NE?,'3 & vtE|,,g^ Vol. .22 lxua 8 "qes!" 'Thqt uissing Tooth' Mahters! Thought no one could see the gap in your smile ? Your cheerfirl grin and hearty laugh actually spott;ght that missing tooth ! 56,680 P"opb ikc ir or nor, research T I Can't Ee U/rong shows thar pe.rple ofren I-./associate "m issing rceth ' with lack of selflcare, iitclligence lln(l successA reccnt survey by the British Denttl Heablt Foundntion found that nearly 6oolo of survey participants feel missing teeth are a turn-off. It shouldn't ficr of life it's a be rhat way, bur ! ! A large survey of 56,680 rcspondents was conducted by Nobel Biocare North America io srudy.the. prevalcnce of missing rceth in rhe U.S. Nearly 50olo of adults in this countly are missing at least one tooth ! Yet, people ranked "thcir smile', and the "appearance of their teeth,, youie seeking ,rooKtng ,{hethcr lor lovc. or.,ust a iob, want t0 smile with confidencc again... rcplacing every singlc missing tooth matters ! top rwo aspects of rheir prrsonal appearance-ahead o[ hair, clorhes, eyes. facial features and physique ! Thanks to our state-of-theart technology, you won't have to miss out on your beautifi , healthy srnile. aware that when you have a as rhe Many respondcnts were nor missing tooth, you gradually lose bone in that area and, ovcr time, your.lips and face will age premarurely ! 'Tooth Reptaoement" Isnt Just a Cmmstic Fir! Failing to replace even a single missing tooth leads to a downward spiral of poor dental health. Your remaininq rccrh-on either side, above or belo-w-will shift to fill that space. This can crcate a host of problems r.rnging frorn .rn unsighrly smrte, a bad blte, chcwing problems or an increased risk of gum disease and tooth fractures. In addition, tooth loss carr influence eating habia, leading to weight gain, nutritional deffciencies and related health problems. Loo*- o^d,fulgou best CaIl Nory | 66Dental Irnplantstt ti ,tt are the Onlv PERMANENT lt |1 f-l--'loday I s dental are replaced ! l-at your fivoritc lirods :rgain ! No morc soirliing teeth in ,r glass of rvarcr ! Speak, smile, laugh, sing and kiss with confidence again ! UJ"tSfu"S Llotr OPtions In sontc cltsts' tltesc tlterlsttrcs crrn bc the iclcll clcntrrl solLttion. However, they don't resolve the issue of long-term bone loss' lrlplants atc,lttltchccl to )'otl r ill\\'bol)e so vour artificirrl rooth tcpllccrrcnt acts, l.r,rks ,r,t.l fccls like vottt'ott'tt ttntttrttl Stu.lics shctw rh,rt Parrirtls catl c()lllPIollrlsc rhc j;rl bonc, ,ts,r'ell ,ts the hcalrh oflout qtrnrs ,rnd rcnr,rinittg tccth. i\{anv p.trients tlottt tectl.t. tloatlful Jor,'line! bridgework, partial dentures and dentures miy eventually need to be rerrlizc that Irnplrrtts provide thc sanc fitttcrion tl.r. in,rr of'vottr to,,th. rvhich is ro stimulate your bone. \ replaced Dental lmplants versus Fixed Bridges hen yot-t don t stinr Ltlrt t.our use (ot' re) lntpl,rnts,rrc t lte only permanent tooth replacement tltJI nko helps preserue jrru botre itr,rphrt l-ikervise, after tootlt loss. the Tootittplacement witi r bs; of tooth a rarlitionar bddsc structrft on supporting rcfits t€'th' srrrroutrcling bone is nct louger bcing uscd lor stinulitte tl)-it starts to shrink. or at roph1. fl-Ll c t Ll rc. Get all your questions answered ! m ttscles, CalLToda4 to find out if you're a candidate for DerrfnL Imptants ! T@th rep||ccn.nt -no *ith lo.e of tooth sn csMy Dentisl ir3 I s thel slrrink n,. rcs phvsical entl psvcholoqical cotrscclttcrlces olnrissinq teetlt. derttttrc. ,. I llriclgc*'orli. clctttu rcs and pirrtial .lctlttt can cf|:ctivel;' irnd tcntporarilv rcsolve tltc A rlotal irtrylant is an artificill tooth root rh:lt is plrtcetl iu vottr jrtl' t() \cctltr !r leplaccmetlt tooth (clorvn). bridqc or ?w-seme tlour "Tootl" Loss"! The stimulation from chcwing forces transmitted through your roots is vital to preserve the integrity of your jawbone and prevent rapid facial aging ! implants have revolutionized the way missing I to solution t,' inplsr requFs sttuctuE' ON TIT rvlrs sccitrg lt cl :rnd I cndecl tr s,aiting tootr. Finrrllv, I deci, irpl.roinrmcnt rvitl Mv ncw denti more than five n I have hacl ple fbratoothlwrts guarcl to protect I The staff is k clean a always is I irnt vcrv hap to r contiuue rvill "Studies sho{, that Portiols ean bote as well os t]ra tJ." comprondse #lth of go; qurnt and remalning tp*)h""' j;t upkcep. I have family they're happy wi
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