Missionfest Manitoba Program


Missionfest Manitoba Program
Greg & Oonaugh
on pages 4 to 16
Proclaiming Jesus Christ as Life!
✝ Training for Full Time Christian Service Regardless of Occupation!
✝ Leadership Through Servanthood by Christ’s Indwelling, Resurrection Life.
✝ Practical Bible Teaching Genesis to Revelation: Christ Revealed in the Written Word.
• Bible School • Conferences
• Outdoor Education • Private Retreats
• Personal Getaways
C A P E R N W R AY . C A
Proclaiming Jesus Christ as Life!
4 • MissionfestManitoba 2015 •
weekend Schedule
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Here I am Lord…Send Me!
nd I heard the voice of the Lord
saying, “Whom shall I send, and
who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here
I am! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8).
Are you, like the prophet Isaiah,
hearing God’s call on your life? Are
you wondering where that might take
Join us at Missionfest Manitoba,
to explore how ordinary people have
done extraordinary things by saying
‘yes’ to God!
The event features more than 130
mission organizations and ministries and includes workshops, a
youth event and children’s activities,
as well as a special performance from
the Asante Children’s Choir. Each
keynote speaker will share incredible stories, highlighting how God
is working powerfully through men
and women around the world.
Visit www.missionfestmanitoba.
org for full details.
10:00 AM Workshop Session #1
5:00 pm Agency displays open
11:45 AM
Workshop Session #2
6:30 pm
Children’s Mini-Missionfest
1:30 PM Workshop Session #3
2:30 PM
Children’s Mini-Missionfest
3:00 PM Main Session #3
4:45 PM
Workshop Session #4
7:00 PM
Main Session #4
7:00 pm 7:00 pm
9:30 PM 10:00 pm Opens for pre-registration
Main Session #1
Traditional Service featuring Darrell
Whiteman (Christian Anthropologist and
noted author), and the Missionfest Manitoba
Mass Choir
Youth/Young Adult Session
Featuring The Color, Flood the Stone and a
life-changing message from Danny MacKay
at Immanuel Pentecostal Church (Doors open
at 6 p.m. with a pre-concert party starting at
6:30 p.m.)
10:00 PM
Opens for pre-registration
Featuring Eric Foley (Voice of the Martyrs
Featuring P.G. Vargis (Indian Evangelical
Agency displays close
Youth/Young Adult Session
12:00 PM Agency displays open
Agency displays close
3:00 PM Main Session #5
3:00 PM Agency displays close
4:30 PM
Missionfest Manitoba 2015
9:00 am Agency displays open
9:30 am Children’s Mini-Missionfest
10:00 am Main Session #2
Opens for pre-registration
Featuring Ray Wieler (Children’s Camps
International) with a special performance by
the Asante Children’s Choir
Featuring Danny MacKay (I Am Second) and
praise and worship for youth/young adults
and the young-at-heart
Inner City Youth Alive
The capacity to
overcome the fact
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addicted you to crack.
Then getting a job
and an education.
Inner City Youth Alive is a refuge for vulnerable Winnipeg children.
We provide work skills training, mentors, a safe recreation centre,
and the emotional support to give them a future worth living for.
To donate or learn more about Inner City Youth Alive
visit icya.ca or call 204.582.8779
nner City Youth Alive (ICYA)
is a faith-based organization,
focused on giving hope to disadvantaged kids in Winnipeg’s core.
Kids in our core crave community,
a greater sense of purpose and
yearn for future where they can
achieve and excel.
ICYA gives kids the tools to
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and home renovation program
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Operating out of a 20,000
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lives of thousands of kids over the
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www.icya.ca; 204.582.8779
• MissionfestManitoba 2015 • 5
our speakers
North Korean discipleship an example to churches worldwide
“We were called to care about God’s area of interest”
Allison Barron
Special to ChristianWeek
Eric Foley grew up with the idea
that religion was just another
form of mythology. He attended
school with Mormons, and they
challenged him to read the Book
of Mormon and pray to God
about whether or not it was true.
Foley did pray, and God answered,
though very differently than the
Mormons were expecting!
After becoming a Christian
at age 19, Foley felt God’s call to
international missions come to
him in a dream.
“One night, 15 years ago, the
Lord showed me that my wife and
I would give up everything we had
and everything we did in order to
serve North Korean Christians,”
Foley says.
“I sat bolt upright in bed, dripping sweat and shaking. I woke
up my wife and told her about the
dream, and she said that we would
need to be careful not to force
these things to happen or else we’d
end up with an Ishmael instead of
an Isaac. So we just committed to
be willing, and God did the rest.”
Foley recalls they knew absolutely nothing about North Korea
when they started; neither of
them had any awareness or special interest in the place.
“We were not called into an area
of interest,” Foley says. “We were
called to care about God’s area of
Now serving as CEO and cofounder of Voice of the Martyrs
Korea, Foley says he has the greatest job in the world, but he doesn’t
look to his experiences as motivation to continue.
“After 15 years, we have been
through 10 or 20 seemingly
insurmountable setbacks, and
they don’t faze us much anymore,”
Foley says. “We continue because
God calls us to continue.”
In the past years, Foley has
helped more than 1,300 churches
and Christian NGOs learn how to
build volunteer and giving programs. Most recently, he has been
teaching Christians in countries
with freedom of religion how to
adopt the discipleship practices
of the North Korean underground
church and persecuted believers
“When we visit the West, our
purpose is to share what we have
learned about discipleship from
persecuted believers so that we
can grow to be more like them,
not the other way around,” Foley
“The North Korean underground church is alive and well.
It is not crying out for help from
the West but instead focused on
remaining faithful to carry out the
tasks the Lord gives to advance
the gospel in their own sphere of
Christianity and culture: can the two mix?
“God has no favourites, he treats everyone equally”
Steven Sukkau
ChristianWeek Staff
Darrell Whiteman has a different message than most missionaries, one that addresses a controversial question; do new Christians
need to change their culture to
follow Jesus?
Whiteman, who serves as Vice
President for Mission Mobilization
and Training and is Resident
Missiologist with The Mission
Society, has a background in
anthropology, a discipline many
thought he couldn’t pursue without losing his faith (he didn’t).
Eventually he found himself in
Papua New Guinea trying to help
people understand how to follow
Jesus within their culture.
“Because missionaries have
sometimes confused the gospel
with their culture’s or denomination’s understanding and practice
of the gospel, it has often led nonChristians to perceive Christianity
6 • MissionfestManitoba 2015 •
as a foreign religion and therefore not very relevant to their way
of life,” Whiteman explains. He
encourages people to look for ways
in which Christianity can connect
deeply within their culture and
This process isn’t taught in
Bible schools, but is a message
Whiteman wants to make very
clear. “God has no favourites, he
treats everyone equally,” he says.
The Early Church struggled
with this issue, too, he says. The
first Jewish followers of Jesus naturally thought that Gentiles must
become cultural Jews in order
to follow Jesus. But, Whiteman
points out, Acts 10 and 15 make it
clear that you don’t have to become
a Jew, you don’t need to change
your culture.
“Then Peter began to speak: ‘I
now realize how true it is that
God does not show favoritism but
accepts from every nation the one
who fears him and does what is
right’,” (Acts 10: 34-35).
Instead of using the term “missionary” with all its attendant baggage, Whiteman sees himself as a
cross-cultural witness.
Whiteman says people often
ask him, “But don’t people have
to change when they become
“Yes, of course, we all do,” he
says, “but what must change is
guided by Scripture and the Holy
Spirit, not by missionaries who
want converts to become like
themselves and their church. There
will always be radical change but
if we try and engineer it, we will
likely confuse Christianity with
our Western way of life.”
Whiteman recalls a student who
once expressed doubt over whether he could remain Japanese and
be a Christian at the same time.
“If that’s true,” Whiteman says,
“then religion is just a cultural byproduct, and not a revealed faith
intended for everyone on Earth.
The empirical test of Christianity
is that it can come into every culture, among all people and every
period of human history. It is not
culture-bound to the West or any
other place.”
our speakers
God can do it, if you surrender
“I wouldn’t trade it for the world; the joy is beyond measure.”
Steven Sukkau
ChristianWeek Staff
WINKLER, MB—Ray Wieler is
the president of Children’s Camps
International, an organization that
in the last 10 years has grown to
dozens of camps in seven countries, reaching more than 1.2 million campers. And while it may be
easy for Wieler to take some of the
credit, he knows it’s not him, but
God who deserves all the glory.
That humility began in a back
room 20 years ago, when Wieler
was feverishly praying before
speaking in front of a banquet hall
full of supporters for the first Bible
camp he directed.
“I felt sick for a week,” Wieler
says, at the thought of public
speaking. He had even turned
down the job of camp director three times, because of the
requirement of speaking in front
of crowds.
Yet here he was, in a two-hour
prayer-wrestling match before
having to take the mic, when God
“Thank you for listening,” God
spoke into Wieler’s heart, and he
says an instant peace came over
“If I let Him do the speaking, it’s
not me,” Wieler says. ‘I want to be
an instrument.”
It was the realization that
through Wieler God could speak
into people’s hearts and see and
hear what God is doing, that the
fear went away.
In 2004 Wieler founded CCI,
which inspires thousands of children at Christian camps operated
through partnerships with indigenous churches around the world.
Many of the children who attend
go on to become camp counsellors
The journey, however, has not
always been painless for Wieler.
When they entered ministry,
Wieler and his wife made a point
of making a pledge with God, that
whatever God required of their
lives, they would do.
“People think, “Wow that’s awesome,” but it’s not easy,” Wieler
says. “It’s a lot of sleepless nights,
people are going to eternity without God, and it’s such a burden, a
crying out inside of you.”
The path of least resistance as
part of our human nature, says
Wieler, “but we are called to more.
Come and die, and live for Him.”
Despite the pain and sacrifice,
Wieler says seeing the fruit of your
labour and God working through
you is worth it all in the end.
“All it takes is an ordinary person and an extraordinary God,
and a desire to see Him work,”
Wieler explains. “It’s exciting and
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frightening, it feels like walking
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Heart to Heart
International Ministries
eart to Heart International
Ministries exists to share God’s
love with abandoned children in
Romania by proclaiming the gospel message, offering physical
help to those in need, and training people to become faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The
ministry has three main branches. The transition house ministry
trains boys and girls coming out
of the orphanage in life skills and
a trade, teaches money management, and establishes them in a
job and affordable housing, all
the while pouring into their lives
the gospel message. The orphanage ministry focuses on building
relationship through a variety of
programs including youth group,
teaching reading skills, tutoring in
academics and music, crafts, and
story time. The baby hospital ministry serves abandoned infants.
• MissionfestManitoba 2015 • 7
our speakers
Couple’s passion for Northern India reaches
thousands with good news of Jesus
“God is doing this. It is a miracle.”
Allison Barron
Special to ChristianWeek
hen P.G. Vargis first became
a Christian, his wife Lilly
didn’t believe him. “God may be
able to change a rock, but not you,”
she said.
But it was true. That day in
1971, Vargis, who had run away
from home to join the Indian
army, had attended a tent meeting, become convicted of his sins
and cried out to Jesus.
Vargis managed to convince
Lilly that his decision was genuine and they prayed together that
night, accepting Jesus into heart
and home.
The next day, Vargis started to
tell everyone in the camp and on
the street what had happened to
him, preaching and sharing.
“I wanted everyone to have
the joy that I did,” Vargis says.
“I was like a mad dog wanting
to see everyone else become [a
Christian] too.”
When Christmas came, he took
bundles of gospels and tracts
throughout various army camps,
villages, hospitals, and prisons.
“One evening during the
Christmas week, I was sitting on
the Himalayan Mountains and
praying with my wife,” Vargis
recalls. “We saw cooking fires
spread out all over the mountains.
There are so many people there.”
“God spoke to me. ‘The world
has been celebrating Christmas
for 2,000 years, but these people
haven’t heard about it even once.
How many hundreds of years have
to pass for them to hear once?’”
That day Vargis and Lilly dedicated their lives to reach the
unreached at any cost. They left
their jobs and became full-time becoming self-supporting and
preachers to spread the news of prospering. God is doing this. It
Jesus. Indian Evangelical Team is a miracle.”
launched in 1972 in Northern
Despite fierce persecution,
this movement now includes 27
church planting movements with
more than 2,700 pioneer missionaries currently working across
India, Bhutan and Nepal.
Indian Evangelical Team has
planted more than 6,500 churches that include more than 200,000
regular worshippers.
“Everyone said that reaching
North India is too hard,” Vargis
says. “God proved through us
that this [mindset] is from the
devil. Now there are others doing
what we did.”
“I am encouraged by the salvation of sinners, the salvation
of the tribal people who are
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8 • MissionfestManitoba 2015 •
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truly makes a difference!
our speakers
Taking on missions in our own backyards
“I want my life to be about bringing people to Jesus. Everything else falls behind that.”
Renée Joette Friesen
Special to ChristianWeek
knew from early in his Christian
walk that he wanted to work in
At just 17 years old, after reading in Acts about the Apostle
Paul’s mission to Lystra and Derbe,
MacKay got down on his knees and
asked God to show him the path to
the same calling.
Shortly after, the Manitoban
attended a missions conference
and “was blown away” by the
opportunities available in the mission field.
He is now the national ambassador of ‘I Am Second,’ an international organization that aims
to take the gospel where it has not
“I have the best job in the world,”
MacKay says. “I get to take people
in the front lines to see what God
is doing in unreached communities.” A large part of what he does
involves “getting people fired up”
for mission trips, four of which
will occur next year in Cuba, Peru,
East Asia and Israel.
Part of what motivates him to
help people reach the lost stems
from his own radical conversion
when he was a teenager.
“When my parents moved to
Stonewall (Manitoba) I fell into
the wrong crowd,” he says of his
experiences with drugs and alcohol that began at age 14. “I was
really lost in it.”
Then at 17, while on the run in
a stolen car, he stumbled upon a
book inside a backpack that introduced him to Jesus. “We got rid
of the car but I kept the book,” he
says, adding a day later he had finished reading the book and invited
Christ into his life. “I have never
been the same,” he says.
Since then, MacKay’s journey
has included seven years of camp
ministry, 10 years as a worship
leader in Canada, the U.S. and
New Zealand, three years as the
youth pastor at Linden Christian
School, and four years as a national spokesperson for World Vision.
“I seek to lift up the name of
Jesus in everything I do, and I want
my life to be about bringing people to Jesus. Everything else falls
behind that,” he says, adding each
of his various roles helped prepare
him for his next opportunity in the
mission field.
MacKay encourages Christians
to take on missions in their own
backyard by engaging people in
conversations about faith.
“Ninety-eight per cent of people
in North America don’t share their
faith,” he says. “They don’t know
how to initiate the conversation
which keeps people in a quiet, fearfilled state.”
When training people for ‘I Am
Second’ missions, MacKay puts
them in teams that open the conversation by simply asking those
they meet if they can pray for them.
“We ask ‘if God could do a miracle in your life what would you ask
for?’“ he explains. “God goes ahead
[of us] and prepares the way,” he
says of the overwhelming positive
responses to the question.
“There are so many broken people out there. The harvest is actually plentiful,” he adds.
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• MissionfestManitoba 2015 • 9
our workshops
Master Workshop Session 1
Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 10:00 am
RM 1: A Forward Look: Hope for Trafficked Women
Flo Friesen, Frontiers (Friends in Formation)
to Winnipeg. Basing this seminar on Scripture from both the Hebrew and
Apostolic Scriptures, he will provide hope to those who are currently waiting
for God’s call. God’s call to Michael came 52 years after His first contact, in 1956
when he was only 15 years old.
We’ve caught the vision that trafficked people need to be rescued. This has
Michael Wodlinger, PhD, is the pastor/spiritual leader of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach,
been happening for close to 10 years in the former Soviet Union, specifically The Fellowship of Messiah; speaker for the internet podcast – Messianic Reflections;
Muslim countries. Looking at several case studies, this seminar will evaluate a Spiritual Therapist and Counsellor. Michael has published: Understanding Torah:
how trafficking can be prevented, how victims are rescued and rehabilitated, A Guide through God’s Life Instructions (soon to be released); Adult Education:
and how job training and micro-credit loans bringing hope to the many deemed Understanding the Adult Learner; Mentoring: A Manual for the Professional Mentor;
beyond hope. These strategies can be transferred to other countries!
and Reflective Practice: Improving one’s Practice through Reflection – A Manual.’
Flo has a deep heart and burden for Unreached People Groups, especially in the
10/40 window. Currently, she is a Women and Children at Risk advocate, raising funds
for safe shelters, providing training and mentoring of women who are doing rescue
and rehab ministries primarily in Central Asia (FSU).
RM 2: Crossing Borders and Serving Critically Ill
Children and Victims of Violence in the Middle East
Brenda Giangregorio, Crossing Borders/MEA Worldwide
Master Workshop Session 3
Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 1:30 PM
RM 1: Persecution, Sacrifice, and Incredible Church
Growth: A riveting seminar with P.G. Vargis, interviewed by Ron Pearce
P.G. Vargis, Indian Evangelical Team; Ron Pearce, Empower Ministries
P.G.’s method of reaching the unreached was simple: P.G. went. He shared
Jesus. He led people to Christ. He started churches. He repeated. The Lord
What do you do when God places you in a place where you are surrounded
blessed P.G.’s obedience and sacrifice, and today, multiple thousands of
by war and violence? Caught up in the controversy of the present Middle East
churches are thriving across the land. Why are so many coming to the Lord
conflict, Crossing Borders seek those in medical crisis. Success in this endeavor
in India? How do mini-crusades and short-term support for national church
is total surrender and reliance on God’s orchestration of events. Sister Brenda’s
planters fit in? What is the “Gospel Lift” and how does it impact a village?
special call to this ministry of courage and compassion toward the various bibWhat is missing in Hinduism that Christianity fills? And what is sparking the
lical communities in the Middle East uniquely equip her to serve the forgotten
latest wave of persecution?
and neglected within Israel, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. “ I drew them with cords
Ron Pearce, Executive Director/Founder of Empower Ministries interviews P.G. to
of a man, with bands of love, and I was to them as those who take the yoke
answer these questions and more, providing a firsthand view of the Church in India
from their neck, and fed them” (Hosea 11:4).
After several tours and becoming a long-term visitor to Israel, Brenda gained favor
among both the Israel and Arab populations. She moved to Israel in 2005 and later
branched out toward the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and most recently,
Syria. Since 2007, she has been on the frontlines of relief effort, advocating for the
transport of critically ill and/or injured children; victims of violence, and chronically
ill Iraqi and Syrian populations vulnerable to the hazards of fleeing their homeland.
Master Workshop Session 2
RM 1: Q&A on North Korea
Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 11:45 am
Eric Foley, Voice of the Martyrs/Seoul USA
How do underground Christians worship and evangelize in North Korea?
What is their day-to-day life like? How can we pray for them and partner with
them? Which forms of aid are helpful and which are harmful?
Most of us have questions about North Korea because we see so much about
it on the news. Sadly, most of what is reported about North Korea is incomplete
or even inaccurate. Because of this, few Christians around the world realize
that they are in a unique position to impact North Korea. This is why the North
Korean government does not fear military power or economic sanctions but
does fear Christianity. Come with all of your questions on North Korea, to
be answered by noted North Korea and North Korean underground church
expert Eric Foley.
as well as Ron’s perspective on the phenomenal growth he is witnessing around the
world today.
Rm 2: When my Muslim friends say they believe in
Jesus, what do they mean?
Alan M. Guenther, Assistant Professor of History, Briercrest College and Seminary
As we bear witness of Jesus Christ to the Muslims God is bringing into
our lives, we find that much of the theological terminology they use sounds
very familiar. Yet, as our conversations continue, we also find that our conclusions about who Jesus is and what He has done are quite different. In this
seminar, we compare Muslim and Christian understandings of such key concepts as God, humanity, sin, salvation and Jesus Christ. This analysis will help
clarify some of the similarities and differences, and will encourage a compassionate appreciation of our Muslim neighbours.
Alan Guenther’s interest in the history of Islam began during the four years
he lived in Pakistan while serving as a missionary with The Evangelical Alliance
Mission. Upon returning, he pursued academic studies at the Institute of Islamic
Studies at McGill University in Montreal, completing both his graduate degrees there.
Currently, he is teaching classes on history at Briercrest College and Seminary.
Rm 3: Teaching English as Christian Mission: Integrity
Elfrieda Lepp-Kaethler and Gail Tiessen, Providence University College
RM 2: Lord, Send Me?: The Challenge of Crossing
Mission organizations have a long history of sending workers to heal
Cultural & Religious Boundaries with the Gospel
the sick, educate the poor and preach the Christian gospel. In recent years,
Darrell Whiteman, Christian Anthropologist and editor of “World Mission in the Wesleyan
mission agencies in North America have sent large numbers of English
teachers abroad. While a mission would never think to send an untrained
When we first offer ourselves to God to be sent into cross-cultural ministry, nurse or doctor into the field, those teaching English often do not have
we may be unaware of all the cultural and religious barriers that stand in our adequate (or any) training in this field. In this workshop, we explore the
way from having an effective ministry. This workshop will explore the model of damage that is done by good-intentioned ill-trained English teachers. We
Incarnational identification, going as a learner and listener more than ‘knower’ examine the pieces needed for sending English teachers with integrity.
and proclaimer, and discovering where God is already at work in the culture
before we are sent and arrive.
RM 3: Open Heart to God’s Call
Dr. Michael Wodlinger, Director, Winnipeg Messianic Centre (Chosen People Ministries
Often God’s call for our obedience comes through unexpected channels and
always in His time. In this seminar, Michael Wodlinger will share the unique
ways God called both his wife, Chantal, and himself six years ago to come
10 • MissionfestManitoba 2015 •
Elfrieda Lepp-Kaethler, PhD., is Assistant Professor of TESOL, Providence
University College. She has 30 years of experience as a language teacher (English,
Spanish & German) and teacher educator in Canada, Paraguay and Ukraine. She
recently completed her doctoral research on faith motivation in learning additional
languages and is the co-author of the English language curriculum Faith Series.
Gail Tiessen, MA, is a TESOL Consultant and Professor Emeritus of TESOL,
Providence University College & Theological Seminary. Gail used her experience as a
long-term missionary to found the teacher training program at Providence. Over the
our workshops
past 30 years, her priority has been to educate English teachers for Christian mission
and in response to continued demand for quality Bible-based EAL curricula, initiated
the language curriculum Faith Series.
Master Workshop Session 4
Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 4:45 PM
Rm 1: What Impact Does Sponsorship Actually Have on
a Child’s Life?
Doug Sadler, Canadian Director of Asante Ministries Canada with Daniel Mugerwa,
Simon Ssemogerere and The Asante Children’s Choir
When you sponsor a child, you change everything about their life and
future. Come meet the Asante Children’s Choir and hear the children and
their leaders share about the impact that being sponsored has made in their
lives. You will get the chance to talk with choir members to hear about their
lives and their ministry.
Doug Sadler is the Canadian Director of Asante Ministries Canada. Doug has been
involved in working with Asante’s ministry in Africa since its inception in Rwanda 12
years ago. Doug lives in Winnipeg.
Daniel Mugerwa and Simon Ssemogerere grew up as a sponsored children and are
now adult leaders who live and work with the choir children at their home in Uganda.
The Asante Children’s Choir: Every one of the children in the choir is a sponsored
child. You will enjoy hearing them share about the impact of sponsorship on their lives.
Rm 2: South Eastern Ukraine Turmoil Opens Doors
for the Gospel
Allan W. Vincent, Executive Director, Slavic Gospel Association Canada
The 6.6 million residents of South Eastern Ukraine are trapped, caught
between marauding Russia supported and augmented rebels and Ukrainian
forces fighting valiantly for independence and democracy. Lugansk and
Donetsk Region residents have suffered greatly. With every reason to lose
heart, they remain invigorated by their quest for freedom. As neighbour-
hoods come together, believers are caring for refugees and leading reconstruction crews. By God’s grace, helping hands and shared crisis response
resources are opening doors and hearts to the gospel. What Vladimir Putin
initiated to expand the Russian Empire, God is ultimately using to extend
His Kingdom.
Rev. Allan W. Vincent has served as Executive Director of Slavic Gospel Association
Canada since March 1, 1998. During his time with SGA Allan has made multiple trips to the former Soviet Union and so has had extensive first-hand experience
with the ministries there. After 25 years of pastoral ministry, Allan now represents
SGA in churches, conferences and schools across Canada as well as administering the
Canadian office in Cambridge, Ontario.
Rm 3: An Intro to FOCUS – Leading Your Church to
Maximum Global Impact
Jacob Ginter, Mobilization Manager, World Team Canada
Moving your church into high-impact, cross-cultural engagement is not a
matter of following a script or applying a set formula. It is a journey, a journey of discovering God’s particular global purpose for your congregation and
involving your people in the excitement of fulfilling what your local body of
believers was designed to do. Join us to understand the core elements of providing FOCUS for your church’s engagement in global mission.
A year-long short term missions experience ignited and confirmed a cross cultural
missionary calling for Jacob Ginter and his wife Karen that then led to them serving
with World Team as missionary church planters in Spain from 2000 to 2011. Jacob
also served as the Spain Field Director giving leadership and ministry vision to the
team there. In 2011 Jacob returned to Canada to serve in the area of mobilization
and church based teams. His passion is to help people connect with what God is calling them to in the Great Commission. He sees his calling as a discipling ministry that
helps people connect with their Great Commission calling. He also challenges local
churches to consider sending not just one, but a team.
CMU Outtatown
Outtatown is an adventure
to prepare you for the future.
Knowing God / Knowing Yourself / Knowing the World
he Outtatown discipleship
school is a unique, one or twosemester certificate program of
Canadian Mennonite University.
We provide an incredible year for
recent high school grads looking to travel, serve others, learn
more about God and the world,
make lifelong friends, and experience ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ adventure to Guatemala, South Africa,
or Burkina Faso. The Outtatown
program sees the world as a
classroom. This is an adventure
in unconventional learning with
leaders who are passionate and
gifted, providing insights into
Christian faith and how this
intersects with current world
issues. Their teaching will be
infused with practical life experience along with spiritual depth
and the wisdom that comes from
having lived their faith in challenging life situations. Outtatown:
Yourself, Knowing the World.
• MissionfestManitoba 2015 • 11
CH-G4 Accelerated Christian
Education Canada
Box 1360,
Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 3N9
(800) 976-7226
Action International
3015 A 21st St. N.E.
Calgary, AB T2E 7T1
(888) 443-2221/(403) 204-1421
Advancing Indigenous
235 Princess Street,
Winnipeg, MB, R3B 1L9
(204) 957-8784, www.aimi.ca
Africa Inland Mission
1641 Victoria Park Ave.
Scarborough, ON, M1R 1P8
(877) 407 6077, www.aimint.org
A-H3 Ambassadors for Christ
26 Whitley Drive,
Winnipeg, MB, R2N 1E7
(800) 728-6440
MP-G4 A Rocha Canada,
Environmental Stewardship
19353 16th Avenue,
Surrey, BC, V3Z 9V2
(604) 542-9022, www.arocha.ca
H-B3 Asante Ministries, Canada
71 Leisure Bay,
Winnipeg, MB, R2Y 0W9
(204) 808-6427
22 Parasiuk Place,
Winnipeg, MB, R3W 1E9
(204) 669-6269
Avant Ministries
2121 Henderson Hwy,
Winnipeg, MB, R2G 1P8
(204) 338-7831
Awana International
36 Spruce Crescent,
Steinbach, MB, R5G 0G5
(204) 326-9632
A-H2Bible for Children
P.O. Box 3,
Winnipeg, MB, R3C 2G1
(204) 338-3664
A-D2Bibles for Missions Thrift
919 McLeod Avenue,
Winnipeg, MB, R2G 0Y4
(204) 667-5329
CH-D2Black Forest Academy
Hammersteinerstrasse 50,
Kandern, Germany, 79400
Ph. +49 (0) 7626-91610
12 • MissionfestManitoba 2015 •
A-D4BLF Canada
256 Marc-Aurele-Fortin,
Lachute, QC, J8H 3W7
(450) 562-7859
BkStoreOM International/
41151 Rd 20 E.,
Niverville, MB, R0A 1E0
(866) 466-6920
CH-F2Bridges for Peace
P.O. Box 21001, RPO Charleswood,
Winnipeg, MB, R3R 3R2
(204) 489-3697
F-A4Briercrest College &
510 College Drive,
Caronport, SK, S0H 0S0
(800) 667-5199, www.briercrest.ca
F-C3Camp Arnes
Box 40, Arnes, MB, R0C 0C0
(888) 642-7618
F-B3Camp Nutimik
P.O. Box 68,
Seven Sisters, MB, R0E 1Y0
(866) 688-4645
CH-B2Canadian Bible Society
952 St. Mary’s Rd.
Winnipeg, MB, R2M 3R8
(204) 257-8835
F-D5Canadian Lifelight
330-1695 Henderson Hwy,
Winnipeg, MB, R2G 1P1
(204) 339-3770
CH-H1Capernwray Harbour Bible
P.O. Box 1-10
Thetis Island, BC, V0R 2Y0
(250) 246-9440
CH-H2Capernwray Quebec
16710 Route 335,
Chertsey, QC, J0K 3K0
(877) 882-1361
F-E3Cedarwood (YFC)
333 King St,
Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0N1
(204) 669-4205
A-B1CHAI Immigrant Centre Inc.
P.O. Box 2274, Station Main,
Winnipeg, MB, R3C 4A6
(204) 415-2550, www.ccwpg.com
H-A2Child Evangelism Fellowship
of Manitoba
179 Henderson Highway,
Winnipeg, MB, R2L 1L5
(204) 663-3300
MP-H3Children’s Camps
300-571 Main St.
Winkler, MB, R6W 1G3
(204) 331-4003
MP-D2Chosen People Ministry
Dufferin-Lawrence, PO, Box 58103,
Toronto, ON, M6A 3C8
(888) 442-5535
A-F1Christian Motorcyclist
F-G2Christian Service Brigade
(204) 488-3254
F-H2Christian Week
204-424 Logan Ave.
Winnipeg, MB, R3A 0R4
(800) 263-6695
MP-C1Church Planting Canada Manitoba Catalyzers Team
(204) 414-5144
MP-G3Circle Square Ranch
Box 99, Austin, MB, R0H 0C0
(204) 723-2669, www.csranch.ca
F-F1Empower Ministries
P.O. Box 84, Station Main,
Barrie, ON, L4M 4S9
(800) 575-1863
H-A5Encounter School of
200-189 Henderson Hwy.
Winnipeg, MB, R2L 1L7
(204) 871-7957
MP-A4Engineering Ministries
International Canada
Suite 201, 625-14th Street NW,
Calgary, AB, T2N 2A1
(403) 202-3642
MP-B3ENRICH Ministries
P.O. Box 23062,
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 5S3
(204) 229-9046
H-A6 eTeams/MSC Canada
101 Amber Street,
Markham, ON, L3R 3B2
CH-G3Evangelical Mennonite
440 Main Street,
Steinbach, MB, R5G 1Z5
(204) 326-6401
F-B1CMU: Outtatown Discipleship
500 Shaftesbury Blvd.
Winnipeg, MB, R3P 2N2
(204) 487-3300, www.cmu.ca
A-F4Faith Academy Philippines
PO Box 2016, 0706 Makati City,
Manila, Philippines
(011) (632) 658-0048
A-B2Crisis Pregnancy Centre
650 Broadway Avenue West,
Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0X3
(204) 772-1923
F-G4Faith Mission (FriedensBote)
Box 34, Winkler, MB, R6W 4A4
(204) 325-5446
A-F6Dalit Freedom Network
P.O. Box 45645, RPO Sunnyside,
Surrey, BC, V4A 9N3
(604) 535-4240
A-F2Fisher Bay Bible Camp
120 Maple Drive,
Winkler, MB, R6W 1Z7
(204) 645-2531
A-H5Den 205
205 Hespeler Avenue,
Winnipeg, MB, R2L 0L5
(204) 661-4150, www.den205.com
MP-A2Focus on the Family
19946 80A Avenue,
Langley, BC, V2Y 0J8
(800) 661-9800
A-F5Dignity House
51 Ens Crescent,
Morden, MB, R6M 1K8
(866) 383-8940
F-H1 e3 Ministry Canada Inc./I Am
171 Rothsay Avenue
Kitchener, ON, N2B 3S6
A-D3Forward House
407 Chalmers Ave.
Winnipeg, MB, R2L 0G3
(204) 793-2916
MP-H5Frontiers (Friends in
P.O. Box 5182,
Spruce Grove, AB, T7X 3A3
(587) 881-1362, www.frontiers.ca
MP-B1Galcom International Inc.
115 Nebo Road,
Hamilton, ON, L8W 2E1
(877) 242-5266, www.galcom.org
A-A1Gideons International in
501 Imperial Road North,
Guelph, ON, N1H 7A2
(519) 823-1140, www.gideons.ca
CH-E1Give the Word - Equip
PO Box 35064, 963 Henderson Hwy,
Winnipeg, MB, R2K 4J9
(204) 803-5773
A-E4Global Aid Network (GAIN)
20385 64th Avenue,
Langley, BC, V2Y 1N5
(604) 514-2026
MP-H2Global Recordings Network
115 Nebo Road,
Hamilton, ON, L8W 2E1
(905) 574-8220
A-C2Go Mission! / EMMC
757 St. Annes Rd.
Winnipeg, MB, R2N 4G6
(204) 253-7929
A-D5Gospel Echoes Team
PO Box 25060 RPO River Heights,
Saskatoon, SK, S7K 8B7
(306) 933-4228
H-A3Inner City Youth Alive
418 Aberdeen Avenue,
Winnipeg, MB, R2W 1V7
(204) 582-8779, www.icya.ca
F-C4INTERCEDE International
201 Stanton Street,
Fort Erie, ON, L2A 3N8
(800) 871-0882
A-C4International Christian
Embassy Jerusalem
20 Bloor Street East, Box 75149,
Toronto, ON, M4W 3T3
(866) 324-9133
A-A2International Students
Ministries Canada
Box 1205,
Three Hills, AB, T0M 2A0
(204) 452-6131, www.ismc.ca
MP-D1Interserve Canada
10 Huntingdale Blvd.
Scarborough, ON, M1W 2S5
(888) 269-1311
MP-G2Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship/Manitoba Pioneer
PMB# 321, 30-360 Main St, Unit 13B,
Winnipeg, MB, R3C 3Z8
(204) 788-1070
CH-A1Mennonite Central Committee
134 Plaza Drive,
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 5K9
(204) 261-6381
F-E2Men for Mission
293 Wellington St. N. Suite 132
Hamilton, ON, L8L 8E7
(905) 522-5494
F-D2Partners Relief and
Development Canada
33130 Springbank Road,
Calgary, AB, T3Z 2L9
(403) 538-2870
F-D4Millar College of the
Box 25 , Pambrun, SK, S0N 1W0
(306) 582-2033
MP-A1 Pathway Camp Ministries
Box 3,
Moosehorn, MB, R0C 2E0
(204) 449-2370
MP-A3Mission Aviation Fellowship
of Canada
264 Woodlawn Rd. W.
Guelph, ON, N1H 1B6
(877) 351-9344
CH-A3Peace River Bible Institute
Box 99,
Sexsmith, AB, T0H 3C0
(800) 959-7724, www.prbi.edu
A-F3Nation at Prayer
P.O. Box 192,
Pickering, ON, L1V 2R4 (905) 426-9465
A-G4 Joy Two Publications
80 Parkview Crescent,
Steinbach, MB, R5G 2G5
(204) 326-5172
MP-D3Gospel Text Mission
64 Linwood Street,
London, ON, N5Y 1W2
(866) 789-0230
A-D1Life’s Vision
388A Portage Avenue,
Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0C8
(204) 233-8047
F-G7Greater Europe Mission
100 Ontario Street,
Oshawa, ON, L1G 4Z1
(866) 241-3579
CH-E3Living Bible Explorers
600 Burnell,
Winnipeg, MB, R3G 2B7
(204) 786-8667
MP-B2 Heart to Heart Canada
26 Springwood Bay,
Steinbach, MB, R5G 2E8
(204) 326-6690, www.h2hint.org
CH-H3Living Truth
P.O Box 91100, Bayview Village,
Toronto, ON, M2K 2Y6
(888) 269-6085
CH-C3Northern Canada Evangelical
Mission (NCEM)
P.O. Box 3030,
Prince Albert, SK, S6V 7V4
(306) 764-3388
MP-F1Love Lives Here
P.O. Box 58023,
Winnipeg, MB, R2M 3S0
(204) 786-5000 ext. 3063
Bldg 21 - 5155 Spectrum Way,
Mississauga, ON, L4W 5A1
(888) 657-8010, www.omf.ca
F-D3Impact Ministries Canada
Box 975 Stn Main,
Kamloops, BC, V2C 6H1
(250) 434-4350
F-A1In Touch Ministries
Box 4900,
Markham, ON, L3R 6G9
(905) 470-7870
CH-B1Maranatha Evangelistic
Association, The
P.O. Box 1292,
Calgary, AB, T2P 2L2
(403) 283-2263
MP-G1MB Mission
1310 Taylor Avenue,
Winnipeg, MB, R3M 3Z6
(204) 415-0670
A-H1Operation Mobilization
84 West Street,
Port Colborne, ON, L3K 4C8
(877) 487-7777
MP-C2Mid-Way Christian
159 Cree Road,
Thompson, MB, R8N 0C2
(204) 778-4491, mclonline.org
F-G1Gospel For Asia
245 King Street East,
Stoney Creek, ON, L8G 1L9
(888) 946.2742, www.gfa.org
A-C3HeartStrings World
12 Gervais Place
Winnipeg, MB, R3V 1V7
(204) 269-7592
F-G8Open Doors Canada
8-19 Brownridge Rd.
Halton Hills, ON, L7G 0C6
(905) 636-0944
A-G1New Life Germany
Raiffeisenstr. 2, 57635, Wölmersen,
(49) 2681-2395
CH-F4 nipawin bible college
Box 1986, Nipawin, SK S0E 1E0
(888) 862-5095, www.nipawin.org
CH-D3North End Family Centre
1322 Main St.
Winnipeg, MB, R2W 3T5
(204) 582-7927
H-A4One Hope Canada (Formerly
200-189 Henderson Hwy.
Winnipeg, MB, R2L 1L7
(204) 668-2776
F-E1One Mission Society – Canada
293 Wellington St. N. Suite 132,
Hamilton, ON, L8L 8E7
(800) 784-7077
51 Byron Avenue,
Dorchester, ON, N0L 1G2
(519) 268-8778, www.pioneers.ca
A-G2Precious Stones
1771 Pembina Highway,
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2G6
(204) 817-0341
F-A2Providence University
College & Seminary
10 College Crescent,
Otterburne, MB, R0A 1G0
(800) 668-7768
CH-C1Raptim travel formerly
Menno Travel and McTavish
302 – 32025 George Ferguson Way,
Abbotsford, BC, V2T 2K7
(800) 667-5559
CH-C2Ratanak International
Box 81038,
Burnaby, BC, V5H 4K1
(604) 325-9300
F-G3Red Rock Bible Camp
204-320 Main Street,
Steinbach, MB, R5G 1Z1
(204) 326-9784
CH-F1Rio Grande Bible Institute
103-2005 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg,
MB, R2N 4P1
(204) 254-3639
A-E3Rock Lake Ministries
Box 22, Pilot Mound, MB, R0G 1P0
(204) 825-2842
• MissionfestManitoba 2015 • 13
CH-A2SCA Eagle Bay Camp &
Ministry Centre
Box 34, Hilbre, MB, R0C 1L0
(204) 449-2293
CH-B4TEAM (The Evangelical
Alliance Mission)
#372-16 Midlake Blvd S.E.
Calgary, AB, T2X 2XY
(800) 295-4160
Send international of canada
RR5, Komoka, ON, N0L 1R0
(519) 657-6775, www.send.org
siloam mission
300 Princess Street,
Winnipeg, MB, R3B 1M3
(204) 956-4344, www.siloam.ca
F-F3SIM Canada
10 Huntingdale Blvd.
Scarborough, ON, M1W 2S5
(416) 497-2424, www.sim.ca
CH-C4Simonhouse Bible Camp
Box 250,
Cranberry Portage, MB, R0B 0H0
(204) 472-3025
MP-H1Slavic Gospel Association
55 Fleming Drive, Suite #26,
Cambridge, ON, N1T 2A9
(519) 621-3553
F-C2Steinbach Bible College
50 PTH 12 N
Steinbach, MB, R5G 1T4
(800) 230.8478, www.sbcollege.ca
CH-D1TeachBeyond (Janz Team
2121 Henderson Hwy.
Winnipeg, MB, R2G 1P8
(204) 334-0055
A-H4Ted Hull Consulting
272-3336 Portage Avenue,
Winnipeg, MB, R3K 2H9
(204) 898-6740
A-E1Teen Missions in Canada
PO Box 415, 232 Thomson St.
Outlook, SK, S0L 2N0
(306) 867-9293
CH-G2Transport for Christ
6242 Route 105,
Lower Brighton, NB, E7P 1B3
(506) 375-4841,
A-F7Union Gospel Mission
PO Box 1073, Station Main,
Winnipeg, MB, R3C 2X4
(204) 943-9904,
CH-D4 Village Missions
PO Box 197, Dallas, OR, 97338
(800) 617-9905
A-E5Voice of the Martyrs
P.O. Box 608,
Streetsville, ON, L5M 2C1
(888) 298-6423,
Walls of Freedom Outreach
P.O. Box 28041, 1795 Henderson
Hwy., Winnipeg, MB, R2G 4E9
(204) 997-0043
CH-G5 WEC (Worldwide
Evangelization for Christ)
A-G3 Winnipeg Real to Reel Film
c/o NKMB Church, 1315 Gateway
Rd., Winnipeg, MB, R2G 1G5
(204) 471-0872
A-G5 Women Refreshed at the Well
5839 Henderson Highway,
Narol, MB, R1C 0B5
(204) 416-3531,
World Team
7575 Danbro Crescent, Mississauga,
On, L5N 6P9
(800) 610-9788
Wycliffe Bible
4316 10 St NE
Calgary, AB, T2E 6K3
(800) 463-1143, www.wycliffe.ca
F-C1Youth for Christ
333 King St,
Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0N1
(204) 669-4205
CH-B3YUGO Ministries
P.O. Box 231, St.
Albert, AB, T8N 1N3
(780) 461-0891, www.yugo.org
H-B4 Work of Your Hand
403 Edgebrook Rise N.W.
Calgary, AB, T3A 5J8
(403) 286-6218
ocated in Three Hills, Alberta (about an hour northeast of Calgary) Prairie offers college
programs that prepare graduates to address some of the world’s greatest needs. Through
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Allen organ provided courtesy of Winnipeg Organ Centre.
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14 • MissionfestManitoba 2015 •
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sponsor churches
Missionfest Manitoba would like to thank the following churches who have demonstrated tremendous unity by pooling their resources to hold Missionfest
Manitoba (Winnipeg) and Missionfest Manitoba West (Brandon). For an up-to-date list, please visit www.missionfestmanitoba.org.
(*) Denotes Missionfest Manitoba West.
Abundant Life Baptist Church
Winnipeg, 222-7671
Christian Life Centre
Morden, 204-822-6209,
Grace Bible Church
Winnipeg, 284-8003
Morrow Gospel Church
Winnipeg, 257-2500
Albright Church
Winnipeg, 334-5873
Church of the Rock
Winnipeg, 261-0070,
Grace Community Church
Winnipeg, 895-1210
Nassau Street Church
Winnipeg, 475-3841
All People’s Church
Falcon Lake
City Church
Winnipeg, 586-6923,
Grant Memorial Church
Winnipeg, 989-6740
Neepawa First Baptist Church*
Neepawa, 204-476-2853
Cornerstone Alliance Church
Winnipeg, 256-2444,
Harvest Community Church*
Deloraine, 204-747-2232
New Hope Community Church
Winnipeg, 668-1217
Bayview Evangelical Free Church
Gimli, 204-642-9871
Bethel Baptist
Winnipeg, 831-6775
Bethel Christian Assembly*
Brandon, 204-727-0639
Bethel Community Church
Winnipeg, 783-6824
Bethesda Church
Winnipeg, 987-2890
Bethlehem Aboriginal Fellowship
Winnipeg, 586-5707
Braeside Evangelical Mennonite
Winnipeg, 667-2970
Covenant Christian Reformed Church
Winnipeg, 667-1116,
Crossroads Mennonite Brethren
Winnipeg, 233-8435, www.crossroadsmb.ca
Eastview Community Church
Winnipeg, 334-4675, www.eastview.org
Elim Chapel
Winnipeg, 786-7477
La Salle Community Fellowship
La Salle
204-736-9244, www.lscf.ca
Niverville Community Fellowship
Niverville, 204-388-4645, www.nivcf.ca
Oak Bluff Bible Church
Oak Bluff, 612-9623
Evangelical Fellowship Church
Steinbach, 204-326-9028, www.efchurch.ca
First Baptist Church Brandon*
Brandon, 204-727-5557
Christian Life Assembly Winnipeg, 694-6875, www.clawinnipeg.org
Ninga Presbyterian Church
Ninga, (204) 534-2250
MacGregor Evangelical Mennonite
MacGregor, 204-685-2293
Calvary Temple
943-6720, www.ctwinnipeg.com
Christian Fellowship Church
Steinbach, 204-326-2228
Killarney Mennonite Church*
Killarney, 204-523-8959
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Morris, 204-746-8790
Filipino Evangelical Church
Winnipeg, 775-5679, www.fecwpg.org
Christian Fellowship Chapel
Winnipeg, 452-5720
New Life Ministries
Winnipeg, 775-4929
North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren
Winnipeg, 985-6050, www.nkmb.org
Calvary TempleBrandon*
204-728-8500, www.ctbrandon.com
Charleswood Community Church
Winnipeg, 895-0608, www.charleswood.ca
Kilcona Park Alliance Church
Winnipeg, 222-7384, www.kilcona.org
Lakeview Community Church*
Killarney, 204-523-8960
Faith Fellowship Baptist Church*
Brandon, 204-728-9702
Centerpoint Church
Winnipeg, 669-0415
Immanuel Pentecostal Church
Winnipeg, 489-9000, www.ipcwinnipeg.org
New Life Church
Stonewall, 204-467-5529
Elmwood Mennonite Brethren Church
Winnipeg, 668-3244
Brandon Vineyard Community
Brandon, 204-726-4784
Carberry Evangelical Free Church*
Carberry, 204-834-2182
Hilltop Baptist Church*
Erickson, (204) 636-2679
First Christian Reformed Church*
Brandon, 204-727-4652
Fort Garry Evangelical Mennonite
Winnipeg, 261-1084, www.fortgarryemc.ca
Gateway Church
Winnipeg, 989-6580
Gladstone Christian Fellowship*
Gladstone, 204-385-2915
Good News Mennonite Church
Winnipeg, 888-0043
Maples Evangelical Church
Winnipeg, 586-2091
Maranatha Evangelical Free Church
Winnipeg, 832-1371, www.mefree.ca
Maranatha Good News Centre
Niverville, 204-388-4795
McDermot Avenue Baptist Church
Winnipeg, 775-8096
McDiarmid Drive Alliance Church*
Brandon, 204-728-2473
Minnedosa Evangelical Covenant
Minnedosa, 204-867-2810
Mission Baptist Church
Winnipeg, 927-2380, www.missionbaptistchurch.org
Morden Evangelical Mennonite Mission
Morden, 204-822-4388
Oakbank Baptist Church
Oakbank, 204-444-3348
Pathway Community Church
Winkler, 204.332.1616, www.pathwaycc.net
Plum Coulee Bergthaler Mennonite
Plum Coulee, 204-829-3609
Portage Avenue Church
Winnipeg, 774-4414, www.pachurch.ca
Portage Evangelical Church
Portage la Prairie, 204-857-4146
Prairie Grove Fellowship Chapel
Lorette, 204-878-4738
Prairie Rose Evangelical Mennonite
Landmark, (204) 355-4654
Providence Reformed Church
Winnipeg, www.providencereformed.net
Redeemed Christian Church of God
Winnipeg, 261-7332
• MissionfestManitoba 2015 • 15
sponsor churches
Richmond Park Mennonite Brethren
Brandon, 204-571-4444
Southside Bible Church
Winnipeg, 253-6831
Trinity Baptist Church
Winnipeg, 475-5976
Winkler Mennonite Church
Winkler, 204-325-5411
Rivers Baptist Church*
Rivers, 204-328-7882
St. Aidan’s Anglican Church
Winnipeg, 489-3390
Waverley Church
Winnipeg, 261-8013, waverleychurch.ca
Winnipeg Chinese Alliance Church
Winnipeg, 772-0917, www.wcac-wpg.org
Rosenort Evangelical Mennonite
Rosenort, 204-746-8519
Steinbach Evangelical Mennonite
Steinbach, 204-326-6572
Westwood Community Church
Winnipeg, 888-1771, www.westwood.mb.ca
Winnipeg Chinese Mennonite Brethren
Winnipeg, 228-8341
Rosenort Fellowship Chapel
Rosenort, 204-746-8360
Steinbach Mennonite Brethren
Steinbach, 204-326-3551
Rowandale Baptist Church
Winnipeg, 338-1174, www.rowandale.ca
Souris Gospel Chapel*
Souris, 204-483-2057
Steinbach Mennonite Church
Steinbach, 204-326-9773
Southland Community Church
Steinbach, 204-326-9020
Transcona Alliance Church
Winnipeg, 222-0354, www.mytac.ca
Westwood Presbyterian Church
Winnipeg, 837-5706, www.westwoodpc.ca
Whiteshell Baptist Church
Seven Sisters Falls, 204-348-2536
Whyte Ridge Baptist Church
Winnipeg, 489-3875
Winkler Bergthaler Mennonite Church
Winkler, 204-325-9563, www.wbmc.ca
Life’s Vision
Looking for Bible Based
English Teaching
Inspiring young people to
cherish and protect life.
16 • January 2015 •
Zion Apostolic Church
Winnipeg, 661-4345
ife’s Vision began in the 1970s as the educational arm of the pro-life movement in Manitoba. Life’s Vision provides education and a voice for those
opposed to all threats on the dignity of the human person. Today, the work
of Life’s Vision has expanded as new threats to human life have emerged.
Euthanasia, chemical abortion, reproductive technologies, fetal experimentation, and infanticide of newborn and handicapped infants threaten the dignity
and life of the most vulnerable members of the human family. Life’s Vision is
committed to raising public awareness on life-affirming options, and speaking
out on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. www.lifesvision.ca
Cool, Clean, Compelling Films
February 17-22,
Word of Life Mission Church
Niverville, 204-388-4800
Winkler Evangelical Mennonite Mission
Winkler, 204-325-7667
Winnipeg Real to Reel Film Festival
hether you are a filmmaker, a distributor, or a film enthusiast—the festival offers you an exciting look into the latest movies to hit the market. Our
goal is to bring you the best in the latest films and TV episodes that will encourage, challenge and inspire us to positive values and a greater understanding of
the human journey. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Winnipeg Real
to Reel Film Festival. www.winnipegfilmfestival.com
Winnipeg Evangelical Free Church
Winnipeg, 253-8464, www.wefc.net
12 weeks
my mom
is my
Our vision is to educate all people
to make life affirming choices from
conception to natural death
Complete English Language
Courses & Discussion Guides
Life of Joseph; Life of Peter;
Gospel of Luke; Hebrews 11;
Gospel of John; Faith
Foundation; Acts of the
Apostles; Faith Metaphors;
Faith Ancestors; First Century
Christianity & MORE
• English Bible: an ideal text for
teaching English
• Clear instructions for task-based
• Integrated units that focus on all
language skills
• Learner worksheets and projection
• Suitable for ESL & EFL
• All levels of proficiency
• Variety of course lengths (20 –160
• Available in electronic or CD formats
Make a New-Year’s resolution to take action
If we really want change for justice, resolutions need a plan
Janelle Vandergrift
ChristianWeek Columnist
Public Justice
t’s January and now that we’ve
said our resolutions out loud,
we wait to test our resolve to make
them stick. But if you’ve ever made
a resolution you didn’t keep, you
have something in common with
the federal government.
In 1989, the government of
Canada made a unanimous resolution to end child poverty by the
start of the millennium. But today,
nearly 14 years after that deadline, one million children still live
in poverty in this land of plenty.
While the sentiments behind a resolution might be laudable, a resolution without a plan is an empty
commitment. And a plan without
action is just a wish.
It usually takes more than just
saying our resolution aloud to
make it happen: we have to make
a plan. For instance, I’m not just
going to make the commitment to
“exercise more”—I’m going to walk
to work three days a week or make
plans to go running with a friend
After we have figured out the
“what,” we need to work on the
Walls of Freedom
im and Jacqie Wiseman pastor Walls of Freedom Outreach, an outreach concept church launched in the core area of Winnipeg in 2007 and affiliated with
the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba.
With a background in ministry in Winnipeg’s north end, Jim and Jacqie saw
the incredible need in the core area. They loved their work in the north end,
but felt called to extend their ministry to the core area, where they feel the
church can make some positive impact to the growing social decay. Now they
meet people on a daily basis who don’t relate to the traditional church. Their
goal is to make the love of Christ meaningful to people whose daily survival
concerns are urgent.
Jim and Jacqie have had many encounters that could have only come from
God. They see needs filled and lives changed on a regular basis. The ministry’s
move to 294 Ellen Street in 2012 has made it possible to be more effective in
what God has called Walls of Freedom Outreach to do. wallsoffreedom.ca
Restoring Lives in Winnipeg’s Core Area
294 Ellen St, Winnipeg
Ph 204-997-0043
[email protected]
“how”, if we really want to make
our goals a reality.
Canada does not have a national plan to address poverty, despite
the government resolution to end
it. Many other developed countries
do have national plans. Canada
has been called on repeatedly both
internally (by the Senate and a
House of Commons Committee)
and externally (the United Nations)
to develop such a plan.
Compared to other developed
countries, Canada’s poverty rate
is shocking, especially in light of
our wealth and economic stability
as a nation. Among 34 developed
countries, 23 have a lower poverty
rate than Canada. Our record on
Aboriginal poverty is shameful:
one quarter of Aboriginal people
live in poverty.
The case for Christian concern
for the poor is undeniable. The
Bible calls us to practice justice,
protecting and uplifting those
considered the weakest members
of our society. Our love for God
requires that we respect our neighbours’ dignity and care for their
While our response to this call
may be in the form of donations or
volunteering, Christians also have
a role in pressing for justice and
measures that prevent the causes
of poverty. Part of that responsibility is holding government to their
important job of promoting just
relations between people within
God’s creation and fostering conditions that enhance the common
The role of government is essential in the task of seeking justice for
our neighbours. The federal government has a particularly unique
role to play as they handle many of
the programs that can make a huge
difference in the lives of those living in poverty. These include
income security programs and
programs and services designed
to economically assist Aboriginal
peoples, newcomers, and persons
with disabilities. The federal government also controls financial
transfers to the provinces and territories that provide education and
health dollars.
Dignity for All: The campaign
for a poverty-free Canada, a nonpartisan initiative, has called for a
federal poverty elimination strategy. Many Christian organizations
have been at the table as they have
formulated concrete policy recommendations to address the causes
and consequences of poverty. With
these recommendations, they’ve
created a model national poverty
eradication plan to be released this
January. The plan speaks to the federal government’s potential ensuring all Canadians can live in dignity
and free of poverty.
It’s not enough to deepen our
resolve to end poverty: it’s time for
a plan and it’s time for government
leadership to make it happen. In
this coming year, may our resolutions be more than just empty
commitments or wishful thinking.
May our actions reflect our intentions, particularly when it comes to
practicing justice and caring for our
neighbours well-being.
Janelle Vandergrift is a Policy Analyst with
Citizens for Public Justice in Ottawa, Ontario.
K-8: February 3, 1-3pm & 6:30pm
250 Bedson Street in St. James
K-6: February 5, 1-3pm & 6:30pm
26 Agassiz Drive in Ft. Garry
Elementary & Middle Schools
Make a financial contribution. Donate your time to help: provide
music, kid’s crafts, serve a meal, assist high risk youth, help women
to dream again, encourage fathers to be Dads, gym night
18 • January 2015 •
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32 • January 2015 •