Mechanicsof Composite Materials - 2008 \)LCTIvE PREFORVINC ll Frauenhqfer. K. Dilger THE INFLUENCE OF INTERFACE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIESOF NANOCOMPOSITES D. Ciprari, I. Jasiuk, R. Tannenbaum,and K. I. Jacob 66 HOLLOW-CORESLABS REINFORCED MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF PRESTRESSED WITH FRP G. Concu,D. Meloni, and M. Valdes. 3]\?E STRE\GTH.{\D DEFO 3 \SED O\ DISTINCTI\'EI S Gardukot.R. D..llaks,;, 68 FAILURE SIMULATION FORMETAL.COMPOSITEJOINTS A. Derewortko 69 : \\ :RO\\IE\T..\L DEGL.\DT K Gani. \. Il. Barkoula. . P Karapappas.andl'Ka 70 3- C-f,L l\C ..\\ D POSTBUCX )ROST.{TICPRESSURE S Gluhih.E. Barkanor. aa 71 \.- \!ERICAL SI\{ULATIO\ ( BY USI\G . CO\tPOSITES !- .1 Golotina.L- L Xo:hc IDENTIFICATIONOF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF A CARBON-EPOXYCOMPOSITEBY THE FINITE.ELEMENTMETHOD A. Derewoiko, K. Kosiuczenko,and R. Gieleta. DYNAMICAL RESPONSETO A MOVING LOAD OF A PRESTRAINEDSYSTEMCOM. PRISINGA SUBSTRATEAND BOND AND COVERINGLAYERS E. Dincsoy, C. Guler, and S. D. Akbarov. . . . IDENTIFICATION OF THE ELASTIC AND DAMPING PROPERTIESOF LAMINATED PLATES B. Diveyev, I. Butyter, and N. Shcherbyna . . . . A COMPOSITEMATERIAL WITH ADDITIONSOF NANOPARTICLESFOR THE DEVE. LOPMENTOF A SMARTWALL C. Dumiterescu,M. Menicu, L Cernica,A. Matei, and D. Mihalevschi . PROPERTIESOF DIFFERENTASYMPTOTICALLY EQUIVALENT FORMS OF EQUA. TIONSOF HIGHERORDERFORWAVESIN THIN ELASTICRODS M. E. Eglil AN EXPERIMENTALAND NUMERICALSTUDYON THE DYNAMIC BUCKLINGOF CY. LINDRICALCOMPOSITE SHELLS E. Eglrtis, K. Kalnirli, O. Ozolirli, andG. Teters. - \-(''- L..\TIO\ OF STATIC\ '*:TH ADJUSTEDBOL\: 73 74 :] :i{EOR\'OF LA\'EREDOF G L Gon'nin arul l'u I' I 75 s€:;-Bl\DI\G t*'oop gor{I :\C E\'.{LU.{TIO\ OF T} J Graritis.J. .ibohr.s..l ) 76 \^)\TTORI\C CO\IPLE\ C,\ 3ER BR.{6 CR{TI\CS R Gnmberg..{ Scr;a P \.]\)ESTRUCTI\'E E\ .\LL I '. LTR-\SOU\DPI{,\-iEf ?. G nmberg.R 5;.';,9'q-' DYNAMICAL RESPONSE OF TWO AXIALLY PRESTRAINEDSYSTEMSCOMPRISINGA COVERINGLAYER AND A HALF-SPACETO RECTANGULARTIME.HARMONIC FORCES I. Emiroglu, F. Tasci,and S.D. Akbarov. . . . 77 FE SIMULATION OF SANDWICHPANELSWITH A FLINCTIONALLYGRADEDCORE. PARTI: LOW.VELOCIry IMPACT E . E t e m a d i a n d A . A f a g h i K h a i .i br .i . - . ....... 79 FE SIMULATION OF SANDWICHPANELSWITH A FI.JNCTIONALLYCRADED COREPARTII: HIGH-VELOCITYIMPACT E.EtemadiandA.AfaghiKhatibi..... . ............. 8I THE INFLUENCEOF CNT CONCENTRATIONON THE THERMOPHYSICALPROPERTIESOF EPOXY/CARBONNANOTUBECOMPOSITES AT LOW TEMPERATURES L. E. Evseevaand S.A. Tanaeva 8-3 \ STI-\I\ R.\TE-DEPE\DE ;E\TILE-REI\FORCEtr( It Gude.ll' Hutentwh :!:ICTI\'E \IOISTI'R.ED{FT D Gan}cF J,xSta t. \atRCO\\'ERSIO\S OF \'. \IODELS OF SPECIFIED O G Gurtort \., \TERICALA\{LYSIS OI .QI\GS\\'ITH DEFECTS( O G Gurton and S O THERMOMECHANICALPROPERTIES OF AN EPOXY/CLAYNANOCOMPOSITEIN RE. LATION TO FILLERAND MOISTURECONTENT E. A. Faitelson, T. I. Glaskova,A. N. Aniskevich,and V.P. Korkhov. 84 THE LIMITING STATEOF A MULTILAYER NONLINEARELASTICECCENTRICRING L. Fatullayeva 85 NEW METAL COMPOSITEMATERIALS O. FigovslE, S. Usherenko,and J. Usherenko.. . . . 86 uII ::O\ ELE\IE\T DI.{GRParlrk O l' Gon'k...1..11 }:)\D 8EH.{\'IOUR BET\TE CO\CRETEL\DER@i R H Haddad and E .ll -\'ELOP\IE\T OF SPACT :L'R\L \tE\IBERS \IAI ! Hartung. K. Dilger S Mechanicsof CompositeMaterials- 2008 AN EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY ON TIIE DYNAMIC BUCKLING OF CYLN{DRICAL COMPOSITE SHELLS E. Eglttis,*K. Kalni4i,* O. Ozoliqt|,.and G. Teters** *Riga Technical University, Institute of Materials and Structures,Latvia **University of Latvia, Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Latvia The presentinvestigation focuseson the dynamic effects associatedwith load speedversusthe buckling behavior of axially compressedcylinders. Several glass, aramid, and carbon fiber-reinforced plastic cylindrical specimens have been produced for experimentalvalidation. The production method was cylindrical winding with vacuum resin impregnation.All the specimensproducedhad a length of 850 mm and inner diameterof approximately 300 mm. The production technology required that the testing specimensbe slightly conical, so the inner diametervaried along the specimenlength. The specimenswere loaded quasi-staticallyup to the post-bucklingregion (seeFig. 1) to evaluatethe buckling load and the post-buckling behavior under static loading. Then, the axial loading was repeated,gradually increasingthe loading speedup to 0. 15 m/s, with registrating the load-shortening curves. A nondestructive vibration testing was performed before and after the loading teststo veriff that no damagehad occurred. The numerical part representsthe benchmarkingof the commercially available DYNAMICAL R] SYSTEMSCOMPRII TO RECTr I. Emit *Department of Mathem Technical University,, 'jlnst. of Math. and Mech, In the presentpaper, casewhererectangulart ase, the problem is red It is assumedthat th Q 1 = { - c o( . x 1( + a , - h -t1x21-h,-@(-r3. cquationsare satisfied: ao(.!) 'J +o\! rl orj o(z) =1(z)gtr Urherel"(r) and p(r) are EY The quantitiesrelated rnpts (1) and (2), respe The following compl blt:space: Fig. I . Thepost-bucklingshapeof an axiallycompressed glass-fiLercylinder. finite-element analysis software packagesABAQUS and ANSYS/LS-DYNA by using data obtained from the physical experiments.A procedure of optimum designis proposed. " !' t )lxz=-h l = ut( rd rheconditions REFERENCE L J.Singer,J.Arbocz,andT. Weller,"BucklingExperiments: Experimental Methodsin Bucklingof Thin WalledStructures," Vol. 2, J. Wiley & Sons,New York (2002),1732p. "!?l "txr=Q ={-'o L0