October 2013 - Killearn Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.


October 2013 - Killearn Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.
Save these Dates
Killearn Lakes Board Meeting 7pm @ association
Columbus Day
“The Killearn Lakes ‘Lakes View’ Magazine is not partnered or affiliated
with any other publications. KLHOA Board and Staff request you please
support the advertisers who support your neighborhood.”
2013 Board of Directors
28 & 29
Annual Meeting - 10am @ Bradfordville School House
Daylight Savings Time ends (Time to “fall” back)
Killearn Lakes Fall Festival 11am-3pm @ Tekesta
Veterans Day
Hanukkah begins at sundown
Office Closed for holiday
(Elected by general membership)
Trina Searcy, President
Tom Martineau, Treasurer
Joe Barnett, Director
Mark Worley, Director
Mark Reichert, Vice President
Joanie Trotman, Secretary
Dan King, Director
Administrative Staff
Nancy C. Johnson
Anne Marshall
Erin Murphy
Gregory Durant
Operations Director, Bookkeeper & Editor
Office Manager
Assistant Office Manager & Assistant Editor
Field Manager
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
T: 850-668-3231 | F: 850-894-1477
E: [email protected]
7110 Beech Ridge Trail, Tallahassee FL, 32312
Corporate Records are available upon written request.
Register your e-mail address on our website
to receive important announcements
from the association!
Cover Photo Contest
Our October cover photo was provided by Ron Olson. With all
the photos Ron has taken with his new camera he has probably begun
his own photo gallery.
Did you know that your photography could be showcased on our
cover? If you have a photo you would like to submit for consideration,
simply send it to [email protected].
All submitted photos should be at the highest available quality {at
least 300dpi}. Entries will be reviewed by the Editor, Assistant Editor,
and a Board Member. The selected photo will appear on an upcoming
issue of the “Lakes View” Magazine. It would be helpful if you could
share a personal story along with the photo.
Call our office at (850) 668-3231 if you have any additional
questions. We look forward to “showcasing” your photo submissions!
24 Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
Phone Numbers
Fire Department Dispatch
(non-emergency situations only)
Talquin Electric (ex: Light out on your street)
(Bradfordville office):
Outages (24-hour service):
(1-888) 802-1832
Leon County Sheriff ’s
Office Dispatch:
922- 3300
Leon County Public Roads
(Limbs & Trees on KL roads):
(1-800) 432-4770
Animal Control
Leon County Mosquito Control
Waste Management
574- 3000
Leon County Storm Water Questions:
Stay Connected with Killearn Lakes. ‘Like’ our
Facebook page “Killearn Lakes Homeowners
Association” and follow us on Twitter @KLHOA.
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress,
you’re still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.
Editor’s Note
ctober turns out to be a busy month. Ballots for this year’s board of director’s
election would normally arrive in your mail in a few weeks. Check out page 6
as to why an election will not be necessary this year.
October is National Breast Cancer Month. Ladies, if you haven’t scheduled your annual
mammogram, please take a moment and do it now. It’s amazing how the newest technology
detects some microscopic breast cancers, making chances of a full recovery great in many
women’s lives.
October 31st is the evening of trick or treat, costumes, and of course, bags full of candy!
Be sure to watch out for children darting in and out of yards and in the street. Be careful and
slow down. We wish everyone a Happy Halloween!
As November appears on the horizon be sure to check out the article on page 7 about the
annual Fall Festival event to be held at Tekesta Park on Saturday, November 9th from 11am
until 3pm . Are you new to the neighborhood? Just look for the tents and follow the crowd.
Our cooks from Auto Service Center will once again be manning their grills and cooking up
juicy hamburgers for all to enjoy. This event is for all current dues-paying members, and renters
whose landlords are current with their HOA dues. Please bring your invitation to the
registration table as you enter the park, as this count helps us prepare for future events. Please
consider volunteering! We could really use your help for a successful day. See you November
Nancy C. Johnson
Operations Director, Bookkeeper & Editor
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
Bryan's Brief
Fall is just around the corner – you
can almost feel the cool weather ahead.
We have some great football coming up,
hunting season and raking leaves! We had
an unprecedented wet summer which
challenged our Public Works staffs’
schedule and we have a balanced budget!
Legislature Committee Week is
underway and we are in monitoring and
action mode to insure we’re on top of any
possible proposed legislation that deals
with unfunded mandates or adverse changes affecting our counties.
I welcome any suggestions you may have as proposed legislations are
At our September 24 Commission meeting, the Board
unanimously adopted the fiscal year 2013/2014 budget of
$222,416,464, reducing government spending by more than
$600,000 from last year’s budget of $233,090,504. The
adopted budget fills an $8.78 million budget shortfall without
raising the millage rate. For the sixth year in a row You can find
more information on the budget at our home page at
Solid Waste Collection – As you already know, Waste
Pro is taking over solid waste collection October 1st. Just a reminder,
you have the choice of whether you wish to have collection of wastes
at your home (it is not mandatory) or use the Rural Waste Service
Centers (RWSC). The rates for the Centers are: a flat rate of $10 a
month for unlimited use; a usage fee of $2 per bag; $2 per use for
yard debris, and $4 per use for bulky materials. Thanks to all of you
who helped develop these rates. We’ve asked for a mid-year status
report on the operation of the RWSC and I'll get back with you on
Bannerman/Bull Headley Rd Update – I know
all of you are as frustrated as I and our staff are with the delays in this
project. Here’s an update:
• The contractor is working to complete the final base
repair/replacement at a production rate of 60 feet of lane
per day.
• The base is the road's foundation and without replacement,
the county's investment in the intersection improvement
would be compromised. The unexpected poor soil
significantly increased the project completion time.
• After each day of base replacement, the road is patched to
make it safe overnight. These series of patches are needed
to protect the base and the drivers.
October-November 2013
Once all the unsuitable base is replaced, the entire roadway
within the project area will be resurfaced and striped.
If dry weather holds, the contractor is expected to finish in
mid-October as the contractor has been authorized to work
nights and the Saturday when there is not a home FSU
football game to expedite the project.
Killearn Lakes Unit 2 Stormwater Project
Improvements – Great news - the contractor should begin
clearing as early as Monday, Sept. 30th, if there is no rain. They will
be concentrating on the area around Tuscavilla and Bridgewater.
Once that area has been completed they will be moving on to the
next area. Staff will have biweekly progress meetings with the
contractor and will provide information to the HOA as the project
moves forward.
Bannerman Rd Widening Project and
Thomasville/Proctor Rd Recreation Property –
both projects are still included on the Sales Tax Committee’s proposed
project list. The list is still subject to change, but at least we’re being
considered now for funding. For more information, go to
Development – I had hoped to be able to give you an overview
of this development responding to the many questions and concerns
that have been addressed to me, but here’s an update. The developer
has been holding meetings with the various neighborhood groups
and it appears there may be some changes to the proposed
development based on their comments and concerns. Thanks to the
all of the neighborhood leaders who are taking the time to understand
and work with the developer and staff on issues. I’ll let you know as
soon as there is news to report on the changes.
Local Option Fuel Tax (Five-Cent Gas Tax) –
Just wanted to take a moment to share with you why I've supported
the tax. Property owners have been paying the majority of the costs
for maintenance and special transportation projects that keep our
roads operable. Our budget is primarily funded by property tax and
we have people who come to our county for special events (long
football weekends, legislative and special sessions, etc.); people who
live outside the county, but work in Leon; those who do not own
property but live here and use our roads. I believe they should be
paying to help with transportation issues. Under no conditions do I
believe we should continue to put the onus on the property owner.
Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
Bryan’s Brief continued on Page 13
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
Information about the
2013-2014 Killearn Lakes Election
By Susan W. Harnden Esq.
Each KLHOA director serves on a volunteer basis charged with
voicing and protecting the interests of the collective membership
based on prudent planning and sound fiduciary discretion. You can
see from the complexity of issues presented at our latest quarterly
meetings, there is great dedication and sacrifice in their service.
holding required annual elections in these instances in section
720.306(9)(a), Florida Statutes (2013), which provides in its entirety:
720.306 Meetings of members; voting and election procedures;
With over 4,200 members
the KLHOA election process
is laborious and a major
expense paid from your
annual dues budget.
This election year we are fortunate to have all of the KLHOA
incumbent board members continue their commitment to serve. The
deadline to submit new candidate nominations was September 20,
and although the deadline for nominations was not extended, there
have been no nominations received by the KLHOA at the time of
publishing this writing. (The Lakes View August issue also provided
the deadline for submitting director nominations.)
With over 4,200 members, the KLHOA election process is
laborious and a major expense paid from your annual dues budget.
This year’s election was projected to cost approximately $7,000.00.
However, with no board vacancies or new candidate nominations,
the Board has voted not to incur the expense of holding the annual
election of its directors. The law supports this decision, as the Florida
Legislature gave homeowner’s associations a practical exception to
Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
Elections of directors must be conducted in
accordance with the procedures set forth in the governing
documents of the association. All members of the
association are eligible to serve on the board of directors,
and a member may nominate himself or herself as a
candidate for the board at a meeting where the election is
to be held; provided, however, that if the election process
allows candidates to be nominated in advance of the
meeting, the association is not required to allow
nominations at the meeting. An election is not required
unless more candidates are nominated than vacancies exist.
Except as otherwise provided in the governing documents,
boards of directors must be elected by a plurality of the votes
cast by eligible voters. Any challenge to the election process
must be commenced within 60 days after the election results
are announced.
At their December meeting, the Board plans to discuss the
purchase of new fishing nets for the KLHOA Annual Kids Fishing
Contest with the money saved. While the 2013-2014 election is
cancelled, the Annual Meeting will be held at the Bradfordville
Schoolhouse Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 10:00 am.
Annual Fall Festival at
Tekesta Park
Field Manager Note
By Anne Marshall
Beyond the Bark
Saturday, November 9, 2013
From USA Weekend
The annual Fall Festival will be held Saturday, November 9th
from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm at Tekesta Park. Entertainment will be
provided by BJ’s Party House/Klown Kapers, Killearn Kids Dance
Troupe, Killearn Lakes TaeKwonDo, Pro Disc Jockeys and Meyer
Magic. As always, there will be a Casting Contest for the kids, as well
as games and the Kiddie Train from Bouncers. Our favorite chefs
from Auto Super-Service Center will cook hamburgers and hot dogs
for lunch, and we will have Chick-Fil-A nuggets, too. The Kona Ice
truck will offer Tropical Shaved Ice, so bring a little money for a cool
treat. Please bring a dessert or side item (and the recipe!) to share.
We would like to feature your recipe in a future issue of “Lakes View”
magazine. Please do not bring chips, as the association provides plenty
of those.
Sponsors and your dues fund this event. An entry ticket will be
mailed this month to all residents in good standing. Please bring the
admission ticket to the registration table when you arrive. We need
volunteers to make this event a success. Adults and teens are
welcome—your help can make all the difference! Please call the office
at 850-668-3231 or email us [email protected] if you can
help. See you at the park November 9th.
My neighbor has gifted the neighborhood with a dog that barks
incessantly. After 48 hours of non-stop barking, I was sure this poor
creature was being neglected. Aside from calling the police, do you
have an idea?
–L.W., San Diego
Before enlisting the long arm of the law, try a civil discussion
with the neighbors- a barking dog intervention. They may truly be
unaware the dog is barking incessantly while they’re away, and how
neighbors are being affected. Ask another neighbor to join you, and
get signatures from others. Express your concern for the dog, rather
than focusing on your annoyance.
Dogs bark to communicate. It may be that moving to a new
place and being left alone is causing the dog’s anxiety. Or perhaps
this dog has always had separation issues. The good news: A vet can
provide tools to help calm this pet.
–Steve Dale
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
History of Killearn Lakes
Part II
Early in the 1830’s the property now in the Killearn Lakes
development became gradually incorporated into the extensive
holdings of the three Bradford brothers. Other planters worked
portions of this land at various times, including Frederick R. Cotton,
biggest and most prosperous of all Florida planters. Captain William
Lester, ex-Indian fighter and vigilante leader; and Robert Williams,
Surveyor-general for the Territory, all of whom continued to work
adjacent properties. But eventually all present Killearn Lakes property
was included in Dr. Edward Bradford’s Pine Hill plantation, Thomas
A. Bradford’s Walnut Hill, or Richard H. Bradford’s Water Oak.
All of the planters mentioned above seem to have been among
the more progressive agriculturalists and
more sincerely paternalistic (in the best sense)
slave masters. Solon Robinson, a noted
By the end of the decade the rich
agricultural journalist of the day, vested some
of them in March 1851, and found Robert
soils of Leon County attracted
Williams to be a leader in the use of
many cotton planters…
fertilizers, improved equipment, side-hill
ditching for erosion control, and other
innovations. His neighbors laughed at him,
Robinson reported, but were quick to follow him in anything
Murat then shot a hole in Macomb’s shirt, which he claimed later
successful. Perhaps this is one reason why abolitionist agitators, active
“scared out the lice”, but no other damage resulted.
here as elsewhere in the South, were not very successful on these
One of the first locally prominent homesteaders on Lake
plantations. The Bradford brothers took turns hosting an annual
Iamonia was Dr. Isaac W. Mitchell, who established a home on the
holiday celebration, for the slave populations of the three plantations
broad hilltop overlooking Mitchell Point. Mitchell many have been
every 4th of July. This included a massive barbecue and, when held
a medical doctor, although he apparently did not follow that
at Water Oak, fishing parties on Lake Iamonia. No whites were
profession. His extensive plantation landholdings were located mainly
allowed to partake of or interfere with these festivities.
in Jefferson County and southern Georgia, but he was active in the
The Civil War put an end to large scale cotton production, and
early land speculations in Leon County. In 1829 he was elected to
turned agricultural attention to the production of foodstuffs for both
the Territorial Legislative Council, and remained active in political
the military and home fronts. The Bradford plantations followed this
affairs thereafter. In 1833 he was appointed by the Governor to the
pattern. Bradford sons and sons-in-law followed their conscience and
board of appraisers of the Union Bank, (whose financial
went to war, among them Richard H. Jr. of Water Oak, Captain of a
manipulations were later to end in chaos.) But in a few short years
company of the 1st Florida Regiment. He left with his regiment for
his household was hit by disease. His beloved wife Ann died on April
Pensacola in the fall of 1861. On the night of October 9, 1861, while
16, 1837, and was buried in the small cemetery near the homesite.
leading an attack column in the assault on Federal positions on Santa
Soon thereafter Mitchell moved to Thomas County Georgia, which
Rosa Island, he was shot and killed by a sentinel of the 6th New York
became his permanent home.
he town of Tallahassee was surveyed and laid out in 1824,
and promotion and sale of the surrounding lands began in
the following year. By the end of the decade the rich soils
of Leon County attracted many cotton planters. Land
speculation resulted in large and small parcels changing
hands in rapid succession. For example, Prince Archille
Murat and William Nuttall once owned, for a short time, one eighth
of a section (west ½ of northeast ¼ sect.9, township 2 North, range
1 East) now partly covered by Lake Dianna. Perhaps it was near this
spot that Murat fought a duel with Judge David B. Macomb.
Macomb fired first, clipping off half of Murat’s right little finger.
Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
Volunteers. His body was returned for a hero’s funeral, and was buried
in the cemetery at Pine Hill plantation. He could well have been the
first Floridian killed in Confederate action. Bradford County, Florida
was later named in his honor.
The economic dislocation of war, emancipation, and
reconstruction resulted in the diversification of agriculture and farm
tenancy, with continued emphasis on corn and other cereal grains.
Attempts were also made to develop production of fruits, vegetables,
and tobacco for northern markets. But Tallahassee had no direct rail
connections to the North, and no nearby seaport, shipments being
made by rail to Jacksonville or Fernandina for transshipment by sea.
Sporadic interest in rail connection between Tallahassee and
Thomasville and thence to the North developed. One proposed route
via Bradfordville would have passed across the southeast corner of the
Killearn Lakes property. But local interest was fragmented by other
projects, and a meeting held at Bradfordville in May 1883, well
attended by representatives of Georgia interests, failed to attract a
single delegate from Florida. The rail connection with Thomasville
never did materialize
Part III History of Killearn Lakes will continue in the
December issue.
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
Weigh the Pros and Cons
of Solar Hot Water
By Brian Sloboda
Cooperative Research Network
Solar hot water systems are a time-tested and efficient method
of harnessing the sun’s rays and saving on energy costs.
Solar hot water systems are relatively simple: The sun shines on
a dark-colored tank or collector and heats the water inside. They must
be matched to a heating load—how much hot water is needed for
the size of your home and its number of occupants.
A basic model costs anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000, with a
payback of 10 to 20 years for most consumers. However, federal and
state tax incentives can shorten that period significantly—check the
Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency for
incentives (www.dsireusa.org).
Solar hot water systems are
relatively simple. The sun shines on a
dark-colored tank or collector and
heats the water inside.
The most common use, as the name implies, is to preheat
domestic water—what goes to sinks and showers. Larger, much more
complex systems can also supply hot water for a whole house,
including washing clothes and dishes. These can also be a good option
if you need to heat water for a swimming pool.
Heating domestic water typically accounts for about 20 percent
of a household’s energy bill, or $100 to $300 per year. But a welldesigned solar water heating system can nearly eliminate that energy
Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
There are several choices when shopping for a
solar hot water system:
Active versus passive: Active systems
feature circulating pumps and controls that move
water. Passive systems simply use pressure of the water
system within the house to move water.
Direct vs. indirect: Direct (or “open
loop”) systems circulate household water through solar collectors and
into the home. Direct systems can be used only in mild climates that
do not experience freezing conditions. Indirect (“closed loop”)
systems circulate an antifreeze solution through the collectors to a
heat exchanger, where the potable water absorbs the heat. They can
also be designed so the water retreats back into the house at night.
Indirect systems can be used in any climate.
Another choice is the Liberty-Box. The Liberty-Box is a product
which is registered as a global patent, intended for quick water
heating, and can be installed at the office or at home without
connecting to existing electrical systems. The device provides an
actual, unique solution to the quick water heating problem and is not
influenced by the piping temperature.
The device operates by transforming solar energy into electric
energy in maximum efficiency. The process is computer controlled
(DSP) and transforms the solar energy into electric energy directly to
the boiler, without batteries, without connecting to any electrical
systems, and without pumps and pipes. More information can be
found at www.usa-eds.com/web/index.asp?page=Products.
One challenge is what to do with excess heat at the solar panel
when there is no hot water demand—for example, in the summer if
you go on vacation for an extended time. Drainback systems, if
properly designed, can solve this problem, but other options include
a “dummy load” to dump excess heat, night discharge controls, highpressure operation to prevent boiling in the panel, and oversized
expansion tanks that can handle the volume change when the fluid
in the panel actually does boil. Local contractors can assist in choosing
a setup that best addresses these issues.
Economics of solar hot water depend on several things, such as
the cost of the fuel that the system replaces, when and how much hot
water is used, incoming water temperature, and how much sunlight
your area receives. The U.S. Department of Energy provides an online
tool to estimate the initial costs and payback period for a solar hot
water system—read more at energy.gov/energysaver/articles/solarwater-heaters.
Consumers interested in going solar may want to consider the
pros and cons of solar hot water versus deploying solar photovoltaic
(PV) panels. Until recently, solar hot water was the more cost-effective
option, but decreasing PV prices and economic and tax incentives
have re-energized the debate between the two technologies. The
decision depends on local factors including hot water demand and
For a family of four, solar hot water typically is the logical choice.
However, electricity generated from PV panels can power your whole
house and pump power back into the grid when not needed on site.
Before investing in a PV or any other type of “backyard” renewable
energy system, contact your local electric cooperative to discuss
interconnection costs and other issues associated with it.
Brian Sloboda is a senior program manager specializing in
energy efficiency for the Cooperative Research Network, a service
of the Arlington, Va.-based National Rural Electric Cooperative
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
Killearn Kids Dance Troupe
to Perform at Oktoberfest
By Jean Sleeman
Brightly colored costumes and lively music will abound as the
Killearn Kids Dance Troupe performs at the Oktoberfest scheduled
for Saturday, October 19. The family oriented festival will get
underway at Epiphany Lutheran Church and Pre-School from 3 pm
to 7 pm with the children’s performance slated to begin at 4 pm.
Dance instructor/choreographer Dyanne Ifland, said the kids
really enjoy the dance routines to their favorite music. More than 100
students will participate this year with each class presenting their own
group dance. The classes are divided by age, ranging from pre-school
through fifth grade. The students learn basic dance skills, counting
to music, dance terminology and put movement sequences together
in a coordinated routine of lyrical, ballet, tap, jazz and hip hop.
“The Troupe’s mission is to equip and empower our youth with
confidence and adaptability to become successful students,
courageous, fearless and conscientious citizens who wish to give back
Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
to the community. It’s a tall order, but one that is being fulfilled every
year we graduate another group of fabulous dancers. Our alumni are
now all over the world sharing their confidence and love of the
entertainment field. I could not be more proud or blessed. I thank
the Killearn Lakes community for sharing their talented children with
me for 20 years and hopefully many more to come,” Ifland said.
The troupe has a full schedule of performances slated, including
the Downtown Get-Downs, North Florida Fair, the Killearn Lakes
Fall Festival, and Tallahassee’s Celebration of Lights. They will top
off the year with a performance at Disney World in Orlando!
Residents are urged to come out to see these talented children
perform and join in other Oktoberfest festivities featuring German
food, carnival games and raffles, and free pony rides and bounce
Bryan’s Brief
continued from Page 4
It is estimated there will be a minimal increase monthly - about $44
a year for the average annual gasoline used by a resident owning two
vehicles, about $3.66 a month - diesel is exempted from the increase.
I’ve studied the budget, talked with many people and it was a difficult
vote but one I made on as it represented a balanced approach and
provided savings in other areas. Ultimately, I felt implementing the
gas tax option was in the best interest of the residents of this county.
I consider it an honor and a privilege to serve as your District
IV Commissioner and I commit to you that I will continue to do the
best job I can in representing you and our community. As always, I
welcome your input and appreciate all of you who act as my eyes in
the District. Many of the improvements we’ve already made, or are
currently working on, came from citizen suggestions or observations.
As you plan for your neighborhood/homeowner’s association
meetings, please let me know the dates and times so that I may join
you. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions or
concerns, [email protected] or 606-5364.
Bryan Desloge
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
By Lisa Cozzocrea
When you hear the term “in-home care services” what do you
*The Heart and Science behind Interactive Care Giving*
think it means? After having the chance to meet over 500 seniors at
Study after study shows that active and mentally stimulated
a recent Active Living Expo, hosted by the Tallahassee Senior Center,
seniors enjoy a better quality of life and physical wellbeing.
I was inclined to make sure that everyone in our community has a
Transforming daily activities into interactive activities helps keep
true understanding of the term, and have the resources to reach out
people strong, improve their health and outlook on life, and reduce
to us in case you or your loved one should ever need our services. I
the risks for injury, depression, and symptoms of dementia. When
think one of the saddest things I hear is "I wish I knew Comfort
you choose Comfort Keepers you can expect to receive the right care
Keepers was out there
for every client. Whether
when my parents needed
your need is Personal
In-home care provides an excellent
the extra care".
Care, Companionship or
765difference in the
Home Safety Technology,
option for individuals who wish
lives of seniors and other
Comfort Keepers can
to remain in the comfort of their
adults. In-home care
provide a range of services
provides an excellent
which can be customized
own home.
option for individuals
to fit each individual’s
who wish to remain in the
needs. The next time you
comfort of their own homes. In-home care services are provided on
are faced with the many challenges of everyday busy life and are in
a permanent or as-needed basis. For over a decade, Comfort Keepers
need of in-home care services for you or your loved one, take comfort
has helped seniors and other adults live independent lives at home.
in knowing that we are ready and willing to be of service to you. For
Comfort Keepers has earned its reputation as a top provider of inmore information or to schedule a free assessment, please call (850)
home care for people who desire to stay in the comfort and safety of
their own homes. Interactive care giving is the unique way Comfort
2709-3 Killarney Way
Keepers delivers care to our clients. It centers on four interrelated
Tallahassee, Fl 32309
aspects: engagement of the mind, an active body, proper nutrition
(850) 402-0051
and safety. A plan of care which addresses these aspects together will
[email protected]
enhance the quality of life and, ultimately, independence.
Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
Shoreline Cleanup
The Shoreline Cleanup was held on Saturday, September, 21.
The group cleaned up close to 200 lbs of garbage from Lake Petty
Gulf including a bicycle that was abandoned and sunk into the shore.
We appreciate you letting our young boys learn about giving
back to the community.
David Whitaker
Cubmaster Pack 10
Leon County Recycling
The Editor would like to thank Andy’s Cabinets and Millwork for advertising
with us so loyally in the “Lakes View” Magazine. For more information please check
out our newest feature"Business Spotlight" on our website under the “Lakes View”
Menu Section. Another loyal advertiser will be highlighted in our next issue.
…now easier than ever!
Starting October 1, Leon County will switch to a single-stream
recycling system. This means no more sorting paper items from
plastic, metal and glass items. Now everything can be combined
loosely into one single cart, which will be pictured up at the curb.
Acceptable recyclable materials are:
- Office paper
- Buckets
- Bottles
- Cardboard
- Pots and Pans
- Jugs
- Jars
- Brochures/Books
- Envelopes
- Planter Bins
- Cans
- Magazines/Catalogues
- Empty Aerosol Cans
- Pie Tins
Now recycling carts will be issued to all curbside subscribers.
This new system will be easier for citizens and makes recycling
services more efficient.
If you are not currently subscribing to curbside service and
would like to, please visit www.LeonCountyFL.gov/Curbside or call
Leon County’s new waste provider, Waste Pro at (850) 606-1899.
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
Cranberry Chutney Mousse Cake
By Treva Pasquarelli
Treva’s Pastries & Fine Foods
Graham Cracker Crust
Cranberry Chutney
6 1/2 oz graham cracker crumbs, or 12 crackers
6 T butter
1/4 c sugar
Pinch of salt
3 c fresh cranberries
1 granny smith apple, peeled, cored, chopped
2 oranges, peeled, seeded, and chopped
1 c sugar
1 inch cube of fresh ginger, peeled, minced
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pulse graham cracker crumbs, butter,
sugar, and salt in a food processor until combined. Firmly press
mixture into bottom of a 9-inch spring form pan. Bake until crust is
golden brown, approximately 10 minutes. Let cool completely.
In a medium saucepan combine all ingredients, cook on medium heat
until cranberries pop and sauce begins to thicken, about 15 minutes.
Remove from heat and cool. Puree the chutney until smooth.
1 1/2 c pureed chutney
11 g gelatin, softened in water
4 oz sugar
3/4 qt heavy cream
In a heat proof mixing bowl, pour in 2-3 tablespoons of tepid water.
Sprinkle gelatin evenly into water, dissolving for 2-3 minutes. Over low
heat, gently warm the water and gelatin mixture until it becomes fluid.
Stir in sugar and 1 1/2 c of the pureed chutney. Set aside. Whip heavy
cream to stiff but creamy peaks. Fold whipped cream into chutney
gelatin mixture until Well combined. Pour into spring form pan over
graham cracker crust. Chill overnight.
Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
I am thankful for the things in my past.
Things that have brought me to where I am at last.
All the lessons I’ve learned and more to come.
All help me to better become.
The people I’ve met and remain close with still,
along with those who have gone on their will.
All good things come to those who wait
Thank you God,
for the blessings on my plate.
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
A Not-So-Ordinary Cruise
on a University Ship
By Helen and Tom Martineau
If someone had told us a year ago that one of our universities
especially attentive and accommodating. We also wanted to sit as
owned a ship that travels all over the world while students and faculty
often as possible with two other couples (from Arizona and Michigan)
engaged in “semesters at sea,” we might not have believed it. In fact,
who we befriended during the journey. However, ice sculptures,
someone did tell us that, and it took us about a week of checking it
shameless desserts, “death by chocolate,” and similar gluttonous
out before we accepted it as a fact. Then we signed up for a cruise on
experiences were largely absent due to the more academic nature of
that ship, and once we returned we knew we needed to share our
the ship. We are certain no one starved. Unless they did so on
adventure. We had become believers. Here is a short story about a
purpose. Our cabin steward was highly considerate and helped us
long journey. We think you should consider following in our
keep our lodging pleasant, clean, and comfortable. We both lost a
small amount of weight, and gained it all back once we returned.
The MV Explorer is the current ship owned and operated by
With two exceptions, we spent two full days in every one of our
Semester at Sea, a 50 year old program sponsored by the Institute for
port destinations: Oslo, Norway; Stockholm, Sweden; Copenhagen,
Shipboard Education of the University of Virginia. During two
Denmark; and Hamburg, Germany. We stayed one full day only in
semesters each year, the ship takes college students, faculty and
Riga, Latvia. But we were in St. Petersburg, Russia for three full days.
administrators on global journeys, while regular for-credit courses are
It is not typical for most cruises to provide two or more days at one
taught in classrooms on the vessel. For details, see www.semesteratsea.
destination. There was also another feature not found on many
org. The ship holds about 700 passengers, which makes it more
cruises: high-powered lecturers speaking on topics ranging from green
copacetic than the 4,000
architecture to geopolitics,
We did not spend an entire semester economics.
monsters. It was built in
In addition, an
at sea. Instead, we took advantage
Germany in 2002, and
was placed in operation
provided advance lectures
of the time between semesters,
by Semester at Sea in
on what we would be
when a program called Enrichment
seeing at future ports of
We did not spend an
call. In addition, there was
Voyages takes over.
entire semester at sea.
an offering of art classes, a
dance studio, exercise
advantage of the time between semesters, when a program called
programs, and the like. We liked especially a lecture on “emotional
Enrichment Voyages takes over. A year ago, we found out about
intelligence,” a concept often called the right brain’s counterbalance
Enrichment Voyages from a representative of Semester at Sea, who
to IQ. Another fascinating lecture chronicled by video how a young
came to Tallahassee and spoke to the Florida State University OLLI
couple built a steel-hulled sailboat in Argentina, and then sailed it on
(Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) Travel Club. She advertised a
their honeymoon to the South Pole, and back to Argentina.
three-segment cruise for the Spring of 2013, as follows:
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has perhaps been the most well-known
• Segment I, starting in Barcelona, Spain on April 25, and
lecturer on past Semester at Sea journeys and Enrichment Voyages.
ending in Le Havre France, on May 11.
Here are just a few highlights from each port of call:
• Segment II from Le Havre on May 12, to Dover, England
on May 25.
• Segment III from Dover on May 25, to Southampton,
England on June 16.
We chose to go on Segment III, even
though we could have gone on all segments. We
felt that 23 days of sharing a 125 square foot
stateroom would be a good enough test of our
45 year old marriage. No need to push our luck.
We found our stateroom to be comfortable
and well-equipped. In addition, the ship offered
many areas on open decks and in lounges where
we could rest, read, talk with newly made friends,
and enjoy the scenery. We found the food to be
excellent and we made it a point to arrive early for
Left to right: Helen ready to speed boat rumble in the
dinner to sit at the table of a waiter who was
Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
archipelago; Tom tickling lion on Botanical Garden in
Left to right: the
London Eye; the Viking
Museum in Oslo
We flew to London and had a two-day advance stay in
Greenwich, famous for the location of the Prime Meridian at the
Royal Observatory, from which all time around the globe is measured.
Here in Tallahassee we are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) minus five
hours. We went on the huge Ferris Wheel called the London Eye,
visited the world-famous Chelsea Flower Show (100th Anniversary),
and stood with one leg on either side of the Greenwich Meridian.
We almost didn’t make it to Dover. We and another couple were
being chauffeured from our Greenwich hotel to the ship. We were
engrossed in conversation with our fellow passengers, and before we
realized it, our driver said, “We’re here!” There was only one problem:
he had driven us to Southampton instead of Dover. He never asked
us, and we never told him, where our ship was waiting. We almost
missed our ship’s departure. An eternal lesson for trips – and for life:
always be on top of what you’re doing!
The capital of Norway is scenic, clean and filled with ancient as
well as modern architecture. We visited the Viking Museum, a 15th
Century Stave Church, and the recently completed Oslo Opera
House, which looks like a glacier sliding into Oslo Harbor.
The capital of Latvia was not easy to visit until the break-up of
the Soviet Union in 1989. It is now active and busy with commerce
like any place with a free market economy. A large house with cats
on its turrets was built to have the cats show their bad sides to the
house across the street to put the exclamation mark on a feud between
the two owners. A court later ruled that this form of free expression
was not allowed, and the cats were “re-oriented.” (Perhaps they
should’ve been allowed to work like weathervanes?) The sculpture of
a boy reading a book is on a nearby building.
Cruise continued on Page 22
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
Questions to the
Master Builder
“We are considering adding a master suite onto our
existing home and would like some simple guidelines to
following when searching for and talking to building
contractors. What would you suggest?”
First- Know your budget limits. Design must follow
your budget. If you know your budget limits, you will save
a lot of time and money in research and design fees, as
well as honoring the building professional’s time.
Second- Research and develop a list of design and
building professionals you want to work with and conduct
interviews. There is no need to talk to more than three
(3) contractors if you have done your homework. The
best reference you can get is from a friend or coworker
that has recently completed a building project similar to
Third-Be prepared for your first meeting by having
the following:
• Contact information with best times to call and the
preferred ways for communication (email, fax or phone)
and who will be the point person for all questions and
• A written scope of work that includes the anticipated
start and completion dates.
• A list of any important dates that may interfere with
construction. A wedding or graduation party does not
work well with the construction process.
• A set of building plans that include a site plan with
relevant building setbacks. If you have the original
house plans they should be included.
• A list of products selections. Start a folder. This will
help your design and building profession interrupt what
level of quality you desire.
• Limit input. Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the
broth. Find your team and respect their opinions. Build
for yourself and not for your in-laws or best friend.
“Our bedroom door will not stay open. It always
swings to the same resting position. What is wrong and
what is a simple fixed?“
The door is hung out of plumb and is being pulled
by gravity to the resting position. Try removing one or
more hinge pins and slightly bend the pin by hitting with
a hammer and reinstalling the bent hinge pen. Many
times the increased friction caused by the bent hinge pin
will solve the swinging door syndrome.
Mark Worley is the only Graduate Master Builder in Tallahassee
and one of only 13 statewide as recognized by the National
Association of Home Builders. You can reach him through his
website at www.worleyconst.com or at (850) 668-3438 for help
with your construction problems.
20 Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
e Dyslexia Research Institute
By Victor Aderhold
The Dyslexia Research Institute, based in Tallahassee, was
recognized by The Able Trust as the 2013 High School High Tech
Program of the Year. The Able Trust’s annual Ability Awards
ceremony held in Tallahassee honors businesses, organizations and
individuals for their employment, leadership and services that allow
more citizens with disabilities to enter the workforce.
and employer support. In the last five years, 100 percent of the
program’s seniors have graduated from high school and continued on
to either college or employment. This summer, nearly half of program
students will participate in paid summer internship experiences as a
result of community-business partnerships
The Able Trust annually recognizes outstanding achievements in
13 categories, including outstanding employment
placement programs, legislators, youth leaders with
small and large employers, media
In the last five years, 100 percent of
representatives, volunteers, and more.
the program's seniors have graduated
The Dyslexia Research Institute, operates
Hall Academy, a private school in
from high school and continued on to
Tallahassee that provides a learning environment for
either college or employment.
students with dyslexia, ADHD and Arsparger's
The Dyslexia Research Institute serves high school
students with disabilities in Gulf County for The Able
Trust’s Florida High School High Tech (HSHT)
program on an annual basis. Under the leadership of
Dr. Patricia Hardman and Robyn Rennick, and
through the talented work of Program Coordinator
Lynn Hauck, the team ensures that students experience
the depth and breadth of career and youth
development, which is the core intent of the HSHT
“The Dyslexia Research Institute has created a
highly successful program for Gulf County students
with sustained success,” said Dr. Susanne Homant,
president and CEO of The Able Trust. “Its
commitment to helping people with disabilities gain
independence has made a remarkable difference in the
lives the institute touches.”
Their program structure, which builds upon
career and work-based experiences throughout the
school year culminating in a summer internship, is
considered a statewide model for the Florida HSHT
program. The program enjoys outstanding community
The Dyslexia Research Institute, based in Tallahassee, was recognized by The Able Trust as the 2013
High School High Tech Program of the Year"Susanne Homant, President & CEO of The Able Trust;
Richard Cole, Chair, Able Trust Board of Directors; Lynn Hauck, Gulf County Activities Director;
and Allison Chase, State Director High School High Tech.
About The Able Trust
The Able Trust, also known as the Florida Endowment Foundation for Vocational Rehabilitation, is a 501(c)(3) public-private partnership foundation established by
the Florida Legislature in 1990. Its mission is to be a key leader in providing Floridians with disabilities opportunities for successful employment. Since its establishment,
The Able Trust has awarded more than $30 million throughout Florida, enabling thousands of Floridians with disabilities to enter the workforce.
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org
continued from Page 19
St. Petersburg
This city served as the winter residence of the Russian Czars, and
was re-named Leningrad during the Soviet era. It reverted to its
original name in 1989. We visited several of the City’s pompous but
impressive churches, including a synagogue. We also went to see one
of the world’s largest and most famous art galleries, the Hermitage.
On our last day we drove out into the countryside to visit Peterhof
Castle, Czar Peter the Great’s “imperial palace” in the image of
Versailles. Some say that comparing it to Versailles is an insult to
Sweden’s capital city is among the most livable and cosmopolitan
urban areas in the world. Tom had been there twice before – always
on business. This time we could experience the city as eager tourists.
We happened to be there during a weekend when Princess Madeleine
was marrying American Chris O’Neill, so we stayed out of the
wedding traffic after a half-day visit to downtown. On the next day
we rode some fearsome speed boats through the archipelago
surrounding Stockholm.
This capital city of Denmark is home to the famous “mermaid”
in its harbor. Another famous attraction is Tivoli Gardens, a large
pre-Disney amusement and entertainment park.
We toured the Hanseatic League cities of Hamburg and Lübeck
on two successive days. The Hanseatic League was one of the earliest
large-scale trade organizations. Originally, Lübeck was the lead city.
However, after the discovery of America, Hamburg became
strategically more important for trade because it had direct access to
the Atlantic Ocean, whereas Lübeck was accessible from the Baltic
Sea. Contrary to popular opinion, Hamburg claims no kinship to the
hamburger. However, Lübeck lays claim to being the center of
Marzipan manufacture. Yes: we bought a bunch at Niederegger’s,
home of the Marzipan Museum. And, yes: it’s all gone.
If we’d waited 23 days in Southampton when we erroneously
rode to Southampton instead of Dover, we could have met our ship
then. But it wouldn’t have been as much fun.
22 Lakes View / Issue 61 / October 2013
Left to right: Peterhof grounds in St. Petersburg; famous Holstentor in Lübeck –
marzipan replicas available
Designated printer of the “Lakes View” Magazine
een Corner Classifieds
PET SITTING AND DOG WALKING – Do you need a pet sitter
or dog walker? Day or night! I’m responsible and experienced, and
have references. Please call Karlee Jones at 850-933-1610.
BABYSITTERS – Experienced 12-year-old Sitter and Mothers
Helper. Prefer watching ages 4-9yrs. I love kids and I am very
responsible. Bonus: household jobs such as folding laundry, dishes
or tidy up your home. $3-5/hour. Available weekdays from 4-8 p.m.
Sat. 10:30-4:30 p.m. and Sun. 1-8 p.m. Summer hours are
more flexible. Can provide my own transportation. Call Emily at
(850) 894-0421.
BABYSITTER & PETSITTER – Need a 17 year old with CPR and
TMH Babysitter's course certification to entertain your kid's for the
night out, or the summer? Need a petsitter with lots of experience
and patience? Call Brittany at (850)-688-4287 for a break!
for a reliable, fun and responsible baby/petsitter! My name is Rachel
Stadtfeld. I am 18 years old and attend FSU! I am a great student
and love caring for children and pets whenever I’m needed. I have
my own transportation and a flexible class schedule so I am available
much of the time! Call me on short notice, I will be able to
accommodate you. I will provide a fun, safe time for your precious
kiddos or pets, so give me a call or text at any time for all your sitting
needs! My number is (727) 742-3856 :)
BABYSITTER & PETSITTER – Responsible, mature and
enthusiastic 16 & 17 year old Chiles High School students, TMH
certified available for babysitting and/or pet sitting. Please call Gabby
& Claudia (850) 893 2342.
BABYSITTER & PETSITTER – Dedicated, responsible and
mature 17-year-old Chiles High School student who loves to take
care of children and pets. Available weekdays after 4:00 p.m. and
weekends. Please call Daniela at (850) 668-2370.
BABYSITTERS – My name is Delaney Stoner and I am a 18 year
old senior at Chiles High School student. I love kids, I am great with
them, and I have references available upon request. I am able to
babysit in the Golden Eagle-Killearn Lakes area at anytime!
Please feel free to call me whenever you need a babysitter at
(850) 841-0837!
BABYSITTER - Reliable and experienced 14 year old; certified as
babysitter by American Red Cross. Available most times during the
summer and nights/weekends during the school year. Can provide
my own transportation. Please call Kim (850) 508-6819.
Teen girl, available for petsitting,
house-cleaning, babysitting, or mother's
helper. Very responsible, and has
experience. Call Bethany at 893-9313. Note: These ads are complimentary and available to student teens of our community involved in weekend and after school entrepreneurial projects. Ads must
be renewed for each issue. Please call the office at 668-3231, if you want to edit or continue your ad. Thank you.
Be sure to register as a member at www.killearnlakeshoa.org 25
7110 Beech Ridge Trail
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Tallahassee, FL

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