PBSNov2011_pg1-12.31.. - Academy Printing Services, Inc.


PBSNov2011_pg1-12.31.. - Academy Printing Services, Inc.
————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Preserving Local History • November 2011
publisher/editor — Michael P. Hagerman
art department — Rita M. Hagerman
[email protected]
advertising sales — Amanda Czartosieski
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office manager — Lori McKiernan: 631-765-3346
regular contributors — Gail F. Horton
— Antonia Booth, Southold Town Historian
A division of:
— Daniel McCarthy
42 Horton Lane - POB 848, Southold NY 11971
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The Peconic Bay Shopper is published monthly eleven months each year. (There in no January issue.)
On Our Cover
These five Greenport High School Athletes toast their Cokes for the
camera in this November 1956 photo. We hope we have the correct
identifictions, from left to right: Ed Ewell, Jim LaBad, Jerry Martocchia,
Porky Howard and Ken Moseby. We are guessing the location to be
Porky’s Restaurant on the North Road in Greenport. Confirmations
or corrections are welcome! Photo courtesy of Bob Heaney and Dick
Breese. See story on page 3.
Are you “old enough to be in the Shopper”?
Any readers who have great old photos that you’d like to see published
can write a caption and stop in with your photo. We will scan it while
you wait so you don’t need to part with your photos.
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————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Dick Breese may have moved south,
but he keeps in touch with his boyhood
village of Greenport. He sent us the
newspaper article to the right — part of
his personal “local history”. When he
was visiting not long ago, he contacted
Bobby Heaney and came up with the
great football photos in this issue.
Dick also gave us the following update:
Just wanted to write down a few thoughts
of the Breese family history! There are
four of us left as starting with dad who
died in 1964 and Curtis who died in the
seventies we did not lose anyone for almost
thirty years. Mom died six day short of one
hundred and one years old. About four years
later Harry and John died a month and a
half of each other.
Earl Jr. is the oldest at 83 then there is
Margaret who is 82, Tom who is 75 and
myself who just turned 73. This fills you in
some of what has happen to us since this
article came out over fifty years ago!
Harry, Dick and Tom on Mom’s 100th Birthday.
Preserving Local History • November 2011
East End to See
Last of ‘Breese Boys’
in 1961
by Ray Batt
Greenport ­— Coaches around this neck of the woods
foresee better times come 1961 for in that year there
won’t be a Breese in the Greenport High lineup for the
first time in 20 years.
The unrivaled dynasty started back in 1942 when
a youngster by the name of Earl Breese went out for
the football team and cracked the varsity lineup. Since
that time more than 80 letters have been awarded to the
Breeses and, when 1961 rolls around, the figure will be
over 100.
Earl, who is now 28 years old, was followed by
his sister Margaret, 26, the only girl among the seven
children. Then came Curt, 24, John, 22, and Tom, 20.
Dick, 18 is rounding out his spectacular career, while
Harry, 15, and the “baby” of the family, has just begun
to show his talent as a frosh.
Between them, the Breeses have enough athletic
equipment to open up a sport shop (...not legible...) out
here probably wish they had done just that years ago
for all of the Breeses with the exception of Margaret,
Curt and Harry have been named to one or more all
There are no all-star teams for females, so Maggie
never had a chance. “But she was outstanding in sports.”
brother Dick says. “She was one of the top girl stars in
softball, basketball and volleyball.”
Curt didn’t have much of a chance either. He was
too heavy for most sports and in football, the coach
reluctantly dropped him from the squad because he
didn’t want to be an accomplice to manslaughter. Curt’s
300-pound frame would bowl over guys like a bulldozer
knocking down trees.
Young Harry, of course, is just starting out but
looks like he’ll grab his share of honors by the time he
bows out via the diploma parade. In football he was
Dick Breese
Bettering Brothers’ Records
the understudy to brother Dick, an all-Suffolk
quarterback. Right now he’s a varsity(..ger?)
and when the track and baseball seasons open
up, he’ll be on those squads. He’s a four-sport
man like the rest of the Breeses.
An Army career man, Earl only recently
received an offer from the Philadelphia Phillies off his play in the Okinawa circuit where
he turned in a .380 BA besides leading the loop
in round-trippers.
Earl, incidentally, started something at
Greenport that his brothers keep knocking apart-he set the school basketball scoring mark for
a season. John came along and broke it only to
see Tom crack that record. But Earl and John
shouldn’t feel so bad — Dick broke Tom’s mark
last year, piling up 459 points. It’ll be Harry’s
turn next... and there’s no more Breeses after
him — and ain’t coaches out there glad?
It’s said that when Tom played his first
varsity game, the opposing coach said, “When
the heck is that darn Breese kid gonna graduate —he’s been around for years.” It won’t be
long now!
————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Preserving Local History • November 2011
Greenport Football. The date on the football reads either 1947 or 1949. We’ve only a few names for this photo. Upper left back row is Coach Ryder. At the end of the last row is Coach
Jackson, and next to him John Breese. Fourth left to right in the middle row is Frank Howard, followed by Tom Breese. If anyone can name these players please mail or email us!
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————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Preserving Local History • November 2011
Greenport Football 1952.
————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Preserving Local History • November 2011
Back L-R: Joe Bush, Bill Dinizio, Chris Beck, Dan Lillis, Reggie Tuthill, ?, John Montgomery, Bill Claudio, ?, Floyd Feldmean, Charlie Bumble, Dick Breese, Coach Dorrie Jackson
Middle L-R: Coach Bob Wells, Tony Volinski, Harry Bubb, Ralph Cervone, Henry Mysloborksi, Tom Breese, Brian King, Cliff Utz, Jim Atwell, Eddie Skrezec
Front L-R: Digger Dawson, Fred Gagen, John Sullivan, Dorrie Jackson, Jr., Harry Breese, Cutchie Corazzini, Butchie Toledo, Larry Grattan
————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Preserving Local History • November 2011
Top L to R: Bill Tuthill, Ed Ewell, Porky Howard, John Sullivan, John Moore, Charlie Bumble, Butchie Toledo, Bob Biggs, Arthur “Booby” Sheppard, Jim LaBad, George Wetmore
Middle L to R: Coach Bob Wells, Tom Lillis, Jack Skrezec, Fred Gagen, Joe Bush, Billy Dinizio, Cutchie Corrazini, George Vallely, Brian King?, Ed Rowe?, Holten Brandi, Bill
Claudio, Chris Montgomery, Mr.Banker, Coach Dorrie Jackson
Front L to R: Dave Higbee, Harry Bubb, Ralph Cervone, Dan Lillis, Henry Myslyborski, Ed Skrezec, Cliff Utz, John Montgomery, Dick Breese, Rich Sledjeski
————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Preserving Local History • November 2011
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————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Preserving Local History • November 2011
Is There a Doctor in the House?
by Dan McCarthy
There were earlier practices where doctors actually made house calls in
Southold. Two of them happened to be Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft and Dr.
Harry E. Stevens. Let’s pay a tribute!
According to a 1932 Traveler article, Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft was
born at Penn’s Grove in New Jersey on July 31, 1857. His early education
was at the home schools in Penn’s Grove. Having completed his preparatory education, Joseph M. Hartranft commenced the study of medicine
with his brother, Dr. John E. Hartranft, a practicing physician in Riverhead. He studied under his brother’s supervision and entered a medical
Dr. Harry E. Stevens
college in Philadelphia. Joseph M. Hartranft graduated on March 10, 1879
and then opened an office in Southold where he had a successful career.
Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft was for 40 years one of the leading physicians on
the North Fork. He served as coroner and health officer of Southold Town
and retired from active practice in 1919.
His first wife was Mary E. Beckwith, daughter of retired Southold sea
captain S. A. Beckwith. Millie Allen of Fulton, NY was his second wife who
died in 1929. Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft was survived at the time of his death
in 1932 by one daughter, Hettie M. Stevens; one son, Joseph B. Hartranft
of Garden City; and one grandson, Joseph Hartranft 3rd. Hettie M.
Stevens was the wife of Dr. Harry E. Stevens of Southold.
Rose Case Newell wrote in her book about Peconic titled A
Rose of the Nineties that there was no hospital on the East End in
1900. Dr. Joseph Hartranft would be on his way to a patient by
horse and buggy and was known as a wonderful old-time general
practitioner. Dr. Hartranft delivered more than 3,000 babies in
his time. Rose Case Newell remembered the doctor having a bushy
beard and moustache and that he wore an ankle-length bearskin
coat and seal-skin cap that was turned down over his ears. A bill
from Dr. Hartranft was found in Rose Case Newell’s grandfather’s
desk dated 1888 which listed a house call costing $1; an office call,
fifty cents; and medicine, $1.25.
Funeral services for Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft were held at his
residence in Southold Village. Southold Presbyterian Church pastor Rev. William Lloyd of the Southold Presbyterian Church, Rev.
E. W. Howell (pastor of the Southold Methodist Church of which
Dr. Hartranft was a member), and former pastor of the Southold
Universalist Church, Rev. Abram Conklin, officiated.
Dr. Stevens was born on October 23, 1881 in Cape May, New
Jersey. He was the son of Capt. Daniel E. Stevens and Harriet Eldredge who were descendants of Cape May’s early families. His
preliminary education was at Bellefonte Academy, an old Pennsylvania school, after which he entered Jefferson Medical College in
Philadelphia and graduated in 1906. He practiced medicine in the
State of New Jersey in Cape May which met an interstate reciprocal
requirement enabling him to practice in the State of New York.
He met Hettie Hartranft who was graduating from the Broad
Street Conservatory of Music in Philadelphia while he was training
at Jefferson Medical College. Their marriage took place in 1907
in the Southold village home of Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft. That
same year Dr. Stevens built and established his home and office in
Jamesport where he practiced for 12 years. The Stevenses moved to
Southold in 1919 where they took up residence in the old house
built by Capt. Sherburne A. Beckwith, Mrs. Stevens’ grandfather.
Photo courtesy of Southold Free Library Whitaker Historical Collection
10 ————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Preserving Local History • November 2011
The old house and office where Dr. Stevens was located in Southold still stands on the
corner of Main Road and what is now known as Beckwith Avenue.
A 50-year member of the Masonic Lodge in Riverhead, Dr. Stevens practiced medicine until his last year. He passed away in August of 1963. He was survived by his wife,
Hettie Hartranft Stevens; a sister, Ida Stevenson of Haddonfield, NJ; and three nephews.
Funeral services were held at the Southold Methodist Church with the Rev. Ben Burns
officiating. Interment was in the Willow Hill Cemetery in Southold. Arrangements were
under the direction of the DeFriest Funeral Home.
Dr. Stevens was known for sound judgment. His doctoring profession lasted for 56
years in Southold. Forty-five of those years at his home and office called “The House by
the Side of the Road.” You might say it had that old country charm and so did the good
Six hundred friends of Dr. Harry E. Stevens attended a birthday party in his honor
on October 23, 1950 at the Southold high school. John Ulp led community singing
before the guests arrived. The traditional “Happy Birthday” song was delivered in a fullvoice rendition as the doctor and his wife arrived. Master of ceremonies was Russell
Davison and he introduced Rensselaer G. Terry Sr. who offered greetings and congratulations. Mr. Terry presented a guest book that was signed by everyone present as well as
a beautiful watercolor of the familiar white house on the corner of Beckwith Avenue by
artist Joseph di Gemma. Mr. Davison shared an item that was in the guest book by Dr.
Dr. Harry Stevens and his wife Hettie are shown at a birthday party in his H. Robinson Shipherd who wrote a tribute to Dr. Stevens on the opening page. Mrs.
honor, October 23, 1950 at the Southold High School. Photo courtesy of the Stevens was paid a just tribute by Mrs. Ann Currie-Bell. Rev. C. E. Wells shared a compoSouthold Historical Society.
sition which gave gratitude to Dr. Stevens for his service to the people of the North Fork.
John Ulp played a song titled I Shall
Not Pass This Way Again which ended
the program. A two-tiered birthday
cake by the Southold Bakery was then
brought in with flaming candles just as
the auditorium darkened. Most of the
600 present could have had a slice and
supposedly most of them did. There
was a blowing out of the candles and
afterward was camaraderie with each
person extending their best wishes to
the doctor and his wife.
Among the organizations instrumental in getting Dr. Stevens’ friends
notified were the Southold Rotary
Club, Griswold-Terry-Glover Post,
American Legion and its Auxiliary Unit,
the Southold Grange, the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.), the
Tuesday Club, Southold Rebekahs,
Custer Institute, and the Southold Fire
Department. The Universalist Church,
Presbyterian Church, St. Patrick’s
Church, the Methodist Church, and
the Shiloh Baptist Church were also
contacted. The friendship and goodwill never be forgotten.
The Southold Historical Society
has original account books of Dr. Joseph M. Hartranft from the late 1800s
to early 1900s in its archives. The archive collection also includes Dr. Harry
E. Stevens’ original 1943-1962 account
book on file in good condition. Each
of its 324 pages has columns showing
dates and charges.
Southold Historical Society Headquarters is located in the Prince Building on the Main Road
in Southold just east of the Main Street Grill.
Dan McCarthy is available on Tuesdays from
9-3. Other staff members will also be happy to
help during office hours. Visit on the web at
www.southoldhistoricalsociety.org or call 7655500 for further information.
————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
Preserving Local History • November 2011
————————————————————— 11
One more 1954 Greenport High School photo to share —but baseball this time. Left to right: Grover Thompson, Jack Mulhall and Dick Breese.
11:22 AM
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Preserving Local History • November 2011
11032 Peconic NOV
12 ————————————————————— The Peconic Bay Shopper •
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