April 2014 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
April 2014 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
Dear Gator Families, As Anatole France, an award winning poet believed: “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” These words are extremely appropriate as the graduating Class of 2014 embarks on a new adventure as they leave Island Coast High School. Our Seniors dreams and plans have been supported by many along the way. Families have shaped and developed their character and values. They have been instrumental in their educational journey. With their guidance, I am confident they will continue to accomplish great things. Our teaching staff has diligently prepared them to believe in themselves and plan for their future. Their mark can be seen far beyond the classroom. Our faculty has been influential in teaching decision making, responsibility and commitment. Friendships have been established and nurtured throughout high school, with each relationship being a stepping stone to pursue their individual dreams. I have enjoyed watching members of the Senior Class help each other to learn, grow and succeed. I congratulate the graduating Class of 2014, and appreciate their fortitude: they have left a lasting impression of greatness on our campus. I have no doubt they will make their dreams come true. On behalf of the Island Coast High School family, I wish you prosperity and happiness. Go Gators, Administration Kristin Bueno, Principal Kimberly Baxa, Assistant Principal Communication and Development Shelley Kepler, Assistant Principal Curriculum Mitch Player, Assistant Principal Administration Mike Steele, Assistant Principal Operations Liam Farrell, Athletic Director The School District of Lee County Website www.leeschools.net Lee County School Board Thomas Scott District 5, Chairman Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan District 3, Vice Chairman Mary Fischer Kristin Bueno, Principal District 1 Don H. Armstrong District 4 Nancy J. Graham, Ed.D Superintendent of Schools APRIL 2014 ISSUE 1 Congratulations Gators! Science Fair Island Coast H.S. 2125 De Navarra Pkwy Cape Coral, Florida 33909 Main: 239.458.0362 Fax: 239.772.8405 School Website http://ich.leeschools.net/ Congratulations to our ICHS Gators who received special awards/scholarships &/or recognition at the Thomas Edison Regional Science & Engineering Fair Awards Ceremony held at FGCU Alico Arena. Over 443 students competed from 54 different schools. • Tuyet Nguyen: Honorable Mention - Prevention of rust - Engineering Building and Materials • Kory Curtis: 3rd Place - Bacterial growth – Medicine & Health • Kyndall Snyder: 3rd Place Conductive Liquids – Chemistry • Cassidy Hitzing: 2nd Place plus special award from the Florida Native Plant Society where she will present at a conference. Florida Future Educators Association Kelsey Clapham, a sophomore at ICHS, was elected Vice-President for the state of Florida Future Educators Association. She, along with 12 of her fellow Future Educators, proudly represented Lee County at the 25th Annual Conference. All-Star Football Island Coast High School Mission To assist each student in reaching his/her highest potential. Senior, Christian Diaz, receives Rotary South 25th All-Star Football game MVP Award. Alma Mater Our alma mater, Island Coast, We rise and sing to thee And pledge to keep thy colors high Through all the years to be. To you we will be loyal, Ever faithful, ever true; The glorious green and gold shall be Of dear ole Island Coast. GO GATORS! ‘The Gator Tales’ April 2014 Published Five Times Per Year School District of Lee County 2855 Colonial Blvd. Fort Myers, FL 33966 Issue #1 Tryston Wipf: 1st Place in Category – Oil Spills - Environmental Management StateFinalist. Awarded a full 4 year Scholarship at FGCU! Rachael Lord & Melissa Maturo: 3rd Place Nail Polish and Chip Prevention - Chemistry Way to go Gators on earning an “A” during the 2012-2013 school year. Your hand print will leave a lasting impression at ICHS. NATIONAL Finalist in The Gallery Collection’s 7th Annual Create-A-Greeting Card Contest Island Coast High School has a NATIONAL Finalist in The Gallery Collection’s 7th Annual Create-A-Greeting Card Contest for the second year in a row. Congratulations to Lauren (Elizabeth) Gee for being one of the nation’s 203 finalists out of over 15,000 entries in this competition. The winner will be announced on March 14th and the winner’s design will be produced into a greeting card for sale and will receive a $10,000 scholarship. Best of luck Lauren. Congratulations Gators! Digital Design Congratulations Kayla DeFoor! Kayla’s March Character Education Digital Design will be displayed district wide on student computer stations in the elementary, middle, and high schools. Scholarships! Scholarships! Scholarships! Scholarships! Congratulations to Bryce Drake for being awarded a scholarship through Uncommon Friends Foundation and Florida Prepaid College Foundation. Bryce exemplifies the qualities of honesty, integrity, friendship, cooperation, and perseverance. He is a model student for his classmates at ICHS. Your gator family is very proud of you. Congratulations to Tattiana Anthony and Gabriela Ropalo for being awarded the Foundation of Lee County Public Schools Take Stock in Children Scholarship. We are very proud of you. Accepted to Bethune-Cookman Ms. Perez, Kayla DeFoor, Ms. Bueno accepting an award at the School Board meeting on March 11th. English Department This year for the 2014 Lee County Teachers of English Writing Contest, Island Coast High had 15 entries from Mrs. Amy Cicchino and Mrs. Jan Klein. Both teachers had winning entries. The following students were winners: • 10th grade: For Personal Memoir Kayla Davidson won third place; for Fiction Kayla Davidson won second place and Montana Houser won third place. • 12th grade: For Personal Memoir Sammie Hilyard won third place; for fiction Kyla Dodd won third place. Congratulations to Leanne Bruckler, Amber Sanders, Shayna Brooks and Slaedine Malbranche for being accepted to Bethune-Cookman during College and Career Night at Island Coast High School. ICHS Golden Apple Teacher Congratulations to Mr. Joe Mallon, our ICHS Golden Apple Teacher. Mr. Mallon was surprised on March 7th by staff members from The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools, community members and District officials. The Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program was created 28 years ago to enhance public education by recognizing and rewarding excellence in teaching. Congratulations to a well deserving teacher. Mr. Joe Mallon Save on Behind-The-Wheel Instruction Senior Notes Senior we will be selling a DVD of your 2013-2014 graduation. It will be produced by professionals at a cost of $20.00 per DVD. You can purchase the DVD at the graduation ceremony. April 9th: Senior Meeting at 7:15 A.M. April 12th: Prom from 8 P.M.-11 P.M. at Grace Community Center on Hancock Bridge Parkway. April 25th: Senior Grad Bash April 28th: Senior Award Night at 6 P.M. May 8th: Textbook Return May 8th: Fines and Fees Due May 9th: Cap and Gown distribution during 6th period May 9th: Yearbook Signing Party May 16th: Graduation Practice at Lee Civic Center at 2:45P.M. (Mandatory) May 17th: Graduation at 2:30 P.M. at Lee Civic Center May 6-9th: Senior Exams May 5th: Senior last regular school day Questions pertaining to Senior activities can be directed to Mr. Loughren [email protected] Congratulations to Seniors Sonel Mathurin and Morgan Foreman Congratulations to Seniors Sonel Mathurin and Morgan Foreman for being selected to the SFABC (Southwest Florida Association of Basketball Coaches) All-Star game. This is a tremendous accomplishment for these young men and the ICHS basketball program as the SFABC only selects 24 seniors for the game from 36 public/private schools in Lee, Collier, Charlotte, and Hendry counties. Band News The Jazz Band received an Excellent Rating at their Music Performance Assessment. Additionally, Junior Max Barch and Sophomore James Beck performed solos at Solo and Ensemble MPA. Max received an Excellent Rating and James received a Superior rating. Earning a Superior rating, James will represent ICHS at the State Level Competition. Congratulations! Congratulations to the Island Coast Jazz Band for receiving an Excellent rating at the Jazz Music Performance Assessment. Congratulations to Sophomore, James Beck, who made the All-County Jazz Band. James will be representing our school at the All County Jazz Band Concert on April 4th. PRISM Concert: May 9th 7P.M. The Choir, Musical Theatre, Jazz Band, Concert Band, and Guitar ensemble will be performing, along with a few solos from various students in the department. We look forward to seeing you there. Sonel Mathurin Morgan Foreman Foreign Language Math Department Island Coast High School participated in the annual Foreign Language fair. Island Coast High School was represented by 15 students competing in different categories and 14 of them are winning students of the fair. Congratulations to Liana Viltre,Sonel Mathurin, Marcos Fernandez, Angelika Dulichan, Reinaldo Rodriguez, and Peter Chanhvandam who earned 1st place in the Quiz Bowl. Congratulations to Eilygenesis Lozada (1st place), Joey Theure (1st place), Lauren Companioni (2nd place), Kayla Heavlin and Kendallyn (3rd place), Ashley Heavlin (4th place) for placing within the 3D Project category. Anais Corporan earned 3rd place in the Entertaiment/Singing category and Sydni Brookhauser earned 2nd place in the Video category. We are very proud of you! New at Island Coast Mathematics Department…..A Support System for Algebra! Freshman Algebra 1 students will have the opportunity to work in a web-based Algebra program designed to provide additional support to the classroom instruction. It is called “Think Through Math” and the students can access it from home to continue learning at: http://lms.thinkthroughmath.com.” Guidance Corner School Counselor Assignment Freshmen..........................................Riley [email protected] Sophomores.....................................Linda [email protected] Juniors and Dual Enrollment..........Julie [email protected] Seniors .............................................Aubrey [email protected] The semester is quickly coming to a close. Please ensure that your student completes any online coursework through Florida Virtual School, Lee Virtual School or e2020 before the school year ends. Final grades from a virtual school must post to a student’s transcript prior to May 28, 2014 to be counted as credit earned in the 2013-14 school year. Reminder: Per state statute, all students currently in grades 9-11 must complete a course online prior to their graduation senior year. Courses that have a maximum value of a ½ credit will fulfill this requirement. Students taking a course online that has a maximum value of 1.0 credit (English, math, etc.) must complete both semesters of the course online in order to fulfill the requirement. Contact your student’s assigned counselor if you have questions. It’s not too late to apply for scholarships! Go to our website http://ich.leeschools.net/ and under academics click on seniors to locate scholarship opportunities. Print versions are available in the Student Services office and the counselors’ café office. In order to receive Bright Futures scholarship funding, Seniors need to fill out the Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA) online through the Florida Student Scholarship and Grant Programs website (www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org). Students will need to have their parents’ tax information for the 2013 year. This application must be completed prior to June 30, 2014. Students who want to be considered for federal scholarship, grant, or loan programs and certain state-funded scholarships and grants will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. The April Financial Aid Newsletter (FAN) is now available in the Guidance Office and on the ICHS website. ICHS Choir and Drama News The Island Coast Choir has proudly earned a Superior rating at the district Music Performance Assessment. On February 27th, the ensemble traveled to North Port High School to perform for judges and other high school choirs. They were also required to perform a sight reading sample (sing a piece of music they had never seen before) and scored an Excellent rating. This group of 60 gators has shown enormous growth this year and they are looking forward to the PRISM concert on May 9th to show off their improvement. The Drama Department is in full swing getting ready for their April production, Bonnie & Clyde: A New Musical. This show is sure to please every audience member with its tragic and heart wrenching story, occasional comedy relief, and the exciting rock-style music. Show dates are April 23, 24, and 26. Watch for tickets sales coming up shortly! Art Department Island Coast High School had another successful year at ArtFest Fort Myers. The chalk art team earned Honorable Mention and the following students won awards at the “Art Under 20” student art competition. Ismael Ordonez – Jimenez – Brewster Family Award Osviel Ordonez – Jimenez – Ikki Matsumoto Award Thuong Nguyen – Honorable Mention 3D Maddison Venezia – Second Place Photography Iris Rannou – Honorable Mention Phtography Kirsten Portilla – Honorable Mention Photography 2nd Semester Calendar April 15th-21st: Passover April 18th: Good Friday April 20th: Easter May 17th: Graduation May 26th Memorial Day May 28th: Student’s Last Day Test Calendar April 21st -22nd: FCAT Reading 10th Grade April 28th: EOC US History April 29th -30th: FCAT Reading 9th Grade May 5th: AP Chemistry May 5th: AP Psychology May 6th: AP Spanish May 7th: AP Calculus May 7th: Biology May 8th: AP English Literature May 9th: AP English Language May 9th: Last day to submit AP Studio Art May 12th: AP Biology May 13th: AP US Government May 13th: AP Human Geography May 14th: AP US History May 14th: Algebra May 15th: AP World History May 16th: AP Spanish Literature May 19th: Geometry Yearbook Congratulations to the 2014-2015 Yearbook Editors: Editor in Chief: Brooke Seaburg Managing Editor: Tayla Jean-Bissonnette Photo Editor: Dylan Easterday Academic/Faculty Editor: Tiana Zeske Sports Editor: Malissa Demichele Sports Advisor: Jitia Jones Clubs Editor: Laura Lesteiro Business Editor: Taylor Sense Artistic Director: Jessa Barone Future Editors in Training: RoberHeydolph, Megan Harward, Valeria Zavala The School District of Lee County Island Coast High School 2125 DeNavarra Pkwy. Cape Coral, Florida 33909 Return Service Requested Attendance Students 14 to 18 years of age, who have yet to earn a high school diploma, must attend school regularly in order to maintain their driving privileges according to Florida State Law. School districts are REQUIRED to report to the State of Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) the names of students who have accumulated 15 unexcused absences in a period of 90 calendar days. A student who is reported will be informed by the DHSMV that his/her name has been received and may lose the privilege to drive. The student may initiate a hardship waiver or request for reinstatement of driving privileges by contacting Mr. Player at the school. Tardiness To Class When the bell rings to begin periods 3rd -8th, teachers will close and lock their doors. The Assistant Principal or Security Specialist will fill out a detention slip for students who are late to class. When a student arrives at the classroom door, the student may be admitted to the class provided they have a filled out detention slip in hand. Students have 24 school hours to serve a Detention Out of Field Teachers Florida State Statute 1012.42 recognizes that teachers at times must be assigned duties in a class outside the field in which they are certified. In addition, the following teachers are engaged in training to add English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) to their certification: Amy Cicchino, Rebecca Crissy, Carmen Hayse, Clint Montgomery, Caitlin Osborne, Holly Sell, and Jason Zehnder. Non-Profit Org. US Postage Paid Permit # 321 Ft. Myers, FL
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