St. John of the Cross Parish
St. John of the Cross Parish
St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 S. Wolf Road Western Springs, IL 60558 ▪ Parish Office: 708-246-4404 ▪ Called to be Holy through Prayer, Service & Sharing to Build Up the Kingdom of God. May 25, 2014 Sixth Sunday of Easter Meet Fr. Bill Vollmer our new Associate Pastor Tomorrow, May 26 is Memorial Day. While the regularly scheduled 7:45am Mass will not take place, all parishioners are invited to a special Memorial Day Mass in church at 9am. There will be no Eucharistic Adoration on Memorial Day. There will be Christian Meditation—11th Step at 10:30am in the Parish Center. The parish office will be closed for the holiday. Also note, there is no 12:15 Mass during the summer months. The 12:15 will return the weekend after Labor Day on Sunday, September 7th. 5-25--14 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Spring Parish Advisory Council Update Dear Parishioners, The Parish Advisory Council (PAC) met on May 13th for its Spring Council Meeting. To keep you informed of the work of the Council, the minutes from our meeting are posted on the website under parish leadership (http:// and shared throughout the parish at advisory council and consultative body meetings, and a letter summarizing our discussion and plans from our meeting is also published in the bulletin and on the website. As background, over the past year, in addition to sharing information about the work of each advisory council, consultative body, and Council goal committee, the PAC has spent much of its time, energy and efforts on the last line of our parish mission statement, “faithfully steward our time, talent, and treasure,” by focusing on three dimensions of Stewardship: Praying, Serving and Sharing. At the fall PAC meeting, Council members learned about the importance of prayer in our lives and how to pray using a five step prayer from St. Ignatius called The Examen. Council members encouraged Father David and the Pastoral Staff to share this prayer experience with the parish at Sunday liturgy. Our winter meeting was a bus trip to three Sharing Parishes: St. Mark in Cicero, Assumption Parish/Kolbe House Prison Ministry, and Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation in Chicago. To finish our year, at the spring meeting we reviewed the PAC’s efforts of the past year and discussed plans for the coming year. Council members were moved and felt changed by our winter visit to the three Sharing Parishes. Visiting places we had only heard about was eye opening and powerful. Council members characterized St. Mark Parish as struggling. They are struggling to survive with parishioners who do not live in the immediate neighborhood and who are unable to support their parish financially. There has also been a great turnover in the number of clergy serving the parish. At Kolbe House, members saw and heard Fr. Arturo’s unconditional love and commitment to serving the incarcerated, victims of crime, and their families on both sides. We also learned of the difficulties of living in an impoverished community with gangs, guns, drugs and violence. At Precious Blood, members felt hope after meeting the director, Fr. Kelly and one of the young men who was served by this ministry. They saw hope from their vegetable gardens, their commitment to helping youth stay out of jail and learn useful job skills, and their efforts at expanding at-risk youths’ vision and potential by exposing them to places outside of their community infested with gangs, drugs and crime. We learned first hand of the gratitude to our parish and how our support through volunteering, collecting clothing and sharing through our monthly Gold Sharing Parish offertory envelope makes such a difference to the success of their ministries. Council members felt proud of our parish’s outreach efforts and humbled by our many blessings. The Council discussed ways to share this experience with more parishioners, ways to encourage more parishioners to make prayer, service and sharing a priority in their everyday faith lives, the need to help our parishioners discern their gifts and talents, and how we might explore additional ways to help these parishes and their greater communities. (Pictures from our winter field trip can be viewed on our website by clicking on the Serving Picture at The PAC also discussed various ways that our parish could build upon our learning and experience of stewardship to strengthen our identity as disciples who strive to be Christ to others. As the PAC breaks for the summer months, we thank Lisa DenBesten, Lisa Geneser, Maggie McGarrel, and Betsy Sullivan for the service to our parish through the Council. For the 2014-2015 year, I will step down as chairperson after 6 years of service, and Ann Marie Calistro will take over the helm as chairperson assisted by vice chair, Brian King. The PAC also affirmed and welcomed 2 Apostles, Mike Scudder and Kerry Ward and 2 new at-large representatives, Pay Surdyk and Ed Giles. In closing, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve our parish. It has been a terrific experience working alongside fellow parishioners, Fr. David and members of the Pastoral Staff to build a viable Parish Advisory Council. We have worked to successfully communicate and collaborate across the parish and help our parish build the kingdom of God through our mission, “to love as Christ loved and to proclaim the Good News.” Karin Teglia Parish Advisory Council Chairperson 5-25--14 page 3 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Lifelong Formation Today’s Gospel: John 14:15-21 Jesus promises his disciples that he will send them another advocate, the Spirit of truth. Background on the Gospel Reading Today's Gospel is a continuation of last week's Gospel: Jesus is speaking to his disciples at the Last Supper. In today's reading Jesus offers encouragement to his disciples, who will soon see him crucified. He reassures them that even though he will leave them, he will not abandon them. Instead he will send them the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, through whom the disciples will continue to live in union with Jesus. Jesus uses the term Advocate to describe the Holy Spirit, whom the disciples will receive. Another word used to describe the Holy Spirit is Paraclete, a legal term meaning “one who offers defense for another.” Note that Jesus says that he will send “another Advocate.” Jesus himself is the first advocate, interceding for his disciples with the Father. In today's reading Jesus contrasts his impending departure with the permanence of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus will leave to return to the Father, but the Holy Spirit will remain with the disciples. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the disciples will come to know and appreciate the unity of the Son and the Father. They will also understand that they too participate in the communion between the Father and the Son: “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you” (John 14:20). Today's reading is one example of the contrast that John's Gospel presents between the community of disciples, to whom God will reveal himself, and the unbelieving world, which will remain in darkness. The unbelieving world cannot accept the “Spirit of truth,” whom the disciples will receive. Only through the Spirit will God's revelation and love be known. Loyola Press 2014. Monday Acts 16:11-15 Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b John 15:26–16:4a Tuesday Acts 16:22-34 Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c8 John 16:5-11 Wednesday Acts 17:15, 22–18:1 Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14 John 16:12-15 VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Listen to the Holy Spirit because he is giving people the good news that God loves them and can renew, purify and transform their lives, Pope Francis said. The Holy Spirit is the living water that "quenches the thirst in our lives because he tells us that we are loved by God as his children, that we can love God as his children and with his grace we can live as children of God, like Jesus," the pope said May 8 at his weekly general audience. Speaking to more than 80,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis continued his audience talks about the affirmations of faith in the creed, focusing on the Holy Spirit. "The Holy Spirit is an inexhaustible well of the life of God in us," he said. Every human person in every epoch and from all walks of life "desires a full and beautiful life, a life that is not threatened by death but that may mature and grow in fullness," the pope said. "Mankind is like a wanderer who, across the deserts of life, thirsts for water that's alive, gushing and fresh, able to fully slacken his deep desire for light, love, beauty and peace. Everyone desires this," he said. It is Jesus who gives humanity this living water through the Holy Spirit, the pope said, "so that our lives may be guided, animated and nourished by God." "When we say a Christian is a spiritual person, what we mean is this: A Christian is someone who thinks and acts according to God, according to the Holy Spirit," he said. But, he asked, "do we think and act according to God or do we let ourselves be led by so many other things?" All Christians must reflect on this question and honestly answer in their hearts whether they are listening to God or are distracted, he added. The living water of the Holy Spirit, the pope said, is a gift from the resurrected Christ "who dwells in us, purifies us, renews us, transforms us so that we can share in the life of God who is love." That is why St. Paul affirmed in his Letter to the Galatians that "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control," he said. The Holy Spirit brings people into divine life as children of God where they can live, as "true children, in a relationship of intimacy, freedom, and faith in the love and mercy of God," he said. Living as children of God lets people see with Christ's eyes, and see others as "brothers and sisters in Jesus to respect and love," he said. The pope said if people were to listen to the Holy Spirit, they would hear him say, "'God loves you.' And we, do we truly love God and others like Jesus did? Let us be guided by the Holy Spirit, allow him to speak to our hearts and he will tell us this: that God is love, he's always waiting for us, he is a father who loves us like a real dad and only the Holy Spirit can tell our hearts this," he said. "We have to listen to the Holy Spirit who is inside us!" "What does he tell us? That God is good, that God is a father, that he loves us and always forgives us," he said. By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Thursday Acts 18:1-8 Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 John 16:16-20 5-25--14 Friday Acts 18:9-18 Ps 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 John 16:20-23 page 4 Saturday Zeph 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16 Isa 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 Luke 1:39-56 Sunday Acts 1:1-11 Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 Eph 1:17-23 Matt 28:16-20 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Prayer The way we pray/live tells us a lot about our relationship with God, self, neighbor and creation. Do we see our relationship with God as untouchable, at an arms-length? Some may see themselves as unworthy; others may call this reverence. I often wonder why we talk differently to God in church and perhaps in our prayer than we do to anyone else. Why do we read prayers to God? Why do we not just talk from our hearts? Why do we pray as if God is not there? “Why do we so often use masculine words and patriarchal images? Many see their relationship with God as intimate, loving and caring for their neighbor, creation and self as interconnected. Prayer leads us into actions of love, forgiveness and inclusion. Jesus’ prayer life reached where others would not go. Where do you find God, the holy, the divine? I believe God shows up where we feel most at home. In this space we are nourished. We are received as we are. We are loved for who we are. There is no judgment. It is a place where hearts reveal and speak their love and truth in the prayer of gazing. It is praying naturally, talking and listening with each other. It is a place to laugh and cry, to stumble and to be picked up, to be forgiven and to stand tall, a place where eternal lovemaking grows. Sometime during our life we may begin to feel an unquenchable thirst for a deeper relationship with God. What has filled us until now does not seem to fit anymore. Perhaps it feels like our world is turning upside down. Our way of praying is changing, our life is changing and our relationship with God is deepening. God is drawing us to greater union — oneness. During this transition, individuals read more, reflect more and often seek out a spiritual director, guide or companion. They make time to be away at a center of retreat, often spending time wrapped in nature. In later years, praying for some becomes being with God in their arm chair, often falling asleep, allowing God to teach them as they sleep. “I fell asleep while praying the rosary.” Perhaps they fell asleep in God’s lap. I believe when we have outgrown our skin we recognize that we have been standing on life’s threshold all the while. This is where there is no division, just oneness in the breath of God’s heart. Dominican Sr. Caroline Sullivan Faithful disciples see, love, and live because of the Father’s gift of the Spirit dwelling within them. This divine indwelling is God’s very love. We are to be God’s love made visible, that the world may see Jesus, come to the truth, and choose to live in faithful love. 5-25--14 Richard Rohr Meditation “Beginner’s mind” is using your mind, but then letting go of it a bit and for awhile—not trusting it too much to be the whole picture, not grasping it too closely, so there’s room for a larger mind to get in. You only overdo it when you think it is YOU doing all the work and all the thinking. But spiritual knowledge is more like retrieving than discovering. Beginner’s mind is an opening to what might just be—and surely is—the Spirit of God, the promised anointing that “teaches you everything,” as St. John says (1 John 2:27). You objectively and already have that anointing, and now you must draw upon it and depend upon it. John has also just said “It is not because you do not know the truth that I write to you, but because you know it already” (1 John 2:21). Spiritual cognition is always a form of re-cognition, because the Divine Spirit knows it in you, and through you, and as you—already. That is why you do not need to be anxious or try too hard. It is more an allowing when the ego is off to the side. Beginner’s mind is a non-grasping, patient, and compassionate holding of truth, with the readiness for God and life to reveal even more of that Truth, and the meaning of that Truth, as your life goes on. Beginner’s mind is always a humble mind, always knowing that it does not yet fully know. page 5 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Christian Meditation The World Community for Christian Meditation invites all parishioners to attend a special event at Elmhurst College, The 2014 John Main Seminar Muslims and Christians: Listeners for the Word July 24-27, 2014. Led by Fr. Daniel Madigan SJ, the seminar will explore what Christians and Muslims have in common and what distinguishes us from each other in the context of esteem that Vatican II expresses for Muslims and their religious practice. Fr. Laurence Freeman OSB will also lead an optional 3-day silent retreat entitled Changing Patterns: The Power of Stillness and Silence in Meditation, prior to the seminar on July 21-24. Meditation Basics Christian Meditation, also known as contemplative prayer, is the prayer of silence. In meditation we go beyond words, thoughts and images into the presence of God within. Meditation, when prayed seriously (twice daily with a mantra), is not only a tool for self-improvement or relaxation, but is a discipline that will change the way you live. There are physical and psychological benefits or spiritual fruits of meditation that include stress reduction, internal peace, clarity in problem solving, improved relationships, care for oneself, patience, and reduced dependence on alcohol. These fruits can lead to improved attention to people, a greater capacity for giving and receiving love, joy, and self-knowledge, the knowledge of God. Parishioners can experience group meditation four times a week in the parish center: Mondays at 10:30am (11th step meditation), Wednesdays at 2pm and 7:30pm and Saturdays at 7am. More on the JMS and Christians and Muslims The keynote speaker for The World Community for Christian Meditation Seminar at Elmhurst College this July is Fr. Daniel Madigan, SJ. Father Madigan will discuss the commonalities and differences between Muslims and Christians to help break down barriers and widen the horizon of understanding. Father will share his understanding of our Christian faith through the lens of his friendships with Muslims and extensive study of Islamic tradition. Because Muslims today are often our neighbors, fellow citizens, and co-workers, we need to understand our faith in relationship to theirs to build relationships with compassion and mutual respect; that is achieved through education. Sadly both sides have used doctrinal differences as a pretext for acts of intolerance, discrimination, marginalization and persecution. As disciples of Jesus we are called to respect every person as a creation of God; one’s life, rights, reputation, property, ethnic and cultural identity, ideas and political choices. Talks by Fr. Madigan will be interspersed with periods of meditative silence and prayer. For a brochure on this unique opportunity for prayer and understanding, visit or contact Parishioner, Betsy Spiering at [email protected]. Register before May 30th for a discount. Scholarships available. Reading Resources Expand your knowledge of the differences between Muslims and Christians and the practice of Christian Meditation through some excellent resources posted on our parish website under Adult Formation at May our prayers rise up to you, O Lord, so that purified by your graciousness, we may be conformed to the mysteries of your mighty love. 5-25--14 page 6 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Strong Catholic Parents Jesus said to his disciples: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” John 14:15 10 Commandments ~ The Great Commandment ~ The New Commandment As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to a new life and are asked to make moral choices that keep us united with God. With the help and grace of the Holy Spirit, we can choose ways to act to keep us close to God, to help other people, and to be witnesses to Jesus. The Ten Commandments guide us in making choices that help us to live as God wants us to live. The first three commandments tell us how to love God; the other seven tell us how to love our neighbor. 1. I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me. 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day. 4. Honor your father and your mother. 5. You shall not kill. 6. You shall not commit adultery. 7. You shall not steal. 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. 11. The Great Commandment The Ten Commandments are fulfilled in Jesus' Great Commandment: “You shall love...God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength....You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:30-31) The New Commandment Before his death on the cross, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:34). Loyola Press 2014. Saint Augustine (354-430) created this poetic prayer to the Holy Spirit: Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Help Your Child to Understand the Gospel The mystery of the Trinity can be difficult for us to grasp. Today's Gospel invites us to consider how the three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit— work together so that God's salvation is made known to us. Jesus' mission is continued through the activity of the Holy Spirit in the lives of his disciples. We have received this same Spirit through our Baptisms. The Spirit, living and working within us, reveals the mystery of God's love for us. Just as the first disciples were not left orphaned, we are not orphaned; we remain in God's embrace through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Gather your family and invite each family member to say what he or she knows about the Holy Spirit. Read aloud today's Gospel, John 14:15-21. What does Jesus say the Holy Spirit will do for the disciples? Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we come to share in the love of God made known to us in Jesus. Pray together, thanking God for this gift of the Holy Spirit. Used with permission. Loyola Press 2014. 5-25--14 page 7 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Parish School Youth Catechesis Our eighth graders culminate the year with many exciting activities. An SJC tradition for many years is Memorial Games. Alumni may recall this event with many fond memories. Each year, our eighth graders face off in basketball games and raise money to purchase a gift for the school. Last year’s gift was the Blue Ribbon Plaque that hangs next to our front door. We thank the eighth grade and their families for planning such a wonderful evening that benefits the school. The Youth Catechesis staff prays with all our families for those who have served, those that are serving and those who will serve. May Our Lord Jesus bless our military and their families. R E M Fourth grade students participated in three geometry enrichment classes this trimester. The students identified geometric 2-dimensional patterns and extended them into 3-dimensional models. Volunteer, Mrs. Mary Lambesis, taught these units. Mrs. Lambesis is a St. John of the Cross parishioner who created and published many geometry lessons during her career as a teacher. This Week At SJC Monday, May 26 Memorial Day, No School Tuesday, May 27 Eighth Grade Awards Night & Dance 7:00 p.m., school Wednesday, May 28 1st and 8th Grade Buddy Lunch 11:00 a.m. school Thursday, May 29 Last Day Picnic, Pre School 3 11:00 a.m. Friday, May 30 Last Day Celebration, Pre School 4 10:15 a.m., school Kindergarten Fun Day, 9:30am, school Graduation, 5:00 p.m., church E B E M R YOUTH CATECHESIS REGISTRATION Register for YC 2014-2015 Last Weeks to Save!! Our goal is to have our families registered by May 31st, to help we are offering a saving this May! Stop in to register by May 31st, pay in full and receive $10 OFF your tuition bill. HOURS for your CONVENIENCE Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-4:00 pm Wednesday, May 28th ~ extended to 7:00 pm Thursday, May 29th ~ extended to 7:00 pm Please stop by today! Normal Office Hours: We will be closed in honor of Memorial Day, Monday May 26th. Thank you! Youth Catechesis Office [email protected] * 708-246-6760 * 5-25--14 page 8 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Crossroads Parish News The week of: May 25, 2014 Upcoming Events Kairos 17 Retreat July 31-Aug 3 now has registration open! June 5th Work Tour meeting June 6th S.Wo.R.D Retreat 11am-8pm June 8th Identity Retreat Meeting 10am Softball begins! Week in review: SJC’s Dodgeball Tournament w a s a smashing success! The Januska Team took first place, and the Sophomore Team came in a close second. We hope to see everyone back next year with more competition for the Januska Team! Want more updates on happenings in the Crossroads Community? Check us out on Facebook or Twitter! Friend us at Crossroad Youth-Ministry Follow us @SJCCrossroads SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES: LAST CALL FOR S.Wo.R.D. Retreat Day June 6th—get forms at crossroads/retreats! Did you miss Church League Basketball and feel a hole where your athleticism and faith meet? Then join SJC’s 16” Softball League! Beginning June 8th, a softball game will be held on Sunday’s where two teams square off. Details on the signup form at sports. Juniors and Seniors, are you interested in growing your faith and also becoming close with some of your peers? SIGN UP FOR KAIROS!!! Details on application, check it out at crossroads/retreats. Hosted by St. Francis Parish….can be found there at parish/education-2/kairos-retreat/ 5-25--14 St. John of the Cross Parish announces registration for summer sports camps open to all boys and girl in the parish. 2014 Summer Running Camp: Grades 3-8 The Running Camp will emphasize speed, endurance, agility and conditioning Michelle Fink, Cross Country Coordinator will coach the Camp. Every Wednesday, June 11th- August 6th from 7:30am to 8:30am. The fee: $60 Includes a T-shirt. Meet each Wednesday morning in the SJC parking lot near the flagpole. To Register: Go To: Go To: Athletics, Select: 2014 Running Camp Flyer and Form from the drop down print the registration form and return it with the fee (payable to St. John of the Cross) to: SJC Parish School, Attn: SJC Running Camp, 708 51st Street, Western Springs, IL 60558 For questions contact Michelle Fink at: (708) 784-1599 OR [email protected]. 2014 Summer Basketball Camps: Grades 2-8 The Basketball Camps will emphasis instruction on proper basketball techniques. Fundamentals, advanced skills, competitions and contests will be included. This year's camp will be run by Coach John Quinn. Coach Quinn and his team have many years of coaching experience at the Junior High and High School levels. Session Dates July 28th—August 1st August 4th—August 18 Grades 2-5th: 8-10am Grades 6-8th: 10am—Noon The fee is $85 per session if registered by July 19or $95 per session at the door. Each student will receive a T-shirt and basketball. All camps will be held at SJC To Register: Go To: school Go To: Athletics, Select: 2014 Summer Basketball Camp Flyer and Form from the drop down print the registration form and return it with the fee (payable to St. John of the Cross) to: SJC Parish School, Attn: Basketball Camp Registration, 708 51st Street, Western Springs, IL 60558. For questions contact Tom Taylor, 312-617-8535 or [email protected] No refunds after the first day of camp. page 9 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Parish News Last weekend parishioners affirmed the following fellow parishioners to serve our parish as consultative body representatives. Congratulations and thank you to each of you for your willingness to share your gifts and talents with our parish. Parish Advisory Council At-Large Representatives (serve 2 year terms) Pat Surdyk Ed Giles School Advisory Board Representatives (serve 3 year terms) Jim Morrissey David Zich Lorraine O’Malley Youth Catechesis Council Representatives (serve 3 year terms) Becky Harrigan Julie Montesano Karen Olenec Catholic Charities Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) Support Program Loss is a support group for those who are grieving a death by suicide of a family member or close friend. It offers a safe, non -judgmental place where survivors are educated and assisted through the grieving process by trained clinicians and veteran LOSS survivors. There are also LOSS groups that help children and youth. There are monthly meetings at 9 sites in the area, weekly groups for the newly bereaved in 8 week sessions, and individual/family counseling for adults and children. Call 312-655-7284 or go to Explore Spiritual Direction Explore a closer relationship with God. Discern God’s presence and love in your life. Marianne Firlit, Spiritual Director [email protected] Or call the parish center. Lead me. Guide me. Lord, be the wind beneath my wings. Men’s Golf Club Outing: Friday June 6th Flagg Creek Golf Course Cost: $26 includes golf, cart, 2 beverage tickets, entry into contests. Contests: low score, closest to the pin, longest rive, longest putt. Tee times: 1:00 to 2:24 pm. Please drop off an envelope with your contact information, your name and/or the name of your foursome and a check(s) made payable to SJC Men’s Club. Questions: contact Barrett Long (708-784-9224) or John Cisek (708-784-9224) or John Cisek (708-784-1998). Bereavement Camp for Kids Tommy’s Kids Summer Camp Helping children who have experienced the death of someone they love is one of the most difficult tasks a parent or other relative may ever face. Tommy’s Kids Camp, an extension of Tommy’s Kids Support Group is available to assist you with that difficult task and to help your child learn healthy ways of coping. This Camp is a five day summer camp where children ages 5-12 can come together to talk about their loss, to remember special times, to meet new friends and to have fun. It is facilitated by Adventist St. Thomas Hospice staff and volunteers who have received specialized training in childhood development and grief. Monday, June 16th— Friday, June 20th from 9am until 3pm at the Arabian Knights Farms 6526 Clarendon Hills Rd., Willowbrook. The cost is $50/child (includes all five days, scholarships available). Snacks and supplies will be provided by St. Thomas. Children are asked to bring a sack lunch including a drink and to wear comfortable shoes. Camp will meet rain or shine and is limited to 30 children. For more information or to register please contact Heather Kochen at 630-856-6985 or [email protected] Catholic Charities Holbrook Counseling Center Are you experiencing sadness and anxiety? Communication problems with your partner or children? Difficulty in your daily functioning? Reactions to trauma or abuse? Dealing with transitions and stress impacting your relationships? Faith based professional counseling is available through Catholic Charities. Therapists utilize a holistic, strengthsbased approach to resolving problems and achieving wholeness in one’s journey of personal growth. Individual counseling, family or couples counseling, for adults, adolescents, college students, couples, and families. Call 312-655-7725 for more information and an appointment. Staff hold advanced degrees in psychology, social work and counseling and are licensed. Fees are based on your family size and income. Go to 5-25--14 page 10 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Parish News Please help us welcome our new members to the St. John of the Cross faith community: Nicole and Joshua Soltes and Family Dawn and Kyle Wood and Family Megan and Jon Beutjer and Family Join Us!! Becoming a Member at St. John of the Cross Parish Welcome! is the name of our New Member Program at St. John of the Cross. The Welcome! Program is a time for you to get to know all about your new parish and for us to get to know about you and your family. Each of us has a place at the Table at St. John of the Cross Parish. Each of us is called to discover, to grow, to be all God has asked us to be. We are so happy to be on the journey with you. Become a Member by registering online at http:// or by stopping in at our Parish Center office. Our Welcome Coordinator, Elizabeth Russell-Jones will meet with you to introduce you to everything at SJC, take you on a tour of our campus, listen to ways that our parish might help you, inspire you, and become an important part of your life and answer any questions you may have. Elizabeth’s office is located in the Welcome Center in the Parish Center. 708-246-4404 x155 email her at 50th Wedding Celebration The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 14, at 2:45 pm at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street in Chicago. Couples married in 1964 interested in attending this celebration should contact their parish to register. For further information call the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312-534-8351 or visit the website: www.marriageand Interfaith Career Network Tuesday, May 27, 7-9 pm: with 80% of the jobs found in the “hidden job market”, networking is the heart of any job search. Jim Peterson will coach you on the fundamentals of this critical search strategy. Jim will also provide tips for people over 50. Tuesday, June 3, 7-9 pm: a panel of HR professionals will coach you on the “art of interviewing” and answer all your “thorny” questions about successful phone and in-person interview strategies and techniques as well as providing tips on how to recover from interviewing blunders. Everyone is welcome and there is no charge to attend. First Presbyterian Church of La Grange, 150 South Ashland Ave. For further information, contact Susan Sedler at [email protected]. 5-25--14 VBS! July 7-11, 2014 from 9:00 am to Noon Open to All Parish Children Register online. Questions? Call 246-6760. Thank you from Kolbe House… Dear Parishioners, In the spirit of these Easter season days, I want to thank you for the $1,200 sharing check that was received. This donation supports our jail ministry and is always appreciated. It continues to be a source of new life for us. I know that summer days are approaching and that these are times of refreshment and relaxation is necessary. I guess this is why the word recreation can mean re-creating ourselves. Throughout the year all of us are involved in building up the Church. Each person, family, and parish does this in different and unique ways. Yet all of the ways, ministries, services, and celebration are linked together to form one Church. We need to recreate ourselves in order to better serve. Kolbe House’s relationship with you is a person to person relationship. Throughout the year there have been different moments when we have seen each other not to just work on a program or new initiative but to continue to get to know one another on a deeper level. We are a faith motivated people. May these approaching summer days be good days for all of you. I am constantly grateful for this relationship and hold you in prayer. Know that I and all of us who serve the incarcerated ask for your prayers also. Rev. Arturo Perez Rodriguez Love Without End May we love our neighbors as ourselves with strength, wisdom and gentleness. page 11 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Preparing for Infant Baptism at SJC A life of happiness, holiness and faith As part of collaborative efforts across the parish that are focused on strengthening and supporting the vocation of all Catholic parents, we have developed new resources for parents bringing their infant for baptism. What do I need to do to have my baby baptized? Pre-baptism sessions are now offered for all parents whether it is your first child being baptized or a subsequent child. The sessions are offered on the fourth Sunday of each month at 1:30pm (noon during the summer). It is our expectation that both parents will attend this session. Feel free to bring your new baby and invite the godparents too. The session which runs 2 hours is designed with input from parents like you who are ager to provide an environment that will foster faith in Jesus Christ. Parents are asked to register to attend a pre-baptism session. Simply call the parish center front office during regular business hours (9am-4pm). One of our full-time staff members will take all the necessary information and answer any questions you may have. Our parish community prayerfully supports and congratulates the following families who had their child baptized last Sunday! Hadley Reese, daughter of Rawly and Joelle (Livermore) Lantz Jackson Oscar, son of Andrew and Deidre (Dyer) Rudich God of all creation, we are made in your image and are signs of your love. Bless these children who were given new life as your adopted sons and daughters through the waters of Baptism. May they grow up to know your name and give you praise. Bless the mothers and fathers of these children. Fill them with your strength so that they will be models of faith for their children, nurturing and teaching by word and example to know you and walk in your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 5-25--14 page 12 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Accepting Truth, Whatever its Cloak When I was student in the seminary, I had two kinds of teachers: One kind, precisely because they were fiercely loyal to all that is Christian and Catholic, would have us read great secular thinkers but always with the intent of wanting to help show where these thinkers were wrong. Our intellectual task as a Catholic seminarian, they would tell us, is to be able to defend Catholicism against the kinds of criticisms found in the writings of these secular, sometimes, anti-Christian thinkers and to keep own faith and teaching free of their influence. The second set of professors approached things differently: They would have us read great secular thinkers, even if they were bitterly critical of Christianity and Catholicism, but with the intent of seeing what we could positively learn from them. These are great minds, they told us, and, whether sympathetic to Christianity or not, we have something to learn from them. Do not read uncritically, was their challenge, but still read with the intent of being instructed. Early on as a seminary student, because I was still insecure intellectually, I leaned more towards the selfprotective approach of the first set of professors and read most secular thinkers defensively. I have to smile now as I look back on the idealistic, but naïve and intellectually frightened, young man I was then, a nineteen year-old undergraduate trying to poke holes in the likes of thinkers like Nietzsche, Feuerbach, Marx, Freud, Durkheim, and Lenin. I imagined myself, David fighting Goliath. It seems misguided and grandiose now, but I still have a fondness for that nineteen yearold who was engaged in this battle. Later on, precisely because some of the valuable insights in a number of great secular thinkers began to break through, despite my resistance, I began more and more to lean towards the approach of the second set of professors who had invited us to learn from others' insights, no matter the cloak of the author. Now as I age, both chronologically and in ministry, I find that I am richer and more compassionate to the exact extent that I can do that, namely, remain faithful to the truth wherever I find it, no matter its source. Hence, today I find myself drinking from intellectual wells of every sort, particularly from secular novelists and essayists, my critical faculties are still patrolling like soldiers on duty, but now with a thirst for the insights these writers have into life and the soul. I no longer read with the intent of trying to prove someone wrong, even if that author is anti-Christian. I have too much to learn. Sometimes in our fear of being tainted in our orthodoxy we forget that many of the great theologians in Christian tradition were unafraid to pick up pagan thinkers, mine their insights for truth, and then blend these with their faith: St. Augustine did this with Platonism. Thomas Aquinas, in the face of considerable ecclesial criticism, did the same thing with Aristotle. Ironically, centuries later, we now take many of their intellectual categories, which they originally took from pagan thought, as our very criteria for orthodoxy. More recently, Liberation Theology, at its best, has done this with Marxist theory; just as, Feminism, at its best, has done the same with secular social theory. But much of these efforts have been, in the name of orthodoxy, viewed with either suspicion or positive rejection. Dare one say that Jesus did the same thing? He picked up parables and stories that were current in his culture and tailored them to further his own religious and moral teachings. Moreover, he taught, and with precious little equivocation, that we are to honor truth wherever we see it, irrespective of who's carrying it. But isn't this syncretism? If one picks up truths from diverse pagan and secular sources and harmonizes them with one's Christian faith, how does one avoid the accusation of being syncretistic? Picking up truth from a variety of sources is not syncretism. Syncretism is combining insights gleaned from everywhere in a way that is uncritical of internal contradiction. But we must not confuse tension with contradiction. Tension is not necessarily a sign of contradiction; it's often the opposite: True faith is humble enough to accept truth, wherever it sees it, irrespective of the tension it causes and irrespective of the religion or ideology of whoever is speaking it. Big mind and big hearts are large enough to contain and carry large ambiguities and great tensions. And, true worshippers of God accept God's goodness and truth wherever these are manifest, no matter how religiously or morally inconvenient that manifestation might be. God is the author of all that is good and all that is true! Hence, since no one religion, one church, one culture, one philosophy, or one ideology contains all of the truth, we must be open to perceive and receive goodness and truth in many, many different places and we must be open to the tensions and ambiguity this brings into our lives. Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website Now on Facebook ronrolheiser MEGA PASS ON SALE NOW! Unlimited Rides for ENTIRE SJC FEST 2014 Pre-Sale Price: $50 (While Supplies Last) At The Fest: $65 Mega Pass Vouchers are now available for $50 on a Pre-Sale basis only. Vouchers can be redeemed at the carnival voucher redemption booth for an unlimited ride wristband during the entire SJC Fest from June 26th—29th. LOCATION TO PURCHASE VOUCHERS: Parish Center Office Between 9am-4pm Monday-Friday or School Office (See Val Nelson) or Order Online or After the 9:00 & 10:45 Masses on June 1st in the Parish Center MEGA PASSES are non-transferable, non-replaceable and non-refundable. CHECK ONLY made Payable to: SJC FEST at Parish Center Office For additional information, please contact Diane Schick (708) 246-9301 RAFFLE TICKET SALES June 1st in the PARISH CENTER after 9:00 & 10:45 MASSES at New Parishioners Hospitality!! 5-25--14 page 14 praying ~ serving ~ sharing This Week at SJC Mass Intentions Monday, May 26 9:00 a.m. Memorial Day Mass Tuesday, May 27 9:05 a.m. Rosary 9:30 a.m. Focus on Sunday Scriptures Group Wednesday, May 28 8:30 a.m. Fr. Bonin Music Thru the Ages 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 3 11:00 a.m. Buddy Lunch 2:00 p.m. Christian Meditation 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts 7:00 p.m. Family Festival Meeting 7:30 p.m. Christian Meditation Thursday, May 29 2:15 p.m. Market Day Pick-up Friday, May 30 9:30 a.m. Mom’s Club 5:00 p.m. Graduation Saturday, May 31 7:00 a.m. Christian Meditation Sunday, June 1, 9:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Masses Welcome Hospitality Monday, May 26, St. Philip Neri 9:00 Avariella Cotto; Henry Niedospial Tuesday, May 27, St. Augustine of Canterbury 7:45 Our Beloved Dead; Fr. Ed Fealey Wednesday, May 28, Easter Weekday 7:45 Mark Bestler; Walt Sobek Thursday, May 29, Easter Weekday 7:45 Don Dempsey; Teresa Peterson Friday, May 30, Easter Weekday 7:45 Madeleine Cronin; Mary Sue Donohue Saturday, May 31, The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 Marie Borsellino; Francesco Brotto 5:00 Bob McNulty; John Kienzle Sunday, June 1, The Ascension of the Lord 7:30 Lawrence Hartlaub; James Reardon 9:00 Judy Urban; Barbara Mann 10:45 Rosemary Martinotti; Robert McNulty 5:00 Angie Henderson; Sweeney & Hickey Families Lord God, we know you as Friend and Savior because of the love you have shown us in Jesus. Your Son invites us into a journey of faith. As Jesus’ disciples, we ask you to fill us with a sincere heart and the fullness of your Holy Spirit. We ask that your abiding love lead us more deeply into prayer so that our spiritual growth might reflect your love. May we continually welcome your Spirit into our hearts. We praise you as Lord and Creator, as Wisdom and Blessing, as Healer and Guide. May we walk humbly with you, our God. We believe that our lives of prayer will guide us through our everyday trials and opportunities, knowing that you are always at our side. May our openness to you lead us, through your love, to be open to others and to our world. For these and all of our intentions we pray through Jesus Christ with heartfelt thanks. Paulist Press. Pray for our Sick Mitch Allen Debbie Brandt Miroslav Chybik John Cozza Margaret Daley Karen Hult Donisha Jackson Joe Jezmoinka Allison Kazragis Shirley Kazragis Frank Kranz John Munch Mary Nowicki Alexander Obi Joe Robin Harry Stone Mary Catherine Warren Donna Webster Sharon Wildman Edward Wojcik Wedding Banns Stephanie Grey & Nick Satariano Ashley Davis & Anton Steele Pray for those who received the sacraments of initiation at Easter. May they be strengthened in their vocation as new disciples of Christ. Trying to get in touch with us? More info is on our website: Rev. David P. Dowdle Rev. Joseph F. McDonnell Rev. William J. Vollmer Deacon John Schopp Bill Bright Janet Caschetta Jim Clauer Laura Dragich Kathleen Gorman Katie Hayes Jessica Koch MJ Martin Elizabeth Russell-Jones Pastor Pastor Emeritus Assoc. Pastor Deacon Outreach Youth Catechesis Worship Reservations School Principal Crossroads Music Operations Welcome [email protected] Contact Fr. Joe through the Parish Office [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DUPLEX ELECTRIC 708-387-9400 Expert Troubleshooting Electrical Rehab/Repair JOHN C. SKREKO, DDS • Reconstruction • Root Canals • Extractions, Oral Emergency Indian Head Park Greg Fiflis – Parishioner 708-246-1263 Staining, Waterproofing Services From ENIOR S UNTS DISCO KEENAN ROOFING AND SOLAR IF YOUR HOME’S EXTERIOR IS UNBECOMING TO YOU YOU SHOULD BE COMING TO US! • WINDOWS • SIDING • GUTTERS • SOFFIT • FASCIA FREE CONSULTATION SFX Parishioner 708.937.9400 We’ll turn your “Honey Do” list into a “Honey Done” list 630-441-0648 Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 630-929-6565 911 N. Elm Street • Suite 216 • Hinsdale Restorative and Implant FAMILY DENTISTRY Kevin E. Collins, DDS, PC Whole House Generators Installation 475 W. 55th St., La Grange Office 354-5575 Fully Insured and Bonded • 708.485.0766 After Hours Emergency – 354-2281 Repairs - Maintenance - Assembly MICHAEL J. SALVINO, MD, FACS John F. O’Connell III, D.D.S. (630) 789-3971 Tom [email protected] WE STILL MAKE HOUSE CALLS! Never Be Without Power Again – Handyman Service SALVINO PLASTIC SURGERY, S.C. 99.00 $ PC & MAC Sales & Service Networking • WIFI • Internet FREE Gutter Cleaning with Gutter Topper Installation Rob’s on the Job Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery PC MD • PATIO • HOME • DECK GENERAL DENTIST Since 1981 CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Insured Bonded Law Office of Kevin J. Moore, P.C. Parishioner • Business Law • Civil Litigation 708.246.1595 4365 Lawn Ave., Ste 7 Western Springs General Dentistry 930 N. York Rd., Suite 120 Hinsdale, IL 60521 (630) 455-1666 Homemade Sausage, Sauce, BEEF Meatballs, Italian Ice & Gelato PIZZA • PASTA • SALADS • SANDWICHES Delivery Sun-Th 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm 630.654.4600 • Catering 708-334-9001 32 E. Hinsdale Ave., Hinsdale Selling Your Home? Parishioner Discount Everyday Special 16” Pizza & 1 Topping $12.99 Brian or Sally, coordinators INTERIOR / EXTERIOR 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Member FDIC Fine painting of walls, ceilings & woodwork Wallcovering removal & installation Saint Margaret Staining & varnishing woodwork Complete painting/staining of exteriors Sunday Missal Installation of chair & crown moldings, An ideal companion baseboard & shoe moldings for personal prayer. John Wilson CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • More Than 2100 Properties Sold in Past 24 Years [email protected] 915 55th Street, Suite 102, Western Springs • Companionship • Medication Reminder • Meal Preparation • Bathing and Dressing Assistance • Transportation and Escort • Light Housekeeping • And Much More 708.482.7424 Licensed • Insured • Bonded In Stock & Ready to Order Today. [email protected] Cell (630) 337-8946 Office (708) 246-5604 Parishioner Jim Stillo Broker Parishioner Maloney & Company, Ltd. Certified Public Accountants & Consultants Specializing in Personalized Accounting, Tax and Consulting Services For Individuals and Family Owned Businesses 61 Ogden Avenue, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 Email: [email protected] (630) 887-0500 Dan Maloney, Parishioner COMPASSIONATE HOME CARE State Licensed • Meals • Personal Care • Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Laundry • Errands 630.323.7231 Michael & Mary Doepke, RN • Parishioners Denise Pozen Photography Kitchens • Bathrooms • Additions Dan Madden Parishioner 708 246.8898 ANNA’S CLEANING SERVICES NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Experienced Polish Girls Homes • Condos • Offices Free Estimates Insured 773.502.9369 Drs. Battistoni + Beam Ltd. Practice specializing in orthodontics Gregg Communications Systems, Inc. Telephone Equip. Voiceover IP (VoIP) 38 Years in Business Mary Dine 630-571-7000 009239 St John of the Cross Church (B) 708-352-4500 922 S. La Grange Rd. La Grange, IL 60525 Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español Oakbrook Terr. 630.691.1114 “Your Parish Photographer” To view and order photos from SJC events visit Use Photographer ID s9y6e9f and choose the gallery you would like to view. Also available for private events 708-352-2771 Village HARDWARE “Help is just around the corner” 835 Burlington • Western Springs • 708-246-0892 Monday-Friday 8am-7pm • Saturday 8am-5:30pm • Sunday 9am-4pm The COMMUNITY BANK of WESTERN SPRINGS A branch of Hinsdale Bank & Trust Company® 1000 Hillgrove Ave., Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-7100 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 WINE TASTINGS • EVENT PLANNING • GIFTS On York • ½ Block North of Ogden Ave. 3821 S. York Road, Oak Brook • 630-325-6550 Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 708-652-1444 LIMO Bellissimo LLC 708.828.2138 708.828.2138 Peter Conboy Matthew Conboy Jean Conboy Hanson A Family You Can Rely On... Today and Tomorrow. 10501 W. Cermak Road, Westchester 708-562-5900 Parishioner Weddings ✴ Proms✴✴ Special Events✴✴ Airport Transportation Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants, Ltd. JOHN BERARDI Owner WESTERN SPRINGS KIRSCHBAUM’S BAKERY Dog Walking • Pet Sitting • Pet Taxi • Errands (Pet Food/Supplies) • One-on-One Playtime Member and Insured through Pet Sitters Associates Pisa Pizza WE DELIVER 708-352-0008 GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS 5440 S. LaGrange Rd., Countryside 708.246.2366 4365 Lawn Ave Ste. 5 Western Springs SINCE 1989 Pre-Summer A/C Clean and Check $5.00 OFF exp. 6/15/14 Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount 708-286-1100 Comprehensive Family EyeCare for ages 3-103! Most Insurances Accepted GENERAL DENTISTRY (708) 246-6006 South Side Tradition Since 1963 NOW OPEN 777 N. York Rd., Suite 15 708-655-7947 COLDWELL BANKER MARY ELLEN “O’HARA” CONSIDINE Nee: Caplis Cell # (773) 704-4250 V. Mail (773) 687-5181 Call For Free Market Analysis [email protected] Kathryn R. Engel, Attorney at Law THOMAS R. KRONE ATTORNEY AT LAW ESTATE PLANNING CHRISTENING AND FUNERAL LUNCHEONS Full menu available • Dine in • Carry-out • Delivery • Catering Open 7 Days a Week For appt. Call 708-246-6233 6972 S. Wolf Rd., Indian Head Park DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES OF LAGRANGE [email protected] Former S.J.C. Women’s Club President Parishioner 708.482.3213 5201 S. Willow Springs Rd. Suite 430 LaGrange 630-968-5553 Parishioner We Welcome Watching 8 East Hinsdale Hinsdale, Illinois ALLMAKE Family Law / Divorce / Mediation Estate Planning / Wills & Trust / Real Estate [email protected] Rosaria Becker 6934 Crest Road-Darien CHOOSE A TRUE LOCAL PLUMBER 708-246-1600 ENDODONTICS Your Real Estate Advisor Call Today! 708.417.8441 Lic.# J16531 - Bonded - Insured Frank Tramontana, Parishioner Western Springs Resident FOOD & LIQUOR 009239 St John of the Cross Church (A) Attorney At Law, Parishioner • Real Estate • Trusts • Probate Licensed in Illinois & Florida (708) 246-7570 Air Conditioned Restaurant & Carry Out-Seating for 200-Delivery Service CALL 354-4500 YOUR ORDER WILL BE READY 5525 LA GRANGE RD. 921 Burlington Ave., Western Springs Carol L. Klima Martin Broker Parishioner 708-309-0351 [email protected] Practice Limited to Root Canal Therapy and Dental Implants • Evening and Saturday Hours • Most dental insurances accepted • Parishioner discount Drs. Munaretto & Sommers, Parishioners • 475 W. 55th Street, Suite 208, LaGrange (708) 579-0488 630.654.3501 Since 1983 APPLIANCE REPAIR All Major U.S. Brand Appliances Repaired 630-734-1400 708-579-5262 CAMEO 504 Hillgrove Western Springs Mon & Wed 9-6 PM Tuesday 9-7 PM Friday 9-5 PM Saturday 8-1 PM WOMEN Haircut - Color - Highlight $20.00 OFF Men’s Haircut $10.00 OFF Parishioner Complete Psychological Evaluation & Treatment Individual - Marital - Family Alexandria Z. Meccia, M.D. Dr. Irene D. Combs pleased to announce Carolyn J. Newcome Sparks has joined our team New / First Time Clients 4471 Lawn Ave., Ste. 200 Western Springs Lorraine D. D’Asta, Ph.D. and Associates 708.514.1591 HINSDALE 655-9040 Fox’s Restaurant and Pub Quality and Variety Wedding & Party Cakes 825 Burlington Ave. 246-2894 Western Springs Harper Hair Studio VINCENT T. VERSACI, DDS, PC JOE CANTELE, OWNER EMERGENCY SERVICE 915 BURLINGTON AVE. WESTERN SPRINGS, IL 60558 708-246-0380 Mon.-Fri. 8-6 - Sat. 8-5:30 Sundays (Seasonal) 10-4 JUNIOR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION KOZY HEATING & AIR COND. Western Springs, IL 60558 Office: (708) 784-1445 • FAX (708) 784-1446 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. DOWNERS GROVE 301-75th Street 630-964-6500 Sign Up Online TODAY! WWW.WSJFA.COM ZAWASKI & ZAWASKI -----------------------------------3848 Lawn Avenue C A L L ✴ T E X T ✴ E M A I L : [email protected] FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED PROVIDING DISTINGUISHED SERVICE SINCE 1923 COUNTRYSIDE 1025 W. 55th Street 708-352-6500 CONBOY’S-WESTCHESTER FUNERAL HOME ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER $25.00 off with ad Service * Licensed Plumbers * Guaranteed work Same Day Service! 708-579-3321 7 Days a Week Sump La Grange Office Water Heaters Pumps IL Lic.005017412 OPEN DAILY 11:00 AM DAILY & SUNDAY 2:00 PM For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Mark your calendar to come to our Garage Sale!