Casa Bernabé - Cross International
Casa Bernabé - Cross International
600 SW 3rd Street, Suite 2201 Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 1-800-391-8545 PROJECT 0898 Casa Bernabé (House of Comfort) Give hope and education to orphans through the expansion of a Christian school — Fraijanes, Guatemala — Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:7 WWW.CROSSINTERNATIONAL.ORG/COMFORT © 2013 Cross International. Cost-effectively written, designed and printed in-house, and mailing facilitated by volunteers. CASA BERNABÉ | INTRODUCTION PROJECT 0898 Witnessing a Miracle During a visit last year to Casa Bernabé, our longtime Guatemalan ministry partner, we discovered the tremendous impact the ministry’s small school was having on the lives of destitute children from the community. At first glance it doesn’t look like much — a one-story cement building with twelve classrooms sitting on a concrete slab. But take a closer look inside Casa Bernabé Christian School and you will see a miracle happening. Desolate children are being rescued from heart-wrenching situations created by poverty, armed with education and transformed by Christ’s message of hope. A community with great physical and spiritual need is being reborn, one child at a time. Donie Hernandez, the dynamic American missionary who started Casa Bernabé with her late husband, a Guatemalan pastor, shared her heart with us about the school. “I believe God has called us to be a beacon of light to the community, and he is going to use this school to do it.” We learned that many more destitute children from the Every Sunday, the children at Casa Bernabé and some families from the surrounding community community are desperate for an education, but there simply come together to worship Christ at the ministry’s isn’t room for them at Casa Bernabé’s school. The little small church. “It’s so neat to see the children building is already bursting at the seems with 135 students. singing and worshiping and growing in Christ,” says Donie Hernandez, founder of Casa Bernabé. We felt God’s tug on our hearts as we saw the “good fruit” the school had already produced. We knew that we had to step out in faith and help Donie expand the school so more poverty-stricken children could receive this life-changing help. Their plan is to double the school’s classroom space so 300 more impoverished children can attend. As you read this proposal, you will realize, as we did, that this is much more than a construction or education project. God is transforming the lives of children who have faced unimaginable pain, giving them a hope and a future. When you read about children who have been set free from the chains of poverty and given new hope at Casa Bernabé, know that your gift can bring more indigent children like these that same gift. This project has the potential to touch hundreds of lives — even an entire community! Our prayer is that you are as moved as we were by the mighty works being done at Casa Bernabé Christian School in the name of Christ. Then he said to his disciples,“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 i CASA BERNABÉ | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT 0898 Project Description Casa Bernabé rescues orphans and other vulnerable children from heartbreaking situations, giving them a safe home where they can receive healing and grow in Christ. The ministry’s small school provides a solid Christian education to children who would never be able to attend school due to their poverty. By expanding the school, we can bring education and the transformative message of Christ to orphans and impoverished children struggling to survive in a lost community. Location Fraijanes, a small town 20 minutes outside of Guatemala City, Guatemala. Campaign Goal $110,000 is needed to double the school’s classroom space, building 10 more classrooms, a music room and a science lab. This expansion will allow Casa Bernabé Christian School to open its doors to 300 more impoverished children in the community and allow the ministry to share Christ with the hurting and lost. Project Summary THE NEED • About 75 percent of the people in Guatemala live in poverty, surviving on just $2 a day. • The innocent victims of this overwhelming poverty are children. An estimated 370,000 children in Guatemala are orphaned, and countless more are abandoned, abused and neglected. • Many children are compelled to work as street vendors, shoe shiners or field hands to help their families survive. • Due to their families’ poverty, nearly half of all children in Guatemala never have a chance to complete even primary school. Our Partner Donie Hernandez, a charismatic American missionary, started Casa Bernabé 18 years ago with her late husband, Pedro, a Guatemalan pastor. Though she didn’t speak a word of Spanish when she first arrived in Guatemala, Donie knew it was exactly where God was calling her to minister. Donie and her team of Guatemalan and international missionaries work tirelessly to provide for the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children living in a community ravaged by poverty. How You Can Help Cross International has agreed to assist Casa Bernabé — a longtime partner — with the expansion of its Christian school. Together we will continue to heal hurting orphans and share the love of Christ with a community desperate for hope. MATERIAL IMPACT • With your help, Cross will build 10 new classrooms, a music room and a science lab. • These new facilities will allow the school to increase its enrollment by 300 students. • More impoverished children from the community will have the opportunity to receive a quality Christian education while being mentored by caring Christian teachers. • These children will then go on to positively impact their community, breaking the tight grip of poverty in the area. SPIRITUAL IMPACT • All help is given in the name of Christ, and Jesus is the foundation of everything Casa Bernabé does. • By bringing in more children from the community, Casa Bernabé will have the opportunity to share Christ with hundreds of untouched souls. iii Our help is in the name of the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. Psalms 124:8 iv CASA BERNABÉ | TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I PROJECT 0898 THE NEED Broken and Alone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Stuck in a Deadly Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SECTION II THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION Healing Broken Lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Divine Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Putting God First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Casa Bernabé Christian School: A Beacon of Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Reaching a Community for Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 A Life Transformed by Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SECTION III JOIN OUR SCHOOL EXPANSION CAMPAIGN Give Comfort and Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Casa Bernabé School Construction Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School Expansion Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sponsorship Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v 16 17 18 19 Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. Deuteronomy 32:2 vi CASA BERNABÉ PROJECT 0898 SECTION I THE NEED • Broken and Alone • Stuck in a Deadly Cycle He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 1 CASA BERNABÉ | THE NEED PROJECT 0898 Broken and Alone Giovanny has no memory of his birth parents. Until age 7, the only family he ever knew beat him and pushed him into the streets to beg for money. Giovanny was one of several orphans taken in by a degenerate couple who used them to earn money — a practice not uncommon in Guatemala. The couple, who lived in a decent house with their own children, kept the orphans in a shanty. Each day they would send the orphans out into the streets of Guatemala City to beg for money. Giovanny and the others were required to come back with a certain amount of money each day, or they would be verbally and physically abused. Giovanny recalls that the couple used to tie up his arm so it looked injured or deformed so he could get better tips from passersby. He and the other orphans lived in fear and often endured abuse, but they had nowhere else to go, no one to feed them or put a roof over their heads. This dysfunctional family was all they had never known. Eventually, the couple exploited enough money from the children to move to the United States. They mercilessly abandoned the orphans to the streets, leaving Giovanny and the others broken and alone. Saved and Healed Giovanny’s story did not end in heartbreak. As with Joseph in the book of Genesis, God took a situation that was meant for evil and turned it to good. Read how God used Casa Bernabé, a children’s home founded by a Christian missionary, to rescue Giovanny and transform his life on page 7. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 2 CASA BERNABÉ | THE NEED PROJECT 0898 Stuck in a Deadly Cycle It is hard to imagine that children endure situations like these, but they are a sad reality of extreme poverty. Children like Giovanny are the innocent victims of a seemingly endless cycle of poverty that plagues so many in Guatemala. An estimated 75 percent of the population lives below the poverty line, subsisting on just $2 per day. Poverty is pronounced in rural areas and occurs mainly among poorly educated and indigenous people. Poverty in Guatemala • 75% of the population lives below the poverty line, meaning they do not have the resources to obtain basic necessities such as food, housing and clean water. • Guatemala ranked 131 out of 187 countries on the United Nations Development Program’s 2011 Human Development Index, which takes into account life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. • Guatemala’s adult literacy rate hovers around 74%, compared to 99% in the U.S. • Though the country reports a 95% rate of primary school enrollment, only 60% of children complete primary school — a number that drops to about 50% for middle school. • More than 21% of Guatemalan children between the ages of 5 and 15 work. Education, a key to breaking free from poverty, is severely lacking in Guatemala. Forty percent of children enrolled in school do not complete their primary education, and half of all children who begin middle school drop out before graduation. Because of crushing poverty, many children must leave school to help support their families. Recent government figures show that 21 percent of Guatemalan children between the ages of 5 and 15 work, a number that is likely Source: World Bank, UNICEF underestimated because it excludes children who lack formal documentation. These children work as street vendors or shoe shiners, and others work as field laborers alongside their parents. When parents are forced to choose between feeding their children and sending them to school, education understandably becomes secondary to survival. But without an education, children will grow into adults lacking the tools to effectively fight poverty. They will be trapped in the cycle of unrelenting poverty that consumes so many families in this Central American country. 3 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. Isaiah 9:2 4 CASA BERNABÉ PROJECT 0898 SECTION II THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION • Healing Broken Lives • Divine Appointment • Putting God First • Casa Bernabé Christian School: A Beacon of Hope • Reaching a Community for Christ • A Life Transformed by Christ “We pray for the children for however long we have them. They hear the name of God and it makes an impact in their lives.” Donie Hernandez, missionary and co-founder of Casa Bernabé 5 CASA BERNABÉ | THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION PROJECT 0898 Healing Broken Lives Angel was just a few days old when he was left on the side of a road to die. Volunteers from Casa Bernabé, a children’s home on the outskirts of Guatemala City, came across a raggedy old box as they headed up the road leading to the ministry’s compound. Inside they found the malnourished little baby, covered in dirt. This is just one of a dozen heartbreaking stories that Donie Hernandez, an American-born missionary, shares as she describes the children the ministry takes in. “These precious children come to us from horrible situations. They have experienced so much hurt,” Donie says. “We stand by them. We let them know they are not alone.” What’s in a Name Casa Bernabé, known in English as House of Comfort, In Spanish, Casa Bernabé literally was nothing more than a few dilapidated trailers on a translates to Barnabas’ house. 13-acre plot of land when Donie and her Guatemalan Characterized in Acts 4:37 as the husband bought the property 18 years ago. “It was at the “Son of Encouragement,” Barnabas point of closing down,” she recalls. “We never imagined was a distinctive early church leader it then, but now I am overwhelmed by how God has used known for his compassion and Casa Bernabé to bless children.” eagerness to help those in need. More than 140 children now live at Casa Bernabé, which not only provides a safe and loving home for orphans, but also operates a Christian school, small church and community clinic. The children are brought up in one of eight homes on campus with house parents who raise them like a family. “We eat meals together, study together and pray together,” says 15-year-old Victoria, who lives in one of the homes for older girls. “We are a big family.” Children come to the ministry from all over the country. Some are abandoned by their families, others orphaned, others are removed from their families by government courts for neglect or abuse. Sometimes destitute parents bring their children to the orphanage because they know they cannot care for them. “No matter how they come to us, we always tell them they didn’t come here by accident,” Donie says. “Casa Bernabé is a safe haven where these children can find Children at C Child Casa B Bernabé bé are groupedd iinto diff different h houses on healing in Christ.” campus where they grow up with house parents as a family. 6 CASA BERNABÉ | THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION PROJECT 0898 Donie has seen the healing firsthand. Giovanny, the 7-year old introduced at the beginning of this report, is a beautiful example never far from Donie’s thoughts. Her natural smile turns solemn, as the pain of his unimaginable situation is recalled. Poor families will rent their children to other families who will put them to work as beggars in the streets, Donie says. “Sadly this is common here in Guatemala.” Despite the horrors of this situation, Donie is comforted by Christ’s omnipotent power over every circumstance. “It is amazing to see how God heals these children’s hearts, one layer at a time.” Donie remembers watching God heal little Giovanny one piece at a time. The staff at Casa Bernabé rescued him off the streets, gave him a home and love, prayed over him and let God do the rest. “He received the love and care he had been without most of his life,” Donie says. “But God did something that no amount of human love and care could have done.” He healed Giovanny and gave him a new, abundant life. At age 11, Giovanny received a permanent home when he was adopted by a missionary couple from Japan. “Our desire is that every child will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior,” says Donnie, “and that they would begin to experience the healing and restoration that only he can give.” I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners. Isaiah 57:18-19 7 CASA BERNABÉ | THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION PROJECT 0898 Divine Appointment When Donie Hernandez arrived in Guatemala 30 years ago, she knew it was where God had called her to be. “I didn’t speak the language or even know how to ride the bus,” she remembers with a laugh. “Early on, I had a week when I was feeling incredibly discouraged. I kept thinking, ‘Who do you think you are coming down here? How can you possibly do this?’ That’s when God stepped in and told me, ‘You never could do it. I will.’ Then I found complete peace.” Donie rested in this peace because she believes God had been preparing her for missions her entire life. As a young child she was impacted by her grandmother, who told her incredible stories of Christians working with children and lepers overseas. “That really got my attention,” Donie recalls. Then, on her first mission trip to Guatemala, she says God confirmed to her that this was the place she was supposed to help. Within two months of her initial visit, Donie had sold everything she owned and made the cross-cultural move. “At the time, the war was still going on in this country, so it was a difficult decision,” she says. “But I knew God wanted me here.” The peace she found that first week has sustained Donie throughout all of her years of ministry. Eventually God led her to meet and marry Pedro, a Guatemalan pastor who shared her love of the poor. They raised 11 children — five biological and six adopted — and for 25 years tirelessly served the Lord alongside one another in Guatemala. Pedro passed away in 2011, but Donie remains inspired by his spirit of service. “When we took over, the ministry was a bunch of dilapidated trailers with holes in the floor, and we didn’t have a dime to fix them up,” she says. “Then, one by one, we were able to replace the trailers with buildings. God just kept providing. It is amazing to see him working in the kids’ lives every day.” Though the work is hard, Donie considers it a blessing to be serving the poor. She says that James 1:27 is a constant reminder of her calling and why she gets up each morning: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” 8 CASA BERNABÉ | THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION PROJECT 0898 Putting God First Donie explains that God is at the center of everything that goes on a Casa Bernabé. That is why all the staff are dedicated Christians. “Our job is to raise up disciples. God is in every aspect of this place, much like it would be for a Christian family.” All the children, house parents and other staff gather each Sunday morning to enjoy a time of worship and encouragement in God’s word. Each house family also prays daily and studies God’s word together. “Most of the children come to Casa Bernabé with at least a knowledge of God, but some are in the dark,” Donie says. “It’s so neat to see the children singing and worshiping and growing in Christ.” Giving Back From a young age, the children at Casa Bernabé are taught the importance of stewardship and service. It starts as chores when the children are younger, helping in the kitchen or watching the smaller children. Donie and her team take the older children on community outreach missions, such as building homes for families living in rural villages or ministering to people living in the Guatemala City garbage dump. These outreach activities help the children develop a sense of community and service. “This way the children feel like they are not just being helped, but they are also giving back,” Donie explains. She has seen this attitude of service come full circle as former residents and students of Casa Bernabé come back to the ministry to work or volunteer their time. They become house parents, accountants, even teachers. One such case is 20-year-old Paco, who came to Casa Bernabé with his three sisters as a child. Paco is now studying engineering at a nearby college and volunteers his time to Casa Bernabé, teaching math to the junior high students at Paco (center) grew up at Casa Bernabé. Now in college, the 20-year-old the school. volunteers teaching math to children at the ministry’s Christian school. Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Psalm 34:11 9 CASA BERNABÉ | THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION PROJECT 0898 Casa Bernabé Christian School: A Beacon of Light Casa Bernabé operates a small Christian school that serves children from the orphanage and poor children from the community. The school offers pre-kindergarten to seventh grade classes, as well as special education classes to accommodate many of their children who have learning disabilities because of neglect and malnourishment. The school began out of necessity when Donie and her late husband realized the poor condition of the public schools the children were attending. They were overcrowded, understaffed and rife with gang activity. Donie and her husband knew the children needed a safe place to learn, a place where God could be included in the curriculum. “It is important that the students learn math and science, but we also want them to learn about Jesus,” Donie says. The school has nine fulltime teachers, Celia Rodriquez, pictured here with part of her third-grade class, feels all of whom are government certified. blessed to be a teacher at Casa Bernabé Christian school. All of them are also Christians and take every opportunity to teach the children about Christ and his plan for their lives. “We pray with the children and we teach them about God. It is special to be in a school where that takes place,” says Celia Rodriquez, who teaches the third-grade class at Casa Bernabé’s school. Celia has been working with the ministry for 12 years, during which time she was a house mother and then a teacher. Two of her children attend the school. “I love teaching here,” she says. “This place is a blessing for all of us.” The school uses a government-recognized curriculum that is flexible and allows the children to move at their own pace. In addition to their basic classes, the children take computer, English and music classes. Children from the orphanage attend the school free of charge, while children from the community are charged a nominal fee that encourages parents to invest in their children’s educations. All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children’s peace. Isaiah 54:13 Ministering with Music Casa Bernabé has an extensive music program. It has a band that includes beginner, intermediate and advanced band students, who perform for local events around Guatemala City. They also recently hosted the first band camp in Guatemala, which drew students from all over the country. “It was a great success musically and spiritually!” Donie says. “This is just another way we are reaching out to the community.” 10 CASA BERNABÉ | THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION Donie believes that the school is a vital part of Casa Bernabé’s ministry work because it is meeting such an acute need in Guatemala, the need for solid education. Many of the children who attend the school would not have the opportunity to get an education otherwise. The reasons are numerous. There is a lack of funding for government-run schools in Guatemala and private schools are prohibitively expensive, accessible only to the upper middle class and the wealthy upper class. Many poor families do not send their children to school, or keep them out for long periods at harvest time, because school is seen as a luxury they cannot afford. This results in high dropout rates and children who repeat grades multiple times. It is not uncommon for a 12-year-old child to come to Casa Bernabé and be put into a second-grade class, because he or she has not had the opportunity for learning. “This school is a blessing to so many children,” Donie says. “We are giving them a precious commodity that will provide them with a better future.” PROJECT 0898 A Chance to Advance Children are able to attend school at the orphanage until the completion of seventh grade, and then they are sent to private schools off campus. Donie hopes that with the additional classroom space they will eventually be able to offer eighththrough twelfth-grade classes on campus. Through sponsorships Casa Bernabé helps some children attend college and helps others gain specific training in different areas such as baking, woodwork and carpentry, metal shop and child care. Some have graduated from high school and are working in positions in the school as well as helping with child-care while they attend college classes on the weekends. Graduates from Casa Bernabé have gone on to be accountants, health care professionals, teachers, social workers, engineers and builders — just to name a few. Teacher Spotlight David McCormick came to Casa Bernabé on a mission’s trip when he was 18 and never left. Now 27, David works as a social worker and math teacher at Casa Bernabé. He also leads worship at the ministry’s church every Sunday. “What kept me here was the ministry’s vision,” says the Canadian-born missionary. “I appreciate the spiritual aspect of Casa Bernabé. Christ is woven into everything they do, and you can see the impact in the kids.” Casa Bernabé takes Proverbs 29:18 to heart: “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” David says that Casa Bernabé’s school takes a very holistic approach to the children’s education. “The teachers are interested in all aspects of the children’s lives. They care about the children’s futures. It’s not just a way to make money.” 11 CASA BERNABÉ | THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION PROJECT 0898 Reaching a Community for Christ The school now has about 135 students, 92 from the orphanage (all those who are old enough to attend school up to seventh grade) and 43 from the community. Donie says that they are constantly getting requests from the community to take in more students, but they simply have no more space. “We have no more room to grow in our current school building, but that’s never stopped God from taking us to new heights” says Donie. Donie and her staff believe God plans to use their school as a beacon of light to the community. Expanding the school building would allow them to take in more students from the outside, offering a solid Christian education and Christ’s message to a community with great physical and spiritual need. “It’s a way to have an outreach into the community, to share Christ with those around us,” says Donie. The school currently has 12 classrooms. The ministry’s school expansion plan would add 10 more classrooms, along with a science lab and a music room. Cross International has been a supporter of Donie and the work of Casa Bernabé for several years. When we asked Donie what her ministry needed, she explained that God was calling them to minister to the community through the expansion of their Christian school. Cross is excited to support the school expansion and in the process carry out the Great Commission set forth in Matthew 28:19: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” We have seen firsthand how God is using Donie and Casa Bernabé to change lives. Together we can continue to do the work of Christ and bless those around us through the expansion of the school at Casa Bernabé! 12 CASA BERNABÉ | THE MINISTRY & THE SOLUTION PROJECT 0898 A Life Transformed by Christ Marisol Ramos, 18, knows what it means to be lonely and without hope. “I had no dreams before I came to Casa Bernabé. I felt like I had no future.” Marisol spent most of her life moving around with her mother, who was just a teenager when Marisol was born. Marisol’s mother separated from her father when she was a baby. They lived in abandoned shacks, with neighbors, even on the street at times. Marisol’s mother would leave her for weeks at a time with her elderly grandmother while she moved around for work cleaning houses. “My life was very difficult,” Marisol recalls. “I never felt truly loved.” School was never an option for Marisol because of her family’s poverty. “I would never have been able to attend school if I hadn’t come to Casa Bernabé,” says Marisol, who is now in the sixth grade. “I would have ended up doing whatever job I Marisol helps with the babies living at Casa Bernabé, and she also helps cook could to survive for the rest of my for all the children. life like my mother.” At age 12 Marisol began attending the Christian school at Casa Bernabé. She loves school, especially her teachers. “They are more than teachers. They are friends. They care if I’m successful. They want to hear about my problems.” Since coming to Casa Bernabé six years ago, Marisol has undergone a complete transformation. “I learned here what it was like to have a family.” She now has dreams, and she knows she will never be alone with God in her life. Marisol loves to cook and hopes to be a chef one day. “I feel like the other girls here are my sisters. I love it here. I have family here.” Marisol knew very little about God before she came to Casa Bernabé. She yearned to feel the love of God but had never experienced it. “My life totally changed when I came here. All the bad in my life went away. I am happy now. I have learned so much about God. I have Christ in my heart, and I no longer feel alone. I know he will always love me.” 13 He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done. Proverbs 19:17 14 CASA BERNABÉ PROJECT 0898 SECTION III JOIN OUR SCHOOL EXPANSION CAMPAIGN • Give Comfort and Hope • Casa Bernabé School Construction Budget • School Expansion Plans • Sponsorship Opportunities “Casa Bernabé Christian School saved my life! I had no future before I came here. My family is poor, and we were barely surviving. Now with an education I can become someone and make life better for my family. Without this school, I would never have that opportunity.” Emanuel Davila, 13, a sixth grader at the Casa Bernabé Christian School 15 CASA BERNABÉ | JOIN OUR SCHOOL EXPANSION CAMPAIGN PROJECT 0898 Give Comfort and Hope Education is probably the single most important thing that can be given to fight poverty and ensure long-term development. With an education, the poor are empowered. They are eventually able to provide for themselves, put a safe roof over their heads, offer education to their children and buy necessities such as clothing and medical care. When children are given the tools to be successful, they can grow into adults who will pull themselves, their families and their communities out of poverty. Offering a Christian education, which combines earthly knowledge with the wisdom of Christ’s teachings, can truly transform lives. Proverbs 24:14 tells us that with wisdom comes a future and hope — “Know that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” You have the opportunity to offer this precious gift to children who are experiencing unimaginable pain and have little to hope for in life. Casa Bernabé is changing lives and offering the healing power of Christ to children like Giovanny and Marisol. There are hundreds more impoverished children desperately waiting to receive life-changing education. Please help us expand Casa Bernabé’s Christian school by building 10 new classrooms, a music room and a science lab. With your support, we can double the school’s classroom space and allow 300 more children to attend. Donie Hernandez and her team have dedicated their lives to meeting the needs of these precious Guatemalan children. Let us stand with them as brothers and sisters in Christ. Your gift can offer comfort, healing, education and a future to children desperate for hope. It can “defend the cause of the weak and fatherless” and “deliver them from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 82:3-4). Through your act of compassion, innocent children can be saved and experience a life-changing miracle. Our Campaign Goal is $110,000 • It will cost $216,583 to more than double the school’s existing space, adding 10 new classrooms, a music room, a science lab and new bathrooms. • Casa Bernabé will raise $106,583 toward the expansion and needs the help of Cross and friends like you to complete the project. • With $110,000, Donie and her team at Casa Bernabé will be able to complete the expansion of their school and open its doors to 300 children in desperate need of education and hope. • Each 483 square-foot classroom will cost $8,497 to build. Please see the next pages for a detailed breakdown of the project budget and the expansion plans. 16 CASA BERNABÉ | JOIN OUR SCHOOL EXPANSION CAMPAIGN PROJECT 0898 Casa Bernabé School Construction Budget ITEM COST Building Materials and Fixtures Concrete Steel frame Zinc (roofing, ceiling materials) $10,286 $86,450 $627 Total $97,363 Construction Concrete slab (cement floor between floors) Electrical wiring (14 units) Potable water installation (16 units) Drain installation (16 units) Final touches $11,395 $581 $531 $1,595 $22,814 Total $36,916 Labor (including design plans, architects, engineers, $72,304 legal and construction management, professional fees) Total Construction Budget $206,583 Cross International project management $10,000 Total Project Budget $216,583 Amount to be Raised by Casa Bernabé $106,583 Total Cross International Campaign Budget $110,000 The site of the existing school. The plan is to expand by adding a larger second story on top of the current building. This design was the most cost-effective way to expand and preserve the recreation space in front of the current school building. 17 CASA BERNABÉ | JOIN OUR SCHOOL EXPANSION CAMPAIGN PROJECT 0898 School Expansion Plans View of an Individual Classroom Each classroom will be 23 feet wide by 21 feet deep — approximately 483 square feet — enough to accommodate up to 30 students. Side View of the Proposed School Expansion The second story addition will sit on top of the existing school building with a strong concrete foundation in between. The roof of the existing school building will be removed and used to create the roof of the second story, a plan that will save money and material resources. The two stories will be connected by a stairway on each end of the building. In addition to 10 larger classrooms, a science lab and a music room, the second story will also have a section of new bathrooms and a covered walkway. 18 CASA BERNABÉ | JOIN OUR SCHOOL EXPANSION CAMPAIGN PROJECT 0898 Sponsorship Opportunities Help us bring comfort and hope to orphans and other impoverished children living in Guatemala through the expansion of Casa Bernabé Christian School. Your gift will not only help children receive a valuable Christian education, it will also transform their lives through Christ’s healing and love! Total amount needed: $110,000 Campaign Goal: $110,000 Sponsorship Levels $21,012 Love Sponsor: Help build a new classroom, providing space for 30 additional students; as well as a Music Room or Science Lab for more than 300 students. $16,994 Joy Sponsor: Build two new classrooms, providing space for 60 additional students to attend school. $10,000 Compassion Sponsor: Help build two classrooms, providing space for 32 additional students to attend school. $5,000 Tenderness Sponsor: Help build a classroom, providing space for 16 additional students to attend school. $2,500 Fellowship Sponsor: Help build a classroom, providing space for 8 additional students to attend school. $1,250 Comfort Sponsor: Help build a classroom, providing space for 4 additional students to attend school. If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Philippians 2:1-2 Our Promise to You! Proceeds from this campaign will be used to cover any expenditures for this project incurred during the current calendar year. If project costs extend into next year or beyond, sufficient funds from this campaign will be carried over to cover those expenses. In the event that more funds are raised than needed to fully fund this project the excess funds, if any, will be used where needed most. 19 [rj1306] We consider every donation as a gift from God, and ourselves as honored stewards of those gifts. The following organizations can attest to Cross International’s faithful stewardship of God’s precious resources: Delivering Food, Shelter and Hope to the Poorest of the Poor 600 SW 3rd Street, Suite 2201 • Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Michele Sagarino, Vice President for Development: 800-391-8545 ext. 140