- Falcon GT Club of WA


- Falcon GT Club of WA
Date: October 2014
The Committee
Rob Doig
Ph: 0447 897 563
E: [email protected]
Vice President
Dean Hampton
Ph: 9295 3028
Email: [email protected]
Immediate Past President
(before Rob's Life term.....)
Cliff Jackson
Ph: 0413 126 139
Marlene Zupanov
Ph: 0413 830 388
Doug Poustie
Cliff Jackson
Ph: 0413 126 139
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Events Co-ordinator
Peta Costa
Ph: 0448 996 150
Email: [email protected]
Karen Bentley & Ann Lloyd
Ph: 9295 3028 or 9418 4650
Greg Heylen
Ph: 0409 295 246
Email: [email protected]
Deputy Sheriffs
Adrian Zappacosta
Jan Becker
Paul Lloyd 0407 389 113
Not on the committee yet, Grand
son and Grand Daughter of the
Editor. Harry and Macy.
New Member Liaison
Gary Thirlwell
Ph: 0438 924 875
Email: [email protected]
Vehicle Scrutineer
Dean Hampton
Ph: 9295 3028
Email: [email protected]
Vehicle Scrutineer
Paul Lloyd
Ph: 0407 389 113
Newsletter Content:
Contacts Contacts
Got something to contribute to the magazine, send it to the Editor:
Email : [email protected]
Snail Mail : PO Box 322, Cloverdale, WA, 6105
Club Meetings are usually held on the first Sunday of the month or refer to your magazine
calendar or the club website for date changes. Meetings are held at the:
West Coast Street Rod Clubrooms, Unit 1, 12 Cusack Road, Malaga WA 6062
Meet and chat at 9.30am and meeting starts at 10.00am
Note: $5.00 is to be paid on entry to cover the cost of morning tea, coffee and biscuits.
Your $5.00 entry includes three tickets in the raffle draw.
Additional tickets may be purchased at $5.00 for 3 tickets. Good luck.
All correspondence to the Club should be sent to:
The Secretary
P0 Box 322 CLOVERDALE WA 6105
Club Home Page: www.falcongtclubofwa.asn.au
Club E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Magazine Advertising Advertising space is available in the Falcon GT Club of WA newsletter.
The rates apply from AGM to AGM ( July to June) and are as follows: -
Yearly Rates ( 11 Issues )
Full pages colour Advert $ 2 00.00
Half Page colour Advert $ 100.00
Half Page Black & W hite $50.00
Club members may advertise items for sale or wanted to buy - free of charge, please
contact the Editor directly to be included in the next available newsletter.
Ads will only appear for one issue unless requested to be included in consecutive issues.
While all care is taken with this publication, The Falcon GT Club of WA (Inc), the Committee
And Members accept no responsibility for the authenticity and validity of
items or articles appearing in this newsletter.
Is it Phase 2/3 ?? or maybe a Falcon GT Smart Car??, Then again maybe the Phase 3 was left out in the rain!!!
Proud Sponsor of the Falcon GT Owners Club of WA (Inc)
Serious about Ford’s — Past, Present and Future.
Presidential Ponderin gs Another month has flown by and October is upon us already. Not a great deal to report this month.
Hopefully this high school dropout hasn’t made too many typos this month.
The clubs weekend away in Donnybrook has been and gone, with a small group of members attending (6
steel and two modern GT’s in attendance). The usual drunken escapades eventuated, but what happens
on the round stays on the road. So if you want find out how much fun we have come and join us for the
next one.
Planning for the trip across to the GT Nationals is just about finalized, so if you want to join the convoy let
me know ASAP. Deadline will be the October meeting.
Don’t forget to support our members participating in the Aussie Muscle Car Run with your donations.
A big thank you to Gary for jumping in the driving seat this month and putting the magazine together whilst
our editor is away enjoying himself. It’s not the first time Gary has done this so thank you again Gary. The
club wouldn’t be what it is today if it wasn’t for members like Gary and a few others continually giving up
their time for the club and mentoring newbies like myself.
Keep those photos, stories, jokes, what’s hidden in your shed etc. coming in so we’ve got something
besides adverts to read in the magazine.
Drive safe and see you on the road in your GT.
Regards Rob
E ditorial Not mcuh of an Etodirail tihs mnoth, our uausl Etodir has bzezud off to Bali to saok up smoe Sun!!
I only volunteered to assemble the magazine and not write screeds about the goings on in the
I did find an interesting article when looking through the latest SA Club Magazine, so with their
kind permission I have added the article to our magazine. The article has been put together by
Peter Polson (an ex-President of the SA Club) and is one of many he has done. This one is on
the Toploader, so hopefully some of you will find it interesting.
Tips on Parking required!!!
S e p t e m b e r C
C o m m i t t e e M
M e e t i n g H e l d : Wednesday 17th September 2014, Dennis and Marlene’s house
T i m e : Meeting opened 7:00 pm
A t t e n d e e s : Rob & Peta, Marlene Z, Dean & Karen, Cliff J, Doug P
A p o l o g i e s : Gary T (apparently chose a Chinese dinner out over attending the committee
meeting, related to something about the sheriff going on a motorbike cruise and therefore having
to move the AFD Meeting so it clashed with the club committee meeting …)
V i s i t o r s : Nil
M a i l I n : Membership Update. Renewals from Peter Burgess and Bruce Hammond
Greg Whitney’s membership card returned – not at this address.
F A L C O N G T C L U B M A G A Z I N E S : Hunter Valley, Gold Coast, Queensland
OTHER CLUB MAGAZINES: Tickford Owners Club
I N : Rare Spares loyalty club update
Email from Lyford re: Club sponsorship
Request from Roy Lane to put 5 of his pre 76 Falcon GT’s onto concession code 404.
Email from Gary re: postage costs for Metro members.
Email from Warren Postumus re: award for his car.
O U T : Membership Cards; Magazines
Business Arising
Request from Roy Lane re 404 Concession
Roy Lane has requested to put 5 of his pre 76 GT’s onto concession code 404. It was noted that
although Roy doesn’t attend meetings, he is very supportive of the club and the AFD and has
contributed to the club in many ways. One of the cars is actually a 71 Fairlane
Committee discussed – stumblking block may be how the cars are currently registered. If they are
registed in a company name, then wont be able to put them on 404 concession. Rob to follow up
licensing status of the vehicles with Roy prior to committee decision being made.
Postage Costs to Metro Members
Due to ever increasing postage costs, Gary has suggested that we start saying to ALL metro area
members that they need to collect Welcome Pack, Magazines, Membership Cards etc from the
Club during a Sunday Meeting, if not they pay postage. – suggested $20 per year for magazine,
$10 for membership welcome pack, $2 for Membership Card. No Charge applicable to regional
Committee discussed and came to view that this was fair, and that Metro Members should pay for
postage if they choose not to attend Monthly meetings to collect items.
Email from Warren Postumus(?) re: award for his car.
The club received an email from Warren Postumus noting that he was disappointed that he never
received a club award for the restoration of his GT, and was there a chance the club could send
him one. He noted that his restored car was debuted at the Tambellup Show in 2009. Warren also
noted that he is not renewing his club membership, and is therefore no longer a member of the
Extensive discussion about the request occurred. It was pointed out in discussions, that to the best
of the clubs knowledge, no before / after photos of the car were ever submitted to the club (as per
the club rules for nomintating to receive an award).
The committee came to the consensus not to present an award to Warren for his car, primarily on
the basis that a) he is no longer a member of the club and b) club requirements for submitting
before/after photos of the car were not met.
Committee also noted that if Warren had continued his membership, and was also able to provide
the club with before / after photo’s of the car (as per club award requirements), then the club would
be able to present an award to Warren as part of this years awards at the AGM.
General Business:
AFD Cruise 2014
Flyer to be included in this months magazine
2015 GT Nationals
Rooms: Rob will be finalising booking of Motel rooms in the next few weeks. October meeting
is the last chance to let Rob know you want a room before all the bookings are finalised.
Updates from Nationals Committee – Information flow from the organising committee has dried
up/ become sparodic over the last few weeks. Rob to follow up with the Nationals committee
and ensire appropriate people in the club are included on the mailing list.
Club Jackets
Orders are starting to come in for club jackets. Received 7 -8 orders to date.
Social Events:
Club Xmas Party
o Date confirmed for 29th November 2014
o Will be fancy dress theme – anything beginning with the letters G or T.
There being no further business meeting closed at 7:58pm . Next meeting to be held on Wed 12th
November 2014, location to be confirmed.
S e p t e m b e r G
G e n e r a l M
M e e t i n g H e l d : Sunday 7th September 2014, Malaga
T i m e : Meeting opened at 10.00am.
A p o l o g i e s : Archie + Rosie; Guy Shepard; Kate; Cliff +Terri; Greg Whitney; Lindsay Hamersley
V i s i t o r s : Paul T (Bullsbrook)
M a i l I n : Magazines – GT Clubs – Hunter Valley (email), Queensland, New Zealand
M a i l i n : Other Club Magazines- MOCWA
M a i l I n : G e n e r a l a n d b y E m a i l –Membership enquiry; Letter from Lynford offering to
sponsor club, Whipper Snapper Distillery, Jacket order from members, Rare Spares product
update, Details update for Mike Finlen, CMC – AGM Minutes, enquirey from someonle looking for
an XT GT
M a i l O u t : Magazines (6)
M i n u t e s o f l a s t m e e t i n g : A c c e p t e d b y Alen P S e c o n d e d Emil
T r e a s u r e r ’ s r e p o r t : A c c e p t e d b y Greg Heylen S e c o n d e d b y :. Alen P
CMC Delegates Report:
AHMH - still in turmoil – looking for new person to perform delegate’s role
Concenssion 404 – DoT business plan is now complete, but not yet distributed or
implemented. Waiting on updates to DoT TRELLIS System before can implement.
Have been some changes in relation to Test + Tune – now limited to 30Km max radius from
storage location of vehicle. This has caused concern amongst member clubs. CMC have raised
concerns with DoT but DoT are standing firm on rules. Noted that can do test+tune further than
30km, but will need to be minitued in club meeting minutes. Gary noted that this requirement has
been part of the GT Club Concession regs for a while now, so shouldn’t cause too many issues.
Questions were asked from the floor re: penalties if caught in breach of rules. If deemed to have
broken rules, then owner/driver will be deemed to be driving an unlicensed vehicle – whatever the
standard penalty for this offence will then apply.
DoT had noted that similar limits (re test+tune) existed in other states – some are as low as 15km,
others up to 45km, so the 30Km limit set for WA was deemed to be fair.
New 404 Concession applications will require a stat dec to be completed prior to the vehicle being
accepted for concession under new rules – existing 404 concession cars should be ok.
Alen queried the current club guidelines for clarification. Current club rules state 404 concession
can be used for Sanctioned club events and Test + Tune. Frequency for test and tune is not
defined. Gary noted that the end result once the new system is implemented is that should provide
more clarity around what the rules are, and re-enforces that the onus is on the vehicle owner to
ensure they are doing the right thing. As always, recommended to always keep a copy of the club
calendar in the glove box!
All Ford Day:
No significant update. Meeting locations will be announced at the next club meeting.
Suggestion was made that we should perhaps look at getting club trailer / bbq to the destination
for a sausage sizzle – consensus from the floor was to take the trailer / bbq and do a sausage
General Business
GT Nationals
Show of hands requested for those planning on driving to the Nationals – a number of members
are planning on driving. Rob suggested a list of points to be aware of be put together and
distributed to those driving.
Alen suggested a detour to the NT on the way to visit the unlimited section of the highway J
Jan – volunteered to come up with a list of spare parts that should be carried within the group
driving. Suggestion that each person driving supplies a couple of parts on the list, so that everyone
is not doubling up
Rooms – See Rob after the meeting if you have a query about, or need a room at the nationals.
Club Trailer / BBQ
Alen P suggested its about time the club trailer be cleaned out again, and any gear we no longer
use / need be removed / thrown out. One example of gear no longer required is the angled
aluminium display poles – these apparently cant be used anymore, as most rules state that poles
need to be vertical (not angled).
Discussion was also held regarding replacing the BBQ.
General consensus was that the BBQ should be replaced, and the trailer cleaned out.
XB Falcon Calendar
Wayne is seeking anyone interested in helping sponsor ($150) the making of a Calender featuring
XB Falcons – proceeds to support Breast Cancer research.
Social Report:
20 – 21 September – Donnybrook weekend
- Overnight @ donnybrook motel
- Mystery Tour and dinner @ Pub on sat night
- Meet 8am @ Pioneer Village, Armadale for 8:30am departure
- See Peta for more details
27 – 29 September (long weekend) – Albany Show-n-Shine
AFL Grand Final will be on big screen.
12th October – Aussie Muscle Car fundraising cruise (mystery Destination)
- $20 / Car
Meeting 8:00am @ Midland Gate, opposite McDonalds
Departing 8:30am
Cruise approx 2 hours with spot for Lunch at the end.
RSVP by 5th October
2nd November – ADF Cruise
9th November – Brockwell Run
- Will look at doing a cruise after the club meeting
Club Christmas party – Dates yet to be determined – watch this space
Crusie after todays meeting for those interested.
S h e r i f f ’ s R e p o r t : Sherriff handed out the following fines:
Number of fines handed out fines for non-wearing of badges;
Wayne – for being late
Gary – for publishing magazine late.
Rob x 2 – crap from cover on mag, and mistakes in his report
Travis – for all the ‘crap’ on facebook about Shelby mustang vs AMG. Sherrif noted no fords in the
F1 Championship, with Mercs at the top of the leaderboard.
Terry- for making the sheriff look like someone from the Village People
El Presidente handed out the following
Greg (Sheriff) – for appearing in magazine articles again without mention of the GT Club
Raffle Draw:
Winners were Vince, Alen P, Emil, Victor, Terry, Doug
Thanks to Our Sponsors and Members
Meeting Closed at 10:49am
Brilliant Beijing Hotel Brochure - Translated as only they can. A friend went to Beijing recently and was given this brochure by the hotel. It is precious. She is keeping it and reading it whenever she feels depressed. Obviously, it has been translated directly, word for word from Mandarin to English. Getting There: Our representative will make you wait at the airport. The bus to the hotel runs along the lake shore. Soon you will feel pleasure in passing water. You will know that you are getting near the hotel, because you will go round the bend. The manager will await you in the entrance hall. He always tries to have intercourse with all new guests. The Hotel: This is a family hotel, so children are very welcome. We of course are always pleased to accept adultery. Highly skilled nurses are available in the evenings to put down your children. Guests are invited to conjugate in the bar and expose themselves to others. But please note that ladies are not allowed to have babies in the bar. We organize social games, so no guest is ever left alone to play with them self. The Restaurant: Our menus have been carefully chosen to be ordinary and unexciting. At dinner, our quartet will circulate from table to table, and fiddle with you. Your Room: Every room has excellent facilities for your private parts. In winter, every room is on heat. Each room has a balcony offering views of outstanding obscenity! .. You will not be disturbed by traffic noise, since the road between the hotel and the lake is used only by pederasts. Bed: Your bed has been made in accordance with local tradition. If you have any other ideas please ring for the chambermaid. Please take advantage of her. She will be very pleased to squash your shirts, blouses and underwear. If asked, she will also squeeze your trousers. Above All: When you leave us at the end of your holiday, you will have no hope. You will struggle to forge
FORDS VENERABLE TOPLOADER As we all know, our treasured GT Falcons all came with a Toploader gearbox if a manual transmission was
specified. Here is a brief history of the iconic Toploader.
A Toploader transmission is a manually shifted three and four speed gearbox introduced in 1964 by
the Ford Motor Company to replace the BorgWarner T-10. It was used in most Fords and Mercurys in the
US from 1964 until 1973 as well as some models here in Australia. The Ford F100 early versions were 3
speeds, some later ones came with an overdrive.
Officially designated the 3.03 three speed or Ford design four speed, the Toploader got its name from
the fact that the access plate to the inner workings was located on the top of the main case as opposed to
the side, a convention used on most gearboxes such as the Ford Dagenham or GM's Saginaw or Muncie.
This feature increased the rigidity of the case significantly. Distinguishing the three speed from the four is
as simple as counting the fasteners on the top plate. The four speed has ten; the three, nine. Both the three
and four speed top loader gearboxes were designed to function in constant mesh, due to synchronizer
sleeves being used instead of sliding gears, and be fully synchronized, with the exception of reverse.
Forward gears are helical-type while reverse gear including the exterior of the first and second
synchronizers sleeve are spur-type gears. This transmission is also known as the Tremec T-170, HEH, or
RUG depending on the year(s) of production
All of us know our beloved Falcon GT’s were built for a purpose (win on Sunday sell on Monday) & were a
direct link to the sale of would be racer cars .
Over the years many cars have had gearbox changes & the information you are about to read gives you an
insight on the US supplied boxes and where and what cars they may have originated from.
You may be in the need to replace a missing or incorrect toploader back into your beloved Falcon GT.
There are several versions of the Ford Toploader available, depending on the original application, and
some will be better suited to your conversion than others. Input shaft spline-count and length, overall
transmission length and ratio are all important factors.
Although many of these variables can be altered with the purchase of additional parts, finding the
Toploader that is the most compatible with your body style and engine specifications will make the
conversion easier and less costly.
Tremec built the Toploader for Ford; the correct model designation is T-170. These were arguably the
strongest four-speeds made in the '60s, and the design is still used by NASCAR race teams today behind
their high-performance 8,000 rpm engines. The T-170 four-speed unit was also the design basis for the
Tremec TR-3550 and TKO aftermarket five-speed manual transmissions.
Ford Australia used these Gearboxes as in the US with great success in passenger cars & early 60’s
F100’s & heavy duty vehicles from Ford.
For the upcoming newly designed Mustang Breed Falcon these four-speeds would be used in 1967 to-1974
Ford cars and were also found in Ford F100 to F350 light trucks up until 1987.
You can even find them in Jeeps up until 1984 although the input shafts need some shortening if you were
to put one in a F100 or your beloved Falcon GT.
The forward transmission gears are fully synchronized.
Input shafts were 10-spline, with two possible shaft diameters, 11/16-inch or 13/8-inch, depending on the
engine size of the vehicle in which it was originally installed.
The smaller 11/16-inch input shafts were used in six-cylinder applications, small-block V-8s and the larger
spline shaft was used with engines larger than the higher output motors.
All Toploaders after 1965 featured an eight-bolt mounting pattern, although some early 1964 transmissions
did have four-bolt mounting. The eight-bolt mount was developed for replacing both the early and late bolt
Toploader transmissions were available in three different lengths.
American Mustangs, Falcons, Comets and 1966 and up Fairlanes and the AC Cobra used a 24-inch case.
The earlier 1964 and 1965 Fairlanes used a 25½-inch unit, also used in some sports cars, such as the TVR
and the Sunbeam Tiger.
Full-size Fords and Mercurys, such as Torino, Mercury Cyclone and Galaxie models, used a 27-inch unit.
Both wide- and close-ratio gearsets were offered. Output shafts can have either a 28- or 31-spline count to
accept the driveshaft yoke.
The depth of the input shaft pilot varies between the engine sizes, as well. Six-cylinder and small-block
input shafts have 11/8-inch spacing before the taper of the spline begins; big-block input shafts have only
¾-inch of pilot spacing. Toploaders are not as heavy as some automatic transmissions, but still weigh close
to 180 pounds (including bellhousing, clutch assembly and shifter) because of their cast-iron housings.
Earlier 1964-'67 Toploader units were designated by an HEH transmission code; '68 and later units were
coded RUG. These code numbers can be found on a tag riveted to the Drivers side (Aus) of the
transmission case, just behind the bellhousing mounting surface. Check the RUG-coded transmissions
carefully, because there were some three-speed overdrive units that used a similar transmission code
designation. These non-Toploader units carry codes of RUG-CL, RUG-CA, RUG-CD or RUG-BP on the
These transmissions look like the Toploader at first glance, but only use a four-bolt mounting flange. In
addition, the speedometer pickup is on the passenger side of the transmission, rather than the driver's side
as on all conventional four-speed units.
These faux-Toploaders were made in Mexico in the late '70s and are found most often in Econolines or
light-duty pickups, but some found their way into Monarchs, Granadas, and Fairmonts. You should also be
able to spot these impostors by the tailshaft housing, marked with a D7, D7D, D7T, D8 or D9 casting.
All true Toploaders built after July 1, 1971, have a spark-control sender on the side of the case, and fourspeed Toploader units built after December 1, 1971, had a seat-belt warning system switch on the case as
well. These are just a few good clues to identifying the age of the transmission you're looking at.
Look under the following donor cars for a four-speed Toploader:
1964-'73 Mustang
1964-'70 Comet, Falcon and Fairlane
1971-'73 Torino and Montego
1964-'67 Full-size Mercury
1964-'69 Full-size Ford and Galaxie
1970-'75 Maverick and Comet
1978-'87 Ford pickups with an RUG identification code
1980-'84 Jeep w/ T-170 transmission
Shifter positions were slightly different in each model, depending on the shifter's location on the
transmission tunnel. Falcon shifters were closer to the dashboard; shifters on the Cougars and Mustangs
were mounted further back, towards the tailshaft. In Ford pickup applications, the shifter was in the center.
Many of the smaller 1-1/16-inch input-spline Toploaders had the wide-ratio gearsets (2.78:1), but the larger
13/8-inch input spline units were all of the close-ratio (2.32:1) variety. The close-ratio units are more
popular, but they're also harder to find. Additionally, most of the 31-spline units are typically close-ratio,
whereas the 28-spline output-shaft units are usually wide-ratio. Gearing for these two ratios are as follows:
Close-Ratio Gearing
Wide-Ratio Gearing
1st 2.78
1st 2.32
2nd 1.93
2nd 1.69
3rd 1.36
3rd 1.29
4th 1.00
4th 1.00
These four-speed units will bolt into your existing period Ford standard-shift bellhousing. There were,
however, 18 different Ford bellhousings used from 1963 to 1973 that will accept the transmission--but they
may not necessarily match your block's bolt pattern. You can get an aftermarket Lakewood or McLeod
bellhousing to fit most of these applications. Lakewood offers four replacements for stock 1960s and early
'70s Ford engines, plus another for adapting a Toploader to the late-model (1979-'95) small-block Mustangs
or Capris.
We contacted several vendors of Toploader transmissions to see what is still available in used as well as
new units for a Toploader conversion, and we found several who still offer used, rebuilt and even new units.
So that’s a brief overview of the Toploader’s beginnings,
I will be putting another article together on a Toploader Rebuild soon.
Till next time..
Peter Polson
New Members – No new members joined this month.
October Birthdays – we hope the following people enjoy their birthday celebrations this month
Ray Haugh – 1st
Chris Howard – 8th
Norman Godfrey – 12th
Warren Goodchild – 13th
John Lenane – 17th
Darryl Quertier – 23rd
Ed Duxbury – 24th
Peta Costa – 4th (Robert Doig)
Cristy Nuttall – 7th
Tania Hawkes – 9th
Gordana Petkovski – 12th
Laura Silvestro – 19th
Margaret Pilkiw – 25th
Marissa Mastrantoni – 23rd
Dianna Licciardello – 28th celebrating 40 years
Jessica Merrindino – 4th
Travis Lawrence – 10th
Mark Cruikshank – 19th celebrating 40 years
Lauren Godfrey – 20th
Beau Higgins – 20th
Rachel Smith – 20th (David Smith)
Wedding Anniversaries – congratulations to these couples celebrating wedding anniversaries
Rick and Ninnette Comito – 5th
Tony and Sabrina Indriolo – 16th
James and Melanie Lloyd – 18th
Chris and Sue Howard – 20th celebrating 20 years
Stuart and Susan Broad – 20th
Craig and Sarina Field – 22nd
Nick and Karen Campbell – 23rd
Membership Anniversaries – congratulations to these members for long term continuous membership to
the club:
None for this month
This guy is interstate and wants to sell his plates as he is unlikely to return to WA, so has decided to sell the plates apparently. Re number plates WA 1970 GT .Theses plates are black on white . His name is David Archer Ph 0438128105 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Denis Zupanov's XY GS Ute and Michael Dowling's XWGTHO, 2013 GT Nationals Winners
Multi-­‐award GT Nationals winning restorations by Dean Hampton. For all your restoration needs, GT servicing and rare and hard to find parts, ring Dean on 0419 942 771 Mark Negri's ex-Larry Ormsby drag car, winner Special Interest, 2013 GT Nationals
Club Merchandise
Item No
Suede Cap**
Contrast Polo
Black or Navy Navy
with Gold peak
Blue/ White
Ladies Polo
8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
Children’s Polo
8, 10, 12, 14
Pewter Key Ring
Members Only
Club Sticker
Members Only
Foam Stubby Holder
Coffee Mug Colour
Coffee Mug Gold logo
Redline Fuel Additive
** Suede Cap has logo without Map of WA.
Country orders are to be posted to the club PO Box and marked to the attention of the Secretary.
Payment MUST accompany order. Cheque Cash or Money Order. Country members please call for postage.
Prices subject to change.
Membership Up dates dates
Have any of your details changed?? Recently married, welcomed a new child to the world, changed address or
phone number, or sold or bought a GT. If so, fill out the new details on this form and submit this to the Secretary
so our records can be kept up to date. This is particularly important if you have changed address.
Personal Details
Member’s Name:
Membership No.:
Partners Name:
Date of Birth:
Children/s Name/s:
Date of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Address:- Street:
Telephone – Home:
Mobile Phone:
Vehicle Details (GT Owners Details Only)
Please circle the appropriate responses
Registration Number:
Chassis No:
Engine No:
Model Code:
Body: Sedan / Coupe
Options Pack:
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Windsor / Cleveland
Manual / Auto
Your completed form can either be handed to the Secretary in person
or posted to PO Box 322 Cloverdale, WA 6105.
Attention All Members
PLEASE, if you are sending a cheque by post, it is the quickest and easiest for you, but not for the recording by
the club of your payment, use this form with your name details as a reference. Thank you. You can also pay by
direct deposit:
Falcon GT Club of WA
BSB 036062
Account No 892010
Don't forget to include your name or membership number so we can identify who sent the money!
2014 Official Club Event Calendar October
Oct 5
CLUB MEETING – Malaga, followed by a cruise for Lunch
Oct 5
Spring Auto Jumble (VCC) - Cannington Showgrounds from 6.30am
Oct 12
Meeting at Midland Gate Shopping Centre opposite McDonald's $20 entry fee per car
RSVP: 5th October 2014 8am meet 8.30am departure
Oct 16-19
Lake Perkolilli Centenary of Speed, near Kalgoorlie
Nov 2
AFD Cruise - more details to follow, 3 start points, new finish point.
Nov 9
Nov 9
Brockwell Run
Nov 29
Xmas Party
Nov 30
Armadale Auto Parts Open Day, 10am - 2pm, Gillam Dr, Kelmscott
Dec 7
Dec 25
Xmas Day
Dec 26
Boxing Day
Jan 1
New Years Day Cruise.
Jan 4
Mar 28
GT Nationals Road Trip.
Apr 3 - 6
16th GT Nationals Sandown, Victoria.
A.B.N. 58 352 277 045
PO Box 742, Subiaco, Western Australia, 6904
2014 2014 2015 2015 2015
Council of Motoring Clubs General Meeting, 8pm Bassendean
Shannons 1-Day Classic Rally - www.classicrally.com.au
Australian Grand Prix, Albert Park, Melbourne - www.grandprix.com.aX
Northam Flying 50 - Vintage Sports Car Club - www.vsccwa.com.au
Council of Motoring Clubs General Meeting, 8pm Bassendean Community Hall
Classic Car Show - Whiteman Park - www.councilofmotoringclubs.asn.au
V8 Supercars, Barbagallo Raceway - www.wascc.com.au
National Motoring Heritage Day
British Car Day, Gingin
Albany Round the Houses - www.vsccwa.com.au
Council of Motoring Clubs General Meeting, 8pm Bassendean Community Hall
CMC Quiz Night
Targa West - www.targawest.com.au
Council of Motoring Clubs General Meeting, 8pm Bassendean Community Hall
German Car Day - Mercedes-Benz Car Club of WA - www.mbccwa.org.au
French Car Festival - Supreme Court Gardens
National Ford A Meet Busselton – www.modelafordclub,com.au
Council of Motoring Clubs General Meeting, 8pm Bassendean Community Hall
Italian Car Day, Caversham - Northbridge Rotary Club
All Ford Day Cruise – www.afd.asn.au
Brockwell Run - CMC - www.councilofmotoringclubs.asn.au
Celebration of the Motorcar exhibition – Cottesloe Civic Centre - www.classicrally.com.au
GM Owners Day, Bassendean Oval
Bentley National Rally, WA
General enquiries: Council of Motoring Clubs of WA Secretary, Peter Boreham - [email protected]
Updates for this calendar to Paul Blank [email protected]
Visit the Council of Motoring Clubs website - www.councilofmotoringclubs.asn.au
A comprehensive calendar of motoring events can be found at website: www.classicrally.com.au
NOTES: 1. This page may be published in your club magazine.
2. Details are subject to change without notice and no responsibility is accepted by the Council of Motoring Clubs of WA (Inc), its
member clubs or its servants for incorrect information.
3. Calendar updates and additional information should be directed to Paul Blank on 9271 0101 or [email protected]
4. CMC Website enquiries to the Webmaster via www.councilofmotoringclubs.asn.au
Proudly hosted by the Falcon G T Club of Australia Inc.
Please print neatly & use BLOCK LETTERS to ensure correct details are recorded.
Entrant Full Name:
Postal Address:
Post Code:
Contact Telephone No/s:
Email Address:
I certify I am a financial member of the following club: (Proof of current financial membership must be presented at scrutineering. If you are not a
current financial member of a club and wish to enter membership of a club, including fee, can be arranged for a non judged entry. Conditions may apply)
Club Name:
M/ship No.
Are you displaying a vehicle? (Members of participating Falcon GT Clubs do not have to display a vehicle to enter).
Details of all vehicles entered below: (attach additional form for more vehicles)
Eg. XR
Yes / No
Please read carefully BEFORE signing:
I, the entrant detailed above, have read the Conditions of Entry and Judging Rules (available at www.nafgtc.asn.au) and fully understand and
agree to abide by them. I accept that the judges decisions are final and also accept that the Falcon GT Club of Australia Inc, the 16th Falcon GT
Nationals Committee, their office bearers or members accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to any vehicle(s) persons or property
whether caused directly or indirectly by the actions of any participant, official or member of the public. I further undertake at all times not to
conduct myself in a manner likely to bring the event or the Falcon GT movement into disrepute. Please note that the organizers reserve the right
to expel from the event at any time and without refund, any participant not complying with the above Declaration. Entrants are also responsible
for the actions of any non-entrant sharing their accommodation or their vehicle and attending any of the 16 th Falcon GT National’s events.
PLEASE NOTE THAT ENTRIES CLOSE ON 15th JANUARY 2015 (cut-off date for entrant shirt is 15th Nov 2014)
An entry fee of $195.00* for the first vehicle entered and $50.00 for additional vehicles must accompany this entry form. Unpaid entries will not
be processed. Multiple entries on the same entry form will get only ONE shirt and goodie bag per entry not per car.
*Entry fee until 30 Sept. 2014: $195.00
*Entry fee 1 Oct – 31 Dec 2014: $225.00
*All entries after 1st Jan 2015: $250
Total Amount Remitted with this application:
By Email:
[email protected]
By Post:
Falcon GT Nationals 2015, PO Box 351, South Morang VIC 3752. Attach cheque or money order.
Cheques or Money Orders to be made payable to: Falcon GT Club of Australia Inc
Direct Credit
13 755 0978
Falcon GT Club of Australia Inc – Nationals 2015
For Direct Credit please ensure you include your name and a reference & send details in an email so we can match payments to names.
ENTRANT SHIRTS (Note 1 shirt per Entrant not per car)
Each Entrant has the choice of a Dress Shirt OR Polo Shirt. PLEASE NOTE: While entries officially close on 15TH JANUARY 2015, to ensure
delivery of your entrant shirt in time for the event, entry and payment must be received by 15TH November 2014. We cannot guarantee that
entrant shirts will be available in time for entries received after this date. Additional event tops can be ordered via the separate merchandising
form. This lead up time is necessary due to Christmas period down times.
Dress shirt ½ chest
Size Required ( X ) >
Polo Shirt ½ chest
Size Required ( X ) >
The National Association of Falcon GT Clubs sets out the detailed Judging Guidelines and Sheets which can be found at the following link:
http://www.nafgtc.asn.au. All vehicles entered into the GT Nationals must be submitted for inspection, entrant number processing, prejudging
and photography on the nominated scrutineering day(s).
An Owner can choose to not participate in final judging on the entry form which will preclude the entry from Silver certificate or any other judged
award participation. (Non judged awards are Distance travelled/Hard luck/Race day). If the vehicle presented is late or does not match the
completed vehicle details on the entry form it will be deemed not for judging. Vehicles found at inspection to not be genuine GT's will be deemed
associate vehicles or not for judging. Modern Era vehicles less than 15 yrs/15,000 km and less than 1000km/yr since build date are not for
This is the description from the Ford GT model number on the ID plate (including sub category) or
Associate eg. 18218 XA GT Hardtop (RPO 83); 18138 XY GT Sedan (GTHO) 18637 BF2 GTP
Sedan; Assoc
The JG33/JG66/6FPAAAJG identification number of the vehicle
The LD/GE/GF/GL/GJ/FPV engine or chassis number if different to the VIN
The primary vehicle colour from the id plate and actual colour if different to factory colour
All Nationals entrants require a legal registration number. Not show plates
Unrestored Original - vehicle has predominantly original factory paint over the whole car
Maintained Original - vehicle has had an external only respray. Eg. Engine bay, boot, undercarriage are original paint
Restored Original - vehicle has been mostly resprayed
Modified - vehicle has significant engineering and structural modifications from original factory specification
Not for Judging
Vehicles will be judged according to the owners classification so please request advice at scrutineering if you are
Preliminary Judging will determine vehicles for Silver (good or very good in the 6 overall scores) OR Gold (excellent or
75% of detailed score sheet total) Only Gold class entries are eligible for Trophy.
Any Enquiries? Contact:
Lee Mammarella
Darrell Mitchell
Grant Dean
Sam Montalto
Proudly Sponsored & Supported By:TBC
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] .au
[email protected]
M: 0419 005 243
M: 0418 188 641
M: 0425 724 589
M: 0414 991 522
Reading Cinemas, Belmont Gateway Shopping Centre, Cockburn Premier Hotel, Pinjarra