team web flier 2009 - University of Florida Listserv


team web flier 2009 - University of Florida Listserv
Don’t miss this exciting ride with Team VetMed—12 years 1200 miles TEAM VETMED & HORSE FARM HUNDRED ride Sunday, October 25, 2009 Team VetMed once again challenges its members to ride the Horse Farm Hundred, an exciting 100‐mile bicycle ride through beautiful Ocala horse farm country. In 2008, more than 60 faculty, staff, students and alumni and friends had an awesome ride and raised over $27,000 for the college and student scholarships. “Team VetMed helps me give back to the community and to the vet school,” says team president and vet student Morgan Guoan. “I am honored everyday to say I am part of the VetMed‐ers.” This year’s team will raise money for the college and a new Team VetMed scholarship. The century ride will start at 8:30 am at the Kenny Loften High School at 3000 E. University Ave. The Gainesville Police & Alachua Sheriff's Department will lead out the Saturn pace vehicle, followed by hundreds of cyclists. Alumni 55 Ride A separate Team VetMed group will ride the RUSH 55, a 55‐mile loop starting with the century pack at Kenny Lofton High School stopping in Flemington and returning to Gainesville. From the finish line, riders can cheer the Team VetMed century riders as they ride in. If you have not yet committed to ride with Team VetMed, make that commitment today and experience first hand the excitement of riding with a wonderful and responsible team. Team VetMed riders are asked to raise at least $100 in sponsorships to be eligible for a custom‐
designed jersey. Rider sponsorship forms and jersey design are located on the Team VetMed web site. All riders must register with the Gainesville Cycling Club for the 100, 55, or 25 mile rides. The Gainesville Cycling Club’s web site is located at Click on the Gainesville Cycling Festival for news about the Horse Farm Hundred, course map and registration info. YES, I ACCEPT THE TEAM VETMED CHALLENGE □
I will support Team VetMed for a flat donation of $___________ in the 2009 Horse Farm Hundred. I will support the dean for $ I will support (rider’s name) ____________________________________ for $_______________ Name: Address: City: State: Phone: Fax: Zip: E‐mail: Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ Checks should be made payable to the University of Florida Foundation, Inc., a qualified charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to the UF Foundation will qualify for treatment as charitable contributions, deductible subject to normal IRS limitations. Please bill my credit card (check type) □ Visa □ MasterCard □ Discover □ Amex Card #: Expiration Date: Name on Card: Signature: Yes, I’ll take the TVM challenge! Complete form and return to: Attn: Jo Ann Winn UF College of Veterinary Medicine PO Box 100125 Gainesville, Florida 32610‐0125 FAX: 352‐392‐8351 Email: [email protected] Date: