August 2016 Newsletter - St John Lutheran Church
August 2016 Newsletter - St John Lutheran Church
August 2016 The Compass Worship with us in August Sundays at 9:00am Fellowship following St. John Lutheran Church 901 Eleventh Street Mosinee, WI 54455 Phone: 715-693-3420 Email: [email protected] Staff Pastor: Rev. Marilyn Lange Council President: Ron Klinner Office Manager: Amy Hanson Custodians: John and Jewel Jennings Office Hours Monday—Thursday 8:00am-3:00pm From the Pastor………….Page 2 Youth & Family...………...Page 3 St John News…………..….Page 4 Committee News………...Page 5 Synod Connections……..Page 6 St John & Community….Page 7 People…………………….....Page 8 Wednesday evening worship will resume September 14th at 7:15pm Looking ahead...September 4th & 11th 9:00am worship September 18th we change to two services at 8:00 & 10:30am Are you traveling this summer? A Summer Travel Worship Service is available for you to take with you for those times when you aren’t near church. The service includes a Gospel reading for each week. Bulletins are available on the back sanctuary table or in the office. Vacation Bible School August 1-5 9:00am-12:00pm Join Tad and all his friends for amazing experiments, surprising adventures, incredible music, new friends, spelunker sports, and lip-smacking snacks. Open to participants age 4 to 5th grade. Call the church office to pre-register. 715-693-3420 3rd—6th Grade Lock-in Where: St John Church When: August 5th-6th Time: 7:00pm Friday Pickup: 10:00am Saturday Calendar………….............Page 9 Ministry Schedule….....Page 10 Submit articles to [email protected] or to the church office Pre-K—2nd Grade Kids Camp Where: St John Church When: August 8th Time: 9:00am—12:00pm For more information contact Robin Bauman Spirituality ● Community ● Mission ● Caring/Helping/Loving ● Action From the Pastor Coming soon to St. John: The Story How well do you know the greatest story ever told – the story of God’s abiding and redeeming work in the world throughout human history? How do we make sense of the Bible? How does it all fit together? The Story brings together every book, every chapter and every verse of the Bible. Starting in September 2016, you are invited to join us as we embark on a journey into God’s Word using The Story. Sounds great! How does it work? Everyone will be encouraged to obtain a copy of the book, The Story, which is an abridged version of the Bible (NIV) arranged in chronological order. We’ll ask for a suggested donation of $10 to cover the cost. Starting on Sunday, September 18, 2016, our weekly worship services will focus on one chapter in The Story. Throughout each week, various classes and groups will meet to discuss the chapter. There will be many opportunities to get involved. What can we do to get ready? Pick up a copy of The Story and start reading! We have numerous copies available at St. John. Come to worship! We will kick off the series on Sunday, September 18, 2016. From there, we will explore one chapter a week with short breaks for Reformation, All Saints Day, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost Sunday. The Story series will extend into next summer as there are 31 chapters to discover. To fully experience The Story, don’t miss a week. See you in church! Blessings, Pastor Marilyn S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E Page 2 Youth & Family Sunday School kids can enjoy an activity and meet their teachers while parents register the kids for Sunday School Third graders will receive their Bibles during worship at 9:00am. Please plan to attend. God’s Work Our Hands / Rally Sunday September 11th at 10:00am Worship at 9:00am Join us to work together on a service project to honor first responders in our area. Contact Robin Bauman or Julie Klinner for more information or to volunteer to help. Sunday School Schedule for 2016-17 Sunday, August 28th Classes will not be held the first Sunday of the month. Join us those Sundays October thru March for the Youth Fundraising Breakfast. 9:00am service Holidays with no Sunday School November 27, 2016 - Thanksgiving weekend December 25, 2016—Christmas Day January 1, 2017—New Year’s Day April 16, 2017—Easter Last day of Sunday school will be April 30, 2017 Watch your mail for a complete schedule. Attention Students! Bring your backpacks to worship for a back-to-school blessing. We will also bless the students and teachers. We hope that you will join us and be a part of this special day! Attention Everyone! Confirmation is Starting in September! We are looking for Sunday School Superintendents starting with the 2017-18 school year. Please watch your mailbox for more details. To find out more about the position, talk to Robin Bauman or Julie Klinner. New and second year students and parents will attend one of two “Welcome to Confirmation” orientation sessions: Wednesday, August 31 at 6:00pm Wednesday, September 7 at 6:00pm Fall 2016 Confirmands will attend a mandatory retreat Saturday, October 8 from 9:00am to 1:00pm Please call the church office to verify your attendance at one of these events. Confirmation day is Sunday, October 30 during the 10:30am service. Page 3 S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E St. John News Wednesday Worship Schedule Due to low attendance, Council has cancelled the Wednesday worship services for the remainder of the summer. Baptisms Wyatt Allen Raasch 06/12/2016 New Members Wednesday evening worship will resume September 14th at 7:15pm. Pastor Marilyn is looking for confirmation mentors for this next school year. If you are interested in being a mentor, or want more information, contact Pastor Marilyn. LWR Donations Keep in mind when cleaning that the quilters can put to good use light weight blankets, soft mattress pads, and good used sheets, preferably colored sheets. These are used as fillers and backs on LWR quilts. We are still collecting bars of soap thru September. This is a big need for LWR. Thank you, Quilting Angels Randy and Melissa Raasch 06/12/2016 Planning ahead for the Chili Dinner. All types of crafts are requested. Please share your talents to help those in the Mosinee Community. The Chili Dinner with Silent Auction and Craft Sale will be on Saturday evening, November 5th, 2016. Pastoral Care The Church is here to share in good times and bad. Please call the office with birth announcements, prayer requests, hospital admissions and discharges, or with any other information that would allow us to show care and support. In times of difficulty and crisis contact Pastor Marilyn. Notify the church immediately if there is an emergency. If the office is closed, the telephone message will provide an emergency number. After receiving your message, Pastor Marilyn will contact you as soon as possible. Take Me Out To the Ball Game We are getting together for a night of food, drink and Woodchucks Baseball! Join us at the ball park, Thursday, August 11th, at 6:35pm as the Woodchucks take on the Kenosha Kingfish at home. Tickets are $10.50 and include ticket for block reserved seat, hat, hot dog and soda. If interested, a sign-up sheet is located in the back of the church, or call or email the church office at 715-693-3420 or [email protected] Please make checks payable to St John and pick up your tickets in the church office. S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E Page 4 Committee News Offering and Attendance To meet our ministry support commitments, St. John needs approximately $3,846 each week or an average of $16,667 each month. June/July Offering/Attendance Week of: Attendance Giving June 5th 112 $3326.00 June 12th 105 $2142.00 June 19th 86 $3089.00 June 26th 71 $2338.00 July 3rd 72 $3007.00 July 10th 85 $3040.00 July 17th 82 $4138.00 July 24th 75 $2732.11 July 31st Total Monthly Giving June 6, 2016 Exit signs were updated in the office end of building to comply with code Discussed sound system, getting a bid Discussed replacing curb by old driveway Discussed Pastor Marilyn’s insurance options Will replace office cabinets in stages to increase storage July meeting was an off-site retreat, no report Next meeting: August 10th at 5:30pm Thank you! Totals: Dowe Tillema has stepped down from the Personnel Committee as member and chair. Thank you, Dowe, for your time and service to this ministry. June $10,895.00 Scott Seeger has agreed to join the Personnel Committee and assume the chair position. Thank July $12,917.11 you, Scott, for your willingness to share your time and talents. See right Additional offerings received and distributed within the church, synod, ELCA, and globally. June—Bldg. Rent $2022.50, Endowment $24 Pastor’s Discretionary Fund $500 July—Bldg. Rent $649, Endowment $24, Woodchucks Tickets $126 Thrivent Choice dollars donated: June $22.00 July $0.00 YTD $2854.00 Thank you! Volunteers are always needed and welcome! We are always looking for adults willing to help count the church offering. Talk to Amy if you are interested. We are in need of fellowship hosts. The sign up is on the board next to the large kitchen window. There are many ways to help during worship. Let the office know if you would like to acolyte, read during worship or set up communion for Wednesday worship. Remember, you can assign your Thrivent Choice dollars to St. John Lutheran Church. Contact your agent or go to for more information. Pastor Marilyn is looking for confirmation mentors for the next school year. Talk to Pastor if you are interested. Piggly Wiggly donates a percentage of every receipt turned in to our church. Please save and bring in your receipts. Church Council September newsletter articles due August 15th. Page 5 Pastor Marilyn Lange Ron Klinner—President Mark Schommer— Vice President Tasha Beestman—Secretary Bob Brod Chuck Kyhos Mary Neumann Barb Welsh S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E Synod Connections Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. These words were my Facebook post in the immediate aftermath of the shootings of the police officers in Dallas, those deaths coming just days after the disturbing deaths of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota. The news sucked the breath right out of me and left me speechless. Kyrie, eleison. Christe, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. The words are called the Kyrie, which is Greek for Lord. The roots of this prayer go back to the time of the early Church around the 4th or 5th century as I recall. The deacon or assisting minister would offer prayers, imploring God's help and intervention for the Church and the world. After each petition the congregation would respond with Kyrie, eleison. Over time the responses evolved into a brief prayer that is more a simple cry and plea for help: Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. There are times when the problems in the world cause us to despair. Yet we are never without hope and we are never helpless. We have the promise, power and presence of God who in the mercy and love of Jesus Christ forgives and saves. There is no denying the problems before this nation are great. There is a sickness in the land that shows itself in arrogance, callousness and poisonous rhetoric. In the face of this sickness I pray God's mercy to bring us to our knees in humility. We need God our Savior to help us respect and honor people whose life experiences have been different from our own. We need the presence and counsel of the Risen Christ to give us courage to speak the truth in love and work for justice and peace in the world. The voices behind Black Lives Matter have legitimate concerns. All of us are called to respect and listen to those voices. The men and women of our police departments serve to uphold and enforce the laws of this land. All of us are called to respect, support and help those who enforce the law. Yet we are all part of broken and sinful humanity and in need of God's mercy and help. While we have made enormous progress in this country, the vestiges of slavery and our racist past continue among us in matters of poverty, education, health care and economic justice. We have work to do as a Church and as a country. In humility before God we can critically reflect upon our lives and our country's commitment to justice and peace for all. I am grateful the Kyrie has been restored in the early part of our worship. In the liturgy in Evangelical Lutheran Worship we pray, "In peace, let us pray to the Lord." And in brief but encompassing petitions we implore God to come to our aid with peace for the whole world and for the well-being of the Church of God and for the unity of all. "Help, save, comfort and defend us, gracious God." Amen. S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E Page 6 St John & Community News Lay School is Starting Soon! School Supply Do you wish for a greater understanding of what it Collection means to be Lutheran? Are you continuing to look for The Youth and meaning and God’s purpose in your life? Family team will In our ever-changing society, there is a growing need for empowered and equipped laity. The Central be collecting Lay School of Ministry offers just that! school supplies Classes are taught by seminary professors and through the ordained clergy with special areas of expertise. month of August Classes are held at Saint Andrew Lutheran Church to be donated to local schools to help kids in Rib Mountain. get the school year off to a great start. You can register for the two-year program (four classes at a time, meeting one weekend per month Donations can be left in the school donations through the school year) or choose one or more box in the back of the sanctuary. classes that interest you. Talk to Pastor Marilyn, call Mary Neumann 715-573Thank you for supporting our youth! 9516, or check us out at A Senior Home Safety Program is being offered to help seniors live more safely in their homes. This new program will assist homeowners ages 60 and over by installing grab bars and/or hand railings to reduce falls within the home. We work closely with qualified volunteers to make simple safety related home repairs or modifications at no charge to the homeowner. If you or someone you know could use this program or is interested in volunteering, call Faith in Action of Marathon County at 715-848-8783. Page 7 S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E People If you would like to receive weekly prayer requests by email, please contact Lori Kyhos at 715-693-6543 or call or email the church office to sign up. Each week the prayer list is updated to add those in need of prayer to your daily devotions. Please continue to pray for the following members of our church family and their families. If you or someone you know would like to be added to our prayer list or would benefit from a pastoral call, Alley Thannig Don Hedke Esther Baehr Mary Hartman Jim Gorecki Helen Hoffman Donna Dean Chuck Lawson Dave Jaeger Sharyn Wetzel Swede Swanson Len Luedke Alvin Fritz Vivian Davis Nancy Nechuta Carole Valenta Richard Boushon Josh Botwinski Lisa Kennedy Rita Warner Theresa Helbach Bertha Anderson Michael L Doll Michael Orlikowski Kim Meyer Jewel Jennings Joan Carlson Gus Rashka 1 Bev Riedel 15 Vicki Hay 23 Bonnie Buchberger 2 Carol Johnson 15 Rick Menning 23 Doug Cottrell II 2 Monica Suroviak 17 Christine Kyhos 23 Verlyn Schwantes 5 Darren Krzanowski 17 Audrey Luedtke 24 Karen Butgereit 5 Roger Stremer 18 Jean Reed 25 Katy Doll 6 Brodey Pecha 19 Troy Wolf 25 Dan Schoepke 7 Bob Brod 20 Garry Gruhlke 27 Erica Brown 7 Cameron Lutz 20 Adriian Hoen 28 Andrew Gunseor 10 Lynn Will 20 David Tange 28 Rudy Harris 11 Cindy Sharkey 20 Alex Wiedow 28 Trey Johnson 12 Sue Grubisha 21 Sara Brown 28 Gene Thanig 13 Michael Leiterman 21 James McAllen 29 Jerrick Seeger 13 Ben Obremski 22 John Crawley 31 Peter Bielen 15 Fern Austin 22 Chuck Kyhos 31 Todd Miland S U B M I T A R T I C L E S T O S T J O HN M O S I N E E @ G M A I L . C O M O R T O T HE C HU R C H O F F I C E A u g u s t Page 8 St John Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Pd Mosinee, WI Permit #3 901 Eleventh Street Mosinee, WI 54455 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED August 2016 Newsletter November 2013 Newsletter August 2016 Ministry Schedule Acolytes Ushers Lectors Communion Fellowship Altar Guild Counters Wed. 8/3 No Worship Sun. 8/7 9:00am Brooke Baumann Chuck Kyhos Mike Rust Mary Neumann Jill & Melinda Plath Amy Wolf Becky Sternot Bill Kauth Mary Neumann Phoebe Wheeler Buck & Barb Welsh Barb Welsh Ron, Julie, & Jenna Klinner Mabel Daugaard Ellen Leiterman Sharon Brod David Fritz Mike Rust Ryan Beyer Terry & Robin Bauman Terry Bauman Rob Pankratz Mike Rust Scott Seeger Sternot Family Jean Kruse Janet Cottrell Sharon Brod Joyce Kauth Annabella Kennedy Aaron & Heather Will Myrna Schwantes Bob & Sharon Brod Linda Bergmann Volunteer Ellen Leiterman Joyce Kauth Bill Kauth Mary Neumann Wed. 8/10 No Worship Sun. 8/14 9:00am Wed. 8/17 No Worship Sun. 8/21 9:00am Wed. 8/24 No Worship Sun. 8/28 9:00am Wed. 8/31 No Worship If you would like to serve for Fellowship Hour, please sign up on the small bulletin board by the Kitchen serving window.
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