The Highclimber - Wishkah Valley School District
The Highclimber - Wishkah Valley School District
The Highclimber School g Wishkah Valley in ng ri B s nt de tu S r! News to Your Doo Volume 2010, Issue 1 September Wishkah Valley School District Inside this issue: Football News 2 Volleyball News 2 Coach Taylor 2 Cheerleading 3 Booster Club 3 Family Fun Night 4 October 30 New Kids 5 Music News 5 Logger Laughs 6 Middle School 6 PSAT Art You Can Eat 6 7 Elementary News 7 Mr. Yoder’s Role 8 Fun Run & Walk 8 Wishkah Crossword 8 Supt’s Scoop 9 Teacher News 9 October Lunches 10 Adv. Academics 10 Snow Route 11 Dig Pink 11 InvestED 11 Students of the Month 12 Over 50 people participated in the Wishkah Valley Fun Run and Walk, an annual American Cancer Society Fundraiser hosted by the Wishkah Valley National Honor Society. Over $672.00 was raised. The Wishkah Valley Fun Run held Saturday, September 18, was quite a success. Muffy Eager says, “This was a great event enjoyed by all.” There were 52 participants . . . (See more page 8) $367,000 in Grant & Funds for WVSD Two years ago, WVSD wrote a grant requesting serious funds. This required many meetings with sources such as Donna Albert from the government administration, Department of Commerce, as well as the P.U.D who had to audit our school to see how much energy we are actually using. The outcome of all these meetings is $367,000 from an energy grant and other funds. Two – hundred thousand was received from Washington State and $167,000 from P.U.D. and other sources. This money will be used for all new energy saving lights as well as a new boiler and new controls. Quantum Engineering and Development, Inc. will install by Kelsey Kramer our new energy equipment. This project should be complete by next year. We asked Craig Gallington what he thought about the project and he replied cheerfully, “ I am happy about it!” Mr. Yoder stated that hopefully we can enter a “round two” in the future and get new heaters and air conditioners for every classroom someday. Page 2 The Highclimber Wishkah Valley School Football Wishkah is off to a great start this year. They are currently 2-0 with a 52-6 victory over rival team Lake Quinault. Wishkah sneaked by the Tahola Chitwhins, Friday the 17th, with a 22-14 win. “We didn’t play very smart football,” Coach Taylor says. ”We got the win, and that is what counts. With a very tight league this year, it should be an interesting season.” Wishkah coach Brad Taylor, Sr. is excited about this year’s by Bradley Helberg team size -- not only numbers but weight, as well. Coach Taylor looks forward to the rest of the season. Wishkah is working their hardest to get back to the Tacoma Dome. “The team is working very hard at practice as well as during the games,” Coach Taylor states. The Loggers team captains are SR. QB Nathan Marsh, SR. LG Jacob Russell, Volleyball is off to a BUMPIN’ season start The 2010-2011 WVS Loggerettes volleyball team consists of 10 girls--1 senior, 5 juniors, 3 sophomores, and 1 freshman. As of 9/17/10, the Loggerettes are NL(2-1) L(20). Coach Reibel is very excited about this season. The and SR. RB Bradley Helberg from Wishkah. Also, there are two captains from North River - SR. C Brandon Oliver & SR. RG Alex Fletcher. by Shawn Williamson team is well-rounded and has outstanding communication skills. Katerina Eaton is assistant coach returning from last year. Jordan Coady has volunteered to help out the girls during practices. Thank you, Jordan! Coach Taylor Heads the WVS Loggers for a Fourth Season Wishkah Football Coach Brad Taylor, Sr., returns for his 4th year as head football coach for the Wishkah Loggers. For the first time, Wishkah gained two players from the North River School District. Coach Taylor shared that, “Brandon Oliver and Alex Fletcher have great size and good attitudes.” Coach Taylor has high regards for these young men. “We have a large team this year with 25 strong!” The team is training very hard to be prepared late in the fourth quarter. Coach also mentioned his and the team’s goal for the season: “Take it all the way to state once again!” by Shawn Williamson Hope to see everyone in the community at the games! Volume 2010, Issue 1 Page 3 Spirit Day EVERY Friday! Donate GREAT photos to our Yearbook staff! Email [email protected] Contact Booster Club to purchase “Bleed Orange” t-shirts! SUPPORT WVS SENIORS! BAKE SALE EVERY HOME GAME!! Contact Mrs. Rodriguez to purchase “9th Man” gear! Cheerleading is Hard Work This year, Cheerleaders raised money to get new uniforms. Over the summer, the girls had numerous car washes, raffles, and traveling bake sales. Each cheerleader got two uniforms. Each is personalized with names and graduation years on them. The girls raised thousands of dollars to achieve the goal of getting every piece of their uniform. They each have a football uniform, and a basketball uniform, appropriate for each sport. Each girl’s whole attire was roughly $600.00! So, these girls worked really hard at making all of this money! This year’s cheer squad includes Seniors Stephanie Grove, Scotti West, and Danielle Keith, Junior, Teaka Dahlstrom, Sophomores Erin Anderson, Aaryn Marbut, and Caitlin Booster Club = Logger Spirit! Members of the Wishkah Valley Booster Club did a lot of work to prepare for the new school year and for the start of sports seasons. At first, the decision to remodel the entire concession stand was made. Five evenings a week members like David, Carrie, Bob and Shannon Anderson together with Wendy and Duane Olson as well as Amy and Bob Rasler worked hard. All the walls got painted in a nice white color, and after that, pepped up with cheers in black and orange letters. Another big change hap- by Scotti West Livingston, Freshmen Sam and Kayla Richardson, and eighth grader Brittany Fry. by Marcel Rast pened at the grill. Stainless steel was installed below and behind the grill to improve hygiene as well as to facilitate cleaning. Further, a decorated cork board got installed besides the counter to honor a male and a female student that has done something outstanding in sports or in school. But that was only one part of the work. The smaller outside shop received improvements too, as it got a new painting in black with orange stripes and an orange W on the front. The door of the outside shop now allows people to stand upright, as it was moved a couple of inches higher. Also, the counter top got modified with a new stainless steel surface. In the end, the hard work paid off. With its new look, a friendly team, and awesome food, the concession stand is definitely worth a visit. Page 4 The Highclimber The Wishkah Valley Booster Club Invites You to Share in a Night of Good Food and Family Fun At Their Spaghetti/Fettuccini Feed and Family Costume Fun Night When: Saturday, October 30, 2010 Dinner from 5:00-7:00pm in the Cafeteria Fun Night from 6:00-8:00pm in the Gym Where: Wishkah Valley School Cafeteria and Brian Eager Memorial Gymnasium (4640 Wishkah Road, Aberdeen) Cost: $15.00 Family $5.00 Individual Fun Details: All you can eat spaghetti and fettuccini dinner with salad and bread. Yummy homemade desserts for $1/plate Costume contests for Adults and Kids with prizes!!! Fun games for the kids with prizes!! TAKE OUT AVAILABLE Call: 360.533.8526 Facebook: Wishkah Booster Club Email: [email protected] Feeling hungry for spaghetti or fettuccini but don’t feel like leaving the house? Give us a call & we’ll deliver!! One night only!! Place your order by 1:00pm, Saturday, October 30th, and we’ll bring you dinner! Dinner choice per person includes: Pasta & Sauce (your choice of red, white or half/half) Salad & Bread Deliveries between 5:30-6:30pm Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 5 New Kids Boost Enrollment at WVS Joshua Williams: I got a chance to speak with Josh and ask him a couple questions about our school. I asked him was how he liked Wishkah. He said, “It is cool”. I asked him what sports he played, and he said, “I play Pop Warner football for Aberdeen.” I also asked him what his favorite class is and what was his previous school. Josh said, “P.E and I went to Aberdeen.” Payton West: I asked Payton what she thought about Wishkah. She replied that it is way better than her last school! She says she loves her language class with Mrs. Kilpatrick. by Bradley Helberg Payton also has a senior sister here football and maybe basketball. He said that his school in Germany has named Scotti West. about 650 kids so that is a little bit Austin Barber: Austin went to Montesano High School. He plans bigger than our school. He is a great student, and I speak for every one on playing football and baseball. His favorite class is shop. Austin when I say it will be a pleasure is a pleasure to have around with a having him here this year. great personality. Marcel Rast: Marcel is a foreign exchange from Germany. He is a great person and has an excellent sense of humor. I asked him how he likes Wishkah, and he said on a scale from 1-10, it’s a seven, so far. I also asked him if he plans to do any activities and he said Making Music at Wishkah Valley School After a one year absence of the Music Program, the Wishkah Valley Highclimber staff is proud to report it’s finally back up and running. Mrs. Shannon Patterson takes on the role as the new Music Teacher at Wishkah Valley. We asked her what inspired her to become a music teacher. “I was a gigantic band geek in high school, I loved music all my life, and I absolutely love hanging out with any age of students at school”. For those who didn’t know, Mrs. Patterson moved back to her hometown, Aberdeen. “ I came for family, the kids, and to inject some awesome in by Stephanie Grove to the Grays Harbor!” Mrs. Patterson really wants Wishkah to have pride in music and to have a powerful presence of music, also. In the Spring, she plans to enter our school in a parade down in Long Beach, Washington, for the new music students! Page 6 The Highclimber Learn German by Marcel Rast Logger Laughs by School = Schule Teacher = Lehrer Student = Schüler Book = Buch Lunch = Mittagessen Sport = Sport Ask Marcel to help you pronounce the words in German! The Wishkah Valley School District #117 has an opening for a board member in Director District #5, encompassing 4660 Wishkah Road north to 6547 Wishkah Road. More precise boundary information is available at the district office, (360) 532-3128 ext 1120. A letter of interest and a resume should be sent to the Superintendent at 4640 Wishkah Road, Aberdeen, WA 98520 by October 18, 2010 by 3:00 p.m. EOE Middle School News! Design Loggers Logo In 7th grade, students are reading “Julie of the Wolves” and studying the elements of literature. In math, they have been studying fractions and decimals. Payton West says, “Some of the problems are hard, but if you just go ask Mr. Sorsby, he knows every problem!” In 8th grade ASB, students are holding a contest to design Wishkah gear. Any student, My Design??? parent, community member, or staff is eligible to enter and win a sweatshirt with their winning logo. All you need to do is create a design and submit it on paper to Gwen in the office. Entries will be accepted through October 29th. The new logo will be selected and announced by November 5th. No late entries will be accepted. Help support the 8th grade ASB! PSAT Test October 13 for $13.00 Wishkah Valley School counselor, Kirsten Daniels, is offering students the opportunity to take the PSAT here at Wishkah Valley School Wednesday, October 13, for $13.00. The PSAT/NMSQT is the best preparation for the SAT. Students who take the PSAT receive scores in critical reading, mathematics, and writing skills and will see how their scores compare to those of other students across the country. Sign up with Mrs. Daniels to secure a spot for the WVS PSAT testing session. Mrs. Daniels will meet with students in December when student scores are received. Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 7 Art You Can EAT! by Stephanie Grove For the first time in a few years, Mrs. Addison’s art class made a color wheel out of cookies. The art class recently learned about the color wheel and how to make different colors. As a display for open house, Mrs. Addison had the class make a color wheel out of frosting and placed on a cookie. In case you may not know, there are three Elementary Excitement The Highclimber staff wanted to capture the enthusiasm of the elementary kids as they start a bright new school year! So we gathered four students to answer some questions. Parker Nations informed us that his favorite thing about starting school is the delicious lunches. Shea Taylor can’t wait to wear her new school clothes, while primary colors in the color wheel--red, blue, and yellow. The class was provided with red, blue and, yellow frosting to mix and create the twelve colors in the wheel. As a result, the students enjoyed munching on cookies and learning at the same time! by Kelsey Kramer Ryan Doll and Delaney Baltzell love seeing the teachers and playing with their close friends. Shea Taylor has high hopes of learning geometry this year, and Delaney Baltzell would like to learn to read. Shea also let us in on an interesting fact about her 4th grade teacher: Mrs. Reibel apparently she likes to dance during class. They all seem to enjoy their teachers as well as their school. ELEMENTARY BAKE SALES FOR FIRST SEMESTER October 1 - 3rd & 4th November 19 - K January 7 - 3rd & 4th October 15 - 5th & 6th December 10 - 1st & 2nd January 21 - 5th & 6th Page 8 The Highclimber Mr. Yoder Takes on a New Role! by Stephanie Grove For the 2010-2011 school year, Mr. Yoder steps up to be the new Principal/Superintendent of Wishkah Valley School. We asked him if he was excited about the job. He enthusiastically replied, “Oh Yeah! You Bet!” Mr. Yoder mentioned, “I want to make sure teachers and students know they can achieve their goals and be successful! They can be anything they want to be; I’d like to help with that.-work hard with fun along the way.” Outside of school, Mr. Yoder enjoys scuba diving, white-water rafting, and bungee jumping--”anything with a high risk. Anything with a chance I could come back!” Fun Run (Continued from page 1) ranging from ages 1 all the way to 70 years old. Donations were $10 for adults and $2 for students which raised a total of $672! All of the money was donated to The American Cancer Society. This event was greatly appreciated and was hosted by the Wishkah Valley National Honor Society and the Relay For Life Team. Top Finishers 3-Mile Female: Monica (Eager) Messerschmidt, Betsy McElliot, Amy McElliot, Mindy McElliot 3-Mile Male: Jake Johnson, Bob McElliot, Torin Edgell 5-Mile Female: Nicole (Eager) Stevens, Ann (Jurasin) Rhodes, Jacie Johnson 5-Mile Male: Phil Jurasin, Adam Barré By Kelsey Kramer by Stephanie Grove and Scotti West (Answers in next month’s edition.) Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 9 Superintendent’s Scoop The 2010-11 Wishkah Valley school year started off very positive. Staff and students are engaged and making fantastic progress. Making AYP is always a great celebration for everybody. Small schools seem to offer a great education for students, and students do much better in small schools. Wishkah students are very lucky to go to school at Wishkah Valley and can receive a great education as they prepare for life after high school. We know this through years of history and research. We would like to thank all the volunteers who do so much for our students. The Booster Club has been very active and has accomplished many goals this year. Next year’s goals for the Booster Club show that they will continue supporting our students throughout the year. by Ray Yoder “Making a Difference for Gray’s Harbor County Kids” organization headed by Joe and Beverly Cornell brought our students much needed and useable supplies again this year that will last our students several months. Joe and Beverly would also like to follow up on other needs of our students. Saint Andrew’s church sent student supplies also. We appreciate all the supplies and effort Saint Andrew’s has made annually. The football program has many businesses and people that form a sponsorship base. Please note in our sports programs those businesses and people who are getting involved in our sports programs in a big way. Parents and community members from all over the What were your Teachers doing this Summer? Mr. Yoder isn’t the only one who had fun this summer! Carolyne Rodriguez attended a Direct Instruction Conference with colleagues from her college days. Rebecca Kilpatrick hiked the six mile Tooth Trail with her daughter and Uncle David, six miles straight up, finding hiking down was harder than she thought! Al Sorsby and his kids had a blast hiking Lake Ozette, a 9-mile round trip. Shannon Patterson and her family hosted a 22 year-old British soccer coach in their home for a week! Kirsten Daniels vacationed in New Jersey with her daughter and husband . Dorothy Addison drove down to California in her new sprinter van with daughter Leslie, visiting Yosemite National Park among many others. She met Rob Ashler in Du Bois, Wyoming, Wishkah region volunteer time, money and energy on behalf of our students. We have stated many times how diverse and rich the history of Wishkah Valley is. We have a wonderful community that stands together and offers our students a fantastic education. It is an honor and privilege to live and work in the Wishkah Valley School District. “It is a n hon or and pr ivi live an lege to d work in the Wi shkah Valley Schoo l Distric t.” By Stephanie Grove to go to the Wind River area where they found petrified wood and agates! Matt Maurer shared what he learned in his astronomy course with his son on beach camp-outs. Tove Reibel and Shelby went to Seattle, enjoyed sushi, and looked at $1,000 purses! Rebecca Petheram attended American Idol auditions in San Francisco with her daughter, Katie Jordan. Page 10 The Highclimber Lunch Calendar — October 2010 by Robert Hiller This institution is an equal opportunity provider Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 3 4 5 Chicken Strips Mashed Potatoes Wheat Roll Fresh Veggie Fruit, Milk 10 17 24 12 18 Hamburger Gravy over Mashed Potatoes Pork-n-Beans, Veggie Fruit, Milk 19 25 26 Tomato Soup Baked Cheese Sandwich Fresh Veggie Fruit, Milk 6 7 Pizza Salad Fruit Cherry Crunch Milk 14 Beef Teriyaki Strips Rice Veggie Fruit Milk 15 Chicken Fajita Refried Beans Salad Fruit Milk 21 22 20 Turkey Sandwich on Hoagie Roll Pork-n-Beans Fresh Veggie Fruit, Milk 8 Taco Refried Beans Fruit Cookie Milk 13 Turkey gravy over Mashed Potatoes Wheat Roll Veggie, Fruit Milk Chicken Noodle Salad Wheat Roll Fruit Milk 27 French Toast Sausage Patty Potato Wedges Fruit Orange Juice, Milk Sat 2 Nacho Salad Fruit Jell-O Milk Chili Salad Wheat Roll Fruit Milk 11 Hot Ham & Cheese on Hoagie Pork-n-Beans Veggie, Fruit Milk Fri 1 LUNCH PRICES Milk - .30 K-6 lunch - 2.00 7-12 lunch - 2.25 Reduced lunch - .40 Adult lunch - 3.50 16 Logger Burger French Fries Fresh Veggie Fruit Milk Bean-n-Cheese Burrito Rice Salad Fruit Milk 28 Spaghetti Salad Garlic Bread Fruit Milk 9 Chicken Nuggets Tator Tots Wheat Roll Fruit Milk 23 Chicken Burger Tator Tots Fresh Veggie Milk 29 Corndog Baked Beans Fresh Veggie Fruit, Chips Milk Nacho Salad Fruit Cookie Milk Learning Online with Advanced Academics and Wishkah Valley School Wishkah Valley School has offered Advanced Academics (AA) learning options to students for several years allowing many students to recover credits and graduate on time. However, did you know Advanced Academics also offers Advanced Placement (AP) opportunities? Advanced Placement is designed for students who desire to earn college credit during high school. Modeled after on-site Advanced Placement courses, AP on AA offers students the flexibility to earn their credits at home and other off-campus locations. Each of the courses is correlated to state education standards and designed specifically for the online learning environment. Current AP offer- ings include English Literature, Calculus, and Physics, among others! In addition, there are over 90 “traditional” courses offered in a very untraditional manner! Imagine being able to earn your credits online from home. Students may attend Wishkah Valley by using a choice transfer to enter our district and take online Advanced Academics as a Wishkah Valley Logger! Volume 2010, Issue 1 Page 11 SNOW ROUTES Johnson Road can meet the in the forest industry and other bus at the end of Johnson factors.” We are reducing our Road. maintenance work on county roads, which includes snow and The bus will not go down ice control, to help reduce Johnson Road or the West impact on available funds. Branch Road. Winter is fast approaching. With the change in weather comes delays due to snow and ice. While you monitor the television for late start notices, you can East Hoquiam Bus: now check for snow routes. E. Hoquiam bus will not go The following is a list of bus down the Greenwood Rd. changes for snow route days: Any student living on the Upper Wishkah Bus: Greenwood Road can meet Upper Wishkah bus will turn the bus at the end of the around at the end of the Greenwood Road. road and will not go out to Change in GH County Snow the fish hatchery. & Ice Policy Students who live on the East Hoquiam-Wishkah cut- In a letter from the Grays Harbor County Department of off road who normally ride Public Services, the County has the upper bus will ride the outlined changes to their East Hoquiam bus instead. maintenance work on county Lower Wishkah Bus: roads. The letter states: “The Lower Wishkah bus will only County Road Fund is experigo as far as Johnson Road. encing a severe shortfall in Revenues caused by recession Any students beyond Our morning sanding crews will start at 5:00am instead of 4:00am, one hour later than the starting time in the past. Sanding county roads will not be scheduled unless there is a high possibility of wide spread ice.” What might this mean for Wishkah School? Principal/ Superintendent Yoder has indicated that this change will facilitate the use of snow routes as listed above. Implementing snow routes may allow for fewer lost school days due to cancellation. There is, though, an increase in the likelihood of more late starts as we wait for the County Maintenance crew to clear roads of snow and ice. DIG PINK: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2010, 2PM-5PM Please join us for our Dig Pink volleyball fundraiser & team competition. Prior to the games, there will be Need Help? an auction to raise funds for the Side-Out Foundation. Your participation gives the WVS volleyball community the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of all breast cancer immediate help for secondary students in Know someone who need. InvestED goals are to does? InvestEd (formerly encourage students to stay in known as the Saul and Dayee school, return to school, or get G. Haas Foundation) has changed names, but its mission involved within their learning community. To learn more, remains the same – to provide patients. All proceeds benefit Side-Out which awards grants to medical research organizations dedicated to providing compassionate support to breast cancer patients and their families. visit their website. InvestED’s Vision “…to help promising young people at critical times in their lives. To do that which otherwise would not be timely done.” – Saul Haas Of Special Interest: Dig Pink ~ October 2 PSAT October 13 Family Fun ~ October 30 “Ma king alw AYP ays is ag cele rea bra t tion eve for ryb ody .” NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID Wishkah Valley School District 4640 Wishkah Road Aberdeen, WA 98520 Phone: 360-532-3128 Website: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED This institution is an equal opportunity provider. SEPTEMBER STUDENTS OF THE MONTH This month, Mrs. Patterson nominated Shea Taylor as a student of the month for enthusiastic participation. Mrs. Patterson added, “Shea comes to music class excited and ready to learn. Her enthusiasm and positive attitude help make music class a fun place to learn.” Mr. Yoder has chosen Michael Reynvaan for good decision-making! “Mike has made good decisions this by Scotti West year – meeting and exceeding expectations. Mike’s decisions will enable him to succeed in his classes and make this year his best!” Mrs. Kilpatrick has chosen Teagan Louthan. “I nominated Teagan because she has made a newcomer to Wishkah feel included and wanted and special. Teagan is respectful and responsible in English class. She works hard, has fun, and is kind.” Mr. Hay has selected Jared Maurer as a pleasure to have in class. “ Jared is just a pleasure to have in class. He always does his best, takes part in class activities, and has a good attitude. I’m glad he is back at Wishkah!” SEPTEMBER STUDENTS OF THE MONTH (From left to right) Jared Maurer, Teagan Louthan, Michael Reynvaan, and Shea Taylor.
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