50th Anniversary Booklet


50th Anniversary Booklet
This fiftieth anniversary booklet is dedicated to the
many, many Luther High School Volunteers.
Blessings overflowing: LHS Volunteers
Love for their Savior as well as for their area Lutheran High School has prompted many individuals to volunteer their time, talents, and treasures to help Luther High whenever help was
needed. The countless hours invested in meetings, projects, supervision, and other areas of
service have truly been labors of love. Luther High will forever be indebted to all who have
given so unselfishly of themselves to further the mission of the school.
May the good will of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit,
brothers and sisters!
Galations 6:15
his 50th anniversary booklet recounts the second twenty-five years of Luther High School
history. The first twenty-five years were recounted in the first anniversary booklet of 1982,
which is available on the Luther High web site: www.luther.k12.wi.us/generalinfo/ History
LHS/25th Anniversary. This anniversary booklet will also be available on the web site. after September, 2007. Some of the information from the first twenty-five years is also included here.
The anniversary theme for the first twenty five years was “In Touch With Time and Eternity.” The
theme for the 50th anniversary is “Education for Eternity.”
The 50th anniversary will be celebrated on September 16, 2007, in a special service thanking God
for His many blessings given to Luther High School. Pastor Paul Ziemer, a past principal of the high
school, will preach the anniversary sermon, and Pastor Frank Italiano Jr. will conduct the liturgy.
The Conference of Delegates resolved that as an expression of thanksgiving to God for Luther High
School’s 50th anniversary we encourage people to give special gifts at this time and in the future
toward tuition assistance, both for current needs and for endowment.
Besides producing this booklet and planning the celebration, the anniversary committee has been
selling commemorative ornaments and envelope seals and has produced a DVD to help celebrate the
past 50 years.
Anniversary committee members are David Adickes, Chairman; LaVonne Zietlow and Betty
Falkenberg, Refreshments Committee; Richard Bakken, Worship Committee; Ralph Stellick and
Peg Pieper, Commemorative Items/Mementos Committee; Pastor Mark Bartling and Keith Heinze,
Booklet Committee; John Roellich, Early History; Joleen Stratman and Dave Adickes, Publicity
Committee; Paul Wichmann, Advisory.
We apologize for any incorrect facts or dates and any omission of names in this booklet.
Education for Eternity
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Luther High School provides a Christ-centered education that encourages and equips students for life and for eternity.
Vision Statement
Luther High School desires that its students, mindful of baptismal grace, live the holiness
that God gave to them in Christ.
Therefore, Luther High School will keep Christ in higher education by...
1. faithfully proclaiming and applying the Word of God through the teaching of classes,
life skills, and activities in accordance with the Lutheran Confessions.
2. promoting spiritual growth and maturity through the proper use of God’s Law and
3. encouraging and training students to testify and witness to the Gospel of Christ
throughout their lives.
4. instilling a desire for knowledge, understanding and wisdom while taking “every
thought captive and making it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)
I. Introduction
II. The Second 25 Years
III. Physical Growth of the Building
IV. Member Congregations
V. Member Schools
VI. Principals
VII. Curriculum
VIII. Graduates
IX. Faculty & Support Staff
X. Music Department
XI. Athletic Department
XII. Drama Department
XIII. Growth in Technology
XIV. Supporting Organizations
XV. Student Organizations
XVI. Board of Control Members
XVII. Graph Showing Tuition
XVIII. Graph Showing Enrollment
IX. Fiftieth Anniversary Bulletin
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
God’s Grace from Generation to Generation
esus Christ is the same yesterday and
today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 In
a world of changes, what comfort and
confidence this divinely inspired Word
of God affords! Indeed, Luther High School
has experienced many changes in its fifty year
history. This booklet chronicles many of those
changes during the past twenty-five years. But
the most important characteristic of Luther
High School is that it has not changed. The
unchanging principle purpose of Luther High
School is to provide a Christ-centered education. Such an education is one that not only
has function and value now, but truly is, as our
anniversary theme reminds us, an “Education
for Eternity.”
Daily we have the opportunity to share the
changeless message of God’s Law and Gospel.
May the Holy Spirit, who has called us by the
Gospel, continue to strengthen and keep us
steadfastly faithful to keeping Christ central to
all of Luther High School’s endeavors.
From the first days of school in 1957 to the
present, the expressed purpose and aim of
Luther High School was and remains “Keeping Christ in Higher Education.” Luther High
School’s principal from 1977-1995, Dr. James
Raabe, expressed the significance of that motto
well in the words which follow:
Luther High School lays its foundation on
the inspired and inerrant Word of God and
requires that its curriculum and faculty be in
line with this cornerstone. The philosophy and
purpose of Luther High School are embodied
in the school motto, “Keeping Christ in Higher
Education.” This motto has a two-fold thrust.
The first part speaks of Christ; the second part
of higher education.
Keeping Christ (in
Higher Education)
Scripture tells us that by nature all men are
sinful and as such are subject to eternal
condemnation. In His love for man God the
Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer
and die for all mankind. Through Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection all mankind has
been freed from the eternal punishment of sin.
Working through His Word, God the Holy
Spirit creates and maintains faith in all believers so that the blessings of salvation become
At Luther High School regular instruction in
God’s Word is given both in the classroom
and in chapel services so that the child of
God might grow in the knowledge of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ, might be equipped
to evaluate all earthly wisdom in the light of
God’s saving Word, might be zealous in leading a god-pleasing life, and might be desirous
of spreading the good news of salvation to all
the world. Christ is kept in higher education.
(Keeping Christ) in
Higher Education
The higher education students at Luther High
School receive includes training in the various
branches of secular learning so that they may
be prepared for continuing their education,
whether that be in colleges, universities, technical schools, or in the worker training schools
of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod,
or so that they may be prepared for entering the
adult world of work. For this purpose the curriculum is designed so that the students receive
a basic foundation in the various disciplines of
learning as well as knowledge and training in
the process of learning.
school. God’s Word tells Christians that they are the
light of the world, that they are the salt of the earth,
that they are stewards of God’s gifts, and that a steward
must be faithful. All school activity, both within and
without the classroom, is conducted with the aim of
reminding students of and strengthening them in these
fundamental truths of God’s Word.
While our motto speaks of two parts, Christ and higher
education, yet it is but one, for the word, “keeping,” implies that the two are tied together. Scripture tells us that
without the fear of God there is no real understanding;
without God’s Word that which is taught is useless and in
At Luther High School all teaching is done in accordance with God’s Word and in the light of what God’s
Word says. In the secular subjects as well as in religious
instruction what God’s Word says on the matter reigns
supreme. Where a conflict exists between what man’s wisdom teaches and what God’s Word teaches, God’s Word is
accepted without question.
Dual Purpose
Luther High School, then, has as its purpose the training and encouraging of young men and women so that
they fulfill their dual roles as good and useful citizens
of our community, state, and country; and also as
dedicated citizens of God’s kingdom. We strive to fulfill
this dual purpose by “Keeping Christ in Higher Education.”
“Keeping Christ in Higher Education” applies not only
to specific instruction which takes place at Luther High
School, but it also applies to the overall aims and objectives of the school as they are carried out in counseling,
in the varying areas of student life, in extracurricular
activities, and in all other activities associated with the
II. The Second 25 Years
“On Christ the Solid
Rock I Stand”
-class of ‘83 motto
Stimulated and encouraged by its 25th anniversary service and celebration, Luther High
School began its second twenty-five year
period with some ambitious and innovative
A Financial Advisory Council consisting of
the following five committees was established: Accounting and Reporting, Delinquent
Tuition, Congregation Fair
Share Commitment, Tuition,
and Alternative Funding.
A budget of $532,861 was
approved. Another supporting organization, Patrons of
LHS, began with the purpose
of supplying the difference in
revenue between receipts and
Dr. James Raabe, Principal,
organized an Administrative
Council to assist and advise
the principal’s office. The
Council consisted of the Vice
Principal, Mark Bartling;
Registrar, Roland Helmreich;
Guidance Counselor, Keith
Heinze; Athletic Director,
Neil Scriver; and Music Department Chairman, David Adickes.
The computer age at LHS began with a donation of a computer for the office and the beginning of a computer science course.
A newly formed Outreach Committee sponsored the annual Knight for a Day program. In
addition, a delegram to help inform delegates
and congregations was also initiated by Dr.
The financial report of the 25th anniversary
collection was $76,826.
The Doctor Martin Luther College Assignment
Committee assigned Richard Pinski to Luther
to be band director. The one year assignment
became a permanent Call in January. In July
Dan Kunz accepted the Call to teach English.
In October Wayne Johnson resigned due to family obligations. Jon Benrud was called to fill
in for the remainder of the year. He accepted
a permanent Call in March. Pastor Thomas
Hilliard took a Call in October to serve several
parishes in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. To
help fill his position, Clyde Wobeck was called
to serve as a substitute for the remainder of the
year. His Call was made permanent in March.
During the school year the Lord saw fit to
afflict Gale Peterson with a number of physical ailments which forced him to give up his
classroom duties for the year. Lori Lankey
served as substitute to help ease the burden of
Mr. Peterson’s absence. Neil Scriver resigned at
the end of the school year to help in his family’s
business. Susan Hopkins accepted the Call to
replace Mr. Scriver in the business department.
Kathleen Van Loon became the bookkeeper
to free Principal Raabe to carry out his other
responsibilities more fully.
“We do not know what the
future holds, but we do
know who holds the future”
replace the two NSP power poles that were remaining
in the middle of the hill of sand left from the Hoffman
sale. This allowed for more flat land for a football
practice field and relocation of the softball field.
Pastor Nommensen took a year’s leave of absence to
work on a book of sermons dealing with the revelation
of God in nature.
-class of ‘84 motto
Highlights of this year were the installation of lights on
the football field and a new bell and intercom system.
The Board adopted a policy concerning students who
are involved in a pregnancy.
A special service of thanksgiving and praise was held
January 8, 1984, to commemorate 25 years in the
teaching ministry for David Adickes and Roger Hinz.
“I am convinced that
neither the present nor the
future will be able to
separate us from the love
of God that is in Christ
Jesus our Lord”
Pastor Bartling asked to be relieved of his duties as
vice-principal so that he could devote more time to the
classroom. The Board accepted Principal Raabe’s recommendation that the vice-principal’s duties be divided
into two parts and be assigned to two men, an Assistant
Principal for Administrative Affairs, who would work
primarily with the busing and building and grounds
maintenance, and an Assistant Principal for Student
Affairs, who would work primarily with the activity
schedule, student eligibility, and attendance. Keith
Heinze accepted the Call to be Assistant Principal for
Administrative Affairs, and David Adickes accepted the
Call to be Assistant Principal for Student Affairs.
-class of ‘86 motto
Key school support groups (Alumni Association,
Ladies Auxiliary, Music Backers, Booster and Booster
Club) met to coordinate their efforts. The Board of
Control began to study the feasibility of introducing forensics, Spanish, and art. The Conference of Delegates
rejected a motion to permit dancing at Luther. Two missionaries, Mark Rieke of Zambia and Arthur Guenther
from the Apache Mission fields, spoke to the student
body, Nov 20, 1985. Pastor A. Stuebs, first board
chairman, officiated at the special service of thanksgiving for making the final mortgage payment.
“God is our refuge and
strength, a very present
help in trouble”
-class of ‘85 motto
Hoffman Construction purchased sand from Luther to
help convert Highway 157 to four lanes (100,000 cubic
yards @ .20/yard).
The Delegates voted to purchase 10 acres for $70,000
from Glen Jergens. The property joined Luther to the
north and allowed for expanded parking, increased
physical education/athletic area. The Delegates also
approved the sale of 8.6 acres in the northwest corner
of the property to Lutheran Hospital for $100,000. Part
of the income was used to pay for the Jergens property.
Domke Construction purchased 50,000 cubic yards of
sand for .35/yard. The money was used to relocate and
“We are not in darkness for Christ is our
lamp unto the future”
-class of ‘87 motto
A long range planning committee was appointed by the
board chairman, Pastor Kloehn. The first annual Area
Lutheran High School Principals’ Conference met in Arizona. The theme was “The Distinctive Christian Nature
of our Schools.”
Janine Carmichael, a sophomore from St. John’s Nodine, was taken to her Lord after a long illness. Willie
Veglahn, a junior from First Lutheran, La Crescent, was
taken to his Lord after suffering a severe asthma attack.
A study concerning third source funding was begun.
A committee to plan the celebration for teachers who
have completed 25 and 40 years of teaching was appointed. Pastor Bartling accepted a Call to be pastor at
Mt. Calvary, La Crosse.
The Senior Class was granted permission for an
overnight stay for their class trip. The dress code was
changed to permit blue jeans for a one year trial period.
The Board of Control allowed the band to withdraw
from the Oktoberfest Torchlight Parade because of previous problems with unruly people on the parade route.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be
afraid?” Psalm 27:01
-class of ‘88 motto
Freshman Richard Clark was taken to his Lord as a
result of a drowning accident. Gale Peterson celebrated
25 years in the teaching ministry. Clyde Wobeck was
assigned duties to become the “Special Help Coordinator” for students that need extra help with classes.
Luther High School Foundation for long range funding
was established with Marvin Manske as president. A
deficit reduction fund was also established.
Steve Hinz directed the Sound Foundation for the year
as David Adickes asked to step down as director.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not
be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with
you wherever you go”
Joshua 1:9
-class of ‘89 motto
Congregations were encouraged to give the Direct
Regular Contribution Fund careful consideration. The
First annual All Association Picnic was held in May,
1989, to reintroduce the Luther rallies held in the
school’s early years.
Eric Lange helped cover classes. He remained on staff
until the end of the year while Gale Peterson had leg
surgery and struggled with kidney problems.
Roland Helmreich and Clyde Wobeck celebrated 25
years in the teaching ministry. Richard Pinski accepted
a Call to Shoreland Lutheran High School, Somers,
Wisconsin. Gale Peterson resigned due to poor health.
Until Pastor John Boehringer accepted the Call to teach
religion and direct Sound Foundation, area Pastors and
new entrance from the parking lot, improved parking
facilities, and a separate storage building. The second
phase would be an association center, incluing an expanded gymnasium and a chapel/auditorium.
“Those who hope in the
Lord will renew their
strength. They will soar on
wings like eagles, they will
run and not grow weary
they will walk and
not be faint”
Isaiah 40:31
“We know not what the
future holds, but we know
who holds the future”
-class of ‘92 motto
Conference of Delegates approved the Phase I of the
building program.
-class of ‘90 motto
Kristin Boswell accepted the Call to teach English and
Joel Babinec accepted the Call to teach math and science, and Keith Wordell accepted the Call for band director. Cathy Starke accepted the Call to teach English.
Otto Mammel had colon surgery.
WIAA announced that Luther would become a member of
the Dairyland Conference beginning with the 1991-1992
school year.
Tom Mellon accepted a Call to teach biology at Kettle
Moraine Lutheran High School, Jackson, Wisconsin.
“Fear not tomorrow,
God is already there”
Luther granted the City of Onalaska a three foot easement for the sidewalk that runs west from the driveway
on Wilson Street.
“The Lord will keep you
from all harm, He will
watch over your coming
and going both now
and forevermore”
Psalm 121:7-8
-class of ‘93 motto
The Conference of Delegates approved having dancing
as a social activity at Luther. The first dance was held
January 22, 1993.
The Building Up Blessings for Our Youth program
was started to gather funds for the building project.
Between the anniversary fund, bequests, and gifts,
$700,000 had been collected. The Conference of Delegates at the May, 1993, meeting was able to approve
construction of all three parts of Phase I of the building
program: commons/kitchen area, second music room,
five classrooms, chemistry lab and office complex.
Estimated cost was $940,000. Carlson Engineering,
Tomah, Wisconsin, drew up the plans, and Joe Lee was
the overseer of the project.
-class of ‘91 motto
Luther was recognized by The National Assessment of
Education Progress in its annual study of schools in the
nation. Otto Mammel celebrated 40 years in the teaching ministry. Cathy Starke accepted a Call to teach K-3
in Hoskins, Nebraska.
Mark Loersch accepted the Call to teach biology and
math and coach. Pastor John Boehringer accepted a
Call to St. John’s, Watertown, Wisconsin. Tim Spaude,
a Seminary student, accepted a one year Call to replace
Pastor Boehringer. Kurt Wittmershaus accepted the
choral/academic Call. Pastor Kevin Lisk accepted the
Call for religion and foreign language.
The Conference of Delegates considered a two phase
capital improvement plan from TCI Contractors. Phase
I would include additional classrooms, new kitchendining facility, music facilities, relocation of the office
complex, modification of some existing classrooms, a
“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not
grow weary they will walk and not be faint”
Isaiah 40:31
-class of ‘94 motto
The building addition consisting of commons/kitchen,
classrooms, and entryway/office complex was dedicated in February.
setting tuition rates based on each congregation’s
percent of reaching or exceeding their fair share. The
proposal was not accepted.
A four level discipline process was implemented and
also a revised pregnancy policy was instituted.
Pastor Nommensen retired in January of 1993.
The Friends of Luther support group was organized.
Because of financial shortages, a plan was proposed
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not ot harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future”
Jeremiah 29:11
-class of ‘95 motto
“Open Commons” was tried for the activity period with the purpose of keeping the
students on campus instead of going downtown. Concert Choir 2 (Cantate Choir) was
started for the freshmen and sophomores to give these classes the opportunity to cultivate musical talents all year rather than just before Christmas and Easter concerts. The
area under the stage was remodeled for wrestling and weight training.
Otto Mammel retired at the end of the school year.
After serving as Luther’s Principal for 19 years, the Lord suddenly called Dr.
Raabe to his eternal rest in a tragic automobile accident on August 1, 1995. “Doc” had
faithfully fed Christ’s lambs throughout his ministry. Prior to coming to Luther, Dr.
Raabe served as Principal at Saint Paul Lutheran School, Wonewoc, Wisconsin. He
was survived by his mother, wife, and three children.
“We don’t know what tomorrow holds but we know
who holds tomorrow”
-class of ‘96 motto
Kevin Westerman was hired as business manager.
Upon Dr. Raabe’s untimely death, Pastor Roy Hefti
served as interim principal. Becky Lussky was added
to the staff as part-time teacher to cover Spanish, and
Connie Bader became a part-time teacher for the business department. Jim Rupprecht accepted the Call
to serve in the Lutheran Elementary Band Program
(LEB). Joanna Siegler took over LEB lessons for Keith
After Barbara Dettmering resigned, Marion Radichel
became the school secretary.
“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not
grow weary they will walk and not be faint”
Isaiah 40:31
-class of ‘97 motto
David Kuske preached for the anniversary service.
Paul Wichmann accepted the Call for principal. Luther
entered the computer age as the Board called James
Mahnke to head the technology department. After 40
years of faithful service, Lois Buss retired from the
teaching ministry. Kristen Boswell resigned to get
married. Kurt Wittmershaus resigned to work, travel,
and study in Germany. Paul Adickes accepted the Call
to direct the Concert Choir and Sound Foundation and
teach math and English. Kari Rosenberg accepted the
Call to be girls’ physical education instructor and teach
English and math. Kristine Klug was called to teach
English. Keith Heinze and Paul Dable celebrated 25
years in the teaching ministry.
A building committee was formed for the upcoming
Luther was chosen as one of the exemplary WELS Lutheran High Schools through the Ministry in Lutheran
High Schools Recognition Program sponsored by AAL.
The Board of Control authorized a self study which
would evaluate Luther’s educational program based on
scriptural and sound educational principles and provide
the basis for developing a plan for improvements by
identifying strengths, weaknesses, and challenges.
Luther High celebrated its fortieth anniversary under
the theme “Sharing the Promise -The Mission Continues.” Former Principal and current Seminary Professor
“For this God is our God for
ever and ever, He will be our
guide even to the end”
Psalm 48:14 - class of 98 motto
After receiving a $1 million matching fund grant, plans
began for a new building project: Including, Phase l
- gymnasium ($1.5 million); Phase II -chapel/auditorium,
535 seats ($890,000); Phase III – classrooms ($565,000).
The part-time Calls for Becky Lussky and Connie Bader
were extended for the 1997-98 school year. Connie Bader
began the Individual Instructional Assistance Program.
Joanna Siegler resigned to pursue WELS certification
at MLC. Dan Kunz celebrated 25 years in the teaching
ministry. Because Lois Buss retired, Zimmerman Driving
School took over Driver’s Education.
LHS completed the self study. Delegates approved the
selling and removal of the principal’s house on the hill
for $8,200. The sand in the hill was sold to Swanson
Heavy moving for .75/yard. Construction of an eight lane
asphalt running track was completed.
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Burr Oak, Wisconsin, was accepted into the Luther High School
“God has said, never will I leave you, never will I forsake
you. So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper, I
will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”
Hebrews 13:5-6
-class of’99 motto
A Parent Network to foster communication between
families was organized. Wisconsin Non-Public School
Accrediting Association granted accreditation to LHS.
Technology continued to progress with an internet connection and web site.
Phase I of the building project at an estimated cost of
$1.2 million. A service of thanksgiving and groundbreaking ceremony was held May 19, 1999. Henry
Leibl agreed to be the construction manager and Keith
Heinze was the approved representative of the building
Jim Rupprecht accepted the Call to direct Cantate Choir
and the Lutheran Elementary Band (LEB) program and
teach in another discipline. Nate Amundson accepted
the Call to teach in the LEB program. Dave Adickes
and Roger Hinz celebrated 40 years in the teaching
The Conference of Delegates engaged Dave Hollstrom
of Construction Express to draw up plans for the three
phase building project. At the February, 1999, meeting the Conference of Delegates voted to proceed with
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I
am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand”
Isaiah 41:10
-class of ‘00 motto
campus in exchange for $43,000 over
ten years. Becky Lussky and Connie
Bader accepted permanent full-time
Calls. David Adickes became a parttime instructor. Clyde Wobeck and
Roger Hinz retired at the end of the
school year. Kristine Klug resigned to
get married.
The Luther family reached the third
generation when Jamie Kroll enrolled.
Her father, John Kroll, graduated in
1981 and her grandmother, Linda (Ragner) Kroll, was a member of the second
graduating class.
Dedication of Phase I (The Association Center) was held August 20. Pastor
Warnecke (class of 1975) was the guest
speaker. Luther received $1,030,000 in
pledges and $1.1 million in matching
funds. A new parking lot for 172 cars
was added north of the softball field.
Dr. Wayne Schmidt, Luther’s first principal, was called to his eternal rest, June
3, 2000. He was 73 years old. During
his service at Luther from 1957-71 he
also served the Lord’s kingdom as a
pulpit assistant at First Lutheran, La
Crosse, (1963-71) and campus pastor at
UW-L (1966-69). He was survived by
his wife, Bonnie, and two children.
The Board of Control signed a contract
with Pepsi Cola giving them exclusive
rights to sell beverages on the Luther
“Be faithful even to the point of death, and
I will give you the crown of life”
Revelation 2:10
-class of ‘01 motto
The 40th anniversary of Heidelberg was celebrated.
The Conference of Delegates approved a classroom
window infill project for energy efficiency.
English and coach. Pastor Jonathan Bilitz accepted the
Call to teach religion and social studies and to coach.
Mark Ross accepted the Call to teach math and coach
women’s sports.
James Mahnke accepted a one year Call to do Activities
Director duties, and Roland Helmreich accepted a one
year Call to be Attendance Officer. Stephanie Riley, an
MLC STEP graduate, was assigned to Luther to teach
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cochrane, Wisconsin, was accepted into the Luther High School
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be
discouraged for the Lord your God will be with
you wherever you go”
Joshua 1:9
-class of ‘02 motto
Trees were planted in the area on each side of the foot
ball concession stand. Acoustical baffles were installed
in the new gym.
Mark Otte accepted a Call to Kettle Moraine High
School, Jackson, Wisconsin, to teach science and coach
football. Keith Wordell accepted a Call to West Lutheran High School, Plymouth, Minnesota, to take over the
band program. James Rupprecht accepted the Call to
direct band and Cantate Choir and be music department
chairman. Stephanie Riley resigned to get married.
Over one hundred grandparents attended the first annual Grandparents Day.
“Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”
Matthew 28:20b
-class of ‘03 motto
Phase l of Association center was paid.
Greg Schibbelhut accepted the Call to teach science
and coach. Patti Appold accepted the Call to teach
English and coach. The one year calls for James
Mahnke and Roland Helmreich were extended for one
more year. Roland Helmreich celebrated 40 years in
the teaching ministry.
The Board approved using the FACTS tuition management program to handle tuition payments.
As part of the capital improvement plan, furnaces on
the east end of the building (original wing) were replaced with 5 energy efficient furnaces.
A revised constitution and by-laws for LHS were approved by the Conference of Delegates. The debt for
“Be strong and courageous.
Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord
your God will be with you wherever you go”
Joshua 1:9
-class of ‘04 motto
Conference of Delegates authorized adding the position
of Association Resource Coordinator (ARC) to develop
financial support for the high school. Ken Brueske was
hired for this position. The Good Steward Store provided
a gift of $40,000 to be matched by other gifts to the high
school. Grace Lutheran Church, Ridgeway, Minnesota,
and English Evangelical Lutheran Church, Viroqua, were
accepted into membership in the Luther High School Association.
the Recruitment and Development Committee to its structure. Each of the existing committees was reduced by
one to accommodate the addition. After being approved
by the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System
(SEVIS), Luther was authorized by the government to
enroll foreign exchange students.
Century Tel paid $3500 for an easement on a 30’x30’
piece of Luther property to house its switch equipment.
The Board of Control approved the withdrawal of the
marching band from Oktoberfest Parade because of problems with the rowdy crowd.
James Mahnke’s one year administrative Call was made
permanent. Roland Helmreich and David Adickes retired
from the teaching ministry. The Board of Control added
“For He will command His angels concerning you to
guard you in all your ways, they will lift you up in their
hands so that you will not strike your foot against a
stone” Psalm 91:11,12
-class of ‘05 motto
The class of 1964 celebrated their 40th anniversary. The
Good Steward store matched up to $50,000 in donations.
Rick Cody, Principal of Christ West Salem, filled in as
math instructor upon Roland Helmreich’s retirement.
Luther’s facilities while they were participating in the
Heartland Defense Exercise, which culminated in a mock
train derailment August 8 in West Salem. The organizers requested Luther’s help because it is centrally located
and using an area school would simulate what they would
do in the event of a real disaster. It was a privilege and
an honor to assist the military and the community in this
exercise. Let us pray that the experience gained from this
drill never has to be put to use in a real disaster.
The Sound Foundation and the band had the privilege of
performing at a rally for President George W. Bush held at
the Omni Center in Onalaska.
The 452D Combat Support Hospital personnel, who had
just returned from a ten month tour in Afghanistan, used
Luther High received accreditation from Wisconsin
Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accreditation
(WELSSA) and Wisconsin Religious and Independent
School Accreditation (WRISA).
“So do not fear, for I am
with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and
help you, I will uphold you
with my righteous hand”
Isaiah 41:10
The library was converted to a combination library/
study hall.
Jason Hagedorn accepted the Call to teach math and
coach athletics. Dan Kunz retired from the teaching
Kevin Westerman resigned as the school bookkeeper.
Gwen Schroeder, a CPA, took his place.
-class of ‘06 motto
The Good Steward Store matched donations up to
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will
hear a voice behind you, saying, This is the way;
walk in it.”
Isaiah 30:21 -class of ‘07 motto
Brad Shaper accepted the Call to teach English and
coach athletics. The Board of Control adopted a School
Wellness Policy. The Association Resource Coordinator
Position was eliminated because of budget constraints.
become quite a landmark for Luther High School and
the City of Onalaska.
Luther’s geographic location makes it a prime spot for
the cellular company to serve both the I-90 and Highway 53 corridors. The Lord’s blessings often come in
unusual ways.
The 50th anniversary committee set ”Education for
Eternity” as the anniversary theme. The celebration was
held September 16, 2007, in the Association Center with
the theme “O Rejoice Ye Christians Loudly.” Pastor Paul
Ziemer, a former Principal at Luther, preacher; and Pastor
Frank Italiano Jr., class of 1991, served as the
liturgist. The Conference of Delegates voted to
help the founders’ dream of a tuition free school
become a reality by dedicating 50th anniversary
gifts to an endowment fund which will be used
to reduce tuition.
At its special meeting April 17, the Conference
of Delegates voted to allow a stealth flag pole/
cellular tower to be placed on Luther property.
The lease with Einstein Wireless is renewable
every five years for up to twenty years. The first
year’s revenue will be $1500 per month with a
4% increase each successive year.
The pole (30” in diameter by 120’ tall) is illuminated at night and flies a 25’ x 45’ flag (a
Perkins’ flag is 20’ x 30’). It is located beyond
the right field fence of the baseball field with
an access road from Oak Forest Drive. It has
III. Physical Growth of the Building
Built on the Rock
Following is the description of the original
Luther High School property in 1954 as written
in the Historical Background Section of the
Luther High School Twenty Fifth Anniversary
Unimproved is too mild an adjective to describe it. One could gain access to the fortyacre plot by means of two small entrances, one
at each end of the site. Neither entrance was
easy to find for those unacquainted with a plat
book of the area. One entrance was from the
east off County Trunk SA and the other from
the west at the end of Wilson Street in Onalaska. The latter entrance still left the explorer in
such a maze that he usually turned around and
returned home without realizing that he had
actually discovered the proposed campus he
was seeking. In addition, the new acreage was
very hilly. No spot offered sufficiently level
ground upon which to begin to think of erecting a building. However, when a building loan
was eventually applied for, the appraisal
of the land proved invaluable in obtaining a
loan from the First Federal Savings and Loan
Company in La Crosse. The property was a
wise choice from an investment viewpoint.
As the area around the property changed and
grew, it impacted the development
of Luther. The sand knolls and hills became
very attractive to the contractors building new
roadways in the area. The sale of sand was
a dual blessing. The money funded capital
improvements and operating expenses, and the
level ground helped expand athletic fields.
From the very beginning the Lord has used
sandy knolls and hills to continually bless His
school. The fond memories of older graduates
include sand burrs and blowing sand. Those
days are almost over. Even though the building
may have been built on changing sand, the firm
rock of Christ crucified has been the spiritual
foundation of Luther from the very beginning.
The motto “Keeping Christ in Higher Education” has remained rock solid for 50 years.
Luther Rally
Site of Future School
First Addition
ued Con
Changing Landscape
Future Association Center
What used to be the hot lunch room
& kitchen has become the
commons & hallway
West Salem, WI
Cochrane, WI
La Crescent, MN
English Lutheran
Viroqua, WI
La Crescent, MN
La Crosse, WI
Good Shepherd
Holmen, WI
IV. Member Congregations
Galesville, WI
Goodview Trinity
Winona, MN - 1974
St. John’s
Immanuel La
Crosse, WI
La Crosse, WI - 1962
St. John’s
Lewiston, MN
Dakota, MN - 2003
St. Matthew’s
Winona, MN
St. John’s
Nodine, MN - 1962
St. Paul’s
Bangor, WI
Mt. Calvary
La Crosse, WI - 1962
St. Michael’s
Fountain City,
St. Peter
Hamburg, WI
Burr Oak, WI
St. Peter’s
Chaseburg, WI
St. John’s
Barre Mills, WI
St. Paul’s
Onalaska, WI
St. John’s
Sparta, WI
St. Paul
Tomah, WI
St. Matthew’s
Stoddard, WI
Hokah, MN
V. Member Schools
St. Paul’s - Bangor, WI
First Lutheran - La Crosse, WI
Christ/St. John’s - West Salem, WI
St. John’s - Lewiston, MN
Immanuel - La Crosse, WI
St. John’s - Nodine, MN
Mount Calvary/Grace
La Crosse, WI
St. John’s - Sparta, WI
St. John’s - Caledonia, MN
St. John’s - Caledonia
St. Paul - Tomah, WI
St. Paul’s - Onalaska, WI
English - Viroqua, WI
St. Matthew’s - Stoddard, WI
St. Matthew’s - Winona, MN
VI. Principals
Rev. Wayne Schmidt
Rev. David Kuske
Rev. Paul Ziemer
Mr. Paul Wichmann
Dr. James Raabe
VII. Curriculum 1957-2007
Religion English
History Geography
ies Government
vernment C
rEconomi Psychology
sychology AlgebraMath
eometry Biology C
cs Science Latin
Lati German Spanish Mus
Music Band Typing ComputerScience
Religion English Hist
History Geography EconomicsSocialStudies
overnment Consume
merEconomics Psy
Psychology AlgebraMath
etry Biology ChemistryPhysics
hemistryPhys Science Latin
L German Spanish
nish Music Band
and Typing
History Geography EconomicsSocialStudies
our school and its curriculum best serve our students’ needs, we have regular reviews of
the curriculum which entail looking at what we are currently offering, examining post high school
requirements, and studying
the course offerings and requirements
of other schools.AlgebraMath
Once needs have been
identified, three
key factors weigh heavily in the
scheduling, Gerbudget, and staffing. With these pivotal questions in mind, the 2000-2001 school year brought the
an Spanish
Music Band Typing ComputerScience Religion Graduation
History Geography EconomicsSocialStudies
requirements rose from 21.8 to 23
ConsumerEconomics Psychology AlgebraMath
Foundations and general level classes received the same value. Advanced level classes con
tinued to receive added value. This change enabled students to achieve a performance based
Science Latin GerGPA at theirBiology
respective God-given
man Art,
Reliband, choir and
physical education
letter grades, ComputerScience
which were included in a
student’s GPA and counted as part of the minimum course load for Juniors and Seniors
gion English History Geography EconomicsSocialStudies
9th and 10th grade physical education, sophomore religion and freshmen science courses
added class hours.
ConsumerEconomics Psychology AlgebraMath
Biology ChemistryPhysics Science Latin German
Regular curriculum review assists Luther in making changes which will best serve our students and
assure that our primary focus continues to be “Keeping Christ in Higher Education.”
Music Band Typing ComputerScience Religion
English History Geography EconomicsSocialStudies Government ConsumerEconomics Psychology AlgebraMath Geometry Biology ChemistryPhysics Science Latin German Spanish Music Band Typing ComputerScience Religion English
History Geography EconomicsSocialStudies Government
General English
Am Lit, Adv Am Lit, Brit Lit, Adv Brit Lit
Foundations of English
Dev. Reading I, II
Journalism I, II
Ancient & Medieval History
World History
Western Civilization
Modern European History
US History
Economic Theory
Soc Studies(Sociology/Economics)
Social Issues
Social Science
Sociology and Government
Life Issues/Current Events
Consumer Economics
Consumer Education
Algebra/Geometry/Algebra II
Pre Calculus
Advanced Placement Calculus
Business Math
Advanced Mathematics
Basic Math & Consumer Math
Consumer Math
General Science
Physical Science
Technical Physics
Advanced Biology
Foundations of Biology
Agricultural Science
Earth Science
Scientific Thought
Religion (all class levels)
Introduction to the Bible
Church History
Acts & Epistles
Old Testament Survey
History of Christian Thought
The Curriculum 1957-2007
Life Science
Latin I - IV
Latin I - II
German I - IV
German I - II
Spanish I
Spanish II
Adv. Spanish II
Physical Education
Life Fitness
Freshmen Music
Music Appreciation
Music Theory
Instrumental Instruction
Typing I - II
Typing I
Personal Typing
Computer Science/Computer
Computer Applications I - II
Shorthand I
Shorthand II
Office Practice
Library Orientation
Driver Education
Art/Selected Topics
Art 3D/Photo I - II & Painting I - II
VIII. Graduates from 1982-2006
* = honors
V = valedictorian
S = salutatorian
N – National Merit Scholarship
P = active WELS pastor
T = active WELS teacher
1982 (66)
Andrus, Eugene-P
Aspeslet, David
Bateman, David
Beffa, Raymond
Benson, John
Biermeier, Sara*-T
Burmeister, Joel
Cady, Caryl-T
Corton, Elva
Dummer, David
Emery, Angelia
Erbe, Chris
Feddersen, Dale*-S
Grassman, Karla*
Gundersen, Karen
Handy, Gwen
Hemerley, Jayne
Hillert, Brian
Holzhausen, Brian
Johnson, Denise
Kapanke, Susan*
Kish, Kristi
Kitzmann, Timothy*-V
Klug, Timothy
Kopp, Jeffrey
Kreger, Karen
Krueger, Tammy
Lamar, Tamara
Lenser, Paul
Lewiston, Mary
Martin, Andrew
Matzke, Dawn
Miller, Dawn
Moe, Michael
Noth, Susan
Olson, Lottie
Olson, Randy
Otto, Laurie
Papenfuss, Kim
Parcher, Ivan
Pralle, Scott
Preston, Stacy*
Proksch, Rodney
Ross, John
Rudolph, Wade
Sattler, John
Scheck, Greg
Schroeder, Susan*
Scriver, Paul-T
Seiler, Thomas
Smith, Steven
Thielker, Susan
Torgerud, Tamie
Valentine, Sara
Volden, Brent
Voter, Eric*
Warnecke, John
Wehrenberg, Diane
Wehrs, Denise*
Wehrs, Marc*
Wendland, Beth*-T
Wendorf, Sandra*
Witt, Brian
Witt, Mark
Wrobel, Wayne
Zahn, Michael
1983 (60)
Asp, Sandra
Beckendorf, Thomas
Bernhardt, Cynthia
Bonow, Tracy
Breitsprecher, Trudy
Brostrom, Kathleen
Brown, Kristine
Dahlby, Susan
Doelger, Rachel*
Duehlmeyer, Jane
Dunnum, Scott
Eckelberg, Bruce
Erbe, Scott
Gates, Patricia
Gerke, Donald
Handy, Jeanne
Hemker, David
Hemker, Debra
Hinz, Steven*
Hoppmann, Mary
Jandt, Richard
Jensen, Kristine*
Johnson, Scott
Karbula, Michelle
Kiekbusch, Lori*-V
Kish, Scott
Knudson, Susan
Knudtson, Roxanne
Krause, Sonja
Krueger, Allen
Lankey, Ruth
Leibl, Kristine
Lemar, Linda*
Lepke, Chris
Linse, Crystal
Manske, Lori
Mendell, Steven
Miller, Brent
Miller, Christine
Miller, Pamela
Mittelsteadt, Korene
Nommensen, Caroline*-S, N
Nuttleman, Rhonda
Papenfuss, Kari*
Parcher, Karl
Proksch, Jon
Proksch, Kathy
Schwantz, Sara
Seeger, Rachel*
Seidl, Thomas
Sprain, Sandy*
Thaldorf, Christine*-S
Urbanek, Jeff
Walters, Nancy
Wehrs, Karl
Wehrs, Karla
Winjum, David
Witt, Wendy
Zibrowski, Carson
Zibrowski, Craig-T
1984 (53)
Albrecht, Daniel*
Allen, Sean
Anderegg, Denver
Bay, Randy*-V,N
Betsinger, Brenda*
Biermeier, Joel*
Burmeister, Nathan
Caulum, Sara*
Corton, Shelley
Dettmering, Michael
Dorn, Benjamin*
Emery, Cordell
Fillner, Jennifer
Fischer, John
Gady, Paul
Grokowsky, Jay*
Handy, Denise
Helfrich, Cynthia
Holland, Wendy
Hoppmann, Susan
Hoyer, Kevin
Johnson, Kristi
June, Jay
Kiese, Sara
Kothe, Peter
Leibl, David
Lewiston, Katrina*-S
Louwerse, Timothy*
Martin, David
Martin, Liza
Mickelson, Todd
Miller, Paul
Moe, Daniel
Mohr, Timothy
Mueller, Karen
Mulder, Nayva
Niemeier, Dawn*
Oldenburg, Teresa
Path, Julie
Preston, Scott
Proksch, Chris
Proksch, Rhonda*
Raabe, Dennis*
Ryan, Scott
Schlaver, Bruce
Schnick, Todd
Schultz, Gary
Shepherd, Marc
Varney, Dale
Walders, Ronald
Welda, Dawn*
Wichelt, Aimee*
Wittmershaus, Kurt*-V-T
1985 (54)
Andrus, Pearl*
Bateman, Mark
Beckendorf, Paul
Benson, Joel*
Bonow, Dana
Bradley, Thomas
Bruder, Camilla
Bruemmer, Daniel
Carlson, Carrie
Dummer, Margaret
Emmons, Roger
Erdmann, Amy
Feddersen, Kristi
Fischer, Philip
Gady, Michael
Gast, Stephen
Genz, Julie
Haefs, Kenneth
Hoeppner, Kelly
Indahl, Lisa
Italiano, Maria
Johnson, Daniel
Johnson, Jeffrey
Johnson, Laura*-S
Keene, Jeffrey
Kinstler, Daniel
Kitzmann, Paul*
Kitzmann, Ruth
Klein, Dinita
Kluver, Michelle
Kortbein, Brad
Kramer, Julie
Krause, Diane
Krueger, Todd
Manske, Joan
Martin, James
Mathison, Lisa
Miller, Mark
Nelson, Kathy*-V, N
Niemeier, Cathy
Nommensen, Brad-P
Papenfuss, Lowell
Parcher, Timothy
Renken, Michelle
Robbert, Ryan
Salzwedel, Katherine
Schalow, Christine
Scheck, Rhonda
Schroeder, Kristine
Spors, Jonathan
Walters, Marcia
Wobeck, Martha
Wolff, Christine*
Wuolle, Sandra
1986 (63)
Adickes, Paul-T
Aspenson, Michael
Baier, Heidi
Barney, John*
Bartels, Jennifer
Bartels, Julie
Bay, Cinda*-V
Bolstad, Andrea
Brown, David*
Bush, Lynda
Carlson, David
DeLoye, Steve
Diersen, Stephanie
Dummer, Lynn
Fortner, Anthony
Frey, Russell
Gady, Brenda
Gast, Tamara*
Gmur, Amy
Haefner, Holly
Handy, Charles
Helmreich, Mark*
Horstman, Michael
Indermuehle, Donna
Johnson, Amy
Johnson, Gregory*
Kastenschmidt, Amy
Klug, Mark
Kloehn, Renee*
Kluver, Wendy*
Lawrynk, Anton
Linse, Brian
Louwerse, Eric
Lowrey, Lynn
Luetke, Julie
Marnach, Betty
Martell, Shellie
Miller, John
Molzahn, Jennifer
Mumm, Peter
Parcher, Sarah
Raabe, Sherri*-V
Rudolph, Lance*
Schmaltz, Lisa-T
Schroeder, Dulcey
Schroeder, Steven
Schultz, Daryl
Shepherd, Sarah
Sloan, Steven
Smith, Tanya
Stellick, Tim
Thaldorf, Clark
Utke, Rayann*
Vaaler, Jason
Voter, Melissa
Walter, Gregory
Wehrs, Paul
Wendland, Joel
Williams, Michael
Wuest, Michael
Zahn, Brian
Zibrowski, Deanna
Zillmer, Brent*
1987 (63)
Aspeslet, Kristie
Bateman, Robert
Bay, Kristine
Bolstad, Erik
Breidel, Jackie
Bruemmer, Brian
Burmeister, Aaron*
Coaty, Joseph
Duehlmeyer, Mary
Evenson, Michael
Garbers, Tammy
Grokowsky, Karl
Habhegger, Daniel
Hackbarth, Todd*-T
Hanson, Carmen*
Helke, Kimberly
Heuer, Sarah*
Hoeppner, John
Hoffman, Marla
Holum, Sarah
Hutchens, William
Jerdee, Kevin
Johnson, Byron
Johnson, Susanne
Johnson, Tyler
Kiekbusch, Jill-T
Klein, Jamie
Klum, Kevin
Koeninger, Ruth*
Kortbein, Timothy*
Kramer, Kristin
Lehman, Brenda
Lehmann, Kathryn
Lewiston, Lara*-V, N
Lind, Timothy
Mc Coy, Steven*-S
Mickelson, Teri
Miles, Paul
Moe, Melissa
Myers, Heidi*
Neuman, Deanna
Neuman, Jill
Nichols, Amy
Niemeier, Ramon
Oitzman, Karla
Olson, Christopher-T
Otto, Vicki
Parcher, Jennifer
Riley, Brent
Schalow, Anne
Schleusener, David*
Schuldt, Kathy
Sprehn, Scott*N
Staats, Leslie
Stellick, David
Tsugawa, Kimberly
Viner, Scott
Westedt, Lori
Wobeck, Ruth
Wooden, Heidi
Wuest, Tami
Zenke, Rhett
Zillmer, Carol
1988 (58)
Adickes, Susan
Bartels, Nancy
Bateman, Cynthia
Blado, Caren
Brickman, Joseph
Brown, Derrick
Burkum, Laurie*
Cloutier, Scott
Davidson, Emily
Diekrager, Kristy
Diersen, Ginger
Dorn, Karl
Dulek, Wendell
Erbe, Todd
Evenson, Stacey
Fox, Kathy
Gady, LaVerne
Gartner, Andrew
Gast, Gregory
Grosskopf, Kimberly
Hansen, Joel
Harter, Robert
Hoyer, Michael
Indahl, Sarah*
Indahl, Scott-T
Indermuehle, Denise*
Johnson, Amanda
Kinstler, Mark
Knudtson, Kimberly
Kortbein, Derrick
Kothe, Amy
Lau, Jeanette
Lepke, Beth
Linse, Bradley*
Luetke, Lisa
Mantzke, Karl
Mumm, Jonathan-T
Nelson, Andrew
Nichols, Cindy
Olson, Lerrie
Papenfuss, Amy*
Parcher, Barbara
Path, Richard
Rech, Jennifer*
Reeck, Susan
Roth, Jaina
Schmaltz, Susan
Schroeder, Terry
Strangman, Kevin*
Thomas, Allison*-S
Thomas, Lisa
Tillman, Kristine
Viner, Kathy
Wappler, Ann
Wehling, Cody
Welda, Jill
Westedt, Heidi
Wilson, Bart*-V
1989 (62)
Bachmann, Svenja
Barnes, Carrie
Barney, Donald
Baumbach, Christine
Berntsson, Thor
Blado, Leslye*
Brickman, Kathryn
Bruemmer, Brad
Bruemmer, Joel
Dahlke, Cam
Doelger, Sarah
Dorn, Martin
Dummer, Sara
Falck, Kimberly
Fehlauer, Jason
Gilbertson, Michelle
Gundersen, Leila
Habhegger, Amy
Hackbarth, Kirk
Hauser, Jason
Helmreich, Ann
Hemker, Carrie*
Heuer, Matthew
Holum, Joanna*
Indahl, Penny
June, Jodie
Kapanke, Jason
Kasten, Derek
Kile, Dennis
Kile, Rachel
Krause, Michael
Leren, Scott
Lind, Dawn
Lounsbrough, Ralph
Maciejczak, Kurt
Martin, Daniel
Miller, Timothy
Mitton, Paula
Mohr, Gregory
Niemeier, Ricky
Nommensen, Joyce
Nuttleman, Lori
Ohgitani, Chie
Piehl, Heidi
Schalow, Paul
Schroeder, Corey
Schroeder, Todd
Schweke, Scott
Sill, Steven
Smith, Andrea
Sonsalla, Laura
Tauscher, David
Teal, Scott
Thumann, Daniel
Trynowski, Joseph
Veglahn, Wendee
Wendorf, Sara*-S
Williams, Robert
Wolff, Stefanie*-V
Wuensch, Paul
Zietlow, Steven
Zillmer, Heidi
1990 (60)
Ames, Amy
Bateman, Mark
Berg, Sarah
Bondow, Jennifer*
Brown, Rachel
Brown, Ryan
Dable, Ami*
De Witz, Heath*
Dicken, David
Eckelberg, Kevin
Erbe, Tamara
Fisher, Michelle
Garbers, Tari
Gerke, Carl
Gibbons, David
Hackbarth, Wade
Hahm, Joel
Helmreich, Sue*-S
Hemker, Patricia*
Hinz, Nathan
Horstman, Eric
Jannsen, Douglas
Johnson, Dale
Kapanke, Steven
Kasten, Kari
Klawitter, Jennifer
Kloehn, Rachel
Knutson, Kraig
Kortbein, Christopher*
Krause, Steven
Kufahl, Jennifer
Lau, Becky
Lawrynk, Thomas
Linley, Staci
Lund, Julie
Manske, Chris
Martin, Becky
Melin, Jeffery
Mickelson, Erica
Mitchell, Mary
Moldenhauer, Amy
Myhre, Jennifer
Nelson, Kevin
Peper, Heather
Peterson, Donald
Roebke, Timothy
Ruesch, Richard
Rusert, Amy Lynn-T
Shepard, Robert
Smith, Kristina
Sonnenburg, Robert*
Stender, Mark
Strangman, Lisa
Thomas, Paul*-S
Urbanek, Scott
Varney, Tyson
Vick, Chad
Walkley, Christina
Wappler, David
Wilson, Eric*-V
Wittmershaus, John*
1991 (43)
Bahr, Rick
Bahr, Scott
Bateman, Jodi
Bolstad, Anne
Carmichael, Rachel
Carreno, Augustin
Cushman, Connie
Doelger, Aaron*
Falkenberg, Steven
Fink, Gregory
Follendorf, Laura
Fromm, Julie*-S
Gady, Joanne
Golnick, Becky
Gresens, Elizabeth*-S
Hahm, Anna
Hansen, Jason
Holum, Suzanne
Hutchens, Mary
Herold, Tim
Jansen, Nichole
Kinstler, Darin
Kinstler, Stacey
Kloehn, Jonathan
Knudson, David
Larson, Aaron
Lewis, Heather
Lindholm, Lyle*
Linse, Marcy
Lockington, Cory
Loehr, Stephanie*
Luebchow, Jennifer
Miller, Jennifer
Moldenhauer, Brent
Newman, Jeremy
Papenfuss, Jennifer*
Peck, Elizabeth
Peck, Sara
Peper, Shane*
Pralle, Carrie
Rabuck, Beth
Renken, Margaret
Rhode, Melissa
Riley, Jason
Salzwedel, Carl
Sampson, Dennis
Schmidt, Laurie
Schroeder, Joel
Schroeder, Mercy
Schuster, Sarah
Siegler, Jonathan*
Sonnenburg, Patricia
Thomas, Jason
Thumann, Jon
Triebs, Crysanthie
Urbanek, Matthew
Vonderohe, Scott
Wendorf, Anita*
Wieman, Erin
Zabel, Jessica
Italiano, Frank-P
Knebes, Kim
Knobloch, Christina*
Kramer, Joel-T
Lange, Amber*-V
Larson, Paul
Martell, Darin
Mathison, Michelle
Moe, Amy
Myhre, Jill
Pearson, Holly
Rech, Ann*
Rusert, Brett
Sachs, Jason
Schams, Debbra-T
Sheehan, Dan
Siegler, Joanna*
Sill, Scott
Steinfeldt, Joshua
Viner, Kimberly
Volkman, Nichole
Walters, Richard
Wendland, Sara
Zenke, Garth
1992 (62)
Backus, Becky
Barnes, Christen
Berntsson, Nicole*
Bondow, Stephanie
Boyle, Patrick
Breidel, Jill
Brueske, John
Bull, John
Bunke, Jason*-V, N
Carmichael, Elizabeth
Dobrunz, Kathy
Dolan, Brenda
Dumke, Heidi*-S
Falck, Jason
Falkenberg, Scott
Gerke, Dale
Grosskopf, Scott
Hagedorn, Jason-T
Hatz, Jason
Havens, Lisa
Heinze, Amy*
1993 (64)
Bahr, Amy
Bahr, Christina
Barney, Benjamin
Benrud, Jason
Crawford, Katherine
Daylo, Hernandez*-S
De Witz, Sarah*
Degner, Gina
Dicken, John
Duehlmeyer, Ann
Dummer, Paul
Fletcher, Tracy
Follendorf, Jon
Fortun, Chad
Garson, Joy
George, Kathleen
Gilbertson, Lyle*
Hahm, Stephen
Hanson, Kay
Hauser, Jared
Hemerley, Lynne*-S
Herold, Mindy
Hirschuber, William
Jandt, Andrew
Johnston, Joel
Klawitter, Emily
Knebes, Amy
Knudtson, Tamara
Larson, Daniel-T
Larson, Jeremy
Leren, Sheila
Luetke, Carrie
Maciejczak Jean
Mantzke, Timothy
Melin, Becky
Menges, Benjamin*-V
Mull, Jennifer*
Olson, Angela
Parins, Mark
Pruter, Brenda
Ritter, Tina*
Rusert, Patricia
Sampson, Cheri
Schlicht, Heidi
Schulze, Nathaniel
Sheehan, Kevin
Sonnenfeld, Eric
Sonsalla, Kevin
Stedman, Brian
Stender, Annette
Stremcha, Matthew*
Szwedo, Julie
Teal, Julie
Tillman, Karl
Tokarski, Patrick*
Triebs, Karla
Trynowski, LeeAnn
Veglahn, Bobbee
Veglahn, David
Webb, Melissa*
Wehrs, Kasha
Wilson, Kip-T
Wrobel, Rebekah
Zimmerman, Zachary
1994 (52)
Adickes, Christopher
Ames, Adam
Aspeslet, Angela
Bartholomew, Lee
Bruemmer, Heather
Buch, Nathan-T
Burkum, Stephanie*
Cogdill, Christina
Dable, Kala*
Daylo, Hedy
Dobrunz, Monica
Gerke, Christine*
Gloede, Christopher
Gresens, Nicholas*N
Hackbarth, Chad*
Hagedorn, Erin
Hanson, Scott*N
Hatz, Seth
Heinze, Benjamin
Helke, Karla A.
Helle, Petra
Hemker, Melissa
Horstman, Kelly
Hoyer, Joanna
Jenson, Johanna
Kendall, Timothy
Kramer, David
Kufahl, Melissa
Kuschel, John
Lee, Michelle
Lemar, Diana
Lindesmith, Abigail
Lund, Steven
Manke, Jacob
Mann, Stasia*
Mc Clellan, Eric
Newman, Naomi
Parins, Brad
Salzwedel, Christopher
Schedler, Jennifer
Schleusener, William
Schroeder, April
Schuldt, Michael
Schuster, Rachel
Schwartz, Peter
Seiler, William*
Siegler, Rebekah*-S
Smolek, Rachel
Steinfeldt, Andrew
Stratman, Jessica*-V
Tauscher, Lisa
Winsky, Eric
Whitedog, Chenoa
1995 (42)
Baumann, Eric
Benrud, Jarod*
Berg, John
Bolstad, Aaron
Bonow, Jessica*
Clark, Ryan
Erbe, Ann
Fehlauer, Beth*-S
George, Joel
Gerdes, Jason
Gerke, Craig
Gilbertson, Laith*
Heeter, Mark
Jordan, Rebbecca
Kinsey, Edward
1996 (56)
Bakken, Richard
Barney, Kendra
Belter, Jeremy
Benrud, Jalena-T
Blado, Benjamin
Bolduan, Jeremy
Bruemmer, Dean
Bunke, Graham
Daylo, JoHannah
Diersen, Jayson
Duehlmeyer, Erin
Eide, Jason
Erdmann, Kathryn
Fletcher, Scott
Forseth, Adriane
Fritz, David
Fuchsel, Anneliese
Laures, Carrie
Lewis, Chad
Loging, Crista
Luetke, Julie*-V
Luetke, Paul*
Lukasek, Timothy
Manske, Amber
Mc Nally, Bradley
Mehner, Jason
Menden, Benjamin
Moldenhauer, Leah
Olson, Natalie
Peck, Cynthia
Pralle, Benjamin
Radichel, Kay
Riley, Joshua*
Rockwell, Lynette
Salzwedel, Corey
Schroeder, Kyle
Shepard, Matthew
Smith, Stacie
Szwedo, Paul
Teal, Jamie
Volkmann, Tricia
Webb, Sara
Wehrs, Chad
Gilbertson, Leanne*
Hagedorn, Dirk
Hahm, Sarah
Havens, Dawn
Hinz, Daniel
Holm, Henrik
Hoyer, Donna
Jordan, Elizabeth
Justin, Jessica
Kinstler, Adam
Klindworth, Debra
Kramer, Elizabeth
Lee, Kristie*-S
Leisso, Nathan
Lenser, Samuel*
Loehr, Sarah*-V
Menges, Nathan
Mickelson, Karla
Miller, Sarah
Nuttelman, Scott
Peterson, Ryan
Potaracke, Benjamin
Quinn, Nicolai
Radichel, Kimberly
Roellich, Heather
Rupprecht, Jessica
Rusert, Stephanie
Schauf, Michael
Schlicht, Erica*
Schwartz, Kelly
Sebo, Tricia*
Sheehan, Brady
Staude, Sarah
Stelzig, Peggy
Stremcha, Jennifer*
Thumann, David
Wiegman, Aaron*
Winsky, Rebekah*
Zibrowski, Richard
1997 (54)
Bare, Becky*-S
Baumann, Sara
Beitlich, Dana
Boarman, Dominic
Boldt, Kelly*
Boldt, Kimberly*
Brown, Robbie
Brueske, William
Clark, Cory
Clark, Jennifer
Cushman, Wendy
Dobrunz, Heather
Fager, Gregory
Gabower, Hannah
Garves, Stacy*
Gensmer, Billy
Graves, Robert
Haessig, Clayton
Hatz, Kristin*
Hemker, Ryan
Horstman, Ben
Jansen, Paul-P
Jenson, Jennifer*
Kastin, Kylee
Kinsey, Christopher
Kinstler, Timothy
Kline, Holly*
Kufahl, Theodore
Kunz, Jessie*-V
Lautz, Heather
Lenser, Katie
Lewis, Tami
Lindesmith, Nathan
Loging, Tracy
Lukasek, Matthew
Mehner, Katherine
Miller, Mark
Molling, Paul
Peterson, Gregory
Pingel, Jeremy
Potaracke, Autumn
Riley, Justin
Rupprecht, Kyle
Sachs, Peter
Sampson, Douglas
Schoeffel, Rachel
Schroeder, Tirzah*-S
Shepherd, Mandy
Siegler, Sarah*
Smith, Darcy*
Stratman, Amanda*-S
Strom, Benjamin
Veglahn, Joseph
Webb, Paul*
1998 (56)
Ames, Audra
Belter, Jenny
Benrud, Jana
Bunke, Jordan
Clark, Timothy
Dable, Marci*
Danalis, Joseph
Eide, Jeremy
Emmons, Theresa*
Erickson, Dana*-S
Gerdes, Jennifer
Haessig, Jennifer
Heeter, Sarah
Hefti, Michael
Hilliard, Matthew
Holper, Laura*-V
Horstman, Jerrod*
Jandt, Amanda
Jansen, Mark*
Johnson, Becky
Kendall, Andrea-T
Kinstler, Benjamin
Koenig, Melissa
Kuster, Jennifer
Larson, Lisa
Leisso, Sara*
Lukasek, Carolyn
Mc Clellan, Keith
Menden, Wendy
Menges, Timothy
Mull, Eric
Paggi, Melissa
Pertzsch, Jacob
Proksch, Travis
Ramos, Sabrina
Roellich, Holly*
Rundahl, Britt
Sachs, Kathryn*
Schuster, Christina*
Seiler, Matthew
Semlar, Ryan
Shepard, Jonathon
Smolek, Nicholas
Sonnenburg, Becky
Staude, Stephanie
Stender, Nathan
Urbanek, Timothy
Van Loon, Krista
Viner, Kelly
Webb, Amanda
Wehrs, Shane
Wooden, Shawn
Wrobel, Amy
Wurster, Matthew
Wyatt, Michael
Zuberbier, Matthew
Pingel, Daniel
Pingel, Sara*
Pralle, Gabriel
Roellich, Heidi
Rupprecht, Liesl
Rupprecht, Ryan
Schuldt, Joseph
Schultz, Michael
Schultz, Tiffany
Shepard, Holly
Sloan, Paul
Sloan, Peter
Trehey, Brooke
Veglahn, Elizabeth
Wenzel, Kris
Ziehme, Melissa
1999 (57)
Aldinger, Jessica*
Bakken, Aleah
Beitlich, Leah*
Berg, Justin
Blanchard, Philip
Bolstad, Ethan
Bunke, Ethan*-S, N
Campbell, Kevin
Clark, Katie
Danalis, Katherine*-T
Fabian, Lucas
Fillner, Nicholas
Gabower, Leah
Gates, Nicole
Gresens, Joseph*-V
Hahm, David
Hanson, Chad*
Heinze, Joseph*
Hilliard, Heather*
Hoepfner, Luke
Hornberg, Brian*-S
Horstman, Douglas
Horstman, Jesse
Hutchens, Kirsten
Jandt, Andrea
Johnson, Jacob
Jordan, Nathan
Justin, Anna
Kunz, Rachel
Lautz, Audra
Loging, Melissa
Mach, Jennifer
Maenpaa, Phillip
Manke, Hilary
Martin, Christina
Meltz, Joshua
Miller, Trisha
Noth, Joseph
Pagel, Derrick
Peterson, Megan
2000 (57)
Bader, Jason
Bader, Zachary
Benrud, Joshua
Blado, William
Bolduan, Sarah
Bonow, Joseph
Brown, Danielle
Carrell, Loren
Dobrunz, Brian
Eide, Jamie
Erickson, Marcus
Gilbertson, Lucas
Glende, Jennifer
Hanson, Heidi
Hayden, Corissa*
Heeter, Daniel
Hefti, Sarah
Hofland, Amber
Hoppe, Kurtis*-V
Ibisch, Rebekah
Itnyre, Christopher
Jentz, Tara*
Johnson, Chad
Johnson, Melissa
Kinsey, Elizabeth
Klotz, Kelly
Leisso, Rachel*-S
Lukasek, Emily
Mac Farland, Rachel*
Matuska, Jennifer
Matzke, Mary
Mc Lees, Carley
Mellor, Angela
Menges, Bethany*
Nelson, Sara*
Nuttelman, Wendy
Ollendick, Becky
Phillilps, Danielle
Pieper, Micah*
Pingel, Daron
Pingel, Sarah*
Pingel, Stephan
Rundahl, April
Sachs, Carolyn
Sampson, Daniel
Schmaltz, Chad
Schwartz, Nathaniel
Sheehan, Darci
Spoldi, Fabiana
Stettner, Amanda
Swogger, Jacob
Thorsen, Kirstin
Urbanek, John
Van Beek, Michelle
Volkmann, Chad
Winsky, Rhoda*
Zuberbier, Ryan
2001 (56)
Armstrong, Zachary*-S, N
Baumann, Andrew
Blado, Dana
Boebel, Nathan
Boyd, Joshua
Branson, Karianne
Bronston, Tassia*
Clark, Becky*
Conradt, Natasha
Dammann, Megan
Darelius, Jillian
Duehlmeyer, John
Easton, Kyle
Emmons, Dale
Engel, Sabastian
Fabian, Jenny
Fillner, April
Forseth, Eric
Gloede, Marc
Greeno, Curtis
Harter, Miles
Hefti, Matthew
Hoepfner, Kristin*
Jandt, Jeremy
Johnson, Melissa
Johnson, Phillip
Kendall, Amy
Knobloch, Elizabeth
Koenig, Stefanie
Lindesmith, David
Matzke, Joshua
Mendell, Jennifer*
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Stephanie*
Minor, Kenneth
Newhouse, Erica
Noth, Lindsay
Olson, Bradley
Parlow, Amanda
Pertzsch, Kelly
Piurkowski, Seth
Renken, Clarissa*-S
Robertson, Nicole
Schauland, Kirk*-T
Schneider, Amanda
Schwartz, Luke
Shepard, Jeremy
Shimek, Michelle*-V, N
Sipley, Laura
Thurston, Elizabeth
Van Loon, Nathan
Welch, April*
Wichmann, Andrew
Wiegman, Zachary
Zickert, Isaac
Zuberbier, Brittany
2002 (62)
Babinec, Emily*-T
Bader, Ryan*
Bakken, Jonathan*
Baumgarten, Jessica*
Beitlich, Jacob*
Berg, Anne
Boebel, Niki
Carrell, Julie
Eide, Jennifer
Ekhoff, Melissa
Ekhoff, Nichole
Erdmann, Richard
Fehr, Amanda
Fischer, Jennifer
Gabower, Nathan
Gady, Sara
Garves, Amanda
Gates, Virginia
Gephart, Michael
Gephart, Robert
Beitlich, Lisa
Berg, Joshua
Bode, Kacee*
Boettcher, Kelly
Branson, Benjamin
Brush, Shawn
Clark, Sarah
Dahl, Jason*
Dobrunz, Amanda
Erdmann, Lucas*
Erickson, Lucas
Frame, Jason
Gady, Erin
Gerke, Sarah
Green, Matthew
Hammes, Lee
Harter, Mathias
Hayden, Amber*
Hein, Amy
Heitkamp, Susan
Hoffmann, Joshua*-S
Hornberg, Scott
Horstman, Heather
Horstman, Matthew
Ibisch, Timothy*
Jandt, Marc
Johnson, Jaimie
Klankowski, Sara
Knuth, Becky
Kroll, Jamie
Kumlin, Heather
Lautz, Briana
Litsheim, Jack
Lukasek, Jennifer
Lukasek, Joanna*
Lussky, Kristin*-V, N
MacFarland, Katrina
Matuska, Christopher
Mc Guire, Brenna*
Mc Henry, Courtney
Menges, Rachel
Meyer, Daniel
Miller, Douglas
Miller, Christopher
Mull, Kristin
Mysliwiec, Tyler
Nelson, Marques*
Norcross, Joseph
Oevering, Kayla
Pederson, Emily*-S
Pieper, Kyle
Pingel, Becky
Piurkowski, Adam
Potaracke, Daniel
Rhyne, Preston
Rick, Carl*
Rodriguez, Amy
Rossman, Bethany*
Rupprecht, Nikki
Scharf, Erich
Gerdes, Justin
Herrman, Nicole
Heuer, James
Holper, Ryan
Itnyre, Jonathan
Klankowski, Anna
Korthals, Hannah*
Kunz, Emily
Lau, Martha
Lenser, Barry*-S
Loehr, Justin*
Lukasek, Frederick
Mackey, Amber
Manske, Nicole
Maschka, Damian
Mc Lees, Alexander*
Meltz, Cassandra*
Menges, Micah*
Miller, Bryant
Molling, Patrick
Niemi, Jonathan*-T
Olson, Kimberly
Pagel, David
Pralle, Maria
Ritter, Aaron*
Rundahl, Beth
Schams, Daniel
Schedler, Joshua*
Schneider, Sara*
Schomberg, Joshua
Schomburg, Maria*
Schultz, Sarah
Shepard, Rebekah
Sloan, Scott
Stanley, James
Stuebs, Jacob*-V
Swogger, Kyle*
Welke, Krista
Westerman, Danielle*
Winjum, Molly*
Ziehme, Joel
Zimmerman, Ross
2003 (76)
Aldinger, Samuel*
Artschwager, Jamie*
Asp, Katie*-V
Schneider, Timothy
Schultz, Jeffrey*
Schuster, Leah
Schwartz, Jenny*
Shimek, Rachel*
Smith, Lesley
Smith, Naomi
Stallman, Joseph
Stuebs, Jordan
Tesch, Todd
Thorsen, Karli
Tolvstad, Andrew
Wood, Kimberly
2004 (59)
Babinec, Elisabeth
Bader, Seth
Barkeim, Amos
Blado, Rebekah*
Boyle, Cortney
Bruder, Chase
Brueske, Stephanie
Carrell, Emily
Clark, Crystal
Clark, James*
Easton, Shane
Ekhoff, Jessica*
Fehr, Laura
Forseth, Emma
Grams, Amanda*
Harter, Naomi*
Hefti, David*
Heilman, Eric*
Hellickson, Diana*
Heyer, Christina*
Hoepfner, Ryan*
Hoffmann, Natosha*-V
Houlihan, Cassandra
Hurst, Andrea*
Johnson, Cassandra
Johnson, Joseph
Justin, Jamey
Kiser, Matthew
Klankowski, Lisa
Komay, Lisa
Koske, Kyle
Krajewski, Adam
Krause, Eliza
Lehman, Steven
Leisso, Miriam*
Lepke, Chelsie
Meyer, Brandon
Niemi, Daniel*N
Paggi, Megan*
Pederson, Eric
Rick, Katherine*
Rimmert, Juliana
Roellich, Jacob
Rohde, Kristin
Rundahl, Dale
Rustad, Tara
Sattler, Marcia
Schauland, Karl*-S
Schultz, Alyssa
Schwantz, Brittany
Schwartz, Andrew
Severson, Lucas
Sonnenfeld, Stefan
Stanley, Erin
Van Loon, Anna
Williamson, Lucas
Wrobel, Jacob*
Youngren, Kristin
Zenke, Shana*
2005 (56)
Abts, Brett
Albrecht, Andrew*
Albrecht, Anna*
Burge, Rachel*
Dable, Jon*N
Dahl, Amanda*
Darelius, Anthony*
Dobrunz, Bethany
Farley, Leslie
Gerdes, James
Gonyier, Denise
Guzman, Garrett
Hammes, Ashley
Hefti, Caleb
Heiden, Benjamin
Hein, Rachel*
Huseboe, Melanie*
Ibisch, Jonathan
Jentz, Christa*
Johnson, Cody
Johnson, Michael P.
Johnson, Nicolas
Justin, Adam*
Kastenschmidt, Melissa*
Korthals, Rebekah*
Krajewski, James
Lau, Bethany
Lehman, Nicole*
Loehr, Jacob*
Lukasek, Michael
Lukasek, Sara
Lussky, Karyn*-V
Hayden, Cortney
Heck, Leah
John, Amanda*
Johnson, Amanda
Johnson, William J.
Kish, Michael
Knuth, Zachary
Kunz, Hannah*
Lautz, Kyle
Leibl, Benjamin
Lenser, Stephanie
Lukasek, Jason
Lundskow, Anna*
Maedke, Daniel
Maedke, Joseph
Meltz, Kristin*
Mueller, Jennifer
Nelson, Richard
Niemi, Carol*
Oevering, Alyssa
Pagel, Dustin
Pieper, Hans*
Podella, Abbie*
Rekow, Michael*
Rieke, Caryn*
Rimmert, Joanna
Rupprecht, Micah
Schams, Nicholas
Schlicht, Benjamin
Schneider, Gregory
Schneider, Joshua*
Schoeffel, Joshua
Schultz, Ashley
Schwantz, Lindsay
Semke, Elisabeth
Smith, Becky
Song, Peter*
Swogger, Leann*
Thiher Nicole*-S
Thorsen, Kelsey
Vinson, Anthony
Williamson, Spenser*-V
Woolley, Angela
Wrobel, Samuel
Zenke, Tyler
Zietlow, Sarah*
McCauley, Joshua
McGuire, Jessalyn*
Mendell, Samantha
Menges, Emilie*
Meyer, Andrew
Molling, Phillip
Mueller, Stephanie*
Nelson, Bethany*
Pralle, Elizabeth*
Rieke, Erin*
Schomberg, Becky
Schwedler, Benjamin*-S
Severson, Bryan
Solum, Alexander
Stallman, Heather
Strangman, Vicki
Stuebs, Miranda*
Tessmer, Daniel
Tolvstad, Michael*
Wehrenberg, Alex
Wessel, Laura
Westerman, Aaron
Wittenburg, Emily
Wrobel, Brian *
2006 (65)
Abts, Kayla*
Alexander, Amanda*
Ames, Alyxandra*
Asp, Brian
Barnes, Jamie
Boettcher, Troy
Brueske, Michael
Burmeister, Dawn
Burnham, Alysha
Cook, Daniel
Cook, Harrison
Cox, Julie*
Danalis, Kristina
Ebert, Christopher
Fischer, Travis
Frame, Daniel
Garbers, Matthew*
Grams, Bryce
Gullixson, Ruth*
Harter, Lloyd*
Bakken, Benjamin
Bartels, Rachel*-S
Brown, Hillary
Bruder, Taylor
Dickow, Maria*
Dorn, Andrea*
Erdmann, Edward
Erickson, Christopher
Essig, Matthew
Fehr, Karla
Gilbert, Jennifer*
Greene, Adam
Greene, Andrew
Hefti, Nathan*
Heilman, Bryant
Hendrickson, Jamie
Heyer, Seth
Hoepfner, Greg*-V
Huerkamp, Amy
Kane, Ryan
Kastenschmidt, Heather*
Knobloch, Krystal
Komay, Jeffrey
Korthals, Theresa*
Mendell, Genevieve
Meyer, Christopher*
Murry, Daniel
Norcross, Jessica
Pralle, Caleb
Rockwell, Walker
Rupprecht, Matthew
Schams, Samantha*
Schlicht, Bradley*
Schwedler, Caroline*
Sonnenfeld, Megan
Stuebs, Hannah
Thesing, Brandon*
Thiher, Rachel*
Urbanek, Katelyn*
Warnecke, John
Wehrenberg, Tricia
Wessel, Ethan*
Wierschke, Joshua
Foreign Exchange Students
Luther High School has become home to many foreign exchange students over the years. Students with names such
as Yosunari Aikyo, Agustin Carreno, Lars Matysiak, Peter
Song, and Fabiana Spoldi from Japan, Spain, Germany, Korea, and Italy have had the opportunity to hear God’s message of salvation through Christ and take that message back
to their own homes, hopefully telling it to all that they meet.
IX. Faculty and Support Staff from 1957-2007
Current Faculty
Adickes, Paul
Amundson, Nathan
Appold, Patti
Babinec, Joel
Bader, Connie
Benrud, Jon
Bilitz, Pastor Jon
Dable, Paul
Hagedorn, Jason
Heinze, Keith
Lisk, Pastor Kevin
Loersch, Mark
Lussky, Becky
Mahnke, James
Rosenberg, Kari
Ross, Mark
Rupprecht, James
Schaper, Brad
Schibbelhut, Greg
Wichmann, Paul
1997 - Present
1998 - Present
2002 - Present
1989 - Present
1995 - Present
1983 - Present
1999 - Present
1974 - Present
2005 - Present
1972 - Present
1993 - Present
1994 - Present
1995 - Present
1997 - Present
1997 - Present
1999 - Present
1995 - Present
2006 - Present
2001 - Present
1996 - Present
Support Staff
Over the years, Luther has been blessed with many faithful staff members. In
addition to the following, there have been also many dedicated part-time staff.
Diane Arndt
Marion Berg
Rose Berg
Gladys Brueske
Amy Churchill
Nancy Melin
Elizabeth Miller
Rosella Nehls
Diana Ridlon
Sandy Sprain
Layne Wyatt
Diane Beitlich*
Sue Stallman*
Ellsworth Berg
Leland Hogue
Larry Ristey
Lee Slack
Bruce Secor*
Jack Snippen*
Barb Dettmering
Mary Craig, p
Marion Radichel*
Dulcey Zillmer*
Kathleen Van Loon
Kevin Westerman
Gwen Schroeder*
Mary Wessel*
*indicates present staff
Former Teachers
(Italics indicate deceased)
List by maiden name, married in ( )
Adickes, David
Albrecht, Margaret
Bartling, Pastor Mark
Bauer, Rod
Berg, Pastor Robert
Klug, (Blauert) Kristine
Boeringer, Pastor John
Boernecke, Pastor LeRoy
Bunnow, Rose
Buss, Lois
Erbe, Larry
Fadness, Noel
Fedke, Pastor Fred
Grams, Herbert
Hefti, Pastor Roy
Helmreich, Roland
Hilliard, Pastor Thomas
Hinz, Roger
Hopkins, Susan
Horstman, Andrew
Italiano, Frank
Jaster, Pastor Herbert
Vomhoff, (Jenson) Lois
Johnson, Wayne (Bud)
Klumb, Pastor Elwin
Kothe, Ted
Krohn, (Schemm) Sue
Kunz, Daniel
Kuske, Prof. David
Lange, Eric
Lankey, Lori
Lau, Pastor John
Euler, (Lehninger) Jeanne
Lueck, Lyle
Luetke, David
Mammel, Otto
Manthe, Norbert
Mellon, Tom
Miller, Dr. Frederick
Mueller, Pastor Frederick
Neubauer, Dan
Niedfeldt, Thomas
Niedfeldt, (Nierengarten) Betty
Nommensen, Pastor Carl
Otte, Mark
Otterstatter, Jon
Parcher, Pastor John
Paustian, Pastor Henry
Pepperd, Dennis
Peterson, Gale
Pinske, Richard
Raabe, Dr. James
Ruppel, Pastor James
Schaller, Pastor Loren
Schmidt , Pastor Wayne
Roeming, (Schmidt) Bonnie
Schmiel, Pastor David
Schwartz, Pastor Donald
Scriver, Neil
Selle, Melvin
Siegler, Joanna
Sommer, Galen
Spaude, Pastor Tim
Sponholz, Martin
Starke, Cathleen
Stuebs, Pastor Arden
Tessmer, Barbara
Turany, (Mendell) Rachel
Umnus, David
Boswell, (Wade) Kristin
Werner, Frederick
Werre, Pastor Alvin
Wittmershaus, Barbara
Wittmershaus, Kurt
Wobeck, Clyde
Riley, (Wolfram) Stephanie
Wordell, Keith
Ziemer, Pastor Paul
Zuberbier, Paul
1962 - 2004
1959 – 61,67-68
1974 - 1987
1973 - 1981
1969 - 1970
1997 - 2000
1989 - 1992
1959 - 1966
1958 - 1997
1964 - 1974
1960 - 1964
1973 - 1978
1958 - 1972
1995 - 1996
1971 - 2003
1979 - 1982
1973 - 1995
1983 - 1995
1957 - 1974
1957 - 1959
1968 - 1974
1977 - 1982
1961-67, 1969-70
1974 - 1975
1983 - 2006
1964 - 1973
1988 – 1989
1957 - 1959
1975 - 1980
1961 - 1963
1967 - 1977
1974 - 1995
1960 - 1971
1978 - 1992
1959 - 1961
1969 - 1970
1971 - 1973
1962 - 1993
1995 -2001
1984 - 1985
1969 - 1970
1957 - 1959
1970 -1971
1963 - 1988
1983 - 1989
1976 - 1995
1978 - 1979
1978 - 1979
1957 - 1971
1966 - 1970
1961 - 1962
1957 - 1958
1968 - 1983
1962 - 1970
1995 - 1998
1992 - 1993
1970 - 1982
1989 - 1991
1957- 1958
1963 - 1968
1981 -1982
1957 - 1959
1991 - 1997
1972 - 1973
1967 - 1968
1993 - 1997
1983 - 2000
2000 - 2002
1989 - 1995
1973 - 1976
1977 - 1978
Student Teachers
Luther Faculty have also served our Lord and our
Synod as supervisors of student teachers from Martin
Luther College. What a blessing to assist in the training
of these future servants in the teaching ministry
X. Music Department
The Music Department has continued with
its mission of spreading the Gospel in the
Coulee region during Luther’s second 25
years. The school’s tradition of service to the
church through musical excellence, established
by Frank Italiano and David Adickes, has
been maintained by capable directors during
its second twenty-five years of history. The
performance organizations have established
outstanding musical accomplishments both in
the community and in the Wisconsin School
Music Association.
David Adickes was department chairman from
1962 to 1996 when he assumed a greater role
in the school’s administration. Keith Wordell
assumed those duties from 1996 until 2001
when he accepted a Call to West Lutheran
High School. James Rupprecht moved from
the elementary band program to become
department chair in 2001 and continues to
serve in that capacity.
The Music Department continues to offer a wide variety of courses in its curriculum. In 2000, band,
Concert Choir, and Cantate Choir became official classes. Students enrolled in these classes now receive
a letter grade and full credit. In the spring of 2007, Freshman Music was changed to Music Appreciation,
and Music Theory was added. This new class is intended for students seeking an advanced understanding
of music. Students at Luther High School are required to earn four semester credits of a performing
group or one semester of Music Appreciation. The Music Department’s academic classes are as follows:
Music Appreciation, Music Theory, Cantate Choir, Concert Choir and band. The extracurriculars are
piano/organ and vocal instruction, Sound Foundation, Jazz Ensemble, Pep Band, Woodwind Choirs, Brass
Choirs, Percussion Ensemble, Handbells, and Color Guard.
The vocal department enjoyed much success with
David Adickes as the head choral director and
Music Department Chairman. The Luther High
Concert Choir received numerous Wisconsin State
Music Association (WSMA) Class A awards during
his tenure. The choir visited many association
congregations over the years and it continues these
visits today, singing praises to God and sharing the
Gospel. David Adickes retired from directing the
Concert Choir in 1996. He founded the National
Lutheran Choral Festival at Luther High School in
1967. The festival returned to Luther for its 25th
anniversary. Kurt Wittmershaus directed Concert
Choir until the fall of 1997. Paul Adickes accepted
the Call to take over the Concert Choir and Sound
Foundation. The Concert Choir performs annually
at the WXOW TV Channel 19 Holiday Concert
in December as well as Heidelberg, Opening
Service, Christmas Concert, Lenten Concert and
Spring Spotlight. In recent years, the Concert
Choir has sung at either the Winona or La Crosse area
Reformation services.
Sound Foundation continues to function as the choir
within the Concert Choir. It provides both sacred and
secular venues for the students. Sound Foundation
participates in the WELS Choral Fest and has earned
top ratings in WSMA as a
vocal jazz choir. The group
travels to five association
congregations during the
Lenten season and makes
recruitment visits to
Luther High Association
Elementary schools each
spring. The group performed
for 5000 people at a rally
for President George W.
Bush in October of 2004.
In May of 2006, the Sound
Foundation performed at the
University of Wisconsin-La
Crosse’s Spring Concert.
show while enjoying snacks and beverages. Knight Revue
continues to be a high point for the Sound Foundation,
giving the students a chance to perform for an enthusiastic
crowd each spring.
In the 1994-1995 school year
a new freshman/sophomore
choir named Cantate Choir
came into existence. With Kurt
Wittmershaus as its first director,
this choir also began visiting
various congregations to worship
in song during the school year.
Joanna Siegler directed the choir
in the 1996-1997 school year.
James Rupprecht followed in
1998 and still holds the position
today. In 2000, Cantate Choir
became a part of the opening
service at Luther. The Cantate
Choir is not only a source for
early vocal training for students, it also has a major role
in the worship services of the school participating in the
Opening Service, Heidelberg, the Christmas Concert,
the Lenten Concert and Spring Spotlight. Cantate Choir
sings at either the Winona or La Crosse area Reformation
Knight Revue began in 1995
as an evening of food and entertainment. Guests could
purchase tickets for a catered meal and enjoy the variety
show in the old gymnasium afterwards. With the addition
of the new Association Center, tickets were eliminated,
and the show was moved to the larger facility. The format
of the evening changed, allowing guests to watch the
The Pep Band plays for football and basketball games as
well as tournament games including volleyball. On the
average, the Pep Band plays for 15-20 games per year in
support of our teams.
Various directors have served faithfully in the
instrumental department over the past 25 years. Frank
Italiano, who was called to his eternal rest this past year,
was one of the original founders of the school as well
as the person who began the instrumental program. Rod
Bauer followed him in 1974 and served until Rachel
Turany became the director in 1981. Richard Pinski
became the director in 1982 and continued until the 19891990 school year. Keith Wordell became the director in
the fall of 1990 and remained until the 2000-2001 school
year. In the fall of 2001, James Rupprecht became the
director and is currently holding that position.
The Jazz Band is also a part of the instrumental program.
It tours each spring to our Lutheran Elementary
Schools and participates in the Wisconsin School Music
Association’s Solo and Ensemble Festival, the Spring
Band Concert, and the WLC Jazz Festival in Milwaukee.
It also performs for the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.
The Concert Band continues its role at Luther High as
the main instrumental group. Concert Band participates
in the Wisconsin School Music Association Large Group
Festival and has received numerous high ratings. The
Concert Band became part of the Christmas Concert in
2001 when the Christmas Festival was moved into the
Association Center, which allowed the entire Association
to participate in one large service. In 2002, the Concert
Band took on a new look for its concerts with concert
attire (tuxedos and long black dresses). The Concert Band
and the Elementary School Bands have a joint concert in
the spring that continues to grow in popularity.
The Marching Knights have received numerous awards
in various parades. Annually, the Marching Knights
participate in the Applefest Parade in La Crescent, the
Warren’s Cranfest Parade and the La Crosse Torchlight
Parade in the fall. In spring, the Marching Knights march
in the Sunfish Days Parade in Onalaska and the Memorial
Day Parade in La Crosse.
The band also performed at a rally for President George
W. Bush in October of 2004 for a crowd of 5000 people.
The band received many positive comments from those in
the community for a fine musical performance. Patriotic
music, as well as Pep Band music, was enjoyed by all.
Luther High School has had a Lutheran Elementary
School band program for many years. Rod Bauer and
Rich Pinski served in the program in addition to their high
school duties. Jo Thomas led the program from 1985 to
1995. First Lutheran, Mt Calvary, and
St. Paul’s, Onalaska, were the
three original schools.
successful Lutheran Elementary School programs in the
Synod. The rehearsal attendance rate for these Lutheran
Elementary School students
averages over 98%.
After a few years, Sabre Band
was added, giving beginners a
group playing experience. In
the summer of 1998, Nate
Amundson was called to take
Joanna Siegler’s duties in the
Lutheran Elementary School
band and James Rupprecht
was given Cantate Choir as
one of his duties. A
Lutheran Elementary
School Jazz Band was
formed in 1998. In
2001, James Rupprecht
was called for the high
school band program,
and Nate Amundson took
over the entire Lutheran
Elementary School program
with assistance from Mrs.
Mandy Rupprecht. Mrs.
Kristi Krause now helps
Nate Amundson in giving
Lutheran Elementary School
band lessons. In the spring, the
Lancer and Sabre Bands combine
and march in two parades and
take part in Spring Spotlight at
the end of the school year.
In 1995, the Luther High School
Conference of Delegates decided
to offer the Lutheran Elementary
School band program to all of the
Association congregations. James
Rupprecht was called to run the
Lutheran Elementary School band
program which offered lessons
to students in grades 5-8. Many
students took advantage of this new
opportunity, and before long, thirteen
schools were participating. Keith
Wordell also helped with lessons as
it was not possible for one person
to serve all the students wishing to
participate. Joanna Siegler was
called to help James Rupprecht
with lessons so Keith Wordell
could devote his time to the high
school band program.
This new elementary band (grades 6-8
with one year of experience) started
meeting on Saturday mornings with
limited success. After the first year,
the newly named Lancer Band started
meeting on Friday afternoons at 3:00.
It continues today as one of the most
Luther High School received a generous donation in
December 1998 of a three octave set of handbells.
The handbells arrived in May of 1999 and rehearsals
began that fall. Handbell choirs have become part of
the Christmas and Easter Concerts, and they travel to
association congregations during the school year. The
handbell choir has received numerous high ratings in
Wisconsin School Music Association Festivals in Class
A. Each Spring, the handbell choir participates in the
WELS Handbell Festival, which Luther High School
hosted in 2004, as ten handbell choirs participated.
One of the blessings the Luther High School Music
Department has enjoyed over the years has been to
offer piano and vocal lessons to the students. The
school has been blessed with outstanding instructors.
Lisa Giertych has been serving as vocal instructor since
the early 1990’s. Doris Burmeister gave piano lessons
in the 1980’s, Mary Ellen Schlicht in the early 1990’s,
and Jean McClellan since 1996. Our vocal and piano
students have had much success in WSMA festivals.
In 2001 the format of the festival was changed.
Heidelberg brought back the selection of Buergemeisters
and made them honorary positions. Lancer Band was
added to the entertainment in 1997.
Lutheran elementary
schools were invited
to participate with a
Kindergarten through
12th grade atmosphere.
Games for the children
were added in the
Association Center,
encouraging families
to stay for the day.
The great German
food remains, but
pizza, walking tacos,
ice cream sundaes,
and various other
food items have been
added. Attendance has
steadily increased, and
every year more people
enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of Heidelberg.
Heidelberg Fall Festival continues to make changes to
make it a fun day for everyone. In 2006, the Heidelberg
celebration reflected on the past 50 years of the high
school and honored all former Buergemeisters who
have brought great blessings to Luther High.
Forty-five years ago, Frank Italiano and David Adickes
began Heidelberg, a celebration of our German, Lutheran
Heritage. Although it has grown and undergone many
changes, it remains
a highlight of the
fall season. It is
a fun day for the
Association featuring
entertainment by the
Music Department
and authentic
German food. Brian
Berg has been
our main German
Chef for many
years. Heidelberg
originally presented
three shows starting
around 3:30 in
the afternoon and
ending around 10:00.
Over the years,
times changed, and
Heidelberg became a daytime festival running from 11:00
a.m. to 2:30 p.m. From 1963 to 1993, Buergemeisters or
“village mayors” were selected by the Music Department
from various association congregations to organize
the event. The Buergemeisters would then organize
the events with help from the members of their home
1963-Rudy and Irene Pralle
1964-Bud and Lilly Brendle
1965-Ed and Lois Schnick
1966-Al and Jean Knorr
1967-DuWayne and Carol Bluske
1968-Norm and Bernice Kohlmeyer
1969-Arnold and Alida Schlicht
1970-Dick and Jane Emery
1971-Don and LaVonne Zietlow
1972-Sidney and Luella Kopp
1973-Richard and Shirley Grams
1974-Gene and Betty Falkenberg
1975-Clarence and Jan Fillner
1976-Henry and Janice Leibl
1977-Don and Sherry Kish
1978-Elmer and Lillian Grassman
1979-Ernest and Helen Berg
1980-David and Norma Luetke
1981-Mel and Karen Kuschel
1982-John and Nancy Lautz
1983-Ken and Sue Pinski
1984-Gene and Ruth Roediger
1985-Keith and Sue Schedler
1986-Don and Evelyn Kortbein
1987-Jon and Shari Riley
1988-John and Jane Pinski
1989-Les and Sandy Unnasch
1990-Frank and Lenore Italiano
1991-Pastor Arden and Ora Stuebs
1992-Rod and Lois Jensen
1993-Ralph and Bonnie Mann
2001-Ralph and Bonnie Mann
2002-Gene and Betty Falkenberg
2003-Don and LaVonne Zietlow
2004-Henry Leibl and Lois Buss
2005-David and Gloria Adickes
2006-Former Buergemeisters
Luther High Music Department continues to work with
association members, graduates, and parents, even after
their children have graduated. An adult choir called
the Coulee Chorale was formed in November of 2000.
The Chorale is open to any adult who enjoys singing
and adult fellowship in a music environment, and is a
member of one of Luther’s association congregations.
It continues to grow in numbers and popularity. The
choir rehearses on Sunday evenings in November and
participates in a concert in early December with the
Luther High School always presented a spring secular
concert. Because the association spanned nearly 100
miles, many association members never traveled to
Onalaska to hear the concert. During the 90’s, the
music department decided to present the secular spring
concert outside in parks in the more distant areas of the
association. It became known as Concert on the Green
and gave the high school a wider public exposure. In
the event of inclement weather, the concert would be
held at Luther. In 2003, the Conference of Delegates
approved making Luther the permanent site and naming
the concert “Spring Spotlight.” With weather out of
the equation, more and more musical organizations
participated in the spring concert, including the
Lutheran Elementary Band and Jazz Band. Spring
Spotlight audiences now travel to Luther to enjoy an
informal afternoon of secular musical entertainment
by soloists, small groups and large groups in an
atmosphere of fellowship and fun.
Luther has been a part of the Wisconsin School Music
Association (WSMA) for many years. Luther High
School continues its excellence at all of the festivals
and our percentages of firsts at the State competition
are outstanding.
In the late 1990’s parents of Luther High School
music students formed the Luther High School Music
Associates to promote greater interest in the various
aspects of the music department. The Music Associates
provide Christian fellowship for its members and help
organize and implement approved projects, which
support the Luther High School Music Department.
The organization is open to anyone interested in
providing service to the music programs.
In spring of 2005, Luther High School’s large groups and the
Lancer Band chose to participate in a clinic festival format,
which has proven to be a very educational experience.
Adjudicators are selected by the Luther High Music Staff
for their musical excellence and expertise. The adjudicators
work with the large groups for 45 minutes. Lutheran
Elementary School choirs are invited and encouraged
to participate in this event, allowing them to learn and
grow musically. This highlights the Music Department’s
philosophy that our system of Christian education begins in
elementary school.
Psalm 150 reminds and encourages us to praise God in
many ways and in many places. Each May, the Luther
High School Music Department sets aside an evening
to recognize the many talents and blessings that God
has given to His children. Awards Night was first held
in the spring of 1999, and continues to be an enjoyable
evening of music and fellowship. Students are given
their WSMA solo and ensemble awards, and Luther’s
large groups are recognized. Concert Choir, Cantate
Choir, Sound Foundation, Concert Band, Jazz Band,
Handbells, Lancer Band, and Sabre Band are all given
recognition for their accomplishments.
After the success of the spring WSMA Clinic Festival,
the Music Department sought another way to bring
our Lutheran Elementary Schools together. Luther
High School held its first Lutheran Elementary School
Choral Festival in the fall of 2005. Fourteen Lutheran
Elementary Schools sent students on a Friday morning
to work with the Luther High choir directors. They
performed the following day at the Science and Fine
Arts Fair along with the Sabre and Lancer Band.
Music Award
(these awards were not listed
in 25th anniversary booklet)
Luther Musical Knight Award
Ruth Hagedorn
Star Letter Award
Jim Grasby
Lanny Yandt
Barb Kletzke
La Crosse Music Study Club
Lanny Yandt
Luther Musical Knights
Ron Zimdahl
Luther Musical Knight Award
Sara Bissen
Dennis Lemke
Allen Myren
Debra Osgood
Ruth Seeger
Judy Warnecke
Luther Musical Knight Award
Lauril Zimdahl
Choir Awards
Jeff Kile
Rick Schlicht
Lynn Miller
Dorothea Siegler
Linda Jenkins-acc.
Music Scholarships
Jim Wehrenberg
Thelma Fredriksen
Choir Awards
Lanny Yandt
Linda Koll
Kathy Karbula
Stephan Berg
Richard Pinski
Ruth Bauman-acc.
Band Star Letter Award
Dan Italiano
Jim Grasby
Sue Schreiber
Marianne Kile
Lanny Yandt
Sue Johnson
Ray Soucheck
Ruth Bauman
Deanna Heram
Rosalie Schuette
Linda Hoefs
Jim Grasby
La Crosse Music Study Club Award
Sue Johnson
Luther Musical Knights Award
Jim Grasby
Bill Homstad
Donna Kegler
All Star Quartet
Tom Pfaff
Neil Ristow
Nancy Vlasek
Mary Rundahl
Kathy Roraff
Band Star Letter Award
Orchestra Star Letter Awards
Don Pieper
Sue Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Marjean Austin
La Crosse Music Study Club Award
Lynn Miller
Luther Musical Knight Award
Lynn Miller
Thelma Fredriksen
Jim Wehrenberg
Nancy Kohlmeyer
La Crosse Music Study Club Award
Jeri Schnick
Luther Musical Knights Award
Lanny Yandt
Dan Italiano
La Crosse Foundation Scholarship
Don Pieper
La Crosse Study Club Award
Jeff Hugo
Luther Musical Knight Award
Susan Johnson
Choir Awards
All Star Quartet
Jan Breitenfield
Joanne DePaolo
Tom Gilbertson
Mike Lenser
Sue Miller-acc
Ruth Petersen
Brian Berg
David Schaller
Bill Homstad
La Crosse Music Study Club Award
Chris Karbula
Luther Men of Note Award
Glenda Kohlmeyer
Deanna Heram
Sue Schreiber
Jim Grasby
Sue Johnson
Peggy Schuette
Ray Soucheck
Marjean Austin
Nancy Johnson
Choir Awards
Christine Karbula
Kathy Lukasek
Karen Vlasek
Ron Zimdahl
Mary Backer-acc.
Band Star Letter Award
All Star Quartet
Todd Peterson
Jeff Hugo
Vicky Zeitlow
Terri Gerke
Band Star Letter Award
Nancy Johnson
Marjean Austin
Wendy Johnson
Bryon Crawford
Jeff Hugo
Pam Miller
Mary Unnash
Orchestra Star Letter Award
Deanna Heram
Janet Kohlmeyer
La Crosse Foundation Award
String Star Letter Award
Nancy Johnson
Wendy Johnson
La Crosse Foundation Scholarship
James Bakken
Jeff Hugo
La Crosse Music Study Club Award
Ruth Italiano
Luther Musical Knight Award
Jeff Hugo
All Star Quartet
Richard Warnecke
Brian Roraff
Ricky Johnson
Claire Ristow
Linda Hayden
Cheryl Wrobel
Band Star Letter Award
Mark Albrecht
Linda Ross
Scott Blakeley
Lynee Heram
Paula Frick
Sue Longcor
Carolyn Kegler
Bryon Crawford
Wendy Johnson
Gary Korthals
Marlyn Wappler
Denyse Christie
Liz Schlicht
Ruth Italiano
Doris Johnson
Mary Unnasch
Linda Lenser
Orchestra Star Letter Winners
Wendy Johnson
Kathy Italiano
Ruth Italiano
Betty Wrobel
Mary Unnasch
Mark Albrecht
Marlyn Wappler
Liz Schlicht
Jerene Semke
Don Johnson
Brenda Hass
Bryon Crawford
Jody Ziegler
Kathy Italiano
Kathy Muhlmann
Sharon Lenser
Pam Schuette
Carol Sloan
Scott Henry
La Crosse Music Club Award
American Bandsman Award
Kathy Italiano
Jim Schofield
La Crosse Foundation Award
La Crosse Music Study Club Award
Martin Adickes
La Crosse Foundation Award
Jean Wehrenberg
Syda Berg Scholarship
Mary Leibl
Luther Musical Knight Award
Jean Wehrenberg
Liz Kile
Mary Unnasch
Luther Musical Knight Award
Bryon Crawford
Mary Unnasch
All Star Quartet
Tim Mammel
Kathy Italiano
Diana Lonnquist
Instrumental Star Letter Award
All Star Quartet
Kelly Schroeder
Luanne Heram
Mark Frick
Liz Schlicht
Jean Wehrenberg
Liz Kile
Mark Grassman
Martin Adickes
Mitch Klebig
Paul Hayden
Carol Rundahl
Linda Johnson
Instrumental Star Letter Award
Luther Musical Knight Award
La Crosse Music Study Club Award
Jean Wehrenberg
La Crosse Foundation Award
Kathy Kuhlmann
Kathy Italiano
Syda Berg Scholarship
Tim Mammel
Luther Musical Knight Award
Kathy Italiano
Mark Albrecht
Lynee Heram
Brian Roraff
Ruth Italiano
Narrator Special Award
John Homstad
La Crosse Study Club Award
Bryon Crawford
La Crosse Foundation Award
Ruth Italiano
Lynee Heram
All Star Quartet
James Roscovius
Mark DeGarmo
Mary Unnasch
Pam Schuette
Cindy Berg
Instrumental Star Letter Award
Mark Grassman
Cindy Berg
Martin Adickes
Luanne Heram
Kelly Schroeder
Peter Unnasch
American Bandsman Award
Kelly Schroeder
Syda Berg Scholarship
Luanne Heram
La Crosse Music Study Club
Marianne Spors
Tom Albrecht
La Crosse Foundation Award
All Star Quartet
Deanna Pfaff
Janis Lonnquist
Craig Mueller
David Mendell
Martin Adickes
Luther Musical Knight Award
Martin Adickes
Carol Rundahl
Kelly Schroeder
Instrumental Star Letter Award
Brad Ragner
Jodi Wuske
Jean Wehrenberg
Luanne Heram
Kelly Schroeder
All Star Quartet
Katy Johnson
Joni Lonnquist
Greg Scriver
Scott Roscovius
Instrumental Star Award
Christine Thaldorf
Gaye Baumbach
Scott Roscovius
Karen Mendell
Fay Mueller
Dawn Johnson
Sandy Brown
Peter Unnasch
American Bandsman Award
American Bandsman Award
Steve Hinz
Christine Thaldorf
Sandy Brown
Syda Berg Scholarship
Katy Johnson
La Crosse Music Club Award
Tom Albrecht
Christine Thaldorf
Syda Berg Scholarship
Christine Thaldorf
La Crosse Foundation Award
Steve Hinz
Luther Musical Knight Award
All Star Quartet
Luther Musical Knight Award
Liza Martin
Dennis Raabe
Joel Biermeier
Kurt Wittmershaus acc.
Marianne Spors
Semper Fidelis Award
La Crosse Foundation Award
Marianne Spors
All Star Quartet
All seniors in Sound Foundation
Instrumental Star Letter Award
Chris Thaldorf
Steve Hinz
Elayne Hass
Dee Dee Wappler
Peter Unnasch
American Bandsman Award
Joel Biermeier
Syda Berg Scholarship
Dan Albrecht
La Crosse Foundation Award
Liza Martin
Luther Musical Knight Award
Dan Albrecht
All Star Quartet
La Crosse Foundation Award
Cathy Neimeier
Sandy Wuolle
Julie Kramer
Jon Spors
Roger Emmons
Carolyn Adickes
Syda Berg Scholarship
Peter Unnasch
Syda Berg Scholarship
Peter Unnasch
Luther Musical Knight Award
Thomas Albrecht
Carolyn Adickes
Loran Zibrowski
Instrumental Star Letter Award
Dawn Matzke
Christine Thaldorf
Sarah Biermeier
Roger Emmons
La Crosse Foundation Award
Jon Spors
Luther Musical Knight Award
Jon Spors
All Star Quartet
Syda Berg Scholarship
Donna Indermuehle
All Star Quartet
Ruth Lankey
Michelle Karbula
Steve Hinz
Steve Mendell
Instrumental Star Letter Award
All Star Quartet
Carmen Hansen
Heidi Roediger
Aaron Burmeister
Tim Lind
Jamie Klein
Syda Berg Scholarship
Kristin Kramer
Aaron Burmeister
Diane Wehrenberg
Paul Adickes
Amy Johnson
Clark Thaldorf
La Crosse Foundation Award
Luther Musical Knight Award
La Crosse Foundation Award
Luther Musical Knight Award
Amy Moldenhauer
Diane Wehrenberg
Sarah Biermeier
Clark Thaldorf
Most Improved Instrumentalist
Clark Thaldorf
Donna Indermeuhle
Amy Johnson
Betty Marnach
Lynn Lowrey
Paul Adickes
Syda Berg Scholarship
La Crosse Foundation Award
Spors Scholarship
Kim Grosskopf
Outstanding Musicianship
Paul Adickes
Outstanding Vocalist
Amy Johnson
Luther Musical Knight Award
Aaron Burmeister
All Star Quartet
Denise Indermuehle
Lisa Luetke
Caren Blado
Kim Grosskopf
Jennifer Rech
Most Improved Instrumentalist
Jodie June
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Syda Berg Scholarship
Richard Ruesch
Luther Musical Knight Award
Eric Wilson
Richard Ruesch
Jessica Stratman
Syda Berg Scholarship
Bekah Siegler
All Star Quartet
Joanna Siegler
Rachel Carmichael
Aaron Doelger
Joel Kramer
Frank Italiano Jr.
Kris Tillman
National Guild of Piano Teachers
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Luther Musical Knight Award
Christopher Adickes
Nick Gresens
Bekah Siegler
Jessica Stratman
All Star Quartet
Wisconsin Music Teachers Award
Laura Follendorf
Joanna Siegler
Paul Luetke
Crista Loging
Sara Webb
Rich Ruesch
Syda Berg Scholarship
Kay Radichel
Joanna Siegler
Syda Berg Scholarship
Jennifer Rech
Syda Berg Scholarship
Allison Thomas
Luther Musical Knight Award
Jaina Roth
Kris Tillman
All Star Quartet
Ricky Niemeier
Brad Bruemmer
Stefanie Wolff
Carrie Barnes
Leslye Blado
Hedi Piehl
Laurie Sonsalla
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Carrie Barnes
Sarah Doelger
Organ Award
Richard Ruesch
Frank Italiano Jr.
Syda Berg Scholarship
Heidi Piehl
Outstanding Vocalist
Heidi Piehl
Luther Musical Knight Award
Carrie Barnes
Laurie Sonsalla
All Star Quartet
Jenny Bondow
Amy Dable
Tyson Varney
Richard Ruesch
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Richard Ruesch
Patti Hemker
Luther Musical Knight Award
Anna Luetke
Frank Italiano Jr.
Joanna Siegler
Luther Musical Knight Award
Anna Luetke
All Star Quartet
Nicky Jansen
Scott Grosskopf
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Christen Barnes
Syda Berg Scholarship
Christen Barnes
All Star Quartet
Erica Schlicht
Leanne Gilbertson
Richard Bakken
Scott Nuttleman
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Luther Musical Knight Award
Jessica Justin
Kristi Lee
Nicky Jansen
Jon Siegler
Syda Berg Scholarship
Jessica Justin
Luther Musical Knight Award
All Star Quartet
Tricia Rusert
Ann Duehlmeyer
Dan Larson
Kevin Sonsalla
Karl Tillman
Kristi Lee
Richard Bakken
Syda Berg Scholarship
Jessie Kunz
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Annette Stender
Syda Berg Scholarship
Tricia Rusert
Luther Musical Knight Award
Karl Tillman
Kevin Sonsalla
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Amanda Stratman
Luther Musical Knight Award
Sarah Siegler
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
All Star Quartet
Bekah Siegler
Abbey Lindesmith
Nick Gresens
Christopher Adickes
Kathryn Sachs
Sarah Leisso
Syda Berg Scholarship
Melissa Koenig
Luther Musical Knight Award
Laura Holper
Kathryn Sachs
Rachel Hein
Syda Berg Scholarship
Katie Danalis
All Star Quartet
Luther Musical Knight Award
Sarah Zietlow
Ruth Gullixson
Josh Schneider
Brian Asp
All Star Quartet
Syda Berg Scholarship
Liesl Rupprecht
Aleah Bakken
Micah Pieper
Corissa Hayden sp
Kurt Hoppe
Emily Lukasek
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Sarah Balduan sp
Sarah Hefti
Elizabeth Kinsey
Syda Berg Scholarship
Ruth Gullixson
Lloyd Harter
Handbell Leadership Award
Ruth Gullixson
Nikki Rupprecht
Luther Musical Knight Award
Heather Kumlin
Nikki Rupprecht
Josh Berg
Amy Hein
Carol Niemi
Luther Musical Knight
Sarah Zietlow
Dawn Burmeister
Carol Niemi
Ruth Gullixson
Emily Lukasek
Carolyn Sachs
Luther Musical Knight Award
Megan Paggi
Emily Carrell
Stefan Sonnenfeld
Karl Schauland
Sarah Hefti
John Philip Sousa Award
All Star Quartet
All Star Quartet
La Crosse Area Music Teachers
Heather Kastenschmidt
Karla Fehr
Ben Bakken
Josh Wierschke
Luther Musical Knight Award
Miriam Leisso
Megan Paggi
Olivia Krause
Clarissa Renken
Syda Berg Scholarship
Miriam Leisso
Megan Paggi
All Star Quartet
Handbell Leadership Award
Becky Shepard
Ginny Gates
Jon Niemi
Ross Zimmerman
Kristin Youngren
John Plilip Sousa Award
Luther Musical Knight Award
National Marching Band Award
Miriam Leisso
Chelsie Lepke
John Philip Sousa Award
Syda Berg Scholarship
Zachary Armstrong
Jill Darelius
Jon Niemi
Syda Berg Scholarship
John Philip Sousa Award
Chelsie Lepke
Directors Award (grade school)
Syda Berg Scholarship
Megan Sonnenfeld
Andrea Dorn
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
Josh Wierschke
Handbell Leadership Award
Heather Kastenschmidt
Caroline Schwedler
Ben Bakken
Danielle Westerman
Cassie Meltz
Luther Musical Knight Award
Luther Musical Knight Award
All Star Quartet
Caroline Schwedler
Ben Bakken
Heather Kastenschmidt
Karyn Lussky
Mindy Stuebs
Tony Darelius
Andy Meyer
All Star Quartet
Syda Berg Scholarship
Kristin Lussky
Amber Hayden
Sam Aldinger
Jordan Stuebs
Melissa Kastenschmidt
Rachel Hein
Syda Berg Scholarship
John Philip Sousa Award
Ginny Gates
Kacee Bode
Amy Hein
Handbell Leadership Award
Kacee Bode
John Philip Sousa Award
Handbell Leadership Award
Melissa Kastenschmidt
Adam Justin
Luther Musical Knight
Andy Albrecht
Erin Rieke
Ben Schwedler
XI. Athletic Department
he landscape of athletics
at Luther High School has
changed considerably through
the second half of its first 50 years!
Since 1982 Luther athletics has
increased from 10 sports offered to 14.
More importantly, the number of sport
teams has increased two-fold from 15
to 30. This increase has allowed more
and more Luther High School students
to experience high school sports. This
section of Luther’s athletic history will
not only attempt to review the past
25 years, but to also tie them together
with the first 25 years.
took over the reins again for the 2000 season when a
coaching need arose. In total, Wobeck led the Luther
tennis program for 10 seasons. Highlighting these 10
seasons was the 1986 season, when he guided the firstever WISAA state appearance for the team. In the fall
of 1983, Wobeck coached the inaugural girls’ tennis
team. His leadership in the girls’ tennis program lasted
12 seasons (1983-1995). Wobeck wrapped up his
coaching career in the spring of 2000 when he coached
the boys’ tennis team.
Jon Benrud began his varsity coaching career with the
boys’ track team in the spring of 1983 and continued
coaching through 1989. During his tenure he coached
two WISAA state individual champions and his 1986
team finished 5th in Class C at the state meet.
Athletics at Luther have survived
on the dedication of many coaches.
Generally, the head coaching position
at all levels has been held by one of
Luther’s Called teachers. Throughout
its history, many assistant or lower
level head coaches have volunteered
their time to instruct Luther’s studentathletes. What a tremendous blessing
these men and women have been to
our school. What wonderful gifts they
have given in both time and talents.
We give thanks to God for these many
volunteers who have given so much to
help our Christian youth.
The 1983-84 school year saw many changes in
personnel. In the fall of 1983, Jon Benrud took over
the coaching reins of Luther football. Prior to Benrud’s
leadership, Wayne (Bud) Johnson had been at the helm
for 5 seasons (1977-1981) with Neil Scriver coaching
for the 1982 season. Benrud served as an assistant for
this season prior to receiving a Call to Luther.
The fall 2006 campaign marked Benrud’s 23rd season
at Luther. His teams have compiled a record of 92113. During that span he has guided the Knights to
three Dairyland Conference Championships (1991,
1993, 1995). Luther’s 1991 squad flexed their muscle
often. Competing in the Dairlyand Conference for the
first year, they charged through the regular season with
an undefeated record (9-0). More impressive than
that, they held their opponents to 13 points for those
nine games. In the first round of the WISAA playoffs,
Luther was to host Aquinas, but a huge early season
snow storm saw the game postponed and moved to
UW-La Crosse. In what
was deemed as Luther’s
“Ice Bowl,” the Aquinas
Blugolds defeated the
Knights 12-6, ending
our season earlier than
In the fall of 1982, Clyde Wobeck
began coaching the boys’ tennis
program. Wobeck served as the boys’
tennis coach from 1982-1991. He
The 1997 season marked
the first year in the Coulee
Conference. It was also
the first year that Luther
football won a playoff
game in the WISAA
tournament. Not only did
they win one game, but
they continued winning and
advanced to the WISAA state football championship
game at Camp Randall Stadium in Madison. A large
contingency of fans were disappointed in the loss to
St. Mary’s Springs, but were not disappointed in the
effort and heart of the team. Beginning with the 2004
season, Luther began playing an independent schedule
in football.
The 1983-84 season also marked the beginning
of Roger Hinz’s leadership of the girls’ basketball
program. Hinz coached the Lady Knights for the next
13 seasons (1983-1996) compiling a 125-153 record.
Hinz’s most successful years came in a five year span
(1985-90) where his teams amassed a record of 7240. The most successful season for the Lady Knights
during his tenure was 1989-90. This
squad has the distinction of being the
first and only girls’ team to advance to
the WISAA state tournament, which
at the time was played at the Bradley
Center in Milwaukee. The Lady
Knights lost in the semi-final game,
wrapping up a 19-4 season. The La
Crosse Tribune named Hinz the 1990
Coulee Region “Coach of the Year.”
were also
evident in the
of athletics
and on the
basketball court
during the
1983-84 school
year. With the
departure of
Neil Scriver,
Tom Mellon
took on a
greater role
in athletic
He accepted the position as
Athletic Director, a position he
held until 1992. He also took
over the varsity boys’ basketball
team. Mellon has one of
Luther’s best winning percentages
(.704) over a 9 year coaching
stint, guiding the Knights to
a record of 145-61. During
eight of his coaching years,
Luther played an independent
schedule, denying him of any
conference championships. In
1986-87 he did lead the Knights to a WISAA Area
2 Championship. During the 1987 WISAA State
Championship games, Luther High was awarded the
“Sportsmanship Award” which is proudly displayed in
the lobby of the Association Center.
One of the most exciting games witnessed in these
past 25 years was a double overtime loss to eventual
State Champions, Northwestern Prep, on February 24,
1990. That loss was Luther’s only of the season (231) and was in the minds of all who saw it “The State
Title Game.” The Knights were ranked 2nd in state in
the final AP Poll that season. The La Crosse Tribune
honored Mellon by naming him Coulee Region “Coach
of the Year” for 1989-90 season.
Hinz spent a number of seasons
assisting the football program and
served as the golf
coach for 16 seasons.
In the spring of
1975 he took over
the golf program
from Larry Erbe and
coached for the next
9 seasons. For the
next two seasons
(1984 & 1985)
Otto Mammel took
over the coaching
Hinz was back at
the helm for the
1986 season and
continued coaching
for the next 7 seasons.
The program was
dropped for the 1993 season due to a lack of interest
and funding. In 1996 Coach Hinz took the leadership
of yet another program, this time the boys’ and girls’
tennis teams. He coached the boys’ tennis team in the
spring of ’96-’98 and the girls’ program during the
fall of 1996 through 1999. Paul Hayden then took
control of the program for the next 3 seasons (2000,
2001, 2002). In his final year at Luther, Coach Hinz
filled a coaching need again by serving as the freshmen
boys’ basketball coach. Roger Hinz retired from the
teaching ministry after the 1999-00 school year.
The boys’ and girls’ tennis programs also had a number
of non-staff coaches serve as head coaches during the
past 25 years. Paul Hayden coached the girls’ team for
three seasons (2000, 2001, 2002). Chris Kinsey served
score of 21-3 and in the regional final they defeated
Hillsboro by a score of 22-7.
Kunz also spent many years leading the boys’
basketball teams. In his first year at Luther (1982-83),
he coached the freshmen boys’ team. For the next 9
years, he led the junior varsity team and assisted Tom
Mellon at the varsity level (1983-1992). He took over
the varsity team beginning with the 1992-93 season.
For the next 14 years, Kunz led the Knights’ basketball
program. Kunz’s teams achieved some great success
in the early years. Back-to-back Dairyland Conference
Championships (1994, 1995) and three Lutheran
Invitational Championships (1994, 1995, 1996)
highlighted his coaching career. His 1994-95 team
advanced to the WISAA sectional final and received
statewide recognition with a #1 state ranking during the
season. Kunz compiled a 140-165 record at the varsity
level and a 279-214 record throughout his 24 years.
Pastor Carl Nommensen never served as the head coach
of any sport at Luther High School, but his impact was
certainly felt in a number of areas. Over the course of
his ministry at Luther (1963-1993), Pastor Nommensen
assisted with football and boys’ basketball. From
1983-1993 he built a great foundation with the
freshmen teams.
as the boys’ head coach for three seasons (1999, 2001,
2002). Jeremy Shepherd was the last to coach the
boy’s tennis team (2003, 2004, 2005). After the 2005
season, boys’ tennis was dropped due to the lack of
Susan Hopkins was also called to Luther High School
and began her coaching during the 1983-84 school
year. Hopkins took over the girls’ track team and
experienced some early success. During the first three
seasons, she coached 6 individual state champions.
Her best finish (3rd) at the WISAA state meet came
in 1984. After a couple of years off, Hopkins took
over the reins again in the 1989 season and continued
through the 1995 season. She guided the Luther girls’
track team for 10 years. During her time at Luther
(1983-1995) she also coached JV and freshmen girls’
In the 1984-85 season Jon Benrud organized and
started Luther’s wrestling program. During the first
year the group participated at a “club” status, becoming
a JV level program in its second year and full varsity
status for the 1986-87 season. Benrud has been the
program’s sole coach since its inception. (There was
no team during the 2002-03 season due to lack of
numbers.) During his years, Luther has had three
In the spring of 1983, another new face joined the
coaching staff. Dan Kunz arrived and immediately
took over Luther’s baseball program. For the next
24 years, Kunz guided the Knights on the diamond.
His first season (1983) also marked the last year
that Luther participated in the Mississippi Valley
Conference. For the next four years, Luther baseball
played an independent schedule. In 1988, Luther
joined the Coulee Conference and has been a part
of it since. Over the 24 years, Kunz compiled a
172-231-1 record. The 2001 team achieved the
program’s first WIAA Regional Championship in
resounding fashion. In the regional quarterfinal, they
defeated Necedah by a score of 15-2. The regional
semi-final saw the Knights defeat New Lisbon by a
individual WISAA state wrestling champions. To date,
Benrud has compiled a 74-105 record in dual matches.
Benrud also guided the Lady Knights’ softball team
from 1996 through the 2000 season. In those 5
years, he compiled a 40-56-1 record. In his first two
seasons, Benrud’s teams won back-to-back Dairyland
Conference Championships (1996, 1997).
Joel Babinec was added to the Luther staff in the fall
of 1989. He took over the coaching duties of the boys’
track team from Jon Benrud. He continued to coach
boys’ track through the 1994 season. During his tenure
he coached two WISAA state individual champions,
with his 1994 team finishing 6th in Division 2 at
the state meet and 2nd in the Dairyland Conference.
Babinec assumed the responsibilities of Athletic
Director in 1992 and continues to serve in that capacity.
In addition to coaching track, Babinec led the junior
varsity Lady Knights’ basketball program for two years
and then the freshmen boys’ basketball team for 5
In 1996, Babinec took over the girls’ basketball
program from long-time coach, Roger Hinz. In his 10
seasons of coaching, the Lady Knights have compiled
a record of 143-79. Highlighting these years have
been WIAA Regional Championships in 2002 &
2004, back-to-back Lutheran Invitational Tournament
Championships (2003, 2004) and most recently, a
Coulee Conference Championship in 2006. Babinec
was also selected to serve as the Head Coach for the
Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association’s Summer
All Star Game held at the Kohl Center in Madison
during the summer of 2005. Luther’s assistant coach,
Mark Ross, was also part of the All Star coaching staff.
Kristen Boswell was added to the Luther staff in
1991. She coached in the areas of volleyball and
basketball. In her first year she coached the freshmen
girls’ volleyball team (Up until that time, Lois Buss had
coached all three levels.) In her second year, she added
the junior varsity team as well. In 1995, she took over
the Lady Knights’ varsity volleyball program from Lois
Buss, who had started the program and been its only
coach for the first 20 years! Boswell held this position
for two years, with her teams compiling a record of 1719. During her years at Luther (1991-1997) she also
coached the junior varsity girls’ basketball program.
Mark Loersch was called to Luther in 1992. Loersch,
while attending UW-La Crosse, had previously been
a volunteer assistant coach in basketball, football and
baseball. He has coached the junior varsity boys’
basketball team since 1992 and began his varsity career
with the 2006-07 season. In addition to basketball,
he assisted the Knights’ football program from 19922005, serving as the junior varsity coach from 199298, freshmen coach from 1999-00, and the varsity
offensive coordinator from 2001-2005. In the spring
of 2006 he began coaching the golf team. In that
season, Ethan Wessel advanced to the WIAA state
meet, the first time in Luther’s history.
Kristine Klug and Stephanie Riley also coached teams
at Luther. Klug (1997-2000) coached freshmen girls’
basketball and junior varsity softball. Riley (20002002) coached freshmen girls’ basketball and junior
varsity volleyball.
a solid core of approximately 20 runners per team.
Each team (boys and girls) has already produced state
runners. Josh Schoeffel became the first boy to qualify
for state, finishing as high as 20th at the state meet.
On the girls’ side, Erica Babinec became the first girl
to qualify and has finished as high as 18th at the state
Kari Rosenberg was called to Luther in 1997. Her
coaching responsibilities were in the areas of
volleyball and
track. Rosenberg
became Luther’s
third volleyball
coach. In her nine
seasons of coaching,
her teams have
compiled a record of
67-59. Her greatest
success has come in
the last four seasons
(2002, 2003, 2004,
2005) where her
teams were 44-12 in
dual matches. The
2004 squad finished
a perfect 14-0 in
regular season play
and captured the
Coulee Conference Championship.
In the spring of the year she has led
the Lady Knights in Track & Field
as well. Under her guidance, the
2002 team was the first Luther High
team to capture a Coulee Conference
Championship. She was also named
the Girls’ Track & Field District
3 Coach of the Year for the 2002
season by the Wisconsin State Track
& Field Coaches Association. Over
the years she has coached 2 state
champions in WISAA (5 events) and
Luther’s first WIAA state champion
in 2 events.
Mark Otte
in 1995.
From 1995
through 2000
he served
in a variety
of roles in
varsity, JV
coach, and
In track and
field he served as the head
coach of both boys’ and girls’
teams in 1997 and then the
boys’ teams from 1998-2001.
Pastor Jon Bilitz began
coaching at Luther in the fall of
2000. In football he has served
in a number of capacities
including junior varsity
assistant, junior varsity head
coach (5 years) and currently
an offensive assistant for the
varsity team. During his years,
he has also been an assistant
coach in baseball working
primarily with the junior
varsity. In 2007 he began
coaching the varsity baseball
Kurt Wittmershaus worked with
the track teams from 1994 through
1997. The 1996 boys’ team finished
5th at the WISAA state meet. He
had the opportunity to coach seven
WISAA state champions.
Cross Country entered the scene
in 1997, first as a boys’ sport. The
inaugural team was coached by
Pastor Kevin Lisk. The very next year a girls’ team
was added. Over the course of 10 years, the cross
country team has grown from a fledgling group to
Also joining the LHS staff
in the fall of 2000 was Mark
Ross. Ross served as the
junior varsity girls’ basketball
coach from 2000-2006. He
also took over the softball program in 2000. After two
rough initial seasons (3-36-1), Ross turned the softball
program around and in the next 3 years produced teams
with a 36-30 record. In the summer of 2005, he was
selected to coach at the Wisconsin Softball Coaches
Association Summer All-Star game. Through the 2006
season, Ross’s teams have a total record of 47-801. In the fall of 2003 he took over the Lady Knights’
tennis program. In his first four years the Lady Knights
compiled a 38-19 record, including back-to-back
Coulee Conference Championships in 2005 and 2006.
Greg Schibbelhut came to Luther in 2001. He coached
the freshmen football team from 2001-2004. During
the 2005-06 school year he coached the freshmen boys’
basketball team and then moved to the junior varsity
level for the 2006-07 season. During his entire tenure
he has coached the track & field teams. The first three
years heading up the boys’ program and since 2005
both boys’ and girls’ programs.
Patti Appold arrived at Luther in 2002. Since that
time she has served as the junior varsity coach in both
volleyball and softball.
Jason Hagedorn (1992 LHS graduate) began coaching
in 2005 as an assistant football coach. He also
coached junior varsity baseball and junior varsity girls’
Brad Schaper, who had served as a volunteer coach
for several years, joined the faculty in 2006. He began
coaching freshmen boys’ basketball and junior varsity
Dedicated to supporting the various teams at Luther is
the Cheerleading Squad. Over the course of the last 25
years, this squad has transformed from a cheer squad
into apom squad. In the late 90’s this transformation
became greater and greater as the emphasis of the cheer
squad moved from sideline cheers to half-time routines.
The change became official in the 2004-05 school year
as this group was no longer called the “cheerleading
squad,” but became officially known as the “Pom
Squad.” This group now produces their own routines
throughout the fall and winter sport seasons. Luther
High staff have served as Advisors for the group, while
the coaching has been exclusively done by volunteers.
Lois Buss certainly left her mark on the sport’s history
pages of Luther High School. Through her career she
coached 44 individual sport seasons, achieved 211
victories, and touched the lives of countless youth. She,
like all of Luther’s coaches, gave selflessly of her time
and talents.
The coach who may have
had the greatest impact
on Luther High School
athletics was Lois Buss.
She was instrumental in
starting the following
girls’ sports: basketball,
track & field, volleyball
and softball. In 1973-74
Coach Buss started the
girls’ basketball program.
She coached the team
through its first 8 years,
compiling a record of 5576. In the spring of 1974,
she organized and coached
Luther’s first girls’ track
team. Only a few girls
participated in that first
year. The 1975 season
brought the first full team
and track was moving fullsteam ahead. In 1976, only its second year of existence,
the Luther Lady Knights won the ultimate goal in track &
field, the WISAA State Championship. In 1977 the team
brought home another gold trophy as they repeated as
state champions. Quite an impressive coaching resume’
– two state championships in three years of coaching!
The Bible talks about running a race or competing in
an athletic event to receive a prize (I Cor. 9:24). Over
the years, athletes and athletic teams have received
many awards and set individual and team records. The
following excerpt is from an article written by Jon Riley
for the 25th Anniversary Booklet:
Not all teams have been winners; not all seasons
successful. Luther more often than not has played the
role of underdog, but the progress that has taken place
can be attributed to the determined efforts of many.
While it is not possible to mention all the athletes with
their individual achievements, records, and “remember
whens,” or the hard working coaches and die hard fans, it
was their dedication which brought the athletic program
from infancy into the well-rounded program it is today.
It might be said that the development of Luther’s athletic
program has mirrored Luther’s growth as a whole. As the
school moves into its second quarter century, its friends
can expect again both wins and losses. But whatever the
outcomes, the hope is that the athletes, coaches, and fans
will continue to demonstrate similar dedication and good
In the fall of 1975, Coach Buss initiated yet another
sport at Luther, this time volleyball. Over the course
of the next 20 years, Lois would coach all levels and
compile a varsity dual match record of 183-53 (.775).
The Lady Knights would capture four Mississippi Valley
Conference championships in 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980.
In addition, three of her teams
finished the season as WISAA
State Runner-ups (1981, 1982,
Our gracious Lord has certainly blessed Luther High
School with many faithful and diligent coaches and
student athletes over its 50 year history. To God be the
One more sport would begin
under her direction. In the
spring of 1984, softball was
initiated. Coach Buss led
the Lady Knights in their
first 12 seasons through the
spring of 1995. Under her
direction the Lady Knights
amassed a record of 73-88.
Highlighting her years were
back-to-back WISAA Area
1 Championships in 1986
and 1987, and a Dairyland
Conference Championship in
Wisconsin Independent Schools Athletic Association
not listed in 25th anniversary booklet
Individual State
Boys Track & Field
High Jump
Mark Brendle - 5’8”
Long Jump
Karl Schoenfeld - 20’2
Mile Relay - 3:39.9
Brian Bluske
Steve Nitz
Kurt Seeger
Brian Benrud
440 Yard Dash
Dan Christie - 52.0
880 Yard Relay
David Justin
Steve Roubik
Larry Pappenfuss
Dan Christie
200 M
Brian Witt - 22.5
400 M
Brian Witt - 50.3
Long Jump
Lance Rudolph - 21’5”
Triple Jump
Lance Rudolph - 42’7 1/4
300 M Hurdles
Tim Roebke - 41.39
400 M Relay - 44.79
Ben Pralle
Jayson Diersen
Jason Gerdes
Nathan Buch
400 M
Jason Gerdes - 51.47
110 M Hurdles
Jayson Diersen - 15.40
300 M Hurdle
Jayson Diersen - 41.25
110 M Hurdles
Jayson Diersen - 15.61
300 M Hurdles
Jayson Diersen - 40.69
400 M
Jayson Diersen - 49.75
Diane Dahlby
Holly Roellich - 13.11
800 M
Sandy Wendorf - 2:25.1
1600 M
Sandy Wendorf - 5:22.3
400 M Relay - 44.64
Nick Fillner
Ryan Zuberbier
Luke Gilbertson
Kurt Hoppe
800 M
Sandy Wendorf - 2:24.3
Long Jump
Dawn Welda 15’3 1/4”
400 M Relay - 44.85
Ryan Zuberbier
Luke Gilbertson
Kurt Hoppe
Jon Bakken
800 M
Sandy Wendorf 2:22.5
100 M Low Hurdles
Beth Wendland - 16.2
Long Jump
Dawn Welda - 16’4 3/4”
400 M Relay - 53.5
Jenny Fillner
Dawn Matzke
Dawn Welda
Kim Pappenfuss
Girls Track & Field
Barb Frey
110 Yard Low Hurdles
Barb Frey
Shot Put
Mary Tremain
440 Yard Dash
Barb Horstman
880 Yard Dash
Sue Wendorf
Long Jump
Dawn Welda - 16’11 1/2”
200 M
Sarah Shepherd - 27.5
Barb Frey
110 Yard Low Hurdles
Barb Frey
220 Yard Low Hurdles
Barb Frey
440 Yard Dash
Diane Dahlby
880 Yard
Sue Wendorf
Mile Run
Sue Wendorf
880 Yard Relay
Katy Johnson
Shelly Sutton
Barb Frey
Diane Dahlby
Long Jump
Dawn Welda - 16’3 1/4”
800 M Relay - 1:51.2
Sarah Shepherd
Dawn Welda
Chris Schalow
Jenny Parcher
440 Yard Dash
Diane Dahlby
880 Yard
Sandy Wendorf
Mile Relay
Val Spangler
Karen Dahlby
Sandy Wendorf
High Jump
Emily Babinec - 5’2”
100 M Hurdles
Emily Babinec - 15.83
300 M Hurdles
Emily Babinec - 47.32
WISAA Track & Field
Most Outstanding
Athlete - State Meet
1976 – Barb Frey
1977 – Barb Frey
1980 – Sandy Wendorf
1995 – Jayson Diersen
1996 – Jayson Diersen
2000 – Emily Babinec
Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Individual State
Champions - Track &
100 M Hurdles
Emily Babinec
300 M Hurdles
Emily Babinec
WISSA Wrestling State Champions
Jason Falck - 135 pounds
Long Jump
Jill Welda - 16’3 1/2”
200 M
Jenny Parcher - 25.9
800 M Relay - 1:50.8
Sarah Shepherd
Jill Welda
Chris Schalow
Jenny Parcher
Triple Jump
Jill Welda - 33’7”
400 M Relay - 53.02
Holly Roellich
Beth Kramer
Megan Peterson
Kristin Hatz
Jarod Benrud - 160 pounds
Stephen Pingel - 119 pounds
Wisconsin Independent Schools Athletic Association
Team State Champions
Girls’ Track & Field
Girls’ Track & Field
Girls’ Track & Field
Girls’ Track & Field
Boys’ Basketball
Boys’ Basketball
Conference Awards
Coach Lois Buss
Coach Lois Buss
Coach Neil Scriver
Coach Neil Scriver
Team Championships
School Sportsmanship Award
School Sportsmanship Award
Conference – Athletes of the Year
Holly Roellich
Emily Babinec
Emily Babinec
Elisabeth Babinec
Emily Babinec
Amanda Dahl
Carol Niemi
Track & Field
Track & Field
Track & Field
Cross Country
Track & Field
The 1999-2000 season marked the final chapter of the
Wisconsin Independent Schools Athletic Association
(WISAA). With the beginning of the 2000-01 school
year all public and private schools participate in the
Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA)
The following is a list of Luther’s WIAA Scholar-Athlete Nominees.
School Year
Male Nominee
Jonathan Bakken
Carl Rick
Dan Niemi
Mike Tolvstad
Spenser Williamson
Female Nominee
Hannah Korthals
Naomi Smith
Megan Paggi
Nicole Lehman
Leann Swogger
Boys’ Basketball
Boys’ Track
Boys’ Track
Girls’ Track
Girls’ Tennis
Girls’ Basketball
Girls’ Tennis
Mississippi Valley
Mississippi Valley
Mississippi Valley
Mississippi Valley
Mississippi Valley
Mississippi Valley
Herbert Grams
Lois Buss
Neil Scriver
Lois Buss
Lois Buss
Lois Buss
Neil Scriver
Jon Benrud
Lois Buss
Jon Benrud
Dan Kunz
Jon Benrud
Dan Kunz
Jon Benrud
Jon Benrud
Kari Rosenberg
Kari Rosenberg
Mark Ross
Joel Babinec
Mark Ross
Senior Athletic Awards
Each year, Luther High School presents special awards to seniors who have demonstrated excellence in the athletic
arena and in the classroom as well. Three major awards are presented each year: Male Athlete, Female Athlete, and
Mens Sana In Coprore Sano (Sound Mind in a Sound Body). Award winners since the inception of these awards are
listed below.
Harry Blair III
Fred Lautz
Rick Gates
Kurt Seeger
Dave Lautz
Mark Miller
Greg Tolvstad
Kurt Lenser
Mike Gates
Jeff Wehrenberg
David Doelger
Paul Mendell
John Kroll
Brian Witt
Thomas Beckendorf
Steven Mendell
Gary Schultz
Paul Beckendorf
Eric Louwerse
Chris Olson
Kevin Strangman
Kirk Hackbarth
John Wittmershaus
Jeff Melin
Joel Kramer
Jason Falck
Jason Benrud
Chad Hackbarth
Andrew Horstman
Allen Justin
Paul Seeger
Barb Frey
Diane Dahlby
Sandy Reissman
Karen Dahlby
Dawn Miller
Chris Miller
Dawn Welda
Maria Italiano
Donna Indermuehle
Mary Duehlmeyer
Amanda Johnson
Heidi Zillmer
Sue Helmreich
Jenny Myhre
Becky Gollnik
Kathy Dobrunz
Jennifer Mull
Hedy Daylo
Dave Lautz
Jeff Brauer
Ricky Johnson
Scott Zietlow
Russ Pieper
Gordon Korthals
Diane Dahlby
Greg Scriver
Karen Dahlby
Beth Wendland
Jessica Bonow
Aimee Wichelt
Brent Zillmer
Todd Hackbarth
Kevin Strangman
Sara Wendorf
Sue Helmreich
Paul Thomas
Elizabeth Gresens
Anita Wendorf
Ben Menges
Jessica Stratman
Nick Gresens
Josh Riley
Jalena Benrud
Amanda Stratman
Amanda Stratman
Jerrod Horstman
Holly Roellich
Joe Gresens
Kurtis Hoppe
Rhoda Winsky
Michelle Shimek
Jon Bakken
Carl Rick
Megan Paggi
Mike Tolvstad
Nicole Lehman
Spenser Williamson
Jarod Benrud
Brad McNally
Jayson Diersen
Bill Brueske
Nate Lindesmith
Tim Menges
David Hahm
John Urbanek
Nathan Van Loon
Micah Menges
Carl Rick
Steve Lehman
Mike Tolvstad
Jana Benrud
Holly Roellich
Megan Peterson
Danielle Brown
Darci Sheehan
Jenny Fabian
Emily Babinec
Naomi Smith
Elisabeth Babinec
Nicole Lehman
Danny Frame
Josh Schoeffel
Jennie Mueller
Carol Niemi
Mens Sana In Coprore Sano
National Guard was contacted to do much of the initial
site work, grading and filling in the hollow. The new
8-lane track was ready for use in the spring of 1997.
Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and we
were forced to cancel the inaugural meet on the newly
constructed track. Eventually, the fencing was added
to enclose the track area. In 2004, Luther hosted the
Coulee Conference track meet. Most recently, the track
was resurfaced (fall 2006) and painted. Future plans
include a rubberized, all-weather surface.
Luther High
Athletic Facility
From rather meager beginnings in a gym that also
served as classrooms, to a larger gym in 1963, to a
football field with lights, the athletic facilities have
seen steady improvements.
In the 1990’s the athletic facilities received a great deal
of attention. In 1991, two dugouts were constructed
on the baseball field with a storage room attached to
the home dugout. At the same time the fencing from
the backstop to the dugouts was replaced. Later, an
outfield fence was added as well as some “reshaping”
of the right field hillside. The home dugout was wired
for electricity along with an outlet along the centerfield
fence. This outlet would allow batting cages to be used
and was in place for a future scoreboard.
During the fall of 1998 the principal’s house was removed and excavation on the hill began in anticipation
of the next major project, the Association Center. With
the addition of the Association Center the weight room
now had a room to call its own. It remained in the
lower level year round. The wrestling program would
now use the east mezzanine for its practice area. During the fall season this mezzanine would be used by the
football program for its daily meetings. In the spring
of each year, two batting cages are installed. Two full
size basketball and volleyball courts, along with the
court in the auxiliary gym, allow practice time to go
smoothly and efficiently for all six teams during its
peak use in the winter season.
During the summer of 1993 Luther embarked on an
extensive building addition. This project included
the band room, front office area, commons and new
classrooms. Part of that major project that was not so
obvious was the renovation of the weight room. The
old universal weight machine in the “upper” weight
room was removed and the space was cleared for
free weights and benches. In addition, the athletic
director’s office was moved from this area to a room
in the original wing of Luther’s first building. During
the next summer, the “lower” weight room received
a facelift. The wall that divided the lower level (under the current choir room) into two small rooms was
torn down. The bathrooms and the darkroom were
removed and the stairway leading up to the choir room
was blocked off. The size of the weight area was now
doubled. This room served as the wrestling area/weight
room for the next seven years.
Final touches for the Association Center included banners reflecting our focus “Whatever you do, do all to
the glory of God,” a Luther Knight Banner and Coulee
Conference banners. Championship banners were also
The baseball field continued to be upgraded. The ball
park became completely enclosed when fencing was
added from the dugouts to the outfield fences. Eventually a safety “fence topping” was added. An electronic
scoreboard, aluminum bleachers, and irrigation system
were added in 2001. It was also during this year that
the “skin” infield was replaced with grass. Some of the
future plans for the ball park include construction of an
announcer’s booth/concession stand with sound system
and the installation of two outdoor batting cages.
The next major project had its beginnings in 1996.
With tremendous support from the Friends of Luther, a
track committee was formed and began to make plans
to replace the existing cinder track with an eight lane
asphalt track. A $10,000 donation got things started
and the Friends of Luther took over from there. Before the new track would be constructed, however,
the football field received some much needed attention. Over 60 loads of dirt were hauled in and the field
was reshaped and reseeded. A new scoreboard was
received through Pepsi. The old cement block storage building was also demolished to make way for the
new track. Volunteers helped cut down trees to clear a
portion of the land just north of the football field. The
The football field and practice area also received more
upgrades in the early 2000’s. An in ground irrigation
system was first installed on the game field. Two new
goal posts were also purchased and installed. A second
level was added to the press box, which houses two
rooms used for video taping and coaching. During the
summer of 2001, the bleachers on the hill overlooking
the field were renovated. The practice field just north
of the gymnasium also had an in-ground irrigation
system installed.
Over the course of the last five years, the softball field
saw some major improvements. In the fall of 2001,
two concrete block dugouts were constructed. The
home dugout included a large storage area. During the
course of 2001 and 2002, a large area around the backstop of the varsity field was concreted, which houses
the bleachers and seating area for games. In anticipation of a second softball field on site, the fence on the
original field was moved in from 275’ to 190’ in the fall
of 2003. In the summer of 2004, the site work began
for the second field. This field sits south of the original field with home plate located in the far southwest
corner of our property. An electronic scoreboard was
purchased and installed on the varsity field for the 2006
season. In the fall of 2006, an addition to the existing
home dugout was built for needed storage of equipment
used in upkeep of the softball complex.
All of the renovations to the Luther High athletic
complex came about because of the dedication of the
Luther High coaching staff, many hours of volunteer
labor, generous donations from people who have a
special place in their heart for the athletes of Luther,
and most importantly as gifts from a God who richly
blesses our association!
“The Hollow” then...
“The Hollow” now...
XII. Drama Department
rama has had a long, rich tradition.
Already in Luther’s first school year,
student talent was showcased in the
“Senior Variety Show.” For several years, one
act plays became an annual drama event. The
late 60’s to mid 70’s gave way to the popular
Junior and Senior Class plays. In 1974, the
Drama Club was organized to give students in
every grade the opportunity to get involved.
Classic plays such as, Harvey,
You Can’t
it With
and Old
Lace, The
Gilbert and
Pinafore, and
A Mid Summer
Night’s Dream
were performed.
In the 90’s The Hobbit
and Les Miserables
were featured plays.
These productions
involved a large
number of the
student body, having
elaborate sets
and showcasing
the acting and
vocal skills of many talented young men and
women. Faculty members spent long hours
and late nights building the sets and putting
up makeshift lighting to transform the gym
into a credible fine arts performing center.
Early directors included the late David Luetke,
Keith Heinze, and Paul Dable. These faculty
gave of their time
and talents which
allowed many
students to have the
opportunity to hone
their acting skills
in dramatic public
In recent years,
Connie Bader and
Becky Lussky
have partnered
in an effort
to continue
the quality
performances done
in the past. A fall
is performed
for the lower
grades of the
area Lutheran
These drama
field trips
to the LHS
campus have also included opportunities for the children
to participate in theatre games and other drama education.
Currently, the spring productions alternate between a
musical and a drama. Recent productions
include Oklahoma, The
Miracle Worker, The
Music Man, Anne of Green
Gables, and Rodger’s and
Hammerstein’s Cinderella.
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
will show in October 2007 and
the Broadway hit, Thoroughly
Modern Millie will be performed
in March 2008.
Drama is a cocurricular activity
which only auditions
students who
are not involved
with seasonal
sports. In 2005,
the Luther
Auxiliary funded
the replacement
of the stage
curtains which
were hung in
the 1960’s.
Mrs. Bader
and Mrs. Lussky continue to utilize the expertise of many
individuals who
have given selflessly of
their time to construct
the detailed sets and sew
the elaborate costumes
used in their shows.
The drama department
exists independently
of the school budget.
Generous donations
and ticket sales
have allowed the
drama department
to continue
bringing quality
entertainment to
the coulee region.
The auxiliary gym continues
to be the setting for Luther’s
Performing Arts Center.
Therein sports practices and
drama rehearsals co-exist
with a curtain separating the
activities. Portable modern
lighting trusses have recently
replaced older lighting valances.
Plans for the Chapel/ Auditorium
phase of the building plan are
approved pending funding.
XIII. Growth in Technology
he use of computers at Luther started in
the late 1970’s with a computer committee of Marty Sponholtz, Roland
Helmreich and Roger Hinz. After a few meetings it was decided to offer a computer class to
seniors. The purpose of the class was to give
the students a background in computer terminology through a BASIC programming course.
Roger Hinz taught the course. The first three
computers and printers were donated TI -85’s
and dot matrix printers from a local business
that was upgrading its equipment. Through
a donation, one new IBM type computer and
printer were purchased for use in the library.
Through a bequest of about $12,000 a classroom of Apple IIe computers and printers was
purchased in the early 1980’s and a new one
semester course was added to the sophomore
class that introduced the students to computers
to be used as tools
to do word processing, spreadsheet
and data base. We
started to get IBM
computers from
Lutheran Hospital in
the early 1990’s and
a second classroom
of computers was
In the summer of
1997 James Mahnke
was called to be the
Technology Coordinator and that fall a new computer lab was
funded. It contained 23 IBM compatible computers, a laser printer and one server. Network
hubs and wiring needed to be installed. A
multimedia projector and new soft ware were
acquired. This was also the year we began to
move to a computerized school administration
program for entering and reporting grades,
report cards and transcripts. It was a great
improvement from years of having to pass the
same report card between many faculty members to handwrite the grades.
The following year we purchased 12 additional computers to be used in the main office,
athletic office, and music office. Additional
network equipment and wiring needed to be
installed along with printers and software. All
this new technology required learning new,
more efficient ways of working.
Another big year for new technology at LHS
was 1999. The Internet was introduced along
with our own e-mail server. The remainder
of the school was wired for networking and
telephones. A computer was installed in every
classroom to bring our total computer count up
to about 75. Room 20 was remodeled into an
office for the technology director including a
datacenter for the servers and other networking equipment. Finally a color laser printer
was purchased and a new phone system was
installed that included a phone in every classroom with voicemail.
New servers and new school administrative
software were high on the list for 2000. Skyward, a student information system, improved
many aspects from
taking attendance via
computer versus student
runners picking up tardy
slips, to better recordkeeping of modern day
“blended” families, to
giving access of live
information via our
website to parents. We
also purchased a Scantron test scoring machine
for correcting quizzes
and tests and began our
In 2001 firewall security software was installed
and in 2002 it was time to upgrade all the
computer workstations. The following year
brought additional security software/hardware
in response to the growth of malware on the
Internet. In 2004 we purchased an anti-plagiarism program for checking student papers
and 2005 was a major upgrade to our servers, color laser printer, backup equipment and
networking infrastructure. We also invested in
a program called Blackbaud to improve our financial development office, database and mailing capabilities. Finally, multimedia projectors
were installed in the science classrooms.
What a blessing the Lord has granted Luther
High through technology as it enhances our
mission of “Keeping Christ in Higher Education.”
he most prominent volunteer organization
in Luther’s history in length of service has
been the Luther High Auxiliary. Actually,
the organization came into existence prior to the
first year of operation in 1957. Nineteen ladies met
at Immanuel Lutheran School in La Crosse on November 20, 1956. According to the constitution, the
purpose of the Auxiliary is “to create, maintain, and
increase interest in the welfare of the Lutheran High
School, both spiritually and physically.” Now fifty
years later, with the Lord’s Blessings, this organization continues in its mission.
This important organization has provided much
Current officers are:
Kristine Traxler
First Lutheran, La Crescent
Vice President
Jan Westerman
St. Paul’s, Onalaska
Lettie Hornberg
St. John’s, Nodine
Patti Spoo
St. Paul’s, Bangor
Past Presidents:
Mrs. Betty (Pollack) Graff
Mt. Calvary, La Crosse 195759
Mrs. Don Rice
Immanuel, La Crosse
Mrs. Wes Proksch
St. Paul’s, Onalaska
Mrs. Roland Myren
First, La Crosse
Mrs. George Roellich
Immanuel, La Crosse
Mrs. AI Knorr
Mt. Calvary, La Crosse
Mrs. Anthony DePaolo
Immanuel, La Crosse
Mrs. Ernest Berg
Luther High Auxiliary membership is open to all
adults of the LHS Association Congregations. All
activities are funded through voluntary contributions. Each year the Auxiliary purchases non-budgeted items, which enhance the quality of programs,
the physical building and daily life of the Luther
St. John’s, Barre Mills
Mrs. Clarence Fillner
Christ, West Salem
Mrs. Russell Pertzsch
St. Paul’s, Onalaska
1975- 77
Mrs. Vilas Lash
St. Paul’s, Bangor
1977- 79
Mrs. Don Kish
Mt. Calvary, La Crosse
Mrs. Gladys Pralle
St. Paul’s, Bangor
Mrs. Joanne Brown
St. John’s, Nodine
Mrs. Ted Kothe
St. Paul’s, Onalaska
Mrs. Lois Wendorf
Grace, La Crosse
Mrs. Debra Bolstad
Mt. Calvary, La Crosse
Mrs. Rod Jensen
St. Paul’s, Onalaska
Mrs. Ruth Duehlmeyer
St. John’s, Caledonia
Mrs. Eugene Falkenberg
St. Paul’s, Onalaska
Mrs. Tom Maenpaa
St. Paul’s, Onalaska
Mrs. Diane Lindesmith
Grace, La Crosse
Mrs. Pam Tesch
St. John’s, Lewiston
Mrs. James Rupprecht
Good Shepherd, Holmen
Mrs. Kevin Westerman,
St. Paul’s, Onalaska
Mrs. Henry Wunnecke Mrs.
Theodore Johnson
Mrs. Frank Italiano
Mrs. Henry Horstman
Mrs. George Phillips
Mrs. Rudolph Sprain
Mrs. Anthony DePaolo Mrs.
Norbert Nuttelman
Mrs. Elizabeth (Pollack)Graff
Mrs. Willard Schomberg
Mrs. Raymond Groth
Mrs. Alvin Stellick
Mrs. Ernie Berg
Mrs. Robert Reich
Mrs. William Trapp
Mrs. John Lau
Mrs. Harvey Baier
Mrs. Herbert Krause (Rhoda
Mrs. Alvin Fabian
XIV. Supporting Organizations
needed and appreciated funding for Luther High
School. These are some of the benefits the Auxiliary has provided over the years: classroom cabinets, student desks, cafeteria food bar, art kiln,
stage curtains, recording microphone, library supplies, chairs for computer room, cafeteria tables,
music cabinet, computer tables, kitchen vegetable
slicer, student lockers, instructional videos, snare
drums, medical kits, stopwatches, and the list
goes on.
Luther High School Foundation
he Luther High Conference of Delegates at
the August 1987 meeting formed a committee
to investigate the possibility of establishing
a foundation. On October 26 that committee had its first meeting and elected Marvin Manske
as chairman and James Blado as secretary. The other
members were Paul Wuske, Bruce Linse, Pastor Russell Kloehn and Dr. James Raabe.
The five purposes of the Luther High School Foundation are to
1) insure long term perpetuation of the financial
stability of Luther High School
2) provide a third source of funding for the opera
tion of the school
3) provide an avenue to manage gifts and donations
contributed for the existence of Luther High School,
4) assist with tuition payments for students of the
5) provide a vehicle for funding.
The Luther High School Foundation has grown to
manage over a million dollars in the 20 years since
inception in 1987. The 50th anniversary thank offering
will be managed for long term tuition assistance by the
Foundation. God’s blessings through your gifts to the
Foundation continue to support His mission at Luther
High School.
In May of 1988 the Conference of Delegates approved
the articles of incorporation and by-laws, thereby establishing the Luther High School Foundation. On June
28, 1988 the Foundation became a legally incorporated
non-profit entity under the laws of the state of Wisconsin.
In August 1988 the committee became the first foundation board, and the officers succeeded themselves. Paul
Wuske was elected treasurer.
Friends of Luther
service and menu has expanded to basketball, track
and other events at Luther High. In 1995 Friends of
Luther hosted its first golf tournament, now called the
Dr. James Raabe Memorial Golf Tournament. During
the first 12 years, this event
has raised almost $200,000
for Luther High. From the
beginning, Friends of Luther
has published a newsletter
three times each year.
riends of Luther was organized on April 22,
1994. Its original purpose, which continues today, was to “promote Christian education and
to strengthen the relationship between Luther
High School and
the congregations
and members of
the high school
association.” To
carry out this purpose, the organization is involved in
providing helpful
service, enhancing
and providing
financial support.
A Coordinating
Committee of
seven members
plus a pastoral advisor and a faculty representative plan
and carry out the activities of the organization.
To date, the largest single
project has been the installation and improvement of an
asphalt track at the school.
Funds generated from FOL
activities have benefited athletics, music, drama and provided direct tuition aid grants
to all Luther High students.
Friends of Luther encourages all association members
to be friends of Luther High and help the school in
whatever way they can.
One of Friends of Luther’s first activities was serving
brats and hot dogs at home football games. That food
Wise Managers
ise Managers, Inc. began as an idea of
Friends of Luther in 2001 which sponsored the organization until it was incorporated on November 8, 2001.
The Wise Mangers board studied the activity of the Twice
is Nice Resale Shop in Jefferson, Wisconsin, and patterned the Good Steward Resale Shop on that model.
Good Steward made its home in the former Rocky
Rococo pizza parlor in Bridgeview Plaza just south of
I-90 on US 53 and opened its doors on April 23, 2002.
The building has since been gifted to Wise Mangers, Inc.
board which consists of nine members plus a pastoral
advisor and a faculty representative from Luther High.
Wise Mangers Inc. basic purpose is to “Serve one another
in love” (Gal. 5:13). More specifically, the organization’s
purposes are to...
1) provide financial support for Luther High and other
2) provide members of area congregations with the oppor
tunity to work together and enjoy Christian fellowship
3) provide people with a useful outlet for used goods
4) provide people with good quality items at low cost
All merchandise sold in the store is donated. More than
100 volunteers work receiving, sorting, cleaning, repairing, pricing, tagging and selling goods to the public.
Since the beginning six years ago, more than $600,000
has been raised for the benefit of Luther High and other
charities. In 2006 a $400,000 expansion was completed,
doubling the floor space of the original building. Through
God’s grace and volunteer labor we pray that the expanded facility will bring increased blessings to Luther High
and God’s kingdom for many years to come.
XV. Student Organizations
ver the years, many of the student
organizations such as camera club,
art club, yearbook and newspaper
have been incorporated into the curriculum of
credited classes. A photography unit is taught
in art class with the final project being a photo
entry in the annual La Crosse October Fest
Amateur Photography Contest. The yearbook,
The Shield, and the newspaper, The Leader,
are products of the journalism class. Drama
and forensics are now extra-curriculars along
with sports, rewarding a “letter” or pin for
fulfilling specific criteria.
The existing student organizations at Luther
High School are Student Council, National
Honor Society, Wings Team and Pro-Life
Student Council is the student government. Its
primary purpose is the development of student
responsibility and leadership from a Christian
point of view. It serves to provide leadership
and assistance in planning, promoting and
regulating class and school activities; to assist
fellow students to promote a good relationship between the student body and the faculty;
and to promote the general welfare of the
school. The Student Council is comprised of
19 students including a president, a secretary, a
treasurer, three representatives from each class
and the class presidents. The members are
elected by their classmates. Activities which
the Student Council oversees are Homecoming, Spring Fling, lyceums, mission offerings
and the student body Christmas Service.
Honor Society
The National Honor Society is a service
organization composed of academically gifted
students. Membership is by invitation only. A
student will qualify for membership by exhibiting Christian character and leadership and
achieving a cumulative grade point average
of 3.500. NHS students are involved in the
following activities: Adopt A Highway, candy
store sales, Mission to the Children, Grandparents Day, the Hat and PJ Day benefit, Christmas Dance, faculty birthdays, and Awards
Wings Team
The Wings Team is a group of students who
promote alternative ways of having fun without
the use of alcohol and other drugs. The Wings
Team organizes the annual Mini- homecoming events at school. The group has also been
involved with the Teens Against Tobacco Use
(TATU) through the La Crosse County Health
Department. Subsequently, the group makes
visits to the Lutheran Elementary Schools to
promote Luther High School and the importance of being drug and alcohol free.
The Pro-Life Knights is a branch organization
of the WELS Lutherans for Life La Crosse
Chapter. Their purpose is to educate and
inform the students of Luther High School on
what God’s Word says about all life issues.
Specific topics dealing with the sanctity of life
are abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, suicide,
and abstinence, as well as ethical situations
including cloning and stem cell research. The
group participates in a variety of activities
including attending the National Lutherans for
Life Convention, hosting a Life Week and mini
Life Convention on campus, collecting food
for the area food pantries, hosting two blood
drives, and supporting the New Life Resource
Center in La Crosse.
These men signed the
original constitution
between May 20 and
September 19, 1945.
Harold F. Backer, Pres.
Karl A. Gurgel, Vice Pres.
Irwin R. Witt, Secretary
Karl Brinkman
W Zuberbier
August J. Pralle
A. H. Backer
W. R. Trapp
Alvin Stellick
Theo. J Mueller
J. F. Gaureseth
Rev. Walter Schuman
Rev. Roland Gurgel
Albert J. Oitzman
Arthur Plitzuweit
Fred W. Kapanke
Adolph Mueller
John Dierson
John R Schnell
Hugo Hass
Rev. Fred A Schroeder
Julius A Kletzke
Elmer E Hanson
Carl Piske
Adolph Toepel
F. B. Wienke
Leonard Brinkman
Rev. M Bleichuche
A. Haefner
W. H. Radtke
Rev. Richard
C. Stiemke
Willy C. Maske
Paul Wrobel
Elder Stellick
O. W. Bernsdorf
Rev. Otto Engel
Pastor E. G. Toepel
Wesley Proksch
Edwin Veglahn
Gordon Follendorf
Harold Loesche
Fred F. Pagel
Frank Bennington
Ed Jungen
Ralph E Swantz
Martin M. O Connell
Fred Frey
George C. Phillips
George A. Krause
E. W. Gaedy
Geo. W Burmester
Marvin Hohmann
Hugo E. Protz
Archie Currie
Otto Kohlmeyer
Herman Schroeder
M. E. Hofslien
Rev. Gerhard Geiger
Elmer Kohlmeier
Arnold Veglahn
Irvin Husman
Grover Gensmer
Alfred Gensmer
Geo. Muenkee Jr.
Arthur Aldinger
Victor Schroeder
50 Years of Luther High Board Members
* are chairmen
Early Years
Rev. Harold Backer *
Rev. Walter Schumann
Ralph Swantz
Harold Lubeck
George Roellich
Gordon Follendorf
Harold Molzahn
Henry Wunnecke
Noel Fadness
Rev. Gerhardt Horn
William Trapp
Rev. Arden Steubs
Norman Welke
Frank Italiano
George Phillips
Rev. Herbert Jaster
August Pralle
1957 Board
(6 Pastors or Teachers & 6
Rev. Arden Steubs*
Rev. Henry Paustian
Rev. Marvin Hanke
Rev. John Lau
Gordon Follendorf
Norman Welke
Adolph Wick
Harold Lubeck
George Roellich
George Phillips
Alvin Stellick
William Trapp
1958 Board
Rev. Arden Steubs*
Rev. Henry Paustian
Rev. Marvin Hanke
Norman Welke
Gordon Follendorf
Frank Italiano
Adolph Wick
Harold Lubeck
George Roellich
George Phillips
Alvin Stellick
Eldon Dummer
1959 Board
Rev. Arden Steubs*
Rev. Gerhard Albrecht
Rev. Marvin Hanke
Rev. Henry Paustian
Gordon Follendorf
Norman Welke
Adolph Wick
Harold Lubeck
George Roellich
George Phillips
Alvin Stellick
Eldon Dummer
1960 Board
Rev. Arden Steubs*
Rev. Gerhard Albrecht
Rev. Marvin Hanke
Rev. Henry Paustian
Gordon Follendorf
Fred Hagedorn
Adolph Wick
Harold Lubeck
George Roellich
George Phillips
Alvin Stellick
Eldon Dummer
1961 Board
Rev. Arden Steubs*
Rev. Gerhard Albrecht
Rev. Marvin Hanke
Rev. Henry Paustian
Gordon Follendorf
Fred Hagedorn
Adolph Wick
Harold Lubeck
George Roellich
George Phillips
Alvin Stellick
Eldon Dummer
1962 Board
(4 Pastors & 2 Teachers
plus 6 Laymen)
XVI. Board of Control
Charter Members of the Mississippi Valley
Evangelical Lutheran High School Association
Rev. Marvin Hanke*
Rev. Henry Paustian
Rev. Gerhard Albrecht
pastor - vacant
Fred Hagedorn
Gordon Follendorf
Harold Lubeck
George Roellich
George Phillips
Eldon Dummer
Paul Schwartz
Martin Hass
1963 Board
Rev. Marvin Hanke*
Rev. Gerhard Albrecht
Rev. Lloyd Lambert
Rev. Walter Paustian
Rev. Frederick Miller
Gordon Follendorf
Paul Schwartz
George Phillips
George Roellich
Harold Lubeck
Clarence Niedfeldt
Austin Phillips
1964 Board
Rev. Gerhard Albrecht*
Rev. Norbert Gieshen
Gordon Follendorf, Secretary
Rev. Walter Paustian
Rev. Lloyd Lambert
Lester Raabe
George Roellich
Clarence Niedfeldt
Austin Phillips
Lester Unnasch
Elmer Horstman
Harold Lubeck
1965 Board
Rev. Gerhard Albrecht*
Rev. Norbert Gieshen
Rev. Lloyd Lambert
Rev. Walter Paustian
Lester Raabe
Armin Huhn
Lester Unnasch
Elmer Horstman
Clarence Niedfeldt
Austin Phillips
Bud Brendle
Elmer Hansen
1966 Board
Rev. Walter Paustian*
Rev. Lloyd Lambert
Rev. David Kuske
Rev. Wm. Godfrey
Armin Huhn
Lester Raabe
Lester Unnasch
Elmer Horstman
Orville Kile
Elmer Hansen
Ardell Levendoski
Bud Brendle
1967 Board
Rev. Walter Paustian*
Rev. Reginald Siegler
Rev. Lloyd Lambert
Armin Huhn
Lester Raabe
Paul Kramer
Lester Unnasch
Elmer Horstman
Orville Kile
Elmer Hansen
Ardell Levendoski
Bud Brendle
1968 Board
Rev. Walter Paustian*
Rev. Lloyd Lambert
Rev. Reginald Siegler
Rev. Rueben Kettenacker
Paul Kramer
Lester Raabe
Lester Unnasch
Elmer Horstman
Orville Kile
Elmer Hansen
Ardell Levendoski
Bud Brendle
1969 Board
Rev. Walter Paustian*
Rev. Lloyd Lambert
Rev. Reginald Siegler
Paul Kramer
Lester Raabe
Rev. Robert Sievert
Lester Unnasch
Elmer Horstman
Orville Kile
Elmer Hansen
Ardell Levendoski
Bud Brendle
1970 Board
Rev. Walter Paustian*
Rev. Reginald Siegler
Rev. Robert Sievert
Rev. Robert Berg
Paul Kramer
Roger Hinz
Orville Kile
Elmer Hansen
Ardell Levendoski
Lester Unnasch
Harley Kuhlman
DuWayne Bluske
1971 Board
Rev. Robert Sievert*
Rev. Reginald Siegler
Rev. Robert Berg
Rev. Frederick Miller
Roger Hinz
Harold Mears
Harley Kuhlman
DuWayne Bluske
Orville Kile
Ardell Levendoski
Louis Lautz
George Roellich
1972 Board
Rev. Frederick Miller*
Rev. Reginald Siegler
Rev. Robert Berg
Rev. Paul Nitz
Roger Hinz
Harold Mears
Harley Kuhlman
DuWayne Bluske
Orville Kile
Ardell Levendoski
Louis Lautz
George Roellich
1973 Board
Rev. Frederick Miller*
Rev. Paul Nitz
Rev. Frederick Werner
Rev. Melvin Smith
Armin Huhn
Harold Mears
Louis Lautz
George Roellich
Carl Mueller
Herb Miller
Evan Lowrey
Manley Kirkeeng
1974 Board
Rev. Frederick Miller*
Rev. Paul Nitz
Rev. Frederick Werner
Rev. Melvin Smith
Armin Huhn
Paul Kramer
Louis Lautz
George Roellich
Carl Mueller
Herb Miller
Evan Lowrey
Manley Kirkeeng
1975 Board
Rev. Frederick Miller*
Rev. Melvin Smith
Rev. James Liggett
Rev. Frederick Werner
Paul Kramer
Karl Blauert
Herb Miller
Evan Lowrey
Manley Kirkeeng
Louis Lautz
Carl Mueller
Donald Tremain
1976 Board
Rev. Frederick Werner*
Rev. Melvin Smith
Rev. James Liggett
Rev. James Mumm
Paul Kramer
Karl Blauert
Louis Lautz
Carl Mueller
Donald Tremain
Herb Miller
Evan Lowrey
Merle Matzke
1977 Board
Rev. Frederick Werner*
Rev. Melvin Smith
Rev. James Liggett
Rev. James Mumm
Paul Kramer
Karl Blauert
Herb Miller
Evan Lowrey
Merle Matzke
Carl Mueller
Henry Leibl
Roy Bantley
1978 Board
Rev. James Liggett*
Rev. James Mumm
Rev. Erling Carmichael
Rev. Marcus Birkholz
Paul Kramer
Karl Blauert
Evan Lowrey
Merle Matzke
Henry Leibl
Roy Bantley
Darrel Johnson
Robert Wendorf
1979 Board
Rev. James Liggett*
Rev. James Mumm
Rev. Erling Carmichael
Rev. Marcus Birkholz
Paul Kramer
James Hahn
Darrel Johnson
Robert Wendorf
Merle Matzke
Henry Leibl
Roy Bantley
Dean Mendell
1980 Board
Rev. James Liggett*
Rev. Erling Carmichael
Rev. Marcus Birkholz
Rev. Kenneth Gast
Lee Robbert
James Hahn
Darrel Johnson
Robert Wendorf
Merle Matzke
Henry Leibl
Roy Bantley
Dean Mendell
1981 Board
Rev. James Liggett*
Rev. Erling Carmichael
Rev. Kenneth Gast
Rev. Roger Sachs
Lee Robbert
James Hahn
Darrel Johnson
Robert Wendorf
Merle Matzke
Henry Leibl
Roy Bantley
Dean Mendell
1982 Board
Rev. Kenneth Gast*
Rev. Erling Carmichael
Rev. Roger Sachs
Rev. Marvin Doelger
Lee Robbert
James Hahn
Darrel Johnson
Robert Wendorf
Henry Leibl
Roy Bantley
Dean Mendell
Melbourne Moe
1983 Board
Rev. Roger Sachs*
Rev. Kenneth Gast
Rev. Erling Carmichael
Rev. Marvin Doelger
Lee Robbert
James Hahn
Darrel Johnson
Robert Wendorf
Dean Mendell
Melbourne Moe
James Beitlich
Paul Wuske
1984 Board
Rev. Roger Sachs*
Rev. Kenneth Gast
Rev. Marvin Doelger
Rev. Glenn Moldenhauer
Lee Robbert
James Hahn
Melbourne Moe
James Beitlich
Paul Wuske
Robert Bateman
Buzz Handy
John Lautz
1985 Board
Rev. Roger Sachs*
Rev. Kenneth Gast
Rev. Marvin Doelger
Rev. Glenn Moldenhauer
Lee Robbert
John Lau
Melbourne Moe
James Beitlich
Paul Wuske
Robert Bateman
Buzz Handy
Donald Bay
1986 Board
Rev. Roger Sachs*
Rev. Marvin Doelger
Rev. Glenn Moldenhauer
Rev. Russell Kloehn
John Lau
Arnold Nommensen
Paul Wuske
Robert Bateman
Buzz Handy
Donald Bay
Melbourne Moe
Lester Unnasch
1987 Board
Rev. Russell Kloehn*
Rev. Marvin Doelger
Rev. Keith Amborn
Rev. Harold Hoeppner
John Lau
Arnold Nommensen
Paul Wuske
Robert Bateman
Buzz Handy
Donald Bay
Melbourne Moe
Lester Unnasch
1988 Board
Rev. Russell Kloehn*
Rev. Keith Amborn
Rev. Harold Hoeppner
Rev. Oliver Lindholm
John Lau
Arnold Nommensen
Paul Wuske
Robert Bateman
Lester Unnasch
Larry Lindesmith
Ken Stratman
Wayne Johnson
1989 Board
Rev. Russell Kloehn* Rev.
Keith Amborn
Rev. Harold Hoeppner
Rev. Oliver Lindholm
John Lau
Arnold Nommensen
Larry Lindesmith
Ken Stratman
Wayne Johnson
Robert Bateman
James Bateman
Lester Unnasch
1990 Board
Rev. Russell Kloehn*
Rev. Harold Hoeppner
Rev. Oliver Lindholm
Rev. Roy Hefti
John Lau
Arnold Nommensen
James Bateman
Lester Unnasch
Larry Lindesmith
Ken Stratman
Al Schlicht
Charles Lukasek
1991 Board
Rev. Russell Kloehn* Rev.
Oliver Lindholm
Rev. Roy Hefti
Rev. Thomas Hilliard
Arnold Nommensen
John Hahm
James Bateman
Lester Unasch
Larry Lindesmith
Ken Stratman
Charles Lukasek
Paul Hayden
1992 Board
Rev. Roy Hefti*
Rev. Oliver Lindholm
Rev. Thomas Hilliard
Rev. Mark Bartling
John Hahm
Jeff Dorn
Larry Lindesmith
Ken Stratman
Charles Lukasek
Paul Hayden
James Bateman
Robert Duehlmeyer
1993 Board
Rev. Roy Hefti*
Rev. Oliver Lindholm
Rev. Thomas Hilliard
Rev. Mark Bartling
John Hahm
Jeff Dorn
Ken Stratman
Charles Lukasek
Paul Hayden
James Bateman
Robert Duehlmeyer
Jon Riley
1994 Board
Rev. Roy Hefti*
Rev. Thomas Hilliard
Rev. Mark Bartling
Rev. William Bader
John Hahm
Mark Murphy
Charles Lukasek
Robert Duehlmeyer
Jon Riley
James Bateman
Steve Loehr
Dwight Helmke
1995 Board
Rev. Roy Hefti*
Rev. Thomas Hilliard
Rev. Mark Bartling
Rev. William Bader
John Hahm
Mark Murphy
Charles Lukasek
Robert Duehlmeyer
Jon Riley
Steve Loehr
Dwight Helmke
John Roellich
1996 Board
Rev. Mark Bartling*
Rev. Thomas Hilliard
Rev. William Bader
Rev. Walter Westphal
John Hahm
Mark Murphy
Robert Duehlmeyer
Jon Riley
Steve Loehr
John Roellich
Ralph Stellick
Gary Klemstein
1997 Board
Rev. Mark Bartling*
Rev. William Bader
Rev. Walter Westphal
Rev. Thomas Hilliard
Richard Bakken
Roger Tews
Robert Duehlmeyer
Jon Riley
Steve Loehr
John Roellich
Ralph Stellick
Charles Lukasek
1998 Board
Rev. Thomas Hilliard*
Rev. William Bader
Rev. Steven Staude
Rev. Paul Ibisch
Richard Bakken
Roger Tews
Jon Riley
Steve Loehr
John Roellich
Ralph Stellick
Charles Lukasek
Paul Zuberbier
Ralph Stellick
Charles Lukasek
Paul Zuberbier
Keith Schedler
Lee Fehr
2001 Board
Rev. Steven Staude*
Rev. James Nelson
Rev. Daniel Borgwardt
Rev. Andrew Schultz
Richard Bakken
William Scharf
Keith Schedler
Lee Fehr
Ralph Stellick
Charles Lukasek
Bruce Jentz
Paul Hayden
2002 Board
Rev. Steven Staude*
Rev. James Nelson
Rev. Daniel Borgwardt
Rev. Andrew Schultz
Richard Bakken
William Scharf
Keith Schedler
Lee Fehr
Ralph Stellick
Bruce Jentz
Paul Hayden
Gary Korthals
2003 Board
Rev. Steven Staude*
Rev. Daniel Borgwardt
Rev. Andrew Schultz
Rev. Nathan Strutz
Jonathon Englebrecht
David Niemi
Keith Schedler
Lee Fehr
Bruce Jentz
Paul Hayden
Gary Korthals
Loren Molling
2004 Board
Rev. Andrew Schultz*
Rev. Nathan Strutz
Rev. Norris Baumann
Rev. John Rimmert
Jonathon Englebrecht
David Niemi
Keith Schedler
Bruce Jentz
Gary Korthals
Loren Molling
David Leibl
James Mendell
2005 Board
Rev. Andrew Schultz*
Rev. Norris Baumann
Rev. John Rimmert
Rev. James Krueger
Jonathon Englebrecht
David Niemi
1999 Board
Rev. Steven Staude*
Rev. William Bader
Rev. James Nelson
Rev. Daniel Borgwardt
Richard Bakken
William Scharf
Steve Loehr
John Roellich
Ralph Stellick
Charles Lukasek
Paul Zuberbier
Keith Schedler
2000 Board
Rev. Steven Staude*
Rev. James Nelson
Rev. Daniel Borgwardt
Rev. Andrew Schultz
Richard Bakken
William Scharf
John Roellich
Bruce Jentz
Gary Korthals
Loren Molling
David Leibl
James Mendell
Richard Dorn
2006 Board
Rev. John Rimmert*
Rev. Norris Baumann
Rev. James Krueger
Rev. Mark Wessel
Richard Bakken
Jeff Essig
Bruce Jentz
Gary Korthals
David Leibl
James Mendell
Richard Dorn
David Ekhoff
Luther High School Tuition - 1st Child Association Member
XVII. Tuition Throughout the Years
95 196 196 196 196 196 197 197 197 197 197 198 198 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 200 200
57 959 961 963 965 967 969 971 973 975 977 979 981 983 985 987 989 991 993 995 997 999 001 003 005
Number of Students
School Year
XVIII. Enrollment Throughout the Years
Enrollment History of Luther High School
Theme: O Rejoice Ye Christians Loudly
Pre-service: A Mighty Fortress
Arranged by John Edmondson
Accompanied by the band
Directed by Mr. Jim Rupprecht
Anthem: O, Rejoice Ye Christians Loudly
Arranged by Dr. Lo
Accompanied by the band
Directed by Mr. Jim Rupprecht
Concertato: All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Pastor Frank Italiano Jr.
Arranged by Benjamin Harlan
Congregation, LHS Student Choir, Brass
Directed by Mr. Paul Adickes
Sermon: “Eternity in the Heart” Ecc. 3:11b
Pastor Paul Ziemer
Choir: “Sing Hallelujah!
Arranged by Hanford Johnson
Association Choir, Concert Choir
Directed by Mr. David Adickes
The Lord’s Prayer
Concertato: God of the Ages
Arranged by Lloyd Larson
Congregation, LHS Student Choir, Brass
Directed by Mr. Jim Rupprecht
Organist: Mr. Steve Rhode
IX. Fiftieth Anniversary Service
Luther High School
50th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, September 16, 2007
ACE Gymnasium