n° 33 June 2011 - 1 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Editorial Dear European colleagues! When writing this editorial (end of May) I am aware of the typical Swedish pre-summer weather outside my windows. Sometimes sunny mixed with some rain showers and temperature at maximum 20 degrees. The nights can still be chilly but the days are normally very pleasant. There is a Swedish proverb which translated to English says: Closed between bird cherry and lilac season. Traditionally, in a folkloric way, it was said by a shoemaker in a country village when he closed his repair shop a few days in May. It was his tribute to the present pre-summer with all the beautiful flowers in gardens and nature. Our editor Anne Singer has kindly put in pictures of the both flowers I mentioned so you can enjoy them. One big issue in libraries all over Europe is the usage of social media like Facebook or Twitter. Here in Sweden there has been over this year an explosive development in the number of libraries that use social media. Many public libraries were early in adopting this technology probably because one of their tasks is to try to get as many people as possible to use the library services that they offer. Some of them use Facebook to communicate their cultural programmes and to give tips on new and interesting books. There is a blog called “Social media in libraries - a workshop for strategies” where libraries can publish and discuss their experiences on how to make the best out of their usage of for example Facebook. The library of the Swedish Parliament writes on the blog: Via Facebook the user will get small portions of information regularly, which in today's media noise has been proved successful as a complement to long information texts on web pages. Many libraries write that they consider Facebook complements the more traditional information channels like printed brochures and web published lists of new books. When I surfed round on Facebook with just the word “Bibliothèque” I found lots and lots of French libraries with their own pages. One of them I can't resist quoting for you, is the “Bibliothèque Oscar Wilde”. In their presentation they say: Bienvenue dans la bibliothèque Oscar Wilde, spécialisée dans le Dandysme. Que vous souhaitiez découvrir cet art de vivre ou faire des recherches spécialisées, n'hésitez pas à venir nous rejoindre !! Which roughly means “Welcome to the Oscar Wilde library, specializing in Dandyism (snobbery). Whether you want to explore this lifestyle or doing scholarly research, please join us!” in English. If you attend Elisad annual conference in Paris this year, I can assure you that social media in libraries will be on the agenda. Do not miss the opportunity to apply for Elisad scholarship to attend our next conference, I will answer all questions even though I will be away on vacation some weeks in the middle of the summer. Best regards, Claes Olsson, Elisad Chair n° 33 June 2011 - 2 Kansas city Public Library parking: a unique architecture... • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Innovation on the ATOD fr ontier: Now is the time 33rd Annual SALIS Conference, Kansas City Missouri, May 3-6, 2011 Senior Adviser Jorunn Moen, Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS) The conference took place at the Hilton President Kansas City Hotel. 22 SALIS members and 21 members of the Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network (ATTC) gathered in sunny Kansas City for the 33rd annual Salis conference. 15 of the SALIS members were from the US, 5 from Canada, one from Australia and one from Norway. The Norwegian one was also the official Elisad representative to the conference. The keynote session was on Obama's health reform - held by Executive Director Ronald W. Manderschield of the National Association of County Behavioral Health & Development Disability Directors. He described the major features of the reform and their relationship to the substance use care field. The reform will be contextualized with its recent history, beginning with the creation of Social Security by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935. He described the implications for the health reform with an emphasis on the demands it will place on human resources and leadership in the future. of Recovery): Shifting from treatment philosophy to recovery philosophy understanding recovery oriented systems of care. He gave a comprehensive overview of the recovery oriented system of care movement with a focus on recovery language, shifting from treatment approach to a recovery approach with an emphasis on creating entire systems of care that allow communities to work together as a whole in providing A main issue addressed at the confe- services to those with a substance rence was the change in addiction disorder. philosophy, from thinking treatment Executive Director David Whiters to thinking recovery. of Atlanta Recovery Project set Administrator Scott Breedlove of ROSC in perspective with the Missouri Substance Abuse National Health Reform: ROSC and Professional Credential Board gave the role of Persons in Addiction an inspiring and enthusiastic presen- Recovery (PIR) within Health Care tation on the philosophy behind Reform - strategies and implications. ROSC is a framework that ROSC (Recovery Oriented Systems addresses behavioural health care from chronic as opposed to acute care approach. Throughout this framework an emphasis is placed on sustaining long-term recovery from addictive and mental disorders as the primary objective, moving beyond the acute care focus provided by treatment. This is accomplished through the provision of peer-based recovery support services (P-BRSS). P-BRSS are an integral component of ROSC. In most instances, these services are facilitated by individuals who identify as persons in recovery from addictive & mental disorders. They identify as peers, peers specialists and/or recovery coaches. While the US approach to behavioural health care has evolved to a point where treatment is viewed as n° 33 June 2011 - 3 Laurie Krom, Director of the MS-ATTC National office, opened the conference and wellcomed all the participants. • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Library coordinator Sheila Lacroix from CAMH Library in Canada, with Karen Palmer and Diane Van Abbe (in the back), gave a presentation on eBooks, challenges, choices and opportunities. care reform. The ATTC Network Technology Transfer model and definitions can help the addiction treatment and recovery services field to understand how EBPs are developed, disseminated and implemented - and how technology transfer can accelerate the use of EBPs to enhance and improve client's outcomes. Associate Director Jan Wrolstad of Mid-America ATTC presented on new resources from the ATTC Network. ATTC has been developing curricula and other products to advance the addiction treatment field for 18 years. During the last seven years, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has supplemented the funding so that researchers and ATTC educators can work together to develop evidence-based research materials immediately following clinical trials. Jane Shelling, from the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia, presented her Personal Librarian Project. primary if not the exclusive mode of initiating recovery, ROSC revisits a period when treatment was viewed as a component of the overall goal which was sustained recovery. Associate Research Professor Heather Gotham of Mid-America ATTC gave a presentation on The Innovation Continuum - steps in implementing new ideas and technologies. Too frequently, information about innovative treatments, such as evidence-based practices (EBPs), is slow to circulate and attempts to introduce EBPs into treatment programmes fail. The Addiction Technology transfer Centre (ATTC) Network's 14 Regional Centers and National Office are charged with developing and strengthening the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the substance abuse treatment workforce by systematically transferring research-based practices into treatment settings. Through a process of reviewing literature, theory and 15 years of experience, the ATTC Network Technology Transfer Workgroup has developed a conceptual model representing the role for technology transfer within the innovation process. The conceptual model was presented along with definitions for seven key terms: development, dissemination, implementation, translation, adoption, technology transfer and diffusion. Increased use of EBPs is essential in this time of mental health/substance abuse treatment parity and health- Library coordinator Sheila Lacroix from CAMH Library in Canada gave a presentation on eBooks, challenges, choices and opportunities together with Information Coordinator Diane Van Abbe from Ontario Tobacco Research Unit and Information Specialist Karen Palmer from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. They covered topics like: What is an eBook?, Pros and cons of eBooks and eReaders and development policies and practices related to eResources. There also was an international panel on Afghanistan, Canada, Australia and Kenya. SALIS member Virginia Sanchez has served in the US forces in Afghanistan. She gave a touching presentation on the general life of the American soldiers in Afghanistan. Virginia spent her free time setting up a professional library for the soldiers. Karen Palmer and Chad Dubeau from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse in Ottawa, shared their working experiences from Canada. Jane Shelling from the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia presented her Personal Librarian Project (PLP) with which she has won a scholarship and a round-theworld-ticket. PLP is a pilot project created to improve dissemination methods between the information service and its members. Jorunn Moen from Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS) and former Norwegian peace corps volunteer in Kenya 1977-80, shared her memories from return to Kenya in November 2011. As a peace corps volunteer she worked in a public library and she talked about the changes at The Nyeri Provincial Library over 30 years. Co-Founder and Council Member Haarlan Pruden of NorthEast Two-spirit Society gave an interesting and moving presentation on the Two-Spirit Society. The Indigenous peoples of North America have many cultural traditions that have often been misrepresented or suppressed through the colonization process. Many of these are significantly different perspectives about sex, gender, sexuality than those imported from Western Europe. In the 21st century, one tradition that was nearly lost is what is generically referred to as Two-Spirit, contemporarily known as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender Native peoples. Haarlan Pruden described this tradition from pre-colonial time up till today. At the Business Meeting, Meg Brunner stepped down as SALIS chair. Jorunn Moen from Norway was elected new chair. She is the first European to be a SALIS chair. Christine Goodair from UK another European - stepped down as Secretary a post she had held for 3 years to be elected as chair-elect. n° 33 June 2011 - 4 News • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda New Chair and Vice Chair at the EMCDDA In May, the EMCDDA Scientific Committee elected Dr Marina Davoli (Italy) to be Chair, and Prof Gerhard Bühringer (Germany) to the position of Vice Chair, both of these posts are held for three years. The Scientific Committee plays a major role in the Emcdda’s efforts to attain scientific excellence. It is composed of 15 highlevel scientists from the EU Member States plus one from Norway, selected through a public selection process based on scientific merit and independence. The EMCDDA Director and Management Board consult the Committee on the agency’s work programmes or on any scientific matter concerning its activity. The Committee plays a pivotal role in the agency’s risk assessment of new psychoactive substances. www.emcdda.europa.eu/ Following the decision of the Administrative Board, Mrs Maud Pousset was appointed as the new director of OFDT. She succeeds Jean-Michel Costes, who led the Observatory for fifteen years until March 2011. Mrs Maud Pousset, who was formerly in charge of epidemiological studies and assessment of target populations within the Sanofi-Aventis phamaceutical group, took up her new duties at the OFDT on the 6th of June 2011. News from Salis SALIS now presents a compilation of 80 databases and other online resources. It was created to assist in the research and dissemination of substance abuse, alcoholism, treatment, recovery, and other addictions information. Unfortunately, in recent years a number of ATOD databases have been eliminated, along with library downsizing and closures. The SALIS Advocacy Committee has documented the loss of those resources in a list available in the members-only section and called ATOD Libraries & Databases Downsizing and Closures. Are available: • Bibliographic databases (US) • Bibliographic Databases (non-US) • Data archives, surveys, and related databases Just added in the list the RX Database, created by the Mid-America Addiction First international forum on new drugs: Concluding remarks Technology Transfer Center (ATTC). Leading European and international experts on new drugs met in Lisbon, 11-12 May, at the First international multidisciplinary forum on new drugs, organised by the EMCDDA. A report on the forum proceedings will be available in the coming weeks, but initial concluding remarks are already available. www.emcdda.europa.eu/ EMCDDA launches scientific paper award Europe's top scientific papers on drugrelated topics will be acknowledged this year in a new award .The prize giving, to take place annually in Lisbon, will celebrate excellence in scientific writing in this area of critical concern to EU citizens. The event will take place in the margins of the EMCDDA Scientific Committee meeting, Lisbon, 14-15 November. Articles eligible for nomination will focus on illicit drugs, although findings on licit substances may also be included. The articles will have been published in 2010 in peerreviewed journals, with the author based in an EU Member State or Norway. www.emcdda.europa.eu/ Elisad news New director at the OFDT This database (www.findrxinformation.org) is designed as a “desk-top reference” of medications commonly prescribed in the treatment of persons with alcohol, drug, and mental health conditions. www.salis.org/resources/database_li st.html National Academies Press Since begining of June, many books are downloadable from the website of the National Academies Press, but an individual account has to be created. The Elisad Board meeting It was held the 25th of March, at VAD (Vereniging voor Alcohol- en andere Drugproblemen), Brussels, thanks to Marc Wauters for hosting it. Those present were: Isabelle Michot, Jorunn Moen, Claes Olsson, Angita Peterse, Fiorenzo Ranieri, Anne Singer, Daniela Zardo, with apologies from Christine Goodair. The usual reports (Chair's, Treasurer's, Public Relation's) were discussed. A major issue considered was the new communication strategy that will be required as Anne Singer is retiring from Elisad at the end of this year. An update on this year’s conference was given and it will be held at the OFDT, in a suburb of Paris, 6-8th of October. There was a debate about the Gateway and its future; a webgroup was formed to look at improving the website. All of these matters will be discussed at our next Annual Meeting which is held during the conference. The most important news though is the establishment of the Elisad Scholarship details below… Elisad scholarship The Elisad Board has established a single scholarship of € 200 for Elisad members who require financial assistance to attend the 2011 Annual Conference in Paris. Applicants must have been an Elisad full member for at least one year to be eligible. Conference presenters and first-time attendees will be given priority for funding. No one will be funded for two consecutive years. Members from the hosting country can not apply. Awards will be determined by a committee consisting of Elisad Chair, the conference committee (including the local host organiser), and Elisad Treasurer. After the committees' decision, all applicants will be informed through e-mail whether they have been successful or not. The scholarship shall be paid to the recipient when the Registration form to the Annual Conference has been received by Elisad. A letter of application should be submitted to Claes Olsson no later than July 31, 2011 and preferably by e-mail. It should include: • Statement from the member of her/his aims for participating in the conference. • Estimated costs for attendance. • Statement from the member's home organisation indicating availability and amount of complementary funds. The scholarship recipient must make his own arrangements for travel and accommodation. After the Annual Conference the recipient shall provide the Treasurer with receipts as a proof of their costs as soon as possible. The recipient shall also be prepared to write a report on the conference to be published on Elisad web page or in Elisad Journal. For more information, write to: [email protected] Examples: • Bridging the gap between practice and research: Forging partnerships with community-based drug and alcohol treatment (1998): www.nap.edu/ catalog.php?record_id=6169 • New treatments for addiction: behavioral, ethical, legal, and social questions (2004): http://books.nap.edu/ catalog.php?record_id=10876 • Preventing HIV infection among injecting drug users in high risk countries (2006): http://books.nap.edu/ catalog.php?record_id=11731 Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) supplied information such that detail about their site is fully up-to-date and accurate. Their multiple databases are explained, and the contact information provided allows ease of access into these Canadian resources. www.ccsa.ca/Eng/KnowledgeCentre/ OurDatabases/Pages/default.aspx Music contest in the USA An original music video competition was part of National Drug Facts Week that started the 9th of May. Announced by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), along with MusiCares and the GRAMMY Foundation, the contest asks young musicians, ages 14-18, to compose an original song or music video that explores, encourages, and celebrates a healthy lifestyle or depicts a story about drug abuse. For more: www.nih.gov/news/health/may2011/ nida-09.htm n° 33 June 2011 - 5 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda For an integrated policy for all psychoactive substances Teuvo Peltoniemi, Sosiomedia deals with Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland and the UK. Teuvo Peltoniemi is the retired Communication Director of the A-Clinic Foundation, the largest Finnish addictions treatment It was found that the countries and prevention organisation. investigated in the first study has a He is also founder and president separate policy for each psychoactive N MOST European countries, drugs, of the Prevnet network. He is substance, most notably the UK and alcohol and tobacco are considestill active in the addiction field red separate issues and controlled the Netherlands, of which the latter has traditionally also made a distincworking in his own media by separate statutes. In some countries company, Sosiomedia oy. there is a more integrated approach. tion between soft and hard drugs. I For instance in Finland alcohol and drugs are understood as “intoxicants” but smoking policy is separate. The same applies for Norway. The Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe made a submission for the Ministerial Conference in Strasbourg, last November, on European health policy that considers how best to approach substance use policies. The political decision makers discussed, whether substance use policies should be dealt with by having a policy for each substance or ha-ving an integrated policy covering all psychoactive substances, but no final decision has been made. This is an issue of great importance. Some 55 million Europeans drink harmful amounts of alcohol; it is estimated that 23 million Europeans have used cannabis in the past year; users of heroin and cocaine number about two million; in a year there are 7500 drug overdose deaths in Europe; deaths related to smoking are over five million per year globally. Thus effective solutions are needed for all sectors to improve the situation. Focus also on neuroscience The Pompidou Group analysed different choices of substance policies with its Research Platform. The first study in 2008 charted the situation on psychoactive substances in 17 countries. The main research has been done by Richard Muscat, professor in Beha-vioural Neuroscience in Malta, in cooperation with Dutch researchers and other European experts. A recently published study1 Richard Muscat & al.: Towards an integrated policy on psychoactive substances: a theoretical and empirical analysis - Pompidou Group, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg 2010. The most integrated policies are in Norway, France and Switzerland. The contents of integrated policies appeared to be quite different in practice, though. The main arguments for the integrated policy derive from studies on neuroscience and not just from epidemiological surveys on the social and medical harm effects of use of psychoactive drugs. The researchers claim that focusing on the epidemiological data has sometimes given a biased view on the problems and risks of substances: To date, the main evidence used by governments has been that related to prevalence of use and statistics related to deaths as a result of use, because these bits of epidemiological information seem to stir most concern. Situation in Finland and Norway In Norway alcohol and drugs are in the same national action plan, tobacco is not. Gambling and anabolic steroids are “not excluded but not explicitly dealt with”. The execution of actions involves several ministries, but the national co-ordination of actions by the Ministry of Health & Care Services is listed as the main item of integration in the action plan. Finland has not been a target country in these studies, but according to experts, Finland and Sweden resemble closely Norway in this respect. The trend in Finland has been towards a more encompassing integration. Alcohol abuse treatment systems have included also drugs, medicines, gambling and internet addiction in their work. Illustratively, A-Clinic Foundation has started to interpret the letter “A” in its name as addictions instead of the original alcohol. In spite of the integrated approach of Finland there are, however, still also separate treatment units for alcoholics and drug addicts. Also on administrative level there is division of labour between alcohol, drugs and smoking control. There is a lot of debate on this theme in Finland now when an exceedingly larger number of people are polyusers, using different substances at the same time and also being addicted to other related problems like gambling. In fact the debate has already progressed further from the suggestions of the Pompidou Group into discussion whether substance abuse, mental health and domestic violence are actually one and same psycho-social problem entity where different sectors now treat same clients via different problems. Will the situation change? The permanent correspondent of the Pompidou Group in Finland, Dr Tapani Sarvanti of the Ministry of Social Affairs & Health supports the general integrated line on all psychoactive substances. Senior Planning Officer Markku Soikkeli at the National Institute for Health & Welfare shares the opinion and would also like to integrate behavioural addictions into the same entity. Dr Sarvanti assesses that a deeper integration would be most easily applicable in health education. In schools alcohol, drugs and smoking should be dealt with as an entity. Mr Soikkeli argues also that best and most effective prevention methods are often suitable for many different substances. Besides, treating all substances in a same way increases the credibility of measures especially among the youth, he explains. Dr Sarvanti wants to address the fact that currently the means of control for different psychoactive substances vary considerably. Smoking policy is very strict in nearly all European countries whilst with alcohol the policy has been of liberalism and in drug policy the harm reduction approach is becoming more common. In addition Dr Sarvanti presumes that on the European level an integrated policy for alcohol, drugs and smoking will be difficult to gain due to cultural differences. The same applies to administrative structures. Pompidou Group was established specifically as a drugs unit. Substance specific differentiation was written into the jurisdiction of EU bodies. Even if the Pompidou study experts clearly favour an integrated policy on the basis of theoretical and empirical analyses, they leave the question about the change of policies still open: It will be interesting in the future to determine which of the various structures in the different countries better serves: single policies for each of the substances or an integrated policy for all psychoactive substances. Teuvo Peltomieni Editor-in-Chief, Sosiomedia Sepänkatu 19 A 21, FI-00150 Helsinki, Finland Mobile +358-(0)400-412 838 [email protected] n° 33 June 2011 - 6 An Elisad member : The CAN Library • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda A national resource for addiction information Claes Olsson, Librarian The library of CAN (Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol & other Drugs) has a long history. It started as early as 1906 as a non-governmental organisation and is still so today. Back then the growing movements in Swedish society were free churches, workers associations and temperance movements. CAN (Centralförbundet för alkohol- och narkotikaupplysning) Box 70412 107 25 Stockholm (Sweden) Tel.: +46- 8- 412 46 12 Fax: +46- 8- 10 46 41 E-mail: [email protected] During the first decades of the 1900's the library mostly held school books and statistical publications, which was an early Swedish specialty. Today it is modern special library for studies and research in the field of addictions. The library was early in adopting new technologies and was computerized in the late 1970's. The systems and working flows at that time was of course much different from today. In the 1980's the library produced printed bibliographies and literature lists from a variety of sources which were sent out to groups of researchers interested in the topics for their professional work. Besides this there was a regular reference, loan and photocopy service. In 2011 the library offers a wide range of services to the users. It is freely open to everyone for 25 hours per week. The typical user is a student in social work, sociology or nursing studies who is about to write a university paper on addictions in one aspect or another. Other users are researchers, secondary schools students, social workers, journalists and authors. The Swedish library network of all kinds of libraries also use CAN library for interlibrary loans. Sometimes loan requests from neighbour countries like Denmark, Finland or Norway are made. Occasionally loan requests come from other European countries like Spain or the Czech republic! This ancient poster from CAN (1930) says: "This Santa Claus gives no Christmas peace". thesis and other printed materials per year. Most of the literature is published in Swedish with English as the second language. Important report series in Danish and Norwegian are also available. We offer an online catalogue avai- As a complement CAN library lable on the Internet. It consists of acquires a lot of e-books today. Many of them are reports, often literature acquired to the library from 1980 and onwards, currently available for free from authorities and research institutes. Others are some 15,000 books and other more like a licensed database, for printed material are found in the example encyclopedias on addiccatalogue. Older literature is still tions or sociology which can cost in card catalogues. The library system is a Scandinavian one cal- a lot of money. led Mikromarc, based on MARC21 format which makes it compatible General reference material like with the Swedish National Union “Nationalencyklopedin” (general Catalogue LIBRIS. A big part of the Swedish encyclopedia), “Mediecollection is catalogued in LIBRIS, arkivet” (leading Swedish newsa service run by the Royal Library paper database) are also available for in house use at CAN. For searwhich is the national library of ching in the scientific journals we Sweden. Data from other library are holding a collection of the most catalogues like OCLC World Cat and high-ranked journals as e-journals many European university library available on EBSCO. We subscribe catalogues can easily be imported to PsycI NFO for covering the to the local CAN catalogue. social sciences and use PubMed The library acquires approximately for the medical/ psychiatric aspects of addiction information retrieval. 400 books, reports, academic n° 33 June 2011 - 7 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda ALL ADDICTIONS Addictologie clinique Clinical addictology L'alcool, le tabac, les drogues et même la nourriture peuvent devenir l'objet d'une addiction. Les jeux et l'Internet sont aussi devenus de redoutables produits toxiques, ainsi que le sport et le travail. Ce livre est le fruit d'une collaboration entre les différentes approches du phénomène épidémique pour ne pas dire pandémique des conduites d'addiction. Quand peut-on parler de maladie ? Comment comprendre cette pathologie ? Comment faire face à ces troubles si nous ignorons leurs natures, causes et fonctions ? L'être humain du XXIe siècle n'est-il pas incité subtilement à avoir recours à des produits ou des comportements qui les aident à échapper à leurs conditions ? Ces évasions doivent-elles faire l'objet d'une politique de répression ou d'une stratégie de prévention et de prise en charge thérapeutique ? N'est-il pas illusoire de penser le sevrage comme la résolution des problèmes qui ont conduit un sujet à être addicté ? Voilà Publications spécifiques du corps et de son image, de la parole et de son énonciation, de la pensée et de ses obsessions, ainsi que de la dépendance. Ces phénomènes pathologiques révèlent une tentative du sujet pour trouver une vie plus supportable, ainsi de l'alcoolisme qui peut masquer une tragédie mélancolique, et manifestent deux faces, l'une témoigne d'un ratage, l'autre de l'aspect créatif du symptôme. Sans nier la première, la psychanalyse peut suivre la veine de la seconde pour ramener le sujet à ce carrefour de sa vie où il a choisi de combler la perte d'illusions par des toxiques, un vide ou un trop plein. de leur missions initiales : jouer, boire, manger, acheter, se dépenser, travailler, etc. Alors, tous dépendants ? Ce qui caractériserait le vrai dépendant serait cette polarisation, quand l'activité devient le but d'une vie, quand la mauvaise habitude se fait identité : « je bois trop » vs « je suis alcoolique ». Cet ouvrage interroge le sens des addictions, analyse le mécanisme et les symptômes et propose une synthèse des différentes approches thérapeutiques possibles pour en guérir. Mathilde Saïet - PUF, mars 2011, 128p - ISBN : 978-2130580553 www.puf.com/ Franz Kaltenbeck et al. - Erès, Savoirs et clinique n° 13, mars 2011, 140p ISBN : 978-2749213767 www.editions-eres.com/ Adolescence et addictions : De la crypte familiale au dispositif en tuilage Drogue et langage. Du corps et de la langue Drugs and language. From the body and the tongue Éric-Pierre Toubiana et al. - PUF, mars 2011, 800p - ISBN : 978-2130584278 www.puf.com/ Le monde des drogués ne repose pas sur l'art oratoire, mais sur la promesse d'une jouissance indicible. Les toxicomanies court-circuitent le rapport au langage au profit d'une jouissance du corps et de l'esprit. Elles sont en cela des conduites modernes et témoignent de ce que devient le rapport au langage aujourd'hui. De bouche à oreille : psychanalyse des comportements alimentaires et des addictions Jean-Louis Chassaing et Marta Conte - Erès, mai 2011, 240p - ISBN : 9782749213026 www.editions-eres.com/ Word of mouth: psychoanalysis of eating behaviors and addictions Les addictions les questions auxquelles ce livre tente de répondre. Les troubles alimentaires et les addictions présentent des traits communs. Les anorexies et les boulimies manifestent une perturbation de l'oralité : les unes pèchent par excès, les autres par privation. D'autres addictions passent, elles aussi, par la voie orale : l'absorption de drogues et l'abus de médicaments. Mais ces addictions ne se réduisent pas à des pathologies de l'oralité : s'y ajoutent les problèmes Addictions De toutes les conduites psychopathologiques, l'addiction est peut-être celle qui interroge le plus les limites entre le normal et le pathologique. La frontière entre ce qui relève des « mauvaises habitudes », des dépendances ordinaires et des vraies dépendances est difficile à tracer. Les addictions sont presque toujours des conduites engendrées à partir d'actes ordinaires déviés Adolescence and addiction: From the family crypt to the “curl up” programme À partir d’addictions peu traitées (jeux, conduites sexuelles à risques, scarifications et polytoxicomanies), ce livre en interroge les soubassements psychiques et envisage le comportement du point de vue de son origine et de sa finalité. Il met en évidence la place centrale du transgénérationnel, avec ses cryptes et ses fantômes en tant que résurgences traumatiques de l'histoire familiale. Il propose un dispositif clinique groupal nommé dispositif en tuilage qui consiste en la mise en place d'un réseau pluridisciplinaire qui établit un maillage protecteur autour d'un adolescent en souffrance et de sa famille. La malléabilité de ce cadre sur mesure restitue à chacun sa place, permettant ainsi un processus de différenciation et de reconnaissance qui rend possible, à la longue, l'abandon du symptôme. Les addictions sont approchées non pas sur un versant destructeur, mais sous celui d'un processus de reconstruction personnelle à partir d'expériences parfois extrêmes. Gérard Durastante - De Boeck, février 2011, 304p - ISBN : 978-2804163242 http://superieur.deboeck.com/ Les histoires des toxicomanes. Récits et identités dans les addictions Stories of drug addicts. Narratives and identities in the addiction field Ce livre propose de considérer les addictions comme des constructions narratives. Mais quels en sont les auteurs et les narrateurs ? Les lecteurs, les auditeurs et les spectateurs ? Les patients ou les professionnels ? À partir d'une recherche menée avec des patients toxicomanes, ce livre souligne leur besoin d'être secourus par la littérature au sens large pour construire leurs identités et organiser leurs expériences temporelles. Mais l'équilibre est fragile entre des dispositifs de soins illisibles empêchant toute configuration de la souffrance ou trop lisibles fabriquant des patients uniformes et indifférenciés. Pour éviter l'émergence d'une addictologie désubjectivante, ce livre invite les professionnels à prendre en compte le cercle de la mimèsis entre les histoires des patients et les modèles théoriques et cliniques. Olivier Taïeb - Presses Universitaires de France (Puf), janvier 2011, 392p ISBN : 978-2130585534 www.puf.com/ n° 33 June 2011 - 8 DRUGS Drug policies, addiction and eradication • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Twelve steps toward political revelation In his early twenties, the author was addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. Drawing from this intimate knowledge of addiction and recovery, he explores the deviances of contemporary America and describes a society in thrall to its own consumption. Although Americans live in the richest country, many citizens exist on the brink of poverty, and from that profound economic inequality stems self-destructive behavior. This book outlines a guide to recovery from oppression. First we must identify the problems that surround us. Next we must actively work together to create a just, more holistic society. And finally, power must be returned to the embrace of the people. Walter Mosley - Nation Books, April 2011, 112p - ISBN: 978-1568586427 www.nationbooks.org/ Rückfallprävention für Chronisch Mehrfachgeschädigte Abhängigkeitskranke Relapse prevention for patients having chronic & multiple addictions Dieses Buch für Chronisch Mehrfachgeschädigte Abhängigkeitskranke (CMA) aufgrund der Chronifizierung der Abhängigkeit um ein Vielfaches höher als bei anderen Abhängigen. Deshalb ist dauerhafte Abstinenz von entscheidender Bedeutung. Ausschlaggebend dafür ist die Rückgewinnung sozialer Integration. Wegen der Besonderheit der Situation von CMA geht es insbesondere um die Integration in soziale Beziehungen, die Abstinenz fördernd sind, und möglichst zu Personen, die selbst abstinent leben. Die Autoren vertreten die Auffassung, dass gewisse kognitive Fähigkeiten vorhanden sein müssen, um Abstinenz fördernde Anreize aus den sozialen Beziehungen aufzunehmen und für die Selbststeuerung zu verarbeiten. Hans-Jürgen Leonhardt, Kurt Mühler - Lambertus Verlag, Dec 2010, 204 Seiten - ISBN : 978-3784120126 www.lambertus.de/ This book discusses research in the study of drug policies, the effects of substance abuse and addiction and the efforts being made to stop the flow of illegal drugs into the US. Topics discussed include the International Drug Control Policy; Mexico's drug cartels; US assistance to curve the flow of illicit drugs being brought into the country; self-regulation in the alcohol industry and alcohol treatment. David S Wolf, Kathryn J Schuster Nova Science Pub., June/July 2011 ISBN: 9781612090856 www.novapublishers.com/ Drug trade, trafficking and policies A drug policy most often refers to a government's attempt to combat the negative effects of drug addiction and misuse in its society. Governments try to combat drug addiction with policies which address both the demand and supply of drugs, as well as policies which can mitigate the harms of drug abuse. This book examines various drug policies, with a particular focus on drug trade and trafficking. Megan Griffiths, Dylan Richards Nova Science Pub., June 2011 - ISBN: 978-1611229325 www.novapublishers.com/ International drug control and trafficking issues Revenue from the illegal drug industry provides international drug trafficking organizations with the resources to evade and compete with law enforcement officials; penetrate legitimate economic structures through money laundering; and, in some instances, challenge the authority of national governments. This book provides an overview of US international drug control policy. It describes major counternarcotics initiatives and evaluates the broad array of US drug control policy tools currently in use. Allison N Meehan et al.- Nova Science, June 2011 - ISBN: 978-1612095646 www.novapublishers.com/ Dealing with drugs. Control, prevention and treatment Federal domestic drug control policy has evolved over the course of the past century and currently consists of a three-pronged approach to reducing illegal drug use: prevention, substance abuse treatment and enforcement activities. This book examines the war on drugs and drug enforcement efforts; the national youth anti-drug media campaign; the background and effectiveness of the drug courts and the legal issues relating to the disposal of dispensed controlled substances. Courtney M Blanchard - Nova Science Pub., June 2011 - ISBN: 9781612093499 www.novapublishers.com/ Deviant globalization: Black market economy in the 21st Century This volume argues that far from being marginal, illicit activities are a fundamental part of globalization. Narcotrafficking, human trafficking, organ trade, transnational gangs are just as much artifacts of globalization as are CNN and McDonald's, capital mobility, accessible air travel and container shipping. In fact, almost every technology, and regulation that enables mainstream globalization is an enabler of deviant globalization. This book explains why understanding deviant globalization as a systemic and integral part of globalization is crucial for setting up policies that will maximize the benefits of globalization and minimize its ill effects. Going beyond the usual pro/con arguments about globalization, it seeks to initiate a critical debate about the choices it presents to governments, firms, supranational organizations, and individuals. It offers a systematic treatment of the difficult policy choices that it creates and describes a much more complex and symbiotic relationship between illicit and mainstream globalization. Jesse Goldhammer, Steven Weber & Nils Gilman - Continuum Publishing Corporation, May 2011, 320p - ISBN: 978-1441178107 www.continuumbooks.com/ Les tribulations d'un gramme de coke The tribulations of a gram of coke Ce livre aborde, au travers d'un périlleux voyage, un tabou : la légalisation des drogues. Cultivateurs de coca, apprentis chimistes, familles de marins transporteurs, « mules », dealers européens, consommateurs parisiens, tous parlent sans détours du plus gros négoce illégal au monde. Des troupes héliportées débarquent dans la forêt tropicale, des portes de prison claquent derrière les passeurs tombés dans un pays inconnu. Un avion s'écrase dans le Sahel, des immigrants clandestins sont torturés jusqu'à la mort par les cartels mexicains. Dans le port colombien de Tumaco, où débute ce voyage, un médecin-légiste erre en moto entre les tombes et compte les morts. Policiers et militaires s'essoufflent. Cette guerre dure depuis 40 ans et des milliards de dollars y ont été engloutis pour rien : le nombre de consommateurs de stupéfiants augmente dans le monde entier. L'interdiction ne les protège pas. Des personnalités politiques se joignent aux économistes et aux médecins pour demander la décriminalisation des drogues pour mettre fin au massacre mené en leur nom. Loin de faire l'apologie de la cocaïne, les auteurs posent une question lancinante : la prohibition des drogues ne tue-t-elle pas davantage que les drogues ellesmêmes ? Christine Renaudat & Vincent Taillefumier - Éd. Florent Massot, février 2011, 288p - ISBN : 9782916546841 www.florentmassot.com/ n° 33 June 2011 - 9 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Coke à bord : En voilier, en hors-bord, en sous-marin, j'ai transporté la drogue des cartels Coke on board: In sailing, speedboat, submarine, I carried the cartels' drugs En 1977, l'auteur a 20 ans : il est parti à la recherche d'aventures en Amérique du Sud, et va petit à petit mettre ses talents de navigateur au service des narcotrafiquants. Voiliers, hors-bords surpuissants, il ouvre la plupart des routes de la drogue, commençant avec la marijuana, pour très vite passer à la cocaïne. D'aventures en aventures, il sillonne la Colombie, le Mexique, l'Amérique Centrale et les États-Unis. Il côtoie entre autres : Pablo Escobar, les frères Ochoa, les membres du cartel de Medellín et de Cali, les dirigeants des FARC… Au début des années 2000, il a une idée qui va révolutionner le trafic et faire la fortune des narcos : il invente des sous-marins invisibles aux radars capables de transporter plusieurs tonnes de cocaïne. Les Américains craignent que les cartels n'utilisent cette technologie pour acheminer une arme de destruction massive dans un port. L'auteur est alors très recherché par la CIA. Il se rend aux services secrets américains et livre sa technologie. Il a fini de purger sa peine de prison en France en 2008 où il a écrit ce livre. Il vit aujourd'hui au secret en Europe. Yann Tassin - La Manufacture de livres, avril 2011, 384p - ISBN : 9782358870252 www.lamanufacturedelivres.com/ El Sicario. The autobiography of a Mexican assassin El Sicario is the hidden face of America's war on drugs: a contract killer who functioned as a comandante in the Chihuahuan State police, attended an FBI training course in the US, and who, for 20 years, kidnapped, tortured, and murdered people targeted by the Mexican drug cartels. Then he left the killing fields alive and turned to Christ. Now, living as a fugitive with a cartel contract on his life, he tells his story. He describes not only torture and murder, but also the total corruption of the Mexican State. In this world, terror and slaughter are simply tools in implementing policy for both the cartels and the police. When he headed the state police antikidnapping squad in Juárez, he was also running a kidnapping ring in Juárez. When he was killing people for money in Juárez, he was sharpening his marksmanship at the Federal Police range. He speaks as a free man and of his own free will: there are no criminal charges against him in the US or Mexico. He speaks the truth no one wants to hear. Charles Bowden, Molly Molloy Nation Books, May 2011, 224p - ISBN: 978-1568586588 www.nationbooks.org/ Narco business. L'irrésistible ascension des mafias mexicaines Narco business. The irresistible rise of the Mexican mafia L'entreprise la plus prospère du Mexique n'est pas inscrite au registre légal du commerce. C'est un consortium de cartels de la drogue qui inonde le marché mondial de produits illicites, de la cocaïne aux drogues de synthèse en passant par l'héroïne, et dont l'argent a infiltré 81 % du tissu économique et social du pays. En quatre générations, les petits contrebandiers mexicains des années 1920 se sont transformés en puissances mafieuses et financières. Ils ne sont plus des artisans mais des patrons de multinationales, en costume-cravate, qui habitent les quartiers huppés. Cette enquête nous plonge au cœur du narco-business mexicain. L'auteur dresse le portrait de ces hommes devenus des hommes d'affaires millionnaires qui éliminent de sang-froid ceux qui les gênent : juges, policiers, procureurs, journalistes, hommes politiques et concurrents. À travers ce récit, c'est aussi un pays qui se dessine : la violence quotidienne, l'immigration, la pauvreté, la corruption, la politique et la question de son avenir : narco-dictature ou État de droit ? Babette Stern - Max Milo Éd., avril 2011, 256p - ISBN : 978-2315002825 www.maxmilo.com/ La guerre des paysans en Colombie. De l'autodéfense agraire à la guérilla des FARC The peasant war in Colombia. From the agrarian self-defense to the FARC guerrillas Cet ouvrage fait le point sur la guérilla des FARC en la replaçant dans le contexte des luttes agraires et du faible développement du mouvement ouvrier. Il montre comment elles sont le produit des luttes des petits paysans contre les grands propriétaires dans le contexte de la guerre civile des années 1950 et comment, après avoir failli disparaître, elles sont parvenues au faîte de leur puissance à la fin des années 1990, en s'impliquant de manière croissante dans l'économie de la cocaïne tout en soutenant les luttes paysannes contre les paramilitaires. L'ouvrage montre aussi comment l'intervention des États-Unis (Plan Colombie), en conférant une supériorité à l'État sur le plan militaire, plonge les FARC dans une crise ininterrompue depuis quelques années, qui risque d'aboutir à leur éclatement. Il met en évidence les contradictions d'une guerilla victime de choix de luttes discutables inspirés de son idéologie stalinienne et de compromis douteux avec la narcocriminalité. Michel Gandilhon - Les Nuits rouges, mai 2011, 216p - ISBN : 9782913112452 http://les.nuits.rouges.free.fr/ Drugs and culture. Knowledge, consumption and policy Current approaches to drugs tend to be determined by medical and criminal visions that emerged over a century ago. Pathologization and criminalization are the dominant perspectives on psychoactive drugs. This book presents other understandings, highlighting the socio-cultural features of drug use and regulation in modern societies. It examines the cultural dimensions of drugs and their regulation, with special attention to questions of how consumption of specific psychoactive substances becomes associated with particular social groups; the social dynamics involved in our coming to think of these phenomena as we do; and the factors that determine the political and policy responses to drug use. Adopting approaches from anthropology, sociology, history, political science and geopolitics to challenge the prevailing pathologization and criminalization of drug use, this book provides international and comparative perspectives on drug research, based on the latest research in Europe, the USA, the Middle East and Hong Kong. Geoffrey Hunt, Henri Bergeron, Maitena Milhet - Ashgate, May 2011, 324p - ISBN: 978-1409405436 www.ashgate.com/ n° 33 June 2011 - 10 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Illicit drugs in the environment: Occurrence, analysis, and fate using mass spectrometry Illicit drugs are an emerging class of environmental contaminants and mass spectrometry is the technique of choice for their analysis. This book discusses the techniques used to detect illicit drugs in wastewater and surface water, details how to estimate the levels of contaminants in the environment, and explores the behavior, fate, and toxic effects of this new class of contaminants. It details how an estimate of illicit drug consumption in a given population can be developed from an analysis of the residues of illicit drugs in wastewater. A resource for analytical chemists, environmental researchers, scientists, biologists, and toxicologists. Sara Castiglioni, Ettore Zuccato & Roberto Fanelli - Wiley-Blackwell, May 2011, 368p - ISBN: 978-0470529546 http://eu.wiley.com/ Inhibitory control and drug abuse prevention. From research to translation Some recent findings about drug abuse come from research into behavioral inhibitory control processes: individuals with substance use disorders have inhibitory control deficiencies compared to non-abusers, and the impulsivity associated with adolescence may account for young people's vulnerability toward drug-taking behavior. But while this neurobiological approach has influenced the treatment of addiction, it has had only minor effect on prevention efforts. This book aims to correct this situation, synthesizing what we know about the neuromechanics of risk-taking, and mining its ample potential in addiction prevention. It reviews neurobehavioral studies regarding inhibitory control in humans and laboratory animals, discuss their implications for age groups at risk for impulse control deficits, and apply these findings to the development of innovative, effective prevention strategies. Michael T Bardo, Diana H Fishbein, Richard Milich - Springer, June 2011, 335p - ISBN: 978-1441912671 www.springer.com/ Substance abuse among adolescents and adults This book examines certain cases where social and psychological issues are present among adolescents and adults with substance abuse problems. Topics discussed include cross-cultural parent-child relations; prevention strategies for parents on adolescent smoking; the national youth anti-drug media campaign; cocaine-dependent patients with antisocial personality disorder and cognitive performance in chronic street drug users. Isabelle Giordano - Nova Science Pub., April 2011 - ISBN: 978-1611229332 www.novapublishers.com/ Crystal death: North America's most dangerous drug A hard-hitting look at the most dangerous illegal drug in North America. A fact-based account featuring up to the minute interviews and life stories from users, dealers and doctors, with a Canadian perspective on the problem and its potential solutions. A book for teachers, parents and anyone interested in this devastating drug. Includes advice on how to talk effectively to your children and students about methamphetamine - and how not to! Nate Hendley - Five Rivers Chapmanry, June 2011, 132p - ISBN: 978-0973927832 www.5rivers.org/ Cocaine's impact on affect, activity & reward is dosedependently impacted by age This book examines the impact of different doses of cocaine on three interrelated measures related to affective behaviours between adolescent and adult in order to assess the range of rewarding responses, measure of despair, activity, and reward were used. Such methods included the forced swim test (FST), motor activity (MA), and the conditioned place preference (CPP) tests, respectively. Cocaine was selected because of its robust psychostimulant properties, its use by millions odf abusers, and its well understood mechanism of action. This study helps to explain some of the neurobiological underpinnings of these finding because cocaine was especially effective in reducing despair-related behaviour in adolescence compared with adults, yet less effective in as an euphoric agent. Brian M Kelley, Candace E Perry, Hillary A Hershey & Adrianna L Baird - Nova Science Pub., June 2011 - ISBN: 978-1611227444 www.novapublishers.com/ La France face a la cocaine: Dispositif et action exterieurs France facing cocaine: External procedure and action Depuis la fin des années 1990, la cocaïne est une drogue de plus en plus disponible sur le marché français : elle a un prix attractif et une image positive, celle d'une drogue festive et peu dangereuse. Sa consommation s'est démocratisée, touchant aussi bien la haute bourgeoisie que le chômeur de longue durée. La Colombie, la Bolivie et le Pérou en exportent des quantités croissantes sur un marché français en pleine expansion, alors que sa consommation semble désormais stagner aux ÉtatsUnis. Face à des réseaux de mieux en mieux structurés et profitant pleinement du processus de mondialisation des échanges, le dispositif français de lutte contre le trafic international de cocaïne s'est adapté, en orientant ses structures répressives vers plus de coopération bilatérale et, depuis peu, multilatérale. Ce livre permet de mieux comprendre la lutte contre le trafic de cocaïne et les politiques publiques mises en oeuvre pour y répondre. Aurélien Llorca - L' Harmattan, fev. 2011, 134p - ISBN : 978-2296542686 www.editions-harmattan.fr/ Cognitive-behavioral interventions for emotional and behavioral disorders: schoolbased practice Evidence based and practical, this book presents state-of-the-science approaches for helping K-12 students who struggle with aggressive behaviors, anxiety, dependency, depression, ADHD, and autism. It explains the fundamentals of cognitive-behavioral intervention and reviews exemplary programs that offer powerful ways to reach at-risk children and adolescents. Leading authorities thoroughly describe n° 33 June 2011 - 11 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda the process of assessment, treatment implementation, and program evaluation. What makes the book unique is its focus on the nitty-gritty of schoolbased intervention, including how to integrate mental health services into the education system, and provide skills to school personnel. Matthew J Mayer, Richard Van Acker, John E Lochman & Frank M Gresham - Guilford Press, March 2011, 420p ISBN: 978-1609184810 www.guilford.com/ Steroids and other performanceenhancing drugs Discusses performance-enhancing drugs, explaining their history, effect on the body, reasons for use, laws that control their use, their use by amateur and professional athletes, their medical benefits when used properly, the addiction they create, the damages they do when abused, and how to stop using them. Includes bibliographical references and index. Suellen May - Chelsea House imprint (Series: Understanding Drugs), June 2011, 112p - ISBN: 978-1604135527 www.infobasepublishing.com/ Psychische Störungen bei Mitarbeitern Drogues : Pourquoi la légalisation est inévitable Mental disorders at the work place Psychische Störungen wie Ängste, Depressionen oder Abhängigkeiten sind heute einer der häufigsten Gründe für Fehltage und Berufsunfähigkeiten von Arbeitnehmern. Dieses Buch liefert verständliches Grundwissen zu psychischen Störungen für Führungs kräfte und Personalverantwortliche, hilft bei der Früherkennung von Fehlbelastungen und gibt handfeste Tipps zum Umgang mit gefährdeten Mitarbeitern, zur Prävention im Unternehmen und zur Wiedereingliederung. Gedanken-Experimente und Reflexionsfragen helfen, den Blick zu schärfen; ausführliche Checklisten unterstützen bei der Implementierung der Maßnahmen. Der Betrieb entwickelt leistungsfähige und engagierte Mitarbeiter mit geringen Fehl-zeiten, die Träger der Sozialversicherung werden entlastet, die Beiträge bleiben stabil und die Lohnnebenkosten geringer. Ina Riechert - Springer, April 2011, 246 S. - ISBN: 978-3642169793 www.springer.com Drugs: Why legalisation is inevitable Géopolitique des drogues The geopolicy of drugs La prévention de l'usage des drogues et la lutte contre leur trafic international doivent être replacées dans le contexte plus vaste de la géopolitique. Gouvernements, groupes insurgés ou organisations criminelles et terroristes se disputent les ressources des zones de culture du pavot, de la coca et du cannabis, ainsi que les routes d'acheminement des substances illicites auxquelles se sont ajoutées les drogues de synthèse. Ce livre offre les clés pour déchiffrer ces enjeux économiques et stratégiques et pour comprendre comment la guerre à la drogue est devenue un instrument au service de politiques sécuritaires, commerciales ou expansionnistes. Alain Labrousse - PUF, février 2011, 128p - ISBN : 978-2130586128 www.puf.com/ Pour en finir avec les dealers The Emperor's new drugs. Exploding the antidepressant myth Let's get it over with dealers In this book, the author argues that antidepressant drugs are not effective and that the idea of depression as a chemical imbalance in the brain is pure myth. Antidepressants are significantly more dangerous than other forms of treatment and are only marginally more effective than placebo pills. Based on 15 years of research, this book makes an overwhelming case that what the medical community considered a cornerstone of psychiatric treatment is little more than a faulty consensus. But the author does more than just criticize: he offers a path society can follow to stop popping pills and start proper treatment. Aujourd'hui, en France, on tue pour quelques euros. Le marché du cannabis génère plusieurs milliards d'euros de chiffre d'affaires. L'argent facile dans un monde en crise, attire des jeunes prêts à tuer. Comment en sommesnous arrivés à cette folie ? Après 30 années d'abandon du politique dans les banlieues, Stéphane Gatignon, maire de Sevran, et Serge Supersac, ancien flic de terrain, donnent les raisons de ce chaos. Rester dans la logique actuelle, c'est s'acheminer vers une véritable guerre des gangs. Pour en finir avec les dealers, il faut sortir de la prohibition. La délinquance surmédiatisée, les enjeux de santé publique et d'économie, doivent inciter à agir avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Irving Kirsch - Basic Books reprint / Perseus Group, March 2011, 240p ISBN: 978-0465022007 www.perseusbooksgroup.com/ Stéphane Gatignon & Serge Supersac - Grasset & Fasquelle, avril 2011, 224p - ISBN : 978-2246783596 www.grasset.fr/ De nombreux responsables de la lutte antidrogue l'affirment : cette guerre est irrémédiablement perdue. Les drogues sont aujourd'hui moins chères et plus faciles à trouver. La prohibition n'a qu'un bénéficiaire incontestable : le trafiquant, dont elle est l'alliée objective. Mais alors, faut-il légaliser les drogues ? Et si oui, à quelles conditions ? Ce livre apporte une réponse très documentée, lucide, sans polémique ni provocation. Michel Henry - Éd. Denoël, janvier 2011, 240p - ISBN : 978-2207101209 www.denoel.fr/ Philosophie pratique de la drogue Practical philosophy on drug use Comment devient-on dépendant aux drogues et autres produits psychoactifs ? Comment s'en sortir ? Que valent les politiques publiques de la drogue ? Telles sont les questions abordées dans cet ouvrage, traitées à partir de témoignages d'usagers, recueillis à Paris et à New York. Témoins privilégiés des conditions individuelles, sociales et neuropsychiques d'entrée dans un parcours addictif, les anciens usagers revendiquent leur liberté d'avoir consommé, pour leur bien-être, des produits dangereux, tout en rendant compte des dégâts qui ont pu en découler. À l'éthique de la drogue succède une éthique de la sortie qu'on cherche à garantir par de nouvelles habitudes et de nouveaux engagements. La philosophie pratique de la drogue qui ressort de ces témoignages est libertaire sur un plan individuel, mais collectivement responsable, en termes notamment de prévention, de réduction des dommages et d'accompagnement des usagers. Cette posture implique une reconsidération des politiques répressives mais largement impuissantes devant le phénomène social de l'addiction, qui n'a cessé de croître avec le développement des sociétés marchandes. Patrick Pharo - Éd. du Cerf, avril 2011, 402p - ISBN : 978-2204093026 www.editionsducerf.fr/ n° 33 June 2011 - 12 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda The essential guide to problem substance use during pregnancy Circles of recovery. Self-help organizations for addictions A reference guide for practitioners who provide care to women who use drugs or alcohol before or during their pregnancy. It establishes a 'framework for care' synthesising the latest good practice advice, guidelines and research knowledge, so that all women who use drugs and/or alcohol can be offered appropriate support before, during and after the birth of their baby. Information and intervention strategies are provided on topics such as antenatal care, the management of substance use during pregnancy, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), breastfeeding, postnatal care, management of risk, and child welfare concerns during pregnancy. Self-help organizations such as AA, The Links, Moderation Management, Narcotics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, have attracted millions of individuals seeking to address addiction problems with drugs or alcohol. The book provides an integrative, international review of research on these organizations, focusing in particular on the critical questions of how they affect individual members and whether self-help groups and formal health care systems can work together to combat substance abuse. It reviews over 500 studies into the efficacy of self-help groups as an alternative and voluntary form of treatment. In addition, it provides practical strategies for how individual clinicians and treatment systems can interact with self-help groups in a way that improves outcomes for patients and for communities as a whole. Anne Whittaker - DrugScope, 3rd ed., June 2011, 224p - ISBN: 978-1904319535 www.hit.org.uk/ Philanthropy of George Soros. Building open societies Any professional working in the illicit drugs field knows George Soros as the founder of the Drug Policy Alliance. In fact, he is one of the world's leading philanthropists: over the past 30 years, he has provided more than $8 billion to his network, known as the Open Society Foundations for many projects around the world. This book details his philanthropy, and explains the innovative ways his Foundations have supported the concept of open society, the cornerstone of Soros's commitment to democracy, justice, and human rights. Chuck Sudetic - Public Affairs, May 2011, 384p - ISBN: 978-1586488222 www.publicaffairsbooks.com/ DRUGS & ALCOHOL Alcohol & drug use among youth The book presents new research findings in the study of alcohol and drug use among youth. Topics discussed include the quantity and frequency of alcohol use among underage drinkers; findings from surveys on drug use; young people who tend to drink how they are obtaining alcohol, and rural middle school counselors' competency for addressing student substance abuse. Agatha M Pichler - Nova Science Pub., June 2011 - ISBN: 978-1612090849 www.novapublishers.com/ Keith Humphreys - Cambridge Univ. Press, March 2011, 240p - ISBN: 9780521176378 www.cambridge.org ALCOHOL Alcohol nation: How to protect our children from today's drinking culture We are a nation that loves to drink, and we're passing the habit on to our children. But a growing body of new evidence about the dangers of alcohol consumption at a young age will force us to reconsider the way we view alcohol and young people. As parents, we need to talk to our children about alcohol but many of us are not sure what to say. This book ties up all the latest research and puts them into context. He addresses drinking not just as a teenage problem but as an integral part of our history and culture. It will lead us to understand how the way we view alcohol impacts directly upon our children's present and future health, and academic success, and it will answer the question, “how can I reconcile my enjoyment of drinking with ensuring my child grows up knowing how to drink sensibly?”. Aric Sigman - Piatkus Books, June 2011, 288p - ISBN: 978-0749954284 www.piatkus.co.uk/ Generation Alkopops. Jugendliche zwischen Marketing, Medien und Milieu Generation of alcopops. Young people between marketing, media and environment Sie sind arbeitslos, gewaltbereit, ohne jede Moral und vor allem sind sie Komasäufer und nehmen Drogen - so ist das Bild von Kindern und Jugendlichen, das medial vermittelt wird. Die Autoren geben mit ihren Beiträgen Impulse, die Lebensbedingungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen differenzierter wahrzunehmen und darzustellen. Sie eröffnen darüber hinaus Perspektiven für die Weiterentwicklung und Gestaltung von Präventionsund Hilfeangeboten. Gabriele Bartsch & Raphael Gaßmann - Lambertus, Dec 2010, 136 Seiten ISBN : 978-3784120065 www.lambertus.de/ Young people & alcohol This volume aims to be a practical reference for professionals in the field of alcohol misuse who work with people aged 12 to 25 years. It provides from a range of professional backgrounds with up to date information about the effects of alcohol use in the young and its management, with an emphasis on interventions whose effectiveness is supported by evidence. Written by an internationally renowned team of contributors, chapters span five key sections: the phenomenon and impact of youth drinking; neurobiology; prevention and early intervention; assessment and diagnosis; and treatment. John Saunders & Joseph Rey - WileyBlackwell, May 2011, 384p - ISBN: 978-1444335989 http://eu.wiley.com/ Alcohol, pregnancy and the developing child This is a re-edition of a book published in 1996, which was the first to review the relationship between maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy and the resulting in utero damage to the child, and the results of this damage during the development of affected children. The first part of the book discusses clinical issues of alcohol n° 33 June 2011 - 13 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda teratogenicity, the clinical picture of fetal alcohol syndrome, and the epidemiology of maternal alcohol abuse and the developmental outcome of the children. The second part addresses pathogenesis and neuropathology, whilst part three reviews developmental issues in the growing child. The final part evaluates approaches to rehabilitation and intervention, and reviews social and public health issues. Hans-Ludwig Spohr, Hans-Christoph Steinhausen et al. - Cambridge Univ. Press, June 2011, 326p - ISBN: 9780521282345 www.cambridge.org Recovery A to Z: A handbook of twelve-step key terms and phrases This recovery-oriented compendium written by people in recovery for people in recovery, defines words, phrases, and slogans commonly used in twelve-step programs. Also included are chapters on: Meeting and fellowship etiquette.- FAQs. - Character defects and manifestations. Useful for people in twelve-step recovery. Central Recovery Press, 2nd ed., June 2011, 256p - ISBN: 978-1936290048 www.centralrecoverypress.com/ TOBACCO & ALCOHOL Trade and public health. The WTO, tobacco, alcohol, and diet Non-communicable diseases, associated with risk factors such as tobacco consumption, poor diet and alcohol use, represent a growing health burden around the world. The seriousness of non-communicable diseases is reflected in the adoption of international instruments such as the WHO Framework convention on tobacco control, the WHO Global strategy on diet, and the WHO Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. In line with these instruments, states are beginning to use measures such as taxes, restrictions on marketing, product regulation and labeling measures for public health purposes. This book examines the extent to which the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO) restricts domestic implementation of these types of measures. The relationship between international health instruments and the WTO Agreement is examined, as are the WTO covered agreements themselves. Benn McGrady - Cambridge Univ. Press, May 2011, 340p - ISBN:: 9781107008410 www.cambridge.org GAMBLING / INTERNET Get rid of gambling. Overcome one of the most difficult addictions today All problem gamblers believe that prolonged gambling provides them with a chance to get out of debt with that ever elusive 'one big win'. This erroneous belief is one that a problem gambler has to drop from a great height if they're to have any chance of success. This eBook offers a solution that will help gamblers to stop their addiction. It covers: Why we get into bad gambling habits.- Why gambling won't fix debt.- What occurs.- Steps to overcome the habit.- Abstention or command and the journey.- And more! Mya Diaz - Kindle eBook / Amazon Media EU, 248 KB - ASIN: B005286I3S www.amazon.co.uk/ Prévenir le jeu excessif dans une société addictive : D'une approche bio-psycho-sociale à la définition d'une politique de santé publique Preventing excessive gambling in an addictive society: From a bio-psycho-social approach to the definition of a public health policy Qu'est-ce que le jeu excessif ? Quelle compréhension pouvons-nous en avoir dans une perspective bio-psychosociale ? Ces connaissances aurontelles un impact sur nos interventions ? Nos sociétés ne contribuent-elles pas à favoriser les conduites addictives dans leur paradigme consumériste ? Cet ouvrage, qui regroupe les principaux acteurs dans ce domaine au niveau européen et international, permet d'appréhender cette problématique tant au niveau historique, que diagnostique ou épidémiologique, pour les différents types de jeux, et ce depuis les neurosciences jusqu'à la santé publique, décrivant les différentes politiques nationales, les interactions avec l'industrie du jeu en termes de développement durable, les programmes de prévention et de thérapie, et les nouvelles approches. Olivier Simon, Margret Rhis-Middel, Caroline Dunand - Groupe Médecine et Hygiène (Suisse), nov. 2010, 320p ISBN : 978-2880492915 www.medhyg.ch/ Gefangen im Netz? Onlinesucht: Chats, Onlinespiele, Cybersex Caught in the net? Online addiction: chats, online games, cybersex Das Internet hat neue Formen von Suchtverhalten hervorgebracht, die sich schnell ausbreiten. Erstmals werden in diesem Buch Onlinechat-, Onlinespiel- und Onlinesex-Sucht und deren Facetten beleuchtet. Was ist das? Bin ich süchtig? Was genau sind die Symptome? Was können Angehörige, Eltern, Lehrer und Fachpersonal dagegen tun? Nicht jeder, der lange Zeit am PC verbringt, muss gleich onlinesüchtig sein. Dennoch lohnt sich ein zweiter Blick, denn oft wird die Onlinesucht zunächst von Angehörigen und Freunden erkannt. Aber noch immer ist die Onlinesucht nicht als Krankheit anerkannt. Hier berichten die Betroffenen selbst über ihr Leid, und Fachleute bieten konkreten Rat und Hilfe an. Gabriele Farke - Huber Hans, Juni 2011, 154 S. - ISBN: 978-3456849430 www.verlag-hanshuber.com/ Glücksspiel und Spielerschutz in Österreich. Empirische Erkenntnisse zum Spielverhalten der Bevölkerung und zur Prävention der Glücksspielsucht Gambling and prevention in Austria. Empirical findings on the gambling behaviour and the prevention of gambling addiction In Österreich lagen bisher kaum empirische Erkenntnisse über die Glücksspielteilnahme und -probleme der Bevölkerung sowie spezieller Spielergruppen vor. Deshalb wurde eine mehrmodulare Studie durchgeführt, in der unter anderem die Allgemeinbevölkerung, Automaten- und Onlinespieler sowie das Personal von Glücksspielanbietern befragt worden sind. Auf der Grundlage dieser empirischen Ergebnisse werden Empfehlungen für verhaltens- und verhältnispräventive Maßnahmen für das Glücksspielwesen in Österreich formuliert. Jens Kalke, Sven Buth, Moritz Rosenkranz, Christian Schütze, Harald Oechsler, Uwe Verthein - Lambertus, Mai 2011, 338 Seiten - ISBN : 9783784120416 www.lambertus.de/default.asp n° 33 June 2011 - 14 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Forthcoming books July/December 2011 ALL ADDICTIONS Addictions This 2nd edition builds on the success of the first one, incorporating advances in research and practice over the last ten years. The book includes material on: the nature of addiction and who becomes addicted; health consequences of alcohol and other drug dependence; theories and causes of addition. The authors also include new material on the controversy surrounding the possible positive effects of alcohol and cannabis use, the increased risk of interpersonal violence, and new research on theories of addiction. Maree Teesson, Wayne Hall, Heather Proudfoot & Louisa Degenhardt Psychology Press, Oct. 2011, 176p ISBN: 978-0415583008 www.psypress.com/ Neuroimaging in addiction Approaching addiction from a conceptual rather than a substance-specific perspective, this book integrates broad neuropsychological constructs that consider addiction as a neuroplastic process with genetic, developmental, and substance-induced contributions. Following a general introduction, an overview of neural circuitry and modern non-invasive imaging techniques provides the framework for subsequent chapters on reward salience, craving, stress, impulsivity, and cognition. Additional topics include the use of neuroimaging for the assessment of acute drug effects, drug-induced neurotoxicity, non-substance addictive behaviors, and the application of imaging genetics to identify unique intermediate phenotypes. The book concludes with an exploration of the future promise for functional imaging as guide to the diagnosis and treatment of addictive disorders. Bryon Adinoff & Elliot A Stein Wiley-Blackwell, Aug 2011, 368p ISBN: 978-0470660140 http://eu.wiley.com/ Addiction neuroethics. The promises and perils of neuroscience research on addiction Addiction is a significant health and social problem and one of the largest preventable causes of disease globally. Neuroscience promises to revolutionise our ability to treat addiction, lead to recognition of addiction as a 'real' disorder in need of medical treatment and thereby reduce stigma and discrimination. However, neuroscience raises numerous social and ethical challenges: • If addicted individuals are suffering from a brain disease that drives them to drug use, should we mandate treatment? • Does addiction impair an individual's ability to consent to research or treatment? • How will neuroscience affect social policies towards drug use? This book addresses these challenges by examining ethical implications of emerging neurobiological treatments, including: novel psychopharmacology, neurosurgery, drug vaccines to prevent relapse, and genetic screening to identify individuals who are vulnerable to addiction. Essential reading for academics, clinicians, researchers and policymakers in the fields of addiction, mental health and public policy. Adrian Carter & Wayne Hall Cambridge Univ. Press, Dec. 2011, 416p - ISBN: 978-1107003248 www.cambridge.org/ Treating addiction: A guide for professionals This practitioner reference book focuses on how to provide effective help to clients with substance use disorders. The authors present a state-of-the-art framework for assessment and treatment. They describe and illustrate evidence-based treatment methods, including cognitive-behavioral, 12-step, motivational, pharmacological, and family approaches. Also addressed are such crucial clinical issues as resistance, maintenance of change, treating co-occurring disorders, and spirituality. Clinical tools can be photocopied from the book or downloaded from www.guilford.com/p/miller11. This companion web page features additional widely used assessment tools, together with the authors' guidance for using them throughout the process of treatment. William R Miller, Alyssa Forcehimes & Allen Zweben - Guilford Press, Sept 2011, 446 p - ISBN: 978-1609186388 www.guilford.com/ Perioperative addiction: Clinical management of the addicted patient This volume addresses an issue that every anesthesiologist can encounter: the patient who arrives for operative care under the influence of legal or illegal drugs. It provides a guidance on how to identify and manage the addicted patient, approaching the subject from the vantage points of the specific drug and of special patient populations. Topics: • Guidance for managing addicted patients.• All common and important drugs of addiction, from opioids, cocaine, club drugs, and alcohol, to tobacco, marijuana, nitrous oxide, inhalants, and propofol.• Special populations, including pregnant women, pain patients, adolescents, older patients, and healthcare professionals.Fascinating overview of the long history of addiction.• Genetic basis of addiction, and the range of pharmacological treatments for addiction. Ethan Bryson & Elizabeth Frost Springer, Dec 2011/Jan 2012, 388p ISBN: 978-1461401698 www.springer.com/ Handbook of applied behavior analysis Describing the state of the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA), this handbook provides detailed information about theory, research, and intervention. Contributors present current best practices in behavioral assessment and demonstrate evidence-based strategies for supporting positive behaviors and reducing problem behaviors. Conceptual, empirical, and procedural building blocks of ABA are reviewed and specific applications described in education, autism treatment, addiction treatment, and other areas. The volume also addresses crucial professional and ethical issues, making it a training tool for ABA practitioners. Wayne W Fisher, Cathleen C Piazza and Henry S Roane - Guilford, Aug 2011, 544p - ISBN: 978-1609184681 www.guilford.com/ Healing the addictive personality: freeing yourself from addictive patterns and relationships This ebook presents ways of healing addictive thinking, behavior, and destructive relationship patterns with forgiveness, compassion, and the potential for limitless opportunity through an 11-week action plan. This book goes deep to expose the profile of the addictive personality, and then broadens from there to show us how to recognize the characteristics of the addictive personality and understand why it develops in the first place. This edition of a self-help classic presents a spiritual approach to changing addictive behaviors and destructive relationship patterns. Updates include new findings on the effects of neurochemistry on addiction. Lee Jampolsky - Ten Speed Press, imprint of Celestial Arts / Crown Publishing Group (2008) / Amazon Kindle eBook, Aug 2011, 192p - ASIN: B004QX05W0 www.ebooksshop.org.uk/ n° 33 June 2011 - 15 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda The interventionist The author, an average suburban mother was secretly addicted to multiple forms of opiates and amphetamine. Through the life-changing intervention of Dr. Phil, she not only committed to getting help for her addiction, but she also went on to become a professional interventionist, helping many others in distress. In this book she intertwines her experiences with depictions of her often harrowing and always inspiring interventions of the addicts and families she's worked with. In each chapter she recounts details of a client's unique battle with addiction and the devastation that led to a request for her help. Her book demonstrates how it is possible to emerge from the seemingly hopeless world of out-of-control drug use and not only regain one's sanity, but actually discover that life clean and sober can be more meaningful than it ever was before. Joani Gammill - Hazelden, July 2011, 336p - ISBN: 978-1592858941 www.hazelden.org/ The intervention book: Stories and solutions from addicts, professionals, and families In this book, the author offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and staging interventions. She begins by explaining the concept of intervention - the critical waking up point when the addict accepts that addiction has taken over his life. She takes readers through the different types of interventions, and offers advice from professional counselors and family members who have used interventions successfully. The book includes about 20 accounts from recovering addicts and alcoholics, along with their friends and families who have been through interventions and started recovery. Kathy L - Red Wheel/Weiser / Conari, Sept 2011, 256p - ISBN: 978-1573244954 www.conari.com/ Moms to moms. Shared wisdom from moms in recovery In this book, the author shares stories, advice, and inspiration from nearly 100 mothers in recovery from across the US who have struggled with addiction. These are women of all ages, races, and religious affiliations who candidly share their experiences: the challenges of being a mom in recovery, the values they want to teach their children, and their fears, struggles, and accomplishments. Barbara Joy - Red Wheel/Weiser/ Conari Press, Sept 2011, 192p - ISBN: 978-1573244831 www.conari.com/ Addiction and virtue: Beyond the models of disease and choice What is the nature of addiction? Neither of the two dominant models (disease or choice) adequately accounts for the experience of those who are addicted or of those who are seeking to help them. In this interdisciplinary work, the author brings the neglected resources of philosophical and theological analysis to bear on the problem of addiction. Drawing on the insights of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, he formulates an alternative to the usual reductionistic models. He maintains that addiction is not just a problem facing individuals. Its pervasiveness sheds prophetic light on our cultural moment. Moving beyond issues of individual treatment, this study also outlines significant implications for ministry within the local church context. Kent Dunnington - IVP Academic, Sept 2011, 208p - ISBN: 978-0830839018 www.ivpress.com/ AA to Z: An addictionary of the 12-step culture AA to Z is the first book to document the richness and diversity of the lives of recovering people and to provide an encyclopedic look at this unique subculture. Less self-help than enlightenment, AA to Z is comprised of reallife stories of recovering addicts as well as an "addictionary" of recovery terminology. Everything from the wellknown slogan “One day at a time” to more esoteric terms like “pigeon” (a lovingly insulting term for a newcomer to the program) and “wharf rats” (sober deadheads) is explained with clarity, insight, and humor. The book offers the uninitiated a fascinating firsthand look at one of the most influential yet least-documented cultural movements of our time. Christopher Cavanaugh - Main Street Books/Amazon Kindle eBook, Aug 2011, 208p - ASIN: B004FYZK2A www.ebooksshop.org.uk/ How to defeat harmful habits: Freedom from six addictive behaviors This book provides a compassionate biblical guidance to help readers recognize addictive impulses and habits, set boundaries, seek help, and trust the power of Christ to release them from the hold of addictions. The book covers: overeating; alcohol and drug abuse; sexual addiction; co-dependency; anorexia and bulimia and more… June Hunt - Harvest House Publishers, Oct 2011, 384p - ISBN: 978-0736923293 http://harvesthousepublishers.com/ DRUGS Criminal dilemmas: Understanding and preventing crime Fighting crime breeds emotional responses which often lead to counterproductive government policy. To allow a rational analysis of these concerns, this book employs the thinking of economics, political science, and game theory to develop new perspectives on crime and its causes. A basic assumption is that the criminal is a rational actor who makes decisions based on his personal expected gains and costs. By using this assumption, predictions about behaviour as well as emotional concerns such as prostitution and gun control are given a theoretical perspective. By understanding the strategic variables which cause, for example, gang wars and drug sales, we are better equipped to design effective public policy. In this 2nd edition, a chapter on police corruption has been added. The Gangs chapter has been updated and focuses more on evaluating competing hypotheses about gang organization and activity. Katri K Sieberg - Springer (Series: Studies in Economic Theory, Vol. 12) July 2011, 199p - ISBN: 978-3642063114 www.springer.com n° 33 June 2011 - 16 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda New developments in drug abuse, trade and policies This book presents current research in the study of drug abuse, drug trade and various policies. Topics discussed include NIDA informational facts on steroids; anabolic steroid use and federal efforts to prevent and reduce the use of steroids among teenagers; international drug control policy; illicit drug trafficking and US counterdrug programs in Latin America and the Caribbean; illegal drug trade in Africa and the background; effectiveness and policy issues for Congress regarding drug courts. Gustavo L Suarez - Nova Science Pub., ebook, end 2011 - ISBN: 978-1614704164 www.novapublishers.com/ Border junkies: Addiction and survival on the streets of Juarez and El Paso The author - who survived years of heroin addiction and failed attempts at detox and finally cleaned up in 2003 describes his life between the disparate Mexican and American cultures and among the fellow junkies, drug dealers, hookers, thieves, and killers who were his friends and neighbors in addiction - and the social workers, missionaries, and doctors who tried to help him escape. He shows how homelessness, poverty, and addiction fuel the use of narcotics and the rise in their consumption on the streets of Juárez and contribute to the societal decay of this Mexican urban landscape. He also offers significant insights into the US-Mexico borderland's underground and the ways in which the region's inhabitants adapt to the local economic terrain. Scott Comar & Howard Campbell Univ. of Texas Press, Oct. 2011, 242p - ISBN: 978-0292726833 www.utexas.edu/ Policing methamphetamine: Narcopolitics in rural America Methamphetamine has become one of the most dangerous drugs in America. As a result, there has been a concerted effort at the local level to root out the methamphetamine problem by identifying the people who are suspected to be involved with methamphetamine. Government anti-methamphetamine legislation has enhanced these local efforts, encouraging rural residents to identify meth offenders. The book shows what happens in everyday life when methamphetamine becomes an object of collective concern. Drawing on interviews with users, police officers, judges, parents and friends of addicts in one West Virginia town, the author finds that this effort to confront the problem changed the character of the community as well as the role of law in creating and maintaining social order. Ultimately, this work addresses the impact of methamphetamine and, more generally, the war on drugs, on everyday life in the US. Anybody who wishes can buy drugs. The price has never been lower. Drugrelated criminal activity costs the nation billions of pounds a year and clogs up the courts and our prisons. Hundreds of millions of pounds are spent trying to prevent drugs reaching our shores, with very little success, and the NHS spends millions of pounds on drug related illness. The only way to take the drug business away from the criminal gangs is to make drugs legal. Simultaneous international legalisation of all drugs, with robust measures to control access to them, will not be easy to achieve, but it holds out the best chance of taming and controlling the menace of drugs. William Campbell Garriott - New York Univ. Press, July 2011, 201p - ISBN: 978-0814732403 http://nyupress.org/ Drugs, brain, and behavior Implementing evidence-based practices in community corrections and addiction treatment Community corrections programs are emerging as an effective alternative to incarceration for drug-involved offenders. Since evidence-based practice is gaining recognition in both community systems and substance abuse treatment, a merger of the two seems logical. But integrating evidence-based addiction treatment into community corrections is no small feat - costs, personnel decisions, and appropriate interventions are all critical considerations. Featuring the first model of implementation strategies linking these fields, this text sets out criteria for identifying practices and programs as evidence. It is based on extensive research into organizational factors and external forces (e.g., funding, resources) with the most impact on the adoption of evidencebased practices, and implementation issues ranging from skill building to quality control. With this knowledge, organizations can set attainable goals and achieve treatment outcomes that reflect the evidence base. Faye S. Taxman & Steven Belenko Springer (series: Evidence-based crime policy), Nov 2011, 280p - ISBN: 978-1461404118 www.springer.com/ Legalize. The only way to combat drugs From very modest beginnings 40 years ago, illegal drugs have become a major concern in every country. Led by America, governments have introduced prohibitionist policies, but the legal sanctions have failed to make any impression on the problem and the streets of our cities remain awash with drugs. The international drug industry is second only to the arms trade in value, and it pays no tax. It has spawned corruption which threatens the stability of nations, and its scale makes it ineradicable. Evidence of the failure of prohibition is everywhere. Max Rendall - Stacey, July 2011, 200p - ISBN: 978-1906768652 www.stacey-international.co.uk/ The goal of this book is to provide an introduction to psychoactive drugs and behavior. It focuses on the interrelationship between psychological and physiological processes. With the increased interest in neuroscience, the authors pay particular attention to behavioral and nervous system processes as they relate to drug use. Using a unique approach, the authors integrate relevant examples from history, popular culture, and literature that help illustrate concepts. Color diagrams of neurons, neurotransmitters, and brain anatomy will provide students with structural representations that will enhance their understanding of the psychological and physiological processes involved in drug interaction. This text offers students both a scientific examination of the effects of drugs on behavior and an understanding of the contemporary issues related to drug use and abuse. Scott Bailey & Cathy Grover - John Wiley & Sons, Oct 2011, 448p - ISBN: 978-1405132251 http://eu.wiley.com/ Brain imaging in substance abuse. Research, clinical and forensic applications In this book, clinical researchers from diverse fields describe in detail the use of electroencephalography, emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and neuropsychology to study the neural effects of substance abuse. They extensively review research findings these powerful methods have yielded. The authors detail the effects of drugs, including alcohol, benzodiazepines, marijuana, opiates, cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens, and solvents on brain electrical activity, metabolism, hemodynamics, receptor and neurotransmitter levels, neurochemistry, and structure. The striking findings they report emerge from more than 1350 articles in some 320 journals, and are organized by method, abused substance, and drug use state. Marc J Kaufman, et al. - Humana Press/Springer, July 2011, 448p - ISBN: 978-1617371806 www.springer.com/ n° 33 June 2011 - 17 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Memoirs of an addicted brain: A neuroscientist examines his former life on drugs Our minds are governed by a cycle of craving: what we don't have, finding it, using it up or losing it, and then being driven by loss, need, desire, or insecurity to crave it all the more. This cycle is at the root of all addictions... But why are we so driven, often at great cost to ourselves? For many years the author was a drug addict himself, dependent on a series of substances. His narrative moves back and forth between the long, dark, ultimately triumphant story of his relationship with drugs, and a revelatory analysis of what was going on in his brain. He shows how drugs speak to the brain - itself designed to seek rewards and soothe pain - in its own language. He details the different neurological effects of a variety of drugs, from oxycodone to heroin, from drink to love. He freed himself from addiction and took up studying it. He is now professor of neuroscience since 12 years. Marc Lewis - Doubleday Canada, Oct 2011, 352 p - ISBN: 978-0385669252 for hardcover book, and 9780385669269 for eBook www.randomhouse.ca/ Handbook of drug interactions. A clinical and forensic guide Adverse drug interactions are still a major headache for healthcare professionals. The US Food and Drug Administration's database recorded almost 300,000 serious adverse events in 2009 alone, of which 45,000 instances proved fatal. This updated edition incorporates fresh research completed since its first publication in 2004. Additions include a new section on pharmacogenomics, a rapidly growing field that explores the genetic basis for the variability of responses to drugs. It reviews important polymorphisms in drug metabolizing enzymes and applies the findings to forensic interpretation, using case studies involving opiates as exemplars. Chapters from the first edition have been reworked to reflect new data. The book also features extra material on illicit drug use, with a new chapter tackling the subject that covers cocaine, amphetamines and cannabis, among others. The section on the central nervous system deals with a number of drugs that are abused illicitly, such as benzodiazepines, opiates flunitrazepam and GHB, while 'social' drugs such as alcohol and nicotine are discussed in the section on environmental and social pharmacology. Vincenzo Marzo - Springer, 2nd ed., July 2011, 228p - ISBN: 9781441934338 www.springer.com/ Ashraf Mozayani & Lionel Raymon Springer, 2nd ed., Aug 2011, 500p ISBN: 978-1617792212 www.springer.com/ In the last three years more than 23,000 people have been murdered in Amexica - the area of land that forms the border between the US and Mexico. This is both the busiest and most deadly frontier in the world, studded with guard-posts, infra-red searchlights and heavily armed patrols. Across it unfolds a war that is scarcely reported - a war that's being fought, with thousands dying and millions of lives blighted, so that Europe and America can get high. The author, journalist, explores his own love-hate relationship with the place and its people, while investigating the causes and consequences of the war and its impact on the everyday life which somehow carries on around it. Medical toxicology of drugs abuse: synthesized chemicals and psychoactive plants The book covers in part 1 (Synthetic and semisynthetic chemicals): amphetamines and phenethylamine derivatives; club drugs; eating disorders and appetite; erogenic agents and supplements; ethanol; lysergic acid diethylamide; older sedative hypnotic (lSD); opioids; phencyclidine; volatile substance abuse; anesthetics; fluorinated alkanes; industrial hydrocarbons; nitrogen compounds. Part 2 covers psychoactive plants such has caffeine, peyote and psilocybin. It covers the chemical structures, analytical methods, clinical features, and treatments of these drugs of abuse. Donald G Barceloux - Wiley-Blackwell, Oct 2011, 904p - ISBN: 978-0471727606 http://eu.wiley.com/ Cannabinoids The 21st century will witness the unprecedented marketing of therapeutic drugs developed from cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system. This book presents a review of important issues in cannabinoid research as well as those of most therapeutic relevance. For the first time, the multi-faceted aspects of cannabinoid chemistry, biology and medicine are presented in one volume. Key topics: • Families of phytocannabinoids • Pharmacological activity of phytocannabinoids • Interactions of phytocannabinoids with their proposed molecular target • Components of the endocannabinoid system • Molecular mechanisms of the endocannabinoid system • Physiological and pathological role of endocannabinoids • Industrial applications of studies on the cannabinoids • Therapeutic uses of agonists and antagonists of cannabinoids receptors. Amexica: War along the borderline Ed Vulliamy - Vintage imprint, Oct 2011, 320p - ISBN: 978-0099546566 www.amazon.co.uk/ Drugs and society This 11th updated edition contains the current information available concerning drug use and abuse. Written in an user-friendly manner, this text continues to captivate students by taking a biological approach to the impact of drug use and abuse on the lives of ordinary people. It incorporates the authors' combined expertise in pharmacology, drug abuse, and sociology and extensive experience in research, teaching, drug policy-making, and drug policy implementation and includes hundreds of new citations that reflect the current state of drug abuse issues and the rapidly changing issues of substance abuse/addiction. Glen Hanson, Annette Fleckenstein & Peter Venturelli - Jones & Bartlett, July 2011, 624p - ISBN: 978-1449613693 www.jblearning.com/ Handbook of child and adolescent drug and substance abuse. Pharmacological, developmental, and clinical considerations More than 90% of adults with current substance use disorders started using before age 18, engaging in behaviors that affect healthy neurological and psychological development. This handbook provides a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the nature and extent of substance use by children and adolescents. Discussion is included on the direct impact on health, safety, and well being, as well as that of families and communities. It will enable mental health professionals, students, and policy makers to develop effective prevention and treatment services for children and adolescents affected by substance abuse. Ann Marie Pagliaro & Louis Pagliaro - John Wiley & Sons, 2nd edition, Nov 2011, 512p - ISBN: 978-0470639061 http://bookshop.blackwell.co.uk/ n° 33 June 2011 - 18 parties to identify - and help - each of these distinct groups. Gary L Fisher - Praeger, July 2011, 190p - ISBN: 978-0313387074 www.abc-clio.com/ Reinforcement-based treatment for substance use disorders • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Sex, drugs & techno As a DJ, the club/party scene showed Paul a world he thought only the rich and famous could taste. But that seductive, drug-induced scene took him to the very edge. Visiting the mystical island of Bali he found a tribal community, offering Paul a way. Severing the lifestyle he loved and cherished was only the beginning: severing the pain of the past was a journey to the brink - and beyond. Paul Eldridge - John Hunt Publishing, imprint of Soul Rocks Books, Aug 2011, 214p - ISBN: 978-1846945113 www.whsmith.co.uk/ Understanding why addicts are not all alike: Recognizing the types and how their differences affect intervention and treatment A new understanding of drug abuse explores treatment issues based on subtypes of addicts. This book provides an in-depth, research-based analysis of three specific subtypes of substance abusers: addicts who fit the disease model, addicts with antisocial personality disorder, and functional addicts - those who lead otherwise successful lives. Particular attention is paid to the latter two groups, which have not been adequately studied previously. Characteristics of the three subtypes are illustrated through case studies that clearly demonstrate how subtype impacts prevention, intervention, and treatment. Most important, the book recommends practical intervention and treatment strategies that will enable concerned This book is a clinician manual for implementing Reinforcement-Based Treatment (RBT), an evidence-based model for treating substance use disorders in community settings. RBT integrates effective behavioral techniques with motivational interviewing, highly individualized treatment plans, and case management. The goal is to help clients avoid substance use triggers and develop recreational outlets and support systems that are incompatible with substance use. Additionally, the model emphasizes customer service a concept underemphasized in most programs - to ensure that clients receive positive reinforcement for attending treatment. The book provides clear, detailed, and practical case illustrations and a variety of useful forms and therapist scripts. L Michelle Tuten, Hendree E Jones, Cindy M Schaeffer & Maxine L Stitzer - American Psychological Association (APA), Aug 2011, 256p - ISBN: 9781433810244 www.apa.org/ Infamous players. A tale of movies, the mob (and sex) In 1967, the author decided to enter into the dizzying world of motion pictures. The book tells the story of his whirlwind journey at Paramount, and his role in its triumph and failures. This book is a recollection of the icons he met there, with behind-the-scenes details and an insightful analysis. This golden era at Paramount was fraught with chaos and company turmoil. Drugs, sex, runaway budgets, management infighting, and even the Mafia started finding their way onto the Paramount backlot, making it surely one of the worst-run studios in the history of the movie industry. Peter Bart - Perseus Books, May 2011, 288p - ISBN: 978-1602861398 www.perseusbooksgroup.com/ Addiction & grief: Letting go of fear, anger, and addiction Working a 12-step programme helps keep many recovering addicts and alcoholics sober, but not necessarily Titles for teens in the “Dealing with drugs series”: A series for teens 9-12 years old will be published in Aug. 2011, by Crabtree Publishing, 48p. at www.crabtreebooks.com/ (no images yet) • Marijuana - Troon Harrison Adams - ISBN: 978-0778755098 • Party and club drugs - Marguerite Rodger - ISBN: 978-0778755173 • Street Pharma - Jessica Wilkins - ISBN: 978-0778755128 • Inhalants and solvents - Jon Eben Field - ISBN: 978-0778755159 • Crystal Meth - Carrie L. Cross - ISBN: 978-0778755074 • Steroids - Erin Knight - ISBN: 978-0778755111 www.perma-bound.com/ViewDetail/1043026-dealing-with-drugs-crabtree happy. This book looks at the emotional “bottom” of recovery. Just as one needs to hit bottom with drinking or using in order to begin recovery, eventually one will also hit an emotional bottom of fear, anger, and grief. The book challenges readers in recovery to investigate the unresolved grief, and the negative emotions that can lead back to using. It begins with a “grief” list that helps readers understand where, when, and how fear and anger took control of their lives, and then provides a set of questions to identify how these negative emotions continue to hold them back in recovery. It shows that authentic recovery is more than an attitude: it is based on emotional work that involves an honest appraisal of one's life, and the willingness to change. Barb Rogers - Red Wheel/Conari Press, Oct 2011, 144p - ISBN: 978-1573245166 www.conari.com/ The anatomy of addiction: Recognizing the triggers standing in the way of recovery The relapse rate for addicts in conventional treatment programs is a shocking 70-90%, despite the efforts of family members, doctors, and the addicts themselves. Drawing on the latest addiction research, the authors argue that the reason so many addicts fail to make headway is because, too often, they focus on the addiction only, and not the many factors that contribute to it. Readers will learn how to: • Recognize what people and situations drive their addiction. o Peel back the layers of their life to understand the roots of helplessness and dependency. • Rewrite family dynamics and end the cycle of addiction. This is an eye-opening look for addicts and family members that will show them how to discover the heart of problem, and overcome it. Morteza Khaleghi, Karen Khaleghi Palgrave Macmillan, Oct 2011, 240p ISBN: 978-0230107090 www.bookdepository.co.uk/ n° 33 June 2011 - 19 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda The drug effect. Health, crime and society This book offers new perspectives on critical debates in the field of alcohol and other drug use. Drawing together work by esperts in Australia, the US, the UK and Canada, it explores social and cultural meanings of drug use and analyses law enforcement and public health frameworks and objectives related to drug policy and service provision. In doing so, it addresses key questions of drug use and addiction through interdisciplinary, predominantly sociological and criminological, perspectives, mapping and building on recent conceptual and empirical advances in the field. These include questions of materiality and agency, the social constitution of disease and neo-liberal subjectivity and responsibility. This book provides a fresh scholarly perspective on drug use and addiction by collecting top quality original work, written by a mix of international leaders in the field and emerging scholars working at the cutting edge of research. Graham John Trout & Rymantas Kazlauskas - Royal Society of Chemistry, Nov 2011, 250p - ISBN: 9781849731720 www.amazon.co.uk/ Drugs in sport. Perspectives on doping in the world of sport This book is a multi-author title designed to help athletes, coaches, lawyers, doctors and sports officials get to grips with a complex and sometimes explosive topic. It provides a collection of pieces, some controversial and not all in agreement by the leading minds in the field. Beginning with a preface by Dick Pound, controversial ex-head of the World Anti-Doping Agency, the book includes chapters by: the late Wilf Paish; Linford Christie and Dwain Chambers; Prof. Julian Savalescu of Oxford University; Michele Verroken, the former Director of Ethics at UK Sport; and Tony Fitton, who was once a prolific supplier of drugs to athletes. The result is this book that is academically sound and hugely informative, as well as wide-ranging and refreshingly open. Suzanne Fraser & David Moore Cambridge University Press, Dec 2011 - ISBN: 978-0521156059 www.cambridge.org Geoffrey K Platt - A & C Black Pub., Sept 2011, 304p - ISBN: 978-1408147184 www.bookdepository.co.uk/ Drugs in sport: Science and detection Performance explosion in sports: An anti-doping concept Seldom does a day go by without the topic of drugs in sport being mentioned in the media. Athletes, sports administrators, scientists and the general public all take an interest in this controversial subject. The issues involved are complex. Whilst the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) provides much knowledge, information is lacking on the technical aspects of drugs in sport - for example, what drugs do what, and what methods are used to detect various classes of drugs. This book starts with a brief history of drugs in sport before going on to describe why drugs are banned and by whom, sample collection, which drugs are banned, effects on performance, misuse of pharmaceuticals and designer drugs, metabolism as the key to detection, detection methods, and relevant developments in medicine and biology. It finishes with a chapter on future challenges. This book offers new findings in the area of inividual micronutrient therapy in top and recreational athletes that has lead to the preservation of connective tissue function (ligaments, tendons, cartilage), thereby facilitating injury-free training. The new findings and practical help will be a significant milestone for future generations and a good source of advice for athletes, trainers, physical therapists and physicians. Elmar Wienecke - Meyer & Meyer Sport UK, Aug 2011, 288p - ISBN: 9781841263304 - Also in German, under the title “Leistungsexplosion im Sport” ISBN: 978-3898996525 www.m-m-sports.com/ Towards a social science of drugs in sport The debate around the role of drugs in sport is vibrant. There is a wealth of evidence from the hard end of science, telling us how drugs work, how drug testing works, and how many athletes have fallen foul of the system. The evidence from social science is still building momentum. For example, what makes an athlete use a performance enhancing substance? “To win” fails to explain their drug use behaviour. This book provides a foundation for anyone trying to understand the drugs in sport problem beyond the hard science by looking at the “people factor” from different perspectives. After building a case for the social science of drugs in sport, it is examined from the ethical, sociological, economic, legal and psychological points of view. The book concludes with a definitive statement about what researchers, policy makers, sports administrators, and athletes can do to achieve a social science of drugs in sport that puts people firmly in the centre of the debate. Jason Mazanov - Routledge, Sept 2011, 192p - ISBN: 978-0415685863 www.routledge.com/ The age of anxiety. A history of America's turbulent affair with tranquilizers Anxious Americans have increasingly pursued peace of mind through pills. In 2006, the National Institute of Mental Health estimated that 40 million adults suffer from an anxiety disorder: more than double in 2001. Anti-anxiety drugs are a billion-dollar business. Since 1995, the tranquilizer Miltown became the first psychotropic blockbuster in US history. Its financial success and cultural impact revolutionized perceptions of anxiety and its treatment, inspiring the development of other lifestyle drugs including Valium and Prozac. This book draws on a broad array of original sources to provide the first account of the rise of America's tranquilizer culture. It transports readers from the bomb shelters of the Cold War to the scientific optimism of the Baby Boomers, to the “just say no” puritanism of the late 1970s and 1980s. Andrea Tone - Basic Books, Jan. 2012, 320p - ISBN: 978-0465025206 www.perseusbooksgroup.com/ An anatomy of addiction: Sigmund Freud, William Halsted, and the miracle drug cocaine This book gives an astonishing account of the decades long cocaine use of Sigmund Freud and William Halsted. It describes the physical and emotional damage caused by the constant use of the then heralded wonder drug, and how both men ultimately changed the world in spite of it, or because of it. One became the father of psychoanalysis; the other, of modern surgery. Using themselves as subjects in their research - Freud experimented with cocaine as a means of treating depression, fatigue, and morphine addiction; Halsted, as a new and safe form of anaesthesia - each became caught up in the drug's grip, nearly destroying his life, and unwittingly becoming the first participants in the birth of modern addiction. The book traces the drug's effects on the thoughts and path finding work of each man. Historians and biographers have ignored or glossed over the dayby-day archival and medical records of the chronic cocaine abuse of each doctor, as well as the psychological and physical darkness it brought them and their struggles to rid their lives of it. Howard Markel - Pantheon Books, July 2011, 352p - ISBN: 978-0375423307 www.randomhouse.com/ n° 33 June 2011 - 20 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda The book of drugs. A memoir The author came to prominence as the leader of the band Soul Coughing then did an abrupt sonic left turn, transforming into a solo performer of stark, dusky, but strangely hopeful tunes. He battled addiction, gave up fame when his old band was at the height of its popularity, drove thousands of miles, alone, across America, with just an acoustic guitar. This candid, hilarious, self-lacerating memoir - featuring cameos by Redman, Ani DiFranco, the late Jeff Buckley, and others - is the story of his band's rise and bitter collapse, the haunted and darkly comical life of addiction, and the perhaps even weirder world of recovery. Mike Doughty - Da Capo Press, Jan 2012, 256p - ISBN: 978-0306818776 www.perseusbooksgroup.com/ substance abuse in the past two decades. In fact, these peaks mirrored the global trend of abusing non-opiate psychotropic substances and the growing belief among young people that psychotropic substance abuse is nonaddictive and it is a trendy choice of life. Evidence-based practice is still very primitive in the fields of youth work and adolescent prevention in Hong Kong and there are many obstacles involved. This book examines how adolescent prevention and positive youth development programs can be developed in different Chinese contexts. Daniel TL Shek, Rachel CF Sun & Joav Merrick - Nova Science Pub., Sept 2011 - ISBN: 978-1613244913 www.novapublishers.com/ Eating smoke: One man's descent into drug psychosis in Hong Kong's triad heartland Chris Thrall left the Royal Marines to find his fortune in Hong Kong, but instead found himself homeless and addicted to crystal meth. Soon he began working for the 14K, Hong Kong's largest triad group, as a doorman in one of their night-clubs in the Wanchai district. Dealing with crime, violence and the 'foreign triad' - a secretive expat clique which, unbeknown to the world, works hand-inhand with the Chinese mafia - he had to survive in the world's most unforgiving city, addicted to the world's most dangerous drug. Portrait of an addict as a young Chris Thrall - Blacksmith Books, July man. A memoir The author had a thriving business as a literary agent, representing a growing list of writers. He had a supportive partner, trusting colleagues, and friends when he walked away from his world and embarked on a two-month crack binge. He had been released from rehab nine months earlier, and his relapse would cost him his home, money, career, and very nearly his life. What is it that leads an exceptional young mind to want to disappear? The author makes stunningly clear the attraction of the drug that had him in its thrall, capturing in scene after scene the drama, tension, and paranoiac nightmare of a secret life - and the exhilarating bliss that came again and again until it was eclipsed almost entirely by doom. Bill Clegg - Back Bay Books, Aug 2011, 256p - ISBN: 978-0316054669 www.hachettebookgroup.com/ Drug abuse in Hong Kong. Development and evaluation of a prevention program Adolescent substance abuse is a growing concern in Hong Kong and there has been several peaks in adolescent 2011, 348p - ISBN: 978-9881900296 www.blacksmithbooks.com/9789881 900296.htm ALCOHOL Alcohol dependence and addiction Alcoholism is a quantitative and multifactorial disorder, where the combined incidence of environmental aspects and multiple genetic factors varies from one individual to another. In this book, the authors present topical research in the study of alcohol dependence, including: alcohol induced impairment of the cardiac autonomic nervous system; alcohol consumption and its relation to psychiatric symptoms and sexual behavior patterns; the genetics of alcoholism; alcohol-use disorders; gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) as a pharmacological treatment for alcohol dependence and physical aggression in alcohol dependence. Jeffrey V Maars - Nova Science Pub., Nov 2011 - ISBN book: 978-1613247198 & ebook: 978-1613247969 www.novapublishers.com/ TOBACCO After tobacco: What would happen if Americans stopped smoking? States have banned smoking in workplaces, restaurants, and bars. They have raised tobacco tax rates, extended “clean air” laws. Nevertheless, tobacco use remains high among Americans, with one out of five adults smoking. Health professionals now realize that significantly reducing these rates requires bolder measures, including a direct confrontation with the fear that controlling tobacco more strictly carries enormous social and economic consequences. Retail and hospitality businesses worry that smoking bans and excise taxes will cripple profit, and policymakers fear the impact on the regional economy. These concerns are not necessarily unfounded. This book considers the economic impact of reducing smoking rates on tobacco farmers, cigarette factory workers, the southeastern regional economy, state governments, tobacco retailers, the hospitality industry, and nonprofit organizations who might benefit from the industry's philanthropy. It also weighs how reduction in smoking will affect mortality rates, medical costs, and Social Security. Concluding essays consider the implications of more vigorous tobacco control policy for law enforcement, smokers who face social stigma, the mentally ill who may cope through tobacco, and disparities in health by race, social class, and gender. Peter Shawn Bearman, Kathryn Neckerman and Leslie Wright - Columbia University Press, July 2011, 456p ISBN: 978-0231157773 http://cup.columbia.edu/ Tobacco capitalism: Growers, migrant workers, and the changing face of a global industry The author tracks the development of tobacco farming since the plantation slavery period and the formation of a powerful tobacco industry presence in North Carolina. In recent decades, tobacco companies that sent farms into crisis by aggressively switching to cheaper foreign leaf have coached growers to blame the state, public health, and aggrieved racial minorities for financial hardship and feelings of vilification. Economic globalization has exacerbated racial tensions in North Carolina, but the corporations that benefit from it have rarely been considered a key cause of harm and instability, and have now adopted social-responsibility platforms to elide liability for smoking disease. Parsing the nuances of history, power, and politics in rural America, the author explores the cultural and ethical ambiguities of tobacco farming and offers concrete recommendations for the tobacco-control movement in the United States and worldwide. Peter Benson - Princeton University Press, Dec. 2011, 304p - ISBN: 9780691149202 http://press.princeton.edu n° 33 June 2011 - 21 GAMBLING / INTERNET Internet addiction and online gaming • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda The Internet is available anywhere, anytime thanks to a host of wireless communications and mobile computing devices. This accessibility makes it difficult for people with online addictions to avoid the object of their fixation. Any excessive online activity that leads to personal, family, or community problems can be considered an Internet addiction, and compulsive behaviors can be in the form of online and electronic gaming, compulsive shopping, or frequenting chat rooms and social-networking sites. This book for youth discusses the nature of these problems, their impact on society, and how they can watch out for emerging addiction in themselves and in others. Aside from the damage addictions can do, there are also technological risks from malware, viruses, and malicious hackers. Young people will learn how to use information technology wisely and how to protect themselves from these damaging behaviors. Samuel Mcquade, Sarah E Gentry, James P Colt, Marcus K Rogers Chelsea House imprint (Series: Cybersafety), Nov 2011 - ISBN: 9781604136968 www.infobasepublishing.com/ Gambling as an addictive behaviour: Impaired control, harm minimisation, treatment and prevention In this revised 2006 edition, the authors present research into gambling, showing the psychological variables that govern the erosion or maintenance of self-control over gambling behaviour. These studies provide an empirical basis for a model of impaired control of gambling. Impaired control, in its broadest sense, is considered to be the defining psychological construct of all the addictive behaviours and occupies a central position in conceptualising the addictive aspects of gambling. John O'Connor, Mark Dickerson Cambridge University Press, July 2011, 204p - ISBN: 978-0521399197 www.cambridge.org High stakes: The rising cost of America's gambling addiction America is becoming hooked on gambling. It's become a $94 billion industry. Revenues have shot up 70% in the last decade alone. Politicians and industry officials assert that gambling is an effective way to raise revenues and create jobs. But a hidden story needs to be told. Studies are showing that fast-rising numbers of addicted gamblers are causing higher indebtedness and bankruptcy rates, as well as increased divorces, suicides and gambling-related crime. As elected officials across the country are urging voters to expand gambling's reach, millions of Americans are being asked to decide: Are the benefits worth the costs? Through dogged investigative reporting combined with gripping stories of gambling addiction, the author, a poker player himself, attempts to find the answer. His book explores the consequences of the gambling boom and surveys everything from the impact of Internet gambling and the politics surrounding gambling legalization, to the casino industry's targeting of Asian-Americans, and the reality of Las Vegas, a community fundamentally distorted by gambling. Sam Skolnik - Beacon Press, July 2011, 256p - ISBN: 9780807006290 www.beacon.org/ Virtual worlds and criminality The fusion between virtuality and reality has created a new quality of experience establishing metaverses and virtual worlds. Second Life, Twinity, or Entropia Universe have experienced rapid growth in recent years. Not only have countless companies discovered these “virtureal worlds” as marketplaces, but so have fraudsters and other criminals. In this book, European experts from different academic disciplines show how to meet the new challenges arising from virtual worlds. They discuss the reasons for and the impacts of these new forms of criminality as well as the necessity and means of combating them. Other fundamental issues are examined, such as the addictive and violence potentials of these virtual worlds. Kai Cornelius & Dieter Hermann Springer, Aug. 2011, 140p - ISBN: 9783642208225 www.springer.com/ DANOREXIA / BULIMIA The young adult's guide to breaking a food addiction: Recover from emotional eating today Is food always on your mind? Do you find it difficult to stop eating once you start? Do you eat to relieve painful emotions? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may suffer from a food addiction, but you are not alone. This guide will unleash those pent-up emotions and give you the steps to set you free from your food addiction. Beginning with an explanation of the chemical reactions that create a food addiction, the guide covers its health consequences (obesity, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and arthritis), explains how food addiction starts, how to overcome this problem, and to get back in shape, both physically and mentally. It also includes some stories from recovering addicts who reveal their strategies for getting over a food addiction without depriving themselves of food. Atlantic Publishing Group, Dec 2011, 288 p - ISBN: 978-1601386342 www.amazon.com/ SEX ADDICTION Mending a shattered heart: A guide for partners of sex addicts Experts now know that discovering a loved one's sex addiction is a traumatic event, requiring specialized guidance. This second edition reframes the therapeutic discussion around how to decide to stay with or leave a sex addict and how to address common questions that partners have. Stefanie Carnes - Gentle Path Press, 2nd ed., Sept 2011, 220p - ISBN: 9780982650592 https://gentlepath.com/node/2060 n° 33 June 2011 - 22 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda EUROPE EMCDDA-Europol 2010 annual report on the implementation of Council decision 2005/387/JHA This report presents the results and outlines the key achievements for 2010 on the information exchange, risk-assessment and control of new psychoactive substances. In 2010, 41 new substances were officially notified for the first time in the EU through the Early-Warning System (EWS). Of those, 15 were synthetic cathinones and 11 were synthetic cannabinoids. Substances belonging to more established chemical families were also reported - five phenethylamines, one tryptamine and one piperazine. The list of newly notified substances was rather diverse and also included a plant-based substance, a synthetic cocaine, a ketamine derivative, a phencyclidine derivative, an indane, a benzofuran, and a substance which can be seen as a designer medicine. The report also describes the increased availability of 'legal highs' and the EMCDDA's activities in monitoring the online shops selling these products, as well as the risk assessment of mephedrone, which was submitted to control measures and criminal penalties throughout the European Union. EMCDDA-Europol, Lisbon, May 2011, 24p. www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/ implementation-reports/2010 Risk assessment report of a new psychoactive substance: 4-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone) This publication presents the summary findings and the conclusions of the risk assessment on mephedrone, carried out by the EMCDDA's extended Scientific Committee, with participation of additional experts from the European Commission, Europol and the EMA. The risk assessment report, which was submitted to the European OnlineDocs Commission and the Council of the European Union 26 May 2010, examines the health and social risks of the drug, as well as information on international trafficking and the involvement of organised crime. Furthermore, the report considers the potential implications for placing the drug under control in the EU. On the basis of this report - and on the initiative of the European Commission - on 2 December 2010, the Council decided that mephedrone is to be subject to control measures. EMCDDA, Lisbon, May 2011, 200p. www.emcdda.europa.eu/html.cfm/in dex116639EN.html Drugnet Europe 74 In this issue: over 40 new drugs reported in 2010; HIV in the European region; mapping 'drug squads' in Europe; khat use in Europe; new EMCDDA products and services. EMCDDA, Lisbon, May 2011, 8p. www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/ drugnet/74 The heroin shortage in the UK and Europe Increasingly throughout 2010, observers of the UK heroin scene noticed signs of disruption in the normally well-supplied UK market. From around September, it became clear that something unusual was taking place, and the following months confirmed the impression. By November, illicit heroin had become practically impossible to access, even in major distribution centres such as London and Liverpool. On the street, supplies sold as heroin were largely made up of inert bulking agents combined with substances such as paracetamol and benzodiazepines, the latter including powerful sedatives such as alprazolam. John Ramsey, toxicologist at St George's Hospital in South London, reported exceptional levels of demand for the testing of street heroin samples, while seasoned heroin users reported seeing nothing like it in drugusing careers spanning 30 years. IDPC has been monitoring the situation clo- sely, and began liaising across its global network of NGOs in order to ascertain to what extent the situation was local to the UK, or whether similar developments were taking place in continental Europe. This briefing paper provides an overview of the European situation, describes the responses of authorities and users, and analyses its possible causes and future development. Christopher Hallam - IDPC Briefing paper, March 2011, 8p. www.idpc.net/publications/idpcbriefing-heroin-shortage Green paper on on-line gambling in the internal market Livre vert sur le jeu en ligne dans le marché intérieur The purpose of this Green paper on on-line gambling is to launch an extensive consultation on all public policy challenges and possible Single Market issues resulting from the rapid development of both licit and unauthorised on-line gambling offers directed at citizens in the EU. The Commission invites interested parties to contribute by 31.07.2011. Are welcomed contributions from: citizens, gambling operators, providers of media-related services, data storage centres, internet service providers, payment service providers, sport event organisers, good causes beneficiaries, public authorities and other interested stakeholders. European Commission, Green paper SEC (2011) 321 final, March 2011, 36p. http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/services/gambling_en.htm RedNet newsletter The April issue of the RedNet (Recreational Drugs European Network) newsletter (4 pages) is available at : www.rednetproject.eu/documents/ne wsletters/Rednet_News_APR11.pdf FRANCE Les carrières de consommation de cocaïne chez les usagers « cachés » The careers of cocaine use among “hidden” users Alors que les enquêtes quantitatives récentes ont montré que l'usage de la cocaïne se développait dans des milieux sociaux de plus en plus diversifiés, l'Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies (OFDT) a souhaité à travers son dispositif TREND (Tendances récentes et nouvelles drogues) être en mesure de mieux décrire ces populations. Cette enquête qualitative dont les données ont été recueillies dans 8 agglomérations françaises repose sur l'analyse de 50 entretiens conduits avec des consommateurs de cocaïne qui ne sont pas en contact avec les structures sociosanitaires ou les institutions répressives. D'où le terme « cachés ». Ce rapport permet de dresser un portrait complexe et nuancé de cette population largement polyconsommatrice. Catherine Reynaud-Maurupt & Emmanuelle Hoareau - Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies (OFDT), déc. 2010, 274p. www.ofdt.fr/ofdtdev/live/publi/rapports/rap10/epfxcrqc.html n° 33 June 2011 - 23 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Estimation des achats transfrontaliers de tabac 2004-2007 Estimation of cross-border purchases of tobacco 2004-2007 En France, divers travaux ont estimé l'envergure de l'évasion fiscale sur les produits du tabac selon différentes méthodologies. L'OFDT a évalué l'ampleur des achats transfrontaliers de tabac entre 14 et 20 % du marché national pour les années 2004 à 2006. Pour 2004, l'Insee a évalué le phénomène à 6 % du marché national par rapport à l'état du marché en 2002. Ces importantes différences d'estimation s'expliquent par les méthodologies empiriques retenues et les hypothèses posées. Leurs divergences démontrent la nécessité d'un cadre d'estimation plus élaboré. Dans ce but, ce numéro de Tendances développe une approche méthodologique plus complexe. Pour des raisons de disponibilité des données mais surtout parce que la demande de cigarettes a subi d'importantes distorsions dues aux dispositifs de lutte contre le tabagisme, la période étudiée s'étend de 2004 à 2007. Le modèle économétrique estimé permet de donner une idée du devenir de l'évasion fiscale sur les produits du tabac pour les années plus récentes. En parallèle, une enquête a été menée auprès de fumeurs pour les interroger sur leur comportement d'achat de tabac. Elle complète l'analyse en soulignant les caractéristiques des consommateurs de tabac acheté à l'étranger. de plus de 400 produits collectés auprès d'usagers sur sept sites en France et de leur analyse en laboratoire, elle permet d'observer l'évolution de l'offre des produits de synthèse en espace festif depuis 2005. Tendances : désintérêt pour le comprimé d'ecstasy au profit de la forme poudre (MDMA) ; intérêt pour la BZP qui a été interdite en 2008 ; diffusion de la kétamine hors du groupe restreint qui la consommait déjà ; essor de produits nouveaux qualifiés de legal highs. Pour tous ces produits, l'enquête permet de répondre aux interrogations relatives aux modes de consommation des usagers, à leurs perceptions des produits en la comparant avec le contenu réel et fournit des informations sur les prix. Alors qu'Internet commence à modifier l'offre de produit de synthèse, l’intérêts d cette enquête est de répondre aux questions portant sur la nature de ces substances (méphédrone, fluoroamphétamine, mCPP, PMMA, 2C-E) et de décrire l'intérêt qu'elles suscitent du fait de leur nouveauté et de leur non classement au moment de leur apparition face aux substances de synthèse traditionnelles (amphétamine et ecstasy notamment) habituellement consommées dans l'espace festif. Elle permet aussi d'appréhender leur dangerosité potentielle. Emmanuel Lahaie - Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies (OFDT), avril 2011, 48p. www.ofdt.fr/ofdtdev/live/publi/rapports/rap11/epfxemr4.html Rapport du groupe de travail sur la mission « Soirées étudiantes et week-ends d'intégration » Report of the working group about “Student festive evenings and integration weekends” SINTES survey 2009 on the composition of synthesis products Divers accidents survenus en début d'année universitaire ont concerné des étudiants qui assistaient à des soirées festives dans le cadre d'intégrations en établissements. Dans ce contexte, l’auteur a été chargée d'une mission de réflexion sur les actions pouvant être menées afin de protéger les étudiants des dérives qu'occasionne ce type de rassemblements. Sur la base d'auditions menées avec les acteurs impliqués dans ce type d'évènements, l'auteur émet des propositions autour de 3 axes : faire évoluer le cadre juridique (obligation pour les responsables d'événements à en déclarer les modalités aux établissements de tutelle, aux mairies et/ou préfectures des lieux) ; organiser des contrôles afin de vérifier le respect de la loi HPST (Hôpital, patients, santé et territoires) qui concerne la vente d'alcool à prix réduit pendant une période donnée ; accompagner les chefs d'établissements avec des « boites à outils » qui les renseignent sur les ressources disponibles pour la formation, la sensibilisation et la prise en charge des événements. Les enquêtes Sintes permettent d'apporter un éclairage sur la composition des substances illicites consommées par les usagers. L'enquête 2009 a porté sur les produits de synthèse. À partir Martine Daoust - Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, 2011, 35p. www.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/ra pports-publics/114000100/index.shtml Christian Ben Lakhdar, Aurélie Lermenier, Nicolas G Vaillant - Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies, Tendances n° 75, mars 2011, 6p. www.ofdt.fr/ofdtdev/live/publi/tend/t end75.html Enquête SINTES 2009 sur la composition des produits de synthèse Rôles et fonctions des consommations de produits psychoactifs des jeunes adultes Roles and functions of the consumption of psychoactive drugs among young adults À travers les témoignages de jeunes adultes fortement consommateurs de stupéfiants et/ou d'alcool, apparaissent dans cette étude, les rôles et fonctions de ces consommations au regard des différentes dimensions et trajectoires d'entrée dans la vie adulte. Elle s'intéresse au sens des consommations de ces 18-30 ans et à leur variation au cours du temps, en les replaçant dans leurs contextes. L'étude fait apparaitre plusieurs profils d'usagers intensifs, analyse les logiques d’usages et identifie les figures « repoussoir » mobilisées dans les représentations de ces consommateurs. La synthèse des résultats propose enfin d'explorer des pistes de réflexion pour une prévention des addictions contextualisée qui s'appuierait sur le développement de certains facteurs de protection. Chloé Hamant - CIRDD Rhône-Alpes, Conseil Régional Rhône-Alpes, janv 2011, 72 p. www.cirdd-ra.org/publication.php Consommations de substances psychoactives chez les jeunes polynésiens Consumption of psychoactive substances among young Polynesians La consommation de substances psychoactives par les adolescents polynésiens est un enjeu de santé publique majeur dont la description épidémiologique reste parcellaire. Pour combler ce manque, une enquête appuyée sur des indicateurs internationaux validés permettant des comparaisons avec la métropole et d'autres territoires océaniens a été mise en œuvre auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de l'ensemble de la population scolarisée du secondaire. S'adressant à tous les professionnels de la santé et de l'éducation, cet ouvrage présente les résultats de l'enquête et dresse un profil complet des adolescents polynésiens en matière de comportements de santé. Il renforce les connaissances sur leurs addictions en termes de prévalence et de facteurs associés et met l'accent sur leur santé, leurs conditions de vie, leurs préoccupations, leur sommeil, leur niveau de bien-être et leurs centres d'intérêt. Il propose enfin des pistes pour la mise en place d'une politique de santé publique plus efficace car mieux comprise. François Beck, Marie-Françoise Brugiroux & Nicole Cerf - Direction de la Santé polynésienne & INPES, 2011, 202p - ISBN : 978-2916192253 www.inpes.sante.fr/CFESBases/catal ogue/pdf/1341.pdf Livre blanc de l'addictologie française. 100 propositions pour réduire les dommages des addictions en France White Paper for the French addictology. 100 proposals to reduce the damage of addiction in France Publié en mai 2011, coordonné par Michel Reynaud et Alain Morel, ce document a pour objectif d'interpeller les décideurs politiques en dressant le bilan du plan addiction 2007-2011 et en formulant 100 propositions pour définir les priorités en matière de réduction des dommages liés aux addictions. Fédération Francaise d'Addictologie (FFA), Juin 2011, 44 p. http://courrier.cirddalsace.fr/10/FFA _Livre_Blanc_2012.pdf n° 33 June 2011 - 24 Addictions : s'en sortir, c'est possible Addictions: getting away is possible • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Ce document dresse un état des lieux sans concession de la consommation de drogues, d'alcool ou encore de médicaments en France. Il pointe aussi les anomalies en termes de prise en charge des personnes addictes, tout en saluant certaines initiatives. Il comporte, en outre, une série de 12 propositions pour faire réfléchir et inciter à agir. À l'heure où la France s'interroge sur l'utilité d'ouvrir des « shooting rooms » à travers le territoire, où 20 % des accidents du travail, de l'absentéisme ou des conduites déviantes sur le lieu de travail sont liés à des addictions, ce document se veut tel un pavé dans la mare et un brûlot dans la cour des politiques, du corps médical et de tous les acteurs du système de santé impliqués dans la prise en charge des personnes addictes. Marie de Noailles, David Delapalme & Gérard Chevalier - ActionAddiction, mai 2011, 89p. www.lepublieur.com/j/ouvrageT?idc =599138&idd=45999&idf=1247 PORTUGAL Guia de recursos da saúde e dependências Resources guide for health and dependencies A publicação, agora disponibilizada a todos os intervenientes e interessados na área das dependências, onde se pode encontrar a história, a evolução e o modelo português de intervenção, visa ser um guia de : Respostas da saúde e das dependências em Portugal; Informação das instituições europeias e mundiais ; Informação sobre as substancias psicoactivas. Equipa da Revista Depêndencias, Maio 2011, 252p. www.portaldasaude.pt/portal/conteu dos/a+saude+em+portugal/noticias/g uia+dep.htm SPAIN Cannabis social clubs in Spain: A normalising alternative underway Los clubes sociales de cannabis en España: Una alternativa normalizadora en marcha Cannabis social clubs are noncommercial organisations of users who get together to cultivate and distribute enough cannabis to meet their personal needs. They are based on the fact that the consumption of illegal drugs has never been considered a crime under Spanish legislation. Taking advantage of this grey area, these private clubs have existed for years. Since their appearance in 2002, they have enabled several thousand people to stop financing the black market and to know the quality and origin of what they are consuming, whilst creating jobs and tax revenue. This article outlines the nature and functioning of these clubs. It also proposes a better route for legalisation of drugs: rejecting the creation of an open trade system, similar to that of alcohol or tobacco and opting instead for a consumer-focused, nonprofit model that avoids many of the risks inherent in a market dominated by the pursuit of economic profit. Martín Barriuso Alonso -Transnational Institute (Series on Legislative Reform of Drug Policies Nr. 9) & Federation of Cannabis Associations, Jan 2011, 8p in English and also in Spanish. http://idpc.net/sites/default/files/libra ry/dlr9.pdf Habla con ellos de las nuevas tecnologías. Guía para padres Talking with youth about new technologies. Guide for parents Este material se dirige a las familias interesadas en aprender pautas concretas de actuación con sus hijos con respecto al buen uso de las tecnologías. Se pretende facilitar su tarea educativa orientándoles hacia la prevención de posibles comportamientos problemáticos. Es importante que este tipo de actuaciones se lleven a cabo en edades tempranas, pues los niños se inician cada vez antes en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. En el caso de la presente guía, las tecnologías pueden causar problemas de abuso o adicciones denominadas 'no tóxicas', es decir, que determinadas personas sufren angustia, ansiedad, nerviosismo o irritabilidad una vez que dejan de jugar o utilizar el móvil o de usar Internet. Juan del Pozo Irribarría, Ana González - Gobierno de la Rioja, Dirección General de Salud Pública y Consumo, Servicio de Drogodependencias, abril 2011, 135p - ISBN: 978-8481253474 www.riojasalud.es/ficheros/guia_tecnologias.pdf La metodología de la comunidad terapéutica Methodology for therapeutic communities Este manual recupera la vieja noción de comunidad terapéutica como metodología de trabajo adaptada a las necesidades y demandas actuales. Se trata, por tanto, de un texto orientado hacia los profesionales que trabajan en dispositivos residenciales, en los cuales, la labor cotidiana del profesional está bien fundamentada en su correspondiente disciplina, pero la institución en cuanto tal funciona con un cierto grado de espontaneidad y con referencias difusas. Se trata de aspectos que se resuelven, bien mediante organigramas jerárquicos poco eficaces o mediante aproximaciones generales al “trabajo en equipo”, sin una adecuada restitución al carácter residencial de la institución y la condición de residentes con diversos problemas de las personas acogidas en el dispositivo. Fundación Atenea Grupo GID, Mar 2011, 392p - ISBN: 978-8461468317 http://fundacionatenea.org/?p=1197 Manual de buenas prácticas para la apertura de una sala de consumo supervisado Good practices manual for opening a supervised consumption room En 2010, Munduko Medikuak ha publicado este manual con el objetivo de analizar y difundir los elementos clave del proceso de apertura de la sala de consumo supervisado de Bilbao, demostrando la necesidad de establecer una colaboración entre la comunidad y las administraciones públicas. Este manual pretende contribuir al debate sobre la ampliación de la agenda de derechos ciudadanos para las personas drogodependientes, desde una perspectiva de convivencia inclusiva. María del Río & Alessandro Bua Munduko Medikuak / Gobierno Vasco, 2010, 100p www.drogomedia.com/readnovedades.php?id_nov=391&id=2 Programas preventivos de las drogodependencias: Guía de evaluación Drug use prevention programmes: guide for evaluation Esta guía quiere ser un instrumento de fácil acceso para aquellas personas que, habiendo llevado a cabo una intervención preventiva en drogodependencias, se encuentren ante la necesidad de conocer la eficacia y la eficiencia de las acciones realizadas, n° 33 June 2011 - 25 Euskadi y Drogas 2010 The Basque country and drugs • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda para que, en primer lugar, se adapten lo máximo posible a las necesidades de los grupos diana; en segundo lugar, se puedan reorientar para conseguir los objetivos previstos, y, en tercer lugar, se haga un máximo aprovechamiento y una mejor distribución de los recursos disponibles. Sílvia Font-Mayolas, Eugènia Gras y Montserrat Planes - Diputación de Barcelona, 2010, 155p - ISBN: 9788498033748 www1.diba.cat/llibreria/pdf/46945.pdf Protocolo de atención a familiares de abusadores o dependientes de drogas u otras conductas adictivas Care protocol for relatives of drug users or of people having other addictive behaviours En este documento se expone la intervención terapéutica con los familiares implicados por el problema adictivo de uno de los miembros del sistema familiar, para lo cual se parte de la realización de una clasificación y descripción de los mismos; se aportan instrumentos de evaluación, pautas terapéuticas y sesiones de intervención. La clasificación de los familiares se realiza teniendo presente dos variables: la colaboración en el proceso terapéutico del adicto, y los síntomas de malestar que padece el familiar afectado. De aquí, que el presente protocolo se base en la existencia conjunta de dos líneas de trabajo independientes, que en determinados casos pueden ser simultáneas, y casi siempre complementarias: • Una, consistente en facilitar pautas terapéuticas al familiar como apoyo a la persona con adicción. • Otra centrada en el apoyo y asistencia al propio familiar (su proceso terapéutico). En determinados casos, los síntomas del familiar concluirán en un diagnóstico propio, tema que ampliamente es tratado en este documento. Servicio Extremeño de Salud, Consejería de Sanidad y Dependencia, Junta de Extremadura, 2011, 153p - ISBN: 978-8496958715 www.pnsd.msc.es/Categoria2/publica/ pdf/ProtocoloAtencionaFamiliares.pdf Euskadi y Drogas es una encuesta domiciliaria, de periodicidad bienal, orientada a conocer los consumos de diversas sustancias por parte de la población vasca de 15 a 74 años de edad, así como su percepción respecto a diversas cuestiones relacionadas con las drogas y las drogodependencias. 2010: Desciende el consumo de drogas ilegales pero el consumo de tabaco se mantiene estable. Gobierno Vasco, Departamento de Sanidad y Consumo, abril 2011, 14p. www.osakidetza.euskadi.net/r85cknoti03/es/contenidos/nota_prensa/ prensasanidad228/es_ps228/prensasanidad228.html En movimiento. Escribo mi propia historia Moving. Writing my own story La Dirección General de Atención a las Drogodependencias de Islas Canarias ha editado este DVD con seis spots que inciden en las alternativas de ocio frente al consumo de drogas. El material va dirigido a la población juvenil y está pensado para ser una herramienta de trabajo con los jóvenes. Con este material se busca desarrollar una línea preventiva basada en la creatividad a través e cinco mensajes: 'Usa tu química', 'Te sale de dentro', 'Marca tu ritmo', 'Escribe tu propia historia' y 'Esto y más'; mensajes que son reforzados con imágenes, música y un montaje que buscan despertar el gusto por la vida e invitan a disfrutar de emociones y diversión a través de actividades y espacios de relación saludables. Spots: www2.gobiernodecanarias.org/sanidad/dgad/estudios/mipropiahistoria/ Un lugar para otra vida: los centros residenciales y terepéuticos del movimiento carismático y pentecostés en España A place for another life: the therapeutic residential centres of the charismatic pentecostal movement in Spain Este texto, editado con la financiación de la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, analiza, de forma exhaustiva y combinando varias líneas de investigación, los centros de internamiento del movimiento pentecostal en España. Un tema del cual, a pesar de su expansión y su visibilidad en nuestras calles, no se ha trabajado ni publicado demasiado. Su autor es Domingo Comas Arnau, doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, licenciado en Antropología Social y presidente de la Fundación Atenea. Se dedica a la investigación social siendo sus líneas de trabajo principales, adicciones, religión y creencias, juventud y cambio social. Domingo Comas Arnau - Fundación Atenea Grupo Gid, Mayo 2011, 159p http://fundacionatenea.org/?p=1192 UNITED KINGDOM Addiction to medicine This report considers the problems encountered by the use of psychotropic and opioid analgesic medication (such as diazepam and tramadol) in the general population (including that encountered by people reporting problems with illegal drugs) and the role of health services, including specialist addiction, pain and primary care services in order to address these issues. It includes contribution from over 100 professionals from across England, including: service commissioners and medicine management leads from 88 local areas, lead clinicians, pharmacists, GPs and specialist service providers. Individuals who develop problems in relation to prescribed or over-thecounter medicines are likely to need to access a range of services whose intensity of support reflects the severity of the problems they experience. This might range from low intensity information and advice through to higher intensity treatment and rehabilitation services. While the provision of information advice and support services is considered, the main focus of this study is the provision of structured treatment services. National Treatment Agency for substance misuse, May 2011, 32p. www.nta.nhs.uk/addiction-to-medicine.aspx The changing use of prescribed benzodiazepines and z-drugs and of over-the-counter codeine-containing products in England People can become dependent on tranquilisers, sleeping pills and opiate based painkillers, such as codeine, particularly if taken at high doses for long periods. Long-term dependence on substances such as benzodiazepines has been identified as a particular issue. Reports reveal that the overall prescribing of benzodiazepines is falling but that their prescription to treat anxiety continues to increase as do the sale and prescription of opioid painkillers. Benzodiazepines, z-drugs and codeine products. This document presents a structured review of published English and international evidence and available data to inform consideration of the extent of dependence and harm. National Treatment Agency for substance misuse, May 2011, 122p. www.kcl.ac.uk/iop/depts/addictions/ research/drugs/benzo.pdf Taking drugs seriously: A Demos and UK Drug Policy Commission report on legal highs The proliferation of new psychoactive substances, or 'legal highs', in recent years has thrown the existing regulatory measures for drugs into sharp relief. As quickly as policy makers seek to control new substances through the Misuse of Drugs Act, others are being manufactured and put on the market. The effects of these new substances are unknown and untested; it is this uncertainty combined with easy accessibility that presents major challenges to public safety. However, these challenges also provide an opportunity to look again at drug control policy without a rerun of redundant debates about whether to be 'tough' or 'soft' on drugs. Instead, this report adopts a systems approach and considers drug policy as a 'wicked issue' to which there is no solution, and no ultimate winners or losers. It is 40 years since the Misuse of Drugs Act became law, and the 'drug problem' is no nearer being solved. This report argues that it is time for a new approach to policy making, legislation and debate on drugs issues, focusing on developing consensus while building better evidence about what works. Jonathan Birdwell, Jake Chapman, Nicola Singleton - Demos & UKDCP, May 2011, 155p - ISBN: 978-1906693688 www.ukdpc.org.uk/publications.sht ml#legalhighs n° 33 June 2011 - 26 UKDPC briefing on drug control issues This short briefing paper was prepared for a House of Lords debate on proposal for a review of drug laws. UKDPC, March 2011, 4p. www.ukdpc.org.uk/resources/Lords _drug_control.pdf • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Options for regulating new psychoactive drugs: a review of recent experiences This background paper, which reviewed international experiences of regulating new psychoactive substances, was prepared by Professor Peter Reuter of the University of Maryland. Peter Reuter - UKDPC May 2011, 32p ISBN: 978-1906246327 www.ukdpc.org.uk/publications.sht ml#legalhighs A response to the Department of health “Healthy lives, healthy people” consultation The UK Drug Policy Commission welcomes the approach in the strategy document Healthy Lives Healthy People, which places drug misuse and dependence in a public health context. It also support the strong focus on using and developing the evidence base in support of interventions, and that the budget devolved to local authorities will be ring-fenced. However, UKDPC expresses a number of concerns that specifically relate to the provision of services. This document enumerates these key concerns. UKDPC, March 2011, 10p. www.ukdpc.org.uk/resources/Health y_Lives_Healthy_People_Consultati on.pdf By their fruits... Applying payment by results to drugs recovery This briefing reviews the possible impacts of the introduction of payment by results to fund treatment and recovery services for problem drug users. It outlines how payment by results works, examines how it has been used elsewhere, and discusses the issues and challenges that will affect its introduction for drug treatment. This work is part of a wider UKDPC project considering the impact on drug services of a move towards greater localism in a period of financial austerity. UKDPC, Feb 2011, 32p - ISBN: 9781906246310 www.ukdpc.org.uk/resources/UKDP C_PbR.pdf need to be addressed within both mainstream and specialist services. Greater understanding of cultural issues is needed in the development of alcohol services in mainstream and specialist settings. Mariana Bayley & Rachel Hurcombe In “Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care”, Vol. 3, Issue 4, Dec. 2010 - Pier Professional, 12p. www.pierprofessional.com/eihscflyer/downloads/EIHSC-3.4.pdf INTERNATIONAL 2011 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report The 2011 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) is an annual report by the Department of State to Congress prepared in accordance with the Foreign Assistance Act. It describes the efforts of key countries to attack all aspects of the international drug trade in Calendar Year 2010. The report is published in two volumes : I: Drug and chemical control activities, March 2011, 596p. Drinking patterns and alcohol service provision for different ethnic groups in the UK: a review of the literature II: Money laundering and financial crimes, March 2011, 191p. www.state.gov/p/inl/rls/nrcrpt/2011/i ndex.htm This paper reports drinking patterns among minority ethnic groups from the UK literature over the past 15 years, and considers the evidence for service provision and support. Findings show that drinking remains low among minority ethnic groups, though with evidence of increases in consumption, particularly among Indian women and Chinese men. South Asian men, particularly Sikh men, are over-represented for liver cirrhosis, and some ethnic groups have higher than national average alcohol-related deaths. People from black and minority ethnic backgrounds have similar rates of alcohol dependency as the white population; however services do not appear to be responsive enough to the needs of minority ethnic groups as they are under-represented in seeking treatment. Help-seeking preferences vary for drinking problems between and within groups suggesting that drinking problems Corruption in the western Balkans: bribery as experienced by the population NTA support secures film awards Two short films supported by the NTA (the UK National Treatment Agency) have recently won awards. • 'Better drug treatment in prison', a short animated film, was recognized at the 23rd International Visual Communications Associations awards in March 2011, winning the bronze prize in the Best animation, graphics and special effects category. Told through the words of offenders, this imaginative short follows the personal stories of three users and the extensive support they received in prison in their battle to kick their habit. • Wolverhampton's Service User Involvement Team (SUIT) film was awarded best service user film at the National Service User Conference, Birmingham, February 2011. The film is available on YouTube and is split into six sections: A guide to adult services, A guide to young peoples' services, Cannabis, Solvents, Stimulants, and Blood borne viruses. Over 700 people from various organisations have already used the film as a training tool to raise awareness of the dangers of using illicit substances. www.nta.nhs.uk/news-nta-support-film-awards.aspx Corruption is often reported to be an area of vulnerability for the countries of the western Balkans. It is considered one of the main causes hindering their economic and social development as well as their European Union accession process. On the basis of a bilateral agreement between the European Commission and the relevant national authorities of the western Balkans, UNODC supported each area in conducting large-scale surveys on corruption in 2010. This collaborative study is based on a large-scale sample survey of more than 28,000 interviewees. The report analyzes the sectors most affected, the role of public officials and bribepayers, forms of bribery and other relevant issues. This information will aid in the development of effective anti-corruption policies. It also provides a benchmark to assess future progress. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), May 2011, 71p. www.unodc.org/documents/data-andanalysis/statistics/corruption/Wester n_balkans_corruption_report_2011_ web.pdf WHO Report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2009: Implementing smoke-free environments The report is the second in a series about the extent of the global tobacco epidemic and measures to stop it. It includes the latest global and country figures on the prevalence of tobacco use and on the measures' impacts. Its theme is "smoke-free environments". WHO chose this theme because of the serious harmful effects of second-hand smoke, which include about 600,000 premature deaths per year, numerous crippling illnesses and economic losses in the tens of billions of dollars. WHO, Genève, 2011, 568 p. - ISBN: 978-9241563918 www.who.int/tobacco/mpower/en/ The transatlantic cocaine market This report looks at new trend in the trafficking of cocaine to meet growing European demand. The volume of cocaine consumed in Europe has doubled in the last decade. While European law enforcement agencies have hardened their defences, traffickers continue to innovate, seeking novel ways of getting their product to the consumer. Around 2004, South American traffickers began to experiment with large volume shipments of cocaine to West Africa. In a few years, they had managed to undermine security and sow high-level corruption in a number of West African states. Understanding the trafficking routes helps understand the risks attached to the countries involved. UNODC, April 2011, 66p. www.unodc.org/ n° 33 June 2011 - 27 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Guidance for the measurement of drug treatment demand This document is a practical toolkit designed to help countries compile comparable data on the demand for treatment of drug problems. It looks at the issues to be addressed in order to reach an internationally consistent dataset on drug treatment demand. The guidelines include a three-stage model for building the foundations of a treatment demand information system, a core set of standard data items/codes and common definitions of treatment, drug use, treatment centres, clients and units of measurement. UNODC, EMCDDA, April, 58p - ISBN/ISSN: 9291682780 www.emcdda.europa.eu/html.cfm/ind ex34283EN.html www.unodc.org/pdf /gap_toolkit_module8.pdf Bulletin on Narcotics: Measurement issues in drug policy analysis Fifty years of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs: A reinterpretation The present issue whose guest editor is Martin Bouchard of Simon Fraser University in Canada, is focused on measurement issues in drug policy analysis. It consists of a selection of papers presented at the Third Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, held in Vienna on 2-3 March 2009. Fifty years on, it is time for a critical reflection on the validity of the Single Convention today: a reinterpretation of its historical significance and an assessment of its aims, its strengths and its weaknesses. Indeed, while there is often a tendency to interpret the treaty as part of an unbroken continuum dating back to the first decade of the last century, the Single Convention must rather be seen as a significant change in way the international community approached drug control. Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that the original ambition for the 'Single' Convention to become the 'convention to end all conventions' failed when the control regime developed further with conventions in 1971 and 1988 giving rise to new inconsistencies within the current global drug control treaty system. This policy briefing analyses the origins and negotiations of the Single Convention, examines the way it broke with the previous drug control system by introducing a more prohibitive ethos, penal obligations, controls on plants and abolition of traditional uses of plants like coca, and concludes that a revision of its outdated provisions is required. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Series: Bulletin on Narcotics), Feb 2011, 112p - ISBN: 978-9211482614 www.unodc.org/documents/data-andanalysis/bulletin/2008/Bulletin2008_w eb.pdf War on drugs. Report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy Considering that the global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies, this report of an independent commission recommends a world wide review of prohibitionary policies, especially: • End the criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization of people who use drugs but who do no harm to others • Encourage experimentation by governments with models of legal regulation of drugs to undermine the power of organized crime and safeguard the health and security of their citizens. • Offer health and treatment services to those in need: implement syringe access and other harm reduction measures • Invest in activities that can both prevent young people from taking drugs in the first place and also prevent those who do use drugs from developing more serious problems. And more… Global Commission on Drug Policy, June 2011, 24p. www.globalcommissionondrugs.org/ Report Martin Jelsma - Transnational Institute (TNI), Series on Legislative Reform of Drug Policies Nr. 12, March 2011, 20p. www.tni.org/briefing/fifty-years1961-single-convention-narcoticdrugs-reinterpretation Guidance on the WHO review of psychoactive substances for international control This revised guidance governs the evaluation of substances for WHO's recommendations to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). It provides a overview for all those involved in the evaluation process: the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence, in order to make the right recommendation while following correct procedures, or representatives to the CND, in order to better understand any recommendations made to the Commission by WHO. Furthermore, it can help any interested person to understand the scheduling process in international drug control. It contains the text in its final form as it was adopted by the Executive Board, including three appendices, of which Appendix 3 is a visual representation of the evaluation process in the format of a Flow Chart. It also presents the report by the Secretariat which contains the elucidation of the document by the WHO Secretariat to the Executive Board and the part of the Summary Records from the Executive Board session that reflects the discussion on the proposal, its amending and its adoption. WHO, Jan. 2011, 36p - ISBN: 9789241500555 http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/ m/abstract/Js17538en/ The WHO ASSIST package The World Health Organization launched severals manuals for the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST). The package includes three different materials: • The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance involvement Screening Test: this manual introduces the ASSIST and describes how to use it in health care settings - particularly community based primary health care settings - to identify people who are using substances and assess the health risks associated with substance use, so that a brief discussion or a referral to specialist centre can be provided as appropriate. • The ASSIST-linked brief intervention for hazardous and harmful substance use: this manual explains the rational for providing brief discussion based interventions in health care settings and describe how health care workers can conduct brief interventions for clients whose substance use is putting their health at risk. • Self-help strategies for cutting down or stopping substance use: a guide developed to assist patients who are at risk because of their substance use to weigh up their substance use behavior and to change it using self-help strategies. World Health Organization (WHO), March 2011 www.who.int/substance_abuse/publi cations/media_assist/en/index.html n° 33 June 2011 - 28 Out of harm's way : Injecting drug users and harm reduction À l'abri du danger : consommateurs de drogues injectables et réduction des risques • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Ukrainian drug legislation and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms In October 2010 Ukrainian Ministry of Health issued a Resolution introducing amendments to the 'Table of drug substance amount', which resulted in significant (up to 20 fold) reduction of drug amounts, possession of which implies criminal responsibility. This discussion paper was developed by EHRN and Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network in reaction to the changes in the drug legislation in Ukraine. Paper argues the incompatibility of Ukrainian table of drug substance amount within the framework of European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Mikhail Golichenko, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network & Simona Merkinaite, Eurasian Harm Reduction Network, 2011, 40p. www.harm-reduction.org/ehrnpublications.html Addressing the harmful use of alcohol. A guide to developing effective alcohol regulation The legislation guide provides advice on approaches to alcohol regulation to support development of effective legislation appropriate to each country. It provides practical advice based on international experience about the implications of legislative options, steps to be taken to implement legislation and best practice on how to enforce legislation and support compliance. The policy options covered are taxation and pricing, regulating the sale of alcohol to the public, minimum age restrictions, alcohol marketing and drink driving. WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2011, 118p -ISBN: 9789290615033 www.wpro.who.int/publications/PU B_9789290615033.htm This report depicts the stark reality of what it means to be an injecting drug user and living with HIV. It examines the prevention, treatment, and care needs of this most at-risk population and the IFRC response to their plight. It also offers National Societies and the reader an advocacy tool that can be used for years to come. The aim? To remind governments and national societies of the obligation to respect the human rights of injecting drug users at risk of, or living with, HIV. Although the focus is global, it places a special emphasis on Eastern Europe and Central Asia where the situation is becoming increasingly dire. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Dec 2010, 24p. In English, French, Spanish and Arabic. www.ifrc.org/en/publications-andreports/general-publications/ A systematic review and metaanalysis of interventions to prevent hepatitis C virus infection in people who inject drugs High rates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission are found in samples of people who inject drugs (PWID). The objective of this paper was to analyze the effects of risk-reduction interventions on HCV seroconversion and identify the effective intervention types. Interventions using strategies that combined substance-use treatment and support for safe injection were most effective at reducing HCV seroconversion. Determining the effective dose and combination of interventions for specific subgroups of PWID is a research priority. However, this meta-analysis shows that HCV infection can be prevented in PWID. Holly Hagan, Enrique R Pouget & Don C Des Jarlais - Oxford University Press - In “The Journal of Infectious Diseases” 2011, No 204: 74-83p. www.idpc.net/sites/default/files/libra ry/hep-c-idus.pdf ASIA HIV & Islam. Responsible religious response to HIV & AIDS in Malaysia Since the HIV epidemic was established in 1986, a total of 65,235 cases of HIV have been reported in the Malay Muslim community. Injecting drug use is a factor that predisposes Muslim Malays to the risk of HIV infection. The profile of injecting drug users in the country has been predominantly male, young, of Malay ethnicity and heterosexual. Strict and prohibitive legal, religious and socio-cultural environments also negatively impact on access to appropriate education, and treatment, care and support services in the Muslim Malay population. Recognising the low level of engagement of Islamic religious authorities in responses to HIV/AIDS, the Malaysian AIDS Council took the pragmatic approach of building strategic partnerships with religious organisations. The HIV & Islam programme was born out of this initiative in 2009. Partnership with the religious policy-making Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) has successfully opened doors of opportunities for more meaningful engagement with religious leaders and other key players to effectively respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. As a result, principles previously founded on staunch conservatism have now been replaced with pragmatism. Malaysian AID Council, 2011, 28p. www.aidsalliance.org/includes/document/hivislambrief2010_1.pdf Good practices in Asia : Effective paradigm shifts towards an improved national response to drugs and HIV/AIDS This report documents the good practices in harm reduction programmes in Malaysia and the progress in addressing the transmission of HIV among people who use drugs. It highlights how policies and programmes have addressed this through strong and committed leadership, community participation, sustained partnerships, and multisectoral collaboration. From a punitive approach to drugs and HIV, Malaysia’s efforts to scale down compulsory drug treatment and develop comprehensive harm reduction services are elements of good practice that deserve to be documented and shared. The endorsement of harm reduction by supportive leadership has been the key element responsible for the success of the programme. Evidence-based harm reduction interventions, such as needle and syringe programmes, methadone maintenance therapy and provision of antiretroviral therapy, have been systematically expanded and integrated into public health services. While challenges remain, the consistent evolution of in the national response to HIV and drugs has been encouraging and successfully mobilized large numbers of dedicated individuals and groups. WHO Western Pacific Region and Ministry of Health of Malaysia, April 2011, 61p - ISBN: 978-9290615194 www.who.int/hiv/pub/idu/idu_harm _malaysia/en/index.html Kratom in Thailand: Decriminalisation and community control? This briefing is based on desk research of documentation and research carried out in October and November 2010 in Thailand. Kratom (Mitragynia speciosa korth) is a tropical deciduous tree that is part of the Rubiaceae family (like coffee). The tree produces big leaves that have long been used for medicinal and recreational purposes. Kratom use acts on the central nervous system, both as a stimulant and a depressant, depending on the level of dosage. n° 33 June 2011 - 29 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Kratom leaves contain over 25 alkaloids, among which the mitragynine is the most important. Kratom has been traditionally chewed by people in Thailand, especially on the southern peninsula, as well as in other countries in Southeast Asia. In Thailand, its use is not perceived as 'drug use' and does not lead to stigmatisation of users. People from the southern provinces, in Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat provinces, are predominantly Muslim and are prohibited from drinking alcohol based on the dictates of Islamic beliefs. With strict controls on alcohol, kratom is an alternative substitute, not specifically prohibited by the clergy, but regulated by the state. Recent drug use trends in Thailand indicate that a second pattern of kratom use is emerging. Five years ago, young people started boiling kratom leaves to produce a tea as a base for a cocktail coined 4x100. This cocktail includes the kratom tea, cough syrup, Coca-Cola, and ice cubes. It is generally prepared twice or more per day, depending on availability of leaves and money. Young people feel the need to drink it in hidden settings due to fears of arrest by law enforcement. Compared to traditional use, its users are subject to some measure of community discrimination, though community perceptions are far milder than for yaba or heroin users. Transnational Institute (TNI), Series on Legislative Reform of Drug Policy 13, April 2011, 16p. www.tni.org/sites/www.tni.org/files/d ownload/kratom-briefing-dlr13.pdf On the frontline of Northeast India. Evaluating a decade of harm reduction in Manipur and Nagaland Northeast India is a region with serious drug use problems. This briefing examines the drug-related problems and evaluates the policy responses in Nagaland and Manipur, two sparsely populated states in that region, bordering Burma. These states have the highest prevalence of injecting drug users (IDUs) in India. Unsafe practices, especially needle sharing among IDUs, have been the main drivers of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the region. By the end of the 1990s, Manipur had become the “AIDS capital of India”, and also Nagaland is suffering a high incidence of HIV among injecting drug users. More recently, there has been a shift from injecting heroin to injecting pharmaceuticals causing other severe health problems, including abscesses leading to life threatening infections, and eventual amputations. Although antiretroviral therapy is now accessible in Northeast India, many drug users also suffer from hepatitis C infection, now their main cause of mortality, as affordable treatment is not available. Transnational Institute (TNI), Drug Policy Briefing 35, 12p. www.tni.org/briefing/frontline-northeast-india AUSTRALIA Injecting drug use and associated harms among Aboriginal Australians This report highlights a number of key findings. It indicates that the proportion of injecting drug users accessing safe injecting services who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander has more than doubled in ten years from a rate of 5% in 1995 to 10% in 2005. One of the main findings is the lack of comparable, reliable national data, with very little research available that has explicitly attempted to assess the prevalence of injecting drug use among these people, at a national level. The report also highlights the need to improve service responses for these people. Increasing training and support for people working with them is identified as an effective way of achieving improving service responses. This includes the availability of nationally accredited training for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander drug and alcohol workers, and cultural sensitivity training for mainstream health workers. Australian National Council on Drugs (ANDC) & National Indigenous Drug & Alcohol Committee (NIDAC), April 2011, 138p - ISBN: 978-1877018251 www.nidac.org.au/images/PDFs/rp2 2_injecting_drug_use.pdf BOLIVIA Lifting the ban on coca chewing. Bolivia's proposal to amend the 1961 Single Convention January 31 marked the close of the 18-month period during which countries could submit objections to Bolivia's proposal to remove from the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs the obligation to abolish the practice of coca chewing. 18 countries notified the UN Secretary General that they could not accept the proposed amendment: the US, the UK, Sweden, Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Russian Federation, Japan, Singapore, Slovakia, Estonia, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico and Ukraine. The US convened a group of “friends of the convention” to rally against what they perceived to be an undermining of the “integrity” of the treaty and its guiding principle to limit the trade and use of narcotic drugs exclusively to medical and scientific purposes. The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will have to decide how to proceed, most likely during its substantive session in Geneva this July. This briefing paper analyses the reasons behind the proposed amendment and the opposing arguments that have been brought forward, and outlines the various options to be considered as the fate of Bolivia's proposal is determined. Simply rejecting the amendment will not make the issue disappear. Martin Jelsma - Transnational Institute (TNI), Series on Legislative Reform of Drug Policies Nr. 11, March 2011, 8p. www.tni.org/briefing/lifting-bancoca-chewing CANADA Alcohol and drug use among drivers In the spring of 2010, the Government of British Columbia announced new sanctions for drinking drivers. As part of an evaluation of the impact of these new sanctions, a random survey of drivers was conducted at preselected locations in British Columbia from Wednesday to Saturday nights in June 2010. The primary purpose was to gather information on the prevalence of alcohol use among nighttime drivers to be used as a pre-legislation baseline for the evaluation. Drivers were randomly sampled from the traffic stream between 21:00 and 03:00 and were asked to provide a voluntary breath sample to measure their alcohol use and an oral fluid sample to be tested subsequently for the presence of drugs. Of the 2,840 vehicles selected, 86% of drivers provided a breath sample and 71% provided a sample of oral fluid. The results show that drug use among drivers is not uncommon and that the pattern of drug use by drivers differs from that of alcohol use. For example, whereas the prevalence of alcohol use increases during late night hours, particularly on Friday and Saturday nights, drug use appears more consistent across days and times. The different patterns of alcohol and drug use by drivers suggest that driving after drug use presents a unique behaviour that differs from driving after drinking, indicating the need for a separate and distinct approach to enforcement, public education, prevention, and research. Douglas J Beirness & Erin E Beasley, British Columbia Roadside Survey Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, 2011, 25p - ISBN: 978-1926705644 www.ccsa.ca/Eng/KnowledgeCentre/ OurPublications/Priorities/Pages/def ault.aspx Secondhand smoke exposure at building entrances: A public health concern This OTRU update (Ontario Tobacco Research Unit) summarizes findings that were published by Kaufman P, Zhang B, Bondy SJ, Klepeis N, Ferrence R: “Not just 'a few wisps': real-time measurement of tobacco smoke at entrances to office buildings”, in Tobacco Control 2011; 3:212-218 www.otru.org/ Online articles on the OTRU website A section of the OTRU website provides a monthly list of selected journal articles and reports on tobacco topics, with an emphasis on Canadian authors and research. This list provides links to abstatcts, and some articles are downloadable such as : • Children and youth perceive smoking messages in an unbranded advertisement from a NIKE marketing campaign: A cluster randomised controlled trial • The relation between nicotine dependence and suicide attempts in the general population • State smoke-free laws for worksites, resaturants, and bars - US, 2000-2010 • Moving ioward a tobacco-free Nova Scotia: Comprehensive tobacco control strategy for Nova Scotia • Gender empowerment and female-tomale smoking prevalence ratios www.otru.org/current_abstracts.html n° 33 June 2011 - 30 UNITED STATES National drug threat assessment 2010 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda This report provides policymakers, law enforcement executives, resource planners, and counterdrug program coordinators with strategic intelligence regarding the threat posed to the US by the trafficking and abuse of illicit drugs. The assessment highlights strategic trends in the production, transportation, distribution, and abuse of illegal and controlled prescription drugs. It also presents strategic intelligence regarding the operational trends and tendencies of drug trafficking organizations and street gangs that distribute illegal drugs and highlight drug trafficking trends along the Southwest Border. National Drug Intelligence Centre, Feb 2011, updated in May, 84p Document ID: 2010-Q0317-001 www.justice.gov/ndic/ Oxymorphone abuse: A growing threat nationwide Law enforcement and public health officials throughout the country are reporting that oxymorphone abuse is increasing. Oxymorphone is most commonly known by the brand name Opana®. The deaths of at least nine Louisville area residents between January and April 2011 have been linked to polydrug abuse of oxymorphone in combination with alprazolam and/or alcohol; more oxymorphonerelated deaths are expected to be confirmed as toxicology testing is completed on other decedents. National Drug Intelligence Centre, SENTRY Watch No 00011, May 2011, 2p. www.justice.gov/ndic/topics/sentry Watch.htm The economic impact of illicit drug use in American society This report looked at the most recent year in which data was available and examined expenses associated with crime, health and medical treatment, and lost productivity related to the use of illegal drugs and the abuse of pharmaceuticals. It especially looked at expenses involving the use of marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines and improper use of several categories of prescription drugs, including tranquilizers and pain relievers. It provides the Office of National Drug Control Policy and other federal officials with a broad and deep understanding of the full burden that illicit drug use places on America. The assessment is conducted within a Cost of Illness framework that has guided work of this kind for several decades. As such, it monetises the consequences of illicit drug use, thereby allowing its impact to be gauged relative to other social problems. National Drug Intelligence Centre (US Department of Justice), April 2011, 123p - Product No. 2011-Q0317-002 www.justice.gov/ndic/ Eastern Pennsylvania drug and gang threat assessment 2011 This document discusses significant trends in drug trafficking and gang activity in eastern Pennsylvania. Among the key findings in this assessment is that the influence of New York area (New York City and northern New Jersey) drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) and gangs reaches nearly every sizable drug market in eastern Pennsylvania. National Drug Intelligence Centre, March 2011, 38p - Product No. 2011Q0317-005 www.justice.gov/ndic/ Epidemic: Responding to America's prescription drug abuse crisis A new government strategy aims to cut the use of prescription painkillers by 15% in five years. The plan includes doctor training, promoting prescription databases in all states and increased focus on rooting out illegal 'pill mill' clinics. The plan will include a requirement that doctors who prescribe oxycodone and other opioids undergo training on proper prescription practices. The plan also includes a media campaign about the dangers of opioids. A major part of the proposal will be a push for prescription drug databases in every state, the AP reports. Now 35 states have prescription drug monitoring programs, and eight more states, including Florida, the epicenter of the pill mills, have authorized databases that are not yet running. A fourth part of the plan focuses on aggressively enforcing laws against pill mills. Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), April 2011, 11p. www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/publ ications/pdf/rx_abuse_plan.pdf A response to the epidemic of prescription drug abuse This factsheet provides information on ONDCP's Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Plan, and provides facts on the subject and describes various classes of prescription drugs. Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), April 2011, 4p. www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/publ ications/pdf/rx_epidemic.pdf Promising practices toolkit: working with drug endangered children and their families This toolkit is a compilation of many of those practices for your use, separated into three categories: (1) increasing awareness, (2) fostering community collaboration, and (3) creating a more effective response (“Response”). It aims to provide guidance and resources to professionals in identifying, responding to, and serving drug endangered children. Federal Task Force on Drug Endangered Children, May 2011, 27p. www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/publ ications/ Young adults in the workplace: a multisite initiative of substance use The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration funded the multisite Young Adults in the Workplace (YIW) initiative to study the effectiveness of diverse approaches to workplace-based prevention of substance abuse. Six teams adapted evidence-based programs to target young employees and then implemented the programs in retail, restaurant, health care, construction, skilled trade, and transportation industry workplaces. This book describes the programs, the adaptation and implementation processes, and the YIW cross-site evaluation. Jeremy W. Bray, Deborah M. Galvin, and Laurie A. Cluff - RTI International, Publication No. BK-0005-1103 March 2011, 159p. www.rti.org/publications/rtipress.cf m?pub=16754 Trends in emergency department visits for drugrelated suicide attempts among females: 2005 & 2009 A new national study shows that from 2005 to 2009 (the most recent year with available figures) there was a 49% increase in emergency department visits for drug related suicide attempts by women aged 50 and older - from 11,235 visits in 2005 to 16,757 in 2009. This increase reflects the overall population growth of women aged 50 and older. This report also shows that, while overall rates for these types of hospital emergency department visits by women of all ages remained relatively stable throughout this period, visits involving particular pharmaceuticals increased. For example, among females, emergency department visits for suicide attempts involving drugs to treat anxiety and insomnia increased 56% during this period - from 32,426 in 2005 to 50,548 in 2009. SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Dawn report, May 2011, 6p. www.oas.samhsa.gov/2k11/DAWN01 1/DrugRelatedSuicide_HTML.pdf Alcohol dependence is more likely among adults with mental illness than adults without mental illness This report shows that alcohol dependence is four times more likely to occur among adults with mental illness than among adults with no mental illness (9.6% versus 2.2%). It also shows that the rate of alcohol dependency increases as the severity of the mental illness increases. For example, while 7.9% of those with mild mental illness were alcohol dependent, 10% of those with moderate mental illness and 13.2% of those with serious mental illness were alcohol dependent. SAMHSA Spotlight report, May 2011, 1p. http://oas.samhsa.gov/spotlight/Spot light027AlcoholDependence.pdf n° 33 June 2011 - 31 23rd Elisad Agenda • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • For an integrated policy of all substances • An Elisad member: CAN, Sweden • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Elisad is the European association of libraries & information services on addictions For more information: www.elisad.eu www.addictionsinfo.eu Journal chief editor Annie Singer Christine Goodair ICDP, Uk Isabelle Michot OFDT, France Jorunn Moen Sirus, Norway Claes Olsson CAN, Sweden Teuvo Peltoniemi Sociomedia, Finland Material published in the Elisad journal does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Elisad Oct. 6-8, 2011, at the OFDT French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction La Plaine Saint-Denis (Paris) Our Wiki: http://elisad2011.pbworks.com/ • 24 June 2010, Paris, FR Corps & âme, les addictions. 40th birthday of the Marmottan Hospital www.hopital-marmottan.fr/ • 28 June 2011, London, UK Drugs & Alcohol Today: Understanding and implementing the Government's new Drug Strategy www.pavpub.com/p-384-drugs-andalcohol-today-2011.aspx?s=1 • 10-22 July 2011, Amsterdam, NL Summer Institute on alcohol, drugs, addiction of the Univ. of Amsterdam www.graduateschoolofsocialsciences.uva.nl/sia/introduction.cfm • 11-22 July 2011, Budapest, Hungary Summer course on “Human Rights and Drug Policy” org. by the Central European University in Budapest www.summer.ceu.hu/02-courses/ course-sites/drug/index-drug.php Contributors: Jose Del Val Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, Portugal Annual Conference • 17-20 July 2011, Roma, Italy 6th IAS Conference on HIV pathogenesis, treatment and prevention org. by IAS (International Aids Society) www.ias2011.org/ • 27 July 2011, London, UK Working within and between: couple therapy and substance misuse, org. by The British Psychological Society www.nta.nhs.uk/bct-event-july.aspx • 4-11 Sept. 2011, Barcelona, Spain Primary care: Mental health issues with a focus on drugs and behavior. Mediterranean Cruise Conference organised by Continuing Education www.continuingeducation.net/coursedetails.php?program_number=878 • 4-11 Sept. 2011, Vienna, Austria 13th Congress of ESBRA (European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism) www.medacad.org/esbra2011/ • 6-10 Sept. 2011, Oslo, Norway Addiction: science, politics, realities ISAM annual meeting (International Society of Addiction Medicine) www.isam2011.org • 12-16 Sept. 2011, Marseille, France Université d'été sur l'édition électronique ouverte (Summer school on open electronic edition), org. by Cleo (Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte) http://leo.hypotheses.org/5851 • 13-14 Sept. 2011, Mexico City, M 3rd Latin American conference and 1st Mexican conference on drug policy, org. by Intercambios & CUPIHD (Colectivo por una política integral hacia las drogas) http://conferenciadrogas.com/2011/ • 15-16 Sept. 2011, Brussels, BE 2nd International Symposium on Hepatitis care in substance users, org. by the International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU) www.inhsu.com.halito.be/ • 17-21 Sept. 2011, San Diego, USA National Conference on Addiction Disorders, org. by NaADAC, NAATP, INCASE AND NALGAP with the audience of Addiction Professional and Behavioral Healthcare magazines. www.nationalconferenceonaddictiondisorders.com/ • 20-23 Sept. 2011, Oxford, UK 13th European Federation of Therapeutic Communities Conference www.eftc-europe.com/2011conference/ • 23-26 oct. 2011, Trois-Rivières, CA Prévenir et intervenir en dépendances : Interagir - 39e colloque de l'Association des intervenants en toxicomanie du Québec http://aitq.com/activites/colloque.htm • 2 Nov. 2011, London, UK Rising to the challenge: DrugScope conference www.drugscope.org.uk/newsandevents/drugscopeevents • 6-9 Nov. 2011, Vancouver, Canada Issues of substance 2011: Diversifying our investments: capitalizing on advances in health promotion, prevention and treatment - Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (Ccsa) www.issuesofsubstance.ca/ • 8-11 Nov. 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 24th IFNGO World Conference, organised by the International Federation of NGOs for the prevention of drug and substance abuse (IFNGO) www.ifngo.com/front/ • 3-4 October 2011, Prato, Italy 2011 Contemporary drug problems: beyond the buzzword: Problematising ‘Drugs’ - National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Australia http://ndri.curtin.edu.au/events/cdp 2011/ • 17-18 nov. 2011, Nancy, France Tabacologie sans frontières, Congrès de la Société française de tabacologie (SFT) www.csft2011.fr/ • 5-8 oct. 2011, Barcelona, Spain II International congress on dual disorders: Addictive behaviors and other mentals disorders. Org. by the Society of Dual Disorders (SEPD) www.patologiadual.es/cipd2011/en/ • 28-30 Nov. 2011, Bangkok, Thailand Global Alcohol Policy Conference, org. by Thai Ministry of Public Health, the World Health Organization, the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance and the Thai Health Promotion Foundation www.gapc2011.com/welcome.html • 6-7 oct. 2011, Marseille, France Ist European Harm Reduction Meeting. Org. by EuroHRN www.eurohrn.eu/ • 11-14 oct. 2011, Biarritz, France European & international congress THS 10 (Addiction-Hepatitis-Aids) www.ths-biarritz.com/english/programme.php • 12-13 oct. 2011, Cardiff, UK Tobacco and alcohol conference: learning from each other, org. by Alcohol Concern Cymru & ASH Wales www.alcoholconcern.org.uk/events/ • 1-2 déc. 2011, Paris, France L’alcool, la ville, la cité. Conférence de la Société française d'Alcoologie (SFA) www.sfalcoologie.asso.fr • 5-7 Dec. 2011, Lisbon, Portugal Global Addiction 2011 Conference. Biennial conference organised by the Global Addiction network www.globaladdiction.org/ • 6-8 Dec. 2011, Lisbon, Portugal European Society for Prevention Research Conference (EUSPR) www.euspr.org/