Δάκτυλα Κυριών


Δάκτυλα Κυριών
Gli scambi culturali in genere offerti grazie ai partenariati multilaterali europei e in
particolare al Comenius costituiscono di certo grande occasione/opportunità educativoformativa per tutti i partners che hanno il piacere e la possibilità di vivere tale esperienza.
La nostra scuola è stata parte di tale percorso, condividendo un progetto molto ambizioso
dal titolo “Cultural Bridges to the Future” con ben N° 5 partners europei: CIPRO LETTONIA - ROMANIA - TURCHIA - UNGHERIA, grazie all’approvazione/finanziamento
da parte dell’Agenzia LL.PP. della proposta formulata.
Il progetto si è mosso su alcune direttive fondamentali: Educazione Interculturale,
Conoscenze ed uso delle nuove tecnologie, Cittadini e dimensione europea.
Tali tematiche generali hanno trasversalmente portato i ragazzi a focalizzare, tra i tanti
percorsi promossi, quelli di recupero/ individuazione di cittadini illustri, tipicità e tradizioni
religiose, la cucina ed i piatti tipici.
La rivisitazione e sacralità delle proprie radici, della propria cultura muovendo dalle
tematiche in parola, intese come vero e proprio “sfondo integratore”, ha offerto
l’occasione ai nostri alunni, alla nostra istituzione, di porre a confronto, in un contesto di
largo respiro europeo, i valori fondanti della propria comunità e ancor più di un popolo, di
una nazione.
La sacralità delle proprie radici, delle proprie tradizioni e soprattutto di vissuti connotati
da forti valori morali, umani e sociali costituiscono l’obiettivo privilegiato che la scuola,
attraverso una mirata didattica pluri-transdisciplinare proiettata in chiave europea, deve
saper non soltanto recuperare ma soprattutto inculcare nelle giovani generazioni.
Tutti i ragazzi della Scuola Primaria e Sec. I° grado del nostro Istituto Comprensivo,
grazie al percorso progettato e realizzato, hanno potuto spaziare trasversalmente in
tutte le discipline di studio del Curricolo con ricadute molto significative e particolarmente
Non è stato da meno l’arricchimento professionale che ogni docente ha registrato grazie
all’esperienza di partenariato, raggiungendo livelli di altissima portata soprattutto in coloro
che hanno vissuto in prima persona anche il confronto diretto nelle realtà scolastiche e
sociali delle nazioni coinvolte.
La scuola, alla quale va il riconoscimento di aver creduto ed investito nel progetto Comenius
una magnifica esperienza formativa di notevolissimo spessore didattico-educativo, ha anche il
merito di aver saputo avere al proprio fianco condivisioni importanti sul territorio, quali piccoli
Imprenditori, Agenzie formative e soprattutto l’Ente Locale dei Comuni coinvolti.
Promuovere la consapevolezza dell’importanza della diversità culturale e linguistica
all’interno dell’europa, la lotta al razzismo, al pregiudizio e alla xenofobia, l’uguaglianza tra
uomini e donne e contribuire a combattere tutte le forme della discriminazione basata sul
sesso, l’origine razziale e/o etnica, religione, età od orientamento sessuale… sono stati
i temi affrontati-studiati nei laboratori promossi/organizzati nei vari meeting, assicurando
confronto/crescita significativa a tutti gli operatori coinvolti.
A conclusione del percorso vissuto insieme sento il dovere professionale di esprimere
forte ringraziamento e apprezzamento a nome personale e dell’Istituzione tutta agli alunni,
ai docenti, al Personale ATA, agli Amministratori e ai Genitori per il grande entusiasmo di
fattiva collaborazione offerta in occasione dell’incontro con i partner europei. A questi ultimi
ancora una volta i più sentiti e profondi sentimenti di gratitudine ed apprezzamento per la
lusinghiera esperienza educativa progettata e realizzata insieme.
prof. Valentino Stanco
The cultural exchanges, generally offered thanks to the multilateral European partnerships
and in particular to the Comenius, are certainly a great occasion / educational and
training opportunity for all the partners who have the pleasure and the chance to live this
Our school was a part of that way, sharing a very ambitious project entitled “Cultural
Bridges to the Future” with five European partners: Cyprus- Latvia - Romania - Turkey –
Hungary thanks to the approval / funding by Agency LL.PP. of the formulated proposal.
The project developed some basic guidelines: the intercultural education, the knowledge
and the use of the new technologies, Citizens and the European dimension.
Among many issues promoted, these general topics brought the kids to focus trasversaly
activity of recovery / individualization of famous citizens, authenticity and religious
traditions, the kitchen and the typical dishes.
The revisiting and the sacredness of own roots, of own culture moving from the issues in
question, taken as true “background supplement,” gave to our students, to our institution
an opportunity to compare the core values of our community and even more of a people,
of a nation in a context of wide-ranging European.
The sacredness of own roots, of own traditions and above of all experienced marked by
strong, moral, human and social values constitue themselves a special target that the
school, through a targeted teaching award transdisciplinary projected in European key,
not only must be able to recover, but above all to inculcate in the younger generation.
All the schoolchildren of the Primary School and Secondary School of 1° degree of our
Comprehensive Institute , thanks to the designed and implemented path, could wander
through across all school subjects of the Curriculum with the very significant , particularly
training consequences.
It wasn’t less important the professional enrichment that every teacher lived thanks
to the experience of partnership, reaching the very high levels especially in those who
lived a firsthand the direct comparison in educational and social realities of the involved
The school, to which goes the recognition of having believed and invested in the Comenius
project a wonderful learning experience of considerable teaching and education thickness,
has also the merit of having been able to have to own side important shares in the region,
such as the small entrepreneurs, training Agencies and especially the local authority of the
Municipalities involved.
To promote the awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in the
Europe region,the fight against the racism, the prejudice and the xenophobia, the equality
between men and women and contributing to fight all the forms of the discrimination based
on sex, ‘racial and / or ethnic origin, religion, age or sexual orientation ... were the topics
discussed-studied in the laboratory promoted / organized in the various meetings, ensuring
comparison / significant growth in all those involved.
At the end of the path lived together I feel the professional duty to express a strong
professional thanks and appreciation on behalf the entire staff of the Institution and the
students, the teachers, staff ATA, the directors and the parents for the great enthusiasm of
effective collaboration given in the occasion of meeting with the European partners. Once
again the latter the most heartfelt and deep feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the
flattering educational experience designed and built together.
prof. Valentino Stanco
Κυπριακή Kουζίνα
Σούπα Τραχανάς
Ο τραχανάς θεωρείται η εθνική σούπα των
κυπρίων. Για αιώνες κατέχει σημαντική
θέση στη διατροφή των κυπρίων λόγω της
νοστιμιάς του, την υψηλή του διατροφική
αξία και τη δυνατότητα αποθήκευσής του
για μεγάλα χρονικά διαστήματα.
1 ποτήρι τραχανά;
5 ποτήρια νερό;
1 κύβο ζωμό κότας ή λαχανικών;
¾ ποτηριού κύβους από χαλούμι;
Αλάτι, πιπέρι;
Φουσκώνουμε τον τραχανά σε 1 – 2 ποτήρια νερό
για περίπου μία ώρα.
Ρίχνουμε τον τραχανά και το υπόλοιπο νερό σε
μία κατσαρόλα μαζί με τον κύβο ζωμού κότας ή
Βάζουμε τον τραχανά στη φωτιά ανακατεύοντας
Όταν κοχλάσει χαμηλώνουμε τη φωτιά και αφήνουμε
να σιγοψηθεί για ακόμα 20 – 25 λεπτά.
Προς το τέλος προσθέτουμε το χαλούμι, το λεμόνι,
το αλάτι και το πιπέρι.
Σερβίρουμε ζεστό.
Cyprus Cuisine
Trachanas Soup
“Trachanas” is considered the national soup
of Cyprus. For centuries it has remained
a valuable part of Cypriots diet due to its
delicious taste, high nutritional value and
excellent storage attributes. Trachanas is
made by mixing crushed wheat with sour
goat milk which is then warmed on fire.
When the mixture has boiled it becomes
congealed and is molded in small long
pieces which are set in the sun to dry.
When the pieces are dried they are stored
and usually used in the winter months to
make Trachanas soup.
1 cup dried trachanas;
5 cups water;
1 cube chicken or vegetable stock;
¾ cup Halloumi cheese cubes;
lemon juice to taste;
salt and pepper to taste;
Soak dried trachanas in 1 - 2 cup of water for at least
an hour.
Pour trachanas with any remaining liquid in a pan and
add the rest of the water and the chicken or vegetable
Cover and place over heat.
When soup starts to boil reduce heat and continue to
simmer for 20 - 25 minutes.
Remember to stir occasionally to avoid sticking on the
base of the pan.
Five minutes before removing the soup from the heat
stir in the Halloumi cheese cubes and add lemon, salt
and pepper to taste.
Serve hot.
Κυπριακή Κουζίνα
Δάκτυλα Κυριών
Δάκτυλα Κυριών - Ένα παραδοσιακό κυπριακό σιροπιαστό γλυκό. Έχουν σχήμα
λεπτό και μακρύ, όπως και τα δάκτυλα και
γι’ αυτό ονομάζονται δάκτυλα κυριών. Επίσης παλαιότερα σερβίρονταν στα σπίτια
των κυριών.
Τι κάνουμε
Παίρνουμε τη ζύμη και ανοίγουμε αρκετά
λεπτό φύλλο το οποίο κόβουμε σε κομμάτια 8x10 cm περίπου.
Βάζουμε γέμιση στα κομμάτι που κόψαμε
και τα τυλίγουμε σε ρολό. Πατάμε τις άκρες
με ένα πιρούνι.
Στη συνέχεια τηγανίζουμε τα δάκτυλα σε καυτό λάδι
μέχρι να ροδοκοκκινίσουν. Τέλος τα βουτάμε στο
κρύο σιρόπι και τα στραγγίζουμε.
Φτιάχνουμε περίπου 70 δάκτυλα.
Για τη ζύμη:
3 ποτήρια αλεύρι;
Λίγο αλάτι;
½ ποτήρι λάδι;
1- 1½ ποτήρια χλιαρό νερό;
Σιρόπι: Βάζουμε τη ζάχαρη, το νερό, την κανέλα
και το λεμόνι σε μια κατσαρόλα και ζεσταίνουμε σε
μέτρια φωτιά. Αφού δέσει το σιρόπι προσθέτουμε το
ανθόνερο, αφαιρούμε την κανέλα και αφήνουμε να
Ζύμη: Ρίχνουμε σε ένα μπολ το αλεύρι, το αλάτι και
το λάδι ανακατεύοντας καλά τα υλικά. Προσθέτουμε σιγά σιγά το νερό και ζυμώνουμε μέχρι να γίνει
η ζύμη μας σφικτή. Σκεπάζουμε και αφήνουμε να
ξεκουραστεί για περίπου μισή ώρα.
Γέμιση: Χοντροκόβουμε τα αμύγδαλα και τα ζυμώνουμε με τα υπόλοιπα υλικά μέχρι να δέσουν.
Για τη γέμιση:
1 1/2 ποτήρια αμύγδαλα;
2 κουταλιές ζάχαρη;
1 κουταλάκι κανέλα;
4 -5 κουταλιές ανθόνερο;
Για το σιρόπι:
2 ποτήρια ζάχαρη;
2 ποτήρια νερό;
1 1/2 - 2 ξυλαράκια κανέλας;
1-2 κουταλιές λεμόνι;
2 κουταλιές ανθόνερο;
Cyprus Cuisine
Daktyla Kyrion (Lady Fingers)
One of the most popular desserts in Cyprus
are Daktyla Kyrion or Ladies Fingers. The
name truly describes these particular sweet
pastries as they are made about the size
of an adult finger. They are consumed
throughout the year but they are traditionally considered essential during the holiday
of Sikoses.
Roll out the dough into thin sheets and cut
each sheet into pieces of about 8x10 cm.
Place some filling on each piece and roll to
the shape of a finger. Press the edges firmly
with a fork.
Heat plenty of oil in a medium pan.
Fry the “daktyla”, a few at a time, over
a low heat until golden brown on both sides.
Remove them from the heat and dip into cold syrup
for about 10 seconds. Drain them in a strainer and
transfer to a platter.
You will get about 70 daktyla.
For the dough:
3 cups self-raising flour;
pinch of salt;
½ cup vegetable oil;
1- 1½ cups lukewarm water;
Syrup: Place the sugar, water, cinnamon and lemon
juice in a saucepan.
Stir and place over medium heat. As soon as it reaches
boiling point, reduce the heat and boil a further 5-7
minutes. Remove from heat, pour in the rose water, take
out the cinnamon sticks and leave to cool.
Dough: Mix the salt with the flour and add the oil.
Using your fingertips rub the oil into the flour until the
mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Knead with as
much water as needed to make a firm dough.
Cover and leave it aside for half an hour.
Filling: Mix the almonds with the sugar and cinnamon
and add some rose water to make a firm mixture.
For the filling:
1 ½ cups almonds, finely ground;
2 tbs sugar;
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
4 -5 tbs rose water;
For the syrup:
2 cups of sugar;
2 cups of water;
1½ - 2 cinnamon sticks;
3-4 drops of lemon juice;
2 tbs rose water;
Κυπριακή Κουζίνα
Ένα ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλής γλυκό στην
Κύπρο την περίοδο των νηστειών.
Παρασκευάζεται εύκολα και γρήγορα και
επιπλέον διατηρείται εκτός ψυγείου για
αρκετές μέρες.
1 ποτήρι αμύγδαλα κομμένα στη
1½ ποτηριού ζάχαρη;
4 ποτήρια ζάχαρη;
2 κομμάτια κανέλα;
2 – 5 κουταλιές ροδόσταγμα;
¾ ποτηριού λάδι;
2 ποτήρια σιμιγδάλι
Σιρόπι: Βάζετε σε μια κατσαρόλα το νερό, τη ζάχαρη,
την κανέλα και το ροδόσταγμα και ζεσταίνεται. Όταν
κοχλάσει το μείγμα το κατεβάζετε από τη φωτιά και
το αφήνετε να κρυώσει.
Σε άλλη κατσαρόλα ζεσταίνετε το λάδι. Ρίχνετε
μέσα το σιμιγδάλι και τα αμύγδαλα ανακατεύοντας
διαρκώς μέχρι να απορροφηθεί το λάδι και ξανθύνει
το μείγμα.
Προσθέτετε το σιρόπι και ανακατεύετε μέχρι να
κοχλάσει το μείγμα και ξεκολλά από τα τοιχώματα
της κατσαρόλας.
Αφήνετε το χαλβά να κρυώσει για 5-10 λεπτά και τον
βάζετε σε φόρμα.
Cyprus Cuisine
Halves - Semolina Pudding
Halves - Semolina Pudding is a quick and
easy pudding to make that is very popular
during Lent.
Halvas keeps well for several days, covered
and unrefrigerated.
1 cup chopped blanched almonds;
1½ cups sugar;
4 cups water;
2 cinnamon sticks;
2 – 5 tablespoons rosewater (optional);
¾ cup oil;
2 cups coarse semolina;
Syrup: Combine water, sugar, rosewater and cinnamon
sticks in a pot and bring to boil over medium heat. Set
aside to cool and remove cinnamon sticks.
In another pot heat oil until hot. Stir in semolina and add
blanched almonds. Continue stirring over medium heat
until all the oil has been absorbed and the mixture turns
into a deep golden colour.
Add the syrup mixture to semolina and continue stirring
until the mixture is thick and bubbles begin to appear.
Remove from heat and allow the mixture to cool for
5-10 minutes.
Spoon the mixture into a pudding mould and allow to
cool to room temperature before serving.
Magyar Konyha
A gulyásleves ismert étel Európa
bizonyos részein, de eredete a
történelmi Magyarország területére
vezethető vissza. Manapság hazánk egyik
2 fej hagyma, kockára vágva;
2t zsír vagy növényi olaj;
1.5 kg. kockára vágott marhahús;
1 ek. magyar fűszerpaprika ;
4 sárgarépa, kis darabokra vágva;
2 petrezselyemgyökér, kis darabokra
1 csokor petrezselyemzöld;
4 közepes burgonya, kis darabokra
1 tk Vegeta;
½ tk köménymag;
csípős paprika (elhagyható), só ízlés
Egy nagy edényben közepes lángon dinszteljük
meg a felaprított hagymát 10-15 perc alatt.
Kevergessük gyakran, ügyeljünk arra, hogy a
hagyma meg ne égjen! Hogy még puhább legyen,
sózzuk meg! Öntsünk hozzá kevés vizet, nehogy a
hagyma leégjen. Vegyük lejjebb a lángot, és adjuk a hagymához a
húst és a pirospaprikát. Gyakran kevergessük, míg
a hús kissé megpirul. Adjunk hozzá annyi vizet,
amennyi a húst ellepi. Lassú tűznél főzzük addig,
míg a hús megpuhul. Ha szükséges, pótoljuk a
vizet! Ez kb 2 órát vesz igénybe, attól függően
mennyi idős a hús.
Adjuk hozzá a zöldségeket és a fűszereket. Borítsuk
be az edényt és lassú tűznél főzzük addig, míg a
zöldségek megpuhulnak, de ügyeljünk arra, hogy
ne főzzük szét. Ha szükséges, pótoljuk az elforrott
vizet. Ízlés szerint tehetünk bele csípős paprikát is. Nokedlivel vagy csipetkével tálaljuk.
Hungarian Cuisine
Hungarian goulash
Originating from the historical
Hungarian ethnic area, goulash
is also a popular meal in Central
Europe, Scandinavia and Southern
It is one of the national
dishes of Hungary and it is a symbol of
the country.
Hungarian wax peppers are a variety
of chili pepper developed in Hungary,
home of paprika, another notable
pepper product. These peppers are also
known as hot yellow peppers or hot wax
2 medium onions, finely chopped;
2 tbs pork lard or vegetable oil;
3 pounds chuck roast beef cubes;
1 tbs sweet Hungarian paprika;
4 carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2inch rounds;
2 parsley roots, peeled and cut into
1/2-inch rounds;
1 small bunch parsley;
4 medium potatoes, peeled and cut
into 1/2-inch pieces;
1 teaspoon Vegeta seasoning ;
½ tbs caraway seeds;
2 Hungarian wax peppers ;
hot Hungarian paprika;
salt to taste;
In a large soup pot or Dutch oven, fry the onion
in hot fat or vegetable oil over medium-low heat,
stirring frequently, until it gets translucent. This will
take 10 to 15 minutes. Do not let the onions get
brown. Add some salt and a small amount of water,
if necessary, to keep it from sticking to the pan.
Turn the heat to high and add the meat cubes and
sweet Hungarian paprika and stir constantly for
about 3 minutes or until the meat has been seared
on all sides. Add water to cover, bring it to boil and
simmer gently until the meat is almost tender.
Add carrots, parsley roots, bunch of parsley,
potatoes, Vegeta, caraway seeds, wax peppers, and
hot paprika. Bring back to boil, then simmer until
the vegetables are tender but not falling apart. Add
water, if necessary, to keep the soup consistency.
Add salt to taste. Serve over Hungarian “csipetke” or “nokedli”
Magyar Konyha
Hortobágyi húsos palacsinta
Számos nemzet vallja maga specialitásnak a köztudatban, ami annak köszönhető, hogy az eredete egy közös pontba a
római birodalomig vezethető vissza.
50 dkg darált hús (disznó, marha
vagy csirke, vagy ezek keveréke);
1 nagy hagyma;
1 paradicsom;
1 ek fűszerpaprika;
2 dl tejföl;
4 dl liszt;
2,5 dl tej;
1 dl szódavíz
só, bors, zöldség zöldje;
Készíts palacsintákat a tojásokból, lisztből, tejből,
szódavízből kevés sóval. (Úgy kell kinéznie, mint a
sűrű tejszín. Ha van idő, pihentesd fél órán keresztül).
Pirítsd meg a hagymát kevés olajban. Add hozzá
a húst, pirospaprikát, sót, paradicsomot. Önts alá
kevés vizet. Adj a keverékhez 1 dl tejfölt, a többit a
tálalásnál használjuk fel.
Helyezd a tölteléket a palacsintákra, és tekerd fel
őket. A palacsintákat tedd egy hőálló edénybe és
kevés tölteléket önts köréjük. Helyezd az edényt a
sütőbe 200 C fokon 20-25 percre.
Tálaláskor locsold meg a maradék tejföllel és szórd
meg a zöldség zöldjével.
Hungarian Cuisine
Meaty Pancakes from Hortobagy
The dish actually does not come from
Hortobágy region in the Great Hungarian
Plain, but it was invented for the 1958
Brussels World Fair. However, some
Hungarian recipe books have already
contained a similar recipe since the
1930s.The name of the food is simply a
marketing trick.
500 g ground meat (pork, beef or
chicken or any mix of these);
1 big onion;
1 tomato;
1 Hungarian pepper (or whatever
chili you have at hand);
2 dl sour cream;
4 dl flour;
2.5 dl milk;
100 ml carbonated water;
vegetable oil;
salt, black pepper, paprika, parsley;
Make pancakes from eggs, flour, milk, carbonated
water and 1/2 tsp salt (it should look like a thick
cream). Let the batter rest for 1/2 hour if you have
Brown the chopped onion in oil. Add meat, 2 tsp.
red paprika, salt, tomato and yellow pepper. Braise
in a little water until it is done. Add 100 ml of sour
cream to the gravy. Add enough gravy to the meat
to make a paste, and keep the rest for serving.
Roll the paste in the pancakes. Pour some gravy on
the pancakes and put them in the oven at 200 C
for 20-25 minutes.
When serving, pour more gravy and sour cream on
them. Decorate with finely chopped parsley.
Magyar Konyha
Rákóczi túrós
Ezen desszert feltalálója Rákóczi János,
akit 1958-ban a világ 6. legjobb szakácsának választottak.
A tésztához:
20 dkg liszt;
12,5dkg margarin;
1 tojás sárgája;
5 g sütőpor;
5 dkg cukor;
0,5 dl tejföl;
Keverjük össze a tészta hozzávalóit és hagyjuk
pihenni pár percig.
Tegyük tepsibe és kenjük meg a tetejét a lekvárral.
Keverjük össze a töltelék hozzávalóit és kenjük a
tészta tetejére.
Helyezzük be 180 C - ra előmelegített sütőbe kb
25 percre.
Verjük fel a tojás fehérjéket kemény habbá a cukorral. Addig verjük ,míg a fehérje kemény és fényes
lesz. Kenjük a megsült töltelék tetejére és helyezzük
vissza a sütőbe, melyet kapcsoljunk ki és hagyjuk,
hogy a kemény hab megszáradjon.
Porcukorral meghintve tálaljuk.
A töltelékhez:
2 tojás sárgája;
10 dkg cukor;
10 g vaníliás cukor;
30 dkg túró;
1 kanál zsemlemorzsa;
reszelt citrom héja;
3 tojás fehérje;
1 ek cukor;
Hungarian Cuisine
Rakoczi Cottage Cheese Cake
The inventor of this dessert is János
Rákóczi who was designated the sixth
best chef in the world in 1958.
For the dough:
200 g flour;
125 g margarine;
1 egg yolk;
5 g baking powder , 50 g sugar;
1/2 dl sour cream;
Mix the dough and let it rest for a while.
Spread jam on top and sprinkle with the cookie
crumbs. Mix the rest of the ingredients for the
filling. Spread the filling over the dough.
Put it in the oven at 180 C and bake for about 25
Beat the egg whites until stiff, add sugar and beat a
little more until it gets shiny. Spread the foam over
the filling and turn off the oven. Leave in the oven
until the glaze on top sets.
For the filling:
2 egg yolks;
100 g sugar ,10 g vanilla sugar;
300 g cottage cheese;
1 tbs meal or cookie crumbs;
grated lemon peel, jam;
For the glaze:
3 egg whites;
1 tbs sugar;
Cucina italiana
Pizza Margherita
La Margherita, come tutti conoscono,
è attribuita a Raffaele Esposito, avrebbe infornato tre diversi tipi di pizza per
omaggiare la visita del re Umberto di
Savoia e della regina Margherita, la quale
ne avrebbe fatto espressa richiesta. La
leggenda narra che egli, volendo fare
una buona impressione, preparò tre
tipi di condimenti: la classica pizza con
strutto, formaggio e basilico, marinara
con origano, aglio e pomodoro, e l’ultima
variante con mozzarella, basilico fresco
e pomodoro a simboleggiare i colori
della bandiera italiana, quindi dello stato
nascente. E’ stata, così, giustamente
chiamata la pizza Margherita in onore
della Regina, che ha dimostrato di gradire
Per 4 pizze:
Scaldare 250ml di acqua e scogliere il lievito.
Versare in una ciotola.
Aggiungere un pizzico di sale.
Versare la farina, aggiungere due cucchiai di olio e
impastare fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo.
Coprire con un panno e lasciar lievitare per almeno
due ore.
Stendere la pasta con il matterello sul piano di lavoro
Poi ungere una teglia di olio e disporre la base per la
Cospargetela di pomodoro e sale.
Cuocerla in forno per almeno un ora a 200 gradi.
Aggiungere la mozzarella tagliata a cubetti e le foglioline di basilico e infornare per altri 5 minuti.
circa 700ml pomodori (zuppetta
mozzarella (di bufala - a piacere);
sale (quanto basta);
12 foglie basilico.
Italian Cuisine
Pizza Margherita
Legend says that during Queen Margherita’s visit to Naples in 1889, Raffaele
Esposito, a famous Neapolitan “pizzaiolo”(pizza maker), was asked to create
a pizza in the honor of the queen. He
wanted to impress the Queen and made
three different kinds of pizza: classic pizza with lard, cheese and basil, marinara
with oregano, garlic and tomato, and
another one in the colours of the Italian
flag: with mozzarella (white), fresh basil
(green) and tomato (red).
The queen liked the third pizza best and
since then this kind of pizza has been
named “Margherita” in the honour of the
For 4 pizzas:
Heat 250ml of water and dissolve yeast. Pour it into
a bowl.
Add a pinch of salt and flour, two tablespoons of
olive oil and knead until the mixture is smooth.
Cover it with a cloth and let it rise at least for one
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin on a floured
work surface.
Grease a baking sheet with oil and provide the
basis for the pizza.
Sprinkle with tomato and salt.
Bake in the oven for at least two hours at 200
Add the diced mozzarella and basil leaves and bake
for another 5 minutes.
about 700 ml tomatoes (dense
buffalo mozzarella (as much as you
salt to taste;
12 basil leaves;
Cucina italiana
Cavatelli con broccoli
Cavatelli e broccoli è di origine antica
e tradizionalmente usata nella gustosa
cucina contadina dell’Irpinia.
Si dice, che secoli fa, una donna ferita dal
tradimento del marito, per sfogare la sua
frustrazione con violenza si mise ad impastare la pasta. Era così arrabbiata che
ha piegato la pasta e la spingeva verso il
basso con il palmo della sua mano più e
più volte fino ad aver inventato un nuovo
tipo di pasta - “cicato”, impastato con
l’indice e il medio della mano. Probabilmente, sperava di riconquistare il marito
con questo nuovo tipo di pasta fatta in
Si consiglia di servire i “cavatelli” con
l’ottimo vino rosso di Taurasi.
Per 4 persone:
Lavare i broccoli e dividere le cimette, scartando i
gambi troppo grossi e duri.
320g di cavatelli (o altra pasta);
200g di broccoli;
3 spicchi di aglio;
peperoncino fresco o secco;
sale (quanto basta).
Far soffriggere a fuoco basso olio, aglio, peperoncino e acciughe.
Quando le acciughe si saranno un po’ disfatte, trasferite i broccoli nel soffritto e farli insaporire bene,
mescolando un poco con un mestolo.
Aggiungere mezzo bicchiere di acqua, coprire e
continuare a cuocere i broccoli finché non risulteranno abbastanza teneri.
Finita la cottura, regolare il sale.
Cuocere i cavatelli in acqua per almeno 10 minuti.
Scolare e saltare i cavatelli nella salsa di broccoli.
Italian Cuisine
Cavatelli and Broccoli
Cavatelli and broccoli is of ancient origin
and traditionally cooked in the tasty
country cooking of Irpinia.
It is said ,that centuries ago, a woman
hurt by her husband’s betrayal, was venting her frustration by violently kneading
the dough for pasta. She was so hurt
that she folded the dough and pushed
it down with the heel of her hand over
and over again until she invented a new
type of pasta –“cicato”, kneaded with the
index and middle fingers of the hand.
Probably, she hoped to win back her
husband with this new type of homemade pasta.
It is recommended to serve “cavatelli”
with the excellent red wine of Taurasi.
For 4 people:
Wash broccoli and divide into florets, removing the
stems which are too big and too hard. Boil it for 5
minutes, drain and set aside.
320g of cavatelli or another pasta;
200g of broccoli;
3 cloves of garlic;
fresh or dry pepper to taste;
salt to taste;
Heat oil over low heat and add garlic, chili and
When the anchovies are almost ready, add the
broccoli, sauté, stirring occasionally, for about 10
minutes. Add half of glass of water, cover it and
continue to cook broccoli until it is soft enough.
Meanwhile, cook cavatelli in a large pot in boiling
salted water for 8 to 10 minutes, drain and place
in a large serving bowl. Toss with the broccoli, and
season with salt and pepper. Serve with parmesan
Cucina italiana
Pastiera Napoletana
La pastiera è il classico dolce pasquale partenopeo.
Per i napoletani la pastiera non è solo un dolce, ma
un vero e proprio rito con tempi e modalità ben
definite: dalla preparazione, rigorosamente effettuata il giorno del Venerdì Santo; alla cottura, che in
passato avveniva nel forno del quartiere, dove, dal
primo pomeriggio, iniziava la processione di coloro
che portavano a cuocere le pastiere. La creazione
della pastiera napoletana, si racconta, sia opera di
una suora nell’antichissimo convento di S. Gregorio
Armeno a Napoli, la quale diede ad essa un significato
mistico, simboleggiante la Resurrezione di Cristo. Da
questo episodio deriva l’usanza di preparare la pastiera
il Venerdì Santo e di consumarla durante la Pasqua.
Una delle ultime leggende legate alla pastiera narra di
Maria Teresa D’Austria, consorte del re Ferdinando II
di Borbone, soprannominata dai soldati “la Regina che
non sorride mai”, che, dopo aver assaggiato una fetta
di pastiera, non poté far a meno di sorridere.
Per 4 persone:
250g farina;
1 uovo intero e 1 tuorlo;
125g burro;
una bustina di vanillina;
100 g zucchero;
Ingredienti per il ripieno:
250g grano cotto;
350g ricotta di pecora o di mucca;
2 uova e 2 tuorl;
limoni (la scorcia grattugiata di 1);
1 cannella cucchiaio;
50g arance candite;
25g acqua di fiori d’arancio;
350g zucchero;
50g cedro candito;
30 g burro;
200g latte;
Per prima cosa preparare la pasta frolla con le dosi indicate, una volta pronta mettere la
pasta frolla a raffermare in frigorifero per circa 40 minuti avvolta nella pellicola. Nel frattempo preparare la crema di grano. Versare in una pentola il grano precotto, il latte, il burro e la
buccia grattugiata del limone. Far bollire tutto a fuoco dolce, mescolando fino ad ottenere
una crema densa. Versare il composto in una ciotola e lasciare intiepidire. Intanto in un mixer,
frullare le uova insieme allo zucchero, alla ricotta, all’acqua di fiori d’arancio, alla vanillina e
alla cannella. Dovrebbe uscire una crema piuttosto fluida e senza grumi.
Stendere quindi la pasta frolla, avendo l’accortezza di tenere una piccola quantità da parte
per preparare le strisce che serviranno per la decorazione. Foderare con il disco di pasta frolla
una teglia tonda di 28cm di diametro, precedentemente imburrata. Una volta che la crema di
grano si sarà intiepidita, unire la crema di ricotta e amalgamare bene. Aggiungere poi l’arancia
candita e il cedro e ancora una volta mescolare bene. Versare il ripieno nella teglia e pareggiare bene i bordi della pasta frolla. Con la pasta tenuta da parte, ricavare una sfoglia non
troppo sottile, con la quale formare delle strisce di frolla della lunghezza di 2cm. Le strisce
serviranno per decorare la superficie della pastiera. Spennellate le striscioline con l’uovo sbattuto e infornare la pastiera a 200 gradi.
Finito questo, farla raffreddare per un po’ e spolverizzarla con dello zucchero a velo.
Italian Cuisine
Neapolitan Easter Pie
“Pastiera” is the classic Neapolitan Easter cake. For the Neapolitans “pastiera” is
not only a sort of sweet, but a real ritual,
with times and well-defined procedures
of preparation, strictly followed. In the
past, cooking started in the early afternoon and began with the procession of
those who wore the “pastiere” to cook.
It is said, that “pastiera” was made, for
the first time, by a nun in the convent
of San Gregorio Armeno, in Naples,
as a symbol of Resurrection of Christ.
That’s why pastiera is made on Good
Friday and is eaten duringEaster.
One of the legends related to “pastiera” tells
that, Maria Teresa of Habsburg, the wife of
King Ferdinand II of Bourbon, was nicknamed by the soldiers, “the Queen who never smiles”. After she was convinced to taste a
slice of “pastiera”, she smiled with pleasure.
For 4 people:
First, prepare the pastry with the indicated doses;
once it is ready, put it in the fridge for about 40 minutes wrapped in plastic wrap. Meantime, prepare the
wheat cream - pour the pre-cooked wheat, in milk,
add butter and grated lemon rind into a saucepan and
bring it to the boil on low heat, mixing until it gets a
thick cream. Pour the mixture into a bowl and let it
Then, blend the eggs with sugar, ricotta, orange
flower water, vanillin and cinnamon until it comes out
a smooth cream.
Roll out the pastry, keeping a small amount of it
aside to prepare for decoration. Lined with a disk of
pastry round baking pan 28cm in diameter, previously
buttered. Once the cream of wheat is warm, combine
it with ricotta and mix well. Then, add the candied
orange and citron and again mix well. Pour the filling
into the pan and even out the edges of pastry. With
the dough kept aside, make sheet not too thin and cut
strips of pastry of 2cm length. The strips will be used
to decorate the surface of “pastiera”.
Brush the strips with beaten egg and bake “pastiera”
at 200 degrees. After baking, let it cool for a while and
sprinkle with icing sugar.
For the dough:
250g flour;
one egg and one yolk;
125 g butter;
one sachet of vanillin;
100 g sugar;
Ingredients for the filling:
250 g cooked wheat;
350g of ricotta (sheep or cow);
2 eggs and two yolks;
1 grated lemon zest;
1 spoonful of cinnamon;
50g candied oranges;
25 g water of orange blossom;
350 g sugar;
50 g candied citron;
30 g butter;
200 ml milk;
Latvijas virtuve
Sena, tradicionāla latviešu recepte ikvienam mielastam. Ja jūs vēlaties nobaudīt
veselīgu, laucinieciska stila ēdienu saistītu
ar latviešu tautas tradīcijām, tad nobaudiet šo!
450-500 g rupjo rudzu vai kviešu;
miltu, 50 g cūku tauku vai sviesta;
200ml ūdens, ēdamkarote cukura;
sāls, 1 ola pārziešanai.
Kartupeļu pildījumam:
250 g kartupeļu, 25 ml piena;
15 g sviesta, sāls.
Burkānu pildījumam:
400 g burkānu, 50 g cukura;
15 g skābā krējuma;
2 olas;
15 g kviešu miltu, sāls;
Miltus izsijā uz galda virsmas un vidū izveido bedrīti.
Saplucina taukus vai sviestu, pielej siltu ūdeni, kurā
izšķīdināts cukurs un sāls, tad samīca stingru un labi
veltnējamu mīklu.
Mīklu izveltnē 2-3 mm biezā plāksnē, izspiež
diametrā 10 cm lielus riņķus un krokojot uzloka 1,5
cm augstu maliņu. Liek uz cepamās formas. Katrā
mīklas aplī iepilda kartupeļa pildījuma masu, virs
tās liek burkānu pildījuma masu, pārziež ar sakultu
olu un 200*C temperatūrā cep 10-15 minūtes, līdz
virspuse apcepusies zeltaina, bet mīkla ir sausa un
Kartupeļu pildījumam nepieciešamos kartupeļus
nomizo un novāra sālsūdenī, ūdeni nolej, kartupeļus izberž caur sietu, pielej uzvārītu pienu, pievieno
sviestu un visu samaisa.
Burkānu pildījumam paredzētos burkānus novāra ar
visu mizu, nomizo un izberž caur cietu. Biezenim
pieber sāli, cukuru, pievieno skābo krējumu, olas,
miltus un visu samaisa. Sklanda raušus var cept tikai
ar viena veida – kartupeļu vai burkānu pildījumu.
Latvian Cuisine
Tarts Filled with Potato
and Carrot Mash
An old traditional Latvian recipe for any
feast in year. If you want to enjoy healthy
country style food in a sense of folklore,
then try this!
For the dough:
450- 500 g rye or wheat flour;
50 g lard or butter, 200 ml water;
1 tbsp. sugar, salt;
1 egg for brushing;
For potato filling:
250 g potatoes;
25 ml milk;
15 g butter, salt;
For carrot filling:
400 g carrots;
50 g sugar;
25 g sour cream;
2 eggs;
15 g wheat flour,
Make the dough for the tarts using the ingredients
above .
Roll the dough out into 2-3 mm thick plate, cut
out the rings 10 cm in circle and fold up 1.5 cm
edge. Put on the baking sheet. Put into each tart
potato filling and then carrot filling. Brush the tarts
with the whisked egg and bake them in the oven at
200C for 10-15 minutes until the top is golden and
the dough is crispy.
Potato filling: boil the potatoes in salted water,
mash them in a blender and add the boiled milk
and butter .Mix everything thoroughly.
Carrot filling: boil the carrots and then mash them.
Add salt, sugar, sour cream, eggs, flour to the mash
and mix it thoroughly. You can bake these tarts using only one type of filling – either potato or carrot
Latvijas virtuve
Speķa pīrāgi
Viens no unikālākajiem Latvijas simboliem, kas
ārzemniekiem asociējas ar latviešu ēdieniem .
Tiek aizmirsts tā nosaukums, bet nekad netiek
aizmirsti mazie rauši ar šķiņķi un sīpoliem, kuri
cepšanas laikā smaržo dievišķīgi un garšo sevišķi labi, izņemti no cepeškrāsns.
Šis pusmēness mini pīrāgs ir līdzīgs itāļu calzone, un tam ir līdzīgas sastāvdaļas, bet garša
pavisam atšķirīga.
450-500 g rupjo rudzu vai kviešu;
miltu, 50 g cūku tauku vai sviesta;
200ml ūdens, ēdamkarote cukura;
sāls, 1 ola pārziešanai;
Kartupeļu pildījumam:
250 g kartupeļu, 25 ml piena;
15 g sviesta, sāls;
Burkānu pildījumam:
400 g burkānu, 50 g cukura;
15 g skābā krējuma;
2 olas;
15 g kviešu miltu;
Miltus izsijā uz galda virsmas un vidū izveido bedrīti. Saplucina taukus vai sviestu, pielej
siltu ūdeni, kurā izšķīdināts cukurs un sāls, tad samīca stingru un labi veltnējamu mīklu.
Mīklu izveltnē 2-3 mm biezā plāksnē, izspiež diametrā 10 cm lielus riņķus un krokojot uzloka
1,5 cm augstu maliņu. Liek uz cepamās formas. Katrā mīklas aplī iepilda kartupeļa pildījuma masu, virs tās liek burkānu pildījuma masu, pārziež ar sakultu olu un 200*C temperatūrā cep 10-15 minūtes, līdz virspuse apcepusies zeltaina, bet mīkla ir sausa un kraukšķīga.
Kartupeļu pildījumam nepieciešamos kartupeļus nomizo un novāra sālsūdenī, ūdeni nolej, kartupeļus izberž caur sietu, pielej uzvārītu pienu, pievieno sviestu un visu samaisa.
Burkānu pildījumam paredzētos burkānus novāra ar visu mizu, nomizo un izberž caur cietu.
Biezenim pieber sāli, cukuru, pievieno skābo krējumu, olas, miltus un visu samaisa. Sklanda
raušus var cept tikai ar viena veida – kartupeļu vai burkānu pildījumu.
Saputo olas dzeltenumu ar ūdeni un ar iegūto masu noziež ripulīša pretējās malas, lai cepot
pīrāgs neatvērtos. Divas pretējās ripulīša malas saspiež kopā. Ar olu noziež pīrāga virsu. Pīrāgus
kārto uz cepamās pannas un cep zeltainus 200 °C temperatūrā.
Latvian Cuisine
Bacon Rolls/Latvian Bacon Buns
One of the unique Latvian symbols that
foreigners discover about Latvians worldwide is the often mispronounced, but never
forgotten, little bacon and onion delicacy
that smells absolutely divine while baking
and tastes like heaven when just out of the
This crescent-shaped mini-pie looks like an
Italian calzone and has similar ingredients,
but the taste is quite different.
For the dough:
600 g flour;
30 g yeast or 1 packet dry yeast;
1 glass milk, ½ tbs salt;
2 tbs sugar, 100 g butter;
1 egg yolk; For the filling:
300 g smoked pork brisket or ham;
3 onions;
salt and ground black pepper;
For brushing:
2 egg yolks;
2 tbs water;
Sift the largest part of flour into a large bowl. Make a central well and put the dry yeast or the
fresh yeast previously dissolved in a small amount of warm milk into it. Add some tablespoons
warm milk to the dry yeast and mix with flour. Cover the bowl with a towel and put in a warm
place for 10-15 minutes. The yeast is ready when it becomes frothy and increases in volume.
Put aside ½ glass flour, the remaining add to the yeast and stir.
Whisk the egg yolk, soft butter, salt and sugar with mixer until smooth. Add the whisked mixture
to the yeast and flour and stir. Dust the dough with handful of flour, cover the bowl with a towel
and leave it in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. The dough is ready when its volume increases
2-3 times. To make the filling, peel and chop the onions. Cut the smoked meat in thin shreds.
Add salt, pepper and mix everything together. Take some dough and roll it out. With a tea glass
cut dough rings constantly dusting its rim with flour. Put some filling on each dough peace.
Whisk the egg yolk with water and brush the opposite edges of the every dough ring, otherwise
the patty will open during the baking. Press the opposite sides together to make a patty. Brush
the patties with the egg. Place the bacon patties on the baking sheet and cook at 200 °C until
they get golden.
Latvijas virtuve
Tas ir tradicionāls latviešu deserts, kurš
tiek gatavots no rupjmaizes. Rupjmaizes
kārtojums gan pēc izskata, gan sastāva
ir līdzīgs britu biskvītkūkai ar augļiem un
putukrējumu. Angliski runājošie mūsu desertu sauc “Saldā rupjmaizes biskvītkūka”.
Rupjmaizes kārtojums ir latviešu ēdiens,
un tas tiek uzskatīts par nacionālās virtuves dārgumu
250 g sabriedušas rudzu maizes;
250 ml cidoniju ievārījuma;
50 ml cidoniju sulas;
½ tējkarotes malta kanēļa;
250 ml salda krējuma;
vanilīna cukurs;
tējkarote dzērveņu;
Maizi, kurai nogriezta garoziņa, sarīvē uz rīves,
sajauc ar pusi no paredzētā daudzuma cukura un
kanēļa. Ātri apgrauzdē maizi uz sausas pannas, lai
cukuram kūstot veidotos parupjas maizes drupačas.
Jāraugās, lai nesadeg!
Drupatas atdzesē, pārrasina ar cidoniju sulu un
Atdzesētu saldo krējumu puto; kad sāk palielināties
apjoms, pieber atlikušo cukuru, vanilīna cukuru un
turpina putot, līdz izveidojas stingras putas.
Traukā kārtām liek rupjmaizes drupatu masu un
cidoniju ievārījumu. Kā pēdējo liek rupjmaizes kārtu.
Rotā ar izspiestu putukrējumu un dzērvenēm. Pie
rupjmaizes kārtojuma glāzē pasniedz atdzesētu
Latvian Cuisine
Rye Bread Dessert
It is a traditional Latvian dessert based
on the country’s famous traditional dark
rye bread. “Rupjmaizes kārtojums” is
similar in appearance and texture to the
trifle of the British Isles, and it is often
called “Sweet Rye Trifle” among English
“Rupjmaizes kārtojums” is an iconic Latvian food and it is considered a treasure
of the national cuisine.
250 g stale bread;
250 ml quince jam;
50 ml quince juice;
80g sugar;
½ tbs ground cinnamon;
250 ml whipping cream;
vanilla sugar;
1 tbs cranberries;
Cut off the crust and grate the bread, mix with a
half of the sugar and cinnamon. Sear the bread
quickly on a dry pan, so coarse bread crumbs form
with the melting sugar. Be careful not to burn the
bread crumbs.
Cool the crumbles, sprinkle with quince juice and
Whisk the chilled whipping cream, add the remaining sugar and vanilla sugar, and continue whisking
until stiff peaks are formed.
In a dessert dish set layers of rye bread crumbles
and quince jam. Top with a layer of bread crumbles.
Decorate with whipped cream and cranberries.
Serve the rye bread dessert with a glass of cooled
Mancare romaneasca
Ciorbă Rădăuțeană
Ciorba rădăuțeană, cum îi spune și
numele, este tradițională pentru zona
orașului Rădăuți, dar și pentru întreaga
Ciorba cunoaște mici variații de la o
gospodărie la alta, dar carnea de pui,
smântâna și țelina nu lipsesc din nicio
1-2 bucăți de piept de pui;
2 morcovi;
1-2 cepe;
1 rădăcină de pătrunjel;
1 țelină mică;
200 g smântână;
2 ouă;
3-4 căței de usturoi;
1 legătură de pătrunjel;
oțet sau lămâie pentru acrit.
Pieptul de pui se pune întreg, la fiert, în apă. Se
ia spuma, iar când nu se mai produce spumă se
adaugă legumele curățate și tăiate în bucăți mari.
Se lasă la fiert până când legumele se înmoaie, apoi
se scot atât pieptul, cât și legumele din supă - pieptul se taie fâșii subțiri și se pune in zeama rămasă,
iar legumele se pasează sau se trec prin sită și se
adaugă în oală.
Se mai lasă 5 minute, până dau în primul clocot.
Ouăle se bat bine cu smântână, peste care se
adaugă un polonic cu supă. Se toarnă apoi în oală,
amestecându-se bine.
Se pune și usturoiul pisat, sare și oțet după gust
(oțet se mai poate adăuga și în momentul servirii,
în farfurie).
Oala se ia de pe foc și se adaugă pătrunjelul tocat
Romanian Cuisine
Chicken breast soup
In Romania, the chicken breast soup is
known as the “Rădăuțeană soup”. As the
name says it is traditional not only for
Rădăuți (a town in Bukovina – a historical region in Central Europe, currently
divided between Ukraine and Romania),
but for the entire Bukovina. The soup
knows little variation from household
to household, but the chicken, the sour
cream and the celery are not lacking in
any recipe.
1-2 chicken breast;
2 carrots;
1-2 onions;
1 celery root;
1 parsley root;
200g. sour cream;
2 eggs;
3-4 cloves of garlic;
1 bunch of parsley ;
salt to taste;
lemon or vinegar to taste;
Put the chicken breast in a pot, bring it to the boil
skimming off any foam that rises to the top. Simmer the chicken until there is no foam , then add
the vegetables cut in big pieces.
Continue simmering until all the vegetables are
Transfer the chicken to a bowl, let it cool and cut
it in thin stripes
Take out the vegetables , put them into a blender
and blend them for a couple of minutes. Strain the
broth; add the chicken stripes and the blended
vegetables. Simmer everything for about 5 minutes.
Whisk the eggs with the sour cream and gently
pour the mixture into the pot and mix well.
Mash the garlic ( in a mortar and a pestle) until it is
a smooth paste. Put it into the pot together with
some salt and vinegar or lemon juice .
Take the pot out of the stove and add the finely
chopped parsley.
Mancare romaneasca
Sărmăluțe în foi de varză
1-1,5 kg carne de porc tocată;
1-1,5 kg varză murată (sau ceva mai
multă, în funcție de calitatea foilor);
2 -3 cepe;
1 morcov;
50 ml ulei de floarea soarelui;
150 g orez (o ceașcă) spălat și scurs;
1 legătură de mărar verde;
4 linguri de bulion;
cimbru, sare, piper măcinat;
În bucătăria românească, sarmalele nu sunt învelite doar în foi de varză, ci și în foi de viță-devie, podbal, tei sau fasole, iar umplutura de sarmale este folosită și pentru ardei umpluți.
Sarmalele sunt un fel de mâncare comun și altor popoare din Balcani, dar sunt cunoscute și în
Turcia (unde cele în foi de varză se numesc ”lahana sarma”, iar cele în foi de viță-de-vie ”yaprak
sarma”) sau în bucătăria cipriotă, unde sunt numite”koupepia” de către ciprioții greci (în limba
greacă, κουπεπια) și “dolma”de către ciprioții turci.
Se pun foile de varză acră la desărat, într-un vas cu apă rece.
Se pune uleiul la încins și se undește ceapa tocată mărunt, morcovul dat pe răzătoarea mică,
orezul, după care se adaugă 200 ml. de apă.
Se amestecă cu carnea de porc, se pune sare, piper, boia de ardei dulce.
Se ia o foaie de varză, se îndepărtează nervura groasă din centrul foii și apoi se taie în bucăți
potrivite. În centrul fiecărei bucăți se pune amestecul de mai sus, se rulează foaia, iar capetele
se introduc înăuntru cu degetul arătător.
Sarmalele se așează în straturi concentrice, într-o cratiță înaltă și largă, cu fundul gros.
Opțional, se pot pune, din loc în loc, bucăți de slănină și costiță afumată.
Se acoperă cu varză tocată și deasupra se pune cimbru și mărar.
Se toarnă apă în amestec cu bulionul (4 linguri la 200 ml apă) atât cât să acopere sarmalele,
după care se așează oala pe foc mic și se fierbe cca. 2 ore.
Se verifică să nu scadă apa, iar dacă este nevoie se adaugă câte o ceșcuță de apă caldă.
Sarmalele sunt gata dacă varza se taie ușor.
Romanian Cuisine
Meat rolls in cabbage leaves
1 to 1.5 kg ground pork;
1 to 1.5 kg sauerkraut /sour cabbage
(or even a little more, depending on
the quality of the leaves);
2-3 onions (medium size);
1 carrot (medium size);
50 ml sunflower oil;
150 g rice (one cup), preferably of
round grain, rinsed and drained;
1 bunch fresh dill;
4 tbs tomato paste;
thyme, salt, ground pepper.
In Romanian cuisine, meat rolls are called “sarmale” and are wrapped not only in cabbage
leaves, but also in grape leaves (sarmale în foi de viță), or the minced meat is put into bell peppers (ardei umpluţi).They are often eaten with hot mămăliga and sour cream.
“Sarmalele” are a common dish for other peoples in the Balkans , but it is also common in Turkey (“lahana sarma” (in cabbage leaves) or “yaprak sarma” (in vine leaves) or in Cypriot cuisine
where stuffed vine leaves are called ”koupepia” (Greek: κουπεπια) by the Greek Cypriots and
“dolma” by the Turkish Cypriots.
Put the sauerkraut in a plastic container filled with cold water in order to remove the salt
from cabbage. Heat the oil and add the chopped onion, grated carrot, rice and 200 ml of water. Fry until the vegetables are golden and tender.
Mix with the pork meat and season with salt , pepper , thyme and fresh chopped dill. Then mix
it until you get a homogeneous paste.
Take one of the cabbage leaves on a flat surface and cut away the hard central vein and divide
it in pieces of about the size of your hand. Put one teaspoon of filling on each piece , fold sides
of cabbage over filling and roll the cabbage up. Repeat with remaining leaves and filling.
The “sarmale” are placed in concentric layers in a wide, high saucepan with a thick bottom.
If you like, from place to place, you can put smoked bacon among the sarmale, this will add a
wonderful flavour to the dish. (optional)
Cover the cabbage rolls with minced cabbage and sprinkle over thyme and dill.
Mix a tea cup of hot water with 4 tablespoons of tomato paste enough to cover cabbage rolls.
Bring to the boil and immediately reduce to a gentle simmer for about 2 hours, adding additional tomato sauce as needed. Cover the pot.
The content is fully cooked when the cabbage can be easily cut.
Mancare romaneasca
Cozonac cu nucă
Cozonacul este o prăjitură românească
care se coace, în mod tradițional,de Paște și de Crăciun. Il întâlnim și în Bulgaria
, iar în Italia este cunoscut sub numele
de „panettone”. Cozonacul românesc
cunoaște o imensă varietate de reţete fiecare regiune istorică are o reţetă, după
cum și fieca­re familie are una, transmisă
din generaţie în generaţie.
Pentru aluat: :
1kg. făină;
5 ouă;
250 g zahăr;
500 ml lapte,
esenţe ( rom, vanilie);
zahăr vanilinat,coajă de lămâie și de
1 linguriţă de sare;
50 g. drojdie;
margarină, unt sau ulei.
Pentru umplutură:
150 g zahăr;
500 g nucă măcinată;
5 ouă (albușurile);
1/2 ceșcuță de stafide;
esenţe ( rom, vanilie);
coajă de lămâie și de portocală;
Se pune făina într-un vas, se adaugă gălbenuşurile
amestecate cu sarea, zahărul, esenţele, coaja de
lămâie şi de portocală. Drojdia se amestecă cu o
lingură de zahăr până devine fluidă şi se toarnă
peste făină. Se adaugă apoi laptele (călduţ) şi se
frământă aluatul până devine omogen şi elastic.
Spre sfârşit, se pune uleiul sau untul şi se continuă frământatul până ce aluatul nu se mai lipeşte
de mâini. Se acoperă şi se lasă la crescut până îşi
dublează volumul.
Din albuşul rămas, bătut spumă, nucă măcinată,
cacao, esenţe, coajă de lămâie, stafide şi zahăr, se
face o cremă cu care se umple cozonacul.
Când aluatul a crescut, se împarte în două părţi
egale care se întind, pe rând, pe planşeta unsă cu
ulei şi se fac apoi foi de grosimea unui deget, care
se ung cu crema de nucă, se rulează si se aşază în
tăvile unse cu unt. Se mai lasă puţin la crescut, se
ung cu galbenuş de ou şi se coc circa o oră.
Romanian Cuisine
Walnut Sponge Cake
“Cozonac” is a Romanian cake that is,
traditionally, baked at Easter and Christmas. It is also common in Bulgaria, and
in Italy it is known as the “panettone”.
The Romanian “cozonac” knows a huge
variety of recipes - each historical region
has its own recipe, just as every family
has one, handed down from generation
to generation.
For the dough:
1kg flour;
5 eggs;
250 g sugar;
500 ml milk,
rum and vanilla essence;
vanilla sugar,
lemon and orange zest;
1 tablespoon salt;
50 g yeast;
For the filling:
150 g sugar;
500 g ground nut,
5 eggs (whites)
1/2 cup of raisins;
rum and vanilla essence;
lemon and orange zest;
In a bowl put the flour and add the yolks mixed
with salt, sugar, essences, lemon and orange peel.
The yeast is mixed with a tablespoon of sugar until
it is smooth and pour it over the flour. Then, add
milk (warm) and knead the dough until it becomes
smooth and elastic. Finally put oil or butter and
continue kneading until the dough no longer sticks
to your hands. Cover the dough with a cloth and
leave it rise until it doubles its volume.
Whisk the remaining whites and mix it with ground
nut, cocoa, essences, lemon zest and sugar to
make the cream for the filling.
When dough has risen divide it into equal parts.
Stretch each part on the table and make a finger
thick sheet , then spread the nut filling cream. Roll
and put it in a greased baking tray. Put it to rest for
a while, brush with egg yolk and bake for about an
Türk mutfağı
Etli Pide
Cozonacul este o prăjitură românească
care se coace, în mod tradițional,de Paște și de Crăciun. Il întâlnim și în Bulgaria
, iar în Italia este cunoscut sub numele
de „panettone”. Cozonacul românesc
cunoaște o imensă varietate de reţete fiecare regiune istorică are o reţetă, după
cum și fieca­re familie are una, transmisă
din generaţie în generaţie.
Gerekli Malzemeler:
Pidenin ekmeği için:
1kg un;
bir paket yaş maya;
Pidenin iç harcı için;
500 g kıyma;
150 g yeşil biber;
2 domates;
çeşitli baharatlar , kırmızı biber,
yenibahar gibi;
Öncelikle pidenin ekmeğiyle işe başlayın. Unu tuzu
ve mayayı karıştırın üzerine yeteri kadar su dökün.
Yaklaşık 20-25 dakika hamurun mayalanması için
Pidenin harcı için gerekli tüm malzemeleri homojen
hale gelinceye kadar karıştırın.
Hamurdan küçük bezeler oluşturun. Oklava kullanarak bu bezeleri açın. İnce olarak açılan bu hamurun üzerine hazırladığınız harcı koyun ve kenarlarını
içe doğru bükün.
Hazırlanan pideleri, daha önceden 180 ile 200 derece arasında ısıtılmış fırına koyun. 30 ile 45 dakika
içinde pideleriniz hazır olacaktır.
Turkish cuisine
Pide with Meat
Pide is a very common food in Turkey.
It is very easy to cook, but nowadays
people get it from the baker’s. It is
served at weddings, funerals , parties and
to guests .
For the dough:
1kg flour;
Mix flour, salt, yeast and water in a bowl, knead
until well-mixed. Cover, and let it rest for an hour
until it has risen.
For meat filling, mix meat with pepper, tomatoes,
parsley into a homogenous paste. Add salt and
spices and fry it stirring from time to time.
From the dough, make circular flat pieces using a
roller pin. Extend each piece from the sides, using
your hands, and obtain oval shaped pieces. Then
spread the filling directly onto the flat dough.
Put “pides” on greased trays and cook them in the
oven at about 200degrees, for about 40 minutes.
For the filling:
500 g minced meat ;
150 g green pepper;
2 tomatoes;
black pepper, red pepper, all spices;
Türk mutfağı
Turkish Cacik
Bu meze özellikle pilav ya da makarna
yanında çok kullanılır. Osmanlı
döneminden beri çok bilinen mezelerden
Gerekli Malzemeler:
bir kase cacık için;
2 salatalık;
bir kase yoğurt;
kuru nane;
Öncelikle salatalıkları küçük dilimler halinde
doğrayın. Sonra, bu küçük dilimlenmiş salatalıkları
yoğurdun içine katın. Üzerine arzu ettiğiniz kıvama
göre su dökün. Son olarak da kuru nane ekleyin.
Bunlara ek olarak, isteğe göre zeytinyağı, sarımsak
ya da diğer baharatlardan ekleyebilirsiniz.
Su eklemeden cipsin yanında sos olarak
Turkish cuisine
Yogurt and Cucumber Dip
This appetizer is often used during meals,
as an addition to pasta or “pilav” (a dish of
grains, rice mostly, stewed in a meat or
vegetable broth).
It is one of the most known appetizers
since the Ottoman times.
2 peeled cucumbers;
16 oz. cold, plain yogurt;
2 garlic cloves, minced;
1tbls fresh/dried mint;
olive oil.
Firstly, cut the cucumbers into small cubes . Then,
combine cucumbers and yoghurt. Pour water (as
much as you want) over this mixture. Add salt to
taste and dried mint.
You can use it as an addition to chips or pasta as
Türk mutfağı
Bu tatlı değişik isimlerle pek çok ülkede
bilinmektedir, özellikle de pirincin yaygın
olduğu Asya ülkelerinde. Türkçe’de, sütlaç
«sütaşı» anlamına gelmektedir. Fırında
pişirildiğinde «fırında sütlaç» adını alır ve
restoranlarda iki farklı isimle menüde yer
Gerekli Malzemeler:
yarım su bardağı pirinç;
1 litre süt;
1 su bardağı şeker;
2 yemek kaşığı nişasta
yarım su bardağı su nişasta için;
2 su bardağı su da;
pirinçleri kaynatmak için;
Pirinçleri büyük bir tencereye koyun. Pirinçlerin
seviyesini geçecek kadar suyu tencereye ekleyin.
Pirinçleri kaynatın.
Pirinçler yeteri kadar yumuşak hale geldikten
sonra ( bu kişiye göre değişmekle birlikte, pirinçler
erimiş hale de gelmemelidir), 1 litre sütü tencereye
boşaltın ve karışımı karıştırarak pişirmeye devam
edin. Üzerine şeker ve vanilyayı ekleyin.
Yarım su bardağı suya nişastayı koyun ve karıştırın.
Bu nişasta+ su karışımını tencereye boşaltın ve tüm
karışımı iyice pişirin.
Sütlacı kaselere koyun ve soğuması için bekleyin.
Soğuduktan sonra üstüne tarçını serpin.
Turkish cuisine
Rice Pudding
This type of desert is known in many
countries, especially in Asia, where cooking rice is very common.
In Turkish, “süt” means milk and “sütlaç”
means food with milk. If it is baked, the
taste is different. In restaurants, “sütlaç”
and “baked sütlaç” are in different places
on the menu.
1/2 cup white rice;
1 lt milk;
1 cup white sugar;
1/4 cup corn flour or corn starch;
1 tbs vanilla extract;
After you washed the rice , put it in a big pot and
pour water over it. Water should be higher than
the level of rice!
Boil the rice until it gets smooth enough , then
pour the milk over the rice and continue boiling.
Add sugar, and vanilla extract and stir on low. Mix
corn starch with a little bit of water until the mixture is smooth. Then, add this mixture to the pot.
Stir for 4-5minutes.
Pour the “sütlaç” in bowls and leave it to cool.
When it is cold enough, sprinkle cinnamon on the