Manual of ING Online Internet Banking System
Manual of ING Online Internet Banking System
Manual of ING Online Internet Banking System Contents: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9.1 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 15 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 16 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 17 17.1 17.2 Definitions of Terms................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 Technical Requirements............................................................................................................ 6 First Logging In.......................................................................................................................... 7 Logging in the System ............................................................................................................. 10 System Navigation................................................................................................................... 12 Home Page.............................................................................................................................. 14 News........................................................................................................................................ 15 Rates ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Exchange Rates .................................................................................................................. 15 Account Information................................................................................................................. 17 Balances.............................................................................................................................. 17 Balances by groups............................................................................................................. 19 Movements.......................................................................................................................... 21 Statements .......................................................................................................................... 23 Financing............................................................................................................................. 26 Transactions ............................................................................................................................ 27 Domestic Payment .............................................................................................................. 27 Tax Payment ....................................................................................................................... 32 ZUS Payment ...................................................................................................................... 37 Direct Debit.......................................................................................................................... 42 B2B Direct Debit.................................................................................................................. 47 International Payment ......................................................................................................... 47 Foreign Exchange ............................................................................................................... 57 Files ......................................................................................................................................... 62 File upload........................................................................................................................... 62 Processing........................................................................................................................... 64 Bank to Customer Files....................................................................................................... 67 Packages ................................................................................................................................. 68 Review................................................................................................................................. 68 Signing ................................................................................................................................ 69 Sending ............................................................................................................................... 72 Detach / Cancel................................................................................................................... 74 Transaction Management........................................................................................................ 77 Transactions by Beneficiary ................................................................................................ 77 Transactions by User .......................................................................................................... 81 Transactions by Group........................................................................................................ 82 Sign ..................................................................................................................................... 85 Send .................................................................................................................................... 88 Edit / Cancel ........................................................................................................................ 91 Beneficiary............................................................................................................................... 96 Instructions .......................................................................................................................... 96 Import .................................................................................................................................. 97 Create Templates................................................................................................................ 97 Personal Settings .................................................................................................................... 99 Account Name..................................................................................................................... 99 Group Management .......................................................................................................... 100 Assign to Group ................................................................................................................ 102 Settings ............................................................................................................................. 104 Security.................................................................................................................................. 105 Important Information ........................................................................................................ 105 Change Password............................................................................................................. 105 Digital certificate ................................................................................................................ 106 Help ................................................................................................................................... 106 Secret Questions and Answers......................................................................................... 107 Additional Features................................................................................................................ 109 Templates.......................................................................................................................... 109 Print ................................................................................................................................... 110 Strona 2 / 114 17.3 17.4 18 19 Help ................................................................................................................................... 111 Blocking the user............................................................................................................... 112 Logging out of the System..................................................................................................... 113 Contact Us ............................................................................................................................. 114 Strona 3 / 114 1 Definitions of Terms a) Agreement – Agreement of use of the ING Online the System, concluded between the Client and the Bank; b) By law – By law on the use of ING Online System; c) Certificate – electronic signature binary element; d) Client – resident who is a natural person carrying on economic activity, artificial person and organizational entity without a status of artificial person, non-resident (except for natural persons that do not carry on an economic activity), having a bank account in the Bank, using the System on the grounds of the Agreement concluded with the Bank; k) Electronic Signature – feature of the System that authorizes the carried on operations, allowing identification of the sender by the Bank, without features of the qualified electronic signature according to the Act on electronic signature; e) IBAN – International Bank Account Number. f) Login – User’s name defined in the System; l) Module – Basic navigation element of the System. It is a form realizing given features (e.g. Domestic Payment). g) Password – single starting password, generated by the Bank, enabling first logging in the System. User will immediately replace it with his/her own access password; m) Section – Navigation element of the System consisting of particular modules. n) SSL 3.0 – Safe and confidential data exchange Internet protocol. Data sent via the network are enciphered in a way preventing unauthorized access. It is the most popular and most effective way of enciphering, used in banking and Internet commerce. h) System – ING Online Internet Banking System providing online access to Client’s bank accounts. Allowing to make payment orders and to manage the banking products offered by the Bank through electronic banking channels; i) User – person indicated by the Client, authorized by the Client to use the System; j) User’s Guide – User’s Guide of the ING Online Internet Banking System, being the user’s guide of the System; Strona 4 / 114 2 Introduction ING Online is a safe and user-friendly Internet Banking System. ING Online is a modern channel of communication of your company with the Bank. The System provides communication and access to current information about your accounts any time of the day and from each place in the world. It allows realizing all banking transactions and operations in an easy and comfortable way. Thanks to the thorough information about each of your accounts ING Online enables efficient management of financial resources of your company. This user’s guide is a guidebook on the ING Online Internet Banking System. You will find there information and guidelines helpful in the everyday work with the System. Strona 5 / 114 3 Technical Requirements Using ING Online system by your company requires computer equipment with the following parameters: • Internet browser Internet Explorer 6.0 or newer • Personal computer, at least Pentium II 200 MHz • 350 MB of free disc space • VGA graphics board with at least 256 colors • CD-ROM • active USB port • recommended Internet connection with the throughput 256 Kb/s Acceptable operating systems and RAM memory size: Operating system Windows 98 SE Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Professional (SP3, SP4) Windows XP Home (SP1, SP2) Windows XP Professional (SP1, SP2) Windows 2003 Server RAM 32 MB 96 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 138 MB webpage should be added to “Trusted Sites” or ActiveX script should be enabling for initializing. Strona 6 / 114 4 First Logging In This charter describes the process of the first logging in. To use the System, you need the microchip card and the card reader. Card reader, after connecting to the USB port, requires installation of the drivers. They are on the CD delivered by the Bank. Insert the CD into the drive and run the file Setup.exe stored on that CD. Installation is very simple and does not require much effort from the User. Notice! During the installation process on a given computer the Windows administrator must be logged in. Before the first logging in the User should call the number: +48 32 357 00 44 in order to receive PIN to the card, which is required for the usage of the application. PIN code will be given to the User after successful identification (on the basis of detailed questions). After receiving the code the User will be instructed by the Bank employee about following steps. Before user tries to log-in, card (delivered by Bank) should be placed in the reader. After entering the log-in site you will see standard window which contains list of certificates installed on a given computer. Log-in page is displayed; you should enter your login and password obtained from the Bank on it. Strona 7 / 114 After correct logging in, the System will force password change. Password must include at least 8 characters. We recommend using strong passwords, containing upper and lower case letters, digits and symbols (e.g. #$%@!&* etc.). After modifying the password you will be logged out. You should log in again, this time using your new password. After entering the System please define your confidential questions and answers – description of that feature is included in chapter Security / Secret Questions and Answers. On the Home Page, in the box ‘Security Information’ you should choose ‘click here’ in the sentence “If you have problems during the signing please click here!”. Results of system check will be displayed in pop-up window. It will inform you whether the system is configured properly. Strona 8 / 114 During the first logging in the file CAPICOM.DLL should be installed automatically, in case of any problems please contact the Bank. Strona 9 / 114 5 Logging in the System Logging in the ING Online System is done through the site First logging in the System and certificate generation process is described in the previous chapter. When you try to access the above-mentioned site you will be asked about your personal user Certificate – thus the logging in user „introduced himself/herself” to the System. Select the certificate and enter the PIN into the microchip card, on which the Certificate is stored. Strona 10 / 114 When the PIN is entered correctly and the Certificate is checked and proves to be valid, the ING Online site will appear. The page contains two edition fields, used for entering the User’s name (login) and password. Access to the System will be granted only if the logging in is carried out correctly, after which system’s Home Page will open. Strona 11 / 114 6 System Navigation This chapter describes general information about screens/forms which you are going to encounter during the work in the system. The screen is divided into five main parts: A: Main menu Main menu includes the following items: • News • Rates • Account Information • Financing • Transactions • Files • Packages • Transaction Management • Beneficiary • Personal Settings • Security • Log out When you select a given menu item it will be dropped down and the modules which make up the section will be displayed. When a given sub-link (module) is selected, the form will be opened in the workspace. Moreover, that part contains the system language version change button. Strona 12 / 114 B: Current module This part displays module name, in which you are currently located. C: Auxiliary button field This part of the system contains auxiliary buttons to a given module. D: Workspace This field displays forms, by means of which you may execute all the operations available in the System. E: Working button field This workspace contains usually work buttons, which are used for executing specific system functions (e.g. acceptation of placing the order or deleting selected orders). Strona 13 / 114 7 Home Page First screen that you will see after correct logging in the System is the Home Page. Home Page contains most important information helpful to the user: general information about the system and method of entering the orders, safety information, main exchange rates and the latest bank news. From this place, using the Main menu you may move on to the specific system sections. Strona 14 / 114 8 News News is a module, in which the Bank presents information important to the users of the system. After accessing that module the user can see all the news from the Bank. The New window will display, in which whole text of clicked message will be presented. 9 Rates In the section Rates the ING Bank presents financial information. 9.1 Exchange Rates Strona 15 / 114 This module serves for familiarizing oneself with the current (alternatively archival) ING Bank exchange rates. Those rates are generated a few times on a business day. After opening this module, current exchange rates are presented. The presented exchange rate time is not the time of making available, but the time of importing the rates to the System. If you want to see archival exchange rates, enter manually the required date in the box Data or select it from the calendar (which will be displayed when you press the drop-down arrow ). After entering the date press the button . Strona 16 / 114 Archival exchange rates are displayed for the whole selected day. 10 Account Information Section Account Information contains information modules, with the help of which you may see the balances of your accounts, bank statements and the history of operations made on particular accounts. 10.1 Balances Module Balances presents current and archival balances of your accounts. After accessing the section the current balances for all your accounts will be presented. Strona 17 / 114 In order to access the information on archival balances on your account it is necessary to define the following fields: • Account – selection is done by dropping down the drop-down list and clicking on the appropriate item • Date – Defining the date range may be done by manually entering the dates or by means of the reference calendar, which is displayed on pressing the button After selection of date calendar will close and selected value will enter in the date field. On pressing the button the following information will display on the screen: • Account • Account currency • As of (balance date) • Opening balance • Debits total • Credits total • Closing balance • Available balance Strona 18 / 114 • In EUR (available balance converted into the default currency – see Personal Settings) The search results may be sorted in an easy way using the buttons located in the top row. On clicking the arrow in a given column the data will sorted by this column in a way indicated with the direction of the arrow, i.e. to sort the data by ascending values of the box Opening balance click the arrow in the As of column. The result is shown below. If a given User has rights to the accounts of more than one companies, then the sorting is done first by companies and then by the chosen criteria. 10.2 Balances by groups Module Balances by Groups displays, like the module Balances, current and archival balances of the accounts yet grouped by accounts. Strona 19 / 114 In order to access information on balances grouped by user’s group define the date range, for which the balances are to be displayed in the boxes Date and select Account group: After defining the search criteria press the button will be displayed. , the search results By means of the button you may see the short summary of the search results presented in form of a table with the most important information. In order to customize the summary, please choose proper option from Summarize field: Strona 20 / 114 10.3 Movements Module Movements allows displaying the transactions on your accounts. In order to see the past transactions define the following fields: • Account – account, from which the transactions are to be displayed, should be selected from the drop-down list by clicking on the appropriate item • Date – range of dates, from which operations are to be shown You may enter the dates manually or use the reference calendar. You can also search by book or value date. • Type – drop-down list, from which you may define the type of the displayed transactions Strona 21 / 114 • Currency – drop-down list, where you can select proper currency • Beneficiary – in this box you may enter the phrase which is to be included in the contracting party name of the displayed transactions • Amount – boxes, in which you may enter the minimum and maximum amount of the displayed transactions • Reference – in this box you may enter the phrase which is to be included in the reference of the shown transactions • Details – in this box you may enter the phrase which is to be included in the details (payment title) of the shown transactions After defining the search criteria press the button will be displayed on the screen. The following information will be displayed on the screen: • Account • Account currency • Booking Date – data of entering the transactions • Value date – date of execution of transactions Strona 22 / 114 , the search results • • • • • • Amount Type – type of transactions (debit – DR, or credit – CR) Beneficiary / Details (title of the order or additional information on the order) Net Amount Reference Print option By pressing the button you may see the summary of the found transactions in form of a small table, where the transactions for each of the accounts are summed up, and the sum is additionally converted into the default currency. Notice! Postponed and rejected transactions are visible in Movements for one day only – in sending or rejecting day. Transactions with future value date are visible after booking. 10.4 Statements Module Statements is used by the Bank to acknowledge financial operations made on the Client’s accounts. The form of this module is shown below. To define and print the statements the following fields need to be defined: • Date – enter the start and end of the period, for which the statements are to be extracted Strona 23 / 114 You may enter the dates manually or using the reference calendar. • Accounts – select the accounts from which the statements are to be taken. Pressing the button results in selecting all the accounts, this is very helpful with big number of accounts. You can define which code page will be used for exported MT940 statements, by selecting proper format from the drop-down list. After pressing the button you can open or save the file. a new window will appear, where In order to print the statement instead of downloading the file, please choose button. Strona 24 / 114 The generated statement may be printed by clicking on the button „Print”, located in the upper right corner of the window. It is also possible to download the statement in PDF format. In order to do this choose button. The field “Result of generating PDF Statements” will change: Choose “refresh” link. The link “here” will appear. After choosing this link, the window which allows to open or save the PDF statement will appear. Strona 25 / 114 10.5 Financing This section is currently unavailable Strona 26 / 114 11 Transactions Section Transactions gathers modules, using which you may define the transaction orders described in the subchapters below. 11.1 Domestic Payment Domestic Payment module is intended for defining the transfer orders on accounts of the contracting parties, run by the banks participating in the KIR clearances. After entering the section the following form will open. Domestic Payment form consists of the following parts: • Date – in this part the day on which the transfer is to be effected is defined • Payer – in this section the principal’s account is defined, the name of the company will be entered automatically on the selection of the account • Beneficiary – this section serves for defining the recipient of the transfer, his/her account and data. The box bank will be filled in automatically after entering the account number of the beneficiary. • Beneficiary Bank • Amount – definition of the payment amount • Details – this section serves for entering the payment details, i.e. its title and/or code words (e.g. SORBNET) Above the domestic payment form there are the following buttons: • “Templates” – transfers you to the domestic transfer templates Strona 27 / 114 • • “Print” – prints the screen contents “Help” – displays the help for the domestic payment Preparation of a domestic payment To prepare a domestic payment first you need to specify the date on which the transfer is to be affected. Date cannot be specified more than 14 days ahead. You can enter the date manually or select it from the reference calendar, which is displayed by pressing the button . After selecting the date from the calendar, results will be entered in the box and calendar will close. Next, you need to define the debited account. The account is to be selected from the drop-down list by clicking on it. After selection of the account the box Name will be filled in automatically. In order to display payer’s address you should choose button. The next step is giving the information concerning the contracting party. It should be done in the part Beneficiary, by entering name of beneficiary in “Name” field. In order to enter beneficiary’s address, choose button. It will let you fill in “Street, No” and “City, postal code” fields. Next section lets you enter beneficiary’s account number. The box Bank cannot be edited and will be filled in automatically on the basis of the recipient account number) Next step is filling in the box Amount, where the transfer amount should be entered. Strona 28 / 114 The last step of defining the transfer is entering the title of the order and additional information in the Payment Details part. Example of filling in the boxes: In order to save the transfer, choose confirmation: Strona 29 / 114 button. You will be asked for On pressing the „OK” button the order will be entered into the System and the payment details screen will appear. Strona 30 / 114 This screen shows the data of the entered transfer along with information on its status, the person who has entered it and the time of entering the transfer. By choosing one of links in “Actions” section you can: • Create new transfer • Create a copy of the transfer • Edit the transfer • Cancel the transfer • Save the transfer as a template Strona 31 / 114 • Sign the transfer The transfer is ready to be signed in the Signing section. 11.2 Tax Payment Module Tax Payment is used for defining the order of transfer on accounts of the Inland Revenue and other tax authorities. After entering this module the form shown below will open. The Tax Payment form consists of the following parts: • Date – in this part the day on which the transfer is to be effected is defined • Payer – in this part the account to be debited is defined, the name of the company will be entered automatically after selection of the account • Beneficiary – in this part you define the recipient of the transfer, After entering the account number, fields Bank and Name will be filled in automatically, • Amount – definition of the payment amount • Payment – this part is used for defining the details of the payment. Symbol of payment form will be filled in automatically after entering the tax authority account number, • Debtor – in this box you should enter details concerning the payer: identification type along with the number, • Period – if the payment concerns a specific period, this period should be defined in this section. There are the following buttons above the Tax Payment form: Strona 32 / 114 • • • „Templates” – causes moving on to the Tax Payment templates „Print” – prints the screen content „Help” – displays the help for the Tax Payment Preparation of the Tax Payment To prepare an Tax Payment you first need to specify the date on which the transfer is to be affected. Date cannot be specified more than 14 days ahead. You can enter the date manually or select it from the reference calendar, which is displayed by pressing the button . After selecting the date from the calendar, results will be entered in the box and calendar will close. Next, you need to define the debited account. The account is to be selected from the drop-down list by clicking on it. After selection of the account the box Name will be filled in automatically. In order to display payer’s address you should choose button. Next operation is entering the account of the tax authority, for the benefit of which the transfer is to be made. After entering the account number the boxes Bank and Name will be filled in automatically. Next step is to enter the amount of the transfer. Strona 33 / 114 Next, you should fill in the Payment section, where the payment type is defined – in the list the types for a given tax authority will appear. Next operation is defining the payer. It is done in the box Debtor. The list ID includes the following items: • NIP (in the form 1234567890) • PESEL • REGON • Identity card • Passport • Other In the box Number of ID you should enter the number of the identifier selected above. Next stage is filling in (if necessary) the area concerning the period. This part included three drop-down lists: • Year • Period Type – list including the following items: month, half-year, year, quarter, decade, day. • Period no – list containing the items dependent on the period type Example of the filled order: Strona 34 / 114 In order to save the transfer, choose confirmation: button. You will be asked for On pressing the „OK” button the order will be entered into the System and the payment details screen will appear. Strona 35 / 114 This screen shows the data of the entered transfer along with information on its status, the person who has entered it and the time of entering the transfer. By choosing one of links in “Actions” section you can: • Create new transfer Strona 36 / 114 • • • • • Create a copy of the transfer Edit the transfer Cancel the transfer Save the transfer as a template Sign the transfer The transfer is ready to be signed in the Signing section 11.3 ZUS Payment Module ZUS Payment is used for defining the payment order on the Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (Social Security) accounts. After entering this module the form shown below will open. The ZUS Payment form consists of the following parts: • Date – in this part the day on which the transfer is to be effected is defined • Payer – in this section the principal’s account is defined, the name of the company will be entered automatically after selection of the account • Beneficiary – in this section the ZUS bank account, on which the transfer is to be effected, is defined • Amount – definition of the payment amount • Payer – in the box Short Name you should enter the payer’s short name Strona 37 / 114 • Payment details – this section is intended for entering the payment details identifying the payer and the transfer The following buttons are displayed above the ZUS Payment: • „Templates” – transfers you to the ZUS Payment templates • „Print” – prints the screen contents • „Help” – displays the help concerning the ZUS Payment Preparation of the ZUS Payment In the preparation of the ZUS Payment the first step is to define the date of execution of the transfer. Date cannot be specified more than 14 days ahead. You can enter the date manually or select it from the reference calendar, which is displayed by pressing the button . After selecting the date from the calendar, results will be entered in the box and calendar will close. Next, you need to define the account which is to be debited. The account is to be selected from the drop-down list by clicking on it. After selection of the account the box Name will be filled in automatically. In order to display payer’s address you should choose button. Next step is selecting the ZUS account, on which the transfer is to be made. Name of the Premium will be entered automatically after selection of the account. Next operation is stating the amount which is to be transferred. Next, you need to specify the payer shortened name in the Payer part. Strona 38 / 114 Next and the final step in the process of defining the ZUS Payment is defining the payment details, i.e. identifications of the payer and the payment. This part consists of the following boxes: • • NIP (entrance in one sequence – in the form 1234567890) Type of ID – drop-down list including the following items: o PESEL o REGON o Identity card o Passport • ID of Payer – the box in which you enters the identification number selected from the list above • Type of Payment – drop-down list including the following items: o A – additional payment for the taxpayer’s mistakes, o B – additional payment, o D – additional payment meted out by ZUS (Social Security Fund), o E – payment of the enforcement costs, o M – payment of premium for the period longer than one month, o S – payment of premium for one month, o T – payment for a delayed term of payment, with ZUS’ consent, o U – payment within the scope of the installment system granted by ZUS. • Declaration – date of declaration in YYYY, MM format, • Number of Declaration – drop-down list • Number of decision/agreement/bill of execution – fill in if applicable Example of a filled-in order: Strona 39 / 114 In order to save the transfer, choose confirmation: button. You will be asked for On pressing the „OK” button the order will be entered into the System and the payment details screen will appear. Strona 40 / 114 This screen shows the data of the entered transfer along with information on its status, the person who has entered it and the time of entering the transfer. By choosing one of links in “Actions” section you can: • Create new transfer • Create a copy of the transfer • Edit the transfer Strona 41 / 114 • • • Cancel the transfer Save the transfer as a template Sign the transfer The transfer is ready to be signed in the Signing section 11.4 Direct Debit Direct Debit module allows placing in the bank, by the creditor, an order to debit the account of the debtor. After entering this module the following form is displayed. The Direct Debit form consists of the following parts: • Date – in this section you should define the day on which the order is to be realized • Creditor – in this section you define the account of the creditor, the name of the company will be filled in automatically after the selection of the account, • Amount – in this field the amount of the pay order is defined • Beneficiary – in this section you should enter beneficiary’s name and address • Beneficiary Bank - this section is used for defining the bank account number of the Debtor • Payment Details – in this box you should enter the information identifying the creditor and the payment Strona 42 / 114 There are the following buttons above the Direct Debit form: • „Templates” – causes moving on to the Direct Debit templates • „Print” – prints the screen content • „Help” – displays the help for the Direct Debit Preparation of a Direct Debit To prepare a Direct Debit you first need to specify the date on which the order is to be realized. Due date cannot be specified more than 14 days ahead. You can enter the date manually or select it from the reference calendar, which is displayed by pressing the button . After selecting the date from the calendar, results will be entered in the box and calendar will close. Next, you need to define the account of the creditor. The account is to be selected from the drop-down list by clicking on it. After selection of the account the box Name will be filled in automatically. In order to display payer’s address you should choose button. In the field Amount you should enter the amount to be paid. The next step is entering the information concerning the beneficiary –name and address. The field Bank will be filled in automatically after entering of the account. Strona 43 / 114 Then you should enter beneficiary’s account number. The field Bank’s name will be filled in automatically after entering of the account. In the next part you should enter the information concerning the creditor and the payment. The field Creditor Identification Number is used for entering the creditor’s NIP number. In the next field you should enter the payment identifier. Next piece of information is additional information (descriptive payment title). Information about the payment title is not obligatory, while the information about principal’s NIP and the payment identifier, must unquestionably be included in the order. Example of a filled in order: Strona 44 / 114 In order to save the direct debit, choose confirmation: button. You will be asked for On pressing the „OK” button the order will be entered into the System and the direct debit details screen will appear. Strona 45 / 114 This screen shows the data of the entered direct debit along with information on its status, the person who has entered it and the time of entering the direct debit. By choosing one of links in “Actions” section you can: • Create new direct debit • Create a copy of the direct debit • Edit the direct debit • Cancel the direct debit Strona 46 / 114 • • Save the direct debit as a template Sign the direct debit The direct debit is ready to be signed in the Signing section 11.5 B2B Direct Debit B2B Direct Debit (also known as GOBI) is a cashless from of debit clearances. B2B is an instrument intended for typical commercial clearances made between economic entities. After entering the module the following form will appear. Preparation of B2B Direct Debit B2B Form is identical with the Direct Debit form. Entering the instruction is done analogically. 11.6 International Payment International payment is an order to transfer financial resources to other bank (domestic or foreign) in a convertible currency. Strona 47 / 114 After entering this module the following form will open: Strona 48 / 114 The Foreign Payment form consists of the following parts: • • • • • • • • • • • Date – in this part the date of acceptance for execution by the Bank is defined; you can also select value date Payer – in this part the account that is to be debited is defined, the name of the company will be entered automatically on the selection of the account, Amount/Currency – this part is used for defining the amount and currency of the transfer and for stating the exchange rate which is to be valid in a given transaction, Residents statement about reason of lack of FX documents – drop-down list, in which you are to give the reason of non-delivering the documents, Beneficiary – this section serves for defining the recipient of the transfer, his/her name and residence. Beneficiary Bank – this area of the form is used for entering the financial information concerning the recipient and his/her bank, i.e. SWIFT code, you may also enter the data on the bank manually Intermediary Bank – in this part you may define the parameters of the bank mediating in the transaction (if such a bank participates in the transaction) Details of Payment – in this field you should enter the details concerning a given payment – its title, possibly other important information Fax number for payment confirmation Details of Charges – in this part you should state which part should be charged for the execution of transaction Charge account – lets you select account which will be charged with fees and commissions The following buttons are displayed above the Foreign Payment form: • „Templates” – moves you to the Foreign Payment templates • „Print” – prints the screen content Strona 50 / 114 • „Help” – displays the help concerning the Foreign Payment form Preparation of a Foreign Payment First step is defining the date on which the transfer is going to be processed. Date cannot be specified more than 14 days ahead. You can enter the date manually or select it from the reference calendar, which is displayed by pressing the button . After selecting the date from the calendar, results will be entered in the box and calendar will close. The date of the transaction should be selected from the drop-down list, which consists 4 items: • Spot • Same Day • Next day • Internal Next operation is specifying the account which is to be debited. After the selection of the account from the drop-down list, the field Name will be filled in automatically. In order to display payer’s address you should choose button. Next, you should specify the amount and currency of the transaction. The code of a given currency should be chosen from the list or the currency code should be entered. If the option Negotiated rate is checked, you should enter the amount of the rate negotiated in accordance with separate rules of the Bank in this regard. Strona 51 / 114 In the next step you should define the reason of the FX lack documents. Such a need arises only in case of a resident if the order exceeds EUR 10 000 (or equivalence of that amount in other currency). The list included the following items: • the lack of the appropriate document, • non-delivery of the document by the contracting party, • organization of the co-operation with the Bank, • other reason (details in the fax document). Next stage of defining the transfer is determining the recipient, his/her name and address. Next operation should be defining the account of the recipient and details concerning his/her bank. If the User enters the code BIC/SWIFT, name and town of the bank of the contracting party will be filled in. However if the code BIC/SWIFT is not known, you should enter the name and address of the bank manually. The account of the counterparty may be checked in formal respect (by checking the field Check as IBAN – then the field Country will be filled in automatically. If the account is not in the IBAN format, the symbol of the country may be entered manually or selected from the list, which is shown after pressing the button . Selection of the country will result in closing the list and entering the code of the country in the form. Next operation is defining the details concerning the Intermediary Bank. Strona 52 / 114 Filing in of that part is done analogically to the previous part of the form. This part is not required. Next stage is entering the payment details – legal title of the executed order and possible additional information. The next part enables entering fax number, at which the confirmation of execution of the payment is to be sent. In the next step you should define the way in which the charge will be levied. Available options are: • All charges on payer’s account • ING Bank charges on payer’s account, other charges on beneficiary’s account • All charges on beneficiary’s account (deducted from the transfer) In the last stage we may state which account the charge are to be taken from, if they are to debit your account. If in the part Payment Details the last option was selected (any charges debit the account of the recipient), the account for the charges may not be chosen. Example of a filled order: Strona 53 / 114 In order to save the transfer, choose confirmation: Strona 54 / 114 button. You will be asked for On pressing the „OK” button the order will be entered into the System and the payment details screen will appear. Strona 55 / 114 Strona 56 / 114 This screen shows the data of the entered transfer along with information on its status, the person who has entered it and the time of entering the transfer. By choosing one of links in “Actions” section you can: • Create new transfer • Create a copy of the transfer • Edit the transfer • Cancel the transfer • Save the transfer as a template • Sign the transfer The transfer is ready to be signed in the Signing section 11.7 Foreign Exchange Foreign Exchange module is used for execution of foreign exchange orders between own accounts. After entering this module the following form shown in the picture below, will appear. The Foreign Exchange form consists of the following parts: Strona 57 / 114 Date – this part is used for defining the day on which the transaction is to be executed, Debit Account – in this part you should define the account debited with the transaction, the name of the company will be filled in automatically after the selection of the account, Credit Account – in this part the account credited in the transaction is defined, Amount – this part is intended for defining the amount of the buy/sale and the exchange rate of the currency, Details of transaction – in this field you should define the details of a given transaction, The following buttons are displayed above the Foreign Exchange form: • „Print” – prints the screen content • „Help” – displays the help concerning the Foreign Exchange Under the Foreign Exchange form there is button „Save” which is used to confirm that the order was entered correctly. Preparation of the Foreign Exchange Order The first operation to be done is defining the execution date for the order. Due date cannot be specified more than 14 days ahead. You can enter the date manually or select it from the reference calendar, which is displayed by pressing the button . After selecting the date from the calendar, results will be entered in the box and calendar will close. Next, you need to define the debited account. The account is to be selected from the drop-down list. The field Name will be filled in automatically after selection of the account from the drop-down list. In the next step you should choose the credited account. Strona 58 / 114 If the User has rights to accounts of different companies, the drop-down lists with the accounts will include the numbers of accounts of all the companies of the User. Note, however that both debited and credited account must belong to the same Client. Foreign Exchange is not possible between the accounts of separate economic entities. If the accounts of different companies are chosen – then it will not be possible to execute this order. Next stage consists in entering the amount of the purchase/sale transaction. You may enter the amount of buy or amount of sale. The system will convert the proper amount at the exchange rate from the basic table. The presented exchange rate is only informative one and is not a recommendation or offer of purchase or sale of any currency. ING Bank will not be responsible for any damages arisen out of using the information included above. The option Negotiated Rate is not available at the moment. Please do not check this option. When you check this option and enter the exchange rate, the Foreign Exchange will be realized with the rate from basic table. The next step is entering the payment details. Example of a filled form: Strona 59 / 114 In order to save the transfer, choose confirmation: button. You will be asked for On pressing the „OK” button the order will be entered into the System and the payment details screen will appear. Strona 60 / 114 This screen shows the data of the entered transfer along with information on its status, the person to have entered it and the time of entering the transfer. By choosing one of links in “Actions” section you can: • Create new transfer • Create a copy of the transfer • Edit the transfer • Cancel the transfer • Save the transfer as a template • Sign the transfer The transfer is ready to be signed in the Signing section Notice! Note that the presented exchange rate is only an informative one and it is not a recommendation or offer of purchase or sale of any currency. ING Bank will not be responsible for any damages arisen out of using the information included above. The order is ready to be signed in the Signingu section. Strona 61 / 114 12 Files Files section lets you manage data in the form of files. You may import orders in the form of files with transactions (PLI and INT), process the imported files or download the files of the statements if the MT940 format. 12.1 File upload Using the upload module you can read the files in with the financial data (domestic or foreign transactions). After entering the module the following form will open. Form consists of the following parts: • Select type of the file – in this field the type of the imported file is selected • Select file – in this field you should select the file from the local disk Importing the file First step is selection of the file type (PLI or INT) and possible code page of the file. Next, you should specify the file to be imported. After clicking the button the window will open enabling you to choose the file to be read in. Strona 62 / 114 After pressing the button the checking of the correctness of the data being read in the System will start. If the file has no syntax or logic errors it will be confirmed by the appearance of the screen heralding the successfully completed import. The file will be show in the Processing module. Strona 63 / 114 If the file contains errors, they will be listed on the screen. In such a case the file should be edited and imported again. 12.2 Processing Processing is the module, in which you may process the previously imported file, i.e. enter the orders they contain to the ING Online system. After entering the module the following form will appear. It consists of two parts. The upper part of the form is used for defining what files (by import date) may be shown in the lower part of the form. There are two buttons above the processing form: • „Print” – prints the screen content • „Help” – pressing it displays the help concerning the Processing of files The lower part includes another two buttons: • – enable deleting the imported file from the system Strona 64 / 114 • – on pressing this button the transactions included in the files will be loaded into the system In order to search for the needed files, you should first specify the date of import in the upper part of the form. The dates may be entered manually or by using calendar, which is displayed by pressing the button . The date chosen from the calendar will be entered in the field, and the calendar will be closed. On pressing the button the list with the found files will be displayed. The table presents the following information: • File no. • File format • File info (name, size in bytes, path on the local disk) • User who has uploaded the file and the date of upload • Process (box to check or “Yes” if the file has been already processed) • Alias – the name of file, which can be used to find the file in the system • Package (“Yes” or “No”, depending on whether the file has been imported to a package) The retrieved file may be deleted from the system (by checking the checkbox by a given item), or processed – entered to the System with the orders. Deleting the files In order to delete files which will not be used, you must first of all check the checkboxes at given file names. Strona 65 / 114 Next, you should press the button . The file(s) will be deleted. Processing the files The first operation, (if the files required by you are already on the screen) is checking the checkboxes by the specific files. Then, you should press the button . The file(s) will be subjected to renowned checking and the processing result will be shown on the screen. The orders loaded into the System will be visible in the Signing module. Strona 66 / 114 12.3 Bank to Customer Files Bank to Customer Files module presents files received from Bank (concerning deposits, loans etc.) After accessing the module the following form will display: You can choose file’s type and date, when the file was received (including or excluding expired files). Then you should choose button. In order to download file, please choose its name. Strona 67 / 114 11 Packages The section Packages lets you review, sign, send, detach or cancel packages of orders. 11.1 Review This module allows you to review packages. It consists of two parts: filters and table with packages. In order to find proper packages, you can use one of the following filters: • Package name • Package number • Date of package’s creation • Name of customer, for whom package has been created • Status of the package After creating all the filters, please choose button. The list with packages consistent with given criteria will appear. The table contains following columns: • Package number • Package name • Name of customer, for whom package has been created • User, who created the package • Status of the package • Number of orders in the package • Total amount of orders in package • Source of package’s file In order to see package’s details you should choose its underlined name. Strona 68 / 114 In order to review orders in chosen package, you should choose button. You will see orders in package by beneficiaries. This section works similarly to „Transactions by Beneficiary” In „Transaction Management” module. User can choose proper order from package and sign it. 11.2 Signing This section allows you to sign packages. It consists of two parts: filters and list of packages. Strona 69 / 114 In order to find proper packages, you can use one of following filters: • Package name • Package number • Date of package’s creation • Name of customer, for whom package has been created • Status of the package After creating all the filters, please choose button. The list with packages consistent with given criteria will appear. The table contains following columns: • Package number • Package name • Name of customer, for whom package has been created • User, who created the package • Status of the package • Number of orders in the package • Total amount of orders in package • Source of package’s file In order to see package’s details you should choose its underlined name. Strona 70 / 114 In order to review orders in chosen package, you should choose button. You will see orders in package by beneficiaries. This section works similarly to „Transactions by Beneficiary” In „Transaction Management” module. User can choose proper order from package and sign it. In order to sign the package, in the window “Package Summary” you should choose button. You will be asked for confirmation. After successful signing of the package its result will be displayed. Strona 71 / 114 Package that has been signed with all required signatures, is ready to be sent in “Sending” section. 11.3 Sending This section allows you to send packages, which have been previously signed. It consists of two parts: filters and list of packages. In order to find proper packages, you can use one of the following filters: • Package name • Package number • Date of package’s creation • Name of customer, for whom package has been created • Status of the package After creating all the filters, please choose button. The list with packages consistent with given criteria will appear. The table contains following columns: • Package number • Package name • Name of customer, for whom package has been created • User, who created the package • Status of the package • Number of orders in the package • Total amount of orders in package • Source of package’s file In order to see package’s details you should choose its underlined name. Strona 72 / 114 In order to review orders in chosen package, you should choose button. You will see orders in package by beneficiaries. This section works similarly to „Transactions by Beneficiary” In „Transaction Management” module. User can choose proper order from package and sign it. In order to send the package, in the window “Package Summary” you should choose button. You will be asked for confirmation. After successful sending of the package its result will be displayed. Strona 73 / 114 11.4 Detach / Cancel This section allows you to detach / cancel packages. It consists of two parts: filters and list of packages. In order to find proper packages, you can use one of followind filters: • Package name • Package number • Date of package’s creation • Name of customer, for whom package has been created • Status of the package After creating all the filters, please choose button. The list with packages consistent with given criteria will appear. The table contains following columns: • Package number • Package name • Name of customer, for whom package has been created • User, who created the package • Status of the package • Number of orders in the package • Total amount of orders in package • Source of package’s file In order to see package’s details you should choose its underlined name. Strona 74 / 114 In order to review orders in chosen package, you should choose button. You will see orders in package by beneficiaries. This section works similarly to „Transactions by Beneficiary” In „Transaction Management” module. User can choose proper order from package and sign it. User can detach or cancel package. In order to cancel the package, in the window “Package Summary” you should choose button. You will be asked for confirmation. After successful cancelling of the package its result will be displayed. Strona 75 / 114 In order to cancel the package, in the window “Package Summary” you should choose button. You will be asked for confirmation. After successful detaching of the package you will see the result. Strona 76 / 114 13 Transaction Management 13.1 Transactions by Beneficiary Transactions by Beneficiary is a module, enabling you to see the entered orders with detailed information concerning the recipients. After accessing this module the following screen will be displayed. The Form consists of two parts: • the part used for defining the retrieval criteria, • the part containing the listed orders meeting the appointed retrieval criteria. There are two buttons above the orders form: • „Print” using which the screen content may be printed • „Help”, on pressing which the window with the help on present module will appear. Below the order list there is a table with the total sum of the submitted orders. Transactions retrieval Retrieval criteria may concern particular order attributes. It is possible to use basic or advanced filter. In order to switch to advanced mode please choose button. If you prefer to use simple filter, choose button. Simple mode lets you search by: Strona 77 / 114 Account – the field allows you to specify the number of the debited account (Client’s account). The field Date lets you define the date of the displayed orders. In advanced mode there are three available types of date. Selection of the type of the retrieved date is done by checking one of the fields located at the field below. After switching to advanced mode, other options are available: The field Type allows defining the type of the displayed orders. The field Currency lets you filter transactions by currency Thanks to the field Status you are able to define the status with which the orders are to be displayed. Meaning of the order statuses: • New – order entered to the System (written or imported), • Signed with first signature – the order was signed by the first authorizing User, Strona 78 / 114 • • • • Signed with second signature – the order was signed by the second authorizing User, Sent – the order was signed for execution, Registered in the bank – the order was passed on for execution in the bank, Cancelled – the order was cancelled by the User (see chapter 13.6) The field Beneficiary lets you search for orders sent to given counterparty by entering his/her name (a part of name is enough). The field Amount enables you to define upper and lower ceiling of the amount of the displayed orders. The field Reference allows you to search for the order by its system number. The field Details lets you search for order by entering its description. By checking the field with details the retrieved orders will be shown with detailed information. . The field Packages lets you decide whether the list should include orders from packages After defining the retrieval criteria there are three available options: - short summary of orders will appear (type, debited account number, currency, amount, order’s count) - lets you export orders in Excel sheet (.xls) format. New window will appear where you can decide whether to open or download the file Strona 79 / 114 - the table with orders matching filtering criteria will be displayed Data of the orders included in the table: • Date of entering the order • Value date (execution date) of the order • Reference - System number of the order • Transaction type • Transaction status • Debited account • Amount • Currency • Code of Beneficiary’s bank • Beneficiary’s Account (credited) • Beneficiary’s Name • Details of a given transaction (if such option was checked) You can any time sort the found orders by one of the columns, in any order. To do so, you need to click on the arrow located in the first row of a given column. The picture below shows the orders sorted by transaction’s system number, in the ascending order. Additionally, you may see the details of a given order. Moving on to that mood is done by clicking on the Reference number in a given line. Strona 80 / 114 13.2 Transactions by User Transactions by User is a module which presents orders with detailed information concerning the entering and signing users. After entering the module the form shown below will appear. Strona 81 / 114 Module offers the same feature as the module Transactions by Beneficiaries with the exception that other data are presented on the order lists. Data of the orders included in the table: • Date of entering the order • Value date (execution date) of the order • Reference - System number of the order • Transaction type • Transaction status • Debited account • Amount • Currency • User who entered a given order • User who signed a given order with first signature • User who signed a given order with second signature • User who sent a given order • Details of a given transaction (if such option was checked) 13.3 Transactions by Group Transactions by Group is the module, in which the orders are presented in the division into the previously defined account groups. After accessing the module the following form will appear: Strona 82 / 114 The form allows defining the criteria of retrieving the orders. Transactions retrieval It is possible to use basic or advanced filter. In order to switch to advanced mode please choose button. If you prefer to use simple filter, choose button. Simple mode lets you define following criteria: The field Accounts/Groups is used for defining, the orders from the accounts belonging to, to which groups defined by the user they should they are to be displayed. To select several groups press Ctrl or Shift while selecting specific groups. The form allows defining the date range, from which the orders are to be displayed, along with stating whether the retrieved date is to be the date of entering the order to the system or the date of the currency of a given order. Strona 83 / 114 The dates may be entered manually or with the help of the reference calendar, which is displayed after pressing the button . The date chosen from the calendar will be entered in the field, and the calendar will be closed. In the field Amount you may define the lower and the upper limit of the range of amounts of the displayed orders. Advanced mode lets you define following criteria: Transaction’s Type allows you to filter orders by type. Next step is defining the status of the retrieved orders. The field Beneficiary’s Account allows you to enter (also partially) the account number of the recipient. The Show by is used for stating what kind of information the orders are to be listed with. You may choose the orders shown with detailed information concerning the beneficiaries or users of your company. You may also describe in which order transactions will be displayed in Summary. Strona 84 / 114 The orders may be grouped by Customers (if the User has rights to the do accounts of more than one company), by countries, in which the accounts are run (Branches) or by currencies of the accounts. The default groups may be selected in the module Group Management Here is the example of the defined retrieval criteria. After making the selection you should press one of the buttons. On pressing the button the orders will be listed on the screen. The form displays the information similarly to the forms of Transactions by Beneficiaries and Transactions by Users, depending on the selected item in the field Show by. 13.4 Sign Sign is a module, in which you may authorize (sign) the entered transactions. After accessing the module the list of orders to be signed will be displayed. Strona 85 / 114 The form consists of two parts: • retrieval criteria, • list of orders meeting the retrieval criteria. There are two buttons above the form of orders: • „Print”, which enables you to print the screen content • „Help”, on pressing which the window with help on the current module will be displayed. Retrieval criteria are the same as in Transactions by Beneficiary. Signing of orders After specifying the search criteria you should press the button orders meeting the criteria will be listed on the screen. Strona 86 / 114 . The In order to see details of a given order, you should choose Reference number of the given order. To return to the previous screen just press . To sign the order you should check the boxes by specific orders. Pressing the button causes selecting the checkboxes by all the orders. Strona 87 / 114 On pressing the button you will be requested for confirmation. After confirmation you will see the result of signing the order(s). Orders authorized by the User may be signed by the second authorized User or be sent. 13.5 Send Send module allows sending the orders signed by the authorizing Users to the Bank. After entering the module the list of orders which may be sent is displayed. The form consists of two parts: • retrieval criteria, • list of orders meeting the search criteria. There are two buttons above the orders form: • „Print”, which enables the user to print the page content • „Help”, on pressing which the window with help on the current module will be displayed. Strona 88 / 114 Retrieval criteria are the same as in Transactions by Beneficiary. Sending of orders After defining the search criteria please press the button orders that meet the criteria will be listed. . The In order to see details of a given order you should choose Reference number of the given order. Strona 89 / 114 To return to the previous screen just press . In order to send the order you should check the boxes by specific orders. causes selecting the checkboxes by all the Pressing the button orders. On pressing the button you will be requested for confirmation. Strona 90 / 114 After confirmation you will see the result of sending the order(s). ING Bank debits the bank account of the Client by way of the executed transfer orders according to the following rules: • bank account of the Client will be debited on the day of sending the order, if the sending was until 16.20 unless the Client defined the due date for the next days, • sending of order send after 16.40, causes debiting the bank account of the Client in the next working day unless the Client specified the due date for the next days, • orders sent between 16.20 and 16.40, for the sake of the data processing method may be executed by ING Bank as orders which debit the account on the day of sending or on the next working day, unless the Client specified the due date for the next day, The limit hours concerning the foreign transfers and foreign exchange are defined in the module of specific transactions. 13.6 Edit / Cancel Module Edit / Cancel allows you to edit and cancel the entered orders. After accessing the module a list of orders which can be edited is displayed. The form consists of two parts: • search criteria, • list of forms meeting the search criteria. There are two buttons above the orders form: • „Print”, which enables you to print the page content Strona 91 / 114 • „Help”, on pressing which the window with help on the current module will be displayed. Retrieval criteria are the same as in Transactions by Beneficiary. Editing and canceling of orders After defining the search criteria please press the button orders that meet the criteria will be listed. . The In order to see details of a given order you should choose Reference number of the given order. Strona 92 / 114 In order to edit chosen order, please choose “Edit” link next to it. The screen for editing the order will appear. Strona 93 / 114 When you change all required data, please choose button. In order to delete the order you should check the boxes by specific orders. Pressing the button causes selecting the checkboxes by all the orders. On pressing the button you will be requested for confirmation. Strona 94 / 114 After confirmation you will see the result of signing the order(s). Strona 95 / 114 14 Beneficiary The Beneficiary section contains modules, using which you may easily import beneficiary’s database from the MultiCash system. 14.1 Instructions In the module Instructions you may download files with instructions, which should be loaded to the MultiCash system. Depending on the type of beneficiary’s database, which you want to export from the MultiCash system, please choose Download link next to the proper type: international or domestic payment. New window will appear, where you can open or download the file with instructions. Strona 96 / 114 Downloaded file should be then loaded to the MultiCash system. It ensures that the MultiCash will export file with correct format. 14.2 Import This section lets you import files, which were previously exported from the MultiCash system. Please choose the file, which should be imported and select button. Each file contains data of only one company. During the import the system checks file’s format and access rights. Please remember that system path (folder on local disk and file’s name) cannot contain unsupported characters. After successful import you will see the confirmation. Properly imported file will appear in Create Templates section. 14.3 Create Templates Strona 97 / 114 Create Templates section contains imported files with domestic and international beneficiaries. It allows you to create order templates on the basis of imported beneficiaries. In order to find given file, you can use date filter. If any files were imported in defined period, you will see the list. The table contains: • File’s number • File’s format • Name of customer, for whom the beneficiaries have been imported • File’s name together with system path on the local disk, from which the file was uploaded • File’s size in bytes • Uploading date with hour • User who uploaded the file • Information whether the file has been processed • Radio button User can view content of file by choosing its underlined name Strona 98 / 114 If you choose radio button next to chosen file, you will be able to select account, which is to be debited for given template. In order to create the template, please choose as the file is processed, the result will appear. button. As soon The status of processing is visible in the table, in Processed column. After proper processing, transfers with beneficiaries from imported file are visible in Templates option, in section Domestic or International payment 15 Personal Settings The Personal Settings section contains modules, using which you may customize certain modules of the System. 15.1 Account Name In the module Account Name you may define alias names for particular accounts, which will facilitate the future identification. Strona 99 / 114 Account name should be inserted in the field next to a given account . number, after which you should press the button 15.2 Group Management In the module Group Management you may define which default groups you want to use, create a new group, edit or delete already existing group. Strona 100 / 114 Creating a new group To create a new group you should select “Create new group” from the dropdown list located in the upper part of the form. You will see a new form. In the field Under the name you should enter the name of the group. Then, you should press the button . The group will be created. Editing a group Editing the groups in this module allows changing the name of the groups. To do so, you should select “Edit Existing Group” from the list. On the form that will display, you should choose the group, whose name is to be modified and in the field Name you should insert the new name. Next, you should press the button . Strona 101 / 114 The name will be modified. Deleting a group In order to delete a group you should select “Delete Group” from the list. Next, you should check the groups which are to be deleted and press the button . Chosen groups will be deleted. 15.3 Assign to Group Module Assign to Group lets you assign or delete selected accounts from the previously created groups. Strona 102 / 114 After accessing the module the list of accounts that are not assigned to any group will display. If such groups exist, the screen like above will be displayed. To assign or delete accounts from the group you should select the name of the group from the drop-down list located in the upper part of the form. After selection of the group, the makeup of a given group and the accounts which are not assigned to it will be displayed on the screen. Checking the checkbox by a given account and pressing the button will result in deleting the account from the groups. Similarly, Strona 103 / 114 checking a given account and pressing the button account to be assigned to the groups. 15.4 will cause the Settings In the module Settings you may specify personal settings, e.g. default currency, delimiter in download file and the number of orders per page. In order to change settings, please choose proper item from given dropdown list. You can change many settings at once. When the process of change is finished, please choose button. The following information will appear. We suggest that you set “Sign/Send All” option at no more than 500 orders. Strona 104 / 114 16 Security 16.1 Important Information This section contains basic information on security in the ING Online system. It presents security tools, informs how to increase the level of security in the application and how to use it in a secure way. This section contains also security glossary, which includes the definitions of basic terms. 16.2 Change Password This module is used for modification of the access password to the System. To modify the password you should insert the old password, new password . along with its confirmation and press the button After the correct modification of the password, the following window should appear. Strona 105 / 114 If you choose “OK”, another window will appear, It asks for confirmation about closing browser window. Choose “Yes”. The connection to the Server will be terminated (the User will be logged out). Please reopen the browser. When logging in again you should use the new password. 16.3 Digital certificate Digital Certificate module allows you to see properties of your certificate. The screen displays the details of the certificate, its serial number, generation date and the certificate expiry date as well as its contents and issuer. This module should be accessed after first logging in, to generate the Certificate. It contains particular steps of generation of the certificate. 16.4 Help Strona 106 / 114 Help module in the Security section will help you through the certificate generation procedure, and during the work with the system it will allow you to familiarize yourself with the information concerning the certificates. 16.5 Secret Questions and Answers In the event of loosing the password its reactivation will be done by means of the secrete questions and answers, which you may enter in this module. If the User forgets the password, he/she should click on the button „Forgot your password?” on the page of logging in the System. Strona 107 / 114 The system will transfer the User to the page with the password reactivation procedure. First, you should give the User name (login), and then answer one of the previously defined questions, after which the System will check if the Certificate stored on the microchip card is correct (the card has to stay inside the reader for all the time). If all the presented information is correct the System will generate a new password, using which it will be possible to log in the System. Password must be modified at the logging in. Strona 108 / 114 17 Additional Features 17.1 Templates Template is a feature of the System, which enables you to save the frequently repeated orders. Description of the process of saving the order as template is described in the chapters belonging to particular orders (Chapter 11). This chapter describes using the templates, editing them and deleting. On pressing the link “Template” a list of templates of the user concerning given type of transaction is displayed. The form included the following information: • template name, • beneficiary (the counterparty) of the order, • beneficiary’s account, • payment details. Additionally, by each template there are buttons making possible selection of a template, editing it, viewing and deleting the template. The button is used for defining a new template. Retrieval of templates Under the list of templates there is a search field. Strona 109 / 114 In order to retrieve specific templates, enter the word, which is to be found and which template field it is to be retrieved in. After defining the search criteria you should press the button list of templates meeting the search criteria will be displayed. . The A given template may be used by pressing the button in the column Choose. On pressing this button, the User will be transferred to the module of a given order with the filled in fields of the form. After filling in the missing fields you may send a given transfer by pressing the button . By pressing the button Button you may edit a given template and save it again. is intended for viewing the details of the template. In order to delete given order, please choose it on the list by checking the box in the column “Delete”, then press button. You will be asked for confirmation. After the confirmation the template will be removed from the base. 17.2 Print The button „Print” situated above the most of the modules is used for printing the screen content. Strona 110 / 114 On pressing the button a system window will display, in which you may select the printer and the print out properties. 17.3 Help Help is available on pressing the button „Help”, located above the forms of particular modules. The help text will be displayed in a new window. Strona 111 / 114 17.4 Blocking the user In the event of loosing the microchip card or for other important reason, you may block your User, or User which has rights to serve the accounts of your company. In such a case you should phone Call Centre ING Bank – (032) 357-00-44 (service available 24h a day, 7 days a week) and give the data of the User, which is to be blocked. After correct verification the User will be blocked – he/she will not be able to log in. Strona 112 / 114 18 Logging out of the System To exit the System, press the button „Log out”. Correct termination of the connection will be confirmed by the message. You will be also asked to close the browser windows. It is recommended because of safety reasons. Strona 113 / 114 19 Contact Us A team of specialists renders support to the Users as regards operation of the System and everyday work with it. Tel.: +48 22 820 41 01 E-mail: [email protected] Strona 114 / 114