the unique media kit
the unique media kit
THE UNIQUE SCHOOLS GUIDE ASIA MEDIA KIT an exclusive guide to schools and education in Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing & Shanghai “ ITS and the HK Schools’ Guide has been a key partner in educating our readers about the ins and outs of navigating the education systems in Hong Kong and Singapore. Shea Stanley, Founder THE UNIQUE SCHOOLS GUIDE ASIA THE UNIQUE SCHOOLS GUIDE ASIA 2013-2014: AN OVERVIEW THE UNIQUE SCHOOLS GUIDE ASIA ITS is particularly pleased to announce that its newest edition, available in August 2013, has been expanded to include Shanghai and Beijing. The growing economic importance and viability of these Mainland Chinese cities means more real-world opportunities for expats and more importantly, their children. These include an increase in multicultural diversity, good schooling alternatives, Mandarin Language immersion and better preparation for the world of tomorrow. We’re sure you’ll find the updated information beneficial and we look forward to continuing to grow with you in Asia. edUcatIon oPtIonS For chIldren WIth SPecIal needS as a parent of a child with special needs, you know what is important to investigate when finding a new school. not all schools provide special needs services and some schools do not have trained special education teachers on staff who can provide in specialised instruction. moving your child from one school to another can be an arduous and stressful task. you have to be honest about your child’s needs and realistic about the expectations you have for them and a school. 78 I ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 that each individual school provides. Furthermore, several organisations have been set up by expats in hong Kong for children with varied special needs. The Watchdog early Learning Centre Watchdog was founded in 1983. It is an early education centre providing intensive and well-rounded early and that the move from preschool to primary to secondary school goes as smoothly as possible. If you consider the local system for your child, the education Bureau of hong intervention and therapy programmes for children with Special educational needs from newborn to age six, and for both cantonese and non-cantonese speaking children. Kong provides school-based and centre-based assessment services for children suspected of having physical and sensory disabilities, speech and language impairments, ‘We support children who have a wide spectrum of challenges including speech delay, autistic Spectrum disorder, cerebral Palsy, downs Syndrome, attention deficit learning or behavioural problems. the Bureau runs two Special education Services centres in Kowloon tong, (Kowloon) and Kwai chung, (new hyperactivity disorder as well as a variety of other physical and mental needs,’ says Stella Wong, executive director of Watchdog. territories). assessment services that include psychological, social and educational assessment for children with ‘We currently operate at maximum capacity of more than 70 children in our regular programme and another 60 children in our Saturday programme.”We opened our new children suspected of having hearing problems. other schools and early education institutions also If your child has a learning disability, their special educational needs can be met either in a mainstream school with extra support or in a special-needs school learning needs. Students who have special educational needs are admitted when their individual needs can be met through the amount and particular type of support choosing a school is one of the most important events in every child’s education. as parents, you want to do your very best to ensure your child goes to the school you prefer learning and behavioural problems, speech and language assessment for children suspected of having speech and language impairments, and audiological assessments for spEcIAl EDUcATIoNAl NEEDs many international schools have selective admission policies for children with special needs and some schools provide supplemental services for students with mild special place great importance on identifying learning problems so they can help a child as early as possible. however, some international and local schools do not have adequate resources for students with learning difficulties and many have selective admission policies. eSf (english Schools foundation) eSF is the primary provider of primary and secondary academic support for a wide range of Special education needs (Sen). there are three secondary- age learning support classes open at West Island School in Pokfulam and there are also Sen classes at quarry Bay Primary School, the Peak and clearwater Bay Primary School. Bradbury Primary School caters for moderate to severe learning difficulties while providing specialist teacher support and integration in mainstream classes. the eSF is determined to push Sen classes in all of its schools and are truly committed to increasing these classes. the well-established Jockey club Sarah roe School in Kowloon offers 60 places for children aged 5-19 with severe learning difficulties. school in 2009 in Kowloon which caters for 55 children from birth to six years,” explains Wong. ‘We decided to expand because of the lack of Sen services for english-speaking children in hong Kong and before we opened there was no service in Kowloon.’ emphasising the importance of special needs education, Wong stresses, ‘It is extremely important that children with Sen receive critical early intervention at the “earliest” age possible so as to maximise their full potential.’ Watchdog employs highly qualified early interventionists who are professionally trained in fields associated with special education, early education and psychology. the staff members include an educational psychologist, special needs teachers, speech, occupational, physio and music therapists, special care child workers and a social worker, all of whom provide special needs children with the most advanced programmes and assessment techniques available. In fact, as Wong notes, ‘We run six hours of classroom instruction a week, weekly therapy sessions including speech, occupational physiotherapy and music therapy, one-onone instruction with a Special needs teacher and also a Saturday programme for children.’ ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 I 79 THE PUBLISHER OF THE ‘THE UNIQUE SCHOOLS GUIDE ASIA’ ‘The Guide’ is published by ITS Education Asia who operate Hong Kong Education Department registered schools in Hong Kong and education consultancy services in Hong Kong and Singapore. The ITS Group offers top quality tuition and schooling and is licensed by Edexcel (the UK’s largest qualification body) and Pearson. With accreditation from UCAS (the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service Centre, UK) and the Workplace English Campaign in Hong Kong, and a seat on the education Committee of The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, readers can be completely confident in the quality and accuracy of The Guide‘s content. Information in The Guide has been written by qualified teachers and education consultants. As a result, its content is not only thorough, it is also trustworthy and kept up-todate and topical with a new edition of The Guide being published annually. “ ‘The Unique School Guide is the MUST have book to put you on the right direction when you start your school search. ITS has given me very helpful insight into the different schools, applications and more importantly which school is right for my kid.’ Brooke Babington Bowers, Hong Kong January 2013 ‘Over 90% of our time and energy has been spent on finding the right school, and it totally consumed us at first; but the Unique Schools Guide made it much easier on us with its detailed breakdown of each school.’ Scott, relocated from Australia, June 2011 ‘I had no idea where to start with the school search for my first-born ‘till I followed the steps suggested by the Schools Guide.’ Cathy Chan, Hong Kong August 2011 ‘I realised I was acting on inaccurate rumours when I first tried to apply for international schools. Thankfully, I was wiser with the ITS Schools Guide.’ Lam Chung Hin, Hong Kong, December 2011 ‘The most thorough guide for parents!’ Benjamin Hau, London, UK, February 2011 ‘Comprehensive and well written, it makes a great starting point for parents trying to understand schools in Hong Kong.’ The Standard, Hong Kong, November 2009 THE UNIQUE SCHOOLS GUIDE ASIA Readers of The Guide come from a range of backgrounds and from all over the world. Many of them are executives, directors and senior managers who all have high hopes for their children, both academically and socially. ITS survey in 2011, 58% of The Guide’s readers have at least two children and 70% have lived in more than 2 countries. 45% 70% 90,000 readers read The Guide on the go! of readers enrol their children in many extra-curricular activities 62% place emphasis on their children’s holistic development 80% relocate with their families WHO ARE OUR READERS? 90,000 readers With a readership of approximately , The Unique Schools Guide Asia (The Guide) is the definitive guide for parents living in, or relocating to, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing or Shanghai who would like to know more about schooling choices for their children. With comprehensive, well-written and clear information about schooling and other educational choices, this book is a ‘must-read’ for those relocating to or presently residing in one of these cities in Asia. READER’S FAST FACTS A significant majority of readers in Hong Kong: 70% of readers enrol their children in many extra-curricular activities 62% place emphasis on their children’s holistic development 80% relocate with their families 45% read The Guide on the go! interfere with their studies. Parents should not be surprised if their child shows quick adjustment to their move outside of their new home, but are showing problems adjusting when they are with their family. • Keep in close contact with your child’s new school so you can talk to the school if necessary about your child’s adjustment to their move. • Be patient: some children thrive in new environments and quickly make new friends, becoming involved with school activities without missing a beat; others may need more time to get used to changes. Providing your child with new experiences in new places will help them in the future when they need to make decisions about where to live and adapt to new environments. nUrtUre nannIeS By Second nUrtUre nannIeS choosing the right childcare option is a huge decision for any family, and Second nurture nannies is here to help make that decision easier! as two nannies working in hong Kong, lara Stace and narelle tunks recognised the on-going high demand for Western nannies in asia. during their working day they would be continually asked by parents if they knew any reliable and educated nannies, while additionally being asked by nannies if they were aware of any good agencies that could help them with their job search. From all of this it was clear that parents and nannies alike needed additional help, and Second nurture nannies was established as a result. Since then it has rapidly grown, developing both a large clientele and nanny base throughout asia and beyond. lara has over 10 years nanny experience with all ages and has a background in human resources, and is continuing to work as a nanny in hong Kong while helping to run Second nurture nannies. narelle is a qualified Paediatric nurse, previously working at melbourne’s royal children’s hospital. She has worked as a nanny both in the UK and hong Kong for the past three years. With this extensive previous and current nanny experience, Second nurture nannies aims to provide a service that both parents and nannies alike want personable, thorough, proactive and highly efficient. they are passionate and enthusiastic about finding the right people for the right jobs and building long and lasting relationships. nannies prides themselves on providing world-class international native english-speaking nannies and maternity nurses to families within hong Kong and South east asia. all child carers and families are interviewed personally by one of our consultants. this ensures that your exact needs are identified, as are those of the child carers, ensuring a match that is right for you. our services include: • Full-time nannies • Temporary nannies • Nanny share • Maternity nurses • Babysitters all of the child carers have a minimum of two years relevant work experience, checkable references, current first aid training and CrB/police checks. as nannies themselves, lara and narelle know the support that is needed when employing a nanny and aim to make the process as easy and smooth as possible. they provide you with interview guides and questions, contracts, continued support once a child carer is employed and are available to answer any questions that you may have along the way. as well as this, they introduce your nanny to a network of other child carers, give advice where possible and mediate between the family and nanny if needed. all of this gives you a solid base to build a long and happy relationship with your child carer. We believe we provide a valuable service to our clients and a sound working relationship of support and advice for nannies and maternity nurses. If you have any questions or would simply like to talk to lara or narelle personally, please do not hesitate to contact us! address: P.o. Box 7392, General Post office, hong Kong. email: [email protected] Consultants Lara Stace, director email: [email protected] Tel: +852 97593703 Narelle Tunks, director email: [email protected] Tel: +852 90318482 our Services as hong Kong’s premier nanny agency, Second nurture WHEN FAMILIES MOVE: helPInG chIldren adJUSt chooSInG the rIGht helPer In honG KonG By hIre-a-helPer aSIa Finding a suitable domestic helper can either be a breeze, a daunting task or an absolute nightmare. Below are two tips which might help but, needless to say, an employer/ helper relationship is just like any other relationship - ‘It takes two to tango; two hands to clap.’ of course things do vary according to an employer’s household requirements and priorities. household. Based on experience (both as an employer and with interviews with employers), if there are small children (two years old and younger), the priority is on the care and welfare of the children especially if both parents are working. household chores and everything else take second place. For families with older children (primary age), the focus is still on the children but some emphasis on food and nourishment is vital as well. actual care- giving starts here, together with cooking skills, which are a must, and performing the • Character and compatibility is my number one thing to look for as I firmly believe skills can be taught and learned. character, however, comes from within and is very difficult to change. When interviewing a candidate, profiling is very important. at the end of an interview, an employer should know more or less if the helper and members of the household are able to get along with each other, if the applicant is hard working (and consistent), honest (works even when the employer is not around and can do so without being supervised), and has a pleasing personality. She doesn’t have to be beautiful, but you do want a helper who is neat, tidy, not a gossipy type, and is unlikely to show grumpiness and a stressed out face especially first thing in the morning. • Skills – cooking, cleaning, caring of children, etc. Skill requirements vary depending on the employer’s baron Junior music academy offering music programmes for children who enjoy learning through drama games, playing musical instruments, dance and storytelling. address: room 1101, hong Kong arts centre, 2 harbour road, Wanchai Tel: 2877 1660 email: [email protected] Children’s Technology Workshop offering lego classes to younger kids and robotics, animation, game design and architecture. address: Unit B, 1/F, 151-153 Wong Nai Chung road, Happy Valley (opposite craigengower cricket club) Ease y our workload at home. Let us help y ou find a suit able helper. For enquiry , please call Luz or Est ella at 3188 9399 Or visit our websit e (Free Online Domest ic Helper Search) Product s/Services: Dom estic Helper Recruiting, Screening and Assessm ent of Suitability , Webcam Interv iew (Sky pe/Yahoo), Dom estic Helper Contract and HK Im m igration Visa Processing, Pre-Em ploy m ent Medical Check-up, Dom estic Helper Insurance, Free Online Dom estic Helper Search - Hon g Kon g Offi ce : 1 3 /F, Un ion C om m er c ia l Bu ildin g , 1 2 -1 6 Ly n dh u r st T er r a c e, C en t r a l, H on g Kon g SA R Em a il: a dm in @ h a h a a sia . c om Hi r e-A -Hel per A si a /HA HA (W h olly -Ow n ed a n d Oper a t ed By Lu z D'S ou za & C om pa n y Lim it ed - In su r a n c e & Fin a n c ia l Ser v ic es) H KFI Reg . No. 0 5 9 0 6 2 2 4 CAKES FOR BIRTHDAY PARTIES arabella’s Party Tel: 2638 3174 baby Cakes address: 11/F, Horizon Plaza, 2 Lee Wing St, Ap Lei Chau Tel: 3175 8716 FAMIly faust International youth Theatre runs after-school and holiday drama workshops in venues around hong Kong. address: 13thFloor, Fu Fai commercial centre, 27 hillier Street, Sheung Wan email: [email protected] Tel: 2547 9114 gymboree offering many art, movement, music or sports classes for infants through to 5 year olds. address: 3104-05 Universal trade ctr, 3 arbuthnot road, central email: [email protected] Tel: 2899 2210 informed every step of the way as it’s about working together to create better results for your child. Email: [email protected] brain releases endorphins while in this relaxed altered state of mind. Who doesn’t like daydreaming? It makes us feel good. hypnosis is positive productive daydreaming with guided imagery and visualisation thrown in to achieve the goals we desire. a wonderful book recommended for parents by deborah dewey, a qualified hypnotherapist in hong Kong who trained at with the london college of clinical hypnosis, is ‘harry the hypno-potamus; metaphorical tales for the treatment of children’ by linda thomson, Phd, mSn, cPnP, available on If you are ready to use clinical hypnotherapy for your child, it is advised for the parent only to attend the first session in 106 I ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 USeFUl reSoUrceS dIrectory The Kitchen cooking courses for little ones who love food. lots of fun making pizza, dim sum, muffins and much more. a great place for children’s birthday parties. address: Unit F, 1st Floor, Sum Way mansion, 1 Belcher’s Street, Western email: [email protected] Tel: 9522 3003 anastassia’s art House russian art academy offering art education for children and adults in a gallery environment. they offer many classes and workshops at locations in central, Sai Kung and repulse Bay. Tel: 2526 0882 artland For all things arts and crafts related, artland offers just about everything under the sun you could possibly imagine. It’s the preferred choice of art materials for schools. address: 3/F Lockhart Centre, 301-307 Lockhart road, Wanchai Tel: 2511 4845 email: [email protected] baby Signs the Baby Signs program helps children develop both language and cognitive skills. there are a number of Baby Signs classes around the city - and private workshops can be arranged. email: [email protected] Tel: 5174 0112 Cake-a-Licious address: LG/F, 11 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central Tel: 2815 2218 Complete deelite address: 2/F On La Centre, 11-15 on lan Street, central Tel: 3167 7022 MATTERs Heng yue yen Long Kwon hong Kong’s best known Kung Fu centre. address: 10 Floor morrison Plaza, 9 morrison hill road Tel: 2511 8787 order to decide on the right method and strategy for the child. a child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian under the age of 16. Parents are present in each session and always practice accessible to a wide range of people in different settings. currently I’m teaching weekly classes in Sheung Wan, and am involved in taking Five rhythms™ out into the community. I teach the elderly, and a group of Special needs children. So my youngest student is aged three, and the eldest 93! I worked in human resources at marks & Spencer for 19 years – the last 3 were in hong Kong. When the time came to return to london, I stayed here and worked as a Personal Fitness trainer both at the american club and as a freelancer for several years. Poor health required me to change jobs and my outlook on life, and Five rhythms™ found me. certification to teach the rhythms required me to study for approximately 1,000 hours with accredited teachers, • Focusing on shape and definition helps us move in a clear and expressive way without being rigid or tense; it’s about taking action. • How do we move with unpredictability? Do we attempt to control it or surrender to it? in this rhythm we learn to let ITS HKSg I Issue 3 2011 I 99 college of clinical hypnosis stated, ‘hypnotherapy works with the natural way a child thinks. In the USa, over 50% of doctors registered with the american association of Paediatricians endorse techniques commonly associated with clinical hypnosis, such as suggestion, metaphor, storytelling and relaxation.’ In the past, hypnosis has been widely misunderstood because of myths associated with it. It is not ‘mind control.’ the opposite is true as it is about getting the mind to ‘work for you.’ even today it remains something of a mystery, even though it is only an altered state of awareness very similar to a ‘productive daydream.’ at the same time the Sheryl feniger - background • By moving continuously we practice on-going change, neither resisting it or forcing it, finding ways to move smoothly and flexibly around obstacles in our path. 98 I ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 solution-focused approach to clearing a child’s obstacles and helps create new cognitive and perceptual skills. Sheila menon, the director and Principal of the london It does appeal to people who like to move, dance and have fun. It’s a simple practice, and yet as the experience deepens, there are more and more discoveries to be made. What can the rhythms teach us? Kinder u Kinder U offers fun-filled activities promoting early brain and physical development. address: room 601-602 6/F, Eton Tower, 8 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay Tel: 2970 2382 edible arrangements address: G05 nathan Square, 348 nathan rd (novotel hotel), Jordan, Kowloon Tel: 2385 0158 email: [email protected] useful Websites LittleSteps offers free email newsletters and a website devoted to delivering the inside scoop on what to do, buy and discover in Hong Kong and beyond for families. a useful website for expats living in hong Kong. Geoexpat includes classifieds, forums, jobs listings, property ads and a resource directory for expats in hong Kong. Hong Kong offers significant benefits to families: good schools, excellent education, fun activities and best of all, a unique culture you’ll find all you need to know for raising babies and preschoolers in hong Kong. Kindermusik by Catherine offering music playgroups for infants up to 7 year olds. address: 9/F, Universal Trade Centre, 3-5 Arbuthnot road, Central email: [email protected] Tel: 2518 4840 Little Picasso Founder and artist Lindy Moran Viola offers a range of inspiring art classes for Hong Kong’s young artists. address: Studio 10, 21st Floor, oceanic Industrial centre, 2 lee lok Street, ap lei chau email: [email protected] Tel: 9523 2878 96 I ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 Panda Junction offers active learning programmes for infants, toddlers and young children. their activity room consists of wooden and soft form-foam equipment. address: Wyndham Place, 20th Floor, 44 Wyndham Street, central Tel: 2855 0906 PeKiP PeKiP is a child development programme that facilitates the development of babies in their first year through play and movement. Tel: 2573 6623 Play Sport Coaching offering many sports camps and courses including Soccertots, rugbytots, tennis, as well as private lessons. SuperCamp from P.a.L. (Pro-active Learning) offering educational summer camps. Tel: 2736 9898 Treasure Island & global adventures Surf & Sea camps open to children from ages 5 – 13 at Pui o Beach, lantau. Tel: 2984 8711 moving to a new community can be an exciting but sometimes difficult event for a child and a family, depending on the circumstances of the move. For example, different issues are raised if the move is due to a parent’s promotion rather than divorce, death, or a change to a family’s income. the logistics of a move can also influence a child’s adjustment; moving across town is far less complicated than a move across the country. For many children, moving is a positive experience as it brings the opportunity to develop new friendships, pursue new interests, increase social confidence and learn important lessons about adapting to change. For others, it can be quite stressful. What follows is a guide for managing the different issues facing parents and children when they move. age matters a child’s age and general personality affect how a child deals with moving. Some children adapt easily to new situations while others may need more time to adjust to their new situation. • Toddlers and preschoolers are often unable to comprehend the meaning of a move or complex explanations relating to it. as young children usually do best when things are predictable, keeping to a routine with familiar things and people can ease transitions for them. • Children in kindergarten or first grade may find a move stressful because they have just started the process of separating from their parents and adjusting to teachers and social relationships. they may temporarily regress to behaviours more typical of younger children and become more dependent on their parents. • School-age children are likely to be concerned about fitting in with new friends and dealing with different academic demands. their general personalities and social styles may influence their ease in adjusting to a move. • Teens will usually be able to understand the reasons for a decision to move, but they may not be happy about it. at a time when they are establishing important relationships outside of their family, they may feel the move threatens their evolving identities. the move can be disruptive to their social stability if they have wellestablished friendship groups or an interest they are pursuing. The moving Process the three phases of a move – before, during and after go of old patterns, creating more space and freedom in It’s my intention to bring Five rhythms™ into the hurly-burly of our modern urban life in a practical and relevant way. my presentation style tends to be humorous and to make the our movement. – and its three environments – educational, social and • Once we have created space, it’s possible to move more lightly a creative, playful energy. family – should allwithbe carefully considered. • We then discover how we move just being who we are and where we are at. before the move If these descriptions sound like an analogy for our lives, that’s exactly what they are. In essence, Five rhythms™ is a moving mediation. and this spring I completed the year long teachertraining programme. Tel: +852 9150 7496 • Timing a move is important. Parents should carefully email: [email protected] consider their options when faced with the decision to move. certain moves may be inevitable such as helPInG when a StUdentS to StUdy: doeS hyPnoSIS WorK? By Deborah Dewey, Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH) parent has to transfer jobs, but when circumstances allow How does hypnosis work with children? for flexibility, it is often better to postpone or avoid a move children are surprisingly easy to hypnotise because they have active imaginations that are able to conjure up worlds at certain transitional times, such as for example, whenprincesses and fantasy animals in an instance. of dinosaurs, these make-believe worlds of fantasy and pretend play are the a teen is is preparing for externally-marked exams. Some key-hole through which it is possible to create change in their ‘realchildren worlds.’ as children are naturally responsive to positive families have found that moving mid-year enables suggestions of change, hypnotherapeutic techniques are a fun way create new habits for success, and to let go of old to use the second part of the school year to adjust to totheir unwanted habits that hold children back from reaching their new environment, while others find that starting full fresh inBoth adults and children are able to benefit from potential. hypnosis because it creates new neuropathic ways to develop the autumn at the beginning of the new school year is easier. new habits and behaviour. about 75% of adults are capable of being hypnotised, and for children, the rate is higher as they • Talk about the decision and explain the reason for the are considerably more in touch with their imaginations. Sheila move. If the move is for the better, explain how itmenon, willthe director and Principal of the london college of clinical hypnosis stated, ‘clinical hypnosis teaches children affect the children for the better. If the move involves how to use their imagination constructively. the natural day dreaming ability that your child has can become a rehearsal difficult changes, parents should be honest about how future life events.’ Instead of it being ‘just for important another treatment’, hypnosis has special advantages of being things are going to be different. For older children, include able to create changes at the subconscious level. metaphorical them, if possible, in any decision-making. If it’s possible, children should visitI Issue their 104 I ITS UHKSG 3 2011new home and school before the move actually takes place. encourage older children to use the Internet to research their new school and find out about clubs and activities which interest them. Can hypnosis help with learning and passing exams? yes, if your child is motivated. childhood problems related to studying, concentration and reading difficulties can readily be addressed. When physical, mental or environmental conditions interfere with a child, they often hinders their academic ability. While children have fewer coping strategies, their subconscious mind is highly responsive to change. children naturally vie towards happiness and success, even when things don’t go right for them. hypnotherapeutic techniques are used to create better behaviour and to sharpen study skills in children. as children naturally want to learn, explore and be creative, hypnosis is able to cultivate a child’s imagination and adapt it to their real world of learning. the first step a clinical hypnotherapist does is to re-focus the child into positive study habits and mentally rehearse a better study routine for them during hypnosis, the mind is in a deep, relaxed state which helps the wave activity in the brain, which ultimately helps control stress and anxiety. through a child’s unconscious mind, the building of better positive mental images through suggestion, stories and metaphorical methods is able to create the changes needed for the child to reach their full potential. It is an enjoyable experience and results happen surprisingly quickly. to determine whether a child would benefit from hypnosis, the following are typical questions a parent should ask themselves: does my child have test and exam nerves? does my child have poor concentration skills when studying? Would my child benefit from new motivational strategies? If you think your child doesn’t have the ability to change, think again! your child’s subconscious is the powerhouse (or inner guide) that drives them to new positive ways. Is clinical hypnosis safe for children? yes, hypnosis is a safe and non-evasive tool that enhances a child’s potential for self-improvement or for healing purposes. traditional medical treatments using drugs produce drowsiness, nausea or other unpleasant side effects. hypnosis, on the other hand works by empowering a child’s mind in a safe, gentle and effective way. When a clinical hypnotherapist creates a treatment plan, they act as a coach or guide to a child’s imagination as children see hypnosis as the same as pretending, imagining or daydreaming. hypnosis is a ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 I 105 • For young children and toddlers, put their furniture in the moving van last so that it is first to unload. this will help orientate them quickly to the new surroundings. • Have children of all ages pack a bag of essential, favourite, ‘can’t live without’ things to keep with them while their other belongings are being transported. after the move hoNg koNg schools DIREcToRy Scheduling some outings that involve ‘coming home’ to a new home can help enhance the sense of a familiar place that is needed after a move. other things to consider include: • Encourage children to become involved in a school sports team. teams provide a ready-made group of peers to make friends with and this can help a child feel less of a stranger at breaks and lunchtime in school. • Clubs or groups outside of school are also useful for children to join. these offer the opportunity to meet and make friends with peers with similar interests outside of school, and this can help with integration into a new community. • Older children and teens can benefit from taking part in volunteer work or taking on a part-time job that does not FamIly matterS tIPS moving with children: tips to make your move less stressful. Helping Children move It’s important to involve ITS HKSg I Issue 3 2011 I 97 them in the decision-making process so they understand why they’re moving and know what to expect. eSF SchoolS 英基學校 beacon Hill School Website: address: 23 ede road, Kowloon tong Tel: 2336 5221 email: [email protected] Principal: John Brewster admissions officer: Barbara Woo admissions email: [email protected] admissions Tel: 2336 5221 Curriculum: IB PyP Language(s) of Instruction: english Learning Support: Withdrawal literacy and/or numeracy groups, perceptual motor programme, fine motor programmes Term dates: August - December / January - March / April - June grades: year 1 - 6 enrolment Period: September (year 1) ; all year-round (years 2 - 6) annual Tuition fees: hK$63,000 Services: Bus, summer programmes The school has approximately 540 pupils and is located in Kowloon. It has 18 classes for children aged 5 -11. Beacon Hill School offers the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. The curriculum at Beacon Hill School is well balanced, meeting the academic, social, personal, emotional, physical and cultural needs of each child. The children are empowered and encouraged to become confident citizens of the future. The students come from over 30 countries which adds an excellent international mix to the atmosphere and the richness of the school experience. 畢架山小學 網址 地址:九龍塘義德道23號 電話:2336 5221 電郵:[email protected] 校長:John Brewster 招生主任: Barbara Woo 入學查詢電郵:[email protected] 入學查詢電話:2336 5221 課程:IB小學課程(PYP) 教學語言 : 英語 學習支援 : 有專為有讀寫和/或計算困難的學生而設的支授小組、知感肌能訓 練計劃、社交及生活技能課程 上課日期:8 - 12月/ 1 - 3月/ 4 - 6月 班級:1 - 6 年級 報名日期: 9月(1年級) ,全年(2 - 6年級) 每年學費:63,000元 服務:校車,暑期課程 位於九龍區的畢加山小學在1967年創校,約有學生540人,開設十八班供五歲至 十一歲的學童就讀,並提供IB小學課程(PYP)。該課程協調和滿足每一個孩子 在學術、社會、個人、情 、身體和文化上的需求,同時鼓勵並協助孩子成為自 信的新一代。學校亦開設學習支援班。此外,由於學生來自逾三十個國家,國際 化的環境令校園氣氛生氣盎然,豐富校園生活體驗。 bradbury School Website: address: 43c Stubbs road, Wan chai Tel: 2574 8249 email: [email protected] Principal: Sandra Webster admissions email: [email protected] admissions Tel: 2574 8249 Curriculum: IB PyP Language(s) of Instruction: english Learning Support: yes Term dates: August - December / January - April / May - June grades: 1 - 6 enrolment Period: September (year 1); all year-round (years 2 - 6) annual Tuition fees: $63,000 Services: Bus, children’s technology Workshop, easter camps Bradbury School offers a caring, friendly environment which provides children with an all-round education of the very highest quality and where joyful learning is important. Children are encouraged to become independent thinkers who are curious about the world around them, and who develop the skills to become learners and leaders in a 21st century global environment. 白普理英文小學 網址 地址:香 灣仔司徒拔道43號C encourage your child to join a sports team or extra-curricular activity at their new school. Keep a regular routine. children are most comfortable when they participate in things that are predictable. 4. chance. hypnosis utilises this imaginative sphere of the mind (the right side of the brain) by aiding and creating healthy and happy change from within. during the moving Process 1. 2. 3. stories, tales, fantasy and fairy tales act in an indirect way to guide and create change. most children love to pretend and imagine things and can do so all day long if they have the monitor progress. monitor the progress of your child at his/her new school; become involved with your child’s new school community by volunteering at school events. 電話:2574 8249 電郵:[email protected] 校長:Sandra Webster 招生主任:Cyme Leung 入學查詢電郵:[email protected] 入學查詢電話:2574 8249 課程:IB小學課程(PYP) 教學語言:英語 學習支援:有 上課日期:8 - 12月/ 1 - 4月/ 5 - 6月 班級:1 - 6 報名日期: 9月(1年級) ,全年(2 - 6年級) 每年學費:63,000元 服務:校車,兒童科技工作坊,復活節 白普理小學關懷學生,重視快樂學習,讓他們在備受愛護的環境下接受最優質的 全面教育。學校鼓勵學生獨立思考,培養他們對周圍世界事物的好奇心,發展學 習技能,在二十一世紀全球化環境下成為領袖人物。 Clearwater bay School Website: address: lot 235, dd229, clearwater Bay road, Kowloon Tel: 2358 3221 email: [email protected] Principal: david Fitzgerald admissions officer: ron arnold admissions email: [email protected] admissions Tel: 2358 3221 Curriculum: IB PyP Language(s) of Instruction: english Learning Support: Provides for mainstream and special learning needs students in line with the eSF Sen policy. Term dates: Mid-August - December / January - March / April - June grades: 1 - 6 enrolment Period: September (year 1); all year-round (years 2-6) annual Tuition fees: $63,000 Services: Private company buses serving Sai Kung and clearwater Bay. The school accomodates communities in Clearwater Bay, Tseung Kwan O and Sai Kung Peninsula. Clearwater Bay School is a vibrant, welcoming and secure environment where each child is encouraged to explore his/her individual capabilities and interests. The curriculum stimulates creativity and curiosity and ensures the building of a sound foundation in literacy, numeracy and cognitive skills. Further, all subjects are enhanced by the use of innovative technology. 清水灣小學 網址 地址:香 九龍清水灣道丈量約份第229號第235地段 電話:2358 3221 電郵:[email protected] 校長:David Fitzgerald 招生主任:Ron Arnold 入學查詢電郵:[email protected] 入學查詢電話:2358 3221 課程:IB小學課程(PYP) 教學語言:英語 學習支援:按照英基學校協會(ESF)特殊教育(SEN)政策為主流及 學習支援班(LSC)有特殊需要的學生提供學習支援 上課日期:8月中 - 12月/ 1 - 3月/ 4 - 6月 班級:1 - 6 年級 報名日期: 9月(1年級) ,全年(2 - 6年級) 每年學費:63,000元 服務:由私 校車公司負責提供來往西貢及清水灣的接載服務 清水灣小學,為清水灣、將軍澳及西貢半島逐漸擴大的社區服務,並為5歲至11 歲的學童提供720個學位。校園環境朝氣蓬勃、氣氛友好、設施妥善。學校鼓勵 所有學生發掘本身的個人才能和興趣,並加以發揮。課程著重啟發學生的創意和 好奇心,確保培育出他們在文學、識數和認知技能方面建立穩固基礎。此外,所 有學科均採用創新科技優化教學。 glenealy School Website: address: Glenealy School, 7 hornsey road, mid-levels, hong Kong Tel: 2522 1919 email: [email protected] Principal: Brenda cook admissions officer: Jane Shanahan admissions email: [email protected] admissions Tel: 2522 1919 Curriculum: IB PyP ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 I 107 108 I ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 I 109 THE UNIQUE SCHOOLS GUIDE ASIA DISTRIBUTION Since 2010; The Guide enjoys wide distribution in Hong Kong, Singapore and other major cities in Asia. READING COPIES DISTRIBUTED TO: kindergartens and schools, clubs, embassies, residential clubhouses, hotels, restaurants, bars and cafés, ferry and airline terminal lounges, hairdressers, beauty salons, spas, banks, law firms, medical clinics and dental practices. GIFT COPIES ARE GIVEN TO: advertisers, new arrivals (who receive copies from major companies’ human resource departments), financial companies, removal and relocation companies, and serviced apartments. For those searching online for help with finding schools, The Guide is available from the ITS website at maKInG the rIGht choIce For yoUr chIld the unique combination of east and West that built hong Kong into a vibrant international city has created a stimulating environment in which children can gain an inspiring educational experience during their primary and secondary schooling. choosing a school is an important decision, and making the right choice for you and your child will involve research and planning. When faced with such a large number of schools and curriculums to choose from, many parents opt for the perceived ‘best school’ in hong Kong. this is not the best way to go about things as it doesn’t take into account important factors which can directly affect a child. each child’s learning situation is unique, so deciding what your child’s needs are, along with what matters most to you as a parent, are key steps in choosing a school which is the best match for your child. a school that may be best for your child may not be the best school for another child. It is therefore vital to choose a school which suits your child’s character and learning style. Parents who have an intuitive feel for their child’s character and learning style will find it easier to make an informed choice based on their child’s needs. Knowing what makes your child unique and how you can make the most of who they are is a good start in identifying a happy and rewarding education system for them. In terms of academic success, parents need to consider EDUcATIoNAl MATTERs The educational systems of Hong Kong and Singapore offer a wide variety of choices to students 8 I ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 well as an appreciation of and respect for different religions and beliefs. Students in some international schools also participate in community and regional events which can help them develop leadership skills through an awareness of and engagement in current issues. Preparing Students for the future International schools in hong Kong prepare students for further education not only in hong Kong, but also overseas. Indeed each year, an increasing number of students from hong Kong continue their education at universities overseas. But education is not just about academics, it is also about knowledge, talents, skills and opportunities. the school you choose for your child should be a school where not only does he/she thrive and develop a passion for learning, but that also equips him/her with the necessary skills to rise to the challenges of whatever life brings. the honG KonG local edUcatIon SyStem the hong Kong local education system is overseen by the hong Kong education Bureau and is divided into three types of schools: Government Schools, Government-aided Schools and direct Subsidy Schools (dSS). there are more than 1,100 schools in hong Kong, with the starting age for compulsory schooling being six years old. compulsory 12 I ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 schooling includes primary and secondary education for hong Kong residents, with kindergarten not being compulsory. government Schools and government-aided Schools Government Schools are fully funded by the hong Kong Government and no school fees are paid by parents. the medium of instruction can be chinese or english – though it is up to each school to determine how much of each language is used. examples of Government Schools in hong Kong include Kowloon tong Government Primary School and Sha tin Government Secondary School. Government-aided Schools are mostly funded by the hong Kong Government and other private organisations such as churches or community groups, and these schools may also charge school fees to cover some of their on-going costs. Some of hong Kong’s most famous Government-aided Schools include la Salle college and St Paul’s Secondary School. Both Government and Government-aided Schools have to admit students according to the Government’s two-stage admissions scheme: the discretionary Places (dP) stage and the central allocation (ca) stage. admission Policies Primary one admissions to Government and Governmentaided Schools is carried out in two stages. the first stage is in the autumn of the year before the student is to be admitted. Parents can apply for discretionary Place admission to a school of their choice, and their chosen school does not need schools are the same and most importantly, no two students are either. The american Curriculum In the United States, individual states are responsible for their own curriculum and educational processes. this means that the curriculums offered can vary from one american school to the next. american curriculums are continually evolving as they are based on learning standards and benchmarks. International american-curriculum schools generally have higher standards than the public system schools within the US, and they have to be accredited by one of four national non-governmental agencies. to gain accreditation, a school’s curriculum must be in line with the standards determined by an accrediting body, for example the Western association of Schools and colleges (WaSc). In hong Kong, schools following an american curriculum usually offer schooling from the age of four (reception). Schooling at this age is less academicallybased and is more intended to introduce children to a school’s social environment, although schools do offer alphabetic and numeric teaching. elementary, middle school and high school education covers children from the ages of 6-18 years old. at high school, students are required to take examinations in core subject areas to enable them to graduate with an american high School diploma. Students might also take external exams such how their child learns and which curriculum best supports as advanced Placements (aPs), which can strengthen that type of learning. By having prior knowledge of your their university applications. depending upon the specific child’s learning style, you can make an informed choice when admission requirements of a college or university, the visiting prospective schools by asking relevant questions majority of overseas students looking to be offered a place about their teaching styles, the school’s teaching philosophy, at a US college or university must also complete the Sats and how these are articulated within their classrooms. (Scholastic aptitude tests) or other college-entrance this is particularly valuable when looking at an unfamiliar examinations such as toeFl (test of english as a Foreign curriculum and weighing up the advantages it could bring to language) or IeltS (International english language your child’s education. testing System). once you feel you have a good understanding of your the curriculums and teaching approaches at american child’s strengths, interests and abilities, identifying the best International School, the International christian School curriculum to foster these is made easier. and hong Kong International School are similar to those In hong Kong, parents are presented with a choice of in the US, with instruction in english, and French, Spanish curriculums, for example: or chinese being taught as foreign languages. all of these • The American curriculum schools are fully accredited by WaSc, which requires schools • The British National Curriculum to complete a thorough process of self-evaluation and • The International Baccalaureate curriculum external to ensureethical their programmes meet with With review its unique behaviour and intercultural • Other national curriculum, for example, Australian, French, best-practice standards for an english-language school location and understanding. world class “We offer a broad range of subjects German, Japanese, canadian and Singaporean curriculums using an american-based curriculum. curriculum offerings the australian that suit the needs and interests each curriculum has its advantages and disadvantages, International School Hong Kong of a variety of students. With over and each school has its strengths and weaknesses. no two (aISHK) is based in Kowloon Tong. 27 nationalities represented in our The only institution in Hong Kong to 1,100 students it is important that offer an australian based curriculum, we celebrate the diversity of our aISHK is rapidly emerging as one community and embrace the rich ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 I 9 of Hong Kong’s finest schools cultural opportunities of our home in recognised both locally and globally hong Kong,” added mrs. drew. for its outstanding academic results. one of the greatest benefits of “We are very unique in hong Kong studying the australian curriculum is as the only school that runs along the continuity that exists from Primary a Southern hemisphere calendar. through to Secondary. the Primary this provides a rather seamless curriculum provides great breadth transition to and from australia for and is a solid foundation for all future many students. due to the solid global learning. When children are of primary reputation of australian education, our age it is still very difficult to tell what to be in their school catchment area. Since 2008, the number place. Beyond thisthe level, nowill recurrent subsidies are and curriculum is verySchool suitable for those child become in adult life families who are posted to different particularself-funded talents, skills of discretionary places hs risen from 20% to 30%. available. thus nowadays,what dSStheir are generally countries every few years,”school said mrs. andreceive abilities will be.subsidies So the breadth through fees as they minimal from leonie drew, Principal Primary and of an australian curriculum provides at the discretionary Place admission stage, Government the Government - often these are only between 5-10%. In co-head of School. a child with necessary and essential Schools usually fill half of their places. however, many to cater students from less families, dSS the australianorder curriculum isfor based exposure to affluent a wide range of activities discretionary places are in fact reserved for siblings of a number are requiredareas, to set aside and at least 10% of their income for fee around of teaching learning experiences, providing can each bescholarship adapted to schemes. national many opportunities that will entice and children already in the school and for teachers’which children. global which stimulateSchools the developing child. the remaining places – which can’t be less thanand 20% of a perspectives, Similar to Private Independent (PIS), dSS enjoy makes it very relevant for expatriate In the senior secondary division, school’s total number of places – are allocated according to a greater freedom in management and in their choice of children. It emphasises personal and aIShK offers the choice of either point system which gives advantage to the following: curriculum. however, they are subject toWales regular inspections social competence, creative thinking, the new South higher School by the Government in areas such as their medium of • First-born children (5 points) instruction or the language abilities of their teachers. most • Children whose parents belong to the same religion / dSS are established subject to a guarantee to the edB 18 I ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 community organisation as the one running the school (education Bureau) that they will initiate new teaching (5 points) methodologies by reforming old cultures and instigating • Children whose parents are graduates of the school educational reforms. dSS use their additional financial (10 points) resources from school fees to improve their facilities, hire new teachers and reduce class sizes to around 30 students. discretionary Places are assigned in november and parents whose children are offered a place only have a few days to admission Policies accept the offer. Unsuccessful students will then join the pool For student admission policies, parents need to check of children applying through the central allocation stage. with individual dSS as different schools may have different If parents do not have a preferred school in mind, they procedures and admission deadlines. should submit an application directly to the education dSS normally set their admission deadlines for early Bureau for the central allocation stage. September for primary schools, but some run a second the rest of the places in schools are assigned through round of admissions for a limited number of places. Places central allocation. Parents can select up to three choices are offered after interviews are conducted that are based of schools in January of the year their child is due to start on factors such as academic achievement in preschool, Primary one at a designated allocation centre. language abilities and extra-curricular activities. In the months following applications having been submitted Schools are obliged to publish clear guidelines on through the central allocation stage, school choices are what they are looking for in their admission interviews. If processed. only 10% of the remaining places are reserved for considering dSS, it is essential for parents to retain all of allocation to applicants outside of each school’s net. their child’s academic records and certificates; the diocesan the results of the central allocation stage are usually Girls’ School for example, requests school reports for three announced in the first week of June. Parents need to confirm consecutive years. their acceptance of a school place for their child by registering the more popular dSS have limited admission periods at the allocated school. In the event that parents dislike the that are normally from november to January, while less school allocated for their child, they can apply directly to well-known ones sometimes admit students until shortly other schools. however, there are normally very few places before the start of the academic year. children of alumni left available by this time. Schools also have the option of or those of the same religious background as a school’s interviewing or testing children before offering him/her a sponsoring body may receive priority. place. as a result, parents are advised to register with their child’s allocated school first before applying to other schools dSS Primary one Interview Tips in case no alternative schools are available. an important factor to be aware of is that some local aUStralIan InternatIonal School honG KonG direct Subsidy Schools (dSS) dSS receive a full recurrent subsidy until their fee levels reach two-and-a-third of the average unit cost of an aided- schools in hong Kong have just one round of interviews while others have two. Schools often invite a large group of children to the school on a Saturday afternoon, and then assign each ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 I 13 certificate (hSc) or International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma both internationally recognised tertiary entrance qualifications. the IB curriculum is offered in a growing number of schools worldwide, while over 65,000 students both in australia and internationally annually sit the hSc examinations. to date, over 98% of aIShK graduates have gone on to study at top tertiary institutions around the world. “Studying either of the curriculums on offer at aIShK not only enhances our student’s chances of entering their university course of choice, but also ensures our students are better prepared to meet the challenges of modern day tertiary study. many aIShK parents also value the opportunity for their sons or daughters to undertake a curriculum’ which is criteria based and one which incorporates both internal assessment and external examinations. the latter component in particular offering an independent international validation of the school’s academic program,” said mr. Phil Waugh, Principal Secondary and co-head of School. ITS UHKSG I Issue 3 2011 I 19 THE UNIQUE SCHOOLS GUIDE ASIA WHERE TO FIND THE SCHOOLS GUIDE THE GUIDE CAN BE FOUND IN HONG KONG IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS AND PLACES: CENTRAL / MID-LEVELS / THE PEAK Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Annerley Midwives Bank of China Bank of East Asia Barclays Capital BNP Paribas Cake-A-Licious Citibank Commerzbank Commonwealth Bank of Australia Complete Deelite Credit Suisse DBS Bank Dr. Susan Jamieson and Associates Elemis Day Spa Ernst and Young Faust International Goldman Sachs HSBC ING Asia IsoFit Pilates and Gyrotonic Studio Jardine Fleming JPMorgan Chase Katterwall Matilda Child Development Centre Merrill Lynch Nomura International Pathfinders Pilates for Pregnant Ladies Play Sport Coaching Prudential Pure Yoga Qualigenics Children Growth Centre Quality Healthcare Sense of Touch Shanghai Commercial Bank Standard Chartered Bank The Firm The Oriental Spa Toni & Guy UBS Westpac Private Bank SCHOOLS Baby Buddies Carmel School Highgate House 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Woodlands Preschool Modern Montessori International ITS UHKSSG I 4 th Edition 2012-2013 I 115 THE UNIQUE SCHOOLS GUIDE ASIA ADMIRALTY / WANCHAI / HAPPY VALLEY / JARDINE’S LOOKOUT / ISLAND EAST Accenture Company AIG Insurance Alliance Insurance American International Assurance Bodywise Pilates Chameleon Workshop Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia Dah Sing Bank ESF Centre JW Marriott Manulife International National Australia Bank Random Art Workshop Societe Generale HK Branch Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Zurich Insurance SCHOOLS Alison’s Letterland Bradbury Junior School CCC Wanchai Church Kindergarten Chinese International School Hillside Kindergarten International Montessori School Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School Play and Learn Education Centre PLK Vicwood Chong Kee Ting Kindergarten Precious Blood Kindergarten Rosaryhill Kindergarten Starters School St Margaret Mary’s Catholic Kindergarten St Paul’s Kindergarten Superchamp TWGHs Ng Sheung Lan Memorial Nursery School Lingnan 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International Kindergarten (ESF) Clearwater Bay School (ESF) HKPPA Sai Kung Pre-School Group Hong Kong Adventist College Hong Lok Yuen International School International College Hong Kong Leapfrog Kindergarten-Playgroup Li Po Chung United World College Sai Kung Lok Yuk Kindergarten Sai Kung Preschool Group Sha Tin College (ESF) Sha Tin Junior School (ESF) Tsing Yi Kindergarten (ESF) Woodlands Sai Kung Wu Kai Sha Kindergarten (ESF) Zebedee International Kindergarten Norwegian International School Littleton Discovery Playgroup Renaissance College (ESF) Sai Kung International Pre-School Discovery Bay Residents Club Limited Hebe Haven Yacht Club Hong Kong Country Club Hong Kong Football Club Kowloon Cricket Club Ladies Recreation Club Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club The Helena May The Hong Kong Cricket Club The Hong Kong Golf Club United Services Recreation Club CLUBS IN HONG KONG Aberdeen Boat Club Aberdeen Marina Club Club Siena Craigengower Cricket Club 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Please contact us directly with any questions about advertising in The Unique Schools Guide Asia 2013-2014. FOR HONG KONG ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: Jennifer Chung Tel: (852) 3188 3940 Email: [email protected] Bernard Chang Tel: (852) 3188 3947 Email: [email protected] REMITTANCES: All payments are to be made in either Hong Kong or RMB dollars. Cheques are to be made payable to ITS Educational Services Ltd Please send the payment to 2/F Sun House, 181 Dex Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong HONG KONG CLIENTS: Transfer to HSBC 400-824660-838 HKD Savings OVERSEAS TRANSFERS TO: HSBC, 1 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Swift code: HSBCHKHHHKH Note: Customers pay all charges. Please ensure full advert price is remitted. 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