A pilot study of a compact pretreatment process Knislinge final
A pilot study of a compact pretreatment process Knislinge final
A pilot study of a compact pre-treatment process, Knislinge Municipality of Östra Göinge 12/12/2012 Resource saving wastewater management in small and medium-sized treatment plants A pilot study of a compact pre-treatment process with chemical precipitation of municipal wastewater treatment plants performed at Knislinge 12/12/2012 Petter Olsson 1 Foreword During the pilot tests conducted during the fall of 2012, many have been involved and all deserve a big thanks for their contributions to the project. Some who deserve an extra mention is Bo Nyström, Operations Manager at Knislinge treatment plants, which handled the sample and ensured that the facility has operated properly during the trial period. Also Jonna Hiltunen, Per-Erik Emilsson and Urban Persson deserve thanks because they had the care of sampling and supervision when Bosse was vacant. Bengt Hansson from Envisys who was the one who pushed the project and ensured that everything has worked excellently throughout the pilot experiment concerning the planning, meetings and operations also deserves a mention. A big thanks to Michael Cimbritz, Lars-Gunnar Alm, Tonny Persson and Janne Väänänen from Hydrotech AB who have been patrticipating and have solved the operational problems encountered with the pilot plant during the pilot tests. Thanks also to Gertrud Persson for her help on LTH's lab. And Anders Palsson from Kemira deserves a mention for his efforts in the chemicals and dosages of these. Others within the project team involved and of course also deserve thanks for their efforts is: Mats Helander and Lars Gunnarsson from ConPura AB, Stig Lövgren (Vattenprocess), Marinette Hagman (NSVA), Patrik Windhover (ATH-design), and Bjarne Segersteen who is the VA-director for Östra Göinges municipality and also the initiator and ultimately responsible for the project. Funding for the project has been made with funding from the Euro Slam and project participants. Summary The treatment plant in Knislinge operated by Östra Göinge municipality is in dire need of renovation and new construction as it is in very worn condition. As new construction under the old practice would be very expensive, it was decided instead to check out other possible solutions. A possible component of such a solution was the pilot plant, which has been tested during the spring, at Södra Sandby treatment plants with relatively good results. This pilot plant was developed in a joint project between ConPura AB, Hydrotech AB, Kemira AB, NSVA, VASYD and LTH and its main function is to act as a pre-treatment step. The pilot plant consists of Conpuras pretreatment plant ConPact B except that the separation also contains an aerated grit and grease removal. This plant has also been supplemented with a precipitation process in which a metal salt is added to the incoming water, which is then allowed to work for the transfers by ConPact plant. Then ConPact plant water is led into a flocculation tank with a stirring mechanism in which a cationic polymer is added to increase the size and strength of the formed flocs. Floc-separation was finally occurring with the help of a drum filter from Hydrotech. The big advantage with this type of plant is that it can be built as modules and thus can easily be extended if necessary. In addition, the investment cost significantly less than the cost of building a conventional treatment plant. Pilot trials began in September and followed the experimental program that is presented in the table below. The different operating conditions were selected to evaluate the pilot plant function as much as possible during continuous operation. The goal of the first four weeks was to achieve an SS separation of 90% by direct precipitation doses and 70% at precipitation doses. Attempts were made with both polyaluminiumkloriden PAX XL-100 and iron chloride PIX 111 with comparable doses. The week with low polymer dosage was conducted in part to evaluate the polymer's effect on precipitation process, but also to get an indication of how big SS separation that could be achieved by sedimentation at a lower chemical dosage. The comparison was also performed experiments in which no chemical additives occurred. Before the trials ended a direct precipitation experiments with PAX was made, where the wastewater that flow through the pilot plant was doubled. Försöksvecka Direktfällning, PAX XL-100 Förfällning, PAX XL-100 Direktfällning, PIX 111 Förfällning, PIX 111 Förfällning, Låg polymerdos Utan kemikalier Direktfällning, PAX XL-100 Direktfällning, PAX XL-100 Metalldos (mg Me+/l) 10,9 mg Al3+/l 6 mg Al3+/l 20 mg Fe/l 12 mg Fe/l 12 mg Fe/l 3+ 10,9 mg Al /l 10,9 mg Al3+/l Polymerdos (mg TS/l) 4,2 3 4,2 3 1,5 4,2 4,2 Flöde pilot (m3/h) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 Sampling was conducted time-proportionate where a smaller sample was collected every 15 minutes of both incoming and outgoing water. The samples were then analysed for determination of the concentrations of SS, P tot, PO4-P, COD-tot dissolved COD, BOD 7-tot dissolved BOD7, N tot and NH 4-N. During each trial week samples of the sludge from the drum filter for analysis of TS and VS content was also taken. As this sludge was relatively thin some simple drainage test using a dewatering cloth for evaluating the potential for sludge thickening to obtain slurry suitable for biogas production was also collected. The results of the analysis’ show that most of the measured pollutant concentrations are flow dependent, i.e. the higher the flow through the plant, the lower was the incoming pollutant concentrations. This is because of the infiltration into the sewage systems in connection with precipitation. This also means that the results from the various weeks of trials were partially affected when the chemical dosage per pollution varied as dosages has only been linked to the flow through the pilot plant. The table below shows the results from the analysis’ of incoming and outgoing SS concentrations. The incoming SS concentration during the first three weeks of trials was relatively high in comparison with the final five weeks of trial, where the SS content was relatively stable at around 200 mg / l. Closing levels being around 30 mg / l at direct precipitation doses and at precipitation doses with the PIX. The lowest achieved SS concentration was 6 mg / l for trial week 8 where also incoming content was the lowest. Suspreduktionen for both direct precipitation and precipitation doses achieved the goals that were set. This means that the reduction of the direct precipitation doses was around 90% while precipitation gave a slightly higher reduction than the 70% which was the goal. The trial week with low PIX dosage gave unexpectedly good results with just over 80% reduction. However, this depends to some extent on the low incoming content during this trial week. The trial week when no chemicals were added indicates that a reduction of up to 60% can be achieved. 300 Hög PAX Låg PAX 250 Hög PIX SS (mg/l) 200 Låg PIX Låg poly 150 Utan kem 100 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka The incoming total phosphorus levels that can be seen in the figure below shows a similar pattern as the incoming SS-levels where the highest concentrations were measured during the first three weeks of trial when the levels were between 5-6 mg / l. Over the last five trial weeks the phosphorus level was relatively stable around 4 mg / l, except for a slightly higher level during trial week 6 as no chemicals were added. The output levels of total phosphorus ended up at 0.91 mg / l for direct precipitation dose of the PAX which represents a reduction of 85%. Direct Precipitation dose with the PIX gave 0.6 mg / l with a reduction of 90% scarce. Precipitation doses with the PAX gave an output level of 2.3 mg / L, resulting in a reduction of only 55%. Precipitation doses with the PIX gave a closing level of 0.67 mg / l and thus a reduction of just over 80%. Without chemicals, the reduction was only 20% and with an output level of 3.8 mg / l, which shows that the precipitation process gives rise to most of the phosphorus reduction. The last two trial weeks of high-dose PAX gave very good results with reductions of between 90-95%, which meant closing levels of 0.33 and 0.15 mg / l, which is efficient or almost efficient for the plants total phosphorus limit of 0.3 mg / L. 10 Hög PAX Låg PAX P-tot (mg/l) 8 Hög PIX Låg PIX 6 Låg poly Utan kem 4 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka If the goal of phosphorus reduction is to obtain maximum separation the PIX should be used when the result indicates that it is significantly more effective even at precipitation doses. The PIX is especially very effective for precipitation of PO 4-P, which in all three cases where the PIX was used, was separated to> 90%. If instead the phosphorus should be controlled to a certain value, the PAX would be more suitable because it does not shed phosphorus as hard at lower dosages. Direct precipitation doses also showed reductions in both total COD and BOD 7 of about 80%, while the reduction for precipitation doses was around 70%. The dissolved fractions of COD and BOD 7 were reduced by between 30 and 45% at both direct precipitation doses and precipitation doses with the PIX. At precipitation dose with the PAX there was an increase of dissolved BOD7, while the dissolved COD separated by just over 30%. Total nitrogen is separated by up to 25% at doses of direct precipitation, while the precipitation dose with the PIX gave a separation of just over 10%. Analysis was also made of NH4-N where a certain increase in the content occured in all cases. The sludge analysis carried out shows that the outgoing sludge from the drum filter is very thin with TS levels around 0.3%. Furthermore VS content is relatively low, as it, in all cases when chemicals were added, was between 60-70%. The PIX doses accounted for the slightly lower VS concentrations due to the volume of metal salt to be higher to achieve similar PAX-dose. The three drainage tests carried out resulted in a satisfactory thickening where a dry solids content of around 5.5% was the result. Even VS content increased slightly and ended up at 75-80% after dewatering. Innehållsförteckning 1. Background ...................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Aim .................................................................................................................................................. 1 3. Knislinge treatmentplant .................................................................................................................. 3 4. Pilot plant ......................................................................................................................................... 5 5. 4.1 Pumpen och flödesstyrningen .................................................................................................... 5 4.2 ConPact anläggningen och dess funktion .................................................................................. 6 4.3 Cipaxtanken och kemikaliedoseringen ...................................................................................... 8 4.4 Trumfiltret ................................................................................................................................ 11 Provtagning ................................................................................. Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat. 5.1 Provtagningspunkter och utrustning ..................................... Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat. 5.2 Provhantering ........................................................................ Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat. 5.3 Slamprover ............................................................................................................................... 13 5.4 Analysmetoder ......................................................................................................................... 14 5.5 Felkällor ................................................................................................................................... 15 6. Försöksupplägg ........................................................................... Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat. 7. Resultat och diskussion .................................................................................................................. 19 8. 7.1 Avloppsvattenflöden ............................................................. Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat. 7.2 Avskiljning av föroreningar .................................................. Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat. 7.3 Slam ......................................................................................................................................... 32 Slutsatser ..................................................................................... Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat. Bilaga 1: Veckorapporter för pilotförsöken .......................................................................................... 38 Bilaga 2: Resultat från analyserna ......................................................................................................... 68 1. Background Östra Göinge municipality is planning a renovation of Knislinge treatment plant to treat more waste while improving resource utilization. The municipality has about 15,000 inhabitants and a clear objective to exercise and use local resources as far as possible. For this reason, priority in the ongoing process development opportunities for more efficient operation through energy-saving measures, is prioritized, such as, the use of existing basin volumes, smaller footprint, increased biogas production and reduce emissions to the recipient Helge river, possibility of deposition of sanitized sludge, as well as an expansion to as low a cost as possible. Because this took place during the spring and summer the conversations between Conpura AB, Hydrotech AB, Kemira Kemwater, Sanitary Engineering at LTH and NSVA (Nordvästra Skåne Vatenn AB) concerning the possibility of conducting experiments in a resource facility in the spring of 2012 tested at Södra Sandby treatment plants. The experiments in Knislinge would build on these efforts and, by extension; this could result in a major operation, which should include external funding, such as from the Svenskt Vatten development. The Knislinge trial is, then, a first step in a larger development effort. Östra Göinge municipality is also participating in an Interreg project for the Södra Östersjö programme, called Euro Slam. The project involves Swedish, Polish and Lithuanian communities and the project is led by the Sustainable Business Hub in Malmö on behalf of Region Skåne. The purpose of Euro Slam is to develop systems for biogas production, biogas utilization and sludge use in small and medium-sized municipalities. Currently planned Knislinge experiments interact clearly with Euro Slam since the quantities of sludge produced will be a suitable raw material for the optimized production of biogas. During the autumn of 2012 pilot experiments was carried out in Knislinge as a further development of the pilot plant previously used for trials in Södra Sandby. A further reason for these trials was to develop a basis for planned development projects. The pilot trials also took place as part of the Euro Slam project in which Östra Göinge municipality participates. 2. Aim The goal of the experiments is to, through a compact pre-treatment process, trap and filter out particles in the wastewater. Maximum possible sludge separation should be pursued. The results of the trials are evaluated by the following parameters. Suspavskiljning at different process conditions (flow rates, chemical dosages, etc.) Sludge suitability as a biogas commodity Contents of treated water for further biological treatment 1 2 3. Knislinge treatmentplant Sizing and purification efficiency The treatment plant in Knislinge is designed for PE 6000 and was charged in 2011 with 3135 PE based on that each PE is equivalent to 70 g BOD7 / day. The average flow through the turbine was in the autumn approximately 1,000 m3 / day. Table 1 shows incoming and outgoing amounts of key pollutants, together with the reduction that occurred during its fiscal year 2011. Table 1: Incoming and outgoing pollutant concentrations and the reduction of the same (Miljörapport 2011) BOD7 80 6,7 91,6 Inkommande mängd (ton) Utgående mängd (ton) Reduktion (%) COD 227 31,4 86,2 N-tot 31 25,3 18,4 P-tot 2,4 0,16 93,3 Table 2 shows annual averages for the output levels of BOD 7, P-tot and N tot. Knislinge treatment plant currently has a requirement to achieve an annual average of BOD7 below 10 mg / l and an outgoing total phosphorus below 0.3 mg / l, while restrictions on emissions are missing (Environmental Report, 2011). Table 2: Estimated annual averages for 2011, and the permissible limit and target values for three pollutants fractions. Parameter BOD 7 (mg/l) P-tot (mg/l) N-tot (mg/l) Årsmedelvärde 6,6 0,16 25,3 Gränsvärde (medel/år) 10 Riktvärde (medel/år) 0,3 Treatment of wastewater and sludge The incoming wastewater is treated initially by passing a step grate with the press before it is passed on to aerated grit chambers. The separated screenings and sand are collected in containers and are transported to Vankira wasteplant for landfill. After the grit chamber follows an activated sludge plant with biological phosphorus removal. The biological treatment followed by a flocculation basin where ferric chloride is added before a final sedimentation process takes place. When necessary, it is also possible to disinfect water with bleach before being discharged into the recipient Helge River (Environmental Report, 2011). The sludge from the biological stage is thickened. Sludge from Sibbhults sewage treatment plantis received by Knislinge where it is dewatered by means of polymer addition in a silbandspress. The dewatered sludge is then transported to Broby treatment plants (Environmental Report, 2011). 3 4 4. Pilot plant The pilot plant used during the pilot tests in Knislinge can be seen in Figure 1. The plant consists of Conpura ABs compact pretreatment plant ConPact B, which is followed by a cipaxtank with stirring mechanism and a drum filter from Hydrotech AB for flock-separation. Figure 1: The pilot plant used during the pilot study at Knislinge purifier. Incoming water enters the ConPact plant at its left end. Photo: Petter Olsson. 4.1 The pump and flow regulation The transport of the incoming water to the pilot plant has been made with the grinder pump which is in the right image in Figure 2. Control of the pumping capacity has occurred with a frequency converter, which can be seen in the left image in Figure 2. Set point on the flow of water that is set by the frequency converter has also been controlled by the flow meter that can be seen in the center image in Figure 2. Figure 2: The left image shows the frequency converter is used to control the pump as seen in the picture on the far right. The center image shows the flow meter that measured the actual flow into the pilot plant. Photo: Petter Olsson. 5 4.2 ConPact facility and its function ConPact plant ConPact B is a compact unit developed by Conpura AB for pre-treatment of waste water. The plant is designed so that it should be easy to install and use. Furthermore, both investment and operating costs are relatively low in relation to its treatment capacity. The equipment used during the evaluation and shown in Figure 3 includes screenings treatment in the form of a Strainer, sand separation in an aerated grit chamber and grease removal with a chain fatty scratch. This plant is designed to withstand the incoming water flow of 30 l / s. Figure 3: ConPact facility during spring trials in Södra Sandby. Photo: Petter Olsson. Screenings Treatment The untreated wastewater is led into the ConPact unit's inlet tank as seen in Figure 4 by means of an external pump. Thereafter follows the first cleaning stage consisting of a strainer of perforated sheets with holes of 5 mm diameter as seen in the right image in Figure 4 strainer captures the coarser screenings which then dewatered and compacted during the transport out of the plant, which is done with a conveyor screw into a suitable container, which, in the trials, was a plastic bag placed in a garbage can. So that strainer should not be blocked by the mass brushes are attached to the rotating conveyor screw sides which cleans the screen when the screw rotates. 6 Figure 4: The left picture shows ConPact plant's inlet tank while the image on the right shows how the screw strainer looks. Photo: Petter Olsson. Conveyor screw is controlled by a level sensor located in the inlet tank. This means that when the water level in the inlet tank reaches the level sensor, the conveyor screw starts to rotate and the filter is cleaned after which the water level in the inlet tank is lowered. The rotation time for the screw can be programmed as required, but was during the trial period set to rotate for 4 seconds every time the water in the inlet tank reached the level sensor. On each side of the strainer screw is also the lattice with cavities of 122x24 mm. These are located above the water level, where the level sensor will start the screw. The main function of these grids is to remove the most serious screenings where the screw does not have time to clean the filter fast enough. It is also possible for the water to brim if inflow would be too high. Aired sand trap After the filter is a larger tank designed for sand separation which can be partially seen in Figure 5. In order to separate sand and other heavy particles an aeration system is used where the air is obtained from a blower installed on the device frame. The inflow of air is controlled by a rotary control, then the flow rate is measured with a rotameter. The air is then distributed between three different zones where the airflow for each zone is controlled by ball valves, one valve for each aeration zone. Aeration contributes to the sand particles and other inorganic materials is to a higher extent separated from the lighter organic material. Furthermore, it contributes to an increased fat separation by flotation. When sand and other heavier particles settles and ends up on the tanks u-shaped bottom it is transported back to the tank top with a screw conveyor. The tank top is another auger; this however, is angled upward for transporting sand from the unit. Sand transported out of the unit is done very slowly, which means that the sand is dewatered before it reaches the collecting container. Sand screws transport times is programmed by the user and was during the trial time set to rotate over a two minute period each hour. The unit is designed to be at design flow to reduce 85-90% of sand particles with a diameter greater than 0.16 mm. At maximum flow the purification efficiency is reduced to 85% of the sand with diameter greater than 0.20 mm. 7 Figur 1: Del av sandfånget i ConPact-anläggningen. Längst ner i tankens högra sida kan en av luftningsanordningarna ses. I bildens övre del ses tankens utlopp. Foto: Petter Olsson. Fettavskiljning På grund av att sandfånget är bestyckat med en luftningsanordning, erhålls även en effektiv fettavskiljning. Fettpartiklarna har i regel en lägre densitet än det omgivande vattnet vilket gör att de rör sig mot vattenytan. Själva fettavskiljningen sker sedan med en kedjedriven fettskrapa som rör sig mellan tankens utsida och en mellanvägg på motsatt sida av den del av tanken där luftningen sker. Denna fettskrapa börjar röra sig varje gång då vattennivån i inloppstanken når nivågivaren, därefter går den under en förprogrammerad tidsperiod innan den stannar, under försöksperioden var denna tid satt till 10 sekunder. Fettpartiklarna samlas med fettskrapans hjälp upp i en fettkammare. I denna fettkammare finns ytterligare en nivågivare som är kopplad till en fettpump. Detta innebär att när nivån i fettkammaren når nivågivaren startar fettpumpen, varpå fettet transporteras till rensskruven och vidare ut ur enheten tillsammans med renset. Fettpumpen var under försökstiden inställd på en pumptid på 7 sekunder vid varje tillfälle som fettnivån nådde nivågivaren. 4.3 The Cipaxtank och chemical dosing Cipaxtanken In the experiments conducted in Södra Sandby in May 2012 and initially during the trials in Knislinge the flocculation process occured inside the ConPact plant. Because the water flow in Knislinge was significantly lower than the flow during the experiments in Södra Sandby a significantly poorer chemical interference was obtained with the consequence that the flocculation process worked poorly. A solution in which a part of the air flow in the sand trap was redirected to polymer dosage tube however solved the interference problem temporarily. However, problems arose with a sludge layer that was built up inside ConPact plant, which after a short period of time deteriorated the flocculation process considerably. Because of this, the pilot plant was supplemented with a cipaxtank with a stirring device that can be seen in Figure 6, this solution came to function well throughout the pilot. 8 Figure 6: On the left the cipaxtank placement is seen between ConPact plant and drum filter. The picture to the right shows the stirring device in the cipaxtank. Photo: Petter Olsson. Chemicals and dosing of these As polyaluminiumkloriden PAX XL-100 worked perfectly as a coagulant during the spring trials in Södra Sandby this was chosen for the initial attempts in Knislinge. Also in order to get a comparison with another metal salt experiments where the PAX was replaced with iron chloride PIX 111 as well as the PAX was stored in an IBC with a volume of 800 liters was also performed, which can be seen in Figure 7. Both Pixeln and the PAX is produced by Kemira Kemwater. The dosage of PIX respective PAX was using a pump from Grundfos, which is also on the image in Figure 7. Dosage of metal salt was set in ml / h and pump capacity was 7.5 l / h. Figure 7: The left image shows the IBC as PAX: one was kept in during the trials. Although PIX: a stored similarly. The right image shows the metering pump used for PAX: one PIX: a. Photo: Petter Olsson. The polymer used as flocculant during the experiments is made by Kemira Kemwater and has the product name Superfloc C1594. This is a liquid cationic emulsion with a loading rate of 20%. The storage of this polymer was done in a 200-liter drums that can be seen in Figure 8 9 polymer was dissolved in water to a concentration of 0.1% in a container in polymorphism pump which is also on the image in Figure 8 dosage was set in rpm where the different numbers of turns and the equivalent dosage was given in a table produced by Anders Pålsson from Kemira. The flocking solution(flockningmedlet) is to link the micro-flocks formed by the coagulant. It also contributes to increasing flock strength, which is important when the flocks are to be separated by means of a drum filter. Figure 8: The liquid polymer was stored in concentrated form in the blue barrel that is visible in the left image. The concentrated polymer is diluted with water in a small mixing tank in the Polymore pump as seen in the right image. It was also this pump that was used for dosing the polymer solution. Photo: Petter Olsson. Chemical dosages were made in two different points. Coagulant, that is the metal salt, was dosed into the tube with the incoming water some meters before the inlet to the ConPact device. The dosing point can be seen in the left image in Figure 9. The coagulant was then mixed in and formed micro flocks during the residence time in the ConPact plant. Shortly after the ConPact plant's outlet dosed the polymer, that is, the flocculant which binds together the formed micro flocks to large flocks. Dosing point can be seen in the right image in Figure 9 and therefore occurs in the short pipe between ConPact plant and flocculation tank. To improve the flocculation process mixing of the polymer while stirring in the flocculation tank is carried out, which could be seen in Figure 6. 10 Figure 9: The image to the left is the dosing point for PAX / PIX that takes place a few meters before ConPact plant's inlet. The right image shows the metering point of the polymer that occurs directly after ConPact plant's outlet just before the water reaches the flocculation tank. Photo: Petter Olsson. 4.4 The drum filter The last step of the pilot plant was a drum filter Hydro AB. The filter's task was to separate the flocks formed by the flocculation process, and its location was because after the flocculation tank. The filter is made of polyester, which is a material that is both light and strong, and has good resistance to chemicals. The drum screen used in the tests and shown in Figure 10 had a total filter area of 1.8 m2, where the pore size was 100 microns. The flocculated water from the upper body of water in flocculation tank inserted in the filter drum's center. Then screened water so that the flocks trapped on the filter in the inside of the drum. As the filter becomes clogged by the sludge that the incoming flocks form, the water inside the drum to increase until it reaches a level sensor is positioned at a convenient height, in this experiment, this level was set at approximately 200 mm above the bottom of the filter. When the water inside the filter drum reaches this sensor starts the filter rinsing systems, while the drum starts to spin. The rinse water is pumped from the treated water in the bottom of the container outside the filter drum and generates a flushing pressure that during the trials was around 7 bar. Rinse system flushes then clean the clogged pores from sludge which then fall into a sludge collection container on the inner drum that can be seen in the right image in Figure 10 sludge and treated water is transferred into two separate spouts. Figure 10: The left image shows the exterior of the drum filter and flushing the system. The picture to the right shows the inside of the filter drum where the sludge collecting tank can be seen in the right edge of the drum. Photo: Petter Olsson. 11 12 5. Sampling 5.1 Sampling points and equipment Incoming samples have been taken with the plant's automatic sampler where the collected sample is aspirated from the plant sump to a 10 liter plastic container placed in the fridge. The withdrawn samples have been time league proportions. Output samples, these have been taken with a tidsproportionerlig automatic sampler which can be seen in the left image in Figure 11, which output sample has been taken by the water sucked up from the metal container in the right image in Figure 11 and then transferred to a 10 liter plastic container cooled with ice packs. Output samples have been taken every 15 minutes with a volume of 25 ml on each occasion. Figure 11: The picture on the left shows the automatic sampler with the receptacle at the bottom of the image. The right image shows the discharge pipe for the treated water and the reservoir from which the output samples are taken. Samples were pumped through the tubing can also be seen in the right picture. Photo: Petter Olsson 5.2 Sample handling The majority of the samples collected have been daily samples collected each day and then frozen. Samples have been taken for weekends usually have been for the period from Friday afternoon to Monday morning and have in most cases been stored frozen. The reason for this is that the samples for each week were taken for analysis on Mondays, which is meant to weekend samples were taken directly to the lab for analysis at LTH. For the frozen samples have been filtering before freezing the samples in which the dissolved fractions were analyzed. The same has applied for SS analysis which already weighed filter delivered to the treatment plant personnel who performed the filtering before the filters were frozen individually in petri dishes. The samples taken for analysis of BOD7 were handled somewhat differently then no filtering occurred for the dissolved fractions before freezing. The collection of these samples have been made by it from each daily sample collected 1 liter of water directly frozen in a 5 liter plastic container, then have the same plastic container has been filled with one liter for each sampling occasion. 13 5.3 Sludge samples On every occasion that samples were taken for analysis were collected sludge samples for analysis of dry matter (DM) content, and Loss on ignition (GF). All sludge samples were taken as samples by sludge from a flushing of the drum filter was collected in a 10 liter plastic container and then transferred into smaller containers for transport to the lab for analysis. In connection with the last sampling dates were also a couple of drainage test using a avvattningsduk which can be seen in Figure 12, this was done by outgoing sludge was poured on the cloth and then was collected in plastic bottles for analysis of TS and GF. Some analyzes were also conducted on the water that passed through the cloth during the dewatering process. Figure 12: Bengt Hansson performs a drainage test of the sludge by pouring sludge on a dewatering cloth. Photo: Petter Olsson. 5.4 Analytical methods Analytical method for suspended solids SS-analyzes have been made by the following method: Filtration of 50 ml of incoming and 100 ml of outgoing samples weighted filter. Drying in oven at 105 ° C for at least 60 minutes. Storage in the desiccator for at least 30 minutes. Weighing of filters with dried material. Analytical method for COD Analysis of total COD was done with Dr. Lange testkyvetter designated LCK114 (measurement limit 150-1000 mg / l), and LCK314 (measurement limit of 15-150 mg / l). Analyses of the total COD was made on unfiltered water while the dissolved fraction is analyzed on the water filtered with Munktell Filter termed "degree in 1002." 14 Analytical method for BOD7 Analyses of BOD7 performed at Hässleholms treatmentplant. Analytical method for phosphorus Analysis of total phosphorus has been with Dr. Lange testkyvetter designated LCK348 (measurement limit 0.5-5 mg / l), and LCK349 (measurement limit 0.05-1.5 mg / l). Analysis of total phosphorus were made on unfiltered water while PO4-P analyzed the water filtered with Munktell Filters designated "Grade 2". Analytical method for nitrogen The nitrogen fractions analyzed were total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen. Nitrogen analysis was made only on the samples that were not frozen, that is, above all weekend samples. Analysis of total nitrogen were made by Dr. Lange testkyvetter labeled LCK 138 (measuring limit 1-16 mg / l) and LCK 238 (measuring limit 5-40 mg / l). The samples for analysis of ammonium filtered with Munktell filter designated "grade 1002" and then analyzed by Dr. Lange test cuvette LCK 303 (measurement limit 2-47 mg / l). Analytical method regarding dry matter and loss of ignition for sludge samples The dry matter content of the extracted sludge samples were analyzed by drying a weighed quantity of about 50 g of sludge, which weighed in a preweighed aluminum mold, baked at 105 ° C for at least 24 hours. Thereafter, the dried sample in the desiccator for at least 60 minutes before it was weighed again. The dried sample was then inserted into a furnace for combustion at 575 ° C for two hours for analysis of loss on ignition. After combustion, the sample was allowed to stand in the desiccator for 60 minutes before it was weighed. 5.5 Sources of error During the study period there has been a growth of sludge in particular drum filter and the outlet pipe. This sludge is then at irregular intervals washed off and followed with the outgoing water, which is why in some cases may have led to increased output levels of contaminants. Before the last trial week cleaned drum filter, improving the filter's capacity, but above all it was flushed grown sludge away. The result would have been affected in a positive sense. A slight variation has occurred in the flow through the pilot plant, which means that chemical application per pollution also affected. Chemical dosages have not been controlled completely without the administered dose based on the preferences set for each pump. The incoming pollution levels varied during the experiments so that a direct comparison between experimental weeks should be made with caution. Samples for BOD7 factions can not be directly compared with the other results then weekend samples in these cases only accounted for a fifth of the weekly sample. The other pollutants have weekend sample instead factored in as three test days in the average results. A slight difference is also in the treatment of weekend samples as these in most cases not been frozen, not taken directly from the treatment plant in conjunction with the pickup of the frozen samples of each week. Some suspanalyser has been made on both frozen and non-frozen samples which did not show any significant difference from each other. 15 16 6. Trial settings Pilot trials have included 8 trials weeks with different chemical dosages. In Table 3 are all the start and end dates of the various attempts week and the date of the test socket weekend presented. Table 4 also shows a compilation of the various attempts weeks with chemical dosages and water flow through the pilot plant. The dosage of the PIX 111 is selected so that both the foreground and direct precipitation dose should be comparable to the dosage of PAX XL-100 which has a higher charge density. In all the experiments were air supply set at 250 l / min dosed in the first two air vents in ConPact plant's sand trap. Table 3: Dates of the various attempts weeks and withdrawal dates for weekend samples. Försöksvecka 1. Direktfällning, PAX XL-100 2. Förfällning, PAX XL-100 3. Direktfällning, PIX 111 4. Förfällning, PIX 111 5. Förfällning, Låg polymerdos 6. Utan kemikalier 7. Direktfällning, PAX XL-100 8. Direktfällning, PAX XL-100 Startdatum 14/9 25/9 3/10 9/10 16/10 23/10 30/10 7/11 Slutdatum 24/9 2/10 8/10 15/10 22/10 29/10 1/11 8/11 Helgprov 17/9 samt 24/9 1/10 8/10 15/10 22/10 29/10 - Table 4: Summary of experimental set-up for the different experimental weeks. Försöksvecka Direktfällning, PAX XL-100 Förfällning, PAX XL-100 Direktfällning, PIX 111 Förfällning, PIX 111 Förfällning, Låg polymerdos Utan kemikalier Direktfällning, PAX XL-100 Direktfällning, PAX XL-100 Metalldos (mg Me+/l) 10,9 mg Al3+/l 6 mg Al3+/l 20 mg Fe/l 12 mg Fe/l 12 mg Fe/l 3+ 10,9 mg Al /l 10,9 mg Al3+/l Polymerdos (mg TS/l) 4,2 3 4,2 3 1,5 4,2 4,2 Flöde pilot (m3/h) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 The chemical dosages at the first four weeks of experiment were selected to achieve an SS separation of about 70% at förfällningsdoserna and 90% for the direct precipitation doses. During attempts week low polymer dose was also conducted some SS analyzes of the flocculated water in the flocculation tank with sediment for 10 minutes. This is to investigate sedimentationspotentialen of outgoing water at a low chemical additive. 17 18 7. Results and discussion 7.1 Wastewater flows Flow through Knislinge treatmentplant Figure 13 shows the average wastewater flow through Knislinge treatment plant during the various attempts that week pilot study encompassed. During the first two weeks of trials with high and low PAX-dosing was performed, the flow was relatively low. The reason for this was that virtually no precipitation fell during this period. This also means that due to the flow through the plant is around 30 m3 / h when no infiltration due to precipitation occurred. During the remaining weeks of attempts have been higher rainfall, which in turn has led to increased infiltration into the sewer system and thus higher flows through the plant. The highest average flow through the plant occurred in the days involving tests Week 8, when the average low flow of 44 m3 / h as a result of intense rainfall. 50 Hög PAX Låg PAX Flöde verk (m3/h) 40 Hög PIX Låg PIX 30 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 20 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 13: Wastewater flow through Knislinge treatment plants under the different experimental weeks. All points represent the average flow through the plant during each of the experimental week. The flow effect on pollution levels The infiltration of water into the sewer system, which is connected with the precipitation leading to dilution of the wastewater. This also means that the incoming pollutant content becomes lower as seen in Figure 14 where the SS content of the various streams are presented. In the figure, a clear trend can be discerned where SS concentration decreases with increased flow through the plant. This flow variation has obviously affected the results for the separation of the various pollutants as chemical dosing has not been re-connected to the incoming levels. This means that during the trial weeks with high wastewater flow has been a higher chemical dosage per impurity compared with the experimental weeks where the flow was lower. This also means that the purification efficiency under the experimental weeks where the flow through the plant was high, probably better than if the same chemical additive occurred at normal basic flow. In Figure 13 is seen that the highest flows were obtained during the two week trial termed high and low PIX and the last attempt a week of high-dose PAX at a higher flow rate through the pilot. This means that the results obtained for these trials weeks probably been better than they would have been if all the analyzes done at basic flow conditions. 19 Inkommande SS-halt (mg/l) 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 Flöde verk 40 50 60 (m3/h) Figure 14: Incoming SS content at different flows through Knislinge treatmentplant. Figure 15 shows how the levels of P-tot and PO4-P depends on the waste water flow through Knislinge purifier. For the total phosphorus, a similar trend that the SS concentration is seen, that is, the higher the flow the lower the content of total phosphorous. However, there is no clear trend that supports the same goes for the content of phosphate phosphorus whose flow depends also can be seen in Figure 15. 10 P (mg/l) 8 6 P-tot 4 PO4-P 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Flöde verk (m3/h) Figure 15: Levels of P-tot and PO4-P at different effluent flows through Knislinge purifier. Wastewater flow through the pilot plant The flow into the pilot plant was controlled by a separate pump and could be kept almost constant, although some minor fluctuations occurred during the pilot tests. Figure 16 shows medium flows through the pilot plant during the various experiments weeks. In the first seven weeks of trial, the flow set to 10 m3 / h, which is also obtained in all cases except for experimental week 6 as no chemicals are used, when the average flow was 11 m3 / h. During the trial week 8 the flow set to 20 m3 / h, while the flow meter gave an average flow rate of 20.6 m3 / h. 20 25 Hög PAX Låg PAX Flöde pilot (m3/h) 20 Hög PIX Låg PIX 15 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 10 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 16: Wastewater flow into the pilot plant during the various attempts weeks. All points represent the average flow rate for each of the different trial weeks. 7.2 Separation of pollutants SS (mg/l) Suspended solids The results from the analysis of the incoming SS concentrations to pilot plant and outgoing SS concentrations of the drum filter is presented in Figure 17 In the trial week 1, when a high PAXdosing, were the incoming SS content is relatively high. This is probably due to the relatively low flow of water through the plant during this trial week. Even the incoming SS levels at the lower PAX-dose and the high dose PIX was relatively high while the SS levels for the last five attempts week has been relatively stable around 200 mg SS / l. 400 Hög PAX 350 Låg PAX 300 Hög PIX 250 Låg PIX Låg poly 200 Utan kem 150 Hög PAX 100 Hög PAX/Flöde 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 17: Incoming and outgoing SS concentrations. The black figures show incoming SS-levels at the pilot plant while the gray figures show outgoing SS concentrations from the drum filter. 21 The output SS concentrations exhibit a reasonably expected pattern where high chemical dosages incurring lower output levels in comparison to subjects weeks where lower or no chemical dosing occurred. The outgoing SS concentration was achieved during the trial week 1 is significantly higher than the output levels achieved during the last two weeks then try chemical dosage was the same. The reason for this should be a marked difference in the incoming SS content between these attempts weeks. In terms of outbound SS content so gave the low-dosage PIX very good results, however, might be partly explained by a comparatively low incoming SS-content in comparison to the first three weeks of effort. During trial week 5 when a low-dose PIX combined with a low polymer dosage, there was a very high outgoing SS content. This is likely due to an impaired flocculation due to too low a polymer additive. This has then led to the flocks become both small and weak and therefore fail in contact with the filter cloth. This in turn allows the crushed flocks can pass through the filter cloth and follow with the outgoing water where a re-flocculation process to the high output suspended solids. Although the separation of SS expressed in percent as shown in Figure 18 shows similar results for the output levels. A slight difference is, however, for experimental week 1 where the result is closer to the results obtained during the two week trial with the same chemical dosing, but then the incoming SS content was lower. Regarding the degree of separation so the objectives were set to be the direct precipitation at doses of PAX respective PIX would achieve a separation of the SS at 90%. This separation has basically been achieved in all 4 attempts weeks with high chemical dosage where efficiencies have been within the range of 88-97%. The highest figure obtained when the flow through the pilot was set to 20 m3 / h. The result was so good for this week, attempts may be partly due to chemical interference became better with the higher flow, but the most likely cause of this fantastic result is still the high flow through the plant, and thus the low incoming impurity content. The goal of förfällningsdoserna conducted during the trial week 2 and 4 was to achieve an SS separation of 70%. This goal was met by a wide margin when the separation ended up being 76% of PAX: one and 83% for PIX: a. The separation without chemicals ended up at 59% was slightly higher than the 50% expected. 100 Hög PAX Låg PAX SS, avskiljt (%) 80 Hög PIX Låg PIX 60 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 40 Hög PAX 20 Hög PAX/Flöde 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 18: Separation Percentage of SS for the different experimental weeks. 7.2.1 Total phosphorus and phosphate phosphor The incoming total phosphorus concentrations presented in Figure 19 shows a similar pattern as the incoming SS levels. That is, high flow through the work has given rise to lower levels of incoming P22 tot in the five week trial, but is slightly higher during the experimental week when no chemicals were used. The output levels of total phosphorus has largely followed the expected pattern where a high chemical dosing led to lower output levels of P-tot. The most striking result here is the low output level at low PIX dosing. This is probably due to the PIX: one is more efficient at trap remove phosphate phosphor thus can more easily be separated with the flocks, and thus also reduces the output level of P-tot. 10 Hög PAX Låg PAX P-tot (mg/l) 8 Hög PIX Låg PIX 6 Låg poly Utan kem 4 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 19: Incoming and outgoing total phosphorus concentrations. The black figures show the incoming P-tot concentrations for the pilot plant while the gray figures show outgoing P-tot concentrations from the drum filter. Although the separation of the total phosphorus, expressed in percent as shown in Figure 20 shows the same behavior as for the output phosphorus. That is, as expected, they provide high-chemical dosages better overall phosphorus separation compared lower dosages. The fact that the low-dose PIX gives almost the same results as for the high-dose PIX suggest that it is probably more difficult to control phosphorus removal with PIX compared with PAX. This means that if a certain level of phosphor pursued by the outgoing water for subsequent purification steps and PAX: A better alternative. In 2011 Knislinge treatment plant permits to emit no more than 0.3 mg P / L as an annual average. During the study period, only the final two weeks of trial that showed outgoing total phosphorus that survived (0.15 mg / l) or at least almost did (0.33 mg / l) that limit. The first experimental week with the same chemical dosing did, however, significantly poorer results (0.91 mg / l). On this basis it can be concluded that the pilot plant must be supplemented by an additional purification step for the limit for total phosphorus shall not be exceeded. 23 100 Hög PAX Låg PAX P-tot, avskiljt (%) 80 Hög PIX Låg PIX 60 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 40 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 20: Separation percentage of total phosphorus for the different experimental weeks. In Figure 21 incoming and outgoing PO4-P concentrations are presented. The incoming concentrations do not exhibit the same distinct pattern as SS and P-tot did. The incoming PO4-P content does not seem to be dependent on the incoming flow in the same way. A comparison with the incoming total phosphorus in Figure 19 shows that phosphorus fractions tend to vary greatly between the different experimental weeks. For example, obtained the highest incoming total phosphorus during the experimental week 1, while PO4-P content in the same week was among the lowest. Whatever the reason behind this behavior is more difficult to find. 10 Hög PAX Låg PAX PO4-P (mg/l) 8 Hög PIX Låg PIX 6 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 4 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 21: Incoming and outgoing PO4-P percents. The black figures show incoming PO4-P percents to the pilot while the gray figures show outgoing PO4-P percents from the drum filter. The outgoing PO4-P concentrations show a more expected pattern where the most unexpected result is during the trial week 6 as no chemicals are used. In this case, a higher PO4-P content measured in the effluent compared to the incoming. This could be explained by the fact there has been a build-up of sludge in the pilot plant and outgoing water pipes, which may have led to phosphorus release during the trials. Sludge growth could be observed during tests in the portion of the drum filter container in 24 which the filtered water ports, and the outlet tube from the filter. During trials 3-5 weeks when PIX was used as precipitant could most of the phosphate phosphorus separated even at low dosage of polymer and PIX. Separation of PO4-P was in these cases 91-97%, which can be seen in Figure 22 In the trial week 2 with a low PAX dose used was obtained a relatively poor separation of PO4-P. This means that if a certain percentage of the PO4-P are needed in subsequent purification steps, the chemical choice of even greater importance than in the case of total phosphorus. This then PIX: one is very efficient even at lower doses, in contrast to PAX: a. 100 Hög PAX Låg PAX PO4-P, avskiljt (%) 80 Hög PIX Låg PIX 60 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 40 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 20 -30 % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 22: Percentage of Separation PO4-P for the different experimental weeks. Total and dissolved COD Figure 23 shows the incoming and outgoing levels of total COD. The incoming concentrations show a more or less identical patterns of SS and P-tot, ie high concentrations at low flow rates and low concentrations at high flows. 600 Hög PAX Låg PAX 500 COD-tot (mg/l) Hög PIX 400 Låg PIX Låg polymer 300 Utan kemikalier 200 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 23: Incoming and outgoing COD tot percents. The black figures show incoming COD tot percents to the pilot while the gray figures show outgoing COD tot concentrations from the drum filter. 25 The output levels of total COD follows the same pattern as the starting SS levels. Also in this case differs result of the low PIX dosage when it produces a relatively low output COD content of 79 mg / l, which also is the same result achieved with the higher PIX dosage. Total outgoing COD levels between 80-100 mg / l appears to be achieved without any major problems at direct precipitation doses. If instead cutoff percentages presented in Figure 24 is studied, is seen that the higher chemical dosages provide a separation of around 80%. The low PIX dose produces a separation of 75% in comparison with the low PAX dose only gave 60% reduction. The low polymer dose produced just like the SS a poor separation of just over 40%, which is close to the reduction achieved without chemicals. The results suggest that PIX: one was slightly better at trap away total COD compared to PAX: a. 100 Hög PAX Låg PAX COD-tot, avskiljt (%) 80 Hög PIX Låg PIX 60 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 40 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 24: Separation Percentage of COD tot for the different experimental weeks. Also the content of incoming dissolved COD seem flow according to the same manner as the total COD content as it follows the same pattern, as seen in Figure 25 As in the case of PO4-P was the output level of dissolved COD higher than the incoming in the case that no chemicals were added. Even in this case, the reason for this being that the dissolved COD released from slamuppbyggnader in the pilot plant and the outlet pipe. Almost all outgoing COD present in dissolved form in the case where the chemical dose was high as seen by comparison of the total outgoing COD content in Figure 23 and the dissolved COD content in Figure 25 The proportion of COD: N present in dissolved form during the experimental week low polymer additive was only 50%, compared with the experimental week when no chemicals were used in which the proportion of dissolved COD was 60%. Of the incoming COD: n was just over a third in the dissolved form, indicating that the bulk of the separation of the total COD: n occurs through the capture of particulate COD. 26 600 Hög PAX Låg PAX 500 Löst COD (mg/l) Hög PIX 400 Låg PIX Låg polymer 300 Utan kemikalier 200 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 25: Incoming and outgoing concentrations of dissolved COD. The black figures show incoming concentrations of dissolved COD to the pilot while the gray figures show the output levels of dissolved COD from the drum filter. Separation of the dissolved COD expressed in percentage are presented in Figure 26, these results suggest that PIX: a slightly more effective than PAX: as a precipitant of this fraction. The low PIX dosage gave rise to, for example, a reduction of the dissolved COD: N at 40%, which is slightly higher than what was achieved during any of the three week trial with high-dose PAX. One factor that seems to have great influence on the separation of the dissolved COD is the polymer dosage then the result of the trial week 5 only gave a reduction of nearly 15%, that is significantly lower than that of the low PIX dosage there right polymer dose is the major difference of the two attempts weeks between. 100 Hög PAX Löst COD, avskiljt (%) Låg PAX 80 Hög PIX Låg PIX 60 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 40 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 20 -7 % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 26: Separation Percentage of dissolved COD for the different experimental weeks. Total and dissolved BOD7 In Figure 27 are the results from the measurements of the total BOD7 content. The incoming content of BOD7 exhibit some of the same flow-dependent trend that for example the incoming COD content. One important difference is, however, in the case of attempts week 4 with low PIX dosage where the incoming content was slightly higher than would be expected. The reason for this is hard to say, but 27 there is an important difference in the collection process of the samples that could have influenced. This is the weekend that the sample has been responsible for a fifth of the weekly sample of BOD7 analysis, while weekend samples for the other pollutants calculated as three days with the same value. This means that BOD7 results can not be expected to be directly comparable with the other results. 200 Låg PAX Hög PIX BOD7 -tot (mg/l) 160 Låg PIX Låg polymer 120 Utan kemikalier Hög PAX 80 Hög PAX/Flöde 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 27: Incoming and outgoing levels of total BOD 7. The black figures show the incoming levels of total BOD7 to the pilot while the gray figures show the output levels of total BOD7 from the drum filter. The output levels of BOD7 ranged from 14-71 mg / l, that is, all values were above et at Knislinge purifier permissible limit of 10 mg / l. The results show that it is likely possible to achieve an output level of BOD7 of about 40-50 mg / L for direct deposit with a PIX or PAX. However, to achieve the threshold required additional purification steps. The reduction of BOD7 ended up around 80% of direct precipitation doses and förfällningsdosen with PIX while only slightly above 60% with lowdose PAX as seen in Figure 28, without chemicals and at low polymer dosage achieved a reduction of almost 50%. 100 Låg PAX Hög PIX BOD7-tot, avskiljt (%) 80 Låg PIX Låg polymer 60 Utan kemikalier Hög PAX 40 Hög PAX/Flöde 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 28: Separation Percentage of total BOD 7 for the different experimental weeks. 28 Figure 29 presents the incoming and outgoing concentrations of dissolved BOD7. The incoming concentrations of dissolved BOD7 follow broadly the same pattern as the levels of total BOD 7. This also means that the percentage of solved BOD7 of the total content BOD7 lies within a limited range between 17-26%. As for flow dependent is obtained about the same results as for the total content BOD7, meaning that the content at least to some extent tend to be dependent on the flow with lower levels you at high flow. 200 Låg PAX Hög PIX Löst BOD7 (mg/l) 160 Låg PIX Låg polymer 120 Utan kemikalier Hög PAX 80 Hög PAX/Flöde 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 29: Incoming and outgoing concentrations of dissolved BOD7. The black figures show incoming concentrations of dissolved BOD7 to pilot while the gray figures show the output levels of dissolved BOD7 from the drum filter. The output levels of dissolved BOD7 was twice higher than the incoming. In the case of the two week trial of low-dose PAX result is highly unexpected since the separation of the dissolved COD was relatively good at the same time. The difference in sampling methodology should not have given so much difference between the dissolved COD and BOD 7. In the second case, where no chemicals are added the result is more expected as also the other dissolved contaminants behaved similarly. As explained before, this should be due to sludge build-up in the pilot plant and distribution pipes, from which loose material included with the outgoing water. The reduction of dissolved BOD7 can be seen in Figure 30 and shows that a separation between 30-40% can be expected with direct precipitation doses and low PIX dose. 29 100 Låg PAX Löst BOD7, avskiljt (%) Hög PIX 80 Låg PIX Låg polymer 60 Utan kemikalier Hög PAX 40 Hög PAX/Flöde 20 -5 % -4 % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 30: Separation Percentage of dissolved BOD7 for the different experimental weeks. Total and Ammonium nitrogen The nitrogen samples collected during the experimental week has been represented by the samples weekend during the first six weeks of trial, while the last two have been endygnsprover taken on Thursdays. This means that they only give a small indication of what happens to the nitrogen in the pilot plant. The results from measurements of incoming and outgoing total nitrogen content is shown in Figure 31, the incoming N-tot content has at all times attempted remained relatively stable at around 40 mg / l. Although total nitrogen shows a tendency to be flow-dependent, with higher concentrations at low flows although variation as I said has been limited. 50 Hög PAX Hög PIX N-tot (mg/l) 40 Låg PIX Låg polymer 30 Utan kemikalier Hög PAX 20 Hög PAX/Flöde 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 31: Incoming and outgoing levels of total nitrogen. The black figures show the incoming levels of total nitrogen to the pilot while the gray figures show the output levels of total nitrogen from the drum filter. As for the output levels that seem to 30-35 mg / l be realistic to achieve. The reduction of N-tot as seen in Figure 31, showed no significant differences between the various doses, but will fall between 1020% except at low dosage of polymer when no separation occurred. 30 100 Hög PAX Låg PAX N-tot, avskiljt (%) 80 Hög PIX Låg PIX 60 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 40 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 32: Separation Percentage of total nitrogen for the different experimental weeks. Figure 33 shows the results of measurements of NH4-N, which occurred at the same times as for total nitrogen. That is, the samples represent weekend values for all experiments except for weeks 2, 7 and 8, which is the day specimens collected on Thursdays. No greater variety of incoming NH4-N concentrations occurred, but all were between 20-26 mg / l. 50 Hög PAX Låg PAX NH4-N (mg/l) 40 Hög PIX Låg PIX 30 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier 20 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 33: Incoming and outgoing concentrations of NH4-N. The black figures show incoming concentrations of NH4N to the pilot while the gray figures show the output levels of NH4-N from the drum filter. Regarding outbound NH4-N concentration as they were in all cases higher than the incoming levels. Any particular trend is not to be seen. Neither by studying the reduction during the various attempts weeks as can be seen in Figure 34 can be any patterns found. In this respect, it seems not the precipitation chemicals have a major effect on the ammonium nitrate. 31 0 Hög PAX Låg PAX NH4-N, avskiljt (%) -10 Hög PIX Låg PIX -20 Låg polymer Utan kemikalier -30 Hög PAX Hög PAX/Flöde -40 -50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 34: Separation Percentage of NH4-N for the different experimental weeks. Then Knislinge Purifier lacks requirements for nitrogen removal has no major focus was placed on the nitrogen analyzes. But the results still obtained clearly show that any nitrogen requirement would result in further additions to the purification process required to improve nitrogen removal. 7.3 Sludge In Figure 16 provides results of the TS analysis of the drum filter from outgoing sludge. During the first six weeks of attempts were muds relatively thin with TS levels near 0.3%. Although the last two weeks trial gave a relatively thin sludge although TS levels of 0.4-0.5% was slightly above the previous week trial. The slurry obtained at the higher chemical dosages giving slightly thicker slurry than for the lower doses except week low PIX dosage that gave a similar sludge. 0,5% Hög PAX Låg PAX TS-halt (%) 0,4% Hög PIX Låg PIX 0,3% Låg poly Utan kem 0,2% Hög PAX 0,1% Hög PAX/Flöde 0,0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 35: Results from the analysis of the dry matter content of the separated sludge from the drum filter. 32 Sludge samples were also incinerated in a furnace for combustion loss analysis (VS) analysis. The results from these analyzes can be found in Figure 36 As expected, obtained the highest VS content of 74% during the experimental week when no chemicals added. The reason for this is that the organic content of the slurry drops slightly when the precipitation chemicals are added, thus becoming the organic content higher without chemicals and therefore, a higher VS content. 100% Hög PAX Låg PAX Glödförlust (%) 80% Hög PIX Låg PIX 60% Låg poly Utan kem 40% Hög PAX 20% Hög PAX/Flöde 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Försöksvecka Figure 36: Results from the analysis of the loss on ignition of the separated sludge from the drum filter. VS content of the experimental weeks when PAX used was slightly higher than for weeks with PIXdosing. The most likely reason for this is that the volume of PIX been almost twice as high as for PAX: one to the chemicals could be compared with the same charge density. This means that it simply added more non-organic material that is not burned in the attempt weeks when PIX used. Despite this, the VS content was relatively stable between 60-70% in all experimental weeks when chemicals added. Then the outgoing sludge from the pilot plant has been very thin, does it mean that some form of thickening is required before it may be used for biogas production. For this reason, it was performed during the last two weeks, three drainage test trials where the outgoing slurry was poured on a avvattningsduk. The result from this avvattningsexperiment are in Figure 37 and shows the dry solids content can be increased from 0.4-0.5% to 5-6% with this relatively simple technology. 33 6% 5% TS-halt (%) 4% 3% TS, utgående slam TS, avvattnat slam 2% 1% 0% 1 2 3 Försökstillfälle Figure 37: Dry matter content of the outgoing sludge from the drum filter before and after it is dewatered with a avvattningsduk. First attempts moment occurred on 1/11 at PAX high-dose, two other attempts occasions occurred when both the 8.11 high PAX-dose combined with high flow. It was also the VS-analysis on sludge samples from avvattningsförsöken presented in Figure 38 results show that VS-content increased from about 65-70% to 75-80%. This increase in VS content could partly be due to a portion of the remaining precipitation chemicals followed by dewatering reject water. At the time of the first attempt was also made a 1/11 TS and VS analysis of reject water from dewatering where DS content was 0.17% and VS content of 51%. The low VS content shows further that a relatively large proportion of the non-organic material supplied with this water and thus increases the organic content of the dewatered sludge whose quality is improved in terms of the potential for biogas production. 100% Glödförlust (%) 80% 60% GF, utgående slam 40% GF, avvattnat slam 20% 0% 1 2 3 Försökstillfälle Figure 38: Loss on ignition (VS) content of the effluent sludge from the drum filter before and after the dewatered with a avvattningsduk. First attempts moment occurred on 1/11 at PAX high-dose, two other attempts occasions occurred when both the 8.11 high PAX-dose combined with high flow. 34 35 8. Conclusions Most of the pollutants measured in the incoming waste water treatment plant at Knislinge a flow depending where levels decrease with increased flow. Direct Lowering Doses of both PAX and PIX can be expected to lead to an SS reduction of around 90%. The tested förfällningsdoserna led to SS reductions in the range of 75-80% as compared to 60% SS reduction achieved in the pilot plant without chemicals. The reduction of total phosphorus is around 90% with direct precipitation doses. Preprecipitation with PIX gave a reduction of 80% while PAX: one only led to 55% reduction. Even PO4-P was separated into 90-95% by direct precipitation and the pre-precipitation with PIX, while förfällningsdosen with PAX only gave a reduction of 25%. The output levels of phosphorus fractions are easiest to control with PAX: a while PIX: one is significantly more efficient at low doses and therefore is suitable for maximum phosphorus removal is desired. Both the COD and BOD 7 can be separated by around 80% in direct precipitation dosage of both the PIX and PAX. In both cases there is the greater part of the output levels of both COD and BOD 7 in dissolved form. Nitrogen separation is poor and around 20% reduction is to be expected can be achieved by direct precipitation. To meet the requirements Knislinge treatment plant have on BOD7 and total phosphorus required to pilot plant supplemented with additional purification steps. The outgoing sludge from the drum filter keeps a DS content around 0.3%, ie, a relatively thin sludge. VS content of this sludge is around 65%. Dewatering with avvattningsduk raised DS content to just over 5% and VS content to 75-80%. 36 37 Appendix 1: Weekly Reports for trials Trial Week 1, direct precipitation with PAX XL-100, 14-24 / 9 Experimental setup Flow into the pilot: 10 m3 / h PAX dosage: 10.9 mg Al3 + / l (0,850 l / h) Polymer Dosage: 4.2 mg polymer (TS) / l (140 rpm) Time proportional sampling: 25 ml / 15 min period collected in a large chilled plastic containers Air flow: 250 l / min dosed in the first two aerators This experimental setup was used during the period 14-24 / 9th The samples on the 17th and the 24th September weekend represents samples, ie from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Results The results of the trial period September 14 to 24 are presented in Table 1 During this initial trial week was no BOD samples. Table 1: Results from the period September 14 to 24 in table form. SS, in (mg/l) SS, ut (mg/l) Totalt COD, in (mg/l) Totalt COD, ut (mg/l) Löst COD, in (mg/l) Löst COD, ut (mg/l) P-tot, in (mg/l) P-tot, ut (mg/l) PO4-P, in (mg/l) PO4-P, ut (mg/l) NH4-N, in (mg/l) NH4-N, ut (mg/l) N-tot, in N-tot, ut 14-Sep 304 34 658 117 187 119 6,8 1,12 1,73 0,441 17-Sep 314 34 544 113 154 103 6,54 1,06 1,02 0,296 18-Sep 292 12 488 102 157 107 5,9 0,688 1,7 0,354 19-Sep 270 30 400 109 168 111 5,44 0,918 1,5 0,27 20-Sep 250 21 458 79,9 162 94,8 5,76 0,527 1,36 0,142 21-Sep 248 20 425 79,1 128 83,1 5,3 0,553 1,62 0,193 24-Sep 302 59 500 111 135 76,8 6,1 1 1,01 0,049 26,3 31,8 43,1 39,1 Suspended material Score suspavskiljningen shown in Figure 1 where the SS concentration in the incoming water varied between 248 to 314 with an average content of about 292 mg / l. For the outgoing water obtained SS contents between 12-59 mg / L, with a mean of 36 mg / l. The average separation during the trial period stood at 87.6%, and may well more or less considered to meet the target of 90% SS-separation. The mean is the verdict of 11 days, which means that every weekend value has been calculated as 3 days. Weekend sample from the 24.9 reported a relatively high SS concentration of 59 mg / l. A possible reason for this high value could be that there has been an after flocculation by either the filter or even in the sampling vessel. This may have led to the solute particles that would not normally caught by suspfiltret now became large enough to get stuck there. This could for example explain why the output PO4-P value was as low as 0.049 mg / L, compared with the comparatively high P-totut value for the same samples was at 1 mg / l. Although the dissolved COD value out of the facility was 38 unusually low compared to the other results, which could also support the theory that after flocculation may have occurred in the sampling container. 400 350 SS (mg/l) 300 250 200 SS in 150 SS ut 100 50 0 12-sep 14-sep 16-sep 18-sep 20-sep 22-sep 24-sep 26-sep Datum Figure 1: Results from the analysis of suspended solids. COD Figure 2 shows the test results from the measurement of incoming and outgoing total and dissolved COD. The total COD content of the incoming water varied between 400-658 mg / l with a mean of 506 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 79.1 to 117 mg / l with a mean of 105 mg / l. This means that the separation of the COD tot was 79%. The dissolved COD content of the incoming water varied between 128-187 mg / l with a mean of 152 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 76.8 to 119 mg / l with a mean of 96 mg / l. This means that the separation of the dissolved COD was around 37%. The analyzes also show that practically all of the COD of the effluent water is present in dissolved form. 39 700 600 COD (mg/l) 500 400 COD-tot in 300 COD-tot ut Löst COD in 200 Löst COD ut 100 0 12-sep 14-sep 16-sep 18-sep 20-sep 22-sep 24-sep 26-sep Datum Figur 2: Totalt och löst COD in och ut ur pilotanläggningen. Nitrogen Measurements of dissolved NH4-N were made on weekend test from 24.09. The results show that the ammonium is higher in the outlet water (3.8 mg NH4 +-N / l) compared to the incoming (26.3 mg NH4 +-N / l). In terms of total nitrogen was separated approximately 9% in the pilot plant with an incoming content of 43.1 mg N / l and outbound content of 39.1 mg N / l. Phosphorus Figure 3 Figure shows the results of the analysis of P-tot and dissolved PO4-P. Total phosphorus content of the incoming water ranged from 5.3 to 6.8 mg / l with a mean of 6.1 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was from 0.527 to 3.18 mg / l with a mean of 0, 91 mg / l. This means that the separation of P-tot low at 85%. The dissolved PO4-phosphorus in source water ranged from 1.36 to 3.06 mg / l with a mean of 1.27 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was from 0.142 to 0.888 mg / l with a mean of 0, 22 mg / l. This means that the separation of dissolved phosphorus PO4 was around 83%. For the dissolved PO4-phosphorus obtained an unusually low value of 0.049 mg / l in the final effluent. This low value could be explained by a certain after flocculation occurred in the sampling vessel, which thus resulted in dissolved phosphorus instead ended up in a solid form. This is supported in part by a reasonably high or at least the expected value of the total phosphorus in the effluent water. 40 8 7 Fosfor (mg/l) 6 5 P-tot, in 4 P-tot, ut 3 PO4-P, in 2 PO4-P, ut 1 0 12-sep 14-sep 16-sep 18-sep 20-sep 22-sep 24-sep 26-sep Datum Figure 3: Total and dissolved phosphorus in and out of the facility. 41 Trial Week 2, pre-precipitation with PAX XL-100, 25 / 9-2 / 10 Experimental setup Flow into the pilot: 10 m3 / h PAX dosage: 6 mg Al3 + / l (0,470 l / h) Polymer Dosage: 3 mg of polymer (TS) / l (100 rpm) Time proportional sampling: 25 ml / 15 min period collected in a large chilled plastic containers Air flow: 250 l / min dosed in the first two aerators This experimental setup was used during 25 / 9-2 / 10. Samples October 1 represents a weekend test, i.e. from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Results The results from the period September 25 to October 2 are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Results from the period September 25 to October 2 in table form. SS, in (mg/l) SS, ut (mg/l) Totalt COD, in (mg/l) Totalt COD, ut (mg/l) Löst COD, in (mg/l) Löst COD, ut (mg/l) P-tot, in (mg/l) P-tot, ut (mg/l) PO4-P, in (mg/l) PO4-P, ut (mg/l) NH4-N, in (mg/l) NH4-N, ut (mg/l) BOD7, in (mg/l) BOD7, ut (mg/l) Löst BOD7, in (mg/l) Löst BOD7, ut (mg/l) pH, in pH, ut 25-Sep 178 43 336 158 149 114 4,16 1,77 1,5 0,923 26-Sep 188 43 353 139 146 97,2 4,36 1,53 1,42 0,823 27-Sep 208 45 327 151 191 113 4,57 2,47 1,27 0,874 28-Sep 236 57 388 170 159 134 5,19 2,15 1,58 1,15 01-Okt 302 57 512 167 186 112 5,25 2,25 1,63 1,25 02-Okt 338 125 590 231 174 104 6,8 3,61 0,941 0,909 28,8 29 171 64 41 43 7,8 8,4 Suspended material Score suspavskiljningen shown in Figure 1 where the SS concentration in the incoming water varied between 178 to 338 mg / l with an average content of about 257 mg / l. For the outgoing water obtained SS levels between 43-125 mg / l, with an average of 61 mg / l. The average separation during the trial time low of 76.4% and satisfies the 70% SS-separation. The mean is the verdict of 8 days, which means that weekend value represented by the sample from the 1/10 have been counted as 3 days. 42 400 350 SS (mg/l) 300 250 200 SS in 150 SS ut 100 50 0 24-sep 25-sep 26-sep 27-sep 28-sep 29-sep 30-sep 01-okt 02-okt 03-okt Datum Figure 1: Suspended matter in and out of the pilot plant. COD Figure 2 shows the test results from the measurement of incoming and outgoing total and dissolved COD. The total COD content of the incoming water varied between 327-590 mg / l with a mean of 441 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 139-231 mg / l with a mean of 169 mg / l. This means that the separation of the COD tot low of 62%. The dissolved COD content of the incoming water varied between 146-191 mg / l with a mean of 172 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 97.2 to 134 mg / l with a mean of 112 mg / l. This means that the separation of the dissolved COD was around 34%. The result also shows that a lower percentage of the outgoing total COD present in dissolved form in comparison with the result of the higher precipitation dose used in the previous test week where basically all the COD present in dissolved form. 700 600 COD (mg/l) 500 400 COD-tot in 300 COD-tot ut Löst COD in 200 Löst COD ut 100 0 24-sep 25-sep 26-sep 27-sep 28-sep 29-sep 30-sep 01-okt 02-okt 03-okt Datum Figure 2: Total and dissolved COD in and out of the pilot plant. 43 Nitrogen Measurements of dissolved NH4-N were made on the sample from the 10.2. The results show that the ammonium was more or less the same in the outgoing water (29 mg NH4 +-N / l) and the input (28.8 mg NH4 +-N / l). Phosphorus Figure 3 shows the result of analysis of P-tot and loosely PO4-P. Total phosphorus content of the incoming water varied from 4.16 to 6.8 mg / l with a mean of 5.1 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 1.53 to 3.61 mg / l with a mean of 2.3 mg / l. This means that the separation of Ptot was 55%. The dissolved PO4-phosphorus in source water ranged from 0.941 to 1.63 mg / l with a mean of 1.45 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was from 0.823 to 1.25 mg / l with a mean of 1, 05 mg / l. This means that the separation of dissolved PO4 phosphorus low at 27%. 8 7 Fosfor (mg/l) 6 5 P-tot, in 4 P-tot, ut 3 PO4-P, in 2 PO4-P, ut 1 0 24-sep 25-sep 26-sep 27-sep 28-sep 29-sep 30-sep 01-okt 02-okt 03-okt Datum Figure 3: Total and dissolved phosphorus in and out of the facility. 44 45 Trial Week 3, direct precipitation with PIX 111, 3/10 to 8/10 Experimental setup Flow into the pilot: 10 m3 / h PIX-dose: 20 mg Fe / L (1.020 l / h) Polymer Dosage: 4.2 mg polymer (TS) / l (140 rpm) Time proportional sampling: 25 ml / 15 min period collected in a large chilled plastic containers Air flow: 250 l / min dosed in the first two aerators This experimental setup was used during the period 3/10 to 8/10. Samples October 8 represents a weekend test, ie from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Results The results from the period October 3 to October 8 is presented in Table 1. Table 1: Results from the period October 3 to 8 in table form. SS, in (mg/l) SS, ut (mg/l) Totalt COD, in (mg/l) Totalt COD, ut (mg/l) Löst COD, in (mg/l) Löst COD, ut (mg/l) P-tot, in (mg/l) P-tot, ut (mg/l) PO4-P, in (mg/l) PO4-P, ut (mg/l) NH4-N, in (mg/l) NH4-N, ut (mg/l) N-tot, in (mg/l) N-tot, ut (mg/l) BOD7, in (mg/l) BOD7, ut (mg/l) Löst BOD7, in (mg/l) Löst BOD7, ut (mg/l) pH, in pH, ut 03-Okt 276 48 486 119 197 106 5,75 1,29 3,49 0,145 04-Okt 212 37 435 118 189 107 5,73 0,835 2,94 0,072 05-Okt 236 26 426 86,3 166 93,3 5,45 0,603 2,8 0,076 08-Okt 276 15 438 50,1 116 57,6 5,15 0,297 1,71 0,05 19,9 21 38 28,6 173 41 40 28 7,9 8,0 Suspended material Score suspavskiljningen shown in Figure 1 where the SS concentration in the incoming water varied between 212 to 276 mg / l with an average content of about 259 mg / l. For the outgoing water obtained SS levels between 15-48 mg / l, with an average of 26 mg / l. The average separation during the trial time low of 89.9% and satisfies the principle target of 90% SS-separation. The mean is the verdict of 6 days, which means that weekend value represented by the sample from the 8.10 has been calculated as 3 days. 46 400 350 SS (mg/l) 300 250 200 SS in 150 SS ut 100 50 0 02-okt 03-okt 04-okt 05-okt 06-okt 07-okt 08-okt 09-okt Datum Figure 1: Suspended matter in and out of the pilot plant. COD Figure 2 shows the test results from the measurement of incoming and outgoing total and dissolved COD. The total COD content of the incoming water varied between 426-486 mg / l with a mean of 444 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 50.1 to 119 mg / l with a mean of 78.9 mg / l . This means that the separation of the COD-tot low at 82%. The dissolved COD content of the incoming water varied between 116-197 mg / l with a mean of 150 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 57.6 to 107 mg / l with a mean of 79.9 mg / l . This means that the separation of the dissolved COD was around 47%. In principle, all the COD of the effluent water was present in dissolved form. 700 600 COD (mg/l) 500 400 COD-tot in 300 COD-tot ut Löst COD in 200 Löst COD ut 100 0 02-okt 03-okt 04-okt 05-okt 06-okt 07-okt 08-okt 09-okt Datum Figure 2: Total and dissolved COD in and out of the pilot plant. 47 Nitrogen Measurements of dissolved NH4-N were made on weekend test from 10.08. The results show that the ammonium is slightly higher in the water outlet (21 mg NH4 +-N / l) compared to the incoming (19.9 mg NH4 +-N / l). In terms of total nitrogen was separated approximately 25% in the pilot plant with an incoming content of 38 mg N / l and outbound content of 28.6 mg N / l. Phosphorus Figure 3 shows the result of analysis of P-tot and loosely PO4-P. Total phosphorus content of the incoming water ranged from 5.15 to 5.75 mg / l with a mean of 5.4 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was from 0.297 to 1.29 mg / l with a mean of 0, 60 mg / l. This means that the separation of P-tot low at 89%. The dissolved PO4-phosphorus in source water ranged from 1.71 to 3.49 mg / l with a mean of 2.39 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was from 0.05 to 0.145 mg / l with a mean of 0.074 mg / l. This means that the separation of dissolved PO4 phosphorus low at 97%. As for the incoming phosphate phosphorus content was so markedly higher than during the previous week trial. 8 7 Fosfor (mg/l) 6 5 P-tot, in 4 P-tot, ut 3 PO4-P, in 2 PO4-P, ut 1 0 02-okt 03-okt 04-okt 05-okt 06-okt 07-okt 08-okt 09-okt Datum Figure 3: Total and dissolved phosphorus in and out of the facility. 48 49 Trial Week 4, pre-precipitation with the PIX 111, 9/10 to 15/10 Experimental setup Flow into the pilot: 10 m3 / h PIX-dose: 12 mg Fe / L (610 m l / h) Polymer Dosage: 3 mg of polymer (TS) / l (100 rpm) Time proportional sampling: 25 ml / 15 min period collected in a large chilled plastic containers Air flow: 250 l / min dosed in the first two aerators This experimental setup was used during the period from 9/10 to 15/10. Samples October 15 represents a weekend test, ie from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Results The results from the period October 9 to October 15 are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Results from the period October 9 to 15 in table form. SS, in (mg/l) SS, ut (mg/l) Totalt COD, in (mg/l) Totalt COD, ut (mg/l) Löst COD, in (mg/l) Löst COD, ut (mg/l) P-tot, in (mg/l) P-tot, ut (mg/l) PO4-P, in (mg/l) PO4-P, ut (mg/l) NH4-N, in (mg/l) NH4-N, ut (mg/l) N-tot, in N-tot, ut BOD7, in (mg/l) BOD7, ut (mg/l) Löst BOD7, in (mg/l) Löst BOD7, ut (mg/l) pH, in pH, ut 09-Okt 192 46 331 102 131 84,2 3,65 0,834 2,12 0,173 10-Okt 182 20 322 86,3 142 85,5 3,79 0,602 1,4 0,142 11-Okt 190 33 310 81,7 127 79,9 3,89 0,718 1,4 0,113 12-Okt 260 30 333 79,1 173 79,6 3,85 0,49 3,26 0,118 13-Okt 200 38 301 67,4 87 53,1 3,75 0,682 0,675 0,015 18,8 21,2 33,48 29,4 14-Okt 200 38 301 67,4 87 53,1 3,75 0,682 0,675 0,015 18,8 21,2 33,48 29,4 15-Okt 200 38 301 67,4 87 53,1 3,75 0,682 0,675 0,015 18,8 21,2 33,48 29,4 140 32 24 17 7,8 7,7 Suspended material Score suspavskiljningen shown in Figure 1 where the SS concentration in the incoming water varied between 182 to 260 mg / l with an average content of about 203 mg / l. For the outgoing water obtained SS contents between 20-46 mg / L, with a mean of 35 mg / l. The average separation during the trial time low of 82.9% and meets the 70% SS-separation. The mean is the verdict of 7 days, which means that weekend the value represented by the sample from the 15/10 has been calculated as 3 days. 50 400 350 SS (mg/l) 300 250 200 SS in 150 SS ut 100 50 0 08-okt 09-okt 10-okt 11-okt 12-okt 13-okt 14-okt 15-okt 16-okt Datum Figure 1: Suspended matter in and out of the pilot plant. COD Figure 2 shows the test results from the measurement of incoming and outgoing total and dissolved COD. The total COD content of the incoming water varied between 301-333 mg / l with a mean of 314 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 67.4 to 102 mg / l with a mean of 78.8 mg / l . This means that the separation of the COD-tot low at 75%. The dissolved COD content of the incoming water varied from 87 to 173 mg / l with a mean of 119 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 53.1 to 85.5 mg / l with a mean of 69.8 mg / l. This means that the separation of the dissolved COD was 41%. 700 600 COD (mg/l) 500 400 COD-tot in 300 COD-tot ut Löst COD in 200 Löst COD ut 100 0 08-okt 09-okt 10-okt 11-okt 12-okt 13-okt 14-okt 15-okt 16-okt Datum Figure 2: Total and dissolved COD in and out of the pilot plant. 51 Nitrogen Measurements of dissolved NH4-N were made on weekend test from 15/10. The results show that the ammonium is slightly higher in the output sample (21.2 mg NH4 +-N / l) compared to the incoming (18.8 mg NH4 +-N / l). In terms of total nitrogen was separated about 12% in the pilot plant with an incoming concentration of 33.5 mg N / l and outbound content of 29.4 mg N / l. Phosphorus Figure 3 shows the result of analysis of P-tot and loosely PO4-P. Total phosphorus content of the incoming water ranged from 3.65 to 3.89 mg / l with a mean of 3.78 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was from 0.49 to 0.834 mg / l with a mean of 0, 67 mg / l. This means that the separation of P-tot low at 82%. The dissolved PO4-phosphorus in source water ranged from 0.675 to 3.26 mg / l with a mean of 1.46 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was from 0.015 to 0.173 mg / l with a mean of 0.084 mg / l . This means that the separation of dissolved PO4 phosphorus low at 94%. Both fractions of phosphorus in the effluent remained at a steady level throughout the week, even though the incoming concentration of PO4-P varied a lot. P-tot in the water supply remained stable throughout the trial week. 8 7 Fosfor (mg/l) 6 5 P-tot, in 4 P-tot, ut 3 PO4-P, in 2 PO4-P, ut 1 0 08-okt 09-okt 10-okt 11-okt 12-okt 13-okt 14-okt 15-okt 16-okt Datum Figure 3: Total and dissolved phosphorus in and out of the facility. 52 53 Trial Week 5, pre-precipitation with low polymer dose, 16 / 10-22 / 10 Experimental setup Flow into the pilot: 10 m3 / h PIX-dose: 12 mg Fe / l (610 ml / h) Polymer Dosage: 1.5 mg of polymer (TS) / L (50 rpm) Time proportional sampling: 25 ml collected in 0.5 liter bottles every 15 min Air flow: 250 l / min dosed in the first two aerators This experimental setup was used during the period 16/10 to 22/10. The samples after 22 October represents a weekend test, this time from Thursday afternoon to Monday morning. Results The results from the period October 16 to October 22 are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Results from the period October 16 to 22 in table form. SS, in (mg/l) SS, ut (mg/l) Totalt COD, in (mg/l) Totalt COD, ut (mg/l) Löst COD, in (mg/l) Löst COD, ut (mg/l) P-tot, in (mg/l) P-tot, ut (mg/l) PO4-P, in (mg/l) PO4-P, ut (mg/l) NH4-N, in (mg/l) NH4-N, ut (mg/l) N-tot, in (mg/l) N-tot, ut (mg/l) BOD7, in (mg/l) BOD7, ut (mg/l) Löst BOD7, in (mg/l) Löst BOD7, ut (mg/l) pH, in pH, ut 16-Okt 124 96 219 138 89,6 90,9 2,88 2,62 1,09 0,141 17-Okt 162 101 294 189 125 91,7 3,63 2,35 1,34 0,173 18-Okt 212 120 338 225 159 101 4,73 2,54 1,2 0,17 19-Okt 214 96 347 193 95,1 85,2 4,65 2,42 0,835 0,044 21,7 27,2 35,7 35,4 20-Okt 214 96 347 193 95,1 85,2 4,65 2,42 0,835 0,044 21,7 27,2 35,7 35,4 21-Okt 214 96 347 193 95,1 85,2 4,65 2,42 0,835 0,044 21,7 27,2 35,7 35,4 22-Okt 214 96 347 193 95,1 85,2 4,65 2,42 0,835 0,044 21,7 27,2 35,7 35,4 106 54 18 18 7,5 7,5 Suspended material Score suspavskiljningen shown in Figure 1 where the SS concentration in the incoming water varied between 124 to 214 mg / l with an average content of about 193 mg / l. For the outgoing water from the filter obtained SS levels between 96-120 mg / l, with an average of 100 mg / l. The average separation during the trial time low of 48% and show that suspavskiljningen deteriorates significantly at a low polymer dose. The mean is the verdict of 7 days, which means that weekend the value represented by the sample from the 22/10 has been calculated as 4 days. Very low SS concentrations were measured at the beginning of the week, probably due to high rainfall and thus dilute the incoming water. 54 400 350 SS (mg/l) 300 250 200 SS in 150 SS ut 100 50 0 15-okt 16-okt 17-okt 18-okt 19-okt 20-okt 21-okt 22-okt 23-okt Datum Figure 1: Suspended matter in and out of the pilot plant. COD Figure 2 shows the test results from the measurement of incoming and outgoing total and dissolved COD. The total COD content of the incoming water varied between 219-347 mg / l with a mean of 320 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 138-225 mg / l with a mean of 189 mg / l. This means that the separation of the COD-tot low at 41%. The dissolved COD content of source water ranged from 89.6 to 159 mg / l with a mean of 108 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 85.2 to 101 mg / l with a mean of 89.2 mg / l. This means that the separation of the dissolved COD was 17%. Incoming COD content was early in the week relatively low, which is probably due to rainfall and high flows through the plant. 700 600 COD (mg/l) 500 400 COD-tot in 300 COD-tot ut Löst COD in 200 Löst COD ut 100 0 15-okt 16-okt 17-okt 18-okt 19-okt 20-okt 21-okt 22-okt 23-okt Datum Figure 2: Total and dissolved COD in and out of the pilot plant. 55 Nitrogen Measurements of dissolved NH4-N were made on weekend test from 22/10. The results show that the ammonium is higher in the output sample (27.2 mg NH4 +-N / l) compared to the incoming (21.2 mg NH4 +-N / l). In terms of total nitrogen was no separation at all in the pilot plant. Incoming content was 35.7 mg N / l and outbound content of 35.4 mg N / l. Phosphorus Figure 3 shows the result of analysis of P-tot and loosely PO4-P. Total phosphorus content of the incoming water ranged from 2.88 to 4.73 mg / l with an average value of 4.26 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 2.35 to 2.62 mg / l with a mean of 2.46 mg / l. This means that the separation of P-tot low at 42%. The dissolved PO4-phosphorus in source water ranged from 0.835 to 1.34 mg / l with a mean of 1.0 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 0,044-0,173mg / l with a mean value of 0.094 mg / l . This means that the separation of dissolved PO4-phosphorus was 91%. Outgoing P-tot and PO4-P concentrations were relatively stable throughout the week. Incoming P-tot content was relatively low in the beginning of the week which most likely depends on rainfall and high flows in the work. 8 7 Fosfor (mg/l) 6 5 P-tot, in 4 P-tot, ut 3 PO4-P, in 2 PO4-P, ut 1 0 15-okt 16-okt 17-okt 18-okt 19-okt 20-okt 21-okt 22-okt 23-okt Datum Figure 3: Total and dissolved phosphorus in and out of the facility. Sedimentation trial During this attempt was also made sedimentationsförsök week to see what SS-separation can be achieved if the water out of the tank Cipax allowed to settle rather than run through the drum filter. These SS-samples taken during sedimentationsförsöken, all samples were taken directly from cipaxtanken with a beaker. Subsequently the flocs were allowed to settle for 10 minutes before 100 ml of the clear phase was taken out using a syringe. This water was about 2 cm below the water in the beaker. The results of the SS-analyzes of these samples are presented in Figure 4, the lowest level was 37 mg SS / l, while the maximum was at 50 mg SS / l. 56 60 50 SS (mg/l) 40 30 SS-Sedimenterat 20 10 0 15-okt 16-okt 17-okt 18-okt 19-okt 20-okt 21-okt 22-okt 23-okt Datum Figure 4: Results from sedimentationsförsök, 10 min sedimentation in the beaker. All withdrawn samples were samples. 57 Trial Week 6, Without chemicals 23/10 to 29/10 Experimental setup Flow into the pilot: 10 m3 / h No chemical dosing Time proportional sampling: 25 ml collected in 0.5 liter bottles every 15 min Air flow: 250 l / min dosed in the first two aerators This experimental setup was used during the period 23/10 to 29/10. The samples on the 29th October represents a test weekend, from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Results The results from the period October 23 to October 29 are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Results from the period October 23 to 29 in table form. SS, in (mg/l) SS, ut (mg/l) Totalt COD, in (mg/l) Totalt COD, ut (mg/l) Löst COD, in (mg/l) Löst COD, ut (mg/l) P-tot, in (mg/l) P-tot, ut (mg/l) PO4-P, in (mg/l) PO4-P, ut (mg/l) NH4-N, in (mg/l) NH4-N, ut (mg/l) N-tot, in N-tot, ut BOD7, in (mg/l) BOD7, ut (mg/l) Löst BOD7, in (mg/l) Löst BOD7, ut (mg/l) pH, in pH, ut 23-Okt 196 104 300 226 125 140 4,36 3,55 1,27 1,7 24-Okt 200 78 367 204 121 134 4,35 3,3 1,28 1,77 25-Okt 166 80 284 212 128 134 4,66 3,49 1,55 1,81 26-Okt 184 82 308 213 137 141 5,22 3,9 1,64 1,92 27-Okt 240 86 374 210 106 113 5,14 4,05 1,24 1,66 20 26,8 44,7 40,5 28-Okt 240 86 374 210 106 113 5,14 4,05 1,24 1,66 20 26,8 44,7 40,5 29-Okt 240 86 374 210 106 113 5,14 4,05 1,24 1,66 20 26,8 44,7 40,5 129 71 24 25 7,2 7,3 Suspended material Score suspavskiljningen shown in Figure 1 where the SS concentration in the incoming water varied between 166 to 240 mg / l with an average content of about 209 mg / l. For the outgoing water from the filter obtained SS levels between 78-104 mg / l, with an average of 86 mg / l. The average separation during the trial period was 59%. The mean is the verdict of 7 days, which means that weekend the value represented by the sample from the 29/10 has been calculated as 3 days. 58 300 250 SS (mg/l) 200 150 SS in SS ut 100 50 0 22-okt 23-okt 24-okt 25-okt 26-okt 27-okt 28-okt 29-okt 30-okt Datum Figure 1: Suspended matter in and out of the pilot plant. COD Figure 2 shows the test results from the measurement of incoming and outgoing total and dissolved COD. The total COD content of the incoming water varied between 284-374 mg / l with a mean of 340 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 204-226 mg / l with a mean of 212 mg / l. This means that the separation of the COD-tot low at 38%. The dissolved COD content of the incoming water varied between 106-137 mg / l with a mean of 118 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 113-141 mg / l with a mean of 127 mg / l. This means that the output level of dissolved COD was higher than incoming, which could be due to the very contaminants accumulated within the pilot plant that occasionally accompanies the outgoing water. 400 350 COD (mg/l) 300 250 COD-tot in 200 COD-tot ut 150 Löst COD in 100 Löst COD ut 50 0 22-okt 23-okt 24-okt 25-okt 26-okt 27-okt 28-okt 29-okt 30-okt Datum Figure 2: Total and dissolved COD in and out of the pilot plant. 59 Nitrogen Measurements of dissolved NH4-N were made on weekend test from 29/10. The results show that the ammonium is higher in the output sample (26.8 mg NH4 +-N / l) compared to the incoming (20.0 mg NH4 +-N / l). In terms of total nitrogen was separated approximately 9% of the facility. Incoming content was 44.7 mg N / l and outbound content of 40.5 mg N / l. Phosphorus Figure 3 shows the result of analysis of P-tot and loosely PO4-P. Total phosphorus content of the incoming water ranged from 2.88 to 4.73 mg / l with an average value of 4.26 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 4.35 to 5.22 mg / l with a mean of 4.86 mg / l. This means that the separation of P-tot was at 22%. The dissolved PO4-phosphorus in source water ranged from 1.27 to 1.64 mg / l with a mean of 1.35 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 1.66 to 1.92 mg / l with mean value of 1.74 mg / l. This means that the content of dissolved phosphorus PO4 as the dissolved COD was higher in the outgoing water, compared with the incoming. An additional analysis of the PO4-P concentration in the effluent of the 29/10 was done to ensure that the samples are not mixed together, but even this sample gave the same results as the first analysis. The reason for this should be just as well in the case of the dissolved COD: n due to some PO4-P accumulated in the plant during the tests again. 6 Fosfor (mg/l) 5 4 P-tot, in 3 P-tot, ut PO4-P, in 2 PO4-P, ut 1 0 22-okt 23-okt 24-okt 25-okt 26-okt 27-okt 28-okt 29-okt 30-okt Datum Figure 3: Total and dissolved phosphorus in and out of the facility. 60 61 Trial Week 7, direct precipitation with PAX XL-100, 30/10 to 1/11 Experimental setup Flow into the pilot: 10 m3 / h PAX dosage: 10.9 mg / l (850 ml / h) Polymer Dosage: 4.2 mg TS / l (140 rpm) Time proportional sampling: 25 ml collected in 0.5 liter bottles every 15 min Air flow: 250 l / min dosed in the first two aerators This experimental setup was used during the period 30/10 to 1 / 11th Results The results from the period October 30 to November 1 are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Results from the period October 30 to November 1 in table form. SS, in (mg/l) SS, ut (mg/l) Totalt COD, in (mg/l) Totalt COD, ut (mg/l) Löst COD, in (mg/l) Löst COD, ut (mg/l) P-tot, in (mg/l) P-tot, ut (mg/l) PO4-P, in (mg/l) PO4-P, ut (mg/l) NH4-N, in (mg/l) NH4-N, ut (mg/l) N-tot, in N-tot, ut BOD7, in (mg/l) BOD7, ut (mg/l) Löst BOD7, in (mg/l) Löst BOD7, ut (mg/l) pH, in pH, ut 30-Oct 230 34 303 95,4 133 86,4 4,65 0,558 1,56 0,058 31-Oct 156 18 254 68,8 129 86,6 3,47 0,285 1,58 0,064 01-Nov 220 21 361 54,7 118 87,9 4,63 0,144 1,42 0,041 20,5 26,3 40,8 32,4 112 20 29 16 7,4 7,1 Suspended material Score suspavskiljningen shown in Figure 1 where the SS concentration in the incoming water ranged between 156-230 mg / L, with an average content of 202 mg / l. For the outgoing water from the filter obtained SS levels between 18-34 mg / l, with an average of 24 mg / l. The average separation during the trial time low of 88%. 62 250 SS (mg/l) 200 150 SS in 100 SS ut 50 0 29-okt 30-okt 30-okt 31-okt 31-okt 01-nov 01-nov Datum Figure 1: Suspended matter in and out of the pilot plant COD Figure 2 shows the test results from the measurement of incoming and outgoing total and dissolved COD. The total COD content of the incoming water varied between 254-361 mg / l with a mean of 306 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 54.7 to 95.4 mg / l with a mean value of 73 mg / l . This means that the separation of the COD tot low at 76%. The dissolved COD content of the incoming water varied between 118-133 mg / l with a mean of 127 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was 86.4 to 87.9 mg / l with a mean of 87 mg / l providing a separation of 31%. 400 350 COD (mg O2/l) 300 250 COD-tot in 200 COD-tot ut 150 Löst COD in 100 Löst COD ut 50 0 29-okt 30-okt 30-okt 31-okt 31-okt 01-nov 01-nov Datum Figure 2: Total and dissolved COD in and out of the pilot plant Nitrogen Measurements of dissolved NH4-N were made on weekend test from 01.11. The results show that the ammonium is higher in the output sample (26.3 mg NH4 +-N / l) compared to the incoming (20.5 mg NH4 +-N / l). In terms of total nitrogen was separated approximately 20% of the facility. Incoming content was 40.8 mg N / l and outbound content of 32.4 mg N / l. 63 Phosphorus Figure 3 shows the result of analysis of P-tot and loosely PO4-P. Total phosphorus content of the incoming water ranged from 3.47 to 4.65 mg / l with a mean of 4.25 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was from 0.144 to 0.558 mg / l with a mean of 0.329 mg / l . This means that the separation of P-tot low at 92%. The dissolved PO4-phosphorus in source water ranged from 1.42 to 1.58 mg / l with a mean of 1.52 mg / l, while the same result for the outgoing water was from 0.041 to 0.064 mg / l with a mean of 0, 0543 mg / l. 5 4,5 4 Fosfor (mg/l) 3,5 3 P-tot, in 2,5 P-tot, ut 2 PO4-P, in 1,5 PO4-P, ut 1 0,5 0 29-okt 30-okt 30-okt 31-okt 31-okt 01-nov 01-nov Datum Figure 3: Total and dissolved phosphorus in and out of the facility 64 65 Trial Week 8, Direct Precipitation with PAX XL-100 at high flow, 7/11 to 8/11 Experimental setup Flow into the pilot: 20 m3 / h PAX dosage: 10.9 mg / l (1700 ml / h) Polymer Dosage: 4.2 mg TS / l (280 rpm) Time proportional sampling: 25 ml collected in 0.5 liter bottles every 15 min Air flow: 250 l / min dosed in the first two aerators This experimental setup was used during the period 7/11 to 8 / 11th The sample from the 7.11 is collected between the hours. 14:30 on the 7.11 pm. 07:30 on 08.11. The sample for the 8.11 is collected between 07: 30-13: 45th Results The results from the period from November 7 to 8 are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Results from the period November 7 to 8 in table form. SS, in (mg/l) SS, ut (mg/l) Totalt COD, in (mg/l) Totalt COD, ut (mg/l) Löst COD, in (mg/l) Löst COD, ut (mg/l) P-tot, in (mg/l) P-tot, ut (mg/l) PO4-P, in (mg/l) PO4-P, ut (mg/l) NH4-N, in (mg/l) NH4-N, ut (mg/l) N-tot, in N-tot, ut BOD7, in (mg/l) BOD7, ut (mg/l) Löst BOD7, in (mg/l) Löst BOD7, ut (mg/l) pH, in pH, ut 07-Nov 198 3 286 56,7 116 79,1 3,82 0,133 1,42 0,054 08-Nov 172 8 303 51,1 107 70,8 4,37 0,175 1,9 0,068 23,7 24,1 39,9 31,2 102 14 23 14 7,3 7,2 Suspended material Table 1 shows that the SS concentration in the incoming water was 198 and 172 mg / l. Closing SS concentrations were 3 and 8 mg / l. This gives an average efficiency of 97%. That is a very good separation, which is largely due to the very low input levels. 66 COD The total COD low efficiencies of 82%, while the soluble fraction was separated by 33%. For some reason exceeds the dissolved COD content, the total in both cases. The same type of cuvettes used for both factions and all results are within the specified mätgränserna. The only major difference in treatment by analysis of dissolved COD and total COD is to test for the dissolved fraction has been filtered. The sample from the 7/11 had been frozen while the sample from the 8.11 not been frozen, why not freeze seems to have caused this difference. Furthermore, the samples were certainly not confused with each other. Another difference between the two factions is that the dissolved samples stored in test tubes made of plastic, while the samples for total COD kept in slightly larger plastic bottles. This means that the only differences between dissolved and total outgoing COD is the filtration and storage of samples. Whether this is the reason for the higher solute values in the outgoing water is hard to say, of course there is also the risk of measurement error. Nitrogen Measurements of dissolved NH4-N were made for the sample from the 8.11 that has not been frozen. The results show that the ammonium is slightly higher in the output sample (24.1 mg NH4 +-N / l) compared to the incoming (23.7 mg NH4 +-N / l). In terms of total nitrogen was separated approximately 20% of the facility. Incoming low content of 39.9 mg N / l and outbound content of 31.2 mg N / l. Phosphorus Both the separation of the total phosphorus and phosphate phosphorus ended up at 96%. The output levels of total-P ended up at 0.133 respectively 0.175 mg / l, which also can be seen in Table 1 The same figures for PO4-P was 0.054 and 0.068 mg / l. Incoming levels were relatively low in comparison to previous attempts. 67 Appendix 2: Results from the analysis Flöden Datum Flöde verket (m3/h) Flöde Pilot (m3/h) Försöksvecka 14-Sep 30,5 10,4 Hög PAX 15-Sep 28,2 10,4 Hög PAX 16-Sep 28,2 10,4 Hög PAX 17-Sep 28,2 10,4 Hög PAX 18-Sep 28,8 10,4 Hög PAX 19-Sep 27,3 10,3 Hög PAX 20-Sep 28,8 10,4 Hög PAX 21-Sep 31,1 10,4 Hög PAX 22-Sep 30,4 10,4 Hög PAX 23-Sep 30,4 10,4 Hög PAX 24-Sep 30,4 10,3 Hög PAX 25-Sep 44 10,3 Låg PAX 26-Sep 38,4 10,6 Låg PAX 27-Sep 30,9 10,5 Låg PAX 28-Sep 31,2 10,6 Låg PAX 29-Sep 29,3 11 Låg PAX 30-Sep 29,3 11 Låg PAX 01-Okt 29,3 11 Låg PAX 02-Okt 26,2 10,5 Låg PAX 03-Okt 31 10,5 Hög PIX 04-Okt 34,8 9,9 Hög PIX 05-Okt 34,8 10,5 Hög PIX 06-Okt 41,1 10,3 Hög PIX 07-Okt 41,1 10,3 Hög PIX 08-Okt 41,1 10,3 Hög PIX 09-Okt 41,1 10,4 Låg PIX 10-Okt 33 10,6 Låg PIX 11-Okt 29,6 10,3 Låg PIX 12-Okt 28,9 10,3 Låg PIX 13-Okt 46,3 10,4 Låg PIX 14-Okt 46,3 10,4 Låg PIX 15-Okt 46,3 10,4 Låg PIX 16-Okt 47 10,3 Låg Polymer 17-Okt 38,2 10,5 Låg Polymer 18-Okt 34,3 10,3 Låg Polymer 19-Okt 32,7 10,2 Låg Polymer 20-Okt 32,7 10,2 Låg Polymer 21-Okt 32,7 10,2 Låg Polymer 68 22-Okt 32,7 10,2 Låg Polymer 23-Okt 35,7 10,7 Utan kemikalier 24-Okt 33,5 10,7 Utan kemikalier 25-Okt 34,4 10,6 Utan kemikalier 26-Okt 35,3 11,5 Utan kemikalier 27-Okt 34,4 11 Utan kemikalier 28-Okt 34,4 11 Utan kemikalier 29-Okt 34,4 11 Utan kemikalier 30-Okt 35,5 10,4 Hög PAX 31-Okt 33,7 9,8 Hög PAX 01-Nov 33,3 10,3 Hög PAX 07-Nov 39,2 20,5 Hög PAX 08-Nov 48 20,8 Hög PAX Suspenderade ämnen Försöksv. Datum SS, in (mg/l) SS, ut (mg/l) Hög PAX 14-Sep 304 34 Hög PAX 15-Sep 314 34 Hög PAX 16-Sep 314 34 Hög PAX 17-Sep 314 34 Hög PAX 18-Sep 292 12 Hög PAX 19-Sep 270 30 Hög PAX 20-Sep 250 21 Hög PAX 21-Sep 248 20 Hög PAX 22-Sep 302 59 Hög PAX 23-Sep 302 59 Hög PAX 24-Sep 302 59 Låg PAX 25-Sep 178 43 Låg PAX 26-Sep 188 43 Låg PAX 27-Sep 208 45 Låg PAX 28-Sep 236 57 Låg PAX 29-Sep 302 57 Låg PAX 30-Sep 302 57 Låg PAX 01-Okt 302 57 Låg PAX 02-Okt 338 125 Hög PIX 03-Okt 276 48 Hög PIX 04-Okt 212 37 Hög PIX 05-Okt 236 26 Hög PIX 06-Okt 276 15 Hög PIX 07-Okt 276 15 Hög PIX 08-Okt 276 15 Låg PIX 09-Okt 192 46 Låg PIX 10-Okt 182 20 Låg PIX 11-Okt 190 33 Låg PIX 12-Okt 260 30 Låg PIX 13-Okt 200 38 69 Låg PIX 14-Okt 200 38 Låg PIX 15-Okt 200 38 Låg poly 16-Okt 124 96 Låg poly 17-Okt 162 101 Låg poly 18-Okt 212 120 Låg poly 19-Okt 214 96 Låg poly 20-Okt 214 96 Låg poly 21-Okt 214 96 Låg poly 22-Okt 214 96 Utan kem 23-Okt 196 104 Utan kem 24-Okt 200 78 Utan kem 25-Okt 166 80 Utan kem 26-Okt 184 82 Utan kem 27-Okt 240 86 Utan kem 28-Okt 240 86 Utan kem 29-Okt 240 86 Hög PAX 30-Okt 230 34 Hög PAX 31-Okt 156 18 Hög PAX 01-Nov 220 21 Hög PAX 07-Nov 198 3 Hög PAX 08-Nov 172 8 Totalt och löst COD Försöksv. Datum COD-tot, in (mg/l) COD-tot, ut (mg/l) Löst COD, in (mg/l) Löst COD, ut (mg/l) Hög PAX 14-Sep 658 117 187 119 Hög PAX 15-Sep 544 113 154 103 Hög PAX 16-Sep 544 113 154 103 Hög PAX 17-Sep 544 113 154 103 Hög PAX 18-Sep 488 102 157 107 Hög PAX 19-Sep 400 109 168 111 Hög PAX 20-Sep 458 79,9 162 94,8 Hög PAX 21-Sep 425 79,1 128 83,1 Hög PAX 22-Sep 500 111 135 76,8 Hög PAX 23-Sep 500 111 135 76,8 Hög PAX 24-Sep 500 111 135 76,8 Låg PAX 25-Sep 336 158 149 114 Låg PAX 26-Sep 353 139 146 97,2 Låg PAX 27-Sep 327 151 191 113 Låg PAX 28-Sep 388 170 159 134 Låg PAX 29-Sep 512 167 186 112 Låg PAX 30-Sep 512 167 186 112 Låg PAX 01-Okt 512 167 186 112 Låg PAX 02-Okt 590 231 174 104 Hög PIX 03-Okt 486 119 197 106 Hög PIX 04-Okt 435 118 189 107 Hög PIX 05-Okt 426 86,3 166 93,3 70 Hög PIX 06-Okt 438 50,1 116 57,6 Hög PIX 07-Okt 438 50,1 116 57,6 Hög PIX 08-Okt 438 50,1 116 57,6 Låg PIX 09-Okt 331 102 131 84,2 Låg PIX 10-Okt 322 86,3 142 85,5 Låg PIX 11-Okt 310 81,7 127 79,9 Låg PIX 12-Okt 333 79,1 173 79,6 Låg PIX 13-Okt 301 67,4 87 53,1 Låg PIX 14-Okt 301 67,4 87 53,1 Låg PIX 15-Okt 301 67,4 87 53,1 Låg poly 16-Okt 219 138 89,6 90,9 Låg poly 17-Okt 294 189 125 91,7 Låg poly 18-Okt 338 225 159 101 Låg poly 19-Okt 347 193 95,1 85,2 Låg poly 20-Okt 347 193 95,1 85,2 Låg poly 21-Okt 347 193 95,1 85,2 Låg poly 22-Okt 347 193 95,1 85,2 Utan kem 23-Okt 300 226 125 140 Utan kem 24-Okt 367 204 121 134 Utan kem 25-Okt 284 212 128 134 Utan kem 26-Okt 308 213 137 141 Utan kem 27-Okt 374 210 106 113 Utan kem 28-Okt 374 210 106 113 Utan kem 29-Okt 374 210 106 113 Hög PAX 30-Okt 303 95,4 133 86,4 Hög PAX 31-Okt 254 68,8 129 86,6 Hög PAX 01-Nov 361 54,7 118 87,9 Hög PAX 07-Nov 286 56,7 116 79,1 Hög PAX 08-Nov 303 51,1 107 70,8 Totalfosfor och PO4-P Försöksv, Datum P-tot, in (mg/l) P-tot, ut (mg/l) PO4-P, in (mg/l) PO4-P, ut (mg/l) Hög PAX 14-Sep 6,8 1,12 1,73 0,441 Hög PAX 15-Sep 6,54 1,06 1,02 0,296 Hög PAX 16-Sep 6,54 1,06 1,02 0,296 Hög PAX 17-Sep 6,54 1,06 1,02 0,296 Hög PAX 18-Sep 5,9 0,688 1,7 0,354 Hög PAX 19-Sep 5,44 0,918 1,5 0,27 Hög PAX 20-Sep 5,76 0,527 1,36 0,142 Hög PAX 21-Sep 5,3 0,553 1,62 0,193 Hög PAX 22-Sep 6,1 1 1,01 0,049 Hög PAX 23-Sep 6,1 1 1,01 0,049 Hög PAX 24-Sep 6,1 1 1,01 0,049 Låg PAX 25-Sep 4,16 1,77 1,5 0,923 Låg PAX 26-Sep 4,36 1,53 1,42 0,823 Låg PAX 27-Sep 4,57 2,47 1,27 0,874 71 Låg PAX 28-Sep 5,19 2,15 1,58 1,15 Låg PAX 29-Sep 5,25 2,25 1,63 1,25 Låg PAX 30-Sep 5,25 2,25 1,63 1,25 Låg PAX 01-Okt 5,25 2,25 1,63 1,25 Låg PAX 02-Okt 6,8 3,61 0,941 0,909 Hög PIX 03-Okt 5,75 1,29 3,49 0,145 Hög PIX 04-Okt 5,73 0,835 2,94 0,072 Hög PIX 05-Okt 5,45 0,603 2,8 0,076 Hög PIX 06-Okt 5,15 0,297 1,71 0,05 Hög PIX 07-Okt 5,15 0,297 1,71 0,05 Hög PIX 08-Okt 5,15 0,297 1,71 0,05 Låg PIX 09-Okt 3,65 0,834 2,12 0,173 Låg PIX 10-Okt 3,79 0,602 1,4 0,142 Låg PIX 11-Okt 3,89 0,718 1,4 0,113 Låg PIX 12-Okt 3,85 0,49 3,26 0,118 Låg PIX 13-Okt 3,75 0,682 0,675 0,015 Låg PIX 14-Okt 3,75 0,682 0,675 0,015 Låg PIX 15-Okt 3,75 0,682 0,675 0,015 Låg poly 16-Okt 2,88 2,62 1,09 0,141 Låg poly 17-Okt 3,63 2,35 1,34 0,173 Låg poly 18-Okt 4,73 2,54 1,2 0,17 Låg poly 19-Okt 4,65 2,42 0,835 0,044 Låg poly 20-Okt 4,65 2,42 0,835 0,044 Låg poly 21-Okt 4,65 2,42 0,835 0,044 Låg poly 22-Okt 4,65 2,42 0,835 0,044 Utan kem 23-Okt 4,36 3,55 1,27 1,7 Utan kem 24-Okt 4,35 3,3 1,28 1,77 Utan kem 25-Okt 4,66 3,49 1,55 1,81 Utan kem 26-Okt 5,22 3,9 1,64 1,92 Utan kem 27-Okt 5,14 4,05 1,24 1,66 Utan kem 28-Okt 5,14 4,05 1,24 1,66 Utan kem 29-Okt 5,14 4,05 1,24 1,66 Hög PAX 30-Okt 4,65 0,558 1,56 0,058 Hög PAX 31-Okt 3,47 0,285 1,58 0,064 Hög PAX 01-Nov 4,63 0,144 1,42 0,041 Hög PAX 07-Nov 3,82 0,133 1,42 0,054 Hög PAX 08-Nov 4,37 0,175 1,9 0,068 Totalt och löst BOD7 Försöksv, Datum BOD7-tot,in (mg/l) BOD7-tot, ut (mg/l) Löst BOD7, in (mg/l) Löst BOD7, ut (mg/l) Låg PAX 02-Okt 171 64 41 43 Hög PIX 08-Okt 173 41 40 28 Låg PIX 15-Okt 140 32 24 17 Låg poly 22-Okt 106 54 18 18 Utan kem 29-Okt 129 71 24 25 Hög PAX 01-Nov 112 20 29 16 72 Hög PAX 08-Nov 102 14 23 14 Totalkväve och NH4-kväve Försöksv, Datum NH4-N, in (mg/l) NH4-N, ut (mg/l) N-tot, in (mg/l) N-tot, ut (mg/l) Hög PAX 22-Sep 26,3 31,8 43,1 39,1 Hög PAX 23-Sep 26,3 31,8 43,1 39,1 Hög PAX 24-Sep 26,3 31,8 43,1 39,1 Låg PAX 02-Okt 28,8 29 Hög PIX 06-Okt 19,9 21 38 28,6 Hög PIX 07-Okt 19,9 21 38 28,6 Hög PIX 08-Okt 19,9 21 38 28,6 Låg PIX 13-Okt 18,8 21,2 33,48 29,4 Låg PIX 14-Okt 18,8 21,2 33,48 29,4 Låg PIX 15-Okt 18,8 21,2 33,48 29,4 Låg poly 19-Okt 21,7 27,2 35,7 35,4 Låg poly 20-Okt 21,7 27,2 35,7 35,4 Låg poly 21-Okt 21,7 27,2 35,7 35,4 Låg poly 22-Okt 21,7 27,2 35,7 35,4 Utan kem 27-Okt 20 26,8 44,7 40,5 Utan kem 28-Okt 20 26,8 44,7 40,5 Utan kem 29-Okt 20 26,8 44,7 40,5 Hög PAX 01-Nov 20,5 26,3 40,8 32,4 Hög PAX 08-Nov 23,7 24,1 39,9 31,2 GF (Vikt %) Försöksvecka Slam Typ av slam Datum Tid TS (Vikt %) Slam, ut ur filter 25-Sep 11:00 0,34 % 67 % Hög PAX Slam, ut ur filter 02-Okt 10:45 0,27 % 67 % Låg PAX Slam, ut ur filter 08-Okt 10:50 0,33 % 60 % Hög PIX Slam, ut ur filter 15-Okt 11:15 0,33 % 61 % Låg PIX Slam, ut ur filter 22-Okt 11:00 0,24 % 60 % Låg Polymer Slam, ut ur filter 29-Okt 11:00 0,28 % 74 % Utan kemikalier Slam, ut ur filter 01-Nov 12:00 0,39 % 68 % Hög PAX Vatten som runnit genom duken 01-Nov 12:00 0,17 % 51 % Hög PAX Slam från duk 01-Nov 12:00 5,46 % 80 % Hög PAX Slam, ut ur filter 08-Nov 12:45 0,49 % 65 % Hög PAX Slam från duk 08-Nov 12:45 5,40 % 76 % Hög PAX Slam, ut ur filter 08-Nov 13:30 0,42 % 68 % Hög PAX Slam från duk 08-Nov 12:45 5,70 % 76 % Hög PAX 73