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*%$$&*& i«w^<iittjiiwimc>iii w win'ii iQtiim i -l*l'- | / |L " ,t ^W*"<ftiTWi>iWutu.'B <>MiiffaiwiiwiQiiH; wy*»»^j»« *»• '3 •ai*<ft '{p'flSl-- &• ,>~m. ty year emperor will be eser ready "bend leatfier*" was past nope ror Then there was another trouble. knot. "Tanglefoot* bad I ^ t a„am r la grant her the asylum she ae©4s,** conversational purposes, = Gentie= For a*number of }^afs"0wrge3a>" and t h e loud laughter and pwlTof f-t*aft©^r-<MWa' U>6:<<MlliyOB!« aO(W •h*J man's Magazine. • • • • •. • • ton had been a contestant in the ski the spectators rang in Ms ears ns, bag; n n r leaping; ihe%as»ns •'dope* A week had passed away from the races which are the principal ntnu»e- half stunned, ho slid t o the bottom e a r r i n g Him well *tfd fast From a Be Sure of Your Yoke Fellow. deep valley he- must ehmb the next time of. the strange scene just reA fanner was training a preco- ment of the people of these counties and picked himself up. T o their range, but when hV was half -\w\ up corded. The former duke, Olga, of California in winter, but in every credit, the winners did not laugh. had been convicted of treason and cious bull calf for the work of an one he had been defeated—more, It was the .crowd on the hill, and the SQOW beaten tofajft sgaih^fcdS M ox and injudiciously put his own *i '''. was now on his way to the eternal humiliated, as twice, unable to eon- Barton took off his skis and3 avoid- h a n k i e bewwdered. Hef ^ovkl4,»of see the stars and woul&h*vi|rf a W*»fc wilds of Siberia. Bat let me 6ay head through the other end of the trol his long legs, he had at first ing them, walked over the mm and here he never reached the land of yoke. Evidently the caif was not wabbled, then slipped and gone was lost to sight in the shoot that t o luck. So he swimg biraself ov*r »*m^A well pleased with his working mate, tine divide aud ruahod down the, Tn*Mi lMf* fmi-Hia his banishment His proud heart down the slide upon his back amid led to his home. iaWirY*aM recognizing the disparity of the speslope*. Anotherra»gcteclimh,ajjd broke on the road, and he died, unt h e roars of laughter and gibes of SAtTftYNAlM T h a t night, as was the-Gustoni, ttill i t «now<e& and Utt^r ibv jrmd „ ^ _ known and unearned for, in a peas- cies or perhaps seeing an element the crowd of spectators. of humor in the situation, and at -*> at.—• •!.•«,*i« i t * . there was a ball, and a t the earnest r<»e a n d tossed the jmm 'jiloft ~hj ant's cot among the rugged moun"The funniest thing about it,M re- wish of his mother Long Barton great sjwctrserl wraithi-thittlisisltist to •fcwfcat *»«ft,%3ft>M.M.a«4 once started on ft,wild dash down tains of TJralia. He had begged of P.M.~t--14 t • * « < ? i t . w l t f marked the storekeeper, "is that the officer who guided him not t o through the village. The farmer George thinks he can ride and al- went. But he took no part in the his distorted vision like jhroudg, *»:**«. * l 4 3 , S * * • » l * * U j a « j \ tell his station, and the peasants could not extricate himself, and ways lays it to his skis or the 'dope.' entertainment and sat by the stpve l*ut t h a t warm bundle «o stOMJo £ & supposed they were buryinf a com- balking was out of the question, But, bless your heart, a man might and watched the merrymakers, h«art #a\e him courage, \W\\ -he mon traveler when they laid away therefore he kept to the pace of the jest as well try to ride on stilts as knowing well that he was the butt pushed on. the mortal remains of Olga in the calf and roared to the denizens of them legs of his'n. They ain't built of them all. Late at night, while Five hours he had.been travolufjjj a K J t r - ^ i r a s a*«i Hm, , the hamlet: "Here we come, darn he still looked on, a crowd gathered •teadihy. H e eould not lemsiifliey cold grave they had prepared. our fool ! Head us off, some- for skiin. They'd make a good skid at the door around a man who had Savotano, the humpbacked priest, body!"—Field and Stream. for a bridge. My, how he did tan- just armed—Beel Stacey, the stage how many ranges he, hi& pawed** «AflTirAUlUWIItOAD: ; & He ha<3 forgotten h o * ratnr ^WP?* »le up, legs and arms all in knots! tfj*tZ&S'<*& IWf irivei was executed as a common murders o was to crosa to reach the vmnt er, while his companions in crime Why don't some of you chap*-tell "Hope you folks has extra splices H o roatde oome deacentt that Mjuitoi *«*<**. 4*3' were punished as their various dehtm nature didn't intend hint to on your ehimaevs and flags OTUT* he tfealSmoua race course* nafrffwlf escrees of guilt demanded. n d e skis?" said. " I t ' s hanked 50 fesi at Ev- caping trees arid rocks, holding Q»e And now comes the closing scene. In a gloomy room, made more dis"Why don't you tell him ?" retort- ans, and the 30 foot marks on t h e arm about tho bundle, p*ttij*g it mt -1, , vW&f pi MAW luY-g. , , Within the 'srgest apartment of mal by a spluttering candle set in a ed a listener, laughing. pines* ,are covered, and it's snowing h e hewtdltft(l-mcBr-Ag«iu"iniTr*)f the ducal palace were assembled a bottle, the sides of which were cov"Waal, it ain't my business, and like it will never stop. But that's caught in an avala«eh% reaching tho brilliant company, and the emperor ered with a copious overflow of tal- I get heaps of fun out of him, but not what I come for, he continued, bottom waist .deep in snow* t h e baby himself was master of the ceremo- loWj a young man sat, attempting to it's the truth, he ain't got any unrolling J L bundle, hlnnket after -afenogt-fettrkdr-lt-^'aa nowdayli, - —T-jhuha Antw fwai BVwast. nies. decipher the words on a small piece sense." blanket, and producing a baby tlwt and dfter digging his iejit mi h{ ux» Huric Xevel, the gunmaker of "He's entered for next week," said looked up at the men with a wonder- rolled the bundle and, protesting i\} Moscow, knelt at the emperor's feet, of paper. Near him, with her head one of the group. jM^Hm a a v a at, • 5 « ^ J « t r J i 1 ing gaze. # bent forward in an anxioua, half exgave t h e baby a ration, of th« milk, ind Peter dr?w his sword and laid "What for — t h e sweepstakes P* *A baby f they shouted in chorus, which had kept warm against h i s the glittering blade upon Ruric'a pectant attitude, was his mother, on asked the storekeeper. and half a do?on arms reached for body. 3t looked wonderingly itthSjm whose not unattractive face were shoulders, and as he did so he said: "You bet!" was the reply. "He's the child. t h o while, and George* -whtt xnew "Arise, Sir Rune, duke of Tula, the lines of toil and suffering. got some 'dope' that's like greased "Hold on, boys," said the driver; very little about babies, made? n | J u l and receive thy just titles and bond"Well. George," she finally said, lightning, and you can't get the se"business first. This I s Jim Graymind that it must be a ycr^ #w*d, td instrument*!" •"why don't you read it?" cret out of him with a team of wild son's baby. His wife oied last night, natureel one , . * The youth arose, pale and trem"I can hardly make it out, moth- horses. Gus Lindbcrg offered, him Ho dUd not realise how Tteary n * CHA*LOTT«AKDOirr«JU01 bling with the strange excitement er," her son replied, "'but it's new, $10 for a cupful, but he wouldn't and he's flat on his back. T/he cow :>f the moment, and then the emper- and he says he got the receipt from look at him, and he's given it out was killed in the snow, and there was until ho started up again. JThjen ain't any milk in this town but h « found t h a t his foot badf b^e»i -A, M.-r {*im fV^ik r or handed him a broad parchment one of the great piano makers in that he expects to win." • this," and the old driver held up a twisted and he was lame. T h e cold P, Jaf^t^.aa, hi a e j ^ j a ^ ^ ^ . . roll, with its heavy seals and vignette New York. It's the stuff that makes quart bottle. "Now, the doctor was increasing, the snow • V M finer1 "He'll win if the prize is for ty, bearing the arms of the dukedom. the cases shine so. Think of it! If eays that the only thing to save the and filled his eyes, and h& M i that •l^o, *pm «# 4«. *t#»a0 t«kjjl|, ing his legs into knots," laughed* the I could get such a polish on my skis, "Now," cried Peter, whose brow ArAn bm Ciirtwai PiiT, Storekeeper. " H e can't equal t h e "baby is to get it out where there's this was the beginning of t h e end. was flushed with the joy he himself why, Td win that $200 and pay off time he went to Miss Bates' party milk. If we don't, it will starve.'* But o a ho pressed until th& aftter> was making, "let the rest of the the mortgage and get you a thick and slipped at the head of their "Why, Seel,*' said the storekeeper noon, when tho baby cried* and. h% work go on.- Come, holy father, we cloak and all the things you need." shoot. I t was 75 feet if it was a need your help to perform the rest "Yes, (Jeorge," said the woman, a foot, and he went sliding down like in an awed whisper, " i f s. death to stopped to giye it the remainder of aflsiltat. - i ^ of the ceremonv." plight flush tingeing her pale face; a log of redwood—a mile a minute. try the mountains in such a storm!" t h o milk, looking a t j l j e little faca "So I told the doctor," replied with r e d and desperate eyes* 0» 3»e t *. w.itapivi»oir. Ruric was pale no longer. As he "but you've tried so many kinds of The front door was shut, and ho TniaaaifHa aMiNaaftCnNa 9tm\ the stage driver, "and I hayen't the ^ ^ j.^—.. ~ , - ^ went again, now runningpaowJimp^felt the warm hand of Rosalind 'dope,' and they all failed. I'm struck it feet first and landed right nerve to try it. I know what it is-— ing, plunging down the^lopeenntil trembling within his own the rich afraid it's your way of riding, dear." in the party, his legs all in knots. a man's life against the kid's. But he begau t o experience i BtrAnge blood mounted to his brow and tem"My way of riding!" exclaimed The ski races had been announced I said Fd state the case. He's a new- oppression, as though a band of iron ples, and in Ins dark #eyes the the young man, and he looked up for a week, and Long Barton had comer a t Sierra. He got here and was shout his head. Then ha seem- Aniw ftoaa Iwi A. .aC—H ptrange love light danced like re- and ran his hands through his curly entered. The grand prize was $250, flected sunbeams. ed' to hje at homo, ancbh*Ml^k-t&iak/ hair. "Why, there isn't A man in and he believed he could win it. But can't get away." "It's 50 miles to mHk if it's a Jbijj |i^t^lor:to'taJp!fJiiB: ffljby^'^' The word was spoken—the bond Plumas county who can toss more on the morning of the event his of union was made—and, after all, snow in a day, lift more, stand more, mother made some excuse for re- foot," remarked a red whiskered suduei^y s i o p ^ miner in the group, "WonVhremd tag t h a i hit ^ ^ 4 . i ! ! ! ^ i i o ^ ' $ R ^ W M ' Rosalind Valdai had becorrfe Duch- than can I." maining home and was the only wo- and water do ?" ess of Tula. The widowed mother His mother said nothing. She man in the hamlet not present nt " I t might for some," retorted t h e Thoiv^lio" ruiljod o%;;;*paj$,; $$¥% was the first to bless them, and the sighed as she looked up at the snow the races. She eould not bear to emperor came next. Then came covered windows, then glanced at witness his defeat. The course was driver, "but this b a b / s not buB^ that way. She wants milk, and she Paul and Zenobie, hand in hand. her companion with an expression on the slopes of the sierras, a splen-! won't touch anything else. T h e / v s this day, l)ut*jfchajlljfin aminy wUHs* "Aha!" spoke the happy duchess that combined pride and pity. The did hill 2,000 feet long, slippery as been trying it for days. Is there any as 6he caught the new light of Ze- young man had not overstated hia glass, and of so sharp an angle t h a t ' man here that can* suggest «ayi nobie's eye and then turned to the prowess. He was a giant, a colossus a man could not ascend it, and once t h i n g ? " And the speaker raised h i i who heard it, Long Barton unjlung in strength, seven feet tall, but so glowing face of Paul. "You are i#5tef thin, so long of limb, so strangely on it with skis, it was a race like tho voice. a foihcHe: a t t d . | p I u n | $ l J i m - * $ * ! $ playing at the game of'love." yifr^SSIfcjw. n \ * * "You will not object," whispered drawn out that for miles around ho wind for nearly half a mile, then out t Every miner present knew that it h n r i ^ H p n p p p t * f r o m ^ i d i e s ^ f ^ i on to a gradual slope into the valley, was impossible to get out of t h j • *m*. :!fB^aiptf)ca^r%^ the fair girl, hiding her face upon was known as "Long Barton" and TlfTSSBB "Tanglefoot." He was a miner, like where the little village lay buried. \ mountains, even if it was not snowthe bosom of her mistress. Every town or village in Plumas ing, until the snow had settled, lEyhis father, who had heen killed in re, "No, no, Zenobie." and Sierra counties of any preten- ery 0 n e recalled the names and item h n t t n < £ i ^ U a w y & y 1 ^ ' ^ "And you, my master," spoke an avalanche two seasons before. The winter had set in early, and a sions had a ski club, and many of 0 f men who had met death trying t o among th« blankets, with Unerring Paul, gazing eagerly into Ruric'a succession of snowstorms had buried the members were experts who had cross the sierras in storms, and for i r r t t # % i i t i g l i i . ^ | 'huXdj|-*rjbi;;pj* face, "you will not say nay." performed wonderful feats, and for few moments" no one answered; "No, no, my noble Paul. If you the little hamlet of a dozen houses this race t h e pick of every club was aThen, as the driver pulled the blan- handi of the falling Jmanv itifyM # O-raysoxi's baby was mm* rMvkfti so deep in the snow that around the :an win her, you have my consent." on hand at the top of the glassy ket over the little figure, which he *°Tangl«fobf* £artt% :_ _ *ri«V4« Barton home it was nearly 30 feet But she was won already. Laaia; aarfatt But there was yet one more to on the k vel, and the hamlet, so far slide, while an admiring-crowd of held closer to his..breast J ^ m c ^ ^ l ^ ^ Z ^ h o ^ m ^ m "to ih« t i l men, women and girls looked on. id: * * i~-*.~.. _J».I:,—^ ^ J * . , 6a lags from another iriekiup a n d who. "u8*vr»poiii<iiM(i#f rome. Conrad. Count Damonoff, as appearances went, had been wiped somewhat pale and weak, but yet on out of existence and lay with all its The curious Norwegian snowshoes,! « W e l l > i f t h e ^ y w a n t s m i l J f j understood English, laid he,* was •if. yj A. it,-which were eight feet Jong, four she's going to have it; don't you fordomestic life under the snow. The clean 'out his head arid thought h e the sure road to health, moved slowly forward and took the hand of the entire male population had dug the inches wide and half an inch thick, g e t i t j ^ % r A n d Long Barton hadvron a race*—Charles % Holder joyous bride. Then he reached forth Bartons out, as in previous winters, were being given their final polish. e d g c d through the crowd and took I n New York Evening Poat,* ^ * the other hand and took the palm of the operation consisting in begin- every contestant having his especial, t h e c h i ] d i n h i a a m g > H e r o i l e d i t IjMjpalJ^e.^',^ Ruric, and as he thus held both ning a shoot 50 feet from the front dope which was his secret. Apart! u p i n t h e coverings the stage driver LlA from the others stood Long Barton ^^m off. Th n he pulled on MucS confusion chYracWriaea t h e •sa-nA,!!. of the house, or where it was suphad Q yeWS-f."'^ •'. their hands he said: f o U o w e d % t h e nae of these two prepo#4tions» Stox"My lord and lady, and, I must posed to be, and sinking a burrow strapping on Jus skis, which had a w 8 n o w c a p ^ polish such as had never been seen I m e n t o t h e d o o r wmt m t i n t J . t h e month gives the simpleat fcnd beat say, my best of friends, let this mo- or shoot at an angle of 45 degrees i n .before. They gleamed in the sun rule concerninrtiitm which r e haw* the direction of the second story. storm. ment atone for all of darkness bewith dazzling brilliance. If "dope" It took some time to accomplish this tween us in the past. Be you hanpy "Well," exclaimed Keel Staeey, come across. He says: "Into come* counted, there were those who beboth, and may God bless you. Let after the last storm, butfinallyt h elieved that 'Tanglefoot" would win. "I'd have picked *Tanglefoot, the after a verb den^iing motion, and i n follows a verb denotinr; rest." me be accounted among vguT miners: reached the attic window, The first signal was given, and the last one for such a propogitiota, But, This g£v«a the idea oomprejaensiragiving a rousing cheer as $ r e . BarA. friends, and let the future prove men lined up, their long skis extend- boys, we've mistook hun. r He'i gjot ly, but i i must n o t oe taken UteraJton and her son appeared t o wela how grateful I can' be." lsf A.M.1I ed forward, their bodies in various said, for he's going to hif'fawtitf.S' fir^ Thus i t is eptiraly proper to rKaiiaaWsat 1 A.M. come them.From this time t h e atWjfeat fieorge>4^«toa *al$r ^ * 5 t "Aye," cried Ruric, grasping the positions. Each racer bsre a long count's hand more firmly, "let the tic window had been the front door. etaff, or" starter. Some held it on mother no one knew. Time was t h e sa;y " H * fell ^ n t h e ' s / r e a V ^ T h a * Paaatasaalfci'» **• ^ DaOv future show how grateful we can George had cut steps up the burrow, one side, some between their legs, essence of this transaction, and in a person, referred to may JbaVe vbeen &all be for the blessings of^this hour, and the Bartons, as the postmaster while others extended it ahead, and very short while he came u p t h e walking or standing still when h e and while we look to God for help remarked, were "in society again." as the wdrd was given each man shoot clad in his furs, the baby fell, H e was, however; *|n>adry m we will not fail to remember in our The chimney had been spliced with gave a mighty shove and projected wrapped in a fur bag which WAS t h e street, and therefore t h e n h a •r at prayers the author of our joys—our pieces kept for the purpose, so that himself down the terrific slide. They slunf under his arm. He carried his fell he did n o t move into i£. I f , however, he" waa in a building o r the top reached the surface of the staff in his hand, a revolver, in his noble emperor, Peter of JSussia." otherstxncture facing: tbe^treat and snow, afid as George had-piled a shot over the edge j i k e a wave of And so closed the scene as it plentiful supply of wood in the water over a fall and seemed to rash pocket for wolves, and on Ms hooted h e fell, I a n a ^ ^ » t i » ' J 1 f t m i t iMaataieesfter should—with one long, loud shout house in September and there was into space, then sank so rapidly feet were the skis which the iaeonx- would t3ten? b*, proper iox «*w/*He narable "dope" had polished 60 thai of—* As^. an abundance of candles, oil and from view that they were gone be- he could hardly stand. A moment fell into thesfereet/^ ** *~ K "God bless our emperor!" Haw wBifca provisions, things were as comforta- fore the excited onlookers realized later he was lost to view/ I n is frequently" a n adverb, and Peter never forgot that moment. ble in the' Barton home as in any i t . . The speed increased rapidly, and BaaUl* ItttNlaT I The ' same, dogged ,.; , _ in such «aies I t should be used after In the long years thereafter when house in the place 20 or more feet in 10 seconds was like that of a fast a -rerb* denoting niotjioii^ F c * erhe sometimes let t h e clouds of pas- under the snow. trotter, at 15 it was equal to the which had led Long.Barton to be- tewb, i t is correct t o say ^He caina 7 4 1 A MaaaWaMAta. .. sion settle upon his soul he rememfastest train of cars, and at 20 the lieve that he could win the race niade i n ^ o f one who had hesa askfd t o But there is a skeleton in every best men were holding then* breath, him think that he>iMfc&$ti&$M bered that scene and that shout. I t was one of the bright spots in the household, it is said, and in the Bar- as i t was impossible t o breathe at baby t o sirety* tttj&wl MS&ffb- enter a house,, J M I f a p * e j ^ t o o t i memory of his youth which he cher- ton home i t was pride and debt. such speed, and the v slightest swerve ed an fconf before-if * «ji%$btthi were to" hi used in this o o W c i i o n t h e fktmmwfMJto'iiuQ&tiBk «*• The elder Barton had left a mort- would send them off t h e track. Prom ished alwaysj -. \ THE EM). gage on the house, which was sooa the side the scene was a frightful strodl; up t a ^ ^ f « I e f ? k # g | thenotiae/'- % * _ ; * , SOipat who^will MmunVlo^tttamoto expire, and the mortgagee wished one, as it was hard to believe that forth! c e n t e r , ' ^ # * h ^ % U s | ^ f t h * ry the rtile quoted will toanlae sure Hli One Topic «f Conversation* the money. H e lived i n the city, 500 human beings could preserve their sierras, snowe^d, '•ttmWMtf^th Sir Walter Scott had a clever miles distant, and did not (W^ffOf a position and not be dashed to pieties avalanches on either side and in* a n of their ground when they him ocfriend.who Was-once utterly baffled ris* where the seenrh^ was hatlftfto under such extrenie velocity. But hour struelc the atraggan#-fjres€ casion t o use i n or into by a stranger in a stagecoach. The be crushed beneath. 3QJeet of snow, the luie gwepfon, S'few of the racers' HeJknew-iheJaresi well iwLiakJ friend, who wished to converse, as- as both Plumas and Sierra counties »*>>* ti miles, kept the trail. Them he cai sailed the stranger on all hands and were famous for heavy snowfalls,. surging ahead. Half way down, and to t h e first slope. By t h e - a i d ^ at last expostulated. " I have talked George Barton had not been able to four are in advance, two-thirds, and* S t a t he made a rap-id slide, reaching I M i A at. to you, my friend/' said he, "on all save enough money for the mort- one tall figure if leading. it so A IT. the bottom of t%fe*nypn; « ^ | MsFIL I t is Long Barton. H e is rushing a f e # seconds. . A n a thia wmMM, the ordinary subjects — literature, gage. Avalanches had covered the nSmi farming, merchandise, gaming, mines and kept him from work. with the speed of light. The new his e x ^ r i e n c e - ^ H m b i a r $&$$& "dope" is carrying him on t o victogame laws, horse races, suits at law, Then one night in returning home ing. T h e next hill was m solt^hal\$ politics and swindling, blasphemy he could not find the shoot and pad ry. He knew it; his teeth were set; he wae breathing hard when h e tassiMMRS and philosophy. I s there any one wandered off and when discovered his heart was i n , his mouth—the reached half way. Then he felt * r.W Pahaar CowmiaaiTa 4kc subject that you will favor me by was badly frozen. I t was the custom goal was just ahead. Then some- trembje, a nameless^thriE^anfl t | g , eklraaewuin w otrinhw fMa WMUMT M opening upon ?" "Sir," said he in in the village for the miners when thing happened. He swerved a entire side of fhe mbunloin ee^&eaf tehth of an inchj a piece of ice reply, "can yon say anything clever going to work to plant a staff with h i t OldMt nftmcrJW>" ' tojgive way, and he was carried] lirr§-' nw CakM UitoarH M about bend leather ?" Most people, a rag streamer at the entrance of caught the channel of his polished sistibly down op the wings of a n J** MtlM. vttbcMl a J M l like Sir Walter, would confess they the shoots, so that they could find ski, perhaps, and the next second alanche. H e made desperate s i r would have been as much nonplused their homes if a storm came up. But the line of racers rushed like the iriih as his acquaintance. Perhaps the the wind had blown Barton's flag winci by a figure,' rolling over and over, i t s legsT arms and long ski» man who, was only interested in down. s e e n n r ^ t a n g l e d ^ a g e l e s s self out, uraui NE< :¥¥Tr tm AMM-TiMK iwm LONG BARTON'S RAGE v lvA-^AMA *• ' W *\mr - •1 - -• a a K l i n t •>_••••, ' ra Coal in f,^^^ f It* ]it^ I) <n i*1A>*l*A**%*