2012 JazzTrax Festival Program


2012 JazzTrax Festival Program
Person Ingredients CREDITS
JazzTrax Creator & Producer
Art Good
Palm Springs, California
Production Manager & Stage Director
Gregg Hudson
Anaheim Hills, California
Ballroom Audio & Sound
U.S. Audio
North Hollywood, California
Ballroom Lighting
Pacific Coast Entertainment
Huntington Beach, California
Program & Website Graphic
Michael Massoud
Digital Color Works
Woodland Hills, California
Ticket Manager
Cristina Gorka
Rancho Cucamonga, California
Chief of Security
Jack Tolofogo
San Diego, California
Merchandise Manager
Mary Kay Von Brendel
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Poster & Program Cover Design
Mix Marketing
Aliso Viejo, California
Even though Art Good’s JazzTrax Radio Show disappeared in a lot of cities that lost their
Smooth Jazz Radio Stations it’s still on the Air EVERYWHERE. You can listen at Anytime from
Anywhere In the World by streaming it on your computer 24/7 at www.JazzTrax.com.
Producer’s Notes by Art Good
25 years of doing something. Must be a
career and somehow it became that for me.
I'm guessing you've got your own thing that
you've been doing for 25 years. Else you
couldn't afford to be here.....this weekend.
As one of the individuals first involved in creating the genre of Smooth Jazz. First to put
it on Radio. The West Coast version. 1982
in San Diego. First to syndicate it. Labor
Day Weekend 1985. First to create an all
contemporary jazz festival. October 1987.
I've commented many times in this space on
the current 'State of Smooth Jazz.'
Smooth Jazz is totally ALIVE. It's just DIFFERENT now. There are still some faithful
long abiding Smooth Jazz Radio Stations,
but in most major markets where Smooth
Jazz Radio RULED for 2 decades it's gone,
cept by Internet. I think 'the bosses' who
flipped those stations kind of knee jerk reacted. As recently as 5 years ago this format
in key markets was No. 1 adult rated and
grossing great advertising dollars. As our
demographic got into their 50's the advertisers who are famous for desiring
“YOUNG” got 'those bosses' into believing
it was over for smooth jazz radio.”
Not sure what they were thinking.
Considering the younger generation had
abandoned traditional radio long ago for
their I Pods and I Tunes I'm not sure who
they thought they were deserting us middle
agers for. Nonetheless Smooth Jazz Radio,
long dominant, went away in places like
Milwaukee, Los Angeles, New York,
Chicago, Denver, Sacramento and finally
even where it began on the West Coast, in
San Diego. Without even a phone call or email, San Diego took me off the air last fall
after 31 years, as even they too flipped.
I was first heard on San Diego radio,
Summer 1979, doing overnights as a
Summer Relief disc jockey on what was
then a Mellow Rock station patterning
after KNX-FM.
The station, in Los
Angeles, that inspired me into radio.
Listening during my early 70's college
days. September 1979 came my big
b reak as KIFM's new Morning Drive
Announcer. My 1st big market big gig.
In 1981 I became their Program Director.
March 8, 1982 was the evening my creation, 'Lites Out San Diego' began taking
the city by storm, even leading to one of
the most successful concert series,
Humphrey's Concerts by the Bay. There
was hardly a concert on that stage I didn't
host through the 80's and into the 90's.
I departed San Diego to “try” marriage in
Los Angeles in 1998, later relocating to
Palm Springs, but the syndicated JazzTrax
Radio Show continued to air every
Sunday Night in San Diego, until last fall.
I'm also not making any phone calls nor
sending any e-mails, but in this space
would like to thank all who ran KIFM from
that June night in 1979 until October
2011. For three decades plus, you gave
my voice on San Diego's airwaves. At
one point in the 80's I was ranked the 4th
most recognizable name and voice on
San Diego Television and Radio. 32
years. That's a Damn 'Good' run.
But hey, it ain't over yet. Remember I said
the State of Smooth Jazz is ALIVE. Just DIFFERENT.
I used to get asked by any
stranger, “what do you do for a living?”
For 35 years I'd answer, “ I'm in Radio.”
And whereas I still produce the 5 hour
JazzTrax Showcase of the Absolute Newest
and Classic Old, each week. Now producing it on computer. This radio show
used to dominate my time, taking half the
week. Now I accomplish a show in a
morning's time. The entire musical catalog
of contemporary jazz 1974 to 2012 now
residing in my I Tunes library. Whiles it still
goes out to about 15 radio stations by
upload then download across America and
Streams 24/7 at www.JazzTrax.com.
Now my answer to that question of what I
do has become. “I produce Jazz Festivals.”
Maybe just like you, as I've gotten up into
my 50's and tried to evaluate my life, my
25 Years, a Quarter Century of Ja z z Trax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
work and what the hell I'm doing with
myself. The interesting thing about thro wing festivals is that a vast majority of the
work happens long BEFORE the event itself.
My job as a festival producer, and it's taken
me 26 years to understand this, is to create
something, before it occurs, that gets YOU
to come. Like it was yesterday I remember
a moment in divorce court 4 years ago.
The judge was “trying” to understand what
I did and how I spent my time, even though
it was clear I was simply making a living
like everyone else. The opposing attorn e y
of course painting me as close as he could
to being everything bad it seemed except a
murderer. But the relevant line here was.
'Mr. Good. You show up on an Island on
the Friday (or Thursday) the day the festival
begins and you throw a 3 weekend festival
over the next 2 weeks and then you're done
until the next October. I can still feel my
jaw dropping. That was the gist of it.....for
His Honor.
With all due respect your Honor that's not
quite how it goes. There are 30 different
bands to carefully select, according to
Who's Hot, Who's Not, Who will Sell
Tickets, Who can I Discover. And Can I
even Get Them......at a fair price. And
agents and artist managers to negotiate
with and ain't THAT FUN. Never mind all
the eff o rt the past few years to get a Kenny
G, a George Benson, a Dave Koz, a Boney
James, a Herb Alpert, a Chris Botti, that fell
t h rough after great eff o rt or a Basia you
final got, contract and all, only to have her
simply....cancel her tour 5 months later.
Hope this isn't too complicated for the court
but then you spend every day all year marketing what you've created. The hardest
work, and it takes all year, is getting people
to COME. To spend money on what is not
an inexpensive weekend because this is an
Island you have to get to. Fact is as you
well know, the cheapest part of the weekend is the actual JazzTrax Tickets. And you
have continued to spend and come, for a
q u a rter century, even through the worst
recession and economy of our lifetimes.
I say this in part to explain that I have justified to myself fully, what I do. My parents are both gone so I don't have that
end of the justification to worry about. I
feel pretty good about it in fact. I feel
continued on page 2
www. Ja z z Tra x . c o m
Producer’s Notes continued from page 1
rather American and whiles I, like all of
you struggled to make it through the recession, I generated a hell of a lot of tourist
business for Catalina Island and Big Bear
Lake during the worst and hardest of
times. I drove people, tourists, and their
dollars for 26 years now to an Island surrounded by ocean, in a month that before
October 1987 had been “off season.”
Keeping summer workers in their jobs
through October for a quarter century
instead of their season ending in
September just after Labor Day. I've been
told the jobs JazzTrax created here each
October helped some struggling couples
be able to buy their little childre n
Christmas presents. I've been told the jobs
YOUR festival tourism dollars generated
here helped the local infrastructure and
through the Great Recession kept some
local businesses going.
As I've thought back it's been good for my
soul to know that even as I barely made it
through a combo of great recession and
great divorce, I did my small part to help
drive the U.S. Economy through it's recovery from the Great Recession at least in
Avalon and Big Bear Lake, California.
That helps me sleep at night, even with
less money in the bank.
Actually as I put my pen down. (writing
this with a pen Art?) Sorry, I'm reading
the new book on President James
Garfield, so that sounded good. Here in
July 2012 as I write this, I am already plotting the Artist Line-Ups for all of 2013.
Thinking, eating, sleeping Catalina Island
and Big Bear Lake every day all year
long, just as you do the same with your life
long line of work. It's what we do, right?
I think of it now this way and it's helped my
aging and creativity process. The merchants of Avalon have long counted on me
to fill their hotels, restaurants and ferry boats
through most of October. Although Catalina
Island tourism picked up dramatically again
in 2011-2012, during the Great Recession
Avalon merchants told me things were so
bad, summer tourism then so down, that
they literally counted on JazzTrax in
October to keep them going. Without your
dollars spent here during the festival, many
didn't know how they'd make it through the
dismal off season winters.
Now in Big Bear Lake, Calif., as our
Summer Music Festival has grown, I distinctly am feeling the merchants up there
at this mountain resort have a new found
respect for not only the increased tourism
JazzTrax is creating ahead of their normal
4th of July to Labor Day tourism boom, but
the type of people Smooth Jazz Music
brings in and the amount of dollars you
drop while at the Lake.
What's Ahead?
As you can tell from the overhead helicopter shots Above this past June's JazzTrax
Festival from the air above Big Bear Lake,
our Summer JazzTrax Setting in the
S o u t h e rn California Mountains with our
floating stage right on the lake, is stunning.
We surged to almost Sell-Out on Saturday
this past June. We will be expanding our
seating capacities a bit so we can handle
the more of you wanting to come up
Above the Clouds while still retaining our
intimate and open space Lakeside feeling.
W h e re else can you buy a ticket on a boat,
a floating suite, and sit alongside a floating stage on a lake watching Smooth Jazz
perf o rmance. The Table Sections in the
back will all be under umbrella or tent next
year. The Tent area is being expanded.
You who came experienced our new dining tent right on the beach and ONLY for
those with Reserved Tickets.
Our host hotels where you could walk to
everything in the Village of Big Bear Lake,
sold out for the first time while others
found Cozy Quaint Mountain Cabins,
some large enough to share with other
couples to have a real smooth jazz weekend all around get together. Or the comfy
mountain bed and breakfasts, one even
on the lake. Others in the forests.
The JazzTrax 'signature mix' of the 'Classic
Artists of our Genre' while always serving up
some just opening bottles of brand new Up
and Comer new young Lions of Smooth
Jazz. Nobody has introduced more future
Stars of Smooth Jazz on festival stages than
JazzTrax. Rippingtons and David Benoit in
1987. Acoustic Alchemy in 1988. Keiko
Matsui in 1989. Mindi Abair all the way
back in 1994. Jesse Cook in 1995, his first
U.S. Concert appearance. Peter White credits his 1991 JazzTrax appearance as his very
first major stage solo concert. Paul Brown in
2003. Jessy J, 2 years BEFORE her 2008
debut in 2006. I always wondered if the
New Talent would dry up as we aged, but
look this year at Jonathan Fritzen and Julian
Vaughn, still in their 20's. And saxophonist
Vincent Ingala who just this summer went Top
5 on the smooth jazz radio charts at Age 19.
Or Nicholas Cole, age 18.
The 1929 Avalon Ballroom continues to
age like fine wine. One of the few places
you can 'step back in time' as you walk in.
The Wrigleys just a couple years ago did
a major multi million dollar renovation on
the outside and inside of the Casino. Just
look at the transformation of Descanso
Beach. The Zip Line which is now one of
the most popular in the world and being
expanded, including Night Zipping.
(come on....you can do it....at least once).
Smooth Jazz Island sits just far enough, 26
miles, off the Southern California coastline,
but where between Santa Barbara and
San Diego and Palm Springs, zillions live.
While a growing number of you fly in from
way Up North and Way Back East. Now
f rom even places like London and Sydney
and Athens. Because Catalina Island is a
world famous tourist destination and
JazzTrax is now ready to go beyond the
Quarter Century Big Band Era that inhabited here in the Avalon Ballroom through
the 30's, 40's and into the 1950's.
As for YOU on this our Quarter Century
Celebration of JazzTrax, here on the Island.
I know you're going nowhere. This is Your
Music. Radio managers be damned. And
this has been Your Sound, Your Songs for
20 to 30 years. This is what you love. This
is what you listen to. This is a huge part of
Your Life's Heritage. This is what you fell in
love and had children to and spent your
money on and your vacations enjoying.
Some of you for most of our JazzTrax history. A few of you for All Of It. We ' re going
n o w h e re without our Smooth Jazz. Let the
critics be Damned too. All set to enjoy
another Quarter Century of October's on
Catalina Island? Start making your plans
for the 50th annual. It's almost here.
October 2036.
And by the way.................THANK YOU
Art Good Creator/Producer/Host
of Everything JazzTrax
25 Years, a Quarter Century of JazzTrax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
www. Ja z z Trax.com
Stranded on an Island with 30 Different Stars of Smooth Jazz
A Quarter Century of Smooth Jazz in the Avalon Ballroom...looking out to Sea
WEEKEND 1 ~ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, October 4-7
(also Appearing Weekend 2)
Ballroom Performance:
Saturday Evening, October 6
JazzTrax Producer Art Good 1st met
Mindi in 1991.
Fairly fresh out of
Berkeley School of Music, in a Jazz Club
in La Jolla, California. Intrigued by her
look and her playing, he helped her band
line up a host of San Diego area dates.
She made her 1st JazzTrax stage appearance in a 1994 All Star Session on
Catalina Island and many remember her
jamming late into that night at the long
gone Blue Parrot Bar with Rick Braun. She
went on to play Sax for the likes of John
Tesh, Jonathan Butler, Backstreet Boys,
and Mandi Moore. Named the JazzTrax
2003 Debut Artist of the Year. 2006 'Life
Less Ordinary' named the JazzTrax Album
of the Year. She's all over the Smooth
Jazz Cruises these days and all over
American Idol this past spring helping
Phillip Phillips win.
After Idol Judge
Stephen Tyler named her that 'Mysterious
Saxophonist' he invited her this Summer
as featured saxophone on the Aerosmith
Global Warming Tour. Guested one night
this Spring in the Paul Schaeffer Band on
CBS 'Late Night with David Letterman.'
Claims Tampa as hometown. Has long
lived in an old Hollywood bungalow
where she writes her tunes. ..near 'Lucy's'
Mexican Adobe.
Ballroom Performance:
Friday Evening, October 5
Raised in Roebuck, South Carolina. After
studying Jazz at North Carolina Central
University, and settling in Durham, 2011
saw him moving to the Raleigh, North
Carolina suburb of Cary. 1st spotted winning 2009's Capitol Jazz Fest Talent
Challenge in Washington D.C. Won
North Carolina Gospel Announcers Guild
2011 Prestige Awards for Gospel Jazz
Artist of the Year.
Current Album,
released 2011, 'NOW,' is his 3rd. 2012
saw him replace Kim Waters in The Sax
Pack All Star Saxophone Trio Band with
Jeff Kashiwa and Steve Cole.
heritage of the Avalon Ballroom that showcased the Biggest Big Bands in the World
through the 1930's, 40's and 50's.
Contemporary Swing Revival Band however is their own personal description. Or
They debuted in Southern California in
1994. Originally formed in 1989 up the
Santa Barbara Coastline above L.A. in
Ventura by leader Scotty Morris and Kurt
S o d e rg ren who concentrated on the Swing
of the 1940s and 50's. Playing clubs and
lounges in their early years. The band
named after Scotty met blues guitar legend
A l b e rt Collins at one of the latter's concerts. “He signed my poster 'To Scotty, the
big bad voodoo daddy,' Morris explains.
“I thought it was the coolest name I ever
h e a rd on one of the coolest musical nights
I ever had. I felt like the name was handed down to me. The band played at the
Super Bowl XXXIII half-time show in 1999
when the Denver Bronchos and John Elway
won their 2nd consecutive NFL title. They
Hit the Island with a Brand New Album
‘Rattle Them Bones’ released right at Labor
Day in September.
Ballroom Performance:
Sunday Evening, October 7
Ballroom Performance:
Sunday Evening, October 7
This is the Island Debut of the Group who's
Big Band Sound is gonna Fit Right In to the
25 Years, a Quarter Century of Ja z z Trax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
Born in New Jersey.
Raised in Tampa.
Father is from Haiti.
Mother fro m
Jamaica. Released his first solo album at
Age 17 and arrived for his JazzTrax
Island Debut at Age 19 in 2004. His
Knock-Out Performance, Friday Night,
October 10, 2008 earned him the
JazzTrax Honors of Best Live Performance
www. Ja z z Tra x . c o m
Stranded on an Island with 30 Different Stars of Smooth Jazz
....... continued from page 3
of the Year when he figuratively Lifted the
Roof OFF the Avalon Ballroom and almost
sent it sailing out across the ocean waters.
4th album, 2010's 'On a Mission' still his
most current from which came his No. 1
Radio Hit “Uptown Swagger.” No longer
Wesley Chapel, Florida based where he'd
been a Business Grad at the University of
South Florida. Eric this Summer moved
West to the Center of Entertainment, Los
Angeles to be right in the Thick of it All.
Ballroom Performance:
Friday Evening, October 5
Ballroom Performance:
Saturday Evening, October 6
Born in Stockholm to a Swedish Mother
and American Father, Pianist Steve
D o b rogosz. His formal music education
came from the Royal Swedish Academy of
Music. Debuting in 2008 and playing all
8 diff e rent instruments on 'Love Birds.' His
1st Hit Single, “Friday Night” last Fall
made it to No. 1 on the Smooth Jazz
Charts just as he was making his Catalina
Island Debut. This August brought his 3rd
Solo Album, 'Magical,' on which Boney
James, Jackiem Joyner and Paul Brown
made guest appearances so while still calling Stockhom home, L.A. has become the
2nd home for perhaps the fastest rising
Brand New Star in Smooth Jazz. Named
the JazzTrax 2011 Debut Artist of the Year.
Gordon Goodwin as a Hollywood
Composer and Arranger won the 2006
GRAMMY Award for his arrangement of
“Incredits” from the Pixar Film The
Incredibles. Add to that 3 Emmy Awards,
musicians are what make this, a BIG PHAT
BAND. A LARGE Jazz Ensemble performing in a veritable Grab Bag of Styles:
Swing, Latin, Blues, Classical, Rock and
More. Established in 2000, featured
guests in studio have ranged the range.
From Eddie Daniels and Arturo Sandoval
on that first project which instantly started
garnering the GRAMMY nominations. To
Johnny Mathis and Michael Brecker on
2003's 'XXL.' to Dianne Reeves, David
Sanborn and Take 6 on the 3rd, 'The Phat
Pack.' On 2008's 'Act Your Age,' Patti
Austin, Dave Grusin, Lee Ritenour, Chick
Corea, and the late pianist Art Tatum.
2011's 'That's How We Roll' was the Big
Phat Band's 5th recording and brought in
Dave Koz, Gerald Albright and Marcus
Miller. A BIG PHAT Band in our BIG PHAT
Island Ocean Side Ballroom. Perfect!
Did you know that Art Good’s JazzTrax is the
longest running syndicated smooth jazz radio
show in The world? First On The Air Labor Day
Weekend 1985 it’s now in it’s 28th year.
Ballroom Performance:
Saturday Afternoon, October 6
Formed in East L.A. In 1974. Then making their album Debut in 1979. Their signature has always been their specific,
most unique instrumentation, beginning
with the KOTO of June Kuramoto, and the
Taiko Drum of Johnny Mori. Blending the
L.A. Contemporary jazz sound to their
Asian Heritage. Dan Kuramoto the longtime leader as front man while on Wind
Instruments. Whiles the band members
are mostly 3rd generation Japanese
Americans, mostly born in Los Angeles,
including having parents that were forced
into Manzanar, the World War II
Concentration Camp along Interstate 395
just below Mammoth Lakes, California.
Kotoist June Kuramoto, while growing up
in L.A. from her earliest childhood years,
was the one member actually born in the
Greater Tokyo area of Japan. Having
caught fire in the mid 80's playing to
packed venues, in 1990 they served as
the opening act for the Miles Davis World
Tour. Grammy nominated in 2010. This
April releasing their Newest, 'Departure,'
representing after almost 4 million records
sold and more than 30 years in the
Recording Industry, a departure from that
traditional way, to releasing their new CD
on their own. Offering it first “on their
own Face book Page.”
Get the Earliest JazzTrax
Headlines by signing up
for JazzTrax E-Mail Alerts
homepage at JazzTrax.com
25 Years, a Quarter Century of JazzTrax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
www. Ja z z Trax.com
A Quarter Century of Smooth Jazz in the Avalon Ballroom...looking out to Sea ...... continued from page 4
was with jazz. Self taught on his instrument.
When Hip Hop took off, he
explored ways of fusing Jazz and Rap
together. Rapper Guru's breakthrough
1993 album Jazzmatazz, Vol. 1 prominently featured Jordan's guitar work
throughout. His 1993 song “The Jackal”
gained prominence when C. J. Cregg lipsynched it in an episode of The West
Wing. He sounds like none other than
himself. His latest: 2009's 'The Rough
and the Smooth.'
Ballroom Performance:
Sunday Afternoon, October 7
Grammy Nominated in 2000 in the Best
Contemporary Jazz Album Category for
'A Brighter Day.' He was born in London
in 1962 and came to the forefront of the
Acid Jazz Movement in the 90's. Son of a
preacher man, his early musical history
was rooted in gospel but his fascination
Ballroom Appearance:
Saturday Afternoon, October 6
This newest All Star Show brings together
the Guitar of PAUL BROWN and
Saxophone of DARREN RAHN.
2 of the Smooth Jazz Genre's most sought
after PRODUCERS, but rendering their
own Solo Instruments and Solo Hit Songs.
He was already firmly established as The
Smooth Jazz Super Producer having
helped forge most of Boney James superstar career from his Producer's role
through the entire 90's and half the 00's.
He had already won 2 Grammy Awards
as a Producer when in 2004 nearing the
age of 50, he decided to make his statement as a solo artist. As a Guitarist and
continued on page 6
Luau Larry’s
Where the Bar Meets the Bay!
Friday & Sat. Nights
• Harbor View Dining
• Live Music & Happy Hour
• Open daily for lunch & dinner
11am - 10pm
Breakfast Buffet
Steaks, Seafood, Pasta, Gourmet Pizza
All you can eat - 8am - 12pm
Saturday & Sunday
Rthe El Encanto, where the Artists Dine
For reservations, please call 510-1474 or just come in!
25 Years, a Quarter Century of Ja z z Trax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
www. Ja z z Tra x . c o m
Stranded on an Island with 30 Different Stars of Smooth Jazz
....... continued from page 5
occasional Singer. He was the JazzTrax
2004 Debut Artist of the Year off his Debut
solo album, 'Up Front.' His first hit single
(total between solo artist and producer
now nearly 50 No. 1 Songs to his credit)
as a solo artist “24/7” was named the #2
Airplay Cut of the Year by Radio and
Records Magazine. As the “behind the
boards producer master” he has scored
over 40 #l airplay hits by the likes of
Boney, Rick Braun, Peter White, Kirk
Whalum, Euge Groove, Norman Brown,
Patti Austin, Larry Carlton, Al Jarreau and
George Benson. Before he became the
'go to producer in smooth jazz' he'd
already established himself as an engineer on numerous Luther Vandross recordings. From his new 2012 'The Funky
Joint,' he found his familiar territory once
more at No. 1 on the Radio Airplay
Charts with it's title track this past Summer.
Canadian Born but Residing in Denver he
is perhaps at the Top of the New, Hottest,
Young, Smooth Jazz Producers. In the last
quarter of 2008, as Producer he had 3
consecutive #1 songs on the Smooth Jazz
Charts with 3 different artists (Dave Koz,
Eric Darius & Tim Bowman.) Other artists
he's produced include Toby Keith,
Jonathan Butler, Najee, Bob James, Kirk
Whalum, Jeffrey Osborne, Phil Perry, Jeff
Lorber and Michael Lington. It was his
producing of Wayman Tisdale's 2004 #1
song, “Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now,” that
brought Darren from behind the scenes
and into the forefront of the smooth jazz
music industry. One of his sweetest producing moments came Summer 2009
when Najee's “Sweet Summer Nights”
went No. 1. Since releasing his 1st solo
project in 2007, he has juggled between
Producer and Solo Saxman Hats. 2012
has brought forth his 3rd solo project
Descanso Beach Unplugged
Appearance: Thursday Evening, Oct 4
(also appearing Weekend 3 in Ballroom)
Ballroom Performance:
Born in Copenhagen, Denmark, he came
to America at age 21 settling in the music
capital of the world. Hollywood has been
his home since and in 2008 he became a
U.S. citizen. The grandson of jazz pioneer and Danish composer Otto Lington.
He has toured extensively with Randy
Crawford, Bobby Caldwell and most
recently Michael Bolton. Making his solo
debut in 1997. In 2008 he earned the
JazzTrax honor of Best Album of the Year
which included his No. 1 song, “You and
I.” His duet to the voice of Aaron Neville,
“That's When You Save Me,” tied for
2008's JazzTrax Best Vocal Song of the
Year. 7 albums deep with the release last
winter of 'Pure,' his debut on his new
record label Trippin N Rhythm. He is
founder of Michael Lington Cigars, a
favorite of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is
also a voting member of the National
Recording Academy. He is also working
towards a helicopter license.
Born in London mid 50's he gained his initial fame on guitar (20 years) for Al
Stewart (although Al hired Peter originally
as keyboardist.)
Peter co-wrote such
Stewart hits as 1978's “Time Passages”
and migrated along with Al and the Band
to Los Angeles in the late 70's residing in
Smooth Jazz Valley, better known as L.A.'s
San Fernando Valley ever since. In the
late 80's early 90's Peter session ed and
toured with Basia as his younger brother
Danny is the Polish's singer's musical partner. Danny pulled Art Good aside April
1990 at the KIFM studio's in San Diego to
first tip him off that his older brother would
shortly be releasing a first solo album and
asked Art to listen. 'Reivellezvous' and
Peter's 1992 follow-up 'Excusez-moi' were
each named JazzTrax Best Album of the
Year. Named Guitarist of the Year 4 consecutive years at the National Smooth
Jazz Aw a rds 2000-2003.
Also Best
Smooth Jazz Musician at the 2007
Throughout his 13 Album solo career he
has achieved No. 1 status on America's
Top 20 Smooth Jazz Countdown countless
times. Most recently with the title track to
2012's 'Here We Go,' this past Summer.
Did you know Art Good takes a Glance on
JazzTrax each week at the Top 5 Songs on
America’s Top 20 Smooth Jazz Countdown?
25 Years, a Quarter Century of JazzTrax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
www. Ja z z Trax.com
A Quarter Century of Smooth Jazz in the Avalon Ballroom...looking out to Sea ...... continued from page 6
WEEKEND 2 ~ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, October 11-14
Descanso Beach Unplugged
Thursday Evening, October 11
(read Bio in Weekend 1listings)
Ballroom Performance:
Sunday Afternoon, October 14
At age 17, January 2011, this young native
N o rth Carolinian, from Goldsboro, made
his solo debut with 'A Journey of One.'
Now still in his teens he became a Trippin
'N Rhythm recording artist with album No.
2. 'Endless Possibilities,' released in late
Summer. He travels West to make his
JazzTrax Festival Debut while when back at
home in Goldsboro still perf o rming at Mt.
Zion Church Ministries where he's played
piano and organ since age 4.
Ballroom Performance:
Friday Evening, October 12
Born in Manhattan but raised in Portsmouth,
Vi rginia before attending Norfolk State
University. By 1983 playing with the Virginia
Symphony Orchestra for 4 years. Returning
to New York City in 1987, but only for 1 year
before marriage pulled her Westward to Los
Angeles. That connected her with Soul II
Soul, her first professional tour through
America and Japan. Then 13 years on tour
and recording with YANNI. She is seen on
his popular live music videos, “Yanni Live at
the Acropolis...at Royal Albert Hall...and in
Tribute performed both at the Taj Mahal in
India and the Forbidden City, in China. 1992
and 1996 saw her first solo releases. Her
most recent: 2009's “Soulchestral Groove.
on the Island several days before performance to get in some Ocean Fishing.
For 2 years running he's won one of
JazzTrax Highest annual honors. Best Live
Performance of the Year. 2011 for stirring
up even the Mermaids outside in his
Ballroom performance.
Best Live
Performance of the Year, 2010 for his
Unplugged Under the Stars at the Wrigley
Ranch performance. His humor was raging. Also recently winning the Wayman
Tisdale Humanitarian of the Year honors
at the American Smooth Jazz Awards for
his ongoing commitment to mentoring children and his work in the community and
national support of breast cancer causes.
Often referred to as “the best dressed man
in jazz.” 2011's 'Feel The Heat' is his
current album release.
Ballroom Performance:
Sunday Evening, October 14
Ballroom Performance:
Friday Evening, October 12
He is The Big Windy Cat. Chicago Born
and Brewed and close to his Fishing Holes
on the Northern Illinois lakes. He just
waits to get that call he's been booked
again by JazzTrax as he always arrives
25 Years, a Quarter Century of Ja z z Trax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
Raised in Decatur, Illinois by a trumpet
playing Dad who sometimes joins him on
Summer Tours. Debuting Age 20.
JazzTrax was the first to interview him on
Radio and to put him on a major stage in
the early 90's. After graduating from
Depaul University, based in Chicago
doing jingle work, he then relocated West
to the Los Angeles suburb of Woodland
Hills in 1998. Now 13 albums deep. His
New 'Dreams' released this past June. As
a major headliner now in Smooth Jazz
why would he still OPEN for anyone?
continued on page 8
www. Ja z z Tra x . c o m
Located on the ground level of the Avalon Casino
Open Daily 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Admission: Adults $5, Seniors $4,
Children (6 - 15 yrs.) $2, Children under 6 are free
The Catalina Island Museum is Avalon's sole
institution dedicated to art, culture and the rich
history of Santa Catalina Island.
Stranded on an Island with 30 Different Stars of Smooth Jazz
....... continued from page 7
Brian Culbertson continued
Well, only for Barry Manilow shows outside
Las Vegas as he is represented by Stilleto
Management, Barry's own company. His
latest No. 1 Song, “Your Smile” (his 13th
No. 1 Song) raced to the Top of the Smooth
Jazz Charts, as he shared Stages across
America this past Summer with David
S a n b o rn, on The Dream Tour. A year ago
he nabbed 6 Oasis Jazz Awards including
Best Entert a i n e r, Best Keyboardist, Best
Song, Best Album, Best Collaboration, and
Best Male Artist of the Year.
Ballroom Performance:
Saturday Afternoon, August 13
Having taken their name from a small
Rocky Mountain town. DOTSERO means
'something unique' according to Ute Native
American legend. It was spelled DOTZERO on earliest geographical railroad
maps. Led by 2 brothers, Stephen Watts on
Saxophone. David Watts on Guitar. First
spotted off their 1990 debut 'Off the
Beaten Path,' even as the town name
they're derived from is, just off the path of
Interstate 70 headed into the Rockies for
Vail and Aspen. You are most likely to find
the band at the Jazz Club in downtown
Denver they forged in 1998. Jack@Jacks,
located in the heart of the Mile High city's
exclusive downtown entertainment Mecca:
The Denver Pavilions Mall. Not only highly involved in the club's ownership. They
are the house band, creating their compositions and live perf o rmance from the center
of Denver's nightlife. Last year Dotsero
won 2 of the most highly sought after of
JazzTrax NODS. JazzTrax Best Album of
2011 for 'Storyhouse,' and JazzTrax Best
Song of 2011 for 'Kansas Ballet Song.'
Ballroom Performance:
Saturday Afternoon, October 13
Ballroom Performance:
Sunday Afternoon, October 14
Steven Eugene Grove is a native of
Hagerstown, Maryland, but graduate of
University of Miami School of Music in
1984. His self titled solo debut came in
2000. His first hit single “Vinyl” instantly
put him on the air across the booming
Smooth Jazz Radio and “Sneak A Peak”
garnered a Song of the Year nod by the
2001 Oasis/Smooth Jazz Awards. But
his No. l hits just kept on and keep on
coming. “Slam Dunk,” “Rewind,” “Livin'
Large,” “XXL,” “Get Em Goin” (no. 1 for 2
months,) “Born 2 Groove,” Religify,” ALL
hit No. 1 on the Smooth Jazz Charts.
First spotted when he replaced Richard
Elliot in Tower of Power late 80's. Joe
Cocker next hired him. Then the mother of
all gigs. He has been Tina Turner's touring saxophonist for over a decade, on her
World Tours of 2000 and most recently
2008. 2011's '7ven Large,' represented
his 7th release. But it was his blockbuster
'Born2Groove' that grabbed the JazzTrax
Best Album of 2007 highest of high honors. Including a JazzTrax Top 10 Song in
“Slow Jam.” In September he released
Album No. 8 ‘The House of Groove.’
Born in Norfolk, but graduated from high
school in Rochester, New York. He came
back to Virginia briefly where at age 21
Keyboardist Marcus Johnson hired him on
as saxman in his band, 2001-2004.
Jackiem and his new bride Lola then
migrated to Los Angeles in 2003, to see
if he could make it in the West Coast
Smooth Jazz scene. Spotted by Richard
Elliot and Rick Braun for their new record
label he was the first signed to Artizen
Music Group. His solo debut 'BabySoul'
which earned him the 2007 JazzTrax
Debut Artist of the Year honors came
simultaneous to being hired as saxman in
Keiko Matsui's band. He juggles that job
to this day with his hit making solo career.
'Lil Man Soul,' his 2nd solo project contained 2 of Smooth Jazz Radio's biggest
No. l songs 2009/2010. “I'm Waiting
for You,” written for the families of soldiers
serving in Iraq, sat at No. 1 for 12 consecutive weeks, literally 3 months and was
ranked the No. 2 Song of the entire year
for 2009 by Billboard. “Take Me There,”
had a 6 week run at the top of the Charts.
In a 1 year period Jackiem ruled the top of
the charts with these 2 songs for over 3
months, one fourth of the year. End of
October will see the release of a brand
new CD, ‘Church Boy.’
Don’t Miss the Stars of Smooth Jazz on the
Floating Stage on Big Bear Lake next June.
Artist Line-Up will Unfold Nov., Dece., Jan.
25 Years, a Quarter Century of JazzTrax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
www. Ja z z Trax.com
A Quarter Century of Smooth Jazz in the Avalon Ballroom...looking out to Sea ...... continued from page 8
Najee had a record deal with Capital
Records/EMI. 14 solo albums deep now
with the release this past January of 'The
Smooth Side of Soul.
Ballroom Appearance:
Sunday Evening October 14
Ballroom Performance:
Saturday Evening, October 13
Still residing in Kansas City with it's
Historical Jazz Heritage which he Mixed
with his Musical Beginnings in his Church.
First pastored by his Grandfather and later
by his own Dad. As he got deeper and
deeper into The Bass in High School
years, his influence came from across the
far state line and the late (basketball and)
Bass Playing Wayman Tisdale. He enjoys
wearing that comparison. He also is now
perhaps the TALLEST of all Smooth Jazz
Stars, just as Wayman had been. He is
Gospel, and he is Jazz and he is R&B. His
2nd solo album, released in August,
'Breakthough,' now has him label mates
amongst others with Paul Hardcastle and
the Jazzmasters and a host of others on
Trippin 'N Rhythm Records.
Born Jerome Najee Rasheed in the
Greenwich Village of New York City and
raised in Jamaica, Queens. After high
school he traveled the world with a group
backing Miss Black America, and then
with Ben E. King, famed for his song,
“Stand by Me.” He then attended New
England Conservatory of Music in Boston.
He toured with Chaka Khan 1983-83. He
came to solo prominence in 1987 with
“Najee's Theme.” Next found himself on
tour with singer Freddie Jackson. Over his
quarter century solo career achieving 2
Platinum and 4 Gold Albums. He still
believes one record session date made his
career as a solo artist ignite. At Capitol
Records in Hollywood playing sax on
Melisa Morgan's 1st album, a song called
“Do You Still Love Me?” Her manager
knew Najee as an auxiliary keyboardist
for a group called Change. When he
heard him on sax in that recording session
he asked for some demos. 2 weeks later
Ballroom Appearance:
Saturday Evening, October 13
The Newest International Newcomer to
the Scene he watched his first U.S. Hit,
“Shakin' the House” go Top 20 on the
Smooth Jazz Charts this Spring. He is
Canadian and resides near Toronto,
Canada. Voted 2010 Canadian Smooth
Jazz Guitarist of the Year. First spotted
last Fall doing the JazzTrax Late Night
AfterParty at 'The M' on Main Street. He
sold out both shows Opening Night of
June's Big Bear Lake JazzTrax Summer
Music Festival, performing Unplugged on
Miss Liberty. A classic Stern wheeler as it
cruised around Big Bear Lake.
continued on page 10
JazzTrax After Party
at Descanso Beach
Each Weekend Immediately after
Saturday Evening's Final Performance
with dj Jonathan Phillips. Full Bar & Food
Service & dancing on the beach 'till 1am
25 Years, a Quarter Century of Ja z z Trax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
www. Ja z z Tra x . c o m
Stranded on an Island with 30 Different Stars of Smooth Jazz
....... continued from page 9
WEEKEND 3 ~ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, October 18-21
Descanso Beach Unplugged
Appearance: Thursday Evening,
October 18 with daughter
Descanso Beach Unplugged
Appearance with Father:
Thursday Evening, October 18
Gerald is currently one of the most
renowned saxophonists of the genre. His
life began in the South Central neighborhood of Los Angeles. Locke High School
was a breeding ground for many young
West Coast musicians. College was on
the other end of the L.A. Sprawl at the
University of Redlands where he received
a B.S. Degree in Business Management.
Already a polished saxophonist by the
time he enrolled in college, Gerald suddenly switched to Bass Guitar after seeing
Louis Johnson in concert. Immediately
after college though he switched back to
saxophone to join Patrice Rushen's band,
but when the bass player left in the middle
of the tour, he replaced him and finished
the tour on Bass. Spotted in Anita Baker's
Band in our late 80's surge it was on Bass
Guitar, but when he debuted solo with
1987's 'Just Between Us,' and hit the
smooth jazz radio airwaves with his hit
version of Luther Vandross, “So Amazing,”
it was as Saxophonist. 2010's 'Pushing
the Envelope' his 14th. Gerald and
Glynis have for a decade now lived in the
Denver suburb, Castle Rock.
Vocalist for Denver based Jakarta, a funk
based band. She was first spotted on
January's Smooth Jazz Cruise in the
Caribbean where after singing with others on the Main Stage, Art Good came
across her doing “her” own thing in a side
lounge to DAT recording. When she
asked her Dad to come up and join her for
a few songs, Art stepped over to Gerald's
manager Steve Chapman and said,
“Could this happen in October
Unplugged on the Beach on the Island.?”
She was a member of the Rick Braun &
Friends group with Rick, Benoit, Richard
Elliot, the Berks Jazz Fest Horns and Berks
Jazz Fest Strings at last Winter's Berks
jazz Festival. She has recorded original
songs that can be found on her MySpace
page. Her solo recording debut is most
likely imminent. This will be the first time
Gerald and daughter Selina have headlined TOGETHER at a Major Jazz Festival.
B o rn early 60's in Paris, France where at
age 13 he received classical guitar lessons
at Conserv a t o i re de Paris. At age 17 he
chose music over his other passion, competitive swimming. 1988 saw Marc move
to London where he joined Basia as part of
her recording band. When Basia made her
U.S. Debut August that year at Humphrey's
in San Diego, a show hosted by Art Good,
M a rc was on guitar. In London he recorded as well with Soul II Soul and became
part of the budding Acid Jazz scene before
relocating again, this time to Los Angeles
for 12 years in the early 1990's. He
launched his solo career from there in
1994. He owned the honor of 1998
JazzTrax Song of the Year, “Sunland,” off
one of his biggest sellers, 'Madrid.' His
most current CD: 2010's 'My Classical
Way' followed his 2009 Collaboration
with Guitarist Paul Brown, 'Fore i g n
Exchange.' Finally departing America with
his new Spanish wife and their little baby
boy Alexandro to live in her hometown
w h e re once Rebecah had been crowned
Miss Madrid. He continues to commute
back to America from Spain for concerts.
2013 Tickets go On-Sale
Thanksgiving Weekend on-line
at JazzTrax.com or 866-Trax Tix
27th annual Catalina Island JazzTrax Festival
First 3 Weekends of October 2013
October 3-6 • October 10-13 • October 17-20
Use Ticket Order Insert in this Program to Order NOW for October 2013
Ballroom Performance:
Saturday Afternoon, October 20
continued on page 14
Keep Same Seats with Pre Ticket
Form insert in this program.
No Pre Ticket Orders accepted
after November 1st
25 Years, a Quarter Century of JazzTrax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
www. Ja z z Trax.com
Stranded on an Island with 30 Different Stars of Smooth Jazz
.......continued from page 10
Ballroom Performance:
Sunday Evening, October 21
Ballroom Appearance:
Sunday Afternoon, October 21
Native of Baltimore, only recently relocating to Nashville. Slim Man was originally
signed to Motown Records as a songwriter. One of the first tunes he wrote,
“Summer Days” made it onto Angela
Bofill's first CD.
While working at
Motown in NYC, he wandered downstairs
and got signed as an artist by Stiff
His project released as
BootCamp which became one of the first
bands on MTV. Disbanding after coming
in 2nd in the MTV Basement Tapes
Contest. Next Slimmie organized and
MC ed nation-wide COUNTRY music talent contests sponsored by Marlboro. His
big discovery in these contests was Ronnie
Dunn who later joined Kix Brooks to
become the Grammy-winning country
duo, Brooks and Dunn. Next switching to
producing songs for a rock singer, but
when his career failed, Slim Man sang the
songs he'd written, himself, and the first
Slim Man CD, 'End of the Rainbow' gave
him his solo debut in 1995 with an immediate Top 10 hit, “Faith in Us.” The artist
relations director at the famous GRP
R e c o rding Company and best friend,
said, “give me an instrumental album and
I'll release it. ' Thus the Funky Baltimore
Based Bona Fide Band with 3 releases
between 1999 and 2005, and hopefully
another one soon. His most recent Slim
Man album, 2011's 'Thousand Miles
Away,' from which he redid and reworded the song “Hey Carolina” to “Hey
Catalina.” Lyricked towards Avalon and
our Isle of Romance. Remember whatever
happens here....stays here!
An Acid Jazz Groove British project. Mix of
jazz, funk, soul, created by a British DJ,
S t u a rt Wade, who can play not a single
instrument and yet still comes up with the
songs by humming his melody thoughts into
a Dictaphone (maybe an I phone these
days,) then having his band players finish up
the rest. He formed DTTB in 1996 with Chris
M o rgans who left before their breakout
1997 CD 'From Manhattan to Staten' that
included instant smooth jazz radio hits,
“Staten Island Groove,” and “Brooklyn
Heights.” So many song/album titles
American based because Stuart's father's
job had brought the family to America when
S t u a rt was a young boy, and thus the
We s t e rn influence. These days most if not all
of the touring band members Stuart chooses
to tour his tunes, come from Los Angeles.
2011's 'The Main Ingredients,' DTTB's 9th,
serves as their most current.
DW3 (Band)
Ballroom Appearance:
Sunday Afternoon, October 21
'On the Floor' released early 2011 was
this Southern California band's Debut. Led
by Eric Mondragon they have been all
over the Sea's on the various Smooth Jazz
Cruises. And now finally on Smooth Jazz
Did you know you can
weekly syndicated radio show
at JazzTrax.com and take it
along with you and if you
stream or download JazzTrax,
when you hear a Song you
like, simply Browser the show
backwards and listen to the
song again?
25 Years, a Quarter Century of JazzTrax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
www. Ja z z Trax.com
A Quarter Century of Smooth Jazz in the Avalon Ballroom...looking out to Sea ......continued from page 14
Saxophone Band ‘Gentlemen of the
Night,’ evolved to ‘Sax AND the City.’
Young Vincent Ingala just this Fall joining
Paul and Marion.
Ballroom Appearance:
Friday Evening, October 19
No one can forget the 60's and Booker T
and the M.G.'s 1962 breakout from the
Memphis scene. He wrote the Classic
Instrumental “Green Onions” while still in
high school. As a multi instrumentalist
(including organ, oboe, saxophone and
trombone and vocals,) songwriter, record
producer and arranger and front man of
the M.G.'s. He was born in the 40's in
Memphis and named in honor of Booker
T. Washington. T. though is literally
Booker's entire middle name. In 1970 he
moved to California. In 1981 making the
charts as a solo artist with “I Want You.”
He has produced Rita Coolidge, Bill
Withers, Willie Nelson and more .
Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame in 1992. In 1995 Booker T. & The
M.G.'s won their first Grammy Award for
Best Pop Instrumental Perf o rmance for
“Cruisin”. In 2007 Booker T. earned the
Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award.
Then a Grammy for Best Instrumental
Album for 2009's 'Potato Hole.' 2011
saw Booker T. NOT slowing down, releasing 'The Road From Memphis' and 'In the
Christmas Spirit.' This year's 2012 54th
Grammy Awards saw Booker T. winning
his 4th Grammy for Best Pop Instrumental
Album for 'The Road from Memphis.'
Receiving an honorary doctorate degree
from Indiana University's School of Music
on May 5, 2012 as he had originally
attended I.U. in the 60's, even after having recorded his first hits for Stax Records.
Ballroom Appearance:
Saturday Evening, October 20
A self taught pianist who received a full
musical scholarship to Alcorn State
University. Born and still Brewed in Detroit
he recorded the piano and keyboards for
KEM Album II after beginning his career
soaring into the world of jingles, working
with companies such as McDonald's. The
80's saw him touring with Rock Bands
and Top 40 Bands and R&B and Jazz
Bands. He is Executive Director and
founder of the DO Foundation. Whose
mission is to alleviate and end
Now owner of BCO
Media, a multi-media company in business over 10 years. After making his solo
debut in 2003, 2007's 'Daisy' serves as
his most current release.
SAX AND THE CITY starring Paul
Taylor, Vincent Ingala, Marion Meadows
Ballroom Performance:
Friday Evening, October 19
In 2012 what formerly was the All Star
25 Years, a Quarter Century of Ja z z Trax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
B o rn in Denver but long based in his UNLV
college town of Las Vegas. Big Break came
when Jeff Lorber hired Paul on Sax for a gig
at the 1993 Catalina Island JazzTrax
Festival. Keiko and Kazu Matsui having
sailed their boat over to the Island during
JazzTrax spotted Paul on Stage in the
Avalon Ballroom. They asked Art Good for
a backstage introduction. He became a
key component of Keiko's shows and
album sound before making his own Solo
Debut in 1995. Most 10th and most recent
release, 2011's 'Prime Time,' came with his
biggest No. l Song. “Push to Start.”
A native of Connecticut. At age four, his
parents bought him a Drum Set. Later
given his first Guitar and after only nine
months of lessons in third grade, he was
continued on page 17
www. Ja z z Tra x . c o m
A Quarter Century of Smooth Jazz in the Avalon Ballroom...looking out to Sea ......continued from page 15
Vincent Ingala continued
strumming Elvis tunes that he had perfected by ear. He mastered the keyboard in
fifth grade before trading it in for a sax.
Saxophone is his trade, but he may just
come walking onto the stage guitar
strapped over his shoulder, or settle at the
drums, or keys. An amazing MultiInstrumentalist and at just 20 years of age
has already appeared on the Dave Koz
Cruise at age 18 after first opening for
Dave at age 16. He comes from a large
extended Italian family This is his JazzTrax
Festival debut.
THE SAX PACK starring Jeff Kashiwa,
Steve Cole, Marcus Anderson
Ballroom Performance:
Saturday Afternoon, October 20
Born in West Virginia. Raised in Stamford,
Connecticut. Lives now between Phoenix
and Maui. There on the Hawaiian Island
his home is halfway UP the volcano, Mt.
Haleakala. Despite living on a volcano it
is his Saxophone that SMOOTHS this All
Star Band out. He has a gigantic Artistic
STRETCH. Includes Professional Cycling
and Art on the Digital Canvas. Through
the Lens of a Camera, Graphic and Web
Design. 11th and most recent release
remains 2009's 'Secrets.'
The idea of The Sax Pack originated in
2004 as Jeff Kashiwa watched a movie
about the “Rat Pack,” a group of legendary Hollywood entertainers led by
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy
Davis, Jr. He called on some of his saxophone peers to start this new group that
would feature 3 All Star Saxophonists in
live performance. 4 years on stage and
then in 2008 they debuted on CD with
'The Sax Pack' and claimed their first No.
1 radio hit, “Fallin For You.” They followed with 2009's 'The Pack is Back.'
Original member Kim Waters in 2012
replaced by young Saxophonist Marcus
Their live performances
include their own original music composed for their 2 group albums plus each
individual player's signature hits.
He left hometown Seattle for a space in L.A.
Only to re t u rn with new bride Chante, now
years ago and their daughter Catalina.
25 Years, a Quarter Century of Ja z z Trax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
Catalina named for where her parents met.
While a decade in L.A. he was hired by
Russ Freeman to replace Brandon Fields as
saxophonist for the Rippingtons. At the Rips
1989 JazzTrax Festival appearance Jeff
spotted Chante in the 4th row of the Avalon
B a l l room and played straight towards his
future mate he was yet to meet. After the
show they connected and together ever
since. In 1999, after a decade, Jeff left the
Rips to pursue his own solo career, once
again his JazzTrax experiences leading him
to title his solo debut 'Remember Catalina.'
He is 1 of 2 professors in The Sax Pack,
teaching Music Technology courses at
S h o reline College. August saw the release
of his newest solo project, ‘Let It Ride.’
The other professor in The Sax Pack. A
clinical professor at The University of St.
Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota after beginning that “career,” teaching Music
Business at Columbia College Chicago.
A native Chicagoan and huge spokesperson for The Windy City his MBA came
from The University of Chicago and the
city where he met Keyboardist Brian
Culbertson in who's band he was first
spotted at jazz festivals across America in
the late 90's before branching into his
own solo career with 2000 'Stay Awhile,'
that earned him the Prism Award for Best
New Artist at the Oasis Smooth Jazz
Awards. His most recent album: 2011's
'Moonlight' is classics, recorded to full
Strings with the Chicago Millennium
Chamber Players.
(also appearing with his band October 5
Read bio in Weekend 1 listings)
continued on page 19
www. Ja z z Tra x . c o m
A Quarter Century of Smooth Jazz in the Avalon Ballroom...looking out to Sea ......continued from page 17
Ballroom Performance:
Sunday Evening, October 21
Nobody has had his Star rising any faster
than this young 26 year old singer/trombonist. Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews
only made his solo CD debut 'Backatown'
2 years ago (2010). GRAMMY nominated! Followed by 2011's 'For True.' His
nickname 'Trombone Shorty' since age 4
when he marched in a New Orleans street
band wielding a Trombone twice as long
as he was high. Describing his sound as
'Supafunkrock,' has not stopped him from
becoming the newest darling of Smooth
Jazz Festivals across the land as Orleans
Avenue stirs together old-school New
Orleans jazz, funk and soul, laced with
hard-rock power chords and hip hop
beats, continually pushing the envelope.
Keeping to his New Orleans roots, special
guests on the albums have included Ivan
and Cyril Neville and bounce rapper 5th
Wa rd Weebie and the Rebirth Brass
Band. Other guests include Lenny Kravitz,
Jeff Beck and Kid Rock.
The San
Francisco Chronicle hailed Troy as “New
Orleans' brightest new star in a generation.” The New York Times asserted,
“Trombone Shorty had clearly set out to
present New Orleans as a city whose
glory days aren't over.” Andrews hails
from the Treme neighborhood in New
Orleans' 6th Ward and has held a recurring role on the hit HBO series Treme, on
25 Years, a Quarter Century of Ja z z Trax on Catalina Island 1987-2012
which he plays himself. He did the
National Anthem for 1 of January's NFL
conference championship games. The
attention towards this band just keeps on
growing as they make their JazzTrax
Festival debut.
(also appearing Unplugged on
Descanso Beach Oct. 4.
Read bio in Weekend 1 listings)
www. Ja z z Tra x . c o m
1. Hike the NEW Trans Catalina Trail,
opened in 2009, right down through the
middle of the Island. Takes 2 days to complete it's 37 miles, seeing ocean nearly
entire way, or just take the Southern Loop
from the Airport.
2. Camp at multiple locations acro s s
Island. Hermit Gulch is the in town campground.
3. Visit Airport in the Sky for lunch,
maybe a Buffalo Burger. Watching small
aircraft landing or taking off. Including
once a day DC9 arriving with day's
Postal/UPS/Fed Ex.
4. Go to Two Harbors (also called the
Isthmus,)where Natalie Woods drowned.
The Banning House is only hotel in this tiny
town of 298 inhabitants.
5. Take a 60 minute Island Fixed Wing
Airplane Tour of the entire island.
6. Take a Buffalo Safari
7. Tour the Island in a helicopter
16. Tour the Casino (never ever gambling
there, just entertainment and dancing). 1
hour Tours of the Casino Theater and
Ballroom throughout every day. Pay more
for the Behind the Scenes Tour.
17. Catch a Movie in Casino Theater on
ground level, underneath the Ballroom.
Nightly showings of First Run Hollywood
movies. Built for silent movies in 1929.
Still has original orchestra pit and pipe
18. Play Golf where Howard Hughes and
Katherine Hepburn once played together
at the historic Catalina Country Club. 9
19. Play Tennis. Catalina Country Club
has courts to rent. Hamilton Cove has 2
lit courts for those staying there.
20. Play Miniature Golf in town or if staying at Hamilton Cove, find their 18 hole
mini putting green course next to the tennis courts.
21. Visit Wrigley Memorial Gard e n s .
Wrigley Memorial built in honor of the
founder of Wrigley Chewing Gum. Built
from flagstone and local stones. A quiet
meditative refuse overlooking botanical
8. Take a 2 hour Inner Island Bus Tour
Spectacular Canyons, scenic wild coastline, unspoiled countryside with buffalo,
deer, wild boars, wild turkeys, bald
eagles, or Catalina Island foxes.
22. Hang at Descanso Beach Club. All
afternoon Bar. Rent a private cabana or
chaise lounge for the day right on the
9. Mountain Bike through the Inner Island
24. Take a Ghost Tour
10. Rent a Golf Cart and tool around town
and up into the hills.
11. Rent Bicycles and do all the above
while getting some exercise.
12. Zip Line, day or night. From Gate to
Interior all the way down to Descanso
Beach. In 2013 a cable bridge over
Descanso Canyon will be added with
Bungee Jumping, Canyon Swinging and
Free Falling.
13. Do some shopping. Stores up and
down Front Street.
1 4. Get a massage. In 2013 El Encanto
will be an entire new Day Spa.
15. Visit the Catalina Island Museum
underneath Casino. Fall's new exhibit. A
Democratic Dream: Wiliam Wrigley, Jr.
and Catalina Island. Exploring the chewing gum magnate's life and how he made
the Island a “vacation spot. Admission
fee is only $5.
23. Take a Segway Tour
25. Visit the Pet Cemetery.
Stephen King book along.
Take your
26. Have lunch in a millionaire's mansion.....Wrigley Mansion.....Inn at Mt.
Ada. Former home of William Wrigley Jr.
Now a Bed & Breakfast, all of 7 rooms.
Or call and see if there is an opening for
lunch. 350 feet above town and harbor
with unique overlook of Ocean.
27. Take in an Art Gallery.....or 2.
28. Visit the Nature Center
29. Take a Trolley Ride
30. Jog along the Ocean
31. Stay in a famous novelist's house
(Zane Grey Hotel).
32. Watch any of 130-plus movies and TV
shows filmed on Catalina Island.
33. Find Lisa Marie Presley's $500,000
Diamond Ring. Not sure where to point you
but somewhere in the ocean or harbor waters
in Avalon is where she tossed her HALF MILLION DOLLAR ring into the waters after a
fight with then boyfriend Nicolas Cage.
34. Go Whale Watching. March best
time to catch the migrating whales. But
sometimes spotted by JazzTrax festival
goer's in October.
35. Walk the residential FLATS of Avalon.
At first glance homes seem so jammed
together, but take a leisurely walk and see
some really pricey incredible homes here
in the FLATS. One house made from
remains of a ship itself. One local you
might run into. British Rocker Spencer
Davis. Remember “Gimme Some Lovin?”
36. Join the Fish and go Scuba Diving
right behind Casino off Casino Point.
37. Snorkel in Lover's Cove, off Hamilton
Cove or off Casino Point.
3 8 . Try your hand at Kayaking off
Descanso Beach or take guided kayak
tour or kayak camping trips.
39. Hop on a Jet Ski and act like James
40. Go Boating. Sailboats, Power Boats,
Fishing Boats.
41. Go Ocean Rafting
42. Go Swimming in the Ocean. Off
Descanso Beach. Off Hamilton Cove.
43. Show the grand kids you are n ' t
scared to Para-Sail. Find yourself higher
than even the Casino itself, then start praying.
44. Go Fishing. Sport Fishing by boat.
Deep Sea fishing. Or just stand on the
Hamilton Cove Dock, the Mole, or Green
Pier and toss your line in.
4 5 . Take a Glass Bottom
Tour.....especially at NIGHT!
46. Take a daytime or nighttime underwater Submarine Tour.
47. Rent a Paddle board....the new rage.
48. Take the Sea Lion Cruise to Seal Rocks
for an up close view of up to 400 frolicking sea lions in their natural habitat. The
“showmen of the sea.”
49. Rent a Pedal Boat
50. Take a Snuba Tour