda Flint, Susan Flow, Elizabeth Flynn, Kurt Foley, Jeff & Barbara Ford, Kathy Forrester, Joe Foster, Morgan Stanley Foundation, Augustus & Cynthia Fountain III, Timothy & Suzanne Fox, Christina Franetovich, Friends of Billy Boniface, Michael Friese, William & Judith Fritz, Eileen Frontera, Michael & Carol Frontera, Peggy Furry, Ellen Gaeta, Judith Gagliardi, Jeffrey & Sonya Gahler, Jennifer Gardner, Janet Garinther, Beverly S Garner, Edward & Karen Garono, Carly Garrett, Jeanne Gary, Cathy Gasch, Sigmund & Carol Gast, Cathy Gaster, James Gebauer, Henry R Gibbel, Shirley Giberson, Beverly Gibson, Reynold & Carol Giese, Heather Giles, Frank & Nancy Giorno, Gary & Kerry Gizinski, Joyce Glasby, Barry Glassman, Henry Godfrey, Alicia Goodman, John & Janine Goodu, Robert Goodwin, Theresa Gossman, Jill Gousman, Jean Gover, Shirl L. & Terri Grable, James Grande, James Grant Jr, Ryan Grant, Kati L Grasmick, Patty Graumann, Adrienne Green, Judah Green, Michelle Green, Suzanne Green, Thomas Greenfield, Mark W & Linda P Gregory, Charlotte & Fredrick Greiner, Jeanne Greiner, Charles Griffin Sr, Aubrey Griffin, Chuck & Vicki Griffin, David Griffin, Carroll Griffith, Bertha Grimm, Maxine Grosshans, Joyce Guidish, Elizabeth Hacke, Elizabeth Hacke, Stacey Hall, Sean Hallinan, Elissa Halloran, Kim Hammond, Jolyn Hampton, Sandra L & Donald E Hanky, Debra S Hannon, Joel & Kimberly Harner, Sabrina Harris, Melissa Harrison, Mary Hastler, Robert Hay, Alexandra Hayes, Justin Hayes, Tanya Hayes, Thomas Hayes, Bridget Heckel, Tim & Mary Hegarty, George Heidelmaier, Trish Heidenreich, Megan Heinrichs, Don Helfer, Jacklyn R Hendrix, Lisa Hershman, Rosemary Hertsch, Rob Hess, Cathy Hetzel, Candace Hicks, Sherine High, Diana Hill, Gunther Hirsch, Kerry Hochstein, Kerry Hochstein, Shane Hockins, Joan Hodous, Carol & Tom Hoffman, Debbie & Brian Holloway, Lesley Holmes, Janice Hopkins, Beverly Hopp, Gregory Hoss, Thomas Houlihan, Deana M Houser, Gary Howard, Phil Howard, Rick & Jane Howe, David & Karlyn Hughes, Joyce Hughes, Carol Hull, Maureen A Hutchinson, Robin Iannucci, Phil Irwin, Andre Jackson, Lynnea Jackson, Karen L Jacobs, Patricia & Stuart Jacobs, Sharon Jacobs, Alan & Lynn Jacobson, Carla Janson, Tammy Janus, Robin Jaron, Felicia Johnson, Fran Johnson, Harry Johnson, Jaime Johnson, Kathy Johnson, Katrinka Johnson, Philip Johnson, Cynthia K Jones, Ken & Candice Jones, Marlyn Jones, Napoleon Jones, Tobias McCollom Jones, Dave Joynt, Steven & Tara Kahler, Anne Rubins Kang, Curtis Karn, Joe Kaut, Gina Kazimir, Kevin Keene, Richard Keith, J & T Keller, Mark Keller, Frank Kellner, Susan Kelly, William & Lois Kelly, Mike & Susan Kemen, Hindy Kempler, Sandy Kempton, Jim Kennedy, Connie Kerr, Chadwick J & Tracey M Keyser, Donna Kilpatrick, Anna Mae Kirby, Walter Klevinsky, Howard Knapp,, Maria Knauff, Sheryl Kohl, Alexandra I & James E Kopp, Mike Kowatch, Christina Krause, Cindy Kronman, Jerod Kuhlmann, Gregory & Genene LaCour, Lauren & Lois LaCour, Megan Lally, Kathy LaMartina, Dan & Cindy Lantzer, Gregory Lauck, Karen Leach, Alex & Dan Lee, Terry & Rose Leftridge, Karen Lelonek, Neil & Kathy Lenhart, Garry & Sharon Levere, Christopher Lewis, Karen Lewis, John F Liberto Jr, Diane Liberto, Tracey Link, Steve & Sandi Linkous, Joanie Lippert, Bridget Lloyd, Tori Lopez, Sharon Louderback, Lisa Lowe, Bill & Vickie Luther, Diane Lutz, John K Lyons, Carol & Robert MacCubbin, Melissa Macomber, Macy's Foundation, Sandra Madigan, Doug & Judi Mains, Jennifer Mainster Hanna, Dan Maloney, Paula Mank, CR Manske, Jermaine Martin, Claire McCarthy, Arden C. McClune, Charles & Susan McComas, Chris McDonell, Colleen McDonough, Robert McDorman, Pat McGill, Joan McGrady, D Jane & Robert McKenny, James McMenemy, Maureen McMenemy, Stacy McMenemy, Renee McNally, Marlene McNamara, Robin Medley, John T Menzies, Alice Merritt, Carrie Meshner-Bottino, Alicia Messmer, Laurie Meyers, Ivonne Meza, Jeffrey, Darlene & Meagan Michael, Laura Michael, Margaret Michel, Deborah Michocki, Lisa Milburn, Vanessa Milio, Holly Miller, Joseph Miller, Kelli Miller, Vicki Miller, William Miller, Diane Rebbert Millhiser, Agnes E Minor, Sandy Mislak Kapinos, Bridgid Mitchell, Theresa Mitchell, Diane Mock, Laura R Moody, Heather Moore, Sheri Moore, Muriel Morgan, Tracy Morrill, Jeanette Morris, Brenda Morrison, Russell Moy, Abbie Moyer, Robert & Diana Nalls, Eric Nardo, Patricia Nave, Douglas Nazarian, Carla Knight, Craig Sammons & Debbie Neidhart, Kim Noel, Robert W & Mary Ellen Noel, John Noppinger, Tony & Carole Novak, Christopher & Luisa Nutter, Janet Oakes, Louann Ohl, Patricia ONeill, Nettie Owens, Jay & Judy Palin, Matthew Pallotta, Lorna Paredes, Barbara Park, Rick Parks, Tomieka E Parson, Vesh Patel, Marge Pearce, Henry Peck, Richard & Michelle Pfingsten, Andrea Pomillo, Joseph Ponzillo, James & June Poole, Freda Pope, Jeffrey A. & Luianne M. Potter, Walter & Madelyn Potter, David Pressley, Cy Price, David Price, Diane Price, Valerie Provenza, Jessica Pumilia, Robin & Phil Pyle, Neil Rais, John Rakaczky, Steven Raskin, Amanda Rayner, Angie Rebbert, Eric & Stacey Rebbert, Ben Reed, Amanda Rendell, Bridgitt Rhodes, George Rhudy, Barb Richardson, Kathy Rink, BM & DD Roberts, Brandi & Edward Roberts, Charles Robinson, Marion Robinson, Nicole & Raphael Rocca, Abigal Roddie-Hamlin, Abigal Roddie-Hamlin, Linda Rodericks, Fred Rogers, Paul Rogers, Todd Rohner, Don & Judi Rohrback, Leslie Rosenberg, Lea Roth, Rosemarie & Roy Rothenberg, Scott Rubenstein, Paul & Judy Rudisaile, Tamera & Jim Rush, Laura Wagner Thibodeaux & Timmy Russell, James & Helen Ryan, Ellen Salowitz, Paul T Santoni, Kathi Santora, Lawrence & Sheryl Satterfield, Richard & Kayleen Saucier, Kenneth Schmidt, Geno Schnell, Jackie Schnell, Bryan Schromsky, Matthew Schultz, Casey & Dave Schwartz, Samantha Schwartz, Beverly Scieszka, Dan Scieszka, Kristine Scieszka, Jennifer Scott, Patricia Scott, Stephen T Scott, Wade J Scott, John Scotten, Michael Scribner, Lula Sessoms, Casey Shaffer, Eric & Carrie Shapiro, Larry Shaw, Allan Sheahen, Elizabeth Sheckler, Jan Sheldon, Faye Sherer, Ericka Shird, Nick Signor, Diane Siler, B. Silvestri, Connie Silvestri, Vincent & Cindy Silvestri, Ashley Simon, Karen Simpson, Montravia Simpson, Mary Sinclair, Jason Skidmore, Ron Slade, Deborah Smith Williams, Callie Smith, Carlos Smith, Don Smith, Kelly Smith, Kim Smith, Leah Smith Leslie Greenly Smith, Marilyn Smith, Meg Smith, Michael & Riquita Smith, Robyn Smith, Wayne Smith, Lori Ann Snyder, Joseph & Patricia Sommerville, Steven Sorin, Terri Spataro, John & Gail Spielberger, Sharyn Spray, Tony & Judy Spuria, Jeffrey & Jennifer Stagnoli, John Stansfield, Sondra & Charles Starleper, Jan Stauffer, Ed & Donna Stern, Greg Stiffler, Pat Stifler, Leah Streb, George & Brenda Strum, Carlos & Tita Suarez, Shannon Sullivan, Greek Superfoods, Ashley Swartz, Michael Swartz, Sheri Sylvester, Michael & Linda Tabaka, Carol Tate, Gwendolyn & Scott Tate, Diana & Billie Taylor, Mary Taylor, Sandy Tedrow, Peter Terry, Joyce & John Thomas, Morgan Thomas, Peter Thomson, Patrice Thornton, Alicia Tinker, Deborah Tolley, Linda Tracy, Sarah Trently, Tom Trently, Andrew Tress, Robert & Cheryl Troska, Stephen & Mary Troy, Nicholas Troyer, Ellen & Gary Truant, Jeff Tucker, Robert Tufts, Joanna Turner, Sabrina Turner, Blake Ullam, David Ullman, Mark Vahlkamp, Lindsey Valentine, Stephen Vasbinder, Don & Melissa Vasold, John Vasturia, Amara Velez, Jorge Velez, Patricia Knapp & George Velez, John Vendetti, Karla & Richard Wagner, Tom & Alison Wagner, Consuela Wagstaff, Benny Walker, John & Shari Walker, Mary Walker, Priscilla Walker, Scott T Walker, Thomas & Jeanette Waller, Susan Walls, Karen Walsh, Kathy Walsh, Christine Walters, Malikah Walters, Nancy & Robert Wancowicz, Daymon Ware, Jacqueline Wayland, Jule Webber, Barbara Weber, James Weber, Patty Weber, Elizabeth Webley, Sharon Welsh, Donna Wernig, Laura Werther, Melissa Wetters, Jeffrey & Cynthia Weyant, Emily Whaley, Jennifer K. Wheeler, Michele White, Mizella M White, Angela Whorton, James & Margaret Wiley, Deborah Williams, Dawn Wilson, Dayna Wilson, Gladys Wilson, Patti Wilson, Walter Wilson, Charlotte Winder, Michael K. & Lisa Winn, William Wiseman, Paul Wisner, Patricia T. Wodarski, Monica Worrell, Mary Teddy Wray, Natalie R Wrzesinski, Kelly Wunderer, Thomas & Susan Wunderer, Sharon M. Wyatt, Jake & Nicole Yep-Crawford, Robin Yoder, Merrie & Scott Yosua, Jody Youll, Rick Zaborowski, Brian & Jessica Zeller, Heather Ziehl, Deidra Zimmerman. T hank you to our 2013 individual donors from January to mid-July! Crystal Adams, Jenna Adle, R. Scott Agar, Deanna Alessi, Michael J. Alexander, Colleen Allen, Dr. Bonnie N Anderson, Kathy Anderson, Serena Anderson, Anonymous, Jennifer Arches, Debra Arnold, Stephen Askew, Cheryl Austin, Rich Aversa, Michael J Ayrer, Kate Bahoric, Marcia L. Bailey, COMING TOGETHER TO END ABUSE Thank you again for partnering with us in creating a society free from abuse and fear. RAYS OF HOPE PAGE 5 SARC’s 4th Annual Rising Above It Hot Air Balloon Festival Weekend Balloon Glow Gala Family Fun Day is an evening of hot air balloons glowing in the will include hot air balloon displays, evening dusk, dining, auctions, a raffle, and dancing Clydesdale horse rides, goats, food, music, with music provided by The Klassix. concessions, face painting, performances, the Friday, September 20, 2013 Orioles Bird, and, new this year— a Mommy Market! 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM Saturday, September 21, 2013 Bulle Rock’s Silk’s Restaurant 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sponsored by Harford Mutual Harford County Equestrian Center (Please use Route 40 entrance to reach the Restaurant.) (Please leave your pets at home.) Tickets available at SARC’s website: SARC ’s Annual Sponsors: SARC’s 4th Annual Rising Above It Hot Air Balloon Festival Weekend Sponsors Balloon Glow Gala Sponsor: Harford Mutual Gold Sponsors: APGFCU Gemcraft Homes Innovative Insurance Solutions MediaWise, Inc. Wegman’s Silver Sponsors: Chesapeake Professional Women’s Network Flowers by Lucy Harford Community College Kathy Casey Non-Profit Consulting Macy’s Schneider Electric “What’s Your Story?” Bronze Sponsors: Ciampaglio Potter Associates Clean Cuts Movement Mortgage Corporate Sponsors: 84 Lumber Booz Allen Hamilton L & L Company SRC Window World of Harford Friend Sponsors: Advanced Eye Care Chesapeake Title Company, LLC Cohn Reznick Free State Numismatics Garceau Realty Harford Bank Lynch Construction Mid Atlantic Title Morgan Stanley PNC Others: NBRS Northeastern Supply Frito Lay C&C Golf Carts REICO Gala Entertainment Sponsor: Laurel Bush Family Dentistry Family Fun Day Activities Sponsor: L Property Management 35th Anniversary Emerald Ring Raffle: Saxon’s Jewelry Centers Propane Sponsor: Southern States T-Shirt Sponsor: County Movers Portable Restroom Sponsor: Bobby’s Portable Restrooms Hospitality Sponsor: Wingate by Wyndham Balloon Sponsor: Light Flight Hot Air Balloons, Inc. First Aid and Child Find Services: Hart to Heart Transportation Media Sponsors: Aegis Harford’s Heart Magazine Harford Style Magazine MD Arrive WAMD Radio Family Fun Day Food Vendors: Cows on the Loose Food By Fire Fountain Green Concessions Jr;s Pit Beef Kona Ice of Bel Air McShane’s WOLO Mobile Food Truck Family Fun Day Exhibitors: An Etch Above Anita C. Leight Estuary Center The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region CruiseOne Girleegurlz Harford Christian School Harford Community College Harford County Public Library Harford Family House Harford Day School Humane Society of Harford County Marcia Flores Jewelry Mary Kay Cosmetics Sweet As You Confections Tupperware Upper Chesapeake Health Link Family Fun Day Entertainment: Chung’s Martial Arts Extreme Family Entertainment Co. Hoppin’ Hawks Kinetic Youth Academy Nothin’ Up My Sleeve The Orioles Bird Stone House Jam Academy Uncle Pete Zumba with Carmen Serving victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse and stalking in Harford County for 35 years. Be sure to stop by the SARC tent t during Family Fun Day to share in the memories of SARC’s history. Indicia information here P.O. Box 1207 Bel Air, MD 21014 Coming Together to End Abuse for 35 years: 1978—2013 If you receive multiple mailings or need to update your address, please call 410-836-8431 or email [email protected] SARC provides presentations to groups on the following topics: • Legal Services (presentations available in English and Spanish) • General Services • Healthy Relationships • Domestic Violence • Sexual Violence • Volunteering And many more! Contact us today for more information: Phone: 410-836-8431 Email: [email protected] Thank you to our corporate donors! (January to Mid-July 2013) A Country Setting, Aaron’s Sales & Lease, Aberdeen Lioness Lions Club, Aimee Cayks, Amazing Glaze, American Music Theater, An Etch Above, Anita C. Leight Estuary Center, Anonymous, APGFCU Forest Hill Office, Applebee's, B Fabulous, Baltimore Blast, Baltimore Coffee & Tea, Baltimore Museum of Industry, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Bank of America Card Services, Bank of America United Way Campaign, Barbara Park, Barely Used, Basta Pasta, Battelle Eastern Science & Tech, Bel Air Athletic Club, Bel Air Corvette Club, Bel Air Downtown Alliance, Bel Air Liquors, Bel Air United, Bertucci's, Black & Decker, Inc., Bonefish Grill, Boordy Vineyards, Booz Allen Hamilton, Boyle Buick GMC, Brogue Hydroponics, Broom's Bloom, Buffalo Wild Wings, C. Milton Wright High School, Call Me Ishmael, Catholic Charities, Centerstage, Chesapeake Contemporary Dentistry, Cleartree, Clorox, Coffee Coffee, Constellation Energy Group Foundation, Courtland Hardware, Inc., Cul-de-sac Candles, CyberGrants Inc., Dark Horse Saloon, DuClaw Brewing Company, Dutch Wonderland, Edible Arrangements, Ekklesia Community Ministries, Inc., Empire Auto Detailers, Ewenique Yarns, Exploration Art School, Extreme Balloons Family Entertainment, Fallston Liquors, Fast Park, First Nutrition of Bel Air, First Presbyterian SARC would like to thank The Mallet Crab House and Sports Bar for hosting the very first Glam Ladies Night Out! The event, which took place on June 6th, raised funds for SARC programs. A special thank you to our vendors: An Etch Above, Beauti Control Skincare Spa, CruiseOne, IT Works, Juice Plus, Mary Kay, Miche, MITRE, Morgan Stanley/ Smith Barney, Nerium International, Origami Owl, Pampered Chef, Party Lite, Pathways to Whole Living, Scentsy, Silpada, Stampin Up, Sweet Minerals, Swirl Jewelry, Stellar Health, Theresa Liberto Tupperware, Thirty One Church, Flesh Tattoo Company, Inc., Flying Plow Farm, Forest Hill Lanes, Fountain Green Concessions, Fox Bow Neighborhood Association, Freestate Numismatics, Friendly's, Friendship Wine & Liquor, GE United Way Campaign, Gemcraft Homes, Girl Scout Troop 5277, Global Impact, Gold's Gym, Good Cause, Greenspring Gift House, Group Benefit Strategies, Hardesty Capital Management, Harford Bank, Harford Community Action Agency, Harford Community College, Harford County Commission for Women, Harford County Council, Harford County Humane Society, Harford County Public Schools, Central Office, Harford Jewish Center, Harford Mutual, Harford Mutual Insurance, Harman's Produce, Hart to Heart Transportation, Havre de Grace Seafood Festival, Heartbeat, HMS Insurance Associates, Hochheim Prarie Insurance, Ice World, Infused Spreads, Innovative Insurance Solutions, Iron Birds, Jarrettsville Creamery, Jarrettsville Homemakers, JC Custom Trim, Jim's Bottleworks, JLD Inc., Jones Junction, Jordan Thomas Salon, Jr’s Pitt Beef, Justice Plus +, KCI Technologies, Inc., Keyes Creamery, Kilby Cremn, Kurt M. Chenowith Mem. Foundation, Law Offices of Henninger & Henninger, LLC, Liberatore's, Looney's Pub North, Lorna Paredes, Main Street Cigars, Mamie's Café, Marcia Flores Jewelry, Mary Kay, Maryland Legal Services Corporation, Maryland State Police, McCormick & Company, Inc., McShane's Gourmet Deli, Mikulski for Senate, Milburn Stone Theatre, MITRE, Morgan Stanley, NBRS Financial Bank Foundation, Origami Owl, Pampered Chef, Party Lite, Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company, Pepperidge Farm c/o Sewell Enterprises, Pepperidge Farm, Inc., PepsiCo Foundation, Presbyterian Women, Pro Edge Sharpening, Red Brick Station, Regis, Rick Parks, Ring Factory Elementary School, Ruggles, Savona, Scotto's Café, Shamrock Coffee, Shelter Alliance, Smoothie King, Southern States, Spalding Software, Stampin Up, Steak & Main & Lucca Sophia, Stellar Health, Inc., Stephen Knoll, Stone House Publications, SunTrust United Way Campaign, Superior Drug Testing, Sweet As You, Sweet Devotion, Swirl, T. Rowe Price Foundation, Talbots, Target, Texas Roadhouse, The Aegis, The Arena Club, The Green Turtle, The Mallet Restaurant & Crab House, The Mill, The Morris A. & Clarisse Mechanic Foundation, Inc., The Olive Tree, The Vineyard, Thirty One, Thomas Wagner & Associates, Truist, Two Sisters, United Health Group, United Way Campaign Fund, United Way National Capital Area CFC, Verizon, Verizon Wireless, Visage, Vulcan Materials, Web IXI, Webster Congregational Christian Church, Wendy's, What's Your Story?, William H. Cox, Jr. Real Estate, Inc., Window World of Harford, Wine World Beer & Spirits, Wiseman Associates, Wockenfuss, WOLO, Inc., Woodhall Wine Centers, Woodlea Bakery, Woolly Hill Farm, WXCY, YMCA, Z 104.3.
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