June-July 2016 Newsletter
June-July 2016 Newsletter
June/July 2016 The Compass Worship with us Sundays at 9:00am Fellowship following St. John Lutheran Church June through August, there will be a Midweek Prayer Service on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:00pm. 901 Eleventh Street Mosinee, WI 54455 Phone: 715-693-3420 Email: [email protected] www.stjohnmosinee.org A Summer Travel Worship Service is available for you to take with you for those times when you aren’t near church. The service includes a Gospel reading for each week. Staff Bulletins are available on the back sanctuary table or in the office. Pastor: Rev. Marilyn Lange Council President: Ron Klinner Office Manager: Amy Hanson Custodians: John and Jewel Jennings Office Hours Monday—Thursday 8:00am-3:00pm Are you traveling this summer? Worship in the Park Sunday, July 10th 10:30am River Park VFW Shelter Potluck picnic lunch to follow. Bring your lawn chairs, utensils and plates, beverages, and a dish to share. Bring your friends and neighbors. Join us for a wonderful time of worship and fellowship! A traditional service will be held at St John at 9:00am. From the Pastor………….Page 2 Youth & Family...………...Page 3 St John News…………..….Page 4 Committee News………...Page 5 St John & Community….Page 6 People…………………….....Page 7 June Calendar…………....Page 8 July Calendar……………...Page 9 Ministry Schedule….....Page 10 Submit articles to [email protected] or to the church office ALL ARE WELCOME St. John Lutheran Church Summer Kick-off Sunday, June 5, 2016 Time: 10am-2pm 901 11th Street Fellowship, Food, Crafts, Games, Bouncy House, Puppets, Family Olympics, Tractor Train Ride We will provide paper plates, napkins, utensils, cups, hamburgers, hot dogs and a beverage. There is a sign up sheet for bringing a dish or dessert to share. Any questions please contact the church office 715-693-3420 Spirituality ● Community ● Mission ● Caring/Helping/Loving ● Action From the Pastor A classic George Gershwin song declares, “Summertime, and the livin' is easy…” Summer is a time when we enjoy taking it easy. School is out. Sunny days outnumber the cloudy ones. Campgrounds re-open. The cabin awaits. Vacations beckon us. When we travel during the summer, we may find ourselves visiting other faith communities for worship. Excellent! Enjoy those experiences. Or we may find ourselves in remote areas far removed from any church building or faith community. We at St. John certainly miss those who are not present with us in worship each week. To help maintain our connectedness and facilitate worship for families who are traveling, we’ve created a resource for you to use during your travels. If you are on the road and unable to worship with a faith community, then worship God in the woods, in the car or wherever you are! Copies of a summer travel order of worship are available in the rear of the sanctuary and in the church office. For those staying put, staycations are great, too! And we at St. John are by no means “taking it easy” this summer. There are many exciting opportunities to worship and serve: We will recognize our graduates and have a summer kick-off party complete with a bounce house on June 5th. On June 12th we will send several of our youth off to confirmation camp. On the 19th of June we will pray for blessings upon our group heading out on a mission trip that week. During July we will worship and fellowship together in the park on July 10th. Vacation Bible School will be happening the first week of August. So many things are happening! And of course we hope to see you for midweek evening prayer on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month and at Sunday worship at 9:00 AM. May God continue to bless you abundantly this summer. See you in church! Blessings, Pastor Marilyn S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E Page 2 Youth & Family Vacation Bible School August 1-5 9:00am-12:00pm Join Radar and all his friends for amazing experiments, surprising adventures, incredible music, new friends, spelunker sports, and lip-smacking snacks. Open to participants age 4 to 5th grade. Call the church office to pre-register. 715-693-3420 3rd—6th Grade Lock-in The Equal Exchange Boutique is always open. Shop at your convenience for delicious coffee, tea, and chocolate products. Prices are posted and payment may be placed in the top drawer. Thank you for supporting small scale farmers to earn a fair price for their crops, learn sustainable farming techniques, support their families and invest in their communities through Lutheran World Relief. Where: St John Church When: August 5th-6th Time: 7:00pm Friday Pickup: 10:00am Saturday Pre-K—2nd Grade Kids Camp Where: St John Church When: August 8th Time: 9:00am—12:00pm For more information contact Robin Bauman Chapel on the Lakes A Unique Worship Experience Sponsored by Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor Marilyn is preaching July 27th! Waupaca with area pastors preaching Wednesdays at 6:00pm - June 8th thru August 10th For a full schedule, contact the office. Clear Water Harbor N2757 County Trunk QQ, in King Reservations on a first come, first serve basis starting at 5:15pm at the reservation table near the playground. Please use the parking lot across the street. Free Will Offering Page 3 S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E St. John News South African Companions Visiting Area Conference Congregations June 26th—July 10th Event Schedule—All are welcome Worship and Fellowship in area congregations Sundays July 3rd and July 10th Contact the church office for places and times Concert in Wausau, Tuesday, July 5th 6:30pm at Saint Andrew, Wausau Concert in Tomahawk, Friday, July 8th 4:30pm for brat fry with concert following, place TBD Farewell Service Saturday, July 9th 1:00pm at St John Lutheran Church, Marion LWR Donations Keep in mind when spring cleaning that the quilters can put to good use light weight blankets, soft mattress pads, and good used sheets, preferably colored sheets. These are used as fillers and backs on LWR quilts. We are still collecting bars of soap thru September. This is a big need for LWR. Thank you, Quilting Angels Eucharistic Ministers bring communion to our homebound members and those in the hospital. Bringing the sacrament to those unable to be present with us in worship reminds them of their connection to our faith community. These visits, prayers, and sharing of the sacrament are rewarding and meaningful to all who receive visits as well as those visiting. We would welcome more Eucharistic Ministers as our list of homebound and hospitalized members is ever evolving. Training will be provided on Tuesday, June 21 at 1:00 PM or on Tuesday, July 19 at 1:00 PM. Please contact Pastor Marilyn or the church office if you are interested in attending one of these sessions. Congratulations Confirmands The following students were confirmed on May 15, 2016 Connor Baumann Carley Holzem Chloe Miland Matthew Olson Alex Pellowski Quinn Seeger Emerald Will Planning ahead for the Chili Dinner. All types of crafts are requested. Please share your talents to help those in the Mosinee Community. The Chili Dinner with Silent Auction and Craft Sale will be on Saturday evening, November 5th, 2016. Pastoral Care The Church is here to share in good times and bad. Please call the office with birth announcements, prayer requests, hospital admissions and discharges, or with any other information that would allow us to show care and support. In times of difficulty and crisis contact Pastor Marilyn. Notify the church immediately if there is an emergency. If the office is closed, the telephone message will provide an emergency number. After receiving your message, Pastor Marilyn will contact you as soon as possible. These students are graduating from high school this year: Dylan Bednar* Bo Schmidt Cheyenne Gunseor* Zoe Sippl* Tanner Johnson Jasmine Valenta* Ty Johnson Hannah Welsh* Hunter Pankratz* Chase Wiedow Bryce Rheinschmidt * Denotes Endowment scholarship recipient Congratulations to all graduates on your important achievements! We will be honoring all graduates at the 9:00am service on Sunday, June 5th. Please let the office know if you will attend. S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E Page 4 Committee News Offering and Attendance To meet our ministry support commitments, St. John needs approximately $3,846 each week or an average of $16,667 each month. May Offering/Attendance Week of: Attendance Giving May 1st 130 $3947.26 May 8th 120 $3827.00 May 15th 156 $4688.54 May 22nd 84 $1796.00 Contact the church office to volunteer. $14,258.80 Additional May offerings received and distributed within the church, synod, ELCA, and globally. Confirmation Camp Registration $570, Endowment $24, Memorial $30, Pastor’s Discretionary Fund $300, Rent $1206.50, Synod Assembly Paper $20 We are always looking for adults willing to help count the church offering. Talk to Amy if you are interested. If you would like to help keep our lawn mowed, ther e is a sign up on the back table in the sanctuary. We are in need of fellowship hosts. The sign up is on the board next to the large kitchen window. There are many ways to help during worship. Let the office know if you would like to acolyte, read during worship or set up communion for Wednesday worship. Thrivent Choice dollars donated: May $0.00: $ YTD $2832.00 Thank you! Remember, you can assign your Thrivent Choice dollars to St. John Lutheran Church. Contact your agent or go to choice.thrivent.com/cp/myax/count.aspx for more information. Pastor Marilyn is looking for confirmation mentors for the next school year. Talk to Pastor if you are interested. Piggly Wiggly donates a percentage of every receipt turned in to our church. Please save and bring in your receipts. Church Council August newsletter articles due July 11th. Page 5 May 9, 2016 Dennis Dunham discussed information about the fall directory Welcomed nine new members during the previous month Discussed adding staff and council member pictures to the website Endowment awarded 6 scholarships Endowment had a CD come due; it will be rolled over into a new CD Fire Inspection showed four exit signs near the office were non-compliant. Update: four new exit signs were installed Working on scheduling a Woodchucks outing Next meetings: June 6th at 5:30pm July no formal meeting—council retreat Volunteers are always needed and welcome! May 29th Total Monthly Giving Pastor Marilyn Lange Ron Klinner—President Mark Schommer— Vice President Tasha Beestman—Secretary Bob Brod Chuck Kyhos Mary Neumann Barb Welsh S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E St John & Community News Take Me Out To the Ball Game We are getting together for a night of food, drink and Woodchucks Baseball! Join us at the ball park, Thursday, August 11th, at 6:35pm as the Woodchucks take on the Kenosha Kingfish at home. Tickets are $10.50 and include ticket for block reserved seat, hat, hot dog and soda. If interested, a sign-up sheet is located in the back of the church, or call or email the church office at 715-693-3420 or [email protected] The Central Wisconsin Children’s Theatre presents “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat” Sunday, June 19 at 7:00pm Monday, June 20 at 2:00pm & 7:00pm Tuesday, June 21 at 7:00pm Tickets are $12 for adults $10 for seniors and students Limited seating tickets available online at showtix4u.com or by calling 715-842-4416 Page 6 S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E People If you would like to receive weekly prayer requests by email, please contact Lori Kyhos at 715-693-6543 or call or email the church office to sign up. Each week the prayer list is updated to add those in need of prayer to your daily devotions. Please continue to pray for the following members of our church family and their families. If you or someone you know would like to be added to our prayer list or would benefit from a pastoral call, Alley Thannig Don Hedke Esther Baehr Mary Hartman Jim Gorecki Helen Hoffman Donna Dean Chuck Lawson Joan Carlson Dave Jaeger J u n e 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 9 9 11 11 11 12 12 12 14 14 14 Jenna Klinner Bill Kauth Halley Newman Cameron Springer Allison Sternot Heidi Olson Alan Bergmann Macee Beste Samantha Will Betty Fowler Jessica Krcmar Todd Valenta Myia Berndt August Kersten Nancy Cihlar April Michalik Daniel Buelow Max Gillette Jared Thomas Quintin Schommer Carrie Schwantes Zoe Sippl Kathy Beestman Mitchell Brehmer Griffin Grohall Sharyn Wetzel Ruth Ganser Swede Swanson Len Luedke Alvin Fritz Vivian Davis Nancy Nechuta Carole Valenta Gene Thanig 14 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 21 21 22 22 22 24 24 24 25 27 27 28 29 29 29 30 30 Don Kulas Richard Boushon Josh Botwinski Lisa Kennedy Rita Warner Theresa Helbach Bertha Anderson Monie & Clayton Blom Susie Neumann Michael L Doll 1 Jesse Dunham 16 Rebecca Krause 1 Jenna Gornicke 16 Logan Pankratz 3 Amanda Lutz 16 Paula Sopiarz 5 Parker Blank 18 Holly Malinowski Kim Kluz 5 Jacci Buelow 19 Mikayla Koskey Gatlin Rogers 5 Helen Hoffman 21 Jean Abel McKenzie Valenta 5 Miram Lenz 21 Reilly Davis 5 William Valenta 21 Garrett Shupe 6 Wil Hytry 22 Jason Benn Tim Thompson 6 Melissa Miland 22 Evelyn Fay Dan Thorstenson 6 Eric Wolf 22 Jessie Fisher Peter Lutz 7 David Oelke III 25 Julie Klinner 7 Barb Welsh 27 Colleen Beestman 8 Amy Thorstenson 27 Dan Cottrell Alan Aden 9 Corey Brehmer 27 Lola Doll Kevin Krueger 10 Jeanne Dunham 27 Kimberly Krueger Richard Fay 10 Chloe Miland 28 Boe Berndt 13 Mark Plath 30 Erik Hanson 14 Brayden Hoen 30 Nola Hoen-Kipp Kiarra Kennedy 14 Myrna Schwantes 31 Kristin Woller Tanner Obremski 15 Chuck Lawson Betsy Hoen Clayton Sternot Ruth Ganser Amy Rheinschmidt Anthony Aden Alyssa Thompson Alycia Koskey Cheryl Newman Michael Schmidt Peggy Raymond Nolan Eul-Nelson Chad Schmidt Jasmine Valenta S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E J u l y Page 7 St John Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Pd Mosinee, WI Permit #3 901 Eleventh Street Mosinee, WI 54455 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED June/July November2016 2013Newsletter Newsletter June/July 2016 Ministry Schedule Acolytes Ushers Lectors Communion Sun. 6/5 9:00am Eli Miland Verlyn & Myrna Schwantes Myrna Schwantes Mary Neumann Sun. 6/12 9:00am Dannica Shupe Aaron & Heather Will Jeanne Dunham Sun. 6/19 9:00am Cailin Grohall Terry & Robin Bauman Sun. 6/26 9:00am Tyler Sternot Sun. 7/3 9:00am Fellowship Altar Guild Counters Volunteer Mabel Daugaard Sharon Brod Bill Kauth David Fritz Ron, Julie, Jenna Klinner Keith & Audrey Creuziger Becky Sternot Amy Wolf Mary Neumann Sharon Brod Al Aden Jason & Robin Shupe Ingrid Knechtsberger Dan & Janet Cottrell Julie Klinner Jean Kruse Joyce Kauth Mabel Daugaard Bill & Joyce Kauth Barb Welsh Bev Mannigel Becky Sternot Ellen Leiterman The Schwantes Jennifer Schommer Ellen Leiterman Bill Nechuta David Fritz Casey Gunseor Bill & Joyce Kauth Bonnie Buchberger Al Aden Volunteer Jean Kruse Sharon Brod Mabel Daugaard Sharon Brod Sun. 7/10 9:00am Park Connor Schommer Church—Bob & Sharon Brod Park— Lisa Kennedy Brian & Lisa Kennedy Scott Seeger Volunteer Jennifer Schommer Becky Sternot David Fritz Mabel Daugaard Sun. 7/17 9:00am Cailin Grohall Ron & Julie Klinner Ingrid Knechtsberger Ian & Barb Welsh Ingrid Knechtsberger Volunteer Janet Cottrell Julie Klinner Mike Rust Bill Nechuta Sun. 7/24 9:00am Tyler Sternot Mark & Connor Schommer Mark Schommer Ellen Leiterman Bev Mannigel Volunteer Mabel Daugaard Joyce Kauth Mary Neumann Joyce Kauth Sun. 7/31 9:00am Dannica Shupe Jason & Robin Shupe Jill Plath Terry & Robin Bauman Rob Pankratz Volunteer Bill Nechuta Please check with Mabel Sharon Daugaard If you would like to serve for Fellowship Hour, please sign up on the small bulletin board by the Kitchen serving window.
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August 2016 Newsletter - St John Lutheran Church
From the Pastor………….Page 2
Youth & Family...………...Page 3
St John News…………..….Page 4
Committee News………...Page 5
Synod Connections……..Page 6
St John & Community….Page 7
People…………………….....Page 8