Diary Entry Querido Diario - The Dublin School of Grinds
Diary Entry Querido Diario - The Dublin School of Grinds
th 6 Year Spanish Higher Level Lisa Fitzpatrick Diary Entry Querido Diario Section C Q.2 (a) No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from The Dublin School of Grinds. Ref: 6/sp/h/lf/diary entry 6-HOUR CRASH COURSES MAY & JUNE 2016 %01.! čƫ+*+)%/ƫ0!$!.ƫ¨*8*ƫ1. +' The final push for CAO points... $!ƫ 1(%*ƫ $++(ƫ +"ƫ .%* /ƫ %/ƫ .1**%*#ƫ ćġ$+1.ƫ ./$ƫ +1./!/ƫ 0ƫ 0$!ƫ !* ƫ +"ƫ 5ƫ * ƫ 0$!ƫ !#%**%*#ƫ +"ƫ 1*!ċƫ $!/!ƫ +1./!/ƫ #%2!ƫ /01 !*0/ƫ 0$!ƫ !/0ƫ ,+//%(!ƫ 2*0#!ƫ /ƫ 0$!5ƫ ,.!,.!ƫ "+.ƫ 0$!ƫ ((ġ%),+.0*0ƫ 00!ƫ 4)%*0%+*/ċƫ *!ƫ (/0ƫ +1*!ƫ +"ƫ !""+.0ƫ +1( ƫ )'!ƫ ((ƫ 0$!ƫ %""!.!*!ċ !.!ƫ%/ƫ$+3ƫ0$!/!ƫ+1./!/ƫ3%((ƫ !*!"%0ƫ5+1č • They will offer students one last opportunity to avail of expert teaching before the State Examinations • They will provide students with a final boost of confidence before exam day • They will give students an exam strategy plan to help them maximise their grade on the day +0!: At these courses our teachers will predict what questions are most likely to appear on your exam paper. These questions will be covered in detail and our teachers will provide you with model A1 answers. čƫĺāćĀƫƫ To book, call us on 01ġ442 4442 or book online at www.dublinschoolofgrinds.ie ./$ƫ+1./!s Timetable 6th Year Subject Date Time Accounting Level H Sunday 29th May 9am - 3pm Biology H Saturday 28th May 9am - 3pm Business H Sunday 29th May 2pm - 8pm Chemistry H Saturday 4th June 9am - 3pm Economics H Saturday 28th May 9am - 3pm English H Sunday 29th May 9am - 3pm English H Saturday 4th June 9am - 3pm French H Saturday 4th June 9am - 3pm Geography H Saturday 28th May 9am - 3pm Irish H Saturday 4th June 9am - 3pm Maths Paper 1 H Saturday 4th June 9am - 3pm Maths Paper 2 H Sunday 5th June 9am - 3pm Maths O Saturday 28th May 9am - 3pm Maths O Saturday 4th June 9am - 3pm Physics H Saturday 28th May 9am - 3pm Spanish H Sunday 5th June 9am - 3pm Date Time 3rd Year Subject Level Business Studies H Sunday 5th June 9am - 3pm English H Sunday 5th June 9am - 3pm French H Sunday 29th May 9am - 3pm Irish H Sunday 29th May 9am - 3pm Maths H Sunday 29th May 9am - 3pm Science H Saturday 4th June 9am - 3pm H = Higher O = Ordinary (!/!ƫ*+0!ƫ0$0ƫ((ƫ+1./!/ƫ3%((ƫ0'!ƫ,(!ƫ0ƫ +1.ƫ!.*%*#ƫ!*0.!ƫ0ƫ$!ƫ.%).5ƫ$++(ƫ%*ƫ 0(* /Čƫ0%((+.#*Čƫ+ċƫ1(%*ċ Section C DIARY ENTRY 20 marks Marking Scheme (4 x 5m = 20 marks) Look for four valid well-made points. Allow a maximum of 5 marks each. Note: In Q. 2 (a) and (b) minor inaccuracies (i.e. which do not distort ‘message’) should be ignored. Verbs must be correct for full marks. Note: In any part of written production the same mistake will not be penalised twice. Diary Entry Vs The Note The Diary Entry is the better option for the following reasons: The Note may need to be written to one of four persons; tú, usted, vosotros, ustedes The Note often requires candidates to write in reported speech The imperative (notoriously difficult to get right) frequently features in the Note The vocabulary in the note can be very specific in comparison to Diary Entry Diary Entry is usually in the first person Diary entry is more predictable i.e. need to express your own feelings Sentence structures in the Diary Entry are less complicated that those in the Note Dublin School of Grinds Page 2 Lisa Fitzpatrick Vocabulary for diary entry Opening Querido diario ¡Vaya día! What a day! ¡Vaya noche! What a night! ¡Vaya viaje! What a trip! ¡Vaya semana! What a week! ¡Vaya suerte! How lucky! ¡Vaya emoción! How exciting! ¡Vaya dilema! What a dilema! ¡Vaya pena! What a pity! ¡Vaya examen! What an exam! ¡Vaya pueblo! What a town! ¡Vaya sitio! What a place! ¡Vaya tiempo! What weather! ¡Vaya casa! What a house! ¡Qué pena! What a pity! ¡Vaya familia! What a family! ¡Qué lástima! What a shame! ¡Vaya profesor/a! What a teacher! ¡Qué suerte! How lucky! ¡Vaya chico/a! What a guy/girl! ¡Qué mala suerte! How unlucky! ¡Vaya ciudad! What a city! ¡Qué ilusión! How exciting! ¡Vaya pesadilla! What a nightmare! ¡Qué desilusión! How disappointing! ¡Vaya experiencia! What an experience! ¡Qué día más curioso! What an unusual day! ¡Vaya injusticia! How unjust/unfair! ¡Qué curioso! How strange! ¡Vaya caos! What chaos! ¡Qué raro! How weird! ¡Vaya desastre! What a disaster! ¡Qué examen! What an exam! ¡Vaya vacaciones! What holidays! ¡Qué increíble! How unbelievable! ¡Vaya problema! What a problem! ¡Qué insoportable! How unbearable! ¡Vaya situación! What a situation! ¡Parece mentira! Unbelievable! Expressing feelings Estoy Estoy emocionado/a excited enfadado/a ilusionado/a thrilled avergonzado/a contento/a happy harto/a (de) happy ocupado/a feliz animado/a up beat deprimido/a aliviado/a relieve triste enamorado/a d in love cansado/a tired agotado/a exhausted desorientado/a Dublin School of Grinds nervioso/a preocupado/a Estoy angry disgustado/a upset shameful arrepentido/a regretful fed up (with) no estoy para I’m not in the mood for busy hecho/a polvo wrecked depressed/low angustiado/a estresado/a sad confused nervous worried/concerned Page 3 ansioso/a desilusionado/a confundido/a distressed stressed out anxious disappointed confused Lisa Fitzpatrick Sobre la familia anfitriona/española about the host/Spanish family La familia es encantadora Me trata como un hijo/una hija más El padre es gruñón y grita constantemente The family is really lovely They treat me like another son/daughter The father is grumpy and shouts constantly Tanto los hijos como los padres son bastante desagradables La familia me ayuda muchísimo con mi español. Both the kids and the parents are quite nasty The family helps me an awful lot with my Spanish. La familia es un poco rara En las comidas todos hablan muy rápido y a la vez. ¡Es un desastre! The family is a little strange During meals they all talk really quickly and at the same time. It’s a disaster! No me llevo nada bien con la familia. Toda la familia me mima muchísimo La madre peca de ser encantadora I don’t get along with the family at all. The whole family spoils me The mother is lovely to a fault Durante las comidas aprendo muchísimo español porque todos hablan conmigo y corrigen mis errores. During meals I learn lots of Spanish because they all talk to me and correct my mistakes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sobre el pueblo español about the Spanish town El pueblo es encantador. Por desgracia no hay nada que hacer El pueblo está al lado de una playa preciosa The town is really lovely Unfortunately there’s nothing to do The town is beside a beautiful beach Hay muchos jóvenes en el pueblo y he hecho varios amigos. Por aquí se puede practicar los deportes acuáticos. There are a lot of young people in the town; I’ve made a number of friends. You can do lots of water Sports around here. El pueblo es un poco aislado El pueblo tiene de todo. ¡Es ideal! El pueblo está en la sierra y es súper tranquilo. The town is a bit isolated The town has everything. It’s ideal! The town is in the mountains and is really quiet. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sobre la comida española about Spanish food La comida está para chuparse los dedos La madre anfitriona prepara platos tradicionales que están muy ricos The food is absolutely delicious The host mother makes traditional dishes that are delicious ¡Voy a engordarme unos cuantos kilos! Es un pueblo costero así que se come fenomenal aquí. I’m gonna put on a few pounds It’s a coastal town so they eat really well here. Me encantan los churros con chocolate. Estoy encantado/a aquí porque soy amante del pescado y marisco I adore churros with chocolate. I’m thrilled here because I love my seafood. La comida está asquerosa/horrible Sueño con comer una hamburguesa y patatas fritas o una pizza. The food is disgusting I dream of eating a hamburger and chips or a pizza. Pienso comprar chorizo y jamón serrano del supermercado aquí y llevármelo a casa. ¡Me encanta! I plan to buy chorizo and serrano ham in the supermarket here andtake it home with me. I love it! Dublin School of Grinds Page 4 Lisa Fitzpatrick Sobre un trabajo about a job Quiero buscar un trabajo a tiempo parcial. Me gustaría trabajar (donde sea) los fines de semana. I want to look for a part-time job I’d like to work (wherever) at the weekend. Acabo de conseguir un trabajo a tiempo parcial en la bolera/el supermercado/la farmacia por mi casa etc. I’ve just got a job in the bowling alley/the supermarket/the pharmacy near my home. Trabajaré los fines de semana. En la bolera me encargaré de organizar las fiestas de cumpleaños para niños. I will work at the weekends. In the bowling alley I will be in charge of organizing birthday parties for children. He entregado mi curriculum en todas partes; tiendas, restaurantes y bares. Pero no he conseguido nada todavía. I’ve handed my CV in everywhere: in shops, restaurants and bars. But I haven’t got anything yet. Voy a ahorrar dinero porque quiero comprar el último iphone/un coche/una camera digital nueva/un regalo para… I am going to save money because I want to buy the latest iphone/a car/a new laptop/a present for… Necesito ahorrar dinero para comprar…/gastar durante mis vacaciones/para irme de viaje/ I need to save money to buy…/to spend on holidays/to go away Debido a la maldita crisis económica no hay trabajo ninguno. Because of the wretched economic crisis there are no jobs at all. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Si te pasa algo If something is bothering you No me encuentro bien. Me encuentro fatal. Estoy mareado/a. Tengo fiebre y me duele la garganta. I’m not feeling well. I feel awful. I feel dizzy. I’ve a high temperature and a sore throat. Acabo de tomar paracetamol porque me duele mucho la Me duele la muela y no puedo ni comer ni dormir. cabeza. I’ve just taken paracetamol because I’ve a really bad headache. I’ve toothache and I can’t eat or sleep. Me quemé al sol en la playa hoy y me duele un montón. Me hice daño en el tobillo jugando al fútbol. I got (sun) burnt at the beach today and it really hurts. I hurt my ankle playing football. Extraño mucho a mi familia. Echo de menos a mis amigos. No entiendo nada y es muy frustrante. I miss my family a lot. I miss my friends. I don’t understand anything and it’s very frustrating. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sobre el tiempo about the weather Me encanta el buen tiempo. ¡Es ideal! I love this great weather. It’s ideal. No aguanto el calor, es insoportable. Las temperaturas son altísimas. I can’t stand the heat, it’s unbearable The temperatures are really high Hace sol desde las 7 de la mañana hasta las 9 de la noche Me cuesta mucho dormir por la madrugada The sun shines from 7 in the morning until 9 at night It’s hard to sleep during the night Hace un calor Tengo piel irlandesa así que me quemo enseguida. Ya me he acostumbrado al sol y al calor increíble. I’ve Irish skin so I burn instantly. I’ve got used to the sun and the heat already. It is roasting. Dublin School of Grinds Page 5 Lisa Fitzpatrick En cuanto a un problema regarding a problem No sé qué hacer. Tengo que pensármelo mucho. Mis padres están enfadados conmigo. I don’t know what to do. I really have to give it some thought. My parents are very angry with me. No aguanto más. Tengo que/debo tomar una decisión ya. La situación ha empeorado. I can’t stand anymore. I have to make a decision immediately. The situation has deteriorated/worsened. Tengo un problema grave. Mis profesores se han quejado a mis padres por no haber hecho los deberes. I have a serious problem. My teachers have complained to my parents for not having my homework done. El examen no me salió nada bien. Mis exámenes me salieron fatales. Llegué tarde a clase otra vez hoy. The exam didn’t go well at all. My exams went very badly I was late to class again today. ¡No es justo! It’s not fair No puede ser. El profesor me odia. No me apetece nada ir a clase. It’s unbelievable. The teacher hates me. I don’t feel like going to class at all. He perdido mi pasaporte. ¡Vaya lio! Me robaron mi mochila esta mañana en la playa y tuve que ir a la comisaría. I’ve lost my passport. What a mess! My backpack was robbed at the beach this morning and I had to go to the police station. Miscellaneous El primer día de trabajo/cursillo me ha ido bien/estupendo The first day in work/on the course has gone well/brilliantly Mi primer día en España me ha ido bien/interesante/divertido My first day in Spain has been good/interesting/fun Mi español está mejorando… menos mal My Spanish is improving... thank goodness Endings Estoy cansadísimo/a … I’m tired Estoy agotado/a I’m wrecked Bueno me estoy durmiendo así que lo dejo aquí del momento I am falling asleep so I’ll leave it there for the moment Me acuesto ahora, espero dormir bien a pesar de mis preocupaciones I’m going to bed now, I hope to sleep well despite my concerns/worries Espero dormirme en seguida a pesar de (de la emoción/la preocupación/del dilema/del problema/de la ilusión) I hope to fall asleep straight away despite (the excitment/the worry/the dilema/the problema/the excitment) Mañana contaré mas detalles tomorrow I will tell you more details Mañana contaré como me sale … tomorrow I will let you know how it turns out No puedo escribir más porque tengo mucho sueño I can’t write any more because I’m tired Hasta mañana Dublin School of Grinds Buenas noches Page 6 Lisa Fitzpatrick Leaving Certificate 2015 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You have just spent your birthday in Granada with your Spanish friend Carmen and her family. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: − Say that you had a very nice time. − Mention one thing that you and Carmen’s family did that evening. − How you feel about celebrating your birthday in Spain. − Say how you celebrate your birthday in Ireland. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2014 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You are spending a term at a school in Spain. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: - Your impression of the school. - Details of an excursion you went on. - Something you would like to do while in Spain. - What you miss most about Ireland. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2013 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You are spending Christmas in Madrid with your Spanish friend Carmen and her family. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: How you feel about spending Christmas in Spain. Say that you miss your family and relations in Ireland. Mention one thing you and Carmen did together. There will be a concert in the Plaza Mayor next Friday. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2012 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You are on a working holiday in a small town in Spain. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: - The things you like about the town and why. - The disadvantages of staying in such a small town. - The difficulty you have keeping in contact with your friends in Ireland. - What you are looking forward to doing on your return. Dublin School of Grinds Page 7 Lisa Fitzpatrick Leaving Certificate 2011 Q2. (a) (20 marks) At the end of June, you’re going away with your friends on holiday for the first time. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: How you feel about the trip. You’ve never been away without your family before. You hope you have enough money. What you plan to do on the trip. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2010 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You are looking for a summer job before going to university. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish, mentioning the following points: Why you need a job. It is difficult to find a job during the recession. Say what kind of job you’d like and why. What you will do with the money. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2009 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You’re on holidays in Spain and you are waiting for your Leaving Certificate results to come out. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: You are going to try to get your results on the internet. You hope you can remember your examination number. How you feel. Your plans to celebrate the results. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2008 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You have just visited Spain for the first time. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish, mentioning the following points: • Why you like the particular part of the city in which you are staying. • Your feelings about the people you have met. • The difficulties you have had in shops and restaurants. • What you would like to see on a future occasion. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Dublin School of Grinds Page 8 Lisa Fitzpatrick Leaving Certificate 2007 Q2. (a) (20 marks) Your parents have just bought you a dog for your birthday. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: − A description of the dog and your feelings on getting it. − Problems in looking after the dog. − Instead of a pet you wanted money. − You need new clothes for your summer holidays. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2006 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You are back from your one-month stay in Ávila, not far from Madrid. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish, mentioning the following points: • Your feelings about your stay in Spain - what made it so pleasant. • What you thought about the people you were staying with. • How you coped with something you did not like. • Why you would love to go back to Spain next summer. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2005 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You have just arrived at the house of your Spanish exchange student. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all the following points: • Your first impression of your Spanish exchange student. • How his/her home differs from an Irish home. • How you feel about spending a fortnight here and why. • What you hope to do in the next few days. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2004 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You have just moved to another town with your parents. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning how you feel about the move. Include your thoughts on all of the following points: • What you miss about your previous home. • The new school which you will be attending. • Making new friends. • Keeping in contact with your old friends. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Dublin School of Grinds Page 9 Lisa Fitzpatrick Leaving Certificate 2003 Q2. (a) (20 marks) Your name is Paco/Laura Jiménez and you live in Zaragoza. You are going to have your Driving Test tomorrow and you are afraid you will fail it. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning all of the following points: • How you feel at this moment. • The aspect of the Test that alarms you most. • What you think your parents’ reaction will be if you pass the Test. • Why you need to be able to use a car .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2002 Q2. (a) (20 marks) You have just had a bad day. Everything has gone wrong. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning all of the following points: • You slept in this morning and missed the bus to school. You arrived an hour late. • You met the Principal in the corridor and when you explained what had happened, he gave you extra work to do. • You got the results of the maths test you did recently and they were worse than you had expected. • Your best friend/girlfriend is annoyed with you as you forgot her birthday which was today. .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Leaving Certificate 2001 Q2. (a) (20 marks) Your name is Paco/Laura Jiménez and you live in Zaragoza. You are going to have your Driving Test tomorrow and you are afraid you will fail it. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning all of the following points: • How you feel at this moment. • The aspect of the Test that alarms you most. • What you think your parents’ reaction will be if you pass the Test. • Why you need to be able to use a car .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Dublin School of Grinds Page 10 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2013 Higher Level Q. 2(a) Diary Entry You are spending Christmas in Madrid with your Spanish friend Carmen and her family. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: How you feel about spending Christmas in Spain. Say that you miss your family and relations in Ireland. Mention one thing you and Carmen did together. There will be a concert in the Plaza Mayor next Friday. Querido Diario !Vaya emoción! Solo llevo unos días en Madrid con Carmen y su familia y estoy muy a gusto. Me hace muchísima ilusión pasar las Navidades aquí porque van a ser mis primeras fiestas españolas. Me muero por ver como se celebra la Navidad en España, supongo que todo me parecerá muy diferente. A pesar de la emoción, estoy un poquito triste porque sé que voy a extrañar mucho a mi familia y a mis parientes sobre todo la Noche Buena y el día de Navidad. Mi hermano pequeño tiene muchas ganas de ver lo que Santa Claus le trae y lo voy a perder. Me da tanta pena. Estos días Carmen y yo no hemos parado. Ayer como era domingo fuimos al Rastro (el mercadillo madrileño) y compramos varios regalos y por la tarde conocí a sus amigos al quedar todos en una pizzería. Esta mañana desayunamos churros con chocolate en el bar a la vuelta de la esquina. La verdad es que no puedo quejarme, Carmen es encantadora y me lo paso bien con ella. El viernes habrá un concierto navideño (concierto de villancicos) en la Plaza Mayor. La familia de Carmen va todos los años y obviamente voy yo también esta vez. Después del concierto cenaremos en la casa de la abuela de Carmen, he oído los platos que prepara están para chuparse los dedos. Bueno me estoy durmiendo así que lo dejo aquí del momento Dublin School of Grinds Page 11 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2001 Higher Level Q. 2(a) Diary Entry You are staying in Spain for a few weeks and you have just got back from a disco where you met a rather attractive Spanish friend of your penpal. (a) Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning all of the following points How you feel about meeting such a nice person Arrangements for seeing the person tomorrow and what you plan to do Such a pity you did not meet him/her earlier as you are going back to Ireland in five days Mention something about your penpal’s reaction to your new friendship Querido diario ¡Vaya noche! Esta noche fui a una discoteca en el centro de la ciudad con Elena y acabamos de volver a casa. En la discoteca conocí a su amigo Miguel y estoy muy ilusionada. No he conocido nunca a un chico tan simpático y tan guapo. Hemos quedado en vernos mañana a las doce del mediodía para ir al parque de atracciones juntos… estoy emocionadísima. Me da tanta pena que no habernos conocido/no nos conocimos hace tres semanas cuando llegué aquí. Solo me faltan cinco días para volver a casa en Irlanda. Elena también está muy contenta porque Miguel es un buen amigo suyo y dice que hacemos una linda pareja. Bueno lo dejo aquí del momento. Mañana contaré como me sale la cita con él. Voy a intentar dormirme ahora a pesar de la emoción, Buenas noches :o) Dublin School of Grinds Page 12 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2000 Higher Level Q. 2(a) Diary Entry A teacher has complained to your parents that you are not studying enough for your Leaving Certificate (b) Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning all of the following points The teacher does not understand the difficulties you have in his/her subject You spend a lot of time studying and you also need time to relax You are reasonably sure you will do well in your other subjects You are really looking forward to the holidays and the end of the school year! Querido Diario, ¡Vaya profesora! Señora Fernández, la profesora de matemáticas, se ha quejado a mis padres en una reunión hoy. Ella les ha dicho que yo no trabajo/estudio suficientemente en preparación de los exámenes del Leaving. Según ella soy un poco vago/a, me odia. Me esfuerzo mucho pero la cosa es que no se me dan bien las matemáticas y mi profesora no entiende las dificultades que tengo en esta asignatura. Estoy muy disgustado/a. Dedico muchísimo tiempo a los estudios pero obviamente también necesito tiempo para relajarme. ¡Estoy realmente harto/a de estudiar! Creo que voy a sacar buenas notas en las otras asignaturas. Al terminar los exámenes me muero de estar de vacaciones con mis compañeros en Magaluf. Tengo ganas de estar al sol en la playa o por la piscina. Quiero/deseo que termine el sexto curso ya. ¡No aguanto más! Bueno estoy agotado/a y me estoy durmiendo así que lo dejo aquí del momento. Hasta mañana, buenas noches. Dublin School of Grinds Page 13 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2012 diary Entry Q. 2 (a) You are on a working holiday in a small town in Spain. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: The things you like about the town and why. The disadvantages of staying in such a small town. The difficulty you have keeping in contact with your friends in Ireland. What you are looking forward to doing on your return Dublin School of Grinds Page 14 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2011 diary Entry Q. 2 (a) At the end of June, you’re going away with your friends on holiday for the first time. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: How you feel about the trip. You’ve never been away without your family before. You hope you have enough money. What you plan to do on the trip. Dublin School of Grinds Page 15 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2010 diary Entry Q. 2 (a) You are looking for a summer job before going to university. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish, mentioning the following points: Why you need a job. It is difficult to find a job during the recession. Say what kind of job you’d like and why. What you will do with the money. Dublin School of Grinds Page 16 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2009 diary Entry Q. 2 (a) You’re on holidays in Spain and you are waiting for your Leaving Certificate results to come out. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: You are going to try to get your results on the internet. You hope you can remember your examination number. How you feel. Your plans to celebrate the results. Dublin School of Grinds Page 17 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2008 diary Entry Q. 2 (a) You have just visited Spain for the first time. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish, mentioning the following points: • Why you like the particular part of the city in which you are staying. • Your feelings about the people you have met. • The difficulties you have had in shops and restaurants. • What you would like to see on a future occasion. Dublin School of Grinds Page 18 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2007 diary Entry Q. 2 (a) Your parents have just bought you a dog for your birthday. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all of the following points: − A description of the dog and your feelings on getting it. − Problems in looking after the dog. − Instead of a pet you wanted money. − You need new clothes for your summer holidays. Dublin School of Grinds Page 19 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2006 diary Entry Q. 2 (a) You are back from your one-month stay in Ávila, not far from Madrid. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish, mentioning the following points: • Your feelings about your stay in Spain - what made it so pleasant. • What you thought about the people you were staying with. • How you coped with something you did not like. • Why you would love to go back to Spain next summer. Dublin School of Grinds Page 20 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2005 diary Entry Q. 2 (a) You have just arrived at the house of your Spanish exchange student. Write a DIARY ENTRY in SPANISH mentioning all the following points: • Your first impression of your Spanish exchange student. • How his/her home differs from an Irish home. • How you feel about spending a fortnight here and why. • What you hope to do in the next few days. Dublin School of Grinds Page 21 Lisa Fitzpatrick 2004 diary Entry Q. 2 (a) You have just moved to another town with your parents. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning how you feel about the move. Include your thoughts on all of the following points: • What you miss about your previous home. • The new school which you will be attending. • Making new friends. • Keeping in contact with your old friends. Dublin School of Grinds Page 22 Lisa Fitzpatrick Ordinary Level 2011 diary Entry Q. 2 (b) You are staying with a Spanish family in Alicante but you wish you were at home. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning how you feel about the move. Include your thoughts on all of the following points: • The family is nice but you are very bored. • The town is quiet and there is nothing to do. • You don’t like Spanish food and you would love to eat a burger and chips. • Spanish is a beautiful language but you don’t understand it. Dublin School of Grinds Page 23 Lisa Fitzpatrick Ordinary Level 2010 diary Entry Q. 2 (b) You are staying with the Alonso family. The parents smoke. You are disgusted because you do not like smoking. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning how you feel about the move. Include your thoughts on all of the following points: • You love Spain and the family is really nice. • The apartment is great and your room has a balcony.. • The only problem is that the parents are always smoking. • You are going to speak with Mrs. Alonso tomorrow. Dublin School of Grinds Page 24 Lisa Fitzpatrick Ordinary Level 2009 diary Entry Q. 2 (b) You are with your parents who are thinking of buying a house in Alicante. You have just viewed a property. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning how you feel about the move. Include your thoughts on all of the following points: • The house is very nice. It has three bedrooms and a swimming pool. • You do not like it because it is in the mountains and is very far from the beach. • Your parents want to buy it. • There is a village nearby but it has nothing for young people. Dublin School of Grinds Page 25 Lisa Fitzpatrick Ordinary Level 2008 diary Entry Q. 2 (b) You have just arrived in Madrid where you are going to spend three weeks with your Spanish friend María. Write a DIARY ENTRY in Spanish mentioning how you feel about the move. Include your thoughts on all of the following points: • Madrid is a fantastic city but there is too much traffic. • Say that there are lots of great shops. • María’s family is really nice but they speak very quickly. • Mention two things you are going to do tomorrow. Dublin School of Grinds Page 26 Lisa Fitzpatrick Lisa Fitzpatrick 6th Year Spanish Higher Level Lisa is the Head of the Foreign Languages Department at The Dublin School of Grinds. Lisa, a member of the Spanish Teachers’ Association, has written several revision books. She is also the author of the Gill & Macmillan Spanish Oral Book, the bible of the oral exam, which is worth 25% of the Leaving Certificate and is given free of charge to all Spanish students at The Dublin School of Grinds. Lisa is at the forefront of language teaching in Ireland and regularly presents teaching workshops nationwide. Her notes and attention to the marking scheme provide her students with the best opportunity to succeed in Spanish, with the goal firmly on acquiring as many CAO points as possible. OUR EXPERT TEACHERS