08-09-1900 - Village of Pinckney
08-09-1900 - Village of Pinckney
^Jit'^'l.^JljI^^lj tfr.i '••" / ' K i t " '4 .^- •Ofc.XVnX t&OKNEY, LIVINGSTON CO., MICH., THU&&D£t, AUG+UST 0,11900. n | ~>< A few hot days this week. LOCAL N E W S . G. W. Teeple was in Howell ThursDont day. Forget Several from here spent Sunday in .t August 16, Jackson. Prices are right at St. Mary's picnic. MrB. Epps of Detroit is visiting at Miss Emma Haze of Ypsilanti is the J. A.* Donaldson's. guest of relatives here. Alex. Mc In tyre is arranging to Base ball game between Brighton make a kiln of brick. and Iosco on the day of Picnic, AugGeo. Teeple spent Sunday in Leslie. ust 16. Mrs. T. and daughter Mae, returned Miss Gertrude Mann of Detroit is with him. the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Most of the Pinekney and vicinity Mary Mann. , H. G. Briggs and wife attended a teachers are in Howell attending the A Special S a l e every day at farmers picnic at Long lake near How- teachers institute. ifie "Surprise Store". Miss Grace Gardner and Miss Carrie ell Saturday last. A. T. Mann and wife of Detroit Erwin spent Tbnrsday last with Tbos. Lenox Soap, 4c a bar. were guests of his mother, Mrs. Mary Reads family at Portage lake. Good Hose, £ and 10c Mann, the past week. Mrs. Edward Reynolds returned Good half Bose, 5 and 7c. Florence Andrews spent the past from Detroit Saturday, where she has Folkadot half Hose, 17c. week with Miss Florence Caster and been visiting the past three weeks. Burt Hutchinson and wife of DeBlack half How. , 10c. other friends in Howell. troit, spent Sunday with Mrs. H's GoodTowelsT' 5,10 and 25c. Rev. Fr. Gomerford took a party of parents, Mr. and Mr3. Albert Reason. Good Parses 5, 10 and 15c. ooys to Silver lake on Friday last for a dsyp outing, ft is needless to say Mrs. Geo. Morris and son Thomas 2 Bars Toilet Soap, 5c. that the boys enjoyed it. and Mrs. W. T. Brown of Sterling Turkey Bed Handkerchiefs, 5c. The Ladies Aid society of the M. E. Kan, were visiting J. T. Chambers a Good Cigars, 8, 4 and 5c. church will serye ice cream and cake tew days. Brass Drapery Hooks per doz., 5c. at the town hall on Saturday evening Saturday Sept.lis the date of the big farmers picnic at Whitmore lake. Gob Pipes, 2c. of this week, All invited. ' A.J. Yonker has sold out to F. Tra- Bliss and May bury, nominees for New Style Beauty Pins, 2 for 5c. governor, are both billed to speak. Suspenders, 5,10,15 and 20c. vis an4 will move to Ypsilantrr^Mr Y. and wife have made many friends Tbe C. E. society of North Hamburg in this vicinity who will miss them. will hold an ice cream social at the I handle nearly all kinds of On the bills announcing St. Mary's home of Mrs. Wm. Hooker in Pertysgoods. Please call when in town picnic, the announcement that Brigh- ville on Friday evening of this week. and see my stock. ton and Oceola would play ball should All are invited. have read Brighton and- Iosco. The Chas. Kellogg, wife and daughter Cftgs T a k e n error was not our fault but we are Annabell, Mrs. Caroline Kellogg and glad to make the correction. This daughter Mae, of Detroit are guests of S a m e as Cash, game will probably be one of the hot- H. W. Crofoot and other relatives here and at Portage Lake. Youra to Please, est contested games of the season. The third annual picnic of the LivThese days the busy housewife goes ingston County Maccabee Association H. W . BL»1»!S, Prop. prowling about the house, turning up is to be held at Island Lake, August the carpet and looking through chests 16. The speakers are Hon. S. D. Wil- in search of the dreaded carpet bug liams of Battle Creek and Gi-eat Lady and few there be who fail to find it Lietenant Commander Rachel A. Bail- We know of no remedy unless it is ey of Grand Rapids. the Evincible Carpet Bug Exterminator, put up by, G. A. Sigler of this place labels for which were printed at this office.—It is selling liko hot cakes in other villages and is claimed to be a "sure cure.1' The Grange picnic at North lake on Tuesday was a great success, there be* Have as complete an assortment of heavy and shelf hard- in if about 2,000 presant and everyone ware as can be found in the county, and 1900 finds us seemed to enjoy themselves, the breeze from the lake making the grove a very more thoroughly equipped than ever before. pleasanTand comfortable place to be in on a hot day. The speeches weie interesting and profitable, and were s listened to by a large number. Tbe Doors and Common Sash always in stock. ball game between Chelsea #and Unadill a was a one sided affair, Unadilla having a walk-away. The Dr. C. L. Sigler was in Howell on business last Friday. Miss Rose Black visited Howell friends last Saturday. Quite a few from here spent the Sunday at Zure lake to a picnic Frank Shields of Howell called on Pinekney friends the first of the week. Messrs. Brokway and Culver of Howell were in town the first of tbe No. 32 ,T' Hi •mtfm '••'.' We will deliver Hour direct to ths people at .'. ?,**ejV;-i •Si J** 50 cents for a 25-pound sack 95 cents for a 50-pound sack $3.80 for a barrel. 10 pounds Graham 15 cents. 10 lbs. granulated meal lOcts week. • Mr. Wilber Johnson and the Misses Carrie Porter and Ruth Johnson spent Sunday in the Montague—Wilson camp at Portage Lake. Farmers picnic in Van Winkles grove Saturday of this week given by the Anderson club. There will be a bier dinner, good speacbes and a general good time. Tbe annual picnic of St Mary's church will be held in Jack sons grove on Thursday August 16. There will T e r m s , Cash. be the u?dal big time and big dinner. Everyone come. R. H . :* V Ji • •::-» '..'yr • r :•?&%% I •• •''li.'.'^VJ l . o •-'••« Seed Buckwheat. * & ! ERWIN. J V Eeduced prices on all Summer Goods this week. AH Walking iShoes^o be s o l d r A t C o s t . m Summer Underwear and all Thin Wash Goods A t C o s t . Specials for Saturday: 1 lb Baking Powder, 4c 1 lb Corn Starch, 3c 1 lb Best Bice, 5c Ideal Mocha and Java Coffee 25c. 1 Can Good Salmon, 8c 1 Can. Good Peas 8c 2 Yeast Cakes for 5c W. W. BARNARD. ^TfH^s-eflHiretfc General Hardware, Builders Hardware a Specialty. Complete line of Buggies, Wagons and Ranges, Wood Stoves Wood and Coal. Prosperity* All good citizens who have their own best interests at heart will help along their prosperity by buying groceries from W. E. Murphy. urday August 11 We offeis 35c Molasses, 25c. 1 lb. Baking Powder 5*c 1 Can of Tomatoes 8 c 4 lbs, of Oatmeal 10c. ? 50c Underwear 40c. 25c Underwear 20c. Key Soap 2c. Beat Cheese in Michigan 10c. i lb Banner Tobacco, 12c 50c Tea at 40c 40c Tea at 84c. 20c Coffee at 16c. • 25o Coffee at 20c, B. T. Salmon lie. 10c Bag Salt 7c. 5c Bag Salt So. 1 lb Sweet Bnrley, 40o< How cheaply we sell our proprietary medicines. Any of the standard remedies that you may want you will find can be bought cheaper than of any other druggist. /*' H t l l THEIR ANNUAL PICNIC. Heating Stoves, If s Surprising All Sale* Oath. X*i*oc|mo**WAiited. W>B.MURFHY> / On Thursday, August 16, the members of St. Mary's church at thiB place wilt hold their annual picnic in Jackson's grove, just sonth of this village. Arrangements are being made for a big time and no pains are being spared to make it the biggest ever held. Take one day off, attend this picnic and have a good time. Tbe following is the program for the day: Address of Welcome, Hon. Q. W. Teeple Scenes of the Put and Shadows of the future, ' James Greene Michigan, D. 8. Hayes, Detroit Address, Frank Shields, Howell Pleasures of Life, * Hon. T. E. Barkworth, Jackson The Ladies, R. D. Roche, Howell Remarks, Rev. Chas. Simpson Rev. L. P. Ooldrick, of Northfield. and M. P. Bardum, of Detroit, will sing selected songs. * The Brighton and Iosco ball teams will contest on the diamond; and as neither of these teams have been defeated by any local teams this season, a good game is bound to be the result The orchestra will discourse sweet (tausic while the people are filling the i.' Our Patent Medicines • S • • ' • • : * & V •• v . >rare always fresh^ We never allow stock to stand aroumf for years. We seB the best, and for the least money. F..ft.SIGLER. * ' « • m ' * *' -*•'. / \*N \ inner man at the bounteously spread JS; ;v' ii ^V' •'•'w-; ^ i^-lS ftw;.v IQCHJGWN'S •*.> ..*!, vK .~*>-v- 'V *" •• ',1.-1 V A'-' •*.;k i*^ ••V; = •Mf MICHIGAN N » W « ITS MS. PfclUppla*c**a%UeUa to Assume, fawen 58531! JLKiNtH«SASSINATEO W MS fB tjHlNA WAH N*WaV * t n * telegraphic condition^ tri ChinaV on the teth. fjHSpower to take and appropriate inaulnr ™"*irc niiitlrt 1 **^''* • ^ t t t # O U R I B B I N G C O N 0 1 .V ::^,.:^ nUinterested a w e n d e a v w * . Haw^ttVmtki plant i* n ^ ^ ^ e s ^ t f t h ^ d i S a l and eduVICTIM. better^flaira J'iflr^fJ*! oabl^ n o m ^ n ^ r t t f t n t , «w catic«al'k*atelnsand'> make and hm ChfaV&eW | r sen* ' .V • ' ftl. H* hM a. ti onrf wajf 'Uhln o a a *A&& ki'niiiL- aUl^ws. ^NomdneyVltrffi Dexmj IT J b The/ tpr« not CeasMel Che* Foo i t ef l«,fsa—There weVa'CatTofti* |, A..eajprt storp a w^ro." oi the commit Monroe 'fy* ^ ^ *^»uthdWxa^6n ^ ^ ^ ^ e^fte%ffueg 1 w|j a n t * W^lay-i M it mnder ton HeUfs by Aa«ri«e»f y oft $ 0 .lob "dxihrise certain executive functl thotities and S^%nreal(k Way Orateet r BhentfTof wkinTso much baa ieen p»b» issued at St. Jojeph qn.tfce 5th, > officiaUin th* aduoattonal dt I teajbl- lypatatsers a i d # « e e i d i A ^ I t l W i ^ n Mjtrotaiaj^HitiM- jghich Weenlr Crap Bnllstia. IS/:•:•''.*•• ' South Haven's peach crop promises and officers of municipalities, whi gbes over; The only commuMlemtioa AcnottKttg taufce tUfttfteXcJ^^Ic- to be a reoard breaker this yeaj. the eomnaiaston w4U establleh pending a¼»ltteJl•adaa¼•a«a«½a«•4eH w^aeae^Wkit Peterson, ft JT, on the 30th,. at wh tin ! a * w * ^ J F $ l the ^ a v £ > a i n Y t o There was * balance of #837,889.55 in eiectiona Gen. Mac Arthur win be the I and'Che Foo i*by,pavaj iwniela.- It in the eoB^ern^^ntl.ea djiri^g the-earlf the Wayne county treasury Aug. 1. executive head to enforce the l*w» et toWffingof KfhH Who HJmbeTrrwaJ^: ptesun^v hnfUnotyifrjm* \U0' to* domed. A reporter sought adi jfS:.'?,A>'i'., totartinitontX; foneea have te*e#*#hi« P*** * O w - & e k \ delated • herVest" the eommiasion and he will-conduct A large cement factory will be aloK'Wai^Tttlc^me^. as ti Was ttlrfff t ^ : work, tMf^rujfoflon of h a y i n g s o d . . i k a ^ o^een.Tie^ V ^ « d tne government in accordanoe wtth the erected at Holly1 in the near future. ..same until the commission recommends thae» anarehiats wanted the w^rlcfto ak#. , ; AfrTaku the coupons aarno* 1 • • ' . , ' •• The farmers' picnic and day'of sports to President McKinley the appoint- knoer their sentiments. The prSacipal1 a»>isf*ctptyv $hn .intecna^onal fleet, and causecL, w w » t tp . sprput in the spealcer at the meeting was Eimesta including ft* Aaaerican0 warshipfV U« ahock. r i > * t i ^ i y r ' fc^^er^ ' the will be held at Nashville on the 14th. ment of a civil governor. ! Cravedla, 91 years of age. In the cejorae fa*otf-ahpf^and nie^agesmuat be^ient'. F t n t i m t f ^ ^ r «peAi; week has. Men The village of Stearns was almost . ;,<v "i'J'iV of an Uapasaioned address she saidr. very favorably to ail cron growth and wiped out by fire on thenightof theSd. crabtotheo>by i^|j,.^yhe^Mon]^wr» MooasMaam KaJce Trouaia . • We are members of the group'o*anharvest work, ' I«t,the upper peninsula -^-. trying to aveangw tor a cable As a result of a pitched battle with' The sugar beet crop, in Bay county v;'*.', . the drjr swnafej»yiweather was very' will exceed that of 1898, which was a moonshiners near Johnsons SO miles archista-tQ which Breati belonged. B e ShanghaiU*\Ch» Toft* Airendy a*> 1 has doua what we would have him do. favorable to hay tag which has been big year. from Pauls Valley, I, T., one deputy Ask meVdo we approve of the kUltngte>f rangnnients hawe-been made to lay '*; the principal work in that section; in eabievacross, front Takn to 'Chee Fna> Sixty-six marriage lisences were is- marshal was slightly wounded and an- King HHaaibert. I will answer, the and tnw United States Will pay ^ the southern counties the rains have other, Schrempsher, of Pauls Valley, is quMtioAJThefore you ask i t Of court* been very beneficial to corn, beans and sued to Chicago parties at S t . Joseph misefog. The band escaped under we do. Ob was not our instruction te> share,, amouotaag to ¥lt6,00uV Soum on the 29th. potatoes. covesr of darkness. Searempaher is be- Bread to-»kill; but he has done what he? difficulty^is entcmntnTed in hrranginaj? The new cheese factory to replace Wheat and rye harvest is generally lieved! to have followed the'band and-j knaw to herrigbt. and we willsustaiDi the details for the international cable? completed in the southern counties and the one burned in July is in operation been* killed. The outlaws are a part of him and gin* him our sympathy* • Wass from <3*e -Foo (iieftoa'nghal, as all ther Humbert eve* kind to us? No. Waa Lgovernnienlts httee t«t be consulted andi> in progress in the central and northern at Birch Run. a bancb that was raideJ near Centre a he good toMbe poor? No. He waa a ^mmhnication'^with. the cable offices^ counties; in the upper peninsula spritfg A destructive wind, hail, and rain few day* ago, when, five of its mem- monarch, and all monarchs, according, land telegraphic* aotnpanies must be? wheat,is ripening and looks promising. storm visited Benton Harbor an* vi- bers, together with a stall and a quanto our vows, must die. Oat harvest is well advanced in the cinity dn the 3d. tity of li<$aor were taken. The leader,* "Let Nicholas of Russia tremble and provided for. It iiaaheintention of the*\ southern counties and has quite generExperts who are prospecting for ofT * named Tieev a veteran' Arkansas, dis- let the n e w king of Italy prepare for' IT. A ' g o tern ment to secure, at the-' ally "begun in the central section; oats in the vieiaity-of Lowell are confident tiller, andi other members of the band, death.; TheyAareboth inhuman. They earliest praotioabie moment, nninter*;; are generally a fine heavy crop. The of finding it before long. are inhuman* because they "are mon- rapted telegrnphia-eommnnioation with^ escaped. warm rains have been especially benearchs. They **oold not consent to take the forces atiTie&'&aini '•..'>.* The proposition to bond the city of the places on" the thrones were they ficial to UtecornHn the taut hern counffobbwt • Whole Train. The secretary o# state at WashingPontW for $50,000 for water works not Inhuman. It is a republic that we ties, where, the otoop is in good condiOn the nigh* of the 4«h two men ton on the- 3ftt*'W«eived a dispatch-. tion; warm nights are still lacking to improvements was defeated. held up a Union> Pacific passenger train want, and it is*, republic that the an- frem Mr. Fiwier«: Jttnecienn eonsul at The Michigan Bell and the New just west of Higgo, Col., and- robbed archists in evevr country will have.'' make, it ideal corn weather. Late poJtdy 2¾ Mr. Fow'They have- run us oat of Italy, Chafu, datedtuxm* tatoes in all counties are reported as State telephone exchanges at Ann the passengers-iu.the Pullman sleepers where to have stayed would have been ler nays: V A letter from the Herman very promising and there is generally Arbor have been consolidated. of their money ami valuables* An old to have starved.. W.e have come here. legation, ^dated thir SSaKr received at little'complaint of the ravages of the Gratiot county farmers are to estab- man named Fay, a* resident ti Califor- Things arerio«»better here. We are Tien Tain. 0erma»lJ»a»ie 10 dead and" potato bogs. Beans and sugar beets lish a to-operative cheese factory 3¾ nia, who had been* visiting in Denver treated like dog* in the mills. We are 12 wounded. Chtonreenaed their at- .•continue to make a good growth and miles southwest of St. Louis. and was on his way to St. JLomis, re- not considered human by Americana taclavn the lith.. liaraa von Ketteler's .are generally in fine condition. Pastfused to surrender- his valuable* and We do not starrav but there is a worse bodjieaid to betsafa-. The, Austrian, The Bepnbliean state central comurage in the southern counties is much fired a shot at one of the robber* but death than starvation. It ia neglect. Italian,. Dutch»'•.iniv. *pnnish legations . mi ttee are. planning to have Gov, .Rooseimprove*). "'Bnokwheat' .*» growing missed. Therenponi fhe robbers fired, Who is responsible for this govern- destroyed anaW thV JTranch partially. velt visit Michigan in September. We will tay to better it by fair finely and is iu blossom. Fruit reports one shot entering Say's month and ment? means, and if w« can't succeed, then A letter from the, JPananeae legation, The thermometer registered 98 in coming out at the back of bia bend, continue about the same except that we will resort to*£her methods." dated the 22^, arri^ae>at T^n n Tsin on^ apples are of poor quality in many the shade at Belleville on the 5th—the killing him almost instantly. The* robthe 23th. Te&'battarifcMua of .v.Chinese'' •counties. Peaches are beginning to hottest day of the season to date. bers Stopped the train and jumped off i Oar Foretga Coma 0F0w*» shelled. Ihe Jagntionn consecutively ripen and in the principal peach counLapeerV assessment ] rolls, prepared" and escaped. . The report of tbo foreign commerce fronikthe 20th ofJwne and stooped on. ties promise a good yield. by the city supervisor*,' n a s been apof the United States- during, the year ,the liJth of Juhjr>- but. aaay renew. The proved by the state-ttttt censfaiasion. NEWSY BREVITIES, ended June 30,190¾ shows the total im- enemgrvare decjrcasinjjp The German, 3 S 9 O. A.JEL Poet* in MIctalffan. A stock company has been organports of merchandise- during the year Russian; Amerionov British and half CoL, J>. V. R, Pond, assistant adjuFour cases and two > deaths from* buised at ShepardsvUte i<k\ the pdrpose : were $849,714,070^ the total exports, the Japanese aaxfcFrenehj legations still tant-general of the Michigan G. A. R., bonic plague is reported i n London, of erecting and operating a cheese fac$1,393,186,371. The total commerce defended; Japanese- say they have has completed his semi-annual report Eng. tory. of the year surpasses by $319,729,250 food fa» six days* but little ammunito national headquarters relative to It is estimated that the Qber war that of any preceding year, and for the tion. The emperor and empress are The Church of Christ spekty-atCopethe condition of the organization in will cost Great Britain about $400,- first time in our history exceeds two reported.at Pekini."' Michigan on July 1, 1900. On the first ntish has purchased an old-s4o»4 build- 000,000. A rather startling- proposition was •day of the present year there were in ing and is having ft remodeled for Use As a result of eating toadstoefs-three billion dollars. The exports exceed those of any precedfaag year* and have advanced July ^1: whien, if adopted, this state 382 posts with 15,280 mem- as a house of Worship. people, at Chicago are dead and four been more widely distributed through- might: ppt at onoe to the test the bers. This shows again of 154 memThe contract for the wprk has been others very sick. out the world than ever before. Man- Chinesetprofessiom that the "Boxers" bers notwithstanding the loss of 175 by let, and before the snow flies it is exAccording to the 1900 censusMllwanufacturers' materials, were more freely and not^the Chinese- government, are death during the period named. pur- pected Ontonagon county will have oneftee has a population of 285,315y a g a i n imported than ever before, and formed responsible for what baa happened in ing the month of July three new posts, of the finest poorhousea in the state. Of 80,847 in 10 years. a larger share at the total imports Pckin* This ~was>tO/the effect that the located in Jacksonr Tuscola and An The state tax commission have dethan on any former occasion. Manufac- Chineeet- governcaent should be in-• Two deaths and several' prostrations trim counties, were organued. The cided to make 13 complaints against tured articles were-more freely exported formadtfthat:' tfca- internatiqnal force were reported in Chicago.' oat the 5th. report makes a remarkable showing parties at Midland, who, it is alleged, than ever before and-formed n larger was ptepafed'tiotnfie- shat government*' for an-organixation made up w holly of have been favored by the supervisors. It was 94 in the shade. According to the 1900" Geneva Louis- share of the total exports than en any at itaword and':«-jnen forces with it elderly men, and one that cannot inThree blocks rn the business portion ville, Ky., has a population of 3ft4 7*l, former occasion. in crnahing one the insurrection. The r crease its membership by the injection of Plain well were burned QO the 3d. kernafeof just jsuak a proposition is to" an increase of 41,602 in. 10 years. of young blood. The number of re- The Otsego fire department was called Of Interest U» Tobacro Wm. be foand injtho* £aat condition laid" As a result of an encounter between cruits mustered in the state during the out. How the lire originated is unThe commissioner of internal revenue' down-by the>Presichtat in his reply to Bahama Negroes and. Mexioan police last six months was 456, of which num- known. has issued a circular prohibiting the the appeal of ths-omrperor. Kwang Hsu, ' at Tampico, Me-x., on?) Jul^r 31, four ber Charles T. Foster Post,. Lansing, use by manufacturers of cigars, cigarThere is considerable talk in Shiaand there may be- a development in * Negroes and two soldiers • were killed ettes, or tobacco when put up in statumustered IM. Fifty of the latter numwassee county of organizing another and 21 Negroes are suffering from in- tory packages, o£ labels, containing, that directiouTfipntaxsly. ber stood at the post room altar at one fair society and resuming the practice, juries. ., time to take the obligation. The The»U. S. ambassador, Jos. H. Choate, -. "any promise or oa$M* of, or any order amount reported expended for relief dropped some years ago, of holding ansaw Cord Salisbury on July 31, and as- * An earthquake -shook the/Katie min- or certificate for, any gift, prise, premduring the six months under report nual fairs. ing district, Utah, on the- 1st. The ium, payment or vf/ward.'* This regu- certained his sviawes, with regard to the The Albion Mirror says that 8 to 10 shaft of the Mammoth mine1 was so lation is to tak« effect September 1, changes in the Chinese situation , was $735^0. "The report shows the financial-condition of the department bushels per acre is a good yield for thrown out of shape: that ia was im- 1900. The view of the law taken by brought about **y the direct despatches , tortfe very godd. "T The indications are \ wheat in that vicinity this season. And possible to get. the* cage, below the Commissioner Wilson was sustained by froraPekin. liand Salisbury assured ; that Michigan will.Uo weil represented thid is the best wheat raising county 1,600 foot level. the United States^ns,tarict court of West Mr.-Choate thai(ireat Britaia had nq.., Virginia in a recent decision. The intention of d r y i n g the advance on n at the national encampment iu Chicago in the state. Gen. Grodekow telegraphs from this month. The schooner Fontana and San Diego Khabarovsk Aug. l;.that l^Hotchkiss order of Commissioner Wilson will not Pekin, nor, so-jter as he knew, had any.i met in collision in the St. Clair river, and 10 other, guns- were captured at prevent. manufacturers from sending othec powers Hs«l Salisburjr entirely p prize coupons to retailers for dissemin- ac:jaiesced ia. Secretary Hay's desire» Stole « • • • • S o a . i f l . e * of HrrCUtm. just above Fort GratioV-en the—night Hunghun by the Russians, who, stormation among the purchasers of their that the advano* be undertaken as> A warrant for $305.341.34 was drawn of the :<d. The former sunk quickly, ing the fortress Monday, July 30, drove goods, but is designed' to prohibit the speedily as possible. He had no inteu*by the treasury department at Wash- taking one man with her. 4,000 Chinese before them. use of the statutory package as a dis- tion of bargaining- with China in anyington on the 30tU in favor of the lThis is proving a banner year for all Three persons were-seriously injured tributor of gift enterprises. state of Michigan. This money is to crops in Shiawassee county excepting way, shape ogs-forai, until t i n minister** reimburse the state for filing out the wheat. The.yield per acre of hay,.oats, and six others- badly out and bruised ware safe -Joaiw their o\ m m i l i t a j y National Guard during tbo Spanish- barley, beans, and c|overseed is the by the falling of five- heavy pieces of Four Killed M 4 One WODD^ML eacort. structural iron from: the tap of a 12American/ war. The entire claim largesl known for years past. Four men killed and one fatally, A heai trending letter 1 as been ^^e* story building in^ course- of construc- wounded is the* outcome of a shooting amounted to $447,000. The remaining ceived fron^i the Japanese legation^at Rochester citizens will have an op- tion at Newv York, om the 2d. $141,750 is held up for further investiaffray between Wm. Dooley and his Pekin datedi inly 22, stalling that. £hft;* portunity on August 14 to say whether The aggregate Michigan earnings of four sons on i one side, and the four gation. Michigan's claims came to the number .60 per cent, thai. they think enough of good roads to railroad companies for June were $3,- Harris brothers on the other, as the • casualties-, auditor of the war department in sev'. eral installments. TJiey included ex- bond the village for $6,000 to be used 372,962.52, an increase- of $216,352.67 result of a fewi at Dee Run. one of the ^nly 25 cantridges per nan are ^eit*' over June, 1899. Thar total Michigan raining towns of St. Francois county, twith rations, sufficient /fcr five Jansy' penses for typewriter operators; pay- in improving the local highways. One of the largest crops of flax that earnings.for the first six. months of this Mo. A few. Jays ago the Harris boy* iand that :U is feared th * legatio^wifci ment for second-hand clothing which belonged to the National Guard; pay has ever been grown in Sanilac county year were $18>77X)4726.96v the increase sent word tpj the Dooleys that theyp succumbvAvitbin a week.. There-woe. a special cabinet ru**t?iag for officers and men. and subsistence is now being harvested around Cros- over the same period e£ 1899 being $2,- would be attai picnic at Dee Run an»Vi at Washing-ton on the id which Jaated well. The rlax mill has started up for 278,507.50; or 13.75.net cent intended to* run the Dooleys off -thav for the first 10 days in camp. the seasou, which gives plenty of • — The Odd Fellows hail at Ludington grounds. . Just how the shooting bar-. about two and a half itours. The daswork. Game W««t*»'* ttepnrt for July. is completed. The ftrst floor has been gan is not okear, but once begun it was. cnssioniwas- confined almost exci&sinely Threshing in the vicinity of Hamil- converted into an. ideal ball room and deadly. Ail the Harris boys excepa to thft- Ghanese situation, and. no In his report for July. Game and Fish Warden Worw bays that Ins de- ton has begun and the yield of wheat dining hall with a kitchen at the >rear one, Bill, ware shot. One was kiUed change- itt . the present polijj^of the partment investigated 337 complaints is light. The prospects for a good and a ticket office- and a dressing room instantly.-. Three of the Dooley **JJS govexnmnnt resulted 3rom the meeting. and instituted prosecutions in (>J cases. peach crap are excellent and prices in front. The second story will be were unhurt Thn> gunboat Prioneton ba». sailed The result wa* M convictions, two di.v will be moderate in the fruit belt west used for lodge rooms, exclusively in the froimA\nn»jr.for Sha^hai. Tjais. move missals and no aci|uittaIs, seven cases of there. may-ha** been main owing to> the disfuture. With the-additions just made, Hntfc*n4 and Wir*>ro«o<l Desdfc still pending. The total amount of turbed condition o& affairs t^ajrShang* the Odd Fellows have one of the finest Rural free delivery service has been .Rober* W. Sinclair,, aged 51 years* a fines imposed MILS $vr>3.»». The value established at Ludington, to take ef- halls in the state.. fruit commission merchant in FfctUadel hai» of the seizures tva» $1,333.-51. Reports fect the listh inst. The length of the TiltetoUl strength of ton- allies at Reports to the state board of health phia, and his wife.. Annie B., agjad 33 irom ever county iu the **tatc show an route is 40¾ miles; are covered, 57 show that rheumatism, diarrhea, nen- years,, were both found dead, o » the Xfok lain on the* 1st was IT.ttX) men. increase in quaU and paftridge orcr square miles; population served, 1,338; ralgia. tonsillitis and bronchitis, in tne night af the 4th w^tth a bullo^hoee in and reinforcnaejaU have hnan arriving; last year, and a marked increase in Dumber of houses on route. 293. order named* eanaed the most sickness each of their head*, in the gajrden in anilj-ever sine* brook trout and other game tiah. Fruit growers around Whitehall are tn Michigan daring the past week. fronhof their sucapmr home an Qreen HT. S. troops, boarded m * transport alarmed over the sudden appearance of Smallpox was reported at 1 place;, eereTree>atation, on tb& Pennsylvania railat Sam Francis*** bound ft* Looked Like 3« C«nt». "yellows" among the peaches. • In the bro-spinal meninjritia a t 6; diphtheria roads near that eity. Whotbnr it waa f otvth*>4at. J as. W. Bradley, while at work on a at 20; whoofing cough at 23; scarlet a case Of mutual: snicide or annrder « n d l | region north of there whole orchards The allied forces started a forward threshing machine near Adrian the other day, attempted to hand his vest have been stricken with it, and it is fever at 52; measles at 63; typhoid fever aeMde will pt->bably nev^abnknowok/ movement «m Pekin o» th* 1st over to a fellow workman.—lie let go estimated by some that not less than at 64. and consumption at 175. The U. & gunboat Bancroft has. been Roger Wolcott. to who®. t)b* positian ordered tn China. The citiasns of Tekonsha are noted just in time to let the vest full into the 10 per* cent of the trees thereabouts for their generosity. No case of want* at U.'S.* ambassador to ttaiy was refeed of tfie inachinc. Forty dollars in -will have to be destroyed. Wince Albert Emeat Albe"U duke of A tlintlock rifle was recently fished sorrow or destitution is overlooked*. eently offered^ has acotpied, and hia bills and a gold watch nent with the vest. When it came out at the other from the bottom of St. Clair river near The churches are not always the first. eommisslon has been lAsned, He. sue*. Saxe-Coburg, died at 10 o'cio*& on the eyenieg of the 30th at Ko&eaau castle end it all looked like 30 cents The Alyonac. There is in the breech of the to bestow oharit*. The roughest geo?. ceeds Draner, rrsignedl When the Spanisjk, oruaser Infnntav from paralysis erf the heaiU, watch conld be passed for a-^pTtjjjTged gun a little trap door which, when pie in town are aa liberal as those mho, make higher profession* If a ejtijzea opened, contained half a dozen bullets. Ciov. Beckham, of Kentnc^y. has de*" Isabel ncas about tfAleavofpr Ajwachon, gold dollar, and the bills would made It is believed that it has been in the suffers from a fire, lone* a hora> or a one of her boiler*, gate- way andthei, cided to call a special wa&ion of & e a handsome rag doll. water for over a cerftury and is an ex- cow the citizens straightway make on eaeanlng steam .%p*ld*d ^1 fAiJowk kill- leglslaturc acnnetlme Jwtv/«on Aug. 15 Yale suffered a tire loss of $10,000 on tremely valuable and interesting relic a purse for him if.fc&ia '». poxw ctcQttua- ing 1 and serfcKa)y in^rU*? a others. and Sept, 1 ".o amend. \ l x Go.?bcl ^ o > staacea. the 3d. of bvflrooc days. Tb« cru.l»er p<»?.)j»aevl b irdcn&xtwe, »»*s^^<M -J. |.,.»«rf>y >, . . • . . JM'ttlfc*/*' r i, ' - • -. ! & » ' • . * " • • — i •V\. k* h , V" : • •v j - . P. *v m -•• % V'f r • •.-. * T T.FfWt T^HE *+mm*m*Ni*im~~vm*m** *a^»j»jawa^a^wa^»aja^»pjpaai 1,1» i ^ n r ^ ^ * - * ^ ^ — ^ — > ^ p » < — w w — K — w * » — X MBMM*MHM*N««*nMaiH*«MilMiaq«f IMMMlMWM . .;•••• W 1 - .*• < • • ' - > • V. . .. • ••.••• • 4-- *t. •t •,•' s ,, \«»itt«ynn % •f q-«!" W t i \f\ 'MfBBf * » » ' <'_:,: - S r*\ • * ; ' . ' • • . ; . ; • . • • " < • • ' * * \ ! / -*«<! 2A', X:" 1r> >:• \t m#^mm**(ff 3H / ^...,-.-:. V;*: -,•>* .- \ •'• • T" ! •f *>: '- .' -I . "'• • 'y 111 a 111 f i i i i » Hi " 11 iTT( «^%5,>*-•>: .,m>r* (4**. i anions r> .9ns *P$ i Whff* nr^a^i8V)<£f^f a^v ri i but wWab she, knew : a t ,<OApa,; toj a ^ t b V reading n o w e j ^ , ths \flfUM taiUj^i, pyar ,&*#)*. > oO' n atopa beipye bejf, ^ A u*, l{1^-necipient Ubder such eond$ons as fr»d« «•» Bbe tottered to bar ^eet, hol«a|T out generally >reya4j"'ja Mtna artificial S W A * ! Ml me^ J i i l £ H$ looked >*;haf *m*: handling of eattk and other douiestiT&wAdtit, ' « V ? a 'S^Swlmit>ho£lXJi*** "tn^la^^tuoerculoais fil>itrtetly oV ^ H '.H!ffl,(w : M Under range conditions j aoujl$WQ baing rant aaunder.,, V « r ^ eontagiousv jfiiiL aa exist in the western states, ft i s OalcaJ O Ood! O Ood!" . *«k* ! ^ T W •l-HVf ^V'- ;J«J1. H>'.» "Vt*'>' *•« vary feebly, If a t a n , seotagioujl -, Hir^teU. backward* against aba itlla^ •ft n . - ^ cohering his face with bis bands, aa if quarantine maasnresma an ine«ect«r >GHA.FWJR vr/•";•* - ^*** to abut out tha aigbt of a gnaai horror. al preventive against the-disease under about to come to pass. - Auo«l^ r»o« ia en^ooseirre "ttfrt n l Sha stood trembl/ng before btan, puah- most conditions, and certainly unnacessary and, impracticable . J M h a t -jpadon; at* this r o ^ ww, though! HutchUupu looked V, * ioor, tt*^«0l|*iy xtttot i m 4 ^ - • « * wantad to obliterate heraeJf and to ob- case of range cattle,. The.disease is n *aa even adorned V)#,% few toW£i%, jw4fii»jy. .. twide tbe child; but be stood there, insidious in its action, and usually of *ad MO* $&ftedr Brtnl* hun* \ipon .' fM4Yqu; «eem fond of him," be a»M. j ^ k i n g and shivering moanlnf; at very slow progress, and absolutely im{he Falla.1 Xc %ooia^ afid a'l&ull werf ].She gave a glance of contempt at the intervals, "Veronica! 0 God! 0 Ood!" possible of detection by ordinary infitting *ttg«tner'.fc the; one > i * * cbftix •way he expressed himself. Sba caugnt • It waa she who spoke first; be could spection, except in advanced cases. that the nraoia tioesessedV { $ * irdman, itke child up in her arms. not find words, or anything out the The remedy against purchase of in«^My darlinf," she said, "ay little .piteous moan, and ber voice was fected breeding stock lies In the bands Mght, *titf'young, . a i l a ^ i j t o i a | l y , •e»tft«tol; ;t»e c h K T W / <* • j S j i . Alan, you are going to your lather touching in exquisite joy. "Tee, Alan, of the individual more than of t b e l ' .,.' irown, xjurly-naired chimin, with;th$js aVteat!" it i s l , saved from the sea, my dearest state, aa proof of freedom from the Hutchinson was thinking. He nad lyea, whq; bay© fj^ung ^ > # «***»%i( And hero' here is pur child. Are yotii disease can be exacted of tbe vendor. which grasps one without warning; it dlffiren^iatlSS^ j f t , 'wolnaa^Ia' JttlQteiU.t task before Mul, l i e fcad not pleased? Tell me you are pleased, ^The tuberculin test is the only reliable the niucoas membrane which lines Alan to get xaarrle*,i-an* i»o« we have seen bejtor*. , Now. UM? alfowe4 ' - bad- for I have longed so to see your dear test of tbe existence of tbe disease. the; entire body suddenly become* anly alteiajWpu^iiiJt, « d «ne U.-.m. } given him some weeks of bappiness face again! I have longed So to bear The spread of the disease can be weakened in some spot and disease checked by preventive measures based before he began his work of destrucUvat ^,-did nQ| agse^jptv feaauty, waa ^ tion; now he had to make sure of your voice Z cannot believe It has upon the conditions favorable to its is established. It may be of the fr«at sado^aa, Axc»pt wi»o «steu«90ka Veronica. He would have infinitely come at last!" occurrence, morev than by direct at- lungs, the bead, throat, stomach, She came quite near to hbn, adto t i e chili, and than bar'wtnok» face £a*e preferred a woman *cdu> would tempts to isolate and destroy tbe germ. sbanged. •i,;.-.•• '-.»i •••.' »•have blustered, and have sworn that vancing as she spoke. It seemed as Official action should be confined to bowels, or any other organ. Where*'It is such a great city," site ^ a s she, would have her rigbta; nut Ver- if she were longing for ^im to un- the prevention of the spread of the ever it is, and whatever it seems, jt laying—"such e, great ofty. I did not onica was the sort o/ woman who cover his face, to take ber into his disease to mankind by tbe sale of tu all springs from the same kaow it would i * BO dimcult *o nod• Would shrink away and be lost to the arms. berculons animal products, and be un iny one. . I t&ought taat whan onde world rather than hurt the man she "Alan," she cried, "oh, my darling, ; dertaken by the public health authori\^got t o England it wbuid all-be wetl, loved. He had shrewdness •enough to are you not glad to see me?" There is at present no fear There was still no doubt in her ties. •»ad now X bare been in England more see that the girl would *sy'that h was whatever of tuberculousis endangerthan a year, and-1 have z&ot aean him. the only way to act, and that she mind. She thought that the joy of or inflammation of this delicate pink And yet I am ao.longlnvxtossee h i m ] would sacrifice both ihe .dhfid and seeing ber had been too great, and ing the range cattle of tbe western, membrane. that be was trying to recover from states.—Dr Chasi CresswelL '^nc« againyand to show him oar boy. [ herself; therefore it wae imperatively The system is weakened in win* the shock. She had no doubt, poor Dh, how happy he will be£ Hnw happy necessary that she should know nothter. T h e delicate lining is more soul, at all. He loved her, therefore "we both sball bei These -w«ary years P o p U r Stem Gall ing of Alan's marriage, of hie love for ber coming to him must be inexpres'will be aa. naught, and a stiall forget A United States Entomological Re- susceptible to irritation of inflammaanother woman. That -must come to sible joy. ' everything once I feel his arms round port says: The gall-louse, Pemphigus tion, and thus we have pneumonia, ber as a surprise. She must be led to me x again!*'" *•>••• Then Alan uncovered his haggard popullcauli8, forms imperfectly globu- grip, colds, coughs, fevers, etc., all There was a step oa ©re "Stairs. Ver- expect that Alan was longing for her, face. "Glad? No! It has ruined my lar galls' the sixei of *a bullet at the(catarrhal conditions which may' anica listened. She baid ^grown more and would be overjoyed to see. her life!" be cried brutally. But for the Junction of the leaf with its stalk, easily be checked by one catarrh ' womanly ra these last f ourj» years, and again; then would .he/his, Hutchin- moment he could think of nothing but these galls having a mouth-like orifice cure—Pe-ru-na, ihe looked more thoughtful: Sorrow, son's, Opportunity. Me knew men so Joyce—his Joyce, with whom life had That's.the only way out of it. > ihe great master, h i d .taught her' well that he fancied they must be all begun so joyfully, and whose heart he You may dose forever~-yoo will many things. NOW'sne'dfd_not look ^ 2 ^ - Alan would not give up Joyce must now break, as his own had been r , not be well until you try the true 5 n n ' a p p > \ ^ ^ " e l g e F a ^ ^ x l o u i ; W K ^ b e felt sure of that; then he must broken. "I ,wish I were dead!" he cure and that is Pe-ru-na. You '" evidently recognized thV^footsteps on be made to pay for his silence. He said, with a sob. must feel that he, Hutchinson, could may think your trouble is some the stairs, a'fia'.Jt'tiid mot bring her "Alan!" The anguish in her voi£e other disease and not catarrh. Call iny pleasure. She was shrinking to- hold the sword over his head, that he matched his. "Is that what you^have could let it fall at any moment. He gether In tbe chair *'ith the cbild It what you will, one thing is sure, to say to me, your wife, the mother when the door opened :to her call had rubbed his hands at the publicity of your child, who has undergone your system is ajfected and mustbc "Come in J" and Hutchinson entered. of the marriage. .Alan Mackenzie all hardships, and who has just lived treated, and Pe-ru-na is tfee only "Good afternoon," she said, but would never give atp his beautiful on because, you were in the world? remedy which reaches the,right ihowed no pleasure ai -the sight of wife. Veronica would have to be paid Oh, Alan, if you do not want me, I place and does «ure. off. Joyce would not be Alan's law- had better go." lim. "How did you find me out?" "How? It is always easy to find ful wife. It was going to be a life It is always easier to forget bad habShe. turned, walking unsteadily, iny one when you have a mind to, of misery for the young man, and at holding ber child's hand tightly. And its than to forgo them. and when you have any atense in the end there would be Hutchinson's then a great temptation assailed Alan Every man thinks he can salve the four head!" He scanned Veronica's dagger for his heart. But the whole Mackenzie. The temptation to let servant girl question. lace as he spoke, aad .-noticed that thing heeded careful handling, and her go, to let her be lost to him, to A signal failure has wrecked many she flushed slightly, "71. saw you go Hutchinson felt that he was the man say nothing to Joyce; but to go on a train of thought Into a music shop, and J.followed you undoubtedly who oould handle it care- as if the day's work had never been. borne the other day, and. I made a fully;- Even if at the end Veronica ^ And then he saw in a flash what his O—I—C refused, as watt pus^ibTe,' tb'cbme foraote of tbe road and tbe number,-and When a preparation has an adverlife would be. How every moment of ward and make Alan unhappy, never- happiness with Joyce would have its iere I am." tised reputation that is world-wide, it means that preparation is meritorious. "What do $ou, wap* ipf.fmeT'atfce** theless he would have to pay for his corresponding moment of bitterness silence. If you go into a store to bny an article Veronica, rather hopelessly* when he was alone; bow be must live that has achieved universal popularity "He live* i h a nice little house in "My dear girl''—Hafcchinson spoke a double life, always on the brink of like Cascarets Candy Catbartio for exairily—"my dear girL, "why could you the country," Hutchinson said at detection. Not worse, perhaps, that ample,. you feel it has the endorsement aot have confided in your father? It last. "I will give you the address. the life parted from Joyce; but- then of the world. The judgment, of the . would have, saved you -a ^grcat deal You had better gf> by train. Have pie -would be~an~bonest man, and not a people is infallible ^cauap j ^ j m . you any money?" .if you had." , traitor. He put his temptation away personal The retailer who wants to "Yea" said Veronica. "I was paid from him, thanking God that he could "You are not my fatber,- said Versell you "something else" in place of I must do so, knowing that Joyce would not onica quietly, "you told me so.your- for my lessons yesterday. the article you ask for, has an sac to* lelf." M j write to her when I have seen,, Alan love a man who was dishonorable. So grind. . Don't it stand to reason?.. rHe's"Why quarrel about a n expression? again. He may not .wish me to go on before Veronica had staggeei'd a dozen trying to sell something that, is not i am the man who taought you up.giving lessons,*' But all the time she steps away he.- callfid to her hoarsely what he represents it to be. Why? Veronica, why did you .not toll me spoke' her face was transfigured. The to come back. She turned at owse. on their under side, and a large cavity Because he expects to derive an ex.ifaat you had married Alan Mackenzie feeling that aoon i s r weary time of obedient as always, and for a mo- within, crowded with small dull-white tra profit out of your credulity. Are probation would be ^over was strong ment he hated himself for bis brutal- lice and their white-cast skins, and,' you easy? Don't you see through hisand that this is his child*" • Veronica gave a great start. She within her. She looked-jcrlth pride at ity to so gentle a woman^Her tears with winged lice of a blue-black color, little game? The man who wiH try tnew why she • had not mentioned tbe beautiful boy, -whom.she still held were falling down the beautiful face. their antennae reaching beyond tbe and sell you a substitute for CASCARAlan's name to him. She knew of in her arms. "Will not his father; be She looked up at him with the old base ol their wings, the rib-vein of ETS is a fraud. Beware of him! He the hartred that Rutefcinson ;bad for proud of him?" sfae asked, longing look of faithful love, still pushing their fore wings black, thick* much is trying to steal the'honestly earned thicker a t its apex along the inner \uixn, and even now she did not know for a little human sympathy. "He is the child towards him. margia of the stigma, and the short benefits of a reputation which another what to say* - "How do ,>y»u Jknow?" handsome, is he not?" "Yes," she said, questioning him, veinlet bounding the anterior end of business man has paid for, and if his :ihe asked at last. "Whs Aold you?" "Oh, yes, he's a good-looking child, this spot more slender than the rib- conscience will allow him to go so far, "He told me h i m s e l f said the although I am no .judge," said the "what is it, Alan?" he will go farther. If he cheats his cus"I am married," he said, crudely vein; its length i s 0.10, and to the tomer in one way, he writ in another man, watching the agitation that man. In his *head he was revolving tips of its wings 0.15. '.Veronica betrayed. "I .should .ndt plans. "I would not go straight up to and hoarsely, thinking it beat to tell and it is not safe to do business with her at once. "I thought you were him. Beware of the CASCABET subhave known unless." the house if I were you," he said. ( dead. I heard nothing from you since stitutor. Remember CASCARETS arc rroflU of German "When did he tell yon?" ahe asked, "The servants might not understand I left you; it is four years ago. They Oootml-Oeoeral Guenther writes never sold in bulk but in metal boxes Ther lips almost refusing iloTuTter a it: Your wait for him at the lodge told me all on board were drowned, from Frankfort April 23, 1900: For with the long tailed **C" on every box gates." -K>und. and I could hear nothing of you. the parpoae of furnishing information and each tablet stamped C C. C VAbout two months ago.*' "Very well," said 'Veronica, docile What wonder then I thought you J with reference to new commercial Veronica sprang up. "He is .ixere, as always. She could not guess that were dead ? And so I married, Vertreaties, investigation concerning the ,in London. Two months Ago J Oh, Hutchinson's one fear was lest she A man never believes in a love that onica—I am married now!" profitableness of a large number of persecutes. take me to,him! Let me ese him.at should meet Joyce and jgn spoil his And then for a long time there was farms have been made by the authorancef Why did you not tell j»e J>e- whole plan. He had looked Into ities in the kingdom of Wurttemberg. silence between them. Mar^faette. on Lake Joyce's face as she was walking with fore?" Ninety-four were selected, including (To be continued.) is one of the most charming summer "Kow cot*! I?" tire man £&id dry- Alan one day, and be CDUUJ see innothe smallest and those of several hunresorts reached via Chicago, Milwaa—J^ ;—^ ly. "I tell jwu you should nawe had cence and purity written upon it. dred acres. The appraised value £ee & St. Paul Railway. Delicate Surgical Operation, more confidence. I did not know you Joyce was not the woman ftp consent amounted to 12,970,000^ the average Its healthful location, beautiful A celebrated astronomer suffered #o the "paying off of the Hret wife. **«re .his wife:" value per acre, to $225, varying from "How wasteelookingT\ cried Wer- And so it was decided that'Veronica acutely for over twelve years from $7& to $850. The average profit per scenery, good hotels and complete Un* "Oh, W darliag, my darling! kafrould go down to Sumxnerbaye and an unknown trouble in his leg. Tbe acre was $1, or 1.72 per cent of the to- munity from bay fever, make a 1 sumf onica. Did h* speak or me two months >ago? Vaveait the coming of Alan. It was a surgeons did not seem to be able to tal appraised value. Tbe several es- mer outing at Marquette, Mich., very d thinV we sha}1 die of happiness lovely day in early July:, when she diagnose bis case. He finally went to tablishments, however, showed very attractive from the standpoint of •vben w^ come together agatai" went down, with that precious posses- the Johns Hopkins hospital at Baitl- different results. Of the ninety-four health, rest and comfort For a copy of "The Lake Superior "No dpubti" said Hutchinson. ~J*jes | sioo, ber boy, hugged dose ;to her nutte, and an examination by two farms, nine worked with a loss. Country," containing a description of young surgeons showed that tbe lametoe know.of tbe boy?" fbeart. The jBun was shining an* the Of the remainder, only sixteen returnMarquette and the copper country, adness was due to a diseased nerve in "No. Hhe boy was- toom five ngpnthg sky iblue, tbe corn was waving in the ed interest on the working capital; after the thipwreeje. I have told yon fteWs; and it was under tbe shade of tbe ieg. The patient was told that the nineteen yielded 5 per cent on tbe dress, with four (4) cents in stamps t o I was so.iiS after tbe wreck that I lost a lent? tree tkat Veronica awaited the . operation would be painful, and in the working capital and 3 per cent on the pay postage, Geo. H. Heafford. General cry reason for a time." oomtnjg; of the man she loved. Hutch- nature of an experiment, as It had investment for buildings; fifty yielded Passenger Agent, Chicago, l i t *Tity," a«fd Hutcbinson, reneethne-J4aeen Ikad diaeovered what train be been tried only once before, in France, 5 per cent on the working capital and delight to bark and cats prone ry, °tbat wbenvyon told me BO nock nwually .came by. It was so important in which instance ft was sncceaafuL 3 per cent on the capital invested in to Dogs spark. ' -' The patient refused to take anaesthetbuildings, and in addition an income you (0id not toll me ail." dAat -Veronica sbould see him alonei Veronica did not answer. Sometbing JUH! sat there sjnietly straining bar ics, as bo desired to witness tbe oper* on the lands ("Grundrente"), which Best for t b e In tbe man's .tone awakened ber sua* bar ears for tbe gsound of bis foot- ation as far as possible. Tbe leg was latter In two Instances amounted to No matter what ails yon, piciona. "Are you sure," she asked, steps. H took bar tack to ber gfrlisb opened and tbe nerve waa found to 6.17 per cant to a cancer, you will never g e t well be diseased, and the patient directed after a little silence, "that you do1 days at La Pas, wben she bad often the until your bowels are put right surgeons to cut It out Tbe nerve not want to hurt him?" watched for him as ahe was doing wss entirely removed, tbe .wound Sewage farming in England has as- CASCARETS help nature, enra >oJ "Wny should I?" asked Hutchin- now. Truly there bad been no yean closed and in ten days tbe patient waa sumed such proportions in some local- without a gripe or pain, produce easy son. "No, what f want to do is to of separation from hisa, and no boy able to dress himself and walk about ities that the products are met at tbe natural movements, cost you lust 1#> make money out of him. Hs will not beside bar, As the time drew nearer die hospital, and be is now able to shows in sharp competition with prod- cents to s'art getting your health back. be able to deay me anything when .1 tbe strain' grew almost too intense. go n» and down stairs and walk naif ucts grown on other land. The Bir- CASCARETS Candy' Cathartic, the mingham Drainage farm especially has She pat ber band ovir ber heart so as a mile at a time. restore bin bis wife and child." bag C. C. C. stamped on I t ~ taken/a large number of prises both tablet That sounded possible. Veronica to stop its wild beating, sad tbe rich ware of imitations." ~" Why should a clock be arrested" for for vegetables and live stock. Potasmiled, and let herself be happy in color that generally flooded bar cheeks toes grow rwj fins on lands-thns en- , A bachelor usua" A t thought sbat wbat\ f be had so left ber, and she was pale. And sud- fUikiog tbe bonrf ^ITlifasaWababy riched. * j t* "It." SMSfc ;-fc ,,..M»| hi $$ I ^sii'.m ****? ^«*iita£r*aKa3^r»^s s&> v.':'•' %?>:•• • ; ; , ; • ' / > ; » •••'•*;;'**;£ •••<*,•'• i ' V * CATARRH 7* ffc#. I- If 1 • % m • 7/- •>'K & & * J"; I' :¾^ . i" •"''3ii • • • • ' • • ' * . 6. l-,T8^'v '>•. f. v,: ".' :(:V yv ij'i iHf,- /vA;.f •;'- •, ,»•, Vv:V- V * ' . " -•'"*>:• v^> •''•' .' * '•V*;'; • & W: ^4- * !''V ft-:*' -:';'',^-'' • '• • 7 " i r'-.f; ' , i ~ V..' ' V' '•V'iV-i--,-, rart* tsto > ' > » • » * ' '•"• A ' . «'. •'••*< y k / ; , ' * ; '• . « • , ' ; " * • K- > . te.^'7 • '*Vv» *i. 1 :. : ' ' • * - p s awpaeasas* 3S m^mmmm «iipi»5»»S3S»^SS^0»^*^S»ft«f mm rsnr «WH<IW.< E T i q U E T T ^ OF THE HAT. OommissionerOakmanaffs ftttr' fioduuy gfcjaki,thatTaifully 1250,000,000 will b e * & : turn - ; "-'••*..••' ^ A - H / A FREE i&TTEKff it in. cram H m; Children's beads are hollow, S » F t e r » » e r e f t ? » r P » r t l a t h e 4iiU>t-«ni»«» • A M A M I MMMHMIMI • * • ed to the several asaeataent rolls of Slam it in. Jam It in; a>B^BU9CSEr&fMr • «ro)tae*»Tiuiln o f American*; <i-y-f. L ANDREWS tOMTOR. Still there's more to followw the state before the October sesAJUKIK 'Jr'up. Fifteenth street r - * . t,:„ . Hygiene and history, centry> safe a Washingtonlar. sion of the supervisors. The Astronomic mystery, who has traveled extensively THURSDAY, AUGUST ' 9f'1900. Algebra, histology, greater part of this increase is *1 observed the Secretary oi Latin, etymology, State remove his hat to two made up of stocks, bonds, mortBotany, geometry, gentlemen, who returned the The University of Michigan gages and other taxable credits, Greek and trigonometry. during th« paat year had 3,448 which have never been assessed Ram it in, cram it in; Children's heads are hollow.. Corps. students, an iuoreaae of 9 per cent. because the supervisor, unaided, Rap it in, tap it in; "As we all know, the American I t spent 1110,000 in buildings and could not find them, and by inWhat are teachers paid for? style oNsalutatipn when two or more it in, slam it in; gentlemen meet is an inclination of equipments, and received $185,000 creasing assessments which have Bang What are children made for? the head or a w*ve of the hand. The heretofore been inexcusably low. in gifts anfl endowments. Ancient archaeology, hat is doffed.to the gentler sex only. Aryan philology, On the Continent it would be an insult Mr. Oakman says the few who Prosody, zoology, tor a, gentleman to pass an acquaintThe law a of health require that the have been escaping and dodging Physics, cljnictology, ance without removing his hat, If bowels move once each day and one of Calculus and mathematics. they are friends the salutation Is even taxes must pay into the several Rhetoric and hydrostatics. tne penalties lor violating this Taw is more formal and includes a shake of treasuries $4,500,000 more than Hoax it in, coax it in; the. hand and the exchange of a tew piles. Keep your bowels regular by Children's heads are hollow. complimentary remarks. they did last year; while the many taking a dose of Chamberlain's Stom*The French are accounted the most it in, mould it int ach and Liver Tablet* when necess- who have been paying taxes upon Scold punctilious and ceremonial of people. I All that they can swallow. think the Belgians are even more so. full and lawful assessments are ary and you will never have that seFold it in, mould Jt in; Their customs are French, however. Still there's more to follow. vere punishment inflicted upon you. relieved of that amount They have a language of their own, Faces pinched, and sad, and pale, Price, 25 cents. For sale by F. A. but the names of the streets in Brus- pmt p i t to«th*r. Only It aad U Matt «£&""»? Tell the same undying t a l e sels are in both French and 'Beige* on Bthw. Soldi* BMHJT tywf elw a n d • • * £ & * £ £ " : Siglar, Pinckney. "Through the months of June and. Tell of moments robbed from sleep, the same sign board. Meals untasted, studies deep. T H 1 WcCALL COMPANY, July our baby was teething and WokThose "I spent a week in the Belgium cap- ttMU W«* 141* tin*. . . . . M*w lark ON*fcX* who've passed the furnace At a horse sale in Ann Arbor a running off of the bowel-' and sickital, where a member of the American through, Legation piloted me about. I made the OTATK pf MICH1GAK. County of Liviogatoa, last week Dan Hoey bought ness of the Stomach," says O. P. M. With aching brow, will tell to you acquaintance of many Belgian gentletwelve western horses and n o wHolliday, of Deming Ind. "His bow* .HOw" the teacher crammed it in, men, and the salutation between my At a tMaioa of the Probate Court for Mid CouiJ Rammed it in, jammed it in, diplomatic friend and those he met ty, held at the Probate Office ia the Village of has them on his farm. None of els~^woutd move from five to eight Crunched it in, punched it in, Howell, o o Saturday the 4th day of Aupuat. in was somethingvlike this: them had ever had a strap on and times a day. I bad a bottle of Cham- Rubbed it in, clubbed tt in, the year one thou arid-nine hundred. "'Ah, Count' I am de'ighted U o Pressed it in. caressed it in, Dan has a western horseman hand- berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rapped it in and slapped it In— greet you.' ( cordial smile, a ceremo- Preeent, AXBIJU) Af. DAVMJ»Judge of Probate. ; In the Matter of the Estate of nious lifting of the hat, a hearty shake When their heads were hollow. ling them. They are nice looking Remedy in the house and gave him X U X J A C K B O N . Deceased. ' • of the hand and an inclination of the —Rehoboth Sunday Herald. On reading and filing the petition duly verified, at animals and will make good road- four drops in a teaspoonful of water body In a polite bow.) w OrlaB. Jackson, praying that aoertain Instrument and he got better at once." Sold by 'My dear Col. — , the pleasure Is sters.—Dexter Leader. wholly mine. I am rejoiced to see now on file in this court, purporting to be the last fiat w h a t y * n like. F. A. Sigler, Pinckney. Will and Testament of said deceased, may be adjE a t a s y o u l i k e . K e e p strong b y t a k i n g you. I. trust you are very well.' (Same a i t t e d to probate. What most people want is someformula.) Knill's Dyspepsia Tablets. They digest it Is ordered that Thursday, the 80th "'My friend, Mr. •,— of Washing- dayThereupon thing mild and gentle, when in need of Aug. next, at I o'clock in the afternoon>t any a n d a l l kinds o f f o o d . M a k e p u r e , ton.' (Same formula on my part and said Probate Office, be assigned for the hearing at of a physic. Chamberlain's Stomach sweet stomachs and breaths. T r y t h e m . that of the Count) VIATHB petition. and Liver Tablets fill the bill to a dot. "After an interchange of mutually said Only 26c a b o x . It Is further ordered that a copy of this order be complimentary remarks the ceremo- published in the PrycKNEY DISPATCH, a newspapThey are easy to take and pleasant ia nies attendingthe introductionwere -effect, For sale-by F. A. Sigler piintedTandi circulating in said county, three X^KxpreMion-tn t h e Ky«. " repeated as we respectively said 'au er successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. Island Lake, Sunday, August 12. Pinckney. There are no expressive eyes. The revolr/, and replaced our silk hats for ALBUU> M. DAVIS, expression of the eye is really in the the last time upon our heads. It was . Soldiers in Camp* *•** Judge of Probate. The eye itself, independent of Its a novelty at first, but when I repeated Special trains will leave South lid. surroundings, has no more expression It eighteen times an hour I experiencThe gaurds on the special westLyon at 9:15 a. m. Leave t h e than has a glass marble. A prominent ed a crick in the small of my back. ern express that goes through on My friend explained to me that conLake at 5 and 7 p. m. Bate 20 Engl ins oculist makes this daring the Michigan Central take no statement, and he defends his position tinental gentlemen of high social posicents. t-32 with eniphasiB. "The eyes have no ex- tion were not pressed by political and EUREKA SURE STOP TOOTHACHE POWDERS chances on a hold up. Very repression whatever," he says. "How do financial affairs as are Americans In O i v e s q u i c k a n d s u r e relief. Saturday, Angost IS, cently when the train was opposite you explain the fact that the eyes of similar walks of life, and the hurry EUREKA COMPLEXION 01NTMEIIT It is the of duty of every far- one person are more expressive than and haste we display is unknown to the Ann Arbor Water Co's plant those of another?" I am asked. They them."—Washington Evening Star. Removes Black-heads and Pimples. it was observed to stop suddenly. mer to visit the Agricultural Col- are not. The difference consists in JUREKA CORN CURE The guards jumped off and with lege once a year and take h i s certain nervous contractions of the lids Cures ail Corns, Bunions, and Calloue peculiar to the individual. • OV T H K T H H K S H O L O . — places. leveled Winchesters made some children to see the college and "Observe for yourself, and you will men who were riding between the grounds. This advice applies to see that I am right. We will say that T I have found flowers at my doorEUREKA 0. K. WART REMOVER Y Sill growing, I am greatly interested in something, I s certain i n its results. cars get off in short order.—Chel- city folks also. To make such a and my attention is suddenly called •Windflowers come when no wind trip without much expense, t h e from it by an unexpected interruption. • is blowing, B a c h 1 O c , CU>iiM>i^St«imps sea Standard. Late and pale, My uper eyelid raises itself just a Pere Marquette Company will run By R e t u r n MalL Cowslips that wait for the night little, but the eye proper does not Agents wanted^writB-todiy. a special train on above date, change an lota in appearance. If the 4 A m i n i s t e r ' s Gewd W o r k . ingale - — is but momentary: the ele- 4 To leave his thorn for my elder Address, EUREKA Sum**. jjfatiai,. —^X-had-a- severe attack .ot bilious leaving South Lyon at 8:42 a. m. Interruption tree. ' ~ —=-•-=— vation of the lid will be but momen- 4 Pinckney, Mich. colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's and leaving the Colleee returning tary. If the surprise caused by an in- ^ Friendly ivy that plaits for me " -"'"rrposU of Ivory, Colic, Choleta and Diarrhoea Remedy, at 5:30 p. m. Bound trip rate terruption is continued the lid may_be_ Folding my foolish dreams together ^ raised even a iittle morerantTIn ~"fact7 took two doses and was entirely cur- 11.00 children under 12 half rate. the whole of the forehead, including Iflr •• Against the trouble of windy ed," says Rev. A. A. Power, of Empor- Fill up your lunch baskets and the eyebrows, is raised and wrinkled. weather. • But the eye remains the same. ia. Kan. "My neighbor across the propose for a delightful outing. Near the door of my dreams there ^ "When a person is excited much the street was sick for over a week, had grown • same emotions are gone through," conA rose of roses—a tall red rose, X two or three bottles of medicine from S l o p t h e C o a a j t i m a d w o r k * off the tinued the doctor. "His eyes are open With dreamy dews she is thick be-Y wide, in cases of intense excitement, to the doctor. Re used them for three Cold. set, Y their greatest extent, but the forehead or four days without relief, then Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure is not wrinkld, and the ball of the eye A fire in bud, she is folded yet. J called in another* doctor who treated a cold in one.day. Nomre, no pay. is as expressive as a bit of glass. No I shall ente> in • more. Love's untrod garden that rose t o f Price 25 cents. him for some days and gave him no win. • "Observe the face of one who laughs. relief, so discharged him. 1 went Oh a day to come when my dreams $ You will see that the lower eyelid has over To see him the next morning. will go * I hold that it Is every maja's duty to no muscle of its own, and it is only 1 Straight to the heart of that rose, I ^ He said his bowels were in a terrible make as much as hz can, and to give by the contraction of the adpacent ArtD STEAMSHIP UKESt know. A muscles in smiling or laughing that it away as much as he can to good purfix, that they bad been running off And the heart of the rose will pose. True philanthropy, like charity, is made to move. That Is why there Popular route for Ann Arbor, Toso long that it was almost bloody Buz. begins at home. If the millionaire in- are many wrinkles about the eyes of beat so high That I shall hear it—aye, even I; * ledo and points East, South, and for I asked him if he had tiied Chamber- vests his money In business that pro- merry persons. And the bud will shiver andflushY Howell, Owosso, Alma, Mt Pleasant "The expressive of deep thoughtfulemployment for a large number lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea vides and break J Cadillac, Manistee, Traverse City and of men, if he pays his employees well, ness is produced by the drooping of Remedy and he said. 'No.' I went so that they can work to their own the upper lid. The lids of some perTo a splendid rose for Love's dear• sake. „ • points in Northwestern Michigan. home and Lrougbt him my bottle and advancement, he is fulfilling his duty sons fall so low that the pupil of the Ah, dreams, go swiftly! Dear^ W. H. BENNETT, the community and doing the great- eye itself is the same. If the meditagave him one dose; told him to take to rose, awake! tion is over a subject that worries the *«fr ammiTi» n f gonri t o t h e WfirlHngG. P . A. Toledo —Nora Hopper. another dose in fifteen or twenty min- men. As for the surplus wealth which thinker the expression is given quite ut*s if he did not find relief, but hea man may accumulate beyond his own different. The eyelids contract and -V and those of his family, there are the eyebrefws are lowered and drawn took no more andwab entirely cured." needs Stilt Useful In M a n y W a y s . a variety of useful ways in which It together. This is true of a reflective R a n r o a A j acavy 1 3 ,1 9 0 0 . For sale by F. A. Sigler. Pinckney. — may be employed. I have always been mood. A strong solution of salt and water OOIKQ KAST a m p m p m "As to emotional moods, there is the may be used to clean bedsteads. The interested in church work-and conceive ET Ursnd Riiida f 10 12 06 6 8 0 expression of anger, for instance. The it to be my duty to give to religious cleansing properties of the brine make Ionia 7 40 12 20 6 00 The publisher of a newspaper enterprises. Next to that the cause of eyes, instead of closing, are open wider it efficacious. Lansing 9 04 1 46 7 8 7 Hswell they are normally, but the brows 10 06 286 0 8 » Willow furniture may also be has one thing to sell and one education appeals to me.—Mr. John D. than South Lyon 10 86 8 68 are ctosely knit. Rockefeller. Salem cleaned in the same manner. Rub it 10 46 804 thing t o rent. H e has his paper Plymouth "In expressing sadness the entire with a nailbrush and dry thoroughly. Jl 00. sas Ar Detroit 11 40 10 06 upper eyelid comes about half-way to sell and the space in its column Salt dissolved in alcohol will remove 406 GOING WKST TO Cure a Cold InOne D a y a m P m >«a down and the folds of the skin collect grease spots from cloth. L T Detroit to r e n t Can any one inform us Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- there, giving the lid a thick, heavy ap"T55 1 10 TTB Salt dissolved in lemon juice is inPlymouth 9 2 6 1.48 0 68 pearance/' Salem why we should be expected to give lets. All drugguts refund the money valuable for removing stains from the OSS 610 Sooth L y o n . . . ^ . 9 4*j hands. 080 away either-one or The other? Of ifitfaiteTo*-cirre;--*--vrT-GTTrvBV--Blg-x Howell 10 88 S8S 6 0 t Salt sprinkled about the garden Pleasant, Safe and sure Lansing , 11 » course he can if he choses, and as nature is on each box. 25c. » 5 0 SS • 7 66 are Knill's Black Diarrhoea Pills. (Black walks and places frequented by snails Ar Ionia Grand Baplds.. effectually remove those creatures. 1 sol 6 10 Am a matter of fact does furnish a berry Compound) cure Summer complaints will Ink stains in linen can be removed F B A H K B I T , H. F . MOELLER, 10 00 A F o r m u l a for Cold CTranuDiarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus and if they are first washed in a strong so- Afent, Booth Lyon. great deal of space rent free, and Actin* G. P. A., Grand Rapids. all pains of the stomach and bowels; 25c a lution of salt and water and then supplies many copies of his papers Thankful.—There are a number of different formulas fof cold cream. I sponged with lemon juice. for which he never receives a cent, give you one that I consider extremely box. A brine of coarse salt and water will SO YaURT destroy weeds. *-" IXPIRIENOaV Prohibition Convention • they should be recognized by the good. Cold Cream.—Almond oil, 3 ounces; recipient as a contribution, exact- lanoline. 1 ounde; spermaceti. 1 ounce; There will be a mass convention of 15--6 ly as would be the giving away of white wax. 1 ounce; tincture of ben5 the Prohibition Party of Liv. Co, at \ t f AOTED--6OTJfciUJL zoin, 1 dram; rose water. 4 ounors. BBIQH1 coffee, tea or sugar by a grocer. Melt the almond oih lanoline, sperm- the Court House in Howell on Monday • • AND HOlfaWT ptsvaf fa r«pxM«oi aceti and white wax together.. You August 18, at 2 .o'clock p. m. for thean M Managers ia this tad tJose by oooa» would better use the custard boilerfor TRADE MARKS ",My baby was terribly sick with the this operation". When the four Ingre- purpose of electing eleven delegates ties. Salary IMt a year and expeaeeta DtatONa COPYfttOMT* A o . diarrhoea," says J . fl. Dosk, of Will- ients are incorporated take off th* to State convention to be be held in * trail. honc-6d«, m SMte, ao lest, Pot> ia sanding a skstoh and description m a t ascertain oar opinion g e e whether a t iams, Oregon. "We were unable to stove, pour into a large bowl and beat Lansing August 28, 1900. Also elect «IOD permanent. i, - a « • constantly with an egg beater, adding mnodentiaLHandbook on P a t e n t II b saalnly omt« sent iStrictly core bioo with the doctor's assistance, slowly the benzoin and the rose water, delegates to Congressional and Sena- Wok ia any free, oldest atesey forseearlaepatents. work oooditrtftd at lata ami a. KM. and as a last resort we tried Cbambe- This makes a delicious cream, and will torial conventions and electing a new * f t a » Mdtf-*Hii m—toym, VMM lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea keep sweet if, not exposed to constant Co. commissioner; nominating a Co. heat and dampness. •*+A0y f a, nwm «<)«>• Remedy. I am happy to say it gave Ticket and for the transaction of any Abu immediate relief and a complete cure.'' other business that may come before For sale b y F. A. Sigler, Pinckney. Subscribe for Dispatch. the meeting. _ By orderof Com. Subscribe for the DISPATCH "W j> B8gCagra*g?v MAGAZINE ^^MS^S^^S^S -^, MS CALL fAsmm $' T" EXCURSIONS PERE MARQUETTE SOME FACTS! READ THEMf t •4 t Railroad Guide PERE MARQUETTE »2 •-»*-*•• » • « • • • • 4• * » * -:-' •i > Scientific flitftrtcan. »•» ii^hnian^nn. JUttis;rtiaAiniaiitort "'r^a-rdf^*^'"^ ; 3^,«rnt>T i . K S f i i t J i * * ii.L , , ipn^ii i j » n <l!|y?»^yf^i»^>^-- ^p» erwff -!w»mwmmnm j u 1111 ' <*•>•»!' "'yWOHOWy ant miMwMMimw •"•*.« r - ' . * » ! | | < , « » l 11 •»#^H*. **i!Pi UNP^1 * fry— •ff'^iwsyspsMrfpwi'spw''1 1 1 » * "> • •V-'.'"' r * •' M " > 1, •'. " •' * . _- ! ' •M' •JW J •; ' '• * i ,'K • . • ' ' '••*„• • •'.-. r- !':.'•• t ' ,Vfts . "fV" - ' 'S.' •?r-' ••< '- V « • ; • • ' ' » ' < . ^n • w v r - * ""'•-• ' r\ rv r\ HHEI. bo mpre dtmoraUiiDi toj of looawc fVUigtuti i or i wUl CURE* NO PAY [hUer «SM Reader, you need help. ,Eariy{ ~ iBOtMM eorayofe Youranoorissv Li** 0 0 rooa. 0 CURED [•?' ~. aotoojj stoop •f yo«» existeaos, WECURE MUCOCELE •Ho .matte* how serioc* your ea^ majn JOTHjaHstiswfci -onro it. The "wormy veins" return to th«r ^normal condition and henoe the m o i l JHfaoi roooftfr acepor nourish-j meat The organ* becomeritttiaad*all unnatural drain* or losses coaaa and I manly powers return-.T No temj benefit. Dot aDermanont at Jsf&»?tyPld&3*£4 * rare JSP SI WON JSTJCE88ARY. jfO Dl •;.• «j , i * r * , ' r< • ^APcaiiowiNa «C B a r Frieud * # I? ^•! :!& * / ' . • . ; . > « - ' r •4 "*-••>•''»•. •".»y,' •i f r,< r-J..'V t 1 . /. -ABOUT GARDENING I«r«i4»tto*be> Simple* *w* Sarast a$^w>r«ftjui4iho money ori 'a 50 east bottle of Down's Elixir if it doe* fti watering afl phwts, never use etfld not cure any cbugbv ooj& whooping water,.but that whic& has just the cough, or throat tconbk. We alto chill taken away. If co}d water finwatering purposes be need in the cool guarantee Down's Elixir to enre eonweather, it chills the roots ;and if in sumption, whan used according to diwarm weather, after a day's lunahine, rections, or money back. A roll doaa. tt would very likely kill a tender plant Wstlsd I a t o r w t l s i «f 0«s*er*l Interest f Layering is the simplest, fupeet and. to Uvo i s AmerUA, w»«tbJ6 Boston easiest method of in^iaslng the grape, Beaeon. She a»4 beea^very cowforta- and is the best way to grow them blejn hejr old how&, with.» good hdiief where but few vines are wanted. There And large garden. But the bad never are two kinds of layers; called erring been need to gae, and knew Mftlng and summer layers, from the season at about i t 7'.' which they are made. One night while ihe wae visiting Summer layers are made in the sum•ome fttende in the new country; ehe mer, generally the last of July, from a went up »tslri, taking her pet pussy branch of the same season's growth. with her. The house was lighted by They are likely to be weak for several gas. and her friend. nev.er thought to years, and do not make as good plants explain to her how to manage I t ' She, as spring layers. In making them, unthinking, blew out the light and thethe wood should be slit for an inch or went to bed. so near the buds that > are covered. She was tired and soon asleep. But Bury about one foot of the cane four it was not long before she woke, feel- inches deep in the ground and it will ing, very uncomfortable. There seemed be rooted by late autumn, when it to be a weight on her chest, and she should be separated and treated as a could hardly breathe. Her pussy was young vine; -and it" is generally best on the bed beside her, mewing,, rubbing against her face, and patting her with to get them well started in a garden her paw. The gas was coming from or nursery before planting in the vineyard permanently. the pipe into the room. Spring layers may be made by laying She was not wide awake enough to down any 'cane early in the spring. It know what was the matter, and she will root in one season. By fall it tried to quiet pussy and go to sleep will have made a good growth of roots, again, But Pussy persisted, and finally when it may be cut from the main roused her. She called her friend, who came quickly, 'without a light, and cane, and if strong it may be divided turned off the gas. If she had brought into two plants. This form of layer is a lighted lamp into the room, there illustrated i& figs. 1 and 2. By a little would have been great danger of an explosion. The cat really saved the life of her mistress. If she had not waked her she would never have waked again. Pussy was a little friend, but a very faithful one. Child's Fairy Tale. • K I'ffllPupl r*« CAT WAS A HEROINE B « U l y tMrael « ^ I 4 f » /J (• 'i-vT'+•••'•& Py/ -'4r-"-- -1¾ ——« . . . •-!•.;; e mifchiel i L ^ 1 4 ^ »oing to oed and small doses dor—similarly cause to a Jb8fcaa being, i t wh{|a »*f ing the day will care the most sever* faring from heat, he or f&£ ifg£* cold, and stop the most distressing plunged Into a cold bath. cough. , * • • " ' Worms m roses.—These £ £ t e « 3 ! :>!**;.-f,v rt'-s now be making havoc with the rose ~ F. \. gigler, •buds. They must be sought for and W. B. Darrcw, ' .:^¾¾^ crushed; no washing the plants will kill the worms. Violet*—Take off the runners, and plant each singly in two-thirds of turfy loam and one-third leaf-mould. Place -4¾¾ them in a coid frame, and keep closely covered and shaded till tbe plants are FRANK L. ANDREWS rooted. Editor and Proprietor. Liquid manure for watering geranSubscription Price $1 l a Adranca. iums and fuschias is half an ounce of guano dissolved in a gallon of water Sntered at taa Postofflce at f laekaay, MieJU<asu as second-class matter. (four quarts); it injures plants if it Advertising rates made known on application. touches them. Sow mignonette in boxes and pots Baalneaa Cards, S4.00 per year. and marriage notices published free. for standing on window sills, and thus Itoata Announcements ol entertainments .may be paid J perfuming all rooms. for, if desired, by presenting the office with tickof admission. In case ticket* are not brought In removing plants from.oots to the ets to the office, regular rates will be charged. open ground, give only e*i!g^;h water All matter i s local notice column will be chartto settle the earth round th . .acts, and ed st 5 cents per line or fraction thereof, for each this only on the followhvi ^ y s then Insertion, where no ti ma is specified, all notices be inserted until ordered discontinued, and give no more till the ear ^. V ; - ^ n e s will will be charged/or accordingly. * V A l l change* dry—so s*ys one author::^. "t *t we of advertisements MUST reach this office as early - *'.-.. TUESDAY morning to insure an insertion the have found the following pi*j«.i3 rarely as same week. fails. In the hole that i s made toi •s J OS MIJV 2IJfG / receive "the plant, say a geranium, put In all its branches, a specialty. We hare ail kinda about half a pint of tepid water, then and the latest styles ofType, ete., which enable* take the plant with the ball of earth us vo execute all kinds of work, such as Books, round the roots, and place it firmly in Pampleu, Posters, Programmes, BUI Heads, Note Heaa>, Statements, Cards, Auction Bills, etc, in the watered space, pressing down the superier styles, upon the shortest notice. Prices aa earth on the top of it; then do not OT as good work can bo done. water the plant for a day or two. The «LL BILLS PAYABLV FI&3T 0 9 S7BBY KOMTH. collars of plants should then not be weitet£ but the" watering be done so as to reach the roots. THE VILLAGE DIRECTORY. Pinch __off__ great shoots from rose trees to about the third eye or bud VILLAGE OFFICERS. seen above ground. PBKSCDBNT.. ..«*.......^. Alex. Mclatyre £ . L. Thompson, Alfred Monks, If plants are weakly, nip off all flow- TMCSTBBS Daniel Bichards,4ieo. Bowman, Samuel erbuds, to thus promote a thicker ana Sykes, F. 1>. Johnson. stronger growth. CLIBK -...-^. . . . ; . ^ . B. H.Teeple • Vfcf ^. „... W. E. Mnrphy Where it is possible without injury TBEASUBBB ASSSSSOB .....^.-^ ^, W. A. Can to the bulb, remove all faded leaves. SraBBTCoiixiaeioNkB., J. Monks. *~.A. E. Brown. and the bulbs themselves, and dry MAMUHI. Dr. H; F. Sigier them in the dark, or at least in the HEALTH orricCB A/rroaNsY....-— ~.....—...~.~. W. A. Carr shade. Strike cuttings of pansies from the CHURCHES. young shoots, never from the old stems.—S. A. Lassell, in The Market ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Basket .'••••UrTf'%••.:• Site f lurking ftepatr*. • Auntie, listen! I'm going to tell you a story. Once there was a little girl out-doors playing with her kitty, and a Fairy came along—oh, such a lovely We treat and euro SYPHILIS,, LKBT. EMISSIONS. IMPOTENCY • Fairy, with long yellow curls and a rRICTUmVARICOCBLB. SBMIsoft pinkey dress. And the Fairy said, AL LOSSES, BLADDER AND KID"Little Girl, come right along to FairyBY diseases. CONSULTATION EBB. BOOKS FREE. OHAR0BB land!" And the Little girl got into IfODBRATE. If unable to oaXTwrite the fairy car, and sat down beside the for a QU^TION BLANK forHOMB Fairy, and the Fairy .said. "Up! up! rig. 1 represents a rooted layer* up!"# And up they-went* of s a fast, Fig 2, the rooted layer separated, you can't think! Oh, a great deal making two plants. 148 SHELBY STREET, faster than the cars! faster than lightFig. 3, a rooted layer, each bud otmorr. Mtcttv ning! ten thousand times faster thr.n making a new plant lightning! and then they got up to H&K K & K K & K K ^ Fairyland. And everybody was glad different treatment of the spring lay•^•laartai to see that little girl. Listen! I was er a vine may be grown from each bud on the layer cane. For this purpose A $4.00 BqOK FOR TRts. that Little Girl. And the Fairy took some thrifty cane should be selected in me all 'round and showed me more autumn, pruned of its laterals and pretty things than 1 could count in a buried, In the spring it should be unEvtrylMMrpeT- whole year—no, in twenty years! Do •^tftflpy fa tne af* you want to know what those pretty covered and only one shoot permitted f a i n of the farm, to grow from each joint. After the new -ftfrnsekol* ana things were? Listen! all sorts of stock ralslnf. Em- things! carnations and geraniums and growth has started about six inches itev. Chas. Simpson, pastor. Services every braces articles on calla lilies, big beds of them, all grow • from each but the whole cane Sunday morning at I0:3u, and every Sunday the horse, the colt, Stock Note*. ^*S! evening at 7:00 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thurshorse habits, dis- ing wild. And big flocks of canary should be layered about four inches evenings, Sunday school at close of morneases of the horse, birds flying about and—and little deep, handling it carefully so as not Every time you worry your horses day ing service. LBALSIQLXB, Supt. the farm, grasses, to break the new growth. you shorten their lives and days of fruit culture, dairy- white iambs! Do you want to know lhg,cookery,heallh, how the houses look? Listen! very, Fig. 3 shows such layer after it has usefulness. ONULEGATIONAL CHURCH. oattle, sheep^wine, very pretty! Some are made of gold, rooted. It is a good plan to cover it Rev. c. W. Rice pastor. Service every Many recommend sheep for feeding in poultry, bees, the Sunday morning at 10:80 and ^rery Sunday dog, toilet, secis] and some of silver, and some of glass, not more than three inches at first, orchards rather than swine. They evening at 7:0C o'clock. Prayer meettngThurs lift, etc, etc. Oo« and some have pearls and diamonds and to fill up the trench as the shoots leave no safe cover for insects to day evenings. Snnday school at .close of morno/.Jhj^iaosL.eow On them. And»we can coast in the grow._ If covered four inches deep at service. R. H. Teeple, Supt,, Msoel Swartbreed, and will keep the orchard lntz plete Encyclohout Sec. once the young growth will sometimes pedias ki existence. streets all summer! I had a coast! A healthy and the trees manured. A large book, 8x5% nice little boy with red cheeks lent me rot, though this seldom happens, and The_ sheep should be clipped clean * 1% inches. 636 T. MAKr_S VATHOLIC CH URCH. _ very_fast, to some skillful growe«—fill the trench about the hind parts, lest filth gather pates, fully illus- his sled. And I coasted __ Rev. M. J. CominerbraV Pastor. H#rvices trated, bound In the end of the street The children {full-at once. In the autumn roots wiir and attract blow flies. A mixture of every Sunday. Low mass at 7:30 o'clock green cloth bindhigh mass with sermon at 9:30 a. m. Catechism be found growing from each joint, and never get run over when they coast! ing and equal to glycerine and fish oil in equal parts is st 3:00 p. m^veepersand benediction at 7:40 p.m. other books costing No, never! Listen—the sleds are* fairy these may be cut apart and treated t to smear over such parts, — M.00. If you desire this book send as our special .Sleds. a n r t Thft y t n r n n i l t theiraelves. recommended for weak vines grown The average life of the city horse Is oiler price, $0.7$, and 9LS0 extra tor postage and we \n 11 forward the book to you. If it is not satis- Do you want to know if they have from cuttings. If this method of prop- said to be six years. In view of the SOCIETIES; factory return it and we will exchange it or refund stores in Fairyland? I think so, bat your money. Send for org spaelal iltoatratefl oata- I only saw one litle one. What do you agation is to be used to some consid- enormous amount of horses used in logue. quoting the lowest prices on bookB^FBSE erable extent vines should be grown cities, it is no wonder the demand for We can save you money., Address til orders to 'spose they had in it? Only two things! especially for the purpose. It is not a good ones is so large and steady. he A. O. H. Society of this place, meets every third Sunday in trie Fr. Matthew Hall. roses and little babies! Wasn't that a • THE WCI|NE*lc«MP4lfY, f j . good plan to use fruiting vines for layLime water is considered very good John Tuomey and M. T. Kelly, County Delegates sweet little fairy store? And then we ering to any g^eat extent, though it for scours in iambs. Where it is to be 'The Wem-r Company is tltbreuphly MlUbI«.1—Editor f came home faster than we went—and may be safely done in a small way.— PWORTH LEAGUE. Meets every Sunday fed to all sheep a quart of slacked lime _you did not know I had been away at Farm and Fireside. evening at 8:00 oclock in the M. E. Cnurch. A is put in a trough and fifty gallons of all. You* thought I was asteep on the cordial invitation is extended to everyone, espewater put in. When thoroughly set- cially young people. Mrs. Stella Graham Pres. dining-room sofa!—Emma F. Leonard, !a tled the sheep will drink it without The Rouen Duck tn Little Folks. HRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY:-Meet. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending The Rouen duck 4s a fine market hesitation. tags every Sunday evening st 6:30. President, sketch and description of any invention win A breeder of sheep who has lost Miss Etta Carpenter; Secretary, Mrs. C. W. Ric». promptly receive our opinion free concerning While most varieties of fruit are pro- bird, but does not mature as early as some of his animaTs from the dogs of the patentability of same. "How to Obtain a duced year after year on the same does the Peking or the Aylesbury. The Patent" sent upon request. • Patents secured believes that Instead of HE W. C. T. U. meets the first Friday of each fruit spurs, the peach never produces flesh is considered very delicate and the neighbors through us advertised for sale at our expense. month at 2:30 p. m. at tbe home of Dr. H. F. putting bells on sheep every dog Patents taken out through us receive special fruit but once on the same wood, and breed is acknowledged to be superior Sigler. Everyone interested ihTtemperanoe ^ notice^ without charge, in T H E PATENT RECORD, should have a bell or be destroyed. It for table purposes, being easily fattencoadlally invited. Mrs. l<eal Sigler, Pres; Mrs. an illustrated-and-widely circulated joornaL that is on th° wood grown the precedan idea worthy of consideration by Etta Durfee, Secretary. consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. ing year. We readily perceive that the ed. The Rouen will be found a profit- is those interested in protecting sheep Send for sample copy FREE. Address,.' peach must not only mature a crop of able bird to raise on the farm, beiu£ from ie C. T. A. and B. society of this Place, n»*et dogs. VICTOR J . EVANS A CO. fruit each •'-ear. but also new wood and hardy, prolific, quiet in disposition and every third Saturday evening in the Fr.MatTeach colts to walk, and walk fast thew Hall. (Patent Attorneys,) of beautiful plumage. Their eggs are 'John Donobue, President. fruit buds .or the next year's crop. not as large as those of the Peking by allowing no other gait until they Crans Building, WASHINGTON. D. «. NIGHTS OF MACCABEES. have fully accomplished the walk.. It and are diverse in color. Meet every Friday evening on or before fail Jhe fruit of the quince is in such Is the best gair for the farmers' horse, of the moon at their hall in the Swarthout bldg. The Rouen is undoubtedly closely reJONES H E PAYS T H E FREIGHT great demand in all large cities that it brothers are cordially invited. lated to the* Mallard duck. Its plumage and the best preliminary training to VisitingCHAS. UAMPBXLL, Sir Knight Commander "PERFECT" should stimulate farmers and fruit alone would make good this belief. But fast trotting. to greater efforts to succeed the shape of the domestic Rouen duck ivingston Lodge, No. 7«, F A A. M. Regular If the hogs to be slaughtered are fed WACON SCALES growers Communication Tuesday evening, on or before with the trees they set out. Quinces has been greatly modified from that of wfthiu twelve hours of their killing the the fall of the moon. H. F. Sigler," W. M. United States Standard. A^llSlzea., All Kinds do b'est in deep-cool soil, though in Not made by a trust or controlled by a com dryish places they will di fairly well the wild Mallard. The body is grown food is wastedrrtfte meat will be more RDER OF EASTERN STAR meets each month iiaation. For free Book and Price List, addruoa longer and heavier, with a tendency to disposed to sour, and it will be more the Friday evening following the regular F. if mulched. oT have the foots cool is difficult to remove the distended intesdrop down in the reai* and the wings '(ONES OF BINOHAMTON, Mas. .MARY RBAD, W. M. a great step toward.success. A A.M. meeting, tines and take from them the larcl. have lost the power of flight which the BINQHAMTON. N > RDER OF MODERN WOODMEN Meet the wild ancestor possessed. The plumage, - - - •-. £ first-Thursday evening of each Month in the While the people of Great Briain Maccftbee hall. C. L. Grimes V. C. bowever, remains almost the same.— pay $50,00'.'. 0./ for imported butter, no Bulletin Department of Agriculture. American dairymen ought to be dis- T A DIES OF THE MACCABEES. Meet every 1st XJ and"'Srd Saturday of eachmonth at 3:30 at '" p m. i. a couraged. ^"*" How to Judge Horse Mtaracter. £ 7 0 . T. M. hall. Visiting sisters cordially ' WON FROM BUSINr CURES GUARANTEED Tbe Farmers' Encyclopedia. ^ M : ^ •?fc C S 4 ;: : f T : $I E ti m C T T K E • V L 0 O Horse phrenology is the latest discovery of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons of England. According^ to Harold Leeney, a member of the college, it is easy to tell a horse's character by the shape" of his nose. If theje is a gentle curve to th? profile, and-at-the same time . the~ears are pointed and sensitive, it is safe to bank on the animal as gentle, and at the same time high-high-high. If. on the other hand, the horse has a dent in the middle of the no&e. it is erjually safe tp set him down as treacherous and vicious. The Roman nosed horse IsJ. certain to be a good animal, for hard work and safe to drive, but he is opt to be slow. A horse with a slight concavity 'r. the profile will be scary : nd need coaxing. A horse that droops his ears is apt to be lazy will as well be vicious. Hard work sometimes make a horse which started out properly lrt his ears drop, as Is illustrated by the animals that pull the North Side carettes.—Chlctgo Tribune. WANTED—The Sabecriptdon due on the DISPATCH, / • vited. Orange Hea4ache. Knill's Orange Headache Pills, 10 dose 10c Cure in 10 minutes, are the best and cheapest. Never fail or leave any bad after effect. Guaranteed by your druggist., LILA CONIWAY V '•'•X in. Lady Com. K NIGHTS or THE LOYAL GUARD meet every second Wednesday evening of every month in tha K. O. T. M. Hall at 7:30 o'clock. All visiting Guards welcome. C. L, Grimes. Capt. Ge*. ... . 1 jrijAffwVpflWsM ^:-¾ BUSINESS CARDS. Ienwr's Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms, H. F. SIGLER M. DlytMoty and Famlllai Pttiam C, L. SIQLER M, 0 -ER-& SIGLEfc • • - • / * ' ' Physicians and, Surgeons. All calls proinptl A book that should be in the vest -»w»», „ attended to day or ought. Omce on Mainstr pocket of every pepon, because it J»laekney^Mieh. tellt you the right word t o V * . N o T w o Wordi i n t h e English — — — — — iSSfflfcffiS&f^Wf S W ^ i S W f f i ^ 'Si ! , DR. A. B. GREEN. „ DENTIST-BW P.KU-; ..d„. Tm* 18ynonyins is needed to avoid repe- d t T w h e n having appointments. Inaon. The strongest figure of | Sigter's Drug Store. _ flgur Office over sMech is antithesis. In this dictionary the appended Antonvms will, therefore, be found extremely valuable. Contains many other features such a* Mythology, ^ PamillAr Allusions and ForVETERINARY.SURGsCONfc Phrjuaa, prof. LolsatUs Memory ' H a w Forgetting,' etc., Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, alto o ttttla book bound in a neat the Veterinary Dentistry College , sent postpaid for to.39. Pull . • d f ^ ^ f O . postpaid. Order at Toronto Canada. -4--i—- • » oor la^boofcoaUlogtie, free. Will promptly attend to alfrdiaeaaea of the do* Addresa all orders to meatioated animal at a reasonable ptiea. -0 THE WERNER COMPANY, Horses teeth examined Free. ~~ — .'•••• ••.v-*; •/o F. MtLJTM* AJOO»,0*IO. ornce at ttiLU PINCKNEY* • f#F % ..V AA^Ak'i i • ,*HfaULW,V&x£ifok? • / .-^. 6 -tJA,: .^i'n.t.li ^..oirJc ftmtti? ...»-i'i'- • ••••,*; > ^ # - »*V; •£ %.-,. *'W -ji ->•, . ^ . : i». :,& •' . ^ ' • ' • • * : ; : V - ,>• -V V.'v w* 8SSS99S mm mass* TAlMAGE'S SES1I0N. Mittckn ,r- > " C 2ft'•••••• . i M j I C i t u W H I ! ^ ¾ J-' „. t \.' Wnw a, The buckwheat cake ia no1 *dmir*d ae it wai. Notwi the great increase of population, the amount of buckwheat now r a i s e ^ j i a this country to *&ryt atibu^iraa^ltwvb tMrty*rVe # * * * * * * > I w s t 1¾ W^SK* ^ < ^' » IP»I.» ^*«taw : waea *sf sr >iu^aas«:!^^^r» CoBdiUftai* ht^W» WfW i 'j&ifi 1«*. •**>. Vtm vntldliaeat, f t * t o good Nothing ^ o x U d - y a W ttime* I and the earniag^ot a livelihood t o easy a^ thf r a n i ^ r a a l ajlaitida o r t h n law of riiht. Suspicion ttrikes through all oaftaM mettng. Men who tall know not whether they will ever get the W W ifur<**&H.?;*&?*• apt whether the goods shipped will be according to the sample. And what, with, the large number of clerks who are making false entries and then- absconding and the explosion of firms that fail for millions of dollars, honest men are at their wits' ends to make a living. He who stands up amid all the pressure and does right is, accomplishing something toward the establishment of a high commercial prosperity. I have deep sympathy for the laboring classes who toil with hand and foot But we must_not_fQr-, get the business'men who, without any complaint or bannered procession through the street, are enduring a stress of circumstances terrific. The = . H i t sin.I are t o broad h f i h a t » * ***im.Ams*.l%imi"******* :A± iViU.kJkiskJ -^i^k M i ^ f t V r^fi 9B «e^ THANftVAAL WAII t T i M e V mmmm m «Ki*'KJ> b a e o o a t a a broad a t temntailon, a t b^pad af : t h a towi'ai darkneetv aaiteoad a# hell. T b e j i w a a * a rallgion. that w « aUtfw, | h e « 8 tOo>Jwep>i thair thai a n d . the* a ^ d e a ^ . * a y a t a t h e a v "Weil d o * * good ajid i a i t h l i i l eeavana/ 1 a n * t ^ t a l l a ^ a m ^ ^ A l l ^ . w e M , farther* it^ n o ^ell. M W h a t a glorious heavea they hold before u»! Gotten let Alt go i n t e n d ie« i t Thera « e Herod and all the babes he massacred-*^In«<e anjt ^bArJea r Gu#eau,imd Robetfierre, the leader of 4he French g«illotiae,«nd att % JlK 1 *' JM^vafa Jiowte aurnart, garr rotert, pickpockets and Hbertrnee of all the centuries. They have all got crowns and thrones and harps -hd scepters; and when they chant they ting,i 'Thanksgiving and honor and glory; and, powers to the broad religion t h a t teia. uj^ all Into heaven ^withogt re*?* pentance and without faith In thow humiliating, dogmas of ecclesiastical. old fogyism." My text gives me a grand opportunity of saying a useful word to all young men who are now forming habits for; a lifetime. Of what use to a stonemason or a bricklayer is a plumb line? Why not build the wall by the unaided eye and hand? Because they are insufficient, because if there be a deflection in the wall it cannot further on be corrected. Because by the law of gravitation a wall must be straight In order to be symmetrical and safe. A young man Is in danger of getting r defect In Till wall of character tha ? may never be corrected. One of the best friends I ever ha^t died of delirium tremens at 60 years o/ age, though he had not since 21 yeai* of age, before which he had been dis* sipated, touched intoxicating liquor, until that particular carousal that took him off. riot feeling well in the street on a hot summer day he stepped into a drug store, just as you and I would have done, and asked for a dose of s o m e thing to' make him feel better. And there was alcohol i n the dose, and that one drop aroused the old petite, and he entered the first Ihydor store and staid there until thoroughly under the power of rum. He- entered his home a raving maniac; his wife and daughters fleeing from his presence, and at first he ;was taken to th6 city hospital to die: The combustible material of earj^r habit had lain quiet nearly 40 ye^ats, and that one spark ignited it. JCopyrlght; 1900, by, Louis Klopsch.) f r o m Troadh4em,.v|49PwaT, where Dr. f aiastge it n©w*ta*ing\ he sends The largest balloon ever constructed^ the following discourse, in which he s ^ » o a # » M « 4 f * 1 t f tin** Are* > s l i tons, showi that thq .worlds ,cah never be ben^ 1 ¾ ^ ^ efite^'by a reiigtoa of human manu facture, which easily yields to one's w i W m m f m " r ^ S o f a lor surroundings, but must have a religion •oaarai w a t k f a a d -H»tth two beds. let down from heaven; t e x t Amos vil, d__the_juord said unto me, Six "arreste were maae in Amos, what seest thou? And I said, within a single ,- for, the A^plumb line?' offense of docking horses' talis. The The solid masonry of the world baa hearings elicited the fact that so cruel Is the process that owners of the horses for me a . fascination, , Walk, about are neveraHowed to witness It, Com- some of the triumphal arches and the fortunate people of to-day are those cathedrals 400 or 600 years old, and see pulsory attendance upon such scenes of them stand as erect as when they were who are receiving daily wages or reg*°£fW$ ^ ajl.^adyooate* of * Soaked-* built, walls of great height, for cen- ular salaries. And the man most to taus might hasten the end 61 the bar turies not bending a quarter of an be pitied are those who conduct a barous custom. '' inch this way or that. So greatly business while prices are falling and honored were the masons who builded yet try to pay their clerks and emA couple of-thQurolful Christian*, these walls that they were free from ployes and are in such fearful etraitt aware of the trouble the brethren have taxation and called "free" masons. that they would quit business to-mori f «hang1ng<Amerlcan money into the The trowel gets most of the credit for row If it were not for the wreck and coinage of their native land.-put a these buildings, and its clear ringing ruin of others. When people tell me couple of Chinese coins.on the contri- on stone and brick has sounded across at what a ruinously low price they bution plate in a Biddeford (Maine) the ages. But there is another'imple- purchased an article, it gives me more church. "The collection, it waa an- ment of just as much importance as dismay than satisfaction. I know it notated, was-for the foreign missions. the trowel, and my text recognizes it. means the bankruptcy and defalcation At the same service two brass beer Bricklayers and stonemasons and of men In many departments. ' T h e checks helped to swell the offering. carpenters, in tV> building of walls, men who toil with the brain need full use an instrument made of a cord, at as much sympathy a s those who toll A • fat citizen, of' the sea coast town the end of which a lump of lead is with the hand. All business life is of Luhec, Me., went down a ladder at fastened. They drop it over the Bid* struck through with suspicion, and the side of a schooner to get a ham- of the wall, and,, as the plummet nat- panics are the result of want of conmer that he had dropped overboard. urally seeks the center of gravity in fidence. He Inserted his body between the the earth, the workman discovers The pressure to do wrong is strongrungs of t h e ladder that he might where the wall recedes and where It er from the fact that i n our day the reara down'and get the hammer from bulges out and just what is the per- large business houses are swallowing the shoal water, and- became stuck pendicular. Our text represents God up the smaller, the whales dining_ on there. The tide r was ^ s i n ^ and he as standing on the wall of character bhieflsh and minnows. The large was -Tescued-tfcree *- hours,, afterward, which the Israelites had built and in houses undersell the small ones, bethat way just in time to sAv* him frojga .4rown_^ testing it. "And the Lord cause they buy in greater quantities ing,-the, i n t e r l a y i n g ' reached within I s a j d B n t J, m e Amos, what seest thou,? and at lower figures from the protwo inches..oi hia>mouth. ducer. They can afford to make nothAnd I said, A plumb line." ing, or actually lose,' on some styles What the world wants is straight up' The excavatidaa^ Of*'' Mantoche. and down religion. Much of the so- of goods, assured they can make i t up Haute-Saone, upon the site of a Oallo called piety of the day beads this way on others. So, a great dry goods house Roman town k have brought to ; light the and that to suit the times. It is goes outside of its regular line and remains of a Roman villa: Tbe work- oblique, with a low state of sentiment sells books at cost or. less than cost, men first came upon a beautiful hall, and morals. We have all been build- and that swamps the booksellers; or eight metres wide by" •fifteen''''metres ing a wall of character, and it is glar- the dry goods house sells bric-a-brac long, paved With'" flftsa'IcV and with ingly imperfect and needB~recdhstruc- at lowest figures, and that swamps Fan Is Wholciome. walls covered wltl^.frpft^es^^aome. of fcon. How shall it t>e brought into the small dealer in bric-a-brac. And ember that the wall may bo 100 the same thing goes on in other styles which had preserved their original perpendicular? Only b j .the divine t high, and yet a deflection one foot fresliness of colcrY/On',eafch side of the measurement. "And the ,]Lord ga4$. of merchandise, and the consequence m the foundations affects the entire hall;were passages opening upon small unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And is that all along the business strae of all our cities there are merchants structure. And if j o u live 100 years sleeping chambers or cubicles. Two I said, A plumb line." — of small capital who are in ^terrific and do right the last 80 years you may other portions of the villa have yet to \ The whole tendency'of the time3 is struggle to keep their heads above nevertheless do something at 20 years be uncovered; and it is added that tha to mike us act by the"t standard of water. The ocean l i n e r s / r u n down- of age that wiH damage all your earthresearches give proofs that this localWhat others do. We-throw, over the the Newfoundland finning smacks ly existence. All you who have built ity waS occupied & long time previous wall of our character the tangled This is nothing against the'man who houses for yourselves or lor-otfaers, am • to tbe Gallo-Roman era. jbhimb line of other lives and reject has the big. for every ^nan hasJ-J n o k-right. i n jsaxiag _to__these young the Infallible teat which £ m o s saw. While hunting on his farm, Isaac The question for me should not be as large a store and as great a busi men, you cannot build a wall so high as to ,be independent of the character Martin, a farmer, of Knox County, what you think is right, but what Sod ness as he/tfan manage. of its foundation? A man before-30Indian^ .was^ attracte^by^ wha^. ap- thinks iryight. This perpetual refere«d of Divine Support. years of age may commit enough 6tn peared to be A recent excavation- near ence to the behavior of others; feel right -and do right under all a large sycamore tree, and, upon in- though it decided anything but human pressure requires martyr grkce, to last him a lifctime. New. John, or vestigation, thi'Se* 't»%t' un3eV ground fallibility, is a mistake wide.^as requires divine support, requires ce- George, or Henry* or whatever be your he found two silver bricks. He took Y/orld". Th*re are 10,000. plumb twee teetial re-enforccment. Yet there are Christian name or surname, say. «tie^ them to Vincennes and a jeweler test- in use, but only one is true and/exact, tens of thousands of such men getting and now:* "No wild pata for me, no ed them and pronounced them silver, and that is the line of God^s eternal splendidly through. They see others cigars or cigarettes for me, no wine or with a slight alloy of lead. One of right. There is a mighty/attempt be- going up and themselves going down, beer for me, no nasty stories for me, the brinks weighs 1& pounds and _ the ing made to reconstrm^tand fix,up the but they keep their patience and their no Sunday sprees for me. I am going other 18 pounds 9 ounces, Tjie small-' Ten Commandments; To many they courage and their Christian consist- to s t a r t right and keep on tight • God er brick bears the-letters **J. £ . , " but seem too rigid^/ The tower of Pisa eency, and after awhile their success help me, for I am very weak. From beyund this there was nothing to leans over about 13 feet from the.per- will come. There is generally retribu- the throne of eternal righteousness let serve as an identification marlL. The pend icular< and people go thousands tion in some form for greediness. The down to me the principles by which. find has created great excitement, as of m l l e s i o see its graceful inclination owners of the big business will die, I can be guided in building everything Lord it is thought there may be other and^fo learn how, by extra braces and and their boys will get possession of from foundation to capstone. God, by the wounded hand«of Christ, buried treasures in the neighborhood. irious architectural contrivances, it the business, and with a cigar in their is kept leaning from century to cen- t mouths, and full to the chins with the throw me a plumb line." -*—. • . •. ,'. V "But," you say, "you shut us j'oung Doubtless in one respect the Amer- tury. Why not have £he ten grJnite*. best liquor, and behind a pair of x. blocks of S i & i M a little aslarft? wttyf folks out from all fun." Oh, no! I superior footing, ican stands on a spanking bays, they will pass everyf a o f . s W . m a k not hava thet>f»8r of truth tf leaning^ "Thanks to the perfection thing on the turnpike road to tem- like fun. I believe in fun. I have had r ing machinery, the Amirican-made tower? Why is not an ellipse a* goo£ poral and eternaLperdition. Then the lots of It in my time. But I have not shoe has become noted^Chroughout the as a square? Why is not an oblique L business will break up uud the smaller had to go into paths of sin to find i t world for its beaujty; comfort and in- as good as straight up and down? My' dealers will have fair opportunity. Or N a credit to-me, but ^because of an exexpensiveness. OVer three million dol- friends, we must have a standard. the spirit of contentment and right traordinary parental example and inlars' worth of shoes were exported last Shall it be God's or man's? feeling will take possession of the fluence I waa kept from outward transyear, and 6erman, French, Austrian large firm, as -recently with a famous gressions, though my heart was qad Society Utterly Askew. T and English manufacturers make imiThe divine plumb line'needs to be business house, and the firm will say: enough and desperately wicked. "iave tation American shoes and sell them thrown over all merchandise. Thou- "We-have enough money for all our had fun illimitable, though i never under tbat name. Two travelers re- sands of years ago Solomon discovered, needs and the needs of our children. swore one oath and never gambled for cently sent, one from Paris and the the tendency of buyers to depTeciata Now let us dissolve hualnpaa anrt m»V» s o much a*- the value of a pin, and other from Berlin, to a store in a lit-- goods. He saw a man beating down way for other men in the same line." never taw the inside of a haunt of sin tie Ohio town, for shoes. "My sym- an article lower and lower and saying Ins*oad of being startled at a solitary save at when many years ago, with a pathy for Marie Antoinette," wrote it was not worth the price asked, and instance of magnanimity, It will be- commissioner of police and a detective e^e, "has ^notably increased since I when he had purchased at the lowest come z common thing. I know of and two elders of my church, I explorread that she wore two new pairs of point he told everybody what-.a sharp scores of great business houses that ed New York and Brooklyn by midFrench shoes every week. On such bargain hehfc& strttckiad h o V h e out- have had their opportunity of vast ac- night, hot out of curiosity, but that'I conditions what American would ever witted the merchant ' "It is /naught, cumulation and who ouglit to quit. might in pulpit discourse set before consent to be a oueen?" saith the buyer, but when he i s gone But perhaps for all the days of this the people the poverty and the horstruggle of small rors of underground city life. Yet, his way, then he boasteth" (.Proverbs generation the "Fungshui, M according to a super- xx, 14). Society is so utterly askew houses to keep alive under the over- though I was never intoxicated for an stition prevalent among the Chinese, in this matter that you seldom find shadowing pressure of. great l o u s e s instant and never committed one act are certain spiritual influences acting a seller asking the price that he ex- will continue; therefore, taking things of dissoluteness—restrained only by in particular places, which may be pects to get; he puts on a higher value as they are, you will l?e wise to pre- the grace of God, without which refriendly t o one person and hostj& to than he expects to receive, knowing serve your faith and throw over all straint I would have gone headlong to another. Hence to a Chinaman It is that he will have to drop. And if he the counters and shelves and casks the the bottom of infamy—I have had so the greatest Importance that his home, wants $50, he asks $75. And if ho measuring line of divine right "And much fun that I don't believe there Is and more especially his burial-place, wants $2,000, *e asks $2,5Q0. "It is the Lord said unto me, Amos, what a man on the planet at the present shall be \ in that ^fcfc^te'-Uar locality naught," saitii the buyer., 'jThe fabric teest ti'.ou? And I said, A plumb time who has had more. Hear it, m&n and boys, women and girls, all the fun where, t o r ''fungshujlt | r e most favor- is'defective; the styje ot goods Is line." is on the side of r i g h t Sin may seem ably disposed toWartf'him, This .super- poor; X can get elsewhere a batter ar. Tfc* Only Religion, ticle at a smaller price, it is out of stition, ©r, wn«m«n.t,^ v seAffce^r, *her I want you to notice this fact, that attractive;;but it is deathful and like fashion; it is damaged; it will fade; lsbed ampnf ttfe'ChTnese, and.the.dia diswhen a man gives up the straight up the manchineel, a tree whose dews are it will not wear wall." Aftef awhile regard of it shown*by foreign en'and down religion of the.Bible for any poisonous. The only genuine happiness the merchant, from overperiuaalon or gineers and railway promoters in runnew fangled religion, it it generally to is in a Christian life. .from desire to dispose of that particuning their l i n e a through places^ thus suit his sins. You first hear of his venerated is o p e . o t the reasons .given lar stock of goods, saysl "Well, take U change of religion, and then you hear Maude—If I only had my life to M7e in explanation of the present frightful at your own price," and the purchaser of ( some swindle he hat practiced in a over again Clara (interrupting)— condition of" affair* In China Of goes home with light step and calls i n - special mining stock, telling some one Why, I thought that's what you were coarse, it only explains; it excuses to his private office his confidential if he will put in $10,00u>he can take doing. Maude—What do you me ah? v n o n e of the atrocities that have ex- friends and chuckles while «e tells out $100,000; or he ha* sacrificed his Clara—I heard you tell the census man cited t h e horror of t t e whole world. how for half price he .got the g o o t a rittejrrity or plunged into irremediable you would be 22 your nex.* birthday. * > • <t •"'"H.11"1 «* TOett •••;**"[ tiunterre; President Krugar and Commendaat^ d w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t vidW^^DWr^rV'recoauaaakWer " " , s *'" n Comtt&daDtGeW< •niixgT ge^ttea ^ ¾ i Lord Bobeitt, aakiog for aonflrmaMon dftfc* report «rf W * *u*ten&r of Gen. ? Printioo and r ^ u e ^ t t o g - p e ^ i t e m n t o oomusmsicaW w t t b ^fc&qfcrfttttln* Do -The correspondent of the" London Daily Telegraph o n * h e e 1 ^ l a 4 i t e H e d that documents of the higheat importance emanating from- Efcgltffid beve> been discovered i n Pretorfo implicating I membeas e* tae*non*a /W cbmtoont a n d jither prominent persona < in England, w h o h a v e : agitated i n ' favor -of " t h e Boefa.. \% says. that startltog-^developmeatp may be expected shortly. ^ ' *•• A epecial dispatch from Pretoria, dated A a g t ^ , saj&i Gea, Chriftten I)ewet is completely tarronnded ttear Reitzberg, and it is impossible for his force* to ajfMtpe through the strong Britiah cordon. The Boers say t h e y w i l l naake a stand at Machadodorp. They are- short of ammunition and food.;, ,jdisxv HamiiUm, by thejrapidily/ of h i s movements, pr-av(H>t£ retafocaements .reaching CommaudanMieneral Botjia. .'v _"V.' ,.\/ . A belated dispatch from . M i n i s t e r Conger v*as received at the^ftate department on the 5th. It oanqe frhrough Consul Goodnow, at Shanghai, w h o transmitted messages received by Mr. Uagsdale, U. S. consul at Tien Tsin, from Mr. Conger/and Mr. Squiers, secretary of t b e j j f S. legation at, ^ekin. In effect thVadvices are the tame a s those received a day or t w o ago by the state department from Consul Fowler, at Che F o a .iiu e Boer animosity t o President ruger growSf on a»?opvnt «f t h e faot that He and his officials axe persuading 1 the people that South African Republic paper money i« -as ^rood* rEs^)an1r of England notes because il is based On inalienable stat^ securities, even though the state should be eonquered. As the Enjrlishj have not ^ecogn"|zed this contention", many bi^rjrhers have been rxiine,dyand mtfenmisery prevails^ The w i v f t ap*c*Mt4rek»»f the poore^Bcters are almost starving^ ,, ,,, ^ • t, A dispatch, receive^ at the London war office on the 3 l s t from Lord .Roberts materially modjfles the statecraft of the surrender of 5.000 federals wader Gen. Prinsloo, as ^ W r t e d t h e day " o%fore. It now appears that Gen. Prinsloo, Vilfters'aaoTCf^vther surrendered with 96fSfce4r 1,433 horses- 95S flfles iind a ffiiuppaajne-pounder. Some of thJeietJers in'seme distant riartetoi the hills hesitate to come in, on -the plea that t h e y are iodepenoenti of Gen. Prinsloo. Lord Roberts adds that he bad directed Gen. Hunter'to'resum'e hostilities forthwith and to listen to no excuses. — Fottr young ladies were drowned while in eathing'tet Oscean City, JT. J., on July 31. They were carried out by « heavy under t o * . An anarchist riot occurred at Chicago on tho ftth at which 25 people' were bruised, in; a struggle 'with 4¾1 police, summoned to quell the disturbance. Five persons were arrested. 1 BASE B A L U ' '. - Below we submit the official Ktandlnr of the clubs of the National and American leajfdci 0.9 toand Including Sunday, August 5th: Won. Lo«^ Per eu Brooklyn 5i £9 v .046 Philadelphia 45 87 .5« Pittsburg <M 40 .MT4 Chicago 41 41 .494 Boston 40 42 .4(8 Cincinnati £8 43 .4&! S i Louis 3 6 . 41 AhQ New York 31 48 .392 AMKHIUttt LBAGU* Chicago. Milwaukee Indianapolis Detroit Cleveland KanttaaCity Buffalo Miuncapolis ftS ,. ^.. Won. Lost Pepr ct. 30 .691 <0 44 JSi 4« 41 .&» 4« 46 4*H 43 45 .48* 44 60 -^IXSL 43 50 .463 4J 54 .4^6 THE MARKETS. LIVE STOCK. 2f«w York-- Cattle Sheep Lamb* Hbrt B«M grades.. \i 30^5 70 »4 «5 rid m ag ou Lower «radea.^ ^U04 2b »00 5 00" * CO Chloaro— " I - " Best grades....5 35^6 00 4<75 6 75 IN Lower grades. 4 00^5 -' 4 25 ., 4 7^. ,B 04 Detroit— Be«t grades....3 75®4 75 4 75 6 03* 5 0 Lower g»aUe»..3 ttifri 75 3 to 4 75 ' 5 &) BaffMlo— Best grades.^..4 40^5 25 6 03 6 25- 6 8» Lower grade*.* 00»4 40 4 2(0 5 75 6 66 CloelMMtti— Best gra4e»,.„6 OOO*.* • 4HA-\- »00 • ¥ « Lower gr*desv4 40^6 00 a hi 6» M« Mttsbnrg*** / Best trades....6 1BOS 70 4 50 5 50 5 55 Lower grades..4 6o%6 00 4 OJ 6 00 5|5 GRAIN, ETC %• Wbfat, Corn. Oats. ^. No. m i No. S mix No. 2 white 2T«W York 79079« 43011* , 26026 t,hlr»a*» 7J©71ft 33^37 flQSn^ •lyermt 7^078¾ 40©DH 8^/^ ToladO 77077¾ 4IOM 2&12 CifMlaMll 70^77 4 r^41 2 Q31g PlttaiOT* 8.-080¾ 4.04,^ »0.9* Uoffalo 79079» 4104m S80S8)< - "Detroit—Hajr. No. 1 Timothy. 11* 03 per ton. Potatoes, 40c per ba Live Poultry, sprin* ehlckens,8Mo per lb; fowls, 80: tarkeys, 100; ducks, 9%c Eggs strictly fresh, lSo per doj*a> Butter, best dairy, l«c per lb; creamery, 19a, •<•{.?" T--U-. •• < * * . /4 . 4" • ••' v.. • •>i. .1'. :fc- V ' • -«•.., ' ' : , i < ^. i>|i,iW«H« ...«•»*. ..•^liC •.'»'>•• . • ^ . • • • £ A « w rrTJ"1"i! i.r: qxoiq ami t i n his g l o w i i ^ & a j ^ so . old, papa/' pretested VA^ma* sjftnd&beiieveraL.ywu* t h * •s&lor of his wife," declared Quintu* Bess^r. "4f£ lie ha* a glass eye!V < 'tyr* lass with which t a observe «bqitc(«^Mp^», my dear!" - "A&d has false teeth." -*»"fo law*TrrJfes^p^iiSif*, * e s e n eiW*, SJ4 think it over." Barbara thought it over, and* decided that 41 be4n*.sensible meant marrying Giles Ferguson she mast persist in being foolish. The next time her father reU»rne<t to t i e charge he put Ms plea on personal grounds. His pathetic representation of his position was rather effective. The improvements in his office building had cost much more* than he 'had fancied they would. An Eastern firm, on whose leniency ho hat retted/ were pressing* htm for an immediate payment o f a heavy account. Ferguson had practically reu s e d him further advances because Barbara 'had declined to marry him.. Htf-could And1,better use for his money than loaning It to the man whom he was anxious to accept as a father-in-: .••i wouldn't urge you," concluded )N#3inger( 4*ff I thought you cared for • a ? on6 else. There isn't any one else —eh, Barbara?'' Barbara was 18. She had a round, trim young form, a brunette face full of life and sparkle, arch hazel eyes, and a lovely scarlet mouth. "No one else, papa!" There was no doubting the frank sincerity of the re- fvQ^S^. ^ ^ H B I H L l ^^W A^^mmwmLmmW ^"JBiflB / mil m em\m\mm lBl^aSW^^BBlV B^L^L^B^^T B^BV l MWmT B^B * ^^^^BF ' BrMEvMHta* / WSI^^^t ply. "Give me two weeks more to consider. Then—I'll say yea, if I can —for^ouTHLWfce-—you pck>l7~dearr olfl worried thing!" ; Beasinger made the most of Barbara's concession, Ferguson was profoundly gratified. "His one movable eye expressed his happy anticipation. "Tell her," said he, "that I have never married because my ideal was so lofty. Never until I met Miss Barbara did I meet any woman possessing every perfection." "Tell her yourself," advised Quintus. "Girls don't like to be courted through their parents." So Ferguson called every evening. His deliberate compliments and languishing glance set her wild with rejentment.. Two weeks! Why hadn't she said two months? Surely the hours were racing by. It seemed to her the days fairly, galloped out of sight. Her father grew more haggard —more depressed. She used to catch him watching her furtively. Ferguson would stave off failure, would build up his business, would put his credit on a firm basis, if only-^— He had been a good father to her. She would probably never fall in iove anyway. Perhaps she ought to do as he wished —there she shuddered; The- fateful day of her decision arrived. A glorious day it was, crisp and golden, with a rollicking wind skurryIng along State street and playing pranks at the corner where'towers the Masonic Temple. Just there it swirled a girl's skirts around her slender'ankles, and—not content with this audaeity—snatched oft her veil and flirted it out of reach. But a tall- young, man tn a gray suit gave, prompv pursuit; "0, thank yon!" cried Barbara Beasinger, blushing, when he stood before her, hat in hand, returning the truant trifle. "You are very kind!" A murmured deprecation, a lingering look of admiration, a deep bow, and he was lost in the crowd. Barbara went home in a strange state of exhilaration. Some little ones at her gate offered her roses. She took the roses and kissed the children. She had never thought flowers and child faces so beautiful before'. She found l i r r ' T singing. as she ran upstair*. \ «5* ,11 n 11,11,1,11)1 3E=3B5C Of hat &** raftectlon in t i e fiaaa. fUn'.ahe ft** |0i iMfcpyTwfcy^ *ud4MQ\J saw aeemed -to ses agsda the) homage of^th«e> Aaahinr bhrt aye*. Not Bhe sorely w a r not so silty as Being Matte-to the tnflatrft Mineral that! i s delrriwosv girlish s h a v e ttie W *rn pressedtwr slim fingers over %**> ejret/ « • ! . " "yHVi./.*' v:.* to shuti out thole sihenr? But i h e f would M t t e b a i t e d A T b e r g a s a ^ intV AT AN WJTtW OF » # 0 0 0 , 8M hers still!• All at once' a dreadfuj thought thrilled her. " ' ' Growtfe «f Xaterpriee To-night Giles Ferguson would come p e « 4 U a r e of , » S S P , e * 0 - * i u e » » t t for hia answer, A sharp sense of repulsion overB« I*. Krai whelmed her. She ooaW not marry himr i$he would n o t She bathed; coiled her darar halY afresh, went down Ten years ago the ground vhere tha to'dinner i n a gown of rosy lawn. At AMgnifieent hotel property of the Indi& o'clock the hopeful suitor made his ana Mineral Springs Company is loappearance. He wore a brand new cated at Indiana Mineral Springs, Insuit, and was apparently prepared for diana, W M wholly unimproved and alconquest. He and Beaslnger talked. most a wilderness. Now, owing to the At 10 Barbara was to give her final jle? discovery of the valuable medicinal claion. She'watched the clock In an qualities of the springs and the heating agony of nervousness. Half past 8? virtue of the soil itself, together with The hands were moving around the the enterprise of Major H. L. Kramer, dial with appaling speed. Nine! She there is located there one of the finest did hot know the bell had rung— sanitariums in the United States. The picturesque surroundings that a visitor was shown in. He was natural have been made mare attractive and young, tall, good looking. With a start she recognized the agile captor the hotel is a model of comfort and elegance. of her veil. For the greater accommodation of "The small gentleman is Mr. Ferguguests who come in constantly Increasson," she heard the servant say. ing numbers from every section of the The. stranger walked straight up to United States, arrangements have now Barbara's suitor. .. been made for the enlargement of the * "How do you do, father?** he said. hotel buildings. The contract was let ••What's that?" screamed the old yesterday by Major Kramer for addiman. He had turned ghastly. tions that will cause an outlay of over "My name is Robin Ferguson. I only $30,000. The improvements will conarrived yesterday from California. sist of a new bath house and an addiYour man told me I would find you tion to the hotel. The addition will be here. My mother -died three months two stories in height and will occupy ago. Dying, she told me the story of a ground spaee 80x160 feet. It provides your desertion of her, when I was a forty additional guest chambers. The little lad. She made me promise to entire addition will be handsomely look you Up. For her sake Tve done t-nd elegantly furnished. The bath i t I can prove all I say." house, when completed, will be the "I-*—I—I can't discuss the matter finest in the United} ,Statea. w J t n y o u here—now!" His teeth chat Besides the bath house and the tered so he feared they would drop out. guest chambers there will be on the "Even rf—if It were so—I'd not give first floor a dining hall, a music room, a billiard ball, physicians' offices und you a cent!" The newcomer burst out laughing. a barber shop. In connection with the "I'll never ask you for one. My moth- bath house there will be ladies' and er's brother left all his property to gentlemen's dressing rooms and cooling, The dressing and cooling me, and there's a rattling lot of it, rooms. rooms will be elaborately decorated too." "O!" gasped Ferguson senior. This and the floors will be laid in white tile. gave matters a new aspect. But— In both cooling rooms will be built there ftwas Barbara. The clock struck large ornamental fire places which will be used for heating purposes in addi10. tion to the regular steam heating. The "Barbara," said Bessenger, rising, work will be entirely completed in 90 "you agreed to tell Giles Ferguson at days. this hour whether or not you would The improvements and the entire marry him." arrangements of the hotel and grounds White as a l i l y Barbara came for- are made, keeping in view the artistic ward. The young fellow stared In de- effect of the whole, and when the imlighted surprise, as turning, he faced provements arranged for are completed her. the hotel and surroundings will be "Never! You, would not wish me much more attractive than before. now, papa, to do so. - He has deceived Major Kramer states that a still furme. At any rate, I could never love ther addition to the hotel is contemhim." Then she bowed slightly and plated, and that plans are now being took herself and her peach-bloom prepared for an additional structure to gown from the room. contain 150 rooms for guests. But soon Barbara learned how easy Already a quarter of a million dollars has been expended on the Indiana it was to surrender one's whole heart when the one destined lover came. Out Mineral Springs enterprise and under greater of confidential talks grew reconcilia- the present . management growth and development in the future tion between father and son. The Daily Ledger. former came to the wedding^ —z7~ "Lord, what an old focH I was!" he Dueber Watch. Work*, at Canton, O said. "Things are only as they ought The The Dueber Watch Works, at Canton, O.. to be! Bessingerand I are going into oian the finest and most complete watch plant in the world. The twin factories partnership. Together we will make producing both watch movements and the' business pay. And Rob, would watch cases are devoted exclusively to the manufacture of high - grade watch you—have you—any objection if I movements and watch cases. Every resource and every effort Is concentrated were to—to kiss .the bride?" in the single direction of making watch "No, indeed!" cried the groom, movements and watch cases a s nearly perfect a s lies within human power. All heartily. common watches are pendant set. and "No, indeed!" echoed the bride consequently dangerous and unreliable. Hampden 17 Jewel watch is I^ver sweetly, as she held up her glowing The Set and pronounced by all experts a s the most reliable and p^curate watch on cheek. the market. In b u y ! * : a watch, ge: the very best you can aftord. It,will be the cheapest In the end and give the greatE.aftticlty of Marble. est satisfaction. Railroad men. in the nature of their employment, are necesThe Nuova Cimeato contains an in- sarily good judges of a timekeeper. They teresting article by P. Gamba, giving will tell you that no watch made equals "Special Railwav 21 Jewel" manuthe result of his experiments upon the the factured by the Hampden Watch Co.. elasticity of marble. Plates of marble Canton, Ohio. Thousand* of these watches are the standard in train serwere impregnated with different vice, and their accuracy of movement liquids' and the effect measured. The and reliability under all conditions have for them the enviable reputation experiments are best carried out with earned of surpassing all others in the world. water, a3 by drying the marble may The latest production of the DuebirHumpden factories i s the smallest ladies' be slowly brought back to its original watch made* In America. The name of this unique production la "The Four condition, the curves of deformation Hundred." A n y lady who Is the proud being the same befbre and after..the. pesressor of one of these gems has a thing of utility and beauty not exceeded action. The deformation is greater for by anything that money can purchase. ths wet plate and the residual effect is The mechanical equipment of the DueWatch factories is of the also greater; there is thus a consider- ber-Hampden finest quality, and i t s experienced workable increase in the flexibility of the men stand without peers in the watch To-day t h e Dueber-Hampden wet marble. OUT, glycerin and solu- industry. watch is supreme; and the Dueber-Hamptions of paraffin give similar results, den Works the greatest watch plant in world. All first-class Jewelers keep although the marble cannot be forced the these goods, demand the Dueber-Hampfrom the liquid and brought back to den w a t c h e s and accept no substitute.— Irish World, July 7th. 1900. its original state as with water. Petroleum, however, causes no difference in the flexibility. Glycerin gives tiie greatest effect. w.M blood or eoaatltuttaaal dissMe, and ia orderw euro h you mus£takeJajaraajl retnedlee, JBali's direeuy on the b&ot as4 jBueomi surface*. >Hall's Catarrh Cafe 4s *ot» avsuaek medicine. u was preaorlbed by one of the best pferslciaaa fa this cotxntrjr for yean, and la a reraiar preS a l W m V m M witfi the best Wood trortflen. ft«^ 4*4«"»«•>«** »«o««a<«brfaeW* The perfect combination of the two ln«redirn(e la fctas) paedtflM »uc*woi^furro«^ulFcurlng • Ferer. ! # The world doe*n*tcare whether youjhaire earIt laa wlaewonaeayao praises her husband. She will aexrn havwevaew dres*. If von want to *« ptoteeted trottt Ughtnlar put a horasAhoe under your bett. '• ^:^ If you sre *enpted to repine, think of the suffering aoroe mortals undergo. * ™ ^ ^ * S V em^^^peBBemwM^Bpt ssmmmijBmrjBmgBQ)^p£ ••^eamiiJBMOeww* wom—u Htomm* up gmmmrmi bmmltb, mm*\ do wm o vmrwroMgkt mmrvom, *«*»# ihomm Ladles C M Wear Shoes. One slxe smaller after using A lien's FootEase, a powder. It make* tight or new •hoeseasy. Cares swollen, hot,swe*ting, aohing feet, ingrowing nails, corns and bunion*. AH druggists and ahos stores, too. Trial package FREE by maiL Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y. • • -M mwfuSi H do— this maim dirmmUy mm thm fm- The man who can live at peace With hi* wife's relatives will have his rewasd. GUSTS, STO^-NNG GOODS sad Flshtoff Tackle. Our eaialoswg rives jutt whgt hunters are looking for. lowest prices on latest and most reliable Gunr. Hlflea and Honters" ontflts. Latest game law*. Largest Sportug goods house In Michigan. V.Klndkr.Saginaw To correctly stand touch the nose, the chest and? the toes to the wall. FITSIVnnanentlyOaied. KoCW ornarroqsnm artwr first day'i use of Dr. KQM'» Great Nerve Restorer. Sand for F R E E 9 3 4 ) 0 trial botU» and treatise. . Xufti, Ltd., Ml Area St, faiUdelphia, Pa. Da. B. H. Does (he husband of a boarding house keeper kick with the boarders? Mrs. i r i n s l o W s S o o t a i a g Syrnp. For children teething, softens the gnats, reduces t» SammaUea. allays pala.oaias wind ooUc. 2½ a bottle. H hmmtthy, rmiimvlmg ouNmgt-idl htfimmmmikm mmdtim$*lmmmmmmtmm Hothtng mism Im Jumt mm gomdmmdntmmytMmmmikmi mmy bm suggested dmngsrousm This mmtttolmm hmm m oomsimmi record of eurom Thousmnds of women testify to it, Reed their Setters oomstentiy appearing im thim pmperm There can be perfect love only when there is perfect confidence. • 'V' J r "•'•tl •' 3¾ ,"M t*>\ m USETHECENUI^c When the hair to this sad grar. PAKSXB'S HA2B BAUAX renews the growth sod colur. Uufoxscbass, the best care for euros. Ucu. pRRAYA LANMAN' It has been computed that about 70 babies arc born each minute. ,> I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consumpticn has an equal for coughs und colds.—JOHN FBOYJCB, Trinity Springs. Ind.. Feb. 5, 1600. .'..»• yME* 5f Theaeasjet of good work Is doing-it as well as it can be done. FOR '""easAi. 9**l THE, HANDKERCHIEF TOILET a B Some articles must be described. White's Yucatan needs no description; its the real thing.. JJ_ S u a S T f T U T C S It is always easy to tlad excuses for things we, want to do. FARM MORTGAGE ABSOLUTE SECURITY, LOANS In amounts ranging from 1300 t o $10,000 en choice improved farms in the Western part ot North Dakota. Write us if you have money to invest and we will be pleased to send you description of loans, rates of interet*\ etc. Personal examination of all loans. We have invested nearly One Million Dollars in farm loans in North Dakota since 1881 without the loss of a dollir. Genuine NORTH DAKOTA LAMP 1 LOAM CO., RuffSy. N. D. Carter's EDUCATION!* Little Over Pills. Must Bear Sisnatur* of TN IEABACHE. FOI ilZZIMCSSs THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE OAME. NOTRE DAste. INDIANA, Cassaca, Utters, EcetJoeates aad Hlststr. 'tnasHsas, Art, fldesjee, Ptsarsaacy, Law, \ IVcbatrtcal and Electricaf r i j a n i i m . . whitcctufa. Tberawgli Prapasatery and Ciiiaiiii clsl Coorses. Ecclesiastical students at special rates. Reoaas Free. Junior or Senior Tear. Collegiata Courses. Roesn< to Reset, moderate charges. S t Edward** HaP, for DOT'S under IS. The S7th Year will open 5spUssbcf 4th, 1900 Catafornes Fre<*. Adtfrrs.* REV. A. MORRISSEY. C. S C . Presides*. matutiiuEtSe FOI Toim uva. FM COMSTIPAT10H. FBI SAUJW SKII. FBinCMMPlHIH ^ CURS Sl6K HSA0ACHE. THE STANDARD SEWIfi JUCMJME S^SPSttZSOtitt 2 ^ ¾ ¾ ^ n . ^ . t o r y of Mtufc and SEViMfil C0MUIY Gymnasium under direction of graduate or Boston Normal School make tweaty-ave dfffereat of Gymnastics. Catalogue free. The 46ta sty tea, teclndia* the higaeav y e a r open* Sept. 4. 19C0. Addreas, priced best; aad best low priced maehiees. D1RECWESS OF THE ACADEMY. Send for catalogae and prices. St. m*ry* Acadtsty. . f4otrt J. B. ALDSfCH. S o t o star., S C. M A O l i i R E S r X ! R A C T • • :: *:'# NOTRE DAME. INDIANA Conducted br the Sister* of the Holr less than 160 acre* before Joce 22,19il <«o matter Cross. Chartered 1855. Tboroagfa Engtf abandoned). If the additional homestead right lish and Classical edocation. Begnlar was not sold or need, shoald address, with ran HKMftY N . C O P P , Wisliams, a 9. Collegiata Degrees. In Preparatory Department students , • ; SI. lARY'S A(ADWT SOLDIERS^ HEIRS Heirs of Union Soldiers who made homesteads of BOOKLETS F R E E , ^ * '* MONEY FOR 2B Woodward A T * , DrraoiT, ilica. * ( Btatkm IMs rasec BENNE PLANT XLNh Good intentions do not always bring beneficial results. An at early date the Liverpool School of Tropical Diseases will send PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not an expedition to the Amazon to study stain the hands or spot the kettle. yellow fever. This will be the third expedition they have organized withinScientists tell us that toes are slowly the pait nine znontos. disappearing. >••• •'.o afford to be w.thout it. Is;yours Carter's? To 9tody Yellow \ • ' • : " . F. J. CHENEY*CO..Prop«.rToie<iO,a Sold byjaroffgiataL price Tto. H»U» Famfly PlUi are the best. Tern Uslag A U M I reot-Kavef It Is the only cure for Swollen. Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into Bate O M W Elephant'* Feet. the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Keepers at the Central Park zoo in Stores, 29c, Sample sent FREE. AdNew York are vainly looking for some ores* Allen S. Olmsted. LeKoy, N. Y. means of preserving the elephants from rats. The latter gnaw the feet Some people are like geese—make a of the big brutes until they are lacer- racket as they run. ated and no way has yet been found tn Carter's Ink • protect them. is so good and so cheap that no family can .'Xil Wi • ' / • t* fan to i*» .lL&;ttaev«rtafl*i LADIES! Ssr-fflS W.N.U—DKTROIT—NO.32—1900 i WIMA sMwtrini M i . p!tats Ksslifsj tMt atasr 1¾ •x*:&\ iii: f •• •i « 2 * mim :¾ 9 ;<,"n'|i'r 5KSSS u.. n n.n"***!——.i i ^v • : * # • : • • ' ' !* 'V'' '>, v' . ; • : . . ' . ; . . - . • • • "V K, - \-<* i r,-.. • % ••••! *'•• mm* r\ CROP fiEPOBT 3,3 SB People Servls* Ttn»t. A total of 3,380 persons were confined in the various penil and reformatory institutions of Michigan on t h e first day of May last:, according t o figures collected by Labor Commissioner Cox. The above'total Is made up of 2,988 males and 398 females. The native born population far exceeds the foreign born, the figures being 2,530 and 847 respectively. The prisoners are classified as to offenses as follows: Crimes against life, 285; crimes involving virtue, 407; involving property, M47; involving good government, 875; involving morality, 357. There were fifteen insane persons in the. jail* of the state o n the date of the canvas. The prisoners are divided among the different institutions as follows: Jackson prison, 766; state house of correction and reformatory, at Ionia, 408; branch prison at Marquette, 203; Detroit house of correction, 4237 Industrial school, 630; Adrian industrial home for girls, 305; in county jails, 552; city prisons, 69; village lock-ups, 30. A l l e g e * Is to have- an apple avapora* tor which .will be operated by electricity. I t is estimated tliat tbe coat of running the machines b y , that power will be from £8 to $10 per day less than by hand. Burglaries have be.cn so frequent of late at Muskegou, tbat t h e resident* are becoming afraid t o keep much money in the house, and t h e savings banks report a large increase iu their deposits. HIGHER ,v*. Mrs, E. B, Draw, w i f e o t the British M O V E M E N T ON F O O T T O S T A M P ALL FOOD S T U F F S IN commissioner ofT customs at Tien Tain, QN w h o recently arrived a t San Francisco • V ^ M T H O O CHOLERA. P U E R T O RICO* famine orient o n t h e transport Log o * , .fc> speaking of t h e brutality in We Baroarith submit tits Dates «f tfcs The C o a s t s Took Kffeet An*tut l a s * China, says: During, tbe bombardVsrtoaa Coo»t7 Fairs to Ua Beta" ta Caught Mas/ Uoprepar#d — Tt»a ment we lived m o s t of r th* time in the Tale State ThU Fall —• Weekly Crop Banks Wars Crowds* Attar Ooala^ cellar .of Our housed Our house w a s Baport-r-Otber Items, Hours—Other Event* of tha Weak. partially wrecked by big sheila Bleep was out o M u e ftttestion most, o i tho p t i m e a n d w e were so unstrung that but A Cold ttiooded Murder. Cecal? Fain TbU Fall. ' l i t t l e food s e i i s i e d us. There w a s Tbe Automobile Uapid Delivery Co., Chas, B. H. Ferrell, a former em- ever present t h e h a u n t i n g fear of t h e Following is a list of county fairs to of Detroit, with a capital o f $25,000 ploye of the Adams Express company, bo bold in Michigan this year: has been incorporated, to conduct a w a s arrested at Columbus on t h e after- Chinese triumphing and slaughtering • Michigan State" fair, at Grand RapSome, •general package delivery business iu noon of the 12th, and confessed t o ' t h e every foreigner and c o n v e r t ids, September 24-28,-L H. Butterfield, probably all, of tho w o m e n were prethat city. Six automobiles have been k l l l i n g o f Messenger Chas. Lane and secretary; Albion Fair Association, at pared to sot in c a s e the' Chinese purchased. t h e robbery of the way safe of t h e ex- effected an entrance. But, aside from Albion, September 25-28, A. L. Mc« The electric lighting plant and flour* press company oa the Pennsylvania Cutckeon, secretary; Armada fair, at tbe unpleasant recollection, i t appears ing mill, burned at Morriee a few weeks eastbound train, which arrived in Col* Armada, October 3*5, A. J. Freeman, the allied officers were prepared t o a c t ago, will be rebuilt at once, the vil- nmbns a t midnight on t h e loth. One I^ wvt „ w „ 4it . m¥ wt( „ secretary; Caledonia union, at Galedid -not know at t h e time, b u t I lagers h a v i n g voted in favor of issuing thousand doHara-whloh ho bad stolen [ ^ S e a ^ ^ f e r ^ t h a T T o donia, October 3-3, C. H. Kinsey, secreor 20 men had bonds for $2,000 t o asslst^the proprie- w a s recovered.. Ferrell w a s t o have t a r y ! Calhoun county fair, at Marshall, been detailed to kill all t h e YoreJgn tort to do so. , been married on the 10th i n s t t o Miss October 8-5, W. H. Arthur, secretary; women i n case tbe Chinese were the The Prohibitions of Calhoun* county Lillian Costlow, daughter of Patrick Baton county fair, at Charlotte, Octowere unable to make any nominations Ccstlow, an engineer on the Pennsyl- victors. ber 2-5, Geo. A. Perry, Secretary; FowIndications of the desire of China for prosecuting attorney ou their vania lines, Ferrell bed been dislerville fair at Fowlcrville, October 2-5, for a peaceful s e t t l e m e n t of her presWater Spout at the Flat*. County ticket because there is not a charged from the employ of the Adams D. C. Carr, secretary; Hillsdale county e n t difficulties have been multiplying People w h o visited the S t Clair lawyer of that political faith anywhere Express company about three months fair, at Hillsdale October 1-5, C W. for several days. Official evidence of ' ago and had not since been'able to seTerwilliger, secretary; Huron county Flats on the 12th to get away from the in the county. A man near Albion has a 10-acre cure employment. He confessed that that desire was presented t o t h e defair, at Bad Axe, September 25-38, Geo. heat, experienced quite a warm and W. Clark, secretary; Harry—County uncomfortable time between 5 and 6 mellon patch, and the small boys of the motive of the robbery was to se- partment of state at Washington on Agricultural Society fair, at Hastings, p. m. A water spout was seen making the vicinity—and some that are not so cure money of which ho felt in great the 12th. I t w a s in t h e forjn of a n Oct. 9-13, C L. Beamer, secretary; Im- its w a y up the river w i t h most dis- small—are licking their chops in an- need on account of his approaching edict promulgated by tbe emperor, The money recovered he K w a n g Hsu, appointing Earl Li H u n g lay City fair, at Imlay City, Oct. 2-4, gusting rapidity right in the direction ticipation of the time when the juicy marriage. had given to Miss Costlow to keep for Chang as envoy plenipotentiary to neF, Rathsburg, secretary; Ionia district of the many resorts, but fortunately globes will be ripe. gotiate w i t h the powers for an "immefair, at Ionia, Oct. 2-5, E. A. Murphy, the funnel-shaped cloud when within Rev. Fr. C. J. Roche, pastor of St. him, saying that it was money b e had He w a s at diate cessation of hostilities," peudiog secretary; Marquette county fair, 'at 50 feet of Joe Bcdore's place took a John's Catholic church at Essexville, saved from fits earnings. Marquette, Sept. 26-28, M. £ . Asire, turn and followed the river up stream. and dean of the Saginaw Valley, was the home of his affianced and in her a solution of the problems which have secretary; Midland county fair, at The only damage recorded by the twis- drowned at West Bay City on the 8th. company when placed under a r r e s t grown out of tho anti-foreign uprising in t h e empire. Earl Li i s t o act diMidland, October 3-5, J. G, Cul- ter was at Grande Pointe, where a He was alone and it is not known how Forrell ia but 22 years of age. rectly for t h e - e m p e r o r and a fair inver, secretary; Muskegon county, whole row of trees were torn up by the accident happened. ference is that whatever terms of setfair at Muskegon, S e p t 18-31, Chas. S. the roots, without hurting a soul. Prices Ruised ID Puerto Rico. Rural free delivery will be ordered tlement he may reach w i t h tbe powers Marr, secretary; Oakland county fair established at Saginaw, August 15. August 1 marked the beginning of a will be approved by t h e imperial govMICHIGAN N E W S ITEMS. at Poatiac, S e p t 18-21, F. W. Burch, The length of the route is 82 miles and genuine raise in prices throughout the e r n m e n t secretary; South Ottawa and, \yest Althe area covered is 104 square miles. island of Puerto Rico, caused by a m i s Mt Clemens is to have a burial casAmong the refugees from China w h o legan fair at Holland, Oct. 0-12, L. J. The population served is 3,505; number understanding of .the exchange of cur- J arrived at San Francisco ou tbe Logan Ranters, secretary; Tuscola, Huron and ket manufactory. of houses on route, 770. rency. Until a week ago it was widely ! Lightning caused a $4,000 tire near were the wife of Prof- C". D. Tenney, Sanilac fair at Cass City, Get. 2-5, A. There was a baby born at the uni- known that after Aug. 1 no more of the Imperial university i n Tien N. Ale, secretary; Washtenaw county Vicksburg on the 12th. versity hospital at Ann Arbor a few Puerto Rican silver would be exchanged They w e r e fair at Ann Arbor, Jennie Buell, secreOne death from heat prostration w a s da3's ago that promises to be a hustler. but t h e notice of the indefinite exten- Tsin, and her- children. among those w h o took refuge in Gortary: Stockbridge fair a t Stoekbridge, reported at Imlay City on the 8th. When t w o days old two teeth ap- sion of time was published far and don hall during the bombardment and Oct. 0-11, A. J. Cain, secretary; Clinton Still, the idea prevails that Wheat around Portland is turning peared, and at the age of "five days the wide. county fair at S t ' Johns, Sept 25-23, out much better than was expected. hereafter the peso will be of no value. escaped uninjured. She and her huslittle one had four teeth. M. Frink, secretary; Bancroft fair at On July 31 the banks were crowded band had been together in China for IS Ralph DavLs, of Port Huron, disapThree deaths and three prostrations Bancroft Oct 10-12, F. J. Nixon, secafter hours. Through a combination years. Prof. Tenney is- now accompeared seven years ago and no trace were reported in Detroit on the 0th' panying the allied forces on t h e retary; Brighton fair at Brighton, Oct. He was in- of tbe traders throughout the island, march to Pekin as an interpreter. The thermometer registered from 04 has been found of him. 5-13, Sturberg & Case, managers; Plyfood stuffs and other necessities rose month fair at Plymouth, S e p t 18-21, to 100 in the shade at Saginaw on the sured for $1,000 in the K. O. T. M., and in price. With a verytargr. number it A dispatch received a t the war pffiee that organization has just decided to H. J . Baker, secretary; Lapeer Agricul 8th. in S t Petersburg from Gen. Grodekoff, was moving day—a day for flitting pay this sum to his widow. tural Street fair at Lapeer, Sept. 4-7. dated, Khabarovsk, .. Aug. The first labor day parade, held at .- 4, Kays - „, t w .o Forest fires are raging on all sides from excessively increased rents to . Port Huron in four years, will be held It was also a day «q«adrpn». reconnoitcring near Teche of Whittemore, doing unestimable cheaper lodgings. B there on S e p t 7. * >ouVbt j engaged 1,000 Chinese with t w o guns. Weekly Crop Report. on which money that usually bought damage to property. The fires are beThe weekly weather crop bulletin Out of 305 prosecutions in Washte- yond control, and it is feared that breakfast and dinner, bought break- and 250 cavalry.- After a stubborn issued on the 7th says t h a t the mean naw county in six months 315 convic- the worst is yet to come, unless there fast alone. E g g s that heretofore were fight the Russians were reinforced by dally temperature for the week ending tions are recorded. bought for t w o or three centavos, cost another squadron w i t h t w o guns and, is a heavy fall of rain soon. Aug. 4, 68.0 degrees, was identical with 10 centavos, the carbon for boiling defeated the Chinese, killing 200. The A Hasting's man makes a good thing Forty-three dollars per acre in three normal. The average total precipita- out of catching turtles and shipping these egg&, instead of costing 10 centa- Russian loss was eight men killed and months is the result of the experiment tion of 0.24 of an inch, was 0.25 of an them to large cities. vos cost 35 cectaTos. The cost of every eight wounded. at the Agricultural college for pasturinch below normal The sunshine Excluding t h e . 4th brigade t h e other article of food w a s raised in Allegan w a s visited by an $18^000 ing lambs on sand lucerne by means averaged 7? per cent of the possible about the same proportion. The wail strength of the forces proceeding t o amount In the lower, peninsula the fire on the 7th. A wagon shop and five of a pen moved slowly over the pas- of complaint was general. China is 446 British officers, 1,064 nonturage by an electric motor. wheat and rye harvest has been quite barns were consumed. commissioned and native officers, 13,Aliens cannot be licensed by the Fifteen Dead—Grade Croeeiac Aeeldeat. 070 men^ 11,850 followers, 1,150 drivers. Peter Novet, one of the oldest citigenerally completed and the oats harvest well advanced. There are a few zens of Hart, suicided oah the 8th_by_ j t a t e board of veterinary examiners. Fifteen persons were instantly 2,520 horses, 4,300 ponies and mnles, 12 Consequently Canadians who are prac- killed and 11 others, several of w h o m g u n s , ' 14 Maxims, jfrnd 1,800 imperial complaints of rust and smut in oats the carbolic acid route. but generally the crop is very fine and The thermometer registered 104 in ticing in this state will be obliged to will die, were serionsly injured in a service troops, it is expected that t h e heavy. It is being well secured and in the shade at Houghton on the 4th, tlie become citizens or go back home if grade crossing accident, three miles entire force will have sailed before the they wish to continue practicing. the southern counties its threshing is hottest day in 10 years. east of Slatiugton, Pa., on the-night of middle of n e x t month. Three Rivers is all torn up over an well advanced. Late potatoes are do-# the 12th, by a passenger train on the The forest fires in the vicinity of A Shanghai special, dated Aug. 6, ing finely cad their present condition East Taw as was extinguished by the attempt to get the city council to pass Lehigh & New England railway crash- says: Li Hung Chang has officially ina curfew ordinance. Many of the resi- ing into an omnibus containing 25 per- formed the consuls that the ministers is very promising. Beans vary some- heavy rains on the 12th. dents say it will load to nothing hut what bat for the most part are doing — I t cost jSagipaq; county gJ3,S3.'».25 to trouble and litigation if enforced, and sons.—All the dead and injured were left Pekia for Tleu Tsin on Aug. o, welL Sugar beats continue to make care for her poor last year. Ninety- if not enforced, then what use to hi t h e omnibus, and but three espaped with Gen. Yung Lu in command of t h e 'good growth and remain promising. seven paupers were caned for. uninjured. The occupants of tbe om- escort. The consuls are by oo_jneaina pass i t ? Pasturage i s better than usual during nibus were returning home from a disposed to credit Earl Li's s t a t e m e n t Through jealousy Edward Lett An old bear and her cub have taken funeral, w h e n the train, a special con All other reports that have reached August In southern counties plowing colored, of Jackson, shot and killed charge of a blackberry patch near for fall wheat and rye is quite general sisting of an engine - a n d o n e ^ a - J London indicate that the ministers his wife on t h e night of the 0th. Standish and refuse to be disturbed crashed into it. and correspondents report the soil in have nokjefjrpekin. The £age Fence company, of Adrian, by pickers, although hundreds would Osgoodvoadition. Peaches are ripening In a heavy engagement eight miles Nine Parsons Killed by Llffbtnlna;. • and are ejuite plentiful. Plums and iK-HnancialLy embarrassed, and a re- like to go and pick^ the ripening fruit. northwest of Tien T.sin on the 5th i t Nine persons, of New York, w h o bad is reported that the allies' fierce fightapples indicate rather poor crop. ceiver now has charge of the business. They make it interesting for all w h o decided t o spend the 12th in the woods, ers killed nearly 0,000 celestials. A Woodland woman who wanted to g o in sight. Threshers returns say that while wheat The It is estimated that 15.000 excursion- were the victims of a flash of light losses of the international forces are is a very short crop it is> generally of disfigure herself, and had the money good quality; rye is a full, good crop, to pay for having it done, has had two ists visited St. Joseph on the 12th. nifig. T h e party had obtained shelter placed at 1,200 casualties, chiefly large diamonds set in her front teeth. County Clerk Need ham admits he never under a large oak tree when the father among the Russians and Japanese. and oats arc heavier than usual. Sparrow hunters are becoming so had a better day for his business. T w o told them to seek .shelter jsome place The number of volunteers from t h e numerous and so aggressive at Eaton justices and one minister officiated at 'He as he w a s afraid of stightning hit- German army reserves w h o have signiThe Swlae Plagoe. r.g t h e tree. Part df t h e m ran down The state sanitary live stock com- Rapids that ihe residents are almost 70 weddings at the clerk's residence during the day. l i t t l e pathway under a bluff and fied their willingness to go t o China i s mission is making a determined effort afraid to go out doors without armor. said to be 120,000. From this number, = Commissioner Evans" annual report crouched under a bush and the others The first of the state's Spanishto stamp ont the swine plague or hoga corps not exceeding 20.000 will b e cholera in this snate. President Brown, American war loan bonds were retired shows that Michigan had 44,298 citi- scampered to some sheltering bushes formed. A portion of the corps, will It was only a small one— zens on the pension rolls on June 30 on top of the bluff. They had hardly leave within a fortnight of the live stock commission, who was on .the nth. in Lansing on the 8th, asserted that $200. but others will follow now rap- last as against 45,170 on the same date bidden themselves when there %vas a The following dispatch w a s received one year ago. The total amount paid blinding flash and a crash. a the disease has cost the farmers of idly. from Minister Conger on t h e ?th: to Michigan pensioners during the past Michigan hundreds of thousands of The Michigan National Guard pitched year aggregated $6,642,878. Help at once if at all. Besieged^in Z%t*l Quarrel at a Svasaaer Raaost. dollar*, the losses in a single township tents at Island Lake on the 7th for a British legation. No government i n Angry over his inability t o live as he Attorney General Oren holds that often aggregating 53,000 or 8(>.ooo. seven days' encampment. About 2,200 Pekin except military chiefs, w h o are While there is no recognized cure for officers and men were iu camp on the the law requiring manufacturers to wished on the sum allowed him by his determined on the destruction of-forlabel all packages containing com- father, Jos. Rabiner, a consumptive, j eigners. the disease it is the opinion of the com- \ first day. pounds or mixtures with their names on t h e 8th shot and instantly killed his mission that by intelligent restriction I t is reported that C*. Sv Consul GoodGlass is not made it, Michigan at is valid, and the names and addresses brother-in-law, Stein, badly wounded and the employment of sanitary methnow strongly opposes Admiral Seyods the ravages of the disease may be present, the nearest. factory being lo- must be placed on packages in such a his father and then turned the weapon mour's intention to la ml .1,000 troops, prevented to a great extent. The com- cated in Toledo. However, a project manner us not to deceive the pur- on himself w i t h what is said t o be on the ground that "such an act would ! is on foot to establish a factory at fatal effect The- shooting occurred chaser. mission has therefore secured an allow- , . not be warranted by t h e circumstances aacc f \wn the state board of auditors ! =>a»*,nBW' John Groulix. an aeronaut, aged 10, on the piazza at the Rockaway Beach and would be likely tt> eause trouble. The Genesee avenue bridge at Sag- of Grand Rapids, was killed at Ottawa hotel in full view of scores of persons for the purpose of printing circulars The gunboat Princeton has sailed describing the disease, giving methods inaw has been condemned and will re- Beach on the 7th, where be w a s giving who had been attracted by the quarrel All the from Amoy for Shanghai. T h i s move' of preventing infection, care of animals main closed until a new bridge i s con- an ascension. The balloon w e s t up which preceded the tragedy. parties to the shooting were from New may have been made o w i n g to the disand disinfection of premises. These structed, which is estimated will take about 2,000 feet. He cut loose tbe turbed condition of affairs near ShangYork. circulars will be placed in the bands of 18 months. parachute and w a s performing on the hai. supervisors whose duties under t b e law A Mrs. Watkins, of near Decatur, on bar as he descended, when' h e lost h i s THE NEWS CONDENSED -Grave fears are again entertained in, are to sake every possible step to limit the 8th committed suicide by saturat- hold and fell about 2,200 feet into the official circles at Washington fox.the tbe spread of the disease whenever i ing her clothing with kerosene, then water. He w a s instantly killed. One death and seven prostrations safety of the imprisoned ministers *in notified of an outbreak. i setting herself on fire. She d i e d - i n According t o t b e August crop bulle- were reported a t Pittsburg, Pa., on Pekin. terrible agony. tin, issued by Secretary of State Stearns tbe 7th. Count von Waldersee, a German, h a s Caaaty to the Front. The number of people w h o are facing been selected for the chief command The thermometer registered 90 in the on tbe 0th, the estimated yield of L i k e county Is generally considered j shade at Howell on the 6th. Farmers wheat for the present year in Michi- destitution at Cape Nome is placed at of the co-operating foreign forces i n a worthless heritage, fit only t o pro- are fearful unless rain comes soon the gan is placed at 10,000,000 bushels, He from 5,000 t o 10,000. China. ' dace f s h , huckleberries and thieves, bean crop of the county will be seri- also says the crop is not such a uniThree persons were killed at South Both Germany and Russia have a •^bot this year the crops are excellent, ously damaged. versal failure as it was last year, as Raub, I n d . on the night of tbe 6th as • common cause for declaring w a r a a d farmers throw down the gauntlet The Michigan Stove company, of De- there is some good crops in certain a result of a collision between a pass- against China and acting jointly. t o the beat farmers of the state. One t r o i t makers of Garland stoves and sections of the state, but that the 1900 enger train and an engine.. T w o detachments of Indian troops a t t a n a of 25 acres of land produced at ranges, has been awarded first prise a t crop Is said to be of poorer quality Thirty-one fatalities from the heat Hong Kong have been ordered t o prethe first c a t t i n g 80 tons of mixed clover than that of last year. were reported from four cities on the pare t o proceed to Shanghai. aad Uawtby bay. and a very superior the Paris exposition, in competition Milwaukee, 38 inBy a wreck on the Southern Pacific 8th, a s follows; sf^seatferofi is n o w growing upon the with the entire world. During.the fight which resulted In fants; Chicago, 9; Pittsburg, 2; Toledo, 2. t a k i n g Yang Tsun t h e Americans sufRural free delivery service has been, near Iowa Station, La., o n t h e IStb, .leant laisf. ordered established at Flashing, Gen- several persons were killed and 40 inThe U. S. transport McPhersoo, from fered 00 casualties. Ferest i r e s have already destroyed esee county, Aug. 15. Length of route, jured. The trucks of the engine left Santiago, Aug. 2, with nine officers It is said that the march to the reW r a i aad crepe in the vicinity of 24 miles: area covered. 35 square miles; the track and the entire train, except and 413 men of the 5th infantry o o lief of Pekin will be a n y t h i n g but a population served, 904. the sleepers, w a s ditched. board, arrived at New York on the Oth. walkover. ••!•* $• 1 • m SrJiNA . ^ ^ 1 4 3 % w f ^ w •> ' «f ^ — \ ' • a Hpiyi,iijmiitipiiii.wmipt U,^.-M->»•>'<# «—fc»J«l I I I I I mw Ill »H!• kU 1» II Hi ,1 I un • • P ^EXE«C3>BB8CWBl^WB^PWSKfM • ' i : T«-»-. 7.« J. : t.' j. mm ^ I l I i •41 1 * • ft 1 >!' and by her sadness, "you would have ^AfcTBRVtl. Veronica's (ace was at bag$arfl at dona very, wrong It you had not ilia's. The blow had been to cruah— come" tttg> to unexpected—that be had not 6he gave him her addreta and left isemed glad to gee her, that bit heart h|m. When the had gone a little way tad not leant out to.ber, at'here dld^irom bim the took her boy in her * him,, that hit eyea did not rett tor arms and hugged him fiercely, "He me moment upon the boy, waa bad never looked at you, my o w n " *nough; but that there abpttto be an- said—"never once! « u t you are other woman in her place! Oh, that mother's joy! Oh, Alan, Alan," she **as anguish, intolerable! At latt she wailed, "why Was X saved!" But Alan was standing where she spoke. "You lore her, Alan?" she tsked. ^Better than my life!" he answered passionately. "Oh!" She gave a little shudder. -Then I will go and leave you to your Happiness," she said quietly. "It's foe only way—the only way. I will take aur boy and go!* "But you cannot go!" he groaned. "I made you my wife, Veronica, and is long as you live you will be my wife, although my heart and hers may break." "I break your heart?" cried Veronica. "Why, I would give my life for you. I would not have you unhappy for a moment if I could help it. I love you as much as in the old days, Alan, before the shipwreck. Oh, why was I saved?" He looked at her, and poor Veronica's heart failed her. There was no love in that look. All the love of Alan's heart w,as given to Joyce. There was pity and despair, but no love. When a woman loves a. man she can soon see the difference. He uld not say that he praised God that he was saved, and he did -not. "Tell me about it," he said mechanically. If she talked he would be able to think what it would be best to do^ for her. But as for him, the despair of his heart almost choked him when he thought that in about half an hour he must pull down that beautiful fabric of their Uvea, must ruin Joyce forever! He could scarcely think of Veronica in his overwhelming agony; but she spoke, glad to see his interest "I was washed in shore, into a sandy bay, Alan. I had gone through the anguish of dying; but when -the people found me they brought me to, but the shock had been too much for me; I could not remember anything. And then in about five months baby was born, and then it all came to me slowly. 1 was ill and weak and could do nothing; I could scarcely think. Then at last when I wrote the letters were sent back to me. and I beard a rumor that you had gone back to England,— T was penniless. I did not know i t you wanted our 'marriage acknowledged, so 1 did_not write to Mr. Dempster; but as my strength returned my courage did also. I began giving singing and guitar lessons. People were good to me. I worked hard, and at last scraped together enough money to take me in a sailing boat to England. I hate the sea. I was afraid of it; but you were there, and I came. But it was a year before I could And anything of you, and I should not have found you at all but Hutchinson told me he had seen you and had spoken to you." "When did he tell you that?" "Two days ago. ,But he told me that he had seen you two months ago, and you had spoken of me. You had told him we were married, Alan, which he had not known. He tracked me heme from a music shop, where they get me music lessons; but I cannot tell why he delayed." Bu*. Alan could. Hutchinson, in his cruelty, knew that it would be the ruin of Joyce's life as well as his own if this marriage with her could be consummated first. He knew Hutchinson hated him,.so this was his revenge! He tried to* think of Veronica, but it was of no "use. Joyce's image came before him whenever he tried to think of the poor girl who was his wife. The little toy, also, was looking at him' with his, Alan's, own blue eyes, Which were so great a contrast to his curly dark hair. That these poor creatines, dependent upon him for love which he could not give, troubled him. "Veronica," he said at length, "will you go back to where you live and I will write to yon when I have seen her?* "The wife you love?" asked poor Veronica.' "Yet," said Alan. "Will you do that? Ton know that you can trust me." "Of courte," said Veronica, simply. "I will do what you say always. It It misery to me to think that I havo made you t o unhappy, when I thought only to make yon happy" , "My poor girl," he said, deeply touched by the contrition in her tone got to give you up, Joyce? You,' the wife of my heart, my own, my soul! You've got to be as nothing to me! How can 1 do it" r i dont know," the tatd feebly, "And-yet, Alan, we must!" <*Do you think I don't know it?': n« cried, "Do yon think I would have you live with me while my wife wae living? Do you think I should let one person in this world point a finger of acorn at yon? Do you think 1 should let you toil your beautiful white soul tor me? Oh, Joyce, 1 love you too perfectly for that, you are too dear to me for that! I will aay good-by to. you, my own, and never look at your face again; but I will not let you live disgraced. But the parting—the parting!" Joyce's white face uplifted to his, Joyce's hands grasping his, Joyce's Whole being suffused oy love for him, and he had to give her up! No more exquisite agony had to be imagined than this moment's, and yet, when it came to the actual doing of it, it so far transcended the imaginings of it that this interview almost seemed sweet in comparison. "The parting?" she re-echoed. "The parting? You mean that we must cease living in the same house, in the same place, together?' Alan, can we do it? Will strength be given us? Oh. what shall we do?" (To be continued.) had left him. He told himself that he was no coward, but that his heart failed him tor this. There was no way out of it. He and Joyce, his wife of six weeks, must part! At last he roused himself; it was getting late. Joyce already would be uneasy about him. The thought of her pretty wifely solicitude, and how after today it might never be put to the test, overcame him altogether. To feel that Joyce was living, and that he must give her up, that they were both young and loving, and must go on living apart forever, was too nfuch for him. "My God, help us to bear it!" Afterwards it came back to him with profound regret that he had never thought ...of Veronica at all; but . he could be thankful that he had seen her and had not hated her. He crept home slowly^like a wounded animal going to its—lair. Home! The very word hurt hira. And be ana Joyce had only this morning talked of buying the pretty house for their summer residence. This morning was it, or years ago Could it be only an hour or so since he left the -station, all unsuspicious of what was to befall him? For he had been unsuspicious. H<? had entirely forgotten the woman who he now easily identified as Veronica. He had been happy as it is given to few mortals to be happy. He groaned aloud as he opened the door which led into the pretty hall. His throat was dry; be could not call Joyce. But Bhe had evidently heard the opening door, for she came out of the raorning-room, which they furnished with the hangings they had bought on the day he had seen Veronica. She called gaily to him and a little reproachfully. "Oh, Alan, how late you are, you naughty boy! And GUT r i d e will you have tea first?" He timply could not answer. It wa3 impossible; his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth, and his dry throat could net articulate a sound. "Alan,"- she "called again, "come along, darling." "I am coming." His voice was, howover, so muffled, in a moment she was alarmed, bhe cftmo 'running out. tu him. "Alan, Alan, what is it? Are you ill, dearest?" Her unconsciousness almost killed him, together with the thought that he would have to tell her. Then she came up to him and saw his face. In an instant she knew that something awful bad occurred. Her jaw fell, and she staggered up to him, putting out her hand and feeling as if she were blind. She was unconscious no longer, for she remembered vividly the day when he had turned so white, and had told her the reason afterwards cs they sat together at the hotel. Her quick mind told her that his-ashy greyness and tba misery on his face had something to do with his dead wife. Hand in hand they went together into the pretty morning-room* into which the sun was shining, and they sat down speechless. A bird in a bush close by set up its joyous son^. Nature was full of gladness. Then suddenly he wrenched his hand out of hers and threw himself headlong upon the couch. Sobs broke from him and his shoulders heaved. For a moment she let him weep, and then she knelt down beside him and flung her pretty, soft arms round his neck, and pressed her cheek,' down which the tears were running, against his, so tha^ their tears mingled together. "Tell me like this," she said. But he could not speak, his grief was uncontrollable. And so in whispers she began: "It is something about your wife, Alan—your first wife, I mean, poor Veronica?" He groaned, and an awful knowledge came to Joyce—a knowledge that clutched her heart and made her very being stand still. For a moment the saw nothing distinctly, heard nothing distinctly, only felt Alan's tears upon her cheek. Then, when the mist cleared away: "Is she alive?" she whispered. "Yea!" he cried. "Alive? Oh, my poor heart! Alive! Your wife? And X—I " He aat up then and grasped her hands in his. "You, you!" he cried. And the agony of hit voice came back to Joyce tor years after. "You! I've ENGLISH What TIPTOPPEBS' PAY. t h e Lead log; Men or AU Profession* Earn In England. It pays to be at the top of things. Money is always attendant upon reputation, for nowadays the successful man is well rewarded for his ability. Diplomacy seems to be one of the most paying professions to follow. "The salary of an ambassador," is a wellknown saying when any one wishes to indicate that such and such.a person is possessed of great wealth. Sir E. J. Monon, our ambassador at Paris, is the most highly paid of all those vigilant gentlemen who guard our interests abroad. He receives for his services the princely income of £9,000 a year. After him comes Sir H. Rumbold at Vienna, with £8,000; Sir F. C. Lascelles, at Berlin, with the same yearly sum, and Sir Charles Stewart Scott, who draws £7,800 from the public purse to represent us in St. Petersburg. All the English diplomats are well paid. "Here is a list of some of them, giving the place at which they reside and the income that comes to them for it: Washington, £6,500; Rome, £7,000; Turkey, £8,000; Tokio, £4,000; Egypt, £6,000; Teheran, £5,000—a list taken at random, which serves to show the large earnings of our representatives. The English church is still a paying profession for the men at the head of it. The archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Temple, enjoys, and-indeed earns, the nice little sum of £15,000 a year, while'his colleague of York is, like the bishop of London, paid £10,000 for his arduous and never-ending labors. The carl of MllUo, lh\t governor of Canadat heads the list of governors with £.10,000, and after him comes Sir Alfred Milner of £ape Town with £8,000. Lord Beauchamp of NewSouth Wales gets £7,000, as also does Gen. Grenfell, who looks after that island fort, Malta. Sums of £6,000, .£5,000, and £4,000 are common salaries. Consul-generals are munificently paid. Two of them— Viscount' Cromer 6f"~Cafro and Sir H. M. Diirand of Teheran—each receive £5,000 a year. For being first lord of the admiralty Mr. Goschen draws £4,500, while Sir Richard Webster, until the last few daysT enjoyed as attorneygeneral £7,000. Mr. Chamberlain has, besides his own large private fortune, £5,000 as his .official salary, while for commanding the array Lord Wolseley gets £4,500. The home secretary, Sir Matthew White Ridley, has £5,000 in salary. Despite the large figures given above, no one, not even the archbishop himself, can- compare in his earnings with those of a successful barrister. Of all "tip-top" men, your leading counsel is the most fortunate. Lord Russell of Killowen as a barrister made something like £20,000 a year.— London Mail. HOMESEEKER9' 55552HE22S '^^ UR$ION8 J. t ii i it?* • When a preparation; ha* e n adver- • Tie. Cbtoag* aV Western Illinois Jksttread* tised reputation that is world-wide, i t On the first and third Tuesdays of meant that preparation U meritorious. July and Auguat the Chicago * If you go into a store to. buy am article, Eastern Illinois Railroad will place on that has achteved-universa! popularity tale Homeaoafcew* Excursion tickets like Caaoarete Candy Cathartic for « * , to various points in Alabema, Arkan- ample, you feel i t hat tfee endorsement ' sas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Loui- of the world. The Judgment of the siana, Mississippi, Missouri, North people is infallible because i t is in*; Carolina, Bouth Carolina, Tennessee, personal The retailer who want* to and Texas. sell you "something else" in plap* e< ;•. One fare pint $2.00 for the round the article you ask for, has. a* a x | o trip. grind. Don't it stand t o reason? Ha'si Ticket! are limited on going trip trying to sell something that ia n o t fifteen dayt from date of tale with what he represents it to be. Why? atop .over privileges in Homeaeekart* Because he expects-to derive an ex-' v territory. Returning tickets are lim- tra profit out of your credulity. Are ited twenty-one dayt from date of tale. you easy? Dont you see through nituRemember that we, now have In serv- UtUe frame? The man who will try ice a new wide vestibuled train be- and sell you a substitute for CAflOAEV tween Chicago k Waco A Ft. Worth* ETC is a fraud. Beware of himt Jut Texas, leaving Chicago daily at 1:60 is trying to steal the honestly earned 9. BL Through. Pullman sleeping can benefits of a reputation which another and free reclining chair cart. For business man has paid for, and if hit -, further particulars call on or addreta conscience will allow him to g o so far, any agent Chicago 6 Eastern' Illinois he will go farther. If he cheste kfeew*- ; Railroad or C. L. Stone. G. P. & T. A., tomer in one way, hie will fn another*' Chicago. and it is not safe to do business'%lih > bim. Beware of the CASCARET *ubstitutor. Remember CASCARET8 are T H E BOXERS OP C H I N A never sold in bulk but in metal boxee are attempting to solve a gigantic with the long tailed "C" on every box problem, but they are going about it and each tablet stamped C C C in the wrong way and will never sucThe human race is but a contest for ceed. Some people, in this country, seem to think that they have at great dollars. lMA$m-Cmn ffur Bhoea.-•-•, a puzzle on their hands in selecting a One size smaller after usinar Allen's FooV location for a home. They will cerEase, a powder. It makes tight or new tainly go about it in the wrong way shoes easy. Cures swol lea, hot,sweating, unless they inspect the beautiful farmaching feet, ingrowing corns anoV ing country on the line of the Chicago,' bunions.. All d m *gists nails, and shce stores, Milwaukee ft S t Paul Railway' in Mar- *5c Trial package FREE by maiL Adinette county, Wisconsin, where the dress Alien S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N.T. crops are of the best, work plenty, A woman's part in life is self-sacri* fine markets, excellent climate, pure, soft water; land sold cheap and on fiee. long time. Why rent a farm when you can buy one for less than you pay for rent? Address C. B. Rollins, Land Agent, 161 La Salle S t , Chicago, 111. HM '•VX1 As a result of a collision between a passenger and freight train on the St. Louis Southwestern (Cotton Belt) railroad at Aurich> 40 miles north of Pine Bluff, Ark., on the 611¾. five men were killed and two seriously injured. ,r.YA •<.M ffiSBsspfi2tt^ More Cheap Excursion* t o Colorado. Special Trains, one night out to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo via the Great Rock Island Route, will leave Chicago August 21, Sept. 4 and IS, at 4:45 p. m. On these dates excursion tickets from Chicago to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Glenwood Springs, Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah, will be sold at rate of one regular fare plus $2.00 for round trip, return limit Oct. 31, 1900. Tickets also good on regular trains. For full information, berth reservations and beautiful book "Colorado the Magnificent," sent fiee, address JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A. Chicago. Nothing comes borne to a man so much as an unsettled bill. Some people love ice cream, while others scream, "Ice!" Be happy, though hot; be calm, though cold. TOE-GUM ¾?sar!^ l ;«^¾ , w ""^ T H E STANDARD SEWING MACHNECO. LARGEST MAKERS of Men's S3 and! S3^0shoesinthe: world. We acllj more $3.00 and', ; $3.50 shoes thnn5 : any other twol ! manufacturers inl the U.S. 1 The reason snore' W.L.Douglsa S3.00". 'and S3£0 shoes are"_ sold than any other' 'mako is because they are' 'the best in the world. .'*! A $4.00 Shoe for $¢.00. ' A $S Shoe for $3.60. ^'Ov«rJljajjODW»ag^g|g| p m SSMbtf TI» Real Worth ef Qu/ $3 ana $3.50 Sto« eomcanKiwtofftWmtkM&WtoW. , BftTtn* tbe larvett |a and Suso shoe bari- nm* In the world, nn<\ a perfect system of rhannrvtO'-trKr. enable* n§ to produce higher prvlft $\ft) *->d $3.ra shoe* than can tie hal elsewhere. Your dealer Lexdtuta) aaifi la each •honld Keep them: wetown. iriTe one dealer \ T u k e m •ilmilfciift . I on haTin«W. L. DoRfrlM ahoee with, \ n&meatxl priceaUinpedon bottom. i Uyonrdealer will not get them fori Woo, send direct to factory, e n - / \ closing )>nce and 8Se, extra i i for carriage, St ate kind of k leather, •ix*. and wtrith, plain or cap toe. Cmr shoes will leiirliyoii m"\ke 25 styles, including the only two-in-one lock and chain stitch machine. Also best low priced mochines. For prices address EDUCATIONAL. J. B. ALDR1CH, State Mngr., DXTBOIT, Mica. NEBRASKA THE LAND OF PLENTY I wonder whjr it 4a tbafc-se-many men spend their days working bard on rented farms, barely making enough to get along,, with no great prospect ahead of owning their own homes, when within a few hours' journey is a land of plenty —Nebraska—where all kinds of grain and fruit can be raised with the least amount of labor; where President Receives Afeoat SBO.OOO. cattle and hogs fed on corn bring a The president receives a salary of handsome profit; where the climate $50,000 a year, his house free, and this is healthful and churches and -includes the heating and lighting. The schools abound; where land is grounds are cared for, his conservatory is filled with flowers, and the cheap and can be bought on very gardener,who cares for it is paid by easy terms. the government The only servants Think of this, and if yon want whose wages the president is called information about the country send upon to pay are his own personal ones, to .me for "The Corn Belt," a for the doormen, messengers, clerks, beautifully illustrated monthly and, in fact, every one connected dipaper that tells all about Nebraska, rectly or indirectly with the executive department are, of course, government! and also for "The West Nebraska Grating Country," aa interesting employes. He receives, also, aa the illustrated booklet containing a head of the army, fodder for hit horsl a m sectional map of Nebraska. es and his stable is the property of the government. There are other alOn the first and third Tuesdays lowances and, taken all in all, it i t of each month during the balance estimated that the president receives of this year cheap excursion in various ways between $80,000 and L tickets will be sold over our road $90,000 a year, or ita equivalent to Nebraska, so that people may go asd see for themselves. Ask your It hat been found that smallpox paticket agent about this. tients are leatt marked when kept in p. a. mans. rooms darkened with red curtains. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE O A K , NOTRE DAME. INDIANA. Casste.% Letters, Economics and ttlstary. Journalism, Art, Science, Pbarwacy, Law* Civil, riechackal and Electrical ~ ' Architecture.' Tborooth Preparatory and Courses. Ecclesiastical students at special rates. Rooms Free. Junior or Senior Year OoUeaiata Courses. Room < to Rent, moderate charges. St. Edward's Hpt*, for boy'ff under 13. The S7th Year will open September 4tn,l#0O Catatonias Pie*. Addres* REV. A. MORRISSEY. C. 8 C. President •*5?& ST. MARY'S ACADEMY NOTRE DAME, INDIANA Conducted by the Sisters of the Ho?? Cross. Chartered ISM. Thorough' Kn& lish and Claisicial education. Regular Collegiate Degrees. In Preparatory Department students carefully prepared for Collegiate oourse. Fhyaieal and Cbemioal Laboratories'well equipped. Conservatory of Musio and , fccbooi of Art. Gymnasium under diree* tion of graduate of Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. Catalogue free. The 46th year opens Saps. 4,1900. Address, DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY. 8 t M a m Acacsay. - Notre LADIES! •*--**»*fo*^--«' ,X£L. ^ DSSK, Isdtsaa When doctor* and ether, tail to re* Here yon, try N. F.X.H.; Itaerst faoL Nnfree. *>•»». kS*wsfcB9s«ws«*wV Liefcss4& mlM iffifcJ :¾ >d .%«-'«* ^ • W t J * . -nW* -^^wriwajsm^^^ .# •fa*® :-:^-. ciC^ •vV : v'a>- # $ & £''•'* « * * • : ' • •*ca nwRr" M^-%* .,¢11.71 "1 -¾ -V CIW k'-V:^'-' ,"Jf*S.: «!'• t ' : •«•' • 'W^?':r^''":V ' • ; ' ' • ' ' ' • r ' : ".'••"• . ' " " • • v ^ L ' " " • • ' / • ' ' . - : - - : - • • ; • • ' ;:.:•••":•'»;'•.•.>• - • • • • • - " , - • . • ' " • • • ' " • : * ' : " - : . ^ : * *, '».•>'* • .* 1 mmm*m+~+m fhwlttrtj iwjmtfh. Council Procedings, ForThe Vlliaf«WP4nckaey* —»- / . L. ANDREWS tWOR. rfiUHSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1900. The immense peach orop this year is reeultinR in low prices. ,A Goblevili man sent a shipment <&i*arly peaches to Chicago and received only two cents per basket $oir them alter paying all the expenses of shipping. Special, - Auf. 31900. Council convened and called to order by president Mclntyre. Present:—Bichards, Bowman, Erwin, Love, Beasoui Absent —Monks. The following resolution was presented and adopted: Be it resolved by the Common Council of the village of Pinckney that the warrant for collection of taxes on Village Boll 1900—be extended until Oct 11900. Upon motion council adjourned. R..H. Teeple, clerk. , The Jaws of health require that the bo we U move once each day and one ol H B ^ b e penalties tor violating this law is 5 1 piles Keep your bowels regular by ,^| taking a dose of Chamberlain's Stom- Regular. Aug. 6, 1900. ath and Liver Tablet* when nece&sCouncil convened and called to iry and you will never have that seorder by president Mclntyre. vere punishment inflicted upon you. Present:—Trustees, Bichards, Price, 25 cents. For sale by F. A. Bowman, Love, Erwin, Beason. Sillier, Pinckney. Absent:—Monks. ft The wholesalers of Saginaw are Minutes read aud approved. H M preparing to entertain the country Street Com. report read and apsi; merchants in their territory in a short time. Every business man within a radius of 100 miles of Saginaw will receive an invitation to visit that city at that time. ».' V i What most people want, is some* thing mild and gentle, wben in need of a physio.. Chamberlain's Stomach and'Liver Tablets fill the bill to a dot They are easy to take hud pleasant in effect, For sale by F. A. Siller Pinckney. I - *&' proved. Street bills were presented as follows: Geo. Reason and con 431b nails, $1.72 Teeple & Cad well 201b anils. .80 Geo. Sigler filing saws etc, 1.10 T. Read lumber, • 22.48 Dud Grieve draying, .85 S. Grimes Poll, labejr for R. Erwin, 1.25 W.J. Black, 1.00 W.Harris, 1.25 Chas. Grimes poll and labor, 1.25 F. H. Smith " 1.25 Thos. Turner labor,' * 5.98 Total, $38.93 The following contingent bills were presented and accepted. F. L. Andrews printing, $7.55 Roger Carr lighting and set posts, 10.10 G. \V. Reiwn & S:m lamps, burners, 21.76 W. E. Mnrpby 1 day b'd election, 1.50 Jas. Greene " 1.50 Wra. Hoff gate keeper, 1.50 Total, $43.91 A Minister's Gaod Work. S. Brogan's bid for marshall "I had a severe attack of bilious * * colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's services for balance of year was i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, presented and accepted at $40.00 * v took two doses and was entirely cur- per annum. Upon motion Council adjournc ed," says Rev. A. A. Power, of Empor\f ia. Kan. "My neighbor across the ed. h street was sick for over a week, had B. H. TEEPLE, Clerk. \two or three bottles of medicine from "My baby was terribly sick with tl e the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then diarrhoea," says J. H. Dosk, of Willisms, Oregon, "We " w e were unable to Vs- called in another doctor who treated cure him with the doctor's assistance, him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. 1 went and as a last resort we tried Oharabeover to see him the next morning. lajn's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea B e said hrs bowels were in a terrible Remedy. I am happy to say it gave relief and a complete care." fix, that they had been runningimmediate off so long that it was almost bloody flux. For sale by F. A. Sialer. Pinckney. I asked him if he bad tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea V1ATHB 4 Remedy and he said. 'No.' I went borne and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min- Annual low rates to Fetoskey, Traverse utes if he did not find relief, but be City, Charlevoix, Ludlagton, Mack- J took no more and was entirely cored." inac Island, September 4. For sale by F. A. Sifiler, Pinckney. t • The Bell and New Stpte telephone exchanges at Ypsilanti arc to be consolidated. I t is only a question of time when this policy will be carried out in every town and village where there is an exchange of each of these companies.—Dexter Leader. • * ' • EXCURSIONS P E R E MARQUETTE lh<- iff.; At the Uuiversity hospital there js a rather unusual sight. A few days ago a baby was born. On the third day after its coming ^ into the world it developed two H teeth. On the fifth day two more teeth, appeared. Thus the baby at the age of five days has four teeth. This will make mothers look back a long ways before anther instance can be found which tjeat this record.—Courier. Train will leave South Lyon at 7:20 and 9:45 a. m. Bate 15.00 to Petoskey and Traverse City via Pere Marquette through or via Grand Bapids, Howard City and G. B. & I. By. Bate to Mackinac Island $1.00 more than Petoskey. Bate to Ludington ¢5.00. All tickets good to return until Sept 12 inclusive. See bills or ask agents for full particulars. t-34 Saturday, August 18. It is the of duty of every farmer to visit the Agricultural Col•Wp the CoQffh and works oftlege the once a year and take his Cold. | j Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure children to see the college and ,a cold in one day. No<ure, no pay. grounds. This advice applies to city folks also. To make such a Price 25 cents. trip without much expense, the 'Through the months of June and Pere Marquette Company will run July our baby was teething and tjok a special train on above date, ' ; 'a running off of the bowels and s»ck- leaving South Lyon at S:43 a', m. l e a s of Uw Stomach," says 0 . P. M. and leaving the Colleee returning BolHday, of Deming Ind. "His b o w at 5:83 p. m. Bound trip rate «U would move <rom five to eight $1.00 children under 12 half rate. et'A day. 1 had a bottle of CbamFill np your lunch baskets and cl|fcVUl.ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea propose for a delightful outing. mady in the bouse and gave nim ANOCR80X FARMER'S 1XUB. .,^ ^»<rf:»:a ~: WILDCAT STRATEGY. A'FRfifi flcnle ia YaBWIntte>stirore gator day The Clew? 1T«y In Weieh th» Animal outAnft-mt 11. wltteil• lack ©f Fmvutn* HotuuL* many.parta of T e n n e e s ^ aW-On Saturday last the members ingIn wildcats is as popular a tT<** ;'s of the Anderson farmers club held the fox chase. The wildcat ia as ^EAR tricky as the fox. He has n B'IU their first annual picnic in Van mote dogged way of sticking to the Winkle's grove southwest of this thickest cover and the most rugged and when overtaken will genvillage and everyone went to enjoy ground, erally fight till lia dies. the day and scenery. I t is withSome years ago I witnessed a wildout doubt oue of the most pictur- cat perform an act of cunning qui e as remarkable an any I have heard esque places in this part of the attributed to the fox. With six other country many places being as wild young men I was camped near the waters of Buffalo Creek, not far and rugged as can be found among head from the Alabama line, when we dethe rocks of northern Michigan. termined to try a wildcat chase, and for that purpose went to a thickly r<w IftdiM. alMf, ttrli «nd little ehUdna. Th*t*w In the background there is a wooded strip of country lying between taft ttyflS ™c5o? Sect not atutaMl.toy the MLOTU beautiful body of water which ex- the Buffalo and one of its tributary othir pitww*" H»»« M aqua! <oritylB*ad pwfxXflt In the dense woods there nre tends for several miles through streams. occasionally small openings connected ponds, rivers and lakes whose by a few old roads which we could on horseback. Only at the A BAZAR, fc shores are bold and covered with traverse lower end of this strip of woods were groves. I t is an ideal spot for a there any caves or holes To which vha wildcats would be likely to retreat. picnic and sight-seeing. rut toother. Only 10 *n« )»«*»« " S k-«OM TT^! Our chase began on a cloudy* driz- Euilr BlBber" VoldTonearly r w e ' | y " * » J ^ ? j S ' At noon the tables were spread zling morning, a capital time for the •Ilk tor tbtm. Ataotutety wry l»teitttp-to^M*•»*•• T H E MeCALL COMPANY, "on the grass" and the different hunt, for in such -weather the game Is easily'started and the trail Is strong. parties fell to and replenished the Three of our party, including ruygelf TATE of MICHIGAN, County of Livingston, inner man. Just as dinner was took positions near the junction of the SS. streams, in the edge of a small At a «0ssion of the Probate Court for said Counover a little shower hustled the two space tha? was clear of undergrowth, ty, held at the Probata OIHce In the Village of people for a few momentfl but save but set with taller tress. The other Howell, on Saturday tnMth day of August, In taking the dogs, went some two the year one thousand nine hundred. a slight wetting no one was injur- four, miles up the river to start the game, Present, AtB'RJ> M. DAVW; Judge of Probate. ed and the program was carried which would probably pass near our In the Matter of toe Estate ef position, either to take refuge in a DAN JACKSON, Deceased. out as arranged. neighboring bluff on the river bank, On reading and filing the petition dnly verified ot N. D. Wilson acted as toast- or as was more likely to dodge 1he Or)a t: J ackson, praying that a certain instrument by winding among the rocks, now. on file in this oonrt, purporting to be the last master and after a song by Mrs. hounds and then doubling on their trail. Will and Testament of said deceased, may be adKirk Van Winkle, he introduced We had waited fully two hours when mitted to probate. it is ordered that Thursday, the 80th Bev. Fr. Comerford who gave a we heard the distant cry of a hound, dayThereupon of Aug. next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon,)art and soon afterward a full chorus of short address in which he said the dogs. They were coming toward said Probate Office, be assigned for the hearing-of petition. that he thought the life of the far- our place of concealment, although as said It is further ordered that a copy of this order be yet far off. and to judge from their mer was the happiest in the world. cry the trail was growing hotter every published in the PI.VCKNEY DISPATCH, a newspapprinted and circulating in saiu county, three It may not be the richest but the moment. After a run of some twenty er minutes the steady baying was suc- successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. farmer is M all times in touch ceeded by a din of short, sharp yelps, ALBXHD M. PA VIS, t-86 J udge of Probate. and then we knew the pack had sightwith nature and nature's God. ed the game. We kept perfectly quiet Jas. Greene th*»n followed with among the bushes, our guns ready for a toast "Our Ancestors" in which action and when the hounds were1 about a quarter of a mile distant we he extolled the works of those who heard a rustling among the bushes EUREKA SURE STOP TOOTHACHE POWDERS settled and fought for the freedom between us and the dogs, a succession Gives quick and sure relief. light, springing leaps, and then an of this country and thought we of EUREKA COMPLEXION OINTMENT enormous wildcat bounded Into the should ever be on our guard that clearing. Removes Black-heads and Pimples. nothing should overthrow the We should have fired but that our EUREKA CORN CURE curiosity was roused by the eccentric freedom which was so dearly movements of the creature. For an Cures all Corns, Bunions, and CallotM places. bought. We should look with instant he looked back in the direction of the hounds, then making sevEUREKA O.K. WART REMOVER shame on the man who would use eral active springs to the left he reIs certain in its results. his money or allow his ballot to turned to his trail and made as many springs to the right. Then turning he B a c h 1 0 c , C o i n OP S f a m p s be purchase at either a caucus or jumped upon the trunk of a leaning By R e t u r n Mail. chestnut tree, which, having been an election. Agents wanted—write today. blown down, had been broken off Miss Clair Ledwidyje gave a some forty feet from the root. Th9 Address, EUREKA SUPPLY HOUSE, recitation after which Frank break was seven or eight feet from Pinckney, Mich. the ground, and the leaning trunk was Shields of Howell responded to pointing in the direction from which "Our Country" in an eloquent ad- j the hounds wer*> ^ftr^ff 'ine cat ran quickry—to the upper di'eas. He^ said that while our end, but instead of leaping off, as we country wes among the youngest expected, he scrambled underneath the of all, yet we were in advance of trunk, and crawled out upon a broken limb that projected two or three foet nearly every other in nearly all from the lower side. Here he sat, matters. Go to any nation or close crouched with his short ears back and his great yellow eyes country you may and you can ride thrown glaring fiercely. in American cars drawn by Amer- Pretty soon the dogs came up in full ican engines over American steel'. cry on the trail. Three old hounds led the pack and these were a little puzWe can eat American fruits al- zled when they came to where the cat l^&3»g> *"* had turned aside. The other hounds, most anywhere in the world. most of them being young, scat! fired A/YD STEAMSHIP LINES, Bev. K. H. Crane gave a short over the open place, all the while bayPopular route tor Ann Arbor, Totalk in which he said that he hop- ing lustily, but without striking the trail at #11. The leaders, having made ed the time would come when this several starts in different directions, ledo and points East, South, and for Howell, Owo8so, Alma, Mt Pleasant picnic would take in the whole finally struck the trail, and were forth- Cadillac, Manistee, Traverse City and joined by the others. Up the township of Putnam and every with trunk they went with sonorous bay.' points in Northwestern Michigan. farmer and son of of a farmer at- one right after the other. VV. H . BENNETT, tend with their families. Under the end of the log on the G. P . A. Toledo Altogether the picnic was a suc- broken limb still crouched the wildcat, cessand everyone expressed them- motlonle&s as atone7 except as he bent fierce yellow eyes around him and P E R E MARQUETTE 8e Ives as well pleased with the his moved his short tall slowly from side days outing. to side. Only the thickness of the log R a i l r o a d , a-fi^y 1 3 , 1 9 0 0 . ^3SHS&32«a? j i MS CALL 'PATTERNS •i S SOME FACTS! BEAD T H E ! Railroad Guide. L'at whnt yon like Eat as you like. Keep strong by taking Knill'8 Dyspepsia Tablet*. They digest any and all Linds of food. Make pure, sweet stomachs and breaths. Try them. Only 25c a box. JP!ea«nnt» Safe a n d Sure are KmU's Black Diarrhoea Pills. (Black berry Compound) cure Summer complaints Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus and all pains of the stomach and bowels; 25c a box. O ran ye H eadacb e. Knill's Orange Headache Pills, 10 dose 10c Cure in 10 minutes, are the best and cheapest. Never fail or leave any bad after ef; feet. Guaranteed by your druggist. A. 3 . Stewart of Webberville, has a fine threshing outfit. Besides a very large and modern traction engine, he has a self feeder separator, it weighs the grain, bags it and stacks the straw. Ten men comprise the crew; they live in tents and board themselves. The price for threshing wheat U. ^oujfuropi in a teaspoonful of water TO Cure a Cold In J f a n i l w g o l better at once." Sold by Take Laxative Bromo Qtuain* Tab 4cts a bushel and 2Jcts for oats. ft A- Sigler, Pinckney. lets.AII druggitt* r*fdo4 tkenwnt/ All the farmer has to-do is draw if it fails to curs. E-,W,ftrat%Y*V off the grain.—Williamston EnSttbacribe for Dispatch. nature ii on each bo*. fjtot .. m TT *•*£. ••. ».i |. was between him and the foremost hound; still he did not move, but only crouched closer to the limb. Ills pursuers paused but for a moment on the log, and then leaped to the ground in quick succession. After a little confuion in searching for the trail, they started off at full speed on the back track, and were soon some distance from the place. The cat did not move from his plac3 until the hounds were well out of sight. Then, raising his head, he cautiously looked-around, and, lindim? no enemies in sight he sprang lightly to the ground and started to mako off another way. I wished to reward the animal's sagacity by allowing it to escape unhurt, but a shot irom one of the party stopped Its course,—Yon:h 'a Companion. GOING KAftT uraua Hk lids. Ionia . , , , Lansing Howell South Lyon,., 8alera Ar Plymouth Detroit am r\0 L.V n m nm IV 0a 586 i,; 7 40 U 20 600 0 04 1 46 7*7 10 w 8 » »•**««*• >•••*•#• OOtNO WK8T iXrtfeit. 98W S6 8 04 858 908 46 00 323 980 40 406 10 05 am pm pm 8 40 1 10 5 15 10 10 11 11 Plymouth...'. 026 148 556 Salem 6 10 9 86 South Lyon 9 4» 208 6 » Howell 10 88 885 658 Lansing 11 23 8 30 7 M Ionia 18 50 4 45 A t * Ar Grand Rapids..... * » • • • « i ao 5 10 10 0» Finnic Bi/r, H . F . MOBLLEH, Agent, South Lyon. Actin* G. P. A., Gran 1 Rapids. * • « t * 50 YIARft' PXPEMINOI BBIGH1 (••AlCDHOWWr M M Maaagvit ta Ifclt a*d tlen by oou» tim. feltrv H 0 t • jmt a*4 axpasMfc ftnlt. bono4d* • » M M , m I w . Port. puiml, Oar •afaraaota,' aaa la aaj laws. 1 1 ½ aalaly oflat tfcMfino* oon»Ajnr. •»CanoAoo*j Tftaoc M A R K * DcaiaNa Co#vm«HT« A c i landing a sketch and Mart p—whtih^rJk „ _ _ilr . awMTtatn jBAcrtatn oar owr opinion o~' ib1rr>"tent»bT«. CoimnnnkJh* itjoti pvmtiap ts ts probablyr> oontidentlBJ. Handbook Oft PaUfttt ^fM4u^dMrsawoy"foy.s«^rtnVwtentiw . . . . - ~ „.<1est sawioy for aeonfinitjpatentt. '•tents taken throutb Mann A Co. rectiva ' in tno "mm imety Ulastrited wertly. Lsrwat «x* / Sttjporib* for the DISPATCH • !U i •••: ' -..' • V "\,V-. • .-•'•:'•' ' .' : vi.:', : !'':»--,-. • ' '• : " ^ , •. ; •• f'.',(•;'', V"'': ' i' - . • ' . ' • • : , -' • .-•• • • :•> : : ; ' : . 1 ' : * . - )• . • • - r • •' •• ..•• .• " . ' • • " ' • ; '•. - . . ' • • - i - ' - , - . . ; • * • » • . v . .• • - , • • • • . • ' • .•-.;• . '• <. •, . . - . • - • . < ' • • • • ' • • . ' • - . ~ '- ''.' mm*mmmm*-*> i •a >)>••! K .¾ tt K & K K ^ K K >H - f # f ^ l W i p J •pwi^BWW Vl.svBJBlBBxj WECURESTRICTWEl , Thousands of young and middle-aged mmare tToubledjriththisdisease* -many innoonaeiously. They* may bay© e> smart ing sensation, HQftU, twisting -ewe*** sharp cutting pates1 pttfnwputi%ht dis» charg*,-difficulty In oommeneing, weak , laSSHbtSaSKpiB: TORE. i W t let deetora experiment on' yon, by patting, stretching, or tearing TENT SAWH& the iirlcttt» t i n e ; »Q^r«MTeitlM^«btxrep«rmu)CDtly. I J 4 U M T W retain. No.pataaojtnBW int. no detention from badness by oar »«thod. ThesexiudoMansare strongthsned.. The nerves areInvigorated* and tbe WIM of manhood returns. WfiCUREGLEET Thoasands « t yotmt end Bfenue h a v i n g w m o . Titahtyjxmtmoally sapped .^-. They i r * frequently anooneeioai ottheoaiue of these symptoms. General, Weakness, Unnatural Discharges. Fail- j *«* 9 W r N « f * e m e « , PoprMem; times Smarting Senwith dark circle*, •? • y , t - T - j Depression, Lack Part«, etc ' G L K B T and S T R I C T D J R I may be the caute. Don't oonsalt family doctors, as they have no experience in these tpeoial diseases—don't allow Quacks to experiment on yotu Consult specialists, who have made a life study of Diseases 01 Men and Women. Oar NEW METHOD TREATMENT will positively core you. One thousand dollars for a ease we aooopt for treatment and cannot sure. Terms moderate for a cure. IJnwtoDeal Witli CURES GUARANTEED: We treat and cure: EMISSIONS. VARICOCELE. SYPHILIS, GLEET. STRICTURE. LMPOTENCY. SECRET DRAINS.UNNATURAL DISCHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS i'REE. If unable to call, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. KENNEDYFKERGAN Cor. Michigan Awe. and Shelby St. DETROIT, M I C H . K&K K&K K&K SCAVENGERS Of AFRICA Wk«te«t^Utwt*8«4UfA Tberw t«emt to be a mwnnder. V o l t c r w Mar* the) Of*** a * « florrlWe' atftD^fng amonog tb^flabermenof •*••'•••• F t e l d o f Carsuifey 2 t^e State as to what eoattitates, a J u t i a a R a l p h Omcrihlnt recently a ride t o B l o e m f o n t e i n l a t a e w a k e of flat lin« the use of which is proRoberts's victorious army m o t e : . hibited by law, and in order that **I s a w ahead of m e a s w a r m or v m • all may understand how the offic- t u r e s s o a r i n g i n a s t h i c k a cloud a s If t h e y had b e e n m o t h s . A s I dre v ials interpret the term, Game nearer I noticed t h a t t h e bulk of e a c ^ garden Horse has announced the o n e ' s body w a s v e r y g r e a t . On t h e ground, w h e r e t h e r e w e r e t w o s c o r e ruling of his department. w a d d l i n g about* t h e y s e e m e d eveu larger. T h e y m a r k e d t h e outer ed*e He says that a set line within of t h e g r e a t a n d horrid « e l d o f c a r the meaning of the law, is any n a g e . Many dead h o r s e s l a y o n t h e line in use for the purpose of v e l d t , a n d t h e s e birds w e r e eat i n s catching fish in any of the inland og tohme er s .a n d p e r c h i n g o n t h e backs of lakes of this state, and not held "Foul, n a u s e o u s , u g l y , b e a s t l y birds in the hand or under the' immedi- a r e t h e s e . T h e y w e r e t o 1 » m y c o n s t a n t c o m p a n i o n s for t h r e e days.*l w a s ate control o! the party using i t t o s e e hundreds u p o n hundreds of This would include bobs, tip-up t h e m , a n d n e v e r o n c e , b y d a y , fail t o enough lines tied to brush or poles set in sofe e tthheemm . t o Yme ta kt hee raewwa eyr ew intoht all the the mud or ice, lines stretched fobd t h a t w a r b a d g i v e n t h e m . " N a t u r a l a s Is t h e f e e l i n g of repulacross lakes with short lines with s i o c e of these s c a v hooks attached, in short any de- e n gne,r sw hofi c ht hteh eb pa trtelsee nfield arotftes. i n vice for catching fish other than a t h e e c o n o m y of n a t u r e t h e y perform a single apparatus held in the hand m o s t useful work. T h e y lessen t h e of the operator or under his im- d a n g e r of pestilence. T h e y really m a k e war l e s s terrible t o those w h o mediate control. e s e a p e death by t h e e n e m y . K& A $4.00 BOOK FOR 75cis. The Farmers' Encyclopedia. * ErsTTtkhupertainlnrte tfie affairs of tkt farm, h o u s e h o l d and stock raisins;, 1 , /'<* braces articles on the horse, the colt, horse habits, diseases of the horse, the farm, grasses, fruit culture, dairy, lng.cookery, health, cattle, 8heep,swine, oultry, bees, the og, toilet, social life, etc,, etc One of the most complete Encyclopedias In existence. A large book, 8x5% z 1% Inches. 636 pages, fully illustrated, bound in green cloth bindins; and equal to other books costing ti.00. If you desire this book send us our special offer price, $0.75» and 90.20 extra for postage and S , Ifltlsnotmfr- Dr'ulc. T h e true object of legal p u n i s h m e n t Is t o • eliminate c r i m e by rescuing or r e f o r m i n g and our p u n i s h m e n t should c o m b i n e the deterrent and reformatory elements. A b o u t 26,000 of t h e 62.000 drunks In t h e S t a t e of M a s s a c h u s e t t s b e l o n g in B o s t o n . About half of t h e m are d i s c h a r g e d after a night, in t h e s t a t i o n h o u s e , 7,000 are fined a n d -1,000 suffer i m p r i s o n m e n t . Of t h e 26,000 o n l y 1,270 g o o n probation. T h u s t h e best form of discipline is u s e d l e a s t and the w o r s t form is used most. M o s t of t h e j u d g e s "of t h e municipal court, t h e police c a p t a i n s , s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s a n d chaplains of t h e reformatory a n d charitable i n s t i t u t i o n s say t h r ' t h o m o s t p r o m i s i n g field for reducing t h e e v i l s of d r u n k e n n e s s lies in the direction of an e x t e n s i o n of the probat i o n s y s t e m . T h e y agree in e m p h a s i z i n g the v a l u e of t h e personal moral relationship. A n d t h a t 4s partly a n a n s w e r to the question a s to w h e t h e r t h e State is properly m e e t i n g its responsibility t h a t g o e s w i t h its extraordinarily s e v e r e t r e a t m e n t of drunkards. I t is necessary t o i m p r e s s upon e v e r y individual in the c o m m u n i t y h i s personal responsibility for t h e lai and its a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . At present w e are doing for drunkards not w h a t will reform but w h a t degrades t h e m . I r e fer to t h e 11,000 fined or s e n t to prison e v e r y year. T h e s y s t e m of fines violates t h e fund a m e n t a l principle of democracy, bec a u s e it is no p u n i s h m e n t to t h e well-to-do, while it is a pun^ ishment to the poor. The rich man is able to secure his i m m e d i a t e discharge, w h i l e the poor man h a s to go to prison for w a n t of ; lie m o n e y to pay his fine, and there he a s H o H a t P K w i t h f h p m i w t HoprroHo^ ^ . factory return it and we willexol2 * J g ® * J ° y ™ ^ p i e and becomes p e r m a n e n t l y corruptyour money. Send for our special...«—.»«. K^*~ . ^^... m,^i„ Jogue. quoting the lowest prices on books, FREE eo\ Tery likely. W e ^^t7^m$f^»^?i!SiB.0Srt0. ' 0 f t e n t h e o n l v a l t e r n a t i v e is that t h e o THE WERNER COMPANY, • / -^ire or children h a v e to be deprived of m i u a m utBUamfeetron. Akron, Ohio. t h e necessaries of life in order to refThe Womer Curnpuny is thoroughly reliable.!—Ertitof l e a s e their bread-winner. It is the i n n o c e n t w h o are p u n i s h e d by such a s y s t e m . — B y Prof. B d w a r d - e u m m i u g s . PATENTSWUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sendinj sketch aud description of any iuvention wil promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. " How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon reqliestv Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through ua receive^p^ciaf notice* without charge, in T U E PATENT RECORDS an illustrated and widely circulated journal; consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J . EVAN8 A CO. (Pntcnt Attorneys,) I v a n s Building, W A S H I N G T O N , D . C. J O N E S H E PAYS T H E FREIGHT "PERFECT" WHC0M SCA^S flatted Statet Standard, All Sizes. All Kinds Not made by a trust or controlled by a com Diaattou. For free Book aud Price Llstvaddr<.-i AONCS OP BINQMAMTON, BINQHAMTON M * A L u m i n o u s Sou C r n b . One of the m a r i n e curiosi'tes _ r ^ c e n t l y fished from t h e b o t t o m of"1 h o . Indian ocean by a d r e d g i n g vessel in t h e e m p l o y of the CaIcutta~Scciety of ^ . 1 1 , . . 1 0 1 ^ . . , ~.«- ~ ~ Vu -natural History w a s a m a m m o t h sea crab w h i c h c o n t i n u a l l y emitted a bright w h i t e light, s i m i l a r t o t h a t s e e n i n the spasmcd'.e flashes of phosphore s c e n t luminosity kindled br our comm o n g l o w worms. The oddity w a s captured in the day time and placed in a large tank, n o t h i n g peculiar except i t s i m m e n s e size being noticeable in t h e broad glare of the tropical ~sun. A t night, however, w h e n all was p i t c h y darkness, t h e crab surprised t h e naturalists by l i g h t i n g up t h e tank s o t h a t all t h e o t h « r s e a creatures, g r e a t a n d small, could be p l a i n l y seen. We receive trom 10,000 jto 2o,000 letters every day \v a carry a stock goods valued a; $1,.^00.1)00.00 i*m S3, i 1' e t saasJIe bulging in tnt world. W e have teen hundred clerks are constantly ; oat-pMown orders. O U R O E N B R A L C A T A L O f U * / l f tk« book of the p e o p l e - i t quotes Wholesale Prices to Eisjrj»»dy, l a s over »,000 pages, 16,000 illustrations, a^4 60,000 descriptions of t m p Wjjili prices. It coats 7* cants to'print and mail each copyr Wo w.ntestes%•fcsW*one. BEND FlFTEBlf CENTS to-vhow your good faith, urd vat'H aosst^ou a copy F R B £ , with all charges prepaid. — — • — — — • 11 «1—W>P—•mmAm~*mm. We the ondar«sTn*d drturfvt^ er a. ewa/d of 50 cents t# t o / psriBti who put chases of as, two 26e bose* of IUtCei-'e- tfaaJrake Bitteri T*WeCa, if it foils to cureeoa-tfipitioo, biliousness, sick-headache, jaundice, lots of appetite, soar stomaohe, djrsjwjftf/ liver complaint, or any of the diteaso* for which ft is recommended. Price 25 cents tor either tablets or liquid. We will also refund the mraejr on ou> package of either if it fails to giro satisfaction, F. A.gigler, W. B. Darrow, n i a t e • » H e w ^ o S t s * Bl*n Ov«» Us* Dry *««#•». W h a t t h a l l I d o ? M y p a s t u r e * are g e t t i n g dry a n d m y c o w s a r e a l l d r y i n g u p t o o . H o w c a n I g e t back t h e m t l k I h a v e been l o s i n g t h e s e p a s t f e w weeks * T h e s e are q u e s t i o n s w e o f t e n h e a r i n t h e F a l l w h e n t h e flush feed of S p r i n g a n d S u m m e r are g o n e . A n d t h e y are serious questions to the m a n ' w h o is d e p e n d i n g u p o n h i s c o w s for t h e s u r p l u s m o n e y t o p a y up t h e i n t e r e s t o n t h e m o r t g a g e n e x t W i n t e r o r t o tarnish t h e n e c e s s a r y f u n d s for t h e cold days, s o o n t o c o m e . W e are m a n y of u s n o t a s far s e e i n g as s o m e of t h e s o - c a l l e d l o w e r a n i »*" ",T* m a l s , for t h e y m a k e e v e r y preparation Cor the. dreary d a y s w h e n t h e r e w i l l b e no gathering grain and nuts for w i n : try d a y s . T h e f o r e h a n d e d m a n h a s rCBUUSO I T O I TVttBtftSY XOSfZSf a x made p l a n s t o tide o v e r t h e dry t i m e after t h e g o o d p a s t u r e s of S p r i n g h a v e Xditor and Peoprtotor* p a s s e d b y , as t h e y s u r e l y w i l l . W h a t bnbecripUoa Price $1 la Advaaea. h a s h e d o n e ? H e h a s put i n a p i e c e of o a t s a n d p e a s , w h i c h are j u s t i n t h e i r Snterec at the Poatoffloa at Piookaor, JUabi***, aa second-claee matte*. ^ prime b y t h e l a s t of J u l y o r t h e m i d d l e Advertising rate* made kaosrat oa application. of A u g u s t . U p o n t h i s h e w i l l n o w b e gin to draw; and how the milch cows Baelnew Cards, $4.00 p«r yea*. r>eath sod marriage nStieM published fro*. do e n j o y t h i s f r e s h feed. A n d h o w Announcements of entertainments may bo paid t h e y respond t o t h i s care o n t h e p a r t ! tor, U desired, by presenting tne omoa wito. tickof their_pwner. W h e n t h e m i l k c h e c k •ta of admission. -XaHase tickets are not brought f " A a s v o g e l s , " w h i c h m e a n s carrion c o m e s n e x t , i n s t e a d qf s h o w i n g a f a i l - to tneoffice, regular rates will bo charged. matter la local notice eolama will bo eoaras c a v e n g e r s , t h e B o e r s call t h e m . Of i n g off, a s m a n y of t h e n e i g h b o r s d o , edAll at 5 cents per line or fraction thereof, for eaek i t w i l l p r o b a b l y c o m e up t o t h a t f o r recent y e a r s It h a s b e e n noticed t h a t insertion. Wbere no t i n s is speciAed, ail notice* t h e i r number h a s g r e a t l y decreased, t h e m o n t h preceding. T h e m o n t h of will be inserted until ordered discontinued, end viU be e*arg*d for accordingly. jjg sllihswioa o w i n g to t h e destruction of the , b i « A u g u s t i s a l s o a g o o d t i m e t o b e g i n ofadvertiaamesiu MUSTreich tola office aaearly g a m e , w h i c h g r e a t l y d i m i n i s h e d t h e i r f e e d i n g a s m a l l ration of g r a i n . T h e aa TuaaDAY morning to insure an insertion the funeral banquets. B u t apparently t h e w i s e d a i r y m a n w i l l see t o i t t h a t h i s same week. t i d i n g s t h a t m a n ' s h a n d had t u r n e d b i n s a r e n o w filled up. B r a n c a n b e JOS miJ/lIJTG / a g a i n s t m a n In o n e s m a l l portion of b o u g h t a t t h a t t i m e f o r q u i t e a l i t t l e specialty. We haveallkinda >f Type, etc., vnleh enable* _Africa h a s t r a v e l e d far and w i d e less- t h a n It c a n later. M K> execute au amds of work, such as Hooka, a m o n g t h e m , and t h e y h a v e gathered B u t w h e n t h e o a t s a n d p e a s are g o n e Pamplets, Posters, Programmes, Bill Heads, Note t o g e t h e r from g r e a t d i s t a n c e s to par- w h a t t h e n ? W e l l by t h i s t i m e t h e c o r n Heads, Statements, Cards. Auction Bills, etc., In superior styles, upon tne shortest notice. Prioes as ticipate i n t h e f e a s t . Which t h e p r o v i d e n t m a n t o o k t h e 0^ as good work can b* done. A w a r correspondent also teHs of p a i n s t o put in l a s t J u n e w i l l c o m e i n mLh BILLS PATABL7 flBST OF BVBSr MONTH. s e e i n g t h e s e c r e t a r y bird—"a stately good play. "We of t h e s t a t e of N e w bird, h o l d i n g h i m s e l f proudly and York were m u c h troubled l a s t S p r i n g s t a l k i n g a l o n g w i t h n o b l e strides a s because w e could not g e t a s m u c h THE VILLAGE DIRECTORY. h e glanced about h i m for a breakfast 3weet corn as w e would h a v e l i k e d t o of s n a k e s . " T h e s e c r e t a r y bird in a p - s o w . . T h e r e w a s v e r y l i t t l e t o be h a d pearance presents a s t r i k i n g contrast at a n y price, a n d the acreage p u t i n VILLAGE OFFICERS. Alex. Mclniyre t o t h e vulture. Man h a i l s it a s a was therefore small. In t h e i r a n x i e t y PBBSXDBNT ^„_«......_. TKOSTSBS £. L. Thompson, Alfred Monks, friend. Because of its usefulness ni to p r o v i d e s e e d t o supply t h e d e m a n d s , Daniel Biohards, ueo. Bowman, eiamael d e s t r o y i n g v e n o m o u s s n a k e s i t is p r o tiykes, f. l>. Jonnson. 3ome s e e d s m e n p a l m e d off a k i n d of CLXBK. ........^ ,..B. H. Teeple t e c t e d in all parts of Africa. :orn w h i c h l o o k e d s o m e w h a t l i k e ^HBASOBsa.....M.M .MMMI.O.^M. . W. E. Mnrphy A s m a n y as three large s n a k e s h a v e s w e e t corn. B y t h i s t h e y w i l l g a i n A M N B U R . . . . . . . . .».«»..•. . . . . . . « « . » M M « » . . . . Irf , ^L» XjlUf b e e n taken from t h e s t o m a c h of o n e of ***>.. J. Monks. n o t h i n g , for t h e d a i r y m e n w i l l not for- STBMTCOIUUSBIO MASSABI. :...^JL B. Bro«ra. t h e s e birds, b e s i d e s lizards, tortoises g e t t h e trick t h u s played upon t h e m . HftALTHOmosa Or. H. f. gigler and a q u a n t i t y of g r a s s h o p p e r s . W h e n ...W\ A. Carr B u t t h e corn field w i l l , n o w yield a ATTORMBT. a t t a c k i n g a cobra t h e secretary bird defends itself f r o m t h e v e n o m o u s f a n g s good supply of s w e e t feied, a n d put i n CHURCHES. b y h o l d i n g Its w i n g in front a s a to t h e pocket of t h e m a n w h o had t h e shield and strikes the s n a k e down by w i s d o m t o p r o v i d e it m a n y extra dolBTHOUIUT EPISCOPAL CHC7BCH. v i g o r o u s b l o w s of i t s feet. F r e q u e n t l y lars. A s t h e d a y s g o on, t h e grain raitev. COM. Simpson, pastor. Service* every it kills a large s n a k e by carrying it tion w i l l be increased until t h e c o w s Sunday morning at I0:&i, and every Sunday are ready to g o Into W i n t e r quarters in h i g h in the air a n d t h e n dropping U evening at 7:00 o'clock. Prayer meeting Tn arefirst-class condition. It is a c o m f o r t - day evenings. Sunday school at close of mornt n e grptiha. ing service. LBAJ. SIQLBB, stapt. It is called t h e secretary bird be- i n g s i g h t t o s e e a herd of c o w s t h u s cared for, in c o n t r a s t with' a drove cause of its fancied resemblance t o a ONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. secretary, w h o is s u p p o s e d to carry w h i c h h a v e m e t t h e fortune of the a v Bev. <j. W. Kice pastor. Service every erage herd and b e e n c o m p e l l e d t o g r u b Sunday morning at l0:4u and every Sanday quill pens behind, his ears. t h r o u g h t h e h o t d a y s of a u t u m n a n d evening at 7:0C o'cijek. Prayer meetingThnre day evenings. Baaday school at ,cJoee 01 mornearly W i n t e r for the l i t t l e t h e y h a v e in if service. B. H. Teeple, 6 apt,, M&oel Swart—Ocettn L a u n d r y . bout Sec. A n "ocean laundry" is an experi- had t o eat. W i t h t h e m life has b e e n a c o n s t a n t s t r u g g l e for a n e x i s t e n c e , m e n t , first to be tried o n the s t e a m T. MAUY/'g CVTHOUC CHURCH. any s h i p N e w E n g l a n d , of t h e D o m i n i o n s a y i n g n o t h i n g a b o u t p u t t i n g Bev. M. J. Cominerford, Pastor. Services m o n e y into t h e pocket of t h e m a n w h o Line. T h e usual practice with on every Sanday. Low mass at7:3uo'clock high mass with sermon at 9:S0 a. m. Catechism o c e a n liner is t o a l l o w its o w n laundry o w n s t h e m . B u t s u p p o s e t h e d a i r y m a n h a s n e i t h - at3:0u p. m., veepers and benediction at 7:80 p. m. t o a s s u m e large proportion s o m e w h e r e er o a t s and peas or green corn to feed d o w n in t h e hold, w h i l e t h e soiled l i n e n of its p a s s e n g e r s b e c o m e s an i n - r his c o w s w ^ h a t t h e n„ ?, . .Well, . . . . . t h fce n 4 it SOCIETIES: dividual care and trouble tintn the f>nci I m a y be t h a t be w i l l t h i n k it best y* let his_herd i n t o t h e m e a d o w aft?r ;h of t h e voyage. r T h e passenger will n o w give h i s g r a s T h a s started in the Fall, a l t h o u g h rp&e A. O. H. Society of this place, meets every l i n e n to the steward, and from the I a m v e r y sure t h i s is not a good t h i n g 1 third Sun'Uv iatne Kr. Uittnew rf ill. John fuomey ani M. T. Kelly,CouutrDoldgstee laundrynian below, in a few hours, it to do. The only w a y it is to be tolerw i l l be returned to h i m fresh and ated at all i s t o l e t t h e c o w s into "tho L^PWORTU LEAGUE. Meets every Sunday clean. T h e n e w p l a n t w i l l handle ori m e a d o w w h e n t h e ground is dry a n l XJUevemng atfctKJociocfc in to.* M. bi, Cnurcn. A an average of 7,0^0 pieces of linen a so not e a s i l y tramped up by t h e h c o f s cordial invitation is extended to ev<3ryou«, espeday, with the capacity for doing che- ^ h 4 c h tread u p o n it. B u t I h a v e al- cially youug people. Mrs. Stella Graham Pre*. entire w a s h i n g for about 800 people. w a y s t h o u g h t t h a t a l l a m a n g a i n e d in HRISTIAN ESUEAVOR SOCIErV:-Nfwt. It w i l l be as complete as a laundry on this w a y be m o r e t h a n l o s t w h e n he iaizs every Su iday evening at C:V). Preji i^ut, shore. The p l a n t has a daily c o n - comes t o secure t h e n e x t year's croo. MlisEiu Carprtutar; Secretary, Mrs. C. W. Kicd. s u m p t i o n of fifty barrels of soap and And if a d a i r y m a n does at all. it shoul 1 ——_— « be w i t h the firm d e t e r m i n a t i o n t h a t rpHE W. C. T. U. meets the first Friday of each t w e n t y barrels of starch. I month at 2:$, p. tn. at trie home of Dr. H. r\ One item is t h e use of 4,000 g a l l o n s a n o t h e r year he w i l l be in s u c h ghaco Sigler. feCveryono .interested in tomperaac1* Is of water per day, w h i c h is condensed t h a t he will n o t be compelled to re- coadlally invit^l Mrs. '^eal Sigler, n e s ; Mr*. Btta Durfee, Secretary. o n t h e ship by special apparatus. T h e sort t o t h i s e x p e d i e n t . Once a m a n h a s tried the m o d e r n m a c h i n e r y of t h e p l a n t c o n s i s t s of a he C. T. A. and B. society of this place, tr^tt large s t e a m m a n g l e and w a s h i n g and plan of s u p l e m e n t i n g his m e a d o w s , h e every third Saturday evening in the Pr. fcatJohn Donohue, Freeldeat. i r o n i n g m a c h i n e s . N a p k i n s and t o w - will not be quick t o g o back t o the ol I thew Hall. els can be "fed" to t h e m a n g l e m a - way, for surely profit and j u s t i c e :^ NIG UTS Or* MACCABEES. c h i n e a t the rate of 4,000 pieces a n one's a n i m a l s dictate a c h a n g e iron; Meet every Friday evening on or before tall of tbe moon at their hall in the Swarthout bldg. hour. There are t w o large w a s h i n g the old s y s t e m . — E . L. V i n c e n t . Visiting brothers are cordially Invited. m a c h i n e s , w h i c h , by s k i l f u l m a n i p u Csus. USSIPBBIX, Sir Knight Commander l a t i o n , can turn out linen, well w a s h ivingston Lodge, No. 7<S,P A A. M. Beggar ed and w r u n g out, t o t h e number nf Communication Tuesday evening, on or before 10,000 pieces a day. tbe full of the moon. H. P. Sigler, W. M. A ".John's jrcne o practisin' l a w ; Bill's W a s h i n g is t h e first consideration in RDER OP EASTERN STAR meets each mouth fc'iool, t h e process of laundry work, and t h e out exhortlti'. Dick*s t e a c h i n ' the Friday evening following the re^uu*^ *\ T o m ' s in the dry goods Hue. an' Rufe's successful results from t h e s e m a c h i n e s AA.M. meeting, Mas. MABY KSAO, W. M. f are assured. A p p l i a n c e s include t h o s e t u n n i n ' fer h e T i e g i s l a t u r V RDEK OF .MODERN WOODtfE.V Heet the for s t a r c h i n g properly and to suit i n "An' the ol' m a n — w h a t ' s he a-^oin' dr.41 Tnureday eveninst otearh Mouth iu the dividual tastes. One of t h e most dif- of?" Macuabee nail. C. L. Grimes V. C. ficult operations of t h e laundrynian i s "Oh, he'? ^-suliportin' of John, r n ' ironing. In the m a c h i n e s w h i c h h a v e Bill, a n ' D i - k , . a n ' T o m , an' Ru£e."— f AOIES OF THE MACCABEES. Aioet every 1st \jandJJrd-Saturday of eachmonfa at<J:30 p m. at been provided, h o w e v e r , t h i s pare of A t l a n t a C o n s i i u i r i o r . K7«». T. M. haU. Visiting s^te^s eoriialiy int h e work may be d o n e w i t h entire s a t Mted. LILA CONIWAX Lady Com. isfaction. One m a c h i n e is capable of Rosewood ar.d M a h o g a n y r.rs so NIGHTS os* THE LOYAL GU \RD i r o n i n g from 8,000 to 10.000 collars plentiful In Mexico t h a t s o m e of t h e meet every second Wedn&titay and cuffs a day, t o s a y n o . h . n g of o t h popper m i n e s there are timbered w i t h evening of every month in tbe K.. 0 . er articles. T. M. Hall at 7:30o'orock. AU viattin^ rosewood, w h i l e m a j i o g a n y is used aa Guards weloonie. fuel tor the eneinfiJ C. L, Grimes, Capt. Gen. ••• « • .ii HtcMgM Avo. and Mtdtaon 8tmt tlORf80MEpf WAj B Q & CO. - OH1OA0.O r I.*-. Sne ftttrttttg $<*]fttNv F R A N K L. A N D R E W S S •• XM d M . ii :A\ - i< Til ,%' if -'•V •>* •rA "A 1 r 1 1 ' . A . . . ... . :i 4 :'.*;. : A M 4 i. C T L O Si t h e Itiver o n r l r o " In old E n g l i s h t i m e s , w h e n each f a m i l y w a s obliged to . s i f t its o w n flour, k s o m e i m e s happened that nn t r . n g ^ i c man w o u l d turn his s i e v e so rapidly as to c a u s e It to catch fire. T h e s . y l e of s i e v e used in t h o s e d a y s w a s called a "temse." and i f ,became a ens oiuary sa:*In% that a l a s y man would never s e t t h e ten-so on fire, N o w i . happens t h a t the n a m e of t h e river T h a m e s is p r o n o u n c e d like i h t " n a m e of t h i s oid flour sie-<-r>. a n d after m a n y years, w h e n t h e ' .'-fashioned t e m s e w a s forgotten, It w a s t h o u g h t t h a t s e t t i n g t h e t e m s e or. fire m e a n t sett n g the river o n fire a n d that la w h y to-day w e s a y t h a t a stupid p e r s o n will n e v e r s e t t h e river o n are.— Ladles' Home Journal. due on the DISPATCH. ,.¾ a C WANTED-The Subscriptioii 5? •r*a M O r i g i n ol' " S H t h i itttMi* A • V f f 1,080(000custt = 0 y*\ R>» and occupy the WHEN.'.PASTURES FAIL. mmm m*qmmn*v^—****p •*MW • & ..<*> 1 > K BUSINESS CARDS. iener's Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms, lytioloCT ail FaBUltrPlrases. H. F. SiOLCR M. O- C, L, SIGLER M, O DRS. SIGLER & SIGLER, All call*,promptl A book that should be in the vest Physicians and Surgeonspoeket of every person, because it attended to day or night. Odlce on Maiastr tells you the right word to use. Pinckney, Mioh. Ho T w o Words in t h o English Language Have Exactly the Same Btgniflcaace. To express DR. A. B. GREEN. the precise meaning that one intends to convey a dictionary of DENTiST-Eyery Frld*); aud on ThnraSynonyms » needed to avoid repeOffice over tition. The strongest fignro of day when having appointments. Sigler's Drug Store. speech M antithesis. In this dictionary the appended Antonyms will, therefore, be found extremely valuable^ Contains many other raaturea sooh as Mythology, _ ^ _ ^ F a m i l i a r AUraalons and For* e/o JP. MlLJfMw VETERINARY 8 U R Q E O N * Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, also o the V eterinary OeaUatry College MadSng sad sent postpaid for Bo.Sft. Full Toronto Canada. a f A j i i r a d g e , , $ * . « • ; PMtP»Jd7 Order at Will promptly attend to all diseases of the doi a O T a ¥ o S L i f f * f c * * * 1 * * * 1 * ' *••• >atltnatod snims) at s reseonabss prloa. ^ S f c \ T O N C R < O M P A N Y, Hereea teeth examined Free. • — O P r i C C a t rAILU PINCKNEY. ^-.1 • 4 •af f •<>"\ • : wv fv, ..j^Wu >. - ^ L i J . » . I >,.!.'•»• 'ilft # ; •> • >. ; '.,' V ,.-, • ' : , • ?,-„.v ••?>• t.. A I?" .'' :M :a.' ^--: .,VV vtr+r TALMAGtfS Ml W' I i^l'wiPMI f l a x * L. ANDEBWS, Publisher* SEfiJiON. HE TALKS OP THE GOOD DONE BY CITIES. %'?;- PIHCKNEY, • ' . MICHIGAN U. E. SoUenbeigor, the head or a faith cure orphanage in Philadelphia, baa been held by a^coroner's jury for the death of a 7-months-old child who died under his charge without medical attention. && The lerynx of a man In Sydney, Australia, became useless through disease, and be lost his voice. Professor Stuart, of the University of Sydney is said to have made an artificial one, and it can. be ao regulated, as to make the voice soprano, tenor, contralto or bass at will. W •;•**(* Among many entertaining tricks R e played by a welt known dog in Evans* ton, 111., was the ability to smoke cigarettes. His master had taught him this habit, and master and Chute, as the dog was called, were often seen parading the streets, each smoking a cigarette. Lately the dog became mad, and hit every other do)g it met. I p. s The Supreme Court of Massachusetts has decided that a bicycle Is not a "carriage,** and that the cities and towns are not legally required to keep their roads in such a state of repair and smoothness that bicycles may pass over eaem in safety. A bicycle rider was hart near Danvers because of a depression in the road. A suit followed, and the plaintiff was awarded |S5 damages. The Supreme Court has annulled the verdict The four men placed before the country by the two great political parties are exceptionally well known. One of thorn ts new the President, another was four years ago his chief competitor Cor that office, a third was for four years Vice-President, and the fourth probably the_best-known governor of a state in the land. The country has four months in which to think them over, weigh their characters, qualities and tendencies, and make up Its mind. For years the male residents cf IleaJdefcurg, CaL, talked of certain improvements the town needed. Nothing came of the talk, and then the women took the matter up and formed a Ladies' Improvement Club. This organisation has transformed, the place, i having by- tt3 active influence and organized labors procured for the town a municipal water system, a municipal electric Hght plant, comfortable seat in the plaza, an intelligible name sys.am for the streets, sign boards with street names at all corners and a drinking fountain costing $600. These improvements were brought about without Increasing taxes, except to? the two purposes first named. v.i r,». < * The extraordinary carelessness at parents rn leaving dangerous drug; within reach of children is in marked contrast with governmental-supervision over druggists and physicians. A few weeka ago a man bought some chloroform with which to kill a dog. and wnfle waiting to use it, wrapped the bottle in a cloth and tucked it into a work-basket. Two Ilttle~children found it, presumably fancied it a sick doll, and took it to bed with them. la the morning the child clasping the uncorked bottle was found dead; the other unconscious, past recovery. S3 bit(er an experience emphasizes the ft-rereated and oft-forgotten warning * , that the first essential for the family medicine-ehest is a lock and key. They Are the Birthplace of Civilisation and Are Not N«eeM*rUy KTII —' The Farmer as OUhooeet as Merchant* (Copyright, 1900, by Louts Klopsch.) From S t Petersburg, the Russian capital, where he was cordially received by the emperor and empress ano> the empress dowager, Dr. Talmage sends this discourse.in which he shows the mighty good that may be done by the cities, and also the vast evil they may do by their allurements to the unsuspecting and the unguarded. The text is Zechariah 1. 17, "My cities through prosperity shall yet bo spread abroad." The city is no worse than the country. The vices of the metropolis are more evident than the vices of the rural districts because there are more to be bad if they wish to bo. The merchant is as good as the farmer. There is no more cheating in town than out of town—no worse cheating; it is only on a larger scale. The countryman sometimes prevaricates about the age of the horse that he sells, about the si-a of the bushel with which he measures the grain, about the peaches at the bottom of the basket as being' as large as those at the top, about the quarter of beef as being tender when it is tough, and to as bad an extent as the citizen, the merchant, prevaricates about calicoes or silks or hardware. And as to villages, I think that in some recocts they are worse than the cities because they copy the vices of the cities in the meanest shape, and as to cosalp its heaven is a country village. Everybody knows everybody's business better thr.n he knows it himself. The grocery store or tho blacksmith shop by day and night is the grand depot for masculine tittle tattle, and there are always in the village a half doze~». women who have their sunbounets hanging near, so that at the first it?m of derogatory news they can -fly ort and cackle it all over the town. Countrymen must not be too hard in their criticism of the citiaon, nor must the plow run too sharply against the yardstick. Cain w?.s the founder of the first city, and I suppose it took after him in morals. It takes a city a long while prisons are the shadow of those founder. Where the founders of a city aie criminal exiles, the filth, the vice, the prisons are the shadow of their founders. It will tr.ke centuries for New York to get over the good influence of the pious founders of that city— the" founders whese prayers went up in the streets whore now banks discoi'.nt and brokers bargain and companies Aeclrtie dividends ana smugglers swear custom house lies, and above the roar of the wheels and the crack of the auctioneer's m?ll#t ascends the ascription, "Wo worship thee, O thou almigbLV dollar." The old church that used to stand on Wall street is to this day throwing its blessing on the scene of traffic, and on all the ships folding their white wings in the harbor, in other days people gathered in cities for defense—none but the poor, who had nothing to be stolen, lived in the country, but in these times, when through civilization and Christianity it is safe to live anywhere, peopie gather •n the cities for purposes of rapid sain. • —; — Highway of One of the charges which the Chinese make against the "foreign devils" is that they dig up the soil and there-by-release evil spirits which prey upon human life. It is true that much mortality followed the founding of the English settlement at Hongkong, and deaths have been frequent since the digging in and around the new German town of Tsing-tan. A writer in the Forum offers the explanation, .which the Chinese are too superstitious to accept. The soil In both places jis disintegrated granite, and has been ('so long occupied by a dense population that, except where it is frequently aerated by agriculture, it is reeking 'with disease germs. The "evil spirits" released by the spade are bacteria. £ a*/* • !^-- V i-'-r.-- * nail tftttaal V I1,1)*"!'1 *I"I '' H » • M g ^ r .1.1^ 2253HB 2 5•» all the cities *>f the north and all the at the apiUtUrcd spars a a d ^ u a t t$e j WI&& , Jl L £ C E 8EKBER. cities of the south, some distinguished bullet holes and look with p a t r i o t i c » * M W m WF.W* ww** ** for one thing, some tor another, one admiration on the flag that floated lit for professional ability, another for v-iory from the masthead. But that1 Tttft O t f t Y WOMAN C U M I N Air. , LAWYE* M AMBRICA* affluence, another for fashion, Igut pot man Is more of a curiosity who' has; one to, he spared. What advantages one gone through. 30 -years of the' sharpadvantages all. What damages Boston shooting of business life and yet eeil* fthe Cent to' ThU Country from Bnssia> Common damages Washington square. on, victor over the temptations of the •a* Has r a n M i n s Until the H*» Laurel Hill, Mount Auburn.Greenwood, street. Oh, how many hava cone down Jlttp©!,^ the Top—Practice* la the weep over the same «rief. The statue under the pressure, leaving not so N*w York ffewrts* of Benjamin Franklin in New York much aa a patch of canvas to tell greeting the pronto statue of Edward w h e n they perished! They never had (Special Letter.) Everett in Boston. All the cities a any'peace. Their dishonesties kept Miss Alice Barter of Hew York has confraternity. I cannot understand tolling ia their^ears. If I had- an ax the distinction of being the only woman how there should-go on bickerings and and could split open the beams of that lawyer In America who makes a ape* rivalries. I plead tor a higher style flne house perhaps I would find in the dalty of criminal practice. There areof brotherhood or sisterhood among very heart of it a skeleton. In his many other successful woman lawyer*, very best wine there is a smack nf but thair practice is given t o other the cities. poor man's sweat. Oh, is it strange branches of the legal profession. Miss Important. XhaTwhen a man has devoured widow's Serber selected criminal practice aa her But while there are great differences houses he is disturbed with indiges- special field of endeavor •because she In some respects I have to tell you that tion!* AH the forces of nature are believes that H an accused woman has all cities Impress upon me and ought against him. The floods are ready to one of her own sex to depend on she to Impress upon you three or four very drown him, and the earthquake to will natucally talk more frankly than important lessons, all of them agreeswallow him, and the fires to consume she would with a manT Then Miss Sering in the same thing. It does not him, and the lightning to smite him. ber finds that civil practice 1B slow and make any difference in what part of Aye, the angels of God are on the does not require the same quickness the country we walk the streets of a street, and In the day when the crowns and alertness of thought on short nogreat city there is one lessen I think of heaven are distributed some of the tice as does criminal procedure* She which ought to strike every intelligent brightest of them will be given to those has already been successful in many Christian m^n, and that is that the men who were faithful to Qod and important cases and judges and law* world is a scene of toil and struggle. faithful to the souls of others amid the yers have paid tribute to her thorough Here and there you find a man in the marts of business, proving themselves legal training, sound knowledge of the street who hr».s .his arms folded and the heroes of the street Highty were law and genuine oratorical ability. who seems to have no particular ertheir temptations, mighty was their The career of this woman advocate rand, but if you will stand at the cordeliverance, and mighty shall be their has been remarkable, and the difficulner of the street and- watch the countriumph. ties that she had to overcome to attenances of those who go by you will tain her present position were greatsee in most instances there is an inH o i l o w n e u of Society. timation that they r.re on an errand Again, in all these cities I rtm imwhich must be executed at the earliest pressed with the fact that life is full moment possible, so you are jostled of pretension and sham. What subhither and thither by business men, up-L terfuge, what double dealing, what this ladder with a hod of bricks, out two facedness! Do all people who wish of this Jbank with a roll of bills, dig- you good morning really hoj>e for you ging a cellar, shingling a roof, binding a happy day? Do all the people who a book, mending a watch. Work.with shake hands love each other? Are all ita thousand eyes and thousand feet those anxious about your health who and thousand arms, goc3 on singing inquire concerning it? Do all want to its song, "Work, work, work!" while see you who ask you to call? Does the drums of the mill beat It and the all the world know half as much as it steam whistles fife it. In the carpeted pretends to know? Is there not many Elsies of the forest', in the woods from a wretched mock of goods with a brilwhich the eternal shadow is never lift- liant store window? Passing up and ed, on the shore of the sea over whose down the streets to your business and iron coast tosses the tanslcd foam, your work, are you not impressed wifrh the fact that society Is hollow and that sprinkling the cracked cliffs with a there are subterfuges and pretensions? MISS ALICE SERBER. baptism of whirlwind and tempest, is Oh, how many there are who swagger Ten years ago she came to New York th-3 best place to study God, but In the and strut and how few, people who City from Russia, without money, rushing, swarming, waving street is are natural and walk? While fops friends, influence or any knowledge of the best place to study man. simper and fools snicker and simple- the English language. She saw the opGoing down to your place of busi- tons giggle, how few people are nat- portunities that the new world held ness and coming home again I charge ural and laugh! I say these things out to enterprising and determined you look about;.see these signs of pov- not to create in you incredulity or mis- women and resolved to take advantage erty, of wretchedness, of hunger, of anthrophy, nor do I forget there arv of them. She had to work during the sin. of bereavement, and as you go thousands of people a great deal bet' daytime; to support herself, but studied through the streets, and come back ter than they seem, but I do not think (diligently evenings. Often when mornthrough the streets, gather up in the any man is prepared for the conflict ing broke she would be found bending arms of your prayer all the sorrow, all of this life until he knows this par- .over her books. Three years after she the losses, all the sufferings, all the ticular peril. Ehud comes pretending came to this country she entered the bereavements oi; those whom you pass to pay his tax to King Eglon and, !New York University Law school and and present them in prayer before an while he statfds in front of the king, -in 1896 received the degree of LL. B, all sympathetic Go;l. In the great day stabs him through with a dagger un- 'One year later she was admitted to the of eternity there will be thousands of til the h?'t went in after the blade. bar and was the first woman to be ad.persons with whom you in tnis world Judas Iscariot kissed Christ. * * <• mitted to practice in the United States .District court. never exchanged . one word will, rise Dljhontftty "Sever Prosper*. up and call you blessed; and there I want to tell you that the church To K e e p Boys Off t h e Street*. will be a thousand unger3 pointed at of God is not a shop for receiving Stockholm, Sweden, has found a way you in heaven, saving. "That 13 tho stolen goo tin find—that if yon have to keep its pu%Hc-8choc^Hjoys~-off^the~ man, that is the women who helped taken anything from your fellows yoj streets after st-hool hours. A year ago W when I was hungry and sick and had better return it to the men to school principals were instructed to' wandering and lost an.l heart-broken. whom it belongs. In a drug store in__ encourage the gathering of pupils in That is the man, that is the woman;" Philadelphia a young man was told the public parks after school hours for and the blessing will come down upon that he must sell blacking on/the the purpose of playing outdoor games, you as.Christ, shnll say: "I was hun- Lord's day. He said to the head man and several of the larger boys in each gry and ye feu me, I was naked and ye of the firm: -'I can't possibly do that school were officially selected to lead clothed mo. I wns sick cr.d in prison I am willins to sell medicines on the the games. The innovation proved and ye visited mo; inasmuch as ye Lord's day, for I think that is right popular and many boys who formerly I can't sell this pat- were in the habit of spending their did it to these poor waifs of the streets and necessary, but R ent blacking." He was discharge! late afternoons smoking cigarets and ye did it t:nto mo." from the place. A Christian man hear- learning bad habits on the street corWicked Kxr:u«iv*nes». ing of it took him into his employ, •Asain, in r.U cities I am impressed and he went on from one success to ners may now be seen each evening with the fact that all classes and con- ^nolhfix_unliI-Jie was known all over playing baseball, football, and other ditions cf society must commingle. Wc the l?nd for his faith in God and hi? athletic games. The board of educasometimes cultivate a wicked exclu- good works as for his worldly success, tion of Stockholm thinks so well of the sivencss. Intellect despises ignorance. When a man has sacrificed any tem- experiment that it has recently apRefinement will have nothing to do poral, financial good for the sakejO. pointed three men teachers to the powith booris'mess. Gloves hate the sun- his spiritual interests the Lord is on sitions of superintendents of outdoor burned hand, and the high forehead his side, and one with God is a ma- exercise. It will hereafter be their duty to get together all pupils who are despises the flat head, aad the trim jority. willing at the close of school and lead hedgorow will have nothing to do with them to the parks, where, under the the wild copsewood, and Athens hates I stood one day at Niagrara Pall? auspices of the board, games will be Nazareth. This ought not so to be. I and I saw what you may have seen provided daily during the season from lik* the democratic principle of the there—six rainbows bending over that 4 to 8 p. m*. gospel of Jesus Christ which recog- tremendous plunge. 1 never saw anynizes the fact that we stand before thing like it before or since. Six beauNew OU Field F o a a d . God on one ?nd the same platform. tiful rainbows arching that great There is much excitement among Do net take on any airs. Whatever cataract! And so over the rapids and 'the miners in the eastern part of San position you have gained In society, angry precipices of sin, where so man? you are nothing but a man. born of have been dashed down, God 'a beau- Diego county, California, and the residents of Yuma, over the discovery o* the same parent, regenerated by the tiful admonitions hover, a warning what is believed to be a bed of oil in same 8pirit,cleansed in the same blood, arching each peril—six of them, 50 of the pot-holes district of the Colorado to He down in the same dust, to get them, 1,000 of them. Beware, beware, river, about fifteen miles north of up In the same resurrection. It is beware! Yuma. A rush was made for the scene high time that we all acknowledged Young men, while you have tin* of the discovery, and the scramble for not only the fatherhood of God, but to reflect upon theae__thingJt and before land within the belt became so excitthe brotherhood of man. the duties of the office and the store ing that some of the first locaters were Again, in all cities I am impressed and the shop come upon you again, compelled to use rifles in protection of with the fact that it is a very hard look over this whole subject, and after /heir rights. thing for a man to keep his heart right the day has passed and you hear in and to get to heaven. Infinite temp- the nightfall the voices and footsteps Wales Geta « Dlploi tations spring upon us from places of of the city dying from your ear, and it The prince of Wales is now a fellow public concourse. Amid so much afflu- gets so silent that you can hear dis- of the Royal College of Surgeons. The your watch under your pillow, ence, how much temptation to covet- tinctly -~« ..*« ». n »... *v i Pwaldaat of the college, Sir William ousness and to be discontented with going, "tick tick," then open your McCormac, headed a deputation that our humble lot! Amid so many op- eyea and look out upon the darkness presented his royal highness with the portunities for overreaching, what and see two pillars of light, one hori- diploma at Marlborough house the temptation to extortion! Amid so lontal, the other perpendicular, but other morning. changing their direction until they much display, what temptation to van- come- together, and your enraptured Professor Charles Eliot Norton, ity! Amid so many saloons of strong vision beholds it—the cross. RusTtln:s literary executor, says that drink, what allurement to dissipation! Rusktn left hia manuscripts and notes, In the maelstroms and hall gates of the Imitation may be the sincerest flat' in perfect order, as if he expected street, how many make quick and tery, hut !!Js_difflcult_to convince a eternal shipwreck! If a man-of-war girl that such is the case when she death. He had destroyed such manucornea hack from a battle and is towed la presented with en imitation dia- scripts its ha did not wish to h*ve> printed n , ^ * into the navy yard, we go down to tot mond. •SSwiwE «•«*" ' "'" •••' .^ '. ? If **•**•*» » 4 « K «^L H; V'- ''A •>'• '\\-/T'> "?V , • > * » • ii'-SW'.**' W^^~,in*J&ZM•^tiM•&m!&mlMm1&&tQlB^ r •'••?» " ^ TV." »»i.«*.»&J| ^ ( ^ f I 1« Bishop Walsham How, the hymnwriter, once induced a workingmanto attend church. Asked afterward how he liked it the parishioner replied: 4 I learned one thing. I learned that Sodom and Gomorrah were places. I always thought they were husband and wife." Lawyers affirm that the cases which beget the most hatred aad vitvrperatlon and are most difficult to settle are those between near kindred. Moreover, the differences are largely of the trifling and imaginary kind which better information would have prevented. The plan of; ^earthing the Scriptures has loet none of ita potency. Not infrequently, the ages through, has it settle! more peraooal enigmas than the identity of 4 o 4 w aadONRTtah. Prosperity. Cities are not evil necessarily, as some have argued. They have been thp birthplace of civilization. In them popular liberty has lifted Its voice. Witness Genoa and Pisa and Venice. After the death of Alexander the Great among his papers were found extensive plans of cities, some to be built in Europe, some to be built In Asia. The cities in Europe were to be occupied by Asiatics; the cities in Asia were to be occupied, according to his plan, by Europeans, and so there should be a commingling and a fraternity and a kindness and a good will between the continents and between the cities. So there always ought to be. • The strangest thing In my comprehension is that there should be bickerings and rivalries among our American cities. New York must stop caricaturing Philadelphia, and Philadelphia must stop picking at New York, and certainly the continent la large enough for St. Paul and Minneapolis. What is good for one city is good for all the cities. Here hi the great highway of our national prosperity. On that highway of national prosperity walk the cities. A city with large forehead and great brain—that is Boston; a city .with deliberate step and calm manner—that is Philadelphia; a cKy with ita pocket full of change—that is New York; two cities going with a rush that astounds the continent—they are St. Louis and .Chicago; a city that takes ita wife and children along with it—that Is Brooklyn. Cincinnati, Louisville, Pittsburg, — ' / . • . ' ' • ippppynpun" '•t'P'JP1'mmj|ui min uyigpji!', w l""lllf»llJPIJ A l » * >iw»li» i '"11'1** HII iiitr ii «\* «» « M> » n-ii in -•"•^•v-t^tv**^**.,',*««'t*»*M» t' .' »m Vn«» '•*•'»"»*"• , ^ - , & :'"" i ' V ^ r . ••••v •;•'•* • ; » ' * " • • . . » •r'*'''. '•" • ' , • , . . > • • # • -i/ ' <>*: ;v#- v : ' .. "•J^V ' ; • • ; » : ' > •..'*,'• .* „••'<> i " - « M V ; , , : ' ; : * - •j. * i / a « •saw* »—<^WWW—i •*• sapsnwpwh u Wears Cgic«!ly of His f.'«n!;N tiorj, STEVENSON ALSO NOTIFIED. J a Hcply t o Xotincattoa Mr. Kryan &»ys That It Eieetetl 0 « IV1U Convene Congress in JCxtrnordtaary Seesien and Give PlUjilnoe Tlteir Independence, Indianapolis, Aug. 8.—W, J. Bryan "was officially notified of bis nomination for the presidency before several, thousand people at Newby oval today. Atllai E. Stevenson was also notified of bis nomtnatloa for the office pTtteer president. In reply to the notification Mr. Bryan said in part: KMHi a eve/ S differences of opinion naay have existed an to the bfgt method of opposing f the colonial poller.* there never w*a any dJfcifUco u^ to tha steal, importance ol the question o n a thero is no difference iK'W a s to the course to be pursued, The Utlo of Spain *odng extinguished, we u c . a at liberiy to dt-ai v.'Ua the Plllpinoa riecorriintf, lo , American principles. i ho Bacon n-foluton, Unreduced a month before hostilities broke out at Manila, promised independence toMte Filipinos on the same terms that it was promised to the Cubans. I supported this resolution and believe that its xdopttou prior to the breaking out of hostilities would have prevented bloodshed, and that its adoption at any subsequent time would have ended hostilities. •«PP#* *?s*s T « f T R A N S V A A L W A R I T E M * . "' inn ji I that time the question WOUld h a v e *>•*«- «*-»»* raor» blatant EXTRACT OF 8€NNE PLANT, "MYvWIipFpiRV " The foUQwinft from Lord Roberts, dated Pretoria. Aug. 0, was received on the 7th: IlarrisraUh smrendjerad on Aug. 4. The neighboring country, seems to be quiet. Kitchener is with the force sonth of the VaaJ river. He waa joined yesterday by a strone; detaehment of Brabraut's horse and the Canadian, rejriment. The Boers at* tacked the garrison at Eland's river On the morning of Aug. 4v Information was sent to CarrinjftonNayho was on Defend* His Own Coarse. the way to the river. Ian Hamilton, If the treaty had been rejected, con- who reached $uatenbnrg yesterday, restderable time would have necessarily «>*jfift$.before,« new treaty could' have ported hearing heavy firing in the di_ rectionof the river. Today the firing been agreed upon and ratitled.. and during- pgitatlns; mind. Ifbytho resolution the hadpublic been adopted theBacon Sen atte and carried out by the President, either a t the time of tpe ratification or the treaty or ut any time afterwards, U would have taken t h e question of imperii allsm out of politics and left the Anjer> caT-rpeopJe free to deaTwlth their domestic problems. But the resolution waa defeated by the vote of the Republican VicePresident, and from that time to this a Kepublican Congress has refused to take Mr. Bryan'* Speech. any action whatever in the matter. When hostilities broke out at Manila Mr. Chairman and Members of the N o tification Committee: 1 shall, a t an early Republican speakers and Kepublican ediday, and in u more- formal manner, ac- tors at once sought to lay the blame upon cept the nomination which you tender, those whc~nad delayed the ratification of and I shall a t that time otscusa the varl- the treaty, and. during: the progress of the oub questions covered by the Democratic war, ihQ same Republicans have accused platform. It may not be out of place, the opponents of Imperialism of giving however, to submit.u, few observations at encouragement to the Filipinos. I n i a u JhiB tlrao upon the general character of a cowardly evasion of responsibility. the contest before us, and upon the quesif it is right for the United States to tion which 1» declared to be of paramount hold the Pnlhpplno islands permanently importance In this campaign. . and Imitate Kuropcan empires in the govof colonies, the Republican party "When 1 say that the contest of 1900 is a ernment oi.ght to state its position and defend it. contest between democracy on the one but it must expect tfco subject races to hand and plutocracy on the other, I do r.rotest against such a policy and to renot mean 10 aay that "all our opponents sist to the extent of their ability. The have deliberately chosen to give to or- Filipinos do not need encouragement ganized wealth a predominating Influence l'roin Americans now any living. Our 1whole in the affairs of tho government, but 1 history has been an encouragement , not do assert that on the important issues of only to the Flhpinos. but to all who are the day the Republican party is dominat-* denied a voice in their own government. cd by those influence* which constantly Jf the Republicans are prepared to centend to elevate pecuniary considerations sure all who have used language calcuand ignore.human rights. lated to make the Filipinos hate foreign In 1*50 Lincoln said that the Republican domination, let them condemn the speech party believed In the raan and the dollar, of Patrick Henry. When he uttered that but that in cuse of conflict it believed in passionate appea.1, "Civo m e liberty or the man before the dollar. This is the give me dcatn." lie expressed a sentiment proper relation which should exist be- which still echoes in tha hearts of men. tween the two. Man, the handiwork of Let them censure Jefferson; of all the God, comes i l m money, the handiwork of statesmen of history, no»o have used man, 's of inferior importance. Man is words so oilensivo to those w h o would the master; money the servant, but upon feold their fellows in political bondage. all important questions today republican Lot them censure Washington, who delegislation tends to m a k e money the mas- clatt d that the colonists must choose beter and man the servant. tween liberty and slavery. Or, if the _of limitations has run against "the The maxim of Jefferson", "equal rights statute of J i e n r y and Jefferson and Washto all and special privileges to none," and sins ington, lot them censure Lincoln, whoso the doctrine of Lincoln that this should Gettysburg speech will ho quoted in debo a government "of the people,.by the fense of popular when the people and for the people," are being dis- present advocates government regarded and the instrumentalities of gov- are forgotten. • • of" .force and conquest ernment are being used to advance the interests of those who ure in a, position to Those who would have this nation enter secure favors from the government. upon a career of empire must consider The Democratic party is not making not only the effect of imperialism on tho war upon the honest acquisition of Filipinos, but they must also calculate wealth; it has no desire to discourage in- its effect upon our own nation. We candustry, economy and thrift. On the con- not repudiate the principle of self-govtrary, it gives to every citizen the great- ernment in the Philippines without weakest possible stimulus to honest toil, when ening that principle here. it promises him protection in the enjoyT h e Uoer War. ment of the proceeds of his labor. Property rigbtB are most secure when human Even now we art beginning to see the rights are respected. Democracy strives paralyzing influence of imperialism. for a civilization In which every member Heretofore, this nation has been prompt of society will share according to his mer- to express its sympathy with those who its. were lighting for civil llbprty. While our No one h a s a right to expect from so- sphere of activity has been limited to ciety* more than a fair compensation for the Western Hemisphere, our sympathies the service which ho renders to society. havo not been bounded by the seas. W e If he secures more, it is at the expense have felt it due to ourselves and to the of sdtneone else. It is no injustice to him world, a s well as to those who were to prevent his doing injustice to another. struggling for the right to govern themTo him who would, either through class selves, to proclaim tho Interest which legislation or in the absence of necessary our people have, from the date of their legislation, trespass upon the rights of own independence, felt In every contest another, the Democratic party says "Thou between human rights and arbitrary power. Three-quarters of a cenrtry ago, shalt not." when our nation was small, the struggles Against u s arc arrayed a comparatively of aroused our people, and Websmall, but politically and ilnanclally pow- bier(Jreeee and Clay eloquent expression erful, number who really profit by Repub- to the universalgave for Grecian indelican policies; but with them are asso- pendence. In 1S96desire all parties manifested ciated H large number who. because of a lively interest in the success of tho their attachment to their party naraerare Cubans, but now when a war is in proggiving their support to doctrines antag cnlstic tttftthe former teachings of their ress in South Africa, which must result own p a K . Republicans who used to ad- „in„ ,the . . • »extension ...• ».of # thenmonarchlal wn .u idea A _A-ocnteTiffin eta Ularo now try 4o—convince o r l4n st n e > tfr J u m p h of a Republic, the ad themselves"~thut the gold s t a n d a r d i s T ^ f ^ v not r^ Imperialism in thH countn say a word in behalf of the ttocd; Republicans who were formerly at- dare Boers. tached to the greenback are now seeking Sympathy for the Koers does not arise an excuse for giving national banks control of the nation's paper money; Repub- from any unfriendliness toward <Kngland; licans who used t o boast that the Repub- The American |>eople are not unfriendly lican party w a s paying off the national toward t h o people of any nation. This debt are now looking for reasons to sup- sympathy Is due to the fact that, as statport a perpetual and increasing debt; Re- ed In our platform, we believe In the prin;.uhllcans w h o formerly abhorred a tnist ciple of self-government and reject, as now beguile themselves with the delu- did our forefathers, the claims of monsion that there are good trusts and bad archy. It this nation surrenders its belief trusts, while, in.their minds, the line be- in the universal application of the printween the two is becoming more and more ciples set forth in the Declaration of Inobscure; Republicans who, in times past, dependence. It will lose the prestige and congratulated tho enuntry upon the small .r.fluence which it has enjoyed among t h e expense of our standing army are now nations a s an exponent of popular govmaking light of the objections which are tinment. urged against a large increase ln the The F l a s In the Philippines. permanent military establishment: Republicans who gloried in our independence Our opponents, conscious of the weakwhen the nation waa less powerful, now ness of their cause, seek to confuse imleck with favor upon ~a foreign alliance; pel ialism with expansion, a/id have even Republicans who three years ago con- tiared to claim Jefferson as a supporter demned "forcible annexation" a s immoral of their policy. Jefferson spoke so freeand even criminal, are now sure that it ly and used language with such precision is both immoral and criminal to oppose that no one er.n be ignorant of his views. forcible annexation. That partisanship On one occasion he declared: "If there be h a s already blinded many to present dan- one principle more deeply rooted than gers is certain; how large u portion of any other the mind of every American, the Republican party can be drawn over it is that in we should have nothing to do to the new policies remains to be seen. ;vith conquest." And again he said: "Conquest is not in our'principles; it is Criticising the Administration. For a / l i m e Republican leaders were in- inconsistent with our government." clined to deny to opponents the right to A colonial policy means that we shall criticise the Philippine policy of the ad- send to the Philippines ;i few traders, a ministration, but upon investigation they tew task masters and a few officeholders, found that both Lincoln and Clay assert- and an army large enough to support the ed and exercised the right to criticise a authority of a small fraction of the people President during the progress of the Mex- while they rule the natives. • • • ican war. There Is an easy, honest, honorable soInstead of meeting the issue boldly and lution of the Philippine question. It is submitting a clear and positive plan for set forth in the Democratic platform and dealing with the Philippine question, the it is submitted with conscience to the Republican convention adopted a plat- American people. This plan I unreservedform, the larger part of which w a s de- ly irdorse. Jf elected, 1 shall convene voted to boasting and self congratulation. Congress in extraordinary session a s soon In attempting to press economic ques- as I urn inaugurated and recommend an tions upon the country to the exclusion immediate declaration of the nation's of those which involve the very structure puriHise, lirst. to establish a stable form of our government, the Republican lead- o( government In the Philippine Islands, e r s give new evidence of their abandon- Just as w e are now establishing a stable Trent of the earlier ideals of the party and form of government in the island of Cuo f their complete Hubserviency to pecu- ba; second. «0 give independence to the r'.ary considerations. F i l i p i n o * Just a s we have promised to I w a s among, the number of those who give independence to the Cubans; third, believed it better to ratify the treaty and to prut3ct the Filipinos from outside inend the war, release the volunteers, re- ter 1 ere nee w h i l e they work out their desmove tho excuse for war expenditures, tiny. Just a s we have protected the reand then give to the Filipinos' the inde- publics of Central and South America, and pendence which ra!i;ht be forced from are, by the Monroe doctrine, pledged to Spain by a new treaty. protect Cuba. An European protectorate In view of the criticism which m y a c - often results in the exploitation of the tion aroused In s o m e Quarters I take this ward by the guardian. An American prooccasion to restate the reasons given at tectorate g i v e s to the nation protected that time. I thought It safer to trust the the advantages of our strength, without American people to give independence to making it the victim of our greed. For t h e Filipinos than to trust the accomplish- three-quarters of a century the Monroe rrent of that purpose to diplomacy with doctrine h a s been a shield to neighboring *n unfriendly nation. Lincoln embodied republics and yet It has Imposed ne pea n argument in the question, when . he cuniary burden upon us. After the Filiasked. "Can aliens make treaties easier pinos had nided us in the w a r against than friends can m a k e laws?" I believe Spain, we could not honorably turn them that we are now In a better position to over to their former masters: w e could w a g e a successful contest against imperi- not leave them to be the victims of the alism than w e would have been had the ambttkHtM designs of the European natreaty been rajecto^, W i t h .the treaty rat-, tions, a n d since w e do not desire to make ittetr. a clean cut lasrne is presented be- thtai a Dart of v s . « r t o hoM them aa t w e e n a government by consent and a gov- KUbtect*. w# propose that the only alterernment by force, und imperialists must native, namely, t o give them Independbear the responsibility for all that hap- ence and guard t h o u against molestation __> . pens until the question Is settled. If tho from without. treaty had been rejected, the opponents Ks-Vice-President Stevenson's speech •of Imperialism would have been held r e sponsible for any international complica- waa very brief, being mainly devoted tions which mifcbt*h*v» arisen before the ratification of another treaty B u t what- to endorsement of tha platform. mm* -#"T whinh IrirtUa A S if mo r ai8tant Jf—Jf, JX t h e E l a n .d '®s r i v e r g«a rvf^ieh r i s o n hi ao odkbse eans rel i e v e d a n d w a s r e t i r i n g t o w a r d Zeerust. A dispatch from PretoriidatecLAugi ^ elmcalned~tEe following: A plot to s h o o t a l l t h e B r i t i s h officers a n d t o m a k e Lord Roberta a p r i s o n e r , h a s b e e n o p p o r t u n e l y discovered. T e n of t h e r i n g l e a d e r s w e r e arrested! a n d a r e n o w i n jaiL P r o b a b l y t h e p l o t w a s part of a c o n s p i r a c y of w h i c h t h e a t t e m p t e d risi n g a t J o h a n n e s b u r g w a s t h e first indication. A dispatch from Lord Roberts, dated Aug. », « a y s : H u n t e r r e p o r t s t h a t h e m a d e 4,140 p r i s o n e r s i n t h e B e t h l e h e m H a r r i s m i t h d i s t r i c t , a m a j o r i t y of w h o m are n o w e n r o u t e for Cape T o w n . T h r e e g u n s a n d 4,000 h o r s e s w e r e capt u r e d , a n d 10 w a g o n l o a d s of a m m u n i t i o n a n d 19"),000 r o u n d s of a m m u n i t i o n were destroyed. . I t Is Stature's Own BeaMetf* , ~ — * — » . II' 1 1 * 9 First used by the Mississippi river Steamboat men In the "early forties," Mrs. Gates Wvtyea 4» Mr*. Vial w h o drank their "Bonne Tedd" from the Follows Her Advles and J» Mads W e l l . hands of tho colored "aunties." They i steeped the leaves in hot water, and the verdict of these steamboat men was that "DEAB MRS. PDntfUM ;-r-For nearly it "did the business." In 1841, James and Constance Maguire two and one-half years I havofce&nia sec0red some of these miraculous leaves, feeble health. After my Httte child cam# and. upon investigation, discovered that it seemed, I con id not ' they are identical with tho Sesam. Ind. fBenne-Leaves), and a s the same indiget my strength. cates, native of India, containing a again. I have mucilaginous substance of soothing and chills «n»d «h# healing properties. Mature here furnished a remedy for diseases such a s Colic, severest paiaa in Cholera Morbus. Diarrhoea, Dysentery my limbs and top and kindred ailments. After experimenting-, the Messrs. Maguire succeeded In , of head and am chemically combining the use- of the/ almost fmmnsi? Benne-leaves with other vegetable sub- L stances, and so furniyihed a rexfcedy that bleattusssa. I has saved thousands of lives. also htfve a pain Prepared by T H E J. A G. MAGUIRE MEDICINE CO., 8T. LOUIS, MO. joat to the right of • ^, .'v'''.*'"^ , >m breast bone. Jt ia to severe at times that I cannot lie on myrightside. Please write ma what you think of my case."— Money talks—but it doesn't always speak when spoken to. H a w s TbU? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for aay ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY A CO, Props.. Toledo. 0 We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their nnn. . West A Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.; Waldinjr, Kinaan A Marvin, Wholesale DroggUts. Toledo. Ohio Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price TScper bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Mas. CL AHAG ATXS, Johns P.O., Miss., April 23, 1898. " D K A B MRS. PINKHAM:— I h a v e t a k e n L y d i a E„ P i n k h a m ' a V e g e t a b l e Compound a s advised a n d n o w send y o u a letter for publication. F o r s e v e r a l y e a r s I w a s i n sxtch w r e t c h e d h e a l t h t h a t life w a s a l m o s t a burden. I c o u l d h a r d l y w a l k a c r o s s t h e floor, Poverty is n o t a crime morally, b u t w a s s o feeble. Several of our best it is matrimonially. physicians attended me, b u t failed t o help.. I concluded t o write t o yon f o r Best for the Bowel*. Ko matter what ails you, headache a d v i c e . Jn a f e w d a y s I r e c e i v e d s u c h I t i s s t a t e d p o s i t i v e l y t h a t P r e s i d e n t to a cancer, you will never get well a k i n d , m o t h e r l y l e t t e r . I f o l l o w e d y o u r K r u g e r i s w i l l i n g a n d a n x i o u s t o s u r • until your bowels are put right i n s t r u c t i o n s a n d a m my ' o l d self* render, provided a s a t i s f a c t o r y promise CASCARETS help nature, cure you a g a i n . W a s g r e a t l y benefited before I without a grippe or pain, produce easy h a d u s e d o n e b o t t l e . M a y God b l e s a is given as t o his ultimate destination. natural movements, cost you just 10 y o u f o r w h a t y o u a r e d o i n g f o r sufferA d i s p a t c h f r o m L o r d R o b e r t s , d a t e d cents to start getting your health hack. i n g w o m e n . " — M R S . C L A R A G A T S * , P r e t o r i a , A u g . 11, s a y s : T h e e n e m y i s CASCARETS Candy Cathartic, the J o h n s P . 0 . , Miss., Oct. 6, IS99. fleeing i n f r o n t of K i t c h e n e r ' s a n d genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. BeM e t h u e n ' s forces. ware of. imitations. U S E '"THE • GENUINE I t i s f e a r e d by Lord R o b e r t s t h a t E l a n d s r i v e r g a r r i s o n h a s b e e n capLife is full of checks and many of ;<l t u r e d b y t h e Boers. them are forgeries. A r e N i n e persons succumbed to the heat *m* u * , M a »"•»•* r o o t - E a s e ? xt J i n C h i c a g o o u t h e 6 t h , w h i l e a score or * t n e c n l v C U f e for Swollen, m o r e of p r o s t r a t i o n s w e r e reported S m a r t i n g , Burning, S w e a t i n g Feet, .,,. ... •, C o r n s a n d B u n i o n s . A s k for A l l e n ' s T u „ v T h e b u i l d i n g s p n n t i n g p r e s s e s a n d ^ o o t - E a s e , a powder to be s h a k e n i n t o all o t h e r a p p a r a t u s , t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e / | h e s h o e s . A t a l l D r u g g i s t s a n d S h o e r i g h t s to p u b l i s h t h e H a r p e r periodi- S t o r e s , 25e. S a m p l e s e n t F R E E . Adcals, f o r m e r l y c o n d u c t e d by Harper d r e s s A l l e n S. Otmstpd. LeRoy, N . Y. B r o s . , a t N e w York, w e r e sold o n t h e A bird in the hand is rulgar. U s e 9th for $1,100,000. t h e k n i f e a n d fork. S e v e n t e e n p e r s o n s , t w o of w h o m were unknown Americans, were P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S prod r o w n e d in t h e ; d e p a r t m e n t of Olancho, duce t h e fastest and brightest colors d u r i n g t h e r e c c u t floods i n H o n d u r a s . of a n y k n o w n d y e stuff. T h e d e s t r u c t i o n of p r o p e r t y i s s a i d t o have been widespread. It looks like tho plowholder sows that the bondholder muy reap. A s a r e s u l t of a c o l l i s i o n b e t w e e n a p a s s e n g e r a n d f r e i g h t t r a i n o n t h e St. Sirs. Winslow*s Soothing Syrup. L o u i s S o u t h w e s t e r n (Cotton B e l t ) rail- For children teething, softeni the gum», reduces to road a t A u r i c h . 40 m i l e s n o r t h of P i n e fUmmtloo, suay» paia.care»wiadcolic. 23caboto*> Bluff, A r k , , o n t h e 0 t h , five m e n w e r e The man who is ia love with himself has no fear of be'ng jilted. killed and t w o seriously injured. A d i s p a t c h from I n d i a d a t e d t h e Ttb Arefd baldoew, gray hair, daatlroff tad thin tocki, o t l n i PARKEK'8 H A I R BALSAM. s a y s a very d e c i d e d i m p r o v e m e n t i n byHiKDZBoaiuoi, the best sure fur coma, ljcta. t h e c r o p p r o s p e c t s lias t a k e n p l a c e duri n g t h e pr.st 10 days. A m p l e rain h a s The farther a man gets away from a dollar, f a l l e n t h r o u g h o u t t h e g r e a t e r p a r t of tho bigger it looks. R a j p u t a n a a n d c e n t r a l India. There I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved are a t p r e s e n t a b o u t 0,33<i,000 p e r s o n s my life three years ago.—Mas. THOS. BOBBINS, r e c e i v i n g relief. •MtpU. BtrA»t Tinwtinh. X . V . , F e b - 17. 1900. - A d v i c e s received f r o m B i t l i s , Asiatic For a merciless critic-commend us to the unT u r k e y , s a y t h a t 200 m e n , w o m e n a n d successful author. c h i l d r e n h a v e b e e n m a s s a c r e d in t h e When cycling, take a bar of White's Yucatan. A r m e n i a n v i l l a g e of S p a g h a n k , in t h e You can ride further and easier. d i s t r i c t of .Sassun, b y troops a n d Kurds u n d e r Ali P a s h a , t h e c o m m a n d a n t of The memories of the long ago save many tenBitHs. H e i s a l s o said t o h a v e ordered der recollections. the village t o be burned. BASE BALL. Rciow we submit tho official standing of the rlubsof trie Nation*! tini American lea^uca u? toaad Including Sunday, August 12th: Woi. I.')**. Perct Brooklyn 55 3 •• -633 •Pittsburjf 49 41 Mi Philadelphia 47 4:) MO Chicaso •....#.... 41 40 .404 Bostoa — 41 45 .«« S t Loui.H :« 47 .^7 Cincinnati ay ;o .433 New Yurk 3t 49 .410 AUKLllCAN THE MARKETS. LITE STOCK. New Y»rk— u»uic Sheep Lambs Hoes l l e * t Krudex . .14 "Afcia «0 L o w e r a n u t o s . a 0><*l OJ H 7» 3 Uj )7ui ft ju Best tirades...3 4036 a> Lower grades..i Wni 6» Detroit— Best grade*....& 7*94 25 Lower grades U&jgfeJ ?.> !Saff»l»— Best craue*. .4 40»! r> Lower grades .4 uas.4 <o Cloelanati— Best grade*.. 4 86$» S3 Lower trades. 4 uua-4 ¢0 Pittsbarc— Be»t RTttdes.. .5 1S0S 71 Loucr yiudcs. 4 1&?M W 4 X) J 76 s &> 4& 5 43 5^5 400 3 OJ 5 25 4 »O 540 473 470 H I S 00 5 .:. »80 & ou 4 .V) 4 ou «15 5 «J 550 b» 4 7J ,1 W 5 73 0 i\ 5 70 £>» New York ,.,^,1^..111,,,.1,.1^,. v *.I,.U-^.I.,IUU,TT ^-.--- : ... . v v. .-v. Xi • ,%- f ' LK.MiUi Won. r<,Tsi. p* r cfc 'ui ;« .¾^ ,v, 4,5 ,¾.¾ rv» 41 ,;3.> »3 47 ^0 47 4* .495 * 4« 54 .471 4a F8 .4i9 4i ot» .4jj Chicago Milwaukee Indianapolis Detroit Cleveland KansosCity Buffalo Minneapolis ) 0 0 DROPS «J OJ 5 &j GRAtN, KTC. Wheat. Corn. No. * r-1 No x* tnlx No- S white ****** ~':'miiHn;iPT!'- J1 rttT > **a^hW^P^RjWSff6rri AVfetfdabte PreparationiorAssimilating tocFoodandBcgulaUngtbeStosMs^aiilBc^Hof ]\1 \X IS H£. U N I V E R S A L F!>PT HE . ff -.MM •aM 'Mi s r PERFUME- HANDKERCHIEF TO I LET & BATH. REFUSE ALL ^ • ' ' • • ^ ,.-. < SUBSTITUTES l-J: FARM MORTGAGE m LOANS Jn amounts ranging from SHOO t o $10,000 en choice improved farms in the Western part ot North Dakota. Write us if you have money to invest and we will be pleased to !*eod yen description of loans, rates of interes , etc. Personal examination of all lasns. We have invested nearly O w Million Dollars in farm loans is North Dakota since IWI without the lotw of a dollar. NORTH DAKOTA LAND a LOAM CO., Rusiy. N. S. •7 • t', • uufto •. » Oar e»Mio«ro* irtrw just what h&aie*» are UM hl»tr«nr, 1 jtrt*lntprixewwufa imr T ^ k l e and g*r*n\ Sportinvwon*. Late* (came l a w L*ri**t SpnrttnaT g o o ^ he*** In Michigan. Mead a* for t«toi<jgxt* u * l prk« ttet. V. KiWULn. batrinaw. Mich. IfaSMeledwttJi sore erea. u*» ITniaptiirg ::1 Eft Wafcr % W.N.U—DETROIT—NO. 3 3 - . . IgQQ Whan answering Ads^ploise aenUcs tals paper OASTORU For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought :••> w ^m ••••j*T ; .;>? •' •'•'Ss 1 • " ,• * if ."35 • '&fojM m Promotes DifestionjCheerfuF' fttssandrkst.Coabdns neilher Ojpium^fofp^ine nor Mineral. XOT X A R C OTIC. Apofecl Rsmedy forCoastipa. Hon, Sour Stoattch J)mtb5m rVbrrosX^onvuhiCaisJ^rTisrrntMwAhOBBOWSiMMR ^•••SBBBBaVaVa^eweSBVBBBBBBBWaBSBBfe SilTiRhtTf o f WL 9 ^Rssf^PRBB^RW StsXisi <!••»!* 4\4»4i 4«f>il\ 43019¼ Viaekaaet; PlttslMirs **»>?• Haft*** s^w»i •Detroil—Har. t>a l Timothy. Sli 00 pertoa? Pouines. *< per, bv U v e Poultry, ssriai takkeas. «H« P*r lb: lowls. se: tarkeyaTlsaduetts. S 4 c Kajrs mrivu* Cress. 1%per d o W Butter, toot tUiry, nto pjr <i»; croaarcry, no. T > * • i HII 1>K! N N K W YORK. tS)leM«o *0»t«Mt MURRAY & LANMANS . ;-wa aXACT topycr WRAPPCR. For Over Thirty Years 8AST0BIA a M •mrvr" V-rfan-t n^3Wid»«|lRU*rtltWlir& /W^^!^ *«y 'V*:>r*V »1 f 'k'"-'';''••''-:.i *< ASK YOUR G ROCE R FOR 8? EMA 1 ^ I' SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. J&" H SEALED PACKAaES ONLY-PURE AND FRABRMT. I "IT QOSm NO MORE-TRY IT" ,13¾. ANDERSON. A. G. Wilson made a trip to the County Seat Tuesday. The Ladies Aid met at Mrs. PARSHALLVILLE. Geo. Black's Wednesday Aug. 15. * John Wolverton got his hand Caroline Kellogg of Detroit is •X-. hurt quite badly, ra the mill one visiting hei sister Mrs. Edd Bullis. day this week. \ Charles Cole and wife of Owos- The Campers returned home on pj:; ,so are visiting friends in Parshal- Wednesday and all report a good c time. ' villetkis week. Jennie Berkley and her sister Mrs Geo. Greiner and daughter Julia from Howell are visiting at Alary are visiting relatives in Mt. Wtjk Wolverton's this week. Clemens. Maggie Walker come home Anna Black of Perry spent this week from her visit in the Sunday with her brother George Upper Peninsula—her sister. Bell in this place. came with her. Edd Cranna and wife of GregSunday night about miduight ory spent Sunday night at MrB. E. Chas. Wakeman's house on the J. Durkee's. oldWakeman farm burned with Nora Durkee visited Ralph most of its contents. Cobb and w4fe in Stockbridge Albert Wakeman died last over Sunday. Thursday night. The funeral was Mr. and Mrs. Crane of Oakley held at the M. E. church Sunday c •o TIT 11. officiating^ at. ' 4.' aje. visiting morning, Rev. Walker _ ,A& relatives " in Anderson i? v fe- ll .1; 1 assisted by Rev. Davis of the and Pinckney. Baptist church and Rev. Benson , Belle Birnie who has been workof the M. E. church of Hartland. i n g for M r s . B a c k u s in M a r i o n wt h J has r e t u r n e d h o m e . HAMBURG. Carrie Munson of Ithaca is visiting relatives in tnis village. Fred Lece was very ill last week, but is slightly better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Featherly spent last week with relatives in Toledo. Nettle Coe of South Lyon visited at the home of L. A. Saunders over Sunday. Margaret McGaffey is visiting with relatives and friends in Holly and Durand. —Tireittacabees oil this place are making all preparations to attend the picnic at Island lake to-day. Wm. Lester Com. of Schools in Washtenaw Co. visited at the the home of his cousin Chas. Burnett last week. Although the weather was not of the most agreeable kind last Sunday a large number from this C. D . B e n n e t t a u d wife K i r k V a n W i n k l e a n d wife s p e n t S u n day at J a s . M a r b l e ' s . Miss Fannie Laverock is quite pick this writing. George Siegrist made a business trip to Leslie last Tuesday. Edith Hill returned to her home in Mansfield Ohio Tuesday. A number of the Plainfield people spent last Friday at Joslin lake. * The North Lake Grange cleared about $80 at their picnic at that place August 7. Thos. Budd and wife from Stockbridge visited her parents here iast week. J. D. Coulton and Wife from Chelsea visited her son Albert here last Thursday. Gene Joslin from Marion is spending a few days with his Grandparents here. Mrs. Ales. Pyper and Miss Kate Barnum called on friends in Chelsea Tuesday. Mrs. Will Secor and family visited relatives at North lake last Tuesday ane Wednesday. Mrs. Ruth Chapman from Gregory is spending a few days with her daughter at this place. A. C. Watson and wife spent Sunday and Monday with his mother and brother in Chelsea. Friday evening August 24 there will be a lawn social at R. Hartstiff's. The proceeds go for new Singing books for the Sunday Schooi. The Hadley family held a reunion at North lake iast Wednesday. There was about 75 present. A bounteous dinner was served after which a good program was rendered. Ice cream, cake and lemonade was served in "the after-" noon. Nearly e v e r y o n e from t h i s place a t t e n d e d t h e p i c n i c at V a n Winkle's G r o v e S a t u r d a y . MORE LOCAL. . J o h n B i r n i e a n d wife visited Mrs. Wm, Moran is on thu sick list Mrs. B ' s b r o t h e r , E d d C r a n n a a n d this week. wife n e a r G r e g o r y T u e s d a y . Jas. Carrol of Detroit is spending Chas. H o l m e s , wife a n d son tbo week under the parental root. ~~ Marble of L a n s i n g a t e v i s i t i n g The M. E. society took in over $7 relatives in a n d n e a r A n d e r s o n . Saturday, evening last selling- ice L. E . W i l s o n w h o h a s b e e n cream. s p e n d i n g a c o u p l e of m o n t h s a t Mary and Blanche Ruen entertainhome r e t u r n e d t o t h e west t h e ed friends from the village at the first of t h e week. home of their grand parents, just south Harry Wagner who has been of the village, Wednesday. .•/i fC AN OPEN QUESTION. To© Mu«h Ata0y I>«»M|iide«« •* Homo From Orowlng lloyr»n<l VIM* It t« an open question with many thoughtful people whether there 1B not a screw looae in the system which demands and exacts so. much study at home from growing hoys and girls. At precisely the period when the physical life is most tmperteu* in itaclaima, when/the lad is shooting up like a weed, when the girl is all legs and arms, and both are in the greatest need of play, of rest, of sleep, of exercise, they must spend five or six hours of daylight in school, brain and nerves under high pressure, stimulated to Intellectual activity at every point. It is little wontfer if they are correspondingly listless^nd languid when the hours of recitation are over, and not altogether ready to' give any portion of the afternoon to the preparation of the next day's studies. I fear the expectant attitude of American parents in general reinforces that school boards and trustees, since few fathers and mothers have patience with a dull child, or sufficient common sense not to be cruelly mortified if their sons and daughters do not make rapid progress. The doctor interferes now and then, lays an arresting hand on the home work, cuts short the hours of school attendance, or advises a cessation of school for a while, but the doctor is obeyed under protest. Most of us would be deeply humiliated if our children were not regularly promoted every half year, or if our neighbor's:' children took prizes, and not ours. In the mean time, it we sit down to render what assistance in the evening's labor may be within our power, we find our cheeks mantling with the blush of shame. We still can spell, but it is extremely doubtful whether we can pronounce, both Latin and English having suffered a change sinro our day. Our attention is fcestowrl elsewhere—on bread-winning, if we are fathers; on sewing, mending, visiting and housekeeping, if we are mothers. Yet we expiate many a sin, since here is an obligation which we cannot shirk. The probable reason for the situa. tion is that we attempt too much in primary, grammar and preparatory schools. In the first fourteen years of life the effort should be to u-ain a child'so that he or she may know how to pay close attention, how to learn. A very few subjects thoroughly mastered are of more-value ttew many merely glanced at and superficially discerned.—Harper's Bazar. . / . Tito » w Motoi num. ' 8TBQNQ4AN0 ROl^ErV *• i$ow Qaifc 1»AgWllliMle Which te WropH «• W*11*J Tract U<1. Few things are more essential upon the farm than a good land roller, Nevertheless, many object to the use of tho roller because it frequently tears up , the ground for a considerable space when.it is turned around, or else taa weight of the tongue and frame bear to heavily upon the necks of the horses as to make them sore. Again, soma considerable cost and care of the implement in excess of the net returns. These objections can he avoided. Select a good oak or maple log 20 or 26 inches through (if more the bet-. ter), aa nearly cylindrical as possible. , Having peeled off the baric, sink it under water and leave I t _theje__several weeks, at the end of which remove aTST""" let it dry under cover. Before it gets too hard saw it up into the required lengths for the rollers; that is, have each of the three sections about two feet in length. Then, having struck a centre and worked them to a uniform size, so all will turn alike, bore the holes for the journal. Perhaps the beet way to do this is to have a pumpmaker (provided there be one in your locality) bore with his auger an inchand-three-quartera hole through the entire pieces. When the rollers are thoroughly seasoned, "mount" them, as shqwn in the accompanying illustration, on a rod of iron or steel an inch and a half in diameter, so it will work as a loose spindle. Aboveithe rollers erect the frame, 1 V '* •I.* Homemade Land Roller. to which attach the tongue. To make the whole strong and rigid, connect the frame to the iron spindle with brace irons made of old wagon tire— work which any good blacksmith can do. Use eight braces, two at each end and two between each of the rollers in the-centrei—^rmly-welded to the spindle in such a manner as to keen the rollers in their respective places and yet allow them to turn readily. Attach an uld mowing-machine seat to the frame, as it helps to counterbalance the weight of the tongue and so make it work easier* on the necks of the horses. Having the roller in three sections makes it easier to turn around than if made solid or even in Xv,-o pieces. This is a cheap, simple, easi 1 y made and_yerjLJlLa£tig-ai land roller." Tf kept under cover when net in use it will last almost a lifetime.— Fred O, Sibley, in Farm and'Fireside. The new motorman was strong and willing, but ho hadn't been in a ci,v very much. He had done farm work up in northern Aroostook. The o.her motorman was instructing him. "If a lire alarm rings in," said ;he old hiind, "remember ihat the denarrm<rU<. Ilk' fli^'cn^lMi' and rhe"rost ITJIve the right of wny. Hold right un • and' let 'em past. If you don't they'll pin you down." The second day an alarm of fire was rung in. The car was near a cross I'ractTcal P o u l t r y Point". s triet where the department must O n n - m"TP Ti"r f r > n l t v > nf we nue;ht t o pass; " " urge our readers not to s-1 ct the best "Hold up," said tho instructor. Over — J,— electric -* trad: tore the hose early chickens fpc broilers and fricateams', en the fire engine, spouting sees, or to send to market and keep iho name and smoke. The new hand'eewt late culls to replenish and increase the a look up the street and then spun his flock. This is the surest and quickest way to run them down to inferior, uucontroller lever. The c.ir ,-jtarted. 4 "You infernal fool what ore you do- der^zed fowl, slow growing, and no ing ?" howled the old man. He jumped ready to give any eggs until nexand the new man jumped, and ihe -spring. when they will be eight or ten hook and ladder truck ;or? the front months old. Select about twice as many. of the platform off the car and disappeared in a cloud of dust, and with its men best as it is intended to winter. Te.Vi yelling like fiends. them well, and kepv> them growing ns fast as may be, and then next fall cu 1 "Why didn't you wait?" howled the out -ttiofee-that -aw-mrt- rrp-to th C" m fffkT instructor'. "Ra gar." replied his pupil, white and ret?.in only the best. They will and gasping, "I no t'ink we had vo j be worth twice as much as a flock of bodder for dat scare dam gang o* \ culls from which all. the best ones I have been taken, nnd they will probdrunk house painters." ! ably give more than twice as many '• eggs next winter. « working for his grandmother Mrs. Say, that little item of news you did CM. Wood returned to his home not see in th« paper was not handed in so of course we could not print it. in Banrield Monday. WH are always glad to publish items Roy Place way accompanied by- of interest'when we hear of them. three young men of Gregory made a trip to Island lake Saturday on Businc88 Locals. wheels returning Sunday. Hazel Griswold who has been Ellis saves you money at the Surspending a couple of weeks visit- prise. plftCfi took in t.hft »nr»flmpmpnt fit ing her aunt Mrs. Samuel PlaceTeacher's Examination. Island Lake. way returned home Friday. The regular examination of appliOlive Smith has been entertain- cants for First, Second and Third PETTYSVILLE. ing a cousin from Ann Arbor for grade certificates will be held at the A Miss Harrington of Dakota Subscribe for the Dispatch. a few weeks. Olive returns home ( Central School building in Howell, •i^^-'-sIs visiting-4a££~friend Miss Bessie with him Wednesday for a weeks Thursday and Friday, August 16 and 17, 1900. JAMES H. WALLACE, I'Cordley. visit. Co. Com. Mr. and Mrs. Saleman of New This s t o r e c l o s e s Friday afternoons at PiJersey visited at John VauFleet's UNADILLA. L>. H. F l E b D Ann Arbor B . R» Annual Excursion to 12:30 until S e p t . 7th. the first of the week. Mary Richmond is on the sick Petoskey, Bay Yiew, Traverse City, Frankfort and Crystal Lake Ettie Shehan returned to Tpsi- list. lanti Monday after a weeks visit Gertrude Mills was home from On Tuesday Sept. 4 the Ann Arbor muje* the parental roof. R. R. will give its annual cheap ex* Chelsea last week. Rev. A. Crane and wife of OakHolden DuBois spent part of carsion to the above resorts. Special train will run through without change ley Saginaw Co. visited at J. W. last week w^th his parents here. of cars leaving Hamburg at 12:56 p. ••v3 Placeway's one day this week. Will Gallup from Jackson spent ra. Fare for round trip $5.00. Tick? Mr. Wiegand is suffering with last week with his parents here. ets good for return until Saturday On Saturday, August 18, we shall sell you L'.gh$JPercale Wrap* a badly bruised ankle the effects George Sullivan from Columbus Sept. 15 inclusive. September is the ^f a kick from a ferocious colt. Ohio visited relatives here last nicest month in the year to trayel and pers, the best 98c kinds, at 67c. the Ann Arbor R. R. is the shortest '$-; The social at Wm. Hookers last week. Friday night was largely attended Jennie Harris from Chelsea vis- and quickest route to the point named and $9 was cleared by the society. ited her parentis here the last of above. We are selling all our $1.00, «1.25 and $1.50 Colored Shirt m •Mrs. Ed. VanFleet and Miss last week. Waists at 59c. S i m p l e WpririlnR flofftio. Jfargaret Van Fleet of Detroit are Nelson Bullis a,ud wife spent Wedding gowns are most elegant theguestaof the VanFleet fam- Saturday and Sunday with friends when simple in style, although they may be of the richest possible materilies this week, near Chelsea. ial—indeed. That is considered deSaturday we offer 600 yards XOc Ginghams, part 30 and part 36 sirable even for a young bride—where EIU King of White Oak left Josie Douglas fjjpm Ionia is can be afforded. Fortunately dead inches wide, at the low price of 4c a yard to close out quick. for her home the first of the week spending a few days with her Itwhite Is no longer inflexibly prescribafter a few days visit with friends grand-parents here. ed. Cream, ivory and pearl white are rand relatives in this vicinity. equally well worn by brides, so in is possible to s'uit the individual complexCass Obert andfoife started for Franklin Smith and wife of ion. Wedding gowns are notoriously their home in Durand last Friday unbecoming, and every resourse for v Brighton and W. Armstrong and wife of Grand Bapids visited at going by way of Ann Arbor and mitigating the unfavorable effect la valuable. J. W. Placeway's Saturday last. Ypsilanti. Jaokaon, J|feh. j <.i Saturday Specials t-i—i \ 9 8 c Wrappers 6 7 c a / $1.25 Shirt Waists 5 9 c . 10c Gingnams 4-c. L. H. FIELD. i s~ ^ ;*-r - ^ -