May - PSOC
May - PSOC
MAY 2016 VOL. 19.5 PSOC NEWS PRESIDENT’S LETTER Table of Contents Memorial Day is a day of r emembr ance to honor those men and women in uniform who gave their lives for our freedom and way of life. This is also the time when families start planning their summer vacations. Whether you travel near or far to see family members or friends or just want to relax and see the sights on your own, have your camera ready to capture some great images wherever you go. We have 37 members going on our Spring overnight field trip to Monterey from May 19th-22nd. The shooting assignment is “Unusual Perspectives.” If you would like to join us, contact the Comfort Inn-Monterey By The Sea to see if they have any extra rooms that opened up. If not, other hotels in the area should have rooms available. See field trip and shooting assignment write-ups in the newsletter. REMINDER - Our annual PSOC Windows Gallery Show is June 1st-30th at the HB Central Library. If you would like to participate in the show, the deadline is SundayMay 15th to email your photo information (up to 3 images) to my attention at [email protected]. Entry fee is $5 per image. Mail your check (payable to PSOC) to Carole Cherchian at 18427 Santa Alberta Circle, Fountain Valley CA 92708. An open reception will be held on Saturday-June 11th from 6:30-8:30 pm. See photo submittal guidelines and reception details in the newsletter. Our annual PSOC picnic will be held on Saturday-July 23rd from 11 am-until… at the HB Edison Community Park (northwest corner of Magnolia and Hamilton across from Edison High School). We’ve reserved 2 shelters with picnic tables and BBQ grills. It will be “potluck” – bring a side dish or salad to share with everyone. The club will provide burgers, hot dogs, condiments, beverages, desserts, utensils, plates and cups. We will have some games, too. Details to follow in the June newsletter. Members and their guests can reserve seats on the PSOC charter bus field trip to The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Saturday-August 20th. The cost is $45 per person – it includes the bus trip, entry into the Library and permanent exhibits, Air Force One, and a special exhibit “Vatican Splendors-A Journey Through Faith and Art.” Reservations are on a first come, first served basis (NO REFUNDS). Deadline is July 15th to reserve your seats on the 47-passenger bus. You can either mail a check (payable to PSOC) to Carole Cherchian at 18427 Santa Alberta Circle, Fountain Valley CA 92708, or you can give her a check at one of our meetings. See field trip writeup in the newsletter. Our Sunday-June 26th field trip will be to the Griffith Park & Observatory. Carpooling will leave from the Total Wine parking lot at 8:30 am (approx. 1-1/4 hrs. drive). The shooting assignment will be “Photojournalism…telling a story.” See field trip and assignment write-ups in the newsletter. President 1 PSOC Info 2 Meeting Map 3 Meeting Info 4 Member Info 5 Monterey Field Trip 6 May Assignment 7-8 June Field Trip 9-11 June Assignment 12 August Field Trip 13-15 Yellowstone Field Trip 16 HB Library Show 17-18 Lens Meeting Info 19 What to Show 20 2016 Calendar 21 Member Photos 22-24 Life is like photography You need the negatives to Develop! Continued on pg 4 “A PLACE WHERE MEMBERS CAN APPROACH PHOTOGRAPHY WITH A RESOLUTION TO REACH THEIR CREATIVE POTENTIAL” Page 2 PSOC NEWS Board of Directors Meeting and Field Trip Information President General Meeting: Kurt Bayless 714 893-4919 Vice President Connie Terry 562 296-5031 Sec/Treas Carole Cherchian 714 963-1505 Past President Mike Whitmore 714 964-0982 Directors George Hagen 714 522-6827 Louis La Croix 714 847-2913 May 12, 2016 - John Bare– “Learning to Jon Zich 714 235-5727 Critique your own Images” Denji Ebisu 714 848-3054 Al Russell 714 281-0755 May 26, 2016 @ 6:30PM June 23, 2016 @ 6:30PM Field Trips: May 19-22, 2016 Monterey Overnighter June 26, 2016 - Griffith Park & Observatory LENS Meetings: June 16, 2106 - Kurt Weston Seeing Creatively & Making Art with Photographic Images Special Events: May 2 - 31 HB Art League Open Show in HB Central Library Windows Gallery Reception Sat. May 7, 6-8PM April 30 –Jun 18 HB Art Center “Time Lines” Art Exhibition May 1-August 14 “Smile : Expressions of Orange County “ Photo Exhibit at The Irvine Fine Arts Ctr Chairpersons Digital Show June 1-30, 2016 PSOC Windows Gallery Show at the HB Central Library Open reception Sat.,June 11th 6:30-8:30PM Appetizers and beverages Denji Ebisu 714 848-3054 Norman Chu 949 846-1474 Deborah Anne 714 847-5619 Projectionist Floyd Phillips 949 916-2265 Refreshment Kris Bonham 714 842-3641 Linda Gray 714 846-2948 Connie Terry 562 296-5031 Bonnie Gruttadauria 440 461-9595 Carol Calkins 714 963-2630 Janet Clarke 714 966-3011 Carpool Location Field Trip MEETING PLACE FOR: PSOC Membership UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CAMPUS 18225 BUSHARD, F V , CA MAP ON PAGE 3 Mentor Program Louis La Croix 714 847-2913 Newsletter Martha Blake 541 923-1465 Overnight Trips Mike Whitmore 714 964-0982 Al Russell 714 281-0755 Mike Whitmore 714 964-0982 Linda Calkins 714 847-5973 Denji Ebisu 714 848-3054 Louis La Croix 714 847-2913 Facebook Lori Norman 714 809-0100 Assignments Stefan Steinberg Mike Whitmore 714 263-6824 714 964-0982 LENS PSOC WEBSITE: PSOC Mailing : 15641 Whiteoak Ln, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Pres. ee-mail : [email protected] Editor ee-mail: [email protected] Photo Submissions: [email protected] PSOC NEWS Page 3 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CAMPUS 18225 BUSHARD, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA The church campus is between Talbert and Ellis on the west side of the street The meeting room for the PSOC monthly meeting is in the sanctuary, located in the main building of the church with entrance off the patio in front of the church. We meet at 6:30 for refreshments and a social time. The meeting starts at 7:00 and usually ends by 9:00 p.m. The Learning Education Network (LENS) meets at 7:00 on Thursday evening, a Page 4 PSOC NEWS Meeting Info Meeting is May 26th @ 6:30PM Photos from the April Field Trip to Renaissance Pleasure Faire and the assignment “Faces” will be shown at the meeting. The critique will be given by Art Ramirez. Martha Blake You can e-mail up to 3 images plus title photo to The Digital Show Team @ [email protected] on or before Tues the 24th by 6 PM. (Notify them if you want your images posted on the website). You can e-mail up to 7 additional images for the posting on the website. Continued from pg 1 Our May 12th LENS presentation will be given by John Bare on “Learning to critique your own images.” Our June 16th LENS presentation will be given by Kurt Weston on “Seeing Creatively and Making Art with Photographic Images.” Both presentations are a must see! See the 2016 LENS presentation schedule in the newsletter. The Huntington Beach Art League is hosting an Open Show in the HB Central Library Windows and Corner Galleries from May 2nd-31st. An open reception will be held on Saturday-May 7th from 6-8 pm. The City of Irvine is hosting the “Smile: Expressions of Orange County” photo exhibit at the Fine Arts Center, Great Park Gallery from May 1st–August 14th, 2016. There are 40 “Slice of Orange” images on display from 31 PSOC members. Images from our April field trip to the Renaissance Pleasure Faire and the shooting assignment of “Faces” will be shown at the May 26th monthly meeting. Art Ramirez will be our guest critiquer. Kurt Page 5 PSOC NEWS Member Info HB Art League is hosting an Open Show from May 2nd to May 31st in the HB Central Library Windows and Corner Galleries. A reception will be held on Sat. May 7th from 68PM. HB Art Center is hosting the “Time Lines” Art Exhibition from April 30th to June 18th, featuring Kurt Weston, Rett Yarnell, Bridget Bourgon and Dan Meylor (Artist Council Members). The city of Irvine is hosting the “Smile Expressions of Orange County” Photo Exhibit at the Irvine Fine Arts Center, Great Park Gallery from May 1 - August 14, 2016. There are 40 “Slice of Orange” images on display from 31 PSOC members. CONGRATULATIONS to the following PSOC members who received an award for their image in the HBAL 'Open Show': Claudia Ackley - HBAL Award - Title: "Bridge with Fog" (in the Windows Gallery) Charlie Brac - Honorable Mention - Title: "Letting the Light Shine Through" (in the Corner Gallery) Ron Butler - Honorable Mention - Title: "Day's End" (in the Corner Gallery) Connie Terry - Honorable Mention - Title: "Fruit Cart" (in the Corner Gallery) Cheryl Del Toro - Honorable Mention - Title: "Disney Concert Hall" (in the Corner Gallery) Annual PSOC Windows Gallery Show will be held June 1 - 30, 2016 at the HB Central Library. An open reception will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2016 from 6:30-8:30PM. Serving appetizers, water, wine, juice, and coffee. PICTURE THIS “There is one thing the photograph must contain - the humanity of the moment”. Robert Frank “A portrait is not made in the camera, but on either side of it” . Edward Steichen “Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies” Diane Arbus “A good photograph is knowing where to stand” Ansel Adams PSOC NEWS Page 6 MONTEREY TRIP... MAY 19-22, 2016 Join us for a long weekend amidst the beauty and awe of Monterey and the many places of photographic interest....Cannery Row and Fisherman's Wharf, Carmel, 17 Mile Drive, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Big Sur, Point Lobos, Pebble Beach, Santa Cruz, and many local wineries. Here are a few images from the 2009 PSOC trip there. We had a great time and look forward to sharing the experience with you in May. Images by Mike Whitmore Margie Jones and Jane Longfellow taking It all in. Mike McNulty and a big wave! We will be staying at the Comfort Inn By the Sea in Monterey 1252 Munras Avenue in Monterey. Contact at 831-372-2908 and [email protected]. The website is Comfort Inn Monterey by the Sea: Monterey Hotel Amenities include a complimentary breakfast buffet. We have 22 rooms set aside for us with PSOC prices from $100 for a room with one bed to $140 for a room with three beds. Call the Inn directly to make your room reservation and be sure to say you are with Photographic Society of Orange County. Here are a couple websites to get information on what you can see there; The Top 10 Things to Do in Monterey - TripAdvisor ... and also at this link Top Attractions - Things to Do in Monterey | Beaches, Golf ... PSOC NEWS Page 7 MAY ASSIGNMENT - UNUSUAL PERSPECTIVES Assignment to be shown at the June 23, 2016 meeting By Stefan Steinberg This might be the easiest assignment PSOC has ever had. Sometimes you can dramatically alter your photo composition just by changing your perspective. For this assignment, pick three of the five unusual perspectives below, or any other you may like, and use them for any subject you want. Extra points will be given if photos are from the field trip to the Chino Air Show and Museum that has lots of really old creaky planes over 70 years old. Here is the “Unusual Perspective” short list: Shoot straight up Get down low Twist the camera Exaggerate features Kneel down 1 SHOOT STRAIGHT UP. You’ve probably seen plenty of pictures going straight up, especially in the forests of downtown LA tall buildings or the National Parks we go to. It’s an unusual angle that creates lots of impact and shows you the forest canopy from an arresting perspective. It offers a ‘worm’s eye view’ of the world and works extremely well with wide-angle lenses. Spend time looking for the perfect subjects. If you find a reasonably symmetrical pattern, then keep it central. If it’s just a hole in the canopy, try placing it according to the rule of thirds. 2 GET DOWN LOW. A shot from ground level is a clever way to pep up your photography and add a new dimension to everyday images. We don’t usually see life from this angle so taking the shot adds tons of impact. It’s a lot like a ‘worm’s eye view’. Page 8 PSOC NEWS MAY ASSIGNMENT - UNUSUAL PERSPECTIVES Assignment to be shown at the June 23rd meeting By Stefan Steinberg Place the camera on or very near the floor and compose to include some of the foreground close to the lens to add a sense of depth. This is one shot where you’ll really have to get down and dirty, because it’s essential to check the viewfinder to see if there are any background distractions. Some cameras have viewfinders that rotate to a horizontal position to make this easier. 3 TWIST THE CAMERA. The main problem when taking shots of tall, thin objects is the amount of space that surrounds them. It can look strange and un-artistic if the subject is placed in the center of the frame while you shoot upwards – fine for the pages of a scientific journal, but we want to create an artistic image. Twisting your camera so the subject takes a diagonal line through the frame is ideal for a pleasing, unusual composition. 4 EXAGGERATE FEATURES. We’ve all seen pictures of famous places and landmarks. Usually they’re taken as a record shot and rarely differ from photographer to photographer. Composing to include and accentuate a well-known feature of your location is always worth a try. A wide-angle lens can be used very effectively to emphasize a particular subject. For instance, if photographing a bridge, stand right next to the cables or rods and twist the lens so the lines lead the eye into the picture. This is a powerful compositional tool. 5 KNEEL DOWN. Everyone takes pictures from head height. Make your photos stand out from the crowd by crouching down and shooting low. Bending or kneeling to take pictures isn’t as extreme as a ‘worm’s eye view’, but it does allow you to shoot towards the floor with a pleasing angle of view. It also keeps the background clean and free from clutter, which is important for a shot from this angle to work. For some great ideas on Low Angle Photography, go to Another good website for creative and unusual angles is: Photos by Kurt Bayless PSOC NEWS Page 9 JUNE FIELD TRIP - GRIFFTH PARK AND OBSERVATORY June 2016 Field Trip Griffith Park & Observatory Date: Sunday, June 26, 2016 Open: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Observatory General Information (213) 473-0800 Griffith Park General Information (323) 913-4688 Carpool Meet at 8:30 a.m. in the Total Wine parking lot at 16272 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach at SE corner of Beach and Stark Admission Griffith Park and Observatory – free Samuel Oschin Planetarium - Adults $7, Seniors (60 years and older) $5 Travel Approximately 1-1/2 hours from Huntington Beach Griffith Observatory 2800 East Observatory Road Los Angeles, CA 90027 Page 10 PSOC NEWS JUNE FIELD TRIP - GRIFFTH PARK AND OBSERVATORY Parking Parking at the Observatory is free but limited. There may be an uphill walk to the observatory from some of the parking available along the roads.*Try to park at the top in the observatory lot, if possible. Lunch Cafe at the End of the Universe – 12:30 p.m. Operated by world-famous Wolfgang Puck, the cafe is located on the lower level of the observatory. Salads, sandwiches, wraps, soup, and specials are prepared fresh daily. You can eat inside, outside or grab and go. Assignment Photo Journalism – telling a story GRIFFITH PARK The park is open each day from sunrise until 10:00 p.m. Visitors may approach the Observatory via the Vermont or Fern Dell entrances to Griffith Park (see map below). Please note that access via Fern Dell closes each evening at sunset. GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY Southern California’s gateway to the cosmos! Visitors can look through telescopes, explore exhibits, see live shows in the Samuel Oschin Planetarium and enjoy spectacular views of Los Angeles and the Hollywood sign. Griffith Observatory is an icon of Los Angeles, a national leader in public astronomy, a beloved civic gathering place, and one of southern California's most popular attractions. The observatory is located on the southern slope of Mount Hollywood in Griffith Park, just above the Los Feliz neighborhood. It is 1,134 feet above sea level and is visible from many parts of the Los Angeles basin. PSOC NEWS Page 11 Samuel Oschin Planetarium With its spectacular Zeiss star projector, digital projection system, state-of-the-art aluminum dome, comfy seats, sound system and theatrical lighting, the 290-seat Samuel Oschin Planetarium theater is the finest planetarium in the world. Griffith Observatory offers three different planetarium shows presented by a live, engaging storyteller: Centered in the Universe, Water Is Life, and Light of the Valkyries. Ten showing times are offered on Sundays with the first show at 10:45 a.m. and the last show at 8:45 p.m. Tickets may only be purchased at the observatory on the day of the show by cash or credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, and Discover). No checks or refunds. OTHER ACTIVITIES AND ATTRACTIONS PSOC NEWS Page 12 JUNEASSIGNMMENT - PHOTOJOURNALISM...TELLING A STORY Assignment to be shown at the July 28th meeting By Mike Whitmore Photojournalism uses either one image or a series of images to tell a story. It is all about showing the viewer what is happening. Photojournalism is devoted to recording a current event or situation to preserve it for the future. This assignment is wide open as to what you might choose to photograph and document. Any event or happening that you think would be interesting to a viewer and/or important to document can work. You might want to do three images to tell one story but you can tell a separate story with each of your three images. It is entirely up to you. The story you tell may need to include a wide perspective so the viewer can appreciate the context, the impact on others and the environmental impact. On the other hand, an intimate perspective might tell the whole story. You will also want to consider emotional impact carefully. John Bare‘s pictur e of the gr oomer s at Anaheim Stadium does not need context in the image since we can immediately visualize the stadium and can understand the precision involved in the grooming of the infield. David Freeman’s pictur e includes the location, Mother s, and context so we can see this is a hang-out for Harley-Davidson bikers. Both images tell us an interesting story. There are some accepted photojournalism rules to follow. Photographs must represent the truth, so any manipulation to alter the subject matter or situation is unacceptable. This includes any posing, and the moving of objects either at the scene or in and post production. Post production should be limited to minor color and exposure corrections and to cropping. Generally, the technical picture quality is secondary to the story itself and the impact of the story you tell. The June outing to Griffith Park will present many opportunities to use a journalistic approach to taking pictures. The short list includes: Planetarium, Travel Town, The Zoo, Bronson Caves, Museum of the American West, Merry-Go-Round, The Hollywood Sign, and family/visitor activities. Be alert to what is happening in your community and where ever you go this month. Street photography can be photojournalism when it tells a story and informs the viewer. Stay alert to possibilities and keep a camera or your cell phone camera at the ready. You might check the following website links for ideas: Understanding and Appreciating the Basics of Photojournalism Debating the Rules and Ethics of Digital Photojournalism - The Images for photo journalism examples PSOC NEWS Page 13 AUGUST 2016 FIELD TRIP CHARTER BUS TO THE RONALD REAGAN PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY DATE: SATURDAY – AUGUST 20, 2016 ASSIGNMENT: Black & White Photography LUNCH: Meet at 12:30 pm at Reagan’s Country Café (the view overlooking Simi Valley out to the Pacific Ocean is spectacular). They offer a variety of sandwiches, burgers/fries, salads, soups, side dishes, daily specials, and desserts. COST PER PERSON: $45.00 (includes bus trip, entry to the Library and permanent exhibits, and “Vatican Splendors” special exhibit). Make your check payable to PSOC. NOTE: Monopods are allowed in the exhibit areas. Tripods are NOT allowed in the exhibit areas, but are allowed in the public areas in and around the Library. Bus Pick-Up Location - Directions to Fountain Valley Mile Square Park Enter the Park at the west entrance off Brookhurst and Heil. Drive approx. 300 yards (go past the roundabout) to the parking lot next to Utility Field E. See attached map. Departure from Mile Square Park: We will meet at 7:30 am and board the bus at 7:45 am. The bus will leave at 8:00 am. Travel time is approx. 1-1/2 hours to The Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley. A library representative will meet our bus at 10:00 am and take us into the library as a group. Once in the library, everyone will be on their own – a “self-guided” tour through the exhibits and Air Force One. Departure from the Library: We will board the bus at 2:45 pm and leave at 3:00 pm. Perched atop a hill with sweeping views of Simi Valley, the Reagan Library is one of California’s most beautiful and unique destinations. The Library’s holdings include over 60 million pages of documents, over 1.6 million photographs, a half million feet of motion picture film, tens of thousands of audio and video tape, and over 40,000 artifacts. PSOC NEWS Page 14 The Museum includes a replica of the Oval Office. The Library’s permanent exhibits utilize documents, photographs, videos and interactive displays, and feature a historical timeline and alcoves highlighting domestic and foreign policy, as well as life in the White House. Before Ronald Reagan served as Governor of California and President of the United States (two terms each), he was an actor in the motion picture industry. Many western-style items are on display from his Rancho del Cielo home located in the Santa Barbara mountains. All items on display in the film industry exhibit, the political exhibits (including the Berlin crisis), and the Rancho del Cielo exhibit are impressive. The “Vatican Splendors-A Journey Through Faith and Art” special exhibit comprises of one of the largest Vatican collections ever to tour the United States. It includes an extraordinary collection of historical and religious objects, some of which date to the first century, as well as paintings from Michelangelo, Bernini, Guercino and other masters, mosaics, frescoes, sculptures, silk vestments, historical maps, documents and other relics. You can also tour Air Force One, visit the Ronald Reagan Pub in the Air Force Pavilion, see a decorated piece of the Berlin Wall, and view the Ronald and Nancy Reagan gravesites. For more information on The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum, click on http:// Photos by Kurt Bayless PSOC NEWS Page 15 PSOC NEWS Page 16 Images by Martha Blake YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK SEPTEMBER 22-25, 2016 This is is to let you know that we have arranged for 25 rooms at Yellowstone National Park for our PSOC members interested in this extended overnight trip in 2016. We will be staying at Grant Village in their Standard Lodge Rooms with two double beds. The room rate is $191.60 per night, tax included. Grant Village is located in the south central section of the Park. We had to reserve these rooms this far in advance in order to accommodate our group size at one location. Yellowstone National Park lodging is managed by Xanterra Parks and Resorts. Each of us interested in this trip has to book his or her room directly with Xanterra and make a deposit of the first night’s room charge. The deadline to make your reservation is June 24, 2016 after which any room not secured with a deposit will be released from our group block. The procedure for booking our rooms has been provided by Xanterra and is displayed below. This will be a trip you won’t want to miss – we look forward to seeing many of you there. Group Participants Please go to: and complete the secure form by 6/24/16. To reserve your room(s), you will need to enter your personal information along with: Group Code: LGPSOC6 Group Name: Photo Society of Orange Co. Location: Grant Village Room Types: Standard Lodge Room 2 Doubles A credit card deposit for the first night’s room rate at each location is required at the time of booking. By completing and submitting this form, you authorize Xanterra Parks & Resorts to charge the required deposits as outlined above to your credit card. A confirmation will be emailed immediately following your confirmed reservation. ***PLEASE READ OVER YOUR CONFIRMATION CAREFULLY*** PSOC NEWS Page 17 Windows Gallery Show Huntington Beach Central Library June 1-30, 2016 Theme: “Open” PSOC members can submit up to three (3) images. NOTE: The number of images accepted will depend on how many members participate and on total space available. We will let you know after the registration deadline if all of your images have been accepted. There will be a $5 entry fee per image to help cover the cost of the rental space and reception. 1. Please frame your images with white matting in black frames, wired for hanging. Plexiglas is preferred, but glass can be used if a breakage/liability waiver is signed. Waiver attached to your e-mail re: the show. 2. Frame size is up to the exhibitor, however, we recommend no larger than 16”x 20” because of space limitations. 3. The registration deadline is Sunday-May 15th. Please e-mail your information to Kurt Bayless at [email protected] 4. NO PHOTO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER MAY 15th. This is necessary because of the time it takes to make the exhibitor tags. PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN YOUR REGISTRATION E-MAIL: a. Your name. b. Number of images submitted. NOTE: Prioritize your images (1,2,3) in case only two of them are accepted. c. Title and Location of each image (Example: “Alabama Hills” and “Lone Pine, CA”). d. Frame size dimensions for each image. e. Telephone number where you can be reached. f. Price (if ‘For Sale’), or “NFS” (if ‘Not For Sale’), or “POR” (if ‘Price on Request’). g. Drop off your images on Tuesday-May 31st in the Windows Gallery. Pick up your images on ThursdayJune 30th. We will have a RECEPTION on Saturday-June 11th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm in the Windows Gallery. Friends of PSOC members are cordially invited to attend. PSOC NEWS Page 18 Photographic Society of Orange County 2016 Windows Gallery Show Huntington Beach Central Library 7111 Talbert Avenue Huntington Beach Show Dates: June 1 to June 30, 2016 Reception Invitation You are cordially invited to attend the PSOC reception being held in the Windows Gallery. Refreshments and appetizers will be served. This reception is always a fun experience for all who attend. We hope to see you there. Saturday June 11th from 6:30 – 8:30 PM This is your opportunity to see some great images taken by members of the Photographic Society of Orange County. Gallery hours: Monday: 1pm - 9pm Tue, Wed, Thu: 9am - 9pm Fri, Sat: 9am - 5pm Sunday: Closed PSOC NEWS Page 19 PSOC NEWS Page 20 PSOC NEWS Page 21 PSOC NEWS Page 22 MEMBER PHOTOS Richard Bonneau Lou Murray PSOC NEWS Page 23 MEMBER PHOTOS Marilyn Hettick Kurt Bayless Nancy Whitmore PSOC NEWS Page 24 MEMBER PHOTOS Lori Norman Dan Meylor Tom Sanders
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