Building Level Professional Development Plan
Building Level Professional Development Plan
“Successful Learning for ALL Students” District/Building Professional Development Plan 2016-2017 Chariton, Iowa Chariton Community School District Professional Development Plan School Year 2016-2017 District: Chariton Community School District Date: July 5, 2016 District Leadership Team: Paula Wright, Tracy Hall, Karen Randall, Andy Fuhs, Jen Schlomer, Beth Scott-Thomas, Shannon Holbrook, Jamie Cranston, Brenda Peterson, Melissa Hill, Ken Harrison District Expectations Cooperation and collaboration between the staff, parents, and community shall be a high priority. Our students will demonstrate academic and 21st century skills to function as productive adults in a global society. The professional staff will provide instruction consistent with the Iowa Core Curriculum. Data collected through assessments will drive instruction. District will support professional growth that will enhance teacher performance. District Mission Successful learning for ALL students 2 District Long – Range - CSIP Goals Goal 1: All students will demonstrate proficiency in reading comprehension on a district wide assessment. Goal 2: All students will demonstrate growth in understanding and application of mathematics on a district wide assessment. Goal 3: All students will demonstrate proficiency in science on a district wide assessment. Goal 4: All students will use technology to enhance student achievement, understanding, problem solving, reasoning and inquiry in reading, math and science. Goal 5: All Chariton Community School District students will feel safe at and connected to school. 2016-2017 Student Learning Goals 1. Successfully apply academic and 21st century skills needed in a global society. 2. Effectively communicate. 3. Exhibit behaviors to become a productive and contributing member of a global society. 4. Use resources necessary to solve real life problems. 2016-2017 Annual (APR) Improvement Goals Each building has developed goals and professional development aligned with each district long-range goal – they are addressed either through building specific professional development, technology professional development, or through district curriculum, instruction and assessment professional development. 3 Reading Comprehension Annual Goals (Long-Range Goal #1) 1. Chariton School’s average reading comprehension National Standard Score (NSS) will show proficiency or one year’s growth in grades 4-11 as measured by the Iowa Assessment National Standard Score. Building Action Plans for Reading Comprehension The following buildings’ reading comprehension plans require that teachers know and utilize the Iowa Teaching Standards listed below. Standard 1: Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Standard 2: Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. Standard 3: Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Standard 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students. Standard 5: Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Elementary Comprehension, fluency instructional practices, appropriate leveled text, and the intervention materials will be implemented/aligned to meet the ELA Iowa Core Standards and to meet our students’ individual needs through differentiated instruction. Building/Grade level learning teams will create common assessments to collect and analyze data on student progress. Teachers will use this data to make appropriate educational decisions with the data for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). (COL) If we implement formative assessments for comprehension, then students will be able to differentiate and analyze data for increased student learning. (COL) If we continue to implement a structured fluency time and utilize research based fluency strategies, then our students will be fluent readers as they begin to read to learn. (COL) If we implement materials for targeted and intensive interventions, then we will close the achievement gap in reading. (COL) If we create and use common assessments, then teachers will use the data to guide instruction and differentiate within the classroom. (VA) If we align our instruction to the Iowa Core Standards, then we will be able to create common formative assessments at each grade level. (VA) If we utilize common formative assessments, then we will be able to analyze subgroup data and differentiation our instruction to better meet all students’ needs. 4 (VA) If we continue to provide a structured fluency instruction time along with interventions, then our FAST data will improve and we will be able to close the gap with our at-risk and substantially deficient students. Middle School Learning Teams will continue to align the taught curriculum to the Iowa Core Curriculum in Reading. Teachers will develop units using Backwards Design model to create summative assessments that emphasize higher order thinking skills and performance activities. Data from Iowa Assessments and student work, including formative and summative assessments, will provide Learning Teams with the information necessary to assist struggling reading students using our MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) process. (CMS) If we align curriculum to the Iowa Core and we develop units using backward unit design to create formative and summative assessments that emphasize higher order thinking skills and performance activities, then student achievement in reading will increase. High School The Reading and Language Arts team will continue to update and align course content to the Iowa Core and develop rubrics and assessments to evaluate student competency for each of these standards. Teachers will utilize multiple literacy strategies to improve student reading comprehension and analyze data from multiple assessments, both formative and summative, to measure progress. Data collected from multiple assessments will be analyzed and used by the data teams to make instructional decisions. (CHS) If we utilize Reading in the Content Area strategies in the classroom then “reading informational text” scores on the Iowa Assessments will improve. (CHS) If we use data from formative and summative assessments to make instructional decisions to improve student learning then students will demonstrate proficiency in the content literacy standards. 5 Math Annual Goals (Long-Range Goal #2) 2. Chariton School’s average math National Standard Score (NSS) will show proficiency or one year’s growth in grades 4-11 as measured by the Iowa Assessment National Standard Score. Building Action Plans for Math The following buildings’ Math plans require that teachers know and utilize the Iowa Teaching Standards listed below. Standard 1: Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Standard 2: Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. Standard 3: Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Standard 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students. Standard 5: Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Elementary Elementary math teachers will focus on alignment of Investigations and CGI to the Iowa Core while focusing professional development on instructional practices on fact fluency to meet our students’ individual needs through differentiated instruction. K-2 and 3-5 Math Teams will meet to develop and align common assessments through the grades. Teachers will analyze data to improve fact fluency at the K-5 levels. Teachers will use this data to make appropriate educational decisions with the data for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Teachers will incorporate Kathy Richardson’s research based intervention materials through Title 1, At-risk and special education programs to support our CGI philosophy to support targeted and intensive interventions and specially designed instruction. (COL) If teachers continue to align CGI strategies and Investigations materials to the Iowa Core then teachers will have a clear understanding of what strategies are needed at each grade level. (COL) If Special Education teachers are trained in Kathy Richardson, Math Perspectives materials, we will have higher student achievement and be able to close the educational gap with special education students. (COL) If we monitor fact fluency, students will be more successful and automatic in later years of their education. (VA) If we align our instruction to the Iowa Core Standards, then we will be able to create common formative assessments at each grade level. 6 (VA) If we focus on improving common assessments, then we will improve instructional decisions which will promote students engagement and student learning. (VA) If we focus on proven effective instructional strategies, then we will see improved student achievement. (VA) If we create a systematic structure that includes explicit instruction along with interventions in the area of fact fluency, then our students will become automatic Middle School Math Learning Teams will continue to align the taught curriculum to the Iowa Core Curriculum in math. Teachers will develop units using Backwards Design model to create summative assessments that emphasize higher order thinking skills and performance activities. Data from Iowa Assessments and student work, including formative and summative assessments, will provide Learning Teams with the information necessary to assist struggling math students using our MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) process. (CMS) If we align curriculum to the Iowa Core and we develop units using backward unit design to create formative and summative assessments that emphasize higher order thinking skills and performance activities, then student achievement in math will increase. High School The Math team will continue to update and align course content to the Iowa Core and develop rubrics and assessments to evaluate student competency for each of these standards. Teachers will utilize multiple content area literacy strategies to improve student comprehension and analyze data from multiple assessments, both formative and summative, to measure progress. Data collected from multiple assessments will be analyzed and used by the data teams to make instructional decision. Teachers will continue to require students to gain deeper understanding of math concepts by having the students do self-corrections and error analysis, and having them explain where their errors were made on daily formative assessments. If we utilize Reading in the Content Area strategies in the classroom then “reading informational text” scores on the Iowa Assessments will improve. If we use data from formative and summative assessments to make instructional decisions to improve student learning then students will demonstrate proficiency in the content area literacy standards. 7 Science Annual Goals (Long-Range Goal #3) 3. Chariton School’s average science National Standard Score (NSS) will show proficiency or one year’s growth in grades 4-11 as measured by the Iowa Assessment National Standard Score. Building Action Plans for Science The following buildings’ Science plans require that teachers know and utilize the Iowa Teaching Standards listed below. Standard 1: Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Standard 2: Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. Standard 3: Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. Standard 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students. Standard 5: Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Elementary Continue learning, unpacking, and incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into our enacted materials to best help us teach the NGSS in an engaging and inquiry-based fashion. Teachers will be developing assessments to collect data to analyze and in helping with implementation while unpacking the standards. (COL) If teachers understand NGSS they will be able to apply the standards and teach them to students (VA) If teachers have high-quality pd that provides time to dive deeply into the NGSS, then our student learning will improve. (VA) If teachers are provided time, then unpacking and implementation of the NGSS standards will be successful. Middle School Science Learning Teams will continue to align instruction to the Next Generation Science Standards. Teachers will develop units using Backwards Design model to create summative assessments that emphasize higher order thinking skills and performance activities. 8 Data from Iowa Assessments and student work, including formative and summative assessments, will provide Learning Teams with the information necessary to assist struggling science students using our MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) process. (CMS) If we align curriculum to the Iowa Core and we develop units using backward unit design to create formative and summative assessments that emphasize higher order thinking skills and performance activities, then student achievement in science will increase. High School The Science Team will complete the state science standards overview (module one) in order to update and align course content and develop rubrics and assessments to evaluate student competency for each of these standards. Teachers will utilize multiple content area literacy strategies to improve student comprehension and analyze data from multiple assessments, both formative and summative, to measure progress. Data collected from multiple assessments will be analyzed and used by the data teams to make instructional decisions. If we utilize Reading in the Content Area strategies in the classroom then “reading informational text” scores on the Iowa Assessments will improve. If we use data from formative and summative assessments to make instructional decisions to improve student learning then students will demonstrate proficiency in the content area literacy standards. 9 Technology Annual Goal (Long-Range Goal #4) 1. Administrators and teaching staff will acquire skills to develop specific classroom instructional methods to integrate technology to enhance student learning. Building Action Plans for Technology Integration The following buildings’ Technology integration plans require that teachers know and utilize the Iowa Teaching Standards listed below. Standard 1: Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Standard 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students. Standard 5: Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Standard 7: Engages in professional growth Elementary Elementary teachers will unpack 21st Century Skills and begin implementation at each grade level. A scope and sequence will be developed across the grade level to identify specific skills needing to be taught. District PD will be available to improve technology skills for elementary teachers. Onsite technology leads will be available to develop instructional methods of integration to enhance student learning. (COL) If teachers know the 21st Century Skills then they will be able to make an implementation plan for K-2. (COL) If teachers are integrating technology into their current teaching then we will enhance student learning and be progressive in our delivery. (VA) If teachers are provided basic knowledge of grade level technology skills and time to collaborate on how to integrate the skills into their existing curriculum, then we will enhance student learning. Middle School Teachers are offered opportunities to work collaboratively with their peers to receive training on new forms of technology and will implement these into the classroom, and our professional development for the upcoming year should provide for collaboration between teachers and opportunities to share ideas on how to incorporate technology into the curriculum. 10 (CMS) If teachers are provided opportunities to work collaboratively with their peers to learn and implement technology, then student learning will be enhanced. High School Teachers will work collaboratively with their peers to learn new technology applications during after school workshops throughout the school year. The high school faculty will familiarize themselves with digital citizenship standards and teach and reinforce the common expectations with students through the student advisory period to meet the standards. Teachers will implement strategies to improve student-student collaboration. If we provide direct instruction of the digital citizenship standards and teach and continually reinforce the CHS common expectations for digital citizenship at Chariton High School, we will have fewer computer/technology use violations during the school day, as compared to 2015-16. 11 Safe and Connected Goals (Long-Range Goal #5) District Annual Goal: 1. All students will feel safe, supported and connected to school. Building Action Plans for Safe and Connected The following buildings’ safe and connected school plans require that teachers know and utilize the Iowa Teaching Standards listed below. Standard 5: Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. Standard 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management. Standard 7: Engages in professional growth Elementary We will continue the implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) framework to encourage common expectations and appropriate behaviors. Teachers will continue to collect and analyze student progress data and make appropriate decisions and provide differentiation within the classroom. Teachers will review materials available for best implementation of expected behaviors such as: students getting along with each other, accepting individual differences, and learning strategies to be productive citizens in society. All staff will be trained/retrained on emergency procedures including fire drills, tornado drills and ALiCE procedures. Our professional development will focus on remaining calm and in control in emergency situations. (COL) If we continue to implement PBIS with common language and expectations then students will be confident in their learning in every environment. (COL) If we continue to praise students for making good choices, then, we will have happy students who are confident and enjoy school. (COL) If we continue to collect and analyze data, then student behaviors will guide our instruction. (VA) If we create and teach explicit lesson plans with common language and expectations, then student engagement will improve and student achievement will go up. (VA) If we continue to collect and analyze behavior data, then appropriate decisions can be made to meet the needs of all of our students. 12 Middle School Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) will continue to develop. The PBIS Leadership Team will set up lessons to be presented to the students. All staff will regularly utilize Positive Behavior Intervention strategies to continually improve the student-faculty relationships, in turn having a positive impact on the culture and climate. CMS will look for bullying prevention materials and implement. All staff will be trained/retrained on emergency procedures including fire drills, tornado drills and lock-down drills. We will focus remaining calm and in control in uncontrollable situations which may occur in our district, learned from the ALICE training (CMS) If we continue to effectively implement Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) and begin to implement bullying prevention curriculum, then studentfaculty relationships will improve and school connectedness will improve. (CMS) If we continue to be trained/retrained in emergency procedures, then student safety will increase during emergency situations. High School Teachers will be provided instruction to implement college and career readiness standards. We will emphasize college & career readiness and 21st century skills in advisory. We will continue to work on bullying prevention and positive behaviors during the scheduled advisory meeting times. All staff will be trained/retrained on emergency procedures including fire drills, tornado drills and ALiCE drills. If all staff build relationships and make connections with students, consistently reinforce the common expectations, emphasize and give students the opportunity to apply 21st century skills in advisory and in the classroom, and provide bullying prevention training during advisory, the number of office referrals and consequences for attendance infractions, inappropriate behaviors, and insubordination will decline in comparison to the 2015-16 data. If we analyze student data and plan supports for students during MtSS, provide interventions in the general ed setting, intensive support through our At-Risk program and Alternative Program, then the number of students who are failing will decline in comparison to the 2015-16 data. If we provide all staff with emergency procedure training and schedule quarterly drills to practice the procedures then staff will be better prepared in the event of an actual emergency. 13 District Goal of Professional Development in Chariton Engage every teacher in meaningful work that supports our district’s mission. Organization for Professional Development The following graphic outlines the elements of Professional Development in the Chariton Community School District. Aligned to the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, all district and building professional development follows the Iowa Professional Development Model in its planning, delivery and evaluation. Each element or structure in the outline is described in more detail beginning on the next page. Ultimate Outcome – Increased student performance District Leadership Team Building Leadership Teams Goal #1 = Sustainable, continuous improvement for students and teachers in the classroom Goal #2 = Build leadership capacity within the teaching staff Data Teams Leadership Teams Characteristics of Effective Instruction Productive Group Work Cognitive Guided Instruction Curriculum Mapping MTSS Common Summative Assessments Formative Assessments Differentiation Standards Based Reporting 14 of Acti Structures of Professional Development The District’s Learning Team structure requires that teachers know and utilize the following Iowa Teaching Standards: Standard 7: Engages in Professional Growth Standard 8: Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district 1. Leadership Capacity Learning Teams/Grade Level Teams Each teacher is part of a learning team. The collaborative time allows for common planning of lessons, formative and summative assessments, curriculum alignment, and MTSS for students in need. Groups meet and collaborate on a weekly basis. Building Leadership Team (BLT) Each Learning Team will have a BLT Facilitator that will meet at the building level on a monthly basis throughout the school year. Their responsibility will be to form the meeting agenda and facilitate the Learning Team meeting. District Leadership Team (DLT) The District Leadership Team is comprised of the building Instructional Coaches and the administration. The DLT’s mission is to look at building and district data to plan and provide ongoing professional development and training for the Data Team facilitators and district staff. This team is critical to the district’s success; looking at progressive ideas and discussing educational issues to make decisions impacting the district in a positive way. District Technology Team The District Technology Team is comprised of building technology leaders, administrators and the technology director. The teams mission is to explore technology hardware, software and practices that will support the District’s goal for technology. Peer Review Learning Team members that are not being evaluated during the current school year will participate in the district’s peer review process. This includes team members providing feedback regarding an individual’s teaching practices. The district’s goal is to create and sustain a system where teachers operate in a framework of continual improvement. 15 2. Building Professional Development and Collaboration Schedule District Special Ed PD w/ AEA Columbus Van Allen Middle School High School 8/11/2016 DATA TEAM DATA TEAM DATA TEAM LEADERS Leading Collaborative Teams DATA TEAM LEADERS Leading Collaborative Teams DATA TEAM LEADERS DATA TEAM Leading LEADERS - Leading Collaborative Collaborative Teams Teams 8/12/2016 DATA TEAM DATA TEAM DATA TEAM LEADERS & MENTOR TRAINING DATA TEAM LEADERS & MENTOR TRAINING DATA TEAM DATA TEAM LEADERS & LEADERS & MENTOR MENTOR TRAINING TRAINING AM - Paper work & Ethics Training PM Technology (get computer) and website, IC, etc training. Alice training AM - Paper work & Ethics Training PM Technology (get computer) and website, IC, etc training. Alice training AM - Paper work & Ethics Training PM Technology (get computer) and website, IC, etc training. Alice training AM - Paper work & Ethics Training PM - Technology (get computer) and website, IC, etc training. Alice training Work in rooms & building Work in rooms & building K-12 SPED meeting - One per month LEADERS Leading Collaborative Teams LEADERS Leading Collaborative Teams LEADERS & LEADERS & MENTOR MENTOR TRAINING TRAINING August 15 AM - Paper work & - NEW Ethics Training PM - Technology (get computer) and website, IC, etc training. Alice training August 16 Work in rooms & - NEW August 17 All Day PD building Work in rooms Work in rooms & building & building All day growth mindset culture climate technology AM-Breakfast and Presentation on Fixed/Growth District Day Mindset PM- Growth Mindset District Day District Day...growth mindset - culture climate technology Expert Curricular AM w/ AEA support (Kate, Fran, & Rosemary)/ELA PM w/ Fran (requested) Staff meeting; data 95% group all Kate can come team; LAN school; day-confirmed on this date EL module 1/2 day faculty meeting, FLEX plan overview, Saturday School expectations, SBG Calendar overiew & implementation plan review; 1/2 day emergency procedures training (ALiCE, fire, tornado), discuss scenarios and scenario drills. August 18 All Day PD 16 Share info from Fire Marshall and measures we need to take to be compliant. August 19 All Day PD 95% Group all dayconfirmed August 22 All Day PD Coaches meeting other meetings for the district Staff Meeting AM/Team Building w/ Instructional Coach PM PBIS; Instructional coach time; MTSS; Unit Design 1/2 day PBIS Common Expectations review, determine behavior data points to focus on based on 15-16 data, Lesson Overview of PBIS Lessons w/ feedback & adjustments; Advisory leadership & expectations overview, Advisory Calendar & Lesson Overview; 1:00 Voc Rehab will talk with faculty about services (approx. 20 minutes), 1/2 day Teachers take MAP Assessment, discuss important points to share with students about setting MAP Goals, look through list of students who are non-proficient in MAP & Iowa Assessment and cross-reference with class rosters. 1/2 day Formative Assessment minilesson, expectations, accountability...give examples for teachers to reference,examples AM- STAFF of establishing MEETING PBIS formative PM-District AM/Special assessment meetings for Meetings routines in the people who PM(Coaches, classroom, identify coach. Others special ed, etc.) common skills our can work in OPEN HOUSE Differentiation/special students need to rooms NIGHT ed. SDI improve in (i.e., 17 reading for information, analyzing text, written responses, etc.), and set SMART goal(s) with your Learning Team to improve these skills and use formative assessments to collect data to measure progress in this area as it relates to your content/course. You will also use formative assessments in your classes that may not be related to your team's SMART goal. Plan what your formative assessments might look like (general plan), and plan to bring data to teaming throughout the quarter. Formative Assessment data will also be referenced and considered during MtSS meetings when discussing student progress. 1/2 day work in your room/prepare for Back to School Night 8/23/2016 Blood Born Pathogens, ELL Modules/ Code of Conduct/ Tobacco and Drugs 4 point decision making rule. Phase Lines and Instructional Changes Blood Born Pathogens, ELL Modules/ Code of Conduct/ Tobacco and Drugs Blood Born Pathogens, ELL Modules/ Code of Conduct/ Tobacco and Drugs Blood Born Pathogens, ELL Modules/ Code of Conduct/ Tobacco and Drugs Blood Born Pathogens, ELL Modules/ Code of Conduct/ Tobacco and Drugs; Write Individual SMART Goals. Meet with Mr. Hall during scheduled time to review goals and turn in ICDP. 18 Grade-Level Data Teams Grade-Level Data Teams Grade-Level Data Teams, Purpose: review data team framework, learn how to share, analyze, and use data. Determine what data is, what to look at...model, scripted practice, provide example data. Requested AEA support in April. Kate HashBegin Unpacking the Standards. Grade-Level confirmed Data Teams Grade-Level Data Teams Data Teams: walkthru process of data analysis Grade-Level Data Teams Reading in the Content Area w/ AEA Support Requested 8/24/2016 Grade Level Teaming 8/31/2016 9/7/2016 Grade-Level Data Teams 9/14/2016 Kate HashBegin Unpacking the Standards. confirmed *Grade-Level Data Teams w/ support from AEA ELA Fran Grade-Level Data (Requested) Teams SBG Progress Checkpoint: Discuss and define with your learning team the purpose of grades in your class. Why do we grade? What are the grades intended to measure, what are we wanting to communicate? What results and actions are expected from grades? Compile your answers to share with BLT & Administrator. Analyze rubric examples and give an opinion about which rubric would be better suited for grading in your classes. What evidence could you use to compile a rubric score for the standard? Discuss, 19 summarize, and share summary with the BLT and admin. For next SBG session on 10/19/16 repare to share your thoughts about the information we need to share with parents & community about SBG, and methods of distributing this message to stakeholders. 9/21/2016 Progress Monitoring PD and PD opportunities offered through GPAEAwith Lori Hugan and Jill SchwarteConfirmed 9/28/2016 Study Fast Data. Then grade level teaming Expert Curricular Teaming w/ AEA support Fran, Kate, Rosemary (Requested) Kate will talk to you about this date...she may need to zoom 6-12 Articulation Kate HashBegin Unpacking the Standards. Grade-Level confirmed Data Teams Grade-Level Data Teams Reading in the Content Area w/ AEA Support Requested Grade-Level Data Teams Data TeamsData Teams...look at formative assessment data and answer the questions: What is the data saying about student performance? What factors contributed to the results? How will you respond to the data, do you need to reteach concepts and what instructional 10/5/2016 Study MAP Reading DataThen grade Grade-Level level teaming Data Teams Data Teams...look at formative assessment data and answer the questions: What is the data saying about student performance? What factors contributed to the results? How will you respond to the data, do you need to reteach concepts and what instructional changes will you make? 20 changes will you make? 10/12/2016 Grade Level Teaming *Grade-Level Data Teams w/ support from AEA ELA Fran Grade-Level Data (Requested) Teams Expert Curricular Teaming w/ AEA support Reintegration 95% group will Fran, Kate, Plansbe here this Rosemary Confirmed Jill afternoon. (Requested)-will invite Julie Conferences Kate Hash can Thomas are next week come this day Building level PD SBG Progress Checkpoint (tbd), share updated units, rubrics, and assessments with team and provide feedback. Discuss and outline information we need to share with community stakeholders (School Board, community, and parents), and ideas for distributing this information. Compile information and share with BLT and administrator. P/T Conferences P/T Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences, Student Demonstrations, SBG Information Night P/T Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences, Student Demonstrations, SBG Information Night Grade-Level Data Teams Data Teams...analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. 10/19/2016 10/25/2016 P/T Conferences P/T Conferences 10/26/2016 P/T Conferences P/T Conferences P/T Conferences 11/2/2016 Grade Level Teaming Grade-Level Data Teams Grade Level Teaming *Grade-Level Data Teams w/ support from AEA ELA Fran Grade-Level Data (Requested) Teams analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. Fran McVeigh-- Expert Curricular analyze data, answer questions, 11/9/2016 11/16/2016 Data Teams...analyze data and answer questions. IEP procedures Building level PD 21 and Best Practice Fluency Check point. What is working...what is not working.Requested Teaming w/ AEA support Fran, Kate, Rosemary (Requested) Kate Hash cannot come this date and plan instructional changes. Grade-Level Data Teams Reading in the Content Area w/ AEA Support Requested Grade-Level Data Teams SBG Progress Checkpoint, share updated units, rubrics, and assessments with team and provide feedback. Grade Level Teaming *Grade-Level Data Teams w/ support from AEA ELA Fran Grade-Level Data (Requested) Teams analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. Grade Level Teaming Expert Curricular Teaming w/ AEA support Fran, Kate, Rosemary (Requested) Kate Hash can come on this date 6-12 Articulation analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. Grade-Level Data Teams Analyze MAP data, MtSS data, Behavior Referrals, Meet with Mr. Hall during scheduled time to review goals and complete mid-year reflection. 11/30/2016 Grade Level Teaming Grade-Level Data Teams 12/7/2016 Kate Hash requested on Fact Fluency--Follow up Grade-Level April 6th Data Teams 12/14/2016 12/21/2016 SDI AND GOALS-Bring Lesson Plans and discuss what this means to you and what you are doing 1/4/2016 Grade Level Teaming Grade-Level Data Teams 1/11/2016 January 16 Grade Level Teaming *Grade-Level Data Teams w/ support from AEA ELA Fran Grade-Level Data (Requested) Teams AM-??PMPBIS TIER 1 interventions and bullying AM-??PM-PBIS TIER 1 interventions and bullying SBG Progress Checkpoint, share updated units, rubrics, and assessments with team and provide feedback. Formative Assessment and Standards Alignment 22 materialsShelli materialsShelli Blazic coming Blazic coming PM 1-4 PM 1-4 w/ Columbus? All Day PD 1/18/2017 Follow up to SDI---video Grade Level assignment??? Teaming Expert Curricular Teaming w/ AEA support Fran, Kate, Rosemary (Requested) Kate Hash can come on this date Building level PD Grade-Level Data Teams Reading in the Content Area w/ AEA Support Requested Grade-Level Data Teams SBG Progress Checkpoint, share updated units, rubrics, and assessments with team and provide feedback. *Grade-Level Data Teams w/ support from AEA ELA Fran Grade-Level Data (Requested) Teams analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. P/T Conferences P/T Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences, Student Demonstrations, SBG Information Night P/T Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences, Student Demonstrations, SBG Information Night 1/25/2017 95% group will Grade-Level be here Data Teams 2/1/2017 Study MAP Math and Reading Data anf FAST Grade-Level Data Data Teams 2/8/2017 Grade Level Teaming 2/8/2016 P/T Conferences P/T Conferences 2/9/2016 P/T Conferences P/T Conferences P/T Conferences ESY PD Jill and Jamie Fran McVeigh-Fluency Check point. What is working...what is not working.Requested Expert Curricular Teaming w/ AEA support Fran, Kate, Rosemary (Requested) Kate Hash can come on this date 6-12 Articulation 2/15/2017 analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. 23 Grade-Level Data Teams Reading in the Content Area w/ AEA Support Requested 2/22/2017 Grade Level Teaming Grade-Level Data Teams PBIS-Tier 2 Discussion about interventions Grade-Level Data Teams Grade-Level Data Teams SBG Progress Checkpoint, share updated units, rubrics, and assessments with team and provide feedback. Grade Level Teaming *Grade-Level Data Teams w/ support from AEA ELA Fran Grade-Level Data (Requested) Teams analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. 3/1/2017 3/8/2017 Expert Curricular AM w/ AEA support (Katie, Fran, & AM-Tier 2 Rosemary) Targeted Kate Hash can Behavior come on this Intervention date in the PM-Formative morning /ELA Instructional Assessment PM w/ Fran Practices/Behavior Framework (requested) tiered system March 10 All Day PD 3/22/2017 Lori is coming...what do we need? 3/29/2017 Grade Level Teaming Expert Curricular Teaming w/ AEA support Fran, Kate, Rosemary (Requested) Kate Hash can come on this date Building level PD Kate Hashrequested Number Talks and FAct Grade-Level Fluency? Data Teams analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. Grade-Level Data Teams Reading in the Content Area w/ AEA Support Requested Grade Level Teaming Grade-Level Data Teams Grade-Level Data Teams SBG Progress Checkpoint, share updated units, rubrics, and assessments with team and provide feedback. Grade Level Teaming *Grade-Level Data Teams w/ Grade-Level Data support from Teams analyze data, answer questions, and plan 4/5/2017 4/12/2017 TBD 24 4/19/2017 Grade Level Teaming AEA ELA Fran (Requested) instructional changes. Expert Curricular Teaming w/ AEA support Fran, Kate, Rosemary (Requested) Kate Hash can come on this date 6-12 Articulation analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. Grade-Level Data Teams Grade-Level Data Teams SBG Progress Checkpoint, share updated units, rubrics, and assessments with team and provide feedback. Grade-Level Data Teams Reading in the Content Area w/ AEA Support Requested 4/26/2017 Grade Level Teaming 5/3/2017 Grade Level Teaming Grade-Level Data Teams Grade Level Teaming *Grade-Level Data Teams w/ support from AEA ELA Fran Grade-Level Data (Requested) Teams analyze data, answer questions, and plan instructional changes. Grade Level Teaming Expert Curricular Teaming w/ AEA support Fran, Kate, Rosemary (Requested) Kate Hash can come on this date Building level PD SBG Progress Checkpoint, share updated units, rubrics, and assessments with team and provide feedback. Analyzing and Studying all MAP and FAST Data Analyzing MAP, Iowa PBIS; MTSS; Assessments, Systematic and FAST Data interventions; ICDP Analyze MAP data, MtSS data, Behavior Referrals. Meet with Mr. Hall, reflect on ICDP, discuss goals for 17-18. District Level Technology day requirement to take 4 - 2 hour courses throughout the year then this District Level Technology day requirement to take 4 - 2 hour courses throughout the year then this District Level Technology day requirement to take 4 - 2 hour courses throughout the year then this day will not be required. 5/10/2017 5/17/2017 May 25 All Day PD May 26 All Day PD District Level Technology day requirement to take 4 - 2 hour courses throughout the year then District Level Technology day requirement to take 4 - 2 hour courses throughout the year then this day will not be required. 25 this day will not be required. day will not be day will not be required. required. *Building PD will consist of aligning assessments and reading across curricular areas ** 3. PLC Development Collaboration is an integral part of the professional development at Chariton Community School District. Recognizing the benefits of a Professional Learning Community to student achievement, each grade level/department is part of a collaborative team. These teams will meet weekly to focus on building and classroom data for improved instruction. The four questions that will drive our Learning Teams are: 1. 2. 3. 4. What do we expect them (students) to know? How will we know when they have learned it? How will we respond when they don’t learn? How will we respond when they already know it? Learning Teams will use the following processes to address these four questions: Multi-Tiered System of Supports MTSS) Creation of Pre-tests / Post-tests and use of data Creation and analysis of formative assessments (Assessment FOR learning) Creation and analysis of summative assessments (Assessment OF learning) Synchronization and analysis of curriculum, instruction and assessments Engaging students using technology and exceptional teaching strategies Multicultural, Gender Fair To meet the professional needs of all staff, staff development activities shall align with district goals; shall be based on student and staff information; shall prepare all employees to work effectively with diverse learners and to implement multicultural, gender fair approaches to the educational program; and shall emphasize the research–based practices to achieve increased student achievement, learning, and performance as stated in the comprehensive school improvement plan. Special Populations 26 To meet the professional needs of all staff, staff development activities shall align with district goals; shall be based on student and staff information; shall prepare all employees to work effectively with diverse learners; and shall emphasize the research–based practices to achieve increased student achievement, learning, and performance as stated in the comprehensive school improvement plan. 27