Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate
Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate
2 Relevant data on the Telecinco Group RELEVANT DATA Corporate Governance Board of Directors Mr. ALBERTO CARULLO Antenna Division D. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet, Chairman Mr. ALVARO AUGUSTIN D. Paolo Vasile CEO of Telecinco Cinema D. Giuseppe Tringali Mr. JESÚS Mª BAUTISTA D. Giuliano Adreani Director of Business Development Atlas and Multiplatform D. Pier Silvio Berlusconi Mr. EUGENIO FERNÁNDEZ D. Fedele Confalonieri Technology Division D. Marco Giordani Mr. LUIS EXPÓSITO D. Alfredo Messina Human Resources and Services Division D. José Mª Bergareche Busquet Mr. JAVIER URÍA D. Ángel Durández Adeva Finance Division D. Miguel Iraburu Elizondo Mr. PEDRO PIQUERAS D. José Ramón Álvarez-Rendueles General Director of News Programming D. Borja Prado Eulate Mr. GHISLAIN BARROIS Director 3rd Party Production Ajena y TDT Executive Committee Mr. LUCA GIAMMATTEO Head of Investor Relations Department D. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Mr. DÁMASO QUINTANA D. Paolo Vasile Deputy Director General of Management and Operations D. Giuseppe Tringali D. Fedele Confalonieri PUBLIESPAÑA D. Giuliano Adreani Mr. GIUSEPPE SILVESTRONI D. José Mª Bergareche Busquet General Manager Sales D. Miguel Iraburu Elizondo Mr. FRANCISCO ALUM General Manager Marketing and Sales Management Team Mr. SALVATORE CHIRIATTI General Director Publimedia TELECINCO Mr. GASPAR MAYOR Mr. PAOLO VASILE Sales Director Publimedia Chief Executive Officer Television Mr. OSCAR GONZÁLEZ Mr. GIUSEPPE TRINGALI Sales Manager Chief Executive Officer Advertising Mr. MIGUEL ÁNGEL JIMÉNEZ Mr. MASSIMO MUSOLINO Director of Special Initiatives Management & Operations Director Mr. JOSÉ LUIS VILLA ALEGRE Mr. MANUEL VILLANUEVA Media Centre Manager Director of Content Mr. LÁZARO GARCÍA Mr. MARIO RODRÍGUEZ VALDERAS Corporate Marketing Manager Secretary General Ms. CRISTINA PANIZZA Ms. MIRTA DRAGO Sales Operations and Services Manager Head of Communications & External Relations Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Relevant data on the Telecinco Group 3 Structure of the Telecinco Group GESTEVISIÓN TELECINCO GRUPO EDITORIAL MEDIACINCO CARTERA TELECINCO CINEMA ATLAS ESPAÑA PUBLIESPAÑA FACTORÍA FICCIÓN CONECTA CINCO APROK IMAGEN ADVANCED MEDIA PREMIERE COMERADISA MI CARTERA PUBLIMEDIA KULTEPERALIA CINEMATEXT MEDIA ATLAS MEDIA PUBLIECI ALBA ADRIÁTICA CINEMATEXT ITALIA ATLAS PAÍS VASCO SUPER 9 TV EDAM COOP. (*) MANDARINA CONSOLIDATED USING LINE BY LINE CONSOLIDATION CONSOLIDATED USING COST METHOD CONSOLIDATED USING THE EQUITY METHOD LA FÁBRICA DE LA TELE (*) JOINED THE GROUP ON 31/7/2007 HUMAN RESOURCES 2006 2007 Average workforce (number of employees) 1,184 1,195 37.75(1) 38.14 Average age (years) Average time with the Group(years) 9.72 10.37 Percentage of female workers 45.61% 45.62% Percentage of permanent employees 98.20% 97.07% (1) The 2006 Annual Report identifies the average age as 38 due to the rounding of the figure, This year’s report is more exact and uses decimals. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 4 Relevant data on the Telecinco Group History of Telecinco repeated and consolidated its undisputed leadership in 2005 and 2006. 1990. Telecinco begins broadcasting on the 3rd of March. 1995. Launch of the series “Médico de Familia”, the blueprint for content based on in-house production of quality fiction series. 1995. Telecinco establishes the foundation for a late-night viewing habit with the premiere of “Esta noche cruzamos el Mississippi”. Subsequently succeeded by “Crónicas Marcianas”, consolidating the ratings leadership in this timeslot. 1996. Grupo Correo (currently Vocento) becomes a leading shareholder. 1998. Telecinco implements the pioneer Digital Broadcast of Telecinco News, the first and most modern in Spain, and creates Agencia Atlas. 2005. Telecinco inaugurates the Central Control and Broadcasting Centre in July, using the latest and most advanced technologies. The station completed the digitalization project started six years earlier with Digital Production in a further step towards the final establishment of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). This technology will allow Telecinco to broadcast multiplatform content, DTT, theme channels mobile television and the Internet. 2005. Telecinco launches, on 30 November, the broadcast of two DTT channels: Telecinco Estrellas and Telecinco Sport. 2007. Telecinco joins the international elite in multimedia content with the acquisition of Endemol, the world’s largest producer with a presence in 25 countries. 2000. Telecinco launches the social project “12 months, 12 clauses”, becoming the first station to dedicate its potential to increasing awareness among viewers of 12 specific social causes each year. 2000. Telecinco debuts reality TV in Spain with the premiere of “Gran Hermano”, the television programme that marked a new beginning in the way we make and watch television. 2004. Telecinco acquires the rights to rebroadcast Formula 1, which has become one of the top rated spectator sports with a huge following in Spain. 2004. Telecinco goes public and just six months later is chosen to be included in the selective Ibex 35 index. Publiespaña becomes part of the Telecinco group to handle the marketing aspects of the initial public offering. 2004. Telecinco snatches TVE1’s historic audience leadership, becoming the top rated television station in Spain. Telecinco Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Relevant data on the Telecinco Group 5 The Telecinco Share 2005 2006 2007 Earnings per Share 1.18 € 1.28 € 1.45 € Gross Dividend per Share 1.18 € 1.28 € 1.30 € 100.00% 100.00% 89.66% 5.76% 6.09% 9.00% Pay-Out Ratio: Dividend/Net Profit Dividend Yield: Dividend/Share Price SHAREHOLDER STRUCTURE TELECINCO MARKET CAP SINCE IPO MARKET CAPITALISATION (MILLIONS OF €) MEDIASET 50.14% OPV 2.503 JUN 04 2.960 DEC 04 3.744 DEC 05 5.258 DEC 06 5.323 DEC 07 +72,5% 4.319 VOCENTO 13.0% TREASURY SHARES 1.26% REST FREE-FLOAT 35.6% 2007 MARKET PERFORMANCE MEDIA COMPANIES MARKET PERFORMANCE 24 JUNE 2004 - 28 DECEMBER 2007 120 220 110 200 180 100 160 90 140 80 120 70 100 TL5 A3TV SOG IBEX VOC 06/12/07 15/11/07 25/10/07 04/10/07 13/09/07 23/08/07 02/08/07 12/07/07 21/06/07 31/05/07 10/05/07 18/04/07 26/03/07 05/03/07 12/02/07 60 22/01/07 80 50 29/12/06 60 JUN 04 SEP 04 DEC 04 FEB 05 MAY 05 JUL 05 OCT 05 JAN 06 MAR 06 JUN 06 SEP 06 NOV 06 FEB 07 APR 07 JUL 07 OCT 07 DEC 07 TL5 A3TV SOG IBEX35 VOCENTO Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 6 Relevant data on the Telecinco Group Earnings Performance FREE CASH FLOW (MILLIONS €) 2007 TOTAL NET INCOME (MILLIONS €) 2006 2007 1,081.64 2006 34.2% 33.7% 2005 33.0% 997.55 369.8 336.2 307.3 Conversion in FCF 2005 931.11 DIVIDENDS (MILLIONS €) OPERATING COSTS (MILLIONS €) 2007 2007 596.4 2006 2006 557.9 2005 2005 517.8 89.7% 100% 100% 320.63 314.25 290.33 Pay Out NET FINANCIAL POSITION (MILLIONS €) GROSS OPERATING INCOME EBITDA (MILLIONS €) 2007 2006 2005 45.4% 44.6% 45.5% 490.6 445.3 423.3 2007 13.2 2006 396.1 2005 355.8 EBITDA/Total Net Income NET INVESTMENTS 2007: €185.25 MILLIONS FICTION TV RIGHTS 53.7% NET PROFIT (MILLIONS €) 2007 2006 2005 32.3% 31.5% 31.2% 353.1 314.2 290.3 Net Profit / Total Net Income FIXED ASSETS 6.2% COPRODUCTION / DISTRIBUTION 13.8% Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 NON FICTION TV RIGHTS 26.3% Relevant data on the Telecinco Group 7 Viewers This was the fourth consecutive year in which the station has led the market in total audience share with 20.3%, consolidating its leadership, maintaining the top position for 22 consecutive months and widening its lead over its closest competitors. SHARE, 24 HOURS, TOTAL INDIVIDUALS IN % AVERAGE DAILY VIEWERS (SHARE) IN 2007 Telecinco 20.3 Antena 3 17.4 20.80 21.0% 19.0% TVE1 17.2 FORTA 14.5 La 2 4.6 Cuatro 7.7 La Sexta 4 Temáticas 11.3 Locales 2.9 18.20 18.30 18.00 17.90 13.0% 14.60 14.60 21.10 20.20 20.10 17.40 17.30 17.50 14.60 APR 19.00 18.00 17.60 16.60 17.50 15.0% 14.40 20.50 20.00 18.20 17.0% 21.50 20.70 20.90 19.90 16.50 16.30 14.20 14.40 14.10 MAY JUN JUL 17.00 14.60 19.00 17.10 16.00 14.30 16.20 14.40 17.20 17.60 16.90 17.10 14.30 14.80 11.0% 9.0% 7.0% 5.0% 3.0% JAN FEB MAR TL5 A3TV TVE1 FORTA AUG SEP OCT CUATRO NOV DEC LA SEXTA AUDIENCE SHARES IN 2007 Telecinco Antena 3 TVE1 FORTA La 2 Cuatro La Sexta Temáticas Locales All day 20.3 17.4 17.2 14.5 4.6 7.7 4 11.3 2.9 Morning 17.7 18.1 17 13.7 5.7 7.2 3.1 14.2 3.1 Afternoon 19.9 19.1 18.6 16.3 5 6.5 3.9 8.6 2 Evening 21 16.7 18.4 14.1 4.2 6.9 3.5 12.2 2.9 Prime Time 20:30 20.9 16.8 16.8 15 4.1 8 4.6 10.8 2.8 Late night 23.1 17.7 13.4 11 4.1 10.6 4.4 11.3 4.3 Day time 20 17.7 17.4 14.2 4.9 7.5 3.7 11.5 3 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 content 2 relevant data on the Telecinco Group 10 letters from the chairman and the chief executive officers 17 group structure at 31 december 2007 25 financial highlights 31 Telecinco shares 39 growth strategy 57 corporate governance 67 corporate social responsibility 95 annex Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Alejandro Echevarría, Chairman Letters from the chairman and the chief executive officers 11 Being the only Spanish network to surpass 20% in audience share, leading the market for four consecutive years and establishing record-breaking differences with our competitors. To become the first national television station to surpass the 1,000 million euro mark in advertising income. Remain as one of the most profitable television broadcasters in Europe with net profit of 353.1 million euros and an increase of 12.3% over the previous year. Expand beyond our borders with major operations like the participation in the acquisition of Endemol and the entrance into the American market - in 2008- through the channel CaribeVisión. Achieve, as few companies have been able, a commitment with workers despite the continuing validity of the Collective Bargaining Agreement in order to maintain a climate of social peace. All of this would be a dream for any broadcaster, but for Telecinco in 2007 it is the reality. The Spanish media landscape continues to evolve and despite this context Telecinco was once again able to maintain its leadership commitment to its viewers and shareholders, across all parameters that measure its management, thanks to the impeccable efforts of our people, to whom I would like to express my most profound gratitude. In addition to our daily business activities as a communications media company, we have also remained active in our commitment to social action through the “12 months, 12 clauses” initiative, through which we strive to increase the awareness of viewers in various matters relating to culture, health care, society and solidarity. Thanks to this initiative, we have once again positioned Telecinco as a point of reference in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. In order to reinforce our commitment to CSR, in 2007 we created the Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance Department to coordinate all of the areas involved in the management of the company’s corporate social responsibility actions. Maintaining business ethics and continuing to contribute to social development and environmental protection has earned us various awards throughout the year from different organizations, ranging from an investment bank to social entities and foundations. All of our actions in these fields are fully explained in the Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report, which together with the Annual Report and Financial Statements describe the primary activities of the company and are all, once again, characterised by their rigor and transparency. We hope that our viewers and shareholders are equally satisfied by our performance in 2007 as everyone here at Telecinco is. We hope to continue to grow together, with the solid foundation that we have already established, in the construction of the Telecinco Group of the future, once again the leaders, but always a unique. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Paolo Vasile, Chief Executive Officer Letters from the chairman and the chief executive officers 13 When in last year’s Annual Report we expressed uncertainty regarding the changing media landscape we were not wrong. Since then the market has been subject to a high degree of complexity due to both internal and external factors. 2007 brought new challenges, but the response of Telecinco was firm and once again we have consolidated our leadership position. Our success has been based on three key aspects: our emphasis on professionalisation, the loyalty of our viewers and the trust of our shareholders. Our viewers and the companies that choose us for their investments and help us to grow, thanks to their trust and confidence, are the true drivers that have allowed us to continue offering our very best service to the market. This trust is backed up by Telecinco’s strong emphasis on quality. The broadcasting of innovative content that has attracted the interest of viewers, together with our station’s consolidated series and programmes, have made Telecinco the most solid television network in the current media landscape. Our programming this year continued to show its strength and stability with a high share across all timeslots. Once again in 2007, Telecinco was the only channel with an audience share of over 20% in both the daytime and prime time, maintaining our position as the leading television station by audience share in Spain. This success across all timeslots has widened the gap with our competitors, despite a much more complex market environment. There can be no doubt that we have amply met the objective we established in 2006 when, faced with the revolution of the industry, we set our eyes on “jumping forward”. In the end, we did not jump, we made a huge leap and the results obtained are the best reward for the daily efforts of a professional team that have treated the changes in the sector as opportunities for growth and improvement. For all of this, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of those people who, like us, have believed in the business model that has made us one of the most innovative and profitable television broadcasters in Europe. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Giuseppe Tringali, Chief Executive Officer Letters from the chairman and the chief executive officers 15 2007 was an historic year for Telecinco and a key time in the Spanish audiovisual sector with the different television stations moving to establish their positions in the market. Within this context Telecinco was able to consolidate its leadership and even widen the gap with its nearest competitors thanks to the capacity, dedication and enthusiasm of the professionals that day to day make Telecinco what it is. From Telecinco we have worked with care and dedication to offer viewers the best in news and entertainment. In Publiespaña we have applied the creativity needed to continue to innovate in the design and sale of advertising. And everyone, throughout the Group, has come together and combined our forces to provide value to our shareholders and the highest profitability of any company in our industry in Spain. Our management model has demonstrated the agility needed to face any type of scenario. We anticipated a difficult market with new strategies that have made Telecinco the only commercial television with an audience share of over 20% and the first television station to surpass the 1,000 million euro mark for advertising income, with a market share that has grown to 30.9%, confirming us as the most competitive company in the industry. Telecinco was able to take advantage of the new panorama, creating new business lines to continue growing through the commercialisation of different formats, such as mobile telephones and Internet. This philosophy has given birth to Advanced Media, within the structure of Publimedia Gestión, the Publiespaña subsidiary that surpassed 30 million euros in sales in 2007. These figures clearly demonstrate our strength in the national market and have allowed us to continue to increase the value of our company. We have also increased our international presence through the acquisition of Endemol in 2007. This transaction placed Telecinco among the worldwide elite in television content. We are very excited about the possibilities provided by this operation, and it will act as further motivation to continue to excel in coming years. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 group structure at 31 december 2007 18 Group structure at 31 december 2007 Telecinco group structure Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. (parent company) was founded in Madrid on 10 March 1989. Its corporate object is the indirect management of Public Service Television in accordance with the terms of the 1989 State concession and other operations related to said management. Gestevisión Telecinco S.A. became a publicly traded company on 24 June 2004, and is listed on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia Stock Exchanges. On 3 January 2005, the Company was selected to be included in the IBEX-35 index. Gestevisión Telecinco heads a group of dependent companies which form the Telecinco group. (hereinafter the Group or Telecinco). Companies using full (line-by-line) consolidation Companies in which Telecinco holds 50% or more of the voting rights or otherwise maintains effective control are considered as dependent companies and integrated using full consolidation. These companies are: GESTEVISIÓN TELECINCO GRUPO EDITORIAL MEDIACINCO CARTERA TELECINCO CINEMA ATLAS ESPAÑA PUBLIESPAÑA FACTORÍA FICCIÓN CONECTA CINCO APROK IMAGEN ADVANCED MEDIA PREMIERE COMERADISA MI CARTERA PUBLIMEDIA KULTEPERALIA CINEMATEXT MEDIA ATLAS MEDIA PUBLIECI ALBA ADRIÁTICA CINEMATEXT ITALIA ATLAS PAÍS VASCO SUPER 9 TV EDAM COOP. (*) MANDARINA CONSOLIDATED USING LINE BY LINE CONSOLIDATION CONSOLIDATED USING COST METHOD Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 CONSOLIDATED USING THE EQUITY METHOD LA FÁBRICA DE LA TELE (*) JOINED THE GROUP ON 31/7/2007 Group structure at 31 december 2007 100% held by Gestevisión Telecinco S.A. 19 name from Europortal Jumpy, S.A., on 5 November 2007 and is currently known as Conecta 5 Telecinco, S.A.U. Grupo Editorial Tele 5, S.A.U. Active in the acquisition and distribution of audiovisual recordings, phonograms and graphic material, artistic representation, promotion of shows and the direction, production, distribution and marketing of publications and the graphic materials of the various musicals of the station. Agencia de Televisión Latino-Americana de Servicios y Noticias España, S.A.U. The subsidiary is active in news agency activities in any media: print, radio, television and audiovisual media in general. Production, recording, postproduction and any activities required for any type of broadcasting of news programmes and audiovisual work in general. Mediacinco Cartera, S.L. (75%) This company provides accounting, financial, tax, civil, mercantile, labour and administrative services and consulting for group companies. 100% held through Agencia de Televisión Latino-Americana de Servicios de Noticias España, S.A.U. Atlas Media, S.A.U. The subsidiary is active in news agency activities in any media, as well as the production, recording, postproduction and any activities required for any type of broadcasting of news programmes and audiovisual work in general. Telecinco Cinema S.A.U. The subsidiary provides television broadcast services using digital technologies; research, development and marketing of new technologies relating to telecommunications and any other activities as may be required for any other type of television broadcast; intermediation in the audiovisual rights markets; organisation, production and broadcast of television shows and programmes of any type. Agencia de Televisión Latino-Americana de Servicios y Noticias País Vasco, S.A.U. Publiespaña, S.A.U. 100% held through Publiespaña, S.A.U. Exclusive Telecinco agent for the exploitation of the station’s advertising resources. Active in the production and execution of advertising projects and activities related to marketing, merchandising, and telesales; the organisation and production of cultural, sports, musical and any other type of event and providing advisory, analysis and management services for the above activities. Cinematext Media, S.A. (60%) This company’s primary activity is the production of subtitles for the film industry, video and television. Provides services to Telecinco and other channels. Conecta 5 Telecinco, S.A.U. The main activity of this company is the exploitation of audiovisual content over the Internet. The company changed its Active in news agency activities in any media. Mi Cartera Media, S.A.U. This subsidiary’s primary activity is multimedia operations with financial and economic content in all formats. Publimedia Gestión, S.A.U. Its field of activities includes the complete production of audiovisual works and recordings; the production and execution of advertising projects; the creation, acquisition, marketing and exploitation of brands, patents, and any other type of copyright or other intellectual or industrial rights; the organization and production of events and the provision of advisory, analysis and management services for any procedure relating to the above activities. Advanced Media, S.A.U. Inactive since January 2004, the subsidiary was reactivated on 1 November 2007. Their main activities include the direction, production and publication in any format of books, newspapers, magazines, Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 20 Group structure at 31 december 2007 etc.; the production and execution of advertising projects and related tasks; the performance of marketing, merchandising and related activities for audiovisual works and intermediation in the markets for intellectual and industrial property rights of any class. 60% held through Cinematext Media, S.A. Cinematext Media Italia, S.r.L. The main activities of this company are the doubling and subtitling of audiovisual works and recordings. Producciones Mandarina, S.L. (30%) This affiliate is active in the creation, development, production and commercial operation of audiovisual content in fiction, entertainment, etc., in any format. La Fábrica de la Tele, S.L. (30%) This affiliate is active in the creation, development, production and commercial operation of audiovisual content. Indirectly held through Publiespaña, S.A.U. Publieci Televisión, S.A. (50%) Company’s consolidated using the equity method Companies in which Telecinco holds between 20% and 50% of the voting rights and has significant influence over management are considered as affiliated companies and integrated using the equity method. These companies are: Directly held through Gestevision Telecinco, S.A. Premiere Megaplex, S.A. (50%) This affiliate is active in the sale of products and services for the end consumer using broadcast television systems. Operates the telesales activities of Telecinco. Indirectly held through Mediacinco Cartera, S.L. Edam Acquisition Holding I Cooperative U.A. (33%) Channelling of the investments of the Consortium formed by Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, Cyrte Fund II B.V. and Mediacinco Cartera S.L. in Endemol N.V., & Co. active in the creation, production and exploitation of content for television and other audiovisual platforms. This affiliate is a multiplex cinema operator and producer of audiovisual and interactive content for television. Other companies Canal Factoría de Ficción, S.A. (40%) Comeradisa (10%) Their main activities focus on the creation, production, and distribution of audiovisual works on any media. The dissolution of the company was approved in September 2007 Their main activity is the operation of digital radio in collaboration with Vocento. Indirectly held through Agencia de Televisión Latino-Americana de Servicios Y Noticias España, S.A.U. Kulteperalia, S.L. (15%) Producers involved in the direction, distribution and marketing of audiovisual programmes in general. Alba Adriática, S.L. (15%) Aprok Imagen, S.L. (40%) News agency providing services primarily to print and audiovisual media. Producers involved in the direction, distribution and marketing of audiovisual programmes in general. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Group structure at 31 december 2007 21 Super Nueve Televisión, S.A. (25%) This affiliate is active in the direction, production, marketing and acquisition of programmes for dissemination and/or broadcast on local television. The organisational flow charts for the parent company, Gestevisión Telecinco, and primary subsidiaries are included below. Organisational flowchart for Gestevisión Telecinco ALEJANDRO ECHEVARRÍA CHAIRMAN Mario Rodríguez Secretary General PAOLO VASILE CEO Television Giuseppe Tringali CEO Advertising Mirta drago Head of Comunication & External Relations Manuel Villanueva General Manager Content alberto carullo Antenna Division J. Mª Bautista Conecta 5 Telecinco CORPORATE AREAS (PROVIDING SERVICES TO THE TV AND ADVERTISING BUSINESSES) massimo musolino Director of Management & Operations ghislain barrois 3RD Party Production & T.D.T. ÁLVARO augustín Telecinco Cinema eUGENIO Fernández IT Division Luis Expósito HR and Services Division Javier Uría Financial Division FUNCTIONAL TV AREAS Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 22 Group structure at 31 december 2007 Organisational flowchart for Publiespaña Alejandro Echevarría Chairman Giuseppe Tringali Chief Executive Officer sALVATORE chiriatti General Manager Publimedia Óscar González Cusotmer Sales Director Giuseppe Silvestroni Sales Management Giuseppe Silvestroni General Manager Sales Miguel A. Jiménez Special Initiatives Management José Luis Villa Alegre Facilaties Management Lázaro García Marketing Management Francisco Alum General Manager Marketing and Sales Operations Cristina Panizza Sales & Service Operations Management fRANCESCA guadalupi Deputy CEO Organisational flowchart for Atlas España Board of Directors Alejandro Echevarría Chairman Jesús maría Bautista General Management of Business Development Pedro Piqueras General Manager Of News Programmes Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Javier Hernández H. R. Division Group structure at 31 december 2007 23 CONTRIBUTION TO EARNINGS (%) 2006 2007 Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. 71.62 Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. 78.38 Grupo Editorial Tele5, S.A.U. 0.88 Grupo Editorial Tele5, S.A.U. 1.03 Atlas España, S.A.U. 1.78 Atlas España, S.A.U. 1.78 Publiespaña, S.A.U. 22.17 Publiespaña, S.A.U. 22.05 Mi Cartera Media, S.A.U. 0.32 Mi Cartera Media, S.A.U. 0.27 Publimedia, S.A.U. 1.54 Publimedia, S.A.U. 1.67 Rest (1) 1.69 Rest (2) (5.18) TOTAL 100% TOTAL 100% (1) Estudios Picasso, Cinematext Media, S.A., Cinematext Italia, S.R.L., Atlas Media, S.A.U., Atlas País Vasco, S.A.U., Advanced Media, S.A.U., Red de Televisión Digital Madrid, S.A.U and subsidiaries. (2) Telecinco Cinema, S.A.U., Cinematext Media, S.A., Conecta5 Telecinco, S.A.U., Mediacinco Cartera, S.L., Atlas Media, S.A.U., Atlas País Vasco, S.A.U., Advanced Media, S.A.U., Cinematext Italia, S.R.L. and subsidiaries. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 financial highlights 26 Financial highlights FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS World economic environment The world economy in the second half of 2007 was hard hit by the turbulence in the financial markets in response to the sudden appearance of a lack of confidence derived from the mass packaging and aggressive distribution of high risk assets such as the now infamous subprime mortgage loans. This has resulted in a sharp increase in risk premiums, the contraction of credit to both individuals and companies and a sudden dearth of the leveraged buyouts that had become so common in recent years. In response, monetary authorities on both sides of the Atlantic rushed to inject liquidity into the markets to offset the most total lack of liquidity derived from the uncertainty and mistrust existing among market agents. Fortunately, Spain’s financial institutions do not seem to have been contaminated by this turbulence which, as can be seen from the recently released earnings statements, has clearly had a sharp impact on the earnings of many large banks in the United States and Europe. Fears of a recession in the United States intensified towards the end of 2007 in response to the collapse of the real estate market following the sharp rate hikes from 2002 to 2006, the granting of mortgage loans for greater than the home value and the above-mentioned credit crisis. In this context, the US economy recorded a sharp deceleration in the fourth quarter, registering a modest 0.60% growth in comparison with the 4.90% recorded in the previous quarter. This led the federal reserve to slash interest rates to the current 3% and, at the time of preparation of this Annual Report, we would not rule out further rate cuts. On our own side of the Atlantic, European economic growth in 2007 shows a progressive deceleration in quarterly figures on a year-on-year basis. Over the year, from the first quarter to the last, economic growth in Europe dropped almost a full point while inflation rose significantly from 1.9% in 2006 to 3.2% in January of 2008. Looking at the Spanish situation, on the date of preparation of this Report, available data show that the Spanish economy continued to benefit from the prolonged expansive cycle in the last quarter of 2007 with 0.8% growth, closing the year with GDP growth of 3.8% (3.9% in 2006). Despite these figures, available data for January 2008 show a deceleration in consumption, job creation, automobile sales and, very sharply, in the real estate sector. This points to 2008 being a year of slower economic growth than in previous years. All of these factors reflect a macroeconomic outlook for 2008 that invites caution and prudence and leave barely any room for optimism. The two primary drivers of Spanish economic growth, as regards both job creation and GDP, are specifically real estate and consumption, both of which are weakening. Given the very close correlation between economic growth and advertising spend, we will need to maintain a close watch on the advertising market throughout 2008. Strengthening of the leadership of Telecinco during a year of change in the economic cycle The strength of Telecinco’s leadership continued to grow in 2007, widening the station’s lead over the rest of the competition despite the downturn in the economy in the second half of the year. The crisis in the international financial markets point to slower growth and a sharp realignment in some of the most important areas of our economy. Within this changing environment and increased global uncertainty, Telecinco was able to maintain its successful business model based on efficient, flexible and innovative exploitation of advertising space and a programming grid that is strongly aligned with the tastes of the public. Telecinco was also able to efficiently combine the traditional programming that has been a public favourite for many years with new and renovated formats to complement our more classic products. The success of this business model can be clearly seen from our audience figures. Telecinco continues to be the preferred channel for Spanish viewers, widening the distance from our nearest competitors in 2007 both in total share and in the leading dayparts that are the most desired by advertisers. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Financial highlights 2007 was also the year in which Telecinco moved beyond the borders of the Spanish market, a very important move given the difficulty in reproducing the television operation business models in other countries, which is inherent in the sector, and the lack of attractive investment opportunities with an appropriate return on investment such as those in the current markets. Also in 2007, Mediacinco Cartera S.L., 75% held by Telecinco, acquired an equity stake in Endemol, the world’s largest producer of television content. The acquisition was made in collaboration with Telecinco’s leading shareholder Mediaset following a highly competitive bidding process organised by the previous owner. The new shareholder structure of Endemol is divided equally among Mediacinco Cartera, S.L., Goldman Sachs Capital Partners VI L.P. and Cyrte Fund II B.V., a Dutch hedge fund. 27 price leadership. Once again in 2007, the station is the price leader in the market with a wide and growing gap over the rest of the competitors. This price leadership relies on the service capacity and wider range of products offered by the concessionaire to advertisers, providing them with an excellent commercial target, a segment in which Telecinco is again the absolute leader by a wide margin over the rest of the broadcasters. Once again, Telecinco was able to improve its relative position against the rest of the leading competitors. REVENUES Advertising revenues Grupo Publiespaña Other advertising income Revenues from services 2006 (€ ‘000) 2007 (€ ‘000) 922,806 1,006,121 620 907 42,421 35,347 Other income 13,162 13,199 Total 979,009 1,055,574 OPERATING INCOME -EBIT (IN MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2005 2006 EBIT 413.3 439.6 2007 485.2 EBIT/Net Income 44.4% 44.1% 44.9% 2007 NET PROFIT (IN MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2005 2006 Net Profit 290.3 314.2 353.1 Net Profit/Net Income 31.2% 31.5% 32.6% Income The television advertising market in 2007 continued to expand. Although the final figure was not available at time of this report, estimated growth was between 8% and 9%, thereby reaffirming the importance of television communications for Spanish advertisers. Advertising revenues of the Group, invoiced through Publiespaña S.A.U. and Publimedia Gestión S.A.U., rose 8.9% to 1,051.8 million euros thanks to the persistent confidence of advertisers in the station’s ability to reach the most highly valued audience segments. This growth is based on Telecinco’s Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 28 Financial highlights Telecinco, the most profitable television in europe Telecinco’s cost structure is directly related to the station’s business model, based primarily on the strong focus on in-house production over the acquisition of third-party rights. This gives the station considerable control over content as well as flexibility and is largely responsible for the successful cost control policy and the Company’s ability to achieve the highest operating margins in the sector. OPERATING COSTS Operating income on the group level rose 84% from 998 million euros in 2006 to 1,082 million euros in 2007. Operating profit (EBIT) closed the year at 485.3 million euros, a 10.4% gain over the previous year (439.6 millions). The EBIT margin increased from 44.1% in 2006 to 44.9% in 2007, a notable gain given the already high margin recorded in the previous year. 2006 (€ ‘000) 2007 (€ ‘000) Reduction in the finished goods and works in progress Comparing this year’s results with those for the previous year, we can see the considerable growth recorded: On the bottom line, net profit for the year reached 353.1 million euros, an 11% gain over the previous year making Telecinco the most profitable television broadcaster in Europe. (97) (1,511) Supplies 140,209 141,933 Personnel expense 79,478 84,853 Consumption of audiovisual rights 163,715 188,084 Amortisation and depreciation 5,869 4,698 Variation in operating provisions (168) 689 Other expense 168,971 177,646 Financial position and investments Total operating expense 557,977 596,392 In 2007 Telecinco continued with its policy of investing in audiovisual rights, applying a careful selection for both type and content in order to sustain the ratings achieved and guarantee optimal exploitation of advertising. Similarly, Telecinco has placed special emphasis on investment in nationally produced series. Telecinco’s cost performance in 2007 was very satisfactory with total operating expenses increasing by only 6.9% over the previous year. As mentioned previously this was possible largely thanks to the station’s strategy of assuring valuable content at a measured cost and for a reasonable time following a fruitful association with suppliers and other key agents in the programming strategy, which positively value an association with the leading company in the sector over the medium term. On the other side of the ledger, the Group in 2007 recorded significant growth in all key accounts, making it once again the most profitable television station in Europe. This is the direct result of the station’s leadership in audience, the correct commercial policies of Publiespaña S.A.U., and the strength of the advertising market, all within a highly competitive business environment in which both national and regional public television channels compete with the more recent private competitors, all of which have joined the market with considerable financial resources for the acquisition of programming content. Special note should be taken of the activity developed by Telecinco Cinema S.A.U. (formerly Estudios Picasso S.A.U.), a 100% held subsidiary of Gestevisión Telecinco, S.A. that is responsible for coproducing legally required films. Under current legislation the station must invest 5% of the operating earnings of the concession holder in Spanish and European cinema. All of the cinema projects have been accompanied by Telecinco’s vocation for international exposure through the contracting of renowned actors and directors in order to expand our sources of operating income beyond our own borders. To this end Telecinco strives to increase the return on investment and produce films that combine quality and saleability, all under the distinctive seal of the station. 2006 was the year of “Alatriste” and “Pan’s Labyrinth”, two high-quality productions that obtained not only high box offi- Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Financial highlights ce receipts and international sales, but also string recognition from critics as well as major awards and nominations. Pan’s Labyrinth received three Oscars in the 79th edition of the prestigious awards and was the fifth top grossing foreign film in the history of US cinema. 2007 was the year of “The Orphanage”, coproduced by Telecinco Cinema, which was a smash hit at the box office and widely praised by critics for its artistic value. This film is a clear example of a marriage between quality and commercial success, something with which Telecinco fully identifies. Although the Group generated cash flow of 369 million euros in 2007, the net financial position of the group declined to 13.2 million euros from 396 million in 2006 in response to the acquisition, together with Mediaset, of 75% of Endemol. Telecinco also distributed 314 million euros in dividends. In 2007 the audiovisual producer reported an 18% decline in operating income following the stagnation of sales at 1,256 million. TOTAL ASSETS 931.6 1,082.5 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2005 2006 Net Equity 571.2 599.0 662.5 Noncurrent Liabilities 76.0 82.5 151.4 2007 Current Liabilities 246.2 250.1 268.6 Total Liabilities 893.3 931.6 1,082.5 Direct economic value generated and distributed MAGNITUD 1. Economic value generated 2007 (in millions of euros) 1,081.6 2. Economic value distributed: - Operating costs* 596.4 - Taxes and minority interests 134.4 - Donations and community investments Total economic value distributed Income statement highlights 893.3 29 3. Total retained value (1-2=3) 8.8 739.6 342 *Includes payments to suppliers, investments in rights and total wages and salaries. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2005 2006 2007 Net Revenues 931.1 997.5 1.081.6 Operating Costs 517.8 557.9 596.4 Net Operating Income 413.3 439.6 485.2 Earnings Before Taxes And Minority Interests 421.5 450.6 487.4 Consolidated Net Profit 290.3 314.2 353.1 Balance sheet highlights CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2005 2006 Noncurrent Assets 318.5 294.7 2007 738.5 Current Assets 574.8 636.9 344.0 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 TELECINCO shares 32 Telecinco shares TELECINCO SHARES Leadership in a difficult environment The international markets in 2007 were marked by a slowdown in international economic growth resulting from the subprime mortgage crisis in the US and the resulting lack of liquidity on the credit markets. The impact on equity markets was negative, but not uniform. Among the major markets, the New York Stock exchange registered the best performance in 2007, outperforming the European equity markets as a whole. Within Europe, market performance was unequal. In Spain, following a relatively calm start to the year are the spectacular performance of the equity markets worldwide in the previous year. This ended with the coming of summer and the subprime mortgage crisis. The uncertainty regarding the impact of the financial instability on a worldwide economy that was what showing signs of deceleration contributed to generating a crisis of confidence and a sharp increase in volatility in the national markets, thereby putting an end to the bull run of the last few years. Despite this instability, companies in 2007 closed the year with positive figures and blue-chip stocks were not hurt excessively. The Spanish market, in line with leading exchanges around the world, reached another high in a run that has its origins at the end of the 20th century and is characterized by the huge size achieved by the markets in terms of capitalization or total value of listed companies. This new size is a clear reflection of the confidence of society in the efficiency and strength of the securities exchanges as an essential mechanism in the healthy economic development of a modern economy. 2007 was the fifth straight year of annual gains for the Spanish market, consolidating its leadership position in total return among the main international markets. The benchmark index, the IBEX35, repeatedly recorded new highs throughout the year to close the year with a 7.3% gain according to the 2007 Market Report issued by Spain’s stock exchange holding company, BME (Bolsa de Mercados Españoles, Informe de Mercado 2007). straight years of strong gains. The Spanish market also closed the year with a new high in trading volume and liquidity; it was also a record-breaking year for IPOs and tender offers. 2007 was also a crucial year for the regulation of the European securities exchanges with the enactment of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). INTERNATIONAL STOCK MARKET PERFORMANCE 2007 130 125 120 DAX + 22,3% 115 110 IBEX + 7,3% 105 DOW JONES + 6,9% IGBM + 5,6% EURO STOXX + 4,9% FTSE 100 + 3,8% 100 CAC + 1,3% 95 90 DEC 06 JAN 07 FEB 07 IGBM MAR 07 IBEX APR 07 MAY 07 DOW JONES JUN 07 JUL 07 AUG 07 EURO STOXX SEP 07 OCT 07 NOV 07 FTSE 100 DEC 07 CAC DAX MARKET PERFORMANCE OF LEADING WORLDWIDE INDEXES IN 2007 31/12/06 31/12/07 GBM INDEX 1.554,93 1.642,01 %Change 5,6% IBEX 35 14.146,50 15.182,30 7,3% FTSE100 6.220,80 6.456,90 3,8% CAC 40 5.541,76 5.614,08 1,3% DAX 6.596,92 8.067,32 22,3% DOW JONES 12.501,52 13.365,87 6,9% EURO STOXX 395,63 414,9 4,9% DOW JONES MEDIA 236,26 227,61 -3,7% The Media and Advertising sector closed 2007 with its second annual loss in response to the doubts generated by the ongoing transformation processes, the appearance of new channels, and changes in legislation. Accordingly, during 2007, a year in which the Spanish economy surpassed the €1 billion mark in GDP, the Spanish exchange faced a difficult year with brilliance and solvency following four Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Telecinco shares Outperforming the rest The media industry recorded sharp declines in stock prices due in part to its association by analysts and investors to consumer spending and the fear arising from the poor outlook for economic growth. Within this context, Telecinco in 2007 once again outperformed the other communications media companies of the Ibex 35 and continues to have the highest market cap in Spain with 4,319 million euros, far above that of our competitors. Despite the decline over the previous year, our market capitalisation has increased by 72.5% since our initial public offering on the 24th of June in 2004. This clearly shows that our market performance can be characterised by a high level of stability, with sustained performance in line with that of the Ibex 35, while our competitors have recorded sharp declines during the year. 33 TELECINCO MARKET CAP SINCE IPO MARKET CAPITALISATION (MILLIONS OF €) OPV 2.503 JUN 04 2.960 DEC 04 3.744 DEC 05 5.258 DEC 06 5.323 DEC 07 +72,5% 4.319 MARKET PERFORMANCE 24 JUNE 2004 – 28 DECEMBER 2007 220 200 180 MARKET CAPITALISATION OF LEADING MEDIA COMPANIES IN 2007 160 140 120 T5 4.319 A3TV 2.215 SGC 3.793 100 80 60 JUN 04 SEP 04 DEC 04 FEB 05 MAY 05 JUL 05 OCT 05 JAN 06 MAR 06 JUN 06 SEP 06 NOV 06 FEB 07 APR 07 JUL 07 OCT 07 DEC 07 TL5 A3TV SOG IBEX35 VOCENTO 2007 MARKET PERFORMANCE MEDIA COMPANIES Total trading volume in Telecinco shares in 2007 reached 326.1 million shares, somewhat below that recorded in previous years. This equals a total value of 6,601 million euros. Telecinco shares recorded their highest trading volume on 31 May 2007, the day on which Telecinco increased its weight in the Morgan Stanley Capital Index. The stock hit an intraday high on 5 June of 21.21 euros per share. The annual intraday low was recorded on 28 December at 17.13 euros per share. 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 TL5 A3TV SOG IBEX VOC 06/12/07 15/11/07 25/10/07 04/10/07 13/09/07 23/08/07 02/08/07 12/07/07 21/06/07 31/05/07 10/05/07 18/04/07 26/03/07 05/03/07 12/02/07 22/01/07 29/12/06 50 One of the reasons that has allowed Telecinco to maintain its market strength despite the international environment has been the majority backing of the audience for the programming offered by the company. In addition, we have broken the 1,000 million euro mark for gross advertising income, a new record in Spanish television that has made Publiespaña the leading company in the advertising industry by sales. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 34 Telecinco shares SHARE PRICE IN TRADING VOLUMEN 2007 TRADING VOLUMEN, (MILLIONS OF €) 140.000.00 TL5: MORGAN STANLEY CAPITAL INDEX INCREASES WEIGHT OF T5 (31 MAY) TL5: DIVIDEND PAID € 1.28 (3 MAY) Share Price (€) ADVANCE EARNINGS RELEASE FOR 9M07 (24 OCTOBER) 25.00 120.000.00 20.00 100.000.00 ACQUISITION OF ENDEMOL (14 MAY) 80.000.00 15.00 60.000.00 10.00 40.000.00 5.00 20.000.00 0.00 0 JAN 07 FEB 07 MAR 07 APR 07 MAY 07 JUN 07 JUL 07 MILLONES € AUG 07 SEP 07 OCT 07 NOV 07 DEC 07 COTIZACIÓN TRADING AND OTHER SHARE DATA Number of ordinary shares Market Capitalisation (28/12), € 2004 2005 2006 2007 246,641,856 246,641,856 246,641,856 246,641,856 3,774,023,374 5,258,404,370 5,322,531,252 4,318,698,899 Share Price (intraday Madrid Stock Exchange) - High 13/10/04:16.44 € 22/12/05:21.74 € 11/01/06: 22.90 € 13.14 € 18.61€ € 20.37 € 19.76 24/06/04:11.82 € 3/01/05:15.10 € 14/06/06:17.47 € 28/12/07:17.13 € Net earnings per Share (1) 0.88 € 1.18 € 1.28 € 1.45 € Gross dividend per share (2) 0.70 € 1.18 € 1.28 € 1.30 € Pay-Out Ratio: Dividend/Net Profit (1) 79.96% 100.00% 100.00% 89.66% - Average - Low 05/06/07: 22.21 € Dividend Yield: Dividend / Share Price (3) Total trading volume (shares) 4.15% 5.76% 6.09% 9.00% 382,535,962 442,393,320 424,213,771 326,112,750 Total cash trading volume (millions of €) 4,819.90 7,863.55 8,335.05 6,601.79 Average Daily Volume (shares) 2,942,584 1,728,098 1,670,132 1,288,982 Annual gain or loss (Telecinco) 49.6% 40.4% 1.2% -18.9% Ibex35 gain or loss 15.3% 18.2% 31.8% 7.3% Dow Jones Media Index gain or loss 7.3% 12.5% 7.5% -3.7% (1) Net Profit 2007 = €353.06 million, Net Profit 2006 = €314.25 million, Net Profit 2005 = €290.33 million, Net Profit 2004 = €214.21 million (2) Excluding treasury shares: 3,106,913 and 13 shares at 31 December 2007, 1,411,540 shares at 31 December 2006, 1,450,000 shares at 31 December 2005, and 11,250 shares at 31 December 2004 (3) Share price at the date of preparation of the accounts: 27 February 2008 €14.44, 28 February 2007 €21.01, 1 March 2006 €20.55, 1 March 2005 €16.88. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Telecinco shares Dividends in 2007 On 11 April 2007 the Shareholders in General Meeting agreed to distribute a total dividend of €314,249,000 charged against 2006 earnings. The dividend was paid out in May of 2007 and equalled €1.28 per share. Relating to 2007, the Board of Directors of Telecinco notified the CNMV on 27 February 2008 of the proposed distribution of a Gross dividend of €1.30 per share pending approval by the shareholders in the General meeting. This dividend equals a dividend yield of 9% and a payout ratio of 90%. Telecinco boasts one of the highest dividend yields in the benchmark Ibex index. GROSS DIVIDEND PER SHARE (€) 2004 1,18 1,28 1,30 Dividend per share: 5,8% 2006 Dividend per share: 6,1% 2007 figures and events occurring during the period and includes a graphic representation of the main activities and areas of interest of the company. This information is disseminated, firstly, in Spanish, to the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) for publication on their website. After this first step, Telecinco publishes the same data in Spanish and English on his own website (, in the investor relations section. At the same time, the presentations are sent in English and in Spanish by e-mail to those shareholders, institutional investors and analysts that have requested. The website complies with all requirements established under CNMV Circular 1/2004 of 17 March and contains all of the information used in the meetings and presentations to analysts and investors, as well as the most relevant press releases. 0,70 Dividend per share: 4,2% 2005 35 Dividend per share: 9,0% Investor relations Telecinco’s Investor Relations Department is responsible for managing the communications to the national and international markets, striving for permanent and transparent transmission of information on the situation, performance and outlook of the company for all shareholders, investors and analysts in strict compliance with the guidelines established by the Spanish National Securities Market Commission. After publication on the web, we normally hold a conference call and simultaneous webcast for shareholders, institutional investors and analysts that wish greater explanations or to pose any questions to the top executives of the company. The conference call is recorded and published on the company’s website in the investor relations section for three months. Telecinco immediately notifies the CNMV of any significant events for publication on their website and subsequently publishes the same information on the Telecinco website and sends the information by e-mail to those parties interested in receiving it. During 2007, more than 30 financial institutions published regular analysis on Telecinco, maintaining continuous tracking of the operating and financial performance of the company. We have held more than 315 meetings with fund managers and analysts and have organized 13 conferences and two road shows in the United States and the United Kingdom. Similarly, Telecinco has adopted various measures to ensure that the information disseminated to the securities exchanges is transmitted as equitably and symmetrically as possible. At the close of each quarter, the Company publishes its results by means of a detailed earnings release that provides the key Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 36 Telecinco shares Shareholder structure. Our shareholders as stakeholders The majority shareholders are Mediaset and Vocento, who retained their majority stakes of 50.1% and 13% respectively in 2007. Treasury shares increased by 1.26% and the remaining 35.6% is free float held mainly by institutional investors from Spain, Britain and the United States. SHAREHOLDER STRUCTURE During the past year, Italy and the United Kingdom reduced their investment in Telecinco by 3%, while investors in the US, Germany and France lowered their holdings by 1%. Conversely, investors in Japan, Belgium and, particularly, Spain, increased their positions, with Spanish investors now holding 21% of the shares. It should be noted that Telecinco meets the information needs of minority shareholders, institutional investors and analysts through its Investor Relations Department, and strictly follows the guidelines established by the Spanish National Securities Market Commission. TREASURY SHARES 1,26% REST FREE-FLOAT 35,6% MEDIASET 50,14% VOCENTO 13% DISTRIBUTION OF TELECINCO SHAREHOLDERS BY COUNTRY 2006 FRANCIA 1% 2007 BÉLGICA 1% ALEMANIA 4% ALEMANIA 5% USA 10% USA 11% REINO UNIDO 3% REINO UNIDO 6% ESPAÑA 21% ESPAÑA 17% ITALIA 59% Rest 2% Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Rest 2% ITALIA 56% JAPÓN 2% Telecinco shares 37 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 growth strategy 40 Growth strategy THE AUDIOVISUAL BUSINESS Consolidated leadership AUDIENCE SHARE DURING PRIME TIME Once again in 2007 Telecinco was able to reaffirm its leadership position and resist the expansion of the audiovisual market thanks to the competitive strength of its day time programming and its solid daily prime time programming, dayparts in which Telecinco has historically maintained a strong lead over its competitors. This was the fourth consecutive year in which the station has led the market in total audience share with 20.3%, representing a 2.9 point advantage over Antena 3 (17.4%) and a 3.1 point advantage over TVE 1 (17.2%). Telecinco led the ratings 256 days of the year, 27 days more than in 2006 and beating its own record by becoming the ratings leader during every month of the year. In comparison with 2006, and despite the consolidation of the current audiovisual map and the increase in the number of operators, the audience share of Telecinco edged down only 9/10 of a point, compared with a two-point drop by Antena 3 and a 1.1 point decline by TVE 1. TOTAL AUDIENCE SHARE FOR THE FULL DAY Telecinco 20,3 Antena 3 17,4 TVE1 17,2 FORTA 14,5 La 2 4,5 Cuatro 7,7 Telecinco 20,9 Antena 3 16,8 TVE1 16,8 FORTA 15 La 2 4,1 Cuatro 8 La Sexta 4,5 Temáticas 10,8 Local 2,8 Telecinco’s programming once again made the station the undisputed leader in television’s most important daypart, prime time (20:30-00:00 hours in Spain), with an audience share of 20.9%. Despite declining slightly over the previous year, Telecinco sharply widened its lead over its two closest competitors. The very solid foundation of this success lies in the excellent ratings achieved by the station’s programming, a compendium of most viewed national and foreign series backed up by in-house productions that have been widely and firmly accepted by Spain’s television audiences. This strength has made Telecinco the first choice among audiences every night of the week during prime time. Telecinco has 16 of the 25 top rated broadcasts and 14 of the 20 top rated series in 2007. 10 TOP-RATED BROADCASTS IN 2007 Broadcast FOOTBALL: CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FOOTBALL: EUROCUP CLASSIFICATION La Sexta 4 Temáticas 11,3 Local 2,9 AÍDA Station Viewers Share A3 5,604 33.0 TVE1 5,368 36.8 Telecinco 5,182 28.2 C.S.I. MIAMI Telecinco 5,181 27.2 C.S.I. LAS VEGAS Telecinco 4,854 26.3 FOOTBALL: UEFA OPERACIÓN TRIUNFO: GALAS A3 4,752 31.3 Telecinco 4,535 28.2 FÓRMULA 1 Telecinco 4,479 48.3 FOOTBALL: SUPER CUP Telecinco 4,345 38.4 LOS SERRANO Telecinco 4,263 23.9 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Growth strategy 41 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 42 Growth strategy Telecinco’s supremacy extends to all of the key dayparts. The station was the lunch companion of choice at midday (19.9%), consolidated its position in the afternoon (21%) and kept people during the late-night (23.1%), all of which translates into a clear domination of the Spanish daytime (20%), a 2.3 point advantage over Antena 3 (17.7%) and 2.6 points over TVE 1 (17.4%). But this past year also marked another triumph for Telecinco. The station’s programming is perfectly in tune with the preferred target audience of advertisers (viewers between 13 and 59, middle to upper classes residing in cities with a population of over 10,000). 2007 was the ninth consecutive year in which Telecinco was the absolute leader in its commercial target, with an even larger share than that of the average audience: 22.5% in total and 23.5% in prime time. Regionally, Telecinco was also the absolute leader in eight regions: the Basque country, Asturias, Madrid, the Canary Islands, Aragón, Valencia, Andalucía and Catalonia. Fiction Telecinco has again clearly demonstrated that it is without rival in both national and foreign fiction series, the genre most highly demanded by viewers and one of the true keys to the success of the station. The station offers 14 of the 20 top rated series in 2007: TOP RATED SERIES 2007 Series Station Viewers Cher AÍDA Telecinco 5,182 28.2 C.S.I MIAMI Telecinco 5,181 27.2 C.S.I LAS VEGAS Telecinco 4,854 28.3 LOS SERRANO Telecinco 4,263 23.9 CUÉNTAME CÓMO PASÓ ESCENAS DE MATRIMONIO (L-V) TVE1 4,223 23.5 Telecinco 4,140 26.1 HOSPITAL CENTRAL Telecinco 4,106 24.4 CAMERA CAFÉ (D) Telecinco 3,841 22.3 LOS HOMBRES DE PACO A3 3,782 22.4 EL INTERNADO A3 3,718 21.4 HOUSE CUATRO 3,668 19.0 CAMERA CAFÉ (L-V) Telecinco 3,610 22.8 EL COMISARIO Telecinco 3,494 22.7 HERMANOS Y DETECTIVES Telecinco 3,417 20.3 YO SOY BEA Telecinco 3,391 34.3 MIR Telecinco 3,181 18.5 LA QUE SE AVECINA Telecinco 3,158 21.3 MANOLO & BENITO A3 3,104 16.5 LA FAMILIA MATA ESCENAS DE MATRIMONIO (weekend) A3 3,037 16.9 Telecinco 2,940 21.1 In-house fiction Telecinco has continued to bet on in-house production of fiction as the cornerstone of a stable programming grid, making it the leading television station in Spain. Among the most notable new series during the year, we would highlight the mixture of intrigue, mystery and comedy offered by “Hermanos y detectives”. With 3,417,000 average viewers and a share of 20.3%. This adaptation of the popular Argentine series of the same name has become one of the most viewed fiction series premieres of the season. Other successful new series included “MIR”, a Hospital Central spinoff that closed the year with 3,181,000 average viewers and a share of 18.5%, and the very popular “La que se avecina”, a comedy series with 3,158,000 average viewers and a share of 21.3%. All of these new series are worthy additions to Telecinco’s fiction catalogue, where they join other productions that have become nearly historical. This is the case of “Aída”, which, with 5,182,000 average viewers, is Spain’s top rated fiction series. Of course we cannot forget the extremely popular “Los Serrano”, with an average share of 23.9% and 4,263,000 viewers, “Hospital Central”, the series with the highest number of episodes and 4,106,000 average viewers during the last season for a 24.4% share, and Spain’s longest running series, “El Comisario”, with a season total of 3,494,000 viewers and a 22.7% share. “Escenas de matrimonio” without doubt was the new series with the best reception by audiences during the year, becoming a true television phenomenon recording constant growth Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Growth strategy since its premier in August and tripling the number of viewers. This irreverent look at married life has become an unstoppable success story with a share of 26.1% and 4,140,000 average viewers. The series shows the varied reactions of three couples of different ages when faced with similar situations in their daily lives. This formula has made “Escenas de matrimonio” one of the preferred choices for audiences in 2007 and the surprise success of the year in national fiction. If there is any show that deserves special mention it is “Yo soy Bea”; the hugely popular soap opera in the midday time slot has been unbeatable since its premiere in July 2006. With a 34.3% share and 3,391,000 viewers, the series has topped the ratings in its time slot in every single one of its more than 300 episodes, making it the undisputed top rated fiction series during the day time since 1995. “Camera café” reaffirmed its popularity on both weekdays and prime time on Sundays. The zany antics of the show’s stars and the biting humour of the sketches have allowed “Camera Café” to maintain in 2007 the success registered since its launch in 2005. The show registered 3,618,000 average viewers and 70 episodes were ranked among the three most viewed broadcasts of the year. 43 diences. These new formats have joined already consolidated success stories that continue to perform superbly, including the reality shows, contests and live broadcasts offered during prime time. One of the shining stars of the kinds of has been the talent contest “Operación Triunfo”, presented by Jesús Vázquez (Premio Ondas 2007 for his career), which has become the most viewed in-house production of the year with 4,535,000 viewers and a share of 28.2%. Flagship reality show, “Gran Hermano”, Spain’s “Big Brother” has truly surpassed the test of time and now in its ninth year as reaffirmed its position as the most successful reality show on Spanish television. The prime time broadcast presented by Mercedes Milá registered in almost 5 point increase in share from the previous year, reaching an average of 28.3% with 3,511,000 viewers. This success carried over to all of the other related programming: the daily summaries presented by Óscar Martínez (24.9%); the debate moderated by Jordi González (25.4%) and the live broadcast “Gran Hermano: la casa en directo” (28%). RATINGS DURING DE EXACT TIME SLOT OF “GRAN HERMANO IX” 35,7 Telecinco increased the weight of in-house productions in 2007 up to 83.6% of total broadcasts. The station has bet heavily on new formats that have been able to click with au- 25,1 26,2 27,7 24,9 26,3 26,7 27,3 29 29,5 28,2 27,4 20/12/07 30,2 28,7 30,0 26 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 TVE1 ANTENA 3 AUTONÓMICAS CUATRO LA SEXTA 27/12/07 06/12/07 29/11/07 22/11/07 01/11/07 25/10/07 18/10/07 11/10/07 04/10/07 27/09/07 20/09/07 13/09/07 09/09/07 0,0 TELECINCO In-house production 31,7 30,7 13/12/07 Telecinco in 2007 continued to offer the highest quality foreign fiction to meet the needs of an audience that, faced with expanding number of choices, demand the most attractive products, such as “C.S.I.”, the top rated foreign fiction series in 2007. Thanks to the forensic teams of “C.S.I. Las Vegas” (4,854,000 and 28.3%) and “C.S.I. Miami” (5,181,000 and 27.2%), the station has become the undisputed leader of Monday nights. 35,0 15/11/07 40,0 08/11/07 Foreign fiction RESTO In addition, Telecinco successfully launched the second season of the international format “Supervivientes: perdidos en Honduras”. Quality production, excellent casting and the superb performance of host Jesús Vázquez have allowed this survival contest to dominate not only Thursday nights (3,312,000 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 44 Growth strategy viewers and a 24.8% share), but also during the daily summaries presented by Mario Picazo and the Sunday debate moderated by Lucía Riaño. Prime time programming this year also included the return of one of Spain’s most popular programmes. Two years after the close the of “Crónicas Marcianas”, host Javier Sardá has returned to Telecinco with “Dutifrí”. The popular journalist combines humour and spontaneity as he travelled around the world in the company of leading personalities from cinema, culture, music and sports. Telecinco has also premiered in-house productions during the daytime and late night thanks in many cases to the agreements established in 2006 with production companies Mandarina, La Fábrica de la Tele and Alba Adriática, taking an equity stake in each. There were two new successful premieres in the evening timeslot: “Está pasando”, a news and entertainment programme hosted by Emilio Pineda and Lucía Riaño that has become the source for evening news with an average share of 20.4% and 1,628,000 viewers, and “Pasapalabra”, the popular word game hosted by Christian Gálvez that has continued to attract more and more viewers over its more than 100 episodes, reaching a figure of close to 2 million. Throughout the year, the popular contest was followed by the equally popular international competition “¡Allá tú!”, which has attracted a loyal following of more than 2 million viewers. During the late-night timeslot, Maria Teresa Campos has returned to Telecinco 2007 to host “El laberinto de la memoria”, a monthly programme offering biographical documentaries on leading Spanish personalities followed by a debate moderated by the veteran journalist that is followed by over one million viewers. Other premieres during the timeslot included: “Hormigas Blancas”, a look at the lives of well-known public personalities presented by Jorge Javier Vázquez; “El Ventilador”, an interview programme hosted by Yolanda Flores, and the new season of “Caiga Quien Caiga” with Manel Fuentes, Leo Rivera and Juan Ramón Bonet and new investigative reporting offered by Mercedes Milá on “Diario de…”. On Saturdays, viewers have responded well to the interviews and investigative reporting offered by “La Noria”, a live broadcast hosted by Jordi González. One of our most veteran programmes continues to stand out as a resounding success, “El programa de Ana Rosa”, has continued to be the unbeatable leader in its time slot with an average 935,000 viewers and a share of 21.6%. At midday, the irreverent “Aquí hay tomate” continued to lead its timeslot throughout the year with an average share of 23.6% and 2,826,000 viewers. After five years of following current events and the goings-on of the rich and famous, this top rated programme hosted by Jorge Javier Vázquez and Carmen Alcayde bid a fond farewell to their faithful audience in February 2008. Telecinco´s news Telecinco’s news team, led by news director and anchor Pedro Piqueras, was reinforced in 2007 with the incorporation of journalist Marta Fernández, who will present the news with Hilario Pino during the midday broadcast. Telecinco, responding to an increasingly demanding audience, has shifted the broadcast from its normal time to 3 p.m.. Marta Fernández is an experienced journalist and a welcome addition to the Telecinco news team, where she will join a long list of excellent journalists, including Ángeles Blanco, Daniel Gómez, Carme Chaparro, José Ribagorda, J.J. Santos, Antonio Lobato and Mario Picazo, among others. Telecinco’s news programmes are characterised by exclusives and top-notch reporting throughout the year. The changes introduced with the arrival of veteran journalist Pedro Piqueras have progressively consolidated to become on many days the top choice of viewers. The superb work of the Telecinco news team has allowed us to scoop all of our competitors on some of the most important events of the year, such as national and international terrorism. Telecinco was the first to broadcast images of the inter- Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Growth strategy nal training manual of the Basque terrorist group ETA, as well as the recruiting video used by the terrorists. Other exclusives by Telecinco included the photographs of the terrorists that murdered a Spanish soldier in Afghanistan. All of this information has also been quickly available on the station’s news website 45 closed 2007 with record audience levels for all of the Grand Prix broadcasts. F1 BROADCASTS AUDIENCE SHARE AND VIEWERS 2007 2006 Grand Prix’s 48.3% & 4,479,000 48.4% & 4,111,000 During 2007 the station offered exclusive interviews with leading personalities, like the interview by Pedro Piqueras of Interior Minister Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, during which he made his first declarations following the violation of the cease-fire by ETA. Also in 2007, Informativos Telecinco commemorated the 30th anniversary of the first democratic elections with a series of special reports on the changes in Spanish society since the so-called Transition. Classifications 25.3% & 1,789,000 24.4% & 1,596,000 Pre-Formula 1 30.6% & 2,134,000 31.6% & 1,979,000 Post Formula 1 39% & 4,024,000 39.2% & 3,536,000 2007 48,3% 4.479 Telecinco has also used its news programmes to support various social initiatives. This included, as part of the “12 months, 12 clauses” campaign, the broadcast of two reports on Alzheimer’s disease during its main broadcasts in commemoration of World Alzheimer’s Day. 2006 48,4% 4.111 Fórmula 1 Telecinco broadcast its fourth Formula 1 series in 2007. The experience gained by the Telecinco team in this sport over these years has again translated into a new ratings success. The 2007 Grand Prix was followed by 4,479,000 viewers for a 48.3% share, the highest following ever achieved by Formula 1 in Spain. The broadcast this year followed a new format, with a more mature and experienced team and a more advanced technological structure. The team led by Antonio Lobato introduced important new aspects into the prerace features, with new sections that brought racing closer to audiences and made it more understandable. Telecinco also reinforced viewer participation through the website, where fans could prepare “à la carte” contents to the prerace by contributing their own videos, comments and suggestions. Thanks to this dedication and effort, Telecinco GRAND PRIX AUDIENCE SHARE AND VIEWERS (IN MILLIONS) 2005 47,6% 4.247 share Telecinco also broadcast the GP2 race, the prelude to the Formula 1; the Superbike Championships and some of the most decisive competitions of the 2007 football season: the Copa del Rey finals (Sevilla F.C.- Getafe C.F.), the two Supercup matches between Sevilla F.C. and Real Madrid C.F and three league matches (AthleticReal Madrid, Valencia-Barcelona and Villareal-Barcelona). DTT The quality and the functionality of the work system used by the company for Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) has improved noticeably since the launch of the Central Control and Broadcasting Centre in July 2005. This new digital platform increases the possibilities for distribution of content by satellite, fibre optics, wireless and ADSL. It also manages the reception, production and delivery of content in digital format and increases the available value added services. Telecinco launched 2008 with new offers in digital channels, with competitive content not only in the DTT market, but also Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 46 Growth strategy in the global audiovisual sector. The station has also established links between the content currently broadcast on the general channel and that on the theme channels. The content and interactive possibilities continue to grow as the penetration and consumption of this new technology continues to be implemented across society. The changes in content have been coupled with a new corporate identity for each of the channels, with Telecinco Sport becoming known, starting in February 2008, as Telecinco 2, and Telecinco Estrellas changing its name to FDF Telecinco. Telecinco Estrellas and Telecinco Sport Telecinco Sport and Telecinco Estrellas celebrated their second anniversary in 2007, the station’s theme channels for digital terrestrial television offering the two genres with the greatest possibility for interactive development and future growth: fiction series and sporting events. On Telecinco Sport, the content revolves around one hour blocks with sports and news bulletins every 15 minutes thanks to an agreement with Eurosport, Throughout the year, Telecinco Sport progressively increased its programming with a wide range of in-house productions produced specifically for the digital channel. This included “Semanal Sport”, a weekly debate and news programme presented by J.J. Santos; “Reporteros”, a programme with reports produced by the Telecinco news team that hits the street to uncover the news that most concerns Spanish society, and “Documenta 5”, an alternative news format presented by Hilario Pino and Pedro Piqueras covering newsworthy events in a documentary format. events, such as the classification sessions for the Formula 1 and GP2 races, broadcast during prime time. The fiction channel, Telecinco Estrellas, provides 24 hours a day of the most emblematic national and international fiction series, the most highly demanded genre among viewers, including “Yo soy Bea”, “Siete vidas”, “Médico de familia” and “Al salir de clase”. The channel also offered the prime the time broadcast of “Motivos personales” and the creation of a special cycle dedicated to Steven Spielberg, which included the national premiere of the science fiction series “Taken”, the complete broadcast of the epic WWII super production “Band of Brothers”, the showing of the academy award winning “Saving Private Ryan”. Foreign series in their original versions in the container programme “Let’s speak English”, the soap opera “Los Reyes”, news programs such as “100% sun”, and a wide range of films all week long complete the programming grid of Telecinco Estrellas. Improvements in DTT audio 2007 also marked the introduction of high quality stereo audio content in at least two languages on the DTT channels. The technical resources and bandwidth have been augmented to increase the audio content offered by DTT, in addition to the compliance with other legal commitments. Depending on the commercial strategy, broadcasts can be in Spanish, foreign languages, or the vernacular languages of the Spanish regions. At the close of 2007, Telecinco Sport expanded its theme format to include reality programming and establish greater synergy with the general channel with the first ever digital broadcast of “Gran Hermano: la casa en directo”, as well as entertainment, with the national premiere of the tryouts for the contestants in the first edition of “Tú si que vales”. Other programmes broadcast on the DTT channel include “El Tiempo”, “Píldoras Más Que Coches”, “Más Que Coches Competición”, “Swing Golf”, “Match Golf” and “El Rincón del Cazador”. Telecinco Sport also broadcast first rate sporting Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Growth strategy 47 THE ADVERTISING BUSINESS Publiespaña has hit a new milestone in the history of Spanish television. The holder of the concession on Telecinco’s advertising space has surpassed the 1000 million euro barrier in gross advertising income in 2007, a symbolic figure that has never before been achieved by any operator in Spain. With 8.9% growth over the previous year, Publiespaña is the leading Spanish advertising company by sales, profitability, power ratio, price and market share. ADVERTISING SPEND (IN MILLONS OF EUROS) TTV 06 TTV 07 +8,4% 3.096,5 3.356 TL5 06 953,7 TL5 07 +8,8% 1.038 A3 06 837,4 A3 07 -0,3% 834,8 MARKET SHARE 2006 TVE 06 692,5 TVE 07 +3% 713,1 2006 CUATRO 6,0% REGIONAL 12,0% LA SEXTA 1,6% TELECINCO 30,9% ANTENA 3 27,1% MARKET SHARE 2007 2007 LA SEXTA 4,0% REGIONAL 10,6% TELECINCO 30,9% ANTENA 3 24,9% TVE 21,2% 370,7 -6,2% 354,8 CUATRO 06 186,6 CUATRO 07 +51,4% 282,5 LA SEXTA 06 48,2 LA SEXTA 07 +175,5% 132,8 Note: The advertising spend figure for Total TV 2006 (3096,5) differs from that provided in last year’s annual Report (3089,2) due to an errata in the Infoadex report for 2006. TVE 22,4% CUATRO 8,4% AUTO 06 AUTO 07 The drivers behind the success are the strength and uniformity of the programming across all dayparts, the leadership in audience share and the efficient management of advertising space. This, together with a mature and flexible commercial policy, has reinforced the advertising efficiency of Telecinco. The results obtained by Publiespaña gain special relevance given that 2007 was a year in which there was greater competition among the Spanish broadcast television stations and from the new technologies and forms of access to television content. The search for new solutions oriented to meet the needs of its clients has always been a differentiating factor that has helped the station stand out in advertising. This has led the company to create exclusive blocks of shorter durations in order to increase the efficiency of the campaigns, as well as a varied catalogue of products under the banner of “Special Initiatives” with the goal of Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 48 Growth strategy not only constantly increasing the integration of television content and advertising messages but ding it better and better every day. THE LAUNCH OF TOP SPOT, THE MAGAZINE OF THE PUBLIESPAÑA GROUP PUBLIESPAÑA INCREASES THE WEIGHT OF SPECIAL INITIATIVES AND CREATES NEW FORMULAS FOR PRESENTING CONVENTIONAL ADVERTISING In order to continue growing in transparency and build stronger ties to clients and media agencies, in 2007 Publiespaña launched the magazine Top Spot, a pioneering initiative through which the company has created a new channel for communicating with the market. Top Spot is published quarterly by the Customer Retention Department of Publiespaña and provides detailed information on the commercial policy of Telecinco, reports on the series and programmes broadcast by the station, interviews with the executives of leading advertisers and media centres in Spain and reports on the latest news in the Spanish audiovisual sector, as well as other interesting content. In 2007 Publiespaña achieved its goal of increasing the weight of Special Initiatives to over 15% of total revenues. The company again anticipated the market with the creation of an ample catalogue of products that allow advertisers to communicate in different ways and achieve greater awareness through celebrity presentations, internal moments, commercial sitcoms, advances, lead ins, special mentions, overprinting, infomercials and infotainment, plus a service of “à la carte” designs adapted to any alternative proposal from the clients. In addition, Publiespaña has also introduced new forms of placing conventional advertising, aware that the form of programming, broadcasting and integrating advertising content is one of the most widely used tools by television stations to differentiate themselves from their competitors. This is the case of new formulas such as “Daily”, an agreement with the advertiser to broadcast a total of 14 five-second commercials in a single day at one hour intervals at the antepenultimate position, and “Top Spot”, consisting of the broadcast of a block of only one advertisement situated between the end of a programme and the start of the next. Other possibilities offered by Publiespaña to provide added value to classic television advertising include the “Hi Quality” and “Podium” blocks in Fórmula 1, which do not combine more than four spots; the preferred positions at the start and the end of a programme; morphings - the merger and transition of the advertiser’s image with that of Telecinco- a reduction of advertising pressure during certain programming spaces, such as the case of “C.S.I.”. The Formula 1 broadcasts this year also achieved a balance between content and advertising by using advertising windows rather than commercial breaks, thereby allowing viewers to watch the race without losing any moment of what was happening on the track. Publiespaña has also renewed its website, improving both the design and the content. Through the website, clients and other interested parties can learn more about the company, everything from its most qualitative offer through the latest news on programming and upcoming content of the Top Spot magazine. Publimedia Gestión Huge technological advances, the myriad new ways to access content and the digitalisation process have given birth to a new broadcasting reality that provides new trends and greater opportunities for advertisers. The challenge of diversification and specialisation in the commercial management of the new television formats is assured in the Publiespaña Group though its subsidiary Publimedia Gestión. The ability to offer the best multivenue product for an increasingly demanding market is the raison d’être of Publimedia Gestión. During 2007 the company has marketed audiovisual content in diverse media formats ranging from the Telecinco Digital Terrestrial Television channels through cable television operators such as ONO and analogical television stations, through the commercial management within the Spanish market of the Mediaset stations in Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Growth strategy 49 Publimedia Gestión has also continued to bet on print media with Bulevar 21, Mi cartera de inversión and the publications of Mondadori, as well as outdoor advertising -Canal Metro Madrid and Barcelona and seat back in football stadiums -, and television formats such as “Más que coches”, “Nosolomusica” and “El mundo mágico de Brunelesky”. ADVANCED MEDIA, INTERNET AND MOBILE TELEPHONES, CLOSER TO THE ADVERTISER The advances in mobile telephone technologies and the increasing importance of advertising on the Internet has led Telecinco to increase its focus on these business lines, in which the advertisers are dedicating increasingly higher percentage of their advertising spend. Publimedia Gestión has created a specific department under the brand Advanced Media, with the goal of reinforcing the advertising on the Telecinco website,, The financial portal, www.bolsacinco. com, and the station’s news website, Similarly, Advanced Media will market the audiovisual content reaching the Orange users of 3G-enabled mobile telephones, as well as the virtual magazine, “Blue”, of the BBVA Group, which the bank uses to interact weekly with a large number of young people using rich media formats. Advanced Media provides traditional advertising space on these venues as well as developing and marketing new advertising formats, adapted to the singular nature and language of each medium. This new business line has reinforced the multimedia character of Publimedia Gestión and helped the company to achieve gross advertising income of over 31 million euros. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 50 Growth strategy OTHER BUSINESS LINES TELECINCO CINEMA, CINEMA WITH PEDIGREE The commercial department of Telecinco maximises the use of the audiovisual products of the station, managing all of Telecinco’s rights both nationally and internationally and optimising all of the products derived from the station’s programmes and series. Specifically we would highlight the launch of the first season of “Escenas de matrimonio” on DVD, Which has become the leading Spanish series in the national market. The station has also released the new seasons of “Aída”, “Hospital Central”, “Los Serrano” and “Yo soy Bea”, which have consolidated Telecinco’s position as the market leader in the direct sales of Spanish fiction series. Over the last few years the Telecinco European and Spanish Cinema Division has made a firm commitment to the national film industry with the production of some of the most highly rated and acclaimed films in the national and international arena. The ninth season of Spain’s Big Brother, “Gran Hermano”, has revitalised the value of the brand through associated products in both sound recordings and print. In-house brands, such as “Las 101 mejores bandas sonoras” occupy the top spot on sales lists, without forgetting the launch of performers like Soraya, Sergio and Edurne after their time on “Operación Triunfo”, which throughout 2007 have topped the charts for national soloists. In the video-on-demand business line, Telecinco has taken the first steps for its series to be available on cable operators and other platforms, such as ONO and Imagenio, which offer Telecinco products as an added value service. Theme channels have also become home to Telecinco series, including Teuve, Sony-AXN, Paramount Comedy and Universal Calle 13. In the area of rights sales, Telecinco has successfully marketed “Escenas de matrimonio” internationally, selling the format in such countries as France (M6), Italy (Endemol), Greece (KAPA) and Czechoslovakia (Top TV), among others. In addition, the Spanish version of “Aída” is being broadcast in Mexico (TV Azteca) and “Los Serrano” has been exported to Russia (NTS), Italy (Canale 5), Rumania (Kanal D) and Finland (YLE), among others. In 2007, Telecinco European and Spanish Cinema Division changed its name to Telecinco Cinema, a brand that will substitute the Estudios Picasso brand that has been used in our cinema productions to date. The increasingly active and fundamental role that the company is playing in the development and financing of films makes it the perfect time to announce the association of Telecinco with some of the most ambitious and acclaimed films and more than a few smash box office hits. Under its new identity, Telecinco Cinema has undertaken various important projects in 2007 and premiered others produced the previous year in order to continue participating and contributing to the development and expansion of Spanish films beyond our borders. The company’s cinema policies are based, on the one side, on the production of major feature length films directed by renowned filmmakers with top level actors, and, on the other, in entrusting the camera to a young talents in order to promote the stars of the future through numerous lower budget feature films. The soundness of this policy is clearly reflected by the fact that some of Spain’s top box office hits have been produced by Telecinco, including “El Orfanato”, “Alatriste”, “El laberinto del fauno” and “El otro lado de la cama”, among others. We would especially highlight the success of “El Orfanato” (The Orphanage), Spain’s top box office hit of 2007, grossing 24,264,376 euros with an audience of 4,257,576 viewers, Numbers that surpass those of Hollywood super productions “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Shrek 3”. The Orphanage is also the second highest grossing film in the history of Spanish cinema. “El Orfanato” was nominated to represent Spain for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in the 80th Edition of the Academy Awards. In addition, this hit film allowed Telecinco to dominate the nominations for the Goya Awards for the second consecutive year, Spain’s main film awards. The Telecinco Cine- Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Growth strategy 51 ATLAS ESPAÑA ma film was awarded 7 “estatuillas”, for Best Original Script, Best New Director, Best Production, among others. Internationally, “El Orfanato”, released as The Orphanage in English, has been sold in over 40 countries including the United States through the distributor Picturehouse, who also handled “El laberinto del Fauno” (Pan’s Labyrinth in the US). In addition the film was acquired prior to its premiere by the American producer of the “Lord of the Rings” in order to shoot a remake in the US with Guillermo del Toro as producer. In 2007, Telecinco Cinema began the shooting of “El Argentino” and “Guerrilla”, two mega-productions on the revolutionary figure of Che Guevara directed by Steven Soderbergh, the Academy award-winning American filmmaker. The film stars Benicio del Toro in the lead and a superb international cast. The company also premiered “Los crímenes de Oxford”, by Álex de la Iglesia, starring Elijah Wood, John Hurt and Leonor Watling In the lead roles. In addition to these ambitious projects, and Telecinco Cinema has participated throughout the year in numerous other films by new directors (currently in different stages), including Jaime Marques (“Ladrones”), Álvaro Díaz Lorenzo (“Café solo o con ellas”) and Max Lemcke (“Casual Day”), Together withindependent producers. Through the ease projects, the station covers such varied genres as comedy (“Salir pitando”, by Álvaro Fernández Armero; “Un buen día lo tiene cualquiera”, by Santiago Lorenzo and “Gente de mala calidad”, by Juan Cavestany), drama (“Todos estamos invitados” by Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón), Black comedy (“Que parezca un accidente” by Gerardo Herrero), Intrigue (“Eskalofrío”, by Isidro Ortiz; “El rey de la montaña” by Gonzalo López-Gallego), Comic (“Santos” by Nicolás López) and documentaries (“Maradona”, by Emir Kusturica). Diverse genres that, primarily, had a single common denominator: the presence of independent producers and a firm commitment to new directors in quality projects. These films join the recent premieres of “La caja Kovak”, “Días de cine” and “¿Quién dice que es fácil?”, among others. In 2007 Atlas registered an all-time high in earnings, reaffirming its leadership of the multimedia news agency market through the sale of images and broadcast services for television, Internet, institutions and companies. With this growth, Atlas is now present across all television market segments, from national and regional general channels, to DTT and local television. The company has also consolidated its position as a leader in the digital media market with a Web presence in such leading media as El Mundo, El País, ABC, 20 minutos, El Economista, Público, Mundo Deportivo, Marca, AS and the regional Websites of Vocento, as well as leading Internet portals, such as Terra, ONO, Wanadoo and, among others. Atlas makes available to each a daily selection of 50 videos produced on current national news subjects and grouped under the headings of politics, sports, economy, current events and society, which can be consulted directly by subscribers on the agency’s website, With its large portfolio of clients, the Broadcast Services area also recorded its highest ever earning since its creation. These excellent results were possible things to the company’s sales growth, commercial drive and cost controls. The programmes produced by Atlas in 2007 form part of the programming of five regional television stations, with “Un paseo por las nubes” (TVA Castilla la Mancha), “KKO canario” (TVA Canarias), “Kaos” (TVA Extremadura), “No digas no” (TVA Andalucía) And “Vuelta de tuerca” (ETB). Atlas also produces programmes for Telecinco, including “Aquí hay tomate” and “Diario de…”, as well as various top-level sports broadcasts, such as Formula 1 racing, the Superbike championship and the finals of the Copa del Rey Football championship. With this excellent background, Atlas in 2008 plans on continuing with the development of the News Agency business and taking advantage of the demand generated by the new channels and its current leadership position. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 52 Growth strategy TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS AS GROWTH DRIVERS New Telecinco website In 2007, the Multimedia Content Platform designed the new Telecinco website, characterised by a strong audiovisual style, the high capacity of interactive resources and image downloads, as well as new sections that establish synergies between television and the Internet, promoting the active participation of users. received the firm backing of Web users, allowing the station to consolidate its Internet leadership and, once again, far out-passing its closest competitors during every month of the year, both for home and work access. Work access was incorporated into the measurements in the month of March; the ratings agency previously had only measured home access. Even with this change in the sample, always maintained its supremacy. AVERAGE COVERAGE FIGURES 2007. AUDIOVISUAL SECTOR. SOURCE: NIELSEN 9,47% 5,68% 4,63% 3,80% 2,84% 1,98% ra”, a unique service among television webpages that allows users the option of recording their own videos with their webcam using a simple application that allows them to record and edit, if desired, their videos and upload. Another popular new section is “La tele de…”, which allows each user to manage the Telecinco content according to their own preferences, with the possibility of being informed foreign immediately when any video or additional information is uploaded on the selected series and programmes. Also in 2007, promoted participation through blogs to reinforce the community around each programme. In order to interact with the public, the station’s hosts, such as Mercedes Milá and Mario Picazo, reflect their personal opinions and news in personal blogs, allowing for an ample forum for debate. Also along these lines, the Telecinco website has created an encounter point for its viewers with “Blogmaster”, where the questions, doubts and suggestions of site users are answered by the professionals of To add some more interactive fun to the website, includes numerous games and contests, including “Toma café”, an animated video game that allows users to re-create the daily life of an office environment. Loyal Telecinco fans can also find previously unpublished content from their favourite programmes and series, given that each has its own website. The most popular images broadcast on the television, extra content, interviews with stars, and trivia on the shows and recordings are just some of the content that users will find on each site. Fuente: Nielsen One of the greatest innovations on the new is “Mitele” (literally MyTV), a video channel where users can access the top moments of their favourite programmes, advances on their favourite series, bloopers, unpublished extras, and in-house reports that expand on the television broadcasts, all offered at 544x408 pixels, the largest viewer among all of the audiovisual portals in Spain. The possibilities offered by “Mitele” are multiplied through its many sections, among which we would highlight “Yo cáma- The website also opens up new business opportunities by offering advertisers the most interesting targets and using the new advertising formats that best adapt to their needs. Less than two years old, has become one of the five top financial portals, with over 200,000 unique users per month. The website is used by small investors and savers, as well as the movers and shakers of Spain’s financial markets, Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Growth strategy offering a wide range of investment services, opinions, news and articles on the financial markets and economy. 53 Digitalisation in Telecinco Digitalisation of the historic library Easy access to share prices around the world, fluctuations in mutual funds and other financial assets are just some of the distinctive services offered by There is also a message board that has become hugely popular with over 16,000 registered users. In 2007, Bolsacinco improved its services again thanks to an agreement with Openbank to offer share prices from the Spanish exchanges in real time for both large and small investors, making it an excellent tool for managing investments. The agreement includes implementation of a mutual fund clinic, that will provide monthly recommendations to facilitate decision-making by small savers and investors. Mobile telephone applications Telecinco offers a wide variety of content for distribution via mobile telephone operators. In 2007 the station and Glu Mobile launched the official “Pasapalabra” game based on Telecinco’s successful television competition, , which re-creates all of the tests faced by the contestants on the television programme. Another of the new services launched this year is a video alert service, whereby subscribers can sign up to receive relevant news on their mobile phones in a video. Teletext Telecinco reinforced its teletext services, incorporating improvements to optimise the service. Firstly, Telecinco adopted a new colour code that facilitates the use of the service making it more comfortable and easier to read. Secondly, in addition to the normal publication of news, Telecinco has incorporated a call system for increased information on the latest news that is of greatest interest to the spectator, such as closing stock prices, sports results, and other current events. Lastly, the stations own content has been increased with theme chats and interactive services. In recent years, Telecinco has been immersed in the long but highly beneficial process of changing the Digital File from a support element for the programmes to a Digital Management System for Corporate Content. The first step in the process implies the reception of agency materials over the Internet directly into the Digital File, allowing for the processing and distribution in an automated and efficient manner. The Digital Content Receipt System provides a reduction in reception times and allows for the simultaneous use of the same material by different users, minimising or totally eliminating transportation costs. In 2007, the station also made a significant advance in the digital conversion of its library of past programme and shows, completing the process begun two years earlier. This provides numerous benefits, not only avoiding the deterioration of historical recordings, but also representing an improvement in the efficiency of the production process. First digital production in the tv programme environment Another step towards total digitalisation has been the first digital production of a television program, with the pilot experience of “El programa de Ana Rosa”. Plans call for the expansion to the rest of the station’s programmes. This system introduces an important advance in the writing, editing and mounting tools that have simplified the process, reducing times and providing real-time simultaneous availability of audiovisual material across all production processes. Thanks to the new technologies we have been able to place all of the audio and video material available to programme writers for the preparation of the pieces that are subsequently produced. This form of working eliminates tapes in the programme production process, With all content being contained in files. Around 5000 tapes in the historical library of “El programa Ana Rosa” had been substituted for electronic files using this new system. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 54 Growth strategy Technological and process improvements Renewal of satellite dishes As part of the technological improvement plan, during 2007 the station substituted the old motorized antennas and part of the fixed antennas with new systems that are better adapted for outdoor use, as well as new software remote control systems. These antennas represent a 300% improvement in the speed of satellite acquisition, with signals for news and other programmes and the resulting increase in satellite signal traffic and contributions. Automation of the hiring of temporary workers The Human Resource Department in 2007 implemented a new improvement to the Employee Portal that substitutes the forms and faxes from the area for requesting the contracting of temporary personnel from Temp Agencies (ETT for the Spanish initials). The online contracting process represents a savings in paper use, given that the entire process is electronic, as well improvements in processing times and the quality of the data, reducing data entry errors and providing greater control for requests. Currently this new method is being used by Atlas, Cinematext and Conecta 5, as well as by the Operating Department of Gestevisión, and plans call for it to be expanded to the rest of the areas with the highest volume of temporary worker hiring over the next year. Electronic approval of invoices Also during the year, Telecinco has implemented the use of the electronic approval of invoices for high-volume areas, such as the Technologies Division. Electronic approval eliminates the intermediate copies of invoices that are made to obtain payment authorisation, a sharp improvement over the current process of photocopying, sending and return by internal mail. Gradually the system will be implemented across all Group departments. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Growth strategy 55 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 corporate governance 58 Corporate governance CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Corporate governance in Telecinco other body: the approval of the annual budgets and strategic plan, supervision of the investment and financing policies and of the corporate structure, supervision of the Corporate Social Responsibility policy, the approval of the remuneration policy for executive directors and the primary conditions that should apply to their contracts, performance appraisals of executive directors, monitoring of risk management and control policies and the internal information and control systems, and the approval of the treasury stock policy of Telecinco. Similarly the Board of Directors must be informed of the appointment and dismissal of senior management and their contract terms and conditions, the approval of the periodic financial information which must be released by Telecinco, the approval of the creation or acquisition of equity interests in special-purpose vehicles or companies domiciled in countries or territories considered as tax havens, as well as of any other operation or transaction which may impact on the transparency of the Group, the authorisation of operations with affiliated entities, with the exception of those cases mentioned in Recommendation 8, which has also been incorporated into the Regulations, Since our initial public offering in 2004, Telecinco has strived to integrate all of the corporate governance recommendations existing on both the national and international level into its governance model. A large number of the recommendations mentioned in the Unified Code of Good Governance of 2006 have already been incorporated. During 2007, various amendments were proposed to the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting of April 5th. In addition, the Board of Directors approved the adaptation of the Regulations of the Board of Directors to the new recommendations of Corporate Governance by absolute majority. In all, nine articles of the Bylaws, four articles of the AGM Regulations, and 18 articles of the Regulations of the Board of Directors have been amended The Annual Report on Corporate Governance for the year 2007, available on the corporate website, contains greater detail on the degree of compliance and the modifications made to the bylaws and regulations to adapt to the new Unified Code. Nonetheless, we have provided a brief summary of the changes made: With regard to the right of shareholders and the functioning of the Annual General Meeting: we have suppressed all restrictions to the right to attendance. It is no longer necessary to hold a certain number of shares to attend the AGM. We have also introduced the possibility of divided votes for financial intermediaries and strengthened the competencies of the AGM, which is the only body with jurisdiction for approving incorporation of companies dependent on the essential activities developed by Telecinco, even if Telecinco maintains full control. The AGM is also the only body with the power to approve any operations that imply or are equal to the liquidation of the company. With regard to the Board of Directors: We have introduced the definition of senior management, independent director and representational director proposed by the Unified Code, We have increased the scope of jurisdiction so that the following matters cannot be delegated to any The obligations of directors now include that of reporting on any criminal charges lodged against them and of the results of the corresponding procedures and the obligation to notify the Appointments and Remuneration Committee of any other professional occupation and any other boards of directors on which they hold a seat. The duration of the appointment of independent directors has been limited to twelve (12) years and the appointment must be proposed by the Appointment and Remuneration Committee. In the event of resignation prior to the end of their terms, directors must notify Telecinco in writing of the reasons for the resignation, which shall be made public by Telefónica. We have also introduced the Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate governance 59 obligation to reduce the number of representational directors in proportion to the percentage of equity sold by the shareholder represented thereby. Similarly, the early dismissal of an independent director may only be recommended if the independent director does not meet the conditions established under the Unified Code for such position, as reflected in the Regulations. We have also introduced the recommendations of the Unified Code referring to directors fees and have prepared a report on the matter which will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting this year, providing a detailed breakdown of the remuneration received by each of the directors. This information is also included in the Corporate Governance report. The Chairman now has the obligation to provide all of the directors with all required information on the matters included on the Agenda sufficiently in advance of the meeting. The Secretary, non-member secretary in the case of Telecinco, is required to include any un-resolved matters in the minutes, to include any matters proposed by any director in the Agenda and to maintain the minutes of the meetings in conformity with applicable laws and with the Regulations and the recommendations of corporate governance. Similarly, prior to the appointment of the Secretary, a report thereon shall be prepared by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. Telecinco has prepared an orientation programme on the company, the group, and the rules of corporate governance for all new directors. Lastly, the Board of Directors shall perform periodic self assessments. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 60 Corporate governance Shareholder structure SHARE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY Date of last modification 29-03-2004 Share Capital (€) Number of shares Number of votes 123.320.928,00 246.641.856 246.641.856 % of total SIGNIFICANT SHAREHOLDERS (DIRECT AND INDIRECT) EXCEPTING DIRECTORS Shareholder name or corporate name Number Number of direct votes of indirect votes (*) Mediaset Investimenti SPA(1) 123,653,768 0 50.135 Corporación de Medios Audiovisuales, S.L.(2) 32,063,436 0 13.00 0 5,063 5.063 Chase Nominees LTD 5,395 0 5.395 Harris Associates L.P. 5,038 0 5.038 Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings LTD (1) Indirect holder: Silvio Berlusconi (2) Indirect holder: Vocento, SA MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY HOLDING VOTING RIGHTS Shareholder name or corporate name Number Number of direct votes of indirect votes (*) Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet 12,140 0 0.005 Mr. Paolo Vasile 6,369 0 0.003 Mr. Miguel Iraburu Elizondo 134,600 0 0.055 Mr. Ángel Durández Adeva 6,237 0 0.003 Mr. José Ramón Álvarez-Rendueles 7,000 0 0.003 490 5,050 (1) Mr. Borja de Prado Eulate % of total 0.002 % of total votes held by the Board of Directors 0,071 (1) Through Bopreu, S.L. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY HOLDING OPTIONS ON SHARES Director Number Number Number % of total of direct options of indirect options share equivalents votes Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet 198,588 0 198,588 0.081 Mr. Paolo Vasile 397,175 0 397,175 0.161 Mr. Giuseppe Tringali 397,175 0 397,175 0.161 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate governance Administrative structure of the company 61 suales S.L., with 13%, together holding a total of 63.135% of total share capital. Composition of the board of directors The Board of Directors is comprised of 13 members, two of which are executive directors, seven are representational directors, and four are independent directors. No directors have been named or appointed upon the proposal of shareholders holding less than 5% of capital. Similarly, Telecinco has not received any formal request for a presence on the Board of Directors by any shareholders with a number of shares that is the same or higher than those shareholders that do currently have representation on the Board of Directors. There are no female members of the Board of Directors of Telecinco. All members were appointed in 2004 for a five-year term and there have been no vacancies since that time. Various measures were adopted in 2007 in order to establish the measures to correct this circumstance in the future. For example, the Regulations of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee now include the obligation of informing the Board of Directors of matters regarding gender diversity, assuring that there are no obstacles or barriers to the appointment of women to the position of Director. In addition the Committee must provide incentives to Telecinco to include women with an appropriate professional profile on the short list of candidates. The Board met six times during 2007. There were no dismissals or resignations during the year and all meetings were attended by both the Chairman and the non-member Secretary. In order to better understand the structure of the Board of Directors of Telecinco, as in previous reports, please note that executive directors represent 15.384%, representational directors account for 53.846% and independent directors account for 30.769%. This distribution attempts to reflect the current composition of the shareholders of the company, with two shareholders, Mediaset Investimenti SPA, with 50.135% of share capital and Corporación de Nuevos Medios Audiovi- MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS iN 2007 Name Position Condition Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Date of first Date of last appointment appointment Chairman Representational 15/05/1996 29/03/2004 Mr. Paolo Vasile CEO Executive 29/03/1999 29/03/2004 Mr. Giuseppe Tringali CEO Executive 29/03/2004 29/03/2004 Mr. Giuliano Adreani Director Representational 26/09/2001 29/03/2004 Mr. Pier Silvio Berlusconi Director Representational 07/05/2003 29/03/2004 Mr. Fedele Confalonieri Director Representational 21/12/2000 29/03/2004 Mr. Marco Giordani Director Representational 07/05/2003 29/03/2004 Mr. Alfredo Messina Director Representational 30/06/1995 29/03/2004 Mr. José María Bergareche Busquet Director Representational 17/03/2000 29/03/2004 Mr. Ángel Durández Adeva Director Independent 20/05/2004 29/03/2004 Mr. Miguel Iraburu Elizondo Director Independent 20/05/2004 29/03/2004 Mr. José Ramón Álvarez-Rendueles Director Independent 28/07/2004 22-04-2005 Mr. Borja de Prado Eulate Director Independent 28/07/2004 22-04-2005 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 62 Corporate governance Committees of the board of directors There were no changes in the composition of the committees of the Board of Directors during 2007, with each having the same members and functions as indicated as in our previous annual report. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Name Position Mr. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Chairman Mr. Paolo Vasile Member Mr. Giuseppe Tringali Member Mr. Fedele Confalonieri Member Mr. Giuliano Adreani Member Mr. José Mª Bergareche Busquet Member Mr. Miguel Ángel Iraburu Elizondo Member AUDITING COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE Name Mr. Ángel Durández Adeva Position Member Mr. Giuliano Adreani Member Mr. José Mª Bergareche Member Mr. Marco Giordani Member Mr. Alfredo Messina Member APPOINTMENTS AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE Mr. Miguel Ángel Iraburu Elizondo With the support of the Audit and Compliance Committee, the Internal Audit Department uses a Corporate Risk Management System that is applied uniformly across all group companies. This system is revised and updated periodically. Corporate risk management is based on the principles of “COSO II Enterprise Risk Management” (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tradeway Commission). Telecinco permanently monitors the risks, evaluates their relevance and potential impact on the group companies, the probability of occurrence, and the degree of control existing on each. Based on the Corporate Risk Management System and the type of risks identified and managed within the Telecinco Group, risks are categorised in accordance with the following classification: Chairman/ Independent Director Mr. Fedele Confalonieri Name appropriateness of the financial reporting process and internal control systems. Position Chairman/ Strategic Risks: Those risks relating to the Group’s objectives and aligned with the mission of the Group; Operating Risks: Those relating to the efficient use of the resources of the Group; Reporting Risks: Those risk relating to the reliability and integrity of reporting, both internal and external, financial or otherwise, provided by the Group to its stakeholders, and Compliance Risks: Risks relating to the Group’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Independent Director Mr. Fedele Confalonieri Member Mr. Giuliano Adreani Member Mr. José Mª Bergareche Busquet Member The risks identified and managed by the Telecinco group companies are as follows: The risk derived from the obligation of annually investing a percentage of gross income in Spanish and European films. Risk control systems As part of its general oversight function, the Board of Directors has the particular mission of identifying the primary risks faced by the Telecinco Group and to implement and oversee the internal information and control systems and other required reporting systems. In addition, one of the basic responsibilities of the Audit and Compliance Committee assure and confirm the integrity and The lack of a stable legal framework on the rights that can be claimed by the companies, associations and other entities responsible for managing intellectual property rights. The sensitivity of advertising spend to economic cycle and national and international economic development. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate governance 63 Variations in market conditions, new media competing with open broadcasters, change in consumption habits by consumers, etc. Progress in compliance with corporate governance recommendations The following table provides a summary of the progress made in the level of compliance with the recommendations for Corporate Governance included in the Unified Code of Corporate Governance. Further information is available in the Annual Corporate Governance Report of Gestevisión Telecinco S.A., as well as in the Bylaws, the Regulations of the Annual General Meeting and the Regulations of the Board of Directors, among others, all of which may be consulted on the Telecinco website: The following table indicates the progress made through the end of 2007; progress achieved during 2007 is highlighted. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 64 Nº Corporate governance RECOMMENDATION COMPLIANCE SECTIONS OF THE CG REPORT Bylaws and AGM 1 Attendance limits. < A.9; B.1.22; B.1.23; E.1; E.2 2 Reporting requirements for publicly traded parent company or subsidiaries. < C.4; C.7 3 Competencies of the AGM. < 4 Prior information on proposals. < 5 Separated voting. < E.8 6 Dividing votes. < E.4 Board of Directors 7 Defence of the company’s best interest by the Board. < 8 Competencies of the Board. < B.1.10; B1.13; B1.14; D.3; C.1; C.6 9 Size of the Board. < B.1.1 10 Functional structure of the Board. < A.2; A.3.; B.1.3; B.1.14 11 Other classifications of Directors < B.1.3. 12 Proportion of representational and independent directors. < B.1.3.; A.2; A.3 13 Sufficient number of independent directors < B.1.3 14 Explanation of the character of the directors. < B.1.3; B.1.4 15 Gender diversity. < B.1.2; B1.27; B.2.3 16 Competencies of the Chairman. < B.1.42 17 Executive chairman and calling meetings < B.1.21 18 Secretary: Obligations and appointment/dismissal. < B.1.34 19 Meetings: frequency, proposal of matters not on the agenda. < B.1.29 20 Meetings: absences. < B.1.28; B.1.30 21 Meetings: Minutes <* 22 Periodic self-assessment. < B.1.19 23 Rights of Directors: additional information. < B.1.42 24 Rights of Directors: advisory. < B.1.41 25 Writes of new directors: orientation. < 26 Dedication of the directors. < B.1.8; B.1.9; B.1.17 B.1.2 Directors 27 Appointments and Remuneration Committee: Appointment and re-election of directors. < 28 Public information on directors. < 29 Rotation of independent directors. < B.1.2 30 Appointment and dismissal: representational directors. < A.2; A.3; B.1.2. 31 Appointment and dismissal: dismissal of independent directors. < B.1.2; B.1.5; B.1.26 32 Information and resignation: criminal proceedings. < B.1.43; B.1.44 33 Appointment and dismissal: conflicts of interest <* 34 Notification of resignation <* B.1.5 35 Remuneration: approval and transparency system < B.1.15 36 Criteria: share distribution. < A.3; B.1.3 37 Criteria: amount of remuneration. < 38 Criteria: decline in earnings. < 39 Criteria: technical clauses for variable remuneration. < Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate governance 40 Remuneration: consultation vote in the AGM. < 41 Transparency of individual remuneration. < 65 B.1.16 Board of Directors Committees 42 Executive Committee: structure of participation. < 43 Executive Committee: reporting to the Board. < B.2.1; B.2.6 44 Supervision and Control Committees: Appointments and Remuneration. < 45 Supervision and Control Committees: supervision of codes of conduct and governance rules. < 46 Audit and Compliance Committee: Chairman and members. < 47 Audit and Compliance Committee: internal audit Department. < 48 Audit and Compliance Committee: annual work plan. < 49 Audit and Compliance Committee: risk policies and management. < D 50 Audit and Compliance Committee: functions. < B.135; B.2.2; B.2.3; D.3 51 Audit and Compliance Committee: powers. < 52 Audit and Compliance Committee: transparency of operations. < B.2.2; B.2.3 53 Audit and Compliance Committee: Auditor and Annual Accounts. < B.1.38 54 Appointments and Remuneration Committee: majority of independents. < B.2.1 55 Appointments and Remuneration Committee: functions. < B.2.3 56 Appointments and Remuneration Committee: appointment of members. < 57 Appointments and Remuneration Committee: functions < 58 Appointments and Remuneration Committee: executive directors and senior management. < B.2.1; B.2.3 B.1.14; B.2.3 < Complies < Partially complies < Explain < No applicable *The recommendations classified as “not applicable” due to the lack of any circumstances during 2007 that required reporting. Nonetheless, in all cases Telecinco has introduced the modifications into the bylaws and regulations that include the circumstances considered and the related recommendations of the Unified Code. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 corporate social responsibility 68 Corporate social responsibility CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Telecinco and CSR In an increasingly complex audiovisual environment, the ability to listen, understand and incorporate new social demand has allowed us to offer audiovisual products that are more closely connected to the sensitivity of the population. This also represents an added advantage for the attraction, retention and development of talent, the rationalisation of our internal processes and the responsible use of resources, allowing us to present the market with a model company that is transparent and committed to permanent improvement. Since we first launched the initiative “12 meses, 12 causas” (12 months, 12 clauses) eight years ago, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Telecinco has continually evolved year after year, becoming a much wider and more complex concept permeating all aspects of television broadcasting. In 2007, Telecinco continued to progress in the integration of CSR into the singular nature of its business model and sceptre of activity. To this end, Telecinco began to study the peculiarities of its sector, commercial broadcasting, without any clear national or international references, given that the existing standards and initiatives (e.g. Global Reporting Initiative or the United Nations Global Compact)are only partially applicable. As part of this process, Telecinco sought the answer to various questions on how commercial broadcast television can and should contribute to sustainability. What is happening in the sector? What is the role of the communications media in this new context? What are the duties, challenges and opportunities facing the company in the future to respond to these new challenges? To answer these questions, in February 2007, Telecinco created a workgroup comprised of senior executives of the network, consultants and academic experts in Corporate Social Responsibility with the goal of, among other things, developing a specific survey of the company stakeholders1. One of the side benefits of this internal analysis has been to consolidate the organisational structure of CSR in Telecinco. The previously created Corporate Social Responsibility De(1) The conclusions of the fieldwork will be reflected in a specific publication on sustainability in the commercial television sector to be released in mid 2008. partment has been transformed and is now known as the Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance Department answering to the General Secretariat of the Board of Directors. This department is in charge of coordinating all of the areas involved in managing CSR within the company, excepting the initiative “12 meses, 12 causas” (12 months, 12 clauses) and the associated Foundation, which are managed by the Communications and External Relations Department, which answers directly to the Chief Executive Officer. This framework continues to place CSR at the highest levels of the company. Commitment to external initiatives United Nations Global Compact The Global Compact is an initiative launched by the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, in a speech given at the World Economic Forum at Davos challenging business leaders to join an international initiative that would bring companies together with UN agencies, labour and civil society to support universal environmental and social principles. Telecinco signed on to the initiative in 2006, wholly integrating Global Compact’s ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. The network was the first private television broadcaster to subscribe to the Global Compact and the only television company with a category of “associate participant”, indicating its commitment goes beyond the adoption of the 10 Principles to actively contribute in encounters and events organised by the Global Compact local network, the Asociación Española del Pacto Mundial (ASEPAM), as well as in its financing. Global Reporting Initiative In 2007, Telecinco gave a further step in the preparation of its annual report, fully conforming to the latest version of the international standard Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), G3 version. This standard, which is periodically updated to sure its quality, credibility and benevolence, offers a reporting guidelines that allow for comparisons to be made between the social, environmental and financial indicators included in the annual reports. By applying this standard, Telecinco guaran- Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility tees that all relevant information in these areas are included, increasing the quality and usefulness of its Annual Report. 69 investment fund, a product of the Dutch investment bank that observes the social and environmental commitment of the companies. Fundación Empresa y Sociedad Telecinco is a member of the Fundación Empresa y Sociedad (Company and Society Foundation). The Foundation provides a framework for companies committed to continuous improvement in their social activities in those of the business sector in general, as well as specifically promoting the integration of society’s disadvantaged. The Foundation and Servimedia have published the fourth edition of the study “Press Treatment of Business Activities Relating to the Integration of Disadvantaged Persons during 2007” which highlights the efforts of Telecinco as the television network that best reports on social projects and subjects, in recognition of the “12 months, 12 clauses” initiative. Also in 2007, Telecinco received an award in the second edition of the Randstad Foundation awards for social action in the Communications Media category. This award recognises the efforts of companies in the workforce integration of people at risk of exclusion, such as the handicapped, immigrants, single mothers and caregivers, long-term unemployed, and people over 45 years of age, as well as their activities in increasing the awareness of society regarding this problem. Dialogue with stakeholders The main channels of communication and dialogue with Telecinco stakeholders include the following: Employees Awards and recognition in 2007, Telecinco was awarded the “SRI” seal (“Socially Responsible Investment) by the Dutch investment bank Kempen & Co., which recognizes companies that show a marked social commitment through their corporate social responsibility policy. Telecinco was included in the Kempen SNS Smaller Europe SRI Index, the first European index of low cap companies that stand out for their business ethics and contribution to social development and environmental protection. The index provides detailed and objective information on the socially responsible actions of European companies, and aspect increasingly demanded by investors that are concerned with the social value that companies provide in their financial results. To qualify for the index Telecinco had to pass strict selection criteria. The socially responsible behaviours of Telecinco that were recognised included the reduction in the use of energy and the substitution of electric lighting on the stages and sets for energy derived from solar panels installed on the roof tops of Telecinco buildings. These activities have also led to the selection of Telecinco for the “Orange SeNSe” One of the main communication channels for communicating with employees is the corporate intranet,, thanks to the immediacy of the communications and the large volume of users. The intranet was renovated in 2007 and structured into three primary sections: corporate information (information on all of the companies in the Group, the departments into which they are divided, computer applications, etc.), services (telephone numbers, time management, group websites, sports clubs, etc.) and daily information (memos, press releases, audience, etc.). Another internal communication tool that contains all of the useful information needed by employees is the Employee Portal: personal data, payroll, professional development, training, vacations, absences, time management, etc... For those employees who do not have direct access to a computer, Telecinco has established a computer room with five workstations with access to, the Employee Portal and Internet. Another channel is the internal corporate magazine, Punto de Encuentro (PdE), which is issued quarterly and targeted to all group personnel and external companies. All three of these channels, magazine, intranet and employee portal, Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 70 Corporate social responsibility have a suggestion box where personnel can inform the Internal Communications Department of their opinions and suggestions. We will also place bulletin boards in high traffic areas near the studios (cafeteria and dining hall) where the company posts the latest news as well as other permanent information such as the organizational flow charts and holiday schedule. This information, with a characteristic design and format, are also distributed through Additionally, information meetings are held, particularly in the companies of the Publiespaña Group. Shareholders The various dialogue channels allow us to learn the interest of the shareholders and to inform them of our financial situation and CSR activities. In the Investor Relations Department Sends out Quarterly Reports to Financial Analysts, Institutional Investors, Individuals and the Spanish Exchanges Once the Information Has Been Reported to the Spanish National Stock Exchange Commission (CNMV) and is posted on the corporate website. During 2007 more than 30 financial institutions regularly publish financial analysis on Telecinco, maintaining continuous monitoring of the financial and operating development of the company. We have held more than 350 meetings with analysts and fund managers, 13 conferences and two road shows in United States and the United Kingdom. Once again in 2007 Telecinco was recognised by the European communications media for its shareholder care. Institutional Investor magazine ranked Telecinco in the number two spot on the ranking of “The top European shareholder-friendly companies of 2007”. INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR. THE FRIENDLIEST COMPANIES, IN THE EYES OF SHAREHOLDERS 2007 Rank 1 Company Name Reuters Group 2 Gestevisión Telecinco 3 Wolters Kluwer 4 Yell Group 5 Reed Elsevier Advertisers The relationship between Telecinco and its advertisers is governed by the Agreement on the Procedures for the Commercialisation and Management of Advertising Spaces on National General Television Stations signed with the Spanish Association of Advertisers (AEA) in 2005 to promote a greater balance in the contracting, Ward and management of advertising space. Another of the channel’s commitments with advertisers, first launched in October 2003, is the “Allocation Guarantee” “(GARAD), which guarantees advertisers that their advertising campaigns will be broadcast on Telecinco with the precedence established by agreement between the parties. In addition to allowing for a dialogue between Telecinco and its advertisers, GARAD also reflects the emphasis that Telecinco places on the transparency of its relationship with the stakeholders. Viewers Telecinco uses various channels and quantitative and qualitative research tools in order to be in permanent and direct contact with its viewers and to be able to gauge their opinions. One of the quantitative research tools is the daily audience ratings, the General Media Study (on a quarterly basis and based on personal interview of a sample of 48,000 people) and ah-hoc research (based on predesigned questionnaires directed at finding information on a particular aspect of programmes). The qualitative techniques focus on audience evaluations, opinions, attitudes and judgments on the TV channel’s programmes. The most common research tools are discussion groups, panels of experts, in-depth interviews and ethnographic studies. In addition, Publiespaña in 2007 began to publish a magazine Top Spot, edited by its Customer Loyalty Department as a communications channel with customers in the market in general. The magazine contains reports on programmes and series broadcast by the channel, interviews with leading personalities, reports on the audiovisual sector in Spain, and other information of interest. Telecinco also belongs to the Association for the Self-Regulation of Commercial Communications (Asociación para la Autorregulación de la Comunicación Comercial -, Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility a watchdog group that oversees broadcast advertising in the benefit of advertisers, consumers, and society in general. Competitors Telecinco collaborates with its competitors in various initiatives relating to the development of television broadcasting activities. We would particularly highlight our membership in the Union of Associated Commercial Television Broadcasters UTECA for its Spanish initials (, together with, Antena 3, Sogecable, La Sexta, Net TV and Veo TV. The rotating presidency of UTECA during 2007 fell to Alejandro Echevarría, chairman of Telecinco, which allowed the channel to play a prominent role in all of the initiatives developed by the Union. UTECA defends the common interests of commercial broadcasters on the national, European and international level, with members regularly qua operating and exchanging information and collaborating on the development of measures to promote commercial television. Another of the agreements signed by Telecinco is the “Good Practices in Advertising Agreement”, signed between Telecinco, Antena 3 and RTVE and the Spanish Association of Advertisers. Suppliers Suppliers are an important stakeholder group for Telecinco, comprised primarily of specialised production companies that supply the station with a large part of its programming content. The channel maintains fluid communication with these companies given that coordinating and maintaining the criteria on the production of content is idle for guaranteeing compliance with the channels commitments in responsibility and avoid that the content consists of independent actions. Lastly, as for any service company, Telecinco maintains relationships with other types of suppliers, applying the same code of conduct. 71 tiatives to represent its interests in the audiovisual market, in which regulation plays a very important role. The main channel used is the above-mentioned Union of Associated Commercial Television Stations, which maintains an open channel with the various administrations in order to defend and represent the common interests of the private television networks. Social Organisations The main channel used for Telecinco’s social action is the campaign “12 meses, 12 causas”, and the awards and Foundation of the same name, through which the channel has collaborated with numerous social organisations. The awards also represent a channel for dialogue with other entities, annually recognising the social activities of people and institutions. Specifically, 2007 Telefónica Foundation was recognised for its solidarity. Other collaborative efforts such as the channel’s membership in Fundación Empresa y Sociedad and its collaboration with the Spanish Cancer Association, allow Telecinco to create closer ties to these types of organisations. Between the months of May and September 2007, Telecinco carried out its first Stakeholder Survey in order to identify the most relevant aspects relating to the Company’s sustainability strategy. The survey process was guided by the principles of the October 2006 version of the sustainability report guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the AA1000 Assurance Standard by AccountAbility. The survey was performed using four workshops with representatives of stakeholder groups in the communications media sector (advertisers, viewers, suppliers, shareholders, etc.). The structure followed for the groups was as follows. A. The television business Advertisers, Agencies, Producers, Shareholders, Ratings Government and regulatory bodies analysts. Telecinco maintains open communications with various regulatory and government agencies through various ini- B. Television programming Programmers, Writers, journalists, Producers. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 72 Corporate social responsibility C. The impact on society The CSR agenda of Telecinco Viewer Associations, Trade Unions, Government The conclusions of the Stakeholder Survey, together with the internal reflection process and the experience required by the station in recent years in CSR, have all allowed Telecinco to more precisely define the corporate strategy for Corporate Social Responsibility. The conclusions are summarised in the following chart, which highlights the primary matters included on the CSR agenda of the company and reflects the progress represented by this reflection in comparison with the agenda in previous years. D. Corporate social responsibility Leading companies in CSR, Specialists, CSR associations and promoters We also analysed numerous documents, focusing on the annual reports of European commercial television companies in order to identify those matters considered as most relevant within the industry context. This was complemented with a series of in-depth interviews with opinion leaders. The result was the identification of the following relevant matters: Common aspects for all sectors The human side of Telecinco 1. Protection of childhood and adolescence in the content broadcast 2. Reflecting social and cultural diversity in programming 3. Responsible broadcasting of advertising 4. Support for the community 5. Promotion of education and culture 6. Awareness of the challenges of sustainability 7. Dialogue with stakeholders 8. Responsible H. R. management 9. Transparency 10. Management of environmental impact 11. Accountability Our people are one of the true bastions of strength of Telecinco. With them. all of our innovative ideas are born and developed and though them Telecinco has become a different and special place to work. Our workforce in 2007 was comprised of 1195 people, somewhat more than in previous years and almost all working in Spain. The average age at the close of the year was approximately 38.14 years, with an average time in service of 10.37 years. As in previous years, these averages increased in 2007. This shows the concern of Telecinco for job security, which has a direct impact on employee satisfaction and performance. Our commitment to stable employment can also be seen from the high percentage of indefinite contracts, 97.07% of the total. The following sections describe the manner in which Telecinco approaches these matters. Transparency Community Support Management of enviromental impact Common aspect for all sectors ACCOUNTABILITY DIALOGUE WITH STAKEHOLDERS Responsable H.R. Management TELECINCO CSR STRATEGY Aspects especIfic to television Responsible broadcasting of content Reflecting social and cultural diversity in programming Protection of childhood and adolescence Responsible broadcasting of advertising Broadcasting of responsible content Promotion of education and culture Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Awareness of the challenges of sustainability Corporate social responsibility As regards the distribution of the work force in 2007 between men and women, women accounted for 45.69% of the total (546 / 1195). Equal opportunity is a core value of Telecinco. BREAKDOWN OF WORKFORCE BY CATEGORY AND GENDER Category Men 2006 Women Total 2007 Men 67 22 89 71 27 Department heads 44 48 92 35 51 86 Journalists 47 64 111 54 72 126 892 489 396 885 649 546 1,195 486 406 TOTAL 644 540 1,184 98 NATURE OF THE TELECINCO WORKFORCE (*) Indicators 2005 2006 2007 Average workforce (# of people) 1,185 1,184 1,195 Average age (years) 37.16 37.75 38.14 Average time in service (years) 9.43 9.72 10.37 Proportion of female employees (%) 45.1 45.6 45.6 Proportion of indefinite contracts (%) 97.04 98.23 97.07 0.67 1.35 0.92 Average employee turnover (number of losses / avg. Annual workforce) (*) The data for 2005 and 2006 are slightly different than those contained in this year’s report given that this is the first year that we are including decimals. BREAKDOWN OF WORKFORCE BY AGE Years Men Women >60 2 3 56 to 60 9 6 51 to 55 28 12 46 to 50 67 27 41 to 45 161 115 36 to 40 196 165 31 to 35 122 126 26 to 30 60 78 <25 5 12 650 544 TOTAL(1) different employee programmes focuses on key questions in the communications media industry, such as work-life balance, company benefits, training and professional development, internal communications, equal opportunity and human rights, labour relations and freedom of association, on-thejob health and safety, etc. Women Total Executives Staff 73 Work-life balance and employee benefits The people most likely to be affected by work-life imbalance are women, who frequently have to face the dilemma of choosing between maternity and their professional careers. To overcome this difficulty and avoid discriminatory practices, Telecinco has adopted various measures to allow for professional development in accordance with our equal opportunity policy. Within this context, in the second half of 2007 we decided to perform an analysis and diagnostic of the situation regarding equal opportunity and treatment for men and women among all of our Group companies. Based on the resulting snapshot, in the beginning of 2008 both Gestevisión Telecinco and Atlas España (as per the corresponding collective bargaining agreements) will negotiate Equality Plans which will, among other things, lead to the implementation and application of additional measures to correct eventual discriminatory situations and improve the promotion of women within the company. This is taking place within the same year that the new Organic Law on Equality between Women and Men was enacted in Spain. This law introduces improvements in certain areas relating to labour situations and establishes active policies to avoid discriminatory practices. Nonetheless, well before the publication of this law, both the collective bargaining agreements in force for Telecinco and those approved in 2007 had already included improvements that surpass the legal requirements of the new law in many areas. (1) The total equals 1,194, the total workforce at 31 December. Telecinco’s Human Resources and Services Division consistently works to promote the continuous improvement of the Group’s professionals, the source of our talent, initiatives, competitiveness and added value. The development of the In 2007, Telecinco equalised the financial conditions for paternity, complementing the Social Security benefit in order to assure that the employee receives the full salary while on Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 74 Corporate social responsibility leave. Paternity leave is now 13 consecutive days in the case of birth, foster care or adoption. These measures represent a further step towards effective equality among all employees regardless of gender. The following table highlights a few of the other work-life balance measures adopted by Telecinco: CONCILIATION MEASURES Measure Workday reduction for child care No. of beneficiaries 2007(1) 75 Family care leave 2 Cumulative nursing leave 38 Flexible working hours 406 (1) The number of beneficiaries is based on the use of the conciliation measures established by law or bargaining agreement applicable to the different companies of the Telecinco group In order to help create an appropriate work environment within the company and favour the commitment of our employees, Telecinco has established a series of voluntary improvements. These benefits are enjoyed by all of the employees directly hired by the Group companies, regardless of whether the contract is temporary or indefinite, and may vary according to the applicable collective bargaining agreement. These benefits include: Term life insurance for all Group employees. Salary complement for temporary disability, complementing the Social Security benefit up to 100% of the salary, with the exception of the job position complement. Salary complement for maternity or paternity leave. Scholarships, including language study. Employee dining hall for all Group employees on work days. Special salary advances, in addition to standard advances, for special situations (buying of first home, health care expenses for the worker or immediate family...) Subsidies for sporting activities. Employee coach service. Employee Club, offering numerous benefits such as discounts, special pricing and promotions on products, club memberships, events... Special parking for pregnancies. Subsidised private medical insurance for Group executives. Special summer hours and short workday on Fridays. Training and professional development Telecinco is firmly committed to the professional development of all its employees across all professional categories. This commitment is implemented, primarily, through the annual Training Plan which contains all of the training actions planned for the year. The plan is designed to meet the needs for adaptation demanded by our business activities, improve recruitment and retention and provide for the continued professional development of our employees through training in professional competencies and the learning of new management skills and techniques, and, in general, to contribute to a more humane, efficient and positive work environment. Training The Annual Training Plan is designed and prepared in meetings between executives and the representatives of the workers. The design takes into account the recommendations received through the employee intranet portal. The plan is structured into different types of training: technical, general, skills, languages, computer applications, and masters programmes. During 2007, there were a total of 32,424 training hours and 852 participants, representing a high percentage of the workforce. Another aspect of the professional development programmes are the agreements between Telecinco and 43 different educational institutions, including universities and business schools. As part of the agreements, 325 students performed internships with the channel during 2007 and now form part of a pool available to Telecinco to cover future vacancies. TRAINING ACTIVITIES Activity Group training Seminars and conferences Masters programme Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Beneficiaries (1) 1,373 215 5 Corporate social responsibility Languages 174 Online training 10 Employee scholarships 73 important action during the year has been the continuous improvement of one of our most important channels, the corporate intranet: In response to the high level of use and utility, we have made various improvements to the design and interactivity and have added numerous useful applications for the employees. We will also strengthen the use of this tool for the dissemination of changes in the company, both on the level of infrastructure (in 2007 we prepared the internal communications plan on new accesses to the Fuencarral complex), and on the level of organisational changes (appointments, structure, etc.). In this way the employees have immediate access to all information that may concern them in any way. (1) One person may be a beneficiary of more than one course or activity. TRAINING HOURS BY PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY Executives 5,130 Department Heads 3,542 Technicians 18,940 Operators 80 Journalists 817 Temps TOTAL 75 3.915 32,424 Retention of talent In order to help retain the true talent of Telecinco (its employees), we strive to ensure that we consistently maintain favourable working conditions as described above. In addition, all of the Group companies, in general, carry out professional development actions for talented personnel in order to increase their potential for accessing key positions. For example, in 2007 Grupo Publiespaña introduced a new Skill Assessment System to allow employees to know the objectives and principles that should guide their actions and help in their professional development. Another fundamental element of our talent retention policy is to apply an attractive remuneration policy. According to various studies of the industry, Telecinco occupies a very competitive position for total remuneration of key positions in comparison with other companies in the industry. The variable part of the total salary (bonuses linked to personal or company objectives) for key positions can equal as high as 50% of the fixed salary. Other retention measures include employee stock options and deferred or long-term bonuses. Internal communications: the relationship with the employees Internal Communications were a core priority for Telecinco in 2007 and will continue to be so in the future. The most On the print side, the internal magazine Punto de Encuentro (PdE) is an excellent communications channel that is highly valued by the employees, the true stars of its pages. The magazine is published quarterly and includes news on the company and the business, information on employees and their initiatives, recognition of their efforts, etc. The magazine has become a true point of reference for all of the main events occurring in the company throughout the year. There are other Internal Communications tools designed to promote the awareness, integration and motivation of employees, such as the Employee Portal and the Bulletin Board. Equal opportunity and human rights Telecinco does not allow for any form of discrimination within the company and applies a policy of equal opportunity in all aspects of management. For example, we would highlight our policy of equal salaries regardless of gender resulting from our strict compliance with the criteria established in the salary tables of the collective bargaining agreement, which assigns salaries to professional Category without any indication of gender. The company also follows a strict policy of hiring and promotion based on equal opportunity for all and eliminating any possibility of any discrimination due to race, sex, religion or physical handicap. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 76 Corporate social responsibility HANDICAPPED WORKERS BY CATEGORY 2005 2006 2007 Executives 1 2 2 Department heads 1 1 1 Journalists 0 0 0 Staff 5 5 6 TOTAL 7 8 9 With respect to other factors that could limit the human rights of any groups, it is significant that the activity of the company and its location do not imply any risks of forced labour. However, due to the entertainment nature of the business of the channel, child actors and entertainers are occasionally employed. In these cases, Telecinco complies with and strictly enforces all legal requirements. Specifically, the law prohibits anyone under 16 years of age to work, with few exceptions, one of them being: “the participation of minors in public entertainment is only authorised by the labour of authority in exceptional cases and provided that there is no danger for the physical health or professional and human training. Permission must be in writing and for specific acts”. In addition to the legal guarantees, the Joint Prevention Service of the Telecinco Group has prepared a protocol that is applicable to all cases of child labour, including child actors and entertainers. As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, Telecinco, in addition to supporting the elimination of forced labour and the eradication of child labour, strives to promote best practices in human rights across the entire production chain. Labour relations and freedom of association The entertainment industry has a certain tradition of labour conflicts and Telecinco makes a committed effort to guarantee the appropriate representation of its workers and maintain a high level of fluidity in its relationships with worker representatives and in collective bargaining. tive Bargaining Agreement of Gestevisión Telecinco and the 4th Collective Bargaining Agreement of Atlas España, both approved with the majority backing of the workforces of both companies. These agreements replace the former CBA’s, now expired, and shall be in force from January 2008 until December 2010. This is a huge step towards the continuation of peaceful labour relations over coming years. These agreements were achieved quickly without drawnout negotiations, demonstrating the high level of responsibility of the company and the workers representatives in establishing a framework for the working conditions of the workforce. Telecinco respects and closely collaborates with union representatives in the exercise of their functions, always complying with applicable legislation and with the firm belief that this represents an added value for our business activities. The collective bargaining agreements do not expressly established a minimum prior notification for changes in the organisation. Occasional changes are notified following criteria of minimal negative impact on the members of the organization. The total number of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement is 92.22%. EMPLOYEES COVERED BY A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT (CBA) Employees covered by the Company CBA 871 Employees covered by the Industry CBA 231 Employees covered by the Office Worker’s CBA 44 Employees covered by the Advertising Worker’s CBA 187 COMPANY AND INDUSTRY COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS APPLICABLE TO EACH GROUP COMPANY Company Gestevisión Telecinco Atlas España Cinematext and Conecta 5 Publiespaña, Publimedia and Advanced Media The degree of maturity achieved in this regard can clearly be seen from the signing in December 2007 of the 8th Collec- Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 CBA 7th Company CBA 3rd Company CBA Office Worker’s CBA Advertising Worker’s CBA Corporate social responsibility 77 Health and safety Telecinco has instituted a Joint Prevention Service that assumes all of the preventative specialisations contemplated under current rules and legislation and provides services to Gestevisión Telecinco S.A., Atlas España S.A., Publiespaña S.A., Publimedia Gestión S.A., Advanced Media, Conecta 5 Telecinco, Mediacinco Cartera, Cinematext Media S.A. and Telecinco Cinema. The service is in charge of assuring that all human and material resources are appropriate for the development of their particular purposes. The Group has established a risk prevention policy that provides the main guidelines and a Annual Risk Prevention Plan, which establishes the specific targets to achieve. Both are approved by senior management and presented to the Health and Safety Committee. The participation processes for prevention delegates is performed through the existing Health and Safety Committee, which represents 962 employees. The areas of responsibility assumed by the Service are: Fire protection (manuals for automatic elements). Emergency measures. Ensuring appropriate training and awareness of detected risks for each position. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 78 Corporate social responsibility TRAINING 2007 DEPARTMENT TRAINING ACTION People Hours Technical Maintenance and Facilities Technicians Working with electricity 23 4 92 Fire fighting 24 8 192 Survival and hostile environments 6 40 240 PCI Regulations for Industrial Installations 2 14 Second-level intervention teams (various departments) Atlas Joint Prevention Service Total (hours) 28 TOTAL 552 Organisation and Management of Prevention. In order to achieve the full integration of prevention across all levels of the company hierarchy, a clear assignment of functions and responsibilities within the company has been implemented. Periodic Risk Control. Investigation and management of accidents, proposing corrective measures and statistical analysis thereof. ABSENTEEISM, ABSOLUTE VALUES 2006 WORKER(*) LACB LAIT CI NLA MAT ABSENTEEISM, ABSOLUTE VALUES 2007 PD WORKER(*) LACB LAIT CI ANL MAT PD 14 251 11 18 1 198 67 2 13 1 143 1 1 23 1 1 41 1 8 1 GESTEVISIÓN 766 13 9 244 5 19 1 755 ATLAS 199 0 3 69 0 7 0 PUBLIESPAÑA 135 0 1 24 1 PUBLIMEDIA 32 0 0 8 0 CINEMATEXT 18 0 0 11 1 13 17 11 (*) Average workforce. The total does not coincide with the total group workforce due to several companies in 2007 not being covered by the services of the Joint Prevention Service. Key: Labour accidents with lost time (LALT). “In itinere” labour accidents (LAIT). Common Illness (CI). Non-Labour accident (NLA). Maternity (MAT). Professional disease (PD) Below we have included three statistical ratios that according to the National Institute of Labour Health and Safety (INSHT for the Spanish initials) identifies the relative accident rate of a company. LALT Frequency Ratio = total LALT * 1000000 / total hours worked = 14 * 1000000 /1704 * 1195 = 6,88 LALT Incidents Ratio = total LALT * 1000 /average workforce = 14 * 1000 / 1195 = 11.72 LALT Seriousness Ratio = Number of days lost * 1000 / number of hours worked = 278 * 1000 /1704 * 1195 = 0.14 Health monitoring. Annual programme, health protocols adapted to each activity, emergency aid and first aid. During 2007, 225 medical exams were given and 327 analyses were performed. Industrial Hygiene Ergonomics and applied psychosociology The environment. Periodic control system for environmental factors integrated into risk evaluations. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility 79 Transparency the mergers and acquisitions in the communications media industry over the last 10 years have earned the scepticism of the population. This sheer size of the multimedia conglomerates to which many television stations belong around the world has led to increasing mistrust. One of the primary fears arising from this concentration of ownership of communications media in just a few hands has to do with the capacity to these conglomerates have for incorporating a plurality of visions of reality, in other words, their independence. The fear derives from their power to transmit the same message across numerous communications channels. One of the primary demands in this context is transparency regarding the characteristics and size of the business and the ownership thereof. In response, Telecinco has sharply increased its efforts in recent years to generate complete and quality information for stakeholders. This can be clearly seen from the position of Telecinco on the leading rankings for sustainability and corporate governance. The 2007 edition of the “Corporate Social Responsibility Reports of IBEX-35 Companies” study prepared by the Corporate Social Responsibility Observatory2 ranked Telecinco in the top slot in the corporate governance category. The 2004 and 2006 editions of this study ranked Telecinco as the most dynamic company listed in the IBEX-35 in annual improvements in the quality of its report, advancing a total of 15 positions on the ranking. (2) The Observatorio de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, is an umbrella association comprised of 14 organisations representing civil society, including NGOs, trade unions and consumer associations. This network promotes the participation incorporation among the social organisations that, in their different areas, work on Corporate Social Responsibility. 2006 TELECINCO 1,06 2005 0,82 SOGECABLE 0,68 0,64 PRISA 0,53 0,39 ANTENA 3TV 0,38 0,35 Media sector 0,66 0,55 IBEX -35 MEDIA 1,14 1,09 Source: Corporate Social Responsibility Observatory 2007 Community support: “12 meses, 12 causas” Throughout 2007, Telecinco has maintained its social action structure through the “12 months, 12 causes” campaign and for the eighth consecutive year has taken advantage of the potential of being the leading television station in Spain to increase the awareness of viewers, always with a positive focus, of the various problems that currently concern today’s society. Thanks to the strong efforts over these years, the “12 meses, 12 causas” brand has become a key point of reference for social actions by communications media in Spain. Within the concept of social advertising, the channel has broadcast in institutional spots during different advertising time slots to support and explain each of the causes. The messages are also broadcast during news and other programming and occasionally during fiction series and special reports, such as those broadcast in September during the main news programming for the campaign “In support of those living with Alzheimer patients”. While in 2006, the campaigns centred on defending childhood; in 2007 the focus was on supporting teens, with eight of the 12 annual causes being particularly targeted towards this collective: a group of specific problems faced by teens as they grow up in their high capacity for reaction in implication in social questions. Innovative campaigns such as “Promotion of reading of the press” and “Promotion of classical music”, together with traditional messages such as “For a drug-free youth”, “For responsible driving”, “The promotion of reading”, “For a complex free youth” and others, such as “Promotion of sports” and “For a healthy diet”, were the subjects selected for their higher impact on teens and young adults. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 80 Corporate social responsibility As has become the norm in recent years, leading institutions, companies and personalities have joined this year’s “12 meses, 12 causas” campaigns to help reinforce the messages with their express support. This included, once again, the Instituto de la Mujer, with the women’s rights Institute again collaborating with Telecinco in the causes “For equal job opportunity”. Publisher Editorial Santillana again participated in the causes “The promotion of reading”, and thanks to their collaboration and the direct involvement of Mercedes Milá, the station was able to distribute almost 2000 books all over Spain at no charge. Antonio Lobato, the face in Spain of Formula One racing, lent his image to the August campaign “For responsible driving”. Likewise, young orchestra director Inma Shara lent her image to the campaign “Promotion of classical music”. The website contains all of the information on the different causes and campaigns and the awards granted. In 2007, Telecinco dedicated 8,825,661 euros to the “12 meses, 12 causas” campaign, which represents a total of 3,230 adult GRP (the Gross Rating Point is a unit of measurement used in the communications and media sector to price advertising space. It equals the result of dividing the number of viewers that have seen a spa by the total potential market previously calculated for the spot). “12 MESES, 12 CAUSAS” 2007 January Promotion of reading of the press February For a complex free youth March For a drug-free youth April The promotion of reading May For equal job opportunity June In the support of refugees July For a healthy diet August For responsible driving September In support of those living with Alzheimer patients The awareness strategy of “12 meses, 12 causas” was improved in 2007 by taking advantage of the resources made available by the new technologies and Internet, key tools in advancing at a stronger pace and converting the passive spectator into an active subject. In February, Arturo Valls starred in “El Piropeitor” (loosely translated as “The Flatterizer”), a series of comedy shorts that could be downloaded and sent by e-mail or mobile phone with flattering remarks designed to increase the self-esteem of the recipients in support of the cause “For a complex free youth”. Throughout the month, the initiative registered more than 2 million page visits, with 8 million videos being downloaded by users. October Promotion of sports November Against gender violence December Promotion of classical music Another Web initiative, the project “” (loosely translated as lend your, Telecinco achieved 230,000 people to use the downloadable rap song by a group of Somali refugees for their ring tone in support of the cause “In the support of refugees”, with the collaboration of ACNUR and the participation of Jesús Vázquez, who is able to help raise the funds needed to create a radio broadcaster in the refugee camp in Dadaab (Kenya). Brazilian musician Carlinhos Brown received the award for Best Career in Solidarity for his strong commitment to the development programmes for the disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Salvador de Bahía (Brazil). Fundación Telefónica received the award for Best Business Trajectory in Solidarity, while the McCann Ericsson spot for Acciona on sustainability received the award for Best Social Awareness Advert. The José Couso award went to the camera team of Again in 2007, “12 meses, 12 causas” dedicated space to the fight “Against gender violence”, as it has done each year since the launch of the campaigns. New this year, the cause was covered with two different institutional spots and a below the line advertising initiative for the distribution of free postcards that achieved an acceptance rate of 91% TELECINCO “12 MESES, 12 CAUSAS” AWARDS In December of 2007, Telecinco held the “12 meses, 12 causas” awards ceremony, recognising people, organisations and other entities for their outstanding efforts helping others. The ceremony took place at the new facilities of the Prado Museum and was attended by leading personalities from Spanish society. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility the Telemadrid program “Mi cámara y yo” (“Me and my camera”), author of the report “No estamos solos” (“We are not alone”), which looks at the lives of the close to one half million older people that live all alone in Madrid. The piece “Las alas de la vida” (“The wings of life”) won the award for Best Audiovisual Production for its in-depth look at the last stage of human life. Special Mention of the jury went to filmmaker Antonio Mercero for his career, and highlighting his film on Alzheimer’s disease “¿Y tú quien eres?” (“Who are you again?). SPECIAL ACTIONS In support of World Breast Cancer Day on 19 October, Telecinco took advantage of the strengths of its life programming to launch various messages to increase the awareness of women on the need to perform annual checkups for the early detection of this disease. The messages were presented throughout the day by the some of the most popular and well-known hosts on the station: Ana Rosa Quintana, Mercedes Milá, Emma García, Carmen Alcayde and Ángeles Blanco. As part of the campaign, Telecinco created the website, which was accessible from any banner on the Telecinco website highlighting the anniversary. The website allows users to send postcards that encouraged recipients to have annual checkups and launched support messages for women suffering from the disease. In addition, Telecinco has dedicated huge efforts in recent years to the fight against tobacco addiction. There were various actions in 2007 that had very good results, primarily through the reality show “Gran Hermano”, one of the most viewed shows up on Spanish television. Mercedes Milá took advantage of the large public to promote this cause in collaboration with the Spanish Cancer Association (AECC). In addition, Telecinco also maintained an active campaign for the donation of blood in collaboration with the Spanish Red Cross, and provided information on the “12 meses, 12 causas” website. The subject was also included within the popular fiction series “Hospital Central”, with the stars of the show demonstrating their sore port for this initiative. 81 Management of environmental impact As a leading communications media company, our mission is to inform and entertain our viewers, favouring, among other things, attitudes that are committed to the protection, respect and conservation of the environment ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY As part of its commitment to environmental protection, Telecinco began to apply environmental policy in 2007 with the following core principles: Reduction of the consumption of energy and raw material per unit produced by means of applying more efficient processes that lower the CO2 emissions are derived from energy consumption and assure proper waste management. Reparation of content that favours greater and better environmental awareness among television viewers, with special emphasis on the fight against climate change. Development of training and information actions for the workforce and suppliers to allow them to perform their jobs in a manner that is respectful of the environment. To implement this policy, Telecinco will create an Environmental Management System (SGMA for its Spanish initials) that allows for the integration of environmental concern into the general management of the company, thereby contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact of our activities. The SGMA will systemise the actions carried out to date for the environment, facilitating our objectives and establishing a work methodology. Involvement of our personnel is essential for the proper functioning of the system and this is the aspect upon which the company is going to focus throughout 2008. Loyal to the commitments assumed under the United Nations Global Compact in 2006, the company continued to work this year on the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies (Principle 9), establishing the primary objective of promoting initiatives in favour of greater envi- Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 82 Corporate social responsibility ronmental responsibility among the public and our workforce (Principal 8) for 2008. INDIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: CAPACITY TO INVOLVE SOCIETY IN RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Telecinco is aware that its mission of informing and educating viewers, encouraging them to question their own behaviours and promoting the changes needed to adapt their daily habits to favour sustainable development. Our position gives us the ability to influence society with our programming, approaching subjects such as recycling, saving energy, the use of public transportation, etc., and we take full advantage of it. This year we have continued to offer coverage for those notable aspects of environmental news such as climate change and efficient resource consumption, take advantage of our programming to include criteria of good environmental practices. The greater efforts of the company will begin to bear fruit in 2008 with the launch of the new digital television channel Telecinco 2, which will have a strong focus on content that increases social awareness and respect for the environment through collaboration agreements with the most prestigious and far-reaching NGOs in the world. The first collaboration will be with Greenpeace, , which will provide the new channel with news programs and a careful selection of documentaries and special reports that are in line with the spirit of solidarity of Telecinco. The weekly program will include news, a report and a documentary, all produced by Greenpeace Spain, which, together with Telecinco, has decided to use the potential offered by the channel to increase the awareness of the public on various social subjects and environmental problems. The news section will provide the latest environmental news. The first programme in mid February will include a report on climate change, the impact that it is producing and the solutions that they propose. Each programme will also be available after the broadcast on the corporate website. The “12 meses, 12 causas” initiative in 2700 and that cover the environment and the channel will return to the subject in coming years, specifically dedicating April 2008 to sustainable development. In addition to the planned 2008 initiative, the environmental subjects covered in prior years are as follows: March 2000 “For energy savings and recycling” April 2000 “For the conservation of our natural environment” February 2001 “For respect for the environment” July 2002 “For the environment” January 2003 “For the conservation of our coasts” July 2003 “For the prevention of fighters” November 2004 “Promotion of recycling” July 2005 “For the rational use of water” April 2008 “For the promotion of sustainable development” POLICY OF FIGHTING AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE Throughout 2008, Telecinco will launch a policy of fighting against climate change that will focus on two main aspects: Reduction of greenhouse gases by the company. Generation of an attitude of respect and commitment among viewers. We will hold an environmental awareness and responsible consumption programme among Telecinco employees in order to favour behaviours that are committed to reducing electric energy consumption, the use of the company bus, etc. in order to contribute to reducing the CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. DIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: OUR ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY The Joint Prevention Service and the Deputy Directorate of Operating Continuity share the environmental control and management of the activities of the company. Both departments are responsible for rolling out the plans and programmes for reducing consumption and managing the waste generated through the company’s activities. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility A - Water energy and materials consumption: TOTALS 2006 2007 Water (m3) 54,589 48,841 17,512,170 15,864,577 28,000 28,331 Electricity (kwh) Diesel (litres) Propane (kg) 15,008 13,970 Paper (kg) 35,514 39,752 83 The completion of the new buildings in Fuencarral and certain repairs on the supply network in older facilities have led to a 10% decrease in water consumption during the period. As from the second half of 2006, Telecinco launched a series of energy-saving measures, the positive effects of which were already noticeable in the last quarter of 2006 and continued to provide positive effects of this year. Scope: Entire Group except the headquarters of Publimedia in Madrid, and the The measures adopted consist of optimising the functioning of the automated lighting and heating and air-conditioning system for the stages, as well as rationally planning of production hours following a study on temperatures in order to allow for a more efficient use of energy and the subsequent savings. delegations of Publiespaña. CONSUMPTION PER EMPLOYEE 2006 Water (m3) 46.1 40.9 14,790.7 13,275.8 Electricity (kwh) 2007 Diesel (litres) 23.7 23.7 Propane (kg) 12.7 11.7 Paper (kg) 30,0 33,3 Scope: Entire Group except the headquarters of Publimedia in Madrid, and the delegations of Publiespaña. CONSUMPTION PER HOUR OF PRODUCTION (*) Total hours of production in studios and sets (h) Water (m3) Electricity (kwh) 2006 2007 149,335 141,269 0.4 0.3 117.3 112.3 Diesel (litres) 0.2 0.2 Propane (kg) 0.1 0.1 Paper (kg) 0.2 0.3 Scope: Entire Group accept the headquarters of Publimedia in Madrid, and the delegations of Publiespaña. In addition, in 2007 the company arranged for the study of two companies in order to analyse the energy savings that would be provided by a change in studio lighting, switching from halogen lighting to cold lighting. The savings measure was complement the percentage reduction in energy consumption and established by the company. Regarding the use of fuel, one of the older buildings (building B) in Fuencarral has replaced its diesel boiler for one ride on natural gas ; which will have a favourable impact on our fuel consumption starting next year. The emptying of the boiler and subsequent work were performed using a waste manager, assuring the proper air tightness of the operation. (*) We have included the figure for studios and film sets because we believe it is the key to understanding the resource and managing needs of our core activities, the production and broadcasting of television content. There were significant improvements in the production processes of the station in 2007 that have positively affected the associated environmental impact. These improvements included: (3) Last year’s report mentioned that the new facilities would use natural gas. However, the adaptation process has been slower than expected, beginning this year with one of the older buildings (building B). Pilot implementation in November of the first digital production of the programme environment. This new way of working eliminates the need for tapes, which are replaced by digital files, as well as a reduction in the number of editing and equipment rooms needed (video, etc.) Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 84 Corporate social responsibility Substitution of sending tapes of in-house productions for sending computer files, resulting in an annual savings of approximately 1850 tapes. This initiative was launched in November. Substitution of sending content for subtitling bites May with the sending of computer files. Saving approximately 1200 tapes annually as well as the associated transportation. This initiative was launched in April. Substitution of the forms and faxes for temporary personnel requests with the consequential savings in paper consumption. Electronic approval of invoices within the Technologies Division, avoiding the photocopying, shipment and returned by internal mail. The last two improvements, begun in 2007, will be reflected in the consumption figures included in next year’s report, when the measures will be extended to other areas and departments of the company B - Waste management. Telecinco has continued with the improvement process this year, working on its plans for reducing, recycling and evaluating wastes. All of the company’s facilities handle wastes using an authorised waste manager. WASTED MANAGED (Kg.) (*) 2006 2007 Paper/cardboard (kg)* 76,795 77,380 37,920 Tape (kg)* 35,255 Batteries (kg)* 1,300 1,500 Electrical and electronic apparatus 15,403 17,670 paper recycled is derived from the printed material entering into the channel (magazines, newspapers, advertising), which is not recycled until the end of its useful life. This year Telecinco completed the digital conversion of its library of past programme and shows begun in 2005. Older films and those no longer used were sent for recycling using an authorised manager, while most were stored for internal reuse. In 2007 the company reused a total of 26,250 units. The company is planning for next year to increase the awareness and commitment of suppliers (in this case of assemblers) to separate in orange in the woods from the metal in order to proceed with the collection by the manager and therefore facilitate an increase in number of ways to treat. This year we have also installed containers at various points for the recycling of toner. The figures will be provided in next year’s report. C - Atmospheric emissions. Fully aware of the responsibility of all of society for climate change, Telecinco has continued this year to implement measures to improve the company’s contribution to reducing CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. The main activities in this area are focused on saving energy, a key aspect for the company, by means of those measures commented in the previous section (optimisation of the automated functioning regulating lighting and climate control on the stages). Paint remains 194 406 Aerosols 25 20 (4) Tins and plastic containers 36 14 Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) that The GHG Protocol is an international initiative of the World Business Council for Scope: All production centres and offices in Madrid. provides an accounting tool for government and businesses of all sizes to unders- (*) Wastes derived from the core activities of Telecinco, the exploitation of advertising tand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions and indentify opportunities space, and in the distribution of products and services through multimedia systems. for reducing emissions and operate using clean technologies. For more information on this subject see the appropriate annex of the report or visit the website www. The difference between the figures for paper consumed and Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility This year we have also completed the works for reorganising the entrances and exits from the Fuencarral facilities, which has contributed to improving traffic in the area and avoiding traffic jams at peak hours at the beginning and end of the day. This year, like last year, the CO2 emissions were calculated using the methodology specified by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol4. Emissions from its primary activity, electrical consumption, showed a decrease over the previous year, indicating that the measures adopted by the company are so far successful. ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONS (MT) CO2 of energy consumed by fuel 1 2006 119.6 117.43 2,215.7 - National 824.8 1.243.8 - International 540.9 971.9 1,203.54 1,125.47 CO2 derived from land transport: - Vehicles owned by Telecinco 2 205.2 205.2 - Mass transportation (coach)3 23.17 23.17 - Vehicles not owned by Telecinco 821.47 828.7 - Transportation by rail 153.7 68.4 4,220.4 3,791.6 SO2 derived from electricity consumption 4 1.1 10.9 NOx derived from electricity consumption 4 12.3 9.2 Particles derived from electricity consumption 4 14.0 0.8 CO2 of electricity consumed 4 For this reason the Group is working on the launch of an environmental awareness and responsible consumption programme for our workforce. The initiative should be launched next year, informing all of our employees on the rules for environmental behaviour within the company and good environmental practices (energy savings, the use of long-duration light bulbs, turning off appliances when not in use, rather than leaving on standby, etc.) for their daily life, so that all of the workers can extend this environmental awareness to other areas beyond their workplace. As regards suppliers, as we have commented, the company continuously works to improve the results in recycling of waste, promoting the separation of material for some that when treatment by the authorised manager. 2007 1,365.7 CO2 derived from air travel: 85 TOTAL EXPENSES AND INVESTMENTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS During 2007, the total cost and investments made in environmental matters on the Group level was 51,257 euros. Scope: Entire Group accept the headquarters of Publimedia in Madrid, and the delegations of Publiespaña 1 This year we have modified the conversion factor for CO2 from the consumption of propane and have updated the 2006 figure 2 conform to the new calculation for comparison purposes. This has resulted in the figures provided differing from that contained in last year’s report. 2 The number of rental vehicles did not increase in 2007; the mileage figure provided is the number of kilometres contracted per year for each rental vehicle. 3 The emissions derived from mass transportation are unchanged from last year given that there were no changes in the route or number of stops made by the company coach. 4 Estimates based on utility company data (2007 update) ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS The key to the success of our current initiatives for reducing consumption and waste and for compliance with the longterm environmental objectives established life specifically with the workforce of Telecinco and its suppliers. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 86 Corporate social responsibility Aspect specific to the television sector professionals and collaborate in the appropriate alphabetisation of children. Responsible broadcasting of content Responsible broadcasting of content refers to the transversal integration of criteria that allow for models that are more inclusive and responsible, and more faithfully reflect reality. Both Telecinco and Publiespaña have the firm commitment of offering news, entertainment and advertising content that follows criteria of honesty, correctness, independence and responsibility. Promote parental control and efficient technical measures that allow for parents to be appropriately informed on television content and exercise their responsibility over the children (access codes, program blocking, EPG’s). The commitment of Telecinco takes the form of the following aspects: Promote the responsible use of television and other audiovisual media by means of awareness campaigns. a) Protection of children and teens The protection of the rights of children and teens is one of the core subjects in the debate on the responsible broadcasting of television content. The primary instrument for the protection of childhood used by Telecinco is the Code for the Development of Self-Regulation of Television Content and Children5, the primary objectives of which are: In March 2007, Telecinco released the second report on the evaluation of the application of the Code, with very positive results in terms of the reduction in complaints and the resolution of them since the previous reports. Of the 359 complaints filed between 2006 and 2007, 9.7% referred to programmes broadcast by Telecinco and only four of them were accepted. Improve the efficiency of the protection of minors as television viewers during the timeslots subject to legal protection. Avoid indecent or insulting language. Do not incite children to imitate unhealthy or dangerous behaviours. Widely and regularly disseminate the content of the Code over the television during times with large audiences. EXCEPTED COMPLAINTS ON THE PROGRAMMING OF TELECINCO BETWEEN 2006 AND 2007 Date Programme Reason 28/09/2006 Programming advertisement Classification of 18 y/o and above 19/10/2006 Programming advertisement Violence 30/01/2007 A tu lado Conflictive subject 06/03/2007 A tu lado Conflictive subject Source: 2nd Report on the evaluation of the application of the Code for the Development of Self-Regulation of Television Content and Children 2007 Avoid the unjustified broadcast of inappropriate scenes or messages for young viewers during the day parts normally viewed by children. Guarantee the privacy, dignity and safety of children when appearing or being mentioned in television content. (5) On 9 December 2004 Telecinco subscribed to the Code for the Development of Self-Regulation of Television Content and Children together with Televisión Española S.A., Antena 3 de Televisión S.A., and Sogeclable, S.A., and at the same time Accordingly, Telecinco and the other television stations agreed to: signed an agreement with the government to promote the code. After the three-month period established for the progressive adoption by operators, the capsule is took effect on 9 March 2005. Currently the Code has also been Promote the protection and the development of the rights of children by communications media and media adopted by La Sexta, Veo TV, Net TV, and the regional television stations through FORTA. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility BREAKDOWN OF COMPLAINTS FILED 2005-2007 Change 2006-2007 2005-2006 Telecinco -40,4_ 12,80% 53,20% Antena 3 +23,5_ 58,20% 34,70% Cuatro +12,5_ 19,80% 7,30% La Sexta +5,0_ 5,00% 0,00% TVE-1 -6,0_ 4,20% 4,80% 100,00% 100,00% Source: Note: La Sexta and Cuatro began broadcasting in November 2005 and March 2006 respectively. During 2007 the regulation Committee began introducing new rules in criteria into the Code in response to new needs. Some of these new rules are: Elimination of the beeps over indecent language. 87 Reflecting diversity in the preparation of content is seen by Telecinco as an opportunity for including the greatest number possible of public with content that must be able to demonstrate the wide variety of social, cultural, gender, age, religion, political and sexual orientation existing in Spanish society. b.1 Treatment of the female image There has been a notable advance in the equality of treatment afforded men and women in the communications media in recent years. Telecinco is the channels that as more female voices, as both hosts and journalists, as well as in interviews and other appearances as can be seen from the “2nd research report on the gender representation in radio and television news”6. DISTRIBUTION BY GENDER OF REGULARLY APPEARING PROFESSIONALS All tve1 La2 Tele5 Antena3 Women 43% 49% 100 % 45% 21% Men 57 % 51% 0 % 55% 79% Women 47% 72% 60% 49% 32% Men 53% 28% 40% 51% 68% Women 30% 45% 0% 39% 6% Men 70% 55% 100% 61% 94% Hosts Advertisement for programmes not recommended for children under 13 years of age broadcast during times of a reinforced protection shall not include any images or audio that resulted in the said classification. Programmes broadcast during a reinforced protection times shall not include images or audio from other programs that resulted in it being classified as for adults. Anchors Journalists Source: 2nd research report on the gender representation in radio and television During reinforced protection times the subject of pornography shall be avoided unless handled for news purposes. Additionally, in order to improve the effectiveness of the measures adopted, Telecinco in 2007 began to issue messages at different times forming viewers that they should be aware of the classification by agents of the programming. For more information visit: b) Reflecting diversity Given the central nature of television as an entertainment choice for a wide segment of the population, the tendency to represent and support the perpetuation of some dominant stereotypes is seen by the stakeholders – particularly in commercial television - as a source of concern. news 2005 DISTRIBUTION OF GENDER FOR TELECINCO JOURNALISTS 2006 2007 Women 64 58% 72 Men 47 42% 54 43% Total 111 100% 126 100% (6) 57% Study carried out in 2005 by the Official Institute of Radio in Television (IORTV) in collaboration with the Instituto de la Mujer. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 88 Corporate social responsibility Beyond the mere quantitative distribution of the appearances of women on television, and perhaps more important to look at the roles they play when they appear. In this regard, there is still a lack of balance on television. According to the study published in 2007 by Instituto de la Mujer, “Treatment and representation of Women in television series broadcast by national television stations”, there is still a wide gap. Of the nine series used for the analysis, five belonged to Telecinco, given their high popularity. The study reflects that the representation of women in the television series with the largest audience broadcast by national television stations in Spain continued to incorporate elements based on stereotyped concept of gender roles. As regards the egalitarian elements, in the opinion of viewers, three of the five series broadcast by Telecinco achieved the highest ranking of them all. TV SERIES WITH THE MOST DISCRIMINATORY OR EGALITARIAN ELEMENTS Prison Break 0.7 Ana y los Siete 0.4 0.0 0.0 DK (Don´t Know) 31.8 24.1 NA (No answer) 0.4 0.4 Source: Treatment and representation of Women in television series broadcast by national television stations, Instituto de la Mujer MTAS 2007 c) Gender violence One of the main themes associated with women that require particularly strict treatment is gender violence. They need to appropriately treat news stories on this subject has led in recent years to initiatives such as the “Emergency manual for the treatment of gender violence”, issued in the 2002 National Forum of Women, Violence and Communications Media, which has been adopted by Telecinco and other stations. Among other things, the manual includes the recommendation of “expanding the field of representation of women” and the 10 Commandments for reporters. Discriminatory None 27.6 27.5 Yo soy Bea 10.7 16.5 EMERGENCY MANUAL FOR THE TREATMENT OF GENDER VIOLENCE Ana y los Siete 9.2 7.8 1. Avoid the models of women that impair their dignity. Los Serrano 6.3 7.1 2. Abuse against women is a violation of human rights. Aquí no hay quien viva 5.5 6.3 3. Do not abuse morbid curiosity with social interest. House 3.7 5.1 4. Violence against women is not a news event or conventional news. All 1.5 2.7 5. Not all information sources are reliable. El Comisario 1.5 1.6 6. Give useful information, prior advice. Prison Break 1.8 0.0 7. Identified the aggressor, respect the dignity of the victim. CSI Miami 1.5 0.4 8. Image is not everything, do not fall into yellow journalism. Hospital Central 0.7 0.8 9. Figures can reflect different realities: investigate and explain. DK (Don´t Know) 30.1 23.9 10. Stereotypes and clichés are frivolous and banal. NA (No answer) 0.0 0.4 Egalitarian None 15.3 17.8 Hospital Central 9.5 15.8 CSI Miami 9.9 8.7 All 8.0 9.9 Los Serrano 9.9 8.3 Aquí no hay quien viva 5.8 4.0 House 5.1 3.6 El Comisario 2.9 5.1 Yo soy Bea 0.4 2.4 With the adoption of this Manual, Telecinco approaches the problem of gender violence in active manner, dedicating one of its “12 meses, 12 causas” campaigns, during the month of November 2007. d) Disabilities The relationship between television and the handicapped is based on the image shown of this collective, given that the media can have a negative impact by showing certain images or, conversely, can be a key tool to increasing awareness and shaping public opinion. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility During the First Encounter on Journalism and the People with disabilities held in 2004 with the sponsorship of the Secretariat of State for Social Services, Family and the Disabled of the Ministry of Social Affairs, more than 60 representatives of the national media, including Telecinco, signed the Salamanca Declaration expressing “the will to contribute from our respective communications media to fight against stereotypes that prevent people with disabilities from participating and integrating in our society as citizens in equal conditions”. The Declaration contains 8 measures to improve the treatment of disabilities. Declaration of Salamanca 1. Leave behind the charitable or victimised approach traditionally given by communications media to concentrate on overcoming the true problems that affect people with disabilities as full citizens architectural bearers, access to employment and housing, healthcare, promotion of an accessible environment, etc.). 2. Give people with disabilities in the voice as independent citizens in charge of their own lives. Ending their “invisibility” is the first step that we must take so that they may occupy the space that they have the right to. “Nothing about us, without us” is a slogan that we must keep in mind prior to offering any information to the public. 3. Avoid discriminatory or stigmatising language that places an emphasis on the disability rather than on the condition of the person. Take special care when selecting the words used to define people with disabilities given that language is the tool that conditions the opinion of reality. Adjectives such as invalid, handicapped and disabled should be avoided to overcome the concept of being “sick” or a “patient”. 4. Offer an active image of people with disabilities. The traditional idea of such people as a mere receiver of a does not completely reflect the reality of a world in which passivity and the character of assistance are not the norm. This erroneous image contributes to promoting their exclusion. 5. Include people with disabilities as part of the general population in all types of information and not only in those which have disabilities as their main theme. 6. Show people with disabilities as citizens with full rights and underline their capacities in order to promote a normalised view. 89 7. Approach news from a contextual focus. Explain the contextual circumstances that help the public to understand and become closer to the world of disabilities with greater knowledge. 8. Cover the subject of disabilities in a proportional manner, without commiseration or presenting the person with disabilities as a hero. Broadcasters also have the responsibility to people with disabilities of providing access to their content. The greatest barriers represented by television are faced by those with sensory disabilities, despite the significant progress in recent years thanks to the new technologies. Since our station’s very beginning in 1998, we have broadcast content for the hearing impaired (specifically the series El Súper). Telecinco is a high in the year among private television stations in closed captioning. The project started with a preliminary study on the technical and personal needs by consulting with associations representing the hearing impaired. With their collaboration, we were able to select the technical and human team that would handle the closed captioning in just three months. We also produced a style book that unified the criteria for subtitling. In the first phase we also sent a questionnaire to hearing impaired viewers in order to incorporate their opinions. However, in order to guarantee the quality of the project as it continued to grow, Telecinco decided to outsource the subtitling, which is today handled by Cinematetxt, in which Telecinco holds an equity stake. In 2007, Telecinco broadcast a total of 1,940 minutes of subtitles per week. Subtitling is offered every day during different dayparts (prime time, mid day and night) and for all types of broadcasts (series, prime time films, shows, weekend cinema and news). We would highlight that Telecinco is the only station that provides closed captioning of live broadcasts (news, debates, etc.) and in 2007 produced a significant increase in the number of subtitle hours for the DTT channels. In addition, Telecinco is committed to the development of favourable legislation for subtitling, and back in 2004 supported Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 90 Corporate social responsibility the protocol for the creation of the Spanish Subtitling Centre (Centro Español del Subtitulado), together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and the associations representing the hearing impaired, the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities and the rest of the Spanish communications media companies. With the backing of this institution, Telecinco promoted the preparation of general rules on the technical characteristics of subtitles and advisory services for professionals in the field as well as the creation of a database service that would be available to the entire industry in order to allow for exchanging subtitled materials. In 2007, Cinematext participate in the establishment of the standard AENOR UNE 153010 four closed captioning for the hearing impaired using teletext, and held meetings with the Special Centre for Audiovisual Integration and Training (CEIAF) for a collaboration project in the preparation of a single registry of subtitled files. e) Appropriate news treatment of immigration As the Spanish social reality continued to change, Telecinco advanced in its news treatment of immigration, incorporating new subjects of interest and improving the manner in which they are approached, incorporating a greater plurality of opinions. In 2007, the company decided to take a further step, working on integrating the “Recommendations of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia on the news treatment of immigration” into its daily practice. These recommendations have been highlighted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in their “Practical guide for communications media professionals: media treatment of immigration” released in the beginning of 2008 and are applied by Telecinco in its news treatment of the subject. Recommendations for media companies 1. Whether you are public or private human should collaborate in the public task of integrating immigrants, disseminating information on immigration and its context and contributing to a climate of social dialogue. 2. Avoid recourse to partial or unconfirmed sources. Promote self-regulation in the matter of immigration and create quality control bodies to govern the information. 3. Promote the adoption of specific codes of conduct for treating immigration. 4. Support the training, specialisation and updating of the professionals that cover this subject. 5. Invest in resources to diversify information source, and offers sufficient time to the professionals to appropriately prepared this information. 6. Avoid disproportionate coverage and artificial spectacles that favour clichés and oversimplifications. 7. Do without anecdotal, routine superfluous elements and promote expert opinion. 8. Incorporate immigrants into the workforce, always maintaining appropriateness, merit and opportunity. Recommendations for media professionals 1. Use immigrants as an information source. The principle of confirmation, relativism and diversification of sources also applies to official ones. 2. The privacy and intimacy of individuals is a universal right. Avoid close-ups of wounds or deceased. Exotic treatment is not acceptable. 3. Avoid prejudicial language: illegal immigrant, undocumented or without papers. 4. Avoid clichéd quotes that imply a valuation. Particularly, do not relate the religious option with fundamentalism. 5. Take special care with headlines and news blurbs. 6. Avoid associating a collective with an illegal activity, without renouncing the collective denominations. 7. Favour a more expansive, complex and plural view of nonOccidental society to avoid ethnocentrism. 8. Reduce the broadcast of file photos to illustrate news that they do not correspond to. 9. Avoid the anonymity of immigrants appearing in the news unless they expressly request it. 10. Textual quotes of a racist nature must be marked and attributed, providing the context. 11. Avoid paternalism. General recommendations 1. Avoid associating immigration and violins, conflicts, exclusion, disobedience or delinquency. 2. Avoid the utilitarian treatment of immigration due to low Nativity or to cover job positions. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility 3. The CAC (Audiovisual Council of Catalonia) proposes meeting periodically with immigrant groups, the authorities, the media and media professionals to jointly evaluate the dominant news coverage f) Responsible broadcasting of advertising Given its influence on the configuration of television content and the capacity to highlight certain controversial products, advertising is one of the elements that is subject to the greatest surveillance and regulation on television. To reinforce supervision, Publiespaña is a member of Autocontrol (, the Association for the Self-regulation of Commercial Communications, said overseas that the broadcasting of advertising is in benefit to the advertisers, consumers and society in general. This association is in charge of handling the complaints filed, establish codes of conduct and provide legal and ethical advisory on campaigns prior to broadcast. In addition, in 2005, Telecinco signed the Agreement on the Procedures for the Commercialisation and Management of Advertising Spaces on National General Television Stations with the Spanish Association of Advertisers (AEA) as the primary framework governing the relations between Telecinco and this collective. Broadcasting of responsible content a) Promotion of education and culture Currently, the legal obligation to finance film productions representing at high risk for media companies given the low return of these investments. In light of the situation, Telecinco has adopted a strategy through which, using various alliances, it promotes the generation of the industry and provides its cinema products with a strong international personality, which has provided a very high level of profitability. 91 In order to guarantee the appropriate use of language and the correctness of the news, Telecinco signed a collaboration agreement with the Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu) in 2005, making it the first private television channel to adopt this measure. In 2007, Telecinco actively participated in the encounters organised by Fundéu on the use of the Spanish language, such as “The Spanish language in Television News on both sides of the Atlantic”. The channel also contributed to the promotion of culture through its “12 meses, 12 causas” campaigns (“ Promotion of the reading of the press”, “Promotion of classical music” and “The promotion of reading”), all subjects that are related to youth, the main theme of the campaigns in 2007. b) Awareness of the challenges of sustainability Again the main tool used by Telecinco was the “12 meses, 12 causas” initiative, for which the station increases the awareness of viewers on various problems that concern society. For more information see the section on Community Support: “12 meses, 12 causas”. Regarding the environment, the company also uses this initiative and in 2008 will reinforce its environmental awareness actions through the new digital channel Telecinco 2, which will dedicate a space to social awareness and respect for the environment. For more information see the section on the Management of environmental impact. The involvement of the company in Spanish cinema projects as translated into the specific weight that Telecinco has obtained in the cinema industry, , earning high recognition by critics and audiences for the films produced in 2007, with the success of the “The Orphanage” as the absolute leader. 2007 was also the year in which Telecinco’s film company changed its name to Telecinco Cinema to associate the Telecinco brand with its successful efforts in culture and cinema. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 92 Corporate social responsibility Telecinco and data protection With the interactive television model that we are moving towards, the flow of information from viewers to the channel is constantly increasing, for example in the form of text messages (sms) that viewers send to Telecinco while watching a programme. This requires us to take extreme caution in protecting the data of a personal nature. general policy of Telecinco on the protection of personal data and are in charge of assuring compliance with internal rules and informing the Deputy Directorate of any incidents arising in ordinary management. Additionally, Telecinco strives to transmit to all workers, all GROUP Companies that use or may use personal files or databases importance of conforming to the “Basic Guide for the Protection of Personal Information”. Telecinco complies with the legal requirement on the protection of personal information and has adopted not obligatory measures of an organizational and technical nature. We have also implemented the required adaptations for the new Regulations developing the Personal Data Protection Act (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal or LOPD) approved in 2007, which will be implemented throughout 2008. The department in charge of managing personal data protection within Telecinco is the Deputy Directorate for LOPD Management (part of the Human Resource Division), which is responsible for relations with the Data Protection Agency, receiving and responding to any concerns and incidents which arise, checking compliance with the rights of those affected in relation to personal data protection. There are three sections within the Deputy Directorate for LOPD Management responsible for assuring compliance compliance with our obligations in this are: The LOPD Committee: Comprised of the head of the department’s most affected by the application of data protection regulations and charged with verifying the application of the LOPD de and other rules and to promote a policy of personal data protection within Telecinco. Security Supervisor: Oversees security tasks and measures: coordinates and controls compliance within the scope of the information systems and studies the new measures appropriate for implementation in accordance with technological progress and changes in the organization of the company. Personal Data Protection Managers (known as Gestores P.D.P.): these are the people responsible for executing the Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Corporate social responsibility 93 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 annex 96 Annex APPENDICES This report has been prepared by the Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance Department, which enters to the Board of Directors Secretariat. As in previous years, the Sustainability Committee has taken an active part in the supply and validation of the information contained in this report. This committee is comprised of the leaders of the various operating units of the company. Distribution This report is distributed in printed and digital format and is available through the corporate website either for online viewing or for download in Adobe PDF format. The report is available in both Spanish and English. Mandatory Optional Self Declared Third Party Checked GRI Checked C Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. Annual Financial Statements and Corporate Governance Report. (Report on the remuneration policy and complementary report pursuant to article 116 bis of the Spanish Securities Exchange Act). Adaptation to international standards The preparation of the report and the information contained therein have followed the latest protocols established by the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) for its “Sustainability Reporting Guidelines”, G3 version. This is the first year that we have adopted the new version of the guidelines applying the “B” level of conformity (see GRI indicators in the appendix to the Report). We have also aligned the Report with the principles of the AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS) by AccountAbility, which attempts to assure the quality of the reporting process. Based on the results of an in-depth study carried out in 2007, and the dialogue with the stakeholder groups, with this re- C+ Report Externally Assured 2002 In Accordance As in the previous year, this document is available in two separate reports: Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 B B+ A A+ Report Externally Assured This third Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Telecinco covers the activities performed by the Group during the year ended 31 December 2007. This report is oriented, primarily, to answering the concerns and needs of the company’s stakeholders. In order to improve the content of the information provided, Telecinco has consulted with its main stakeholder groups. For more information please see section 4 and 5 of the Corporate Social Responsibility chapter. Report Externally Assured About the preparation of this report Annex 97 port Telecinco attempts to answer the interests and concerns expressed by stakeholders, including the balanced and transparent treatment of those matters considered of the greatest concern regarding the Corporate Social Responsibility activities of Telecinco. Similarly, the content has been selected in order to reflect our commitment to complying with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. More detail is provided in the Corporate Social Responsibility chapter. Scope and limitations This report refers to the entire Grupo Telecinco S.A. group of companies. In those cases in which the information covers a limited scope, such as in some aspects of the environmental section, the specific scope is indicated in a footnote. All references in this report to “Telecinco”, “the Company” or “the Group” refer to Gestevisión Telecinco and consolidated subsidiaries. Verifications The scope of the verifications made to this report have been limited to the financial information contained on the individual and consolidated financial statements. Information relating to the environment, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility have not been verified. Contact information For any clarification or additional information regarding this report, please contact: Isabel Ortega Pérez- Villanueva Corporate Responsibility and Governance E-mail: [email protected] Address: Gestevisión Telecinco Ctra. de Fuencarral a Alcobendas, 4, 28049 Madrid Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 98 Annex DIRECTORY GESTEVISIÓN TELECINCO S.A. ATLAS ESPAÑA Edificio TELECINCO Ctra. Fuencarral a Alcobendas, 4 28049 Madrid Tel.:91 396 63 00 Edificio TELECINCO Ctra. Fuencarral a Alcobendas, 4 28049 Madrid Tel.:91 395 92 00 Fax: 91 395 92 01 Head Office Tel.:91 396 63 00 Fax: 91 396 61 78 News Department Tel.:91 396 63 00 Fax: 91 396 64 56 TELECINCO CINEMA María Tubau 3, 5ª Edificio Tanworth 28050 Madrid Tel.:91 201 42 00 Fax: 91 201 43 03 FACTORIA DE FICCIÓN TELECINCO Communications Department Tel.:91 396 63 00 Fax: 91 396 68 42 Commercial Management Tel.:91 396 63 00 Fax: 91 395 93 24 External Production Division Tel.:91 201 42 00 Fax: 91 201 42 91 María Tubau 3, 5ª Edificio Tanworth 28050 Madrid Tel.:91 201 42 00 Fax: 91 201 43 03 TELECINCO 2 María Tubau 3, 5ª Edificio Tanworth 28050 Madrid Tel.:91 201 42 00 Fax: 91 201 43 03 PUBLIMEDIA GESTIÓN Investor Relations Department CSR and Corporate Governance Department Edificio TELECINCO Ctra. Fuencarral a Alcobendas, 4 28049 Madrid Tel.:91 212 83 00 Fax: 91 212 83 01 Tel.: 913966188 Fax: 913966284 ADVANCED MEDIA Tel.:91 396 67 83 Fax: 91 396 66 92 PUBLIESPAÑA Edificio TELECINCO Ctra. Fuencarral a Alcobendas, 4 28049 Madrid Tel.:91 395 90 00 Fax: 91 395 90 10 Edificio TELECINCO Ctra. Fuencarral a Alcobendas, 4 28049 Madrid Tel.:91 212 83 00 Fax: 91 212 83 01 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Annex 99 GLOSSARY Access Prime Time tand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions and indentify opportunities for reducing emissions and operate using clean technologies. Time slot just prior to prime time. Audience (television) Number of people over the age of 4 who are watching the television at a given moment. Broadcast Distribution of programmed audio and/or video signals to an audience, which may be the public in general or a relatively large segment thereof, such as children or youth. GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Process launched in 1999 by several special interest groups and an independent institution with a mission to develop and disseminate global standards for sustainability reports. The standards are voluntary and are designed to increase the quality, comparability and efficiency of sustainability reports. GRP (Gross Rating Point) Commercial target The audience of individuals between the ages of 13 and 54, from the middle and upper social classes living in towns with 10,000 inhabitants or more. Day time Designation used for all broadcast during daylight hours. A measure of advertising effectiveness which consists of the percentage of the audience which has seen a given television spot out of the total potential market established beforehand between the television operator and the advertiser/media centre, which is later compared with data from Taylor Nelson Sofres. GRPs are measured by the minute, although advertising spots are usually shorter. GRP can also be calculated as net coverage multiplied by spot frequency. DTT (Digital Terrestrial Television) Digital television platform broadcast by land systems, in other words with land-based antennas. Indicator (Earnings before interests and taxes) Variable or measure of action, qualitative or quantitative, which can be used to measure an organisation’s performance and the level of compliance with programmed actions and proposed goals. Free Float Late Night The proportion of shares available to the public and not held by large shareholders or subjected to sales restrictions. Broadcasting time between 00: 00 and 2: 30. EBIT Morphing Greenhouse gases Contaminating gases released into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels and other means which increase the greenhouse effect. This effect is recognised as the main cause of global warming. The gases include CO2, CH4, N20, HFC, PFC, SF6 and other CO2 equivalents. GreenHouse Gas Protocol The GHG Protocol is an international initiative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) that provides an accounting tool for government and businesses of all sizes to unders- Advertising vehicle the merges the image of the advertiser with that of the channel. Pay Out The part of a company’s profits which are assigned to pay the dividend. It is expressed in the form of a ratio and is the result of dividing the dividend by the net profit and multiplying the result by a hundred. Power Ratio Measures a media company’s revenue performance in comparison to the audience share it controls. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 100 Annex Prime Time Webcast Broadcasting time of maximum available audience, in Spain between 21: 00 and 00: 00. For our purposes, a television programme designed for and broadcast over the Internet. Remake Weblog In film and television, it means a new version of a previously broadcast film of series or a localised version of such works originally created for a different country or market. Normally referred to with the short form “blog”, it is a periodically updated web site which compiles texts and articles by one or several authors (bloggers) in chronological order with the most recent appearing first. Blogs generally cover a specific subject or theme, with the author or contributors, posting news, events or opinions on whatever they feel appropriate. Rich Media The term rich media was coined to describe a broad range of digital interactive media. Rich media can be downloadable or may be embedded in a webpage such as advertsing that changes with a mouse click or a mouse over. Roadshow Touring technical, financial and commercial information forums held in different venues. Share The proportion of the average audience for a network with respect to the total television audience, expressed as a percentage. Stakeholders Defined globally as those groups or individuals who can reasonably hope to be significantly affected by the organisation’s activities, products and/or services, or those whose actions can be reasonably expected to affect the organisation’s ability to successfully implement its strategies and achieve its objectives. Target audience Group or groups of people to whom the station directs its advertising messages. Window The different ways of commercially exploiting audiovisual content in terms of time. The most common windows for audiovisual content are cinema, DVD and video, pay per view, subscriber services and broadcast television. Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 Annex 101 GRI INDICATORS 1 STRATEGY AND ANALYSIS PAGES 1.1 Presentation of the organisation’s vision and strategy with regard to its contribution to sustainable development by top executive. 1.2 Description of the primary impacts, risk and opportunities 11 68-91 2 PROFILE PAGES PROFILE OF THE ORGANISATION 2.1 Name of the reporting organisation 18 2.2 Main products and/or services, including brands, where appropriate 2.3 Organisation’s operational structure 21 2.4 Location of the organisation’s headquarters 98 2.5 Countries where the organisation operates. 18-21 2.6 Nature of the ownership; legal form 18 2.7 Nature of the markets being served 40-54 2.8 Size of the reporting organisation 2-7 2.9 Significant changes during the period covered by the report in the size, structure or ownership of the organisation. 2.10 Awards and recognition received during the reporting period. 18-21 18-23 69 3 SCOPE OF THE REPORT PAGES PROFILE OF THE REPORT 3.1 Period covered by the report 96 3.2 Date of the most recent previous report (if it exists) 96 3.3 Reporting cycle (annually, biannually, etc.) 96 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 102 Annex 3.4 Contact person/people for the issues in the report 97 SCOPE AND COVERAGE OF THE REPORT 3.5 Process for defining the content of the report 96-97 3.6 Coverage of the report 96-97 3.7 Any limitation as to the scope or coverage of the report 3.8 Basis for producing reports on joint ventures, shared subsidiaries, leased installations, external services operations 97 and other situations which could considerably affect comparisons between periods and/or reporting bodies Techniques used for measuring data and basis for calculations, including the underlying hypotheses and techniques 3.9 used for the estimates applied in the calculation of indicators and other information in the report Description of the nature and effect of any reformulation of information already presented in previous reports 3.10 79(IE) 78- 85 and the reasons for such reformulation Significant changes from previous periods in the scope, coverage or valuation methods used in the report 3, 23, 85 Table indicating the location of basic content in the report 101-110 3.11 47 INDEX OF GRI CONTENT 3.12 VERIFICATION 3.13 Current policies and practices regarding the external verification of the report. if the audit report or other verification of the sustainability report is not included, the basis and scope of any other external verification must be explained. An explanation of the relationship between the reporting entity and the auditors or other verifying entity must be explained. 97, Note (1) 4 GOVERNANCE, COMMITMENTS AND PARTICIPATION OF STAKEHOLDERS GOVERNANCE 4.1 The organisation’s governance structure, including the board of directors’ main committees responsible for strategy design and supervising the organisation Indicate whether the chairman of the main governing body also holds an executive position and, if so, the functions 4.2 performed and the reason therefor. For those organizations with a unitary management structure, percentage of independent, non executive directors 4.3 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 61, 62 61 Annex on the governing body 4.4 Mechanisms which allow shareholders and employees to communicate their recommendations to the governing body 4.5 Relation between director and executive remuneration (including agreements for dismissal) and achievement 62 of the organisation’s financial and non-financial objectives (including social and environmental). 4.6 Procedures implement it to avoid conflicts of interest within the governing body 4.7 Process to determine the skill and experience needed by members of the governing body to guide the organisation’s strategies on issues such as environmental and social opportunities and risks Statements on mission and values, principles and internal codes of conduct and policies with regard to economic, 4.8 environmental and social performance and the level of implementation Management processes for supervising identification and management of the organisation’s financial, environmental and social 4.9 opportunities and risks, as well as its level of adherence or compliance with international standards, principles and codes of conduct. Procedures for the self assessment of the governing body, particularly with regard to financial, environmental 4.10 and social responsibility performance. 70, 75-76, 179(IE) 59, 236-242 (IE) 189 (IE) 166 (IE) 68-69 58, 68-69 184 (IE) COMMITMENT TO EXTERNAL INITIATIVES 4.11 Explanation of whether the organisation takes the precautionary principle or focus into account and in what way. 4.12 Commitments, series of principles or other voluntary initiatives of a financial, environmental or social nature developed N.A. outside the organisation which it endorses or supports 68-69 Membership of business to industrial associations and/or national and international advisory organisations 69-71 103 4.13 PARTICIPATION OF STAKEHOLDERS 4.14 List of stakeholders that the organisation has included 69-72 4.15 The basis for identifying and selecting the main stakeholders 4.16 Methods used to consult stakeholders expressed in terms of frequency of consultation according 69-72, 96 to type and group of stakeholders. Main concerns in a set of interests that have arisen through the participation of stakeholders and the way in which 4.17 the organisation has responded in the preparation of the report. 69-72, 96 69-92 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 104 Annex INFORMATION ON THE MANAGEMENT APPROACH PAGES FINANCIAL ASPECTS: INFORMATION ON THE MANAGEMENT APPROACH Financial performance 26-29 Presence in the market 26-29 Indirect financial impact 29 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS: INFORMATION ON THE MANAGEMENT APPROACH Materials 83-84 Energy 83-84 Water 83 Biodiversity N.A. Note (2) Emissions, dumping and waste 84-85 Products and services 82-85 Regulatory compliance Note (3) Transportation 85 General aspects 81-85 SOCIAL ASPECTS LABOUR PRACTICES AND WORK ETHICS: INFORMATION ON THE MANAGEMENT APPROACH Employment Management/Worker Relationship 73-78 76 On-the-job health and safety 77-78 Training and Education 74-75 Diversity and equal opportunities Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 76 Annex 105 HUMAN RIGHTS: INFORMATION ON THE MANAGEMENT APPROACH Investment and provisioning practices 68 Non-discrimination 76 Freedom of association and collective bargaining 76- 77 Abolition of Child Labour 68 Prevention of forced and obligatory labour 68 Complaints and conciliatory procedures 68-92 Security Practices 73-78 Rights of indigenous peoples N.A. Note (5) SOCIETY: INFORMATION ON THE MANAGEMENT APPROACH Community 79-81 Corruption 68 Public Policy 71 Behaviour of Unfair Competition 71 Regulatory compliance 28 (IE) RESPONSIBILITY FOR PRODUCTS: INFORMATION ON THE MANAGEMENT APPROACH Customer Health and Safety 70-71 Product and Service Labelling 70-71, 86-92 Marketing Communications 71 Customer Privacy 92 Regulatory Compliance 28 (IE) Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 106 Annex FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ASPECT: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE EC1. Economic value generated and distributed 29 EC2. Financial impact and other risks and opportunities for the activities of the organisation due to climate change Note (4) EC3. Coverage of the obligations of the organisation derived from social welfare programmes 118 (IE) EC4. Significant subsidies received from governments 92 (IE) ASPECT: PRESENCE IN THE MARKET EC6. Policy, practices and proportion of expenses corresponding to local suppliers in places where significant operations are developed Note (5) EC7. Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management from the local community in places where significant operations are developed. Note (5) ASPECT: INDIRECT ECONOMIC IMPACT EC8. development and impact of investments in infrastructure and services rendered primarily for the public benefit through, pro bono or in kind commercial commitments 68-92 ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ASPECT: MATERIALS EN1. Total consumption of raw materials by weight and volume 83 EN2. Percentage of materials used that are appraised materials 84 ASPECT: ENERGY EN3. Direct energy consumption, itemised by primary sources 83 EN4. Indirect energy consumption, itemised by primary sources 83 ASPECT: WATER EN8. Total water consumption by source Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 83 Annex ASPECT: BIODIVERSITY EN11. Location and extension of land owned, leased or managed in biodiversity-rich habitats or environmentally protected lands N.A. Note (2) EN12. Analysis of the main impacts on biodiversity of activities and/or products and services in land, sea and fresh water environments N.A. Note (2) ASPECT: EMISSIONS, DUMPING AND WASTE EN16. Total greenhouse gas emissions (direct and indirect) by weight 85 EN17. Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight 85 EN19. Use and emission of ozone reducing substances, by weight 85 EN 20. N2O, SO2 and other significant atmospheric emissions, itemised by type 85 EN 21. Total amount of wastewater, itemised by type and destination N.A. Note (6) EN22. Total weight of waste managed, by type and treatment method 84 EN23. Total number and volume of most significant accidental spills N.A. Note (6) ASPECT: PRODUCTS AND SERVICES EN26. Initiatives to mitigate the environmental impact of the products and services and the degree of mitigation achieved 82 EN27. Percentage of products sold and their packing materials that are recovered at the end of the useful life, by product category N.A. 107 ASPECT: Regulatory Compliance EN28. Incidents and fines related to breach of internationally applicable agreements/treaties/declarations and local, regional, subnational and national regulations on environmental issues Note (3) LABOUR PRACTICE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ASPECT: EMPLOYMENT LA1. Breakdown of the worker collective by type of employment, contract and region 73, Note (7) LA2. Total number of employees in the average turnover, broken down by age, gender and region 73 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 108 Annex ASPECT: MANAGEMENT/WORKER RELATIONSHIPS LA4. Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 77 LA5. Minimum prior warning needed for organisational changes, including those specified in collective bargaining agreements 77 ASPECT: ON-THE-JOB HEALTH AND SAFETY LA7. Rates of absenteeism, occupational accidents and injuries, days lost and number of work related deaths by region. LA8. Education, training, advisory, risk prevention and control programmes applied to workers, their families or members of the community 79-81 ASPECT: EDUCATION AND TRAINING LA10. Average number of training hours per employee, broken-down by employee category 78 74- 75 ASPECT: DIVERSITY AND OPPORTUNITY LA13. Breakdown of the governing bodies and workforce by gender, age, minority status and other diversity indicators LA14. Any gaps between the base salary of men and women, broken down by professional category 61, 73 76 HUMAN RIGHTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ASPECT: INVESTMENT AND PROVISIONING PRACTICES HR1. Percentage and number of total significant investment agreements that include human rights clauses or been subject to human rights analysis Note (8) HR2. Percentage of primary distributors and contractors that have been subject to human rights analysis and measures at that as a result thereof Note (8) ASPECT: NON-DISCRIMINATION HR4. Total number of discriminatory incidents and measures adopted ASPECT: FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING HR5. Company activities in which freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk and measures adopted to protect these rights 76 76- 77 ASPECT: CHILD LABOUR HR6. Activity detected that carry a potential risk of child labour incidents and measures adopted to prevent it Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 68, 76 Annex 109 ASPECT: FORCED LABOUR HR7. Operations identified as a significant risk of force or non-consensual labour and measures adopted to contribute to the elimination thereof 68, 76 SOCIAL INDICATORS ASPECT: COMMUNITY SO1. Nature, scope and effectiveness of practices and programmes for the evaluation and management of the impact of operations on communities, including entrances, exits and operation. N.D. ASPECT: CORRUPTION SO2. percentage and total number of business units analysed for risks relating to corruption 100% SO3. Percentage of employees trained in anticorruption policies and procedures 68 SO4. Measures taken in response to symptoms of corruption 68 ASPECT: PUBLIC POLICY SO5. Position and participation in public policy and any lobbying activities 71 ASPECT: Regulatory Compliance SO8. Total amount of fines and number of nonmonetary sentences imposed for the violation of laws and regulations 28 (IE) PRODUCT LIABILITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ASPECT: CUSTOMER HEALTH AND SAFETY PR1. Lifecycle phases of products and services which are evaluated, for potential improvement, for the impact they may on the health and safety of customers, and the percentage of significant products and services subject to such evaluation procedures 68-92 ASPECT: PRODUCT AND SERVICE LABELLING PR3. Description of policies and management/procedure systems and compliance mechanisms on product labelling and information. 86-92 Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 110 Annex ASPECT: MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PR6. Programmes for compliance with laws or conformity to voluntary codes and standards mentioned in marketing communications, including advertising, promotions and sponsorships. 71 ASPECT: Regulatory Compliance PR9. Cost of any significant fines for failure to comply with regulations relating to products and services provided by the organisation. 28 (IE) (1) The Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements of Telecinco have been audited by Deloitte. The attached financial statements have been audited. (2) All of the facilities of Telecinco are located in industrial parks or urban areas that are far from any natural or protected environment, and therefore the activities of the company have no impact on biodiversity. (3) The company has not been fined or otherwise found guilty of any violation of environmental rules and regulations (4) As a television station, with respect to climate change Telecinco has the same risk as any other human activity. there are no specific risks derived from the business activities of the company. However, there are opportunities. As a television broadcaster, Telecinco can play a role in increasing awareness and distributing good practices that contribute to generating increased awareness and concern among the public for the problems arrive from climate change. (5) The operating context in which Telecinco develops its business is explained throughout this report. Territorially speaking, practically all of the activities of the Group are carried out within Spain, with 99.9% of the workforce being located within Spain at 31 December 2007. (6) Telecinco’s headquarters are located is urban environments and all water consumed is derived from the public network . (7) At 31 December 2007 there were a total of 6 workers in Italy. (8) Practically 100% of the suppliers of the company are from Europe and the United States, a majority of which, for operational reasons being from Spain. Accordingly, the applicable legal framework for assuring human rights are those of Spain. IA: Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility 2007 IE: Financial Statements - Annual Accounts and Corporate Governance Report NA: Not applicable ND: Not available Telecinco Annual Report on Activities, Governance and Corporate Responsibility 2007 GESTEVISIÓN TELECINCO, S.A. Ctra. de Fuencarral a Alcobendas, 4 28049 Madrid, España Client: GESTEVISIÓN TELECINCO, S.A., Communications and External Relations Department Consultancy: Responsables Consulting Print: Coyve
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