How Stockholm is governed
How Stockholm is governed
How Stockholm is governed 1 ON THE WAY TO WORLD CLASS “We’ve got a nice, wellkept dog exercise yard, where all the dogs in the area can play and have fun without disturbing other people.” Dog exercise yard at Järvafältet “Now we can walk round the whole lake, thanks to our suggestion to lengthen the path.” Path around Lake Långsjön “The new outdoor gym on Lilla Essingen is great.” Outdoor gym on Lilla Essingen island “Now we can bathe from the jetty in Lake Kyrksjön again. The old jetty has been replaced.” Bathing jetty, Lake Kyrksjön 2 All Stockholmers can get involved and have a say in the city’s development. The democratic process You and all other Stockholmers eligible to vote in the local government elections determine who governs our city. You therefore play an important role and are a part of the democracy. city council In the council chamber of Stockholm City Hall, the 101 elected members of the City Council make decisions that affect everyone who lives in the city of Stockholm. The members are appointed every four years when elections for Sweden’s parliament, the county councils and municipal councils are held. The party that receives the most votes has the most representatives on the City Council, and therefore a greater chance of influencing the decisions. One representative on the City Council is the same as one seat. 51 seats are required to obtain a majority in the City Council. 2010 was the 3 first time since 1954 that the same majority won in two consecutive elections. The majority comprises the Moderates, the Liberal Party, the Centre Party and the Christian Democrats. Other parties in the City Council sit in opposition and usually have a different opinion. The opposition parties are the Social Democrats, the Green Party and the Left Party. Stockholm County Council consists of 101 members. The Presidency comprises the President of the City Council, the 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents and the City Secretary. Here is the distribution of seats after the 2010 election. The Presidency Social Democrats 25 Moderate Party 38 Green Party 16 Liberal Party 10 8 Centre Party 3 Christian Democrats 1 Left Party Photo: Jany Plevnik The City Council sets goals and guidelines for the city of Stockholm’s operations. The City Council convenes every third Monday or so, led by the Presidency, and the meetings are open to the general public. You are welcome to attend a meeting in the City Hall. You can also listen on the radio or follow the meeting on online TV. Further information about this can be found on our website, The City Council convenes in the council chamber at the City Hall. 4 city executive board As most members of the City Council have other jobs alongside their political roles, they are unable to study all the details of a particular matter. Responsibility for this rests with the City Executive Board. Stockholm’s City Executive Board comprises 13 members from both the majority and the opposition parties. They make sure that the members receive a compilation of all the facts and proposals before they make a decision. The City Executive Board has overall responsibility for ensuring decisions are implemented, followed up and evaluated. It is also responsible for the city’s financial administration and long-term development. Meetings of the Board are not open to the general public, but you can read what has been decided on the city’s website. The City Executive Board comprises 13 members from both the majority and the opposition parties. They are responsible for ensuring decisions are implemented, followed up and evaluated. The Mayor is the chair of the City Executive Board. The City Executive Board is assisted by two administrations. One, the Executive Office, is responsible for control, follow-up and development of the City’s operations and for ensuring that all the political decisions are implemented. The other, the Secretariat to the Council and City Executive Board, performs secretarial duties for the City Council and City Executive Board. It is also responsible for the City Hall register, where all the documents are registered, and the archive. 5 divisions, mayor and vice mayors Twelve politicians in the City of Stockholm are fulltime employees. They are the Mayor and the Vice Mayors who are appointed by the City Council. The majority has a Mayor and seven Vice Mayors, and the opposition has four Vice Mayors. A Vice Mayor in Stockholm can be likened to a Municipal Commissioner in other Swedish municipalities. The Mayor and each majority Vice Mayor is head of a Division, i.e. a department with responsibility for a particular area of operation, such as the Mayor’s Office or the Schools and Education Division. Together the Mayor and the 11 Vice Mayors form the Council of Mayors, and they prepare matters for the City Executive Board. The Mayor holds a special position among the Vice Mayors, chairing both the Council of Mayors and the City Executive Board. Urban Environment Schools and Division Education Division Traffic and Labour Market Division Elderly and Urban Development Division Mayor`s Office City Planning and Sports Division Culture and Real Estate Division Social Affairs Division A Division is an administrative department with responsibility for a particular area of operations. The Divisions are headed up by the majority Mayor and Vice Mayors. The Oppositional Vice Mayors do not have their own Divisions. 6 Photo: Yanan Li In 2030 Stockholm is an innovative city, rich in experiences, with a population of more than a million. on the way to a world-class city The Stockholm of tomorrow is also shaped in the council chamber. What the city will look like, be like and how it will be perceived in the future has been agreed on jointly by all the parties in Vision 2030 – a world-class Stockholm. The vision describes how Stockholm will develop into an innovative, growing city that is multi-faceted and rich in experiences, always focusing on what is best for the citizens. All city operations shall work in harmony with the vision’s general bearing. If the vision defines the direction of the City’s operations, the City Council’s focus goals are the closest steps in the same direction. The focus goals are decided on each year in connection with the budget by the City Council, and apply to all administrations and city-owned companies in the City of Stockholm. 7 the day-to-day operation The day-to-day work is carried out by the city’s administrations and companies. They are headed by politically appointed committees and boards whose composition reflects the distribution of seats in the City Council. Their members are appointed by the City Council. Photo: Lieselotte van der Meijs You come into contact with the city’s operations every day; here a pre-school. Photo: Svartpunkt AB Photo: Jany Plevnik The employees of the administrations and companies are non-political and ensure that the work is carried out as decided by the committees and boards. The specialist administrations deal with issues of interest to the whole city, such as schools, sport, the environment, libraries, street maintenance and city planning. Libraries and snow clearance are just some of the areas dealt with by the specialist administrations. 8 Photo: Yanan Li The district councils are responsible for elderly care, for example. The district councils deal with municipal services and care for people living in the district in question. Some of the issues they are responsible for include municipal pre-school, elderly care, support and service for people with disabilities, city environment work, social psychiatry, individual and family care, consumer guidance, and leisure and culture activities. Some of the City of Stockholm’s operations are carried out by city-owned companies. They are co-ordinated through Stockholms Stadshus AB, which acts as the group board. interested in finding out more Visit (in Swedish only) to view documents from the City of Stockholm’s City Council, City Executive Board and the city’s committees and companies. Agendas, documents and decision outlines are published here. On the same site you can subscribe to a committee’s agendas and meeting minutes, and receive them automatically by e-mail. Read more about the city’s organisation, politics and finances at 9 How it can work Motion 1 2 3 City Council Committe Division 6 5 4 City Council City Executive Board Council of Mayors 7 8 Result Division 1. Proposal: A member of the City Council has sent a proposal, a motion, to the City Council regarding better lighting in one of the city’s parks. 2. Pronouncement: The motion is sent to the responsible committees, which make their views known in a pronouncement. In this case the pronouncement is from the Traffic and Waste Management Committee and the relevant district council. 3. Summary: The assessments and views regarding the proposal are sent to the responsible Division at the City Hall, in this case to the Traffic and Labour Market Division, and a firm proposal is drawn up. 4. Drafting: The proposal is then sent to the Council of Mayors for drafting. 5. Proposal for decision: The responsible Mayor or Vice Mayor presents it to the City Executive Board, which proposes that the City Council should approve the proposal. 6. Decision: A decision is taken in the City Council to approve the proposal in the motion and increase lighting in the park. 7. Implementation: The relevant committees are tasked with carrying out the project. 8. Result: There is now new lighting in place, which lights up the park when it is dark. This is one way it can work, although proposals also often come in directly from a committee. 10 Young people can also influence how Stockholm is governed. Have a say Vote in the local government elections, submit suggestions and comments. That's how you can influence development in Stockholm. Stockholm’s politicians make decisions daily that influence the everyday lives of you and other Stockholmers. By voting in the local elections you help choose which politicians will govern the city of Stockholm, but you also exert an influence between elections. For example, you can submit comments or suggestions, attend committee meetings or take part in citizen dialogues. If you would like to submit a comment or complaints about a particular operation, it is best to start off by talking to the staff within that operation. You can also phone or visit one of the city’s citizens’ offices, write a letter or send an e-mail to the relevant administration. You can always choose to remain anonymous, but if you leave your name and address the administration can let you know how your issues are being dealt with. 11 Photo: Peter Hoelstad “It’s important that today’s young people are politically involved. It doesn’t have to be for the rest of their lives. But keep an eye on politics.” Sten Nordin, Mayor of Stockholm (Moderate Party) If you live in Stockholm you can submit a ‘citizen’s suggestion’ directly to your district council. All Stockholmers, including children, non-Swedish citizens without the right to vote in the municipality, and associations within the city district areas are entitled to submit citizen’s suggestions. Citizen’s suggestions are proposals to change something within the city’s areas of responsibility. They must always be submitted in writing by post, e-mail or fax, and you must give your name and address. You will always receive written confirmation and information about how your citizen’s suggestion will be dealt with. Read about some of the citizen’s suggestions which became a reality at the beginning of this brochure and on the next page. You can also take part in citizen dialogues offered by the city, such as when a new housing area is planned. The city also arranges exhibitions on future projects at libraries and other meeting-places. The city’s website has further information about citizen dialogues and current projects in the city. Carin Jämtin, Oppositional Vice Mayor (Social Democrats) 12 Photo: Yanan Li “Complain or give us positive suggestions. But above all I want to strike a blow to encourage more people to become politically involved.” Do you have a good idea? Submit a citizen’s suggestion. That’s what some young people in Kungsholmen did, and November 2010 saw the completion of Rålis Skatepark. Rålis Skatepark is situated under Lilla Västerbron bridge in Rålambshovsparken park. The skatepark was designed by Stefan Hauser who has worked worldwide. Its unique position under a bridge coupled with its special design, with areas adapted for different degrees of difficulty, means the park can be used by large numbers of skaters during large parts of the year. Next to the skatepark is a newly built area for other spontaneous sport. Rålis Skatepark started out as a citizen’s suggestion put forward by a group of young people. The proposal led to an online survey looking into various design issues. At the same time Kungsholmen’s prevention unit, Fält & Fritid, held a skate event where participants could suggest what the new skatepark might look like. The result of the online survey and the workshop at the skate event in 2007 formed the basis of what is now Rålis Skatepark. What we see now is the result of dedicated people living in Kungs holmen and other parts of Stockholm. 13 Stockholm’s political CITY COUN CITY EXECUT COUNCIL OF Mayor’s Office Traffic and Labour Market Division City Planning and Sports Division Schools and Education Division Sten Nordin (Moderate Party) Mayor of Stockholm Ulla Hamilton (Moderate Party) Vice Mayor for Enterprise, Traffic and Labour Market Regina Kevius (Moderate Party) Vice Mayor for City Planning and Sports Lotta Edholm (Liberal Party) Vice Mayor for Schools and Education Responsible for Responsible for Responsible for Responsible for City Executive Board Traffic and Waste Management Committee City Planning Committee Education Committee Sports Committee Labour Market Committee Churchyard Committee Finance Committee Personnel and Equal Opportunities Committee Development Committee Stockholm Business Region (exc. SBA) Election Committee Fortum Värme Holding Stockholms Stadshus AB and other companies not named below Stockholms Stads Parkerings AB City District Councils, pre-schools SISAB District Councils, overall finances Stockholms Hamn AB Mässfastigheter i Stockholm AB Stockholm Business Alliance, SBA Oppositional Vice Mayors Carin Jämtin (Social Democrats) Roger Mogert (Social Democrats) Tomas Rudin (Social Democrats) Per Bolund (Green Party) political organisation OUNCIL TIVE BOARD OF MAYORS Elderly and Urban Development Division Urban Environment Division Social Affairs Division Culture and Real Estate Division Joakim Larsson (Moderate Party) Vice Mayor for Elderly Care and Urban Development Per Ankersjö (Centre Party) Vice Mayor for Environment Anna König Jerlmyr (Moderate Party) Vice Mayor for Social Affairs Madeleine Sjöstedt (Liberal Party) Vice Mayor for Culture and Real Estate Responsible for Responsible for Responsible for Responsible for Senior Citizens Committee Environment and Health Committee Social Services Committee Culture Committee City District Councils, elderly care Stockholm Vatten AB Chief Guardian Committee Stockholm Globe Arena AB City Executive Board’s Council for Disability, Senior Citizens Council Council for Protection of Ecological and Aesthetic Matters Micasa Fastigheter AB Urban Environment Advisory Board Housing companies The Housing Service Greater Stockholm Fire Brigade Stadsteatern Service Committee Real Estate Committee Järvalyftet project Vision Söderort Ewa Samuelsson (Christian Democrats) Assistant Vice Mayor for Social Affairs Group Leader Left Party Ann-Margarethe Livh (Left Party) Photo: Thomas Carlgren and Pawel Flato • Vote in local elections. • Submit your comments and suggestions directly to an operation such as a school, pre-school or home for the elderly. • Submit a citizen’s suggestion to your district council. • Contact Stockholm’s two ombudsmen regarding issues relating to the elderly and disabilities. • Attend meetings organised by the city, focusing on various issues. Read more on the city’s website CITY OF STOCKHOLM’S EXECUTIVE OFFICE City Hall, SE-105 35 Stockholm Phone: +46 8 508 29 000 Fax: +46 8 508 29 970 Production: Snick-Snack AB • Photo: Stefan Bohlin unless otherwise stated • Illustrations: Jens Callius • Print: EkotryckRedners Januari 2011 Article Number: SLK 306 You can have your say!
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