Den tredje nordiska kongressen om barnmisshandel och
Den tredje nordiska kongressen om barnmisshandel och
Den tredje nordiska kongressen om barnmisshandel och omsorgssvikt The Third Nordic Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect 12-14 maj 2004 / 12-14 May 2004 Åbo / Turku, Finland Photo: TurkuTouring Program och abstrakt 1 Programme and abstracts 1 Innehåll Välkommen ........................................................................... 4 Kongresskommittéer ............................................................... 5 Praktiska upplysningar ............................................................ 6 Inkvartering ........................................................................... 8 Plenarföreläsare .................................................................... 9 Kongressprogram ................................................................ 16 Socialt program ................................................................... 23 Plenarabstrakt ..................................................................... 24 Workshopabstrakt ................................................................ 33 Författarförteckning .............................................................. 83 Program Onsdag Torsdag Fredag 12 maj 2004 13 maj 2004 14 maj 2004 08:00 Registrering och kaffe 08.00 Registrering 08.00 Registrering 10:00 Öppningsceremoni Sal IX 09:00 Plenarsession III Sal IX 09:00 Plenarsession V Sal IX 10:30 Plenarsession I Sal IX 11:20 Workshops - Fria föredrag III 11:00 Workshops - Fria föredrag V 12:00 Lunch Film Sal XI – Sexuellt missbruk - förebyggande arbete Sal X – Familjevåld II Sal XI – Sexuellt missbruk - utredning Sal XIV – Barn i fara - prevention Sal XV – Sexuellt missbruk - utredning Sal XIV – Erfaranheter från Storbritannien om mångprofessionell samverkan Omhändertagna barn Sal IX – Flickor på institution Sal XI 13:30 Workshops - Fria föredrag I – Sexuellt missbruk bland omhändertagna 12:40 Lunch barn Sal XI – Familjevåld I Sal X 14:00 Workshops - Fria föredrag VI – Fysisk barnmisshandel Sal XIV – Barns rättssäkerhet Sal XV – Sexuellt missbruk - unga kränkare Sal XI – Familjevåld III Sal X 15:00 Kaffe – Riskfaktorer i föräldraskapet Sal XIV – Politiets roll i kriminelle sager, hvor børn 15:30 Plenarsession II Sal IX er involveret - forebyggelse og udredning Sal XV 16:45 Workshops - Fria föredrag II 15:30 Kaffe – Barnmisshandel - läkarens roll Sal XI – Pojkars omskärelse - vems rättigheter och 16:00 Plenarsession IV Sal IX vems skyldigheter Sal X – Sexuellt missbruk - arbete med förövare 17:15 Föreningsmöte Sal IX Sal XIV – Anknytningsteori - emotionell försummelse Sal XV 19:00 Välkomstmottagning med Åbo stad som värd Gamla akademihusets sollennitetssal 19:30 Bussar från kongresshotellen 20:00 Kongressbankett Åbo slott 2 2 12:30 Lunch Film Sal XI 14:00 Plenarsession VI med avslutningsceremoni Sal IX 15:30 Kaffe Index Welcome .............................................................................. 4 Congress committees ............................................................. 5 General information ................................................................ 6 Accommodation ..................................................................... 8 Plenary lecturers .................................................................... 9 Congress programme ........................................................... 16 Social programme ............................................................... 23 Plenary abstracts ................................................................. 24 Workshop abstracts .............................................................. 33 Author index ........................................................................ 83 Programme at a glance Wednesday Thursday Friday 12 May 2004 13 May 2004 14 May 2004 08:00 Registration and coffee 08.00 Registration 08.00 Registration 10:00 Opening ceremony Lecture hall IX 09:00 Plenary session III Lecture hall IX 09:00 Plenary session V Lecture hall IX 10:30 Plenary session I Lecture hall IX 11:20 Workshops - Free papers III 12:00 Lunch Film Lecture hall XI – Child Sexual Abuse - preventive work Lecture hall X – Domestic violence II Lecture hall XI – Child Sexual Abuse - investigation Lecture hall XIV – Children at risk - aspects of prevention Lecture hall XV 11:00 Workshops - Free papers V 13:30 Workshops - Free papers I – Child Sexual Abuse and children in care Lecture hall XI – Domestic violence I Lecture hall X – Child physical abuse and life after Lecture hall XIV – Children’s rights Lecture hall XV 15:00 Coffee 15:30 Plenary session II Lecture hall IX 16:45 Workshops - Free papers II – Child abuse - the role of the doctor Lecture hall XI – Controversy of male ritual circumcision whose rights and whose obligations Lecture hall X – Child Sexual Abuse - working with preparators Lecture hall XIV – Attachment theory and emotional abuse and neglect Lecture hall XV 19:00 Welcome recption hosted by the City of Turku The Old Academy Hall – Child Sexual Abuse - investigation Lecture hall XIV – Multiprofessional approaches - UK experiences - Children in care Lecture hall IX – Children in residential care Lecture hall XI 12:40 Lunch 14:00 Workshops - Free papers VI – Child Sexual Abuse - young offenders Lecture hall XI – Domestic violence III Lecture hall X – Children at risk - parental fators Lecture hall XIV – The role of the police in the criminal process where a child is involved prevention and investigations Lecture hall XV 15:30 Coffee 16:00 Plenary session IV Lecture hall IX 17:15 NFBO meeting Lecture hall IX 19:30 Bus transportation from the congress hotels 3 20:00 Congress Banquet Turku Castle 3 12:30 Lunch Film Lecture hall XI 14:00 Plenary session VI and Closing ceremony Lecture hall IX 15:30 Coffee Välkommen / Welcome Kära kolleger och vänner På programkommitténs och organisationskommitténs vägnar välkomnar jag er till Den tredje nordiska kongressen om barnmisshandel och omsorgssvikt. Nordisk Forening mot Barnemishandling og Omsorgssvikt etablerades 1998 med målet att främja det nordiska samarbetet på området. De flesta barn i Norden växer upp i trygga närmiljöer, men trots nationella lagar och internationella förordningar finns det en betydande skara barn som inte får sina basbehov tillfredsställda och som blir utsatta för våld eller hot om våld. Dessa barn står i fokus på vår kongress. Jag hoppas att kongressen kan bidra till att vi bättre än tidigare skall kunna identifiera, bemöta, behandla och följa upp de barn som lever i miljöer, som utgör en risk för deras hälsa och utveckling. Jag önskar er alla varmt välkomna. Raisa Lounamaa Kongressens ordförande Dear Colleagues and Friends Welcome to Turku and the Third Nordic Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect. The Nordic Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect was established in 1998 with the aim to promote collaboration and stimulate exchange of experience between people of various professional backgrounds working in child protection. In the Nordic countries, most children and young people grow up in a safe home environment, but despite national laws and international conventions the basic requirements of a considerable number of children are neglected and abused. We hope the congress will contribute to improve our knowledge and skills to identify, meet, treat and follow up children who live in environments, which constitute a risk to their health and wellbeing. On behalf of the programme committee I thank you for coming and our best wishes to you for a successful meeting. Raisa Lounamaa, MD Congress Chair 4 4 Kongresskommittéer / Congress committees Programkommitté Raisa Lounamaa, Finland, ordförande Annlis Söderholm, Finland, sekreterare Mona Jerkku, Finland Cecilia Kjellgren, Sverige Már V. Magnússon, Island Kirsten L. Moesgaard, Danmark Arne K. Myhre, Norge Carin Nordenstam, Norge Carl-Göran Svedin, Sverige Organisationskommitté Raisa Lounamaa, NFBO, Barnläkarföreningen i Finland Annlis Söderholm, NFBO, Barnläkarföreningen i Finland Heikki Sariola, NFBO, Centralförbundet för Barnskydd Kongressbyrån / NFBO 2004 Lemminkäinengatan 14-18 B, 20520 Åbo, Finland Tel. +358 2 333 6469 eller 5009, Fax + 358 2 333 5008 Email: [email protected] Programme Committee Raisa Lounamaa, Finland, chairman Annlis Söderholm, Finland, secretary Mona Jerkku, Finland Cecilia Kjellgren, Sweden Már V. Magnússon, Iceland Kirsten L. Moesgaard, Denmark Arne K. Myhre, Norway Carin Nordenstam, Norway Carl-Göran Svedin, Sweden Organising Committee Raisa Lounamaa, NFBO, Finnish Paediatric Society Annlis Söderholm, NFBO, Finnish Paediatric Society Heikki Sariola, NFBO, The Central Union for Child Welfare in Finland Congress Office / NFBO 2004 Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18 B, 20520 Turku, Finland Tel. +358 2 333 6469 or 5009, Fax + 358 2 333 5008 Email: [email protected] 5 5 Praktiska upplysningar / General information Kongressplats Åbo Universitet, Byggnaden för Naturvetenskap Adress: Universitetsbacken, Åbo / Turku, Finland Registrering under kongressen Kongressbyrån står till Din tjänst på kongressområdet under det vetenskapliga programmet. Kongressbyråns telefonnummer under kongressen är +358 40 565 6716. För betalning på kongressplatsen accepteras kontanter och följande kreditkort: Visa, Mastercard och Eurocard. Kongressbyrån är öppen: Tisdag, 11 maj Onsdag, 12 maj Torsdag, 13 maj Fredag, 14 maj 17.00 - 19.00 08.00 - 17.00 08.00 - 17.30 08.00 - 15.30 Kongresspråk Skandinaviska språk och engelska Förhandsgranskning av presentationer Du kan kontrollera dina powerpoint- och OH-presentationer i föreläsningssal XIII på andra våningen i Byggnaden för naturvetenskap. Congress venue University of Turku, Building of Natural Sciences Address: Yliopistonmäki, Turku, Finland Registration on-site The Congress Office will be ready to assist you at the congress venue during the congress. The telephone number of the Congress Office during the congress is +358 40 565 6716. For on-site payments cash, Visa, Mastercard and Eurocard are accepted. Opening hours of the Congress Office: Tuesday, 11 May 17.00 - 19.00 Wednesday, 12 May 08.00 - 17.00 Thursday, 13 May 08.00 - 17.30 Friday, 14 May 08.00 - 15.30 Language Skandinavian languages and English Slide preview room There is a slide preview room (lecture room XIII) on the second floor of the Building of Natural Sciences. There you can check your slides and powerpoint 6 presentations. 6 Praktiska upplysningar / General information Lunch och kaffe Lunch och kaffe ingår i deltagaravgiften och serveras på kongressplatsen. Namnlappen ger tillträde till lunch och kaffe och bör därför bäras synligt under kongressen. Övriga tjänster Bank Den närmaste banken finns på Tavastgatan. Bankerna är i huvudsak öppna vardagar 9.30-16.30 Rökning Rökning är förbjuden i allmänna byggnader. Taxi På kongressplatsen kan Du be Kongressbyrån ringa efter en taxi. Telefonnummer +358 2 10041. Buss I hotellets reception får Du mer information angående de busar som trafikerar sträckan Salutorget - Universitetsbacken (t.ex. buss nr. 30, 50, 51, 53, 54). Telefon På kongressplatsen finner Du allmänna telefoner nära huvudingången till Byggnaden för naturvetenskap. Lunch and coffee Lunch and coffee are included for registered participants and are served at the congress venue. Congress delegates are kindly asked to wear their badges throughout the congress. Other services Bank The nearest banks are in Hämeenkatu. Banking hours on weekdays are mainly 9.30-16.30. Smoking Smoking is prohibited inside public buildings. Taxi Bus At the congress venue you can ask the Congress Office to call you a taxi. Taxi tel. +358 2 10041. You can require information from the hotel reception concerning the General information most convenient bus line (e.g. bus no.s 30, 50, 51, 53, 54) from the Market Square to the University Hill. Telephone At the congress venue public telephones can be found near the main entrance in the Building of Natural Sciences. 7 7 Inkvartering / Accommodation Kongresshotell General information Holiday Club Caribia Kongressgatan 1, 20540 Åbo T. +358 2 651 111, F. +358 2 6511 2000 Sokos Hotel Hamburger Börs Köpmansgatan 6, 20100 Åbo T. +358 2 337 381, F. +358 2 231 1010 Scandic Hotel Julia Eriksgatan 4, 20110 Åbo T. +358 2 336 311, F. +358 2 3360 2211 Sokos Hotel Seurahuone Eriksgatan 23, 20100 Åbo T. +358 2 337 301, F. + 358 2 251 8051 Sokos Hotel City Börs Köpmansgatan 11, 20100 Åbo T. +358 2 337 381, F. +358 2 231 1010 Centro Hotel Universitetsgatan 12A, 20110 Åbo T. +358 2 4690 469, F. +358 2 4690 479 Hotel Turun Karina Österlånggatan 30B, 20700 Åbo T. +358 2 265 7911, F. +358 2 265 7919 Congress hotels Holiday Club Caribia Kongressikatu 1, 20540 Turku T. +358 2 651 111, F. +358 2 6511 2000 Sokos Hotel Hamburger Börs Kauppiaskatu 11, 20100 Turku T. +358 2 337 381, F. +358 2 231 1010 Scandic Hotel Julia Eerikinkatu 4, 20110 Turku T. +358 2 336 311, F. +358 2 3360 2211 Sokos Hotel Seurahuone Eerikinkatu 23, 20100 Turku T. +358 2 337 301, F. + 358 2 251 8051 Sokos Hotel City Börs Kauppiaskatu 11, 20100 Turku T. +358 2 337 381, F. +358 2 231 1010 Centro Hotel Yliopistonkatu 12A, 20110 Turku T. +358 2 4690 469, F. +358 2 4690 479 Hotel Turun Karina Itäinen Pitkäkatu 30B, 20700 Turku T. +358 2 265 7911, F. +358 2 265 7919 8 8 Plenarföreläsare / Plenary lecturers Tom Erik Arnkil är professor i socialpolitik vid Helsingfors Universitet och forskningsprofessor vid STAKES (Forsknings- och utvecklingscentralen för social och hälsovård), där han leder en forskningsgrupp som fokuserar på nätverksarbete och på att utveckla metoder vid dialog. Gruppen studerar “virrvarret när många hjälper” och lösningsmodeller när situationen är låst. Centrala forskningsområden är mångprofessionella nätverk i barn-, ungdomsoch familjeorienterat arbete samt nätverksarbete med långtidsarbetslösa. Inom bägge områden förekommer viktiga gränsöverskridningar: mellan den offentliga och den privata sfären när mänskor och deras personliga nätverk kommer i kontakt med professionella nätverk och innanför det sektorbaserade, specialiserade expertsystemet. Tom Erik Arnkil har skrivit flera böcker om mötet mellan det professionella systemet och den värld klienten lever i och har utvecklat metoder för förbättrad dialog mellan dessa kontrahenter. Böckerna bygger på fortgående forskning och utvecklingsprojekt som fått sin början under 1980-talet. Prof. Arnkil med kolleger har utvecklat metoder för förbättrad dialog mellan expertsystem och klient. Han redogör i sin plenarföreläsning för dessa metoder och deras kontext. Tom Erik Arnkil is a Research Professor at STAKES (National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health) in Finland. He is also an associate Professor of social policy at the University of Helsinki. In STAKES he leads a group focusing on network research and dialogic methods. The groups studies “multi-helper muddles” and develops methods for getting out of stuck situations. The two main areas of study are multi-stakeholder networks in child, adolescent and family oriented work, and networks in work with long term unemployed persons. In both areas important boundary crossings - and boundary problems occur: between the public and the private sphere where citizens and their personal networks are in contact with professional networks, and within the sector based, specialised expert system. Tom Erik Arnkil has written a number of books on the encounter between the helper system and the “life world” of clients, basing on a succession of research and development projects starting in the 1980’s and still going on. Through experimentation Arnkil and his colleagues have developed methods for enhancing dialogues between the expert system and the clients - methods for getting unstuck. He will give a plenary lecture on these methods and their context. Lucy Berliner är biträdande professor vid University of Washington Graduate school of Social Work och chef för Harborview Sexual Assault Center, en specialklinik vid samma universitet. Hennes aktiviteter inkluderar kliniskt arbete och forskning med barn som utsatts för trauman och hon leder också ett projekt om barn i fosterhem. Hon är en av författarna till läroboken The APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment. Lucy Berliners plenarpresentation är baserad på hennes erfarenheter av terapeutiskt arbete med barn som traumatiserats bl.a. på grund av sexuella 9 övergrepp eller fysisk misshandel. Hennes workshop behandlar samma tema. 9 Plenarföreläsare / Plenary lecturers Lucy Berliner is Associated Professor at the University of Washington Graduate School Plenary of Social Work and Director for Harborview Sexual Assault lecturers Center, a special clinic at the same university. Her work include clinical work with research on children affected by traumatic events and she is the principal investigator for a project of children in foster homes. Moreover, she is co-writer of the textbook The APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment. Lucy Berliner’s plenary lecture is based on her experiences of therapeutic work with children affected by traumatic events as a result of sexual assaults or physical abuse. Her workshop treats the same theme Else Christensen är psykolog och senior forskare vid Dansk National Institut for Social Forskning. Hon är fil.mag. från universitetet i Köpenhamn 1979 och arbetade 1974-80 vid Universitetssjukhuset i Köpenhamn. 1981-90 arbetade hon som psykolog och forskare vid Dannerhuset med misshandlade kvinnor och barn som varit vittne till våld i familjen. Hennes professionella intresse rör försummelse och våld mot barn och på vilket sätt barnens uppväxtvillkor influerar deras utveckling – sker en polarisering redan under tidig barnaålder? I sitt plenarföredrag kommer Else Christensen att ta upp tidig intervention vid försummelse och hennes inlägg baseras på en kohortstudie av 5000 barn födda 1995. Else Christensen is psychologist, senior researcher and Head of research programme at the Danish institute of Social Research. She graduated from the University of Copenhagen 1979, was employed at the University Hospital of Copenhagen 1974-80. In 1981-90 she worked as attending psychologist and researcher at the Danner House with physically abused women and children who had witnessed violence in the family. Her professional interests concern child abuse and neglect and to which extent the living conditions of the family and the child affects their social mobility – is a polarisation established already in early childhood? Her plenary presentation about neglect of children is based on results from a follow up study of a cohort of children born in 1995. Dr. Olof Flodmark är biträdande professor i neuroradiologi och pediatrisk neuroradiologi vid Karolinska institutet och chef för den neuroradiologiska enheten vid Karolinska sjukhuset i Stockholm. Hans specialintresse är neonatal neuroradiologi. Han är en av de ledande läkarna i Sverige när det gäller diagnostisering och intervenering vid fysisk misshandel av barn och hans arbete har lett till ändrade attityder och rutiner vid barnmisshandel. Han har en omfattande vetenskaplig produktion: 13 bokkapitel, 102 vetenskapliga publikationer och nästan 300 vetenskapliga presentationer. Sedan 2000 är han president för “European Society of Neuroradiology”. Plenarföreläsningen behandlar radiologiska och neuroradiologiska undersökningar vid fysisk misshandel av spädbarn. 10 10 Plenarföreläsare / Plenary lecturers Dr. Olof Flodmark is Associate professor of Neuroradiology and Pediatric Neuroradiology at the Karolinska Institute and Director of the Department of Plenary lecturers, Workshops Neuroradiology and MR Research at Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm. His special interest is neonatal neuroradiology. He is one of the leading doctors when it comes to diagnosing and intervening in child physical abuse in Sweden, especially in shaken baby syndrome cases. He has an extensive scientific production: 13 book chapters, 102 original papers and almost 300 scientific and learned presentations. Since 2000 he is President of the European Society of Neuroradiology. His plenary presentation will look at child physical abuse from a radiologic and neuroradiologic point of view. James Garbarino är professor i Human Development vid Cornell University och biträdande chef för Family Life Development Center. Han är en av världens ledande forskare när det gäller försummelse och våld mot barn och har erhållit det första C.Henry Kempe priset 1985 och också fått pris av American Psychological Association´s Division on Child, Youth, and Family Services och American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics. Han har skrivit många böcker, är medförfattare i boken Neglected Children och har skrivit boken Lost Boys, som behandlar unga som begår våldshandlingar. Därutöver har han en omfattande vetenskaplig produktion. James Garbarinos första plenarpresentation handlar om det ekologiska perspektivet vid försummelse av barn. Hans andra presentation behandlar tonåringar som begår våldsbrott. James Garbarino is Professor of Human Development at Cornell University as well as Co-Director of the Family Life Development Center. He is one of the leading researchers when it comes to the impact of neglect and violence on child development and he has received the first C. Henry Kempe Prize in 1985. He has been awarded by the American Psychological Association’s Division on Child, Youth, and Family Services as well as by the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics. James Garbarino has an extensive scientific production. He has written many books, among others Lost Boys, which deals with teenagers committing violent acts, and he is co-author of the book Neglected Children. James Garbarino’s first plenary lecture deals with the ecological perspective on the neglect of children. His other presentation is about teenagers committing violent crimes. He considers the problem of neglect and violence from the point of view of the individual, family and society. Kari Killén är professor och äldre forskare vid Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring. Hon har en lång både klinisk och forskningsmässig erfarenhet av arbete med barn som varit utsatta för försummelse och våld. Hon är en pionjär inom detta område och hennes stora insatser som lärare och 11 11 Plenarföreläsare / Plenary lecturers påverkare både i Norge och internationellt har haft betydelse för flere generationer av kliniker och teoretiker, som arbetar med utsatta barn. Hon har skrivit och redigerat många böcker av vilka boken “Sveket. Omsorgssvikt er alles ansvar” är översatt till 8 språk. Prof. Killéns nuvarande forskningsintresse rör tidigt samspel och anknytning samt preventivt och mångprofessionellt arbete. Prof. Killén har varit aktiv inom ISPCAN under många år och har varit president för denna organisation. Kari Killén is a Professor and Senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Social Research. Her professional work over 40 years has combined direct clinical work, consultations, training and research in child maltreatment. She is a pioneer in this field also internationally and presently she is focusing on research on attachment. She has published several books and articles on child maltreatment; recognition, treatment, prevention and multiprofessional work. Prof. Killén has been active in ISPCAN for many years and is former President of the organisation. Marcellina Mian är barnläkare och professor i pediatrik vid universitetet i Toronto. Hon har lång erfarenhet av medicinsk och psykosocial utvärdering av barn som farit illa och har varit också internationellt aktiv på detta område. För närvarande är hon president för ISPCAN (The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) och hon fungerar som konsult åt World Health Organization vid utformandet av internationella riktlinjer för det förebyggande arbetet. Hon har gjort forskning om följderna av sexuella övergrepp på barn under skolåldern och skrivit många artiklar om olika former av våld mot barn. Prof. Mian kommer att i sitt plenarföredrag behandla betydelsen av intersektoriell samverkan i det internationella preventiva arbetet. Marcellina Mian is a general paediatrician and Professor in Paediatrics at the University of Toronto. Since 1975 she has been active in the medical and psychosocial assessment of abused children. Since 1984 she is a member of the Board of the Toronto Child Abuse Centre. She is the current President of ISPCAN (The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect). Prof. Mian is also a consultant to the World Health Organization to develop international guidelines on child abuse and neglect prevention. Prof. Mian has carried out research on the effects of sexual abuse on preschoolers and has written numerous articles on various aspects on child abuse. In the last plenary session prof. Mian will give a lecture on intersectorial approach to child abuse prevention. Kim Oates är professor i pediatrik och barnhälsa vid universitetet i Sydney och chefsläkare vid Children´s Hospital at Westmead i Sydney. Hans intresse för försummelse av och våld mot barn tog sin början 1970 med en studie om “Failure to thrive”. Sedan dess har han publicerat 14 böcker och över 150 artiklar 12 i huvudsak rörande barn som far illa. Han har över 20 år varit aktiv inom 12 Plenarföreläsare / Plenary lecturers International Society for Prevention Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) och var organisationens president åren 1988-1990. Han har också varit gästande professor vid det världsberömda Henry Kempe Centret i Colorado, USA. Kim Oates kommer under kongressen att ha två plenarföredrag. Den första presentationen behandlar barnläkarens roll inom barnskyddet, följt av en workshop om barnmisshandel och mångprofessionellt samarbete. Rubriken för hans andra plenarpresentation är “What have we learnt in the last 40 years?”. Kim Oates is Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health at the University of Sydney and Chief Executive of the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney. His interest for neglect and violence against children got its start in 1970 with a study of “Failure to thrive”. From then on he has published 14 books and over 150 articles concerning principally maltreated children. For over 20 years, he has taken an active part in the International Society for Prevention Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) and he acted as President for the organization in 1988-1990. Furthermore, he has acted as Visiting Professor at the world famous Henry Kempe Center in Colorado, USA. During the congress, Kim Oates is to give two plenary lectures. The first presentation brings up the role of the children’s doctor for the child welfare, followed by a workshop on child abuse and multiprofessional cooperation. The topic of his second plenary presentation will be: “What have we learnt in the last 40 years?”. Stefán Ólafsson innehar en professur vid fakulteten för socialvetenskaper vid Universitetet på Island sedan år 1991. Jämsides med denna befattning är han sedan år 2000 chef för Institutet för urbana studier vid samma universitet. Hans akademiska forskning har inbegripit välfärdstudier, studier kring levnadsstandard, arbetsmarknad och samhällsutveckling. Hans publikationer, huvudsakligen på isländska, inkluderar fyra läroböcker, många kapitel i böcker och artiklar i vetenskapliga journaler och ett stort antal forskningsrapporter. Han har också haft ledande befattningar i de universitetsanställdas fackförening och inom universitetets administration. Stefán Ólafssons plenarföredrag behandlar välfärdsstaten och barnens situation ur ett isländskt perspektiv. Stefán Ólafsson is full Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Iceland since 1991. He also became director of the Urban Studies Institute at The University of Iceland in 2000. He has been chairman of the Association of University Employees in Iceland and been a member of the University Council for two periods. His main fields of research are welfare studies and level of living, labour market studies and societal development. His publications, mainly in Icelandic, include four academic books, many chapters in books and journals and a very large number of research reports. His plenary presentation deals with children’s conditions in Iceland. 13 13 Plenarföreläsare / Plenary lecturers Jonathan Picken har under många år varit aktiv i British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN) och är blivande ordförande för denna organisation. Han arbetar som rådgivare och konsult för mångprofessionella “Area Child Protection Committee´s” (ACPC´s) i Storbritannien. Han har tidigare arbetat med unga klienter inom kriminalvården och hans arbete som socialarbetare med både barn och vuxenklienter började 1984. Han har erfarenhet av arbete i barnskyddsteam och senare även av arbete i en regional pediatrisk enhet. Hans speciella professionella intresse- och kompetensområde inom ACPC’s är multiprofessionell handläggning av försummelse av och våld mot barn. Han är också intresserad av internationellt arbete och har fungerat som en “Honorary Lecturer” för WHO. Jonathan Picken is currently Chair Elect of the British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN). Jonathan is an InterAgency Training and Development Adviser working with multi-disciplinary “Area Child Protection Committee’s” within the UK. He began working as a Social Worker in1984, working in both adult and children’s services. Having studied criminology his early career was spent working with young people within the criminal justice system, before going on to work within a child protection team and later a regional paediatric unit. During recent years he has worked specifically with ACPC’s and has a specific interest in the multi-disciplinary management of child abuse and neglect. Jonathan also has an interest in overseas development work and has worked as an ‘Honorary Lecturer’ for the World Health Organisation. Minna Salmi är sociolog med mångårig forskarbakgrund vid Helsingfors Universitet. Sedan 1993 har dr Salmi arbetat vid STAKES (Forsknings- och utvecklingscentralen för social och hälsovård) där hon speciellt sysslat med forskning kring vardagen, som hon definierar som de processer genom vilka människor omvandlar de samhälleliga livsbetingelser och villkor som de lever med till levd vardag. Med detta perspektiv som utgångspunkt har hon lett forskningsoch utvecklingsprojekt om barns välfärd och om sammanjämkningen av arbete och familjeliv. Hennes senaste arbete tillsammans med andra forskare inkluderar en studie om vilka följder den ekonomiska depressionen hade på barnen och deras familjer, en analys av barnens position i samhällsutvecklingen på 1990-talet och en studie av fattigdom i barnfamiljer. Hon har en omfattande vetenskaplig produktion både på finska och engelska. På STAKES är Dr Salmi chef för enheten “Barndom och familj”. 14 14 Plenarföreläsare / Plenary lecturers Minna Salmi is a sociologist. After working for several years as a researcher at the University of Helsinki, she joined the staff of STAKES (National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health) in 1993. Her research interests lie in everyday life, which she defines as the process through which people transform the social conditions of their life into lived everyday life. Having this perspective as her starting point, she has led research and development projects on the well-being of children and on the reconciliation of work and family life. Her recent work together with other researchers includes a study on the consequences of the economic depression on children and their families, an analysis of children’s position in the societal development of the 1990s, and a study of poverty in families with children. She has published several articles in books both in English and in Finnish. Dr Salmi is Head of the Unit “Childhood and Family” in STAKES. Trygve Wyller är teologiedoktor, professor i systematisk teologi vid Universitetet i Oslo och sedan 2003 den teologiska fakultetens vicedekan. Hans doktorsavhandling 1994 i systematisk teologi fokuserade speciellt på diskussionen om förhållandet mellan modern autonomi och kristen tro. Under senare år har hans arbete i huvudsak rört två teman: tolkning och analys av kristet omsorgsarbete och allmänna etiska dilemman i speciella omsorgstraditioner, speciellt hur dessa relaterar till samspelet mellan vad som anses vara bäst för klienten och erkännandet av klientens egen medverkan. 1993 blev han redaktör för Norsk teologisk tidsskrift. Sedan år 1998 är han också professor vid Høgskolen for diakoni og sykepleie vid Diakonissehuset Lovisenberg, Oslo och chef för det nordiska nätverket “Forum for the Science of Diakonia”. Förutom nyare systematisk teologi och diakoni omfattar prof. Wyllers professionella profil bl.a. modernitetsteorier, teologisk och allmän etik samt barnskydd. Trygve Wyller is Ph.D. in Theology and Professor of Systematic Theology at the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo. His doctoral work 1994 in Systematic Theology focused especially on the discussion of the relationship between modern autonomy and Christian belief. In recent years, his work has focused on two principal subjects: the interpretation and analysis of the distinct history of Christian care work and common ethical dilemmas in specific care traditions, especially as they relate to the interplay between acting on the client’s best interest and acknowledging the client’s agency. He is academic advisor for diaconal and nursing studies within the health science major since 1996. Prof. II at the College of Diakonia and Nursing at Lovisenberg Hospice, Oslo since 1998. Editor of the Norsk teologisk tidsskrift since 1993. Member of the intl. reference group for research projects at Uppsala University on the relationship between the state and the church in Sweden. Director of the Nordic network “Forum for the Science of Diakonia”. Opponent at doctoral disputations in theology at the universities of Lund, Trondheim and Oslo. Advising five doctoral candidates and approx. fifteen master’s students. Vice Dean at The Faculty of Theology 2003-. 15 15 Kongressprogram / Congress programme Onsdag / Wednesday 12 maj / May 2004 08:00 Registrering och kaffe Registration and coffee 10:00 Öppningsceremoni Opening ceremony 10:30 Plenarsession I Plenary session I 10:30 Minna Salmi: Children and structural indifference - the position of children and their families in Finland today Stefán Ólafsson: The Welfare State and Children’s conditions - the case of Iceland P 1 Else Christensen: How can we prevent children to become neglected children? P 2 11:00 11:30 Ordförande: Cecilia Kjellgren Chair: Cecilia Kjellgren 12:00 Lunch Film Den nødvendige samtale. Samtale med forældre om bekymring for deres barn. WP 1 13:30 Workshops - Fria föredrag I Workshops - Free papers I 13:30 13:55 14:20 14:45 Sexuellt missbruk bland omhändertagna barn Child Sexual Abuse and children in care Orförande - Chair: Carin Nordenstam Christine Román: Processen från “icke-behandlingsbar” mot en positiv personlighetsutveckling - metodutveckling på ett behandlingshem för allvarligt störda och traumatiserade ungdomarWP 2 Bengt Söderström: “En gång när Lisa var liten...” WP 3 Geert Jørgensen: Sexual abuse on children taken into care WP 4 Grete Dyb: Alleged Sexual Abuse at a Day Care Center: Impact on Parents WP 5 16 16 Kongressprogram / Congress programme Onsdag / Wednesday 12 maj / May 2004 13:30 13:50 14:10 13:30 13:50 14:10 13:30 Familjevåld I Domestic violence I Ordförande - Chair: Maria Eriksson Agneta Frick: Barn som bevittnar och upplever våld i hemmet. Att möta och arbeta med barnen på Kriscentrum för våldsutsatta kvinnor och deras barn i Malmö WP 6 Jan-Eric Gustavsson: Gruppbehandling för misshandlade mammor kvinnor WP 7 Stefan Lindberg: Pappor i häkte WP 8 Fysisk barnmisshandel Child physical abuse and life after Ordförande - Chair: Már Magnusson Charlotta Lindell: Social welfare services provided for physically abused children in Sweden. Interventions at the abuse incident and four years later. WP 9 Carl-Göran Svedin: A 16 year follow-up of children born at psychosocial risk WP 10 Jaana Haapasalo: Official and Self-Reported Childhood Abuse and Adult Crime of Young Offenders WP 11 Barns rättssäkerhet Children’s rights med juristerna Marianne Ny: Barns rättssäkerhet i brottmål WP 12 Anne Brita Normann: Barns rättssäkerhet 15:00 Kaffe Coffee 15:30 Plenarsession II Plenary session II 15:30 Kim Oates: An overview of the problem of child neglect and abuse with emphasis on the role of the doctor P 3 Olof Flodmark: Radiologiska och neuroradiologiska undersökningar vid fysisk misshandel av spädbarn – styrkor och svagheter P 4 16:05 Ordförande: Carl-Göran Svedin Chair: Carl-Göran Svedin 17 17 Kongressprogram / Congress programme Onsdag / Wednesday Preliminary12programme maj / May 2004 16:45 16:45 17:05 17:20 17:40 16:45 16:55 17:30 16:45 17:05 17:25 16:45 19:30 Workshops - Fria föredrag II Workshops - Free papers II Barnmisshandel - läkarens roll Child abuse – the role of the doctor Ordförande - Chair: Annlis Söderholm Sarimari Tupola: Management and paediatric follow-up of physically abused children WP 13 Olof Flodmark: Intersectorial and multiprofessional work in child abuse. Experiences from MIO-gruppen, Astrid Lindgren Hospital, Stockholm. Arne K. Myhre: Normal genital anatomy: a study of non-abused preschool girls WP 14 Kim Oates: Why is child physical abuse a difficult diagnosis? Pojkars omskärelse - vems rättigheter och vems skyldigheter? Controversy of male ritual circumcision – whose rights and whose obligations? Ordförande - Chair: Esko Länsimies Kari Vanamo: Clinical phimosis – myth or fact? Martin Scheinin: Male ritual circumcision – is social adequancy a human right issue? Yngve Hofvander: Violating a child’s bodily integrity – Circumcision in boys and girls WP 15 Sexuellt missbruk – arbete med förövare Child Sexual Abuse – working with perpetrators Ordförande - Chair: Bengt Söderström Vernon Jones: The identification management of child sexual abusers as a means of protecting children from sexual exploitation and abuse: Moving Towards a public health model. WP 16 Inga Tidefors: Stories told by the prepetrators - of any benefit for the abused children? WP 17 Paula Heljestrand: Hans och Greta mottagningen, behandlingsmodell, speciellt skyddssamtal, samt våra erfarenheter av första året WP 18 Anknytningsteori - emotionell försummelse Attachment theory and emotional abuse and neglect Ordförande - Chair: Kari Killén Kari Killén: The relevance of attachment theory for understanding and preventing emotional abuse and neglect 18 Välkomstmottagning med Åbo stad som värd 18 Kongressprogram / Congress programme Torsdag / Thursday 13 maj / May 2004 08:00 Registrering 09:00 Plenarsession III Plenary session III 09:00 Trygve Wyller: Between just anger and inapproproate/unreasonable intimacy - vocational general ethics in an exposed/imperiled area P 5 James Garbarino: The Violent Teenager P 6 09:45 11:20 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 11:20 12:00 Ordförande: Kari Killén Chair: Kari Killén Workshops - Fria föredrag III Workshops - Free papers III Sexuellt missbruk - förebyggande arbete Child Sexual Abuse - preventive work Ordförande - Chair: Geir Borgen Kaija Lajunen: Children´s Safety Skills programme WP 19 Eva Zachrison: “Att få mamma tillbaka...” WP 20 Aud Karin Bjørn: Tverrfaglig samarbeid som metode i overgrepssake WP 21 Marianne Lind: Terapigrupper for menn som har vært utsatt for seksuelle overgrep i oppveksten WP 22 Familjevåld II Domestic violence II Ordförande - Chair: Mikko Oranen Inkeri Eskonen: Children’s perspectives of violence - Methodological challenges of studying young children’s narratives WP 23 Åsa Källström Carter: Children’s strategies for understanding their father’s violence WP 24 Hannele Forsberg: Supervised parenthood - the best interest of the child? WP 25 Maria Eriksson: Gender, parenting and violence in close relationships WP 26 Sexuellt missbruk – utredning Child Sexual Abuse - investigation Ordförande - Chair: Anna Kaldal: Double perspective, children and police officers involved in alleged child sexual abuse WP 27 Hanna Tähtinen: Child Forensic Psychiatric Examination Model in the North Karelia Hospital 19 District WP 28 19 Kongressprogram / Congress programme Torsdag / Thursday Preliminary 13 programme maj / May 2004 12:10 12:35 11:20 11:40 12:00 Mona Jerkku: Arbetsgruppen för rättspsykiatriska frågor rörande barn vid Tammerfors Universitetssjukhus barnpsykiatriska klinik WP 29 Merja Mäki: Forensic Child Psychiatry at Tampere University Hospital WP 30 Barn i fara - prevention Children at risk – aspects of prevention Ordförande - Chair: Cecilia Kjellgren Madeleine Cocozza: Mandatory reporting as an instrument of finding children in need for protection WP 31 Ruth Soonets: Child Mortality Rate and Inflicted Injuries That Lead to Early Death of Children in Estonia WP 32 Karen Louise Christiansen: Professionelle dilemmaer i arbejdet med omsorgssvigt blandt asylansøgerbørn i Danmark WP 33 12:40 Lunch 14:00 Workshops - Fria föredrag IV Workshops - Free papers IV 14:00 14:20 14:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 Sexuellt missbruk - unga kränkare Child Sexual Abuse – young offenders Ordförande - Chair: Guðrún Frímannsdóttir Marit Hellesnes: Søskenincest, - erfaringer formidlet av kvinner ved Støttesenter mot Incest-Oslo WP 34 Mimi Strange: Danske børn/unge med sexuel overgrebsadfærd. Undersøgelse, behandling og vidensindsamling WP 35 Cecilia Kjellgren: Ungdomar som begår sexuella övergrepp - hur allvarligt är det? WP 36 Familjevåld III Domestic violence III Ordförande - Chair: Stefan Lindberg Mikko Oranen: Children and violence within the family WP 37 Elli-Maija Laaksamo: Integrative practices in working with women and children who have experienced violence and men who have used it WP 38 Keith Pringle: Family, Violence and Childhood in the Nordic Welfare Systems WP 39 20 20 Kongressprogram / Congress programme Torsdag / Thursday Submission of abstracts13 maj / May 2004 14:00 14:30 14:50 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 Riskfaktorer i föräldraskapet Children at risk – parental factors Ordförande - Chair: Helena Ewalds Barbro Hindberg: Barn till föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning WP 40 Birthe Hagström: Samverkan kring familjer med späda och små barn där föräldern lider av en psykisk störning WP 41 Tytti Solantus: Supporting Child Development in Families with Mentally Ill Parents WP 42 Politiets rolle i kriminelle sager, hvor børn er involveret Forebyggelse og udredning The role of the police in the criminal process where a child is involved - Prevention and investigations Ordförande - Chair: Kirsten L. Moesgaard Sigþrúður Erla Arnardóttir: Cooperation between Midgardur and the Reykjavik Police to find new ways to deal with child delinquency WP 43 Steen Hansen: Fængsledes børn – en udsat gruppe WP 44 Bo Ertmann: Ny betænkning om straffeprocessuelle tvangsindgreb over for børn under den kriminelle lavalder og det fremtidig samarbejde om at beskytte børn mod overgreb WP 45 Steen Hansen: Internettet. Det er der alt sammen. WP 46 15:30 Kaffe Coffee 16:00 Plenarsession IV Plenary session IV 16:00 James Garbarino: Ecological aspects on Child Neglect P 7 17:15 Föreningsmöte NFBO meeting 19:30 Bussar från kongresshotellen Bus transportation from the congress hotels 20:00 Kongressbankett på Åbo slott Congress Banquet at Turku Castle Ordförande: Annlis Söderholm Chair: Annlis Söderholm 21 21 Kongressprogram / Congress programme Fredag / Friday 14 maj / May 2004 08:00 Registrering Registration 09:00 Plenarsession V Penary session V 09:00 09:55 Lucy Berliner: Therapeutic interventions with children who have experienced abuse P 8 Tom Erik Arnkil: Dialogues between families and multi-helper networks in worrying situations P 9 11:00 Workshops - Fria föredrag V Workshops - Free papers V 11:00 11:20 11:40 11:00 11:40 11:00 Ordförande: Mona Jerkku Chair: Mona Jerkku Sexuellt missbruk – utredning Child Sexual Abuse – investigation Ordförande - Chair: Heikki Sariola Katarina Finnilä: Factors influencing the clinical decision making of child sexual abuse investigators in Finland WP 47 Carl-Göran Svedin: Trauma experiences and symptoms of traumatization WP 48 Kirsten L. Moesgaard: Videoafhøringer af børn som bevismateriale for anklagemyndigheden: “Forensic interviewing” WP 49 Erfarenheter från Storbritannien om mångprofessionell samverkan Omhändertagna barn Multiprofessional approaches - UK experiences - Children in care Ordförande - Chair: Carin Nordenstam Lucy Berliner: The needs of children in foster care WP 50 Jonathan Picken: Multiagency-reponses to Child Maltreatment - UK Systems and Experiences WP 51 Flickor på institution Children in residential care Ordförande - Chair: Ann-Christine Falk Ann-Christine Falk: Flickor på institution - psykosocialt arbete med sexuellt utsatta tonårsflickor WP 52 12:30 Lunch Film Den nødvendige samtale. Samtale med forældre om bekymring for deres barn. WP 1 14:00 Plenarsession VI, avslutningsceremoni Plenary session VI, Closing ceremony 14:00 14:35 15:10 Kim Oates: “What have we learnt in the last 40 years?” P 10 Marcellina Mian: Intersectoral approach to child abuse prevention world-wide P 11 Cecilia Kjellgren: Vad har vi lärt oss? - Sammanfattning av kongressen 22 of the conference What have we learnt? - Summary 15:30 Kaffe Coffee 22 Ordför.: Raisa Lounamaa Chair: Raisa Lounamaa Socialt program / Social programme Välkomstmottagning med Åbo stad som värd Onsdag, 12 maj, Social 2004, kl. programme 19:00 Gamla akademihusets solennitetssal Adress: Rothoviusgatan, mittemot Åbo domkyrkas kor Kongressmiddag på Åbo slott Torsdag, 13 maj, 2004, kl. 20:00 Adress: Slottsgatan 80 En Renässansfest i Hertig Johans sällskap på Åbo slott blir ett minne för livet. På medeltiden besöktes slottet ofta av regenter och blev ett betydande administrativt centrum. På 1500-talet utnämndes Gustav Vasas son Johan till hertig av Finland och hämtade med sig stora rikedomar och en fläkt av den europeiska renässansen till Åbo slott. Avnjut en utsökt supé tillsammans med Hertig Johan och hans charmerande gemål, den polska prinsessan Katarina Jagellonica. I avgiften ingår supé, program och busstransport. Bussarna avgår från kongresshotellen kl 19:30. Welcome Reception hosted by the City of Turku Wednesday, 12 May 2004 at 19:00 Old Academy Hall Address: Rothoviuksenkatu, opposite the east end of Turku Cathedral Congress Banquet at Turku Castle Thursday, 13 May 2004 at 20:00 Address: Linnankatu 80 A Renaissance banquet hosted by John, Duke of Finland, at the old Turku Castle will be a truly memorable experience. In the Middle Ages the castle was often visited by monarchs and became an important administrative centre. In the 16th century, Duke John established a luxurious Renaissance court in the castle. Enjoy the medieval dinner hosted by him and his charming spouse Catharina Jagellonica. The fee includes the transportation, 23 the programme and the dinner. The buses leave from the congress hotels at 19:30. 23 P1 Plenarabstrakt / Plenary abstracts THE WELFARE STATE AND CHILDREN´S CONDITIONS – THE CASE OF ICELAND Stefán Ólafsson1 1 University of Iceland, Iceland The characteristics of the Icelandic welfare state are outlined in a Nordic comparison, with a special emphasis on the deviations of the Icelandic model from those of the other Nordic countries. Different welfare systems create different conditions for families and for children. Issues of work and family, education, social services, social and cultural environment are examined to approach a characterization of the environment for children in contemporary Iceland. Then we look more directly at conditions of children, deviance, maltreatment and child care and child protection services. Lastly we relate the welfare outcomes of Icelandic children to the contours of the societal environment. P2 HOW CAN WE PREVENT CHILDREN TO BECOME NEGLECTED CHILDREN? Else Christensen1 1 Research unit on children, integration and equal opportunities, Denmark The presentation will focus on four questions: What do we know about parents who expose their children to neglect? · How will the parents themselves describe and understand their life or their situation? · How are the social conditions for those families? How many children are at risk of being neglected by their parents? · How many families with serious social problems can we find? · Will the children in these families experience other problems as well? Which professionals will get contact to the families? · Nurses visiting the homes? · Day care institutions? · Social departments? What can be done to reduce the risk of neglect? · To become aware of children who have a difficult life · To react directly to help the child · To support the parents to get a better life Limitations of this presentation · The starting point has been families with serious social problems – neglect may be found in other families as well · Only focus on children until the age of eight year 24 24 Plenarabstrakt / Plenary abstracts P3 AN OVERVIEW OF THE PROBLEM OF CHILD ABUSE - KEEPING UP WITH THE FUTURE Kim Oates1 1 The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Australia There have been amazing advances in medical science since the discovery of the double helix of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953. Diagnostic techniques have made enormous advances, new treatments are available and we are on the brink of curing single gene disorders by gene therapy, as well as growing new tissues through tissue engineering techniques. But in some areas of medical science the rate of progress has been slower. These are in the areas of how we relate to each other, how parents relate to children, how children fit into the wider community and how we can help children reach their full potential, particularly children who are neglected, disadvantaged or abused. We have done well in public and professional awareness in understanding the complexity of abuse and have done well in professional training. We have not done quite as well and producing and evaluating effective prevention and treatment programs.This presentation will include information from some of the author’s research studies on injuries which occur when children fall out of bed and whether children’s allegations of sexual abuse can be believed. The role of a paediatrician in abuse prevention and assessment is pivotal. The paediatrician’s role involves some things which only a paediatrician can do and others which can be done in co-operation with other professionals. Paediatricians have a responsibility to remain involved in child abuse prevention, treatment, research and evaluation, with much of this work being done in partnership with other professional colleagues. 25 25 Plenarabstrakt / Plenary abstracts P4 RADIOLOGISKA OCH NEURORADIOLOGISKA UNDERSÖKNINGAR VID FYSISK MISSHANDEL AV SPÄDBARN – STYRKOR OCH SVAGHETER Olof Flodmark1 1 Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna, Sverige Säker diagnostik av fysisk misshandel av spädbarn är mycket svårt. Den kliniska diagnostiken försvåras avsevärt av att skadornas natur gör att de i allmänhet inte kan avslöjas vid även en noggrann klinisk undersökning. Osäkerheter kring den historia som berättas av vårdnadshavaren bidrar ytterligare till klinikerns svårigheter att diagnosticera spädbarn som misshandlats, särskilt med skakning (SBS). Radiologiska undersökningsmetoder har sedan mitten av 1940-talet spelat en avgörande roll vid diagnostiken och otaliga är de fall där radiologen är den förste som misstänker att ett spädbarn misshandlats. Ett korrekt utnyttjande av radiologin som diagnostisk metod kräver inte bara tekniskt optimala förutsättningar utan också en god och ofta specifik kompetens hos den granskande radiologen men kanske framför allt en öppen kommunikation mellan radiolog och kliniker. Radiologisk undersökning är vidare en av hörnpelarna i den bevisning som bör ligga till grund för den rättsliga prövning som alltför sällan följer på diagnos av spädbarnsmisshandel. I presentationen kommer de typiska radiologiska fynden vid SBS att diskuteras både vad det gäller skelettskador och hjärnskador. Diagnostiska kriterier och deras kliniska värde liksom bevismässiga relevans diskuteras. Det uttalade syftet med denna del av presentationen är att höja kunskapsgraden hos icke sjukvårdspersonal med avseende på radiologins förmåga att presentera objektiva bevis för att spädbarnsmisshandel förekommit och hur dessa sedan skulle kunna utnyttjas i den rättsliga processen. 26 26 Plenarabstrakt / Plenary abstracts P5 BETWEEN JUST ANGER AND INAPPROPROATE/UNREASONABLE INTIMACY VOCATIONAL GENERAL ETHICS IN AN EXPOSED/IMPERILED AREA Trygve Wyller1 1 University of Oslo, Norway The professional working with abused and neglected children must balance between a just anger and an appropriate intimacy. But being sucsessful in this balance requires some reflections on important positions in contemporary discussions of ethics. The polish-british sociologist Zygmunt Bauman underlines the liquidity of modernity in his latest books. From that point of view, the abuse of children is a symptom of the illness of modernity. There is nothing solid any more, even love has become liquid. From the point of view of child abuse, the interpretation of Bauman seems more than correct. There is though one problem with this position: It can lead to the victimization of the child. And the child as victim soon becomes the child as object which the professional can act on. In other parts of postmodern thinking the concept of life as a gift is much discussed, also among feminists. The paper will point at the impact of this other position when it comes to the professional approach to abused children. From an ethical point of view the question will be: How can the professional come close to the child, showing anger because of the graveness, without at the same time invading and victimizating the child once more? The ethical answer must start from the question what it means to consider to consider the child‘s life as a gift. When life is a gift, it is not even owned by the professional. THE VIOLENT TEENAGER James Garbarino1 1 Cornell University, Family Life Development Center, USA P6 Youth violence is a major problem in the United States. Understanding its origins in the early experience of children is important for interpreting the actions of violent youth and also for acting to reduce youth aggression. This presentation seeks to illuminate these issues by tracing the developmental pathways taken by difficult children who become criminally violent youth. It focuses on the accumulation of risk factors in the lives of these children. These risk factors include the experiences of child maltreatment and other forms of trauma, difficult temperaments, parental and teacher mishandling of troubled children, and the social toxicity levels within the community. Contributors to the social environment’s toxicity for children and youth include instability of relationships, civic cynicism, terminal thinking, economic polarization, desensitization to violence, “spiritual crisis,” and the nastiness of popular culture. Interestingly, the effects of social toxicity are felt and expressed most by the most vulnerable youth — e.g. those from de-stabilized families, those subject to racism, and poverty, and those with disabilities. Efforts to deal with the issues of social toxicity involve both strengthening youth to decrease their vulnerability, and simultaneously detoxifying the social environment. The presentation is based Lost Boys : Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them. (New York: The Free Press, 1999). 27 27 Plenarabstrakt / Plenary abstracts P7 ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CHILD NEGLECT James Garbarino1 1 Cornell University, Family Life Development Center, USA To understand the ecological aspects of child neglect we must recognize that the social environment can become poisonous to the development of children and youth much as the physical environment can undermine their physical well-being. This is particularly true for kids who are especially vulnerable to developmental harm because of their difficult temperament or emotional disability. Professionals and parents need conceptual tools to detect and measure these poisons, particularly if they are dealing with a temperamentally vulnerable child. The term social toxicity parallels the concept of physical toxicity as a threat to human wellbeing and survival. A socially toxic environment contains widespread threats to the development of identity, competence, moral reasoning, trust, hope, and the other features of social maps that make for success in school, family, work, and the community. What are the social and cultural poisons that are psychologically equivalent to lead and smoke in the air, PCB’s in the water, and pesticides in the food chain? Feelings of fear about the world, rejection by adults outside the family, experiencing violent trauma, absence of adult supervision, and inadequate exposure to positive adult role models, economic insecurity, a shallow materialist culture, and weak relationships with the neighborhood and the larger community. Just as some children are more vulnerable than other children to poisons in the ground and in the air, some children are more vulnerable to factors like poor role models. Emotionally troubled and temperamentally vulnerable children are like psychological asthmatics. Young children are most vulnerable to aspects of life that threaten the availability and quality of care by parents and other caregivers; while adolescents are most vulnerable to toxic influences in the broader culture and community. Adolescence is the crystallization of childhood experience, so the youth most at-risk are those who develop psychological disabilities in childhood and then face social deprivation and trauma in adolescence. Like social weathervanes, they can indicate the direction of social change in their societies. Whatever the strongest cultural and social pathologies present in a society will generally be most evident in the lives of these youth. It can be drugs in Eastern Europe, prostitution in Thailand and the Philippines, or murderous violence in the United States. This presentation is based upon J. Garbarino and C. Bedard. Parents Under Siege: Why You Are the Solution Not The Problem in Your Child’s Life (NY: The Free Press, 2001). J. Garbarino. Lost Boys : Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them. (New York: The Free Press, 1999). J. Garbarino and E. deLara. And Words Can Hurt Forever: How to Protect Adolescents from Bullying, Harassment, and Emotional Violence (NY: The Free Press, 2002). J. Garbarino Raising Children in a Socially Toxic Environment. (San Francisco: Jossey28 Bass Publishers, 1995). 28 Plenarabstrakt / Plenary abstracts THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS WITH CHILDREN WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED ABUSE Lucy Berliner1 1 Harborview Center for Sexual Assault & Traumatic Stress, USA Child maltreatment has multiple causes and effects. Responding effectively to child maltreatment situations usually requires a range of interventions addressing the specific problems and needs of the family and child. This presentation will discuss an approach that triages safety conditions to first priority, and distinguishes accountability and clinical interventions as part of the overall response. Proven clinical interventions for children and families will be reviewed and treatment for the impact of maltreatment on children will be highlighted. The major point will be that we now have enough knowledge to apply evidence based clinical interventions that will make families safer and promote children’s recovery. 29 29 P8 Plenarabstrakt / Plenary abstracts P9 DIALOGUES BETWEEN FAMILIES AND MULTI-HELPER NETWORKS IN WORRYING SITUATIONS Tom Erik Arnkil1 1 Stakes, Finland The everyday life of family members is comprehensive, whereas the professional helping system is sectored. In clearly defined (or definable) problems the interaction between families and the professional system works well. Also co-operation within the professional system runs smoothly. However, dealing with diffuse problems that cannot be “sliced” neatly out of the comprehensive everyday life, or multi-faceted difficulties that cut across the professional division of tasks, may send the professional system into complex interactions. In worrying situations - and child abuse and neglect certainly are such - the professional system is especially vulnerable for muddles: The professional system readily replicates the family interaction patterns it is dealing with. Sectored service system, specialised professions Comprehensive everyday life Diagram 1: Sectored professional system encountering everyday-life. Professional’s worries are anticipations of their own diminishing possibilities of being helpful within the resource network available. Emotions “recapitulate” the network constantly, putting out feelers to “assess” what is happening to the child and my possibilities to help. Different professionals have different basic tasks and different contacts to the child and the family and other parts of the child’s private network. Each professional has special knowledge from within their relationships, and their worries differ consequently. Professional’s varying subjective worries concerning children and adolescents can be depicted in a diagram: (1) No worry. (2) Feelings of slight worry or wonder now and then; strong confidence in one’s own possibilities to support. (3) (4) (5) Repeated Worry groMarked thoughts of wing; confiworry, own worry and dence in resources wonder; own possirunning dry. confidence bilities Clearly in own diminishing. felt need possibilities. Wish for for extra Thoughts of extra supsupporters a need for porters and and controladditional controllers. lers. resources. SMALL WORRY GREY ZONE (6) (7) Constant Worry strong worvery deep ry; child and strong; in danger. child in Own means immediate exhausted. danger. Own Additional means resources exhausted. and control- change in lers the child’s needed situation immediately needed immediately GREAT WORRY 30and adolescents Diagram 2: Professionals’ zones of worry encountering children 30 Plenarabstrakt / Plenary abstracts Anticipation Dialogues is a set of methods designed for clarifying situations in the grey zone of worry. Connected persons are invited to “recall the future”, i.e. to make thought experiments on a more satisfactory near future and to “reconstruct” the path leading to it. This is made in facilitated network gatherings where talking and listening are separated. The participants - first the family & priovate network members, then the professionals - reflect aloud one by one while all others listen and dwell in their inner dialogues. Variations of Anticipation Dialogues are applied also in zones of lesser worry: People gather to plan co-operation in communities, schools, etc. Recalling the future supports - polyphony (all the important voices that have to be heard and made to echo in each other) - plausible optimisim (every stakeholder’s hopes and worries about the future - heard and listened to by everyone); thus enhancing - personal commitment (everyone can see their own actions and interests in joint activity) - co-ordination (a personal perspective for each actor: how do I connect to the whole through my actions). Conditions for co-operation: - No common definitions of the problem - because there are no common problems. Each one has his/her own problem - and they connect in one way or the other - Talk about subjective worries. Problem talk defines characteristics (in others) - worry talk deals with subjective anticipations. - Each participant talks only about (and “from”) their own point of view - because that is the only point of departure each person has. Own points of view are enriched by others’ points of view. - The present is approached from the future, because the hopes and fears about the future are already present. Hopes lead the way, worries and acts lessens them point out problems to solve. - Talking and listening are separated in order to make room for inner dialogues and enhance possibilities to depart from monologic “single alternatives”. Intervening and commenting are curbed, so that each and everyone would have the patience to listen to others and their own internal debates. - In stead of “ideological consensus” co-ordination of acts is sought after. The dialogue is facilitated by “network consultants”, thus freeing the participants from controlling the social situation. The facilitators only ask questions and take (public) notes. Their task is to avoid slipping into a “more-capable-problem-solver” position - which is readily offered in “grey zone” situations.. The facilitators are only solving problems of dialogue, not those of the “case”. These “rules” aim at curbing “isomorphic” developments where the problematic interaction dealt with takes over the interaction trying to deal with it. (Empathy is central for mutual understanding, but also the channel through which the professionals and the clients may become so alike in their modes of interaction that alternatives of action are lost.) 31 31 Plenarabstrakt / Plenary abstracts P 10 WHAT HAVE WE LEARNT IN THE LAST 40 YEARS Kim Oates1 1 The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Australia Although history confirms that abuse, neglect and sexual exploitation of children has always been present, it is only in the last 60 years, and particularly the last 40 years, that it has been more widely recognised by the professions and the public. This presentation will review 20 of the most influential papers in the field of child abuse. The papers were chosen from a survey of leaders in the field and the number of times the papers had been cited in the literature. They range from John Caffey’s 1946 paper “Multiple Fractures in the Long Bones of Infants Suffering from Chronic Subdural Haematoma”, through to Kathy Spatz Widdom’s 1989 paper “Does Violence Beget Violence”. These papers show some of the key turning points in our awareness of abuse, such as the importance of understanding the developmental needs of children, the emerging awareness of sexual abuse, the importance of evaluating treatment programs, the value of using rigorous research methodology, the understanding of the dynamics behind some forms of abusive behaviour and the long-term consequences of abuse. The papers show how our understanding of abuse has become more sophisticated over the years and also show just how complex and multifaceted the problem can be. More recent papers have not been included, as it is too early to judge how much influence they have had in further developing our understanding. P 11 INTERSECTORAL APROACH TO CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION WORLD-WIDE Marcellina Mian1 1 The Hospital for Sick Children, Canada For the last few years ISPCAN and the World Health Organizations have been collaborating in the production of guidelines to serve as a template for various communities & disciplines who wish to implement or improve their approach to the prevention of child abuse in their context. The tool that is being developed, and has already gone through one review process by multidisciplinary experts from many nations, is intended to be child-centred, rights and evidence based as well as culturally sensitive. The guidelines rely on available research or best practice, depending on the best level of evidence. The tool is divided into 2 major parts: the CORE, in which the rationale, underlying principles and all multidisciplinary practices are provided, and then Sector specific sections for the Health, Social and Legal Sectors. In the Health section, physical and mental health are included. The Legal also includes law enforcement professionals. This presentation will provide an overview of how the tool was conceived its developed and the current outline. Suggestions from the audience will be gladly entertained. A copy of the full text of these guidelines can be obtained through the Member site on the ISPCAN web page ( for ISPCAN members or by contacting me directly at 32 [email protected]. 32 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 1 PRÆSENTATION AF EN VIDEOFILM OM: DEN NØDVENDIGE SAMTALE. SAMTALE MED FORÆLDRE OM BEKYMRING FOR DERES BARN. Mariann Hedin1 1 Frederiksborg Amts Børnerådgivning, Danmark “Den nødvendige samtale” er en samtale, der skal finde sted mellem fagpersoner og forældre, når de professionelle er så bekymrede for barnets udvikling, at det er nødvendigt at underrette de sociale myndigheder. Det er en samtale, som rummer komplicerede problemstillinger og mange dilemmaer. Formålet med filmen er at nedbryde barrierer for underretning og fremme dialog og samarbejde med forældre. Det overordnede formål er en tidligere og bedre indsats. Filmen og det medfølgende teksthæfte er ment som et arbejdsredskab og henvender sig til professionelle i de pædagogiske, sundhedsmæssige, sociale og psykologiske faggrupper. Filmen består af to konstruerede cases med hver sin problemstilling. Samtalerne er instruerede og delvist improviserede og er en invitation til at reflektere over, hvordan man selv ville gribe en sådan situation an. Vi har valgt at fokusere på optakten til samtalen, selve samtalen og den aftale, som samtalen afsluttes med. Filmens længde er 44 min. Idé: Frederiksborg Amts Børneråd-givning, Danmark [email protected] ved Mariann Hedin, Anne Dissing, Mariann Rugård Jensen. Tilrettelæggelse og instruktion Orla Fokdal. FOKDAL FILM. 33 33 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 2 PROCESSEN FRÅN “ICKE BEHANDLINGSBAR” MOT EN POSITIV PERSONLIGHETSUTVECKLING - METODUTVECKLING PÅ ETT BEHANDLINGSHEM FÖR ALLVARLIGT STÖRDA OCH TRAUMATISERADE UNGDOMAR. Christine Román1 1 Roslagens Elevhem AB, Sverige Roslagens Elevhem är ett behandlingshem för allvarligt störda och traumatiserade ungdomar från 12 år. Deras uppväxtvillkor har präglats av svår försummelse, våld och fysiska övergrepp och många har utsatts för sexuella övergrepp, inte sällan med sadistiska inslag. Familjerna har ofta en historia flera generationer tillbaka av utanförskap, kriminalitet, fattigdom, missbruk, psykisk störning och övergrepp. När ungdomarna kommer till oss har de oftast en mängd misslyckade behandlingsinsatser och placeringar bakom sig. De uppvisar ett kraftfullt destruktivt agerande och/eller andra symptom som skrämmer omgivningen, ofta sexuellt och våldsamt. De saknar tillit, ord och reflektionsförmåga. Behandlingsarbetet vilar på en psykodynamisk, objektrelations-teoretisk grundsyn. Ambitionen är att inte ge upp och låta ungdomarna straffa ut sig och därmed möjliggöra anknytning, en positiv personlighetsutveckling och socialiseringsprocess. Behandlingen består av processorienterad miljöterapi, individualpsykoterapi, föräldraarbete samt en integrerad pedagogisk verksamhet. Metodutveckling pågår med kompletterande kognitivbeteende-terapeutiska och andra tekniker för specifika problemområden såsom A.R.T. med social färdighetsträning, ilskekontroll och moralträning; förövarproblematik; riskbedömning och behandlingsplanering; empatiträning; traumatisering vid våld. 34 34 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 3 “EN GÅNG NÄR LISA VAR LITEN…” Bengt Söderström1, Miriam Almebäck1 1 BUP Mottagning Vasa, Sverige Ett stort antal barn hade utsatts för sexuella övergrepp av en personal på deras daghem. Tiden efter avslöjandet hade olika stödinsatser riktade till personal och föräldrar erbjudits. Få barn hade fått egen professionell hjälp och det rådde osäkerhet om vilka barn som skulle erbjudas det. Mottagning Vasa har som uppdrag att erbjuda konsultationer till övriga barnpsykiatriska öppenvårdsmottagningar i Stockholms län samt behandling, framförallt i grupp, som komplement till deras utbud. Vår insats blev att erbjuda alla som så önskade att komma med sina utsatta barn på två grupptillfällen. Det blev två grupper med sammanlagt 13 deltagare. Vi utformade en modell där vi försökte klargöra och prata om det som hänt på ett rättframt sätt och befästa det genom att låta barnen få göra en egen bok om vad de varit med om. Syftet var att förebygga symtomutveckling och/eller bidra till symtomlindring samt ge underlag för bedömning av vilka barn som behöver ytterligare terapeutisk hjälp. Föräldrarna satt med och kunde se hur vi pratade med och bemötte barnen. Vi redovisar denna gruppmodell, nödvändiga förberedelser och teoretiska överväganden. Vi visar också med exempel hur det konkreta arbetet och böckerna såg ut. Resultatet av en uppföljning med telefonintervjuer presenteras. Åhörarna inbjuds att diskutera modellen och utbyta eventuella idéer om hur arbetssättet kan utvecklas vidare. 35 35 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 4 SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN TAKEN INTO CARE – HOW DO WE PREVENT IT, AND WHAT ACTIONS DO WE TAKE IF IT HAPPENS? Geert Joergensen1 1 LOS – The National Organisation of Residental Homes and Special Schools, Denmark In the beginning of April 2004 LOS – The National Organisation of Residental Homes and Special Schools releases a guideline for all persons working with children and young people taken into care in foster homes, residental care or institutions. In the following I will use the phrase children, although I talk of both children and young people. Sexual abuse of children arise a feeling of disgust in most people. When this abuse is even committed by persons given the responsibility to take care of these children, that maybe is taken into care because of sexual abuse in the family, it not only arises disgust but often also indignation and powerlessness. Furthermore it’s a general knowledge among social workers, that an increased number of both offenders and victims among children are taken into care. A concrete case of sexual abuse, in the autumn 2003 led LOS to decide to turn an increased attention on the subject. First LOS held a national conference in November 2003 in Odense trying to enlighten various areas of the problem. With a starting point in the conference LOS afterwards worked out a guideline for all persons working with children taken into care – from the responsible local authorities and social workers to foster families, residential homes, institutions, and so on. The guideline was developed in cooperation with Save the Child Denmark, and a working group was established also representing The National Committee for the Protection of Children, Project Janus, a project for young abusers, and the leader of a familiy based residential home for abused girls. The guideline is distributed in the beginning of April 2004 and is send to all institutions, residental homes, foster care unions and local and county authorities. In addition the guideline is placed on the website of LOS, for free download. In the workshop I’ll discuss the experiences up to now concerning sexual abuse on children taken into care, actions when the suspicion arise and the responsibility of local authorities and the supervisor. I will bring a copy of the guideline (In Danish) for the participants of the workshop. 36 36 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 5 ALLEGED SEXUAL ABUSE AT A DAY CARE CENTER: IMPACT ON PARENTS Grete Dyb1, Are Holen, Alan M. Steinberg, Ned Rodriguez, Robert S. Pynoos 1 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Objective: This report describes the cascade of stressful events and secondary life changes experienced by parents in a case of alleged sexual abuse at a daycare program. The study evaluated parents’ Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms and general psychological responses to the stressful events 4 years after the alleged abuse, and explored predictive factors of parental distress. Methods: A total of 39 parents were interviewed about stressful events, life changes and social support. Current distress reactions, psychological wellbeing, and locus of control were assessed with a battery of standardized measures. Results: Hearing about the sexual abuse, testifying in court, hearing the verdict and being exposed in media reports were all rated by the parents as distressing events. The majority of the parents experienced secondary life changes after the alleged sexual abuse. Four years after the alleged sexual abuse, one-third of the parents reported a high level of PTSD Intrusive symptoms and one-fourth reported a high level of PTSD Avoidance symptoms. There was a significant positive correlation between a measure of psychological wellbeing and PTSD. Secondary life changes and locus of control significantly predicted PTSD. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the alleged sexual abuse of children in day care and the resulting events in the legal system and the media constitute significant and chronic stressors in the lives of the children’s parents. These findings underscore the need to expand the focus of trauma-related sequelae from the child victim to their parents and family. 37 37 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 6 BARN SOM BEVITTNAR OCH UPPLEVER VÅLD I HEMMET. ATT MÖTA OCH ARBETA MED BARNEN PÅ KRISCENTRUM FÖR VÅLDSUTSATTA KVINNOR OCH DERAS BARN I MALMÖ. Agneta Frick1 1 Kriscentrum Malmö Kommun, Sverige Malmö Kommun antog ett handlingsprogram för våld mot kvinnor och deras barn hösten 1999. Bakgrunden var flera lokala initiativ och undersökningar som visat på att stöd och skydd till våldsutsatta kvinnor och deras barn inte var tillfredsställande. Utifrån antalet polisanmälningar bedömdes cirka 3000 kvinnor i Malmö vara utsatta för våld i nära relationer. En kartläggning visade också att samverkan mellan myndigheter var nästan obefintlig samt att barnens utsatthet glömdes bort och negligerades. Komitten mot barnmisshandel indikerar på att ungefär 10% av alla barn upplever våld i hemmet någon gång och cirka 5% upplever det ofta. För att utveckla programmet bildades en arbetsgrupp med representanter från socialtjänst, polis, åklagare, kriminalvård, sjukvård, psykiatrin, skolan samt frivilligorganisationer. Den första åtgärden i programmet var att i december 2000 starta ett Kriscentrum för våldsutsatta kvinnor och deras barn. Uppdraget är att ge kvinnor och barn professionellt skydd dygnet runt, akut krishjälp, psykosocialt stöd och praktisk hjälp i kontakt med andra myndigheter, ge barnen optimala förutsättningar att bli sedda och berätta sina upplevelser utifrån ålder mognad och behov samt stödja och stärka föräldrarollen för kvinnan. Arbetet ska ske i samverkan med andra berörda verksamheter. I verksamheten pågår ständiga metod och teoridiskussioner utifrån forskning och ny kunskap inom området samt gemensamma utbildningar inom samverkansgruppen. Barnarbetet: Målsättningen med arbetet är att hjälpa barnen bearbeta upplevelserna av våldet de bevittnat samt i vissa fall också själv utsatts för. Först måste mamman ge barnet tillåtelse att släppa på familjehemligheten för att vi därefter ska kunna erbjuda enskilda samtal och möjlighet att deltaga i barngrupp. Personalen på Kriscentrum är ofta den första vuxna utanför familjen som barnen berättar om sina upplevelser för. I barngrupperna träffar de andra barn med samma upplevelser av våld och hot och det har en läkande effekt att upptäcka att man inte är ensam. Under året har en Fil.dr och forskare, Maria Bangura Arvidsson, från Lunds Socialhögskola gjort en rapport utifrån barnens perspektiv, Att vara barn på kriscentrum. Där framkommer bland annat hur viktigt det är för barnen att vara i trygghet med sin mamma, att det är betydelsefullt med all uppmärksamhet från andra kvinnor samt från personalen men också längtan att återgå till ett vanligt liv med kompisar och skolan. Många av barnen är föremål för polisutredning och polisförhören genomförs så fort det är möjligt. Kriscentrum är ett tryggt ställe för barnen att vara på och detta har visat sig att förhören blir lättare att genomföra och barnen kan bearbeta sina upplevelser efteråt med personalen. Under våren öppnar vi ett Barnkriscentrum för barn som utsatts för sexuella övergrepp och eller fysisk misshandel. Det kommer att finnas socionomer, polis och sjukvård BUP inom samma verksamhet för att barnperspektivet ska tillgodoses på bästa sätt. Socionomerna ska verka som samordnare under den svåra process som barnet måste igenom. 38 38 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 7 GRUPPBEHANDLING FÖR MISSHANDLADE MAMMOR/KVINNOR - EN HALVÖPPNA GRUPP PÅ BARN OCH UNGDOMSPSYKIATRISKA MOTTAGNINGEN BÅGEN I STOCKHOLM Jan-Erik Gustavsson1, Eva Zachrison1 1 BUP Bågen, Sverige BUP Bågen är en mottagning för barn och ungdomar som upplevt familjevåld vanligen att de sett och eller hört mammor blivit misshandlade. Många barn blir traumatiserade av sina upplevelser och kan utveckla mer eller mindre allvarliga symptom. På Bågen får barnen hjälp att på olika sätt bearbeta sina upplevelser, individuellt eller i grupp. Barnens mammor får hjälp och stöd och vår ambition är att också inbegripa papporna. Inom denna ram har vi sedan januari –99 haft en halvöppen grupp för misshandlade mammor. Gruppterapeuter har varit socionom och psykoterapeut Eva Zachrison och som psykolog Jan-Eric Gustavsson. I denna samtalsgrupp som träffas regelbundet varje vecka om 1½ timme får mammorna/kvinnorna möjlighet att gå i samtalsgrupp maximalt 2 år och man bestämmer sig för 1 termin i taget. Bakgrunden till denna möjlighet för misshandlade kvinnor/mammor att arbeta med sina traumatiska upplevelser har varit att vi vill ge de här mammorna ett utrymme för att arbeta - reflektivt med sina tankar och känslor kring det som de upplevt. Innan mammorna kommer till gruppen har de flesta gått i någon form av behandling i Bågens regi. Ofta har det varit i en korttidsgrupp parallellt med en barngrupp men även individuellt i ett krisarbete efter en familjevåldshändelse. De mammor/kvinnor som kommer till gruppen kan beskrivas som traumatiserade. De saknar tillit, trygghet och är psykiskt och socialt sköra med dåligt fungerande nätverk. Man kan uttrycka det som att dessa mammor/kvinnor har drabbats av en sorts perforering i det skyddande höljet som ska finnas runt varje människa, eller med ett annat uttryck, att mammorna/kvinnorna hamnat i ett psykiskt sammanbrott av den egna livscykeln. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att psykiska höljet har blivit fullt av hål till följd av sinnesintryck, borttryckande och kroppsmärkning. I vår presentation kommer vi att tala om den metod som vi arbetat fram, om det praktiska arbetet i gruppen med exempel och beskrivningar kring teman, svårigheter och möjligheter med en sådan grupp. Vi reflekterar kring grupprocessen och hur den påverkas av individerna, oss terapeuter och de olika teman som kommer upp i gruppen. Vi kommer också att säga något kort om den uppföljning som vi gjort på de mammor/kvinnor som avslutat gruppen. 39 39 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 8 PROJEKT “PAPPOR I HÄKTE”, BARN- OCH UNGDOMSPSYKIATRISKA MOTTAGNINGEN BÅGEN Stefan Lindberg1, Jan-Erik Gustavsson1, Inger Ekbom1 1 BUP Bågen, Sverige BUP Bågen är en mottagning för barn och ungdomar som upplevt familjevåld, vanligen att de sett och/eller hört sina mammor bli misshandlade. Många barn blir traumatiserade av sina upplevelser och kan utveckla mer eller mindre allvarliga symtom. På Bågen får barnen hjälp att på olika sätt bearbeta sina upplevelser, individuellt eller i grupp. Även barnens mammor får hjälp och stöd. Vår ambition att också inbegripa papporna är svår att uppnå. Många pappor känner sig utpekade som förövare då kvinnan först fått ge sin version av vad som hänt och de befarar att de skall vara dömda på förhand i våra ögon. Vårt förhållningssätt är att vi försöker se det som hänt med barnens ögon och undvika att ta ställning i föräldrarnas konflikt. För ett barn är det inte viktigt hur en konflikt eskalerat till en misshandel utan det viktiga är att man som barn är fullständigt utlämnad till de vuxna och den skräck och förtvivlan dessa utsätter en för. Föräldrarna skall efter bästa förmåga skydda sina barn från allt ont och i en misshandelssituation misslyckas de med detta. Först och främst är det pappan som misslyckas då han slår och även mamman misslyckas då hon inte förmår skydda sitt barn. Även om båda föräldrarna ur barnets perspektiv misslyckas är det dock alltid den som slår som bär ansvaret. Många av barnens pappor känner mer eller mindre skuld för vad de utsatt sina barn för. Vi tror att blott ett fåtal är helt oförstående och oberörda av sina barns öde och denna minoritet har kanske de mest fasansfulla barndomsupplevelserna bakom sig. Skuld och skam är känslor svåra att leva med och därför försöker människor bli kvitt dessa känslor. Många män förtränger det som hänt och säger att det aldrig hänt. Andra försöker bagatellisera sin roll i dramat och uppförstorar kvinnans roll i syfte att fördela skulden. De säger att de blivit provocerade och tappat kontrollen. Svårigheterna, som ovan beskrivits, att komma till tals med papporna kring barnens behov har gett oss mycket huvudbry. Hur skall vi tidigt på få kontakt med barnens pappor, innan förnekanden och bagatelliseringar tar över? En man ur vår första pappagrupp ledde oss in på ett spår. Han berättade om hur han suttit häktad och hur det blivit en slags vändpunkt. Han hade känt det som hans värld hade rasat, men med häktningstiden i backspegeln kunde han se att häktningen också inneburit något gott. Misshandeln, ett beteende som han i likhet med många andra män var skamsen över, hade blivit stoppad och han hade fått tid att tänka efter. Vad han hade saknat mest var någon att prata med om sitt beteende och om sin familj. Den här mannens berättelse och gensvaret han fick från de andra männen ledde vårt tänkande in på att i samverkan med polis och åklagare starta en uppsökande verksamhet bland häktade män misstänkta för kvinnofridsbrott och med barn 0-17 år i hemmet. Här gör vi ingen skillnad på pappor och styvpappor. Samtalen i häktet har som syfte att motivera männen för vårt erbjudande om behandling i grupp. Innan en man får börja i grupp kontaktar vi den misshandlade kvinnan för att få höra även hennes version och utröna om barnet/barnen har ett behandlingsbehov. Projektet startade 40i september 2002. 40 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 9 SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES PROVIDED FOR PHYSICALLY ABUSED CHILDREN IN SWEDEN. INTERVENTIONS AT THE ABUSE INCIDENT AND FOUR YEARS LATER. Charlotta Lindell1 1 BUP Elefanten Linköping University, Sweden A group of children that have been physically abused by their parent or equivalent caretaker, that has been reported to the police, has been followed through their social files (N=113). Of interest is what kind of interventions that are provided the physically abused children and their families when the abuse incident is revealed but also what kind of interventions that follow an investigation at the social welfare department and what governs the receiving of different interventions. The children’s social files are studied as well 4 years after the abuse incident and an analysis concerning risk factors impact on social welfare duration is completed and discussed. As many as 81% of the families had had interventions from the social services prior to the abuse incident and 44% of the children had been previously reported as suspected abuse victims. Thirty-two percent of the children were at the abuse incident placed in foster home. This was significantly more common for injured and immigrant children and for girls. Foster home placement, referrals to child and adolescent psychiatric services and the receiving of a supportive contact were the three most common interventions following the investigation. And there were on the average 1.3 interventions per child while there were no interventions in 25% of the cases. Four years after the abuse incident studied 69 children (61%) were still receiving social welfare for different reasons. This primarily concerned children whose families had been the subjects for interventions prior to the abuse incident and children of mentally ill mothers. There had been new reports on suspected abuse or neglect regarding 80% of the children and 38% of the parents had due to this been reported to the police. There were 149 additional interventions opened and the children were in mean receiving 3.2 interventions from the social welfare department at follow-up. There were major social problems surrounding these families as substance abuse and mental illness was common. Finally, the effectiveness of social welfare interventions is discussed along with the chronic state physically abused children are found in, regarding social welfare dependence. 41 41 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 10 A 16 YEAR FOLLOW-UP OF CHILDREN BORN AT PSYCHOSOCIAL RISK Carl Göran Svedin1, Marie Wadsby2, Gunilla Sydsjö3 1 Dep. of child and adolescent psychiatry, Lund University, Sweden 2 Dep. of child and adolescent psychiatry, University of Linköping, Sweden 3 Dep. of obstetrics and gynaecology, University of Linköping, Sweden Of the 1575 pregnant women registered at the public Antenatal Health Care Service in the city of Linköping, Sweden during 1983, an index-group of 78 women were identified who met specific well-defined psychosocial risk-criteria related to drug addiction, mental insufficiency, and particular social circumstances of possible relevance to problems of pregnancy and early child development. Seventy-eight pregnant women who did not meet the inclusion criteria were used as a reference group. The present study was a 16-year follow up in which 43 of the original index children and 63 of the original reference children were examined on indices of mental health, and the presence of child abuse. Their mental health was assessed with Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) completed by the mothers and Youth Self Report (YSR) completed by the adolescents. The incidence of child abuse and Social Welfare interventions was obtained from Social Welfare records. The index mothers gave their children higher scored in total and on all subscales on the CBCL. According to the mothers scoring of their children’s’ health on CBCL there was a significant difference between the index-group and the reference group in the total score (p=.019) and on the subscale “externalising” (p=.035). The index children themselves scored higher on almost all scales on YSR. The index children displayed a significantly poorer health according to the self-questionnaire YSR on total score (p=.011). The total score differed significantly between the boys in the two groups (p=.019). No significant differences were found between the girls in the two groups. In both groups girls scored higher than boys. The contacts for the Social Welfare Authority were examined for 116 mothers (54 index and 62 reference cases) of those originally included in the study. Voluntary foster care ant voluntary placement at an institution according to the Swedish Social Service Act had been implemented for 18 children in the index group and while 12 children were placed outside the home according to the Swedish Care of Young People Act. In all 25 or 33% had sometime during their growth being placed outside the home. By the age of eight 16 children had been investigated for the suspicion of child physical abuse and additional 7 investigations had been done at the age of 16 rending in total of 20 children being investigated during their first 16 years of life, or 26%. In the reference group only one child during the age between 8-12 went through the same investigation. Corresponding figures of children in suspected child sexual abuse investigations were 2 before the age of 8 and another four up to the age of 16, rending a total of 6 investigations or 8% of all index children. No child in the reference group was subject for a child sexual abuse investigation. In summery there was only a slightly elevated risk for mental ill health, especially among the boys, while the Odds Ratio for being placed outside the home or subject for child abuse investigations were high. 42 42 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 11 OFFICIAL AND SELF-REPORTED CHILDHOOD ABUSE AND ADULT CRIME OF YOUNG OFFENDERS Jaana Haapasalo1 1 Department of Education, City of Heinola, Finland The purpose of the study was to predict adult criminal behavior using both self-report and official data on childhood maltreatment and criminality in a sample of 89 young male prison inmates. Data on childhood maltreatment were gathered from interviews and files. Criminality data were collected using a 33-item Self-Reported Criminality Scale and official criminal records. Overall, the offenders convicted of violent vs. non-violent crimes did not differ in selfreported criminality. Unlike criminal record data, self-reported criminality was predicted by childhood maltreatment. The findings provided evidence of consistency between self-report and official criminal record data on violent criminality. In all, the findings showed that physically abused children tend to report having committed violent crime to a great extent in young adulthood. BARNETS RÄTTSSKYDD I BROTTMÅL Marianne Ny1 1 Åklagarmyndighetern i Malmö, Sverige Hur skyddas minderåriga brottsoffers intressen under brottsutredning (förundersökning) och rättegång i svensk lagstiftning? Vilka konsekvenser har de valda lösningarna for barnet, dess anhöriga och effektiviteten i brottsutredningen? 43 43 WP 12 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 13 MANAGEMENT AND PAEDIATRIC FOLLOW-UP OF PHYSICALLY ABUSED CHILDREN Sarimari Tupola1, Pentti Kallio1, Johanna Hannikainen1, Satu Kivitie-Kallio1 1 Hospital for Children and Adolescents, Helsinki University, Finland By recognizing and reporting child physical abuse, the cycle of abuse can be stopped in 90% of the cases. But if abuse remain unrecognized, the child is at 30% risk for additional injury and at 10% risk of death. Moreover, many abused children have signs of other forms of maltreatment. In Finland, The National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES) is an expert agency under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. In May 2003 STAKES expert group published national guidelines for treatment of child physical abuse. According to the guidelines, all suspected cases should be immediately reported to child welfare personnel, and, if the child has any injury (e.g bruises), child welfare personnel should report the case to the police. In our hospital, we have taken the new national guidelines in our practice. Criteria for inclusion are: 1) High energy skull injury (skull fractures except parietal fissurae, subdural/intracerebral bleeding) 2) Possible shaken baby syndrome 3) All fractures in children below 1 year of age, rib and scapular fractures, and diaphyseal fractures of the humerus in children below 5 years of age 4) bruises and/or superficial injuries inconsistent with the developmental status of the child, 5) delineated patterned burns and 5) all cases with inconsistence between injury history and clinical findings. Children fulfilling the criteria are admitted to the surgical ward where families meet routinely child psychiatrist and social worker. Before discharge meeting with child welfare is arranged. In addition, children and their families visit the paediatrician in social paediatric unit 2-3 weeks after acute treatment. That visit is as comprehensive as possible with special focus on the signs of maltreatment. The paediatrician works closely with child psychiatrist and with child welfare, if needed. Paediatric follow-up is planned individually, but our aim is to meet the child in every three months during the first year, and after then 1-2 times per year. Since March 2002 we have seen 44 children younger than 1 year in the paediatric follow-up. Of them, 34 were infants with fracture(s), 7 were recovering from shaken baby syndrome, two had bruises and one child suffered from burn injury. Paediatric problems such as poor weight gain, atopic eczema, feeding and sleeping disturbances were diagnosed in 14 (32%) patients. No-one of the patients has come to hospital because of suspected re-abuse. The new national guidelines give protection under the law to child as well as clarify role of health personnel, child welfare, and police in child abuse cases. Our own treatment protocol helps us in preventing reabuse, in early recognition of maltreatment, and in giving support to families in caring their child. 44 44 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 14 NORMAL GENITAL ANATOMY: A STUDY OF NON-ABUSED PRESCHOOL GIRLS NORMAL GENITAL ANATOMI: EN STUDIE AV IKKE-MISBRUKTE JENTER Arne Kristian Myhre1, Kjell Berntzen1, Dag Bratlid2 1 Avd. for barn og unge, St. Olavs Hospital HF, Norge, 2Det medisinske fakultet, NTNU, Norge Formål: Formålet med studien var å beskrive den normale genitale variasjon hos ikke-misbrukte jenter i førskolealderen. Metode: 195 jenter i alderen 5 til 6 år ble rekruttert til studien etter at totalt 2731 jenter var invitert. Inklusjon var basert på selvseleksjon, hvor foreldre som ikke mistenkte at barna hadde vært utsatt for overgrep ga informert samtykke til deltagelse. I tillegg ble andre metoder brukt for å ekskludere mulig misbrukte jenter samt jenter som hadde vært utsatt for aksidentelle genitale skader. Genitalanatomien ble undersøkt med kolposkop og kamera, og barna ble undersøkt i ryggleie med separasjons og traksjonsmetode samt i kne-albue leie. Resultater: Flere genitale anatomiske forhold samt målinger vedrørende jomfruhinna og jomfruhinneåpningens diameter er beskrevet og sammenlignet med tidligere studier. En viktig observasjon var funn av en utoverbrettet bakre jomfruhinnebrem hos relativt mange piker. Dette funnet kunne hos noen være vanskelig å skille fra en smal og nærmest manglende bakre jomfruhinnebrem. Et funn kalt “gaping hymenal orifice”, som tidligere er foreslått som et suspekt funn i forhold til seksuelle overgrep, var relativt vanlig i studien. Konklusjon: For å kunne skille mellom jenter med en utoverbrettet bakre jomfruhinnebrem og jenter med en smal bakre jomfruhinnebrem anbefale vi å benytte den såkalte “saltvannsmetoden”. Selv om vi nå har normative målinger av jomfruhinna og dens åpning fra relativt mange jenter, bør slike målinger benyttes med stor forsiktighet i overgrepsvurderinger. 45 45 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 15 VIOLATING A CHILD‘S BODILY INTEGRITY – CIRCUMCISION IN BOYS AND GIRLS Yngve Hofvander1 1 Uppsala University, Sweden Circumcision (MGM) in boys dates back some 3000 years to old Egypt, the original motive being obscure. At present there are basically four categories that undergo MGM – Jews ( about 100000 annually), Moslems ( 15-20 millions), Africans in traditional settings ( about 9 millions) and Anglo-Saxan boys/USA ( about 1 million). The claimed motive varies as will be discussed. Immediate complication rates range from 2 – 10 % (or higher in traditional settings), long term negative effects include physical and psychological suffering. Religious and “ethnic” “right” to circumcise should be questioned as child cannot express his will. In all four categories the economic motive is strong as is the tradition of celebrating with a lavish feast- making it difficult to counteract the phenomenon. Female circumcision (FGM) is performed on some 100000 girls annually, mainly in Africa, probably originally in an effort to control female sexual desire and to be able to get a higher bride price for an “untouched” girl. FGM is also a problem among African immigrants in Europe although it is forbidden by law in many countries. 46 46 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 16 THE IDENTIFICATION MANAGEMENT OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSERS AS A MEANS OF PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE: MOVING TOWARDS A PUBLIC HEALTH MODEL Vernon Jones1 1 Red Barnet, Save the Children, Denmark “Child sexual abuse is seldom the impulsive act that many people seem to think it is. Child sexual abusers have overcome substantial Internal and External Impediments, plus the Childs resistance in order to commit a serious criminal offence. It is important that protective adults and society in general are aware of this process first described by the American researcher David Finklehor in the 1980’s. Most sexual offences against children are never reported to the police or child protection services which results in a culture of silence and denial with drastic consequences for the sexually abused child. Society fails to identify child sexual abusers or the grooming methods they use to manipulate both their victims and potentially protective adults. Raising awareness via a public health campaign could alter this dangerous state of affairs. It is now seen by many commentators and child protection experts that a Public Health Approach to child sexual abuse should be adopted as a means of prevention. Projects run by the organization Stop It Now in the USA, UK & Ireland appear to confirm that this approach has a beneficial effect on helping to prevent child sexual abuse. Other European countries should assess the possibility of implementing this approach into their own child protection strategies.” 47 47 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 17 STORIES TOLD BY THE PERPETRATORS – OF ANY BENEFIT FOR THE ABUSED CHILD? Inga Tidefors1 1 Dept. of Psychology, Göteborg University, Sweden This presentation concerns a part of my dissertation “From childhood to crime – 20 men convicted of sexual abuse of 38 children”, in which 20 convicted child molesters were interviewed in depth and tested with a number of psychological instruments including a projective test. The interviews revealed the men’s biographic. They concerned the time period from childhood to the revelation of the committed preparations. The narratives include information about how the abuse started, the men’s feelings before, during, and after the abuse, the images they had of the child and the ongoing abuse, and how the abuse ended. The men had a temporary mental breakdown and exploited a non-existing maturity in the children. Some of the men did not recognize the child as a child, but as an equal lover whereas some thought that the child was given something that it wanted. They made up a game or a make-believe world and were disappointed when it was uncovered. They missed the child and longed for it. From a sexual perspective, these narratives were filled with more lust and life compared to anything the men had previously talked about. All this is difficult to deal with for the abused child and not easy to talk about. If the perpetrator is a parent, the child is forced to violate the incest-taboo. This may lead to restrictions of what “is allowed” to talk about and perhaps a therapist “forgets” asking. How then does the incest-taboo influence what is asked or left out? Is the therapist able to feel and think beyond her or his own taboos? More profound understanding of concrete abusive actions directed towards children is of value to adults helping exposed children dealing with experiences of sexual abuse. 48 48 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 18 SKYDDSSAMTAL MED DEN MISSTÄNKTE FÖRÖVAREN SOM FÖREBYGGANDE ARBETE Paula Heljestrand1, Christina Holmqvist1 1 Hans och Greta mottagningen, BUP, Sverige Hans och Greta mottagningen i Örebro öppnade i september 2002. Mottagningen är Barn och ungdomspsykiatrins specialistmottagning för arbete mot sexuella övergrepp. På mottagningen arbetar två socionomer och två psykologer med psykoterapeutkompetens, samt en barnpsykiater, även han med psykoterapilegitimation. Mottagningen har hela Örebro län som sitt upptagningsområde. Behandlingsmodellen som vi fortsätter att utveckla har följande grunder. FN: s barnkonvention och etiska ställningstaganden om konsekvensetik och autonomiskapande samt att vi arbetar systemiskt. Det systemiska betyder att vi involverar nätverket i den omfattningen som patienten och dennes vårdnadshavare bedömer lämpligt. Arbetsmodellen består av följande delar. • Nätverksinriktning • Multimodalitet • Krishantering • Anonymitet – anmälningsplikt • Neutralitet – polisanmälan • Processorienterat • Skyddssamtal • Traumabehandling Vår mottagning kännetecknas av att vi är en krismottagning, inte har väntetider arbetar aktivt med skyddssamtal som en förutsättning för behandling Vår Workshop kommer att handla om skyddssamtal och våra erfarenheter av dessa. Dessutom presenteras statistik från första året. 49 49 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 19 CHILDREN’S SAFETYSKILLS PROGRAMME Kaija Lajunen1, Kaija Kemppainen2 1 The Family Guidance Clinic of Helsinki, 2Stakes, Finland Children’s SafetySkills is a Finnish preventive programme against violence and sexual abuse of children. The programme aims to prevent physical, psychological and sexual child abuse and neglect. Through professional counselling in peer groups children are encouraged to protect themselves and their capabilities to take action in confusing and threatening situations are increased. Preventing child abuse can’t, however, be entirely based on educating children. All preventing actions must rely on adults’ (parents as well as authorities) increasing understanding, awareness and ability to advance well-being and safety among children. Children’s SafetySkills programme was first developed in Kotka, Finland in 1991 as a multiprofessional project. Since 2002 the project has been carried on cooperatively with Kotka, Turku and Jyväskylä. Helsinki has joined the project later. Experiences from practical work in these regions had raised a need for developing a preventive programme. These experiences led to development of Children’s SafetySkills programme that is carried out in collaboration with school, daycare, church, treatment centers, youth activity groups and other institutions involving children and their families. Feedback from children, parents and other educators from different regions and child groups have been unanimously positive and encouraging. Children have gained from counselling and adults’ abilities to confront doubts of abuse have improved. There have been no excessive actions or false revelations. Instead, parents have insisted on equal counselling on safety issues to all Finnish children regardless of age. Four cities involved in Children’s SafetySkills project have set a long-term goal to include SafetySkills programme in national school curricula and educational programmes. Finland’s National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES) has already started a national project in order to develop programmes concerning prevention and treatment of child abuse. Children’s SafetySkills programme functions as a ground model of preventive work in STAKES’s project. 50 50 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 20 “ATT FÅ MAMMA TILLBAKA”… Eva Zachrison1, Miriam Almebäck1, Christina Citron1 1 BUP Mottagning Vasa, Sverige Mottagning Vasa är Stockholms läns landsting specialenhet inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin för behandling och konsultation vid bekräftade eller misstänkta sexuella övergrepp. Gruppterapi är den huvudsakliga behandlingsformen. Vi har under många år arbetat med barngrupper där föräldrarna går i en parallell grupp samtidigt med barnen. Grupperna är traumafokuserade korttidsgrupper som vilar på psykodynamisk grund med teman och pedagogiska inslag som hjälpmedel. I dessa sammanhang har vi märkt vikten av de parallella processer som sker mellan de två grupperna. Frågor vi har ställt oss är: Hur kan vi utnyttja dem i vår behandling? Vilka processer är viktiga så att barnet kan läka de sår de varit med om? Vad finns för olika metoder, förhållningssätt eller teman som vi bör tillvarata? Vi vill gärna dela med oss, diskutera och få synpunkter på det utifrån ett inslag som vi prövat i en flickgrupp med parallell mammagrupp. Vår erfaranhet är att när ett barn utsatts för övergrepp av någon närstående innebär det vanligen också ett brott i anknytningen mellan mor och barn, en “kil” sätts emellan barnet och mamma. Med erfarenhet av det vi prövat att genom målning och samtal i de parallella grupperna försöka hjälpa både mammor och barn att gestalta hur de upplever relationen före, under och efter det sexuella övergreppet samt hur de önskar att relationen skall se ut i framtiden. Vi beskriver kort bakgrunden till metodinslaget och delar med oss hur vi tänker. Vi visar med bilder och ger exempel på hur det terapeutiska arbetet går till. 51 51 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 21 TVERRFAGLIG SAMARBEID SOM METODE I OVERGREPSSAKER Aud Karin Bjørn1, Ståle Luther2, Marianne Nordhov Fredriksen3 1 Universitetet I Tromsø, 2Troms Politidistrikt, 3Universitetssykehuset Nordnorge, Norge Statens Helsetilsyn drev i 2001 og 2002 et landsomfattende kompetanseprosjekt på fagområdet seksuelle overgrep mot barn. Dette prosjektet ble videreført i 2003 under Sosial og Helsedirektoratet. I Helseregion Nord har Universitetet i Tromsø, Avdeling for Barne- og ungdomspsykiatri, (ABUP) verts- og driftsansvar, prosjektet er i alle 5 helseregionene i Norge, men de drives på forskjellige måter. Prosjektet har hatt og har som målsetning å utvikle tverretatlig og tverrfaglig kompetanse på fagfeltet seksuelle overgrep mot barn, familievold, barnemishandling og alvorlig omsorgssvikt: dvs både oppdagelse, beskyttelse, utredning/diagnostisering, behandling og annen støtte til seksuelt misbrukte barn og deres familier. Nord-Norges-prosjektet satser på bedre støtte til seksuelt misbrukte barn, barn som er utsatt for eller vitne til familievold/vold i nære relasjoner eller annen barnemishandling/ omsorgssvikt, dette gjennom økning av kunnskap og handlingskompetanse. Prosjektet er organisert med ett Tverrfaglig sammensatt spisskompetanseteam som gir ukentlige veiledninger og råd til hjelpeapparatet i regionen i saker der det er mistanker eller avdekking av seksuelle overgrep eller vold mot barn. Gruppen er sammensatt av Barnepsykologer, barnelege, barnevern, helsesøstertjeneste, politi, voksenpsykiatri, krisesenter, sosialtjeneste, voldtektsmottak og senter for forebygging av selvmord. Prosjektet har registrert og laget statistikk over henvendelsene. For 2002 som var det første året konsultasjonsteamene var i drift, hadde vi 80 saker med 107 barn involvert. For 2003 har det vært en økning på 35 % på henvendeler, til 107 saker der ca. 156 barn er involvert. Vi har også sett at 30,2 % av overgripere er barn som forgriper seg mot andre barn, noe som underbygges av forskning. Overgriper er i nært sagt alle tilfeller menn eller unge gutter. Vi har kun en kvinnelig overgriper i vårt materiale. Etter at prosjektet kom i gang har det vært en stor økning på avdekking av seksuelle overgrep og vold mot barn i nord-norge. Noe av grunnen tror vi skyldes det tverrfaglige samarbeidet som er kommet i gang. Antal saker fordelt på type problematikk Type problematikk (N) % Seksuelle overgrep Familievold Totalt 87 81,3 20 107 18,7 100 52 52 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 22 TERAPIGRUPPER FOR MENN SOM HAR VÆRT UTSATT FOR SEKSUELLE OVERGREP I OPPVEKSTEN Marianne Lind1 1 Støttesenter mot Incest - Oslo, Norge Incestsenteret for Menn (IFM) i Oslo har de siste to årene organisert gruppeterapi for sine brukere. To grupper med varighet på ett år er gjennomført. 13 menn som har vært utsatt for seksuelle overgrep av en nærstående person i oppveksten, har deltatt. De av mennene som hadde hatt kontakt med hjelpeapparatet før de startet opp i gruppa, hadde oppgitt andre grunner enn seksuelle overgrep som årsak. Vanligste grunn var rusmisbruk, depresjon eller ekteskapsproblemer. Flesteparten av mennene hadde aldri satt ord på de seksuelle overgrepene før de tok kontakt med IFM. Mennene var i alderen 20 – 50 år. 50 % hadde vært misbrukt av en kvinne. De fleste oppga flere enn en overgriper. Mennenes vanligste problemer i dag oppgis å være gjentagende depresjoner, alvorlige søvnproblemer, seksuelle problemer, isolasjonsproblemer, dårlige familierelasjoner og vanskeligheter med nære relasjoner generelt. Gruppemetoden er gestaltorientert psykoterapi. Terapien hjelper mennene til å komme bak sitt forsvar og åpne opp for panikk, redsel og sårbarhet. Grovt sett kan redselen beskrives som en relasjonell angst. I nærkontakt med andre mennesker, må disse mennene forholde seg til sin egen panikk. Dette er en dyp redsel for å bli avslørt som verdiløse. Redselen for å bli sviktet eller avvist, bli misbrukt eller slått, bli gal eller miste kontroll, er det mennene selv kommer frem med. For å takle sin panikkfølelse bruker mennene strategier som å dissosiere, numme seg selv, spille roller eller isolere seg. Resultatet er uansett at de trekker seg fra kontakt. Ved å fokusere på disse smertefulle temaene, sette ord på dem, dele dem med andre menn, gjenkjenne seg i andre og få støtte av gruppa, skapes en så trygg arena at disse mennene våger å komme frem med sin isolasjon og hjelpeløshet. Til deres store forbauselse gjelder ikke dette bare mannens dype emosjonelle kontakt med andre, men også en manglende kontakt med seg selv, sine følelser og sin kropp. Gruppeterapien fokuserer på det å dele det som er vanskelig og være i kontakt med egne følelser på samme tid. Mye av tiden blir også brukt til å komme i kontakt med, bli kjent med og respektere egen kropp, som igjen gjør det mulig å oppdage og markere egne grenser. 60% av mennene er selv fedre. Følelsesmessig nærhet, fysisk kontakt og nakenhet er meget vanskelige temaer. Det samme er alle sosiale relasjoner en forelder må stille opp i som forelder. En mulighet til å bearbeide egen problematikk vil ha en stor forebyggende effekt og hjelpe disse mennene til å bli trygge fedre. 53 53 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 23 CHILDREN’S PERSPECTIVES OF VIOLENCE - METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES OF STUDYING YOUNG CHILDREN’S NARRATIVES Inkeri Eskonen1 1 Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Tampere, Finland There have been lots of methodological challenges experienced in ongoing study about how children exposed to violence in their own homes, talk about violence in therapeutic groups made up of children exposed to domestic violence. The paper will argue that we need a holistic approach in studying young children’s narratives about violence. Holistic approach means that children are taken seriously as active informants for they have a great deal to tell about violence. Secondly, it means that research observes the versatility of children’s narration and that it is sensitive to their scarce words. Thirdly, it is important to reflect how various corpuses of data are being collected and in what sort of contexts children are given a chance to generate knowledge about different things. The choice of research methods may substantially influence the picture that is being generated about children and childhood. For example, if a child is observed and heard in his or her natural setting, different things may become central than would in an interview outside of his or her familiar surroundings, even though the theme would be the same. Fourthly, it is important to always examine the information generated by a child in relation to his or her experience world. This can be done by placing the talk into a wider context. 54 54 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 24 CHILDREN’S STRATEGIES FOR UNDERSTANDING THEIR FATHER’S VIOLENCE Åsa Källström Cater1 1 Örebro Universitet, Sverige In Sweden most children live in nuclear families with relatively few adults in their social network, and their parents are important for helping the children understand their worlds. But if their father has victimised the mother of violence, those that could protect, comfort and explain are the perpetrator and victim, leaving the children quite alone with the task of making sense of their experiences from their own perspectives. Acts of violence within the family might be among the experiences that for a child demands most attention and processing and might at the same time be among the experiences that are most difficult for their parents to talk to them about. This study focuses on the processes through which children, who have experienced their father’s violence against their mother, can understand their own father and his actions within his relationship with the mother related to possibly complex images, in their families as well as in their society, of fathers and violence in general. 10 children, aged eight to twelve years and whose mothers had fled the fathers’ violence, participated in open interviews. The analysis shows how negotiations can be part of children’s strategies for meaning conciliation. Some children seemed to recognize a direct relation between their own father and violence, but to divide their conception of fathers in general in relation to violence. Others seemed to target their negotiation towards their understanding of their own father, so that he, by different strategies, could be separated from the violence he was attributed. A third strategy seemed to be constituted by negotiating the understanding of violence, although less directed at violence in itself than as an expansion of the understanding of its possible opposite, namely the concept of nice. An expanded understanding of nice seemed to increase the possibility to classify acts as something else than violence. 55 55 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 25 SUPERVISED PARENTHOOD - THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD? Hannele Forsberg1, Tarja Pösö1 1 Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Tampere, Finland In Finland the court may decide that contact between the non-residential parent and the children can take place only in supervised circumstances (e.g. because of the parent’s violence, mental problems, drug addiction or the incapacity to care for the child). In the 1960’s, it was seen that the child would suffer from meeting such a parent. At the present, keeping up the contact with the nonresidential parent is seen to be in the best interest of the child. During last years the numbers of the supervised contacts has been increasing fast and at the same time more and more concerns have been expressed about the positions and rights of the individual parties involved in those contacts. On the basis of ongoing study, the paper will consider the general profiles of children who meet their parents (mostly fathers) under supervised conditions. The main interest is however, to build up a conceptual frame from which such meetings could be analysed and understood especially from the children’s point of view. Instead of an abstract principle of the best interest or welfare of the child, space will be given to a more concrete and actual aspects of children’s parental relations. 56 56 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 26 GENDER, PARENTING AND VIOLENCE IN CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS Maria Eriksson1 1 Uppsala University, Sweden Drawing upon interviews from a thesis in sociology on family law and the handling of fathers’ violence against mothers/co-parents and children, the paper discusses what gendered notions of parenthood mean for professional practice in cases where a child’s father is violent to the mother. More specifically, it is discussed how a group of social workers’ specialised in investigations concerning child custody, contact or residence perceive and interpret abused mothers and violent fathers as parents. It is shown that the research-based knowledge on the links between men’s violence to women and men’s violence to children is not reflected in these interviews. The professionals tend to present violent fathers’ behaviours to mothers and to children as separate phenomena and they assume that (unless proven otherwise) fathers who are violent to women are not directly violent to children. It is argued that this is at least partly due to gendered notions of parenthood. The professionals construct mothers as mainly responsible for children’s needs, protection and safety. The mothers’ responsibilities can include a responsibility for the father, e.g. a responsibility for maintaining and mediating the father-child relationship post-separation. As regards the parenthood of violent fathers, the professionals use a double standard: a) fatherhood as complementary to motherhood; and b) good parenthood, which has motherhood as the standard. The notion “bad parent but a good dad” is therefore culturally intelligible, while the notion “bad parent but a good mam” is unintelligible. This gendered asymmetry in the norms adopted contributes to the gendering of parenthood and to violent fathers’ space for action. Furthermore, it transforms these fathers’ possible neglect of, and violence to, their children into marginal issues. Against this backdrop the implications for policy and practice are discussed, especially the dilemmas associated with current Swedish attempts to create gender equality, shared parenting, a “new father”; and to promote children’s interests post-separation. The interviews with the social workers show how the symmetry of parents’ responsibilities for children post-separation presumed in policy can in professional practice be created not through an emphasis upon symmetrical caring/parenting abilities. It is argued that in the context of separation/divorce, notions of shared and gender complementary parenthood seem to overshadow fathers’ violence and abuse of power. They move the attention away from problematic aspects of violent fathers’ practices as parents to children; they move attention away from children’s possible need of support and protection from fathers postseparation. 57 57 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 27 DOUBLE PERSPECTIVE, CHILDREN AND POLICE OFFICERS INVOLVED IN ALLEGED CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE Anna Kaldal1, Clara Gumpert1 1 Neurotec Department, Division of Forensic Psychiatry, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden Background: Investigations of alleged sexual abuse belong to the most complicated criminal investigations. One of the central reasons is the lack of unambiguous evidence. In the majority of all cases the only evidence the statement given by the child in question. Therefore in many cases the outcome in the case completely depends on the quality of the police interrogation. The Swedish supreme court have several times stated that the evaluation of an oral evidence given by a child depends on the quality of the interrogation. Despite efforts to improve interviewing techniques, the rate of prosecuted child sexual abuse cases is still low. Objectives: The main objective of the study is to explore how knowledge of interview techniques is implemented into the police investigation. A second goal is to explore the double perspectives/experiences of the interviewer as well as the child. Study design: The data collection is built on a qualitative design, with in-depth interviews with police officers and children. Police who are specialized in investigation cases of alleged child abuse were included, and also children who had been interviewed by these same officers. The main focus of the interviews was the subjective experience and feelings from the interrogation situation on both parts (interviewer and child). Preliminary results: Most investigators interviewed in the study state that they don’t use any special methods of questioning the child, but describe in different ways personal ways to conduct a child interview. The intellectual averseness off this personal method differs. Most investigators work alone but would like to work with a college Several police officers describe that it can be very difficult to handle the many focuses that a child interrogation includes: establishing and keeping a contact with the child during the interview, keeping the necessary legal questions I mind, following the child’s story and emotional reaction and at the same time be aware of not leading the child. From a child perspective, it is clear that every new discussion on the alleged crime involves a new decision to open up and talk. Despite the fact that these children all had been motivated to talk they still needed a lot of help from the interviewers to produce the necessary facts in order to pursue a legal process. Although the children all expressed pressure from taking part in a police investigation, they did not regret disclosing abuse. 58 58 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 28 CHILD FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIC EXAMINATION MODEL IN THE NORTH KARELIA HOSPITAL DISTRICT Hanna-Mari Tähtinen1, Marjatta Mannonen1, Minna Proskin-Karvonen1, Kristiina Jalovaara1 1 North Karelia Central Hospital, Finland Child Forensic Psychiatric team started working at the Child Psychiatry Policlinic at the North Karelia Central Hospital in 1999. The team consists of a child psychiatrist, two psychologists and a family psychotherapist. They are all employees of the Child Psychiatry Policlinic and Child Forensic Psychiatric examinations take about 7-25 % of their total working hours. The North Karelia Hospital District is occupied by 180 000 residents of which 27 000 are under 14 years of age. There are 17 communes (the furthest is situated about 140 kilometres from the Central Hospital), 10 police stations and prosecutors work in three jurisdictional districts. The Child Forensic Psychiatric examinations always begin with a letter rogatory from the police. Sexual abuse, maltreatment of a child and child as a victim of some other crime are the most common indications for examination. Child Forensic Psychiatric team does not work with the controversies of the custody of the child, because in the North Karelia Hospital District they are dealt in Family Guidance Centres and Child Welfare. The Child Forensic Psychiatric examinations consist of a forensic psychological interview (under the presence of a police), psychological assessment of the child’s emotional life, developmental level and need for therapy. In case of children under seven years attachment is also assessed. The Child Psychiatrist sets the diagnosis. The family psychotherapist interviews the parents to collect the information about the history of the child and her/his family, possible symptoms and general situation where the child lives. Juridical consultation is available as needed for the Child Forensic Psychiatric team. All the examinations are done and videotaped in the studio built in the Child Psychiatry Policlinic. The statistics of examined children between 1999 and 2003 show; 48 child forensic psychiatric examinations varying from 4-22 examinations a year, 15 of which were boys leaving a majority of 33 girls. Their age variation was 2 to 15 years of age wherein most were 5 to11 years old. The new preliminary investigation law has been put forth in the beginning of this year. It applies that the investigation process be performed under the presence of police or by their own action. In a case where an underage child is a victim of a crime, the police authorities of the North Karelia District receive aid from Child Forensic Psychiatric team. The necessity to ask the police to investigate a crime is in the hands of child’s home district’s Child Welfare. Of course the child’s parents can also ask the police to investigate the matter. 59 59 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 29 ARBETSGRUPPEN FÖR RÄTTSPSYKIATRISKA FRÅGOR RÖRANDE BARN VID TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITETSSJUKHUS BARNPSYKIATRISKA KLINIK Mona Jerkku1, Monica Ilkka1, Merja Mäki1, Mervi Sinisalo1 1 Tammerfors Universitetssjukhus, Finland Arbetsgruppen för rättspsykiatriska frågor rörande barn är en multiprofessinonell arbetsgrupp som ger på undersökningar baserade expertutlåtanden åt olika myndigheter. I detta anförande kommer vi att ta upp olika aspekter på vårt arbete. Arbetsgruppens uppgifter och innehåll presenterar vi i vårt poster “ FORENSIC CHILDPSYCHIATRY AT TAMPERE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL”. Arbetsgruppen inleder sina undersökningar då polisen anhåller om professionell hjälp i frågor rörande sexuella övergrepp på barn eller då socialvården begär om ett expertutlåtande vid rättsfrågor rörande vårdnadstvister eller omhändertaganden. Arbetsgruppen konsulterar även hälso- och socialvården samt andra myndigheter. De personer som arbetar inom arbetsgruppen för rättspsykiatriska frågor behöver utveckla en ny professionell roll.Undersökningen runt det sexuella övergreppet leds av polisen och utgör en del av polisens brottsundersöking men arbetsgruppen bör även i undersökningen beakta den barnpsykiatriska aspekten; barnets helhetssituation samt barnets behov av vård. För att kunna förena dessa två synvinklar krävs en ny yrkesmässig inriktning. Arbetsgruppen handhar ständigt frågor rörande sexuella övergrepp på barn samt olika former av omsorgssvikt och arbetsgruppens medlemmarna utsätts kontinuerligt för ställföreträdande traumatisering. Det undersökande arbetsgreppet innebär att man granskar och bedömer klienternas traumatiska erfarenheter. Arbetsgruppens medlemmar upprättar inga vårdförhållanden emedan klienternas vård sker på annat håll. Detta betyder att man inom arbetsgruppen inte ser resultatet av den fortsatta vården. Att ständigt undersöka och granska traumatiserade personers berättelser är psykiskt mycket betungande. 60 60 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 30 FORENSIC CHILD PSYCHIATRY AT TAMPERE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Merja Mäki1, Monica Ilkka1, Mona Jerkku1, Mervi Sinisalo1, Pälvi Kaukonen1, Tuula Tamminen1, Kaija Puura1 1 Tampere University Hospital, Finland Objective The number of forensic child psychiatric patients has increased specially in the last decade in Finland. In recent years in health care and child welfare there has been some 750 to 800 cases of suspected child sexual abuse (CSA) per year. This number is four times bigger than it has been 15 years ago. This change has necessitated the development of forensic psychiatric assessment models and programs. A special forensic child psychiatry team for children started in 2001 at the Department of Child Psychiatry, Tampere University Hospital. The team was the first of its kind in Finland. This poster aims to evaluate the work done by the team and experiences gained so far. Method The outpatient team consists of a child psychiatrist, a psychologist, a psychiatric nurse, a social worker and a secretary. Aims of the team to develop forensic psychiatric assessment models and programs for children, specially in CSA to make assessments of forensic psychiatric patients referred to the clinic to cooperate with and give consultation to health care, child welfare agencies and police Reasons for referrals suspected CSA assessment of parenthood in custody disputes and children placements The assessment program in CSA includes arrival meeting(s), interviews with the child (videotaped), child psychiatric assessment, pediatric or gynaecological examination of the child and interviews with the adults. In intra familiar CSA especially the interaction between the child and his/her parents, likewice the psychiatric state of health of his/ her parents are evaluated. New recommendations on investigating CSA in Finland were issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in June 2003. In suspected CSA notification to the police is mandatory prior to assessment. Results Most patients (82 %) were referred for assessment because of CSA. Parenthood was assessed in custody disputes and in children placements in 18 % of cases. The age range 1 to 15 years, including 71 % girls and 29 % boys. The team developed a specific but flexible assessment program for CSA including some 20 different types of outpatient visits per case. Conclusions The experiences of the team indicate that specializing in forensic psychiatric issues is also worth while in child psychiatry. The team has improved in particular the assessment process of CSA. Cooperation with child welfare agencies, the police and the courts in handling these extremely complicated cases has also advanced and the feedback has been positive. Sufficient supervision and legal consultation for the team and awareness of secondary traumatisation 61 are important. 61 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 31 MANDATORY REPORTING AS AN INSTRUMENT OF FINDING CHILDREN IN NEED FOR PROTECTION IN SWEDEN Madeleine Cocozza1 1 Linköping University, Sweden Objective In some countries mandatory reporting is used to find children in need of protection. Lately the instrument has been questioned since studies have shown that many children are reported but few remains in the system. In Sweden mandatory reporting is used but there is no national collection of data on how many children that are reported. The aim of the present study was to describe the filtering process of a cohort of mandatory reports in one municipality in Sweden. A further aim was to compare the findings internationally. Method All the reports registered at the social service in a municipality in 1998 were located and recorded into 21 variables. The filteringprocess of a report to a support was then described and compared to a corresponding process in the UK. Results Of all the reports 41 % were judged to be unsubstantiated, and 33 % were investigated ( 8 % dropped out and 18 % were reports regarding children that were already under investigation). Finally 16 % of the reports led toa support in the Swedish study compared to 17 % in the British one. Conclusion · It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of the legislation since there is a considerable lack of information on how the legislation operates. We do not know how many children that are reported, why children are reported and who makes the reports in the wake of mandated reporting in Sweden. · The findings in this study of one municipality( 68 % fell out the social care system) should lead to increased interest of the legislation’s effectiveness, · This study shows that in a cohort of mandatory reported children in a Swedish municipality a similar filtering process could be described as in the UK, though the systems are different organised. 62 62 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 32 CHILD MORTALITY RATE AND INFLICTED INJURIES THAT LEAD TO EARLY DEATH OF CHILDREN IN ESTONIA Ruth Soonets1, Katrin Lang2, Marika Väli3 1 Tartu Child Support Center, 2Tartu University Department of Public Health, 3 Institute of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine of Tartu University, Estonia Objective: to find out the range of inflicted injuries and its relations to child mortality in Estonia, question is raised whether childhood victimisation might lead to an increased risk of early death. Methods: using data of official death certificates, and forensic reports. Unbelievable but true, millions of children are abused and neglected by their biological parents or caregivers. According to some studies 25-50% of children report severe and frequent abuse, including being beaten, kicked, tied up by people who are supposed to protect and guarantee their safety. It is estimated that there were 57 000 homicides among children under 15 years of age worldwide in 2002. Very young children are at greatest risk. Homicide rates among children aged 0-4 years are more than twice higher than these among children aged 5-14 years. Unlike in previous age child mortality in developed countries is not only the result of diseases but also of inflicted injuries and accidents. Accidents happen or are induced by different causes, including traffic accidents, fallings, drowning, poisonings, fire accidents, etc. The number of population in Estonia is 1,38 million, 18% of them are children. Medical practitioners (incl. forensic specialist) have made research on injuries and external causes of child mortality in Estonia during two previous years. Current research is the first profound study on this subject since our re-independence in 1991, and is based on forensic medicine reports. In 2001the mortality rate of children under 5 years of age was 10,9 ‰. Based on UNICEF estimation continuous prevention could avoid death of nearly 12 000 children every year. According to the current situation each child of developed country faces probability 1: 750 to die as a result of some injury before the age of 15. 63 63 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 33 PROFESSIONELLE DILEMMAER I ARBEJDET MED OMSORGSSVIGT BLANDT ASYLANSØGERBØRN I DANMARK Karen Louise Christiansen1 1 Dansk Røde Kors, Danmark Dansk Røde Kors har i 2003 haft ansvar for indkvartering af 6460 asylansøgere. Disse er bosiddende på centre i hele landet. Ud af denne gruppe er ca. 30 % børn mellem 0 og 18 år. Dansk Røde Kors har desuden ansvar for undervisningstilbud til skolebørn og legestuetilbud til børn mellem 3 og 6 år. Organisationen har desuden ansvar for sundhedstilbud svarende til alment praktiserende læger og forebyggende sundhedsordninger. Andre behandlinger og foranstaltninger iværksættes via bevilling fra Udlændingestyrelsen og finder sted udenfor Dansk Røde Kors regi. Levevilkårene for asylansøgerbørn er præget af: · · · Trange boligforhold og mange flytninger. Forældre med begrænsede ressourcer på grund af reaktioner på krig, flugt og traumer. Forældre der er belastet af usikkerhed om fremtiden, lang ventetid i asylfasen samt meget få økonomiske ressourcer. Erfaringerne med omsorgssvigtede børn og deres familier blandt asylansøgere rejser en række spørgsmål? · · · · Er der forskel på hvorledes omsorgssvigt hos asylansøgere og andre børn skal observeres og vurderes? Er det uheldigt at adskille børn og forældre, når et barn har været på flugt og har flere tab bag sig? Har det betydning for de professionelles grænse for intervention og underretning at børnenes levevilkår og fremtidsudsigter er anderledes end andre børns? Har det betydning for kommunernes beslutning om intervention at børnenes levevilkår og fremtidsudsigter er anderledes end andre børns? 64 64 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 34 SØSKENINCEST - ERFARINGER FORMIDLET AV KVINNER VED STØTTESENTER MOT INCEST-OSLO Marit Hellesnes1 1 Støttesenter mot Incest - Oslo, Norge Søskenincest er et alvorlig sosialt problem som stort sett har blitt oversett. Den siste norske omfangsundersøkelsen i Norge viste at av de som hadde vært utsatt for seksuelle overgrep som barn, hadde 3,4 % vært utsatt for milde og moderate overgrep, og 7,4 % for alvorlige overgrep av søsken. Ca. 10 % av kvinnene som tar kontakt med SMI-Oslo oppgir at de har vært utsatt for søskenincest. Internasjonale undersøkelser viser at søsken har lengre overgrepskarriere, og begår grovere overgrep enn andre overgripende barn og voksne. Dette er sammenfallende med våre erfaringer. Mange har levd under konstant redsel og terror fra bror/brødre gjennom hele sin barndom, og noen også i voksen alder. Mange mener at alderforskjellen mellom offer og overgriper må være 5 år eller mer for at noe skal kalles seksuelle overgrep. Dette er ikke sammenfallende med våre erfaringer. Vi har brukere som har svært alvorlige senvirkninger, og som har vært utsatt for overgrep av brødre som bare er ett år eldre enn dem. Kvinnene har vært utsatt for overgrep helt fra tidlig spedbarnsalder og opp i voksen alder der de selv allerede har fått egne barn. Brødrene har vært fra 1 til 14 år eldre enn søsteren, og noen har begynt å begå alvorlige overgrep allerede i 6-7 års alderen. Overgrepene har stort sett bestått i voldtekter og utuktig omgang med tillegg av seksuell trakassering og mobbing gjennom mange år. Følgende hovedproblemstillinger har utkrystallisert seg: · Bagatellisering. Samfunnet, familien, venner, fagfolk og kvinnen selv bagatelliserer søskenincest, til tross for store lidelser og alvorlige senvirkninger. · Det er vanskelig å plassere skyld og ansvar fordi overgriperne ikke er voksne menn. · Enorm tapsfølelse og svikfølelse overfor ikke-krenkende søsken og foreldre, men spesielt i forhold til mor. Det er vankeligere å konfrontere familien med overgrepene. Både i barndom og i voksen alder velger foreldrene brorens side. · At offer og overgriper har samme mor og far virker svært kompliserende på familielivet når overgrepene blir kjent. Det enkleste er å fortie sannheten, noe som rammer offeret hardt. · Kvinnene har et stort behov for å møtes med andre som har vært utsatt for søskenincest for å få hjelp til å fastholde virkeligheten de lever og har levd i. Mange av kvinnen har felles erfaringer i tillegg til vanlige senvirkninger: · De bærer på mye raseri og følelse av urettferdighet. · Mange er skeptiske til å la mor være sammen med egne barn. · De aller fleste har lært at de ikke skal sladre og at de skal klare seg selv. · De har alltid blitt beskyldt for å overdramatisere. · Brødrene blir nesten alltid favorisert i familien. · De fleste vet eller har sterk mistanke om at moren har vært utsatt for seksuelle overgrep som barn. Kunnskapen vi har hentet i vår brukergruppe viser med all tydelighet at søskenincest må tas alvorlig. Barn som utsettes for dette må bli trodd og få hjelp. Dette vil virke forebyggende forhold til senvirkninger hos det enkelte barn, og i forhold til sosial arv med videreføring av dysfunksjonelle familiemønstrene og seksuelle overgrep til senere generasjoner. 65 65 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 35 PROJEKT JANUS DANSKE BØRN OG UNGE MED SEXUEL OVERGREBSADFÆRD. UNDERSØGELSE, BEHANDLING OG FORSKNING. FOREBYGGELSE AF SEXUELLE OVERGREB MOD BORN Mimi Strange1 1 Projekt JANUS,Socialministeriet, Danmark Præsentationen vil indeholde fremlæggelse af de foreløbige resultater fra det første danske center til behandling af unge (12-18 år) med sexuel overgrebsadfærd. Centret åbnede 1.9.03 og er i en treårig periode finansieret af Socialministeriet og led i den danske regerings handleplan til forebyggelse af sexuelle overgreb mod børn (publiceret august 2003). Information om projektet, start af behandlingsklinik og vidensindsamling vil blive præsenteret og anvendes som basis for at diskutere nogle undersøgelses,behandlings- og samarbejdsstrategier. Tidlig intervention antages at kunne være en væsentlig del af en strategi til at forebygge at sexuelt aggressive børn og unge fortsætter deres krænkende adfærd i voksenlivet Præsentationen vil også indeholde resultater fra en undersøgelse, publiceret 2002, som dels indeholder et kvalitativt studie med interviews med en lille gruppe danske drenge/unge mænd og dels indeholder et internationalt litteraturstudie af unge krænkere. Mulig ætiologi og interventionsstrategier i forhold til denne klientgruppe diskuteres. Arbejde med sexuelt aggressive unge nødvendiggør interdisciplinært samarbejde og fokus på multidisciplinært samarbejde diskuteres som en nødvendig del af arbejdet med disse unge Studiet af unge krænkere er publiceret af Socialforskningsinstituttet (2002) og er, som Projekt JANUS, finansieret af Socialministeriet. 66 66 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 36 UNGDOMAR SOM BEGÅR SEXUELLA ÖVERGREPP - HUR ALLVARLIGT ÄR DET? Cecilia Kjellgren1 1 Avd för Barn- o Ungdomspsykiatri, Lunds Universitet, Sverige Ungdomar som begår sexuella övergrepp är en heterogen grupp. Vissa begår ett antal övergrepp innan de identifieras och är i risk att fortsätta. Andra begår ett övergrepp och kommer sannolikt inte att upprepa det. Forskningen visar att vissa ungdomar fortsätter begå övergrepp i vuxen ålder. En viktig uppgift är att tidigt identifiera de ungdomar som är i hög risk och har stora behandlingsbehov. Socialtjänsten har ett ansvar för att utreda ungdomens situation och behov av behandling. En viktig fråga är att värdera allvaret och risk för att ungdomen kan begå nya övergrepp. Kan 15-åringen som utsatt sin lillasyster för övergrepp vara kvar i familjen och bli tillräckligt hjälpt av en öppenvårdskontakt. Behöver tonåringen som vid ett tillfälle begår en överfallsvåldtäkt, någon omfattande behandling. Kan placering i familjehem vara rätt insats för 13-åringen som vid flera tillfällen utsatt mindre barn? När man studerar ett kliniskt material med ungdomar som begått övergrepp ser man att det beslutsunderlag som socialtjänst/barnpsykiatri stödjer sig på är mycket skiftande. Ibland blir beteendet uppmärksammat och allvarligt värderat, ibland kommer andra förhållanden kring familjen och den unge mer i förgrunden. Professionellas förmåga att hantera denna typ av ärenden varierar och påverkar arbetssättet. För att få ett strukturerat stöd i att göra bedömningar av ungdomar som begår sexuella övergrepp krävs att man utökar sin utredningsmetod. Information om ungdomens sexualitet behövs i dessa ärenden och att risk- och skyddsfaktorer identifieras. I Kristianstad har en metod utvecklats och tillämpats sedan 1997. Ett hundratal bedömningar av unga sexualförövare har genomförts. Metoden bygger på olika modeller som använts internationellt. En intervju genomförs med starkt fokus på sexualitet; den sexuella utvecklingen, positiva/negativa erfarenheter och den unges upplevelse av att begå övergrepp. Material från intervjun kan tillsammans med annat utredningsmaterial användas för att göra en bedömning av risk för återfall och behandlingsbehov. Riskbedömningsinstrumentet ERASOR (Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Offense Recidivism) har använts som stöd för att skatta riskfaktorer. Bedömningsmetoden kommer att beskrivas med hjälp av fallbeskrivningar. 67 67 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 37 CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE WITHIN THE FAMILY Mikko Oranen1 1 Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters, Finland Children have often been described as invisible witnesses or silent victims of domestic violence. In fact it would be correct to speak about blind or deaf adults who have not been able to see nor hear these children. If somebody is ready to see and willing to listen, she/he will soon realize that the children are full of thoughts, feelings and sensations related to their experiences of violence. It is estimated that in Finland 190 000 children and young people have been witnessing their mother being abused. The figure is based on a national survey on men’s violence against women. In reality the number of children exposed to violence is even bigger since many of the abused women in the survey did not know if their children had seen or heard abuse or did not answer the question concerning children. Violence begets violence. A significant proportion of children exposed to violence are also victims of violence. The exposure to violence within the most important and close relationships is a severe developmental risk factor. Seeing and hearing the mother being abused is a trauma experience which can cause a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Being a witness can corrupt child’s image of close relationships, distort the way she/he thinks about loving and caring and affect her/his attitudes towards violence. The relationships with mother and father can become loaded with ambivalence. The growing body of knowledge concerning the negative effects of witnessing violence on children has forced adults to act. In all Nordic countries innovative projects focusing on these children have been carried out. In the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters in Finland such project was started in 1997. The project ended in 2001 but the working model developed by the project is now in use in the Federation’s shelters and outreach services. Children’s counsellors and group facilitators have become permanent part of working teams. Children’s rights for protection, participation and provision serve as guiding principles in the Federation’s children’s services. Adults have a duty to protect children so that they can feel safe and be safe. Children have a right to participate in planning of and carrying out actions affecting their life. The essential information should be shared with children. Children also have a right to their fair share of the available resources The actual working model will be outlined the presentation. The unique context of work with victims, witnesses and perpetrators of violence will be described. 68 68 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 38 INTEGRATIVE PRACTICES IN WORKING WITH WOMEN AND CHILDREN WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED VIOLENCE AND MEN WHO HAVE USED IT Elli-Maija Laaksamo1, Riitta Pohjoisvirta1, Hannu Säävälä1 1 Mother and Child Home and Shelter in Oulu, Finland Since 1979 The Mother and Child Home and Shelter in Oulu has had a services for women who been battered at home. Since 1996 we have adopted an integrative model in our work with domestic violence. The integrative model means that we have separate workers and services for all family members: for the woman who has been battered, for the child who has been battered or who has been exposed to violence towards her/ his mother and for the father who has battered his wife or/and children. We are mainly working separately with each family member, but an essential part of the work is the collaboration of the workers with each other in planning the services. We have individual, group, family and couples meetings. Family and couples meetings are used only when the batterer takes full responsibility of his violence and the other members of the family are not traumatized by his violence or afraid of him. Also the individual members of the family are not obliged to participate in the family and couples meetings if they do not want to. Because of the power imbalance in the family, special attention is paid on the views and experiences of the child and the mother. The child can not stop the violence. She/he must turn to parents to get help. In our integrative model we have met the following challenges and questions: How to evaluate the safety of the family members while working with them? What are the consequences of taking up the issue of violence? Is it possible that we raise the risk of violent encounters with our interventions? How to make the situation of the child visible to parents in the context of motherhood and fatherhood? How do we take into consideration the genderedness of parenthood? The question of space. How to reconcile the needs of the child and the needs of the individual co-parents? How to secure that the child has a possibility to be a client herself/himself? How to be a client and a parent at the same time? The team is a tool. How do we utilize the different perspectives of individual workers for the benefit of the process? How can we team members avoid harmful disputes and arguments between ourselves when taking up the views and experiences of the individual clients? A constructive confrontation between 69 the workers is a most beneficial tool in our work to help the individual parties of domestic violence. 69 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 39 FAMILY, VIOLENCE AND CHILDHOOD IN THE NORDIC WELFARE SYSTEMS Keith Pringle1 1 Aalborg University, Denmark, Malardalens Hogskola, Sweden, Warwick University, UK Focusing primarily but not exclusively on Sweden, this paper draws upon the outcomes from two recently completed research projects: first a large qualitative study, funded by the main social science research council in the United Kingdom, of the ways in which the Swedish child welfare systems addresses (or does not address) power relations in the lives of service users associated with the dimensions of gender, ethnicity and age; secondly, a major European Unionfunded research network on men’s practices consisting of ten countries which included both Norway and Finland. Using data from both these projects and with a focus on family and childhood, the paper (re-)considers the largely positive reputation of the Nordic welfare systems as seen for instance in the welfare paradigm offered by Esping-Andersen. It does so by focusing not, as usual, on issues of labour in the home and the market-place, but on issues of bodily integrity – specifically violence to children. Using this focus, the paper suggests that: (a) the reputation of the Nordic welfare systems for child-friendliness, gender equality and benevolence towards minority ethnic groups can be seriously questioned; (b) the responses of the Nordic welfare systems to issues of violence in childhood, both sexual and physical, are in a considerable number of important respects less impressive than the responses of a generally less wellregarded welfare system such as that of the United Kingdom despite all its wellknown and very real faults; (c) on the basis of this analysis of child abuse – taken in conjunction with similar analyses which could be made of other issues of bodily integrity such as welfare responses to violence to women or welfare responses to racism in the lives of service users – the paper suggests that one should consider inverting Esping-Andersen’s well-known welfare typologies in relation to the protection of bodily integrity, with the Nordic systems occupying relatively mediocre or low rankings. The paper goes on to propose a culturally and historically-located explanation for this state of affairs. Finally, the paper argues that whilst a truly empowering welfare system for children cannot currently be found in either Nordic or UK settings, such a system might be possible if the best elements of both could be combined – and that such a development is more likely to occur within the Nordic countries than it is the UK. 70 70 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 40 BARN TILL FÖRÄLDRAR MED UTVECKLINGSSTÖRNING Barbro Hindberg1 1 Barn- och Ungdomsforum, Sverige Många barn till föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning kan sägas vara försummade både av sina föräldrar och samhället. Syftet med min bok Barn till föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning (Gothia förlag 2003) är att synliggöra dessa barn, öka kunskaperna om deras situation och förbättra deras livsvillkor. Det faktum att aktuell svensk forskning om barn till föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning saknas, har inneburit att underlaget till boken till stor del måste bygga på annan typ av kunskap. Viktiga källor har varit personer som i sitt arbete möter denna grupp, personliga erfarenheter av att växa upp med utvecklingsstörda föräldrar och domar. Boken utgår från barns behov och rättigheter och att barns bästa skall sättas i främsta rummet. Detta är helt i enlighet med FN:s barnkonvention och svensk (liksom nordisk) barnavårdslagstiftning, men i praktiken är det ingen självklarhet. Framför allt ställs frågan om barns rätt till skydd respektive föräldrars rätt till integritet på sin spets. Det som komplicerar frågan i jämförelse med när föräldrar sviktar i sin omsorgsförmåga av andra skäl, är att utvecklingsstördas brister beror på ett handikapp, som de inte kan rå för och heller inte göra något åt. Då vill man inte lägga sten på börda utan hoppas i det längsta att föräldrarna skall klara föräldraskapet. Risken är att barnen osynliggörs och att de får betala ett högt pris för att deras föräldrar skall få vara föräldrar. I den debatt som förts i Sverige om utvecklingsstörning och föräldraskap sägs ibland att utvecklingsstörda föräldrar inte ges en chans att visa att de klarar att vara föräldrar beroende på fördomar och bristande stöd. Om man i stället ser på frågan ur barnens perspektiv, kan man fråga sig om barn till föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning ges samma rätt till en god uppväxt som andra barn. Av det material som boken bygger på framgår, att många av dessa barn får leva under förhållanden, som inte skulle accepteras när det gäller andra barn. Ett skäl till att barn kan blir kvar i hemmet, trots att socialtjänsten anser att de borde omhändertas, är svårigheterna att klart belysa problemen i dessa familjer. Domstolarna vill ha bevis på att barnen far illa och på föräldrarnas omsorgsbrister. Allmän svaghet, försummelse, brist på stimulans, känslomässig omognad etc. kan vara svåra att konkret beskriva och är sådant som domstolarna har svårt att förstå innebörden av. Vilka blir konsekvenserna av begåvningshandikappet i föräldraskapet? Vilka blir konsekvenserna för barnen? Vad kan kompenseras om omsorgsförmågan inte räcker till? Vilka föräldrafunktioner kan inte överlåtas till andra? Det är några av de frågor som tas upp i boken och också kommer att fokuseras i seminariet. Jag kommer också att ta upp betydelsen av handikappmedvetande för att nödvändig hjälp skall kunna ges till familjerna. Bakom boken står stiftelsen Barn- och ungdomsforum, som bildades 1998. Stiftelsens övergripande syfte är att förbättra psykosocialt utsatta barns och ungdomars livsvillkor. Mer information finns på 71 71 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 41 BARN TILL PSYKISKT STÖRDA FÖRÄLDRAR – ETT SAMVERKANSPROJEKT MELLAN BARNPSYKIATRIN, VUXENPSYKIATRIN OCH SOCIALTJÄNSTEN. Birthe Hagström1 1 Social service in cooperation with child and adult psychiatry, Sweden Allt fler mödrar med långvarig psykiatrisk problematik som sökte hjälp i sitt föräldraskap uppmärksammades på en Barnpsykiatrisk behandlingsinstitution i Malmö. Man gjorde bedömningen att en del av dessa mödrar behövde ytterligare hjälp och såg behovet av samordnade tvärfackliga insatser för att tidigt uppmärksamma familjen och erbjuda stöd och behandling. Så startade ett treårigt samverkansprojekt 1999 mellan barn- och vuxenpsykiatrin samt socialtjänsten dit även representanter från mödra- och barnhälsovård samt förskolan länkades. Syftet med projektet är att utveckla metoder i samverkan för att uppmärksamma och stödja familjer under graviditet, späd och småbarnstid där en eller båda föräldrarna lider av psykisk störning. Projektet är politiskt förankrat och organiserat i en styrgrupp som består av chefer för de medverkande verksamheterna samt en arbetande grupp, “utvecklingsgruppen”. Till den har verksamheterna valt sina representanter, den sammanträder regelbundet och är länken mellan projektet och verksamheterna. De personalkategorier som är involverade i projektet är läkare, psykologer, kuratorer, socialsekreterare, barnmorskor, sjuksköterskor, skötare och pedagoger. Vid projektstarten genomfördes en kartläggning för att få en uppfattning om hur många barn som uppmärksammades inom de medverkande verksamheterna. Hur samverkan fungerade och vilket stöd som fanns runt familjen. Utifrån syftet med projektet och den kunskap som kartläggningen bidrog med prioriterades först tre områden. Information och utbildning: En grundidé är att personalen inom de medverkande verksamheterna skall ha en liten men gemensam kunskapsplattform för att kunna öka sin uppmärksamhet kring barnen och deras föräldrar och se behovet av att planera gemensamt och samordna sina insatser. Riktade utbildningsinsatser har erbjudits samtliga verksamheter och som komplement har forskare och kliniker inbjudits till gemensamma storföreläsningar som följts av tvärfacklig diskussion. Parallellt med utbildningsinsatserna har funnits en stor beredskap för information om projektet till olika arbetsgrupper. Konsultationsteam: Ökad kunskap måste mötas med en ökad beredskap att gemensamt stödja personal som uppmärksammar familjer. Utifrån detta startade konsultationsteamen, ett tvärfackligt team i varje stadsdel som sammanträder regelbundet, är tidsbeställda och där som ges möjlighet för personal att rådgöra om insatser kring familjer de möter under graviditet, späd och småbarnstid. Teamen är väl utnyttjade och utvärderade efter ett års verksamhet. Utvärderingen visar att den personal som använt sig av teamets tjänster anser att de fått hjälp i sitt arbete att planera för bästa möjliga stöd för barnet/barnen och familjen. Samverkan: En del av familjerna som varit aktuella i konsultationsteamen har, med familjernas medgivande, utvecklats till samverkansarbete över längre eller kortare tid. Via enskilda familjers svårigheter blir problem i samverkan tydligt och åtkomligt för förändring. Här har vi kunnat följa en positiv utveckling hos familjer där man gjort en gemensam planering, ansvarsfördelning samt haft kontinuerlig uppföljning av insatserna. Arbetet i projektet har nu pågått i fyra år och övriga frågor som vi arbetat med är bl.a: Föräldragrupp för mammor som lider av psykisk störning och har barn mellan 0-7 år. Gruppen leds av två terapeuter en från barnpsykiatrin och en från vuxenpsykiatrin och fokus är barn och föräldraskap. Handlingsprogram för vuxenpsykiatrin “Vuxenpsykiatrins barn” som skall ses som ett stöd i att uppmärksamma barns och föräldrars svårigheter, underlätta kontakten med andra vårdgivare samt ge konkreta förslag om hur man kan möta barn och föräldrar inom psykiatrins öppen och slutenvård. Viktiga frågor nu, är ett utvecklingsarbete inom förskolan samt 72etableringen av ett team riktat till den gruppen barn och föräldrar som behöver mer stöd än vad etablerade verksamheter kan erbjuda. 72 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 42 SUPPORTING CHILD DEVELOPMENT IN FAMILIES WITH MENTALLY ILL PARENTS Tytti Solantaus1 1 Stakes, Finland Parental mental illness increases children’s risk for developmental problems and mental disturbances. Mental disorders affect the parents’ relationship abilities including love and caring, guidance and monitoring and disciplining the child. Parenting becomes more dependent on the parent’s own moods than the children’ doings. These influence parent- child relationships and many of children’s developmental needs might go unmet. It has been estimated in several studies that about 60% of children of affectively ill parents will themselves suffer from psychiatric disorders by the age of 25. The health care system has traditionally offered no support for the families of the mental patients. In Finland, a special program, The Efficient Family Project, was initiated by Dr. Solantaus in 2001, to study and develop means to support the families and promote child development. The program includes a randomised controlled study of two interventions, a training program for clinicians, implementation of the methods and the building of multiprofessional network. The most challenging aim is to induce a lasting change in the routines of the care of the mentally ill so that every patient with children will be offered support for their families. The methods include a short parent intervention and a longer family intervention (The Beardslee Preventive Family Intervention developed by the Beardslee team in Boston, USA). The impact of parental mental illness on children and family dynamics and an overview of the interventions will be the foci of the presentation. Finnish families’ experiences of the interventions will also be described. 73 73 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 43 COOPERATION BETWEEN MIDGARDUR AND THE REYKJAVIK POLICE TO FIND NEW WAYS TO DEAL WITH CHILD DELINQUENCY Sigþrúður Erla Arnardóttir1 1 Midgardur – Family sevice center in Grafarvogur, Reykjavík, Iceland The Circle - A constructive way for children, parents and others who work with children in Grafarvogur The Circle is a new way to deal with delinquency of children who live in the Grafarvogur (burrough of Reykjavik), where the victim, offender and their families work together. The Circle is based on early intervention by making the individual responsible for his behavior, by using family therapy, mediation and the environment to work with the child. The goal is to give a child who gets in contact with the police an opportunity to learn from its experience and to help making the environment safe. The Circle is a project that began in February 2001 and in charge of this program are Miðgarður, a family service center in Grafarvogur and the police in Grafarvogur. Co-workers are companies, institutes and organizations in Grafarvogur and the University of Iceland. In the Circle the offender, the victim and the community work together. The offender and the victim apply for participation in the Circle. A group of professionals, psychologist, social worker and the police then evaluate the application. The group nominates the person who is responsible for each case. This person works closely with the offender and his parent, the victim and an objective person from the district. All participants’ meat regularly to find a solution to what has occurred. Individuals who are under the age of 18, who live in Grafarvogur and commit an offence that is reported to the police, are invited to participate in the Circle. Everyone who is connected to the offense in any way is allowed to strengthen the community instead of weakening it, by choosing to participate in the Circle. The Circle’s motto is: Respect – Responsibility – Knowledge The Circle’s goals are: to work with children in Grafarvogur who get in contact with the police and to build stronger individuals with education and support of the community. The Circle’s guiding lights are: The community is based on justice, safety and respect. Vandalism is an offense against individuals and society. The best prevention is to strengthen a child who commits an offense in its own environment. A powerful community is the result of cooperation of the residents, their responsibility and their trust. 74 74 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 44 FÆNGSLEDES BØRN – EN UDSAT GRUPPE Steen Hansen1 1 Det Kriminalpræventive Råd, Danmark Fængsledes børn tilhører en gruppe af socialt belastede børn og unge med en væsentligt øget risiko for at blive involveret i kriminalitet. Det ser ud til, at ingen myndighed eller institution med sikkerhed kan forventes at hjælpe de fængsledes børn – ud over det rent praktiske med at få tag over hovedet og tøj på kroppen. Emnet er tabuiseret. Børnene er derfor i en meget sårbar position og risikerer let at blive marginaliseret. Det Kriminalpræventive Råd har udarbejdet en rapport med et katalog af indsatser, som kan afhjælpe nogle af disse oversete problemstillinger. En arbejdsgruppe bestående af et relativt bredt udsnit af personer med kontakt til fængsledes børn eller marginaliserede børn har besøgt forskellige fængsler i Danmark og lyttet til berørte børn. Gruppen har taget udgangspunkt i Socialforskningsinstituttets undersøgelse fra 1999, hvor indsatte, deres børn og nogle samlevere blev interviewet. Det Kriminalpræventive Råds arbejdsgruppe har også forsøgt at få et indtryk af problemets kvantitative omfang og er kommet med anbefalinger til løsning af problemerne. De foreslåede forebyggende indsatser retter sig mod børn, hvor kommunerne ikke opdager problemerne. Der kan være flere veje til at komme i kontakt med børnene, ligesom en række resursepersoner på forskellige måder kan forbedre vilkårene for børnene eller de unge. Forslagene involverer først og fremmest til Kriminalforsorgens socialrådgivere og fængselsfunktionærer samt de politifolk, som anholder forælderen. 75 75 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 45 NY BETÆNKNING OM STRAFFEPROCESSUELLE TVANGSINDGREB OVER FOR BØRN UNDER DEN KRIMINELLE LAVALDER OG DET FREMTIDIGE SAMARBEJDE OM AT BESKYTTE BØRN MOD OVERGREB Bo Ertmann1 1 Teori og Metodecentret, Danmark I Danmark har Strafferetsplejeudvalget under Justitsministeriet i november 2003 afgivet betænkning om straffeprocessuelle tvangsindgreb over for børn under den kriminelle lavalder. De store børneorganisationer samlet under Børnesagens Fællesråd har bifaldet, at der omsider tages initiativ til at lovfæste politiets magtbeføjelser i forbindelse med efterforskning af kriminalitet begået af børn under den kriminelle lavalder. Men Fællesrådet opfatter betænkningens forslag som en legitimering af alvorlige tvangsindgreb over for børn, som mistænkes for en kriminel handling Udkastet til ny lovgivning på området synes på afgørende områder at være i strid med FN´s Børnekonvention. Straffelovsudvalgets betænkning rejser spørgsmålet om hvilket perspektiv på barnet som retssubjekt som tegner sig i dansk lovgivning, og rejser derfor også en række principielle spørgsmål om rammerne for det fremtidige samarbejde med politi og domstole i sager om beskyttelse af børn og unge, som vil blive diskuteret i workshoppen. INTERNETTET - DET ER DER ALT SAMMEN Steen Hansen1 1 Det Kriminalpræventive Råd, Danmark WP 46 Internettet udbredes i disse år med stor hast, og det er nu er tilgængeligt for børn og voksne i alle aldre. Men mange børn og voksne har endnu ikke lært de nødvendige regler for færdsel på nettet, og derfor kan de ikke være tilstrækkeligt opmærksomme på farerne. Overgreb mod børn i relation til Internettet kan finde sted i forbindelse med produktion af billeder og film, som distribueres via Internettet, eller når de som brugere af mediet udsættes for pornografisk materiale eller seksuelt begrundede henvendelser. Men der er også mange andre måder, børnene kan blive involveret i kriminalitet på – enten som ofre eller som gerningsmænd. Internettet er som livet – det er der alt sammen. Det er vigtigt, at både børn og voksne klædes på til at udnytte nettet muligheder og undgå dets farer. Foredraget vil vise eksempler på problemstillinger og på mulige løsninger. Det Kriminalpræventive Råd samarbejder med en række organisationer med henblik på at kunne rådgive voksne, så de kan hjælpe børnene til at undgå overgreb. Foredraget er baseret på de erfaringer, som Det Kriminalpræventive Råd og samarbejdspartnerne har gjort. 76 76 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 47 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CLINICAL DECISION MAKING OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE INVESTIGATORS IN FINLAND Katarina Finnilä1, Pekka Santtila1,2,3, Mikael Sainio2, Pekka Niemi1 1 Turun yliopisto, 2Polisyrkeshögskolan, 3Åbo Akademi, Finland The purpose of this study was to investigate whether clinicians investigating child sexual abuse (CSA) rely more on scientific knowledge or on clinical experience when evaluating their own expertise. Another goal was to check what kind of pretrial beliefs and attitudes the clinicians had. The connections between these different factors were investgated. Third, the influence of these factors on the clinicians decision making in a fictious CSA case was investigated. A questionnaire covering items concerning demographic data, clinical experience, knowledge and beliefs about CSA, self-evaluated expertise, and an ambiguous material based on real trial documents concerning an alleged CSA case was given to 126 social workers, 60 child psychiatrists and 134 psychologists. The results showed that the clinicians relied more on their clinical experience than on scientific knowledge when evaluating their expertise as investigators of CSA. Furthermore, the study showed that social workers possessed more extrem attitudes in favour of the child that led them to be more prone to discard problems and shortcomings in the evidence than the other groups, while child psychiatrists had more negative attitudes towards the criminal justice system than the other groups had. Female participants also had stronger pretrial attitudes than male participants. When evaluating the CSA case clinicians were sensitive only to the presence of leading questions but not to the presence of other suggestive techniques, and experience had effect only on the sensitivity to leading questions. The clinicians were not sensitive to the possibility that suggestive techniques could have been used when they did not read the interview. Strong beliefs related to CSA lessened the sensitivity to leading questions. Those holding strong beliefs were even more prone to prosecute when other suggestive influences than leading questions were present than other subjects were. The results of this study suggests that in the future education of CSA experts should focus more on scientific knowledge and theoretical expertise together with the clinical experience. 77 77 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 48 TRAUMA EXPERIENCES AND SYMPTOMS OF TRAUMATIZATION Carl Göran Svedin1, Doris Nilsson2, Charlotta Lindell2 1 Dep. of child and adolescent psychiatry, Lund University, Sweden 2 BUP-Elefanten, Dep. of child and adolescent psychiatry, University of Linköping The aim of this study was to study differences in trauma related symptoms using the Swedish translation of Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, TSCC (Svedin, Larson, Lindell, 1996) between a normative group (n=423) of Swedish adolescents and a clinical sample of either sexually or physically abused (n=93). We hypothesized that symptoms commonly associated with trauma should be more frequent among the clinical cases than among children in the normative sample. We also wanted to study the impact of so called abuse factors on the severity of the symptomatology. In doing this we used the Abuse Dimensions Inventory developed by Mark Chaffin and co-workers (1997) and social and family background factors. There were clear significant differences between the two groups on total score, and the subscales anxiety, depression, anger, posttraumatic stress and dissociation but not on the subscale sexual concern. When comparing children who were sexually abused (n=78) with those that had been physically abused there was no statistic significant difference between the two groups except for Sexual Concerns and the two subscales Sexual Preoccupation and Sexual Distress Abuse specific factors such as severity of the abusive behavior, the role of the perpetrator in the child’s life and the frequency and duration of the abuse seemed not to have an important role to play in this clinical sample. The usefulness of the TSCC, the impact of trauma specific data using the Abuse Dimension Inventory (ADI) and the impact of social background factors will be discussed 78 78 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 49 VIDEOAFHØRINGER AF BØRN SOM BEVISMATERIALE FOR ANKLAGEMYNDIGHEDEN: “FORENSIC INTERVIEWING” Kirsten Laila Moesgaard1 1 Roskilde Amts Sygehus, Danmark I Danmark videoafhøres børn under 12 år, når der er mistanke om seksuelle overgreb. Det er politiassistenter, der afhører børnene. I september 2002 kom en arbejdsgruppe under justitsministeriet med forslag i en betænkning til justitsministeriet vedrørende afhøringer af børn i straffesager. Betænkningen medvirkede bl.a. til lovændringer: 1. Videoafhøringer kunne anvendes som bevis i retten og 2. mistænkte havde ikke længere tilladelse til at sidde udenfor i monitorrummet, medens barnet blev videoafhørt. Overvejelserne i forbindelse med arbejdsgruppens forslag vil blive gennemgået. Efter at undertegnede har gennemført en række videoafhøringer af børn mellem 5 og 12 år stilles spørgsmål i forhold til retssikkerheden ved den procedure og fremgangsmåde, der anvendes ved videoafhøringer i Danmark. Barnets svar, reaktioner og adfærd under en videoafhøring er grundlæggende for om en sag kommer for retten. Problemet er, at der ikke bliver lagt vægt på, at barnets udsagn er afhængig af afhørerens spørge teknik og spørgsmål. Yngre børn skal som oftest være meget overbevisende for at få repræsentanter for det juridiske system til at tro på, at et seksuelt overgreb har fundet sted. Problemerne er hovedsagelige: 1. 2. 3. 4. Der bliver ikke taget hensyn til barnets udviklingsprofil. Afhøreren har manglende erfaring/træning i at tale med børn. Afhøreren mangler viden om børns generelle udvikling, sprog, tænke- og handlemåde. Afhøringsteknikken er for ustruktureret, usystematisk og tilfældige. Konsekvenserne af videoafhøringer er, at der sjældent rejses tiltale, når yngre børn fortæller om seksuelle overgreb. Bedre afhøringsteknik, træning i at tale med børn og systematik ville være med til at forebygge seksuelle overgreb mod børn. 79 79 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 50 THE NEEDS OF CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE Lucy Berliner1 1 Harborview Center for Sexual Assault & Traumatic Stress, USA Unfortunately some children must be placed in foster care temporarily or for the longer term because their family homes are not safe. These children have both been maltreated and may experience placement as rejection or abandonment. As a result they often have emotional and behavioral problems and attachment insecurity. These difficulties can put the placement at risk and exacerbate children’s problems and disappoint foster parents. This work shop will discuss the typical problems and needs of foster children and foster parents and offer solutions to promote a positive experience while children are in care. 80 80 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 51 MULTI-AGENCY RESPONSES TO CHILD MALTREATMENT – UK SYSTEM AND EXPERIENCES Jonathan Picken1 1 British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN), UK Like so many other statutory systems for the prevention and detection of child abuse the UK system has been created through bitter experience. In recent years the ‘refocusing’ of services away from a forensically driven response to concerns for children’s welfare, toward family support models, and partnership working have been widely supported, and in part have addressed a perceived imbalance in our responses to children in need. However it has taken a series of scandals in respect of children tortured, abused and murdered at the hands of their perpetrators to prompt government inquiries that have all highlighted failings within the very systems designed to ensure the safety and wellbeing of young people in the UK. In England it took the tragic death of a little girl named Victoria Climbie to trigger an independent and systematic revision of current practice to be undertaken. This has led to one of the most extensive revisions of social policy in respect of children’s welfare and emphasises the necessity for integrated systems to apply holistic approaches to abuse and the causes of abuse. Moreover the complex dynamics and causation associated with the most serious examples of maltreatment do not so easily lend themselves to such ‘public health approaches’. In recent weeks the English Appeal Courts have considered a number of less common and challenging cases of alleged maltreatment in which children had either been removed from their parent’s care or a parent had been convicted of a criminal offence and subsequently imprisoned. In a number of cases the court have overturned earlier decisions and questioned the evidence which had been put before, and accepted by, the responsible court. As a result public support and the mandate communities give to child protection services has been adversely affected. This paper will explore how the central requirement for objectivity continues to challenge both systems and professionals working within them and the attempts being made to ensure transparency and accountability at all stages of the English child protection system. 81 81 Workshopabstrakt / Workshop abstracts WP 52 FLICKOR PÅ INSTITUTION - PSYKOSOCIALT ARBETE MED SEXUELLT UTSATTA TONÅRSFLICKOR FLICKOR SOM ÖVERLEVER OCH GÅR VIDARE Ann-Christine Falk1 1 Ersta diakonisällskap, Sverige Ersta diakonisällskap ska se, identifiera och arbeta för och med människor vars livskvalitet och människovärde är hotat. Ersta flickherm ska genom behandlingsarbetet se och våga lyssna till de flickor som blivit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp och agera för att deras möjligheter och svårigheter synliggörs på olika nivåer i samhället. Under perioden 1999 – 2002 bedrevs ett utvecklingsprojekt, som syftade till att inrikta verksamheten till flickor som misstänks ha blivit eller blivit sexuellt utsatta. Människor, som blivit sexuellt utsatta upplever inte sällan en stor smärta och ett stort lidande. Projektet resulterade i en organisering av arbetet som vi kallar modell som vi kallar Ersta-Mentormodellen eftersom Ersta diakonisällskap och Insamlingsstiftelsen Mentor Sverige samfinansierat utvecklingsprojektet. Ersta flickhem med enheterna Marsta Gård och Lännahemmet välkomnar tillsammans elva tonårsflickor i åldern 13 – 18 år som blivit sexuellt utnyttjade. För de flickor som inte längre kan bo hemma, på grund av sitt beteende och utagerande, kan vi erbjuda behandling och boende. Behandlingstiderna varierar, men ett till tre år är en realistisk tid att planera för. Ersta flickhem ska erbjuda en miljö som skyddar flickan i boendet, så att hon kan utveckla färdigheter och kunskaper, få möjligheter att skaffa erfarenheter som medför att flickan kan känna tillit och skapa ett värdigt liv. Vi professionella behandlare måste tänka på flickorna med respekt, värme och kärlek. Att ha fattat ett beslut om att det är fel att vuxna använder barn i åldern 0 – 18 år, för sexuell tillfredsställelse är nödvändig och aldrig möjligt att förhandla. Det innebär att medarbetarna inte ska vara fördömande utan har att ställföreträda och bistå barnet, för vår del flickorna i deras berättande och utveckling. Arbetsinsatsen och kostnaderna för att ge omvårdnad och behandling till de människor som blivit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp är stor. Vårt uppdrag är att fortsätta behandlingsarbetet och att skapa det behandlingsinnehåll som på bästa sätt motsvarar flickornas behov. Att skaffa oss nya kunskaper och att dela med oss av våra kunskaper och erfarenheter är ett väsentligt arbete. Att skapa nätverk och få mötesplatser med dem som blivit utsatta och de som i sin profession arbetar med behandling och stöd är angeläget. Ett sätt är att berätta om Ersta flickhems arbete på årets kongress anordnad av Nordisk forening mot barnmishanling og omsorgsvikt. 82 82 Författarförteckning / Author index Almebäck M. (sida / page) 35, 51 Arnardóttir S. E. 74 Arnkil T. E. 30 Berliner L. 29, 80 Berntzen K. 45 Bjørn A. K. 52 Bratid D. 45 Christensen E. 24 Christiansen K. L. 64 Citron C. 51 Cocozza M. 62 Dyb G. 37 Ekbom I. 40 Eriksson M. 57 Ertmann B. 76 Eskonen I. 54 Falk A-C. 82 Finnilä K. 77 Flodmark O. 26 Forsberg H. 56 Frick A. 38 Garbarino J. 27, 28 Gumpert C. 58 Gustavsson J-E. 39, 40 Haapasalo J. 43 Hagström B. 72 Hannikainen J. 44 Hansen S. 75, 76 Hedin M. 33 Heljestrand P. 49 Hellesnes M. 65 Hindberg B. 71 Hofvander Y. 46 Holen A. 37 Holmqvist C. 49 Ilkka M. 60, 61 Jalovaara K. 59 Jerkku M. 60, 61 Jones V. 47 Jørgensen G. 36 Kaldal A. 58 Kallio P. 44 Kaukonen P. 61 Kemppainen K. 50 Kivitie-Kallio S. 44 Kjellgren C. 67 Källström Carter Å. 55 Laaksamo E-M. 69 Lajunen K. 50 Lang K. 63 Lind M. 53 Lindberg S. 40 Lindell C. 41, 78 Luther S. 52 Mannonen M. 59 Mian M. 32 Moesgaard K. L. 79 Myhre A. K. 45 Mäki M. 60, 61 Niemi P. 77 Nilsson D. 78 Nordhov Fredriksen M. 52 Ny, M. 43 Oates K. 25, 32 Ólafsson S. 24 Oranen M. 68 Picken J. 81 Pohjoisvirta R. 69 Pringle K. 70 Proskin-Karvonen M. 59 Puura K. 61 Pynoon R. S. 37 Pösö T. 56 Rodriguez N. 37 Román C. 34 Santtila P. 77 Sinisalo M. 60, 61 Soinio M. 77 Solantus T. 73 Soonets R. 63 Steinberg A. M. 37 Strange M. 66 Svedin C-G. 42, 78 Sydsjö G. 42 Säävälä H. 69 Söderström B. 35 Tamminen T. 61 Tidefors I. 48 Tupola S. 44 Tähtinen H. 59 Wadsby M. 42 Wyller T. 27 Väli M. 63 Zachrison E. 39, 51 83 83
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