Built and Natural Environment Research Papers
Built and Natural Environment Research Papers
ISSN 1756-2473 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers Spatial planning in the age of Globalization Combining conservation and community development: An example from Málaga, Spain carbon urban neighbourhoods The scalar politics of economic planning Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process Oolitic limestone and marine sandstone gravel aggregate, early life concrete and aggregate freeze/thaw test for durability The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change Uptake of bim and ipd within the uk aec industry: the evolving role of the architectural technologist 2011 Volume 4 pages 149–286 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers 2011 Volume 4, No. 2, pages 149–286 Editorial Consultant: David Greenwood Editor: Emine M Thompson Associate Editors: Gill Davidson, Paul Greenhalgh Editorial Assistant: Jem Pendlington Editorial Board Alan Richardson Barry Gledson Bob Giddings Chris Underwood Elaine Paterson Kate Theobold Kathryn Coventry Michael Barke Sarra Walker Minnie Fraser Paul Ring Paula Bleanch Peter Glaves Rachel Kirk Tim Howarth Victor Samwinga Purpose of the Built and Natural Environment Research Papers The aim of this Journal is to provide an opportunity for preliminary publication of material that is in progress, or likely to be developed further in the future. Contributors will primarily be members of staff of Northumbria University School of the Built and Natural Environment and its partner organisations. Articles are welcome in any discipline (or interdisciplinary fields) relating to the Built and Natural Environment. Enquiries should be made to [email protected]. A template of the format will be provided on request. Copyright It is the responsibility of the author to obtain any permission necessary to reproduce or quote from published work and suitable acknowledgement should always be made. Yearly subscription rates (2 issues) Organisational rate: £80 Individual rate: £50 Subscription enquiries should be made to [email protected] © University of Northumbria at Newcastle 2011 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission, except for fair dealing under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or in accordance with the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency in respect of photocopying and/or reprographic reproduction. Application for permission for other use of copyright material including permission to reproduce extracts in other published works shall be made to the publishers. Full acknowledgement of author, publisher and source must be given. Printed on ISO14001 certified paper made from Elemental Chlorine Free pulp. 322253J/07/12 Contents Editorial................................................................................................... 151 Spatial planning in the age of Globalization ............................................ 153 Peter J Taylor Combining conservation and community development: An example from Málaga, Spain.......................................................................................... 169 Michael Barke Community energy solutions: Involving residents in developing low-carbon urban neighbourhoods............................................................................. 179 Gill Davidson, Kate Theobald and Sara Walker The scalar politics of economic planning.................................................. 192 Lee Pugalis and Alan R. Townsend Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process................................................................................. 208 Ayman Ahmed Ezzat Othman Oolitic limestone and marine sandstone gravel aggregate, early life concrete and aggregate freeze/thaw test for durability............................................ 230 Alan. E. Richardson, Kawin Hemapanpairo, Thotsaphorn Sae-Tae, Nipat Puthipad The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design...................... 238 Jason Braithwaite and Paula Bleanch The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change.......................................................... 254 Laura Robson and Michelle Littlemore1 Uptake of bim and ipd within the uk aec industry: the evolving role of the architectural technologist......................................................................... 275 Peter James Morton and Emine Mine Thompson Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 149 Editorial Welcome to another eclectic mix of research papers relating to the Built and Natural Environment. Scanning through all the issues since 2008 in order to write my final editorial, made me realize that with an expanding number of authors and reviewers the journal has left its infancy. Under the inaugural editorship of Dr. Udechukwu Ojiako, this working papers series made it possible for so many colleagues to share their work in a mutually supportive environment. The aim of the Journal, as was outlined by the Dean of the School, Stephen Hodgson in his foreword for the first issue, was to showcase some of the research and writing that is going on in and around the School, and to nurture it in an environment that is constructively critical, yet supportive for those who have not published before. It has enabled, not just authors, but also those who aspire to academic refereeing and editorial work, to gain experience in these areas. I took over the editorship three years ago and have edited five issues –one as a guest editor. During this period the editorial team has gained two associate editors, Gill Davidson and Dr. Paul Greenhalgh whom I enjoyed working with and learnt a lot from. It is our belief that this group work has been successful. Over the years we have had editorial assistance from Elaine Ryder, Andrew Pearce, and Jem Pendlington, which has been vital for the success and continuity of the Journal. We believe that robust editorial assistance will make the journal even stronger. I firmly believe that we have achieved the initial aims of the journal. Since 2008 there have been several structural changes at different levels in the University, in the School and in the overall academic environment, and the focus of the School journal has managed to adapt itself to these changes, with the modifications to its name in 2009 and 2010; I believe we have now established a brand that does what it says what on the cover. By providing open online access, the School journal followed the change in the publication ethos of many other journals and now gives open access to everybody via its website. With guidance from Professor David Greenwood, the journal published its first Special Issue in 2011 publishing selected papers from an international conference. It can be said that this issue has an overall “technology” theme across most of the papers and starts with a paper from Professor Peter Taylor titled “Spatial Planning in the Age of Globalisation” where Prof. Taylor shares his views on how the public sector requires to catch up with the data needs of the current complex cities by monitoring dynamic knowledge. The second paper is by Dr. Mike Barke titled “Combining Conservation and Community Development: an Example from Málaga, Spain”. In this paper Dr. Barke showcases the study of the impact of changing architectural conservation policy in Andalucía, southern Spain. Gill Davidson, Dr. Kate Theobald and Dr. Sara Walker reveal the finding of a pilot study on Low-Carbon Neighbourhoods in their paper entitled “Community energy solutions: involving residents in developing low-carbon urban neighbourhoods”. “The scalar politics of economic planning” paper, by Lee Pugalis and Alan R. Townsend, is based on national monitoring of policy shifts and draws upon participatory observation as an instrument to enrich more formal policy narratives. In the following paper, Justin Ee, Dr. Udechukwu Ojiako, Prof. David Wainwright and Prof. David Greenwood investigate technology acceptance with regards to mobile communications tools in the Construction industry entitled “Mobile Communications use and adoption in the construction industry: An exploratory study”. Dr. Ayman Otham’s paper “Constructability for Reducing Construction Waste Continued overleaf Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 151 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 and Improving Building Performance” aims to investigate the integration of construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process as an approach for improving building performance. The following papers belong to a series of student work. The first one of these is “Freeze/ Thaw Test on Oolitic Limestone Aggregate/Sub Base” by Dr. Alan. E. Richardson, Kawin Hemapanpairo, Thotsaphorn Sae-Tae, Nipat Puthipad, investigating the freeze/thaw resistance of Oolitic limestone itself and when used as a coarse aggregate in concrete. The students, Kawin Hemapanpairo, Thotsaphorn Sae-Tae, Nipat Puthipad came here to Northumbria University from Thammasat University, Rangsit, in Thailand to carry out a lab based research project and following this project, further consultancy work was carried out by the Northumbria Lab staff to determine the suitability of Oolite when used in construction. The following papers are the outcome of undergraduate student dissertations. All the students who achieved to convert their dissertations were also acclaimed awards for their studies here in Northumbria University. The paper entitled “The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design” by Jason Braithwaite and Paula Bleanch investigates the architectural technology discipline, in relation to integrated design, touching upon changing roles and responsibilities in the Construction Industry. Laura Robson and Michelle Littlemore focus on Building Information Modelling and resistance to change in their paper entitled “The Transition from CAD to BIM within Architectural Practices: Resistance To Change”. Finally Peter J. Morton and Dr. Emine Mine Thompson seek to identify the benefits of using Building Information Modelling enabled Integrated Project Delivery, and further identifying what effect this will have on the future roles of the Architectural Technologist (AT) in their paper entitled “Uptake Of BIM and IPD Within The UK AEC Industry: The Evolving Role of The Architectural Technologist”. The next issue of the journal is another Special Issue focusing on Architecture and I am pleased to confirm that it is looking very promising. Gill Davidson has already started to work on this issue and I am sure many of you will help Gill in this endeavour by providing the papers and/or the reviews. Special thanks go to Professor David Greenwood for his continued help and support for the Journal. Many thanks for the opportunity and it is time for somebody else to carry the flag and dip into the publication world. I shall be watching this journal continue to grow with pride. Dr. Emine Mine Thompson December 2011. 152 Key Note: Spatial planning in the age of Globalization Peter J Taylor1 ABSTRACT Globalization exacerbates the tensions between geography and planning as reflected in contemporary strategic spatial planning. The first question for any planning exercise is to decide what can be planned and what cannot. Using the economic work of Jane Jacobs on the complexity of cities, it is argued that cities cannot be planned. This is described both generically and specifically for contemporary globalization. Thus the tasks of spatial planning are enabling through infrastructure insertions and, above all, detailed, continuous monitoring to nurture the ecology of the city as job supplier and wealth creator. Keywords : city networks, complexity, globalization, Jane Jacobs, spatial planning Planners today need not a close-up lens or a wide-angle lens but a wide-angle zoom lens. They need to be able to see the big picture as well as the parts close up; and even if they are not trained to design the parts themselves, they need to know how all those parts fit together. (Campanella 2011, 151) INTRODUCTION The advent of economic globalization has encouraged a rethinking of geographical scales in public policy and this is most explicitly expressed in the invention of a new ‘spatial planning’. Such planning aspires to recognise large-scale spatial structures, typically trans-jurisdictional, that are more attuned to contemporary policy needs. Drawing on Gottmann’s (1961) ‘megalopolis’ and Doxiadis’ (1967) ‘ecumenopolis’ defining multiple city regions, such geographical strategic initiatives have more recently been codified by the European Commission in their ‘Economic Spatial Development Perspective’ (ESDP) (Faludi 2002a). The European Union remains the leading institution employing spatial planning (Faludi 2002b), although similar ideas can be found in Pacific Asia (Choe 1998), and it is currently being promoted in the USA by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Regional Plan Association of New York (Carbonell et al 2008). Although very functional in nature, the resulting spatial representations are 1 School of Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 153 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 intrinsically simple, which is a serious limitation. There has always been a tension between geography’s concern for spatial detail (place) and the sparse strategic mappings of planners, and it is the thesis of this paper that the tension has become accentuated in the age of globalization. Contemporary spatial planning is faced with the rise of complex city networks of global dimensions that no simple ‘up-scaling’ of policy can deal with adequately. Reading Jane Jacobs as an urban and economic geographer (Lawrence 2011, 16, 19), her assault on modernist city planning in the classic ‘The Death and Life of Great American Cities’ (Jacobs 1961), and the debates it engendered, can be interpreted as the most influential episode of the perennial geographyplanning tension. Championing people and neighbourhoods against cars and bulldozers she is generally considered to have precipitated a paradigm- shift in city planning (Page and Mennel 2011). I regard today’s geography-planning tension to be as serious as the one she revealed half a century ago. To explicate this latest tension I use her later works on economics (Jacobs 1969, 1984, 2000) that continue concern for cities and locates them at the centre of economic development. She treats cities as the basic entities through which economies expand; they are special settlements and their ‘differentia specifica’ is inherent complexity. This harks back to the famous last chapter of Death and Life on ‘The kind of problem a city is’ (Jacobs 1960, 442) for which she has been identified as one of the key pioneers in bringing complexity theory into social analysis (Allen 1997, 2005). It is the complexity of cities in globalization that faces the practice of spatial planning today. I start from the position that the first question for planners in any context should be: what can be planned and what cannot be planned? In the case of spatial planning I put cities into the latter category. A DOUBLE DOSE OF COMPLEXITY: HOW DO WE MAKE SENSE OF CONTEMPORARY ‘HYPER-COMPLEXITY’? Of course, I am by no means the first to indicate that the complexity of cities fits uneasily with conventional ideas on urban planning. For instance, one of Jacobs’ followers in urban economics has recently written the following critique. ‘Planning implies rationality and the efficient choice of means to a consciously chosen end. But as the scale of the planner’s ambition grows from a single building to districts to entire cities, rationality and efficiency transform from useful benchmarks for decision making into weapons of mass destruction. Any attempt to impose a particular vision of rationality on urban life, whether inspired by the car and Euclidean geometry or the pedestrian and the ethos of early twentieth century New England, will confront this problem. That is why architects tend to make bad urban planners.’ (Ikeda 2010, 24) My position mirrors this argument except that I do not particularly target architects. And this generic city complexity has been recently compounded and enhanced by contemporary globalization with its myriad of transnational relations that nobody can ignore, including planners from whatever ilk. How planners are responding to complexity and globalization Of course, writers on planning issues have responded to this situation. A leading scholar on ‘planning theory’, Patsy Healy, sums up the situation admirably: ‘the “places” of cities and urban areas cannot be understood as integrated unities with a singular driving dynamic, contained within clearly defined spatial boundaries. They are instead complex constructions created by the interaction of actors in multiple networks who invest in material projects and who give meaning to qualities of places. These webs of relations escape analytical attempts to “bound them”.’ (Healy 2007, 2) 154 Keynote: Spatial planning in the age of Globalization This is what I mean by a double dose of complexity confronting planners today: not only are cities generically complex but also they are now enmeshed within increasing complex globalization processes. Thus she concludes ‘It is widely recognised that the development of urban areas, understood in socio-economic and environmental terms, cannot be “planned” by government action in a linear way, from intention to plan, to action, to outcome as planned.’ (Healy 2007, 3) So where do we go from here? Newman and Thornley (2005) in their text ‘Planning World Cities’ have attempted to answer this question. However they approach the situation inductively by describing how planners in major cities across the world are responding to globalization and its supposed enhancement of city competition. The upshot is less than four pages devoted to ‘Creative planning in a complex world’ (pp. 273-77) only at the very end on the book. Here the complexity of economic globalization is recognised and planning is seen to cope with it quite well: ‘Strategic plans interpret global forces, and can act as vehicles to manage different spatial responses to globalization and promote particular visions of a city’s global role.’ (Newman and Thornley 2005, 276) Thus they are able to conclude their book with a statement that appears to contradict Healy above: ‘It would seem that the idea of the plan could become increasingly important in the future both for the role it might play in global intercity competition and for its potential in extracting the greatest benefits for local citizens.’ (Newman and Thornley 2005, 277) But actually Healy (2007) turns out to offer arguments not so dissimilar to Newman and Thornley: after her insightful introduction, she adopts a similar inductive approach focusing on case studies of planning processes in economically successful cities such as Cambridge city-region. The message is that planning has to change to accommodate globalization but its practice is adaptable and amenable to the task. I think this response to the double dose of complexity is far too optimistic. Nigel Thrift (1999) has famously referred to contemporary globalization as a blizzard, myriad upon myriad of flows encompassing information, commodities and people. It is the sheer magnitude of this ‘global spaces of flows’ that is so daunting; it reflects a degree of social complexity that is hard to contemplate let alone understand. One role of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network has been to try and make sense of this through measuring inter-city business relations. In Figure 1 inter-city linkages for 175 firms across the leading 50 world cities are depicted precisely to show this complexity: an immensely complicated picture results for even such a very small part of all globalization flows. Respecting this complexity, my starting point encompasses two initial related positions. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 155 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Figure 1 Inter-city Business Relations of the Leading 50 cities in 2008 Urban and regional planning in conditions of complex globalization Whatever field of work we are operating in, dealing with a social blizzard is challenging. But it is especially so for spatial planners with their responsibility for ordering bounded places. This traditional concern for place appears at odds with complex globalization. Whereas new ‘network economic players’ such as in the media, finance, logistics and information industries, are making spaces of flows in their routine work practices, in the public sector work remains largely wedded to acting within fixed boundaries. The fact that the local and the global are intimately related has led to coining the term ‘glocalization’ but it is by no means clear how this concept can be harnessed by place-based policymakers. To be sure it recognises that we should not think of globalization as being ‘out there’ beyond the boundary, but there still remains an ‘inside’ and an ‘outside’ in terms of where responsibility, power and concern is directed. Such a topological frame is the very obverse of complex globalization; blizzards are no respecters of boundaries! The key point goes beyond the spatiality of complexity: the complexity itself is a product of private actors and this must be fully appreciated in public spatial policymaking. Finding the relevant meaningful level of simplification But we cannot just throw our arms in the air and bewail the complexity. All contemporary citizens’ lives are constructed through spaces of flows and it is a betrayal of our innate humanity to give up and accept our lot. If the fates of the places where we live are in the many hidden hands of globalization it will be because we have not challenged such a situation. In order to be subjects in globalization rather than objects of globalization we must respect the complexity confronting us while simultaneously searching out our manoeuvrability within it. This means building 156 Keynote: Spatial planning in the age of Globalization a framework of simplification that maintains the critical character of complex globalization but which can be a feasible basis for action. The key question is what degree of simplification can be relevant to place-based policymaking while remaining meaningful in terms of the global spaces of flows? The trick is to focus on process – which brings cities to centre stage – and then translate back to places as dynamic outcomes of process. The key point is that before the specifics of any city policy is considered, there has to be generic understanding of what is going on. GENERICS: HOW DO CITIES WORK? Both Jane Jacobs (1969) and Manual Castells (1996), at different times, and with differing theoretical perspectives, insist that cities are best understood as process. This is not to demean traditional understanding as places, but it does assert that to comprehend how cities work, they have to be understood first as process. Personally, I have found this insight the major stimulus to my work in urban studies. ‘Cities as process’ means focussing on an ordered pattern of mechanisms that encapsulate the main features of what it is to be a city. From among the myriad city mechanisms I follow Jacobs and privilege the expansion of economic life that occurs in and through cities. Figure 2 illustrates my interpretation of Jacobs as a relevant and meaningful simplification of complexity as represented by cities. This is a generic treatment of ‘city-ness’ that will ultimately serve to make sense of the specificity that is contemporary cities in globalization Cities as concentrations of work: both old and new In this interpretation cities are considered to be first and foremost concentrations of work – the initial question to be asked of any city is what work is done here? Other important elements like architecture or culture are deemed to derive from this materialist stance. According to Jacobs (1969) city work divides into two types. ‘Old work’ is continuing production of work that has been carried on for some time. “New work’ is production taken in new directions. These definitions are all very obvious but the implications of the division are vital. A city economy grows through additional work; if this is more old work the city’s division of labour stays the same; if there is new work the city’s division of labour becomes more complex. It is this increasing complexity that marks out a city: Jacobs defines a city as a process where new work increases economic complexity (which she calls the expansion of economic life to distinguish it from simple economic growth). It is this process that Figure 2 attempts to capture as different formations within the process that is ‘city-ness’. City clusters formation The formation of city clusters of work is the centralizing mechanism in the process we call city-ness (Figure 2). There has been a large literature developed on this mechanism in which two different emphases can be found. The question is whether the importance of clusters is due to like-firms being located together or whether it is the propinquity of many firms from different economic sectors that sparks economic expansion. Edward Glaeser and his colleagues (1992) have shown the latter to be the case, which it is why we call the process city-ness. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 157 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Figure 2 A Generic Model of City-ness Cities are knowledge-rich milieu with associated divisions of talented labour that provide the raw materials for creating new work via innovation and imitation. This is where cities get their reputation as the dynamos of economic development able to lead their regions into relative prosperity. This key aspect of city-ness is described by Fujita and Thisse (2002). City network formation But no city is an island, in the past or today. The dynamism of cities depends also on their relations with other cities producing flows of knowledge, commodities and people that give cities their cosmopolitan nature. Thus the formation of city networks is the expansive mechanism in city-ness (Figure 2). The knowledge-rich milieu that are cities is equally the product of a city’s connectivity, within city networks, as its economic clusters: all dynamic cities are cosmopolitan. Therefore in this argument the external relations of cities are weighted equally with their internal relations. This is a position originally emphasized in GaWC research, which we now consider to be generic (Taylor et al 2010b). The corollary of this is that cities are inherently cooperative – the mutuality of networks – with city competition being a contingent relation (depending on time and place). This key aspect of city-ness is described by Taylor (2004) and illustrated in Taylor et al (2010a) City-region formation This mutuality extends to a city’s immediate region where a city-regional economy is created. Jacobs (1984) uses this scale to introduce the power of cities to mould their surroundings to their needs. She identifies five ‘great forces’ that derive from dynamic city economies: (i) enlarged city markets (size and variety); (ii) more and varied jobs (new work); (iii) increased transplants of city work (old work); (iv) new uses of technology; and (v) growth of city capital. In the city-region the five forces act together to create balanced growth: markets stimulate new food 158 Keynote: Spatial planning in the age of Globalization production; technology, while creating new divisions of labour at the centre, leads to out-sourcing (old work) in the region as transplanted work; and all of this provides opportunities for city capital. The key point is that the forces reinforce one another in a positive manner to develop a viable regional economy integrated with the core city economy (Figure 1). This increasingly important aspect of city-ness as megacity regions is described in Hall and Pain (2006). World-supply regional formation Beyond city-regional economies, the five great forces act singly and therefore negatively to generate a city’s world-supply regions (Jacobs 1984). Because the economic forces do not reinforce each other, they create simple regional economies at the mercy of distant and complex city economic process. This is what Gunder Frank (1969) famously called the ‘development of underdevelopment’, a metropole-satellite system that has created a core-periphery structured world-economy. Jacobs (1984) extends Frank’s model to five distinctive mechanisms producing world-supply regions for (i) primary goods (agricultural and raw materials) on market demand; (ii) secondary and tertiary goods (manufacturing, routine information) via transplants (including outsourcing); (iii) providing labour via the ‘pull’ of city jobs (labour sheds); (iv) providing labour via push factors consequent on technology (population clearances); and (v) generating large-scale projects as ways of absorbing surplus capital (e.g. building dams). In all cases vulnerable, dependent regions are created with simple economies that Jacobs calls ‘economic grotesques’ (Figure 2). This directly feeds into world-systems critiques of development theory and practice as developed by Wallerstein (1991) and illustrated in Taylor (2006). Specialist supply formation Jacobs (1969, 1984) does not just identify simple economies in the exploited supply regions of the world, she notes their occurrence nearer to home. These are places that specialize in one or a few products that make them economically vulnerable relative to more complex cities. As such they fail to grow and are especially prone to catastrophic decline. She gives several examples of such ‘deindustrialization’ but contemporary Detroit would seem be the greatest example of all time. But there are also urban places that are highly specialised but rather more resilient for functional and institutional reasons. Unlike world supply regions they have a mutual relation with complex cities whilst still being dependent on them for their economic wellbeing. Five examples are included in Figure 1. The obvious example is urban places that specialize in logistics: hubs for the spaces of flows that are essential to all cities. Seaports and railway towns are the common examples of settlements that have not grown their economies beyond warehousing and infrastructure maintenance to become complex cities. In contemporary globalization many such places are being integrated into mega-city regions. University towns are a second category: their perennial ‘town-gown conflicts’ reflect the domination of the higher education institution at the expense of all other work. They supply knowledge to more complex cities in the form by training professional and scientific labour. Officially in Europe all places with cathedrals are ‘cities’ and some of these can be very small. They supply spiritual services to more complex cities. Their lack of growth (another ‘town-gown conflict’) is similar to the university situation. There are also towns that specialise in politics: capital cities that are small compared to the other cities they rule. This is common in US states where ten state capitals have less than 100,000 population but it is also found in sovereign state capitals as compromises between competing cities to supply ‘neutral’ political services. Finally I include centres for leisure/entertainment activities from eighteenth century spas to nineteenth century seaside resorts to today’s heritage places and gambling centres. Susceptible to changing fashions, nevertheless these ‘one-trick towns’ do flourish over generations through supply of social fun. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 159 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Of course, there are many examples of cities breaking out of these specializations but many mutual specialist urban places remain. They have specific planning needs separate from complex cities and I do not consider them further here. My contention is that Figure 2 represents a minimum of city understanding; a level of simplification that respects the complexity while providing a basis for urban and regional policy making. SPECIFICS: CITIES IN GLOBALIZATION In this section I apply these generic insights on how cities work to the specific case of cities in globalization. The process that is contemporary cities will adhere to the previous relations in particular ways. Thus I interpret the large literature that has accumulated on world and global cities in Jacobs’ terms. Given the new scale of operation, the one thing we might confidently expect would be an accentuation of the importance of the external relations of cities. The network mechanism has been a focus of GaWC work (Taylor 2004), (Table 1), but it is important to appreciate that this still operates within the overall Jacobs model of dynamic cities. It remains one of four key elements of cities as process and will be treated as such in what follows. Globalization as network society: spaces of flows Since Castells (1996) adheres to Jacobs’ notion of cities as process it is with his work on globalization that we begin. He provides the basic spatial framework for understanding contemporary globalization through his designation of network society superseding industrial society. In this new informational world the production of space has been revolutionalized. Whereas industrial society was created through spaces of places, notably the international mosaic that is the world political map, network society is constituted as spaces of flows, as exemplified by global financial markets. The contemporary dominance of spaces of flows is the result of the combining of the computer and communication industries in the 1970s. This provided the means for replacing the need for contiguity in social relations through simultaneous communication at a distance. This did not herald the end of the importance of face-to-face meetings but it did enable new expansive levels of control in the economic organization of production. In this way international spaces of places were challenged by transnational spaces of flows. City cluster formation This dispersion of production required a centralization of organization (Sassen 1994) which Friedmann (1986) termed command and control centres. This was a new knowledge industry that organized the new global division of labour. This new world city power is indicated in Table 1 in terms of ranking the top 20 global business centres in 2008. One key feature that Sassen (1991) particularly emphasized was the importance of advanced producer services in contemporary globalization. The command and control in what she termed new ‘global cities’ relied upon financial, professional and creative services to augment their headquarter functions. Services such as inter-jurisdictional law projects and global advertising concept projects helped globalizing firms negotiate globalization. Cities became both markets for these customised services as well as their production centres. This was a classic case of new work creating economic expansion through dynamic cities. City network formation The advanced producer service firms not only expanded in their home cities in the 1980s and 1990s, they also expanded externally through the development of large office networks to service their worldwide 160 Keynote: Spatial planning in the age of Globalization clients. In this way their routine work practices create a world city network: it is the service firms who are the network makers interlocking cities through their work (Taylor 2001, 2004). The measurement of the world city network has been a key contribution of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network (www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc) to understanding network society. It has helped put mutuality between cities back on the research agenda in a literature dominated by city competition. But these service firms are not the only world city makers: for instance, the media industry has also created much new work through globalization. In Table 2 media firms are combined with advanced producer service firms to create a ranking of the network power of cities in 2008. Table 1 City Place Power: the Top 20 Cities, 2008 RankCity 1Tokyo 2 New York CPP 100,00 82,44 3London 81,50 4Paris 69,20 5Chicago 33,90 6Houston 33,42 31,33 7 Los Angeles 8Washington 29,04 9Madrid 27,18 10Toronto 26,70 11Seoul 25,51 12Dallas 24,08 13Atlanta 23,21 14Beijing 22,76 15 21,46 16Stockholm 21,17 17 20,74 18Osaka 20,29 19Sydney 18,27 20Boston 18,26 San Jose (CA) San Francisco Source: Taylor et al (2010b) Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 161 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Table 2 City Network Power: the top 20 Cities, 2008 RankCity 1 New York 2London 3 Hong Kong CNP 100,00 95,55 81,37 4Paris 75,46 5Tokyo 73,51 6Singapore 72,45 7Shanghai 68,16 8Beijing 66,40 9Milan 65,97 10Sydney 65,33 11Madrid 63,37 12Seoul 62,98 13Moscow 59,88 14Toronto 59,06 15Mumbai 56,38 16 17Brussels 55,74 18Chicago 54,13 19 20Bangkok Taipei city Kuala Lumpur 55,87 53,17 52,72 Source: Taylor et al (2010b) City-region formation One prominent feature of the world city literature has been a return of interest in city regions (Scott 2000). In particular, multi-nodal mega-city regions have become a well-researched topic; the Pearl River Delta urban region, including both Hong Kong and Guangzhou, has become the archetype of such megacity regions (Castells 1996). GaWC contributed to this research initially via Peter Hall’s POLYNET project that compared eight major city regions in North West Europe (Hall and Pain 2006). Using methodologies developed for city network measurement, this research identified two types of multi-nodal, mega-city region: (i) connected dynamic nodes within an otherwise non-expansionary region and (ii) diffusion of city dynamism out from the main centre across the region. The latter pertains to a Jacobs’ mechanism of positive city effects and was found to be strong in the London and Paris city-regions (Table 3). This tendency for the mechanism to be associated with the more important cities has been confirmed by new studies of Germany and UK cities. In the former, Jacobs’ mechanisms were found in Munich, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart but not in the other 17 German city regions (Table 4). In the UK, contrasting the London city-region with Manchester city-region (Taylor et al 2009), the differences are stark (Table 5). 162 Keynote: Spatial planning in the age of Globalization Table 3North West Europe: Polycentricity for Different Geographical Scales by Mega City-Region MEGA CITY-REGION gradient Regional National EuropeanGlobal Scale Scale ScaleScale Scaledecline RhineRuhr 0.87 0.750.39 0.36-0.189 The Randstad 0.63 0.690.36 0.36-0.114 Central Belgium 0.56 0.560.20 0.19-0.147 Northern Switzerland 0.50 0.390.17 0.17-0.121 Paris Region 0.47 0.380.25 0.27-0.073 Greater Dublin 0.44 0.210.03 0.02-0.144 Rhine Main 0.43 0.150.07 0.06-0.119 South East England 0.41 0.41 0.27 0.24 -0.065 Source: Hall and Pain (2006) (Note: figures measure polycentricity at four different scales; the last column measures the decline in polycentricity with increased scale showing the distinctiveness of the Paris and London regions). Table 4 Relative changes in service connectivity, 2002-2009: German metropolitan city hinterlands Metropolitan regions with strong hinterland growth Metropolitan regions with moderate hinterland growth Metropolitan regions with weak hinterland growth Dusseldorf Cologne Aachen Munich Hamburg Berlin Rhine-Main Hannover Bielefeld Stuttgart Leipzig Bremen Nuremberg Chemnitz Wuppertal Dresden Karlsruhre Rhine-Neckar Ruhr SaarBrucken Source: from the doctoral research of Anna Growe Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 163 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Table 5 Comparing London and Manchester City-regions London City-Region Manchester City-Region City/town UK conn. City/town UK conn. London 1.00 Manchester 0.71 Reading 0.30 Leeds 0.66 Southampton 0.26 Liverpool 0.30 Cambridge 0.26 Sheffield 0.18 Milton Keynes 0.21 Warrington 0.06 Crawley-Gatwick 0.17 Preston 0.06 St Albans 0.15 Chester 0.05 Brighton 0.12 Guilford 0.11 Oxford 0.10 Bournemouth 0.10 Swindon 0.10 Maidstone 0.09 Slough 0.09 Basingstoke 0.09 Bedford 0.08 High Wickham 0.07 Portsmouth 0.07 Luton 0.07 Chelmsford 0.07 Bury St Edmonds 0.06 Epsom 0.06 Tunbridge Wells 0.06 Fareham 0.05 Source: Taylor et al (2009) (Note: UK conn refers to UK-scale network connectivities based upon advanced producer firms. All places with connectivities above 0.05 are included. In the Manchester region the following places are thus excluded: Blackburn, Bradford, Bolton, Huddersfield, Wigan and York) World-supply regional formation All five forces emanating from dynamic cities are found in contemporary globalization: (i) primary supply regions still suffer the ‘curse of resources’ throughout inter-tropical Africa and in tropical rain forests of Latin America and Asia; (ii) secondary and tertiary supply regions are to be found in Latin America and Asia as sweatshops and as outsourced services; (iii) the pull of dynamic cities creates immigration politics in the ‘global north’ centred on labour and housing; (iv) the de-peasantization of the rural world continues apace feeding massive ‘mega-cities’ in the ‘global south’; and (v) non-urban large projects continue to be seen as development tools while feeding city capital. 164 Keynote: Spatial planning in the age of Globalization The obvious question arises as to how to break free from this pernicious set of mechanisms. Amin (1990) has famously promoted ‘delinking’ but this has the potential of cutting off these regions from the possibility of city-based economic expansion. Jacobs (1984) argues that ‘backward cities need one another’ implying breaking the pernicious links and replacing them with new city mutualities. It would seem that this is only possible for cities within a single large state: contemporary China is the archetypal example. IMPLICATIONS FOR SPATIAL PLANNING The tension between planning and geography has never been so critical. The nub of my argument, the goal towards which all the previous material has been leading, is that if we accept the inherent complexity of cities in globalization and agree that a Jacobs’ style simplification is relevant and meaningful, then what does this mean for spatial planning? My argument particularly pertains to the more ambitious end of the planning process where a holistic approach to cities is aspired to. Such modernist visions were the targets of Jane Jacobs, and could lead to disastrous policies as she and her followers have been stressing since 1960. Of course, most planning is not so high-minded and deals with problems in a sectoral manner. What complexity means in this context is to be aware that all interventions will likely have unexpected consequences. Thus a housing policy may have its intended positive effect in terms of improved dwellings but at the same time might stymie important micro-economic processes, as Jacobs famously illustrated. Such problems may be reasonably dealt with using ordinary foresight and common sense once the complex nature of the city is understood. This might be the ‘creative planning’ that, as previously noted, Newman and Thornley (2005) have called for. But there still remains the fact that the key agents of change in cities are private sector firms; they are the makers of city-ness as both positive and negative effects in terms of economic change. It is this that implies traditional place-based planning has little future in complex city-centred globalization. In this final section I highlight two ways in which public policy has a role to play, one traditional (sectoral) and commonplace, the other somewhat rarer and, I will argue, particularly necessary. Enabling through complexity: infrastructure and logistics Complexity is all about unexpected consequences that stymie simple planning. There was a time when ‘urban systems’ thinking was thought to be sufficient through its feedback loops but this was always a very limited and constrained way to model the external relations of cities. However, there was one set of results that did seem to be predictable: every time a traffic problem was ‘solved’ by building a new road, the latter soon got clogged up just like the old road it was planned to relieve. A common reaction to this predicament was to argue against new roads since they did not solve the problem. A second, more subtle, interpretation is that what such findings reveal are a pent up demand for new infrastructure that is impeding economic expansion. The latter position melds with the general point that the dynamism of cities is dependent upon its infrastructural and logistic advantages (e.g. Capello 2000). This is supported by Jacobs (1984) when she argues that a historical sign for a dynamic city is always a rise in contemporary complaints about the limitations of infrastructure: economic expansion is being held back. Large-scale infrastructure requires public intervention and this lags behind private needs: as soon as a city has its explosive growth based upon existing logistics it is ready for infrastructural renewal. In a complex world it would seem that here is a key role for public policy making but, given long lead-in times, how do you identify necessary intervention early enough so as to not to impede economic expansion? There are plenty of transport white elephants resulting from political lobbying to suggest that getting this right is not easy. Since dynamic city growth cannot be predicted, future demand for new infra-structure cannot be known. Therefore this is not a situation for devising a plan to guide public investment. Rather, multiple Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 165 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 preparedness would seem to be what is required. In other words, many options for additional infrastructural projects should be available and regularly updated so as to be ready if and when the time arrives for their implementation. The creative element comes with treating demand as a spatial variable so that low demand is considered alongside high demand in directing public policy. The necessity for monitoring in informational society And so we return to the question for planners stated in the Introduction: before they embark on their work, planners should ask ‘what can be planned and what cannot be planned?’ Perhaps this can be simplified to drawing a line, albeit a very fuzzy and somewhat subjective one. But there are some entities far beyond the line that they are unequivocally ‘unplannable’. Cities, I have argued, are such a case. So how can urban policy be developed that treats cities (and their regions and networks) as a whole? I suggest city planners need to become something akin to city ecologists. (Note that this is not to hark back to early twentieth century ‘urban ecology’, rather it derives from Jacobs (2000).) Nobody suggests to environmental ecologists that they ‘plan’ ecological areas and niches but there are active policies of nurturing, enabling and even protecting. And this all depends on knowledge of the complexity of ecologies: how they work and how they are changing. This is how I see city policymaking evolving. And, as in all ecological policy, monitoring change is the minimal starting point. In a rapidly changing complex world there is a fundamental need for intensive monitoring of city work. This needs to be on as continuous a basis as possible: the time for relying on ten-yearly national census results plus some local updating is long past. If city officials and planners are to seriously contribute to the economic wellbeing of their cities and their regions they have to begin thinking of their data needs in a completely new way. We are told we live in a dynamic knowledge world, this is certainly true of the private sector and the public sector needs to catch up. Where there is complexity, monitoring is the key to action not wishful planning. So what might city and regional monitoring look like? It focuses on work, on spaces of flows, on all changes that are occurring in a city-region economy at a given time. This will include changes in labour, new sources for commodity chains, new services for production; that is everything that is making the city what it is as a viable economic unit. The public-private initiative we really need is in current information and data production, In this way there can be ‘findings’ that are ‘under the radar’ of conventional urban data, minor changes with potential to be important and acted upon – perhaps facilitated by new infrastructure. We live in unprecedented times and therefore we need unprecedented knowledge of cities, based upon more information than has ever been attempted before. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Versions of this paper have been presented at The 4th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference (Shanghai, June 19-21, 2010) organized by the International Association for China Planning (IACP) and Tongji University, China, and at a Public Lecture in the context of the Belgium EU Presidency (October 7, 2010) jointly organized by the Flemish Department of Spatial Planning, Housing Policy and Immovable Heritage, the VRP Flemish Association for Spatial Planners/Designers, and the Club of Rome (EU Chapter). I acknowledge the comments of the audiences in developing the paper. Parts of the data and analysis are courtesy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Department of Geography, University of Ghent, and were made possible by a research project grant from the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) 166 Keynote: Spatial planning in the age of Globalization REFERENCES Allen, M. (ed.) (1997). Ideas that Matter. The Worlds of Jane Jacobs. 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An historical but rapidly disappearing Andalucían residential building type – the corral or corralón – is identified and its traditional features described. This residential type continues to play a particularly significant role in housing the elderly. The measures taken by various departments of the Málaga city local authority to not only conserve examples of this distinctive architectural type but also to link this to community development through various measures of enhancement of community cohesion are examined and assessed. Keywords: Corralón, community development, conservation, elderly, typological form. INTRODUCTION A recent review of United States and Spanish housing policy in relation to elderly people concluded rather patronisingly that “..lessons from the American experience..can expand housing policies in Spain. “ (Jiménez and Koebel, 2007). It is the contention of this paper that the reverse is equally true, particularly in relation to the role of community in ‘successful’ ageing. The role of the built environment in helping to support or even shape communities and their effective functioning is well recognised in the literature, albeit in a contested fashion (Lozano 1990; Cuba and Hummon 1993; Talen 1999). This short paper reports on a preliminary investigation of a municipal scheme by the city of Málaga to combine the conservation of a historically distinctive typological form of multi-family housing with the enhancement of the community residing there. In the present context, community development refers to a conscious process of change in the relationship between ordinary people (in this case mainly elderly) and people in power, a change in favour of the Department of Geography and Environmental Management, School of the Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, NE1 8ST 1 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 169 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 former in terms of recognition of their values and priorities. This includes the community’s perception of the value of their neighbourhood and its built environment. However, this community enhancement is as much psychological as material and is based on the recognition of the intimate relationship between people and place at the micro-scale and of the role of the emotional dimension in community development (Ayuntamiento de Málaga 2004; Hoggett and Miller 2000). As part of this process, a section of society that was traditionally marginal has been given a voice and the opportunity to demonstrate its cultural norms and expressions. But an integral part of this particular example is that a form of housing provision that was widely believed to have outlived its usefulness, has been renovated and celebrated as representing community cohesion. Although a specific example, and therefore limited in scale, the initiative discussed here is of wider interest in that it represents a significant change in conservation policy that is not just limited to the city of Málaga. Along with many other European countries, for many years conservation policy in Spain was dominated by a ‘monumentalist’ perspective, that is, the focus of policy was concentrated on individual ‘great’ buildings – castles, palaces, convents and, especially, cathedrals (González Pérez, 2007). A somewhat different perspective on urban conservation is one where the emphasis moves on from conventional ‘expert’ value judgements of important architectural elements to a recognition of the wider social and cultural grounding of those elements. In so doing, the range of elements to be considered as ‘important’ is broadened considerably, as is the elitist conception of what is ‘worthy’ (Zanchetti and Jokilehto 1997). A genuinely sustainable approach to conservation can only be achieved and have meaning where it is reinforced by the community’s interest, support and values. This paper is therefore concerned with an illustration of expanding the scope of conventional urban conservation policy away from a concentration on individual structures and their perceived dominant role in representing cultures and societies to one based much more on the recognition of the cultural identity of societies themselves. It is concerned with a philosophical shift from a conservation approach that tends “..to treat townscape as art rather than as a setting for everyday life.” (Hubbard 1993). The concept of area based conservation has been relatively slow to develop in Spain as has the notion that structures other than grand buildings are worthy of conservation. More recently, however, evidence of changes in approach and a broadening of perspective in relation to heritage and its conservation has become apparent (Pickard 2002; González Pérez 2007). An example is the enthusiasm with which regional and local authorities have embraced the declaration of conjuntos histórico-artístico (broadly similar to conservation areas in Britain, a trend that has been described as the emergence of la cultura de la recuperación urbana (Martínez 2001). In addition to this stimulus to area-based conservation, a range of administrative and legal instruments at different scales have emerged (Pol 1998) and there have been some notable successes in the rehabilitation and recovery of historic centres (Pol 1989). Changes in the approach to urban conservation are indicated by the development of techniques such as the recognition of ‘character areas’ or morphological regions within cities (Barke 2003) but the growth of more flexible approaches has also been stimulated by the recognition of important functional changes in the role of city centres themselves (Calle Vaquero and García Hernandez 1998). The essential preliminary tool for conservation policy in Spain is the Plan General de Ordenación Municipal (General Plan for Municipal Development) but within the framework established by this are contained other plans, most importantly for conservation are Planes Especiales (Special Plans)dealing, amongst other things, with measures to protect historic areas (González-Pérez, 2007). Such measures include different levels of protection for areas and individual structures. In the case of Málaga there are four such levels. Proteccción integral refers to buildings with architectural features that must be retained in their entirety due to their unique and monumental character , Proteccción Arquiteconica (Grado 1) concerns buildings of special architectural value that must be totally retained but minor modifications may be made to ensure their continued occupancy , Proteccción Arquiteconica (Grado 2) includes buildings of lesser architectural value in their totality but which contain elements that should be preserved even if renovation takes place, and Proteccción de Conjunto concerns historic districts of the city where special preservation measures 170 Combining conservation and community development: An example from Málaga, Spain operate (Plan General de Ordenacion Urbanistica de Málaga, 2007a). Within the framework of the Plan General de Ordenación Municipal a catalogue of buildings and areas to be so protected must be drawn up (and also for archaeological sites and gardens/green areas of special interest), specifying the detailed characteristics of the buildings and the features that must be retained (Plan General de Ordenacion Urbanistica de Málaga, 2007b). CORRALES IN ANDALUCÍA The following observations are based on extensive fieldwork in the city of Málaga including interviews held with residents in three different examples of the housing type which forms the subject matter of the paper, the Corralón de Santa Sofía and Corralón de la Aurora, both in the Trinidad barrio of the city, and the Corral de Dos Puertas in the Capuchinos district. Interviews took the form of semistructured conversations with groups of (mainly) elderly residents, focussing on their residential history, their feelings about the community and their relationships with the city authorities. Representatives of the city’s Concejalía de Bienestar Social (Department of Social Welfare) and Gerencia Municipal de Urbanismo, Obras e Infraestructuras (Planning Department) were also interviewed at approximately the same time (April, 2010). Interviews with the latter were principally concerned with their strategies towards the three areas in terms of architectural conservation and community development. The housing form under consideration is known in Spanish as a corral, corralón or patio de vecino (neighbourhood yard) (Plate 1) and is claimed to date back as far as the 14th century (Montoto y Raustenstrauch 1981). Their main feature is an open space blocked off at one end to form a patio at the centre of which was usually a water source, either a fountain or a well available for use by all residents. Surrounding the patio, on two or more levels, were small single-storey dwellings (often comprising no more than two rooms). The number of dwellings varied substantially, depending on the dimensions of the plot upon which the corral was built. Typically, the upper storey included a wooden veranda with railings, usually decorated with plants and flowers. Each dwelling normally housed no more than one family but, though families lived separately, a key feature of the corral was the sharing of communal services, such as lavatories and a washing area, normally located on the ground floor. These corrales were particularly associated with households working in trades such as bricklaying, carpentry, blacksmithing, weaving, whitewashing, carting, washing, ironing, dress-making and cobbling. Their residents were essentially working-class (Morales Padrón 1974).The corral itself was often the location for the practice of such activities and neighbours would constitute a significant proportion of the customers. The corral was not only the place of work for many but also the place where a whole range of social and cultural activities took place. These included baptisms and wakes enacted for the dead but also events such as impromptu musical performances. Thus the corral was not just a place to live but a form of housing that demanded close social relations and mutually supportive coexistence with the patio functioning as the geographical and social centre for the community. It has been claimed that the psychology of living within a corral was a unique combination of that of the dwelling itself and a small barrio (neighbourhood) (Morgado Giraldo 1993). Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 171 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Plate 1: Corralón de Santa Sofia, Málaga (author’s photograph) Most corrales in the past had a casera or caretaker (usually female) who represented the owner of the properties (Carloni 1981). The casera would be responsible for the routine opening and shutting of the complex, for collecting rents and for dealing with persistent debtors. The caretaker also resolved disputes between residents and determined the responsibilities for performing tasks within the communal areas, for example cleaning the patio, the street door, preparing the internal patio lights or extracting water for washing clothes or hygienic purposes. She/he also often had the delegated power to admit and expel residents of the corral (Morales Padrón 1974). In the second half of the 20th century many corrales started to disappear (García Gómez 1997). For example, in Seville in 1873 there were well over 200, a figure reduced to 81 by the end of the twentieth century. In Málaga the recorded figure of 120 in the first decade of the twentieth century fell to just over 20 in 2009. The general perception of them as slum areas was the most common rationale for the closure and subsequent clearance of many (Plate 2). Ironically, other corrales have fundamentally changed their character and resident population through processes of gentrification (Salinas 2003). However, in Málaga at least the Ayuntamiento (City Hall) has, through the Concejalía de Bienestar Social (Department of Social Welfare) and councillors representing specific barrios of the city’s historic centre, sought to preserve this material context of a traditional way of life. But equally important as this building conservation policy is the enhanced support for the many positive features which the communal way of life in the corrales has to offer. The city officials interviewed confirmed that physical regeneration has been accompanied by a commitment to retain and foster what is considered to be a positive social model, with the intention of dealing with one of the most significant contemporary social problems, that is, providing appropriate residential accommodation for the elderly. 172 Combining conservation and community development: An example from Málaga, Spain Plate 2: Derelict corral, No. 18, Calzada Trinidad, Málaga (author’s photograph) THE CORRALÓN DE SANTA SOFÍA A specific example concerns the Corralón de Santa Sofía in the Trinidad district of the city, in Calle Montes de Oca (Plate 1). This deteriorating complex of fifty dwellings was acquired and completely renovated by the Ayuntamiento through its Instituto Municipal de Vivienda (Municipal Housing Institute) and subsequently, in 2007, the Ayuntamiento took the unprecedented step of listing the Corralón in its Plan General de Obras y Urbanismo (PGOU) (General Plan of Works and Urban Development) under its section of preserved buildings. As noted earlier, this was somewhat unusual as the type of buildings included in such a Plan was normally restricted to churches, convents, town halls, etc. But before this recognition of architectural distinctiveness, on completion of the renovation the Corralón was made available to some eighty rent-paying senior citizens, many of them previous residents, who now enjoy excellent facilities in homes which, albeit small, include lounge, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Interestingly, the City Hall’s original idea was, in line with the traditional construction of corrales, to provide common areas for all residents, including kitchens, dining rooms and washrooms. However, in a significant act of empowerment of the residents, a consultation process carried out by the Department of Social Welfare established that it was more important to respect the independence of each tenant, but provide support services (meals, cleaning, hygiene etc) for the more frail and needy residents via their network of social workers. The typical profile of one of these residents is: a widowed female of around 70 years old, on a state pension and with restricted mobility (though access is certainly not limited to females). The interviewees were keen to record that their sense of ‘neighbourliness’ had not declined as a result of the Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 173 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 modernisation of the Corralón and noted that, whilst the character of the built environment (Plate 1) remained fundamental to ‘everyday’ social interaction, its modernisation had enhanced their sense of dignity and a range of other development s had served to promote an even greater level of community cohesion. The Corralón now has a gym and a variety of excursions are held each year. Interviewees observed that virtually all the residents participate in these activities and particularly popular are the in situ ceramic classes and painting lessons. Opportunities exist to sell the products of these activities. A doctor visits each week and there are two cleaning women for the communal areas. Therefore, despite the fact that residents live independently in their own homes, and that some of the traditional communal areas have not been reinstated (for example, shared toilets), this does not mean that the old way of life has disappeared altogether. Communal ways of life are more common and probably valued more in Andalucía than in northern Europe. Accordingly, the Ayuntamiento, in the form of the Concejalía de Bienestar Social has recognised the importance of encouraging participation in celebrations and events that historically have been important manifestations of identity but which may be recognised as adding new meaning to a community (Hustedde and King 2002). Support has therefore extended beyond the conventional in situ provision of services for the elderly as described above and has consciously sought to reinforce a sense of identity and cultural worth. A notable example of this is the annual Semana Popular (People’s Week) held in late May or early June, in which not only residents from other corralones in the area but also any other malagueños (residents of the city of Málaga), and even interested tourists are invited to participate (Sur, 2010). In 2011 the Ayuntamiento sponsored the seventh event in the series entitled Semana Popular de los Corralones Trinidad Perchel. This is part of a wider scheme known as the Proyecto de Desarrollo Comunitario (Community Development Plan) for the districts of south Trinidad and north Perchel, sponsored by the City Hall’s Centre for Social Services (Centre District). Over the seven years of its existence, this initiative to add cultural to architectural regeneration has developed strongly and now encompasses a varied diet of activities for all tastes and ages. While sheer enjoyment is obviously a vital aim of this event, the officials interviewed confirmed that the Semana also has significant social and educational aims. As well as the desire to promote social cohesion and community solidarity the intention is also to try and pass on to younger generations a sense of the cultural values embodied in this traditional form of semi-communal living within the corralones. An important element in the Semana, designed to encourage maximum participation by the residents, is the various concursos (competitions). The major one is the Concurso de Engalanamento (Embellishment Competition) for streets, patios and balconies, which in the course of the week are decorated with flowers, plants and other ornamental features (Plate 3). This is in fact a revival of a practice that flourished in the early 20th century up to the Civil War (Mateo Aviles 1995). In 2008 nearly 50 patios were involved in this competition and the total number of participants was 2,600. It should be noted that not all of these were traditional corrales and included patios within modern apartment buildings but several of the elderly residents interviewed in the Corralán de Santa Sofia and Corralón de Aurora noted with delight the adoption of ‘their’ traditions by residents of new residential blocks. Among other competitions organised are photography, traditional cooking and flamenco dancing. The respondents interviewed were all aware of the strategy of the organisers to use these competitions to encourage residents to make permanent improvements to their corralones and enhance their knowledge of their history and cultural richness, but all commented positively on their impact. In addition to a procession through the streets of the area to launch the Semana, a number of major cultural events are held, including performances by local choirs, a flamenco concert, and a Hip-Hop concert. Various types of standing exhibitions are also staged, including, for example, old photographs and plans of the corralones in former times. The locally hand crafted ceramics and paintings are also on sale. Another feature of the celebrations is the various workshops (talleres) organised to give participants hands-on experience in various fields, such as traditional games, mural painting and making puppets. A number of these are specifically geared to children, including the very youngest. Guided walking tours, aimed especially at schoolchildren and interested groups outside Trinidad-Perchel, also play an important part in the week’s programme. 174 Combining conservation and community development: An example from Málaga, Spain Parallel with these activities in the corralones themselves, educational talks, centred on various aspects of traditional life in these unique urban environments, are given in local schools (Málaga Hoy 2009). Plate 3: Patio del Montes, No. 19, Calle Fuentecillas (author’s photograph) The Semana Popular, though clearly the most important, is not the only initiative of this kind organised during the year by the Ayuntamiento. For example, at Christmas the same protagonists participate, albeit on a rather smaller scale, in another week of activities entitled ‘Navidad en los corralones’. The decoration of corralones, patios and streets - including the creation of traditional Christmas belenes (cribs/nativity scenes) - is a vital element in this celebration. Once again concursos are organised to encourage participation plus a range of both passive and active cultural events (Sur 2008). As with the Semana Popular a major aim is to bring old traditions and modes of living back to life in a modernised setting. CONCLUSION Despite its success and the successful renovation of several other corrales, the degree to which the experience of the Corralón de Santa Sofía could be repeated in all of Málaga’s remaining corrales is questionable. There are less than 20 corrales left within the city and, as most are privately owned and relatively centrally located, they are highly vulnerable to wholesale redevelopment in order to capitalise on the value of their sites. The Ayuntamiento simply does not have the means to intervene in every case Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 175 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 as it did in the Corralón de Santa Sofía. In addition, there is no doubt that the distinctive architecture of Santa Sofía was a major factor in this intervention. Not many surviving corrales provide such a classic example of the genre and would win support for their conservation. Many surviving corrales are small in size and, as pointed out somewhat ruefully but not resentfully by an interviewee at the Corral de Dos Puertas (11 dwellings) in Calle Rosal Blanco (Plate 4), do not offer the economies of scale and the suitability for conversion for senior citizens or other groups as did the Corralón de Santa Sofía and Corralón de Aurora. Plate 4: Corral de Dos Puertas, No. 7, Calle Rosal Blanco, Málaga (author’s photograph) However, a clear sign that the Ayuntamiento remains committed to the socio-spatial residential environment model represented by corrales is indicated by the creation of modern ones, albeit designed in the traditional style, in the redevelopment of the El Bulto district to the south of Trinidad. Of the 92 dwellings in two redeveloped blocks, each built around a ‘modern’ corral, 25 are occupied by residents from the old corralones of Salitre and Plaza de Toros Vieja which had been demolished in this redevelopment. The inhabitants of these new developments are enthusiastic participants in the Semana Popular. In several ways, therefore, the Málaga Ayuntamiento is seeking to rescue and regenerate at least one component of declining urban areas. In the case of the Corralón de Santa Sofía it has not only conserved a distinctive architectural form but also, to a large extent, managed to reinvigorate a traditional way of life, albeit in a modified form more suited to the present day; and it has responded to an obvious social need, particularly among its senior citizens. 176 Combining conservation and community development: An example from Málaga, Spain REFERENCES Ayuntamiento de Málaga: Área de de Bienestar Social (2004) Proyecto de desarrollo comunitario en Trinidad y Perchel. Málaga: Ayuntamiento de Málaga. Barke, M. (2003) Urban landscape regions and conservation: new approaches and problems in Antequera, Málaga Province, Spain, Urban Morphology , 7, 3-13. Calle Vaquero, M and García Hernandez, M (1998) Ciudades históricos: patrimonio cultural y recurso turístico. Eria. Revista Cuatrimestral de Geofrafía 47, 249-266. Carloni, A (1981) Avance sobre el trabajo de la vida de la mujer en la casa-corral sevillana. 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Journal of Architectural Conservation, 1, 37-51. 178 Community energy solutions: Involving residents in developing low-carbon urban neighbourhoods Community energy solutions: Involving residents in developing low-carbon urban neighbourhoods Gill Davidson1, Kate Theobald1 and Sara Walker1 ABSTRACT As part of national and global efforts to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the UK domestic sector must meet a series of targets by 2020, including reducing its emissions by 33%, delivering energy efficiency improvements to 7 million homes, and ensuring all homes have smart meters. The long-term aim is to achieve near zero emissions in all homes by 2050 (Great Britain. Department of Trade and Industry [DTI], 2003). Households can reduce their emissions in a number of ways, although the evidence reviewed in this paper suggests that consumer adoption of carbon-reduction behaviours is currently fairly low. Potential barriers to adopting environmental energy behaviours are discussed, including housing type, housing tenure, the up-front cost of measures, and perceptions of responsibility, and the suggestion that people may be more likely to adopt behaviours that deliver financial savings or that are normative. The paper presents three community approaches which aim to encourage a reduction in energy consumption in the home, with an assessment of their respective advantages and disadvantages. It goes on to introduce an approach currently being piloted by the authors in Newcastle upon Tyne, through the Low-Carbon Neighbourhoods project. The paper concludes by discussing the possible implications of these differing approaches with regard to policy making in this area. Keywords: behaviours, community, energy, environment, low-carbon. 1 School of the Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University. [email protected] Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 179 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to introduce and discuss the rationale and findings of the Low-Carbon Neighbourhoods project, a pilot initiative led by Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne. In order to place the study in an appropriate context, the paper begins by reviewing recent UK Government policy developments with regard to domestic carbon emissions. It goes on to discuss ways in which households and individuals can achieve carbon reduction, as well as the potential barriers and motivations associated with the various measures, and the types of approach that may be taken in order to influence domestic environmental behaviours. A number of projects have aimed to influence domestic energy behaviours at neighbourhood level in the UK. The paper presents three projects that have attempted to do this using a range of different approaches and methods in various locations, highlighting good practice, lessons learned, and particular features of the host neighbourhoods which may have contributed to success. Finally the paper describes how a research team from Northumbria University, along with a group of partner agencies, embarked on a neighbourhood level project in Newcastle upon Tyne to encourage environmental energy behaviour among householders and reduce domestic carbon emissions. The progress made to date in this project is discussed, along with some of the positive outcomes and lessons that have emerged. UK POLICY FOR CARBON EMISSIONS REDUCTION IN THE DOMESTIC SECTOR The UK policy landscape of the domestic energy sector has undergone significant change in the last decade. The four priorities of the Energy White Paper (Great Britain. Department of Trade and Industry [DTI], 2003), however, remain core values of the long-term energy strategy. These are: 1.To cut carbon dioxide emissions by 60% by 2050 based on a 1990 baseline (recently amended to 80% by 2050 in the Climate Change Act 2008 and now legally binding). 2. To maintain the security of UK energy supplies. 3.To promote competitive markets in the UK and beyond, helping to raise the rate of sustainable economic growth and improve our productivity. 4.To ensure that every home is adequately and affordably heated. These four objectives were further detailed in the subsequent 2007 Energy White Paper (Great Britain. DTI, 2007) with additional aims outlined in the Department of Energy and Climate Change [DECC] Annual Energy Statement (Great Britain. DECC, 2010). The Annual Energy Statement has four priorities: 1.Saving energy through the Green deal and supporting vulnerable consumers 2.Delivering secure energy on the way to a low carbon energy future 3.Managing the UK energy legacy responsibly and cost-effectively 4.Driving ambitious action on climate change at home and abroad For the domestic sector, the UK Government has developed a range of energy efficiency policies (Great Britain. Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [Defra], 2004 and 2007) which outline grant schemes for energy efficiency improvements, information schemes for private home owners, appliance efficiency and an overall target for emissions reduction from the UK’s residential housing stock of 31% (1990 baseline) by 2020. The Green Deal legislation, passing through Parliament under the Energy Bill 2010-11, is a new financial mechanism to support energy efficiency investment. The principle is that up front cost of improvement is avoided and investment is instead paid for through savings on energy bills (DECC, 2010). New-build in the domestic sector is affected by the Code for Sustainable Homes (Great 180 Community energy solutions: Involving residents in developing low-carbon urban neighbourhoods Britain. Department for Communities and Local Government [DCLG], 2006), the Housing Green Paper (Great Britain. DCLG, 2007) and The Building Regulations 2000 (and associated approved documents). The previous Government attempted to increase the use of microgeneration and renewable energy in all sectors, including the domestic sector, through the Microgeneration Strategy (Great Britain. DTI, 2006), the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006 and the Renewable Energy Strategy (Great Britain. DECC, 2009). This latest policy document, the Renewable Energy Strategy, has been followed by implementation of feed-in tariffs for small-scale renewable electricity generation projects. Experience in Europe has indicated that well-designed feed-in tariff mechanisms are successful in increasing the proportion of energy generated by renewables (Huber et al, 2001). Following the creation of the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in 2008 much of the energy policy development work has now been delegated to this Government department. Their work overlaps with several other departments, in particular the Department for Communities and Local Government with regard to housing policy. In 2009 a consultation document on heat and energy saving (Great Britain. DECC, 2009a) outlined further housing policy targets for the UK. In summary, these are: 1.To deliver comprehensive changes (insulation, access to low carbon heat and power, community/ district heating and options for microgeneration) to 400,000 homes a year by 2015, and a total of 7 million homes by 2020. 2.To cut household emissions by 33% compared to a 2006 baseline by 2020. 3.To make available cost-effective energy efficiency measures to all households by 2030. 4.To achieve near-zero emissions from households and business premises by 2050, to help achieve the overall UK goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 80% from 1990 levels. The Low Carbon Transition Plan (Great Britain. DECC, 2009) outlined further targets for the domestic sector including a 29% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for the domestic sector by 2020 (2008 baseline), smart meters (meters capable of remote monitoring of energy for the supplier) in all homes by 2020 and extending the Carbon Emissions Reduction Programme (CERT) to a further 1.5 million homes. These key policy areas have been further supported since the Coalition Government came into power in 2010, with the DECC Annual Energy Statement reiterating key targets (Great Britain. DECC, 2010), and the Energy Security and Green Economy Bill (Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, 2010) introduced to provide the necessary legislative drivers for Green Deal, CERT and smart meters. The success - or otherwise - of the above policies is largely dependent on households changing their energy consumption practices. In order to be able to influence the behaviour of individuals and households in this regard, it is first necessary to understand how they currently act, and why. The following sections explore the barriers and motivations to changing energy behaviours, and describe a neighbourhood level approach to developing resilient low-carbon communities. ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY BEHAVIOUR AMONG INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS Population growth, increasing demand for new housing and an ever-increasing standard of living means that domestic energy use – and the level of domestic carbon emissions - is higher than ever, and is continuing to rise (Boardman, 2007; Retallack et al, 2007; Wiedmann et al, 2008). Domestic energy consumption can vary widely, however, even ‘between similar households in nominally identical houses’ (Banfill and Peacock, 2007). This suggests that the overall level of domestic carbon emissions could be significantly reduced through behavioural changes among householders. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 181 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 People can reduce their household carbon emissions in a number of ways, through a combination of oneoff actions or purchasing decisions, occasional purchases, and everyday behaviours (Great Britain. Defra, 2008). Most sources of ‘green’ advice (e.g. Green Alliance, 2005; Great Britain. Defra, 2008; Energy Saving Trust) recommend the following actions for reducing domestic carbon emissions: choosing energy efficient electrical equipment and light bulbs; insulating homes against heat loss to reduce wasted energy; switching to more economical fuels; switching tariff to a ‘green’ energy supplier; improved energy management; and using renewable fuels by installing renewable microgeneration. Information is not just available for the individual. On 25th November 2010 DECC launched a new community web site, community energy online, (www.ceo.decc.gov.uk) to provide information and guidance to communities on low carbon and renewable energy projects. Even though we are increasingly aware of the link between climate change and our behaviour - a 2009 survey found that 60% of respondents believed that climate change is either largely or entirely caused by human activities (Ipsos MORI/Icaro, 2009) - levels of consumer engagement with carbon reduction behaviours remain low. Retallack et al (2007) reported that less than 1% of the electricity market share was held by ‘green’ suppliers, with just over 200,000 consumers having switched to a green tariff. While it is estimated that nearly half of UK homes (about nine million) have the potential for microgeneration, the Government’s 2008 Microgeneration Strategy progress report stated that just 100,000 microgeneration units had been installed in the UK (Great Britain. Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform [BERR], 2008). Barriers to domestic energy reduction There are a number of barriers with regard to reducing domestic carbon emissions. Not all homes are suitable for microgeneration; furthermore, the up-front cost of installing it is a major barrier for many householders (Walker, 2008). It may take many years for microgeneration units to ‘pay for themselves’, although this varies according to type. The recently introduced UK feed-in tariff (The Feed-in Tariffs (Specified Maximum Capacity and Functions) Order 2010) may assist in improving the financial payback of certain renewable microgeneration technologies. People with lower incomes are vulnerable to fuel poverty. Although it is reasonable to assume that energy efficiency measures can help to address fuel poverty by reducing household fuel requirements, measures that require upfront spending are even more difficult for people on low incomes to afford. This is something which the Government states it has recognised and is trying to address through the Green Deal policy, whereby energy companies pay for insulation measures to be installed in customer homes, with the customer paying back the investment through energy bills as a result of the savings made (Great Britain. DECC, 2010). Furthermore, people who live in rented accommodation may lack both the freedom and the incentive to make home improvements that will boost energy efficiency. Walker (2008) suggests that landlords of rental properties are not motivated to improve their energy performance, and furthermore, if they do so, they may recoup the investment by raising rents, which is not in the tenants’ interests. Green Deal is also planned to be implemented in the rental sector (Great Britain. DECC, 2010); however, it is unclear at this stage how this will be delivered by both private and social landlords. Individual perceptions may be discouraging individuals from adopting green behaviours. Many people appear to feel that it is not their responsibility to take action, or that they alone cannot make a difference: ‘The public clearly think that influence to limit climate change is directly linked to size – they as individuals have very little influence, but the Government and big business can have a major influence…the international dimension was also very clear – the US, China and India are major contributors/polluters, so requiring international change’ Sale Owen, 2005, p10 Only 4% of research participants in this North East study felt that they personally could have a large influence on climate change (Sale Owen, 2005). 182 Community energy solutions: Involving residents in developing low-carbon urban neighbourhoods Motivations to reduce energy consumption As far as motivations to adopt green behaviours are concerned, it would appear that saving money is more persuasive than saving the environment. Households are highly likely to have made changes that are known to help them save money, such as insulating their homes to prevent heat loss. A 2007 survey showed 90% of households had at least one of the following: double or secondary glazing, loft insulation, hot water tank insulation or cavity wall insulation (Great Britain. Defra, 2007). The same survey showed that proportionately fewer people had adopted simple everyday ‘green’ behaviours: 1 in 5 people said that they often or always indulged in behaviours such as leaving the TV on standby overnight, leaving the tap running when brushing their teeth, or taking a bath instead of a shower. These differences may be partly explained by social norms. Fitting home insulation is a normative, widespread and commonplace behaviour (Great Britain. Defra, 2008). Switching the TV off and taking showers rather than baths are also behaviours that can save money and energy, but they are not widely accepted and embraced as such, and there are continuing debates on whether people’s everyday actions are likely to be simply a matter of habit or personal preference or related to wider social norms and practices. Is it possible, then, to establish environmental energy behaviours as social norms, and therefore sustainable behaviours? There is evidence to suggest that this could happen. For instance, Haq et al (2007) observed a number of pro-environmental behaviours among people who had lived through the Second World War. People aged 65 years or older lived relatively thrifty lifestyles and disliked waste more than other age groups. While this may be due to some extent to low incomes among this age group, it is also likely to be partly a result of ingrained habits and beliefs arising from experiences of wartime austerity. That these people have retained wartime habits for over 60 years suggests that once adopted, such behaviours can be highly enduring. Secondly, research carried out for the Sustainable Consumption Round Table in 2005 found that people living in houses with microgeneration were likely to change their behaviours accordingly and, in the words of one participant, ‘to work with the house’, even if they were ‘passive’ users who had not been responsible for having the microgeneration installed in the first place (Hub, 2005, p7). Finally, Shove has built up a body of work documenting behavioural shifts over time, such as the change from weekly bathing to daily showering, and has also shown how social norms and technology can influence each other. For example, room temperature is often determined by a combination of social norms plus the interaction between people and technology (see e.g. Shove, 1997, 2003, 2004a and b). COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND INFLUENCING ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOUR AT HOUSEHOLD LEVEL Encouraging people to adopt more environmentally responsible behaviours remains a key challenge. There are a number of different ways to approach the matter; efforts may be targeted towards individuals, households, or communities, and may occur at local, regional or national levels. One approach has been to target people at an individual or household level according to their key attitudes, values or characteristics, often drawing on consumer psychology and marketing models. A considerable body of research has been amassed, and further study is ongoing in this area. Three recent studies are described below. A programme of research by Defra (2008) led to the identification of seven different consumer types, each with distinctive attitudes and behaviours. These types varied from positive greens (who make up around 18% of the population, or 7.6 million people), whose attitude can be summed up by the phrase: ‘I think we need to do some things differently to tackle climate change. I do what I can and I feel bad about the rest’; to the honestly disengaged (also 18% of the population, or 7.6 million), characterised Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 183 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 by the phrase: ‘Maybe there’ll be an environmental disaster, maybe not. Makes no difference to me, I’m just living my life the way I want to’. Defra is now working on a tailored approach to target these distinct types of consumer in a variety of different ways, with the aim of encouraging pro-environmental behaviours. A 2009 IPPR report focused on Now People, described as market leaders who ‘seek psychological rewards in status, fashion, success and the esteem and recognition of others’ (Pratchett et al, 2009 p4). It identified a series of strategies for encouraging green behaviours in Now People, such as focusing on saving money rather than on climate change, making low carbon lifestyles appear desirable, and avoiding the label of ‘environmental’ behaviour. It also looked at ways to successfully market particular desirable behaviours among this group. Thirdly, a recent study commissioned by the North East Regional Information Partnership (NERIP) used MOSAIC geodemographic profiles to analyse the spending patterns of eleven distinct population groups, and their associated environmental impacts (Paul et al, 2009). There are potential shortcomings in solely targeting people and households at an individual level. It is difficult in such circumstances to present environmental behaviours as something that ‘everybody is doing’ or to make people believe that they are part of a communal effort or movement to halt climate change, which may be necessary if we want to challenge the view that others are not ‘doing their bit’, and help environmental energy behaviours become social norms. It may therefore be desirable to combine individual targeting with more collective models of community engagement. Communal approaches may also allow households to benefit from economies of scale, thus offering financial savings, reducing the need for up-front spending and enabling people on lower incomes to participate more freely. For instance, by forming ‘buyers’ clubs’, householders may be able to jointly negotiate a lower price for ‘green’ goods and services (Hopkins, 2005), or form an alliance with an Energy Service Company (ESCo) to install, operate, and maintain microgeneration at a community level (Watson et al, 2006). An emerging approach to encouraging environmentally responsible energy behaviour is at community or neighbourhood level. There are a growing number of UK examples of what could be termed ‘econeighbourhoods’ or more specifically ‘low-carbon neighbourhoods’ due to their focus on reducing energy consumption in households and on a scale greater than one or two individual households, with the potential for impacts being felt more widely than the individual household. We can learn from studies of this kind about which approaches are most effective and under what circumstances. For instance, research for the Pilkington Energy Efficiency Trust suggests that urban communities are more difficult to engage in carbon reduction initiatives than rural ones, and goes on to identify a range of potentially successful engagement strategies (Knowland, 2009). EXEMPLAR LOW-CARBON NEIGHBOURHOODS This section presents three examples of ‘low-carbon neighbourhoods’ being delivered in urban areas in the UK, which include a combination of approaches – retrofitting of existing housing stock, including energy efficiency and renewable energy technology measures; interventions such as energy meters and energy advice in order to encourage a change in energy behaviours; and the introduction in one case of a competitive element. These examples have been selected to illustrate the range of different project approaches being taken, and also the diverse features of the neighbourhoods they are based in. These projects have been or will be undergoing an evaluation of their impact on energy savings and CO2 emissions, as well as other environmental behavioural changes. 184 Community energy solutions: Involving residents in developing low-carbon urban neighbourhoods Summerfield eco-housing project, Birmingham (2007-2008) Summerfield became Birmingham’s first eco-neighbourhood after local residents raised concerns to the Family Housing Association (FHA) about energy efficiency and the negative impact of rising fuel bills. FHA identified opportunities for accessing new renewable technologies, and a dialogue developed between the community, the FHA and partner agencies. Funding for the project came from various sources including Birmingham City Council, Urban Living Ltd (the local Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder) and the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund. Working with Birmingham City Council and Urban Living Ltd, FHA installed a number of new technologies in a demonstration model ‘eco house’, a Victorian semi-detached house that was being converted from multiple occupancy into a large family home. Between 2007 and 2008, FHA and the City Council installed 329 homes with solar panels. They were fitted free of charge for owner-occupiers in the area, depending on certain eligibility criteria, with the aim of reducing fuel poverty. A ‘Green Doctor’ was employed by the Council to visit residents and give advice on practical, smallscale improvements to make their homes more energy efficient. An independent evaluation by Sheffield Hallam University in 2008 identified a number of benefits that have resulted from making Summerfield an eco neighbourhood: • The solar panels have given the residents pride in their community and have encouraged them to become more engaged with the wider environmental agenda. • Recycling rates in the area have risen drastically, and many residents have made small lifestyle changes to maximise energy savings. • There has been a reduction in energy consumption, water consumption and CO2 emissions from the houses. • Houses have reduced fuel bills by approximately £150 a year. • Temporary jobs were created during the development phase. • A number of training placements have arisen, leading to permanent jobs. Green Streets Project (2007-2008) Green Streets was established by British Gas as a social experiment in energy and carbon savings. It involved 64 households, eight each from eight streets in eight cities (Birmingham, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Leeds, London, Manchester, Southampton, and Plymouth) in a 12-month project that ran from the end of 2007 to the end of 2008. Green Streets had a competitive element, with the street with the biggest reduction in energy use and emissions winning £50,000 to spend on a community project of the participants’ choice. The homes represented the full range of types found in the UK. Participants received energy assessments of their streets and £30,000 worth of energy savings and renewable energy measures were offered to each street, with the choice of measures influenced by the energy assessments. Each street received guidance throughout the project from a dedicated energy efficiency expert from British Gas. An evaluation by IPPR in 2009 reported that the average energy saving across all the households was just over 25%, ranging from 15% in London to 35% in Leeds. The average reduction in carbon emissions from domestic energy over the 12 months was 23%. Analysis of actual versus modelled energy savings implied that behaviour and lifestyle changes played a major role in determining outcomes, although energy efficiency measures and installation of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) also had a beneficial impact on carbon emissions. Interviews with participants indicated that the energy advisers, new electricity meters, and the competition element were key drivers of behavioural change. One unintended impact was increased social interaction and community spirit, with many people meeting neighbours for the first time. A key point made in the report was the potential for a ‘virtuous circle’ Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 185 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 between householders acting together to reduce energy demand and thus strengthening social cohesion. The Green Streets project led to a number of policy recommendations being made to government, highlighting the potential benefits of: scaling up energy saving advice and information for householders through the Community Action for Energy programme and other means; providing feedback via smart meters in all homes; encouraging and incentivising energy suppliers to work more closely with communities, with and through community groups; facilitating innovative financing mechanisms to help householders adopt energy saving measures; and introducing competitive elements to encourage householders and communities to reduce their energy consumption (IPPR, 2009). Ashton Hayes ‘Going Carbon Neutral’ Project (2006 onwards) This is a rural community project led by a local parish council in Cheshire and involving 1000 people. The aim of the project was to become England’s first carbon neutral village. Since the project launch, behavioural changes such as switching off appliances and changing to low energy light bulbs have led to a reduction in carbon usage of 25% for the village, with some community members cutting their energy costs by 50% through improved insulation and careful energy use. A small wind turbine and solar thermal system have been installed at the local primary school, as well as solar thermal panels at ten houses. Almost all households are now engaged in ‘environmentally-friendly behaviour’, and over a third have become more actively involved in village life throughout the project. Raising awareness is a major part of the work, and the project has been awarded funding by Defra’s Climate Challenge Fund for information dissemination and awareness-raising activities around the UK, including: a video to explain the project; a ‘Carbon Neutral Toolkit’ which gives guidance to other communities; and a national ‘Climate Friendly Communities Conference’ held at the University of Chester in 2007. A number of features may have contributed to the success of the Ashton Hayes project. Firstly, it has a stated commitment to using a non-confrontational and apolitical approach, and does not apply pressure to people or act in a confrontational manner. The project works by being open, inclusive and nonjudgemental to maximise participation, and motivate people through fun rather than spreading fear or guilt. It has the support of up to 50 volunteers with a wide variety of skills and expertise. The project relies on two main information sharing approaches: firstly, informal local relationships within the community, with most local communication and awareness-raising delivered through the primary school – recognised as the ‘hub’ of village life - and village notice boards. Working with primary schools has an important advantage in that it encourages children’s involvement, and their enthusiasm can help spread knowledge and good practice to households. Secondly, the project has developed a high media profile, using radio, TV, newspapers, newsletters and the internet. It has links with more than 70 communities in the UK, as well as having an international influence with projects as far away as Canada, Mauritius and Australia. Finally, running the project through the Parish Council can increase its profile and legitimacy, and enable the project to engage with the widest range of people. However, a distinct advantage for the project is that Ashton Hayes is an affluent community, with few of the problems associated with deprived neighbourhoods. Low-carbon initiatives which are based in more deprived areas – in which fuel poverty is a problem – may find it harder to engage with local people and recruit volunteers. A LOW-CARBON NEIGHBOURHOOD PROJECT IN NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE Building on the lessons learned through previous projects, including those outlined above, a team from Northumbria University began working to develop its own low-carbon neighbourhood project. This pilot project began in 2009 in conjunction with Newcastle University, Newcastle City Council, and other agencies such as Groundwork and the Energy Saving Trust. Building relationships between key local 186 Community energy solutions: Involving residents in developing low-carbon urban neighbourhoods players and across agencies was a key objective of the work, not least as a way to draw in additional funding through joint funding applications. Newcastle upon Tyne is located in the North East of England, a region in which there is substantial fuel poverty, scope for carbon reduction in certain areas and potential for further retrofitting including renewable energy microgeneration and neighbourhood level solutions. In order to ensure that the project built on existing knowledge, a comprehensive literature review was undertaken. This encompassed areas including the developing policy context, the various low-carbon technologies and behaviours, ways in which behaviours could be influenced at household level and with what degree of success, and lessons learned in conducting previous similar UK projects. A key aim was to target specific deprived neighbourhoods in Newcastle upon Tyne and work with local residents. Two neighbourhoods were selected in the West End of the City, both of which were within the boundaries of a New Deal for Communities (NDC) initiative (NDC was one of the partner agencies). The project tapped into existing social networks such as community groups and local governance structures. The research team worked closely with the Energy Saving Trust and National Energy Action in the neighbourhoods, building upon the EST Green Communities awareness-raising approach. Contact was made with community and residents groups in the neighbourhoods to identify existing activities, social networks, and opportunities for linking into other sustainability and environmental initiatives, such as Transition Towns groups. It was anticipated that this would provide opportunities to capitalise on local knowledge by taking on board recommendations from neighbourhood groups, for instance on how promote the project and engage with residents most effectively. In the longer term, it is anticipated that the project will build upon successful approaches used in other similar projects, such as those mentioned in the previous section, but with a number of different elements: it will have a resident-centred approach; it will be on a larger scale, but within defined boundaries; and it will involve evaluation of households’ propensity to change behaviour according to socio-economic grouping, class, gender, BME, housing tenure (with a focus on residents in social housing), and specific locality. The project has developed links with a small group of social housing residents through its partnership network. Workshops have taken place with this group, in which discussions have centred around awareness and acceptance of the need to reduce energy consumption, the potential for reducing CO2 emissions at a neighbourhood level (both through behaviour change and retrofit measures), and developing short- and long-term actions to deliver carbon reductions. To date there has been little further progress due to difficulties in making contact with residents on a wider scale. Attempts have been made to contact residents through community representatives, by doorto-door leafleting, and by holding open meetings in local venues, but the response from the community has been extremely limited. Lack of resources has also been a problem, as the project has not been able to attract any significant additional funding to allow it to progress beyond the initial pilot stage. The Low-Carbon Neighbourhoods Project has so far led to some positive outcomes. Having a partnership of interested parties taking part in regular ‘team meetings’ has been an important way to share information and develop joint projects and close working relationships. Furthermore, the knowledge that has been amassed through this and the literature review process has enabled the Northumbria research team to identify areas for future study, some of which are now being pursued. The project is ongoing. CONCLUSION There is evidence suggesting that people can adopt more environmental energy behaviours through changing social norms and in response to technological changes, and that once acquired, such habits may be sustainable over long periods of time. However, Shove (2009) has noted that while social norms are subject to transition or change over time, the matter of what causes such change is highly complex, and Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 187 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 our understanding of it is not yet great enough to enable us to, for instance, adopt government policies which will influence changes towards new social norms that are more environmentally responsible. It would appear to be beneficial to target communities collectively to encourage people to adopt environmental energy behaviours, as well as using individual-centred approaches. Benefits of community approaches may include improved social cohesion and the creation of new jobs, as well as behavioural changes and reduced energy use. There is also potential for financial savings through economies of scale, which may enable the poorest and most vulnerable members of society to have a greater level of participation in low carbon initiatives. Community-focused initiatives, in particular those involving bottom-up community action, may provide greater opportunities for citizen engagement in the process of change to a low-carbon society, and facilitate processes resulting in social and environmental justice. However, it may be necessary to develop the skills and capacity of communities and community members to enable them to take part in such processes, and to reduce their carbon emissions. The development of tailored approaches may be beneficial in order to target different types of community most effectively, possibly drawing lessons from community development and community engagement literature. While the Low-Carbon Neighbourhoods Project has not yet fulfilled the aims set out for it, it has led to important outcomes such as improved partnership working among key agencies and the identification of further research areas. The lack of a dedicated focus on using lessons from community development or community engagement approaches may have contributed to the project’s slow progress in developing relationships with local residents to date, although funding and resource issues have also played a part in this. Low-carbon initiatives are largely dependent on a combination of private investment and funding streams that target local authorities or housing associations. Many funds, such as the DECC Green Communities Fund and DTI Low Carbon Communities Challenge, will only accept bids led by local authorities or strategic partnerships. Although funding sources are available for local communities to produce their own energy, the level of resources required to secure this funding is considerable, and it is difficult for interested communities to find support for bottom-up approaches to reducing carbon emissions. There are a number of examples of rural communities securing funding for local energy production; however, this has not yet transferred into urban areas. New policy initiatives which provide incentives for households to lower their carbon emissions also have a role to play at neighbourhood level. The 2010 introduction of feed-in tariffs (FITs) for households producing electricity from renewable sources has made it more financially attractive for many homeowners to invest in renewable energy microgeneration, and this may provide an incentive for developing renewable energy generation on a neighbourhood scale. In the first year of operation, 405 community scale projects were registered under the FIT programme. This, in conjunction with improved energy efficiency, leading to reduced energy demand, may also help to achieve other objectives such as minimising fuel poverty, enhancing security of supply, and increasing community resilience in the event that energy supplies are compromised. The approach of ‘scaling-up’ delivery of low-carbon housing to a neighbourhood level is a significant challenge, given the need to both encourage behaviour change on an individual and collective scale, in conjunction with a retrofit programme that will meet the various energy needs of residents. 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Alongside the revocation of myriad and sometimes unpopular regional strategies, their supportive institutional structures are being rapidly disbanded, opening up a strategic leadership gap or fissure between national and local scales of policy. Analysing the theory and processes of spatial rescaling, including the emergence of new geographies of governance at the sub-regional scale, the paper draws attention to some of the key opportunities and dilemmas arising from these ‘scalar shifts’. The economic planning roles of the new, cross-boundary entrepreneurial governance entities – Local Enterprise Partnerships – are explored. A key question is whether these public-private arrangements, across what were intended as ‘functional’ economic areas, present a pragmatic way of resolving the strategic tensions between local authority areas that would otherwise be neglected in a post-regional era. The research is based on national monitoring of policy shifts and draws upon participatory observation as an instrument to enrich more formal policy narratives. The paper finds these new bodies lack powers and funding, and concludes that state-led rescaling in effect provides a new ‘cover’ for some old politics; namely neoliberalism including the deepening of entrepreneurial forms of governance. Keywords: Strategic planning, sub-national development, economic planning, entrepreneurial governance and Local Enterprise Partnerships INTRODUCTION Most states produce policy across different tiers of governance and administration, including ‘regional’ elected bodies in the majority of countries of Europe (Brenner, 2003). In England, seven tiers have featured prominently over recent times: 1.The European Union 1 2. School of the Built and Natural Environment Emritus Professor of Repiral Regeneration and Development Structures, University of Durham. 192 The scalar politics of economic planning 2.The United Kingdom 3.The nation state (i.e. England) 4.Nine administrative regions 5.An ‘upper tier’ of 118 principal local authorities (e.g. County Councils and ‘Unitary’ or ‘Metropolitan Authorities’) 6.A ‘lower tier’ of 201 local authorities (e.g. District Councils) 7.A partial geographic coverage of more than 8,000 Parish and Town Councils* In England, the Conservative and Liberal Democrats ‘Coalition’ Government is dismantling much of the inherited regional institutional structures (tier 4) devised by successive administrations between 1994 and 2010 but mainly by Labour after 1997, partly replacing these with 39 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), expected to operate across a ‘functional’ space, between tiers 4 and 5. Reforms are also seeking to strengthen plan-making flexibilities across tiers 5 and 6, and provide tier 7 with new plan-making powers. In terms of statutory planning these have, potentially, created a strategic leadership gap or fissure and for economic development provided greater flexibilities, albeit in a context of limited regeneration programmes and fiscal austerity (Harding, 2010; HM Government, 2010b; HM Treasury, 2010b; Pugalis & Townsend, 2010a; Pugalis, 2011c; b). These changes across the policy field of economic planning – understood here as interventions in the spatial economy involving governance, planning and delivery activities – prompt international and theoretical consideration, especially as they represent broadly a reversal of European thought and practice. Across Europe it is almost considered a ‘policy truism’ that devolving power to the lowest appropriate spatial scale will produce optimum social outcomes, although the theoretical and empirical case is more disputed (see, for example, Rodríguez-Pose & Ezcurra, 2011; Pike et al., 2012). The notion of subsidiarity, including devising policy, making policy decisions and/or administering services, accords with the widely accepted view that grassroots engagement (‘bottom-up’ views) should be reconciled with (‘top-down’) policy activity, although the mechanisms of such a reconciliation is inherently complex. Compared with the regions at tier 4 the devolved ‘nations’ of the UK – Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – each possess legislative authority across a broad range of policy areas, such as road transport (MacKinnon & Shaw, 2010), and has regular elections. However, the regions of England, with the exception of London (Gordon & Travers, 2010), lack any devolutionary constitution.** England’s failure to develop a ‘strategic’ tier of elected government, contrary to European nations, such as Germany and France, has produced a ‘scalar messiness’ (Harrison, 2011) that may go some way to explain the ongoing transfers of governance, planning and delivery arrangements. This is despite England’s nine administrative regions possessing an average population much greater than the EU average (Townsend & Pugalis, 2011). For almost the first time since 1947, England will be without a recognised strategic planning framework after the revocation of Regional Spatial Strategies as set out in the 2011 Localism Act. The latest round of state-led rescaling is being implemented through fundamental institutional reconfigurations; most notably, the dismantling of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) – a flagship policy creature of New Labour (Pearce & Ayres, 2009; Pugalis, 2010; 2011d). This has to be understood along with a gradual incorporation of the private and sometimes the voluntary sectors into partnerships with government (Peck, 1994; Codecasa & Ponzini, 2011). Over recent decades an entrepreneurial urban politics has been encouraged and often supported through public-private partnerships as infrastructural liberalisation and Estimates indicate that full geographic coverage of Parish and Town Councils would equate to between 17,000 and 18,000 Bishop, J. (2010) ‘Localism, collaborative planning and open source’, Town & Country Planning, 79 (9), pp. 376-381. Different arrangements apply to London, which has had an elected mayor since 2000. Rescaling matters covered in this paper therefore apply to the rest of England outside of London. Reference to England’s administrative regions in this paper excludes London unless otherwise stated. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 193 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 outsourcing of service provision continue almost unabated (Harvey, 1989; Webster, 2003; Coulson, 2005; Harvey, 2008; Purcell, 2009; Biddulph, 2011). The paper will go on to highlight the significance of this for the formation of LEPs (partly replacing RDAs) as part of a broader examination of the rescaling of economic planning in England by addressing the following central research questions: 1.How can processes of spatial rescaling be theorised and what have been the most significant ‘scalar shifts’ up to the change of government in 1997? 2.What policy narratives guided the rise and demise of regional economic planning between 1997 and 2010? 3.Do LEPs reflect a continuation of entrepreneurial governance arrangements? 4.In what ways do LEPs, as new ‘functional’ sub-regional arrangements, help resolve some old issues? This is achieved through interpretive policy analysis (Yanow, 2004; Kisby, 2011), involving analytical critique of formal government statements, political and policy discourse, as well as incorporating some views expressed by the policy community. Consistent with an understanding of spatial rescaling as a process, theorised below, the paper conceptualises the public policy-making pursuits of planning and economic development as political actions that involve symbolic as well as substantive representations and practices (Fischer & Forester, 1993; Fischer, 2003). As different, and often competing, policy narratives are woven together to help create different versions of reality or a ‘regime of truth’ (Foucault, 1972; 1994 [1966]), the paper applies policy analysis to interpret views, ideologies and power relations that inform spatial rescaling. Insights were derived from more formal sources, including publicly available ministerial statements, and ‘grey literature’ accessed during an extended period of work (2010 to 2011), at meetings, forums, policy exchanges and deliberations primarily but not exclusively in the North East of England. It is for this reason that direct quotes are not used in this paper as a source of ‘evidence’. Rather, these insights accessed during participant observation research are used as an instrument to enrich more formal policy narratives. The next section theorises processes of spatial rescaling, which is used to identify some of the most significant ‘scalar shifts’ to 2010. STATE-LED RESCALING OF ECONOMIC PLANNING ACTIVITIES Across the public policy fields of planning and economic development, the reallocation of roles between tiers of governance and administration – processes of spatial rescaling – has taken on added significance over recent decades (Brenner, 2003; Brenner, 2004; Gualini, 2006; Brenner, 2009; Lord, 2009; Reed & Bruyneel, 2010; Stead, 2011). The processes of spatial rescaling are much more complex than effecting the reduced role or ‘hollowing out’ of the central state, which requires a more sensitive reconceptualisation of scalar hierarchies and relations. Accounting for a geographically uneven ‘filling in’ of institutions (Goodwin et al., 2005; Jones et al., 2005; Shaw & MacKinnon, 2011), including the dispersion of services outwards to non-governmental societal actors, new ‘geographies of governance’ have emerged (Reed & Bruyneel, 2010, p. 646), such as LEPs. ‘Scale’ is applied here not so much as a (constant) administrative unit or tier, but rather to describe the social organisation and evolving interactions, relationships and processes between tiers of an organisation such as a region or local authority. It is in this sense that new articulated forms of scalar organisation construct new policy narratives or reframed problems and associated solutions. Spatial rescaling, understood as a continuous and dynamic socio-political process, involves new scales of policy organisation, problem framing, targeting and interventions, which involve the development of new constellations of actors. As Stead (2011) observes, new geographies of governance emerge in addition to shifts in the flows of power across existing layers of decision making. These variable geometries of governance, in Stead’s words, are not necessarily contiguous, but open and porous. In this sense, ‘the politics of scale – as in other political dynamics – determine who gets involved and under what circumstances’ (Reed & Bruyneel, 2010, p. 651). Viewed through this theoretical lens, inter-scalar relations pertaining to economic planning in England 194 The scalar politics of economic planning are in the process of being renegotiated. Whilst change is continuous, more significant transformations can be understood as ‘scalar shifts’. The main rescaling tendency over time has been one of concentration in larger units of local government. In 1931, for example, there were 97 voluntary Town Planning Regions covering two or more of the local authorities across England (then numbering more than 1000) (Cherry, 1974). It is in this context that in 1947 a Labour Government bestowed the regulation of land use through development plans to principal local authorities. It was also a Labour administration which instigated a move toward metropolitan scales of government in the Royal Commission on Local Government in England, 1966-1969 (the Maud Report) (Redcliffe-Maud, 1969) and in 1974 established, for the first time, a full coverage of regional economic planning institutions across England (tier 4). Conservative governments on the other hand have had a leaning toward more local democracy. Indeed, they established the Local Employment Act in 1960 as their tool of development policy (in place of the more geographically expansive Development Areas designated by a Labour Government). It was a Conservative administration which also created the present (lower-tier) local authority Districts constituted in 1974 (tier 6), which they also designated planning authorities, in reaction to and augmenting Maud and abolished Regional Economic Planning Councils in 1979 (tier 4), and metropolitan counties in 1985 (partly comprising tier 5). Even so, the scalar modes of governance, planning and delivery instituted by competing political administrations have sometimes been the same. For example, the Conservative Government led by John Major restored and regularised Government Offices for the Regions, leaving only a small number of regional boundary changes to the incoming Labour Government of 1997, which were used in the establishment of RDAs (tier 4) with statutory powers. The next section examines the rise of regional economic planning under New Labour (1997-2010) and its demise since 2010 under the Coalition. THE RISE AND DEMISE OF REGIONAL ECONOMIC PLANNING Sub-national economic planning under New Labour was multi-scalar and multi-sector. An armoury of new tools had been instituted, from Local Strategic Partnerships, which were responsible for agreeing and delivering Local Area Agreements and developing Community Strategies (in turn informing local development plans), to city-region development programmes, and regional plans, such as Regional Spatial Strategies and Regional Economic Strategies. As a result the system suffered contradictions, and was widely considered to be overburdened with process and regulatory requirements (Shaw & Lord, 2009; Taylor, 2010; Morphet, 2011). The disjointed and overlapping processes failed to engender distinctive, locally-tailored spatial frameworks to guide implementation. While there had been communitarian ideals expressed through Tony Blair’s Labour administration (1994-2007), exemplified through the flagship neighbourhood renewal strategy (Social Exclusion Unit (SEU), 2001), they operated in a state of ambiguity alongside neoliberal politics that promoted economic competitiveness and entrepreneurial governance (Valler & Carpenter, 2010; Bristow, 2011). The ‘Third Way’ approach was championed as a synthesis of these two paths in order to deliver the Blairite philosophy of ‘what works is what matters’. The latter years of ‘New’ Labour’s national political leadership (2007-2010) – under the stewardship of Gordon Brown – produced some subtle shifts in political meta-narratives, including the more vigorous application of central state targets in the provision of welfare services and ‘top-down’ monitoring of policy implementation (see, for example, Syrett & North, 2010). At the behest of HM Treasury (2007), a lengthy Review of sub-national economic development and regeneration (SNR) was initiated in 2007. A key strand of SNR was the initiative to improve the integration of planning and economic development inspired by a brand of neoliberalism designed to meet the demands of business (see, for example, Barker, 2006). SNR maintained the decisive role played by regions and in particular the RDAs, albeit operating to the tune of central government, but also took Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 195 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 some tentative steps in recognising a greater role for sub-regions and city-regions (i.e. the geographies of governance between tiers 4 and 5). In the face of growing demands for greater identification of cityregions, which were recognised in Multi-Area Agreements (MAAs) between local authorities (Harrison, 2011), SNR outlined support for an inchoate arrangement of sub-regional entities, including: • City Development Companies/Economic Development Companies • Economic Improvement Boards/Economic Prosperity Boards • Statutory city-regions and Combined Authorities • MAAs and non-statutory city-regions • City Strategies Whilst some of these policy ‘innovations’, such as Economic Prosperity Boards, failed to materialise, the array of overlapping and competing spaces of governance resulted in a complex and confusing institutional landscape relating to planning and economic development (Catney et al., 2008; Lord, 2009; Valler & Carpenter, 2010). It was a safe prediction before the 2010 General Election that a different government might accept the largely unimplemented sub-regional tier and seek to remove some of the institutional congestion (Johnson & Schmuecker, 2009; Townsend, 2009b). Some aspects of regional governance had become decidedly unpopular. During the RDAs’ reign, place competition and rivalry between major cities, in particular, were a major feature of several regions, placing RDAs in the unenviable position of unofficial arbitrators of almost irresolvable conflicts. Yet, lacking a clear democratic mandate arguably compounded the dissatisfaction with the relatively remote regional administrative bodies that informed the policy narratives of the incoming Coalition Government. Consistent with their localism rhetoric, the Conservative Party (2009), stated that it would ‘abolish regional planning, revoke all regional spatial strategies (including regional house-building targets), and repeal the national planning guidance that relates to regional planning’ (p. 28). Spelman and Clarke, then shadow ministers for the Conservatives, suggested a rescaling of lines of accountability, with enhanced responsibilities ‘going to local government and the local business communities’ (Spelman & Clarke, 2010, p. 1) while also revealing that ‘national economic priorities will be handled in Whitehall’ (Spelman & Clarke, 2010, p. 3). The Liberal Democrats also viewed regional institutions unfavourably (Liberal Democrats, 2010). Following the publication of their Programme for Government (HM Government, 2010a), the Coalition were prompt and systematic in their abolition of regional institutions, including Government Regional Offices, dating in their last form from 1994, RDAs from 1999 and Regional Select Committees and Regional Ministers from 1998 (Pugalis & Fisher, 2011). Viewed through a political lens, the assault on regional institutions reflects the interests of the Coalition Parties’ local government councils, their elected leaders and voters in the south of England more generally (Harding, 2010; Williams, 2010). The narrative of localism was invoked to ‘[end] the culture of Whitehall knows best’, in the words of Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg (HM Government, 2010b, p. 3), as the administration’s post-regional, ‘localist’ brand of sub-national economic planning pronounced that ‘where drivers of growth are local, decisions should be made locally’ (HM Government, 2010b, p. 5). They contended that Labour’s regions were ‘an artificial representation of functional economies’, quoting that labour markets ‘do not exist at a regional level, except in London’ (HM Government, 2010b: 7). The reference to London is noteworthy as it implies that democratic sub-national or regional government (tier 4) is only appropriate at a ‘functional’ scale. In addition to the Coalition’s perception that the geographies of regions were unsuitable, two other intertwining political and policy issues combined in denouncing Labour’s ‘top-down’ regional approach: lack of democratic accountability and organisational effectiveness (Pugalis, 2011b; Pugalis & Townsend, 2012). Notwithstanding some notable critiques of Labour’s system of economic planning discussed earlier, Regional Spatial Strategies (alongside previous sub-regional Structure Plans and unimplemented Regional Strategies), arguably performed a pragmatic role, especially in respect of cross-boundary decisions and 196 The scalar politics of economic planning larger-than-local matters, as their approved policy provided legally enforceable certainty for applicants (see Pugalis & Townsend, 2010b). A plan which calculated the need for housing and identified suitable sites for it in District ‘A’ could be implemented to meet the expansion of employment in the adjoining District ‘B’ which had limited land available for housing. Hence, constraining this housing delivery could significantly hinder an economic recovery. Alternatively, undue speculative development activity in some localities could destabilise the wider urban land economy. Similarly, disputes about retail provision competing with centres in different Districts were decided on an agreed policy calculated across the region, which attempted to restrict over-provision of retail capacity. Within a strategic framework it is possible to prioritise development schemes in a manner that, at least, attempts to minimise negative (spatial) externalities and share the benefits from a wide range of necessary developments, although critiques of Keynesianism-informed notions of redistributive justice should be recognised (Varró, 2011). A further risk brought about by the removal of the regional tier of strategy-making in economic planning is the possibility that some local planning authorities might find themselves out-manoeuvred by well resourced developers supported by seasoned planning consultants (see Peck et al., 2010 for a wider discussion of the ‘skills gap’ and challenges). It is well known for example that, looking to the financial viability of schemes, speculative developers will try to undermine sustainable development principles and design goals by exploiting loopholes (Coulson, 2007; Punter, 2007; Wakefield, 2007). In the context of local authority budget cuts and the ensuing service ‘transformations’, ‘restructures’ and redundancies, resources will be increasingly stretched and expert advisors, as in the fields of design (Carmona, 2010), face a particularly uncertain future. Also, abolishing the regional tier of economic planning strategymaking opens up the potential for innumerable boundary problems, with practitioners and academics suggesting that a disproportionate number of cross-boundary developments would stall indefinitely (Guy, 2010). With such development inertia in mind, others asserted that it will not take too long before a statutory form of strategic economic planning is reconstructed and a further round of institutional reorganisation takes place (Jones, 2010; Lock, 2010), suggesting that this latest round of state-led rescaling may be time limited. The extent to which the demise of regions was brought about by the repercussions of the global creditcrunch (2007-2008) and subsequent stresses of recession in the UK (2008-2010) is not entirely clear, but it is notable that the Coalition Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review set out to reduce public expenditure on a permanent basis (HM Treasury, 2010b). Sometimes seen as complementary to this ideological shift is the concept of the ‘Big Society’, which promotes the dispersal of responsibilities and service delivery across a broader array of societal actors (Conservative Party, 2010), particularly the private and voluntary sectors. As a reaction to regions, the ‘functional’ sub-region is considered in the next section as part of a continuation of entrepreneurial governance arrangements. A CONTINUATION OF ENTREPRENEURIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS As mentioned earlier, attention to market forces and business opinion – under ‘neo-liberalism’ – played an increasing role in economic planning in the 1980s and thereafter. Attention shifted away from the local state as a key site of ‘collective consumption’ (Castells, 1977) towards a narrower interest in a more competitive brand of ‘entrepreneurial’ governance (Harvey, 1989). The result was a condition where a preoccupation with private sector leverage has been described as the ‘marketisation’ of the public sector (Minton, 2006, p. 8), not least now in tackling the public sector deficit. Local authorities were aiming to ‘steer’ development and ‘enable’ enterprise by sharing power through affording more effective private sector involvement in decision-making, development and service provision. Such a swing in modes of working escalated the requirement for local authorities to be proactive and to back potential or perceived ‘winners’. Consequently, the interests of public administrations and private actors have combined in informal networks and cross-sector alliances. These governance communities of (economic) interest – a Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 197 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 ‘corporatised statecraft’ (Coleman et al., 2005) – are combining to reorder patterns of development. These multiple processes toward entrepreneurial governance appear to be having a considerable impact on the role of economic planning. It is from this reading of entrepreneurial politics that the paper now analyses the role of LEPs. THE LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP EXPERIMENT While the Conservative Party had their longstanding interest in reducing the role of the state – pronounced during the Thatcher period but also traditional before (Parkinson, 1989; Thornley, 1991) – their Coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats, had moved somewhat toward right-of-centre politics since the publication of the ‘Orange Book’ (Laws & Marshall, 2004). Such shifts in political outlook are similar to ‘small state’ policies in other parts of the world, including China and the US (see, for example, Chongyi, 2001). Through the legislation contained in the 2011 Localism Act, the Coalition purport to devolve power, including the provision of services at large, across a range of governmental and nongovernmental actors including elected councillors, direct consumers and local providers. LEPs are embraced as the new scalar ‘fix’ for marshalling activities including transport, housing and business support, providing economic leadership and planning for economic prosperity (Cable & Pickles, 2010; HM Treasury, 2010a, para 1.89; Pickles & Cable, 2010). Expected to have a geographic reach of a minimum of two or more upper tier authorities (tier 5) but not as expansive as regions (tier 4), they are producing new geographies of governance. With their basis in ‘bottom-up’ deliberations utilising local government boundaries as the basic building-blocks (tiers 5 and 6), there is also a thread of continuity in these geographies of governance. For example, many of the voluntary MAAs or city-regions were accepted among the least contentious of the original 62 LEP proposals. This is particularly the case with two statutory city-regions of Leeds and Greater Manchester, which are larger than the smaller EU administrative regions in working population, and enjoy functional integrity and economies of scale. The majority of the original LEP bids were rejected by government as the Coalition chose to endorse just 24 proposals (HM Government, 2010b). Many rejections focussed on geographical aspects, with government expecting LEPs to reflect ‘natural’ or ‘functional’ economic areas (Pugalis, 2011a). To date, a further 15 LEPs have been sanctioned by government. The 39 LEPs cover approximately 99 percent of the population, although are not necessarily contiguous as some LEPs have overlapping boundaries. This is a significant departure from many predecessors and particularly the administrative regional boundaries adopted by the RDAs. LEPs, understood as new scales of policy organisation could therefore be expected to develop relations and process that intersect other primary tiers of administrative organisation. This would be a divergence from RDA practice that can be characterised as operating as part of a scalar hierarchy involving the EU (tier 1), nation state (tier 3) and principal local authorities (tier 5). More so, if LEP geographies of governance are to be viewed as the nodal spaces of distanciated connections (opposed to bounded entities), then they could facilitate more dynamic interactions and evolve to suit multiple requirements. In a continuation of entrepreneurial politics, private business interests have been granted a preeminent role in the governance of LEPs (Pugalis, 2012). Indeed, government also commissioned the British Chambers of Commerce to mange a national LEP Network to ensure ‘business is at the helm’, in the words of the Communities Secretary Eric Pickles. As a result, LEP boards are predominantly composed of businessmen with the remainder made up of local elected representatives and ‘other’ interests. Most LEPs have a nominal educational representative, such as a university vice chancellor, on the board and some have also opted for voluntary and community sector representation, although it is unclear whether these are tokenistic gestures. Due to their non-statutory nature, LEPs have adopted a variety of governance arrangements and organisational forms. In addition, government have repeatedly stressed that there will not be a dedicated funding stream to support the operation of LEPs or help deliver their priorities. As a result, there are some important differences between LEPs and RDAs that preceded them (see Table 1). 198 The scalar politics of economic planning Table 1: RDA and LEP comparative functions RDAs LEPs Statutory basis and purpose Quasi-Autonomous Non- Governmental Organisations (QUANGOs) Enshrined in an Act of Parliament – 1998 Regional Development Agencies Act. The Act provided RDAs with five statutory purposes, to: further economic development and regeneration; promote business efficiency, investment and competitiveness; promote employment; enhance development and application of skill relevant to employment; and contribute to sustainable development. No statutory basis. Government issued a White Paper that expects LEPs to perform a broad strategic economic leadership role that could involve LEPs undertaking some delivery functions, although government has not specified a core set of functions. Number and geography Nine – each with a geography coterminous with England’s administrative regions. 38 – including geographical overlaps and less than one percent of England’s population in non-LEP areas. Lifespan Formally launched in eight English regions on 1 April 1999. The ninth, in London, was established in July 2000 following the establishment of the Greater London Authority (GLA). Set to be abolished by the end of March 2012. LEP proposals called for in June 2010. The first round of LEPs were approved by government in October 2010. No fixed lifespan. Departmental sponsor The Department for Business, Innovation Responsibility for sponsorship of the RDAs and Skills (BIS) and the Department for moved from the former Department for the Communities and Local Government (CLG) Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in 2001, then to the Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (BERR) from Summer 2007, which was restructured and renamed as the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).. Governance Accountable to ministers (i.e. national government). Government appointed board – majority of board representing private business interests. Accountable to localities (i.e. local people and businesses). Government endorsed board – criteria expects strong business input and a chair from the private sector. Powers Issue Compulsory Purchase Orders. Statutory planning consultee and regional planning body powers. Production of a Regional Economic Strategy (superseded by an integrated Regional Strategy) on behalf of the region. Land acquisition, holding assets and trading. No statutory powers. LEPs are not precluded from acquiring land, holding assets and trading, although the majority are operating as unincorporated partnership entities which prevent such activities. Funding A Single Programme budget (known as the ‘Single Pot’) since April 2002, which included contributions from BERR, CLG, the Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS), the Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) and the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS). Funding support totalled £2.3 billion for the nine RDAs in 2007-08. A one-off £5 million Start-up Fund. A £4 million Capacity Fund over four years. Government has nominally allocated LEPs a share of a £500m Growing Places fund, although each LEP must submit a business case to government. LEPs are expected to maximise the funding of its constituent partners and coordinate bids from alternative funding sources, such as the Regional Growth Fund. It is anticipated that those LEPs that have an Enterprise Zone within their territory will be able to retain the business rates generated from these zones, which could provide a nominal income stream to reinvest Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 199 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 The transition from nine regions to 39 sub-regions generated cause for concern from a variety of sectoral interests (Bentley et al., 2010; Bailey, 2011; Bentley, 2011; Pugalis, 2011a). Some business groups, for example, complained of local politics derailing the opportunity to establish LEPs of sufficient scale, with the Confederation of British Industry asserting that the government’s permissive approach was unleashing a ‘wave of parochialism’ across the map. However, the case of Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, and County Durham demonstrates that when government rejected some of the more parochial bids, a wider geography cannot necessarily mitigate local political disputes: The seven-council North Eastern LEP got going very belatedly and appears to have been squabbling ever since. Witness the recent internal decision on what should be its Enterprise Zone bid: something of a “spat” if reports are to be believed, Newcastle/Gateshead pushing for development of the “urban core” both there and in Sunderland, everybody else favouring a “low-carbon zone” in the A19 corridor, tied to the much vaunted prospects of the offshore wind industry. One could wince to read the quotes of key players complaining of this or that person missing the relevant meeting, of mini-cabals forcing through an agenda. If you’re a hopeful sort you might say these issues are worth fighting over. Were you more sceptical, you might worry that North East local authorities, in the teeth of a big test of leadership, are failing – over concerned with their own doorstep, trying to steal a march on their neighbour. Competition is usually healthy, but rather ruinous when it cuts across the common interest (Kelly, 2011, p. 5). Assuming that such a scale of governance would produce more optimum policy outcomes does not take account of history. Initial media reports of the development of the North Eastern LEP augmented previous analysis (Townsend & Pugalis, 2011), also would suggest that old rivalries die hard and new relationships of trust take a substantial amount of time and effort to forge. Despite the rhetoric of LEPs operating across functional spaces, there are many examples where the substance is lacking. For example, Hertfordshire LEP has less than 70 percent of its population working in the same area. Although, such travel-to-work calculations of self-containment go against the grain of porous boundaries and open geographies, it is such data that directly helped inform the government’s sanctioning of LEP proposals and underpins their claim that LEPs operate across ‘natural’ economic geographies. There are also other examples, such as Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP, which show a much higher degree of self-containment, over 80 percent in this case, but are widely considered, for example by the Chair of the Regional Studies Association, to be a poor reflection of a broader subregional spatial economy (Bailey, 2011; Bentley, 2011). Analysis undertaken by the Centre for Cities concluded that the first wave of 24 LEPs had made only limited progress over their first twelve months, arguing that they had failed to draw up convincing strategies for investment and growth (Bolton & Coupar, 2011). Although the accuracy of this research has been attacked by some LEPs (e.g. Tees Valley Unlimited) and critiqued by other observers (Gibbons, 2011), and the appropriateness of the metrics used to determine progress are questionable, alternative research also concludes that, as yet, LEPs are failing to live up to government expectations (Pugalis et al., 2012). Overall LEP progress has been slow and inconsistent. However, this is partly due to the shortage of staff at a time of cuts by local authorities, the lack of policy direction by government (which has afflicted the broader regeneration landscape) (HOC (House of Commons), 2011), and the lack also of clarity and/or commitment from non-government actors, and deficient tools or resources. So whilst the The local authority members of the Tyne and Wear City Region and MAA opted to submit four separate LEP proposals to government covering: Northumberland and North Tyneside, Newcastle and Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland, and County Durham. Each of the bids were rejected by government, which in effect left the seven local authorities with little option but to come together to submit a revised bid to government that was approved under the name of ‘the North Eastern LEP’ in January 2011. 200 The scalar politics of economic planning majority of LEPs have been busy doing work behind-the-scenes – recruiting board members, formulating governance arrangements, establishing partnership structures, agreeing priorities, developing business plans, and formulating bids for resources and Enterprise Zones to government – fears that LEPs are simply the latest in a long line of symbolic government policy ‘fads’, which may offer little more than ‘talking-shops’, continue to persist. It is true, however, that LEPs have taken on a distinct role in implementing the government’s growth policy since the beginning of 2011. Their role in proposing the sites of Enterprise Zones has been followed by a similar role in recommending (mainly relatively small) transport investments, and in allocating spending to speed up infrastructure projects. This is beginning to transform LEPs from a role in ‘soft’ non-statutory planning towards a ‘harder’ approach to development management. Nevertheless, many of the roles and activities originally desired by LEPs, have either been recentralised to London (e.g. inward investment and business advice) (Bentley, Bailey & Shutt, 2010) or in the case of employment and skills remain firmly under the remit of the Department of Work and Pensions, which has traditionally been ambivalent to regionalisation and decentralisation (Ayres & Stafford, 2012). Therefore, the limitations of the RDAs’ role as strategic enablers and influencers, which according to some was undermined by a lack of discretionary power and resources (Fuller et al., 2002), is likely to persist under the mantle of LEPs. More so, LEPs will arguably possess much less traction than RDAs. But with the demise of regions, some LEPs are anticipated to develop into effective sub-national economic planning entities or at least the prime fora for strategic economic planning questions, over the coming years. SCALAR SHIFTS: DO NEW ‘FUNCTIONAL’ SUB-REGIONAL ARRANGEMENTS HELP RESOLVE SOME OLD ISSUES? From a professional vantage-point, the English sub-region has long been recognised as a workable scale for the planning and co-ordination of multiple spatial interactions, as seen for example in official requirements for transport evaluation based on land-use plans as far back as the 1960s (Solesbury & Townsend, 1970) and the formation of Metropolitan Counties and Passenger Transport Authorities analysed earlier. Whilst not suggesting that the sub-region is the optimum scale of work for all purposes, the English sub-region does benefit from an ability to address larger-than-local matters. If given time to develop, LEPs present a theoretically viable scale for the meaningful consideration of strategic economic planning matters. Yet, whether they have plugged the democratic deficit that was a repeated criticism of RDAs remains a valid question. Hence, whether some, if any, LEPs will evolve into legitimate and appropriate arenas for governing larger-than-local economic planning decisions is worthy of further empirical examination. As presently constituted, it is unlikely that LEPs are equipped to undertake a statutory plan-making role as envisaged for RDAs following the 2007 SNR. Relating back to the notion of subsidiarity, without statutory powers there is a danger that the strategic spatial leadership role of LEPs and much of their work could prove nugatory. For example, a LEP covering several Districts could find each local planning committee approving ‘rival’ development schemes, despite previous broad strategic accords under the banner of the LEP. Such a scenario is likely to promote inefficient local competition. Guy (2010), for example, argues that the forthcoming period will see an intensification of a large number of clashes between local authorities over new retail developments. Indications of local place rivalries have already started to surface, including disputes between Bradford and Leeds, and Sunderland and Newcastle. Irrespective of the ‘duty to co-operate’ contained in the 2011 Localism Act, councillors are not elected to co-operate across local authority boundaries. Without some enforcement of an overall plan for the LEP area, local planning decisions will be largely divorced from the priorities and activities of LEPs, and could shatter broader political agreements and strategic collaboration. Local Economic Assessments, intended to assess the ‘whole economy’ and thus incorporating wider Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 201 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 spatial endeavours such as housing and transport, are likely to retain some importance and inform the work of some LEPs, although it is less clear what role other social and environmental assessments will perform. The role of LEPs in economic planning or more holistic strategic planning is unlikely to be uniform and could, in turn, be marginalised by some LEPs if they opt to concentrate on a narrow range of activities to stimulate the economy. There is a growing unease among some practitioners that LEPs may accelerate the ‘neoliberalisation’ of planning, apparent in Labour’s SNR (Townsend, 2009a). This countered the balanced inclusion of the social and environmental aspects of Regional Spatial Strategies. A rescaling of strategic policy organisation across 39 sub-regions may go some way in filling the strategic leadership gap or fissure that has opened between national and local scales of policy. Nonetheless, the potential pitfalls that applied to the joint public-private sign-off of Regional Strategies, by RDAs and Leaders’ Boards remain (Counsell et al., 2007; Marshall, 2008; Warburton, 2008; Hildreth, 2009; Townsend, 2009a). At this stage in the evolution of LEPs it is too early to assess the material effects that this latest round of state-led rescaling will have on policy formulation and implementation. Nevertheless, since the original LEP proposals were submitted to government in September 2010 there have been some indications that socio-economic-environmental problems are being reframed to focus more ruthlessly on (economic) opportunities. This is by no means a new policy direction, but rather a deepening of the entrepreneurial mode of governance analysed above. A major difference between New Labour’s and the Coalition’s larger-than-local economic planning strategies, however, is that the former retained a strong commitment to communitarian programmes whereas the latter has replaced dedicated regeneration funding with cuts to welfare budgets as part of a strategy to ‘make work pay’. The Coalition’s incentivised system has caused considerable concern across the regeneration and planning sector (Broughton et al., 2011; HOC (House of Commons), 2011). With LEPs lacking the financial resources of RDAs, a major dilemma is that LEPs will focus what little resources they do have on targeting resources towards those places, people and businesses that are perceived to offer the best chance of ‘returns on investment’. In other words, the ‘low hanging fruit’. Whilst there could be an appropriate policy role for this form of problem framing, what will be of the fruit most difficult to reach? CONCLUSION Conceptualising scalar shifts as part of a recurrent process, this paper has drawn attention to the role of politics and the use of policy narratives to rationalise new modes of policy. This practice of scalar politics has been illuminated through the case of post-1997 sub-national economic planning arrangements in England, and specifically the transition from working with regions to sub-regions, which has accelerated since 2010. Given the factors identified in this paper it is not surprising that RDAs, in a similar manner to the regional bodies of 1966 to 1979, later fell in both the Conservatives’ (Conservative Party, 2009) and Liberal Democrats’ (Liberal Democrats, 2010) sights for closure, a process, arguably, accelerated by the budget deficit inherited from Labour. Although tools such as Regional Spatial Strategies had been important, they were also unpopular in the coalition parties’ grass-roots and thinking. The transition from Labour’s state-centric regime to a more devolved system based on incentives under a Coalition Government showed a decisive change in the practice of economic planning. The abolition of RDAs in concert with the purge on Labour’s regionalist policy-framework created the space for LEPs. However, the process of setting up LEPs and their decisions over priorities revealed some of the locally-rooted political tensions that RDAs had attempted to resolve. LEPs have been given a clear, if weak, role which has nonetheless gained strength since summer 2010. There has been a tendency for concerns to converge on the issue of economic objectives, usurping social and environmental goals (Marshall, 2008; Townsend, 2009a) The perpetuation of ‘partnership’ with business shows a thread of consistency in placing emphasis on public-private collaboration: a trend that has grown since at least the 1980s and held sway irrespective of political ideologies. This is a strategy that attempts to provide a 202 The scalar politics of economic planning new cover for some old politics; namely neoliberalism including the deepening of entrepreneurial forms of governance. 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Firstly, reviewing the nature of the construction industry; constructability; architecture and the design process and measuring building performance. Secondly, presenting case studies of successful projects benefited from applying the concept of constructability during the design process. Thirdly, developing an innovative framework to facilitate the integration of construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process and establishing the strategies that support its application. Finally, summarising research conclusions and recommendations useful to construction professionals and further research. Findings of the research show that integrating the concept of constructability during the design stage improves building performance and enhances the relationships between project participants. Keywords: constructability, design management, design process, partnering, performance, quality. INTRODUCTION The construction industry is one of the biggest industries worldwide. It has significant contributions towards social and economic development at national and international levels. It provides communities with places for housing, education, culture, health care, business, leisure and entertainment. In addition, it constructs the infrastructure projects that are essential for these facilities to perform their intended functions. Furthermore, it increases the gross domestic product (GDP), motivates development of other industries that support the construction process such as building materials and construction equipment as Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, the British University in Egypt, Postal Code 11837, P.O. Box 43, El Sherouk City, Cairo, Egypt. 1 208 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process well as offers employment opportunities. On the other hand, the construction industry is arguably one of the most resource-intensive and environmentally damaging industries worldwide. Construction accounts for 40% of the total flow of raw materials into the global economy every year. It is a substantial source of waste, pollution and land dereliction (Earth watch Institute 2011, Roodman and Lenssen 1995). Anink et al. (1996) stated that the construction sector is responsible for 50% of material resources taken from nature, 40% of energy consumption and 50% of total waste generated. Virtually, all modern buildings now have artificial heating or cooling systems and sometimes both. Large amounts of energy are wasted in constructing, heating and cooling large and impressive glass cladding skyscrapers particularly in sunny, hot and humid countries (Architectural Review 1995, Abdellatif and Othman 2006). Furthermore, the construction industry is plagued with a number of problems that limits achieving its optimum output. One of these important problems is the creation of division between designers and contractors through separating design from construction (Field and Ofori 1988, Othman 2007, Mthalane et al. 2008). The traditional procurement approaches usually used in construction projects and the large number of organisations, with different and sometime conflicting objectives, skills and interests took part in creating a fragmentation and adversarial relationship between project participants, which eventually obstructed contractors from providing designers with construction comments and feedback to improve the building design (Motsa et al. 2008). Professional fragmentation in construction has become the theme of many research studies carried out globally. This has triggered the emergence of the concepts of ‘Buildability’ and ‘Constructability’. Although both terms are used interchangeably, buildability refers to the extent to which a building design facilitates ease of construction whilst other clients’ requirements are met. It focuses on the design of a building. In contrast, constructability, which embraces both design and management functions, is concerned with a wider scope than ‘buildability’. It deals with the project management systems that optimally use construction knowledge and experience to enhance efficient project delivery. Particularly, benefits become apparent when constructability is considered at the earliest possible stages (Wong et al. 2006). The importance of the design process as many critical decisions are made during this phase (e.g., material selection, standard components, construction methods) and the key role played by contractors as the entity responsible for delivering the designed facility, called for the early involvement of contractors in the design process as an approach for improving building performance. RESEARCH AIM AND OBJECTIVES The aim of this paper is to investigate the integration of construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process as an approach for improving building performance. In order to achieve this aim, four objectives have to be accomplished: • Building a thorough background of the study topic through reviewing the state-of-the-art relating to the nature of the construction industry; constructability; architecture and the design process and measuring building performance. • Presenting a number of case studies of successful projects improved their performance through integrating construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process. • Developing an innovative framework to facilitate the integration of construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process and establish the strategies that support its application. • Outlining the research conclusions and recommendations useful for construction professionals and further research. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology designed to achieve the abovementioned aim and objectives, consisted of Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 209 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 three interrelated activities, namely data collection, data analysis and action required. During the data collection activity, different sources are used to accomplish the first and second objectives. This included textbooks, academic journals, conference proceedings, dissertations and theses, government publications and related websites. In addition, creative case studies of successful projects are presented to show the benefits of integrating construction knowledge and contractor’s experience during the design process. They included the re-design of the structural system of Lansing Community College, Michigan, USA and the integration of contractor in the design of Cannon beach residence project. Collected data was analysed qualitatively through focusing on the contractor’s contribution, methods and timing of integration during the design process. As an action for facilitating the integration of the concept of constructability in the design process as an approach for improving building performance, an innovative framework is developed and the strategies that support its application are established. Because of the importance of validity and reliability, this research depended on facts rather than subjective information which increased the reliability and validity of collected data and research findings. LITERATURE REVIEW The Nature of the Construction Industry The construction industry is a dynamic and ever-expanding business. It plays a significant role towards supporting governments and international organisations to achieve their social and economic development programmes. On the other hand and due to its nature, construction is a complex, risky, fragmented industry and has negative impacts to the environment. It is a time-consuming process that consists of thousand of interrelated design, construction and operation activities. Construction is characterised by high capital investment, reliance on developers and subcontractors, an extensive and complex regulatory framework, high interest costs and competition. In addition, increasing client expectations coupled with the technological development of materials and equipment as well as the impact of internal and external influences made the construction industry subject to more risks than any other industry (Othman et al. 2004, Othman and Harinarain 2009). Furthermore, the involvement of multitude of participants (e.g. clients, architects, engineers, contractors, labours) with different objectives, skills and interests coupled with the traditional procurement approach which separates design from construction and creates a division between designers and contractors, made the construction industry a highly fragmented business. This inhibited the design team from utilising and benefiting from the construction knowledge and experience of other project participants, particularly contractors. Hence, design mistakes, incompatible drawings, lack of details, inefficient construction methods, specification ambiguity and errors are repeated which obstruct improving building performance on the long run. CONSTRUCTABILITY Definitions and Concept Development The Construction Industry Institute (CII 1987) defined Constructability as the optimum integration of construction knowledge and experience in planning, design, procurement, and field operations to achieve overall project objectives and improve building performance. Constructability, which is also known as Buildability in the UK, is a project management technique that encompasses a detailed review of design drawings, models, specifications, and construction processes by one or more highly experienced construction engineers or specialists, working with the project team before a project is put out for bids and also prior to construction mobilization (Douglas and Gransberg 2009). It helps identifying obstacles before a project is actually built to reduce or prevent errors, delays, wastes and cost overrun. Constructability focuses the team on maximizing the simplicity, economy, and speed of 210 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process construction, while considering the site conditions, code restrictions, and client requirements (Aeck and Ruby, 2006) which increases the probability of project success, reduce construction waste and improve building performance. The concept of Constructability was first emerged in UK and USA during the late 1970’s as a result of studies aimed to maximize the efficiency, productivity, cost effectiveness and quality in the construction industry. Researchers in the UK had initially focused their attention on the design process and the early involvement of construction expertise. Later on, researchers tended to enlarge the scope by encompassing management practices and procurement approaches as contributors to the buildability and constructability concepts. In the US, the CII promoted the concept of constructability and formulated guidelines for implementation. Likewise, CII Australia proposed 12 principles for putting the concept of constructability in action. In the 1990s, Singapore introduced the first assessment system for buildability of designs. These studies and actions showed that the lack of integration of construction knowledge into the design process was considered as one of the main reasons for projects exceeding their budgets and schedule deadlines (Trigunarsyah 2004, Wong et al. 2006). Constructability Concepts Twenty-three concepts have been developed by Nima et al. (2001) to enhance and facilitate the adoption and application of the constructability philosophy throughout the different phases of the construction process (see Tables 1, 2 &3). Table 1: Constructability Enhancement Concepts during Conceptual Planning Phase Concept C1The project constructability programme should be discussed and documented within the project execution plan, through the participation of all project team members. Concept C2A project team that includes representatives of the owner, engineer and contractor should be formulated and maintained to take the constructability issue into consideration from the outset of the project and through all of its phases. Concept C3Individuals with current construction knowledge and experience should achieve the early project planning so that interference between design and construction can be avoided. Concept C4The construction methods should be taken into consideration when choosing the type and the number of contracts required for executing the project. Concept C5The master project schedule and the construction completion date should be construction-sensitive and should be assigned as early as possible. Concept C6In order to accomplish the field operations easily and efficiently, major construction methods should be discussed and analysed in-depth as early as possible to direct the design according to these methods. This could include recovery and recycling methods as well as sustainable and final disposal planning. Concept C7Site layout should be studied carefully so that construction, operation and maintenance can be performed efficiently, and to avoid interference between the activities performed during these phases. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 211 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Table 2: Constructability Enhancement Concepts During Design and Procurement Phases Concept C8Design and procurement schedules should be dictated by construction sequence. Thus, the construction schedule must be discussed and developed prior to the design development and procurement schedule. Concept C9Advanced information technologies are important to any field including the construction industry. Therefore, the use of those technologies will overcome the problem of fragmentation into specialized roles in this field, and enhance constructability. Concept C10Designs, through design simplification by designers and design review by qualified construction personnel, must be configured to enable efficient construction. This will help minimise material waste, recycling and cost-effectiveness. Concept C11Project elements should be standardized to an extent that will never affect the project cost negatively. Concept C12The project technical specifications should be simplified and configured to achieve efficient construction without sacrificing the level or the efficiency of the project performance. Concept C13The implementation of modularization and preassembly for project elements should be taken into consideration and studied carefully. Modularization and preassembly design should be prepared to facilitate fabrication, transportation and installation. Concept C14Project design should take into consideration the accessibility of construction personnel, materials and equipment to the required position inside the site. Concept C15Design should facilitate construction during adverse weather conditions. Efforts should be made to plan for the construction of the project under suitable weather conditions; otherwise, the designer must increase the project elements that could be prefabricated in workshops. Table 3: Constructability Enhancement Concepts During Field Operations Phases Concept C16Field tasks sequencing should be configured in order to minimize damages or rework of some project elements, minimize scaffolding needs, formwork used, or congestion of construction personnel, material and equipment. Concept C17Innovation in temporary construction materials/systems, or implementing innovative ways of using available temporary construction materials/systems that have not been defined or limited by the design drawings and technical specifications will contribute positively to the enhancement of constructability. Concept C18Incorporating innovation of new methods in using off-the-shelf hand tools, or modification of the available tools, or introduction of a new hand tools that reduce labour intensity, increase mobility, safety or accessibility will enhance constructability at the construction phase. Concept C19Introduction of innovative methods for using the available equipment or modification of the available equipment to increase their productivity will lead to a better constructability. Concept C20In order to increase the productivity, reduce the need for scaffolding, or improve the project constructability under adverse weather conditions, constructors should be encouraged to use any optional preassembly. 212 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process Concept C21Constructability will be enhanced by encouraging the constructor to carry out innovation of temporary facilities. Concept C22Good contractors, based on quality and time, should be documented, so that contracts for future construction works would not be awarded based on low bids only, but by considering other project attributes, i.e. quality and time. Concept C23Evaluation, documentation and feedback of the issues of the constructability concepts should be maintained throughout the project to be used in later projects as lessons learned. Constructability Awareness and Reviews in Design Firms Two international studies by Arditi et al. (2002) in the United States and Motsa et al. (2008) in South Africa found that most design firms are aware and perceive the concept of constructability with 95.7% and 84% respectively. 50.7% of respondents in the United States indicated that they have a formalized corporate philosophy about constructability in their organizations. Where in South Africa, 76% of the design firms indicated that they required contractors’ experience in their design because contractors have better knowledge about material availability and appropriate technology that affects design and cost. In their survey, Uhlik and Lores (1998) indicated that 90% of general contractors surveyed did not have formal constructability programmes, nor did they take action towards the implementation of constructability programmes. There seem to be more explicit constructability programmes in design firms than in construction companies. This is probably caused by the general belief that constructability review is particularly valuable in the design phase (Zimmerman and Hart1982, Burati et al 1992). Techniques Used in Constructability Reviews There are a number of techniques used in construability reviews. Douglas and Gransberg (2009) mentioned in their study that ‘‘peer review’’ and ‘‘feedback systems’’ are the most popular tools used in conducting constructability reviews in design firms with 88% and 87%, respectively (see Figure 1). This is because government authorities mandate peer reviews for specific contracts and before issuing building permits for complex projects. There are two types of peer reviews, namely project management and project design. The first focuses on the planning or management aspects of a project; whereas the latter evaluates the technical aspects of a project. Peer reviews may involve both of these reviews to improve the quality of a project prior to entering the construction phase. A major advantage of peer reviews is benefit from the accumulated construction experience to uncover and correct design inconsistencies and specify alternative construction methods that the designer may not be familiar with. The feedback process involves the capture and transfer of past lessons learned using either hard copy records or multimedia tools. In the latter, the computer tool captures, records, and stores constructability concepts and lessons learned, while providing design professionals with easy access and graphical retrieval of concepts and lessons to deepen their understanding of constructability issues (Multimedia Constructability Tool 1998 cited in Arditi et al. 2002). Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 213 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Figure: 1 Constructability Review Techniques (Source: Douglas & Gransberg 2009) Small-scale physical models are considered the least common tool used in constructability analysis. This finding indicates that this once popular tool used to visualize the project is on its way to becoming obsolete except for highly sophisticated structures like petrochemical plants. Design firms appear to rely more on computer generated models to pursue constructability of design than building physical models, probably because of cost and time considerations. It is worth mentioning here that design firms utilize various different tools in their pursuit of constructability, depending on the characteristics of the projects undertaken. Other techniques included discussions with contractors, clients, and suppliers; quality assurance/quality control after each design stage; the construction manager participating in design reviews; and design checklist reviews. When to Apply Constructability Reviews? Because of its ability to improve building performance, constructability could be applied at any phase of the project life cycle. But due to the different nature of every phase in terms of the involved parties, technical requirements, inputs, tools and techniques as well as expected output, the potential contribution of constructability varies (see Table 4) (Douglas and Gransberg 2009) 214 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process Table 4: Constructability Contributions During Project Phases Project Phase Phase Characteristics and Constructability Contribution Feasibility PhaseOften clients of projects do not have any “in-house” capability for construction services, so they procure the services of a consulting firm to perform the initial “feasibility phase” constructability review. The consulting firm works from the preliminary design documents and provides useful suggestions (e.g., selecting sustainable and recyclable materials, reducing design complexity, etc.) that are incorporated into the design package. The focus of a feasibility phase constructability review is to generate alternatives that can be expanded by conceptual design decisions in a manner that permits the necessary financial and schedule considerations for each alternative to be determined with the requisite degree of certainty by cost engineering specialists or equivalent. Essentially, the constructability reviewer/consultant will furnish the client with options that were not contemplated by the designer. The results of the constructability review can literally make or break a project’s viability. Early DesignAs the architects/engineers develop the project design; the client typically retains Phase a second team of specialists who specialize in providing construction management (CM) services. The constructability review takes place as the construction documents are being developed. This CM team will perform a detailed constructability review (CR) of the proposed project documents: design drawings, technical specifications including specified construction materials, the proposed site layout and if available; the construction cost estimate and project milestone schedule. This review effort will focus on whether the project can be built as designed. This CM/CR team effort will provide suggestions on ways to improve the project: such as a more efficient site layout, alternate construction materials including recycled ones, identifies possibly detrimental design specifications that could result in long lead time procurements or exotic construction techniques, using standard components as well as ease of design and disassembly. Procurement When the overall project design is approximately 60%-90% complete, the client retains Phase a construction management firm to prepare the project for the procurement phase that prepares the subcontracts and procurement bid packages, pre-qualification of vendors, suppliers and trade contractors. These procurement bid packages must be complete design packages in order to provide the qualified bidders with the information necessary to make intelligent cost proposals for the overall success of the project. During the subcontractor procurement process, after receipt of the request for proposal (RFP), the various bidding contractors will normally conduct their own constructability reviews prior to bidding. Constructability clarification questions are frequently transmitted to the client’s representative who provides additional information about site conditions, ambiguous or missing construction details, and often the bidding contractors may propose alternate construction methods for consideration. Construction Constructability continues to be a viable tool for the success of the project after Phase the award of the major contracts and purchase orders. For example, a mechanical contractor, employing constructability reviews, may determine that certain piping components could be fabricated in their shop and economically transported by truck to the project site, thereby improving both labour productivity and reduce the field costs for that large component of the work on a project. The client, the engineer, and the CM must remember that trade subcontractors are the technical experts in their field and must include construction contract language that encourages constructability Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 215 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 improvement suggestions as well as requests for material and means substitutions. The submittal review process must be established to identify potential constructability improvements and then analyze the impact of implementing them on both project budget and schedule. After Action Constructability does not end when the project is completed. Often the project Reviews participants are in a hurry to close out the project and move on to another assignment. Either there is happiness over the success of the project, or there is a strong desire to put their bad experiences behind them and move on. In either case, there should be a formal review to capture the constructability lessons learned on the project. The corporation should establish a constructability database. The integration of the concept of constructability throughout the project life cycle is supported by Arditi et al. (2002) who indicated that 87% of the surveyed design firms used constructability reviews during the developed design stage. In addition, Motsa et al. (2008) confirmed that 58% of South African design firms use constructability during the outline proposal stage and 50% during the detailed proposal stage. This means that most design firms surveyed treat constructability integration as part of an overall continuous project improvement process, which is the recommended by most researchers O’Connor and Miller (1994). Having another approach, Mendelsohn (1997) stated that it is generally believed that implementing constructability reviews should be conducted after plans are completed to a certain level in order for reviewers to have something to work with. Alternatively, construction knowledge and expertise must be brought in before any design is put onto paper. This approach enables designers to begin their work with certain key issues in mind, issues that can frequently be accommodated without adverse cost to the design. Professionals Involved in the Constructability Reviews Although achieving constructability objectives is the responsibility of all project participants, not all professionals have the same chance to be involved in the design process. Motsal et al. (2008) mentioned in their studies that, the surveyed design firms were asked to indicate the professionals that are usually involved in the design process. All respondents indicated that structural engineers were the most commonly involved professionals, while 44.7% of the respondents stated that specialist subcontractors were the least commonly involved (see Table 5). This could be attributed to the perception that some project participants can contribute more than others towards achieving constructability objectives. In addition, time constrains, client encouragement and participant’s willingness could be other reasons to be considered. Table 5: Professionals involved in the Constructability Reviews Professionals No. of respondents % Response Quantity Surveyors 36 94.7 Main Contractors 18 47.4 Subcontractors18 47.4 Specialist Subcontractors 17 44.7 Structural Engineers 38 100 Electrical Engineers 33 86.8 Mechanical Engineers 33 86.8 Land Surveyors 28 73.7 Source: Motsa et al 2008 216 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process Construction Engineer’s Involvement in Design Arditi et al. (2002) mentioned in their study that 95% of the respondents are of the opinion that construction engineers should be involved in the design phase in addition to other professionals that are already participating in this stage. This finding indicates that designers are aware of the need for a construction expert to provide the design team with insights into the construction phase of the project. Although 57% of the respondents believe that construction engineers should be involved regardless of project conditions, 38% indicated that the involvement of construction engineers should depend on the size, complexity, and type of project. Several respondents made remarks like ‘‘sometimes our office engineers do not see things as our construction people do. This kind of remark indicates that the designers are not against the potential advisory role that experienced construction personnel might play in their organizations. It emphasizes the fundamental differences between designers and contractors that a designer has a conceptual mind that relates to intangibles and a contractor has a practical mind that relates to tangibles. Constructability Reviews and Procumbent Methods There are a number of procurement methods used in construction projects namely traditional routes (e.g. design-bid-build) and non-traditional routes (e.g. design and build). Tam (2007) stated that the traditional procurement method is the most typical method used in the construction industry. One of the main burdens in using this method in construction projects is the lack of contractor involvement in the design stage. It should be noted that separation between designers and contractors in handling design and construction activities largely affects project constructability. The traditional procurement method lacks co-ordination between design and construction phases of the project, in which individual parties mainly concern on their own interests. Therefore, other procurement approaches are highly encouraged for construction projects to utilise the construction knowledge and contractor’s experience to deliver better construction projects and develop common interests between project participants. An interviewed main contractor highlighted that the involvement of contractors at the early design stage in a project can bring advantages in considering construction methods (such as the use of prefabrication in major activities including concreting, plastering and formworking, rather than wet-trade construction activities) before project commencement on site and to improve project constructability. Barriers to Constructability O’Connor (1994) identified barriers to constructability as significant inhibitors that prevent effective implementation of a constructability programme. The barriers to constructability are (CII 1987, Abdellatif and Othman 2006, Douglas and Gransberg 2009): Owner Barriers • Lack of awareness and resistance to formal constructability programmes. • Perception that constructability delays project schedule • Reluctance to invest additional money and/or effort in early project stages • Lack of genuine commitment • Distinctly separate design management and construction management operations • Lack of construction experience • Lack of team-building or partnering • Disregard of constructability in selecting contractors and consultants • Contracting difficulties in defining constructability scope • Misdirected design objectives and performance measures Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 217 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 • Lack of financial incentive for designer • Gold-plated standard specifications • Limitations of lump-sum competitive contracting • Unreceptive to contractor innovation Designer Barriers • Perception that they have considered it. • Lack of awareness of benefits, concepts, etc. • Lacks of construction experience/qualified personnel. • Setting company goals over project goals. • Lack of awareness of construction technologies. • Lack of mutual respect between designers and constructors. • Perception of increased designer liability. • Construction input is requested too late to be of value. • Faulty, ambiguous, or defective working drawings. • Incomplete specifications and budgetary limitations. Contractor Barriers • Reluctance of field personnel to offer preconstruction advice. • Poor timeliness of input. • Poor communication skills. • Lack of involvement in tool and equipment development. Waste Management and Recycling Barriers • Lack of understanding the importance and benefits of managing and recycling waste, • Lack of awareness and integration of the waste management philosophy in the design process. • Not specifying the use of recycled materials in design. • Over specification. • Using materials / products that generate waste. •P oor communication with waste management specialists who need to be integrated early in the design process. •L ack of considering life cycle cost and specify non-durable or sustainable materials results in replacing materials / products many times during the project life span. Benefits of Constructability in the Design Process Constructability should be applied at the early stage and considered as an important objective in all stages of the construction process. This is because of its ability to influence project cost and add better value for money. Based on their construction knowledge and experience, contractors can play a major role in reducing construction waste and enhancing building performance during the design stage Nima et al. (2001). On a scale of 1-5, Motsa et al. (2008) identified and ranked the benefits of implementing constructability (see Figure 2). In addition, Arditi et al. (2002) Identified and ranked the benefits of constructability to design firms (see Table 6). 218 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process Figure: 2 Benefits of Implementing Constructability Source: Motsa et al 2008 Table 6: The Opportunities for Implementing Constructability Reviews Developing better relationships with clients and contractors 2.7 Being involved in fewer lawsuits 2.5 Building a good reputation 2.5 Professional satisfaction 2.4 Efficient Design 2.3 Source: Architi et al 2002 Architecture and the Design Process Definitions By referring to Webster Dictionary, “Architecture” has one of the following meanings: • The art of making plans for buildings, the work of an architect. • The style or styles of building that an architect produces or imitates; as a church or modern architecture. It could be defined as the science and the art of building. It is understood to be the whole of the environment built by humans, including buildings, urban spaces, and landscape (Roth 1994). The Architect is defined as the person who designs buildings. The role of the architect is to design buildings within the framework of the national building bylaws and the local planning restrictions and to document and supervise the erection thereof in order that it will meet the client requirements (Hauptfleisch 2004). Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 219 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 An Introduction to Design Every construction project starts with a plan. The plan identifies all the details of the project. It is developed by many different people, such as architects, engineers, draughtsmen, and specification writers. Design is the first step in a construction project. It could be defined as “the process of deciding what a structure will look like and how it will function. Designing a project can be entirely new or it can be a result of several ideas combined together to meet the needs of a specific project (Fales 1991). Design Theories There are two opposing views of the theories of design. In one view, termed the “Glass Box Theory”, design is taken to be a rational, explicable decision making process, while the opposing view, the “Black Box Theory”, holds design ability to be a talent which cannot as yet be rationally explained. The “Glass Box Theory”, assumes that the process is a transparent, rational one where objectives are fixed in advance, information relevant to the problem is gathered, this data is analysed, a possible solution is synthesised and then evaluated against the objectives. If it is thought that the attempt at the solution can be improved upon, then a re-iterative process follows where the solution is refined until some optimum is achieved. The “Black Box Theory” maintains that the most important part of the design process is the creative act on the part of the designer. They point out that the unpredictable, associative abilities of the human mind which produce an idea cannot be accounted for by any rational model. It is to this theory that many practising designers subscribe, they offend the attempts to explain their abilities and argue that designers cannot always give convincing reasons for their design decisions. Design problems are extremely complex, requiring the designer to deal interrelationship between many sub-problems. When dealing with problems requiring the manipulation of more than one a few parameters then, the designer must initially focus on a well-structured sub-problem as a point of entry to the design problem. The environment in which the design problem is being solved brings various pressures to bear on the designer. Principals among these pressures are lack of time and increasing professionalism. It is argued that architects gain more esteem from peer approval than from the satisfaction of the client or users. It is therefore in their interest at times to pursue their own aims in designing a building, particularly from the aesthetic point of view, and deny the client group the opportunity of interfering with his own ideas of how the building should be designed (Roth 1994, Othman 2008). The RIBA Plan of Work In 1964 the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) published the RIBA Handbook in which was published a model procedure for methodical design process, termed the RIBA plan of Work. Subsequently, the plan of work was revised in 2000 and then updated in 2007 to cope with the ever-changing business environment, meet clients and users’ expectations as well as technology enhancement. The process is typically broken down into 5 main phases namely, preparation, design, pre-construction, construction and use. . Detailed description of the activities to be carried out in each phase is mentioned in Table 7 (RIBA 2011). Measuring Building Performance Definitions and Background Generally speaking, performance is defined as the action or process of performing. Hence, measuring building performance could be defined as the evaluation of the ability of a building to accomplish its intended function and satisfy its users. It is an ongoing process which aims to identify what is going well and why and what is going wrong or could be improved, and why. In addition, corrective actions have to be taken in order to overcome shortcomings and enhance performance. Performance measurement can only be effective if it is carried out against specific aim and objectives (Pettinger 2001). In the past, the performance of construction projects was typically evaluated informally and in terms of cost, time, and quality. 220 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process Table 7. The RIBA Plan of Work Preparation Design Pre Construction Contractor. Use (A) Appraisal • Identification of Client’s needs and objective, business case and of possible constraints on development. • Preparation of feasibility studies to enable the client to decide whether to proceed. (B) Design Brief • Development of initial statement of requirements into the design brief by or on behalf of the Client confirming key requirements and constraints. • Identification of procurement method, procedures, organisational structure and range of Consultants and others to be engaged for the Project. (C) Concept • Implementation of design brief and preparation of additional data. • Preparation of Concept Design including outline proposals for structural and building services systems, outline specifications and preliminary cost plan. • Review of procurement route. (D) Design Development • Development of concept design to include structural and building services systems, updated outline specifications and cost plan. • Completion of Project Brief. • Application for detailed planning approval. (E) Technical Design • Preparation of Technical design(s) and specifications sufficient for co-ordination of all components and elements of the Project. and information for statutory standards and construction safety. F) Production Information • F1 Preparation of detailed information for construction. Application for statutory approvals. • F2 Preparation of further information for construction required under the building contract. Review of information provided by specialists (G) Tender documentation • Preparation and collation of tender documentation in sufficient detail to enable a tender or tenders to be obtained for the construction of the Project. (H) Tender action • Identification and evaluation of potential contractors and/or specialists for the construction of the Project. • Obtaining and appraising tenders and submission of recommendations to the Client. (J) Mobilisation • Letting the building contract, appointing the Contractor. • Issuing of production information to the Contractor. • Arranging site handover to the Contractor. (K) To practical completion • Administration of the building contract up to and including practical completion. • Provision to the Contractor of further information as and when reasonably required. • Review of information provided by contractors and specialists. (L) Post Practical Completion • L1 Administration of the building contract after Practical Completion and making final inspections. • L2 Assisting building user during initial occupation period • L3 Review of project performance in use Source: Riba 2011 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 221 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 This type of evaluation was perhaps sufficient at that time because building projects were relatively less complex and the level of technology in design was low. But things have changed dramatically and the three categories of project evaluation of time, cost and quality have been described as insufficient. Building performance evaluation has to be improved to cope with the ever-increasing proliferation and specialisation in the construction industry in terms of building types, services, technology, code and regulatory requirements, energy conservation, fire safety, environmental health, and safety constraints (Kagioglou et al. 2001, Langston and Ding 2001). Building Performance Criteria In order to improve building performance it is of prime importance to establish the criteria to be used for evaluating building performance. This will help design firms to utilise the construction knowledge and experience of project participants, contractors in particular, to achieve these criteria as an approach for improving building performance. Building performance criteria could be carried out at three levels. • Health, safety and security performance; • Functional, efficiency and work flow performance; • Psychological, social, cultural and aesthetic performance (Preiser and Vischer 2005). Benefits of Measuring Building Performance Although measuring building performance helps understanding current building performance and endusers’ requirements, it is an important tool for managing and planning for new facilities. The benefits of measuring building performance range from short term to long term (Barrett 1995). 1) In the short-term Measuring building performance allows clients and facility management team to have a better understanding of the functionality and performance of their buildings compared with the stated criteria during design. In addition, active user participation in the evaluation process plays an important role in defining and considering their needs and requirements in the design of new buildings. 2) In the medium-term The data collected during the assessment of building performance can be used as a source of knowledge for planning new buildings of similar type. Designers equipped with user feedback are helped to design future buildings that more closely meet the needs of the users. 3) In the long term Measuring building performance helps establishing databases, generates planning and design criteria for specific building types and enables designers to consider documented past experience. This is important to avoid repeating past errors and recognise past success. The accumulated information plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of future buildings and services to the client and users. Assessment results may also improve design practice by making designers aware that their buildings may be subject of scrutiny. Thus design of future buildings may lead to better value for money to clients and society. This concern not only issues of functionality, but overall sustainability, energy efficiency and environmental impact. 222 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process SUCCESSFUL PROJECTS BENEFITED FROM INTEGRATING CONSTRUCTABILITY IN THE DESIGN PROCESS The Lansing Community College, Michigan, USA Since the cost of the new campus building exceeded the allocated budget, Lansing Community College (LCC) decided to redesign the project or scrap part of it. LLC was established in 1957 to meet the growing demand for technical and specialized education in the Greater Lansing area, Michigan, USA. The LCC Health and Human Services Career Building was originally designed as a three story building with a future fourth-floor expansion. The expansion exceeded the $2.5 million budget for steel fabrication and erection by $200,000. Ruby and Associates Consulting Structural Engineers entered the project and applied the constructability principles to completely re-design the structural steel fabrication. Utilising their construction knowledge and the practical experience of Douglas Steel Fabrication Corporation, the re-design process included: • Increasing the deck thickness from 2” to 3” allowed the floor beams spacing to increase by 10”. This reduced the number of floor beams by 78%. • Changing the mixed lateral load resisting system to moment frames in both directions and the connections were designed as field-bolted moment connections using the actual moments and stiffness require. This reduced field labour required and simplified shop fabrication. • Reducing construction hours and labour needed for the structure through moving the fabrication from the field to the shop which enhanced the quality and increased work efficiency. Using Information technology in communication and exchange of files and information reduced the redesign time and enhanced communication between different parties. The new design maintained design intent and made the project easier to build. 700 steel members and 1,400 connections were eliminated, while shear studs were reduced by 11,000. Overall, approximately 300 tons of steel were saved. This saved enough money to enable LCC to construct the fourth floor upfront while bringing the project in approximately $100,000 under budget and on schedule (Aeck and Ruby 2006). Cannon Beach Residence, Oregon, USA. The owners’ request to the architect was for “a small home that will provide shelter, comfort, and rejuvenation.” The request continued, “We will need for it to be equally comfortable when inhabited by just the two of us as when a gathering of family and friends joins us. Our new home should reflect the character of Cannon Beach and capture our love of materials and forms found in nature. We prefer for it to be low profile and understated. The home should be durable for generations and require little maintenance. Our goal is to build a home that is healthy to live in using materials and systems with a dramatically reduced impact on the environment.” The project’s integrated design team included the owners, architect, interior designer, and landscape architect. The contractor joined the team after schematic design was complete. The team held several meetings to establish clear and concise goals for the project (see Figure 3). During the design process, the project team conducted five half-day eco-charrettes, each composed of the core team, content experts, and guests of the owners, including artists, neighbours, and friends. Involving the contractor early in the design process was paramount, as the contractor contributed expertise to all aspects of the design process. The contractor’s contribution to conducting three abbreviated life-cycle cost assessments was critical to the selection of building systems and materials. The contractor also contributed to the design for durability, low maintenance, reducing waste and longevity. Based upon the contractor’s opinion that the local knowledge of green building was less than adequate to achieve the aggressive green goals for this project, the design team and owners conducted a six-hour green-building seminar open to subcontractors, building officials, trades people, and the public (Cascadia 2009). Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 223 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 DISCUSSION Literature review and case studies showed that improving building performance could be accomplished through applying the constructability concept early in the project life cycle. The diverse experience of project participants (i.e. clients, architects, engineers, contractors, suppliers, etc.) represents a great opportunity to achieve the project objectives at the most cost-effective manner and in a way that saves the environment, enhances the society and prospers the economy. Being the entity responsible for constructing the designed facility, contractors have a significant role that could be played towards improving building performance during the design phase. As case studies showed, utilising construction knowledge and contractor’s experience during the design phase, helped reducing cost, facilitating construction, reducing waste, resolving conflicts, reducing delays and selecting sustainable materials and better building systems. Contractors were involved in the early stages of the project life cycle and the peer review and feedback methods were adopted for constructability review. The main issue is how to make better utilisation and use of the involvement of project participants during the design stage. This necessitated the development of a framework that set the rules and establish the grounds that organise the involvement of construction professionals, contractors in particular, during the design stages as an approach for reducing waste and improving building performance. IMPROVING BUILDING PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK (IBPF) Definition and Justification of Developing the Framework Framework is defined as a structure for describing a set of concepts, methods and technologies required to complete a product process and design (EDMS 2010). The Improving Building Performance Framework (IBPF) (hereinafter referred to as “the Framework” or the “IBPF”) is a proposed framework developed by this research to facilitate the integration of construction knowledge and contactor’s experience in the design process as an approach for improving building performance. The justification of developing the framework is a number of folds: 1. Using natural resources and energy in an efficient way that reduces construction waste, reduces building and operating costs and enhances the reputation of the building industry. 2. Improving building performance in terms of enhancing health, safety, security, function, efficiency, work flow, psychology, society and culture and aesthetic. 3. Utilising the construction knowledge and contractor’s experience to support the government initiatives towards achieving their strategies and plans for social and economic development. 4. Enhancing the performance of organizations operating in the construction industry by creating partnership between project participants, especially designers and contractors. 5. Adding value to the built environment and achieving customer satisfaction. The Aim and Objectives of the Framework The developed framework is a business improvement tool designed to integrate construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process as an approach for improving building performance. This aim could be achieved through accomplishing a set of interrelated objectives as follows: • I dentifying the problems that hinder integrating construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process. • Establishing integration objectives. • Developing integration plans. • Executing integration plans. • Monitoring / Optimising Integration. 224 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process Description of the Framework The framework consists of five steps, namely: identifying integration problems, establishing integration objectives, developing integration plans, executing integration plans and monitoring / optimising integration (see Figure 4). Figure: 4 Improving Building Performance Framework Identifying integration problem The “Identifying Integration Problem” function is an essential activity of this framework because it enables design firms and construction professionals to identify the core causes that obstruct the integration of construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process. It is of importance to build an effective team (including a competent team leader) that will carry out the improvement study. Achieving a balance between the need for participants who represent various areas of expertise and possess diverse background is fundamental for accomplishing the study objectives. The study team should contain between six and twelve full time participants to maintain optimum productivity (Norton and McElligott 1995). Performing an early orientation meeting will help in establishing strategic issues like study duration, resources required and assigning responsibilities to team members. Senior management support will facilitate the provision of needed resources and the adoption of study decision. Data collection methods (i.e. literature review, survey questionnaire and interviews) and data analysis techniques (i.e. quantitative and qualitative) have to be defined and utilised. Brainstorming technique, team consensus and evaluation matrix have to be used for identifying the root causes and rank them according to their importance. Establishing integration objectives Towards enabling design firms and construction professionals improve building performance and adopt appropriate decisions, the objectives of integrating construction knowledge and contractor’s experience Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 225 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 in the design process have to be adequately defined and agreed by all participants. This could be achieved through using Brainstorming technique and team consensus to generate and select objectives that address the identified problem. Establishing integration objectives gives team members ownership to these objectives and encourages them to accomplish these objectives. Evaluation matrix will be used to rank these objectives according to their significance. In addition, this function will result also in defining the criteria to be used to measure the reduction of construction waste and improvement of building performance. Developing integration plans The “Developing Integration Plans” function aims to set the procedures and actions necessary to accomplish the integration objectives. It will include a work breakdown structure and a responsibility matrix, where the first downsizes the work into manageable work packages and the later links the activity to be done and the responsible person. In addition, the plans should include expected risks and corrective actions to be taken in case of the plan did not go as planned. Furthermore, communication plan amongst project participants have to be developed to portray the reporting structure of the constructability review. Executing integration plans Within this function, the plans developed in the previous function will be executed. The execution plans may require that employees involved in the integration process be trained and equipped with all tools and technologies required to guarantee the successful execution of plans. In addition, senior management support and offering required facilities will help achieving the integration objectives. The execution stage should use the work authorization system, which provides for verification of predecessor activities and the permission to begin successor activities. This ensures the quality of work performed. Monitoring / Optimising integration The aim of this function is to ensure that the integration of construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process goes according to plan. Comments and feedback from the execution team will enable taking corrective actions if plans were not implemented as planned. Furthermore, this will help improving the performance of the construction industry in future improvement project. Limitations of the Framework Although the framework is theoretical and needs to be tested, it establishes the steps and set the rules that help integrating construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process. In addition, the effective application of the framework depends to a large extent on the willingness and encouragement of the senior management in design firms and construction companies to adopt the framework to reduce construction waste and improve building performance. On the other hand, if the senior management does not have the desire and tended not to use the framework, then its adoption will be limited. Since the adoption and application of the framework is a long-term strategy and due the tight schedule in construction projects, this framework might not be welcomed by some sectors of the industry. Due to the research limited timeframe and resources, it was not possible to apply and evaluate the framework, hence it needs to tested and validated in real construction projects. Strategies for facilitating the adoption of the framework In order to overcome these limitations and increase the opportunities of adopting the framework, the following strategies have to be followed: •E scalating the awareness of architects with the importance of utilising the construction knowledge and contractor’s experience towards delivering better construction projects. •T he benefits of the framework should be presented and explained to senior management of design 226 Improving building performance through integrating constructability in the design process firms in order to convince them with the role, which the framework could play in improving building performance. • Eliminating the adversarial relationship between the different parties of the construction process through creating partnership between project team members, especially designers and contractors. • Adopting procurement methods that encourage contractor’s involvement during the design process. • Ample time should be allowed to conduct constructability reviews as it plays a significant role towards improving building performance. • Adopting innovative communication tools and techniques will facilitate conducting constructability reviews and archiving document for future projects. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Having reviewed the nature of the construction industry, the concept of constrtactability, architecture and the design process as well as measuring building performance and keeping in mind the analysis of the case studies that benefited from integrating contractors during the design process, the research comes to the following conclusions and recommendations: • In spite of its social and economic development contributions at national and international levels, the construction industry has a negative impact on the environment and suffers from being a fragmented business. • The traditional procurement approaches adopted in construction projects and the different objectives, skills and interests of project participants played a significant role towards separating design from construction which ultimately hindered contractors from providing designers with their feedback and suggestions for design improvement. • Literature review and case studies showed that the early integration of contractors in the design process, greatly improves building performance through reducing life cycle cost, compressing delivery schedules, better productivity and integrating state-of-the-art construction means and methods. Based on these conclusions, the research recommends that: • Design firms are advised to integrate construction knowledge and contractor’s experience in the design process as an approach to improve building performance. • Changing organisational culture and getting senior management support are essential for successful implementation of constructability concept in design firms. • Barriers to constructability need to be identified and strategies for overcoming have to be planned, implemented and evaluated. • Design firms are encouraged to adopt the framework developed by this research and its strategies to facilitate the integration of the constructability concept in the design process. • Researchers are directed to study the integration of other project participants such as suppliers in the design stage and other stages of the project life cycle. References Abdellatif, M.A. and Othman, A.A.E. 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Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 229 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Oolitic limestone and marine sandstone gravel aggregate, early life concrete and aggregate freeze/thaw test for durability Alan. E. Richardson1, Kawin Hemapanpairo2, Thotsaphorn Sae-Tae2, Nipat Puthipad2 ABSTRACT Oolitic limestone is one type of limestone which formed during the Jurassic period and can be found in large deposits in many areas of England. It can be used as coarse aggregate for concrete construction, however due to its porosity, it requires additional cement to maintain compressive strength, when compared to marine gravel (sandstone) concrete. Since freeze/thaw durability is one of the most common problems in temperate countries, this paper investigates the freeze/thaw resistance of Oolitic limestone itself and when used as a coarse aggregate in concrete. The washed oolitic limestone was freeze/thaw tested to BS EN 1367 -1 :2007 and conclusions were drawn. Sixteen concrete cubes (100 mm3) were made, 8 using Oolitic limestone as a coarse aggregate and another 8 using marine gravel. Two cubes (1 Oolitic limestone, 1 marine gravel aggregate concrete) were used in a compressive strength test after 3 days of curing, to establish the strength at which the concrete was subjected to freeze/thaw action and the remaining 14 cubes were subject to freeze/thaw cycles, to a maximum of 56 cycles as informed by BS CEN/TR 15177:2006. Compressive strength, percentage mass lost and pulse velocity were compared and the results showed an equal ability to resist freeze/ thaw damage when comparing the marine aggregate and oolitic limestone. Normally, the main role of coarse aggregate in concrete is just to act as a filler which determines strength. However in the case of Oolitic limestone, which is composed mainly of calcite (calcium carbonate), further studies should be made both to determine the mineralogy and its behaviour chemically when exposed to cement paste. Key words: Oolitic limestone, marine gravel, freeze/thaw durability performance 1 School of the Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University, Ellison Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2 Thammasat University, Rangsit, Thailand 230 Oolitic limestone and marine sandstone gravel aggregate, early life concrete and aggregate freeze/thaw test for durability INTRODUCTION The purpose of this work was to investigate the freeze/thaw durability properties of Oolitic Limestone. Limestone of various types, [Oolitic (CaCO3), dolomitic CaMg(CO3)2,] are a commonly used bedding/ aggregate material. As there are significant Oolitic limestone deposits available for use in the UK and it is essential to determine the suitability of the material prior to incorporating it into a construction project. The source of the Oolitic (Jurassic) limestone sample to be tested was from Newbridge quarry in England, UK (Ordinance Survey SE 796 860). Oolitic limestone samples were tested in accordance with BS EN 1367 -1 :2007. Oolitic (Jurassic) limestone is white/yellow carbonate rock composed of lots of sand grains which have many rings of ooliths/ooids formed around them, where ooliths are sandsized carbonate particles with concentric rings of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). The sand grains then were rolled around the shallow sea floor which leads to the formation of oolitic limestone. This type of limestone was mostly formed near the end of Jurassic period or about 135 million years ago (UCL 2011). Since Oolitic limestone has an even structure, it can be cut in any direction, which can make it useful as a building stone, also its hardness, high density and colour, making it useful. According to Calvo & Regueiro (2010) limestone was used as a building stone for centuries and continues to be used extensively in a wide range of structures. Limestone was very popular in late 19th to early 20th centuries it was used in building construction and architecture. Oolitic limestone was used in this test because ice crystallization in the porous system of rock can cause significant damage (Nicholson, 2000) and this test compares oolitic limestone with a known performance of marine gravel. METHODOLOGY Aggregate testing The aggregate was washed, oven dried, and weighed prior to the freeze/thaw test procedure as defined in BS EN 1367 -1 :2007. The test procedure used required the aggregate to be air frozen and water thawed. After the completion of each freezing cycle, the cans holding the aggregate were thawed by immersion in water at approximately 20 °C. Thawing was considered to be completed when the aggregate temperature had reached 20°C (± 3). On completion of the tenth cycle, the contents of each can was poured into a test sieve having an aperture size half the lower size sieve used to prepare the test specimen (e.g. in the case of the 8 mm to 16 mm fraction, into a test sieve of 4 mm aperture size). The test specimen was washed and sieved on the specified sieve by hand. The residue remaining on the sieve was dried at 110°C (± 5), cooled to ambient temperature and weighed immediately to determine the total mass lost (BS EN1367-1:2007). Freeze/thaw testing The C20 concrete has a high water cement ratio and low cement content that makes the concrete susceptible to freeze/thaw damage especially when the testing is started at a point in the early life of the concrete. Concrete cubes were manufactured using a 70 litre rotary drum mixer; a slump of 150 to 160 mm was recorded for each batch of concrete. Sixteen 100 mm3 concrete cubes were made using the concrete mix design shown in Table 1 that will provide a C20 characteristic strength concrete. Table 1-C20 Mix design of concrete cubes Mass per m3 of concrete (kg) Material 240 CEM1 cement (Ferrocrete) 731 Coarse sand 1107 Aggregate ( Marine gravel/Oolitic limestone) 0.8 Water cement ratio Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 231 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 The batching comprised of 16 concrete cubes (8 Oolitic limestone aggregate and 8 marine gravel aggregate concrete) as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1- Batching process The mixing time for each batch was equal and the batching and cube manufacture complied with BS 1881 : Part 108, (1983). The use of Ferrocrete increased the rate of curing due to the CEM 1 being finely ground, hence the 3 day curing period. The concrete mix design had a 0.8 water/cement ratio, which can lead to very weak strength concrete and allow an accelerated freeze/thaw test program. One from each group of 8 concrete cubes were subject to a compressive strength test after 3 days of curing. The other 7 cubes of each group were subject to a freeze/thaw test. The testing took place during the day and two freeze/thaw cycles were able to be carried out, which comprised of 1 hour in the water tank of 20°C and 7 hours in the freezer of -19°C, this counted as one freeze/thaw cycle. Then, the concrete cubes were put back into the water tank again for 60 minutes to fully thaw and saturate and finally, returned to the freezer all night for 15-16 hours. This procedure was air freezing and water thawing as described in ASTM C666:1997 (Procedure B). Before all 14 concrete cubes were put into the test, their weight and pulse velocity were measured (BS 1881 Testing Concrete, Part 203: 1986). Also, after every 7th cycle their weight, pulse velocity was again being measured and cracks from the freeze/thaw effect were observed. The freeze/thaw cycles would be terminated after 56 cycles or after the pulse velocity reduction was more than 60% of the original reading and this was informed by BS CEN/TR 15177: (2006) and ASTM 666C. RESULTS Oolite aggregate test The deterioration of the washed Oolitic limestone due to freezing and thawing was observed in this test after 10 freeze/thaw cycles. The freeze/thaw samples consisted of two batches; one 4kg, and one 2kg that were sieved down to 16-32mm, and 8-16mm respectively. After 10 freeze/thaw cycles were carried out on washed Oolitic limestone, the dry mass lost was recorded on a single sieve half the size of the 232 Oolitic limestone and marine sandstone gravel aggregate, early life concrete and aggregate freeze/thaw test for durability smallest sieve used to prepare the sample. Washing the limestone produced a mass loss of 45% of very fine materials surrounding the limestone. The 4 kg sample prepared within the range of 16-32 mm was sieved and 3.66 kg of material was retained on sieve. This equates to an 8.5% loss of test material due to freeze/thaw action. The 2 kg sample prepared within the range of 8-16 mm was sieved and 1.78 kg of material was retained on the sieve. This equates to a 10.5% loss of test material due to freeze/thaw action. The average loss between the two samples was 9.5% with the smaller aggregate fairing worse than the larger aggregate due to the volume and surface area relationship of the two aggregate sizes. A 32mm aggregate may have a surface area/volume ratio of 0.188, whereas an 8 mm aggregate may have a surface area/volume ratio of 0.750. This shows that there is a difference of 4 with regard to the surface area/volume ratios of the two different aggregate sizes. A 9.5% loss is not considered to be a good aggregate to be used in concrete mixing (BS EN 12620:2002) where freeze/thaw cycles may occur as it is outside the F1 – 3 categories as defined in Table 18 and therefore the percentage loss must be declared. Each cycle only lasts for 24 hours; and according to Smith et al. (2010) oolitic limestone is prone to decay caused by severe and/or prolonged freezing. Therefore, a different set of results may be obtained regarding freeze/thaw effectiveness if the cycle time and the number of cycles are increased. According to Nye (1972), Oolitic limestone has a high anisotropic behavior due to the presence of calcite. This behavior creates a large dilation coefficient in the crystallographic axis, while causing contraction in the other two axis. This dilation results in major deformations of the Oolitic limestone in many dimensions, and this phenomenon leads to more integral cracks in the limestone particles which may be a contributing factor within these results. Freeze/thaw test The initial compressive strength at 3 days was 4.1 N/mm2 for marine gravel and 5.4 N/mm2 for Oolitic limestone. The freeze/thaw test was terminated after 35 cycles due to the breakdown of the concrete cube due to freeze/thaw action. The performance of the concrete cubes is shown in Figures 2 and 3 are based upon the average values of the 7 cubes. Figure 2. Average pilse velocity of both types of concete – 35 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 233 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Figure 3. Average percentage mass lost of both types of concrete –35 Figures 4 to 9 show the deterioration of the concrete cubes at 14, 21 and 28 cycles. It is apparent from Figures 2 and 3 that the pulse velocity reduction and mass lost were roughly equal with the exception of the last 7 cycles and this is corroborated in Figures 4 to 9. Figure 4 and 5. Oolitic limestone aggregate (left) and marine gravel aggregate (right) concrete cube after 14 cycles Figure 6 and 7. Oolitic limestone aggregate (left) and marine gravel aggregate (right) concrete cube after 21 cycles When producing high density concrete, oolitic limestone has high density in itself, however, its shape is not what is most suitable for using as coarse aggregate. Good aggregate should have some sphericity, some angular and its texture must be rough. The oolitic limestone is rough and quite angular but its shape is quite flaky and elongated which is not good. Together with its anisotropic expansion and contraction during temperature change, this may be the possible reason for the sudden failure in the 28th to 35th cycle. 234 Oolitic limestone and marine sandstone gravel aggregate, early life concrete and aggregate freeze/thaw test for durability Figure 8 and 9. Oolitic limestone aggregate (left) and marine gravel aggregate (right) concrete cube after 28 cycles CONCLUSION The material was washed prior to freeze/thaw testing, and the clean aggregate was used for the freeze/ thaw test from which the mass lost was only 8.5 – 10.5% which is within the permissible values required for use as a sub base material. However, a certain amount of fine material is required if the Oolitic limestone was to be used as a bedding material and this may have to be added back to the aggregate after the initial washing to be of a commercial use. The freeze/thaw concrete test showed that, all of the concrete cubes had failed completely after the 35th cycle; also the pulse velocity reduction was more than 60% for both types of concrete cube, which was when the test was terminated. As shown in the results, there were no significant differences in freeze/ thaw performance between both types of aggregate. However, marine gravel aggregate concrete cubes were slightly better in freeze/thaw performance as their average pulse velocity was higher than Oolitic limestone. This is an indication of fewer internal cracks from the freeze/thaw action. The percentage mass lost in the last cycle of Oolitic limestone - 49.5%, was about 10% higher than the mass lost marine gravel aggregate concrete cubes, 37.69%. This reaction may be due to the fact that limestone can be highly variable in terms of physical characteristics such as hardness, fossil content and porosity (Smith & Viles 2006). The higher anisotropic behavior of calcite in oolitic limestone, where there is a large dilatation coefficient in the crystallographic axis (c) and strong contraction in a and b axis (Nye 1972), can also lead to more cracks inside the concrete cubes. A visual examination showed that Oolitic limestone aggregate concretes were better in all earlier cycles since they didn’t have visible surface cracks. However, in the 28th cycle, they suddenly broke down and displayed similar damage to that of marine gravel aggregate concrete. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 235 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 FURTHER WORK In concrete, there are two possible ways to resist failure caused by freezing and thawing which is increasing the density of concrete or creating well distributed air voids inside the concrete (Marco Castano et al 2010). Higher density concrete which by implication means higher strength, can be simply produced by using high strength cement, using high density aggregate or using less water to cement ratio. For the production of well distributed voids, an air entraining agent can be used to induce the chemical reaction during the hydration of cement paste during the plastic phase to create air in the form of very small well distributed bubbles. By using the oolitic limestone as coarse aggregate, it is possible to increase the freezing and thawing of concrete by these two ways, producing high density concrete and creating more well distributed voids inside them. Oolitic limestones are mainly composed of rings of calcite or calcium carbonate. Regarding the role of calcium carbonate in cement hydration, calcite addition to the cement patse will create a reaction which will increase the pH and decrease the porosity in concrete with no expansion in the concrete volume (Matschei, et al 2006). It can be assumed that by using the oolictic limestone as coarse aggregate, it may be possible that some chemical reactions may take place and this may help to create more distributed voids and increase the concrete resistance to freezing and thawing and this is an area for further research. REFERENCES ASTM C 666, (1997), Standard test method for resistance of Concrete to rapid freezing and Thawing, USA BS 1881 : Part 108, (1983), Making Test Cubes BS 1881 Testing Concrete, Part 203: (1986) Testing Concrete – Recommendations for measurement of velocity of Ultrasonic Pulses in Concrete. BS EN1367-1:2007, “Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates — Part 1: Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing”, British Standards Institute, UK BS EN 12620:2002, “Aggregates for concrete”, British Standards Institute, UK BS CEN/TR 15177: (2006) – Testing the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete Cement Admixtures Association (2006), “Admixture Sheet”, ATS5 Concrete Air-entraining admixtures. Calvo J P and Regueiro M, (2010), “Carbonate rocks in the Mediterranean region – from classical to innovative uses of building stone”, Geological Society, London, pp 27 - 35 Dwecka J, Buchlerb P M, Vieira Coelhob A C, Cartledge F K,(1999) “Hydration of a Portland cement blended with calcium carbonate” Thermochimia Acta, Elsevier, pp 105 - 113 Marco Castano, L.D, Martinez-Martinez, J, Benavente, D and Garcia-del-Cura, M.A (2010), “Failures in the standard characterization of carbonate dimension stone durability during freeze-thaw testing”. Global Stone Congress. Matschei T, Lothenbach B, Glasser F P, (2006) “The role of calcium carbonate in cement hydration”, Cement and Concrete Research, Elsevier, pp 551 – 558. Nye, JF, (1972): Physical properties of crystals. Oxford. London. Nicholson, DT, Nicholson, FH, (2000): “Physical deterioration of sedimentary rocks subjected to experimental freeze-thaw weathering”, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Smith B J, Gómez-heras M and Viles H A, (2010), “Underlying issues on the selection, use and 236 Oolitic limestone and marine sandstone gravel aggregate, early life concrete and aggregate freeze/thaw test for durability conservation of building limestone”. Geological Society, London. UCL, “Geology in the landscape and buildings of London”, Oolitic limestone: UCL http://www.es.ucl. ac.uk/schools/Glossary/limestone.htm accessed 02.06.2011. BIBLIOGRAPHY Oolitic limestone (2000), “Oosparite”, available at: http://csmres.jmu.edu/geollab/Fichter/SedRx/Rocks/ oospar1detC.html (accessed 27 April 2011) Scherer G W, (2006), “Internal stress and cracking in stone and masonry”, Measuring, Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties pp. 633-641. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 237 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design Jason Braithwaite1 and Paula Bleanch2 ABSTRACT Understanding of the architectural technology profession is maturing and there appears to be a need for more research into the impact of the technologist in integrated teams. A review of literature was carried out to investigate the theoretical role of the technologist and establish a contextual background on current theories of integrated design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with architectural technologists possessing a range of experience in practice, who all currently work in the North East of England. The interviews sought to identify what the architectural technologists did in practice and how this related to their role in integrated design. Interviewees were firstly questioned about their work and whether they identified with the key features presented in the literature. They were then asked to visually represent how they felt about these features on a scale of either control or influence, on a “locus of control” diagram. The research seemed to suggest that the amount of control the technologists felt they had over their role, and over integrated working, was closely related to length of time working in the discipline. However, links also emerged which could indicate that type of experience and attitude are also crucially important. Some interesting reflections also surfaced about the importance of technical competence for the architectural technologist, and how this affects potential ability to influence an integrated team. The visual approach to the data collection was planned to appeal to the technologists and this also allowed useful comparisons to be made between the different interviewees. Keywords: architectural technologist, constructive link, detailed design, integration, technical competence. 1 School of the Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK Awarded to “CIAT Award for Best Architectural Technology Student 2011” [email protected] 2 [email protected] 238 The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design INTRODUCTION This paper investigates existing theory on the discipline of architectural technology, in relation to integrated design, and compares this with the actual experience of practicing technologists. The following literature review discusses the evolution, education, professional training and environment of the technologist and provides a timely addition to a small body of existing literature. The following primary research will examine whether technologists currently fulfil the role of co-ordinator in integrated design teams and whether this assists collaboration between design disciplines. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with architectural technologists with a range of practical experience working in the North East of England, to discuss their work and discover their attitude towards co-ordinating and leading integrated design teams. The interviewees visually represented how their role could affect the key features of integrated working on a scale of either control or influence, through a “Locus of Control” diagram. The intent of the research was to provide a way for the technologists to represent their feelings about key aspects of their position visually, as it was thought that this would appeal to their way of working. The results were plotted on a graph to provide a visual representation of the data and allow a comparison between the interviewee’s responses. THE ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY DISCIPLINE This section investigates the relevance of the architectural technology discipline, in relation to current theories of integration in design and construction. The work of Stephen Emmitt, Professor of Architectural Technology at Loughborough University, provides a large contribution to the literature; however, there is generally a lack of academic writing directly relating to the architectural technologist. This can be simply demonstrated in the results of a quick search on the Northumbria University Library and Learning Services (NORA) facility, which shows that there is far less existing literature on architectural technology, than on other professions in the field, such as construction management: Table 1: Date of Search: January 2011 Search Engine Results Architectural Technology 77,543 Construction Management 651,698 This comparison shows a contrast between the disciplines. It should be noted that time will affect the amount of literature produced and it would be expected that more literature exists surrounding the profession with the longer academic history. However, this probably also reflects the nature of the disciplines and the fact that architectural technology is a design based discipline. In order to understand how the profession and the education of technology professionals have developed, it is necessary to consider the bodies that influence the architectural technology degree programmes and practice. The Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) The CIAT is an internationally recognised body which represents over 9,500 professionals working and studying in Architectural Technology (CIAT, 2011). It originated in 1965 with the formation of the Society of Architectural and Associated Technicians (SAAT) and in the years from 1986 and 1994 the name was changed from the British Institute of Architectural Technicians (BIAT) to the British Institute of Architectural Technologists to “recognise the development educationally and in practice of the professionally qualified Architectural Technologist” (CIAT, 2010). Recognition by Royal Charter in July 2005 allowed the Institution to grant full chartered membership of MCIAT and to enjoy parity with the other professional bodies in the industry (CIAT 2010). Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 239 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 ‘What is a Chartered Architectural Technologist’ (CIAT, 2010), defines the profession as: ...providing architectural design services and solutions. They are specialists in the science of architecture, building design and construction and form the link between concept and construction. They negotiate the construction project and manage the project from inception through to completion. This recognises the architectural technologist’s specialism in linking design and construction. It also suggests a degree of responsibility in managing all project stages. The data collection in this research paper questions the scope of this in practice. Education This section considers aspects of architectural technology education, in order to help define competencies and establish how attitudes to multidisciplinary working may be formed during study. The architectural technology bachelor’s degree with honours was developed in the 1990’s by a few pioneering institutions and has grown rapidly from modest beginnings (Emmitt, 2002, p239). Emmitt (2002, p.24) states that there are three core areas of “design, technology and management” underlining these courses. However, he also notes that the degree was often created out of modules from existing construction-related courses. This suggests a direct relationship between the degree and other professional courses in the built environment. In his book, Architectural Technology, Emmitt (2002, p239) cites the original Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education’s Subject Benchmark Statement for architectural technology (QAA, 2000 cited in Emmitt, 2002). This outlines the academic standards for architectural technology, based on three areas: • Technology • Design procedures and practice • Procurement and contracts (management) However, this has changed since 2000, and in 2007 the current benchmark statement was issued, confirming that programmes must ensure familiarity with a total of four main aspects of architectural technology. These aspects are identified by the QAA (2007) as: • Design procedures • Technology • Procurement and contracts • Professional practice These four areas emphasise the expected competencies of graduates and highlight how the architectural technologist is likely to be utilised in the design to construction process. So, even at first principles, there is potential for fluency between industry graduates in terms of knowledge, bridging the design to construction phases. However, the interdisciplinary credentials of the technologist’s education should be further explored by investigating the area of “professional practice” included in the 2007 changes. As Cooper (1997, cited in Gann and Salter, 2001) states, interdisciplinary work results from the joint and continuously integrated effort to combine more than one speciality. The QAA (2007) also recognises the architectural technology degree as being integrated in nature, rather than sitting in isolation. It states that architectural technologists actively lead and participate in integrated teams and contribute towards a built environment that is “designed for production and performance in use”. As the architectural technology degree has matured, there seems to have been more emphasis on integration and the potential to lead the team. From this it could be interpreted that the development of the degree programme has continued to focus on integrating the discipline with other members of the design and construction processes, hopefully creating an ability to work in, and lead, multidisciplinary teams. 240 The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design Competencies This section aims to establish the competencies of the architectural technologist though consideration of existing literature, including the view of CIAT on how competency should be developed. An Identified Gap An issue well documented in reports such as Latham (1994) and Egan (1998) is the “fuzzy edge” between design and construction. In the midst of these reports, Emmitt (1995, p3) suggested that the architectural technologist is a specialist in a strong position to seize the initiative and become the link between design and construction. However, this was posited as early as 1984 with the release of Architectural Technology – the constructive link (SAAT, 1984). This report aimed to create an identity for architectural technicians and introduced the concept of the “constructive link”, an issue which has become central to the role of the architectural technologist (Emmitt, 2001). Figure 1 illustrates the constructive link between the stages from concept to completion, and it is here that the contributors’ competence is consequent to the effectiveness of the process and the product (Emmitt, 2002). Detailed design links concept to assembly, where traditionally the break Figure 1. Interfaces (Emmitt, 2002, p.34) occurs between the architect and the builder, and the translation of design to construction (Emmitt, 2002). It is suggested that this responsibility is ideally fulfilled by the architectural technologist. As previously stated, it is important to bear in mind that there is very little literature that directly relates to the architectural technologist, possibly because of its broad brush nature as indicated in the literature. Emmitt (2001, p.601) describes the discipline as being a “further player in an already overcrowded and fragmented marketplace”, but recognises that technologists could be a “missing link” in the supply chain, narrowing the void between design and production. It is therefore necessary to consider literature on integration and interdisciplinary working in order to shed light on the possibilities open to the discipline and investigate a framework where this could be encouraged. Theories of Integration This section will consider theories of integration and integrated teams, to review existing knowledge and consider how they may relate to the architectural technologist. In Mapping the Conceptual Design Activity of Interdisciplinary Teams, Austin et al. (2001), describe the mapping and tracking of conceptual design activity. Their evidence suggests that an agreed team leader must lead throughout the process (Austin et al., 2001). This opinion was shared by Steele et al. (2000), who noted that this may be due to a lack of understanding and knowledge on the part of designers of what is involved in managing conceptual design. The need for an agreed team leader to guide the team through the integrated process is essential to establish unison within the team and prevent individual agendas potentially fragmenting the team. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 241 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 One of the frameworks developed in order to counter fragmentation is Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). The American Institute of Architects (2007) state that IPD will integrate people, systems, business structures and firms in order to improve efficiency. IPD could potentially allow collaboration of participants with their individual talents and knowledge. The principles that make up the collaborative nature of IPD, emphasise skills within the project team such as; technical competence and a commitment to the integrated practice and a collaborative process. Experience and integrity are also important to the team (AIA, 2007, p.3). Along with attitudinal emphasis, there is also a focus on integrity and technical competence, which has been mentioned previously in the research as fundamental in closing the gap between design and construction. Furthermore, the AIA (2007) states that open communication and collaboration should be met with these key provisions. Considerations such as communication and information exchange, technology, project decision processes and oversight are important features of a team capable of implementing IPD. The relevance of the discussed theories and IPD framework helps to describe where the architectural technologist potentially fits into an integrated method of project delivery. The effective implementation of the architectural technologist in an integrated design team could be evidence for a possible “evolution” in how the discipline is both perceived, and assumed to function, within design teams. Integration and the Architectural Technologist This section will investigate how the architectural technologist could perform in an integrated environment. Melhado (1998) describes design work as ranging from “marketing and costs analysis to technological choices and production process specifications” (Melhado, 1995, cited in Melhado, 1998). With such multifunctional aspects to projects, it is necessary to have a great deal of co-ordination effort. In Figure 2. Proposal of multifunctional team to the building design eleboration (Based on: Melhado 1994, cited Melhado 1998) 242 The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design considering these difficulties, Melhado (1998) seeks proposals for “multifunctional teamwork”. Shown below in Figure 2 is the Proposal of multifunctional team to the building design elaboration (Melhado 1994, cited in Melhado 1998). What is illustrated here is an innovative type of design consultant who deals with design for production, focussing on the “concurrent design” of the building parts (Melhado, 1998). Brookfield et al. (2004, p.7) state that the role of the co-ordinator-consultant requires a person or organisation that is “crossfunctional”. They advocate the architectural technologist in this position, thus linking lean design and lean construction through multidisciplinary methods. It can be argued that this is in relation to the key concurrent design aspects of the process (Melhado, 1998). Alarcón and Mardones (1998) have also devised a methodology as a result of their research into the work of Huovila et al.(1997) on the design to construction interface. This proposes four different actions which are suggested to improve design quality: 1. Supervision: of the design process. 2. Coordination: of the different specialties through a logic sequence of information transfer. 3. Standardization: of design information, to avoid the omissions, errors and continuous changes, that affects the normal development of the projects. 4. Control: of the flow of information, verifying that the requirements of previous processes are fulfilled. (Alarcón. and Mardones, 1998, p.6) Brookfield et al. (2004) suggest that this can be realised with the adoption of a multifunctional “design for production” team similar to that shown in Figure 2. They posit that the co-ordinator role operates as a constructive link between design and production as they are required to assist the project brief and ensure that its goals are substantially met (Brookfield et al., 2004). According to Brookfield et al. (2004, p.7) this position, as a bridge between the concept and the practical, requires abilities such as: • Knowledge and understanding of the design process and appreciation of the value of design, contractual issues and professional obligations • The ability to translate design intent into construction, maximising efficiency and satisfaction (the ability to materialise) • Knowledge of the physical and performance factors of building materials and associated technologies • The ability to work fluently within a multidisciplinary design team For these reasons, it is suggested that the architectural technologist, as a creative and constructive member of the design team, can be employed at the heart of the process in the co-ordinator role (Brookfield et al., 2004). Summary The review of the literature has established that there are strong links between the architectural technologist and the co-ordination of effective design and production. Therefore, the primary data collection seeks to investigate the architectural technologist in practice to discover similarities between theory and practice and opinions of practitioners regarding the co-ordination of integrated design. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The findings of the literature review suggested that some further investigation was necessary into the role of the architectural technologist in practice. This section sets out to investigate what the discipline is in reality and what technologists believe they can achieve in their work. Such a research topic is attitudinal in nature, requiring collection of data on the thoughts and opinions of architectural technologists who work in professional practice. Dainty (2008) has previously noted the polarised opinions regarding Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 243 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 research paradigms in construction, and the rationalistic approach that dominates the industry. Thus by choosing to pursue the research in a qualitative or subjective manner, an interpretive process was developed that responded to the visual nature of technologists and provided some interesting findings. It was suitable to conduct semi-structured interviews in order to gather the required data. This is recognised by Davies, (2007, p.29), who perceives effective semi-structured interviews to be of a kind which will “stimulate reflection and exploration”. The method is more suitable than a fully structured method to gain data in this case, as it was hoped to prompt a spontaneous response, establishing an honest immediate opinion of the interviewee. This ensured that the data collection exercise was both open and engaging. The interviewee selections were chosen from architectural technologists that work, or have recently worked, as architectural technologists in architectural practice. This selection was limited to the North East of England for financial and practical reasons. The six interviewees were selected as they had a range of experience working in practice, including those employed at senior level (i.e. senior architectural technologist and technical manager) and those new to the industry. Some interviewees have achieved chartered recognition by the CIAT. The interviewees’ experience is summarised below: Table 2: Interviewee Selection Interviewee Experience (years) In a Senior Role? Are they Chartered? Interviewee 1 30 yes yes Interviewee 2 20 no no Interviewee 3 20 yes yes Interviewee 4 2 no no Interviewee 5 6 no no Interviewee 6 15 yes yes This selection attempted to capture a range of practical experience versus seniority, in addition to chartered status. As identified in the literature review, the education of architectural technologists has changed over time. It was important to realise how the academic nature of the role has matured and this could be manifested in the answers that were given by the contrasting backgrounds the selection provided. A pilot interview helped inform the process, as it tested the initial set of questions and influenced the subsequent direction of the data collection. The interview structure changed due to insights gained in the pilot, such as a need to ensure enough opportunity to discuss attitudes of the interviewees. This was also the case when testing the “locus of control” diagram as a research tool. As this was such an unusual method, the pilot interview helped to establish whether this would work as a useful means of data collection. The “locus of control” was devised as a visual representation of the technologist’s opinions, as shown below (Figure 3.). The diagram originates from the “locus of control” developed by Rotter (1954), when investigating individual perspectives of influence or control over events (Liebert and Spiegler, 1994). Although the inspiration for the “locus of control” diagram came from Covey et al. (1994). 244 Figure 3. Locus of Control diagram, adapted from Covey et al, (1994, p.151) The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design The three ‘circles’, as shown above, describe areas in which the interviewee could use their time and energy effectively. In this case, the three circles consisting of focus, influence and concern are where the interviewees were asked to place key aspects already identified in the literature as being part of the technologist’s role in integrated teams. Table 3, below, illustrates the features identified in the literature. The purpose of this exercise was to conclude sections in the interview process by allowing the interviewee to place certain features of their role (in the form of a feature card), on the locus diagram, in the circle that best represented their perceived level of either control or influence over the said feature. The feature cards were devised by following the investigative principles of questions set out in the semi-structured interview. The features are defined under the headings shown in the “Sections” column. The “Purpose” column outlines the reason for including each particular feature card and its subsequent investigative qualities. The pilot interview helped clarify how the locus of control and the feature cards would be perceived by the interviewees. This dictated small changes to the terms used on the feature cards for clarity, however, the purpose of the card remained the same. Table 3: Feature Cards Feature Card Purpose “Multidisciplinary Development” To realise how an individual can either control or influence their multidisciplinary development “Cross Function within the Design Team” and “Translating Design into Construction (Constructive Link)” To investigate the extent each individual realises the main functions of this role Technical Competencies “Providing Vital Technical Information” *see constructive link Role in the Design Team “Communication of Design Intent” and “Leadership Through Technical Competence” To investigate the individual’s belief in what they can achieve in the design team Co-ordinating Lean Design and Construction “Co-ordination of the Multidisciplinary Team”, “Coordination of Disciplines” and “Concurrent Design (Design for Production)” This was largely based on the literature on the application of the discipline in lean design and construction. Thus investigating the participants opinions on the extent of their perceived control or influence on being implemented in a co-ordination role. Sections Multidisciplinary Development Constructive Link The supplementary data collected from the “Architectural Technologist’s Locus of Control” meant that there were various features expressed on the locus in positions that differed between each participant. Each participant’s data was scrutinised and put into a spider diagram (as shown in figure 4.1 –4.6 below). The scale of 0 to 5.5 represents the scoring given by the interviewee regarding their influence or control over the features, where a scoring of ‘5.5’ is where the interviewee has expressed complete control over the feature, and where a score of ‘0’ represents neither control nor influence over the feature. Analysing the radar charts helped test the theories in the literature, consequently illustrating how the interviewees perceived their responsibilities as architectural technologists. In attempting to map this, the process has allowed comparisons between length and type experience and attitudes towards the Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 245 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 discipline, presenting it in an accessible way. This visual approach is in some ways reminiscent of Foley and Macmillan (2005, p.19), who felt that their research on the patterns of interaction in construction team meetings would be more “readily accessible to designers” if they graphically represented their results. The use of the locus of control diagram was perceived to help data collection as the interviewees commented that this was a more interesting method than the usual interview process. DISCUSSION There were a number of recurring themes that emerged in the data. These will be evaluated and discussed in comparison to the literature in this topic area. The Architectural Technologists’ Locus of Control The results of the interviewees’ locus of control diagrams are visually represented on the spider diagrams overleaf (Figures 4.1. to 4.6.).The data is shown so as to frame the analysis and visually represent the attitudes of the interviewees. Each spider diagram represents where each interviewee placed their feature card on the Locus of Control using a scale of 0-5, 0 being no influence or control and 5 being complete influence and control. When cross-referencing the interviewees’ length of experience with their perceived level of control over their work, there are similarities in the findings. Interviewees 1, 2, 3 and 6 have longer experience in industry than Interviewees 4 and 5. Generally these interviewees thought they had more control over the key features of the role. However, a higher level of control was apparent with Interviewees 1, 2 and 6 in comparison to Interviewee 3. This difference in opinion could be down to attitude or type of experience, but it was the case that Interviewee 3 felt that there was more influence rather than control when it came to leading through technical competence, and also the idea of linking the architectural technologist to co-ordinating design. One of the key aspects of the data is the visual representation of Interviewee 1 and how it differs with the other participants. Interviewee 1 firmly believed that as an architectural technologist, there was capacity to essentially control each aspect that the feature cards set out. This described their attitude towards the architectural technology discipline and what it could achieve. This was also reflected in Interviewee 2’s response, although to a lesser extent in some areas. Therefore, there was a mixture of responses to the arguments presented in the literature. Agreement was most notable in the area of control over providing technical information and translating design into construction. However, some disagreement came from the features that applied to co-ordinating design, such as leading the multidisciplinary team and design for production aspects. Figure 4.1. Interviewee 1 246 Figure 4.2. Interviewee 2 The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design Figure 4.3. Interviewee 3 Figure 4.4. Interviewee 4 Figure 4.5. Interviewee 5 Figure 4.6. Interviewee 6 Interdisciplinary Development When asked about whether or not there are aspects of their work that influence multidisciplinary development, the interviewees responded in agreement. The sample showed a lot of emphasis on both length and type of experience. Interviewee 3 recalled working for seven years in a smaller practice, in which a multidisciplinary nature comes “automatically” and there is an expectation to “be more multidisciplinary”. Whereas in a larger practice, he stated that “we tend to be more focussed on our own role”. Interviewee 3 believes that “you get more channelled in the larger practice into the ‘core’ bits of your role”. Also, an aspect that was recalled by Interviewee 5 was how multidisciplinary development could be aided through the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) software. In the example of “co-ordinating our design with the structural engineer’s design”, by using the “two integrated models” it allowed for the user to “get a hold of it and get a good look and see what they’re trying to achieve”. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 247 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Constructive Link In this section, the interviewees were questioned on how their role could be described as a “constructive link” (Emmitt, 2002, p.34) and “cross functional” (Brookfield et al., 2004, p.7). The participants were aided in their description of “constructive link” through the Interfaces model presented by Emmitt (2002, p.34) as shown in Figure 1. All of the interviewees recognised being this constructive link, and saw this as “critical” and “core” to their work. Experience and level of exposure to translating design to construction was also an emerging theme. Interviewee 4 recognised that as a less experienced technologist, their role in practice as a “constructive link” fell between detail and production. This was backed up by the more experienced Interviewee 3, who worked for the same architectural practice. On the other hand, Interviewee 5 had exposure to both concept and detailed design stages through the office set up. At his practice there was an open invite to “stage reviews” which recognised that technologists “would get involved between concept and detail, and see the whole thing through from there”. So the opportunity for influence and input seemed to exist. Opportunities, or lack of them, seemed to be the main factor that affected how the technologist was employed in practice. This highlights the importance of office culture in the development of the technologist and whether they are afforded opportunities to lead the process. Cross-Functional Role The “cross-functional” term used by Brookfield et al. (2004, p.7) describes the nature of the technologists’ requirement to not be an expert in all areas, but have a knowledge of what each discipline does in practice. Interviewee 6 saw this as an apt description, describing the architectural technologist as a “jack of all trades, not a master of all, but a good ‘AT’ will know a lot of each”. All of the interviewees had similar opinions. However, according to Interviewee 5, the cross-functional description was dependant on “the level of experience of the technologist”. Thus he concluded that having a certain level of knowledge could increase the cross-functionality of the role. Interviewee 3 stated that cross-functional working was “a natural part of the role” and that the “two way process” with the other members of the design team came down to requirements of the conceptual design, hence effectively ensuring that design was translated to construction. Technical Competence All interviewees identified the extreme importance of technical competence. Again, the recurring theme present in the data was time spent developing skills in practice. Interviewee 4 identified that the “technical manager and the senior technologists would be the people to go to” if technical help was needed. Furthermore, on the subject of developing technical competence, Interviewee 5 stated that “there’s an important part of senior members of staff to pass down information and to spend time with younger members of staff.....I find that I’ve got the most from the sort of people who will spend time”. Therefore, there is a reliance upon the experienced members of staff to guide the less experienced in technical competence. Role in the Design Team Communicating Design Intent Interviewee 1 recalled his experience working in practices that do not “have a very clear demarcation” between the discipline of architects and technicians, that adopted a “if you’re good enough, do it” approach. The fact that Interviewee 1 works in a senior position, after having worked as an architectural technologist, helped form the opinion that “the architectural technologist ‘bit’ is the route to get to a position, if you wanted to, you could wield as much power or have as pivotal a position as you want, depending on how much you want it”. This perhaps shows a requirement to have the right type of 248 The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design attitude and resilience in order to take on a central co-ordination role in the design team. This key relationship was also flagged by Interviewee 6, when describing the relationship with the architect he said, “if the architect and the AT work as they should, the baton passing should be seamless”. Clearly an essential skill that has to be mastered in order to take on the role of co-ordinator is to be able to communicate design intent into detail. This appears to be strongly related to a combination of experience, attitude, and environment. An important feature of the environment appears to be the relationship between architects and technologists in practice. It seems that where there is little differentiation between the two disciplines in terms of seniority, technologists are capable of taking on the co-ordinator and leadership role. Influencing Through Technical Competence Interviewee 4 presented the case that technical experience “gives you a good background”, however it was more important to “have an understanding of the rest of the team” in order to lead the design team, rather than through technical competence alone. In addition to personal qualities, Interviewee 5 stated, “I don’t think technical knowledge alone could lead a project, you have to lean on other people within the team”. However, when probed about the value of having an understanding of other disciplines in such a situation, Interviewee 5 replied “I think it’s related”. Therefore, although there is a need to rely on other designers in order to lead the design team, the interviewees thought that having knowledge of their input and how the technologist should perform, could be key to influencing the team. Leading the Design Team The data analysis highlights that the longer the interviewee had worked in the industry, the more evidence they could provide to suggest that the technologist could lead the design team. Interviewee 4 stated that a technologist “doesn’t necessarily have the leadership skills to lead a whole design team and know what people are doing to give tasks out to people to do, but I think it comes down to experience as well”. In addition, Interviewee 5 stated that it “purely depends on your knowledge and your past experience” claiming that “I’ve worked with people who are now technologists who in the past have been project managers and I think it does influence their role, the fact that they’ve worked in other aspects of the system”. A theme that has previously presented itself was that of personal attitude or circumstance. Interviewee 1 identified this as one of the main reasons as to why the architectural technologist is sometimes not the fundamental leader in the design team. This interviewee believed that the architectural technologist “can do it every bit as well as an architect”; however, “a lot of technologists to some extent hold themselves back”. Therefore the interviewee suggested that is up to the technologist whether they believe they could lead the design team or not. Co-ordinating Lean Design and Production When asked their opinion on Brookfield et al. (2004) advocating the architectural technologist in the role as illustrated by Melhado (1994, cited in Melhado, 1998), the interviewees provided a mixed response. Interviewee 6 stated that “the co-ordinator is the central connecting element, as an architectural technologist you are the centre of all that, you draw from the architect and you co-ordinate from that and that couldn’t be a better diagram”. In addition, Interviewee 2 agreed and said it is “pretty much a model that we have here actually in the office”, where the architect “would oversee, generally, the whole project and someone like myself in the system to be dealing with all these elements”. Interviewee 1 agreed that the role “can be” employed in such a manner; however, it was pointed out that if you “show that to somebody else and they’ll say ‘oh, it’s the design manager’ or ‘it’s the project manager’, depending on who you’re talking to”. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 249 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 There was also some disagreement of the co-ordinator role being linked to the technologist. Interviewee 4 recognised that the technologist “would probably run parallel with the architect” and largely agreed that they could do this role; however, there were some areas they thought a technologist would be less likely to co-ordinate on projects (e.g. marketing). Moreover, Interviewee 3 felt that there should be a much “stronger link” between the architect and the technologist, if the technologist were to be applied to the co-ordinator role. Interviewee 3 believed strongly that the technologist in this role was “separating it into two completely separate disciplines” where there ideally should be “more overlap” with the architect than there is with any of the other design inputs. CONCLUSION Figure 5 provides a visual representation of the key findings of the research, describing a model where the architectural technologist is able take on a co-ordinating role in integrated design. The key inputs shown are the emerging themes from the data in relation to the theories of Brookfield et al. (2004). The model also suggests further inputs are required, such as interdisciplinary education and more CIAT involvement. Each of the aspects potentially influences the architectural technologists’ individual approach to their discipline. The model illustrates that opportunities do exist to maximise potential as a leader in the team, but due to circumstances, this is not necessarily available to every technologist in the industry. The environment in which the technologist is educated and employed plays a large part in how much control the architectural technologist perceives themselves to have over co-ordination and leadership. Figure 5: Key aspects and inputs (on basis of the findings) Figure 5. Key aspects and inputs (on the basis of the findings) Interviewee 1 warned that working in a practice with “demarcation” and a “strict hierarchy” can place an individual in a situation where their knowledge is narrow. This could be to the detriment of the individual, as it could potentially influence how they perceive their discipline in relation to others, this seems to coincide with how a particular practice may define the architectural technology profession. It is evident that in practices where no difference in seniority exists between the architect and the technologist, the architectural technologist is employed in a way that encourages personal development, allowing experience to be accrued on how to lead through technical competence and multidisciplinary knowledge. 250 The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design The key aspects in Figure 5 are thought to exist right through education into practice. It must be pointed out that the impact of the aspects is likely to vary in different circumstances, as an individual may not have complete control over these aspects in industry. The key areas highlighted by the QAA (2007) are heavily influenced by the way in which the individual or practice perceives the importance of the discipline and its main functions in the design team. By empowering architectural technologists into a co-ordination role, the integrated design team will be able to utilise the architectural technologist’s multi-disciplinary abilities to provide technical competence and co-ordination. The data identifies this role as being a “jack of all trades”, when a design team member offers such skills, the multidisciplinary design team will benefit from their help in integrating the team. Nevertheless, the sample did not fully agree that architectural technologists can co-ordinate integrated design. Interviewees who were in positions that either witnessed or carried out duties that demanded leadership and multidisciplinary working agreed that this function was applicable to the discipline. But the sceptical individuals still argued that the technologist needs to have a stronger link with the architect, stating that this relationship needs “more overlap” than any of the other designers. It can be argued that both opinions are the result of the environment in which the individuals are placed and attitudes towards the co-ordinator role may hinge on how they perceive this application in their own practice. It was widely agreed by the sample that technical competence is critical to their discipline. The effective translation of design into construction was of foremost importance as the interviewees felt that technical competence in the design team is critical in developing a concept into reality. Most of the sample was in agreement that their technical competence was valued by the rest of the design team. The main data concluded that technologists can, and have, effectively co-ordinated integrated design teams and do have the ability to lead through technical competence. This appears to be largely dependent on the technologist’s technical competence in translating design into detail, but may also depend on their attitude and type of experience. From an educational perspective, the environment and experience of the architectural technologist is critical when considering the early identification of the discipline’s potential in integrated design. By providing an interdisciplinary environment with an emphasis on technical leadership, the architectural technology undergraduate programme can develop essential skills that will define the attitude of the individual at first principles. Furthermore, Brookfield et al. (2004, p.7) see the effective application and evolution of the architectural technologist as a co-ordinator “with some additional training and specialisation (perhaps through postgraduate education and training programmes)”. Perhaps the next challenge is to understand how skills can be developed in educational programmes to best enable the technologists of the future to rise to the leadership challenge and perform this important co-ordination role. REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING AIA California Council (2007) Integrated Project Delivery: A Working Definition Version 1. New York: McGraw Hill Construction. Alarcón, L F. & Mardones, D A. (1998) ‘Improving the Design-Construction Interface’. IGLC: 6th Annual Conference on Lean Construction. Guaruja, Brazil 13-15 August. IGLC. Available at: http:// www.ce.berkeley.edu/~tommelein/IGLC-6/AlarconAndMardones.pdf (Accessed: 8th December 2010). Austin, S., Steele, J., Macmillan, S., Kirby, P. & Spence, R. (2001). ‘Mapping the conceptual design activity of interdisciplinary teams’, Design Studies, 22 (3), pp. 211-232 ELSEVIER [Online]. Available at: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/destud (Accessed: 8th December 2010). Brookfield, E., Emmitt, S., Hill, R. & Scaysbrook, S. (2004) ‘The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Linking Lean Design with Lean Construction’. IGLC: 12th Annual Conference on Lean Construction. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 251 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Copenhagen, Denmark 3-5 August. IGLC. Available at: http://www.iglc2004.dk/_root/media/13056_036brookfield-emmitt-hill-scaysbrook-final.pdf. (Accessed: 3rd September 2010). CIAT. (2011) About CIAT [Online]. Available at: http://www.ciat.org.uk/en/the_institute/ (Accessed: 10th January 2011). CIAT. (2009) Accreditation Guidelines for Honours Degree Programmes [Online]. Available at: http://www.ciat.org.uk/en/other/document_summary.cfm/docid/C2573677-6130-4CCD8C3D87BEB3624D71 (Accessed: 18th November 2010). CIAT (2010) Supplementary Guidance Notes for the Professional and Occupational Performance Records [Online]. Available at: http://www.ciat.org.uk/en/other/document_summary.cfm/docid/6C4F8A20-43864F6F-812521A7E20250EC (Accessed: 10th November 2010). CIAT (2010) The Professional and Occupational Performance (POP) Records [Online]. Available at: http://www.ciat.org.uk/en/Join_CIAT/POP_Records/ (Accessed: 14th November 2010). CIAT. (2010) The History of CIAT [Online]. Available at: http://www.ciat.org.uk/en/the_institute/history. cfm (Accessed: 18th November 2010). CIAT. (2010) What is a Chartered Architectural Technologist, MCIAT? [Online]. Available at: http:// www.ciat.org.uk/en/careers/ (Accessed: 2nd September 2010). CIC. (2005) Construction Industry Council: Annual Report. [Online]. Available at: http://www.cic.org. uk/services/AnnualReport05.pdf (Accessed: 18th November 2010). Covey, S., Merrill, R. A. & Merrill, R. R. (1994) First Things First: To Live, to Love, to Learn to Leave a Legacy. London: Simon & Schuster UK Ltd. Dainty, A. (2008) ‘Methodological pluralism in construction management research’. in Knight, A. & Ruddock, L. (ed.) Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. pp. 1-13. Davies, M. B. (2007) Doing a Successful Research Project. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Elvin, G. (2007) Integrated Practice in Architecture: Mastering Design-Build, Fast-track, and Building Information Modelling. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Emmitt, S. (1999) Architectural Management in Practice. Essex: Addison Wesley Longman Limited. Emmitt, S. (2001) ‘The Architectural Technologist: a timely innovation’, in Anumba, C.J., Egbu, C. & Thorpe, A. (ed.) Perspectives on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Loughborough: CICE, pp. 601-611 Emmitt, S. (2002) Architectural Technology. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd Emmitt, S. & Jørgensen, B. (2009) ‘Investigating the integration of design and construction from a “lean” perspective’, Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 9 (2), pp. 225-240 Emmitt, S. (1995) ‘The Role of the Architectural Technologist’, Architectural Technology: The Journal of the British Institute of Architectural Technologists, (September/October, Issue 1), p.3. Foley, J. & Macmillan, S. (2005) ‘Patterns of interaction in construction team meetings’, CoDesign, 1 (1), pp. 19-37. Gann, D & Salter, A. (2001) ‘Interdisciplinary education for design professionals’, in Spence, R, Macmillan, S & Kirby, P (ed.) Interdisciplinary Design in Practice. London: Thomas Telford Publishing, pp. 95-112. Great Britain. Department of Trade and Industry. (1998) Rethinking Construction: the report of the Construction Task Force to the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, on the scope for improving the quality and efficiency of UK construction. (The Egan Report). [Online]. Available at: http://www. constructingexcellence.org.uk/pdf/rethinking%20construction/rethinking_construction_report.pdf (Accessed: 25 August 2010). 252 The Architectural Technologist’s Role in Integrated Design Great Britain. Department of the Environment. (1994) Constructing the Team: Final Report of the Government/Industry Review of Procurement and Contractual Arrangements in the UK Construction Industry. (The Latham Report). [Online]. Available at: http://www.ihsti.com/tempimg/489f369CIS888614800084343.pdf (Accessed: 25 August 2010). Liebert, R. M. & Spiegler, M.D. (1994) Personality: Strategies and Issues. 7th edn. California: Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company. Matthews, O. And Howell, G A. (2005) ‘Integrated Project Delivery an Example of Relational Contracting’, Lean Construction Journal, 1 (2) April [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.leanconstruction.org/lcj/ V2_N1/LCJ_05_003.pdf (Accessed 9th December 2010). Melhado, S.B. (1998) ‘Designing for Lean Construction’. IGLC: 6th Annual Conference on Lean Construction. Guaruja, Brazil 13-15 August. IGLC. Available at: http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/~tommelein/ IGLC-6/Melhado.pdf. (Accessed: 3rd September 2010). Naoum, S.G. (2009) Dissertation and Research Writing for Construction Students.2nd edn. Oxford: Elsevier. QAA. (2007) Subject Benchmark Statement: Architectural Technology. Available at: http://www. qaa.ac.uk/academicinfrastructure/benchmark/statements/ArchitecturalTechnology.asp (Accessed: 1st September 2010). RIBA (2007) RIBA Plan of Work. London: RIBA Publishing. Rotter, J. B. (1954). Social learning and clinical psychology. New York: Prentice-Hall SAAT. (1984) Architectural Technology – the constructive link. London: Society of Architectural and Associated Technicians. Spence, R. (2001) ‘Introduction’, in Spence, R, Macmillan, S & Kirby, P (ed.) Interdisciplinary Design in Practice. London: Thomas Telford Publishing, pp. 3-5 Steele, J., Macmillan, S., Austin, S., Kirby, P. & Spence, R. (2000) ‘One step forward and three back: a study of the patterns of interdisciplinary conceptual design’ Design Research Conference 2000, Coventry, UK September. Eclipse Research Consultants. Available at: http://www.eclipse-research.co.uk/ Conference%20papers/MDP_DRS2000.pdf (Accessed: 8th December 2010). Strategic Forum for Construction. (2002) Accelerating Change. Available at: http://www.strategicforum. org.uk/pdf/report_sept02.pdf (Accessed: 22nd November 2010). Tzortzopoulos, P. & Cooper, R. (2007) ‘Design Management from a Contractor’s Perspective: The Need for Clarity’, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, (3), pp. 17-28. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 253 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change Laura Robson1 and Michelle Littlemore2 ABSTRACT Building information modelling (BIM) is making a radical impact on the construction industry. The importance of this technological intervention is being reinforced by the government with the recent announcement for BIM to be used as a collaborative tool on all of its projects by 2016. Therefore, in order to remain competitive with regard to the industry’s biggest client, implementation of BIM within architectural practices will be a prerequisite. The aim of this study is to explore the benefits and issues associated with this transformation with a focus on resistance to change and more specifically the impact that previous technological transitions had on architectural practices. A total of eighty participants took part in the gathering of quantitative data via questionnaires, this includes sixty three participants employed by practices which have implemented BIM and seventeen participants employed by practices which have not. In addition to this four interviews were carried out, each interviewee was selected from a different practice to ensure results are not biased towards one practice. Two interviewees were based in practices where BIM has been implemented and two where it has not, to ensure opinions of non-users as well as users are gathered. The results of the survey and interviews indicated that despite the consensus as to the benefits and issues of BIM it is the behavioural issues associated with the transition from CAD to BIM that are the greatest barrier to change. Keywords: BIM, Change, Implementation, Resistance 1 Awarded to “NBS” Award for Best Project Documentation, 2011 School of the Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University, Ellison Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST. 2 254 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change INTRODUCTION In the construction industry having the knowledge to use building information modeling (BIM) software is fast becoming an essential skill for many including the architect and the technologist. BIM is thought to be the future of the industry, so it is important that those who will be required to use it are prepared for its implementation (Dennis, 2009). BIM is an innovative change in drawing production; as a result the skills needed to produce such drawings are also changing. When drafting in both traditional and computer aided drafting (CAD) based practices it is important the individual is familiar with architectural symbols, whereas the emphasis for BIM is the enhanced understanding of the way buildings come together (Eastman et al., 2008). The change in the way an individual works, therefore, is substantial; this is reiterated by Smith and Tardif (2008, pp.27), who suggests implementing BIM means ‘business processes and workflows must change.’ PREVIOUS TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSITION IN ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES Over recent years the technological changes within architectural practices have been significant; investigating the shift from hand drawing to computer aided drafting provides an understanding of the changes which were required during this transition and identifies whether similar changes are required when shifting from CAD to BIM. The introduction of CAD in the 1980s and 1990s impacted on the professional practice of architectural firms and presented them with a number of issues and opportunities. In the initial stages of CAD’s integration the high cost of purchasing and maintaining the hard and software meant that this technological intervention was only accessible to a few large practices. However, as the cost of computers became more accessible the financial implications switched from a capital cost to a training cost. Consequently the financial transition was easier for the smaller firms. (Andia, 2002). The turning point for the uptake of CAD was the driving force of clients who began to request final drawings to be delivered digitally. As a result of this demand in house training programmes were implemented in order to reduce costs in larger firms through the utilization of CAD champions (Andia, 2002). Whilst this addressed a number of training issues there was still a resistance to its use. Traditional drawing using pencil and paper allowed designers to produce a range of marks to express ideas but CAD systems required structured information to be input, which made this difficult. Difficulties using CAD during the initial design stages lead to some people rejecting the use of computers (Hewson, 1990, cited in Carter, 1993). The resistance was partly associated with the older generation who started their careers drawing by hand and who displayed some resistance to using technology they were unfamiliar with. (Liker and Fleischer, 1989). This is supported by Dillon and Sweeney (1988, pp.07) whose findings identify that when CAD was introduced ‘it was obvious that the system was capable of reducing much of the complexity of the drawing technique to a few supposedly simple key presses’. However, it was found this was difficult for some individuals. However, this transition can be said to be simpler than the transition from CAD to BIM. McGrath (2007) suggests that the shift from two-dimensional drawing to three-dimensional modelling is not an easy task and questions how to bridge traditional ways of representing space in two dimensions to threedimensional representation in digital virtual space. Sabol (2007) explains that although there were changes in work practices during the transition from the drawing board to CAD these changes did not affect “process interactions between project participant” and project deliverables remained the same. The difference between this and the more recent evolution from CAD to BIM is the change in organisations needing to create new “interdependencies and collaboration requirements for firms participating in a construction project”. Computer aided drafting Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 255 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 can be integrated into practice without major organisational changes, however to achieve integration using BIM organisational changes need to be implemented alongside it (Johnson and Laepple, 2003). ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF BIM There are many advantages to implementing BIM which existing literature identifies, including: • Accurate visualisations can be produced. • One 3D model is created instead of multiple 2D drawings. • Fewer errors occur, as drawings are associated with one another. • It is quick to produce drawing revisions. • Design issues can be identified early. • Schedules can be incorporated as part of the building model. • Conflicts and collisions of building elements can easily be identified. • It enables better designs to be produced as simulations can be performed. • The completed model can be used for facilities management. • There is minimal loss of information between design phases. • Quality of drawings is improved which allows for improved construction. • Construction times are shortened by integrating design and fabrication. (Eastman, C et al., 2008; Azhar, Hein and Sketo, 2008; Kutrieb, 2008; Luthra 2010). However, despite the availability of BIM technology and its documented benefits it has been identified that adoption has been lethargic (Azhar, Hein and Sketo, 2008 and Gu et al., 2008) due to the disadvantages and barriers associated with its implementation. This is reiterated by Furneaux and Kivvits (2008, pp.23), who suggest that ‘while BIM may contribute a lot of benefits to the construction process, the implementation of this technology presents numerous challenges which need to be overcome.’ Disadvantages of BIM are identified in existing literature as: • Interoperability. • Added work for the designer. • The size and complexity of BIM. • Improved hardware is required. Barriers to BIM implementation are identified in existing literature as: • Ownership and responsibility. • Liability, risk and other legal issues. • Economic issues. • A skill and knowledge gap, training. • Resistance to change. (Furneaux and Kivvits, 2008; Post, 2008; Mihindu and Arayici, 2008) It is suggested many practices are content using traditional drawing methods (Mihindu and Arayici, 2008) and there are managerial issues associated with BIM implementation and its use (Azhar, Hein and Sketo, 2008). Furneaux and Kivvits suggest in addition to technological barriers there can be a need for change in business processes; some also advocate the risks associated with BIM might not outweigh the rewards (Kutrieb, 2008). 256 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change INDIVIDUALS’ RESISTANCE TO TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE ‘Resistance to change has long been recognised as a critically important factor that can influence the success or otherwise of an organisational change effort’ (Waddell and Sohal, 1998, pp.01). This is confirmed by London et al (2008) who also believe resistance of individuals is a key factor to consider when implementing a change. Resistance to change is used to explain why introducing changes in technology does not always meet expectations of an organisation or can sometimes fail (Oreg, 2006, p.01). In order for a technological change in an organisation to be successful individual change is also required (Evans, 1994, cited in Bovey and Hede, 2001). The risks involved in implementing unproven technological methods contribute to the personal attitudes towards new technology adoption (Paulson and Fondahl 1980; Tatum 1989, cited in Dossick and Neff, 2010 p460). It is believed that individuals fear change, however when resisting a change it is not always the change itself which is being resisted; it can be the anticipated negative consequences it is felt may come from the change (Robbins and Finley, 1998). The way organisations make changes can cause resistance by individuals. Reasons for resisting change in addition to fear include: the benefits of changing cannot be seen; a feeling that too much effort is required to make the change; and habits may be hard to change (Tan, 1997). Kotter and Schlesinger (2008) illustrate common reasons why people resist change as: misunderstanding of the change; low tolerance to change; and belief that it does not make sense for the organisation. Job security is also associated with individual resistance to a change (Oreg, 2006 and Aladwani, 2001). A further five sources are outlined by Oreg (2003): 1. Reluctance to lose control. 2. Cognitive rigidity. 3. Lack of psychological resilience. 4. Intolerance to the adjustment period involved in change. 5. Preference for low levels of stimulation and novelty. Managers must be aware of these issues in order to make changes successfully. Successful adoption depends on allowing teams to adapt the technologies to suite their existing work practices (Hartmann 2009). When BIM is adopted workflows are disrupted and traditional design processes need to be changed suit new workflows; this relates to resistance to change the existing work practice (London et al., 2008, pp.667). As with the implementation of CAD it is suggested older people are more resistant to use BIM in practice, as they may struggle with the changes which need to be made (Prather, 2007). Mihindu and Arayici (2008) suggest younger staff are ‘technologically-savvy’. Older generations will be required to move away from the workflows and processes they are used to; however students are now being taught to use BIM in many universities, so have the skills required before they start work (Angulo and Vasquez de Velasco, 2007). A lack of training is associated with BIM implementation; if individuals do not understand how to use BIM they are likely to resist it and continue to work in traditional ways (London et al., 2008; Gu et al, 2008; Mihindu and Arayici, 2008). METHODOLOGY The aim of this study was to explore the benefits and issues associated with this transformation with a focus on resistance to change and more specifically the impact that previous technological transitions had on architectural practices. Following a detailed evaluation of relevant research a total of eighty participants took part in the gathering of quantitative data via questionnaires. 105 people were approached to take part in the research. Fifty-five construction project development managers were selected for the Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 257 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 survey and in all cases subjects had significant resource management responsibilities. Thirty survey questionnaires were completed through postal return and twenty-five handed to candidates in weekly contact with the researcher; however, no distinction was applied in terms of data measurement. Participants were based around five architectural practices, three of which have implemented BIM and two which have not. The practices chosen were based on the researcher’s contacts, to make the data collection process straightforward and limit problems. Two different questionnaires were designed: one for practices where BIM has been implemented and one for practices where it has not. A total of one hundred and five questionnaires were distributed; the individuals targeted include architects, technicians and interior designers. In addition to the questionnaires four interviews were carried out. Each interviewee was selected from a different practice to ensure results were not biased towards one practice. Two interviewees were based in practices where BIM has been implemented and two where it has not, to ensure opinions of non-users as well as users were gathered. Structured questions were designed to ensure responses from interviews could be compared against the quantitative data. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Data is presented in accordance with the key objectives of this research which were: • To investigate previous technological transitions in architectural practices. •T o identify issues to be considered when implementing technological change with a focus on building information modeling. • To investigate reasons behind individuals’ resistance to technological change. • To identify processes which could be applied to allow successful implementation. Research Sample A 76% response was received from questionnaires, resulting in a total of eighty participants of quantitative data gathering, including sixty three participants employed by practices which have implemented BIM and seventeen participants employed by practices which have not. The age, gender and professions of the participants have been identified, to gain an understanding of the sample and to allow participants to be grouped during analysis; participant ages and professions are illustrated in Table 1 and 2. Age Range Participants Percentage 19-2521 26 26-3538 47 26-4512 15 45-555 7 55+4 5 Total80 100 Table 1. Age ranges of quantitative research participants It is identified that 80% of participants were male and 20% female. This demonstrates that the sample was representative of the industry; The Equal Opportunities Commission 1990 cited in Gale (1994) states, ‘Women continue to be significantly underrepresented in the primary sector ... in particular, in the construction industry.’ The same trend was shown for the qualitative research participants. 258 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change Role ParticipantsPercentage Architectural Assistant 7 9 Architectural Graduate 3 4 Architect1417 Technical Assistant 4 5 Technician19 24 Technologist24 30 Interior Designer 4 3 Other 67 Total 80100 Table 2. Professions of quantitative research participants Details of the participants who took part in the gathering of qualitative data via interviews are shown in Figure 3. Interviewee Gender Profession BIM user Age Group Years at current practice 1 M Technician Yes 19-25 5 and a half years 2 M Technologist No 26-35 6 years 3 M Technologist No 26-35 7 years 4 M Architect Yes 36-45 11 years Table 3. Qualitative research participants The transition from hand drawing to computer aided drafting The data gathered identifies that 56% of the eighty participants have experienced the transition from hand drawing to CAD. Literature highlights feelings and issues which occurred when CAD was introduced. These participants were questioned to gain an understanding of their experiences and discover whether their experiences concur with the literature. The strongest support of the literature (Burns, 2004; Carter, 1993; Dillon and Sweeney, 1988) came from 80% of individuals who experienced the transition and agreed the introduction of CAD “enabled a more efficient way of producing drawings”. The literature also identifies that the introduction of BIM has enabled a more efficient way of producing drawings; however, the primary data gathered illustrates that less than half of BIM users agree at 48%. It is recognised that disadvantages of BIM such as lack of training and the time consuming learning process may be factors which influence this. Difficulty of the CAD and BIM transitions There is much discourse as to the simplicity of technological transitions between hand drawing to CAD and similarly from CAD to BIM (Sabol, 2007; Dillon and Sweeney, 1988; Carter, 1993). The data collated indicates individuals who have experienced both transitions supported the contradicting views in literature. 48% believed the CAD to BIM transition was not the most difficult transition, however 33% believed it was; participants who believed it was were predominantly technicians, at 63%. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 259 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Figure 1. Is the CAD to BIM transition most difficult? Although it has been established that many individuals do not believe the CAD to BIM transition is most difficult, the qualitative data reiterates the opinion of those who believe it is. An interviewee experienced both transitions and stated, ‘The switch over from the drawing boards to CAD was really just changing your pen for a computer to draw a line, whereas the switch over from CAD to BIM is not just drawing lines it’s a three dimensional line. When hand drawing in CAD you would draw two dimensional plans and then if you wanted to show it to the client or somebody you would build a model, where BIM takes that element on board as well ... I think it’s a bigger step than the drawing board to CAD.’ Advantages of BIM Literature uncovers many advantages of BIM (Eastman, et al., 2008; Azhar et al, 2008; Kutrieb, 2008; Luthra, 2010). Participants - both those employed by practices which have implemented BIM and those which have not - selected advantages outlined in secondary research which they believed to be true. The results illustrate that five advantages received a response rate of over 50%; the same five were identified by participants from practices which have implemented BIM as from practices which have not. This demonstrates that the advantages highlighted in literature, and which non-users perceive, are in fact true benefits when BIM is used in practice. The five advantages are: 1) One three-dimensional model is created instead of multiple drawings. 2) Conflicts and collisions of building elements can easily be identified. 3) Design issues can be identified early. 4) Schedules can be incorporated as part of the building model. 5) Accurate visualisations can be produced. 260 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change Figure 2. Advantages recognised in practices where BIM has been implemented. Figure 3. Advantages recognised in practices where BIM has not been implemented. Participants additionally described in their own words what they considered to be the main advantage of BIM; the most popular responses in addition to the above list were: 1) Less time is spent revising drawings. 2) The visual aspect, being able to understand the building better in 3D. The qualitative data supported advantages identified in literature and in quantitative data. A BIM user stated an advantage as, ‘you can get an integrated and a coordinated construction package’ (Interviewee 4). Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 261 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Interviewee 1 agreed that BIM’s ability to coordinate information from all disciplines in one model is a major advantage; however, this individual suggested that this is not happening as not all disciplines are implementing BIM. Disadvantages of BIM The quantitative data illustrates three disadvantages of BIM which are recognised in practices where BIM has been implemented as well as in practices where it has not. These are: • the learning process is time consuming. • improved hardware and software is required. • interoperability issues. There appears to be some misapprehension that complexity is an issue. Those who have implemented BIM do not see this as much of an issue; however, those who have not do. Education may be needed to inform these practices. A clear disadvantage of BIM is consultants not using the same software packages; participants rated their agreement on the importance of this issue. The data gathered reiterates its importance, as 74% of participants either agreed or strongly agreed that this issue exists. Interviewees supported this, with one participant remarking that if all professionals used the same BIM software, Figure 4. Disadvantages recognised in practices where BIM has been implemented. Figure 5. Disadvantages recognised in practices where BIM has not been implemented. 262 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change ‘it would be a huge advantage because in my opinion that’s the whole purpose of BIM’. (Interviewee 1) ‘it would make things a lot easier if everybody used the same software.’ (Interviewee 4) When investigating the issue of interoperability, it was found that, not only the use of the same programmes is important, but also that the same versions of programmes are used; this is highlighted by interviewee 4, ‘One of the biggest disadvantages of BIM is that its not compatible, there are projects that we are working on at the moment where we have to use the 2010 version because the other consultants haven’t up graded to 2011.’ (Interviwee 4) The need for upgraded hardware and software was identified as a disadvantage; size of files impacts on this and was also identified by users as an issue. However, where BIM has not been implemented, although improved hardware is recognised, file size is generally not seen as an issue. The issue of hardware requirements are reiterated by interviewee 4 who stated that BIM files ‘take up a lot of room in the server... it is an issue, the machines don’t seem to keep up with the software.’ In practices where BIM has not been implemented, the learning process was recognised by many as a disadvantage. This was reiterated by BIM users; it appears this is a key cause for resistance to using BIM. Participants additionally described in their own words what they believe to be the main disadvantage of BIM; the most popular responses were: 1) The learning process is time consuming and training takes time. 2) Consultants not using the same software/interoperability. 3) Demand on hardware and software. 4) Speed and file size. 5) Complexity. 6) Automatic updates means information is hard to track. 7) Increased time is needed to produce information upfront. 8) Loss of imagination and creativity in designs. As well as supporting the disadvantages established in figures 4 and 5, new disadvantages which were not established in the literature were revealed. One of these was the issue of automatic drawing revisions. This was seen by many as an advantage, but was also seen as a disadvantage due to it being difficult to keep track of the information which has updated automatically. Two other disadvantages not identified by literature were the “need to produce more information at the start of a project” and “there is a loss of creativity in designs”. It was identified in the quantitative data that using BIM to produce details creates issues. When using BIM as a drawing tool it is intended to be used for all drawings; however, of the fifty six BIM users questioned, 32% said they used CAD to produce details; of these 17% were architects and 83% technicians. Disadvantages highlighted in literature and in quantitative data were supported by the qualitative data gathered; interviewees reiterated the learning process, hardware issues and complexity as disadvantages of BIM. However, it was suggested that while disadvantages exist, they should not be reasons to avoid using or implementing BIM: ‘there are disadvantages but not ones that cannot be overcome’, (Interviewee 4) Barriers to the implementation of BIM As well as disadvantages of the use of BIM, the literature identifies barriers to its implementation. Quantitative research participants agreed with the literature and identified resistance to change, lack of time and training as the main barriers; economic issues were also identified by many participants in companies where BIM has not been implemented. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 263 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 It is stated in the literature that a lack of training can lead to individuals being resistant to use BIM (London et al., 2008; Gu et al, 2008; Mihindu and Arayici, 2008). As resistance to change is the most recognised barrier to implementation, training is considered further. Examining the amount of training received by questionnaire research participants, the findings demonstrate that a higher percentage have been taught hand drawing and CAD rather than BIM at university or college. Therefore, BIM training in practice is essential. Additionally, the data highlights that when training has been provided, many still consider themselves to be self-taught. Figure 6. Barriers to BIM recognised by individuals when BIM has been implemented. Figure 7. Barriers to BIM recognised by individuals when BIM has not been implemented. The literature identifies that younger people may be less resistant to using BIM due to its use in many universities (Angulo and Vasquez de Velasco, 2007). This was supported by the quantitative data; twenty two BIM users were taught BIM at university and of these only four said they were resistant to use BIM in practice. This demonstrates that training and knowledge are important in reducing resistance; it is apparent that those taught to use BIM at university were in the lower age brackets. Data gathered from practices where BIM has not been implemented also demonstrates that training and knowledge can reduce resistance. One individual highlighted BIM as their preferred drawing method; this individual was the only respondent in non-BIM practices who was taught BIM at university. The questionnaire results reiterate the lack of training as an issue. When asked if more formal training would have been good, interviewee 1 responded ‘definitely’ this interviewee also stated ‘the lack of 264 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change training’ was the most difficult element in the CAD to BIM transition. Interviewee 4 was also asked if more formal training would have been good: ‘I do, not just for me, for the company because I think it’s one of the biggest problems we have because nobody really seems to know how to use it one hundred percent.’(Interviewee 4) When this individual was questioned about how BIM was taught, their response stated that despite receiving training they still perceived themselves as being self taught: ‘we had a two day tutorial where they got someone in to try and cover the basics but it’s really just from trial and error.’ The data gathered reveals the three interviewees who were taught BIM at university were not (or would not be in the case of non-users) resistant to using BIM in practice. These interviewees were in the lower age brackets; interviewee 4 who was not taught BIM at university was resistant to use it. Figure 8. Drawing methods taught to individuals at university or college. Current drawing production Figure 9 demonstrates the methods of drawing used in practices where BIM has been implemented. illustrating that although BIM is a popular method it is not the sole method used. Figure 10 demonstrates a similar situation with regard to CAD in practices where BIM has not been implemented. This illustrates that although technological changes have taken place not all individuals have fully embraced them. Where BIM has been implemented, the questionnaire data highlights that drawings produced by hand are generally to demonstrate how something works or to demonstrate options for building rather than full working drawings. However, a small percentage of BIM users (5%) stated that hand drawing was their main method of drawing production. This demonstrates a resistance to use technology. Considering the use of CAD, 80% of BIM users use CAD to view other consultants’ drawings; this is an interoperability issue and implies that if more consultants used BIM, many would no longer need to employ CAD. Additionally it is identified that 24% of individuals in practices where BIM has been implemented stated that CAD was their main method of drawing. This suggests that BIM has not been fully or successfully implemented and that not all individuals are willing to make the change. Using CAD to produce details is another popular use of CAD when BIM has been implemented. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 265 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Figure 9. Production of drawing in practices where BIM is used Figure 10. Production of drawing in practices where BIM is not used Most used and preferred methods of drawing production Where BIM had been implemented, although other methods of drawing are used, it was clear that BIM was used by most individuals; however, BIM users suggested that BIM was not necessarily their preferred method. 78% stated that it was the method they used most, compared to 46% who stated it was their preferred method. An interview with a BIM user identified BIM as the primary method of drawing production. The user was asked if BIM was also their preferred method: ‘It’s difficult, I would use it over other software but as a preferred no because I find its not one hundred percent accurate and I find its quite cumbersome ... really it’s the time and accuracy that makes it not a preferred method so I would choose to use CAD over it.’ (Interviewee 4) 266 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change The same applies to CAD in practices which had not implemented BIM; 94% of participants highlighted CAD as the method they used most but only 70% highlighted CAD as their preferred method. Figure 11. Method of drawing production most used in BIM practices Resistance to using BIM and difficulty of transition Resistance to using BIM is considered in the literature to be a barrier to its implementation, and this was supported by the quantitative and qualitative data gathered; However, Figure 12 illustrates that the majority of individuals believed they themselves were not resistant. Those who believed they were resistant were asked their reasons; the most popular response was ‘it was hard to change habits’. Figure 12. Were individuals resistant to use BIM when it was first introduced? Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 267 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Figure 13. Reasons individuals were resistant to use BIM BIM users were additionally asked if they found the transition from CAD to BIM difficult. 64% said that they did, which was almost double the percentage (34%) who believed they were resistant. The difficulty of the transition was ascribed to factors including lack of time, lack of training and change to work practice, which are outlined in literature and supported by primary data. During the collection of data, where BIM has been implemented interviewees were asked about resistance and how difficult the transition to BIM was. Interviewee 4 was resistant and stated, ‘because it wouldn’t do what I wanted it to do.’ However, interviewee 1 had a different view: ‘not at all, I found that em……. it was quite a privilege for BIM to be implemented into the practice em…… as it was a new thing I was made aware of it at university and I was quite keen to start something new, to understand it and how to operate it within a practice.’ (interviewee 1) This individual did, however, confirm that they found the change difficult ‘yes, it’s not em……. an easy process to manage and it does take a lot to understand the way it does things because it is so advanced.’ (interviewee 1) Age The literature suggests (Prather, 2007; Mihindu and Arayici, 2008) that older people are likely to be more resistant to use BIM. The qualitative data illustrated above supports this. Interviewee 4 was resistant and was between the ages of 36-45 years, whereas interviewee 1 was not and was between19-25 years. Interviewee 3, a non BIM user, stated that if BIM was implemented, ‘I would be fine with it’. This individual was also younger. The qualitative data identified age as a factor in resistance. An interviewee stated, ‘Resistance to change is a barrier but I think its really just a geration thing because younger members of staff have taken to BIM without any problems... people who first used the drawing board used to say it was quicker to use the drawing board than CAD and that’s the same as what I see now from CAD to BIM.’ (Interviewee 4) Interviewee 1 had a simliar opinion: ‘I can see the resistance to change being a bit of a barrier for some especially the more experienced em older technicians and architects who have just got there heads around using CAD ... a lot of people don’t like a great deal of change ... They found it was cheaper and quicker to implement BIM into the practice em with the younger members of staff using it as they tend to have I suppose a larger learning curve.’ (interviewee 1) 268 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change Although the interview data reiterates findings in literature, it is contradicted by the questionnaire data gathered. Of the 34% of individuals who believed they were resistant to use BIM, ages were of all ranges, including individuals in the lowest age bracket. Changing the work process It is suggested in the literature that implementing BIM means processes and workflows must change (Smith and Tardif, 2008). When the transition from hand drawing to CAD took place a new way of working was required; this is also found to be the case when BIM is implemented (Gu et al., 2008; Coates et al., 2010; Sabol, 2007). 79% of BIM users completing questionnaires supported this view, feeling that they have had to change the way they work. Their views also support the literature when highlighting what has changed. Figure 14. How has BIM changed the way individuals work Interviewees both supported and contradicted this view: ‘yeah, in the way that you need to know the project inside and out em……. before during and I suppose after producing the 3D model.’ (Interviewee 1) However another interviewee stated, ‘I don’t think so, to me it brings certain elements forward but it’s still very much the way that you designed when you were on the drawing board, you had to think three dimensionally’. (interviewee 4) Company improvement during the change process Individuals employed by practices where BIM has been implemented were asked what could have been done to improve the process; the most popular response was to “set time aside for learn(ing) how to use BIM”, followed by “given more informal training”. Time and training have previously been identified as key issues. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 269 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Figure 15. What could have been improved when BIM was implemented In the qualitative data, training and time were again popular responses. When requested to consider what could have been improved, an interviewee responded, ‘probably just the training, when it first came in we started using it on newer projects but then there was a massive resistance to moving away from CAD.’ (interviewee 4) Considering time as an issue, interviewee 2, a non-user, stated, ‘definitely’ and believes time is the fundamental reason why a lot of people do not want to use BIM. What would be important if BIM was implemented? Both in practices where BIM has and has not been implemented, individuals again illustrated setting aside time and training as important aspects. Giving information about BIM before it is implemented was also seen as an important aspect. The literature identifies this as key to successful implementation; Kotter and Schlesinger (2008) suggest that resistance to change can be overcome if people are informed about it before it happens. Figure 16. What would be important if BIM was implemented? CONCLUSIONS When CAD was implemented, a more efficient drawing approach was introduced; however, this appears to be contradicted when referring to the implementation of BIM. The primary data does not support 270 The transition from CAD to BIM within architectural practices: The individual and resistance to change the idea that BIM is more efficient, and issues such as training and time mean that drawing production can initially be slow. A number of research participants believed that because information remained two-dimensional, the transition from hand drawing to CAD was a simple process, but others found it difficult. Those who had experienced both the hand drawing to CAD and CAD to BIM transitions had mixed views regarding which transition was the most difficult. Those who believed CAD to BIM was most difficult were predominantly technicians; this may be due to issues with the production of details using BIM software and the relationship between two-dimensional and three-dimensional elements. There is little deviation with regard to the advantages of BIM when comparing the literature to the primary research. Most of the advantages outlined in the primary data were recognised by both participants in practices where BIM has and where it has not been implemented. The most recognised disadvantages of BIM are interoperability, the need for improved hardware and the learning process. The primary data uncovered additional disadvantages such as automatic revisions being hard to track, more information being required upfront and a loss of creativity in design. The most prominent barriers to the implementation of BIM are: training, time and resistance to change. Training and time are causes of resistance; therefore these issues must be overcome in order to reduce resistance. It is highlighted that knowledge of BIM is important, as those taught BIM at university are more willing to use BIM in practice. Despite BIM being implemented into practices, CAD is still used for purposes such as viewing other consultants’ drawings and producing details. Some participants used it as their main drawing method, demonstrating resistance to change from CAD to BIM. Where BIM has been implemented, the primary data demonstrated that it is the most used drawing method, but not the preferred method. This also demonstrates resistance to new technology and to the use of BIM. Resistance to change is recognised as one of the main barriers to BIM implementation; however, it was discovered in the primary data that it is often the difficulty of the transition and not resistance itself which is important to consider. Age was highlighted as a factor of resistance. However, some younger individuals were also resistant. It is suggested that younger individuals who show resistance may find the change difficult because there is a requirement for an enhanced understanding of the way buildings come together. Work processes change when BIM is implemented due to the holistic view of the project that is required when working with BIM. However, it is also proposed that using BIM does not change processes, as buildings have always had to be conceived in three dimensions. There is little deviation with regard to views on training. Where BIM had been implemented, training was identified as an aspect which could have been improved during the implementation process. Where BIM had not been implemented, training was highlighted as the most important factor. Aspects including time, giving information about BIM before it is implemented, and communication are key ways to ensure successful implementation of BIM into practice. LIMITATIONS The primary data gathered for this research has limitations: practices where BIM has not been implemented were smaller, therefore gathering information from non users was more difficult. Consequently most of the quantitative data collected was from practices where BIM has been implemented. Additionally, in practices where BIM had been implemented, several respondents did not use BIM, so could not complete the questionnaire fully. This research was also limited due to time restraints. Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 271 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 FURTHER RESEARCH The following are aspects of this research that could be advanced: •F urther consideration of disadvantages revealed in primary research, such as: the difficulty of tracking information which automatically updates; the requirement to produce more information upfront; and the loss of creativity in designs. •L ook at age and generation as a barrier to new technologies in other industries and identify the transferability of these to the construction industry. •C ompare best implementation practices of BIM with a larger sample of participants nationally and internationally to ascertain if knowledge sharing with practices who have not yet implemented it would display less resistance. •T arget other areas of the construction industry to identify other instances of resistance to the implementation of BIM. REFERENCES Aladwani, A.L. 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Available at: http://www.icti.ie/articles/ Resistance%20a%20constructive %20tool%20for%20change%20management.pdf (Accessed: 27 November 2010) 274 Uptake of bim and ipd within the uk aec industry: the evolving role of the architectural technologist Uptake of bim and ipd within the uk aec Industry: The Evolving Role of the Architectural Technologist Peter James Morton1 and Emine Mine Thompson2 ABSTRACT Building Information Modelling is not only a tool, but also the process of creation, maintenance, distribution and co-ordination of an integrated database that collaboratively stores 2D and 3D information, with embedded physical and functional data within a project-building model. The uptake of BIM within the UK Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry has been slow since the 1980’s, but over recent years, adoptions have increased. The increased collaborative nature of BIM, external data sharing techniques and progressively complex building design, promotes requirements for design teams to coordinate and communicate more effectively to achieve project goals. To manage this collaboration, new or evolved job roles may emerge. This research examined the current use of BIM, Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and collaborative working in the UK AEC industry and job roles that have evolved or been created to cater for them. Using semi-structured interviews the interviewees indicated while several of the key enablers of IPD were being used, IPD itself had not been fully adopted. BIM was being used with some success but improvements could be made. New job roles such as the BIM Engineer and BIM Coordinator had been seen in the industry and evidence that the Architectural Technologist (AT) role is evolving into a more multidisciplinary role; this reflects similar findings of recent research. Keywords: Building Information Modelling, Integrated Project Delivery, Enablers, Architectural Technologist. 1 Awarded to “Space architecure award for Achievement in Architectural Technology, 2011” School of the Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University, Elison Building, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST. 2 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 275 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 INTRODUCTION The uptake of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and a collaborative working environment has been slow in the UK, but over recent years, adoptions have increased. This research seeks to identify the key benefits of using BIM enabled Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) within the UK construction industry, further identifying what effect this will have on the future roles of built environment professionals, specifically the role of the Architectural Technologist (AT). This research reports on information obtained from case studies produced in the USA as a direct comparison to the UK and a review of current literature. The aims of this research were to: • Investigate which, if any of the known characteristics of IPD are being used in the UK AEC industry. • Investigate the benefits/issues experienced with BIM in the UK AEC industry. • Identify the presence of any new or evolving job roles. WHAT IS INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY IPD is a project delivery approach which integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights of all participants, to reduce waste and optimize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication and construction (AIA, 2007). The primary characteristics identified by the American Institute of Architects AIA (2007) as fundamental to the success of IPD are: • Mutual respect, trust, benefits and reward. • Collaborative innovation and decision making. • Early involvement of key participants. • Early goal definition. • Intensified planning. • Open communication. • Appropriate technology. • Organisation and leadership. With the backbone of IPD being ‘Teamwork’, the development of openness and trust between the stakeholders is extremely important. The project team is seen as the lifeblood of IPD; within an IPD arrangement, the project team comes together and works collaboratively as an Integrated Project Team (IPT) (Hardin, 2009). During a typical delivery process within the AEC industry, each consultant sticks to their own role and responsibilities, maintaining a ‘silo’ effect, only ever looking outside their silo of responsibility when problems occur, by which time it’s too late (Whaley, 2009). IPD promotes the flattening of these ‘silos’, which in turn increases the ability to build respect and trust, and harbours open communication, which the AIA identifies fundamental to the success of IPD. The sequences in IPD are similar to projects using traditional delivery models; it begins with a concept stage, which is worked up and followed by a construction stage, culminating with the project sign off or closeout. The differences between IPD and traditional models are the convergence of stakeholders at an earlier stage, and the early upfront effort that is required at the beginning of the project rather than later in the construction documents stage. This early upfront effort is facilitated by the involvement of the key participants who create the complete Integrated Project Team (IPT). The key participants then collaboratively define the project goals from the outset, rather than individual goals (AIA, 2007). 276 Uptake of bim and ipd within the uk aec industry: the evolving role of the architectural technologist IPD was created in the 1990’s; companies adopting IPD for the first time may adjust the arrangement and approach making it more accessible. However, the essence of an IPD arrangement will remain unchanged; consisting of a core team of stakeholders that includes the owner, the architect/engineers and the contractor (other consultants may be included). They sign a single, multi-party contract with the owner, who collaboratively outlines project goals with cost, time and quality attributes (CMAA, 2009). WHAT IS BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING The National BIM Standard (NBIMS) defines BIM as: “a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility...and a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from earliest conception to demolition.” (buildingSMART, 2010). The uptake of BIM within the UK AEC industry has been slow since the 1980’s, but over recent years, adoptions have increased. In a recent survey, 35% of construction professionals in the UK claim to use BIM of that, 60% of architects, 39% of engineers and 23% of contractors (Bernstein, 2010). However, it was revealed in a recent survey by standards and specification expert NBS that there was still an ‘alarming lack of awareness’ of BIM across the UK construction industry (Winston, 2010). Adopting BIM requires substantial operational changes within the construction industry, changing how buildings are designed and constructed (Becerik and Pollalis, 2006). These changes include requirements for additional training, particularly the information producers (the Architectural Technologists); timing for information release (less information upfront as 3D modelling has to take place) and more time spent collaborating. ROLE OF THE ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGIST For many years the role of the AT was largely unrecognised and un-respected within an architectural practice and within the AEC industry as a whole. The AT, although responsible for bridging the gap between conceptual design and production, endured years devoid of recognised status, seemingly overshadowed by the architect (Emmitt, 2002). John T Emmitt (1880) criticised the ‘strange and paradoxical profession’ of architecture; highlighting particularly the quandary of architectural assistants, claiming they were the most important member of the architectural profession. Emmitt urged architects assistants to form an association; however his views were not listened to for many years. In 1965, following a report from the Royal Institute for British Architects (RIBA) which called for the establishment of ‘an institute for technicians’, the Society of Architectural and Associated Technicians (SAAT) was formed. In 1986, SAAT changed its name to the British Institute of Architectural Technologists (BIAT) and then changed to the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) which remains its name today (CIAT, 2010a). The CIAT defines the AT as a specialist in the application of technology to architecture, building design and construction (CIAT, 2010b). Northumbria University (in their course information) define the AT as the interface between design and construction, optimising building performance and efficiency. They state an AT will have the ability to “analyse, synthesise and evaluate building design factors in order to produce efficient and effective technical design solutions which satisfy performance, production and procurement criteria” of a project (Northumbria University, 2010). Future Role of the Architectural Technologist As previously described the AEC industry is facing a paradigm shift with evolving roles and responsibilities, Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 277 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 primarily due to newly emerging collaborative technologies and processes such as BIM and IPD. New roles will inevitably be formed catering for the more collaborative nature of the industry; roles such as ‘Building Modeller’, ‘Model Manager’ or ‘Collaboration Manager’ may be seen to emerge over time (Eastman et al, 2008). The role of the AT may also evolve to adapt to this new ‘paradigm’; a role which not only encapsulates all of the previous characteristics of the AT, but also new collaborative qualities and the prerequisites to be BIM savvy as a condition of employment or additional management skills for example. BIM CASE STUDIES - RECENT CASE STUDIES Several key case studies were taken from the AIA case studies document (AIA 2010), detailing projects which used BIM enabled IPD to varying degrees, also identifying the success/failures and lessons learnt. The table below shows the three case studies that were analysed in order to define the key IPD characteristics and the relationship between IPD and BIM; identifying what extent they employed the underlying core values of IPD within the project contract arrangement (Table 1). IPD Characteristics (Taken from case studies) Autodesk AEC Sutter Health Solutions Division Fairfield Medical Headquarters Office Building Walter Cronkite School of Journalism Early Involvement of Key Participants Yes Yes Yes Shared Risk and Reward Yes No No Multi-Party Contract Yes Yes No Collaborative Decision Making Yes Yes Yes Liability Waivers Yes No No Jointly Developed Goals Yes Yes Yes Table 1: Case Study Projects (AIA, 2010) Autodesk AEC Solutions Division Headquarters The Autodesk AEC Solutions Division Headquarters in project Waltham, Massachusetts was Autodesk’s third project used to highlight its new software and implementation of the new trends in the construction industry. It showed how they could support BIM, design-to-fabrication, sustainability and building performance analysis, with particular emphasis on incorporating IPD. The project involved the fit out of a 55,000 square feet, three-storey new tenant improvement within a speculative office building. The project included office space and associated conference rooms, training facilities, cafe and a 5,000 square feet customer-briefing centre. Autodesk handpicked an architect/builder team that were willing to try IPD. Early leaders in the selection process wanted to change the proposed IPD arrangement; Autodesk declined. Klingstubbins and Tocci Building were finally chosen; primarily due to their experience, local knowledge and suitability to the client’s requirements. Both teams had extensive experience with BIM and LEED, both showing their willingness to try IPD even though neither had tried it before (Autodesk, 2009). Autodesk worked with both firms to create measurable and performance based goals for the project, linked to the Incentive Compensation Layer (ICL). The primary goals were: to stay within budget, that a very high sustainability goal (LEED Platinum for commercial interiors) was to be achieved and the project would be completed within a very tight schedule of just eight and a half months. 278 Uptake of bim and ipd within the uk aec industry: the evolving role of the architectural technologist The project did run into some problems, i.e. software interoperability. Although the project resulted in a ‘triple win’ for the stakeholders. Design/construction costs were below the target set, benefitting both the design team and owner; the designer and contractor both exceeded their profit targets and the building achieved the sustainability target of LEED CI Platinum (AIA 2010). Lessons Learned According to the feedback given in the study several of the design team principals noted it was crucial they select the architect and builder as a team; if the architect and builder did not show the synergy required, another team would be chosen. AIA (2010) reports that Phil Bernstein, Autodesk’s Vice President for Industry Strategy and Relations stated ‘the first step should be a scoping exercise taken to the level of conceptual, in which everyone works at cost until a deep understanding of the project and budget is achieved by all parties’, echoing the ‘Early Goal Definition’ characteristic of IPD. Bernstein also noted financial incentives, the ‘Joint risk and reward’ Incentive Compensation Layer (ICL) were causing unwelcome changes in behaviour, further stating it didn’t mean the incentives would be dropped, as they are essential for supporting the right kind of behaviour (AIA, 2010). The study noted the architect learned by using IPD and by the close collaboration with the builder. Redundant detailing was unnecessary, saving time and leaving the architect to deal with more important problem. Sutter Health Fairfield Medical Office Building The Sutter Health Fairfield Medical Office Building in Castro Valley, California was a $320 million project fully funded by Sutter Health, the first hospital in its county not financed by the taxpayer or other public fund, and one of the largest non-profit care providers in Northern California (AIA, 2010 and Khemlani, 2009). Sutter Health was looking for new ways to design, build and maintain its facilities following several disputatious projects. They hosted the Sutter Lean Summit in 2004, with help from the Lean Construction Institute (LCI), they set out their plans for transforming the way Sutter projects would be designed, built and maintained. The project involved the construction of a three-storey, 70,000 square metre medical office building, housing primary care medical practices and laboratories; fully equipped with cardiology, oncology, paediatrics and rheumatology departments. The owner, Sutter, wanted to use this opportunity to test a new delivery process of collaboration and advanced technology. Their vision to create a landmark medical centre that integrated advanced technologies without compromising patient comfort and care (Khemlani, 2009). Sutter Health was looking for new ways to design, build and maintain its facilities following several disputatious projects. They hosted the Sutter Lean Summit in 2004, with help from the Lean Construction Institute (LCI), they set out their plans for transforming the way Sutter projects would be designed, built and maintained. Due to new safety laws introduced, requiring the organisation and execution of several large projects within a specific timeframe, Sutter Health had to find a way to reduce the time delays and budget overruns generally associated with large complex projects. Specifically Sutter Health looked at how it could transform the design and construction delivery model. IPD came to the attention of Sutter Health, becoming a viable alternative. SH needed the project delivered in 25 months; this was a very tight schedule as there was also a three month delay for programming at the start of the project and addition of extra scope (AIA, 2010). The project was completed under budget, it was estimated that Sutter Health saved approximately $9 million (Carbasho, 2008) it was within schedule; change orders being virtually eliminated (AIA, 2010). Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 279 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Lessons Learned The feedback from the study noted the sub-contractors felt there was more intense effort required up front compared to traditional delivery systems, but all agreed that the benefits of this up front effort and collaboration comes later in the project, rework was almost completely eliminated. The contractor also felt having supervisors on site full time with BIM software to continuously check the progress and instantly find solutions to arising problems would be beneficial. The study noted that the IPD philosophy wasn’t accepted by everyone. Several subcontractors did not want their foremen attending group scheduling meetings; this has now become a mandatory requirement from the contractor. The design team stated they felt the owner had to be kept engaged from the earliest design stages and throughout construction. This enabled quick decision making on the owners’ side, meaning less delays for the project. Sutter Health was extremely pleased with the building and process. It has since been applied by Sutter Health to larger, more complex projects. Walter Cronkite School of Journalism The Cronkite School of Journalism was a venture by the City of Phoenix for Arizona State University (ASU), financed by a city bond measure. The project was to construct a six-storey, 230,000 square feet building, which included: classrooms and offices for the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, a university operated television station, general purpose classrooms and ground floor retail spaces which were intended to activate the ground floor street (AIA, 2010). Due to the size of the proposed ASU campus, it would fill a nine block area, so the concept was an extremely important aspect of the Phoenix redevelopment vision. As the first significant building to be built on the most prominent site, the Cronkite School was expected to set a high standard in not only design quality but also construction quality. The project required a number of rooms with advanced technology and specific performance requirements such as recording studios, control rooms, production studios etc. all of which would need all of the services accurately designed and coordinated. The City and University both had sustainability goals; the City wanted the project to be LEED certified and the university wanted it to be LEED silver or higher (AIA, 2010). The project suffered from an extremely tight 24 month schedule, which was due to the ‘drop-dead’ date for move in described by the bond measure. The only way that the project would be to be completed in this tight schedule was by adopting IPD (Stahl, 2010). One of the IPD tenets that the project team used was to co-locate the team members in a ‘Big Room’ from day one. Having the architect, engineers and contractors in one room promoted the understanding of the project vision; if any problems were encountered they were collaboratively solved by the whole team. The project was delivered on schedule, which meant the school could be handed over to the client ready for the start of term. The design costs were under budget but the construction costs ran over budget. The project achieved LEED silver certification (AIA, 2010). Lessons Learned The design team quickly realised that in order for the project to be successful, they had to change the behaviours that they were used to. They team felt that if they had slipped back into their traditional mentality the project wouldn’t have been completed. The design team also stated that co-location works, because when people work together closely, you naturally build a relationship of trust and respect, one of the key characteristics of IPD. Although they 280 Uptake of bim and ipd within the uk aec industry: the evolving role of the architectural technologist hit the tight programme schedule, the design team felt that an extra month would have been beneficial, as the collaboration that was happening was extremely intense. Interoperability issues became apparent in the project as the design architects were using Revit and the executive architects were using Architectural Desktop. The translation of the models back and forth was troublesome and problematic, which was extremely inefficient. The executive architect felt there wasn’t enough time to train their staff in Revit for this project however, the firm has now since completely transitioned to Revit. Some of the sub-contractors felt uncomfortable with the nature of the IPD process and it was decided that in the future extended training would be provided. Overall, each of the stakeholders thought that the project went well, but did voice concern that some of the lean construction techniques were inflexible. Case Study Summary The three case studies examined identified numerous benefits associated with IPD. They have shown projects that have tight budgets and programmes that would normally be prone to value engineering to achieve budgets, and also involve delays when using a traditional delivery system, can be achieved and in some instances excelled if an IPD system is adopted. It is also clear there are some issues associated with IPD; people’s reluctance to try something new or change their ways by using something they are uncomfortable with is an issue that was seen on both the case studies. According to the feedback given in the case studies interoperability also appears to be quite a common issue that has affected projects using BIM and IPD. Early planning and getting the key participants together early enough can reduce the problem of interoperability issues arising, as software can be agreed prior to commencement of the project. It is clear that IPD requires further development to be a ‘perfect’ delivery system, but it has shown it can solve issues and inefficiencies currently affecting the construction industry. The key issues obtained from the case studies enabled the production of the research methodology and aided the question design. METHODOLOGY The chosen method of research is a qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interviews began with closed answer questions for classification purposes, followed by standard open answer questions. Prompts were given to stimulate further discussion, also to help interviewees to provide personal views, opinions and experiences regarding their exposure to BIM, IPD and evolving job roles. The interview questions were delivered using a standard script. This maintained similarity in question delivery so responses can be analysed accurately and fairly. The questions were formulated in a way that they were equally accessible to each interviewee, meaning they could understand the question in order to provide valuable and unique responses. Interviewee Selection Interviewees were selected due to: • Their varying experience and position in the AEC industry in the North East of England, • Their proximity/usage of BIM and • Collaborative working on current projects. The chosen interviewees represent the ‘Key Stakeholders’ as identified in an IPD multiparty contract (Table 2). Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 281 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 Interviewee CompanyPosition in AEC Industry (Key Stakeholder group) I1 C1 Client Senior Project Manager (Owner) I2 C2 Senior Design Manager (Constructor) I3 C3 Structural Engineer (Designer) I4 C4 Senior Architect (Designer) I5 C4 Senior Architectural Technologist (Designer) Table 2: Interviewee clasification Interview protocol and coding The Interviews were held at each interviewee’s place of work, to provide ease for the individual, reducing disruption to their daily working duties. The interviews were audio-recorded and later transcribed for analysis purposes, so analysis did not depend primarily on notes taken during the interview. During the process of transcribing the interviewees, companies, people and buildings/projects were assigned a code to maintain anonymity (Table 3). Interview coding Coding Represents I1, I2, I3 etc Interviewees C1, C2, C3 etc Companies B1, B2, B3 etc Buildings/Projects P1, P2, P3 etcPeople Table 3: Interviewee coding Question Selection Interview questions were determined through analysis of key issues raised from literature review and the analysis of the case-studies. Designed to examine which enablers of BIM enabled IPD were currently being used, as well as the personal experiences regarding collaboration and coordination, and their exposure to any new or evolving job roles (Appendix A). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS IPD enablers in the UK AEC industry This research has shown that there are several IPD enablers currently in use in the UK AEC industry. Clients are becoming more ‘intelligent’ and want more of an input into the project; this is pushing the design team to provide the client with clear, accessible information. The client also voiced concerns over poor design team performance, which was an issue previously identified. The use of BIM and collaborative processes is enabling this process to improve. BIM is being used increasingly as a tool to not only design, simulate and maintain buildings, but also as a way to communicate design intent to invested parties. Clients, designers and contractors are increasingly seeking to integrate at an earlier stage in the project to identify key project and client objectives, strategies and timing of information release. The use of dedicated client or model review meetings scheduled at strategic times is helping the design team and 282 Uptake of bim and ipd within the uk aec industry: the evolving role of the architectural technologist client identify problematic areas, as well as reduce errors and design assumptions, which in turn reduces time and money. The use of collaborative external document storage sites and new furniture solutions are also aiding the design team in collaboration and coordination. The majority of the interviewees identified that the co-location of the design team was potentially a good idea, although they did state that it would only work if this happened at strategic times throughout the project; this strategy was also identified in the case studies researched. Several issues were also identified; including the current appointment process and procurement routes taken by the contractors, which currently do not lend themselves to a collaborative working environment. The lack of case history regarding the ‘multi-party’ contract tested in law was seen to be a prominent barrier for trying IPD; this was also identified in the literature review. BIM Benefits/issues This research has shown that there has been a mixed response towards BIM and collaborative working. Benefits include the ability to use 3D visualisations to communicate design intent to the client with more clarity than traditional techniques; giving them a greater appreciation of the space. The combining of individual design models to coordinate, run clash detections and enable the interrogation of complicated design form was identified as a key benefit to the design team. Efficiencies over traditional processes, increased quality of design output and reduction of redundant detailing, looks to benefit design teams and contractor; these benefits were also identified in the research undertaken in the literature review. The majority of the interviewees felt that using BIM enabled closer collaboration and coordination to take place. The only barriers were the access to required software, early involvement of key participants, and user understanding. All interviewees noted that one issue regarding BIM was the learning curve that prevented users from completing work efficiently, and that things took longer than traditional techniques. New or evolving job roles This research has revealed that the UK AEC industry is currently in a state of transition, with new collaborative software, tools and processes being increasingly adopted. This increased level of collaboration has prompted an evolution in design professionals. Job roles such as the AT have started to evolve to cater for the new tools and processes, some seeing this role evolving into a more multidisciplinary, coordinating role. The identification of new roles such as the BIM Engineer and BIM Coordinator show that these new processes require additional skill sets above what are already present. These roles have also been identified to be present on both the design team and the contractors’ sides, generally sitting outside the typical teams in a strategic role overseeing and managing the BIM and collaboration. This research set out to investigate the past, present and future job role of the AT, through the research carried out, it is evident that the AT will be one of many job roles that will evolve in the near future. Design managers, architects and site personnel, will be part of this evolution, with the AEC industry becoming more collaborative and team orientated. FURTHER RESEARCH Limitations of Research The research carried out for this undergraduate dissertation gives an insight into BIM enabled IPD, and the evolving job roles that are appearing in the North East AEC industry. Due to the selective sample and the number and locality of the interviewees, the research is limited as it only portrays views and experiences of professionals in the North East of the UK. The author was aware of this limitation, Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 283 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 which is why companies based in the North East with a national presence were chosen. This allowed some indication as to what the rest of the UK was experiencing. Interviewees were selected due to their proximity and usage of BIM on current projects; this limited the responses that would be received, to that of individuals who had already made the change to BIM and collaborative working. However the data that was extracted from the interviewees did correspond with the research obtained from the case studies and literature review. Areas for Future Research Overall, this research has been effective at investigating the aims and objectives set out. However, as indicated in the limitations there could be several improvements. Possible areas for future research would be to increase the number of interviewees from throughout the UK, as this would give a more varied sample of individuals’ views and experiences regarding the topic area. This research also concentrated on individuals who had prior experience and exposure to BIM and collaborative working; interviewing individuals who are yet to try BIM would yield additional data. Several new job roles such as the BIM Engineer and BIM Coordinator were identified through the course of this dissertation. Interviewing these individuals would give additional data regarding how their job roles have changed. APPENDIX A: Questions QuestionAims 1. Please state your job role within the AEC industry. * Determine the interviewees’ job role, indicating which of the ‘key stakeholders’ they belong. 2. How long have you worked in the AEC Industry? * Determine how long the interviewee has worked in the AEC industry, their experience level. 3. What is your age group? * Determine the age range of the interviewee. 4. What is your perceived definition of BIM? What interviewee has about BIM. * Determine the level of knowledge the is your current level of knowledge about BIM? 5. What benefits have you seen on your current project, primarily attributed to the use of BIM? * Determine the interviewees’ personal positive experiences with BIM. 6. What issues have you seen on your current project, * Determine the interviewees’ personal primarily attributed to the use of BIM? negative experiences with BIM. 7. Do you believe that BIM allows for closer collaboration and coordination between the design team? * Determine whether the interviewee feels that BIM is a successful process for enabling collaboration and coordination. 8. Since adopting BIM, have you noticed any organisational changes, specifically in the levels of collaboration and coordination between the design team? * Determine whether the interviewee has experienced any organisational changes to cater for BIM. 9. What techniques do you currently employ to * Determine how the interviewee enhances enhance collaboration and coordination between the collaboration and collaboration. design team on your current project? 284 Uptake of bim and ipd within the uk aec industry: the evolving role of the architectural technologist 10. Is there any area of your current project that you * Determine whether the interviewee feels that think could be improved by increased collaboration their current process could be improved to and coordination? increase collaboration and coordination. 11. Who, on your current project manages the collaboration between the design team, and how do they do this? * Determine who manages collaboration on the interviewees’ current project. 12. What is your perceived definition Integrated Project Delivery? What is your level of knowledge about IPD? * Determine the level of knowledge the interviewee has about IPD. 13. The philosophy of Integrated Project Delivery * Determine the views of the interviewee (IPD) is collaboration between the design team, regarding a shared risk/reward culture. shared risk/ reward incentives and working together for the good of the project. Would you have any reservations being part of a shared risk/reward project? 14. One of the IPD principles is the co-location of the design team to a single ‘war room’ where each of the consultants works in the same space; do you feel that this close proximity would work well on your current project? * Determine the views of the interviewee regarding team co-location. 15. Do you feel that you were able to contribute your expertise at an early enough stage on your current project? * Determine whether the interviewee feels that they were able to contribute to the project early enough. 16. Since adopting BIM and a collaborative working * Determine whether the interviewee has environment on recent projects, have you seen any experienced new or evolving job roles. new job roles appear or current job roles evolve to cater for this increased collaboration? 17. Has your job role and responsibilities changed since the adoption of BIM and a collaborative working environment? * Determine whether the interviewees’ job role has changed. 18. Due to collaborative working, which job roles do you feel have changed the most? change the most. * Determine the personal opinion of the interviewee regarding the job role that will Built and Natural Environment Research Papers • Vol. 4 No. 2, 2011 285 Built and Natural Environment Research Papers December 2011 REFERENCES AIA. 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