Welcome to the world, little one.


Welcome to the world, little one.
Welcome to the world, little one.
Your baby’s developmental milestones from birth to 24 months+.
Off to a great start.
As you navigate your way through
parenthood, you and baby will have
many exciting adventures together.
To help you both get off to a great start, this quick-reference guide has lots of information
on infant and toddler developmental milestones, including:
•crying, sleeping, napping
•feeding, hunger cues, diapers
•physical development, cognitive development
•social development, language skills
As you and baby embark on a tender journey, here are a few things to keep in
mind along the way:
•Babies reach developmental milestones at their own pace, one baby step
at a time.
•You are baby’s first friend and your exchanges help baby with future relationships.
A little lovin’ goes a long way!
•When you’re busy taking care of baby, don’t forget to take care of yourself.
You both need a little pampering.
Read on to learn more as your baby grows.
Hello, world!
HungeR CueS & FeeDing MiLeSTOneS
and being soothed.
Language SkiLLS
2–3 hrs daily
Begins vocalizing around 3 months.
to communicate hunger,
discomfort, fatigue and
loneliness. At this age,
you should respond
immediately to
baby’s cries.
daily (approx.)
3 stools and roughly
6 wet diapers daily
of breast milk and/or infant
formula daily (every 1–3 hours).
Fully and partially breastfed
babies need a vitamin D
supplement. speak to your
doctor about how to give
baby vitamin D.
•In 1st month: has limited or no head control and needs head support
•By 2 months: lifts head when on tummy and holds head up when held at shoulder
•By 4 months: can lift head and chest, and can support self on forearms when placed
on tummy
at people
•By end of 3 months: follows moving
facial expressions
•By end of 2 months: communicates with
In the first couple of days, baby passes a
greenish-black substance called meconium.
In general, in the first month, baby has at least
8–12 feedings
15-18 hrs
new babies sleep and
wake as much as they need
to. the amount of time they
stay awake is longer as
they get older.
the frequency of bowel movements varies from
baby to baby. Keeping a diary will help you track
what is normal for your baby.
bReaSTFeeDing iS beST
health Canada recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the
first 6 months of life, and continued breastfeeding for up to
2 years or longer. Breast milk gives baby immune building
antibodies and the right balance of nutrients. Breastfeeding
also helps baby emotionally bond with you.
4 months+
Gurgling noises and big smiles.
And with your support, the gurgles and smiles will only get bigger as baby
starts sitting up and watching the world from a new vantage point.
HungeR CueS & FeeDing MiLeSTOneS
breast or bottle
4–6 feedings
of breast milk and/or
infant formula daily.
Language SkiLLS
Vocalizes pleasure and displeasure;
makes sounds while being spoken to.
•By 6 months:canrollfrombacktoside;pushesuponhandswhenontummy
•By 6 months: turns head and looks in
own name
daily (approx.)
15-16 hrs
Will probably take 3 naps
during the day.
It’s perfectly normal for babies
to have crying spells that last
20–60 minutes or longer. In the
first 5–6 months, crying may
increase in intensity. sometimes,
despite your best efforts, baby
may seem inconsolable.
soft music or singing,
rocking, walking,
and massaging are
all ways to soothe
a crying baby.
nOuRiSHMenT FOR babY. PeaCe OF MinD FOR YOu.
Probiotics are part of what gives breast milk its naturally protective
qualities. nestlé® Good start® Probiotic™ contains B. lactis,* which
contributes to baby’s healthy digestive tract flora and can help
keep baby’s tummy healthy.
the frequency of bowel
movements varies among infants.
Babies don’t need to have a
bowel movement every day. If stools appear
normal, even if baby turns red or strains during
a bowel movement, there is no need for concern.
* There are 130 million B.lactisineach3fl.oz.(100mL)bottleofNestlé®GoodStart® Probiotic.™
6 months+
for sitting up, looking around and exerting a wee bit of independence.
Language SkiLLS
Begins to babble in series of
different sounds.
3–5 feedings
of breast milk and/or
infant formula daily.
Introduction of iron-rich
solid foods. Breast milk
or infant formula is still
baby’s main source
of nutrition throughout
the first year.
•By around 6 months:babyisreadyforfirstsolidfoods.Startwithiron-richfoods
•By 8 months:canrollbothways(fronttobackandbacktofront);supportswholebody
daily (approx.)
15-16 hrs
Will probably take 2 naps
during the day.
By now, baby will be an experienced
crier. During the first nine months,
crying is baby’s best way of
communicating. Comforting baby
every time he cries will not spoil
him. Baby will learn that you are
attentive and ready to respond
to his needs. It’s a good idea
to speak with your doctor
if you are concerned
about baby’s crying.
HungeR CueS & FeeDing MiLeSTOneS
starting solids can change
the colour and texture of
baby’s stools. It can also
change how often baby has a bowel
movement. Babies don’t need to have
a bowel movement every day. If stools
are soft and easy to pass, there is no
need for concern.
partially hidden ones
of reach
in mirror images
emotion and often appears joyful
nOuRiSHMenT FOR babY. PeaCe OF MinD FOR YOu.
nestlé® Good start® 2 Probiotic™ is the only stage 2 formula
containing Probiotic B. lactis* for baby’s tummy. It is enhanced
with iron and calcium to complement your growing baby’s
diet. When it comes to introducing solids, healthcare experts
recommend baby’s first foods be iron-rich, such as nestlé®
Gerber® starter Cereals with Probiotics.**
B.lactisineach3fl.oz.(100mL)bottleofNestlé®GoodStart® 2 Probiotic.™
** 1 billion B.lactis per 28 g serving.
8 months+
HungeR CueS & FeeDing MiLeSTOneS
to explore anything and everything. Hiding is fun and peek-a-boo is, too.
Language SkiLLS
You have developed a strong
bond, so baby may cry when
left with other caregivers. Baby
may also cry when hearing
another baby cry.
by 12 months: puts sounds
together as though talking;
understands simple requests
and questions.
self to standing
•By around 12 months:walksholdingontoyourhandsorfurniture;getsuptositting
increases exploration of world
anger, joy or fear
express emotions
daily (approx.)
14-15 hrs
Will probably take 2 naps
during the day.
Babies who eat a variety of food will
pass stools that vary in colour and
consistency. new foods such as fruits
and vegetables may result in softer stools
of different colours. For example, a baby who eats green
vegetables may pass green stools.
3–4 meals
of solid foods daily, plus
2–4 feedings of breast
milk or infant formula.
nOuRiSHMenT FOR babY. PeaCe OF MinD FOR YOu.
nestlé® Good start® 2 Probiotic™ is the only stage 2
formula containing Probiotic B. lactis* for baby’s tummy.
It is enhanced with iron and calcium to complement
your growing baby’s diet. nestlé Gerber® stage 2
Cereals are iron-fortified and are the only cereals with
Probiotic B. lactis.**
B.lactisineach3fl.oz.(100mL)bottleofNestlé®GoodStart® 2 Probiotic.™
** 1 billion B.lactis per 28 g serving.
12 months+
Happy 1st birthday, little one.
A whole year has gone by, already! Your baby is entering the realm
of toddlerhood, and with this exciting milestone comes greater mobility
and independence. But that doesn’t mean baby needs you any less.
It fact, you’re needed more than ever.
daily (approx.)
12-14 hrs
1 nap; usually stops having
morning naps between
1 and 2 years old. By 2
years, most children have
a 1–2 hour nap after lunch.
Language Skills
•Says “mama” or “dada”
with at least one other
word that has meaning
•Communicates a need
without crying
•Stops an action if you
say “no”
3 meals &
2 snacks
of solid foods daily, plus
2–3 cups of breast milk,
infant formula or whole
cow’s milk per day.
•Your toddler’s appetite will vary; trust your toddler’s cues for hunger and fullness
•Able to drink from a cup or straw; chews skillfully and efficiently
•Rejection of new foods; expresses desire for specific foods
•Plays with food and throws it when full
•Appetite may decrease due to slowing down of growth
•Crawls on hands and knees or scoots around on bum
•Pulls up to standing position and stands briefly without support
•Walks around holding onto furniture or an adult’s hand
•Walks up and down stairs with help
•Puts objects into a container and takes them out
•Self-feeds easily with fingers; pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger) developed
•Can lead parent by pointing. Explores
objects in different ways (shaking,
banging, throwing, dropping)
•Knows the names of familiar objects
•Responds to music
•Can turn a few board-book pages
•May be shy or anxious around strangers
•Has favourite toys and people
•Tests limits to actions and behaviours
•Responds to own name and comes
when called
Nourishment for baby. Peace of mind for you.
Toddler Behaviour
Hitting, or even biting, is a normal part of
learning to express frustration and anger.
Be patient and help teach your toddler to
say “I’m angry” or “I’m tired.”
Gerber® Graduates® Toddler Drink helps fill in any nutritional gaps
in your little one’s diet. For a delicious cereal made with fruity pieces
and 15 essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, try Nestlé
Gerber® Toddler Cereals. Our Toddler Drink* and Cereals** contain
Probiotic B. lactis that contributes to a healthy digestive tract flora.
* 1 billion B. lactis per 200 mL serving.
** With 1 billion B. lactis per 35 g serving.
24 months+
The terrific twos and beyond.
Two-year-olds are busy little people. Using their imagination is a favourite
new pastime and should be encouraged at every turn. Your toddler is
probably walking more easily now, with the inclusion of running in his
movement repertoire. Picking up new words and imitating people
is also so much fun at this age!
3 meals &
2–3 snacks
of solid foods daily,
plus whole cow’s milk.
Following Canada’s
Food Guide will help
your toddler grow
and thrive.
Language Skills
Starts to put words
together; combines
phrases such as “want
that” and “no more”
with gestures and points
to objects.
•Holds and drinks from a cup; chews
skillfully and efficiently
•Molars are present; uses tongue to clear
food from lips
•Prefers familiar foods
•Begins to run and throws or kicks balls
•Can sit in booster seat or at table
•Climbs into and gets down from chairs without help
•Manipulates small objects; builds tower of 4 blocks or more
Want that
No More
daily (approx.)
12-14 hrs
•Follows simple instructions
•Begins to sort by shape and colour
•Independence is growing
•Completes simple shape-matching puzzles
•Turns board-book pages easily
one at a time
•Copies the behaviour of adults and
other children
•Gets excited about being with
other children
•Plays alongside other children
•Shows increasing independence;
shows defiant behaviour
•Begins to play “make-believe”
By 2 years, most children
have a 1–2 hour nap
after lunch.
Every child is different, but many kids are ready to begin
toilet training between the ages of 2 and 4 years. Your little
one may be ready if he or she can stay dry in diapers for
several hours in a row, follow simple instructions, and walk to
the potty. Stay relaxed, patient and positive. It usually takes
between 3 to 6 months.
•Uses utensils well
•Eats/drinks with minimum spilling
•Uses words like “all done” and
“no more” when full
Nourishment for baby. Peace of mind for you.
Gerber® Graduates Toddler Drink provides 28 nutrients, including
25 vitamins and minerals, to help support growth and development.
For a delicious and nutritious snack, try Gerber® Graduates®
Yogurt Melts.® Every toddler-sized piece has the yummy taste and
wholesome goodness of real fruit and yogurt with active cultures.*
* 7 million CFU per 7 g serving.
Learn more, as baby grows.
There’s only so much we can say in this guide about
all the exciting baby milestones. That’s why we created
nestle-baby.ca/development to help you learn
even more.
Visit us online today to grow your
knowledge, as baby grows.
American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Nutrition. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook. 6th Ed. Elk Grove Village, IL:
American Academy of Pediatrics, 2009:121-122.
Canadian Paediatric Society. Caring for Kids: Feeding your Baby in the First Year.
http://www.caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/feeding_your_baby_in_the_first_year Accessed February 28, 2013.
Canadian Paediatric Society Position Statement. Vitamin D supplementation: Recommendations for Canadian Mothers
and Infants. Paediatrics & Child Health. 2007; 12(7):583-589.
Dietitians of Canada. Feeding your Baby Solid Foods when Breast and Formula Feeding. PEN The Global Resource for
Nutrition Practice. June, 2012.
Doré N, Le Hénaff D. From Tiny Tot to Toddler; a practical guide for parents from pregnancy to age two. Québec, Institut
national de santé publique du Québec, 2012. 736 pages.
Joint Statement of Health Canada, Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada, and Breastfeeding Committee
for Canada. Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants: Recommendations from Birth to Six Months. 2012.
http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/nutrition/infant-nourisson/recom/index-eng.php Accessed January 24, 2013.
MyHealth.Alberta.Ca. Sleep-Toddlers. https://myhealth.alberta.ca/alberta/Pages/Sleep-Toddlers.aspx
Accessed January 24, 2013.
Nipissing District Developmental Screen. www.ndds.ca Accessed December 12, 2012.
Sacks, D. Canadian Paediatric Society: Guide to Caring for Your Child from Birth to Age Five. Ontario, Canada. John Wiley
& Sons Canada, Ltd., 2009.
SickKids. About Kids Health. www.aboutkidshealth.ca Accessed December 12, 2012.
Toronto Public Health. What is Shaken Baby Syndrome? http://www.toronto.ca/health/shakenbaby/index.htm
Accessed December 12, 2012.