2nd Infantry Division - 1951 - General Orders 383 Thru 396
2nd Infantry Division - 1951 - General Orders 383 Thru 396
2nd Infantry Division Korean War Awards General Orders 1951 383 Thru 396 Korean War Project Record: 2ID Generals Orders File - GO-122 PID: 11 National Archives and Records Administration College Park, Maryland Records: United States Army Unit Name: Second Infantry Division Record Group: RG407 Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org Search 2nd Division Awards Database ~UARTERS 2d Infantry Division APO 248 c/o Postmaster s·a n F.z:ancisco Calif.o rnia GE~L 1 ORDERG · Augus~ 383 NUMBER Section I . -. ' ~ ,, . . . . . . .~.. " . ' AJTARD O~ T:HE ·siLVER STAR--By dire·o tton of.'· the President-' unc;ie:r tne _prov1sio~s of the Ao.t of Congreas I apgro'V.ed 9 July: 1918' {Wij_aul 4-3'~ l~U8) I and purst;an,t to authority in AR 600':..45, the . Silver Star for gallantry in : .... ' ·,, action ~s ·a warded tO: ·tru. · ,t'ollowtng ll«ine,d . o:f:Cio&rsu . ...· ~ (> . ~ .... .. . ' \ . \ ,. ',. ' ' ' . ·:·· . ' . ._. '.. } ):: • -,'/., ·. FIRST LIEUTENANT QTtS _C LYpli; 0134;0~71, Infantry, Army·__ 'o-.t' < th~ United . States,. ~eQut~:JtAt' 9ff·~cer: 1 Oom~any F·, 23<i Infantcy R.egiment.t 2d ' Infan:Gry Divil,~~ , ~~~R~flfEt!\i"g&llantry i.b: ~Qt.fo~: agains.t an· armed enemy on 28 .Mii,y 1951,,-.tA . th! ~ Vioiii~tf ·of ,J:nje1 ltgre~ ., O.n thAt date Company .·F had sucoel!lll"' fully ·a.t~~~kjed : flft~ e!t~.,.4et.~ :; 9ojeotive a'tld was assembling tO $~1; ·Up a 'p~~f- . > ~ete~ • s:e.cur.ity;.,d~~~~. : A ·large t'dz:c~ <>f enemy troops. was reporj;~d app~otoh• ing f';rpii1, the I;et . · f~k. ~- J'ealh ing that a oountera.ttlok at this tim~ : would .. thr~~ -~ ~j~l;rqlty ' of tlfsiT. riewly won posit_io!ls• Lieut~t ·tyj!Q;~. a.rme4. · . wi_th ·, ... ~i~,:~pon a~d~ ~nfi gt.e nades.. set . 9,u~ , to delaY:"* 'the e.~e~.. ~-. W'1~~ , . , ·· oompl~et-l!IJR"e.,_;r~~~~9t' · llt~ . pt?_~,IJO!lal _s~t~t~, b,e ~9!~~o~d · ~-~t~ t~ "~!,l.ti(sJl!ijg -. · _ , em&;~~.y, . c~,p\itely efposifig hims<'lf to· their int_en·s·e a:uto'ma~iJr 'apd ~•II. arm$ · . ~ire. · Hurliug his · }Jand grenades and r .eturning fire fr'Qm hi$ ,own ·airtOIIUltic weapOJ:l.: :L1e~en&~t:bJLynn singl'ehanoedly delayed th~ attack a..~d 'a 110.ed his un~t" s~ffiqhnt::.ti:me to pre.~re. His unit repulsed the en•y>oo~tetattack" in:f\ll.oting ;b,&t.~· ciUutilties on the .enemy witll a minimun of. l;~S'S to : his1"Wlit. ' His ce$'~ge,o\:is actions wer!:l an inspiration to all those who obs~l"''ed chim refl~et ·v--~at .credit ~pon hiutself and the milit~ry ~ervice. , ' Efitered the mi~i. ,, .-· · ' . . ,' ... _,:., . . ., ,. from !l'.ennessee:.t· te.ry !J;&rvloe ' . . . ' . and . ' ·. . . . ~ - ~,. ··~Dis; · ~;rE{trENAnr cHARLEs-· Mwtliw~~~~ (n:31i8?jt~¥·lnrartt~·... 4+~ ··9E.t~e United ·states, ·a membe.r of ~avy Mortar Co.mpany, 38th: r-n.f'tni~ry. a;e~iment, 2d · , , , Infantry J>~v~sion'; ,;,dtsplay~d)gallantry in ~oti_on: "'_on'a~ uay~. 1:951. ~ ·'tlae~· vic'i- · ' nity ¥' ~t;l~ar~_,:~.J~~~·. A)!~fle ~'!-.ta}.ion, · s~pt>or,te? b;)"' ~, t~ f and.: ~ lllOr!~¥lls l'fer,e tar ~ltl~:oon: wa,s . atfa~k~~g ,wh~~ · th~ tartk:,.cnlumn;:.. · d f'}te ··r.~.C: ·, ", M;t;~~ . a ~·-~i ~ , ~-l:~e~ ,-oy ·~h_, ,,intpttt'~"::~:il"tl Q~· ,. well~ .~~mp~~a~~_a liz ing. th&jl ~.rth~~~e .,of i~;he ~~.f'fe.ns_ti',lf - ~&p,en ··"'· ·· on th9 ~t.t~, t:-e&UJGP.• . ' _.t i.O&t of ~· a;dVa.Jl'4S ~ {ii8\l;ten"rit Vlill~J'•· ihe mprtar, Jllat:~. -~~4er.-· :w11;.h se$e ~~t:tvel-1' ·hi., Utit~r di•r;egarct ".t'or>·~tt ·per#.Ona:l. sa$~~~··19:0l$tf;:r'i~y~ le-tt· . }f.,ta:r. ·''b\r~ qn, t~· e~.ew• · Lte'-~~a,t . vii:_a,:~~ams ~c;p.'eMed .. !mo po&ition. _t9. . ~U:&c~ -artits -~d JDAonitr&t gun .£,.~1\;.lth :t,4~ ~~o $0ft~~,,~)n~~, enemf. :fir~·· · upon 'W~~b:· ~e ·olu't)~.ar~;-q d1J;J.ir)>E:Jta:tel~· ·a:gppt,ied. ·hi'GIS&'!lt to .... in otder- ·~.t" direo't ~1the mor::t;a~ t:i.re- om the enemyr · · He· rEnUA1ne4..in this: expoaed · positioQ a~d ·o ontin.ued to :. djrect heavy . -morta:r fir.~ ~til t~ .: ~n~my ~s~eu• tan:ks •ere& .ab:h~·, to.·.proc.eetl to· tll.eir t>bj~-oti,,ye. , . · W.n~ ,ga~;Lt\n-;tr.alized. and;" tey, · iJt aottj . . t:fpltrye? by ti~u,~enant JVill\i'amStt :uet!:0q:t~ ~•e.f¢1f,cr~~.~t .~~R~' . rntli.t~ry:.l a.~r~i·o~. ·. Ep.t~re.d the ~nli:Utary . sen!Q:e;.'i'r:~ )4&11~himself. ~~(f1 , · · ohusetts·. · un:de~· ··~eav:,·(eri~ ~-~~.l'.l < Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101811 GO No 383, Hq 2d Inf Div., APO 248, 1 August (oon.t ) . SECOND . LIE~ · CHARLES P KVC~YNSKI, 0226,SoOl, (the~ S$rgeant First ·Class) 1 Inf~, .Army· ·of.' -the· Un.itect Statesl a member of'' Company. .&-,. 9t.h .Infantry Regimeht, ·2d ' Intantty Df~ision~ displayea gal~~ntry, in : acti~n on 14 May 1951 in the vici-nity o~ Sagol, Korea.. On t}).i.a day CQm.J?.B.ny A W$S .on a pat:ro~ into en~my tet;:rito!o/ when th':l~ ran into ·enemy rEr~istfinoe. ,. Lhut~t . .tKuc·zynski• platoon' l'&&der, anq his .t4en .wereo. acting as right-- flank · ~eour,ity. Althaugh· hi., platoon • s short two ~quads· , ·it engaged· ..th~ e~.emy • . 4rmed -•ith a ·pistol• Lleutenant ~uazyqslci ltilied,.~thr"e ' enQ.my ·soldiers. ·..Hi~. eou:r~age .. spurred his men ·on to repu1~~ ·~~·~ st~iirlOl':·,.!flemy: i:orce. Be~use·· o!' his expert l~a.d-ership ,and qggr~ss1.vene~s ~he coqmarty' s , route !J,f. wl.thdra)'(~l was not .cut .off' • .'· Thi<s,•· outsta~dirrg· qtsplay o:f. ·galb.ntry ~ef;Lea~.a; great ..one~.~t -Upon himsel!'./and the ,rililitaey service.' Entere4 the mil'itary,, serv~<le :f"J:"om 1n<t_~a. BY ·COMMAND ,OF MA:JOR G~~L RUFFNER: • •. ·. i • RUPERT D GRAvES . GS 1 Colonel Chief of S:ta!'!' DISTRIBUTIOW s c plus tne t~l 4, T.A.G Attn AQAO,..l" . 3 TAG 4ttn A.GPO•A 2 ..CINCFE Attn;":A.G"!f~ {MP) .,• .,a EUSAK ~'t;tn n• , 5 Ea~h - In~ividual ~ Oonye~ned , .4 ·Pers •.Qtf 9tn Inf 4 Pers · Off' 2·3d ·~t . 4 Pers Ott 3ath- Int Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101812 V ~\.-J...Ii,..;:).;:).u' .l~V A~thority 1'\\\~~LJ"D REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES By~ NARA Date 3·V·tf) ·fillAD1 UARTERS 2d Infantry Division APO 248 c/o Postmaster San Francisco California l August 1951 GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER 384 Section I A7ARD OF THE SILVER STAR--By direction of the President, under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved 9 July 1918 (TID Bul 43, 1918), and pursuant to authority in Ar 600-45., the Silver Star for gallantry in action is a·w·arded posthumous3:1. ~o the following named enlisted men: a.,~~ -{;to ¥-o7 -- -r ~J· / . · SERGEANT FIRST CLASS ERi:rEST A L.GGETT JR,. ER38627663, Infantry, Army of the United States, a member of Company A, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action on 17 May 1951 in the vicinity of Panmegi-ri, Korea. On this date Sergeant Liggett's platoon was outflanked by a large enemy force . To overcome the opposition, Sergeant Liggett personally led nvo counterattacks upon the enemy in the face of intense enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire. He then held his new position until his platoon had safely withdrawn to a more advantageous firing position. When the enemy later renewed his attacks in force, Sergeant Liggett remained behind until all of his men could withdraw. The gallantry in action and heroic self•sacrifice of Sergeant Liggett reflect great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military service from Texas. £ ~ ~,t ~/dd.Y3~ ... /#~1)7 ;:'~Mt.vltf/ 6Y<;o56o ~/_5/ . SERGEANT LEONAR~L MOSIER~ RA17204665., I4'fantry, Un~ted Sta~ Army, a membe:r of Company C, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry.Division, displayed gallantry in action in the vicinity of Kunmul-gol, Korea, on.:;!fMay 1951. On that date Company C was attacked by a superior enemy force and v;as slowly being forced back by threats of encirclement and annihilation. Sergeant Mosier, with complete disregard for his own safety, crawled from one friendly position to another through intense enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire in order to inform all of his men of the expected withdrawal. Even though so;ne of his col1l!'ades were surrounded by the enemy 1 he made his way to them under the withering fire of the enemy. -iV'hile crawling through the enemy positions, he fell mortally wounded. His outstanding courage and self-sacrificing de.v otion to duty and to his comrades vrere an inspiration to all who witnessed this outstanding act of heroism. The gallantry in action displayed by Sergeant :Mosier reflects great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military service from Texas. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS AL1EL C JACKL, ER55003128, Infantry, Army of the United States, a member of Company I, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action on 25 May 1951 in the vicinity of Amdel-tone:., Korea. As his company was clearing high ground, it was subjected to a fierce enemy counterattack which drove it back.; Without regard for his own safety, P_rivate Jackl held his position, and fought furiously against the enemy. Locked in close combat with the enemy, he stubbornly defended his I Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101813 GO Uo ~84, Hq 2d· Inf Div, APO 248, 1 August 1951 (oont) position and del.S.yed th ~ h?stile attack until he fell mortally wounded. ' Friendly artillery ~nd _ mQrtar fire broke· up the enemy ·att~ck and enab~ed the company to resl.D.'Ile· its advance. The dauntless opurage displ~yed o~ · this occasion by PM.vate Jaokl . retleots great· credit upon hims.el£ and the mi-lttary . · service L Entftred the military ·service from-Michigan. r ' 13! coii.Wm . .. .,., ' OF MAJOR ·' ~ ~~ '"< GE'NEaAt .'ItUFFNER' ' . .- ' . I OFF-ICIALc ~JA.-l...<l DA.VID B EMMONS Lt Cdl • Adjutant 'i ,( ' -~ ~ DISTRIBUTION:'· C plus the •fol 4' TAG. Attn AGAO~I ·3 TAG Attn AGPO-A 2 . ClNCFE Attn AG-PA (A&D) '3 EUSAK Attn KAGMA · 5 Each Individual Concerned 6' Pera Off 38th lnf Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101814 HEADQUARTERS 2d Infantry Division APO 248 o/o Postmaster San Francisco California 2. Augtist 1951 GENERAL ORDERS 385 NUMBER Section I AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL--By direction o( the President,. under the pro:visi:ons of Executive Order 9419, 4 February .1944 (st;tC II, WD ·Bul ·3, 1944), and pursuant to authority in AR 600~45, the Bronze ,Star Medal with d~vioe fGr heroic achievement in connection with military operaLetter tions against. an ene~ of th~ United States .is awarded to the following · ·named officer and enlisted mens •v• . FIRST LlElJl'ENANT WlLLIAM T LlFFITON, 0201.8891~ Infantry, Army of the United States, a membe~ of :company E, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division c;listinguished himself by heroic achievement ~t Chaun:-ni, Korea on 18 May 1951. : ' On that date be was Exeoutiv~ Offi()ar of Company E which had tha mission .o f covering the withdrawal of an inf'tfltry 'battaUon. Nearing . · the, close ot this aotion, the unit received orders to rejoin the main body. Lieutenant ·Litfi~on voluntarily remained behind with 'two platoons .and aqsumed t .he dual .mil$1on of continuing to cover the withdrawal and that of recO\rering . the' w'oW1ded. · He waa ·.oan-pletely encircled by .the ene~y. With calm defermi- : natio~ and .sOU;nd t"qtioal. judgment, Lieutenant Liffiton seleo~ed , the most promising avenue of possible escape and personally led his group by this · rou~e 'under. ;4evastating enemy- small arms and automatic fire to final .safety with a m.in,imum loss of life.. The heroic leadership displayed by Lieutenant Litfiton · on . this occasion reflects great cre<iit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military service from Michigan~ · · S:entGEANT FtRST ·cLASS JoHN A AMBROSE, RA32386474, Infantry, Uriited State& Army. a member of ComP,ELny H, 23d Infantry Reg~ent, 2d Infantry Division, dhtinguiahe<l himself by heroic a6hieyemebt on· l4 February 1951 $n the vicinity o£ Chipy:ong-ni,· Ko~ea.. On that date he was a •chine gun squad leader in an itU'Clntry ~it whi.oh was un~e:r heavytat'f:;aok by a numerically ·superior enemy force • . During a p~s-e or 't his aotion, Sergeant .'Ambrose 'saw a member of' ·hi.s l!qu•d · hi't .by "'nPY tlr,t?. and . f~l~. t9 th~ ·g,ro~~·· . Disr•p,r~ipg b.is . personal sat-ety, Sergeant· Ambrose ~d~atEU.y 'left his pos~tlon and ot'o ssed _over open :t~rr.•J.p,~..:t>l~l:c,e;te<i b-,1, ln~tt»se .,$~11 arms and au.tomatio We,.f-P9~S fir~, to. the side of the. -.ounded man• D~spit6 tbi.s continuous enemy fire •. he · picked. up ·his JrOWlded oomta.di _and. returned· him. ~o a · oom~ratl....,el~ sate · area, where he wa:s given me~iof-1 treatment and eva~uated• · The heroic action o£ Se~geant Ambrose on ~hia· ocoaBion ~eflects · gr~~ cr~~it . upon himself~ the · mil1ta·~y seririoe. ·Ent'er.e d. the llfilita.ry · s8~vtce trom M1ohigan. '. -· . f'RIVATE 'FtR~T C,LA;~S · CHARLES A vonoa:L~.- , · &\isZ3?. 2~4 .. Infa.nt!Yr tpited " States Army, -~ membet ofl "Company E,, 23.d Int~ntr,~ Reg,b lent• ,2d Intantry Dividon, di:Btinguished· hims~lf, by he,roio· aohiEt~mept OJl 18 -t 195~ ·tl·" ar. Chaunfighting a rear guard ni, Korea. On that date his unit bad the mis$ion ~ 01· or l I. .. .. •· Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101815 ' .. GO No 385, Hq 2:d !nf Diy, .APO 248, 2 August 195l . (cont) _ . .,. ..J .r - . .. Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101816 • I • --- ... ~UARTERS 2d Infantry Division APO 248 c/o Postmaster San Francisco California · .2 August 1951 GENEUL ORDE;RS N'UMBER 386 Section I ' ~W:ARP OF TEE BRONZE STii.R MEDAt--By direction of the PreddEmt;, ·.u nder the provisions of Eiceou't ive ' Order 9419,. 4 February 1944 (sec ·II, WD 'aul 3, 1944), and purswtnt to authority in AR 600-45,. the Bronze Star Medal with Letter !!y1l device ·f or he;-oic aohievem.ent in connection with military operations against an, eneiny of the United States is aw~rded te , the · foll~ing named enlisted . men: · · SERGEANT THELBE..-q,T A NONLIN, ER.57400056, Infantry, Army o:: the 'j]nited Stat.es, a member of Company E, 23d Infantry Regimen-t;, 2d Infantry- Division., distinguished himself by heroic achievement on 18 May 1951 .~n the vicinity of Chaun•ni, .. Kor.ea. Oil tpat date he wa~ leading .a. machine, _gun squad that was covering the withdrawal of the 2d Battalion, ·ztd Infantry Regiment which was under heavy attack by .a numerically superior 'enemy. When Se.r geant Nowlin spott$0. an ene_my ·machine gtm which wa:s slowing the move#lent of friendly -~·~ · trbops~ h~ imniedl~tely lett h~s ~ov:~red pQsition, · and., ot"ept along .a ridge :. under :a.· ~ur4~:ro!).~~-~hi'Hi of ·enetjiy fire~ and placed l}.imself ip a P.Ositi?n from which lie was able to aeiiver acourat.~ and effective fire which }de~troyed · oomplet'el~ . th~ enemy tnaot:-ine gun and killed or wounded ·three enemy. The heroic· action o:f " ~ergeant Nowlin on this occasion reflects great credit upon himself a.nd; the .tdlitary serviQe. Entered the military servi:oe from . Texas • •• ~· • -,..::· \f ·' i )"' • ; . • } . . . . P~tv'ATE fiR'ST"CLASS PETER' PIAZ~A; US460~0768, Infantry:, Arm; ~f the United States·, a member of Company· G, ~3d Infantry Regiment~ 2d}nfantry Di;v:i'sion., dis1;1nguished himself by h~roio achievement on 2 June 1951 1 in the vioi't!:~¥ of',' !pJe;,l~or:~a_. .. On , ~ha..t ~~~ ,.he .we:s .:.a ,IJlemb·eJ;" .'df an . ini'~~~~Y, p,l8.to~n whiQli ·bad' the mbS;l,OP oi' . destroyilfg en·emy. · posftibns' .t o ·'th~. ~eft £'lank of the ' domp,ihy ' sectc>r-:~~"!{pproachi.ng _its oojao~ive, , the. p],at.oon~ ll:a.s.~ sub~oted :to . heavj(~utoD¥ltio and : small -arms fire'# wnioh effeqtively halted its advance• Pri.'Vtl.~_e . P~a.zz~~"a.~t~~~~h wound«:'d, ~urther expo~edj' hl~se.l_t'.apd, phar~ed . :the . ene~ PP.sUion,·"'~J!lp~oyi~g -~rching ·,rirtn, "· ~UJ·.7 s~~oEr~~.f:\tUY pin~e.d ·· ~}\e:', ¢neJD.f · r do9m· il.naAi~nable'<f:(the 'platoon ·'td' ad~iidl'f .'a·rf~·~s~tilftrss£~1tyn~ob1pllt1t~ ·' ~~:s '·l!i·hsfOn ~ The unde.unted oilurage displayed by PriVe. te ·Piazza' re.fl~c:e·s :g reat' :<ir'e di t · upon~· himself' arid the military ''s ervice. Entered' the militax•y service' rf·Oin Illinois. . ~ - . PRIVA/l':m ·RIRST, m;.f\.SS 'YiiLLIAM .A r POTTER~ "RA1335!1122,. Infantry.- ·.~ited' ... Stat~a~ Army, n ·mell\ber' of Company · m~ 23d Infantry Reg~men:b_, · 2dl ;tn'i'antry:.. Division, '-di'stinguished himself by hero-ic· achievement. en 1s· May 1951~ t in. the vicinity of Chaun-ni, Korea. On that date Company E was withdrawing t ·o more tenable .posittons wliile under heavy attack by -q,_numeri.e al:ly s~perfor eneiDf:· foroe~ Private Potter s~~ttad a g't:Ol,lp ·ot' enemy ~p~ops ·in ':·a • Gtra,~-~g~_o pos.i;• tion obtnptetely i'doininatirig the · rout~ ·or.with~awa,1 •. ·With oomr>lete disregard for his personal Gafety, Private ' Potter exposed himself and t:;ohoentrated Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101817 GO No · ~86) Hq 2d Inf Div, ·APO ' 24,~~ 2.August 1·951 (pont) . •" r ~ , ~ , , .- ;RUlttlT D GRAVES Colonel· , .G& , Cqi;ef"1 of Statf' . Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101818 ', .... ..., ........................ ~ ......... ' ................. "-· ···-- ~UA.RTERS 2d Infantry Division APO 248 o/o Postmaster San Francisco California '. 2 August 1951 GENERAL ORDERS 387. NUMBER 'I Section I · . . OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL-•By direction of ·the President. · under the provisions of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec II• WD Bul 3, 1944), o.nd pursuant to ~uthority in AR 600-45, ·the Bronze Star Med~l with Letter ~ device for heroic achievement in connection with military operations again~t an anomy of the Uh~ted States is awarded to the following nwmed enlisted menr k~ARD SERGEANT. STANLEY E BUCK JR, ER13280#7, (then Private First Class), Infantry; Army of the United States, a member of Company L; 23d Infantry ·R egiment, 2ci Infantry ·D ivision, distinguished himaelf ·by horolc !lChievemont on. 10 April 1951 in the vicinity o.f Hwaohon Reservoir, Korea. On thnt do.te infantry company engaged in oaitbat operations against he wa:s . 0. membqr of the enemy~ · During o. dawn atta·ck on a strongly fortified enemy position. his pla~o~ _ was momentari~y p~ed d~n by extremely .h eavy small arms fire"· 1" Withbut·.t.hought for his. personal · safety, he rushed :through this .b&,\il of qn~ fire to an exposed position· from · which he was ab.le to bring effective flanking fire with his automatic· rifle upon the enemy empla.caments, oa,using ' them ~o ro~uoe their fire. Hi.s a9tion greatly aided the ~n.tan;try pla,t oon to reg~in the offensive and resulted in the successful seizure of th~ objective. T~ heroi.a oonduc:t of. Sergeant, Buck rf~fleots gr~at . credit 'upon hil!lself a.nd Pennsylvania. ··the military. service. · Enter~d the ·m111tary" ser'Vice from • ' . . . ·, ' . a.n RA4413G982, Intantri• tJnito~ states Army. a member of Company;·E, 23d Infantry Re~iment; 2~ Infantey, ~ivision. distinguiShed himself by heroic achievement ·on 3 June 1951 in tM ·vicinity ot Inje. Korea. Due ;~ the inten.sity of eneiliy fil~e ,tran a.' ,.oq~no ~ g~ emplacem~nt. his lead . squad was ,p~rie~ 1down ··and ~a:~le to "'d-v:anoe .as a. unit. · "Corporal Hill• with compl:ete disregard, tot his p~rs,ona,l -atetyf singl~h,a.nde41y assaulted the ' enemy i~sitio,n with. r'/le ,~d"' ~ri,<ti t;r~!lade, ·f i;f.e , ..~esi:royi~g. the am~l.~~ement · an.d k~l ljig a ·n~bef , o£ t~119f ~.• :<•· lJb •ft~f'l~~s ~ourp.ge , ~sp.ired h18' co;mr~~es to rener1 their attack and so ·ovamhelnl the enemy ,that llUlny surr~ndeNd while others withdrew. in.· aom~lete disordeto, tliereby, e~ling h;s· unit to ·· seiZe its objective. The hQJ:'oio"Act1onf 'displayed. by, ,OQI"por~l .Hill on this oo~s~.'on, reflect ·great, credit upon himsl'lf ,and -~he milita~y. service •• , Entered the : ,· mi:l ltary -sel'"ViQe front Virgi.l'l~a.. ' .coimoRAi FRED.HILL, I;- • ~ ~ • ., ' ~. • ' ~ :: . ' • ' .... ~?·'. io ROBERT L EVANS., Ml43657U~ Inf~.ntry, UnJ,~~~t ~tates ' Army; ~ m,ember of Cgmpqny. G, 2~:~ , Inta.ptry, Regi~~nt_•._~d :IA~ntry Dl~i~ .icm,, distin.gui:s·h~d himself by,·h6r·o tr o.ohievement op :2'1f~Y 1951,· in., t,heJr viC:~ity of' Inje 1·)<:or~. Oh tlult dat~ 1 he VIas a member of_ A.Ji -·w .t antr;r .~1~' w~ich yms ndvancing to new positiontJ to the north. During t)lts. adva.nce it was neces• sary to cross; a deep stream by:· a nca;rrow foot bridge-. As the. unit· proceeded ~PRIVATE FIRST~ OLAS~ Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101819 I --~~~~ : A lltlJI); ity ·~,., N!J)7~JQI f ~'Ad ~ . • . -~·· I; 'J<Itc 5l~f ..i. . GO No 387 1 Hq .2d In£ Div, .APO 248, 2-August 1C51 (oont) . ' across the bridge :Ul single £ilef it ·WQ.s suddenly subje()tQd. to -glten~e •OneJD¥ machine g~ orOI\{Sfir~ ihich ~unqed an ~it{on 1;>ellr~l1' .al:ld,,eal,lBod him .to- tumbl~ · into tho s~ream~ ·Withc,>Ut .roga.r.d ' for· his persqnal so.tot,y, JTiw.te Ew.~a diveg U!.to the s~r~cun a.nd ros,ouod t~e wound~d - eoni,ra.d~, ®ieying . · him to a ~~oe o£ oompara.tive s~rety wh~re he oDuld _be tr~tod a.nd ovnoua.ted. His oo~eou~;~ deed 'lltldoubtoc:ily sa.ved tho lifo of tho wound~d ma.n. Tho heroism .a.nd · dovotio~ .•tq ·a: wound9d oo~o.de d~splay'd r b.y · P;r,.vate' ~n~ reflect · groa.t . ~e_dit upon ·.himsei£1 ~~ :t~e ~ ll'q~~~fr:- ~ervioo. E~tered .t he militO.ry_ _, service . trom North Carolina • _A:·,~;,'l .. · , ~ ,·i ,_ · • 1':' BY ~ C0104AND OF MAJOR -,;.· ·' ' G~NERAL OFFICIAL.: cA4~.~~ ' ~ • f RUFFNER: R'UP.tmT D Gij.A~S Colonel Chief GS. .or . statf. . DAVID B El&iONS Lt Cof - · AGC Adj~cmt GonorQ.l DISTR:£\3'&riON1 C plus the fol 4 TAG Attn AGAO-I 3 'l'AG Attn AGPO-A 2 ,PINCFE Attn AG;-PA .(A&D)_, 1 EUSAK Attn KA.GMA ~ Enoh Individual Concerned 6 Pers. Off 23d Inf Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101820 ~UARTERS 2 Infantr7 Division APO 248 ofo Postmaster San Francisco caiu:ornia .. GENERAL ORDERS 388 -NUMBER . ' 2 August 1951 S~otion . I . AWARD OF THE BRONZE · STAR MEDAL-:By direction of the President, under·· the provisions of Eieoutive Order 9419,- 4 February 1944 , ·( sec II, WD Bul 3, 1944), and IN.r~Wu1t to ~uthority in .AR 600-45, the Bronz.e ·star Mecb.ll with L. ette~ "V" ciev:lo.e for hero'ic o,<)hiev'ement in connection wi"?h military operations a~inst an enemy of t}J.e. Un.i ted State.s is a.w.arded. to the following · nwned enlisted me~: · PR:tvATE FIRST CLASS VINCENT CIDONI, ER12224070~ Infantry, Army ot the of Campany E; 23d rntantry Reglmen'Ji, Zd Infantry ' a· xllemoer ' ..... Division~ dbtih~ui~Mcl h!:~a.,lt by heroiq aohieVeiOf;tnt ox;r 18 May 19.51, in the vicinity: ot Cha:tJn"-n:i., !tore~• On that date he was a Jl8!1lber of an Wantry platoon which· wa.s attempt·ing to reach friendly lines atteF being out pf'f frorri theU: ~CD~y .bY ~m~ : ~orces. As the grouP: moved up .a narrow :a,,_ ~y were :-lvrFiald:-:' by"' a la~ge · enemy patrol, and subje~ted >to ·iJitense small arma, and a~tic yeapons .tire. Wit.h out regard for hi,a ~ers'orial safety, Pri.;Jate Oid.oni ·wlunteere4 ·to r•iri to the rear of the platoon to act as a rear . guard W.hile. the others oont.inued the~ withdrawal. His acourate .rire undoubtedly iJ:it·U.~ted enemy _casualties an~ kept the enemy forces from olosi,ng in. His platoon returned to ··~i.endly lines witnput casualties, The unda\mted courage,•ot Prlvate Cldoni reflects gr'e at credit upoh himself and the •ilitary se~ioe. Entered the •ilitary service tro.m New Jersey. a~· Uni:tea~state· ' w '.1 I. ' .• ' r·~ i. t >'I· \r • • • ,. .. .,...... , • ' f • • ~VATE FlllST O~S. Vmlu<m S FUIJ)S, Uss2o67~, Ar1if1 Medi04L:J., . Service, AriAy'.o't the Urlited Statee. •. 1\; member ot 118di,eal .. O'oml)IUly, 2·3d lnfant~ Regi,.; " ment, 2d Infantry Divia1:on,_1 distiligui$bad hims< by heroic· -.ohiev•ent ori 3 June 1_951 near Inje• ~otea. OJi that date h..e was a medical aidll!an •ttaohed. to C~l B, ~d :!f"S a.;co,cm~tlnt ld~ platoon 1li "ita atta.~ o.n .a .h ill t .e na. o~qu,ly ·dtf~de'4 ~Y:.-~ .~~-il~~4t·:det~~ned an~ n"er~-~~t sup~!':l?r:. e.nemr toroe. ~ ttie p).a.toOl) engag!d· t~ . ~., ~d, the, ru-e · tic~ . 1n~•·4t~ .~ . lnteJidtf.- fio·'t~cdet..'f:eU · _ottittC*l~y. wo•de~.· \llt~ --·~• · •W>jeote<l to a; terriri<r volae ot· en~ til'e, ~s;vate Fielda.-'ritb ·~l~ . di®ard for 'his ~raon~l ctaatett1 Ud~11-t4't~i1t mo~ t'~d ··~~ terrain .to the · aide bt ~he. :fdunded; menl . t~1niltel'~d · t:trs·•"\t«. ad'd i,ilila1Jle,d ~h t'hflll!l · . unttl 't~ i«#r• ~· r~tu~ d .'. t~ jat.ty.' ..lt4~ ' heroic :;a~tion . e.tld .:ou~st~dtng . dev~ tion ~t:f ttzty r~rl~ot great . oredlt J~~bn - ~elt and t ,be ]Jl.i litary sen~oe. / · Entered the tdlitary a.e rvioe , t.rom West V¥-giilia.. . .-. . ~· ' ' . ;. ~~- ' -~ ~ \ ~ ~ ' •- . .: . . ,. . -t ' , FRIVATE PI~:!' CLASS JOBt{ nOJ&KA~: l?S~l026932., IJU'antrt 1 Army .ot the ·, t1nited ~S~a~-·~ ~~- ~er ot "~~qu.i'rt.~i."· C~~~y . Bo.~~al~~n.~ ., ~$d .,l111'.a rltry Regtment 1 #d Intantry Di~is~on, distinguished nLnself by h8r~ic acH!e~ament on 18 May . 1~5.1• in , t:he v~ainity o~ Chaun-ni,· ' Kbre~. On that d.ate the 2d 2' "• '- • • r ~ Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101821 I , .. .&..J"-...LJ .. ~ ~ "JVJ.,l,_ I...L.J# !A11ilio: ity NMl1f6S_/QL_ I; ) ~-AiH ')dtc_5[~ GO Uo 388, Hq 2d 1951 (cont) 248, ,~; f~ ~ ~JOR : ~ffl,: ~TlFFNER~ "~ .. .:. .r . : t t r • '< , • " _I( Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101822 .. ,. .J. ( HElillQ UARTERS 2.d Infantry Division APO 248' c/o Postmaster S~ Francisco California a August GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER 1951 · 389 Section I , t ; : .• · • . > "< , . ' ' :tJ:' r t 'f • ' ,',( ' o' · • \ I AWARD <>F: THE BRONZE •STAR MEDAL·-By dirootion of the PreSident, under· the provisions of Executive Order 9419, -4 February 1944 (seo II, WD Bul 3, 1944), nnd pursuant to aUthor·ity in AR 600-45, the Bronze . Star. Medal with Lotter Rf" device for heroic achieveme~t in connection with military opera. tiona against an enemy of tha United States is awarded to the following · •· r nnm.od ~nlisteq .J~e~ t · 1· .-~ ""'y;·~· ....... ~~~ >\, w.,.._,~'J"rJ. •• ~ ,• ' ·,_. _')-- J . ._. SEn~:: F~T QLASS JA!m.s E lJE4TriErumAD; ER5l000228, (then Serg~ant), Army Medical ~ervioe.·Ar.my:, or the united St~tos, a member of Medical Company, 9th In.t'antl'iy· Regiment, 2d Infan-try Division, distinguished himself by heroic achievement on 2 June l95l •ill the vicinity of Inje, )Corea. On that day the 1st :B~ttalion of the 9t~ Infantry Regiment was · engaged i-n securing Hill 461, v4len••the- enellij", la~ched a fUr.ious co~terattack~ ~.-e. rgeant Weath~rhead,, ~ · charge of the rorwatd ,oatt,lion aid station, hastily orgahized oarry~g· pa'!tties 1A.nd litter teams to .carry the many wounded from the hill. With disregard ~o! his own saf'ety·, . he mad~ numerous trips up the hill thi-o~h; the intense en~ mortar o.nd s~ll .arms fire to administer f'irst aid and direct wounded mep to the collecting point at the base of the nill. This action s~ved ~any ~1 ve$ • Th8 he.r o io ._a ctions , off' ~ergean~- 1'(_eath.erhead reflect · great credit ' \lpon himielf and the· military servicee . ·Ent'ered the 'milit.a ry service · ·· · · .. _·, tram Ma~saohusetts. r · CORPo!w. COSTAS 'LATKOFF, RA16308686 1 Infantry, United States ir:my, a member of Com~ny G, 9th·, Infantry Regiment~ 2d Infantry Division, distin• guished'~self - by bero~o ~ahi8Vement on 6 Septembor 1960 in the vioinity of Yongsan, .Kor~a. ~ :On that' day, during · the hours O:f -~mess, C~any G 'was order ad !' ~del"gQ~g·l.."a.ok·s .1),.~-~~~rRng e~~ ·,i19roe. ' "!be>.t~s.t ' pla.t,Qon to ~o:ve olos!J" to -t~~~ner p:Y,.toonsic :'• · dietan~• - ~~- ~~ ~~· · ._ DUring 1;pe move t~ ~ • • ~'Qy. (l: luge tina.tical 'el'l~Lrl:toroe ~ , $1p,c~ it ,J.n hand~~d ~~._ ltealbing hi~ .. importance •• tl\8 ~to O,.rat.or tor . the first pla-~ DD't ~i'4Jl; . ~tkof't r.;uain~d· in ~;cpcued p<)~?ltion, ..ooordiM:tin'g two·~ •'*~'' ,_q ~~} -.ct~q~-. pol1tin~<l 1 h~ ·Jp,ove~ with the P.llltoon lea• der., althotigh ·unab.lo 'tcf ,pr.otcu,-t . ~elf: .d~e t _o ~h~ -~lieavy radio. ·. Corporal · · La.tkof'f went forward 1tith, the . torwurd eloniants of the asae.ult as t}Je first platoon JJAttted -tdr the hl,lJ. i'rOIJl whi.oh the ~-incier' ot the company: had been driven. Corpora.l Latkotfta radio · -v;a:s t,he only E¢t'e.o t\va means of calling for l"eint'orcqmf)nts an.d. ·suppli:e s _to hold the hill }?ef'.ore tho enemy.launcned a. . ~ o,o~terJ1t-to.~k. -The he'l'oic ,a otions of. QoJ"poral Lo:~?f.f' re~leot ~r~· crc;)dit UP.()r;\ h;im.el:f' l dn'd :pho m~li.,~Pr' servi9e•,, Epter~~ . ~~$ -m.~·l~tQ.~~ ; serviO"~ from . . . . . ,, ~'· "1l ~ :t.,,: .. ,' - · Illino.is~ ··-~'''l·· ··, . was, , I Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101823 Inf Div, APO 248, 2 August 1951 (cont) ;;· CQR.iPORAL DONALD A "LOGANi M29734501~ llifantry~ Vnited States · Army, a . member .of Company· .G, ·.~n ;r.nr~n<t11~. R;~ginre!lt, ..?~ Infantry;_ Dir~si.oq, dis,:biq-:. guished himseolf by herpio acfl:,ievemant . on '18 1vlay 1951 :~~n .th;e': Vicinity .of Chorj"tWl,~hi, ·Korea. :,:·9n>tha.t'· daJ( Company G. waf? <J:mgag~~· in .a·d ·i :re I:ig;ht· wit~ an enemy tha~.. wai we).1 ...~epured_..~ . I+ea~ily fo:rti~~ed .and entr~nched position::!.• The company was abruptly halted in its adva:noe by fire from · atl, ·enemy ·heavy · machine gun.. ·Corporal Logan, a ·.·s,q uad leader,, showing oUtstanding co~age and disregard for his. own sa,t'ety,, crawled wi~hin throwing distano'~ of the gun emplacement. : ·with a.maz irig ~ accuracy he threw .a h.arid ·grenade · directly into t ,h e entrenchment•" dast'toying.: the1maohine gun.t His .· Aotie?:n ~ enab~ed. . ;bh~ . cO}tlpany tp,, go forward a.):l,d :;ruoc.e ssfully. assault . its objeQtive. · Tl;le lives of ~ny .men < were saved by the lier.o ic act oil CorporAl· Logan~'· T·h is ; outstandiilg· perfoJ;'lllanoe . of he;rois.m ~ and devotion· to dut\1, i'ef·lects . gre.atb ~Qr,edit-, upon. h:i,m~elr ..and tile military servJoe. Entered ~he Illilitary serv\oe. .t:r~m Micl:ligan. · . . l 1 BY C0lv1!'4tqro · OF MAJOR GENERAL RQFFNER: /( . . f. ··' ~ . { ·~ RUPERT D GRAVES Colone.l · · GS Chief . 9f· Staff OFFICIAL: . ~ ~)-j_l~~l)v.:) l DAVID B EMMONS . L~ C~l AGC .. ., Adjutant General ., .,. r ~ DISTRIBUT IO~: C plus the ,i'ol , -4 TAG )lttn AGAO-:I 3 TAG Att,n .AGPO.-A 2 CINCFE Attn. ,AG~.PA (.M:D) . 3 EUSAK ,At:tn. KAGMA . . ~ Each Individual Concerned 6 · Pers Off 9-l:ih Inf · . GENERAL ORDERs NUMBER " 390 . ST~ iiSSIGmi.Bl1TS, '5 ; . :. . . '· • . ~APT.Ul~ PE'ffiR .M KUSllN, 01~5071~ ~l'antey, Headquarters 2d Infantry :ni.VJ..SJ.on; is annouhced as SpeCl.al serv1ces Officer vice MAJOR VICTOR E. STROM, 01283163 1 Infantry. . BJ CX>l.!MAND OF l.:il.JOR ~l!lU.L lJJFFNER: OFFICIAL: . AJ~.~~ RU:PERT D GRAV'.&S Colonel QS Chief of starr· DAVID B EMY':>NS L~ Col AGC Adju~ant ~neral Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101824 ! I' J ' ..L\....L ... .- l.:' ) ...::> .ll. .l.L J .l : Alltb0: ity fV!.l>i~JOL .- >- ' fl* / ~AnA ')<~tc _ ' ~UARTERS 2d, Irifantry Division ' · APO 2.48 c/o Postmaster San Francisco California " ORDERS GENERAL NUMBER 3 Au,gust; 1951 -' 391 · . Section I ArARo OF TEE SILvmi. STAR-•By .direction of the President~ u.nder the . provisions of the Act of Congress, approved 9 July. 1918 and pursuant to authority in _AR - 600-45, the Silver Star action 1s .a~rde'd to the. to.I"J,ow;ing enlisted men:· ' (WD fo~ Bul 43, 1918), gallantry in · SERGEANT FmST C.LA.SS JOfiti A AMBROSE, RA32386474, Infantry,· United States . Army,_ a ~l)er ·of C~y H,., 23Ji Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division~ displa;rlild p,l::J.ant~!' i:n ,a9-tion pn ·18 tfs.Y 1!)51 in the vicinity .of' Cha1;Ul:-ni, ' Kore~... ·On ·th&t qate he was .l eading a machine gun section in support .of a rifl$ ' company engag~d in a fierce fire fight with a nlllilerically · superior E?nemy foroe. ·· Th;e e~emy forced Company H to withdraJ and threat·e ned to over .. run i>the,r friendly units. Realizing the seri~usness of the rsituation. and · unmin'dtul af a painfUl ·,.-ound he received at the outset of this·' aotion.a Ser.gee.nt Ambrpse sklllfully deployed his section, directing an!i leading them ' in ei'f&cti.Dg .e.oourate tire which inflicted lieavy enemy casualties and ·s towed ' ' f anatical attack,~, S~rgeant ~~e attaCk. , W,~th the res~pt10n of the ,enemy's _ remained behind to cover. he· while with~aw to Ambr~se ordered his section guns so as to deny ,mach;ine Before .lea;"ing his position, _he destroysd his .. by Sergeant ~qrose displayed their use to the enemy • . The ~gall~t conduct on thie oocasfori reflects· ~eat · cl-eciH upoti himself ' and the- military service. · Miohiga~~ Entered the military servi.oe :rrom. .' . ' l , SERGEAN',l' JOHN W BADR JRj ER54Q00023 1 Infantr)r, · ~ of the United C,dapany ~~ ~3d In:t"antry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, Sta'bea:~· a member' displ;a,yed gallantry in aoti~ ~ . S June 1951 in the vicinity' ot In;Je~ Jtor~. On t•t qate Cc:a~ny lnlB a't;tao~ing w~l •e;ntrenqhe4 enemy po~it~ons~ ~ en-.;v;rJll&chine ·gu.o. fire.. wtt~his t-liltocm •a· suddel!ll~-- P · :<lo.m .1)~ ~ectU:t!:ft p;~v~~~~ ~to ., ;~~r. --~~g-~Y. -~~~ out ~~ tor · bU' ·, Pet•o¥~ · ~eao~~ • _pos,bS.on· w~Qh be ~ -~e.b.le :to· dO:.. the· ba~~ -~ e118JV fir.t -•ti:\ liri!' c~t~r .firQ~ 'Jt"s -.'e.o~~it;~ t~~ W.a difeotl1 .reapons1'ble tor 1ilen~~ in& epe111y- ~ti1?ions :e.qd al.l owing, his . platosm ;,:t~ •.adve.n.Qe .. . Sert,eant Bt\ker, 'tP:n a f'i.Jl1Pol Wort ''t o .oblutne olb elY, ,tlie ehdy ~attions • ·moved fotwar4 itito · open terraill but waa aer1ously'·wo'Und8d. He refused to leave until be had organiz~d the defense ' ot the. 3ecur~d objebtiye~ tha inspirinC leadership . and pllant oondU.ft o:( Sot>g~t, Baker on thb~ OCC?ll'Sion, reflects great credit upoJl ,tiilttaeli' and the, mil,i,tary. sprv1ce~ Entered, th~{military serv:ioe· fr~ · · ·· , ·, Arke.n·s as. or a .( <..,. ~ ; -= ' ,tft h._"-' I .·~~, • l I ' : i I. ' • SERGEAN:I' CJ.YDE! ·s , WILB,Ol.9f~ aA-267411+'{ , ,Inf®try•f•·P'~ited ~Sta~~~ Ar:!w• a 1 member :.of -lte~WU''ter,s Comp$.It~ • .2~ Battalion. ' 2'3d...:tnfan:J;ry, Regiment_, 2d In• fantryDivislorl, displayed gallantry' in action on 16 May 1951 ·in' the vicinity Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101825 f I!I'..L.J-.A.....I.J. I J ..J A.I.. A...._JI.-11' IA1ltho,ityMJ>78SJO/ I. ~ ~:AHA t),Jt(; _5[* l GO No . 391,. ~q 2d lnf piv, APO 248, 3. August 19Sl ( oont) of Cbaun-Jll~ Ko~e~. · _·Qn iJha.'b." date th'e 2q Battalion 'was engaged · in o. defen• · siva aoti~n aga.inQt . -.n_•:o:v;el'l'f,lle,~mtpg. pwn~er .of; ~n~~}'Pr<f?Q,-' . Th.e ~emy had establiShed flanking popitions· an.d were infiltrO.ting the battalion perimeter. Realizing tlie dapger of tho. bo.ttedion command post being ovorr:un , b'y' th,~ . . . . the ,~, · aer.ge~~~ Wll~tl!l q~~.q~ly or~aq~_ze~ a ;~J~qll@.:,d .~n,.d., lo~ ~t }lig~ go:und a~ovo. :t,he ,Cc-.w.nd rP~st~ . AL~hough. the a.t"oat wo.s subJootod to in' ·tona&, on&ny' aute&ntiQ ~aapons ~nd small nr~ t'ire• he ::atillfull~.. deployed ·'~, the "f$1\lCl~ 14 an ~~£~p.~i~~ .P~q~~g po'~~~on•.,. ~d 4ire,o~e4f.its f'~ro,. ~~- . fli~tug heavy. onem.x ons.~~Ji 'tmdi ;~l,~ing the en.Qmy, adVa.noe • .Dur1ng · the heavy. enamy· this notion SergoO.nt Wt1b'O~J66.,.~1n~l1y oxposoq libnsoli· fire whilo .J~O:v).ng f,,Cf!tl ,9Jlo ·p~si~.ion to anothl)r an·co·~~.ih~ ~is ~on .to .uoater ei',torts•. A~ n: r~sult. ' or his hero-io a~tions.,, the ·anomy Wa.s lullt·e d long enough to allow tho 'b a:tta.lion o~nd post personnel to roach D.Il nrel). of . the oampo.ro.tive· so,foty. , llo· · s~-v:ed his . unit .many ~sua.lties by proventing ' .• < W:tlborn erg~ant s · pf conduct gallan!; Tl\~ ~ o.rott~ the enemy tr.OII\ o'V'err.'Wning · rei'leots groo.t or9dit u,pon ·himself. . nnd.~·tho mUitnry sorvioo. Entored t~Q · '( military sorvio.e trqn Rklah•· . t.o. to !.· ~ ' ~ I ~ ,, ' }o \ " . ' ' ' ' B:Y COMMAND .OF MAJOR GENERAL RUFFNER r Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101826 l - - - - · - ---- - - · J ~'AN<\ ')<ttc 5}_* : Alltb0i ity ~1~/Q/ I. ~UAR'rE~S 2d Infantry Division APO 248 c/o Postmaster ·~ GENERAL' ORDERS 392 NUMBER I 3 August, 1951 ., · · SectiQn. I ~ ot,'la:E. SOto!_ERtS ~.;.-By .dl~eotion. o.f ,the Pres~dent,~und~r the provisiona ~~ ~the 4ct ,o.f Congress, approved 2 July 1926 . (WD Bul a, 1926), and ~suant to . a~thority iri AR ~-00-45, the Soldier's ·Medal tor heroism not . iltV~$ .aot~l · ooz:.r~i~t ~.it~ an e~emy .i s awar;ded to the .fol~OY(ing .named !nvo · . · . en 1 s. eu. 1D8.ll : _SIRGlWn ·JQ:im R Mri..LER, RA2528S704, (then .Private First ciass); United · St~tes ;~~ • . a ~~er o.f the Medical Detachment, '72d .Tank Battalion. 2d Yongdong~Po, ~ear aation heroic ~~~!Y Div1e~on, distinguished hUnsel.f by Kor.. . OQ , 1 J'anuary 1951. On this ®te Sergeant Millar. was attached· to a -tanlt oCIIlpany bQing tr'a nsportod by rQ.il to the SeQul' iu-oa. While t .ha train W.&s 1 "-toppfd .~n ·~ : rail sidi.ng,. a soldier was . strudk by e. tra;in trav.el:ihg ·on · t~ Xl,ext track. · The injl.lred ·spldier, att~pt.ed to crawl under the 'wheels ot the 'aoving t~ain.. Sergeant Miller rtJshed to his siltie and struggled to pull tlie·,lfdUl to s~.ety • .:·· During the struggle Sergeant Miller was also si;ruOk by the ~!lin• b~ eueoeeded in holding t)l~ man ~ree till: the. trai~ had ~~ss~. Realidng tbe danger, a of s.truggling witlL.a delirious man who might have , ) 1 thrown him beneath the train's wheelS,- Sergeant 'K1ller risked his life in a suooess.t'ul attemp_t t 'o save another manta· l~e· · The courage df'splayed on this occa~ion py Sergeant ~iller ra.flacts great credit upon himSelf and the military service. Entered the ·.military s.ervioe from Tenness.e o. Section . II . . .. /1' Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101827 t -) ,,._...._~ • ..... , ,....J._.JL. ._...._ ... , Ant1Jorit-y /•~t1~/0L __ li I ~AH ~ •Jdto 5[~ GO No 3'92.1 ~- 2d Inf' Div, APO 248, 3 August 1~51 (oont) ' ~ I GENEa!;L R~NERa -BY CmJIAND OF IIAJOR ~ . . •./.. ,...~ ( t: • 1', j 'J : • • .• t: \ ., Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101828 . ~IIARTERS 2d !llfantfy Dj;via.tbn APO 248 o/o P.o·stmaster San Fre.noisoo Californ.ia, ~L · NUMBER · ORDERS $e3 • · . ' Section I ·' AWARI>' OF THE BRONZE S'l'i.,R MEilAL-.-By direction of the Presid~n:t;, under · the ptov~sion~ of .Exequtbe . Orde~ 9419, 4 Febtuary '1944 <•(:to' II, 11)- Bul 3, ,1944) ,, ani! pursuant authority .in AR G00-4Q, the Bronze Star., 'ue~al ~it}l. Lette~;t ifV" Q.evioe for her<>ie .achievement i~ conneoti.on with miUtacy o~e~ tions agJ-1nst an enemy , o~. t .he l,Jnited States is awa~ded to the ,:f'oll:<M'ing named o:f'.fic.er and. •enlisted men: · · to Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101829 ~ GO No 393, lfq -2d Int Div, APQ 2.48. 3'.August · ~951 · (cont) Dqring the -night an av&nrhell'Ding • · erieJD¥._.tot'o~ at1;~oked t~d qu~.clflf. ·ov~:r_r~n . •d~~~t· tn,tontry poa~tJ;Ons. ~om-. . t~ s~ro~ded tank Priv:ata. I.tioey ,foug~t over nine hours before retixo:lng . aome ~1ight m~~~~ to Jl~. triendly pos~tigna. :~•-· • rep~lt ot this act~on an est~t,f;td, 2~0 . e~eJ!lY. !Qre _,kUl.~~ - ~d;.tJle • et\.emY.'j;wa'l del~pd lon~ . eno~n :·to · , ~11~"\:D~l!ltdJ;y Jm1~~ ·'.~~ .~~&l:~~~.(,b.olr'l.' ~it~l4! ..~~e ··ooui!'-ge .. and .d~9~lon to duty displayed by ~i~tct ~ YtO'f' rfJ:.~e~· · great 'Oredi1:' 1 upo~ . lWUelt oancL · the mi-l itfll'Y sirvioei Ei.l~eted· the mtlltary service t"rCIIl )'ennsylvani~• · position overlooking the'· ·Na.kt·ong J;iiver. ~-* ' ' .. :Qt OOMVUD ·OF - t ~- , • , • .~- f. ~JOlt ! -~ . ~ ) . ~-· • .. ' ' -· • • ' , . GBNER4L R'OfFnls ,..: ~ >t: . ' . ::-~()- - } ' J •• l r • <t { t: Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101830 HEADQ UART.ERS 2d Infantry Division APO 248 c/o Postmaster San Francisco California GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER 394 3 August 1951 Section I AW4RD . OF THE SILVER , STAR--By direction. of the President, under the provisions of the Act of Congress- approved 9 July 1918 (WD Bul 43, 1918), and pursuan~ to authority in AR 600-45, the Silver Star for gallantry in action is awarded to the following named officer and enlisted mens FIRST LIEUTENANT GEORGE K WILLIAMS, 01315886, Infantry, Army of the . United States, a member of Headquarters Company- 2d Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by gallantry in action on 1 &eptember 1950 in the vicinity of Am-dong, Korea. On that date Lieutenant Williams, with a group of men of his company, was repairing a supply lirie immediately to the rear of one of the rifle · comphnies of his battalion. The rifle. company was under heavy enemy" pressure, and the entire sector was under full observation of the enemy as well as intense hostile small O:n'hs, . ~· 1 ·· automatic we~pons and mqrtnr fire. The rifle company was running out of , nnnnunition and was\ threntened with being overrun by the numerioo.lly superior opponent unles1 its ammunition wus replenished without delay. Infprmod of this situation, Lieutenant Williams, with the assistance of a few men., immediately loaded a truck with ammunition and unhesitatingly guided it forward to the beleagured unit. When tho p~oximity of tho enemy and the intensity pf the hostile fire pt'eolud~d any ft"!rthcr p:r;ogrc:S$ by vehicl-e, Lieu-. tenant Williafns loapod to the .ground and; r'linning through the fire concentrated on him, carried the ammuQition to tho .fonvnrd positio~s. With hi& helpers he then courage.o usly joinod .the defe~ding unit. in its ·f ire .right•, Its fire power thus . bolstered, the uriit suocecded in holding its .ground and preventing the enemy from overt'm;ming the friendly positions. The · gallantry in notion and fear,lea.s le~dership domonstr~ted by ·Liettten~nt Wiliiams on '·. ·.-','"' ... .. t~is occasion reflect great oteait 'Uj;>Ori. nimself find the military service • . Entered the mil~t~ry service from Californi~• · ., T ~·~...- ,( •• , ~- • } t \ -~-~ • ,) 0 ~ ·--~'-'" ,~~> .~·. -~ ·: MASTER SERGEANT DONALD W PRASKA;, ERl72f6079,. {then Corporal)., ..Armor, Army of the ·United St~tes, a . mo~bqr of the 2d . Reconnni~sance. Compa.ny, ,2d Infantry Division,· displayed gp.Un.ntry in i:q~tion on 14 ·February l951 in the · vicinity of Q.ho.um-ni, Koren. On ·14 February 1951 . the 2d RoconJ;lai~sanoe Com~ pany, with an a.tt~ched rifle company i established a perimeter around ·the · tow~ . of Chaum-ni • . Tho porimeter was ..attacked by a numerically superior on.emy fo'rce. After several hours o.f fighting, th~ position . became . tintemable and a withdrawal of the company was ordered. Sergeant -PraskO: was · designated to drive a truck ahead of a personnel carrier lori.~edwithwounded. Tho escape route he hAd to follow was commanded on both sides by the anomy~ who o.ttacked the column in ,small groupa, using automatic weapons and rifle "tire. Sergeant Pra.ska continously repulsed those a.ttack~··.,'iit:h : intense and (!.ccurate -~ l ; Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101831 GO No 394, Hq 2d !nf Div, APO 248, 3 August 1951 (cont) mnohine gun fire~ He was constantly exposed to enemy fire, but suooeodod in leading his vehicles to safety, thus saving the livos of the wounded men in his charge. The .gallantry displayed by Sergeant Pra~ka reflects great credit upon himself .a nd the military service. Entered · the military service from li.·· l -· North Dakota.. Q'ORPORAL RICHARD J SCHAFFER» ER12·24625Q, Armor.1. Army of the United Sta.tres, a. member of tho. 2d . R~~o.~':lai~~.~~?~, C?mpany,_, . ?d Inf'nntry Division; di pln;y-e~ gallantry iQ.ncti.o~ f';~~~~~ ~ 1 9t~~fk~,pnemy on 14 February 195l · ;tn· .t he · vio1.n1.ty of' Cha.um-1\ll. • Koren, ;~ Pri1: tM.t· ~~te , ·hhe · 2d Roconnnis,so.noe .QOI!lpany, thoi' o.round perimeter a together with an n'titnohed rifle. company, ostnb:J.ishe.d town of Chaum:-ni • . 4:h the ~i:mo o£ the attack by an enemy .f'o:r:oo of esti.Jlo.tcd regimento.l size, CqrpornL Schaffer was repairing communfco.tions to tho . positions on tho poi.-:ilneter~, W1lilo· approaching a machlno gun positipn on the nortp.oast edge of the trnm, he, together with tho machine gun crow, ·wns subjecte<;I to intense uortar and heavy autonuitic .woo.pons f'iro. Soo.ing that all mernb~rs ·o.r...the gun crew had becm wounded, ho ran under heavy oross,f.ire . to tho Illllchine gun and put ~t into action. He repulseci several enemy attacks# killing an est:i.mat~d 10 of tho .eno.my• When his a.r.un.unition r~achod a· dangerously low point, ho held tho. position by using hand grenados with great ef'r'ect~ Whon r01iof' finally arrived, Corporal . Schaf~r proceeded to oyacu-! ate 2 seriously wounded members of the .gun crew • . Through his defense ,of' th~ position, the . company was q.ble to withdraw. to s.a f'ety. The gallantry .<:li§·played l?Y Corporal Schaffer reflects grea.t credit upon himself anct tho military\, • ·· servioe. -. Entere1 the military servioe .frorn New· York. OFFICIAL: .~ . AJ/J DAVID B EMMONS ~ RUPERT D GRAVES · GS Coionel Chiof' of Stat'f Lt Col . , AGC Adjutant Gonoral DISTR!Bl)TION J C plus. tho f'ol 4 TAG Attn AGAO-I 3 TAG 4ttn AGPO-A 2 CIN.CFE Attn AG-PA (A&P) 3 EUSAK ll.ttn KAGMA 5 Each Individual Concerned 4 Pers Off' 38th II?-f' 5 Pors Off 2d Recorl'· Co ~ 1 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101832 l - --~ - -. -~~ ~ ~ ~ •• : Anthn, ity ~7gsJQL. _ -'- I ~-AM<\ •;, 1 tc _5j_~~ I: IEAOO U:..RT~RS 2d Inf'o.ntry Division APO 248 c/c Pos·er.1a.stol" So.n Frnncisco California. 3 August 1951 .. GENER.!\L ORDERS NUMBER 395 Sect ion I Kv7ARD OP THE BROUZE STAll MEDAL..-By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order ~419, 4 February 1944 (sec II, WD Bul 3, 1944). and pursuant to authority -in AR 600-45 1 the Bronze Star tfudal wi~h Letter "V" device for heroic achievement in connection with military opera ... tions against an enemy of the United States is awarded to the following named enlisted .ment ·· CORPO~ FRl!ID C SCHOENER, ER42254306, Infantry, A.rmy of the United States, a member of' Heavy Mortar Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distingui~hed him.d elt by heroic achievement on 14 FebruarJ• 1951 in the vioi• nity of YongnWmmi, Korea. On that day the company was~moving to n~1 positions when it ran, into a_ r·~~d block manned by a large enemy force. -The enemy inflicted numerous casualties on the friendly forces with machine gun and' sma~· arms fire. Corporal Schoener 1 with utter disl"eg!l,rd for his own safety, imme· ' diately jumped from the truck int.o the .hail of enemy fire to pick up his. fallen comrad~s. This quiok action ·by Corporal Schoener saved many lives. The heroic actions ~nd selfless devotion to duty and his comrades displayed by Corporal Schoener reflect great oredit upon himself and the military service. · Entered the.· military service from New York. ,... .. PR!VA'rE FIRST 1 CLASS EUreR L BURCH, ER3590667l~ . In£'antry, · Army of the. United States, a ~ember of Headquarters Company, 2d Battalion~ 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himseit by heroic achievement on 16 and 17 May 1951 in the vicinity of ,Saorang-ohi• Korea.· The 2d Battalion vra0.· on an qutpost in front . of tne regimental main . line. of reststano~. Its ·· misSion was to delay the enemy as long as possibl~ and to withdraW slowly 'be.;. hind tqe. -~~ lipe. of ro,aist~ncEJ; . Priyat~ Burch~ a Jee~ driver asaigne4.·to .. · the operations section, · lJiilder rep~ated trips -to .t~e base ot a ' bitterly oo.Ateit·· ed hi_l l, ;to 'l!l.rry _,~~i~,i.o~ -,.~!lg. ·~:va~;tate the. w~und·~~ · l)espi~e .e ne.J!I3" ar~illery / and· au:bome.tio .w'!apona fll''&, ·!le ~ohtinued to· resupply- aJIIIIltmit1on; thougli it ·. requjreq driving OVer: a :h~trqv, i ··01,1l"Ving road upder qonditiOJlS Of total dil.t'k~ ness, Priwte 'Bur·oh · voiunta'f'iJ.t 'rotu~nei:f a oompahY: 'bomniandEn••' whd h£d -~en . woun·4 ea, _to ·.~h.e line' encountering fire frOm. the enemy who. hlid moved \tpon the ridg~s · overJ!ooking t'he road. He· oontinued _carrying· "V"itally needed ammunition to the line.. The' heroiSlll in action d~splayed by Prh·ate Buroh ·r eflects great oredtt upon'· himself and the military sarvioe.' Entered' the military service ' .>\ · ' · ·· ·· · . ' · , from Indiana·. ..A,. ' ~IVAT.E FIRST 'CLASS EARL R MCC.A,Nl~, RA,l8350180, 'I nfantry, l.Jnited States Army, a memb.e.r .of Company E, " 38th Infantry Regiment, , 2d Infantry'- Division, distinguisherd himself by heroic achievement on 14 Ua.roh 1951 in the ·'vici'nity Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101833 GO No 395, Rq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 3 August 1951 (cont) of Yulsn.:u., Korea. On that date Private McCann ivas · a member of the ri.f'le · or his campnnyw~i2~ had t~e mission of secusing a figh ·ridge frdm a section numerically suP-erior enemy forco. As the company ad\fanced upon the objective it suddenly cc.:me under intense automatic weapons fire from the ,enemy positions. · Realizing the seriousness of the ~ituation 1 Private McCann unhesitatingly rus11ed, foryvard t~ough the,' ihtsnse enemty .fire to "a po;iition from '"1vhich he' could place effective fire ~pon t4e ·enemy. His quick th~nk:i:ng and a:ccurat:e· ' an enemy' machine~' gun emplacement ,arid in9:r . <fir·e resulted ' in tii~ ..des'Cruc'hion ' :1· flicted heavj casualties· _u~op ' the <me~y;; · His actio~~ enabled .company E to .a dvance and seize· the objective.; The heroism "in action displayEJd by Pri:vate M~Cann refle.o ts great creaft: upon himself and the military ·service. ·Eritered the military seryi~e from- Louisiana. · ' . RuFFNER: OJ!' MAJOR;.. GE1ill.tlAL COMMAND BY -.~ .' , ' ' r " • ,f ' ) ~:t' ' .:,.. '!!I ' I -r .' .. - <. OFFICIAL·: /( - . tl ;:;?' ' ~~~.~~ DAVID B B~ONS _ 'JJ •• • ~· • • •. ' • RUPERT D GRAVES GS Colonel Chief of Staff l· -'• . ·" \' AGC Lt Col Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION: ' . C plus, th,e .fo~ 4 TAG Attn AGAO-I 3 TAG Attn "AGPO-A 2 CD~CFE £ttn ~~G-PA . 1 EUSAK Attn KAG·:MA 5 Each 'Individual Concerned 4 Pers Off 9th ' I,rtf' 5 Pers O~f '38th ' Inf • Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101834 HEADQUARTERS 2d Infantry Division APO 248 o/o Postmaster San Franois·oo California GENERAL . ORDERS . NUMBER 396 4 August 1951 . Section I AWARD OF T!JE BRONZE STAR MEDAL---By direction of the President, under tlie provisions · of Executive :Order -94l9 1- 4 February 1944 (sec II, WD Bul 3.1944), and pursuant to authority in .li.R 600-45, the Bronze Star Medal with Letter "V" .devioe for heroic aohieiremont in o9nneotion with military operations against an enemy .of the 'United States is a~ardod to tho following na.med ~ffi~er o,nd enlisted mcnc · , FIRST , LIEUl'ENANT ·ARTHUR L DETTV'(EILER. 02006927, Infantry~ Army of the St'a:U:es; ·a rilombor of Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion-, 38th. Infantry · Reg'lm.ent, : 2d Inf'antry- Division, distinguished · h~solf by horoic achievement · on :30 lfay 195l ' in ··the' vicinity of Injci., Kore.a . On thnt~date, Lioutena!lt Dettweiler: wa~ motor officer in oh.v.rgo -of a convoy transporting a ·'rifle oomp~y to its ba·~o U:pon COl\lpletion of a· patrol mission. : Wh~n :(;he :convoy cittomp( ted . to dr<>s.s a .ford the first · truck was flooded out. It was discovered thtit, t .he swollen river had ris~n to such an oxtont that the trucks could 'not cross. With complete indii'.ferenoQ ·for 'the enemy mortar fire falling in tho 4roa, · Lieut.onant Dottwei.l er cabnly dirocte~ his drivors in setting up a defensive perim.etot< around tno ford. II'& then joined his men in retrieving the flooded trucks from . the , r ivor. After fi:ve hours of continual lo.bor under houvy fire • 1'-e'litano.nt Dottweiler ·and his drivers succeeded' in driv1ng ·the vehicles a• cross th~ do.ngerously swollon sifroUJII.a· 1 Tho heroism: in action arid outstanding .· tende~ship displnyod by LieutenO:nt D~:titweilor on this occasi-on reflect grout credit· upon himso1f . !lAd the milito.cy s,ep~~oq- , Entorod tho mil:itary service from ·Ca~iforniu. . · :. · · · · · ' · · . .· · ., U~ited .· PRJ;:vATE F~T .CLA.SS JOS¥:PH .~:{.i _ BB,EAtOC,A~A~!}S5ll9,E?, ! fx1fulrt,ry, .,Uni'ped States, A:1;ro:y• a mombor ... of Company G• ·sa~h _;Infa:n,tty Rogi.me~t ~ 2d Infantry Divis ion, . dlstingu~sl;-e<i,~hi.n!.s'eJ;f Pf;· heroic· aolli~?y~on~ . q~ 24 ·1Jny ;.~51 _ in . the : :Vic:!.nit~ · . dt .A:ro.em.:~.df.\:11 -"!tbrea. Oil that dO.ta Pr:~.-vo.to Broau:x:; n6t:~.trg o.s plA~oon laa.dor 1 hD,d tho m:h~ioh . of: ,seoUf"ing '·iln pp·emji.oQo:up;iad hi~l .. .· As : lJ.~ }+·n_d h.i-s ~-pl,p.~oop 1• ndvanbod upon "the ob.jaot.!ve1~ ·:bhdj( suddenly,·.o~m9 . under '. lion~. grenada .·~d auto~ nuitic '\venpons'· f'iro 1fro~·.tlie- wo1~:.:oliti"enoho~ .enemy.-. Disregt\.:rdi:n.ei' his~~· ~wiL; ., safety,· -~ivo.to B;roo.ux f-ully: expd-so4 }:l:bn$ol.f' to·. the in~'onso · imomY. '. i~U!e o.nd '. brought continuous, a·ocurri.te ,;rifle· fire upon tho enemy p.o sitionaf This Jl.Otion by Pr1wte$Bro1iui'· encouraged. hid !comrc.des' to move ·'.tcl:'Wllrd;. -. J:or.c ing the eriamy, to retreat f'roni th<iir ·positions.--·.' Private Breaux '-m-s tho first man to roo.oh .. the objeoti'v'a.·· He 7uguin br-ought·: effoctive fire.~ upol) the ~ i'·lo-e~ng ·Gmorny.- ·P·Ris resolute lictiori wn's rospohsiblo :· ror, tho sucoessful . o.o'complishm~>nt of tllo as':" ·, signed .mission. The }ler.pism in·~.~ction di,;Sp~ayo~-p~ ~j,:vn't1qB:re.~ux ~pflo<;r~s · grot\.t credit ' it~·on hiniself and the military ser.vi.oe; ~ntore_d the mili'Cary sorvico from llouisi~:ma·. ' , ,i ~· Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101835 :~.1!t:10_~,j-;;p:,-~iot __1 l. vhf::·:\.~<\ --~~-~'·- -.: _5Jii/~! - -------...! GO No 396, Hq 2d Inf Div_, APO 248_, 4 August 1951 (cont) PRIVATE FIRST CLASS JOIDJ M LONGBRAKE, US55024568, Army Mec!icD-1 Service, Army of the United Sto..tes, · o.. member of Medico.! Comp.n.ny, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by heroic achievement on 28 May 1951 in the vicinity of Kosok-tul, Korea. Attached to a rifle company as an aid man· during an attack on a bitterly contested hill, Private Longbrake displayed complete disregard for his own safety and ignored the intense enemy small arms, automatic weapons and mortar fire crweoping the battlegrotmd c.s he calmly moved about, treating his wounded comrades e.nd prepo..ring t hem · for evacuation. Often under point-blank fire directed at him by the enemy, he not once faltered in the performo.nce of his hazardous duties. The heroism in action displayed by Private Longbro..ke on this occasion reflects grco..t credit upon himself o.nd the military service. Entero'd the military service from Michigan. BY COMMAND OF :MAJOR GEllERAL RUFfNER: OFFICIAL: ~~.C.~ RUPERT D GRAVE3 GS Colonel Chief of' Sto.ff 11 DAVID B E~,MOHS AGC Lt Col Adjuto..nt General DISTRIBUTION: C plus the fol 4 TAG Attn AGAO-I 3 TAG Attn AGPO-A 2 CINCFE Attn AG-PA (A&D) 1 EUSAK Attn KAG~AA 5 Each Individual Concerned 6 Pers Off 38th Inf 2 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101836
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