8 70 4 Terre horrible, noir de phisonomie The land dreadful and
8 70 4 Terre horrible, noir de phisonomie The land dreadful and
as anyone noticed the irony here? The Big Picture? Michael Tellinger spends the greater part of his adult life enquiring into the civilisation, the culture of a people so long gone our own ''civilisation'' and culture does not even recognise it ever did exist, nor its significance. Yet the pathway for Michael has led him to where he is now – on the verge of providing us all with a gift most of us, because of our own culture, do not understand. We have a people with a thousand names who have been visiting us for millenia creating physical havoc on the one hand with the passing of their own solar system, and on the other hand lifting us up with their gifts of knowledge & comprehension of the world in which we are all surrounded. The irony you ask? Just as we are on the verge of joining all the vital dots – this very same visiting solar system is once again upon us. Michael made a seemingly passing comment in one of the videos leading to his polls which in my opinion says it all. He said ''… and I believe in prophecy''. He does have a good reason. (See BELL-FLOWER ~PREQUEL TO PROPHECY) Throughout our own journey weaving and wending amongst these pages of forums from a medieval doctor with gout in both hands for the last four years of his life, using only a quill and ink and candles – we have been told a myriad of ''things''. Far too many topics possible for one man with a quill in his gouty hand. For the sake of those who have not been reading former forums, and who have come late to these words – plucked out of such forums as ''HOW NOSTRADAMUS DID IT'' and ''GOLDEN HOST DOING'' are a few following ''reminders'': 3 61 3 FEEL PROCURED – FLEUU LEAPING MAP 9 1 3 ORB INTRUDES – SOURCE of UNITED CODES 8 70 4 TIME PERIOD ON SPHENOID SHIP, HORRIBLE IONOSPHERE 1 89 3 URSA MINOR (M'Abus) MAIN SOURCE PERSIAN HADES{Iran stargate]INVADER 2 42 [they] TOLERATED DR UP – MONDAY IN AUTUMN UUROTE: [they] LET ADOPT MANUAL VOYEUR TODAY (9/11) physically watching the event – and. three orbs were filmed there 4 50 1 SEER (Nostradamus) RELIES SPHERE'S HELP with RARER LIBRARIES (these texts) 8 65 3 PARDON VOMITING, NITRIDES DISORIENT (inside a space ship) 8 65 3 SLENDER ANDROID INITIATE (the time gate) Android is the assistant UUilliem52, a J-Rod E.N.E of whom Nostradamus was ''quite fond'' 8 70 4 Terre horrible, noir de phisonomie The land dreadful and black of aspect TIME PERIOD ON SPHENOID SHIP, MENTION EMOTIONS, RIDE ON HIS OTHER SPHEROID MOONSHIP. ISON (Nibiru) HORRIBLE IONOSPHERE IONS 4 45 4 Tous destranchés, un en (Lat. behold) sera tesmoing All broken up, (beam me up) one witness will behold (quite so, the author) RENNES (time gate) STEERSMAN USED ATOMISER: MIST … SEVEN TRANCHES OUT SOME USED, GO TO CHANTRESS (''singer of the verses'') EASTER Very few people seem aware that Nostradamus was asked to provide Lord Tende with a report regarding the unidentified flying objects of 7pm to 9pm February 1st 1554. This report was given to Lord Tende March 10 1554. (Jacques Vallee – Wonders In The Sky) The report is in the forum IS, CAN BE, SEVEN CONDUITS (SOME USED) This report was exactly one year prior to publishing the Centuries 1 to Centuries 4 53. These are the true unadulterated originals being worked with here in the Hidden Texts, whenever one of these early quatrains appears. For those multitudinous people who do not believe ''prophecy'' is possible – here is your explanation. Mr. Tellinger is right. Prophecy is real and has a simple explanation. The use of time portals. For me there was and partially still is - a huge quandary: First and foremost, that there are twelve Centuries. Twelve is an Anun.na.ki'm number base. a) In his archaeological investigations Mr Tellinger has come to the conclusion that amongst his finds are ''portals'' b) These portals were constructed by those we will simply call the ''Anakim'' which does include the Oannes/Uan c) Amongst these Anakim was one called En.ki, {lord of the Earth) whose scribe is known as Endubsar (see Z. Sitchin) d) Nostradamus was abducted by those from Cassiopeia, which includes the Elo'im [alliances]. These are not the Anakim, which is now at least five separate factions we are warned about (say these texts). Yet currently En.ki aka E.Yah is an Elo'im Here is my quandary. Twelve Centuries in which the majority of the hidden information (60%) relates to these Other World people. The problem for me became ''is the entire body of works dis-information''? Am I being used to spread false words? Page 1 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© The only place one can find comfort is within these texts. They have stated that En.ki is now a Ra . Things do change, albeit we have been told En.ki/E.Yah is the ''Loving Lord''. Does this mean En.ki has defected away from his family group? We have also been told that much information is delivered to us via colour. We have lost this ability, but it is obvious En.ki is green, not red. e) Endubsar wrote on behalf of Ea/E.Yah En.ki: “And in the end there will be a New Earth and a New Heaven, and for prophets there will be no more need'' There is a further explanation required for line 1 89 3: 1 89 3 URSA MINOR (M'Abus) MAIN SOURCE PERSIAN HADES {Iran stargate] INVADER 1) There is an intriguing innuendo within these words. If we go back to NOIRE THE WICKED we will see we are told: 1 13 3 REPRESENTS INTERNAL COMMITTEEMEN (shadow government who) TERMINATES INNERMOST of REPLACEMENT : the president 1 13 1 ALIEN PREFIXES INHERENT REALITIES. "Prefix" such as "E.T." or the word "Lord" ~ INFER INITIATE HELL- RAISER [Elite] EXPENSE: REALISE IS THE EXPERIENTIAL SINNER (This Alien Lord who initiated the monetary systems and sacrifices is SatAn/Marduk or Ninurta) The reason Ninurta is made mention of is that his symbol is the two headed Eagle, seen everywhere in the ''corporate'' world. 5 46 4 Et sera Rome lesse par Albanois : A is the sky rune for Cassiopeia BEAR is Ursa the main source of Anakim ''Temporal'' is Enki A TEMPORAL BEAR{Ea] ABLE PORT, ORAL SONI (word activation) RELEASES MASER SONI. SEPARATE, RE-ASSEMBLE, RESTORES MALE the line even says ET which could also describe an asteroid . The "Alba-nois" is a hint too. The collator was told to look for hints in the French. ''alba'' means 'white'' and ''nois'' means black [pl]. White-black means grey. Also the word ''soni'' as in using sonic waves is implied 5 46 4 PRESS RELEASE: OBAMA IS NOT REAL: REALISE ALSO REPRESENTS LASER-PRINTER EASE IN ALIAS ROLES.. ''clone walk-ins'' ERRORS: PERSONS ESSENTIALLI ASLEEP – LOSES ALL (!) 5 46 4 PRESS RELEASE: REALISE RESETS/STEERS OBAMA PERSONAL RELATIONS (a pun also means his family are clones too) 5 46 4 SEPARATOR (Tellinger) RELIES LENSES(the stargate looking glass information) REPRESENTS LOSE (get rid of) SALARIES If we go to the words PERSIAN HADES (stargate) INVADER – keeping in mind those 8 marines who disappeared in the recent Iran/Afghanistan invasion – then this invader very likely means those of Ursa Minor are the ones cloning the presidents (all of them which have been involved with invading Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc) = (M'Abus) are also part of the shadow government even though it can be read to mean those which invade using the Iran stargate are from Ursa Minor, the words MAIN SOURCE indicate the more influential ''invader'' and does not include those others arriving via the Aden sea-gate and the Rennes gate. 2) URSA MINOR at first my error was in thinking this Ursa is related to Ursa Major from whence comes the majority of the Anakim as part of the Orion Group. Orion being between Ursa Major on the left (with seven stars) and on the right the ''footstool'' of Epsilon Eridanus above which sits Taurus and way to the right of Taurus sits the NINE named Pleiades ''pile'' of stars. They are called the 'pile' and the 'heap' for two reasons (in the alchemy list) because they move autonomously as a constellation group, and because they are situated under the tail of the bull. All of this is only our view. You can see this 'pile' as dung under the tail of the phoenix in one of the vignettes of the Lost Book of Cesar de Notredame. Many people are very quick to point the finger at the Pleiades for several of their own reasons, quoting it as having seven stars. It has seven ''sisters'', a ''Gran'' and a ''nan'' (nanny footnote). Only yesterday I discovered these Egyptians called Ursa Major the ''leg of the cow''. This has important connotations when reading the ''Vulture'' vignette, the groundplan ''layout'' of the Giza complex and any other claims to the Pleiades being the ''hind leg''. Doing so, these people ignore Ursa Major and its companion Cancer the Scarab. Naturally no-one speaks of Leech (Hirudo) as a source of anything at all, or of Betelguese the right 'hand' of Orion – yet this is the first ''base'' of these Anakim!. This is stated several times in Centuries 12 which had been stashed behind the fireplace (''Vulcan'') in the home of Nostradamus. These three constellations Ursa Major, Leech and Epsilon Erid.anus are the main source of the negative Anakim. There is one final omission to this statement. Sirius, which requires an entire forum to itself. Suffice to say that the Oannes (red/green Uan) of Sirius 'B' are under 'contract' to the Orion Group and are falsely ''channelling'' various people on Earth who use their words to aggrandise themselves and to manipulate people. See BELLFLOWER – PREQUEL TO PROPHECY This information does not come from me, I am only the collator. The forum J-ROD45 & TREATY 9 is unpublished at this juncture but really needs to be made public because it also contains the full description of the runic skies – the ''signposts'' in the heavens. URSA MINOR is the ''pointer'' constellation for the North pole. The other constellation which is involved with and surrounds the north pole is that of Ophiuchus – from whence come the ''Monstre d'Abvs'' aka the infamous ''M'Abus'' in Monstre d'ABVS forum. Line 1 89 3 is also speaking firstly about HADES then about those who use ''hades'' to invade Earth. Not all of the 84 Other Worlders know about time gates. The hades in question is that one in Iran (Persia) which the American ''military'' purloined.footnotes Hirudo ( Sanguisuga ) tra Orione e Toro (fig. 5) The Leech, almost the crown on the head of Orion www.atlascoelestis.com/Hill.ht John Hill born 1716 Urania: A Compleat View of the Heavens; containing the Ancient and Modern Astronomy, in form of a Dictionary, London 1754 Betelguese Leech Page 2 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© Centuries 11 sixaines #97 4 NOMINATES HELL as HOCUS POCUS HAZARD (Hades is the star gate) Key word here is HAZARD, HOCUS POCUS to keep good folk out TO COUNCILLORS [who ] EMPLOY PRETER-HUMANER [beyond human] PROCEEDINGS, EMPLOYS ENTREPENEURAL DEMOGRAPHIC R.O [Andr. Cncl Regency Order] MERELY LAP pole OVER FRENCH CANADIAN first roll HALF A DOZEN CLOSENESS [to Earth] ATTRACTS GOD: HUMAN SHAPED HAZE STRESSED HALF A DOZEN [the unholy six] CONTACTS GOAL [Thule] Thule/Vril/SS Red Oannes which dwell Antarctica see also 1 42 in Centuries 12 regarding ''purile Vril'' In 11 eleven #24 line 3 it says: With such hazards he could divert himself ably, in 11 #31 line 1 He who has overcome the hazard, 11 #38 line 2 The great provider (Nostradamus) hazards his own life, (using a pun to let us know how he 'hazards' his own life) Third clay tablet of En.ki: (Zecharia Sitchin) ''Bearing Eagle's helmets, carrying each a Fish's suit, the heroes (a form of reptilian, the Uan), the chariot one by one entered… ''Go and come back, the hazardous road traverse safely!'' to him she said. A hazardous journey we have undertaken, from Nibiru to the seventh planet a dangerous way we traversed.(travelled across) > The subject of the ''seventh planet'' was discussed before, where Nostradamus calls Earth this because she is the seventh when > arriving from outside our solar system. This lends completely new meaning to all those quatrains which use the word 'seventh'. Also, think about this: in all of the Tablets of Enki where they speak of the ''bracelet'' – being the asteroid belts: – but why travel through them when one simply can go over them? They do not surround our solar system in a sphere that is why they are called ''belts''. Thus providing new meaning to the mentions of ''hazardous'' trip – they are using manipulation of time. There is another form of space travel mentioned in the hidden texts, described as ''space tubes''. Once again, not all Other Worlders know of them. 1 79 1 Bazaz,Lectore,Condon,Aifch,& Agine NOTICE COGNIZANCE OF ABLE HAZARD (never ceases to amaze me – who wouldn't want to do this work when they tell the collator such things as this; that the KEY word HAZARD was found and understood DOZEN ARCHAEOZOIC ENABLING FACT – here we have the number twelve – and that the An.nu.na.kim are ''ennablers'' IS ABLE CHANGE ARCTIC ZONE AND ZOO. (The Anakim are the ''zoo-keepers'' but are not the ''Watchers'' as some say.) ENCODES Z (zee/Cassiopea with the Elohim alliance – under the ''Emerald Covenant'' who are the real ''Watchers'' of Earth's Living Library) Now we can see a Bigger Picture. Marduk & Ninurta are those which have us all enslaved using money and religion. 3 54 3 ATONING EPISCOPANT [religious] NEGATION 8 10 2 U.N . GLORIFIED URSA [Anak'im], OANNES [Dagon 8 mentions in the bible] : ORIGIN OF ORIGINAL FEUDING RELIGIONS The Emerald Coven.ant information is in other lines using the key word GEM and words which mean gem. Also seen in the private (Latin) correspondences of Nostradamus. 1 79 1 continues CHEATED OF ZOOS by CANNIBAL CIGAR ECTOZOAN CHEF (those from Chertan ''managers of all'') TAG BLEND ZINC OF ARCHAEOZOIC AN. In THE PEACEMAKER Introduction the warning was not to allow zinc near the artifacts. So far, in my mind I see this as the beginning of a process once zinc is involved with those artifacts. 1 92 4 morts & captifz le tiers d'vn milion. c ij IMPLICIT: ZINC STIR (verb) do not store zinc with artifacts The DOZEN is always a key word for the Anakim who have twelve digits and who are O.C.D. with the number twelve ECTOZOAN ectoparasite: any external parasitic organism ARCHAEOZOIC Archean: the time from 3,800 million years to 2,500 million years ago. And see also ''SIX DAYS''2 in DEMISE of OIL aka the ''Archons'' which other people speak of 8 92 1 Loin hors du regne mis en hazard voyage Far distant from his realm (Nostradamus) put/placed in a hazard journey HEAVEN'S HUNGRY LION DIAGRAM'S GROUND ZERO, GOVERNING HORRID HAZY HOME YEARS ASSURED DAZED MORE Saying Chertan of Leo ''managers of all'' are behind 9/11 and all the shadow government agendas which follow, i.e: chemtrails etc This goes with the fluoride lines which tell us we will be too ''doped up''(dazed) to even see the danger. Human lion/shapeshifter GOD IN HEAVEN AS OVERHEARD: HURRY, OVERRIDES HUMAN LION. EGGHEADS' HOME AMAZES ME (Nostradamus) GOD IN HEAVEN AIM ENSURING DOZEN LAUGHERS SORRY who are SAVAGELY SHARE DEALING GRIEVOUS HARMONY 11 #97 original spelling 11 97 1 Par Ville-franche, Maƒcon en deƒarroy 11 97 2 Dans les fagots ƒeront ƒoldats cachez, 11 97 3 Changer de temps en prime pour le Roy, 11 97 4 Par de Chalon & Moulins tous hachez. Ville-francheMaƒcon RoyChalonMoulins ONE SLYLY cleverly SOLVES COMMUNAL: OF INFORMAL NON HIERARCHICHAL NOVEL HUMAN VICE- CHANCELLOR MICHAEL'S ANIMAL-LOVER , NON ALCOHOLIC HAVEN (and see CARP-GARDEN 2 66 1) 2 66 1. PEACE PARAGRAPH CLEAREST FINDINGS PATH IS SELF- RAISING CARP fish GARDEN, (aquaponics) TAP SPRINGS (underground water) LEADS FAR-REACHING PEACE 11 97 1 Par Ville-franche, Maƒcon en deƒarroy PARCƒ REVEALS: IS MANY INFERNAL OHM RED AN ARCH DEVILS HOLE-AND-CORNER DAN (Scorpio/Antares) INFAMY – CHAIR-PERSON REALLY MOVE, RESOLVED MONARCHY, DELIVERANCE HYPER-CARNAL ROMAN (Vatican) AND AIR PLANE, [RESOLVED] SHARP MALEVOLENCE (genetic engineering) ORDINARY PRIMARY CELLS. OHM electron being/Menolea HOLE wormhole CORNER means orbit or out in space. Ant.ares/Ophiuchus Page 3 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© PARCƒ NAME : CORNER [Earth] FINALLY OVERHEAD, R.O. HEAVENLY COMRADE FOREVER REALLY NICE EVERMORE. FINANCE NORM ARE REALLY OVERHEADS, VARIANCE IS HALF MONEY LENDER (Tellinger principles) AND FRANCE PARCƒ COMPLAINS NON-ALPHAMERIC ; (the quatrains) REPAIRS ARCHIVED HEAVY-LADEN ERRORS HAVOC True. The work needs to be ''fixed'', that is, taken back to the very original to get the real and the hidden meaning PARCƒ PERSON REMAINS ALLY FRANCE CHAIR-PERSON (Nostradamus) HEAVENLY R.O. CARDINAL PERFORMANCE OVER FRENCH CANADIAN ARRAY (HAARP) AND OVER CHINA ~ HALF NORMAL RECOVERY. MERELY OVER POLAR FRENCH CANADIAN (this is repeated) Centuries 11 (eleven) sixaines #97 R.O [Regency Order Andr. Cncl ] MERELY LAP [over pole] OVER FRENCH CANADIAN HALF A DOZEN CLOSENESS [to Earth] ATTRACTS GOD: HUMAN SHAPED HAZE 11 97 4 NOMINATES HELL as HOCUS POCUS HAZARD (Hades the portal) Key word is HAZARD, i.e. HOCUS to keep good folk out COUNCILLORS [who ] EMPLOY PRETER-HUMANER [beyond human] TO PROCEEDINGS, EMPLOYS ENTREPENEURAL DEMOGRAPHIC STRESSED HALF A DOZEN [the unholy six] CONTACTS GOAL [Thule/Vatican] Thule/SS dwell Antarctica Thule/Vril/SS Red Oannes which dwell Antarctica ... This would be one of the reasons the Andr. Council are here, they have been trying to stop humans using nuclear power because it affects the rest of the universe SECOND ''SUN'' (?) OVER CANADA. CONSIDER THE PROPORTIONS April 2014 The object of this exercise below is to show you videos from each year 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 purportably the stages of the second sun. The only one I know for real is true is the photo taken by my niece (and the crowd with her) in March 2012 shot in Sydney Australia. Two Suns In The Sky 2013" - YouTube ► 3:29► 3:29 www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAC6p114aBo Uploaded by Seany Mchugh May 16, 2013 – both shots The sinking sun always ''grows'' in size, so this is not a true depiction of size comparison TWO SUNS Mar,05,2011.wmv - YouTube ► 3:53► 3:53 www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1V_g1ch-LU Uploaded by MrRatrod53 Mar 6, 2011 Subscribe 79. 6:22 Planet X Nibiru Now Visible With Naked EYE! Govt & FEMA Preparing For Arrival This video includes a clip from China. where the videographer is in a bus and has to pan to the back of the bus thru the open doorway to one sun, then pan back to up near the front of the bus for the other sun WHAT DO YOU NOTICE ABOUT THESE PICTURES SPREAD OVER FOUR AND A HALF YEARS? Watching all of the videos concerned left me with the distinct impression of mis-information. Old pictures being used as new Page 4 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© Two Suns in the sunset / ORIGINAL AUG 23 2010 ...► 9:14► 9:14 www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqA7hHpIUFI Uploaded by spacecowboy1954 Aug 23, 2010 YouTube home · Upload Sign in. Search ... Two Suns in the sunset / ORIGINAL AUG 23 2010 .. AND Weird Object In The Sky UFO? - YouTube ► 1:54► 1:54 www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW4L5hoS5mI Uploaded by blazzincrew2323 Dec 20, 2009 I was fliming the sky, then after when i looked back i saw two suns in the sky. ... Both of these are good videos because both suns are behind fast moving clouds. HP Caution with this actual picture, I first saw it from Russia August 23 2010>> In 2009 information came to me that the sun of the Nibiru solar system (Nibiru) is just under half the size of our own sun. Back then, my estimation made that around 44 times the size of Earth. Jupiter is 1 1 times larger than Earth, and Nibiru is four times large than Jupiter – so that makes the source of my information correct: 44 times bigger than the Earth. That is the bad news. The better news is that this solar system is under control, and the Anakim have promised to avoid the great cataclysms of former orbits. It is however, unavoidable that our tectonic plates and magnetosphere will be affected, with much of nature suffering sudden change, top of this list being the climates. See EARTH'S NEW EQUATOR on the website You will recall in the forum titled ''HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT'' the many vignettes featured on frontispiece pages showing a ''star'' followed by a black star. One is the main planet of the Nibiru solar system and the other is the black star, the dwarf twin to our own, which for some reason can only be seen in the infra red spectrum 11 97 2 Dans les fagots ƒeront ƒoldats cachez, HALF A DOZEN TO SECOND CLASS TARGETS, STRESSED CONTACTS GOAL. ARCHONS GLACE, (ice) NOT TOAST SELF -DAZED ''half a dozen'' are the 'unholy/repulsive six' of the second coming.''second-class'' targets: the ''elite'' who are the ''self-dazed'' the ''glace'' is a pun on ''icing'' the elite, and on Antarctica – the ''goal'' as seen in other lines AS CONTRASTS ELECT with HALF A DOZEN (the 'unholy six') TACTLESS GOD ANCESTORS – HAZARD [portal] CONTACTS ONE COLLATES LEAFLETS (pdfs) FACTS CONTENTS GOODNESS (!) AS FONDNESS, CONSENTS, GOOD ACTS. GOLDEN STATE CONSOLES THOSE FACTS. ''Golden State'' – recall the bright golden ''V'' in the vignette with the lobster/cray/Cancer (which is NOT a Scorpion as others would say)… The ''V'' is that of the muliebra of Andromeda [council] You will not realise that it was only a few minutes ago I was placing my query regarding the twelve centuries pointing to someone else possibly providing all these texts thus using me as a dis-informant, hence the (!) This is the first time the word ''Archons'' has appeared, but we do not what ''not toast'' the elite means – not pleased & one can go to the forum titled ''ELITE'' to see what is in store for them 11 97 3 Changer de temps en prime pour le Roy, R.O. NAME PROPHECY MEMORY of TELLINGER HAPPENS causes his PROCEDURE. PRESUMED SUPREME PROPHECY & MORE R.O. PREPARED CHOSEN TELLINGER: CHEERS DUMP PAPER MONEY – TELLINGER MY HOPE, PREPARED CONSUMER, MESH AMEND PAPER MONEY – SO COMPREHEND AND PREPARE TO PROSPER. (The use of aphesis here for the second ''L'') RECOMMENDS PRAYER UP for MERCY PENRE (Wes Penre) PSEUDOMORPH RACE (SA.AM Marduk etc) 11 97 4 Par de Chalon & Moulins tous hachez. HAZARD in [worm]HOLE COLLAPSES CONTINUE D A.U. , CACOPHONOUS MINUTES, MENTAL HELL NOT CONSPICUOUS MEANT ''HELLO'' (wake up') IN HOCUS POCUS: HUMAN SIZED CHE {Mãitre/Grayle/shadow government) HOLOCAUSTRAL PORN, SMALL (children) CHOP - U.N. AUTHORIZED NAPALM SCHOOLS. SO TRAPEZOIDAL HUMAN LUNCH in SHAPED HORIZONTAL COLUMNS (cylinder craft) AS SOON AS U.N ALLOCATE SHAM HORIZONS UP. ''D'' the moon. A.U. its orbit Page 5 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© ADDENDUM REMINDER from Noire the Wicked 1 13 3 MONETARISTS COMPARE RE-INTERNMENT SENTIMENTAL (choice) IMPLEMENTS RE-ENTRANCE 1 13 3 REMONSTRATE RE-IMPLEMENT INSTANCE (telling us to demonstrate against this act 1 38 4 VERIFICATION THE REAR UP HEXADECIMAL (2016) THERAPEUTIC UP - ARRIVE IN Oƒ [Capricorn] In many quatrains the word "buck" as in a horse bucking, refers to the Earth – and here is the date. This happens to be the same date I put in END OF AN AGE see also 2 15 1 IMPORTANT QUEUE (orbit) CURVED IN DAN [Scorpio 2015 seen in the vignette of the golden mean] 4 29 4 ABRUPT FULLER REVOLUTIONS [Earth in] DAN From frontispiece; add: VAST ROUNDED MASS STAR (Nibiru) MOVES SUN… ADVERTiSe SUM [result] in DAN, OS (in Scorpio & Capricorn) MOVES STANDARD U.S. (the land) 1 48 2 SATURN’S SOLAR TIE - DAN TIME (in Scorpio) 9 32 3 EVENINGS in DAN [Scorpio] in LEO [which year?], the Earth rolls 10th day Scorpio 5 46 ALBINO AS GUARANTEED AIRLIFT DAN[Scorpio] ARM {Cepheus in the Black Knight satellite) THE DELIVERER IN FACE [Scorpio] SHEEP [2015] 11 #26 ACQUIRES SELECT [elects] IN FACE [Scorpio] 11 #39 [Earth] ROLLED IN ENNEMIES, I (Halloween) "Enemies": 1st Decan Scorpio & Capricorn & "I" Yew Tree day, is in both 11 #44 CEPHEUS (King of KIngs) AROUND VIRGO, QUEER LIBRA, SCORPIO YOD/10th day is Da Vinci's Nov 1 & 2nd 2 35 2 in NIBIRU SOLAR SYSTEM part one UUISER EDDA (Elo'im) EDESSAN ADDER – S|DAN I ADDS: SEEDS DAN I DEADLINESS U.S (Yellowstone) SEEN, PUSIL (greys) SENDS EURUS STOREZ ITS A.D SPLIT FOETUS (hybrid) IEUUS USURIES RESIDES PETROLS REISSUED fracking ADDER Feb 18 – Mar 17 S Willow tree April 15 – May 12 EUROS (or Eurus) was the god of the East Wind, one of the four directional Anemoi (Wind-Gods). Associated with the season of autumn and dwelt near the palace of the sun-god Helios in the far east. Wiki DAN {Scorpio] I being Halloween is in Autumn. EURUS Saying an easterly /south earsterly wind is sent: see 7 21 2. ''I'' can also mean Egypt. or ''stuck in one place'' EDESSAN-Armenia where the ''ERUPTIVE SERBIAN BASIN IS ALIVE''. So ''EURUS'' in the east could be applied here as well. There was an eruption at Yellowstone in Adder/March 2014. Also recall 4 95 'victor then born on/of Armenian soil' 4 95 4 Victor puis nay en Armenique terre the line many people have interpreted as ''American soil'' 5 68 2 Le grand Chameau, ne s'en repentira The great Camel, [Muslim] not repenting* SERPENTINE TRAIN REAL DANGER LARGER CHAMADE (drum beats in) MARCH (those strange 'booms' from underground and above? Or war drums) PERTAIN ETNA ALTERING UNDERSEA (refers to ERUPTIVE SERBIAN BASIN ALIVE) *The other ''great Camel'' means those from Camelopardalis which is in the same direction as Ursa Major-Orion 6 59 3 Mais bref cogneu sera la vitupere But the culprit will soon be known (here) REVEAL: FEATURES SIMULATE VERACIOUS IMPREGNABLE, VERSATILE RIBS BRAINS VAMPIRE CELEBRATE SANGUIFEROUS IS ABSOLUTE MANAGERS UP: USE PURE EVIL ERE .I. ENCOURAGES ERUPTIVE SERBIAN BASIN ALIVE, PUT FIBRES FOR SEVERAL RECEIVERS MANUFACTURER OBESE AS 'PRIVILEGE' IS UPSTAGE RESEMBLANCE : AU REVOIR REPLACEMENT HAS FURIOUS VERBIAGE REAL SUPERLATIVE RELATIVES REVALUE IT – ABLE FAVOUR MATRICES ENERGIES UP RIBS [Chertan] in/from Leo constellation VERACIOUS a true copy VERSATILE they share their DNA with their space craft SANGUIFEROUS those with a blood carrying circulation ABSOLUTE MANAGERS UP they are the lords over all others (including ''Sirius is his'') ERE .I. before Halloween, this is ''mid October'' and the ''11th October'' this date, includes Yellowstone, which appears in many lines now (see UNDER THE YEAR 2017 & BELTANE & OCTOBER ) PUT FIBRES – Morgellon's disease via chemtrails ''MANUFACTURES OBESE'' via genetic manufacting (Monsanto) UPSTAGE RESEMBLANCE – taking over people such as Jesse Ventura then one will notice the personal language of the victim will be be exaggerated. Also one will notice the constant blinking of the eyes 2 35 1 Dans deux logis de nuit le feu prendra, EXPLAIN FUSED DETAILS: [see PLANAR-PLANISPHERE ] UNDERGROUND E (Sept equinox) FOURTEEN… LAID IN DUPLEX double GUARDEDNESS. IS LADDERS (time gates/stage gates) DUG the UNEXPLAINED. AS DESIGNED DUPLEX double DIURNAL SAFEGUARD OLD INDEPENDENT LUXURIES (such as your fridge) UNDERLINING EXPOSURE DEFAULTS: = DEAD (electricity) U.N. PADDED LUXURIES [elite's] DEALINGS FOURTEEN. AS LID clamped PAD, d.u.m.b. ENDED LUXURIES [elite] NG (Reed, in Scorpio) 2 35 2 Plufiers dedans eftoufes & roftis. SURROUND [yourself with] STAFF OF LIFE – SPEEDIEST… REFUSE PRESIDENTIAL FOODSTUFFS (!) IN FOURTEEN, FUSE PERSIST DUFFS DIAL (steal magnetic ley lines) FIRES - DISPOSAL STUFFED FOURTEEN, IS AS DIFFUSES DROPLETS/LETS DROP (Earth). STRESSED FIELDS UP (those of Pegasus which also need the Earth and a pun on stressed magnetic fields) ASSIST DISPOSE FLUFF (nuclear oceans) DISASTER OFF – [Earth] DID FALL. Page 6 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© LADDERS OFFSETS SPURIOUS (lies and deceit) STUFF SO DISPLEASURED R.O. IS DROP OUT SELF-ASSURED{elite]IN FIFTEEN The events which cause the demise of the ''elite'' occur late Fourteen into early Fifteen up to ''Adder''; Celtic Pisces 2 35 3 Pres de deux fleuues pour feur il auiendra LUXURIOUS (lux – to glow) E.D. (extra dimens) PERSUADE ''N'' (from Erid.anus) PRESIDE U.N. REPAIR FUEL, [repair] FEED Leaker Speaks Out At United Nations and You Wont Believe What She Said!!! Must See Video! |... beforeitsnews.com/.../leaker-speaks-out-at-united-nations-and-you-wont-.. 2 35 3 FOUL LUXURIES [elite] DUE to FEAR E.D., (the extra dimensional Regency Order – Princess Andromeda), & FEAR UR EA UP 2 35 4 Sol,lArq,& Caper tous feront amortis. /And go to Presage 20 † which says FIELD* FLUSH OFF HOUSE (Earth) IN FIFTEEN †SQUARE{Pegasus] E.T. {shadow government/Tall Whites of Tom Hall] SAIL. IS QUE (cue) RISE QUEER (Reis) ATLAS (turned) TOPICS OF TRANSLATOR I.E: LEO, [Chertan] SQUARE [Pegasus], MR. [Orion Draco] TRANSFORM TERRA: SESQUI-ALTERA (half altered). SISTER STAR (Nibiru) EQUALISES PROTOCOL: IT EQUALS EAR {in Virgo, ''E'' is in Virgo] QUASI (seemingly) AT REST ALE (May 13 – June 9) FOURTEEN … TERRA QUITS REST AFTER ALE – EARS (Virgo) IRATE SQUEALS. 2 51 4 De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis. SEEMS CODICES CONCORDIST MISSED UUISER NORSE COUPLET. LED CRISIS COUNTERS true: counting Events some true PLUS ICES RID REPULSIUE USURIES ISSUE IEUUS CROSS{pheon) UP (YHWH) CONCOCTION ROT Several of this same faction will be killed. The collator has seen that the (Viking) Eddurs are about the Elo'im of the Cassiopeians, with 'Ran' being LyRan and Uan/Van being the Oannes/Dagon, and the Elders are the Elders of Chani, it is true this has not been mentioned anywhere until now 2 51 The blood of the just will be demanded from London, Burnt by lightning from twenty threes the six: 2 66 or 6 66 6 66 is all about the Tuuin Touuers deceit The ancient lady will fall from her high place, Statue of Liberty? Several of this same faction will be killed. 2 51 1 Le fang du iufte a Londres fera faute GUARANTEED: IS U.S. ELITE FATE, FULFIL FINAL FALSE FLAG; NAUSEATE, DEAFEN AS GRADUATES (grows) DREADFUL IN FOURTEEN – SAFEGUARD AFFLUENT IDEAL (knowledge stored in computers/electricity?) ALIEN AS GRADUATED AGE; SEAS FLUFF SAFE. A (Elo'im) GUARDS FATEFUL, USE D.E.F. (directed energy field) FOURTEEN. A GUARANTEES DREADFUL FOUL FIFTEEN, AFFORD (makes) UNUSUAL AGE RELATED (orbit) ANALOGUE (analogy) FATEFUL RUDDER (guidance) 2 51 2 Bruftes par fouldres de vint trois les fix. FIRST: EXPLOSIVES, DRAFT DISTURBS FIVE FOLD, RUBS, STRIPS, RELAX, (let go) SLID (California? Peru?) FOURTEEN Not sure what ''five fold'' is – the Great Lakes? DRIFTS OVER SOLAR PLEXUS (Mid West?) FIFTEEN. SIX BAD LORD'S SUPERVISORS (elite, their) FAVOURS SLID IN FIFTEEN. DOUBTLESS DISTURB EXPORTERS, DRIVERS, AIRPORTS FLUX. (flow) EXPLORE BIRDS' – DISTRUST. AS PROVE, ROLL DISTURBS FIXTURES. BRAVO: DISTRUSTFUL LORDS EXPIRED ELITE 2 51 3 La dame antique cherra de place haute: EARTH UP ADEQUATE… CLUE MERE CHANCE L.A. REMEDIAL, ADEQUATE HANDICAP (bad, but not as bad as might be) This ties in with a few lines regarding soldiers entering L.A. only to be interrupted by nature A (Elo'im) NAME MITRE (pope), U.N. (soldiers) EQUAL HEADACHE, CARPETED (covered) L.A. 2 51 4 De mefme fecte plufieurs feront occis. IS COUPLED MESMERIC EFFECTS (false messiah with) COMMIE SCRUPLES (being herded FEMA) EFFECTED FOURTEEN. SUFFICES FED (D.E.F.) IS COMPLETE CRIME, [D.E.F.] SUCCEED MILES OFF IMPERFECT (more dangerous when close ?) E.D. SPECIFIC: ELECT OFF IN SUMMER (June solstice mentioned elsewhere) COURT MOUSE SELF-DEFENCE IS IMPERFECT REFLECT IS SUPER DEMONIC EFFECT, REFLECTS COMET UP IS DIFFERENCE, CERTIFIED FLUFF [ocean water] PRESENCE IS COMET/FLUFF PRECEDENT - SCUFFLE FIRE [volcanic] … Mouse: from ''hide like a mouse'', but not in this instance ESTEEM PURSUE SELF-DECEIT OF COMMERCE [corporate/elite] OCCUPIED CURE SELF FROM FIFTEEN: SEDUCERS UP FORCE ''OFF'' COMMERCE COMPERE (government?) ELITE SCUM IN FIFTEEN (this is early in 2015) 6 66 the texts hidden for all four lines is in the Tuuin Touuers Deceit Au fondement de la nouvelle secte, Seront les os du grand Romain trouvez, Sepulchre en marbre apparoistra couverte, Terre trembler en Avril, mal enfoetz. At [timing] the foundation of the new faction, (Ubuntu) Will be the bones of the great Roman found see 3 65 not the same one ''Great Roman'' could be Constantinople Tomb covered in marble will appear, or Will appear hidden in marble tomb/ Earth to quake in April - poorly buried. the Ukraine pyramids? ''At 498m long and three metres high, the pyramid-shaped mound is widely thought to be a royal Macedonian grave as it has marblefaced walls and is ten times larger than the tomb of Alexander's father, Philip II of Macedon. However, the Greek Ministry of Culture cautioned that though the archaeological find was "very remarkable", it would be "overbold" to state that it is the tomb of Alexander the Great until the excavation is complete. August 2013 www.ibtimes.co.uk/alexander-great-tomb-amphipolis-macedon Alexander was not Roman, yet his empire was the precursor to the Roman empire, however it is not determined whose tomb it is Page 7 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 2 66 Through great dangers the captive escapes: In a short time his great fortune changed. The people are trapped in [by] the palace (white house?) L.A. city besieged by good omen, 2 66 1 Par grans dangiers le captif echapé: 2 66 2 Peu de temps grand a fortune changee. 2 66 3 Dans le palais le peuple eft atrapé 2 66 4 Par bon augure la cité eft afsiegee. APRIL (in 2013) yes, the Scorpio and the Virgo dates were summarised in one pdf ''leaflet'' ''I'' the Yew Tree Day/Halloween dates are in Scorpio, but ''I'' also means Egypt, Ice and December 18-20 (nature: L.A. soldiers routed 1. PEACE PARAGRAPH CLEAREST FINDINGS PATH IS SELFRAISING CARP fish GARDEN, (aquaponics) TAP SPRINGS (underground water) LEADS FAR-REACHING PEACE 2. PEACE SOFTEN HUNDRED PAGE ARGUMENT. HUGE GODSEND; TENANT FARM PURE (not genetic engineered) EARTH UNDER-FED ARGUMENTS PONG – GROUPS FEND OFF U.N. GARMENTED, SO PEACE FUNDS PERMANENT GRUDGE 3. IS DAN LEAFLETS PERPETUAL APPEAL (Nostradamus) APPLAUSE PUPIL SEPARATE DAN LEAFLETS APRIL (2013) FLATTENED ASLEEP IN LEAP (''leap'' means Scorpio 2015) DAN UP TO APPLE (Yule) TEASE LEAFLETS (no electricity) 4. IS [Anton] PARCS BEAT, OUTRAGE SINE LEAGUE. A [Elo'im LEAGUE NEGOTIATE BUFFER I (the Halloween events or Ice) The celestials of Lyons forebodes to us Lyons is where the quatrains were published Through clear signs and fixed stars, If the stars are fixed, that means the Earth stands still clear signs That the time of its sudden change is approaching, [forebodes] Neither for its good, nor for its evils. 3 46 1 Le ciel (de Plancus la cite) nous prefaige PEACEFUL ONE TELLINGER CAUSE PEACEFUL POLICIES; [Nostradamus] FEELS OCCUPIED AESCULAPIAN (healing) LOADS NICE AUSPICE – ESCAPE SUICIDAL ALIENS' CAUSE (''suicidal'' because it is foolish humans who perform the Aliens' agenda) COLLEAGUE UP LICENSE PARCS: FINE DETAIL ELUCIDATION ELSE [otherwise/also] DUPLICATE PARCS IN FINE COLLEAGUE a reference to either Anton Parcs and/or Simon Parkes IDEAL COLLEAGUE CREATES SPITE (jealousy) INFLUENCES When the word FEELS is used, it seems to carry great weight. There have been many lines regarding the unnecessary spiteful envious reactions – even stating that the decoding of the quatrains ''is not a competition''. The IDEAL COLLEAGUE seems to mean Nostradamus, or even the ''ideal colleague'' of Tellinger, which at this stage seems to be Jesse Ventura! I know, I know, I hear you – nevertheless, that is what the lines say. People do not realise that Tellinger and Ventura are aiming for the same thing – get rid of the ''elite'', thus making them ''colleagues''. 3 46 2 Par clairs infignes & par eftoiles fixes, IS I (Nostradamus) EXPOSES TELLINGER & PARCS AS PROXIES IN [these Anu] AFFAIRS. FINE PRAISE. IS [Earth] OFF AXIS 3 46 3 Que de fon change fubit s'aproche l'aage, HUGE S.A. [South African] BANQUES' CHAOS FACED TEL[L*]INGER CHAP OF EA'S CHIEF HUGE GARDEN CODE, BEQUEATHING PEACEFUL CAPABLE EQUATIONS TECHNIQUE * using aphesis, ''silent letters'' as advised in the ''TRIPLE METHOD'' 3 46 4 Ne pour fon bien, ne pour fes malefices ABLE ENFORCE U.N. OF UP FEMININE PURPOSES PREFERENCES (the matriarchal, this was stated in other lines: 1 55 3 Que terre & mer,air,ciel fera inique: ENQUIRE: REQUIRE FEMALE CRITERIA (revert to matriarchal peaceful society) 1 88 4 Confeil mourra pour la tefte rasee. R.O RECREATE FORMULATION OF PLEASURE, FORMULAE RECUPERATE RELATIONS – RE-FORMULATE ESOTERIC INTERFACE PLEASURE OF CREATION - FEATURES POLLUTION FREE. R.O TO CAUSE PREFERENTIAL FEMALE matriarchal CORRELATION FORMULAE – REINSTATE PEACEFUL NATIUE ERA CAME [Latin] 4 31 4 Yeux au mydi. EYAh, UU (LyRa) ID MY X (partners) 4 31 4 En feins mains, corps au feu OF UN-AMERICAN FINESSES – ASSURANCES OF FEMININE [''matriarchal''] INFERENCES UP IN FAMOUS AS, EYAh UP, AIM SINCERENESS, AIM FIXES AMERICANS' SUN, SEED IS UP to YOU to UNIFY IS FEMALE MENU BECOME FINE NON FUNEREAL PURPOSES MENU (non warlike) OF UNENFORCEABLE FEMININE PURPOSES FEEBLE INFERENCE OF PONS ASINORUM PONS ASINORUM the point at which many learners fail, especially a theory or formula that is difficult to grasp. So saying: the ''MENU'' of matriarchy has a formula which cannot be grasped by those who oppose it – of course! Page 8 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© FOOTNOTES: 3 46 1 ESCAPE SUICIDAL ALIENS' CAUSE (''suicidal'' because it is foolish humans who perform the Aliens' agenda) QUESTION – WHERE DOES ALL THE MONEY COME FROM TO SPRAY US ALL ''LIKE COCKROACHES'' IT COMES FROM YOUR TAXES AND IT COMES FROM THE ''FRUITS'' OF USURY There are those who think the '' hind leg of the cow '' means the Pleiades. For one thing, Taurus is a bull. These people also use the number ''seven stars'' as the description of the Pleiades. Optically there are seven of the description ''most bright'', with an additional ''brighter'' two.This stellar system has nine named stars. ''The nine brightest stars of the Pleiades are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology: Sterope, Merope, Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Celaeno, and Alcyone, along with their parents Atlas and Pleione. As daughters of Atlas, the Hyades were sisters of the Pleiades.'' Wiki Nostradamus calls the additional two ''Gran'' and ''Nan'' (nanny) since ''Atlas'' means ''Taurus'' to him. Before It's News Ancient Flying Machine 8 Soldiers Disappear Removing it From Afghan Cave Ancient Flying Machine 8 Soldiers Disappear Removing It ... beforeitsnews.com/.../8-soldiers-disappear-removing-ancient-flying-mac... May 25, 2013 - ☆Ancient Flying Machine 8 Soldiers Disappear Removing It From Afghan ... (Before It's News) ... from ancient India was recently discovered in a cave in Afghanistan, ... Apart from its 'blazing missiles', The Mahabharata records the use of ... massacre in Europe not duplicated until the horrors of World War II. 8 US Soldiers Disappear Removing 5000 Yr Old Flying ... beforeitsnews.com/.../8-us-soldiers-disappear-removing-5000-yr-old-flyi... May 8, 2013 - 8 US Soldiers Disappear Removing 5000 Yr Old Flying Machine from ... (Before It's News) ... of the Western World to go to Afghanistan, this report continues, was to ... of at least 8 American Soldiers trying to remove it from the cave it has been ... Page 9 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© Before It's News Telescopically Filmed Chemplane & UFO Telescopically Filmed Chemplane & UFO (Video) Before ... beforeitsnews.com/.../telescopically-filmed-chemplaneufo-video-24462... 3 days ago - Telescopically Filmed Chemplane & UFO (Video). Tuesday ... (Before It's News) ... This time, Crrow777 has captured a Chemplane with a UFO. May 8 2014 ADDENDUM to ''BELL-FLOWER ~ PREQUEL TO PROPHECY'' "Die Glocke" - The Nazi Bell - UNCOVERED - Polish Military ... beforeitsnews.com/.../die-glocke-the-nazi-bell-uncovered-polish-military... 2 days ago - (Before It's News) ... Mars – Stunning Images from the JPL · Telescopically Filmed Chemplane & UFO (Video) · Advancing the Human Condition DO YOU Remember the original title of the Sixaines (Centuries 11 ) ? AUTRES PROPHETIES DE M. NOSTRADAMUS, POUR LES ANS COURANS EN CE SIECLE. ''The Courant number expresses the ratio of the distance travelled by a disturbance in one time step to the length of a computational distance An explicit method can suffer from numerical instability in case when Courant number is sufficiently large. The Courant number is inversely proportional to the square of grid spacing.'' www.cd-adapco.com/sites/.../files/.../Swathi%20Satish_NITKarnataka.pdf Finally, the code gives "floating point overflow". Sounds like computations which would be required using a time portal to read the Author WALTHER or UUALTER H ''A Song In Stone'' W Hunt which refers to time travel 11#21. L'Autheur des maux connivera regner to: The author of the evils which begin to reign En l'an six cents & sept sans espargner In the year six hundred and seven without sparing Tous les subie¢ts qui son á la sangsuë, All their subjects who belong to the leech (Anakim) And then afterwards ahe/it will come little by little Et puis apres s'en viendra peu á peu, To the Frank country to relight its fire, (farming) Au franc pays r'allumer son feu, Returning whence she/it has come. S'en retournant d'où elle est isuë. All their subjects who belong to the leech, LEECH [Hirudo] (The Author – of the Bible too) constellation above Orion’s head – source of the Anun.nakim, reinforced by the words “who belong to” since according to Enki’s clay tablets, humans are derived from their DNA by one third, because they have 12 strand DNA and we have been given four (plus so called ‘junk’ DNA). Nostradamus has been secretive about Leech L'Autheur codes within codes Constellation which is just under Ursa Major East where the Anakim live/d and created alliances with ‘nearby’ Sirius and Leo SHE meaning those from Cassiopeia, the Elo'im 6 7 six hundred and seven Norneigre Dace, & l'Isle Britannique, Par les unis freres seront vexees: Le chef Romain issue de sang Gallique Et les copies aux forestz repoulsees. Norway and Dacia and the British Isle Will be vexed by the united brothers: MARDUK & NINURTA Of the triad of the Anu, Sirius and Leo The Roman chief (POPE) sprung from he rod blood And his (reptilian) forces hurled back into the forests. sprung from = BAAL "ALIEN BACHELOR (GREYS) ABLE ECHO DESIRES" 6:35.1 "STEALTHIER ETHEREAL SPINNER" 5:90.1 "CANAL REGIONS" [Mars] 5:70.1 “BASAL CHIMERA ‘SPUN’ IN HERON (Crane) NOT ARCHER” (Sagittarius/Draco) 8:40.4 Gallique : Leg (Scheat of Pegasus) Quail (bird, either Bireo of Cygnus or Heron/Crane where A.I. is ‘spun’) Quail date is in April & Scorpio ''Bird'' could be cockerel which means those from Argo (Golden Oar League from Argo) or even the Dove, the Plejarens This last pair belong to each other, with the last line mentioning the dates of ''Brew'' and ''E'' meaning the upcoming May and September (today is May 1 ''E'' which is 18-20 September, a date targeted (pardon the pun) for Yellowstone Page 10 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 1 27 1 Deffoubz chaine Guien du ciel frappe UUINGED LUCIFER (Wyvern) P.eleus FLIER [these] PAPERS ESPOUSED GENUINE ZED INCLUDE CHANI, FAR PILE, PALFRIE, GIENAH LIFE. P.eleus – see illustrations following. ''P'' is Wunjo ''of the gods'' ''Zed'' is Zee of Cassiopeia. Pile means the Plejarens. Chani is an Elder Underneath the oak tree (stage gate) of Guienne, lightning hits the Wyvern is seen at Mt Shaster and often in Virginia – making Gilliland's other worlders who? PALFRIE/horse – one of four horse constellations. Centaur, Pegasus, Sagittarius & Equulus/Bucephalus. In this case, Scheat in ''Leg'' of Pegasus. Geinah/ENE J-Rod's camp. There is a GEINAH in both Corvus and in Cygnus, in this case Cygnus 1 27 Beneath the oak tree of Gienne, struck by lightning the treasure is hidden not far from there. That which for many centuries had been contained, Found dead: looking glass spring/coil pierced Below here is what was published in ''AA ALLEN, Joe BRANDT & Wm BRANHAM'' and immediately I see why they are having me do this once again – I omitted the ''L.A. in line 4 PLUS did not see the ditrochee Guien E [greys/reptoids] GUN E.U. ING [harvest] I [Halloween or Egypt] 1 27 1 Deffoubz de chaine Guien du ciel frappe, IƑ [is] BIRD OF PEACE (dove/Pleiades) UP INFLUENCED HUGE EA, D [a moon] Z [Cassiop LIFE DEPENDS ON E.D., AZ, CHANI FIGURES UP IN CUBE: IS PRE DEFINED FOUL DELUGE UP IS DEEPEN FRIDGE UP – just one more line which confirms Da Vinci and the Popol Vuh codex showing dirty oceans being lifted/sent up 1 27 2 Non loing de la eft cache le trefor, COLLATOR LEARN C (Ophiucus) ƑƑ {SS] OFFEND F {Pegasus), ON [Dagon] END OF DEC EIGHTEEN(2018) sounds like a star wars scene TELLINGER [Adam's] FOOT CALENDAR O [ring]: HAD A LOT OF CONFERENCES OF COFFEE/CHOCOLATE (coffee coloured in other lines) AN OFFENDER [lift] OFF; who CONCEALED ON ''FATHER'' (YHWH) HENCE CONCEALED OFF (from) ANOTHER. NOT CLEAN ( unclean) ARCH FOE OF E.D. (Andromeda Regency Order) A LOT OF ENHANCED FORCE (directed energy field) ''On'' means Oannes, the red Oannes of the Vatican (''another'') 1 27 3 Qui par longs fiecles auoit efte grappe, SELF APPRECIATION IƑ [is] GROTESQUE PLAGUE. This speaks of Service To Self elite GREATEST QUALIFIER OPPOSING PEACEFUL. TELLINGER, PARCS, IS USAGE QUOTE OF POET'S OPAQUE hidden text PAGE , IS ALSO A QUOTE OF GUISEPPE. I PAUSE OFF EQUIPOISE: UP A STAR GATE. I had to take a deep breath when the name Guiseppe appeared, this is Marc diGuiseppe who has had much good advice. EQUIPOISE: to offset/balance each equally IƑ is REQUISITE OF COPPERPLATE'S LANGUAGE (requiring one to put language to copperplate) 1 27 4 Trouue moura: l'oeil creue de reffort. La R.O (extra dimensional Andromeda)MODERATE, FORMULATE, EERIE COLOURFUL FUTURE, FEATURE ALL Earth LIE(down) MORE TRUE FOUR (named in 1 27 1 as opposed to the ''insane four'') EMULATE EARLIER DOUR COOLER (ice age) OLD CUE (orbit) TRUE FOUR CHANI, (Elder) FAR PILE, (Plejaren) PALFRIE, (Scheat in Pegasus) GIENAH (between Zeta/[6] Cygni and 61Cygni) Deneb the tail, 61 Cygni Geinah - Zeta Cygni and Geinah is also Epsilon Cygni 1 27 4a) Trouue moura: OUR OUTER AUM– is this the ''sonicboom'' of CHANI? TO EAU (oceans) OUT, RUMOUR (defined as a story without a known end) OAR (from Argo?) ROUTE. UR EA, UTU UUM ROOM, A UUORM ROUTE. William was the assistant of Nostradamus in the ''jump room'', and he was an UTU – aka Hero / He Rod. (from STAGE GATE – STARGATE not published yet) RUE TOO UUARM, (our sun) MORE RAUU OUT (ice) MORE UUAR 1 27 4b) l'oeil creue de reffort.L.A. CORRELATE RELIEF OF FOULED, (water) FREE ELECTORAL FLUORIDE RECORD: LEO RULER E.T. DIRECTOR OF L.A. ELITE; FIRE FOULER CORE ELECTRODE FUEL FORCE – IDOL FEEL RECRUITED ROLE (the celebrities in other lines) FOR FREE FEE (got nothing out of it) 1 27 3 Qui par longs fiecles auoit efte grappe That which for many centuries had been contained… PAIRs with 10 60 2 stage gates. ORAL CLAUSES which F.D.R. thought he had ORAL CLAUSES - GET PAPER, SIGN stitched up in the ''trade in men'' treaties. TEST POLAR SIGNS GNOSIS LONG To the scientists who have known for a long GNOSIS LONG POLARIS SIGN time what the polar signs have meant EQUIP GREATEST AEOLUS SELEUCIA EQUIP: causes AEOLUS - father of the wind = tornadoes SOLAR ECLIPSE { sackcloth] SIGN I S APRIL’S SONG SELEUCIA: Iran ECLIPSE Easter-Set-April 2015 in other lines COPPER FOURTEEN GIG QUALIFIES AS PLATES OCTOBER 2014 event is a tectonic plates episode – QUALIFIES AGILE GAP PROSPECT COPPER FOURTEEN Yellowstone Page 11 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 10 60 2 Fauonne, Fienne, Capu Modene, Malte: connects with 1 27 3 ANNOUNCE AIM DENOUEMENTS ALE (brew) MEMO ICES USA OCEANS, SEAS N.N.E. in signing Treaty 9, The military allowed the ANNOUNCE NAME APE (Sirius) MODULE Anakim/Oannes and the ''metal men'' of Eridanus MENACE UP MAI FIFTEEN, ALE (brew) MEMO ASLEEP to name ''trade in men'' clauses which suited the Other ESCAPE [get out of] CLAUSE IN NINE (treaty) Worlders. The technology which is the ''trade'' has done LAMENTED MENTAL PAUSE; nothing to help the planet Earth and much damage LET METAL N, ON NAME MODE, I.E. ENCL. (in treaty) DENOUEMENTS the final part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved. "the film's denouement was unsatisfying and ambiguous" finale, final scene, final act, last act, epilogue, coda, end, ending, finish, close; More synonyms: culmination, climax, conclusion, resolution, solution, clarification, unravelling; informalwind-up "the film's denouement was unsatisfying and ambiguous" the outcome of a situation, when something is decided or made clear. 1 27 and go to 2 27 Deffoubz de chaine Gui-en du ciel frappé Non loing de là eft caché le trefor Qui par longs fiecles auoit efté grappé Trouue mourra: l'oeil creué de reffort UNDER THE RANGE BOOM, LAUNCH CHANGES, CHILLED HORROR NOT FAR (Giza) IS THE DISGUISED TREASURE WHICH FOR LONG CENTURIES HAD BEEN HIDDEN AWAY That which for many centuries had been contained FOUND DEAD, (The stargate) LOOKING (glass) COIL DRIVE FLAT 1 27 1 Deffoubz chaine Guien du ciel frappe UUINGED LUCIFER (Wyvern) P.eleus FLIER Left to right: Feather of Aquilla the falling Eagle Orion with Leech. The chick is still a mystery, the Square is the field of Pegasus. The upright fish is about those of Tau Ceti in the whale. Then comes Wunjo the ''P'' of the ''gods'' which could mean the Ennead or not. The Cup is that of Cassiopeia (recall I was told off for calling this the dice cup of Perseus?) which sits above the Mayan numerals for 12. Then we have the nefer of the ''giants''. It has only one chantarelle so it is not Lute/Lyra which has two. Left to right: Aquilla – ''Hanix of the North'' in the quatrains Wunjo/Peleus – either the Anakim alliances or the Ennead (Elohim) space craft over three pillars, this could mean a dimensional triad alliance Electric light pole (see page 22 Book of the Dead, it has ''eyes'') The comb of either Cassiopeia (combing her hair) or of Berenice at the ''tail'' of Leo. The long line does not look like a Maya numeral, but something else. Possibly a ''space tube'' (see CENTURIES 12 Pillar usually means the Milky Way, so the circle would then be the great ''millwheel'' of the precession of Equinoxes (25.920 years) 2 27 Le diuin verbe fera du ciel frape, THE DIVINE WORD; CHANGES LAUNCH – CHILLED HORROR WHO DOUBTS NOT THE PROCEDURE (to) ADVANCE MORE: OF INDISTINCT RANGE BOOM CONSULTING THE SECRETS WHAT ONE TRAVELS BY; ACROSS AND AHEAD OF … (TIME) The divine word will strike from the sky – 2 27 1 Le diuin verbe fera du ciel frape, see how they lead one to understand what an unkown alchemy word means? First it (PALFRIE) appeared in 1 27 1 with the word Voice activation a bolt from the sky [those from] PALFRIE APPLIED [to] E.D. ERASE RED LUCIFER P FLIER DIVINE VERB RULE SEA LIFE'S DEBASER I INCLUDE READER BEARER'S CRUSADE: BREUV, E PAPER DIVINE WORD = VOICE ACTIVATION One will not be able to proceed any further The revelation closed up with the secret STAR GATE REVELATIONS Such that they will march over [above] and ahead [into the future] Geinah, which I did know… so now in this quatrein I also know what Palfrie means. ''P'' is Wunjo and 'Peleus' meaningg the same thing BEARER'S CRUSADE the author/collator BREW May 13 – June 9 5 46 4 Et sera Rome lesse par Albanois : A is the sky rune for Cassiopeia BEAR is Ursa the main source of Anakim. ''Temporal'' is Enki A TEMPORAL BEAR {Ea] ABLE PORT, ORAL SONI (word activation) RELEASES MASER SONI. SEPARATE, RE-ASSEMBLE, RESTORES MALE Page 12 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© the ''77'' should read ''27'' – 2 27 The divine word will strike from the sky, One who cannot proceed any further. The revelation closed up with the secret Such that they will march over and ahead. (in time) d (Oak date June 10 – July 9) 2nd of = June 11 (seen that before?) 2 27 1 Le diuin verbe fera du ciel frape, UNCLARIFIED LIVE-BEARER UP, FEED (or SEED) IS FINE (SINE) BUREAU PRE-DECLARED EVIL (in Revelation) IS IN CERULEAN BLUE ARE DEPRIVED (Japan Nuclear accident in March equinox (Cerulean Blue). Could mean the nuclear disaster which this has become IS REFER AUDIBLE:-DELIVERANCE IS DEPRIVED UP, RECEIVER IS UNREADABLE FIELD. That is, those from Enif in Pegasus VERIFIABLE that U.N. DERIDER of PEACEFUL ; REFER INDIVIDUAL (Tellinger) IN BEER (Brew date May 13 – June 9) IS VERIFIED BUILD PEACEFUL NEARER (this time) REDEFINE BUILD PEACEFUL ARRIVE[s] U.N. DELIVERED AIR FIBRE[s] IS FINE BUREAU PRE-DECLARED EVIL (think the movie ''V'' – the Andromeda Council. Also Mike Quinsey was slurring the Elohim by casting them in a pact with the Anakim. Yes, there is one An allied with the Elohim, E.Yah now Ra. But that is where any connection ceases, Mike denied publishing this but I kept that publication. Mike Quinsey does not understand the Sirius entity at all. His SaLuSa ''channelling'' is all false and full of contradictory rhetoric to collect people for the false rapture ) REVEAL IS IR.REDUCIBLE AUDIBLE (noise) UP - DEAFEN IS RECEIVED PRE-PEURILE FUNERAL (this refers to the false rapt.) 2 27 2 Qui ne pourra proceder plus auant. RED ON, SQUARE UNCONQUERED [no one stopped them] DID UNPOPULAR RECUPERATION CAPTURE RECIPE, ACQUIRES UNPOPULAR Red On (dinosaur)= the Vatican. Square is the Field means those from Markab and/or Enif – Marcabians, the shadow government DEPARTURE. REAPPRAISAL TOUR UP. NOSE [Enif in Pegasus] ACQUIRED UNPOPULAR RAPTURE. EQUAL U.N. DINOSAUR IN COPPER{Oct A.U. (astronomical) ANT (Mantis with the Elo'im) PERSUADE UPPER LIQUOR (Brew, later date, i.e: June 9) CORN (Virgo later date, which we already have as ''E'', Sept 18 – 20) U.N. REQUIRED USE POPULAR CORPSE (Jesus) PERRUQUIERS (make up artists) UNLOAD IN COPPER for the false rapture in late October/Scorpio. Who was/is behind the G.W.E.N. towers? The U.N. UR EA PARQS (Anton Parcs) CURE UNDERPOPULATION with the hybrid children from the ''super lunar nurseries'' 2 27 3 Du referant le fecret eftoupe ULTRA PEER PURE ones EFFECTED ALERT in FOURTEEN, FEATURED [Earth] CREEP LEFT in FOURTEEN, PRECLUDE not AFTER FEET[Pisces] FOURTEEN PRELUDE LED EFFECT DEEPER ULTRA APERTURE TEAR, DEFEAT PERFECT RULE. UP EFFECTER ALTERED FOURTEEN [the year LEO ENTERED FUTURE FEET (Pisces in 2015) DENOTE PARCS: FLEE FUTURE TREE (the ''tree in stone'', time gate. They have already stated Parcs being taken away for a spine operation ''after June 9 2015''). 2 27 4 Qu'on marchera par deffus & deuant. d ij IS THE MAJOR FURNACES [solar flares] QUADRUPED [animals] DAN [in Scorpio] MOUTH'D [tell] QUERIES JAPAN R [reptile] MAJOR DUFF [theft of people] DAN SCORPIO to CEDAR (Febr 9 to Febr 18, notice, just on the cusp of Pisces) FIFTEEN HUNDRED SQUAD UP in CAR A (The MAJOR FURNACES could also be volcanic, meaning the Serbian Basin – Etna, Stromboli and Vesuvius plus Yellowstone. There is a third ''sleeping mountain'' which could be Toba or thereabouts). ''CAR A'' is the beginning of Capricorn. Sagitta is this date too G.W.E.N. towers [Ground Wave Emergency Network] A hint for REAL ARCHAEOLOGISTS ~ not the ''experts'' and not the erzats ''scientists'' Yesterday, May 2nd, it came to my attention that an archaeological dig had made wonderful finds at a place called Oxyrhynchu just south of Cairo. This drew my attention immediately because ''Oxy'' means 'sharp' and ''Rhynchus'' means 'nose' or 'beak'. There is probably only one other person on our planet who would have leaped at this. Philip Coppens had an opinion that Giza was not based just on the Orion's Belt layout, but that Cygnus which is almost in the shape of a cross – was the floor plan of Giza. All points of Cygnus bar one do have a ''spot'' when overlaid on Giza. The one which seems to lead nowhere was Deneb – the tail. This may only be a matter of appearances, so I have been saying ''dig, dig'' in that area. Now we have seen that Psunnenes I has in his cartouche the ''Goose returning'' which is the obsolete name for Cygnus. We also see in the line following: 8 70 4 Terre horrible, noir de phisonomie the land dreadful and black of aspect (2003) SERENE BIREO LEPTORRHIN HIDE THREE TIME MONITORS - : ONE PROHIBITED SEE-ER MIRROR (spyglass) IN HOLE THERIOMORPH IN LINE BORDER (cartouche) INBRED INTERIOR (line bred DNA) MERE (short, small) LORD (grey) SEER, IMPLORE [You] PROHIBIT SEE TERRIBLE IONOSPHERE ROLE (false messiah hologram) I. Halloween/Egypt LEO (Chertan) BROTHERHOOD THERIOMORPH (shape shifter) HORROR IN RISE IN PREMIER EMPIRE'S PERSON (pope) The Leptorrhin means ''tall white being, long nose and bright blue eyes'' (of the Elohim). Bireo is either where they come from and or OxyRhynchus south of Cairo. Page 13 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© Three time monitors are three stage gates/time gates which is verified by the words ''prohibited mirrors'', ''in hole'' would be in the archaeological dig and/or a wormhole. These three time gates are situated 1) Giza as shown in the copper plaque of Psunnenes I. Complex found 2) in Iraq which the Industrial Military E.T. and 3) in Afghanistan which they also found, losing eight soldiers while they were at it. THERIOMORPH 1. Zoomorphism is the shaping of something in animal form or terms. Examples include: ⁕Art that imagines humans as non-human animals ⁕Art that portrays one species of animal like another species of animal ⁕Art which creates patterns using animal imagery, or animal style ⁕Deities depicted in animal form ... Oxyrhynchu find https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1xYnJLVGIM UpdatedReal Story Ancient Flying Machine Soldiers/Seals ... beforeitsnews.com/.../ancient-flying-machine-8-soldiers-disappear-remo... Oct 24, 2013 - ... COLLECTION OF WARNINGS TO TELLINGER 1 92 2 GENTLEMEN plural SMEAR OPINION POLLS BILL IN MAI FOURTEEN 1 92 3 par refus ville,terre & mer entamee REFRAIN RETRIEVE ALL, (artifacts) PREFERENTIAL RETAIN IN LEVELS MERE low TEMPERATURE PREFER SAFE MEASURE: MEANT [you, Tellinger] RESUME MERE small/little TRAVEL 1 92 4 morts & captifz le tiers d'vn milion. c ij IMPLICIT ZINC STIR. do not store zinc with artifacts to MISPRINT JAM = ''j'' interchanges with ''i'' JAMS stops OLD LORDS [Anu] AJENDA MAI FOURTEEN (Jam is Mai) who PROJECT LIFTS IN NORMAL SIZED VICTIM. Anak'im/SA.AM who beam up their victims Important to keep ANY ZINC AWAY FROM ANY ARTIFACTS, IMPLYING ZINC ''STIRS'' 6 67 3 U.N/ VENTURA SOILING POPULAR 'R.O. UP INDULGED INDIGENOUS DESIGNER PERSON' (Tellinger) VENTURA IGNORING SINGULAR INGENIOUS USER SUPPLIED LOANS, IS ROUNDING UP REGIONAL LIAISING SUPPLIES recall the words in 1 92 2 ''GENTLEMEN (plural U.N) SMEAR OPINION POLLS BILL'' 1 70 2 HONORARY TELLINGER OF: '' FORMAT QUADRANT, PARADE FARM DREAM ARRAY '' PARAQUAT DEFORMƒ QUOTA 1 91 4 Que vers main guache fera plus grand afflit TELLINGER: AFFRANCHISE SQUAD{political] UP AFRICA FARM QUA (that just stated) SUFFERS VAGUE FRAUD SQUASH UP [squeezed because of] GRAVE [vital] FUND VIA CHAMPAGNE [upper class] FAME – FENDS, QUASH VAGUE FRAUD FUDGE (against Tellinger) MASQUERADES IN RAVEN (date) the last ten days in Leo: August 12 – 22nd also Dec 24 - Jan 20 just from part one of the Peace Maker Page 14 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© In the frontispiece to Voltaire's book on Newton's philosophy, Émilie du Châtelet appears as Voltaire's muse, reflecting Newton's heavenly insights down to Voltaire. Wiki Here we have once again – an important message hidden in plain sight. See the globes, the mirror, the sextant and the number of degrees shown in it. Voltaire used to tell people he ''was born February 20 1694'' when he was known to have been born November 21 1694. February 20 would have been his conception date. (It was mine also) The looking glass is also known us ''cronus visor'', and the clues laid around in apparent disarray are telling us exactly the same thing which other well known cronus visor users have told us. That the Earth will be ''laying down'' with a new equator. I would even hazard that the lady is queen Cassiopeia known as the ''seated queen'' with ''abundant hair'' and the Che-rubs are her Chi he rods It seems that Newton also knew TO SUMMARISE TELLINGER'S PRINCIPLES 2 85 1 LABLE TEXAS FEVER EXPOSURE ALERT IN FLUTE (March 18 – April 14 and Oct 28 - Nov 24) FOURTEEN. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa3tW_fvmMU another line come true, the dates are spot on the video speaks about ''vaccinations'' and zoo-onotic rabies Page 15 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” A perfect description time travel 7 26 1 Fustes & galees autour de sept navires, USA TOUUERS FALL, PERSUADES PRESIDENT AND LEGISLATURE TOUUARDS UUAR 7 26 2 Sera livree une mortelle guerre: EVEN MORE TRUE ISRAEL ILLEGAL REVENGE - RUIN VERMONT (false flag) 7 26 3 Chef de Madric recevra coup de vivres, CHIEF DEVICES CARRIED PURE SOURCE - PRODUCES RAD 7 26 4 Deux eschapeer & cing menees terre. REDUCES EARTH, THESE ENEMIES THINK HATE EXCUSES SUCH EXCESS How does it feel, being sprayed like vermin? Having the trees defoliated, the waters infiltrated? Our crops and animals covered in an invisible enemy? Amongst these forums proof has been provided including the patent date (1985) and description of the various inclusions within these chemicals Yet no one does a single thing to prevent the aerial destruction of a biosphere which is OURS, nor does anyone do a single thing about OUR hard earned money being used to bring about OUR decimation! There has been a generation born who think chemtrails are a natural part of society! No one is telling this generation what chemtrails are physically doing http://youtu.be/L5is16A8pfw 15 quat 1557 Auril. Fait esloyal, mis en mains d'ennemis, Pris, de nuit, entre, sort, sinistres intrades, Monstre, du grand counseil bon, l'enfant mis, L'embauche a' Sienne, et aux isles Stecades. Page 16 Betrayed, delivered into hands (Leonine) of foes, Night captures, dark incursions everywhere, by train (FEMA) A monster, (Marduk) lord well counselled, infant shows, VRIL Ambush at Siena and the Isles d'Hyères. (winter?) NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 1 67 1La grand famine que ie fens approcher PARAGRAPHS FONDLE [play with] MI AN E.Q FREQUENCIES, QR DIFFERENCE IS AQUAPLANING SEMAPHORE 1 67 2 Souuent tourner,puis eftre vniuerfele U.N. RUE RIFT FOURTEEN ~ UNIVERSE POUUERFUL INTEREST IS NURTURE. NEUU PRESSURE UP TRUE REVOLUTION FIFTEEN, OVERRULE UUESTERN ROUTINES (Service to Self) IN FIFTEEN, ROSE UP WINTER of VOLUNTEER USER (southern) 1 67 3Si grande & longue qu'on viendra arracher HONORED EVER INCREASING QUADRANGULAR (the Golden Mean of the orbits) RECQUIRES A ROUND OVER HANGING CALENDAR. "Overhanging" means "larger" and the Calendar is created by the orbit. HEAVEN'S R.O, [Andr. Council], GARDENER, [the Elohim] GUARDIAN IN LIQUOR (Celtic Breuu May 13 – June 9, the winter in question) CORN [date of late Virgo/ears of corn] 1 67 4Du bois racine,& l'enfant de mammelle. O quel BLAME INCONSEQUENTIAL{people, see 6 100] IT MEDDLE with FORMULAE (the Triple Method, they still think it is a tripod) A (Cassiopeian) RECOMMENDED EQUALS: AIM FULL NELSON (a wrestling head lock – a sense of humour!) BOSAL, (training) QUALIFIED NOMENCLATURE MEMOS ABLE LEND ADEQUATE RESEMBLANCE [from] OLD MILLENNIUM (ancient astronauts list of names I was asked to do) so far over 112 names for the Anakim and Oannes 6 100 LEGIS CANTIO CONTRA INEPTOS CRITICOS 6 100 INCANTATION OF THE LAW AGAINST INEPT EXPERTS Let those who read this verse think on it deeply, Quos legent hosce versus maturè censunto, Let the profane (media) and the ignorant herd keep away: Profanum vulgus & inscium ne attrectato: And far away astrologers idiots and barbarians of all kinds Omnesq; Astrologi, Blenni, Barbari procul sunto, He who does otherwise is subject to the secret codes Qui alter facit, is ritè sacer esto. “Omnesq” in archaic French means “all seeing – all knowing” but this is Latin where “omni” means “all” or “many” and “esq” has become Esquire is cognate with the word squire, which originally meant an apprentice or assistant to a knight. The title "Esquire" has been used continuously since it was created in the late 14th century and many uses continue uninterrupted today. For example, in the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, "Esquire" is the most junior title. In the United States, the suffix Esq. designates individuals licensed to practice law, and may now be used by both men and women Thus, once again Nostradamus is conveying via one of his hybrid words an intention easy to see. That he speaks of “idiots” and “barbarians” (uncouth/elite) is related to “the most junior (inexperienced) licensed to act [in this manner]” Thanks to the hidden texts we have learned that ''barbare'' means ''Azkhenazi'' which are now what we call the ''elite'' and who, it might be added, are hell-bent on banning ''esoteric'' knowledge (the same which dispersed Adam and Eve) Omnesq; if it were used in French – seems to indicate an “all seeing” [omnipotent] “all knowing” overseer of these fools. ASTROLOGIBLENNIBARBARI codes within codes because they have “unnecessary” capitalization: [The] Librarian As (god of the Aettir/Aesir) belongs orbit - librarian E [Hero grey] got lobe brains (two brains – an E.N.E) Librarian list barge (Earth) ~ boon relation absorbing all R [Draco] Rib (Leonines) - tangible oboes (trumpets) where “all absorbing” could mean that everyone should learn one of two things: that Earth is a Living Library … and that the Draco & Leo are “all absorbing”. But see the very last page. The “trumpets” are those of Revelation It has just come to me that this depiction on a column near Angkor Wat is being viewed through a RING This is indicating a ''looking glass'' being used in a time gate Has anyone read ''Song In Stone'' by Walter Hunt ? Although purporting to be fiction (I did speak with Hunt) this recommendation was made in these texts 3 89 4 Seduict leur roy,royne plus outragee. RE: I CULT (Service To Self/the 'elite') SOUL [author] USED RULES EAGEREST GREAT STEERAGE AGREE SLOUUS UUORST OUTRAGES King (Cepheus or Nanar) is won over, queen (Cassiopeia) outraged UUATERLOG = AUTEUR (author) ALTER RULES; LOG ROGET'S LAW, [a key] ROUAULT, [artist/vignettes] TALE GROWS WALTER WROTE (A Song In Stone – Rennes and time travel Walter Hunt) RE: I CULT (Service To Self) ALERT LEG [Pegasus] TO WAR ORTEGA, a wealthy but yet bad area (the elite) OUTRAGE This part of Pegasus, the LEG means those from Scheat and this can be seen in numerous hieroglyphs. These are not part of the Marcabian underground [bases/Area 51, S4] shadow government. Page 17 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 4 14 2 Aura change & mis vn autre au regne: ANARCH RUACH[YHWH] TRANSMUTIVE GENE MEETING URANATE VEGETISM [Lyra/Vegans] WARRANTEE TEEMING WATER CHANGE NATURE & GETHSEMANIC [olive garden] A GEN. (A.D.) TIMES URGE HUMANS GUARANTEE VARIANCE – saying that we need to promise things will change. Greed for money, & the status quo TEEMING WATER does not just mean floods, but the "waters into the skies" of Da Vinci and the Popol Vuh caused by an asteroid passing quite close 4 14 1 La mort fubite du premier perfonnaige sudden death of the premier person (president?) IDENTIFIABLE PROGRAMMER [Tellinger?] UP FOURTEEN 4 14 2 Aura change & mis vn autre au regne: will have made changes and put another to rule (plus "Rice final president?) †URGE HUMANS GUARANTEE VARIANCE HEAVEN'S GREAT AUGUR [predict] UN-AMERICAN † It is the Oannes who are heavily involved in the moving of Earth out of harm's way of a grand pulse 4 14 3 Toft, [tôt] tard venu a fi haut & bas aage, ADVANTAGES OF A FUTURE HABITAT 4 14 3 Arriving too late, summit should [have] cast down & former Age [A.D] 4 14 4 Que terre & mer faudra que lon le craigne. 4 14 4 That land and sea has the fearful Oannes (lon) READER †ON [Oannes] EQUAL GRACEFUL REQUIREMENT MEANT REQUIRE CALENDAR OF LARGER QUEUE (orbit) 1: RED [Erid.anu] PREFER LONESOME MILE UP COLLUSION 2 49 1: Les confeilliers du premier monopole, 2: LORD'S LIEUTENANT [Tellinger?] ACQUIRES SIMPLE-TO- USE 2 49 2: Les conquerants Ieduits [Jesuits] pour la Melite EQUALS PARSIMONIOUS. CREDENTIALS. UP{a god] REQUESTED ACQUIRES SIMPLE-TO- USE EQUATIONS for the hidden texts [thrifty, frugal, rustic] INTELLECTUAL with TIME RESOLUTION 2 49 3: Rodes, Bifance pour leurs expofant pole: 3: SALE SEAL SUPER [above] EXCEPTIONAL BURDEN OF PROOF 2 49 4: Terre faudra les pourfuiuants de fuite 4: DEPARTURE{Nibiru] FEATURES Iƒ USEFUL TURNIP FEATURES IN FURIOUS EAR [of corn held by Virgo] = Yellowstone [under ground] FOR DURATION DEFAULTED IN FURIOUS EAR 2 49 1: Les confeilliers du premier monopole, ROSE COLORED (pun) FERROCERIUM (electron) LORD OF MISRULE ENCLOSE IMMENSE MORE FULL PIPELINE (sky tube Noun, 1. ferrocerium - a pyrophoric alloy of iron with cerium; used for lighter flints. pyrophoric alloy - an alloy that emits sparks when struck or scratched with steel . IS OPENED MORE SELF-PROPELLED PLIMSOLL LINE RESOURCE ILL-INFORMED ASLEEP [sheeple] PREFER COMPILE ERRONEOUS CLUMSIER ILLUSION (see 6 100) 1 92 2 mais non long temps pille & rebellion ABLE PORT – SEEMING NON PLIMSOLL LINE saying nothing too heavy! Ship, barque, birch all mean the Earth MI SONG BELL TONES PREGNABLE ON IMPENETRABLE PLIMSOLL STONE LINE ALIGNMENT LEARNING SPELL: IMPLEMENT NEGATE PROBLEMS SOON BOIL IN PLIMSOLL LINE (ship/Earth) MONEL METAL a nickel-copper alloy with high tensile strength & high resistance to corrosion RESPONSIBLE IN POLLING SO GENTLEMAN PROBE, SOON IMPLEMENT SPELL – LEARNING BOIL, PERSONNEL OPTIONAL, SPLINE joins ALL TIME IN OMNIPRESENT ANU MOBILE GLOBE. SPELL LEARNING IS SIMPLE. MILE ALIGNMENT ON POLE RESPONSIBLE (ley lines) BENT PLIMSOLL LINE PLANES MAGNETI POLE RESPONSIBLE ALIGNMENT ON MILL the Mill wheel of the great orbit of precession! Updates 10 14 "Urnel Vaucile" without a purpose [plan] of its own, Bold, timid, for fear of being taken captive: Accompanied by several pale whores [Grayles/traders], Urnel Vaucile sans conseil de soi mesmes. Hardit timide, par crainte prins vaincu, Accompaigné de plusieurs putains blesmes A Barcellonne aux chartreux convaincu. Urnel Vaucile PUTIN GLIMPSES NUMEROUS SPECIAL BAD CASES PUTIN'S SUPPOSED AIM BECAME RULING CLASSES PUTIN P.M. SUCCEEDS PLEASING SUBLIME AS, OAR (Argo Convinced in the Carthusian convent at Barcelona. CRUEL EVIL U.N. RULE VIA UNCLE. (YHVVH) UNRAVEL VAIN RULE CLUE IN CRUEL LUCIE (Dec 13) VALUE THUS THE "UNCLE" THROUGHOUT THE LINES WILL BE UNCLE OF THE NEPHEW (NINURTA) = EnlilYHWH. THE "VAIN" RULE OF ST. LUCY'S DAY WAS THE AIMING OF THE ASTEROIDS WHICH DID BYPASS EARTH BECAUSE THE "DAYS HAD BEEN SHORTENED". Barcellonne ALL (Nibiru) BEEN CORN (Virgo) … NOBLER, CLEAN ON EBN CALLER (see Jim Sparks) … LABEL NO CERN (warning) (The Oannes EBN visitors) CONCEAL INVULNERABLE RULE, CONCUR AN (Anu have) UNRELIABLE LEVEL. ANU UNRECOVERABLE – UNCLE ILL. INCALCULABLE (they cannot see that) NEVER RULE ON (a pun) 10 69 The shining deed of the new elder [EBN] one exalted, Le fait luisant de neuf vieux esleue, Seront si grand par midy aquilon: De sa soeur propre grande alles leve, Guyant meurdri au buisson d'ambel lon. [by one (l'on) out of 9 48 In the winter solstice and the spring Will be tried by frightful wind. Page 18 North wind will be so great by noon By his/its own sister raising great regulations/crowds, Herded/guided murdered by one out of the pyramid. (amb.Latin) buisse – thicket/pyramid (!) (Lon = Oannes) Place of glassy tides – London/ its own sister = New York NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 12 36 A ferocious attack is being prepared in Cyprus, (by C.N.I.M) Assault farouche en Cypre se prepare, Tear in my eye, for your imminent ruin: La lamre à l'œil, de ta ruine proche : Turkish and Moorish fleet very great loss, (about to happen) Byzance classe, Morisque si grand tare, Two different ones, the great devastation by the rock. (Planet) Deux differents, le grand vast par la roche. Either Earth (volcanoes) Nibiru or Nemesis Cypre Byzance Morisque QUEEN [Cassiopeia, the Living Library] SPYSwe ACQUIRE CRAZY MICROBE ENZYME BY [in] CROP 12 52 Deux corps, vn chef. châps diuisez en deux, Et puis respondre à quatre ouys, Petits pour Grands. a pertuis mal pour eux. Tour d'Aigues foudre, pire pour Eussouis. Two bodies, one head, [Democrat/Republican] fields divided in two, 12 55 (Field /Pegasus, the Marcabians & those Tall Whites of the shadow government) And then to reply to four unheard ones: SA.AM, RIB, ON & R(Draco) (Samaribron of 6 5) Little ones (Greys) for great ones, clear evil from them, Lightning at the tower of Aiguesmortes, worse for "Eussouis" (Jesuits) Grandsd'AiguesEussouis U.N. DISGUISED USAGE AS U.S. DISGUISE DANGER SOARS ~ GUARDS SEES ASSIDUOUS ING O U This is saying that the U.N. knows what is in the chemtrails (SOARS) and the U.S. disguises the truth regarding how dangerous they are, plus guarding against anyone seeing the harvest (ING) which orbits (O) in the heavens (U = uranite, "of the heavens") tower of Aiguesmortes – Agues, morts/deaths via G.W.E.N. towers 12 55 Triƒtes conƒeils deƒloyaux, cauteleux, Sad disloyal, cunning, counsels (Congress) Aduis meƒchans, la Loy ƒera trahie, Wicked advice, the Law will betray: Le peuple eƒmeu, farouche, querelleux : The people stirred, wild, [rioting] quarrelsome, Tant bourg que Ville, toute la paix haye In borough as in town, the entire peace keeping hated. LoyVille LOVE LILY [Nelumbo/Lotus – the time portal] VOLLEY ILL [combats ill from the future] Updating CENTURIES 12 SIXAINES The highlighting was already put in place when I found this in a private collection. The first one says “two men” (Gemini) but one looks like a woman to me. The centre one says “lobster” (which means in Cancer, so saying Taurus Gemini and Cancer). The last highlighting someone has done in the illustrations is on : “de raize a la ƒeblace du ƒoleil”… REALIZE ABLE LOAD IDEA CLUE: parquoy ƒoubz le throsne dudict ƒoleil ilz paignoient le lyode.'' NELL DO POOL LOQUACIOUS BODY: TELLINGER POLICY, DIZZYLY EARTH LOOP UP FOURTEEN, FIFTEEN PARCS, TELLINGER, DO QUIZ of ODIOUS BAD (ANU) ZOO KEEPERS IDIOCY UP (Q is ''k'') CUP (Elo'im) PAID [contracted] II (YY = ii = two) QUIZ BLOODY ODIOUS ZOO QUEEPERS For my computer to recognize the words they do need to be “repaired” to get a translation (not an anagram) changing it to read: “de raize a la seblace du soleil… parquoi soubz le throsne du dict soleil ils paig.noient le lyode rays appearing as if (from) the sun wherefore underneath (underground bases) their haven (paig/covering) drown dictated from a sunny Leonine throne The last line is ambiguous (as is everything). “a Sun” does not necessarily mean ours. Leonine throne – it is those from Chertan in Leo which are the shapeshifters, ''managers of all'' in the “jellyfish” craft which share their DNA. So these craft can appear to us as anything they want including a walnut. Leonine is in August and ''by the melting ices from the sun do drown''. Plus: Obama is a Leo – a ''Leonine throne'' 3 18 1 Apres la pluie laict afses longuete AGILE ALIEN ASSAULT SPILLS PEACE A PAGE ILLUSTRATES PEACEFUL (this one) SO FUELS INTER-COLLEGIATE APPLAUSE IN FOURTEEN. 3 18 2 En plufieurs lieux de Reins le ciel touché HELEN UTILISE LUCIUS [devilish] FUEL RODS EXPERIENCE IN FOURTEEN (this is a reference to JAPAN NUCLEAR ACCIDENT 3 18 3 Helasquel meurtre de feng pres d'eux s'apre HELEN QUADRUPLE (multiply by four, the four corners of the Earth for Fukushima effect, as stated in the OIL SPILL forum) 3 18 3 EXPERT [Tellinger] GESTURES ~ REGARDLESS of UPPER MARX {elite] QUEUE (cue) FEEDS DEFAMERS 3 18 4 Peres & filz rois n'oleront aprocher. fte. INTEPRETER PARENTHESIZE FIRE CONTROLLERS ('LETTERED FIRE BRIGADE, GUILLOTINE DEAD') PROOF REFERS APOSTROPHIZE SINE CONTROLLERS (Lon & Lan: when seen in the quatrains minus the apostrephe/the On and the An. Oannes and Anakim, the ''numerators''/sine) PEACE ROLLS OFF [over] HORIZON (once the guillotines begin) Page 19 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© SHOULD HAVE GONE INTO ''NOIRE THE WICKED'' … EXCEPT HUNGARY SERBIA TURKEY 10 62 1 Pres de Sorbin pour affaillir Ongrie, 10 62 LARGE BRAIN [Zeta45 grey or Grayle] PROPOSES IRREPARABLE FLUORIDISING FLUID FOR INFERIOR PERSONS 10 62 2 L'heraut de Brudes les viendra advertir: E.D. HAIRED AS, SILVER VULTURE (LyRan) VENDS AIR RAID SHELTER. TRUE HEADER – ''heads up'' THE RARE ARE DUE SLAVE DRIVERS AND RED BEARDED BUILDERS TRAVELLED, ARRIVE EARTH UNDISTURBED IN DAN (Scorpio) 10 62 3 Chef Bifantin, Fallon de Sclavonie, IS VALID CONVINCE ABANDON, CANCEL CLONABLE CASH S (May) IS VOLCANIC HELL FLASH OBLIVION DAN - ONN, FIFTEEN… VOLCANIC BELLADONNA [poison] TO FISH FIFTEEN HALF ISLAND (planet) BE VOLCANIC FIFTEEN NOVA (Orion) DOLLS (synthetics) CHIEF CANNIBAL IN FIFTEEN 10 62 4 A loy d'Arabes les viendra convertir. CONSERVATIVES {elite?] BAD DEALS SELECTOR (choices) REALLY BRAIN-DEAD, IRRELEVANT REASON RATIONALE ABLY ''DESERVES DIVORCE'' DISCOVERY RETRIEVAL AIR BLADDER BADLY RESOLVED NARRATIVE RECOVERY SCENARIO. TO BE ADDRESSABLE AS NON TRIVIAL R.O ADVISORY: IRREVOCABLY REVERSAL CELEBRATION REASON OVERLAID ANNIVERSARY IN DAN. TORSION BALANCE [of Earth] ADVERSELY ARRIVED Thanksgiving is the last Thursday in November – in Sagittarius 10 71 1 La terre & l’air gelleront si grand eau, DENSE GALE ENDS EAGLE (Yule) (OR EAGLE/Anu SEND GALES) IRREGULAR TORRENTIAL LEGEND AT L.A. ARIES or ARES I GREAT EA GARDENER IN SATELLITE INSTALLED LONER ENROL [take on] IRREGULAR [unusual] RESULT. ORIGINAL LEGAL TENDER TREASURER RESIGNED ALE (Celtic May) LEARNED REGULAR REAL ILLS EARLIER: SURREAL ELITE ADULTERERS ENLARGED IRREGULAR TRILLION DOLLARS LARGE LONE ALIEN INTRUDER RESULTING EARLIER ROLLS IN DAN. A ALIGNED TRIANGLES ALTERED TERRESTRIAL LIARS ERROR – [this] LANGUAGE RULES Near Serbia to assail Hungary The herald of "Brudes" will come to advocate: BLACK MAN Byzantine chief, Salona of Slavonia, Will come to convert them to the law of the Arabs. Sharia law E.D. extra dimensional Regency Order of Princess Andromeda HAIRED Cassiopeians (queen Cassiopeia who is ''combing her hair'') AS, ''god'' of the Aettir of the Eddurs SILVER VULTURE Vulture is obsolete for Lyra, LyRans are silver grey SLAVE DRIVERS - Just as Michael Tellinger says, the Anak'im RED BEARDED BUILDERS – of the Giza pyramids. Ninghizzida ''S'' is Celtic Willow date of April 15 – May 12 ONN March equinox CLONABLE repeatable (from thin air) BE can mean in Virgo DOLLS (synthetics) we have seen this description for the first time in this forum in 1 58 4 Synthetic's ''mammal farce in late Fourteen'' DISCOVERY (disclosure) RECOVERY SCENARIO (Roswell?) AIR BLADDER Weather balloon NARRATIVE! NON TRIVIAL The scenario should have been addressed as very important ANNIVERSARY IN DAN All Soul's Day, follows Halloween This seems to be the ''Thursday'' which will be in Scorpio All Soul's Day on a Thursday is in 2017 The air sea and earth will freeze very greatly (nuclear winter from volcano (such as The Day after Tomorrow) When they will come to venerate Thursday: (All Souls Day Nov 2 2017 . BUT a recent line says ''brought forward'') That which is to come never weaned [off] so fair (Golden Age) From the four [frozen] parts they will come to honour it. LEGEND would be the earthquake and/or Nibiru. ARES I manslaughter in Halloween (All Soul's Day?) ENROL IRREGULAR LONER - Michael Tellinger in other lines ''enrol'' is a pun on voting for him ''LONER'' in that he is the only one actually pushing for the right agenda. ALE is Celtic ''Brewing'' dates May 13 – June 9 ALIEN INTRUDER – Nibiru. A (Elo'im) TRIANGLES [pyramids] 10 71 2 Lors qu'on viendra pour jeudi venerer: PARQS UNDERLINE: JEUUS [Azkhenazi] ON OVERDRIVE R.O OVERVIEUU: REJOINDER DRUNKEN POLAR JEUUS [Azkhenazi] the elite certainly ARE on overdrive DRUNKEN POLAR: climate changing being used against them 10 71 3 Ce qui sera jamais ne feut{sev.re conjug: sevt]si beau, BECAME QUA AS I BECAME ! Became that which Nostradamus JESSE UENTURA IS A QUASI – BECAME QUA AS I BECAME ! became – an abductee. Is Jesse a parallel quasi Michael Tellinger? JESSE UENTURA A.I. BECAME QUASI [human] IS AIM CAIQUE QUASI: – seems to be. CAIQUE boat/ship/vessel = the Earth base [Halloween] BASE. A (Cassiopeian) CUBE AIM, IS EASE SKIES I EASE SKIES from chemtrails? Or volcanic pall? 10 71 4 Des quatre partƒ le viendront honnorer. Always and always, these texts hidden withing the quatrains NORTHERN HOARDERS NOT DRINQ LASER-PRINTED VODKA astound me. Mostly because they are in true context, so what, (?) PREVALENT IN FOURTEEN DRINQ TRANSPARENT OVER then is ''laser-printed'' vodka? See next page HOLED FILTER (clay or pottery, not an electrical filter *) *If genetically modified potatoes are being used to make this vodka, then this is a reference to nano bots which can not be seen by eye (hence the word TRANSPARENT) and are ''set off'' by the use of electrical waves. Also the word NORTHERN means an extra low frequency in the north is the real reason for not drinking this. Being vodka I wonder if it is aimed at the Russians in particular? Working with these quatrains sure is like Forest Gump's ''box of chocolates''… we never know what we are going to get! Although there are other people in the world who are aware of the problem with the pyramidal usury system of the economy we have all become accustomed to – such as Michael Ruppert (google Youtube Michael Ruppert), it seems to be only Michael Tellinger who is placing his foot in the political door to actually accomplish the changes which are needed to pull us safely out of the ensnarement of the so called ''elite'' and the Agenda 21 plans,. Having said that, Jesse Ventura is making attempts to accomplish a political party which cannot be bought Page 20 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 10 71 4 NORTHERN HOARDERS NOT DRINQ LASER-PRINTED VODKA Laser Coders www.ondrasek.cz/download/quicklinks/p4a0972b7cfc6f.pdf added to the explanation placed here this is ''ALL FOUR AND A HALF'' being moved. with the two circles being our old and our new orbit so, yes, our orbital system still coukl be a magnetron providing the orbit distances remain in the golden mean see our sun has a very large irregular shaped black spot? If this was really a machine that would not be irregular in shape Page 21 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 1 63 3 Seur marchera par ciel, serre, mer et onde A. METEOR UNDERMOST ~ ALTAR PIECE TREMENDOUS CARRHAE - EARDRUM EPARCH UN-RESTORED NOSTREDAMUS PREACH MERE ARCHER SURNAMED PARCS H. TO REPLICATE UNSORTED people will travel by sky, squeezing sea and waves = jet propulsion CARRHAE = great noise, conflict – POLE SHIFT 0 UNDERMOST = South of 30 or “under China” ALTAR PIECE = Just below Scorpius – just before Scopeio? MERE: only just a Sagittarian, first day UNSORTED = the hidden text lines 1 63 1 Les fleaux pafses diminue le monde modern: Les fleurs passés diminue le monde Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller{further away 1 63 2 Long temps la paix terres inhabitees modern: Long temps la paix terres inhabitées: This is the original 1555 version. The following publications had changed the word ''terre'' to ''serre'' which is what Erika Cheetham has it as, so she must not have had access to the true original spelling. Seu: Latin ''either'' ''R'' Draco travelling thru skies, thru land & thru dimensions for a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully 1 63 3 Seur marchera par ciel,terre,mer, & onde: modern: Seur marchera par ciel, serre mer & onde: Either travelling through the sky squeezing sea and waves 1 63 4 Puis de nouueau les geurres fufcitees modern: Puis de nouveau les guerres suscitées. then wars will start up again. 1 63 3 Seur marchera par ciel,terre,mer, & onde: The fact that this line separates the word "mer" (seas) from the word "onde" (waves) draws our attention to something else going on. Waves, of course, can mean air/radio waves, can mean vibrations of any dimension, right down to DNA. As we have seen – the vibrations of sonic waves is the ultimate tool. 1 63 1 Les fleaux pafses diminue le monde SEE U.N. FEUDALISE FINE MODELS - AIM IS EXPANDED MELLIFLUOUSNESS 1 63 2 Long temps la paix terres inhabitees ORGANISES EXPERIMENTAL BATTLE SHIP (see the ELDRIDGE and … 9 100 see 1 63 2 ORGANISES EXPERIMENTAL BATTLESHIP – PARENTHESIS EXAMPLE (E.L.F.?) OBLITERATING Navalle pugne nuit sera superee. Naval battle night will be overcome, Le feu aux naues l'Occident ruine: Fire in the ships to the West ruin: Rubriche neufue la grand nef coloree, New trick, the great ship colored, ELDRIDGE Ire a vaincu, & victoire en bruine. Anger to the vanquished, and victory in a mist [chemtrails] 1 63 3 Seur marchera par ciel,terre,mer, & onde: PREMATURE RESOURCE. RECOURSE RE-PLACEMENT IN HARRIER CARRIER ARMOUR DREARIER HARM. RECORDER HEAR, PEER MIRRORS,* CHANCE RE-RELEASED. PROCUREMENT HARMED EARLIER ADMIRERS THERMO-NUCLEAR CAREERS. • mirrors IS THE Looking Glass in the portal…See Al Bielek Joyce writes the "computer" and Duncan Cameron were able to effectively rip open a hole in space-time *from 1983 to 1943 to correct situations aboard the Eldridge as it went through the time warp, changing the past to change the future creating a paradox. Al Bielek wrote of a grey alien invasion through the 40 year rift in time, with the rift allowing many UFOs to invade our world. He also mentioned soldiers going through the time portal at Montauk to fight in a 'future war' 50 years ahead! 1. Al Bielek and Ed Cameron's Time Line - Philadelphia Experiment www bielek com ab timeline htm Al Bielek is the regressed essence of Ed Cameron. Birth date of Al ... When Ed and Duncan Cameron jump off the USS Eldridge, they both land in the year 2137. 1 63 4 Puis de nouueau les geurres fufcitees UUELFARE GUESSES, DISGUISE SUICIDES UP FOURTEEN. UUE FLEUU, PERUSE CAUSE - FEUUER CLUES PEACEFUL PAUSE FOURTEEN. SPURIOUS LEAGUE (Anak'im) DUE FIFTEEN, SECURE U.S. LEAGUE, SEDUCES, REDUCES PURE USURIOUS {elite, what's left of them) it seems that both the Elo'im AND the Anakim are sorting out the ''elite'' who believed their promises. SPURIOUS not being what it purports to be; false or fake. USUAL RESOURCES UP EDGEUUISE FIFTEEN Earth on her side? USE DIALOGUE (the texts) – PURSUE CURES (personal) USE. FIRE SURE GUIDES TENUOUS USEFUL PEACE – FIGURED OUT ENSURE PEACE ISSUE FIFTEEN, FEEL USURIOUSNESS RE-ISSUED IS FUTURE GUIDE, USE UNUSED RESIDUES(usuriousness) Michael Tellinger has stated time and again, that the minimal interest rate can only expand an economy, instead of restrict it 1 4. in oannes, chemtrails in the hidden texts 1.par l'vniuers fera faict vng monarque, 2.qu'en paix & vie ne fera longuement: 3.lors fe perdra la pifcature barque, 4.sera regie en plus grand detriment. Page 22 in year of the horse universally will be made a king who will have little peace and a short life. at this time the ship [earth] of the papists will be lost, governed to its greatest detriment NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 14 universally will be made a king (new world order?) who will have little peace and a short life. at this time the ship [earth] of the papists will be lost, governed to its greatest detriment 1 4 1 TRANQUIL VAN [UAN/OANNES] TRANSFORMER [SHAPE SHIFTER] CURVE FIVE [INNER PLANETS]AQUAPLANING LUTE VACANT [SPACE] SAVING [PLANETS] REQUIRING MARVEL … RE-FORM PERU IN FACE (SCORPIO - THE CANARY ISLANDS FORUM HAD ONE DATE: IT WAS I IN HALLOWEEN WHICH IS IN SCORPIO, SO BOTH WILL GO AT THE SAME TIME) [THE] TRANQUIL SAVING FROM RAVEN (12 -22 AUG TO) FACE. EQUIVOCAL VAN (UAN/OANNES, THE NEGATIVE) TRANSFER [PEOPLE] FARMING PERU – THIS IS A "HARVEST" EVENT. LUTE MAY 13 – JUN 9 1 4 2 QUEEN(CASSIOPEIA) NAMING EXPONENTIAL QUEU FEVER (A DEBILITATING ZOONOTIC DISEASE) EXAMINATION PER VULGAR FREQUENT ARRIVALS CAMPAIGN OVER AFRICA [SEE TELLINGER] ~ VENGEFUL E [ZETA] PANISM FREQUENT [VISIT] OVER SUN. 1 4 3 AFFORD [VERB MADE] IRREPLACEABLE QUARTERS [EARTH] UP, BUFFER IN EARS, COPPER. BAREFACED QUADRUPLET ("INSANE FOUR" OF SAMAROBRIN) LIARS PULPS FORE [FRONT] QUARTER. QUADRILATERAL (FOUR PLANETS) OFF PAR BEER, SPRUCE THE ONE OUT OF THE FOUR (AND A HALF IN OTHER LINES) PLANETS WHICH IS IN "FRONT" WOULD BE EITHER MARS AT ONE END OR MERCURY AT THE OTHER. SINCE MERCURY IS ONE DAY GOING TO "ECLIPSE" ONE OF OUR SUNS, IT MUST BE MARS WHICH IS GOING TO COP IT. SPRUCE AND "BEER" – ALE ARE DATES. ALE MAY 13 –JUNE 9 SPRUCE PINE TREE FEB 19 TO FEB 28: AUG 24 TO SEP 02 : SEPT 2 – SEPT 29 1 4 4 E D INTERRUPTING INTERPRETER: GUARD MEANING … REPRESENT LESS SIMULATED MEDIA LUST (!) GARDENER [EA] AS GLEAMING (HALOED) ING INTRUDER - AGREE LARGE MINDEDNESS, GUARANTEES DISGRUNTLED ENTERPRISE: MEDDLER PARAMETER ENGINEERS. THIS IS CONFUSING, THE "GARDENER" 3 19 In Lucca it will come to rain blood and milk: Shortly before a change of president, Great plague and war, famine and drought will be made visible Far away where the rector prince will die. ''Prince'' means from Sirius, but ''rector prince'' would be 'pope' an asteroid is named with a given name, it simply means any asteroid. A table of Asteroid Comet Meteor names was published. 3 19 1 En Luques fang & laict viendra plouuoir: WHEREVER GUARDIAN UP PULLS IN LOUISE (asteroid) - AQUAPLANING LONG DRAUUN OUT SPIRAL LUDICROUS VILE OCEAN UP DAUUN EQUINOCTIAL (Sept 18) FOURTEEN – SEQUENTIAL IS CARDINAL OVERFLOUUING; INTERVAL DAN'S POUUERFUL CO-EQUALISING [event – Yellowstone?] UUARN FLOODING – UUARN EQUALS VENTS PECULIAR EQUIVALENTS . GIVES ALL POUUERFUL QUARTERNIONIC COLLAPSE IN DAN. FAREUUELL DO PRINTING, FAREUUELL FALLOUU DEER. EQUILATERAL UP PONDERING CONFINE [elite] UUORLD –SAVING. This is the Vermont towards Chile to Guiana ocean's stream asteroid QUARTERNIONIC In mathematics, the quaternions are a number system that extends the complex numbers. They were first described by Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1843 and applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. 1 48 2 Sept mil ans autre tiendra fa monarchie: IS RAN AIR ARM FLEET AIM'D THAT ULTRA HIT-AND-RUN LIFT MARINE OCEANS SEPT. The LyRan Elders of the Elo'im, ''Ran'' of the Eddurs. THE ALARM IS 'AIM AN INTRUDER IN SEPT.' AIM THE DAMN UNFAIR TRAILER follower RATHER [exclaimed] FILMED covered OUER HERE: MANILA, MAURITANIAN, TAMARIND FRUIT [equatorial] SEPT. AND FAIR-HAIRED RETURN THE REMAINDER FILTERED UNFAMILIAR IN MA [Oct] DAN [Scorpio]. AND THE RETURN AIM'D FAMILIAR (places) Is this what the ''waters on the fire'' are about? Seas being returned on to the volcano? U.N. [elite] TERMINATE FAMILIAR NUTRIMENTAL HARDMonsanto this is a reference to the men in CIA suits seen placing ''boxes'' around Yellowstone. See the YELLOWSTONE forum. Anyone who has read the forum named ASTEROID COMET METEOR which was in the former web site, will recall this ''undulating low flying'' pair of asteroids There is a ''left over'' D here which is the date of June 10 – July 9. This is also the date for a flooding of L.A. 3 19 2 Vn peu deuant changement de preteur, DATED [in line 1] HUGE PERMANENT EVENT CURE ''N'' (Erid.anus, those in the U.N.) UP – the elite 3 19 3 Grad pefte & guerre, faim & foif fera voyr OF AFFIRMATIVE PRAYER OF GRUDGE FREE VOYAGE; DEPARTURE UP IS [voyage] AFFORD REFRIGERATE FARM 3 19 4 Loing, ou mourra leur prince recteur. R.O. GERONIMO [chief] NURTURER CLUE UP ROLE REGENERATION CURRICULUM R.O. CUE APRIL (2015?) sack cloth date POLE LIE UP CAR (yuletide) - RUE OIL CRAP, OR PICA RULE {cannibalism.] see Anthropophage following line 2 75 4 Page 23 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© 2 75 2 Sur le canon du reƒpiral eƒtage PAIRS 4 90 SERAPIEL SAGE (asteroid) ROUNDS UP NUCLEAR OCEAN LARCENOUS ISRAEL RULES STAGE GATES UNDER ISRAEL REGULATES REPRISAL CANON GESTURAL RULES SPURNED PERSIA EPIRUS between Greece and Albania between the Pindus Mountains Anthropophage. Voice the unwanted air intake of the bird Vulture or (Bireo/Cygnus grey . Vulture which is key for Lyra – LyRan who/which do not need oxygen. These are "Ran" or "ugly Ran") On the pipe [chimney] of the air-vent (d.u.m.b) level pipe is a date Mar 18 – Apl 14 and Oct 28-Nov 24 So high will the bushel of wheat rise, That man will be eating his fellow man. Anthropophage. THE PHONOGRAPH [hologram] APOGRAPH [perfect copy] ON A NEPHOGRAPH [cloud] TO EAT [you] 2 75 1 La voix ouye de l'infolit oyfeau, IS IDEAL FOXY canny EVOLUTION ALE - YOU EVALUATE IODINE – FOUL OIL OXIDE Ale date is May 13 – June 9 ''E'' is September equinox 18 – 21 and see 3 19 1 above EYEFUL YOU OF L.A. : LIVE VILE OXIDATION. E IS ONE DAY LEO [Obama] FIX YOU, ''FIXED'' VOLATILE EVOLUTION. M o n s a n t o 2 75 2 Sur le canon de refpiral eftaige, A {Elo'im] PARADE LARGE DEFIANCE SPIRAL FINE LARGE SCALE DRIP [pour] FOURTEEN REPLACES LARGE FIRE PLACE DAN {Scorpio ''I'' {Halloween event AS IS REPLACING LEADER/DEALER (elite shadow government) FIEND PAIRS LARGE SCALE events AND FREES SNAIL-PACED PERIGLACIAL SAFER IDEAL, DISPARAGE FINE CELLAR (d.u.m.b.) DRAINS LARGE SEA, FILES IN SPACE. REPLACING SAFER IDEAL – FARCE GLIDES AIR PLANES jet streams the ''farce'' is the radioactive oceans PRECIOUS [Earth] COURSED LARGE AIR PLANE FIFTEEN DAN RELEASING PROCEDURE READ CALENDAR REAL ONEROUS SUPERIOR SUPERGLACIAL GALE FIFTEEN i.e: the Day After Tomorrow with 600mph wind DAN in FIFTEEN appears as the black Scorpion facing off a sheep (which is NOT a ram/Aries) in the vignette - the year of the sheep is 2015 – leaping over the golden mean. The orbits are situated by this law of maths, and the word ''leap'' means Scorpio 2 75 3 Si haut viendra du froment le boiffeau, IS MISBEHAVIOUR AND DEFAULT THIS BUREAU AIM FIVEFOLD FOURTEEN DAN A AIMED, VANISHED DOUBTFUL FIRE, AFFIRMATIVE BUILD DIFFERENT SAFE HOUSE FOURTEEN. IS FISH (A.D.) MATURED IT IS FAVOURED, HUMAN LABOURED (elect) - OR AMBITIOUS U.N. HAVE AIM DREADFUL BEHAVIOUR DEFAULTS FIFTEEN see 5 22 1 2 75 4 Que l'home d'home fera Anthropophage. QUOTE: OUR D.E.F. LARGE MORPHOPHONEME: LEAP Scorpio/pun MAP FOURTEEN D.E.F. directed energy field MORPHOPHONEME: a unit of sound from which all variants of a morpheme can be derived or predicted which is exactly how the D.E.F. works 4 90 4 Chair, pain, ne viures n'auront vn seul boucin IN CHAIN VEIN: PAIR (see 2 75 2 , 4 91 4 5 22) CHANI'S NEBULOUS UNIVERSE REASON PAIN BELOUU CHINA, (and) PARICHIA [town on Paros, Greece] U.N ANSUUER TO ELBOUUS 5 22 1 Auant, qu'a Rome grand aye rendu l'ame GERMAN U.N MEGARON RELAYED ENGRAM LEADER DEEM NEURAL MENU see 2 75 3 MARY~MAGDALENE DAY July 22 READY MORE menu YEAR END ENDURE GRAND DUAL DAN EERY GAMERON AQUANAUT RENOGRAM UNDER 5 43 1 La grand' ruine des sacrez ne s'eslongue LARGE AZ GRAAL GRAND ANGEL SEND RUIN CARE-LESS (elite) ARRANGED ZONELESS UNDER (d.u.m.b.s) LOSING OIL SCARES EDESSAN ERIDANU RUE CRAZES DENIES SENSE 65bis 1561 Nouember. Par le retour du voyage Barbare Exalteront la protestante entree. Le stratageme simulte sera rare. La mort en voye, rebelle par contree. ELBOW MARFIK ORPHIUCUS (M'Abvs) those underground grayles of Phil Schneider, the shadow government - or ELBOW MIRFAK ALPHA PERSEUS (dog faced grayles) ENGRAM a hypothetical permanent change in the brain accounting for the existence of memory; a memory trace. GRAND DUAL oceans lifting & Yellowstone RENOGRAM Radioisotope renography is a form of organ imaging UNDER in the deep underground military bases The great ruin of the holy things is not far off EDESSAN north west of Iraq - Armenia ERIDANU (U.N.) RUE these are part of the Monsanto agenda, the CRAZES which DENIES SENSE (chemtrails/FLUORIDE) Upon return from the Khazar voyage They shall exalt his protested entry The false strategy will be rare Death en route, by contrary rebellion See 7 81 (one found behind the fireplace of Nostradamus) This is about the Yellow Hordes, the Hun/Han and the King of Fear of 10 72 who has been cloned (in 1999) from the 65 year old body of Chingiz Ghan see the forum KING OF FEAR 10 72 Page 24 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks© “We have taken hold of the ends of the springs which move their mechanism. We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections [1], [1] The plan to control and manipulate the two-party political system in the United States was announced in The Banker’s Manifesto of 1892. http://anticorruptionsociety.com/2010/03/14/our-political-teams/ "Years ago Benjamin Freedman said, “They rule America as monarchs”. “They” are the reason Sharon [former Prime Minister of Israel] could boast, “We control America and they know it.” But most Americans do not know it. Just who are “they” and where did “they” come from?" The Answer – they are the Khazars - John Churchilly http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/09/08/p19384 VII. 81.** LXXXII. or 80 7 80 1 La ƒtratageme ƒimulte ƒera rare 7 80 2 La mort en voye rebelle par contrée, 7 80 3 Par le retour du voyage Barbare 7 80 4 Exalteront la proteƒtante entrée. 80 or 81 The stratagem in the quarrel will be unusual The death en route in the country [by contrary] rebellion: On/by/because of the return of the Barbarian voyage (Nibiru? They will exalt the protesters entry. Barbare (Azkhenazi) BAR (Cancer/Scarab) BEAR (Ursa Major) are the Azkhenazi money schemers ARE ARAB REB 7 80 1 La ƒtratageme ƒimulte ƒera rare EARLIER GREAT AMATEUR ALERT: RETALIATE; ALTER LARGE M.E. ARMALITE METAL ARMATURE MATERIAL, REGULATES TERM RATE, REALM AREA, AIM L.A. LATER This seems to be describing how to disarm an M.E. directed energy weapon LEAFLET IS ''GREAT AMATEUR FARMER'' quite so, in ''TELLINGER'' ULTIMATE FARM AFTER LARGE E FEAR LARGE E FEAR would be the September 18-20 event 7 80 2 La mort en voye rebelle par contrée, MOREOVER ELECTRON ONE PORTABLE PLANT TREBLE RAY RECENTLY TO L.A. – REALLY PRETENCE, ABLE RETRY. OPEN NOVEMBER CEREMONY, BY RELATER. Right, there are three ceremonies that I know of in November which might be held in L.A. All Saints, All Souls and Thanksgiving. We have had warnings about ''celebrating Thursday anniversary''. The REALLY PRETENCE sounds like one of those military planned mock events which always result in a false flag 10 62 4 A loy d'Arabes les viendra convertir. CONSERVATIVES {elite?] BAD DEALS SELECTOR (choices) REALLY BRAIN-DEAD, IRRELEVANT REASON RATIONALE ABLY ''DESERVES DIVORCE'' DISCOVERY RETRIEVAL (Roswell and the weather balloon) AIR BLADDER BADLY RESOLVED NARRATIVE RECOVERY SCENARIO. TO BE ADDRESSABLE AS NON TRIVIAL 10 62 4 R.O ADVISORY: IRREVOCABLY REVERSAL CELEBRATION REASON OVERLAID ANNIVERSARY IN DAN. TORSION BALANCE [of Earth] ADVERSELY ARRIVED. Thanksgiving is in Sagittarius, so November 1st and 2nd 2017 7 80 3 Par le retour du voyage Barbare GRAY ABOVE OUR LABOURER, BODY DEPARTURE (abduction?). GOD AUGUR POLAR REVERBERATE BADLY A (Dec 22) 7 80 4 Exalteront la proteƒtante entrée. R.O. FELT OFTEN TOLERATE OF NET (Reticuli) EXTERNAL PATTERN, ALTERNATE EXPERT TREATment EXPONENT VII. 80.** or 81 L'occident libres les Iƒles Britanniques Le recogneu paƒƒer le bas, puis haut Ne content triƒte Rebel. Corƒs Escotiques Puis rebeller par plus & par nui¢t chaut. BritanniquesRebelCorƒsEscotiques 7 81 1 7 81 2 7 81 3 7 81 4 81 or 80 The West frees the British (or The British frees the West) The recognized one passes low, then high Discontented sad Rebel. Scottish community. Then to rebel much more and by hot night. ELITE SQUABBLE FREQUENCIES RESTRICTION SO BLAST IT, CONSEQUENCES IS AQUIRE BOTS REQUIRES ROB the SELF CONSISTENT (your DNA) 7 81 1 L'occident libres les Iƒles Britanniques CRESTFALLEN. (Nostradamus) BELLS (time gates) DESCRIBE INQUISITION (FEMA). INDESCRIBABLE ILLNESS (the 'flu' that doctors call a flu because they have no clue). This 'flu' is caused by the nano bots above. REFLECTION (thinking) QUITS 7 81 2 Le recogneu paƒƒer le bas, puis haut TELLINGER AROUSE UP A U.S. (U.S.A.) POSH BUREAU [elite] CHEAP ABUSE, ABUSES PEACE. SO HEAP, (Plejaren) ACES BUREAU (Elohim) UP APPEASES. BUSH ELITE ARRANGES FURNACES (volcanoes) UP OF PEACEFUL. BEEN FEARFUL SARCOPHAGUS' (tombs) FLU UP (from chemtrails) UNSUFFERABLE COUGH APPEARS. 7 81 3 Ne content triƒte Rebel. REFLECT ON NETTLE (herb) BETTER. FRENETIC LENT (thus must be in 2015) 7 81 3 Corƒs Escotiques. QUOTE SIC OF CRESS FORCE IS TO SUCCESSOR (following nettle treatment) 7 81 4 Puis rebeller par plus & par nui¢t chaut. BULLETINS PARTICULARS HERE UP TUBE IN CULTURAL PERIPHERALS. BUREAUCRATS culprit PULL PIPELINE, HURT PARCS BULLIES PUSH UP INTELLECTUAL BARRIER. Quite so, cannot use the internet and there is no apparent reason Page 25 NOSTRADAMUS & THE MAN OF PEACE H Parks©
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