GIMNAZJUM NR 3 Z ODDZIAŁAMI INTEGRACYJNYMI W PABIANICACH 02-04/2016 GIMNAZJUM NR 3 Z ODDZIAŁAMI INTEGRACYJNYMI W PABIANICACH W tym numerze: Reportaże Wiadomości Ciekawostki Nasze prace ENGLISH CORNER DEUTSCHE PERSPEKTIVE ENGLISH CORNER 02-04/2016 IN THIS ISSUE: How to make a lapbook? The tree of English adjectives. Spring Guide for garden owners. The last tips for 3rd graders. Love literature corner with two lovely soap operas. What film have you seen lately?the survey. Asian comics. An Easter story about a white chick. ENGLISH CORNER 1 ADJECTIVE TREE The adjective tree shows how to make antonyms by adding prefixes and suffixes. Just use it for the revision before the final examination. “Butterfly, oh careless butterfly, fluttering endlessly in the sky Sit on the tree with adjectives, fill our students with grammar bliss. ENGLISH CORNER ” 2 ENGLISH CORNER 3 A STORY ABOUT A WHITE CHICK One day before Easter in the house of eggs four small chicks hatched. Three yellow and one white. In this house final preparation of the Easter basket were being made. - Only the chicks and we can go! - mum shouted from the kitchen. Then chicks started jumping into the basket and squeaking, and one of them was calm and entered the basket from the other side. Mum took all the yellow chicks out, and put the white one in. The entire family got dressed and went to the church, and the small chick became an important family member. For people who have got a garden spring is a very busy time. There are some useful TIPS prepared by Ada Stankiewicz ENGLISH CORNER 4 tips I Irregular Verbs The partitions of Poland – the Earth movements ENGLISH CORNER 5 SOAP OPERA 1 Maria: And what? You forgot to reserve a place in a restaurant? Angelo: I had called the restaurant day before and reserved a place, everything was perfect. The food was amazing, her look was amazing, like in my dreams! But when I wanted to pay, I saw I had forgotten the money! What a flop. I was stressed and I ran out. I left her with the bill to pay. Maria: Oh, you can’t ask her to pay? Angelo: I’m a gentleman and I’ll never ask a woman to pay. Maria: Gentleman will never run out of a restaurant without paying. Angelo: Why you make me sadder and more angry? I’ve lost an amazing woman. Maria: You can get on with her. Call her now or ride to her home. You can get out of this situation like a real master. Angelo: You think she will accept my apologies? I don’t want to fall out with her again. Maria: In her shoes, I would be angry with you, but I would accept the apologies and go out with you again. Angelo: Where’s my tuxedo? If a want to go to her I must wear a smart uniform! One hour later. Angelo is talking with Lisa in her room. Lisa: Angelo, I’ll give you a last chance to repair a relation between us. Angelo: Oh Lisa, you’re amazing girl and I want to repair everything. I want to get married with you! Lisa: Don’t be funny, we met two weeks ago for the first time Angelo: I love you! Lisa: I think I love you, too. But I don’t want to get married now, sorry. But I want to eat a double cheeseburger with bacon! Angelo: Oh, what a girl! So go for a great burger. Lisa: Okay, I’ll wear a dress. Angelo: I’ll wait in the car. SOAP OPERA 2 By Michał Świeczewski 3Ai Maria and Alissa sit in front of Chris and Ben in restaurant. They eat something. It’s evening. There are a lot of lights and shops outside. There are a few warm lights in the restaurant. There are some dark red coaches and tables of dark brown wood. They are there at dinner despite Maria and Alissa fell out a few days ago. Chris is Alissa’s fiancѐ and Ben is Maria’s boyfriend. Maria: I think it isn’t the best restaurant. What on earth is in my soup? Ben: Oh, Mary don’t be dishonest. You know that Alissa hates it. Maria: Alissa? You are awful. You are getting a little too well with her. Chris: Don’t be rude, Alissa isn’t interested in Ben. Maria: Maybe you don’t know about it. Did you know that they were to the cinema yesterday? ENGLISH CORNER 6 Alissa: I think it’s normal to meet someone in the cinema. Maria: Oh, what a coincidence! Chris do you believe in it? Ben: Maria keep calm. Do you accuse me of losing control? Maria: You said it. She isn’t even pretty… Ben comes very angry. Alissa stands up. Ben: You are rude Maria. Alissa please don’t go. Chris: I think you shouldn’t say it Ben. Maria don’t want to accuse you. Alissa: Chris, you don’t look after me. How can you let her offend me? Chris: Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. Alissa: “Sorry” it’s the end, I don’t want to be with you anymore. Chris: What? Are you silly? You are too nervous. Alissa: I wanted it weeks ago, I tried to tell you several times, but I couldn’t, now it’s good time to give it away. Alisa goes away. Ben stands up and runs to her. They come out together. Chris: Did she split up with me? Maria: I think yes. Chris takes her hands to his face. He is her ex-husband. Chris: Do you remember when we broke up? Maria smiles. Chris: You looks special today. Just like on that day when we got divorced or when I proposed to you. You are still so beautiful. Maria: Why are you saying it now? You should be worried. Chris: I don’t care about her. I still love you. Maria: I’m not sure that you are serious. She smiles once again, lays her hand on his arm and comes out. Chris sits in restaurants for a few minutes and goes home, too. By Ola Grzelik By Marcelina Molenda 1E ENGLISH CORNER 7 How to be eco-friendly: ENGLISH CORNER By Weronika Gajzler 1E 8 HOW TO BE ECO-FRIENDLY: 1. When you are going shopping you can take your own textile bag. 2. Buy drinks in the glass bottle – glass can be recycled many times! 3. If you use paper up don’t throw it out to the rubbish bin! You can give it for recycling! - You will make less rubbish! 4. Turn the light off when you leave a room and turn the TV or computer off when you don’t use them. - In this way you save energy. 5. When you brush your teeth – turn the water tap off 6. Collect rainwater – it’s a great idea to water the plants in your house. - You will save the water. 7. Don’t use a car for short distance, you can walk or ride a bike. - You can stop the "global warming." Prepared by Wiktoria Kaszowska All pictures from: http://pl.freepik.com/ ENGLISH CORNER 8 ENGLISH CORNER 8 ENGLISH CORNER ENGLISH CORNER 9 Hare has a length of 35 to 75 cm, height approx. 30 cm, and a tail, called a bob tail has a length of 8-10 cm. It weighs 3-6 kg. The tail of a hare is black on top and the bottom is white. The ears are longer than the head. The legs of a hare are called jumps. Paws are narrow and hard, capable of running on hard ground. The hind legs are much longer than the front ones. Fur (sedge) is graybrown color - ground - like the color of camouflage. In winter the fur becomes brighter and denser than in summer. Sources: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaj%C4%85c_szarak http://zwierzetalowne.pl/zwierzeta-lowne/zajac-szarak/ 10 DEUTSCHE PERSPEKTIVE GIM 3 Willkommen nach den Winterferien DEUTSCHE PERSPEKTIVE GIM 3 Februar/März 2016 In dieser Nummer stellen wir neue Personen vor, die in der Schülerzeitung arbeiten: Hi! Hallo! . Mein Name ist Adam. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt. Ich habe eine Zwillingsschwester. Ich interessiere mich für Musik. Ich spiele Klavier und Trompete. Ich wohne in Pabianice. Ich heiβe Ewa. Ich wohne in Pabianice. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt. Ich habe einen Zwilligsbruder. Mein Hobby ist Fuβball spielen. Hallo! Mein Name ist Jesika. Ich wohne in Pabianice. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt. Ich habe eine jüngere Schwester. Ich mag Tiere. Ich habe eine Katze. Meine Hobbys sind Zeichnen und Fuβball spielen. Hi! Ich heiße Maria. Ich komme aus Polen und ich wohne in Pabianice. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt. Ich mag Biologie, Chemie und Deutsch. Ich mag Tieren. Ich habe einen Hund(Fiona) und einen Papagei(Albin). Fiona ist eine deutsche Rasse - Schnauzer. Ich liebe lesen, schreiben und Musik hören. Hallo! Ich heiβe Kasia. Ich bin fünfzehn Jare alt. Mein Hobby ist Reiten. Wir schreiben über unsere Hobbys und Leidenschaften. Zwei Schülerinnen aus der Redaktion mögen sehr reiten und lieben Pferde, deshalb haben sie etwas über diese Tiere geschrieben. . Informationen über Pferde - Einführung Das Pferd ist ein Säugetier. Jeder weiß, dass ein Pferd vier Beine, einen großen Pferdekopf, einen Schwanz, eine Mähne und riesige Zähne hat. Aber nicht jeder weiß, dass ein Pferd sehr sanftes Tier ist. Es lässt sich leicht verletzen. Das Pferd hat große Augen, aber sie sind die Seiten des Pferdekopfs. Weil es alles größer sieht, kann man es leicht erschrecken. Das Pferd hat Angst vor vielen Dingen: hellen Farben, Wind oder Wasser. Wenn er Angst hat, tritt es aus oder läuft aus. Pferde essen Hafer, Heu , Äpfel, Karotten, Rüben … Und so sieht der Sattel aus: Folgende Vorurteile funktionieren in Deutschland gegen Polen: -nicht so gut in Fremdsprachen -lächeln nicht so oft -die Frauen kochen viel - laut -gastfreundlich -nicht so gute Kleidung -Diebstähle -nicht so wohlhabendes Land Welche Stereotype über Deutsche funktionieren unter Polen?: - Deutsche trinken viel Bier. (Assoziation mit Oktoberfest) - nicht so schöne Frauen - Pünktlichkeit -Männer tragen traditionelle Kleidung: ein Hemd, und sie haben einen Bart. - Deutsche essen keine Pilze, keine Sauergurken, keine Sauerkraut, - sie fahren schnell Autos, sie haben gute Autos, - gute Sportler, - gute Straβen, Wege und Autobahnen, - schönes Land, wo Ordnung herrscht, - sie sind reich, verdienen viel Geld, - sie mögen sehr viel und oft grillen, - Assoziation mit Hitler, dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und Nazis, Raub (Klauen vom „polnischen goldenen Zug”) - Produkte von guter Qualität, Wortschatzwiederholung - Sportarten Viel Spaβ !!! 28.1.2016- Konkurs „Poligloci są 13.1.2016- Konkurs plastyczny wśród nas” „Pabianicka szopka bożonarodzeniowa i ozdoba choinkowa” 1. miejsce- Michał Wejman II B 2. miejsce- Natalia Poczta II E 3. miejsce- Justyna Kurzawa II F Jasełka 4.2.2016- Tłusty czwartek 15-28.2.2016- Ferie 16.03.2016- Dyktando dla dyslektyków z języka angielskiego 27.3.2016- Wielkanoc *Redakcja Gimnazety* *Redakcja Gimnazety* NAUCZYCIELE: Adrianna Krajewska, Liliana Olejnik, Paulina Plucińska, Małgorzata Pacześ – Górna, Krzysztof Snochowski UCZNIOWIE: Ola Grzelik, Basia Orpel, Weronika Ziętala, Anna Dolińska, Iza Janczak, Małgorzata Kuczma, Natalia Rusek, Ada Stankiewicz, Marcelina Molenda, Wiktoria Kaszowska, Maria Jarzębowska, Weronika Gajzler, Gabrysia Lewandowska