Fall 2006 - Servants of Mary


Fall 2006 - Servants of Mary
Fall 2006
Servite Sisters
To Be a Compassionate Presence
By former Servite Donna (Rudolph) Murphy and Finian Murphy
On September 16, 2005, Servite Sisters, former
Servites, and Secular Servites gathered in Lisle, Illinois, to consider compassion in their lives. One of
the guiding qualities of a Servite is to serve others
through compassion. This weekend was a time to
pause and take a fresh look at the role of compassion in each one’s life.
The first speaker, Fr. Michael Guimon, OSM,
gave a masterful, comprehensive explanation of
what compassion truly is. He started by presenting and contrasting the Eastern and Western notions of compassion. The Western viewpoint sees
compassion as the capacity to be moved by
another’s misfortune and to feel sorrow for it because we see it as our own. The Eastern world
views compassion as our ability to enter into and
to share others’ suffering with the intention of removing it so that all will be free from suffering.
Finian and Donna Murphy chat with Sister Pat Ferguson (right)
at a break during the conference.
(continued on page 4)
P ssage
So begins Sister De Lourdes’ weekly email
to our Sisters, followed by the litany of special intentions that you, our friends and
benefactors, have commended to our
prayer. Each new installment brings its own
expressions of pain and hope, grief and delight.
And yet, though each prayer request is
unique, it touches a common cord in us.
For we all know how it feels to love, to
hope, to wait, to yearn, to fear, to rejoice,
to give thanks. There are many requests that
bring a tear to my eye, and some, a smile to
my face—like the one to pray for freedom
from procrastination (I quickly whispered
a prayer to Saint Expeditus).
By far the largest group of intentions you
commend to our prayer has to do with the
(continued on page 3)
Sister Margaret Founds Red Hat Society Chapter
When Sister Margaret Valois
couldn’t find a Red Hat Society
Chapter to join, she decided to start
one of her own at Mayslake Village
retirement community in Oak
Brook, Illinois, where she lives. That
was a year ago. Today the group has
sixteen members ranging in age from
60 to 90, and Sister Margaret is
known as the Queen Mother.
Their first outing was to the harness races at Maywood Park. They
have also attended a retreat about
we are all in it together, we might as
well join red-gloved hands and go for
the gusto together.”
growing old gracefully and volunteered at a food pantry to distribute
food to the poor. They plan at least
one outing each month.
The Red Hat Society began as a
result of a few women who decided
to greet middle age with verve, humor, and élan. They believe “silliness
is the comedy relief of life, and since
The inspiration for the society
came from the poem “Warning” by
Jenny Joseph, which begins: “When
I am an old woman I shall wear
purple with a red hat.” The only requirement for belonging to the Red
Hat Society is to be a woman of 50
or over and own a purple outfit and
a red hat. Members must attend all
functions in full regalia. Their main
responsibility is to have fun.
Sister Margaret’s group calls itself
The Red Hat Jewels. Along with the
fun gatherings, the Jewels have experienced some sad gatherings.
When two of their members died,
they attended the funerals dressed in
their red-hat outfits in an expression
of love and devotion and their bond
of sisterhood. As Queen Mother,
Sister delivered the eulogy at one of
the funerals.
Queen Mother Sister Margaret (seated), with members of the Red Hat Jewels.
The Red Hat Jewels and their functions will be featured in the upcoming book “Chicken Soup for the Red
Hat Society Soul.”
Servite Sisters Today
is published by
Servants of Mary
1000 College Avenue West
Ladysmith, WI 54848-2199
Phone: 715-532-3364
Editor: Sandra F. DeGidio, OSM
Layout: Dolores Garm
Connie Taylor, OSF
“Next to Nun” Print Shop
1515 S. Layton Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53215-1924
Printing: MK Litho, Pewaukee, WI
Servants of Mary Leadership Team
Theresa H. Sandok, OSM
Barbara Thomalla, OSM
Vice President of Formation
Mary Alice Willems, OSM
Vice President of Ministry
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (continued from page 1)
health and well-being of family and
friends. But there are also many requests for prayers for people and
events beyond your inner circle,
prayers for peace in the world, for
victims of natural disasters, for the
poor and disadvantaged.
That mother’s condo sells. Job for son.
That grandson will do better in school.
Daughter in grief at death of husband.
That mother and son reconcile and become family again….
For personal and spiritual needs.
Strength and faith to
move forward in my
life without parents.
Ability to live with my
wife’s condition in love
and peace. Success in
family business venture. Success in school.
Success in selling home.
Safe vacation in Egypt.
Strengthening of faith
for my daughters and
their families. Son’s return to the faith. Return of children to the
sacraments. To make
the right decisions in
Sister Mary De Lourdes emailing your prayer intentions
life. To find God in my
to all our sisters so we can all hold you in prayer.
life. To learn to trust in
Here is a small sampling of the hundreds of prayer requests we receive
For peace. World peace. An end to
each year:
war and violence. A just and lasting
peace in the Middle East. Peace in Iraq
For health. A family trying to cope
and Afghanistan. Peace in the neighborwith cancer. Recovery from drug adhood. Peace in families. Peace, harmony,
diction. Granddaughter born with cleft
and healing in the family after mother’s
palate. Successful blood stem cell transdeath. So wife finds peace and healing.
plant. Alcoholic husband. Child who
Peace and serenity in my life. Peace of
has seizures. Nephew’s wife who has
mind. A happy, holy, peaceful death….
cancer. Two friends undergoing chemo.
Wife’s mental health. Alzheimer’s.
For those in need. Abused children of
Lyme’s. Parkinson’s. Depression. Pneu- the world. Earthquake victims. Tornado
monia. Multiple sclerosis. Lupus. victims. Victims of Hurricanes Katrina
Stroke. Two-year-old grandson’s recov- and Rita. The poor and hungry. Unborn
ery from kidney failure. Good health children. Respect for human life. Victims
for 92-year-old aunt….
of terrorism and violence. Victims of
war and disasters. Troubled youth. All
For families. Good families for chilsouls. The sick and the dying. All who
dren. Happy marriages. Elderly parare in need of prayers….
ents. My ten children. Brother in nursing home. Daughter in Italy. Safe deFor those who serve. Pope Benedict
livery and healthy baby for son and his XVI. President Bush. Clergy and reliwife. That niece does not miscarry. gious. Men and women in uniform. MisHealth and happiness for new baby. sionaries. Vocations. More honesty in
government. A son in Kuwait. A
nephew in Iraq….
In thanksgiving. For blessings received. Safe delivery of a healthy baby.
Young people in my family. Healing
from bone cancer. Healing in relationships. Sister’s safety in apartment fire.
Surviving auto accident. Return of
grandson from Iraq. The prayers of the
In addition to such special intentions, Sister De Lourdes’ email messages also include the names of recent
donors and the loved ones in honor
and in memory of whom donations
were made. You’ll find these listed at
the end of the newsletter.
It was Sister Mary Alice who some
years ago came up with the idea of
sending the prayer requests to our
Sisters by email. I recently asked her
how she thought it was working. “I
am so glad we put the prayer requests
online,” she said. “It connects us with
the real needs of the people. They
become such an integral part of our
lives by sharing their needs with us.”
My sentiments exactly.
We give thanks for all of you, and
we remember you always in our
COMPASSIONATE PRESENCE (continued from page 1)
The East focuses on compassion. The West has just
started to do so.
Father Guimon pointed out that compassion has
to be developed and cultivated by first taking an honest look at ourselves, our own faults and failures,
along with all of our own God-given gifts. This will
hone our awareness that we all are brothers and sisters in our journey toward God. He stated that “compassion involves acknowledging the suffering of others, then gradually learning to open our hearts to
feel it deeply without letting it overwhelm us.” We
have to commit ourselves to cultivating compassion
as a lifelong practice.
Sister Doris Klein, CSA, took over the afternoon
session with her presentation on “Colors of Compassion: Balance, Breath, and Beauty.” Sister Doris
is an artist, author, and excellent storyteller. For the
entire afternoon she kept us enthralled with slides of
her paintings, her meditations on them, and stories
of how each painting and meditation came into being. She combined art, music, poetry, and story into
a harmonious blend to show how compassion can
pervade everything that we do. Her definition of
compassion says it all: “Compassion is the extravagant, unconditional, and outrageous infusion of Divine Love into our world.”
This group, which includes former Servite Sisters and their
spouses, Secular Servites, and current Servite Sisters, has been
meeting regularly in the Minnesota-Wisconsin area since former
Servites were invited to a Welcome Home weekend in Ladysmith
in October 2004. Pictured from left, front: Bob Loftus, Barbara
(Sperling) Dickenson, Sister Barbara Thomalla. Middle: Donald
Kvist, Audrey (VanderLoop) Kvist, Geri Jwanouskos, Richard
Breitbach, Ann (Edwall) Breitbach, Cynthia (Philbrook)
Schluender. Back: Diane (Becker) Landry, Secular Servite
Veronica St. Louis, Marie (Anderson) Rossa, Mary Jo (Schilling)
Loftus, Sister Bonnie Alho, David Schluender. The group meets
for companionship, prayer, and spiritual sharing. If you would
like to be part of the group, contact Sister Bonnie Alho at (715)
234–4732 or [email protected].
The conference began with prayer. Interspersed
throughout the sessions were musical prayer selections led by Sister Donna Marie McGargill, OSM,
from the Omaha Province of Servite Sisters.
Throughout each day, there was much sharing and
conversation during the breaks and at meals. It was
also necessary to set aside some private time to think
and meditate on all that had been preWhen Sister Rosanne Fogarty
sented and to try to determine how
left West Virginia last October,
this information would change our
her departure marked the end of
over 80 years of continuous
The conference closed with a EuServite presence in that state.
charistic Liturgy at which Sister
Servite Sisters first set foot in the
Mary Alice Willems, OSM, preMountain State when they went
sented the reflection. Her message
there in 1924 to teach at St. Paul’s
was that all of us could and should
School in Weirton. Sister
make compassion to others one of
Rosanne is pictured here with
our foremost thoughts and actions.
Msgr. Sylvester Staud, with
whom she ministered in West
Compassion surrounded us for the
Virginia for many years. Sister
entire weekend. For this one weeklater served as Monsignor’s perend in September 2005, we saw comsonal caregiver until he moved
passion in action. Our challenge was
to a skilled care facility last fall.
to go forth and keep it alive in our
leadership as councilor and vice president of ministries. She currently resides
at Addolorata Villa.
Five Servite Sisters celebrated jubilees
on June 17. Sisters Mary Charles
Prince, Mary Roberta Prince, and
Mary Celestine Tremblay marked 70
years of religious profession, and Sisters Rosemary Fandel and Rosemary
Mayer marked 50 years.
Sister Mary Charles spent most of her
70 years of religious life as a teacher and
principal in schools in New Jersey,
Minnesota, Illinois, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Florida. Sister also served
as administrator of Addolorata Villa in
Wheeling, Illinois. She earned a M.Ed.
from Loyola University in Chicago and
a M.A from the Sorbonne in Paris,
where she spent several summers. She is
presently living in St. Petersburg,
Also an educator, Sister Mary
Roberta earned a B.A. in French and
History and a M.Ed. in administration
and supervision. She taught and served
as principal in parochial schools in New
Jersey, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, and California. She
was also principal of Servite High School
in Ladysmith. After her years in education, she spent several years as administrator of Addolorata Villa in Wheeling,
Illinois. Sister served in congregational
Sister Mary Celestine received a B.S.
in education, with minors in music and
art. She also attended the Chicago Art
Institute, Viterbo College in Wisconsin, Rosary and Mundelein Colleges in
Illinois, and the Pontifical Catechetical
Institute in Virginia. Sister served as
teacher and principal in parochial
schools in Illinois, West Virginia, New
Jersey, Minnesota, and Wisconsin,
where she organized and directed choirs
in every school. She also did parochial
and catechetical work and ministered to
senior citizens. She now lives in
Manitowoc, Wisconsin, with her sister,
Sister Mary Eugenia, and enjoys painting and music.
A native of Ladysmith,
Sister Rosemary Fandel
was educated by Servites
from first grade through
college. She earned a B.S.
in education and ministered as an elementary
school teacher for 23
years, serving in West
Virginia, Minnesota , Illinois, and Wisconsin.
Following her teaching
ministry, she served as library assistant at Mount
Senario College in
Ladysmith for 22 years.
motherhouse coordinator, part-time cook, vegetable and flower gardener, and volunteer at
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. In her
spare time she enjoys sewing, baking
bread, listening to classical music, and
Sister Rosemary Mayer, a Chicago
native, received a B.S. in education. She
ministered as an elementary school
teacher in Minnesota, after which she
served as congregational secretary and
treasurer for several years. She then
spent 19 years ministering at Beta Center in Orlando, Florida, an agency serving families, with a focus on teen moms
and at-risk families. Sister is currently
retired in Orlando, where she volunteers for civic, charitable, and parish
ministries and enjoys reading, patio gardening, and watching the Chicago
Standing, from left: Sisters Mary Celestine, Rosemary Mayer,
Rosemary Fandel, and Mary Roberta.
Seated: Sister Mary Charles
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Our legal title and address is: Servants of Mary,
1000 College Avenue West, Ladysmith, Wisconsin 54848-2199
Servites Gather in Mexico
Sisters Sandra DeGidio,
Dolores Henke, Rosemary
Mayer, Theresa Sandok,
Virginia Schwartz, and
Rita Stoeberl attended the
5th International Convention of the Servite Family
(UNIFAS) in Mexico City,
August 16–24.
UNIFAS stands for “International Union of the
Servite Family.” The acronym is based
on the Italian: “Unio Internationalis
Familiæ Servorum.” UNIFAS was
founded in Rome in 1987 to foster communication and collaboration among
Servites throughout the world.
The theme of the convention was “In
their descendants there
remains a rich inheritance” (Sirach 44:11).
Discussion focused on
young people and their
world. Young Servites
from around the world
spoke of the relevance
of the Servite charism
to their lives. The convention concluded on
August 24 with Mass at
the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe
and a visit to the Shrine.
Sister Theresa attended the convention as a member of the UNIFAS
Council. At a gathering of Servite leaders in Rome last May, she was elected
to the Council to represent non-Italian
Servite Sisters worldwide.
Sisters Sandra DeGidio,
Dolores Henke,
Virginia Schwartz, and
Theresa Sandok
Sisters Rita Stoeberl
and Rosemary Mayer
In Memoriam
New York Times bestselling author Larry
Bond found a clever way to thank a nun for
her kindness to his mother. Servite Sister
Clarice Gierzak, who lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, took communion to Bond’s mother
Margaret every
Thursday for the past
five years. Margaret
died in February.
On page 125 of
his recently published
novel “Dangerous
Ground” (2005), a
Sister Clarice
thriller about a secret
submarine mission, Bond included a subtle
reference to Sister Clarice:
“Quarters on the peer were mostly for
show. Families were allowed to watch and
the crew was given a few minutes for goodbyes before the maneuvering watch was set.
Jerry watched from the bridge, already at
his station as fathers and husbands hugged,
waved, and promised their wives and children things they couldn’t control. The single
guys, like Jerry, had fewer connections. He’d
remembered to send a letter to his sister
Clarice in Minnesota asking her to make sure
Mom didn’t worry too much. The cold
drizzle that started to fall mirrored the somber mood of the families and crew.”
Sister Mary Ambrose, 84, died April 29 at Rusk County Memorial Nursing Home in
Ladysmith. When she and her two sisters were orphaned in 1930, the Servite Sisters at the
convent in Ladysmith took them in. She entered the Servants of Mary in 1936, following in
the footsteps of her older sister, Sister Mary Angelica. Her younger sister, Adeline, became a
nurse, married, and raised two sons. Sister Ambrose earned a bachelor’s degree in music
education and a master’s in music history. For forty years she gave private music lessons and
taught in parochial schools in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota. She also taught at Servite
High School in Ladysmith. Later she served for several years as secretary at Our Lady Gate
of Heaven School in Chicago. In 1984 she was appointed secretary to the Servite Leadership Team, a position she
held for 10 years. She retired at the Motherhouse, where she volunteered at the Northwoods Family Resource
Center in Ladysmith and loved to work with flowers and gardening. She also enjoyed knitting, crocheting, macramé,
and stamp collecting and played the organ and piano for liturgical services in the convent chapel. In her later years,
she suffered from severe vascular disease, which led to the amputation of her left leg in 2004 and her move to the
nursing home.
Finally Retiring at
For the past five years Sister Anne
Patrice McEntegart has been assistant principal at St. Domitilla School
in Hillside, Illinois. In that position
she designed prayer services for faculty meetings, ordered textbooks,
updated the faculty handbook, and
prepared a weekly report for the
parish bulletin. She also substituted
for teachers or the principal when
they were absent.
All that has come to an end. Sister
turned 85 in January and decided to
retire at the end of the school year
in June.
Sister spent 45 years of her religious life as an educator. Thirtyseven of those years found her teaching at St. Domitilla’s, twice in the 50s
and 60s and lastly from 1980 to the
present. From 1970 to 1980 she
served as congregational secretary;
three of those years, she was also on
the leadership council.
Before entering the Servants of
Mary, Sister worked at the Western
Electric Company in Cicero, Illinois.
At the time, she was a member of
the Secular Servites and the Sorrowful Mother Novena Auxiliary Club
at Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica in
Chicago. That is where her vocation
took root. Father Gerard Calkins,
OSM, and several other Servite Friars encouraged her to consider religious life.
So, how does Sister plan to spend
her retirement?
“I am sure I will keep occupied,”
she said. “I would like to go on some
trips with the senior group at St.
Domitilla’s. I hope to spend more
time reading, and hopefully there
Sister Anne Patrice today
will be more time to pray and think.
I don’t intend to vegetate. I plan to
volunteer at school. I know there
will be plenty of opportunities. I already volunteer every Wednesday.”
She also enjoys knitting, sewing,
working crossword puzzles, listening to music—especially Irish tunes—
and watching baseball and basketball. She’s an avid fan of the Chicago
Cubs and the DePaul Blue Demons.
Sister’s retirement also marks the
end of an era. The Servite Sisters have
staffed St. Domitilla’s School since
St. Domitilla School faculty 1958-59. Sister Anne Patrice seated sixth from the left.
Aw ...
Sister Marie
Sister Marie Rubbelke received
the Hospice of the Year Award
and $100 from Home Health
United Hospice where she volunteers in Portage, Wisconsin.
The Hospice recently opened a
four bed unit where patients can
receive care by hospice staff on
site. A special dinner marked the
grand opening of the unit in
June. The Hospice agency chose
the occasion to present the award
to Sister. During the past year
she logged 2,036 miles and served
156.5 volunteer hours. Of her
ministry with Hospice clients,
Sister Marie says, “Witnessing
the miracle of death is like witnessing the miracle of birth. In
both cases, we witness a person
coming to new life.”
Bishop Raphael M. Fliss, Bishop of Superior, Sister Kateri,
and Fr. Gerard Willger, Pastor of Holy Rosary Parish.
Sister Kateri Guske received the
Bishop George A. Hammes Award
at the Annual Fall Teacher-Catechist Institute in Rice Lake on
October 12, 2005. She was nominated by her principal at Holy
Rosary Catholic School in
Medford. The Hammes Award is
given annually to a person who
demonstrates distinguished leadership in Catholic education. Sister
has been teaching for 44 years. She
has taught first grade at Holy Rosary School since 1978. Her first
graders are unique in that they learn
not only the Three Rs; they also
learn yoga and meditation.
Sister Paula Jaworski received the Caring
Hearts Award as an Outstanding Volunteer
at the Northwest Suburban United Way
awards banquet on March 21. Sister serves as
sacristan at Addolorata Villa in Wheeling,
Illinois. There is nothing too big or small
for Sister to tackle, whether it is watering
plants, ironing and cleaning vestments, or
laminating materials. Sister also helps arrange
the flowers in the chapel for special feast and
holy days. Villa supervisors often have to
scold Sister Paula, because they find her lifting or moving heavy pieces. But Sister enjoys what she is doing. “This is a labor of
love,” she says. “I enjoy doing God’s work.”
Sister Paula with Larry Carlson,
Addolorata Villa administrator.
Sister Cecilia
Sister Cecilia Fandel received the Spirit of
Volunteerism Award from the Rogers Park
Community Council in a ceremony on October 22, 2005. Rogers Park is a Chicago community of about 85,000 multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-economic people. Sister received the
award for spearheading the renovation of a rundown play lot. The effort took 10 years to accomplish because of politics. For five of those
years an alderman secretly put the project on
hold because he wanted to create a parking lot
for new condo owners on the site. The Rogers
Park volunteers finally beat city hall one Saturday in June 2005 when Little Tykes Construction Company and 140 volunteers built the new
play lot. The play lot is well used, and Sister
now volunteers time almost daily to help supervise the children there.
We are deeply grateful to you, our donors, and hold you in our
prayer. If your name has been inadvertently omitted or misspelled,
please notify us.
Donors August 2005 – July 2006
In honor of Servite Sisters at
St. Domitilla’s in Hillside,
Amerongen, Mrs.
Bernadette J.
In memory of Dr. Werner
Amerongen, Paul
Ancona, Ms. Mary Ellen
In memory of S. Mary James
Frances Smith, OSM
* Anctil, Rev. Leo
* Andersen, Ms. Penelope
A. Hoth, LCSW
In memory of Eleanor
Glabinski, S. Mary Jerome
Benedix, OSM
Anderson, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary De
Lourdes Plourde, OSM
In memory of Fr. Robert L.
Anderson, SJ
Anderson, Ms. Ruth Ann
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Anderson, Sandra E.,
Healing Intentions
In memory of Eileen & Jack
In honor of E. Wenner
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Ansier, Mr. & Mrs. Dan
Appel, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Robert
Arensdorf, Mr. Richard
Arts, Mr. James L.
Babcock, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Frank &
* Baiardo, S. Mary Eugene,
In honor of all the
Ladysmith Servites, esp. S.
Doris Ann Samens, OSM, &
S. Mary Lucy Daniels, OSM
In memory of Robert J.
Baker, Mrs. Ila Mae
Balmes, Mr. Harry V.
Bardos, Mr. & Mrs. John
Barnes, Mr. Barry
Bartig, Mrs. Bette
* Bauer, Mrs. Lucille
* Bauer, Mrs. William B.
In honor of S. Mary Joan
LeBlanc, OSM
Baumann, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Virginia
Schwartz, OSM
Baumann, G. M.
Bautch, Mr. & Mrs.
Bayer, Mr. & Mrs. John
Beaudette, Mr. Robert L.
In honor of God
* Beck, Mr. Albert F.
In honor of Anthony J. Beck
In memory of Irene L. Beck,
Alice Beck
* Becksfort, Ms. Lois M.
In honor of Peter & Sheri
In memory of Carol Horst,
David Gegner
Beiza, Mr. & Mrs.
Rosalino M.
Beljean, Ms. Joleen
Belleau, Mr. & Mrs. Mose
In memory of Donald
Benbenek, Ms. Veronica
In honor of S. Casimira
Benbenek, OSM
Benik, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
In memory of Robert Benik,
Frances Schiessl
* Benik, Mrs. Janis
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of John & Helen
Antczak, Andrew & Sophie
Bonicatto, Ms. Corinne
Bonito, Mr. Frank J.
* Boss, Ms. Helen A.
In memory S. Mary Arlene
Hendricks, OSM
Boss, Mr. & Mrs. Nick
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Bossany, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of Taylor
* Bower, Mr. & Mrs. Allen
In memory of Alfred
Brahm, Mr. & Mrs.
Brandner, Mr. & Mrs.
William S.
* Brandt, Ms. Frances
* indicates multiple gifts during this time period
Abbey of Our Lady of
the Holy Trinity
Adams, Mrs. Sheila
Albus, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin
* Albus, Mr. & Mrs. Roger
Alfers, Ms. Joan
Almeroth, Ms. Lillian
Bonczyk, Mr. & Mrs.
Bennett, Mr. & Mrs.
Bennett, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary Philip
Riede, OSM, S. Mary Louise
Lawinger, OSM
Bennett, Mr. James R.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of Ted & Bartlay
Bennett, Ms. Mary Ann
Benton, Mrs. Mary J.
* Berg, Ms. Rose Mary
In memory of Jerome Berg &
Kathy Berg
Bergsbaken, Mr. & Mrs.
Berrang, Mr. & Mrs.
* Beseke, Mrs. Jean
Bestler, Rev. Joseph
Betthauser, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of family
In memory of Rose Barry,
Michael Brandt
Braunstein, Dr. & Mrs.
Paul W.
Breen, Mr. John S.
* Brewer, Mr. Bud
In memory of Karen Brewer
* Brezinski, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Marie
Rubbelke, OSM, S. Mary
John VanderLoop, OSM
* Bricco, Mrs. Nancy L.
In memory of Bob Bricco
* Brickner, Mrs. Delores
In memory of Leo Brickner
* Brindise, Mr. George S.
In memory of Susan,
Gerard, & Agnes Brindise
* Briody/Robinson,
Elizabeth & Marc
In memory of Mary &
Leonard Briody
Broglio, Mr. & Mrs.
Brost, Ms. Virginia R.
* Brown, Ms. Roniva D.
* Brya, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory and in honor of
Louis & Margaret Brya,
Edward & Verena Witgen,
Patricia Anderson
Bryse, Ms. Sharon
Bubanovich, Miss Ann A.
In memory of Hugo Bloom,
Kenny Butterfield, James M.
Murphy, Leland Garbisch,
Phoebe Docks
* Burbey, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Laura Fecteau
Burch, Ms. Jean
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Burke, Mr. & Mrs. James
F., Jr.
Burkosky, Mrs. Mary
In memory of family
* Burt, Mr. & Mrs. James
In honor of S. Pat Ferguson,
Buslee, Ms. Ann
In memory of a friend
Byrns, Mrs. Karen
Callis, Rev. Elbert
* Campanile, Mr. Louis
Campbell, Mr. Robert
Canterbury, Mr. Charles
Carbone, Mr. & Mrs.
Donald J.
Cardinal, Ms. Christine
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
Carlsen, Mrs. Mary Ann
Carlson, Ms. Ruth E.
In memory of Harold
Carlson, Winifred Coener
Carroll, Mr. James
* Carson, Ms. Darlyne R.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
Cartwright, Ms. Genita
Caskey, Mr. & Mrs.
Biolchini, Mr. Robert
* Bissen, Mr. & Mrs.
Richard J.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Blake, Ms. Patricia
* Blasko, Ms. Anna
In memory of Joseph & Mary
Bloch, Mr. Richard H.
* Boden, Mrs. Anna M.
Bodven, Mr. George J.
* Boehler, Mr. Alexander
Bojnowski, Mr. Ed
* Bolich, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Bonacci, Mr. & Mrs.
Sister Mary Joan LeBlanc recording donations.
Caspar, Mr. Bernard J.
In memory of parents and
* Castellvi, Mr. & Mrs.
Jose M.
Cebertowicz, Mrs. Rose
In memory of family
members and relatives
* Cermele, D. J., Ph.D
Cernosek, Mr. & Mrs.
* Cesarano, Mr. Fred M.
In memory of Palmaumox
& Rachele Cesarano, Mary
Chadwick, Ms. Stephanie
* Charipar, Dr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
Chartrand, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of relatives and
Chase, Mr. Charles
Chilicki, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Mother Mary
Alphonse Bradley, OSM
Chismar, Mr. Joseph E.
Christman, Dr. & Mrs.
Christman, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Cicha, Mr. Raymond
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Cima, Rev. Thomas
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Clark, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Clark, Ms. Margrethe
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Clark, Mrs. R.
Clarke, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Mr. & Mrs.
Frank Benzschawel
Clercx, Ms. Leola M.
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Coffield, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Colaiuta, Mr. William E.
Colburn, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Brenda
Colby, Ms. Beatrice
Coler, Ms. Susan M.
Collier, Mrs. Gertrude
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Y ayers
When you send a donation and request
prayer, every Servite Sister becomes aware
of your request. Each week Sister Mary
De Lourdes Plourde and Sister Mary
Joan LeBlanc send emails to all our sisters with lists of your intentions. We
thought you’d like to know that we are
all praying for your intentions and giving thanks for your generosity.
* Conley, S. Mary Helen,
In honor of Ladysmith
Sisters, Addolorata Villa
In memory of S. Mary
Monica Bresadola, OSM
* Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Connolly, Mr. & Mrs.
Joseph P.
Connolly, Mrs. Marianne
In memory of Tom
Corcio, Mr. Miguel A.
Corey, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert W.
* Corso, Mr. & Mrs.
* Crawford, Mrs. Diane
In honor of Anna, Steven,
Clare, Kathryn
In memory of Pat & Bob
Cremers, Ms. Elisabeth
Cridelich, Mrs. Izola
In memory of Clarence T.
Crisafulli, Mr. Benjamin
Csaki, Mr. Ronald
In memory of Csaki family
Cugini, Mrs. Dolores
Curcio, Ms. Julie Hueller
In honor of S. Mary Alice
Willems, OSM
Curran, Ms. Kathleen
In honor of S. Anne Patrice
McEntegart, OSM
Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. Dick
D’Ercole, Mr. Patricia
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Dahlvig, Mr. & Mrs. Joe
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Merle Arts, S. Mary Ambrose
Vogel, OSM, Patrick Lybert
Daily, Rev. Leo J.
* Dallas, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
In memory of Mr. & Mrs.
John Dallas, Sr., Jeanne
Pauser, Kurt Dallas, Mr. &
Mrs. Joseph Reichert, Melvin
Reichert, William Reichert,
Eugene Sheehy
Darche, Mr. Fred A.
De Noyer, Mr. Eugene
De Ocampo, Ms.
Deckler, Mrs. Helen
* Dedenbach, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Dekan, Mr. Karl A.
Deming, Mr. & Mrs.
Scott, Sr.
In honor of Felicia Hartnett
Dennehy, Mr. Daniel T.,
Von Briesen & Roper,
DeNucci, Mr. & Mrs.
Joseph M., Jr.
In honor of all the Sisters
Dernovsek, Mr. & Mrs.
* Dernovsek, Mrs. Marian
In honor of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
DesJardine, Ms. Maribeth
In honor of Sisters who
served at St. Therese in
* Dickenson, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
* DiDonato, Mrs. Nancy
In honor of S. Mary Joan
LeBlanc, OSM, S. Mary De
Lourdes Plourde, OSM, S.
Mary Lucy Daniels, OSM
In memory of Kenneth
Diedrich, Mrs. Shirley A.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Diehn, Mrs. Geraldine A.
In memory of Dominic
Dillon, Mr. Patrick
* DiMartino, Mrs.
In memory of
Giuseppantonio DiMartino
Doell, Ms. Martina
In memory of the
VanderLoop and Reynders
* Dolan, Mr. Dean M.
Donahue, Mr. & Mrs. Pat
Donatell, Mr. Antonio G.
In memory of Evelyn,
Donati, Ms. Joyce L.
In honor of S. Mary Joan
LeBlanc, OSM, S. Mary De
Lourdes Plourde, OSM
* Doremus, S. Helen
Francis, OSM
In honor of the 2006
In memory of Norman
Downum, Mrs. Paula M.
In memory of C. Paul
Downum, Del Ward
Draus, Mr. Harry
In memory of S. Mary
Celine Draus, OSM
Duchnowski, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Dufner, Mrs. Mary E.
In honor of Mary F. Miley
In memory of Sheils family
* Duhaney, Mr. & Mrs.
Hardie A.
* Dulek, Mr. Ronald L.
* Dunleavy, Mr. & Mrs.
Dunne, Mr. Art
* Dyczewski, Mrs. Rita R.
Dzienkowski, Ms. Rose L
In memory of Jerome
Ebersberger, Mr. & Mrs.
* Ebertowski, Mr. Jerome
Eck, Mrs. R. Jean
Edge, Mr. & Mrs.
Douglas D.
* Effertz, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary
Dominica Effertz, OSM
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Effertz, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Effertz, Mr. & Mrs. John
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Egan, Mr. & Mrs. John J.
In memory of Matthew Egan
Eitenmiller, Mr. & Mrs.
* Eldredge, Mrs. Judy
In memory of Lisa Eldredge
* Eller, Mr. John M.
England, Mrs. Kathleen
Enright, Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas P.
In honor of S. Mary Rita
Thompson, OSM
Esser, Mr. & Mrs.
* Evangelista, Mr.
Servando B.
Everett, Mr. & Mrs.
Falcone, Mr. Eugene S.
Falcone, Mr. Michael
Fameree, Mr. & Mrs.
* Fandel, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Mary Haasl, Albert M. &
Agnes Fandel, Eric P.
Fandel, S. Mary Ambrose
Vogel, OSM.
Fandel, Mr. & Mrs.
Patrick J.
* Fandel, Ms. Sylvia
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of Mildred &
Richard Fandel
Fauerbach, Mrs.
Margaret H.
Feldmeier, Mr. & Mrs.
* Feltz, Rev. Thomas F.
* Feneis, Mr. & Mrs.
Patricia F.
Ferrandi, Ms. Louise
* Ferrer, Dr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM, 2006
* Ferry, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of the Ferry
In memory of Mildred &
Richard Fandel
Ferwerda, Dr. & Mrs.
James R.
* Filip, Mr. Mitchell
Finateri, Ms. Nancy A.
In memory of Yolanda
Finateri, Rosemary Bosco,
Douglas Bosco
Finn, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick
In memory of S. Mary Louise
Lawinger, OSM, Lawinger
family, Finn family
Fisher, Mr. Anthony F.
* Fisher, Ms. Kathleen
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Ronald Haas
Fitzpatrick, Ms.
In memory of Peg MoralesSiebert, S. Mary DeSales
Fitzpatrick, OSM
Flamme, Mrs. Christine
In memory of Eugene S.
Fleet Services, Inc.,
Fogarty, S. Rosanne,
Fons, Mrs. Helen
In memory of Richard Fons
Forster, Lt. Col. Mary
In memory of deceased
parents 81st wedding
Fraher, Rev. Leonard
France, Ms. Dorothy
In memory of Marvin
Franceschini, Rev.
Eugene Mark
Frawley, Ms. Maureen
In memory of Raymond
Frenette, Mr. Jeffrey J.
* Frenette, Ms. Eileen
* Geisler, Mrs. Helen A
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Chick Hendricks, S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Geissler, Ms. Carol L.
* Gibbon, Mr. Leonard
In honor of Helen Gibbone
Gibbons, Mr. A. Joseph,
Gibbons, Ms. Mary J.
Gierzak, Ms. Darlene M.
In memory of Mary &
Walter Gierzak, Gerald
Gierzak, Edith & Leon
* Girard, Mr. John
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of Caroll
Girard, Madeline & Walter
Giron, Ms. Conchita B.
In memory of Irineo &
Magdalena Giron
Glab, Mr. Joseph
In honor of S. Casimira
Benbenek, OSM
Goetzman, Mr. & Mrs.
* Golat, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Gonglewski, Sister
Jeanette A.
In memory of Katherine
* Gooden, Mr. & Mrs. Earl
In memory of Odella
Dolkins, Van Chambers
* Gores, Mr. Jerome
In memory of John & Odelia
Gores, John Jr., Robert
Gores, Leo Brickner
* Gorkowski, Mr. Robert
In memory of Tillie
Grabowski, Mrs. Pearl
In honor and in memory of
Casimir Grabowski
Graf, Mr. & Mrs. John
Grant, Mr. Jerome
In memory of Irene Grant
* Greenwald, Mr. Eugene
Groothousen, Marion
In memory of Florence
Gross, Mrs. Marcella
In memory of Harold Gross
Groth, Mr. & Mrs.
Gruber, Mr. Richard
Guastella, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
* Gudis, Mrs. Loretta P.
In memory of George Gudis
* Guns, Mr. & Mrs. Mark
In honor of all the sick
In memory of Tom
Gustafson, Ms. Jean V.
In memory of Mr. & Mrs.
Clarence Gustafson, James
Gutowski, Ms. Rose
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Guzik, Mrs. Agnes
In memory of Ted Guzik
Haag, Mr. Wayne
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Hammond, Mr. & Mrs.
Hand, Mrs. Frances L.
In memory of John & Anna
Hanko, Mr. Leo E., Sr.
In memory of father,
mother, wife, brother
Hanley, Mr. Thomas M.
Harvey, Mrs. Jean
In honor of S. Martha
Kormendy, OSM
Hasenohrl, Mrs. Kathleen
Hasslinger, Mrs. Myrtle
Hauber, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
In memory of Edwin J. Kraft
Geib, Mr. Donnell H.
* Geier, Mrs. Shirley
In memory of Andrew
In memory of Robert
Gordon Harvey
Gaidosik, Mr. & Mrs.
Anthony G.
Galeno, Mr. William A.
Gallagher, Ms. Helen E.
Gallagher, Ms. Mary C.
Galvan, Mr. Antonio
In memory of Dorothy
Roznowski, Lucille Caponi,
Eileen Carroll
* Hall, Mr. Garry D.
Hamilton, Mrs. Elizabeth
* Harvey, Mrs.
* Fucik, Althea A. Kraft
Gazzolo, Mr. Frank D.
Gehrke, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Bonnie
Sylvester, Hall family,
Sylvester family
In honor of S Sandra
DeGidio, OSM
In honor of S. Rosemary
Fandel, OSM, life
dedication of all the Sisters
In memory of Joe Proden
In memory of S. Cecilia
Gaydos, OSM
Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
* Hall, Mrs. Eileen
* Hansen, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert E.
Hapka, Rev. Jerome
Harridge, Ms. Carol
* Fuchs, Mr. & Mrs.
* Gaydos/Mason, Emory
& Sylvia
In memory S. Mary Arlene
Hendricks, OSM
In memory of infant son
Noah Arthur Hansen
In memory of Robert
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
* Hagany, Mr. Michael A.
* Hagen, Rev. Gerald A.
Haidvogl, Mr. & Mrs.
Haines, Ms. Regina
Hansen, Mr. & Mrs. Lee
Friedel, Mr. & Mrs.
Froats, Mr. & Mrs. John
Gassman, Mrs. Norbert
* Gaydos, Rev. Edward
In honor of S. Alice Henke,
In memory of Fr. John
Hanley, OSM
In honor of S. Dolores
Henke, OSM, S. Alice
Henke, OSM
In memory of Bernard
Frenette, Helena & Leon
In honor of all the Galvan
In memory of Maria Elena
Hafner, Mrs. Genevieve
In memory of Joseph &
Verna Mihm
Development Office aides Sister Mary Joan LeBlanc and
Sister Mary De Lourdes Plourde with secretary Mary Heintz.
Gleeson, Ms. Ethelrita
In memory of Dolores
Walter, Joe McIntyre
Glonek, Mr. William R.
In memory of the Glonek
Gnat, Mr. Stephen
Gochee, Mr. Edmund
Goelz, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Mr. & Mrs.
Herb Samens, Robert
Samens, Mr. & Mrs. Buzz
Kelcoyne, Mr. & Mrs. Gil
Goelz, Joe Tarantino
Goetz, Mrs. Frances
* Gregor, Mrs. Mary
In honor of Don & Mary
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Michael Nash, Eugene
Flamme, Robert Bricco,
Hazel Clark, S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Gressle, Mr. Charles R.
In memory of Gertrude
Gribbon, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Robert
* Haas, Mr. & Mrs.
William B.
* Haase, Ms. Anna
In honor of S. Martha
Kormendy, OSM
Haasl, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Haasl, Mr. Joseph
In memory of Marie Haasl
* Haasl/Micklewright,
Michael and Mickie
In memory of Marie
VanderLoop, Eunice
Hadley, Ms. Kathy
Hayunga, Ms. Elizabeth
Heath, Mr. & Mrs.
Charles E.
HeCares Fund of the
Catholic Community
Hegy, Mr. Pierre
* Heidgen, Mr. & Mrs.
Charles F.
Heimstead, Mr. William
In memory of Ray & Frances
* Heintz, Mr. & Mrs. Mark
In honor of S. Mary Joan
LeBlanc, OSM, S. Mary De
Lourdes Plourde, OSM, S.
Mary Lucy Daniels, OSM, S.
Rosemary Fandel and 2006
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Heinz, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
In memory of John &
Genevieve Reynders
* Heiser, Deacon Bud
* Helbling, Ms. Beverly
Helene, Mrs. Suzanne
Hellmann, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Brenda
Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs.
* Jackson, Rev. James
In memory of Mary Ann
* Jacobson, Mr. William H.
* Jacques, Mrs. Clara
In memory of William
Jacques, Sr., S. Mary Arlene
Hendricks, OSM, S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Jaeger, Ms. Carol M.
* Janis, Mr. & Mrs. Dan
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Janowitz, Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas M.
Jansen, Mr. Warren
Jarmoluk, Mr. & Mrs.
Jean-Pierre, Mrs.
* Jensen, Mrs. Media R.
Jez Enterprises Inc.
Hendricks, Mr. & Mrs.
Henke, S. Alice, OSM
In memory Eleanor
Hennekens, Mr. & Mrs.
* Herkata, Mr. Philippus
Herndl, Mr. George
In honor of all Sisters
* Hess, Ms. Vicki Lee
* Hill, Mr. Merle
In memory of Anne Hill,
Tom Hill
Hinaus, Ms. Kathleen
In memory of Anna & Bill
Cabanowski, Cecelia &
Owen Hinaus
Hodge, Mr. James A.
Hoel, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Betty
Hoffman, Mr. Carlton
Holles, S. Harriet, BVM
Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Al
In memory S. Mary Arlene
Hendricks, OSM
Holy Cross Sisters,
Merrill, Wisconsin
Hornung, Mrs. Lydia
In honor of S. Rita Stoeberl
In memory of Jim Stoeberl
In honor of Dolly
* Johnsen, Mr. Bennett A.
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs.
Donald L.
Johnson, Gayle
* Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Roy
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM, S. Rosemary
Fandel, OSM
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas W.
In memory of S. Geraldine
Johnson, Mr. Vernon
* Jonasen, Mrs. Ruth A.
In honor of Pat Blake
In memory of Joe Blake,
David Gegner
Jones, Mrs. Julee
In memory of Winnie Jones
In honor of sister-in-law
In memory of Bessie Hirsch
Juza, Rev. Philip J.
Kasper, Mrs. Bernice F.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Kasper, Ms. Marie
In memory of S. Mary Peter
Prince, OSM
Horst, Ms. Carole J.
* Hrouda, Mr. Edwin J.
Hunsader, Mrs. Rosemary
* Hurst, Mrs. Myra
* Hvizdak, Mrs. Michael S.
In memory of Michael S.
* Ihlenfeldt, Ms. Eleanor
In memory of S. Mary
Monica Bresadola, OSM,
Clarence Ihlenfeldt
Irvin, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Iuorio, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Robert
* Jachimek, Ms. Stella
In memory of Walter
Jackson, Mr. Darrow
In memory of Mary Ann
In honor of all Servants of
Mary Sisters
In memory of Mike Kasper,
Margaret Schaubschlager
Many employers
sponsor matching
gift programs and
will match any charitable contributions
made by their employees. If your
company has such a
program, request a
matching gift form
from your employer
and send it completed and signed
with your gift. We
will do the rest.
Katona, Mr. & Mrs. Tom
In memory of S. Lucille
McLaughlin, OSM, Phoebe
Talamini, John Peroglia
Kazek, Mr. Joseph
Keating, Ms. Patricia
In memory of Mary Louise
Keating, Mr. & Mrs.
Pierce V.
In honor of Pierce Keating
Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
H., Jr.
Kelly, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
DeSales Fitzpatrick, OSM
Kempen, Mr. Clifford
In honor of wife
In memory of mother
Kerber, Mrs. Robert
In memory of Mrs. Franklin
Kuruers, Lucille Weekman
Kertgen, Ms. Ann M.
In memory of Armida
* Kester, Mr. Donald E.
Keup, Ms. Luella M.
* Kiefer, Ms. Genevieve
Kilkus, Mr. Vincent
* Kimmel, Ms. Dorothy H.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Kinney, Mr. & Mrs.
Donald F.
In memory of Joyce
Dymesich, James (Jim)
Kish, Mr. Julius L.
In honor of S. Mary
Celestine Tremblay, OSM,
on her 70th jubilee
Klages, Ms. Lois E.
* Klemko, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Cecilia
Fandel, OSM
In memory of Richard &
Mildred Fandel
* Kline, Mr. & Mrs.
Knights of Columbus,
Council 2481,
Ladysmith, Wisconsin
Knights of Columbus,
Council 4954,
Glenwood City,
Kohn, Ms. Marlene
Kohrt, Mr. & Mrs.
Richard J.
In honor of St. Mary
Hospital Auxiliary,
Kewaunee, Wisconsin
In memory of Beverly Kohrt
* Konop, Mrs. Mary Ellen
In honor of Eleanor
In memory of Joseph F.
Konop, S. Mary Clarita
Corcoran, OSM
Kopil, Ms. Rose B.
In memory of Brady-Kopil
Kowalski, Ms. Evelyn A.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
Kozlowski, Mr. John S.
Krajewski, Mr. & Mrs.
Kurzeka, Mr. Richard A.
Lakawitch, Mr. & Mrs.
* Krajewski, Mr. & Mrs.
* Lamberg, Mr. Arnold A.
In honor of S. Mary Bernice
VanderLoop,OSM, S. Mary
John VanderLoop OSM
In honor of S. Mary John
VanderLoop, OSM, S. Mary
Bernice VanderLoop, OSM
Krajewski, Mr. & Mrs.
Kramer, Ms. Anna I.
In honor and in memory of
family members
* Krenzelok, Mrs. Paul
In memory of Paul P.
Krenzelok, S. Mary Arlene
Hendricks, OSM, S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Kretsch, Mrs. Josephine
A. and Thomas
In honor of Thomas G.
Kretsch and his dad Jack
* Krohn, Mr. Richard
* Kroll, Mr. John E.
In memory of Joanie Kroll
Kronhelm, Mr. & Mrs.
Gar D.
* Krupa, Mr. John R.
Krzysiak, Rev. Casimir
* Kubisiak, Mr. & Mrs.
Kucharek, Ms. Carol
In memory of Cecilia
Kuenn, Mr. Michael R.
* Kuhn, Ms. Janet F.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Kuhn, Ms. Linda A
* Kulas, Mrs. Ruth
In honor of S. Dolores
Henke, OSM
*Kunkel, Mr. & Mrs. John
In honor of Dean
Witherspoon, David Tupis,
Walter Scholten, Rev.
Joanie Delamater, Loretta
Rae Devulian Snider
In memory of Donald
“Ducky” Perrin, Linda
Ennett Varvinen, Crystal
Corenne Belter, Shirley
Young, Ruth M. Johnson,
Josephine Violetta Richards,
William Barrett, James (Jim)
Smrekar, Oren (Dean)
Witherspoon, Jack Hinkle,
Mary Jane Ensign, Edith
Sussman, Inez M. Freeman,
Roy Alfred De Longchamp,
Anna Rae Dyer, John (Jack)
Anderson, Juanita
Richardson, William H.
(Bill) Kunkel, Sr.
Kurns, Mr. William C.
* Kurszewski, Mr. Ernest
* Kurth, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
In memory of S. Mary
DeSales Fitzpatrick, OSM,
Fitzpatrick family
In memory of Eleanor
Lamoreaux, Ms. Florence
In memory of family
* Lamoureux, Dr. Donald,
Lampe, Mr. Paul
* Landry, Ms. Diane
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Vivian Becker Hansen
Langenfeld, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Langenfeld
family members
Lantta, Mr. & Mrs. Gary
In honor of S. Mary Bernice
VanderLoop, OSM, S. Mary
John VanderLoop, OSM
* Larson, Ms. Joyce
In memory of Leonard O.
Larson, Greg
Larson, Ms. Sheila M.
In memory of Gordon
Lasack, Mr. Leonard
In honor of Albert E. Lasack
Latendresse, Mr. Dave
Laue, Ms. Johannes S.
Lauscher, Mr. Jerry W.
Lawrence, Mr. Wilfred
Lawrenz, Mrs. Clara V.
In memory of S. Mary
Clarita Corcoran, OSM
* LeBlanc, Mr. Donald
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of Mable
* LeBlanc, Ms. Dorothy
In honor and in memory of
Arlene Plaza
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* LeBlanc, Ms. Ruth
In memory of LeRoy
LeBlanc, S. Mary Arlene
Hendricks, OSM, Arlene
* Lee, Ms. Dorothy F.
* Leniewski, Mr. Leonard
* Lepczyk, Mr. Donald
Lesniak, Mrs. Phyllis
In memory of William S.
Lesniak, Sr.
Levy, Mrs. Lowell K.
* Lewis, Ms. Sally L.
In memory of Doris Lewis
Lieser, Ms. Betty
In honor of Bill Lieser, Alice
* Liess, Mr. Bill
In honor of Wilma Liess,
Louis Liess
Linskey, Mr. & Mrs.
Harold J.
* Lloyd, Mrs. Maria
Loftus, Mr. & Mrs. Bob
In honor of S. Bonnie Alho,
In memory of Robert
Longo, Mr. Joseph A.
* Loomie, Mr. Edward R.
Lovett, Ms. Marjorie C.
In memory of Robert E.
Luchi, Mr. Michael
Lucius, Ms. Annette M.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
Ludescher, Rev. Ken
In honor of S. Clarice
Gierzak, OSM
* Luplow, Ms. Maryann
In memory of Constantine
Malfese, Steven Priggee
Lynch, Ms. Constance
Lynch, Mrs. Marie
Lynch, Dr. & Mrs. Miles
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM, S. Mary
Roberta Prince, OSM
Lyon, Ms. Kathryn
* MacCutcheon, Mr. Mark
In memory of Howard
Wallin, Frederick Sullivan
* Machac, Mrs. Rita
In honor of the Servite
* Machulda, Mr. & Mrs.
Lester F.
In honor of S. Mary Joan
LeBlanc, OSM, S. Mary De
Lourdes Plourde, OSM
Maertz, Ms. Bernice
Maguire, Mr. Frederick
Maher, Mr. Ramon
In memory of S. Mary
Carmelita Wilson, OSM
Major, Mr. Arthur P., Jr.
Major, Mr. Steven J.
* Majoris, Mr. John
In memory of Mary H.
Malaise, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Mike & Stella
Mangi, Mr. & Mrs.
Manhart, Mr. & Mrs.
James J.
Manhart, Mrs. Julia
In honor of all Priests and
Sisters who taught me at St.
Joseph’s, Cartert, New Jersey
Manka, Mr. Leonard
Manning, Mr. & Mrs.
* Maring, Fr. William, S.J.
* Maris, Mr. & Mrs. Louis
In memory of Richard
Warzyn, Ann Peters, Peter
& Sylvia Tennessen
Mark, Mrs. Dolores
In memory of family and
* Martin, Mr. & Mrs.
Donald, Jr.
Martin, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
DeSales Fitzpatrick, OSM
Martin, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Maruyama, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Doris Ann
Samens, OSM
Mascia, Mr. & Mrs.
Matson, Mr. & Mrs. G.
In memory of Eleanor
Matthews, Mrs. Johanna
In memory of S. Mary Zita
Vogel, OSM
Maule, Mrs. Dorothy
Retired Sisters, Secular Servites, and other volunteers
preparing the newsletter for mailing
In honor of S. Mary Alice
Willems, OSM
Mayer, Mr. & Mrs. Don
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* McAndrews, Mr. & Mrs.
McArdle, Ms. Catherine
McArdle, Ms. E. Jannette
McCarthy, Mr. & Mrs.
James A.
McCarthy, Ms. Maureen
McCarthy, Mr. Richard
* McClintock, Mr. Michael
In honor of Micheal E.
In memory of deceased
family members, Robert J. &
Marjorie Ann McClintock
McConnell, Mrs. Marilyn
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
* McCormack, Mr. Myron
McCormick, Mrs. Terri
In memory of S. Mary
Agatha McCormick, OSM
McDermott, Mr. & Mrs.
McDonald, Ms. Geneva
In honor of Paul Pitzen
* McElroy, Mrs. Lucille L.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
McGinnity, Mrs. Laura
In honor of all Servite
McGlone, Ms. Kathleen
McGough, Mr Leo B.
McGough, Mr. & Mrs.
McGrath, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of parents and
McIntyre, Ms. Nancy K.
* McKeon, Rev. Robert F.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks
McLain, Mr. & Mrs.
McLaughlin Foundation,
Mr.&Mrs.John V.
In memory of Elvira
McManus, Mr. Martin J.
McNulty, Mr. Howard
In honor of S. Mary
Christina Gelting, OSM
* McPeak, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of Reynea McPeak
In memory of Margaret
McRaith, Mr. J. Barry
* McWatters, Mrs.
* Meade, Mr. John M.
In memory of Mary Meade
Mecha, Mr. Raymond C.
In memory of Mecha and
Zuzelski families
Meicher, Mr. Bernard
* Meller, Mrs. Betty
Menke, Mr.John
In memory of Bob Menke
Metzger, Mr. James E.
In honor of S. Ruth Griewe,
* Meyer, Ms. Angela R.
In memory of Angela Meyer,
Martin E. Meyer, Sr., Martin
Meyer, Jr.
Meyer, Ms. Melanie
Meyett Estate
In honor of S. Mary
Dominica Effertz, OSM
Mianecki, Mrs. Alice
* Michaelson, Mr. Max J.,
In memory of Gertrude E.
Miele, Mr. Augustine
In memory of Cecelia Marie
Milazo, Ms. Fran
Milazzo, Mrs. Lorraine
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Miller, Mr. Bruce A.
Mincoff, Mr. Naiden
In memory of John & Ceclia
Mischke, Mr. Herbert F.,
In honor of Gregory’s
education at St. Rose of
Lima Grade School
Moffett, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
In memory of Robert
* Morgan, Mr. & Mrs.
Kermit M.
In honor of S. Mary De
Lourdes Plourde, OSM
* Morgan, Mrs. Mary Lee
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Mortaloni, Mr. & Mrs.
* Mortimer, Mrs.
Mueller, Mr. Andrew
In honor of all the Servites
who were at Our Lady Gate
of Heaven in Chicago
* Mueller, Mrs. Pearl M.
Muench, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Mulcrone, Mr. Richard
Mule, Mr. & Mrs. Sal
Murphy, Mrs. Dorothy
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Murphy, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary Joan
LeBlanc, OSM, S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of Mary Louise
Murphy, Hon. Sheila M.
* Murray, Mr. & Mrs.
Edward J.
Murray, Mr. & Mrs. John
In memory of Peggy Buruato
Nadolney, Ms. Ann
Nanyama, Sister Evalyne
In honor of S. Theresa
Sandok, OSM
Nazer, Mr. Raymond J.
Nelsen, Ms. Eloria
In honor of S. Bonnie Alho,
OSM, S. Barbara Thomalla,
* Nelson, Mr. & Mrs.
Gerald D.
In memory of Barbara &
Frank Leisz family, Ione &
Robert Kantke
Nelson, Mrs. Mildred
In memory of Roger Nelson,
Kevin Nelson
* Nero, Ms. Catherine
In memory of Arline Kelley,
Daphne Odom
Nesemann, Dr. & Mrs.
R. M.
Neuhann, Mr. & Mrs.
Paul F.
In honor of S. Loretta
Lonsdorf, OSM
Neumann, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Neumayer, Mr. Eugene
* Neumayer, Mr. John J.
* Nicholas, Mr. James
* Nickel, Rev. L. F.
* Niehus, Mr. James E.
In memory of Celestine E.
Nordby, Ms. Cheryl
In memory of Robert
Norrbom, Mr. & Mrs.
Notsch, Mr. Donald
* Novak, Mr. & Mrs. Steve
Novesky, Ms. Betty
Nowak, Ms. Joyce L.
O’Brien, Mrs. Gertrude
In memory of Patrick
O’Brien, Timothy O’Brien
* O’Brien, Ms. Gloria
In memory of relatives and
O’Brien, Ms. Marilyn J.
In honor of S. Marie
Rubbelke, OSM
O’Connor, Mrs. Ruth
O’Kane, Dr. Thomas W.
In memory of Helen
Obey, Congressman &
Mrs. Dave
* Oblates of St. Francis de
* Ochat, Ms. Dolores J.
In memory of S. Mary
Sophia Jaskot, OSM,
Thaddeus Ochat, Genevieve
Odmark, Mr. Edward
* Ogan, Mr. & Mrs. Mark
* Oglesbee, Mrs. Catherine
Oliver, Ms. Winnifred
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Olsen, Ms. Theresa M.
Olson, Mrs. Bobbie
* Olson, Mr. Gerald
* Olson, Mr. Willie
Ondrick, Mrs. Sonia
Opalensky, Mrs. Aldona
Oppelt, Dr. John A.
Opsahl, Ms. Emily
In memory of John & Emma
Orellana, Mr. Carlos A.
In memory of C. R.
* Ornberg, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert D.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Ortiz, Miss Geraldina
Osdoba, Dr. & Mrs.
Dave J.
Osina, Mr. John, Jr.
In memory of JoAnnie Mae
Padolina, Mr. & Mrs.
Jose M.
In memory of Jose S.
Pages, Mr. Hector F.
In memory of Grandmother
Palen, Dr. Victoria
Palmieri, Mr. Walt
Palzkill, Mr. Carl
* Pamperin, Mr. & Mrs.
Parodo, Mr. Jerry
In memory of Bishop Baraga
Pasko, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
In memory of Robert
Path, Mr. Emil J.
Paulsen, Mr. & Mrs.
Paulson, Ms. Ethel
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Pavlik, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Pavlik, Mrs. Florence
In honor of Tyler Pavlik
In memory of Ed Pavlik, S.
Mary Arlene Hendricks,
* PCCW-ABVM Church,
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of deceased
members of PCCW-ABVM
* Peotter, Mr. Gilbert E.
Percy, Mr. & Mrs. James
* Perlenfien, Mr. Otto
In memory of Achacer
Perriza, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Perrizo, Mr. & Mrs.
Bruce J.
Perry, Mr. John A.
In honor of the Sisters who
served at Mount Senario
Peterson, Ms. Kathy Ann
In memory of S. Josephine
Peterson, OSM
Peterson, Mr. Michael
In memory of S. Josephine
Peterson, OSM
* Petit, Ms. Jill
In memory of Nels Larson,
Petty, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
Pfalzgraf, Mr. Joseph
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Pfalzgraf, Mr. William
* Pfeifer, Mr. Robert L.
Pfister, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Robert
Pharo, Mr. & Mrs.
William H.
* Pias, Mr. & Mrs
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Piccinich, Ms. Rose-Ann
In honor of Harvey Litvack,
Andrew Lamance
In memory of Mattea
Piccinich, Ms. Leslie Kark
Pieper, Mrs. Rose
In memory of Evelyn & Leo
Kieffer, Mary & Alfred
Pieper, Frances Grebin
Pineiro, Mr. & Mrs.
Manuel P.
In honor of S. Mary Joan
LeBlanc, OSM
Pintens, Ms. Patricia J.
In honor of S. Mary De
Lourdes Plourde, OSM, S.
Mary Roberta Prince, OSM
Pitzen, Mr. Theodore
Plahuta, Ms. Florine
Poeske, Mr. & Mrs. Rudy
Pondell, Mr. & Mrs.
Prince, S. Mary Charles,
In honor of the Servants of
In memory of Anthony
* Process, Mrs. Jo Ann B.
In memory of Ethel K. Resch
Purgett, Sister Mary
Dolorita, CSJ
In honor of Gary Purgett
In memory of E. Dodd
Purgett, Betty Purgett
* Pyrcioch, Mr. Eugene J.
* Quade, Mr. Donald
In honor of Shirley Quade
Quade, Ms. Vicki
* Quilter, Mr. & Mrs.
Richard J.
Quisenberry, Mr.
* Racanelli, Mrs. Margaret
In memory of deceased
members of Julian & Irema
Bragg family, Eleanor Briggs
family, Jeanne Langdon
family, Howard Linskey
family, Julian & Irma Bragg
* Rainer, Mr. & Mrs.
Raymond R.
Rakowski, Mr & Mrs.
Ramis, Mr. David
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
Redemptorists, Liguori,
Regina M. LeMay
Charitable Fund of the
Catholic Community
Reeves, Mr. Gerry
Regan, Mr. Thomas
In memory of Marilyn
Regnier, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Dolores
Henke, OSM
* Reichert, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Lois Reichert,
In memory of Melvin E.
* Reidy, Mr. Patrick
Reyes, Ms. Bernardit R.
Reynolds, Mrs. Patricia
Rhodes family-Rhodes,
Mr. Joseph L
In memory of Ivy Sykes
Riccio, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Loretta
Lonsdorf, OSM
Riedy, Ms. Dolores
In memory of James Riedy
Riles, Mr. & Mrs.
* Ringstad, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of Marie
Ringstad, S. Mary Arlene
Hendricks, OSM
Robek, Ms. Mary F.
Robert W. Baird & Co.
* Roberts, Mr. & Mrs.
James P.
In honor and in memory of
the Roberts family
Rockwell, Mr. & Mrs.
Raymond J.
* Rogan, Mr. & Mrs.
William D.
Rohde, Mrs. Florine
* Romero, Ms. Maria
Encarna B.
Root, Mr. & Mrs. Arnie
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
In memory of Michael
Ramis, Evelyn Ramis
* Rosecky, Mr. George A.
In memory of Michael
Ramis, Evelyn Ramis
Rosinski, Mr. & Mrs.
* Rosolowski, Mr. & Mrs.
Ramis, Mr. Dennis
Donate Online
Rath, Mrs. Marion J.
Raske, Mrs. Robbie
In memory of Mary Rosecky
In honor of Leo Rosolowski
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Leslie Nelson, Sandy Pavlik,
Irene Mikunda, Hazel
Clark, Agnes Pratt, S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM,
David Gegner, Patrick
Want to donate with just a click of your
mouse? Go to www.servitesisters.org
and click on “Donations.”
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for details
Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin
In memory of the Lynch and
Ross families
Ross, Ms. Flora
Rotta, Mr. & Mrs.
Rubbelke, Rev. Ronald
Rudnicki, Mr. & Mrs.
Edward J.
* Ruegemer, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Marlene
Ruegemer, Robert (Robbie)
Ruff, Mr. Norbert C.
In honor of Sister Julitta
* Rusciolelli, Ms. Lavinia
St. Anthony Roman
Catholic Church,
Batavia, New York
St. Louis, Ms. Veroncia
St. Martin, Ms. Linda
Sts. Alexis & Juliana
Community, Secular
Servites, Suburban
Salajka, Mr. John
In memory of Robert
Salajka, Ms. Jane
In memory of Robert
Salas, Mr. & Mrs. Jose M.
Samens, S. Doris Ann,
In memory of Robert
Samonski, Mrs. Evelyn
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Samz, Mr. & Mrs.
Michael J.
* Samz, S. Marguerite,
In memory of Helen Frances
Tucker, Robert Samens
Sanchez, Mrs. Esther
* Sandok, Mr. & Mrs.
Joseph and family
In honor of S. Theresa
Sandok, OSM
In memory of Mr. & Mrs.
Louis Sandok
Sandok, Ms. Mary R.
In memory of Louis & Helen
Sanford, Ms. Eva M.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Santilli, Mrs. Bill
Savoie, Mrs. Phyllis
Sazama, Ms. Janice
In memory of Raymond C.
Scartozzi, Mrs. R.
In memory of Chad Jonak
* Schafer, Ms. Bertha
Schallau, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Josephine
Peterson, OSM
Schillinger, Dr. & Mrs.
Edwin J.
Schlesser, Mr. Edward
In honor of Msgr. Edmund
* Schliep, Ms Vera
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of Theodore A.
Bennett, Bartley Bennett,
Ted Bennett, Herman
Schliep, S. Mary Arlene
Hendricks, OSM, S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Schmitt, Mr. & Mrs.
James W.
Schmitz, Ms. Jane M.
Schott, Mr. & Mrs. R.
Schraufnagel, Ms.
Schreiber, Ms. Margaret
Schueller, Mr. Alois J.
In memory of Alvina,
Victor & Dolores
Schueller, S. Teresa,
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Schuh, Mr. & Mrs. Anton
Schumacher, Ms. Mary
In honor of Mr. & Mrs.
Norbert Schumacher
Schweigert, Mrs. Amelia
In memory of Gerald
Scott, Commdr. Don
* Scott/McDougall, Dianne
& Gene
In honor of our children
and their families
In memory of Edwin J. Kraft
Scovell, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Loretta
Lonsdorf, OSM
Sebastian, Ms. Sandra
Seim, Mr. & Mrs. John P.
Selonke, Ms. Florence
* Senander, Mr. Jack
In memory of Cathleen
Servite Friars,
Annunciata Priory,
Chicago, Illinois
* Sheehy, Mr. William J.
In honor of retired Servants
of Mary Sisters
In memory of John J. Sheehy,
Mabel Sheehy, John E.
Sheehy, Leo Garlanger,
Alyce Garlanger
Sherman, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Marguerite
Samz, OSM
Shields, Mrs. Joanne
In memory of S. Vivian
Mayer, OSM
Sides, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
In memory of Harriet Strop
* Siegenthaler, Ms. Joan
Sieja, Mr. & Mrs. Mike
In memory of Albert
Simkowksi, Ms. Deborah
* Skiba, Ms. Sophie
In memory of Walter Skiba,
John & Angeline Czyscon
* Skory, Mrs. Ruth V.
In honor of S. Teresa
Schueller, OSM
In memory of Henry Skory,
S. Mary Ambrose Vogel,
* Skroski, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Charles &
Agnes Skroski, Marcella &
Elmer Wieland, Fr. Bill
Hefron, Les Ricard, Leah
Rydeski, Ray Taschner
* Skubal, Mr. & Mrs.
Sladek, Ms. Mary Ann
* Slatoski, Mr. Joseph P.
Slezinski, Mr. James A.
In memory of Joseph &
Margaret Mary Slezinski
Slowey, Rev. John P.
Smiley, Mr. Vincent
Smith, Mr. Craig T.
In memory of Clarine Boyer
* Smith, Mr. & Mrs.
George E.
Smith, Mr. Reggie
Smith, Mr. Victor G.
In memory of Vera (SmithTaylor) Banks
Smith, Mr. William L.
Soderberg, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Arthur “Pat”
* Soderberg, Mrs. Eileen
In memory of Arthur “Pat”
In honor of Billy Busse
In memory of Leon Selonke
Sperling, Mrs. Angeline
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Staed, Mr. Thomas
Stangler, Mr.William
Selvig, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
* Staud, Msgr. Sylvester
* Stearns, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Mel Reichert, Carole Horst,
Arlene Plaza, Hazel Clark,
SOSM, S. Mary Ambrose
Vogel, OSM
* Steinbuch, Mr. Darrell
Sterba, Ms. Mary E.
In memory of Mary
Perczynski, S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Stoeberl, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Brenda
Turner, Stuart Olson, Alois
Stoeberl, Rena Wojcik
* Stoeberl, S. Rita,OSM
In honor of Bob Stump,
Sisters celebrating their 70th
jubilee: S. Mary Roberta
Prince, OSM, S. Mary
Celestine Tremblay, OSM, S.
Mary Charles Prince, OSM
In memory Marjorie Marsh,
* Tennessen, Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Thibodeau, Ms. Edwina
In memory of Polly
Thiel, Mrs. Leonard
Thoen, Ms. Shirley M.
* Trauscht, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Doris Ann
Samens, OSM
In memory of Robert
* Trujillo, Mr. John J.
In memory of sister and
In memory of Patricia &
John Bachard
Truschke, Eileen
In memory of Leo
Thomalla, George
Gresback, S. Anna Mary
* Truschke, Ms. Joann
* Thomalla, Mrs. Dolores
Thomas, Mrs. Merrill P.
In honor of S. Rosalie
Hennessey, OSM
Thompson, S. Mary Rita,
In honor of Fr. Jim Murphy
on the 25th anniversary of
his ordination
Thompson, Ms. Patricia
In honor of the women of
Servite Order
In honor of the women of
Servite Order
In memory of Chrispin
Kolepple, Frank Duffy
Tucker, Mrs. Leona G.
Ueeck, Ms. Margaret E.
In memory of William &
Agnes Ueeck, Elmo Ueeck
Ullenberg, Mr. Louis R.
Van Wie, Ms. Dorothy
In memory of R. Jack Van
* Stoffel, Mr. Larry
In memory of Mom & Dad
Stoker, Mrs. Gertrude
Straney, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Bonnie
Straney, OSM
Streeter, Mrs. Elizabeth
In honor of Bill Streeter
Stremski, Mr. & Mrs.
Steve D.
In memory of S. Josephine
Peterson, OSM
Stremski, Mr. Steven J.
In memory of S. Josephine
Peterson, OSM
Struch, Ms. Norma
Strybel, Ms. Joan
In memory of Cecile S.
* Styza, Mr. James
Sudol, Mr. Frank
* Sumislawski, Mr. Michael
* Sutliff, Mr. & Mrs. Mike
In memory of S. Mary
Frances Wanbaugh, OSM
Swanke, Mrs. Pat
In honor of S. Mary Lucy
Daniels, OSM
Swanson, Mr. & Mrs.
Harold E.
In honor of all Servite
Sykora, Mr. John
Szarzynski, Mrs. Rita
In memory of Donald
Tangney, Mr. Jerome
Tardio, Mr. & Mrs.
Tarasewicz, Mr. & Mrs.
* Taylor, Mr. James
In honor and in memory of
Taylor, Kucharski, Mazurek,
Wojcik families
* Tedesco, Ms. Emma
Temming, Mr. Michael J.
Sister Damian Powers blesses Sister Bridie Kelly
in a rite of sending forth for mission.
Thornton, Mrs. Val
Timko, Mrs. Marie
Tomczak, Ms Joyce
In memory of Martin J.
* Tomko, Mr. Thomas C.
In honor of S. Mary Joan
LeBlanc, OSM, S. Mary De
Lourdes Plourde, OSM
In memory of parents, sister,
brothers, niece, nephew
Tomlinson, Mr. Robert
In memory of Dorothy
Topp, Mr. & Mrs. Al
* Towers, Mr. & Mrs. Lee
Tracey, Mrs. Elise
In memory of Florence
Marshall, Sisters at
Addolorata Villa in the
1960s, S. Mary Philip Riede,
OSM, S. Mary Sophia Jaskot,
Vaughn, Ms. Cecelia M.
In memory of S. Mary
Xavier Ganahl, OSM
Vavra, Mr. Paul
Vellante, Ms. Delia C.
Vera, Mrs. Eloise L.
Vercimak, Mrs. Irene
Verdegan, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
* Verdegan, Ms. Celina
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
* Verdegan, Ms. Evelyn
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM,
Merle Arts, Judy Gleason,
Hazel Clark, Leonard
Hendricks, S. Mary Ambrose
Vogel, OSM
Verkuilen, Mr. Robert
In memory of Elise
Villafana, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of parents,
grandparents, brother,
aunts, uncles
Vinopal, Mr. & Mrs.
Joseph J., Sr.
* Vitarius, Ms. Josephine
Vitcenda, Ms. Ellen
Vitort, Ms. Jeanette
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Vobornik, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Vogel, Mr. & Mrs.
Norbert J.
In memory of S. Mary Zita
Vogel, OSM
Vojtasek, Mr. & Mrs. Joe,
Volkman, Mr. & Mrs.
In honor of S. Rosemary
Fandel, OSM
Voss, Mrs. Irma R.
In memory of S. Mary
Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Wade, Mr. James
* Wagner, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of family
Waits, Mr. Max M.
In memory of Jeanne
Gentry Waits
Walczak, Mr. Theodore
Wald, Mr. John R.
Walkowicz, Ms. Margaret
Walsh, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Edna &
Lennie Medico
Walters, Mr. Ernest J.
* Walters, Mrs. Winnifred
In memory of Tom
Kasinska, Charles K., Alfred
* Wasieleski, Mrs. Jeanette
Wasikiewicz, Mrs. Alicia
In memory of Sophia Niziol,
Waterhouse, Mrs. Janet
Weatherly, Ms. Janice
Webb, Mr. Donald
Webber, Mr. Paul V.
Weeks, Mrs. Angela T.
Weisbrod, Mr. & Mrs.
* Weisenberger, Mr. &
Mrs. James
Wellenstein, Ms.
In memory of Catherine &
Frank Wellenstein
* Whalen, Mrs. Florence
Wicklander, Mr. Ray
Widman, Mrs. Martha
Widmar, Ms. Ann M.
In memory of S. Mary
Francis Wanbaugh, OSM
Widmar, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of S. Mary
Francis Wanbaugh, OSM
Widness, Mrs. Lucy
* Willger, Mr. & Mrs.
Joseph P.
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM, S.
Mary Ambrose Vogel, OSM
Williams Ms. Martha
Willis, Mr. Barry B.
In honor of retired Servants
of Mary Sisters
Wingate, Rev. Arthur
Winger, Mr. & Mrs. Carl
* Woessner, Ms. Mary
In honor of S. Mary Joan
LeBlanc, OSM, S. Mary De
Lourdes Plourde, OSM
In memory of Leonard
Yao, Ms. Virginia Monis
Zabel, Mr. & Mrs.
In memory of Shirley Oczus
Zepczyk, Mrs. Mary
In honor of Codelia E. Sheff
In memory of S. Mary
Cotilde Sheff, S. Mary
Patricia Sheff
Ziemer, Dr. & Mrs. John
Wojciuch, Ms. Olga
In memory of S. Mary
Arlene Hendricks, OSM
Wolf, Mr. John H.
In memory of Mr. & Mrs.
John H. Wolf, Sr.
* Wollering, Mrs. Patricia
Wooden, Mr. & Mrs. Bob
In honor of S. Sharon Rae
McCarthy, OSM
Woodring, Mr. Gerard J.
In memory of Woodring
family, Souna & Stan,
Sandy Woodring
Woodward, Mr. Michael
Wozniak, Mr. & Mrs.
Wozniak, Ms. Jean
In honor of Fr. Tim
* Wozniak, Rev. Tim J.
* Wussler, Mr. & Mrs.
Robert W.
* Wyman, Mr. Gene
In memory of John &
Eleanor Wojtkiewicz
In memory of Mary
Zimmer, Ms. Delia
Zimmerman, Mr. Gary
Zineckers, Mr. Walter
In memory of Bill &
Kathleen Butler
Ziolkowski, Mr. & Mrs.
Zobal, Mr. Joseph
In memory of the Zobal
* Wofford, Ms. Colette
In memory of Mr. & Mrs.
Andrew Schwartz
Zima, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
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Servants of Mary
1000 College Ave. W.
Ladysmith, WI 54848