piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild
piecemaker - Annapolis Quilt Guild
Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc. PIECEMAKER National Quilting Association Chapter #229 President’s Corner www.annapolisquiltguild.org Summer 2015 In this issue: A hhhh, summer. Farmers’ markets, swimming pools, hamburgers on the grill, lazy afternoons on the screen porch with a good book and the ceiling fan going around and around. And, hopefully, more time to SEW! My goal for summer sewing is to finish three quilts that I started some time ago. Why I can complete a top, then stall at the borders, I don’t know. But I am sworn to a productive summer and plan to have quilts for show & tell in the Fall. It kinda reminds me of elementary school…what I did this summer. So what are you doing? Will you start something new or finish something old? Try a new technique or a new pattern, take a class, attend a quilt show? Speaking of quilt shows, every year I am amazed that our own show is better than ever. That it comes together so wonderfully. That our very own members can accomplish such a fabulous feat. Let me add my thank-you to everyone involved in this year’s show, from the worker bees, the demoers, the committee leaders, to those of us who spent lots of money with the vendors. Every year I buy something I dearly love at our show – this year it was the blue wooden box from Suffolk Shaker Shop. And there were Hilke Hoefer’s doll clothes for my granddaughter. And Connie Doster’s scarf. And, and, and…. So it all starts again. We begin a new year with AQG: new classes, new expert speakers, new quilts to admire, new friends, new quilt show to prepare, and new opportunities to learn and teach. That, after all, is what we are all about. We are a community of quilters who share the love of quilting with each other and the uninitiated. Let’s come together to make this our best year ever. —Lynn Hollway President, AQG President’s Corner ........................... ....1 Calendar .............................................. 1 Bee Business ....................................... 2 Events and Membership News ......... 3-5 2016 Raffle Quilt .................................. 6 Patriotic Quilts...................................... 7 Quilt Show Winners ........................ 8-12 Charity Projects ............................ 13-14 Minutes from the June Meeting .......... 14 Upcoming Workshops ........................ 15 Block of the Month ....................... 16-17 Summer Calendar Monday, July 27 - AQG Board meeting, 7:008:45 p.m., Crofton Library Monday, August 3 - Sit and Sew, 7:00-9:00 p.m., Annapolis Friends Meeting Monday, August 31 - AQG Board meeting, 7:008:45 p.m., Crofton Library Monday, September 14 - General meeting, 7:009:00 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall. Pat and Arlan Christ lecture on “Pennsylvania Dutch Quilts: Folklore and Superstition” Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 2 Bee information .Open Bees (All are welcome to join) New Bee! The Rusty Needles Sewing Circle meets the 4th Monday from 5:30 p.m.-9 p.m. and any 5th Mondays from 1:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at the Fairview Library in Calvert County (intersection of Rt 4 & Chaneyville Rd, Owings). Not only are sewing machines welcomed, but other forms of handwork are welcomed also. For further information please contact Sharon Fossett at [email protected] The Material Girls Bee is an open bee that meets at the Severna Park Library from 9:30-4. Generally we meet on Mondays. In July, we will meet on July 6th and 7th for a joint meeting with the Quilt Book Study Group and again on July 20. In August, we will meet on August 3rd and 17th. New members are always welcome. For more information call Helen Hamerstrom at 410- 647-1720. The Quilt Book Study Group meets at the Severna Park Library from 9:30 – 4, generally on Mondays. In July, we will meet on 7/6 and 7/7 for a joint meeting with the Material Girls Bee and again on July 27. In August we will meet on August 10th and 24th. For more information call Helen Hamerstrom at 410- 647-1720. The Fabric Hogs Fabric Hogs meet at the South County Police station in Edgewater on the third Monday of each month. Our next meeting is on July 20. We welcome new members and visitors at any time. For info, please contact Kelly Dunahoo via email at [email protected]. The Huntingtown Hive meets in Prince Frederick on the second and fourth weekends of the month at Linda Murphy’s house at 2384 Sixes Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678. For more information please contact Linda at 410-414-3118 or 443-532-1970. The Queen Bees Kent Island Bee meets on the second Thursday of the month at St. Christopher’s, Chester, MD 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Queen Bees focus primarily on handwork, learning and practicing the various methods for adding dimensional interest to quilting. New members are always welcome. For more information and directions, please call Terri Flaherty at 443-239-2532 or Lis Cockey at 410-827-5738. June Carver Kate Gollsneider Katie Thompson Be sure to welcome our new and returning members at the next meeting! A revised list of members is posted on the web on the Members page. From the Sunshine Lady…. As of last month’s report, we have sent some sunshine to Lynn Hapchuck who had heart valve replacement surgery and to Cynthia York who was hospitalized after an allergic reaction to the shingles shot. If you’re looking for small projects this summer or want to try a new technique, why not make some heart blocks to have on hand for our members? It’s never too late to send sunshine to guild mem- bers by sending out cards to those who are sick, recovering from surgery, or have had a loss in the family. Please call or email, (with “AQG” in the subject line please), if you know of someone who might appreciate a card from the guild. Please be sure to find some time to make some heart blocks for our members who have gone through some difficult times this past year. You may check past issues of our newsletter for any names you may have missed. Directions for making the blocks may be found on page 12 in our Membership Directory; if you have any questions regarding the blocks, please feel free to contact me at (410)7576416 or email [email protected] . ―Kerry Hayes The Three-Inch Bee is a bee that is concentrating on miniatures. The group meets at the Severna Park Library, usually on the third Thursday evening of the month from 6:30-8:45. Contact Kelley Cunningham if you’re interested in joining. Email: [email protected]. Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Events and Membership News Sit and Sews Annapolis Quilt guild does not have regular meetings during the summer months. Instead, we have two Sit and Sews. This year, the next Sit and Sew is on August 3, from 7 pm to 9 pm at Friends Meetinghouse. The Meetinghouse is located at 351 Dubois Road, Annapolis , just off Bestgate Road. See the map below for further information. Page 3 VEEPNotes If you are one of the members I have talked to about helping with the 2016 Raffle quilt, this note is for you. If you can, please come to the August Sit and Sew on Monday, August 3, to pick colors and fabrics for the 12 appliqué blocks we will work on. The blocks are step one and I would like to get them done by late fall (before Thanksgiving). There will be other decisions on borders, etc. to make once these are completed. Hope to see you there. Miki — Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 4 Events and Membership News From the Guild Librarian Retreat Information This was my first time white-gloving a quilt show and I had a blast doing it. I met so many nice people, and to boot, I still had time to hit the Rotary Club used book sale. I bought us eight new titles for our collection. For those who like to plan ahead, you may now mark your calendars for the next 2 retreats: Among them is a sweet item titled Quilt Shop Tour which has a breakdown of 22 outstanding stores from coast to coast. It includes each owner's favorite quilt patterns and how to do them, plus lots of color pictures. Another interesting find was Designers and Their Quilts. In this book, designers such as Lynette Jensen, Joy Hoffman, and Marti Mitchell share their advice and quilts. Fall 2015: October 14-18 (Wed.-Sunday) This will be the guild’s 60th retreat at West River, so the camp is planning a special dinner on the Friday night. All AQG members are invited. More details will follow in the Sept newsletter. Spring 2016: April 20-24 (Wed.- Sunday) Retreats are always very productive and inspiring. They help make and strengthen friendships, build quilting skills and make AQG better. Reminders for Summer Start assembling your (Directions on pp. 16-17) Finish one of those UFOs this summer! Plan a major new project for the coming year. See your friends at the Sit and Sew Have fun! BOM I will be adding all to our collection over the summer, so keep an eye out for new titles at the fall meeting, when I will have them on display. Have a great summer and when you get back, there will be lots of nice surprises at the library table. Come up and introduce yourselves and share your summer quilting stories. Warmly, Your new guild librarian, Alexis Langsner See Quilt Show winners starting on Page 8. quilt top. Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 5 Events and Membership News June Dinner Thank you so much to all who helped us make the June Dinner a great success!! The food was delicious, as always, and our speaker, Pat Steiner, was delightful as she walked us down "Memory Lane" telling us about "Trends in the Quilt World from the Last 30 Years." We have come a long way since 1970 when Pat opened Cottonseed Glory in Annapolis. She taught us about how sewing machines, tools, techniques, and fabrics have changed since she began her still-striving business. Thank you again, Pat!! —Marti Phelps and Donna Pipeling DAR Museum Quilt Exhibition Emphasizes the Maker They are quilts that evoke their maker’s taste, position, and status. They are masterpieces stitched by many hands. These Virginia and Maryland quilts show how their makers’ designs moved with them and continued to show their origins. A new exhibition at the DAR Museum, featuring more than 30 early-American quilts, highlights not only the beauty of the textiles, but also the women who made the quilts. Can you "BEARLY" wait? Before you know it September will be here and it will be time for the "Invasion of the Teddy Bears." Each September we receive several hundred teddy bears from the Salvation Army, all dressed in nothing but their birthday suits, and each December we give them back, all dressed up. Each one has its own child-sized or bear-sized quilt as well. If you’d like to participate, pick up your bear from one of us at the September meeting. If you want to get a jump-start on your clothing, watch for fun sales at "Build-A-Bear" in August!! —Marti Phelps —Lis Cockey —Terri Flaherty The exhibit runs at DAR Museum through September 5. For more information, see http://www.dar.org/museum/exhibitions/currentexhibition Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 6 2016 Raffle Quilt The new raffle quilt, SuperNova, was displayed for the first time at the potluck dinner held to conclude the 2014-15 Annapolis Quilt Guild year. The quilt was designed and sewn by members Lynn Hollway, Shelly Duncan, Hilke Hoefer, Miki Burgnon, and Eileen Mattingly. Quilt wrangler Shelly Duncan will be taking the quilt to many venues this year to sell tickets; be sure to let her know if you can help. And be sure to enhance your own chance to win by paying for those raffle tickets you receive with your membership packet. Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 7 Patriotic Quilts The Guild has received the message below from Warrior Events. I'm proud of our guild for the work they did on this project!! —Trish Hankey Thank you and your organization for the wonderful Patriotic Quilts. It was a very meaningful way of saying thank you to our military and their families for their immense sacrifice. Always Thankful, John O'Leary (president) and Bob Saunders (VP) Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 8 Quilt Show Winners, cont. Category 1: Group Quilts Group Quilts – Small Group Quilts – Medium Group Quilts – Large Category 2: Hand Quilted Hand Quilted – Small Hand Quilted – Medium/Large Category 3: Machine Quilted Machine Quilted – Small Machine Quilted – Medium Machine Quilted – Large Category 4: Petite Petite Quilt 1. Alice Tignor 2. Joanne Martin 1. Barbara Dicker 2. Patricia Blackford 3. Hilke Hoefer 1. Judy Shapiro 2. Jean Dwyer 3. Alice Tignor Sweet Summertime Pink Stars Glamour Girls Sunrise/Sunset Chocolate Truffle Stars John Wesley Shadow of a Bear Paw Wilhelmina Marie 1. Mary Lou Brown 2. Wanda Newman 1. Irene Caroom 2. Lynn Hapchuk 3. Georgia Osterman Seasons Leaning Sashiko The Habit of Love Caribean Stars Tropical Broderie Purse 1. Wanda Newman 2. Kelly Cunningham 3. Bernerdett King 1. Wanda Newman 2. Elaine Green 3. Jeanette Bayless 1.Kelly Cunningham 2. Maggie Manalo 2. Priscilla O’Dell 3. Patti Ackerman My Favorite Rose In Full Bloom Galaxy Star Pointsetta Garden New York Beauty, Blue Compasses Fly Away Home Abridged Missives of Devotion Calag’s Bear Quilt Bright Blooms Asia Garden 1.Rebecca Musliner 2. Patricia Holland 3. Lynn Holloway Tiny Town Migration Perfectly Imperfect Miscellaneous 1. Betty Phillips 2. Judy Shapiro 3. Ann Hazelwood Feathered Nest Jacket Midnight Sun Jacket Kid’s Choice 1. Eileen Mattingly 1. Cheryl Hack A to Z for Ewe and Me Connor’s Dr. Seuss Kid’s Quilt 1.Corinne Carson Hula Cat Category 5: Miscellaneous “BEST OF SHOW” VOTE: 1.Alice Tignor Sweet Summertime Annapolis Quilt Guild Quilt Show Winners Summer 2015 Page 9 Annapolis Quilt Guild Quilt Show Winners Summer 2015 Page 10 Annapolis Quilt Guild Quilt Show Winners Summer 2015 Page 11 Annapolis Quilt Guild Quilt Show Winners Summer 2015 Page 12 Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 13 Community Service 1,380 BEADS OF COURAGE TWIN SIZED QUILTS (60”X85”) BAGS PRODUCED NEEDED FOR LIGHTHOUSE It has been a banner year for bead bag production with 1,380 made. It is a 38% increase over the optimistic stretch goal of 1,000 for the year AND a 59% increase over last year! What an amazing testament to our commitment to make a difference in the world through stitching. While the numbers are large, the need is even bigger. Beads of Courage now has programs in over 60 children's hospitals in the United States, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom and Japan—as well as a Distance Program that we have been supporting. We recently received these words from Ashley LaPointe, a Beads of Courage Program Manager. “Thank you very much for your generous support and labor of love making Bead Bags for the Beads of Courage program. Your donations have been directly supporting our Beads from a Distance program. We have this program available to those who do not have the Beads of Courage program at their hospital. We currently have 2546 members enrolled and each new member gets a Bead Bag. We also have 406 people on the US wait list and 101 people on the International wait list so there is still very much a need for this program that serves families with a child suffering from a chronic illness. We appreciate your donations and want you to know that each Bead Bag made with your care is cherished and used to store, carry, and protect their treasured Beads of Courage!” How about a SUMMER CHALLENGE to see how many bags you can produce? If you need kits, contact Prue Hoppin who will mail them or arrange to deliver them to you. Shall we shoot for 1,500 next year? A quilt on every bed is the goal for the Light House shelter in Annapolis, whose vision is to serve as a national model for how a community cares for its homeless: to break the cycle of homelessness by providing a place of belonging, lifechanging programs, and a broad continuum of support to those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. What better way to create a place of belonging than to have each bed covered with a quilt—some of which will go with individuals when they move on to more permanent housing. Please get on board and make a quilt! Here are several really quick and easy patterns to consider: Take Five, As Easy as ABC & I23, and One Block Wonder. Prue Hoppin is putting together some group sewing days this summer to produce quilts. Contact her at 443-607-8345 or by email [email protected] if you’d like to participate. Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 14 Minutes of the June Meeting; Community Service, cont. General Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2015 President Jeanne Hawn thanked everyone who worked on our successful quilt show. Trish Hankey, co-chair of the show, also thanked everyone for the beautiful show. Polly Schatz had a few items left at the show, and gave members an opportunity to claim them. The Show Committee also awarded ribbons to Eileen Mattingly and Cheryl Hack whose quilts were Kids’ Favorites. Jeanne presented the current board with lovely handmade gifts. Incoming President Lynn Hollway recognized the new Board and Committee Chairs. Members who won ribbons in the show participated in a parade of quilts. Miki Burgnon, Hilke Hoefer, and Lynn presented the 2016 raffle quilt, “Supernova.” After an amazing buffet meal, Marti Phelps, Events co-chair, introduced Pat Steiner, member and owner of Cottonseed Glory, as our speaker. Pat gave a fascinating talk about the history of her own quilting career, and she showed us quilts that were typical of the various decades since she started quilting. The dinner meeting was adjourned about 8:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Lynn Hollway for Maggie Manalo SERVICE PROJECT OPPORTUNITY: SEEKING GUILD COORDINATOR We recently received a request on behalf of the Landstuhl Hospital Care Project, a 501C(3) charitable organization that provides items requested by our troops. The Project’s website can be found at www.landstuhlhospitalcareproject.org. They are seeking the following: Pillow covers for pillow forms they will provide. They will also provide fabric, if needed. When completed, the pillows need to be sent to the organization’s headquarters in Virginia to be forwarded to troops overseas. This is an immediate need. Christmas Stockings for deployed troops and those recovering in hospitals. Rebecca Lambert (see contact information below) is willing to absorb the cost of shipping them to Virginia. The due date for the stockings is November 1st. If you are interested in spearheading either of these projects, please let Prue Hoppin know (443-6078345 or [email protected]) so she can coordinate with the organization’s representative. For more specific information about project details, contact Rebecca Lambert (LHCP Stitches of Love Coordinator and Moderator) at [email protected]. Quilt Show Entry Hall Stats Everyone always asks about show attendance, so here are some statistics comparing this year to the past. Please bear in mind that the numbers on Sunday are about 100 lower than actual attendance because we do not recount repeat armband visitors/members. Vendors are not in the count either. Sat. Sunday Total 2015 978 331 1309 2014 928 337 1265 2013 890 603 1493 (Father's Day weekend) 2012 771 346 1117 (Lacrosse championship) 2011 902 453 1355 2010 922 403 1325 A big and sincere THANK YOU to all the wonderful volunteers who made the show run smoothly and such a success. We are looking for someone to chair the Entry Hall position next year, as Nancy Jo and I have done it for the past 6 years. We will gladly "train" you and support as volunteers. Please call or email me for this satisfying job. No resumé needed! —Hilke Hoefer [email protected] Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 15 Upcoming Workshops Workshop with Terry Kramzar “Quilting in Layers” Tuesday, October 6 9:30 a.m.- 4 :00 p.m. We were happy to be able to reschedule the workshop “Quilting in Layers” that we had to cancel last March due to bad weather. In this workshop, Terry Kramzar will present her method for creating a pictorial quilt from pre-quilted squares. I hope you all remember the beautiful sample she sent last spring. Cost: $50.00 Location: Severna Park Community Center See more of Terry’s work at http://terrykramzar.com Workshop with Cindy Needham “Linen Ladies” Sunday, November 1 9:30 a.m.- 4 :00 p.m. Learn how Cindy repurposes antique linens to create beautiful quilts. In this design workshop you will create a pattern for a small whole cloth quilt. No sewing required! “Heirloom Feathers” Monday, November 2 9:30 a.m.- 4 :00 p.m. See more of Cindy’s work at Learn how Cindy repurposes antique linens to create beautiful quilts. In this design workshop you will create a pattern for a small whole cloth quilt. No sewing required! Cost: $50.00 for each workshop Location: Severna Park Community Center http://cindyneedham.com/ There will be more information and a chance to sign up for these workshops at our meetings or call Polly Schatz or Sue Cochrane. The fee for most workshops is $50. Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Page 16 Block of the Month Setting Instructions Continued on next page Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Block of the Month Setting Instructions, cont. Page 17 Annapolis Quilt Guild Summer 2015 Annapolis Quilt Guild, Inc. PO Box 4278 Annapolis, MD 21403-6278 Annapolis Quilt Guild Officers, 2014-15 President Lynn Hollway Vice President Miki Burgnon Secretary pro tempore Vickie Ward Treasurer Patti Ackerman Membership Georgia Osterman and Dibby Gundry Programs Polly Schatz and Sue Cochrane Events Marti Phelps, Terri Flaherty, and Lis Cockey Newsletter Editor Eileen Mattingly Quilt Show Marie Holmes, Stacy Lute, and Terri Flaherty Senior Advisor Jeanne Hawn Committee Chairs Please send submissions to the PIECEMAKER by regular mail or email to Eileen Mattingly 26 Turnberry Road Bourne, MA 02532 [email protected] Deadline for the September issue is August 15 Beekeeper Barbara Whited Community Service Projects Prue Hoppin Historian Hilke Hoefer Librarian Alexis Langner Publicity Gloria Rund Raffle Quilt Wrangler Shelly Duncan Saleables Trish Hankey Sunshine Kerry Heyes Tax Committee Nancy Yuill Technology Equipment Brenda MacQuilliam Webmaster Maggie Manolo Page 18