Hawera Community Board
Hawera Community Board
COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Ross Dunlop (Chairperson) Councillor ian Armstrong Councillor Alex Ballantyne Councillor Andy Beccard Councillor Bonita Bigham Councillor Kirsty Bourke Councillor Te Aroha Hohaia Councillor Peter Johnson Councillor Kelly Judkins Councillor Gordon Lawson Councillor Mike Powell Councillor Michael Self Councillor ian Wards DISTRIBUTION LIST Mayor Council Members Chief Executive Group Manager Community Group Manager Engineering SeNices Group Manager Environment Group Manager Corporate SeNices Support SeNices Manager Communications Manager Finance Manager Regulatory SeNices Manager Community Development Manager Planning Manager Building Control Manager Records PUBLIC COPIES Patea Community Board Chairperson Hawera Community Board lwi Liaison Committee Members Nga Ruahine lwi Authority (1) Hawera Administration Building Libraries Plus (7) Public (2) Taranaki Newspapers Wanganui Chronicle Bryan Vickery Craig Ashworth Opunake & Coastal News FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Shannon Cox Support SeNices Manager Next Meeting Date Closing Date for Reports (Elected Members) Phone 0800 111 323 Fax [06) 278 8757 SOUTH TARANAKI DISTRICT COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in the Council Chamber of the Administration Building, Albion Street, Hawera on Monday 30 September 2013 at 7.30 pm. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COUNCIL DINNER WILL BE HELD AT 5.30 PM ORDER OF BUSINESS Opening Remark: Mayor 1. APOLOGIES 2. OPEN FORUM (a) Eltham Rugby Football and Netball Club (i) (b) Eltham Soccer Club (i) 3. South Taranaki District Council (i) (ii) Ordinary Council Meeting held on 12 August 2013- attached. See page 5. Special Council Meeting held on 4 September 2013- attached. See page 16. MINUTES (a) Committees and Community Boards (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 5. Taumata Park Proposal CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (a) 4. Taumata Park Proposal Eltham Community Board Hawera Community Board Egmont Plains Community Board Patea Community Board Environment and Hearings lwi Liaison Committee Policy Development Committee 19 August 2013 19 August 2013 21 August 2013 21 August 2013 26 August 2013 28 August 2013 2 September 2013 Page 21. Page 25. Page 29. Page 34. Page 40. Page 47. Page 52. APPOINTMENT (a) Group Manager Environmental Services (i) Consultant District Plan Review THAT the Council appoints _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as the consultant for the District Plan Review process. 6. REPORTS (a) Property and Facilities Manager (i) Playground Review - Consultation - attached. See page 56. (b) Regulatory Services Projects Officer (i) 7. Deliberations Report- Bylaw Review 2013 - attached. See page 60. ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED Pursuant to Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the reasons stated within the reports , the public be excluded to enable discussion on: 7.1 7.2 MINUTES (i) Ordinary Council held on 12 August 2013- attached. See page 77. (ii) Environment and Hearings Committee held on 26 August 2013 - attached. See page 79. REPORT (a) Chief Executive (i) 7.3 Consenting Process for Tawhiti Museum -attached. See page 84. MEMO (a) Mayor (i) Chief Executive Performance Review and Employment Agreement attached. See page 91. 290 ; . South Taranaki District Council Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the South Taranaki District Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday 12 August 2013 commencing at 7.30 pm. PRESENT: Mayor R Dunlop (Chairperson), Councillors I Armstrong , A Ballantyne, A Beccard, B Bigham, T Hohaia, P Johnson, K Judkins, G Lawson, M Powell, M Self and I Wards. IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Executive (Mr Stevenson), Group Manager Corporate Services (Mrs Wilson) , Group Manager Community Services (Ms Greenhill), Group Manager Environmental Services (M r McKenzie), Group Manager Engineering Services (Mr Manning), Support Services Manager (Miss Cox), Communications Manager (Mr Langford), three members of the public and one member of the media. APOLOGIES: Councillor Kirsty Bourke RESOLUTION 103/13 (Cr Armstrong/Cr Bigham) THAT the apology from Councillor Bourke be received. CARRIED The Mayor noted that the Council's thoughts were with Councillor Kirsty Bourke and her family following the loss of her mother. 1 OPEN FORUM (a) Mr Bill Hewitt (i) EECA, Voluntary Targeted Rates Scheme (VTRS) - Warm Up New Zealand Heat Smart Mr Hewitt advised that he was from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and thanked the Council for introducing the voluntary targeted rates scheme. He noted that over 170 local ratepayers had benefited from the Scheme to date. The Mayor asked if other councils had continued providing the targeted rate with the additional amount being required . Mr Hewitt confirmed this. 2 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (a) South Taranaki District Council (i) Special Council Meeting - held on 26 June 2013 South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 5 291 RESOLUTION 104/13 6 (Cr Armstrong/Cr Lawson) THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on 26 June 2013 be received and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. CARRIED (b) South Taranaki District Council (i) Ordinary Council Meeting -held on 1 July 2013 RESOLUTION (Cr Armstrong/Cr Lawson) THAT the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 1 July 2013 be received and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. 105/13 CARRIED 3 MINUTES (a) Committees and Community Boards (i) Eltham Community Board - meeting held on 8 July 2013 RESOLUTION 106/13 (Cr Lawson/Cr Ballantyne) THAT the minutes of the Eltham Community Board held on 8 July 2013 be received. CARRIED (ii) Hawera Community Board- meeting held on 8 July 2013 It was noted that Mr Manning was also present at the meeting and was to be added to the attendance list. RESOLUTION 107/13 (Cr Poweii/Cr Johnson) THAT the minutes of the Hawera Community Board held on 8 July 2013 be received with the above amendment. CARRIED (iii) Egmont Plains Community Board - meeting held on 10 July 2013 The Mayor asked if any further discussions had been held regarding the Opunake walkway with Mr Jason Carradus and Ms Heather Sharpe. Mr Manning confirmed this and noted that there was now a fence in place off Aytoun Street and around the back of their property. The Mayor asked if this was a legal agreement. Mr Manning assumed that this was a legal agreement, however, would investigate this further. South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 292 RESOLUTION 108/13 (Cr Self/Cr Bigham) THAT the minutes of the Egmont Plains Community Board meeting held on 10 July 2013 be received. CARRIED (iv) Pate a Community Board - meeting held on 10 July 2013 RESOLUTION 109/13 THAT the minutes of the Patea Community Board meeting held on 10 July 2013 be received and recommendation 29/13 PA regarding the transfer of property title at 4 Richmond Street, Patea to the South Taranaki District Museum Trust be adopted. CARRIED (v) Environment and Hearings Committee -meeting held on 15 July 2013 RESOLUTION 110/13 (Cr Hohaia/Cr Wards) (Cr Wards/Cr Powell) THAT the minutes of the Environment and Hearings Committee meeting held on 15 July 2013 be received. CARRIED (vi) lwi Liaison Committee - meeting held on 17 July 2013 RESOLUTION 111/13 (Mayor/Cr Wards) THAT the minutes of the lwi Liaison Committee meeting held on 17 July 2013 be received. CARRIED (vii) Special Environment and Hearings Committee - meeting held on 18 July 2013 RESOLUTION 112/13 (Cr Wards/Cr Hohaia) THAT the minutes of the Special Environment and Hearings Committee meeting held on 18 July 2013 be received. CARRIED (viii) Policy Development Committee- meeting held on 29 July 2013 It was proposed that the recommendations contained with the Policy Development Committee minutes be taken separately. RESOLUTION 113/13 (Mayor/Cr Powell) THAT the minutes of the Policy Development Committee meeting held on 29 July 2013 be received. CARRIED South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 293 B Remuneration for Elected Members Post Elections 2013 RESOLUTION 114/13 (Cr Armstrong/Cr Powell) THAT recommendation 26/13 PO is not adopted and is replaced with: THAT the Council recommends to the Remuneration Authority the following salary structure based on a total remuneration pool for the term following the 2013 elections to 30 June 2014 of $375,200. Position + elements (# of people) Deputy Mayor - Base + 40% ( 1) $27,188 $28,280 $28,280 Total from Pool $28,280 Chair E&H - Base + 25% (1) $26,388 $25,250 $25,250 $25,250 E&H Committee Member Councillor Councillor/CB Chair (5) (5) $20,088 $15,088 $18,188 $23,634 $20,200 N/A $118,170 $101 ,000 N/A $118,170 $101 ,000 N/A $16 ,088 N/A N/A N/A $21 ,088 N/A N/A N/A Councillor/CB Appointment E&H Committee Member/CB Appointment Existing Proposed Subtotal Community Board Community Board Hawera (1 )** Community Board Community Board (3)** Total Impact $272,700 $272,700 Chairperson (3)** Chairperson $6 ,690 $10,000 $30,000 $15,000 $6 ,690 $11 ,000 $11,000 $5,500 Member (9)** Member - Hawera $4 ,614 $5,000 $45,000 $22,500 $4,614 $5,500 $16,500 $8,250 Subtotal Mayor (minus private use vehicle allowance) Total Allowance $375,200 $85,490 $89,540 $93,550 $468,750 $323,950 $89,540 $413,490 THAT the Council confirms the daily meeting fee of $150 for the lwi Liaison Committee meetings. THAT the Council confirms an hourly hearing rate of $100 for the Environment and Hearings Committee chairperson. THAT the Council confirms an hourly hearing rate of $80 for the Environment and Hearings Committee members. THAT the Council confirms the mileage rate of $.77 cents per kilometre for the first 5,000 kilometres travelled and $.37 cents thereafter. THAT the Council recommends the maximum private use deduction (20%) from the Mayoral salary for use of the Mayoral car. "(HAT the following elected members' expense reimbursement policy is forwarded to the Remuneration Authority for approval: South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 294 Q Expense item Policy Carparking at Council Offices Parking freely available, no allowance made for carparking fees . Meals while on Council business Actual expenses up to $30 for breakfast, $30 for lunch and $60 for an evening meal will be reimbursed on receipt of invoices for elected members away on Council business. NB: No alcohol will be reimbursed. Accommodation and air travel Attendance at conferences and seminars will be confirmed (where possible) by Council resolution but in practice, it is usually by discussion with the Mayor and/or CE. Conference accommodation and air travel will be booked by the Mayor/CE's Executive Assistant. Airpoints earned through official travel will only be used for official travel and not for the private benefit of the elected members. Spouse/partner travel As a general rule, spouse/partner travel will not be paid by the Council. The exception to this rule is where the partner of the Mayor is accompanying the Mayor on official business. This will be assessed by the Chief Executive on a case by case basis. Approval of expenses All expenses will be approved by the Chief Executive with administration undertaken by the Mayor/CE's Executive Assistant. Communications Allowance A Communication Allowance of $500 per councillor per annum be paid as a contribution towards the wear and tear on privately owned hardware, the provision of a landline and broadband connection and towards Council business related toll calls or texts . Mileage Reimbursement at $.77 cents per kilometre for the first 5,000 km travelled and 37 cents thereafter, (less the threshold of 30 km per day) will be paid on receipt of a signed claim form . Reimbursement for travel is entitled for the following Council business: Meetings of: the Council, Community Boards, Standing Committees, Special Committees , Portfolio Groups and Subcommittees of the Council (where appointed as a member). When representing the Council or Board (as a formally appointed representative) at a meeting of another local authority or external agency. Formal deputations to a Minister or Parliamentary Select Committee Following discussions/approval with Mayor/CE Training and development courses/seminars, Conferences or Seminars, representing the Council or Board at "official" functions CARRIED South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 295 10 Communications Allowance Councillor Ballantyne suggested that councillors could be paid individually for the communications allowance. He felt that if they did not have the equipment then they should not receive a set rate for communications. Mrs Wilson noted that it could be an administration issue to have each councillor on a different communications allowance. The Mayor did not consider that every councillor should receive a communications allowance and they should only receive if it they had the technology such as the use of an ipad. Councillor Beccard supported all councillors receiving the same amount if a communications allowance was approved. He noted that everyone had different costs for different things. He suggested that just because someone had an ipad it did not mean that the other councillors did not also have costs. He felt that a flat rate for everyone was the most fairest option. Councillor Wards noted that Council should not just focus on ipads for the communications allowance noting that most people had a cellphone and used this for Council business. He felt that it was reasonable to acknowledge that the councillors had various costs and supported a communications allowance of $500 per councillor. Councillor Armstrong agreed that the communications allowance should only be provided to those councillors who had the technology. He commented that someone was required to hand deliver documents on occasions to some councillors which would be a cost to the Council whereas those with the technology saved on this delivery cost. He felt that those councillors should receive some form of communications allowance. The Mayor did not feel that the Council should be paying a communications allowance to those people who were not using that technology. Councillor Bigham supported the communications allowance as she felt that it provided the potential for some people to be able to afford to purchase an ipad for themselves in the future. RESOLUTION 115/13 (Cr Wards/Cr Powell) THAT the Council approve a communications allowance of $500 per annum for every councillor. CARRIED Hawera to New Plymouth Public Transport Service RESOLUTION 116/13 (Mayor/Cr Hohaia) THAT recommendation 27/13 PD regarding the Hawera to New Plymouth public transport service be adopted. CARRIED South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 296 11 Asset Management Plans RESOLUTION 117/13 (Cr Beccard/Cr Ballantyne) THAT recommendation 28/13 PO regarding the Asset Management Plans be adopted. CARRIED District Licensing Committee It was suggested that the second part of the recommendation be tweaked to capture the intent of the Council regarding the regional list for Committee members. Councillor Lawson asked for some clarification as to whether there would be a Regional and a District list. The Mayor noted that the Regional list would include people from South Taranaki as well. Councillor Ballantyne noted that the Council would still appoint a councillor as the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson and they may also choose to draw from the Regional list. Mr McKenzie clarified that there was nothing to stop the Council from changing this structure in the future. RESOLUTION 118/13 (Cr Wards/Cr Hohaia) THAT recommendation 29/13 PO regarding the District Licensing Committee for South Taranaki be adopted with the following amendment: THAT the Council appoints one District Licensing Committee for South Taranaki District. THAT the Council administers a Regional list may draw Committee members from the Regional and/or District list of District Licensing Committee members. THAT the Council appoints a councillor as chairperson of the District Licensing Committee. THAT the Council appoints a councillor as deputy chairperson of the District Licensing Committee. THAT the Council approves the development of a Local Alcohol Policy; and THAT the Local Alcohol Policy be a policy for South Taranaki District only. CARRIED Review of Class 4 Gambling and Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) Venues Policy Councillor Ballantyne preferred the sinking lid policy, however, he felt that this was happening naturally anyway. Consultation on th is Policy would commence on 15 August 2013. South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 297 12 Councillor Wards expressed concern about the comment made by Councillor Self that he had limited faith in the Environment and Hearings Committee and asked why this comment had been made. Councillor Self replied that his concerns were based around what he perceived as a lack of transparency and how discussions were moved into public excluded. He felt that people in the District should be able to know how decisions were made where it affected a major part of the District such as the oil and gas industry. He considered that public exclusion was a weakness adding that he also did not support the way that limited notifications worked. The Mayor asked if this was against the people on the Committee. Councillor Self replied that it was if those people were voting to move into public excluded instead of being open and transparent. Councillor Wards replied that Councillor Self did not have any great understanding of the Resource Management Act and the processes that were involved. He added that maybe Councillor Self should read the Resource Management Act which contained reasons why decisions were made. He was also concerned that these types of comments were being made about the Committee in a public meeting without Councillor Self having any understanding of process. RESOLUTION (Cr Armstrong/Cr Bigham) THAT recommendation 30/13 PO regarding the review of the Class 4 Gambling and Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) Venues Policy be adopted. 119/13 CARRIED 4 REPORT (a) Group Manager Corporate Services (i) Voluntary Targeted Rates Scheme (VTRS) The Council was asked to consider continuing to provide for a targeted rate for the provision of insulation funding to ratepayers. The Mayor commented that the last 12 months of this Scheme had been very successful. He added that there had been no defaults on the payments or any concerns raised by the Council Officers. The Mayor fe lt that this was a very good positive Scheme for the community and there was no cost to the ratepayers. Councillor Powell supported the Scheme and the need for a warm and healthy home at no real cost to the Council. He congratulated the Government and EECA on the development of the Scheme. Councillor Beccard agreed that this was a very good Scheme and it should be promoted as much as possible. South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 298 RESOLUTION 13 (Mayor/Cr Powell) THAT the Council continues to provide for a targeted rate for the provision of insulation funding to ratepayers; and 120113 THAT the Council sets a cap of $3,900 per household on the funding available; and THAT the Council sets a cap of preliminary cap of funding up to 150 years per year, with any funding above this number being referred back to the Council for further deliberation. CARRIED 5 MEMO (a) Community Development Manager (i) Harbin Office Activity Report - Quarter 4 (1 April to 30 Jun 2013) The activity report for the fourth quarter received from Mr Simon Rangiwahia who staffed the Harbin office for JCNZ Focus Limited was provided for the Council's information. The Mayor noted that they had just welcomed a group from Harbin who had won an English speaking competition. Councillor Bigham commented that she had heard about the delegation after they had visited and felt that the Council should have been notified so that they could participate in the function . The Mayor acknowledged this and undertook to ensure the Council was notified in the future . (Cr Bigham/Cr Lawson) RESOLUTION THAT the Community Development Manager's Harbin Office Activity Report- Quarter 4 (1 April to 30 June 2013) be received. 121/13 CARRIED 6 INFORMATION REPORT (a) Tourism and Leisure Services Manager (i) Quarterly Economic Development and Tourism Report to 30 June 2013 A combined update of activities of the Economic Development and Tou rism Units and the report from Venture Taranaki Trust (VTT) was provided to 30 June 2013 for the Council 's information. The Mayor commented that the visitor trends for South Taranaki was not in a good position and asked if there was any explanation for this and whether it was of concern. Mr Trundle acknowledged that this was concerning, however, noted that in the previous year there had been enormous growth yet if you looked over the last three year cycle the trend was considered acceptable. He noted that in the previous year the accommodation had been fully booked as South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 299 14 a result of major refits in the oil and gas and the dairy industry. He added that it was important to take some care going forward and look to ways to stimulate demand through venues such as TSB Hub. Councillor Armstrong asked about the mentor matches and how many of these were ongoing that had started outside of the last year. Ms Moffit replied that they were all ongoing and they also regularly followed up on progress. Councillor Armstrong referred to the investment of $41,247 into four projects in South Taranaki over the 2012/13 year and asked what the roll out into commerciality was. Ms Moffit replied that this figure related to research and development investment or training and support for businesses in South Taranaki. Councillor Armstrong asked if there was any measure of the success of this investment. Mr Trundle replied that this was not VTT funding and that they only operated as an agent. He noted that the eligibility criteria was imposed by Central Government and they were unsure of the success of that funding. Councillor Armstrong noted that he had attended the grow your farming business evening that had been very worthwhile. He acknowledged that it was good to see that farming was being recognised as a business. Mr Trundle reiterated that it was national criteria but they had lobbied that farming operations did comply and had been pleased when the criteria changed to include farming. The Mayor commented that the amount of research and development funding awarded to the Region of $1.65 million and felt that this was only a small portion coming into the District. Mr Trundle outlined that some of the major employers were able to apply directly to the Government and this figure only included the ones that VTT had facilitated. Councillor Johnson referred to the business survey question relating to the asset sales programme and asked why this question had been included. Mr Trundle replied that three quarters of the survey was fixed and one quarter had flexible questions and a number of parties could request to include a question within the survey. Councillor Ballantyne asked if information relating to the number of respondents and some detail around those respondents and how they were selected could be included. Mr Trundle replied that it was a survey of 1,000 companies around the District. He noted that they could segment the size and sectors of the companies. RESOLUTION 122/13 (Cr Wards/Cr Lawson) THAT the Tourism and Leisure Services Manager and Community Development Manager's Quarterly Economic Development and Tourism Report to 30 June 2013 be received. CARRIED South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 300 7 ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED (Cr Judkins/Cr Johnson) RESOLUTION 123/13 15 THAT pursuant to Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the reasons in the minutes the public be excluded to enable discussion on: 7.1 7.2 Minutes (i) Ordinary Council Meeting -held on 1 July 2013 (ii) Environment and Hearings Committee Meeting - held on 15 July 2013 (iii) Special Environment and Hearings Committee Meeting held on 18 July 2013 (iv) Policy Development Committee Meeting - held on 29 July 2013 Report (a) Community Development Manager (i) Harbin Office Activity Report - Commercial and in Confidence CARRIED 8 RESUME OPEN MEETING RESOLUTION 130/13 (Mayor/Cr Armstrong) THAT the South Taranaki District Council resumes in open meeting. CARRIED Councillor Bigham noted that Mr Malcolm Alexander, Chief Executive from Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) had made a presentation at the LGNZ Conference and asked if he would be able to make that presentation to the Council. Mr Stevenson confirmed that Mr Alexander could be invited to make a presentation to the Council. The meeting concluded at 8.35 pm. Dated this day of CHAIRPERSON South Taranaki District Council Ordinary 12 August 2013 2013. 303 16 South Taranaki District Council Minutes of the Special Meeting of the South Taranaki District Council held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday 4 September 2013 commencing at 1.00 pm. PRESENT: Deputy Mayor Ballantyne (Chairperson), Councillors I Armstrong, A Beccard, K Bourke, T Hohaia, P Johnson, G Lawson, M Powell, M Self (1 .10 pm) and I Wards. IN ATTENDANCE: Group Manager Environmental Services (Mr McKenzie), Group Manager Engineering Services (Mr Manning), Group Manager Community Services (Ms Greenhill), Group Manager Corporate Services (Mrs Wilson), Support Services Manager (Miss Cox), Regu latory Services Manager (Mr Single), Roading Manager (Mr Lim), Regulatory Services Projects Officer (Miss Cook) , Communications Officer (Miss Murphy), four members of the public and one member of the media. APOLOGIES : Mayor R Dunlop, Councillor Bigham and the Chief Executive (Mr Stevenson). RESOLUTION 131/13 (Cr Armstrong/Cr Bourke) THAT the apologies from the Mayor R Dunlop, Councillor Bigham and the Chief Executive (Mr Stevenson) be received. CARRIED 1. HEARING Cleggs Funeral Services - Mr Andrew Blanche Mr Blanche advised that he was the Manager of Cleggs Funeral Services. Mr Blanche requested a wording change to Section 10.7 relating to Tombstones, Headstones and Monuments for Cemeteries to remove the wording such as a registered monumentalist and amending to approved installers. Mr Blanche outlined his reasoning for the change noting that when he undertook a burial he was not asked for his qualifications yet the Council was asking for a registered monumentalist. He noted that the New Zealand Standard (NZS 4542L 1995) was over 17 years old and it did not include relevant new material that was used for burials. He noted that this had only included stainless steel yet they now used fibreglass which was much better. Mr Blanche considered that by using approved installers they should be comply with the NZ standard, have a health and safety policy relating to headstone and monument installation and be able to meet health and safety requirements and they should also have liability insurance. Mr Blanche also suggested that a manual could be developed fo r each cemetery in South Taranaki as they were all different. A manual could be updated without the need to undertake a full bylaw change each time. http:/lorionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/governance/meeting/cnc/special council minutes 2013-09-04.docx bylaw review hearing 17 304 Mr Blanche questioned whether anyone had read the NZ Standards which included information on how to concrete should be laid correctly, how monuments should be erected and different types of materials that could be used. Mr Blanche noted that he had walked through the Hawera Cemetery and noted that if the Council worked through the NZ Standards there would be some monuments that would not be allowed, however, these were quite special including a little wooden monument made by a father. Mr Blanche also suggested that the Council looking at the requirement for monument permits which was a way that the Council could control what was going into the cemetery. He provided a copy of a permit from the Auckland City Council for information. Councillor Self arrived at 1. 10 pm. Councillor Armstrong asked how many approved installers there were in South Taranaki that complied with the NZ Standards. Mr Blanche replied that there were a number of installers including themselves, Creative Stone, Parkinsons and Abrahams. He added that there was also a number in Whanganui and Palmerston North that had worked in the District. Councillor Ballantyne questioned who would approve the monumentalists. Mr Blanche replied that at the moment the Bylaw stated registered monumentalist which was not governed by any laws. He noted that anyone could set up an independent monumentalists association and obtain members. He felt that the Council was leaving a large hole by having this in the Bylaw. Mr McKenzie noted that the monumentalist would be working in cemeteries that were owned and controlled by the Council so the approval would be provided by the Council. He added that they would approve appropriately qualified monumentalists with a good track record. Councillor Self asked if there was a possibility for the opportunity for a family to present something to the Council to obtain special approval for ones such as a carved headstone using materials that were not listed. Mr Blanche replied that there were some headstones in the Hawera Cemetery that did not meet those standards. Councillor Wards noted that some cemeteries in the District were not Council-owned cemeteries and asked if they had any controls or specifications in terms of headstones. Mr Blanche replied that while they had had no controls in place they were probably meeting the NZ Standards. Mr Michael Clegg Mr Clegg congratulated the Council Officers on a great job putting together the Cemetery Bylaw, however, he felt that some tweaking was required. Mr Clegg referred to Section 5 relating to the operating hours for the cemeteries. He noted that this District had always allowed for a maximum amount of time including Sundays for burials and this had now been changed to a restriction of 8.00 am to 1.00 pm on Saturday and none on Sunday. He noted that this was not always convenient especially with the farming communities. He supported days such as Christmas Day and Good Friday being restricted days. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/governance/meeting/cnc/special council minutes by law 2013-09-04.docx review hearing 305 Mr Clegg commented that the Council should have permits for headstone burials and noted that the permit should be obtained when the plot was purchased. He noted that the Council did not want to have headstones going up when a plot had not been paid. He noted that permits ranged from $25 to $150 around the country. Mr Clegg referred to Section 8 relating to people wanting to dig the grave themselves. He noted that people wanted to do this for a variety of reasons including cultural reasons and felt that this should remain. He added that this could occur under the direction of the Council to ensure it was done correctly. Mr Clegg supported the section relating to glass, vases and jars and the mowing by the contractors. He noted that they did not want to have loose marbles on the berm strip as during mowing they would often flick up and damage other headstones. He suggested that berm strip be included for where no glass items were allowed. Mr Clegg acknowledged that the Council Officers had done a great job in developing the Cemeteries Bylaw and noted that it only required some tweaking. He added that he was happy to assist if needed. Councillor Self asked if the Council was better off having contractors or in-house sextants looking after the cemeteries. Mr Clegg replied that the contractors were doing a very good job and felt that if it suited the Council financially then he had no issue with using contractors. Councillor Armstrong asked if there was any reason for the Council to restrict the timing of the burials on a Saturday and not allowing a Sunday burial. Mr Manning replied that he would check this with Mr Sargeant regarding the rationale behind this change. Black Dahlias Tattooing - Mr Jason Hardwick Mr Hardwick referred to the Tattooist, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw and noted that he needed some time to ensure that his premises were up to the required standard. Mr Hardwick outlined some comments from the Bylaw and noted that it was not 100% necessary to have hot water in the work area. He noted that hot water was only required for washing and was not used in the work area. He added that he had never worked in a studio with hot water in the work area adding that germs were more likely at warm water temperature and cold water was much cteaner. Mr Hardwick noted that the mobile tattoo artists had their own set of rules and that there were a number of backyard tattooists around who could call themselves mobile tattoo artists and get away with pretty much anything. He did not consider that they should have a different set of rules. Mr Hardwick suggested that each tattoo shop should have its own toilet. He noted that some shared toilets and it was possible that the tattoo shop could have a client who became light headed and could start vomiting and bleeding in the toilet. He felt that this requirement should be included in the Bylaw. Councillor Powell noted that Mr Hardwick had requested additional time to ensure that his premises were ready for the changes to the Bylaw. He asked how much time was required. Mr Hardwick replied that .six months would be suitable. He noted that his current shop was not suited to having plumbing all around the place and he would need another shop. http://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1 /governance/meeting/cnc/special council minutes bylaw 2013-09 - 04 . docx review hearing 306 Councillor Hohaia referred to the mobile tattooists and asked about the same rules applying to them. Mr Hardwick replied that his concerns were around waste disposal, washing and using a kitchen area. He added that the gypsy fair had a person operating out of a bus which could be very unsanitary. Councillor Self asked if there was anywhere for disposal of medical waste locally. Mr Hardwick replied that he was working on this being provided locally. Councillor Ballantyne asked what Mr Hardwick did with his waste currently. Mr Hardwick replied that he double bagged it and placed it in the wheelie bin. Mr Alan Hawkes Mr Hawkes spoke about the Speed Limits Bylaw and referred to the Rawhitiroa School and the intersection of Oru Road which was located across from the School. He noted that Rawhitiroa School was located on a blind corner and there had been a number of near misses. He added that traffic travelled at 100 kilometres around the blind corner and there was nowhere to go if someone was turning. He added that the Council had changed the parking arrangement where cars now pulled into the fence and backed out into the road which created even more issues. Mr Hawkes expressed some concerns about the oil industry moving into the District and Oru Road having more heavy vehicle traffic. He felt that it was only a matter of time before someone had to be scraped off the road. Mr Hawkes indicated that the Council's Reading Manager had advised that this area did not fit the criteria for a 70 km zone. Mr Hawkes noted that they had moved their boundary fence back to allow for improved vision, however, it still did not fix the issues. He added that they also mowed the area as the Council mowtng was not enough and the grass was too long. Councillor Ballantyne commented that a red light had been trialled at one point. Mr Hawkes confirmed this but noted that it had not worked. He added that the School had also tried using the swimming pool carpark but the parents did not want to walk that extra distance. He suggested that a mirror could be installed on Oru Road as he felt that the traffic coming up the hill at speed was a significant issue. He was unsure of an easy fix for the area, however, felt that a 70 km speed zone would also assist. Councillor Hohaia asked what contributions were received from the oil companies towards road improvements and asked if the School qualified for the school zone warning sign where during the hours of transfer speeds were reduced even further. Mr Lim replied that the oil companies could be asked to contribute through the resource consent process, however, they were not contributing on this particular road. He noted that they had not increased the heavy traffic count significantly enough to request a contribution towards the road maintenance. Mr Lim added that the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) was currently undertaking a trial on rural school zones. This was almost completed and they were awaiting the final report to see if this system could be used in other areas. Councillor Beccard commented that it was a local road and the Council should just be making the rules to suit their own road. Mr Lim repl ied that the setting of speed limits was under the NZTA rules and they had to meet certain criteria to be able to amend a speed limit. Councillor Beccard commented that local people knew the local roads and it should be considered fr.om a safety perspective and not from national guidelines. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/governance/meeting/cnc/special council minutes bylaw review hearing 2013-09-04.docx 19 20 307 Councillor Lawson asked if the realignment of Rawhitiroa and Oru Road could occur. Mr Hawkes noted that this would improve the situation but there was a power pole in the way. Councillor Self asked who was monitoring the oil company traffic movements. Mr McKenzie replied that through the consent process the consent holder was required to keep a log of traffic movements which would be made available on request from the Council. Councillor Self asked if any independent monitoring occurred. Mr McKenzie replied that it this occurred it would be an additional cost to the ratepayer not the consent holder. The hearing concluded at 1.45 pm. Dated this day of 2013. CHAIRPERSON http://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/governance/meeting/cnclspecial council minutes bylaw review hearing 2013-09-04.docx 21 57 Eltham Community Board Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Eltham Community Board held in the Eltham Community Centre, Board Room on Monday 19 August 2013, commencing at 10.30 am. PRESENT: Councillor Lawson (Chairperson), Mrs M Liddington, Mrs K Cave and Mr A Hawkes. IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Dunlop, Councillor Ballantyne, Group Manager Community Services (Ms Greenhill), Group Manager Engineering Services (Mr Manning), Community Development Advisor (Mrs McDonald), Community Partnerships Manager (Mrs Mekalick) , Property Facilities Manager (Mr Sargeant), Support Services Officer (Miss Dymond), Regulatory Services Projects Officer (Miss Cook), , Communications Officer (Miss Murphy) and seven members of the public. APOLOGIES: Mr G Hansen. RESOLUTION 21/13 EL (Mrs Cave/Mr Hawkes) THAT the apology from Mr Hansen be received. CARRIED 1 OPEN FORUM (a) Regulatory Services Projects Officer, Adrienne Cook (i) Class 4 Gambling and TAB Venues Policy Review 2013 Miss Cook tabled the Statement of Proposal for the Class 4 Gambling and TAB Venues Policy Review 2013. She advised that the Policy had been reviewed and now was out for consultation with submissions closing on 13 September 2013. She noted that this was an opportunity for the Council to hear the views of the public. Miss Cook noted that the only change sought during the review of this Policy was to reduce the capped number of gaming machines in the District from 154to 140. (b) Taranaki Rugby Union, Mr Derek Dingle (i) Eltham Sports Fields Mr Dingle advised that he had been made aware that the Football Club had submitted a proposal to relocate from Taylor Park to Taumata Park, Eltham. He felt that both clubs required a facility that had two fields and clubrooms at the one location providing a practise field under flood lights and a playing field for the Saturday game. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/ELB/Eitham Community Board Minutes 2013-08-19.docx 22 58 Mr Dingle did not support the proposal made by the Football Club due to there being no grounds with flood lights available for rugby training. He felt that having the clubrooms at a separate location was not suitable as it resulted in supporters and teams not meeting after the games. Councillor Lawson asked how many rugby teams there were. Mr Dingle replied that the Rugby Club fielded two senior teams and eight junior teams in 2013 and typically played five games per season at Taumata Park. Councillor Lawson confirmed that the senior teams alternated between Eltham and Kaponga and the junior teams played in Kaponga. He added that currently the Rugby Club were using both Taumata Park and Victoria Park as a compromise due to there not being two grounds at both parks. Councillor Ballantyne asked if Mr Dingle was aware of the flood lights at Soldiers Park. Mr Dingle replied no, adding that Soldiers Park did not have the facilities the Rugby Club needed. Mr Dingle commented that in the past the Rugby Club had requested that clubrooms be built next to the grounds at Taumata Park which was not supported. (c) Ms Marilyn Gernhoefer (i) Arty Loo Project Ms Gernhoefer asked the Board to support funding a shortfall of $5,000 which would go towards the redevelopment of the Eltham Public Toilets to create toilets with wow factor which would encourage visitors to the town. Mrs Liddington asked where the two artworks would be placed. Ms Gernhoefer replied that one artwork would be placed on the wall between the library and the toilet and the other behind the library. 2 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (a) Ordinary Meeting held 8 July 2013 Mr Hawkes advised that the Rawhitiroa School and surrounding neighbours had submitted to the 2013 Bylaw Review . RESOLUTION 22113 EL (Cr Lawson/Mr Hawkes) THAT the minutes of the Eltham Community Board meeting held on 8 July 2013 be received and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. CARRIED 3 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA RESOLUTION 23/13 EL (Cr Lawson/Mrs Cave) THAT the agenda for the Eltham Community Board meeting of 19 August 2013 be adopted as the order of business for the meeting. CARRIED http:/lorionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/ELB/Eitham Community Board Minutes 2013-08-19.docx 59 4 23 FUNDING REQUEST REPORT (a) Community Funding Advisor (i) Eltham Community Development Group - Arty Loo Project An application was received from the Eltham Community Devel opment Group tor funding towards redevelopment of the Eltham Public Toilets to create toilets with wow factor which would encourage visitors to the town . Councillor Lawson and Mrs Liddington supported this application to allow the project to proceed. RESOLUTION 24/13 EL (Mrs Liddington/Mrs Cave) THAT the Eltham Community Board grants $5,000 from their Discretionary Fund to the Eltham Community Development Group for the Arty Loo Project. CARRIED Mr Hawkes asked that his vote against the motion be recorded. (ii) Eltham Community Board -Soldiers Park Walkway Celebration An application was received from the Eltham Community Board fo r funding towards purchasing an outdoor seat tor the Soldiers Park Walkway. RESOLUTION 25/13 EL (Mr Hawkes/Mrs Liddington) THAT the Eltham Community Board grants $1,000 from their Discretionary Fund to purchase an outdoor seat for the Soldiers Park Walkway. CARRIED 4 REPORT (a) Community Funding Advisor (i) Eltham Sports Fields Centralisation The report was provided to consolidate and formalise discussions on the allocation of sporting grounds in Eltham and the Board was asked to make a recommendation to the Council. Councillor Lawson thanked the Eltham Soccer Club for their detailed proposal noting that some new information regarding the usage of the Taumata Park grounds tor training had just been provided by the Rugby Club. The Mayor asked if Soldiers Park had been considered. Councillor Lawson replied that Soldiers Park had flood lights and had been used in the past for practices. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1 /Governance/Meeting/ELB/Eltham Community Board Minutes 2013-08-19.docx 24 60 Councillor Ballantyne felt that it was logical as it was 40 games versus four games being played on the grounds. He felt that Taylor Park was not suitable to play 40 games of soccer on as it was just a swamp with a carshed on it. Mr Manning felt that Alamein Park in Kaponga was under-utilised and was unsure of the issues the Rugby Club had with using that ground. He commented that the grounds had training light, toilets and the field was up to sports field standards. Councillor Lawson and Mr Hawkes supported the recommendations with the addition of the Board continuing discussions with the Eltham/Kaponga Rugby Club and other users of Victoria Park, Kaponga as to what additional facilities may be required and how these may be financed to consolidate a home for rugby. RECOMMENDATION 26/13 EL (Mr Hawkes/Mrs Liddington) THAT the Eltham Soccer Club is allowed to relocate to Taumata and Saunders Park; and THAT $50,000 is included in the draft budget estimates in the 2014/15 year as a grant to the Eltham Football Club to support the construction of new clubrooms; and THAT investigations start to allow Taylor Park to be declared surplus or not; and THAT Taylor Park is designated as a leash free area for dogs; and THAT Saunders Park is no longer a leash free dog area but an area for dogs being allowed at the park on a leash but not on the playing surfaces. THAT the Eltham Community Board continues discussions with the Eltham/Kaponga Rugby Club and other users of Victoria Park, Kaponga as to what additional facilities may be required and how these may be finances to consolidate a home for rugby. CARRIED The meeting concluded at 11.23 am Dated this day of 2013 CHAIRPERSON · http:l/orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1 /Governance/Meeting/ELB/Eitham Community Board Minutes 2013-08-19.docx 55 25 Hawera Community Board Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Hawera Community Board held in the Council Chambers, Albion Street, Hawera on Monday 19 August 2013, commencing at 4.00 pm. PRESENT: Mrs F Hicks (Chairperson). Councillor Johnson, Mr M Hayman, Mr R Buckland and Mr C Greaves. IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Dunlop (4.08 pm), Group Manager Community Services (Ms Greenhill) , Community Services Manager (Mrs Symes), Property Facilities Manager (Mr Sargeant), Support Services Officer (Miss Dymond). Commun ications Officer (Miss Murphy) and three members of the public. APOLOGIES: Nil. 1 OPEN FORUM (a) Ms Jillian Williams (i) Family Jazz with Rodger Fox Ms Williams advised that Hawera Genealogy were requesting funding to assist with bringing Rodger Fox to Hawera to entertain the local community and tel l the story of his ancestors. She hoped to have a sell out at the Hawera Memorial Theatre (the Theatre) but required back up support from the Board just in case. Mrs Hicks was confident that all tickets would be sold filling the Theatre. (b) Ms Aroha Houston (i) Turuturu Mokai Ms Houston attended the meeting to support the Ngati Tupaia Hapu funding request but used the opportunity to inform the Board on the dumping of rubbish which had been revealed when cleanup began to take place. She was disappointed and asked that this be looked into by the Council. Mrs Hicks asked what administration costs the funding would cover. Ms Houston replied that administration costs covered a variety of items noting that in the past all administration had been covered out of their own pocket. Councillor Johnson asked if the dumping on Turuturu Mokai took place when in the Council's hands. Ms Houston replied that the rubbish was only revealed once the land was cleaned up. Councillor Johnson asked if the Council could have the rubbish removed . Mr Sargeant undertook to investigate this further. The Mayor noted that Ngati Tupaia Hapu had submitted to the Annual Plan resulting in the Council looking at holding further discussions with Ngati Tupaia Hapu regarding the future relationship between the Council and Ngati Tupaia Hapu. He added that this had not taken place but would ensure that this would happen in the near future . http://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/hcb/Hawera Community 19.docx Board Minutes 2013-08- 56 2 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (a) Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 8 July 2013. RESOLUTION 27/13 HA 26 (Mr Buckland/Mr Hayman) THAT the minutes of the Hawera Community Board meeting held on 8 July 2013 be received and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. CARRIED 3 ADOPTION OF AGENDA (a) Hawera Community Board -19 August 2013 RESOLUTION 28113 HA (Cr Johnson/Mr Buckland) THAT the agenda for the Hawera Community Board of 19 August 2013 be adopted as the business for the meeting. CARRIED 4 FUNDING REQUEST REPORT (a) Community Funding Advisor (i) Hawera Genealogy- Family Jazz with Rodger Fox An application was received from the Hawera Genealogy to assist with funding the Family Jazz with Rodger Fox. Mr Hayman and Mr Greaves supported underwriting up to $2,000 to provide the backup Hawera Genealogy required . Mr Hicks felt that with the right publicity this event would be successful. RESOLUTION 29/13 HA (Mr Hayman/Mr Greaves) THAT the Hawera Community Board underwrite up to $2,000 from their Discretionary Fund to Hawera Genealogy for Family Jazz with Rodger Fox. CARRIED (ii) Ngati Tupaia Hapu - Administration costs and poisons for weeds/trees An application was received from Ngati Tupaia Hapu for fundi ng administration costs and poisons for weeds/trees. The Mayor felt that as a result of the ongoing history with the ReseNe the request for funding should be declined until relationships between the Council and Ngati Tupaia Hapu had been discussed. Mrs Hicks agreed. http://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/hcb/Hawera Community Board Minutes 2013·0819.docx 27 57 Mr Greaves had concerns relating to what administration costs there were but supported funding the purchase of poison for weeds/trees. Councillor Johnson supported the application and commended the community members who are trying to clean up Turuturu Mokai. Mr Hayman felt that this was a tourist attraction for visitors to the District and hoped that a relationship could be formed between the Council and Ngati Tupaia Hapu. Mrs Hicks felt that there were other funding sources that Ngati Tupaia Hapu could investigate before requesting funding from the Board. Mr Buckland agreed. RESOLUTION 30/13 HA (Mrs Hicks/Mr Buckland) THAT the Hawera Community Board decline funding from their Discretionary Fund to Ngati Tupaia Hapu for administration costs and poisons for weeds/trees. CARRIED Mr Greaves asked that his vote against the motion be recorded. (iii) Hawera Community Board - Extend and annual planting of hanging baskets in Town Square An application was received from the Hawera Community Board for funding to extend the annual planting of hanging baskets in the Town Square. Mr Sargeant commented that the suggestion made by Council Officers was for the Board to fund an additional 50 hanging baskets thereby extending the flowering season, plus the planting of the stock of 100 baskets over two flowering seasons. Mr Greaves did not support ongoing funding for the project as from his perspective the Board initiated the project with the intention that another funding source would be used for funding in the future. Mr Hayman agreed. Mrs Hicks and Mr Hayman supported declining the application until further discussions with the Board had taken place. Mr Hayman commented that the Board could approach Bizlink who may be interested in taking over the project. RESOLUTION 31/13 HA (Mr Hicks/Mr Hayman) THAT the Hawera Community Board decline funding from their Discretionary Fund for the extension of the annual planting of hanging baskets in the Hawera Town Square. CARRIED (iv) Hawera Community Board- Install BBQ in King Edward Park An application was received from the Hawera Community Board for funding to install a BBQ in King Edward Park. Mrs Hicks and Mr Buckland supported the installation of a BBQ in King Edward Park as they felt this was an asset for the Park and would be used by the community and school groups. http:l/orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/hcb/Hawera Community 19.docx Board Minutes 2013-08- 28 58 Councillor Johnson felt that this was poor use of the Community Board's Discretionary fund. RESOLUTION 32/13 HA (Mrs Hicks/Mr Buckland) THAT the Hawera Community Board grant $7,896 from their Discretionary Fund to the Hawera Community Board to install a BBQ in King Edward Park. CARRIED The meeting concluded at 5.05 pm. Dated this day of 2013. CHAIRPERSON http:l/orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/hcb/Hawera Community Board 19.docx Minutes 2013-08- 62 Egmont Plains Community Board Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Egmont Plains Community Board held at the Sandfords Events Centre, Tasman Street, Opunake on Wednesday 21 August 2013 commencing at 9.30 am. PRESENT: Mrs S Arlidge (Chairperson), Mr B Julian, Mr C Dingle, Mr B Vincent and Councillor Self. IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Dunlop, Councillor Armstrong , Group Manager Community Services (Ms Greenhill), Community Development Advisor (Mrs McDonald), Community Partnerships Manager (Mrs Mekalick), Support Services Officer (Miss Dymond), Communications Officer (Miss Murphy) , two members of the public and one member of the media. APOLOGIES: Nil. 1 OPEN FORUM (a) Opunake Community Baths Society (the Society) (i) Ms Kay Pointon Ms Pointon advised that the Society were requesting funding to provide Lifeguard training to meet the current industry standard which was essential for the safe operation of the pool. She noted that the cost to train three lifeguards had been funded but the Society required a further three lifeguards to be trained. Mrs Arlidge asked what level of funding the Council provided to the Society. Ms Pointon replied that the Council contributed around 40% of the annual operating costs. She commented that discussions were being held with Council staff as per the Memorandum of Understanding. Ms Pointon commented that lifeguard training was offered to the Opunake High School Year 12 and 13 students adding that this year the Society were working on how they could obtain more commitment from the trained lifeguards such as a commitment to fixed hours. (b) Mr Rex Langton (i) Opunake Walkway (the Walkway) Mr Langton advised that he had just received approval from the Council to extend the Walkway with work commencing in November. Mrs Arlidge asked if the access to the Wc;tlkway for motorbike riders had been limited. Mr Langton advised that there were posts restricting access but these had been removed. He commented that recently there had not been the same amount of concerns as before. hltp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/EPC/Egmont Plains Community Board Minutes 2013-08-21.docx 29 63 Mr Langton raised concerns with the blow holes along the headlands which blew sand across the Walkway. He commented that the blow holes needed to be filled to stop this occurring. Mr Langton had concerns regarding the ability to access the Walkway now a section had been sold. Mrs Arlidge replied that Mr Carradus and Ms Sharpe attended the previous meeting to inform the Board on their intention for the Walkway confirming that their driveway was available for the use of the community to access the Walkway. She commented that she hoped that the Council would assist with the initial establishment of the track. Mr Langton advised that he had spoken to the Council's Property Facilities Manager, Mr Sargeant regarding this and they would work together with the property owners. Mr Langton noted that another area of concern was that one section was still yet to be sold which also was used for the Walkway. Councillor Armstrong suggested that Mr Langton approach the land owners to discuss obtaining a legal easement for the future use of the land. (ii) Swimming area for Dogs project Mr Langton advised that another project he was working on was having a place for dogs to swim accessible from the Walkway which was an important activity for the community. (iii) Dumping of dirt by the Opunake Cemetery Mr Langton had concerns regarding the dirt that had been dumped on the land beside the Cemetery. He advised that the dirt was dumped next to an average height fence which eventually would allow cattle to jump over giving them full access to the Cemetery and the Walkway. He asked that this be investigated. (c) Mr Brian Vincent (i) Opunake Butterfly Club and Food Forest Group Mr Vincent was disappointed that a partnership agreement had been formed for the Opunake Butterfly Club and Food Forest Group to use a piece of land in Opunake without informing the Board first. The Mayor commented that Mr John Smith had been in contact with him and was enthusiastic about utilising a piece of Council land. He referred this onto the Council's Property and Legal Executive, Yvonne Barton, to formalise an agreement. Mr Vincent supported the project but felt that better communication with the Board prior to an agreement being drawn up was required. (d) Mrs Sharon Arlidge (i) Rahotu Toilets Mrs Arlidge had concerns regarding the condition of the Rahotu toilets and asked who she needed to contact to discuss this further. Ms Greenhill suggested that she contact the Council's Group Manager Engineering Services, Brent Manning, to discuss this further. http:/lorionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/EPC/Egmont Plains Community Board Minutes 2013-08-21.docx 30 64 (ii) 31 Opunake Information Board Mrs Arlidge commented that since the removal of the information board in the town square there was no obvious place for tourists to go for information on the town. She felt that the information provided in the window of the Opunake LibraryPius was not adequate. Mrs McDonald advised that she had spoken to the Business Association who was keen to upgrade the existing noticeboard at the library but this had not progressed any further. Mrs McDonald commented that a discussion was held regarding where a suitable place for a blue information sign would be. Mrs Arlidge suggested that the sign be situated on a post rather than on a building. Ms Greenhill undertook to follow this up. 2 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (a) Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 10 July 2013 RESOLUTION 22/13 EP (Mr Julian/Mr Dingle) THAT the minutes for the Egmont Plains Community Board meeting held 10 July 2013 be received and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. CARRIED 3 ADOPTION OF AGENDA (a) Egmont Plains Community Board- 21 August 2013 RESOLUTION 23/13 EP (Mr Dingle/Mr Vincent) THAT the agenda for the Egmont Plains Community Board meeting of 21 August 2013 be adopted as the business for the meeting. CARRIED 4 FUNDING REQUEST REPORT (a) Community Funding Advisor (i) Opunake Community Baths Society- Lifeg uard Training An application was received from the Opunake Community Baths Society for Lifeguard Training. Councillor Self supported granting $1 ,665 to fund lifeguard training for three students and another reserve lifeguard for backup. He was disappointed that the Council did not provide lifeguard training as this was an industry standard. Ms Greenhill advised that the Council does provide lifeguard training , however there is a cost associated with this. Mr Vincent and Mr Dingle supported the recommendation that $1,215 be granted for lifeguard training. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/EPC/Egmont Plains Community Board Minutes 2013-08-21.docx 65 32 Mrs Arlidge felt that the Opunake Community Baths were an asset for Opunake and hoped that in the future there would be a stronger relationship with the Council. She noted that the Council had contributed funds for a new roof. The Mayor noted that the Council had been supportive in the past adding that it was up to the Committee to identify and request funds where required. He supported the community's enthusiasm. RESOLUTION 24/13 EP (Mr Vincent/Mr Dingle) THAT the Egmont Plains Community Board grants $1 ,215 from their Discretionary Fund to the Opunake Community Baths Society for Lifeguard Training. CARRIED (i) Egmont Plains Community Board - Repair Opunake BMX Track An application was received from the Egmont Plains Community Board for funding repairs to the Opunake BMX Track. Mrs Arlidge and Mr Julian supported repairs being made to the Opunake BMX Track. Mrs Arlidge felt that this was a worthwhile project and was an asset for the community. Mrs McDonald commented that Taranaki Civil Construction Ltd carried out two site visits and took some time working out what work was required. She noted that the quote provided was reasonable. She added that the quote included the removal of excess material being deposited in the blow holes. Mr Vincent felt that there were two local contractors that could be used for this project. Mrs McDonald advised that the contractors employed to do the work were required to be Council approved contractors. Councillor Self felt that this was a great project which would attract more people into the area. Mrs McDonald clarified that the track would not be used as a competition track but more a recreational track. RESOLUTION 25/13 EP (Mrs Arlidge/Mr Julian) THAT the Egmont Plains Community Board grants $3,080 from their Discretionary Fund for repairs to the Opunake BMX Track. CARRIED 5 REPORT (a) Community Development Youth Advisor, Peter Heard (i) Manaia Skate Park - Site Development Options The report asked the Board to confirm a preferred site option for the development of a new skate park in Manaia. hltp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/EPC/Egmont Plains Community Board Minutes 2013·08·21.docx 33 66 Mr Dingle felt that the proposed location was most suitable as it had the least residential impact. He commented that this would be utilised by local children and would become a tourist attraction for visitors to the area. Mr Julian supported this. Councillor Self supported the Council considering purchasing the entire property which would create a recreational area allowing future recreational activities to take place The Board suggested that purchasing the entire property be considered. Ms Greenhill noted this. RECOMMENDATION 26/13 EP (Mr Dingle/Mr Julian) THAT the Egmont Plains Community Board supports further investigation into the purchase and development of a skate park in Manaia on the site identified as Property Number 5128. CARRIED The meeting concluded at 11.27 am Dated this day of 2013. CHAIRPERSON http:l/orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/EPC/Egmont Plains Community Board Minutes 2013-08-21.docx 67 Patea Community Board Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Patea Community Board held in the Aotea Utanganui - Museum of South Taranaki Education Room, Egmont Street, Patea on Wednesday 21 August 2013 commencing at 3.30 pm . PRESENT: Mr D Honeyfield (Chairperson), Councillor T Hohaia, Ms A Aiken , Mrs R Mackay and Mrs S Dew-Hopkins. IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Dunlop, Councillor Ballantyne, Councillor Wards, Group Manager Community Services (Ms Greenhill), Community Development Manager (Mrs Symes), Communications Officer (Miss Murphy) , Support Services Officer (Miss Dymond), sixteen members of the public and one member of the media. APOLOGIES: Nil. 1 OPEN FORUM (a) Mr Harvie Gibbs and Ms Jacquelyn Dwyer (i) Relocation of the Alton War Memorial Mr Gibbs informed the Board that a major revamp of the Alton Hall was being carried out. He expressed the community's support in the relocation of the Alton War Memorial to the land next to the Alton Hall which was owned by the Hall ensuring future public access. He added that this site wou ld be fenced and landscaped. Ms Dwyer commented that the cost of the relocation would depend on if the concrete base stayed in one piece. She noted that if a rebuild of the concrete base was required then this could cost up to $13,000. She added that $4,700 had been raised so far. Ms Dwyer commented that the requested amount of $2,070 would pay for the account from Mr Daryl Anderson which consisted of the removal , restoration and reattachment of the four metre high granite needle. The Mayor asked if a funding request had been sent to the Lotte ry Commission who supported projects similar to this . Mr Gibbs confirmed that an application had been sent to the Lottery Commission which required them to obtain 30% of the funds themselves which had occurred. (b) Ms Clare Johnston (i) Waverley Primary School Hall Upgrade Ms Johnston commented that the Waverley Primary School requested funding to assist with the upgrade of the School Hall (the Hall). She noted that the Hall was owned by the School so no direct funding was rece ived from the Ministry of Education . http:l/orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/pcb/Patea Community Board Minutes 2013-08-21.docx 34 35 68 Ms Johnston informed the Board that parts of the upgrade had begun and the funding would go towards the remaining work yet to be completed. Ms Aiken asked how the School's contribution was made up. Ms Johnston replied that the School contributed $5,000 with the remainder being made up from fundraising events. Mrs Dew-Hopkins asked if the funds raised from the Masquerade Ball would be used for this project. Ms Johnston replied that these funds had not been marked for any specific project. Mrs Dew-Hopkins asked how often the Hall was used by the Community. Ms Johnston noted that essentially it was a school hall but once the revamp was complete it could be used as a multi-function hall which would be available to the community. Mr Honeyfield asked what other community groups Johnston replied that the hall was occasionally used by zumba but once the hall had reached the required health which consisted of toilets and wheelchair access then it the community to hold events. (c) used the hall. Ms groups for example and safety standard would be offered to Ms Sonya Hagoort (i) Waverley Playcentre - Shade sail over the sandpit Ms Hagoort advised that the Waverley Playcentre project was to replace the shade sail over the sandpit area as the current one was years old and was no longer useable. She noted that it was important that the sandpit users were protected from the sun. Ms Hagoort advised that two quotes were obtained but the preferred company was The Canvas Man Wanganui who had been used in the past. Councillor Hohaia asked if a funding application had been sent to the PowerCo Community Trust. Ms Hagoort replied no commenting that the Waverley Playcentre had a number of projects on the go which had been funded through the PowerCo Community Trust. She added that an application was sent to the McBoom Estate which had been declined. Ms Aiken felt that the Waverley Playcentre had a large amount of funds in their saver account and asked what projects this money was being used for. Ms Hagoort replied that once the upgrade to the bathroom was complete, wheel chair access and verandas would be installed. (d) Mr Neville Clarkson (i) Patea Tourist Trophy Road Race Mr Clarkson and members of the Whenuakura community attended the meeting to put forward a proposal on a possible national motorsport event to be held on 24 and 25 January 2015 at the Whenuakura-Otautu Block. Mr Clarkson commented that this event had not been held for 60 years and there was an opportunity for this event to be held in Patea which would result in financial gain for the community. He welcomed input, questions, concerns and ideas from the community. He asked for the Board's support. Ms Greenhill advised that Mr Clarkson had been in touch with the Council's Tourism and Leisure Services Manager, Mr Phil Waite regarding this event. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/pcb/Patea Community Board Minutes 20 13-0B-21.docx 69 Councillor Ballantyne supported this event commenting that people would be amazed how big this type of event could be. The Board supported the event in principle and suggested that a presentation be made to the Council by Mr Clarkson Ms Greenhill also suggested that Mr Clarkson hold further discussions with Mr Waite. (e) Mr David Honeyfield (i) Hunter Shaw Building Mr Honeyfield provided some background information on the Hunter Shaw Building (the Building). He commented that the Council had a request from the New Zealand Plunket Society asking the earthquake status of the Building which, once investigated, a report found that the Building may be earthquake prone. Mr Honeyfield advised that since then the Council closed the Building for future use by Council staff due to safety reasons. He attended a meeting on Monday 12 August with Council staff, Patea councillors and the Mayor where it was decided that if the Building was earthquake prone and too dangerous for staff to occupy then it was unsafe for the public. Mr Honeyfield advised that a full structural report on the building was requested by the Council to obtain an earthquake prone rating and identify any strengthening requirements which would then be presented to the Board. Mr Honeyfield felt that the Council's Earthquake Prone Building Policy required updating as it was out of date and the consultation process revised to ensure everyone was made aware. Mrs Mackay was disappointed that the Board had been left out of the loop. Councillor Wards advised that the two structural engineer reports identified that the Building was a risk for Council staff. He commented that from his understanding a lot of work was required to bring the Building up to the Earthquake Prone standard. The Mayor advised that an engineer's report was required but felt that the meetings could have remained at the Hunter Shaw Building until the report had been received. He felt that the Hunter Shaw Building was a low risk. http:/lorionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/pcb/Patea Community Board Minutes 2013-08-21.docx 36 70 2 (a) Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 10 July 2013 RESOLUTION 30/13 PA 37 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (Ms Aiken/Cr Hohaia) THAT the minutes of the Patea Community Board meeting held on 10 July 2013 be received and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. CARRIED 3 ADOPTION OF AGENDA (a) Patea Community Board- 21 August 2013 RESOLUTION 31/13 PA (Mrs Mackay/Ms Aiken) THAT the agenda for the Patea Community Board meeting of 21 August 2013 be adopted as the business for the meeting. CARRIED 4 FUNDING REQUEST REPORT (a) Community Funding Advisor, Maryse Ropiha (i) Alton Coronation H.all - Relocate Alton War Memorial An application was received from Alton Coronation Hall for funding to relocate the Alton War Memorial. Mr Honeyfield noted that the Board granted $1,400 for a similar project in Manutahi a number of years ago. Ms Greenhill clarified that the Alton War Memorial does currently sit on reserve land . The Mayor felt that it was important to protect the land surrounding the Alton War Memorial for continued public access. Councillor Hohaia and Mrs Aiken supported granting $1,500 to assist with relocating the Alton War Memorial to the area beside the Alton Hall. The Board noted that the land around the current site was designated as Reserve and this designation could be transferred to the memorial's new location to ensure continued public access. This would be referred onto the Council 's Property Legal Executive, Yvonne Barton, who would be in touch regarding this process. http://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/pcb/Patea Community Board Minutes 2013-08-21.docx 71 RESOLUTION 32113 PA (Cr Hohaia/Mrs Aiken) THAT the Patea Community Board approves a grant of $1,500 from their Discretionary Fund to the Alton Coronation Hall for the relocation of the Alton War Memorial. CARRIED (ii) Waverley Primary School - Upgrade School Hall An application was received from the Waverley Primary School for funding to upgrade the School Hall (the Hall). Councillor Wards advised that Waverley already had a Community Centre which was used by the community. Ms Aiken commented that historically the Board had not funded school halls and felt that this was a Central Government responsibility. Mrs Dew-Hopkins felt that other funding sources could be obtained for the project and raised concerns with the availability for the public to use the Hall. She felt that this was not a community hall. Mr Honeyfield ag reed. RESOLUTION 33/13 PA (Mr Honeyfield/Mrs Dew-Hopkins) THAT the Patea Community Board decline funding from their Discretionary Fund to the Waverley Primary School to upgrade the School Hall. CARRIED (iii) Waverley Playcentre- Install Shade Sail over Sandpit An application was received from the Waverley Playcentre for funding to install shade sails over the sandpit. Mrs Dew-Hopkins supported allocating $1 ,000 towards the installation of shade sails over the sandpit noting that they had received funding through other sources and had not contributed any funds themselves. Councillor Hohaia supported this. RESOLUTION 34113 PA (Mrs Dew-Hopkins/Cr Hohaia) THAT the Patea Community Board approves a grant of $1 ,000 from their Discretionary fund to the Waverley Playcentre to go towards installing shade sails over the sandpit. CARRIED 5 REPORT (a) Community Development Manager, Claire Symes (i) Waverley Urban Upgrade Fund -Gulley Park Furniture The Board were required to make a recommendation to Council based on the recommendation from the Waverley Urban Upgrade Group to allocate the total remaining funds from the Waverley Urban Upgrade Fund to enhance Gulley Park, Waverley. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/pcb/Patea Community Board Minutes 2013-08-21.docx 72 Ms Aiken and Mrs Dew-Hopkins supported this subject to the concept being finalised in consultation with and approved by the Waverley Urban Upgrade Committee. (Ms Aiken/Mrs Dew-Hopkins) RECOMMENDATION 35/13 PA THAT the Patea Community Board recommends to the Council that the total remaining Waverley Urban Upgrade Funds of $9,887 be allocated to upgrade Gulley Park subject to the concept being finalised in consultation with and approved by the Waverley Urban Upgrade Committee. CARRIED The meeting concluded at 5.26 pm. Dated this day of 2013. CHAIRPERSON htlp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/pcb/Patea Community Board Minutes 2013-08-21.docx 39 143 40 Environment and Hearings Committee Minutes of the Environment and Hearings Committee Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Administration Building, Albion Street, Hawera on Monday 26 August 2013 commencing at 2.30 pm. PRESENT: Councillors I Wards (Chairperson), I Armstrong, A Beccard, B Bigham, T Hohaia and M Powell. IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor R Dunlop, Group Manager Environmental Services (Mr McKenzie}, Planning Manager (Mr Blair Sutherland), Support Services Manager (Miss Cox), Regulatory Services Manager (Mr Single), Regulatory Services Projects Officer (Miss Cook), Environmental Monitoring Officer (Mr Nathan Sutherland), Communications Manager (Mr Langford), Mr Justin Marinovich (C & M Legal) one member of the public and one member of the media. APOLOGIES: Nil. 1 MINUTES (a) Special Environment and Hearings Committee held on 18 July 2013 RESOLUTION 36/13 EH (Cr Hohaia/Cr Armstrong) THAT the minutes of the Special meeting held on 18 July 2013 of the Environment and Hearings Committee be received and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. CARRIED 2 REPORTS (a) Regulatory Services Projects Officer, Adrienne Cook (i) Objection to disqualification of dog ownership - Mr lan Basil Turner Mr Turner lodged an objection to disqualification as a dog owner. The report highlighted the events which lead to the conviction of Mr Turner at the High Court and has resulted in the Council disqualifying Mr Turner from owning any dogs for five years. Mr lan Turner Mr Turner requested an adjournment to the hearing for two reasons stating that he had only received the report which he considered to be quite extensive on the Wednesday one week ago and he had not had the time or opportunity to obtain the necessary paperwork to dispute some of the points raised in that report. Mr Turner added that he had also been, and still was, quite ill. He noted that he had spoken with Mr McKenzie and Miss Cook advising them that he did not have adequate time to address the points raised in the report. Environment and Hearings Committee 26 August 2013 41 144 Mr Turner noted that in reading the report he would have disqualified himself and not appealed it, however, there were a number of errors and he wanted more time to be able to put together his appeal. He requested an adjournment until the next Environment and Hearings Committee meeting where he would make a full presentation outlining the mistakes that had been made in the report. The meeting adjourned at 2.35 pm to obtain advice on an adjournment of the hearing and reconvened at 2.48 pm. MOTION (Cr Hohaia/Cr Beccard) THAT the hearing for the objection to disqualification of dog ownership - Mr lan Basil Turner be adjourned until the next Environment and Hearings Committee meeting. Councillor Powell was unsure and struggled to see why the hearing needed to be adjourned. He felt that enough time had been given to Mr Turner to provide evidence in support of his objection. Councillor Bigham commented that this was not a Council initiated process as the objection came from Mr Turner. She felt that he had enough time to prepare his appeal. Councillor Armstrong asked what items in the report could be disputed. Mr Marinovich replied that the background included a timeline of events and he did not consider that they could be disputed. He added that the information relating to the District Court and High Court could not be disputed. The current practice and legislative considerations could not be disputed. He added that the Council Officers had presented the options that they considered available to the Committee which could be disputed by the applicant if he felt that there was a better option to consider. He noted that under Section 26 Mr Turner had been given the right to object to the disqualification. Councillor Hohaia asked about the timeline since the notification of the hearing taking place. Mr Single replied that a letter was sent to Mr Turner notifying him of the time and date of the hearing on 30 July and the report was sent out to Mr Turner at the same time as the Committee members. Councillor Wards commented that Mr Turner had initiated the review himself and was aware of the time he had available to put together his evidence in relation to the objection to the disqualification. The motion to adjourn the hearing was lost. Mr lan Turner Mr Turner advised that he had only received the report on Wednesday afternoon and he was already sick at that point. He came into town to speak with Miss Cook and Mr McKenzie to advise them he would be asking for an adjournment as he did not have time to prepare his case. Mr Turner noted that he did not find anything funny about an inaccurate report which put him in a bad light. He noted that the background information referred to the seriousness of the attack, however, the Court of Appeal Judge had said that on a scale of dog bites this one was a nothing. Environment and Hearings Committee 26 August 2013 145 Councillor Wards commented that Mr Turner was referring to a matter that went before the Courts and the Committee did not have any jurisdiction to take into account or discuss the Court's decision. Mr Turner replied that he was outlining the elements within the report that were inaccurate such as the bite and injuries sustained being minor. Mr Turner added that the report also did not include information relating to the charges that had been dropped during the High Court appeal. He added that the main charge had also been nearly dropped as the Judge had raised the point of joint ownership which referred to Mr Turner not being the one in charge of the dog at the time of the attack. He added that the person in charge of the dog did not have the authority to take the dog and he should have been charged rather than Mr Turner. Mr Turner noted that the report outlined that he had owned six dogs during his time in the South Taranaki District, however, he had actually owned at least nine dogs. Mr Turner also added that various infringements had been thrown out by the Courts. Mr Turner was also unhappy that the Council did not grant him an adjournment when he was too unwell to prepare his case. He felt that this was an insult to himself and everyone in the room. Mr Turner referred to the conclusion in the report where it indicated that he had continued to refuse to comply with the menacing classifications and noted that he had admitted in Court that he takes his dogs to a country road to run where they were unmuzzled, however, nobody else was around. He noted that dogs could not be run with a muzzle as they were unable to pant and would likely to have a heat stroke. Mr Turner outlined the comment in the report that he objected to several decisions made by the Council and agreed that he did especially when the basic facts in the report were not correct. Mr Turner referred to the incident with his black Great Dane, Porche, who had attacked a dog called Biggles in the Park. He noted that it was guaranteed that there were a number of complaints against Biggles as he rushed at people constantly. He added that every time he had walked past the property where Biggles lived he would rush out. He noted that during the incident at the Park his dog had become sick of getting challenged by Biggles and had done what any other dog would have done and bit him. He noted that the bite had not been a hard bite and Porche had come back immediately when he had been called. Mr Turner advised that he had informed the Council that the paperwork was almost complete to take the Council to court for failing to adequately provide for his dog. He noted that he dog had been in perfect condition when it had been taken by the Council and he had then viewed a photo of the dog after it had been euthanized and he had been disgusted at the state of the dog. Mr Turner advised that he worked with a number of troubled young boys and they had questioned why he had the dogs. He had replied that it was because he considered the dogs to be his family. He felt that the dogs trusted him and were comfortable with him and Floyd would not bite anyone if he had been walking him. Mr Turner advised that he had told the boy who had been walking Floyd at the time of the attack that he was not allowed to take him out and that if he wanted to take him he needed to be on a short lead and muzzled and he was not to go near any person. He had also advised the boy that he was to wake him up if he did decide to walk the dog. Environment and Hearings Committee 26 August 2013 42 146 Mr Turner felt that the Committee had already made their decision and he would appeal that decision. He left the meeting prior to the Committee being able to ask any questions. Councillor Wards noted that Mr Turner had referred to joint ownership and asked for some clarification around this. Mr Single replied that the dogs all were registered to Mr Turner Councillor Armstrong asked for clarification on the points raised and whether they should be discussed by the Committee. Mr Marinovich replied that the statements were factual findings made by the High Court and there was no room for the Committee to dispute that information. He noted that Mr Turner had been convicted and that conviction had been upheld by the High Court. He noted that a number of issues had been raised during the prosecution and the hearing, however, none of those circumvented the fact that Mr Turner was found to be at fault. Councillor Bigham expressed her frustration that Mr Turner had left the meeting without answering any questions. She noted that the Committee was not there to second guess the ruling by the Court or to re-litigate past issues. She was unable to understand the grounds of Mr Turner's appeal and felt that the only option was to uphold the recommendation contained within the report. She felt that Mr Turner did not provide any information that would help to overturn the disqualification. Councillor Beccard asked if the Committee was able to make the decision when it had already been to the High Court. Mr Marinovich replied that once the conviction had been confirmed by the High Court the Committee was then able to disqualify Mr Turner from owning a dog. Once this decision on the disqualification had been reached then Mr Turner was able to appeal that disqualification. Mr Marinovich clarified that the Committee was able to uphold the disqualification, bring forward the date of termination or immediately terminate the disqualification of any person. Mr McKenzie noted that Mr Turner had raised the point that it was not a significant injury, however, he tabled photographs of the attack. Mr Marinovich added that the High Court had indicated that a bite to the arm as opposed to the face was not as serious, however, it was still a dog bite. Councillor Powell said that it appeared to him that there was a continued lack of responsible dog ownership. He noted that while someone else may have been walking the dog it was still his dog and he needed to accept responsibility. Councillor Bigham noted that she seconded the motion to uphold the disqualification on the basis that no evidence had been submitted to the Committee that could convince her otherwise. Councillor Beccard commented that there was an issue with the wellness of the applicant and whether he was in a fit and able frame of mind to attend this hearing which was the reason he had voted for an adjournment. Environment and Hearings Committee 26 August 2013 43 147 (Cr Poweii/Cr Bigham) RESOLUTION 37/13 EH 44 THAT the disqualification of Mr lan Basil Turner from being an owner of a dog for five years be upheld. CARRIED (b) Regulatory Services Manager (i) Dog Control Practices and Policy The Dog Control Practices and Policy repo rt contained information and statistics relating to the dog control activity for the year 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. RESOLUTION 38/13 EH (Cr Bigham/Cr Armstrong) THAT the Regulatory Services Manager's report on Dog Control Practices and Policy for the year 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 be received. CARRIED Mr Langford asked for confirmation that from 2009 to 2013 there had been a 46% decrease in dog rushing/dog attack incidents. Mr Single had not worked the percentage out but thought this was correct. Mr Single outlined that the Officers were continuing to exercise their enforcement of the Dog Control Act strictly with less people being hurt in the street. He noted that they were proud of their achievements. Councillor Wards commented that it was good to see the reductions. Councillor Armstrong commented that general dog complaints had increased considerably and questioned why this had occurred . Mr Single replied that these complaints related to general day to day items such as welfare issues. He added that the Council was also working closely with the SPCA where they were investigating a variety of minor type complaints . Councillor Hohaia noted that Wai-inu Beach was not on the list of unleashed or prohibition areas again this year. Mr Single replied that he would need to check the Bylaw. Councillor Wards noted that the Patea Domain was listed as an unleashed area and asked if this referred to the sports ground, noting that the golf course at Patea was part of the Patea Domain land. He questioned whether it would be wise to have this as an unleashed area when the golf course often had sheep on it. Mr Single replied that he would check the Bylaw. Miss Cook noted that playing fields were generally dog prohibited areas. Councillor Bigham noted that this was the same issue at the Manaia Domain as she often saw dogs within the sports fields there. Mr Single noted that some of the signage stating this information had been removed . He added that the Officers would be reviewing this Bylaw early in 2014 .. Mr Marinovich left the meeting at 3.29 pm. Councillor Bigham congratulated the Officers on their dealing with dog owners and the animals asked that this be passed onto the relevant Officers. Environment and Hearings Committee 26 August 2013 148 39/13 EH 45 (Cr Wards/Cr Powell) RECOMMENDATION THAT the Council approves and adopts the report on Dog Control Practices and Policy for the 2012/13 year and it be made publicly available. CARRIED 3 INFORMATION REPORT (a) Regulatory Services Manager (i) Annual Liquor Licensing Report A copy of the Annual Report to the Alcohol Regulatory Licensing Authority (ARLA) for the year ending 30 June 2013 was provided for information. Councillor Armstrong noted that there was a gap between the number of applications received and the number of applications determined and asked if they had been carried over. Miss Cook confirmed this noting that some of the applications had been received, however, some information had not been received by the Police of other reporting agencies prior to year end. (Cr Beccard/Cr Bigham) RESOLUTION 40/13 EH THAT the Regulatory Services Manager's Annual Liquor Licensing Report be received. CARRIED 4 ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED (Cr Bigham/Cr Hohaia) RESOLUTION 41/13 EH THAT the following items be considered with the public excluded pursuant to Section 48(2) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the reasons contained within the minutes: 4.1 Minutes (a) 4.2 Special Environment and Hearings Committee meeting held on 18 July 2013 Information Report (a) Environmental Monitoring Officer (i) Resource Consent Monitoring Councillor Armstrong noted that he did not support having the Resource Consent Monitoring report in public exCluded. He felt that there was some merit in a naming and shaming attitude. Councillor Bigham suggested that at the end of the discussion the report could be made public. CARRIED Environment and Hearings Committee 26 August 2013 149 5 RESUME OPEN MEETING (Cr Armstrong/Cr Powell) RESOLUTION 47/13 EH 46 THAT the Environment and Hearings Committee resume in open meeting. CARRIED The meeting concluded at 4 .25 pm Dated this day of CHAIRPERSON Environment and Hearings Committee 26 August 2013 2013. 72 47 lwi Liaison Committee Nga meniti o te Komiti Takawaenga-a-lwi it e ROnanga o te whare matua o te Kaunihera, kei Te Hawera o 28 Here-turi-koka 2013, ka timata o te 10.00 o te ata. Minutes of the lwi Liaison Committee meeting held in the Council Chamber, Albion Street, Hawera Wednesday 28 August 2013 commencing at 10.00 am. NGAMEMAOTE KOMITII PRESENT: Councillor Ballantyne (Chairperson), Councillor Wards, Mr Peter Moeahu (Taranaki), Mr Ernest Gripp (Nga Rauru), Mr George Katene (10.05), Ms Mana Jenkins (Nga Ruahine) and Mr Sandy Parata (Ngati Ruanui). KEI KONEII IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Executive (Mr Stevenson), Group Manager Community Services (Ms Greenhill), Group Manager Environmental Services (Mr McKenzie), Group Manager Corporate Services (Mrs Wilson) , lwi Liaison Advisor (Ms Morgan), Properties Facilities Manager (Mr Sargeant) and Support Services Officer (Miss Dymond). KAORE I KONEII APOLOGIES: Mayor Dunlop (Chairperson), Mr Darryn Ratana (Nga Rauru) and Ms Liana Poutu (Taranaki) . MOTINII RESOLUTION 18/13 IL (Mr MoeahuiMr Nui) THAT the apologies from the Mayor, Mr Darryn Ratana (Nga Rauru) and Ms Liana Poutu (Taranaki) be received. TAUTOKO I CARRIED 1 KARAKIA TIMATANGA I OPENING KARAKIA (a) Mr Peter Moeahu (i) Te Kahui 0 Taranaki Mr Moeahu advised that the new organisation called Te Kahui 0 Taranaki had been established and would replace the Taranaki lwi Trust in time. He noted that the contact details would remain the same. (ii) Taranaki lwi representation on the lwi Liaison Committee Mr Moeahu noted that at the Taranaki lwi Annual General Meeting it was decided to undertake a review of the effectiveness of the lwi Liaison Committee. There was a feeling the forum was not delivering what was expected for Taranaki lwi and a submission would be sent to the new Council. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/IWUiwi Liaison Committee Minutes 2013-08-28.docx 4S 73 (iii) Coastal Care Trust Mr Moeahu advised he had recently attended a meeting with the Coastal Care Trust which is leading the project for a new healthcare facility in Opunake. He reported that the Trust had been most complimentary about the role of the Council and its officers in supporting the establishment of the new facility. 2 WHAKAAE 0 NGA MENITI/ CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (a) Minutes of meeting held 17 July 2013 MOTINI/ RESOLUTION 19/13 IL 3 (Ms Jenkins/Mr Katene) THAT the minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 17 July 2013 of the lwi Liaison Committee be received and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. TAUTOKO I CARRIED PORONGO/REPORTS (a) Group Manager Corporate Services, Phillippa Wilson (i) Patea Harbour Endowment Fund - lwi Liaison Committee Involvement The report provided two options for the possible future involvement of lwi Liaison Committee members in the allocation of funds from the Patea Harbour Endowment Fund (the Fund). The Patea Community Board currently act as gatekeepers for the fund and make recommendations to the Council. Mrs Wilson noted that there were limited funds available to distribute as the Fund was currently paying back loans advanced to repair the Patea Moles. She commented that a considerable amount of money from the fund had also been allocated to the renovation of Aotea Utanganui - Museum of South Taranaki. She added that the amount allocated to the museum was loanfunded with interest and principal repayments made from the Fund. Mrs Wilson pointed out that the final decision on the allocation of funds was made by the Council. She commented that there would be no surplus funds available in the near future as the loan repayments on the current loans would continue for nine years. Mr Moeahu asked what the point of re-establishing a Patea Harbour Endowment Committee was, if the Council had the final say. Councillor Ballantyne replied that the Committee made recommendations which were considered by the Council when making their decision. He added that at present the funds were committed but this would not be the case in the future. Mr Moeahu asked what the Committee's duties would be in the nine years while the loan was being paid off. Councillor Ballantyne replied that even though the Committee would not be required to do a lot it was important that there was lwi representation on that Committee. Councillor Wards commented that there were various items that came before the Committee for example lease renewals and to make recommendations to hltp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/IWUiwi Liaison Committee Minutes 2013-08-28.docx 74 49 the Council on the work required to the Patea Moles. He hoped that over the next nine years the work required on the Patea Moles would be minimal compared to the major work that was previously carried out. He added that the Fund would increase rapidly once the loans had been paid and felt that it was appropriate that the Committee re-form incorporating the two lwi from the area. Councillor Ballantyne noted that there were other functions which required involvement of the Committee for example the search of grave sites. Mr Stevenson pointed out that approximately $1 million had been spent in recent years on the Patea Moles to keep the River navigable for fishermen. He noted that the Patea Moles were aging structures that would require significant maintenance work in the future. He advised that Mr Manning would be providing information to Council on the maintenance work required over the next 20 years and that the Council would need to decide whether it was prepared to continue to invest in this form of river control. Mr Gripp commented that 90% of the River users were from outside of the area. He felt that there was a lot of money being injected into the River which was not being used by the local community. Mr Gripp queried why restoration work had recently been completed on private property. Councillor Wards clarified that the work was carried out by Vector as part of its pipeline access agreement with the landowner in question. Mr Moeahu supported the recommendation with the addition that the members of lwi were nominated by Nga Rauru and Ngati Ruanui. Mr Moeahu suggested that a feasibility study be carried out on the use of the Patea River. He felt that it was important to have facts which showed ratepayers the community benefits. RECOMMENDATION 20/13 IL (Mr Moeahu/Mr Gripp) THAT the Harbour Endowment Fund Committee is re-formed comprising members of the Patea Community Board and members nominated by Nga Rauru and Ngati Ruanui. TAUTOKO I CARRIED (b) lwi Liaison Advisor, Karanga Morgan (i) Progress Report: Jefferson Rakau Report, Protocols for Resource Management Matters and surplus Property Protocols The report provided an update to the Committee on a number of outstanding tasks with the Jefferson Rakau Report, Protocols for Resource Management matters and Surplus Property. Mrs Wilson noted that this report was requested by the Committee in January then relooked at in April, however the Committee deferred the prioritisation to the next meeting so that an informal meeting could be held to discuss the report prior to the next meeting. This informal meeting did not take place. She asked if the Committee were in a position now to prioritise the tasks. Mr Moeahu felt that this was in the hands of the Council commenting that it puzzled him why the Council did not see fit to have lwi participation on the two http:l/orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/IWUiwi Liaison Committee Minutes 2013-08-2B.docx 75 Council Standing Committees; Policy Development Committee and the Environment and Hearings Committee. He commented that this would result in direct lwi input into Council decisions. He appreciated receiving the Council agendas which were for his information but he did not support receiving them and not being able to provide any input. He noted that Taranaki wanted to maintain a good relationship with the Council but was unsure if this forum (the Liwi Liaison Committee) was the best way forward. He added that he hoped the new Council would take these comments into consideration. Councillor Ballantyne commented that he saw the Committee as equivalent to the Community Boards. He clarified that the Environment and Hearings Committee was a legislative body which carry out certain functions required by legislation and the Policy Development Committee was formed by the Council to ensure there was the opportunity to fully debate issues before a decision was reached at full Council. Mr Katene felt that the Committee needed to take advantage of the opportunities available at this forum and felt that lwi needed to decide what they wanted to obtain from this forum. Mr Moeahu commented that from his perspective it was about having influence on Council deliberations. He felt that if lwi were able to participate at a Council Committee level then it was one small step for the Council but a big step for lwi. He supported this being considered by the new Council. Councillor Ballantyne pointed out that in 2011 the lwi Liaison Committee had an opportunity to select two lwi representatives to sit on the Council but this was not supported by all lwi. He supported a workshop being held with all four lwi to obtain united support. He suggested that this be included in the next agenda. Mr Nui advised that Ngati Ruanui had not made a statement regarding this but felt that all four lwi needed to sit down together and discuss a way forward. He noted that this was important as the discussions held with lwi could then be forwarded onto the new Council for consideration. Councillor Wards felt that lwi had progressed considerably and there were potentially options available which should be considered by the new Council. He noted the importance of achieving the goal of Maori involvement with Council decisions. 4 PORONGO-A-PITOPITO KORERO /INFORMATION REPORT (a) Community Development Manager, Claire Symes (i) Community Development Activity Report The report provided an update to the Committee on the current work programme in the Community Services unit. Mr Moeahu asked if a study was carried out on the Solar Heating at the Patea Main Pool and asked if this could be shared with others. He commented that various marae were looking at installing solar heating but would benefit from access to such information. Mr Stevenson commented that Council would be happy to share any information but he was unsure how useful it would be as it related specifically to the installation at the Patea Pool. hltp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/IWUiwi Liaison Committee Minutes 2013-08-28.docx 50 76 51 Mr Moeahu asked if shading would be installed at the Patea Pool. Ms Greenhill confirmed this adding that funding was included in this financial year and shading would be installed prior to the rural pool season beginning. Mr Gripp raised concerns regarding the condition of the seats surrounding the Pohutakawa Trees in Memorial Park. He commented that the seating had partly been removed and asked when the Council were reinstating it. Mr Sargeant advised that the structure underneath the seating was rotten noting that Council Officers would look at replacement options. Mr Gripp had concerns relating to the sand build up around the barbeque areas at the Patea Beach and asked that this be attended to before summer. Mr Sargeant confirmed that maintenance work was scheduled and would be an ongoing project. He added that the roofs on the three remaining she lters would also be replaced. Mr Gripp raised concerns regarding the Hunter Shaw Building being an earthquake risk as he felt that more and more buildings were being removed , for example the Town Hall, without being replaced. Councillor Wards commented that it was too early to contemplate the removal of the Hunter Shaw Building adding that a structural report would be obtained and presented to the Council. Mr Stevenson noted that the Council had spent $1.5 million on the Patea Pool and that the project had exceeded its budget by approximately $100,000 which he had approved under delegation. This meant many smaller jobs, such as the sun protection would have to wait until funds were available. Councillor Ballantyne commented that if the Committee were to change the way funds were allocated to something similar to the Commun ity Boards then the issues raised could be dealt with through that fund. Mr Moeahu asked if the Council had any further information on the seabed mining off the coast. Mr Stevenson commented that Trans Tasman Resources (TTR) were progressing with their proposal to mine off the South Taranaki coast and that the consenting would be handled by the Environmental Protection Agency rather than by the Council. He noted that TTR had visited and met with the Mayor and himself as a courtesy and to provide information on what was happening and by when. Councillor Wards added that public consultation would take place in the near future. 5 KARAKIA WHAKAMUTUNGA Ko te wa whakamutunga 11.37 o te ata Time meeting closed at 11.37 am (Ko te rangi /dated this) (tera o I day of) TIAMANA I CHAIRPERSON http:l/orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/IWUiwi Liaison Committee Minutes 2013-08-28.docx 2013. 52 109 Council Policy Development Committee Meeting Minutes of the Policy Development Committee Meeting of the South Taranaki District Council held in the Council Chamber, on Monday 2 September 2013, commencing at 1.00 pm PRESENT: Mayor R Dunlop (Chairperson), Councillors I Armstrong, A Ballantyne, A Beccard, K Bourke, P Johnson, G Lawson, M Powell, M Self and I Wards. IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Executive (Mr Stevenson) , Group Manager Corporate Services (Mrs Wilson), Group Manager Environmental Services (Mr McKenzie), Group Manager Engineering Services (Mr Manning), Group Manager Community Services (Ms Greenhill), Communications Manager (Mr Langford), Support Services Officer (Miss Dymond) and one member of the public. APOLOGIES: Councillors Bigham, Hohaia and Judkins, Eltham Community Board Representative (Mrs Cave), Egmont Plains Community Board Representative (Mrs Arlidge) and Patea Community Board Representative (Mr Honeyfield) . RESOLUTION 34/13 PO (Cr Poweii/Cr Johnson) THAT the apologies from Councillors Bigham, Hohaia and Judkins, Eltham Community Board Representative (Mrs Cave), Egmont Plains Community Board Representative (Mrs Arlidge) and Patea Community Board Representative (Mr Honeyfield) be received. CARRIED 1 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (a) Council Policy Development Meeting held on 29 July 2013. RESOLUTION 35/13 PO (Cr Armstrong/Cr wards) THAT the minutes of the Council Policy Development Committee meeting held on 29 July 2013 be received. CARRIED 2 INFORMATION REPORTS (a) Community Partnerships Manager (i) Pensioner Housing Update 2012/13 The report provided an update on service delivery and progress towards achieving the objectives and standards adopted in the 2011 Pensioner Housing Policy. Councillor Armstrong asked if the 9% of unhappy tenants was a result of the units awaiting refurbishment. Ms Greenhill confirmed this commenting that only 35 responses were received so 9% was a small number. http://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1 /Governance/Meeting/pol/Policy Development Committee Minutes 2013-09-02.docx 11 0 53 Councillor Ballantyne commented that overall the results from the Annual Pensioner Housing Tenant Satisfaction Survey were positive. The Mayor felt that it had been a good decision to bring the Tenancy Support Services in house. RESOLUTION 36/13 PO (Mayor/Cr Ballantyne) THAT the Community Partnerships Manager's Pensioner Housing Update 2012/13 report be received. CARRIED (b) Financial Management Accountant (i) Interim Year End Report of 2012/13 The Council's interim year end report for 2012/13 was provided for the Council's information. The Mayor was pleased to see that the Council had delivered a surplus of $12,003.807 for the 2012/13 year compared with a budgeted surplus of $1 ,576,902. Councillor Beccard asked how that figure equated to the previous year. Mrs Wilson advised that the previously year was a deficit of around the same amount. She noted that the previous year's operating surplus was around $700,000 compared to this year which was around $1 .7 million. Mr Stevenson advised that detailed discussion had taken place at the Corporate Portfolio Group meeting regarding the operating su rplus of $1 ,738,445. He commented that the operating surplus figures reflected the tail of the storm which ran well into this financial year and the defence on the fluoridation decision which at year end was approximately $45,000. Councillor Bourke noted that even though the delayed operating projects were not included in the 2012/13 figures, this would then affect the following year's figures. She asked how much of the $1,738,445 was the delayed operating projects. Mr Stevenson noted that all projects were intended to be completed within the year but it did not always work that way. Mr Langford advised that it was around $200,000 adding that this was for maintenance costs not for projects. Councillor Ballantyne asked if the increase in insurance premiums was a result of the Christchurch earthquakes. Mr Stevenson confirmed this commenting that insurance premiums had rocketed considerably. Councillor Self commented that this was the trend in shops on High Street which was a problem moving forward . Councillor Armstrong commended the Council's Finance Team on the extremely good job they had done which had allowed the finance business and budgeting to run seamlessly. Councillor Armstrong commented that the Corporate Portfolio Group were essentially the audit committee where discussions were held and issues were raised but supported Audit New Zealand meeting with the full Council with the final report. The Mayor agreed. hltp://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/poi/ Policy Development Committee Minutes 2013-09·02.docx 111 54 Councillor Armstrong supported Audit meeting with the Council three times a year. He commented that the first meeting could be to run over the audit plans, the second meeting to discuss the interim report and the last meeting for Audit New Zealand to present the final report. The Mayor noted that the third meeting could be when the report was presented to the full Council. Mr Stevenson pointed out a couple of amendments that were made to the performance measures after the agenda had been produced. He noted that the words Not Achieved had been changed to Not Measured for one under Arts and Culture and one under Heritage as the percentage would come as a result of a survey which had not been included. Mrs Wilson noted that next year the performance measures would be mandatory measures set by the Government. RESOLUTION 37/13 PO (Cr Ballantyne/Cr Armstrong) THAT the Finance Manager's Interim Year End Report for 2012/13 be received. CARRIED 3 ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED RESOLUTION 38/13 PO (Cr Bourke/Cr Lawson) THAT pursuant to Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the reasons in the minutes the public be excluded to enable discussion on: 4.1 Minutes (a) Council Policy Development Committee Meeting held on 29 July 2013 CARRIED 5 RESUME IN OPEN MEETING RESOLUTION 40/13 PO (Cr Ballantyne/Cr Wards) THAT the Council Policy Development Committee resumes in open meeting. CARRIED The meeting concluded at 1.36 pm. Dated this day of 2013. CHAIRPERSON http:l/orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/pol/Policy Development Committee Minutes 20 13-09-02.docx 112 Council Policy Development Committee Meeting Minutes of the Council Policy Development Meeting of the South Taranaki District Council held with the public excluded on 2 September 2013. 1 MINUTES (a) Council Policy Development Committee Meeting (i) Council Policy Development Committee meeting held on 29 July 2013. (Mayor/Cr Johnson) RESOLUTION 39113 PO THAT the public excluded minutes of the Policy Development Committee meeting held on 29 July 2013 be received and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. CARRIED 2 RESUME IN OPEN MEETING RESOLUTION 40/13 PO (Cr Ballantyne/Cr Wards) THAT the Council Policy Development Committee resumes in open meeting. CARRIED Dated this day of 2013 CHAIRPERSON http://orionweb/p/doc/dempro/1/Governance/Meeting/poi/_Public Excluded/Public Excluded Policy Development Committee Minutes 2013-09-02.docx ~ South Taranaki District Council Report Central File Ref To South Taranaki District Council From Property and Facilities Manager Date 9 September 2013 Subject Playground Review- Consultation 775/01 (This report shall not be construed as policy until adopted by full Council) 1. Executive Summary Council Officers have been researching and drafting a Playground Review covering all thirty six playgrounds across the District. The Draft Review has been tabled at the Engineering Portfolio Group meetings which supported the on-going research and draft proposals and requested the draft document be taken to the four Community Boards for their input at a local level. The four Community Boards gave their feedback, which included some comments regarding their local playgrounds and all Boards fully supported the need for consultation with the affected local communities. There are three options to consider from this point on; Option 1: going ahead with the consultation on the Playground Review, Option 2: retaining the status quo or Option 3: taking the draft policy to the Council as it stands. The preferred option is : Option 1 - THAT Council Officers consu lt with the affected communities on the Draft Playground Review. 2. Background The Council has thirty six playgrounds spread across the District. Their locations are based on historic use from pre-amalgamation times. During 2012, the Property and Facilities unit researched and developed a methodology for a Draft Review of the district playgrounds. The intention is to identify any financial savings and ensure there is equity in levels of service across the District. The Draft Review is looking at maintaining a playground in each urban area within one kilometre of all residents. It also recognises that there will be some exceptions to this for seasonal destinations such as Wai-inu Beach in the South and Rawhitiroa Pool in the East. The type of playground for each town is listed in the table below. Recreation and Leisure -Information Services!Technology- Parks and Reserves- Operations Created on 29 August 2013 Page 1 of4 56 57 Population less than 1,000. Waverley, Normanby, Manaia and Kaponga One premier Population between 1,000 and 3,000. Patea, Opunake and Eltham One Premier, one standard and one NeiQhbourhood Population more than 3,000. Hawera One premier and one standard in the urban area of 1 km from the centre or One standard and one neighbourhood Plus One standard playground in each peripheral area Council Officers have held an informal meeting with Community Board members. Each meeting supported the notion of the review and made comments specific to playgrounds within their Ward. The one common theme was the need to publicly consult with the affected communities as playgrounds were seen as matters of high public concern. As the Draft Policy stands to date, there is potential to save $397,000 over the course of the Long Term Plan. This is because some towns have some playgrounds closer together than the one kilometre distance mooted in the Draft Policy. 2.1 Existing Council Policy There has not been a comprehensive review of playgrounds since the introduction of the 'Safeplay' Policy in 1995. This was a 'one-off' policy where only the standards of safety within existing playgrounds were reviewed. It did not consider their locations, accessibility to users or future costs. 2.2 Current Practice Playgrounds are maintained to current New Zealand Standards. They are inspected and reported on in regard of reactive maintenance under the Council's Greenspace Contract. 2.3 Legislative Considerations There are no legislative considerations other than playgrounds are considered to be buildings under the Building Act and as such are required to have consents for any changes to them. 2.4 Community Outcomes Affected/Impacted This report supports the outcome of a Connected South Taranaki as it provides for a safe and reliable infrastructure as the playgrounds will continue to meet safety standards and the public will have fair access to !hem. 2.5 Impact on Maori/lwi lwi will have fair and equitable access to playgrounds and be involved in the consultation process as users of the playgrounds. Recreation and Leisure- Information Servicesffechnology- Parks and Reserves - Operations Created on 29 August 2013 Page 2 of 4 58 3. Discussion/Evaluation During the informal meetings with the Community Boards, the one common aspect was the need to consult with the affected public on the Draft Playground Policy. This report seeks the approval of the Council to proceed with that consultation before a second Draft Policy is written. It is anticipated that the consultation will take the form of advertising for comments from the public and intervention survey with playground users to assess use of the playgrounds and seek information for future playground design. This would take place during the December 2013 to February 2014 school holidays. The cost of advertising is $1 ,000 and the cost of the survey is $6,000 which is the salary for a student to undertake the survey. All these costs are able to be absorbed into existing budgets. 3.1 Option(s) available Option 1 - Proceed with the community based consultation on the Draft Playground Review Option 2 - Do not proceed with the consultation on the Draft Playground Review Option 3 - Proceed with the review with the draft policy going directly to the Council Option 1 - Proceed with the consultation ; means that once completed, Council Officers will have a good indication of the public feeling regarding the Draft Playground Policy and how it will affect playground users and the local communities they serve. The consultation would be based on the local communities the playgrounds serve as that would attract the actual users rather than a fully public survey which may attract opinions from outside the affected areas which would have less legitimacy. Option 2- Do not proceed with the Consultation; means that Council Officers will not have access to information from the playground users and local communities on how they feel about the Draft Playground Policy so there would not be any progress on the overall playground review and the status quo in terms of the amount of playgrounds, levels of service and future costs would remain as they are. Option 3- Proceed with the review with the Draft Policy going directly to the Council: means that the detailed Draft Policy would go to the Council with a recommendation for adoption as it stands now and without any community based consultation. Therefore the protocol of urban residents living within one kilometre of a playgrou nd and the disposal of some playgrounds as they reach the end of thei r useful life would be presented to the Council without any community input. 4. Conclusion Option 1 is the preferred option as it takes into account the viewpoint of affected communities which will affect them for the long term future , particularly for families and children . Recreation and Leisure -Information Services!Technology- Parks and Reserves- Operations Created on 29 August 2013 Page 3 of 4 58 5. Recommendation THAT Council Officers consu lt with the affected communities on the Draft Playground Review. ~: John Sargeant [Seen by] Brent Manning Property and Facilities Manager Group Manager Engineering Services Recreation and Leisure- Information Servicesffechnology- Parks and Reserves- Operations Created on 29 August 2013 Page 4 of4 South Taranaki District Council Report Central File Ref To Mayor and Councillors From Regulatory Service Projects Officer- Adrienne Cook Date 23 September 2013 Subject Deliberations Report - Bylaw Review 2013 [Click here] (This report shall not be construed as policy until adopted by full Council) 1 Executive Summary This report provides information to assist the Council during the Deliberations Phase of the Bylaw Review 2013. The information provided includes an overview of submissions received during the submission and hearing phase, the officer's response to those submissions, the legal review of the bylaws and any other amendments suggested by the officers. The Bylaws being reviewed at this deliberations phase are: • Speed Limits Bylaw 2013 • The Keeping of Animals Bylaw 2013 Cemeteries (Amendment) Bylaw 2013 • • Public Swimming Pools (Amendment) Bylaw 2013 Heavy Motor Vehicles Bylaw 2013 • • Solid Waste Bylaw 2013 • Wastewater Bylaw 2013 • Water Supply Bylaw 2013 • Food Safety Bylaw 2013; and • Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw 2013. 2 Background On 18 March 2013, a report was presented to the Policy Development Committee highlighting the need to introduce new bylaws, and the need to review some of the Council's current bylaws. The report was accompanied by the Regulatory Impact Statement, which highlighted the reasons for review or development of each of the proposed bylaws. The Council agreed that a review was required. On 10 June 2013, a report was presented to the Policy Development Committee which contained a Statement of Proposal document. The document included the proposed new bylaws and the amendments proposed to the current bylaws. The Council made minor changes to the Statement of Proposal, and agreed that the document be released for public consultation, in accordance with the Special Consultative Procedure. On 11 July 2013, the submission phase was opened for the general public to make submissions on the proposed bylaws and amendments. The submission phase closed on 8 August 2013, with fourteen submissions received. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report· Bylaw review 2013 · 2013·09·30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 1 of 17 60 61 On 4 September 2013, a Special Council meeting was held to hear the submissions. Four people attended the meeting, to speak directly to Council ; ten submitters requested that the Council consider their written submissions. This report is provided to the Council for the deliberation phase of the bylaw review. It provides an overview of the submissions received, a summary of the information that submitters provided during the hearing, the officers responses to points raised by the submitters, and the legal review of the Bylaws by the Council solicitors. 2.1 Current Practice Under the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) , a Territorial Authority (TA) is given powers to make bylaws to ensure that the community is protected from nuisance, to maintain public health and safety and to minimise the potential for offensive behaviour in public places. Bylaws require regular reviews as per the LGA, which states that a new bylaw is to be reviewed after five years and every ten years thereafter. 2.2 Legislative Considerations The LGA clearly defines the requirements for every TA, when they undertake the development or review of bylaws. There is a clear procedure that is followed to ensure that a bylaw is the best possible option to address the perceived issues and that the public are consulted through a Special Consultative Procedure (SCP). It is a legal requirement that a review of any bylaw undergoes the same rigorous procedure, whether it is for a completely new bylaw or to review a current one. This is so that during the regulatory enforcement of any bylaw, the Council does not come under any legal challenge in a court of law, and can prove that a thorough development of a bylaw was undertaken using the process set out under the LGA. 2.4 Impact on Maori/lwi Maori and lwi will benefit from all the community outcomes mentioned above, by providing a safer environment through the development of bylaws, protecting the rights of people and their property. 2.5 Legal Review The legal review was undertaken by Mr Justin Marinovich of C&M Legal. Mr Marinovich concentrated on four key questions regarding the review of each of the bylaws: 1) Does South Taranaki District Council have the power to make such a bylaw? 2) Is the Bylaw repugnant to the general laws of New Zealand? 3) Is the Bylaw certain in its purpose and what is it trying to achieve?; and 4) Is the Bylaw reasonable or are there any breaches of the Bill of Rights Act 1990?. His comments are included within the discussion section of this report (3.0) hltp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 201 3 Page 2 of 17 62 3 Discussion 3.1 Submissions received The following is a summary of the submissions made and the comments made to Council by the submitters during the Special Hearing meeting. An Officer response is included to provide the Council with further information and provide a specialised response to the points raised by the submitters. Changes proposed by Mr Marinovich have been included under the legal review section of each reviewed bylaw. The resolutions have been numbered under each reviewed bylaw. Submissions were received on the following bylaws: Cemeteries, Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers, Wastewater, Water Supply, Speed Limits, Solid Waste, Heavy Motor Vehicles, Food Safety and Keeping of Animals Bylaws. Two submissions commented on all bylaws generally (from the Patea Community Board and Sharon Arlidge). No submissions were received for the Public Swimming Pools Amendment Bylaw. 3.2 Speed Limits Bylaw Alan Hawkes ( submittel} Mr Hawkes presented his submission on the proposed Speed Limits Bylaw, providing the Council with more background on the intersection of Hori Road/Oru Road across from the Rawhitiroa School. Mr Hawkes believes that the intersection is very dangerous. He suggests that a reduced speed limit around the school should be considered. Changes have been made to an embankment by the corner which has increased visibility slightly, however because there is a power pole in the way they were not able to take the embankment back further to provide more visibility. Mr Hawkes has witnessed many close calls at this intersection. The level of heavy traffic utilising the road is increasing due to oil/gas exploration wells in the area. Officer response to submission (Vincent Lim - Roading Manager) Their request for a speed limit restriction outside the school is declined. As per Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits, the road area outside the school does not meet the criteria for a speed limit restriction. However, there is a trial nationally for a variable speed limit for Rural School zones. I have asked NZTA whether we could add this area to the trial but it was declined due to the timing. The variable speed limit trial ends in June 2013. NZTA has recommended that we wait for the result of the trial. There is a new Rural School guide which NZTA are drafting, for consultation, which may be useful in dealing with the speed issue at Rural Schools. Fiona Croot- NZ Automotive Association (submitter) Ms Croot on behalf of the NZ AA supports the change to the Speed Limits Bylaw. Officer response to submission (Vincent Lim - Roading Manager) No response required. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013·09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 3 of 17 Tom Cloke and Phil Sandford- NZ Road Transport Association (submitter) Mr Sandford supports the changes made to the Speed Limits Bylaw. Officer response to submission (Vincent Lim - Roading Manager) No response required Joe and Janice Hawkes (submitter) Mr and Mrs Hawkes state that they are concerned over the speed of vehicles going past the Hori Road/Oru Road intersection across from Rawhitiroa School. Mr and Mrs Hawkes have observed and heard about many near misses over the years and with the increased number of stock trucks, milk tankers and oil company vehicles using the road, it can get very busy. They appreciate that a reduced speed limit would be hard to monitor, but suggest that a reduced speed limit would make it safer for vehicles that are turning. Officer response to submission (Vincent Lim - Roading Manager) - as per response 3.2.2. Their request for a speed limit restriction outside the school is declined. As per Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits, the road area outside the school does not meet the criteria for a speed limit restriction. However, there is a trial nationally for a variable speed limit for Rural School zone. I have asked NZTA whether we could add this area to the trial but it was declined due to the timing. The variable speed limit trial is finishing in June 2013. NZTA has recommended that we wait for the result of the trial. There is a new Rural School guide which NZTA are drafting for consultation which may be useful in dealing with the speed issue at Rural Schools. Legal Review Advice Under clause 5.0 the bylaw should be a "one stop shop" that provides the reader with as much detail and certainty as possible, therefore full definitions should be provided. In terms of bylaws repealed (section 3.0), or parts of bylaws repealed, list the bylaws we are referring to. 3.3 The Keeping of Animals Bylaw Rowan Chadwick (submitter) Mr Chadwick states that fencing containment, sturdiness and height be taken into consideration before any permit is issued relating to the keeping of animals in urban areas (specifically relating to horses and goats). Mr Chadwick believes that a neighbour should not have to suffer due to others inconsiderate actions or have to pay to remedy a problem regarding the keeping of animals on a neighbour's property. Mr Chadwick believes that the inclusion of fencing should be explicitly spelt out in the bylaw; whether it is in section 7.0, 14.0 or 15.0. Officer response to submission (Adrienne Cook- Regulatory Services Projects Officer) Requirements such as fencing, neighbour consent, application process and animal welfare would be addressed in more detail during the permit application process. There will be a procedure or policy adopted which will cover the more explicit details. The bylaw would only deal with larger issues i.e. that permits will be issued. The policy or procedure would provide the details required regarding the permit (such as fencing and animal welfare). http:l/orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 4 of 17 63 64 Legal Review Advice Under clause 6.0 the bylaw should be a "one stop shop" that provides the reader with as much detail and certainty as possible, therefore full definitions should be provided. Mr Marinovich states that in terms of section 18.0, it shou ld reflect sections 165, 166 and 172 of the Local Government Act in order for it to comply with both the LGA and the Search and Surveillance Act 2012. Council must have "reasonable grounds for suspecting" a breach, before entry onto a property can be gained. Mr Marinovich highlights his concern regarding clause 7.4, which he be lieves is too broad. He suggests that thought should be given to rewording the clause and being more specific around what it is trying to achieve. (see recommendation number 8). 3.4 Cemeteries (Amendment) Bylaw Andrew Blanche- Cleggs Funeral Services (submitter) Mr Blanche presented his submission on the proposed Cemeteries Bylaw to Council and reinforced his comments that the NZ Standard 4242:1995 is seventeen years old. Many other materials are now being used for the construction of monuments, which are not included in the Standard but are still durable and used by the industry. There should be allowances made within the Bylaw for these other materials to be used. The Council should focus more on the Health and Safety specifications when installing a headstone, rather than requiring a registered monumentalist to install a headstone. This would allow families the option to make their own headstone and install it to Council specifications. Mr Blanche suggested that a handbook for each Cemete ry would allow for changes, rather than having to go through a bylaw review process to incorporate changes within a bylaw. Officer response to submission (John Sargeant- Property Facilities Manager) The submitter has made comments on Section 10. 7 in regard to approved contractors installing headstones rather than approved monumentalist. The submission is supported, therefore the changes are proposed in recommendation number 13. The submitters comment on the provision of a manual for each cemetery is not supported. This is because the district cemeteries are all managed under one contract and one Bylaw. There is not a sufficient change in practice or quantity of interments to warrant a separate management policy for each cemetery. The submitter suggested the Council looked at having a monument permit system in place to ensure the quality of work is managed in accordance with the various Standards. This is supported and is currently under investigation. Michael Clegg (submitter) Mr Clegg elaborated on his submission notes regarding sections 5, 9 and 10 of the proposed Cemeteries Bylaw. He stated that the Bylaw was good, however it required a bit of tweaking. He commented that section 5.4 had specific hours that cemeteries would be in operation. He noted that the hours on Saturday had been reduced and Sunday was not listed as an operational day. Mr Clegg wanted the Council to consider incorporating the price of a plot and the price of a permit for a headstone into one lump sum, paid when the plot is purchased. He suggested that it would be easier for Council to get the full amount owed at the point of purchase for a plot, rather than having to collect a headstone permit fee from an estate at a later date. http:l/orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report · Bylaw review 2013 · 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 5 of 17 65 Mr Clegg made comment on section 5.8 and suggested that Council allow family and friends to dig graves under the direction of Council staff, as some religions require families to dig graves. This change would allow for those instances. Mr Clegg supports section 10.3 which states that no glass items can be placed on a grave, however Mr Clegg believes that this should also include that no glass items be placed on the concrete berm strip. Mr Clegg supports the comments made by Mr Andrew Blanche. He is not sure that stating the NZ standard 4242:1995 is necessary in the bylaw. Officer response to submission (John Sargeant- Property Facilities Manager) The submitter commented on the hours an interment was allowed to happen saying it used to be all weekend but was now restricted to Saturday mornings which was seen as restrictive. This submission is supported, therefore the changes are proposed in recommendation number 11. The submitter requested that those attending an interment should be allowed to dig a grave themselves. This is not supported as it has the clear potential to breach Health and Safety protocols putting those digging at physical risk of a grave collapsing and the Council and Contractor under a legal risk of allowing a breach of Health and Safety Standards to occur. Daryl Anderson- Headstone Warehouse Limited (submitter) Mr Anderson supports the implementation of a permitting system for headstones. He suggests that the Council consider having this included within the plot price, as other Council's in the region have it as an all in one price. He states that monuments installed by inexperienced or unskilled people operating in Taranaki has resulted in poor quality installation or engraving. He suggests that it is not until many years later that this poor quality becomes apparent. He believes that a permit system will protect the general public, if a headstone is not attached securely; there is a way to contact the installer. Mr Anderson suggests that clause 10.1 be expanded to specify the minimum distance from the front of the monument to the edge of the concrete berm. Clause 10.7 be amended to remove the words "An approved person, such as". Clause 10.8 be amended to remove the words "approved person" and replace with "monumental mason". Mr Anderson suggests an inserted additional clause: "the recommended material for cemetery monuments is Granite. Soft stones, hollow concrete, plastic, wood, fibreglass and other composite materials are prohibited from use as no other material has been proven to be more weather resistant and better able to accept a clear inscription (including matching additions at a later date if necessary) than any other single material at such a reasonable cost." Mr Anderson also made comment on keys for access to cemeteries afterhours. Officer response to submission (John Sargeant- Property Facilities Manager) The submitter suggests that a fee for a permit be incorporated into the plot fee. This would be unfair on those who choose not to have a headstone or choose to install a headstone in later years and wish to spread the cost of the interment process. The submitter's comments on section 10.9 are not supported as it is appropriate that any permit fee should be paid at the time of application rather than the cost absorbed and paid for when a plot is purchased as this could be years ahead of the actual interment. http:/lorionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 6 of 17 The submitter's comments on section 10. 1 are supported so there is a mm1mum distance from the front of the headstone to the lawn surface of at least 150mm. This submission is supported, therefore the changes are proposed in recommendation number 12. The submitter's comments on section 10. 7 are not supported as there is no need for a monumentalist to be a member of the Monumentalists Association but any preapproved contractor will need to comply with the appropriate New Zealand Standard. The submitter's comments on section 10.8 are not supported for reasons described above. The submitter suggests an additional clause to stop the use of materials for headstones seen by the submitter as inappropriate. This is not supported. The customer should retain the choice of headstone material which will be dependent on their ability to pay, not what is dictated by the local authority for what is a private purchase. The submitter comments on having his own key for access to cemeteries. This is not supported because if we issue a key to one, we would issue a key to all contractors and lose control of who is working in the cemeteries. This is no reflection on the submitter but a rule which needs to be applied to everybody. Kaye Lally (submitter) Ms Lally suggests in her submission that the bylaw (specifically section 10.0) be changed , and sub clauses are simplified. She has suggested that the section should start with positive statements around what Council is responsible for, the use of tombstones, monuments and headstones, the height of such monuments and the installation. Ms Lally suggests that "approved person" should be removed . There is nothing within the document to explain who an approved person is or how they become approved? Ms Lally suggests that latter clauses should focus on what is not allowed in Cemeteries, such as placing of articles, cultivations, what the Council can remove, which in turn would make the bylaw easier to read. Officer response to submission (John Sargeant- Property Facilities Manager) The submitter comments of the wording of section 10. This is not supported as the current wording is considered appropriate. Legal Review Advice Section 16 of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964 also delegates the Local Authority with the powers to make Bylaws and this Act should be included within the Bylaw title . 3.5 Public Swimming Pools (Amendment) Bylaw Legal Review Advice Mr Marinovich highlighted the inconsistency with terminology for clause 12.0 and suggests the wording be changed from "Authorised Council Officer" to "Authorised Officer". htlp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report· Bylaw review 2013 · 2013·09·30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 7 of 17 66 67 3.6 Heavy Motor Vehicles Bylaw Tom Cloke and Phil Sandford - NZ Road Transport Association (submittef) Mr Sandford believes that the restriction of heavy traffic along one section of Bridge Street is unreasonable. He believes that it was agreed that their heavy vehicles could use that section of the road if they were going at a reduced speed of 30 km/h. He states that very few vehicles use this short route, but it is done to mitigate safety issues surrounding the slow manoeuvre of turning vehicles at the intersection with the State Highway. Officer response to submission (Vincent Lim - Roading Manager) The heavy traffic restriction on Bridge Street is not new but already in place since 1994. The submitter request for exemptions to use Bridge Street travelling from Bridge Street East, will have to be declined as it is not permitted under the Heavy Traffic Bylaw as there is an alternate route. It can only be a total heavy traffic restriction or no restriction at all. Legal Review Advice Mr Marinovich suggested that Council include section 22AB of the Land Transport Act 1998 in the bylaw title, as it delegates the Local Authority the power to make a bylaw for such activities. Mr Marinovich highlighted a typographical error under section 5.0 of the bylaw, which should state "Land Transport Act 1998". 3.7 Solid Waste Bylaw Xenia Meier- Transpacific Industries Group (submittef) Ms Meier on behalf of Transpacific Industries Group supports the intent of the bylaws. Officer response to submission (Herbert Denton - Operations Engineer) No response required Legal Review Advice Mr Marinovich did not have any suggested changes for this bylaw. 3.8 Wastewater Bylaw Xenia Meier- Transpacific Industries Group (submittef) Ms Meier on behalf of Transpacific Industries Group supports the intent of the bylaws. Her only comment is in regards to section 8.3 of the Wastewater Bylaw, which requires a consent for trade waste, however there is no information regarding the application process. She suggests that Trade waste be addressed in a separate bylaw. Officer response to submission (Brent Manning - Group Manager Engineering Services) The submitter supports the intent of the bylaw overall. The submitter states that Sect 8.3 requires a consent for trade wastes and notes that there is no information regarding the application process and suggests that trade waste be addressed in a separate bylaw. http:l/orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 8 of 17 The Council's future intent is to create a separate Trade Waste Bylaw in 2014, with a full consent process and appropriate charging regime included. For now, in the absence of a Trade Waste Bylaw, we have identified the nature of liquid wastes that is defined as trade waste as it is important to distinguish for future application of the Trade Waste Bylaw. Businesses discharging liquid waste to the sewer that do not meet the "acceptable discharge" criteria, in the interim will be required to form trade waste agreements by negotiation with the delegated Council Officer, as is the current practice. A formal consent will not be necessary or enforceable under the Wastewater Bylaw. David Honeyfield- Patea Community Board (submitter) Mr Honeyfield on behalf of the Patea Community Board supports the bylaws. He highlights that the only omission that could be found was in regards to the Wastewater Bylaw. He states that there appears to be no policy on the planting of trees over waste water pipes. Officer response to submission (Brent Manning - Group Manager Engineering Services) The submission of the Patea Community Board notes that the Wastewater Bylaw contains no policy on planting of trees over waste water pipes. This is correct. The Wastewater Bylaw addresses operation of the sewer pipe network and treatment plants, and conditions for access and places obligations on customers and Council respectively. Planting of trees in streets and reserves is to be addressed by a separate policy (Street Tree Policy) to be separately put before Policy Development Committee and Council for approval. This policy will also address other tree planting and planning related matters affecting other utilities and amenities, as well as sewer pipes. Dr Jonathan Jarman (Medical Officer of Health) - Taranaki District Health Board (submitter) Dr Jarman (the Medical Officer of Health) supports the overall content of the bylaws. Dr Jarman specifically supports the implementation of both the Wastewater and Food Safety Bylaws. Officer response to submission (Bent Manning - Group Manager Engineering Services) The Medical Officer of Health and Taranaki District Health Board Public Health Unit submission supports the implementation of the wastewater bylaw in its proposed form. Legal Review Advice Mr Marinovich highlights an omission from clause 9.4 of the Wastewater Bylaw, which should include the year of the Local Government Act, being 2002. Officer's review of Bylaw (Brent Manning - Group Manager Engineering Services) When reviewing the Bylaw the Officer has identified clauses that require amendment or an insertion of a new clause. These changes are proposed in recommendations number 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27 and 28. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 9 of 17 68 3.9 69 Water Supply Bylaw Dr Jonathan Jarman (Medical Officer of Health) -Taranaki District Health Board (submitter} Under the Water Supply Bylaw Dr Jarman highlights his concerns regarding section 26.1.2 of the Bylaw in which the Council reserves the right to reduce the flow of water supplied to the customer without notice. Dr Jarman advises that Council must ensure that an adequate amount of water is available to meet the domestic needs of that household and therefore not impacting on the health needs of the household. Officer response to submission (Howard Wilkinson - Engineering Assets and Planning Manager) Council is aware of its obligations to provide an "adequate supply of water" despite any non-payment or failure to meet the Bylaw. Legal Review Advice Mr Marinovich did not have any suggested changes for this bylaw. 3.10 Food Safety Bylaw Dr Jonathan Jarman (Medical Officer of Health)- Taranaki District Health Board (submitter} Dr Jarman (the Medical Officer of Health) supports the overall content of the bylaws. Dr Jarman specifically supports the implementation of both the Wastewater and Food Safety Bylaws. Officer response to submission (Doug Scott- Environmental Health Officer) No response required. Legal Review Advice Mr Marinovich highlighted that Council include the Health Act 1956 in the bylaw title , as sections 64 and 65 of the Act authorise a Local Authority to implement bylaws to promote and protect public health. Mr Marinovich has suggested an amendment to section 4.0 of the bylaw to include: "Annual registration: means the annual registration of food premises required by the Food Hygiene Regulations 1974 and Health (Registration of Premises) Regulations 1966." Mr Marinovich has suggested an amendment to section 9.0 of the bylaw to include: "An Environmental Health Officer will annually inspect food premises to provide a grading for those premises." Mr Marinovich suggested that Council should give some thought to including mobile food premises within this bylaw. 3.11 Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw Jason Hardwick- Black Dahlias Tattooing (submitter} Mr Hardwick presented his submission on the proposed Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw, providing Council more understanding of his submission due to his expertise as a tattooist. Mr Hardwick stated that hot water is not required in the wet area of a Tattooists parlour (where the tattooing takes place), as only cold water is required during the procedure. He stated that hot water is only required during the wash up phase of the procedure, which would occur in the clean-up area of the premises. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report · Bylaw review 2013 · 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 10 of 17 Mr Hardwick stated that he believed that every tattooist parlour should have its own toilet on the premises and should not be shared facilities with other businesses. Mr Hardwick stated that he believed that all mobile tattoo operators should have the same laws as professionals working from a shop. He stated that there is a greater risk of contamination when tattooing is undertaken at home. It is usually done in a kitchen and it is a place where food is prepared. He questions how mobile tattooists are disposing of their waste. Not sure if there is a medical waste disposal local? Officer response to submission (Doug Scott- Environmental Health Officer) Hot water and sinks do not have to be in the immediate working area. The sink must be in a readily accessible position. This submission is supported, therefore the changes are proposed in recommendation number 43. Mobile tattooists are required to operate under the same conditions as other tattooist premises (see clause 19.2). The requirements for toilets are under the Building Act 2004. Bylaws cannot impose greater restriction than legislation. The submitter has concerns around Council providing operators with enough time to have premises ready for the bylaw changes. This is provided under clause 2.1. Local Medical waste disposal can be arranged. Hopefully operators conducting prescribed processes are already disposing of sharps and all biological or infectious waste appropriately. Sharon Arlidge (submitter) Mrs Arlidge supports the bylaws and comments that the water supply bylaw is well needed, due to people connecting to the water supply illegally. Mrs Arlidge states that the detail in the Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw is appropriate, but wanted to highlight that there was no mention of client agecheck within the bylaw. Officer response to submission (Doug Scott- Environmental Health Officer) The Tattooists, Beautician and Body Piercers Bylaw aims to prevent the transference of communicable diseases and other bacterial skin or wound infections by applying standards to those persons who practice such operations. Placing a minimum age restriction for obtaining a tattoo was investigated during the drafting of the bylaw and it was decided that placing an age restriction does not fit in with the purpose of the proposed bylaw and the Health Act 1956. Dr Jonathan Jarman (Medical Officer of Health)- Taranaki District Health Board Dr Jarman suggests Council consider including the Health Act 1956 as another form of legislation which would provide an alternative compliance level to the Bylaw. Dr Jarman has noted that section 8 of the bylaw only goes so far to protecting the community. There are health risks for the operator/employees if they are working with any infected clients. Dr Jarman suggests that Council include the Health and Safety Employment Act 1992, to ensure that workplace hazards for workers exposed to any risks are provided with appropriate personal protective equipment. He suggests that it may be appropriate to include the following clause: "The licensee shall take all practicable steps to ensure the safety of employees while at work; and in particular shall take all practicable steps to ensure that employees are not exposed to hazards which include exposure to communicable diseases such as blood-borne viruses." http:l/orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 11 of 17 70 Dr Jarman recommends that Council include in section 14 of the bylaw, a .specific provision for tattooists to use approved dyes or inks and to keep a list with details associated with their purchase or manufacture. Officer response to submission (Doug Scott - Environmental Health Officer) It is agreed that clause 4. 1 should include the Health Act 1956. This submission is supported, therefore the changes are proposed in recommendation number 36. It is agreed that there should be a clause protecting the employees of the premises. This submission is supported, therefore the changes are proposed in recommendation number 39. The Medical Officer of Health has suggested an inclusion of a clause which covers the keeping of records for dyes and inks. This submission is supported, therefore the changes are proposed in recommendation number 41. Legal Review Advice Mr Marinovich highlights that the Council may wish to consider including a provision about age and intoxication under section 11 of the bylaw. He also suggests that Council may wish to include a provision around consent procedures for each operator. Any procedure which invades someone's body in any way, performed without consent, may be regarded as assault. It is therefore essential that the person receiving the procedure gives full consent. The information should be given in a manner which fully explains the nature of the procedure, the outcomes of it and any risks involved. The information should be understandable and therefore take into account the age of the person, their understanding and the language used. Officer review of Bylaw (Doug Scott- Environmental Health Officer) When reviewing the Bylaw the Officer has identified clauses that require amendment or an insertion of a new clause. These changes are proposed in recommendations number 37, 38 and 42. 4 Conclusion The amendments and revocations suggested within the recommendations section of this report (5.0) pose no issues on the rights of a person. These amendments provide more certainty around particular clauses, provide fewer limitations around clauses which Council have already consulted on, or provide for less restrictive definitions under the bylaws. It is considered that these amendments have not occurred outside the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002. Council has provided the community with a chance to submit on the proposed changes to the Bylaws. Some amendments have occurred due to points made through submissions, and the legislative guidelines have been followed with regards to those amendments. hltp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 12 of 17 71 5 72 Recommendations 5.1 5.2 Speed Limits Bylaw 1. THAT clause 3.1 of the Speed Limits Bylaw be amended as follows : "As from the day this Bylaw comes into force, the South Taranaki District Council Speed Limit Bylaw 2005 and any previous Bylaw or parts of any Bylaw and their amendments in force relating to the setting of speed limits on roads under the control of the South Taranaki District Council shall be repealed ." 2. THAT the definition of Road under section 5.1 of the Speed Limits Bylaw be amended as follows: "Road means (a) a street; and (b) a motorway; and (c) a beach; and (d) a place to which the public have access, whether as of right or not; and (e) all bridges, culverts , ferries, and fords forming part of a road or street or motorway, or a place referred to in paragraph {d) ; and (f) all sites at which vehicles may be weighed for the pu rposes of the Land Transport Act 1998 or any other enactment" 3. THAT the definition of speed limit under section 5.1 of the Speed Limits Bylaw be amended as follows: "Speed Limit means a speed limit set by or under Land Transport Act 1998, the Local Government Act 1974, the Government Reading Powers Act 1989, or the Land Transport Rule : Setting of Speed Limits 2003." 4. THAT the proposed Speed Limits Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix one of this document, be adopted. The Keeping of Animals Bylaw 5. THAT clause 7.4 of the Keeping of Animals Bylaw be amended as follows: "In all areas of the District, no person shall stack or store any offensive matter within 50 metres from any dwelling, or wholly or partly occupied building, street, public place, or the boundary of any occupied adjoining property; in such a way whatsoever as to be or likely to become a nuisance, dangerous to health, or offensive. " 6. THAT clause 18.1 of the Keeping of Animals Bylaw be amended as follows: "An Authorised Officer may enter land for the purpose of detecting a breach of a bylaw or an offence against the Local Government Act 2002, if the officer has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a breach of the bylaw or if the offence has occurred or is occurring on the land." 7. THAT clause 18.2 of the Keeping of Animals Bylaw is amended to section 18.3. htlp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report - Bylaw review 2013- 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 13 of 17 73 5.3 5.4 5.5 8. THAT a new clause 18.2 be inserted into the Keeping of Animals Bylaw as follows: "An issuing officer (within the meaning of section 3 of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012) may issue a warrant for an Authorised Officer to enter private property involved in an offence, and seize and impound property." 9. THAT the proposed Keeping of Animals Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix two of this document, be adopted. Cemeteries (Amendment) Bylaw 10. THAT clause 1.1 of the Cemeteries Bylaw be amended to include "section 16 of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964 and any amendments". 11. THAT clause 5.4 of the Cemeteries Bylaw be amended as follows: "Burial services shall take place between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm Monday to Sunday but not on any public holidays unless approved by the Council on specific request which may incur additional charges." 12. THAT a new clause (1 0.1.1) of the Cemeteries Bylaw be inserted as follows: "No monument, ornament or other paraphernalia shall be permitted within a 150 millimetre margin of either side of a concrete berm to maintain a mowing strip." 13. THAT clause 10.7 of the Cemeteries Bylaw be amended as follows: "The installation of tombstones, headstones and monuments must be undertaken by a pre-approved contractor as defined under the Council's Health and Safety in the Workplace Policy and have provided evidence to the Council, of compliance with relevant Standards in regards to the design, manufacturing and installation of tombstones, headstones and monuments (NZS 4242:1995 Headstones and Cemetery Monuments and NZS 3109:1997 Concrete Construction)." 14. THAT the proposed Cemeteries Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix three of this document, be adopted. Public Swimming Pools (Amendment) Bylaw 15. THAT all references of "Authorised Council Officer" in clause 12.1 of the Public Swimming Pools Bylaw be amended to "Authorised Officer". 16. THAT the proposed Public Swimming Pools (Amendment) Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix four of this document, be adopted. Heavy Motor Vehicles Bylaw 17. THAT clause 1.1 of the Heavy Motor Vehicles Bylaw be amended to include section 22AB of the Land Transport Act 1998. 18. THAT the definition of Heavy Motor Vehicle under section 5.1 of the Heavy Motor Vehicles Bylaw be amended to change "1988" to "1998". 19. THAT the proposed Heavy Motor Vehicles Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix five of this document, be adopted. hltp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report - Bylaw review 2013 - 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 14 of 17 74 5.6 Solid Waste Bylaw 20. 5.7 5.8 Wastewater Bylaw 21. THAT clause 4.1 of the Wastewater Bylaw be revoked. 22. THAT clause 4.2 of the Wastewater Bylaw be amended to 4.1. 23. THAT clause 5.5 of the Wastewater Bylaw be amended to include "at such time as the system is operative". 24. THAT the reference of "Council Officer" in clause 6.6 of the Wastewater Bylaw be amended to "Authorised Officer''. 25. THAT clause 9.4 of the Wastewater Bylaw be amended to include the full reference of the Local Government Act 2002. 26. THAT clause 10.1 of the Wastewater Bylaw be amended to include "a minimum" of five working days. 27. THAT clause 10.2 of the Wastewater Bylaw be amended to include "a minimum of twenty" working days. 28. THAT clause 11.3 of the Wastewater Bylaw be revoked. All subsequent clause numbers in section 11.0 are appropriately amended in numerical order. 29. THAT the proposed Wastewater Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix seven of this document, be adopted. Water Supply Bylaw 30. 5.9 THAT the proposed Solid Waste Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix six of this document, be adopted. THAT the proposed Water Supply Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix eight of this document, be adopted. Food Safety Bylaw 31. THAT clause 1.1 of the Food Safety Bylaw be amended to include "section 64 and 65 of the Health Act 1956". 32. THAT the definition of Annual Inspection under section 5.1 of the Food Safety Bylaw be added as follows: "Annual Registration means the annual registration of food premises required by the Food Hygiene Regulations 1974 and the Health (Registration of Premises) Regulations 1966." 33. THAT clause 9.1 of the Food Safety Bylaw is amended to 9.2. All subsequent clause numbers in section 9.0 are appropriately amended in numerical order. 34. THAT a new clause (9.1) is added to the Food Safety Bylaw as follows: "An Authorised Officer will annually inspect food premises to provide a grading for those premises." htlp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013·09·30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 15 of 17 35. 5.10 THAT the proposed Food Safety Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix nine of this document, be adopted. Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw 36. THAT section 4.1 of the Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw be amended to include the following: " f.) Health Act 1956." 37. THAT clause 7.1 be amended to replace "Authorised Officer" with "Council". 38. THAT a new clause (7.4) is added to the Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw as follows: "A Licensee and/or occupier shall not continue to operate any Tattooists, Beautician or Body Piercer premises, if a licence has not been granted by the Council under section 7.0 of this Bylaw." 39. THAT a new clause (8.6) is added to the Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw as follows: "The licensee shall take all practicable steps to ensure the safety of employees while at work and take all practicable steps to ensure that employees are not exposed to hazards which include exposure to communicable diseases." 40. THAT clause 10.5 of the Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw be amended to 10.6. 41 . THAT a new clause (10.5) is added to the Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw as follows: "Every operator is required to keep a list of all approved dyes, pigments or solutions used for a prescribed process within the premises. The list must note the product, date of purchase, quantity purchased and supplier." 42. THAT under clause 12.1 of the Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw points c) and d) are revoked. 43. THAT a new point (c) under clause 12.1 of the Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw be added as follows: "A suitably sized sink for the use of hand washing and equipment washing be supplied with constant piped hot water and cold water, or tempered running water at a temperature of not less than 38°C. Soap, nailbrush and single use towels for hand drying will be provided in a readily accessible position where any person carries out any prescribed process." All subsequent points under clause 12.1 are appropriately amended in order. 44. THAT the proposed Tattooists, Beauticians and Body Piercers Bylaw, including minor amendments in appendix ten of this document, be adopted. hnp://orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013 · 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 16 ol17 75 76 Adrienne Cook Jim Single Regulatory Services Projects Officer Regulatory Services Manager http:i/orionweb/p/doc/orgman/1/bylaws/docu/Deliberations Report- Bylaw review 2013- 2013-09-30.docx Created on 6 September 2013 Page 17 of 17