Operating Budget - City of Hamilton
Operating Budget - City of Hamilton
2015 Tax Supported Preliminary Operating Budget Book 1 Budget Summary Report FCS15010 BOOK ONE: 2015 TAX OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX DESCRIPTION PAGE Tax Operating Budget Report 1 1-1 2015 Net Tax Operating Budget: Summary 16 1-2 2015 Tax Operating Budget: Gross and Net Expenditures 22 1-3 2015 Tax Operating Budget: Cost Category Summary 26 1-4 2015 Tax Operating Budget: Complement Summary 27 1-5 2015 Recommended Enhancements Legislated Enhancements 32 Fully Funded Enhancements 35 Economic Growth Enhancements 50 1-6 2015 Enhancements - Other Priorities 68 1-7 2012 - 2015 Strategic Plan 110 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Introduction The 2015 Tax Supported Operating Budget is linked to the City’s 2015 Business Plan and the 2012 – 2015 Strategic Plan through a focus on the three priority areas identified by Council: • A Prosperous & Healthy Community • Valued & Sustainable Services • Leadership & Governance In addition, the 2015 Tax Supported Operating budget has been linked to the City’s Service Delivery Profiles. Linkages to the Service Delivery Profiles can be found in the Departmental Overviews. Through continued efforts towards more sustainable service delivery practices, the City will further its commitment to demonstrating value for money to residents and businesses. This will enhance the City’s overall financial sustainability. The 2012 – 2015 Strategic Plan can be found in Appendix 1-7. Moving Towards Financial Sustainability Some of the key challenges the City of Hamilton will face in the next few years include: • • • • • Additional funding for capital renewal to overcome the current annual deficit of $195 million Need to balance more competitive property tax rates with key investments in the community Provide funding and resources to address future priorities Ability to address increased costs related to legislative and regulatory requirements Manage compensation pressures In order to best address these challenges a Long Term Financial Sustainability Plan (LTFSP) is required. The plan is a document that does not simply forecast the status quo into the future, but rather consists of strategies to address challenges and financial problems before any actions are required. Council approved a debt policy in 2013 as part of a LTFSP. Staff will continue the development of a LTFSP in 2015, including the advancement of a new business planning model. 1 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Financial planning through the budgeting process aligns financial capacity with service goals. The budget helps to provide citizens an understanding of how the City allocates property taxes and other revenue to the services provided. Over this next year and beyond, the City of Hamilton must focus on, and take advantage of, the opportunities that lie ahead. Therefore, a concerted effort will be made to grow the economy. This entails a focus on resources and investments that capitalize and demonstrate support to economic development, growth and job creation. As such, any enhancements should then stimulate, support or contribute to the growth of the City’s economy. This does not eliminate the need for financial planning and investment required to sustain service delivery in other areas, but rather it is meant to highlight the importance of strategic expenditures at this point in time. Budget Process Submitted for Council’s consideration is the 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget. The Tax Supported Operating Budget is one component of the City’s overall annual expenditure plan and supports the delivery of all the City’s services with the exception of water/wastewater/storm which is Rate supported. Both the Tax and Rate supported service groups have infrastructure requirements which are funded by their respective capital budgets. The 2015 User Fees, the 2015 Rate Operating and Capital Budgets and the 2015 Tax Capital Budget have also been submitted in January for Council’s consideration. The following table highlights the consolidated gross expenditure preliminary budgets for the City combining Tax and Rate supported services: 2 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT 2015 Preliminary Consolidated City Budget Gross Expenditures Rate Operating $183.8M Capital $148.0M Total $331.8M Tax Total $1,352.8M $1,536.6M $241.7M $389.70 $1,594.5M $1,926.3M Note: Does not include Recommended Enhancements For 2015, the Rate Capital and Operating Budget and the Tax Capital Budget have been brought forward for Council’s consideration and anticipated approval in January (2015). Usually these budgets are approved in December prior to the budget year; however, because of the municipal election and the uncertainty of committee dates in December, these budgets were delayed about one month. The 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget, as submitted, is consistent with Council’s direction not to impact programs and services. During the deliberation process, which is expected to be completed by late March/early April, staff will engage Council in an effort to progress to an appropriate budget which balances the need to limit tax increases while protecting services. All budgets will be presented and deliberated at General Issues Committee (GIC). As such, the budget book formats are consistent with 2014, in that two documents have been produced. Book One is a summary of the 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget. Book Two is the departmental overviews and budget submissions. 3 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT 2015 Preliminary Budget - Tax Impact Currently, the Preliminary Operating Budget, as submitted, requires a levy increase of $35.7 million plus $4.5 million in Recommended Enhancements. Adjusting for an estimated assessment growth of 1.0% and for the industrial levy restriction, the average residential municipal tax increase that would be required as a result of the preliminary budget is $136 or 4.4%. The table below highlights the municipal tax increase by major component: 2015 MUNICIPAL PRELIMINARY IMPACT FOR THE AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAX BILL (Excludes Education Levy) 2015 Impact Draft $ % Municipal Taxes City Departments Boards & Agencies Capital Total Maintenance Budget $ 91 11 15 118 2.9% 0.4% 0.5% 3.8% Recommended Enhancements $ 19 0.6% Total Municipal Impact (1) $ 136 4.4% 1 Municipal tax dollar impacts based on City-w ide average residential assessment of $275,700 4 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Currently two significant items that are impacting total property tax change are unknown. First, assessment growth is assumed to be 1.0% for 2015 taxation. The final assessment roll is received in December and required analysis and verification will allow for the final assessment growth to be known in late January. Based on draft data, staff are confident that growth will be at least the estimated 1.0%. The second unknown is the provincial education tax rates. To show a total property tax impact, including education, staff need to either know the education rates for 2015 or be confident of no change in rates. The provincial residential education tax rate has not increased since amalgamation. However, given the Province’s continued fiscal challenges, staff are not prepared to assume an estimate of no impact for 2015. Once clear indications or a draft tax rate has been released by the Province, staff will update Council. For now, staff are not projecting a total property tax impact, inclusive of education, for 2015. As indicated on the previous page, the tax impact attributable to City departments is about 2.9%. In addition, the Boards and Agencies tax impact is 0.4%, while an increase of 0.5% is recommended for the capital levy. This results in a total preliminary residential property tax impact of 3.8% to maintain existing service levels (Maintenance Budget). Also for 2015, staff are recommending a number of enhancements. They have been identified within three categories; 1) Legislated, 2) Fully Funded, and 3) Economic Growth. These enhancements will be described in more detail later within this report. The total residential municipal tax impact from the recommended enhancements is 0.6%. The total preliminary residential municipal tax increase is 4.4%. While this is higher than the current inflation rate, staff are recommending the preliminary budget as submitted to address current budget requirements, infrastructure funding challenges and to invest in programs that will ensure the City is positioned to take advantage of the economic growth potential which is expected to peak in the near future. 2015 Preliminary Budget - Summary The 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget identifies a levy requirement of $784 million, which represents a levy increase of $35.7 million or 4.8% over 2014. In addition, Enhancements of $4.5 million are also recommended. The following table highlights the preliminary budgets by major component: 5 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT 2015 Preliminary Tax Budget 2014 Budget Net Operating Budget 2015 Change 2015 / 2014 Preliminary $ % TOTAL CITY DEPARTMENTS 469,599,590 496,694,260 27,094,670 5.8% BOARDS & AGENCIES 188,539,920 193,425,000 4,885,080 2.6% 90,177,010 93,877,000 3,699,990 4.1% 748,316,520 783,996,260 35,679,740 4.8% 4,480,723 n/a 40,160,463 5.4% CAPITAL FINANCING TOTAL MAINTENANCE LEVY RECOMMENDED ENHANCEMENTS TOTAL NET LEVY CHANGE City Departments The Preliminary Budget for City Departments is increasing by approximately $27 million or 5.8% from 2014. While staff continue to find savings and efficiencies, the cost pressures required to maintain current levels of service are proving challenging. The tax impact resulting from the preliminary City Departments budget is 2.9% or $91 for the average home. Some of the pressures driving the 2015 levy increase are highlighted in the following table: 6 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Highlights: City Department Budget Pressures Compensation (Estimated Gross) COLA / Settlements Merit/Step Increases/Job Change Retiree Benefits OMERS Employer Benefits Government Benefits Corporate Financials Operating Impacts from Capital HWRF Pension POA Parkland purchases Payment in Lieu $M $6.4M $1.3M $0.1M $1.0M $0.3M $0.9M $10.0M $2.0M $1.0M $0.8M $0.6M ($0.3M) $ 4.0M Other Social Housing Winter Control & Mtnce Recreation - Operating expenses Court House Lease Waste Contracts Roads Program Utilities Transit - McMaster Realignment Provincial Uploads Total of Highlighted Pressures $2.5M $2.0M $1.7M $1.5M $1.3M $1.1M $0.6M $0.5M ($3.9M) $ 7.2M $21.3M Note: Anomalies in amounts due to rounding Although the most significant item driving the 2015 levy increase is compensation at $10 million, it must be noted that overall, employee related expenses for the departments is increasing by 2.2% which is below inflation (CPI Index October 2014 = 2.8%) and is 7 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT also lower than the 2014 increase of 2.5%. For the 2015 budget, wage provisions are based on recent settlements or estimates and result in approximately a $7.7 million pressure including grid movement/merit. Increases in OMERS ($1.0 million; 2.6%), Employer Benefits ($0.3 million; 0.9%) and Government Benefits ($0.9 million; 2.8%) are primarily tied to wage increases and are lower than recent years. OMERS and most benefit rates remain unchanged from 2014. Significant pressures in the Corporate Financials Expenses include $2.0 million in Operating Impacts from Capital, $1.0 million to address HWRF pension requirements and $0.6 million for parkland purchases. Within Non-Program Revenues, the most significant impacts are the decrease in POA net revenue ($0.8M) as a result of a decreased revenue forecast and increased recoveries from departments, and an increase of -$0.3 million in Payment in Lieu revenues. Several operating programs are also facing significant increases. Housing Services is increasing $2.5 million (4.9%) mostly due to the requirement to meet provincial benchmarks for operating costs. Increases in operating cost of $3.2 million are partially offset by increased revenues (market rates), savings in mortgages and federal subsidies. The Winter Control & Maintenance program is increasing by $2.0 million primarily as a result of increased service levels approved in 2014 (clear roads, cycling lanes) and increased salt contract costs. The Public Works Department faces other significant pressures including the loss of revenue for the Court House lease ($1.5 million) and increases in contractual services in the roads program ($1.1 million) and the waste program ($1.3 million). For the last couple of years the Recreation department has been adjusting its budget to better reflect actuals. For 2015 this means a pressure of $1.7 million, of which $1.4 million is due to facilities maintenance costs and utilities and $0.3 million is a result of decreasing revenue. A significant offset to the pressures in Community Services is the Provincial Upload of $3.9 million (note -$0.4 million for Court Security upload has also been included in the Hamilton Police Service’s Budget). While the Province continues to upload some costs, Council has expressed concerns regarding the calculation of the financial benefits of the upload to the City. An independent study has been conducted and the conclusions will be presented to Council early in 2015. 8 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Boards & Agencies The 2015 Boards and Agencies budget is increasing about $4.9 million or 2.6% (excluding capital financing), which is primarily driven by the draft Hamilton Police Service increase of $4.3 million. The following summarizes the Boards & Agencies budgets: 2015 Boards & Agencies Preliminary Budgets SUMMARY NET BUDGET INFORMATION: Years 2014 and 2015 Board/Agency 2014 Budget Net 2015 NET Preliminary Budget $ Change $ Change % Conservation Authorities 5,052,660 5,164,120 111,450 2.2% MPAC 6,215,950 6,290,550 74,600 1.2% Hamilton Beach Rescue Unit 126,810 126,810 - 0.0% Royal Botanical Gardens 599,210 599,210 - 0.0% Hamilton Police Services 143,880,230 148,147,970 4,267,740 3.0% Hamilton Public Library 28,082,440 28,513,730 431,290 1.5% City Enrichment Fund 4,582,620 4,582,620 188,539,920 193,425,000 Total for Above Items excluding Capital Financing 4,885,080 0.0% 2.6% The Hamilton Police Service net budget included in this Preliminary submission corresponds to information presented to the Hamilton Police Services Board on December 15, 2014, but is still pending approval. 9 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Of note, the Boards and Agencies budget includes the recently created City Enrichment Fund which integrates the Strategic Municipal Investment in the Arts initiative and the former Community Partnership Program (CPP). Additional budget information for the Boards and Agencies can be found in Appendix 2-7. Capital The 2015 Tax Capital Budget levy requirement is increasing by $3.7 million representing a 0.5% tax impact for the average residential property. This additional funding is needed to partially support the capital renewal as infrastructure pressures for all City assets continue to grow. This budget is presented in detail in the 2015 Tax Capital budget process. Recommended Enhancements As part of the City’s efforts to move towards financial sustainability, the 2015 Budget Submission includes a series of Recommended Enhancements presented in three categories: - Legislated Enhancements: required as a result of provincial legislation and for which the City has limited discretion. - Fully Funded Enhancements: Program or service enhancements fully funded from sources other than the tax levy, resulting in a net zero impact corporate-wide. - Economic Growth Enhancements: Program or service enhancements focused on stimulating, supporting or contributing to the City’s economic growth. This creates non-residential tax base and employment for the City. The recommended enhancements total approximately $4.5 million and have a tax impact of $19 or 0.6% for the average residential property. Note that the 10-year Local Transit Strategy has not been finalized and its financial implications are not included in this submission. Staff will present a separate report to Council during the first quarter of 2015 with details of the proposed enhancements. In addition to these enhancements, staff have submitted a group of service level enhancements for consideration. These have been identified as Enhancements - Other Priorities and have not been included in the Recommended 2015 Preliminary Budget. Further information is included later in this report. 10 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Additional information and detail sheets for Enhancements – Recommended are provided in Appendix 1-5. Further Budget Mitigation The task of achieving the desired tax levy and tax impact will involve a balance between the need to find levy reductions (reduce expenses or increase revenue) and the desire to protect services and programs. The following chart estimates the levy reduction required to achieve certain benchmark tax impacts: Reductions PRELIMINARY BUDGET & REC. ENHANCEMENTS Levy Residential Increase Tax Incr.* $ 40,200,000 4.4% TOTAL REDUCTIONS OF $ (10,360,000) $ 29,840,000 3.0% TOTAL REDUCTIONS OF $ (17,760,000) $ 12,080,000 2.0% TOTAL REDUCTIONS OF $ (25,160,000) $ 15,040,000 1.0% TOTAL REDUCTIONS OF $ (32,560,000) $ 7,640,000 0.0% * Residential Municipal Tax Increase Note - Excludes potential increases due to 2015 Enhancements - Other Priorities Approximately $7.4 million is required to adjust the municipal tax impact by 1% As shown above, the current 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget increase of $40.2 million results in an average municipal residential tax increase of 4.4%. Various reduction amounts are shown with their resulting municipal tax impact. Note that the chart above does not provide for the Enhancements – Other Priorities which are pending Council consideration. 11 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Staff Complement The 2015 Preliminary Complement before Recommended Enhancements has a net decrease of -1.2 Full Time Equivalents (FTE) compared to the 2014 Restated Complement. Including Recommended Enhancements, complement is increasing by 49.1 FTE. 2015 Preliminary Complement (FTE) (excluding Police & Library) Change 2014 Approved 2014 Restated Impacts from Capital Other Complement Change 2015 Maintenance 5,548.9 5,558.6 5,557.5 9.7 14.4 (15.6) (1.2) Recommended Enhancements 50.3 Total 2015 Preliminary 49.1 5,607.8 * - Restated represents Council's 2014 in-year approvals The difference between the 2014 Approved and 2014 Restated complement are Council in-year approvals of 9.7 FTE, the result of increased programs or services in the Planning & Economic Development, Public Works Departments and the City Manager’s Office. For 2015, the Operating Impacts from Capital will increase the total Complement by 14.4 FTE with the most notable impacts coming from various projects in PW for a total of 10.98 FTE, including Roads (4.7 FTE) and Open Space Development (3.41 FTE). 12 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Several adjustments across departments resulted in a net reduction of -15.6 FTE, highlighted by a net reduction of -20.01 FTE in the Community and Emergency Services Department (CESD) and an increase of 3.0 FTE in Public Works. The reduction in CESD is part of the Ontario Works Caseload Contingency Plan which only has funding available until April 2015. The 2015 Preliminary “Maintenance” Complement does not include FTE associated with the Recommended Enhancements which total 50.3 FTE (1.0 FTE for Legislated Enhancements, 19.0 FTE for Fully Funded Enhancements and 30.3 FTE for Economic Growth Enhancements). Appendix 1-4 provides a complement summary including footnotes explaining all of the complement changes. As well, the departmental presentations will provide additional information with respect to complement changes. Enhancements - Other Priorities (Not Included in Preliminary Budget Totals) Staff have identified enhancements related to service levels which are not included in the preliminary budget as they are pending Council’s consideration. These priorities include items that staff consider necessary to maintain service levels and items where increased service levels may be warranted but are not directly linked to support or enhance the City’s economy. Council Referred Items that fall under this definition have been included as part of the Enhancements - Other Priorities submission. These enhancements cover an extended series of services across the different City’s Departments totalling $13.9 million and 55.66 FTE. If approved, the tax impact of these enhancements would be approximately 1.9% or $58 for the average residential property. Appendix 1-6 provides a summary and the detailed forms providing additional information with respect to the Other Priorities 13 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Budget Documents The 2015 budget process and schedule as was adopted by Council at its meeting of July 11, 2015. All budget documents, reports and presentations will be submitted to GIC. Once approved at GIC, the budget will be deliberated at Council. Note that all budget totals have been rounded to the nearest “10” dollars. Some minor rounding differences may occur between line items and totals. Book One The “2015 Preliminary Tax Operating Budget Summary” provides an overview of the issues impacting the 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget. Included in this report are the following appendices: • Appendix 1-1: 2015 Net Tax Operating Budget: Summary – A budget summary by division highlighting 2014 restated budget, 2014 projected actuals, 2015 preliminary budget and $/% change. • Appendix 1-2: 2015 Tax Operating Budget: Gross and Net Expenditures Summary – A budget summary by division highlighting the 2014 and 2015 (preliminary) gross operating expenditures and revenues. • Appendix 1-3: 2015 Tax Operating Budget: Cost Category Summary – A budget summary of expenditures and revenues for all departments by cost category (employee related, materials/supplies, fee revenue, etc.), excluding Police and Library. • Appendix 1-4: 2015 Tax Operating Budget: Complement Summary – A complement summary by division highlighting FTE change 2014 / 2015. • Appendix 1-5: 2015 Recommended Enhancements - A summary listing and detailed sheets of recommended enhancements. These enhancements are further presented in three groups: Legislated, Fully Funded and Economic Growth Enhancements. • Appendix 1-6: 2015 Enhancements - Other Priorities – A summary listing and detailed sheets of service level items submitted for Council’s consideration. • Appendix 1-7: 2012 – 2015 Strategic Plan 14 City of Hamilton 2015 Preliminary Tax Supported Operating Budget BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Book Two The “2015 Tax Supported Preliminary Operating Budget - Departmental Overviews” contains the departmental budgets, Boards and Agencies budgets and other programs budgets. Included with each department are high level reviews of the divisional areas, high level organizational charts with complement and budget information at both an organizational and cost category (gross & net) level. 15 APPENDIX “1 - 1” 2015 NET TAX OPERATING BUDGET: SUMMARY Appendix 1-1 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY NET TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2014 Restated Budget PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GM, Finance & Support Services Building Economic Development Growth Management Parking & By-law Services Planning Tourism & Culture TOTAL PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Medical Officer of Health Clinical & Preventive Services Family Health Health Protection Healthy Living Planning & Business Improvement Mandatory Public Health Subsidy TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Projected Actual 2015 Preliminary Budget 1,384,690 960,800 6,069,040 4,410 6,326,710 2,850,360 7,383,690 24,979,700 1,466,360 992,600 6,009,380 (338,250) 6,900,590 3,077,360 7,443,170 25,551,200 1,393,090 1,026,700 6,282,290 622,470 6,924,660 3,280,060 7,610,330 27,139,600 5,320,960 6,506,020 3,986,570 6,700,660 6,891,070 4,746,720 (23,456,810) 10,695,190 5,448,030 6,862,170 4,297,010 7,093,150 7,250,170 3,179,410 (23,456,810) 10,673,130 5,691,800 6,500,180 4,197,490 6,736,760 7,023,320 4,744,480 (23,925,940) 10,968,080 16 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % 8,400 65,900 213,250 618,060 597,950 429,700 226,640 2,159,900 370,840 (5,840) 210,920 36,100 132,240 (2,240) (469,130) 272,890 0.6% 6.9% 3.5% 14015% 9.5% 15.1% 3.1% 8.6% 7.0% (0.1)% 5.3% 0.5% 1.9% 0.0% (2.0)% 2.6% Appendix 1-1 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY NET TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2014 Restated Budget COMMUNITY & EMERGENCY SERVICES Administration - Community & Emergency Services Benefit Eligibility Employment & Income Support Childrens and Home Management Services Housing Services Macassa Lodge Wentworth Lodge Neighbourhood and Community Initiatives Recreation Hamilton Fire Department Hamilton Paramedic Service TOTAL COMMUNITY & EMERGENCY SERVICES 3,120,560 7,247,760 17,737,630 6,679,170 51,334,020 6,227,080 4,246,320 2,279,020 28,109,670 81,946,220 18,007,620 226,935,080 Projected Actual 3,140,210 6,770,960 17,456,200 6,599,820 50,096,300 6,040,550 4,264,810 2,005,910 29,166,660 81,443,020 18,316,720 225,301,150 TOTAL COMMUNITY & EMERGENCY SERVICES (exclusive of upload savings) PUBLIC WORKS PW-General Administration Corporate Assets & Strategic Planning Engineering Services Environmental Services Operations Transit TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 184,380 15,548,070 5,996,810 32,203,790 92,863,410 54,355,840 201,152,300 17 0 15,804,590 5,996,810 32,511,640 104,286,860 54,324,920 212,924,810 2015 Preliminary Budget 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % 3,181,090 7,354,380 14,840,280 6,723,430 53,843,080 6,321,250 4,353,550 2,357,080 30,205,520 83,643,900 18,433,740 231,257,300 60,520 106,620 (2,897,350) 44,260 2,509,060 94,170 107,230 78,060 2,095,850 1,697,680 426,120 4,322,220 1.9% 1.5% (16.3)% 0.7% 4.9% 1.5% 2.5% 3.4% 7.5% 2.1% 2.4% 1.9% 234,481,420 7,546,340 3.3% 184,380 18,009,430 7,290,410 32,701,770 99,048,730 57,672,530 214,907,250 0 2,461,360 1,293,600 497,980 6,185,320 3,316,690 13,754,940 0.0% 15.8% 21.6% 1.5% 6.7% 6.1% 6.8% Appendix 1-1 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY NET TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2014 Restated Budget LEGISLATIVE Legislative General Mayors Office Volunteer Committee Ward Budgets TOTAL LEGISLATIVE (285,500) 872,510 106,650 3,395,120 4,088,780 Projected Actual (285,500) 762,010 106,650 3,395,120 3,978,280 2015 Preliminary Budget (275,220) 1,007,510 106,650 3,444,790 4,283,730 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % 10,280 135,000 0 49,670 194,950 3.6% 15.5% 0.0% 1.5% 4.8% CITY MANAGER City Managers Office Audit Services City Clerk Human Resources Legal Services TOTAL CITY MANAGER 1,077,840 987,830 2,018,680 5,413,930 3,050,440 12,548,720 942,840 921,230 2,018,680 5,918,400 3,050,440 12,851,590 1,103,260 988,530 2,139,400 5,566,660 3,102,890 12,900,740 25,420 700 120,720 152,730 52,450 352,020 2.4% 0.1% 6.0% 2.8% 1.7% 2.8% CORPORATE SERVICES Corporate Services - Administration Customer Service, Access & Equity Finance, Administration & Revenue Generation Financial Planning & Policy Financial Services Information Technology Taxation TOTAL CORPORATE SERVICES 262,580 4,476,860 1,218,710 577,580 3,639,790 8,377,120 710,050 19,262,700 350,320 4,317,360 1,257,600 545,830 3,468,760 8,003,750 699,770 18,643,400 301,140 4,653,850 1,281,620 610,510 3,682,140 8,541,940 738,680 19,809,880 38,560 176,990 62,910 32,930 42,350 164,820 28,630 547,180 14.7% 4.0% 5.2% 5.7% 1.2% 2.0% 4.0% 2.8% 18 Appendix 1-1 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY NET TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2014 Restated Budget CORPORATE FINANCIALS - EXPENDITURES Corporate Pensions, Benefits & Contingency Corporate Wage Gapping Target Corporate Initiatives Risk Management Program TOTAL CORPORATE FINANCIALS HAMILTON ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES Operating Capital Financing TOTAL HAMILTON ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES TOTAL CITY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL FINANCING Debt-Planning & Economic Development Debt-Community & Emergency Services Debt-Public Health Services Debt-Public Works Debt-Corporate Financials TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING Projected Actual 2015 Preliminary Budget 11,205,730 (4,540,000) 1,528,360 2,096,730 10,290,820 11,391,800 (3,100,000) 1,659,760 2,235,070 12,186,630 13,124,100 (4,540,000) 4,148,830 2,734,180 15,467,110 4,203,630 800,000 5,003,630 4,203,630 800,000 5,003,630 4,050,000 800,000 4,850,000 514,956,930 527,113,810 541,583,690 720,870 3,864,520 192,250 41,621,610 42,199,870 88,599,120 720,870 3,864,520 192,250 41,621,610 39,199,870 85,599,120 716,110 3,851,110 390,390 42,093,880 45,247,830 92,299,320 19 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % 1,918,370 0 2,620,470 637,450 5,176,280 (153,630) 0 (153,630) 26,626,760 (4,760) (13,410) 198,140 472,270 3,047,960 3,700,200 17.1% 0.0% 171.5% 30.4% 50.3% (3.7)% 0.0% (3.1)% 5.2% (0.7)% (0.3)% 103.1% 1.1% 7.2% 4.2% Appendix 1-1 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY NET TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2014 Restated Budget Projected Actual 2015 Preliminary Budget 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % BOARDS & AGENCIES Police Services Operating Capital Financing Total Police Services 143,880,230 714,390 144,594,620 143,880,230 714,390 144,594,620 148,147,970 715,410 148,863,380 4,267,740 1,020 4,268,760 3.0% 0.1% 3.0% 28,082,440 5,052,660 6,215,950 126,810 599,210 40,077,070 28,082,440 5,052,660 6,215,950 126,810 599,210 40,077,070 28,513,730 5,164,120 6,290,540 126,810 599,210 40,694,410 431,290 111,460 74,590 0 0 617,340 1.5% 2.2% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 63,500 63,500 62,270 4,582,620 4,582,620 4,582,620 0 0.0% TOTAL BOARDS & AGENCIES 189,317,810 189,317,810 194,202,670 4,884,860 2.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 792,873,860 802,030,740 828,085,680 35,211,820 4.4% Other Boards & Agencies Library Conservation Authorities MPAC Hamilton Beach Rescue Unit Royal Botanical Gardens Total Other Boards & Agencies Capital Financing - Other Boards & Agencies City Enrichment Fund 20 (1,230) (1.9)% Appendix 1-1 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY NET TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2014 2015 Preliminary Budget Restated Budget Projected Actual NON PROGRAM REVENUES Payment In Lieu Penalties and Interest Right of Way Supplementary Taxes Senior Tax Credit Tax Remissions and Write Offs Hydro Dividend and Other Interest Investment Income Slot Revenues POA Revenues TOTAL NON PROGRAM REVENUES (14,542,000) (10,500,000) (3,202,000) (8,925,000) 551,000 11,000,000 (5,300,000) (4,100,000) (5,100,000) (4,439,340) (44,557,340) (14,876,900) (11,300,000) (3,203,800) (8,925,000) 557,300 15,677,800 (5,610,400) (4,100,000) (5,000,000) (3,649,340) (40,430,340) (14,866,100) (10,500,000) (3,203,000) (8,925,000) 560,000 11,020,000 (5,300,000) (4,100,000) (5,100,000) (3,675,320) (44,089,420) TOTAL LEVY REQUIREMENT 748,316,520 761,600,400 783,996,260 AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL MUNICIPAL TAX IMPACT (including growth) 21 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % (324,100) 0 (1,000) 0 9,000 20,000 0 0 0 764,020 467,920 35,679,740 (2.2)% 0.0% (0.0)% 0.0% 1.6% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17.2% 1.1% 4.8% 3.8% APPENDIX “1 - 2” 2015 TAX OPERATING BUDGET: GROSS AND NET EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Appendix 1-2 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY GROSS AND NET OPERATING BUDGET Gross Expenditures 2014 2015 Restated Preliminary Budget Budget % Change Gross Revenues 2014 Restated Budget 2015 Preliminary Budget % Change Net Operating Budget 2014 2015 Restated Preliminary Budget Budget PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GM, Finance & Support Services Building Economic Development Growth Management Parking & By-law Services Planning Tourism & Culture TOTAL PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,384,690 11,321,200 8,152,880 5,575,370 25,321,750 7,963,380 8,637,150 68,356,420 1,393,090 11,549,920 8,503,280 5,482,610 25,794,650 7,609,260 8,862,430 69,195,240 0.6% 2.0% 4.3% (1.7)% 1.9% (4.4)% 2.6% 1.2% 0 (10,360,400) (2,083,840) (5,570,960) (18,995,040) (5,113,020) (1,253,460) (43,376,720) 0 (10,523,220) (2,221,000) (4,860,140) (18,869,990) (4,329,200) (1,252,100) (42,055,640) 0.0% (1.6)% (6.6)% 12.8% 0.7% 15.3% 0.1% 3.0% 1,384,690 960,800 6,069,040 4,410 6,326,710 2,850,360 7,383,690 24,979,700 1,393,090 1,026,700 6,282,290 622,470 6,924,660 3,280,060 7,610,330 27,139,600 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Medical Officer of Health Clinical & Preventive Services Family Health Health Protection Healthy Living Planning & Business Improvement Mandatory Public Health Subsidy TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES 5,967,400 11,061,230 10,599,180 8,128,750 8,177,410 6,038,320 0 49,972,290 6,324,070 11,046,330 10,810,620 8,178,400 8,339,540 6,036,080 0 50,735,040 6.0% (0.1)% 2.0% 0.6% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% (646,440) (4,555,210) (6,612,610) (1,428,090) (1,286,340) (1,291,600) (23,456,810) (39,277,100) (632,270) (4,546,150) (6,613,130) (1,441,640) (1,316,220) (1,291,600) (23,925,940) (39,766,960) 2.2% 0.2% 0.0% (0.9)% (2.3)% 0.0% (2.0)% (1.2)% 5,320,960 6,506,020 3,986,570 6,700,660 6,891,070 4,746,720 (23,456,810) 10,695,190 5,691,800 6,500,180 4,197,490 6,736,760 7,023,320 4,744,480 (23,925,940) 10,968,080 3,489,290 15,951,800 125,190,720 53,189,760 98,091,720 25,269,050 14,992,780 3,092,400 44,334,610 82,347,690 37,679,570 503,629,390 3,557,060 16,196,320 124,597,490 53,905,010 102,016,520 25,780,860 15,397,190 3,148,570 46,138,760 84,029,360 38,774,700 513,541,830 1.9% 1.5% (0.5)% 1.3% 4.0% 2.0% 2.7% 1.8% 4.1% 2.0% 2.9% 2.0% (368,730) (8,704,040) (107,453,090) (46,510,590) (46,757,700) (19,041,970) (10,746,460) (813,370) (16,224,940) (401,470) (19,671,950) (276,694,300) (375,970) (8,841,940) (109,757,210) (47,181,590) (48,173,440) (19,459,610) (11,043,630) (791,490) (15,933,230) (385,460) (20,340,960) (282,284,530) (2.0)% (1.6)% (2.1)% (1.4)% (3.0)% (2.2)% (2.8)% 2.7% 1.8% 4.0% (3.4)% (2.0)% 3,120,560 7,247,760 17,737,630 6,679,170 51,334,020 6,227,080 4,246,320 2,279,020 28,109,670 81,946,220 18,007,620 226,935,080 3,181,090 7,354,380 14,840,280 6,723,430 53,843,080 6,321,250 4,353,550 2,357,080 30,205,520 83,643,900 18,433,740 231,257,300 COMMUNITY & EMERGENCY SERVICES Administration - Community & Emergency Services Benefit Eligibility Employment & Income Support Childrens and Home Management Services Housing Services Macassa Lodge Wentworth Lodge Neighbourhood and Community Initiatives Recreation Hamilton Fire Department Hamilton Paramedic Service TOTAL COMMUNITY & EMERGENCY SERVICES TOTAL COMMUNITY & EMERGENCY SERVICES (exclusive of upload savings) PUBLIC WORKS PW-General Administration Corporate Assets & Strategic Planning Engineering Services Environmental Services Operations Transit TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 758,030 41,110,810 21,130,360 36,485,510 108,449,800 103,572,460 311,506,970 762,770 43,554,850 22,774,280 37,107,590 113,950,860 107,114,940 325,265,290 0.6% 5.9% 7.8% 1.7% 5.1% 3.4% 4.4% (573,650) (25,562,740) (15,133,550) (4,281,720) (15,586,390) (49,216,620) (110,354,670) 22 (578,390) (25,545,420) (15,483,870) (4,405,820) (14,902,130) (49,442,410) (110,358,050) (0.8)% 0.1% (2.3)% (2.9)% 4.4% (0.5)% (0.0)% 184,380 15,548,070 5,996,810 32,203,790 92,863,410 54,355,840 201,152,300 184,380 18,009,430 7,290,410 32,701,770 99,048,730 57,672,530 214,907,250 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % 8,400 65,900 213,250 618,060 597,950 429,700 226,640 2,159,900 0.6% 6.9% 3.5% 14015% 9.5% 15.1% 3.1% 8.6% 370,840 (5,840) 210,920 36,100 132,240 (2,240) (469,130) 272,890 7.0% (0.1)% 5.3% 0.5% 1.9% 0.0% (2.0)% 2.6% 60,520 106,620 (2,897,350) 44,260 2,509,060 94,170 107,230 78,060 2,095,850 1,697,680 426,120 4,322,220 1.9% 1.5% (16.3)% 0.7% 4.9% 1.5% 2.5% 3.4% 7.5% 2.1% 2.4% 1.9% 7,546,340 3.3% 0 2,461,360 1,293,600 497,980 6,185,320 3,316,690 13,754,940 0.0% 15.8% 21.6% 1.5% 6.7% 6.1% 6.8% Appendix 1-2 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY GROSS AND NET OPERATING BUDGET Gross Expenditures 2014 2015 Restated Preliminary Budget Budget LEGISLATIVE Legislative General Mayors Office Volunteer Committee Ward Budgets TOTAL LEGISLATIVE (285,500) 872,510 124,570 3,395,120 4,106,700 (275,220) 1,007,510 124,570 3,444,790 4,301,650 % Change Gross Revenues 2014 Restated Budget 2015 Preliminary Budget 3.6% 15.5% 0.0% 1.5% 4.7% 0 0 (17,920) 0 (17,920) 0 0 (17,920) 0 (17,920) % Change 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Net Operating Budget 2014 2015 Restated Preliminary Budget Budget (285,500) 872,510 106,650 3,395,120 4,088,780 (275,220) 1,007,510 106,650 3,444,790 4,283,730 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % 10,280 135,000 0 49,670 194,950 3.6% 15.5% 0.0% 1.5% 4.8% CITY MANAGER City Managers Office Audit Services City Clerk Human Resources Legal Services TOTAL CITY MANAGER 1,137,840 1,266,490 6,015,260 7,074,770 3,810,750 19,305,110 1,163,260 1,276,250 6,189,990 7,274,270 3,866,880 19,770,650 2.2% 0.8% 2.9% 2.8% 1.5% 2.4% (60,000) (278,660) (3,996,580) (1,660,840) (760,310) (6,756,390) (60,000) (287,710) (4,050,590) (1,707,610) (763,990) (6,869,910) 0.0% (3.2)% (1.4)% (2.8)% (0.5)% (1.7)% 1,077,840 987,830 2,018,680 5,413,930 3,050,440 12,548,720 1,103,260 988,530 2,139,400 5,566,660 3,102,890 12,900,740 25,420 700 120,720 152,730 52,450 352,020 2.4% 0.1% 6.0% 2.8% 1.7% 2.8% CORPORATE SERVICES Corporate Services - Administration Customer Service, Access & Equity Finance, Administration & Revenue Generation Financial Planning & Policy Financial Services Information Technology Taxation TOTAL CORPORATE SERVICES 262,580 4,507,660 1,746,650 2,862,210 4,234,700 8,613,750 2,097,010 24,324,570 301,140 4,684,650 1,837,620 2,933,610 4,282,360 8,779,420 2,137,960 24,956,760 14.7% 3.9% 5.2% 2.5% 1.1% 1.9% 2.0% 2.6% 0 (30,800) (527,940) (2,284,630) (594,910) (236,630) (1,386,960) (5,061,870) 0 (30,800) (556,000) (2,323,100) (600,220) (237,480) (1,399,280) (5,146,880) 0.0% 0.0% (5.3)% (1.7)% (0.9)% (0.4)% (0.9)% (1.7)% 262,580 4,476,860 1,218,710 577,580 3,639,790 8,377,120 710,050 19,262,700 301,140 4,653,850 1,281,620 610,510 3,682,140 8,541,940 738,680 19,809,880 38,560 176,990 62,910 32,930 42,350 164,820 28,630 547,180 14.7% 4.0% 5.2% 5.7% 1.2% 2.0% 4.0% 2.8% CORPORATE FINANCIALS - EXPENDITURES Corporate Pensions, Benefits & Contingency Corporate Wage Gapping Target Corporate Initiatives Risk Management Program TOTAL CORPORATE FINANCIALS 11,205,730 (4,540,000) 1,852,330 2,096,730 10,614,790 13,124,100 (4,540,000) 4,335,150 2,734,180 15,653,430 17.1% 0.0% 134.0% 30.4% 47.5% 0 0 (323,970) 0 (323,970) 0 0 (186,320) 0 (186,320) 0.0% 0.0% 42.5% 0.0% 42.5% 11,205,730 (4,540,000) 1,528,360 2,096,730 10,290,820 13,124,100 (4,540,000) 4,148,830 2,734,180 15,467,110 1,918,370 0 2,620,470 637,450 5,176,280 17.1% 0.0% 171.5% 30.4% 50.3% 4,601,610 800,000 5,401,610 4,397,720 800,000 5,197,720 (397,980) 0 (397,980) (347,720) 0 (347,720) 12.6% 0.0% 12.6% 4,203,630 800,000 5,003,630 4,050,000 800,000 4,850,000 997,217,850 1,028,617,610 (482,260,920) (487,033,920) 514,956,930 541,583,690 HAMILTON ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES Operating Capital Financing TOTAL HAMILTON ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES TOTAL CITY EXPENDITURES (4.4)% 0.0% (3.8)% 3.1% 23 (1.0)% (153,630) 0 (153,630) 26,626,760 (3.7)% 0.0% (3.1)% 5.2% Appendix 1-2 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY GROSS AND NET OPERATING BUDGET Gross Expenditures 2014 2015 Restated Preliminary Budget Budget CAPITAL FINANCING Debt-Planning & Economic Development Debt-Community & Emergency Services Debt-Public Health Services Debt-Public Works Debt-Corporate Financials TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCING % Change Gross Revenues 2014 Restated Budget 2015 Preliminary Budget % Change Net Operating Budget 2014 2015 Restated Preliminary Budget Budget 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % 782,050 6,195,490 192,250 49,413,740 42,199,870 98,783,400 777,290 6,858,170 924,170 50,569,310 45,247,830 104,376,770 (0.6)% 10.7% 380.7% 2.3% 7.2% 5.7% (61,180) (2,330,970) 0 (7,792,130) 0 (10,184,280) (61,180) (3,007,060) (533,780) (8,475,430) 0 (12,077,450) 0.0% (29.0)% (100.0)% (8.8)% 0.0% (18.6)% 720,870 3,864,520 192,250 41,621,610 42,199,870 88,599,120 716,110 3,851,110 390,390 42,093,880 45,247,830 92,299,320 (4,760) (13,410) 198,140 472,270 3,047,960 3,700,200 (0.7)% (0.3)% 103.1% 1.1% 7.2% 4.2% 152,729,910 1,024,180 153,754,090 156,997,650 1,025,640 158,023,290 2.8% 0.1% 2.8% (8,849,680) (309,790) (9,159,470) (8,849,680) (310,230) (9,159,910) 0.0% (0.1)% (0.0)% 143,880,230 714,390 144,594,620 148,147,970 715,410 148,863,380 4,267,740 1,020 4,268,760 3.0% 0.1% 3.0% 29,909,420 5,052,660 6,215,950 126,810 599,210 41,904,050 30,362,490 5,164,120 6,290,540 126,810 599,210 42,543,170 1.5% 2.2% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% (1,826,980) 0 0 0 0 (1,826,980) (1,848,760) 0 0 0 0 (1,848,760) (1.2)% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (1.2)% 28,082,440 5,052,660 6,215,950 126,810 599,210 40,077,070 28,513,730 5,164,120 6,290,540 126,810 599,210 40,694,410 431,290 111,460 74,590 0 0 617,340 1.5% 2.2% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 344,990 343,760 (0.4)% (281,490) (281,490) 0.0% 63,500 62,270 4,794,450 4,645,210 (3.1)% (211,830) (62,590) 70.5% 4,582,620 4,582,620 0 0.0% 200,797,580 205,555,420 2.4% (11,479,770) (11,352,750) 1.1% 189,317,810 194,202,670 4,884,860 2.6% 1,296,798,830 1,338,549,800 3.2% (503,924,970) (510,464,120) (1.3)% 792,873,860 828,085,680 35,211,820 4.4% BOARDS & AGENCIES Police Services Operating Capital Financing Total Police Services * Other Boards & Agencies Library Conservation Authorities MPAC Hamilton Beach Rescue Unit Royal Botanical Gardens Total Other Boards & Agencies Capital Financing - Other Boards & Agencies City Enrichment Fund TOTAL BOARDS & AGENCIES TOTAL EXPENDITURES * - Note: For Police Services the Net Operating Budget is based on December 15, 2015 PSB submission. Gross budget data was not incorporated into the City’s budget book pending PSB approval 24 (1,230) (1.9)% Appendix 1-2 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 PRELIMINARY GROSS AND NET OPERATING BUDGET Gross Expenditures 2014 2015 Restated Preliminary Budget Budget NON PROGRAM REVENUES Payment In Lieu Penalties and Interest Right of Way Supplementary Taxes Senior Tax Credit Tax Remissions and Write Offs Hydro Dividend and Other Interest Investment Income Slot Revenues POA Revenues TOTAL NON PROGRAM REVENUES TOTAL LEVY REQUIREMENT % Change Gross Revenues 2014 Restated Budget 2015 Preliminary Budget % Change Net Operating Budget 2014 2015 Restated Preliminary Budget Budget 415,000 0 0 100,000 641,000 11,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 14,156,000 500,000 0 0 100,000 650,000 11,020,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 14,270,000 20.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% (14,957,000) (10,500,000) (3,202,000) (9,025,000) (90,000) 0 (7,300,000) (4,100,000) (5,100,000) (4,439,340) (58,713,340) (15,366,100) (10,500,000) (3,203,000) (9,025,000) (90,000) 0 (7,300,000) (4,100,000) (5,100,000) (3,675,320) (58,359,420) (2.7)% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17.2% 0.6% (14,542,000) (10,500,000) (3,202,000) (8,925,000) 551,000 11,000,000 (5,300,000) (4,100,000) (5,100,000) (4,439,340) (44,557,340) (14,866,100) (10,500,000) (3,203,000) (8,925,000) 560,000 11,020,000 (5,300,000) (4,100,000) (5,100,000) (3,675,320) (44,089,420) 1,310,954,830 1,352,819,800 3.2% (562,638,310) (568,823,540) (1.1)% 748,316,520 783,996,260 AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL MUNICIPAL TAX IMPACT (including growth) 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated $ % (324,100) 0 (1,000) 0 9,000 20,000 0 0 0 764,020 467,920 35,679,740 (2.2)% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17.2% 1.1% 4.8% 3.8% 25 APPENDIX “1 - 3” 2015 TAX OPERATING BUDGET: COST CATEGORY SUMMARY Appendix 1-3 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 TAX OPERATING BUDGET By Cost Category Total City 2014 Restated Budget EMPLOYEE REATED COSTS 2014 Projected Actual 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated 2015 Preliminary Budget $ % 512,959,210 511,014,000 524,351,330 11,392,120 2.2% MATERIAL AND SUPPLY 49,938,340 55,372,720 55,768,300 5,829,960 11.7% VEHICLE EXPENSES 36,424,280 36,569,180 37,595,550 1,171,270 3.2% BUILDING AND GROUND 33,100,500 33,740,970 35,101,850 2,001,350 6.0% CONSULTING 976,000 1,162,880 1,075,380 99,380 10.2% 98,165,170 104,393,270 102,264,330 4,099,160 4.2% 252,451,890 251,618,690 257,119,420 4,667,530 1.8% RESERVES / RECOVERIES 10,399,250 11,283,500 11,692,750 1,293,500 12.4% COST ALLOCATIONS (5,769,070) (6,190,170) (5,750,950) 18,120 0.3% FINANCIAL 36,415,680 41,172,280 37,345,050 929,370 2.6% 102,230,070 98,745,110 107,871,020 5,640,950 5.5% 0 0 0 0 0.0% CONTRACTUAL AGENCIES and SUPPORT PAYMENTS CAPITAL FINANCING CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES FEES AND GENERAL 1,127,291,320 1,138,882,420 1,164,434,030 37,142,700 3.3% (177,179,260) (174,206,690) (176,539,250) 640,010 0.4% (27,326,800) (27,677,870) (27,739,760) (412,960) (1.5)% (297,798,310) (299,384,760) (303,652,240) (5,853,930) (2.0)% RESERVES (20,967,750) (21,463,990) (21,082,390) (114,640) (0.5)% RECOVERIES FROM CAPITAL (28,379,740) (27,225,770) (28,801,230) (421,490) (1.5)% (551,651,860) (549,959,080) (557,814,870) (6,163,010) (1.1)% 575,639,460 588,923,340 606,619,160 30,979,700 5.4% TAX AND RATES GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES TOTAL REVENUES NET LEVY Note: Police & Library excluded from the above summary. 26 APPENDIX “1 - 4” 2015 TAX OPERATING BUDGET: COMPLEMENT SUMMARY Appendix 1-4 CITY OF HAMILTON TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2015 PRELIMINARY COMPLEMENT 2014 Approved Budget PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GM, Finance & Support Services Building Services 1 Economic Development Growth Management Parking & By-Law Services Planning Tourism & Culture Total Planning & Economic Development 1 - Approved to Restated: 2014 Restated Budget 2015 Preliminary Budget 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated FTE % 19.00 96.33 43.94 50.84 240.54 71.50 70.29 592.44 19.00 99.33 43.94 50.84 240.54 71.50 70.29 595.44 19.00 99.33 43.94 50.84 240.54 71.50 70.29 595.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 17.00 94.55 94.81 76.26 81.78 41.50 405.90 16.00 90.55 91.31 69.66 74.28 64.10 405.90 16.00 89.75 91.31 69.66 74.58 64.00 405.30 0.00 (0.80) 0.00 0.00 0.30 (0.10) (0.60) 0.0% (0.9)% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% (0.2)% (0.1)% Increase 3.00 FTE Zoning staff (PED13174 ) PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Medical Officer of Health 1 Clinical & Preventive Services 1,2,3 Family Health 2 Health Protection 2 Healthy Living 2,4 Planning & Business Improvement Total Public Health Services 2,5 1 - Approved to Restated: Transfer 1.00 FTE from Medical Officer of Health to Clinical & Preventive Services (FCS14047, Appendix A) 2 - Approved to Restated: Transfer 5.00 FTE from Clinical & Preventive Services, 3.50 FTE from Family Health, 6.60 FTE from Health Protection, and 7.50 FTE from Healthy Living to Planning & Business Improvement (BOH14006(a)) 3 - Restated to Preliminary: Reduce (0.50) FTE Remedial Measures based on service demand (BOH14030), reduce (0.30) FTE Alcohol, Drug & Gambling Services to remain within Ministry funding levels (BOH13043) 4 - Restated to Preliminary: Reduce (0.50) FTE Hamilton Health Sciences Tobacco secondment terminated (BOH13034); increase 0.80 FTE Hamilton Family Heath Team secondment (BOH13032, BOH14016/CES14031) 5 - Restated to Preliminary: Reduce (0.10) FTE Phase 2 Administrative Efficiencies (BOH14006(a)) 27 Appendix 1-4 CITY OF HAMILTON TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2015 PRELIMINARY COMPLEMENT 2014 Approved Budget COMMUNITY & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Administration - Community & Emergency Services 1 Benefit Eligibility 3,4 Employment & Income Support 4 Children’s and Home Management Services 2 Housing Services 4,5,6,8 Macassa Lodge 7 Wentworth Lodge 7 Neighbourhood and Community Initiatives 1 Recreation 1,2,8 Hamilton Fire Department Hamilton Paramedic Service 8 Hamilton Farmers' Market 9 Total Community & Emergency Services Department 37.10 107.00 209.00 64.00 45.00 281.73 166.57 27.10 429.97 586.30 261.02 4.47 2,219.26 2014 Restated Budget 36.10 107.00 209.00 65.00 45.00 281.73 166.57 29.10 427.97 586.30 261.02 0.00 2,214.79 2015 Preliminary Budget 36.10 104.42 192.33 65.00 45.17 283.13 167.57 29.10 423.30 586.30 262.36 0.00 2,194.78 1 - Approved to Restated: Transfer 1.00 FTE from Administration and 1.00 FTE from Recreation to Neighbourhood & Community Initiatives (CES13053) 2 - Approved to Restated: Transfer 1.00 FTE from Recreation to Children's & Home Management Services (FCS14047, Appendix A) 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated FTE % 0.00 (2.58) (16.67) 0.00 0.17 1.40 1.00 0.00 (4.67) 0.00 1.34 0.00 (20.01) 3 - Restated to Preliminary: Reduce (0.58) FTE Affordable Transit Program (CS14040) 4 - Restated to Preliminary: Reduce (2.00) FTE Benefit Eligibility, (16.67) FTE Employment & Income Support, and (1.33) FTE Housing Services - OW Caseload Contingency Plan (CS09021(d)) 5 - Restated to Preliminary: Increase 1.00 FTE Investment in Affordable Housing program (CES14059) 6 - Restated to Preliminary: Reduce (0.50) FTE Housing Officer funding terminated 7 - Restated to Preliminary: Increase 2.40 FTE 100% funded positions (CES14058) 8 - Restated to Preliminary: Transfer from Recreation 1.00 FTE to Housing Services,1.34 FTE to Hamilton Paramedic Service, 1.00 FTE to City Manager's Office, and 1.00 FTE to Human Resources; reduce (0.33) FTE to reflect program requirements 9 - Approved to Restated: Transfer Hamilton Farmers' Market to Corporate Services (CS13053) 28 0.0% (2.4)% (8.0)% 0.0% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6% 0.0% (1.1)% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% (0.9)% Appendix 1-4 CITY OF HAMILTON TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2015 PRELIMINARY COMPLEMENT 2014 Approved Budget PUBLIC WORKS PW General Administration Corporate Assets & Strategic Planning Engineering Services Environmental Services 1 Operations 1 Transit 1,3 Total Public Works 1 - Approved to Restated: 57.00 340.89 113.33 344.56 367.84 663.04 1,886.66 1,2 2014 Restated Budget 57.00 308.64 113.33 332.90 423.75 654.04 1,889.66 57.00 308.64 113.33 332.90 423.75 657.04 1,892.66 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated FTE % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.2% Transfer 9.00 FTE from Transit to Corporate Assets & Strategic Planning, transfer 44.25 FTE from Corporate Assets & Strategic Planning and 11.66 FTE from Environmental Services to Operations 2014 PW Restructuring in Year Report (PW14046) 2 - Approved to Restated: Increase 3.00 FTE from contracted to permanent (PW 07126 (a) Item 12.2 Office of Energy Initiatives) 3 - Restated to Preliminary: Increase 3.00 FTE change to McMaster Loop LEGISLATIVE Mayors Office 1 Ward Budgets Total Legislative 1 - Approved to Restated: 2015 Preliminary Budget 7.00 18.00 25.00 Transfer 1.00 FTE from Legislative to City Manager's Office (FCS14047(a)) 29 6.00 18.00 24.00 6.00 18.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Appendix 1-4 CITY OF HAMILTON TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2015 PRELIMINARY COMPLEMENT 2014 Approved Budget CITY MANAGER City Manager's Office Audit Services City Clerk 2 Human Resources 5 Legal Services 3 Total City Manager 1,4 7.00 9.00 48.27 55.00 45.00 164.27 1 - Approved to Restated: Transfer 1.00 FTE from Legislative to City Manager's Office (FCS14047(a)) 2 - Approved to Restated: Increase 1.00 FTE Lobbyist Registrar Item 9.2, Council Meeting September 10, 2014 3 - Approved to Restated: Increase 2.00 FTE in Legal Services for POA Prosecutions (LS14036) 2014 Restated Budget 2015 Preliminary Budget 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated FTE % 8.00 9.00 49.27 55.00 47.00 168.27 9.00 9.00 49.27 56.00 47.00 170.27 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 12.5% 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 1.2% 2.00 57.03 15.97 20.50 71.25 77.50 16.33 260.58 2.00 57.03 15.97 20.50 71.25 77.50 16.33 260.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4 - Restated to Preliminary: Transfer 1.00 FTE from Community Services to City Manager's Office 5 - Restated to Preliminary: Transfer 1.00 FTE from Community Services to Human Resources CORPORATE SERVICES Corporate Services - Administration Customer Service, Access & Equity Finance, Administration & Revenue Generation Financial Planning & Policy Financial Services Information Technology Taxation Total Corporate Services 1 - Approved to Restated: 2.00 57.03 11.50 20.50 71.25 77.50 16.33 256.11 1 Transfer Hamilton Farmers' Market to Corporate Services (CS13053) 30 Appendix 1-4 CITY OF HAMILTON TAX OPERATING BUDGET 2015 PRELIMINARY COMPLEMENT 2014 Approved Budget 1 2014 Restated Budget 2015 Preliminary Budget 2015 Preliminary vs. 2014 Restated FTE % 0.00 0.00 14.44 TOTAL CITY COMPLEMENT 5,549.64 5,558.64 5,557.47 (1.17) (0.0)% BOARDS & AGENCIES Library Police Services Total Boards & Agencies 308.99 1,093.00 1,401.99 308.39 1,093.00 1,401.39 308.39 1,093.00 1,401.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL COMPLEMENT 6,951.63 6,960.03 6,958.86 (1.17) (0.0)% Corporate Financials - Expenditures 14.44 100.0% 1 - Operating Impacts from Capital 31 APPENDIX “1 - 5” 2015 RECOMMENDED ENHANCEMENTS LEGISLATED ENHANCEMENTS CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 LEGISLATED ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-5 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact PUBLIC WORKS L01 Compliance with changes in Provincial requirements for regulatory testing, monitoring, and repairing of well systems in the City's rural areas (O. Reg. 319/08). $ L02 Continue Eligibility and Registration program AODA (Council Referred PW03128(c)) 135,000 1.00 $ 1,750,000 $ 1,750,000 0.00 Total PUBLIC WORKS $ 1,885,000 $ 1,885,000 1.00 Total Legislated Enhancements $ 1,885,000 $ 1,885,000 1.00 32 135,000 $ City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Legislated Public_Works_Tax Department Form #:L01 Division Corporate Assets & Strategic Planning Testing, monitoring and repair of well systems for City owned facilities in rural areas. Service Testing, monitoring and repair of well systems for City owned facilities in rural areas. Current Level of Service Increased frequency of testing and monitoring required (O. Reg. 252/05 changed to O. Reg. 319/08). Section 6(1) of Reg 319/08 requires the Owner of a Small Drinking Water System to designate an Operator who has primary responsibility to fulfill the requirements for sampling, testing and receipt of results, and submission of reports. Details regarding sampling, testing, and receipt of results, and submission of reports are described in the following Sections of Reg 319/08; 5(6), 6(2), 7(4), 8, 9, 10, and 17 to 36. “Fulfill” means perform, to do, achieve. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve 2015 Amount the health and well-being of residents. Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 0 Other Expenses 135,000 135,000 Total Gross Expenditure 135,000 135,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 135,000 135,000 Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:L01 33 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Legislated - Council Referred Public Works - Tax Department Division Form #:L02 Transit Accessible Transportation Services - Service Manager and DARTS Service 509,720 budgeted DARTS trips; net ATS expenditures of $15,727,260 Current Level of Service Continue eligibility and registration program for Accessible Transportation Services section of Transportation, as directed by Council in Report PW03128(c). Expand DARTS program by 65,000 trips in 2015. Requires approximately $1,750,000 in additional annual net expenditures. 2015 requirements of $1,750,000 are to the DARTS Contractual amount. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 1.4 Improve the City's transportation system to support multimodal mobility and encourage inter-regional 2015 Amount connections Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 0 Other Expenses 1,750,000 1,750,000 Total Gross Expenditure 1,750,000 1,750,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 1,750,000 1,750,000 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:L02 34 2,000,000 Total 2,000,000 FULLY FUNDED ENHANCEMENTS CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 FULLY FUNDED ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-5 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT F01 Animal Services to provide Flamborough Community with animal control services at par with the rest of the City. F02 Youth Business Development Officer within Small Business Development Center partially funded by Ministry of Economic Development and savings built into the budget. $ Sub Total PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $0 $0 1.00 95,000 $0 1.00 $ 95,000 $0 2.00 PUBLIC WORKS F03 For engineering services, replace external contractors with City Staff. $ 406,560 $0 4.00 F04 HVAC maintenance for new facility - Tim Hortons field. $ 92,220 $0 1.00 F05 Support increased demand for engineering services in the traffic corridor - to address inspection issues associated with road cut permit/restoration work; funding from permit revenues $ 328,620 $0 3.00 F06 Support work load increase for engineering services resulting from Special Infrastructure area related project requirements. $ 445,000 $0 4.00 Sub Total PUBLIC WORKS $ 1,272,400 $0 12.00 35 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 FULLY FUNDED ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-5 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact CITY MANAGER F07 Additional Admin Clerk due to increasing POA workload $ 77,120 $0 1.00 F08 Additional Court Reporter due to increasing POA workload $ 88,140 $0 1.00 F09 Media buyer to consolidate City wide media purchase - to be funded from efficiencies. $0 1.00 F10 Provide legal administrative support for Water & Waste Water environmental upgrades. $ 69,580 $0 1.00 F11 Provide legal services for Water & Waste Water environmental upgrades. $ 151,930 $0 1.00 Sub Total CITY MANAGER $ 386,770 $0 5.00 $0 CORPORATE SERVICES F12 To support the technology infrastructure for the City’s new Tim Hortons Field. $ 67,440 $0 0.75 F13 Provide two new tax collection reminder notices immediately after the first due dates. $ 288,500 $0 0.00 Sub Total CORPORATE SERVICES $ 355,940 $0 0.75 Total Fully Funded Enhancements $ 2,110,110 $0 19.75 36 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:F01 Parking and By-law Services Animal Control Officer Service The Service Provider for the Flamborough Community withdrew their services in contravention of the contract as of November 1, 2014. As a temporty measure the Animal Services section are providing the pound services in addition Current Level to the enforcement already being delivered. Flamborough residents previously received less than the standard levels of Service of service provide to all other communities in the City. There have been complaints from residents with regards to the wait times for services. Pilot Project: The enhancement would increase the services provided to the Flamborough community consistent with all other areas of the City. There will be no financial impact as the plan is to hire a temporary full-time Animal Control Officer using the budget alloted to the current contract in the 2014 budget at approximately $84k. The availability of services with extended hours will satisfy complaints regarding wait times. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Strategic Priority #2 Valued & Sustainable Services WE deliver high quality services that meet citizen needs and expectations, in a cost effective and responsible manner. Strategic Objective 2.1 Implement processes to improve services, leverage technology and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies across the Corporation. 2.3 Enhance customer service satisfaction. Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 83,180 83,180 (83,180) (83,180) Other Expenses Total Gross Expenditure 0 0 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE Capital Budget Impact 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F01 37 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:F02 Economic Development Business Development - Small Business Enterprise Center (SBEC) Service The Small Business Development Officer (currenlty a temp position) creates many jobs through the execution of the Summer Company Program, Youth Outreach and business consultations. Over the past 4 years this position has Current Level created 444.5 NEW jobs in Hamilton, facilitated 717 consultations, worked with 71 Summer Company students to of Service create 93 NEW jobs (89% of students in the past 4 years continue to operate their businesses), and conducted outreach activities to 28,231 contacts through 783 presentations. Reporting to the SBEC Coordinator, the Business Development Officer remains a critical element within the SBEC working team. The position has been funded as a contract position through the Ec Dev Reserve over the past 3 years. The position continues to increase our provincial youth jobs strategy portfolio, working with Summer Company students resulting in significant Provincial funding increase to SBEC programming. Without this position conultations will decrease and youth out-reach will cease resulting in levy pressures to carry on core programs. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 95,000 95,000 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 95,000 95,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Other Expenses Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE (95,000) Capital Budget Impact (95,000) 0 0 1.0 1.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F02 38 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Public_Works_Tax Department Division Form #:F03 Engineering Services Increase to Engineering Services – Design – 4 positions ( 2 PM’s, 2 Tech’s ) cost saving measure. Replace Consultant expenditure with reduced FTE cost. Potential savings $0.7 M to $1.0 M per year. Service Currently this service is being provided by a combination of internal staff and accessing contract staff through the roster program. Work volumes are consistent and have been increasing on an annual basis. Project complexity has Current Level increased over the last 10 years and now requires longer lead times for permits, agency approval, coordination and of Service utility issues. Some of these roles were assigned to consultants, however these costs can be mitigated through the use of internal staff resources. Engineering Services will continue to augment its special design requirements with consultant services. A business analysis indicates the costs of a project using consultant services can exceed internal costs by a factor of 2, or more than double the internal costs. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Project timelines require internal staff to be associated with the files for longer timelines to manage coordination and liaison aspects that are not well suited for consultant assignments. These duties require internal project management but at a significantly reduced level which will result in project savings which can be turned into additional projects. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 406,560 406,560 0 0 406,560 406,560 Other Expenses Total Gross Expenditure Revenue - Subsidy - 0% Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE 1.2 Continue to prioritize capital infrastructure projects to support managed growth and optimize community benefit. 1.4 Improve the City's transportation system to support multimodal mobility and encourage inter-regional connections. 2.1 Implement processes to improve services, leverage technology and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies across the Corporation. 0 (406,560) Capital Budget Impact (406,560) 0 0 4.0 4.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F03 39 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Public_Works_Tax Department Division Form #:F04 Corporate Assets & Strategic Planning To support the HVAC and mechanical systems for the City’s new Tim Hortons Field. This enhancement represents increased costs. Service Civic Stadium was built in 1928 and after being refurbished in 1970, was renamed Ivor Wynne stadium. When it was closed in 2012, Ivor Wynne had a very small HVAC & mechanical system footprint. There was no air conditioning; Current Level small boiler system. of Service The new stadium (now named Tim Hortons Field) is being built on the site previously occupied by Ivor Wynne stadium. When complete, it will have significant mechanical systems, requiring far more maintenance and support costs than Ivor Wynne stadium. Staffing Costs New hire of Facilities Maintenance Tech with a refrigeration license. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 92,220 92,220 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 92,220 92,220 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Other Expenses Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE (92,220) Capital Budget Impact (92,220) 0 0 1.0 1.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F04 40 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Public_Works_Tax Department Division Form #:F05 Engineering Services Increase to Engineering Services – Corridor Management – 3 positions ( 1PM, 2 Inspectors) to address inspection issues associated with road cut permit/restoration work –funding from permits Service This service is currently being provided with partial FTE's though the Construction section. Volumes have grown significantly and the rate of increase on road cuts activity, utility installations and other right of way activity has Current Level increased by 170% in the last 5 years. of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Right of Way servicing is funded through permit fees and for 2014 these fees are projected to exceed $1 Million. Any increased staff costs associated will be managed though increased permit fees. By providing more staff this activity will be more responsive to internal inquiries and to resident inquiries. Additional staff will be able to monitor ongoing project work of contract staff for utility companies, private contractors, and the City's road restoration contractor. By providing more on site staff the opportunity to correctly supervise construction and ensure as built data is collected, allowing future construction projects to proceed with less conflict. This will help develop longer term as built data bases and supply certainty on City capital projects. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 328,620 Other Expenses Total Gross Expenditure 0 328,620 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE 1.1 Continue to grow the non-residential tax base. 1.5 Support the development and implementation of 2015 Amount neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve the health and well-being of residents. 328,620 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental 0 328,620 0 (328,620) Capital Budget Impact (328,620) 0 0 3.0 3.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F05 41 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Public_Works_Tax Department Division Form #:F06 Engineering Services Increase to Engineering Services – 4 positions (3 PM's, 1 Techl) to be spread across the division to address work load increases associated with Area Rating work load. – funding will be from Area Rating Service This service is being delivered across the entire division to review aspects of area rating projects. These include (but are not limited to) pre-engineering review, feasibility assessments, data collection and review, preliminary design and Current Level cost estimation, lighting review, material costs, construction techniques, coordination and timing. of Service To ensure a correct response and timeline to the Area Rating projects, Engineering Services will assign these projects to the enhanced complement. This will allow for correct scoping, coordination, estimation and installation of these projects. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 445,000 Other Expenses Total Gross Expenditure 0 0 445,000 445,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE 1.2 Continue to prioritize capital infrastructure projects to support managed growth and optimize community benefit. 2015 Amount 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve 445,000 the health and well-being of residents. 0 (445,000) Capital Budget Impact (445,000) 0 0 4.0 4.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F06 42 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements City Manager's Office Department Division Form #:F07 City Clerk Provincial Offences Administration Service Currently POA has ten court administration clerks. Charges filed have increased from 59,000 charges in 2000 to an estimate of 102,000 in 2014. The suggested ratio is 1 clerk to to 5,000 charges. Our current ratio is 1 clerk to 10,000 charges. Charges filed has increased 58% in the past five years. Early Resolution replaced First Attendance and ER is Current Level available to all part one offences where FA was an option for 7 offences. The requests for ER is 440% higher over of Service FA. Hamilton POA has the highest ratio among OMBI sites for charges filed per court administration clerk. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Provincial Offences Administration is asking for one additional court administration clerk to manage the increasing charges filed. In 2011 Council approved one additional court administration clerk to move our total to 10 from 9 court administration clerks. Charges filed since the additional staff member was approved are as follows: 2011 = 86,978, 2012 = 97,474, 2013 = 99, 266 and 2014 we anticipate the filing of approximately 102, 000 charges. The addition of six red light cameras beginning in the Fall of 2014 are expected to add approximately 7,200 additional charges in 2015 for these staff to administer to. We further anticipate additional charges from other enforcement agencies, suggesting a total increase of charges filed of 9,000 in 2015. This will again increase the ratio to approximately 1 court administration clerk to 11,000 charges. Without the additional staff to adminster to these charges, POA will fail to meet legislated timeframes, will not be able to process fine payments in a timely fashion; delaying revenue getting deposited to the bank, will encounter backlog and expect excessive overtime will be required to manage the increased workload. POA is already experiencing backlogs and when levels impact legislative requirements overtime is utilized. There is concern over staff morale and that staff may look to other departments for positions with less stress and workload. This position will be funded from the POA fine revenues. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 77,120 77,120 Other Expenses 0 Total Gross Expenditure 77,120 77,120 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE (77,120) Capital Budget Impact (77,120) 0 0 1.0 1.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F07 43 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements City Manager's Office Department Division Form #:F08 City Clerk Provincial Offences Administration Service Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact POA currently has four court reporters to staff three courtrooms. Two courtrooms operate Monday to Friday fulltime and the third part-time courtroom operates two days a week plus scheduling for lengthy trials as needed. Court Reporters are responsible for transcript preparation which is a revenue generator for POA. They also perform administrative duties such as exhibit management, preparation for future court hearings and courtroom statistics. It is difficult to staff all courtrooms, prepare transcripts within the legislated timeframes, keep administrative duties current while also managing vacation requests and other unplanned absences such as sick time or personal time. We have already had to ask staff to cancel an approved vacation day and to cancel a specialist appointment to ensure all three courts running could be staffed. The impact is most apparent when we have three courts running and one staff off on a day of vacation. We are at risk of not being able to staff all courts if someone were to have an emergency or call in sick. This also leaves little time for the administrative work and transcript preparation to occur. This position will be funded from the POA fine revenues. One-time costs include a workstation, digital court recording equipment, computer and phone. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 78,140 78,140 Other Expenses 10,000 10,000 Total Gross Expenditure 88,140 88,140 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE (88,140) Capital Budget Impact (88,140) 0 0 1.0 1.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F08 44 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements CMO Department Division Form #:F09 CMO Communications - Media Buying and Marketing Service Currently have a temporary contract position providing this service, 12 month contract to expire in Februrary 2015. Current Level of Service Centralize all media buys and placements for the City and signficantly improve the rates presently being paid with current fractured placement. Further reduce total costs by shifting selected placements away from traditional buys to electronic and social media buys which are currently an inhouse expertise across all departments. This expenditure is funded via cost reductions in other program areas. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Strategic Priority #2 Values & Sustainable Services 2.1 Implement processes t improve services, leverage Annualized 2015 Amount technology and validate cost effectiveness and efficiecies across Amount the corporation. 2.2 Improve the City's approach to engaging 110,380 110,380 and informing citizens and stakeholders. Strategic Priority #3 Leadership & Governance 3.3 Enhance opportunities for (110,380) (110,380) administrative and operational efficiencies. Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Total Gross Expenditure 0 0 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 Net Impact 0 0 1.0 1.0 FTE Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F09 45 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Department City Manager's Office Division Form #:F10 Legal Services Legal Services for the City of Hamilton Service Contract Legal Assistant position funded by PW capital. Current Level of Service Legal Assistant to provide assistance to lawyer providing support to Strategic Environmental Water/Wastewater upgrades in support of Growth and Development. This position will be funded directly from PW Capital Account #5160866801 and has the full support of Public Works. Effectiveness of the Lawyer: Infrastructure and Growth Development position is significantly compromised without this position. Legal Services are provided internally and externally. Internal services are cost-effective. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount Strategic Priory #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community: 1.2 Continue to prioritize capital infrastructure projects to 2015 Amount support managed growth and optimize community benefit. 69,110 69,110 470 470 Total Gross Expenditure 69,580 69,580 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Other Expenses Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE (69,580) Capital Budget Impact (69,580) 0 0 1.0 1.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F10 46 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Department City Manager's Office Division Form #:F11 Legal Services Legal Services for the City of Hamilton Service Contract Lawyer position funded by PW capital. Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Lawyer: Infrastructure & Growth Development to support strategic Water/Wastewater environmental upgrades required to support Growth and Development. This position will be fully funded directly from PW Capital Account 516866801 and has the support of Public Works. Legal Services are provided internally and externally. Internal services are cost-effective. - The average hourly cost of internal Legal Services is $147/hour - The average hourly rates of external legal counsel for this work ranges from $373-$518/hour. - It is more cost effective to the City to have the work done internally by a salaried lawyer than externally. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount Strategic Priory #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community: 1.2 Continue to prioritize capital infrastructure projects to 2015 Amount support managed growth and optimize community benefit. 148,460 148,460 3,470 3,470 Total Gross Expenditure 151,930 151,930 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Other Expenses Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE (151,930) Capital Budget Impact (151,930) 0 0 1.0 1.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F11 47 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Corporate Services Department Division Form #:F12 Information Technology To support the technology infrastructure for the City’s new Tim Hortons Field. This enhancement represents increased costs. Service Civic Stadium was built in 1928 and, after being refurbished in 1970, was renamed Ivor Wynne stadium. When it was closed in 2012, Ivor Wynn had a very small technology footprint. The annual operating costs for the technology were: Current Level Network equipment maintenance: $0 of Service Fibre network connection: $4,320 Analog phone line: $489 Total $4,809 Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact The new stadium (now named Tim Hortons Field) built on the site previously occupied by Ivor Wynne stadium. Staffing Costs Operating the technology infrastructure for Tim Hortons field will require staff. Staff will be required to support and maintain the network infrastructure (core network, voice and data services, Internet, wifi, etc), desktop infrastructure, printing, etc). In addition to the estimated staffing costs, IT would require .75 FTE to hire and allocate a resource to support the new infrastructure technology in the Tim Hortons Field Stadium. Staffing Costs $/year Infrastructure Support (.75 FTE – Network Analyst I)-51001 $63,439 Standby Technical Support (30 days of standby estimated per year)-51728 $4,000 Total $67,439 Staffing Costs are part of the Public Works budget. This Enhancement is for the related FTE only. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 67,440 67,440 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 67,440 67,440 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Other Expenses Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE (67,440) 2015 Amount Capital Budget Impact (67,440) 0 0 0.8 0.8 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F12 48 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Fully Funded Enhancements Corporate Services Department Division Form #:F13 Taxation Print and mail two additional Reminder Notices to taxpayers in arrears. These notices will be sent in March right after the February due date and July, right after the June due date. Service Currently reminder notices are sent in May and October. The May reminder covers our interim billing period which has due dates the last working days in February and April. The October reminder notice covers the final bills which Current Level has due dates the last working day in June and September. These notices are paid for by a current approved user fee of Service of $2.75 to cover print, fold, stuff and mailing costs. These notices are still required for those who may have forgotten the second instalment on these bills. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact One complaint we get is from homeowners who indicate they never received the original invoice, or forgot there was a second instalment also attached to the original invoice. By currently providing a reminder notice 3 or 4 months after these bills have been issued, we get complaints that penalty and interest has accumulated for these extra months in the cases where a taxpayer claims to not have received a bill. By providing two new reminder notices right after the first due dates we will be pro-actively fixing these issues much sooner. In many cases where a taxpayers history of payment is good we will waive penalty and interest and the reminder notice fee.Our current user fee will be applied to these notices also, making this a net zero budget request. Our user fee is only applied to properties owing $750 or more and is aimed at properties perpetually in arrears. On average 17% of our taxpayers are in some type of arrears at year end. It is hoped that by issuing reminders more often that these numbers may be reduced. Our user fee is the lowest of our OMBI comparator municipalities. 1 municipality issues 2 reminders per year, 2 did not respond, the other three Ontario municipalities issue, 3, 5 and 8 reminders respectively. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 2.1 Implement processes to improve services, leverage technology, and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies 2015 Amount across the corporation. Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 0 Other Expenses 288,500 288,500 Total Gross Expenditure 288,500 288,500 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE (288,500) Capital Budget Impact (288,500) 0 0 0.0 0.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 Form #:F13 49 0 Total 0 ECONOMIC GROWTH ENHANCEMENTS CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 ECONOMIC GROWTH ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-5 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT G01 Engineering approval staff increase to enhance the ability to respond to and process applications for Site Plans and Plans of Subdivisions. $ 268,000 $ 268,000 4.00 G02 Open for Business Coordinator to ensure ongoing implementation of recommendations and $ coordinate high profile and Council initiated issues. 111,000 $ 111,000 1.00 G03 Permanent Waterfront Office to manage implementation of Corporate Waterfront and West Harbour plan related to items other than infrastructure and construction. $ 219,000 $ 219,000 2.00 G04 Global Hamilton Office Project Lead to support the "Global Hamilton Office" and the "Immigrant Attraction Action Plan". $ 118,000 $ 118,000 1.00 G05 Business Facilitators in Planning Division to promote City strategy for attracting and retaining businesses, promote residential, commercial, rural and greenfield developments. $ 247,500 $ 247,500 3.00 G06 Human Resources to promote workforce planning and talent management. $ 76,000 $ 76,000 1.00 G07 Long Range Planning Office $ 338,000 $ 338,000 0.00 Sub Total PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $ 1,377,500 $ 1,377,500 12.00 50 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 ECONOMIC GROWTH ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-5 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES G08 Festival Inspections - funding has not been provided as expectations for number and approach to festivals has increased significantly over past several years. $ 22,990 $ 22,990 0.50 G09 Develop action plan to address impact of climate change and extreme weather. $ 96,210 $ 96,210 2.00 G10 Bed Bug/Pest Infestation Investigations - investigation, support and legislation enforcement of increasing number of bed bug, cockroach and rat complaints $ 22,980 $ 22,980 0.50 G11 Promote Air Quality through collection, analysis and communication of air quality data to support positive air quality and decision making. $ 167,660 $ 167,660 3.50 G12 Community Health Educator/Navigator team (CHEN) - empowering vulnerable individuals to make healthier living choices $ 97,080 $ 97,080 2.80 Sub Total PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES $ 406,920 $ 406,920 9.30 51 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 ECONOMIC GROWTH ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-5 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact PUBLIC WORKS G13 10 Year Local Transit Strategy - budgets to be determined To be determined G14 Road Network growth from Development to maintain service levels for additional 90Km of roads introduced since 2009. $ 680,000 $ 680,000 8.00 Sub Total PUBLIC WORKS $ 680,000 $ 680,000 8.00 Contract Lawyer position supporting Planning and Growth Management project $ 131,320 $ 131,320 1.00 Sub Total CITY MANAGER $ 131,320 $ 131,320 1.00 Total Growth Related Enhancements $ 2,595,740 CITY MANAGER G15 52 $ 2,595,740 30.30 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2014 Type of Change Economic Growth Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:G01 Growth Management Service Currently engineering approvals staff review and approve servicing/grading for Site Plans and Plans of Subdivisions, including coordinating and implementing technical requirements from other Agencies and Depoartments. Our ability Current Level to respond to the industry needs has resulted in significant delays and in some cases appeals to the O.M.B.. Once an of Service application enters the O.M.B. processes staff must react to the board timing further delaying applications that are in the queue. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Staff has implemented various improvements including up dating the subdivision agreement, Memorandum of Agreement which outline roles and responsiblity with the various Conservation Authority and initiating an update of our Engineering Guidelines. With the addition of 2 permanent Project managers we increase our capacity to facilitate development approvals in a more timely manner. An additional development coordinator is required to assist in preparing agreements, clearing conditions and commence focusing on site plan target areas such as downtown as a priority. Subsequently additional administrative support is required to assist the staff in their daily functions. Furthermore, the existing project managers are 30 plus year veterans that could potentially retire in the next 3-5 years. This enhancement will provide for future succession planning and address the current approval demands. Financial Analysis: Operating Budget Impact Strategic Plan Linkage: Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 402,000 268,000 Other Expenses Total Gross Expenditure 402,000 Less: Revenues - 0% Capital Budget Impact - 402,000 FTE 268,000 - - Net Impact Strategic Priority #1: A Prosperous & Healthy Community 4.0 268,000 Year 2015 4.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Total - Form #:G01 53 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2014 Type of Change Economic Growth Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:G02 General Manager's Office Open for Business Service Current resources for the Open for Business intiative has been seconded from existing Departmental resources. However, as we move to implement the various initiatives, support the Council Sub-Committee and undertake a Current Level comprehensive review of our development appoval process this work cannot be sustained. of Service Request to add a Manager level FTE to coordinate the Open for Business review work, coordinate the development process review and to ensure ongoing implementation of the Open for Business review. In addition, this position would deal with high profile and Council initiated issues wherein specific projects get delayed, or get caught up in inter-departmental issues and the implementation of development approval improvements. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Operating Budget Impact Strategic Plan Linkage: Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 148,000 111,000 Other Expenses Total Gross Expenditure 148,000 Less: Revenues - 0% Capital Budget Impact - 148,000 FTE 111,000 - - Net Impact Strategic Priority #1: a Prosperous & Healthy Community. 1.0 111,000 Year 2015 1.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Total - Form #:G02 54 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2014 Type of Change Economic Growth Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:G03 General Manager's Office Corporate Waterfront & Community Investment Projects Office Service Established by Council Motion in April 18, 2012 (Report PED09200(a)), the Waterfront Development Office was created in PED to co-ordinate and accelerate all inter-departmental activities with respect to Hamilton’s Waterfront and Shoreline areas. Since its inception, there has been no dedicated Operating Budget or Staffing Resources Current Level approved for the various projects within PED. Currently, Waterfront Initiatives have been funded solely through of Service Capital Budget Account 4401356800 entitled "West Harbour & Waterfront Strategic Initiatives - Public Works, and represents exclusively design and construction projects. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact The following positions have been identified as being critical to fulfilling the goal of becoming “DevelopmentReady” by 2018 - 1) Manager, Waterfront Planning and Community Investments & Project Manager, 2) Senior Project Manager, Land Disposition Strategy and Marketing. These positions will be responsible to lead the implementation of the non-infrastructure and non-construction elements of the Corporate Waterfront & "West Harbour" Plan including the Development concept plan for Pier 8, the land disposition strategy for "Barton-Tiffany" & Piers 7&8, the Business Development Strategy for private-sector investors, Marina Transition with the HPA and RHYC, Pipeline Re-Location, Evergreen-Planning Alliance Partnership, the Communications & Marketing Strategy, as well as ensuring coordination between City Departments, waterfront stakeholders and the overall Hamilton Community. Two additional resources will be required while the project is being implemented. These resources will be added in a temporary capacity as and when required and funded from the Capital Project. There has been a marketing budget of $40,000 included in this submission. Financial Analysis: Operating Budget Impact Strategic Plan Linkage: Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 268,000 179,000 40,000 40,000 308,000 219,000 Other Expenses Total Gross Expenditure Less: Revenues - 0% - Net Impact 308,000 FTE Capital Budget Impact - 2.0 219,000 Year 2015 2.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Total - Form #:G03 55 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:G04 Economic Development Business Development Service Global Hamilton Office Project Lead position was initiated to achieve the goals of cultural diversification, new investment and attraction of Immigrant entrepreneurs. The work is currently being done on a part-time basis as a Current Level temporary, non-funded position. of Service Reporting to the Manager of Business Development, the Project Lead will be responsible for developing, coordinating and implementing a broad range of activities related to supporting the Global Hamilton Office in the EconomicDevelopment Division and implementation of the Immigrant Attraction Action Plan as received by City Council, including ensuring the completion of the Global Hamilton Work Plan, leading research, information management, reports, policy development and analysis, and community outreach and consultations. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Strategic Priority #1: A Prosperous & Healthy Community Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 118,000 118,000 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 118,000 118,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Other Expenses Revenue - Other Net Impact 118,000 FTE Capital Budget Impact 0 1.0 118,000 Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:G04 56 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth PED Department Division Form #:G05 Planning 3 Business Facilitators Service As part of past economic development governance and organizational reviews, a Business Facilitation function was created within the Planning Division. Two positions were created with the primary reasonability of solidifying the "one-stop shopping" objectives of the Department. It is a function that supports both companies and customers that are expanding their operation and businesses/developers that are establishing or relocating their company to Hamilton. They have extensive knowledge of all planning, development engineering and building related requirments and Current Level policies. They offer hands-on assistance with the development process for prospective applicants, process planning of Service applications for special projects, and ensure planning approvals are obtained in an effective and timely manner by providng mediation and problem resolution services. In 2014 the two Business Facilitators completed a total of 5,273 contacts including 1,683 general planning inquiries, 876 zoning inquiries and 395 conflict resolution services, in addition to having carriage of time sensitive and complex site plan files for major insitutional clients. Hamilton had the fastest growing economy in Ontario in 2013. We are on a “growth mission” and need to be ready for the wave of development interest that the City is experiencing, in both the rural and urban areas of the City. The City needs to be ready and to take advantage of this once in a generation opportunity. Over the next 30 years the City is expected to grow and achieve a population of 660,000 and 300,000 jobs. To effect positive change the City must harness that energy, take advantage of the opportunities and manage any undesirable impacts. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact The City's Economic Development Strategy is focussed on attracting and retaining businessess. Critical factors for success will be the allocation of sufficient staff resources required to deliver on this mandate. The three additional Business Facilitators will assist with attracting and retaining businesses, assist with developing residential and commercial developments in under-assessed urban areas, greenfield developments and rural developments and ensure a transparent and predicable development approvals process to ensure the city is prepared for the new wave of development interests and to continue to provide "one-stop shopping" to investment interests in both the urban and rural communities. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.1 Continue to grow the non-residential tax base. Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 330,000 247,500 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 330,000 247,500 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 330,000 247,500 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 3.0 2015 Amount Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 3.0 Form #:G05 57 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:G06 General Manager's Office Human Resources Service Currently PED supports .6 FTE Staffing Specialist. The transfer of Culture division in 2012 increased the requirement for services from HR without corresponding adjustment to complement. Efforts related to staff development, performance accountability, organizational development and matters related to succession planning are restricted with the current resource model. This not only impacts our ability to provide business continuity and maintain productivity Current Level levels but restricts our ability to provide proactive HR service. In addition, this does not support the workforce in of Service implementing changes and programs to impove our development approval process and customer services improvements, particularly through our Open for Business intiatives. With a strategic focus on growing and developing the economy of Hamilton and implementation of the Open for Business intiatives, Planning & Economic Development needs to have high performing people and effective business practices to devlop, attract and retain key talent to realize the vision. We are requesting one additional FTE for an HR Business Partner to take a lead role in workforce planning and talent management including; on boarding, orientation, learning and development , employee engagement, change management and succession planning. This position will directly support performance outcomes related to enhanced capacity and productivity through effective delivery of people related programs which support management and employees. Providing this dedicated support will enable business continuity, minimize the disruptive impact of staff turnover (retirements and newly promoted managers) to delivering on our strategy priorities in a sustainable manner and ensure that the workforce is trained and enabled to deliver an effective and efficient development approval process. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.1 Continue to grow the non-residential tax base. Strategic Priority #2 Values & Sustainable Services 2.2 Improve the City's approach to engaging and informing citizens and stakeholders. Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount 2015 Amount 120,000 70,000 6,000 6,000 Total Gross Expenditure 126,000 76,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 126,000 76,000 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:G06 58 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2014 Type of Change Economic Growth Department Planning & Ec Dev Division Form #:G07 Planning Long Range Planning Service Previous restructurings in 2005, 2007 and 2013 deferred dealing with the role and function of long range planning The current model of using capital funding for temporary positions makes it difficult to recruit and retain skilled long term employees. It is disruptive to the projects and the work environment when layoffs occur (with associated bumping). Planners in the three Planning Division Sections have different roles/functions and job codes. Current operating Current Level environment does not provide for a nimble/flexible work force and ability to transfer staff/functions/activities between of Service current planning and long range planning. These situations do not contribute to a culture of employee engagement. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Robust and responsive land use planning studies/documents are essential to support the City’s economy and ‘Open for Business’ initiatives. The Official Plans and Zoning By-laws, for example, provide opportunities for employment growth through diversified and flexible employment areas and to adapt neighbourhoods to attract more people to work and live in Hamilton. In many cases background work (e.g. growth plan updates, special land use studies) also play a critical role in creating a strong economic, social, environmental and cultural base for the City. Provincial planning reforms, OMB processes and statutory obligations require that OP’s and Zoning By-laws be monitored and updated to reflect changing provincial/local economic and social environments. These are permanent FTEs that are currently being funded from Capital. It is the funding only, not the FTEs that are being requested. Financial Analysis: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount 338,000 Other Expenses Total Gross Expenditure 338,000 338,000 Capital Budget Impact - 338,000 FTE 338,000 - Net Impact 2015 Amount - Less: Revenues - 0% Strategic Plan Linkage: 0.0 338,000 Year 2015 0.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Total - Form #:G07 59 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth Public Health Services Department Division Form #:G08 Health Protection Festival Inspections- increasing number of special events which serves the public. Time spent by staff risk assessing and inspecting food service at events is creating service level demand which is impacting mandatory food premise inspection indicators. Service Currently 12 FTE Public Health Inspectors (PHI's) are responsible for special event risk assessments and inspections. In 2013 PHI's conducted over 6450+ routine fixed premises inspections and 600+ inspections at 60+ special events. The number of special events that are risk assessed and inspected have almost tripled since 2010. These events are not captured in an accountability agreement with the MOHLTC but are part of the operational role under the Food Safety Protocol. The increasing number of special events and variety of food vehicles is impacting PHI's ability to complete routine inspections to meet Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS). Current Level of Service Food Safety Program - The requested change will allow for more focused effort on special event risk assessments and inspections to meet OPHS. In 2013 PHI's conducted 630+ inspections at 60+ special events. Job growth/economic prosperity – expansion/increase # of special events, variety of food trucks, & festivals to showcase diversity of City and as economic booster; PHS needs to have enhanced approach to organization and inspections on these non-regulated events to maintain confidence in safety of the public attending these events, reduce risk of outbreaks & potential negative perception related to these events (eg Cronut burger at CNE). Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve the health and well-being of residents. Expansion/increasing # of special events, variety of food trucks, & festivals to showcase diversity of City and as economic booster; PHS needs to have enhanced approach to organization & inspections on these non-regulated events to maintain confidence in safety of the public attending these events, reduce risk of outbreaks & potential negative perception l d h ( C b CNE) Capital Budget Impact Annualized Amount 2015 Amount 41,010 20,505 4,970 2,485 Total Gross Expenditure 45,980 22,990 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 45,980 22,990 Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 0.5 Year 2015 0 0.5 Form #:G08 60 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth Public Health Services Department Division Form #:G09 Health Protection Climate Change - to prepare and implement a Climate Change adaptation plan for the City of Hamilton. Climate Change policy development is mandated under the Health Hazard Prevention and Management of the Ontario Public Health Standards. 0.5 FTE Coordinator position is currently responsible for corporate Climate Change (CC) planning and adaptation work. This position is combined with the 0.5 FTE Air Quality Coordinator position (1 person = 1.0 FTE). The current CC work is not addressing corporate adaptation actions that should be taken (i.e., corporate assests vulnerability and risk assessment from impacts of CC; develop corporate action plan for adaptation to climate change). Service Current Level of Service The requested change will allow for focused effort to be placed on climate change work, specifically on "adaptation" actions. Impacts of climate change are demonstrated through extreme weather events (extreme heat, flooding, polar vortex cold snaps); the city needs to develop an action plan to adapt to these impacts. The City's ability to adapt to effects of climate change going forward can affect business continuity, job growth, and the overall economic prosperity of the City. Another financial benefit of undertaking climate change adaptation work is from a cost-containment perspective - by developing & implementing an adaptation action plan, the City will be mitigating costs paid out over time by preparing for the inevitable adverse events caused by climate change. Infrastructure assessments & risk analysis need to be completed to inform a plan. This cost avoidance strategy also shows leadership to the general community, and specifically to the business community in that the message is clear that Hamilton values a sustainable environment for business development to thrive in. This enhancement request is being put forward by the Health Hazards program with Health Protection Division of PHS. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Annualized Amount 190,160 This proposed change addresses Strategic Priority #1, Objective 1.6 - Enhance Overall Sustainability; Strategic 2015 Amount Action: develoment of a Community-based Climate Change Action Plan. 95,080 2,250 1,130 Total Gross Expenditure 192,410 96,210 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 192,410 96,210 Net Impact FTE 2.0 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 2.0 Form #:G09 61 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth Public Health Services Department Division Form #:G10 Health Protection Bed Bug/Pest Infestation Investigations - investigation of pest complaints under Property Standards by-law plus related pest education for the community under Environmental Health Service, Subservice Health Hazard Prevention and Management Current budgeted staffing is 1.0 FTE however the level of complaints and related communication/education need equates to 1.5 FTE or higher to meet the increase in complaints and the complex nature of the pest calls. The Vector Borne Disease team within Health Protection Division investigates over 750 pest complaints per year (bed bugs, rats, cockroaches, fleas, mice, and wasps). Rat complaints have tripled from 2013 and bed bug complaints are complex involving Social Determinant of Health impacts. Service Current Level of Service Increasing FTE will provide more timely responses to pest issues, including bed bugs. The need for PHS staff to investigate, inform, support & enforce legislation related to controlling pests will enhance the image of the City. Education & enforcement by PHS staff will help the reputation of the City & de-stigmatize the effects of bed bugs in the community. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Annualized Amount 2015 Amount 41,010 20,510 4,940 2,470 Total Gross Expenditure 45,950 22,980 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 45,950 22,980 Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 0.5 Strategic Priority #1 – A Prosperous & Healthy Community WE enhance our image, economy and well-being by demonstrating that Hamilton is a great place to live, work, play and learn. Objective 1.5. Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve the health and well-being of residents. This includes action (xi) Implement a ten-year Housing and Homelessness Action Plan which includes a bed bug strategy. Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 0.5 Form #:G10 62 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth Public Health Services Department Division Form #:G11 Health Protection Air Quality - to improve hazard identification and surveillance related to air quality. Identification, Investigation and Management of Health Hazards is mandated under the Health Hazard Prevention and Management of the Ontario Public Health Standards. Service Current services delivered by the Health Hazards program in the air quality portfolio include surveillance, policy development, and health promotion. Current staff resources for this work include a 0.5 FTE Air Quality Coordinator (other 0.5 FTE of time dedicated to climate change), as well as approximately 0.5 FTE Health Hazard Specialist, and 0.2 FTE Manager. Current and historic work has been on the development of an Air Quality Task Force (AQTF) and drafting an action plan to improve local air quality in Hamilton. Current Level of Service The requested change will allow for focused effort to be placed on achieving the objectives outlined in the AQTF Action Plan, including (but not limited to) the development of an airshed model for the City of Hamilton, development of AQ-related guidelines for land-use planning in Hamilton, development and presentation of workshops for businesses and industries related to best practices for clean air, and revising existing and/or developing new municipal by-laws to control local air pollution. Additional proposed work in the Health Hazards program on air quality is to increase positive engagement of the community on the topic of health risk associated with exposure to pollution. This would be done to address a common existing perception that Hamilton is a City with an air quality problem, when in fact, Hamilton has seen air pollution decrease dramatically over the past 40 years. The potential impact of this could help with the City's image as a place to reside and conduct business. With the addition of a Planner position, the City could look to develop planning policies that will support continued economic growth in a healthy, sustainable manner, which could give Hamilton a competitive edge in attracting "green" businesses and industries. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Annualized Amount 330,910 Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.5 Support the development and implementation of 2015 Amount neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve the health and well-being of residents. 165,460 4,400 2,200 Total Gross Expenditure 335,310 167,660 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 335,310 167,660 Net Impact FTE 3.5 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 3.5 Form #:G11 63 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth Public Health Services Department Division Form #:G12 Healthy Living Community Health Educator/Navigator team (CHEN) - empowering vulnerable individuals to make healthier living choices; impacts SDOH and self/family resources to access and negotiate health system. Service Currently, PHS employs 1.2 FTE (2 staff) Women's Health Educators (WHEs) in the Healthy Living Division. The current WHEs work mainly with the Chinese and South Asian communities of Hamilton to promote healthy living and cancer screening (breast, cervix, colorectal). WHEs are Community Health Educator/Navigators (CHENs). The demand for CHENs has increased steadily and our current FTE cannot meet the growing demands with 1.2 FTE, nor can PHS implement this model with other vulnerable populations such as the Aboriginal community of Hamilton without increasing FTE. Request for employee related costs of $140,880 to support development of a PHS department-wide Community Health Educator/Navigator (CHEN) team. Funding for: additional 0.4 FTE for current Chronic Disease Prevention program Women's Health Educators; 0.8 FTE for CASTLE Community Health Broker; 1.6 FTE for two new CHEN to address two priority populations (possibilities: aboriginals and males). End result: 5 CHEN at 0.8 FTE each. Total increase in staffing: 2.8 FTE. Additional annualized program costs requested: $4,660. Total annualized amount requested: $145,540. Impact: vulnerable community members will be provided with supports, resources to live healthier lives. Healthier community members are empowered to return to school, seek employment, start businesses. More productive community members equal economic prosperity and a more attractive city to relocate to and to invest in. Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount Strategic Priority #1: A Prosperous and Healthy Community: 1.6 and Strategic Priority #2: Values and 2015 Amount Sustainable Services: 2.2 140,880 93,967 4,660 3,113 Total Gross Expenditure 145,540 97,080 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 145,540 97,080 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 2.8 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 2.8 Form #:G12 64 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth Public Works - Tax Department Division Form #:G13 Transit 2015-2025 10 Year Local Transit Strategy Service 221 buses serving 34 routes, delivering 21.8 million revenue trips with $35.9M in revenue. Current Level of Service Service enhancements to address existing service gaps and to grow ridership to meet 2007 Transportation Master Plan objectives and modal split targets (annual rides per capita 80-100). Ultimate level of service over ten years: - at least 250,000 additional hrs of service to reach 2 service hrs/capita, averaging approximately 25,000 additional service hrs per year - 100 additional buses, averaging approximately 10 buses per year Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 1.4 Improve the City's transportation system to support multi-modal mobility and encourage inter-regional 2015 Amount connections. Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 0 Other Expenses 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure TBD TBD Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE 0 Capital Budget Impact 0 TBD TBD Year 2015 Years 2016 & Beyond Total TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Form #:G13 65 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth Public_Works_Tax Department Division Form #:G14 Operations Growth funding required to maintain services for new developments Service Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Each time a new subdivision is developed, the services to those developments create a strain on the existing budgets and staffing. The City has added 89.4 km of new roadway since 2009. This request for additional FTE is based on growth over the last 5 years. New developments off of Parkside in the west require 2 additional FTE. In the east, growth in Binbrook requires 1 additional FTE while growth through the remainder of the district requires 3 additional FTE. Two additional after hours crew are required due to the growth City Wide. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve 2015 Amount the health and well-being of residents. Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 680,000 680,000 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 680,000 680,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 680,000 680,000 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 8.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 8.0 Form #:G14 66 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Economic Growth City Manager's Office Department Division Form #:G15 Legal Services Legal Services for the City of Hamilton Service Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Contract Lawyer position in place for some time, supported through Capital funds and gapping dollars from Planning & Growth Management Legal Services are provided internally & externally. Internal services are cost-effective. • The average hourly cost of internal legal services is $147/hour. • The average hourly rates of external legal counsel for this work ranges from $373 - $518/hour. • It is more cost effective to the City to have the work done internally by a salaried lawyer than externally. This position will enable Legal Services to provide strong internal support to major planning initiatives and specialized ‘business deals’ that would otherwise need to be outsourced, such as: • Tax Assessment Appeals • Urban Renewal Financial Incentives Program Loans and Grants • ‘one-off’ loans and grants such as the recent Fraunhoffer / McMaster initiative; the CFL Hall of Fame loan • Development Charges interpretation issues and Appeals • Heritage Conservation Appeals • Expropriations • AEGD and UHOP implementation (zoning by-law and appeals to OMB) The impact of not funding this enhancement is that, at the end of the current contract, Legal Services will be unable to ensure all of the needs driven by major planning initiatives are met internally, resulting in increased outsourcing to external legal counsel. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 130,170 130,170 1,150 1,150 Total Gross Expenditure 131,320 131,320 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 131,320 131,320 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 Strategic Priory #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community: 1.1 Continue to grow the non-residential tax base. (1) Resolution of the Urban and Rural Official Plans appeal at the OMB. (ii) Complete the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law for commercial and mixed uses nodes and corridors. (iii) Resolution of the Airport Employment Growth District (AEGD) Secondary Plan at teh OMB and undertake implementation of Phase 1. (vi) Develop a Bayfront Industrial Secondary Plan/Redevelopment Strategy. Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:G15 67 0 Total 0 APPENDIX “1 - 6” 2015 ENHANCEMENTS – OTHER PRIORITIES CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 SERVICE LEVEL ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-6 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S01 Additional resources required to sustain current service levels for One Stop Business Centre at City Hall and MLE counter at City Centre. Council Referred (PED14136) $ 67,500 $ 67,500 1.00 S02 Enforcement of new Woodlot Conservation by-law. Council Referred (PED02229(e)) $ 60,700 $ 60,700 1.00 S03 Provide new enforcement service for noise complaints at nights Thursday to Saturday. Council Referred (PED14254) $ 95,000 $ 95,000 1.00 S04 Provide permanent funding source and resources for Vital Services Program - Council Referred (PED10049(n)). $ 30,000 $ 30,000 1.00 S05 Municipal Law Enforcement Policy Advisor. $ 81,700 $ 81,700 1.00 S06 Head Curator - Supervisory position. $ 81,600 $ 81,600 1.00 S07 License Facilitator - One Stop. $ 93,000 $ 93,000 1.00 S08 Licensing and Permit Officers (Mobile Response). $ 147,000 $ 147,000 2.00 S09 Public Art Program Coordinator. $ 66,300 $ 66,300 1.00 S10 Collections Supervisor, Hamilton Municipal Parking System. $ 71,580 $ 71,580 1.00 S11 Additional part-time hours for programming and visitor services. $ 62,000 $ 62,000 1.00 S12 Supervisor One Stop. $ 92,250 $ 92,250 1.00 68 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 SERVICE LEVEL ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-6 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact S13 Culture Projects Specialist. $ 68,500 $ 68,500 1.00 S14 Councillor Contact. $ 82,500 $ 82,500 1.00 S15 Licencing By-law review and consolidation (Temp 2 years). $ 103,500 $ 103,500 1.00 S16 Parking Analyst/Advisor. $ 78,350 $ 78,350 1.00 S17 Animal Services Project Manager (Temp - 2 Years). $ 82,500 $ 82,500 1.00 Sub Total PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $ 1,363,980 $ 1,363,980 18.00 69 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 SERVICE LEVEL ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-6 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact COMMUNITY & EMERGENCY SERVICES S18 Age Friendly City - Hamilton Municipal Senior of the Year Award ceremony. Council referredCS13023(b). $ 33,500 $ 33,500 0.50 S19 Age Friendly City - development and implementation of Age-Friendly City plan. This resource is in conjunction with Seniors Award event. $ 33,500 $ 33,500 0.50 S20 Establish regular transfers to capital reserves to sustain infrastructure for Lodges. $ 500,000 $ 500,000 0.00 S21 Recreation Support Staff - support 1:1 staffing for children and adults with special needs. $ 8,580 $ 8,580 0.30 S22 Seniors Recreation facilities - Supervisor of Seniors Services. $ 63,630 $ 63,630 1.00 S23 Housing Administration Officer - continuance of existing position to meet Housing Services Act obligations. $ 55,080 $ 55,080 0.50 S24 Additional Ambulances - to manage response volumes and improve response times. Additional supervisor to assist in managing hospital offload delays and front line supervision. $ 2,392,540 $ 1,267,230 31.00 S25 Provide recreational programming for the Winona community. $ 81,490 $ 69,820 2.31 S26 Provide recreational programs at Tim Hortons field. $ 69,890 $ 56,490 1.55 Sub Total COMMUNITY & EMERGENCY SERVICES $ 3,238,210 $ 2,087,830 37.66 70 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 SERVICE LEVEL ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-6 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact PUBLIC WORKS S27 Tim Hortons Field Capital Renewal Program -Council Referred $ 300,000 $ 300,000 0.00 S28 Continue Travel Training Pilot Project as originally outlined in PW11025 and information update TRN1307a $ 175,000 $ 175,000 0.00 S29 Sidewalk Snow Clearing - clear snow from all City sidewalks and apply de-icing materials to achieve $ bare pavement -Council Referred 5,550,000 $ 5,550,000 TBD S30 Sidewalk Windrow Removal - clear windrows at all sidewalk ramps at all City intersections - Council $ Referred 2,250,000 $ 2,250,000 TBD S31 Operating costs for new acquisition: 125 Rifle Range Rd and 255 Winona Road - Council Referred GIC 14-016 $ 138,000 $ 138,000 0.00 S32 Binbrook Transcab - Continue TransCab service to Binbrook on an ongoing basis after the pilot project concludes in June 2015 - Council Referred (PW13058(a)) $ 225,000 $ 225,000 0.00 Sub Total PUBLIC WORKS $ 8,638,000 $ 8,638,000 0.00 71 CITY OF HAMILTON 2015 SERVICE LEVEL ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY Appendix 1-6 2015 Budget Form Ref # GROSS IMPACT INITIATIVE NET IMPACT FTE Impact CORPORATE SERVICES S33 Fund the Arts Program category created within the City Enrichment Fund for "Strategic Municipal Investment in the Arts" - Council Referred (FCS14024(b)) $ 500,000 $ 500,000 0.00 S34 To fund the annual shortfall for the Event Road Closure Services for special event programs Council Referred (FCS14024(b)) $ 64,000 $ 64,000 0.00 S35 External hosting services and support of City website. $ 100,000 $ 100,000 0.00 S36 Provide ongoing funding source for 91st Highlanders Athletic Association Indoor Games - Council Referred (FCS14024(b)) $ 32,500 $ 32,500 0.00 S37 Adequately fund the Communities, Culture & Heritage, Community Services, Sports & Active Lifestyles and Agriculture & Environment programs - Council Referred (FCS14024(b)) $ 250,000 $ 250,000 0.00 Sub Total CORPORATE SERVICES $ 946,500 $ 946,500 0.00 Total $ 14,186,690 $ 13,036,310 55.66 72 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:S01 Parking & By-Law Services Licence Clerks - Licensing Section Service Currently 2 FTEs for the purpose of creating improvements in efficiencies and specialized customer service provided at both counter locations (i.e. One Stop Business Centre at City Hall and MLE Counter in Suite 250 City Centre, and Current Level in an attempt to keep up with increased demands on counter activity due to increased licensing and enforcement of Service activity. As per PED14136 - That an additional FTE - front counter Licence Clerk - be hired to maintain the current staff complement at the One-Stop Centre and be funded interimly through the Economic Development Initiatives Reserve and the additional FTE be submitted as an enhancement to the 2015 Operating Budget. Failure to approve the additional FTE would not be in support of the Report PED14136 mandate because the potential impacts are as follows: Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact (1) inability to staff both counter operations at all times; and (2) reduced service levels , loss in revenues and delays in issuing licenses and permits (e.g. business licences, zoning verifications, sign permits, etc.) Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 2.1 Implement processes to improve services leverage technolnogy and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies 2015 Amount across the Corporation. Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 66,500 66,500 1,000 1,000 Total Gross Expenditure 67,500 67,500 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 67,500 67,500 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S01 73 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:S02 Parking and Bylaw Services Woodland Conservation By-law for Private Property Within the Urban Area Service None Current Level of Service By-law enacted by Council August 15, 2014 and staff recommended an enhancement to hire a qualified staff person to enforce the new by-law. Specialized skills are required to implement and enforce this by-law, the capacity of such does not currently reside within the Department. If the By-law is not enforced, the City risks legal challenges. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental) Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount 2015 Amount 89,000 59,000 2,100 1,700 Total Gross Expenditure 91,100 60,700 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 91,100 60,700 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 25,000 1.0 Form #:S02 74 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 25,000 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Department Planning and Ecomonic Development Division Form #:S03 Parking and Bylaw Services After Hours Noise Enforcement Service None Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Creation of a Specialized Bylaw Enforcement Unit consisting of Special Duty Police Officer and a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer which would respond to noise complaints between 9pm and 5am Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Noise complaints responded to after 1pm are solely responded to by the Hamilton Police. However these complaints are classified a priority 4 with higher priority calls taking priority for service. Often noise calls are not responded to until the following day or not at all. Approval of this enhancement will allow Police and Municipal Law staff to respond to after hour noise calls in a timely manner. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental) Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 142,400 95,000 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 142,400 95,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 142,400 95,000 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S03 75 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:S04 Parking & By-Law Services Vital Services Service Since 2005 Municipal Law has enforced the Vital Service Bylaw with temporary funding from the tax stabilization Reserve (Account #110046), Through this program Municipal Law continues to protect tenants, mostly elderly, young families with children and the vulnerable in situations where landlords of rental housing units would default and fall Current Level into arrears with the utility companies to the extent that the service would be discontinued. These tenants would be of Service left without heat and hydro without this program. The temporary funding for this program was extended pending completion of the comprehensive rental housing licensing review, and the Council approved temporary funding expires at 2015 budget. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Municipal Law Enforcement intervenes to prevent disruption of services to these tenants. Municipal Law also upon complaint from a tenant acts quickly to have utilities turned back on once the supply is shut off by the Utility Company without them having knowledge that the property is tenanted. Officers must act quickly to intervene, gather evidence, and contact property owners to educate them on this Bylaw, and ensure the service is restored immediately. Since 2005 Municipal Law has maintained their level of service to these most vulnerable tenants, with fast, effective enforcement action. With the goal being to keep the utility in the property owners name not the City’s. If Municipal Law takes over payment of the utility we collect rent from the tenant to cover the cost of the utility. Municipal Law works closely with Ontario Works and ODSP to have rent paid directly to Municipal Law once the City has taken over the service. Enforcement is commenced against the owner by way of Property Liens, issuing Provincial Offence Notices for Failure to provide Vital Service. The Vital Service Bylaw has an appeal process however since enactment of this Bylaw, not one appeal has been filed. The potential impact on these tenants without this Vital Service Bylaw would be detrimental to their health and safety, leaving them, their families and the most vulnerable at risk. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Annualized Amount 92,300 2,100 Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.5 Support the development and implementation of 2015 Amount neighbourhood and City Wide strategies that will improve the health and well being of residents. 30,000 1.6 Enhance overall sustainability (Financial, Economic, Social and Environmental) 0 Total Gross Expenditure 94,400 30,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other (1,000) Net Impact 93,400 FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact 0 30,000 Year 2015 25,000 1.0 Form #:S04 76 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 25,000 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:S05 Parking and Bylaw Services Municipal Law Enforcement Policy Advisor Service None Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Municipal Law Enforcement and Licence and Permits are directed to respond to and author reports to Committee that are often controversial and new ground breaking initiatives to the City which require a great deal of research and development. Currently research, development and reports are being added to the workload of operational supervisory staff, which leaves a gap in supervision, and a lack of performance management measures being taken to ensure resources are being used to 100% capacity, which contributes to the issuing of ticket and achieving revenue targets. Also there is an immediate need for policy and procedures and documented standard operating procedures which will provide consistent practices. There is also a need to review enforcement industry best practices to ensure we are using delivery service staff in the most effective and cost savings means. Staff are proposing the 1 additional FTE be added to address this immediate operational concerns Not approving this position will require staff to continue to redirect management resources and to deliver requests from committee, this will result in the lower levels of supervision and an impact on performance management measures which have taken place in the division over the past few years and ultimately impact on both maximizing performance and revenues achieved. Also since staff are also over capacity for current delivery new potential revenue and cost savings ideas, cannot be investigated. Also delays in response to committee requested reports due to lack of resources. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Strategic Priority #2 Values & Sustainable Services Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 107,000 80,250 2,800 1,450 Total Gross Expenditure 109,800 81,700 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 109,800 81,700 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 2.2 Improve the City's approach to engaging and informing citizens and stakeholders. Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S05 77 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Planning and Economic Development Department Division Form #:S06 Tourism and Culture Service: Museums and Heritage Presentation Service Program: Tourism, Culture and Heritage A New Division was created in late 2011. Significant additional duties and responsibilities were added to the Heritage Current Level Resource Management Section. Current reporting structure to the Manager is not sustainable. Currently the Manager is of Service responsible for museum operations, capital work, collections and conservation, heritage presentation and policy development with 15 direct reports. A permanent Supervisory Position (Head Curator) is required. Reporting directly to the Manager of Heritage Resource Management, the new Head Curator would alleviate the number of direct reports and workload pressures on the Manager. Operationally, the new Head Curator would be responsible for the oversight of nine historic sites/museums allowing the Manager to focus on a wider scope of policy development and planning. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community Strategic Priority #2 Values & Sustainable Services Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount 2015 Amount 106,800 80,100 2,000 1,500 Total Gross Expenditure 108,800 81,600 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 108,800 81,600 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 1.0 Form #:S06 78 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:S07 Parking & By-Law Services Licence Facilitator - One Stop Business Centre Service Currently ther are 2 FTEs for the purpose of creating improvements in efficiencies and specialized customer service provided at the One Stop Business Centre at City Hall. The License Facilitator ensure compliance with the bylaw, Current Level zoning verification and assist the customer to obtain their business license. The work load for two was recognized as of Service being too heavy. An additional temporary part-time was approved for 2015. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact As per PED14136, Council approved a temporary full time employee to assist in Licence Facilitation. The request is to make this a full time position to assist with the workload and customer service. In 2013 alone, Hamilton's One-Stop for Business service managed 19,883 contacts (walk-ins, phone calls and e-mail communication), issued 865 sign permits, conducted 232 zoning verifications, facilitated more than 465 business applications, issued the majority of the 4,730 new and renewal licences, and directly created more than 227 new jobs in Hamilton. To deal with the increased work load, it is important to staff the Business Centre correctly. Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 2.1 Implement processes to improve services leverage technolnogy and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies 2015 Amount across the Corporation. Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 89,000 89,000 4,000 4,000 Total Gross Expenditure 93,000 93,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 93,000 93,000 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S07 79 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:S08 Parking & By-Law Services Licencing and Permit Officers - 2 FTE ( Mobile Response) Service The Licensing Department currently has 5 Licencing and Permit Officers covering the entire City of Hamilton. Their responsibility includes all Busines Licensing, Signs Permits, Residential Care Facility (RCF) Inspections. With over Current Level 8500 licenses to approve, 92 RCF to inspect and the enforcement of the Sign Bylaw, their workload is significant. of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact To improve compliance and to ensure community safety, it is proposed that two additional Licensing Officers be deployed to the unit in the capicity of enforcing all the mobile licenses within the City. Their responsibility will include the monitoring and enforcement of all Taxi Licenses, Limousines, Food Service Vehicles, Auctioneers, Pedlars and Adult Entertainers. The current workload and responsibilties for the other Licencing and Permit Officers has created a reactive unit based on complaints only, however with the addition of two mobile enforcement officers, there will be a proactive componet to ensure community safety and accountability. Significant work will need to be done to ensure the mobile licences ( licences not attached to a buidling or facility) are compliant with the bylaw. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 177,000 Other Expenses Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.1 Continue to grow the non-residential tax base. 2015 Amount 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). 132,750 19,000 14,250 Total Gross Expenditure 196,000 147,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 196,000 147,000 Net Impact FTE 2.0 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 50,000 2.0 Form #:S08 80 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 50,000 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:S09 Tourism and Culture Service: Cultural Development Sub-service: Arts Development Service Program: Tourism, Culture and Heritage Currently the Public Art Program has one FTE. Projects are being delayed due to lack of capacity to manage the Current Level number of calls. of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact A permanent Program Coordinator position is required to assist with facilitation of the Public Art Program at an operations/administrative level (Program Coordinator). Projects, with additional assistance, will be processed more efficiently and affectively and benefits will be achieved sooner. Globally, civic leaders are realizing the economic and social benefits and quality of life enhancements that flow from creativity and investment in culture and the expression of community's culture through mediums such as Public Art. In addition to bringing vibrancy to a city's public spaces, Public Art Programs are a tremendous source of civic pride and conveys the identity and cultural image of a city to its residents and visitors. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community Strategic 2015 Amount Priority #2 Values & Sustainable Services Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 86,500 64,800 2,000 1,500 Total Gross Expenditure 88,500 66,300 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 88,500 66,300 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S09 81 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:S10 Parking and Bylaw Services Collections Supervisor, Hamilton Municipal Parking System (HMPS) Service In 2001, when the HMPS was created, all positions created were estimated on projected workloads. The position of Maintenance Supervisor was responsible for 12 postions involving revenue collections and lot maintenance. Current Level Currently the Maintenance Supervisor supervises maintenance and collections staff totalling 15 employees. These FTE's were the result of assuming the responsibilities of 8 parking lots and over 190 on-street parking meters in of Service Dundas. In other words, there was growth in the HMPS mandate. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact As noted, the original FTE complement of the HMPS was estimated. With the increased staffing and underestimation of responsibilities of the Maintenance Supervisor, along with tighter/new policies and procedures relating Health and Safety, Procurement, HR etc, the workload of the Supervisors position is jeopardizing operational functions, administrative functions and performance management. For example, there have been three terminations within the collections section since 2001 due to theft. This is partially attributed to the lack of adequate supervision of staff. Priorities are continuously being shifted such that employee engagement and integrity is being jeopardized. Along with the above, an aging infrastructure and new parking technologies, the current supervisory position is unable to balance both portfolio's, that being maintenance and collections. Not approving this position will continue to compromise revenues in the Section due to the lack of supervison and question the adherence to existing and future policies and procedures. Service delivery to the public and managing the life-cycle of the parking system is not expected to continue at satisfactory levels. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 93,070 69,800 2,375 1,780 Total Gross Expenditure 95,445 71,580 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 95,445 71,580 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 2015 Amount Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental) Strategic Priority #2 Valued & Sustainable Services 2.1 Implement processes to improve services, leverage technology and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies across the Corporation Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S10 82 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:S11 Tourism and Culture Service: Museums and Heritage Presentation Service Program - Tourism, Culture and Heritage The Hamilton Civic Museums currently have the equivalent of 10.08 FTE Interpreter hours dispersed across the Current Level eight museums and one historic site. The current hours are not sufficient to provide adequate coverage for open hours of Service and programming levels. For the past few years staff have been covering the hours through gapping, however, this is no longer viable. The Hamilton Civic Museums require an additional 1827 hours (equivilant to one FTE), to be dispersed amongst the eight museums and one historic site to cover programming and visitor services. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Since the early 2000s, a number of changes have been made to the structure and organization of the museum operational area: Staff have been re-allocated from the front line to full-time responsibility for collection management, conservation, strategic development and city-wide heritage presentation projects. As a consequence, the number of staff dedicated solely to front line public contact has been significantly reduced. At the same time, total public visitation has grown from approximately 120,000 in the early 2000s, to approximastely 200,000 today. Some of this pressure has been addressed through better program efficiency and planning. To meet the demands of public programming, some supervisors are working regularly as front line historical interpreters and educators. Necessary day to day administration as well as short and long term planning work has been impacted. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community Strategic Priority #2 Values & Sustainable Services Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 62,000 62,000 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 62,000 62,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 62,000 62,000 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 2015 Amount Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S11 83 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:S12 Parking & By-Law Services Supervisor - One Stop Business Centre Service The One-Stop Business Centre is located at City Hall. It is currently staffed with two Licence Clerks and two Licence Faciliators. Through a Council approved report PED14136, an additional FTE will be hired as a Licence Current Level Clerk and a Temporary FTE Licence Facilitator will be hired in 2015 to assist with the increased work load coming of Service from the Business Centre. There will be six direct reports. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact The One-Stop Business Centre operates at City Hall and currently the Manager of Licensing Administration is responsible for the daily supervision of these staff. The location of these workers is away from daily supervision of this Manager. The One Stop Business Centre is the hallmark of the "Open for Business" moniker and proper workload distribution, problem solving and customer service would dictate proper supervision be placed at this location. The current responsibilities and the other direct reports of this manager prevents her from being located at the One-Stop Business Centre. Impact: (1) reduction of Service levels, loss of revenues and delays in issuing licences and permits. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 2.1 Implement processes to improve services leverage technolnogy and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies 2015 Amount across the Corporation. Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 120,000 90,000 3,000 2,250 Total Gross Expenditure 123,000 92,250 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 123,000 92,250 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S12 84 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:S13 Tourism and Culture Service - Tourism Development and Cultural Development Service Program: Tourism, Culture and Heritage With the creation of the new Tourism and Culture Division, the marketing operations were centralized in-house to Current Level support and service multiple program areas (Events, Arts, Museums, Visitor Services, Cultural Planning, Public Art of Service etc.) in addition to the marketing functions for Tourism Hamilton previously supported by an agency of record. A permanent Cultural Projects Specialist (Marketing) Position is required to maintain and optimize ongoing marketing operations and projects: Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Operations • Audience assessment, collateral development and brand building with Tourism Hamilton Industry partners to increase visitation and participation • Development and maintenance of social media platforms to support specific programing e.g. events, engagement opportunities (Arts Awards, Public Art projects) and targeted tourism marketing campaigns e.g. Junos, PanAm Projects • Development and maintenance of an Image Library to support marketing collateral initiatives and fulfill promotional requests from the media, travel writers, website and convention business. • Enhancement of the web presence and related applications (e.g. Visit Hamilton app) to promote visitation and facilitate participation Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 89,300 Other Expenses 2,000 Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.1 Continue to grow the non-residential tax base. 2015 Amount 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). 67,000 Strategic Priority #2 Values & Sustainable Services 1,500 2.2 Improve the City's approach to engaging and informing 68,500 citizens and stakeholders. Total Gross Expenditure 91,300 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 91,300 68,500 Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S13 85 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:S14 Parking and Bylaw Services Councillor Contact, Municipal Law Enforcement Service In 2013 a total of 1,126 complaints bylaw infractions were forwarded by the Mayor and Ward Councillors Offices. In 2014 there has been an increase of approximately 55% in these type of requests. These requests for service are often time sensitive, public safety related and require a higher level expertise to assign, monitor and provide a response Current Level back to the member of councils office in a timely manner. Members of Council demand timely response and replies to of Service their requests which staff are challenged to provide. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact The current number of requests exceeds the capacity for service delivery and staff have been drawing on other resources as well as utilizing overtime to maintain the current service level. To date in 2014 there have been approximately 100 of overtime paid out, as well as the incumbent working on her own time from home approximately 300 hours, and other internal staffing resources at 250 hours for a total of 610 in order to maintain the expected level of service. Staff are proposing the 1 additional FTE be added at a lower level to assist with the member of councils requests. For 2014 staff are forecasting approximately 800 additional resource hours including 100 hours of overtime to provide the current level of service. Not approving this position will require staff to continue to redirect management resources, this will result in the lower levels of supervision and an impact on performance management measures which have taken place in the division over the past few years and ultimately impact on both maximizing performance and revenues achieved. Also since staff are also over capacity for current delivery new potential revenue and cost savings ideas, cannot be investigated. Also there could be an embarrassment to the department for not responding to the member of council request in a timely manner due to lack of resources. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 107,000 Other Expenses 2015 Amount 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social 80,400 and environmental). 2,800 2,100 Total Gross Expenditure 109,800 82,500 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 109,800 82,500 Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S14 86 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning & Economic Development Division Form #:S15 Parking & By-Law Services Special Project - Licencing Bylaw Review and Consolidation Service The Management Team of the Licensing Section should develop a plan to complete a wholesale review and revision of the licensing bylaws. The Licensing By-Law was consolidated in 2007 when the new City of Hamilton was Current Level formed. of Service A wholesale review of the By-Law and schedules need to take place to update the bylaw and make it work within todays framework. Public consultation, best practices and how we do business needs to be taken into consideration to form the new foundation of the bylaw. It is the intent to second a senior member of the staff to complete this task in 2015/2016. From a review of the workload, it would appear to be a two (2) year secondment required to research, development, test and implement the by-law changes in consultation with Council. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Item # Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 134,000 Other Expenses Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.1 Continue to grow the non-residential tax base. 2015 Amount 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). 100,500 4,000 3,000 Total Gross Expenditure 138,000 103,500 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 138,000 103,500 Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S15 87 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:S16 Parking and Bylaw Services Parking Analyst/Advisor Service Workloads have increased due to new initiatives such as bike lanes, transit lanes, bike share, two way conversions, increased special event planning and so on have put a strain on service delivery. Overall growth in the City such as the addition of close to 10,000 homes in the last 5 years and the subsequent increased road network requires Current Level additional staff time to review and manage. of Service Re-development in Hamilton has resulted in larger or more dense applications requiring additonal time for review. Tightening up of auditing procedures requires more effort and time to ensure that all revenues are documented and accounted for. The added or increased responsibilities has resulted in the lack of monitoring of existing programs to determine if they are still relevant in today's culture, maximizing of revenues and maintaining current assets. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact The addition of this position will allow the current work to continue but also allow for monitoring and recommending improvements. Development of new permit parking programs to address disabled needs, elderly needs, potential elimination of redundent parking programs etc would allow for "courageous change" and "sensational service" to the residents. Currently, there is limited review of revenues generated in Carparks which may result in lost opportunties to increase revenues or to reduce expenditures. This position would be expected to be on top of revenue generation in "real time" so that changes can be made to ensure maximization of revenues. Up to date benchmarking of comparable city's relating to all aspects of parking programs would be attainable with this position. Not approving this position will result in the status quo which will result in lost opportunities to increase revenues, improved services to the community and continue to impact staff morale due to frustrations associated with not growing our Section. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 102,310 76,700 2,175 1,650 Total Gross Expenditure 104,485 78,350 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 104,485 78,350 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 1.0 Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). Strategic Priority #2 Valued & Sustainable Services 2.1 Implement processes to improve services, leverage technology and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies across the Corporation. Strategic Priority #3 WE work together to ensure we are a government that is respectful towards each other and that the community has confidence and trust in. 3.3 Improve employee engagement. 3.4 Enhance opportunities for administrative and operational efficiencies. Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S16 88 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Planning and Economic Development Division Form #:S17 Parking and Bylaw Services Animal Services Project Manager (Temp) Service None Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Animal Services has 40 outstanding projects of medium to high priority risk with an estimated total of 6,380 hours to complete. These projects have significant impact on public safety, safety of staff working alone in the field, and the overall efficiency in the delivery of this provincial mandated program. Currently projects are being added to the workload of operational supervisory staff, which leaves a gap supervision, and a lack of performance management measures being taken to ensure resources are being used to 100% capacity, which contributes to the issuing of ticket, public safety, and achieving revenue targets. Also there is an immediate need for policy and procedures and documented standard operating procedures which will provide consistent practices. There is also a need to review enforcement industry best practices to ensure we are using delivering service staff in the most effective and cost savings means. Staff are proposing the 1 additional FTE (for a duration of 2 years) be added to address this immediate operational concern. Staff are proposing the 1 additional FTE be added to address this immediate operational concerns Not approving this position will require staff to continue to redirect management resources, this will result in the lower levels of supervision and an impact on performance management measures which have taken place in the division over the past few years and ultimately impact on public safety, maximizing performance and revenues achieved. Staff are also over capacity for current delivery new potential revenue and cost savings ideas, cannot be investigated Also there could be an embarrassment to the department for not responding to the member of council Strategic Plan Linkage: iption looks like this would just be temporary (i.e. to do P Strategic Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 107,000 Other Expenses 2015 Amount 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social 79,700 and environmental). 2,800 2,100 Total Gross Expenditure 109,800 82,500 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 109,800 82,500 Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S17 89 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Department Community & Emergency Services Division Form #:S18 Neighbourhood and Community Initiatives Hamilton's Plan for an Age-Friendly City Service The Seniors Awards event is an annual event. Starting in 2014 this was made into a larger event involving more seniors (approx. 600 attended) and partners/sponsors. In prior years the event was smaller in nature. Current Level of Service In order to build on the success of the 2014 Seniors Awards Event this position would ensure that the yearly event is effectively planned and implemented. Following the endorsement of Hamilton's Plan for an AgeFriendly City by Council in September, 2014, it is anticipated that this event will be integrated into the implementation of the Age-Friendly Plan. As such a second enhancement for a part-time staff resource is proposed in order to further assist in the implementation of the Age-Friendly Plan. By augmenting the part-time staff resource attached to the Seniors Awards Event there would be a leveraging opportunity as the work would be complementary. Council referred per CS13023(b) Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Annualized Amount 2015 Amount 48,908 32,768 1,092 732 Total Gross Expenditure 50,000 33,500 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 50,000 33,500 Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 0.5 Strategic Priority #1 A prosperous and Healthy Community: 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve the health and well-being of residents. (viii) Continue to work with the Seniors Advisory Committee, Hamilton Council on Aging and other community partners to develop an Age Friendly Initiative for Hamilton Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 0.5 Form #:S18 90 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Community & Emergency Services Division Form #:S19 Neighbourhood and Community Initiatives Hamilton's Plan for an Age-Friendly City Service Currently Hamilton's plan for an Age-Friendly City is supported by a portion of a policy analyst's time. This is appropriate for the current activity which is related to building a plan (and implementation strategy) and engaging older adults. Current Level of Service Hamilton's Plan for an Age-Friendly City was approved by Council in September, 2014. Staff resources are required to implement activities within the plan. This enhancement would be combined with the Council referred enhancement related to the Seniors Awards Event to leverage similar work with older adults and seniors. This portion of the position would identify early opportunities to move forward on the goals and actions outlined in Plan for an Age-Friendly City. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Annualized Amount 2015 Amount 48,908 32,768 1,092 732 Total Gross Expenditure 50,000 33,500 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 50,000 33,500 Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 0.5 Strategic Priority #1 A prosperous and Healthy Community: 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve the health and well-being of residents. (viii) Continue to work with the Seniors Advisory Committee, Hamilton Council on Aging and other community partners to develop an Age Friendly Initiative for Hamilton Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 0.5 Form #:S19 91 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Community & Emergency Services Division Form #:S20 Macassa and Wentworth Lodges Lodges - Capital Plan Service Currently there is $500,000 in block funding that has been allocated to the Lodges as part of the Capital Budget. A condition assessment was completed in 2014 at the Lodges and a 25 Year Capital Plan Summary was provided to staff. Although further analysis/studies are required, projected costs over the next 25 years for capital requirements is approximately $19 million dollars or $760,000 annually. The assessment requirements for the next 5 years is $4.2 million. Current Level of Service Staff are requesting an annual enhancement of $500,000 to be used for capital repairs as outlined in the above capital plan. Over the past several years, the capital/infrastructure requirements are increasing, particularly at Macassa Lodge, which has had no significant renovations for the past 25 years. Staff, with the assistance of Public Works, developed a 25 Year Capital Plan to assist with appropriate forecasting and planning of the capital needs requirements for the Lodges. This would ensure that the Lodges are maintained at an acceptable level to meet all of the Ministry of Health safety and legislative requirements. This would be in addition to the current $500,000 in block funding that is already allocated to the Lodges in the corporate capital budget. Any yearly unspent funds would be placed in a reserve to address future requirements for the Lodges. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount Strategic Priority #1 - A Prosperous & Healthy Community; 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability 2015 Amount (financial, economic, social and environmental). 0 0 Other Expenses 500,000 500,000 Total Gross Expenditure 500,000 500,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 500,000 500,000 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:S20 92 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Community & Emergency Services Division Form #:S21 Recreation Recreation Program Delivery - Support Staff Service Support Staff for children and adults with special needs who require additional supports, supervision, or accommodation to participate in registered recreation programs. Currently one to one support staff are only offered for the summer camp program for 8 weeks in July/August. Current Level of Service Building on the success of the summer camp support program, one to one support staff will be made available year round for patrons who have special needs and require additional assistance to participate in programs. A pilot support program was offered during one program session in 2014 with favourable response and feedback. The need for the expanded support program was identified in the "Recreation Needs Assessment for Persons with Disabilities", which was subsequently approved by Council in 2012. Since approval, the Program Lead Inclusive Programming has documented a number of requests for support in recreation programs where the patron was denied service unless they had their own support staff, as trained City of Hamilton staff were not available to assist. This service is further supported by AODA legislation which aims to, where possible, reduce barriers for persons accessing services. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact The funds requested will be used to support direct service delivery, with each hour paid to a staff representing an hour of support provided to a patron. Moving forward, a variety of programs across all ages, interests, and times will be advertised as having support staff available if required to participate in the program. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Annualized Amount 12,800 0 Strategic Priority #1 - A Prosperous and Healthy Community 2015 Amount 1.5 - Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve the 8,580 health and well being of residents. Strategic Priority # 2 - Valued and Sustainable Services 0 2.3 Enhance customer service satisfaction 8,580 Total Gross Expenditure 12,800 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 12,800 8,580 Net Impact FTE 0.3 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 0.3 Form #:S21 93 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Community & Emergency Services Division Form #:S22 Recreation Recreation Program Delivery - Supervisor of Senior Services Service Currently there is one Supervisor of Senior Services to support the older adult centres and clubs within the City. Current Level of Service The addition of another Supervisor of Senior Services is required due to the growth of the older adult population. The 2014 addition to the Ancaster Senior Achievement Centre and the soon to be completed older adult centre in Waterdown has increased the amount of programs being offered to the seniors in those areas. Also there is a greater demand for programming in the existing older adult centres and clubs. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Annualized Amount 94,965 Strategic Priority # 2: Valued and Sustainable Services We deliver high quality services that meet citizen needs 2015 Amount and expectations, in a cost effective and responsible manner. 63,630 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 94,965 63,630 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 94,965 63,630 Net Impact FTE 1.0 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 1.0 Form #:S22 94 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Community & Emergency Services Division Form #:S23 Housing Services Housing Administration Officer Service Housing Administration Officers provide oversight to social housing providers to maximize performance and manage risks to meet obligations under the Housing Services Act. Current complement is 3.5 Housing Administration Officers responsible for 14,600 social housing units provided by 43 social housing providers including CityHousing Hamilton. The 0.5 FTE Housing Administration Officer was funded with provincial/federal project funding which is now exhausted. The balance of complement is funded from the net levy. Request that 0.5 FTE Housing Administration Officer be maintained from net levy funding given the City's responsibility as the third highest provider of social housing units in the Province. Continuance of the existing positon is required to meet Housing Services Act obligations. Hamilton's supply of social housing units per 100,000 population is 65 which is higher than Ontario's median of 44 (2013). Hamilton's average operating cost per social housing unit is $4,482 compared to the provincial median of $5,551 (2013). Declining social housing stock, operational challenges and escalating governance issues with some social housing providers highlight the need to at minimum maintain current complement of 3.5 Housing Administration Officers. Possible impact of decreased service level would be an increase in social housing providers designated as Projects in Difficulty and compromised service to tenants. Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount Strategic Priority #2 Values & Sustainable Services 2.2 Improve the City's approach to engaging and informing 2015 Amount citizens and stakeholders. 55,080 55,080 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 55,080 55,080 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 55,080 55,080 Other Expenses Net Impact FTE 0.5 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 0.5 Form #:S23 95 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Community & Emergency Services Division Form #:S24 Hamilton Paramedic Service Emergency Medical and Communications Service HPS provides 165,606 hours of staffed transport ambulance coverage annually, an average of 454 hours per day. The ambulance staffing level is dynamically adjusted to correspond to call demand which varies by hour of day. Actual staffing levels range from a high of 23 ambulances between 14:00 and 19:00 hours to a low of 14 ambulances between 02:00 and 07:00. These staffed ambulances respond to an average of 180 calls per day with an average task time of 1 hour and 42 minutes. This unit utilization rate for ambulances is significantly higher than any of our peers. Staffed transport ambulance increased hours by 15.8%, the equivalent of 72 staffed ambulance hours/day, adding 4 day shifts and 2 night shifts seven days/week. Capital need is 5 fully stocked and equipped ambulances, inclusive of a spare vehicle to cover for maintenance, repairs and down time. The established replacement cycle on ambulances is every 6 years (72 months). The addition of one supervisor to support supervision ratios and to continue aggressively managing offload times at receiving hospitals. The 31 additional staffing (30 FT paramedics & 1 FT Supervisor) will improve response availability. Operational planning will continue to create a further reduction in the average time on task of 11 minutes from the present levels through enhanced management of time at hospital. If successful this reduction in time on task, in combination with the increased paramedic staffing, will reduce the unit utilization rate to approximately 0.50. While this is a significant reduction from current levels, it remains higher than almost all of our peer comparators and is higher than the utilization rate existent in 2005 as outlined in the 2007 IPS Review. Ongoing evaluation will continue to determine the effect of the combined increase in transport ambulance hours on paramedic workload, frequency and duration of Code Zero levels, and response time performance as compared to the 10 minute and 3 second (10:03) benchmark for life threatening emergency responses 9 times out of 10 (90th percentile). Current Level of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Annualized Amount 3,229,140 341,815 Total Gross Expenditure 3,570,955 Revenue - Subsidy - 50% (1,679,570) Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE Strategic Priority #2: Valued & Sustainable Services We deliver high quality services that meet citizen needs and 2015 Amount expectations, in a cost effective and responsible manner. 2.1 Implement processes to improve services, leverage 2,163,524 technology and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies across the Corporation. 229,016 2.3 Enhance customer service satisfaction 2,392,540 (1,125,310) 0 0 1,891,385 1,267,230 31.0 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 1,270,890 31.0 Form #:S24 96 Years 2016 & Beyond Total 1,270,890 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Community & Emergency Services Division Form #:S25 Recreation Recreation Program Delivery - Winona Recreation services Service 2 nights a week (Tuesday and Thursday) from 6:00-9:00 pm at New Winona Public School, and also 2 nights a week (Monday and Wednesday) from 5:00-9:00 pm at the Church in Fruitland Current Level of Service To increase Monday to Saturday programming at the newly purchased Old Winona School and to continue the 2 nights a week at the Church in Fruitland (Monday and Wednesday) 5:00-9:00 pm. Introducing day time programming 2 days a week and increase currrent programs to 6 days a week. Increasing from just gym programs to preschool programs and more adult fitness programs. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Strategic Priority #1: A prosperous & Heathly Community 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve the health and well-being of residents Strategic Priority #2: Valued & Sustainable Services 2.3 Enhance customer service satisfaction Strategic Priority #3: Leadership & Governance 3.3 Improve employee engagement Annualized Amount 2015 Amount 139,700 81,490 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 139,700 81,490 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Revenue - User Fees (registra (20,000) (11,670) Net Impact 119,700 69,820 FTE 2.3 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 2.3 Form #:S25 97 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Other Department Community & Emergency Services Division Form #:S26 Recreation Recreation Program Delivery - Tim Hortons Field Service Currently recreation programs are not offered at Tim Hortons Field. Within the new facility there is a warm up area and multi-purpose rooms that can be used for recreation, fitness and family programs. The recreation programs to be offered will allow the residents of the precinct access to the stadium for community based programs. Current Level of Service Recreation Program Delivery enhancement of staff will allow for the planning and delivery of various recreation programs. The addition of a recreation coordinator, fitness instructor hours and skilled instructor hours will allow for the delivery of a wide range of programs ( fitness programs, seniors programs, early years and childrens programs). Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Other Expenses Annualized Amount 104,320 Strategic Priority # 2: Valued and Sustainable Services We deliver high quality services that meet citizen needs 2015 Amount and expectations, in a cost effective and responsible manner. 69,890 0 0 Total Gross Expenditure 104,320 69,890 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other Net Impact FTE (20,000) (13,400) 84,320 56,490 1.6 Capital Budget Impact Year 2015 0 1.6 Form #:S26 98 Years 2016 & Beyond 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Public Works Department Division Form #:S27 Corporate Assets & Stratetic Planning Service Profile: Facilities Management Sub-Service: Stadium Operations Service Current Level of Service The former Ivor Wynne Stadium did not have a capital reserve to deal with capital renewal programs, such as turf replacement, life cycle renewal of building components and renewal of appliances. Staff is proposing a $300,000 contribution from the Stadium Annual Operating Budget to deal with future capital needs. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount 2015 Amount Employee Expenses 0 0 Other Expenses 300,000 300,000 Total Gross Expenditure 300,000 300,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 300,000 300,000 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:S27 99 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Public Works - Tax Department Division Form #:S28 Transit Accessible Transportation Services - Service Manager Service $400,000 Pilot Project initiated in 2012 Current Level of Service Continue a two (2) year pilot project providing bus travel training for persons with developmental disabilities, as directed by Council in Report PW11025 and the Information Update TRN1307a. Expand Travel Training program by providing 200 graduates in 2015 and 2016. Requires approximately $175,000 in additional annual net expenditures. 2015 and 2016 requirements of $175,000 are the Lawson Ministries Contractual amount. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 1.4 Improve the City's transportation system to continue providing bus travel training for persons with 2015 Amount developmental disabilities Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 0 Other Expenses 175,000 175,000 Total Gross Expenditure 175,000 175,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 175,000 175,000 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:S28 100 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred PUBLIC WORKS Department Division Form #:S29 OPERATIONS Winter Control Program - Sidewalk Snow Clearing. To clear snow accumulations from sidewalks to provide safe and passable conditions for the public. Service Winter Control staff in conjunction with contracted services clear City owned sidewalks along municipally owned property, reverse frontage lots, Ward 12 in its entirety (on a user fee basis) and, on a charge back basis, sidewalks Current Level adjacent to school properties owned by either the Public or Separate School Boards. In accordance with By-law No. of Service 03-296, the afore-mentioned sidewalks are cleared within 24 hours of the cessation of a winter event. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Presentation of Information Report (PW14098) to Public Works Committee on Sept. 2, 2014 resulted in Council directing staff to investigate options for a City sidewalk snow clearing program. Option 1 would include clearing all City sidewalks. This option provides for snow clearing activation at the minimum accumulation of 5.0 cm but does NOT include the application of de-icing materials. The cost would require funding of approx. $3.6M and could not be implemented prior to the 2015/16 Winter Season as the appropriate sidewalk snow clearing equipment is currently not available nor have the quantities been determined. In order to develop this program, additional funding is required to engage a consultant to prepare a detailed program based on an assessment of the existing inventory, plough routing, staffing requirements and recommendations for program service levels and a program delivery model. Estimated consulting costs are $50K. Option 2 would include clearing all City sidewalks and the application of de-icing materials in an effort to achieve bare pavement. As noted in Option 1, Option 2 could not be implemented prior to the 2015/16 season and would also require the engagement of a consultant for routing, service level and program delivery model recommendations and the availability of the appropriate sidewalk snow clearing equipment. The cost of Option 2 is approx. $5.5M plus approx. $50K for consulting services. Other Options i.e. selected sidewalk routing for priority clearing, may be identified in the above mentioned consultant's report. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve 2015 Amount the health and well-being of residents. 2.1 Implement processes to improve services, leverage 0 technology and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies across the Corporation. 5,550,000 Other Expenses 5,550,000 Total Gross Expenditure 5,550,000 5,550,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 5,550,000 5,550,000 Net Impact FTE TBD Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 TBD Form #:S29 101 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred PUBLIC WORKS Department Division Form #:S30 OPERATIONS Winter Control Program - The removal of snow windrows from sidewalk ramps at intersections that have been created as a direct result of roadway plowing operations. Service Adjacent property owners are currently responsible for the removal of snow from sidewalk ramps. City forces clear windrows in conjunction with sidewalks that are within the scope of normal sidewalk snow clearing i.e. school Current Level sidewalks, bus stops, city owned sidewalks. of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact City staff would remove snow windrows at all sidewalk ramps at intersections City wide. It is estimated that there are 18,652 ramps and through pilot studies conducted during the past number of winter seasons, the cost to provide this operation using hired equipment only, is approximately $1.4M. This service would not include the application of deicing material or any handwork. To include handwork and the application of materials the cost would increase to $2.2M. These costs are based on an average plowing activation of 10 events per season. The afore-mentioned costs do not take into consideration any costs associated with snow removal (if required) or standby equipment costs. A consultant would be required to confirm inventory, develop specifcations on routing, contracted equipment needs, contract type (standby or on-call), contract administration, in-house labour support, de-icing material requirements, field supervision (quality assurance) and service level review at approximately $50K. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve 2015 Amount the health and well-being of residents. 2.1 Implement processes to improve services, leverage 0 technology and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies across the Corporation. 2,250,000 Other Expenses 2,250,000 Total Gross Expenditure 2,250,000 2,250,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 2,250,000 2,250,000 Net Impact FTE TBD Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 TBD Form #:S30 102 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Public_Works_Tax Department Division Form #:S31 Corporate Assets and Strategic Planning Acquisition of Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) Surplus Land Service Current Level of Service General Issues Committee Report 14-016 Item 13(a) and 13(b) Operating Costs for the following properties acquired were referred to the 2015 Budget process: Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Item 13(a) Operating costs in the amount of $40,000 for the proposed new facility to be located on the lands at 125 Rifle Range Road, Hamilton Item 13(b) Operating costs in the amount of $98,000 for the proposed new facility to be located on the lands at 255 Winona Road, Hamilton Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact 1.5 Support the development and implementation of neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve 2015 Amount the health and well-being of residents. Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 0 Other Expenses 138,000 138,000 Total Gross Expenditure 138,000 138,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 138,000 138,000 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:S31 103 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Public Works - Tax Department Division Form #:S32 Transit Binbrook TransCab Service $225,000 program approved in 2013 as a Pilot Project, funded from the Tax Stabilization Reserve. This pilot project produces over 21 passenger trips per day. Service is provided on weekdays only between 5:20 am and 9:50 pm. Current Level Referred as a service enhancement (PW13058(a)). of Service Continue TransCab service to Binbrook on an ongoing basis after the pilot project concludes in June 2015. If approved, the Binbrook urban village will be incorporated into the Urban Transit Area. This will allow costs for Transit service (along with Recreation, Sidewalk and Streetlighting costs) to be recovered through the area-rated property levies. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Based on a $300,000 residential assessment, estimated tax increases would be $88 for Transit and $65 for Recreation, Sidewalks and Street Lights. These estimates are subject to change based on 2015 updates. Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 1.4 Improve the City's transportation system to support multimodal mobility and encourage inter-regional 2015 Amount connections. 2.1 Implement porcesses to improve services, leverage 0 technologies and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies across the Corporation. 225,000 Other Expenses 225,000 Total Gross Expenditure 225,000 225,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 225,000 225,000 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:S32 104 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred City Enrichment Fund Department Division Form #:S33 Arts Arts Program, created within the City Enrichment Fund. Service Current Level of Service It is recommended the increased funding supports the recommendation of the Arts Advisory Commission report, "Strategic Municpal Investment in the Arts" and the need to fund the category adequately. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 Strategic, Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community: 1.5 Support the devleopment and implementation of 2015 Amount neighbourhod and City wise Strategiesthat will improve the helath and well-being of residents.1.6 Enhance Overall 0 Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). 500,000 Other Expenses 500,000 Total Gross Expenditure 500,000 500,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 500,000 500,000 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:S33 105 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred City Enrichment Fund Department Division Form #:S34 Communities, Culture & Heritage Event Road Closure Services Service Current Level of Service Annual shortfall resulting from transitioned service costs to cash from Police Services for the special event programs delivered in our community. Seeking funding base to maintain same funding levels for 2015 and beyond as the shortfall was historically recovered through reserves. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 Strategic, Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community: 1.5 Support the devleopment and implementation of 2015 Amount neighbourhod and City wise Strategiesthat will improve the helath and well-being of residents.1.6 Enhance Overall 0 Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). 64,000 Other Expenses 64,000 Total Gross Expenditure 64,000 64,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 64,000 64,000 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:S34 106 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2014 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred Department Corporate Services Division Form #:S35 Financial Planning & Policy Information Technology - Website Hosting Services and Support Service Phase 1 of the redevelopment of the City's website will soon complete. In 2014, the City contracted a hosting and support provider (Acquia Inc.) to host the preview of the new website. 2014 cost was covered by project's capital budget. In 2015, the preview website goes into production replacing old website. This enhancement is to request Current Level funds to continue third-party, cloud-based hosting/support of the website. of Service Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact This enhancement will provide the City ongoing external hosting, hosting support and Drupal support of City website for 2015. The use of a third-party external host has been recommended as the most cost-effective model for the City that will meet our business needs (recommended by IBM and confirmed by IT, during the Web Technology Assessment). The service provided by Acquia provides a full-scale development and production environment for the City's website. The service has built in monitoring and support, which ensures security, scalability and availability of the City's new website. Under the contract, the City can submit unlimited 24/7 technical support tickets, plus the City receives a monthly block of 10 hours of expert Drupal advice and support. As a combined package costing $100,000 annually, this is more cost-effective and robust than acquiring hardware, software directly and acquiring qualified staff resources for on-site support. Financial Analysis: Operating Budget Impact Description Employee Expenses Annualized Amount Strategic Plan Linkage: 2015 Amount - Other Expenses 100,000 100,000 Total Gross Expenditure 100,000 100,000 Less: Revenues - 0% - Net Impact 100,000 FTE Capital Budget Impact 100,000 Year 2015 0.0 Years 2016 & Beyond Total - Form #:S35 107 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred City Enrichment Fund Department Division Form #:S36 Sports & Active Lifestyle 91st Highlanders Athletic Association Indoor Games Service Current Level of Service Historically funded from tax stabilization reserves, $32,500. Funds assist with the rent and event costs for the annual games held in Hamilton, ON. Seeking funding base to be included in the City Enrichment Fund, in the amount $32,500 to continue with the event costs. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 Strategic, Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community: 1.5 Support the devleopment and implementation of 2015 Amount neighbourhod and City wise Strategiesthat will improve the helath and well-being of residents.1.6 Enhance Overall 0 Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). 32,500 Other Expenses 32,500 Total Gross Expenditure 32,500 32,500 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 32,500 32,500 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:S36 108 0 Total 0 City of Hamilton Proposed Operating Budget Changes - Year 2015 Type of Change Service Level - Council Referred City Enrichment Fund Department Division Form #:S37 Various The former CCP program areas, now renamed as: Communities, Culture & Heritage; Community Services; Sports & Active Lifesyles; Agriculture & Environment Service Current Level of Service Additional Funding request to fund the program areas adequately within the City of Hamilton; funding has not materially increased in 15 years. Proposed Level of Service & Potential Impact Financial Analysis: Strategic Plan Linkage: Operating Budget Impact Description Annualized Amount Employee Expenses 0 Strategic, Priority #1 A Prosperous & Healthy Community: 1.5 Support the devleopment and implementation of 2015 Amount neighbourhod and City wise Strategiesthat will improve the helath and well-being of residents.1.6 Enhance Overall 0 Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental). 250,000 Other Expenses 250,000 Total Gross Expenditure 250,000 250,000 Revenue - Subsidy - 0% 0 0 Revenue - Other 0 0 250,000 250,000 Net Impact FTE 0.0 Capital Budget Impact Years 2016 & Beyond Year 2015 0 0.0 Form #:S37 109 0 Total 0 APPENDIX “1 - 7” 2012 – 2015 STRATEGIC PLAN Appendix 1-7 THE CITY OF HAMILTON STRATEGIC PLAN 2012 – 2015 110 Appendix 1-7 OUR Vision To be the best place in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens and provide diverse economic opportunities. 111 Appendix 1-7 OUR Mission OUR Values WE provide quality public services that contribute to a healthy, safe Accountability - WE are responsible for our actions, ensuring the and prosperous community, in a sustainable manner. efficient, cost-effective and sustainable use of public resources. Cost Consciousness – WE must ensure that we are receiving value for taxpayer dollars spent. Equity - WE provide equitable access to municipal services and treat all people fairly. Excellence - WE provide municipal services through a commitment to meeting and exceeding identified standards. Honesty - WE are truthful and act with integrity. Innovation - WE are a forward thinking organization that supports continuous improvement and encourages creativity. Leadership - WE motivate and inspire by demonstrating qualities that foster effective decision making and promote success at all levels. Respect - WE treat ourselves and others as we would like to be treated. Teamwork - WE work together toward common goals, through cooperation and partnership. 112 3 OUR STRATEGIC PRIORITIES STRATEGIC PRIORITY #1 A PROSPEROUS & HEALTHY COMMUNITY WE enhance our image, economy and well-being by demonstrating that Hamilton is a great place to live, work, play and learn. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1.1 Continue to grow the non-residential tax base. Strategic Actions (i) Resolution of the Urban and Rural Official Plans appeal at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) (ii) Complete the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law for commercial and mixed use nodes and corridors (iii) Resolution of the Airport Employment Growth District (AEGD) Secondary Plan at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) and undertake implementation of Phase I (iv) Implement a Land Banking Program with strategic acquisitions (v) Complete servicing and new road infrastructure at City’s Business Parks (vi) Develop a Bayfront Industrial Secondary Plan/Redevelopment Strategy (vii) Take substantive steps towards implementing the new Agricultural Action Plan, as part of the overall Economic Development Strategy 4 113 Appendix 1-7 Appendix 1-7 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1.2Continue to prioritize capital infrastructure projects to 1.3 Promote economic opportunities with a focus on Hamilton’s downtown core, all downtown areas and waterfronts. support managed growth and optimize community benefit. Strategic Actions Strategic Actions (i) Update the State of the Infrastructure Report (based on 2011 asset (i) Expand urban renewal incentives to the six community downtown areas analysis) (ii) Update ten year capital plan delivery prioritization (based on (ii) Finalize a development and servicing strategy for the west harbour recommendations from completed Recreation Facility Studies and lands, with a particular focus on Piers 5, 6, 7 & 8 and the Barton/ updated State of the Infrastructure Report) Tiffany area (iii) Negotiate the early termination of land leases for Piers 7 & 8 with the (iii) Development of Biosolids Management Plan and water quality Hamilton Port Authority upgrade plan for the Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant (iv) Final resolution and Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approval of the (iv) Completion of a Refined Staging of Development Program and Setting Sail Secondary Plan Wastewater Capacity Allocation Policy (v) Ongoing implementation of strategies based on recommendations (v) Completion of the Waterfront Master Recreation Official Plan within the Storm Event Response Group (SERG) Study to address Amendment and the implementation of the Zoning By-law and flooding issues financing strategy (vi) Identify and implement high-priority actions to support the accelerated revitalization of Hamilton’s Downtown core (vii) Complete implementation plan and financing strategy for Randle Reef (viii)Complete Request for Proposal (RFP) and make decision on long term future of HECFI (ix) Initiate development in the West Harbourfront and Waterfront (this includes the Bayfront Industrial area) and develop a commercial business strategy for Confederation Park (x) Finalize plans for the creation of the Downtown McMaster Health Campus (MHC) including the consolidation of Public Health Services 114 5 Appendix 1-7 Strategic Objective guide how the City of Hamilton will support the implementation of 1.4Improve the City’s transportation system to support neighbourhood plans multi-modal mobility and encourage (ii) Develop a strategy for acquiring land as a result of potential school inter-regional closures, to address existing parkland shortages and identified connections. outdoor recreation needs (iii) Complete planning and feasibility studies for proposed facilities/ Strategic Actions services in new Pan Am Stadium precinct, and develop a capital (i) Complete the design and develop an implementation and financial funding strategy plan for the delivery of higher-order transportation and enhanced transit service, including all-day GO Transit service and rapid transit (iv) Develop a mental health and addiction services coordination strategy (ii) Implement revised eligibility criteria for DARTS (to ensure compliance between City of Hamilton and community partners to rationalize existing services and improve access to care (e.g. CREMS, social with AODA legislation) navigator) (iii) Develop an integrated, multi-modal, public transportation program, including implementation of rapid transit, conventional transit, (v) Develop and implement a maternal health strategy to decrease low active transportation (e.g. pedestrian, cycling) and the associated birth weight by targeting smoking, nutrition and access to primary transportation demand management (TDM) plan care (iv) Develop a Land Use Strategy, Urban Design Guidelines and (vi) Improve access to children and family services in collaboration with implementation plans for the lands surrounding the James Street community partners through the development and implementation GO Station and along the A and B-line transit corridors of a single access point initiative (vii) In support of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction’s action (v) Development of a strategy to enhance conventional transit service plan develop a program to improve access to healthy food for those levels within the A Line and B Line corridors in greatest need (viii)Continue to work with the Seniors Advisory Committee, Hamilton Strategic Objective 1.5Support the development and implementation Council on Aging and other community partners to develop an Age of Friendly Initiative for Hamilton neighbourhood and City wide strategies that will improve (ix) Develop a plan (with cost impacts) to prevent childhood obesity the health and well-being of residents. (x) Development of a Comprehensive Rental Housing Licensing Strategic Actions Program - which incorporates the licensing of low density housing (i) Complete the development of neighbourhood plans in selected (semi/single detached housing with 8 units or less) and a proactive priority neighbourhoods and complete a funding strategy to 6 by-law enforcement program. 115 Appendix 1-7 (xi) Implement a ten-year Housing and Homelessness Action Plan with strategies to support: • Increasing the supply of affordable rental and ownership housing • Developing a plan to improve housing affordability and geared to income that includes outlying communities in Hamilton with rising poverty issues • Providing individualized supports to facilitate housing retention and ownership • Providing quality, safe and suitable housing options Strategic Objective 1.6 Enhance Overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental Strategic Actions (i) Development of an Environmental Roundtable that, through collaborative efforts with community partners, would highlight accomplishments and address issues related to environmental sustainability (ii) Development of a Community-based Climate Change Action Plan (iii) Develop and confirm a community vision that will form the basis for future strategic plans, re-visiting the role of Vision 2020 and looking towards overall Sustainability (financial, economic, social and environmental) 116 7 Appendix 1-7 STRATEGIC PRIORITY #2 VALUED & SUSTAINABLE SERVICES WE deliver high quality services that meet citizen needs and expectations, in a cost effective and responsible manner. Strategic Objective 2.1Implement processes to improve services, leverage technology and validate cost effectiveness and efficiencies across the Corporation. Strategic Actions (i) Complete a Service Delivery Review, establishing performance measures and identification of recommended service levels (ii) Develop and implement a redeveloped website and associated management plan to provide more on-line transactions (iii) Implement the call handling review recommendations (iv) Develop an Information Services governance model and identify areas for improvement, consolidation and savings (v) Review the feasibility regarding the implementation of an Employee Suggestion Program for the City of Hamilton (vi) Develop and implement a Financial Sustainability Plan (vii) Implement a Value for Money performance audit program (viii) Develop a Corporate template for Departmental business plans, aligning to the 2012 – 2015 Strategic Plan and future budgets 8 117 Appendix 1-7 Strategic Objective 2.2 Improve the City’s approach to engaging and informing citizens and stakeholders. Strategic Actions (i) Establish a policy and begin to implement a coordinated citizen and stakeholder engagement program (ii) Develop a community and corporate engagement plan for key initiatives (includes Infrastructure Services, Human Services Plan, Community Visioning & Strategic Planning) (iii) Develop and implement an Open Data strategy Strategic Objective 2.3 Enhance customer service satisfaction. Strategic Actions (i) Complete the Open for Business review including the development of metrics/indicators for evaluation purposes, implement recommendations including enhanced support to the City’s One Stop Business Centre (ii) Create an online system for the digital submission of applications and permits 118 9 Appendix 1-7 STRATEGIC PRIORITY #3 LEADERSHIP & GOVERNANCE WE work together to ensure we are a government that is respectful towards each other and that the community has confidence and trust in. Strategic Objective Strategic Objective 3.1 Engage in a range of inter-governmental relations 3.2 Build organizational capacity to ensure the City has (IGR) work that will advance partnerships and projects a skilled workforce that is capable and enabled to that benefit the City of Hamilton. deliver its business objectives. Strategic Actions Strategic Actions (i) Develop an intergovernmental relations strategy to promote (i) Implement a workforce management strategy which includes: City priorities (ii) Adopt infrastructure, transportation, housing, downloading and AODA as initial priority areas relative to intergovernmental relations advocacy, funding priorities and grant programs • A profile of the current workforce, including early retirements • A forecast of workforce supply and skill demands • Development of a succession planning program for leadership (iii) Develop and maintain a list of priority and “shovel-ready” projects, across all Departments, in order to more efficiently present opportunities for collaboration with other levels of and critical need positions • Developing a leadership and management development plan government • Developing an attraction and retention strategy that fosters a diverse and inclusive workforce (ii) Revise the existing performance management system and implement across organization 10 119 Appendix 1-7 Strategic Objective 3.3 Improve employee engagement Strategic Actions (i) Develop and implement an internal communication strategy (ii) Enhance the Corporate Employee Recognition Program (iii) Implement the Healthy Workplace Strategy Strategic Objective 3.4 Enhance opportunities for administrative and operational efficiencies Strategic Action (i) Leverage technology to streamline workflow processes, enable better workforce management, and assist in management decision making through: • Position Management • Automated Workflow & Approvals & Employee & Manager Self-Service • Time, Attendance & Scheduling Technology (KRONOS) (ii) Implement the Employee Attendance Management Action Plan to decrease absenteeism 120 11 Appendix 1-7 For more information please visit www.hamilton.ca/strategicplan 121