Making Belly Bands


Making Belly Bands
By Susan Newton
 The reason I am passionate about belly bands goes back to when I adopted my first NMDR baby. I went to Lily’s
Haven to meet Hugo (now my Oliver) 2 1/2 years ago. I was told that he had been adopted, but then after 2 or
so months, he was RETURNED due to the fact that they were unable to potty train him. If you could meet this
little man, you would understand how shocking it is that they spent at least 2 months with him and could even
THINK of letting him go. He is a boy. He lived in a cage for 5 years. I quickly learned that potty training was
not the issue. He is a "marker". Obviously, it was fate that brought us together. I love him so much, I can't
even put it into words. I was given a belly band when I adopted him. Belly bands have the ability to keep good
dogs who either "mark", have "accidents" or even "incontinence", in good homes. I taught myself to sew
and because I use them, I also kept seeing improvements I could make. If a belly band that I donate keeps one
dog in their home... it's worth all the time and love I put into them!
Cut size listed on left....will fit size on the right:
13 x 3 … 9 - 13
17 x 4 … 13 -17
21 x 4 ... 17 -21
25 x 6 ... 21 - 25
29 x 6 ... 25 - 29
33 x 9 ... 29 - 33
37 x 9 ... 33 - 37